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212 G Pi AS 5, 1 f- I E-0 CIRL ALCLS.*:A['N A b S rt~ A(: T / E X T i" "% C f- - ( L, ) GP - 0 - n S T ic', C, T ['isIji;S IrIH4 I-All N! 'k'J OF MLUILAL PSYCH0L#.-,f,Y IN L.i,-:UN'IAY ANO THF R-~M rIA OF !)14)f MERIT TIi:: ",.ST ~Xrr(LmH- Y 1eAPGKF4iiLL L& Wculi--,u 1:5 ATri4l~,UTLJ TO 1111ii: ri~,Ar it, t-i, r,-i.- SCILiN.11FIL LISLIVL11-411- f T t - k.-11 U,f !~;HICH I f A~p ffk",f 4,1JI.A IV.,~"1,,(- .1 ""f- f HE u.', I L.,ATI'i~AL I T Y jit: I I N U , 0 1: ~-I -S 1 AN tj I v- ~limi wic', i 1- 4 r i i E U N [ L A T L L :1 P P R',~ i'~ C I i I I ht-o' P 4. 1. r I i.. A No I I JY L , L I'tC PA MED I C I Nlz L F L C U i~ S 1. f;j I 1' 11; T I i L I vy "i I I.; I AN I LD:-- 1~ A V I I N F THE PA T I I r 5 V E ", SU L ( IY i"J 1-11 S P5YCOLI 15 AFI-i"ROOD IIII)i~'jiS T Ii C P t, S I L. S Cj 1- :1, L 0 1 LA L Li.[GLUGY 1 "1110 Thc O;JvOrf~icj: .;i-- Y:-~I' I. OLIC, TU F, S 1A,T idtILL ~.,L ui i I Z E Ti I I S , '?I E (; At r A I L ri:: cu -,, i It) i.ii,, I* ~,:,% 1 I FE ftU I I I di. AP P L D-A T i;~ 1: 1 LA r HL.5L P R I iNC I P L ii i A S 's. 1'. L L A S ~ 4 1-- 1 '1 W '-VC LCJPI'tf~ N T ;~i` ~W I iii: "C I t 'if I i: [ 1, AN!) T Ift.-i IN E T I LAL 1AN 1' 1.11 V I f. f I I I,- PIR I N L I v L i.: S c i. T I-:- Pi iYS I L I T J b C G P ~ rill- flUiT I;A 111:G I I Vl: S H--A) O"i 1~. RE AL I L CU I I- P (*.Iju,' H' SC I !,;, f I F I C 1, 1~ Y ~ij S I All T I AT I. L, All I S T4:1:) I lflji)U~ 1 C E LA L VX UC I- (i U K L S rik G'Jo0l, I c f tA. S 0 C 1-111 CIL L CkUfA,'.S I I i, 'i i I i I. i. d I UNU fii~ST rki~b I ',U' T F i- 1) 1 -S-1 Nc f I V L I L A I U R 1: S ~Uf I-ILIVA.N Pq.'A~j.GNWLI! T Y , i r s, I N u I V I U U it L ~~'UAL I I I L'i , EA L. T It.*N lji~ I;iL TIJ I. N I I ; I I KEWL,Ll\r-S hil. ~)ULUTIiIN N, THL PliWILI'M Gf,, AULAMINSPRP' QIV OLksc-l"AL try TO URGAN[Srip IIUIWNSTRA~11.~i OF PSYLMAOGIAL AND PHYSIQ4~(0;11-41. f THE Ef FLC I (,F lif-1-j- r I Vi.- W15, I T I V E f A T G A 5 ij N A ii), 1: v tzm, N F" S 6 USSR UDO GIMURG, V.YS., V.9 MINHALEV, A.K., CIVOMLPOV, V,T. "Collector Of Microwave Electron Device' USSR Author's Certificate No. 271661, filed 70 Dec 67, pibliahled I"ll 1:ay 71 (from RZh- p -.Vlaktronike i ya a ,rimeneniya, No 12, We 19V1, It"tract No 12i, 64F) Tranalationt The collector proposed for a Type 0 microwirre alei:tron device con- taina two isolated alectrcdes arronged in series with reii,pact to thet direction of movement of the eloctron beam. Cite of' them to eupplieiii at 1hir side edj,icent to the other with a nonaycui:etrical elements e.g.v it projiiiAiati. [vyatupt tn the form of a half cylinder. With the ob5eat or incratioing, Lke waximun power rarA efficiency of the device, the &1ectrodas of, tbi collot,-toj- Lroi olipplied with a means for forced cooling and are arranged one with renpel:f, to tl~e othar In euch a mannar that the projecting halt cylinder, which Is n contAirmtion of thic e,.ilf-niri- Cal bunhing [vtulkaj attached to the electrode with tha 4ower,potentiul, Is surrounded by the Internal cylindrical aurtues of the esoond alactrodo equal to It la holyhtjwhich sorvce aa precol-lectopr": USSR VDC 1621.3135.624.01 LEBEDUSKIY. S. V., TSYGXNOV, E. N. "Special Features of Bunching of an Electron Strexi ki 4 Klylitron Vith Electrostatic Focusing" Elektran. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. ab. Elokrron. SVC]i fPlecUoriic Techlialogj.. :J) , 1i' I ssue Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave Klectronit 1 0 , 1 1, pp 3-13 (from RZh--Elektroni-%a i yeye primeneniye, No .1i, May 1971, Abstract No 5A144) Translation: Equations are derived for bunchin.; ipf an el~,.ctl:an streani i-I a klystron with electrostatic facuning. Solutionis for Liquations wer,~ studied on an electronic computer ~n an .4pproximation ~,if , vitil.11 alglial, with changes of the radius of the drift tilbe and szat~(i pullmutloia of titc- radius and velocity of the electron sLreat* taken into llccaunl.. Vic mechod developed is used fcr co=putatiarx of th-e amplification ;factcfr a.1d dhe daq)li- tudL-frequency characteristics of a power klystron. n~e ret;t,~Its of the computation agree satisfactorily with experluiental datir. 8 :ref. Author'-v Abstract. USSR XIDC 511?.67 )SN-SMKOV, V. A., ZOLMMIN, 1. V. PESVITIO 31. S.# PWTNMV, V. S., and SHARSHAWVp 1. H* "Internotl Friction in Phase Transformation in TONI lnt(-% Vme tallic CoMPOullil" Sb. 'Vnut-rennere treniye v metalllcheskikJ~ mat4-rialakh" (Intel.-rial FrictLon in Metallic Materials), Moscow, Ind-vo "Hauka," 3.970, PI, 163-iI65 Abstract: The natuz-e of --he rha:rie trareforr-ation Ln an e,-T.1iaf:Ov'dc TiNi pound is studied by rethods of' internal friction, sulecti,ical I.-usistance, exd dilatometric ar-n-lysis. 2xe presence of some Inaks oil Uw intorral frictio-1 temperature dependence curve is reported a4d their fewbwrus dw-o dise"Issed. 7he energies of the activation processes n1*0 dOte1!"iZ1Cd4 It In aanvu-ned th,,,t the internal friction I:eak at lo"t is coverned by the dui ft')-si o n- free phzp= transformation. Data on Internal friction, electrtcal ~i.esistjtnce, and linear cbsmteristics coLneide w1l ani conftim the aasusked xu~tu= 1W the 3 figures, 6 references. 1/1 112 02-) ~.,'N C L AS S 11: 1 t 0 TITLE--PHASc TMRANSF~'-M'M,~k.TIU:,.-~ 1% THE 0,"J"KINJON11, [IN[ -U,- AUTHUR-(.~'D)-fLSlNlK-1-V, V.S., Y.A.* SHARSFAKuV, I-M-t PESIN, M.S. CCUNTRY OF Vo-L--USSR lipow' SOURCE-FILI&A METALLJV I MEIALLOVEGENIEP VUL* 29v FEI!,.. 1,1170, P. 35-~-309 DATE PUBLISHEG-----70 SUdJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, CHEMIsrRy TOPIC TAGS--ALLOY PtlASE TRAN5FURMATIONP bi0LI06RAPHYv[!lETAL INTEINAL FRICTIONt TITANIUM ALLUYP NICKELP J.NTERMETALLIC CO)KiPOUN0, DILAFQr4FTRKC AHALYSIS, A.C'SISTIVITY CCNTRQL MAA&l.%G--N0 RESIRICTIUNS DOCUMENT Clk'J':'_)--UNCLASSIf;lElJ PROXY HEEL/FJ%'A.4E--19')5/Cd95 STEP R14, V.Mwplwoq-,--i ;j 212 029 UNCLASS [F I ED DATE-l")ONOV70 C IRC ACCESSIC-N N0---APCII,,)4G5 A8STR4CT/EXTRAcr--oj) ALI S I'RAc i, sruuy w, i~tiwoilj IN ME ALLOY TINI Aril COPPO-JITRANT USING P19IM-1006, OF INTli"INAL FRICTICN, ELLCTRIF-,'~L KeSI-StIVIVY, AND OFLATIJMETIO. IT i!:, rHAT THE TKANSf-URVATIC.N ,f TEMPE~ARWES Rt.NGI:,4G FROM 50 I'd PIAP:1 130 c I.,,. OF DIFFUSICNLESS TYPE AM) 15 CHARACTERIZLO'dY ~VALL A PHASE lRANSFORL'-IATIGN Gf ORDER DISORDER TYPI-' 14,45 01,111::(TEJ AT A TEMPEPATLRE CF 625 C. FACILITY: VORUNEZI-ISH-14 F(j1A11:KWIICHL'iMl INSTIMT, ViRONEZH, USSR.. E d Acc. Nr; fiPO04376e Rafl* Codei; UR 0056 PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhumal Eksperimentalluoy i To aret~k,,haskoy Fizikis 1970, Vol $Q# Nr 3p pp! NONLINEAR S CATTERING OF INTENSE LIG VT D 'Y C011090 SUSPENSIOSS A. A._Chqg!jpj7, 0 -Nim Traversal of intense fight throuRh mHoid lot' n.9 contain,'nIT 11tatidim 10L dirl,011- SU 10 Mom smaller than the fight wavelength in causiderloil. It Is dimmim)j vtod Pit permlentall:j that nonlinear 3cattering by bubbles formed aroun~~ tho absoirbing diarliclim I$- the maj;Q cause of altneuation of light in such solutious. ij G-9 ~nm 'miff m Acc. Nrz AA Ret. Code: Ib,:~- t rac t ing Service: UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chtmid-cal~ Derwent, 1-:PV 'ER uh#xd the eff ic1*6--y is 242132 LJECTOR,,$CRUt% improved b~ dt-iero~ion. The liqiilld is pumped up and sprayed into, the mixictS ch*ber With the gas. The scrubkod gas Pasoes &Long o Offusor and through a filte'e Into 0:84i Cb$M"r rl(~)11 wh4ch it is discharged, wbLlo thp-liquid ve"rittled in:the filter drips into 0A bqtt~m r4servqir. 71he geoesi obtained aa do-aersting thp:fo4a and bub4j~aa prodweed on the surface of Cho Uquio La the reser*p1r, arti returned to the mixtpg chamber for scrubwilna. 7.12-67 as 120t375/23-26 KJIUADWK'M.11.69~ Bul 15/25.4.69. claMg 124. 0C.C1.5 ~)t 4:j REEL/-FR4HE A A 0 :10SIG37** .-I I 0 //1- 19891826 i D USSR UD(J !i53. 60 7. 11-1-5 33. bo 7. 14 LEBIGA, V. A., 01EMNYMI, V. V. "Study of the Effect of Grids on tile Turhulent IllrAr Izvestiya sibirskogo oLdeloniya Ahadeniii li4iok M11%, Serilia No 8 (203), vyp. 2, Jun 1972, pp 47-53 Abstract: A stui'v was made of the. effect of the dral, of a f.-,rhl the tm,r.,ber of successively Installed c,,rids oil thu reduction in irttq~iii!iity of th~ t%1r41Lj1c-.nt Velocity pulsalLion.-; in the T-325 .,ind turittal. $omc~ rc!4;~iltv, ari, 1,rLscale~.;, for measuring tile structure of the turbulence 11arlerated by t1w, p-r-.10 ~E*,:~IC. * fizi,~ n calculatint; tile extinruis'iin,~ offuct of SrLds art cht!~ turhi.11C11C ILIVIoCiLy tions it is nacessary to consider the turbi3lence generi.4teli by 1-;1,V 1,1;sc irid (the grid turbulence). Vne magnitude of thip tvr~~ulenco oil tile Reynolds nurtiber calculated by the rrid wire Oiv-.etf~r. tf It SUJIFICtiMLIV lAr-2 number of grids are installed in 0 te forechatiber of tile ioilnd toni,,el (:)n.1-Y th.U grid turbulence is Tirescut. 'flius, ill the farechal-her of, 1:11u, w4lill ."llint? I th,-, low turbulence level is deternined fly Lho mal"llitude OF tlhij! Ctle!IIIA.,.,1l(T by the last grid. Accordin-,1y, furr.hor incria5p. In tho aliwber- oil i:i- expedient when the transtiitr-ed Lurbule-Ice be4tone3 stLfficfioltly lo-~l by son with tile turbulence jrercraceLl by thc Itut: ptrid (< ..0.!l C: C) . Yie jrid turbulence becotn,2s in practice isocropic 14114~,n ):/I; > 1,40,1) (it I,;- the diitallcu :"lC-:1 1/2 USSR LEBIGA, V. A., et al., Izvestiya sibirsko-o otdelenlya Al~i-mlei-iLl 144111k SSS11, Seriya tekhrLicheskikh nauk, No 6 (203) , vyp. 2, Jua 1972.1 pp 4 t-.53 the grid). This pen-jits calculation of sonic of the tur4ti'Limice clmracterit~tics by the theoretical formulas for isotropic turlitilenco.. 2 US 8 R U AND SYLTSIORM-1 V A. to-, of Go vonto -,o Lan SSH, Minsk "Peculiarities oV the Aging Process" Act.1vity of the Celitraj- Niarr~ijl~j Minsk, Tzvestiya Alrzadi~:~.ii 11nuk B*,,3,"%, Seviyll No IS, ItiT.'...) ijp 67-,,p2 Ti-azi-~lation of Pu.,,1.i,4.afi hi,her rc.im13 of t-l-e 1;:IL, Lirin,": wdve ~~ICUC11(14 LZI of various ;*,_;t2 aid in r.ien. The expurl--.~A!rd:.~l --Q1r,1L1tIl V.'Tajd.,-~l :11111.t b0til transi,ortabi I i 41 oC mn-vous anti the iab--wilty o1' hillibittill ,wer-e d,2crcas,,:d and tLal~ +11iQ fiLactimv:0. activity of ciany c1l Of , mid -Ulioir reactivit,,, to i. -:r~ or.ganisr s ti, n c,l chanj~,211 in tli~a EUL! varia Lion in old a.-A ani-,alr, ta is cauoud b,,, a,,e Llatiolia. 'file chanj-,es In ~~cwulbrftl, dLIX1 Ili r A,1,11,1, ill"! IZSR 14MIAYWIA- LVIMSP-EVA, V. D., Izv4.,rjt.Lya Ak4aemji Miijk BI.-411ir S(1~1,jya skikh Nauk, lizo 6, l9r12, PP 37-%~ tura lead3 to a decrease in the adntml cor~tml, -to chatiot.'t, Ln r(O..-LiAcins between the nervous centers cmd poriphery, azd -to dIstm!hmi(,,_~s :Iu rQ1,.-alation of all systems of the orraniem. These d1sturbames in iluiliqUcmd. iiystuezLa result in faster wearir~, out of the orGamisp, i.e,., agJ,N~~ 2/2 AMC- --ijqtff+ Lali.44jk&~i J34 Mys, ITSSR UDC 612,11+612.766.1 CHUKKASOVA, G. T., DMYSENKO, N. K., and lip' g. Dmi:propoU.-ovsI. Medical Institute, Dnepropetrovsk "Heavy and Tense Work of Some Professional Workers at ALMOIllated 11.1ants" Kiev, Fiziolohichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 18, No 4, Jul/Aug 72, pp $54-354 Abstract: Work of operators controlling the performance off aut:~,-ufittc instru- ments and of workers doing physical work at the -;ame prodiiction 11nos is con- pared. Eight professioas involving 124 individtxals vere amllvaq,d. L)hyiiclagi- cal studies were carried out 4-5 tiries per shift, and ergoliomic SLI113!U5, 4uring the entire shift. Despite a difference in as'siEp%rient. of tWo gTouj)s of opti:razots at two different plants their work required con~irant atto!nxlon L,)- emotional tension without inte-rruptions tn tha workload p(m.- rihiCt. AL thq! c-nd of the shift they responded less accurately to their asol8irm,c-~nt: an(I p~iid L(iss attention. The pulse rate in both groups was -lecelerilte'l idell tica1 1), despite the fact that one group carried out its ansilpirnelit; i,rhih,. seated. Work of both groups was classified as tense, llorkeru du~v~,, oniti p%yzi-iLcal work (different professions) requiring tli(! i;l.-ie of di~ferejj~ riui;iA;es Iost r-huir work productivity level at the -end of the shift, their P"Pie rate averagod 97-106 beats/min. Both groups, operators and workers doitig ph,m;ical work, 1/2 -7-7 USSR CHUMSOVA, G. T.,et al., Fiziolohichnyy Zhurnal, VoL 1.6, No 4, 3ul/Aug 72, pp 554-559 were r1red and lost some of their productivity. But theso! conrlition!; had different causes- in the first case by constant attentiom uhile watchinq performance of different instruments, and in the second cme, ivimple 111y,-lical, ex-haustion. The authors see a need for a h~ealthy organi2ilition of the work and rest hours to eliminate disturbances in 6e work proc~~aurc.-i- 2/2 USSR ODC 612.744 KRASNOVA, A. F., LENKOVA, R. I., LESHKEVICH, L. G., MAK$1110VA, L. V., CHAGOVETS, N. R:^;_a_nTYW=X7,- H. N., Sector of Blvchi*l,~stry, LanIngrad Institute of Physical Training, Leningrad "Characteristics of Energy Metabolism In Muscular Activi~y in kelation to the Degree of Adaptation of the Organism to This AcUvLO" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal $SSR inteni. 1. M, Sechanovq, Vol 58, No 1, Jan 72, pp 114-121 1 Abstract: A study conducted on more than 250 athletes of various degree (if experience and training indicated that with adapta!.0',on of the or- ganism to intensive muscular activity there was an 1.ncrii!z1;!ii2 in the level of sugar and lactate in tile blood at which reinforced mobt14:!atii:ii1 and uti.liza- tjon of fatty acids in connection with ntuiwular effi;jrt cq-!"Id tlike place. k; a result a more effective supply of the wotking mus,~les tjifth Lwiergy Sources was ensured and the ATP balance was disturbed to a lesis*zi extimit. This constituted a factor thaL increased the woiking copmeity. 1 TIO. Ace. Nr pELIH,%Ry sOURCE: Holelculyarnayd /Iii-010S, iy;a~, ~,IiM, Vol 4, Nr PP -7.2 41-.Z3/ ON DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE CONDENSED AND DIPPOSE CHROMATIN OF NORMAL AND 'MALI GIN-ANT.CELLS A. , BERMAN, N. P. Lfsgp. 1r. .4. .4jk1'_AAf0Wq!:A, anii.L, !._j~1jRjK-r Advanced Training Institute for Physicians, and LptLfityk _of I - IT Diffuse chromatin of both normal and maligna nt mouse Lissuets 1vorritalaz much more, polyanions (RNA, non-histone proteins.) than th e candertsed chromittim. For liver it was shown that 33S-methionine was incorporated 20-30 per cent fiister 'Inh. histimes and 40-- 50 pet cent faster into non-histone proteins of the dilfuse chromatki as conipired wit.11 the same fractions of the candenserd chromatin. Similar result* werie obtafitIA in the case! of hepatoma chromatin fractions. Expeximents, involving DNA--RhIA hytitfilization re- vealed that in the Uver the DNA of the diffuse chrontaft was merit ilictive Jit mRNA Syn- thesis than that of the condensed one, In liver the condensed chromal;iln cominins 3 part of' DNA cistrons that are derepressed in hepatonw, REEL/MME 9 8-3 142.3 USSR 4TVC &d 9,78 - 018 - I IMM, V. A. "Calculation of Unsteady Processes in Are Reating With a w"'tabIlized Xxial Flow of Gas" Uch. Zap. Tsentr. Aeroyddrodinam. In-ta (Scientific Wi,jt[,rit:;s qf the Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute), Vol 3, , 2, P11 15L-157 (tIrmm lleferat-fvnyy No 2, ~ lQ7 I Zhurnal--Baketostroycniye, No 8, 1972, Abstract No 6.41-q)6) Abstract: A system of nonlinear ordinary differential ei~juationll Lave been duced for calculatinj; unsteady processes in axial-I'low gjit* ara h-.,atinG eit atmospheric pressure and a cuivent of up to 1000 amp. are p~rv- sented and a comparison with the e;qxriment is given. Ajitho-r's view, 3 figures, 6 bibliographical references. USSR e. N.. ard UNAINOV, S. S.. Moscow SclontMe Resuarch Institute of Virus Preparations 0A Study of the Properties of A2 Influenza Virus Strains Xi;olated Durj-lg t"'18 1969 Influenza Epidemic" Moscow. Voprosy Virusologii, 4'1'o 4, Jul/Aug 71. p 49) Translation: The antieenic and biological propertics of 19 influatiz.--i virus strains isolated froat 1)atients in Moscow, Rostov-na-,Doau, and kiraneza duving the 1969 opidemic were investigatei. it was astabl,ished tuat all or the 1'50- lAted strains were varieties of flionrg Kong AZ influonza. Ztralnt, were scasit~ve to inhibitors and nonpathugenic and nontoxic to adult whito mix,ij. lnoculation of newborn white mice with theue strains cautlej deatix JiL of Lhe 4,11Feri- mental anizals. Tne .5trains exiibited sis&K unzymatic im: 'tivitp ard causod 1-it-tia elution from chick erythrocytes even after 2 hour.-s of intcravt~un. A sDasi-rtat greater eluent activity was displayed by mutants rosistlirst ta, inhibitors, !he strains isoUted in 1969 were not transforned into mark(irs wf4loh irdica-,ot; that they were genetically different from the Al' :iJiflueAza 51~',raLqq tsoL~Ved iji 1965-1967. 1/1 f USSR UP C 'S LEDENEV V I SUKHORUKOV, A. P., KHACHATRYAN, M. "Concernina the Chanite in Structure of the Facal llw~--Iox V:ith Change in Spatial Self -FoctiFing of Short Pulses" Kvantovaya Elcktroixilia, sbornil,-. state"', 1,11o 2~s), Moscow , pp 90-94 Abstract: The authors discuss tbe effect o-.!' r1rip.J r-'7 1ho, number of focal points Juring self --focusing o-Ir The condition is found which )nust be sjt:i.!;J'j.c0 h,), between pillse duration and initial buiiiii convc,r.qon(_*c (Iiii enr focus) for this effect to ap,.11.!,~!I.. NIII)II1,11-le'll. focl~l:~ -11:oJo ll are given t0gCt1Ler With thl,~ JiStl-H)1110.01~ Of w sponsu. ith instantaneous or Jagging n.onlinear re, tratious, bibliop-aphy of ton lAtles., .. .. .. ...... 77777- 7 USSR UK 621.375.82 LEDENEV, SUMORUKOV, A. P., ERAOIATRYAN, A. M. "On a Change in the Structure of the Focal legion In Thrcw-Dimqq)sIonal Focusing of Short Pulses" V sb. Kvant. elektronika (Quantum Electronics -- Collcctl~in of Ilarks), No. 2, Moscow, "Sov. radio", 1972) pp 90-94 (from R71i-Fitlika, No 10, Oct 72, Abstract No IOD880) Translation: A tripling of the nuraber of focal points in the izelf-focusi-111- of short pulses is discussed. The canditio-a for the appeil-vanciti aE' the effecl: imposed on the relationship between the pull;q., duration and. 0he inf~ial ccrl- vergence of the beam (linear focus) is obta~neii. DIASra,.,i$ of 0iii T-otion C'I- th-~ nonlinear focus and the Intonsity, dlstrOution in Tiedfti 0.0 or inertial nonlinear response are shmm. 10 ref. Authci-a ab!itrao- 1.) 9 ~ilvfft AN ~11 III USSR UDC 621.'r114.iAj1(C8,-,.1~) ~.A. PROKH- C GUBANCV, V.V. , LQI:'~l V, V. ROZANOV, YU.M. , J~Y.~~C "Converter of D-GV Voltage Into USSR Aut;,crls Certificate No 248789, Fll,ftd 27 eldy 65, Publiano,i- _26) ,iin (frGia RZh--E1aktronLu i yeye pripsneniya, :1r; ~G, Catolber 1970, h~al-x-zt Nl: Tran a 1u t," on: Tiho invention -nertaina 4..z u coaverter oe ~_c a-c, wl~Tc~f~_c_ontalns a parullel thyristor inviirtair, a black fc:r Ization, and a lerroresonunce truneformar--ragulotort the cO vi-Ach has a nonlinear section. The secondary winding ~u n1sced atiiitiQn, *3r~.' ;Qn- nected in series with the choke or a hi,,har harmonic V11tor amd llnu.jr part. The primary and compunnation windings airraltanootAuly Ln,l liri~jor nonlinear aections of the xuFnetio circuit. Jith tho object oW tne of t'-o converter, it is propoued to t:,LjKa tho lioour ouction o1! Livi :::,i,~outic virculL i1n the *,'or= of two idontical corou vith a 1pap, tho over-ull awavu ovq;t;xn c Is aquul to the designed croue aoution or tho lineur purt, and the c--' L. .1%.Itor with two Identioul windings I* connoct4d Ili oount.or aorlwio. 1LOah 0i" tl'.o p1sced at one of the cores of t~,a w:Lioo of the x.Ljp:H;Lc Lth the Object 0"' inGrouaAng the reliabilll.;y a,N~ oportitiom tne -i:,i!,,n t1luil, it io pro-posed to p1sce on the nonllnwar vmaLloa a iiLiviAJi,.r, ol.' LMj Lit. bliiil of tho ulock for prolizinury wSnetizut.Lon. 2 ill. 1.A. JL 76179!1!~': AAA0051797 Wt 002 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section 11 Electric#l, .'Derwent,e/70 F242266 STABIUSED SuTIC Colm .raR to convolit singlk-PhAse-q~ntnp i0to, khres-pb&501~ of M&ller dimenvices sod sivp~ir design tbopl i most Converters sod In vUch t1i* soWy WW~ p$ 4 and 5 are switched in opposL ~4 tl4riestwith;tph other and connected to a11 IngLophose ctrcuiq the third compensation vindt,4 7 &q4 the tht;rd ;OpOrat- ins winding 10 are mounted on ~he forri~e tar4j X of the phase-shtfti" unit t 10 5~p 05024~24-7. V.V.GUMNOV et al. (0.9.fig .' i ~ sui.T;/2'5.4.60~1 Class Zjd2. W2n, W2t. AUTHORS: Gubanov Mozzhukhin, A. D. AA0051797 19820174- USSR UDC 681.V7.8:621.395 LEDNEV, A. V. "Study of Error Flow in Communication Chanm~ls" Tr. Mosk. in-ta 'Lnzh. zh.-d transp. (Works.of the Moscair Institute of Railroad Transportation Engineers), 1970, Issuir 3654 pp 46-83 (from RZh-- Elektroavyaz', No 4, April 1971, Abstract No 4.64.302) : Translation: Programs are described for processing of ei~ror flows, with the object of obtaining the statistical cha-racteristicr. trdicwc-ing group errors during data tran mission. The results of procesoriag acItual error flows are presented and the effectiveness of their decoir1*1ation is evaluated. 9 ill. 5 ref. Sumary. TelsViM lot' 621.'illq: 6':13 (088 - 8) USSR TARASOV, V, M- ng $cannogriainn'! PA Television Unit for Trans,romi USSR Author Is Certif icatO 90 2 $1 63066, filed 3 No-O-embn1t, 1967, C,o e publIsIled 2 June (from RM-M 'o e ika, No lt~ 1970~, Abstraet No 4G294P) Translation: A representation of the distributgon o9' radio- i'd t- 1 v'W " I spes introduced into the human bodT. to ca.11ed a scannogram. The proposed unit contains a color fonnlrig assembly for transforming various levels of radioaativitjj'intl~ various colors. The assembly has seven seqi4ential c1mvIts 0' threslwld ! , tlietiso levels levels along with a logic circuit for transfonitbig into a combination of colors which is obsertrod on-tho screen of a color kinescope. In order -to increase reisolixl;ion 1japacity, the unit is also equipped with a st4ge for Uniting ozqplituda from top and bottom with mwoth contxol of ~he J~Wtdilng levels. Author's abstract 1/1 WW ir USSR UDC: 621-39T TARMOV, V. M. , PIMMU1, G. S. , 1,11stituto olf" Medi-:1a Radiol6gy" AcarderW of Medical Science-,i of the =51i "A Television Device for Conversion at Scrannogra= WSR Author's Certificate No 2297280 M-41d I!A, Jul. 67, PIA11,11"11-ted 9 TW i!O (from Fah-R idiot ekhnik a, No 12, Dee 70, Abstlir act, No Translation.: A distinguiuhinfr, feaLure of the piv-posfid 1.11 1:1-!o., the dose of radioactive substmice introduced is cut dCWII t"Ir CRT for scannogram illumination. One beam -as defocuned anti illinnItutes Uie region in the form of a circle, while ~the other focuille-nd bepm i,4,, ~mnccntri- with the first and illuminates a point at thiee~ center of thj~ cirole. Cine illustration. A. M. man, UP NO -MOM _TT -e U R 0482 AA0047080 'V entj -10 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section 11 Electrical, Derw F243088 TELKVTS~RN =~V? to Coavert a wv#~q Magraof 'obtained Lni laotc pe diagnoq1tics of neoplasms includes a two-be** alectrea t0sj' I for the illuminatEon of thei4iAgram CM W02 and photo-multiplier 4. RU filter 7 pazx,08~ it putbot signal throu$:b an amplilter and Ohapar,Vo c*Ixtur tube 13 whereso LF; filter, 0 POONGS a Co"j, Mluomii coatponent throt* a back#~Oue4. cotof f f~n~ t witi, three threshold, tlevwnts p~:10, 11 ap'&djust table backSround level tol Ovttgh olt and. ff th* rod, green end blue rays 60 13P 22.12.6 as 1205670/31-16, Udiology tn*t, JCod. JOIJ615.3.691~ C140s Ug. 1/5 44 AA0047080 AMORS: Lednev, I. A., Tarasov, V. I~ro _q,.Gt so Lnstitut Meditsinskoy Radiologii Akademii Medit4i,Mkikh Mauk ISSR 45 1 19790553 UO, 0482 Soviet Inventions 11 lust rate~:1-119"Irct4on 11 Eloptri4cqiI Derwartt 243251 ION �TA!g WITH SMAC11 IONIZATION. r *~i"Lrcd - ~ Existing de4igns with divLd*d )N*4tana !at ~ ~j avoporation and tantantion hav*;'& 10V utiltt~~; factor of the sample. -owlng to~ # sf~al t UMIPA4 Lou factor and losses in sputtetin$~of Me Oamp on the ionizer suifsci.~ The po6p0*04 IM13141r~ KOM diagram) I is a thin~wallsd tu~4 of rhe4un~' ' ng- sten or tant&lum. closed at one;ano and; b*4two 1by a DC current along W, the cu~r~ntALrfttjoq ~~q such that the fi41A assists them ions tMNraq open and. The auspomor 2 10 0 holtoweyllp r connected by tube 3 to a poiAt Oar the bass ~xj. 1. AUTHORS: Call' R. Ga.11 2 Nep Ledn4v N. Ak ISO ftltsiql'noye Konstruktorskoye Byuro &141ch6sko ----Eaborostroyeniwk_AN SSSR 19771303 T, AA0044623 on heating 2. vIth tho Ambotwo foe An6lyoto thk -vopour posses VUS 1, to -tho luqo~ vmII Qf X, ~ two 63~-s'ftmwo out, ~v tho a part of the atoms -is lanlaqm i field towards the iom ~Ieom *14~or 4, Atoms, Ot ionL%*d by the first COM4101 Imuffor TvV404 4 collisiono, increasins ~th* P"~obility of 04~41ic egress., The Lattial sputteri" I, fa ctor ~of !O-Ai Atoms is near 100%; too-sea are omlyj'~~hos* Jup to, Oetrm- dynAmic escopefrom the tube. I7bsi:tomb0Od ~smit of these advanuges.1s a greap*v 9tility fsc~ or of 19-3.65 as 9478?$/26-z5.IL'm.GM'L'*c 41'spU61* 4VIALYTICAL INSTRUMUT j)mS,jU~.ACAb.$CIXNCA$ ~"'SSR. (16.9.69) Sul 16/5-$A9. Cjas;s" 421. Int.CI 'G'Dln. 19771304 ~13 j!)71.71305 11:1 I! rip% '-r- I 2 c rr 9A 0 M. xiv I IL 17 USSR UMC 536.532.0089,80 ISMY P S "Natural Thermocouple Calibration" USSR Author's Certificate No fLIed ;?4 Mar 66 publlsheti 4 Jail 70 (9,A'OM Fah-PSetrologiya i Izmeritelinaya Zqh~lka. 1?0 'A' A141; 70, Mistra.-t NO 8-3-2-.6-a P) Translation: A method is proposed for the calibration of natuxul themocounle consisting of a treated article exid cutting Instri tat, bjr rae-ans of recordinz of the generated thermaelectromotive force. In ordfir to NA50 tl:ke aCCUrSC:Y of calibration, the the rmoe Iec tromotive force is rxwsured~ Ix t1lie cutting bl' 11'C1:1 'a he rej. som at different recox*d Unq4tratures or Ole CUttjLTW 0 W1 a for exumple, by an electriad wpiralk The 'cajt~ration jpl~%jAi Ili ~(.-ojistru*ctod a 4w=rding to the measured values, whareby,!~the cutUng Pirix-eGal Lo covAiucted at Imw speeds. Be X. .. ....... ..... ....... ........ 77M USSR uiv~% 6 61 3 C 11 OZXT SELIVERSTOV, A. I., BELOV, L. I., D. AFAN V. I. "A Random Pulse Sequence Generator" USSR Author's Certificate No 2-540222, filed 23 Dec 68, puuu~llhed P3 Eec 70 (f'rom RZh-Av-tomatika, Teletnekhanik& i VychislitalOnya TeUjrika., No 10, Oc"t 7.1, Abstract No 10B217 P) Translation: The device lo designed for gerierating rtinden vhich have predetermined statistical charact013t1CS Old Wt'11~[Aflf~ J~Ulskts VU,."It are random with respect to timeL of appearmnee, (Luraticli,1_1~11(f. U,711'3.-_~-tude. generator can be used in r-athematical riadeling o:r varloun roAlartiJ yhenorzona, technical devices, etc. W.~all-Lnolwn rrvadnrl ,,,eqimnca contain a source of noise which s(.~nb d.g110.8 to a inixer throi;i.-1,;i two e' Fin- nels, one of which contains two ser ie a,corin ec t ed , tranis isto. ji~ 1. zed generators, while the otl!er contuir-s & traiisistori zed blarliLrij~ p,,vneratcr, a peak detectorund a smoothing. filter, Howq!ver, zuch genilrztorv art- cc:i- atructed on the prfrtciple of r-mitipln Uie noise voltage from above and belov, whidA c*use5 112 --- ---- ---- ------ ' 7"" 7 USSR SHELIVERSTOV, A. I., Soviet Patent No 2CW22 tion of the device; besides this, a chtuige lit the pulse 1-1-1:4,tition freq"Ien'~Y in such devices inevitably leads to a change in the d%irati.(:4i cf thene P-ul~iv'q' uhich is undesirable in a number of ingotance!j. The propovtvd de'.',ILce in dis- tinguished as follows: A delty element is connecLed throvillil, a 01c)-ole switch between the transistors of the blocking gi!ncratorv In the first chr-,nn(--3. A controlling transistor is connected ~-n the.amitter vircO.I of ','he trtin- sistorized blocking generator in the first channau,whmioe inoi'pLit 19 oonn-'~t, to the mixer. A control signal from the vrnoothirij filter t.-I tho Second ase of the tran!rlstar, mt:,ultir,13 Jit indcjp.,ndent channel is sent to the b, regulation of the n=ber or pulneu pe-r unit r,,f time and thwh- One illustration. 4 $4,52: .1-311,788 USSR U4 .7 LEDOVSKOY V P., POTSAR, A.A. "Widening Of The Measurement Range Of A Relaxacion Electric-Elijitarlpe Cage" Izv. Leningr. elektratekhn. in-ta (Bulletin Of The. Leninl1rad EIN!ctrical Engincering Institute), Vyp 83. pp 120-123 (from RZh-Elektronika i yeye priWienattiye, lio 6, June 1970, Abstract No 6A-57) :Q ~-e co=-.ur---,ivc Lin,,ly~;"i 0 of trivi-erinp v~-ows t',jl jurir7 of a hic`il~-otw~lv -i I - V ra-e t-e rreetest eff!~at i p o v -j r a o f-v!I um-w!*ho-i iv t-e creafior In th,! con1rV,!'?'.1ni- to 1',*.ty lntrw~jvt of auxiliur:, d iechij r~" porticlao in vol,17.e j-r! -n nr-ro.4ee o~ #r,e, Int'.14 cathod4e. "..-a effect of Increiii1n; tax uj:~er 11-1t o." V-.-,-~ t pre~!ervaluion o~ iv by t.-4-t '11, 13 of 74nr::-.j ry" ~:orrt,~j c) -ii t j up:er 0.:, the sc,jree o:' 2 CC v :n to t!-10J I:U;Ltt ij~ 1n of vjlt,~,,a of t~idi 'CCC v. 7.ntroduction of %in w.ix.;1iEiry It 'L sa;are error of Vit- -ieria.' c' t'-.4 oociltot'Lonn lio the 0.ltr~lt to percent in oll t~ij cper,,t r.- bin" of tno. 0.4, 1! c,." USSR L": Y, V.:. e+ 4',vj: trtrZ a rinZ, the upptr tc -re-,, ir-I c--' t:".e ~.Jg it L~-' I! e t.i a c the power sup-ly ;snd the conf of' t?,,,% ttlectruciari. ":Itl OT,cr- makes it poet'i"is to expand t~e r!jn.-* o~!' :-nots ej re. xA rite ;41th QIL vj,- nit-ado of the voltaZe of the power rtiV.~ F. USSR uDc: 81. z 5 RZHAVSKIY, V. A., )IDMIXII, A. P. , UDVIN, Ye, K. A Pneumatic Pulser" USSR Author's Certificate No 25IN18, filed 29,Maa, 68, p4b:Un~i,!d L~! Fell", (from M-Avtomatikax Tel L!.rx-kb)?ji i. ka i VychW Tel.-JOlika, Plo 11, Nov 70, Abstract Jo nA69 P) Translation: This Author's Ck~rtificate introMicoi a ptie,,vrtiii-i: device containa two three-diaj)-j.--su-,:i raltiys, the I*'irst of Cb,,,m, an OR circuit, while the !~ecozid Is connected: Ln ,vi AND cix~.-.dt. :It- 4 also contains a follower with dizir)-acement, a I-CIM- parlson element, and a valve. The units of the devictt aro special way which improves the eharacteristicI5 cf tho de-YjJ~f! in with c=ventionel -julsei-s. Wlien an input conmnd silpial iix.-, recjdv~~il, device produces a pulse of it d~,finite length Pit the outpitt4l. Clip LU-J:~tra- tion. V. S. USSR U6C 621.316.1.0: UMYANKDI, L. P. AGEYEV, A. 1. , PPUAMMI, B. YA. MUM, 0 1 - "Calculating Electric Power Losses in Hi8h-Voltage Municipal 1~etllorks on the Ural-2 Computer" V sb. Tekhn. prog ess v elektrosnabzh. gorodq ;,rells in Electr!.c K . (Technical Prog Power Supply of the Cities -- collection of works), L-Pninpad, Ejiergiya Preas, 1970, pp 20-23 (from M-Elektrotekhnika i E*qF No 4, Apr 71, Abstract IL No 4 Ye 285) Translation: A nathod and algorithm for a progran to 4:alculate the electric power losses in the open high-voltage municipal networks mi the dit-;ital computer are described. The electric potuer losses aro detorminvi! by the Imid charts taken for groups of consumers with the same typa of 'Load. CalCulaLions were performed by means of this progran for the lvanDvo Upderijr,viu~d :,funicipal Network. The calculations nake it possible to offer recar4i.-Ondations for -"Uc- tion. of electric power losses. There Is 1 illustration 4ind a2-enEry biblio- graphy. USSR VDC 612. IV6-06: D"32.1.76 GLEZER, G. A., LUBMI, K. D., mrtiU ASHOM,-AIL-A-0 Insillitut*i of Cardiolojy ineni A. L. 14yasnikov, AcadeaV of godical $4ionces US3R. 44nd 411-Union Sc~en- tific Research Institute of Physical Culture Study of the Main Hemodynamic indexes and Xidney Funct.Um in 4ealthy Persons fter PhysIcal. Exerotseu I: : Moscow, Kardiologiya, No 5. 1971, pp 114-120 Abstract: The volu-me of circulating blood, heart rate, rianal jirculation, aind so forth wore stixiied in two groups of hoalWV stalipil ~- 18 Ix )9 and Q to 60 years of age - after exercise of differont dogroas of 400, 750 kgm/min) on a bicycle ergomoter for 30 mimM3,. i;xeri1;~e slight4y decroasod the amownt of circulating blood at thm expensa OT plIZ11110 110sultir1jr, in an elevated he=atocrit. it incroased tho vy;stolic preiizurs bi~t had vlmually i= effect on the dListolic. Tne nearr, rate and cardiao imdex 3miraa:mi in direct proportion to the strenuousneas of the oKorcise. Noavy-Omircize in.- creased the card-Jac cutput more in those over 44. General per~pkieral retAl;t- mce decreased w-re rapizliy -after slight exertion anl it ontin '%iod to decrq.'a~;e after greater exertion out at a slower rate. Hoavy oxord=% slowed the rural 1/2 r`71* USSR GLEZER, G. A., et al. Kardiologiya, No 5. 1971, pp 114-3:eO blood flow, especially in those over 140. G~qmsruLar filtliation tondei to do- crease only after heavy exeraiso. Mihute ditgreais doorea 'ilmd 4Lti increasing exertion chlefl;f because of increased tubul4r reabsorptil:)14. 2/2 USSR UDC 543.73 A I MIZETSIULYA, I. B. , "T, ". A~!. , arid :Q3DY,',YI;YIv N 4~;~Womi, "'W", "Determining Ultramicrv-conic 3ilver linDurities in Seaicanduotor Materials of the All B Y Type by the K:Lnetic Euid 'W"olarographic Methods" Kiev, dnikov-, Foluprovo _va tekhnilezai Mjt--,rveIe)ctZ2r 1:a,, 1971 PP 58-64 Abstract: A hit,,I sensitive inethod for determinini-, scopic quantities o--* silver in small ouspensionz- (x.~ ::--l-terial- 2'.11 CdS type COLI-001-W-d-S th-rourrh the u.:LO Of kiL-eti(s, 11ILd methods is develoned. W'~-uch deterciu,,-tiw*os Since!g; has.a definite effecl., on 10ie phyaical of Al BvJ- sendconductors. ~he uialysis is conducto-d on (111121' -o.FwCV3%-,- tals, wei,-hing 0.5-1.10 fc, disoolved in concentz-atod -~!ciu,i, first at* room tam-)er:lture and 11-hen with J,,eatin_1:7. '.Mna :r~,,~-cticn sitivity for the 1.-iret-ic ~.-ethad io o-;~~ in 21-,)* nLI cf t,--e Solution. ?Qr the i.,:; o1- thc~ order of 10-5 -,I.-o lo,%-ela pon;jible IJ!11) IA::;E! of nolid electroden of modo C04! jrrophito il?,-~t~,f~,t,.,~,~~l~"it~t'li~)t, Iwo Jn T7 7 USSR MIZETSKAYA, 1. B., et al., Poluorov-odnikovaya tekhai a i miAroeleItt ran tka, No 6, 1971, pp 58-64 form. The average relative error in these determinations miiicunla to 15-20", 7, The authors are with the Semiconductor Inst4tutoo Ukraini4in Academy of Sciences. 212 83 77~7, , -tw,. ................ I t ZLL ,Z viz!-. a cu;*rp-17r c ,,,',)4 d h,~ r Ly r y 0 and XqC and hwat crcz.~.m~az- steels wi,-Ii X'ost of che steels a rill;~-:1Y affecz. the intensity Lizarva;,"ti CIE W"i-.:., 1/2 Lit Z G. 04 Iv t:*,.-' 'it az .1w 455-67 ciuring 0 higher heacill",- 2/2 63 USSR VDC.. 6N. M SIWOVALOV, V. P., GORBUNOV, N. S., BIIYN7-A, A. P., UrAsti, v.~ p., LEGASHOVA. T. P. ItCorrosion Resistance and Elec-l-rocheinical BehaVior. of Tlmnii~:&i Coqtbigsl' Moscow, ZaLshchita Metallov, Vol 9, No Jul-Apg 73, pp 465-i~.67. Abstract: The corrosion and electrochemical behavior of Ji El'as ic.-I 1: itallitim coatings was studied in acid, alkalinc! ;i;nd orgFiic medi.a. flim cca!rositin te~F~t..; and studies of electrochemical beh-Jvior of titallitim caatin~s prodlic-l"d froll thl~ vapor phase in a vacuum showed that dLzffusiort titanium coatit~qj,s CLI11 Fratect iron-carbon alloys from the effects of certain' corrosive riedla-_ Ilia resis- tance of type 3 steel, titartium coated, -wiat e;xpostires pC t4j), To 451) hoin .9 significantly higher than that of ~earbon steeil Od stainlass!~Jteol!s, and in many cases is equal to the resistance of titan~ivm~alloYs. ........... imp Ion USSR UDC 6141.18~.1.2 =XCEUKO, I. A., and STRIZHENrUK, S. L. "Equillbrium Adsorption of Lanthanum and Erblum tor the Sodijal F03a Q:r the HB-4- -21? Ion Exchange ResW Moscow, Zhurnal Fitichaskoy Kh1mil, Vol 46, Yyp 4j 1972, pp 1.027--1028 Abstracti The equilibrium Involving the exchahge of the va.Ni earth elenents (RES) 1a!3 and Er*3 in solution for 1186 bound to the ion. exOianga xvs1n (IEP) was studied at 25, 35, and 45 0C, ExpexIments carried out 14 diluLtip VaCl solutions indicated that the Na-T changed the o4corption of ja,*3 ~Or loss than 10%. The temperature was not a significant variable for thir ranp studied but the p1l had a strong Wluence on the adsorption on the v1sorption due to the reaction (R.W)-(IEH) 3HOH (REX)*3 3H-(]Lrji) +loll On theoretical grounds, starting froa the equillbrium constant, the following equation derived for the L&+3 adsorptioni 1/2 LEGENCHENKO, 1. A. and STRIZHENYUK, S. L. 24urma Micho4koy Kilimil, Tol 469 Vyp 4, 1972t pp 1027-1028 where ~, and c2 are the concentrations of La on IER and tho aolutton respec- tiv,elyp V Is the volume of 5olution, and g isiJbe weiSht af~the 11-0. Cal- oulated values were in good agreemant with thf,9xMr1m*Ata14 2/2 MMM USSR UDC 541427.4 MutumovAt K. P., MQUia"J"J.-A.. arA &LOUBENKO, Instittat4 of' Genoral and Inorganic Chemistry, Ukrainia4-Mc-a"nor of Sciences (LaboratiDriea In Odessa) "Exchange Equilibrium Between Anions -oil the Sthylene Die4A~P Tetizacetate 0oaplexea of the Rare Earth Elementro, and Chlorine AnIons ih a Solution - Anionite AV-21 and AN-261 Systee Kievo Ukrainskiy Kh1micheakly Zhurnall Vol XXXVIX p No 8j 1911 , 1);-P 1338-6319 Abetractj Sorption equilibrius of Mr complexos of La, 114l G41 mxl- Xr on t1v:~ Soviet-developed AV-21 arA AN-261 In chloride fom wav ,.jtuilad, by the zethod developed earlier by tho authors. Weights of the ionito ww pro varied from 0.23 to ~A) gj i1olution cork- centration from 4-jo-3 to 16-10-J mol. Both ionites showed nonequivalent exchwiget which wiuji moro 1,pronounced. than for AV-17. The low-base I-M-261 ionite, w" str*nf,'~y hpfrolyzodl during the testal attempts to raise the pH to 4 led to & aharp dz3j;i in morption capacity, and dislocation of equivalence exceeded the equite4ilerit isorption of the rare-earth conplexes. For both !on-exchaUpers, th() delpiee of non-equl- valence varied. depending on solution r41. In neither m=e dlid. vaxiation in aorption equilbrium obey the naas-action law, Eapj,-Jwa fo3wula wid graphs, axe included in the paper. 1/1 - 15 - ..Ace. Nr.; USSR ,Lr-GEKKI K1119. COIN: UW: b2 L .9101.272 VIA Systim,for Controllin:g the Process!of Lathe 'Hitichining on an Automatx'CLine for the Production ofl8pindlssll, Moscow, Stanki i Instrument, No 1, IR701 pp 1-2 Abstract:. The article deals with an ivitomat-ic qantrol. system, oper�%;pg., on the feedback principle, lieveLoped b~,v- thit Moscow Machifta Tool Institute for reducing firom two to bone the n=ber of passes required by the HRL-13 automatic liniii of !the plant imvni S. Oro;honikidze, consisting of six taiachines, to pr(Hiace stepped spin#Jes from stamped or forged, blanks. Thot desIgn ji,vid operation of tha two-circuit system-are deacri4eA. The canirolL system is an autonomous unit and requires, no mia4stantial dhanIpja in the _cMpvidti9n of the machine tool. with; which it isi useli, and thus can Is- navd in new machine tools an tiall aa in the nj3dernization of: ek W-tAg ones. --~WT e-1 -_7A zzz, ~-Zunl -.4 T=4 jt -dw% -1z -Apu, ;E3 -Ioca ~,;;7; =~ -m~ -itz I!r*~16*qo moan v,;i-'Uw-ja M-L- T-Xqzvz Awo ;o U.L;MA--.Uvd aslaqviia ZAS uo %rr=i aD iyrsa r-,tv iq=-,-xvz.ZA zz=-UL.1-1-1 ui USSR MiC." 5311.4 DUDUKAIJ315.-O, V. V IVANIMM317A, 0. 1. , and JZ'G]:,,J,,IYJI, 1;. 1 "Effect of the Otructure of Compooitiori Krttu- al cm Es E Characteristics" .11, jj,,jjeSjr():j, Xj_ ij:j I T Moscow, Zhurnal Drikladnpy mf~khanilci i t(,,Il o 2, 1973, pp 153-159 Abstract: The composition material considerell ii- thlo. J~aper microscopically heteroCeneous elai3tic body ~tit-h a I-J.ver. ~jL,,I,,;iI,,.j.(,, modulus tensor. The bulk and shep-r moduld J.r, this expression are wsst)xicd tuiiforra anil i.4zotropic functi(:ins ol' the ayace coordinates, and the 8tvesa-de--f'orr~ntion i3tate Of th-l'., F~a- terial is deocribed by Hooke'!) DAvi, 'Alich co~,:,Jxcto The :vId deformation '4,--.ctors through the uqaationi~ oi and. Cauchy relationships. The 1:-iroblum of 'UhLa "Uh. o ove 1;:b:.-,1.7 pap,,~~r i:j to determine the limits of the elai3t:ic viacr(.).scor)!i.(., chix%CtO2-ied,-: CL) of;, the material. o d e t e 2 - i.,,Aiiie the lilaits 01, th,e 1,haw Vl.~ authors consider the uniforz:i Btrite olf '.I rporo Iflica:v, of in which the phase reCione are rir,-4t oircuLar with parallel 6eneratrices and erbitrriry Here, it is aoou,ned that the mater,'Lal is unlfo= 112 USSR U-D C 9. 4 DUDUKALEIPHO, V. V., et al, Zhurnal rril4adnoy i:Le'40i;aiait~,i i tel:2-ni- phesko,y fiziki., Jv'o 2, 111173, pp I~J-159 and transveroally isotropic. The author;!,, coix-litdo I-ILaL tl-,(! tion that not only the concentration azid- rx,-J.L7,:L:L Ll-_c COIL, .etr,,,, IIE~. ~,t.,Jj 11:1-i u, 1).' of the material but ita jilte.1,11,,11 C ,oug, determining its she,,r moduluz, is j?unf irmod 2/2 USSR UDC 532.5 LECEYDA. V. 1. and TARtIYOV, 1, Ye. "Flow About a Profile in a Magnetic Field, Perr,--ndlci~ilar to the Fl"n.- lllalif~~" Moscow, Prikladnava Materratika i Nekhatitka, No 2, 19112, pn 232-238 Abstract: A problem dealing with flow 4tboai; an arbiqrarv j)vQZ11O ill. 11 !;LTez.:-, of nonviscois conductive fluid in a mai;rlettc ftal~,, b.-, LN, plane, is reduced to -a --,y~iLetii of int&gvll oquat--Or- Th~, ef Ci-~i system coincides, ro the exactriess of rlAe desigriatiai;.ij, ijil:h L:hAp. the problem en tFe. convt~ction of' beat r;-cm Ln a str(!-.,! of fluids, obtained by King in 19114 witil (i potclitial stiol-11"i, 'tiy thq! mechod sources and studied in the case of sinat]. nvviber:s RL, )~,- 211):. In tlv~ f circulationless flow an exacL solution Is 4)btaimc.!J. Oiich .1.5; ill.ustnal:i,d 1~y L the example of flow ahiwt a romnd cyliAoer. Cai-si-dointlar. lt3 giv(n lo 4M asymptotic solution of the problem at lirge 3 figures, 10 references. V1 USSR UDC 542.951.4 PETROV, K. A., LEGIN, G. Ya., and TSAREVA, A. Kh. "Synthesis of Arylphosphanous Acid Monoesters" Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 46, Igo .1, Jan 73. pp 152-1$5 Abstract: Synthesis of phenylphosphomous acid monaosters was carried out: by reacting alcohols or their suits with pheny1chlovophosphine and trans- esterification of the lower monoesters of phenylplimiphonous acid. The reaction of alcohols with coutplexes of ary1diclilorqjIvosphiner, and altminum chloride also yields the title compotiods. The reaj-.I~ion Wlis carried out 41t -10 to -15*; the products were obtain4d In 83-100% shields,. The qtriletures of all products were checked out by IR,opactroscopical amnlysis. USSR UX 547-26 W PETROV, K. A. and.IEGIN, 0. YA. "Preparation of the Monoesters of Arylphospbonic AcI410, Leningrad., Zhurnal Prikladnoy Milmii, Vol 46, Vyp 2, IiAM VP 4W-410 Abstract: The title compounds were prep exed by oxidizizig the monoestero of arylphosphonous acids vith chlorine: IAt //00R Four other compounds of the general type Ioil vere 1);repared. The influence of the duration of reaction on the :riU-d of the cb!!iiired monovtbor was determined. Preparation, phyeical c9pstants., wid 41tructitre conforuxition are given for the investigated compoundso'. USSR UDC 547. 6'118.07 2 PETROV, K. A., LEGIN, G. YA., and TSARZVA, A. KtIl. "A Method of Synthesizing Monoalkyl Zthers of jItivyl phosplionous Acid" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya '~romyshLennyye 0bralztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 14, 1970, Author's Certificate no 2041.23, Wiled 4 Jan 69, p 24 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduceg;,, 1. t% metht.-4 of synthesizing monoalkyl ethers of arylphosphonousi.acitl by int,~&r- acting aryldichloropliosphine with hydroxyL-conuaninj; compoutids with subsequent isolation of the goal. product by convencional methods. As a distinguishing feature of the pate,6rit, t~he process is simplified and a more extensive raw materialbase is providc-d by using an equimolar mixture of hig ,,her and 1"tir al(::Iholr, W a water-alcohol mixture as the hydroxyl-contisInI nil: comj;)aundr,.. 2. The method described in (1) is distioguished I>y the fact that the process is carried out in an organic solveatiaucK as benzene. 1/1 A13 -V C411btal 11 Woft4i OSSR UDC: 5f10.8314 BIMR, L. A., Z11DANOVA, Yu. Ye., Sti,.,,,xitific Pe- search Institute of Electric Four r ng "A Seismic Vibration Pickup" vcbreteni~a!,.. Proiquhienryy on tJ7 r., ............ Moscow, No 7, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No J29,405, DivizAou,:d --JD Jul 70, published 9 Feb 72, p 160 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a sol.:!Mil~ 'pic'-.- up which contains merLiurement and balftncillig transduceit-, Aq ip. eistin(r_lish- ing feature of the patent, the clLnrice is designed for Ux vibration of a rotating shaft. It is equ!Lpycd w14,th ein xi,Jdi.lkiridl transducer with secondary winding, cceurely connected tt:, -. pqrith,1iir.-., at its point of reEt, and primary windirg fustened on Et levor 14dch Js one of two making up a system in which the other lever oarrieo a tiru;:111 locut,E] on one axit; with the transducer windings- A. preosure 01irinir As ftLs- tened to this other lever. The Divers of the aytiters by a co=on axis of rotaticn, a micrometer a-rev and a hei!k!31 13pl-111g. USSR BIMM, L. A. et al., USSR Author's Certificate No TMA05 212 USSR UDC 621.311. KRYLOV, V. A. , LEGKIY, V. A., ROMERO, H. P. . STEPANCHIKOVA, S - A. "All-Purpose Automated Program for DiSItal Computer Calcullatlons of the Short- Circuit Current by the Tteration 'XethoO of Mx1al Voltages" V sb. Probl. tekhn. elektrodinamiki (P~oblams of TeOmEcal ELectradvaamics -- colleclion of works), vyp. 25, Klev, Nukova Dunka Prj?$s, 1.9710, pp 40-44 (from RZh-Eletroteklinika i Energetikn, No 4, Apr 71, Abstrai_-t: 4 Ye235) Translation: An algorithm and programs for calculatIng all types of nhorr.- circuits on the Ural-2 digital computer;vith autontatic, altwirriation of verslons are described. The short circuLt currents are cialcullited itt each given poInt by the iteration method of nodal voltagjm~. The ireisulj;4; of ithe stmilien of 1:011- vergence of the iteration process are presemted. Mo,,bibl11.%raphv has 5 cutries. (Institute of Electrodynamics of the Ukrainion SSR Ac4ld~=y Pf Sciences] USSR UDC: 621). 78.015: 536. 24 LEGKIY-, V. M., MAKAROV, A. S., KOVAL', Yu. D. "Experimental Study of Local Ileat Transfer Qf a ~Ilite in the Area of Transition from Laminar Boundary Layer to Turbulent" Teplofiz. i Teplotekhnik.;. Resp. Nlezhvvd. Sb. [Ileat Phy:;Jcs- and lical Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental Collection], 19713, No 23, pl) 100- 109 (Translated from lleferativnyy Zhurnal PAetostrovilidye, Il'o 11, 1975, Abstract No 11.41.88 by T. A. Ye.) Translation: The licat exchange of a long i tudi nal ly wvs:wd !;niooth platv is studied with mixed inotion in tlie boundary layor. Et. is indicatett that the recommcndat ions for calculation Of JkC*at QXCIIIIII-Cl ~jl I 1'4~11AIJ&lj'y jl'I`j'1' need experimental confirmation. In ordor tp actjAmijlaI:v expvrimental d1tta and refine tile method of calculation of the tY-.,ini;itii)ij :Lonr. tile IOL-al heat transfer of a plate with mixed mot.lon Jn Lht~ bottlidary lii~yvr is siodic(l. The experiments are set in a closed wind,tunnel with a squirre working ~:rus!; section of 0.28x0.28 m2. The experimental technique wrid rv;wlts -ire dq,s- cribed. T~T USSR UDC 656-7-(Y13-2:6P-l.86 KOZLGV., Ye I., LEMOS.M. S S and MOSEY) K. Dr. Mekhanizatsiya Zagruzki Sarmletov iQiimik4Ltam-L (MmotuinUation. cif the ChwicaL Loading of Aircraft), "Transport" Prass,,1970, 103 pp,~ Translation: Annotation of the book: The book gemeralizes the orPerlance jained in kolkhozes, sovkhozes and agrIcultural aviatioa unitii r:j!om Uml, uEa and j),cm- tion of various types of equiptemt for radhamiiinj,, "whe pmp!t:mtion and laidia: of planes and helicopters with cheinical fertilizers, toxic c1tairtical duirts, solutions and er-malsions. A description in given of nev mch:tnery and Itttacb- mnts, as well an the most intemsting, n4ahinus nude b1i ef'M.~icncv expeits. Material is presented on calcuLiting, the prijacipal I~ammmtent of the opQrazj.rL_; devices of loaders, and there is a livt,U4 of operatii;4; ,I and linfety rult.-a foj- the use of chemical loaders. i The book is designed for ong1licerinjr, and flight ptlirsonmil rof ajlrktn~.Itliral aviation units, as well an for kol:Khoz u4 lj(~vjjh0j~ and rechijnizeru- Forty-seven illustrations. Tvalve tablep. Bibliogrmp~j:r WAI I.-i6ht tUleB. 1/4 USSR XOMOV, Ye. I., et al., Mekhanizatsiym Zaeruzki Svmale4vi, XhUtikatami, "Transport" Press, 1970, 103 PP- TAux cp domas 33MMCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . SMPAM CP CHEYMAL FERTILIZERS . . . . . . . . . . . 5 MACHINES AND ATrAC151ENTS FOR FERrIlaZER PUEPAMT1011 . . . . . . . . . 8 Fertilizer Blender-grinder ISU-4 0 . . . . . . 10 Fertilizer Crushing Machine TA,5 - 4 . . 011 Modernized Fertilizer hUer-loader OM-40M 12 Ryazan' Agricultural Instkhite Fert4lizer Grinderf, . . . . . .14 Re-equipped Root Cutter and Cleanei IQW-5-0- . . . . . . 15 A. G. Salimov Fertilizer Crumber 4. i.,;. v * ~ # . . . . . 15 DEVICZS FOR LOAD= PLANES W17H WLK CHE~MCALS. . . . . . . . . . 17 The UPE-15 Device- - - - - 0 . v 0 ~*:. 0. . P * # . .. I . -17 HydraulicaUy Controlled Fertilizer-~oading Jktt4cJuwnt0 . . . . . . 25 PSM-30 and SShR-20DO0 Fertilizer Loader ZUR-1.5 . . . . . . . 29 Azu-45 Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2/4- Fertilizer Loaders 0 -39 PS-3 Loader . . . . . . . . 4~3 Clam-type Bulk Fertilizer Loader 46 On-board Loader on An-2 Plana. 48 Loade-,s D-452 and TPK-20 - .. - 0 . b-4 . 0. . . . . . 50 Loader Desigued by A. S. Yurlyev o 4 a o 51 Loader ZPS-100 an Self-propellud Chassis LWSSIL-160 ~4. 0. . . . . . 52 Loader Designed by If. G- ftigOMIOV and 84 A. Bugril l, . 53 DWICBS FOR PRF-PARIM AND LOADIM PEAMS WTH LIQUID CM IMMA-1. . . . . 55 APR "Temp" (Tempo) Unit for Prejzrln~~Vorkiri3 . . . . . . . 55 Unit for PreparinZ Solutions Of Chemidau. d . 4 4 # 58 Loader WV-300v-vi-42 . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Liquid Memical Loader M-&)O 62 Loader M-1000 . . . . . . . 0 4 1 0 t 0. . . . . . . 62 Loader-tbtor Pump ?4-200. . - ., 4. #1 01 d . . . . 64 Insecticide Filler ZI-40A. . . . . . 65 Attachment for Sirailtaneous Fillin12 with Water ar,(I!Serbli~ldt.-s . . .67 3/4 USSR KOZLOV, Ye. I., at al., M khanizatsiya 7-sarumki Siunoletav- Yailmi:kat~wni, "S T~,sport" Press, IWO, -103 PP ECONOMIC EMCTIVEIW.SS OF DEVI= FOR LOAD1110 PW83 W11WI C10-11PALS 63 Economic Evaluation of 14achines andlAttachmmts Med in Preparation of rhemicals . . . . . 70 Economic Evaluation of Macliines and Att4whrwnts Uikid in ljoadin,~- - 73 Economic Evaluation of the Use of Uo W11-15 -DLP40.0 in:boacting - - 77 Economic Lyaluation or Device~s for Wading Pla-oaiv',with Working Fluid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 78 D=M,fMTI0N OF PRINCTPAL PAROIEVM OF, 0MRAMIN3 EUVTOLS eip B= AM LIQUID COMICAL LOADEM. . . . . . . 78 Calculation of Bulk Chemical Waders~ . . . . . . : - 4 - - - 6 . . 78 Calculation of rentrifWml P=po . .1. V . t # 0 01 . 0 . . & 0 , , 89 SAFETY Pmcwis IN womam wint %,oxrc MXKrALS AVD F'4J'rVIWMM . . . . 93 CONCLUSION% . . . * 4 . * 4 0 4 0 0 6- 0 a b 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . 98 BIBLIOGROHYs - - # . s * a a:* v s P a . . . . 101 4/4 1/2 012 UNCLASSI Fld~ P11,0CES'StNG, DATE--11SEP70 TITLE--LIQUID AND LIQUID EQUILI&RIUM W~WATER, CYCLOHE)OINE: AND C SUill THROUGH C SU85 MONOCARBOXYLIC ACED SY$TERS -U- AUTHOR-~104)-GORODETSKIY, I.YA., LFVITANAItE, R., LE1,';0CHKINA, L.A.~ ZARECHNOVA, A.V. ~'CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 7~:SCURCE-ZH. PRIKL. KHIM. (LENINGRAD) 1970, 43(lit 11.5-20 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ...SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS--FLIJID EQUILIBRiUMt CYCLOHEXANEP WAT Ii 11 CAQ11OXYLIC hC10, FORMIC ACID, TITRATION, BUTYlkif. 4C10 CONTROL MARKING--NO PESTRICTiONS* DOCU4ENT CLASS--UNCLAS';lrIE0 PROXY REEL/FRA!4E--1984/1359 STEP 22 212 012 LINC t, ASS I F I ED' lbll~OC ESS f N-,, 0 4 r L- - L 3 S E P 7 0 CIRC ACCESSION NG'AP0100022 :1.6ST~ ACT /EXTRACT--( 1J) GP-0- AkisrRiw.T. THE ois'rqj~.j:,jrtGj%j OF f'ORMIC. (I)v ACETIC (II)t PROPIONIC (it I)t BUTYRIC9 AND VALER0:1 ACIDS ji'ATE/ A&V) CYCLOHEXANE (IV) WAS oFro. AT 65f)EGRtr_-s fiv ij~j,~tji; f$tJlif-.R.4AL 'rirq,,4. THE RESULTS ARE TAi3ULATFJ PLorTED AS TERNARY il")IJILt DlAGqA?0. 14CREASING THE NO. OF C. AfOMS 114 THE ACID REOIJCE~);ItS ~SQLY. IN THF 4Q. LAYER AND INCREASES ITS SOLY IN THE NtAYER. W.401 CA3 BE USED TO EXT. 11 11, AND III FROM THE PRGOUCTS OF THE 0XIDN. OF~IV. USSR UDC 681.3.06-41 KHISAMUTIDNOV, V. R., LEGONIKOV, V, I., AVADMINKO, V. S., TARW$OV, V. 1. "Me "ASIOR" Automated Development Information Support !Iystalrill Avtomatizirovannaya Sistema Infornatsionnogo Obespecheniya Ra,,rahatok "ASIOP", (English Version Above], Moscm, 1970, 93 pages, (Translated 1),am Referativn,,-), ZhuTnal Kibernetika, No 5, 1971, Abstract Ito. 5V632 K, 1~111sigqkl). f Translation: A description is presented of the 1ASIOrl" il-tjtoir~-Itl.c Cogiiwering informatiLon support system, based on the BFSM-6 and BESM-1 (1%1--;!20) comj:,urers. Trends are studied in the development of autowated infol-mation systcns, and the Teason for the selection of the "Kris-tall" informatlan Liliquage for automation of information procc-,ses Is pretsented. A det;exiption is presencc-d of the technological plan ~or processing of cQmantic irfl-'*rnarion, tlypes~ of of' infor- input and output information, algorithms and progrww; fol, DrQcessing mation on the BESM-6 and Bj-.SM-4/M-220 comPtiters; instrui.-tion!j aria presuri-ted for processing of docuinents and requests, indexing ind jitzichinj~, as well as specimens of documents and requests. Pr6blems of coor1jiriatitIn of' 1,610R with other information syrterrs, including foruir,,,n systownis, aj,t sttldied. Reecan-ell- datiors are presented for standardization of fornats wiji the -o:1ntwn1, of 011put inforwation in order to allow inforrtation exchange an zitijyactic tilln- 11,yeri- .168 in the 11K)CIC11 cl' nH~VC1:1-V11- mental operation of MIOR duringg 14 and retrospective retrieval of infornaticin showed the alAlity i:)f.the system to perform a broad range of infar-uLtIon 6!sks. A.SIOP', hjL.4; bown in,prodoc t i va operation since Janwiry of 1969. 'Ibe prospects for irywvveni,rn .1. (1:1- the systiim 112 046 UNCLASSI F [El) TITLE--SPACE RENDEZ-VOUS TERMINAL NiASEICONTRol, _U_ AUTHOR-(02) -L EGOS TA EV V.P.t SHMYGLEVSK Yij r.p. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--3RO IFAC SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE CONTROlo TOW.11U$E., 1;~RANCE# MARCH 1970 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--SPACE TECHNOLOGY, NAVIGATION TOPIC TAGS--ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITEt RENDEZVOUS 5PAC~ICAAFf., MA14UAL CONTROL, AUTOMATIC C(INTROL/(U)SOVUZ 5 PIAN14ED (U)SOYI)l 4, MANNED SPACECRAFTt (L))SOYUZ 3 MANNED $PACECRAFT, ? MANNED SPACECRAFT, 1U)COSMOS 213 SATE-LLITE, 4MOSMOS, ?.,I;!' SATE.LLITEP (U)COS40S 188 SATELLITEt (U)COSMOS 186 SATELLITE CONTROL MARKING---NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RE6L/f4_AqE--300fl/l920 ITE:p 1:_jRjC_ACCE_'3_S 1 -(IN --- tq-a - - AT L-1 I 3R 7 4T ------ - ~j ~L. L 4~~ 1 .1 212 046 UNCL A SS IF 11-1) CIRC ACCESSION %10--AT013,17~3f A,~~TRACTIFXTRACT--(M GP-0- A1$ TI~A f T Ttif,$ Pjjj~lj`,j AND MANUAL SYSTEM OF rHE TYPIE US-ED TiJ 011(;K THE "Cf]!5,,'AUS L 1fCuSML'1s 13.311? IICOS4.11S 212111 21 31'r IISOYiA! :"It "S1110j"? 3,11 11 i"'f 0 , ~: C, ) 0 1, '. , r". i'll, 11sjYIjj it. TH[* "AIJITC411T IC REXICIVOUS 0VA10 00C-(114 1.*!G;:(.;U' IS I'S IN FOUR STAGES (FI(;- L): Tfli:: F IRS T 5VAGE 13 r4l- Leditil-'li 1 N(~ OF 13 U I Ii SATELL I TES I SI MULTANCOUS OR CON s:ECO 1, 1 VE ) I T::; !1 pm;. E I.. k R 1 -3 0, W1 I T I I i 1: CORR EC T I ON OF ONF 0 F I A S A I* vLA_ I r i: s , rr4 AJ L'_ I T J'l 0-L 1: 1 1 r 1 1,1 .1 APPROPRIATE RANCE fm',]~~ -JAI, PAD[d 0 1% ENGAGEMENT THE Sf.("Af)-ND STAGF Is I)NL 01- f -It: SATELLITES TERMED "ACTIVE" ITS PASSI.Vi. oil Ili I'm E HELP OF A CORRECTING ENGINE. THE CLZ'I$l,NG R01GE IHI' IW) SPACECRAFT IS ABOUT 300-400 MET*ERS. 1-111E rii](RD,, Ulik,41i'loll- SrAGrr IS I-HE AUTOMAT!C RENOEZVOUS WHEN BOTH SATELLIH-S MECt A,r kEL,jrLVELY Low VELOCITIES UNTIL THE MICKING UNITS CONTACr. 111E fj1jRT11 POMSE IS WXK I Nt3 PROPER W14EREBY T HE SPAC E V Ell IC L E 5 ARE ~ L IINIKE D UP 1411: :,Hol I CALL Y Al-41) ELECTRICALLY. IN FURTHER DISCUSSION WE IWILL BE: G"Q14CEfjNED wITH THE 3RD STAGE ALONE BECAUSE THE FIRST ONE 0(3E$ '140T COME IKV0 THE SCOPE OF I*HIS PAPER* 112 05 3 U L4 C L 4 S Sl t F! r) W" TITLE--CONTROL OF SPACE VLMC LE RENDEZ~OUS Ar T 1 -1 E. $J'AGEi Of AUTHOR- (02) -L EGOS TAYEV p V#Pos S~VIWXEV~?'Y' I.P. COUNTRY OF fMFO--USSR, FRANCE 2. SOURCE- AUTOMAT I G CONTROL IN Sf~ACEt 3RQ I F A C SYljtVoSIjJi4r TOUL13USEI FRANCEt 14ARCH ZPID-6TH, 1970 OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT A.-IFAS--SPACE TECHNOLOGY, NAVIGATION TOPIC TA605--SPACECRAFT Sf)A(,j:CR.Af-f 213 SATELLITE, (U)%--()SMr),S 212 SArOLLIFE, lk))COSMOS 1:81,1, SlYELLITEr 186 SAT EL L I T E I SOyUl 5 M ANNE 0 SP A~ CCRAF 1(0)!.,( e, mm'11NED wo" SPACECRAFT* (UISQYU4 3 MA4NEO spl%cc-clk'4141 2 AI N E: 1) S P A C F~ 1: R AT: I' CCNTROL MARKING--tlf) RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/ FRAME--300 3/00 44 STEP, PiO---F:RIOOCIO~1'10/1~,Cll)/01)0/0000/1)01)0 CIRC_ ACCE';.SION_ N-0--AT(M293~9 212 053 UNCLASSIFIED Pl4ocEi.svirs DATE.-- 27NUV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0129329 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- Ai3STRACT 'rm.-, PA~Pf*-'~ DESCRI-OF~ A So~,Cf.--Sl-JIP CONTROL SYSTE14 AT THE FINAL STAGE OF 8 E 14 1.) El I V Q U S013EI) I'-'I C-XPERIAMENTS 'AITH "COSMOS 186-188P 212-213 SATELLIJFS AND 11SOYJZ 2,-;:Sr)YLIJ' 3"r "SOYLjZ 4-SOYUZ 511 VEHICLES. THE SYSTEM INCUIRP11RATEs riAbin 1:i.lUIPMEril' GYRO DEVICES, LOGICAL CONTROL UNITS; LOW T~AU$T E111(i 11`1 E"!%, Eil-C. NEA C.;JOATIUNS I tj HAVE BEEN DERIVED WHICH DF5CRIBE THE DISPLACHVIE-Pit OF MASSES A SPACESHIPS AND THEIR ROTATION ABOUT THE CENTI:R 44,SSESo T14E MANEUVERING OF VEHtCLES IN IMMEDIATE PROXIMITY To, EA~li WHER IS ()~SCUSSEI). I THEORETICAL RESULTS ARE COLLArEO W[TH 'rHE UArA or-~ i.Nn.icH I-EsTs. UDC USSR LEGOSTAYTIA, G. "On the Dimensionality of a Neumann Bound" V sb. VoDr. ekon.-mat. ,rodelir. (Problerj4 -of Modeling in Mat1wrintical Economic s--collec t ion of wcrlis Moscow, M-scow Unive, . it Tw Y, 205-224 (from Kh-Kibernetika, No 1, Jan '172, Abstract 11':) lv!,N)~.) Translation: A number of exm,.ples are presented charLr.j.,trrize t"I.J. structural variety of a von Newmann bound In the ca-se ii~,tvre Hir sible technological set is a closed I-olyliedral cone. 14itrol!oct~Lm. USSR LEGOSTAYEVA, 1. L, "The Problem of Determination o:r the Trend of ;k Random Lit. Mat. Sb. [Lithuanian I'Liathewatics Collection], 11)72, Vol 12, Ne. 4, pp 113- 123 (Translated from Referativap, Zhurnal Kiberix-IRI-1, No 4, 1973, Abstr:ict No 4V244, 1)), the aut'hor.). Translation- Suppo!w 1: (C) is it class, of real fujlct:,~i oils (:If 111c f o r%~ m M f (11) a0 + ... + a In 1i + g(h)h whero gop 111001 C, 11 ;;: 0, ~A, �2A, , A > 0, h E- T C- (-4a, M) 11c problem is studied of citAinating Vim reg-roF.Ovil f flo from values of &(h) - f(h) + 6(h), 5( h) ; M5 (h) ~ 0, H!-2(h IJ ~A, mil (h = 0, h i III . For the Class of Hiloar ci;timatcs f(O) I*(h) is called niiiiiiiiax (optipril) if ,rp USSR Legostayeva, 1. L., Lit. Mat. Sh., 1972., Vol 1,1, No 4, Ilp 1.33-t2i. where s (1, f) -,if if (o)--j (o)jr, Theorem 1 gives necessary and sufficient. condit~vins for optinaiily of the weight. For n 0, optimal weight jis given in llieurert 2. 2/2 -USSR UDG PASHKOV, A. B., SLABKAYA, L. D., %A "Pbo3phoric Acid Cation Exchaage Moscow, Plasticheskiye Massy, No !70- ~-,, 678-74 6-2-136- 624'1-9:66- 094-532.2 LTUSTGARTEN, YZ. I-# mnd,_LE'9QT_;P6 Resins of Macroj)O~Irous Structure" 7, J41 70, pp 9-11. Abstract: The authors investigated the process o:(' the phosphorylation of macroporous copolymers of styrone witb divinylk),onzene. of varying porosity. A kinetic study of the phosphorylation of copolymers of gel and macroporous structure showed the advAritaige o-f the laitter for polymer-analo6ous transformations. The phoslihoruis-coijUkinn p A, g_ I-oups were introduced into the copolymar matrix by the Friadel-Crafta reac- tion by phospnorylation of the copolymer with pholij3horus trichloridie in the presence of anhydrous AIC1 3 in 41 tatrachloi."oetivine medium with subsequent oxidative hydrolysis of the product wii~h a. clopolymer".AlGl3 PC13 molar ratio of 1:10. The optimal phoaphorilation conditions were established. The phosphorus content of the ~phospihorylated copoly- mor specimens was determined olariastirioallj bry 41. A'. ZELEXI.NA- 1/1 I !!~~el r0 k .-MIN PON- Y . ''l 112 okz UNCLAS,$[ F I Ep Pkji~CL-Slpt.NC, DATE-LIDEL70 TITLL--VECI("'L kESEARCH A*oL, INDUSTRY -U- AUTHUR-LEKARE-Vt L. CCUNTRY OF INFQ--USSR . ...... SOURCE-MECITSINSKAYA GAZETA# SEPTE-'MdER 251 1971). P 12, WILS 1-7 -DATE PUbLIShED--25SEP70 SUBJECT AREAS-BEHAVIORAL ANO SOCIAL SCIENCESt AN M~)JCAL SCIENCES TUPIC TAGS-MEUICAL RESEAACH FACILITYk INAJU%olKll%L HYI~IENI., V 'PliY'-'-'Al(.S hAAKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 00CUPENT CLASS-UNCLASSIF IFO PROXY FICHE Nu ---- F070/f,015038/807 STEP NU-IM /91:134/ JOY )002 0, 002 - --------- A U I L -J 212 C22 UNCLASS I FIE0 CIAC ACLLSSIG.'i NO-AN0142470 ,AbSTkACl/EXTf,'ACT--(U) GP-0- A6STRACT I HE Ap, I A C 1. 1-., !A Is 1.1 PI H, ~ I*-- I- I OF A PROJELY GONTkACTLti FLII'V" THE PE-KIC0 1.*,,F IIIY TPE v!%,NjTSA MEDICAL INSFITUTE FO#i A VINNI TSA M'Ot. PLANT. TO 04V-,0 Hit- FIR-c"'GRA:~ PROJECT LABORMORY WAS SE T UP Wmu' SF. Sfj%l:F LONYj 1!)'f Ell) 01- 0.~ i. kT'S) [14 t- Pit." AREAS, SOCIAL HYGIE-14L ;A:40 ~LIBLJC I-il-ALI'lli (1904,104".Arli(IN, v,i.;uj'ri~[At. HyGtEi,*Lr iNousrRIAL PHYillit.UGY, GLINICAL IIRAL21c.cs~ Lkl~,P'JtYSLI-S.. EACH lEAM 64S HEAJED BY A '.)F CHAIRS Gi THE INSTITUTE WERE INVOLVLO IN I'HE PLA1414 I; iiEju.'rH 1%~:SIXT c o OF ThL STUDY9 INTERPRET 0 IN TE:RMS OF Ci~Sl 01- A ~1% N r-A ~ri 1: LOMR41CY F(),-4 RUBLES SAVINGS IN 1969. THE SICNED I THE 1970-71 PERIOU THIS T114E WITH THt.- VINNITSA HE I C 0 it P L 5PACE ErFEc*r j, 7141.9.T-DAY (17 RATS ix Au Anv~rituz -iirii Ali T_- it. 1. 'Art.cza ZT T, + A. Ru.slaa,%01 h. 1972, s.beitte-1 WE 1,6blIC&CIOU C =7 At,&kr"t; :xParizarts am =ftl-c -lc zzts have shtvl, t"t 30-d.7 ..p ... r. f it- Aift.16 Is & byp4FVXIr Zt=V7hQZ4 (3:-7-34rp see Rsq; prj_e. OA 1"tV.S.M"Ant = Z-Z =- tensity Qf 'Sr1eqn monexi,10 elimination, incre"as sx=C14 slin-InAtLea and decreases elf-'--&LoU at kAzoums Ana StAc- h7des. sk k4 Tha_paaslhilltx~pf~ Santootinatlan of the artificial atmov7hrv in tilhIly awaltA. smaLl7nolual, ce- *yltfi oducte of *an'& _2;ham~)~ L Or vital fdrcrions has led to a verges of Invostigatijeo-devotaAl-ra a the Influmnee of prairall, choWnal arA Other eftyirvneents! [*-tt"q on O.-e incensit7 a! their forustica and elimination two* the b~ody inva ;ke "r- roundi.=& madi= (V. V. lustev, L. A. -Tluamv. T. S. X~10"va, or This communication ptes-!ntv data on the influence ass"firt as Chase praceasam bv the occlon4ad c7uttr-jous pt*senco of &sisal* in on ortificlai I atmomphare with an Inctets,ed Okypn concoct. The expstrIm4ats were perf~.,rmed on vhltv wals, rate wviotng The eep riwqntal *nImals were xapt 'cc 30 days In a vressurited chzrtc-. .h a v0 !.Z: of 0.184 ml. 1h9 cx7gvn concettratica In We clumtvr sir us zaitl- - 340 w= Fig). Ct4rhca d ," o -.1 coined autczatically at the level - 45% (3?G , 14 , the atzosphtre us* maintained at the level 0.3-0.51 by means of rentinuous pumping of chamb4r air through a chemical absorbent witb its Antesequert return to t~a chamber. After the antmaln had been conft"4 In -.6wip rtis__!Pt~ for 24 hours, V; and 30 days they were transforred to a chamber with lepcl vol%aso (0.093 m3) outfitted with a beat-regulating system. The valsen ",I carbon diontdr.concent rations In the &tosephoris of thia chamber wora min- raised by the othod described above at the same level an In the chamber AS '.5*7S77 INCV70 _-./2 017 UNCLASS I FtEO P:P4CCt5lNG DATE-2L TITLE-SPECTAU0110TCMETHIC STUDY UP CUMPLEXING IN AN IRUN,III,NITRATEPNITRIC ACIDoWATER SYSTEM -U- AUTHQP%-(05)-/,LYGlNv A.YE.t SMIRNOVA, I.O.v NIKULSKAVAt 34,A** KOLYAOA, L E K J~ V. A TrTM= CCUNTRY USSR SUURCE--ZH. NEGRG. XHIM. 1970t 15(31# T53-6. DATE PUBLIS14EG ------ 70 SUBiECT AREAS--LHEMISTAY 'I C TCPIC TAGS-SPECTROP,40TGMETRIC ANALYSIS,t ff(13N C0tAPjl:.Xq NITRATE, 41TR AClUw AQUEOLS SOLUTICIV CCNTRCL HARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 PAOXY RELL/FRAME--3004/202a STEP tj()--UR,/ 00 T9.1 70 ffl 15 1003 40 e$ 30 7 56 CIAC ACCESSICN NO--AP0132285 UNCLASWIEO ........ WIN 017 UNCLA$S(Ft00 PROCESSING DATE--ZONOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0132285 ABSTRAC`Tv"EXTkACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT# PRESENCE Ud* FE PAIME3 PU$ITZVE, FEINU SU83) SU83 HNU SU83 Ills AND FEIHU SU,33) $V83 ;*3HN0 SU$3 411) 114 FE(NO SUB31 SU83 HNG SUB3 H SU82 0 SYSTEM WAS C1310IRMED SPECTROPHOTLMETRICALLY. MOLAR ABSOAPtION COEFF$, OF I AND It AT 390, 400v AND 410 M MU ARE GIVEN. CONSTS, OF I AND It FORMATION ARE 14 THE REGION OF 10 PRI14E NEGATIVE2 AND 10 PAIAE NEGAT1414,13o, RESP, Li N 1 E I "=RIM 1/2 015 UNCLASSIFIEO 131410CESSING DATE-040EC70 TITLF.--COMPLEXING 1.1 THE COPPER I (v ETIiYL.Et4EDIAMINI:-:~l'(:'IR,.'Iikt("ETIC At: [L), "tATER SYSTEM -U- AUTHOR-W41-LEKAYEP V.Asr KLYGINt AoYE*t 5ftlIRNCIVA I(OLYAOA, N.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. NEORG. KHIM. 1970, 1515)r 1294-300 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-- ETHYLENED I AMI NE COPPER COHP~EX, SPECTR(WHO'JUMETR(C ANALYSIS, NNR CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRicrtow5 DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIF-0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/09,13 s r E 11 N 0 - - UR 00 7 810 0 1.' 5, Il (5 12 9 41 30 1) C 1l,, r A C, 1. A 21Z 015 UNCLASSI FIED Pp'1"V*'F$'j 11111t; 0,ArE---J40,-:C10 CIRC ACCESSION N0--AP013Z>154 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT---(U) GP-0- A13S TRA C T 1713-41-PLEX 914's T[N THf: CU ( t I I, f~-D I A, (14 SU34 L)v H SUB2 0 SYSTE-4 WAS STUDIED BY I'll, P, %NJ) ~jml~' RELAXATION METHODS. THE FORMATWU CON~S'r. oF qm,,~ ANG' 9T',, UEpi-',,arU*AT(014 CONST*', IDETD. BY THE No P* KOPIAR*S NE'T~1400, D.94) iARE P), TIME'S 10 PRIME8 AND 1.14 TIMES 10 PRIMENE-GATEVE3+ RESP10. UNCLA$SIFLED 1/2 GIT UNCLWIFIC-01 PROICES$~NG OATE-ZIN1300 .TtTLE--STRUCTURE OF AN AQUO COMPLEX OF URANIUM IV -U-~ ..-AUTHOR-104)-GLEBOV, V.A.t KNYAZEVP YU*O.p LEKAYEP V~Aop 60ROOINAl rl*N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH* NEORG, KHIM. 1970t 1515), 1332-5 1~1~' DATE PU8L I SHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREA.S--CHEMFSTRY TOPIC TAGS--COMPLEX COMPOUNDt URANIUM COMPOUNDI TEM1111AATURf.: DEPENU04CEv PROTON CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1155 S,rfp -CIRCACCESSION Nf)- IAkpol 36575- -SS -- 27,11 9V 7 0 2/2 017 UNCLASWIED 91 lk t: C 5 PC G Q A T E CIRC ACC.ESSION NO--AP0136575 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TEMP. D&RENDIINCE ~Jl, Tfl(--- REk.-%X4T1-JPJ TIME OF PROTONS IN SOLNS. OF U (fill WAS OE'ro. wiv rj~jj: Sj)rj~ 1-C,H(I IIE'rHaD. THE STUDY REVEALS NONEQUIV* WATER HOLS, IN THE AQ(X[-','t4f1L(:X 0 WtV I C I F 1 .4 SOME OF THEM ARE BONDED STRQNC-ER T111AN OTHERS. IN 111,1':: INNER SPHC-R~E, THE y ACTIVATION ENERGY AND LIFE TIME 01: THE~STRONGL' WATER M(]L$o ARE 11.0 PLUS OR MINUS 1.0 KCAL-MOLF AND 0.4 SEC (2001i'l~'REES111o RESP. A STRUCTURE 01' THE U(IV) AQUO COMPLEX IS~PROPOSEOv UNC tA ~,A- r-A USSR UDQ "Optimization Cf The Pardmetere Of A Radiator With Respeat 11o Pig Fropertlee Of A glower Unit" Elektron. takhnika, Nauchno-taklin. Gb, 510tron, $Ve,h (ZIj,e j14 ron~(: Technolar , IV Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave ST"~_ct*~'~_nica), 1$70. 1.1a 8, pp 119-125 (from K"h--Slaktroni~ai yeye primeneniye, NO 12, DeoamberA970, libatrict No ';62ik 1C5) Translationi A method is proposad for optim.11wtion ar the di;Ld-rillLarle, Niii-11t, linj energy purometere of a radiator for tin elaatr()vuauum doviciii in Hn appen VyU*II,,M or forced-oir coolinp witn roapect to thm propertiop of it edlilioted blower unit. The dimensions of tntj rudistor ohii:ii umnare 1.%u adni,mijcu eip ,rd. ar minimum level of power consumption in a cool:iog wyatom sr* dtadvol,nad by t'no spocl- fied permieeible temperature of the exterior; liurruce of' -a i1mvialo, a specirlild qwan- tity of heat being dissipated, and tho properi-Ac0l pravldad,~Vor Pt lilowier unit. Ill. 4 ref. GoB. ---------- .................. .. USSR V. .41, Y VINOKUROV, V. G.. DIMITRIYEV, Yu. K,, YEVREILN E. LEIaINOVA, G. M., MIRENKOV, N. N., REFLANUP, V. V., U10110111EASK~Y, V. G. "A Homogeneous Computer System of Mini comput ers" Vychisl. Sistemy [Computer Systems -- Collection of Work:s], No 51, Novosibir!;k, 102, pp 127-14S (Translated front Refcratlivnyy Zhurnal X:Lberitotika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V600, by the authors). Translation: The expediency is deM0115trated of construwHing honok,-,tn-aow~ com- puter systems (HCS) of minicomputers. A two-dimensionali computer System, tk MINULUS is described. The elementary machines of thi!i tqstem itre based on ASVT-M modules. The composition of typical UCS, softwara is pi,esented. 20 biblio. refs. AA0052677" V'/ UR 0482 L Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section III Mechanical and General, Derwent, /--7C .F2-41301 TREMUI FIL has 4 wrkinil DeMOO COul- prisIng A irr I Vith cloned sclIMPL4 chain 3 PUCOd in 8, VOrtICA1 PUM Zt 4 distinguished by wounting,; Xn ths horizoo44:1 041111 iddit1cmal alcoAd scraping tthato 2 too Thlj4 aeblevos preloosaaal of tba sooil. 12.2,66. as W55097/29-16.jPOLTAT]MV, 14,~ wc al. Xbov Binding last. (15-8-69~ INI. 1311-4,p% Class 04d, lot. Cl. I Of.: 19821444 AA0052677 Poltavtsev, I. S.; �SMagin, A. G.; Protmiki Zgurskaya, L. H.; Lekhovich 1. F.; Rut~~,. Kiyovskiv Filial Toentral'no;to Nauchmo-Xsslex �~Maxl V.I. loorovik, .11 VukiT Inntitut-a ntenn4 USSR. UDC: i~ 12, 1 11. :31, "In"I "Antenna /In-t 7, V institut-:-, 01, z1.1 46/01, 01 q) , ct~ tic i c'! I; i c, 2 27.07.7C (frou 3A293P) Translation: ricir In L,~:a in,ductiv,~ rt.nt~.jnnas ;rive fult'V27,to I I'l L-., 1. 1. form of fra:L-,,2S cr witill-ut Corus, o-~,,erat Jn, j loads and havin,-- - (,w ~,i two insulatud -,,hcuts pzi rn lonic ) wi. th c rt cr -1y !C)1-.t11 ICI.- imr lay~~rs 1. -1 "-4' :LS the plativ a cr-1,:.,,-.,-itcr, intrcduc~-,;d la tq,!!.-ri-d qi,,-cuit of t.-ansmi 4-t -r, whil;-~ thc uP--.!;;r ro,,.f oi' Iltii~-~ o14,!Ct:l,:ic 1~ c"11 is use,;, as +.!ie. OtLC'r plate. Yu. -- - - - - - - - -...... UiSR UDC -421-391~.676,2 n ILWO V 8 M ZVO R YG A 3 BI Z INP 3 LE Kd Z`IIAS N In t i t U t fj G f mining imoni A. A. Skochinskiy "An Antenna" Xoscow, Otkrytiya, lzobreteniya, ilramyshlu= a ObraLLItsy. Tovarrky5-e InaAl. IL'V*o 12, X YY 1970. Author's Certificate No 266864, filed 21 Oct 6H, PF 1'4'17-1441 Abstract: rhis Author's Certificate Ijitroduces an ante~,Wizi na~jltt ib tra for:-. of a capacitor in the transmitter output cirzuit. As a foatu-re 0~1 t.10 patent, the current in the antenna in incruased by m.kkin$ 0; in tl'tlo "Orr of twu insulating 4;haets (a. g. porolon) wit4 an ejectrical.1y cgajiiuct:lj~o layer SU0.1 .13 foil between them. This layer is one plate of the ci~p&oitjor ill ttio Zr"mlltter ,per cover o~ the 4*ttory box in iLn output circuit, and the other plate la the up electric locomotive. j cmet=cArzox-DrrMML SICHALS Of *LACK SEA WLPJIUS (Artielf by - I V-r - . L_ , h And I X. 5-2 MMIX& Rto -ion, so 5. 1971. Kavz Vasks'- PP 67-771 Duri-ng 1?66-176B ap"Ullstx at the base or tho _:aradar, - #,my* Di-ftsion or the rnstitut* or th* Puolo.7 of 3outhera ~16 ZaI Investigated the slMsU of nine COM dolphilts, t1ve bottle-P4;4*4 porpoises and fivis hsrt~or Porpoise". Tho L-admalzr were kEpt tFlagly E:ftd 1h troups In a bovin (13 X I 7 X 2 =1 and in a @*a eerje~ nadt er j~spmn rvt MO X 0 7. 10 m) . In rerintorinr, the soundiT of dolphtna, confli-tod to a ba- sin, uo uosd on instrtanb~t ror -=*zu:Jnr. 2CM'_- prc3vure Witil a Paorband or 0.5-IriO kc/zac arrJ a magnot ic recorder* with a brioad- *tied rrequency chcr4ctdarjs*.ic 1-iijo kc/sec. The signalS wars- an- alyzad usinr a S6_1V I-?A spectrum analyzer a:%d a 9-1,-,2 cocillo- gmph. The rate of sound reproduction was slowed down by fac- torn of 16 and 32. The lack of a classification of aeoustic nl;-rmle r)r ce- tacoons creates great difficultiov in doterr-tintne the b1olor,cal. irtportance or those sounds. in 17,13J the acoostic oil-nals ore olnvV1fto4 an ocholocation. camunicatlon And complex. But wo receive only acholocatlon and comunication-amot tonal The clonairtcation is complex because in behavioral situation; It In common to detect sounds of all three rrour)$ there Is a considerable variety of &irnals even uict"tonjononed group. A group of communication-amotional filgnal* Includez pur: aignals, Pounds ot a nonlocation nature (howlinG~ (-,runt!xC ewina). and also whistles mixed with p, ahirpirw,, barking, m .130 clicks not having a 2ocation function. 1,nder nonlocation condt- tiona, whon the dolphin is at rest and Jt3 location opparatos is no tacparat trig, pulsed alloks can have a high and lov repoti- tiorl r to. W ......... .. USSR LEK%ITSEVA, M. 1. "Coherence of Phonological Characteris tics and Stiucttjrt:-. of Phonolo'gic-11 Sequences" Probl. Strukturn. Lingvistiki 1971 [Problems of Structurid Linguistics 1971 -- Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauk;L Press, 19720 lip 305-318 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhuraal, KOvrnetika, No ~, 1913, Abstrazt No 1 V916). Translation: A model of a generator prodocing a phonoli:,11ica",I), proper text of unlimited length is studied, H43-W, - 124D