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E' 025 UNCLASSIF1 0 PRoC SSING DATE--160CT70 lll,~~T~ITLE-CUNTRACTION OF A POSITIVE UISCHARGE CULUMN -U- ~AUTHOR--K0ZLGVv YU.G. ~,COUNTRY M: INFO--USSR :~SOURCE-OPT. SPEKTROSK. 'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 '-SUDJ-ECT AREAS--PHYSICS 1970, 2St4)t 654-8 '.-TOPiC TAGS--POSITIVE COLUMNi OISCHARGE TUBE# GAS IONHATION .CONTROL MARKIW--NO RESTRICTIONS ..DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~,"PROXY KEEL/FRAME-199611461 STEP NO--UR/00$1/70102a/004/0654/0553 CIRC ACCESSIUN NO-00118450 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIEO Pl~QCESSTNG DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0118450 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ROLE OF A NONUNIFORK DISTRIBUTION OF NORMAL ATOMS ALONG THE CROSS SECr.1QN Gf: THE UISCHAAGE TUBE 014 THE CONFIGURATION OF THE DISCHAAGE COLUMIA WAS INVESTIGATED. THE CALCN. WAS PERFORMED IN TERMS OF THE ELECTRON' TEMP. CON51UERING Tllrl*- STEP NATURE UF THE EXCITATION AND OF THE IONIIATION ANp rHf 0EFORMATION OF THE TAIL OF THE UISTRIBUTION FUNCTION, OWING TO VHE LARGE HEAl CAPACITY OF THE TUBE WALLS, THE GAS TEMP. NEAR THEM WAS A$!;UMLO TO dE LOWER THAN NEAR THE TUdE AXIS; THIS LED TO STRONGER IONILATI(IN iN THE CENTER CAUSING THERE A HIGHEk LLECTRUN CONCN. AFTER AN AVALANCHE PROCESS OF COLUMN CONTAACTION, A UISCHARGE THREAD WAS FORME04 DO: 14VAL, INFLUENCE OF DIFFUSIUN, HEAT COND., AND RECOMBINATION WAS CONSIGE-REUe UNCLASSIFIED USSR VDC 536.46:533.6 ITIN, V. I., NAYBORODFNKO, Yu. S. 0 ujhov, Yu. I., 11SHAKOV, V. P, "Gasless Combustion of a Mixture of Metal Powders" V sb. Goreniye i vzrvv (Combustion and Explosion -- Colloction of Works), Moscow, "Nauka", 1972, pp 142-147 (from RZh-Mekhanika, Ne 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3B962) Translation: This paper is concerned with the study of the gasless combustion of mixtures of nickel-aluminum and copper-aluninum powders, th'! kinetics of reaction diffusion in these mixture.,; and the incre;xse in volum'P of briclets due to the formation of new phases. Equations are obtained thermal ijnd volume effects in a mixture of metal powders. Authors' abstroct. 1/1 USSR UX 620.183.48 ITIN, V. I., KOZLOV---Yu- I.. PUGINA, L. I., YURCHENIC0, 4. C., SAVITSKIY, K. V. (Deceased), and FEDORCHENKO, 1. M., Institute of Problents of Material ScletIce, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR "Study of the Sintering, Structure and Phase Composition. of NEckel Alloy-Base Metal-Graphite Materials. Report 1. Study of the SinteTing Process of Nickel-Base Materials and Both the Structure and Phase Conpos.1tion of Nickel-Copper-Graphite Alloys" Kiev, Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, No 10, Oct 71, pp 26-31 Abstract: The study concerns the process of simtering ati 4tell iks phase and structural changes occurring during sintering in Ni alloy-base -metal-graphite materials. The experimental materials comprised 80,", Ni 4m.l 20:1, Fe Or 20% Cu with 30 and 50% (by vol.) graphite. The addition oC gr4-sphite to NI-Cu and Ni-Fe alloys markedly reduccs both the amount of shTinkag,e anti its rates during sintering. With 50% graphite the compression givet; way to Volumetric growth. Cu additions result in greater volumetric grawth tha;t F,~ additiors. The major cause of volumetric growth is believed to be tha forri:.3tion of inclusions isolated between particle surfaces, interactim i9fli oxides to form gases, and desorption gases frota the graphite resulting in a breakdc,,vii 1/2 USSR ITIN, V. I., et al., Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, No 10, Oct 71, pp 26-31 of contacts. Graphite additions cause the separation of Cu and Nt particles and reduce the alloy's homoseneity. In Cu-Ni. alloy-ba-.4e maal-graphitq'. materials, graphite becomes an inert addition ant] sproads Lwtir the structure in the form of a separate inclusion in the metal matrix -- the solid solution of Cu in Ni. (5 illustrations, 5 bibliographic references) 2/2 t/2 020 uNfl;ASSIFIED VROO-SSING OAtE--230CTTO TITLE--STRUCTURE AND LUMINESCENT SPECTRA OF ARYLPIETHYL RADICALS -ti- 4UTHOK-(03)-K0ZL0Vw YU.I. r Si4IGORtri, U.N.v vGZNYA#,', vm. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. Filo KHIM. 1970t 44(3)r 788-90,, DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--PHOTOLYSISt LUMINESCENCE SPECTRUM, FRE.E RAMCAL, ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCEo BENZENE DERIVATIVE, MET14YLENE CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0722 STEP NO--UR/k)~)II~1*10~0ii4/oO3/OF88/0790 CIRC ACCESSIW4 N0--t.P0119b29 2/2 020 UNCLASSIF10 00CESSING DATF--t5l)MC CtRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119629 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PHCH PH 5062 Cil AND PH SU83 C WERE PREPD* 4Y PHOTOLYSIS IN RIGIO SOLNS- IN Ejo~-i AT' 77DEGRE-E-SK AND THE LUNINESCENCE OF ESR SPECTRA STUOIC-0; LU.NIKESGENCE~ soc-crRA icAl: NOT INFLUENCEO BY CONCN, nF RAOICALS OF THE RIGID 'jATRIYj Tlli~' PoSSImILITY OF A "PRUPELLE-01 STRUCTURE IS DtSCUSSEO-o EXICTATION (Ji:: IkRADIATED SGLN, OF PH SUB2 CH SU92 AT 313 M MU ALLOWED RECOROVIG Or- LU141NESCENCE SPECTRA OF PHCH SUB2 T1,417S, WHILE EXCITATION AT 334 M ~'IU PmOVIOE0 ONLY THE SPECTRUM OF BIPHENYL RADICAL. WAYS (IF MPG. PHCH StM2 TIMES BY 9.10-ND .RUPTURES ARE DISCUSSED. FACILITY: NAUCHo-ISSLE0. FIZ.-KtilM. INST. IM. KARPOVAI MOSCOwl USSR, IED KDZLOV. Yu. M.. LESKOV, V. G., SHPAKOV, V. M. "An Adaptive Linear System" USSR Author's Certificate No 308417, filed 11 Aug 611, published 2 Au~; 71 (from M.-krtcnatika, Telemekhanika illychislitel'r.0ya Te'_,-]*xika, No 1-1 Jul 72, Abstract No 7A167 P) I 2ranslation: This Author's Certificate Introduces tin adp_ntive auto - ~i linear control system with stability-boundary outpat. Th~_ system cciltaiiz. a main loop and an adaptive loop whose output is coiinectei! to the input of the main loop unit with the parameter to be vari(id, whdle the irq:-'It of the adaptive loop is connected to the output of the mLain loop of the system. To i=rove the accuracy and stability o:P the syste= vher. th4~ parameters of the main loop vary over a wide rarge, the adiptive loo; is made in the form of a series circuit comprised of a first filter, a fre- quency dauJbIler, a second filter, and a phase shif"ter. USSR UWC 577.3 FEDIN, VA. A., K(rZLOV, YU. P., and TARUSOV, B. H. , Clutir of Biphysics, Moscow State UnTv-e-rMY--- "Superweak Light Emision During Thermal Xu3ole Contraotion" Moscow, Vestnik Hoskovskogo Unlyersitetal Soriya 6, B1010gkfa,, Fochvovedenkye, No 6j K-ov/Dec 71, pp 108-110 Abstracts It has been demonstrated that when nusele Ussue- Jn a bwiid chuber is heated, the intensity of superwtak Ctd510n (chemil ti.,A tie 6,.~,ance) itlcmases. The connection between a fixed level of sujxinroak e=Wsion W,.d the changes that occur in it during heat-induced irrevernible lana of exoitability In the &ulorius muscles of Rana temporaria and flana r:10~burdm (two specivs of frogs with dIfferent. degreem of t~errzml sensitlvity-~ was ztudled. When the prepared muscle tis3ue, w~ichheA boon sWed In Hnger'z solution, wias heated from 200 to 11 ~,SOC, the intensity of luninezocencu incmeased uniformyl for both species. In t~e in-terval from 38"C to 500C, '.'6- increa-zed z3har;ly for Rana ridibunda but leveled out for Rama tempomrin. It na.4i also established that greater intensities of lunIAOSCO.InCe OCCUrl'ba If the musclon were soaked for longer periods In Ringer's solution amd if thia ~zolutian itself were heated. Furthernore, an increase In intensity d luminaiscence occurred at lower temperatures for muscles which had been &cakiW In Hinger's solution than In fzvshly prepared muscle tissue. USSR UX 577-3 KO=V YU. F. and MDMYIMSKrY,, 0, YR., Moocov State Milveraity imeni M. V. i~; ~nos(; '-~ "Electrochemiluminescence of Carcinogenic Polycyclic HydrDearbons" Moscow, Dole-lady Akademii Nauk SSBR, Vol 193) No 5., 1970, TP IWA-U76 Abstract: The effect of various polycyclic hyd3*ocarbons on. the electrocluzill1wd- neacence (ECL) of a system consisting of tetraethylawanium brotrade and dlmth:rl- formamide was studied. All of the polycyclic compounds ownsitized the ECL of the system, and the extent of the sensitization corTelated well with the carclnogenic activity of the compounds. Since the lumineacence was cowaidered to be due to recombination of anion radicals of 'the bydrocarbons, their lif~qtl.w war, detern4ned by the EPR method. It wras concluded that the life-titui of the anion rndicals and the electron acceptor properties of the polycyclie hydracarboaa correlate to a high degree vith carcinogenic activity. It is therefoise iliammiad that tile waion rwLical forms of polycyclic hydroewrbone participate in 'Um cbmmlcal proccusee of carcinogenesis. 1/1 036 MCLASS1 Fie; 0::' 1PROCESSING DAVE-13NOV70 1- T I TLE-ROLE OF LYSOSUMES IN CARCINUGE-NeSIS AND RADIATION INJURY OF CELLS _U_ i:~~ AUThGk-(03)-DANIL0Vv, V.S. r KUlLOV,&.%m_A6v**s4AAUS0Y# D.N. 00 vsmwW_lp !:~,CPUNTR Y OF ItNFO--USSR .`--':--SGURCE-DDKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 19709 190i6l, 1474-5 DATE PUBL ISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TUPIC TAGS-RADIATION CELLULAR EFFECTp CHEM ILUM I NE$l:EN(; E CARCINOGEN, LIVER, SARCCMA, ANTHRACENEI GAMMA IRAAOlATIQNr LYMPHATIC SYSTEM# 'PEROXIDE, KETONEq ALDEHYDE CC.VTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1994/1098 STEP NO--UR/OOZO,/7O/L9O/JO6/147i/1475 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0115117 UNG LA S S I F I E 0 2/2 036 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAlr,--L3NOV7(l CIRC ACCESSION NO--ATOlL5117 ABSTP%ALTYEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CHIPOILUMIAIII-SCENI.-Ii ACCOMPANIES THE INTERACTION OF LYSOSCNES V1111i VARIOUS CARCINJI.-PEP01 IN~DICAIING IHAT THE LATTER PROVOKE FREE RADICAL REACTIONS IN THE LYSO'SOME AEME,RANE. STRONG CARCINOCENS SUCH AS 3,4 BENZOPYRENE AND 20 MEfHYj,CH0t,!o'vTHR.ENE it) EXCITE STRONG LUMINESCENCE 114 NORMAL LYsosamEs, WHEREAS 4EAo, CARCINOGENS SUCH AS ANTHRACENE AND IjZ 3ENIOPYRENE EXCITE LITTLE, HOWEVER, I DID NOT CAUSE LUMINESCENCE IN SARCOMA 45 LYSUSOMES. LIVER 4.'Y5i.-'S0-'4ES TAKEN AT INTERVALS FROM ANIMALS TREATED WITH I SHOWED LU)4lNESC[lvCE INCREASES FOR UP TO 3 MONTHS AFTER TREATMENT. EXPOSING MIXtSm OF l.l(SOSOMES ANIO ANTHRACENE, 3,4 BENZOPYRENE, OR I TO 2 TIMES 10 PRIME-4 LUX VIS11BLE LIGHT CAUSED LUMINESCENCE IN PROPORTION TO THE TIME OF EXP31SURE AND IHE CARCINOGENICITY O~ THE CJP.PD. LYSOSOMFS FROM ANIMALS EXPOSED TO 200, 6509 OR 1500 R GAMMA RAYS SHOWED LUMINESCENCE III PIROP,OILTION TO THE AMT. OF EXPOSURE. PEROXIDES, HYDRUPEROXIDESt EPUXI0l!$v ALUEHY0ES, AND KETCNES WERE OBSO. IN LYSOSUMES FROM CERTAIN fiEllitTUMAS AND LYMP140SARCOMAS. APPARENTLY OXIDN* REACTIONS CAIO$ED OV FREE RADICALS AREJNVULVED IN CARCINUGENESISo FACILITY3 MUSK. GOS. UNIVe IM. MOSCOW9 USSR* UNC L A SSI F If 0 UNCL.,ASSI Ff -0 0ovFqsi~4G UATE:--L3NQV?0 SPEURCSCOPY OF PHOsPHOLIPlos IN ANIMAL. TISSIJES ~)IJRIhG MALIGNA-AT GkOWTH -U- AUTH3R-(04)-TAFELSHTEYNt E-E.v PUKHUV9 V-A*v KOZLCV* YU.P., VLADIMIADVo YU,A, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-310L. NAUKI 1970, (21v 47-52 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUaJECT AkEAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL $ClENC6S TOPIC TAGS--SARCOMA,- PHOSPHOLIP10, IR SPECTRUMt AMWE CONTROL AARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIVIED PROXY AE~L/FkAME-1996/0622 STEP CIRC ACCESSION t"43--AP0117843 L AS I F 1 0 777T~77i-.p V2 018 UNCLASSIFIED VR0C7::'lSING 041~'--13NOV70 Z;IRC ACCESSION Nt)--AP0117848 A5STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A.SSTRACT. PHOSPI-VOLIPIDS ~ROA RAT SARCOMA SHO.4ED A 00UbL[N(j OF THE l5jO CM PRIME 141:.(" ~,TIVEI Iq PL-,tK F~-:;IGHT AS THE TUMOR REACHED MIAX. GROOTI-it AFTEk WHICH Tlil!: IlEl%f, KEIURIN."-1) ALMOST T3 ITS ORIGINAL HEIGHT. PHOSPHOLIPIOS FROM THE 1,M11. OF 14'r. 5101E RATS SHOWED A CORRESPONDINE! MIN. AT THE SAME STAGE (IF W4111( GROwrti. APPARENTLY Aji[DES AND iMIOES ACCUMOLATE IN THE Sifi-RCOMA PHOSdIfOLIPIDS DURING MALIGNANT GRWOTH. FACILITY: MOSK# GO.S. UNIV. 1A. LOMONOSOVAt MOSCOW, USSR. A C' 5.~j CIL USSR UDC 620,179.16 VORONOV, A. I., KOZLOV. Yu. V., MALISMV, V. I., and MOROMV, V. M., Tomsk Polytechnical In-sM*Ydi'ef-ir'-e-ni S . M. K#ov "Attachment to a UKB-1 Defectoscope for Inspection of Coaciete at Negative Temperatures" Sverdlovsk, Defektoskopiya, No 4, Jul.-Aug 72, pp 59-63 Abstract: A shock-excited thyristor with increased aucpul: voltage Amplitut-4e (up to 6 kv) is proposed as an attachment for a WS-1 defvctoscope for use in the non-destructive testing of concrete at negativa., tiamperatures. .Since it is not possible to use ultrasonic Instruruints 4!qU[Pj)1Vd W11:11 Seignettv Ealt heads in uilheated locations, thi.N autliorB omployed i~wxnmlc quc'n as TsTS-19 which require a higher -voltage and producx~ a j-.,Lgjier volt...ige, Tile modified defectoscope with TsTS-19 radiation eLertents was tested on 4 standard concrete sample at -20 C. The tests showed reliability in the +60 to -20 C interval. 3 figures, 1 table, I bibllographical refeTence. 1/1 DIST DUROG, A YEAFLONG Kr:~jECAL-'*'.~.',iiFFK1W) FXi-RMF,1iT Z1-4,iz hT jt. !t_ 4_-- MM us I HthesV6y Mol"tl I (Cur- rent lam Fa .7" a- Y In Eo_rjlilo~q &i~ F.-. ; .1c lulne ;iugo an, V)71, vv 10 In &rcozmence with earrent -,.cL-ntz or- t~_- 1-11-1- dlo~ durin4 tht- 4J7 , prolazuAtid. flislt-s, it. f.or--t-let'.r.~j -t ror tat_ ,crqw of a ground laboratory co-."_Lnm we Zook into accoun'. tho following ta*ir, r9cLia.rementa; i) i constanvy or xooii ttt* q"lItLou and tho azternal appearance of thtp foods. 2) ado. quacy or the rood@ ror the stiti~iv*tod pLyrloloj;ir: require. Izonto with retention of p,9rrqrmPnqv& wnd talvirin houlth, 3) At hi;t% ca2limllabilitT of food pro-Iczzz. 4) -Airlmim weight and volume of the rationp 5) prolonged (not loan than a. your) tba, roods. The ampsrizental, ration consisted or dishes and pro- durts complataly rfo%dy for conlvz~, with thoir titibn- quent dehydration by nublistation fr-_z: a fro--on state, WLth nd. heretic* to the tachnological nublinstien procedures the re- oultirm i3roduets usually havat guad arjanoloptic qualitler., C'M104"i7 rntain tn'51r, foud V~il~~ an, htv" h quito hlph i"j- An ji,Witlun, deti)-initlan act-yam ij:i a quilLo s;x;od m thod for pronervi= focdr. Tho~ :ieloction of dnhydrated pro- duntfi Who rAtlor.42 L. W"11 U." O~.V~2-IM011CProvid"d for t kli~ rogesturutivit of wator frv.-. urlno untJ cotWonnuto. The rahydratitn of dishes, and individual foods during the course of the experiment did not require r .,r*at expasuliburan of on- orgy and time. In formulating the experiments' ration we Applio4i the accepted norms for consizzmption, of fooza Witt'. tho ruiximum ap- ch to the nearest age and accupational groups in the pop- Pull'ation. Proceeding or, this basis, the mean daily contont of the principal nutrients in the ration was an rollowa: protein 0 51 .1 r414 Z_1A I- .. . ........ . .............. Acc. Nr: Ref Code UR 0241 hp=4714- . PRIMARY SOURCE: Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, .1,970, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp7-/ A THE CLINICAL PICTURE AND DIAGNO 15 OF RADIATI014 POURY OF THE SPINAL CORD IN -rHE TREX& ~OF INIALIGNANT 'ruMORS A. V- Kazlova-M. A. Merkoria- --- -up** Summary The article describes ten casses of radi tion iAitiry of 'the spinal cord allttir th! a irradiationof turnors of the pharyngolarynx. lar~,nx. lonsiK. med[astinurn ard lumf. In 5 patients there was "electric partsthesia". devell0flitg sf!Wral mondis after iradiuM, thera thool ob' I t rns of spinal 1 olz -4 liears in or4t j q- ect VC SYTT r,!") In !ievei tlent Ir"'jappelre(I 41 ,local at chnn elf the 4,P111111 cord .10,11 a 0`4,wly Pro~.lr4js4)nlT symptainatics. In five patienti wilk cancer of tlit! lar n6roplialynx prillirtlising afh!ctloli of the spinal cord roulled in o lethal outcanw. In io'llr Of Own 11,141 focus of Kpinal affection was first revealed 3-6 segments b,~luw the i.ttadial.jd levei and onk~ gradually there appeareo iyrnptorns of affection of Irradialod segrueWs of thin ~ipirl-af REEL/ FRIL10. AP0034714 cord. An analysis has demonstrated. that in contrast to met4isl.dtic- W.Jection, radiation injury develops more slowly with gradual spread of the prc-ctss lengthwise and cross- wise in the spinal cord; lor metastasei more characteristic 4 extrjrledullarv loah'. zation, whereas radiation injury always rum a cou-~se of an intranwdullary prt)cess. The prevention of late radiation injuries consists in the choici! of conditions of irra. diation of malignant tumors, in which the spinal cord is excluded Irorn the zV-11P C'T large doses. 7W .1420 UNCLASSMEO' I'llf.'11,E~,51fiG DATE--20NOVTO TITLE-KINETICS UF THE OISSGLUTION OF CALCIUM TUriGSTAVE Ift 0)(ALATE ACID SCLLTIGNS -U- 'AUTHOR-(04J-PGTASHNlK0V, YU.M.p GAMULSKlYt A.M.v MOXHOSOVEV, OI.V.o KOZLO '.M. L 0 I 4T9Y, (UJF HI~NMG-USSR I riT ~-SGURCE-Zl-. NEORG* WIM. 19701 15(2)t 502-8 GATE PUBLISHE0-----70 SUaJECT AREAS-ChEMISTRY ~T'OPIC TAGS-CHE141CAL SE1,G-TION KINETICSP AQUEOUS SrJLU!FIOPII. CALCIUM CHLORIDE, SOLUBILITY, TUNGSTATEs UXALAT~ .CCUTRCL MAPKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS-UN(I'LASSIFICI) PROXY REEL/FRAMI-1994/1106 :5TC11 iNC-AP-011,5535 i A ARM!' T 0 2/2 CIO UNCLASSIFIEG 11811CEVIJiNG JATE--2,),,.l3V CIRC ACCESSILLN NCr-AP011-3535 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-M GP-Q- AB STRAC r CAC SUS2 0 !1' SJ32 0 F'OkMl:') WHEN CA hC SU54.H 51JI32 0 1,1,15 DIS$ULVEL) 114 AN Awo OF H S~JIJ3 C S;,43-," C SLBA AT 2C-oQCEGRELS. FIATE OF CAWD SULPir.h St.1131? 0 OV)SULN. IS INDEPENDENT OF MIXING RATE AND IS LINEARLY PROPUKTIGNiM. 10 ti SUd2l C- 0 SU84 M,,CN. iN THIS PROLESSr H SIU62 C SU82 ~l SL18i PiAlFORMS il FUNCTMnS, IST IT CAUSES SEPP4. OF 2 SCODS, 51J"32 4) S1,1131i A\O H WO SUB4, ANC 2ND IT RtACTS ~,ITH Ff SUB2 h0 SU64 Ji SUaZ 1-40 SUni (C SU32 C SU641). IN ThE PRESENCE Of HGLi CA(L 51)11,lie F'04MS AL0,411 WITH H SUa2 (lU SUG3 (C SU62 0 SU84)). FACILIT'Y.- DUMAS. (;US,, UNIV., DONETSKt USSR. USSR MC 621.?91,1856.31669.245 YEJAGINt V. M. I NAM-MHOV I B. 1. and KOZ G. O's Moscow "statistical Analysis of the Effoot of the Conditivina of Argon-Arc Weidlnr, on the Mechanical Properties of Joints" Kiev, Avtomaticheakaya Svark&p No 7# Jul, 72P pp 13-17 Abs-~racto An analysis was siade of the effect of the welding method on the strength of samples of welded JGInts tested for slatlo stxvfl-jqh Irf tfpnsloa. The results axe discussed by referenco to tabuliLted data iuid diagra-as showing the effects of welding current, welding rate, and welding 4%rc voltage on the mechanical propertlen of Joints of Kh18N9T steel and ~ejii8jiqr steel Joints with Kovar (Fe-lfl-Co-Hn alloy). The ntren(gth of Kovzor joigiLu weldtid by the argon-are method was found to be lower -and the relatileo olmi,,atlon hligher in comparison with the deformad Initial metal. Some WLanwWristics of welded Joints of Kh18N9T steel with Kovar are indAcatikI. A. 1110thod ia au-sr ented for determining the optinux parameters of the argon-aico welding methrA and the acceptable deviations from these parwzoters. It Mi shown that the mean square deviation of the Investigated properties from UeIr wrerago value is the most important characteristic of quality and reltiibility of axgon-arc- welded Joints. The variation ccefficient of the propox-tioa oa-n sorve as a criterion for weld quality. Six illustrations, six formalus, th=ee tables, threee bibliographic references. 1/1 uDc 62t,762.0011088.8) LGSR G. I \,.. MILDIN, V YENGRAFOlle A. . c lon" - netlc ~,oticle:v in Suspen f 1.~v ; ~,,,.t::~tion o Conc! fo-, filcd 6 Aug , (GC)l n) 04 ` ,rtificat,~ C* , , ,/ 14.0 265.554, Cl. 112 1, 1 Abostract lto 1 D: 7 _ o USSR Author . ax , Yo 3, t - (-8, publ-Jis-1.~-ld ju-, 3G351P by A. --crl.pticn [-iven of the do . is I,,_ jk tic - - fo _ CCxx.-_tO-l Unit , Gor-t-igm a pol:E.Z To 'f I c 'IrILL kn_lcaLur. j - if." U-e Aa the fonl of two l f -Cf-l:L-s I ha jr~,;;%,,jLjjcd ir, tric maenet r C) l t".6 -dnin Col.- a - a vasual con ap nular vf t.~-a ILpyar nacgret. Two , in th-e L.n 112 Oil UNCLASStFIE0 PAOLES!SING DATE--090CT70 ,T I TLE-SEPAR AT I ON AND PURIFLCATIUN CF OtPAPIrOTHENIC ACIU OY AN WIN :. EXCHANGE METHOD -U- .4UTVUR-f031-ZHUANUVICH, YE.S., KUIL S" K16ALOVA* N.YU. -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .SOURCE-Kfilk. FARM. ZH. 1970, (#(2), 27-9 :01ATE PUHL ISHEI)-----70 SUBJECT AKEAS--BLOLUGICAL ANU MEDICAL SCIENCES, CHEMISTRY ,,TOPIC TAGS-V!TAMIN, CHEMICAL PURIFICATIGNo, 10?4 EXCHANG;E WITROL REST.RICTILiNS UUCUMVIT CLA ;S-_(jNCLAS5 I I'll() -PAUXY 9kLL!T-f6%ME--1993/05J5 10i-p _c;_Rc ~Gcl~. I)S ILN 'i /2 1 UNCLA, I ED CIRL ACCI .-, - I J'N A 3-S T k A C f~ S T T S If- f D il T J I I FRUM ' TECH. PRODUCT CG.ArG. 1 A S I I U: I- T S J32 hit I S U. T AN fl I ti p rc-' EN I B L r ALANINE ( I I ) ~iAS r-_XAML). f *L- ST SI, E k ECARRIL-.11) OVF U15ING I'A' -23 CATIU-N E X C h A N: vi- E i4 I ACUPOLYMN. V-,z0DULf Of- kifii! (11 PKIK-- POSITLVt FURM). S!JRU) r I ON ISOrHERMS Ur Ef SIJ62 IN)i AN") 11 ldf.KE FIRST EXAMD. UNUEK DYNAMIC AND STATIC CONDITIONS. HL]kl]QVliR, 791E EFFECT OF GRAfN SIZE OF THE CATILINITE ON THE SURP11UN Of It bil'S THE YIELD OF 11 AT 10t 40p AND 40DEGREES# ANU TftC- SORPrIL)t OF It AS THE FUNCTICN OF ITS CONCN. OVER T6E PH qANGE THE $G~RTIOII 04' It INCREASED WITH INCREASIN6 PH. THE SEPN. OF I WAS r,ARR,l[.D OUT IN A 17 slMES 290 MA COLUMN AT THE ELUTION RATt 5 ML-MINo I#K- CONCIN. OF 1 SALT AtID 11 IN THE SOLN. WAS 0.1-0.4t AND 0.17 EQUIY!;.-L,,v 10:4SP, AT 40 AND 60DEGREES CGNU). ELUATES WERE' uBrAINED, THERMAL $*rAd4'LtlY TESTS SHO~dIED THAT AT 37 AND 60DEGREES A 5PERCENT I SOLN6 BEGA14 TO DECOMP. 4FILP. 32 AND 8 HRv RE~5P* AT 20DEGREES THE UPTI,MU?4 CONDITURIS WLRE AS FJLLOWS*- 10 G UF THE DAY CATlOhllr--, 95 MI. 10PERCENT I SALT SULN,,r Afid V(11,- OF THE ELUATE 170 ML tPH 4.5). THE I AND 11 GONTiNT OF THE EL.OATE WA$ 0.0378 18SPERCENT YIELD BASED ON I SALT) AND 8.5 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIYE5 G-ML.# RESP. FACILITY: VSACS* NAUCH* ISS1.110. VITAMIN. INST., -muscous U55RA ------ - -------- USSR ITDC 576-658.43 MIZZINA., 0. N... SMANSKAYA, Ye. I., KOZLOVAI -T,,Alb, PEWMSON~ 0. F., and ZHDXIOV, V. M., Academician, Academy of-Redical Sciencps USSR "Electrophoretic Separation of the Principal Proteins fi-om Cel~a 1~-ifected with Different Viruses" Moscowl Dokl--dy AIN SSSH, Vol 190, No 5, MCIP PP V25-L?26 Abstract-: Chan6es in the synthenia of total. histows awl. theii- t7ractiolin in nuelei of infected cells and in desoxy-ribonucloic acti c(.firiplv:~ wcre :it*.U0!6. 'Ilne dymnict; of ac=,rulatiozi and of changes in princip&I cyti:)planm Prots,in wni; rtuLlie,~ also. One hour after infection the numlwr of protein bal:idu irwrensea, roi;z witil moderate electrophoretic mobility. After 3 11irs, additiorial a.*),ov-ra,,III.; btlnlr appear, an-! this increase continues for 5 hrs. tWter 7 ki-rs, 'Wia protein !,~,gjn to dicap ar, but various minor bands appear. Analogous ~m-slxltij were ol-,,Isef--,et.~ Pe I= -.7 ter -J.. -etion vith Dox vaccine, some increace with infliwazza vi,.-,is, ~rna -,,.o fe chan -c Lz prowin bFLuds vith Herles virus. Afte.r 46 lirso no in(,,rt~ace in -.):~n- tain Oa.,e-'a was noted. Zia results obtained cormspond W the oAj-n,4a-.Ics -of tion 01 V4 rusea in chick embrj%) tisaxxe. Four histone ri%(!tioj:Ls w4tro infected ticsues: lysine-rich histonea - fl, rtrlative.V 11rainit-rich f-raction.3 a frnction rich in arginine f Electrcq)horetI.c analysit! of ii:" _0 USSR BEREZINA, 0. N., et al., Doklady AN MMSR, Vol 190, 210 5, IWO, pp 1225-11.203 (fl) occurs in ce'Lls infected vita the pox virus and Influenza Vaccine, while in fractions f2a and f2b, additional principal and minor baoU appear. 'Me arginine- rich fraction in the infected material does not differ I'ma Uoit in controls, __'0ii_0k~-S.SING OAT'E--18SEP70 1/2 012 UNtL A~~ I F7C-= TITLE--ON STUDIES OF THE INDUCTOR OF D~PROTEINIZATIIIN FNlYME OF VAccitaA VIRUS NUCLEOCAPSID -U- AUTHOR t-102)-PETERSON, O.P., KOZLOVAv [.A. COUNTRY OF INF0--USSR ,.SOURCE-VOPROSY VIRUSOLOGIlv 1970p NR 2, PP 156-16L DATF PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES JOPIC TAGS--VIRUS# ENZYME ACTiviryt NUCLEIC ACID, PROTEIN, TRYPSIN PESTRICTIONS 110CUMENT CLASS--UNCL4SSIFIED PROXY RFEL/FRAME--1990/0744 STEP CIRC ACCESSION '40--AP0109950 UNCLASSIFIED M 01.2 UNCLASS IF It D P4?,0CF!)'SI,%G DATE-19SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0108950 ABSTRACT/F-XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 'THE FFFECT OF VFFF~R~Nr PqOTEi]LYTIC ENZYMES ON THE INFECTIVE PROPERTIES OF VACCINIA VIRUS AND SOME FEATUkES OF INDUCTION (11: DEPROTEINIZATION FACTOR "'AS STUJIEL). ENZYMES SUCH AS TRYPSIN, CHEMOSIRYPSIN, CARBOPEPTIVASI: WERU- SAOWN TO CUASE DIGES110N OF SOME QUANTITY OF VIRUS PROTEIN WITHLbUT, H04EVER, ANY LOSS OF THE- INFECTIVE PROPERTIES AND WITHOUT DESTRUCTEwl uF THE CAPA,Cjry OF VIRIONS TO INDUCE IN CELLS A FACTOR HELPING ft;.,'~LEASI'. OF 71RUS INUCLEIC, ACID. PRONASE CAUSED MORE INTENSIVE DESTRUCTION OF VERUS PR-rEI'4 '4HICH RESULTED IN A 4ARKEf) REDUCTION LIF INFECTIVE Pkof)C-R,rjf:'.) AS WELL AS THE CAPACITY TO INOUCE THE ENZYME (IF DEPROTEINILATION, IN (:~:LLS. USE OF LARGE DOSES OF THE ENZYME RESULTED IN A REDUCTICN OF AEACTIVAI[Ltry oF THE TREATED VIRUS, THE REPRODUCTIVE C*APACITY OF THE VIRUS APPEARED To BE ASSOCIATFO WITH DEEPLY LOCATED PROTEIN STRUCIVRES (IF THE VIRION. IT LANNOT BE EXCLUDED THAT THE PROTEIN INDUCING. THL- "Urq08r--SSING" ENZYME IS LOCATED NOT IN THE EXTERNAL MEMBRANE Of Tr HE VIRION 30 IN NUr.LEOIo MEMBRANE. t AS 12-1 F 0 112 021 UNCLASSI FIED P14OCf.-'S!;IN,-t 0ATE--219ICT70 TITLE--ELECTROPHDRETIC SEPARATION OF BASIC PROTEJ',11!~ OF iC,E-LLS IrjFecTE::D )VITH DIFFERENT VIRUSES -U- AUTHOR- (05) -BEREZ INA# OoNow SKLYANSKAYAs YE I., KIJ~I.LGVA, O.P.r LHOANOV, V.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--DOKL, AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970v 19Q(5)t IZZ5-6 VIROL OATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL ANO MEDICAL $CtIENCES TOPIC TAGS-- ELECTROPHORES IS I SMALLPOX9 VACCINEI INO:LUEN11A VIKUSY HERPES S114PLEX VIRUS# TISSUE CULTUREI PROTEIN CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMSNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RE;-;L/FRAME--1999/0704 STEP hlO--UR /002 Olt 701 L9!:) IGG5/ 1 "';?511.? 2~3 L^ I f C A CC F SI (jj,,j Wj--AT,11?;~710 T-'T 2/2 021 UNCL ASS[ FIEO P'RClCF!')-iING 0ATE--23QCT?0 CIRG ACCESSION NO--AT0122790 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ELECTR(3Pl10d.'--::SIi IN PI)LYACRYLAMIDE GEL WAS USED TO FRACT13NATE CHICK FIBROBLAST CULT'URES lik;3+4 ON MATRICES WITH A90N. OF BULL SERA OR ON TISSUES FROM 11 DAY Ctil(:K. Fmtikyosl THE INFECTION WAS INTRODUCED INTO ALLANTOIDAL SPACE AND Llj.l:,LOYED THE VIRUS MATERIAL OF SMALLPOX VACCINE, INFLUENZAt OR HERP~15. THE:'TYPICAL ELECTROPHOREGRAMS WERE SHOWN FOR THE TREATED CUOURES; THE CHANGES IN THE ACCUMULATION OF BASIC PROTEINS VARY WITH DURATION OF TrIE EXPT. WITHIN I HR OF INFECTION TO NO. OF SEPD. pRorElpij, INCKEASES MAINLY IN THE GROUP OF MEDIUM ELECTROPHORETIC MOBILITY; W[J'HIN ') Hlkt PROTEINS WITH SLOW MOBILITY APPEAR AND BY 5 HR THE BASIC PROTE-l.N FRACTIONS EXCEED THOSE OF THE CONTkOLS BY A FACTOR OF4 OR MOREI (JY 709 HR THE NO. OF VISTINCT PROTEIN ZONES DECLINES, BUT MINr)k llJNES:APPfP-'l AT THE SAME TIME. THE INCREASED TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASIC PROT~JNS '1'V, CAUSED BY tNCREASE0 FRACTIONS OF HISTUINES, WITH MODERATf LCYELS 1'.IF: LYSINE; IT IS PROBABLY THIS PROTEIN FRACTION THAT IS CONNECTED WITH THL INHIBITING ACTIVITY OF BASIC CYTOPLASM PROTEINS*, na ul USSR IYDC: 632.95 NOVIK, R. M., KOZLOVA, 1. V. "Polarographic Study of the Insecticide Nemagon ( 1.2-bibronio-5-cholorpopane) Probl. analit. khimii [Problems of Analytic Chemistry- -- Collection of Works], Vol 2, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 90-9S (Translated from lloferativnyy. Zhurnal Khimiya, No 24(11), 1972, Abstract No 24NS77, 1,.,y T. A. Belyayevii) Translation: current polarography was pert-'Onned an the LkP-225u polarograph to study the polarographic behavior of BrOl 2 BrGICH2Cl (1) and determine the possibility of application of polarographic methods to the analysis of pesticidal Ixepantious basod an 1. In order to deteri'i)ine nemagril ill tap water, ten ml of the water to be analyzed is ndded to 1,1 g ~a 2s0 31 mixed, transferred to an electrolyzer (polarographic cell with itercury bottom); a polarogram is measured in the potential interval from 0.0 to 1.0 v. USSR 6.12.95 I. V. SYPIN, G. S., SISTER, Yu. D., KOZTVA "Polarographic Methods of Analysis of Pesticides" Probl. analit. khimii [Problems of Analytic Chemistry Coflt~ction of Works], Vol 2, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 145-155 (Translatvd frain Referatirny), Zhurnal Khimiya, No 24(11), 1972, Abstract No 24N574, I)y- T. A. Belyayeva) Translation: A review of literature data on the use of classical (differen- tial and indircct) polarography, oscillating and alternating Current polarog- raphy in the analysis of pesticides. The advantages oX the tise of osciJlating polarography over classical polarography for the dcte-,niiinat-Lon of residije~q of various pesticides are demonstrated. A summary table is prosonted on the appli- cation of polarography analysis of 70 pestic-ides. The possibility is deman- strated of using polarographic methods for the study ol' the mc-chanism ol.* action and metabolism of pesticides. 28 - Pliam-acolo -y an4 'roxicolo - _'Y USSR Iij)(01 577. 1. 6L~ KOZLOVA, L. A. K. I-, SeCOIld NO C(. ic I'- Pirogov, Moscow Sciexitifi~,i R'esi-'!:;trcji of Psychiatry T "Aldolase and J'act&te Dehydro--enase Activity id Lac:!;ic and ?yruvic xid ContenL of Various hat. Brain Arezis "Inric;x induced Go:tvulsionsll Kiev, Ukrayinslkyy Biolchimichnyy Zhurnal, Vol .~2, No 6, 1971-1, pp 692-6016 i-.b.qtract: (f r urto az 1:1 - I., 1~ - d i tivit*y of Flycolytic frue Los the lacLie ~~nu; :pyru';--ic acia, c'nL("IIL Of repeated convulsiong. :bale ab'.LrO r,.It.:,. ing 200-250 g '.-,erea u-sed ftr tho vulsions were inwiced by the subctiw~:,I~Ous ar cent Corazole SolaLioa at "40-60 mv g o sults indicate rvloo"Irl~;a accompanied by a USSR 0 V" L. OVR L. A., and POGOI).--~Y"HV, K. I., Ukrayin.,01kyy Zhurna ~.,f2, No 6s -1970, PP 692-696 dehydro~:-onase activity ar.(.! !LCLiC Lnd pyruvif:~ in brain tissue. Plnese indices fn.--.-iy chdracti~ri.,,e bic processes in tsie brlain ti.3zue. "here is a lactate: pyruvate coefficienL wiLh lrk3peaL-~d fi:E--, and four convulsivo Trin, MrAXiM11121 ;~,-Aift~'I 1-:1 C"' glycolytic procezz;c5 under rep,,,,-,~ted IL'I LI,4,r! UP- per areas of the brijin (cortex, intorbrain). 7WWT-T--,-r"T- In # - - 17, ~ ~ '''7 Code: IM 0300 W47324- LCWM4- PRDM SOURCE: UkraynalkAy B1 Zhurnal,, 1970, Vol 42v Ur It PP 46 -4r ALDOLASE ACTIVITY, PYRUVATE AND LACTATE CONTENT IN THE RAT BRAIN DIFFERENT DIVISIONS WITH OVERSTRAIN OF TIME CENTRAL NERVOUS SWIMEM K. 1. Pboodayea, L A, Koalova, 1. g-1:11n The N. 1. Pirogov It Aledical lnstitu!& Moscow Summ.ary It the rat brain Ussuezi the activity of a1dolase of fructo'se-l-inanophosphilte and aldolase of fructose- 1,6-dipho3phate increases tinder the imect of repeating One-iour timc3 electroconvulsive attacks. The fatigue, whidi comes aMer ffie animal run with Me rotating drum, is characterized by the increase in the lacLabe and pyruvate content and the rise of the coefficient value of lactate: pyruvale. It Is aslablished th-It with fatigue the intensitv decreaw in the 3erobit progews of oxidation is compensated to -soine extent by tfie intensification of anaerobic glycolytic processils. 19190845 USSR UDC 582.507 EPIK, E. Ya. and KOZLOVA, L. G. "Possibility of Change of the *Microstructure of a Tu%-bulent Stream During Research on Convective Heat Exchange" Teplofiz. i Teploteklinika. Resp. Mezhved. Sb. (rhermorilaysicil and 'I'liemal Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental CollectLon of Worko), No 2, 1972, pp 73-78 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Turbostroyeniya, No 1, 1973, Abstract No 1.49.116) Translation: The case discussed Involves the directiciiial of tile turbulence characteris tics of a stream (the levels and ixalq:~ computed fron. the spectral distribution of the longitudinal-pulsatioa veloc.-ity component) by means of a turbulizing device (perforated disk) insl:allecl In front of Vitushinskiy nozzle, with a ramming degree of 9 at thL uini-cunnel entrx.~Ce. A procedure is presented for measuring the Lurbulence i::har&Vter1SL1cs of Llie stream with the use of chermoanemometric equipment, Th-ree Figure,-i, nine references. USSR TFDC 536.24:532-526 DYBAI, Ye. P., EPIK, E. Ya., KUROSII, V. D., KOZI,OVA, L. G. Neat Transfer and the Boundary Layer on a Curved Surface Under Increlsed Turbulence of tile Free Flow" V sb. Vopr. obshch. I pr IkI, FIZ. (Problems In General and Applled Physics -- Collection of Works) , AIna-Ata, '71Nauka", 1972, pp 1.519-164 (from ItZh-41c'Hiallika, No 6, Jun 72, AbsLract No 6B800) Translation: Results of experiments on the local and uvcrn,;~E~ heat exchanize at the surface of a cv,11nder in a transverse air fl(-n~ urlder ,i. corstant deniifty of tile foniial flow over its perimeter are pr"-L~ntad. 1.1 tho. LurI)tjIon(.,4- off tile incident layer is low than 0.5%), the results of expexciments on heat exchange In the frontal point satisfactorily agrec., witii thi! theore-tical sclu- tion. An attempt is made to analyze the characttrist-Ics of the &Aplol-ment: of the boundarv laver and heat transfer under lne-remmwl turbIlIence of the flow. The feasibility of introKlucing the Reynolds nunber detemine'd oil thc- basis of turbulent pulsation of the velocity into the crite.1-1.111 equat[on is established. 13 ref. Authors abstract. 1/1 I)R tqll Acc. Nr Ref'. Code `PM4032C steziologiya, Y-y a PRLMIARY SOURCE: Eksperimeintal'riaya ',xirurgiya i Ane 1970, Nr pp ON THE INFLUENCE OF LYSTHENON ON THE CARD 10-VASCULAR SYSTENk V - V T~~v-evshly, In E9 experiments on dogs the authors s!U(f;,(!d :If t'le cardio-vascular mstern usim ~13%1 I g ;)WkllN-in,,,jgrap4 A vasodi. latory action of Mthenon on '114" j)Friplieral b'ood effect on the heart were recorded- Effects are constant. 1-3,imient and depend on Q4,e dese and the rate of intravenous admini5tration. REELM&ME 19741755 WC 6~2.9,1511,t631-445-2 BLIYEV, YU. K., L. M. Candidate of Biological ScIencesp Leningrad Scientific Rose InGUNUze or Fozvotz7 "Effect of Various Doses of HerbicIdes on Soil Fertility" Moscow, Xhimiya v aellskom Khozyaystve# No Its, 19'120 Vp 50-5) Abstracts Results are presented from laboraotry tests in 1968-1970 cor4ucted to study the effect of ordinary and increased doses of herbloides recommended for application in forest nurseries on the nutritive =1.,ize *f the soil. Tabulated dataere presented for simazine, dalepuno, and sodium trichloro- acetate indicating their affect on the nitrate and amoniacal mitr*gen con- tent in the aoil, the humus and total nitrogen content 3ji tho moil and the P205 and )(20 content. The soil manhanisma giving rifse t4 th4 results iav discussed. Wbn used In the recommended dozeel the harlAcidas resulted In increased accumulation of nitrates after a month mith mitximutt nitrato content In the version with a mixture of dalapone and 2,4-D. Twenty days after injection of the herbicides the ammoniacal nitrogen content increased some- what. In increased doses the herbicides Inhibited the riltrate accumulation process in the soil for the first month. The strongest Inhibiting effect resulted from a mixture of sodium trichloroacetate wA Z,4-D. IntensIfica- 1/2 USSR BLIM TU, K. and KOZLOVA L. A. Kbinlya V sel'skam khoZ.VatratVa, No I I , 19?2# pp 50-53 tion of the processes of aineralization of nItroVn-comtaIninoj compounda was reflected deeply in the hunus and tote.1 nitrogen ctimtent in the anil for both ordinary and Incroaaed doises of the herbiciden. With inoreased. doses of the herbicides a tendency tovard an increase in tho t,otal nitzvgen contant was noted. Under the effect of all the herblcWes in oxiiinary ard increased doses the content of available phosphorus iiiameas-eii ard the exchangeable potassium decreased. Mixtures of dalapone or sodium trichl'oro- acetate with 2#4-D and the simazine preparation in the,recoanended and increased doses did no harm to the nutritive regime ot the soddy podzolle weakly loamy soU used in the tests. 2/,2 . ............ ------ - 112 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DArE--090CT?O TITLE--CJN PROBLEM OF INTERRELATION OF COK-TEX EXCITA81LITY ANo PIE OF INNER INHIBITION IN DOGS DURING UNTOGENY -U- AUTHUR- COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ZHURNALi 1970, VOL 169 Nil 3p PP 303-311 DATE PUBL ISHEO---- 70 ~~.SURJECT AREAS-1110LOGICAL AND MEOICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--CEREBRAL %'.GRTEX# 0JGv INHIBITION -CUNTAUL MARKINIG--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEO PKUXY RELL/FRAPIE--1994/1123 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115142 212 023 UNICLASS I Flib Rjl0CE!)'SIN%'j O4TE--G90CT70 ACCESSION NJ--AP0115L42 AbSTRACT/EXTRACr--(U) GP-Q- iWSTRAC r IN fl~O S~LRIES OF THE CUkkELATION uP THE INHIBITILIN PRUCLSS WENSIFY riAS st-L.luii.o m, DifJ-l.-AErT METHODS UF ITS ESTIMATION WITH EXCITA131LITY Of CfAE81RAL ol-Mlspri~REs CUkTEX. 104 DOGS WEKE INVESTIGATED Al ftiE AGE 1'rl-Wi I Til 1.5-5 YEARS, USING MOTOR FOOD METHODS. IT 15 FOU.ND 041 THAr T14k VALUE OF SUCCESSIVE INHIBITIGN IS STATISTICALLY TkUSTWl`)RTt-l'l' 11 CiliftELAT11J."I t~lrll THE COKTEX EXCITAbILITY AND CANNOT jE A CRITl-'-kIt)N UF 1'.HL MUTI)o! PikjCFSS INTENSITY IN THE ONTOGENY. RATE UF INNER IN14101110,14 kitiSpu"ISE ALSO UEPENDS TO A CCNSIOERAdLY GREATER EXTENT ON rm-' coRnix EXCITA31LITY, THAN ON THE INHIBITION PROCESS INTENSITY. IN"16irtGll PikbCESS INTENSITY IN ONE MONTH PUPPIES IS SMALL AND SHARPLY INCREA$ES (IV 2 MONTHS. AT AN OLDER AGE THE INCREASE IN THE INHIBITION PROLESS INTENSITY CONS I DEA ABLY FALLS. AS THE CORrEX ACTIVITY- DECREAS'L-So THE IWNER INHIiJIT10,11 ALSO DROPS. FACILITYz DEPARTMENT OF NORMAL PHYS101.0GY, MEOICAL INSTITUTE* BLAGOVESHCHENSK* 1-5 -1, 1 f-l-E USSR UDC 547.26,118 HIZRAKH, L. I., BABUSHKINA, T. A., YAKOVU7. V. G., KOr,!OVA I.. X., YUMINO, Ye. M., STARMTINA, L. N.0 and YANOCHKINA, G. A. "Phosphorus-Containing Derivatives ot Isothiuronium. 1,11. JLIkyllation of Thiourea with Diethyl Chlorophosphate and the Diethyl lister of 2-Brom",thyl- phosphonic Acid" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43, No 11, Nov 7.1, pp 2364-2367 Abstract% It was established that the metaphosphate of S-ethyllsothiliroilium formed upon the reaction of diethyl ch-lorophouphate. wit14 thic-nix-ea. A stud). (,'f the reaction of 0, 0-diethyl 2-bromethylphosphonate vitli thicl-rea shcwed that in this reaction, as distinguished from that with L,1pha-h&1oF.1-.asphcnater, (Mizrakh et al, Zh. Obshch. Kh1m., Vol 1J, 2654, i 5.9 Cis rae-tion rate is limited by ttia rate of acid- Catalyzed dehydration. At lower pH levela hydrolysis rate io lowered due to protonation of the amine. The existence of a rvaictioa rote dependence on pH rules out quinone formation as a UnItIng factor in FU hydrolysis, The catalytic activity of antline and Other OIMIIA- catalyatis in OM bydralyals is sixtilar to the catalytic activity of butylamine. 3/3 USSR UDC 546.4616211831'21 SUVOROV, S. A., KLYUCW,0V, YA. V., and "Distribution of 1113cynesium Oxide in Compounds in the System Mg0-Al203-Zr02 It Moscow, Neorganicheskiye 11aterialy, Vol 7, No 4, Apr 71, pp 659- 664 Abstract: Phar-e conversions were studied in the. trintary systen 11r'0-A1203-Zr02 as functions of the chemical activit of -he initial r.2 y components. In order to exclode the influence of an excess of any given component, they were mixed in equnl molvr r'atios. The distribution of m_ngncnium oxide in complex cccripoiand!i of the position M"O: A1203 : Zr02 = I : 1 : I was 4'Ound to 411QPen(' 00 0 the chemical activit7 of the initial. compononts ond to be accompanicd by the foramztion of both ur a ~s 0 ti , n e s Lri I - a ~~ tj i j (ja i e and splid solutions of 4"g-0 in ZZ-0 The greAtes,j: qu~jntity of 2& solid solution c~f mnrmesluim o%ide in %irconium div.-~ide is fomrd in complex cc--nDounds involving 01,11.1nesium oxide annealed at 1/2 USSR SUVOROV, S. A., et al., Neorga niche skiye Materialy, Vol 7, No, 4, Apr 71, pp 659-6614 C, electrically -.elted cor!3ndum, and nitric acid zirconium. By using cc-Iionc--n-Is t--ith varicus chemical activities, it is possible to ch-n--e the final phase composition of co::,pokinds in the systc~~,,s with idc:ntical initial material com- Z. i. position. ccur~7c, of curven of 'Chermal e:,:pansiol) of these il--~ct! y on the phase composition .......... . USSR UDC 5146 . 46 1 62 1' 83 1 ' :2 1 SUVOROV, S. A., KLY11CHAROV, YA. V., and KOZLOIJA, 0. B. "Distribution of Magnesium Oxide in Compounds in the System Mg0-A1203-Zr02 11 Moscow, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Val 7, No 4, Apr 71, pp 659- 664 Abstract: Phase conversions were studied in the trinary system Mp,r,0-Al203-Zr02 as functions of the chemical actiAty of the initial components. In order to exclude the influjimee ol* art exce-11, of 'LAr - The any given component, they were mixed in equol (110. distribution of magnenium oxide in coapLex coatpooodn of the com- position MgO: A1203 i Zr02 = I : 1 . I was J!Qund to depezrid on the chemical activity of the initiril, cca,pon(1:t%t_- find to be accompanied by the fomation of both magneldn.1-aLumina spinel and solid solutions of MgG in Zr02. The graaitesl. quantity of solid solution Of MagneSiLIM OXidC in zirconitxn dioxidc iii formed in complex compounds involving magnesium oxl.din aniiealed al: 17500 1/2 USSR SUVOROV, S. A., et al., Neorgan:Lcheakiye Hateriaily, Vol 7, No 4, Apr 71, pp 659-664 C, electrically melted corundum, and nitric acid zirconium. By using components with various chemical. activLtdes, it is possible to change the final phase composition of compounds in the MgO-Al2O3-ZrO2 systems with identical initiol material com- -mal ~expaitsion of these position. The course of curves of thei compounds depends directly on the phase composition. 2/2 ................. .. .......... ........ . . ..... .......... . ....... .... .......... Acc. Raf. Code: UR 0213 A FW36432- PRMARY SOURCE: Olreanologiya, 1970, Vol 10, Dir 1, pp 51,6 - 9e .Yu. A. BOGDANOV,O. rp. IIINA L_q_ V AV. V. M U I( _.!~D. Z L 0 V A. DISTRIBUTION AND COMPOSITION OF SU&PENDEWMATTER, IN THE NORTHERN AND CCNTRAL INDIAN OCEAN Sommary Some resuRs are presented of the studies of suspetided matter collected with the aid of separation and membrane filtratlun from the ocean suriaze and from different ocean depths. The distribution of suspended matter in fhe surface water is irregular. Its maximum aniounts are confined to the near-shore arvis, while in the ce~itral open parts of the ocean, to the areats of the rich developulcot oi planktonic org3nisms. Two tvpes of the distribution of suspended matter in depth li,iive bean established depending (in its material composition- Different components of suspended material, ifliceous, carbonate and terrigtnous, are characterized and their distribution and role in the iiecumulation of sediments are determined. A -,0t REEL/FTWIE ..... ......... USSR UDC 8.74 VORONIN, YU. A., KOZLOVA, 0. S. "Software for a Computer for Solving Districting Problim-s" V sb. Primeneniye mat. matoda v i M-1 Pri poiske Po!ezn._iskaEjyem!;kh (ApplAication of Mathematical Methods and Computers for Prospecting Mneraln-collection of works), Novosibirsk, 1972, pp 180-199 (from RZh-Kibernjt!tika, Ro 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V484) No abstract IWI1119, "MIN HIIIIIHMM11 USSR RABKIN, V. B., MCCLOVA, R. F. "Cermet Alloy Based on llolybdenut-a" UDC 621.762,669.018.5(Cj&8.!;) USSR Author's Certificate Ila 309062, filed 27 Nov 69, publIshed IS Sep 71.jfrom Uh-Hotallurgiya, Ho44, Apr 72, Abstract No 4G419P) Translation: A cermet alloy is proposed for juiictlono witti ceramics in electro- vacuum device assemblies. In order to achieve a coaffl.cietit of thermal expan- sion of the alloy equal to the coeffic-ient of t4enwil cxpaijslon of aluminum oxide ceramic, the alloy components are 'taken Lit the ~olloqiug ratio: 3b-40~: Cu, 6-71 Ni, and the rest Mo. 1/1 USSR LFDC: 8.71, KOZLOVA, S. I. "sorting of Economic Information ir. a Digital Courputer by a M!!rge Method" V sb. Teoriya i prahtika sbora, Eeredr-chi i obrabotki idccn. -fulform. (711eory and P tice in the Collection, Transmission and. Prat~asoinjr of Economic Information--cGlIect ion o fL works) , Mtoscov, 1971, PP ~2-92 ( eror" Rzh- -Kibernetika, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 4V545) Translation: The paper analirzes the problem of unitimtr tvo ordered duta blocks into a single common ordere-d data block. The g4t~thor j.;ivnen an anal- ysis of the effectiveness of the nerging method for groups different numbers of elements, and refines the antLlytical estizmtes .:):f the effec- tiveness of sorting by the merging method for two ord*red gt,-a=s with identical numbers of elements presented previously by L. S. Lozinskiy (Kibernetika, 1965, Ito 3). Formulas are derived uhich indic!ate the average number of comparisons required to merge two Sj,aups with equal and unequal numbers of elements, and the average numbeir of dd-splacemenis poups. Estimates is determined for forming a corzon sequence from two s are given for internal uorting of an unordered sequenec- of 4 u: 12,~l elemerts %USSR UDC 613.63+615.9-057+612.014.46 RUHYANTSEV, G. I., andgQZW_VA.,_T_A., Chair of General Hygiene, First Moscow Medical Institute imeni I. M. Sechenov "Some Results of Research on the Combined Effects of Toxi4 $ubstances on the Bodyll Moscow, Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 10, 1971, pp 36-40 Abstract: While there is substantial information av,pilable concerning the ef- fects of various toxic substances and physical factora acting in isclatioa, comparatively little has been done on the effects of the coubined action of several toxic substances or of a toxic subscance plum one or more phyaLcal factors. Some recent work, briefly described in the artiole, dealt with the effects of: various combinacions of toxic ijubstanceii; on ani,mals and coitibina- tions of these substances with hilgh ambient teniperati;ires; low concentrations of sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide/nitric oxide; ij,ulfue dioxide combined with high ambient temperatures; benzene and acetone, tolutine, and epichloro- hydrin; low concentrations of fumes of solvents, samrated and unsaturated hydrocarbons combined with sulfur dioxide and high twnperatures. A great deal of attention is now focused on the effects of timic qga,.nts on general resistance (as determined by the phagocytic activitV of lwukocytes, an 1/2 USSR RUMYANTSEV, G. I., and KOZLOVA, T. A., Gigiyena i Saaftarlya, No 10, 1971, pp 36-40 important index of natural i=unity), the mutagenic w~tivitjt of taxIc chemi- cals (as measured by chromosome aberra.tions), chronic acticti of low concen- trations of chemical compounds at maximum permissibl4i concentrations, and the effects of toxic substances entering the body th'vough different routes. 2/2 -143 USSR UDC 547.26'118 GRAPOV. A. F., KOZLOVA, T. F., HEL'NIKOV, N. N, "Alkoxy- and Alkylthiamethylthiophosphonic Acid Dichlorides" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obstichey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), NQ :3, Mlir 73, p 676 Abstract: The best method for the synthesis of' thloplicsoboiiie acid dich- ~14chloride larides is by heating the corresponding phosphanic acid with phosphorus pentasulfide to 120-160'. Fg1lowing actd dichlorides have been synthesized, parent acid ,n2 and (125, bqiing reparted: mL-thoxymetliyltliiopliosphonic, i4'-~P5; I'lum, U 5411, .1.4262; ethoxy- methylthiophosphonic, 34-35*/0.12 min, 1.5358, 1.351T.; ethlilthiomethyl- thiophosphonie, 66-67.5*/0.12 wm, 1.5852, 1.3797; [~;qp ropy 1. th Lame thill - thiophosphonic, 82-82.5*/0.17 mm, 1.5702, 1.3392; and butylthiamethyl- thiophosphonic acid, 85-86*/0.17 mm, 1.5622, 1.2975, i/I USSR uDc: 547.241 QQQvA T- V- GRAPOV, A. F., MAL-NIKOV, 11. K., All~Unior. Scientific Ft~sccrch Institute of Agents for Plant Protection "The Reaction of O-Methyl Dichlorophosphite With Alkyl Chlorm-'Vthyl Ethers, Catalyzed by Baron Trifluoride Etherate" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Minii, Vol 1;2(104), No 15, jur, 'r,92, pp 12-1C*U,-L-1! i5 Abstract: The authors studied the reaction of alkirl chlor:)methyl eth-ars with methyl dichlorophosphite, catalyzed by the ether-ate o1.' borom triflucride. When the reactioxi mixture is heated for severul hoijm at R.I.Y.Oxy- methylphosphonic acid dichlorick-s are formed 1,% 25-55`1; Yf.*Ila- 1111c re-action is ,mis to the Arbuzov reaction. 'Me e:Lectrop1hilic lcoron tri- apparently analo,- fluoride facilitates formation of an intermediate Imenidolmm;phonium corqplex. C111OM; 4. YOC1f.CL* Brj t, - 1,* (- 4 CL i. IF ,,P,- CIBF~ - 11 C, 01.1"CL4 I (:..I$ ROOZ a Aniline In an eti,.(.-r vol%tion readily coxiverts the alkoxyrtfitthyl phosphonia acid dichlorides to the correeponding, (11aullidiess. 0 The authors thank V. V. Negrobetskly for atudyintf, ttw~ ximx v-pectnt of tb-~ USSR U1)C 632,951.2.07 KOZLOVA, T. F.j SHAKHOVA, G. B.. BELUGIN, V. F., ZUELDIMIN, V. C., and "Synthesis of the Koral Insecticide" Moscow, Khimicheskaya Promyshlonnost', No 6, 1971, pl; 29-31) (429-430) Abstract: Koral -- 0,0-diethyl-3(3-chlorc-4-me thy Ic6umary L-7) th iophu!iphate is an insecticide of low toxicicy in respect to cattle, when applied f.,x- ternaUy. The synthesis of this material consists of four steps; prepara- tion of 0,0-diethylchlorothiophosphate (I) by the reitiction of thiotrichior.0- phosphorus with ethanol; synthesis of a-chloroacetoavetat-a from acetoacerare and sulfuryl chloride followed by condensation with vesorqinol to vield 3-chloro-7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarine (11) and finally condeiksation of (1) with (II) by refluxing their mixture in.aceton contaWnj; potassium carbo- uate. Koral is a white powder, m.p. 92-92.50C. It is practically insolu- Us, in water, slightly soluble In alcohols, and hydracarbms, dissolves well In ketones. III USSR UVC 6,21.311.21.001.5 KOZLOVA, V. F. F'000"--~ "Stability of Parallel Operation in Enclo-sed Hydraulic Units" Tr. Vses. proektno-izyskat. i IvIl Gidroproyekt (Work$ of th~- Gidroproyekt A-11- Union Planning, Surveying and Sciel-ntific Research Institute), 1970, collection 19, pp 141-148 (from RZh-Elektrotekhnikl i Energetiki, 14o 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4 D120) Translation: A study was made of the dynamic stability of horizont:31 enclosed hydraulic units. Results are presented front natural studieo of tile stability of the units at the Kiev Hydroelectric Power Plant with two-phase short: circuLts to ground on the hydroelectric power plant buses. It is necessary to morC Dre- cisely define the procedure for calculatitg the stability as applied to low- inertia- generators. 1/2 016 UNCLASSIFlio PROCES 5 1 P! G DA I L--- 3ouc r 7 c TITLE-SOME DATA ON THE INFLUENCE OF T.HE SKiE'-(:TAL MUSCLES UPGN' FVNCTIO'~AL PROPERTIES OF THE RESPIRATORY CENTE RL_U_ AUTHOR-KOZLOVA, V.I. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZIOLOGICHESXIY ZHURNAL SSSR IMENT 1. M* SECOENOVAs 1970, VOL 56s NR5, PP 759-763 DATE PUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL.SCIENCES TCPIC TAGS-MLSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM# RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY C&4TR(;L MARKIhG-NO RESTRICTION$ WCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REft/FRAME-30OM605 STEP NO--Ulk/023"?/7OfO56/oo5/075910763 CtRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0127096 I AASS If- 1r-0 ~lfl WIN 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PRGCtSSING DA,rc--3oocT7C CIRC ACCESSIGN NC--AP0127094 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN CHRONIC EXPERIMENTS 0-114 DOGS INFLUENCE OF THE STATIC TENSION OF THE SKELErAL MUSCILES OF T~IE CHARACTER OF EXTERNAL RESPIRATLON AND SOME FUNCTICNAL PROkERYIES OF THE RESPIRATORY CENTER WERE INVESTIGATED* RE$PIRA'ri',,Ry REACTION PHASES CONNECTED WITH THE PERIOD OF STATIC TENSION WERIE Vi~-IERMINED. I)JCREASE IN THE STATIC TENSION OF THE MUSCLES LEAD TO THE INCREASE IN FREQUENCY AND. DEPTH OF BREATHING, AND OF THE LUNG VENrILA'rioN VOLUME. FACILITY: MEDICAL INSTITUTEs ORENBURG. USSR UW 577.1�0.6 KOZLOVAj V. KH., and FONDA, 11. A. "Cholesterol-Decomposing Activity of Some Bac"ri.-a Spe-cica" 4 Moscow, kdkrobioloGiya, No 2, 1971, PP 275-279 Abstracto Study of 38 bacterial cultures isolated fxon va%ious scurt:*s showed that most forms of Poeudomonas are capahLe of decorq:~O:BinT choltvzt.(-rol in varying degrees. In 13 of thv 18 Pseudanoz= cultures exa:uried, activity ranged from 10 to 27;j. Fs. pyocyanea and -Ps. fluoroscons 11train 2Z most active, 33 to 40,1. A conparlson of sono Fseudomo= WU-rdin:.* with !.yco- bacterium rubrum revealed that Ur-abmm utzain::; aro tai~cst twico at a~:Uvtj az the former when grown on a mediwa without ohole-.Ntrjr~)L k.'.rhun chole-sterol 1:as added to the medAura, i-1. rubrum Nicaue NIP' more axUya, soac PSOWO;Wn3Z cultures became less active. The addition of hiGh oholestorol concentrations (30 to 100 A( g/ml) to the mediun depressed cholosteral oxLdaze activity in Pas pyocyaneae 91. Acc, Nr; )JP003-17637 Ref. Code: UR 0241 PRIMARY SOURCE: MeditsAins%aya Riadiologiya~ 1.970, Vol 15, Nr 1, pp THE USE OF RADIMODINE-LABELLED THRIOMBIRINE ~--()P DI:iERMINATION OF THE GLOMERULAR FILTRATION adr Sysovev, V. Salova I V. N. Sumrnarv The piper describe:, the 'hxhnip-,- Of (1QtVTJnh111'ky tll! on a single injection and' oviluating the j-nejn.ct1ncentr~1,ttj[1 )I ead i-1-m),di tit! be!., brine during the perjoil ~if cleararwe ori the baiis of a ~;, 111111i, ai7d c'~Ifr. i,l.-;, Ail-i recording of changes in tlie concentration of ~adioiodiue.-Liibejled precardial curve. REELM01,1E ,:1 or v-11 -I 4t'J3 USSR VDC 6119. VOLKOVA, N. S., MVEL, V. A. MUM, V. P., PROK.110ROV, 3. T. "Effect of the Spec-fic Oxide on the Kinetics of De- siliconiZaLion of Aliuminate Solutions'I Tr. Vses. n.-i. i nrovnkt-n. in-ti alytitiln,, maj-11. nrcr.-qti (Works of the All-Union Scientific Re-jearch and Plamaln'R and J)asipn Knstitute of Aluminum, Magnesiu:n and Electrode Industry), 197Q, Z-;O M, pp 161-171 (fro-m M-Metallurgiva, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4GL48) Translation: Phe specific surface of 11g,0 is lowered with an increase in temperature from 500 to 1,100* and with an anntvaLin.T time. frota I to 4 hours. MgO obtained at 500' for 2 hours has the highavt spe-cific surface and quenching rate. 'Me indey of light refr.1CLion inueases eron 1.682,~o 1.72P with an increase in the annealing temperature fron 1-00 to 1,100 and during a time period f ro~-. I to 6 hours. Vie nature of t1u., rin::s on the elactroll diffraction pattern-, and electron microscope pEcturt!is of rhe obtain,,!d X,-.' samples indicate con!7oliflatiorl of the fina particIvi, an Lhn an-lealing tea;- perature of the banic Mg ",rbonare increines. 'ifie o~ao i Jfconi zing capacity Of HgO depends on iLs specific surface, Ng,0 has a hil-,lier &,.siliconf.;tin~.t capacity than CaO. As the CaO content in the 4iddli1ve is iiicreiwed (witl-., 1/2 USSR VOLKOVA, N. S., et al., Tr. Vsca. n.-I._ i Provektn. in-ta zlyum-fri. riagn. i elektrodn, arom-sti, 1970, No 70,.pp 161-171 a total amount of mixture of 5 g/liter) , the degree of dealliconizati.on drops. In the presence of carbonate alkali (10 gramfliter), the desiliconizing capacity of HgO drops. Iliere are 8 illustrations, 2 tables and a 7-entry bibliography. 2/2 Nickei USSR VDC 669445.010.44:669.786 LEVI, L. I., BORISOVA, 0. M~, KOZLOVA, V. S., and PUSHIN, B. A. 11Nitrogen in Complexly Alloyed Nickel Casting Alloys" Liteyn. proiz-vo (Foundry Production), 1970, No 7, pp A-26 (from RZh-Mq!tal- lurgiya, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12 11823 by M. MAMA) Translation: The use of ordinary methods of nitrogen t1utermination (distil- lation of N in the form of a=onia and vacuum melting) cannot be recoMMPnded for complexly alloyed Ni alloys due to the obtaining of: shat:plLy understated results. The authors suggest a new, differential method of tifcrogran deter- mination (a chemical method, with flanion of precipitatili and subsequent analysis), which makes possible nitrogen determination in solid solution and nitride phases. With the help of the new method mi investigation was mwie of! Iteat-resistant ZbS-6K brand Ni alloy. N concentrates mainly, not in s*lid solution, but in nitride phases (CrN, TiN, etc.). Total nitrogen contalit: depeads on the con- ditions of alloy smelting. It is assumed that carbonioide sikd nitrocirbide phases of the MexCyRz type are prssent in the alloy, t1hro Ubles. Bibliography of seven titles. UZ UNCL ASSI FTEO PRl3(:EslqtNG DATF--lt5FP70 .,TtTLF--ROLE OF THE HEREDITORY FACTOR IN THE DFVCLOPK~~NT Uf ULCER DISEhSE ,-11 ~ -U- '~'AIUTHOR-GELLER9 L.I.v K0ZL0VAv Z.Pe ~CCAJNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--VRACHEONOYE DELOt 1970, NR 31 41-43 'OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -TOPIC TAGS--DIGESTIVE DISEASE, DUODENOMt LESION# flFREDIT1191 DISEASE CMTROL MAqKTNG--NO RFSTRICTIOPAS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RFEL/FRAMC--1936/0950 STEP CIRC ACCF~STON Nfl--AP0102899 -UN, ~ LA F 1;* 11 2/2 026 MCLASSIFTED PROCESSING. DATI:--IISFr'7.' CIRC ACUSSION NO--AP0102889 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(I)) GP-0- ABSTRAcr. PATIENTS wrm DI)III)ENAL ULCER HEREDITARILY BUQ1*NE0 sHowEo mnRE FaF-rjUENTLY AS C1114DARFD WITH NnN HC-RIDfTARILY,8ut;nE,4'ED PATIENTS. TRYW, TO FXPLAIN THP POSSIRLS MECHANISM OF THIS PHENOMENON THE AUTHORS REVEALED 'rHAJ GENETICALLY BURDENED PATJENTS SHOW DURING THE REMISSION PERIOD LEVELS OF ACIDPORM111c, ACTIVITY OF GASTRIC MUCOSA WHICH 00 NOT DIFFER FRIIK THOSE nBSERVE0 DURING EXACERBATION. GENETICALLY Nr,)NlBURDFNE-0 PATIENTS SHOW A TENDENCY TO SOME REDUCTI(IN OF THE PRaoucrioN ()r- HYDROCHLORIC ACIO DURING THE REMISSION:PERIOD*A~ COMPARED-WITH THE-EXACEReATION PER.11306' p 026 UNCLASSIFIED: ROCE31ING 0ATE--040E%"lLj ~T,ITLE-OISORDERS OF THE SERUTONIPI METABOLISM IN CIRWHOST.), OF THE LIVER AUTHOR-103)-GELLERt L.I*t KOZLOVAt Z.P.t KONTSEVAYA,,!N.Gi~ .,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 404# SOURCE-SOV MEO 33(3): 19-21. 19? C) SEDATE PUBLISHED ------- 70- SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL ANO MEDICAL.SCIENCES ~TOPIC TAGS--LIVER, CIRRHOSISr SEROTONINs, METABOLISM CONTROL MAPUKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 .PROXY FICHE NO ---- F070/605004/EOzt STEP t- ' NO IRC -- ACCESSION-A C 2/2 026 UNCL AS S I IF IEQ PROC E 5!) ING 0A T 1: 04 J E C CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139661 ABSTRACT/EXTRAC-r--(u) GP-0- AB S T RAG T ENVE.STIGAncois i 1 1 11` L ACU I C WITH LIVER CIRRHOSIS UHICH OEVELOPED AFTEA EP Hilt VIRAL PEPATIT.!S) SHOWED A CONSIOERABLE FALL OF 5lz11J:)TjJt,jt1,1 L11,10144C PROPERTIES OF THE BLOOD SERUM 8Y COMPARISON '*JrH l;1-:ALTii'1 Pi: -iSONS LIVER CIRRHOSIS WITH ESOPHAGEALIGASTRK FRom ;,cjm,r.,,t HYPERTENSION PREVAILING IN THE CLINICAL VICTUREp 1HE I'll: 0 F- A 114 INCREASED BLOOD SERUM MONOAMINTIVDA145E ACTIVITY AlW:1 WJ,1000' e. X,(', f 4, 'j THE BASIC METABOLITESEROTaNit4 (sloxyl~jDOYL ACETK~A--ID1 &'.S GREATER THAN IN PATICNTS SUFFERING FROM LIVE14. HEPATIC INSUFFICIENCY 'WirHOUT r,0'1ICEAf1LE PURTAL BE PRESUMED THAT DISTURBED SCROTONIN M~TAIIULISM PLAYS !i 01-:f:114LIJ 1;.j THE DEVELOPAENT AND PROGRESSING HEMORRHAGE'S OF P0111AL 61:1111r,111), rill PATIENTS WITH LIVER CIRRHOSIS ATIEMPT~ AT (:L1PJK(!AL WPPROHATION F- ANTISEROTONIN PREPARATIONS IN LIYER CI.RRHOSES 14fFfll SHOULO BE CONSIDERED FULLY jusTIFIABLe. , 141: 1 L I'I'V N A R Ij S I i L,71 I YA OBMENA SEROtONINA SEROTONINA PRI TSIRROZE PECk4ENK. LISSR UKIC W7.4 DOBROLYUBOV, A. I., "Prob1cras of Simulation and Analysin WiLea Checking Complei. Contact R~!Iciy Structures" V sb. Tekhn. diagnastika (Technical Diagnostici3 i:allecLiwi of vmrks), Nosco~j, Kauka Press, 1972, pp lS4-ld6 (from P.?h-Kibernk-tika, No 7, Jul 72, Mistract --U 7V408) No abstract - 2D USSR uDc: 621.397.335 :9 MOISEYEV, V. K. P. F. , ZIIOVrIS, 1. M. , KO'_71:0VSKi%YA, A. "A Device for Automatically Locking on and Tracking Vide,:) Pulses" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, procWshIentiy,,(c- obViatsy, tavar"I.YYC Z,'CJ:i, No 18, Jun 71, Authorts Certificate No 305598, DivI.0--ion F", filed 11 Aur 69, published 4 Jun 71, P 197 T'ranslation: This Author's Certificpte introducei3 a dev;I,,,-c for aim=ati- cally locking onto and traching video yulces :Cc.r jijjtor,nt:I,,,,LIly rutring 11 pulse tracking cyster, in the tracVing mode of opertition. 117he devifxl. ,eneratar, a titriz- wit! tains a tirrie mdulatcr, IL SI!IC-rtor gjLte o- - it accumulation and two data tranneribing o,,ciIlIIt*o3,j,~,, - tr:iiF,-Ic-r prif a pulse generator for recorling iafo=ation on the time widulator, azid it lock-on flip-flop. As a distiv,,;uishing Teature oC the the jysto,n .:V 1 C-~ for locking onto the video piLlses is simj~lified by 34 . and t,,.o coincidence circuits in the trigier eircufA for the- nelvetor gi-te generator. 'Die pulse input of one of the coincirlimcc ct.-cuits is ccnne~:ted directly to the output. of the time modultLtor, and lj~lle tAi:1se, in,.,ut, ,)I' thf," second coincidence circuit JS ~connected tbroujoi a vIetD_,,nt to tht, 1/2