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UNCLASSIFIED_- . _ UNCLASSIFIEF)-` 0.4 kj C ES S I M G -0 A T r- - - 1 30'-,' 10 T ITL'-::--F- I ON UF i3 E f A LYS I INE I N T i I FG'JR.~ Lii -Bl0syNlHi-*_';ls OF STREPTOTHFICINE ANV1310TICS -U- 0 3 V G RON IN A v01 T C- V A R 0'/ A K H C M i L Q VAS .AUTHO; ~CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE,--- I ~Vll:-ST IYA AKADEMI I"NAUK S SSR, SERIYA 6IL;LGGjr;_ESKAYA,' 1970s INR 3y PP 435-440 DATE PUBL ISHEO ------- 70 SUBJECT A R.': EAS--RICL'GGICAL ANU MED I CAL SCIENCES I TIC, BIUSYNTH-SIS, LYCINFt -~-TOPIC TA.:;S ANT13 FERMENTArl Cj'l/(LI) STREPTOTHR, K INE MiTIBIDTIC ST. C.04TROL MARKI.NG--blig Kc RICTIONS 'CLASSIFIED 0,0CUMENT CLASS--UN -PROXY kE'__L/FkAME--.30G 1/0498 STEP i'q0--UR/G21,5/7Q-f 00,)/Q03/04i-3:~/~)44-0 .(;[.RC AM~'.SSION :'~-'21-2: 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 CIRC ACCFSSIOLM Nt~--AP0126245 -XTR -- t 1J) GP-0- A3STRACT. rHE PRESENT PA P it D,:-- A L S FH Tll~~ A9S TR AC T/ I ACT QUESTION OF FORHATION OF BuTA LYSINE IN THE CC;OkSE OF 13fc;SVjTliEo'IS OF STREPT13THkICIN A''TI310TICS. UTILIZATION OF C PkIM--'14 Li4BELL--D BETA LYSINE:CARBOIN J0iTR,,s'r TO GTHER HAS SH04N I I 1\1 C AM I MOA.C D5 B S PREFERABLY I NCUAPORATE D ~ I INTO POLYMYCkNE (A, 6, C, 0, F TYPES lbF STkL-PT(~-rHRICIN'l-%) AND ST~.FPMTHMCINE 1:1 DFTEAAl,'14AT!0-,-4 OF C -GUL - i K I PRIM-E14 -M DIFFERENT PA(w~ OF THE- STPtPTOTRIC INE F tQL( c Iit 1-H s Fi-IRMED IN THE PRESENCE OF ItC ;HAS SHO',q~l THAT TH E I-i4CORP-GRATE-0. C-A,,BON OF 1,-C PR 1,lt&14~ OL ALPHA I L--mSllll-E 15 COMPLETELY L f 0 1 IIJE -DETF-CTEJ.-fiW8FTA LYSINF, iiHEREA-S: NO LA8EL; IS FOUND BOTH STREPTO A-0 GULO-SAM[NE) TPIS- SM"ING THE SP-CIFICITY :OF INCCRP.311ATI-~' THUS IT 'E; iES TO TH~ PATH CiF BETA WAS 01' CLUDED TWT ALPHA LYS[N V, E K Y, CLO:SF --LYS 1141F. ilERMENTATION IN THE COURSE. OF STPEPTOT,WRICIN 810SYNTHEStS. FACILITY. - INST I TUrE OF Cli&ilS,TkY 0 F :14ATURAL PROUCT S:l ACADEMY OF S C I 61C E S USSR. UNCLASSIFIL-1) USSR UDC: 62-1.397.62 KHOKHLOV, B. N. "A Decoding Device for a SECMT System Color Television Receiver" Moscov, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, pronyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnvye znelki, No 4, Feb 71, Author's Certificate No 292252, Division H, filed 23 oct 67, published 6 Jan 71, P 152 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a decoding device ZfOr a SECAM system color television receiver. The decoder contains a band filter connected to one of the inputs of the color commutator through an amplifier, and to the other input through a series circuit comprised of a delay line and anplifier. The unit also contains stages for correcting high-frequency predistortions. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, in order to improve the quality of correction of high-frequency predistortions of the television signal, the stages for correction of high-frequency predistortions are connected separately in both the direct and delayed channels. USSR uDc: 621-397.62:535-67(088-8) KHOKHLOV, B. IT., SHABEL'NIKOV, I. I. "A Chrominance Signal Recognition Device for Color Television Receivers" USSR Author's Certificate No 250983, filed 23 May 68, published 2 Feb 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 7, Jul 70, Abstract No 70221 P) Mranslation: A patent has been granted on a chrominance siUal recoEnitior, device for a color television system in which the recognition sipyal is transmitted during transmission of the field-quenching pulses. The device contains an integratting circuit connected to the outDut of the color difference =plifiers, and a trigggering unit. To reduce the effect which the transmitted image subject has on the opera- tion of the device, a switching stage controlled by the blazfKin(,r field pulses is connected between the output of the,integrating circuit and the input of the trigger unit. 00 43316 UR 0 482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, S tion. 11 Electrical, Derwent, , Co WUR EQUiMUT r242958 IN TELSIftS ION WEIVERS SECO contiL S cb rrectioncascade for 14F Ift-Trz.,tortion ih commutatbr (3y..,Aiiectly (1) amplifier (2) -associate wi . and through-de'lay oetrli:al. rj ger 14.) which f 0,1~ ~4yv .qu- cy discriml controls comutator.13), fte #P nator-s (6), , (7), and.chrominance cascade*s (0), (~O)~ 1 1~;Lmplification * of equipment'for ir~~ua i, ~dis6 pnnect ion of: ~Iour 'Output of (8) and.(101, io.connect" thrbugh,integ'rator,,gate and differentiating circuL~ to trigger (4);~ 30,8.67 as 1181114/26a-9 5.5.69, Cless 218 Int.' F-H:O,D~ G1530 97 1 USSR UDC 621.391.82 ANDREYEV, G. A., LEVCNETS, B. P., 1UGID, R. M., Cor'kiy State UniverS4ty "Effect of Additive and Multiplicative Noise on the Accuracy of Measuring the Angular Position of a Radiation Source by Systems with Pulse-Duration Modula- tion!' Gor'kiyj Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radlofizika, Vol XV, No 9, 1972, pp 1367-1375 Abstract. Theoretical expressions were obtained for the man square error in measuring the angular position of a radiation source by the pulse-time method under the effect of additive and multiplicative noise. The relative error caused by multiplicative noise significantly exceeds that caused by additive noise. This is explained by the fact that the multiplicative noise i5 not equivalent to additive noise with respect to the pariiwetero of the spectrum. Multiplicative noise can be reduced by l(wering the respant3e threshold, in- creasing the integration time by comparison with the correlati-on time or attenuatimg the depth of the rando= modulation of t1he received signal. The implemented measuring system provides an accuracy which is V2 times less than the potential accuracy. LWR UDC 681.325.65:S25 BARYKIN, N. A., ZAYGEPJ-RKhER, D. M., KHOIdIwir-G, -N.,. BALUSHKIN, K. S., KOZOBRODOV, V. A. "Logic Circuits Based on Pneumatic Re I ay, Elements" Pnevmatich. Privody i Sisterny upr. [Pneumatic Drives and Control Systems Collection of Works], Moscow, 14auka Press, 1971, pp 267-272, (Translated from Referativn)-/ Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitellnaya Tekhnika, No 11, 1971, Ahstract No 11 A74 from the Resume). Translation: The basic characteristics and nomenclatures of pneumatic relay automation elements (PERA) are presented, as well as t)Tical logic. device circuits based an these elements. A modular-element method of planning of devices based on PHRA and the experience of the application of the standard circuits are studied. 6 Figures; I Table; I Iliblio. Ref. !?~ ROC ES SING DATE--13NOV70 112 023 UNCLASS I FIED; T-ITLE--ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE~SYSTEM ROCK ICE -U- AUTHUR-( 04)-6OG0o,13OSKlYp V.V.t KH0KH6.Cdj Go P.v FMI)ROVr B.A.r TREPOV9 G.Vo OUNT R Y0 Fr INFO--USSR SOURCE--AKAD, NAUK SSSR DO'KLADY, V. 190, NO. 1, PP. 88-9o ILLUS., TABLE, DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 UBJECT AkEAS--EARTH S C I E jNC E SA14D 'CE G -ANDGRAPHY, TAGS--RCjCKt ICE, PERAAFROSTs RA 0 10 WAVE ABSORPTION, RADIO SIGNAL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PRUXY KEELIFRAME-3005/1998. STEP Nd--UR/0020/70/190/0t)l/,Iotib/0090 CIPC ACCESSION -NO*--AT0133833 UNCLASSIFfED USSR uDc: 681.325.3 V. S., KfiSHITSYII,,Ye. M. KHOLKI11, 1. 1. , NOVIn "On Improving the Dynamic Properties of Frequency-Code Converters Which Measure Signals from Differential- String Pickups" Tr. Ryazansk. radiotekhn. in-ta- Otrorks oil the Ryazan Rr-_dio Engineering in- stitute), 19-jO, vyp. 18, FP 93-96 (from Kh-Avtozmatika, Tele-me-khEunika i Vychislitellna3~a Tekhnika, No 111, Nov 70, Abstract No -11A173) Translation: An effective means for reducing dynamic errors of frequency-code convex-ters for string pickups of the differential type is multiplicaticn of .the frequencies to be measured. A digital tvo-channel device for multipli- dation cf pulse-frequency signals is considered which is base~d on the prin- eiple~ of filling the per'Lod of the frefluency to be convorted.. Thi., df-,vict! wi-..-; used in a self-adaptive smothing converter irhich rj2asured frequency siplials -from precision differential string a(;celerometers. Two illustrations, tdbli- ogrfLplrf of three titles. V. 14. 39 USSR UDC[621.362:538.4].001.24 POPYRIN, L. S., PSHENICOOV, N. N., ROSHCHIN, A. 11., KHOKHLOV, L. K., SHISHKOV, Ye. V. "Calculated Studies of Open-Cycle Power Magnetohydrodynamic Ceneratorsti V sb. Teplotekhn. probl. pryamogo preobrazov. energii (Heat-Engineering Problems of Direct Energy Conversion--Collection. of Works), Issue 2, Kiev, "Nauk. dumka," 1971, pp 3-11 (froir RZh-Elektroteklinika i energetika, No 12, Dec 1971, Abstract No 12A173) Iranslation: The results are presented of calculations on an electronic computer of the effect of finite (scalar). conductivity op. the characteristics of a magnetohydrodynamic (MID) channel, its length and profile, and also the results of a calculation of the cost of the 1,11D channel and the SP [?in1herent parameters] of the magnetic system as a function of the finite conductivity and the temperature of heating up of the oxidant. rhe, calculations were made with the aid of a mathematical model, WorIked-out at the Siberiall Po-.-ler Engineering Institute of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, for thermodynamic and technical-economic studies of composite power plants with open-cycle MID. 3 1.11. 2 tab. 2 ref. USSR UDG L621, lx~62:A~8.41-16: r-~ 1. 56.col.2 Z.AGORODNIKH, A.T., KH0Fj9XV,-L~Kj-, SHIGHT-07, YE.V. 'Concerning YBDorization Of An Ionizable Additivo With Various Mothods Of Introducing It Into The Loop Of A MagnatQhydrodynamic Generator Based On Tne Products Of Co=b-uetion Of Natural Gas" V ob. Teplotekhn.probl. r smoeo Preobrazov.snergii (Host-Engineering Problems Of Direct Energy Conversion-Collection:0f Works), Isaue 2, Kiev, 'Tsuk.duMka,4 1971, pp 60-66 (from Mi-Slektrotekhnika i:eneEgstikap No 12, Dec 1971, Abstract No 12AI80) Translation: The following mathods of introducing tho additive (KaCO ) are considered: introduction of additive in an aqueous sotution; intrcduciion of powder-lilce additive; introduction of additive producod in the form of rods or slabs (plitka] into the combustion chamber through s packed window in the wall; introduction of additive through:a plasmotron (6.g.t using- it in pressed lectrodes). Dependences are Siven'by which It is possible form as one of the a to determine the effectiveness of ths applicable method and also to choose a point of entry and the dispersion of the additiva. I ill. 6 ref. [Osoboye konatruktorskoye byuro novogo obomdovaniya Hinietere~va energetiki i elel--to- stentsiy 355R.-Spocial DeBign Bureatt For New Squipmek, Kinistr-y Of Power And Slactric. Fo-Aer Plants Of The USSR] Bogetyrov. 1/2 019 UNCLASS I f: I ED PROCESSING DATE--27NO.V70 _-_"TITLE--THE- CONTENT OF SIALIC ACID EN i'll kBLOOD SERUM OF PATIENTS 14[rH ACOT E CHOLECYSTITIS -U- ~-AUTHOR-(031-KHOKHLOV, N.F., NEYKOV, G.N. I KAPARULIN111 L.T. OF IN.FO--USSR ~..SPURC E--K,L I N I C H ES K AY AMEDITSINA, 1970, VOL 48 ,NR 4v PP 79-82 ------- 70 AT E PUBLISHED Sl:lb .3 i E CT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL sci-ENCES TAGS--LIVER DISEASE, BLOOD SERUM ORGANIC SEk-UM, LEUKOCYTOSIS, GAL,LBL ADDER ~'CCINITRQL MARKING--NO RESTR TCT'ONS --0.0-CUMIENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED __L/FRAM6--30104/0 736 PPOXY RE;- STEP N0- UR/0-'i 7/7t ft" /004/0079/00,32 c Ic A c C F711 10 11.1 IN" - - 0 13 11 - - ------- Wl- L 212 019 UNCL ASS If: [Efj PiWGE5S1iN'v DATE-- 27NOV70 --ClRr ACCESSION NO--APOL31331 ,.'BSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHORS CARRIED OUT DYNAN11C STUDIES OF THE CONTENT OF SIALIC AC 10 I.N THE BLCOO SERUM IN ACUTE THE OPER AT I ON , IN THE POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD A "P) A T -CHOLECYSTITIS: BEFORE DIFFERENT STAGES OF CONSERVATIVE THE:R4PY It'll 47 PAT[ENTS. IT WAS FOUND THAT THE BLOOD SERU* LEVEL OF SIALIC ACID MORE DISTI.,'.C' LY lHAN LEUKOCYTOSIS REFLECTS THE DYNA41CS. GF 1HE INFLAMMATORY PROCESS A"'10 THE DEGREE OF DESTRUCTIVE CHANGES IN THE WALL OF THE GALLBLAODER. I P-1 "~_POS.TOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONTHE LEVEL OF SIALIC ACED RISES SHARPLY. ANALOGOUS CHANGES WERE ALSO OBSERVED IN PAT~ENTS TRFATED GONSERVATIVELY. THERE WAS ALSO ESTABLISHED A RELATIONSHP BEPWEEN THE LFVEL OF SIALIC TION OF THE DISEASE.ANO 'FUNCT IONAL STATE OF THE LEVE, ACID THE.DURA R THE- AUTHORS RECOMMEND THE SIALIC ACID ~TEST AS AN ADDITIONAL Oi"JE IN ACUTE KLIN -IIRURGII CHOLECYSTITfS. FACILITY IKA GOSPITALINOY Ki r~';,_-JSELINOGRADSKOGO MEDITSINSKOGY0 INSTITUrA, C 1 A 5-5 -1 USSR Pestle: SAVENKOV, N. P., and "Synthetic Method for 760 -Bromovinyl Ketones" USSR Author's Certificate Ho 353148, filed 23 Feb 70, published W Nov 72 .(from RZh-Rhimiyag No 20, Oct 73, Abstract No 20,090P) Translationi A patent is applied for for the synthesis of the compounds with the general formula BrCH a CHC(O)R (1) (R - alkyl, . alkyl halide, Ph) based on the reaction of carboxylic acid chlorides or bromides with CH-CH in presence of AlB53 at a temperature ranging from -2D0 to 600- Example. into a solution of 0,05 mole AcBr and 0.055 mole AlBr, in 70 ml CHZC12, CH-Ch in passed with stirring for 0.5 hr at 10-2501 theidxture is poured on Ices organic solvent Is evaporated, dried over "a2SOW CH2Cl2 is evaporated.~ vacuum distilled to 0 2- 20 yield I (11-Me), the yield 41.~%, bops 47-50 /20 mm, ri~ 1.4930, dJ~io 1,5960. Analogously following.1 were obtained (H, yield in %, b.p. OC/mm, nj) , d2 being reportedt Et, 49, 68-9/20, 1.4910, 1.4865; Pr 84.7, 55-816, 1-4925, 1.3934; 'so-Bu, 72P 54-7/3, 1.4720,, 1.26801 Pte(;HBrp 49: 63-4/2, 1-5,395o 1.8906F Pht 79-5, 55-7/0015, 1-5952g 1.5254. 1 are intermediate products for the synthesis of pesticides. 1/i9 USSR UDC 632.95 BLIZNTYUK, N. K., KWSHA, Z. N., VARSHAVSKIY, S. L., BAFkNOV, XP?t-_L- t LIBMAN, B. Ya., STREL'TSOV, R. V., PROTASOVA, L. D., II.ARKOVAt L. I., KHOKIILOV P S , ILADZHARA, G. A., KIRILINA, L. E., All-Union Scientific Researcth ~I~n;stlLte of Phytopathology "A Method of Making Thiophosphonyl Dihalides" USSR Author's Certificate No 337384, filed 31 Oct 69: published 2 Jun 72 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 9, May 73, abstract No 9N500 by T. G. Chekareva) Translation: Compounds of the general formula RP(S)X,) (1) (R = Cl-C12-alkyl, cycloalkyl, aryl, unsubstituted alkyl or alkyl contaGing substituents, Cl or Br; X = Cl, Br) are synthesized by reacting (RS)IP (II) with a 2-10-fold excess of PX3 with heating to 250-330% in an autoclave. Example. A mixture of 0.07 male of II (R = 1,11e) and 0.7 mole of FC13 isheated in an autoclave test tube of stainless 290-3200C for 5 hours. The excess PC13 is driven off at atmospheric pressure and*distillation.of the residue in a vacuum gives I (R-14e, X-CI), boiling point 70-30/60, nZOD 1.5510, d4 0 1.4421, methods are used to produce other cor-pouads of type I yield 52%. Similar (given are R, X, boiling point in 'C/mm, n20D, d420, yield in %),. Et, Cl, 64-8/15, 1.5418, 1.3527, 58; Pr, Cl, 85-8/15, 1.5285, 1.2942, 40; iso-Pr, C1, 72-5/15, 1.5290, 1.3017, 47.5; Bu, Cl, 111-13/25, 1.5269, 65; 07 USSR SUKHOMILINOV, B. P., Vopr. tekhnol. ulavlivaniya I pererab. produktav koksovaniya, Kharkov, 1972, pp 50-56 sulfur with a sufficient amount of powdered SL. A SN screw mixer Is recom- mended for bringing the components into~contact under pressure and pulveriz- ing them-at the same r1me. 2/2 a-1 USSR UDC 632.95-- BLIZNYUK, N. K., Pj0KHWV,-P-_-9-" KVASHA, Z. U., MARKOVA, L. I., LEVSKAYA, G. S., PROTASOVA, L. D., SCLNTSEVA, L. M~, MATYUKHINA, Te. N., VARSHAVSKIY, S. A., BARANOV,Yu. I., LIBMAN, B. Ya., WENCHUMIN, S.:G. "Method of Production of Dichlorides or Dibromides of Thiophosphouic Acids or Their Bis Analog" USSR Atithor's Certificate No 332095, filed 19/08/69, published 17/04/72 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 24(11), 1972, Abstract No 24NS91V by T. A. Belyayeva) Translation; Compounds of the formula RPMX2 (1) (R=alkyl, aryl, aralkyl; X=CI or Br) and X2P(S)A(S)PX2 (II) (A-bivalant hydrocarbon radical) were pro- duced by the reaction of mono- or dihalo hydrocarbons 17ith S, P -and PK3 with heating to 230-400* in an autoclave of stainless steel or nickel in the presence of catalytic quantities Of 12 or its compounds. Example. A mix- ture of 0.24 mole PhCl, 0.24 g-atom 5, 0.16 g-atom white P, 35 ml PC13 and 0.05 9 12 is heated at 290-330* for seven hours in an autoclave of stainless steel, the PC13 is distilled, then vaccuum distillation is used to separate I (R=Ph, X=C!), yield 60%, B. T. 109-1120/3, n20D 1.6241. Similarly, I were produced (given R, X, yield in %, B. P. in *C/mm, n2OD): 4-Clc6H 1/9 4, BLIZNYUK, N. K., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 332095, filed 10/08/69, published 17/04/72 Cl, 53.5; 124-3/1.5-2, 1.6229- P-MeC H431 Cl, 54.5, 125-7/1, 1.6120; 4FC6H4, Br, 91,. Cl, 72.2, 95-7/0.5, 1.6028; Ph, 127-130/2, 1.6350; 4-FC H4, Br, 55, 135-8/1, 1.6758; PhCH2, Cl, 76.4, 120-3/2, 1.6150; 3-T-C6H4,Cl,6108-110/1.5, 1.5908; 4--MeC6H4CH2, C1, 53.3, 126-9/2, 1.6035; 4-ClC6H4CR2, Cl, 61.6, 129- 1,33..2, m. p. 74-6% --; le-FC04CR2, Cl, 61.6, 129-133.,.2, m. p. 48-9% 2,4-Me2C6H3CH2, Cl, 47.5, 140-1.6045; 2.4-C12CO302, Cl, 43.4, 147-9/2, m. p. 100-V, --. Also produced were II. (X-Cl, A--Ctt2C.H2)I yield 61.5%, m. P. 92-30. 1 and II are intermediatd products for:the produccion of insecticides, acarocides, fungicides and herbicides. USSR UDC 632.95 POKHLOV P~_S_, MMOVA, L. I., ZHEMCHUZHIN, S. G. "Preparation of Dithiophosphonates" USSR Author's Certificate No 329184, filed 4/08f7O, published 30/03/72 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 24(11), 1972, Abstract No 24N592, by T. A. Belyayeva) Translation: Dithiophosphonates of the formula RP(S)(SR")OC(Me)=GHCOORI (I) (R=alkyl or aryal; R' and R!'= alkyl), which can be used as physiologically acti-,re substances, are produced by the reaction of the anhydride of the cor- responding dithiophosphonic acid with acetoacetic ester in an inert organic solvent in the presence of a tertiary base with subsequent alkylation of the salt formed with an alkyl halide. Example. Taking a mixture of 0.03 mole benzyldlthiophosphanic acid and 0.03 mole Et3N in 330 nil COO add with mixing at 20-25* a solution of 0.03 mole AcCH2COOEt in 10 nil C6H6, heat to 70-800 for 15 hours until the precipitate dissolves completely, cool, filter, producing Et3N-saIt I (R=PhQ12, R'=Et, W'=H) (II), yield 71,8%, m. p. 149-150'. Take 0.02 mole II in 20 Ml C6H6I add 0.02 mole ff.tI, heat 3 hours with agita- tion at 60-70% cool, filter, wash the filtrate with 1;tater, dry over 149S04, evaporate, producing I (R=PhCH W-R"-ft), yield 81.2%, after chromatography 21 1/2 USSR KHOKHLOV, P. S., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 329184, filed 4/0.8/70, published 30/03/72 on a column with silica gel (120 1.1690, U20D 1.5739. Similarly, I is produced (R'=Et)- (given R, R!I, yield A percent, d20 20D): Me, 78.4, 1.722, n FhC"21 1.5940; PhCH2, Bu, 69.9, 1.1287, 1.5700;,OhCH2, PhCH2, 70.2, 1.6120; Me, Me. 68, 1.2049, 1.5600, b. p. 146-9*/1.5. F777777 USSR mc 632-95 SPIMONIOV, YU. A., SHCHEGLOV, YU. V.j SPIRMONOVA, G. S,,jF11T1F-:HFV, A. I.V nvitr-ni- P_ _C:_ BLIZIMUK, 11. K. All-Union Sclontlfie Rascaxch Institute of Plqtopathology "A Desiccant" USSR taftor's Certificate No 296545, filed 16 Oct 69p published 10 EaY 71 (ftom RZh-,Khimiyag ho 1(11) 1 Jan ?2, AbstraCt 110 IN457 P) Translation i Sub--itances of the general formula R0C(*-0"2CG0Sn(R')3 M, H - C?-Cj, R' -a C3_Cj'-a1j:y1 Or a3:-Yl axa propcod oz desiccants. When introduccif into the coil, In'ra doZe of 10 hu-/hi bz:fox-a --ccdIng, compounds I have no noticcable effect on plaxits j, but when the s,,j-o -dose of the com- poundz is used for txcatnnnt in the vegetative stage, thay caso vilting or doath. G. A. Belyapava. 5-1 USSR UDC 547.341.26'118.07 XHOKHLOV P S MARKOVA, L. I., and ZIMCILUZHIN, S. C., All-Union T71=03Tratc. Rese M~xcb Institute of Phytopathology "A Nethod of Making Dithiophosphonates" Noscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniva, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znak-i, No 7. Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 329184, Division C, filed 4 Aug 70, published 9 Feb 72, p 101 'Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A method of making dithiophosphonates with the general formula RP(S) (SR")OC(CH3)=C11COOR' where R is an alkyl or aryl, and R' and IV' are alkyls.* As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the anhydride of the appropriate ditbiophosphonic acid -reacts with an acetoacetate ester in an inert organic solvent such as benzeme, in the presence of a tertiary base.such as triethylamine, with subsequent alkylation of the resultant salt with an alkyl halide and isola- tion of the product by conventional methods. 2. A modificatioa of this method distinguished by the fact that the process is conducted at 0-100%. ring-mairri-gra Iz. -101jURSTW35h lift I tv I M~~ -7- --7-,, USSR- UDC 632.95 BLIMIYUK, K., STREL'TSOV, R. V. KHOKPILOV, P. S.,,and MEMCRUMIN, S. G., All-~'-Union Scientific Research Institute. of Piivy__E,0-~A~ology "A.Method of Synthesizing Dithiophosphonic Acid Amid6-Esters" USSR-Author's Certificate No 259879, filed 17 Jan 69, published 12 Apr 70 Wom,M-Khimiya, No 3, 10 Feb 7.1, Abstract No 3057 P) Tkanslation: Ditbiophospbonic acid amide-esters of the general formula RC0NHC11?CH2SP(S),(R')NR''R"- (I) (R = aryloxyalkyl; R' = alkylaralkyl or arylt R ' and R... = H, alkyl, or aralkyl), which have a wide spectrum of physiological activity and may be used as:pesticidesi are synthesized by the-reaction of anhydrides of dithiophosphonic acids with:priniary or secondary amines in the presence of tertiary anines, followed by treating th6-resultant dithiophosphonic acid amide salt with RCOG1 and ethylenimine. Wenty five thousandths mole Of ELP is added at approximately 20*C (cooling) with-agitation to a mixture of 0.025 mole of methy1dithiophosphonic acid anhydride, 0.025 mole of- B11N112 and 30 ml of C6116* The mans is stirred for one-hour at 20*C and for two hours at 50 C, after which a:solution of 00f COCI in 15 nil Of C611- ii; added slowly, stirred 0.025 mole of 2,14-C12C6113 2 b 1/2 24 Ran-arm USSR BLIZNYUK, N. K., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 259879, filed 17 Jan 69, published 12 Apr 70 (from RZh-Khimiva, No 3, 10 Feb 71, Abstract No 3N557 P) for two hours, and treated with a solution of 0.025 mole of ethylenimine in 5 ml of C H The mixture is agitated for one hour at 200C, 3 hours at 50%, cooleg"and the Et3N hydrochloride is removed by filtration. The filtrate is washed with water, dried, and after concentration by evaporation under vacuum, compound I is obtained in.the residue (given are R, R', R", R"', empirical formula, yield in %, and n20D): 2,4-CI.2C6113OC112, Me, H, Bu, C151123CIiN202PS2, 89-5, 1.5865; 2,4,5-C1;)C61!20C1'1Me, p11, "I "t, C211126(:13112- -Cl2C6113O-q12, 2? -PS21 92, 02PS2, 87.5, 1.5975; 2,4 Ph~h2l 11, Bu, C211'27C', '1202 1.6080; 2,4-C12COPCH2, PhCH21 Et. Et, C2lH27C12N20 I'S 92, 1.6050; 1.6285; 2 2,4-Cl2C6H30C112, PhCH21 "I PhO1211 C241125%N,202PS2, 93. "I-C12- PS', 9 6.1,1.6235- COPC'f2l PhCH2, H, Ph, C231123G12N202 2 2/2 R-zirifinall Mis-1111421119 Lill 0 15' PROCESSING DATE-20NOV0 :,-TITLE--ThlLPf-l_ "l-SPHORYLATE0 )HYLAKIDES 0 F Af-VLOXYALKANE CAl~BcJYYL!r. ArIoS _U_ _.'ALTH0P-(C5,-_bLIZNYUKt N.K., STRELTSi)Vv:ft.V.t KIRILINA7 L.E., AB"I&OV, ZFEP.CF.UZHI,%r S.G. 4.".CCUINTRY -OF. INi-C--USSR .266,769 .-_.-REFEk E-j\CE.---0TrRYTIYAj lZOf3RET*t PROM, 08RAZTSY, TOYARNVE ZNAKI t970, ~_SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ~'TOPIC TAG,S--CRGANIC PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDi AMICEv PHUSPHORUS SULFIDE, ALKA,NE*-CAR5GXYLIC_ACIDv ORGANIC SYNTHESIS, 'CHEMICAL PATENr --CCNTRCL PARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS '0ClCUhENT CLASS--UNCLASSI F LED REEL/FRAME--3002/1422- STEP NO--UR/0482/70/000/000/0000/0000 CLRC ACCESSICN NO-AA0128821 UNCLASS IFIED 7.7 212~- 015 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 ~~:CLRC ACCESSICN NG--AA0126821 AdSTRACT/EXTRACT-Ml GP-0- ABSTRACT, THIOPHOSPHORYLATED ETHYLAMIDES OF A 'RYLCXYALKANECARBCXYLIC ACIDS RP(Y)(XR PRIME11SCH SU82 CH SU82'NHCOR PRIME2-0-, EQUALS ALKYLi ARYL# ARALKYL, OXYALKYLUARYL), THIOALKYL(ARYL); :R PRIMEL EQUALS ALKYLP ARYL, ARALKYL;R PRIME2 E.QUALS. ARYLOXYALKYL; X AND Y ECUALS Or S); WERE PREPD..8'( TREATING DER.IVS. OF.P THIO ACIDS WITH DERIVS. LF ARYLOXYALKANECARBOXYLIC ACID. SALTS RHYMXR Pp'IMEl) SH.M (Rv R PRIMEI, Xt AND Y ARE SAME AS TFE ABOVE AND M IS AN ORG. OR INORG. CATIGN)t hERE USED FOR P THIOACID OERIVS.; ARYLOXYALKAINECARBOXYLIC ACID CHLORIDE 6AS USED FOR THE ARYLOXYip ALKANECARBOXYLIC ACID DERIV.; AND THEIR MIXT. WAS TREATED WITH ETHYI.Eqit4lNE-. 100r, PLACE IN AN ORG. SOLVENT!, SUCH AS C SU86 li~SU86t AT:15-200EGREES. -.FAC,ILITY:, ALL UNION- SCIENTIFIC, RESEARCH,: INSYITUTE OF; PHYTOPATHOLOGY. UINCLASSIFIE0 USSR TJDG 632.95 HHORRiLoyl P. S., SAVEITKOV, N. F.j BLIZNYUKj H* K. 9 0 HAYEVA, T I. All-Union ScJentific Research Institute of Ph tapathology, Moscow, Ministry of Agriculturd U&SH "Method of Obtaining Amides ot Dialkylphosphoric Acid" USSR Author's Certificate No 248L591 Cl. 12o, 16 (C 070, filed 47far 68, published 26 Feb 70 (from RZh-Khim ej 0 19 (11), 10 Oct 70, Abstract No 19 N576P by L. V. ReZVODOVBKA Translation: Compounds of the f or=la RC (0) CH CBMIF (0) (OR 1) 2 M.9 where R a alkyl, aryl, R? Z alkyl, are obtained by the interacti7on of RC(0)CHvCHNH,? (II) with 01NOMORI) (III) in tho presence of 07T-'03.0~11Q and 0.02 mole BtA~ To a soluti-on of 0.02 mole il BtaN 1- 20 m.1 benzene, 0.02 molo M (R I a BO n 5 ril bonZeno is ad ed, heated 4 hours at 75-8001. -Za filterodp the 1~iltrate is evaporated, and I (R a 4-010 Ir R, v HO is obtaint)(1, yield 85.2%, 61 melting point 1V-40. Analog oly obtained ax-6 tho following I (shown are R, R1, yield, melting point): 4-0106 p Bu, 86-31 179- 896 4-BrC8%, B~, 55.79 207-9 and I .(R = H, H, yield 94, - - 1.1562* 1 nr,- D 1.48 2, oan. Ve" employed na posOcides. ~7- UDC 547-569-1 KHOKHLOV P. S., KALUTSKIY, L. A.s NAZAROV T- A. MOCHALKIN, A. 1. Er~~, X. K., All-Union Scientific kesearch Institute of Phyto- Moscow, Kinistry of Agriculture. USSR pathology ;IlAnomalous Reaction of Arylthioethanole With Phoaphorus Trichloride" Leningrad, Zhylrnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 40t No 4p Apr 70o pp 795-797 Abstract: The reaction of arylthioethanols with phosphorus trichlo- ride in the presence of hydrogen chloride acceptors gives bis(aryl- thio)ethanes instead of the expected phosphorous.acid esters. The ~same products are formed in the interaction of arylthioethanols with :benzyldichloropliosphine, hexaethyl triamidophosphite and phosphorous acid. :The structure of.the resultant. bia(arylthio)ethanes is con- firmed by ?MR spectra and counter synthesiso 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-SYNTHES15 AND SCME PROPERTIES OF ACYLVINYLE111YLENIMINES -U- -:AL'THUR-(04)-SAVENK0Vv N.F-s KHL)KHLOVI P.S., ZHEMCHUZHIf9i S.G.p LAPITSKIYr ......... G.A. :~.(:GUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~'SCURCE_ZH. ORG. KHIM. 1970, 61,4) 707-10 ED---70 '_~ATEPUBLISH .~'SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-CONDENSATION REACTION# ETHYLENEY IMINE, ORGANIC SYNTHESIS, f H IL, CHLORINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND ~XQITRGL MARKIhG--NO RESTRICTICNS ,60CUMENT CLASS--UNcLASSIFIE0 REEL/FRAML--2000/1960 STEP NO--UR/0366/70/006/004/0707/0710 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0125549 UNCLASSIFIE0 --30--- CT7C 212 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE J CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0125549 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CONDENSATION GF RC0CH:CHCL WITH R PRFME1 H GAVE RCOCh:CHR PRIME1 (1) IR IS PHj OR 4,,CLC SUB6 H ISU34i R FRIME1 IS ETHYLENIMINO). THE ACT LON Of HCL ON I (R EQUALS ME) GAVE ACCH:CliNfiCH SU8Z CH SUB2 CL. SIMILARLY, I REACTED WLTH R PRIMEZ SH -OR R PRIME3 COSH TO GIVE, RESP.1, RC.'OCH:CHNHCH SUB?_ CH 5032 SR PRIME2 r ill RCOCH:CHNHCII SUB2 CH SU82 S-COR PRjmE3 (111) (COMPO. TYPEo Rt AND KPRIKE2 OR R PRIME3 GIVEN): 11, M E ,PH; 11, ME,!4#CLC SUB6 11 SU34; MET C SUL16 CL SUB5; 11, PH,,2,5,CL SUB2 C SUB6 H SU133; 112, PHv C ~SUB6 CL SUB5; I I I , ME, ME; I I I , Plit PHi Ills MEt 2#-'f,CL SUB2 C SV66 H OCH.SUB2: AND 111, PHr '2r4rCL SUBZ C SUB6 H SUB3 MH SUB2. FACILITY: MOSK. INST. TONKOI KHIM. TEKI-NOL. IM. LOMONOSOVAP MOSCOWt USSR. UN' I'LASSIFIED ERMINE iT 112 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS UNG CA TE-- 27NOV'70 TITLE---ANOMALOUS REACIION OF ARYLTHIOETHANOLS WITH PHORPHORUS TR[CHLORIDE KALUTSKIYY L.Aop NAZAROV.1 T.Aot MOCHALKIN, Qw.Xwoumovo A. 1 0 1 -.BL HWUK sN.Ks UNTRY OF 1Nr_G__UsSR C 0 OBSHCH. KHIM. 1970f 40(4), 795-7 AT EPUBLISHED-----70 S IJBJ EC TAREAS--CHEMISTRY _.iTOPIC TAGS--ETHANOL, PHOSPHORUS CHLORIDE, ORGANIC SULFUR C014POUND, ARYL ''RADICAL, ORGANIC SYNTHESIS ~%.~:C OUR 0 LMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO -PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/1502 STEP NO--,Ulk/0079/70/040/004/0795/0797 .,C I PC ACCESSION N13--AP0135163 UNCLASSIFIED 212 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV10 -CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0135163 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ADDING 0.01 MOLE FICL SUB3 TO 0.03 MOLE PHSCH SUB2 CH SUB2 OH AND OoO5 MOLE ETHYLFNE~OXIDE IN MEPH AT 0-50EGREES, HOLDING AT 10-15DEGREES UNTIL REACTIVE CL 14AD BEEN CONSUMED, 1: SGAVE fFTER ADoi,4. AND EVACUATING THE MIXT, SEVERAL HI AT:I00DEGRF. OF 0.01. MOLE H SUB2 0 AND HEATING TO 100DEGREESt A LITTLE PHSCH SUB2 CH SU82 OH, 8 SUB2 110-17DEGREES, AND 80.,9PERCENT (PHSCH SUB2) SU82, 4. SIMILARLY WERE PREPD, THE ANALOGS WITH AkYL GROUPS SHOWN: P-MEOC SUB6 H SU94 (1) M. 102-3DEGREES,; OrCLC SU36 H SU841 M. 75-6DEGREES; AND PvCLC SUB6 H SUBItt Is.187-BOEGREES4 IF PCL SUB3 15 REPLACED BY PHCH SUB2 PCL SUB2 THE IST REACTIONGAvE. THE SAME PRODUCT BUT IN 61PERCENT YIELD; REPLACING ETHYLENE OXIDE 5Y ET SUB3 N GAVE A 68RERCENT YIELD OF THE SAME PRODUCT; IF HCL ACCEPT OR IS OMITTED, THE REACTION WITH PCL SUB3 GIVES MAINLY CLCH $UB2 CH SUB2 SPHo HEATING 3 MOLES PHSCH SUB2 CH SUa2 OH WITH I MOLE (FT -Sj62 N1 SU$3 P AT 120-30DEGREES WITH OISTN. OF ET SU3Z NH GAVE AFTEk FINIAL TREATMENT WITH 1 MOLE H SUB2 0 AT 90-100DEGREFS 2 HR,i77PERCENr (pHsci-i suBz) SU32. HEATING 0.06 MOLE PHSCH SUB2 CH SUE12 OWWITH 0.03 MOLE:H SUB3 PO SU133 AND A. TRACE H SUB2 50 SUB4 IN XYLENE 3, HR:WIT14 SEP,111. OF H SU6Z 0 GAVE 68PERGENT (PHSCH SUB2) SUB2. REACTION OF P,MEOC SUB6,H SIJ84 SK WITH J; ANALOGS ~iERE PREPO. SI ILARLY tBRCH SUB2) SUB2 IN ETOH GAVE 83PERCENT. FOR STRUCTURE PROFF. FACILITY' VSES. NAUCH.-ISSLED. INST. r-ITQPAT0L,j USSR. i IM 1- i A K EZ r i: I C.-Ft USSR UDC 632-95 KIM-, OVA, S. I. , SVISTLI,=)VA,, N. S. , GUS'KOVA., L A. , Yu. 11. , SA.IT-ra"ov, 11. F, Y-HG-l;Pllrl,'j P. and PLYU211YUK, 11. K. A Nenatocide USSR Authoz's Ce::ti-ficz---;Ic No 2-96546, filed 17 I,Ov 60, yublichc(i 2~ Se!)' 71 (fron, 4"'j-ulmin-I -- khim.3-yan, NO 10(11), 10,72, Lbsti-act !to 1WN528 by T. A. B-:~Iyayi~~va) Tl,-jc rzcr.~utocidaal activitY is deter;Ancd for subs-L&nC,,S Translation z of the general- f o=-,ula 1? (acc-il)C-Hu or arylcnc; v-1-2), which --I-- t 2)n Lho zz i L obt Aned by 2.actlc~. of hau idea o' ax-oratic acids. uilh vinvl cblo-icla in the.presence of, ALICCI 3' 1 is coacciltrat-icLi 0.1, 0.01 aund Sojac '~O-",O I is dl--solvedl in a 2-l)-i'old volume of ~cctorio and idwa with J 30-50 rn~- C.?-7. The --olution oYmincd is mixed with iratcr. I n-2) (Ia) and I C -c,;v,- , 11=1) (1b) cau-~cs 100-.~l distruction of zallic 6 -102 neia,-t~e. I OR a-,-.d n i I (1c); r-C"tT4-1'02' 11' "l-C H c1. -p'-COTIT" u 6 4 dv5tnc-fllo,-, of ben4;ey A.- - Ta, b cruse 100 -is avcn--e, z41 Ta ar.1 Ic. (concolitrzvtion 0.1 and 0.015"') cavue a 100"2" dostruction of Ditvlcnchuz, allil. IA z U-.C: US 5 -'1" .0 7 BLIZIjIMEK, K. RFL'TSIOV, 1.. V. T~'ILINA, L. E. ,Z--.-:. OV, Al 11-7,mion Scientific Researcli lnstit-*~zc- of "A Method 04' Pioducing OrGancD'-os-,-h-oz-is Compounds" 1,0sco-W, 2-_t1Kr1t4 T 0 -niya. yF nn~,,rt~ C --lo 28, zo ,ce 2e0' 75, 1970, Soviet Ciass 12 -iled 15 MaY 69, -p 26 "icate in-~rod Abstract. This Author's Certil 1. A me'ho,-; or -irod-tue-LiC crga=- pnospnoru3 compounds of the 16-eneral formula 1cfe where Xis o... on or zulfur, R is wi aliql, arjl, art-U?yl, alkylthio, aryloxy or ar-jithio, RI is an -oxy, a-lhylthio, avyloxy, ar arylthio, benzyloq, benzylthio or wnino aroup, ariu is an allryl, alkoxyl o:r amino group. Is a dis- r r -as d by t guishing feeture of the patent, the yield of the goal products is i ,ct-(-- e interacting anido- or ether sa-Its od Yhoszhorur,~ acids of the Eeneral for=ula x 1/2 USSR BLIZ~-'ZUX, K. at al, Ot,!-.,i~,ytiya. :7, 0 De t C.- -1 71'c n n-;7T O'~ Z-7~lcip -'0 20 1970., 0 v i ot Ulass 12, -Y where X, R and R' havi2 tic meanin;~,,3 listQnd ebo~.,e, and -s a-n allali metU- or sub- -stituted ancronitm, with -cid chlorides of the &neral fommia 0 If P"Ccl Where R" has the micanir,,C~3 listed above, i~ a.,i inert or,cr~-Ac schvent by et,-hylenimdno Lreatm(.-i-it o" the muction vriass arill isolation of 7che product by ~conventional methods. 2. A ,rodil'ication of this i--kethud i.,i waich th,--- oromis io carried out at a termerature of 2,,)-6OcC. 2/2 111T P) Not je,~ I/ Anf7cif.'?2 0 "Oil INTERACTION BETWE0 RADIATION AND QUANTUM SYSTEH WITH 0 - RrLAXING 3U3L6VZ1Z" T.M. 111inova, /Department of Physics, bloacow State University, Moscow 117234, Leninekie Cory, USSR/ The problem of interaction between radiation and quantum systems with relaxing sublevels Is of general intarcat with rt:- opect of picosecond pulses generation in dye-lauers, Q-switch operation in CO2lasers etc.. Th's pa,per As devoted to theoretical study of pulse propa- sitlon"n laser amplifying medium under relaxation between ex cited or ground state sublevels. We investigated the steady- -state pulse form and analysed the character of sublevels p0pu_ latione, change. The parameters which describe the inertia of system as regards the opectral hole burning were found. The dynamics of dip formation and its dininteeration in tno~ radiation spectrum are considered also. The redistribution of the moving molecules energy because of collisions and relaxatioa ,"*.among sublevels are taken into account. The character of the ve-~ > locity distribution change of loner levels populations was ana- 1yGed. Some effects observed at the various experiments, such a a spectral hole burning, frequency tuning of generation pulses in dye-laeore *st6., are disauaned., USSR and DZHIT11ZHO)1v) 111. S.Y 1,-CHO-TT--V, V. V., m~xmov, V. IT., TM-1r-M'TAV- ab~rd imeni M. 11. Phynics Departn~ent, State Univerzit.; Lomonosov "Petonation Gas-Dy-mmic Laser" Moscow, Pis'= v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 14, 1102, 20 JuJL 71, pp 73-76 Abstract: This a--ticle describes a new type of gas-dynainic laser in -which the solid Im-terial is det-onated to 6"otrain the initial hieh-te=ratura gas mixture. Praviouslv th-- hi.-h-temmerature Tndxture vars ob-tained in the ,as-d-,-n=ic lasers by the rnc~szi!,e of shoelk, waves in the ras m!dka and bv heat-im~~ with an electric are or b:,- ir-niting t'---- init--l ;fases. The us~! of e,,:.-t,)-nat-Jon of, the solid material -,2-rmits varyirn~, the initial prossure ara rature of 'he gas rdxture in a vide rav,~;e and al:~o tmhs,tAntially si and reduciv,-, the dt=-nsions off th.~,, exparim-ant-al riet-up. rigure I shcr-rs a Echeratic of the eyperin-ental set-u--u; -i-,me 2is an oscillo-rum of the of ~-eneration, J rs state that by 503,!~:: c/unit. 'T~' ~--re 33 shavs the outp, enerr-,y. Th, aut.'-O using liquid mitro.-cn in dcscrilrj~~-d f:et-up, they can. expez,imentally p-laca the initial naterial in the reaction volurr~. By the use of other aaterinlo 1/2 DZHIDZHOYEV., M. S., et al., Pis 'mav Zhurnal Eks-Derimental'noy i Teoretiches- koy-Fiziki, vol 14, i1c) 2, 20 Jul 71, PP 73-7~6, the experiments can be theoretically conducted at room te=eratures. The :article contains 3 figures and 10 bibliographic entries. 2/2 7 7 /0 cod - J..2 f 7.2. fl. I~Ief PZ Ct- C LAS SR 74 jijoev LI.S., Korolev V.V., Yhokhlov R.V., f-jarkov V.N.. Pimenov -I., Platonenko V.T. /Department of fhynics, Moocow State Univorsity, Moncow 11.7234, Leninakie Gory, USSR/ The results obtained with a pulued dotonation-driven gas- dynamic loner are presented hcre. In this laser the detonation of condensed explosive is uaed to form a high-pressure heated 'San mixtura. The mixture is then expanded rapidly through a alit. nozzle# -thereby -produoing population inversion. Detonating dharges are created by freezing of initial gas mixtures under the liquid nitrogen's tomparatura on the wall of high pressure chamber. > The use of differext initial mixtures Composed, of fill 3' CO 2v C12v N20, X(5 and others for the production of pulsed laser power ia deacribed. As the detonation takea place incide the exhausted volume, t.he device is rather simple and compact. 40 US-%k RSFSR Rpt 21 Apr 70 Tn the article "Heights of Creativity" XEMTIN$ V. P., Dep Chmn, Oommittee on lanin and State Prizes U55R In Fields of Science and &gineering, discusses works which were awarded lenin Prizes in 1970, including In space research (!'Venera-4-5-6, " "Meteor 11 system, and "Sovuz" spacecraft), physics (for activation of protqn- synchrotron, physics of elementary particles, and instrument for microworld studies), and research in the-field of.optics of powerful radiations,xith lase~rs used as the source, by a~group of physicists at Ylbscow Univemity under thc:1eadership of IQ=JAL_&~ and AMKWV$ S., 'which have helped to revolutionize laser optics, prospects -In measurement techniques, and spectroscopy. DMSYUK Yu., Leningrad, was awarded the lAnin Prize for a cycle of works on holography with recordng in a three-dimensional medium, with the laser used as a light source, the results of which may be applied in scientific research, the cinema, and TV. There is also discussion of awards for works -in pediatrics, discoverites of oil and gas deposits in W. Siberia, industrial development of Yakut diamond deposits, creation of a 17-volume dictionary of the lbassian literary language, creation of tM T"2 -intercontinental passenger pla:4e, and designing and tion of the Ostankina tower.- construc eat=, 21 Apr 70, p 3, cols 1-4 (4) USSR ILILNSKIY, Yu. A., KHOKHLOV, R. V. "Theory of Stimulated Raman Scattering in Rotational Transitions" Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoretichaskoy Fiziki, Vol 64, No 4, 1973, pp 1216-1221 Abstract: A study was made of the theory of stimulated Raman scattering in purely rotational transition considering intermediate oscillatory and purely rotational transitions. The contribution to the amplification as a result of these transitions can be primary when using pumping by a carbon dioxide gas laser with a wave length of 10.6 microns. Under these conditions the dependence on polarization will be different (for the J2 = JI + 1 transition) than in the case of purely electron polarizability. First, an approach to describing the rotational transition, stimulated Raman scattering is discussed which is based on the classical ideas, and then the consistent quantum.theory is constructed considering the intermediate purely rotational levels and the possibilities of resonance in~the oscillator3r~ rotational transitions. These cases.can be realized when the stimulated Raman scattering is excited by radiation in the middle and far infrared bands. 97 - YANAYT, Yu. A., ABAYCU~,!OV G A KRORSKITI G. I. 1 0 #1 .. PADEYEV, V. V., and. Iloscow State University imen'l 14. V. Lomanosov and The Physico-Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov lGeneration in the Ultraviolet Band With Frequency Tuning in a Paraterphenyl Solution Excited by a Flash Bulb", Moscow, PisIma, v Zhurnal Ek-sperinentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 13, No 11, 5 Jun 71, pp 6105-619 Abstract: This article discusses generation with fine tuning in the wavelength of 330-350 na in. a paraterphonyl solution excited by aflash bulb. One of the real problems in quantuia electronics is the design of a frequency-tunable Ia- ser in the ultraviolet band of the spectrum. The authors show the broad pos- sibilities here of using organic compounds as the active tredia especially paraterphenyl, which is found to be the best compound for praducitig tum- ble lasers in the ultraviolet band pu=pad by flash bulbs. The emerizental pro- cedures are discu--sed and the results -are given in the form a;-. an oscillogram and a table, wUch gives the threshold values and the li---its of frequency tun- ing. The low values of the threshold energies -for exciting the solutions shoun in this table Lndicatc that this pumpi_nz~, system is also effectJ for excitin- a large number of other organic compounds. 1 figure, I table, bibliography of titles. 'USSR LrDC: 534.22-0942 PUSBRIKA, It'. I., and Corresponding Plember USSR Aca&emy of Sciences OV.-R. V. ."Forbed Combination. of Sonic Dispersion in Piezoelectrics" Moscow, Doklady Akkademii -7~,'auk SSSR, vol 203, No 2, 1972, pp 318- 319 Abstract: The possibility of experimentally investigating the forced dispersion of sound in,electric field oscillations in -ated. This type of dis- piezoelectrics is theoretically inveotiC, persion is of the class of so-cal 'led acoustic combined phenomena, nonlinear interactions of acousticaland other types of wave. Examples of such interactions are sound dispersion in tempexa- ture waves, in ferromagnetics, and in eddy waves. The type of disrersion considered in this paper is connected with the term. -F.jka~EiSjkSlm in the following expaasion:of free piezoelectric energy: S S + C S + L E E + E B E E + F ijkl ij k1 i j k-Lmn i j k1 mn i j ijk i j k B E~S + f S e4jkBi Sjk + dijkl i j kl ijklin i ij,im + 1/2 USSR UDC: 534.22.0942 .-PUSHMIA, N. I. et al, Dokla. dr Akademii Nauk SSSR, vol 203, 1972, PP 318-319 Here, Sij are deformation tensorap the Bi are eleo-L-ric field com- ponents, the fljkj_m are material constants coanected v~ith the electroacoustical effect - the change in the..speed of sound as a function of the applied electric field. 2/2 U S S) R NAZAIROVA, I.T. I., an V nYSLIKO, D. N. , ';Parametric Licht; Scattering in the Field off an U'll-turason-ic Zhurnal E's-crimentallnoy Teoretic'hr.:-s*:oy Fi-j*~-', No. 4(l0T,__(Jc_toIjer 1971, pp 1422-1426 ';.ave" vol. 6:L, kbstract: This article considers another possible method for co:-i- pensating the dispersion of li,5rht Ln~cubic crystals ..,ithout inver- sion centers by usinT auxiliary ultrasonic p=pinS of a particular frequency and iiave vector satisfyinE.the condition of quadrupie I f, her three .7a-%Tes wave synchronism. Besides the pumping, the ot I are those involved in the reaction &33' 4) 1 -- 02, ,..Iiere 03 is the frequency of the incident light on a crystal, and C02 and W, are the frequencies of the scattered waves. ExperiMent-s involving these waves provide useful information concernine the character- istics of crystals asymmetrical ;;ith respect to thc-.j-r center, par- ticularly the dispersion of the refMactive indices ill the lnf---ared region of the spectrum. Prom theiv computations, the aut-horo cc-n- elude that it is pozsible to observe Parametric li!:-_ht --catter-ing V L :' in cubic piezoelectric crystals through the use of -the auxiliary ultrasonic pwnping. They are connected idth. tbe E. V. Lox.,ionosov 11oscow State "University. 4-I USSR UDC 534.23:538.113 I., and "VR, V Physics Fa FUSM 6&M cultY, ~b:.-Cow State Univer- sity 53cattering of Hypersound by 5pjjl Waves in Ferromagnets" Noaccrat, IzvestiYa Akademii Nauk 55SR, Seeriya Fizicheskaya, vol 35, No 5, IMaY nt pp 977-981 ibstract: The article deals with a theoretical consideration of sound scat- tering by.coherent spin waves in ferromagnets. The scattering is mainly due to the phenomenon of magne-totriction and the so-called intarmal effect. The case of a cubic ferromagnet, Nbich is of practical interes:t) is considered. An expression is obtained for a scattered sound a wave zone in the form of the vector sum of longitudinal and transverse' waves. ON 112 024~ UNCLASSIFIED :PROCESSING DAT.E--23orT70 ~."TITL E--Dl SPER SION OF SOUND ON SP 14 WAVES:: -U- ._-A,UTlH0R-(0Z)-PUSHKI.NAt N.1-v KHOKFILOV# R.. V., prom wm=xmww"xft~ 't.-C,0UNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,,,,SOURCE--DOKL- AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970, 190(5), 1078-9 ..~_PATE PUBL ISHE D----- 70 `_'SUBJELT AREAS--PHYSICS XOPIC TAGS--SOUNDt SPIN WAVE, MAGNETOSTRICTION, GARNET ~_::CONTROL MARKING--NO kESTRICTIONS DOCU4ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .'PROXY REEL/'RA4E--1998/0713 7) STEP t4O--UR/0020/TO/190/00-/107d/1079 i: -C-IRr ACCF55103ti Nl(J--AT01213t2 WAC, L AS I Ft F 0 212 024 DATE-230C.T70 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING GIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0121372 ABSTP%ACTIEXTRA--CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MATH. THE COMBINED DISPERSION OF ON SPIN WAVES WAS STUDIED, THE MAGNETOSTRICTION AND INTERNAL SOUND EFFECTS BEING TAKENI INTO ACCOUNT FOR THE CASE OF A CUBIC FERROMAG 'NET AND AN EXPRESSION WAS GIVEN FOR THE RATIO9 GAMMA, OF THE SOU,"10 OUTPUTF DISPERSED IN THE SOLID ANGLE D THETA FOR THE FREQUENCY RANGE D OMEGA TO THE iNTENSITY INTF-r%NAL OF THE INCIOENT SOUND. THE CUNTqlBUTI3-N OF THE EFFECT TO GA,'-IMA WAS EVALUATED FOR A YFERRITE GARNET. THE INTENSITY OF -o s JHE~DIS.PERSED SOUND IS DETD. BY THE INXERNAL EFFECT r N TS. FACILITY: MOSK. GOS. UNIV. [M. LOIAONG.SDVA, MOSCOW, USSR. Uli C L A S S, I F I E D --230CT70 27 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE TiTLE--ON STIMULATED RAMAN SCATTERING OF SOUND IN FERROMAGNETIC SU13STANCES _U. %,,AUTHOR-(0Z)-PUSHKINAj N.L.i KHOKHLOV; R.V* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR _~-SOURCE-ZHURNAL EKSPERIMENTALINOY I TEORETICHESKOY FlZIKIt 1970p VOL 551 NR 4, PP-1475-1477 PUBLISHED ------- 70 ::-SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS JOPIC TAGS--ACUUSTIC SCATTERING, FERROMAGNETIC MATER14Lt RAMAN SCATTERING ~.CONTROL HARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNiCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRA,-4cE--1988/1500 STEP NO--UR/0056/70/r)~)3/004/1475/Lit77 CIRC ACCESS10"'4' NO--AP0106256 212 027 UNCL AS S IF I ED PROCESSING DATE-2130CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP-11106256 ABSTRIACT/EMACT-W) GP-0- ABS T A AC TSTIMOLATED COMBINAHONAL SCATTERING OF SOUND IN FERROUGNETIC SU13STANCES IS CONSIDERED. AN .3 IF THRE-HOLD AND THE EXPRESSION 15 OBTAINED FOR THE STIMULATED SC,ATT.Pli*4'G 1; POSSIBILITY OF OBSEPVI,*%G THE SCATTERI-NG IS DISCUSSED. FACILITY: MOSKOVSKIY. GOSUDARSTVENNYY UNIVERSITET His M. V,, LOMONOSUVA. in TIT' 41( &C', E poll, "k 'Itt ON t !'A TI ON THE tb !A TVIL NEM A 'T ir kh kiiLo- :6;,! WN 7 'W UNTR "7- oN, -ftflCH ESK Y 0 1` :1; tik h A L- L W Ek I NVAtl NLY 9 0, -PP. 2195-22C1 -PUBLISHED -70 TE: A ECT AREAS CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS- !u 4J CHEMICAL :REACTION K INET ICS CHEMICAL qPIC, TAGSI-~ C h EM IC AL REACTIONt REACTION RATE, CHEMICAL 'REACTION MECHAN I SIM IR LASER ...-CCNTRCL.MAAKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ENT: CLAS S-UNCLAS S I F I ED REEL/1FRAME-199711694 STEP N~0--UR/rit)56/70/0511/006/2195/2201 _,CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0120406 UNCLASSIFIED iiv 4"l In". 111111mimillillmm main MR. USSR KHOKHLOV, V. A., Izv. SO AN SSSR, Ser. Tekhn. Nauk, vyp. 3, Oct 71, pp 42-48 units, various types of terrain and forest zones, as well as for investi- gating the interaction between wind flow and industrial and power plants vhere pollutants may be thrown into the atmosphere. 2/2 131 USSR UDC: 518-5:681.3.o6 KHO V. A., LAVROV, V. A. "Approximating a Function of Two Variables by a Power Polynomial" V sb. Mashiny dlya inzh. raschetov (Machines for Engineering Calculations-- collection of works), vyp. It, Kiev, 1971, pp 40-116 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12V97:2) Translation: A progr= is compiled for determining the coefficients of a polynomial of n-th degree F, (XY) XI-iriB J-0 1-0 which approximates a function of two variables f(x,y) given by a table of values. In the case of analytical representation of the function, the program nust be supplemented in the initial part by a siAbprograr- for determinine the necessary group of values,of the function, 112 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--ELECTRICAt. CONDUCTIVITY OF-FUSED SALT SYSTEMS OF CESIUM CHLORIDE AND L'ANTHANUM CHLORIDE AND LITHIUM CHLORLDE AND LANTtIANUM CHLORIDE -U- ~.AUTHOR-(02)-SMIRNOV, M.V., KHOKHLOV, V*A*,.,. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 'z'S_0URCE--ZH. PRIKL. KHIM. (LENINGRAO),1970, 43(2)t 302-5 --:.-DrATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 "':SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS CHLORIDE, ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, LITHIUM CHLORIDEqLANTHANUM CHLORIDEo CESIUM COMPOUND -C 0 'T;;,OL .14ARKI%-G--NO RESTRICTIONS !---.DOCUMFNT CLASS--UNCLA.SSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/0847 STEP NO--UR/0080170/043/002/0302/0305 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104283 UN-C L As S-1 F I E 0 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE-13SEP70 C,tRC ACCESSION NO-AP0104283 ~':ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ELEC. CONDS. OF THESE FUSED SALT SYSTEMS WERE STUDIED AT 800-950DEGREES OVER A WIDE CONCN4 RANGE. THE FUSED LACL SUB3 WAS ALSO MEASURED:AT 890-1005DEGkEES. THE COND. IS A L .INEAR FUNCTION OF CONCN. THE MOLAR COND, SHOWS NEG. DEVIATIONS FiWM ADDITIVITY; THERE IS A DEEP MIN. IN THE CSCL-LACL SUB3 SYSTEMr WHILE THIS EFFECT IS ABSENT IN THE LICL-LACL SUB3 SYSTEM. THE MAX. DEVIATIONS ARE-.OBSERVED FOR 30-40 MOLE PERCENT LACL SUB3. THE DEVIATIONS ARE -LARGER.IN TH&SYSTEM CONTG. LESS IMOBILE CS PRIME POSITIVE ION. THE CONCN. DEP-ENDENCE OF THE ACTIVATION EENERGIES;HAS 'THE SAME CHARACTER IN BOTH SYSTEMS& THE MECHANISMS OF THE PROCESSES INVOLVED ARE DISCUSSED IN DETAIL. -F-D - ~=Zm- USSR KOSEVICH, A. M. , and K140KILLQV V~-L- , nar Ikov State University imeni A. M, Gorlkiy "Rayleigh Waves as the Limiting Case of Oscillations of a Crystal With a Plane Defect" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol. 12, No. 8, Aug 70, pp 2507-2509 nd L. N. Rozentsveyg, who showed that in study- .4-bstract. The work of I. M. Lifshits a g he dynamics of a crystal lattice the free.surface of 'a crv!;tal can be considered in t] as a certain local perturbation in an ideal 'unbounded c--ystal, is extended. rhe authors study an analogous situation in the dynamics of a, continuous elastic medium namelythe possibility of a quantitative deacription of the free surface of an elas- half-space as a specific local perturbation of simpletorm in an unbounded elastic medium. The authors previously studied long-wave oscillations of an elastic medium localized close to a plane defect. An isotropic medium with Lamd coefficients X and was considered in which them was a plane-parallel layerof elastic material with differ-ent elastic moduli. If the z-axia is perpendicular to the plane of.the defect, it was shown that the elastic moduli of this.layer of the medium and v' can be written in the form V X + LOG (z); it + (z), 011EVICH, A. K.', and KHGI