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......... . . ..... TO RC-V, min" it A V4 S h 0 CC: 16- Zi 4k .... ...... . ........... ............ ... . .....- USSR UDc 621.397.62:621-317-799 flus the Frequency Method for Measuring the Vertical Parameters e o. of a Television Raster" Dokl. Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsij. po itogarr., ntiuchno-iss2-ed. rabZ) 4- Mosk. energ, in-tp cts. radiotel-lin. za-190'8-1969 gg. _19'10, Sel Podoekts. televid. (Reports of the Scientific-Engineering Confer- Studies in 1968-196go ence on the Advances in Scientific Research ineering. Moscow Energetics Institute, 1970*. SeCtion on Radio Eng Subsection on Television), Moscow, 1969j, 7 58-67, (from RZh-Radio- tekhnika, No 2, Feb 70, Abstract,No:2G151 Translations The frequency spectrum is studied of -the video signal obtained from mi inclined test pattern underconditions of non- linear vertical distortions* It is Shown that in the low fre- quency components of this spectrum~there is quantatitive informa- t-ion on the vertioal. raster~nonlinearity#.~ A block diagram is presented of a de-vice which:makeswit.possible~lto measure the 112. 57 mom USSR 112 011 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 _i_,:T.ITLE-CUMPAkATIVE CYTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF MITOCHONDRIA AND KINETOPLASTS IN LIS -U- -.-,.,AUTtlOk-(02)-K)iACHATUROV, YE.N., SUKHAREVANEMAKOVAI, N.N. CCUNT RY OF INFC-USSR PURCE-TSITOLOGIYA 1970, 1241)v 7T-84 ,:_,_~DATE PUBLISHED.---70 ~~,-_SUBJHJ AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES P,-.-TOPIC TAGS-MITOCHGNDRIONt TRYPANDSW~A CRUZI# DNA ITROL.MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~~DGCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ".~~,PR'GXY REEL/FRAHE-3002/0425 SIEP NU--UR/9053/70/01~'/001/0077/0084 ACCESSICN NO-AP0127996 UNCLASS lFif-0 212 -011 UNCL AS S I F I ED PROCESSING !)ATE--30OCT70 CIRC.ACCESSICN NG--AP0127996 ASSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- AaSTRACT. mANY iNivcs,rtG4TokA ARE OF THE OPINION THAT KINETOPLASTS AIRE DERIVED FROM THE MITOCHUN DRIA L CRISTAE IN TRYPANOSGMIDS, AS BOTH CAN BE STAINED 8Y JANUS Gjzr-EN. STRIGOMOINAS ONCOPELrl AND TRYPANGSOMA CRUZ[ WERE CULTURED IN VITRO AND COMPARATIVE CYTCCHEM. REACTIONS ~%ERE PERFORMED TO,I.NVESTIGAfE THE NATURE OF THE .,-KINETOPLASTS. INTRACELLULAR SUCCINIC OEHYDROGENASE (1) WAS LOCALIZED BY BLUE IETRAZOLIUM SALTS AND DNA (111 BY MCDIFICATION OF FEULGENIS FLUORESCENCE METHOD. I IS A SPECIFIC ENZYME OF MITOCHONDRIAt WAS ABSENT IN-THE KINETOPLASTS, OF 2 STRAINS OF TRYPANOSOMESv S. ONCOPELTI ILEPTCMCNAD FORM) AND T. CRUZI (LEPTOMPMAD AND CRITHIDIAL FORMS)~ AHEREAS, 11 WAS EASILY DEMONSTRATED IN THE PARASITE KINETOPLASTS. 11 WAS CLNSPICIOUS BY ITS ABSENCE IN THE MITOCHOINDRIA OF CELLS OF DIFFERENT .,GRIGINS, INCLUDING TRYPANOSOMES STUDIED'* THESE OBSERVATIONS ARE ~ NTRADLCTORY TO THE PRESENT BELIEF THAt THE CO, KINETOPLASTS ARE AN :-ORIGANOID UF MITOCHONURIAL NATURE. METHODS 'OF FIXATION OF CELLS FOR :-:CYTOClh,EM. LOCALIZATION OF NUCLEIC ACIWARE DISCUSSEDf AND OSO SUB4 BY CHROMIC ANHYDRIDE GAVE THE BEST RESULTSo FACILITY: -rLA8. FUNC. CELL MURPHOL.t INST. MOLo 8101.4s MOSCIJWi USSR. UNCLASSIFIED r7771~ Acc. 1jr:. Abs tracting'Se.rvice: Ref. Code: AP0,04736 GEOPHYSICAL~"ST. V R 004 61-10 L1,411 Ail V r7 91899a Precise method for r Ie.calculating the b6fling points of petroleum fractions Manow.-an A., K., Khacbaturova, D. A. o- T, (USSR). Kkim. knot. 7 P1. basei 1970, la(i 23-7 (Russ). For improving the precision of ~ the data obtained by 'GOST 10120-62 wid 11011-64 to recalc. the vacuum b. dctd. expd. into that at normal pressure, a correction graph was applied. At 2-3 nam without applying the graph, a reading error of 0.5 mnV gave a. b. error, of ?z 20' and of 0.2 mm.- the error could reach 401. The cor~ktion graph, based an eKpti. data, reduced these errors to Max. 5*. Thus, the b. ~at, 760 3nm, obtained COST, froin the b. detd., expfl. by vacuutri distri., was put on thiabscissa of the graph, detg. tile :orrection for the pressure at AyfiiOl tile vacuum dista. was inade. GGJR -e USSR UDC'()P-0.179-1: KARAMNOV, L. M. and KEEACHAnMUVA 0. A., All-Union Scientific Research -deleyev, Thil Institute of Metrold-gy imeni *-n isi Branch "Nondestructive Methods of DeterrIning, Elastic and StrenLth Characteristics of Fiber-Glass Reinforced Plastics" Sverdlovsk, Defektoskopiya, No 2, 1971, PP 77-83 Abstract: A review is presented with an analysis of nondestructive methods of determining moduli of normal elasticity, moduli of rigidity, and strength properties of fiber-i;lass reinforced plastics. It is recomrncsnded that research work on stren.,-th deter-mination of plastic Inate-rials by nondestructive methods be concentrated on the application of the discussed impulse method which makes it possible to rate the chan,;e of pkysico-mchanical properties of fiber--glass reinforced Dlastics even after their bein-,, affected by tteniperatures, radiation,, aC-gressive media, and other factors. From a formula developed by the authors, st--enrth characteristics of specimens and construc~tions of fibeer-glass reinforced plastics can be calculated with an exterinental-degzree of accuracy. USSR YGIACHATUROVA, T. V. "One Estimate of the Spectrum of Certain Stable Random Processes" Zap. Nauch. Seminarov Leningr. Otd. Mat. In-ta AN SSSR [Writings of Scien- tific Seminars LeningTad Division Mathematics Institia-, Academy of Sciences, USSR], 1972, Vol -19, pp 42-50 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 1, 1973, Abstract No I V356 b A. Kholevo). Y Translation: With certain weak limitations on the spectral window, a refinement is produced of the asymptotic formula for displacement and known asymptotic formula for dispersion of it spectral estimate (for example, see RZhNIat, 1965, 2V212K).: 7 USSR VASIL'YEV, A. Ye., and YJiACHATUR'YAN, A., A., Central Institute of Hematology and Blood. Transfusion "Synzhesis of O-aminoacyl Derivatives of Dextran" Riga, Fiziologicheski i*Opticheski Aktivayye Polimernyye Vesh-chestva, "Zinatne, 1971, pp 166-169 Abstract: A new method is suggested for the synthesis'af such blood substi- tures which could perform simultaneously several functions, such as hemodynamic + parenteral feeding, or hemodynamic + hemopoietic functions, etc. For this purpose several aminoacyl derivatives of dextran were synthesized which were considered as simplified analoge.of.glycoproteins with a reversed ratio of amino acid and carbon groups. The method Is based on 01-acylation of mono- saccharides by condensation of N-acylamino acids with sugrars in the reaction with dicyclohexylearbodimide 1/2 i Ai iiii, I ~iii ~M`IIFMII I I 111FIT'rMi PI III RIM !T' I MI.I USSR VASIL'YEV, A. Ye., and KHACHATUR'YAN, A. A., Fiziologi6beski i Opticheski Aktivnyy Polimernyye Veshchestva, "Zinatne,"' 1971, pp 166-169 C, H,Oj~ (ON),J. + H0,CRNflCOR' r K CH,O- C0102003 .79\j H R--CHR-; _(CH.),-; CHCH, R'= DCH,,Ph with the use of pyridine and dimethylsulfoxide mixture as solvent in which all reagents were soluble. The reaction was carried out at 40-60*C and the reaction products were separated on Sephadex G-50 and precipitated with alcohol from water. Absence of a significant destruction of the polysaccha- ride chains was verified by a comparative fractionation of the starting and modified polymer an Sephadex G-75. A modified polysaccharide with free amine groups was prepared by hydrogenation of 0-acylamiaoacyldextrans over Pd/C in the.presence of two equivalents of oxalic acid. 2/2 7: USSR UDC: 669.112.342:539.374 SMAZOV, A. V., USIKOV, M. P., KHAMATUPYAN, -A, "Structural Peculiarities of Low-Temperature Plastic Deformation of Martensite in High-Carbon Nickel Steel" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 36, No 5, Nov 73, pp 1033-1042. Abstract: Electron microscope study of the Martensite of Fe-Ni-C steel, deformed at liquid-nitrogen temperature, establishes the existence of deforma- tion twins in plains {112),,, which are not mirror symmetry plains with an accuracy to the tetragonality of the adjacent twinning and matrix latices. Theoretical analysis of the elastic stress state arising in this case can explain the decrease in tetragonality upon deformation of the martensite. The change in the tetragonal (O11)-(110) doublet of the martensite observed in earlier works results from the formation of irregular twins on the (112} plains upon low-temperature plasti c deforrhat ion. Acc. Nr: dr0038041 Ref. Code: UR 0056 PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Eksperimental'rLoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1970) Vol 58 Nr 1, PPIJ7,5-/'70 DISTRIBUTIONS THEORY OF SPACE-PERIODIC PHASE (MODULATED -STRUCTURES). PRODUCED INDECOMPOSITION OF SOLID: SOLUTIONS A system is c4nsidered in ivhfch decomposition of .1 ciadc solid solution into two cubic phases occurs, the phases differing from each other unly with respect to compo- neut coucentration and consequently to sperific voluk-neq. The distribution of liberated phases which ensures minimum of the free energy, in which elastic stress energy is taken into account, is considered. A solutioa of the carrespiOnding variational problem L indbuites that three types of macroperiodic,inclusiori distributions may exist; these are, one and two-dimensional di!.stributions and Lwo-dimeusional stxuctures with Eecondary- modulation. Since inclusions of various phases differ only ivith respect to composition, the distributions mav be conceived as maerop~eriodic compasition moduiations usually termed modulated structures. A common property of LhoFe structures is that the basLs REWFMME 149731083 vector of the Bravais translations coincide with the directions of the cubic axes of ther < 100> ma.rix and the corresponding tinverse latticesv havo sites. located only in direc- tious of the 000 type around the MatrixAnverse lattice sites. On X-ray and electron diffraction patterns the ginverse latticeo 6f the-modulate& structures are observed as satellites. around the Laue reflections from the matrix iattice, 9/2 0 14 UNCLASSFFIED PROCESS'ING DATE--13NOV70 C:tRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102293 GP-.0- ABSTRACT. A:METHOD IS PROPOSED TO ACCOUNT FOR THE CORRELATION IN THE EXPRESSION FOR-THE FREE'ENERGY OF A sINARY -:0RDERING SOLID SOLN.AWITH AN AR31TRARY RADIUS OFINTERAT. INrERACTION. JHE--~METHCD~FOR CALCG. THE FRE&ENERGY IS BASEDo ONiONE 7fiANDf ON THE APPLICATION OF THE.,THERMODYNAMIC THEORY.OF PERTURBATIONS6 AND ON THE ~_~~OTHER, OV '4E UTILIZATION OF THE REPRESENTATION OF THE 1 PART PROBABIL tN THE FORM OF SUPERPOSITION OF STATIC PLARE WAVES, THE A.4PLfTUD-_ WHICH ARE PROPORTIONAL TO THE PARAME.TERS OF THE LONG RANGE ORDER. iPPPOACH ALLOWS TO-FORGO Ail A PRI'DRI $UBDI-VISION OF THE ,.,--LATTICE OF THE DISORDERED ALLCY INTO "OWN" AND "FOREIGN" FOR GIVEN ATG-1-1,_-t WHICH ASSUMES THAT THE STRUCTURE OF THE ORDERED ALLOY IS ALREADY KNOWN. AN EXPRESSION WAS OBTAINED FOR FREE ENE-RGYj ACCOUNTING 'FOR 4 CORRELATION CORRECTIONS, VALID FOR THE SYSTEMS WITH AN ARBITRARY OLSTRIBUTION OF CRYSTAL LATTICE POINTS AS A.RESULT OF THE UTILIZATION OF THE OBTAINED RESULTS FOR THE ANAL. ;F ORDERING,[N CRYSTALLCGRAPHICALLY DIFFERENT SYSTEMS* AN EQUATION WAS OBTAINED FOR THE PARAMETER Of LONG RANGE ORDER OF THE ALLOY ABSUITABLE FOR THE DESCRIPTION OF ORDERING OF THE TYPES CSCL IN A BOOV CENTERED LATTICE, ~CUPT AND CVAUR IN FACE CENTERED LAt.TICESt'AND AN*EQUATION FOR 2 PARAMETERS CF LONG RANGE GRDERv WHICH CHARACTERIZE:ORDEik[NG ACCORDING TO THE TYPE FE SUB 3 AL, IN THE LiMITING CASES, WHEN~POTENTIALS OF '_~-.4NTERAT,, INTERACTION ARE DIFFERENT FROM:ZERO IN T14E IST COORDINATION SPHERE# THE RESULTS OBTAINED ARE REDUCED TO THOSE KNOWN PREVIOUSLY. UNCLASS I F I ED 1/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 ..'T;ITLE--REGENERATION OF A CATALYST FOR VINYL ACETATE.-SYNtHESIS -U- .-AUTHOR-105)-KHACHEYANt KH.YE., TSIRLINA.t RoNt 11 FEDORUVAv N.M.t BOGOLEPOVA# '-YE,l ,- Lvd777T.-W.-'-~ OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--U.S.SoR. 264,353 ~kEFERENCE--~-OTKRYTI`YAv IZOBRET.j. PROM. OBRAITSYt TOVARNYF. ZNAKI 1970, 47(9) DATE PUBLISHED--03MAR70 ol -lzSUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY JOPIC TAGS--CATALYST Rr_'GENERATICNI,'VINYL. COMPOUNDt ACETATE, CATALYTIC SYNTHESIS9 CHEMICAL PATENT --NO RESTRICTIONS ONTROL-~ MARK ING DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIPIEO PqOXY REEL/FRAME-3007/0828 STEP NO--UR/0482/70/000/000/000010000 ----CIRC__ACr_ES5_L0N l-JQ--AA013&262 UN 112 013 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSVklG DATE--040EC70 TI-TLE--SPIRAL STRUCTUR_: AND DISTRIBUTION OF STELLAR ASSOClATIONS IN NGC .6946 -U- '_AUTHOR-(02)-KHACHIKIANr E . E . pSAHAKIAN# K*'A. ,!tOUNTRY OF INFO--USSRv SWITZERLAND ~_-SOURCE--THE- SPIRAL STRUCTURE OF OUR GALAXY4 :PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM, _-.-~,';],:UNIVERSI TAT BASELt BASEL, SWITZERLANDt AUGUST 29-SE!PTE14BER 4l 1969p _DAT E PUBLISHED ------- 70 _.i_~qBJECT AREAS-ASTRONOMYtASTROPHYSICS lopic TAGS--COLOR, INDEX* SPIRAL GALAXY, STELLAR MAGNITUDE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605030/FO3 STEP NO--SZ/0000/70/000,rO38/0087/0090 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0141876 USSR GOROYAN, T. A., KMCHTYAN, E. Ye. "Earthquake Resistance of Multistory Frame Buildings with Rigidity Decreasing with Each Successive Story" Yerevan, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Seriya Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, Vol 25, No 3, 1972, pp 3S-43. Abstract: The frequency equations of multistory frame buildings with absolutely rigid beams and a linear decrease in rigidity of each successive story are analyzed. A formula is suggested for determination of the periods of the first three lowest harmoriics of free oscillations of buildings of this type up to tiventy stories high. The forms of oscillations of the build- ings are studied. The stress states of specific ten story reinforced concrete frame buildings are studied using accelerograms of four California earth- quakes of 7 to 8 units intensity in order to estimate. the earthquake resis- tance of buildings with rigidity decreasing with height. It is rioted that a decrease in rigidity with height causes significant modification of the -stress state of the upper stories.during earthquakes. USSR UDC 69.032+669.841+624.159.1 GOROYAN, T. A., A F_ _XE Armenian Scientific Research Institute of CHIYAN-- Building Materials and Structures "Analysis of the Response of Multistory Frame Buildings to Seismic Disturbances on the Basis of Accelograms of Strong Earthquakes" Yerevan, izvesti.Ya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Seriya teklin-icheskikh nauk, No. 4, 1971, pp 3-12 Abstract: A method is given for calculating the response of multistory build- ings to seismic disturbances by using acc'elograms of earthquakes and applying a computer. The relative effect of different shapes of build-ings and the scattering of energy on the magnitude of the seismic loads is analyzed using specific examples of 10-story frame bulldings. The spectral. method of calcu- lating buildings for seismic disturbances.gave satisfactory results only for systems vtfth one degree of freedom but in the case of a system with many degrees of freedom there arise many difficulties in attempting to calculate the pile-up of higher forms of oscillations. An exact calculation of the 1/2 GOROYAN, T. A., KHACHIYAN, E. YE., Izves'L-,Ya Akademii nauk Airmyanskov SSR, Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk, No. 4, 1971, pp 3-12 effect of higher forms of oscillations,on the magnitude o-f the seismic load is comDlicated chiefly due to the impossibility of a mathematical description of the law of soil vibrations in earthqu.akes. A compurer is applied. t-o over- come these difficulties by making it possible to integrate numerically the expression for the seismic load and to determine the maximum values of this load considering phase deviations of all its components, by using a given accelogram of the earthquake as a basis of the calcu'Lation. Four California earthquakes of intensity 7-8 points were used to analyze the relative effect of energy scattering and different shapes of oscillations on -Che formation of seismic loads in specific types of 10-story reinforced concrete frame buildings. 2/2 Acc. Nr:00044023 Ref Code: bR 0240 PRDfARY SOURCE: Gigiyena i Sanitariya, 1970, Nr 2, pp 1,9-S-9 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF SHORT-LIVING DAUGHTER PRODUCTSOF!RADON IN THE RESPIRATORY TRACT V. M. Kirichen-ko, D zh. 0. Kl=hfm v, S. A. Dab,~q vla, K&uch , * !L,'~e. ; BylTioVs ki-y-, M. V. One should know the nature of tke Lsotopes distribution in order fi) ashes the dos.~~ ge load or, baFal celis of the bronchial epithelium in different Itrigths of th,~ respiratory tract following, Inhalation of radon and of Its daughter producti. Experhmental inve5 t i gl t io f7.5 carried out with theaid of a specially elaborated method of direct, alpha-spectrarnetry oi the preparations helped to clear up the nature of the radon daughter products distributioh in the mucosa of bronchial epithelium of dogs and rabbits. These data enable dosagre loads on the basal cells of the bronchial epithelium to be measured more exactly when the air containing RaA. RaB, RaC and RaCl isotopes is inhaled by experimental animals. REEL/FRAME 19770460 Constniction USSR UDC 624.042.7 *Seismic Spectra According to Individual Components of Accelerograms, and Taking the Two Horizontal Components Jointly Into AccounV' ~T Yerevan, Doklady Akademii Hauk AManskoy SSR, Vol 51, No 4, 70, pp 207-213 Abstracti An attempt is made in this article to obtain certain qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the complex problem involved in the effect on P- building of horizontal and vertical ground Yibration components. Two figures and one table are given to illustrate the findings in this article. Some indication is given concerning the spectral identity of the &ource of the horizontal and vertical ground tremors. It is also found that the influence of attenuation on the spectral ordinates and the spectral charac- tGristics is the same as in the case of,horizontal vibrations. The data in the table show that the.maximal values for the total accelerations and shifts for individual buildings are up to tiro times that for the individual components# and that in the majority of cases they axe '20-30% greater than the largest of the two maximal values from the individual 1/2 M1 =01111 ------ PIAMMUM USSR KMCHIYANt E. YE.j Doklady Akademii Nauk Armyamkoy SSR, Vol 51t No 4, 70, pp 207-213 components. Thus, both components of the horizontal ground accelerations must be taken into account in order to find the real sInctra. Mention is maide of the fact that the equipaent used in preparing these data record shifts in the system with one degree of freedom in allowing for the two horizontal ground components; thus, in naking com- parlsons with data obtained from other sources, some,correction must be taken into account. 2A UFTM-11MINUIUM USSR GOROYAN, T. A. and KHACHIYAN, E. YE. "Determination of Periods and Forms Free Oscillations of Multi-Story Frame Buildings" Yerevan, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Seriya Tekhn. Nauk, Vol 23, No S, 1970, pp 43-51 Abstract: In an earlier work, the authors suggested a formula for determination of the first three tones of the free oscillations of buildings up to 20 stiries high. Subsequently, they showed that for buildings of over five stories, the influence of differences of masses of individual stories within limits of 20-30% can be ignored, and the periods and forms of oscillations determined as for systems with equal masses in all stories. Cont-.,:iulng.these studies, this article presents an analysis of the free oscillations of buildings in which the rigidity of the first story. differs from the rigiAities of the other stories, which are equal to each other. 1A 2. 2 USSR UDC 621. 30 imENKOV3. A. Siu, =1' -Li. V. Lenin-rad L> P Physico Technical Institmto imeni A, F, !of-fe)' Laningva(111, ~cadcjry of Scionces USSR; North Osetian State Universit.Y Drie-ni Khetagurov, Ordzhonikidze, Ministry of Education RJP~FSR "Te=6rature Relations of the Electrical Prortartiez of Tunnel p-n-Junctions in InP" Leningrad, Fizika i Tekhnika P o lunMvo dnikov, '10 1 1110 1970, pp 886-891 Abstract: Electi,-ical properties of tunnel p-m-junctions in inP meclhan- between 77-340'K wera investigated to detevmdiae curl,ent isms at various voltages and parametevs of 4-1 the n- and p-region. In the presence of inve;t*,,,e voltap,e-3 the current prodominatoo as a result of tho dirriot ttinnol Dffc--~t tivo it:a:~ of the conduction band -- light hole band. Tho effock, of the electrons in the light-, hole bald was d~ete:miined. ',1it1n for-4ard voltages in the negative rozistance section the cmrent is basically catwed by the tunne.':effeet of t,h--~ carx-Iluction bjand impurity accoptor band. In tho second ascondbig, :-3et'.-tion of the USSR IMENKOV, A. N. et al., Pizika i Talchnil a Po Vol LIII No 1970, pp 886-891 voltenrlpere characteristic, the curzrGnt ob%, io Liz tunneling fiona the deaD il-ap-arity laval. 11 at e:s --rat' n a curz*P-Pt car of p-InP alloyed -with Z ric.- conc nu Z', basically of P = 7,8,1018wc.,zan-3 and a. mobility ol' o.- cz,-, Sec at 2950Y, used in the much less on term. erature than in the :tumiel of GaAs and Ge. The charac-eriat'a Vol,--agea- =in and Vr U decrease with an increase in tenrper-ature; djr,,jj;.~z/dT -a vory large and larger than expected as a result of variat, ion in dep t, hof the Fermi levels. 212 SSR uDc: o r .191-32 L TP= zsm. V. V., F-ALIzacmiKo, 1. 1., P-nd XHALDv.YFV M. S "Study of Composition and Structure of Scale from Nickel (NP1 and NKG.2), Alumal and Chromel Wire Rod" Izv. ITUZ, Tsvetnaya. Metallurgiya, No 3, 1970, pp 131-134 Abstract: Electronographic and chemical studies indicated that t2le scale from NP2 and- NKO.2 alloy wire rod consists ozE NiO, NiFelovand. traces of ni-ckel. T-ne scale On alUflIel w1re consists of NW, NiAllo N, i Mn,,0 Fo-,io and traces oi:* 41 V 41 niclrel, the scale from chromel wire - of NiO, NiCr.0 43 Cr 2031 and (I.Fe, Cr),,O it is established that the upper laver of the scale on the wire rod of the Ilovs stll-~Cd consists of NW. The NiC-1)0 , Cr 0 , (Fe, Crlj,,o phases, as well a 4 2 3 3 as NiAl 0 and NiMn 0 are present as individual crystals, dispersed in the NiO. 2 4 4 0 and Fe 0 spinels are present in the scale in the forn, cf individual The N-iFe,, 4 3 4 Interlayers. 112 021- Ut".CLAS S I F153 ViLLCESSING 0ATE-11DECtO --EFFECT Of- NARINGENIN UN CAPILLARY PERMEABILITY Ata; FkAGILITY -U- TITLE A.V. LIHAY, YA.I., NIKGLAYEVAp, F ii, FCj--U S SR TOKSIKf;L. (~'-OSCOW) 19701 33(3)t 30-16 D.4 T EPUL-L I SI-,EC------7C AkEAS--BICLGGILAL AND MEDICAL,SCIENCES TAGS--RATv MOUSE, GUINEA PIGP CAPILLARYt DRUG EFFECT# TOXICOLOGY kKING--NO RESTkILTIONS .,Crj.WPfjL MA ~DGCUMENT CLfiSS--UNCLASSIFIEU "10,310 -PRIUXY FIGHF NO ---- F07V/b05C04/CI2 STEP -CIRC NC---APH3Qb3(J u 023 UNCLASSI FIFD PROCESSING DATE--ILDEC70 CIRC ACCESSIUN Nt.--AP0139630 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. NARINGENIN (25, 50, OR 100 Mf,-KGlr GIVE4 -BATS, MICE, GK GUINEA PIGSt WAS MG.RE EFF~- TJO I 'CTIVE THAN SIMILAR OOSES Of NARINGIN IN iAPiWVII I NG CAPILLARY PLRMEA31LITY AND STRENGT ENING CAPILLARY k;ALLS, THE LD SUB50 OF PIAR[iNGENIN FOR, MICE WAS 355 -l-lG-KG, AND :0F NARINGINWAS 562 MG-KG* FACILITY: LAB6 08SHCH. FARMAKOL.t KHA^~KCV. NAUCH.-ISSLEIJ. KHMe-FARM. INST., KHARKOV, USSR. UNCLAS5 I F I ED RA- 'iU-Mb 'El III ux ,:5 1: t 3rteniMI (CA~ntraI "'A"D for ct lop. of PjAnts) "0i the IJurakIr;.n ot a, i-,"SCO4Z Zmhdh'-" Zio "'J, J'--I -,73t P X8 of t-.:) y6r-Afy thi'~ 0~ "Tlotw be"t,e V.L a--,d for lox~rjaql f0f ~ba trou.-I A 'tr*t -after IO'd&V-S tha L .mvi rour attaiwt grarary weevil and Con- Lubea rlaur beetka had decreased by 5.2 and 6.1, 10.3 and 10,9, 7.4 and 12.4%, respectively, that of zethy1nitrophos - by 11.3 arA 13%, and that of metathion - by 15. 3 and 14/1%. Twenty days after treatment the action of chlorophos, methylnitrophos, metathion, trolene, and trichlorometaphos .3, on the grunaxy weevil had decreased by 26*5, 34#5o 41o9# 32.30 and 2?o7%t respectivelyo and on the confused flour beetle, by 20.4, 44.4, 37.7, 30.9 WW. 28% PP-P*W-- ~ ~,- - - -- I I I " - - - ~- - 1. - "I I - -.-. - -7 ~ xkl~- , - . 1- ..1777. 1---,-,-.--.-:;t; -.-I.- I V-1 --am -- _;~;. go -momw Roma , tar , ~alu.Mfwdgmp.l ...... .. .... USSR GOROYAN, T. A., KMCHIYAN, E. Ye. "Earthquake Resistance of Multistory Frame Buildings W-t ith Rigidity Decreasing with Each Successive Story" Yerevan, Izvestiya A-ademii Nauk rVmyanskoy SSR, Seriya Tekhnichesk.*Lkh Nauk, Vol 25, -No 3, 1972, pp 35-43. Abstract: The frequency equations of multistory frame~buildings trith absolutely rigid beams and a linear decrease in rigidity of each successive story are analyzed. A formula is suggested for determination of the periods of the first three lowest harmonics of free ascillatioxis of buildings of this type up to twent), stories high. The forms of oscillations of the build- ings are studied. The stress states of specific ton sl:ory reinforced concrete frame buildings are studied using accelerograms of four California earth- quakes of 7 to 8 units intensity in order to estimate the ea-rthquake resis- ta-ace of buildings with rigidity decreasing with height'. It: is noted that a decrease in rigidity with heitht causes significant nodifivation of the styess state of the upper stories during aarthquales. 777 T ~USSR UDC 69.032+669.841+624.159.1 --- P___yF -earch Institute of GOROYAN, T. A., KHAC Armenian Scientific Res Building Materia7s and.-Structures "Analysis of the Response of Multistory Frame Buildings to Seismic Disturbances on the Basis of Accelograms of Strong Earthquakes" Yerevan, Izvestiya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Seriya-tekhnichp-skikh nauk, No. 4, 1971, pp 3-12 Abstract: A method is given for calculating the response of multistory build- ings to seismic disturbances by using accelograms oi earthquakes and applying a computer. The relative effect of different shapes of buildings and the scattering of energy on the magnitude of the seismic loads is,analyzed using 'fic examples of 10-story frame,buildings. The spectral method of calcu- sDec-- lating buildings for seismic disturbances gave satisfactory results only for systems with one degres of frp a sy tem with ma-r-ly _edom but~in the case of s degr-,es of freedom there arrise -many-difficulties in attempting to calcul-ate the pile-up of higher forms of oscillations. An exac It calculation of the GOROYAN, T. A., KHACHIYAN, E. YE., Izvestiya Akademii nauk Arnyanskoy SSR, Seriya tekhnicheGkikh nauk, No. 4, 1971, pp 3-12 effect of higher forms of oscillations on the magnitude of the seismic load is complicated chiefly due to the impossibility of a mathematical description of the law of soil vibrations in earthquakes. A computer 2:s applied to over- come these difficulties by making it possible to.integrate r-umerically the expression for the seismic load and to determine the maximum, values of this load considering phase deviations of all its componentq, by using a given accelogram of the earthquake as a basis of the calculation.. Four California earthquakes of intensity 7-8 points were.used to analyze the relative effect of energy scattering and difft!rent,shapes.of~osciLlations or the formation of seismic loads in specific types of 10-story reinforced concrete frame buildings. 2/2 1DO, 94 Acc. Nr:A.PO044023 Ref. Code: UR 0240 PRIMARY SOURCE: Gigiyena i Sanitariya, 1970, Nr 2, pp SA-S7L EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF SHORT-LIVU10 DAUGHTER PRODUCTS,017 ;RADON IN THE RESPIRATORY TRACT S A Du V. N. KirichenAy, D~~:h. 0. Khach roo AM-vLn, vs Klyu~~hV.' ~y OL One should know the nature of tke isotopes distribution in order to asses '-he dosage load on basal cells of the bronchial epithelium in~different lefigths of the respiratory fract following Inhalition of radon and of its daughter products., Experimental investigalions catried out with ihe aid of a specialty elaborated method of direct alph-i-spectrometry of preparations helped to clear up the nature of the radon daughter products distribution in ttie mucosa of bronchial epithelium of dP94 and,rabbits. These data enable dosage loads an the basal cells of the bronchial epitheliuin to be~mpsured rnore exactly when the air containing RaA, RaB, RaC and RaC1 isotopes is inhaled by experimental -animals. -A r REEL/FRAME 197704G0 WO 624. OA2. ? "Seismic Spectra According to Individual Componeilts of~Accelerograms and Taking the Two Horizontal Con-ponents Jointly Into Account" Yerevan, Doklady Akademil Nauk Arnyanskoy SSRf Vol 51d No 4t 70, pp 207-213 Abstracts An attempt is made in this article to obtalit certain qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the ccaplex.pzvblem involved in the effoc-11. an a building of.horizontal and vertical.growid vibration components. Two figures and one table are given to illustrate, the finiings in this article. Some indication Is given concerning tho spectral identity of the rource of the horizontal and vertical ground tremors. It is aiso founi that the influence,of attenuation on the spectral ordinates arA the spectral chaxac- teristics is the same as In the case of horizontal vibrations. The data in the table show that the 1 maximal valuop for the total accelerations and shifts for individual buildings axe up to two, times that for the irtlividual components, and that in the majority -j3f cases they are .20-30% greater than the largest of the,two maximal -values, from the individual ia -7' 7" USSR GOROYAN T. A. and M-CHIYAN, E. YE. Free Oscillations of Multi-Story Frame "Determination of Periods and Forms Buildings" Yerevan, Izvestiya Akademii NaW~ Armyanskoy SSR, Seriy4 Tekhn. Nauk, Vol 23, No S, 1970, pp 43-51 Abstract: In an earlier work, the authors suggested a formula for detcrmination of the first three tones of the free oscillations of buildings up to 20 stories high. Subsequently, theY showed.that for buildings of over five stories, the influence of differences of masses of individual stories within limits of 20-30' can be ignored, and the periods and forms of oscillations determined as for systems with equal masses in all stories. Continuing these studies, this article of the free oscillations of buildings in which the rigidity presents an analysis of the first story differs from the rigidities of 'the othor stories, which are equal to each other. USSR UDC 621.11,82.2 M 1,1 M V A N. SIUK&YEV, N. V. phy.-.Jco Technical Inatit~utlo imen't A. Ioffe, Le~iin-rlld, Lcadcmy f Sciences USSR; North Osetian S. t a I.-I eUniv rsity. Uiqni 0 Inistry of Education RSFS1 Thetagurov, Ordzhonikidze, 1,A "Temoerature Relations of the Electrical P.-operties of Tunnal p-n-Junctions in !nP11 kh Leningrad, Fizika i Tel nfla Poluor6yodzukov, Vol L, , No 1970, PP 886-891 Electrical properties of tunnel p-n- J!-nctions in 1nP Abst-aot: between 77-340-K wore investigated to.determino currGnt isms at various voltages and parameters of tho scmi-.onductor in the n- and p-region. In the prosence -of inverbe voltages thri current predominates as a result of' the direct tunnol e-f4fect- of the conduction band -- light, holalband. Tho offective nm-us of the electrons in the light holb band wz~a for-ward voltagres in -.1-he -,pgativa rosi3ta.-jr;e, si~ctj~o~,i t-h4-, ctu'Tc-n-W __-is basically caussd by the tunnel efrect: of:tA1.rj c;ond-uCt,ion band acceptor band. In the second asconding aection of t1rw USSR ka i Tie KO P~iENI V, A. et al., Fizil-1- No 5, 1970. pp 886-891 iperc characteristic, the. cu:.,ran- abv.; voltar tunneling from -'Uha deep impuri-'Dy Lavoll. of p--InIA alloyed with Zp,urith,a c'mlx-anz, carr-for: conccn-.--'t- z 7,6.10-LIJ crn,--) and nob"i,ty a C i '~O basioally of -p E Ij. c were used J- c-) n,- it 2950K in the azjpje~ mzont. .see. i :~Ij- -z; ch less on temperature tinan in t' c t~mnel p-n- junu, onq do of. GaAs: and Ga. The-chan~cterist-o voltagqis Vjj:~.!L2", and Vr ecrea;30 with an iricrease,~.-In t6mgore-ture;; is very iarge than expe llt.6f v a;ii, ii~ to nin depth of resu e er= levelso 2/2 USSR UDC: 620-191 -:12 UUWNSF,-Y, V. V., K~-T 119CHENTKO, I. I., and. MAD=- M. S "Study of Composition and Structure of Scale from Nickel (N-P-2 and NKO.2), ..Aluniel and ChTomel Wire Rod" JzV. VUZ, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 3, 1970, pp 1.31-134 Abstract: Electronographic and chemical studies indicated that the scale froj-.i NP2 and NKO.2 alloy wire -rod consists.of NiO, NiFe 0 and traces of nickel. The 2 V cale on alu-nel wire consists of NiO, NiAl 0 NVVIII 0 Fe,,O, and traces of s 2 V 2 V hickel, the scale from chromel wire - of NiO,. NiCr 0 , Ci and (1, e, Cr) 0 2 4, :2131 2 3' It is established that the upper layer of the scale on the.wire rod of the alloys stuc-ied consists of NiO. T1,e NiCr 20 V Cr203, I(Fe, Cr)?O, phases, as well as NiA12 04 and NikIn204 are present as individual crystals, dispersed in the NiO. The NiFe 0 and Fe 0 spinels are present in:the scale in the fo-rm of individual 2 4 3 4 interlayers. 95 112 0 2 VNCLASSIFIED Vt'GCE SS UNIG DATE--- 11 DEC70 TITLE--EFfFCT OF NAkINGE~NIN U-N CAPILLARY PERMEA61LITY -ANU Fl'~A61LITY -U- AUTtiUK-(C,2.1_y.HAi.;114Ayt YA.1-i NIKOLAYEVAs A V. :CCUINIRY OF il;, Fb--uSSR TCKSIKCL. (VOSCOY0 1970 3J(3)t 13-1 -`DATE P UL, L I S h V: C7 C --SuaiECT Ai