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UNCL ASS 11:1 ED' PRII C E S i I NG UATE- 11NOV70 -:112 0-1:0 _T_ -1-T L E-CDI SUB2 -,kil SYSTE. -U- ;~AUTH0R_(Q2)-!3,E:LYAYEV, f .-N K E SAR E V1/.V.. 0 UIN T rk YOF 1;N F 13 - - U S Sk INE04G. AHIM. 1970t 15(5), 1434-5 HED - - - - - - -70 A T EPUBLIS ~'SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~JOPIC TAGS--PHASE EQUILIBRIUM, IOOIDE CADMIUM C 0 M PO UIN 0ALKALI M E T A L COMPOUND t4ARKING--NQ RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSLIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3006/1.399 STE PNO--UR/0078/ 701/015/005/143411435 ICIRCACCESSICN NiO--APQ135073 i-L.A JI F I 004423JL A UR 0482 A Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Se~'i n II Electrical, Derwent, s-dis 243742 AN10DE;PRID UNIT of ga charge rectifier has an anUe shutter and a control grid which are both of spherical slutpe with a common centre. The absence of a field inside the anode reduces the second- ary electron emission and:.the likelihood of backfires. It also makes for a more'robust design and has a higher receiving area of the anode to enable it. to operate at high impulse loads. 124-i. T,G. KESAEV et a1.(3.10.69-) 1~6.68 as 1,446ii Btil 17/14.5.69. Class 21g. Int.Cl. H 01 J, AUTHORS: Khiomoy, Yu. Dk!~ Serbinov, A. M. 19770727 TAP,; I Ili-'A~- I T-1 19770728 USSR UDC: 519.1 BASENSHPILER, V. Ya., KESE 14 D. Ya. L ."On Whitney Theorems Relating to Doubly Isomorphic Graphs" Irkutsk, Ty. po prikl. mat. i kibernet. Sib. energ. in-t Sib. otd AN SSSR (Works on Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics. Sib;rian Power Engineering Institute of theSiberian Department of the Academy of Sciences of -the USSR), 1972., pp 43-48, ill., bibl. of 4 titles (manuscript deposited in VINITI 26 Dec 72, No 5285-72 Dep. by the authors) Translation: Simpler and shorter.pToofs are given of two theorems of Whitney on isomorphism:and double isomorphism of cyclically isomorphic graphs. USCIR UDC: 519.1 KESELINIAN. D. Ya. "An Application Of Colorings of Complete Graphs" Irkutsk, Tr. PO pTikl. mat. i kibernet. Sib. energ. in-t Sib. otd. AN SSSR (Works on Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics. Siberian Power Engineering Institute of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR), 1972, pp 68-78, bibl. of 8 titles (manuscript depositedAn VINITI, 26 Dec 72, No 5285-72 Dep.) (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 5, May 73, abstract No SV508 DEP by the author)., Translation: The paper discusses colorings of the vertices and edges of an ordinary complete graph S. with n vertices such as the following: each verte,x.Sn is assigned "its own" element of some commutative quasigroup (loop,,group) of suitable order, and the edge between two vertices is assigned a quasigroup sum of the elements assigned to the vertices. Edges of one color form a pair -combination. Some properties of the decomposition into such pair,combinations are considered 1/2 _11S S 2% KESELIMAN, D. Ya., Tr. po prik:L. mat. i kibernet. Sib. energ. in-t Sib. otd. AN SSSR, 1972, pp 68-78, 5285-72 Dep. and a characteristic of parity of the order of a commutative quasigroup is derived from graph considerations. Then, using coloring of Sn by elements of a cyclic group a chain of graphs with n vertices having the greatest connectivity for the given number of edges is constructed. Algorithmic solva- bility of elementary theories,of some plotted.classes of graphs is also considered.. 2/2 1~ J USSR urc 612-821+612.826 EESHFJAVA-GOGICHADZE, and ONIANI; T. N., Associate Member of the s Georgian SSR Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR "Behavioral and Electroencephalographic Effects of Electrical Stimulation of the Head of the Caudate Nucleus Tbilisi, Soobshcheniya, Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Vol 68, Uo 1, Oct 72, pp 201-204 Abstract: In cats with implanted electrodes, stimulation of the head of the caudate nucleus induces several effects depending on the parameters of the stimulus. A moderate stimulus induces a sleepy state with wrachronization of U slow potentials in the neocortex and hippocanipus and a fal I in heart rate. -afortably ana fa-1 asleep. A stronger stiradus wakes Some animals lie do,6m co., a slee-o. cat, desynchronizes slow waves, and intensifies theta rhythm in the hippocampus, In a waking cat, it causes a general excitation (pupillary dila- PO tion, piloerection, and nevring), intensifies theta rh5thm in the hip ca=us, but induces no change in the electroneocorticoarwa. A very strong stimullus precipitates an ala= reaction with intensification of' hippocarTal theta rhyth_-l and acceleration of heart rate. Next, sone animals fall into stupor with 1/2 USSR KESHEIAVA-GOGICHADZE, M. V. and ONIANI,, T. N-) Soobshcheniyu fi-kademii Nauk --Gruzinskoy SSR, Vol 68, No 1, Oct 72, pp 201-204 inhibition of hippocampal theta rhythn, and deceleration of heart rate. Finally, all animals develop motor activity consisting of continuous rotation in the contralateral, direction. The findings indicate that the head of the cauda-te nucleus participates not only in the control of the diurnal waking-sleeping cycle but also in the regulation of complex motivational behavior and associ- ated emotional components. 0/0 Ads6rpti6n- f USSR 46.633:543-544.6 UM 5 SHATSM, V. 14.3 YRM, NKO I S. V., KOMISSAROVA., L' 14 BEBMJI~ G. F., T',OVA N. 1-1. kESIER YA. A.) P RUr and WOROG GV, V: A.; Chain of InorZaric Chemistry "Synthesis of Novel Ph=phorus Containing Sorbents and the Study of the Sorption D of Scandium on Them" Moscow Vestnik Moskovsko-O Universiteta, Vol 13, No 6, Nov-Dec 72, pp 65,-653 Abstract: Optiral conditions for scandium sorpi.-ion and separation from iron have been determined on a pllot-plant scale. A specific zorbent was used in the -po* rization of styrere with divinyl- process. It vas the product of the co Lyyrle benzene phosphorylated with Pj;CJ 2 and sulbsequently h,,Mrolyned with alcoholic Potassium hydroxide solution. Me optimml conditionr, for the separation process on this sorbent are as follows: the sorption is carried out fron. a 0.1 11 JL,S04 solution; a Irp a=roniuvi fluoride solution is used for the desorption; undler these conditions in one "sorption-desarption" cycle the iron is isolut-d pwac- --p etely. Rep t -ition of' the desorption Process with it fresh Portion tically co,". I of the desoftent removed of scandium, 7his sorbent rw~,f be used, -for th.--- con- centration of oc-mdium ont or the soltitions!vith hir;h iroit, (!ontmit. In v,,Jt~,iti~~,?l to iron this rothcl al-,;o -.Q[:rirate.-, all vono- und divalent e~emcnt~. and ot,hcr fro-M ricandivril. USSR UDC -47.26 1118 NWTEROV, L. V. , KESSEL A SAbaTOV, Yu. Yu., XUSM, A. A. institute of Organic and Pk~ t5%istry imeni A. Ye. Arbuzov, Academy of Sciences USSR, and Kazan State University imeni.V...I. Ul-lyaaov Lenin "Nucleophilicity of the Phosphoryl and Thiophos-Dhoryl Groups" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchei k~himii, Vol 40, No 6, Jun 70, PP 1237-1241 Abstract: A series of conpounds of the form CH)P(S)XY vas synthesized. All were alkylated by equivalent amounts of triethy.Loxonivaa borofluoride in mathylene chloride. Their chemical shifts of the F-bomled methyl group pro- tons e--hibited a critical range beyorri which no alkylation reaction took place. It was found that the methyl protons inthe methylphosphonic acid derivatives are shielded more than those of the corresponding methylthionhonic acid deriva- tives. due to the greater tendency of the~F40 reverse coordination. OW USSR Ul"' 5-S.27 -~Ov, IV, YU. Yu. Elil,~ V LIN 0 Ca";.; T_ I., 4 and I 1;'-"Dx"N 'VIVA V. B., Kazan' State Unlrv rs~ and Ph cal Chemistry imeni A. Ye. ;~.-buzov, ~-.c&Geny o P C YS2. Kazan? I I E f Ife c t 01" Solvent on Spin-Spin CoupLing OV on s t, _1 n 1~ siz rus Compounds Gontainin.g 0 Some Organopnospno rits J., Consta. jfo T U Kiev, TeOreticheskaya i Eksperianentallnaya Kh i i y Freb 70s pp 103-107 Abstract: A study ,-;as made of the effect of solvents on tne ge coup! in Co1,.,1;;anr, ol I -I minal spin-spin riu- C 14 V Ch3?O(O?' )21 C clei in- CH3POC121 1"("'21'5)2 C H PCJ'NC H OPh. There was found-to be a lir,.;--.a-- decre_~se 3 2 5)2 with. an increase in the electric field of t~.c reaction, t h e ~de - a crease being, sharper in aromatic solvents. It is coaclud_" 113 USSR ya VINOMRkDOV, L. I. , et aIA.. , E k s e r i.-:-. e a y a K, ~I miya, Vol 61 No 1, jan-Feb 70, PP 103-407 positive sign is likeliest for th-e spin-spin coapll'_~,,-.: possible mechanisms for lc'.Le spin-spin ar.Laractilor'i ,I- ~electron system of the aroma zlic. ring are siarrga~~-%Ied to a~ a -he in- as Cl atoms are displaced by CPla: crease in J P T., Tiia spia-spin interaction results f mi~gnetic momenrT OP current induced by the J;tj rina, creating a local fi'eld cr. rhe second nud.e-us.~ 2. T"Ile spi.-A-zpin interaction occurs t-. em, o f h e a r cm. a L,-' cring a c c o rdir, -,f to Z111C, SY St :_".L_ for a long-range protcn-,proton Niccolii..' T b ic systems. This mechanism is apparently reali-zed in CG:,,30UI,,aS investigated here. 2/3 1/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE$SING DATE---040E[;'i' -TlTLE--SOLVENT EFFECT ON SPIN SPIN COUPtING CONSTAN-rs IN PMR SPECrPA OF ORGANOPHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS CONTAINING A P-0 GROUPo 1. GEMINAL CONSTANTS Lol-i SAMITOV, YU..YU., KESSEL, A.YA.v NESTEROVs LaVoilp MARDANOVAt V*Bo _'~:~4-6.OUNTRY OF lNFO--USSR. 001* '~.-S.OURCE-TEOR. EKSP. KHIM. 1970, 6(.11 103-7. _DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY 1~~JOPIC~_TAGS-SOLVENT ACTION, MAGNETIC RESONANCE, PROTONs 'SPECTRUM, ORGANIC ,PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNOt.OIELECTRIC EFFECT~- :~-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :.,-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -"PROXY FICHE NO----FO70/6050I3/B0tr STEP NO--UR/O~379/10/00()?001/0103/0107 :__CTRC__ACCESS 101~L NO--APOLqO345 =-77 212 018 UNCLASSIFIIEO, PROCESSING DATE--040E'l-70 CIRG ACCESSION NO--AP0140345 ABSTRAC T/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-D- ABSTRAc-r. Ii SUBP-C-H CONSVS. P; ERE MEASUAE~! FORME-POCL SUBZ, MEPOCLOPH, . MEPOCOPH),SU821~ MEP(O)CINET SUB2t AND MEP(OHNET SU82)OPH IN B ORG. SOLVENTS. CORRELATJONS.J SUBP-C-H V.S. .(EPSILON MINUS I)-(EPSILON PLUS N PRIME21-2) ARE 0,1SCUSSED, WfjERE EPSILON CONST. OF SOLVENT* FACILITY: KAZAN. GOSUNI%/.t -KAZAN, USSR-. r i7ii -,C USSR uDc 681.327-11 ZLOBIN, Yu. P. , KESSM~'Tg~. L. , State All-Union Central Scientific Research Institute of Lerg*`e~-ScaleAutomaiion "A Device for Recording and Reproducing Information"' Moscov, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zna-ki, 1970, No 36, Soviet Patent No 288412, class 42, filed 14 jan 69, published 3 Dec 70, P 154 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for recording and reproducing information. The device contains modnles for recording and reading out cadence pulses and information signals, counters, a coincidence circuit, a delay line, and an adder. As a distinguit~hing feature of the patent, the accuracy ef information reproduction is i=roved by coribining the gaps of the magnetic heads in the units for recording and readin.- out the cadence pulses and information signals on a single axis. 'fhe outputs of the cadence pulse readout units are connected to the reset inputs of the counters, and through a coincidence,circuit and delay line to the the outputs of the Information sig m I r adout imits Input of an adder, and. e are connected to the correspondIng counting inpijts of the colAntaro, tht- outputs of the counters being connected,by digital place to -the inputs of the adder. MdAr:.' USSR UDc 621-397-3.681..326 KABO, 1. Ya. , KESSEL '-MIAN 0. L. "On Using Digital Computers to Synthesize Holograms of Moving Objects" Moscow, Kvantovaya Elektronika, Sbornik Statey, No 4, "Sovetskoye Radio", 1971, pp 130-134 Abstract: An algorithm is descrIbed for machine synthesis of holograms L. of objects moving in a plane parallel to the plane of the hologra!a. The process reduces to shifting the initial calculated h~.lcgram along tile cc- ordinate axes in accordance with changes in the position of the object. Consideration is also given to synthesis of hologr-arLs of ob 'Jects moving arbitrarily in three dimensions. The proposed algorithm is based on the method of hologram synthesis described. by L. B. Lesem et al. (Comnani- ca-tions ACM, 1968, v. !I, p 661). In this method tl~,~_, object is. repre- sented as a three-dimensional lattice of point apertures of variable intensity, each radiating a spherical wave.' The procedure is based. on parabolic.a.- zzroy,:-=~ivn ol' the Fresnel-Kirchhoff intv-gral. For some cases, as in radar, the coordinates of the moving.objects can be -obtained by pri- mary data processing. Five fig-ares, bibliography o~ one title. 1121. 022 UNCLAS.SIF! EO RbCESSING DATE--27NOV70 ;tITLE--ANALYSIS OF THE CORRELATIONSBETWEEN GEOLOGICOIL AND GEOPHYSICAL --...:PARAMETERS OF THE EARTH'S CRUST IN SOUTHERN TURKMENISTAN -U- -AUTHOR-(05)!-ODEKOVt O.A.9 ZAKHAROVAi L..Tot KESELMAN,&:S.I.,~, MURADOVi CH.r :_~,'~-VUVSHANOV, A. it NTRY.:OF INFO--USSR s !.. "URCE--ASHKHABADi IZVESTLYA AKADEMIl NAUK TURKNENSK Y SSR, SERIYA FIZlKO.-TEKHNICHESKlKHj KHIMICHESKIKH I:GEOLOGICHESKIKH NAUK# NO 3t 1970t ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 S USJ E C TAREAS--EARTH SCEENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY f6PIC TAGS--EARTH CRUSTt MOHDROVICIC DISCONTINUITY, GRAVITATION FIELD, MA GN ET I C, F I ELD CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED DOCUMEN .~PROXY REEL/FRAME--300810396 STEP NO--UR/0202/70/000/003/0083/0090 _-C_tRC__A.CCE_S&,IJ0,N NO--AP0137438 212 022 I.RICL ASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 zIRC ACCESSION t*~10--AP0137438 ~.~ABSTRACT/EX TRACT-- (U I GP-0- ABSTRACT* IN SOUTHERN TURKHENISfAN THE DEPTH J0 THE MOHOROVICIC DISCONTINUITY CORRELATES WELL WITH THE GRAVITY FIELD AND AGREES POORLY 1,41TH THE MAGNETIC FIELD; IT AGREES SATISFACTORILY WITH RELIEF OF THE EARTHS SURFACE. THE BEST CORRELATION w(TH DEPTH TO THE M040 IS WITH THE GRAVITY AND MAGNETIC FIELDS TOGETHER; RELIEF OF THE EARTHIS SURFACE IN COMBINATION WITH THE GRAVITY FI.ELD ALSO 11SPROVES TIHE -CORRELATION, BUT TO A LESSER DEGREE THAN IN THE PRECEDING CASE, BUT IN COMBINATION WITH THE MAGNETIC FIELD THE STANDARD DEVIATI,ON IS BETTER THAN WHEN ONLY THE MAGNETIC FIELD IS TAKEN INTO Acc-OUNT. IN A GEOSYNCLINAL REGION THE CLOSEST CORRELATION BETWEEN DEPTH TO THE MOHO IS OBSERVED WITH THE RELIEF OF THE EARTH'S SUR!,-ACE. AFTER COMPARENG THE MEAN SQUARE ERRORS AND VARIATIONS OF DEPTH TO'THE.MOHOROVICIC DISCONTINUITY ONE CAN NOTE THAT IN THE.'GEOSYNCLINAL RECYION THE DEPTH TO THE MOHO CAN BE PREDICTED FROM RELIEF GF THE EARTH'S SURFACE; IN PLATFORM REGIONS AND IN A ZONE OF DOWNWARPING IT CAN BE PkEDICTED FROM THE GRAVITY FRELD. WITH RESPECT TO OPERATORS OBTAINED.BY COMBINING GEOPHYSICAL PARAMETERSv IN ALL GEaTECTONIC REGIONS A SATISFACTORY ..,.,'','PREDICT ION CAN BE MADE WHEN THE~GRAVITY,:~AIND MAGNE74C FIELDS ARE TAKEN -'TOGETHER* FACILITY". INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND ...-",-..ATMOSPHERE. U114CL 4SS If 16 ,;e--.112' 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 OF THE PATHS OF DOPING IUNS IN SEMICONDUCTORS -U- ..~AUTHOR--KESSELHANv, V.S COU4TRY OF INFO--USSR 1970 411) 228 .,'i-:,SOURCE--FIZ. TEKH. POLUPROV. DATE PUBLISHED -------- 70 AREAS---PHYS ICS TOPIC TAGS--SE141CONDUCTOR IMPURITY# -PAPTICLE TRAJECTORY, FREE PATH 1~CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLAS.5-UNCLASSIFIED [ON BEAM 00PING, ION MOBILITYi ~~PROXY REEL/FR.AMF--1987/1989 STEP NO--UR/Oli49/70/004./OoL/0228/0228 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0105063 --f-F HO 212 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7C CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105063' ABSTRACT/EXTRA(:T--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. WHEN DOPING SEMICONDUCTORS, IT IS IIMPORTANT TO KNOW THE UEPTH OF PENETRATION OF DOPING IONS AT VARIOUS INITIAL ENERGIES9 USUALLY SMALLER THAN 100 KEV. THE AV. PROJECTED PATHI I.E* THE PATH OF THE [ON IN THE DIRECTION 9F ITS INITIAL MOVEMENT, IF OF MAJOR INTEREST IN THESE EXPTS. ANAL. EXPRESSIONS AR&GIVEN FOR THE ION PATHS. THE CALCNS. ARE BASED ON THE THEORY COMPUTATION OF PROJECTED DFAINDHARDY'ET AL., AND USE DIMENISONLESS VARIABLES, RELATEU TO ENERGY AND THE ION PATH. A SUMMARY OF BASIC DATA IS PRESENTEOp. TOGETHER WITH SIMPLER EQUAT-IONS FOR THE.CALCN* OF THE-FULL ION PATH WITHIN THE SEMICONDUCTOR. kl~, PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~UNCLASSIFI 0- E SCATTER OF HEAVY ION RANGES -U- UTHOR-102)-KESSELMANP V*S.t BULGAKOV# Yu.V. ~_COUNTRY OF INFO---USSR ..,SOURCE-AT. ENEAG. 1970, 28(2), 173-4 bATE PUBLISHED-----70 AREAS--F'HYSICS ,.~.-T*OPIC TAGS--ION DISTRIBUTICN, ELASTIC SCATrERING, PARTICLE TRAJECTORYt _--_~~.:GAUSSIAN DISTRIBUTION ,.CCINTRCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 ..P.ROXY.REEL/FRAME--2000/1155 STEP NO--UR/0089/70/028/002/017310174 CIRC ACCESSICN NG-AP0124810 UNCLASS-IFIE0, -212 oil UNCLAS S If I ED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~~CIRC ACCESSICN NG--APO124810 --ABSTRACTIEXTRACli'--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A MATH. ANAL. SHOWS THAT THE ASYM.METRY OF RANGE DISTRIBUTION CURVES (FOR HEAVY PARTICLL-S) IS DUE MAINLY fC SEP.. FLUCTUATIONS IN ELASTIC COLLISIONS; WITH INCREASING PARTICLE ENERGY THE SHAPE OF THE CURVE APPROAC14ES THE GAUSSIAN (BY ASSUMING THAT MULTIPLE SCATTERING IS NEGLECTED. USSR 'JDC 547.233 F01 a-CIC~ VA, 14. G., 11PATOVA, N. M., and M~ELIN, V. P., nical Institute, Academy of Sciences Institute of Chemical Mechanical Engineering, Moscuw "Certain Playsical and Structural Characteristics of HexamethylDhospharo- triamide" Moscow, Zhurnal Strukturnoy Xhimii, Vol 13, No 3, May/Jun 72, PP 5-17-519 Abstract: Hexarmthylphosi)7norustriaiiiide ODITT) (tris(~limtli~,,ialrlino)phosphipe oxide (CH )2N PO) is an important corganic solvent, of special interest due to its use a a m2dium for the-study of' electron behavior in condensed phases. Miree physicochemical properties of the solvent.were reasured. Using a pycnometer, the specific gravity was deteridned to be 1.0202 at P.50C and 1.0327 at 100. 'I%e viacaGity, measured with an Ostwald vincrisimeter, was reported as 3.24 centipoiGe at 25 0 and 4.50 centipoist at 10(). lbe dielectric constant was me-asured at 200 kiloheitz by phase displucement with compensation for carbon. The results were 30.02- at 250 and 32.6 at, 100. A comparison of the molecular and mlar volizes, of several liouids, with thGse of fflTPT suggests a structure other than close packing. Further comparison of the function inverse times temperature derivative! for dielectric constant and specific ity implies that M-TT has a labile structure with a dipole character. USSR ~UDC:661.862(541.444+546.12);541.49 M., OSIPOV, 0. P. a d ALPATOVA, N. M., GAVRILENKO, V. V., KESSLER, Yu. MASLIN, D. N. "Complexes of Organometallic, Hydride, and Halide Compounds of Aluminum" Kompleksy Metalloorganicheskikh, Gidridnvkh i Galoidnykil Sovedinen"y Alyuminiya (English Version Above], Moscow, Nauka Press, 100, 296 pages Annotation: This book deals witti the physical and cheimical pro- perties and synthesis of complexes of' aluminum formed of its orgallic, hydrideand halide compounds with organic.and inorganic addends. Par- ticular attention is given to the molecular structure of the complexes and the strength of bonds in them. Me spectral characteristics of complexes and the role of complex foxnation'in the synthesis, of coin- pounds of aluminum and their solubility are analyzed., Plans of the dissociation of complexes in the liquid phase are discussed, and the nature of ions is analyzed in detail.' Cathode and anode processes i/10 mail. r OWN USSR UDC:661.S62(S4I.4,.4+S46.12) ;5,11.49 ALPATOVA, N. M. , GAVIRTIJ!"K0, V. V. , KESSLER, Yll. M. , G-SrPOV, 0. P. , MASLIN, D. %., Komplelksy Gidridnykh i (~Aoidnykh Soyeiinc'niv Al~-I=tiniya, Nosem, Sau~a Press, 1970, 296 pages in the clectrolvnis of i~,clts and solutions aind nro,Avris of practical X elcctrodcoasiti~n of alumirum and clectrochemical syndwsis in non- r-qtleousi media are discus.5ed. 111C boo'4 is dc!-,igned for a broad rang(- o-F pcr!.om3 intcrested in general problems of formation, chu'lical.,; riperatilig, with organic. and hydride compounds, and cIc(:zrochenists special- izing ill 310-n-aqueocls solution". '~'Jw broad rangc ol~ factual mutterial a.,; w c N. 94 tables; allows Oic- book to be used as a T(JftrCNCe work 4S flgure5; 1,697 bibljo. refs. 2/110 -41.49 USSR UDC:661.862(541.444+546.12);' ALPATOVA, N. IM., GAVRrLENKO, V. V., KESSLER, Yu. M., 051POV, 0. P., MASLIN, D. N., Komple3-sv Metalloorganicheskikh, Gid-ridn)-kh i Galoidnykh Soyedineniy Alyminiya, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, 296 pages Table of Contents Foreword 3 Chapter I Methods of Synthesis of Organometallic and Hydride Compounds of Alim-tinum, and Their Complexes 7 Organic Alu.Anwn Compounds of the Type AIR and 7heir Com"y I e x e s 7 Alkyl Alluminobal ides, Ilydrides and Mixed Compounds of Aluri'linum and TheIr Complexes Muminum hydride and in; Dorivatives 16 Salt-LII~c Complex Organic Aluminum Compounds 27 Aluminohydride Metals 54 3/10 USSR UDC:661.862(541, 4+546.i2) ;541.49 T ALPA10VA, N. INI., GAVRILENKO, V. V., KESSLER, Yu. M., OSIPOV, 0. P., MASLIN, D. N., Kompleksy Metalloorganicheskikh, Gidridnykh i Galoidnykb Soyedineniv Alyuminiya, Moscow,+ Nauka Press., 1970, 296 pages Production and Chemical Properties 34 Thermal Decomposition of Aluminohydrides 46 Substituted Metal Aluminohydrides 48 Aluminum BOTohydri'des so ..Trinary Metal Hydrides 54 Mutual Conversion of Complex Compounds of Aluminum 57 Substitution Reaction of Weak Lewis'Bases and Acids in Complex Aluminum Compounds 57 Reaction of Redistribution (disproportionation) of Ligands in Complex Aluminum Compounds 59 Exchange of Cations in MAlX Conglexes 4: 61 Influence of Complex Formation on Aluminum Compound Chemistry 62 4/10 USSR UDC:661.862(541.,.44+546.12);541.49 ALPATOVA, N. M., GAVRILENKO, V. V., KESSLER, Yu. M., OSIPOV, 0. P., MASLIN, D. IN., Kompleksy iNfetalloorganicheskikh, Gidridnykh i Galoidnykh Soyedineniy Alyuminiya, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, .196 pages Bibliography 65 Chapter 2 Physical -Chemical Properties of Complexes of Hydride, Halide, ..and Organometallic Compounds'of Aluminum 73 Complexes AIR nL 73 AIR -aromatic HydrocaTbons 73 3 AIR -Simple Esters 75 3 AIR -Amines 79 3 AIR -Ammonia 83 3 AIR Polyamines 85 3 USSR UDC:661.86~1(541.il44+546.12);541.49 ALPATOVA, N. M., GAVRILENKO, V. V., KESSLER, Yu. M., 051POV, 0. P., MASLIN, D. N., Kompleksy NletallooTganicheskikh, Gidridn),kh i Galoidnykh Soyedineniy Alyuminiya, Moscow, Naula Press, 1970, 296 pages AIR -Heterocyclical Nitrogen-Containing Compounds 87 3 AIR -Phosph ines, Diphosphines Phos phinamines, Arsines 89 3 AIR -Sulphur Derivatives 90 3 AIR -Ketones 91 3 AIR -NitTiles 92 3 AIR -Halide Aikyls 93 3 Alffal -Nitrocompounds 95 3 AlHal HHal~Aromatic Hydrocarbons or Simple Esters 97 AlHal Oxygen-Chlorine-Containing Compounds of,lyhosphorus 99 AlHal 3- Interhalide Compounds 100 6/10 USSR UDC:661.862(541.i)44+54(i.12);541.49 ALPATOVA, N. M., GAVRILENKO, V. V., KESSLER, Yu. M., OSIPOV, 0. P., MASLIN, D. N., Kompleksy Metalloorganic.heskikh, Gidridnykh i Galoidnykli Soyedineniy Aly-aminiya, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, 296 pages AlR--Other Ligands 100 Conductometry of the AlHal -L-Solvent Trinary Systems 101 Complexes M' -MIR (m 1, 2) 113 Complexes MR AIR 3 (in 1, 2,) 113 Complexes MAN It (R Alk., Ar) 122 8 n 4-n Complexes MAIR Hal (R Alk, Ar) 128 n 4-n CoTiTlexes in the Systems Mal-AIR (R Alk, Ar) 130 Complexes W%lHal H 136 n n-i Complexes INIRM -nAIR' 3' ruk (m 1 ,2) 137 Bibliography 7/10 USSR UDC:661.862(541.444+546.12);541.49 ALPATOVA, N. M., GAVRILENKO, V. V., KESSLER, Yu. M., 0SIPOV, 0. P., MASLIN, D. IN., Kompleksy Metal loorganicheskikh, Gidridnykh i Galoidnyr-1h Soyedineniy Alyuminiya, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, 296 pages Chapter 3 Structure of Compounds of Aluminum and Their Complexes. Nature and Energy of Bonds. Distribution of.El.ectron Density in Molecules 150 Compounds of Alimiinum. X-Ray, Electronographic and Spectral Studies isl Complex Compounds of Aluminum!. X-Ray Studies 161 Complexes Containing One Ligq~nd Molecule 16 1 Complexes Containing More Than One Ligand Molecule 165 Complexes of Aluminum Compounds.~ 'Spectral Studies 167 Bibliography Chapter 4 Electroconductivity and Plans of Electrolytic Dissociation of Complexes of Aluminum 201 8/10 USSR UDC:661.362(541.4144+546.12);541.49 ALPATOVA, N. M., GAVRILENKO, V. V., KESSLER, Yu. M., OSIPOV, 0. P., MASLIN, D. N., Kompleksy Metalloorganicheskikh, Gidriduykh 1 Galoidnykh Soyedineniy Alyuminiya, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, 2961pages AIR in Individual State and in Indif-Ferent Solvents 201 .3 AIR in Electron-Donor Solvents 203 3 AlHal -Nit-robenzene 204 A~wHal -Simple Esters 208 3 A! Hal -Phosphorus, Sulphuxr and Nl.trogen Oxychlorides 208 3 0 Alfial _14alide Alkyls 3 MR-nAllt' in Solutions (M Alkali Metal) 212 3 Bibliography 221 Chapter 5 Preparative Electrolysis of Compounds of Aluminum and Elect-ode Processes 224 9/10 A USSR UDt.661.S62(54l.cl44+S46.12);541.49 ALPATOVA, N. M. GAIVRILENKO, V. V., KESSLER, Yu. M., OSIPOV, 0. P., MASLIN, D. N., Kompleksy Metalloorganicheskikh, Gidridn'vkh i Galoidnylfh Soyedipeniy Alyuminiya, Moscow, Nauka. Press,.1970, 296~pages Binary Systems 225 Trinary Systems 236 Mixed Solvents 256 Bibliography 2 6 2 Appendices 265 Appendix 1. Physical Properties of Halide, Hydride and Organometallic. Compounds.of Aluminum and Tteir Complexes 265 Appendix 2. Association of,Halide, Hydride and 0-i-gano- metallic Compounds of Aluminum and Their Umplexes 269 Appendix 3. Dipole Moments of Individual and Complex' Alumtnum Compounds 275 Appendix 4. Physical Properties of Certain Solvents 2 7 8 Appendix 5. Thermal Effects of Reactions of Complex Fom. atiion 281 Index 288 10/10 MkSR UDC 543.422.23154,6.1'118 MMMINOV, I. A., hwnmmxiy, V. V.0 YANUJEVIC110 A. M=TOROVAj L. K., and LOGINOVA, E. I. rinstitute of Organic and Physical Chemistry 'man' A. Ye. A3ebuzovj AcadeAr of Sciences USSRo arxi. Institute of 02sanic Chemistry imeni. N. D. Zeleas1dirp Ac&AeDW of Sciences USSIt ~WM-R', MM-P3' and n=R-K' P31j Spectra of Compounds Containing -P(X) - K - P(Y)- Group" 013 Moscow, Izvestiya Akadenii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Rhimicheskayat no 11j Nov 71, pp 2589-2591 Abstracto For purposes of studying the. spin-spin interaction In compounds with fragments of the type -P(X) N - P(X)-, and -P(X) - N - ~(Y)-, the authors stud- _H1 NMR_p31 ied the NMR and INEOR-113- P3~j spectra of the following compounds& (CH 30 )?,(O)N(CH3)PI(OCH3)2, (CH30)2PI(0)N(CH3)P,,.(Se)(0CH PV (CH30)2pl(O)N- 0C- 07 (CH3 H9 )PI(Se) \ . The values and )PII(Se)(OC4 -i)21 (0'302PI(S~WCH3 N(C~H 1/2 3)2 signs of the constants 2J,,,rt 3jp,,CH Ifere determined. The series of compounds 2 studied display a decrease in the value of J PP with a change in its sign. 2/2 L/3 012 UNCLASSUFfEb, PAOCESSING DATE--Q90CT70 -11,TLE-DYNAMIC POLARIZATION OF NUCLEAR,SPINS,1N A CHEMICAL REACTION -u- ~ AUTHOR-(03)-BUCHACHENKO, A.L.t KESSENIKH, A.V., RYKOV, S.V. A ,C..bUNTRY OF INFO-USSR -SOURCE EKSPERIMENTALINGY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZlK[, 1970t VOL 58, _S ,,.-,-.NR .39 Pp 766-777 OATE, PUBLISHED 70 ~'SUBJECT- AREAS-CHEMISTRY* PHYSICS S I CTAGS--NUCLEAR SPIN, THERMAL DECOMPOSITION, ORGANIC PEROXIDE, t4UCLEAR IC NOMENT :-CONTROL MARKLNG-NO RESTRICTIONS .0 CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ..PR9XY REEL/FRAME--1976/2065 STEP NO--UR/0056/70/058/00310766/0777 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0043593 UNCLASSIFIED pump"' UNCLAISSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--OqCCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0043593 -~ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 'POLARIZATION PROCESSES OF NUCLEAR SPINS IN CHEMICAL REACTIONS OCCUARING IN MAGNETIC FIELDS ARE STUDIED IN THE CASE OF THERMAL DECUMPOSITION Of ORGANIC.PEROXIDES. THE DYNAMIC AMPLIFICATION COEFFICIENT OF NUCLEAR POLARIZATION~IS ACCEPTED AS THE MAIN-QUANTITATIVE LHARACTERISrIC. OF THE PROCESS,, APPLICATION OF THE METHODS OF OBTAINING AND TREATING THE.EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND COMPARISON GF THE~MEASUREO QUANTITIES WITH THE RESULTS Gf S18PLE MODEL CALCULATIONS AS WELL AS THOSE OF SOME DIRECT EXPERIMENTS INDICATE rHAT ORIENTATIUN OF NUCLEAR SPLNS.IN CHEMICAL REACTION ACTS 15 NOT sTATIONAKY AND THAT :TRANSITIOU INVOLVING CHANGES OF ORIENTATION ARE APPARENTLY THE CAUSE OF THE POLARIZAPION EFFECT OBSERVED. A SIMPLE PHENOMENOLOGICAL THEORY OF THE KINETICS OF NUCLEAR MAGNETIC MOMENTS, IN WHICH DYNAMIC POLARIZATION OF- THE NUCLEAR SPIN- IN THE CHE-NICAL REACTJON_jLS, TAKEN--- INTO ACCOUNT, I S- PRUPOSED.AND CONFIRMED EXPERIMENTALLY.. A NEW EXPERIMENTAL METHOD IS SUGGESTED AND REALIZED WHICH CONSISTS IN INVERSION OF lHE MAGNETIC MOMENT DURING THE REACTION. SIMPLE WORKING FlJRMULAS ARE DERIVED WHICH CAN BE EMPLPYED FOR TREATING THE EXPER 1IMENTAL DATA. POLARIZATION OF 'S IN THE DECOMPOSITION PR(WUC1S OF ORGANIC PEROXIDES IS NUCLEAR SPIN INVESTIGATED AND THE DYNAMIC AMPLIFICATION COEFFICIENTS FOR NUCLEAR POLARIZATION, E, ARE MEASURED FOR THE FIRST TIME F:DR THERMAL DECOMPOSITION REACTIONS. THE PREGICTION.S OF THE 0,AIGINAL HYPOTHEISIS REGARDING CHEMICAL POLARIZATION.OF NUCLEI VIA THE NUNSTATIUNARY OVERHAUSER EFFECT ARE ANALYZED IN DIETAIL.' UNCLASSIFIED ~1/3 012 UNCLAS IFI 0 PROCESSING 0ATE--090CTT0 ..C-I,RC ACCESSICN NG-AP0043593 ~~ABSTRACT/EIXTRACT--PGSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF THE ASSUMPTION OF CONSERVATION 1 0 N 'RE 1). OF NUCLEAR SPIN ORIENTATION IN CHEMICAL REACTION A('TS AikE C iSIDE ..THEORETICAL LIMITING VALUES UF F: UNWERTHIS ASSUMI-ITION ARE OBTAINED. NDIFIDWS OF THE REACTION' IS THE DEPENDENCE OF THESE QUANTITIES GIN THE CO, 'UISCUSSED* A COMPARLSON OF THE MEASURED VALUES UF: THE DYNAMIC -AMPLIFICATION COEFFICIENT WITH THE 'ThEORETICAL LIM[TING VALUES, A STUDY ~OF THE. O-EPENDENCE OF THESE QUANTITIES ON VISCOSITY~p fi:MPERATURE AND CONCENTRATIOU* AND FINALLY DIRECT EXPEgLMENTS UN POLARELATIUN IN CHCL SU83: 1SHOW THAT THE ASSUMPTION;OF CONSERVATION OF NUCLEAR SPIN ..'':~ORIENTATIUN IN CHEMICAL REACTIONS 15 NOT VALID. UNC LA SS I F I E 13 ---I 'NOV70 pk,) C;: S S I AT" UNC L A 5 S I F VE 0 - > ",-TITLE-- I Ni)UC IM; DYNii'~IG NUCLEAR POLARIAZMUN' INI CH"JilCAL, -0- S.V., BUCHACH-ENKOt A. L. KESSENIKH, A.V. ~,tCUNTkY JF --SPECTROSC. LETT. 1970, 3(2), 55-8 SOURCE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~,:,SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS l0j) M TAGS-STRONG NUCLEAR INTERACTIONv C~IIEMTCAL DEGtCMIPOSMON, F3L-NZGYL z~ PEROXIDE, AZO CGiMPOU,"10, CARBONATE, ELECTRON I N r E l(k. f I GN CONYROL MARKING-40 RESTRICTIONS 00C&AENT C. L A Sr, - -J'.'C' A ra S 1 F I 0 __L I I 'I L 0 19 8 5 0 0,! 0 0 55 0 5 8 -PROXY RE" 'k A, STL P NQ - -OS ('10 0 o ITO Ok r ,C ACC4SSl;,-,-N 2 5 574 ~4L~ r- --------- - 2/2 012 UNCLASSRHED PROCESS'ING DATE-- I 33'41)V7 0 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125574 S T RACY. DYNAMIC NUCLEAR POLA*-lfZATItJN OF ME .,ABSTRAC TIEX TR AC T-- (U) GP-0- All -CONfli. PRJDUCTS OF OECOMRN. OF BENKOYL PEiOX[OE ILN THE PRESENCE OF MEI (0-1,N) WERE UETO. iN C SUB2 CL SUB4 AT 1,20DEGREES. SIGNS OF T.HF- POLARIZATION OF THE PRODUCTS-AGREE WITH T140SE OBTAINED FOR THE S.,I'-'F- PRODUCTS DICOMPN. OF ME CONTG. PEkOXIDES. SIGiq OF MU'll-LEAR POLAPEZATION IS NOT DEPENDENT ON 14HETHER RADICALS ARE FORtMED AS INDIVIDUAL SPECIES OR ESCAPF FROM THE-RADICAL PAMS IN CAGES. ON '14 . ~ICYCLOFIEXYL PER CA-,BONEATES ~. PERACE T Y L I SGPk OPYL CARBI~NATE, DECOMPt - OF 0 AND SOME AZO COMPOS., CHCL SUB. -)AS FORMED IN 'WHICH THE PROTONS 4ERE 'V:G. POLARIZED. INECLEAR POLARIZATION. rS INDUCE0 IN T4E ':AR.LY STAGES OF CH"ll. !~EACTIGNS '.,,f4EN STP~ONG E-Lt~CTROIN ELEC.TmOll AND -LECri -A, -CONSTRUCTION' OF ELECTRON! r CLOJDS OF ItNTEl"CT IGNS EXIST AND WHEN RL J~- -FACING MOLS. TAKES PLACE. E R FACILETY:~ INST. CHEM. PHYS., V Moscow, USSR. 'I N C IA ~;s 11 ut r) 212 015 UNCLASSIFIE~D PkOCESSING DATE--04DEC73 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0138503 ~ABSTRACWEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PRESUMING J SUBH--H (VIC) IS POS. FOR NITROETHYLENE, THE RELATIVE SIGNS 00: THE CIOUPLING (~ONSS. WERE OBTAINED. THEY ARE FOR J SUBH-H 14,8 1TRANS), 7.L (CIS), AND NEGATIVE l.'8 fGEM) ANR FOR J SUBH-H PRIME15 NEGATIVc-, 9.0 (TRANS), NEGATIVE 4.4 - Al' FACILITY: INST. ORG. KHIM. AC IS) ND NEGATIVE 4.5 (GEM) GHZ. IM. ZELINSKOGOF MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASS. IF [ED ;" ~ '~ ~f !'D, UN PROCESSING DATE 023 c Ass FIE TITLE--PRCPERTIES OF FILLED POLY(VINYL:CHLORIDE) -U- -AUT[lDR-(03)-PO.14OGAYLdj A.D., Kf.~~LALN, N.YA., SHAPOVAL~:]V, YU-1. 10 COUk4TRY OF INFO--USSR ~S0UiC [--MEKH. POLI.4. 1970t 6(l),,124-6 Y.-DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 --.,SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TAGS--POLYVINYL CHLORIDE, HARDNESS, TITANIUM DIOXIDEt FILLER, SILICA GELt CAPBON PRODUCT, MOISTURE MEASUREMENT, PLASTIC MECHANI~_-AL PROPERTY CCUTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,.'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --PROXY REFL/FPAME--1989/0813 STEP ND--UR/0374/70/',10,,j,1001/0124/012!5 ~..CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107355 2/2 M UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING CATE-020CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0107355 GP-0- ABSTRAcv. HARD14ESS AND RIGIDITY OF PDLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) (1) SAMPLES Fl[LLED WITH TIO SUB2 POWD. SILICA GEL, -AND ACETYLENE BLACK INC.REASE WITH ]INCREASING AT, RADIUS OF THE FILLER CENTRAL ATOM, I.E. TI LARGER THAN SI LARGER THAN C. TIO SJ82 FILLED SAMPLES HAD LOWER ABRASION RESISTANCETHAN THOSE FILLED WITH SID SUB2 OR :C. THERHOPROCESSING I FILLED WITH C 010 NOT SIGNIFICkNTLY INFLUENCE THE AMT. OF ABRASION, BUT WEAR SHARPLY INCOEASED FOR SAMPLES FILLED WITH SID SUB2 AFTER- THERMOPROCESSING IN OIL AND.IN WATER. ~.MOISTURE ABSJRPTIO'q WAS GREATEST FOR SAMPLES FILLED W111H TIO SU62 AND-LEAST FOR TH3SE FILLED WITH SIO SUB2. 0 / "I - f;/~e, ~ '/ '& 7 AJQJ C - / )' -/ '~ D, Turetskaya L. A. Chudov, ant] Yu. D. Shvv'!le~. Euler and Cogrange methods to r calculationa of paint explosions in a heterogencou 8 atmosphere. INt Trudy Sektaii po chistlennym metodam v gazovoy dinamiki Z-go Mealidunarodnogo kolickvitima " gazodinamike vzryva I reAgitoylisfilkh sistann, 194-9, T, 3. Moscow, 1771, 85-100 UtZh'-14kh. 5172. #5B236k A study is troa-le of it strong point expl-val,on in A nonviscous :T thgrmLtty Atincondoctive lIam. It Is aoovntd that the density and pressure of the atmosphere Are altitude -dependent according to an 0 exponential law. Motion Is considered in tho halt plans: n (r ?. 0), bounded by the axis of symmetry. The eqUALAOI`111 Of UnStAbiliZed modan are written out in terms of Euter and Lagrange coordinatca- Region Go, containing the point In which the explosion occurs, is isolated in half plane w In solving the prob4m. the boundary (t) of the reg)qn Is selected in such a manner that within the --!!7-L Go rnicn. -.4 presfiuiv %ouid be ronsidered constant. The region of difference calculation. oil is bostn'led by tile curve roM. the idsock wave front r I it), and two segnients of the Asia of symmetry. The solution of a number of unidimensional problems. Including the problem of a point explosion in a homogenewis atmosphere with account taken of counter, pressure. was checked by an applicable method for It* verification. good coincidence being obtained with results: of Ili* work by D. Ve. 0khotsiniskiy. 1. L. Kondrashev. Z. P. Vlasov. and R. K. Kas&lkov (Trudy Matcmaticheakogo Inatituta A14 SSSR, 1957, 50, 66. RZhMekh. 3/58, NZ659). Fairly good correspondence is Osown In cof"parlson of the results of calculation of the title problem In lerme of Euler and Lagrange variables. ........... USSR UDC 534.222.2 KESTENBOYM, M.S., KIJZINA, Z. N., Moscow "Pro agation of Planar Shockwaves in an Exponential Atmosphere" P Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, No 5, 1971, pp 31-35. Abstract: A planar explosion is studied in a medium,with exponential distri- bution of density. In. contrast to theso-called sector apl)roximation, the flow of energy from the lower area -to the upper arelL IS Considered; therefore, the solution of the problem at hand produces a more.correct qualitative con- ception of the flow of gas in the last stage of a point exl)losion in a hetero- geneous. atmosphere. The numerical solution in both the uplier and lower flow areas results in the corresponding limiting self-modeling modes. Calculations are performed until "breakthrough" of the.atmosphere., The method of calcula- .:tion is based on implicit difference app roximations, USSR UDC 621.9 KLABUKOV, Senior Instructor, KESTMER e., Candidate of Engineering Sciences and Docent, and ZUYEr. Tit., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Docent, Kurgan Fachine Building Institute "Effect of Pressure on Friction and Wear of Alloy VT-14 and Steel 3OKhGSA" Moscow, IzVUZ -41ashinostroyenlye, No 12,J972, pp 129-132 Abstract: The friction and wear between titanium alloy VT-14 and hardened 30KhGSA was studied with and without lubricants, Lubricants us d were stee.X e transformer oil, TSIATIII-201 and machine oil. A slip rate of 0.17 m/sec and pressures from 2.5 to 50 kg/cm2 were used in the tests. It was determined that the use of lubricants does not particularly decrease friction and wear between the two metals. The specific weir of VT-14 was lower without the use of a lubricant than with it. The reason given for intensiUcation of wear on. alloy VT-14 when a lubricant was used was that the lubricant prevents oxygen and nitrogen from penetrating the friction surface which in turn prevents cold working of the surface; thus the metal never increases'in microhardness at the surface layer. 4 figures, 1 tablei 11 bibliographic references. 108 IMMIAMWIFAVOIN; WHO WIM WIIM~G~ 1991~LWWI 40047040- ACC Nr.: Ref. Code: USSR UDC 669.715:621.357.8:620.178.162 A ZARETSKIY, E. M., r-andidate of Technical Sciences, KES.M.Mi-O. "andIdate of Technical Sciences, KONDWHINA, M. V., Engineer "7 77nd TEKKINA,~A. S., Engineer "Wear Resistance of Hard Anodic Films on Aluminum Alloys" Moscow, Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, No 1, 1970, pp 58-59 Abstract: The results are presented of a series of invest-iga- tions of anodizing conditions, under which an anodic film with increased antifriction properties is obtained on AK4-1 and D16T alloys. The antifriction properties of hard anodic films obtained in the sulfuric acid electrolyte, and also in a mixture of sul- faric and oxalic acids under various anodizing conditions, were Obtained on samples madit of AK4-1 and D16T alloys. AWL AP0047040.- ,7: D16T samples, anodized in the electrolyte, cooled by dry ice, were tested-on a MI-I test stand in the presence of eliding friction in a MC-20 oil and Al-EG-10 hydrolysis at 50 kg/cm pres- sure, and 0.4 m/sec sliding velocity against steel. The AK4-1 samples were tested under condition of dry friction at 25 kg/cm2 'pressure during 30 hours. The! results are presented in graphs in the form of the dependence of friction.coefficient on time for AK4-1,samples in the MC-20 oil, and for DL6T samples, anodized .under various conditions. These.conditions are given in a table. The results show, that hard anodizing in theielectrolyte con- taining sulfuric and oxalic acids, makes it possible to obtain on the~AK4-1 alloy, an anodic film of increased wear resistance with low-friction coefficient when operating in a fluid medium. Under condition of dry friction a coating of VAP-2 substantially improves the sliding. original article has 2 figures and I table. .1,9790479 USSR uDc 616.988.75-o6:6i6..q88-51-053-8-036 -,TILADZE Ye. 64 AIPMEYEVA., A. A.) KP KNYAZE11A. L D., KRYLOV, V. F., ITA GRUSHINSKAYA., I. A. MILE Y and STAIMMOVA, V. M., Clinical Departrient, Institute of Virology imeni. D. I. Ivanovskiy, Academy of 'Medical Sciences USSR on the base of Clinical Infectious Disease Hospital No 82, Moscow "The Course of Mixed Influenza-Adenoviral Infection in Adults" Mloscow, Klinicheskaya Meditsina, No 1., 1973, pp 101-105 Abstract: Of 1055 patientsage 16 to 78 admitted to the authors' hospital Vith respiratory symptoms during the 1969 and 1970 influenza A2-ffongkong epidemics, 158 (15%) were diagnosed after physical examination and. laboratory tests as having a mixed influenza-adenoviral infection. About one-third of these had the clinical symptoms of adenoviral infection (toxicosis., headache, head cold, pain in the throat, cough, pharyngitis) along with the-usual symDtoms of influ- enza. In the other two-thirds, the disease proceeded asymptomatically in the form of a virus carrier state or SLfficlinically. The average duration of the above symptoms was much longer than in those suffering -from influenza or adenoviral infection alone; plmryngitis persisted the longrest. Systematic follov-up (2 years) of the patients vith chronic adenovinal infection exacer- bated by *nfluenza confirmed the continued presence of adenoviruses even though the individuals felt well and exhibited no signs of inflammation of the spiratory tract. USSR uDc 616.983.75(AZ) KETlLADZEj YE. S. OYAUNAt L. D.l IMYLOV9 V. F. j ALEMEYEVA, A. A.t G. g TSAREIIA, R. 0. tL1171111: L. L. pa-nd'SI1UL'ZHENKOp T. V. , Clinical Department, Instit-Ute, of Virology imeni D. I.:Ivanovskiyj Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR; and Municipal Infectious Disease Hospital No 82 "Clinical Picture and Some Aspects of' the Pathogenesis of Influenza Caused by Virus A2 (Hong-Kong)" Moscow# Sovetskaya Neditsinal No 71 71, PP 115-120 Abstracti The article reports findings of a study of 402 influenza patients between 17 and 84 years of agej observed during the Moscow influenza epidemic of January and February 1969. The subjects included both those observed in the clinic and others in militarl units. The disease showed all the clwassical traits of influenza infectioni acute beginning; rapid rise in temperature (390C and higher in 88% of the civilian and 26% of the military cases); ana swiftly increasing signs of toxicosis. Almost all patients zhowed heacLache, prostration, pains in the liubs, chill, dizzinessp and ve.)miting. Elore severe cases showed changes in the vascular and central nervous systemst deliriump brief loss of consciousness, syncope, convulsions, and meningeal symptoms. Cyanosis of the lips and oral mucous membranes, microscopic hemorrhages of the USSR ELUME, YE. S., et al.p sovetskaya Heditsinal No 7, 71, pp 115-120 soft palate, and nosebleeds were observed in relatively snzll reercentaczes of cases. A table shows the relative frequency of various symptoms in successive influenza epidemics from 1959 through 1969. However, these figures show no consistent patteirn. As is clear from the data presented, the clinical picture of AZ (Hong-Kong) influenza does not differIin the character of individual symptoms from the A2 influenza of pievious yeax-,. Howevert in the degree of manifestation of toxicosis and the number of severe casea anong patients haspitalized in the clinic, the inflnonza In 1969 was more severe than in 1967, but less so than in 1959. Patients in military units.generally showed a less Seyexe course. Older patientsp especial-brthose with chmnic respiratory disordersi showed intensification of' these conditionsi 2/2 49 Moscow, Zdorovlya, No 12, Dee 70, p 14 Abstract:. The fall of 1970 was damp md cold. As a result, -Lhe incidence of parainfluenza and adenoviru3 infections increased and a general situation Cor- ducive to the sp-Iread of influenza developed. Influeni;a viriiz is always present but constitutes a danger only when the human organism is weakened, particularly by. other infections. To prevent respiratoi-I infectiona that may lead '11o influ- ntial to increase the resistance of the orgailiem, dress w'-armly, enza, it J s esse. eat adeq-tately (avoiding the fashionable weight-reducia~g die-to), -Lqd r-t an ade- auate amount of vleep. In the prophylaxis of influenza, good ventilati on wit-h- out drafts, elimination of dust, frequent wet cleaning of places of employment and homes, and prophylactic immunizations are of importance. Influenza usually does not affect a. person for longer t4an a week, but an influenza patient is crdinarily sick for a longer period than that, because ~iirus infections are ac- companied by those caused by adenoviruses. People tclking care of an influenza 'patient must take adequate measures to protect themselves frrru infection (e. g-, .1/2 43 USSR "=L4DZE;, Ye. S., Zdor,-v'y-,-, Ila 1122, Dec, '70;, P 14 they should wear a mask consisting of four layers of gauze). The patient should -wear a si-milar mask. Darin-, an influenza epidemic, one _nnst avoid contact with influenza patients and avoid crowds. During an epidemic, ixrsons with diseases of the heart or lunvs should not v--,s:Lt polyclinics because of the danger of con- tracting influenza there. Influenza patients chould stbay Ln bed until their recovery is complete. Among the complications associated with influenza axe pneumonia caused by bacteria and rqcobac.teria, inflamnationas of the nasa-1 sinuses., and otitis. lf influenza is followed by persistent co, a, one sbould consult YZ an otolaryngologist, because the cor~rza may :indicate the presence of conditions that can become chronic and lead to mrachnitis. -1/2 019 ~:UNCLASSIFIEO TITLE--ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDYiOF:.r-P.I:THELIU/4 WAYS IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE RESPIRATORY VIRUS T.YA., KETILADZEv~ YE.S.. ...-CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ',,-,SOURCE. VOPROSY VIRUSOLOGIls 'PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 OFJHE UPPER RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS -U- 1970t NR 2.v PP 190-196 ~.,.AUKIL. '-AUN--,tLt:UfKUN Ml(;KOSCCJPYt RESPIRATORY VIRUS OISEASEi ADENOVIRUSv INFLUENZA ~_CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS F.,DOCU'AENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED L-PROXY PEEL/FR4ME--1990/0731 STEP NO--UR/0402/70/000/002/CI90/0196 .CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0108937 UNCLASSIFIED -2/2 -oIcj UNCLASSI'FIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 ~-C [PC ACCESSION NO--AP0108937 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(LI) GP-0- A3STRAC1-. ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDY WAS CA-RRIED OUT WITH ULTRATHIN SECTIONS OF MATERIALS 08TAINED 3Y SMEARS OR IMPRESSIONS FROM THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF INFERIOR NASAL CONCHA IN PATIENTS, WITH INFLUENZA, PARAINFLUFN7A AND ADENOV[RUS DISEASE. DEGENERATIVE CHANGES IN CELLS OF COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM CONSISTING OF CONGLOMERATIONS Of: NUCLEAR CHROMATfNi LACK OF DOUBLE CONTOURS OF THE NUCLEAR MEMBRANES,. CHANGES IN MITOCHONDRIAL STRUCTURES6 IN INFLUENZA AND PARAINFLUENZA tNFECTIONS 2 TYPES OF CYTOPLASM[C INCLUSIONS WERE FOUNa.- ONE WERE ELECTRON DENSE OR GRANULAR STRUCTURES AND WERE PROBABLY DEGENERAl-ING-ORGANELLE OF THE CELL; OTHERS CONSISTED OF ~RINGFORM VIRUS LIKE PARTICLES. NUMEROUS VIRUS LIXE PARTICLES WERE FOUND IN-NUCLE.I....0F E.P.ME-LIAL CELLS OF THE hASAL.MUCOSA:FROM PATIENTS WITH ADENOVIRUS DISEASE0 "J12: 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCFSSING DATE--IISEP70 t,tTLE--9XI.DATIVE CHLORINATION OF TOLUENE. 1. EFFECT OF THE COMPOSIT104 OF CHLORINATING MIXTURE AND TEMPERATURE ON THE OXIDATIVE CHLORINATION ~~OT"OR-SOLDMONOV, A.B.9 PERTSENp P.P,v KETDV#:A*N. COUNTRY OF INFO"-USSR t"60C E -ZH. PRIKL. KHIM. (LENINGARD) 1970o 4312)v 471-2 UATE PUBLISHED -------- ro ---S'6-B*J Et TAREAS--CHEMISrRY ,,rQPIC TAGS--CHLORINATION, OXIDATIONg TOLUENEo THERMAL EFFECTt CHEMICAL '-REACTION RATE ZONTROL MARKING-NO RESTPICTIONS -;DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1987/1216 STEP NO--UR/OOBO/7OfO43/002/0471/0472 C7 T cl E~~ 018 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING nATE--11SEP70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104582 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--LU) GP-0- ABSTRAC% MAX. YIELD OF CHLORINATED PRODUCTS (0 AND P-CHLOROTdLlJENES AMD PHCH SUR2 CLI OF oxir)ATIVE CHLORIN4TION OF PHME USTNG..CU CHLORIDES AS CATALYST WAS OBTAINED WITH 30PERCENT Or HCL IN AIR AND STOACHIOMETRIC RATIO OF REACTANTS. RATE DETD. REACTION IS :.-~OXXDN. QF,HCL TO CL. AT HIGHER TEMPS.V~THE YIELD OF PRODUCTS INCREASED -JN ACCORDANCE WITH INCREASED RATE.OF 9XIONs OF HCLIIN AIR. ir . . ........ 008 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 -.-,TITLE--TWO PYRIDYLAZONAPHTHOL ISOMERS AWTHEIR REACTION WITH COPPER"IONS- :_:AUTHORl--GUSEVv S.I.t GLUSHKOVAl I.N.t KETOVAr L.A., PESIST A.S. :---.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~_~_SOURCE-ZH. -ANAL. KHIM. 1970t 2512),t 260-6 DATE PUBLiSHEO -------- 70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY ZlOPIC TAGS--PYRIDINEt AZO COMPCUND, NAPHITHOL, COPPER COMPLEX, EQUILIBRIUM -CONSTANT -'CONTRnL MARK I NG-N0 RESTRICTIONS .:DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO -.-.PROXY Rr-r-L/FRAME--1987/1687 STEP NO--UR/0075170/025/002/0260/0266 CTRC ACCFSSION N10--AP0104902 -2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--lL7jEP70 C-IRC 'ACCESSICN-NO--.AP0104902 ABSTPALT/EXTRACT-N) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A MIXT. OF 2,(2,PYqTDYLAZO),I,NADHTHr)L .(I) AND 4,(2#PYRIDYLAZl3)tlvNAPHTHqL (If) WAS -OBTAINED. 4A 2,PYRIDYLAZLITATE (17 G) IN 75 ML ETnH WlrH 17.3 G NAPH-THOL WAS TREATED WITH C,9 SUB2 UNTIL A THICK PASTE IS FORMED TO GIVE I AND 11 ~BY FRACTIQNAL~CRYSTN. I HAS LAMBDA 36o, 470 MMU; If HAS LAMBOA 450 MMU. PK SU13NH ANJ) PK SUBOH OF T AND Il WERE 1-.05 PLUS OR MINUS 0.13 ANO 1I.11 PLUS 08 MINUS 0,16 AND 10'5T PLUS-OR.-MINUS OvI6 AND 10.45 PLUS OR 'MINUS 0.49-,,-~qESP.-I*FGRMS-WITH CU 1:1 AND 1:2 C04PLEXES, F)EPENDING-ON THEIPH AND THE REAGENT RATIO. WITH-EXCESS REAGENT T HE COMPLEXES 14AVE LAMBDA 570 MMU AT Pli 1-3 AND LAMBDA 560 MMU AT PH 5-6o WITH CU IONS EXCESS LAMBIJA IS 570 MMU. THE 1:1 COMPLEX CAN BE EXTD. WITH BUOH, THE 1:2 COMPLEX WITH CCL SUB4. MOLAR ABS13RPTIVITY OF THE COMPLEXES9 THEIR :INSTABILITY.CONSTS., AND REACTION EUUIL. CONSTS. FOR THE Cu-I (PH 1-3) COMPLEXv THE:~CU-l (PH 5-6) AND THE CU-'I;l COMPLEX WIFFRE AS FOLLOWS: (2.447 TIME,S-"1.0 PRIME4# (2.87 PLUS 0R,MTNUS 0.461 TIMES 10 PRIME - NEGATIVE6,.141.18 PLUS OR MINUS 0.02) T-IMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE4; 4.745 ~TT MIES 10 PRIME4, (7.61 PLUS OR MINUS 0..991 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE79 .(6.45 PLUS- OR MINUS 0.2q) TIMES 1.0 PRIME NEGATIVEkj 3.95 TIMES 10 ~,PRIME4, (2.70 PLUS OR MINUS 0.02). TIMES110 PRIME NEGATIVE5, (6.79 PLUS Ok MINUS- 0007) TIMES 10 PRIME NEGAT!EVE4. 19 YMMOVIVT 16. V-M rGroon Z*njtttLvn Warkera' P-4.. 31 Is. 71. P 3 Ob:ntr.zt-. TM:trartinl t.dt,l qu I Its f rtu", lo high, S.-. 4q0, a. Ma h- noubeI ,~_f-tur o,ror cleming the air. w"r' ::,*1 11 :r.,. ,n p. . chi C.oedi.., .- .1,1 f r. r~r'. I ", ft .,t t1t%::,of.hmmfu1, hydrocarOons AM deriVative s fr- the air '- a , " 6.10 A ~I,tgr.~:t0f1be.tefte par C ..t 1. . 0.71, U'lre t-t- cr at..a, it h,A be,. b "nid that pl-t. ~ar. apt~r. a!-.,hy Ooidt, ar=UO oam;,~~itto of other oll, n" cry f. zr-. r" 4.1n6 r-.rd to find if Q.. .. .... t . --r, at.- bonvoyrP.Me from the air. In a *-~otv. Director of the OtOrSiAn 1=11t~td Or Zaoprr-~y_t, P awntionO the UnLY"sailty Of Air POINtIVM, the Xft2t =O. ~t j4-4 rr~-"3 Or P~t 17 used). ROS the Ptopositi,n that Inginevra and .11111 2i- duty to Out down an C-0166irm 1'... from ina-Cri ~l of the 4~Cl.. In.titut. of rharmae I.Ay .d M-I.try st.e he 2/2 U=A F-do. )I Jan 71, A 3 P1 ... *6 with Durmi:h~rid2:11 work. and hp.4 that they would .123 Inveotigat I-- process as un, test Sl at thetroSenic w,cat-m. Director or the *-,- I da"it. t" .1 "hd -!r42 fidt.. r."mrch. residents of TWOS, wft. arm ..a.C.4 in . C~A deal or pi,rti,,d, are plantin4 the wrong kinds of treat. We gi- the e-plo, at 11.* plan& T101. %h, fluft-from which plugs ventilatian ay*t~ end esu as *11grgr r*411%1"2; fe Vrapo4#j that th. "Plo. Itl% Its strong air-closAlr4 fvotu;:.. OW14 t. pleAt.4 ~.h -rm, widely. LU 31: "s _',~72_ ._I_~2_ 013 UNCLAS:Sl 1: 1ED: PROCESSING 0ATE--390C-.73 JJTLE~-~-KINETICS OF TRIMErHYLULPROPANE SY14THESIS ON THE ANIUN EXCHANGE ORES IN AV-17-6 -U- A UTHO K- RATANOVA, A.I.r RUDKOVISKlYs D.M. NTRY OF INFG--USSR RCE-NEFTEKH[MIYA 1970, 10(l), 68-95 t .,DATE PUBLISHED---70 _..SUt3JECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ~10PIC TAGS-REACTION KINETICSp CHEMICAL SYNTHESISj PROPANEv ANION EXCHANGE A E 5 1 N- vIMETHANUL/W)AN17 8 ION EXCHANGE .11 SIN CIDN'TROL MAR-K. I NG-NO RESTR I CT I ONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED P.KIJXY REEL/FRAME-1992/1888 STEP NO--UR/0204/70/010/001/0088/0095 ACCESSION NO--AP0112b68 ;~Zt2 013 UNGLASSI FIED, PROCESSING DATE--090CT7C C'IRC ACCESSION NG--AP0112868 AbS TRACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-G- ABSTRACT,. TITLE SYNTHESIS PRUCEEDS 114 3 STEPS: PRCHO (1) PLUS CH SJ62 0 (Llil PRIME NEGATIVE) YIELDS ETCH(CH SU82 OH)CH0 (11); 11 PLUS CH SUBZ 0 1011 PRIME NEGATIVE) YIELDS ETC(CH SUB2 OH) SUbZ CHO (III); III PLUS CH SubZ 0 PLUS OH PRI,11E NEGATIVE YIELDS ETC(CH SU82 OH) SUb3 (IV) PLUS 14G0 SUB2 PRIME NEGATIVE (RATE DETG.; V :SU8-1 EQUALS D (IV)-DT EQUALS K SUSI till) (CH SUB2 0) (ANEX)), ACCOMPANIED BY: 2LH SUf3Z 0 PLUS UH PRIME NEGATIVE YIELDS MEOH PLUS HCO SU82 PRIME NEGATIVE (V SUB2 EQUALS 01(MEGH)-DT EQUALS K SUB2 (CH SU82 0) PRINE2 (11NEXI)t ANO OTHER MINOR SIDE REACTIONS. OPTIMUM STATIC -.CONDITIONS WERE: 50DEGREES, 30 MIN CONTACT TIME, 80L. RATIo 1: ANEX -_~EQUALS 1-1.58 IANEX EQUALS ANION.EXCHANGE RESIN). 1THE KINETICS WERE MEASURED AT 2G-500EGREES AND FOLLOWING.EQUATIONS WERE DeRIVED: K SUBI F-GUALS-T.62 XIMES 10 PRFMEII-EXP~LMI'NUS'-.172301,-RT)I ANL)-'K-SU32 EQUALS ::8074 TIMES 10 PRIME16 EXP (MINUS.25900-RT). i.FACILITY: VSES., MUCH. ISSLED. INST. NEFTEKHIM. PROTSESSOV, LENINGRAD, USSR. USSR UDO 539.4 ZOIDTTA 1. V. AKININ K. G., ABIW40V, V. V., KnUSOV, Ju. K.. SKOROBOGATOIT, V.! S., and SVEDONNSEV, N. V. (Voronjz_hT~'_ "Investigation of the Damping and Elastic Characteristic of Plasma Coatings of Tungsten, Nichrome, Zirconium Dioxide,and Chrome-Nickel Spinel" Kiev, Problemy -Prochnosti, No 9, Sep; 73, pp 86-89 Abstract: Consideration is given to problems connected with study of the damping and elastic characteristics of thin plasma coatingz. The influence of the conditions of application and c=ealing of the coatings upon the value of oscillation attenuation and the modulus of elasticity. The results of investigation of the modulus of elasticity are preLonted in a table and Jn three figures. For tungsten coatings, the modulus of elasticity is character- ized by considerable scattering of the values -- from 2.105 kg/CM2 to 14.105 kg/cM2. The relationship of the modulus of elasticity of the ccatings to the temperature, before and after annealing, is shown.. Analy!-,is cf the E -- t relationships of tungsten and zirconium dioxide ccatings that in the temperature inLerval from, 20 to 8000C the values of the elasticity rnnodulus E change insignificantly (within the limits of 2_10). For nichrome coatings E decreases more intensively vith a temperature rise, and at t = MOIC its 1/2 im MAKIN USSR ZOLCTUKHIN, I. V., et al., Problemy Prochnosti, No 9, Sep 73, pp, 86-89 values are on the average 17-2.3% --;=Lller than at room temperature. 4 figures. I table. 14 references. 2/2 USSR UDC 612.35:62-50 nman--NAS mau- S N. and Y,%.DZ1UYA, 0. A. Tbilisi Institute for the Ad-vanced Tzaining o:F Physicians -"Investigation of induced Auditory Potentials in Huai-an Cerebral Cortex by Means of an Electronic Computer" Tbilisi, Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk (.ruzi-nskoy SSR, Vol 63, No 3, 1971, pp 689-691 Abstract: Cerebral cortical potentials, induced by sound stimuli, were re- corded by monopolar electrodes, ariplifted and averaged by an electronic com- puter, and analyzed. A single sound 4!nduces two defle6tions, with a negative peak in 100 msec and a positive peak Jin 185 msec. The anplituda is greatest at a ati-mulation rate of one sound per 5 sec. With increas:(ng sti-titutation rate, the amplitude decreases, to become indiscernible at. a i:tLmulation rate of three sounds per sec. The contralateral response is greater then the insillateral. A threshold stimulus pruduces only the contralateral response. Upon delivery of paircd stimuli to one., ear, the second response is weaker. However, when the first stimulus is delivered to the other ear, no reduction the second response. In individuals with impaired hearing, all induced action potentials are weaker. If 2: 034 UNCL ASS, IF I EO PROCESSING OATE-16OCT70 ROLE Of 7HE CALLOSAL BODY' IN TRANSMISSION OF AUDIrORY INFORMATION FROM ONE HEMISPHERE TO THE OTHER -U- hAUTH0R-t02)-MOSIDZE# V-M.,~KEVANISHVILli Z.SH. ~`-XOUNTRY OF INF0--USSR ,,;SOURCE--ZHU,RNAL VYSSHEY NERVN,OY OEYATEONOSTI, 19701 VOL 201 NR 3, PP 619- 62 5 ,.~~_DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 ME k.Z__,StUB J E C TAREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND DICAL SCIENCES OPIC TAG-a--BRAIN, SURGERY, ACOUSTIC DETECTION, AUDIOL04Y i`_~'CDINTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS OCUMENTCLASS-UNCLASSIF[ED PWXY REEL/FRAME--1998/ 0 060 STEP NQ--UR/0247/?0/02U/003/0619/i)625 'CIRC ACCIESSION ND--AP0120760 2/2 034 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0120760 IBSTR ACT/EX TRACT- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IT HAS BEEN SHO41N IN CHRONIC EXPERT-MENTS ON INTACT DOGS THAT IN THE.CUURSE OF MONAURAL ELABJRATIOlq OF ACOUSTIC DIFFERENTIATION, TEMPURARY CONNECTIONS ARE FORMED AND STABILIZED NOT ONLY IN THE CONTRALATERAL BUT IN THE IPSILATERAL 7. 1- HEMISPHERE AS WELL. CALLOSOTOMY RESULTS IN A DISTURBANCE OF THE TRANSFER OF FINE ACOUSTIC DIFFERE14TIATION TO THE HEMISPHERE IPSILATERAL TO~THE STIMULATED EAR. A CONCLUSION HAS BEEN DRAWN THAT AUEQUATE TRANSMISSION OF THE MONAURAL INFORMATION TO THE IPSILATERAL HEMISPHERE -.CALLS FOR INTEGRITY OF THE CALLOSAIL 6130YlALONG W'ITH T4E NON CROSSING FIBERS. AND THE COMMISSURES OF 'THE RHOMBOID., MID AND INTERBRAIN. INSTITUTE OF PHYSIOLOGYu GEORGIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, TBILISI. USSR BAGDASAROV, CH. S., et al., Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 212, No 6, 1973, pp 1326-13Z7 luminescence showed that the Nd3+ lons enter into the composition of a minimum of two types of activated sensors, vhich result, with the measurements made, cast serious doubt on the results reported by Arsenev, Raiskaya, and Svirido- vaya in Phys. Stat. Sol., No 13, 1972. 112 UNCLASS11HED PROCESSING GATE---1311-iov TITLE--DISLOCATING STRUCTU, E- A',Q CIPTUCAL HETE tr4-,~4EITIES OF YTTRIUM ALUMINU,'A GARNET SINGLE C'-YSTALS -U- AUTHOR-( 05)-JEf)ljKHy L M. v1H I ZHEYK0, [.A., BAGOASAROV, KH.S., KEVORKOV, A.14s, NIXITFINK0, V.I. COU74TRY OF INF0--USSR SOURCE--.KRfSTALLOGRAl:IYA L970, 15( 2) 334-41 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS"MATEPIALS, EARrm SCIENCES ANU OCEAN.OGRAPHY1 PHYSICS TOPIC TA'QS--GARs4ETt--5_jNGLC- CRYSTAL, CRYSTAL 01SLOCATION, YTTRIW-i COMPOUND, LASER PkOPERTY CONTROL MARKING--t'40 RESTRICTIONS CLASS--U,'*'CLASSIFIED ~-PROXY. REEL/FRAME--2000/1570 STEP NO--iJP/0070170/015/002/0334/03(tI CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125196' L' S HEM= am " 212- 041 UN LAS'sl OED: PROCESSING DATE-- 13s',JOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125196 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRAcr~ U15LOCATIONS WERE 0350. BY MEANS OF AM OPTrCAL POL4RIZATION STUDY OF THE, BIKEH~JNGF~JC[- PELATED TO SINGLE DISLOtATIONS IN NO PRIME.3 POSITIVE OOPED Y 5:)63 AlL SIJB5 ',) SUB12 SINGLE RYSTALS. THE RISTICS OF C INFLUENCE OF DISLOCATIONS OF THE LASER CHARACTE THE CRYSTAL 15 OISCUSSEUP AND. A FURTHER~ STUDY OF OPI It"'AL I INH0110GENE I TIES IS PRESENTED. FACILITY: IN S T .KRISTALLORG-, ;40SCU-it USSR. UNLLAS S I F I V:0 Imm UDC 621.315.592 Ymzov--~", YE. SOLOVYINA, Yr. V., KISTOVA, YE. II.,,D'YAI'Oi-.OV L. I., IGLITSYINI, "Autocomnens:ation of Donors in Gallium Arsenide and the GaAs 1-XPXSolid Solution" Leninz~rad, Fi~-Jka j Tekinailka Polunrovodnitov, Vol 6, Nn 3, 1972, pp 498-501 Abstract: A sLudy was made of the autocompensation phenomonon (constancy of the degree oil com,,,CnS-- Lion in a broad alloying range) detected in films of GaAs P alloyed with Te and Se and GaAs alloyed with Se. The dependence of the degree of cc.L~;-.~ensatinri and the concentration of the com.,pensating centers in the neumzl state vas obtained as a-funq 'tion of be. compo5ition of the solid solution. A deep level connecLed with compensating, centers was detected, and the dcpen~ence of its activation energy on Lhe composition of the solid solution was devermirmd. The sLtt,';'y wcs made in the entire composition range of Lhe solid solution and also in filr-s of galliun arsenlda alloyed tri-Lh Se. The temperature was expanded to 60D' K. The degree o,," compensation in the GaAs I-xP7 close With respect to cc;~~,poaition to GaAP was deLermined by the curve for Lhe M:perature dependence, of Che cliarge carrier concentration by the some procedure a.,; used 113 USSR YUROVA, YE. S. , et al. , Fizika i Teklinika Poluprovodniko Vol 6, No 3, 1972, pp 498-501 earlier [it. 1. 171itsyn, et al., M, No 4, 230, 19701. Graphs are presented showing the degree of compensation and the concentration of the compensating defects in the neutral state as functions of the cor-iiposition of GaAs P crystals, the concentration of the ioni7ed detectors as a function of the elec- tron concentration in the films of G~u\s- alloyed with Se, the temperature depen- dence of the charge carrier concentration in the compensated samples of G_-As P and. the dependence of the approximate activation energy of the D' level on the composition of the GaAs P crystals. The divergence between the degree I-X x of compensation observed in the GaAs crystals (K = 0.5) and the value of K ob- taiined by extrapolating the function K(x) for the solid solution to x = 0 is axplained by the difference between the growth "temperatures of these crystals '200'. The calculation of- NO from the value of K in GaAs by-the previously ob- v Uned formula N 140 K _-E /kT a C 145 BENNO= JSSR YUROVA, YK. S., et al., FizikA i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 6, ED 3, 1972, lip 49z;-50-7- leads to a value of the Eamc order as the value of N 0 in GaAs P determined V I-x x CIn heat trc;-.-Lr,.(,nt of the crystals at: a temperature cluse to the growth temper;T- ture of 0- CaAs fil-no is Lhe concentration of the compensating defects in V tile neutral State, Nc is tile effective density of the states of the couduction ban d, and F9is the width of the foebiddenL-and). USSR UDC 612.215+612-42/. KEVORKOV. N, N., and RAVICII-SHCHEERBO, M. I., Kursk Medical Institute "Anti-body Formation in Lungs and kpiphoid Organs in Irradiated Animals" Ynscow, Zhurnal Mik-robiologii, 4idemiologli i I=-tunob;cn!c-gii, NO 9, 19 3, pp 60-84 Abstract: StuEies were conducted on rabbits irmitnized with sheep erythrocytes either intratracheally or intravenously to determine the effects of a previous irradiat4on with 1000 r x-rays. Irrarliation of intravenously irrrmnized animals iQibited antibody formation by lung,spleen, and para-tracheal lyrrph nodes. However, irradiation of intratracheally ir=wb.i~ed anblials showed that, hemagglutinin forinat4on by lung ex-plEnts was not inhibited, while that of the other tested tissues was. Studies on. plaque formatiam with cellular suspen- slons indicated that in the latter case radiores-istant alveolar macroFha-ges my havve been responsible for anti-body produ?,tion. 'A 34 112 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING UATE--160CT70 -T-ITLE-THE INFLUENCE OF PYROGENAL ON THE SYNTHESIS OF HEMAGGLUTININS IN THE CULTURE. OF TRANSPLANTABLE TISSUE OF THE LUNG, SPLEEN AND ;_.._..AUTH0R--KEV0kK0Vt N*N* ~:-_COUNTRY OF lj%FO--USSR EKSPERIMENTAL"NOY BIOLOGII I HEOITSINYt 19701 VOL 69, NR .5, PP 76-78 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 U.BJ E C T, AKEAS-81OLOGICAL AND MEDLCAL SCI. NCES E TOPIC TAGS-PYROGEN, HEMAGGLUTININ, TISSUE CULTUREt TISSUE TRANSPLANT, z.,~.:..LUNG, SPLEEN, LY14PHATIC SYSTEMI RAE18ITt IMMUNIZATION 2!:.-CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTICNS ~m~DDCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ::PROXY RE EL/FRAME-- 199 8/0191 STEP NU--UR/0219/T()/069/0()5/0076/()0'0'8 IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120889 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 029 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING D'TE--160C'r70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120889 ;.'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PYROGENAL INTRODUCED TO RAB31TS, -IMMUNIZED iiITH SHEEP ERYTHROCYTES, STIMULATES THE 5YNTHESIS GF ANTABUDIES IN THE CULTURE OF TRANSPLANTABLE TISSUE OF EXPLANTS OF THE SPLEEN AND PARATRAC.HEAL LYMPH NUDES. :ANTIBODY FOPiiATION IN THE LONGS WAS NOT-UBSERVED. INTRODUCTION OF PYROGENAL INTO THr=~ CULTJAE MEDIUM RESULTED IN A SLIGHT INTENSIFICATION OF THE SYNTHESIS OF HEMAGGLUTIN1,111S IN THE LUNGS AT EARLY PERIODS OF CULTIVATION. FACILITY: KURSK MEDICAL INSTITUTE. UNCLASSIFIED Acc. Nr- Abstr~cting Se'rvice: Ref. Code: W00578 CHEMICAL AB.ST. -S-7-4 /Too (0 5- rMer 0 haly ods. R). By f an AVS2 with 1000 1. 1-1/1. distillate, viscosity at... -a id. no_.amd f.p.. of a dewaxed di tillate transformer oil were change& -from 7.08 Is eSt, OM mg KOH/g and - 47' to 7.09 and 7.27.c$t, 0.01 and 0.092 mg KOH/g and -45*, resp~,'cdlor and'transpokrency were unproved, and stability towi~rd oxidn. was raised io the level S -d by GOST 981-54 and 111257--65. ~fhe reso,. stabitized fir d tan angles of'diele' Aoss a as Ld flash points of 150*.2in C t"700 of 0.17 and 0.31. : Process variable ranges explored *ere 25-150% adsorbent and hydro genation. temps., pressures, and 11 conens. of 300-425', 5G-3W atm, and 300-1000 1. 11. Lucile S. Davisou 1z REELIFRAME 'i-9842013 USSR UDC 541-183 BELYAKOVA, L. and KT.5'K_l-W? A. V., Inatitute of Physical Chendstry, Acadelki of Sciences, USSR, Clic.-deal Faculty all, th N, sccrr l9t~_te University lyeni M. V. Lomonosor "Gas -ChrormtoGra phi c Study of 1"he Adsorption of Carlbon. Dioxid-e on NaX Zeolite" Yoscov, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Knin-ii, vol 44, No 9, SOP 70, pp 2345-2349 Abstract: Isotherms of the nolecular adDorption of C02 on th-c NaY zeoli'c ervstals with a:ad without a bin6er were calculated for temmerature, rar~e -10- 16~P on the basin of the theory of ncin-ir3,eal equilibr,xm c*-i,-ci.-~fLto,-.-.ra-~)',,~-,,. Thie se isotherma a~,rce with datu obtaiiied from static m.-asurem2nts curried ou` t 150 and 3-70'OC. From U-ne o_at,~,,. it was to (.,!-"Jvllll2J,,_, til,-~! relationship tet-weep isosteric heats of azisorption of CO, Lmi,J. th,~! P-do-o-Otion values for lov saturation le-,ols of the surrace of values Ev7rce with thos- obt4tined from. calcrimetry data, with conside-ratic-i of t e heat ckpacity of the andsorption oystem zeolite-CO2- USSR UDC: 621.375.82 XB'YDJUT, V. F. 1--]!X11ALEV37KIY1 V. S., SE14, 14. F. and SICEITEPO, A. P. "Oscillations in Ionized Selenium" Moscow, V sb. Xvant. elel-troni-ka (Quantum Electronics--co!7ection of works) "Sov. radio," 110 -1(13), 1973, pp 75-78 (from RZ "h--Pizika, No 7, 1973, Abstract No 7D1015) Translat4 -on: The characteristics, of oscillations in selenium ion transitions are dnvestiGated in pulsed . continuous operation. It is established that in a pulsed. discharge, the upper energy level population may orieinate in electronic excitation from the base state of the atom au well as the recharge of the heliuri ionS with neutral selenium atoms. In continuous oper,.ti n, the depend- ence of the generated power on the discharge conditions is deter- mined, the plasma. parameters arE! measured, and the pumping velocity of the upper levels of the laser transitions by the recharginc- =d electronic excitation processes is calculated. ComDarison of the computed p=pinr, velocity with the measured velocity 2howed that ill to *jjjt_; Cre,34,j( continuous onerat-ion the principal contribution, of the population inversion at the:energy levels Of the selenium ion is made by the recharging. Authors' abstract Lasers and IM-asers USSR UDC: 6.21.375.112 1EYDAN-Y. F. -"Generation of Coherent Radiation at Junctions in Spectra of Elements of t.,Je Fifth Group of the Periodic Systei,01 Materialy 10-y Nauchno-Teor. Konferentsii Aspirantov. Ser. Yestesti,ca. i or K Tmin. N. [Materials of Tenth Scientific-I'he etical Confer~wicc o' Grad- uate Students. Natural and Precise Sciences Series -- Collection of Works], Rostov University Press, 1970, pp 24-27, (Translated from Reerativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, No. 8, 1970, Abstract 118D1.116, by E. B.). Translation: GenCrLtion is produced for the first time at nine iiave lengths in the spectra of singly and doubly ionized atoms of Sb, As, and Bi. Generation was observed in the pulse mode in a mixture of vapors of the working materia,.,' with helium and neon at low. buffer gas pressures (0.1-2 mm Hg). The vapor pressure of the working material necessary to assure.generation varies for different junctions and falls withir the area 0.5-5-104 mm Hg. It -'s concluded on the basis of the dependence o f the intensity of generation and spontaneous radiation on current that thL common mechanism of excitation of the upper working level oiF the ions is USSR KEYDAN, V. F., Materialy 10-y Nauchno-Teor. Konferentsii Aspirantov. Ser. Yestestven. i Tochn. N., Rostov University Press, 1970, pp, 24-27. electron excitation from the base state of the atom. Assumptions are Stated concerning the possibility of producing continuous generation at: junctions with X 6043, 6034,and 6087 in the P 11 spectrum and with X 5651 in the As II spectrum. USSR UDC 621.373:530.145.6 SEM, H. F. KEYDAN V _E,__HlKHAYLEVS1(IY, V. S. "Continuous Generation of Coherent Radiation in Ion Transitions of Substances Introduced into the Discharge Volume by Cataphuresis" Elektron. tekhnika. I-Tauchno-tekhn. S13. Elektron. SVCh (Electronic Engineering Scientific and Technical Collection. Microwave Electronics), 1971, vyp. 1. :pp 69-76 (from RZh-Radioteklinika, k1o .4, Apr 71, Abstract No 0166) Translation: The DOSSibility of using cataphoresis to introduce the vapors of a number of substances into the discharge volume of a laser operating in the continuous mode is discussed. The experlmenral results of obtaining continu- ous generation on 37 wavelengths in the 0.81-0.4 microa range in iodine, phosphorus, selenium, cadmium, arsenic, zinc and tellurium vapors show that zinc, tellurium and, in particular, selenium are prospective for use in prac- tical laser designs as a result of their high amplification coefficients. t/2 -_-011 UNCLASSIF[e6- PROCE5SING DATE1-11SEP70 T.ITLE--CATALYTIC ACTION OF PHTHALOCYANINES.114 THE OXIDATION OF HYDROGEN 'SULFIDE IN AQUEOUS SnLUTIONS -U- AUTHOR.--KUNDOP N.N.t KEtYERr N.P* .,_.C.OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -.--.':SOURCE--KINET. KATAL. 1970, 11(l) 91-9 -DATE PUBLISHED--------70 ,:SUBJECT AREA S--C;iEti IS TRY .f:TOPIC TAGS--CATALYI;T ACTIVITY, PHTHALOCYANIDE, CATALYTIC OXIDATION, ,:,'.'_~',,RYDR.GGEN SULFIDE# SULFIDEi COBALT COMPLEXt SPECTRQSCOPY --NI .CONTROL -ARK I NG RESTRICTIONS ~:_DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ::-!PROXY RE_EL/FRAMF--19q9/0197 STEP VO--UR/0195/70/011/.')01/00-?1/0099 ,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106853 I INC L A S S I F 11: 0 Oil UNCLASSf F I ED PROCES~S[NG DATE-11SE0710 ---AP0106853 -.CIRC ACCESSION NO -..ABSTRACT/EXT-RACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CATALYTIC ACTIVITY OF CU, NI, V, FE, ZN, AND CC TfiTRASULFOPHTHALOCYA.NINES:IN THE OXION. OF H SUB2 S OR SULFIDES IN AQ. SOLN. IS COMPAREO TO CATALYTIC ACTIVITY OF THESE METAL SULFATES. THE ACTIVITY OF DIVALENT CATION SULFATES OEcREASED IN THE NI LARGER THAN CO LARGER THAN CU LAPGC-R THAN FE LAVGER THAN VO LARGER THAN ZN. AMONG THE TETRASULFOPHrHALOCYANINES, THE CO COMPLEX WAS .-THE' MOST ACTfVE CATALYST AN10 1TS ACTIVITY.OECREAS~D (SIMILAR TO 40 TIMES) WITH rNCRl:_:ASING PH (7.97--11.31. SPECTROSCOPIC STUOY IMPLIES THAT THE,GXIDN..REON. FQR PAP I P rE IN THEIR CATALYTIC MS OF,TKESE COMPDS4 T Cl A 'ACTIVITY. UNDER EXPTL. CONOIT*tONSj THE CO COMPLEX OCES NOT REACT TIVE. OF:S PRIME2 NEGATIVE SPECIES. :DIRECTLY WITH THE HS PRIME NEGA -WI-CLA S S I F -1 F D PROCESSING DATE-2320 017 UNCLASSIFIED CT70 TI T L E - - C H E M I S Q R. P T I ON OF DXYGEN ON SOLID SOLUTIONS OF THE VAG EtX113E -~'!JIICKEL OXIDE SYSTEM -U- AUTH9R-(0r1_),-KEIYER, N.P.r RUBTSOVAj Lof. COUNTRY OF INFO-_USSR KATAL* 19701 11(l)t 200-6 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .17,~-SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--OXYGEN:, SOLID 53LUTION, MAGNESIUM OXIDE, NICKEL UXI.UE9 ELECTRIC PROPERTYt CHEMISORPTION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIUNS 00CUMIENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RFEL/FRA-'IE--1997/1458 STEP NCI--iJR/019r~-/70/011./001/02()0/0206 CIRC A(-.C.ESS10~4 Nf__'!--AP0120245 I I A C Cr F 1. E 01 2i2 '--0 17 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATIE-23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120245 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-1U) GP-0- ABSrR%ACf. N 10 WAS OILD. IN i A CATALY11CALLY I-%FRT,MG() MATMX TO STUDY THE STATE OF THE ~11 CA110'.1 fly EPPI. THE NO. JI- C H E S[`G t-41M 011-N. ~~-ICLS. PEk ~Nl CATION INCREASE0 WITH 1 *4 C P F. 4 S DUE TO A INITERAcrum 3 E T WE EN NI ( I I ) I ONS I N THE ABOVE OCCUR 0ECREASPiu 91L:). SOL' S. THE EFFECT OF * PROPERrIES OF THE SOLID SOLN. N LOCAL ELEC.. %, SURFACE ON 0 CHE~IISQRPTION IS OISCUSSE.D. Af'I L I TY: li'l S T . KATAL.t NOVOSIBIRSK, USSR. Ui'4CLASS I F IIED 012- UNCLASSIIFI60:~! PFtOCESSING DATE~-20NOV70 _.:TLTLE--IMPUkTANCE OF LCCAL AND COLLECTIVE ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES AND RODIFIEU TITANIUM ULCXIDE IN CARaGN HaNOXIDE OXIDATION AND IN LSOPROPYL AUTHGR-(Q4)-KEIYER, N.P.t SAZGNOVAt I.S.:r~ KHCKHLOVA, T.P., MIKHAO'LOVA, I , L CGUNTRY EF INFC--USSR s 0 U.4 C EK I N E TKATAL. 1970p 1112), 447-54 P6bLISHE0-----70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY --TITANIUM.L31OXIDEo CAR6CN MONOXIDEt OXIDATIONo PROPANOLP FORMH -TOPIC TAGS 511;-_-.-ACID* -DEHYUKATION Ct,;iTRCL 10AKKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CIOCU14ENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED IPROXY REEL/FRAME-3005/0093 STEP f4Q--IJR/0195/?0/01,1/002/0447/0454 CIRC ArCESSICN NC.--AP013238(7 UNCLASSIF P SSING DATE--20NOV70 2 12 012 O.'ac ACCESSICN NC--AP0132386 ABSTRACT/ EXTRAC I-- (U) GP-0- AdSTRACT. THE SELECTIVITY IN THE DEHYDRATION OF SIC Pf-LH AND FCO SU62 h GN A TIC! SU82 CATALYST OEPENDS ON THE PCSITMIN C+ FERMI SURf-ACE, IN OTHER WGROS, G'oll THE COLLECTIVE ELEC'TRONEC PROPERTIES OF THE CATALYST. THE DEGREE OF DEHYDROGENATION SIUE REACrION INCREASES A'ITH ELEVATIGN CF THE FERMI SURFACE. IN A LASE OF THE PROMOTICN, OF THE CATALYTIL ACTIVITIES OF, J 10 SUB2 I E. G. ~N I TH WD SU63 AUDIFIVES)s LOCAL ELECTRUNIL CHARACTERISTICS BECOME STIZONGER riijipj THE TO TI U, COLLECTIVE ELECTRUNIC PROPERTIES. AGON. OF ~tO SU83 a s 152 DECREASES E SUbA TO HCU SU82 H AND ISO PROH 0EHYDRATION FROM 28 TO 25 fkGM ZL TO 19 KCAL-POLE, RESP. FACEL.IrY: INST. KATAL.r -NOVOSIBIRSKi USSR.. UNCLASSIFIED uk, S' S' r F I OF k'0CES!SING UATE-"27NOV70 22 .-TITLE--PROPAGAT ION OF RADIATION IN A POSSJBLE MODEL OF A SCATTERING MEDIUM VITH NONUNIFORM ABSORPTION -U- AUTHOR--KEYEVALLIKt S.YE. .,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S OURC E-- E ES T INSV TEADUSTE AKADEEMIA9 T01,4ETISE01 FOUSIKA-MATEMATIKA, ~:':'.~VOL. 19t NO. 2, 1970, P. 196-.;202 -_DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT A R EA S-- P HY S I C S ~':_TOPTC TAGS--LIGHT ABSORPTION, SCATTERING MATRIXv LIGHT TRANSMISSION, LIGHT SCATTERING, MATHEMATIC MODEL .~CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS _.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1388 STEP Ni3--UR/0458/70/019/002/0196/0202 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125036 (INCLASSIFfED --2 V70 022 UNCL*AS SI i::l ED; PROCESSING DATE .7NO CJRC ACCESSION N'O--AP0125036 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, ANALYSI$ OF RADIATIVE TRANSFER IN 'H AN ABSORBING SUBSTANCE S A UNIFORM SCATTERING MEDIUM IN VIHIC I CONCENTRATED IN RANDDIMLY LOCATED REGIONS OF DIFFERENT SHAPE AND DIFFERENT SIZE. THE OPTICAL CHARAG'rER.ISTICS OF THE MFOIUM ARE :DETERMINED AS A FUNCTION OF THE MEAN SJZE AND NUMRER CIF THE ~%BSORBI"'JG REGIONS, ASSUMING THAT THE MEAN. DENSITY, OF THE ABSORBING SUBSTANCE IS -CONSTANT. THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED. IN VOIFFUSION APPROXImATION Foa A ~-PLANE. PARALLEL LAYER ILLUMINATED :BY 'MONOCHROMATIC L IGHT. ---FACILLTY: AKADEMITA NAUK ESTONSKOI SSPL, LNSUTUT FIZIJ(l I ASTRONOMIll JARTU, ESTONIAN SSR. -,UlN-CLASSIFIE0 77 -1/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 '-:T ITLE:-';_ik ITTI NG OF AN ETHER BOND DURING DIETHYLENE GLYCOL VINYLATION -u- i.AUTHOR--ATAVINg A.S.1 AIMOSOVA, S.V.o, VYLEGZHANIN* O.N.v K&,YK_O.L V.V.9 OF I MOV B.A. 4.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR Ilit 149-52 OURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. KHIM. 19709 '--:bATEI PUBLISHED ------- 70 I-SUBJECT AREAS.--CHEMISTRY --TOPIC.TAGS-ETHYLENE GLYCOL, CHEMICAL BONDING9 ETHER9 ETHYLENE ,,CnNTROL MAPKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .-PROXY REEL/FRA4E--1987/1055 STEP NO--UR/0062/70/000/001/014n/0152 CIPC ACCESSION NO--AP0104453 2/2-..-- 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--IISEP70 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0104453 -~~ASSTRA CT/EXTRAC_T--tU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. HEATING O(CH SUB2 CH SU32 OH) SUB2 ANDC SUB2 H SUB2 2 HR AT 160DEGREES (17 ATM INITIALLY) AI) WITH KOH GAVE 53PERCENT DIVINYL ETHER 4F THE GLYCOLt 8 SU813 89DEGREESV WHICH -WITH I PERCENT HCL REGENERATED THE PURE GLYCOLt-B SUB2 90DEGREES, HEATING IWITH KOH AT 165DEGREES IN C SUB2 H SUB2 (15 ATM INITIALLY) 3 HR CAVE, AFTER CHROMATOG. OF THE MIXT. 1.8PERCENT (CH SUBZ OH) SUB2 YCOL IS CLEAVED BY KOH TO IDENTIFIED BY STLYLATION. THUSv'DIETHYLENE GL fCH- SUB2 OH) SUB2, AND THE PROCESS I S ACCELFRAYED BY THE PRESENCE OF C 2 ~ H SUB2. - THE EFFECT- I S -. POS-S I BLY CAUSED BY CLEAVAGE 'T)F- THE ETHER'- BOND THROUGH.ACTION.OF THE ETHEREAL O-AS A NUCLEOPAILE IN REACTION WITH C C 2 SUB2~H SUBZ AND FORMING AN INTERMEDIATE~_SUCH AS (HOCH-SUB2 H SUB SUB2 ~'O-PRIME POSIT-IVE CH:CH PRIME NEGATIVE. 043 UNCLASSIFIE6 PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 `-f.ITLE--F0RCE CCOLE0 SUPERCONDUCTING SYSTEMS -U- V.E., KLIMENKOP E.YU*v KOVALEV, I.A.t, SAMOMOV, B.N. :CCUNTRY CF INFC,-USSR 4'SCUPCE--CRYCGENICS 19701 10(311. 224-32 ,,.PATE PUBLISHED----70 2SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TCPIC TAGS--SUPERCONDUCT ING IMAGNE'To CRYOGENIC LIQUID -COOLING, CURRENT DENSITY, PRESSURE EFFECT, TRANSITION TEMPERATURE, r-LUID FLO'd, CRYOGENIC PUMP .._,CCNTRGL flilf(KING--NO RESTRicrIONS . ~:ZOCUMEN7 CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -'PRUXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1204 STEP NU--UK/0000/70/010/003/022[t/0232 -C-1 it" --AC C-E S--AP012/tM -S[Ciq NO-__ 043 UNCLASSIFIED: PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ZIRC ACCESSLCN NC--AP0124858 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXP,TS. I%ITH A SUPERCOINDUCTIN6 COIL 160 MM INSI CE DIAM. , 160 14M OUTSIDE DI AMj. t AND 230 1-114 LONG) WI TH FX~CED CIRCULATICN OF LIG. ~-E SHOaED THAT UNCER FORCED ClRCULArl0N I'HC -SUPERCOND. WAS DESTROYFU AT A COIL CURRENT OF S1141LAR TO 500 At CORRESPONDING TO A FIELD CF SIMILAR TO 15 KOE. HOWEVER, WITH THE COIL ~IPIMERSED IN LIQ. HE, THE SUPERCONO. WAS DESTROYED AT 600-700 A. THE .-COOLING CAPACITY CF HE INCREASED WITH OECREASING PRESSURE, AND WITH DIFf-ERENCE BETWEEN THE CRIT. TERIP. OF THE SUPERCONDUCTOR -tlt).2rjl:GREL-SK) AND HE TEMP. FORCEDCUOLED SUPERCONDUCTING SYSTEMS ARE CUIPARED 'SlIT)i TRADITIONAL "POOL" sys,rr-ms~~ . A MODEL FOR DETG. THE STABILITY CRITERIA FOR. SUPE KC Ott DUCT 1114G CURRENT IS PROPOSED. ._,._._FACILfTY: 1. V. KURCHATOV AT. ENERGY 1145T*., MOSCOvis USSR. i - I F I E L LASS _~~wmwwwwAw UNCLASS'rkfid.ll:,~_ PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ITLE--FCtRCz_i COOLED SUPERCONDUCTING SYSTEAt -U- _T, UTHOR-llU-lJ-KEILIN, V.E., LKIMENKO, E.LU., KOVALEV, [.A., SAMOILOVt B.N. UNTRY OF INFO-USSR URCE-CRYOGENICS, VOL. 10i JUNE 1970t P. 224-232 ,-'DATE PUBLISHED---JUN70 ',-SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TAGS-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY# CRYOGENIC LIQUID COOLING, CYKOGENIC PUMP, ~~,iFLUID FLOW CURRENT STA81LIZATION CCHTRGL PARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PRdXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1275 STEP t4C--UK/0000/10/010/000/0224/0232 CfRC ACCESSION Nt;--AP0124926 045 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING OATE--30OCT7C CltRC ACCESSION NG--AP0124926 ~-A GS,TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. FORCE COOLED SUPERCGNOUCTING SYSTEMS -IFCSS) ARE COMPARED WITH TRADITIONAL 'POOL' SYSTEMIS. A JHODEL IS ~~PROPOSED TO DETERMINE THE STABILITY CITERIA FOR CURRENTI IN FCSS AND SOME RESULTS OF THE ANALYSIS OF THIS MODEL.ARE PRI--SENTED. A FORCE COOLEO ~SUPERCONGUCTING COIL AND.THE APPARATUS:TQ TEST THEICOIL9 8UILT IN IV KURCHAT(;V ATCMIC ENERGY INSTITUTE DURING 1968, ARE:DESCRIBED. HE 'AESULTS OF THE TESTS ON THE COIL ARE,ALSO-PRESENTED. FACILITY: ~,-,:AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSRt INSTITUT ATOMNOI ENERGII, MOSCOW, USSR. U NC-- f A-S 55-1 F I E 1) USSR uDc: 621.396.6.01T.T KEYW, V. M. "Design of Thermoregulators" Konstruirovani,)re termoregulyatorov (cf. English above), Moscow, "Sov. 0",,1971, 151 pp, ill. 39 k. (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, radi Abstract No 6V288 K) Translation: The book is devoted to the calculation and construction of devices for temperature stabilization of objects with small volumes. The problem of precision temperature stabilization arises in the development of high-stability quart z-controlled oscillators and other devices. Con- sideration is given to the principles of construction of systems, design, methods of calculation and red-action of stabilization errors. Practical regulator circuits are also presented. Considerable ettention is given to methods of exnerimental checking taid adjustment. The book is Written for engineers and technicians working in the radio engineering and instru- ment building industry, as well as in the. corresponding scientific research and design organizations. The book nay also be useful to students in colleges avid universities sp3cializing in~ radio engineering and instru- -n t building. Sixty-five illustrations, five tables, bibliography of L m titles. Annotation. PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ul 023 UNCLASSI.F10 --TITLE--SENSITIVITY OF SPHERICAL DETECTORS FOR 0.4 _EV-10 MEV NEUTRONS -U- L.S.v KEIR,I MMtiPKUS# I.B.t USPENSKIYt L.N.9 4ylr 1_];,~_FlLyUsHKINr IoV-v CHERNOVt COUNt.RY~ OF, 114F0: -USSR TEKH. EKSR~ 1970, 1, 721-5 :;:~. ':DATE PUSL ISHED------ 70 --PHYSICS SUBJECT AREAS DETECTJR, THERMAL NE 'UTRQNt POLYFTHYLENEY NEUTRON ~SPECTRUX, FAST NEUTRON, VAN OE GRAAFF ACCELERATOR CadlTROL MA.RKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ;,,PROXY REEL/FkAME--1991/1072 STEP NG--UR/0120/70/OOA'./'00t)/007210075 C!RC ACCESSION NO--AP0110762 UNCLASSIFIED