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WSR GALE=, P. Pt, et al,j Doklady AkadexII Bauk BSSRv ~01~ 15r,,NO Zo 1971, PP 134-136 The neehwdsm for photogmpUe recordlmg of the loadlqi; wirm and the bysteres-ts loop conal-stnd of mlxrors w:lth illutinato=o a ta" dxJLve machanisn, photographIc tracIng paper, and ar. electrudc. module for remote control of the stand. Me stand is designed for testine; small q*3meas at different tewtatures arA over a wide ravae of defQ=tIoa,xaUa!* 2/t Emil UR o482 Soviet I' 11ustrat exwent,-?~'761 nventions I e Section I Chemioal, D 238027/INDUTRIAL INDUCTION FU~~CE has a primory coil which- is 3a-UsLg6ed that'it pervqa; -at the same i;ime as a s"Ied fur~ac-6 casXng.'; Coil 1 is a copper. tube and tts,~turhs .2 are vrq"ed with glass mica tape. The finished coil is pli,qo between two plates of glass textoliti~ 3.4., an(I 111*1d pqxy. resin iqA glass together by tie rods :A layer o9 o fibre cloth is then applied to Omter iurf~4-' and allowed co polymertatk. Cova~ 41W!d'~Oattolm 80:' of the finished furnace are also Afni4d with j'~06� te xtolite. 18.5.62. as 778519144-7..~~ D-i.WRA4V et alia. (4.7.69.) Bml.9/20.21:69.: Clas&21h. T-ir rA. H05b. AUTHORS: ~obashex...B.--P-rt Kuni~skiy,,V. N-~,, Spetsovskiv M. N.; and Famin, A. A, -19,740016 IMM"! limm1will Ki3Kzm:Ft ! ! 19740017 RIM, rim-, IAII. I USSR uw, ~621.3(34.634 BASARGIN, YU. G., KOMAR, YE. G., TkBASh'.RV._Y._O., Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and SHUKEYL0,1. A,, Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Equipment imeni D. V., Yefremov, leningrad, and Lenin&-rad Institute cif Nuclear Physics imeni B. P., Nonstantinov l~ '%edium-Energy Proton qynchrotron as Souree~of Intense,~Kaon:Beaa Moscow, Doklady Akademil Nauk SSSR, Vol 209, no 4, 19?j, pp 819-821 Abstractt The best source for obtaining medium-energy Mons is a 5- to 7-Gev proton accelerator. It is difficult to determine curroat requirements at the present time, but if existing programs for the moderni%wtion of operating ac- celerators are considered, then apparently the imiediate problem is to increase intensity by - 2 orders, that is, a med-ium cvx~,*ent of 100 m1croam- peres. This is not beyond presc-nit-day technical capabilities If a fast synchrotron with an injector-linvar accelerator of the Nieson factory" type is uBed. 777777_i UVC 621.373.6-26:550.3 USSR :LOBKg~, m. Ifl. and CHISTYAKOV, A. B. "Experimental Investil-,ation of the Effect of the Dimensions of 1,2he Transmitting Aperture and the Focusing ~ of the i"~Jaser. Pe= on the Laws of Distribution of the SiGnal level Fluctuations in a Turbu- lent Atmosphere" Moscow, V sb. X Vses. jkonf. T)o rasDrostr. rad-JGvoln, Tezisy dQ111. (Tenth All-Union Conference on the Propagatiol-I ol' Radio Iiaveq; Report Theses--collec-Ijim 'Tlauka," 1972, pn, 222-224 R OD (from -RZh--;,adiotekhnika, No 10, 1972, Abstract~lfo 1' 357) Tz-ansiation: Results are given of an investigat'I'lon into the dis- tribution densi ty of laser bean fluctuations 0. 6'~,' ~k ) f or various beam focusines and a~*,Ierture output di_neimioni~;, *,._',tL,.h an increase in the aperture, the la,.~r of fluctixa-tioij distribution ap- proximates the syrimetrica.1, whero ttbe IIrtxijrLw,, shifts toward the higher levelLy. Data is _:LVC_.,,~ :of 4-11(! Lf-' I - -, _Ct 0 the aperture dimensions and the beam focusiiig, on tho -.itatJ..,jtictI,:L characterintic of the oigmal ai~ a function of tbP dinicliuion~; of the -receiving aperture and the i~ind velocity. Jk~. L. 74,-- mom USSR UDC; 621~396.677.012.12 "Effect of a Highly Nonuniform Medium on the average Radiation Pattern of an Antenna" V sb. Materialy Nauch.-tekhn. konf. Leninar. elektrotekhn. in-t svyaz:L. VvP. 3 (Materials of the Scientific "d Tg!chnical Con- Fe-rence ot Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute of Com- munications--collection of works,.No 3), Len'Digrad, 1971, pp 230-233 (from RZIi-Radioteklinika, No 3, Mar 72~, Abstract No 3B8) Translation: Expressions are given which describe the average radiation pattern of an antenna with aperture lo- cated in a medium with strong fluctuations in! pel -11iittivity. Bibliography of five titles.: Resi~m6. I f: if: 112 ols UNCLASS D PROC f: 5 S I NG DA F E--04DEC7 0 TITLE--SURFACE TENSION OF KRYPTONv METHANEt DEUTERomulfAKEt AND OXYGEN -U- ~AUTHOR-(04)-BLAGGY, YU.P., KIREYEV9 V*A.? L08KOv "OP.? PASHKOV9 VsV* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-UKR. FIZ. ZH. (RUSS. ED.) 1970v;15(3)v 427 j2 OAT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--SURFACE TENSIONt KRYPTONt METHANEr OXYGI:No DEUTERIUM COMPOUND CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFfED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/0948 S TE PNO--UR/0185/i'G/OL'~j'003/042T/0432 __CfflC ACCESSION NO--AP0136379 212 018 RO C I- UNC L A 5 c1 F I E 0 P. ---liSING DATE-04DEC10 C I R CACCESS ION NO -AP0136379 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT -W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE 0 1 F Ff: R E: 141 Vi L M E r H 0D 0 F CAPILLARY RISE WAS USED TO DET. THE TEMP. 0EPFNQ~.?lrE CIF THE SURFACE TENSIONP SIGMA, FOR KR, CH SUB4, CD SUB4 A-40 1) $Q 32 0YEIR THE ENTIRE RANGE OF TEMPS. A7 WHICH THEY EXIST IN, T14E LJQ. THF RESULrS ARE TABULATED AND S HOWN GRAPHICALLY ALONG, WITH THE OTHER l:XPTL. DATA. THE RESULTS CAN BE DESCRIBED BY THEYAN DER WAALS EQVArrou. THE DEVIATIONS WERE DISCUSSED FROM THE LAW Of CORRESP-ONOING STATES FOR. A LARGC- NO. OF SUBSTANCES AND THE REASONS FOR THE DEVIATIONS WEP"-E CONSIDERED. FACILITY: FIl* TEKH. INST* NIZKIKH TeMP~.,# KHARKOYP USSR& goo C' I UR 0289 PRIMARY SOURCE: Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdelertfa, /C4 SSSR, ly 'himicheskikh Nailk,I Seriya K ~r 12(162), Nr 5, PP A. A. Opalovsky, V. E. Fyodorlbv. E. U. Lo-bk nc B. ci. U r C~j T~r -0 L. e h5e 11 k 0 7' 777- NEW X-RAY DATA ON TUNGSTEN AND RHENIUAJ SELENibi~s Se, ha lw-en dutermincii: Complete tables of iriterplanar. di*rances for WSe2 and IZ(.~ the NVSe2 lattice constants have been corrected. ReSe.2 prepared 'rom iS a IIeW StrLICtUM,inn. 1832 ...........................- *1' 2 016 UNCLASSIFIED, PROiCESSPIG DATE-13NOV70 I TLE--SYNTHES IS AND X RAY OIFFRAC'riwi STUDY OF r(JPI(PS I EN A140 RHENIV-14 IDES ~-U~- TELLU4 AU,Tf40R-(05)-0PALOVSKIYq A.A. pFEDOROV9 V.YE.o. L03KGVjj..E.U.,t ERENBURG2 VoG., SENCHENK09 L.No NTRY OF INFO--USSR OUk C AG o MAUR, L970t 6( 1 501-3 SOURCE- I ZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRr NEG ,.,.,,DATE. PUBL ISHED ------- 70 AREAS-, CHEMISTRYt MATERIALS ito A TOPIC -TAGS--X RAY DIFFRACT[ON, TUNGSTEN COMPOUNUt RHENIUM JCOMPOUND v, CHALCOGENIDE GLASS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~00CUMENT 'CLASS--UNCLASSIFfEO .-,-:PROXY:REEL/FRAME---;-1996/0898 STEP PIO--UR/0363/'70/006/003/056lfOS63 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118067 tr;CLASSIFILI 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED P~OCU$TNG 0ATE-13NOV70 CIRC 'ACCESSION NO--AP0118067 ABSTRACT/EXTqACT--(U) SIP-0- A3STRACT. W-TE AND RE-TE PlIXFS. AT A. METAL CHALCOGEN RATIO OF 1:2 wERE tiEATED IN EVACUATED Ar4ll, SELLED QUARTZ AMPULES AT A RATE OF I-IOUEGREES PER MIN. AND CALCILNEO.AL SUB2 0 SU133 SERVED AS THE DTA REF. THE HEATING CURVES ARE CHAACJ~RIZEU BY.2 _Fll CAUSED BY THE HEATING EFFECTS, OF WHICH THE ENDOTHERMAL'EFFEC . is PELTING OF TE AND THE EXOTHERMAL EFFECT CORREVONDS TQ;OXIDN. OF TtiE METAL WITH TE. THIS MEANS THAT Ti4E REACTION oEiWEEN W~ANO RE PRUCLI:DS ONLY WITH FUSED CHALCOGEN. THE RATE OF THE HETER,O!SENEOUS REACTIONS IS -INTERACTION SURFACEv WHILH VARIES STRON"Y DEPENDENT ON THE SIGNIFICANTLY-IF GAS IS USEU IN THE REACTION.: k%~SUal WAS SYNTHESIZED AT 7500EGREES FOR 25-30 HRI ANO RETE SVa?_ AT 800DE~311EES l'OR 60-5 HK" THE.SAMPLES WEERE STUDIED BY X RAY~PHASE AND lit A.NA~.YSEJ6 THE UNIT CELL -P :PARAMETERS WERE CALCD* BY USING COMMPUTC~ So~ THE AGI(EEMENT dETWEE14 THE ~~_.--IMEASUREU AND THE CALCD. 0 SUtkHKL V.ALUES,WAS NOT VEJkY GOOD, ESP. IfN YHE LARGE- AN (;L ES REG 1014. FACILITY:1 1,Nf;T. NEO:Rl;* 0114., NOVOSIBIRSKir USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR IJDC: 621.396.67.001.24 I nTI MIL-M it "Concerning Wave Depolarization by,Strong Fluctilatiolls ill Per- mittivity" V sb. Materialy Nauch.-tekhn. konf. Lenintr, e~ektroceklin. in-t syyazl. VYp- 3 CINTaterials of the SE71-entl c all,ll TecMilca-T &n- terence ot Leningrad Electrical E In6bring Inotitute of Com- munications--collection of works, 0 3),'rad, 1971, pp .227-229 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No'31, Mar 72,Abstract No 3B3) Translation: The characteristics of the depolarized field are analyzed; a differential equation with fixed cbefficients is given which, together with boundary conditions:and.the con- dition Of radiation,, describes the.average transverse depola- rization field of radiation from an antenna ofbouaded dimen- sions in a nediu:,a with strong permittivity fluptuations. Bib- liography of three titles. Resum6;, UrLkkar, A. S., Reception Ut a nuctuatin; urtical%nignal rrnsovskiy. It. K. vaytael" V. Optiriz.ti.n of filt QpLltal ~Ildt4rOdYnlilg SYf;LV- I Shchelkunov. K. H. Analynts of the Synchronization of an Optical Co=unic=tion Choottel with Ti~4.e - ----------------- Litwinova, T, P., Frvquuncy_~pact Corrclation function of the Lobk"z, L. M. t=plltudea of !49ves krapaZat-d in a L;.c;tL)y Labkove. L. H., Effact, Of AMplitUdd And Fbase Field Distribution ChIstyakoVs A. it., at a Later Ijutput u% ths, 4potial Cr*sran" of -4. tht ~Laser.Lv"aign ............ "ttsttitt*111ti ;Ii Lobk*vo, L. K.. ram% efw ilftw flustuatIoAd at tA& Aftfto* v( _Chiatyo*av. A. a.. Arrival of Laser Emission ..... .............. 181 Lobkow, H. M. N. V., GtatiszLcat L14ocription at Ha=itian and raddubn7y. V. V. La$uerre Photon Fl%xvs ., ............ I ......... 141 Kislitain. 14, V., quantum Mechanical Description of Save Proced- Poddubwfy. V. V.. ur*6 of 11amparametric Statidtics .............. 194, Fulamin, V. P. Paddubisly, V. V.. Potential Accuracy of Heasuring the Angular Trivo-ahenko, U. Va. Position of Photon Source ..................... isa volirtayev, P. C., Application of Sani.conductor Lasors for I.. MuLtichonnal Optical Communications - ........ ;02 radarav, Yu, F., Relation of tne Distribution FunCtiuan of a Strizhay"kly. V. L., Rarpenka, S. C., oussimonachronatic Signal and its Asapiltudea ~j B.tssy4v. A. V. baryugin, 1. A. optinizibtion )f optical-Bnnd Quantum Countin!; Kuramov. V. 11. 'systems ....................................... Adrianovs, 1, 1.0 Laser Emission Hodulation ..................... 221. Scodovich. N. A., Val-. -qzhonskly, V. It., Danilov. . S., Nestarovs, Z. V., atrovs, A. V.. Popov, Yu, V., Rossoov. X. N. 485 .......... TECHN I CAL 'I I A NSL A 710N fl(,,q FSTC.41T-23-7915-72 Wei I mAY01 TITLF: PROBLQU OF LASER BEM DATA TPLANSHISSION PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST ALL-V410A CONFERE%CZ. KIEV. SEPTEMBER 1968 muCIGN TITLE: PRI15LEM PEPIDACHI UFFORMAT511 LA?,fRrN 1ZLVQix9.IYEH AUTW)R: 1-. A. DERYUGIN, ET AL. WUILLE: KIEV OVER OF LENIN STATE MVERS11T IMZN% T.G. SCUDCHIM0 vao,lated fof FSTC bY ACSt NOTICE tl,i% pobbc.ation 1,.1-C bCC. tfA.5l'(CJ 1. 11~~""tld in tht Utigl"Al (C11, N. .1m."pt I..% kun madc 1" wify- the accuracy or any ".its:m4mi cont.1ined Thii tim'slatt". 1% publillivil Willi a sismittium or copy ciliting anti prarrhics prtliaration in prrwr P, v%livilitt- oltu d1%.C1"inAtiU0 nr sn(orimmtims. Appm~%d f,.r pithlit rd,,Aw. 111,mbumm iolimetrd. 008 UNCLA I NG )ATE-13NO1170 p 2 ROUSS I PURIFICATION ANES _u_ TITLE 0 i< ORGANOCHLOROSIL -~,.__AUTHOR- 105) -KL EBANSK I YAL, GRUBER V-14'. KRUGLOVAt G.Ait LO6KQVL V.D. CaVffl-AV OF INFG--USSR SPURCE-USSR 265,884 _KEFEAENCE--0TKRYTIYA, IZOBkET.t PK". 08RAZTSY, TOVAANYE tNAx, 11970, !DATE- PUBLISHED-17MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY N ATI TOPIC TAGS-CHEMICAL-PATENTt ORGANIC SILANFt CHLOkINATIG; DISTILLA 'CHEMICAL PURIFICATION CONTROL'AARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAM6--3002/14-80 STEP NO--IUR/0482/70/CDD/(",OD/0010/3~"i CIRC ACCESSION ND--AA0128879 212 008 UNCLASSIFIED, lqri~,ESSIJ~IGI DATE-.131NOV70 --AA0128379 CIRC ACCESSION NO ZA BY ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE COMPOS. ARE PURIFI-~ CHLORINATION WITH THE AID OF UNSAT0. 0RG4NO.CHLOROS I L01ES-, E. G, '4YLDICHLOROSILANE, FOLLOWED BY FRACTIONA METHYLVI, L OfSTN. OF ThE 13F 'PRODUCT. THE STILL RESIOUES FROM THE FRACNONAL OI$Tt, '4ETHYLVLNYLOICHLOROSILANE (CONTG. VINYL GROUPS) CAN:SE JSEU AS TH2 CHLORINATING AGENT. UNCLASS IFIED M"M USSR uDc.669.27,840,,051 OPADDVSKIY A. A. FEDOROV) V. YE.,, and YR. U. "Investigation of the Process of Interaction of Tungsterxi and Rheniwn With Chalcogene" V sb. Khallkogenidy (Chalcogenidea--collection of works) Vyp 2. Kiev, Naukova, Durika", 197o, pp 86-92 (from RM-Metallurgjn, 110 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11G171) Translation: For the selection of regimes for the synthosis of WSe2, WTe2, a ReSe2, and ReTe2, the nature of m4tal interactior vith ch 1co,,ene is studied by the thermographic method. 7he mixtures W-Se, W-o-Tej atid Re-Te of different composition (ratio oV metal: thalcogeno 1 : l;:1 L.5, and I -. 1) are studied. A study is rrade of the vacuum-thermal deoo~-pos:L'Uon of the seleas- ides and tellurides W and Re, and a study1s conducted,qf.the~mechanizm and kinetics of interaction of t1hese metals with chalcogentpt. 1 ill., 2 tables, 18 bibl. entries. S. Krivolaosova U= UDC 621-373.8-)6:621.396 LOBKOVA, L. M. and MYUTIN, YE. R. oThe FXfectiveness of Frequency Spacing on Optical Lines' of Cc~iuunication" Tr. ucheb. in-tov svMzi. 11-vo svyazi SSSR (I.Yozks of the Educational Ins-*itutes of Communication. US5R Ministry of Comunication),., 1972, vy-p-58, pp 45-52 (from P.Zh-- Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11 D294) Translation: Within the approximation of geometric optics, the authors study the processes associated vith the propagation of coherent uavos of the optical band in the turbulent troposphere. Expressions are derived for tKe coefficient of correla- tion at the point of reception between two. f luctuatirig e4velopes of aLgnals diff er- ing mith respect to frequency. It is shavn that if thacor~elatioa function of the fluctuations of the refractive index of the troposphere i.S,subjaetod to the Gau0s rule., then the radiu3 of the correlat ion with reopect to f requefty depends on the length of the route) scale of turbulence.,~an4 tbi intensity of fluctuation of the refractive index. Original article; three llluatratlone~ and thIleehLbliogr4ph.1c entries. Resuma* 16 roatchankov, V. H.,' Application or tite TsTn-ll) Pltzoc~ra=lc for Shadrikov, 0. A, Ultrasonic Scanning of a Laser Do&m .......... 402 Vanetsian, R. A" Wazion of the Lobe# of the Seflactiott Pattern Lobe4eva. L. H., of Coherent Light on Rotation of the Reflecting Smanylkin. It. 1. Surfaces ..................................... 408 A=sz'y~n. T. 1. Study of the Stati=t4ca1.7r,4-rti--c! Vzrt a t Clone or the Laser Yield Intensity on ;'ropagntion on a Ground Route .............. ............. 41, Areea'yan, T. I., Analysis of Random -- Vs.- etat-t-tts Vf , S---~ A, A. -Intehait-f In the Higho-Trequ,an ty. PaTt of the Spectrum; Uuting Propi&z~ 096 in the rropo"Otra 42U Gusev, V. G., Study of the PassaSt of these hadm1mitaid and vor;)~4jChik" Amplitude X"ka6twil Optical sand Signals Throuo this Atwmphave, ....................... 425 KI-17utin'.1fa. P., rXperisental Study of I-- t*XQ propagation its the, ktainsphato ....... .................... 429 ig r.. Chizzyskov,.A. B. Loblwv&. L. X. Powov Iluttuations of Laser Radiation Caused by a 'Turbulent AtmomphAte ..................... 4)5 vlasov, G. I., Laser Deam Videcinformatiem Transmalbsion Xange Lvin. 1. H. in an Aqueous medium ................. 443 Cents, V. N., Spatial and Time Characteristics of Atmospheric ISIRMADV H. V. ' Notes in the Visible WAvito of the S;pectrum 447 Vsytsel . V. I., Zbtwlevtaovo S. S. Holographic Recording Through Random Media ... 453 Senkevich, 0. V., i rrequency Stabilization of Laser Emission by Lymakov. Ye. I., the A=eiva Method with the Application of an OsIP0v' Yu. It. Auxiliary Heterodyne ......................... 460 Xegorov, Yu, P., Experimental Nessurenent of the Natural Rodia- Petrov, A. S. ior, Line Vidth of n Gas Laser with Cool-led ypes of Oncillations, ........................ Sagatov. Z. A.. Correlation Analysis of Cho Coherence of Lamar Nazarov, A. U. Emission .................................. 471 Sagatov. Z. A.. Laser Holes 13uring Operation of an Optical *11 t rov A. U. a a Quantum Amplifier ............................ 478 484 - 712:C13-1 fjr;ij I NGLISH TITM PR05LCIS OF LASER MM DATA TRANSMISSION PROCEEDINCS OF THE FIRST ALL-UNEUM K:Ev. SEPTF-4BZR 1968 FI)REWN TITLFt rRoa~EL r=;AC-Ht T-1-rGIOUTS11 LAztpj,7m tZLzaiwim ZT, AL. SoURCE: KIV Q=F;t OF LWIN STATE UNIVMITY IMEn T.C. SCIICVCWM(; T, -sWaird for FSTC by ACS I 11-4vebeen transl4ted asprcimcd in the om7tiaj mitolpt I'As burn loatle tt. rrify tNr accuracy of any swcownt contained herein. tr."10ation is Publithc(l w4h a lonlimuln of copy e4itinv and praphics przp4mt;v* its order ~lo Vllv.lizk. 16 diswini"Ativ" Dri"rwinAtion. rw public ri-leasc. Mitribution wilinvited. VrilLar, A. S., Ret;apti~ or a Fluctuating opt I calln t gnal ..... 1ras-wrakayj tt. R. V. 1. Optimication &f an Optic.1i lietercniyninr Syst*m 152 ShchelLunov, X. N. Analysts of tie Synchroni:ation of oln optical cc-=Unicatiun channti. with Time W~fston MulmPLAKIna of the Pch 7runka. ................ 151A Litvin va T. P.. Correlation Function of tne Imlakova. m. Artplitudta of Wave% Propagated in a Lc"iIT Isotropic Turbulent Atmxphorel ..... i66 Lobk LL. -Ef~tset of-Amplitilia a" Phase Field D10tr2lbution 8 *t a*L"*r Outv= an the Special Cohtrance of the Laser Xmi*403o, ............................ 174 rapt and slow nuccuations or the Angles of __M Arft*ml at L"Or ESLOALCM ..................... 1411 Lobkov, H. H. X1.81i"ift, #I V-1 Stntiitical Description of Hermitijan and Poddubnyy . V. V. Laguerre Phovon-rlux" .................... 199 qUant(as Hsch. Kislitain. N. V., nice]. Description of Some PracvA- PoddubUry V. V., urve *I elooperametri.c Statistics ........ 19A, rul'sain. V. P. Podduboyyo V. V., Potential Accuracy of Measuring the Angular Tzivozh*nk*, U. Ye. Position of Photon Source ...................... 19a yelis*yev. P. G., Application of Sonizondattor Lastvs for Tsm4ilov, I., Multichannel optical Communications ........... Z02 redorav, Tu. P., ratarnovskays, L. G. Striahavskiy, V. L., Ralation of tn* Distribution Functions of a Karponko, S. G.. Quasimonothranatic Signal and Its Amplitud*o N5 5 igayav, A. V. ;Ueryll,~qtn, 1. A.. Optim"fitiou. of Optical-Band Quantum Coun"a% -44utamov, V. N. qyst4%=B ~ ....................................... 210 Laser EaLsvica Modulation ..................... 2Z& Brodavich, H. A. Vol-. thoaskly, V. A. , Dontlov, ", S., Hasterove, Z. V.. petrova, A. V. . Popov, Yu. V. Rotanov. H. H. 455 Y C- VA M 'i C A L NvS L A 10 N T I !~(;USH Il llft~ PROBLMS OF L=lt SE-44 DAVL MXiSAISS Ws rKOCrEOEN';e 'IF ItIt FIRSI =FERANCZ. KIEV. SEPTMUSS 1968 PItUSLgmy pEpMACIll It4VOWMIS11 LAZCMMM IZLUCMIV AUTfitttt~ t. A. DERYUG114. ET AL. 41 OADVA OF LERIP S'tATZ VftVWM lKXM9 T.G. SCMCAXMM T-mtaitd for FSTC by Ar_5 L NOTICE Ili, ,-its I,% J 01% ptiblicilitin kaw heen trinl4ted as pre%tstca in the onAi"Al lc~t, Nt' atitillpt h46 limn mawle to verify the accuracy of wly stitcrocnt contained hcrein. Thiii #N publabcd with a mil'it"L110 elf COPY CdirlIll .t Add VrAt-hMl P"FAMIGM in Order t" - jWdlo, the di'icmilwiun of mr-al".6m. Allfi-ftil fie publit rvicaw. M%tributits" onlimited. 4. USSR UDC: 621.396.67.001.24 A- T.- M., IVANOV, V. I. "Some Results of the Theory of Receiving Antennas" V sb. Materialy Nauch.-tekhn. konf. Leni.ngr. elektrotekhn. in-t Syzazl. VXR. 4 (Materials the Scientific Aind _iat1in1C_a1,_To11- terence ot Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute of Com- munications--collection of works, No 4), Leningrad, 1971, pp 156-159 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No.3, Mar 72, Abstract No 3BS) Translation: The field distribution in -the faep.1 p1afie of a rcceiving antenna is studied on the basis of flie theory of linear circuits. It is shown that the resulteAnt field in the focal plane can be deteymined on the basis of'the theorem of convoluti'on. Bibliography of one titles. 7 USSR UDC 539.3 ILIINI L. 1. and L~OgB~KOA ~-t Institute of Mechanics, Aqademy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR (Kiev) "Axisymmetric and Antisymmetric Stresses and Deformations In Shells of Revolution With P Meridionall Section" Kiev., Prikladnaya Mekhanika, Vol 9, tic 3, MAr 73j, pp 43-48 Abstract: In a problem dealing with the exisymmetric and antis.,1,1metric stressed state of thin orthotropic nonhomogencous shells of rewlution, including laminated ones, with an arbitrary configuration of the meridlar. during mutual shifts (dislocatione) of the edfres of the meridional section, it is shc-~:Ji that for its solution an effective method may be used, developed loor shells enclosed along a pnrallel, which is based upon the numerical intagrntilrin, with discrete orthogonalization nnd normalization, oil a resolving systea of differential equations that are obtained frow. the initial equations rAr the theory of tbin shells without any additional simplifications. 8 refereOes., 4 figures.~ 1A UDC 621-791-75.-037-52:62-419.4 TSYGAN, B. G., Engineer, "Pavlogradkhi=ash" Worka, KA1,11AKIN, N. I., Engineer, SYCH01, A. A., Engineer, VA4 104i ~, Engineer, 1l A -Union Scientific Research, Pie ng ~ 00 p ogical In- stitute of Chemical Machinery "Effeetiveness of Using Metal Additions in the' Automatic Welding of Two-Ply Steels" Moscow, Svarochno7,e Proizvodstvo, No 31 Mar 7P,, -pp 1.6-18 Abstract: Results are nresented of an experimantal investigation EB Zletermine the optimu~i quantity And granulometric oomposition. of metal additions, seleetthe most efficient seoaral'Jon of edges, develop welding methods, and study their effects on the xrechanical properties and the corrosion resistance in automatic welding of ts-ro-ply steel joints# The optimum quantity of ,mietal additions can be found from an empirical formula, on the basis of investi- gations and industrial tests, automatic flux welding of two-ply ateel, St.34-Rhi8inOT (UP to 32 mm thick) intwo trelding, operations using metallic crumb of cut wire waa adopted. Bimetal joints 1/2 TSYGAN, B. G., et al, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, 'NO Mar 72, pp 16-18 welded according to the now technology are ot high quality. The use of metallic crumb in welding.of bimetals increases the welding output without lowering the quality 0~"' welds. illustra- tions, 2 tables, 5 bibliographic ieterences 52 USSR UDC 632.95 CHEREPENKO, T. I., LOBODA, L. S., SHOKOL, V. A. "Search for Effective Compounds to Control the Powdery bUldews" Piziol. aktivn. veshchestva. Resp. mczhved. ab. (Physiologically Active Materials. Republic Interdepartmental Collection),, 1972, No 4, pp 17-19 (from RZh-nimiya, No 5 (11), 1973, Abstract No 5N617) Translation: When testing 18 different compounds on the conidia Erysiphe cichoracearum it was established that the'fungicidat activity of FhCh200C- (CH2)4COOH and n-MeC6H4 with S02N - CCISC1 in 0.1% coilcentration exceeds the activity of the karatan standatrd. LO UNCLASS[FlEl) PROCESSING.DATE-940ECTO -TITLE--LABORATORY EVALUATION OF FUNGICIDES AGAINST FLAVIVIACEOUS QEWY FUNGI AUTHOR--LOBODAAJ.4A__ ~.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '.`SOURCE--VISN. SILISIKOGOSPOD. NAUKI 1970p 13(1)m 659 'ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ..--SUBJECT AREAS--alOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIEN~ES T.OPIC TAGS--FUNGICIDE, TEST METHOD, AMMONIUM SULFIDEp SULFUR COMPOUND :,CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~GOCUMENT-CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED 11--P.AdXY FICHE NO ---- r-D70/605002/EOZ ST --IJR/0534170/ Q13/q0l/0U85/0089 EP NO IRC ACCESSION.NO,--AP0139468 UNCLASSIFIED ..... -1-17 1 2/2 016 UNCLAssir-tea Ji'ROCESSING DAT~--(340EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139468 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FUNGESTAM: PROPERTIES C).'tz DINOCAPt KARATHANEt, MC 1053t CULLOIDAL St AMMONIUM POLYSULFIDE, A1')'j)!-lijUlj H FERBAM ( I I I , AND THIOC INE I I ) HERE EVALUAHD FGA THEIP. EFFECTS ON THE CONIDIA OF ERYSIPHE CICHORACEARUMIANI) E. C',',"'~i'N'S, 4, MM 0 U N I UA POLYSULFIDE, 1, 11, AND III WERE OMLY~SLJGHTLY Toj;~' IC TO THE FUNGI, FACILITY: UKR. NAUK.-DOSLID. INST.'.ZAKHISTU RGSLINv~KIEV, USSR. UNCLASStFIED awy OF WIRIMS OP WAMINe ULEMENTS ON TIM OASIS OF PUENOMMIMICAL WJIUS A. 14. L. P. Psbril;s (D~eprvpvtr*vskj The -rort-ato taintl in application of analog mod#ls for deter-unation of tb* force aodes of operation of elements of heavy var1ints. in -.he rinhl; 21d %ataIJ;xrjjicx1 04"stry is disimsacd. The general probicas inValVod in the S%*%c"nz and Solution of the problem of 4ateraining inpa,:x parameters (Jurattost, "jinitudv and form cf impact pn1so, impW euvr4y, crefficient of yvititut i4n) . as wvI I as probIms of dotOrniving the 4)-nwaic, results of iX?&Ct 10"s Lotwoon the ClAstic lini,S Of anchinos ro3ulting fr:v, interaction of are presented. A Pothod is described far deterr.Antnr. areas of slatlity of perindic zaciJos of votion of izpArr und v.*trA;.cn-.;~j-azt System Usiu$ SnAlos Models, A VAerslized model for Substitution n! an elementary wft.~ of a n.-Itum. to'!. The callidir; bodies are con"Ijered 35 cv-nsi~-ins 0i a of tIOxMta-.- wll~s. Lach clemwul.iry volunt 41A its c.,pling t~ vol,~. 4n. repl-r.l VT a rheol.,gical .0del, the pr.,V.Cttir-4 of At J1- t'Mincj *,- %L, pvper-W. of tlv. viatcrial cr the gd,.104rp -04015 of ~1~ctrtl~tlc, and art A t L;xi'. 6J. tt is demonstrated that these viodrIG dr~cribe the prq~crltie, ZLI st~.cturAl rtatorialr. Used in a4chirw i,~Aildirg sufficiently purpoh.a or =~Jvl4n& of Me ehar.eterivics of the *ubsyt.ti,,n zoJtj* are cajc.!at~J r deter. Mil~J Qn 6e ~14114 41i 70Sultj Of Static and dyrrd,IC tests or az--rzt~. be callito.7.- o~ ra,111~1, Ch, %C=AtiC2I XNAW CIS XU4;CASTed CkSCri perio,l of tiatursi asciiiaotts- or hi el. is 1hort in ;vzparison to of the wlljoioe.. 71- "c of tho twul4l. sagft-stcJ For the ?~rii-ly zi Of eizz"Tz -1* ju"If-ivd, cxab~nl" art Prtsan%rd of 1-,~~delsng concrdtt 1"=* rh4 v*.1;rw-,-.,,,~-in~1C- sys-tva*-* a vort" ~tbrzzloa vra,lunarzor, an =,~aljnccd rvwT. a UlthV43t avid a Unavii 1AC Thu rbu;ijt~ s~ are C=+.r" --zb p-activ anilytic Rifl~Code- UR: 0300 00473317 PRMARY SOURCE: Ukrayal tAqk1-iWchnLy,2hurxui1, 19701, Vol 42 Rr 11, )N PROBLEM CONCERNING PARTICIPATION; OF SH-GROUPS IN THE PROCESSES OF METOEMOGLOBI-N VORMAkTtON or Research Inst, 7ute Pharmacolo&X and Toxfcilogy. Kiev S,u-vimary The interrelation between methemoglobin formation in di:~g blood and chang" in the SH-group content of erythrocytes and whole blood as -9)01 as the effect oi !thiol preparations on methemaglobin reduction with nitric and jidline m0hemoglobillemia were studied. Vic data obtained testify to the fact that methijmo91,.-)j)in forma tion with poisoning dogs by sodium nitrite or aniline is accomplished by decreaw in the SH,gruup content of erythrocytes and whole blood. A single oubcutmieous~adminjstration of cy3teamine in combination with poisons In a dose of 0,5 g weaktiLs to sorne ei:tent the development of methemogiabinaemia but does nat prvent f6in lest,on of the enzvmic systems containing SH-groups, These rmlts may-be a theorcCW preinise for searching new dernethemoglobinemic remedies among compositions containing SH-groups. UDC4~669.3.536.425 Aog,-r TKACHUK, V. K. and MUDROSs L. G., Institute of Phyrics of MeRa-s "Martensite Transformation in Thin Films of Copper-Alvaninum-1-lickel Alloy" Sverdlovsk, Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Vol 33~ No 1. Jan T2, pp 137-143 Abstract: The grouth and substructure formation of the yl phase elastic crystals in thin films of a copper alloy with 14,1% Al and 5% Nii have been studied. The y'-phase crystals in thin films are most commonly platetet- shaped, which is, apparentlyadvantageoug for their srowth and interaction with the surrounding matrix. There is no crystal growth in pections with a high dislocation density. To generate martensite ery~stal growth under the influence of stresses, the dislocations must be a"azged in specific slip planes rather than chaotically, Ahead of the growing martensite phase crystals one observes a dislocatimmovoment %eaiiing" tLe trans- formation front which is =at likely related to rotressO, qith~ maximum aiinilar values at the peak of the martensitp crystol. ~Unlike phenomena 1/2 A LOBODYUK, V. A., et al, Fizika metallov I motalLvedoniy Vol 33, No 1, Jan 72, PP 137-143 observed in twinning, there were to Aefecta (dislocations or twins) in the initial/31 hase near the growing brystals (along the interphase boundariej, This attributed to the fact the~arystal growth occurs in a thin Jf i3m. ill U~strELt ions, bibliographic references 2/2 45 I j~ n;o, Ysis a- ti A USSR MO 669.3 t 535. 533 - 35 .1. A.. MCEVY, V. K. , and KPANDROS L, G, Institute of Metal Phyafej~; A~exy of sciences Mrainian WR "C--t-Phase Crystal Norpholoa In a CU-Al-111 Alloy- SvercUovskq Fisika Pletallov I Metallovedeni"t Vol 33, No 1, 2 ~eb 72, PP 339-345 Abstracti A copper-base alloy containing 14,.1,,--51 Al ani 5%, A irith and N,, point close to room tem-poraturo wa-9 inveritigated y1th the &W of an electron jaicro- swpe, It was found ttat thei ema-rk,entite orys'.-M-16 canulat eT tDro ju~rts fourd in a twinned interre-lationzhip iihore tha tAnnAnS: planm vas (121) fo~ the gamma#-phasse. The crystal atructt=o (thin twinsl stachlng Awltn) form. simultaneously with the crystal for",tion, Between tho betm - awia-a'Ph~rze! the folloidng orientation :wlationahip c4n b9 observeas (101) ,/A001) Llincese folp7i folbi-Ty 0. Seven figureal 9 bibl Iiogzaphic. refe USSR UDC 5394389.2:669.15 DONUKIS, T. L., V. A., SAVVAIaN, G. I., TITOV, F. V., FEW's N. P al Id KHAND G., Institute OtHetal Physics, Academy of Sciences Ukr SSR "The Effect of Shock Loading on the Structure skid Properties of Fe Ni Alloys" Kiev, Metallofizika, No,32, 1970, pp 88-94 Translation: The structure and properties of Fe SO% Ni and Fe - 32% A alloys after the passage of shock waves of 100 and 300 kbar were studied. The loading was made by a shock of a steel plate. The time of the effect of high 6ressure was 1.4 microseconds. A shock wave of 300 kbar induceju an almost full transformation. A needle structurefunusual for aus- tenite, twins, and a cellular dislocation straolture~were observed in the T-phase formed. After theC(--7 tr" transformation induced,,by the passage of a shock wave, hardness reached 270 Hv, and the~~ I-N -phase hardened by.shock loading had a hardness of'220 Hv- Tho recovery of the 1/2 88 OCESSING DATE--040EC70 :1i.2- 013 UNCLASSUIED I ,-'.T,ITLE--EFFECT OF ZINC CONTENT ON THE TENDENCY OF BRASS TOWARDS CORROSION -U- .-AUTHOR-(03)-GLIKMAN# LoAst LOBOVt A.F.t RUDINt L*Ms .,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR OURCE-FIZ. KHIM. MEKHAN. MAT., 1970, 6, (1), 109-:110 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--MATERIALS TOP I C TAGS--BRASSt OSION CRACK(PIGe LIPIC SOLID SOLUTION# CORR ~~'_7CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .'.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--3003/0222 STEP PIO-IJR/03691'?0/01)6/001/010910110 C I RC' ACCESSION NU--AP0129478 UNCLASS I F I ED -7 - - - - - - - - -2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PMICESSING DATE-04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO~--AP0129478 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT# THE TENOENCY CF VARIOUS TYPES Of: BRASS TOWARDS CORROSION CRACKING 14A5 STUVIED AS A FUNLTION OF Zj'll CONTENT. 'SOME REFINEMENTS WERE ACCORDINGLY ipiTkocJu%-f_u itim Tyic- ExISTItic-, VIEWSr I.E. THAT INCkEASING IN CONTENT LEADS TO CORROMN -CRACKING. THIS IS IN FAC"r ONLY VALID FOR. ALPHA AND BETA BRASSE-3. IN WITH THE'.~,STRUCTURE OF THE GAMMA ~.SRASSES RICHER IN ZNv PARTICULARLY THOSE' -SOLID SOLUTIONs THE TENDENCY TOWARDS CORRdSION CR.~~`CKINGI IS GREATLY REDUCED. IN CY VAN' PURE AN THE TNEDNEN IISH,ES ENTIRELY. Iw-.l. mi7= USSR RUTKOVSKIY, I. V., LOBOVI A.. L "Device for Continuous Recording of Bloelsetrio Potentials of Plants Under Field Conditions" Kishinev, Elektronnaya Obrabotka Haterialov, ]to 1970, pp 81-86 Abstract: A device suggestnd for recording of bioelectric poten- tials of plants under field conditions is described, and a photo- graph and schematic diagram are presented. Since do amplifiers with direct coupling between stages have considerable zero driftp the devioe uses modulationp amplifioation-and oubsequent demodula- tion of the measured signal, The 7godulator.consists of a polar- ized relay. Temperature stabilization Is assimed b7 the ume of dividers in the base and emitter dircuits., Tkim conversion fre- quenoy is about 100 Hz. The sensitivity of U14 device varies between I xv and 1#3 vp in seven s.cale range#'~ 92 - _J/2 Oil UNCLAS~11'16 P CESS;ING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF RENORMALIZABLE IFIEoRIES OF WEAK :INTERACTION. IN EP SCATTERING PROCESSES i-U- .UT.HQR-(02)-LOBOVI G.A*T SHABALINt YE.P. .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .,'S.dURCE--YAD. FIZ. 1970, 11(5), 1125-7 ~4TEPUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS ~JOPIC TAGS--WEAK NUCLEAR INTERACTION# NUCLEAR SC ATTERING MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS AQOCUMENT'CLAS~--UNCLASSIFIED ~~_PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0590 STEP NO--UR/0367/7OfOll/UO5/1125/1127 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137675 ___UNC LASS I F:I E 2/2 oil UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137675 !-,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACTo TRADITIONAL FHEORETICAL SCHEMES -CONCERNING WEAK INTERACTIONS ORIGINATING IN THE s*ruDy OF HIGHER ORDER PROCESSES OR IN TRANSITIONS TO HIGH ENERGY LIMITSIANVOLVED IN SCATTERING PROCESSES HAVE PRESENTED SOME DIFFICULTIES. RENORMAL11ABLE THEORIES FACILITY: INST. FOR THE EP SCATTERING PROCESS ARE DISCUSSED* EKSP. FIZ.t MOSCOWr USSR. UNCLASSIFIED d~cer6 Recor4erti sod: ns USSR LOBOV, G.D., INRIASHEV, A.N. e-"Recording Of Submillimeter And Infrarod Radiation Witli The Ald Of The Tunnelling Junction Metal-InBvIntor-Matal" Tr. 110sk. energ. in-ta (Works Of The Moscow Power last'-~"tute), 1972, lasue 100, pp 95-101 (from RZ7h:Elektronika. i yeye primeneniye, No 8, August 1972, Abstract No 8B95) Translation: An analy-tical expreeelon is derived for tl,-.e tunnel currant flowing in a metul-inoulator-nmetal system acrour, a potential hrrinr of orbitrary form in a regima of small blasoa. A computntion is made of the farce!? of the nirror image and the thermionic. emission across the barrier, and cxporimrnt2 are Ocn- ducted with point contacts for detor~dnatian of the timu conv-tant of trunnit-ion of the RO-retworit- c.4' a pulse being detected, An a source of taicrowave oacill~-t- ions a klystron in the 5-rma range and a 00n laser with 01 radiation were used. The dependence woe measured of the magnitude and forra vf' the pulses detected cn the thickness of the dielectric fil=. Tungsten wiroB 15 inicron In diameter were layer grown in naturs-1 condition on an AI placed iii contact with an A1203 electrode. 2 ill. V.K. 1/1 USSR UDC 621.375.82 SHTYKOV, V. V., and GRATSIANSKAYA, Ye. I. "On the Possibility of Using the Magnetic.Moment of the Electrons of a Semiconductor Plasma to Record C02-Laser Emission" Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta (Works of Moscow Power Engineering Institute), 1972, vyp. 100, pp 70-74 (from RZh-Fizika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No D1019 by S. F. Sharlay) Translation: Formulas are obtained for the magnetization caused by the elec- trons in the conduction band of a semiconductor cyli3ider altuated in a inag- netic field. It is shown that it is possible to reco~rd the radiation passing through the semiconductor by measurement of the variable napetization con.- ponent. Estimates are given of the voltage appearin$ on the terminals of the induction coil surrounding the cylinder, as well,as of the magnetic field intensity necessary for the case of the passage of 002-laser radiation (.X= 10.6 microns) through InSb, RgTe, and,CdxHgl-xTe. USSR UDO (521-575,029-7-001.5 r,.n-, SHTYKOV, V.V., BOGETKIN, V.I., DRUGOV, L. V. OPossible Mechanism Of Discharge Cur-rant Change In 002 liffected By Laver Radiation" Radiotek-hnika L elektronika, Vol XVII, No 6, June 1972, pp 1246-1251 Abstract; One of the possible mechaniamB is considered for change of the die- charge current in carbon dioxide gas nffected by the rtidiation of a C~2 laser. The theoretical results are fcund in catiefactory agrement with expori=_ntal data. In the experiments particu).ar attention was po-j.d to the effect of radi- ation on the discharl '!a current in 002during irradiat'lon of' Ito cathode ropicn by a fine lasor boam. A theoretical and experi.rnontal ottlimtion wr_~Fj aloo mde of the efficiency of conversion of a detector oV infrared midiution, ting a change of discharge current. It is possible that the ilesulin obtained Jn tKis work can be useful during study of the processes in the gamus mrdium of 002 amplifiers and generators, and aloo during une of the ohango.- tf tlie discharge current for registering the radiation of a 00 les-3r. The authorr, thank E.S. Shiteman for participation in the conduct of he expertmenta. 5 fig. 0 ref. Received by editors, 12 April 1971. 1/1 USSR uDc: 621,396.69:621.319.4 ASEYEV, Yu. N., KRYACYAKO, V. V., LOBOV 1. Ye., SYNOROV, V. F., KOSOY, A. Ya. a, OWN "A Thin-Film Capacitor" Moscov, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennn-e Obrazts varn, e Zraki No 7, Mar 72, Authdrls Certificate No 329582$ Diyision~ G, filed 1-7 oct 69, published 9 Feb 72, p 205 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a tbin-fUm capacitor in the form of metal plates (e. g. comb plates) applied to a dielectric substrate and covered with a layer of dielectric naterial. As a distin- guishing feature of the patent, the capacitiwee is increaseCA without in- creasing the area of the plates by applying a layer of ~metal to the dielec- tric. 1/1 USSR UDC 681.325.5(047.1) LOBOV, 0. F. "Methods and Apparatus for Accelerating Arithmetic Operations in Digital computers" Penza, V. Sb. Razrabotka i Primeneniye Sredstv Vychisl. i Inform. Tekhn. Uch. Zap. Penz. Politekhn. In-ta (Development and Application of Resources for Computer and Information Technology Collection of Works, Educational Notes of Penza Polytechnical Institute), Vyp 1, 1970,.pp 60-69 (from Referativuyy Zhurnal. -- Avtomatika, Telemekhanika, i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 8, 1971, Abstract No 8B285, by~B. K.) Translation: Methods which accelerate arithmetic operatiowd, in digital computers by the use of special computation algorithms and which reduce the time needed for each addition are briefly reviewed. A.logiq, procedure for accelerating carry initiating signals is examined in Utail; the carry cir- cuits in the accumulator that are associated with this~procedure are con- structed from the ordinary elements of the. Computer. Expressions for the optimal lengths of groups of digits at each by-pass stage are derived, and the length of propagation of the carry initiating signal for the accumulator, 1/2 USSR LOBOV, 0. F., V. Sb. Razrabotka i Primeneniye Sredstv Vychisl. i Inform. Tekhn. Uch. Zap. Penz. Politekhn. In-ta (Development and Application of Resources for Computer and Information Technology -- Collection of Works. Educational Notes of Penza Polytechnical Institute), Vyp 1, 1970, pp 60-69 (from Refe-rativnyy Zhurnal -- Avtomatika, Telemekhanik..a, i Vychislitel'aaya Tekhnika, No 8, 1971, Abstract No 8B285. by.U. K.) which depends on the number of such stages, is determitied. It is noted that construction of circuits with more than two stages is-inadvisable. An example of the construction of an accumulator made from. Ural-10 modules is cited. The accumulator is designed for 54-bit numbersi and it allows a carry of approximately one microsecond in duration. 2 illustrations. 2/2 42 USSR UDC: 621-3-0119-75,M4 -T V TLUTC V, S.A., ASTI 1EGV, V. M., LOBOV _.T. T RE7,1KOV A, M. CIMMOVj Ye. A., SIYANO P IMOAL1110V m. P.~ ~Is notitute of Technology Sa KAYA., No P., Sc~entlfia Reseowuh and Product.-Lon Organization" "A Device for Combining Solid Circuits or Semiconductor Devioi-,i~ with Photote.-,plates" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izbbreteniyr., PropyshleanVe Obraztsjy., Tova=yye ZnaXi, No 3, 'iled lq.~ioy 66 1970, PP 51-52, patent No 259975, x Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a device, for combinin;~ solid cir- cuits or serAconductor devices with. phototei-.;plates and exposizg the msultant cardbimation. The device contains a table for combining the nolid-state circuit vith the phototemplate., an illuminator, power supply, coiatrol:unit and enclosure. As a distinguishin,- feature of the patent, precision of ol-,gistration is Jjr.!P--wed by fitting the cozebining table with a hemispherical suctLon davice fastened on a rotatia~g column and connected through a piston rod, movable sleeve, 4 cylinder, support b--seket and moving prismtic gaides to a f Lxed plate to which the phototemplate Is fastened. USSR UDG 62l-z85-7z5 'Oxide Cathodes fith Donee -~cvering BasedOn A Polymeric Binder" Elektron. tekhnika. 'Nuuchno-tekhn. ab. 3.1ektron. SV?Ih (Electronic Technology. Sciontific-Technical Collection. Microwave Slectronfca), 11970,~No 8, op 13-1-1'18 (from RZ-h--Elektronikb i Xeye priqer~ep lye, No 12, December 1970, Abotruct Wo 12A91) Tranalationt Sxperience is generalized with respect to the develoczent of the tech- position of dense oxide coverings with u blnt~er based on polybutylmeths- nology for crylate, and the properties of cathodes with ouch a covering, are investigated. As a result of "he cc-jnarieon conducted of oxide cathodes with a dense (2.8-12g/cm2l) covering, deposited with the use of various binders (colloxylin dnd coDolymer of butylmethaerylate with acrylic or mothecryllo ~acld)'v iti was shown that a nontoxic, non-explosive polymeric binder ussuree the preparation of~durable and stable 8,.;B- pensions for sprdying., high olaoticity of the covering which ma~-ea it possible to perform its mechanical proceasingp good adhesion of the covering to the core right up to the temperature of the beginning of decomposition of~the carbonates, absence of liberation of the gases NO, N02 in the process of thermal processing, arkJ absenca of carbon residues in the covering after decomposition of the binder. In addition, use of the polymeric binder simplifies the procoos of preppration of the binder because of the reduction of the number and duration of the operations, whiln the viscosity of the prepared binder does not change during storage over t~e course of a year. 4 ill, 16 ref. G.B. it SIM 'It UDC- 616.895.0-056, ?6 GENFALOGICAL STUDIES RELATED TO SCKIZOPHR"IA r-4 [Article bi 1,1. _Sh&khvwtov.~_V.11OVA._ 1. 1. Akovorn. - L_X. tbova. T.N. Sirva- chenkoq~k.L. ShendarovAx institute of Psychiatry... USSR Ac-awamy-of -WeTrar- r - - - - -ad Inskikh 4 Vk SS 3c an ", TMnBW,_ Micow, Vestnik Aked,.i 1. 6 tzo a- Sg,, Rusiptien, .10 5. may 1971. pp 46-501 Extensive Investigations of recv~nt years have confirmed the preyloual. known fact that there La definite accumulation of pathology in the (amAlies of schixophrenits. The stud!as of Rosenthal, Katy, Wender, Hoot*". =d others, based on representative material. revealed that "disorders in the schizophrenic oper-truz!' (Ao%Anth&2> are encountered more often. with statLs- tical reliability, In the blood relatives of a prob*nd as compared to the t~)tsl. population. However. prectica has shown that discrete forms of p9r- chases Sail different types of borderline states. as well as marked "rsc--a- lity anumnlies may be detteted, described, and classifle4 only If Me phvsiciv wk~x a corplets examination of the faiftily. Therefore, a meticulous c'Inic,11 description of the probands and their Irnmediate relatives Should be tit; basis Of a atnP810&iCal study which is the first stage of genetic snalysI3. The present study is based an oboarvations =ado in the genatic group f the Institute of Psychiatry, USSR AMS JAcademy of Medical Sciences) in 1196.1, 1969, The genealogical method was used to study 270 families of patients with different forms (Continuous, sporadic protessual, and periodic) of schizophrenia. We did not make the tradimimal division of probands into Kta"lin't types. since such division is based on static, s"dvoml evaluation. in which the leading syndrome st the time the pationtis. examined 4% used as the base. This does not take ir%to, Consideration the,courso of the disease as a whole. Studies pursued at the institute of Psychiatry I USSR AMS. for a number of d that such a basic pararAter &a t.uTse is the Closest to the of the process. 1ho CIS ificacion ~of achitopht,enia according to type of cou"e. which has been adopt:ld st'tho Institute of Psychiatry, USA AK$, is quit* Consistent with the division of *n4oganous'paychosea established it; psychiatry (Table 1). P owder M6talluigy USSR UDC 621.762.669.013.24(038.8) BGVA. T. A., KALIKHMAN, V. L., ZELI101AN, A. N., and PRAVOVEROVA, L. L., Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys "Conducting Solid Lubricant" USSR Authors' Certificate No 296802, Cl. C 10 m 7/02, filed 23 Sep 69, pub- lished 10-May 71 (from M-Metallurgiya, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No 10288P by S. Krivonosova) Translation of Abstract: The inventors suggest a hiCh-efficiency antifriction lubricant containing Nb or Ta diselenide in the form~of a solid solution in W or Mo diselenide. The lubricant is composed of 0.5-30 mol.% NbSe2 or TaSe2 and 99.5-70% MoSe2 or WSen. The lubricant has high moisture resistance. Electrical and antifriction properties of the lubrica;ats are presented. One table. USSR ux 669-27'294-051 ZELIKMAN) A. N., KREYN, 0. YE. and LOBOVA, T. A. "Synthesis and Some Properties of Tungsten and Tantalum Chalcogenides" V sb. Khal'kogenidy (Chalcogenides--collection of works), Vyp 2, Kiev, "Naukova Dumka", 1970, pp 61-76 (from RZH-Metallurgilm,No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No UG170) Translation: Scientific research work Is carried out regarding the conditions of production of WS21 WY and Ta diselenides and the chemical and antifriction properties of these compounds. A study is made of the interaction of se-emides with water and diluted acid and alkali solutions at room temperature, and its behavior during air oxidation at 300-8000.. It is established that the WS2 friction coefficient coincides with that of MoS2, but its wear is half as mch. 7 132.1 3 tables, 7 bibl. entries* S. Krivonosova ....... ................ -- ......... USSR UDC: 51 GORLIN, A. M. LUMMY. A. Ye.- "Redundancy of Equipment for Automated Control Systems" Mekhaniz. i avtomatiz. upr. Hauch.-Proizy. sb. (Mechaniz,,ation and Autor--7!~tion of Control. Scientific-Production Colle kffiony,- 197l, No 6, pp 16-18 (from RZh-Kibernetika., No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6V459) Translation: A method is coneidered for determining the economically ad- visable vol-ume of reserve equipment for an automated control zyztem, ass well as the spatial arrangement of the points of locatiop themselves. The proposed rae-thod and a progrwa developed for the "VInsk-221" computer can be used to solve practical problems involved in the optimum planning of reserve equipment in industrial enterprises. Authors! abstract. Hydrobiol6gy, USSR UDC 619-639-33.7 stitute of Ex- Candidate of Veterinary Scioncos, All,Uzion In. Terimental Veterinary "10dicine "Characteristics of Bacteria Isrhich kre Pathogenic for Fi.91111 M'oscow, Yeterinariya, No 8, Aug 70, pp IU-112 Abstract: The prODGrtios of tho five most lrportan,~!5ria -4-rblch ara patho- genic for -4 --h are reviewod. Acromon.- piLictata causes a! :ioLruzial VicMa- in carp, eels, -and pike. It is a short, monotrichous, notilo, gram-ncgativu bacillus occurring singly or in pairs, JAV forzas neither spor-iis iQ.- cap;~itlus and grows readily 1r, meat, at 20-250C, Pi 7.2-7.4', und,:)r aerobic ani anacrabic 'it A. -,-' a 'ishes. It o".d ions. Aeromonao causos fu-"-jjicu1.o,,;-*.; lx~ VYP Z C is a short, non:zotile. gram-no-ative, facultative axaoroi~a w~-Lah Crows beat at 20-251C. Pseudomonas fluorescens causes fluorescent ulceirs on~the skin of various fish; ' the grarul-%ta variety differs from the typical in its ability to coagulate milk. Pseudomozas putida causus abdominal edemix in carp, it is a i;ram-negati,,e, motile bacillus with t-v;o Lo fOix flagellao; At forms no sporos ard grows in -.ho usual nc-dda ~it- ~,n oP1.-1.---L,.a tanperature of 250C. Vibrio axivillarur, causes abdGminal and salt ur plai;uo :in ools in the Baltic Sea, as woll as skin Llcors in fish in tho Caspian Sea. It ia a co"i-shapod, gram-negativo, f~:,cultativu anaorobo; 1/Z USSIR WBUNTSOV, 1C. Votcr;Laariva, No 8, Al~j 70, PP 111-112, it Eoras neiil'-or sporos nor Cilpsulas and rt~aEilj grows JxA modia contain- __: -ji In - ing 1-7~ sod ura c"-o-.f_a. T.'-.ese bactaria may allso ba fow "Le intestines and internal organs of apparently heal-~hy fish specimens. Silice tish may carry micro- organisms pathogenic to warm-blooded animals and to man, aomprehensive examin tion of fish samples must be performed. ---- -------- - .I,TLE--THE DESIGN UF THE CONTRUL SYST011 SOACE'CRAFT S'VialLlShTION WITH U RAN Ci PE -, AR - U- T 0' UTHtjt!--(05)-S%J'LUDZ)V4';IKC;V, V.Vol WNITRIEVv A.N.j S[-,-',ENoVt V.V.v ARuruii%ov, LUBUSOV, E.S. iki bilky 10F SSR, FiANCE WRCE-INTERINATIO.NAL FEDERATIJN OF AUTOMATIC CONTROLl SYMPOSIUA ON ,.AUTOMATIC CONTRULt 3RUs YOULOUSE, FRANCE"MAR 2-6t 1970, PAPER, IS ATE.PUbLISHED ---- MAR70 UBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCESt SPACE TECHNOLOGY PIC TAGS-MAN, MAN MACHINE SYSTEM, MANUAL, SPACECRAFT RENDEZVOUS, ORBIT SPACECRAFT LANDING NTROL MARKING-N-0 REsrRICTIONS CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED OXY REi:L/FKAl4;_---199b/000& STEP NO-FR/OOUO,(!Ofi)OiD/GDD/0018/0018 RC ACCLSSIGN NO-AT0117306 i. I Ni- L t S SF 11) LASSI FIED PROC~;ESSING IDATE--090CT70 [RC ACCESSJbN stli~;-ATOIL7306- ',l-STRA(:i/F-XTRACT--(U) GP-0- A6 S T RCT C01451PERATION O~: THE ACTIVE ROLE ~13F, MiAN iN SULVING NUi-iE-,WlJS SPACE PRODLEMS SUCH AS KENDLZk,0JS, 11DCOURSE CORRECTION, LANUING, ETC. ALL TIHE-)E OPERATIONS IN:LUDE MANUAL ,-i~PACECkAFT STAG ILIZAT ION. BECAUSE 01: THEIR (;Ri-.Af ~ ANALYTICAL UESIGIN IS tiECESSARY. ATTENTION IS GIVLI~~)O TPE DYNAMIC AND I.NFORMATION kESEARCH UF HUMAN UPh-RATUR FEATURES. THE MAJOR REAS014 FOR '44ANUAL TRACKING IS THE NECESSITY FOA CONSfANCY OF IN~PURMATIQN TKAINSVISSIO;-t RATE. THE CORRELATION BETWEEN RANi)014 1)1,'.LAY TiME AND INPUT .PROVIL)LD AN OPPORTUNITY TO OBTAIN A STOCHASTIC DYN'At4JC MODEL OF THE A)PERATOR. USSR UDC 591.18 POPOV, A. K., VOLKOV, A. M., ARUTYUNOV, S. K., and LOUSOV, Te, S., Institute of Biomedical Problems, Ministry of Public Health USM11559'cow Iviation insti- tute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, and Moscow Higher Engineei~ng Technical School imeni N. E. Bauman "Mechanisms of Spontaneous Rhythmic Activity of the Cer~sbrai Cortex" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 193, No 1, Jul/;Wg 70, pp 245-247 Abstract: A discussion is presented of possible models in which stimulation of the cortex evokes depolariEation of dendrLtes and excitation of Internuncial neurons, which in turn show an inhibiting effect followod by hyperpolarization of dendrites. The process represents the beginning of rhythmic activity. It is assumed that the spontaneous rhythmicity of the isoLated cortex is the re- sult of bioelectrical sequential changes In the types oil interactious between the dendrites and the Internuncial neurons. In other words, the possibility of cortical rhythm exists because of the structural conn*ctions of theelements. composing it. Thus, the systems and the subsystems inteTact. On the basis of analysis and the results of the modeling procedures, iti~Lu aa4iulned that the spontaneous rhythmic activity of the nerve structures oCthe cortex is ensured 1/2 . ..... . .... .................. USSR UDC: 539A:62h.011 Yff.OV-r,EV,l Yu- S. IDD-Y.01 "Interaction Between a Seismic Wave and a Structure" Tr. Vses. proyektno-izys at. i N11 "Gidrotiroyek-,," (Works of -the A.11-Urion Institute of Preliminary Study w-id Design,2 and of Scientific Research in the Planning of Hydraulic Structures), 19T19- sb. 20, pp 87-93 (frcm K -Mekhanika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No TV8TO) Translation: The paper deals with the two-dimensional probIlemm of inter- action between a body and a seismic wavei It is assumed that the seismic wave is given in the form of a vector field of displarement!; of the pointo of the free surface. The equation of motion in La-,1aqe tre-insforms is vritten out on the basis of known results. The transition 'to the originals is accomplished by the method of asymptotical.y equi"tlerit fu;ictions, An approximate scheme is given to account for the elastic properties of a monolithic body in evaluating the reaction of the medi,=. Authors I ab- stract. USSR LOBYSEV 11. L. YA-V~-07Lo:,"o-, ---130 240 -hod of ks7rptuoticaiiy 1:.quivalent P-r-t-I "The Met tion to "he Solution of Cortain Probler-a i~-, Of Con- tinuous Media" Leningrad, V ab. Prool, tverd. the Mechanics of a 6olid Fiwonz-ab'l la -'o dy ccllt~ci;- of "Sudostroyeniye," 1970, -)p 239-250 (from '-~',Z!- '-o 7 Jul 1970, Abstract No 7BLL,62) Translation: An a-*P--o7iiration n, athod iz- fo-, -',)n rom tra.nsformz 'o oriF~Jnai- ia i--tegz-al L,-q,Iace: it is proved that a Soluzlron ziay ba constvuctod e,~-~.y mined degree of accuracy. Rulaz are fozT--.ulELt'-Icd zero and succeeding aDproXimations. The ~,i:et'hod Is oy various examples of zolving problemn in the thool,4y of i~-.La.--~--*cit-y. Authors, abstracto A&LULEOV, E. 3., LOBYZ-HL A" U11, TS, V. "Investigation of tnE~ Fl=e-Fr3pagation Zq~ations aryt Determination of ti-,e Total Kinetic r-onoustion Carstants" Trudy Lenineradskogo ?,Ait~~khn!_6,eskoggo Instituta Oxwrks of tae L2ninrrad Folytec~_nical Institute), 'Ao 316, lv?O, -_V 89-95 (Fra.m Referati-vnyy T leploenergetika, No 1, 1~171, jVostract :Cco iR42) Translatizin: ClalculatLcn a-re cbtained "Or tne detcr,-inaticr, of basic cc--'-a.-'-ijn characteristics. Zhe formula for determining L;-e relation- ship of the rare of flame prcPagati-on to the ccndi_U-ji!,.n of heat renoval agrees well with the for.~~;la for det-~!rrdration of: the,critlcal ccnditions of flame prop, aCa tion. Cn T..-ie b-asis of this form-.iia, A C;;:,rec-~icn inay be 4-tro- duced for nonadiabaticity of tne proceas ;,;nen in-.OstQating i~he ~Z ~n_ total kinetic combustion constants. 7Aen exz e rimen tall v da-,2=i-ed of the nor,:~,al .-ate are w5ec, a form.,Ia I-q prorwle(l ;)r deterninir.j.,; ttqi~ total kLraetic cz:-:bustion consVinatti. 3 fLgure,,,sp 2 ta'nlrs, 7 bibliographic entries. 1A USSR UDIC 621-791,052-Olli669-71 KOHAROV, K. A., Engineer, GITARSXIY, L. S., Engineer, I ptnZOUN EngJneer, and S12TANNIKOV, Y. V., Engineer "Properties of Welded Joints of Aluminum-Beryllium Alloy" Moscow$ Svarochnoye Proizvodstvos No 9 (44% Sep 71, lip 26-28 Abstract# Properties of welded Joints of No 1, No 2p Be-311A1, Be-41AI, and Be-38AI Al-Be-alloys (0.8-3.0 mm thick shoots) welded by the argon-arc and electron beam methods, were experimentally inyestlgated. The results are discussed by reference to graphs showing the diagram of6tate of Al-Be and effect of welding rate on mechanical properties of argon-arc welded joints of 2.0-mm-thick sheets and their microstructuxes. The experiments demon- strated that high quality welds on sheets of Al-Be alloys can be obtained by d.c. argon-arc welding of direct polarity in a chamber with controllable atmosphere. A redistribution of the Be-component in the thermal influence zone and the seam metal takes plzceo influenced by the Al-Be welding therral cycle. The strength of Ar-arc welded joints was found to be 54 kg/nm2; their plasticity and ductility characteristics exceeded the ctaxacteristics of the Wtial u*tal. In order to obtain a quality weld 'by thaelectron-beam method, the welding must 'be performed in two operations (with a sharp beam and with a 1/2 85 USSR KOHAROV, H. A., et al., Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, Ito 9 (WO), Sep 71, pp 26-28 defocused beam), but the properties of such joints are lower than the properties obtained by Ar-arc welding. Five illustrations, three tables, six bibliographic references. 2/2 7777j~~El 'Sh. S., ZEDGINIDZE, 1. G. T'Certain Specific Plans for Studying the Properties of Mixtures" Tr. XV Nauchno-tekhn. Konferentsii Prof.-prepodavat. Sostava i Natichn. Rabotn. Probl. i Otrasl. Labor. Gruz. Polite-Un. In-t. li'~T. 17 ~:,f 35,,h Sciont-ific and Technical Conference of Teaching Staff and Scientific Work-ers from Problems Laboratory Branch of Georgian Polytechnical Institute, No 171, Tbilisi, 1970, pp 64-68, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, KibernetiNa., No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V179 by V. Granovskiy). Translation: The problem of planning regression experiments in study of the pro- perties; of mixtures depending only on the concentration of mixture components is studied. As we know, the factor space in this case is a (p, - I)-dimensional simplex xI + X2 + + xP = 1, each point of which corresponds to a definite HuXture. There are various experimental plans for estimation of the coefficients of the polynomial describing the properties of the mixture.. All of these plans contain a certain number of points on the faces of the simplcx. Since cacti such po-int corresponds to a mixture containing certain componentv, with zero propor- -tions, at these points the properties of the mixture are not fully manifested. This work studies plans for second order polynomial regress-ion containing points with nonzero proportions x of all p componenis... USSR UDC 681.325.54 CRAVOI&NIME, V. V., KAKICHASHVILI, Sh. D., D&UGAROV, Yu. A.,,C!1IKVAIDZE.,, LESELIDZE, D. V., CHRAKADZE, H. I., TMORASHVILE, K. G., and V. -Optical Signal Adder" USSR Author's Certificate No 269606, filed 27 Jan 69, published 28 Jul 70 (from-Mb.-AvtomatUka, Telemekhanika i Vychis-litel'naya Tekhnika, No 6, Jun. 71, Abstract No 6 B185 P) Trauslation: An optical signal adder for signals given in the form of pictures of rectangular shape is introduced' The adder contairis an optical interferomerer. It is distinguished by the fact that in order to inniprove the light efficiency and insure zddition with respect to any modulus, the expanding system ior conversion of the light pictures to a quadratic vatrix is located at its input, after which along the channels correspond- ing to the components there are a Dove prism and a systen of rhombic prisms with sequentially decreasing height the number of which per unit is less than the su7mation modulus. At the output of the indicated channels there is an interference mixer followed by the compressing system. UDC 616.988.Z-08 "Use oZ Now Antiviral Preparations, Rucloases, for Neuroviral Infections" Moscow# Voyenno-Keditainskly Zhurnall No 8, 1973, pp 47-60 Abstracti Nueleases (RINAse and DJUse) obtained mostly from oattle pancreas wexv demonstrated in clinical trialr:, to be highly efficacious in the treat- ment of various forms of meningitis, meningoencephalitis, raalculoneukitis, radiculoganglionitia, etc. They inhibit the replication of several pathogenic viruses by depolymerizing their nucleic acids without injuring the host's nucleic acids, Depending on the microstructure of the viruses,~ribonucleaae is used in the treatment of diseases caused by RNA viruses (oamoative agenta of mumps, influenze, tickborne encephalitis# equine encephalomyelitis), while dexo- syribonualease is prescribed for diseases cauved by DKkviruses (adenoviruses, causative agents of shingleet smanpox, etc,)* Desensitizing drugs must be used In conjunction with the nucleases. z 60- I'M a "N USSR UDC 610.,B-02:612-766.2 PANOVI A. G.., LOBZIY, V. S..3 and MlKbA=NKO, A. A,, Vd1itary-Pledical Academy imeni Kirov, Ieningrad "Neurological ~Ianifestations of Prol-nnged Hypodynamia" Moscow, Zhurnal Nevropatollogii i Psikhiatrii, No 4, 1973, PP 506-511 Abstract: Neurological and muscular reactions were stuffled in 22 healthy young persons during 70 to 100 days of continuous bedrest. The neurological dis- turbances developed in a definite sequence. The first T to 10 days were marked by adaptive reactions; the siibjects complained of muscular pain, headache, hyperhidrosis., and mild insommila. There was some disso(,iatian between subjec- tive and objective symptoms during the next 20 days. While the num1ber of con- plaints dirdrished and sense of well-being improved, insarmia wo-rSened, rmscu- lar hypotonia and hypotrophy progressed, and strenr.Tth decreased. Symptoms of oral automatism and nystagmid twitching of the eyeballo appemred. About the 8th week the initial neurological manifestations of hypotynarda intensiftei and some new ones developed, irascibility, anorexia, espathy, and aggrvssive- neas. The diverse neuroloizical reactions comprised thme clinical kyndromes, asthenoneuratic peripheral nervoua-muscular, and interhemisp ere py-ranidal asymetry. 37 USSR UDC 616-981-553 AKMOV, G. A., B. V-S., GkREM, Ye. 14., ZHU. L. N., and ZUBIK, T. M., Chair of Hervous and Infectious Diseases, Mlitary Medical, Academy imeni Kirov, Leningrad $Data on the Diagnosis and Pathogenesis ofBotulism" Hoscow, Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Karsakova, Vol No 7. 1971, PP 1,033-1,038 Abstract. Observation of six patients with botulism %howed that ga;utro- intestinal disordor3 devolopod in only three of thoin; Ithree Patients exhibited only disturbances of tho nervous systern expressed prLUirlly in oculonaotar and and bulbar disorders. in order to irriestigate cnanges: in the nervous systeta during botulism, '44 dogs were given intramuscular injeotions of botulinus toxin type A in a dose of Z,500 MID for mice per kg. Various branches of the nervous system of 12 of the dogs wero suiDjected to a pathohi-ttological exami- nation after the dogs irere sacz-ificed on the 3d to 22th day atter administra- tion of the to)dn. No signs of selective action of the LoxIji on the central motor structures were detectf--l. There was evidently saloctive action on peripheral r-.Iotor neurons. Correlation of clinical and-rornhologicai daLa in- dicated that the determining factor In tho pathogenesis~of paralytic ;syndromes 1/2 USSR AKDOV, G. A., et al, Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii ineni S. S. i1or- sakova, Vol 71, No 7, 1971, pp 1,033-1,038 was disturbance of nouromuscular transmission. All branches of the nervous system were involved in the pathological process. but the morphological changes in the nervous system, which were of the type of an a-cute swelling, were generally reversible. Although slow recovery of the dogs that had not been sacrificed beg-an on the 10th - 12th day after adninistration of the toxin, muscular weakness persisted for one month. The taost ;tatj:ve systems with the highest metabolism kthe oculomotor appar4tus and the Oulbar system) were apparently affected first, but they also recovered fa~tost, 2/2 60 I-/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ,TITLE--A8SORPTIC-N OF RADIATION BY LOCALLY EXCITED CHARGE CARRIERS -U AUTHOR-(03)-A8ANSHlNi N.P.r BILENKOr D.I., LQDGAULv VqA. ,C~GUNTRY OF INFG-USSR ;;.SOURCE-IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED., FIZ. 1970i 13(3)t 133-5 `-DATE PUBL ISHEI)--70 I-SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS JOPIC TAGS--ELECTRGN HOLE# CARRIER DENSITYt PARTICLE 01 STRIBUrIONt TED EL EC TRON STATE, CALCULArION ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE ABSORPTIONi EXCI MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1215 STEP NC--UR/0139/70/013/i;03/0133/OL35 C-IR-CACCESSICN N077-AP0124-869 t f. I -rLL -2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-300C17C ACCESSIGN NQ--AP0124869 ,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-Q- ABSTRACT. EQUATIONS Dc*:Y'*:LOijL-D FOq CA.LCG- -THE AV. CONCN. OF EXCESS HOLES, DELTA BAR P, Tf-f-&' DIST-RIPUTION WAS PLOTTED OF DELTA bAR P FOR DIFFERENT RATIOS OF Tfif RAOlust R, OF THE EXCITING SPOT AND THE DIFFUSION LENGTH. FRGM THE rinopoiulONALITY Of- THE 'ABSORPTICN COEFF., K, AND THE CONCN. OF CARRIER CHANGES, DELTA K EQUALS S[GMA DELTA BAR P, THE ABSCRPTION OF NONEQUIL. CARRIER CHARGES WAS CALCD. FOR DIFFERENT POSITIONS AND CONFIGURATIONS OF THE SPOT; S[G.11A 15 THE CROSS SECTIGN OF ABSORBED RADIATION. FOR DELTA KO IS SIAILAR TO 1, 0 IS SIMILAR TO Is WERE 0 IS THE THICKNESS OF THE- ABSORBING LAYER BAND K SUBO IS K FOR EQUIL. CHARGE CARRIERSt ltliT-T~SUGOI) EQUALS MINUS SIGMA 0 DELTA BAR P AND FOR DELTA KU 15 SIMILAR T64, K SUBG 0 SMALLER JHAN I, IN(T-T SUtiO) EQUALS ltl(l MINUS R PRIME2) MUNUS SIGMA 0 DELTA BAR -~P, hHERE T SUBO AND T IS RADIATION PASSED UP TO AND, AT EXCITATION, kESP. FACILITY: SARATOV. GOSUNIV. 111, CHERNY$HEVSKOGOr SARATOVv USSR. C ng ervice: C. N Ab's tra t! s r.:.A APO CHDIICAL ABST. I IL 'Ref. Code: 6e Polarographicat~dyafitnoottirittedretatieswitiI Sub- r=.ts.. Polynuclm ~ aroina0c. a Uo=. KDA141- 1, Bezuelvi. V. D.; LLDdylin n%40,777 TV 061kch. Or-"70 -41 Zh. I kt, '221 uss), ohtrogtaphic data on half-wave potentials are presented tabularly- and gi-alihi- cally for ArCH: CHCOAr' where Ar- were selected from 2.41mr- enyl, Ph, I-CiaH7, 2-CioH7 or pPhC$114, and Ail' ivas selected from Ph. I-CicHi, 9-anthryl, 244omoyl, oe p-Pht,"If, gr:oups. Introduction of polycyclic substitueats 'into the chalcones raised the polarographic activity of these andit was shown, that the pri- mary redn. reaction involves the participation of ~ the unsatd. ketone carbonyl groups. 0. M. Kosolapoff J REEL/FRAME JL9801720 W~Qj=ffl" I Luminesconse USSR UDC 661.143:546-431'821'185(088.8) GUGELI, B. M., LQN-QIA%J,_N. A., GGLUBEV, I. F., KHIZHA, V. S., BLYAKH14LN., E. A., KUTSENKO, N. A., SIDOROV, M. D.f ZVYAGIN, V. B., VAKHRAMOV, V. P., AGAPOV, V. I., GARKUSHA, V. A., KRUSAINOVA, R. S. "Phosphor for Low-Pressure Luminescent Tubes" USSR Author's Certificate No 336342, filed 19 May 70, published 22 May 72 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 2(11), Feb 73, Abstract No 2LI48P) Translation: In order to increase the light yield of the -tubes, the proposed phosphor includes the following: barium-titanitim phosphate, calcium halo- phosphate, strontium and magnesium orthophosphate and magnesium fluorogerman- ate. The barium-titanium phosphate, the calcium halophosphate, the strontium orthophosphate, magnesium orthophosphate and magnesiqm fluorogermanate are introduced in the following proportions by weight: 4-6:2.3-4:0.4-0.8:0.13-0.25 respectively. As an example, let us take weighed s;mjp.1e; of 4.36 kg of barium- titanium phosphate, 3.84 kg of calcium halophosphate,~ 0.40 kg of magnesium- strontium orthophosphate and 0.24 kS of magnesium fluorogermanate. Put them in a porecelain cylinder and mix for 1 hour. A susp6noion is prepared from the mixture obtained and it is applied to the tubes, USSR UDC 629.78.018,1 ARDASHEVA, M. M., IL'TNA, S. A.,ni"GIN, 9 WiA MAYKAPAR, G. I., PERVUSHIN, G. Ye., TOMACHEVA, K, F.- -7 "Use of Fusible Temperature Indicators to Measure Heat Fluxes to Models in Wind Tunnels" Uch. zap. Tsentr. Aero-gidrodinam. Inta [Scientific Writings of Central Aero-Hydrodynamics Institute], Vol 3. No 1, 1972, pp 77-82, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Rak-etostroyeniye, No.4, 1972, Abstract No 4.41.171 from the Resume). Translation: Temperature-indicating countings are widely used in studying heat transfer in aerodynamic experiments. A method -i--~ described for study- ing fusible heat indicators which allows the temperature and temperature in- terval of melting of the temperature indicators to be deteTniDed as a func- tion of pressure and heating rate. The rate of sublimation of the tempera- ture indicators is determined at various pressures. The use of this method has allowed the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Luminophors and high-purity substances to dcvelop fusible temperature indicators suitable for investigation of heat transfer to flight vehicle mod-11s.. Model photo- graphs produced in various wind tunnels are presented as examples. Figures; I Table; 4 Biblio. Refs. USSR UDC 616.981.48-022-3B-036-22 MATSIYEEVSKIY, V. A., LOGACP-3V, A. V., FEDORIVA, A. P., and PISUOVA, A. S., Ivano-FJ=*ovsk Ivano-Frankavskaiy~ Oblzst Sanitary- Epidemiological Station "An Crutbreak of Food Poisoning Caused by E, coli 0124aK72 (B17) Moscow, Zhurnal I-akrobiclogii, Epideniologii I UImmunobialoT11, No 3, 1971, pp 137-139 Abstracti An acute dysentery-like disease broke out am(~ng children and adult attendants in a children's sanatorium. The disease, caused to, E. coll. 0124tK72(BI7), was characterized by An,explosivb,owet, elev4;ted tenparature, gaztrointestinal disturbances (abdominal painp liquid stools ronetimes admixed with mucus and blood), and brief course. A.11 the cultures isolated from the patients produced a positive netkyl red reaction and a negative Poges-Proskauar reaction. They were lack-Ing in fibr:Lnolytic and plasr,&-coaarlating or herolytic properties. All were sensitive to standard colicins but insensitive to penicillin and furacillin. They formed indole az4 hydroqpn sulfide and feruented glucose, nannite, saltosep arabhoseg xylose~,sorblto, dulcite, glycerine, lactose, and rhaamose with the fornation of ~qas and acid. Ffol;evor, they did not ferment sucrose, inosital, salle4n, lava, or M-il1l. --th IJCT70 028 UNCLAS$IFIED PROC-E!)SING DATE-09 JITLE-GENETIC PROBLEMS IN UilTHOPAEOICS -U- AUTHOR-(0Z)-KGKZSH, A.A., LOGACHEV, X.O. 14.CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR --C -DLYA# TRAVMATOLDGIYA I PROTEZIROVANII(Et 19701 NR 4, PP 1-8 ~SQURC E JRTOPL !_'DATE PUR ISHED----70 ~,~'UaJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -)So, --HUHAN GENETICS, kADIIJLUGY, 81L)CHEMISrKYo cliNuml. 41, OPIC TAGS VIAGNOSTIC METHODS, MUSCOLOSKELETAL SYSTi:M: ~t--(;GNTROL MARKING--NO A'ESTPICTIONS ~VOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REE L/F kAME-- 1 STEP NOI--URi'911'5/70/i)001011-1(t/i)001/0(~fJB CIAC ACLE-SSIUN N;0-AP010ill;~3 2/2 028 L;~ICL A&& IF I ED PROCESSING DAY 870 -GIRC ACCESSILN" NO-AP01091-23 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTtiw~S Pftc'Si:'0 A CRITICAL REVIEW Of THE ST4T~ OF CLINLLAL GENETICS OF DISEASI~::s of THE WEIGHTBEARING LOCOM6TUR APPARATUS* POINTING TL) rK ABSENCE OF JEVEWPEO ;GENETIC* GRIENTATIJi%, It HOME QKTI-Wi~AEOICSt THEY U T I lk L Nt rAL LEALWNG PX06LCMS FOR STUDY, E~WHASIZING THE IMPURTANCE UF 'lftlVESV'IGAlIU-N OF THE 'COLLATERAL 6RANCHES OF THE GENEALOGMAI FAIM111Y I Rl. k j r fill: u:i L I GA row( us L OF RGENITGENGtGRAPHY, 6IOCHEIMICAL ANALYS[st AND. AND 'vv'4R-N NETIC APPfROACH. DUIW(~ JUSTICE ru NST THE OVERS11-1,PLAFIED GE.- AGAI. FACTOGRAPHY, THEY ACCENTUATE THE PREDOMNAINT RULE OF THI" MIE-THODOLOGICAL ~ANW PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES Of THE CLINICAL GENETICS. THE ~ACCESSIBILITY OF THE 12NHERITED DISEAS-ES OF THE WE14HIBEAALNGLOCo,"10FOR TO NOT ONLY TKEAT?4Ej%-."Tv BUT ALSU CONTROL 3s srm:ssED. FAc i L I T Y.: KHARKOV INSTIT'UTA PROTEZI'RUVANIVA, GMVEDli. I TIIAVMATOL(,Gll USSR UDC 632.9% LOGACHEVt Senior Scientific Coworker at tbo Alokseyev ation -M -~Experj VNITY "Herbicides for Coriander Planting" Moscow, Zashchita Rasteni No 5, 1970, P 30 Abstract., The study was carried out on the coriander I'Alekseyevskiy 2V" Fl-anted in. black soil poorly supplied vithmater. It was shown that all types of herbicides increase considerably the economic effectiveness of coriander production.. Weeds werO lowered by a faotor of 3-5 times, increasing,the yield by 3-4, ~entxlers per hec- ~,,.tarej with the utilization of P-,k.D. q 12 005 WIX L A 5 5 1 f I E 0 ,F--r.ITLE--SEA TANKERS -U- THJR--L(IGACHEV* 0.1. -'~~t(;AtAY OF INFO__usSA ..SOURCE--SEA TANKERS IMORSKIYE TANKERY) LENINGRAD. p 360 P .~.~.DATE PUBL ISHED---70 AREAS--MECH.t IND.t CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR .'~~tr,PIC~TAGS-CARGO ESSING 1)ikTE--0?JCT7Q S DOST140 u YE~IYE. 1970. SHIP, OCEAN TRANSPORTATION* MARINE PROPULSIONt MARINE TANKER- 4--CONTROL 14ARKING-NO RESTRICtIONS ,A)GUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1991/0572 STEP NO--UR/0000/71)/O~)0/00,1/0001/03ljO CIRC ACCESSION NO--AM0110367 212, -0,05 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--023CT70 C IRC ACCESSION NO--AA0110367 ..:ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. FRON,THE SCIENTIFIC EDiT3R 6. FROM.1"E AUTHOR 7. CHAPTER I BASIC STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMEVt OF 3. ...,:-TANKERS 9. - 11 TAUKERS OF THE SOVET UNION 3 111 RAS[' ELEMENTS :-AVD:CHARACTERISTICS OF MODERN TANKERS 58. IV. SEAGOING QUALITIES 145.: V ARCHITECTURAL TYPE AND GENERAL ARRANGEMENT Z14. VI -DU RABILITY OF THE VESSEL AND ITSDESIGN -245. V11, SYSTt,4S A4D INSTALLATIONS 263. Vill POWER S'YSTEMS AND1AUTONATION 302. ix SOME PROBLEMS OF ECONOJ111Y IN TANKER CONSTRUCTION 3:32. LITERATURE 357. THIS IS-.A.SURVEY OF DESIGNS OF TANKERS* SOVET ANID FOREIGN. EXAMINED AREt FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CHOICE OF THEIR LOAD LIFTING CAPACITY, .FORMS OPOUTLINE, ETC. THE ~,,-,-,",,,--,,SPE-EDo,.CrjRREL-ATIO,IS Of MAIN MEASUREMENTS9. ;,i~;~-,'-,:.'6dl3K:IS~,DES.IGNED FOR ENGINEERSIN THE SHIP, BUILDINOINOUSTRY DESIGNING NO, BUIL&ING.- TAN"RS... UNCLASSIFIED ,112- 006 UNCLASSIFIEL) ~~,: 11, PA'JCESSIW, DArE-20NOV70 LE-SLLIVENT EFFECT C:~ THE COMPLEXING PROPERTIES Olt LIGA140S OF COBALTit ITH HETLIRGLYCLIC AMINES -U- WJk-(GZJ-LGGAChEV# V.A.t GULOVA# Vol. !_&UN T R Y U F INFO--USSR "SOURCE--ZH. NEGRG. KHIM. 1970, l5f4), 1033-6 0 A tE PUBLISHEO ------ 70 ,7.~.SUaJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY '4,TnPIC TAGS--SOLVENT ACTIONs COBALT COMPLE:Xt PYRIDINEi, QUIUGLINES ACRIDINEi CETGNITRILE, ETHYLENE GLYCOL, CYCLCHEXANONE ~'X,GNTRCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~_DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -~-.PROXV RfLLjFkAmE--3c02/I1b1 STEP NL--UR/00'rB/70/015JO041103311036 'CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0128569 _tj; i A, ~S IFIED 2 006 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 ~:~CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0128589 GP-0- ABSTRACT. COMPLEXING Of COX SUB2 (X EQUALS CL OP BR) WITH PYRIDINE, QUIINOLINEr ANU ACRIOINE 11, PRIME) WAS STUDIED IN CYCLtHEXANCNE (1)v "IECNo ETHYLENE CHLOROHYDRIN 111), AND ETHYLENE GLYCCL (III)- STABILIfY OF THECOMPLEXES DECREASE!) WITH THE SOLVENT IN 'THE ORDER: I LARGER THAN MLCN LA14GER THAN 11 APPFOXIMAIELY EQUAL TO INSTABILITY OF CQMPLEXES 1,14 111 IS EXPLAINED BY THE ACIDITY OF 'TA THIS SOLVENT AND STRCNG INTERACTION WITH THE AMINE$. 0 1, HEDRAL .;.,COMPLEXES OF QUINCLINE AND ACRIOINE WERE VERY UNSTA,8LE I)LIE TO STERIC HINDRANCES CF THESE LIGANGS. DE-SPITE,THE SIMILARiPERWITTIVITY VALUES .,.UF:IIL AND MECN, COX SU82 FORMS OCTAHEDRAL COMPLEXES -IN,III AND -TE' -RAHECRAL CGMPLEXES IN MECN. APPARENTLYr THE PEAMITTIVITY OF THESE COMPLEXES DEPENDS NOT CNLY ON THE CONFliGURATION BUt ALSO ON THE CHEM. JhE SOLVENTS. !--I -A- C C-1 Z_ f k__ _.- L-tl.2 J 16 A- w "Mmifliffi-NIMIM I N am USSR UDC: 621-371-33,".3-0-1 BABAYEV, A. B., LOGACM,..V. P., FEDOROV, V. A., PARFEIrl'Y n-', V. N. "ExDerimental Investigation of the Characteristics of~ Refliect-ion From Uneven Ground Surfaces titu T'r. Mosk. energ. in-ta (Works of the Moscow Power EJ16-,ineering Ins U- te) 1972, vyp. 110, Pp 87-89 (frcm Klh-Radiotekhnika, Ho 8, AuiT 72, Abstract No 8G56) -ie po,~ Translation: An investigation was made of t. ter o' a signal reflected frcm a ground surface v-:Ltl-- forest cover as a function of t~lie axlgie cf ir- radiation of the surface fcr various t~Tes pf forest cover Olewry Qcnif- erous forest, deciduous, mixed, and so on), and also of thin influu-noce vhich the -moisture content of thp reflectiT-,g surface naid (!,:ivi,.r has on the pli4lu power an, de und degrec. of derolarization of the 11e results are prcsented in Juxtaposition ulth data 1."vand fc,r Q,(: tLir- face of the sea, ice, and plGwed grouncl vit'hout cover, Tkiree illustra- tions, two tables. N. S. USSR uDc: 621..37-1.332.3 BABAYEEV, A. B., LOGACHEV, V. P., PARFENVYEV, V. N., TED-OPOV, V. A. SEELG-- MANOVA, G. P. "Some Problems of Reflection of a Frequency-blodulated Signal From Forest Cover" Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta Works of the Rostov Power Engineering Institute), 1972, VYp- 110, pp 84-86 (from RM-Radiotekbnika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract xo 8r,57) Translation: Using an experimental model of a radio alt_-neter vith fre- quency modulation (waveband of 7 cm, deviation of 1.00 MHz, of the polar diagram at half power in both planes 25-330") , the autl,X)r:~ studied the errors in measurement of f1iFht altitude over a n-orfact:-. The experiments were done over hilln of varloun haighUi vith different t~,pes of trees. A singularity vau fovad in the si,gnal, i-cf,D~,otf,-d froll the forest -- beatq with two naxima showeid up in the zignal npectrum. The error in altitude measurement depending on thre denjIty r-O height of forest cover in determined. lbree illustrationzi. 11. USSR MC 536.46-1662-32 FROIA)V, YU. V., POIML, P. F.j and.WGACHE-Vl,.V.,.,S*."fitoscov) "Inflam=tion and Combustion of Powdered Aluminum in High-Temperature Gaseous Yedia and the Composition of Heterogeneous Oondensed.BysteIP" Novosibirsk, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol 8, No 2t Jvn 72, lip 213-236 Abstracts The article gives a brief survey of Soviet sciefttific studies pub- lished in the last three or four years on peculiaxitios of the mechanism for the inflammation and combustion of iftetal.particles (especially aluminum) and the effect of the latter on the combustion of condensed systens. The follow- ing areas are coveredt 19 The study of the process of the infliammatioz and coiabuBtion of in- dividual metal particles In a high-temperature gaseous.oxidizing medium. Z, The study of peculiarities of the mechanism,for the combustion and Infla-mation of powdered metal particles in the c6abustion products of con- densed fuel-oxidizer systemse 1/2 USSR FROLOV, YU. V., et al., Fizika Goreniya I Vzryva, Vol 8, No 2, Jun 72, PP 213-z36 The study of the principal reMlarities in the arilargement (k%loa- eration; of powdered metal WtIclies C zor near) -the bumir-g suz-face of ballistic or mixture powders with increued concentration (q> to 25 pDrcent) of the metallic additive, 4o Detection of the principal directions of the effoct of povtdered metals on the combustion rate of Wxture condensed fuet-oxidAzer systers. 2/2 Combustion!, LWR UDC 541iJ24-1f LOGA-CHEVO V. S., DMITFaYEV, A. S.t and FODaL9 P. F.# Institute for Physical GbOASUEF,-XWdemy of Sciences, USSR# Moscow "Combustion Mechanism for Ammonium Perchlorate" Moscow, Doklady Akadexii Nauk SSSR, Vol 205l So 21 1972t pp IWO-403 Abstracti The mechanism is examined for the generation of the ionization zone during the combustion of ammoniura perchlorate (APO) and equations derived quantitatively relating the kinetics with events occurring in the condensed phase and gas phase during the decomposition. The monon. tolecular reaction rate follows.the.equation A2 un, no exp-(E /kT)dx fo where u is the rate of combustion; n and n axe the number of APC molecules 0 1 and the number of defects per ed, 9 is the activation emergyj and Z is the 1 77 U~SR LOGACHEV, V. S., et al.# Doklady Akadem# Hauk SSPR Vol 205, No 2, 1972, pp 400-03 preexponential factor. Combining this equation with a similar one for b1mole- cular reactions$ and expressing R,(and tlie correspordir% E2 ) and n, in terms of the physical constants of the system and experimental conditions, an equation is obtained which expresses u entirely in te=13 of physical and thermodynamic variables, From thia equation it can be seen that the governing factors are the physical and chemical pro.cesses occurribg in the condensed phase of the crystal. uDc,662.222 USSR TWA(Mr V* S*# M17WEV# An S*# and POXHIL, P. F. (Pbscow) the Mechanism of Ammonium Perchlorate Combustion" Novosibirsk.' Fizika, Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol 8, No 20 Jun 72, PP 236-247 Abstracts The article attempts to elucidate the mecharnism for the appearance of an ionization zone in the combustion of ammonium perchlorate, as well as to establish quantitative relations between kinetic regularities taking place in the condensed and gaseous phase during the decomposition (combustion) of Inorganic oxidizers. For this purpose measurements were taken of the elec- tric conductivity of the condensed phase during the combustion of ammonium perchlorate, Ebcperimants were staged in a nitrogen aftosphere in the pres- sure range of 200 mm Hg - 100 atn a The cha;Tges, were I We tf two square- shaped tablets, between which were tungaten-rhenium wire probes, The poten- tial difference fed to the probes varied from 0 to 50 Y according to the con- ditions of the experiment. At the same tism the flamo temperaturo was meas- ured by a thermocouple at the site of the probes, with thot probes themselves being used as thermocouples at the same time in indiv,~dual.exporimentsj while the combustion rate could be judged from pressure vadations In the bomb. 1/3 11110,HROU ffill. USSR IDGACHEY, V. 8.1, et al., Fizika Goreniya i V =yva, Vol No' 2# Jun 72 pp 236-247 The following three important results were noted in the experimentat lo The activation energy of amonium perchlorato decomposition grows as the temperature in the heating-up sme (Michelson uyer),of the ammonium perchlorats grows 2. A potential difference appears in the reaction zone. 3* The gas directly nextto the burning surface of ammonium poxnhlo- rate Is In the plasma state., The following combustion mechanism Is possible.4 L In the heating-up zone of the condensed phue, negative and positive Ion defects aria formed, resulting in a4apue charge 01th high conductivity in the reaction layer of ammonium perchlorato, 2/3 73 MINIM, .4 USSR IWACHEV, V- S., at al., Fizika, Goreniya, i VZrYvas Vol 8, No 2e Jun 72, pp 236-247 2a Since exchange reactions are hindered In the surface layer, ion association takes place with the formation of ion pairs, sincLo this is more advwtageous.from the energy standpoint. 3, As the associates reach the surfacep the 4nnonim perchlorate crys- taU dissociate, forming radicals of the C104, M14 or HM4,: NH3 type and ionization zones in the gaseous phase (of the chemical plasm&, where sZ/r kT)& The combustion. rate of ammonium parchlorate is deternined by the physicochemical procea-3es taking place inthe condensed phaas of the Metals 3/3 us POKHUL, P. F., RALITSEV, V. M. ,62G&=-~ SELEZNEV, V. A., Moscow "Combustion of Aluminum Particles in the Flame ofa Condensed System" Fizika Goreniyai Vzry-va, No 1, Mar 71, pp, Sl-S7. ABSTRAM This work presents a study of the process of combustion of aluminum particles in a flame of type N ballistite powder and a model mixture of ammonium perchlorate with organic fuel. The study of the process of combustion of metal particles was performed in a constant pressure bomb with quartz windows, in which a vacuum or the necessary inert gas (nitrogen,~argon) pressure was created. The metal particles were introduced to the composition of the fuels during the manufacturing process. A photographic method was used to study the processes occurring on the surface of combustion, and specimens were taken to study the dimensions of the metal particles through the height of the flame. It was established that as ballistite powder burns, the metal particles adhere to the thermostable decomposition products of the nitrocellulose, later merging near the surface of the charge. Increasing the percentage of metal in the fuel causes an increase in particle diameter. Alwiinwa paTtiCleS accumulate and .1/2 777 7 7 USSR WC 536.46 + 662.222.1 POKHUL, P. F., KWTSEV, V. M. LOGACHEV,~ V.~ S., SELEZNI,V, V. A., Fizika Gorexiiya i Vzryva, No 1, May 71, pp 51-57. aglomerate an the surface of combustion of the charge. In the initial stage of combustion, oxidation of the metal occurs on its surface, with 4 to 6% of the heat realized due to combustion of the metal liberated in this manner in the reaction layer. Combustion of aluminum particles in the flame occurs through intermediate products with the formation of lower oxides. The tempera- ture.of the combustion zone of aluminum particles is.400-600' higher than the temperature of the remainder of the f1a6e..' UDC:662.215.2 USSR POKHIL, P. F., LO~EV~V- MALITSEV, V. M., Moscow 'Ifechanism of Combustion of 'Metal Particles" Novosibirsk, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 6, No. 3, Sep 70, pp. 407-410 Abstract: This article is dedicated to investigation of the combustion of condensed systems containing such metals as aluminum, magnesium and their alloys as additives. The experimental stud), wa.,r, performed using cylindrical specimens 5 mn, in diameter and 7-10 mm high. It was estab- lished that ballistite burns stably with preliminary h,eating to a minimum temperature of 110%, while an ammonium perchlorate cqmposition must be! heated to a minimum temperature of 200%. Studies weve made of the thermal effect of the summary exothermic process in Lhe reaction layer of the condensed phase. The result$ indicate that in the are4 of flameless combustion of ballistite compositions with aluminum t1W SUTface tempera- ture of flameless combustion is 300%, that is on thellsame order as for 1/2 ballistite compositions without the metal. This indicates that the alumi- num particles burn in the smoke-gas zone of the flame ~near the surface rather than on the surface of the condensed material. High-speed cinematography indicated that the rate of combustion af aluminum particles is an order of magnitude less than the rate of combustion of the ballistite composition, and increases with increasing-~surrounding medium temperature. 2/2 'CESSENG DATE UNCLASSIFIED PRa -04DEC70 ---INVESTIGATION OF METAL PARTIC.'LlE FUSION DURIW;THE COMBUSTION OF -METALL I ZED BALLISTITE COMPOSITIONS AND :FUEL OXIDEZeR MIXTURES -U- ;.~Ap_TH0R-103)-P0KHILr PoF.P. LOGACHEVI.,,Wjpti~ M4L.TSEVt V *~lm ~_COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ..SOURCE-.FIZIKA GORENIIA I VZRYVA# VOL. 6u AR, L970s Po 80-9Z .bATE PUBLISHED----MARTO -~,:SLBJECT AREAS--PROPULSION AND FUELS IOPIC TAGS--AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE, POTASSIOM PMHLORATE, COMBUSTION qkrEi FORMALDEHYDE, COMBUSTION PRODUCTI SOLID PROPELLAW ~COMBUMON, ALUMINUM POWDER .14A,RKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UiNCLASSIFIED ~~'PROXY FICHE NO ---- F070/605107/EI2 STEP NO--UP/0414/7()100(i?00()/OOHt)10092 -CIRC--,kCr,',Ec.-S-ION--NO.---A-PO140763----- --mom"mftm- -a- NOW 2/2 049 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE---0(t0ECl-i-;) -CIRt ACCESSION NO--AP0140763 :ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PHOTOGRAPHIC AND MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF THE-FUSTION OF METALLIC PARTICLES DURING THE CDf4(3tJsrioN OF STOICHIOMETRIC MIXTURES OF AMMONIUM AND POTASSIUM N'-,'RCHL0RATE ANI) POLYFORMALDEhYDE WITH ADDITIONS OF 7, 13,,OR 20PER4,ENT ALUMINUM PARTICLES OF VARIOUS SIZES AND GEOMETRIES. SPECIAt TECHNIQUES 14[-R-,: USED FOR SAMPLING THE CONDENSED PHASE OF THE SPOKE GAS MIXTURES AT VARIOUS OLSTANCES FROM THE BURNING CHARGE SURFACEW THE D,El 'IENOEKE OF THE :CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FUSION PROCESS Q N THE VARIMMES.11F THE COMBUSTION --,.Ll!..PROCESS IS DISCUSSED. f USSR UDC: 536.45 POKHI L, P. F. LOGACIIEV. .11S, MAL TSEV, V. M. "'Study of Fusion of Metal Particles During C mbusion of Metallized 0 Ballistite Compositions and Fuel-Oxidizer Mixtures" Novosibirsk, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, No. 6, March 1970, pp 80-92 Abstract: Experimental data have indicated that the mechanism of combus- tion of ballistite compositions does not change with the addition of aluminum. An investigation of the size, form und stute of particle surfaces before and after combustion of ballistite compositions at various pressures was performed in order to gain an idea of the mechanism of combustion of the aluminum parti- cles added. Photographs of particles during the process of combustion are presented. As the ballistite compositions plus aluminum burn, the particles of metal adhere to the therniostable prodticts of decomposition of the nitro- cellulose, then fuse near the surface of the charge. During combustion of fuel-oxidizer-metal compositions, fusion of the metal particles occurs on the surface of the charge, since the charge temperature is sufficient to melt the aluminum and magnesium. As the percent of metal in the composition is increased, the mean particle diameter of aluminum and magnesizim particles fumed as a result of fusion on the charge surface also increases. The dogyree of fusl~n of metal A USSR POKHIL, P. F., LOGACHEV, V. S., INIALITSEV, V. M., Novosibirsk, Fizika -92 Goreniya i Vzryva, No. 6, March 1970, pp 80 p~Lrticles on the charge surface increases with decreasing size of the initial particles of metal in the model composition. The mean volumetric siZe of particles of aluminum and magnesium formed as a result of fusion on the charge surface decreases with increasing combustion Tate of the charge. The velocity of particles of aluminum and magnesium formed as a result of fusion on the hot surface of the model mixture is 2-3 mm/sec for aluminum,and 4-5 mm/sec for magnesium.