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DEN'ISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya RadloloniYas Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 9/15 Fig. 3. 4; J:" Principal Circuit Of Multichannel Dosinieter USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Heditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 Key to Fig. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3. (SH)-l, -2 Step-by-step switch Galvanom tric induction converter Digital voltmeter Detectors Manual interrogation Manual-automatic Shl-50/4 step-by-step switches were used as KI and K2 commutators. Their triggering was accomplished by the thyristorized getterator LI, Operating in a regime of energy pileup in the interval betweea pulsos. The possibility is provided for of manual or automatic interrogatioa with frequency control. After the commutator KI the signal enters a Type 1-31.0 d-(: amplifier which contains a Type 13D1/3 galvanometric induction convexter ((;EP) an a-c ampli- fier, and a synchronous demodulator. The input resii)~tance of the GIP does not exceed 1-2 ohm which makes It possible to assure rea,lization of a short-circuit regime. From the GIP the signal proceeds via the copmutator K2 to the! correcting network which contains the variable resistors R14-R53 Resistor R54 (100 10/15 91 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditainskaya Radiologiy4, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 percent R) is used during relative measurements. For an indication of the number of a detector being questioned, indicator dij;ttal panels were u.~,ed, connected with the aid of the ShI-50/4 contacts, arbd givinij In digital form the number of the detector being questioned. The roults of the rteasUlreAnentS were recorded with the aid of a Type ShCh141111( dig,iW val.tmeter, with which an output to digital printing in the co'de 2-4-2-1 ijas prmided. Structurally the multichannel dosimeter is made in the form of the block of detectors, the block of the commutator K10 a principal block in which are located the commutator K2, the d-c. amplifier (UPT), the correcting network, and the control general G, the power supply blocit, and the digital voltmeter block. The commutator KI is located in the immediate vicinity cf the phiLitor- The signals are transmitted with the aid of a coaxial cable approximately 20 M long. For convenience, in the principal block there was a t;upplenenEary pointer-type recorder (SR) (See Fig. 1) of the power of the radiation dose, connected to the output of the GIP, 11/15 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditioinskaya Radlologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 z Fig. 4. Fxterior View Of Multichannel thnimet:er 12/15 92 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 4G-45 The multichannel dosimeter can be used with any phuntom, both liouid and solid. In our investigations a dosimetric phsiltlin of .3 hum-an thorax' Was used, prepared on the basis of this part of tho skell~ton Cined in Forinali-n. The thorax wall, the heart, liver, aud diaphragm are fulfilled Erom the H-3 phantom mass 04. Tyubiana and coauthor). The trache,u and esophagus are: simu- lated with vinyl chloride tubes. The spinal colt=n t.nnal Is a natura). cavity with vinyl chloride tubes lead into it. In place of the wrrangement of the lungs, a cavity is provided, with the ariatomy and diatensions of the jkeleton taken into account. The cavity can be filled with various tissue-like ma- terials and ionizing radiation detectors can be introduced into it. On the side of the distal end of the phantom there are 50 cylindrtcal channels I cm in diameter in which rods with detectors can be placed. The direction of the channels coincides with the longitudinal axis of the phantain. Thus the dosimetric phantom of a human thorax mAes. it possible wholly or partially to vary the composition of the substance iilliac, the "lungs" cavity and to place detectors at any point of the phantom, iricluding the fiesophagus," "trachea," and the "spinal column channel.." Measurements performed on this phantora with Lbo ;0d I," 7,L11t4 dosimeter showed that introduction of detectors Lrmo z1lo r-jr -the dose f i,21,11- wi~th_kl -0,1a- 17- i 6tL-, ~, - -1.4 - 'In OUR"' "11,01MURMT11 11111 "M USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Radiolcgiya, Val 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 With the electronic stages taken into consideration the over-all error of measurements did not exceed 5 percent. I Conclusions A 50-channel dosimeter with semiconductor detectors of the 11solar cell" type was developed. The principle of time sharing of Lbe detector communication channels with the recording device is placed at the basir, of the block diagram. The multichannel dosimeter makes it possible to conducc measure- ments on any phantom with the application of static mit.~thods af irradiation. It would be possible to use a block diagram with parallel "interrogation" of detec- tors for recording of the dose field with mobile methods of Irradiation; however, for a large number of channels its creation encounter,* conuAderable difficulties. In spite of this it is possible to stress that transitijon to multichminel methods of recording dose fields is very promising and the development in question is only the first step in this direction. BlbliograRhy KRONGAUS, Z. N., LYAPIDEVSKIY, V, K., FROLOVA, A. V., 11vsUal Basis of Clinical Dosimetry, 'Moscow, 1969. KRONGAUS, Z. N., GLEZIN, F. I., CRIGORIYEVA, G. X,., Ifedical Itadiology, i-970, No 9, p 68. 14/15 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 DUONS, Kh. [?Jones, X.1, Physics of RadioloEy, Hoscad, 1965. MANDEL'TSVAYG, Yu. B., Hedical Techniques, 1968, No 2, p 44. TYUBIANA, H., DYUTREKS, Zh., DYIJTREKS, A., and otherim, Phyalcal Basis of Radiation Therapy and Radiobiology, Moscow, 1969. BIRKNER, R., Radiation Therapy, 1962, Vol 118, p 229, BOCHKAREV, E. G., MIKHAYLOV, V. A., Medical Rad.!qAojLit, 1970, No 9, p 62. WHONS, Kh. [?Jones, X.I. Physics of Radiology, Moscow, 1965. Received 16 Dotcembcr 1971 15/15 USSR UDC 681,323 RAYKHKAN, Ya. A., RUDKO, V. A., BUTKOV, Yu. G., FUFL40', If. A., and KOZLOV, V. A. "A Specialized Digital Computer for Calculating the Intit!rcoriiections of Integrated Systems" Moscow, Oktrytiva, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyve Obrazts1r, TOVIII.-nlye Znaki, No 22, Aug 72, author's Certificate No 29B936, filed 6 itug 68, publishcd 14 Jul 72, p 249 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A specialized d.L,,i- tal computer for calculating the interconnections of integrated systLms. 11te computer contains a memory device, address registerv for given :oid current coordinates, comparison circuits, registers for points, an analysi.- circuit, a recording circuit, and ou input/otaput wodulii. Ar.-; a distin'-.uJ:~h- in& feature of the patent, rpaed is incremud and tFe dovLce nir-plifil,~.1, by adding a block for transfers along X and Y and a cirvult Froupin," bloc, with its output connected to the first inputs of the addresq ro-icter A4o-.- current X and Y coordintitcs, whose s~-cand Inputs are cu,jncc,1t.,,.1 to [.~Ie outputs of the blocks for along X and Y rQ..3pi...-iUvoly. lh,-~ outpuur; of' the currvot coor~`U~it(, rm-Anret'n arv .i fo;r.r:- ii V3 USSR UDC1: 537.22("537-:311-31:5374535 LIDOMIM, 11. S., Corresponding Member of the TISSR Ar_(V1eV,)' of Sciences; Ow",-Ag: RAGA)%V,, E. L. .TVO-Stage Attraction of Electrons by Ions" Moscow, Doklady Akadeinii Nauk SSSR, vol 204, No It, pp 820-8P7 Abstract: The thermo-emf of nondegenerate seaicon(Iuctors under conditions of hydrodynamic flow of phonona wnder the action ef an applied temperature gradient is conoidered in this article. Under these condit-ions, the phorxon ilow att3-;icts c-harge carriers and the system becomes a quantum analog of tbe e."Lectrohydrc(lynainic generator; the charge carriers are attracted by qvasi-particles of essentially pantum origin rather tban by thtli floir of neutral par- ticles. The authora begin -their analyaio with a jitatement of the kinetic equations for therval and electronic phononi3, in i4aich it is tLGsLred the doninant role belongs to the nmtual collisions of! Lhe therro-1 ph=ors while the effect of the electronic phorions on them jwiy be r_ef.:lected. it ic- shown that the attraction of the phonoa4i ri-ay enuse unusially hl,;h therma-emf values in the case of very well formad crj1t3,ULls. 7ba authol-s express their grutitude to R. H. Gurzhi, V. M. lContovoirich, and 1. B. F.:Uashov for their helpful caments. 1/1 USSR UDO .621.3-C55 KOZLOV, V.A., PISKAREV, V.I. L'Scientific-Rosearch. Rutliophyiiica Institute] 'Cloncerning Frequency I-Ultiplica-tion In Tho Rillimetor Ranj,,O In 21-1111ib" 1zv.VUZ:Rad1c,Pizika, Vol XV, No 2, Fab 19720 pp 300-';'1A Abstract: The effect is inveetigated of triplin; the frequ,-~ncy of the electro- magnetic field in the comiconductor n-In3b (it 77 K ill the Inilliaater rarjre. A compariBon is made of the experimental results and thi) calaoldt.ed, fuleilled under the asuumption that the nonlinear susceptibility ror triplipj; is cauBed by a nonparabolic conduction band. In this connectiaj, the offact i0 token. into account of a strong pumping field at the omission corziLiticn of the third har- manic. The experimental uquipment unod in the work lai doeoribad. The 4--Uthcrr' thank A.M. Belyanteev and V.N. Gonkin for discussion i:d' tho reaulte of the work and for a mxmber of valuable cot=erate. 2 fig 12 ref. 11%ceivea by editors, 17 March 1971. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.3.048 KOZLOV.- V. A., DUSHM, L. N., OLESOVA, A. I. "Vacuum Distillation of a Polypietal Alloy" Tr. Ural'sk. n.-I. i provekt._ In-ta medn. prom-qti (Works oil Lhe Ural'sk Scien- tific Research and Planning and Design Institue of tbe Copper Industry), 1971, vyp. 14, pp 201-206 (from M-MetallurgLya, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract Io 4G303) Translation: When reducing silicate slag from a melt: of sJurry from coppa.-r electrolytic production with the addition of CaO and Na 2Cki'll a polyrc!tal s1loy is obtained. ilie separatian of the compouents of thilm all;i), is po3s:Jlble by vacuum distillation. The process can be two stage. or thrim- ~ttnpp- In Cis case of 3-stage distillation of the polymetal alloy, Pb and Sb Atrw ii-xtracted in tile Comiercial products, and Cu, Ag,,Awd fli 4are- obtained tit ttio lo= of iriten"Iediate products suitable for further refining. 11te dellree aE extrartion of the rwtal in individual products by the sclieme Is :L00% Pb, 64Z M), and 94% Cu. In the case of the 2-stape process, the Pb and Sb are obtaimiLd in the forn of an alloy: high -teope rat ure distillation for drivin$ off Pb, Sb,mnd AP, and low-tet'Perature distillation for separating Pb and Sb fjr(im AS. USSR UDO 621,~15.2-054.5 KLIMO-It M.A., KOZLOV, V.A. "Compensation 0.1 High-ProTjancy And LQw-Prequncy Yolta&v Gf Interforencle In A Wide Frequency Spectrumu ElaktrosIXt.zi, No 2, 1972, pp 55-59 Abstract: The problem Is considered of protecting c,amrunl.c!ition civinnala from the effocto of exterior low-frequency and high-frlv~urincy oloctrorugw~tlc fioldo. The causes and location of the ona6t of noloo curronto in two-cond,,iotor aoupl-- ing cirouita aro discucaad as well as the conditionu for acimpenzation c.' noi,340 currents in one anplifior nection., and companantiov. of nolsib currunts with tho presence of an atfective signalo, A method 19 presentini of au-tomitic, wLde-L~nd oompeneation which Is frea from a number a defecto .1'ound Ai4 othsr comrpnoation systems. The principal circuit is shown of u rtodol 1:,'. 0 111de-bilLd noiase- supprepaing device. Data obtained from touts of thiii molol on opcrat~vo cablC long lines of co=wnication are prasonted. 5 fig. 1 liab. 3 rer. Rocaelved by editors, 31 March 71- 1/1 `;A 1 :1 n.w'Pvwq'q$vK- USSR uDc 615.&4q.i-015-25-015.4 KvIU=v A. N. t _xOzWV. V- A.. and CORSHKOV, V. L. Selentlf Ic Research Labomatory of Experimen. unobiology. Academy of JfiuUcal Sciences =-R, Moscow "Wwzges in the Radiosansitlvity of CAVS Una Cells rojloviiig Multiple Action of beta-Hercaptopropylamine" Moscow, Byulleten' EksperinentaJ! noy Biologil i Heditminy. Vol 72, No 9, Sep 71, pp 53-56 Abstracti A variant of cells resistant to high concentratl*as of radio- protectors was obtained and their radiation resistanct studied. WE' line cells (obtained in 1961 from the epithellum of stomach eancar in woman) weiv used because of least adhesiveness and slower frapeirLation after destruction. The 3milloprotector selected was (JJPA) the mast effective of the aminothiol compounda used In the prophylzu-la of radiation danage. The calls were subjected to constant contact With the KPA prv;am- tion, multiplied, and were again processed irith the ImapaxaLlon, a tot~a of ton tines. After multiple processing the cells differed frou the original line and were designated as CAV'~-10'- Compared to fbia CAU, line, they can- r/2 USSR KLUAM, A. N.t et al., Byulleten' Eksperlwntallnoy Bloloe:il i Yeditsiny, Val 72, N1 9, Sep 71, PP 53-56 tained. a greater number of cens zvsistant to high comeenta:ations of XPA and lesser sensitivity to loni2ing radiation, Those indemn were maintained during -two years of cultivation of the c4lls under r%itino vonditions, This suggests a possible use of pharnmacochealeal. proteatiom for,14creasing the Mistance of body tissues to the effect of n0stion, 2/2 USSR LJDC 577.1:615.7/9 DAVYDOV, B. I., and KOZL.- V. A--. "Effect of Monosodium Salt of 0-Aminoethylthiophosphoric Arid on Animals' Resistance to Transverse Overloads" V sb. Probl. kosmich. biol. (Problems In Space Hology -- Collection of Works)'Vol 14, Moscow, "Nauka" (Science), 1971, pp 2,5--32 (Russian) (from M-Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 20, 25 Oct 71, Abstrn!cc No 20F1716 from smmary) Translation: 'Mice were injected intraperitoneall-y with cy:lAnphos U; 100- 450 mg/kg), and from 30 min to five days later the aninalit vere subjected to overload (centrifugation, 44 units). An equation was 6btal-nt--d describing the dependence of the animals' resistance to overloadt. 30 min after I on the dose of 1. It is shown that the deathrate. of the antinals did not differ from control when exposed to overloads four hours to five days a~fter injection of I in a dose of 300 mg/kg. 1/1 USSR UDC 547.241.341 NOVIKOVA, Z. S., GALITSKOVA, N. P., KOZLOV, V, A., anti LUTSFINO, I. F., Mosccn,- State University imeni M. V.'-hemvnosVV ....... --.4 "Reaction of Diphenylphosphine and Potassium Dipbenylplio-sphide 11~'fth a-Mercurylated Aldehydes and Ketones" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Xhimil, Vol 41 (103), No -4, Apr ',11, pp S-11-939 Abstract: Reaction of diphenylphosphine with mercuril:d.sacir:a1dehyde and tile reaction of potassium diphenylphosphide with in a solution of dimethoxvethane takes place with a transfar of Ole reactive center yielding vinyl ester of di phony lph osphinou s acfol. Ir., contrjsL, mercurylated ketones react with these reagents in two 1-1avs, yi4-,lding substituted vinyl esters of the diphenylphosphluous aaW (01--phosphurylatforn) and a-phosphorylated ketones (C-phosphorylation). Tho course of the reaction depends on the electron density at the phosphorus atain, on the structure of organomercury compound and on the type of solvent used. The reaction course involving the transfer of the reactive center with Ow. formation of O-Lso.-iers Is favored by higher electron density on the phu-sphorul; atqm, higher bastcity, and coordination ability of the solvent. Tile opposite fa-tors favor Che reaction without a transfer of the reactive cencer to the leading to tho forrniarion of ....... ... h fi i i M i i i i i i i i h i i i i i i fi., I I --- M, "fi.H." W W, UDC USSR 621-396.6-181.5(c$8.8) GIAZKOV, I. M., ZAYT-SEV, V. A., KOZLOV, V., A., HAYRIDIAN, Ya. A., TRYMOV, E. N. "A Kicrophoto Assembly Device for Making PhOtOteMpldLt)-2BI' USSR Authorls Certificate No 2634143 fIle4 3 Jan 68, p%ibli4-,h-Ld 9 Jun TO (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No V;R-~,,q t Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a inicronhoto asseirbly device for making phototemplates. The device containii a stand w-ith il- luminator and shutter, a coordin,'Lte table w-ith linear iisplat,,ement d!Lta units, a composing diaphragm with sliding screens, an Inter.-I'-angeable objective in the form of a lens raster or high-resoluO.on liens, aid a program control unit. To improve accuracy (resalutia.,i) and Increase productivity, a removable holder with a projection lev:3 is =-wnted in -a horizontal base on the coordinute table irhich rests ati the uppx.-r rurf,w:x. of the stand. The table is equipped with an aperture tar t#he lens and FA receptacle for holding a photographic PlUteL. nie caqw.,sitIon diaphra~)n with sliding screeni3 hanggs under the coordinate table an cnXiir-nne -011'~h pens throu&h the stand. Fastened on the col=na btetrirwfin th(! ccuTozitil):-, diaphragm and the lens is a ring for the phototemplatil- blard,., 1/1 USSR UDC 577-t:615.7/9 DOBRUV, N. N., K0ZL0V,Y._A., PARSHIN, V. S., and SAKS131zov, P. P. "Effect of Cystamine in a Mixture With Sympathom[metic jVniavs on Repair Processes After Exposure to Radiation aild Overloads" V sb.; Probl. kosmich. biol. (Problems in Space Biology -- Collection of works)-, Vol 14, Moscow, "Naulra" (Science), 1971, pp 285-288 (Russian) (from RZh-Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 20, 25 Oct 71, Abstra(It No 20F1718 from summary) Translation; Mice were subjected to gamma-irradiation, (250 roentgen.-,) and the.effect of acceleration on a centrifuge (15 and 31) unitu, 5 atin) 50 ailli before and 30 min after irradiation. The radiopTotecl:.or cystamine (100 mj;/kg) in-amixture with amphetamine (1.5 mg/kg) and adrenaline (0,15 mp/l-.h) was injected int rape ri toneally 55 inin before irradiation, azzid Ln the event of combined exposure 5 min before overload. The rate of repair of the reversible portion of radiation damage, as determined from the h.alf-racovery period of the -animals' radioresistance, was used as the criterimi of protective action. The authors established that the protective action of cystairdne is appro:(i- mately equal for combined exposure and for irradiation alone. 1/1 7 A2 F7; USSR UDC 612.374..4.029.6 KWLOV, V. A., NAVROTSKIY, V. I., and VIZEL', A. A. "Study of the operation of a Varactor Frequency Doubler at the Temperature of Liquid Nitrogen" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol XVI, No 3, 'Harch 1971, pp 441-443 Abstract: This paper contains the resultts of an expertmental study of the operation of a germanium diffusion diode frequency dodl)].er i4ith an output of 20 gigahertz at 77*K. The frequency doubler was desigtmd aa a cross waye guide overlapping a diode operating under no-load condktiona, The amplitude characteristics of an ordinary diode frequency doubler and ana made of diodes operating at low temperatores are compared, and the output pi)wer of the fre- quency doubler is presented as a function of temperature. From these data it is clear that no improveraent of the characteristics of thc ordinary doubler is observed on lowering the temperature to 77*K. The conclusion is drain that ordinary parametric germanium diodes can be used to deirtlop cooled signal sources if the frequency multiplier can be tuned at; 7717, aild their efficiency in this case is approximately equal to the efficiency of a multiplier at room temperature. The efficiency of the frequency doubler with diodes designed 112 7-7-7- USSR KOZLOV, V. A., et al., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 'Vol XVI, No 3, Marcli 1971, pp 441-443 for operation under cooling conditions increases by 6-5 times at 77'K by comparison with the efficiency for these diodes at room tomperature; further tuning is not required in this case. In addltion, it it; thearet- ically possible to supply more power to the frequency multiplier submerged in liquid nitrogen. 2/2 USSR UDI: 622.116.001.1 KOZLOV, V. A. Problems of Developing Municipal Distribution NetvoTks" V sb. Teklin. progress v eIe.',trcsnabzh. storodav (Ted!m[cal Pro,gress in Electric Power pply of t lie Cities -- collection of wor I:S ) , I.qpEnr;r4.d , 1' tier..! 4'r.-1 Press, 1970, pp 14i-146 (from R"It-Elektrotekitnika i Eti~.nL~ti!~A , r11 7.Ab tr t !let Ap 1, S ac No 4 Ye272) Translation: The different administrative subortlinacy, financial limitations, inadequate coordination of scientific research vark anti othm, Jeficiencies ccrm- plicating efficient devclopmfmt of rmniclpal electric Inmer nomorkq are noted. Reco=endations are rade with respect to flurther inprowtmen~ of such m.-tworks. [Leningrad Cable Network of Leningrad Posisir AdminismarLon, I,mningradj 1/1 - 125 USSR UDC W5.649.010,.3 DENISENKO, 0. N., WICHEV, B. V., and 'KDZLOV, V. A., DeparLitient of Rcentgetiology and Radiobiology, Institute of Medical of medical Sciencts USSR "Effect of the Size of the Detectors on the Accuracy of! Doso Field Determinit- tion" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, No 1, 1970, pp 6741? Abstract: The authors examine cases of different ratios, I wbere I X K is the length of the detector and x2 - XI is the length 0 the tivestLgated area of charge in fun:tion of the dose field D(x), T~iey shoti that Using a detector in which I,- x2 - X1 is equivalent to using a delLo.--tor with an ia- finitely small length. The error is greater in the cose of a detector with I -,!- X2 -XIthan with the infinitely stnall detector. The size of the de- tector is unimportant for several fields. The autharij; emphaiiize that to choos- ing the size of a detector, one inust take into acc-,orulic boOt the error arining from its limited resolving power and the error caused by fto limited sensi- tivity. They present an expreasicn that takes into w:counu the combined effect of these errors. ------------------------- Acc. Nr.- AP0034769' Ref. Co-de: UR 0241 PRIMARY SOURCE: Meditsi~skaya R4diologiya, 19700 Vol 15, Nr 1, pp,6 7 -'~j THE EFFECT OF THE DETECTORS' SIZE ON THE ACC!Jr,~ACY OF THE DOSE FIELD DETERMINATION Denisenko, 0. N.; il'ichev, B. V.; Ko:zlo',r If A. S u m m a r y An analysis of the effect produced by the detector's sim -,n Ow resohition izL-pacily of the measuring device for different dose distributions is .Nii exprcssion (or t.-X opthnal cho;ce oi the detector's is presented, which taKe4 ji,.*count of of t'%': error due io limited sensifiviiy. Vi REEL/FrWHE Acc. Hr t A. P0046553 Raf. Cc4a: 11A. 021 ?RMILRY SOURC2~ izvestiya Akademii Nauk.SSSR, l5oriy4j Blolosicheakaya, 1970, llr 1, pp ~jbakov, N. I.: Cuberniv .yev,_M. ~him-f rov, (1, B. DrQzhaaaikov, A7 Ko~oboy_,_.;A. 3_o-zj&v-,~ A. ; - INFLIJENC9 OF-somE !;AI)IOPRMCTORS ON TIM PS:OCL$Sr-!; CaNNIECTLD WITH LYSOGENIZAHON Oil III[! 11AGURIA AND INDUC"VON OF INTERCELLULARY-91(ONUCLEASE The iniguence of the radiopratectcr iinaat art the rMC-SIC-S 2f '"cteria with the phage and indu~.tlan of %-exanuclease wus stud;jid in il--u ziursa expecirneab- with coli SF-14 (),- try-SI). It wis shown. ibal this preparmlon !irigilliv !,uppressa 1~c pthts!s of tho inductd ~ysogenizalica am~ oppresits5es :it.- The resu!ts cL)ace;.flizg jaivily c," ,~is en;yme definilely re),ited to 1~e inflWence oi linarn o,,i the I)-iopnizatic'n ptacm DI; the buma Llc'uial 112 Uzi uoiCL ASS If' [ED i *-. S -.i P*1; 0,%Tt',--C,,0CT70 TITLE--TRANSISTO&H~o WSIl'llL-Tt4 UF LONG WWL- -W- V.A.t UL;,'iS(:NKU,, U.N..v ILKHL~-Vt B.Y4. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .I le.- SOURCE--MEDITSINSKAYA KAtJl0LdGlYA,, t970p VOL 15t INk "it VP ol-63 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 I.SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL ANO MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--RAOIATION lJOSIME.1t.-tv rRANStSTURj X RAY X RAY MEASUREMENT DOCUMENT CLASS-LVNCLASSli~ [ED PRUXY REEL/FFAAE-19-_YJ10~57 STEP clkc ACCESSIUN 7i r'c t) jjC 1 7 2/2 021 ED CIRC ACCESSION NC-APOlfillilitt AiSSfi~ACT/LxTR,l-l' r--fU) 6P-~~- A~ISIAACT. I I IAUTH-Alt'.1, [ILSC14Ii. I ~'i II E WITH TRA.'~SISTUmIZtD 1111,il Tu~~S tMOGALD to 11 HJ i F F t ii i;N 11: L) G E S L THE Et,&Rij~ DEPENDENCE k, A- IiiC JOSIMEFE'R 00(~S NOT IiACL~Fio. ;:*L,;.;") 6A ~WiUS OcRCENT li"i THE :,t-LlA L;Nf. HALF f ~JUALS 0.2 Ud i..j k;Lt.r~% ONE HALF LQUALS 1.8 MMAL, f:Af'lLjlY., lJOEL: RADIULOGII INSTITUTA Mt:DlTSlNSKiJY RAD101.061 I J'Al-14 3ISSA., AAJ0434537 UR 0482 Soviet Inventions.111ustrated, Seeti~n H'iElparical, Dervent,' 241109 A P Compariq two 170 AMTOR, for JILTAGZ ODIff a VOItAges In anslqgife-digitAl conl"rsioiji :Lu teleastry applications and the like, po*Maas*O ~oxtra sensitivity and stoop-fronted outj~nxt s14;"1. The device (see dUgran) to based one ~tffer4"Ul cascade of amplIfiar almont* 1,2 connaotod cq~ a differentiating circuit ?of dt"as 3,4 &t14 RC Wwark. 5. As soon as the input, voltoja an 6 ejjce*dvthAC on 7, diode 3 clopos; and 4 cooducts, oplirmtIng,the circuit as an ordinary differ4ntial A.41040 with an emitter-coupled tri"mr. The resultils W avalanche avitchin actLOM of unit I io~~o satUrAtion; the output is a ateep-frpated voltage 041 opposite sign. 29.4.66 as 1073424/18-24. **"ZWV K. kgMy (12.8.69) Bul 0/1-4-69. Class 420. 1 C 1 G-Rr " * I : : M0043453 4 w - !,/V- 157GIS07 4r W USSR UDC 576.6 It RYBAWV, N. I., GUBERNIYEV, M. A., CHIMIROV, 0. B., DAQIF% KDLOBOV, A. V., ANISKO, Ye. D., and Waoxv. A Instituto of Experi;lpntal ~.V. .1 Biology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "The Effect of Some Radioprotectors on Proceases Associated With Lysogeniza- tion of Bacteria and Induction of Intracallular A -Exonucletsell Moscow, Izvestiya Akademit Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologichosicaya, No 1, 1970, pp 38-42 Abstract: The radioprotector finam (an aminothiol inhLbited the frequency of lysogenization of E. coli SF-14 (?.-try-Sr) by A-phalle and inhibited the synthesis of induced A -exonuclease at different timetj aftex infection. The effect was most pronouitced in early stages of infectiam. Aftos~r thirty r1inutes the inhibiting effect of the radioprotector an A exonucleas;e activity de- creased sharply. Results of determination of the activity of A -exonuclease are consistent with data an the effect of fiaam on lys4pnization. of cht same, bacterial strain. This suggests that enzyme systems pt*y a part in the de- velopment of lysogenicity in bacterial cells. These elaymea nay be DNAses of the eadonuclesee type. 52 - TE4 1/2 031 UNCLASSIFIE10 PROCESSING I)ATE--23OCT70 -TILTLE--EFFECT OF AN ELECTRIC FIELD AND ILLUMINATION ON T11E KINETICS OF THE .~ PHGTOCONDUCTIVITY OF LEAD UXIDE LAYERS -U- .,AUTHOR-(04)-GASANOV9 O.K.v LZOVOZCI-IIKOVi VsAsp KOZLCJVv V.A.o TI40,FEYEV# OoA* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZ, TEKH. POLUPROV. 1970, 4(311 550-60 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICSP MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--LEAD OXIDEt ELECTRIC STRUCTURE, CRYSTAL ORIENTATIONY RELAXATION PROCESS FIEL.Dt PHOrOCONOUCTLV171(t LAMINATED PN JUNCTIONt TIN OX(OEto SILVER, CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--19a8/0099 STEP NU--UR/0449f*iO/00"i/Oc)3/055a/0560 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01051435 "ESSING DATE-230CT70 212 031 UNCLASSIFIED PRIK CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0105185 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PBO LAYERS WITH AG STRIPE ELECTRODES WERE INVESTIGATED IN THE TRANSVERSE REGIM~- (LIGHT BEAM PERPENDICULAR TO THE ELEC. FIELD) ANS SNO SU8;?-PBCI,-,kG $ANOWICH ilN THE LOGITUDINAL REGIME. THE POO LYAERS hERE 1-10 l(i IHICK AND 'dF41-- EVAPD. IN VACUO AT LESS TH4N 10 PRIME NEGATIVE2 MM HG. DLJI'~ING THE VACUMMN ANNEAL, A P-N JUNCTION WLTH A HIGH OHMIC INTRINSIC, PEC.1,3\ FOR14ED IN THE SANDWiCH SAMPLESo APART FROM rHE RELAXATION MECHANISM AFTER SiilTCHING OFF THF LIGHTP Ti-hi -dAS A T'(p[Cf*kL "OVERSHOOTING" IN THE INITIAL PART OF THE RELAXATIlit4 CURVES. IN THE TRANSVERSE SAMPLES, T)IIS OVERSHOOTING INC14EASEO W11H I)ICRE-)SING VOILTAGt'l WHILE tN THE LOGITUDI-N&L ONES IT DFCAEASED; 1111 STRONG il~LDS, THIS OVERSHOOTING BECAME S SHAPED. IN THE TRANSVERSE SAMPL~S, THE OVERSHOOTI-NG IS DUE TO CHARGE 4EDISTkIBUTION AMOING' fH~ IMPURITY cENTERS DURING THE ILLUMINATIONt ANI) T-l~ 5 SHAPE IS A CONSEQUE-AICY OF TRAPING EFFECTS DURING THE GENERATinN PROCESS. WE VOLTAGE DEPENDENCE OF rHE EFFECT IS DUE TO THE VOLTAGE DEPENDENCE OF THE SPACE CHARGE Do AROUND THE ELECTRODES. IN THE LOGITUDI?4AL SAMPLESt FHE MECHANISM IS EXPLAINED BY THE PECULIARITIES OF THEIR P-I-N STRUCTURE" FACILITY: LENINGRAD. GOS. PEDAGOG. INST. IM, GERT.SENAv LENINGRADo USSR, UNCLIMIFIE0 Itz 009 UNCLA$StFf~O 140CEStING OATE--040EC70 TITLE--BRINES IN CRYSTALLINE ROCKS OF THE 6AL)IC SHEELD -tl- AUTHOR-(03)-GREYSERt YE.L., KOZLOV* V.B., PAVLOV, AoN. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 7SOURCE--IZV. AKADo NAUK SSSRP SER, GEOL. 1970t (3)v 141-B DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOORAPhi TOPIC TAGS--GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONt MINERAL DEPOSITt 50.1)IUM CHLORIDEP CALCIUMt SALT WATER .~CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1439 STEP NO--UR/0011170~1)01).f~~)03/0141~0143 CIRC _;CCESSION NO--AP0130373 UNCLASSIFIED 2f 2 009 UNCLASS IF iE6 PPOCESSING DATE-04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0130373 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* BRINESs HAVING A TOTAL tiltiERAL CONTENT OF GREATER THAN 100 G-L.? WERE FOUND RECliNTLY IN THE TITLE ROCKS. THE WATERS 14ERE RELATED TO ZONES OF RELAUVELY ELEVATED FRACTURING WHERE FRACTURES WERE THIN AND EVIDENTLY DEVELOPED LOCILLY. THIS FEATURE WAS INOICATED BY A LOW 0tSCHAR6E FROM TflE DRILL. HOLES. IN ALL DRILL HOLESr THE WATERS HAD PREDOMINANTLY OR ENTIRELY CHLORIDE COMPN. WITH HIGH CONTENTS 01: NA AND CA. THE BALTIC SHIELD is A PART OF THE CRYST, BASEMENT OF THE RUSSIAN PLATFORM. THJ--REFOi-~[-, ITS 8RINES WERE COMPARED WITH SUBSURFACE WATERS OF THE BASEAENTo THF TOTAL MINt;RAL CONTENT OF WATER IN CRYST. ROCKS INCREASED WITH IINCRE~SED OEGREE (IF BASEMENT SU9MERGENCE, WITH rHE COMM OF WAYER 81-*-LO14 [ME 800-M 0EPT11 REMAINING ESSENTIALLY THE SAME AND PREDOMINANTLY OF MAU TYPE. IV IS DIFFICULT TO DET. THE MAGNITUDE OF SALINE WATER j040 011INE DISTRIBUTION IN THE ENTIRE CRYST. BASEMENT AND WITHIN THE BALric 5H[ELO IN PARTICULAR. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SALINE WATERS AND BRINES WITH HIGH TOTAL MINERALS CONTENT ARE PRESENT ONLY IN THE Wl-.ATHCKING PROFILE ON CRYST, ROCKS AND IN THE ZONE OF ELEVATED FRACTUR~N6 MIER THE SEDIMENTARY MANTLE OF THE PLATFORM. IN THE BALT9C SFIVELOv SALINE WATERS AND BRINES WERE PRESERVED PROBABLY ONLr IN AREAS ISOLATED HYDRODYNAMICALLY AS RELICTS OF ANCIENT STAGES. FACILiTY: LENINGRAD# GIDRONETEOROL, I'NST.v LENINGRAD, USSR.. UNCLASSIFIED US eR UDC 6;11.376.234 KOZLOV V,, D., HOSCCW "Detection Device" Novosibirsk, Avtometriya, No 3, 1971. pp 104-105 Abstract: A detection device for amplitude modulatcd and unmodulatei! sl%:11als is described. The device contains a IUT401B microO,rcuit (operation amplifier) with a diode detector. Its circuit dingran followmi. 1/2 USSR KOZLOV, V. D., Avtometriya, No 3, 1971. pp 104-105 Key: 1. 6800 picofarads, 2. +12.6 volts, 3. 0.1 mterofarad, 4. -12.6 volts, 5. Ebias The device has an expanded dynamic range of the de-,ection characc-~.ristic with increased temperature scability. The operating,, theary of the sij:naj. de- tection device was investigated previously (V. 1). Yazlov, Sbornik trodov ;7Kt; No 1, 1970]. The device has a range of linearly detectable un-modulated signals of 10 millivolts to 5 volts measured at a frequency of 30 kElohertz. The ' zero drift of the output voltage in the low s1pual rflnge Is no vore tlian I mdl- livolt in the temperature range from +20 to +60* C. nie Indicated parameters are stored for variation of the feed voltages by 4=4 To elirainate the zero bias of the microcircuit, the power supply E,i,,, was. cannacted to Lbe sc!cond input of the operation amplifier. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.317.32:621.374.35 YEVSEYEVI V. V. , KD=-V-.,-V. D. , 110scow "Microcircuit Analop, Memory" Novosibirsk, Avtometriya, No 3, 1971, pp 103-104 Abstract: A microcircuit analog memory is described which samples ingtantancouz; voltages and stores them. The circuit diallram of the devii:e follows: 1/3 USSR YEVSEYEV, V. V., et al., Avtometriya, No 3, 1971, pp 103-04 .."eff (b) (a Z (g) (d) 6'J' a 2/3 M US4R YEVSKYEV, V. V. , et al., Avtometriya, No 3, 1971, pp 103-104 Key: a. input,b. gate input, c. microfarads,d. +6.3 volts~ e. output, f. -6.3 volts,g. picofarads, h. +12.6 volts, 1. -12.6 volts, J. 2P3J2B In the temperature range from +20 to +60* C, the ifeucribed rlavica. had the following parameters: a direct current error of 3 millivolts, a storage time of 0.3 milliseconds, an input signal range of +1 volt, a sample time of 10 microseconds, an admissible rate of variation of the input voltage 0.2 volts/ /microsecond and an input impedance of 100 kilohms. 3/3 USSR r1\ PISTRYAK) V. 1-1.1 GITAP: A. K., GAluremp R, :1., FOGEL', Ya. M., Physico-Technital XAstitiltal Acadt=7 01, Kar I kov "Distribution Profile of 30 and 100 FTW Boron Ions Invjrt5tim~-l in siiicon" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Telao Vol 32) No 4, April 1',;r,'0, pp 12-81--l'?033 Abstract: Monocrystalline specimas of m-type silicon (111) and (Ii(0 crystallographic orientations were ixivestiSated after witt of boron with energies of 30 and' 100 kev in an accalerati~ijr, um~t vith nacs ~5cpmratlcns. Detennination of the distribution profile of the boron lons Jxtarst-icol, durinE; ion alloying was performod by a taetho~i of savadLitry iom-ionic e.--"',m:dj:)n on a nass-apectrometric device. IxtLinar sputtering of slwcim-unc; of 'Lon-alloye", I ,axed 4,v a b:!%;:-1 01, -.1- silicon (speed of sPuttering - 0.0015 micron/soc) IM15 )r0(, mary ions vith energies of 14 Itev and a currout dcrolty of 0-1 rjl/C:7?. secondbz~y ions Bil isolated by the ma,?,natic analyzer iwire i,*-actcred ty w, irn counter. The distribution praftloo have satinfwtor.1.1,,ir na,.-vcir vrCd1ra at depths of 0-3 rAcron (30 kav) and o.43 Plicron (100 k,-w) for ,the (M) W11 0-33 mi=n (30 key) arA 0.49 rdcron (100 kov) for Umi (110) planc. '111e (iiffer- ence in the depths of the maxima of t1le d1otribu4ion prafilo of Via impu~:rity at%l 1/2 USSR VISILTRYAK, I.F. "I., et al, nzika Tyerdok3o Tela, Vol 12, Pilo 19'r0, PP 12,81-2-283 the same encrGiec of the incident 11ons, but different of the tar;~etc, ir, explaLned by the better con(Utions i:j'4 Chwiric-Un of thf:- Lnci---5--nt particles in cx-j:3talo 'with (3.U) arientationn ac co.~r:4axod v.1.121 orientationa. The authors tILqnk 1. 0. &(,rdtsit, anl~A. 1. -for t1ne specimens suIumitted and for useful discussions. I ri,go, 6 raf. i:-,,.-ceivi2IIL t)y editors 19 December 1969. 2/2 USSR UDC 541.182.2J3:628.511.4 USHAKOVA, E. N., KOZLOV' V. I., PETRYANOV, I. V,# Physical Chernistry Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov "Regularities of Aerosol Capture by FP Filtering Matcrial" Moscow, Kolloidnyi Zhurnal, vol 35, No 5, Septernber-October 73, pp 993-995 Abstract: Experimental and calcvlated values for Out dej-vrdence of Lite capture coefficient of stearic acid aerosols by FP filter Iliaterial f,-!:.ers on the average hydrodynamic radius (0.4-3.8 pn) of Llie fibars, filtraticn rate (0.5-10 cm/sec), and particle radius (0.16-0.4 him) aqtreed when the interception parameter was greater than 0.1 and the Stckes nw,~)er les!i than 0.2. With an interception parameter less than 0.5 and a Stokes number less than 0.2, the capture coefficlent could be cale'alated from the fan filter model formulas. 1/1 t3RUMIZATION ()F IkM EEP A.45 %Uriz TO ME40DYNX111CS V'V. Th- act-nee A,,;ut gtr,Ktut~ -f tii- gf Wr,~rZI~EY 01 VhiCh ZZ~ZrZ~vE_:~_' z 77-- Temitvzronica or tht tvrninal vaccular 6-1 .1~ vtr- z of :.t& 4&ff~rent cq=p.*r.#nt* aro functionally 1-ibile, ~J th# arAn4i cr vescul2z tied In Iif- iq extzr=17 v4rlabl~_. I- sucri it tv t~ fkiniliil~ xn unequl~vcal a4e,4~t. dvcrtntion of fo--=d to, L4- -."Ctilar b&4. !Lvf cL-irse, tradttional methods of Lnv*ntigating fixed pfoporsti=s pa-mit dw~cription of picture of the phenomens. observed. T.c the problem is to NM an Liao cIrcuLation in a llvin; cmp.4n19m. The very warltept investigations In (Dole, and 1916; :Yals, 19Z0; A.T. %esterov, 1925_ 19Z9; Xroj~4, 11227; E.R. Clark, E.'_ Clark, Wn, 1939. and oth*rs;) reves2vd that Intrscrganic itatrib-ti-cn. to UMLAIJV controlled Indepen4untly a' :he i~efterxl circulation !7y -r=s autonomization of the b-havior of th- ro-ponents of the tor"inal vzsc~~' Accordirz to the conception 0 Kr,,%h (19-27) of a expillary awtor, vRthan~- local zirculstiGn, tho m2ift role 4n. Igr ArErLhut.d to t'- i=:- I con t r A " 111 t'v of Capillaries which. as the aztbzr 4s*ueted. 49 relaned t~ C.- function of Rouget'S Celia. Althjrh it ~= --7t r-,ifir-ed capttlatSti have their own contrattile systems (A.!. Nesterov, 191~. ~~*.Arx. vt al., 1932. L939t Chacibors and Zvetfach. L44~0, 19"' , 1144; T.A. 1954) ~ n"ertheloss Me idea of Krozh's abrur the exceptional xtK"tfic.'V.,~c cnpillories in peripheral hemodynmics turned "t to be Me introduction of vital citzroacopry methods to invahtimation of ca;kiltaciea (Sandilson. 1928; Clark et al.. 1930, 1911. 19114,. ver.Willer. Chambers and Zwtif4ch. 1940. 1946; G.l. Kc!iedlIs1ivili. '1957. 1958, 1W.9, S~zcn, 1963, and uthero) played an L=portanc part la development of the teachl'=; cc~ blood circulation on rho microscopic level. It was established that eacr. tlo- ment of the vascular p nol p1gya specific part in peripheral Circulation. 82 - U 3S R ,T,,, C 3. 5 3.1. 1 KOZLOV V I itutc: 0-:, 2~10* kc,!~~,--Crpy of CIJI-C-nces I Inst .1. c1lanic.9 of of the Uki-a-ln-iPlrl Sovic-~ Z;Oci?.Iizt IvLc--w,zbJ,.f c Therm-al Tiock-- on the "Surf-ice of a Oivcul:--n~ Flin-~Io Jiti-i Rel-1-:ird for the Int-eraction of Dcfoj-.r,,-Yt,ion and Tc!mrCra-kIrc 'Fic-1-:1~;', Presented by A. D.1, Ac-wdcmy of Scien- Ces of tile Ukraillirm 0,`L~R 1 16 1 1 iyev, Do-rovi(li jlka,.Io~I-U 11,:--W~3 '~'2 1 1971t -91-6 Abstract Z- Ukrainian articlo 7 i1c, o!" on the aarf-cf, of ri frcc r,1.IT)-,-.,orfcd ly discu,-;~3ed on -'IC Of rL Of CIJ of 11-1101-noolaoticit"". he Solution ir.,. 04, a -:1,ioc of, ei-go-n-functio."-Is. cffoc,~, ol, t',,,, Plate on the %ralue Of 11~ic - -) t 2 6 f histrated. 1/1 USSR UDC: 51:330-115 YANBYKH, G. F., GASANOV, S. S., KOZLOV, V. 1. "Optimizing the Structure of an Automated System for Sell_~_rii; Airplwie Tickets" V sb. Tekhn. kibemetika. yZL). 16 Techidertl of .7 U, I works, No 16), iev, 1970, pp 57-65 (front M-Kibetu a, ffo 7, 71 Abstract No 7V671) ENo abstract] 44 USSR UPC' 621. 837083. 8) KOZLOV, V. I., STAVITSKAYA, G. S., KNOTENOVSKilm, T. 5, VWtj,;, "Fast Superhigh Frequency Switch" USSR Author's Certificate No 253880, Filet] 23 Jul 69, 11W)ILOwd 3 11ar 70 (from R7.h-Radiotekinnika, No 9, Sep 70, Abistract No 901!i()P) Translation: The proposed superhigh frequency switch :iis ill tlli.,~ form of a T-junction on two arms of which varactor diodes wit.1% hining lo(.-Ips are installed. In order to expand the operating frequmncy b-and, the external voltace is fed out of phase to two groups of diodes Imaal-14-d oil each arr. of the switCh. The diodes of the first group are tuned to serix-s resonance wit'n a negative blaG on the lower frequencies of the operating vmj;e, and the diodes of the second group, with positivo bins on the uppor troquimicieti of Lh(l oporat- ing range. There is one illustration. 1/1 342- A4038 UR Oh82 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemical, Derwent'-Yn 237668 �-J~G from steel 'roduction is prilipared for p use in structural. misterials by co4irsely comrinttting the slag, removing the restrlu~~L metol. by means of a magnet; keeping.the slag in 'damp state for 3-5 days by moiatenLng it with water;~Fineljp communuting the material; and repeating t1je M38141E'ZiC beparation of the metal. Tht storage in the daup statepresents a subsequenr self-disfntejj~~ation of the slag to powder, and thus Improves Its prnpeitEes as a structural material. 2.10.60'. as 114;8558/J9-33. N N OVCHINKIN et aLia Chelyabinsk Metaltu~rlttcatl Plants Design Inst. (16.6,69.) BUI.8/12.2.69. Class h0c. IntX1. C(Ab. 1973145G ....... .... ......... ............... ............. . ......... AA0038342 AUTHORS.: Ovchinkin, N. N.; Kislitsin, Ye. M. i,:0 gy It T Likhaclieva, T. F. and Kaygorodova.. T.--A. Chelvabinskiv Gosudariavennyy lnstit~jt Proyelairovaniya Metallurgicheskikh ZAvo(l6v USSR ux 6L?.1.35-'315:571;-L,51.555.1>-)7.P":~ V. 1. and ISPOLVOVSMIM, M. V,, Chair of Nuiinl St2conl KOZLOY .1: -ye-EC-al-Institute imeni N. I. Pirogov and Laboratory of Moche-qintl-f of Iftcrobial Metabolism Institute of Epidemiology and 111crobluloj_7,r ineni N. F. Gamleya, Academy of Medical Sciences USSH "Effect of Glostridium perfringens Type A Toxin and Its Mthal Factor Lecithinase on the Microcirculation" Moscow, Byu-Ueten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i Medit'siny, lo 11, lSrj,2!, PP 22-25 rY, Abstract: Microscopic study of blood vessels of thc and cremaster of rats iniected In different ways Oll intraperitoneal-ly) with C1. perfringens toxin or leel,tiinaro tory disorders within 3 'to 5 MinlLteG. Disorders con,4iisted of perio'dic contra-c- tion of the smooth muscles of the arteries and arteriol,~~s 1%~~Llolre-d 11,'r rellLxa- 1q" - 'cec, tion alongr the entiTe lenGth of the vessel. The bri4if and In precapillary resistance dis-rupted the regullar rlilrtk-i of' t-,-a blcoi ~Tnterin~ the micravascalar bed, resultirk~ in a (,;eneral filowin-'I of the flow in 10 to 15 minutes. A-*'ter 30 to 00 min-utes th-J, arte"ries constricted while the veins were dilatio(L arti hy))1c-ren1,(:-. Stasis net in an shoVzi 1/n USSR V. 1. and ISPOLATOVSKAYA PI. V.0 Byulleten' 1"Irsperimental'my KOZLOV) p A Biologii, i Meditsiny, No 11, 1972, pp 22-25 by the entx-I of RBC into the lymphatics and alon- with. imalr-.%,nt of the perneability of the histoheratic barrier causi,.A by inj"Wy to the vascu- lar walls. The above changes in the inicrocirculatory herryidynamics are similar to those induced by E. coli endotoxin and other toxima. 2/2 7,; CHAPTER I F A uS -c Me 4 r~- W of '~- transpar~sicy the at-r-ph-, r 7---A - ~i a-cciatv- ItZ4 A :it4~ ---trt~ mzntl pZs-T., diAtonLe 9CP&ra%LnS the rad~atitm !tLiturct fr== recr-~rr accurdi,-z -a U-c 11437%&! oi viaih&,,ry i~r ohe Paurcst ;.zm,).- t,-r- This does not makv it p;jrrit',c fvr - invtrument to r~cnrd t.%., zi cal '-I- ;t~ ;-,ng tr=ckz. jil"zo=.n.- ~T-rt- ,L~rnin, c! uch -y%tery.s. is tho ponsit,ility -if practcal meamurPmroti only Th. 40-lopment of laser lc~cwrors determining the transpm~rency of and th~ =f. *hx carrvrpetiiing mr-ths i rn~a5urezxicmts. rmak- it po**Me to perform rrzeawurememb on any track. An advantaar of laser sy%tern* also is the possiWi 4*y of th4~ 4eterrni-nat%on of zhe visibility nt quite long dLam-ices and tho recording 0( the vartation of Me transparency of the atrnosphere with a high dAgree of %PAIiAI re-olu- t; or.. The t:a*~,: difficulty in the de!crrrinatjqji qf traltopftrcticy 'ay th.~ method -E pttcal location lie* in the correct selectm-% of th, forward scati~rin; incitcatrix in ~aeh ipecific case aad Ln vi rnuj~ipl~ scalterina in sounding Gf opticakly I~u*e media, i :n r~forrncea I Z4.-Z61 for variQuA modIrls off midta and fog,, calculated eata of the intengity of forward scattered radiation. Lhe calc-Ala'.Ioms of th~ intensity of light scattered ahead once in th~ irradia^ior. of fogm by,'q narrow light bearn were performed bvy V is- pu . ova [ Z71. V. S. Shi frin and 1. L. ,jej, zaaagl-~ nd Ve. 0. Fedor e-T.I.- rc, I in d -,;,,I'th -lari"'" anec'els-m-a-ry for-t e del-ertWInation of the Calculate( 'Ti forward *cat. t.~.g f.. Zqr E201. i 5 30 OKO . !;--r,%: rat,- I an vi. 1-44 x1a... I lertIzUt" '- P~~ivt '-'.1 :it ii Tr'F"C anti 7T-y;---, t~~ ZLIZt. -.n 11;It'ir.11 Concittlut- ot ;W3. M .I iziA rna'l-~ ;t t-t "ria'!I nr,!:rz,. tn. r j t t; e i e,t t r.~ rr, a gn i tkolo t~f r vve r -5c ~ c t~ - r ',a rtI r-, It -n L: -_ c i m sh..t .-*r puz~ ti, 11, ~M tht 'I ni% Ph'.0-nur, ub~ rr, vo 7n n.!,rat raze, -r~r~ 16, tn the ~ttr:iuatltm tn~rtar t= i , ru, t c t:eria-n~~6 lun T~ z 'r ~f the dirsti~. ot r".Iiec~!~,j pwa- tricrcao:aa, avi the vt~opnczz c! ~tL 'ir,,p-- A. A radiamn C-KC: --4 ~L~Iliazn. irlenid, Ang-l-", ti-nit.0 vPh , r,4*.t,c; pulse 6jrwtiori 0! 3 rann"evo-, -4 ror% In icav,rang z, art;;IcitA .vater fc~A;; ;,nd = the rrfIcz-c-3 =..-J~ivn '*~-,r~zzr~ -~jiij ;tr, icr-ie iti t-'. it,_cnu6t;cn fIzLi,.tor =-d teno. th- of the radi~t.d F41ae. '!!~is is tl= .:--it 4 -_hc !fA,,---.:xrenc'r of trte rn-imm tU. icug*~. '2f til, lAyzers in w-mch the r-A-c-d ~"gnal, is formed dropped. It -ar. also established that the di(fqrvttcA it. the scattcrLhg mdLcatricep of MCCIIA has an vyvenlWl Pffect an the f-rrn.Alcion of the s;gn.I. A pWve reflected ~ois 1i formen in "yet* mure distant front the OKG Thn iii &rrok*s. D- r-"Ibts of th,- i7icahurements (if the torni i4hap~'j ~~I Che pulz~ perf~jrrrtvd -.iree %t+11 with the i:a1culaticits Obtainrtl in th,? Uwe of 'he Mt.tite-Cario method t SSI 71- deformation nf the pulse of the CtfG in the AcattwrinA ncd~,,,n nn;i~- it posilble! to upt, thiq eftect for renl.zaliGn of i littar t;-.-,nfIrc! f, tn~ n-a%urr-ent of the rr,,!t-,oroIc,giW ranSe of vioLhiLty. Fach a 1;'].ir, ?~t-tt~d in 134,7, mugt cleterrnine the vii,tbility a: atr,~Orts. in u.~ -Vitem. rrt~a-ur~mcr-ts of th, time of appearanze of t?,c m^ximum -ccni - . , ~~ ritan with a radiajo4i *&Rnal L!9 pr- - of a forward scattered &ignal in compa. aided,' as -e~j as measurement of the duration of jkn arriving p4lye at a level of 0. 5 from the maxImum, and the SteePneso of*the rear front 6f , bc Pul a V. 31 "!. . , '.. 7 ~' .. 1 .4 Z - ". ~ ~." n r r i, o , o - 1, i, Inv I i r r.. e f 7,, 1 7 f - al I- I T~ It ii r, I it - -7 I.fIl ;It..Iq io.- ti., r;,;~i. k. A r a t 1:1, MWyi 'i;! ciA atee pr'-; n~y ii a T% p-rf,urynvti ~.rj K. I-,. Ei.4frln ~~-I 'wr by rc--c-w% of pa ';clr~ fact,rr of p4,rQ,:jcs of L 5. i--z 4~, r e 4 r i n , n ~!. i u: t ~ f th r t r an t, p zi r e n c Y a f ' Ul-, c"ma zi i4~ fo r conditi "no. the conerntratinns rA ierr)vol partic!cs ~c7~ re. thr C.411 LUI AtjGr.6 i.4rec ~vt tr, thL 4zLtz' me th.J 4. Th- ni~ktaurrrnc.-V of Ulie tranjpar~nry ri tht almz~phrrc a :.5 1,_,cz~rur s-- ~ * it pos sltl~ to ~Iuilit th, pu.W'sor. L-1- t~.e F-1- r te, 4~1,rmine Ih- spatu., i ;, of the ppollw%~ts. Far rri"rrenve I"N Owr r-~Its of i)-_(- dct~r-min;.Iion af th& ;,rufll, f tl-.e conce-ntration at th~ An i,-,:r 'i tlif- potwntial -if i Jancr !Qcatur ;~vct t. r-rd a sig."I irriv;ng from the ~tnio~phvr~. '111:' por 1 4LIv to ~nvc K tgat-- th~ t rAnsparency of *)-.c high g of zt~,- x ph c r ~-. At 11m. x~rm- 'IFr,-. th, b,i,.,, rcc:orde(; uorriv~ conco-rving the thrrmoeynarnic characteriatics, and ;.-, cert...:x csk- concerning the composition of the strimomplicre. 32 '2 -026 UNCLASSIFIEO PR,0CE5!;i.'1Jl"v OATF-.--l 1SED70 LE--clADIATION SAFETY OF THE POPULATION IN THE 01$TRicy nF AN ATOMIlf !QWER~PLANT -U- V.M.t ZYKOVAv A.S.v ZHAKOVo YU.A,v YAMBROVSKIYI YA.M. I It F INFO--USSR iktt~"GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, 1970, NP 4:9 PP 54-56 PUBLISHED ------ 70 AftEAS--RIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES P.I.C~ I AG S-- NUCL EAR SAFETYt NUCLEAR POWER' PLANTO INDUST414L. HYGIENF ~;OWRGL MAR slip systam. Vite a(Damured muchanical c L1110teristics (critical shearing strans strain hanltntng factor &I maximum shearing strain are compamd with pammoito'n It which c1wracterize the correctness of the spatial diatribution of J~I-Phase parucaes. It -was found t.Ut the plasticity of the investigated 4110yu lal)rovaa with grawing 7z not only without decrease In strength, but even at somo inczu4use in strer-gth. The importance, from the viewpoint of practical use# OX the offect of the 1/2 - 22 . USSR TRAVIAU? N. T., et al., Flalka NeWlav I Metallovedimiye, Vol ~61 go 4, Oc+. 73t py 803-807 correct spatial distribution of 2nd ph-me particles :for th* Uprovexamt of the plasticity of alloys at simultaneous Inmese In strmngth is omphasized. Two figures# one tablet nine bIbIlographio Werenoom. 2/2 USSR UDC 539.27 TYAPKIN, YU. D., TROINA, II.T., and 4,OZL9V V Tn;.,;-,Atut.e of 11-lei- I Science l... 3 and Physics of Metals, Centrea ScienZrelc tnearch Tnotitute of FerrcaAa Metallurgy imeni 1. 1). Bardin "Electron Microscopic Study of Space Distril~ution Pctrameterz of tho Secncn(~.- Phase Precipitates in A.-ing Nickel-Bar-ed Alloys" Sverdlovsk, Fizika McAallov i I-Tetallovedeniye, Vol 35) ITO 3,, 1973, Abstract: The thiri-fiLm electron microrcopy method in Uiio vc-k f the study of ordering and distribLition of precipit-atcii ik; cal treatment of the clectron micro:-,CQPA, 1171R; L!" 7C 13-il-III.I.P (frum "-0 -~O Ni - Al alloyz; with different volumetric percent) of the type NinAl ptiase were used. 'Ille direct.10111, lv!-C oil precipitutes alonG ILO-O~, L1120, and .19 plotted on tlie basii, of' el.Lw-trorl IIIICI'O.',eLJPC! -,-)f' N" AL -7 ul,lWa were distribi)ted axamq nodes of a ljll axes. The order of this distrLbution denendod on zri;;,tri~y 'Phe ~:i::!- 'it the precipit-ntcrd Y , pha-e- 1104'r.1.0 X for I-Alt. "C~ A-1 and afred uit J":)r Ij hoilro, It -.1ricrorim,d to .--IC-160 1, 111,(, tiged fit 71),00C, I'(w I 11mic. For t1ji!, al](,)y :Aji At th~- USSR TYAPKIN, YU. D., et al, Sv~!rdlovsh. Fi:-,ika Metallo-., V-1 No 3, 19731, pp 577-583 the precipitated phase umms 180-200 A after 119i'19 -:10, tor 2. mcur, ',nd n -% A' lit -C;" it increased to 200,220 A for the a2loy coutaintr4~ 19 0 for 30 min. The three alloys ca tained. 20, 40, aud Q) -lit! the Y' Phase, respectiveiy. P-12 USSR W)0 621.`82.(k2 W%HBER, R.I., GiITIAP, A.K., -.1sv N, T.;I., FEDOREN109 A.I. "Mace Spectrometric Determination Of Imparity 11rorilts Of Boron In Ion-Doped Single Crystals Of Silicon" V eb. Radiate. fiz. nomet.kriatallov. (Radiatlons ~Ihyuiaz Of Nc=_atallic Crystale--Collection Of liorks), Vol 3, Part 2, Kinvo 1',Nut;_'IL,dvx!-.a," 1971, P,- 141, 148 (from RZI--Flektr nikA i ye. be 971 ye: 2rizeneniye, Vo 10, Octo r I Abstract No IOB11.;~8) Tranulationt The impurity profile of atoroa of borovi iml)l.,ifitad in rnnno- crystalline silican with vorivuo orientstiins twas dalLer.-Ant'd by the xxt'nvd c1' aecondary ion-ionic emicsion. Tho scheme of tho waas noectrox-atic arraq;o- ment is presented, as well so typical impurity profiles o.F' barJum In Si specimens. 3 ill. 7 ref. I.M. 1/1 63SR UDC 536.1~6 YUKHVID, V. I., MKSITUVI E. I., J~,rL.-JU,11MIOV, A. G., alId'II;L,"IQVt S~ , Voscew . _j. "Formation of a Semi-Liquefied Layer During the Coiribustion of Condensed Sy5telnns With Solid Non-agglomerating Admixtures in a Field of Raaa ForceL11 Novosibirsk, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryvaj Vol 9, No 41 Jul-hlli] 73, pp 4,96-50J. Abstract: The authors conduct an experitaerital study to iixr)laill Lhe associated with the pseudo-liquefied layer and itzi effect, ~on ci:,,nbustion, U4Js, study is bascd on an earlier work- by V. 1. Yukhvid ot al.~j Fizika Gorcniy.L A Vzryva, Vol 9, No 2, 1973, where the authors obEerved th~it the rate of cwi:~,.,Ltjon of ammonium perchloratc with a refractory metal adnixtur(i as the overload is increa,,cd where the overload i* .9(A. up b- Clit'ri. On the basio of' tile of that. study, a mechanii-mi ii~ 1:1--i-oponcill for 0.,(l bustion of the conposit[Jon under the of r:a:--,.i In fl,' curi,(.jif. inert refractory particles were used in the forl*.i of' alwilmim oicide. T'le 'dtas conducted on a centrifuge. The combustion rate was measurul by The overload vector in all of the tests was directed 11011iff, th~.- 11DI711.21 to thl~ CO.M- bur,tion surface, in the fro-it propagation dixection,, Tho .9peciiicilo wr.;rc! iii the fcr-'-, of cylindrical tablets 0.8 cm in diaiiieLer and 2.4-2.5 r-111 Kich. Thul;e] becil ed to the point of maximal dcnL;ity. 'the results rhow that Uic mation of tile co."l- 112 USSR YUKHVID, V. I., et al, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol 91 No 41 Jul--AU~, 73V PP 496-501 bustion. front is uniform and that the offoct of ma:-.s forces iq,; co,.lplex in imturc. A fall i-n the rate of combustion follows the combuatiork ritte Jn-.-.reae ~ , ~, v a These results can be explained by the properties of the pseud(>-liquefied layer and the effect that they have on the combustion process. 2/2 USSR UDC: 662,612J YUKHVID, V. I., bUMjJjOV$ E. I.$, I-MRZUjj1OV, A. G. , laUTLIJIM B4 I., and KOZLOV,-SJ. "Combustion Mechanism of Condensed Systems With Solid Admi-Ttures in a I-lass Force Fiel:d" Novosibirsk, Fizika E~.oreniya i vzry7a, No 2, 1973v pp 235-240 Abstract: This paper presents the results of experiments to study the rarely examined case of the combustion of systems i;ith non- agglomerating admixtures. The experiments ucre conducted in a nass force field on compositions of ammonium pcrehlorate and tita- nium. The assumption ol non-agelomeration is bz.,sed on the fact that the melting point of Ti isl at 17000,much hij,,her -than that of the perchlorate, at 11000 C. A diagram of tho centrifuEe in which the experiments were conducted is given together vrith a descrip- tion of the experimental method. The rate of coubustion was mea- sured by film photography. The reader is refer-redt to an earlier paper (B. B. Serkov, et al, FGV, 1968, A., 4) for at more detailed description of the apparatus and methodology. The, combustion rate was measured as a function of accelerzitionz in thos interval of 36 to 1200 g at room temperature. A model of the ~-ambwltlicn 1=oess is devived to explain the experimenW remats. IA USSR 54U_6a1:6-j'd..7t,-', KMLOV, V. T. . GUR'YE-V, M. V. , Y:CVS2-YLV, A. G. P KAS1i1-1'1.--fA!~%'-. I'A"A" P.0"Wre"entific Research Institute of the raibber Committee for Chemistry; ScientLfic Repea-rch. ?4y*ic,P Chc-1',.z4A:'.'- Z k2lil L. Ya. Karpov, Moscow, State Committee for Clw5aistxy "Investigat.ion of the Mlechanisn a Radi.,~tion Hard Rubber" Moscow, Vysokomolekulyarnyye Soyedincniyav Vol X11, No AbstractA The mechanism of radiation 22 elastomer compounds of various structure -- satlt~ra~od' 'j1i*_n".-~".'1:'-".~.'_ matic and halogen substituted hydrocarbons and poly4dlox~:..-.i!_'~ Lil it., groups -CH.:,, -CH=CH,), -C 1i Ln various combina-tions ~-xid all elastog-ors studied, the cros5-link yield was corii*-ii(.--_oi,:,,.'b1j half,the radical yield, base(.1 on thi! assumiption that two a crotis link. An exception to th-'s rulc is the (A~' mars In wrh~~ch the radical yijt1d it5 tht: ci-z In many hydrocarbon elastomers , zui ixerease in Ule C4i,:)~LCiL.'I o1. to form radicalz; leads to a reduct"cci in th-o cross-.1;[r. YL4-ild, -P - USSR KOZLC-%T, V. ot al, klysoko-molakulyarnyye vol Mlar 70, p:- 592-601 the radical yield to tiv.ce 1L.he cra_ss-link liold a number of polly5iloxanes theso r.atio_,~ va.ry isolated double bonds lowers the radical yields 4md yieIds. Both radical and cross-Unk 3.rC aronatic groups, the cross-lirilj~ yiold boing z,i~41al-:i1d _,j Radiation cross -1 inking is attributed 'to a ing exposure and goes throug!'I a numb,~,r at rapid processes (of the or