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F-: USSR LYANE, R., MAN-OV, Yu., Izvestiva Alcademii Nauk Estonskay SSR, Fi-ika, Matematika Vol. 19, No. 4, 1970, pp. 456-462 results produced can be used to clarify the regularities, involved in the development of vortex flow in short chambers as well. It is concluded that movement of the vortices along the chamber leads to a thickening of the stream, an increase in the tangential velocity compohent,and static pressure along the circular chamber. Thelinfluence of the surrounding medium at the chamber exit extends to a limited area L/D = 2 near the :k outlet section. The greatest change-in~stream monCentum occurs in the,initial section of the chamber at a distance of up 6 one diameter from the intake edge of the nozzle. 2/2 USSR L YANOV$ B. "Electronarcosis" Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 13 Oct 73, P 4 Translation: The car with the red cross rushed to the hospital. The patient's condition became worse every minute. Candidate of Medical Sciences V. Ya. Tabak and his colleagues from the traveling reanimation center quickly prepared a defibrillator and an clectro- narcosis apparatus. A short electric inpulse, lasting only a fraction of a secondt was applied, and the patient1v heart rhythm becaze norinal. Apparently,it is not necessary to explain what nyK)cardlia). infarctlon -lagine an engine whose valves hecame ,-d.s- is. But what about arrythmin? Ir, aligned. Rattles which gradually deatroy tho motor appemr. The same happcnr. with the heaA. If it is healthy, it works smoothly and harmini.ously, but when afflicted with a diseasej it,is deprived of the centiactor's skil)-ful hand. The "waves" rush restlessly, running into each other. 'Ln these caces physicians resort to the services of an elpotric instrum(mt, Le., the defibrillator. 1A ~.Tq USSR LYANOV, B., Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 13 Oct 73p p 4 Viktor Yakovlevich Tabak, a worker in the laboratory for the resuflaita- 2 tion of the organism of the Academy of Medical Sciences, czu* to tredicine by vocation. Even when he was a student he was,greatly interustod in crisis states. Tabak learned a great deal from his teacher -- V. A. Negovskiy, corresponding meraber of the USSR Academy of MAdical Sciences. Most Soviet defibrillators were developed in his laboratory. Viktor Yakovlevich shows the latest model, i.n., the M-01, developed by N. Gurevich together with engineer I. Venin from L'vov. A device w1iich makes the defibritlator impul.-I more efficient in used in the new apparatus. Recently, the litboratcry vark-~-rs have also boon engaged in another probler,, i.e., gencral anerAhesia. FlectrIc impulse therapy is impossible without It. They decided to tevt clectro- na-rcosis. The div-sion of cybernetics of the First Ma-,dVcal Institute does not resemble nuch a mcdical institution. Jt ;has dozens of elc-ctronic inatru- ni ~ ments, sensors, and printed circuiti~, 11; also has or. q.lm(,tro. computer. It medifcine," "Everything that you see here i-- directly conrecte, with -%d Vladirair Zhukovskiy , 4-he division director. 4 4 USSR LtYANOV, B., Kazakhstanskaya Fravda, 13 Oct 73, P 4 Having received a physician's diploma, he began-wDrking in the Department of Physics of the First Ibscow Medical Institute under Professor Liventsev. On his advice he took a complete course of studies in the Depart- ment of Biophysics of Moscow State University. The alluring opportVnity for research at the junction of two sciences opened for hLm.; The young scientist was included in a group of specialists heafled by M. 1. Kiizin,corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, chief sLu, eon of the USSR Ministry of Health. The specialists of the First Moscow Medical Institute tented electro- narcosis on 1,000 animals. Only after that was it introduced into practice. However, the patient woke up at a critical moment. The operation was comple-t4~d under ordinary narcosis. The actior of the electric current v" prolonged several times by means of narcotics. '"de resorted to all sorts of currents, i.e., direct curvart, alter- nating current, and high-frequency current,".said M. 1. Ku:z1n. "The low- frequency current proved to be the most ideal. Howaverp it too had a short- coming. It cauBed sensations of pa-Ln." Finally, physicists developed an apparaturs which rwide It possible to 11damp" osci-llations of different frequencies. The high-froquency currents fed 3/4 USSR LID-NOV, B., Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 13 Oct 73, P 4 from two generators to the patient's head interfered in the brain, cancelling each other, and the patient fell risleep instantly. Ile regained consciousness just as instantly when the apparatus was turned off, Now it also became possible to give up narcotics, Instead of them V. I. Sachkov, head o'L the institute's anenthesiolog-ical laboratory, proposed preparations harmless for the body which made electrona:,cosis nore controllable. Thus, two instruments were combined-imto one unit. Electron-arcosis began to be used in "pure form" without preparing the patient for it in any way. The current connected for a fracttion of a second cuts off consciousness instantly and during this time interval the defibrillator'lias a chance to operate. The patient feels no pain! 4/4 Moscow, Sovetskaya Rossiya, 25 ~Iay 72, p 4 Abstract: A laser apparatus is being used for the painless treatment of skin diseases at the First Moscow 12-fledical Institute. The laser ray is absorbed by the dark tissue of a precancerous tumor or by the stained tisnue of other diseased are-as, while the ray Is reflected :by the healthy light-colored tissue. Since every substance in the body has its limit of light absorption, scien tists hope that the ray can direct the retardation or development of various types of cells. Eczema, severe dermatitis, and erythema tire treated with polarized monchromatic red light with a wave length of 6328 W and with 0.5- 1.0 milliwatts of power. The laser ray dilates blood vessels and thus speeds the heal-ing of infected tissue. Doctors are working witIl physicists on a method of increasing the width of the beam without increasing the wattage. 1/1 ONTXGL 4E-ST.; ICTlUNS OWMENT CL4~S5--JNCLASSff:lED ROXY RE L_L/ FRA. 1 2 16 3 -1/2 024 U%CLASS I FIED f-'ROCESS ING .)AT i~-- l.i.,NOV7 13 S T U'~-j Y ;ITLE--EXRE;~F4~1 N: L W R'WJNU(;LI90L- T "i-; I-. ER THROU61i t'fi;z: PI ;~iC EN T A tip THE I R;510L---_l;;ICAL ACIPIN jN THE FE f LIS -U- jUYHOR-(05)-MS.KALEVj Yij.l.o BULUr~.W'it L-A-i LYA%'-,lN.rKA ~4:, A.11. ,P~..LVCHAtRENKOP E.P.v YE(;Ot~OVAP T.M. BUNTRY GF -V4Ff-;--USSR 01URCE--(CCNF 6905011 PP 153-60) ATE MIL ISHED ------- 70 UBJECF A-_-~EAS--BlQLQG [CAL N."40 MEOICAL SC ENCE S NUC LE Ak :SCIFICE: AND i.-JECHN(ILOGY. UP It, TA.;i5--PLACFNTAL- TRANSPORTr RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE, 'r.,~ s u q I lim ._ELEMlzNT# FETUSt STR'ONT101 ISOTOPE9 AME;A(litim Ist)TOK11i li'lUllif: IsurollL, RAU I AT 1 ON BinLOGIC EFFECT STJ-::P 0 1 1:, 7 5 It Y UNCLASS I ~ ~-2/z 024 UNCL ASS f F I ED 11 NOIC E-5s I NG DA T L-- L 3~ltcjv'7 0 S' I R C A CC ESS I ON NO- AT 011275tf 7 413STRACT/cEXTRACT-W) GP-()- ABST~RACT. LEVEL S, OF RANONUCL.I.)F rr~Al,~F~-kfl'D TO THE- FETUS A N D li~010WJCLIDE P 'i-TE,%T[Cjf4 LN THE rLj-CE:NrA DEdE,li) ti", T[ --.1CHEMICAL CHAAACTERISTICS OF THE i'40CLIDE ANO THE PI-P.100 OF 'THE,PLACE74TAL TR ANS F Ek OF AL L 4 UC L I UES INCR EASE- D 13 E T'tJ E E N 14 10 1 EAM I F9 '15 DAYS OF GESTATION) ANO THE ENO OF PREGNANCY. THE ~H4T [05 OF THF NUCLIDE TRANSFERRED TOWARD TERM TU THAT TRANSFER.RF.0 etEiR E PRLME239 P09 1.7, PRIME24L AMP 2.8 TO 4.~; PRIME137 CS, vakot A~Nl) 'P t 5 ; PR I ME90 SR r 20; AND PR I ME 13 1 .1 , 1700 ~ TO 0-')0. T1 IE ~..~,-~~PRIMU37 114 b I CON T Ell T N. OF T~-'All\,.SURANIC ELEMENTS IN THE. PLACENTA AT ALL PC-.:'iGljs OF PREGNANCY WAS 3 TO 1.5 TIAES HIf'HE,- THAN IN iHE FETUSI~S. c; 10 f DUC E 0 rES IN THE E;4bKYG L)EPEND Q' Tifi: AMOUNT OF AC TI V I [Y I NJ r--' Ti- L) rHE -CHANG N - k, . D I S T R I h UT I ON' PATTERN, t-Nu THE di~YSICAL' P~OPERTIE5 011: T HE A Au I 1,'!41JcL I DE . THE- AJST CHA'ACTERISTIC CHANGES AXSSOCIATF.0 WITH Tiff:.:, VAP,1(31js RADIONLICLIDeS ARE: PL(lt'lir-91) A DECREASE Iti THE Tk.WSFE'R l,,lJCLhj7 FROM PLACENTA TO FETUS; P,~,,I,'41--24L AM, EARLIER INOUCTIf"j.14 OF I~A,~tIATIJN ..;DISORDERS IN THE PLACENTA THAN I,-J Tli~ FETUSES; PkIML-131 if CCCU4~REIJCE OF 1: OISG~OERS IN THF: '-..-.FA0I0V40UGED ES16f YOPATHY OFPENDS ON THE PlkGLJtK%,Tl(' :--MOFfiEkOS THY,-.010; HTC)t VASCOLAti CHANGES I N Till: AND ~:il:~'TETUSt:S. FACILI FY: MINISTAY fj~ PUBLIC HEALTH,# 6010/9V61--3i%VbJ/T13d AXMdd 1 d9lS OL ------- C13H51 lUnd EIVG~'~ FiSil ",LSI *d '04.61 '1 'ON '01 *10A 4VllWONOb3V I WZ113N5VWOTD--3:)-aibi S": ,dssn--UJNI JO -n- VtJN3iNV CjlV glij, H-Wi SHIDN31~AVM IbOWS IV Hl!)N3dlS 01313 Ld:.Sll--31v(j DNlssJf')0bd 031:1]SSVIJNO ~.ozo:, H I HV a3HI 30 3DV3df)S 9N)IOnON03163 AHA 60IN IjN.IIT)S3d:-3NVId JVOII~i~A 9 P-t NI NP,311!Vd NU111100i D -IHI iNnU3:)V'OlN I 3NVJ. CJI *-A bV'SS 303N SI 11 S14-iVd "',L) HION3~~I.s fjI 11:4 9HI vNninsv3w NI IVHI GIUM)NOD SI 11 VH ION3,dls NI SIdM!d3 9'I9V'd301SNG'3 01 SGv3-1 ~3NT-Id -)V:)I-L~3A. V SVH SnHI GNV ~WdS 33bd V NI C131von SI Z-VV~2 ?H.A .[Vill NUIldWOSSV 3HJ lVHI NPTHS SI 11 *VtqN3.LNV 3wvbj V Jrj GIV ~Hj HIIJA JAVM IbOPS V dU otq1LHns*43jj jo GOHAN CGUI Allti-]Sg~~d 3H.L 01 ~L:j Oj:ih. jHI II:)v8ls1iv -0-d5 V61sev 2SLZUIOdV--UN NOISSBD3V :)7blp Moscow, Sovetskaya Rossiya, 15 Sep 71, p 41 Abstract: The bacteriaphage was first thought to be a paeful agent in com- batting disease, and some bacteriophage drugs were produced. The discovery and use of antibiotics halted medical interest in them, but some scientists, h especially geneticists, continued studying them. The method b~r t4hicl the bacteriophage attacks and destroys the bacteria was deteemined; it makes a "breach" in the cell wall and injects DNA, so that repriuluction. of the phage occurs using the resources of the bacteria, Margarita Dmitriyevna Krylova, Laboratory Head at the Moscow Institute of Epidemiology and I-Licrobialogy, tells how diptheria research led to discovery of the sin.~ster side of the bacteriophage. Their study of the apparent cause of the~disease, bacteria, led them to realize that it is actually tho bacteriophago accompanying the microbe which produces the deadly toan. This:1ed the Krylova- group to further study of phages with Staphylococcus and Streptocot:cus bacteria found in healthy persons. Further investigation permitted tham to establish twelve groups of phage types (out of 3,000 cultures). A:large number of 1/2 % - - -z-- - Ires ng USSR GONCHAROVA, V. V., LYAPICIIEV, I. G., GABCIIAK,, A. G. 'Technology of Chemical-Heat Treatment and Structural Testing of YuNDK35T5 Magnetic Alloy" Moscow, Isvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 8, 1972, pp 136-139. Abstract. Results are presented from experimental study of the influence of the compositJon of a borocementing medium on the properties and depth of the surface saturated layer of YuNDK35TS alloy. Metallographic and x-ray structural analysis of the surface, saturated layer are performed. Stabilization of the gamma-phase following, chemical and licat treatment help to improve the workability of this n1loy. The depth of the layer increases when the alloy is saturated in the two~phaselstate and its boneiing with the main volume is improved following high-temperature thermonagiietic treatment. Testing by the method of measurement of the therno emF in com- th measurement of microhardnoss providen gm ler productivity anti parison wi stability of results. 1/1 USSH 1AREVA, V. V., and SAVCHENKO, L. B., Tomsk Polytechnic kWOM, 1. G. CONCI Institute --- "Effect of Structure on -the Engineering Properties of Hard-to-Machine Alloys" Novokuznetsk, IVUZ-Cheniaya Hetallurgiyaj No 6, 1971, PP 1Z8-131 Abstracta Improvement of engineering properties of steels arA alloys alloyed with Ni, Co, Al, and Ti permit the use of more productive cutting modes ana, in individual cases, special pressure treatment with a conplex stressed state. The alloys Investigated were YuNDK24, YuNDK25B, YtADK3OT5, YODK35T5, YuHDK4OT7, and YuKDK42T8. X-ray and meta.1lographic analysis was used to check the hi gh-te rape raturre state of Fe-Ni-Al-Co alloys. lattice constants and intensity (number) of 0 basic phases as well as alloy microharctness of the alloys in the 450-1000 C Interval were measured. Upon incxeasing the temperatt=e of Fe-Ni-Al-Co alloys hardness is lowered, phase periods (lattice constants) are converged, and number of phases increases, which improves homogeneity and the corresponding deformability and machineability of the alloys, A combination of these pm- parties should provide the opportunity of boing able to hot-turn the alloys. Three figures, one table, six bibliographic referencem. 1/1 VSSR UDC 669.14,582-15:628.187 GONCRAROVA, V. V., Tomsk Polyteclinic Institute LYAX~Q~~ "Effect of Alloying and Heat Treatment of Alloy YuNDK35T5 an Fine Structure" Moscow, IVUZ. Cbermaya Metallurgiya, No 12, Dee 72, pp 130-134 Abstract: The refining and disorientation of blocks takes place in tile hard-to-work Fe-Ni-Co-Al-Ti alloys during abrasive grinding. After refining of the structure to critical magnitude of blocks (100400 n--I) and micro- stresses [(0.4 - 0.8) 103 rad] cracks appear:in alloys., Secondary selenium, sulfur, and boron alloying is suggested for the purpose of increasing the technological durability of Fe-Ni-Co-Al-Ti alloys. It is recommended to aluate the effect of microalloying according to its influence on the fine v e structure (blockability, microstresses) and the dynamics of its change in the process of elastoplastic deformation.~ USSR UDC 539.1-074.2 VOIKOV, N. G., GORBACHENKO, G. 111. , and LYAPIDEVSKIY, V. X. "Determining the Saturation Current in,an Ionize~tion Chamber from Two Experimental Points" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 1, 1973, PP 94-96 Abstract: The authors note that measurement of the saturation cur- rent in an ionization chamber at high radiation'intencities is de- termined by computational methods, which are not always accurate. They therefore propose a highly accurate way of making this raea- surement from two arbitrary points on the iolt-amperu character- istic of the chamber. Use is made of two equations: I = Is ain A/2g, and U = Bf (4) cos k/g: in which I and U are the current and voltage im the chamber; Is is the saturation current; B is a eon- stant tffiose value depends on the radiation intensity~, the chamber dimensions, and the gas characteristics; t is a paraniater varying from W12 to 0; and f W is a correcting function. Th,e accuracy of this method is explained, and a way of the procedure under certain conditions ispresented.- The authors thwik 'N. S. Ko- zodayev for his comments. 71 - 0 UNCLASSIFIEDIFF PROCESSENG DATE--040EC70 TITLE-FRICTION COEFF. AS DEPENDENT OWHA04ESS.~EXPEAIMENTAL VERIFICATION ~`GONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~__-DCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3005/0848 CIRC ACCESSION NO---AT0132938 STEP NO--UR10139/701013/003/0050/0056 PROCESSING OATE--040EC70 -2/2 026 UNCLASSIFIEO ~-tIRC~ACCESSION NO--AT0132938 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DEPENOENC~- 0 FTHE FRICr[ON 'T OF COEFF. ON HARDNESS tS STUDIED ON AN IDEALLY~ PLASTIC (;CNTAI~ A RIGID SURFACE WITH A PLASTICALLY DEFORMABLE HALF SPACE IN THE PRESENCE -::.OF ADHESION IN THE CONTACT ZONE. THE FRICTION COEFFs IS A FUNCTION OF THE PENETRATION AND ADHESION IN THE CONTACT ZONE* rHE ADHESION OF THE FRICTION COEFF. IS EQUAL TO THE RATIO OF THE SHEAR RESISTANCE OF THE ADHESION BOND TO THE BRINELL HARDNESS OF THE MAlERIAL. 7.THE DEPENDENCE OF THE TANGENTIAL STRENGTH OF THE. ADHESU014 BOND ON THE HARDNESS WAS STUDIED ON PLANE SAMPLES OF VAftrOUS TYPES O-F CU. THE SPHERICAL INDENTORS WERE 10 MM IN DIAM. ' THE TANGENTIAL STRENGTH OF THE 'ADHE SION BOND INCREASES WITH THE HARONES$ OF THE SAAPLE51 THE A0HESION COMPONENT OF THE FRICTION COEFF. DECREASO WITH INCREASING HARDNESS. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE TOTAL COEFF. OF EXTERNAL FRIMON ON HARDNESS WAS STUDIED.BY GLIDING OF A SPHERICAL INDENTaR 13N THE POLISHED SURFACES OF CU SAMPLES. THE DEPENDENCES OF THE ADHESION AND DEFORMATION :COMPONENTS OF THE FRICTION COEFF# CORRECTLY OESCRISES THE DEPENDENCE OF JHE TOTAL FRICTION COEFF. ON THE HARDNESS OF THE MArERIAL. THE FRICTION ~..:-COEFF. OETD. ON A 1 BAL.L TANEGNITIOMETER IS:THE ADHESION COMPONENT UF THE,FRICTION COEFF& FACILITY: MUSK* TEKHNOLP INST.p MOSCOWP -USSR UNCLASSIFIED ude 591.1.15 U-Ssr YE., LYAPIN, YE. N., GUSEV, D. I., and NECHAYRY, L. H. 0 "Kinetics of Polonium-210 In the Tissues of Fish at 0 0 and In Water of Different Salinity" Tr, Atlantich. NII ryb, kh-va I okeano6r, (Transactions of the Atlantic Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and oceanography), Ito 44, 1971p pp 60-65 (from M-Biologicheskaya khimiyal No 11, Jun 73, Abstract No It F141.9 Translationi The kinetica of the accumulation and the character of metabolism of polonium-M were investigated In tissues in simulutW winter conditions of habitation in water of differentsallniti. 60 USSR UDC 591N1.15 LYAPIN, YR. N., GUSEVt D. I., KATKOVt A. YE., MOURN A. M. and IXECHAYEV. "The Dependence of the Accumulation of Radionuclides in the Tizsues of Fish on Temperature and Saline Conditions in the Environzent" Tr. Atlantich. KII ryb. kh-va I okeanogre (Transactions of the Atlantic Scientific Research Institute of Fisherive "d Qceanog=:hy) 1 110 44, 1973, pp 45-59 (from Wh-Biologicheskaya khizi~t No It# 10 JuM 73, Abstract No It F14t8) Tranalationt The work. presents the findings of an experizental stue.-y of the accumulation of cesium-137p strontium-90p cariwa-144, antimony-125, chromium- 51, iron-59, cobalt-60 and ruthemiun-106 In the tissues 6f fiah (golden carp, lake ruff, rainbow trout) at a temperature of 00 abd 1e In fresh water (mineralization up to 100 milligrams perl-tter) andt in artificial -sea water prepared according to the Bruyevich method using silts of super chemical Writy. r-9 F. USSR urc 6a2 a15-o6; 1577a6i.ll+5,rI.16i.4+6i3.2 17 YAJJ KUDRYASHOTIO B. A. I EAZAZ G .G., .LY ~APXIA~.Jbm,.At., and SYTIM, 14. P., Laboratory for the Physiology and Biochemist,-j of Blool Coa~~ulation, Moscow State University gnificance of a Relative Excess of Vit=in A and Unsaturated ratty Acids in the Pormation. of ComDlex Heparin Compounds in Stressed Animals Kept on Natural and AtheroGenic Diets" Moscow, Vbprosy Pitaniya, 110 1, 1973, PP 23-29 Abstract: Adininistration of linethol (a taixture of etbyl eiAl-rs of unsaturated fatty acids, especially lincleic and lipolenic acids, containezi in linseed Oil) and excessive arrounts of vitimin A to rats kept oa nabaral aml atherogenic diets stimilated. the complexing of heparin with fibrinogen and pbawduciren after th(! induction of stress by ringing a loud 'bell for 1 1/11, mintiten. An epineph-rine- heparin complex was also produced in the animals that received the ethero.-enic rations; the arount was greater than in the control, b-ut lass than iii he.C~Llthy animals. Intravenous injection of -Lbe expe.-ilbental. atiirals with throinbin IM (100% sur-wiml nata) co-mpamd to ,I --~3 pletely prevented death f m thrambasis mortality reate among the controls that did not receiv-o linathol. 63 -77-77 '112 021 UNCLASSIFIED' PAOCESSI NG f)ATF--l I SEP 7 0 .`.,TITLE--3N THE NATURF OF LYTIC EFFECT OF F.IBRINOGE-N HEPARIN A4D TYROXIll ,-~-l~PARIN COMPLEXES ON FIBRIN -U- AUTHOR-KUDRYASHOV, R.A.p LYAPINAt L.A.t'MOLCHANOVAt,L.V.,-,rIIJSTA!,40VA, 3..A. OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--VOPR0SY MEDITSINSKOY KHIMITv 19701 VOL 16f AR PP 161-168 ,i..PAT EPUBLIS14ED ------- 70 :,!-':SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES iJOPIC TAGS--FIBRINOGEN, HEPARtNt THYROXINEt FIBRIN# Fft3RINOLYSIS .-_C0NT'Z0L 40KING--149 PESTRICTIONS "DOCUMENT CLASS--tiNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/F0A4E--1986/0794 STEP Q/:)" CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102757 OW31SAS tlNllV'lfl9VW)llNV 40 S11430V lVb0WnH 1VMIVN.,~~ 9HLI 3bV Nl):914 I-Ail-119VISNn :36. ##SlK3AlUS T73190101SAHdoo 3t4l 311U-Jgl~ lqlijkvo~AHI 4A *1 NO WSJNV91~0 3HI 30 N'OliOVgd 32N343a 3Hi- sv GU616 dHi 191 SJSIdV X31dWQ3 Hd AVHl U311EV9 GgHS119nd SVM 11 IlUi3U ilix lki~l JO SS3:)G'dd 3H.L NO NCI-L:)V kUL.11131HNI 3HJL As SS9SSCfd GSIV XilldNU~) R:J :40 1013 3HI OiNl NQlIVbUd&):)Nl 1~13HI t0lldft 0-3MGS90 Sl S3X-3ldW(j:) 3HI :10 AIJAlI:)V IVWIXVhl -3H1 *Nltif:,lA 0~7111VVISI%f I d(? uSlN3AlOS U3190101SAHdii SV 0371~31)VbVH:) ;9 Nv:) HJ (,i*QV HHAJ .*3WlIV,%, 'a'll.UAZN9 9H1 30 ION Sl AllAll)V 311A.1 Slf ~Hl S30(i XgldW~j:).H~ikl-&V W)MMI *r4i-dbjj o:-,7iiiovisjqn kitio A[.SlN3Al1jS SV 1:)V CNV AIlAlI3V 311AICNIbUl-4 3nbl 3H1 A2 SS3S$Dd ION 00 S9X3-)dN0:) .3S2HI iVHI 03)4SJ-l[)V.LS3 SV14 -11 ')Iikl (INV Nli3)108HiliNV- 613HI 30 AlLiN301 3HI 03P.CHS S3X91dW03 IH~) :%leVd3H N34J0Nld~)l:J ONV MIA1, :40 AOWS 3AllV'dVdki03 3HI 'NJWSVldllNV -]]Sd3 :~;O 33N:'-J Ab -1 NJ 03A'd3S~ibd Sl XgldWO3- 0 1 ~)V 3 1 "U V DON IV W S d _:i H 3iil :10 Allrkls:)v 1.1 )CION I'd 13 1 -4 *C~MV15JO SVM o%91SAS jUvi NJ N-JVGl=l - - ~Nfll NCIMV )IIAI C11%ii Nl2i,,G~+IIIINV Ag 01111A NJ UNV UAIA tjl HiCla ~DNJSSassLd (H?,kj) Kjd~t4:-~~, TqjX0ZjAj~ x3loh0l ;"I '13VEIS9V -0-dO LSLZ0l0dV--0N NUlSS3--l')V jb vi !~NISS--Xled aai:jjssv-ioNn izo USSR 12 - 115 - 351-06-1612 - 1125.8+0~,,) uDc 612.i29:6i2A52-Ol8+6 -821:3)- 053:7 KUDRXASHOV, B. A., PODOL'SKAYA, 0. V., and LYAPINA, L. A., Laboratory of the Thysiology and Biochemiztry of Blood Coa~u4fttion,i-bib~~W;T*acvl Soil FactLIty. Mscow State University "Formation of Noradrenalin-Heparin and Adrenalin-Reparin Complexes in the Blood of Youn.c, People Under Emotional and IntellecttalStress" Moscow, VoprosyMeditsinskoyXhimii, Vol,17, N04, 19723J PP 3B5-390 Abstract: The dynamics of adrenalin-heparin (ADA) and noi-adrenalin-heparin (NDLI) complexes and free adrenalin and noradrenalin were traced over 1 school year in different groups of students experiencing diffluTent levels of ei.,-~oti nal and rmntal stress. At the end of the winter session, situdetits takinC, exar-ina- tions had high ADH levels in their blood. Students that retlurned to nornal, studies had no ADH but higher levels of NDH. On the other hard, students -0-re- er le'vels paring, for spring examinations had no ADH or,NDH but-high of free adrenalin and norudrenalin by the spring examination perioa, possibly due to inadequate levels of heparin. Thromboclastograms of the blood of cuch students indicated heightened tolerance of plaarm to heparin and inhDoition of the anti- tionr coagulation system. It is concluded that prolonged emu --I and mental stress 1/2 1/2 013 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 --MASS SPECTROMETRIC STUDY OF THE STRUCTURE OF,~SOME ORGANIC SULFIDES JTI E -:AND THIOPHENES SEPARATED FROM ARLANSKIII PETROLEUM~-U- N.K. .A THOR-(03)-8RODSKIYy YE.S.t NIKITINAr V.So~t LYAPIN~11'. OF INFO--USSR -11SOURCE-NEFTEKHIMIYA 1970, IO(I)t t20-2 :-.-,bATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :3UBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYt MATERIALS ~._TOPIG TAGS--MOLECULAR STRUCTURE9 PETROLEUM OEPOSITv GEOGRAPHIC LQCATrONj -,:CHEMICA.L.comPosjTjnNf THIOPliE-NEt SULFLDE9.ORGANEG SULFUR COMPOUNDo, '.-50LVENT EXTRACTION# MASS SPECTROSCROPY MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --UR/02041'tO/01:01001/0120/0122 ,PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/2078 STEP NO .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0127451 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--23GCT70 .CIRC. ACCESSION NO--AP0127451 ~,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. S COVPDF). SEP0. BY ExTN. WIT~f ~-,,~86PERCENT H SUB2 SO SUB4 FROM A 150-250DECREES KEROSINE FRACTION OF -X FORMA ARLAN PETROLEUM AND FURTHER SEPO. INMSULFIDES 3Y.f:0mpLf- T 1 Or4 WITH AGNO SUB.3 AND INTO THIOVHFNCS BY SUCCESSIVE Ej(TN. WITH B2 AND 86PERCENT H SU82 SO SUB4 WERE IDENTIFIED BY MASS SPECTRAL ANAL. THE SULFIDES tONSISTED OF 3-OPERCENT ALKYL:SULFIDES9 I "6PERCENT CYCLOALKYL SULFIDES, 68.8PERCENT THIACYCLOALKANES HAVING ONE -ONG CHAIN ALKYL AND 2-3 ME SUBSTITUENTS, 24.3RERCENT THIABICYCLOAL.KANES HAVING 1-3 ME SUBSTITUENTS, AND 2.3PERCENT THIATRICYCLOALKANES., ~THE THIOPHE, NES CONSISTED'OF 74PERCENT ALKYLTHIOPliENES HAVING A C SUB2-3 AND A C SUB3-5 'ALKYL.GROUP AND I-Z ME GROUPSi 24PERCENT,C~.CLOALKYLTHLOPHENES, ANO ZPERCENT.THIAINDANS. FACILITY.-VSES. NAUr-H.-ISSLED. INST. P5AERA8* NEFT.s MOSCOWt USSR, ------------ USSR UDC: 621.374 BOGACHEV, A. 1. , ISAICOV, Yu. D., LYAPINSKIY, YU. 14'. -N, V. H. V. and KHM nMethod of Traaaforming Time Shift Between Pulpes" Moscow, Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, No 3F 1972p PP 52-54 Abstract: The necessity occasionally.arises, in autonatie control and computer engineering, to determine the time shift of one pulse train relative to another or to transform it:l:Uiear3,y into pulse widths. A dev-ice for doing this is discussed in t-hIs article. A block diagram of the device is given and its operation explainQd, together with a timing diagram. Some detqi1s of the mothod of its testing are given. The device is subject to ttao, ty-pec of error: one, Sm determining the the moment of pasoage of zoro value of the sl=soldal ai&mal; t-rio, in the magnitude of tbe inaensitivity zone. Advice in the reduction of these arrore is p3~qlyided.. The instru- went can be used in the mass production of funotional elemen"lis. 1/1 USSR UDC.- 621-374 BOGACHEV, A. I.l ISAKOVt Yu. D., LYAPINSKIYt V V., and RHORN, V. N. --T IrKethod of Transforming Time "Phift Betreen Puls6s" Moscow, lzmeritell=-Za tekhnilra, No 31- 1972t PP 52-54 Abstract: The necessity occasionally arisen, in automatic control and computer engineering, to determine.the tinie shift of one pulse train relative to another or to transform it linearly into puise widths. A device for doing this is diacusoed in this article. A block diagram of the device is given and its operation explained, together with a timing diagram. Some details of the mothod of its testing are given. The device in subject to two types of error: one, in detex-mining the the moment of pazaage of zerG value of the sinusoidal signal; two, in the magnitude of the insonaitivity zone. Advice in the reduction of these errors is provided6 The instru- ment can be used in the mass produ6tiop. of funotional elements. . ......... .7 77 --j 17 P"44746`4 U11 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrate'd, Seqtion Il Elec'trical, Derwent, 241063 TEMPERATURE IV Lumobcact MUDD OF LUK DETECTIONA fdr holloO'c"Ooneati, C~ii~ be pro applied as a test mikhod for; fltild-tightnd~s by completely filling the compoziemt vith a 1W!1ne6caat liquid, for exAmple,, a Penepmut, Sealing: ~.t: up and exposing it to UV irrad!Utio~. PAy 1"kAge Of the penetrant fluid, resultIng t~' ga~heruqj of fluLd on tb* outer surfare, will .44 -vjau4lly, detijoted toy lumiaescence. to order to pp'014~ ritce" 0-~ternai pressure the compo'nent, after filling anO liaaU4' Is placed in a heating chamber, for & given t4~ne at: a given temperature,;to cause volumetric expikOsLon of the containe4 dettictor fluAd. 20.3.67 as 1142371125-28. T.L.LYAPKAU) et 411in. ONIEMPETWVSK UNIVUSITY.' (15AA9) Bul 0/1.4.69 Class 42k. Int.Cl.G Oln. *10 Pp::~rc USSR UDC:!576.851.48 ASTAPOVe A. L., and. LYAPULO, M, M.,sl: Chai CC Mcrobio~ogyj Kub&n Hedical Institute'l "Reversion of the Bontransmissible E-Flact~or' ta Txansfdx~Lbilityl Moscows Genetikag Vol 7p No 5p, 191,711 py 164-16.5~ Abstracti In a study- performed on. Esche4ehia coli, Shigella sonnei, and Shigella flexneri strains sensitive to antibiotics, it was shown that the nontxansmissible, R-factor loses Its determir=ts af resistawe to streptorTcing colim7cing tetracycline, and zononycin . after, the host- colls aro kept on a seniliquid meat-peptone agar. During conjugationg Shi;g(.~Ila sonnei transnits the segregant R(X)-factor (but riot the initiz-L! R-flactor), to EtsaharicUa coli with a relatively low frequency (1&7 to 10-9)., but, E. eloli. ftwther trarLsmits this factor to Shigella. flaxneri with a high. ftequenqr' ~3# 1- x jo-4). After the carrier cells are treatdd with acridins dyes, the timnsmissible R-factor Is eliminated in 1-2V,-3 of cases. Though this is. prolab)~y tha first observILtiOn of t1w revers-al of H-factors from a. r4ontransfemble to: 4~ tramferable condition, tbo existence of +Jds transmutabilLty is 11(nu boyond doul~t, amd this firAing may be helpful In expWnintg the evolutiozwq` nature of,14wtonamouis R-dotoral- % 0.21 AP0051921 PRIMARY SOURCE: 13yulleten' Eksper.,e noy iologii i Meditsiny, 1970, Vo 1' Nr pp 99-52- THE EFFECT OF VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL FATS ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF EXOGENOUS CHOLESTEROL IN ANIMALS V. F.Aforkelaua, A-aUUMv Institute of Nutrition of the AMS of tile USSR, Absorption and 'he [!3tUre of distribution of a one-time introducerl labeled cholesterol dis&olved in suriflowvr )it v-ere investigated in rats which re,.~civ(-d isocaloric food UatiOM containing 27 or 60% of lard or veg0able oil (calculoted to tht! valLe of their caloricity). Diets with sunflowtr oil, particularly those contilirlIng la:rge aniourils 0i it, contributed to tile increase of the radioactive cholesterol in jhit livu, ai compared co other rations with lard. Inclusion of sunflower oilin tht diell ~Jvas -.'oiind to be followed by an increase of the cholesterol level in the blood, liver and by its fall in the fatty tissue. REEL/FP,*IE 198;40401 T - Code: UR 0244 Acp. Nr 415 -PRDIARY SOURCE: Voprosy Pitaniya, Vol 20, Nr 1$ PP THE MODE OF INFLUENCE EXERTED BY DIVERSE CARBOHYDRATE DIETS ORGANS OF RATS ON THE FORMATION OF FATTY ACIDS IN THI:' V 6 Luanhop (Moscow) F. Markefoug B, Summa~y Excess amounts of complex carbohydrates in a food ration of hight-standard caloric value brings on after 30 days of testing an increase of the fatty acids content in the liver, blood and aorta, along with the intensified. activity oil ~Ylucose-G-pho,.,Phate-de- hydrogenase and accelerated incorporation of 1-6CII-glucose and 2-C14-aCefa te into fatty acids of the liver. Substitution of sicchira,.;e. for a portion (if s-arch in a h h-standard f6 d ration gives rise !o anlo (jus changes with a somewhat more nota e incieuse in the.amount of fatty acids in tfle- blood and the aorla. Tho recorded rise of pyraracemic, oxalo-acetic and cx-ketoglutaric aicids in the liver of ratti receiving saccharuse in the diet could be consequent to the s ecific:e1fed of fructosit and possible stimulation of thp insular system leading to acceflerated, glycolysis, buRpression of the g luco-leo genetic enzymes, synthesis and to transamination, 14 PQRIM 7 7= USSR uDc Q2.822-3+6i2-825-54 SMJLIGM G. 1.3 OBTACHEVA, N. K., and LYAPIWSOVA A. Ir., institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology We ~df`scierlces USSR "Interaction of Specific and Nonspecific Afferent impulses in the Rabbit Visual- X11 r 'Orte Moscow, Zhurnal Vysshey Nervnoy Dayatellnosti, No 5, 19'12, pp 1046-1054 Abstract: Spike activity and slow evoked potential of the surface and deep layers of the visual cortex were studied in alert) unrestrained rabbits follow- ing separate and combined action of light flashes and eilectrical stimulation of an extremity and in response to direct electrical stimulation of the lateral body (1,GB) and reticular formation (RF). In some cases, non.Vecific geniculate stimulation caused an unequal. weakening of the slow wwees in both the surface and deep layers of the cortex evoked by specific stimu].ation. Stimulation of the LGB elicited a deep negative wave that preceded a slow, deep positive oscillation which was not inverted on the svxface of the cortex. An oscilla- tion of aimilar parameters was also recorded in the deop cortical layers fol- loving stimulation of the PF. The conbined Uction of jj~e L015 and RF intensified this oscillation more than did stlmlation or the WD *lone. he deep negative oscillation in response to stimulation of the 1W rofle~-ted activation of 24 1/2 USSR UDC 620.193.5 MIGAY, L. L., KOZLOVA, N. X., LYAPUNOV, A. I., RAL'CHEYMY, YE. G., BEICETOV, B. I.,State Scientific Ins citt Indu$trf 110 xidation of Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys" Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, Vol 81 No 6. 1972, pp 722-723 Abstract: A study was made of the oxidation rate of several standard and a.,.- perimental steels and alloys in a currents of technical oxygen and in a calm air atmosphere at 1000% Sheet specimens 2 mm thick tiara uied to detemine the oxidation resistance by the increase in mass after axidptLon arid its loss after removal of the scale. Tne difference in oxidation resistance of the 1nvPstij,,ated naterials in a calm air atmosphere is not so great as in technical oxygen. The Kh251120SZ chromium-nickel steel alloved with, silicon is the least o-ridaLion resistant, and materials alloyed with aliu-ainu-n were the raost oxidation resistant. Analog- ous results were obtained during prolonged experiments ,in the air for 5000- rocliny' it Tetal- 10,000 hours (N. N. Kozlova, eL al., Struktura i '-K licheskikh materialov, Moscow, Nauka, 306, 19671. The (iKhl3S2Yu2BT (Ell 676) steel without nickel and Kh't'45Yu (EP 747) alloys sparin"Bly alloyed with nickel had the greatest oxidation resistance in o-qgen and air. Ila If USSR UDC 669.18-001.5,669.14,015-853 VASUENK07, 5 KOZIDVA, N. N., ~Y B. , and BWAYEVA, V. A. ,4WQ "Oxidation Resistance of Steels in the System Fe-Cr-NI-AI as Function of Rela- tionship of Alloying Elements" Spetsiallnyye Stali i Splavy (Special.. Stools and Alloy~-:oll4ction of Works], No 77, Metallurgiya Press, 1970, pp 27-32, Translation: Alloys in the system Fe-Cr-Ni-Al were studied in the 1000-12500C .ing temperature interval. The principal regularities of the~influence Cf alloN, elements on the oxidation resistance of the alloys were ostablished, and the de- pendence of oxidation resistance and phase composition oe scale on the relation- ships of alloying elements was demonstrated. 4 figurc!i;-'2 tables; 2 biblio. refs. MMENW- M 111IMMIM INIMM IMF= USSR UDC 669. LYAMNOV, A. N. "Prospects of Development of Aluminate Solution Refining Technology" Tr, V.5es. n.-i. i proyclan. in-ta alyumin., magn. i alektrodn. vrom-sti (Works of the All-Union Scientific Research and Plandincr and Design Institute of Aluminum, 'Magnesium and Electrode Industry), 1970, No 70, pp 136-144 (from Uh-Metallurgiva, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No:4GI50) - Translation: The next problems of inprQving the ind(ixes of decomposition and carbonization of aluminate solution were defined. Titese problems are investi- gated as applied to the production of Al 0'' by hydrochenical, and sintering 2 3 methods from bauxites and nahelines. There are 2 t4iblas. p USSR UD,,' 669.712.051 LYAPUNOVt A. N., KHODAKOVA, A. G., an,-' -,1XINA', Z. G. "Investigation of the Carbonization of Aluminate Solution With AI(OH)3 Priming' Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 2, Feb 71, pp 34-37 Translation: It is shown t4at the rate of separation of altimirtum hydroxide from aluminate solution in. the process or carboniza- tionvith priming ratio I and higher at any p~vcn moment is 'pro- portional to the supersaturationlof the solution in the first degree. Ilse of priming protects the:Iwalls of the.yessel from aluminum hydroxide deposits, and also increas'e graln size. The ~absorpt ion of the gas carbon dioxid-e by.the ojolution increases with ad increase in the priming ratio. USSR uDc 669.712.1.05 AGRANOVSKIY, A. A., BEMI, V. I., KAVINA, V. A., LEVIN,'ICY-1 LYAPUNOV, A. N., MONTVID, A. E., MNITS, 1. N. , and CHEININ, V. Ix. "Spravocbnik- metallurga po tsvetn", zetallalP (Metallurgist's Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metals); Moscaw, Izd-vo "Pletallurgiya," 1970, 320 PP Translation o:P' Annotation: Data on the physico-chemical properties of the most important aluminum compounds and aluminum solutions are presented, phase diagram of chemical systeris determining the processes of alumina production by alkali methods are given, and standards and technical con- ditions are reviewed. Various alumina production methods and reference data on the technology and equipment of alumina productioa are described. The handbook is intended for engineers and technicians engaged in the alum- inum industry. Ninety-one figures, 116, tables, 176 referexices. TABLE OF CONTF~"ITS (Abridged) 1/3 USSR AGRANOVSKIY, A. A., et al., "Spravochnik metallurga pG tsvetnym metallam." (Metallurgist's Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metals), Moscow', Izd-vo "Metallur- giya," 1970, 320 pp Foreword ... 9 Section KI CAL DATA: AN One. PHYSICO-CHEc D. STANDARDS, Chapter 1. Minerals, Basic and Auxiliary~Rmi Materials and Final Products of Aluminum;Oxide Production 11 Chapter II. Aluminum Compounds and .0th6r Substances,,, Presenting Interest for Alumin4m Oxide Production, Alkaline and Aluminate-Alkaline:Solutions 24 Chapter III. Physico-Chemical Transformations in Alui~Lnum Oxide Production Processes 91 Y, Section Two. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION METHODS Chapter I. Short Classification of Ty0es, of Alwrdiiium Raw Materials and Methods for Processing Then 134 Chapter II. Thermal Metheds of Aluminum Oxide Production 143 Chapter III. Hydrochemical and Combined Methods of Aium-num Oxide Production 183 2/3 3 USSR AGRANOVSKIY, A. A., et al., "Spravoclinik vietallurga po tsvetnym ruetallam" (Metallurgist.s Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metalt), Moscow,'Izd"vo "bletallur- giya, 1970, 320 pp '227 Chapter IV. Method of Producing Aluminum Oxide From Alunite Chapter V. Acid and Acid-Alkaline Aluminum Oxide Production Methods 232 Chapter V1. Automatic control and Rogulation of Production Processes 283 References 314 313 VP~ 7 STA.IPPING Of~~ SLAG-~ -U- T ITLE-~-MATHEMAT I CAL MODEL OF THE CONTINUOUS!''; -.--'AUTHOR-(05)-LISOVSKIY# 0.1.p IVANOVP V.A.t SHAFIROVSKIYs~ M#R*t GOLUSEVr Vo 1 0 1, QYAPUNOVt 1.0. C OUNTRY OF-I-Nfid'--USSR OURCE--IZV*VYSSH& UCHES, ZAVEO## TiVET. MET. L970t Uti), 141-7 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--MATHEMATIC MOD5Lv METALLURGIC SLAGI METALLURGLC PROCESS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFtED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3005/0841 STEP NO--UR/0149/70/0131001/0141/0147 ACCEiSION NO--AT0132931 UNCLASSIFIED Nl------l-i/2 0 1 a UNCLASSIFIED' ROC~SSING DArE-04DEC70 p CIAC ACCESSION NO--AT013293L -:AiVRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PROCESS OF STRIPPING THE SLAG IS OESCRtBED BY 11 MATH@ EQUATIONS. FACILITY: MOSK. INSTo STALL -SPLAVOVt MOSCOW# USSR@ UNCLASSIFIED 1/3 019 UNCLASSI FIEO PRfiCESSING I)ATE--04UEC70 'TITLE--STRIPPING OF SLAGS FROM THE SHAf TMELTING QF~ MCKEL ORES IU At,~.,~ NCE "U_ ELECTRIC FURNACE 4 TH COKE CONUUCTA 1.0.o GOLUBOV9 --:'AUTHOR- t 04) ~L I SOVSK tY, D.I., SOSNOVSKIYv D*V*t LYAPUiqQV? C&UNTRY OF INFO--USSR -.SOURCE-TSVET. METAL. 1970t 43(4), 36-9 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :--SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHYt MAT~RIALS, MECH.o IND-t w'. V I LAND MARINE ENOR .'~-JOPIC, TAGS--ELECTRtC FURNACE# NICKEL OREP $LAG# METAL AV-LTlNGv FERRON H m DE 'ICKEL, METAL REDUCTION, METAL OX I I;D;e C R 0t, U M OX ICOBALT, FILTRATIONP COKE ..CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--3005/0148 STEP Nt)--UR/0136/70/04-3/004/0036/0039 -2/3 019 UNCLASSIFIED' PIMESSING DATE--04DEC7C CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0132436 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Il) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ARTICLE:DEALS WITH THE EFFICIENCY OF THIS TYPE OF FURNACE IN THE FILTRATION OF MOLTEN NI SLAGS THROUGH COKE AND THE EFFECTS OF VARIOUS:FACTORS ON SLAG STRIPPING. THE SLAG COMPN. WAS SID SUB2 45, FEO 15, CAO 25t AL SUB2 0 SUB3 8, AND MGO 6PERCENT. THE SLAG WAS CHARGED PINTO THE FURNACEZONTAINED NI 0.06-0.14 AND CO 0.01-0.02PERCENT. THE COMPN, OF*THE PPTO.; FEPJ~ONICKEL FROM 2 DIFFERENT MELTS WAS NI 4.5, 12.8; S 2-15t:154; St 0.0055o 0.034; CR 0.073f OvO56; C 4w631 5*73; MN 0.14, 0:.093; AND P~0.0;04r 0.092. AT HIGH COKE LAYER TEMPS.p THE DEOXIDN. OF FEIIS SIGNIFIC~ANTP SO THAT THE NE AND CO CONTENTS OF THE FERRONICKEL ARE LOW. THE LATtER ALSO EXHIBITS LARGE AMTS.,OF CR AND St. THE EXPTL. MELTS INDICATE THAT 111E EXTN. OF NI AND CO I I ASIOCO, WITH THE EXTENT OF DIOXION. OF THE ~FE, THIS BE ING DETO. BY THE SLAF COMPN.t THE ENTRY ANO EXIT TEMPS. OF T14C SLAG# THE SIZE OF THE COKE FINES FILTER, AND THE FLOW OF SCAG. CURVE$ ARE GIVEN SHOWING THE DISTRIBUTION COEFF. OF NI AND CO BETWEEN THE SLAG AND*TriE METAL PHASE AS A FUNCTION OF THE TEMP. THESE EXHIB(T WELL OEFNED MIN. AT 1275rl325DEGREES. THE INCREASE IN THE DISTR18UTEON CDEFF. BELOW 1275VEGREES CAN EVIDENTLY BE EXPLAINED BY INADEQUATE SETTLING OF THE FENI PARTICLES RESULTING FROM THE HIGH VISCOSITY OF THE SLAG AND THE SMALLNESS OF THE SETTLING TANK. DECREASING THE- COKE TEMP. DECREASES THE IMPURITY CONTENT IN THE, ALLOY OBTAINED. THI$ IS EVIDENTLY ASSCICF). WITH.THE CONSIDERABLE REON, OF CR ANO Sl OXIDES WHIC14 OCCURS DUE TO THE FORMATION OF HIGH POWER INCRO ARCS W~EKTHE CONTifiCTS BETWEEN THE COKE PARTICLES ARE DISTURBED. UNCLASSIFIED, UKLASSIFIED' r USSR UDC 621.372.831.1 SEDYKH, V. M., DENISOV, D. S.. LYAPUNOV, N. V., SAPRUIN, 1. 1. "Calculating the Equivalent Coupling Diagram of Two Coaxial Lines with Differ- 'ent Sizes of Conductors" Radiotekhnika. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-teklin. sb. (Radio Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technicial Collection), 1970, vyp. 15, pp 61- 65 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4B172) Translation: The compensating shift for which the coupling has minimum re- flection is calculated. There are 2 illustrations and a 5-entry bibliography. USSR UDC 621.372.833 SEDYKH,V. H., DENISOV, D. S., LYAPUNOV, N. V., SAPRYKIN, 1. 1. "Calculating Uonreflecting Supporting Discs in Coaxial-Strip Junctions" Radiotekhnika. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-tekhn. sb.'(Radio Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and TerJinical, Collection),, 1971), vyp. 3-5, pp 55- 61 ( RZh-Radiotekhnika, No.4,.Apr 71, Abstract No 0173) Translation: Expressions are obtained for calculating the voltage standing wage ratio of a support disc as a function of its geometric dimensions and operating frequency. There are 2 illustrations and a S-entry bibliography. or USSR UDC 599.323.4:577.9(470.311) SUDEYKIN, V. A. LYAPUNOVA, K. L., and TIKHOUROV, S.J., Central Control- -R-os- Research Laboratory of the City Disinfection Station "Multiplication of the Ordinary Hamster (Cricetus cricetus) in the Territory of the City of Moscow" Moscow, Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, Vol 51, No 8, 1972, pp 1,258-1,259 Abstract: Evidence has reached the Control-Research Laboratory of the Moscow Municipal Disinfection System of the multiplication of ~the hamster population in the city. In 1971, burrows of the animals were found throughout the fields from the banks of the Moscow River to the city limits. Th-e territory occupied by the animals is at most 25 square kilometers, limited by the bends of the river and the houses of the city. It is P-stimated that, at the present time, hamsters have an uneven population distribution over tha Lyubl:Lnskiy fields; the probability is that in the course of a long periad of tive the population will sink to an unnoticeable level. -014 UNCLASSIFtED' PROCESSING DATE- L60rT 7 0 -,TITLE--MECHANISM OF THE CYTOSTATIC ACTION OF AMINOACRIMES -U- .~~'AUTHOR-(05)-ZELeNIN, A.V., KIRYANOVA, YE.A.v LYAPUNOVAt YE*A-? MELNIKOVAt YE.YU. v STEPANOVAt N.G. -,,,.COUNTRY.OF INFO--USSR (MOSCOW) 1970, 33(j), 96-101 ,~50URCE--FARMAKOL. TOKSIKOL. PUBLISHED-----70 -i-"--SUBJECT AREAS--1310LOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES DRUG EFFECT, NIT0$I S,,PROTEIN SYNTHESIS, NUCLEIC NTAOL MARKING -NO RESTRICTIONS ~'~DDCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED i7-PROXY REEL/F~AME-1994/1158 STEP NO--k)R/0390/70/033/001/00,7)6/0101 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115117 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 014 UNC L A 5 5 1 F I E D PROCESI~ING DATE-16OCT70 .,.CIRC ACCESSI&N iqU--AP0115177 ::AB$TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 30,01AMVNOAC,~IDIN~_::S, INCLUDIr4G - 7: ACRIDINE ORANGE,, PROFLAVIINE, ACRTFLAVIP4~_j c, UC 1; 1 S I t4l_- 2 t 4-"[) CORTPHOSPHINF CHARACTERIZED BY S,[G,%4lFicANr A:~ TI)IlTi'TIC ACTIO~N.~ WERE -STARTING IN THE 1ST FEW MIN OF THE EXPT.l W I THA SHARP PARALLEL ~~4i)[Et) -BET.WEEN.INHIBITION OF MITOTIC ACTIVITY AND PROTEIN SYNIHESIS, ANJ DELAYED PASSAGE OF CELLS THROUGH THE MITOTIC C- SU82 PE'RIDO. ACRICHINE RlaOFLAVINE ANTIMITOTIC ACTIONS APPEARED ONLY SEVERAL HR AFTE:R THE OF THE EXPT. AND WERE NOT ACCOMPANIED BY EFFECTS ON PROTEIN SYNT14ESIS OP BY ANY CHANGE IN THE,G SU132 PERIOD OF THE CYCLE ~'_~.,ANTIMITOTIC ACTIVITY OF THE 3#6#DIAMINDACR]DltiFS~AI)PARC-XTLY iNVOLVES tl-'~~'DIRECT INHIBITION OF PROTEIN SYNTHESISt WHILE THE P-NO \'JAOUP OF CoMPoS. 4,".'~JNTERFERES WITH NUCLEIC ACIO SYNTHESIS, FACILIrY: INST. MOL. BIOL.v MOSCOW, USSR. ;11?R;OCI:.SSING OArE--18SEP70 1/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED~li~ T,ITLE--ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDY~OF EPITHELIUM OF THE 'UPPER RESPIRATORY WAYS IN PATIE, S INr NTS WITH ACUTE RESPIRATORY YIRU -ECTIONS -U- ;.:~AUTHOR-(02)-LYARSKAYA, T.YA., KETILADZE, Yt.s. .-.-.CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR VIRUSOLOGII, 1970v NR 2t pp 190-196 "~_~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,.:-tUBJECT.AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES I-::TOPIC TAGS--ELECTRON MICROSCOPYr RESPIRATORY VIRUS DISEASEv ADENOVIRUSI %FLUENZA aNTROL M4RKING--N9 RESTRICTIONS ~00CU-qENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY AEEL/FRAME--1990/0731 STEP N,)--UR/0402/'tO/OrJO1002/0190/0196 ~~_,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP()108937 UNCLASSIFIO 212 019 UNCLAWFlEf) PROC ESS ING DATE---13SEP70 r-.tRC ACCESSION NO--AP0108937 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDY WAS CA-RRIED OUT WITH ULTRATHIN SECTIONS OF MATERIALS~013TAINED 3Y SMEARS OR IMPRESSIONS FROM THE MUCOUS IN MEMBRANE OF INFERIOR NASAL CONCHA PATIENT~ WITH INFLUENZA, PAR41NFLUENZA AND A0ENOYfRU$ DISEASE. DEGENERATIVE CHANGES IN CELLS OF COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM CONSISTING OF CONGLOMERATIONS OF NUCLEAR CHROMATINi LACK OF DOUBLE CONTOURS OF THE NUCLEAR MEMBRANES9 CHANGES IN MITOCHONDArAL STRUCTURES, IN INFLUENZA 'AND PARAINFLUENZA INFECTIONS 2 TYPES:OF'CYTOPLASAIC INCLUSIONS WERE FOUNU. ONE WERE ELECTRON DENSE OR GRANULAR STRUCTURES AND WERE PROBABLY DEGENERATING ORGANELLE OF THE GELL9* OTHERS C014SISTED OF RINGFORM VIRUS LIKE PARTICLES, NUMEROUS VIRUS LIKE PARTICLES WERE FOUND JN :NUCLEL~-OF EPLTHELI.AL CELLS OF THE NASAL MUCOSA FROM PATIENTS WITH -ADENOVIRUS, DISEASE. UNCLASSIFIED SSR: TW 5 9.10i.l� + BOLOTIN, A. B. ,,A% V. ,LITINSKIY, A. 010 "Electron Structure of Aluminum Hydride" Lit. fiz. sb. (Lithuanian Physics Collection), 1972, Val. 12, No. 2, 771;~ pP 253-257-Urom RZh-Fizika, No 10, Oct 7Z, Abstract No,~ IOD118) Translation: The AlH3 molecule was. investigated within the framework of the expabded Wolfsberg-HeImholtz method for two possible structures: plane and -pyramidal. The Slater wave functions were used 'as Uase fw-ictlons for the Al and H atoms, Self-consistent MO, single-electron energy levels, the popu- lation of orbitals,and charges on the atoms were obtain~rd from solving the Wolfsberg-Helmholtz equations. The dipole moment was calculated. A compari- son-is made with the theoretical results :obtained forItI.iis molecule by other authors. 10 ref. Authors abstract. USRR UDC 669.29.669-017 KORNILOV, I. I., VAVILOVA, V. V.t MAKSIMOV, YU. A., and LYA EMP j j I 4"B WA AW Institute of Metallurgy ixeni A. A. Baykov "On the Nature of Solid Solutions of Titanium-Vanadium-C-xygen and Titanium- Vanadiua-Aluminum-Oxygen Systems" Bverdlovskp Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniyel Vol 33P No 4j Apr 72,. pp 881-884 Abstracti Investigation was made of the oxygen effect on the change In strength of the interatomic bond in the lattice of cC -soltd solutions of titanium-vanadium and titaniua-vanadiwa-alumintin systens in the region of existing binary and tertiary solid solutions based on o(7-titanitiz. Titanium alloys with 2.5% V and up to 0.5% varying oxygen contwit, uzd titanium alloys with 2.5% Vp 3% Al, and up to 0.5% wt % varying oxygen'.content were investi- gated. Values of the Debue temperature and of the nemn sqL%ire atomic shift were calculated from ineasured data of the nodulus of olasticity. Functions of the oxygen-dependence of the Wdulus of elasticity " J-he shear modulus show that the introduction of oxygen into the t1taniwi allaya guarantees increased moduli of elasticity and shearp increased DO= tostporaturep ajid decreased mean square atomic shift from the equilibrim condition in 1/2 wslk USSR XDRHIWVg 1. 1.,, et al.# Fizika Motalloy 1:Xetallovedeniyet Vol 33, No 4, Apr ?2j, pp 881-884 lattice points of t< -titanium. The introduction of UP to 0,5 wt% oxygen into titanium alloys with vanadium and', aluminum results in Increased bonding forces of ternary and tatrad c~'-solid solutions. The rate of the drop of the nodulus of elasticity decreases with rising tomperatime in alloys with,high oxygen content, Three illustrationsp twoltables, four bibliographic 2/2 056 13NOV70 UNCLAS IFIED PWOCESSING DATE 7-t I TL E--.HE AT RESISTANCIE AND STRENGTH OF T,lit.:.l-NTERATf3f0IC B'ONO IN SOLID 1~1~~:'SO LU T I ON S'OF THE TI-SIN-O S Y S T EM 'AUTHOR-100-KENINAt YE.M.t K i'~" L 13V 1; VAV I LOVA V.V4 t LYASHCHE4KOP A RY OF INFO--USSR F C _'M~'TAL'OVEDENIE I TERM ICHE SKAI AoBRABUTKA METALLOY, No. 3, o RCEI_ t: 197 P. U -56 .547 PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-MECH.v IND.v CIVIL~ ANO MARINe ENGRYAHATEaEALS TOPIC TAGS--SOLID SOLUTION, TITANIU4 ALLOYt:;TIN ALLI)Yr OXYGEN, ELASTIC __:H00ULUSv HEAT RESISTANCE, MECHANICAL. STRENGTHP METAL CREEPt METAL BOND VIG , BIBLIOGRAPHYt CHARACTERISTIC iFUNCTION, COVALEwr 6UNOINGt ,,_.,_,"~'-TE)4PERATUKE TROL RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED N~ 0 ...~PRQXY-REEL/FRAME--1997/0013 STEP --Uft/01291'~01000/003/0054/0056 CIRC ACCES510N NO--APOLL9009 UNCLASSIFIE i..ii IP I VIM M11111 2/2: 056 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 C IPC ~ACCESS ION NO--AP0119009 -,,--A,BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF THE: STRENGTH oF THE INTERATOMIC: BOND IN SOLID SOLUTICINS-'OF- THE TI-SN-G SYSTEl'-l WITH RESPECT "TO-THEIR HEAT RESISTANCE AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES. THE INTERATOMIC 'OF THE ELIASTICITY MODULUso I 80NOING FORCE WAS ESTIMATED ON THE. BASIS T JS FOUND THAT.AN INCREASE IN THE OXYGEN, CONTENT REULrS IN AN INCREASE OF THE ELASTICITY MOOULUS, WHILE ~THE CHARACTERISTIC TE14PERATURE AND THE MEAN 54UARE SHIFT OF ATOMS ARE 0ECREASE0,.` A RELATIONSHIP WAS FOUND BETWEEN THE STRENGTH CHARACTERISTICS Of-THE IVERATOMIC BOND ANO THE CREEP RESIST4NCE OF ALLOYS. THEM ~ STRENGTHENING C-Pr-,E(;T OF UXYGEN AT 'ELEVATEUTEMPERATURES IS SUGGESTED TO'BE DUE TO TMF INCREASE IN THE ~~,:-~~...INTERATDMIC BONDING FORCES. FACILITY:' AK~WENLJ A NAUK SSSR, ~INSTI UT METALLURG119 MOSCOW9 USSR$ UNCLASSIFIED 13SSR 669-255'782'78T~539-1131i:54.165 YE. M. 0 KOR=Vj, 1. 1.., VAvnoVA, B. KENM vo~ Ve. and LXjM=fPQ.L (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov AN.SSSR "Heat Resistance and Strength of the Interatomic Boad of~Solid Solutions of the Ti-Sa-0 Bysteid' Moscow,, Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabatka metal1w ITO 3., 1970, PP 54-56. Abstract: The strength of the interatorrdczbond of solid'solutions of Ti-Sn-0 alloys is investigated. Tests were conducted-pn alloy s=ples whose characteris- tic points were located on cuts parallel tothe Ti-Sn si4e with constant oxygen content (l.. 2 and 5%)- Iodide titanium (0.9%)., C~ak tin, and a tinanium-oxyi;en alloy with 20-5% oxygen content served as the original miterials. The preparation of alloys and the experimental technique are described..'Therj?an square displace- ments of atoms from the equilibrium position in nodes of.the cx7stal lattice were calculated. Results are presented in graphs in the fom~of the dependenee of elasticity modulus, characteristic tempemture., and mezan~squarls atom displaccNent on On conceutration for Ti-Sn-0 system alloys, Their tuW.Ysis shows that in solid solutions of Ti-Sa-0 systems the modulus of elastiotty and the characteris- tic temperature increase w-Ith increasing oxygen content) vhllm the mean quara atom displacement decreases. A link exists botueen the o#aracteriotics af the l/2 1077- -USSR UDC-621-762A62 In, V. V. PAVIAN9 Ve A.s ZHIVOV~ Lo I** SHCHM P., lly~ PRTUXINAt R. YA.j LITVINo Zaporoth'ye kuhize =X t4-Vafe---Uerd Y.'Ya. Chubarl "Hot Extrusion of Powdered Titaniur Kievj Poroshkoyaya Metallurglyal So 8t Aug 731 Pp 15-19 Abstracto Hot extrusion of titanium powder was studied using a 1600 ton-force crank press. The raw powder, sinUred billets, and, for compari- son, sheet titanium were extruded. Both open an&closed dies were used. It was observed that there was a decrease in grAln aize~ with a simultaneous increase of their total surface areap promoting intenstfication of Inter- granular diffusion which occurs with a significant increase tn the diffusion rate, caused by the high specific force and temperature (950%. Mechanical propertien of briqueta extruded at 9500G -and heatL treoL-ted by annealing at ?500C for three hours in a vacuum of 2.10-14 mm Hg are compared with briquets which were vacuum sintered at 12000C for three hours prior to extruding and given the same heat treatment as stated above after extruding. Density and mechanical properties of the vacuum sintered briquets lamlightly higher than the non-vacuum sintered briquets butnot enough,to, warrant the additional USSR PAVLOV V. A.j et al.j Foroshkovays Metallurglm No 8. Aug PP 15-19 cost of vacuum sintering. The introduction of extr.Aed powdex-titaniun parts and titaniumi-alloy powder parts to replace cast parts will result In increased savings by using a less expensive raw materi&l, shortening of intermediate operations, increased the strength, increased labor productivity, wA decreased metal losses. Three figuresp one tablej -three bibliographic references. 2/2 47 - 1/2 035 UNCLA 00bc_EssING OATE-~_04DEC70 TITLE--EFFECT OF CONTINUOUS NEUTRON IRRADIATION ON:T HE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF MAGNETIC ALLOYS OF THE YUNDK 9 IRON NIICKEL ALUMINIUM AUTHOR-( 05)-GRINBLAT# YU.N., LYASjSjf."Ajj,,j6 ROGOZYANOV, A.YA., ,~,-~~'.'SAKATUNOVr. YU.S.9 SHELKOVNI*9TV7A,..G.YE OF - INFO--USSR ..-.'~SOURCE-FIZIKA METALLOV I METALLOVEDENTEI FEB. 1970;:#J 291 252-255 ~t.!DA-TE..: PUBL ISHEO ---- FES70 "-.:SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICSt MATERIALS :.'JOPIC TAGS-NEUTRON IRRADIATIONP PERMANENT MAGNET MATERIAL, MAGNETIC -,,,,,.,PROPERTY, RESISTIVITYt ALLOY STRUCTUREs COBALT IRON, ALLOY, IRON NICKEL ALUMINUM CONTAINING ALLOY --NO RESTRICTIONS ONTROL MARKING `!,~.:QOCUMENT CLA$S--UNCLASSIFIEI) ''PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/1676 STEP NO--UR/0126/701029/OC)2/0252/0255 .:~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129046 UNCLASSIFIED _:`Z/2 Aj35'_ UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 ACCESSION NO--AP0129046 "ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-0) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF CONTINUOUS NEL)TRaN '1RRAOIATION 110 PRIME21,N-CM PRIME2) AT TEMP. UP TO:,630DEGREESC ON CAST .,.AND SINTERED ALLOYS OF THE YUNOK TYPE (FE,NI,AL AND~FEtNIoALiCO) VSEG FOR PERMANENT MAGNETS WAS STUDIED.. BECAUSE OF THE,'I~,ADIATION, SPECIAL METHODS WERE REQUIRED FOR 14EASURING THE~MAGNETIC PRI)PERTIES AND :-ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE AND FOR STUDYING THE'MATERIAL:~JPJ THE OPTICAL AND "S ELECTRON MICROSCOPES, NO CHANGES IN THE STRUCTURE-AA PkOPERTIV ~IATTRIBUTABLE TO THEIRRAOIATION WERE 083ERVED; CHANGES OCCURRING ABOVE 600DEGREESC WERE DUE SOLELY TO THE~ORDINARY-EFFECTS:~;OF HEAT TREATMENT. __-UN-CLASSI FlEo USSR UDC 62l".396.677.71 GOROBETS, N. N., LYASHC11ENK0 V. A., SIROINIKOV, A. 1. "Experimental Study of the Field Distribution in $lot JTL%Nregaide Radiator:;" Antenna-fidern. i izmerit. ustroystva sverkhvysok. chastat -- V sb. (Superhigh Frequency Antenna Feeder and Measuring Devices - Collection of Works), Khar'- kov, Khar'kov University, 1971, pp 14-22 (from R-7h-Radieteklinika, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 1OB29) Translation: The distribution cf the tangential componi~nt or the electric vec- tor on the surface of a slot is determined from the condition of continuity of the tangential component of the gnetic.vector on tranoitim-L through the slot. ma :1 A method of direct measurement of the electric field distribution in slot radiators is described. The field is measured by means of a disturbing body which moves along the slot. Here, the amplitude of the reflected wave varies proportionally to the field distribution in the slot. 1he block diagram cf the measuring device and the results of an experimental study of tile field distri- bution along longitudinal slots in the wide wall of a rectangularwave,:11ide are presented. It is demonstrated that the distribution along the nonreson&-ice slots differs from sinusoidal by no more than 101'.. The field di3tribution along the dumbbell-ahaped slots has a table shape. There are 6 illut4trations and a 4-entry bibliography. UDC: 621-396.67 Waveguide!i Vol. 14, "Jo. 1, 1971, Abstract: Thi:: oaper ~.7,-ives the results of theoretical 'Ind eyn~.!ri- mentall vrork in investL-ating the radiation and r(~flec-;,ion fictors of a nonresonance slot as functions of its lenath, orientation on the waveg-aide wall, and critical and:opertating w-livelengths. Yhe assumnt-ion is mad,-- that, the slot is cut: into th* 'widei wall of an infinite pi-shaned wav.-Luide at,a speoi~ied distance erom th,! jru 3 middle of the Cuide and at a specifted ~Lngle t(j the wlive id- axis. Tht; radiation and reflection factors of the slot are then Lound ~or -~he case in which the w~!vt.,guide is excited by a funda- mental wave. ~xperirnients performed to substantiate the theoreti- cal findings are also described. Graphically coi2i,on-red theoretical and experimental results show fairly'goo4,agreefoi4t. USSR VDC 621.396.677.71 SHUHARIN, YU. V., LYASHCHENKO, V. A. "Slot Radiator in a Wave Guide with An L-Type Transverse Cross Section" Radiotekhnika. Resp. mezhved. nauclino-tekhn. sb. (Radio Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection) , 19 70, vyp. 14, pp 128 134 (from RZh-Radiatekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No AB35) Translation: Formulas are obtained for the scattering i~atrix coefficients of an inclined slot and a symmetrical cross illot inaaL-Lype wave guide. There are illustrations and an 8-entry bibliography. N�R' USSR UPG 621.,514.61 (038.8) n, -A.T "Control Device For Regulated Rectifier Uning Thyristordli USSR Author's Certificate ',,,lo 272423, eiled 6 SeL 0 (J'ro..; t 68, pjbIisI-,!!d 11 SeDt 7 R"h-Elektronika i yeye prim -e gp2niL_, No 4, April 1971, Abstract No 4E 69P) Translation: 1118 Droposed device for control of a re,.-~jlqted n~-atillier is character- ized by the stability of the output purameters, whicia makes it possible to cbtain a rigorous temporal binding among the pulves and to maijjUiin a stable displacemen-~ between them of 600. With such control the rectifier hv:~! a otable outnitt voltaze and a steady ripple ratio during a change within wide I~jnit!3 0:~ the aribient te=? - erature. The Drecise disolucament of 60o ia attvihed ~3, uou o!! a vapple=.-.-",~Ury synchronizinif network fuli'illad in the form of a sarlau conn=ted trirzer th separate inputs), a balance ractifier, a differential uiiiplif'.cr, and ti suppl-;--ent- ary delay element. A block diagram of the control device and a deac.-intior. of it are Drovided. 1 M. L.R. 052625 )9AO NkO BoA 9 uR o482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemical, Derwent, 24L4/4 HE&TING sybTAM:tCauces nes,Ong CTMe, 0217a pr(Wcks ' required thickp ss of, the hardened layer and permits jocal hard''ning- It consists of & h4at source4 and a boOY, 2 which focuses the heat energy-on, to the pr6~uct moutited inside a quarte'tube 3i. The body is in the form of an eliptical cylinder with end covers 4. It is water cooled.-and mirror:poli3hed Li*okde. Fur local heating a suitably cuc-out acreeln 5 Is pos- 4tLoned between,the source-and the prq!duct, Quen- chin% bath 6, Machenjari .7 for feedint, pod djachar- ging product into the bath.:the tempOoture ocn- sor 8 and the ligit heat 1controller 9 C~Implvtu the installation. When tho cor-rect temp4!X~ture,is breached. the product is discharged au4j>matically into the Bata and the beat !sour e is Aiditched off. C The heat source can be a super high tension arc lamp of 10 KWT. 22.1.68 as 1213610/22-1 G.V. ISAKHANOV ec al. Strength Problems Inst. Aced. Sciences Ukrainian SSR (29.9,69) Sul. 14/18.4.69. Class ift, ElIt. Cl. C 21d. bm~-- U. 111MI. 1.3 i I,, IF -AA0052625 USSR UDC 518.-517/944.947 LYASHENKO, I. N. and MEREDOV, Kh. M. "Critical Frequencies in the Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in H-Waveguides With a Dielectric Strap" Ashkhabad, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Turkmenskoy SSR, No 6, 1972, pp 29-35 Abstract: The authors consider the problem of determining the eigenvalues d eigenfunctions of the boundary value problem a n A u ~p (x, y) u0; UIS 0: where S is the boundary of a region G composed of rectanglea D, D', and D11* A in a numerical parameter; p(x,y) > 0 its a pi.ecowitsve-conistant of P in reettmg1en D' and D", function which takes the values Aelp and P2 = 'E2V 2 in rectangle D (e and p are dielectriciand-magnetic permeabilities of dielectrics, respectively); and u - u(x,y) is tile scalar form of the electrical Hertz vactDr.1 It is assurtied that G' is covered by a rectangular, unifortu grid u~ith the steps h = a/(*+1) 1/2 7 USSR LYASIIEWO, I. N. and MEREDOV, Kh. M., Izvestlya Akadem-ki Nauk, Turkmenskoy SSR, No 6, 1972, pp 29-35 a'/(m'+I) along the X-axis and hl = b/(n+l) h'/(n'+l) alatig the Y-axis. Equation (1) is then rewritten for the three rectangles in piecewise-dif- ference form, and the resulting equations are solved. ! The iml)ortant particular case, when n' = n, is considered,and.a. numarical example to illustrate the results obtained is given. MORISON 7 ;T. USSR UDC 51-M.001.57.612.82" AUZINI, P. K., LYA~HU "Synthesis of Threshold Elements by the Method of* Minimi-zation of. a Functional" Kibernetika i Diagnostika [CybeTnetics and Diagnosis Collection-of Works], No. -4, Riga, 1970, pp 43-53 (Translated from Refdrativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No. 4, April, 1971, Abstract No. 4 V7Z5 by the author), 'Translation: Two algorithms for synthesis of threshold elements. (TE) are studied. The first algorithm is based on minimization: of the functional by the method. of coordinate-by-coordinate desceat, but involves gTeat expenses for search for the direction of motion. In order to decrease costs~, in the socond algorithm a deriva- tive functional is determined, providing the necessary information concerning the direction of motion toward the minimum. The algorithms allow the minimum structure of the TE to be produced, which is quite important with a large number- of variables, to produce the physical realization of the TE. An example iof the application of algorithms and a block diagram of the progm foT determination of: TE, paramtters -by computer are presented. USSR UW 5TT. -12 V. A. LWTIP-4 _g_nj I A, Ye. V., Institute of Vaccines and Sera, USSR Ministry of Health, and Moscow Institute of Epidemiology Una 1.1licrobiology, Acad- Moscow emy of Sciences USSR,- "Study of 'Immune RNA' by the Specific Immunosorption Method" Moscow, BiolchimiYa) NO li 19733 PP 178-184 Abstract: injection of mice with "immune" PWA isolated from the spleens of animals immunized with polysaccharide O:or Vi antigens~induced the fo~ma-ticn o-f specific 0 or Vi antibodies. Treatment of O-IUML with ribonuclease resulted in almost complete disappearance of its capacity for antibody, fon~-ZLtion, whereas similar treatment of the 0 antiGen did not affect its ivLTruri.znJ,.-- prcpcrtie~e. RM from animals imiTunized w-ith radioactive 0 or Vi amtigens contained a rndio- active substance that proved to be an antinen bound to. IWA. JuitiCen in a cam- plex -with PdiA was unable to react specifically with antibodLes fi-xed on an irmnune sorbent (cellulone with globulin from a nonimiu!ae rabbit). However, it could combine nonspecifically with the sorbent arixig to the liigh norption capacity of the ribonucloic part of the antigen -- PHA. comj.-AxY. After tht~ com- plex was treated with ribonuclease-, the antigen present in the WIA preparation acquired a capacity for specific i=jnoaor1jt1.on- P .:":"112 oil UNCLASSI FIEU ROCESSKUG PATE--ZTN13V70 ;TLE--COAXIAL HEATING OF MOLDS FOR PLASTICS -U- ,AUTHOR-(02)-BARYLOt M.S.* LYASHENXO# V*A*l .1(06NTRY OF INFO--USSR OURCE--PLAST. MASSY 1970t (6)t 75-6 --DAT 8PUBLISHED ------- 70 '-SU 34 EC TAREAS--'~ATERIALSP MECH.9 IND.r CEVIL AND MAR9WE f:4N(;R JUPIC TAGS-ELECTRIC CU;ZRENT, HEATING, PLASTIC FABRII'OhTING MACHINERY .CONTRaL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~..DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~,PR-DXY IZEEL/FRAME--3007/0703 STEP t-2- ~!, on, 0 ',3 q fi2 .12 Oil U~jCLASSIFIED P;Rj)(,-E5,1jjNG DATE-27NOV70 ~C-j RC ACCESSION Nr-l--AP0136142 ABSTRACT/QXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE COAXIAL ELEC, HEATER ON 5 T S 'E NY RALL Y, I N ro A s r - LU3 M. WELDED AT I ENO C r- E: OF A STELL ROD 8 MM IN 016 -JD ARE CONNECTED OF 16 MA INSIDE DIAM. THE FREE ENDS OF THE TUBE. AND R1. c rjPP(:1s1TE CuRcZENT TO THE TERMINALS OF 12V ELEC. A.C. SOURCE. DUE TO! -FLOVS I'N THL- E` TUBE AND ROD THERE IS AN INTERACTICN 13ETWEEII THE MAGNETIC FLUXES IN THE NARROW GAP AND A GENERATION OF HEAT., PANELS CONTG# 1.4 SEVERAL OF THESE HEATERS ARE SUITABLE FOR THE uNirORM HEATING THE -S. RANGE OF MOLDS FOR:PLASTIC, THE HEATERS HAVE MUCH MICAL THAN RE$ISTANCE OR ''LONGER LIFE EXPECTANCV AND ARE MORE ECONd, Ll''~-. INDUCTION HEATERSo Hix- USSR UDC: IXASHENKO, V. F. "Programming for the M-20, BMIL5-2-M, 13MM-4 and M-220 Digltal Computers" FroEammirovaniye dlya tsifro3Zt-h =hislitellpykh mashin M-20, BEDV-3,fj~ BES14-4. 14-220 (cf. English above), Tbilisi; Tbilisi Uhilv~rsity, 197 88 K) pp, Ill. I r. 30 k. (from R&-Kibernetikg, No, 6J:un T~, Abotract No M [No tibstract] USSR UDC SYTE-110, T.111. , DT INr-JV~ 11. L. , "Residual Photoconductivity Cf Gallium Arounide At Cyroomic Tomparatures" f Fiz. i telhn. poluprovodnikov (Physics And Tachnolou Cf Szmiconductorq), 1.5,71, L; No 6, p p 12 _yeyp j3z, x-p-3ni- No 10,0c~e,,'-cr 1971, Abstract 1,1o 1OB244) Translation: Th3 effective caD3citance of tho structire meta t i;~ resin-n-C-she was measured at temcraturas to 100 K with ctronS illum4a;i -n in the intrinsic region cP thG Semiconductor. It ia diticovored that .,the initial effective 03 acitance of a cap~scitor incroaaea d-.xrinF illutiLliation- by2-5 picofarad/cm vnd after Bhatting off tho illumination the ai)ocitaonc. =.aintjin residual photo cc niuc t ivity. 2he propertiva. of the rerLdual Photoconductivity are established and an e7planation of them Is given. 6 ref. 11.5. nMF DMITRUK, N.L., ZUYEV, V.A. "RENY and: TERES11CREWO, A.K. "Photoelectric Phenomena in the Near-Surface,Region of GaAs" Leningrad, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluproyodnikov, Vol 4, No 4: 1970, pp 654-66", Abstract: Although the situation usually assumed in investigating photoelec- tric phenomena in semiconductors that the photocurrent carriers are always concentrated in a quasi-neutral region while the effect or the surface can be described by the rate of surface recombination in typir:_al fQr Ge, it is extremely rare in GaAs. The existence of highly developed depletion layers close to the GaAs surface must lead to the,1ocalization a,f photocarriers in the near-surface charge region. Hence there is a need fai a detailed invesLicga- tion of this charge region, a task which this article undertakes. it investigates experimentally and computes theoretically the photoconductivity of semiconductors of the GaAs type, taking into account the T~inority carrtair lifittime as a func- tion-of the coordinate in the charge regions In doing 1w, the authora did not assume a quasi-equilibrium situation in this region since it ordinarily does not occur in GaAs. They also consider quasi--woaopolar photoconductivity. Tile ex- perimencal nethod consisted in measuringthe steady-state photoconductivity and capacitive photo-emf in the characteriatic;absorption region of weakly compen- sateA a-type GaAs. The authors express their,gratitude to D.I. Zlobin for his Caiks photocandu tivity, and to V.K, Malyutonko and assistance in.computing the R.O. Litvinov for their co=entis. 44 7-1- 024 UNCLASSIFIM~. PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 fTLE--CHANNEL CURRENTS ON THE SURFACE OF'SILICON P-N JUNCT[OINS -U- ENKDo Yol. ,AUT"OR-(02)-LITV1NOV, R.O.r LYASH ,;,;.~C CUNT RY OF INFO--USSR i;:-~S'0URCE--UKR. FIZ. ZH. (RUSS. ED.) 1.970, 15(4)p 599-60 ------- 70 ,,D-ATE PUBLISHED qESUBIJECT AREAS--PHYSICS PIC TAGS--SILICON SEMICONDUCTORt PN JUNCTIONs VOLT AMPERE SPACE CHARGE OENSIrY :,COINTROL MARKING-440 RESTRICTIONS 00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASStFIED -PROXY-REEL/~RAHE-3007/1135 STEP NO--UR/0185/710/015/004/0599/0605 CIRC--,NCC.ESSION,Ntj--AP013t)555 Z/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 ACCESSION NO--AP0136555 GP-0- AN (I o ci ARSTRACt. THE EFFECT OF (,'~( NELS F RME N -REAL ST P-N JUNCTION SURFACES DUE TO THE VARIATION OF: THE, $URFACE POTENTIAL ON THE REVERSE CURRENT VOLTAGE CHARACTERIS'11CS OF THE JUNCTION AiAS STUDIED EXPTL. THE CHANNELS WERE FORMED BY THE APPLICATION OF A14 -EXTERNAL ELEC. FIELDv BY CHANGING THE GASEOUS MEDIA,,~ OR HY LO'd TE14p. -HEAT ING. THE EXPTL. RESULTS WERE C014PAREO WITH THEGI(ETICA-t CALCNS. MADE N, 1HE, 0 MEAS _0 ASIS OF SEVERAL INDEPENDENTLY URABLE CHANNEL PA -MECHANISMS CGNSIUERING THE.LOCALIZATION EFFECT OR THE POSSIBLE OF INCREASED CONCN. OF RECOMBINATION C6f4,TEPS WITHIN THE ~-`SURFACE SPACE CHARGE REGION OR THE NONEQUIL.~CONDITLUNS IN THE CHA%NNEL ARE~_SUGGESTED TO FI.ND GOOD AGREEMEN3 .~ BETWEEN THE EXPT. AND THE THEORY. 'FACILITY: ENST. POLUPROV.t KIEV* VSSR. UNCLASSIFIED No I USSR :UDC 621.311.22:621.3.016.31 CHELIDZE, G. V., LYASHENKO, YU. V., SVANISHV'ILI, It- NVO ZAZLYEV, B. N. "Problem of Optimizing Electric Load Distribution of a Thermal Electric Power Plant" Vonr. razrab. i vnedreniva sredstv vychial. tekhn.- V sb. (Problems of Collectioti of Works), Tbilisi, Development and Introduction of Camputerp 1970, pp 250-254 (from RZh-Elektrotekhnika L9nergetjka:No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 2 Yell9) Translation: The problem of economical distribution of the electric load -getween the turbo units of thermal electric power plants can be solved by means of the analog computer based on an algorithm developed utilizing the method of relative increments of heat consumption. Th4~ data on the thermal loads of the units and the total electric load of the electric power plant are Input to the analog computer, and the characterlettcs of the expenditure and relative increments of heat consumption are simulated. The distribution of the electric load of the condensation oection of thit turbo units is c&lcu- lated by comparing the relative heat Inermosts In the condanitation flow of steam after which the values of the optiml alectric loads Qf the unite are determined. There is 1 illustration and a I-,ontry bibUvgrqhy. 103 low I 7.1 sty 0"IESTICATION OF STUTFAMULECULAR STRUCTMUS OF VATCX-SOLUBu POLYKM3 AND THEIR ADSORPTION ACTIVITY [Artlas by_g~~- v Ktqv; 4*v, ti=ika, No S. 1471.77-Ma"Ta-uMe Pumka,". pp-gC-100] One of the mathodi"Ifij- decreasing turbulent trict-tan. ,in the introduction of iftni~nifiornt quantities or Poiy- drap mars (high-molecular pol~aor7lamldc, carboxymethyl. oellulose, pilyothylone oxide, and others) Into the bo=dar7 layer- -zone. Son* authors ire. 10, 13, 15, 161 attempt to attribute the effect of a dacrenie In frictional d.-ag to the viecoeel*M t1c propertiov of ~7olutions of polymers. In this case the ine,ehaninn Is as ruiiows, under the Influence of great sheor atreaves the nneromoloculos, being deformed, store vlamtit on- argy and traniform it into the potential onorCy of linear- C!.%- pension nnd deformation. !'he opinion also prevails that the extinction of 2riall: scale turbulence at the expense or thu vi3coolaotic eharactar 12tics or the solution cqn occur only at an onaontInIl 3upra- -noleculor level, that is, with the presence or supratnalocular formationa In the boundary layer A.-Y. Since there is still no definite point of viaw concern Ing the mochanift or the Influence of addition of polyimerv an the structure of a turbulent boundary layer. It was deatmble to invontigato in what region of concentrationn the macronol_ 0culoo are capable of struoturo formation in aquoouz solutinja of polymers used no anti-turbulent admixtures. For detecting narociatoo in aqueous solutions of poly- more it is common to employ the Dame methods an in thft col- Joidol chemistry of surface-active substances with it. colloidal- micellar structure F, L, "f Code: Ac .c. Nr: 0045596: ~pRIKARy SouRCE-. Klinicheslm~& Meditsinap 1970, Vol 48, Nr pp THE RMOTE RESULTS OF14ORTICOSTER,011) THERAPY OF PATIENTS WITH INFECTIOUS 'HEPATITIS Kortev, A.-I.; ~yashevq A. P.; Taran:, V. V~l S u m:M a r y The authors examined 318 patients convalescing from infectious hepatitis in periods up to five years who were subjected to -tteraid (198-mses) -and rou-tine desintoxicadon (120 ca- st-_ - control) therapy, After steroid therapy recovery enzued in 65.9 per ccrit of patients, in thecontrol group - in 53.6 per cent. Iformone therapy redtifes the In6d'ence of form, ation of chronic hepatitis. There was not a sin_rlecasi~ oi liver cirrht5sis, WJJL~Jre~jy tile number of re- lapses decreased by 2L/., times. Under the influence of sleroids Ooze wai seen a marked tenden- cy to normalization of the metabolism of trace eleinents (copper, cobalt,, tungsten and nianga- nese) studied colorimetrically, this being less noticable in rowtine therapy, how-ever, their con'ent in the blood, urine and feces aite.- an acute stage of tile disease does not retichm mor- mal values. The accumulation of cebalt and tu ngsten in the,btood of convalescelits, within 12. months was noted in persons with residual maniiestations a I hepatitis, moreover, the lovtl of cobalt was above normal by 103.5 per centi that. of tungsten r- by 41.1 per cen44 wheteas in persons with chronic hepatitis a distinct cupremip was ob5eriied. REEL/FM%IE :19780573 USSR UDC 533.601.16.,533.9 ~SERGEYEV, V. L., BEZLADNOV, G. M., LYAS.HKEVICA, V. D. "Experimental Study of Heating of Blunt Body by a I'lasma Strenm" Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol. 20, No, 4, A r. 71, p. 6212-627. Abstract: This paper presents the results of measurement of Ihe heat flux from a high temperature gas jet to a blunt body in the area of the stagnation point asa function of blunt radius, top angle of cone body, pressure and stagnation enthalpy. A generalized formula is produced, relating the heat flux to the para- meters mentioned. The results of measurements performed with an electric arc heater agree well with measurements made in shock tubes. 41 USSR UW 517-949 LAPINt A. V., and LYASHKO, A. D.1 Kazan' "Study of the Net 111-fethod for Nonlinear: Elliptic Equations of Any Or- :der" Ilatematika, No 10, Kazan', Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy A ()ct 70, pp 37-43 Abstract: The article studies a difference scheme (s,:)Ivability, ap- proximation, convergence) for quasilipear elliptic equations of the order 2m, for which the ideas of nonlinearmonotone operator theory and the method of energy inequalitiesare widely usads Proving con- vergence involves a certain difficulty due to the inhomogeneity of the boundary condition, which occurs in constructing.difference schemes for equations of an order higher than the second*; Tha "effect" of this condition is eliminated by special construction of an auxiliary function. The article is limited to the case of,one aquatiom, A_ " ; I -; USSR UW -1121-154 595 LYASMI, G. L., T-vlas Sanitary-Epidemiological Station of 'the Kirghiz SS-R L "TheEcology of the Ticks Ixodes kazakstwii. 01o et Sor. Me Season.8-1 Course of the Activity of the Ticks" Moscow, 14editsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitamyye Bolozni, Vol 42, Ila 1, Jan/Feb 73, PP 36-39 Abstract: In a study conducted In the vie-inity of the tovn of Talas, SSR, by reason of frequent attacks of - Ixodpa kazakstinri on hun. anra, it wa s established that ticks of this species parasitize on siiiall anilrals and birds that feed on the ground, including mouze-like rodents, heaves, and pheasants. They inhabit places with high himiidity, and occur generally war the ground, vhere the tern)erature and hwddity are most stable. Ticks of this species are seldom found on cows and horoes. Me Imago have two pezqks of al~tivity, in the spring and fal.1, being most nw.,erous in the -fall. 7hey twe practically not. encountered from the middle of Jime until1he early part of Pvooast. N~VITLphs are active from early May until the end of October arid: I ae from the middle Arv of June imUl the middle of A~wglast Oe6 tif' r'A T Higher Algebra me USSR 518/539 -_~BUBLYK9 B. M., and LYA�UKO,, 1:.;., Corresponding MeMber of the Academy of, -Sciences Ukrainian-SSR, Kiev State Urjive~rsity "Determining the Dynamic Characteristics of Orthotrdpic Plates by the of Total Representations" Method Kiev, Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainsikoi RSRo Seriya A Fizyko- -,Tekhnichni ta Matematychni Naukyj No So Aug 70v pp 702-706 Abstract: The use of the finite difference method to solve problems in elasticity theory involves difficulties resulting from the need to study systems of alaebraic equations of-a rather hi4h order, especial- ly in the case of problems involving the search for the dynamic char- acteristics of thin elastic plates* The article shows thp4t these dif- can be largely overcowby the method of total representa- tions. The authors consider problems of determining the, frequencies ,....~and.forms of natural oscillationsp critical forces.and forms of stabil- loss of orthotropic plates. So utions are given in relation to __aOqundary conditions. The problem oi findin~g the frequencies and criti 1/2 USSR 'BUBLYK, B. M.v and LYASHKO, I- I-p Dopovidi Akadamil Nauk Ukrainsikoi ASR Seriya A -- Fizyko-Tekhnichni ta Matemetychn]. Nauky, No 8, ~U_g 70, PP 702-706 Ical forces reduces to finding the roots of certain characteristic determinants of a rather low order, which does not exceed the number -of nodes along the plate edges. A study of the;se determinants makes 'it possible to prove theorems about their representwtion in the form of the sums of partial fractions and polynomials of low degree. The usual net method as applied to problems of this typelinvolves finding roots of characteristic determinants. of -a high ckrder, equal to ',:,'~f.the number of all interior points of a domain. ~-2/2 .7 _1 dig ED'' PROCESSI 6 UATE-- UNCLASSIF1 N 30OCT70 r_.ftlE-RENGGRAPHY- AS A METHOD~OF EARLY~ DIAGNOSIS Or- PI 4ECLUNICAL FORMS OF ..-,-:-,RENAL ANGIOPATHIES IN PATIENTS WITH DIAbETES MELLLTUS -u- .,:.:i,A&HOR-(03)-O,GANESOVAv V.T., LYASHKOv K.YAO P' YUDINI Li-Ae ;,_c"TRY OF. INFO---USSR ii',,.-,-SGUf4CE-TERAPEVTICHESKIY ARKHIV* 1970t VOL 42i Nk 6, PP 75-77 ~".'__dATE PUBLISHED---70 AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TAGS-DIAGNOSTIC METHODS, DIABETES MELLITUS, KIDNEY, RADIOSOTOPE CUNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -.-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--3002/1-910 STEP NO--UR/0504/TO/0421006/UOT5/0077 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129259 UNGLASS1 FL16L) . .. . ...... . 2j2_ 019 UNCLASSIFIED PXGCESSLAIG DATE--30OCT70 ~._,CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0129259 .-;-.,.ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE METHOD OP,RADIIIISOTOPE RENCGRAPHY WAS USED FOR INVESTIGATING PATIENTS WITH DIAIIETES 14ELLITL)S TO REVEAL EARLY PRECLINICAL FORMS OF RENAL~AFFECTION. ;A TOrAL OF 50 PATIENTS WITH DIFFERENT DEGREE OF THE DISEASE SEVERITY IMILD, MODERATE, ACUTE) INCLUDING 22 PERSONS WITHOUT ANY CLINICAL SOPTO145 OF RENAL ..AFFECTION WERE EXAMINED. IT WAS ESTABLISHEO THAT RENOGRAPHY IS OF DIAGNOST IC VALUE WHEN USED IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER METHODS OF AND. WHEN ACCURATELY DONE CAN BE USED lioR EAiRLY DIAGNOSIS OF-;PRECLINICAL FORMS OF RENAL AFFECTION AN DIABETES: MELLITUS. KAFEDRA GOSPITALINOY TERAPII I KAFEORA RAUIOLOGII I I MOSKOVSKOGO MEDITSINSKOGO..INSTITUtA IM. 1. M. ~SECHENOVA. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 537.312.5 Kn=_OV, I I _T, Iv IC, -v R .0. andi LYIERCIZ,A P . "Effect of Laser Radiation on the Electrical Par~netero of DIGS Structures" '-a, No. 4, 1970, -Kiev. Poluprovodnikovaya tekhn-VI-ai itlikroelektrogi, pp 105-107 Abstract: The plurpose of this article is to investigate the effect-s of laser radiation, used for perforating, and re,,~istor ad- justing in intue-,,-,rrate(~ circuits, on the semiconductor device-o in Specifically, the artice i;tudios lacser-,~ade to theoe circuits. U metal- oxide -semiconductor trans-istors of' the plazar otmcture, u-s- ing n-and p-ty~e silic'on, as well as I(IOS varactorv mnde of' ii-type Si. The laser used as the radia-tion source in the experin-ents was of the I'Luch-l" type operating in zhe pul3e mode, In Whicil, ti'le ac- tive nateriall ruby with a O.Or- admixture of Cr. The DIOS structures were irradil-led -vith an unlocused beam ivhose enerjy -was insufficient to da=age the target- surfaces. Changes of taransi- 4.- ---. t Characteristics in t-Ile 1,10S transistors were inventiEated; tiLe var- actors were investiEazed for changes in the voltampere character- a a Ituictiori of -the vo2ta-e applied the cai)acitance istics and in in the cut-off directio-ti. 1/1 71, mSR UDC: 621.375.82 IYAI;HnK- A--P. KARPIKOV, I. I , LITVINOV, P. 0., ."Influence of Laser Radiation on Electrical Parameters of Metal -Oxide- Semiconductor Structures" Poluprovodn. Tek-lin. i Nikroelektronika. Resp. Mezhved. Sb. [Semiconductor Technology and Microelectronics. Republic Interdepartmental Collection), Alo. 4, 1970, pp 105-10, (Translated from.Reforativnyy 7hurnal Fizika, 'No. 81970, Abstract #01145, by the authors). Translation: The influence of laser radiation on the characterist:ics of MOS (metal-oxide-semicondtictor) devices is discovered. in the case of MOS transistors, devices of n-t~j)e silicon are most strongly affocted. 'llie discharge current -is increased by 2-3 times. For MOS variactors, a de- crease in capacitance and an increase in leaka6e current areinoted after irradiation. The changes which develop are stable and irreycfrsible. rhe presumed nature of the changes is discussed. 6 biblio. refs. Li A. . ..... .... . 7-1 012 UNCLASSI FIED PROC8SSING DATE--230CT70 L,E--INFLUENCE OF SOME FACTORS ON THE MOLDING OF TUBES FRUM QUARTZ GLASS U ~,,4.UTH0R--LYASlNp V.F. --USSR TRY OF INFO _,f~SBURCE-STEKLO KERAM. 19709 27(2)t 14-16 _J_A ------- 70 E~PUBLISHED --MATERIALS ...~'UBJECT AREAS J.0P,IC.TAGS--QUARTZ GLASSt GLASS PROPEKTY# GLASS TUBEt lNOus*rRIAL t~.PRODUCtlffit-VACUUH FURNACE -CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,7PR,OXY,REEL/FRAME--1995/1256 STEP NO--UR/0072/70/027/002/0014/0016 '~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116718 ONCLASSIFIED -2 f2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-230CTIO .~"WIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116718 .;ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE WIDESPREAD TECHNIQUE OF THE G OF ROCK CYYSTAL OR PRODUCTION OF TUBES CONSISTS IN THE PERIODIC MELTIN%Y .:GLASS BLOCKS IN A HIGH FREQUENCY VACUUM ATM. FUKNACEP WITH THE SUBSEQUENT DRAWING OF THE MELT VERTICALLY DO4NWARDS 14ROUGH A RINGLIKE SLIT AT THE BOTTOM OF A GRAPHITE CRUCIBLE. FOR MOLDING PURPOSESv A BULB IS FORMED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE CRUCIBLE. THE PROCESSES INVOLVED ARE CONNECTED WITH HEAT TRANSFER PHENOMENA# MECH, MOVEMENT OF THE HIGHLY VISCOUS MELT9 AND THE PHYS. PROPERT.IES OF THE QUARTZ GLASS, FROM WHICWIN THE FINAL ANAL. 'THE GEOM. DIMENSIONS OF THE TUBE DEPEND. THE .-EFFECT OF THE TECH. FACTORS ON THE MOLDING OF THE TOBES IS AT THE PRESENT TIME STILL NOT SUFFICIENTLY CLEAR. A LARGE NO. OF EXPT, WERE MADE RELATIVE TO THE MEASUREMENT OF THE OUTFLOW AND THE YIELD COEFF., ~'AND RELATIVE To THE STUDY OF THE EFFECI OF TECH. FACTORS ON THE GEOM. ,'_,ASSIZES OF'THE TUBES MADE Fk(3A QUARTZ GLASS. FROM THE MEASURED PARAMETERS OFJHE TUBES# GRAPHS WERE CONSTRUCTED SHOWING THE RELATION OF THE OF THE PROCESS ON THE TEMP*' AND THE RATE. THE RELATION OF '.-THE PRODUCTIVITY 04 THE DRAWING RATE AT-A CONSTt. T~Mp. IN THE WORKING __ I :; ,' E ,,:.,TEMP. RANGE IS CLOSE To LINEAR., A FORMULA WAS DERIVED TO DESCRIBE THIS -RELATION. 77!~~ USSR UDO 5)5.215.1 NTROV. ARSEENIYEVA-GEYLI, A.N. "Photoemission From Thin Layers Of Barium" Uch. zoo. LGU (ScIentifie Annale. 14ningrad State Universtty), 1970, No 354, PP 30-33 (?rom --Elektronika i ye 4971, Abstract yo Rrimeneniye No 2, Fe4ruary No 2A9) Translation: With the object of deteratining the depth of the pbotoolectron yield$ the photoemission from barium films of variouo thi,~kneaDus (obtained by Ouccaeoivo dopocition on q;jartz oubotrateis) is investigatoid. Tiji resultant do- pendences are prooentad oV the quantum y1old on tho thiolwoozi of tho layor, which have a maximum, the positio of whIch doon not doporxi on Via wwvtk longth usid which corresponds to r%,' 75 2. Tho wor1r. function of barium la czatormired by tho Fowler method and its dapendance on the thicknava 0t a fi'~m which dioplaye a monotonic growth during decreano ot -the thickmas from IC* to 50 R ia proventod. On the baois of the rosulto obtulgod, tho Mini= villue or tr,* dopka of photo- electron yield erem barium is estimated ta 'be 4:magriltude' of A.-160 L. 2 ill. 7 ref. N.S. 53