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USSR uDc 621.372-5 :-ELYA=, P. A., KLBSIUMV., P. P.., GUJSMCO, K. 11. "Cascade Inclusion of ve Mdripoles" Tr. Yosk. in-ta elektrom. mashinostr. (Woeks of Vioscov Institute of Electronic 1,hchin_- Buildij3g), pp 88-99 (from Mh-Radiotcldmika, 1970., v-yp 13 No 4, Apr 71, Abstract Ho 4A156). _Translation: In the case of cascade inclusion of identical active nonmutlial quaZxlpoles the input and output inpedances of the quadripole t-Irn 'Out to be %, - mt e resist-ances. Une coefficient K+ the equal to its ite Uiv ratio of the increment of the input impedance of the quadripole to the incre- ment, of the load resistance at the.p.)int where the load resistance is equal to the iterative resiatzince in introduced. The coefficient K+ Is used to con- struct a unique definition of the input rend output iterative maintancen and the tranardanion coefficient of quadripoles when opcmt~~ng on Iterative resistances. Polymer3 and Pblymeiizatibbi USSR, UDC 666.113/117 P., FIRICHEN-KO, L. F. ASLAKOVA, 1-1. S. , NOW K -IM-S111YOV A. A., CHERTOV, V. M., VYSOTSKIY, Z. A., Institute of Physical Chemistry, imeni L. 11. Pisarzhevskiy, Ukr. Academy of Research Institute of Fiber- sciences; and All-Union Scientific-, glass and Fibers "Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment on the Texture of Silicon Fibers" Leningrad, Z.1hurnal 'Prikladnoy Yhimii, Vol 44, I-To 8, 1971, pp 17~5-17310 Abs4firact: I-Phe texture of glass fibers stromsly depends on their Origlffnatural or b,,~saltic glwss, The texture of tilicon gplass is dealt with here, as it is affected by hydrothermal processing. A number of physical featuros are taken into account. It is shown that with hydrotherma1processing of fine-pore silicon fibers at- 100-3000C, and autoclaving for 3-24 hours, increase in either of these factors will secure a substantial reduction in the si_ze of micropores and in the specific surface of the fiber, 112 USSR KLIMENT011-4, YU. P. , et al, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Yhimii, Vol No 8, 1971, pp 1705-1730 which means also that --he volurae of sorption space falls off. U Hydrothermal processing at 2000C will prioduce'a good number of ultrapores in silicon fibers, and'these will~be ~~-,cesbible to -the water molecules, though not to those of benzene. Precise data on textural characteristics of silicon fibers accom- n the -oaDer. y 2/2 79 - ~112 008 UNCLASSIFIED 5RIOCESSING DATt--230CT70 _:.TITLE--SYNERESTS AND ISOELECTRIC POINT OF ACID HYDROGELS OF POLY.SILICIC ACID -U- AUTHOK-(03)-~LIMENTOVAP YU.P*# KIRICHENKOP L.F.# VYSOTSKIYY Z.Z. COUNTRY Oil INFO--USSR ~-SOURCE-UKR. KHIM* ZHm. 19701 33 61 /~5 6- 8 ~'~DATE PUBLKSHED ------- 70 .'.~_~-SUBJFCT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC. TAG5--GEL, SILICA, HYDROGEN TON CONCENTRATION 4':t CONTROL MA,RKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .:'~PROXY RHUFRAMF-1999/1827 STEP Ni-1--UR/0073i*70/036/-,001/(30F)6/0058 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123616 DATE--230CT70 2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING CIRC ACCESSION.1-10--AP0123616 ABSTkACT/E_XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE RATE OF SYNERESIS OF ACID HYDROGELS AT PH 1-3.7 AND FCR StO SUB,-, POLYSILICIC - cnNcNs, OF 1.09-1.78 MOLES PER 1. AT 26.60EGREES WAS DETD. AND 15 SHUWN IN GRAPHS. [S MIN, AT A PH OF SIMILAR r,) 1.7. FOR ALL CONICN.S., THE RATE FACILITY: INST. FIZ. KHIM. IM. PISARZHEVSKOGCp KIEV, JSSR- "mean, =mm 77' -T USSR UDC 669.71.672 XNWIPIR, L. N., VC1YNISKILY, V. V., MUSKIY, Ye. G., CIUB, V. Ya., and KLL%IENYLTK, V. A. "The Anode Effect During Electrolysis of Oxyfljorotitamiu-171 Fusions" Mosemi, Matallurgiva 1. Titana (Institut Titlma), C, Publisbing House, Vol VI,. 197C, pp 77-81 TTanslation: '17he re--,ons flo:: thc r~)pearance of the naoc7e eff.ect eurinc., elec- trolysis off o:zyfluoroLil--anium fusions on a carbon-gra?,11ite. amade a-re -4-vesti- gated. it is deronstrated w-hat the anode effect. arise,,; --s a resi,'f: of Lne formation of um-conduciling oxides of Lhe COF? type on the ~;ur-Fai-,2. ~.T fornation sucli co-:-no-m.6s is accompcinled by a worsei~Ln~,, ~e and leads to passival--icn of t"1-2 araode. S tudy of the oi. --;q the Lusion t:as done on a:i --I. C -I C,2 current d-i V. v 0 z~ d e L) e ii --d c, n cc F, for rc-cor 1 twzu; del-~,.O-nc;tr tcd tli~t t"'O. Con.- centrati-Ami of YDO, --L-n tiE,, clectrolyte ~!%*.ert, the i on -;,C size of crit-I[cal cizrromc densi*.tv E.xoorinc!ntal rcsult, ~re iver, -11 7 the influenc-L of TiO-i ccT-centratIl-C-I'l Oil t1je 11~1111L! Of critical. currc,,.:: dc-n-sity. Four illwitrntim,,,~; z~m,,! 14 1-;.bliopraphi-c elaries. CLASSTFTEV MOCESSING DATE--25OCT70 2 orl 8 UN 'LE--,ROLE OF ASPARTIC ACID IN BIOSYNTHESIS OF NICOTIN AND ANAaASINE -U- T UT -(03)-LOVKOVAj M,YA,g ILINY G.S.t KLIMENTYEVAt~ N.I. ,_tff HOR -COUNTRY OF TNFG--USSR C S.OURCE-jpq'ZIQLOGtYA RASTENlYr 1970t VOL 17, NR 2, PP 409-416 :;Q;~ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAG,S---BIUSYNTHCSIS, PLANT PHYSIOLOGYt ASPART IC ACIOt ALKALOID, i_71_'~PYRIDINEs PYR-lRQLIOINE j~ONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRfCTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSI~--IED ,--PROXY REEL/FRAME--1982/1579 STEP NO--UP,/0326/70/OIT/00210409/0416 .CIRC ACCE-SSION,NG--AP0052781 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0052781' .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(.U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. FOR INVESTIGATION OF BIOSYNTHESIS OF NICOTIN-AND ANABASINE C PRIME14-N PRIME-15 ASPAkTIC ACID WAS INTRODUCTION INTO N. TABACUM SEEDLINGS AND N. GLAUCA SHOOTS AS PRECURSOR OF ALKALOIDS. AFTER TERMINATION OF THE EXPERIMENT NICOTIN AND ANABASINE PREPARATIONS WERE ISOLATED FROMT'HE PLANT MATERIAL AND THEIR OXIDATIVE DECOMPOSITION INTO NICOTINIC,ACIO WAS CARRIED OUT. IT IS SHOWN THAT ASPARTIC ACID IS A PRECURSOR OF NICUTIN AND ANABASINE BUT ITS ROLE IN-BIOSYNTHESIS OF THESE ALKALOIDS.IS NOT THE SAME. THUSv ON INCORPORATION INTO NICOTIN THE NITROGEN OF ASPARTIC-ACID IS MAINLY USED ,-,--F3R 810SYNTHESIS OF THE PYRIOINE RING AND THE CAkBON AT014S PARTICIPATE IN FORMATION OF BOTH, THE PYRIDINE AND PYRROLIDINE RENGS, OF THE ALKALOID. ON THE CONTRARYt IN BIOSYNTHESIS OF ANABASINE, ASPARTIC ACID 4A[NLY' PART[ClRATE-S -IN-FORMATION~OF,:TH-E.,,PIPERIDit4E- AI,NG-OF-THF ALKALOID AND 15 -INCORPORATED-:INTO THE PYRIDINE HETEROCYCLE TO..A MUCH SMALLER DEGREEll ~~:-PATHS OF PAR-T-'ICIPATION OF ASPARTIC ACID-IN BIOSYNTHESIS OF NICOTIN AND ANABASINE ARE DISCUSSED. UNCLASSIFIED . . . . . . . . . . DC 5'.472 USSR 66 i9 CHURI V. Ya., and ANTIPIN, L. N., BOLYNSKIY, V. V., MNSKIYj Ye. G., KLIMENYUK, V. A. "Anode Effect During Electrolysis of Oxyf luarotitanate:.1felts" Sb.- tr. 11ses. n.-i. i proyektn. in-t titana [Collected works otF All-Union Scientific-Research and Planning Institute for Titanium], 6, 1970, 77-81, (Transilated fron, Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metalluirgiya, Noi 1, 1921, Abstract No.1 G193 by the authors). Translation: The causes for the formation of the anode effect during melts on a carbon-graphite anode are electrolysis of oxyfluorotitanate studied, The anode effect a result of forination of non-conducting oxides such' as COF2 on the surface. The: formation of these compounds is accompanied by worsening of wetability and loads to passivation of the anode. Study of the critical D in oxyfluorotitanate melts was performed on an automatic installation recording the volt-ampere functions. Priiaary influence on the value of critical D is that of' the concentration of iTiO2in the electrolyte. Experimental results are presented demonstrating the influence of TiO concentration on critical D. 4 figures; 14 biblio. 2 refs. 77", DA 1;:--- 13, 0 V70 PhOCESSliNG /Z UNC SPECI.FIC T!J TH C,; I,% rRA UTER 114 EOEVELCRMENI OF '~hr_- WIDER THE -EFFECT OF H040LJGCUS PLACENTAL CYTlr!JXIC:S _RUM -U-1 AUTHOR~KLIMETS, I.S. ,.'CCU. IF0 WRY OF IN , --USSR ~'-,SOURCE-BYULLETEN' EKSRERIMEENTALIN'OY 6 1 Fj L CG I IM.E.DITSINYt 19701 VOL 49Y NR 6, :PP 81-83 ~0 A T EPUGL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES !;.,T,CPIC .TAGS--ElMBRYOL(JGYy. PLACENTA9 SERUM~PRUTEINv TOXIN, RAT CCUTROL MARKiAl'G--,q-9 RESTRVCTWNS --tJNCLA SS I f I ED .00CUMENT CLASS REEL/FRAME--3004/0559 STEP NO--UR/02L9/TO/049/006/003t/0083 IRC ACCESSION N!j--AP0131192 T 1~- r 1,` 1 C L AS -2/2 022 UNCL AS S IF I ED;' PkOCESSING DATE-13NOV70 ClRC ACCESSION NO-AP0131192 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SINGLE INTRAPERITONEAL INJECTION OF HOMOLOGOUS PLACENTAL CYTOTOXIG SERUK TO ALBINO RAIS VERY OFTE~~ LEADS TO DISTURBANCE OF FURTHER DEVELOPMCINT OF :PREGNANCE. ASSOCIATEO 14ITH 'S OF PLACENTATION (IDEATH OF FETU$ES, RESORPTION OF IMP A I k M E NT - ADF P0 CS S E AMN, [A I .THE PATHOGENIC EFFECT WAS MOSt~ MARKE0 WHE~N THE ANTISERUill WAS INTRODUCED ON -THE EIGHTH JAY OF PREGNANCys FACILITY: LABORATORY '40HEMATUOGY OF THE NECCLOGY OF THE OF ~ I MIMW INSTINTE, OF -OBSTETRICS AND GY. 1ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF THE USSRr.,LENINGRAD. ONC LASS I F 160 USSR UDC: 51:621.391 KIPSHIDZE, Z. Sh., FAYN, S. B. 110n, Polynomial Error-Corre-ting Codes" Tr. Yxchisl. tsentra AN GruzSSR (Works of the Computing Center of the Academy ot Sciences -oT--t-he Georgian SSR), 1972, 11, No Is pp 90-86 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No SV497) Translation: By "polynomial code", the authors mean the set of SOITtions of the system where aj(z) aj,x-, To correct coefficients aij I= 1, 2, b-fold error groups'.1t is pi-oposed that the be selected in the form 1/2 USSR KIPSHIDZE, Z. Sh. et al., Tr, Vychisl. tsentra AN GruzSSR, 1972, 11, No 1, pp 80-86 A tk-fold mixed-degree asymmetric error in a polynomial code is understood to mean asymmetric distortions of the symbols of a code word which take place in conjunction i.:ith the same degrees of x in the sequence (at(r). a&(-%). which is a solution of the initial system in no more than t cases. A method is given for constructing polynomial-codes for cor- 'recting mixed-degree asymmetric errors. In addition, a special code is proposed for correcting symmetric errors in two adjacent polynomials over the field GF (2). This last code is a solution of the system or' equations + where s,- -2, (p,sJ-._1. p;~-2(n+l), V. Dyn1kin. 2/2 33 F, USSR UDC 621.~a3.292/52 SOLTAMOV, U.B., ALEEKSA."MROV, 1.R., DUNAYEVSKAYA, N.V., UMN LEPILIN, V.A., "Use C-1 Silicon 144ultinlier Elements In T'hotoelectron Devices IT Elektron. tekhnika. lauchno-tekhn. 9b. Elell-tronnoluch. 1. Totoalektr. nriborr (Blect-ronics TechnoloMr. Scientitic-Techn~cel Colloctionl~. Electron Boom And Photo- electric Devices), lq'rO, Issue 1(15), pp ~8-61 (from Bl.h--Slaktronika i y~eye primerieniye, No 2, February 1,071, Abstract No W4~) 'Pranslation: The phenc--enon is investigated of cathode amplification in silicon p-n. structures developed for hybrid photcmultipliers. The phenomenon consiets of the fact that during bombardment of a crystal,with a shallow lying p-n Junction by an electron stream with a nover U . 1. in the circuit of - a backward-biased junc- tion,the current I = ale >> 1~ appears. Yhe diffu_:~ion p-n structAres with the dogth of cacurence < I micrometer is investigatad, as wall as junctlona obtained by the method of ion implantation which ate characterized by better :reproducibility 112 USSR UDC 629.76/.78.015:533.6 YAROSHEVSKIY, V. A. "Control of the Entry of a Space Craft Upon Entry Into the Atmosphere With Ryperbolic Velocity" V ab. Upravleniye v kosmose. T. I (Control In Space. Vol 1 Collection of Works), Moscow, 'Tiauka", 1972, pp 237-248 (from RM-NeMhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3B350) Translation: Problems of the control of a spacecraft entering the earth's atmosphere with hyperbolic velocity are discussed. Control is achieved by a change In the angle of roll., 11 ref. Authors' abstract. u --27NOV70 035 PROCESSING DATE T-4 TLE"TR A JECT ORY CONTROL AT 14YPEROOLIC ENTRY -U- i'.~AUTHOR-102)-KLIMIN, A.V., YAROSHEVSKYs, V.A. ji jl~GQUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE---4LUTOMATIC' coNriaoL IN SPACE,3RD I F.A C SYMPOSIUM TOULOUSE, FRANCE MARCH 2NO-6TH, 1970. ~ -Tf,* 4A -"PUBLASHED--~ MAR70 :.,SUBJECT AREAS--SPACE TECHNOLOGYY BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES '5--REENTRY TRAJECTORY,. SPACECRAFT COWROLt SPACECKAFT REENTRY ,10? IC. TAG ."..CONTROL, SYMPOSIUM, AUTOMATIC CONTROL. CONFFRENCE .'CONTROL .4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS fDOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PRQXY REEL/FRAME--3006/1666 STEP NO--FR/0000/70/000/000/0000/0000 CIRC ACCESSION N'0--AT0135273 212 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINIG DATE-27NOV70 :JCIRC, ACCESSION 140-ATO135273 ~ABSTRACTIEXTRIACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. HYPERBOLIC r: m r ti YrRAJ CC, TORIES OF LIFTING SPACE VEHICLES ARE CONS IDERED. THE PROBLI_-M Of- TH~c EXIStENCE -AND DEPTH OF THE ENTRY CORkIOOR FOR GfV[N;VALUES 01: REENI-RY VELOCITYr LIFT DRAG RATIO AND FEASIBLE ACCELERATIOIN IS STUDfZD. THE APPROXIIIIIAFE ..FORMULAE ARE OBTAINED WHICH DETERMINF- THE ENTRY COkRIDUR DEPTH AND -CRITICAL ENTRY SPEED AT 'WHICH THIS DEPTH VANISHES. IT IS ASSUMED I'HAT T 15 BASED 0' 14E TRAJECTORY CONTROL N THETERMINAL MISS PREIDICTION AND THE ROLL ANGLE VARIATION. LONG PANGE TRAJECTORIFS INCLUDING.THE HE SKIP 01UT OF THE ATMOSP~O.IkE APE EMPHA! I E L D INTERMEDIATE PORTION OF Tl JHE. MOST DIFFICULT PROBLEM IS CONTROL DURI,NG THE FKPISI SINK li It] THE, ATMOSPHERE. IN SELECTING POSSIBLE TRAJECTORIES ALLOWANCES MUST BE MADE FOR THE LIMITATIONS ON THE FEASIBLE VALUE OF ACCELERATION AS WELL AS FOR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINUMUM EFFECT~Clf` PERTURIBArIONS AND INSTPUMENrAL "t 15 S, SPECIFICALLY, MINIMIZATION OF ERRORS ON THE LANDING POINT t THE INSTRUMENTAL. ERROR EFFECT IS EOUIVALENT TO T'HE SKIP OUT ANGLE MUNIMIZATION FOR A GIVEN L!t4ITAi'[ON ON THE FEAS13LE ACCELERATION. THE TPAJECTORY STRUCTURE VARIES WITH REENTRY CONDITIONS, FIRST OF ALL, WITH THE DU MMY PERICE, ALTITUDE. SIMPLE, RELATIONS WHICH PERMIT THE NTEI L - _ESTIMAT~Wl OF THE EFFECT OF INSTRUMENTAL ERRORS, 04 THE ACCURACY OF LA3 AR ORBIr ARE fib' AINE'D. 11DING 'OR LAUNCHING INTO A PLAINET I Y r THE EFFECT -WRE DENS f TY 66 tA T I row- im rHF_ I CONTROL LE;fY MOT I ON 15 OF ATMOSPI 'VIAI I ON$: WHICH V)W Y 4 L. 1.) 1 T T ca3NSIoEgeo. pj PAr~'rICULAA, tHE DE I ),I (m TRAJECTORY ARE STUDIED. UNCLASS IF [ED ~024* UINCLASS I F1 ED PROCESS[NG DATE-20NOV70 J-ITLE-RECGt-,BINATICN OV Hcr ELECTRONS Ai~NICKEL AND,GERMAiqlUm ATOMS -u- ~~A(*TH(JK-(02J-KLIlVKAv L.A., GLINCHUKP K.00 CUNTRY OF JNFU-USSR /R