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I j'~ ---- J.112 018 UNCL'ASSI FTEOt Psi~cEssiN'G DATE--040ECTO OF NATURAL TITANOMAGNEFITE AT H 1 (314 PRE5,6URES AND v'%.w-TEMPERATURES -U- -'~AUTHOR-(04)-BAGINA, O.L.t KARPOVAP O*V.t L S sL4-i PETROVAl G.N. ~ZCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR j,SOURCE-IlVs AKAD, NAUK SSSRI FlZ.? ZEMLI 1970, (21o 1.03-7' O'A T EPUBLISHED ------- TO _S.U8JECT AREAS--PHYSICS, EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAMY -0 L U T I ON, TOPIC TAGS--IRON OREt CURIE POINTr THERMAL EFFECTi 56L I D N JITANIUM COMPOUND, ARSENIC MINERALv COPPER COMPOUNIIll M&C-IgETIZATIO CONTROL HARKIN~--NO RESTRICTIONS -,-DOCUMENT,CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO --3007/1244 --.PROXY REEL/FRAME STEP NQ--UR/0387/71)/0001002/0103/0107 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136655 UNCLASS-If (ED J*"l M'" 2/2 018 UNCLAI SIFIF01", CESSING DATE S p --04DE-C70 CJRC.ACCESSION NO--AP0 136655 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACTo NATURAL OLIV314tT.F. ASSOCD. WITH ~-TITANOMAGNETITE WAS HEATED AT VARIOUS TEMP5. UP TO. 1000EGREES .114 r-t.OSEO -.AMPULS*IN A NEUTRAL THE CU OR A SLIGHTLY: REDUCING: ENVIRONPIENT4 RIE -~.PG INTS,ARE GIVEN TOGETHER WITH THE FRACTION 01: SQ LiLD SOLNS. IN T14E I -RESULTING PRODUCTS. . THE SPECIFIC MAGNETIZATION ~IDPP;END~-D ON THE ART. OF -.MAGNETITE PRESENT IN THE SOLID 'SOLUS. FACt LITYj INST. FIZ. -:-ZEMLI, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 669.715:620-17 L, N. "Mechanical Properties of Certain Aluminum Alloys at High Temperatures" Sb. Nauch. Tr. Chelyabinsk. Politekhn. In-ta [Collected Scientific Works of j -20,(Translated Chelyabinsk Polytechnical. Institute', 1972, No 100, ppA8 from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 81691, by A. Babayeva). Translation: Tests at 20, 100, 200, 300, 400 and SOO* are conducted with cylindrical specimens of the alloys AV-Tl, V92-T, AD1411, cut along the direc- tion of rolling. A sharp drop in a of Al allo)(s begins at 200', this 0.2 critical temperaturza, called the first critical temperature, being common for thermally hardened and nonhardened alloys. The second critical temperature, at which a is equal to 0, falls in the temperature interval between 400 0.2 and 5000 for all Al alloys. Graphs of the dependence o~ a 6 and on temperature are presented for these allays. 3 figures. ID USSR UDC~621.,791.011.041;621.r)42.669.14 LIVSHIT-S.- L. -al Sciences, R&KIMANOV, A, S., Candidate -.4, Doctor of Technic of Technical Sciences, and ROZIIDESTVENSKIY, V. V.,411ndida.te of TechnIcal Sciences, All-Union Scientific Resear6 Institute of,lMain,PIpeline Con- struction "Brittle-Rupture Stability of Welded Vessels Operatitig Under Pressure" Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvro, No 10, Oct 70i ppll,,2-13 Abstract: The quantity % (kg/=2) of steel, the eneqy index of resis- tance to development of btittle rupture, iasuggested~as a basis for a calculation method for determination of:conditions coMtrolling the sta- bi.lity of welded vessels operating under pressure to 4rittle rupturu. The method is based on the correspondence of.the,potelitial itnergy of elastic deformation of the walls of them ~vessei to the~ienersV index of the resistance of steel to development of rupture. 72 -7 ----7 T-'T~l AA0039846" ue. o48- Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemic,;?.l, Derven, 37722 BCOCh ffC41L TESM F VASTE WATElk i1i mora 2 r reftable and more iccu race. VeLsey is connected to t~e c~cpiosatlnS battles T and through an electralyser 4 and s prasoure regulato. S. The regulator is corkneitgd~wtth a leveVi'dic- ator 6, an amplifier '?, a relay a and a rec6rltl: 9. 1 Utre of -ja3ta wueTt(s&z;-1ej wich actiq-4. sludge ts placed, Jr, rho veml, container In with 30% solution of KOM is plactd-tri absorb carboij dioxide. 0xidlaing of organic aatter5 AccomponLeb the demand for diluted oxy0eft and subsequent diffusion of it from $a3 11 to a liquid. The pressure nf gas Lncressesdue to the fact th4V AUMORS Arendt, G. A. ; Veprintsev, V. 1. Kalyn;1lin. M ,_ Krikuzi, V. Ya. LiNralhits , ~ L. S. MaiE her'uo , 4 . A, l ~t. and SokolDY, 13741229 7- clectrolyser 4 produces oxygen by,the tlectraly- six of an anode A. When it Isequal to the pre4- sure in the bottle2 2 and 1. the'electrolyscr,!Is; automatically cut-off. The curr t t the al; 7 trolyser LQ regulated by a,resLatAnce A and~tha duracLen of,the cycle Is controlled by a tf.~e~ 12. Hydrogen fr,.Ai cathodc R to absor~;e4 in 13. MWIng of sample is done magnttically 14. and cht ccVlete assembly is submerged in a thermvstaticullY:c~M- trolled water bath.15. 17.4.6T. as 1149716(f~-26- A.A KUZMI*,i cc &Ilk Water Supply Canallsati,04 Hydrottchnical plate end HydrosiologicAl Eftt,~ ROG. Inst. (7.7 69.) Bal 8112.2.69. C1464 8~b. Int.Cl. C02b. SPetsiallnoye Konstruktorskoye Byuro 11~41:_Ptrolrnashinall 'Y4jZ30 us S 4X U,-, C "WW, G R IN! B E RG, N K U RKU-'-E L L 1E Research InszfcuLa of tlhe "Effect of Austenita on the Pro-nercies o f Soxme We it: z:i U o--- SCOW, L,- !~Wedelfti~-C! i Ta ic~ 41 C), r ab 0 LMezal.L*xj, 66-67 Abstracu: is shmm. tlhal: ch~,, Or Tl-le nat:, c zl-o effect- depeq-s Ci-, Z:~:~ L- Coz-ar) OnCor, 0 t~la O.Ioy~5 and -he quaa-,ity ol: ;,;olid ph i 2 n tbe amula- tll 42 Lijy:,. P wlniar. thu mlcunt of does -,,.:)t above 33~~, a-,, 4n c r,:t s L, i u z: lj L, am 0 u zi tu c f iL U 13 t: k2 11 , i t~ 1~ G:: che impaCL 1'eSIS=~nCe Of alloy. E*Cr,%~vq~r an s ca zkie content of austeiliLe z it- 1,1xint, Of 01"1d 'V L4 a r is rL u C t. I argu a.'. i ct~; o i r, icke 1'.0c an w3ovo ":-.u cited EoL~-,; rwt raise 1the wc!ar, USSR UDC: 519.2 !~P=Ts. L. Z. OSTROVSKIY, I. V., "On Multidimensional Infinitely Divisible Lam Having Only Infinitely Di- visible Components" V sb. Mat. fiz. i funkts. analiz (Mathematical Physics and Functional Anal- ysis--collection of works), vyp. 2, 1971, pp.61-75 (from RZI,.~Icibernetika, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 4VIO) Translation: It is proved that the class of n-dimensional infinitely d-i- visible laws having only infinitely divisible: components is dense in t1he sense of weak convergence in the class of all n-dimensibnal Winitely di- visible lava. Authors' abstract. USSR UIDC 51 21 nsixih~ient Conditions Under Vhieh a Tvo-Diwnslon~~alt Infinitely Divisble law Has Only Infinitely Divisible Com ~ nta" Teorlya funktsly, funkts. analiz 1. ikh prilozh. Reap nauch. sb. (Theor~y of F'unctions, Functional Analysis, and Their Applicat~),Onst ~.Republican Scientific Collection), No 12t 1970. pp 36-59 Urom Heferativn~7 Zhrjrnal - Hatematika, No 81 Aug 71, Abstract No 8VIO by 1, Ostrovskiy) Translations In studying the structur'e of the class, I of Infinitely divisible (i. d.) laws that have only I. d. components, a ketzoie is played by sets of the type where 0, arA the numbe axe &1 0, m2 r5 /-(z0 i or natural numbers distinct from unity (a WOl +11 +2, 2). The sets were introduced by Yu. V. Linnik, whos showed (do-fe=tivnYY%Zhurnal - Matematika# 1963, Abstract 7VllO X) that is ~ one-dimd'~aional i. d. law with a Gausian component belongs to I then its spectral ttryy measure is con- 0 1/2 M USSR LIVSHITS. L. Z., Teoriya funktstyl funkts. analiz I 1kh priloizh. Resp navch. ab.0 No 12, 1970, pp 36-59 centrated. on a set of form (1). On the other hand, if the spectral Levy measure is concentrated on a set of the form (1) ivid diminishes tupidly enough at infinity, then the law belongs to class I -diiaenaioriA This paper considers two I. d, iaws oose spectral Levy measuro Is concentrated on subsets of the Cartesian proaucts,Axb, where A -dimensional sets of the form (1). It is Ohown that under and B are one Iain.conditions of a geometrical nature lAposea on the subsDtso a siffleiently rapid decrease at. infinity Of a.opectral bevy mpasure entails the'aembership of the i. d. law In the class'~O 2/2 .. .. ... . ... 024 UNCL ASS IF I eD ~iiOCES'SING DATE-09OCT70 TITLE--NONLf NEAR PERTURBATION OF PLASJ4A.USC.ILLATlON:tUNDER CONDITIONS OF AN .-:'-'-'.ELECTR0N CYCLOTRONIC RESONANCE -U- .-AUTHOR-(02)- TSVTOVICH, V.N. ~_C_.OUN Tfq YOf- INFO-'USSR ;-.UURCE--ZHURNAL 7L-KHNICHESKOI f-17-IKI, VOIL. 40, JAN~ 1970, P. 18-31 E PUBLISHED---70 ,;'-S-UBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS 'NONLINEAR EFFECT, TOPIC TAGS--PLASMA OSCILLATION, CYCLOTRON RESONANCEP VLASMA HEATINGt STRONG MAGNETIC FIELD MARKING-NO RESIAICTIONS ~.':_.PDCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~PRUXY RUEL/FRAME-1978/1505 STEP NO-Ufi/0057/7OifO4O~000/0018/1)031 ,it_l_jkC ACCESStON NO-AP0046344 UNCLASSIFIED 024 U,"ICLASSIFIED PKOCESSING OArE--090CTT0 -,C-IRC ACCESSION N'U---AP0046344 ~~AJSTRACT/EXTRACT--W) GP-0- ABSTRACT E, X AM VIA T 1014 C., 11; A?JUNL I NEAR INTERACTION BETWEEN THE PLASMA ANO-THE HIGfi FRE-lw"UENCY FIL-LDS WITH FREQUENCIES CLOSE TO THE ELECTRON GYROFREQUENCY. It STUDY IS MADE OF THE EFFECT OF A KINETIC NUNLINEAR GENERATlrjn CIV USClLj-jt7ll3li.S IN A PLASMA SUBJECTED TO A STRUING MAGNETIC. FIELD. AN 8VALUArIQN IS~ AAUE (it: IHE PROOLEMS CGNCERNING THE NONLINEAR THEORY OF A CYCLUTROP11C PLASMA ~~-.-HEATLNG. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK.SSSR? FfZICHL-SKII INSTITUT, USSR. UNCLASSIF IEG USSR UDC: 681-332.65 LIVSHITS. M. G. "A Hi~h-Speed Counter for Pulses of Arbitrary Shape" Vestn. Belorus. un-ta (Belorussian University Herald), 1971,, veries 1, No 2, pp 85-87 (from RZIi-M-tormatika, Telemekhanika i VYchIcjJtel'xiMa Tekhnil~a, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No IOB224) Translation: The paper describes a high-speed counter based. on tunne2 diodes and transistors which is actuated by pulses of arbitravy shn-pe and duration with an a=pl.-;tude exceeding the threshold. The maximi4-1i count rate in the binary mode is 160 1411z. Counting.modes wIth, feedback Iresetlt were studied. The counter operates reliably in the decitml mode at a, rate of 60 InIz. Two illustrations. Resume. 028: UNCLASS. ~fthtmfNr:" DATE--160CT70 AR ItTLE-CURRENT CONOUCTING D I SCHAKGE CHANNEL NE HE WRFAC-1 OF ~STUOIED WITH AN ELE CTRON OPTICAL CONVERtek :-U- UTHO f< -0 2) - ti Ak T I NK OV tYE.G., LIVSHITS, 140 ,.' -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR URCE--ZH. PRIKL. SPEKTRCSK. 1970, 12(1)i 131-2 (YATE-: PUBLISHED ------- 70 le''SUBJECT AREAS--ELECTRONICS AND-ELECTRICAL, ENGR. Al.~'.TQPIC TAGS--ELECTROD6 PROPERTY# SPECTRAL LINEP IMAGE CONVERTER, BATTERY --:ELECTRODE9 CURRENT DENSITY MARKING--N-0 RESTRICTIONS CONTROL DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .-:.PROXY REEL/FRA-4E--1995/0433 STEP NO--UR/0368/10/Ule/OOl/Ol3i/Oi32 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116099 UNCLASSIFIED 'q7.777 -7"~7~ 2/2 028 UNCLASSIFIED CESSING DATE--160CT7O GIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0116099 :.:ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE EMISSION 'OF THE SPECTRAL LINES N OF A CURRENT CONOUCT114G DISCHARGE WITH HIGH ENERGY UF EXCITATIOt CHANNEL WAS STUDIED AT 400000EGREESK. THE DISCHARGE OF A; CAPACITOK BATTERY WLITH CAPACITANCE SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO MU F AND VilTH 5 KV 4AS FOLLOWED. THE MAX. INDUCTION OF THE DISCHARGE CONrOUR WAS 20 14U H. THE TIME SPACE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SP-ECTRAL LINES AL t1l (1-4MBOA E,~UAL-s 452~9o 4512v AND 4480 ANGSTROM) 14AS MEASURC-D NEAR WHE CATHODE SURFACE. IN THE STARTING STATE (MAX. CURRENT 121,000 A), SEVERAL CHANNELS WERE OBSO. NO PULSATION NEAR THE SURFACE OF THE ANODE:WAS SHOwN. NO 'PULSATION SHORTER THAN 10 PRIME NEGATIVE.7 SEC WAS~06SD. NEAR THE -SURFACE OF THE CATHODE, THOUGH THE EXPTS* SHOW rHE PRESENCE OF SEVERAL ED CHANNELS WITH PULSATION TIMES OF SOME MU SEC. THIS EFFECT WAS ATTRIBUTED TO THE MIGRATION OF THE CHANNELS NEAR 'HE CATHUDE. AT THE -JAP MAX. CURRENT 015CI LGE, THE EMISSION OCCUPIED THEITOTAL SURFACE OF THE LE CHANNELS wEkE 00SO, IN THE VINAL STATE THE 'CTROOE, AND SEP. E DISCHARGEf 2 CHANNELS WERE OBSI)*t THE! EN 5 S I ON 1. OT ENS I T Y 0 FWH I CH ;,,,.PULSATED AT 10 PRIME NEGATIVE7 ANO 10 PRIME 14EGAtIVE6. SEC. UNC LA S S I F If: 0 T-71 Acc. Nr: AP00471W Ref. QD( .0 pRI14ARy SOURCE: Stoma-16o Vyoa". 1. 1. Slovoklin/nom, Al. 1. Liv;hi(i - THE INFLUli, -OF XrROPINF .%.ND NCE PILOCARPINE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF DENTAL EXPEIRIMENTAL CARIES IN RATS S u in, m a r y. Durin_z 53-day-hmL,, c.-qncrimenti wn sibint) rat., rixeivin',, a u-w-), vnic diet the authors, studiod tile influcrice of hyv~_ and oil tile dental caries. It was vstabli0iint Cwt accelvrlke~~ '11:- d~.- velcipmentian dental carir.,-, whemis pilocorl"ific. icausing vat."cl 11, m.-I ni le-sts a telitiin-cv Acl retention of the &-velopinOnt Of dental carknS.:1 REEL/M'%M I z 0109 LINC L A S~S IF I Eb' o k, C F S S1',,' .3 a T31V 7 0 -~cNT ",F CJLCCERITIS~Aj THE TIUSKIo4LIS H:~Ai [H IT L PaP LUT I CEMPLOV :~RESU.IkT -U- ~,AUTHOR--LIVSHITS, "-.L. "-,c cu -q T R YOF INFO-USSR DELO, 1970, Nk 5, P R' 129-1.30. ADATE PUBLISHE-D - - - - - - -70 'SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND ME-91CAL 5C.IENCE S j0PIC TAGS--WAXr THERAPEUTICS .CDNTRCL f,,A'NKINCj--N0 PEST-~ICNONS 00CUMENT CLASS-IMCLASSIF IEU PROXY STEP CIRC A(*-rFSS[i-,'N Nf,'---AP0I"o775- UNCL ASS I ~F I ED Pl~GCESS ING, DATE-13NOV70 "C-IRC A (,CC) S I HN ti n-- APO 17 15 :'At3S TRACT/ EXTRAC T-- I U) GV-O- iWSI'RACTI. mE. Au'riiok coscus)SES TH"- NIECHA-IISM [if- GZ'"'CERITIS AN0 sk)G u- s,r Ti' -CLSSITY 'W F,MTHER OF THERAPEUTIC ACTIG ~-."-,~-:DETAILED STUDIES OF THESL M.CCHANISIM Iti A-SPECIAL. E R N TECHNIQUFS OF EMPLJYMENT UF OW(ERITIS .1 N HEALTW I~EJLRT CONDITIJiNS ARE RE C 0MI-S EN DE D. JN C t,. A S' S 1 F -1 L -W4 ..-'UDC'S 9;23 USR_~ LXYSHITS, M Y Raej, R. 1. gnaw*"""" "Solution of the Inverse Problem from. the Theory of ErroTs, Based on the Principle of Unequal Influences" Metody Predstavleniya i Apparatu-rn. Analiz Sluchayn. Protsessov i Poley. 3-y Vses. Simpozium. Sekts. I [Methods of Representation and!11ardware Analysis of Random Processes and Fields, Third All-Union S)mposiumi Section 1 -- Collection afera of Works), Leningrad, 1970, pp 63-70, (Translated from,Rj-- tivnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V143 by V. Noskov). Translation: The function of many variables y f (x I x2P xm is detei-mined on the basis of results of measurements of _x.. A limiting absolute error Ly and set of limiting absolute errors Ax ij (i = 1, m:2, ..., m; j = 1, 2, ..., q) are fixed. On the assumption of linearity Ay E f.6x.., Where~f ~Y-J, the dx problem of finding the set of first errors Ax., satisfying the condition m ~ 13 7, B.. where f.Ax . < Ay is found. When strict inequality is possible, the i=1 13 1 ij - 3 "quasioptimal" solution is sought considering the weight coefFficient B W reflect- ing the technical and economic indicators of the measuring and ealculat Ln,,:,, equip- ment, An iteration algorithm for search for the solutioN is ninimizin 17 USSR UDC 547.91.7 L IVSHI KADYROV, Ch. Sh., and KEMMI, I., "Order of the Red Banner E~ ""tabor" Institute of the Chemistry of.Plant Materi 18, Academy of Sciences ot 41 of the Uzbek SSR; Institute of Plant Physiology iaenl Timiryazev "Synthesis and Biological Activity of RS-Abscisic AcW and Its Analogs" Tashkent, Khimiya Prirodnykh Soyedineniy, No 6, 1970, pp 731-735 -stage method is used for synthesizing abscisic acid giving Abstract; A three a 242 yield of intermediate 1-hydroxy"4-keto-a-ionone. The purity of the ketone was checked by the method of thin-layer chroriiatography. Condensation of I-hydroxy-4-keto-a-ionone with carboethoxymethy4ae triphenylphosphoran yields a mixture of isomers of (�) cis-transand (+)~trana-trans-absclsic acid asters. The precipitated triphanylphosphonium oxldtj~ was isaparated from the mixture of abacisic acid eBter isomera. ~The acid pilter iqLxture was thea washed in the column without removing the triphenY10110j;p1jonium oxide. When the residue was treated with a mixture of ether aad~petroleum ether, abscisic acid was isolated with a yield of 34%. A. possible biosynthetic predecessor of RS-abscisic acid -- ethyl ether of.a-iqnolydene 4Lcetate -- was synthesized by reacting/0-ionone with carboathoxymethyl p~oaphoiic acid. The reaction was 1/2 "W"WRO ~F MR. . ... ... ... USSR LIVSHITS, N. D., et al, Kbimiya Prirodnykh Soyedineilly, No 6, 1970, pp 731-735 done with sodium and lithium hydrides in 'a nitrogen atmosphere in dimethylform- amide. Ethyl ether of 0-ionolydene acetate was alsO synthesized by reacting a-ionone with ethyl bromoacetate. In this reaction,,, ethyl ether of retro-6- ionolydene acetate is produced in addition to the mfain product. The authors studied the effect of various factors on condensattPu of $-ionone with ethyl bromoacetate: duration of the reaction, the mature of the catalyst (zinc powder, zinc amalgam) and its quantity, and also the pre.4,ence of impurities which affect product yield. Other posBible predecessors of RS-abscisic acid ethyl ether of dehydro-a-ionolydene acetate and del~ydro-13-icnone -- were synthesized by N-Br-succinimide allyl bromination of eth:il ether of a- yield of products ionolydene acetate and $-ionone respectivaly. The best , for dehydro-a-ionone (50%) was achieved by carryirig out the reaction in carbon tetrachloride (treatment by diathyl aniline ~aad pyridine, 3:1), while the beat yield for dehydro-~-J,onolydone,,ncotaz:e (5M wms achieved by carrying out the reaction in inetbylene chloride (quinoliae ~,:reattrle.14t). It wan found that the predecessors of RS-Abocisir. ac-td suppresj~uv diii growth of coleoptile segments to a much lesser ext4ut than t4a acid U0,1h4f. 2/2- 5-o ........ ........ -'roliffi- I MWIN M "J AJ, fd crs PC -tpov gag 9 K , t; 0 0 g q . :r r 0 Orr F.I 5 V~ .3 c Ir f3 a 1'. .54 r.!e F- -4 ~ ; A -9 g 0' '43 a ir USSR UJ)C'615.9/613.2 EDSHCHMV, A. K., and LIVSUTS. 0. D. "A Rapid Method for Determining Sevi4 in. Food, Products" Moscow, Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnaj,, No- !1,. 1970, pp 70-71 Abstract: A quick, convenient, seusttive,. and in~xj~enslve method is sixg- - gested for detecting sevin an fruits and. leaves. Tlie object. to be investi- gated is rubbed with a cotton-tipped,stick moistened with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution in 50% ethyl alcohol.. The, stick's is then put. in a.-datk place and exposed to ultraviolet radiation. If seven. is present, the stick luminesces a greenish-blue. color; if the pesti.cide ~s absent, the lumines- t*nce is dark violet. The existenceof a pollutant~on the surface of fruits or leaves does not have any effect an the quality qf the reaction. The en- tire procedure takes only 3 to 5 minutes-~ USSIT-11 IWO a-Ir A. K., I 1 HE 1 "Qz-.!Lck 11-'~~thcnd olt' Av~,a-,T7,h,g Sevit in Mosccw, IKIIIr,-Iya v 1, 1 Abstr- u-, nct. A 'T,: a-esidu- 1 -f S,~,-jjj ill I naxture of tl,e sulvt~iyt; chrortato,--aphy -witll (.-)f the utwin tc, tior, Of s2arcc y ns" tho tl!!*t` -.5 swniple- 'roc zic-'Llhod can ke us-d imiur tL(q-.tcI;I con(;*I 4.~ veteri-nary and, plXblic-hcalth ln-boratorien. U%C a 022 ssl I pw'pr-;;TIEc i)F- GPAI;l COPOLY'!HtS -r-; FF F- 1. X TU,, F S-~.iTr- f i 7 4 1 - I GRA K.Y.".'.T F E%K , )V A LIVSH I TS c z: I V 0 LI K KA IWO, (2) "-DA T fPUoLISHE-0- ---70 S U j E C T 'A RE A S -IRA T Eft I A L S ,:TOPIC TAGS--VQLYACRYL)iNITRILF FHERf WOLYMER, CELLULLY5E RESM, POLY.**[R KHEOLOGYs BEND14G STRENGTH A~W A 191%, 1 E s I S 1 Allill E :Cr;',.T-,40L ',fAFKIll.G--Nrl FEST;UCTIM's OZICU'lU~J r-LASS-UNCLASSIFHO STEP !,'U--URf 01-9.'~/7(jlD-.jC/-~32/3r%25/0027 c I c C I 12 50 7 z -------- "P~ C L Al S SD V -lC-LE3Sl-,-., '%P--AP,')112507 GP-0- A'~,STRACT. FIJER -IF I Ni-A C 14 r 'P'.XYMFlZ 511 P,(-PD. P~'LY'L';YlA`;lTRlLE t 1,ELLULD.IF r.A A r TC'j THE QF FF P r 1 4 E 2 P,35 I T I V E 4'H SU5 2 US U 3 2 , AN D T H-E IY, I X T S I.;L..;F CUMPAP~, Fl,-iE)(S w-ViE F93PED BY MT. OF P,-,Tt-,. --,ATf4S DF I.e. CACL SU3Z 'iATI.!S Rik 11. RHEIL. -NA'-%S FUk I AND THE 1-11 "1X75 OR r-',JPE?%-TIES CF PCLY?~!EP SCLNS. AAE CCIMP~41KE-0. ALTliOlUGH ,',CST DF T-;~: P"YS. P, Fh'TOI~Yj FIFERS rZC,'-4 THE -.4. P-31"PEi-JIES OF- TWE 11 F13ERS WEf:F UNSATIS 1-11 "IXTS. EXCFEUED I FIBERS IN ARRASION RESISTAINCE A%D BENDING, 0 R As p R-1) THE MOISIURE ABSURPTIVITY OF THE MG IFIED f HE 5 W A P .-THAT OF COTTON. UNCLASSIFIED (wc~S~5 ING 0ATt-27NOV70 01.4 AND LTS DERIVATIVES 306. -.,-.TITLE--STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF CELLULOSE SYNTHESIS OF GRAFT COPOLYMERS OF CELLULOSE WiTHiPOLYACRYLONTTRILE BY AUTHOR-(03)-BEREZA, M.P., RoM. T' ROG(.!*IlNtl Z.A4' TRY OF INFO--USSR .:.SOURCE-~-IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED.9 KHIM, ~KHIM. TCKHNOL. 1970v 13(3),r 4L6-18 3 ATE PUBLISHED ----- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS Y 'Ry NATURAL FIBER 0 P I CTAG,S--CELLULOSE RESINt POLYACRYLON11,TRILE, COPOL ~,41. CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :,-PROXY.REEL/FRAME--3008/0837 STEP~NO--UR/015i3/701013/003/0416fO4l3 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0137865 UNCLASSIFIED, 27/ 2 014 UNCL ASS[ FtED PRkESSING DAtE-27NOV70 ACCESSION NO--AT0137965 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. COTTON CLOTH k:AS 11-ImERSIED IN NAQH SOLN., WRUNG OUT AND TREATED WITH H SUBZ C:Cl+CN: (I) AT 76-80EGREES SUR THE DURING'3 HR. THE EXTN. WITH HCONAE .2 REMOVil) THE 1401OPOLYMEA. ACETOLYSIS (A. A. GULINA ET AL;., 19051 ~SPLIT OF~ TH(fl- POLYACKYLON[TRILE GRAFTED CHAINS. SIMILARLYt NA CELLULOSE Al.Cl)~10 LATE WAS GRAFT'ED 141TH I IN LIQ. NH SUB3 OR WITHOUT A SOLVENT., IN BOTH ~^.ASEIs ONLY SIMILAR TO _10PERCENT OF THE REACTED I WAS USED~ IN FORMING JHE GRAFT COPOLYMER. THE C07POLYMER HAD LOW MOL. WT. IN COMPARISON WITH 41HE C(IPOLY4-;--RS PREPD. BY OF C~ELLULOSE.: FAbILITY: MOSK. TEKST. INST..t MOSCOWt USSR* USSR uDc 6j2, X17 -i.ol4.46:615-849.2 SHUBIK. V. M.Y IMNSTRUYEVA, M. A., and. KOLM, IN, V. A., Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Radiatio~ Hygiene "Effect of Nuclear Fission Products on~ Imnological. I~L3aaltions" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i lamirlobiologii, No 9, 1972, pp IP-17 Abstract: Rats were injected once with an inlivide(l mixture of rare earth (La-i4o, Ce-14l, CO-144, Pr-1113, Y-91o Ild-147) and alkali, earth (Sr-59, Ba- 140) radionuclides to deterrdne tht, effect of 'these' JJUClL~,1LJ- fiS-SiOri prodliCtS on nons-cecific (Ioffe's test, bacteriaidal action, lysozyne, complement zerv- ing as criteria) and specific (antibody response to,inoculati on of Proteus vulgaris and sheep erythrocytes) i=.-,unity. Nonspecific reactions and anti- body formation were deprt.-sscd and a large quantity oe al.-,to8;nti'1)odieS to liver and kidney tissues were produced. These changes wera phaselike: periods of decrease alternated with phases of normalization arn(L even stitTulation. 'There was a distinct relationship between most of the Iniminalal-tcal parrm-,titers and the dose of radioisotopes used. The carious factorit, d-iffleved in sensitivity to internal irradiation. USSR UDC 577.391:576.809.7 SIIUBIK, V. M. , KOLOTVI V. A., and BRON7SUMNI, I. E., Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of:_Radiation Hygiene, Ministry of Health RSFSR, Leningrad "Comparative Study of the Dynamics of Changes in the!Indexes of Non-Specific Tmmunity Under the Effect of Long-Wava.and Short-Wav~. X-Rays" Moscow, Radiobiologiya, Vol 11, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, pp 540-544 Abstract: Nonspecific immunological reactivity was studied upon irradiation of rats with long-wave and short-wave x-rays with an: effectLve energ7Y of 14 and 75 keV, respectively. The immunological reactivi.ty wzis determined on the basis of the area of postinjection infiltration 24 lirs after intracu- taneous injection to the animals of 0.1 ml of anti-rdit serun, the bacteri- cidal activity of the blood serum towards E. coli, the lysozyme titer of the blood serum with respect to Plicrococcus lysodeicticus, and the comple- ment titer of the blood serum as indicated by the heMolysis of ram ery- throcytes. On exposure of the animals~to~equal dose4; of loiig-wave and short-wave radiation, the nonspecific Diununity was suppre9sed to a greater extent by the action of short-wave than long-wave radiation. This waB due to tile fact that, as sti(xqn by calculations for the total body, the skin, 1/2 ------------- M O"i"404W.- In1-loolim"Imm! mm m- 'T--T USSR SHUBIK, V. M., et al., Radiobiologiya, Vol 11, No 4,,Jul/Aug 71, pp 540-544 and the spleen, the average absorbed doses were higher at equal exposure doses for the hich-energy short-wave radiation than the low-energy lon-- wave radiation. 2/2 Polymerstand P61y~merizalioui USSR UDC 678.742.2-137.46.22:66.018.86 TERTERYAN, R. A., LESHCHENKO, S. S., LIVSHITS2 g. D,, GOLOSOVI A. P., ITSIKSON, L. B., HONASTYRSKIY, V. N., KARPOV, V. L., SOBOLEVA, N. S., MAL'TSEVA, A. P., and ISMiAKOV, L.:I. "Radiation Stability of Ethylene and Styrene Copolymers" Moscow, Plasticheskiye Massy, 7, 1973, pp, 3-5 Abstract: A study was made of the continuous statistical copoly-merization of ethylene monomers (E) with styrene (S) under conditiahs similar to those under which low density polyethylene is produced and also of the behavior of E + S polymers in an ionizing radiation field. The results of copolymerization studied 7- grams of copolymer/hr concentration of S in the polymer, density, and others - are given as a function of styrene concentration and pressure at 200*C. An increase in the concentration of $ in the reaction mixture leads to a decrease in the copolymer yield, in its 4haractexistic viscosity, in its melting temperature, and Its crystallinity, anti to an increase in the density. The presence of S monomers in the polyethyleae chains and the chemical bonds between them and the methylene groups significantly increases the resistance of the material to damage. The gases evolved during the radiation of various types of polymers were determined. 1/1 USSR MC 6~69.25-028.44 SHVEDOV, L. I., PAVIMUCO, 2. D., and LIVSHITS, S. to, Physicotechnical Institute,Acadepy of Sciencos, Belor&nTMrWW---1iwA pertiea of CxIst Ch--vme-V -Aluminum "Investigation of the Structure and Pro 'Ickel Steels and the Influence of Titaniump Boront Cerlumt and Urconium on TherYI Minsk, Izvestiya Akademii Hauk BSSR# Seriya Fiziko-T ekhnickeskikh Nauk, No, Is 1971v pp 33-317 Abstracti The article considers the influence of aluminun upon the Micro- structurep strength characteristicst thermal stability, heat resistance, and irreversible change of dimensions in the cyclic heat treatment of auatenitic chrome-nickel steels of the three groups 1214, 18-19, and:18-25 in a cast state. The influence of the content of nickel and cX titanium, boron, ceriual and zirconium additivos-on; 0, these steels is investi- gated, One table# 2 figuresp l0ibibliogr4phic.entrieo, .1A USSR' UDC SiMS/.!&~19.3:330.11S NIKITIN, Ye. N.$ BREMV, A. M., LIVSHITS, S. Ye.!: "Network Wthod of Solution of Problems in Integex Linear Programming" Tr---Leanigr. Inzh.-econ. In-ta [Works of Leningrad Institute of Engineerina aonamics], No 79, 1971, pp 84-88, '(Translated fr6m Referativnyy Zliurnal, Kibernetika, No 10, 1971, Abstract No 10 V693 by Yu- Finkellshteym). Ttanslation: The general problem of integer lineAT progrinming is studied. The-ideas of the method of sequential a~ialysis ofiversions are used for its solution by directed sampling (RZh~lat, 1966, 106, SV68, 11V279). The volume of-computational work., generally quite higIL, is estimated. 30 USSR GOLENKO, D. I., LIV-SHITS, S. Ye., TORNOPOLISKIY, Yli. Ya., YAROKER, Ya. N. "Study of c Networki. in Statistical Nfodeling llrocei;scs'l Tr. Leningr. Inzb.-Ekon. In-ta (Works of Leningrad Instituto of Economics Engineering], 1972, No 94, pp 43-50 (Translated frimi R(-ferativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Ahstract No, 4V273, by B. Granovski)-). Translation: Set M in compact motric space r is ~ciillcd Ili E network- in K if for any point t C K there is a poi nt t H which is~ not -more than c d is ~;int f rom. t. If m is the minimum number of points necessary, to construct an r ncLivork- in a certain set AnK, the number 11 = )-ol"214 is called the c: entropy of A. As we know, the r entropy of the set-. can be used to estlimate the accur-acy of tabula- tion. integration, as well as various pl-w-edlives of' optifnizatioll of filliction F, continuous in K, using the correspon.ding c notwoi!16 Thie problcm thwi arises of const a sequence of poias (x~ i)"i K, ~tjw 0111:1`01))f Of which wi.L11 any n is near the maximum possible. In this tiork )*()r the cw3v Y = [0, 1], comparison is given of regular and p.-robabilistic mq!thods of product5oii of Dil c network from this standpoint. The regular i.-u-thod consists iii con!;trij-..tioii of 112 - ------- ----- ------ --- ------- ------ USSR Golenko, D. I., Liv5hits, S. Ye., Tornopol'skiy, Yu. Ya., Yaroker, Ya. NI., Tr. Leningr. Inzh.-Ekon. In-ta, 1972, No 93, pp 43-M. sequences of equally separated points in [0, 1) , the prolmbi ;jstic method con- sists in construction of sequences formed by valticii of a random quantity, evenly distributed in [0, 11. Onc new Inothod is silggested for construction of an c network, the c entropy of which~incxeases strictly with increasing number of points. WO 46 .-0 9 18.25(0751 RMMIWAt H K=TB79 ?a Got zWWj V. Amt 1.9 M V "Naetal Cer=ic, E3xd Alloys!' Hetallokeranicheskiye Tver4rye Splavy (English Version Above)# Eatallurgiya Press# 1970, 352 pae-,es xTanslation of Annotationi This book presents In britof f0= the basic n1c, xd loy principles of the production and applimtion of metalicem ha al Wormation is nrnzented on the Initial rav, =taria,:arA mthods are des- cribed for producing powders of metals azd -carbiden ulted in the nanufacture of hard alloys, Methods of grimUng the initial materials and mthcds of preparing the zIxt=es arxi pressing then are described. DescrIption,a1v given of p-m- ceases occurring during sin-tering of alloy;so and met*z a, treatirL3 hard &Uoy products. Areas of their applicationla the metal wrleing and zilnini3 industries are described. Aethods of qwLUty to3tin&or pmoducts d=lng preparation of b_%rd alloyz are d1scusse d. The book la designed as a teacUng aid for proCeasion,-a and teOudcu- schools training worikers in the jp~oducUon of metal Oramic kard alloyrs. 94 figs; 31 tables; 19 blbllo. refs. 1/10 USSR ROWWAs H. I., at ai., metanokexudcheskiye Tvt-rdyyq~ Splajy' Iletall'=gIya Press, 1970, 352 pa~ps TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Foreword ......................... ...... ................. 7 Introduction ............ ........... .............. Chapter 1. Raw Material for Production"of Metal'Ceramic Hard Alloys ............. :............ I...... 1. Basic anJ Secondary Natprials ....... 2. Production of Tungsten Anhydride and Altmioni= Paratungstenate, 3 Production of Co'balt Oxide::: ' 16 ide 4: Production of Tit4nium Oiox 19 5. Production of Black . . . . . . . 23 Chapter Il. Methods of Producing Powders and Propert le.:s of Powder Materials ....... ......... ....... 24 6. Principles of the Grinding and Crushing Process 24 -setanojwz-.-Axdcbeskjye Tverd.~, Splav:y, is et ai* j, i Vleta-Ilurgiya 111;i6mw- 191X 332 paps Chapter II. 7. Design of Coarse and Fine Crushers 26 .8. Design of Mills: 30 9. Basic Properties of PowderAiaterials 35 Chapter III.Technology of Manufacture of PQwders,of Tungsten, Cobalt and Nickel I....... ........... 46 10.- Physical-Chemical.Principles.of Reduction 46 11. Reduction of Tungsten ftides 47 12. Reduction of Oxides-of Cobalt and Nic~el 53 13. Apparatus and Tut-Measturem6nt Device$ Used~ in Reduction of Oxides 54 Chapter IV. Technology of Maiiufacture of Refiactory Wital Carbides ...... ...................... 57 14. Properties of Carbides ............. ..... S7 i," 777--r -1---!~-77-777777 7- USSR ROWDVAq H. 1. p et al'. f5stallokexesdeheskiye Tverlne SplAvy, Netallurgiya 1xess, 1970, 352 paps IS. Methods of Production of Carbides ... .... 58 16. Tungsten Carbide .... 61 17. Technology. of PrqductioFi ot7ungsten. Carbide 63 18. Production of Titanium Carbide 65 19. Production of Tiianium-Tunktten.Carbide 9 66 Chapter V. Technology of Preparation of Mixtures 68 20. Mixing Methods ............................ 69 21 Processes Occurring During Grinding oF Mixtures ........ 71 22. Dry and Wet Grinding ....... 73 23. Purpose of Grind:~ng Bodies and ~atuie~of Their Motion in Grindirig:.Units ... 74 24. Types of Grinding Bodiqs,:$Izes~and C oupos-1- tions ... "**"** ........ * ......... ...... 77 25. . Influence of D0gree,.of;:G,rinJing on Ph ~sical and Mechanical Propert~es of Alloys 78 4/10 USSR ROJaNOVAq It. I., et al. Netallokemudebesidye Werdy3ta Splavy, Natallurgiya, ~Pzessl 3.9"109 352 pages Chapter V . (continued) 26. Influence of Various Factors :on Intens9ty of Grinding . ....... 81 27. Means of Intensifying Grindi~g of MixtOres 83 28. Calculation,of Charges for-Pr epaiati.6niof Mixtures 84 29. Technology of Pre Mixtures paration: of, 88 -30. Drying of Mixtures Aftey;Grinding 89 31. Screening of Mixtures 93 32. Types of Reject. Mixtures!and Methods a,~ Avoiding Them ...... ...... 97 Chapter VI. Technology of Preparation of P ducts of 16rd ro Alloys .......... ....... ....... 103 33. Types of Hard Allay Products; ...... 103 34. Methods of Pressing ...i .............. 104 3S. Properties of Pressed Products ...... 112 S/10 ---- -------- -- USSR at alot metallokerdxdcheskiye Wer" -OP!avy Presss 1970# 352 Pages Chapter V1. (Continued) 36. Influence of Pressed Orique 00 Dvnait,~! *n Properties of Products after'Sintering" 117 37. Preparation of Mixtures ~or~pressing ... 118 Plasticiier 38. Technology of Introduction 0, to Mixture ... I....... ~v.qv ........ 119 39. Pressing of Mixtures 124 40. Principles of Calculation.and~Des ign 0 f . Press Molds ........................ 133 41. Types of Reject Products ......... ... 140 Chapter V11. Technology of Sintering oUProducts 144 42. The Essence of Sintering 144 43., Graininess of Carbide Phases ....... 151 44. Influence of Sintering Atmosphere on Alloy Composition ............ 154 6/10 USSR ROJUMNAt He 1 .9 et alet Metallokeramichesaye, Tve=IyYe Splavy. Nltallurgiya pressr-1970, 352 pages Chapter VII. (Continued) 45. Influence of Sintering Conditions an Alloy Properties 46. Technology of Sintering' IS8 47. Equipment used foT Sintering of Produqts in Hydrogen . 1: .11 . :~ .............. 163 48. !o Technology of Sintering; f~Produrcts in a Vacuum .... ............ 166 49. Activation of Sinterin& 169 50. Types of Rejects in Sinioring, Metho6- of Correction and Processing of Waste 170 Chapter VIII. Quality Testing of Manufacture of Hard,, A I loy 178 S1. Metallographic Testing of Hard Alloy i,'itiality 178 52. Determinatioa of Density 194 53. Determination of Coercive Force .... ...... 196 S4. Determination of Hardne'As ............ ...... 199 -------- --- -USSR ROWIOVAI N. I. et al. MeUllokerwAd,4sklye Tverdyve SpIaYy, -I:eetallurgiya Press, 1970o 352 pages Chapter VIII. (Continued) SS. Determination of Strength Limit in Bexiding 203 S6. Testing of Hard Drilling Alloys 205 57. Testing of Hard Alloy Plates for Metai Working Tools ...... ............... 206 Chapter IX Use of Hard Alloys in Metalworking Industry 209 58. Primary Properties of H4rdAlloyt ..... 209 59. Working of Netals by Cutti~g~ . ....... 227 60. Chipless Working of Metils, .......... .... 236 Chapter X. Methods of Working Hard Allo s ;y 247 61. Classification of.Metho~s .......... 247 62. Chemical ~ 1-1 echanical and]Electrical-Ch lical- ep ; Mechanicaf Methods .... ............. 249 63. Electric Spark Method .................... 255 8/10 I aima IISSR ROWOVA, N. I., et al., 1*taJ-1okexwdc~Ask1ye TvemWe Splavyl netaliurg:Lya Presso 1970# 352- pws a'pter X. (continued) 64. Ultrasonic Method of Working ......... 266 65. Abrasive and Diamond Korking ...... 267 Chapter XI. Sharpening and Finishing oi Hard.Alloy T6ols 309 66. General Information on Sharp'ening of tools 309 67. Sharpening Machines 311 68. Selection of Characteristics:of Sharpe ning Disc and Modes of Abrasive:and Diamolij ~ Sharp ening of Hard Alloy Tools 313 69. Selection of Characteris:tics 6f inil5bing Materials and,Modes of Finishing' HardilAlloy Tools 317 70. Standard Technological Processes of,S~arpenlng and Finishing liard Allo :Tools .... 321 71. Operation of.Sharpeninglq~i*ent andjools 322 9116 B014AIMAO No I, et ales Xeta.Uok-erazdchOskJYG Tvvrdyye Splavy, M3tall=giya Press# 19701 352 paps Chapter XII. Use of Hard Alloys in Mining ......... 331 72. Methods of Drilling Blast Holes and Bope Holes 331 73. Inpact Drilling Tools 332 74. Rotary Drilling Tools ........... 335 75. Shapes and Dimensions of Chard Alloy Pla,!tes for Drilling Tools ... ............ 342 Bibliography ....... ................... ........ 352 10110 USSR L 'OW" Uln: 612 -746.6 BIWLYA,, P. N. (deceased), IZVSHM.. V. B.0 enl BHLYY, I.: "Influence of Pressure on Rate of Cooling During Cryot Ilization" Izv. VUZ, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 3, 19,70 161-161$ Abstract: This work represents an attempt to record tht cooling rate using a practically inertia-free apparatus. The cooling rate curves were recorded using a N-700 oscilloscope with a set of -type M 001 oscUlographic galvanometers. :The temperature of ferrous metals was measured using a ~1:ype 911A thermocouple. The temperature of steels was measured using type VR S/W and PP thermocouples. The junctions were not shielded, and were placed in a mlitrix at 15-25 mm from ..the floor of the press mold. Typical cooling curves with and without pressure are presented for zinc. The cooling rate is considerably higher for cooling under pressure than for cooling with free crystallizat ion. It was found that cooling rate is practically independent of pressure during cirf!;tallizati= at .pressures over 15 t. The cooling rate with solidification under pressure was approximately one and one-half to two times- higher than with free crystalliza- tion. It was impossible to determine the solidification rate more precisely due-t-ow'difficulties of precise measurement of the actuO crystallization inter- valo The authors conclude that the main factor detend4ing Ua, acceleration :Ln soUdification is improved heat transfer. lastrtmentatl=i and Equipment USSR TW 62o'.179o14 IIWHOVI R. Yeo.- and LMMS, T- L-j, J~mtitute of Pbysics; of. the SiMrian &Tartm~nt of the JMMtMkFWf t8g'w'es USSR "Device for the Homogeneity Contral of~,the Baturatloi% Fluxiin-Thin CyUndrical Magnetic Films" Svertilovsk, Defektoskopiye-, Na 2, 19711V PP 127-229 Abstract: A device for the control of thin cylindricta magnetic films by only ,one parameter, the saturation flux, Is described by r~ference-to its principal diagram. The block diagram consists of the sinusoidal voltaGe exciter, resonance power amplifier, tuned W*mr amplifier, ani,recordin.g unit. The ebaracteristics of the control device are presented. The (litvice can also be used for controls of production, processes or thin c-yllAdrical magActic films. One figure, one bibliographic referenee~p- 1/1 USSR UDC 614.3(47-22)i FONAREV, L. S., and KONDRASHOV, A. K.,- Chair of Social Hygione and-Public Health Organization, LaningraA San itary Hygione kled4oal Institute, and Loningradskaya Oblast Sanitar~r Epidemioloolcal Station "Work of Sanitary Epidemiological Stations with Rural Public $1nitary Inspectors (Basel on Materials From loonineradokays Oblast)" Moscow, Gigiyona i Sanitariya. No 7, jul 70, pp 64-68 Abstract: In 1965 the health authorities of Leningr*dskaya Oblast deciAed to change the existing forms of volunteer assistance to sariltary epidemiological stations and physicians in rural areas by orgAnizing a qprps of public health in- spactors, providir47, them with systeakitic tralning. aW t1ion aj;sIgning thiroa specific responsibilities (e.g., inspection of sanitary qonditi*ns in homes, wares- houses, and on farms; oducation of Lhe people in the valiks of porsonal ~ygiune and regular madical chbck-ups; eta.). In just a few years thi*se vural public sanAtary inspectors have made a significant, to roduo:4% narbictity for a num- ber of infootious diseases, ulcers. and parasitlo dlseaj~jflv Tralning and assIgn- ment of work is the responsibility of aanitary epideaLioUlgical. stations; the Red Cross helps to locate and recruit likely c*ndidaitea. 7:7, USSR UDC: None BAZONOV, Yu. I. and LIVSHITS, V. M., "Ultrasonic Ylleasurer of Elastic Constants in Metals and Alloys" Moscow, Otkrvtiya, izobreteniva,. pro~;yshlennyye obrastsy, ~ovarnye maki, No 4, 1973, p 97, 90:363908 Abstract: This device, utilizing ultrasonic pulses, has the dis- tinctive.features of a tTio-wave clectromagnetic-acoustic converter connected to the ultrasonic gener6tor, and d4~,ital devices for measuring the ratio and product of the time intenals obtained in the procedure. These devices improve the accl4racy of the measure- ment. An exiguous description, unillustratedi is given of the other circuits in the device. USSR UDC: WDOPIXANOVA, V, V., LIVSHITS, V. M. 621.396.626 "Resistance to Interference in Reception of Fr~uency Telegraphy Signals in Communications Systems With 'jumping' Frequency" Moscow. Radiotekhnika, Vol. 26, No 5, May 71, pp 49-54 Abstract: The method proposed by P. A.'Bollo and B. 1). Nelin (Trans. IRE, V. CS-11, 1963, No 2) is used to determine the resist4noo to interference of communications systems with jumping frequency. The "Ji-impirg frequency methoill is a procedure for correction of intersymbol.interfere=e. The essence of the method consists in a programmed change of the carrier frequency of the trans- mitted signal and a shift of the receiver passband. The revultant general re- lationships are illustrated by curves for the error prbbability as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio for 'L ~-- 0 and 1 (where *L is the number of pairs of "jumping," frequencies) and various rates of data tr"sxi-tsion in the channel in the case of two branches of separation. A also given -for the signal-to-noise ratio necessary for a. given error, probability. USSR UDC: 512.251.26+54.i~13:330,115 LIVSHITS, V. N. "On the Monotonicity of the Solution of Problems in MathawLtical Pro- granming With Linear Limitations" Tr. 3-y Zimn. shkolZ_pc mat. programmir. i srezbn. yapr., 1970, M. 2 (Works of the Third Winter School on Mathematical Pi,~gramdng and Re- lated Problems, 1970, No 2), Moscow, 1019, pp- 398-40'2 (from RM-Xiber- netika, No 9, Sep 71, Abstract No 9V490) roblem Translation: In addition to the convex prpgraniming~~' min (x) I Ax = b, x:~l,01 the author considers the two parmetric problems min (Xh) I AXA V ht.0 F.) The parameters k 1, 2 .... and t are varied; when 0, ZN bi=b and 1/2 USSR LIVSHITS, V. N., Tr. 3-Y Zinn. shkoly -oo mat. prograhmir~ i smezhn. vopr., 1970, vyp. 2, Moscow, 1970, pp 398-402 t 1, problems (2) and (3) respectiv6ly coincide with (1). Theorem 1. In order for the sequenc-o.of opti solutions of prob- M~z lems (2) for to'be monatonictilly increasine it is necessary and sufficient vhere Pi is the optirum solution of the problem min if, (W-1 + yj) Ayj =bj, yj :3, 0") Theorem 2. If f(x) is homogeneous, then dxjjrl.~) S. Lebedev. 2/2 34 USSR UDC 631.291.27 YEFMOV, V. M., LIVSHITS, Z. A., Kovosibtrsk "Some Methods of Improving the Efficiency,of Digital Data Compression Systems" 14ovosibirsk, Avtometriya, No 2, 1973, pp'SO-56 Abstract: A study was made of the problems connecft~e(l with the efficiency of using various linear signal conversions,anticipatingitheir compression by a zero-order predictor with fixed aperture. The paper,is an extension of a previous paper by the same authors (V.,M. Yefimov, et al., Avtometriya, No 4, 19721. Firsz, the one-dinensional case is c3nsidered iij whicL the si,311~01 si-lb- jected to compression is a random function of one coprdiMltel (for dete2-rli- nation). 'Men the case is concidered in which a mixture oi' a "smooth" ~,-wjsciar_ nignal and baussian noise not correlated with ti-ne vzj~rpixl ai-id i;:uan sqi;ara ferentiable is fed to the input of the pradictoT with fixe)('4 1".'.parturo opunatilil- in the continuous readin~r mode. The irathematical desc-ription of thV o.~)tlrjal ideal filter is Civen. With re3ard to the effectiveni,,-:~r, 01J.' usinil. Pr,:-!~]Zinary algebraic linear trans formations of the' si(Tals and vtAtichunnel syst~_r*,, ;It is noted that the lincar transfo=altions leading to deco3,_relation of the riL:n!11S t> - are not optimal. A two-charnel systleim 113 exandned bxiafly tabs proof of this 6~atement. USSR UDC 591.132.8:598.9+616.981.452 LOBACHEV, V. S., LEVI, M. L, and Not$cm-t State University and Central Control-Research Laboratory of Moscow Municipal Disinfection Station "Retention cf the Specific kitigen of Plague Bacteria4n Pellets of Predatory Birds" Moscow, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 50, No 10, 1971, pj) 1593-1595 Abstract: Specific antigens found in the pellets of pTedatory birds which have eaten the corpses of infected rodents survive lon4er than the plague bacteria themselves. This experiment, in which a study was trade of pellets of the little %nil and the black- kite after feeding on aead m4ce infected with the vaccinal strain EV, compares the antibody neutral12ation reaction with the passive hemagglutination reaction. The latter was inore sensitive. The antigen is better preserved in the pellets of nocturnal predators and more concentrated in hair than in bones. Because of its efficiency, this method is one of the best to be epizootiological el~:pcrim,cnts with rtgard to small ma=alB. OD' OROCESSING DATt---230CT70 113 009 UNCLASSI F TITLE--INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS ADDITIVES AND THE DEGREE OF DISPERSION OF 'SILICA CONTAINING COMPUNENTS ON THE MOLDING AN01ORYING OF FAIENCE StiLIDS ~__AUT"OR_(0Z)-RYSHCHENKOt M.I., LIVSOM, A.A. --.,COU4TRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-.-STEKLO KERAM. 19701 27(2) r 36-8 :,~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .,.,~_,SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ,~JOPIC TAGS--SILICAt PHOSPHATEP SODIUM COMPOUNU CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ..,PROXY REEL/FRAME---1996/1959 STEP NO--UR/0072/'rO/02;rorOO2/0036/043t) CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118919 lip w. .......... 2/3 009 UNCLASSIFIED R~ROCUSING DATE-230CTTO C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118919 AaSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PRESENT' wnRK WAS UNDERTAKEN TO STUDY THE EFFECT OF THE NATURE AND THE DEGREE OF DISP~kSION OF SILECA CONTG. COMPONENTS, ADUNS, OF NA PYROPHOSPHATFt THE PEI'ROV CATALYST (SURFACE ACTIVE MIXT. CONTG. NAPHTHENE A&D ALKYL ARYL.SULFO%Jc KIDS), AND THE BENTONITE ON THE POST PRESSING EXPANSIUN OF FAfENCE POWOERS DURING THEIR PRESSING. THE WATER FMfSSLON PROCESS DURLNG THE ORYLNG OF THE SAMPLES MADE OF FAIENCE BODIESt INTO THE COMPtq. OF WHICH THERE WAS -INTRnDUCED A SILICA CONTG. COMPONENT DIFPERENT IN NATURE AND THE DEGREE -OF DISPERSION* WAS ALSO STUDIED. THE BODIES TO 5~ STUDIED WERE PRE-PD. BY THE CLINKER TECHNIQUE. THE PRESSING POWDERS 00TAMED WERE SIEVED THROUGH A SIEVE CONTG. 64 HOLES-CH PRIME-2.. THE SAMPLES FOR THE VARIOUS TESTS WERE PRESSED AT A PRESSURE OF 225 KG-CM PR114E2 AND A POWDER MOISTURE OF 9.5PERCENT. THE RESULTS SHOW THAT wr'r,H INCAEASING AMT,. OF TtiE SILICA CONTG. COMPONENT PRESENT THE TOTAL VALVE OF rHE, POST PRESSING EXPANSION INCREASES SOMEWHAT. THIS CANr TO SOME 0EGREFr, 13E EXPLAINED BY THE PRESENCE OF COMPRESSED AIR, rHE REMOVAL OF WHECH FK(JM MORE DISPERSED BODIES IS DIFFICULT. A MORE EFFECTIVE ADON. IS N#t P0LYPH0SPHArE_ THE DECREASE IN THE POSTPRESSING EXPANSION VALUE UPON THE'114TR13UUCTION OF THE PETROV CONTACT CAN BE EXPLAINED PRIMARILY BY I'HE HYDROPHOBIZATION OF THE SURFACE OF THE PARTICLES (IF THE PRESSING PDWUI';t. 'ON THE 6A$IS OF THE RESULTS OBTAINED IT IS CONCLUDED THATwTH.c OPTillum, hf)DNS. REDUCING THE POST PRESSING EXPANSIOt"I VALUE JUdLING THE PRESSING OF FAIENCE POWOEKS ARE THE FOLLOWING: BENTONITE 31 NA POLYPHOSPHATE 0.05t AND PETROV CATALYST 0.05-0.IPERCENT. THE MOST EFFECTIVE IS THE SENTONITE ADON. - ------ ------- - ------------- ------ 3/3 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 C:IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118919 ':-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--WITH INCREASING DEGREE OF DISPERSION OF THE SILICA' CONTG. COMPONENTS IN THE COMPN. OF THE FAIENCE BODIESi THE POST PRESSING -EXPANSION SOMEWHAT INCREASES AND THE REMOVAL OF~MUISTUR- DUPING DPYING BECOMES MORE DIFFICULT. FACILITY: KHARIKOV. PULITEKH* INST* IN, KHARKOV, USSR. I/.2 022 UNCLASSIFIED PRncEssING DATE-230CT70 TITLE--ENHANCING T46 9MYSICOMUCHANICAL PROPERTIES, OF POLYETHYLENE SY .FUSING IT WITH OTHER POLYMERS -U- ,.,AUTHOR-(03)-PEGLOVSKlYt V.L., SIODRENKO, V.I.,, LIVVYP G,V- ~.~~:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-KHIM. PROM, UKRv 1970t (I)p 10-I.T -DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 _~._SUBJECT AR_EAS--CHEMISTRYt MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--POLYSTYRENE RESIN, POLYPROPYLENEt PGLY~-THYLENEr PLASTIC NECHANICAL PROPERTYP COMPRESSIVE STRENGTHy BENOING STRENGTH ~,.~-,CONTROL -MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0752 STEP NU--I)R/043ti/TO/000/001/0010/0013 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119659 UNCLASSIFIED 77 2 /2 022 UNC4 A S II E PROCESSING DAtE--230CT70 :CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119659 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRAC7, THE AOUN. OF S1141LAR TO 20PERCENT POLYS.TYRENE OR SIMILAR TO iOPERCENT POLYPROPYLENE. TO POLYETHYLENE DECREASES ITS SHRINKAGE AND INCREASES ITS COMPRESSIGilli AND BENDING STRENGTH. UNCLASSIFIED 112 013 UNCLASStFltO PiAOCESSING DATE-040EC70 JITLE-MELTS OF POLYFROPYLENE, P13LYVINYL CHLORIDE~v~; AND POLYCAPROLACTAM WITH OTHER POLYMER~ IN THE FGOT~WEAR INDUS,TRY -U-, AUTHOFI-(03)-SIDORENKC, V.I., PEGLOVSKIYI V.L.9 LI.,VYjjj'.j GsVo UPCOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -. _~,.SOURCE-KOZH.-OBUVa PROM* 1970P 1215) p47-30 DA-TE FIUBLISHED-----70 ~.SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, MILITARY SCIENCES TDPIC~TAGS-PROPYLENEP POLYVINYL CHLORIDEP CAPROLACTAM, FOOTGEARp POLYISOBUTYLENEt NYLON A;ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~-PRQXY FICHE NO ---- F070/605012/007 STEP NO--UR/0498/1010-12/005/002710030 CIAC ACCESSIOt'l NO--AP014()29/t milmWAMIRofflipme"MI wpm 7"m 7 ';0CMILNG DATE-04DEC70 2/2 013 UNCL ASS IF I ED CIRC ACC ESS ION NO--AP0140291+ ,~ABSTRACVEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A MELT CONTQ. 30PERCENT POLYSTYRENE (I ) AND 70PERCEINT POLYPROPYLENE (111-HIAS LOWER SHRINKAGE THAN 11 ALONE. THE SP. HEAT CAPACITY 'OF THE MELT IS LOWER THA14 THAT OF 11. THESE PROPERTIES SHORTEN THE MOLDING TIME ANO INCREASE THE PRODUCTION RATE OF SHOE COMPONENTS FROM THE MELT$~OY t5-17PERCENT. THE ADDN. OF POLYISOBUTYLENE TO 11 INCREASES fTS ELASTECIT'ft RESISTANCE TO COLDt AND ADHESION. THE BLENDING OF POLYMNYL CHLORIDE) WITH ( AND HIGH D* POLYETHYLENE (1113 t-4PROVES ITS STRE-SS D~PORMATION CHARACTERISTICS, COLD RESISTANCEt AND,MECH# STREN64H. THE CHANGES OF THE 'rENSIL'a STRENGTH AT BREAK OF III MELTS-WITH NTLON 6 SUGGEST CHEM. APPLICABILITY OF THESE MELTS INTERACITON BETWEEN THESE 2 POLYNERS. IN,TNE HANUF. OF SHOE COMPONENTS is oustussa). 106 u - 'CLASS[ FLE0 :)ArE--2()NoVlc 112 U N TITLE-SYSTI-MATIZATIUN OF DRYING PROCESSES I-OR SEIPII,FINI,~VJEU Lt~ATHER eRGPLCTS -u- AUThGE-(03)-Ki-RIPIN, A.G., LLVYYv G*V.t BARG I N SK I YH.A.1 ,-,.-COUNTRY :tjF ONFC-LSSR SOURCE- -KUZH. GBUV. PR4A. 197 Ot 12131 32 --70 ATE PUhL ISI&C SU6JEL*r AREAS-MATERIALS TOPIC VAGSr-TANNING MATERIAL# LEATHER 'VTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS PriCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RftLIFRAME-2000/1733 SUP NO-UR/0498/'1(1/012.10(,13.1(102*t/0032 IRC ACCESSION NU-AP012535~ U.NClAS.Silf Choi. 212 006 UNCLASS I F 10 PR1JCE$SI'NG OATE-20NOV70 CIRC 4CCESSICN NO-AP0125354 ~AEkSTRACl/EXT-(P,.CT--(U) GP-0- At3STRACT. SEYEkAL. METHODS USEQ F(M DRYING CHREME TANNING UNFINISHED L~ATHERS APE DISCUSSED 14T THE K-11OWN jMETt-,GOS AND CHOSE PRESENTLY BEING DEVELGPED wEizE ?r,mJ'LATED AND THEIR :.--ADVANTAGLS AND CISADVANTArvES NOTEO* we,, 632.95 USSR GILLSR, S. A., WZRT, V. E. Ll A. A. A L. TA. and Shll-ipij- SKAYA , H. V. "Methods of Deteraining Residuza qi-rititAes of Phenazone in Foodstuff-, Soil, Water and Air" Tr. 2-go Vsas. soveshch. po jsBled ostatil.0v postjte,5.Cj4jv i zagryaoneniya imi. pz-odiu%tov pitzmlya, komov i wiezhi t"Excdy, (Vorlx, oi the 'Second A.11-Union Confexvnce on Invo5tigation of 'j,~Iesldwm; of' Festic-,,dou, amd '?rev ention off Pesticide Contax~ltp-Uor. of Food5tuffa# ltxldur and the Externa! Environmant), Tallinnt 1971, pp 2,71-272 .(fron PZh-Khivitym, -KO 11, Jun 72, Abstract Ho 1!N454) Itanslationt In order to dete=lna reslidtal wxumta ut phei:13.10,,!ej (tht, speclzea is) byarolyzed with a 04 sadi" hydroxide fiDj',UUOR I',) tl,,o preacno'-.; of zinc dust, the resultant willinu 1r, distilled (ulthovt imtor, vapar) qrd diazotized, mid coupled with O~ -napht-hylanino, wid tbe~, optival density is determined (or. 537 r-13) - The eensitivity ~Of tile wthed ~W- 1 mg/kg. lei 1 USSR UDC 538.4 GAYILITIS, A., LIYELAILSUSO. IlThe Internal Hydraulics of MHD Machines with Uneven Distribution of Forces" Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, No 2, 1971, pp 123-127. ABSTRACT: It is demonstrated that if a moving electrodynami~c force is dis- tributed unevenly through the cross section of a channel, the pressure de- veloped during turbulent flow must be determined by sofution of the problem of internal hydraulics of the channel. The possibility of this solution is demonstrated under conditions of high local slipping. pie dtfferences of tile p(Q) characteristics from those generally accepted are.ualyzad. It is noted that local velocities will greatly exceed the mean flaVlvelocity. 44 1/2 015 UNCLASStFIE0 0 .j:ITLE---TACHYPHYLACTIC, PROPERTIES Of SOME, ANGIOTENSIN .~-AU.THOR-.102)-LIYELAYS#--Y.A*P.op CHAYEVSKAYA# YE*M., COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR L ,~,;S,,OURCE--FARMAKOL. TOKSIKOL9 (MOSCOW) 1970 ~'..-.'OATE PUBLISHED---,-___?0 ~,~,:SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~JOPIC.7AGS-VASODILATORv CARDIOVASCULAR DRUGP ,,,__:~.RESPONSE .."CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUAENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFiED -~--16OCT70 CE~StNG DATE 11 ANALOGS -U- SYNEA .GYf DRUG DOSAGE. :'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1906/1672 STEP NU-~-UR/03'~0/70/033~001/0051/00~>3 ..._,,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103438 UNCLASSIFIED 7-f .2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PK0CESS~ING*OATE--16UCT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0103438 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. ALPHAtASPARA(PINYL PRIMEI,VALYL PRIME5PANGIOTENSIN It EXHIBITED CROSS TACHYPHYLAXIA IN NEPHRECTOMIZED RATS WITH BOTH BETAtASPL PRIMEIPVALYL PRIME5,ANGIOTENSIN 11 AND SUCCINYL PRIMEI#VALYL PRIME5,ANGIOTENSIN 11, REREATED A&MININSTRATION OF LARGE ALPHAtASPARAGINYL PRIME11 VALYL PRIME51 ANGIOTENSIN 11 DOSES 110~ MUG) -INDUCED TACHYPHYLACTIC RESPONSES; BETAlAS.PARTYL PKlMEl,,VALYL RKIME5,ANGIOTENSIN 11 HAD THE SAME EFFECTr NOT ONLY IN:LARGE DOSES, BUT 'AL-S0 WITH 0.1, MUG FOLLOWING 10 MUG. FAC I Lvry: LABe FARMAKOL., -INST& ORGv SINT*v RIGAt USSR. UNCLASSIFIED LI Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR "In a Single Complex" Sovetskaya latviya, NO 79, 4 Apr 73p p 2 Tranalationt 11agnetohydrodynamics studies the Interat',*tion of electrically conducting media with a magnetic field. Here Re discuss only, one type- of such conducting media, liquid meta2s, If a current passes through a conatictor in a iaak;natic field, there is a force on the conductor. This Js the operating. principled of all. elec wric, notarz and many other devices, including magnetohydrodyr=ia aneG, These have one substwitial difference from electric motors -- the coniuctor in an 1Z) device is a liquid metal. Thus these devices transform elect3:ical energy into the mechanical energy of notion of a liquid (malt.en) zeta,141 The best known type of M device is the I-IND pun*p sening to trafttfer aolten netals. Many other varied devices have almo been dealEnad to fulfill some specific requireventi measuring deyicesg flow zeto=-, otirrexz, nozzles, 0 separators, stoppers, etc. Their import~uit advantafv Is the$.r ability to act on the liquid zetal without contact, uz-ing aloctroWpiaitla floldb. In addition, WW devices art., canily controlled, 1,hny of tj,.4dr E1jiM.&no va-Le developed in the Institute of Physics of :the Academy of~Sclencus*latvlan M 1/5 T-1 -7--777- 7777771r-7777J7 7`77-71 -=7T USSR LIYELPMR, YA., Sovetskaya Latviyaj No 790 4 Apr 73, p 2 and in its special design office for magnotohydrodyi=im and :coparted in authors' certificates, and some NLve been patented abroIL6. MHD machines find a variety of applications in tha-nati=al economy, For examplep in the VEF factory a device for tin-plating;print*:d circuits in radio apparatus has long been in use; it was daveloped pu a roGlat of studies by the director of a laboratory of the Phyr-ics Institutoo' C:u)ada+-e of Physical-Mathematical Sciences,A. E. Rikellson. In the special design office of the 1-h8natohydrodyntiuic Institute a complex of technological equipament has been designed to gitoduca mercury with a high degree of purity, which Is Loing introduced In tho Llkr,.~Itic- at tho 111kitov 11orcury Combine and at ona of the onterprises af Algavla in a mercuxy purification shop. M pumps haye been put Into the production cycle -of' small enterprinos In the Soviet Union, b!~Ing used in ricientific xeze,-r;rch Amatitutols and dosl",n bureaus as stand equipment for solleritific expa;ciuenta. Other M deylces, fo:r exaluple, a nozzle which regulatee tile flow ratiq of a atrl)"ift of nolten metal, Mve been developed by Candidate of Technicia Sciences ft, A. Gvl'f&-rtj they are used In the continuous pouring, of metal and in a numtor of other tech- nological processes. Under the direction of 0,4ndjdate od' Riy4cal-hat-homu- tjea3. sciences R. K. wnyll, and Candidate of Technical $Olenaeu A. S. Gillzbuxg, 2A 69 USSR UYELPETER, YA., Sovetskaya Latviyal No 79, 4,Apr 73, p 2 contact-free electromagnetic flow meters for liquid metmls hive been developed at the Institute of Physics and in t1x,- Special Design Office 1~ these meters are presently being introduced in industry. The list of IM machines Introduced could be prolcued to indicate their significance in the technical progress of aieveral impariart. branches of Industxy. It could also be added that the workers -t the Institute olf Physics not only have new ideas, but also have produced reseaxth results indicating significant potentials for possible applications of malpietotij,drodynax-lics. Id 3 The staff of the Institute wou Ake to realize their potentialitlea as rapidly as possible. Hoireverl. here we encounter substantial difficulties of an organizational nature, 10agnetohydrodynamic technolo(q in its developed implemontation can m-&.e a autstantial contribution to the nechanization and A4-tonatiz-afion of the inelmllurgical. and foundry industries. The Inistitute hao highly qualiflisd staff nembers who cave worked in the axeal of MID and thalm-d physics, capable of solving the most difficult probleas related to the cmtxent tacks of scieintific-technical progriess. A financially independent Special Design Office for F.4matohydrodynamics has been estmblishDd atithe burtitute, ezplov Ing 4most 100 parcons In tho devolor4aent of aquipment gin ihL,- lkuLsiz of scientific concepts. 3/5 77- LIYELPMR X.A. Sovetskaya Latviya# No 79, 4 Apr ?3, r il However, the acadejaiclan of MY3 Phy5i,Gs, Institute In his Special Design Office does not have a large experimental base, so that imny j_4ooi Idea:-:i which would be quite useful to the national economy ftequently cannot be realWA. To create such a base is beyond the Institute'a capacity, while no Interest is yet appaxent from industry. Thus, our workers have i(loas and concepts but do not have any real possibility of substantially act~olerating the ten-o at which scientific developnonts are introduced. Whatlml theTrobleat? It is natural that the criterion of expediency in Intrcluairg, some deveiopment is its economic effectivenss. From the via int of oconomic effactiveness, It would seem that we should go over t-o ~njjo) devicau, The scientists who developed then can give only a limited eiraluallon of the purely technical and technological sJ-de of the new instrimlent". Frequently In a scientific research Institute tho affectivenans of -Ifork paxformpd is determined only by emotional newls. The determination of the efficiency of MED devices thould be approached only in a corrdinated nanner, For -this the, Institute of 11bysics does not x, have specialists in metallurgy, zxteriala handuing, and bconamlf~.s. They ai- probably not allowed to enter the staff of such an institute.: If ifould b3 more correct to evaluate the efficiency of our structuzvr. by ooriducting an appropriate study L-i the branches of the Scientific Reseltrch Institute. 4/5 70 Our Institute, alom% with other lines of zesearch, Is concerned with ., under magnetoky-dxodynavics as one of a Ic-age complex of problant; fallinr the competence of scientific establishments of the natian. The results of efforts bf Latvian physicists are timely and in pxoper sequence, not related only to our Republic but, for example# to the iaetallurr;ical elitoxprises of other rGpublics and oblazte. As a conpletely scientific establishment, our Institute and its Spacial Design Office do not have a production ba:4e for ma&ing =1 teating. experimental models of PUM devices for metallur6ical purposes. The question of creating an experimental factory within the Institute Ims been considex-Cd for a long time. This would greatly accelarilte the process of introducUilp, sciontific developments. Long ago scientists arA productive workeyps conWdored one of the form of cooperation to be the combination of,scientific-research irstitutes with platuAng and desiBn orWizutlons which have at thtpAr dinposal experi- mental factories. It would then "be possible in shorter,' time, npans to prepai. and bxlng to the appi.,opriatte level an experirwntal sample or;even a sarall, iseries of prodyets. An authoritative example of this combination is the wall known Institute of Electric Welding iiwni Yo. 0. Paton.; Our Institute has ovary possibilityp along with t1io Sp4cial Desipn Office of 14apetohydrodynamicst of combining itself with an exlp~erlm4ntal enterl-Irise. The positive results of such a combination Quinot be dpubted.. 515 USSR UDC: 533-09-07 AUZINYA, L. K., LTYR?TIITiWXOf4., Z.AM, M. V., IIELIIUKOV, V. K. , MELINIKOV, VI. X-87 .1 and TSIYELE113, U.: A. "Method of Complex Experimental InvestA.gations of Thermophycical Processes in a Chemically Active Coaxial Plasma. Jet,With Ti Particles" Riga, IzvestiZa Alcade-mii nauk latviy~A~q SQ, 16 2, 1972, pp 60-60 Abstract; Very little attention is now being given to lo,;,- temperature plasma jets with dispersed particleo. Consequently, -pose of th-s paper is to give the restil-tr, of c=plt~- ox- the pur- L L L. I - perimental ijivestigations into the coaxial jet- of a low- :I of TJ-. Mee.- temperature argon plasma mith diiapersedLparticllwa swements are made of the gras-dynninic parameteri~of a zingle- osition of th-~ dispersed phaoe jet, variations in the chemical comp particleo from the characteristics of the tifo-J)"I'led j--t are studied, the spectral and integral eharzteteriSUOD O'~' energy losses through radiation are obtaine(l, 'mmd the (1,0.cctri.ail con- ductivity of the Jet flux ia inveBtigatod. The equipment, a diagraw of ild-ch is 4~-d~ivon, of Itre a coaxial nozzle, a device tor introducing poedoZ3 ir.-Jlr) jilt, d measuring instriuicnt.ij. Of the foatuxes oX these 1 2 V UDC: 533.09.07 AUZINYA, L. K., et al, No vt, 1972, pp 60~68 the, most Interesting is the chemical conversion Of the Ti into compounds containing large awmatitieP, of nitrogep in Vie f orm of nitrides and ox~mitrides. 2/2 113 - 0- 0 4' UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIN~, DATE--Zju,..- "T -ALKYLATION OF BENZENE SY~N-OCTENSS iN THE PRESEOCE OF ErHYLALUMINUM ,i-_._,_DICHLO,RIDE AND A COMPLEX OF BORON FLUORIOE WITH POLY0HOSPHORIC ACID -U- _~AUTHOR-t03)-LESMFNT# T., LIYV, T.# KCIRV, 14~ "COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .souRCE--EE-STI NSV TEAD. AKAD. TIOM.t KEE,4.t GEOL. 1970, 19(1)t 46-51 :~ ~OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--CATALYST, ALKYLAT1014v BENZENEt URGANDALIJ11111NWI COMPGUNDs CHLORINATED URGANIC CU4POUN01 OENZENE DERIVATIVE, ()cTAP);_:, ISOMERIZ41,10N, --CHEM ICAL REACTION RATE ~~'CDNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1993/0707 STEP N04-UR/04-70/:7O/Ot9/001/0046/0051 13571 ~212 014 UNCLASSIFIEO~' PRbk;Ess[NG DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP01413571 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. KEACTANT AN 0CATALYST RATIOS A140 REACTION TIME DURING ALKYLATION OF C SU86 H SU66 BY" I-OCTENE (1) AT 20DEGREES WERE STUDIED. ADDING I DROPWISE TO C SUB6 H SU86 ON ETALCL SUB2 DURING 10 MINt AND STIRRING THE REsuLTING MIXT. 10 MIN GAVE 100PERCENT CONVERSION 1: 64.6PERCENT 2tPHENYLOCTANE (Illo 24PERCENT 3tPHENYLOCTANE 11111, AND 11.4PERCENT 41PHENYLOCTA~IE II.VJ. WHEN PART OF -THE C SUB6 H SUB6 WAS RESERVED FOR AODN. WITH't TU~tHF CATALYST? A DECREASE IN THE OLEFIN C SU86 H SU86 RATt.0 FROM 1:2 TO L%16 DID NOT AFFECT THE ISOMERIC PRODUCT COMPN., BUT AN INCREAS,E- TO 1:0.5-1 REDUCED THE RELATIVE YIELD OF LI. WHEN OF SUB:3 POLYPHOSPRORIC ACID WAS USED AS CATALYST, THE ISOMERIZING EFFECT,WAS STRONGER, AND THE RELATIV~ YIELD OF DIPHENYLOCTANES WAS RAISED APPRECIARLY, AND THE MAX. PHENYLOCTANE YIELD -(60.4PERCENT) CORRESPONDING TO A 11-111-IV RATIO,i~F 35'.06.2:28*8 14AS OBTAINED AT A CATALYST OLEFIN RATIO OP 0.724:1,941~ A REACTION TIME OF 240 MINt AND 95*6PERCENT I CONVERSION., WHEN 4-OClENE IV) WAS ''SUBSTITUTED FOR 1, THE BF SUB3 POLYPHOSPHORIC ACID CATALYST OLEFIN RATIO ~WAS~2*84*.5*24#-AND V CONVERSION WAS 84.8PERCENT AT THE END OF 20 MIN; THE 11-fil-l-V RATIO WAS 2T.5:39.7:32.~ AND THE MONOPHENYLOCTANE YIELD -WAS 63. 5,PERCENT. FACILITY: UNST*~, KHTM.i ',:TALL IN, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 777771~ fi U35H LIYVA, T. "Characteristic Nonaxisymmetric Oacillations ot Shells of Rota- tion of Negative Gaussian Curvature" Tr. Tallin. politekhn. in-ta (Works 9,1 Tallia Politeohnical Institute) , 1970, A, No 293-, pp 47."60 Afrom 01"Menanika o No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11V275) Tranalation: This article contains a study of' the free oscilla- t1ons o thin elastic shell of rotation of negattve gaussian curvature. In studying the part of the spectrum lying in the vicinity of the least oscillation,frequenry# the at~~,mptotic integration method is used. The shell is elot~ed in the peri- pheral direction, and it is bounded by two pa~sallels. The eque- tion of the natural frequencies is presented:),or El ;shell rigidly led along the two parallels. Th6-jrrequen~_-~,Iea ond shapes of s ea the oseMations of part of the torus' for whi6h the: radii of curvature have opposite sigm are'foUhd so Ai~,, exa*la. tilt i USSR UDC 539.3 J*T-U&AzT_,uXe TOVSTIK, P. Ye. "On Stability in the Linear Approximation for Shells oC Revalution With Negative Gaussian curvature" V zb. Probl. mekhan. tverd. deformir. tela (Problems ft thellech&nics of a Defor- 'dol 11sudost.royenlye mable id--collection of works), Leni~grad, 1970, pp 231-238 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9viol), Translation: The authors consider the linear formulatlon of the problem of loss of stability in negatively curved shells of revolution which 03-e closed in the periph- eral direction as they are subjected to transVerse and.contoux loads. It is assumed that the initial state is axisy=etric and momentle.-a.; With 'the aid of the asymp- totic method of integration, based on the assumption that pfiripheral deformation predominates, the problem reduces to solUtion of an ordlnary differential equation of second order with variable coefficients. :Formulss!for the upper critical load are derived for certain cases of loadin$ and edge futieningi. The relationship with the problem of nontrivial deformations of the middle:'~mrfavj- of the shell Is con- sidered. A. V. Sachenkov. 1/2 033 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE--CHANGE IN THE FATIGUE STRENGTIl OF STEEL IN RELATION TO THE QUALITY OF THE LUBRICANT ~-.'AUTHOR-(OZ)-LIZANETS, M.V.i 110KHMURSKYv; V-A COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :SOUPCE--FIZ.. KHIM- MEKHAN. MAT.t 19701 6p (211 OATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 T-7-- PIWCESSING DATE-27NOV70 UNDE,jk FRICTION CONUITIONS -U- 99-1!00 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS I JEEL# ME'TAL I-A I CT I ON TOP IC TAGS--f-ATIGUE STRENGTH, STRUCTURAL S' 7 LUBR.ICATING UIL, INTc-RnAL COMBUSTIONIENGINE COMKPNENT CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/1831 rj-,C tCCESSj(') STEP, NO- -UR /0 369,170 006 1002 009 90 10 0 212 033 U-NICL ASS IF I ED IPR9CES5 ING DAT'"-a7NOV70 SIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0129199 ?"-.BSTRACT1EXT8ACT--fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FATIGUI, STRLEI%,'GTH OF S T-`,-,~ UC TURA L STEEL SAMPLES SUBJECTED TO FATIGUE LOADING UNDER (H~DIIARY CONDITli)NS AND ALSO UNOER CONDITIONS OF SEVERE FRICTION WAS STUDIED Hli RELATION TO THE QUALITY OF THE LUSRICA.Nr EMPLOYED. CONSIDERABLf DIFFERENCES !N FATIGUE STRENGTH AND ELECTRODE POTENTIAL VIERF, OIATAINED W,~rt- PURE MOTOR OIL AND NTERN OIL ~iHICH HAG SPENT SOME TIME 114 AN AL COMOUSTLoIll ENGINEo RESP. a THE PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE OF THESE DIFFEf(ENCES 114'i RELAT 1 ON TO THE LI FF- F .-MOVING ENGINE PARTS IS CONSIDERED.. zimr USSR UDC 539.376 LIZELV,.A. D. NELINIK, L. N. "Viscous-Elastic Deformation of Surface Layers Undee the'Influence of Normal and Tangential Forces" Izvesti),a Akademii Nauk BSSR, Seriya Fiziko-Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1971, No 4, pp 118-123. ABSTRACT: A solution is presented for the problem of th~ displacement of points on the surface of a viscous-elastic half space with simultaneOLLS mgential forces. An t~cjuation for displacements application of normal and t, is produced, expressed in cxponenti~nl-fractional Rabotnov functions. Numeri- cal results are produced using a Minsk-22 computerIor ti-ne t It is demonstrated that with the initial change in t, the' displacements increase intensely, after which they approacirasymptotic valkics; the position of the points of maximurn displacements relative,to tile poi:nts ot,, application of con- also changes, centrated forces USSR UDC: 535.2/.3 LIZENGEVICH. A. I., FOMIN, V. V. "Peculiarities of Formation of the Contour of the Limbs of Spectral. Lines in the Case of Self-Broadening" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 34, No 3, Mar 73, pp 484-h89 Abstract; A previously proposed methbd (S. D. Trox(,,,fle~r, V. V. For-rin, Op-,. i Spektr., 30, 413, 19711) is used to inventigate thii! contour of the 21.1'mbf- of spectral lines in the case of self-brotidening. It is assumod tha't' the principal contribution to formation or the contour cif the limbs of the line is made by resonance phenomena accompanying the interaction of molecules, so that the molecules can be treated as tuo-level. sirster-s. The. solution is based on generally accepted assumptions for problems ul' this kind: collisions are adiabatic and binary, intermolecular force~i; of repultiJon are disregarded. It is found that two types of dipi-xibutions are pozsible in both the higb-frequency and lQw-frequency limbs of the spectral. lfpes, depending on the intramolecular parameters: distribution close to t~ta- tiatical, and exponential- distribution. . glie e:qono.-Mall r-istribution, in the low-frequency limb may take two forms. 59 USSR UDG 621.372.33 PRAVDA, V. I., LIZ11DVOY, K. YA.0 ANDRAKOVSKAYAO I. A. "ExpLrimental Study of the Coupling Impedance of Resonator Chains with a Positive Mutual Inductance Coefficient" Kiev, Izvestiya v,.tzov SSSR, Radioelektroqika, Vol XV, Nlo 0, 1972, pp 1037-1041 Abstract: The results are presented fron an experiman~al study of the coupling impedance of delay systems of.the resonator chain ty0e with a positive mutual inductance coefficient as a function of the geouretric dinensions. The resulLs of the experimental study of the dispersion characteristics were presented previously [Ya. 1". TrokhirLviiko, et al., Radiotekhnika, Khar'kov State University Press, Khar'kov, No 3, 40, 1966] Graphs are preseatbd shooing the coupling impedance as a function of the diameter,of tile drift channel for points ok tile disper-,ion characturistic corresponding to the phase: ~thif, bY 5-a/3, 31T/2, 47T/3 ., impLdance on the and 71T/6. When investigating the dependence of the coupling number of slots, a study was made of delay systems with tvo-slot and single- slot diaphragms characterized by the same, shape of rJte dispersion character- istics in approximately the same pass band. The prenent.:~d jj-,raphs shot; that tile two-slot delay system have approxinately the same cotipling izzirpedance as the single-slot ones, The degree of coupling hetwoen thj! celln of the syntem has a significant effect on the magnitude of the couplinj; impudance. Thii; relation 1/2 USSR PRAVDA, V. I., et al., Izvestiya vuzoy~ SSSR, Radioelektroaika, Vol XV, No 8, .1972, pp 1037-1041 is also illustrated. The greatest increase in the coupling impedan-ce with a decrease in the parameter a (an increase in. the slot size) is observed for 7n/6. For 3w/2, the increase,is insignific, Por d't = 0.3 [d is an t. the length of the drift gap; X is the period of the isysterij , the couplili:', irn- pedance has the largest value near the shortwave linjit of,the operating fre- quency band of the delay system and the least value of the coupling impedance on the edges of the operating frequency [)and. The. lipplication of syizietric drift tubes with such walls lead to concentratLon of the electric field in the zone of interaction with the electron:beam and sil~nJificintly increases the coupling impedance in the entire operating freqtionctr band of the OeJay systeT2. Ille coupling impedance increaueg. With:u (ktmuwle in'~~tlte Oicknenn Lf' the dia- phragm [iris]. However. a decrease in thicknepis of Ihe iris worsens the heat dissipating properties of the delay system. 2/2 UDC 612.336.31-0,6-612.766.2 CHANGES IN INTESTINAL NIM9FLOVA DURING tM'S LOW-TERM CONFINEMENT IN AN ~ISOLATIUN CIWIMER [Article by Y-_H, Shil md 0 K Borionva- 14oncow, Kosmiche- H. N. si mkay&_s 6, 1972, submitted iologiva I M*dIcsins, Kuselan, vol ifor publication 2 Novftbar 19701 Abstract; This paper givis the results of a study of human intestinal microflor* during a one-year, medico- engineering tuperimant, The long-ters izalation In. dur.-I substantiaV shifts in W; cc=poaltian of intes- tinal microflQrs which include a drastic reduction of the population of different microbial groups and even a complete disappearance of certain rrprasentatives Lof microorganisms. Simulxltons of emergency situations vbich "%o*e-*n Increased -phys4alcgi , -1 -.load upon the human body briql about more ep"LfLc changes in the costposition of mteroflara. The prolonged tonfin-at of cosmonauts in a pressurized cabin under modified environmental conditions wtth simultaneous exposure to a number of spaceflight factors (accale-ations, tvni%lng radiations, special diet, re- stricrod mobility, etc ) can lead to unravoralle stitts In rbr ccrVocitian nf intestinal mLerdflaia and a change in its biological properties. The tesolts of &-study at normal Ircrcutinal micr-nElore ihdttafe t4a =!z-Z-=id=_~-:c:Fcrrt=r.-_e- of vzzz_~ "m ti,-=--- Posittva Influenca Is rvlGtcd-;=!=sri!y te the eynth"Iso -r vit.1-ifts, &Azvmxric and &ntagaristiv properties (Durnold"n; Wnlf; Zuhrsy~ki and Spaulding; Ready, et &I., and other&), However, in addition to a useful effect. the constant Ttrtt".tv --f tht, loj~#iokt"t rtx~z undar zLatiruta conditions can excrt an ul~IAV=Ablt influence favoring the develova-vit of pathology (L. G. Perett3. 1955; Haenel, and others). Havever. in the uase of expnsure or the 1.o4y tn an ttolattovi chamber n* ~deqamt* study has yet 4aar. m"a of normal intestine L micreflors. Only individual studies give information an the change in in. teottnal microfloca in Individual* confined to an isolation chamber (Luckey; S"Sxon " ?has&&, lknoon; Rtely, at &I.; Vargooka, et al.). USSR UDC. 517. 5 li~2. 2 LIZORKIA, P. I. 11,14ultipliers of Fourier Integrals 1n,L 0 Spaces" p Teoremy Vlozheniya i Ikh Prilozheniya [Imbedding "Pheorems: and Their Applications -- Collection of Wor"] , Moscow, N4uka N,a~cos, 1970, pp 137- ~142, (Wanslated from Referativnyy Zliurnal:Matematika, NQ. 8, 070, 'Abstract #SB115, by the author). Translation: A number of sufficient conditionr, are for:miilated under which an operator which is reduced in Fourier transformz to mal-rij)IIcation by a bounded function is contivious in the space Lp of ruactions. swa-ialale to Vw deFM-e p - These results are transferred to -,wre general spaces and also to Vne case of opera- acting from to L LP q USSR uDc 6l6.L2-007-053.1-039.5-06 S&rtGIYEVSI%PIY, V. S., TASHPULATOV, A. T., CHERMOV, V. X., N-UGMANOV YAVORSKAYA, G. V., ERENBURG, T. A. LT?MJQU,. YE L. , and -ffy-BAN-EVA, N. G. ardiovascu'12~-'jSurgIry, Kazakh Department of C InstitutecE Clinical and Exeperimental Surgery, Ministry of Public Health, Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata "Operative Complications During Correctioncf Congenital Heart De- fects Under Conditions of Moderate Hypothermiol koscov; Grudnaya Khirurgiya, No2, 1970, pp 57-62 Abstract: A total of 230 operations were performed usinf hypothermia at the institute from 1965 to 1965, operationa were conducted to correct septal defects, pulmonary and aortic~4itenorvi.s, tetralo~,,y of Fallot, combined and rare defects. Among the life-threntenLn~ complications encountered,in the operations ware anystole, ventri- cular fibrillation, aeroembolism of the coronary vessels, loss of blood, atrioventricular and bundle-branch heart,41ock. TIie causes of the complications are analyzed;and su=aGtions made to prevent them and to control those that oc6uro', .~?th the prosent level of knowledge mortality during operations performed under moderate hypothemis should not exceed 1%. -1 A LL -ij 11 q USSR UDC 6669.0113.45-122-4 KAVERINA S. N. izu MIIVLKOV,; V. N., and. ~t TREFILOV, V. I., Institute of Yetal Physics, Academy of Sciences Ukr MR tic' -tructural Changes in the Deformation.of J~blybdeniun Alloys" Kiev, Metallofizika, No 39, 1972, PP 51-65 Abstract: Molybdenum alloys are examined after diffilrent -modes of ther-mo- mechanical treatment: high-temperature rolling plus interri--diate heatirgs, ard lov-temperature rolling plus intermediate av-meals. Data presentec~ for the change in structure which were obtained by methods of optlc and electron microscopy, from lattice paraneetars ana mechanical properties of' alloy:; in the deformed state and aftur annealimg in the 1.100-2CM0. 0 intett-val. It was s.,,,o,.,rn that the use of low-tamperatnm- roll ing , iignificantly lowcm tha dkiclil,~- brittle transition temperature. , increases the munber of btvr-ds, and in,,,reases the recrystallization temperature- 7 figures, I table, lkbibliqgraphic -eferences. ............. ........ ....... Composite Xat*rUls We 620.JB3j620-17 XCDINr X. N* 1,12uKOV, V. I., and BELTAVSKAYA, v. M.p Moscow Institute of Steel aad AkUOYS" The Palo of Structural Components In Hardening Natural Compmite Materials" Xoaww,, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchabnykh Zavedeniyp Chernsra Ketallurgiyap no ?g 19"v pp 7.36-iL40 Abstracts The dependence of the yield point and of the ultlinate strength of steel 60 and of steel U8 on the interlaminate distioce In sorbite was evaluated. Steel with a fibrous structure possesses s higher hardening factor in deformation than steel with a chaotic disposition of cementite particles. Wben calculating the strength of a fibrous composite materIaLl, not only the strength of the particles of the hardening phane must be accounted for, but also tho effect of hardening the mtrix at the expense of Al-inution domains of barrierleas action of disloostionsw A good corre- 2ation between the calculated and actual strength of the composite results In equal strerigth of the matrix and ixvn ~with the alwo of cplls equal to V* interlaxImts distance in the atoolo Tbz*o floutvs, eight biblio- SMPUO references, WO 669A4020.01 USSR KIDIN, I. He, L1ZUHOVA_j&-I-~ MtMIKOVAt 00 yet Vid BORODIRk; YE. K., Hoscon Instituteof SWWW Alloys "Production of a Composite material Based on the FerTite-Martensitic Structure 'of.Steel 2ON Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchobnykh Zavedeniy# CMxWa Hatallurgiya, No 1j, 1973t pp 134-137 Abstracti The possibility of producing natural composite materials based on the layered ferrite-martensitic structure of rsteel. 20 is ;i-nalyrod. The method consists in heating steel by direct current tranamdeaXon (vWIOO dog/see) up to 730-7800C (two-phase region)p rollingt, and hardeniua in rollers. After such proeessing, a low-tomparaturs anneal in carried out. At optimum processing conditions ( e -40-50%. taoneal-2500C)p the tensil st=ength (9 -155-160 k ME and tho elongation 41 -2-4% at 100% viscous fracturo4 In thia case# the structure consists of a forritic matrix an4 nections of anwaled martonsito (H - 5301-550)t oriented along the axis of zvlling. Tjje dirconsions anti the form of martansitic section An deUralood# &a 10 ft~;Yoluivr part of the martannite , which equals Lon 3DA, Oritica valuoo ~of t v p and 1/h wore 1/2 USSR KIDIN, I. H., et al. Izvestiya Vyashikh Uchobnykh 2gleodenJyo Chernaya Metallurglya# No 1, 19?3, pp 134-137 calculatedi it is deaonstrated that the produced material conforms to the requirements of composite materials. Four figures, ono foxuula, seven bibliographic references. Z/2 11"NO-Ow"W", *dEWNFOIN Thermomechani6al Treatmenk USSR KIDIN, I N. LI,7cUNQY,,..V,,.q,,,,;L,wp-,BELYAVSKAYA, V~l M. Acid YERDIE- NKO, V ~6sEow Institute of $teel and At~oys "Study of the Mechanism of Hardening,of Wire by Electrotherrno- medhanical Treatmentit Moscow, IVUZ Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 3, 1971, pp 129-132, Abstract: The influence of electrothermal and e1cetrothenmomechanical tre-at- ment on the structure and properties of wire made of,!type 60 steel was studied. The electrothermomechanical treatment was found to produco, !i higher tQns i lc strength (130 kg/mm2) while retaining a high level of1ducti.lity. Electrother- mal treatment prodnced a tensile strength-of 126 kg/rtjn;), while ordinary patent- ,ing-resulted in a strength of 117 kg/=2., Electrothermal and electrothermo- mechanical treatment significantly improve the stntc4ire, 1/1 007- D ~UCESSING DATE-090C.T70 UNCLASSIF p i.JITLE-STATE SYSTEM OF STANDARDIZATl0N.7U-* -'AUTHOR-(02)-TSIBIZOV9 N.I.t LIZUNOV, y '.-'~~OUNTRY OF-INFO--USSR ~ESTVO* 1970o NRI:3#;PP 3-5 STANDARTY I KAC --,:DATE PUBLISHED--70 :'SUBJECY AREAS-BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES .";TOPIC TAGS-INDUSTRIAL STANDARDy INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMC-NT, GOVERNMENT '.'-lCONOMIC CONTROL ~`CONTROL MAMING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~.UOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~.:.PROXY REEL/FRAME-1986/1729 STEP NU--UR/t)422/'rO/0001003/0003/0005 cl-k-C ACCESSICN NO--AP0103493 Lk 2/2 007 UNCL4SSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--09OCT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103493 , -AdSlRACTjf'E?(TRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE 8ASIC RliQUIRL-111ENTS OF GOST 1-68 ARE EXPLAINED. THE AUTHORS Pitt-SENT DEFINIrimis OF! "STANDARDIZATION" AND, IISTANOAKDu, THEY SHOW THE MAJOR TASKS. FACING S7ANDARDIZATION, ANALYZE VARIUUS CATEGURIES OF STAPJ0AR65,.,AN0 VISCI)SS T,HEFIR FIELDS OF APPLICATION. EXPLAINED IN THE ARTICLE BARE PRUCEDIORES ~JF STATE ~:-SUPERVISION OVER, AND DEPARTMENTAL CGNTROL OF, rlir~ INTRODUCTION oF STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND FOLLOWING THEM,, N _010 PIWCES'SING DAtE -10 2 UNCLASSI F 10.' --30OCT T;tTLE--SELECTIVE TESTING OF SOME ASPECTS:OF STANDARO IN PROCESS OF '.:EXAMINAT ION -U- AUTHOR-(02)-TSLVIZOVI Nsl-t LIZUNOVir,Y.F* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :~10U;%CE-STANDARTY I KACHESTVOt 19709 NR St PP 37-a9l, ,:--.~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ;-..SUaJECT AREAS--BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES# MECH"v IND-9 CIVIL AND SARINE ENGR :-.T_0PIC. TAGS-QUALITY CONTROLv INDUSTRIAL~STANDAND, ACCURACY STANDARD ~,'CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS L-10CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,''PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/0112 STEP NO--UR/0422/70/0001005/0037/0039 ~ICIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0122378 UNClASS!IFlE0---- - ---- - - ----- - - - -------- -------------------------- ------------- ~1/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 C.fRC ACCESSION NO--AP0122378 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ARTICLE. TELLS 4HOUT SEQUENTIAL ~.EXAMINATION OF STANDARDS WHICH PERMITS TO REVEAL THEIP, DEFECT[VE .:~ CHARACTERISTICS# EVEN IF SINGULAR, IN SHORTEST TIME AND WITH LEAST ,--!-.EXPENSES. IT IS PROVED THAT THE PROCESS OF SEARi'JI.CAh OE EFFICIENTLY JMPROVED. 77777~-~' AFAP040671' uE o482 u Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Ch!.mic4.1, Dervent, 244f r9 WMD CFACKING -rgTnE inV*IVOB: Vi*ltitg tbe~: 'weld & method.,where, on. Oq4ai metal bar cuts are ma a bf 64 bsi,. 1 a . afferent depth &Ian& the 4011: laigth -the Cutj hen meltaC' ;~AF~Asseosmca~~ -,are weldedand t denry. ~by cm*srison establishes thM 17.6.67: as 165396125~28, K.V~L, MdOM COMS T ' (1.9.6 .) ~ul'14/0-4.0~9. 1 *1 TWWU)GY US. INST 9 class 42k. Olft. LD AWRORS Lyubavskiy, K. V.; Vkova, )re. P.; and K1 Tsentral' yy Nauchn3 :z is stkiyoE n Sled= Z>11.LAII~J= Uy~tULLY.W ~10750271 ............ t-- ..... --,----4-, bill P.