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USSR UDC: 519.21 TURBIN, A. F., Institute ol'. Mat'nomatics, Ac.-.d- emy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR "Concerning a Method of ProNring Limit Theorclims, for Certnin Fillic- tionals of Semi-Markox? Processes" Kiev, Ukrainskiy lklatematiches~iy Miurnal, Val 24, No 2, 197L'), pp 234-240 Abstract: Many chai-acteristics of Markriv serlli-Marko~., processes, Markojr recovery processes,and so J'urth satisf), an equation of the form. (I -- . P - Q (2,)) where P is the riatrix of probabl.11tics of of HIC imbedded Markov chain, matrix Q(z) uric] vecti),1- q(z) i-tre del'ined by the conditions of the problem, fj-(Z) is tht!! U111:1101,11 chavac- teristic of the process ~(t) being, investigated. This paptl.~r proposes a method of proving limit theorems, (if thL;~ forin A tz) ti, (0), 1/2 USSR KOROLYUK, V. S., TURBIN, A. F., Ukr. Mat, Zfi., No 2, 1972, pp, 234-240 where v(z) is a defined normalizing functiori. Tbe idea I-,,CIIiI)d the Diethod is that the principal part o.f Ole oporator (I ---P ---Q 12))-, No 11 t can be isolated when completely natural restrictions, are made on the initial process. Bibliography of iiini? titles. 2/2 USSR UDC: 519.21 YUK, V. S., TKACH M 0, E. P. - ORNMOPRONNOW "Asymptotic Expansions for the Generating Funetiora of tht Vme of Stay Of a Generalized Poisson Process In a Strip vith Delay:kig S--hield" Teoriya veroyatnostey i rrat. stat. Mezhved. nauch. tib. (F-robability Theory Tnterdepartmental Scie,* and Mathematical Statistics. CcIlection), 1971, vYP- 5, pp 62-70 (from M-Kibernetika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract Nc nv14i) Translation: Algorithms are constructed for deriviiig aspvptotic expax.sicrs in powers of a small pare-meter for the generating fi.ir_ctiol~. of the time- cr stay of a generalized Poizzon process in a strfp vttl- a. delayirig s",LtilJ at the zero. Two cases are con!~idered: a) wN!n Ow, r~arajierers~ Of t1he process are independent of c; b) vhen the Intramellers of "lie procesG dc-e.,Id an v in such a way that the limiting process ia a Wlener 3)r,:)cess wirlh re- flection at the zero. Authors' abstract. 17 - USSR )MROLYUK, V. - S UDC: 519.2 "Concerning the Time of Stay of a Generalized Foissiin Prcizess in a 17,tr--7v With Delaying Screen" Dopovidi AN MISR, 1973, A, No 3, pp 200-202, 2~4 (frota No T, Jul T3, abstract No M03 by the aut-hor) Translation: Let E(t) be a generalized PoIsson procwas vith chara-Iter- istic functicn Assuming the existence of a maximum of process ~(.O, a Ilair theory - is formulated for distribution of the time of st4v af F,(t) In a strip with delaying screen, where the screen extends to inffnity. 1111 USSR UrX 519.21 ~qJQLYUK, V. S., Corresponding Member of the AcadGmy 0' S--ianaes Uk.rainian SSR, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences Ukr~iinian SSR "On the Elapsed Time of a Generalized Polsson Process An a S!ind With a Delaying Barrier" Kiev, Dopovidi Alkademii Nauk Ukrninslkol HSR -- Seriya A. Ftoyko-Tekhnichni ta Matematychni flauky, No 3, Par 73, pp 200-202 Abstract: Lot (t) Le a generalized Poisson rant5om procesa wLth t~e charnoter- istia function AI V.X!) I is exp isal Xt In a previous article the author studied the osywptotic ~,ehavior of 2'0 -- t.%e elapsed time of the process ~ (t) in the band CO,C] In. Ahe pinsunee of a dolny- ing barrier at x = 0 and an absorbing barrier at c ej".j , nsminiing that 14 (tj) ~t 0 (t, is the moment of the first discontiniiity 0' the r)rx)cn:-.:3 $7-, (t)) The present article cotnblishas the asyinptatle, behovior C-,"' whon 11 ~, (t, < 0. A peculiarity of the problem conoidered bore in th4it 0111 'n 1A 111r, < 0 1/2 ITCSR W~ KOROLYUK, V. S., Dopovidi Akadeviiyi I'lauk Ukrnyinslkoyl R.SR - Scriya A. Fizyko-Tekhni-chni ta Matematychni Nauky, No 31, Mar 73p Ipp 2M-202 max 5 (t) . A limit theorem is formulated for the &LutribuUon of the t 0 elapsed time. 2/2 USSR UDC: 519.217 GUSAK, D. V., KOROLYUK, V. S. ft "Asymptotic Behavior of Semi-Markoy Processes WitK a Split Zet of StLt&5'. r a j F 17~1(:j * Teoriya vercyatnostey i mat. stat. Vezhved. nauch. nb. 1"'P ob bil-t', - --,-.y and Mathematical Statistics. Interdepartmental sciiin~T'fi~z Collection), 1971, No 5, pp 43-50 (from Kli-Kibernetika, Ito 11, rcv 7:1, Abstract '4c 12V90) Translation: The authors study conditions under wh;Lch a s,t=i-L'4ar1-v; process defined on a discrete or compact zet of stares may be aprroximated _q C-1Z, by a Markov chain. It is assumed that the character-Istlas of the 4 -Harkov process depend on a scall parameter, and thuij that the entire space of states E is split into nonintersecting clasoes RwlEk S14cli that -.he probabilities of departure from each clasi3 tend tD ze= a:long with c. In this connection, transfers between classes at the limit (its e-D) are de- scribed by an embedded r/arkov chain with m states, aind the t~~"es cf stay 1/2 USSR GUSAK, D. V., KOROLYUK, V. S., TeorlZa verovatros nauch. sb., 1971, No 5, pp 43-50 in each class are exponentially distributed. The correspondiig Markov chain with continuous time on glued states may be consid(trfvd t.1,e 1-4miting case for the semi-Markov process. An algarithm is .I~ropotje(l for construct- ing asymptotic expansions in powers of c for some climracteristics of the semi-Markov process. Authors' abstract. 2/2 10 - USSR IJDC 519.217 K05gL]W&w,", TURBIN, A. F. "Asymptotic Behavior of the Tine Which a Semijnarkoy Pro-ciOss Spends in a Reducible Set of States" Teoriya Veroyatnostey i Mat. Statist. Mezhvod. Nauchn. Mi. [Thw:iry of Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics, Interdepartmental Scieiitific Collection], NO 2, 1970, pp 133-143 Manslated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernotika, No 3, 1971, Abstract No 3 V37 by the authors). Translation: An algorithm for construction of asymptotic expapsions for the generating function of the time spent by a SemimarkDv Process (SMP) in a fixed subset of states, suggested by V. S. Korolymk (RZKHat, IVO, 7 V50), is extended to the case of SMP with nonreturning states. USSR UDC 612,821.2 XOR01ilk. it, Q, KONOVAWV, V, F. , and SERIKOV, I. S. , Institute of Biophysics Academy of Sciences USSR, Pushchino-on-Oka "Role of Reinforcement in the Forzation and Short-Terpt Retention of Truce Processes In Man" Moscow, Zhurnal Vysshey Nervnoy Deyatellnostip NO 5, 1971, J)P 891-89? Abstracti The dynamics of the formation an(I retention of tauces of inlifferent stimuli with changes in the paramters of reiaorcenent was atudded in ~6 sub- jects age 14 to 24. The conditioned stImull weT* sourii or a contact st~l.-.Iulator and reinforcement wasUght lasting 0-5, 3# or 6 mee. In 3 i3eries of experi- tents the subjects kept their eyes open while tho liggbt wais onj in the 4th series, the subjects kept their eyes closed whilfv tbo light waz on for 3 Soc. The conditloned and unconditioned responses were rzzlfw~ted by t~.e ealvanic skin reflex. 11, the first 3 series, the immediate imid traco- procestien were most stable when reinforcement lasted 0._5 or 6 sec. Vw, traciD war reFroduced for 100 to 120 see and in soma ca4iam for 140 to 160 aeos flawever, it IUs reproduced for a much shorter period an average of 73 41ec, after reinforcemert lasting 3 sec. When the subjects kept thoir eyes clasild, Ujo galvaiiia t3kin reflex was quickly extinguished jubA drovisinona not in. Judigtrig by the dynanics of the alpha and rolwidAc rhythms In tho yie,ital and ro3andin iai.,ziz, repi,cfluc- tion of the trace on tho EL~G Dusted 16 to 36 ace, rowel:ln,e5 axe; long as 1k sec. USSR KATS, G. 1. and KORONKEVICH, A. I. "Frobenius Theorem for Functions of Coirmuting and &rttILI*-o-otI:.VI'nZ, Argunae-ats" Moscow, FiLnktsionallnyy Analiz- i Yego PrZozhenVa. V-,)1, 5, Vn 1, 71, I'P 7-3-330 Abstract: 1. The authors emamine tho ring Qx = of of the anticorimutin,7 generatrices xi (n < i zl--, Wit) vith coctrficients i.-hich are Rn infinitely dIfferenti-lable functions, 2. Then ~-till inothar ring. QXI = Q is studied-, and each is discussqd. 3. 'ihe authars tnen give the equation W ~x.dx) = 0, and the ri3g 4t, u ~: OLt:L- - ~tr+! , Ult .... Uq (g(ti) r- 0 (1 "~" i f) , -(ti) = 1(f < i -< f4JO g(UeL) i!3 C;Cmimel. ~he generatrices ui are terned parameters, -ruxi dui 0 is jis-au!.-~Li by def'ijiition from differentiation of the elementS of Q Then s r- f+,'(, and the n-.-i ele- t.u* ments of xi(t.u)'-~ -~t,u are term the s-dimansianai s,plution to the vqul~'-Jon 0 (x,dx) = 0 if certain cited conditions are satisftcd. i+. Then i of equations to (x,dx) = 0 (j = 1,2 ....... %~) is studied, ral.ativo to ;ihich iL Is proposed Thai tqe rank of the matrix 1(,~ W ii(XII --$ - xj.,:JjA is Identically (:::ual to N. This xf*ten is termed coiplotoly integraiblt~ if 1'6r a.U. numbers 1/2 .. . .. ...... ... USSR KATS, G. I., et al, Funktsionallnyi Amliz i Ye.-v? Prite, Vol 5. 1. 71, PP 78-80 (0) the systp has an r = n+=-N-dimensional zol-ation LhO jriitjA1 CMli- xiovis Vi Z- X%Y' (1 i YI), Vi = uj (11 1 ir+-m), where are t I odd parammoters. 5. Omitting the tachn~cal dotalls, tho at;.1,e~ar:3 c-,Ive proo~l of tho Frobenius theorem. derivJuig it as in the clax-sicaj case-, Two caso.9 ara examined and provan hare: that is, the odd a4d th6 evqp caa4)sj, The articla cites one literature reference. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.37~,.82 DUBNISHCHEV, Yu. N., V P., SOBOLEV, V. S., STOLMSKIY, A. A., SENIN, A. G. , UTKLV, Y"e. Yu. G., MIOTIOV, N. F. 'tevelopment of the Doppler Method. for Measuring Flaw Rnte" V sb. Konf._po avtomatiz. nauch. issled. na osnoue 1972 (Conference an the Autcmacion of Scientific Resemrch on the Basis of Cxm- puter Applicatims, 1972 - Collection af Works), Nevoflbirik, 1972, pp 63-70 (from RZh-Fizika, No 11, Norv 72, Abstract No 111D976) Translation: A two-channel compensation circuit for a lasor Dopplvr device, for measuring velocity is proposed. Use of this devicil! rakfm It t:o lower considerably the level of tfii~ liw-frequency cam"Pimirnt 0 the stlinal, which causes d1sturbance in processing the signal.. lhii. Totmitial possil)-i- lities of the methmi of cleotronic; proceostall (if a Do-ppliir mfp;nalare. eoii- sidered theoretically frcm the aspect of the accuracy of the, mea:iurcmut-iLs. The possibilities of the device are illustrated by an autocorrelation '_:unc- tion for different average flow rates. A. I, Serbin. USSR uDc 62i.30~.r,30.,45.6:'^I.-zl7.l'7 KORONMrICH, V. F., LENKOVA, G. A. "A Laser Interferometer for Length Measurement" Av-tometriya (Autometry), 1971, No 1. pp 4-9 (from ETh-Hadiotekhnika, No 11, Nov Tl, Abstract No 1-0554) Translation: With the development of lasers, it has lecome pcssible to use interference methods of length measurement in irchistrial applicat--c-ris. A laser interferometer has been developed in them Institute o~ Autorruticrn and Electrometry, Siberian Department, Academy of Sezience.,t of the US'~R which can be used as a device for meacuring displact!vients. -A helium-fleDn laser stabilized on the IAmb minim= is Used as the light vource. The operating principle of the laser interferameter is cwinidered as well a::- a method of introducing corrections for atmosphexic conilti.cris. 'Phe index cf refracticm of a- and uavelemgth under normal ccrd:LU-cai; are calsulated for helium-neon lasers, and a form-rula Is given for lriftrodu,~Lrg c-crrections. Test results are presented for a laser interferometer used under labCratory and industrial conditions. 1/1 1/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED Pill)CEi-SING OAT'E--31)OCT70 TITLE--EFFECT OF NON PLANE PARALLELISM OF AN INTERFERUMUER ON UPTICAL I MULTIPLICATION OF LE%GTHS -U- i 'AUTHOR-(02)-KORONKEV[Ch, V.P,t SOLCMAKHAs O.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-OPTIKA I SPEKTROSKOPI[A VOL. 20t MAR. 19700 P. 579-584 DATE PUBLISHED ------ 70 _~SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--PLANE GEOMETRY, LIGHT REFLECTION, FABRY F'EkOT INTERFEkOMETER, SURFACE ROUGHNESS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIUNS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1567 STEP NU--UR/0051/~0/0~l~~OUO/05'r,~/0584 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118550 2/2 019 UNCLA$Sl FIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118550 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-U- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF Tfillt EFFECT OF IMPERFECTIONS IN THE REFLECTING SURf-ACES UN INTEkFEROKETERS, OF TRADITIONAL PLANE PARALLEL GEOMETRY, THE MAXIMUM FlisstflMITIES OF CLASSICAL SCHEMES FOR OPTICAL MULTIPLICATION OF Lliti-iGTHS ARE EsrtmATEO, AND AN ATTEMPT IS MAGE- TO ASCERTAIN THE MEASUREME-00 ENIkQRS CAUSED BY DEPARTURES OF THE REFLECTING SURFACES FRON PLANE PARALLE-LISM. IT IS SHOWN THAT THE CONTRAST OF T14E SUPERPOSITION BANDS ANa THE ACCURACY OF MEASURING THE MULTIPLIED LENGTH. ARE LIMITliD BY DEVIATIUNS FROM PLANE PARALLELISM IN A FABRY-PEROT INTERFEROMETER. USSR UDC 632.95 MANDEL'BAUH, Ya. A., LO-NUKIIIA, V, 11, KOMNOUKHOYA, M. V., and HWNIKOV, N. N. 11.---.-- "Synthesis of Bis[~l-alkyl(at-yl.)sulfotiylhydrazidesI of Thioj,,,ht,1sphcric Acids" USSR Author's Certificate No 332093, filed 26 Feb 70, -oublished 17 Apr 72 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Kh-imiya, Svodnyy Tom (I, L-S), No 1(1I), 1973, Abstract No LN452P by T. A. Belyayeva) Translation: A compound with a general formula RP(S)(1111NHSO;!R')2 (1) (R alkoxyl, aroxyl, or amino group; R' - alkyl or aryl) Is svntl--tesized by the reaction of RP(S)(MfNH2)2 (11) with R'SO2Cl (III) in cite presence of ilcl acceptor in solvent (C6H6, alcohol). Example. To 0.35 riole 11 (R - ELO) in 150 ml C6H6 0.5 mole Et3N is added at 40*C followed by a slow- addition of 0.25 mole III (R'= Et). The reaction mixture is stirved fo:r 2 hr at 60% and for 1 hr at 800C, filtered at 70*C, and concentrated by evaporation. The yield of I (R = EtO, R'= Et), m.p. 158-160*C,, is 50%. Compound I prepared in the same manner were characterized by (R, R', a.p. in *C, yield %, in that order): EtO, Ph, 102-105 (alc.), 30; PhO, Me, 173-175 (ether), 45; PhO, Ph, 168-170, 56. Compound I possesses acaricidal and fume, cidal properties. 1/1 USSR UDO 537-524 OSIPOV, E.V., KORNYUSHIN, YU.V., VSEVOLODSKIT, P.F. OProduction Cf Cooling Because Of Anisotropy Of Ther=oulactric Propertltp" Elektron.+,skhnika. Nauch.-takhn.9b. Xrioron~.*lektronilcsi (Elantronica ToahnoloLy. Scientific-Technical Collection. Cyrogenic Eloc~tronicu),1971,lssue 1(5),PP 111-115 (from RZh:Elektronilca i yoVe primenenive, No 10, Oat 197',J, Abetruct No 10B2,:.0) Translation: In an antilytical manner the ponoib~lity is del,ermined ot the ..,)ro- duation of a temperatura difference becatsLIO of anltjotr~qy of' the therme)filec"Oric properties of crystals in the abaence or a wignetLe fiald. In contrast to u Peltier cooler in which cooling is achieved because of the tLoa or an alectriz current across a contact between two different materialap in the caua conalder- ad the cooler can be made from one material. For mivglo cryut,aLs o' Lhfj solid solutions Bi-Sb at a temperature oe 100c X tho totsperottire ~Iieercnco !jmcunts to ^-, 12.50 X .7 T. v Z. L T z '-'ra% li.- ni-&S I an, ;iU---L- .1:i ti:z z?- 12. la ort--r to urz"iz-- --!i& all 1~ta via m -w?.wcrk it iV --ary tm irc~uiw a mrre nu=m~r of tmr=-'-~A 1-12tMiluti-, far the rel7y of d4t4 to 'he a--dthimr tolo,7raph atatl~na. s~nze zrt cx sich Inat&l1rt1uns V11. t~ located la cities, cIt7' tellaph-ime Cmh-le 2-Ined Vill t-M to connect the--. The tv=pley- of dul-etrib-er'2 telegetph ntuiptf~%t of.U" Ar.,-, tne worked o4t at Mrizzi-- of the C-Im! C4~ienttAO V3W --N -nist-7 of Cm===1TmtIo=2. Vill it -~o *4t'.'iz-~ pr4,z".,n1'y AL,.y n-m!-Ar c::' :1rcut's In city telephone exchaa,;a cables for the tr%zaniasion of data t. m. aped of up to POO b&uil. L Nwj Eq,4;Pm-nt 1,. trA riv-Y-mr ?;an At the ;r-r-nt 'I=a the? trw.~misslnjft Of telegraph %i4mals via clty telePhone exentnio riub5criter's !,.no; in c,.rrt-,t o*z-. v4tm tha aa* u~rl-bir'a P&n,!lm or -!!~ctroaic triannt1oft I~Isl:,ma or %;.! ETr': ~14 7,1-11 type Inat&I'lei in ex?hano,~ awitchboar-15. rnsswach na Airect ci~rert sigmails ~r~ trancrAtted fro= ') ao7l'ceA directly to the olertro=a.,~~' f the teleip-4ph, ap;cLrutun, &ourcen of high -Int&r voltage of 26.j "Ito re used in then with a grounded contmi p-'=t. : Utilization of voltage nources with & grounded contra! pot-it ieda to a decrease In transitional attenuation bet-ween the telegraph elm"t, and other' circuits In the emble by 13-17 doe'-bole. A# 1. of thw co=b1notion of two factors: high linear voltage &n4 a decrvaim -'a traasi LonLI attenuation telegraph co=tnication exerts a *ut~atuntiv* t?y tr~c t. OR' with L';~ teJli=nti~- c!:, rram the tf r':-- 7- r.v! re'aj a ~r~ ~l n c I lad t T.t- th. car-rit clrc-At by -Wlclz-n;~ r~; ly. 1,mmtv qrd 1. m G'.-. y T"!, in botn' 'Urezt'c'-'j' Lz,t"'r, L."e. ~ '~r.7 :~ In ll~ ymc~ns of ojcrnticn. r. IL the ';,)ltu~t El. t-m trigrering threaholda of 2 4n4 D. ~~r a cha%t;~ in lir.-i par~.,zt~r, forme -.~stortion3 t:i%c plac- r, t,~ penbQte for th,? d4ztortiuns It ,z zn~cens&ry t:~ r~culale linmr or raceptlin rv",ay triggtring thrcsho'~~!:. 46 J14M 6176%) U12 Mc 3 3 3. Att=:~=AT-K~ ,r MrS BY A HPJATM~T!C t= by S,.N.JeaChIn, C. a. Wbeld&., -~.~t A!_~yd And 1. Y. Gladnj ?Li,zow, AlL - t. pm;s 77 -IL-- MEAL Rustle". vol. =Ed -_T Tht C!f=. 14 L= by a "IttlivittIc 614cemn bass Investisakad. froLo"O Vera ~calfretea to 6 - 7 mill--om al.ctrm wits tot sm mecip of an electron 544m, of eppTo.Jtu&x&ty me oLLIJ,. ssi-q;t-a Its. -,'he Imams c~"Itlca ms4 Its martr dist-r-'butloo "Tv atudlaJ. It Was 4"~.:ratx4 that tho "etp of rr&tcns 4rcolaraced by Oloctturta rlmas more, r2pssily th,vi lincAgly with an intr*ase in th= sitask-t4ftimm volte" in the a- A - I =U U_ 41,rctym V.Irs rmjp. S. The eff-t ef Am, &cslarartm Ut to ol*ctr~ 1-ttat v" ~b-r-d lntttal!y when obtaining aefirmlativIstic *.ottrm basins frow a vla%2% &~Scter t1l. pytt ~.s and lose of Carbon with vactim's &nvrji*S at 4 - 5 04 19 - N Pkv were rlmordffAl in thr Mil-Winit O"*rIments for en stmersam, of 200 - XV lt.' stlcctr~ -"rzy jk]. A Itar-m rtas In tite energy of tons with 4n in- efrax* jh the anapgy o! *Astireng was ~4aerved In the runjo of XJ - M bLi!a- -it OcceinraLog voicamet m4or optimal --ndttionm for i= 6cc*lvratIm. t Itt. -me"d sop thr possibility for ttsatin* an election Jet im %,,:e1ttzz-1r at 10 - 100 Pbv 04104 1 - 2 rev relativistic slectrao b4amo, So" laresti- atiticas in this directi,,tt were cousissetstsi tieing M&k curt"t Otac:Cton rito~a- ter scraletatots. Artma-mm"t of EaDerlaunt Ice acteleration by assm# of electrons was done by using a variable accelerating vattate asclustAfts with a fcoquancy of 6.3 wed(m. and Wt initial &Vlitxde of 0.2 1 wtSavolts applied to the accelerating Sup, Thu hip if I)SSR L) USSR UDC 621.375.4 KOROPETS, G. D. "stabilization of the Operatin1m, Conditions of a Transtiaor i1aplifier" Sb. nauch. tr. Leningrad. Fil. TsMIT svvazi (Collected Scientific Vflor4s of the Leningrad Branch of the All-Union Scientific. Research ComnualcaLions Insti- tute), 1970, vyp. 4, pp 172-175 (from Uh-Radiotekhnika, -No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4D98) Translation: A diode in the forward direction connectwd to the base circuit is used to stabilize the operating conditions of an aqpfiffrir for a telL- phone set. This stabilization proc*durc Is used for pitiver supplies with quite large internal resistance with sigtifficant varfat:ion of the feed voltare and a broad range of transistor gain coeIfficients. 1/1 % USSR UIX"' 5 4-6- -'- di) 539-236 KORUSTEII~-V V., F., KULNETSUV. 1-t S^IKhi,RGV YU. G. : P 'Mry t D. I@, and PUXHA P. N. , U eonnical A'IISt:LI.LtQ "Electron le'licroscope Study of the Structure of G~110 Moscow, Izvestiya r'%kadeimii Nauk SSSR Vol 6, No 10, Oct 7J, ijp 1821.-.1823 Abstract: The article considers rae offec!~ o.,-' re- gimes on ti,ie existence of Lie &1110rjJILQLI3 and states Of Gel) dell as structural civ~iaj.- e raL re films, as , -,es ir. GaO vesu:11; ~;f L u and elevated humidiLy- An L~4-7 elLCLron "i"I'au ua,!Q cc) :;Ludy the structure of Lae GeO films. The filais were (Wl~)05:0.,ed cn strates of sital ST 50-1 at 100 al-ld 2=0 C. !.'I(? 1)o Atii:);'i r,-,,.e Jj,~ sec. Crystalline inclusko.,.s of GeO acre observed 4.-1 LAI* dupo- sition stages. Films depo.,iiLed on djfferexi-~ siub:ii-,rat,eiri uriccr tl-.e same conditions can have dtlfferent Inclusior. slI.Pip;1i I-An:1 s~.apus, w.aiie filnis deposited on the same subatrato under dlffll.,rent~ (~OlldiLionu dis- ....... ....... .. ........- USSR SAKHAROV, YU. G-, et al., Izvest4ya Neoritnani- cheskive %~aterialy, Vol 6, No 10, Uct 70, I)p IVII-18,0 play the same structure. Two forms of av e found, viz. flat tablets arid needles. An J-n f ilm t-i,.ickness intensifies the effect of substrate temparaturij arld, di.),po.,;iLion rare. Films 1-2 microns tbick displaty Lbe cryatal phaae aL rates AO/sec, but nave an amor,,hous sUructum "t r tii~i above 20 0 of - 5 p U A/sec- The size of 0tne crystal formuitiuris incr-GaSe'13 ~It a SU03LI-ULC ture of 200 C. Vacuum banealing, at 1+500 C ruUlt:l J.n. ',~Iu' Lransi-4iOn of GeO fran tiie amorprious 'to tte crystal phaaa. The, i,*imorpilouo ph,ase is stable below 350c) C. GeO Luidergoes 13tructurail ci~~inges in a humid atmosphere. 2/2 USSR KOROSTELEV, A. P. "Probabilistic Representation of the Solution of a llrol)lem with a Directional Derivative" Teoriya Veroyatnostey i Eye Primeneniya. [Theory of Prob~hi,:Iities arid it~-. Applications], 1973, Vol 18, No 1, pp 172-176 (TransLated t'ronl J1CfCr.1zi%'T1)-Y Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V61, b)' thC JILIthor). Translation: Studying the classical problem of Neutian in it circle with D = f-r(xi)2 , 1) A where A is a spherically symnetrical operator, 3/3~ i-cprcFeilts differenti~~.- tion with respect to a direction with a constant angje to the normal, N. Ikeda found the probabilistic representation of the ~;olvjtion u A1.1 (j_jd.%. V (2) 2 USSR Korostelev, A. P., Teoriya Veroyatnostj!y i Eye 1973, Vol 18, No 1. pp 172-176. where 6CID is the delta function of' the boundary, i~ Brolmijil notim... "ith reflection in direction E. The method of his work doQs no~ extend to the general case. In section I of the present wort., a probdWAistic re-prv:~cntation simihr to (2) is presented for the. solution. uf more gt-neral I.-roblon (1), wh4--(- % i-, a nondegencrating elliptical differential operator in a cin-tum arva 1~; -0-'k is differentiation with respect to the direction of' sLmooth ilield ~., riot tan- gent to DD. In section 2, a central limit theorem is p-roveri for a fiinctional oi, tile local time type at thv bounliary. 2/2 USSR UM 536.46+662.2117 FROLOV: YU. V., DUBOVITSKIY, V. F., KOROTKOV, A. I., KOROSTE.LM, V. G., Moscow "Convective Combustion of Porous Explosives" Novosibirsk, Fizika goreniya i vzryvi3, Vol 8, No 3, 1972, pp :W:-378 Abstract: A study was made of some of the steps in the (levelo-p-ment of thi, pro- cess of combustion of porous systems of limited length. The experiment iii the development of convective combustion was carried out pr~Oarily in a constjAnt- pressure device with a free volume of two liters equippod-With iL peephole for optical recording of the proce:is, a series of electric Ivads for the tliLrmo- couples and a piezoelectric pressure-sensitive scnsor. A ni.-v-!d. condc-iised stoi- cbiometric system of polystyrene and ammonium perchlorato was rx-ied. The teneral ., tlij:! length Of the nature of the developnietiL of the combu8tion processes alval, porous sample as a funccion of its langth with different poroi;.Ity ic. Plotted. Under other equal conditions, the general level of the pvapagatjan rate of the convective combustion increases as the porosity of the apecirm-ri increaseti. Under the effect of a critical pressure drop it is poralble to ti;ulwtol. Oirec dw,.racter- istic regimes in which the predominant one is: a) the flItralAon proct_,~;i; (LIA! initial segment of the charge); b) the process of (love lqc:en L of convectlvv combustion and c) the effect of creating a counter J)rt_-f3IWr,P al; a result 01 cr;=- pression of the filtered gas filling the pores in advancat. Tha presence and 1/2 USSR FROLOV, YU. V., et al., Fizika goreniya i vzr)-va, Vol 8, No 3, L972, pp 36-3-378 co=ensurableness of the indicated regimes depends primwrIly 4in. tile lenpth' porosity and physical-chemical properties of the t:iwlple 13tid On tile t:lllial pressure drop in the pores and the surrounding volt=e. 2/2 75) USSR UDC 62-l3S-2S3.S:534.L)8.629.7.03 ZABLOTSKIY, 1. Ye., KOROSTELEV, Yu. A., SVIBLOV, L. B. "Contactless Measurement of Oscillations of Power Blades of Turbines" Lopatochn. Mashiny i Struyn. Apparaty IBlade Ma6inos and Jet Apparatus -- Collection of Works], No 6, Moscow, Mash inos troyen iye Press, 1972, pp 106- 121, (Translated fr(m Referativnyy Zhurnal, Turbostroyenilye, No 8, 1972, Abstract No 8.49.168). Translation: The pTinciples of the disc-rete-phase no-mhod are presented, allowing measurement of oscillations of the working fluidi; In an axial Cori- pressor to be measured with contactless impulses sensors. A bloch diagrim of a cathode ray device for recording the amplitude of wo-.~klng fluids (ELURA) is presented, and the operating principle of -the delri,~,~ is explained. Methods of measurejoent of the amplitudes of oscillattans In.,.1 miplitudes of oscillation velocities of the ends of blades, phasa !0iift o(* oscillat-.:Orls of neighboring blades and various methods of measuTemenr. of a,e-a--onant o--.ciIia-- tions, the frequencies of which are strict multiples of the rotating VrO- quency of the compressor blade wheel are deicribed. A foundation is presented for those methods. Examplas of 111cusurwilent of of blade oscillations are presented. The advantagi!!; of the Of InCill;U170ment are tiot,od. Y) USSR UDC:$37.2264537.331.33):539.16.04 ARrFOV, U. A., MTKHAELYA.N, V. M., SINYUKOV, V. A.,,KOIIOSTELF.V, Yu. A., LYUTOVICH, A. S. "Alloying of Silicon by Bombardment With Thermal Neutvyns" Kristalliz. Tonkikh Plenok (Crystallization of Thin F-1.1ins Collection of Works], Tashkent, Fan Press, 1970, pp. 136-13D (Translated fTam Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, No. 'Al, 1970, Abstract No. 11 Ve 1100 by T. B. Karashev) Abstract: Specimens of p-type Si with qpecific impeeloice approximately 1200 ohm-cm were bombarded by a stream of reacto-i- neut-rons ~.8.1013 cm-2. sec 1 for one hour. After annealing at 800% foi- four- hou:ri;, the bombarde4 specimens had n-type conductivity and p - 600 oluti-cm, Analysis of the varlia- tion, with temperature of ecnCentrations and mobilities of carriers showed that the conductivity resulted ft" the donor impurity, pvInh, a fine level. The alloying effect is related to the phoisphor~js formed as 1/2 USSR I-IDC:537.2264537.2:11.331:Ei39.16.0,) ARIFOV, U. A. , MIKHAELYAN, V. M. , SINYUKOV, V. A., KOROSTFIEV, YIA. A. LYMOVICIL A. S., Kristalliz. ronicikh Plenok. [CrXs-taI3Lzat:ir;n of Thin Films -- Co llection of Works], Tashkent, Fan Press, 1970, pp. 136-139 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, No. 11, 1,9710, Abstract No. 11 Ye 1100 by T. B. Karashev) a result of nuclear transformation. The possibility of producing high- resistance n-type Si crystals with even Volumetric propertips by this method is noted; this is difficult to achieve by othor, methods. 2/2 mm 112 030 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--IISEP70 TITLE--A CONTACTLESS DISCRETE PHASE METHOD OF MEASUMING TUR$INE BLADf- VIBRATIONS -U- AUTHOR--ZABLOTSKTY, I.YE., K0ROSTELLvA.XA&A&. ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~-SOURCE--ENERGOMASHINOSTROEtilEt VOL. 16,P'JANo 19701, 1~4~ 11-14 DATE PUBLtSHED---JAN70 SUBJECT AREAS--METHODS AND EQUIPMENT, ENERGY CONVERUON 11110h-PRrV~VLI)IVE) :,,TOPIC TAGS--MEASUREMENTO VIBRATION, TURBINE BLADE, PHYS11'.5 LA330ilP~Y ANSTRU4ENT .CMITROL MARKING--NO ctFsrRicrjnNS ~9004ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1983/0?75 STEP CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP005_126? 2/2 030 UNCLASSIFIED PWICE5,!;l'NG OATr--l ISrP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0053262 ..ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DESCRIPTION OF A C011TACTLESS METHOD OF MEASURING TURBINE BLADE VIBRATIONS9 BASEID ON THF TIME QUANTIZATION OF A SIGNAL CHARACTERIZING THE P4RAi4~1rFrz to 8;-; mz~aiuoc-o. MEASUREMENTS BY THIS METHOD ARE NOT CONTINUOUS BUT ARF MADE ':"ILV viHEN THE BLADES PASS A PAIR OF SENSORS FIXED INSIDE THIF TURIHNE (:ASVCG. BY APPROPRIATELY POSITIONING PULSE SENSORS IN THE WING, IT IS P"5STGLE TO MEASURE THE DtSPLACFMFNT AMPLITUDES AND FLUTTER SPEEDS (IF 'mr-- RLADE TIPS# AND THEREBY TO DETERMINE THE STR'ESSES IN THEi BLADES AS Wg:LL AS T"F VISRAT-IGN-FREOIJENCIES AND THE PHASE SWI.Fj BETWEEN.THE V-46RAT10%S OF. ADJACENT kADES. ---------------- n; AA00463W UR 0482 .741 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section 11 Electrical, Derwe nt Y74 242472 DEFECTIVE SWE DETECUR fo~~ axUL campressora Ui si~craft $as turbimes is; ise inductive or capacitivt pick-up which receLver pm].D~as fxcm the blades. The pulses aria -amplified Lu the first stage and paused to a v&lve-type i;mwtoath generator. The outpuc from the latter is appl.4i~d to a yal-ve incorporating two c4thode f61loWv3!1. As isocin as a de2ective bl-Rde disturbs; the of the signalis a diode D2 will be cumed ait an im amplified pulse ailmittia4 to a t.1hyristron rotoy (last stage) to operata an electromanatic reloy md llslit up a signal 14ILP. 19.12.64 as 962471/24-6. A.S.Z111211CII'A et HlLa-(1-9-61 Bul 15/25.4-69. Clear. 42k. LnL.CI.C 01 m. AUTHORS: jhj,:-I~ova A. 1W4 ov bL AA0046399 :3,P, V7 Oil ---------- 112 008 UNCL A$ st r-teo, OATE-010EC70 TITLE--SEPARATIal OF P XYELENE FROM MIXTURES USING 111ERINF~ COMPLExics _U_ AUTHOR-I02)-PANCHENK(;Vt G.M.s KOROSTELEVA# A-1. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '~SOURCE-NEFTEPERERAB. NEFTEKHIM. (MOSCOWI 1970, (50,1 30-3 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY JOPIC TAGS--XYLENE, NICKEL COMPLEXI PYRIDINE# THIOCljilfl,Ar;E-v 100ROCARRON SEPARATIONt CHE-41CAL PURITY CONTROL MARKING--tNO PESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFILED PROXY FICHE NO----F0l0/605ClI2/B09 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140251 i it tZ i-, IT 2/2 008 UNCLASSir-ItD PROCEISING DATE-014DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140251 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A MIXT., CONTG- C-JPH 13.5, M 49.5, P 21.2t AND 0 XYLENE 15.6 4T. PERCENTP WAS TREATEI) 1411H SUB4 (SCN) SUBZ DISSOL.VLO IN 32:16:12 ETH'~ SU152,11 SUB2 O,AMMONIUM OXALATE TO OBTAIN A CLATHRAT11; PPT,ol ~IIUM WHICH r, P POBTAINED P XYLENE OF 96-dPERCENF PURITY. By ikEp!::i%rI.ljG T~-E TR'E.Aff4l:NTt P XYLENE OF 99.6PERCENT PURITY WAS OBTAINED. THE 1',l3Mrrll.EX COULD BE ORIGINAL COMPLEX9 ~O 75-80PERCENT REGENERATED TO MAIN A PROOUCT MORE 1:-:FFl!,C7'IVE tHAN THE 112 013 UNCLASSIFIED 0ACCESSING OATC.-30OCTTO TITLE-REACTION OF ADAMANTANE WITM CLEFINS -Ul- AUTHOR-(03)-KAZANSKIY* S.A.# SHOKOVAs E*Aov KORUSTELEVAr rov. CCUNTRY CF INFO--USSR SOURCE-DIOKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSK 1970v 191.(4)o a31-4 DA.TE PUBLISHED-70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-AGAMANTANE, ALKENEt CHEMICAL REACTION, lkl.UMIN~-m COMPOUNDt CHENICAL SYNTHESIS MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/0689 SrEP CIRC ACCESSICh NU--AT0124361 2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED FIROCE!iSING DArE-30OCT70 CLRC ACCESSION NO-AT01,24361 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-D- ABSTRACT. PASSING GA$C-OUS CILEFINS ((; SUB2 H SUB4, ME SUB2 C:CH SUB2 OR MECHZCH SU8,21 INTO A ffl[Xr. GF ADAMANrAN,E AND ElThER ALCL SUB3 OR ALBR SUB3 IN HEXANE oir NEGAVIVE100EGREES, WITH EXCESS ADAMANTANE ALWAYS PRESENT TO AVOID Mi)Cfl PCLYALKYLATIUI-4, GAVE A VERY COMPLEX SET CF PRODUCTSt THE COMPN. OF AHICM AAS, TAIULATED FOR VARIOUS PROPORTIONS OF THE CATALYSTS IN50FAR AS IOENIIFI%~'ATION 14AS POSSIBLEP BUT SOME 50PERCENY OF THE PRODUCTS REMAINED Ur!!FJENYIFIED IN MOST CASES. ALL THE OLEFINS USED GAVE AT LEAST S1314E Irl'THYLADAMANTANEt 19PROPYLADAMANTANEv I,ISOBUTYLADAMANTANE AND I-PSEC-tBUTYLADAMANTANE, BUT CNLY ME SUB2 C:CH SUB2 GAVE 101SUPROPYLADAMANTANEo THE TOTAL YIELDS WERE NOT OVER 22-5PERCENT.* THE RESULTS INDICATED THAr AiJAMANTANE IS ALKYLATED NOT ONLY BY C SU82 H SUB4 PCAR SE BLIT AL50 BY ITS UIMI:RIZATION PRODUCTS, WHILE MECH:CH SU32 YIELDS MAINLY THE loOlKOPYLOO)AMANTANE IN YIELDS OF 22-32PERCENT OF THE TOTAL ALKYLAT6 AND 115-9PERGENT RUE YIELO. PROBABLE SCHEMES FOR FORMATION OF THE IDENTIFIED il,iwoucrs WERE $HOWN. ALBR SUB3 CATALYST GAVE UP TO 22PERCENT ALKYLATE-So WHILE ALCL SQB3 GAVE NOT OVER 4.5PERCENT. CHROMATOGRAPHICALLY UP TO 2D PRODUCTS WERE DETECTED IN TYPICAL RUNS; EVIDENCE FOR 01 AND POLVALKYLATION WAS 04DICATED. FACILITYt MOSKo GUSe UNIV. IMa LUMDAIUSOVAI 140SLOW9 USSR* UNCLASSIFIE0 U"S 3 R UDC 620.132.2,2.05' BAILOOVI V. TV%? 1,Wg-gla ....... Q. q., and1JL03.*,;2L)U,, Yu. V.1 Moscow Engineering Physics Institute .T (I "Device for ~'. eausuring Z:Lagticity Internal FI-iction Constan's of Small Stecimens in a 'dide Temperature Ranx-ell Moscow, Za-,.rods`ava Laboratoriyal Vol 38, No 9, 1,97PY pp 1143-1144 Abst act! '-'lie construction of a device for rin,~ tho moCul,~,~7 of clasticitu.v i~ Fois--on's ratio -?,,iction 15-1 /A, f~,nd the iiiti,!rnal f oil circul-ir n,1-ilueS (1-5 riri thick,10-20 i-xza vacullrl 0-1. 10 -_-1 Fc, i7, dencribed by reforence to it-i The near-lurin.,, princii)lo is b-,.ned ort til-c Constants of elaAicify 15' were calculated frwrii x-e,-.onrjicO -_11,TrUC-:1- cies rind valueo of Q- v;cre determined froin Uie, -oidtpl of t,,,;_e re- sonance line or -fron st-tnd,~~rd formulnu. The (.,-.1au:L-ition ax-!vtne~.;-, 1/2 USSR BARANOV, V. M., et al., Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, Vol 38, NQ) 9, 1972, pp 1143-1144 Of E - -0 ind of Q-1 %,,ere 2 5-3 ~; ynd 7-10 ro:!moctively. The _y.,4-r-- -1 1 matic error in determin-inc, Q decroasos, and incrc-aAn --lueo of nn6 Q-I fo-z- '.'b. .g mtass of the spocimen. Wt I I Zr, and Ta, deluermined t-.,ith ~-Jic help OT tho devical 'Proved its ef-icicncy at Temperatures up to 2200 OQ. T,,-.,o figures, two biblio!--raphic references. 2/2 USSR UDC: 621-374'.4' TRAPEWIKOV, A. N., KOROSTIN, V. B. . ..... ...... .., "Autcmatic Synchronization of a Group of FerrotrELnsA9'tor Frequency rividers" Tr. metrol. in-tov SSSR (Wcirks of Metrology Instituteti of thtt, USSIO, 1,?"(2, vyp. 116(176), pp 46-48 (from RZh-Metrologin 11 Izmerl-,el 'rill a Tek-flKii, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6,32.493) Translation: The paper describes the principle of acticn alid the operatic!" of a device for automatic synchronization -within a grotip of dividers vbcse input signal comes from a 100 k11% quartz crystal controlled Tc, this end, a phase analycis Is madit- of second-by-!ieccild jilgii-111r,; r, pulse is formed in the case of depynchronization of ant! of r,'nit. d1i'iidCrE. The phasing error is no greater than 1,10-6 S. .4 simple snl reliable cJ~r- cuit is given for such a device. Adding a quartz c1cck to the devicA- ij; useful in the event that the dividers are consideL-ablv rc-=oxntd fron the c.!-- Cillator, and in the presence of interferenctu which rity cause ms.114f1meticns of the dividers. introduction of the proposed device Imprcyvs the relta- bility of time scale storage. A logic circuit ,Pcr conEilti -uctfcii of the gi,!en device is considered on the example- of a single synchrotilzatAon channe2, and 1/2 USSR I TRAPEZNIKOV, A. N., KOROSTIN, V, B., Tr. metrol. Ir-tov S,81"N, 1972, v:,-p. 116(176) pp 46-h8 the operation of the principal elements of the device is anitly:!ed. 'Nro illustrations, bibliography of two titles. Resum6. 212 .. rf I - ----- -- ---- - -- -- - -- --- -- - - - - - - -------- - ----- USSR UDC: 621. 3vr~i3139.611 KOROSTIN, V. B. "On the Use of Buffer Amplifiers in a Time wd Frequency Stitndarl;" Dokl. Ilauchno-tekhn. seminara "Metroloi;riya v radioel(:ktrnr,;.'X,-?" I . ?Reports of the Scientific and Technic&l Seminar or. Hetrolo,, .y i ii Summaries. Part 2), Moscow, 1970, pp 6-10 (from RZh-Radiq1;qkhni1,ii, N*o 7, Jill. IT, Abstract Uo 7A208) Translation: Specific requirements are given for the bufr`1!,r erz-i:.Lfier~-~ _ised in a time and frequency -standard. It is pointed out that trav-sistc.)r..- i,ii(:iuld Li. as the amplifying element in virtue of their durability =L ecorinnty, zuid ct:).n_,id,!ra- tions are given on the selection of transistors and the amplifithr circuit. 1, com- plete amplifier circuit is given together with a report on Lest irfiruilts. '.ile error introduced by the amplifier when the oupply 'volt46e chanIL-ij at m rate of' 2.ii, cNi'llec is of the order of 10-11. E. L. '11/3 Oil UNCLASSIFIE0 PA151CESI"ING 134YE TITLE-REACTION Of 1,3,DIOXOLAPIES W-ITH ACETYLENE UNDER 10TSICH A~AILTION CONDITIGNS -U- AUTHOR-(05)-SHOSTAKOVSKIY, M.F.r ATAVIN* A.S.# TROFIROVe b..A.,r KORQSTOVAv YkAAwv-NL-KRASOVAw L.P. 00 CMOTRY OF INFC-USSR SOURCE-IZV* AKAD, NALIK SSSR* SER. XHIM. 19701 (3), 1~68_73 ,DATE PUBLISHEO--70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-COMPLEX COMPOUND, ACETYLENEv HYOROXYL RAIMAL1, ETHER, 010;04,NE, CYCLIZATIONt CYCLOHEXANEt CHEMICAL REACT-ION TE14PkR,11rUjqL_ :CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME-1999/1762 PROXY STEP CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0123562 UNCLASSIFIE-0 .2/3 Oil UNCLASSME0 P, k I]C E 5t 3 G [) A T L -- --'I i'~'] '1-' 1 7 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0123562 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A35TRACT. It3rDIj'X0L,,1.~45 i'-,,I-J~CT AT 80-IZCDEGREES WITH THE LOTSICH COMPLEX OF C SU111-2 1-1 sub", CI*vi* !.,14 YIELDS OF HYDROXYETHYL ETHERS OF ACETYLENIC HCI CON,,POS. WAS EVIDENT ThAT IN A 140. OF CASES CYCLIZATION ra TOOK PLACE. 2tMETHYLv1,3cD1()Xk)LANE (9 MLi AND R~ 3 U., i A ~: IL! ETMGBR AND C SU32 H SUB2 (FROM -4*,5 G MG) GAVE A1:1 : i; BATH IN MEPH 16.7FEPCENT b slid2'i 68-71DEGREES; A SIMILAR REACTION IN WHICH THE Lu'4t"I.EX WAS PREPD. AT 37-500EGREES AND THE REACTION WAS RUN 1~j A ~;Tpll:-AM OF C SUE-1 H SU82 2 HR AT REFLUX GAVE SI-C-PU Ct(--LOS0LVE* 8 Stlo"114 6k"-5(JEGRCES. Lvi E N THE ABOVE RFACTIGN WAS RUN IN THF THER~ WAS FORMED AfTt',R 3 HR AT 120CEGREC-S CRUDE HC TRIPLE BOND CCHMEOCH SUB2 CH SUB2 Olir a SUB19 50-62DEGREES. 2,METHYLsZvETHYL*Iw3t01QX0LANE IN A,SL,41LiLR 1ZEAcrtotq BOMPLETED BY HEATING 3 HR AT 120DEGREES GAVE 18.2PI';~ACENT 3*METKYLr3wETtiYLp3t(2tHYDRUXYEfHYLJPI,PROPYNE, 6 SIM45 IQ-50EGREESP CONTG. IMPURITIES9 ALONG WITH 8,*90ERCENT 3t6oDlMETHYLt3t6tBlSt2tHYDROXYPE-THYL)t4pUCTYtIE,t 8 SUBI 11.8-20DEGREES. WHEN THE REACTICN WAS RUN IN A CONTINUED STREAM OF C SU112 H SU82r FINALLY AT 80DEGREESt IT GAVE 19PERCENT 2*METHYL 2, ETHYL# 3 * METHYL ENE# It 4,, UIOXOLANE MIX'1;0 W0,1i MCE-T SUa2 C10CH SU52 CH SU82 GHt b SUB3 WHILE THE REACTIUN kUP1 3 HR .41 D-50EGREES, THE 3 HR AT IOODEGR4~-E5 IN ME-PH GAVIi MAINLY 181'.- LAST ETHER tIMPURE)o OIL UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSICN N&--AP0123562 .,A8STRACT/EXTRACT-PASS ING C SU32 H SUB2 5 PR INTO ETMG1314 IN ET SU62 0 AING TREATING THE MIXT. WITH 0.5 MOLE SPIRO(4,411#4s[)90XUI'41,')~iANE-, LN REPH GAVE AFTER 3 HR AT 60-95DEGREES 18.2PERCENT MIXED 'It ETHYL 9 It( 2 v HYDROXYETHOXY) CYCLOP ENTANE A14D HOCH SU 2 C-I 3J132 CEY(' SU85 H SUBIG-CYCLO) 5982, 3 SUBL 60-30EGREES, AS WELL AS -'WHE SIS(Itf2thYDROXYETHCI*'XYJ,I,CYCLOPEPITYNYL)ACETYLC-N'i-'.* 8 SUBI 140-53DEGREES. SIMILARLY SPIRO14.5)vlv4qDlOX00ECANE GAV-E 1,ETHYL*lt(Z,HYDROXY,ETHOXY)CYCLOtiEAANE CGNTG. 3 REACTION -,I,ETHYNYL.Plt(2tHYDROXYETkiOXVICYLLU!iE-XANE, 6 SU3 RUN AT LOWER TEMP. ALSO GAVE THE LATTER PRODUCTS. 1:;ACILLIV; IRKUTSK. INST. ORG. KHIM.f IRKUTSKo USSR" UNCLASSIFIE01 V-Dr 5 11 . 56 1 F,.r I . 7F 174 , F. 7 1 torLtlawre or ritoft4tum~ Awv ~t~jtttws nr wrAT TottArmr-Mr tt# TRE I~F TfFF Frz--a (Articl. by Y,4.P. -.4loVA, V~A. 'r" A. r-'t I-, I A.e...4 1,170. P!. Trio stiCy or co14-arortngsa w,&S done on east steel Tyr. -.-,! tlh. -fh~d F the -ar- of t!:a i=pa=!: zt-azrt~ == zzzt "rz 12 1 12 X 55 ra in six* at test temperatures of -26 -2a. -4C-. and -61,' C -~4 --rry at -t*t I, i-di-r. m- ,b- -rir~ I ) ), -~, 0 55 r !n vice with an earuter notch (4rrle a!' -rrninr. to., 4al'th or "Vch .1 x.a, r a t,: ==I at t4zt r-p&raturoz ~r -;a, -0-3. -ie. and -to- C. The steel wom spsAted in a 7S-ton basl~ oren-nearth furnace. The specific energy at d.farn~tian duriar itatir brni- Int was determined by tie mat.4od at 'IanL,etrT of the arca~ of the dl4gra.s obta;ned b7 t-ztinr 4,ple, - 4 12-t- -,h- in- fros, vr- '7i-114th (C-rTral '.r'-nTif-c Rv~-r~h 'nxv!Ti;'f -sr 7*chnolaty and Nechd.1:41 Enrin-rl"Ff.' By *aalylig the test r. . . 11, 7, it.tlc I-ndins,, - d.- ttrmined the za-,nitude of the m-.eczf;c anarrv of The indi-id. usl segment% of the b2ndinr diarrar, snJ %is rre:ence of a cr-ts- tallia& component in the !rActures Of the rest bars. 1. Loadinp Volocitv and :mnact Str&nrlh As we know, the reliaLility of a metal functioninr at low Ter-pgratures or at high loading velocirioa (under impact) is characterized mainly by the tendency to brittle fracture. USSR SUSLOV, V. P., KOROSTYLEV.-L. I. UDC 624.07:534.1 "Stability of the Walls of Beams 141th Reinforced and Unrefnrorced Cuts" V sb. Kratk. teziqv dokl. k Konf. po povrezHenivam K ekslili-ot. nadezhnosti sud-ovykh konstruktsiy. 197~ (Brief Subjects of 14~perj,, at the Cunference an Failure and Operational Keliability of Ship Desipfts,.1972 - Collection of Works), Vladivostok, 1972, pp 104-108 (from RZh-Mekluillika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3V321) T,:anslation: Sem-lempirical. formulas are obtained on the bwiis of theore- tical and experimental data for determining critical loads or the Walls of beams with a centrally located opening, the height of vrhicK Is not Diare than half the height of the beam. 7 ref. N. A. Kulalov. 1/1 USSR uDc 621-357-12 KO -HEVSM. I. TAGUKQVJO A. A. "Obtaining Sodium Amalgam by Eleetrolysis of a Solution of Caustic Soda in a bath With a Mercury Cathode" KolyMa 1972 No 1, pp 24-25 (from _X_Z_h_-_X_h_i_M&V_n, 110 LI2,, Jun 721, Abstract No 12 12 r283 ~ I Translation: The procedure and setup for electmlytto Proanction of an Na- amlgam from lig and an aqueous solution of HaOff ,ire actacrikiod. 'Me cetup is designed to obtain 50 kg, of 2% Na w=J4,,,,am in one charijit-. The electrol.-,,Sirs Of the NaOff solution (300-400 IVI-iter) is carried out wltl-i a ct,,,rt*ent of 18.5 ri and a voltage of 3.5-4 volts for 7 hours. The cathode is a la~,Q:r of Ug, 2~1 jwi and the anoac is a steel The power of the electn,,ilyzer ts 0-74 kI:La-,,attr,. The consumption of electric power per kilogram of a=aIjj:tjm 14 (1.11 kilo-wittt- hours. The conauumption, of UaOll per kilogxam of ajnj~~Jgjijji -witil pepeii,,Lled 11!;e of the electrolyte in 45-50 it,- The device can bu manufactured under local condi- tions and insures safe production of the required amouzit of Ra-atwil,,ram 'When it is operated two or three times a =nth. 6 ........... ...... .... ....... .. USSR w)c 669,25153.9. 292 TSEC'NW, 0. V., FSK!-,;1NA, L. S., A. U., anal XORWAYEL A. D.; SiL~rian Phy-nicv-Techalcal lm;tltu~cj v, 1). Xuzraot~]Ov "Featuivs of Dcco,021tion in CO-jjj-Tj Sverdlovsk, Fizik,-k ~:Ojl-lllov J V01 32, NO 1 JIAI 7.1, pp ~5E-64 Abstn-acti Fim-r- data obtainc-d ty coiivontlen~nl ay:.l ojec-t::-an x-my c.-~.aly--!s c--:' a7ir~, decam-nor~itlcm in -a alloy vas stulic-d- it t~:~t by ncan;s Of, there occu-,-:; "'li, sar!e caso of' co.,i',iM;0!-,3 Kinctic~,, of Of continuous ::.,CnL c4~', O-Jl. It if.,:; ',CI, o f t h'! f I c Z. c a r I t i, I ta: -, d c1 1 1 L c c r. Uccr.;111 LCLUIZ c-l" OCCL=; )'~o44. c.1111( al-So thekr ccalr,-z,(,e.,,J::ii. Fi,i(j I'-. i 22 bibhcz~-,,znaphlc =-ftrcnc,~sf 1/1 USSR uDc: 669.25:539.425 TSINEEKO, 0. V., TYU!-!-E~NTS-;~N. A. N., L. S. Ir-14,f Siberian PhysicoLechnical Institute imeni V. 1). huzn4irsoy "Study of a Modulated Structure in Co-Hi-Ti Alloys" Sverdlovsk, Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Vcl 32, No 4, Oct -11, PP 758-766 Abstract: The initiation of a modulated structure dLirlng the decay of Alnico-, Ticonal- and Nimonic-type a1loys determines the s-iaping of their high physical, mechanical and high-temperature rroperries 1-overnin- extensive utilization of these alloys. Some of the propert.lez are related to the finely disperse segregations of the nonmetallic phase. Discussed here are measurements of the kinetic of changes in resi;stivat.,r, x-rPq and electron microscopic patterns (both of replicas and Lhin fo2s) appliod to the study of the decay pattern of Co-Ni-Ti alloys I CcitprisLng 54.j Co i 42% Ni + 4% Ti tuid II - 530& Co + 40/'0' tit + T% Ti I vt., TLe allo:,-s vit'a various Ti contents vere selected to determine the effect ct' the Lulk. share of finely disperse seGregations on the developmetit of a rodialat-nd structure at various temperaturesi The kinetics of chionges in resistivitr 112 USSR TSISENK0, 0. V., et al, Fizika metallov i Piet allove dj.,xi iye , Vol 32, No 4, Oct 71, PP 758-7060" during aging of Cc-Ni-Ti alloys following quenching e'rom 1~500C and ~be structural patterns at various stages of decay are niflectizeri in curvi!$ "d radiographs. The early sta6es of aging reveal a zow-type decay. 11107 coagulation of particles of the new phase results in'the development of a three-dimensional Periodic modulated structure. modulatton periods at different temperatures are measured. It is shown that the paxticles of the new phase represent an ordered phase or Co3U, (6 illustratioms, 26 biblioaaphic references). 2/2 - 57 112 026 UNCL A$ S I F I ~D I'll-OCES'SING OAT~--13SEP70 TITLE--INTERMITTENT DECOMPOSITION IN 110DENED AND 0EFORK(j) ALLOYS -U- AUTHOR-(05)-KOROTAYEV9 A.D.!! BUSHNEVt L.S.v PRoTASQV, A,'T., rYUMENTSEVI A.N.9 PSH 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SrsURCE--IZV. VYSSH. UCHE8* ZAV ~Do FIZ. 1970t 1311), 108-~.2 OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--CRYSTALLIZATION, COPPER ALLOYt Tirolium ALLOY, ELF.CTR 014 MICROSCOPYt METAL OFFORMATION CONfROL MARKING-140 RESTRICTIONS DOCI14ENT CLASS--UPJCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--191d/0960 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0105829 Z/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED 14 OC F SSING 0ATE----liSEP7C CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0105829 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-N) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SPFCIM5NS W: (,U--1'4 4.3PERCENT ALLOY WERE HAROFNED, DEF0q,%iF(), AND THEN STUDIED 1111 MErik(.Lu,~RAPHT AP10 ELECTRON MICROSCOPY. WITH SMALL DEFORMATION I)E-GWC-:ES ILESS THAN Ok EQUAL TO zopc-RcENr) THE FORMATION OF AN IVERNAL STABLE PHASE wAS NOT C)3SD.: SINCE THIS FOR4ATION USUALLY IS PRECEDED BY RECRYSTNI.w IT-WAS ASSUMED THAT THE RECRYSTN. CAUSED DISCONTINUOUS DECOMPNo INSIol" np GRAINS. AT THE DEFORMATION DEGREE Of ZOPMENT THE 01SCONTINLICUS OECOr-142N. SHOULD BE EXPECTED AT GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 4,500EGREES; IN ACTUAL EXPTS. THIS DECOMPN. WAS OBSO. AT 550DEGREES, UNCLASSIFIED_- 1/2 036 UNCLASSIFielo P'RocrisSING DArv_itst:*)m TITLE--DISLOCATION STRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL TWINNING IN hGED COPPFR*TITANIU4 AND COPPER?TITANIUM, ALUMINUM ALLOYS -13- AUTHOR--PROTASOV9 A.T., SUSHINCV, L.S., KOROTAYEVo A.0. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--FIZ. METAL. METALLOVED. 1970, 29M., 192-6 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--TWINNING, CRYSTAL DISLOCATION, COPPEq 41,,LOY* ALUMIN!)" !LL-jY, TITANIUM ALLOY, ELECTRON HICQJSCOPY, X P4Y DIFFRACTIOAt li-TAL DEFORMATION CaNTROL '4ARKING--N(3 RFSTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--(INCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRA4F--j91S/065Q STEP CIRC ACCFSSION NO--AP0105638 UNCLASSIFIFf) G9.141 SSVI'jNn *SNDlAW3GlSlO lHk:10 HIVd 39*dzl 3HI NI 35NVH3 V H11M OSIV ifti~ ollS JU )tll:)l'JgJlJlr)W 014Y NUIIVZIIV:)Ol ~Hl NI 39NM) 3VII H11M AINO It::". 0,-)JsFiv 55:11X-ed Dnmv BF1 01, 3n0 S31DNVH,) *OSVJC 3HI *lvlL43iVw .iH.l JL YMU -)hU. HS-~OG~Hl SNO11MISIO 3H.1 -30 NOlInGlbiSlo K'dO:IINfi Ao c3ztt---ov)i~Hj ;bni)n,,iis NUIIV~UISLO V =10 N01114iribL)d 3H1 oi SOv3I ~31i~l ~141 AL 3141 'OM SVM SlqUflVDC'lSlCJ 3H1 NO 3SVHd 91OVIS ~Hi z- NU1.17~1.JeIN 'A.U*IIV IV A-J:W-d~ Sflld IL JN'3:)b3d~OZ Sfild W) AHI NI *HD31~ kl:ii,,IVN 4WSlNVHJiii NCjliVi~dDJ:-j'kl PDN V JO 33%vbv3ddv 3H1 'SI-4C 'AXNOI:A~ VkV 'Al,OllVllN~9OWUP dll'3' 01 SUV31 IS'dl=i 35VHd 31OVISVIaN 3H.L "~,led 9lil *Sl.dd.- ~Hl H!D(l(JbHi SSVd USIV ~NIMI *H)3W IVHI I'lVi .'DJ A.b OSIV C;i~WlJJNQ:) Sl 1')Vzi S1141 '-SNUJIV301Sl(J DHI kg H!DnobHi 111S ':JN13U J~N --'4bV 4SIdd 3Hi IVJ~l ~GVW ge 01 NOIS013NUO 3H1 MOlIV IUN c,,(,, cgi~tv.j~lu cjin!i:;,~~.3i~ij *~Sl'Hd 3W!bd Vl,:gfl JIUVISVI~w 9HI Z10 IN~Wdij--13AH 3e, .1 1 u z `JV IS AH INO ON-V S14631IVd AVz! X No S3111131VS 3H.L 3)%VbV--iccV ~Hi C11 ~,,lN16N.UdS3H-dD:)-~iJVA.S 3HI 1V HIOU, "C-SCO -SVM t)NINNIMI llll:~d-ld ~!glilVlf V 9AVH H:)'lf4f4 S31CNns NlMlObJ]W 0330NI wimildHl 'OSUO ';V S~6akVlld;51NI NIMI OVGMi 3HI SACIIV %I NOLL ~;AJIIV AMd3l jail N1 336t)3C e3SS31 V 01 d(l (33MUHS 141:111%1:)OISIO -kVl:i JO 3)?y3SRd 3141 Sl SkOlIV GRHJN3r)0 e.iHi A,6 cjjcnAS 2S3-M SAUlIV 1V P~3~3vZ Sflld li iNg3b3dEez 5fild 00 11 ANZ")d.~dEll,, Sn'ld i1:) 039V fjlvV G~H)Nlllc) itil !)NINNImi *H:)iii NcijrnislO IHI *1:)VblSiiV -(;-dt) 16)--l:)V-d.LXaJl:)VblS9V GE9(,Olodv--L)N NOISS333V 3~413 (1311MV13W) 9C0 Z/Z U3211 UP" 6~21. -':71]: 6("". IU.I'.O'-ISK_rY, 3. K. :~:nd "Thermoelectrical. Ileat Inoulation for Cuter 4, 1 c~'71, 69-'6 Tashkent. 17() Abstract: The duicicieiacIes of I.-horma.2, pumvs heatinC :,TId coolinr~ are exan"ined, and j-.i(2:a4 I:ec L'." c to ameliorate tl-o~-,e are conodden-.xIi. Y' 1; cies, whicn exi~A, '.-:o'(h in "Ovt_et- the oner, `u Ide 'y losseV to thic -irrevor'--i. up-,er ,.ad lowIL'r h,:-,at -II-I ser and the or ba t OYI 'L 1:1 u,:3 e. :~,~ IcII ~.I rrC:3 semicondue'L,or he-A alht~ uoe af air wid w: insulatiom, !E! Id, "Ind t"10 dirccti~;n:j o)t' in electric liezA insuln )j.-O voll. na tha II V 1,13 0 tion of th,_~ latt-r on t"n e i rofZicirincios nre oil -~he e+j'ici,L~Iacy cx 2,!,r - are the re.7ult-_l o-. X 0 c r c. 1 heat imsulatc--C ho hot; n.-voom'! In Palm. 0,11CILIations pen.w.,nua 'Jith UIL: G`,I-An shoured tfiat, th2'0Uq:-:! 1,1110 USQI of' USSR LUKOMSKIY, S. 1-1. and KOROTAYEV, A. H., Celloteklinika, No ;, 1971, pp IVI-75 of 2-10--~' per der-roe, t-he allern.,~e economy ill from 1.4 to 2.4 ti.,zeo 1-1hA of di-roct hcanting. Thot.~ n-re as-- sociated t.,,ith tli(~ Jtate Scientific Re-learch Pwxr J'Xtztitu'%l-a ineiii G. M. Krzhizlianovskiy. 2/2 USSR KOROTAYEV N. A. UDC: 8.74 "Algorithm for Analysis Of Free Vibrations of Linoar Brancljhed Chain Systems" Minsk, Teoriya i primeneniye mat. mashin--sboxnik (Theory and Application of Mathematical Machines-collection of works), Belorussian University, 1972 ' pp 66-71 (from IIZh-KJbernetika, No 5, May 73, abstract No SV785 by the author) Translation: The paper deals with problems of automating the analysis of free oscillations of linear bTanchod ckain systems by using modern digital computers. An alljorithin and working program are proposed foi- calculating the frequt-ticilas and mades of free vibrations of such systems on the 'Wimiik-221' computer. 1C3 - USSR UUC 77 N;N., WYMAR, P.V. "Variation of the Absorption Spectrum and Spectral llenzitfvtty nf Ftateg-raphic Layers with Temperature" V sb. Mezhdunar. kongress 2o fotcgr. nauk-e, Moskva, I17D, folto r. chuvstvitel Inosti (International Congress on Photographic $iience Mcsc!ow, 1970, Nature of Photographic Sensitivity -- Colltetion of Works) , no r1ace of publication given, vneshtorgizdat, no year given, pp W14?-10i. (froiti RZ11-Fiti.ka, No 12(l), Dec 70, Abstract No 12DI319) Translation: The spectral change in the reflectRom cotiff,*c.Ltnt R, traninis!,,ion T,and absorption K = I-T-R for a series of Air,15r- and ~jjir(I).-photcerrlulsicrns was measured at temperatures of 15-ISOOC in the region 400-,550 m1t. The growth in R and T and the drop in K to approximately 4110 mu were.~ ~fbtmd, Data cn the difference in optical densities D v lg(l--~RVT for diffej:,ent A at 20 and 12(31'-'-' showed the pTesence of a maximum on the curves 0 = f(A) located at 441.1 triu 5= AgBr and at 480 mu for AgBr(l). The temperature changet~ of the ah-sorption are reversable over t~;e entire range studied. Thin chimige, 411 the ivpeatral serisittvity 1/2 USSR C 0 1.) loar~ nau e, os V 1970, Priroda fotogr. chuvstvitel 1-Mosti " no Placit-&f -j'ilblimitt ion given, Vnesh- torgizdat, no year given, pp 102-105 curves of these layers with the rise in temperattire wads selvctive: the irreatest growth was observed for X corresponding to a maximm W,and there is a ::lear maximum on the curves at 80-1000C. The vislue of 1g Z) Iln thfi Ac, g-wa , , t dl-e I %e I ly OF the band increases linearly with hv , as -for single cryi!;Ials ; f'cr the lat: ter (and hence for photolj:yers) , this is a consequeno2 of wZectvori transition into the conductivity zone from local levels. The natwe oe' the ~Wditional bard is ,Lmclear but the defects associated with it cannot be Rv icnii an the simfacst, since the concentration of the latter does not chunge with tomperature. In addition, in special experiments the change In thoir cancentilation, had almost no effect on the height and position of the maximum obsmrved, A. L. Kartu- zhanskiy. 2/2 56 UNCLASSM 1/? 115 ED TITLE-STUDY OF DYNAMICS OF 3W%LE BOILING OF WATER ON FtNE ilRES CONDITIONS OF FrEE CONVECTION -U- ~,AUTtiLIr-"-(r35)-SUfl,3f-,TIN, V.1.9 KAZONVSKlYi S.P., -~ V.YF., SELIVANOV, Yt).F. COUNTRY OF '[,VFO--USSR SOURCE-AT. ENERG. (USSR) 28, 9-13 JAN 1970 ~DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SU5JECT AREAS-PHYSICS :-TOPIC TAGS-ROILING, FLU10 OYNAMICS, GAS UY4AMICSil CCINVECTITN. T I .ORnXY CIA-C ACCF.SS1011 '40-4d0047916 .CL A $$.I F I ED P t.; Q,C F S ~j r I'D .1, T I '. S 212 0 3 5 u% CIqC ACCESSIr,:l A BS Tilk AC T / F X T4 AC T LI) G P- 11 (l.S T R, A C. T A CINE?,4rr;,,;~,,Ar'Hj(; ~'Tji;Y 0; fW(3GL.[- .10ILIV,; ',"N' FINE WPES Ulfll)t*;~ Ylif: C&.,)[1'I !'U~S r-RFi- C:'t,iV C-C T 1'),%j iiAS C A~ ~~ I el LIIJT I r~ E- C I I ON S OF EschRINO t+ fil;"Nfl-Es H SURFACE (+ A H:-:-ATEli LjETEKMINED. ON T F VASIS ~'ILVI%i,; THE EjUATIJN OF MOTION OF A riUL,16LE AND iY A MEASURCIIII-ENT rJF- I't-i t- i) I S T C L PASSED BY IT I'.! THP OIRPCTI(:),*i OPPOSITE TU NAT CF TlfiE 4(TI "N CF The LIFTTti'v FCRCE, FROM THE. MOMENT OF ESCAPING TILI. FULL STIPP Tki;-: YALUF OF KINETIC ENERGY NECESSA~'.Y Ff.)k CIVERCIHING THE (;;~AVji'AfTl0,'4.1.L r-(;4cES IS D9-TFRMINFD. THF CONCLUSION IS 'AADE ABOUT A NGNGRAIVITATICINJAL NATJRE. 13 FORCES, CAUSING ESCAPING OF A VAP4'LIR BU13BLE FROM THE SU;4.F:ACE OF A riE -'TrER. S-OME HYPOTHESES CONCERNI~NG THE NATUqE UF THE$E F0,14CES RAVE REE14 i;RUPOSED. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 035 UNCLASS If: I EO TLTLE-E~FECT UF TFE AMPLirujE OF TORSLCNAL VIBRATEONij or~ IlftE fFNS[l_E ST&AIN STRE5S CURVE (& ALUMINUM -U.- AUTHCk-(04)-P0STNIKfJV, V-S., KOSILIJV, A.Tjo KORUTAYEV!'i YE,4., 14L-5~1.qjV, S.I. CCUNTRY UF LNFC-USSR SUURCE-FIZIKA METALLOV I METALLOYEIDENIto VOL. 2t?, m.Aj~,. liplo, 1). 655-657 DATE PUeLISHEC---MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--STkESS STaAlN UIAGRA?4p ALUMINU14~ CRYSTAL PISLOCATIUNP BIBLIECHAPHY, TENSILL TEST, TORSIONAL VIBRATION. ST14ESS ANALYSIS CCNTRCL PAkKING--NG RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSI~ILO PROXY KELL/FRAME-2000/1460 STU) CIRC ACCCSSICN NO--Af)0i25(90 DATE--~!ONUV70 212 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS ING CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125090 A8STkALT/FXTRAGT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY UF THE 1: 'FFEIJ OF THE AMPLfTIUDE GF TGRSICNAL VIBRATIONS ON THE STRAIN,' Sritlf:51S CURVE OF PUL YCRY STALL INE -ALUM I NUM SUBJECTED TO A;UNIAXIAL IEN!*)ILE TESf. 1r 15 SHOWN THAT THE STRAIN STRESS CURVE EXhIOITS A STEP14M bli-HAVIOR WHICH IS EXPLAINED IN TERMS OF THE DISLOCAT,IGN THEORY* FACILITY: VORONEZHSKII POLITEKhNICHESKIL INSTITUT# VURONEZrip 46SR. WX: 53).67 USSR POST.17"u-J) V. S A. T.., ri"-',YZI-~ YpA "On Amplitude rl2nendence of Interna! Friction in Yetals" Sb. "Vnut--re=ae*.a treni:.e v (InterwA Fric' !~~:l in Metallic L~U-,,ro 1970, T';.. Ab r-'~ c t :EQ-naltr, of on In p;*Qf~--n' The data- obt,%4J-.~,J .4 Z-A of dJ'.-lccn:tir.),In, A relation. is obtui-.~~-d Ln the procc~;-7. ich o-~ Q ';~w Of activation Me ellatIl ~j24---' :-,i jjj~d. aCtivi-tion. vs. ve i;- ~-rn, is (I Plotted- 3 7 032 lic L A S S 11: 1 j ITLE-OETE-~,'i !,NAT ION l0i: IN A Sl.~~JIUMILA I Tilk~Aiqsr-L-rl AUTH0;~-(03)-K0PYL(jV# V.S., KtJiLlrAYEVAs T-I.Not KUlN0VW:jl/, E-.,Yl: COUNTRY OF INFC-USSR -SOURCE--AT. ENER.G. lq7UP 23( 3) v 241-? _~:DATE PU6L ISHEJ - - - - - - -70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHE%iisrRY TOPIC TA(I'S--t.lQIJI0 MErAL RFArjossp soutum, mc:riic PIPlil"IrYl THLRIMA~ ANALYSISI HYN10F, HYI)ROXIDE CONTROL MAkK I NG--N;J -, t.- STP I CT I ONS DOCUIENT CLASS-WICLASSIF IFO PkUXY REEL/FPAME--l'-o9d,/0Q')4 ST!.-kl CIRC ACCESSIJIN Ni)--AP6120154 ~:..:'212 03 WNCLASSE'FIED P~19[:FSSI!lt; 2 ,~CIRC ACCESSION '40-AP0120154 ABSTRACT/ir-EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- AklST4ACT Tilt: YOTAL it CONT~_7.%"' 1% Tit- ~1-A USEU AS C-COLANT IN NUCLEAX REACTICII~S IS OET0. BY A (Iv4lj0vsKII, Er AL., 1011)8); rlti.'; H AS oy frit: ME[HUD OF AHIrEt ~1- AL. ltl-1~141; 4NO 110- 41 611UNj AS 14~ DETI). 3Y THE DIFFEI.~---NCE. A S T 4 T .1 S T 1 U LANAL, JF Y)-I,:: Pj DETNS. (AT A TOTAL it CONTENT OF (t.7 TIMES, 10 PRIME- 111';GA'[1Y1E4 " 1.6 TIMES 10 PAIME NEGATIVE? -4T. PERCENT) SHL)wS THAl' Ti-Iii fkk:Loll[V~ E41:lok RANGES FROM 6 TO 2,tPERCP-4T, Tt,IAT 18E.RE I;S NO sysn-wiric i i.,%j rHAT THE SENSITIVITY OF OETN. OF HYOkIDE, Arlf) HYOKCXYL 1-1 IS I I 1A L S 10 PA' I NE NEGATfVE4 ANI 2 TIMES 10 PRIME ~.EGATIVE4 Wr. PERCUll'. R~.~11-*'. USSR UDC: 8.74 ALIPEROVICH, E. Ye., EATISHCHEV, D. I., BASALIH, P. D., fflIDNAY" R. r. KOROTCHENK0. A. G, , KOUYUGINA, L. A., KOLDORKINA, L. R. , $-LEGET ~ 11A, pt. SUMAREVA, V. A. ~'SAPPOR -- a System for Atitomating the Process of Making Optirmin Decisions" Moscow, Kibernetich. sisterT avtonatiz. proyektir.--sborifl.k. (Cy',lernetic Automated Design Sys terns--collecti on of works), 1973, pp 29-35 (fror. F7'-I- -Kibernetike, No "I , Jul 73, abstract Ila 7V633 by A. Translation: S.WPOR is a dialoe system oriented for =H:iLt cptir=l de- cisions in the process of designing -technical devices. The syv"'.Cr. is realized on the conxitter with two remory arrityn, sel:.Cnd being designed for operation of a itcri,.-en panel. 11e soft%taxe (A* the system is based art the riodular principle and has the folkivinr WoLiles: 1) 1116odellf -- for constructing Lthernatical nodel of U."a O"Ject. ., the mt being desiened. This block is replaceable and variet; cn tlhe Class of the object of optimization. In developfng Lbe ISAiFF011", RLC cir- cuits were taken as models. 2) "Formulatiorl of the -- a com- piler which prepares classes of problems formulated by the, d,.-;si.lzner for -1/2 USSR ALIPEROVITCH, E. Ye. et al., Kibernpticb. sistemy avtoratis. ppoyaktir-, 359T3, pp 29-35 solution (calculattirg the characteristics of the objeci, 6~tini,_,irz the mathematical expectation in satisfying probability limitaticrns, etc.). 3) "Method of Solution" - a set of programs for fintlirg the globc-21 =in.'=.1= of an arbitrary curve, rdnimizzing multinarameter functions iLnd nu=erically solving problems in nonlinear prograx=ing. 4) VICheck" -- e~rabltts fol- lowing and controllirg the process of finding the optinum idth reitpect to information which may appear at the output (alph=,umerii~ printer, screen panel) as ordered by the operator. 5) "Output of Results" -- gives the results of optimization in the form of graphs and tables cr a screen panel or on paper vith the use of an alphanumeric~printtr or a "Kionsul" t)-pevriter. The last four modules are universal %nd dc not depend on the type of optimization object. An advantage of the 133APP-OR is the possibility for operative search for the opt:btr= decialan and the combination of the designer's experience and intulticri vith rigcrovs mathematical methods. In this connection, the design proceiif- carA be carried out without knowledge of computer progn-aming and Ulits, carrespnd- Ing methods of search optimization. 2/2 A -1/2 009 UNCI-ASSIFIED P10CESS111,10 DATE-20ZIOV70 T I fLE--LFF I (,T CF CUPPL IN UP, T HE F AT I'VE (,WNVFR,!' 'I ill N ',I: I. ASS L S0 CITkIC, AC[u -U- AUT11[JK-(3!))-V1:CGSEYC-V, V.f-.o ALE.KSLYEVi I N p K UR L) t t-`1KC.-lv A.V.v I M.'VA o A ~N. v SV L r% I J!-'4VA t T 04 CCUNTRY GF IhFC--USSR SCURLL---Kf-,L1h%'-RFK. KUNUI11-k. ~Wi. 1970o 33- 5 OATE PULL SlUiJkt~T A:-Ltit') --bICLLG I CAL i~Jb i1b) KAL SCIENCES Jopic rAGS- SUCROSE FEk-At-1% I-A T ION ASVERG I LLUS , c I [k U: Ac I Ot CUPPI~R SULFATE RESTRICT 11-AS H-D' P R J A YL L L I f i,;, M L- 3 G'~) 4 / 0 Z.) 3 9STU: P iN G1- (J kG 31 r (:1 0 101L; 5 JC,3 C S 1 -.N 1 11 212 cc cl UNCL ASS IF I ED CLAC ALCESSIO'N iv0-- AP0IJLZ-lt A63NACI/CXTRi~C-1--( U) Gl--O- AoSTRALT LAB, I-XVi'S., ' VE;~[FIED AT T~lt INOLSTi~l~~L SCALE, f%LVEALF0 THAf AGON. Of CUSLI SUtlii C'ljhc~ls. AT TO 4-7 ING-1-jk) 1-12 MIGLASSL-S RE'S)ULTH.) IN L,-Tj,u~k LUNVERSICN CF THE LATIFR FLI CITK[C ACIO (4-23l;EKCEN T HIGHER YIEL,AS) BY AVERUILLUS NIGCR (SUM-A~,t-' C'ULTURE), Li7 'cc ervice: Code A Nr. Abstracting S A905076 CHEMICA"L A'BST.4110 VO d' ~~7 zo~ 105401W InfTared ra of insoluble products% of 1--u- radiatedstarch. Z~~I~ snteoct 'R. G ""irn ir V. P. - K~l It'll r SSR). Zh~ Pr'i The ir spectra ca-t-1) of liniol, p mille-, iwjxtc,l Nmh corn starch -y-irradiated with 15-840 lm~~'xa it 'dosc t-100 R,'!itc. 'i ra 4 and 4dw-m- " . were studied. In the r-citions of CH stretchink atto'l vibrations, the spix-tra of the parji~-Ics c6licide witIll tt~o*. -if albuinia nad -y-globulin and 41re very similar ti:o the spectruoi (il' Eich.-richia cali mlsmqL barid,,ar' 14 CM-1. Chanicteristic oi $Uf4lkrs, was Wmd. The N cioMim.-t in lhe materials studied wws Vw-,jwr Sara Y, REEL/ FROIC 1,981076'5 1/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED Px01:;4:SSI:.W., DATE-300070 Tl'iLE-MICRIBIOLOGICAL QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF INOSITOL IN YEASTS ~_ ~_U_ AUTHOR-(03)-KOROTChENKG, N.I., BENDOSENKOv V.A.9 KONEWA, N.K. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE-PRIKL. BICKHIM. MIKROBIOL. 1170t 612)t 243-7 ~,DATE PUBLISHED 70 :,SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~TOPIC TAGS-YEASTt MICROBIOLOGY# QUANTITATIVE ANALYSI$t ALCOHOL CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/~RAME-3001/1806 STEP NO--UR104IL/70/l.')Ob/4)02/0243/0247 CIRC ACCESSICN NG-AP0127220 i i -- i ZL 212 018 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSINI; DATE--MICT70 URC ACCESSICU %C-AP0127220 ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- ASsrRACT. TO DET. INCSKINIL (1) IN YEA$TS,, A I G ALIQUOT OF THE DRIED MATERIAL IS AUTOCLAVED ~&rll 20 Mi. OF ZOPeRCENT HCL FOR L HR UNDER I ATM TO LIBERATE 1p THE HYDaOLY44TE NEUTRALIZED TO PH 5.2-5.7 AND DILD. TO A CONC14. OF 1-2 MU Gr-KL 1* TO I)ET, I MICROBIOL., A 48 HR CULTURE OF SCHIZOSACCHAROMYCES KIMBE. JS ADDED To THE HYGROLYZATE, THE MIXT. INCUSArED 46 HR AT 350EGREE$j, TH~ INTENSITY OF GROUTH MEASURED PVGTCCULORIMETRICALLY, AND i'HE iusuct C111tPARE0 TO A srD. CURVE MADE WITH KNUIiN CONCNS. OF I* THE CONTENT UF I IN DRY YEASTS AS DETD. BY THIS METHOD JSo FOR UIFFERENT CANUIUA SPECIESi L268-et792 MU G-G, THE LEVEL OF I DEPEUDING PRIMARILY ~CIN IrHE UATURE OF T.Hk NUTKIiE^4rS SUPPLIED. FACILITY: ALL UNION RES. INSF. PR;DTW1 8IOSYN.v USSR. USSR UDC 547.118 NIFANTIYEV, E. Ye., Y.OROTEYEV,__4,.__P.,, and RABOVSKAYA, N. S. "Arbuzov Reaction With Carbohydrate Phosphites and Amidtiphosphites as a Method of Synthesizing Halodesoxysugars" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 8,.Aug 73, pp 1806-1&11 Abstract: Arbuzov reaction with carbohydrate phosphite--t and amidophosphites vas applied to the synthesis of halodesoxysugurs. Sugar phenylenephosphites are not suitable for the synthesis of halodesoxysugars because of the ltv electron density at the phosphorus atom. Replacem*nt of im oxygen atom in the starting phosphite by nitrogen changes drastically the reactivity of the molecule; the temperature required for the alkylation Jrops bj, -about 15', the duration of the reaction being cut in half. The best maj.;el c4=pounds for this reaction are sugar tetraalky1diamidophosphiteii. In spite 1~f the fact that stable quasiphosphonium salts can be obtained when, under normal con- ditions, the reaction is stopped at the first stage of Arbuzov rearrangement, when heated, the process goes co completiono giving satitufactQry yields of the final products. 1/1 I F -1,31 R, Dif r-' ~07 3, USSR UDC 911-3:616.9-022.39077) KOROTICH -S. "The Problem of Zoonotic Infections in the Ukrainian $SR and Prospects for Their Extermination" V sb. 'Materialv XV Vses. svezda er idemio" 9&ov, ml.'rirob il;112,sa ektsinn- istov, Tezisy Dokl. Ch. 1 (Proceedings of the 15th AX1. Union Conferene- of Epidemiologists, Microbiologists, and infectious DAsease Specialistt,, Theses Reports, Part I -- collection of works), Moacmi, 19711, pp 95-98 (from RM-Meditsinskava Geografiva, No 3, Mar 71, Abotract NO 3.36.69) Translation: At present special attention In paid iii the Ukrainian SSR to the prophylaxis of five zoonotic, infections- bruceillosio, rabies, anthrax, tularemia, and leptospirosis. 1/1 USSR MALINOV, L~ S., SOKOLOV, K. N., K0RQT1rH1 1. K. and ZKMNES, A. N. "Influence of Alloying Elements and Heat Treatment on Hardening of Low-Nickel Steel" Dnepropetrovsk, Metallurgicheskaya i Gornotudnaya Promyshlennost', No 6. Nov-Dtc 73, pp 24-26 Abstract: The study of low-nickel martensite-aging sto-els perfoTilled showed that they are a promising structural materLal with a Ilood combina- tion of mechanical properties. The best propertics aroi tho-i'o of steels types CUKh2N5hFYu and OOMH51,Mu. The nature or hardening, in the steels studied is similar to the hardening of high-nick-al martensite- aging steels. It results from dispersion hardening of the Carbon-free martensite. Softening of the steels is related to loss of the coherent bonding between intermetallides and the martensite matriK, coaj;ulation of intermetallides and the processes of polygonization 13nd recrystalliza- tion of the matrix. USSR UDC 669.141.2141-412t.658.562 OSTROUSHKO. A. V., lCiVACILKOV, Ye. A., K"WCII~.&.. saw KI)LIK, Y. A., and YEVTYUTOV, V. P., zhdanov Metallurgical Insm, . hant:kmenl. lVich "Improving the Surface of Heavy Plate Ingots" Moscow, Metallurg, No 1. Jan 71, pp 23-25 Abstract: Use was made of production data on 1825 melts of carbon and low- alloy steels to study the effect of technological paranetcrs of metal pouxing on the surface quality of heavy plates produced from ingnts of Low-alloy steel, The processing of these data failed to estibblifli a liotk- between Che teclitiological parameters and the oxtent of the deftpeL fdoul)la slill) on the plates. it was found that double skin is cauiwd pviviariiy by t-be oxidat.1.011 of metal splashes adhering (in the. process of pourLng) to tlli*, inner surface of the corrugated faces of the Logot molds; the rawowJw!X caulle of doubW akin formation are subcutaneous blowholes which are C.1041C. to OW StIrfUCA' Of the ingot. The use of a graphite sulfite cellulose sunpeasioa for lubrL- eating the ingot mold and simultaneous increase in the pauritq rate make it possible to reduce the number of double-skin rejects an pl4tes. ~111 Mr! I NMI 11fillp, MWIMM,111 112 007 0CLASS1 F IE POCES5,114 0ATE--lI$EP70_ TtTLE--UNIFORNITY OF A SINTFR CHARGE -U- &UTHOR--KOROTICH, Val.i BUTTVCHENKOw V.N,* KOMORNIKOVY G.I., STARlyllqvt COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--STALI 19709 30111, 1-7 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANCGRAPHV JOPIC TAGS--SINTERt IRON ORE CCINTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMFNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRA4E--1987/0143 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NL)--AP0103822 T, '2/2 0 0r UNCLASSIFIED PRIXESSIN3 DATE-11SEP70 rtRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103822 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AqSTr%ACTo fROM TH(.' MECRON14 (JN1r-Oq'-ilTY STANnPaINT, AN llA:ALLY MIXr-D SINTEqING CHARGE CAN BE C:INCEIVED AS A NO. OF ADJOINING ELC-14ENTARY CELLS, FOR EXAMPLE CUBESo TFiE I'-OGE 01F AHICH IS EQUAL TO THE DISTANCE L aETVIEEN NEIGHHDRIN3 SIMILAR PA-PlICLES HAVINS D[AMA. A. THI.S DISTANCE IS GIVEN AS L EQUALS A(P TIMFI'; 10 DRIMP-7-GA44A A'F)PRIMEONE HALF WHERE P 1S 0., GAMMA IS CHARGE D.i A rS T4E P,-:-'RC;-:%TAGE 0; A GIVEN COMPONENT, AND F IS TRE PERCENTAGE OF A GfY141 FRACTinN CF THE COMPONENT. THIS DISTANCE VARIES LARGELY AS A FUNCTION OF PARTICL~ SIZE, THOS DEFINING THE CELL REQUIREO FOR THE13REI-ICAL N'3!NU-%1FCqqlTY. WHICH IS NONLINIFORATTY TIN THE CASE OF l)EA-LLY LINTFORm rj-iSTklaUTl0N OF SEP. PaLRTS IN A VOL. OF CHARGE. EXAMPLES OF DIMENSIONS OF THESE CELLS FOR DIFFERENT SIZES OF VARIOUS MATERIALS OF A SINTERING CHlRGE ARE GIVEN. ACTUkLLY THEY HAVE TO BE M4RKEDLY INCREASED9 ON ACCOUNT OF INAIjEQUATE MIXING, TO PROVIDE SUFFICIENT SANPLESs TIIE N(.I* OF SAMPLES OF THIS StZF NEEDED TO PROVIDE THE AV. COMPN. OECPEASES WITH THEIP LARGE VnL.; FOR THE cnriolTIONS DESCRIBED, 30-50-C4 PRIME3 SAMPLES ARE $UFFTCI---!-IT. MACRONONUN I FORM I TY IS A FU'-ICTION OF MIKINOt WHICH IRE00CES IT wilTHrlUT EL114INATING IT, UD-C; U12 0 R -pu-n-c ya. r. d I t -L t t 14 e x t i 10 11 1 Kirov "A !!z:thOd of p-,,r--Iucing d-rvo MOSCOW Class -2, iica 7 9, 1970, SQVJ-eL "o 2'j, Gc Abs 1. A rmetb:)d o.", !-rzduc-,.c -o-y- -6-1-act: "his "Othorls Certificate R-~ate3 oiO the fonnul." ioal;:Ioll t cl 6 .2 Lit- of Lhu fwllt thaL I 7T-770V f) 020 TIPLE-SY.-NIHESIS OF kFSr,iS CN SULF4i ILAHIOU A111) VAHIIIJ~ ALL)'-fiYOUS Et !if?' AUT,iUK-(-J4)-KGk0TKAYA, L.f., KHM-1,11, )A 0 A4 S I fVA T SA IS., A A Yi'-' . p . ---- I ""'d I CGUATRY OF INFO-USSR SOUACE-11V. VYiSli. LWED.v IEKHNOL. LECR.. PkUH. ~~910, (I), J~)--63 DATE PU6L ISH'"-D --------N SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRYp MATERIALS TOP[C TAC7S--SULFAi',, lLA.,MIW-. FLJkFlJAAL Al-00-1YUL SCHIFI: i~,A:S-E, IN, A(;kYLArr-, ADHESIVE*,' THJ-i"~,',AL SHOCK CONYROL MARKIN(;--PJG kEST~NICTICINS DOCUMENT CLAcJS--LViCLAlSSlFIll:D PRUXY S TF. PNO-UR /0 3 2 3 C I R C A C (" F S S I"'i '.L; A T1-1 LA 1 L _i-) am-M NUNN 020 I- I r - - pommirmlylow Rill! - ---------- -- UNIC L A S.S I F I EO: PIR11 161-S$Pst, i AT4L---1P1C'V70 SY'N T ~ I ~ S 1 % SU L F Vj L A:1 1 J F U1% F i.1RA L. A i'I'D P A I U!, I I I'L V i A T H F 114 T E i, 1" 1 A I 'IS rAlNi~,G M, Till!'> :-It-JII(A, S C I I I f i I - i* TRZ IHIE',Y AL F A 1 4~ L i. 1, 1 1A N I H QSF (I i ~ I' A I t " 1. It y I ii" ., i:t!- L N T I u- 'i F -`- JL F A'i 11, Ao',l 1 0' 461) F UAFUPIAL. tj R P 1. Of I S i: S 1 14 S I IN ;IiH SkM.-, (111 or-RE: t-W-IPAT 10 L 1"' WII'H 0,0111ft,lc, Flm ,jt.~ I i W), SUGGESTIN't'l A POLIC?~T I[WiS AS I-M 4CRYLAC 1'. 01011`16!- A~,b Al"fl- S IVES 1" A-;.IAL SIH.,CK S I' S T At',I C I- F A 1- 1. 1 T Y L N 1. k U pllzj. TE--,,Sr. Itz (112 UNCLASSI Ff',E10 fiROCESSING, gAtE-160CT70 TITLE--MODIHED P TOLUENESULFONAHJUE,FEIRMALDEHYOC RESINS -U- AUTHQR-(05)-MLLNIK0VA9 YE.P., KORCTKAYA, Lplti KHA9,lTv VA.A., QtWLEVA, N.G.t,TAGIEV, B.A. ..,COUNTRY OP INFO--USSq SOUPCE--U.S.S.R. 2609884 "REFERENCE--OTKRYTIYA, IZOSKET.~ PROM. O8RAZTSYr T0V4i(NYlE ZNAKI 1970 47(4) DATE PUBLISHFO--06JAN70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY9 MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-TOLUENEt SULFONAMIDE, FORMALDEHYDE, POLYCONDliNSATIONt CYCLOHEXANONE9 CHEMICAL PATENT$ PLASTIC PRODUCTION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS--U%,CLASSIFIED :PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1055 STEP NO--UR/048211(1-~000/1100/0000100(30 CtRC ACCESSION NO--AA0116521 UNCLASSIFIED 212 012 UNCLASSIFIED 11RUCE"S$ING OA'rE--160CT70 CiRC ACCESSION NO--AA0116521 ABSTRACT/EXTRACI--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. HCHO RESIN,$ ARE I:I;EPD. BY COPOLYCONDENSATION OF HYDRUXYMETHYL UERIVS, OF 11 l'GLUF'NE5ULFJi4.MI0Et HCH0j AND A 1400tFIER, SUCH AS CYCLOHEXANWIE OP. M SULF4lol0YLtlE-Njt-jjC ACID 11). F4CILITY, INSTITUTE OF HIGH MOLECUL,Ak wi-IGHT COMPOUNDS# ACADEMY DF SCIENCES, U.S*S.R. UNCLASSIFIED USSR .,11At~,U) X15 :6 1 e1 PROKOFENKO) V. T., and POGMNOV, M. P., Utvingra4~ lnstitutlo W" Pont.--raditpto Medicine imeni S. M. Kirov, LeniiVrad Inrtitute of PreeLsion. Optics anti Mechanics, and Institute of FsychoneurolQgy injc~ni V. 14. B-z-d-iterey "Orean Chances Following Exrerii.,iental liesection With a Utser D-,-am" Yoscow., Eksperimental'naya MlirlAr&iya i Aneateziologiyno NO 1973, pZp 45-W Abotract! '17he liver, spleen, and kidneys of rata wexe rt!~secte-d wit-Ji a las~.~r beam (enerV dcnsity 10 to 18 J/--:li~). Irupedlately aft,,.w the operation, a linear area of coagulated tissue could be neen an the awrfaca or the orf,.;nns. Histologic exardnation fron. 1 to 33 &qys after the operation xiairen-led neveral distinct zones of altered tissues in the 3 operated oraaria- Under a surface zone of coagulated tissue was .% none of necrosis arA tht-an, a Zone of reactive chanGes. Still deeper was noripal tissue vtth solitAii-j hetikarrho,gves. A leukocyte reaction beca:--e apparent on day 3. Edema and himiton-lial-ees were most pronounced in the spleen. Connecti-,,%D-tissue fibers bej7,,u to pi,oliferate in the necrotic zone of the spleen on day 3 after the operatte~n anti in the liver and kidneys on day 7- Me amount of connective tissue grtLdw'O-7,y lncrensad &nd formed a scar. USSR U 1 B.M., N!17.107, ~.4I., i. P nTest. Of ',-Lhe Uok) Cf A Laoer Darha,g Ourelcal ~j~. I Le r - r,r 4n--ta ;"a. Lan-n-rzad ln3tilckit-a For JL(.i, CT J,Dotoro L--ini I:;.". 1~11, Li---~ 97, p:) 64-57 (fre:~,. No 9, '-,-hpt 07 1, :~ivtnt,.t 7ran-31ni-,ion. 'I'lic pan,-:~r -~na will rf' a lj;-ol- for 111 11q, ol, ( o", f~ t a114 Orc;mo 044, vni:n ILI -,-Ji ti,.,2 a 0:1, rA lil niow a t, I- Ll.e I' E~- 4-,q 0 Z tir,nal Sur,,~:ery c--:' CiLj ;70r "a'3 ti-ruc,u:3 opcrati.-m 00 111cur v a m:rlar lip to 20 a d ", 2 1 11 .1 013th of' thel Out ol, O.LL-1,:41 -.~- .:I I' I'rI. hl 4, ::~j o r, T)!Llr~a ant,:Zlieolly; t;n-~; l;:!lv"4wu G4., lh(b wlt won dry und 1:11" Ch'If l.nW, Color with t'lu cl-43po-~ed or, tllc- lirl-a Of t*,Iu cut an:~ J.1 t1:1) adjollnin'l 1.11~,1-1,,,,:-~ uro biotic c4yin-es J,-,-;,A-op wti,. a,.' -Lllv~r fartaution of a acar. Ill. I tab. V.1. L USSR UX 577.391. RQ7WTV14 T M- and TARASOV, V. A., Institute of General Gqntnics, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow "The Cytogenctic Effect Produced by the Combined Actior~ cif X-Ray's ,.ind thioTEPA on Human Embryo Cells Cultivated in Vltro" Moscow, Radiobiologiya, Vol 11, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, pp 5213-536 Abstract: A cell culture of fibrobla:-;ts of hu-man eribryl:)n wa!i Jrrn(1H.-itc-.d !I of LhioT1-'i-A in x-rays in a dose of 50 r and then subjected to Lhe actit:) concentrations of 3 X 10-5, 1 X 10-4, and 3 X ()-4 tj. in the anaphase and early toluphaso stages of mitosis wil!re countod. Th,~ combined action of tile x-rays and the chemical mutagen :In all of tile cLyn- centrations used resulted in a cytogenetic effect greati!tr than that cor- responding to enhancemunt of tile actions of x-rays and 41OoUPA applied separately. The maximum increuse above the effect corrosponill.r1g, to enhancement was observed in early periods after the conlifned action. 1/1 USSR LTDC : 539-374 KOROTKIKH, Yu. G., SADYRIM, A. 1. "Thermal Shock in Elastoplastic Shells" Uch. zaD. Gor'kov. ur-t (Scientific "totes. Gorlkly University), 11971, ,ryp. 142, PP 51-58 (frcm RZI-Viekhanika, No 5, May 72, Abstract No IIAM) Translation. The authors study wave -rocesses which ti~J-.e T.La,~e dur-ini.-. he%14 shock in an elastoplastic reinforced material with regihrd to the temperat'are dependence of the mechanical characteristics of the mattrial. It is as- sumed that the given material may be described by the -Palley plasticity theory with translational reirifti-cemtint. In tMs rej,-:%rd, the modulli, yield stress end coefficient of lline&r expivision are iissume(! to be Tunctions of temperatttre. The equations of nxition ve intitgrEted by successive calculations for small tjm,,L~ steps. For thitt Vur~.jo4;e the ~Jt~ffrinj:- equations are presented In finite-difference fcrm on a space-ti_"e _ra,grajf.-e Vid. A.MG-3 aluminum alloy -is chosen as the research ,v,.terj,!tJ.. Phe nutl,.nri: consider problems on rapid heating of the thin inner 14iyer (,!. 0.2 mra or, a shell with rise In heating temperature to 7000 C in t = 0. r/ im and or. h,!,il ti:;,~ of centrally syumetric spherical shells uniformly with res-pie-ot te.) 112 USSR KOROTICIK-11, Yu. G., ESADYRIN, A. I., Uch. zap. Gor1kov. mn-t, 1171, vyr- *1!1~ pp 51-58 - ~-.- I In analyzing the solutions, an investigatioa wits r-a-de Anto tlie rrcces--~.s c1f development in time of plastic deformations in differevx pcints of the s':*.e.11. which were found to be cyclic in nature; this is attr-fl:~uted to the action of waves of rarefaction and compression. Yu. V., Suvarava. 0/') USSR bDC-' 539.374 2.R ~ ~U. ~G. "Mathematical '-'Cliell cf ar Elaztaplastic Meditxr. Levelolled 01-. the of the Concept of Kinemntic -nd luotroPic Reinforcemert, a~rd 1:1--a-lization of This Model in Static and Dynamic Problems" Tr. 2-y Vscs. konf. to chisl. metadn:n resherniya rladto~h -~eori' -i urru~c,-I,--7 i plastichricsti , 1971 (Works of tht Secand All-Union 0:)ff-C-ri!nVe an Nu- merical Methods of Solving Prolilens in the Theory of Elastit.-ity and Plasticity), Novosibirsk, 1971, PI) 156-i6g (fror- R21-,~j!O-nan.1ka, NO 7, Jul 72, Abstract No U420) Translution: A survey is r given of t3ceme existing noddel:i; of letcrmatfon of elastoplastic bodies, principally under dynemic ccnd"-4t-J,--M;. A --cJr-1 of an elastoplastic body is described in vhIch the todis- if-~ to be elastically comprr-:;nible, eltistic defor-nations follire a I-p-nernlized Hooke law, and the increment!i ill fl~.,c- tensar of 2,esidui-.1 ~-:iei .dpij and in the ten3or of plastic deformations Ac j fixe I;y the expression tpij = gAc "j 4 + Orij, where g is some scalar fti-icfl on c-f in- variants of the tensors of micrQstrer-ises and deformaticor, al)so2ute tem.- 1/2 115 R KHROMIM, Yu. G. , Tr. 2-y Vses. konf. I-p chisl. netcilil.ti resh,:!n4-Vn teorii uprugosti i plasticIbnosti, 1971- ;;41 156-169 perature, the reinforcement parnume~er and hydrcstatic 1:i,essure, 0 is a function of the st=.e axg=ents which depends on the colill-se cT the tallization process. The relations between the arsune;l C-xprl-!.,I-,i-cn ,--nd Prager's reinforcement !a-,r ej-e discussed, For the soliltion :)f' value problems the author prorclies using a mixed ]:rincirle in conjunction with some principle of discretization, ijuch an the methc~ of finite elements or the method of natural mpproidlnatlmr. of' derivatives. A number of numerical examples of solution of static writ! Cyrnur.Lic rrcI)l.e:I.v are considered on the basis of the described law of defcrmat.:ion. A=Onij, the problems considercd are a doubLy connected plate tri t- e state with a circular hole stretched by a uniform low', ;I J L th:~ck spherical shell in which a square pulse induccu s-t;r(!E;t; wi,,.ive~; , nxd zaiso the problem of waves of stresses: and plastic deformationo, c,,-.jised by EL source of internal energy moving, at a velocity eqmal to h-UT tl-e -,Feed of sound. The effect of the strain rate is evalu4ited cia F~raj)ht:- cgraphy of 33 titles. M. I. Peytmen. 2/2 -LSSR- ULC 539.374 IGI YU. G. , RUZANOV, A. I. L L.~ - Im" "Study of the Reaction of a Spherical 'Shell to Foi~ce and Therlil,:-l Shock" Uch. zap. GorIkov. un-t (Scientific Notes, GorlkIY Univw:~:~.-Tty), 1971, No, 2.34, pp 91-102 (from RZII-M anika, No 3, Max, 72, Abstract Ii,) Translation: Processes occurring in a spherical alumin-um she'll, imdk~r a fz,-r~-e impulse and thermal eff,2cts are i lives t igated. An mq)ul$e extilmal lead rl~ triangular shape distributed over the gurw--ratrix accordir,iy to a cos-ine law i~; applied to the shell. The phenoi:ienori of dytimdc splittin;.! oft- un,~Ior t"Irx. r-,~flcc- tion of the compression shock wave fron, -the inner t;urfiiC:(-- wa,--; for th-is form of load. The potential strain energy of di!3-tm,Li~)n applie