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USSR LUPUNOV, I. N., et al, Izvestiya Vysshil-,h Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Khimiya i Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya, Vol XII, No 11, 1970, pp 1,607-10611 the cation losing some of its iogenic groups. In the case of HNO H 0 and 31 2 KBr03 In an ar-d medium at 50 and 800C, there is oxidation of the cation ma- trix with formation of additional carboxyl groups. Finally,'with oxidation by K2Cr207 and (NR4)2S2081 there is a sharp increase in swelling of the action. USSR UDC 66.074.7 VINOGMDO-4, V. M., A 7 4 _.XF Ural Polytechnical Institute J_W imeni S. M. Kirov ."Interaction of Some Oxidants With AV-17x6 Anion Exchange Resin" Ivanovo, IVUZ Khimiya i Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya, Vol 13, No 9, 1970, pp 1294-1296 AN ..-stract: The authors investigated the differences in interaction of such oxidants as potassium bromate, hydrogen peroxide, ammonium per- sulfate and nitric acid with the strongly basic anion exchange resin AV-17x6. It was found that when the.anion exchange resin is treated with oxidant solutions, there are generally thre'e processes which ta%e place to varying degrees with thie participation of ionogenic tion an&a transition oE part of the groups: deamination, degrada nitrogen to the 11inactivel state, The addition of nitric acid to hydrogen peroxide and potassium bromate nolutions LeeAds to a re- duction in the deamination procens as compared With processes of degradation and transition of nitrogen to the "inactivOl state. Raising the temperature haa no effect on the type of change in the nature of functional groups. However, in the case of hydrogen per- oxide there is an intensification of.the:procesaof destruction of the copolymer macromolecule. 1/1 UDC 66-074.7 KA .. T.,, and VINOGRADOV, V. X., Ural Polytechnical Insti- %A el imeW S. 14. Kirov, Sverdlovsk,, Ministry of Highor and Secondary L Specialized Education AIRSSR "Effect of Some Oxidlzers on the Properbies of the Sulfocation Exchange Resin Ku-211 Ivanovo, 1(himiya i 1(himicheskgya Tek~Mol2giya, Vol 12, No 1, 709 PP 54- 59 Abstract: The paper concerns the chemical and physical methods of studying the chemical stability of the KU-2 cationite to oxidizers. The treatrient of KU-2 with various oxidizers and its -ohysico-cher-ical properties after treatment are described. An increase in the tem!- peraCure of the oxidizer solution induces considerable changes in the basic characteristics of the ionite. Treatment with oxidizers causes a droT) in the exchange capacity with respect to sulfo-groups et the exT)ense of both desulfuration and inculcation of oxygen, bromine, and nitrogen into the structure of tho resin. The presence of alcohol, ketone, and carboxyl groups in oxidlizer-treated catlionite specimens was established. It is suspected. that oxidizers attack the C-11 bonds of mothylene groups and tertiary caebo-n atoms. Of all 112 KAZAVrSEV,j YE. I., et al, Ivanovo, 2gnka i KhLmieheskava TeMw-olo- Riva, Vol 12, No 1, 70, PP 54-59 tested oxidizers, the highest oxidization capacity at 2QJ30K was denonstrw,'~ed by potassium bichromate and bromate in nitric acid and ammon-Jum persulfate solutions; hydrogen peroxide and nitrie acid solution were the best oxidizers at .3530K. 212 20 ,_I/Z 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--30OCT70 ~TJTLE-EFFECT CE SEME OXIDIZING AGENTS ON THE PROPERTIES OF THE SULFONIC UN EXCHANGER KU-2 -U- CAT 'AUTHOR-1021-KALANTSEV, YE.I., VINOGRADOV* :VON* COUNTRY OF INFQ--USSR ;_5QURCE-lZV. VY:3SH* UCHEB. ZAVED., KHIM. KHIA. TEKHNOL. 1970, t3(1), 54-9 j;-DATE PUBLISHED--70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ,40PIC TAGS-CATION EXCHANGE RESINt ~,,~EXCHANGE RESIN 7t:% CONTROL MARKIN(r-NO RESTRICTIONS ll.,DOCUMENT CLAS5---UNCLASSIFIED ~PAOXY REELIFRA14E-2000/0964 SULFONE, OXIGIZING AGENT/lU)KU2 LON STEP Nfl--U~R/0153/70/013/001/005t*/0059 M., Hill W 1 .1 -2/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0124623 ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PHYS AND C,H~M. ANAL. OF CATION -".:EXCHANGE RESIN KU-2 (1) IN THE PRESENCE,OF VARIOUS!OXIDILING AGENTS INDICATED THAT THE EXCHANGE CAPA,71ITY OV I DECLINEO DUEJU DESULFONATION AND AS A RESULT OF INCORPORATION OF 091BR, AND N AToms;I'NTO THE MACRGMGL. THE OXIDIZING AGENTS ATTACKED THE C-H BONDS~OF CH SUB2 GROUPS AND TERTIARY C ATOMS, THE STRONGEST OXIDIZING AGENTS (AT 293DEGREESK) WERE:. 0,1M K SU82 CR SUB2 0 SUBTPLUS:M HNO SU113, 0.1M K13RO SUB3 PLUS M HNO:,SUB3w AND 0,1M (NH SU941SUB2 SU.tl2.SU88; WHEREAS AT~353DEGREESK# 0.1M ~KBRO'SU83 PLUS H HNU~SUB3 AND 0.1H H SUIB21,0 SU62 WE-RE THE MOST EFFECTIVEv-- FACILITY* -URAL. POLITEKH* LNSTN',IM. KIROVAv SVEOLOVSKil USSR., USSR um: 621.372-8 KA"MMEM-Yu. N. and UDALOV, V. V.1 Institute of Radio Engineerint, MR Electronics "Tubular-Diaphragm Waveguide" Gorlkiy, Izvestiya VUZ--Radiofizika, No 10, 1972, Pp 1561-1566 Abstract: Ordinary metal waveguides cease to be efficient in the millimeter and deciml1limeter wavelength ranges. This paper therefore.considers a tubular dielectric waveguide in which the attenuation at these wavelengths is reduced through an external additional structure in the.form of an absorbing diaphragm. A diagram of this device is shown. A tubular-diaphragm waveguide of this type, representing the combination of a diaphragmed open line and a dielectric tube, has a relatively simple s1ructure and fairly good filtration of extraneous oscillations. The reduction in the t that attenuation of the desired wave is~explained b~ the fact thau portion of its energy passing through the dielectri;c wall is not f dissipated in the surrounding space but is rellected back into the guide by the diaphragm system. The.theory of the waveguide is de- veloped, and the method and results o-L-' the attenuation meazurement given. 3-2-8 USSR UDC 621.378.8 ZYATITSKIY, V. A., KAZANT YU "Problems of Exciting Vave Guides of the Dielectric Channel Class" Gor'kiy, Izvestiva vvsshikh uchebnvkh zavedeniv, Radlofizika Vol XIV, No 10, 1971, pp 1570-1573 Abstract: The effectiveness of excitin- dielectric channel wave Vuides by three different types of exciters -- a metal wave guide, an iris line and a lens line -- is analyzed. The excitation effectiveness, n, is defined as the ratio of the power of the operating vave;of the dielectric channel wave guide to the power of the incident wave.. It is found to be no less than 0.98 for the basic wave of the dielectric channel wave guide in.the case of iris and lens lines. From comparison of the calculated data, pi-eference must be given to the lens line operating under optima1excitation conditions of the dielec- tric channel wave guide. The purity of the of the same order in both lines, but the lens line has less rigid tnlerances on the ratio of the transverse dimensions of the wave guide-exciter and the dielectric channel wave guide in the vicinity of the extremwna of n. The results obtained can be carried over to excitation of dielectric channel wave guides by lasers with flat.and spherical reflectors, which corresponds to excitation by means of :Lr:Ls and lens lines. RE USSR UDC: 621-372.853.1-09 KAZANTSEV, Yu. N., KHAMISHKIN, 0. A. nWide Waveguides of Rectangular Cross Section I(ith Snail Losses" Moscow, Radio t ekhrika i Blektronika, Vol. 16, No 6, Jun 71, pl) 106)-106.5 Abstract: Strict expressions for normal modes are used to find attenuation in a wide metal waveZuide of rectangular cross section in .,!hj-ch layers of dielectric agiven pernittivi are applied to the opposite inside ii-a-L The dinen- ity Is. sions of the inner cavity are many times greater than a wavelength. it is found that the attenuation of L-I-waves in such a wave~ruide decreases as the wavelength becomes shorter. Losses in such a waveguide ;ero experimentally studied by the resonance method in the 2 MM and 8 = wave lbands. The results show that a dielectric coating- on tbe narrow walls of the uravegulde reduces attenuation by a factor of 4-5. USSR UDC 542.941..197:54~.13114 SOKOL'SKLY, D. V., DORFM0, YA. A., TSO Institute of Organic Catalysts and Electrochemistry. AcaS-. Sc. KazS5Rj A -Ata ."The Use of Oxygen for Catalytic Oxidation of Phosphine in Gases in Presence of Metal Gomplex. Catalyst" Al=-Ata, Izvestiya tkademli Nauk KazakhskoySSR, Sarlya. Kh~jLicheskaya, No 2, Mar-Apr ??-, pp 305-144 Abstract: A study was carried out of the kbietics of phosThine oxidation with oxygen in the presence of a mixed catalyst CuCl2-fL,-Cl;i---Cl-LiC1-112O on a flow H apparatus 'With an ideal mixing reactor. The o.Vgen oxiiiation rate depends on the activity of all the conTonents of the system. The process includes the reactions of phosphine oxidation with c9ppor (11) ions, ai-rl oxidation of Cut with oxygen. The reaction goes via several routes, with the follouring com- plexes being formed- HgC12F11). H-G1 PH CuC1pPh--. The ra.-te of the .) 3 reaction. is increased appreciably Vdth the use of miXo! catalyst. It is further incroased drr- to exch-ange, reaction betueen the intermediate pro- ducts, which takes place and CUCI Ph the 11-itin- stage of the 'ion of HgCl-?H) 0V 21 oxidatid' rate of phosphinuo with a -is been ana- lyzed as a function of the activity of I - ions. o;Wgen b UDC: 618,146-6006.04-018.1.5 '-'I TV,! MITOTIC CYCLE IN' THE PF-ISENC7. Or MALTG"FICATION OF 7%E EPITHE- '~F ~'.y CF, RVix VIERI. :Arti:lt by I'A'X t I.J. KurlI.Q.. Institute of Human Marphology, USSR of NeIrtoaliff M-;arov*.--X-o-tcaw, Ve.tnik AkAd"Ii Y-litninAkikh --k R--rnian. No 210, 1.971, pp 60-6!', > Changa& In the m1totic cycle, uhich are an early sign of maligniflentioln n5. t:"n exportment4lly inveatigated an call cultures (Levan and hizela) ..r. zrQzs~crablc cu-.ors (1.A. Alov. 1965). in the procama of chemical ~.t,%esls Vapil'yova), after treatmenr with oncopenIc virus (.A. Alov at a''.). as VC11 na on nome turtarr of Ilan (!.A. Knv:n-tt*t:va, 1966, 1968; N.P. In iplte of the "Any fftAtUrti t0-n0li tO MalignifICAnt In the Mitotle cF,lo (--nzra"ed nitatic activity, increased number of metaphases and number ~f -,xthological =ttaaea), there may be dittinctive changes in rumoro of 8if- !Lror.t histaZenesio. They consist. in particular, of the quantitative predo- ntt~m~ce o~ &=c ~crms of =itotic pathology, For example, trigroup retaphasen fro= the ordinary one. by th. pre'sence of chromosomes In Old polar thn rnrt often it ear!y of vrjtvi a7lvov according to so=e regearchers. zt.ALc-,'.- Lr rlie cervix uterus and, perl,apa are induc6d by astrogens (~16r!card I mthis investigation we studied nlto4is in the imiltilayer squa- =ua viitholium of the normal cerv-ix uterus, in the presence of 7relif,rati- rr~t--' Special attention was devoted to a comparison of m'.t~ttc indLces of the epithelium it different stager. of the noo- ~lt~tic ;t".ccss: at the stago of preinvasive earcinond (in situ) red the ita-e of Invasive carcinoma. Biopsies of the vaAinal. portlzn of the cervix served as our material. thtiy uere dtvided Into faur grn%;pn: the firsr consisted of multitnver squ,no.s epithelium from the margi-rs. of psaudoarosin (9 cnsen; canlrr.l.); the Gecand consisted cf prmliferLting multilayar zquan=us e~-it!irillu= Invadln~ Vic rrortvc ;!.Anda in the presence of cp!darml- za-lor. of psvudjero.~ions (15 c~-); the third consisted of carcinoma I the fourth waa Lavrzlve squa=us cell carcLnona in t;itu cases); (14 da-~s) . --30DCT70 ,`J/2 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE iJITLE-CATALYTIC. SYNTHESIS OF CARBONYL COMPOUNDS FROM ACETYLENE IN THE PRESENCE OF PALLADIUM911, AND IRON,lllir COMPLEXES 4_U_ ___AUTHOWT(04J-S0.KCLSKlYv D.V.9 DORFMAN, YA-A., SEGIZBAYEVAo S.S.9 KA _RY OV INFO-----~USSR c, u N N T --_,SOURCE-ZH. Flio KHIM. 1970v 44(lit 98-105 ."..-:DATE PUBL ISHED--70 L.:SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS-ACETYLENE, HYDRATION, CARBONYL COMPOUND, PALLADIUM COMPOUNDe COMPOUND9 COMPLEX COMPOUND, CATALYTIC ORGANIC SYNTHESISt ALDEHYDE -~CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ..-ODCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--2000/0874 STEP NO--UR/0076/7010441001/0098/0105 CIRC ACCESSIGN NG--AP0124537 ~-'212 Oil UNCL AS$ F1 ED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0124537 ,-.-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* KINETICS OF 11C TRYBLE BOND CH HYDRAT-ION CATALYIEU BY PUSO SUB4 AND FE SU82( SO SU114-) S1Jf13 WAS INVE-STIGATED IN NONGRADIENT CONDITIONS AT 50-100DEGREES. THE RATES OF HC TRIPLE BCND CH CONSUMPTION AND THAT OF CARBONYL COMPUS. FURIMATION ARE NEARLY TEMP. INDEPENDENT. INCREASE OF:THE OXION. 110TENTEAL OF THE SYSTEM (FE FRIME3POSITIVE ADDN.) RASIES THE YIELD OF ALDEHYDES ANU THE CATALYST STABILITY. THE SELECTIVITY 100, THE PROCESS INCREASES WITH TIME. T-HE.RATE-OF CARBONYL COMPOS. FORMATION INCREASES WITH INCREASING PD PRIME2POSITIVE CONCN. UP TO 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3 G tON-LoP FURTHER AB VE INCREASE OF THE CONCN. HAS NO EFFECT. ALDEHYDES ARE FORMED o 70DEGREE.S. --UNC-LASSIF-4C-0 USSR UDC 621.762 FEDORCHETTKO, I. H., OGINIEV, R. K., KOLON10YErS, G. G., ANGKIIIN, V. Im., REYTSES, V. B., Y-U and RUTBERG, V. P. "The Effect of Alu-minum and IIolybdenum. or. the Properties of Sintered Titanium at Room and Elevated Temperatures" Mosew, Metallurgiya i Khimiya Titana (Institut Titana), Metallurgiya Publishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 111-116 Translation: Results are given from research an the mechanical properties of the alloys titanium-aluminunn, titanium-molybdenum, and triple alloys, titaniure-aluminu~-,-r,iolybdenti-,n at room temperature and at,temperatures raised to 300%. The alloys were obtained by mechanical blezidtng of pcz..-ders. After compacting and ninuc-rinf,, one time, Lhe allQys sLudiad had a tensile strungth up to 80 gigacalories/MI-112 and elongation per unit lengtit of 5-16%. Alloy- ing aluminum and molyb(knwr, increases thelieat resistanec-I of s-intered titanium; the short-terra strength at 300'C increascs by niorp- than t7do times. The stress-runture strength increases significantly during alloying. Four illustrations, ona table, and four bibliogrx,,~hic entries. 2~ 629 U.AiCtASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 .TITLE--CERMET DENSIFYIN6 MATERIAL -U- AUTHOR- (03)-F E DQRChLNKU I o'l KAZANT SEVA M A DUBROV, G.L. --USSR C CUNT r1 YCf: INK e~ _-SOUkCE~U.S.S.11- 263,L-~'-7 R.EFEkEiGE ZNAJKl 1970, 'D--I,GFE137C 1- BJ E C T.4RL,'4S--MATEcRIALSt CHEMISTRY At .-Tc.plc TAGS-CFEMICAL PATENT, (HEM11CAL CC.M.PGS I T [,,,N PM r C P ER INITRIUE, BORLN~ COMPOUND, NICKEL -:CCNTRcL P.EsrmCTIONS 00C. kiri L N TCLAS S-UNCLAS S f F f t PRIOXY kEeLlFR/%ME--3Uoq/lnl7 SI'EP M0-lJP./C4UZ/7()/k CfPCA~XE~S[L-N Therapy USSR UDC 616-988-25-002-395.42-085-355t577-155.2 TFOF, 1. YE. , XU: V. 1.I., DZWUSEVA S I. v ALEKSANDROV, V. I., POSTNOVA, iTER L. S., and JUK01AYEVA, S. F.j v;tleajentific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Ricrobiology Clinic of Nerve Diseases of the Khabarovsk Xedica3. Institute, Khabarovskiy K=y Hospital, Xharabarovsk City Hospital 110 3s and City Hospital Do 7, Kom5omollsk-on-Azur "The Use of Ribonuclease in the Treatment of,Patients With Tich-borne Encephalitis" Moscow, Sovetskaya Neditsina, Vo 3, Mar 711 pp 104-107 Abstra-att The beneficial effect of RIZA-ase In the treatment of tockborne encephalAtis has been established at foal of this disease In Western Siberia. in this instance, clinical studies pertaining to treatment with RNA-ase vere conducted on 79 cases that originated in the Far East, where the disease occurs in a much more severe form. 101-ase was administered to the patients Int=uscularly, intravenously, ar in the endolumbar region in doses of 300- 500 mg per day and 3-5 g per course of treatment. The tmtment was carried out in the majority of cases in combination1with serum therapy that consisted of asministration. of titrated human placental.or fetal gamm-globulin. Com- pari"n of the results obtained with those for a control group of patients treated with gamma-globulin only showed that application of 9-Lk-ase in addi- tp. USSR TROP# I. Y'13. et al., Sovetskaya Meditsinal Vol 34, 140 3, Max 71, pp 104-107 tion to gamma-globulin shortened the length of the fever period, led to a more rapid disappearance of meningeal symptoms, accelerated return of the cerebrospinal fluid to a normal state, and had the effect of bringing about a considerably more favorable outcome of the disease. WKile treatment with RM-aze war. effective in foca-I forms of encephalitis, reducing the mortality .(8 deaths among 42 patients vs. 13 among 26 in the control group) and the number of-cazes in which paralysis developedt it: 4aeL indffeCtiYe in two cases of the~polyencephalomyelitic fo= of the disease. .2/2 K" USSR uDc 62-50.22+621-317-772 VILtKOTSKIY, 14. A., KAZAR deceased), FaAVCFMNKO, 1. To, Belorussian State UJ#r~s;y ~Jment~V. lo Lenin "An Automatic Installation for Studying Radomes" Minsk, Doklady Akademii Nauk DS5Rp Vol 14, No 1, 1970, Pp 29-32 Abstract: A device is proposed for automatically studying the effect of a radome on the characteristics and pa-ameters of -'-he enclosed antenna. The unit consisto of-two partat an amplitude- phase meter which gives an automatic chart recording, of the zLm- plitude and phase characteristics of the electromagnetic field, and an electromechanical system which automatically fixes the phase center of the given antenna at~a,predeterjained point in the radome enclosure and rotates the antonna through the required angle* The amplitude-phase meter is,based on a bridge circuit with high-frequency tracking phase shifter. The phase shifter is the b.lancing element in a waveguide:bridge, and is connected to 1/3 a servomotor by a mechanical gear train with an elenent with free play which can be set from 0 to 500. A block diagram of the circuit is given as well as a description of the operating principles in the phase-recording and amplitude-recording modes. The electro- mechanical part of the unit consists of a swivel stand on which two servomotors are mounted* The first- motor rotates -'Che antenna in the horizontal plane, the second shifts the antenna along the ra- dome radius, and the swivel stand permits rotation of the radome and enclosed antenna about the vertical axis. A system of limit cutoffs connected with the shafts of the servomotors is used for programming the device for automatic measurements depending on predetermined angular limits, When measurements have been com- ple-It.-ed, the unit automatically shuts itself off and gives a signal indicating completion of the measurement proces.s. Amplitude re- cording accuracy is 5%# phase recording accuracy is 3%, the angle 2/3 9 I - I, ; I : : !'' I ~ 1 t i, . F_ USSR UDC: 519.2 DUBOVITSKAYA, I. M., "Some Problems in the Planning of Active Experiments" Uch. zap. Tratus. un-ta (Scientific Notes of.Tartu University, n7Z, vyp. 292, pp 11-97-134 (from M-KibeTnetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V192) Translation: The paper deals with description of a response surface-Ty-means of a linear model and second order equations. If the results of an experiment cannot be adequately described by a linear model, then a quadratic approximation should be used for an exact description of the surface. Descriptions are given of such planning schemes as the complete factor ex- periment, the fractional factor experiment, and central com- positional planning. Authors' abstract. 1-7 USSR UDC. 621.317o8 KAZARIN, R. N. , LEVINA, M. N. ,MTSYANKO, Ye. P. 'Miniature Fixed Resistors" Elektron. tekhnika. Naucbno-tekhn. sb. Hadiokozmonenty (Electronic Technology. Scientific and Technical Collection. Radio Components), 1970, V-Yp. 1, pp 25-28 (from RZh-Radiotek-hnika, No 5, MaY 71, Abstract No 5V305) Translation: The authors describe type S'5-39 fixed wire-wound resistors. Their principal characteristics are given and a method is presented for potting with epoxy compound. Resum6. USSR UDC 620.193.41 KAZARIK, V. I., SIGALOVSK&YA, T. M., and ANDIWEVA, Y. V., All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Light and Textile Eachine Building "The Influence of the Chloride and Antimonyl Ions on the Behavior of Titanium in Solutions of Hydrochloric Acid" Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, Vol 10, No 1, Jan-Feb 74, Op 36-39 Abstract: The corrosion behavior of type,VTI-0 titanium and AT6 alloy in 1-5% solutions of hydrochloric acid in the presence of sodium chlo- ride and antimony was studied in order to determine the possibility of using titanium and titanitLm alloys as structural materials for painting and finishing equipment. The results of the studies showed that the presence of ions of antimony, even in relatively small quantities, .facilitates passivation of titanium in solutions of hydrochloric acid with high chloride concentration. llie~results indicate that in hydro- chloric acid media containing salts of antimony in quantities of 0.03 g-ion/l and higher, titanium is not activated and should have good cor- rosion resistance. 1/1 USSR NESEVICHI N. I., KAZ-ARIN, V. S., GABPARYU, M. 0.., and IVANONIAy G. M. ftComparative, Analysis of Some Serologic Reactions in the Diagnosis of Infectious Mononucleosis in Children" Vopr. Okhrany Materinstva i Detstva (Problems of the Protection of Motherhood and Childhood), 1973, No 7, pp 35-39 (from!Mh - Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 22, Nov 73, Abstract No 17o6) Translation: A comparative analysis has been carried out of the diagnostic value and specificity of 6 serolo,-,ic tests: reactions of Paul-Bunnel, Paul- Banne-l-Davidson, Tomehik, Lovrik, hemolysis of beef erythrocytes, and agglutina- tion of horse erythrocytes. ALI of there reactions were tested concurrently on the same patient in the dynamics of the disease. In all 10B patients with Wecticrus mononucleosis and IW patients with other problems (control group) were studied. It has been established that the best diegnostic value for infectious mononucleosis is obtained from the reactions of Paul-Bunnel-Davidson (92.5%) and from the Tomchik reaction (90,70- 7ne reaction of the agglutina- tion. oj' horse erythrocytes is recommended as an express diagnostic method. 1/1 U.1 U D- 553-41: 1,46-57: 5,11. 422 T. 1, C c ii ta-3ciclitific Re.-.; FISMKOVAt L d Insti tut e o Pro z.- c c or ilon !~,-,:id '-Toble Letcls, -Mrrousl Rari, Moscow "Atomic-Absorptioq Determin.-tion of Silver i-a Ores" -0 Moscow, Zla-vods'~,!-,.va Labor-c" 1 37, Jo 1.2, pp 1447 -14A9 ? Abstract '2--.o 2~aetliwls o-L" loll G.LlVor ores with the ficli-) oL Latomdc-r:cbconot-ion 0.- - muttiod. is recommencled for i de 101 nuartz, qi .7atz-c-rb,onit-c, and alurlinosilict.-to orc,~,. blic !7econ,", u 1.11, rccoFEllended :-m0.-1LJ.d.o ores of al-ly conipo-sition. Th(~ fir~-,t method i,-, V,~v~icd on of criz.-Ac-': ,Jilver irid-it1c, :--rom tl,,-~C,- hy(h-ochlor-iJo thc Cccon(!, ~p, b~r;cd on vrith the lic-1-0 of :~ni followiln- -porm OT, U1011II Tile the rni-onic!-11 mediu:,-n. .-Tith 01 0-i-- tractio-1, rait to ~,Ictcl-,:d-ie r-!i.lvcr I col"Ic 1011 DOI 1/2 USSR FISWCVA, 11. L. and KAZARIM& T. 14., Z--vcdski-,ya LabomLoriys, Vol 37, No 3-9, 1971, pp 1447-14410 -the o-j" C1.1 r- ,/toil. The silver concentration interval Of 0. 5 -10 ton 1~: CnI-_'ractcri5Od r . mac trI.010. by the coefficient o--,' vrn-iatio,'I USSR UDC 632.954:633.11 YAKUBTSOV, S. I., AIL-Union PETINIOVA A. A. KA?4 Scientific Researcl'Inatitute of Plant.Protection "Resistance of 'Diamant' and 'Zaryal Strains of Spring Wheat to Various Herbicidee Moscow, Khimiya v Sellskom Khozyaystve, Vol 8, No 1.0 (84), Oct 70, pp, 46-49 Abstract: The article is a report on an investigation of the resis- tance of "DiamaDVI and "Zarya!l strains of spring wheat to herbicides with various types of action applied for three consecutive years (1966-1968). The wheat was treatedin the tillering stage with con- tact herbicides (dinitro-O-cresol, nitraphene, ioxinyl and bromo- xinyl) and systemic herbicides (2,4'-D,12M-4Cl, 2,3,6-TB, DI-40LMP 2,4-DY., 2M-4CIP and 2,4-DP). The resigtance of the grain to the herbicides was determined byplant weight in theearly stages, and by grain harvest, protein and starch content and seed quality in later RrAges* . nifferences in reactions of the WjjeatL i3trains to the herbi- cides were most pronounced in the first days after spraying. The IIZarya!I strain proved to be less susceptible to~contact chemicals, while the I'Diamant" strain was syBtemic herbicides 1/2 TISSR PMINOVA, A* A., et al. Khimiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve, Vol 8, No 10 (84), Oct 70, pp 46-49 (especially 2,4-D). Of the contact-chemicals, ioxinyl had the least effect on wheat. "Zarya!' wheat was more resistant to derivatives of phenoxypropionic and phenoxybutyric :acids. Both strains showed farily high resistance to 2M-4Cl, And 2,3,6-TB.; The differences between the strains leveled off in later stages. However, the harvest of the 11"Uarya!' strain was reduced bythe use of 2,4-D and harvests of both strains were reduced by appl'ication of derivatives of phenoxy- propionic and phenoxybutyric acids. The protein content of "Zaryall wheat was higher when sprayed with 2M-4CIP, 2,4-DM and ioxinyl. In the case of "Daimant" wheat, protein content was increased by spraying with 2,3,6-TB, whilelioxinyl treatment reduced protein content. Analysis for residues ofthe herbicide showed no traces. 2/2 ............ 2 007 UNCLASWtEO~ PkbCESSING DATE--090CT70 --T"ITLE-USE OF THE FORMATION UF OXIMES FOP.:;DETERMINING THE MOLECULAR WEIGHT ~~-Of SOME:CARDENOLIDES WITH A'CARBONYL GROUP AT CtlOt-U- _.AUTH0R-(0Z)-ZATULAv V.V*o KAZAKINUVP'N*Aol ---------- OF INFO-USSR :.SGUR(;E=KH,lMo FARM ZH. 1970t 4(2), 52-5 _,~'bATE PUSL ISHED-TO ,--;:SUBJECT.AREAS-:-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES MPOUNDt MOLECULAR WEIGHTv TAGS--CARDIOVASCULAL DRUGt CARBOL CO )A C N OXIME COMPOUND, CHE .1 AL A ALYSIS, CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -,.-PRUXY REEL/FRAME--1993/0540 STEP NO--UR/0450/70/004/002/0052/0055 CIRC ACCESSICU NU--AP0113431 UNICLASS BONN= AiSIFIED ATE-09OCT70 2/2 007 UNCL PROCESSING D -CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0113431 -,~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MOL* WT. OF SECURIGENINi _SECURIZIDEt AND SECURIDAZIDE WAS D&TO. AS FOLLOWS.1 DISSOLVE 0.01-0.03 G 'OF A COMPD. IN 5 ML MEOH, ADO 5 ML OF A SOLN. PREPD. BY DISSOLVING 3.5 G NH SUB2 OH.HCL AND O.IZ G ET SUB2 NH (HCL ACCEPTOR) IN 100 ML MEOH TO FORM THE-OXIME* AND LEAVE THE SOLN* FOR 3 HR. THEN BACK TITRATE AN EXCESS.OF ETSUB2 NH WITHO.02 N HCLO SUB4 USING A 0.3PERCENT THYMOL BLUE SOLN* IN MEOH AS.INDICATOR. -CARRY CUT A'PARALLEL BLANk DETN. WITHOUT GLYCOSTDE.AND 3 HR KEEPING. CALC. THE.MOL. WT. FROM THE FORMULA: G TIME -IV SUBK MINUS V SUBR) *TIMES, 0.02i WHERE G IS 1000 TIfiE NO. UF CO GROUPS SAMPLE WTo IN Gi V SUBK AND V SUBR VOLS9 IN ML OF 0,002 N HCLO SUB4 CONSUMED FOR TITRN. OF THE BLANK AND ANALYZED, SAMPLEt RESP. WITH CARDENOLIDES OF CIS CONFIGURATION OF THE TWO RING$v SUCH AS CIAARIN, CONVALLA.TCIXIN, AND- ERIC HROLIDE-P ~ -THE- REACTXON _IS~~ICONPLETED WITHIN 3-4 HR* WITHI,JHOSE OF TRANS CONFIGURATION THE REACTION 00E.S NOT GO TO C FACILITY: KHAROKQV.,NAUCH. ISSLED'. KHIM. FARM. _OMPLETIONo INST &:-.KHARKOV USSR*_ WE~ ~ USSR uDc: 621.315-592 KAZAMOV., R. F., SURIS) R. A., Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe, Wc-H-&e_m-y-5T-S=.ences of the USSR, Leningrad "On the Theory of Electrical Properties of Semiconductors With Superlattices" Leningrad 1 Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 7., No .3, Mar 73., PP 4&8-493 Abstract: The authors consider the problem of the form of the electron distri- bution function in a semiconductor with a superlattice as well as the relatinn between the current through such a structure and the electric field in the neighborhood of a resonance current spike due to tunneling of electrons from the ground state of one cell of the superlattice to the excited state of the next cell. Equations are derived for the diagonal elements of the density matrix. These equations are solved for different limiting relations between the probabilities of processes which arise with the passage of current. 30 USSR UDC: 621.315-592 KAZARINOV R. F. and SURIS, R. A., A. F. Ioffe Maysico-Technical -1--ingrad Iffs ttate. eh a Diffraction "Injection Hetero-Laser W Grating on the Contact Surface" leningrad, Fizika i tekhnilm poluprovodnikov, No 7, 1972, pp 1359-1365 Abstract: In injection semiconductor lasers, the p-n junction in which the amplification occurs is also used as a plane dielectric waveguide. As a result, the enerC~y flow ~'incidezat on the cry.,i;tal faces acting as the mirrors of a Fabry-Perot resonator is intense, resulting in destruction of the mirrors and the consequent loss in radiation power. The authors Of this paper propose z~-.z-,ld theoreti- cally develop an idea for the injection laser in which this defect is avoided. By way of introducing the idea, they consider the electrodynamic problem of the behavior of a light vn-ave in a fine, plane dielectric waveguide at a known distance fron a metal dif- fraction grating with a definite period. Formitlas are dcveloped for the spectrum of chtiracterintic frequencies of the propooed resonator and for ita Q. IN USSR MEMENKO, S. N. KAZARINOV R F., SURIS, R. A., Physicotechnical Insti- tute imeni A. F. I. *--ef Sciences of the USSR, LeninUad "Possibility of Suppressing Gunn Domains" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 14, No 6, Jun 72, pp 16111-1621 Abstract: The authors investigate the possibility of suppressing Gunn instability of the uniform distribution of carriers in a semiconductor vith N-shaT)ed current-voltage characteristic by means off impact ionization of impurity centers with deep-lying levels.' The generation of.carriers by such ionization compensates for the loss of carriers,in the high field region due to the drop in the curve for carrier velocity as a funct.on of the field. It is shown that such compensation is poss~Ole (..,n:l.y if the characteristic rise time of the electric imtability it; greatt:r than tlc impurity capture time of the electrons. In this connection, tbe sign of the conductivity on frequencies.exceeding 'the capture frequency remains negative, which means that microwave emission and amplification is possible in a large volume of the semiconductor. Wim USSR GERGELIS V. A. KAZARI17017, R. F., SURIS, R. A., Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe, MaM7-tY-Seiences of the USSR, Leningrad "Nonlinear Theory of Slow Recombination Waves" 11jeningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, vol 14, No 6, Jun 720 pp 1691-1697 Abstract: The nonlinear problem of propagation of slow recombiration waves is considered. The types of solutions are classifiedi and it is shown that soliton domains are one type of slow recombination waves. The current- -voltage characteristic of a specimen with soliton domain is calculated, and the stability of the resultant solutions is analyzed. It is shown that the current-voltage curve for a semiconductor with solitondcmain has a negative impedance section. Nr: '-A12 043796 Ref Codez, UR 005' PPJ14ARY SOURCE:. Zhurnal -1 talluoy Teoreticheskoy Fiziki,-1970, Vol 589 Nr 2s PP RAREFIED 151PERFE& ROSE CAS 1N THE) FIELD OF RANDOINTLY DISTMUTED STATIONAItY nIPURITIES V. A. OeW, R. F. Kn-- arin~y, A. Su~rim The behavior of a slightly imperfect Bose gasAn thf? field of randomly distributed impurities is studied. The effect of.the impurity atoms on the ground state of the system is determined and found to the local variation of the condensate density near the impurity atoms. The spectrum and decay of single particle: excitations aw calcula- ,ted. The long wave excitation spectrurn4s; found to be acoustic; seattefing of the exci- tations by sound velocity fluctuations induced by the impurity atoms is of tile Rayleigh type, i. e. the scattering cross section is proportional to the fourth degree of the exci- tation wave vector. The results are employed for estimating tile light absorption linp; widths and light amplification duo to the Bose - Einstein excitoa condensate in semi- conductors, For a -sufficiently high excitoa conceittration the width is milch smaller than the width of the ordinary exciton absorption lint. due tp icattering of separate oxciton.-i bv lattice defects impeifections. 'Pl REELd,FRAME 205 USSR uDc: 621.396-6.o02.72:621-757(088-8) MMINOV, V. L., PANKSEN, Yu. A., TROSHINA, A. G. "A Device for Spatial Orientation of Modular Elements With Rigid Leads" USSR Author's Certificate No 253342, filed 26 Feb 69, published 7 Dec 70 (from,RZh-Eadiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6V325 F) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for spatial orientation of modular elements with stiff leads. The device contains a -vibration hopper equipped with a spiral chute which has an opening in the Vall for rejecting improperly oriented modular elements, and a specially shaped outlet chute for feeding properly oriented modular elements into the working positions. To improve precision in orienting modular elements vith short stiff leads, strips are located inside the vibration hopper lengthwise of the outlet chute and further from the bottom of' the chute than the height of a module board and clooer thtul. the total height of a modular element. In the bottom of the chute is a channel vith a width equal to the minimum diameter of the circumscribed circle for the leads gth of the leads. of a modular element and a depth greater than the leng UDC; 621.396.6-181.5(088-8) USSR GZARINOV, V L., PANKSEN, ft. A. "A Device for Orienting Modular Ele mants With Rigid Leads" uSSR Author's Certificate No 277895, filed 26 Feb 69, published 12 Nov 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5V158 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for orienting modular el;7m nts. with rigid leads. The device contains a unit for moving the elements to be oriented, a contact head, and a measurement block. The productivity and operational rel -e irproved by fitting iability of the device &z it with a rotating base on which contact heads are mounted in a circle. These contact heads are connected by controllable clutches (e. g. electro- magnetic clutches) to motors and indicators which show when the leads of the element being oriented coincide with the contacts of the heads. - - ------------ 1 7 112 A016 UNCI -PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 .,,,TITLE-COADSORPTION OF METHANOL.AND BROMIDE ANIONS ON A,PLATINIZED PLATINUM ELECTRODE -U- Y Bal.t KAZARINUV# E.t STENINt V.F. ~~.~'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR _'~$0URCE--ELEKTllOKHIMIYA 1970v 6(2)t 252-6, :DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 7.._~_SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS--ADSORPTIONi, METHANOL, BROMIDE, PLATINU14 ELECTRODrz, CAPBON CHEMISORPTION ~-'ItONTRoL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '-PROXY.REEL/FRAME--1994/0197 STEP NO--UR/0364/70/006/002/0252/0256 CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0114583 UNCLASS IF IED 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIE, OROCE5SING DATE-16OCT70 ACCESSION NO-AP0,114583 ,ABSTRACTZEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PROCESS OF SIMULTANEOUS ADSORPTION OF BR PRIME NEGATIVI= AND MEOH ON A PT PLATINIZED ELECTRODE7 POLARIZED ANODICALLY, WAS INVESTIGATED, THE POSSIBILITY OF DISLODGING THE CHEMISORBED SUBSTANCE BY BR PRIME NEGATIVE WAS CHECKED BY USING THE TRACER ATOM METHOD (PRIMELt C'IN MEOH). A STRONGt PRACTICALLY IRREVERSIULE BONDING OF THE MEOH CHEMISORPTION PRODUCT WITH THE PT WAS OBSERVED AS WELL AS A MARKED INHIBITION OF ]PIE ADSORPTION PROCESS IN THE PRESENCE OF BR'PRIME NEGATIVEo IN THE CASE OF LIMITING COVERAGE OF THE ELECTRODE SURFACE WITH ORG. PARTICLES1 THE RATE OF BR PRIME NEGATIVE ANIONS EXCHANGE INCREASED SIGNIF'ICANTLY, GIVING EYIDENCE OF THE WEAKENING OF-THE ANION BOND WITHlPT SURFACE IN THE PRESENCE OF CHEMISORBED ORG. PARTICLES. FACILITY: MOSK. GOS. UNIV. IM* LOMONOSOVA9 MOSCOWt USSR, UNCLASSIFIE-0._ No 1111mmmmupausculmn 024 UNCLA.SSIFtED P~RdCESSING OATE--30OCT70 ~JITLE-MUTUAL EFFECT OF HYDROGEN IONS AND SO0IvM ANU CESIUM CATIONS DURING ON PLATINIZEO PLATINUM -U- UT H3R-(03)-BALASHQVAt N.A.p KA1ARINOVv.VeYE.i~KULEZNEVAj mole ,-.'COUNTRY OF INFG--USSR 1970, 6(3), 398-9 ~'Z)ATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 :;,SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~_,TPPLC TAGS--HYDROGENi, SODIUMv CESIUMv ADSORPTIONs PLATINUM9 ISOTOPE .-!CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,~OOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED _PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/1136 STEP NO--UR/0864/701006/003/0398/0399 ~_CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOIZ1695 UNCLASSIFIED z 2 024 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSINC, DATE--30OCT70 C-IRC ACCESSION ND--AP0121695 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--tUl GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF HPOSITIVE ION CONCN. ON THE.AUSORPTION OF CS PRIME POSITIVE AND NA PRIME POSIrIVE ON PLATINIZED FT WITH A REVERSIBLE H POTENTIAL OF INVESTIGATED, TESTS WERE CONDUCTED IN DIL. SOINS. OF NA S082 SO SOB4 AND CS SUB2 SO SUB4., THE 'ADSORPTION WAS MEASURED AT PH 0-4v THE AMT* OF ADSOPBED CATIONS BEING ~DETD. BY A RADIOACTIVE TRACER METHOD USING PRiME221NA AtJD PRIME134 CS. A I 4ARKEO DEPENDENCE OF THE ADSORPTION ON THE H PRIME POSITIVE ION CONCN. WAS NOTED, AN ALMOST COMPLETE 015PLACEIMENT Or- H PtUME POUTIVE IONS FROM.THE ELECTRODE SURFACE'BY NA PRIME POSITIVE ANU CS PRIME POSITIVE JONS OCCURRED WITH A 5-6 FOLD EXCESS OF1HE LATTER IN SOLN. FROM THE DIFFERENCES IN THE ADSORPTION OF CS PRI,14E POSITIVE~AND NA PRIME POSITIVE ~ATzEQUAL CONGN* RATIOS C SUKSPOSITIVE--~C SUSHPOSITIVE AND C SUBHPOSITIVEI IT WAS POSSIBLE TO CALC. 11.1[- MAG,11TUDE OF THE SPECIFIC ADSORPTION OF CS PRIME POSITIVE IN RELATION TO NA PRIME ',-~,POSITIVE. THE.AMT. OF CS PRIME POSITIVE:AD�bR8ED 15 1.5 PRIME POSITIVE FACILITY: INST. -0.211MES MORE THAN THAT OF NA PRIME OOSITIVE. --ELEKTROKHIMt MOSCOWt USSR* Oil UNCLASSIFIeD PROiCESSING DATE--30OCT70 -T,ITLE--ADSORPT ION SHIFTS IN POTENTIAL AND ADSORPTION OF SURFACE ACTIVE _~"~`CAT IONS;, OF CADMIUM AND LTHALLIUM ON PLATINUM -U- INOVs V.:YE4, MANSUROV, G.N. N.A.t KAZAR OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '.,".SOURCE--ELEKTROKHIMIYA 1970p 6(1)y 22~-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,:~SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY .'~TOPIC TAGS-ADSORPTION, SURFACE ACTIVE AGENT, CADMIUMt THALLIUMt PLATINUM .:,CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .,,,DOCUMENT ^LASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1998/1152 STEP NO--UR/0364/701OOb/001/0022/0028 ACCESSION NO--AP0121711 UNCLASSIFIED j 212 GL7 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121711 GP-0- ABSTRACT* SPECIFIC CONCLUSIONS REGARDING THE OF SURFACE ACTIVE CATIONS ON H AND 0 ADSORPTION ON P CAN BE DRAWN# ON THE BASIS OF THE CHARGE CURVES, ONLY IF THE QUANTITY OF ELEC. ._~~.~CONSUMED IN THE ION AUSURPTION AND DESORPTION PROCESSES.[S TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT. QUANT. RELATIONS ARE ESTABLISHED BETWEEN THE POTENTIAL SHIFT IN SURFACE ACTIVE ION ADSORPTION AND THE QUANTITY OF ADSORBED GASES. RELATIONS CANNOT BE ESTABLISHED BETWEEN THE SHIFT VALUES AND THE ION AD50RPTION VALUES, SINCE THE QUANTITIES~OF ADSORBED H AND 0 CANNOT BE PRECISELY DETD. SEP.t SINC-E THEIR ADSORPT10N POTEwrIALS ON PT OVERLAP CONSIDERABLY* FACILITY: INST.'ELEKTROKHIM4, MOSCOWt USSR. U,ftXLAS_cIfJED TJDC 519.9+62-50 ANDREYEVII V. A., AA110120VA -Q- F. YAWBOVIC11t V. A., LeiUn:grad State Univer- sity imeni A. A. danov "Synthesis of Optimal Controls for Linear Dfliomageneous Systems in the Problem of 11inimizing the Hean Value of a Quadratic Functioaal" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 202, No 6, 1972, pp 1247-1250 Abstract: A study was made of the control system described by a differentia' equation of the type dxldt Ax +,ba + f(t), where x is the vector (of order n) of state of the system, a is the control vector (of order m) of the system, A is ~L'permanent matrix of dimensionality n x. "n, b is a perraneent mtrix of dimensionality n x ta, and f (t) is a vec- tor function of perturbations of order n. -All the matrices and vectors are real, It is assumed that the function f(t) is measurable and bounded in [0, and that the pair (A, b) is controllable., that is, that among the columns of the matrices b, Ab, An-lb there are n linearly independent colwans. The real vector function G(x, r) is called the admissible control if equation (1) with (T - (Y(x, t) under the given initial condition x(O) - it 11as the solution X = 7 (t) In fO, The set of admissible co'ntrola is denot-od by 51, V*Y,~EH "rA if 1/2 ,USSR- ANDREYEV, V. A., et al., Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 202, No 6, 1972, pp 1247-1250 the matrix A + bc* is Hurwitz. 1~he quality criterion of the control is defined by the functional J(G) lim T I J0T(U,a). Three theorenis are sLated and proved in order to study the problem of minimizing the functional J(O) in the set 01 The control a e---' X is called optimal if J (a ) < J (CF) V04M W. - 0 a 0 a In connection with the fact that if the 'optimal control exists it is not unique, the concept of a local optimal control is introduced. 2/2 USSR UDC: 621.396.96:6S1. 32 ALE-MIN, V. A., KAZARIN-017, 12-bkk-USHCHENKO, V. 1. ,1101,0SEL. `7-S:,E-kF, TM L. Ya. , Sl-aRN "On Designing Devices for Prixary Processing of Rada-r 'Info-r-tion" Izv, Lening-r. elelft-trotchhn. in-ta (Ifevs of Leningrad Electrical Engineering institute), 1972, vyp. 102, pp 18-25 (ff~rom RZh-Hadiott~k.1--ma-a-, NO 12, Dec 72, abstract Ho -12G18 [r6s=6]) Translation: The pai3er deals with selecting an algorithr.-, for prinary pro- cessing of a scanning raaar s2gnal and modifications Gf arr~ar.:,ingr the memory of the rcorrespo%ding] device. It is shoun that. it dti advi-~,-.bltz: tc) L use weighted s-um-ation of quantized signals for short pulse tradn--, S-nd balanced Suza-.-ation for long ones. It is suggested thF-t tl2e nerlory ~Ilccl 1e be made in the ferm of parallel-operating "long" shift, in. the case of a large nur1icr of accur!:uLated pv1sets, it is thz- required memory volture be reduced by rawking the device in accordunc-o witn the pz--inciple of a mul-t-J"channe! queuing 9-iree jllu,,~t--ations, bibliogra--*hy of five titles. 92 Mir, 7 UDO 621.~91.26 +621.396.08.021 USSR EATIKOV, V.M. 'Statistical Characteristics Of Optirwm Detector Of Randomly Absent Pulse Signals" Izv. VUZ:Radioelaktronika, Vol IV, No 4, April 1972, pp 42,6-445 kbatract! The paper considers the optimim algorithm of the detection of a non- coherent pulse sequence with the condition that each pulse of this sequence is present in the mixture which is received.of signal and noice with-a known a priori probability p, different in the:general case from one. 'The effect is studied of the absence OP sepsrate pulse;oipmala on the fftatletical character- istice of the detector, which includes in ituelf an envelope detBetor with amp- lit%%de characteristics, optimized for the binary law e signal fluctuations. The results are shown in graphical form ce-numerical calculations based on various formales. 4 fig. 6 ref. Received:by editors, 10 Ilay 1.971. HIM Iio,-mgm rdurniEnriammim-mmonn, IMI MIMMMMIMMMMIMM MIMMOMMI WIM USSR MC: 539.216.22:546.28 LITOVCHMO, V. G., LYSEMO, V. S., PRIKHODENKO, V. I. , q~ULi-LAJ--f e XA~MOV 4. Ye., STADITIK, A. V., Institute of Semiconductors, kcademy of Sciences of the LrkrSSR "Effect of Structural Factors of Single-Crystal Silicon Films on Their Sur- face Properties" Kiev, Poluprovodnikovaya Tekhnika i Mikroelektronika, Resp. Mezhved. Sb. , 'No J., 1972, pp 38-40 Abstract: A comparative study is made of a number of volumetric charac- teristics which depend on the volumetric imperfection of silicon films grown on samphire substrates (nobility of the charge carriers, etc.), as vell as surface-sensitive characteristics (zone flexure, density of fast traps, etc.). It is shown that the electrical properties of.the surface of strongly imperfect films depend on the volumetric structure. USSR KAZARYAN, E.,~!,~ ILYAN, G. L., ENFIADZHYAN, R. A., Yerevan State Uni- MA "Scattering of a Nonlocalized Exciton by Phonons in Thin Quantized Semi- co nductor Films" Yerevan, Izvestiya Akademi Nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Fizika, Vol 8, No 1, 1973, pp 47-53 Abstract- The authors compute the relaxation time of a nonlocalized ex- citon due to scattering by photons in quantized thin-flbn semiconductors. Cases of acoustic and optical phonons are examined. Relations are found for relaxation time as a function of energy and film thickness for dif- ferent electron/hole mass ratios. In conOusion.,the authors thank P. A. Bezigranyan. for continued interest in the work. v USSR UDC 621.~15.592:,46.28 LITOWHENZO, Y.G., LYSEMO, V.S., FRIKHODENKC, V.I., SHULIM-AN, A.Y-';,., R.YE., STADNIK, A.V. OEffect Of Structural Factors Of Monocrystalline Silicon Films On Their Surface Properties" Poluprovodn. tekhn. i mikroel'ektronika. ReBp. mezhved. sb. (Semiconductor Technology And L'I'licroelectronics. Renublic Interdepartmental Collection), 1972, Issue 7) pp )8-40 (from RZh:Eloktronika i ypye primeneniye, No 9, Sept 1972, Abstract No 9B82) Translation: A comparative study is made of a number of voluiiAtric chnracteris- tics, whicii depend on the defoctiveness of tho voluna of Si f ilmo grown on sapphire substrates (mobility of charge carriers and others), and of the surface- sensitive characteristics (bending of zones, density d' Past trSDS, and others). It is shown that the electrical properties of the surface of strongly defective films depend on the volume structure. 4 ref. Summary. "LOcai near rormazion muring impacT, ves-crucTion ox -,rrun iayers- Novosibirsk, Mika Goreniya i Vzryvaj Vol 8,, No 2, Jun ?2P pp :299-306 Atstracts The authors studied specimens pressed fTom gnund crystalline iron citrate hydrate for purposes of observing the thin layer destruction pattern in materials mechanically similar to explosives. It was found that after impact destruction# birds appear on:thb contact surfaces which can be regarded as the lines of intasection of these surfaces,, To establish the nechanical similarity between: Iron citrate: and explosivi-ts, the. pressure ims measured d=ing impact with disks of varying thiclaiesat, The resultant pres- sure oscillograms are analogous to those for solid explosives. A derivatographic study wm rMe of the initial substance and part of ualitative,understanding of Ua chemical 4_specimen after Impact for a q 'processes in iron citrate during heating* The heating rate.was 15P per 1/2 112 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--SYNTHESIS AND REACTIONS OF BETAOAMMA UNSATURATED AMINES. 1Xv OF ISOPRENE AND STYRENE,BY PRIMARY MONO AND DIAMINES -U- AUTHOR-04)-MAR TIROSYAN* G.Toi, %LA&MI, A.tS., GRIGORYANi E.A., BABAYAN, A.T. ITRY OF INFO--USSR CCUN .--"-SOURCE-ZH. ORG. KHIM. 19701 613)t 446-9 ~_`,DATE PUBLISHED-------70 -,:SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY _JOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS, AMINE DERIVATIVE, ISOPREN~j STYRENE, BENZENE DERIVATIVE, PRIMARY AMINEt SECONDARY AMINE-p TERTIARY AMINE CC-NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS _'-~OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF'ED A "PROXY REEL/FRAME--199211666 STEP NO--UR/0366/70/006/003/0446/0449 :~-._,CIRC.ACCESSION NO--AP0112660 UNCLASSIFIED 212 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112660 ABSTRACT~EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN THE AMINATION OF H SUB2 C.*CMECH:CH SUB2 WITH I EQUIV. RNH SUB2 (R EQUALS PP% OR 13U) IN THE PRESENCE OF NA METALt 56.4PEACNET RN(CH SUB2 CH:C11E SUB2) SUBZ 11) AND 12-9PERCENT RNHCH SUB2 CH:CME ('11) WERE FORMED. -rfHEN 5 EQUIVS. RNH SUB2 WERE USED9 THE YIELDS OF I AND 11 WERE, RESP.t 32 AND 35PERCENT. USING PHCH:CH SUB2, THE REACTION WITH I EQUIV. RNH SUB2 GAVE 56.2PERCENT RN(CH UB21 -CH SUB2 PH) SUB2 (III-) AND 23.9PERCNET RNHCH SUB2 CH SUB2 PH (IV). S WHEN 3-EQUIVS. RNH SUBZ WERE USE-09,THE YIELDS (IF 11.1 AND IV WERE, RESP., .0 AND 57.2PERCENT, THESE DIFFERNECES ARE DUE TO THE INTRAMOL, TRANSAMINATION OF 11 LEADING TO INTERMEDIATES, SUCH AS (RN PRIME NEGATIVE CH SUB2-CH:CME SU82)NA PRIME POSITIVE, WHICH 15 IMPOSSIBLE IN THE CASE OF IV. THE REACTION OF 11 WITH PHCH:CH StjB2 OR IV wITH H SUBZ C:CMECH:CH SUB2 GAVE 52.1-94PERCENT RNICH SUB2 CH SUB2 PH)CH SUB2 CH:CME HTM*# 'SUB2. FACILITY: INST* ORG* K ~EREVANV USSRO, UNCLASSIFIED USSR Tum 615-373-07:616-003-7250218) PODOESD V. A.) KMALIMIT, B. M., and 1.MRLIP, B. V. "DOpendence of' Inummogenic Prope-r-ties of Influenza Viceine on III's BioloCfjjcal Activity'! 141--insk, Zd-ravoo-kh-ranev-i-ye Pelozussii, No 12, 1972, P 74 Abstract: Immunogenic properties of t~Te A2 and type B flu vcecines w-_re n examned in 1971 during inoculatic s of 69~ watch. factori 1101.1kers. Vaccinations of type A~ we-re biolgoic.0_1,,,, hi,~hly active; of lk;.ype B, lozs ;~Lcti-,ro. pron=nced antibcdy increase (double or zore) occurmd in 81~.Iiri of tho tj--pe 1_._~ cares, but in onilir 4*7.T4j Of the tyjp-c. D eases. Biologic,.%_-activity of tilc! VIM," 1-'Ils determined in chick embryos by the hejm,-,,g 7 Ir _,lutiniLion reaction. 1ruAuxw1-_,zr,,ic ability was irAicr~,.tcd by antibody titcrs of paired rera in t1le imaibiti m te.,;-1- -,rLth IL,47 chicX,an erjtlirocytes . 1he averagt, titur f or type A2 EL-tibodies via-5 36.1 an(I for type 3 Was 11.6 before vaccimat-for.; after irrioculca- tion it 13r) ,d 22.9 resc_p~tkrcly. The deperderce of ir,~mr.:,,!~enic ability o, 7accine upon its biolrjical aC4 -J%rjby is evident. Incroases in resistance arnong some nomrace-ir-ate(I per~sons were noted. USSR ARM MIAN, G. M., and KAZARYAN,_E. H., (Engineering-Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences, Armenian SSR, and The Yerevan State University) "Self-Absorption in Thin Semiconductor Pilms 'In the Field of an Intense Electromagnetic Wave" Yerevan, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Fizika, Vol 8, No 5, 1973, pp 339-342 Abstract: The energy spectra of charge carriers contain gaps which are determined by the angle between the direction of the electron imoulse and the tension vector of the electric field wave. In the present study it was shown possible to determine the size of the gap from interzonal absorp- tion of a weak electromagnetic wave in the-presence of an intense wave in dimensionally quantified semiconductor films. The results showed that the presence of the gap leads to a zero absorption coefficient in the region in which the frequency is changed. Determinations of dimensional quantification make it possible to calculate the size of the gap (by changing film thickness) and the regions of transmitted and amplified frequencies. USSR UDC: 621-315-592 KAZARYAN, E. M. and ENFIADZHYAN, R. L., Yerevan State University "The Possibility of Forming Complexes of Quasi-Particle Electrons and Holes in Fine Semiconductor Films" Leningrad, Fizika i tekhnika Doluprovodnikov, No 7, 1972, pp 1375-1376 Abstract: This theoretical article considers a system consisting of two holes and one electron in a two-dimensional semiconductor medium under the condition that the:exciton radius exceeds the semiconductor film thickness. The authors start by using the ana- logy with the ion of the hydrogen molecule, taking the nonadiaba- ticity term into account. Using the perturbation theory for the bond energy in the state described by the symmetrical wave func- tion, they obtain an expression for the energy of dissociation of the two-hole one-electron complex. :This expression contains three terms: the first is the result of the interaction of the electron and the two holes; the second is the result of zero oscillation; the third describes the hole.motion. Appreciation is acknowledged -hr to P. A. Bezirganyan for discuosing :the resulto of t - work, and to G. Gulk-anyaa for making the numerical computations. Z 4N --090CT70 a 016 UNCLA PROCESSING DATE I LE--EV.ALUATIONS OF THE MEAN.AGES,OF 0:05, STARS BASEO ON THEIR biSTRIBUTION IN STELLAR AS -U- SOCIATIONS ;:~_AU`THOR-(03)-MIRLUYANp L*V-s KAZARYAN, E.S., CHAVUSHYAN, O.S. ~-_COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR --Sr NIYA BYURA.KANSKOY OBSERVATORII AKADEMIYA NAUK ARMAYNSKOY ~SOURC E. JUVSHCHEA NR 41, SSRI J970, PP,09-79 DATE PUBLISHED---70 .,,,.SUBJECT.AREAS--ASTRUt4OMYsASrROPHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-srAR, STFLLAR EVOLUTIONP FIRST APPROXIMATION .CCONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OLICU14ENT CLASS-UNCLASSIF LEO ~,:PRUXY REELIFRAME-1994/0370 STEP NO--UR/2620170JO00/04110069/0079 _CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0114660 ~_2/3 010 UNCLASSi r-im PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 C LRC ACCESSION NO-AP0114660 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ON THE BASIS OF THE OBSERVATIONAL MATERIAL (TABLE 1) THE SPACE DisrpuGUTIUNS OF O-BO, 60.5-61, 61.5-82 AND 82.5-85,STARS IN THE SYNTHETIC STELLAR ASSOCIATICN,fTABLE 2) HAVE BEEN DETERMINED. BY MEANS OF THE OBTAINED DATA TAKEN v*ITH THE "HYPERBOLIC" APPROXIMATIUN (IJ (TABLE 3) THE MEAN AGES OF THE STARS FOR EACH OF THE MENTIONED INTERVALS OF SPECTRAL TYPES HAVE BEEN EVALUATED. IT HAS BEEN SURPOSED THAT ALL STARS HAVE BEEN EJECTED FRO14 THE NUCLEI OF THE EXPANDING STELLAR ASSOCIATIONS AND THAT THE SYNTHE'rIC, ASSOCIATION REGARDING TO THE PHENOMENON OF STELLAR FORMATION 15 IN A STATIONARY STATE. THE STELLAR AGEING FUNCTION F (R) 1.161 IS USED, WHiCH ACTUALLY PRESENTS THE DEPENDENCE OF THE FLOW OF:EXPANDING STARS OF A GIVEN SPECTRAL TYPE FROM THE DISTANCE (Z) AND DETERMINES:THEIR AGING RATES. TAKING INTO ACCUUNT THAT', ACC'O'RD'rNG TO~'rH'E-0c3'SEKVAT-jONAL' DATAp THE PRUCESS UF U-b STARS AGING HASP tN A FIRST APPROXIMATION, THE PROPERTIES UP A STATISTICAL PROCESS (3, 16), F (R) 1.1; PRCSENT~D BY AN LXPONENTIAL FUNCtION 13)o IF THE VELOCITY OF EXPANSION IN THE. ASSOCIATION IS CONSTANT, THEN THE UETERMINATIUN OF THE. SLOPE,OF THE LINEAR RELATIO14 (LG F (R)i R)AFIG. 2), OBTAINED ONTHE BASIS OF THE OBSERVATIONAL DATA, IS EQUIVALENT TO THE EVALUATION Of THE MEAN AGES OF STARS. IN FACT THE EAN VILOCITY OF EXPANSION INCREASES WITH.THE-DISTANCE FROM THE CENTRE M OF THE SYNTHETIC A5SUCIATION. THE EVALUAtLONS OF 0-t35 STARS AGES FOR FWO CASES, OF A CONSTANT VELOCITY Or- EXPANSION (K EQUALS 1) AND OF A VELOCITYt INCREASING LINEARLY WITH THE!DISTANCE (K EQUALS 2)v ARE 'PR.ESENTED (TABLE 2). USSR uDc: 621.~396.69:621.319.4088.8) KAZARIYAN, G~ S., YAKIRIN, R. V., SHVETSOV, A. 1.9 Leningrad Production ffiion~'Radiodetal "A Fixed Capacitor of the Mansbridge Typelf USSR Author's Certificate No 266071, filed 17 Feb 66, published 6 Jul 70 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 1, Jan 71v Abstract No lV301 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a capacitor equipped with a rectangular metall housing and insulating packing gaskets iocated between the inne_r walls of the housing and the outer surface of the ca- pacItor section. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the assembly process is si=lified by making the innulation gaskets in the form of two hollow sections of a thermoplastic material such as polyethylene with e&~es which fit into each other and side walls fitted-with longitudinally arranged extrusions, the protruding elements of these eictrusions being directed partly toward the inside of the hb1low sectioa~ and partly toward the outside. 30 3~-Oli-a-ga USSR UDC 612. K. A., FONTALIN, L. N., PEVNITSKIY,.L. A., and SOLONOYEV, V. V., Inst3wRite. ~opidemiology and Microbiology imeni N. F. Camaleya, Academy of Medical-Sciences USSR, Moscow, and Institute of Experimental Biology, Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR, Yerevan "Effects of Some Alkylating Agents and of Whole-Body Gamma-Irradiation on the Formation and Realization of Immunological Memory" Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol 72, No 11, Nov 71, pp 58-61 Abstract. Mice were immunized twice with 1 x 106 sheep erythrocytes at an interval of 27-44 days. They were subjected to the action of an alkylating agent (sarcolysin, degranol, thioTEP, cyclophosphair1de) or gainma-irradiation in a dose of 500 R either at the time of the first immunization, in the in- terval between iTmiiunizations, or at the time of the second iwiunization, where- upon the secondary response was determined;by the method of N. K. Jerne and A. A. Nordin (Science, Vol 140, p 405, 1963) on the basi8 of the amount of antibody-forming cells in the spleen on the 4th day after-the second immuni- zation.- As shown by this response, all the:agetits blocked the realization of immunological memory and weakened its formation. The alkylating compounds had a stronger effect on the process of memory formation than on the already 1/2 USSR KAZARYAN, K. A., et al., Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii i )'Ieditsiny, Vol 72, No 11, Nov 71, pp 58-61 formed memory (the secondary response was-weaker when agents were a?plied at the time of the first immunization than beLween -immunizations), whereas the inverse.relationship applied to irradiation. The observed phenomena can be explained on the basis of different sensitivities of resting and proliferating ompared with alkylating agents. lymphoid cells to irradiation as c 2/2 - 70 - USSR UDC 612. KAZARYa,.4,,A., Laboratory of Irmiunological. Iolerance, Department of General and I'll "IN ion Immunology, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni N. F. Gamaleya, Academy of Medical Sciences,.USSR, Moscow, and Institute oi Experimental Biology, Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR, Yerevan ng Immunization of Mite e Immunosuppressive Activity of Some Radiomimetics Duri With Sheep Erythrocytes" Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii i Meditsiny, No 3, 1970, pp 87-91 Abstract: The immunosuppressive activity of sarcolysin, degranol, Thio-TEF and -TF' embichin was investigated. Sarcolysin, degranol and Thio F effe-tive sup pressed the formation of antibodies. The most:effective period of administra- tion of these radiomimetics was a day before or the same day as immunization in the case of sarcolysin and degranol, while Thio-TEF was best administered on the day of immunization or a day later. Immunosuppressive activity of these agents could be correlated with their ability to suppress lymphopoiesis. After ile immunological reactivity, lymphopoiesis and myelopoiesis were restored. a wh Ace. Nr: Ref. Code: 0jq6;Z/? AP005196s- PRIII-IARY SOURCE: Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii i Meditsiny, 1970, , Tol Of' , Nrj , pp V-7-91 Immunodepressive acitivity of certain radiomimetics has been investigated (Sarcolysin, Degranol, Thio-Tepa, Novembichin). All the above, except Novembichin, intensely depr~sseld the formation of antibody forming cells. The best time for their administration was a day before immupization or on that very day (-arcolysin, degranol) or on the immunization or a day later (Thio-Tepa). Total ionizing radiation is best given a day beiore immunization. Immunodepressive activity of various agents.correlated with their faciflLy to depress lympho- poiesis. However, immunoreactivity was restored later and lympho- and nivelopoiesis. REEL/FP,*fE .6A 19820455 . ....... .... Alt% IMMUNODEPRESSIVE ACTIVITY OF CERTAIN RADIOMMETICS DURING IMMUNIZATION OF MICE BY SHEEP ERYTHROCYTES USSR uDc 678,o48 YIIKHAYLOV, V. V., KOKHANOV, YU. V-t KAZARYAN, K .S., TTATVEYSVA, YL. N. and KOZODOY, A. A. "Metal Dialkyldithiophosphates Stabilizers of Polymeric 1,11aterials" Moscow, Plasticheskiye Massy, No 9, 1970, pp 23-24 Abstracti Various metal salts of the dodecyl ester of dithiophosphor- ic acid were studied as light and thermal stabilirers for polyamides iind polyolefiness zinc, nickel, copper, and chromium salts. Compari- son of the rate of oxygen consumption at 2000C and 200 mm Hg of tne polymers PA-66 and PA-12, to which these salts were added, usint-I a 'proven otabilizer N,N'-di-~ -naptityl-p-pheiVl(-,nedimiiirit, (D14DA) as .,control, showed that the nickel salt of~ PA-68 and the coplier salt of PA-12 surpass the DNFDA. Both of these compounds leave the polyiner NFDA. e copper and rvickel salts show colorless, in contrast to DI Th -good synergistic activity as light stabilizers foe polyolefines when mixed with 2-hydroxy-4-alkoxybenzophenone (benzone OA), .. .. ....... WICLASSIFIED PROCESSI'15 DATE--n2OCT70 2 024 ,%,-TITLE--CRIENTATIu'i AND C~tYSTALLINITY OF PdLY(ETHYLEZiF TEREPHTHALATE) STUDIEOL 3Y AN ACOUSTICAL METHOD, -U- AUTH0. -(0,5)-PEREPECh I.I.v GqECHISHKINt V.A.# KAZARYAN, L.G., KO, VASILFNKOt ZHG*j BEKESTNEV, V.A. COUNTRY OF- INFO--USSR SO UkC E-VYSOKUMOL. SOEDIN. SER. A 19709 12(2)9 438-42 OAT EPUBL ISHEi)-----70 AREAS-CHEMISTRY :,.TOPIC 'TAGS--CRYSTALLINE POLYME-Ro AMORPHOUS POLYMERt POLYETHYLENE ,_~~_.TEREPHTHALATE* X RAY DIFFRACT!GN ANALYSISt ULTRASONIC VELOCITY, POLYMER STRUCTURE . . . ...... . . ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFtED REELIFRAME--198910246 STEP'NO-UR/0459/70/012/002/0438/04-42 CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0106902 212 OZ4 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSI-',.'G DATE--02OCT70 ~'~'CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0106902 .. .~ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ORIENTATION FACTJR (ALPHA) (W. -.MOSELEY*, .1960~ OF POLY(ETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE) I CONTLGI. 93TH CRYST. AND ~'~,AMORPHOUS REGIONS WAS DFTD. 13Y X RAY DIFFRACTOMC-TkY. IT WAS DEMONSTRATED- THAT MOSELEY'S FORMULA ALPHA SIMILAR TO I MINUS (C PRIMEZ SUB02-C PRIME21 (C SUB02 AND C ARE THE:ULTRASOU-NO VELOCITIES IN 100PERCENT ISOTROPIC MATERIAL AND IN THE SAMPLE, RESP.) 14UST 113E REPLACED BY ALPHA EQ.,UALS (I MINUS(C PRIMEZ SUB02-C PRIME2)-(L MINUS fC PRtME2 -C PRIME2 SUB011, WHERE C SUB01 IS THE ULTRASOUND VELOCITY IN SU802~ ~JOOPERCEINT CRYST. MATERIAL. C-SUB01 Of I WAS ESTD*! FROM THE ..:----.DIFFRACT0ME-TRY DATA AND C. SUB02 WAS DET0. EXPTL- USING A FULLY AMORPHOUS I SAMPLE. UNCLASSIFIED _7_7~ --040EC70 1/2 026 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE T ITLE--PHYSICOMECHANI CAL PROPERTIES OF POLYFORNALDFHYDE DEPENDENT ON THE DIMENSIONS OF SPhERULITES AND CRYSTALUTE~S IN BULK -U- _''.AUTHOR-(03)-GUMENj R.G.9 KAZARYANs L.G.v KOVRI(;Av Vt-V, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~..SOURCE-PLAST*- MASSY 19701 Wr 40-4 DATE PUBLISHED ------ 70 -,SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS -:-TOPIC TAGS--POLYFORMALDEHYDE, SPHERULITEr PLASTIC FABRICATION, POLYMER -.::STRUCTUREt PLASTIC MECHANICAL PROPERTY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE9 PROXY REEL/FRAME-3007/0731 STEP t-40---OR/0191/74r)/Otll)/O(-)(,/001,0/00--t4 CIRC ACCESSION N0--AP0l31`,170 "M 1 104 C t A'il f" 2/2 026 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 ACCESSION NO--AP0136170 -.~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DISTRIBUTION WAS DETD. OF SPHERULITE SIZES ON THE SURFACE AND IN THE INTERIOR OF POLYFORMALDEHYDE (I)-SLABS OBTAINED BY MOLDING UNDER VARIOUS CONDITIONi. RAPID COOLING OF THE MOLD DECREASED THE SPHERULITE SIZE ON THE I SURFACE ONLY. OPTIMUM MECH. PROPERTIES WERE OBTAINED WHEN THE SPHERULITES HAD THE SAME DIMENSIONS ON THE SURFACE AS IN THE INTERIOR AND WERE SIMILAR TO 25 MU IN DIAM. THIS WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY LOWER.ING THE 1~ 14ELY TEMPO BECORE POURING INTO THE MOLD, RAPID POURING, HIGH MOLDIN(; PRFSSURE, ANO LOW MOLDING TEMPS. li'l-I I A lZ 'r, I r- 1 V USSR uDc KAZAZ"6k& Zj, and VARDANYANg TS9 XH.t Yerevan Polytechnical Institute Ineid K. Marks "Synthesis of Dialkyl Acetals of -FN-Dialkylaninobutyraldehydes" Yerevan, Armyanskiy Kbimicbeskiy Zhurnal, Vol 24, No 9, 1971, pp 782-785 Abstracti A series of #-NgN-dialkylaminobutyi-aldehydes was synthesized. A mixture of 17.4 g morpholine, 20-85 9 a -chlorobutyraldehyde d1propyl acetal, 15 g anhydrous sodium iodide, and 50 ml propanal was stirred at 90-95 for 30 hra. The propanal was removed and the solid ims filtered off. ToShe.filtrate, 6 g of flacial acetic acid was added, the unreacted )V-Chlorobutyral was extracted with ether and the rasidue stas then treated with concentrated aqueous base solution, The asanobutyral foxmed is extracted KIP eJther, dried, and evaporated to yieldii.2 g d-tpio' lacetal of #-aorpholinobutyraldehyde, b.p. 160 0/8mm. # d?0 0-9304,~ -10 1 4450. Other acetals were prepared in similar manner. USSR UDC 621.373:535(206.3) ISAYEV, A. A., KAZARYAN. M. A.. PETRASH, G. G. ............ "A Copper-Vapor Pulsed Laser With Repetition Rate of 10 kHz" Leningrad, Optika I Spektroskopiya, Vol 35, No 3, Sep 73, pp 528-531 Abstract: Emission and superemittance were obtained in copper vapor by using alundum tubes 70 cm long and 0.8 cm in diameter. The copper uas applied in pieces over the length of the discharge tube. Pulsed discharge was excited by a capacitor through a thyratron. The resonator was made up of a dielectric mirror with 2-.meter radius of curvature and a flat glass substrate. The laser produced emibsion on linvs~of 5106 and 5782 The average emission power at a pulse repetition rate of 10 kH.- was 2.4 w, which corresponds to a peak emission power of 48 kw for voltage across the capacitor of 20 kv (pulse duration was 5 ns). An appreciable part ~,f the power was concentrated in the green line. The specific peak power in this case is 1.4 kw/cc, which is a record for all gas-discharge lasers ipith atomic and Ionic transitions. USSR TjDJ 621. ISAYEV, A-.A., KAZARYAIT, M.A., PMASH, G. G. "Lead Vapor Pulsed Loser Wlit-h HiEh Peal., And AveraEe Paviersil Kvantovaya ele!~Iuronilm N nntum H -..rcnics), Mloscov-', KO '(11),1972, p 100, LU -leci Abatract; Previo~-,s exnoriin-~:nts conducted by the aiAhors thut Insern b3l-;-,-d on land, copper, Fold, and manrancee vuporg car. operate F- Inrj-,c rln:rxititlon IT ir c reol !I -- -q sum r e L, frequcricy of pulses v;iich reach 2.15 1 powers (order of n hun~rc-d waifv for I cria)). Thece reuLi-ItE -vcri- ol-ta-Me'i w t babov 0 mall nctive vc-lumc, bac'Juse of vhlch j"ii). peuk nrild wjar,,-~,-e powerF o~ goncrolkArm wore linitc.-d. In cormf.~cti:on w-J-0i thki 5.L W11i) whothar or not con.~!ideroblc c~!' The active.) n docromic; o!' opeaJ.Ple; vowvr r.;' In O;r. vnj-,rr Inner vian chorion w) i.ILj ok)~cO, IjoOmjF;, r, 0-1 too h i r'l 1 wcrkinv temperL~41,;rp 1.-~ r Oil 'IT iere usod in the a 7 1, 9 r a u-e cm, a leneth of the octiven parb ot' 6 c pa, a voltt~ ve at 1~m pHmjv.~,* winui-lm,:, c1' 3 yrul se trams-Porm.-ar of 17 kv, a pressure o-r the neon bvl'TL~v rf' ) tor, a recurrence freqi~ency of 2.,-, hHz, the maximirs avera-;~e of 1'~t a i ne 'with 01. 7 2Q mi~:rz:n, u-!,i~.ntcd to 0' wntt. 11 PC!..!: J~ow(.'r 0!.~ 1 1:-"' 1;nd a TSSR L vye ejc-!,:tx-on-;a, oce ow No I 1 1, 729 100 ISAYEV, A.A., et e1, Kvz~ntc sperai-fic peak power of 711~ w/cral" wo re obtulned. The kw oxc(t~er_'n by Lc-,re Lomn ran -order of msgnitude the value (2 kvi) obtlained eorlier 1,11-th tll~ min-- laser. ~I f1g. 4 ref. Received by editors, 10 Apr,1972. NG DATE--090CT70 :018- UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS], SOME WOLF RAYET AND OF TYPE ~,::T-tYLE~SPECTROPHQTO,'-iETRIC INVESTIGATION OF STARS -U- 'v'_-'AUTHOK-(02)-KAZARYANv M.A., VARUANYANi, K. V. q -'~:.'.COUNTRY OF 114FO--USSR .'SUUjKCE--SUQbSHCHENIYA BY(JRAKANSKOY OBSERVATORII AKADEMIYA NUAK ARMYANSKOY -55 SSKr 1970, NR 411 PP 46 -----70 DATE PUBLISHED ';.--.5UtiJECT AREAS-PHYSECS, ASTRONOMY,ASTROPHYSICS TOPIC* TAGS-STAR, ELECTRON DENSITYs SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS .~CUNTRCGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIGINS :100CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED '.;~PkOXY REELIFRAME-1994/0076 STEP CIRC ACCESSICN NLJ-AP0114472 212 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT7O A.CCESSIG,`4 N"l-AP0114472 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-11J) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SPECTRGPHOTORETRIC INVESTIGATION LIF SOME WULF RAYET AND OF TYPE STARS, IN THE ASSOCIATIUN AROUNO P CYG HAVE BEEN MADE. THE SPECTKOPHOTOMETRIC TEMPERATURES AND THE RELATIVE .':i-INTENSITIES UF EMISSION i3ANUS OF THESE STARS WERE 06TAkNED. THE TRUE TEMPERATURES OF THESE STARS WERE OBTAINED WITH THE COM61NATION OF -)PTICiAL TH[CKNUSSES OF THE Z:ANSTRATS AND AMBRATLUMIAN15 fORMULAE., THE L SHELLS FUk L SUBC RADIATION, THE RADIUS OF THE TWECE IONIZEU HELIU-1,1 ZONE: AND THE ELECTRON UENSITIES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SHELLS HAVE BEEN CALCULATED'AS HELL. 'F _FTED '018 PROCF5SING DATE--230CT70 T'ITLE--GLUTAMIC ACID DECARBOXYLASE ACTI'VITY IN BRAIN VESSELS -U- .',*_AUTHOR-(03)-MIRZ0YhNt SaA., K.AZARYAN, B.A., AKOPYANt V.P. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ..:-~SOURCE--DOKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970j, 190(5)t 1241-1 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES --GLUTAMIC ACID, DEHYDROGENASE, ENZYME ACTIVITY, RAIN, -TOPIC TAGS AM INOBUTYR I C, AC 10 ...'_.:'CMlTROL MAPKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~,MCUMENT CLASS--UNCI-ASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/1014 STEP ~.10--UR/0020/'?0/190/005/121tl/1242 CTRC ACCESSION NO--j%TG121610 2/2 ols UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0121610 ABSTRACT/_EXTRACT--(U).GP-0- ABSTRACT. INCUBATION OF A HONOGENArE OF DOG ~.BRAIN BLOOD VESSELS WITH PYRIDOXAL PHOSPHATE AND ~LUTANATE YIELDED 48 MU -40BUTYRIC ACIO, G OF FRESHTISSUE IN 30 .414, SIMILAR EXPTS. G GAMMA AMIk AMTS. OF THIS -WITH. DOG AORTAS AND CAROTID APTE-RIES YIELDED NO DETE FACILITY: EREVAN.,MED. fNST., EREVAN, USSR. USSR uDc: 621-375.82 KAZPHI.O., A. MUCH-U. CH-ARYAN, RG., GASPARYAN, S. S. "Calculating and Measuring the Probability of Errors in a Binary Optical Com-aunications Channel With Polarization Modulation of Laser Emission" Moscow, Kvant. el.ektronika--sbornik (Quantum Electronics-col-lection of works), No 1(13), "Sov. radio". 1973, pp 90-95 (from RZh-Fizika, No 6, Aug 73, ab- stract No 8D1170 by the authors) Translation: The total error probability Per is calculated for an optical communications channel in the case of light polarization modulation. A general expression is found for Per from which an eypression for Per -,;ith modulation of light intensity is derived as a special case. Measurements are made of Per in cases of modulation of polarization or intensity. It is shown that the threshold value which ensures a minimum otierall error in polarization modulation is constant and equal to zero rerardlesc of the intensity of the la-ser and backgrolmd radiatIcn, whereas with irtensity =odlalation 'the threr,-;--old is tracking (ric) in the gene-Tal case.1t is also shoyn 'that the laser emission intensity which ensur(~a identical proba- bility of the overall error in the case of poluxrizaticn irodtaation is Y-T times less than for intensity modulation. Bibliography of 8 titles. 2' USSR UDC 535 VARTANYAN, E. G., VARTANYAN, E. S., KAZARYAN, R. A., MANUCHARYkN, R. G. '!Amplitude Distributions of Laser Radiation Passing Through a Turbulent Atmosphere" Uch. zap.- Yerevan. un-t. Yestestv- n. (Scientific Notes of Yerevan University. Natural Sciences), 1970, No 3(115), pp 140-142 (from R.7h-Fizika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No.7D884) Translation: Measurements of the energy fluctuations of laser radiation propagat- ing through a turbulent atmosphere were_measured on a track of length 25 ~-,n for diameters of the receiving objective from 30 to 50 cm and averaging times of 2, 10, 3'0. 60, and 120 sec. The measurements were condicted in the spring from 2000 to 2400 hrs. (in the basis of the X2 criterion for five degrees of freedom, in the opinion of the authors, the distribution of fluctuations in the energy received. agreed with a logarithmically normal and normal law. It was found thatindepende-it of the averagi n5 ti-me for diameters of the receiving objective up to 15 cm, the values of the.X were less for the logarithmically normal distribution law than for the normal distribution law)-and for averaging over an area of the objective of the diameter above 15 cin the )(2 was less for a norlial law. A. A. Yakovlev. 62 "Oef. Code: ting Service: Acc. Nr: Abstrac APOUGGILS CHDIICAL ABST. 'U R 34 4 78301e Chemistry of dienes and their derivatives. 111. Addition of tert-butyl chloO.4e to 2,3-dichloro-1,3-butadiene. Synthesis of I-alkoxy-2,3-dicfiloro-5,5-dimethyl-2-hexenes. Wkrvan. G. X; Kazaryan,~R.-A.;. Zakaasui~R. P... KaDlan- of'HIC:CClCCl:CH? with lerl~BuCl at -20' itt the presence of AlCh gave good ields of T%16CCHjCCI:CCICI-ICI (1). When Y ZnC12 was used as the catalysts the reaction ra't4 was slower and only 22c;",~ I was obtained.! ,Widn. of I With KAInO4 gave (mH), and Me;CCH2COtH', ~' The reaction ofj with~ROH (R is Me, Et, Pr, Bu, or amyl) in' alk. soln. gave 78.6-89;9% Mer CCH2CCl: CClCHjOR and ;5 1 MeaCCH: CCJCCl: Clis. CPJR V, Ac. LA PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 UNC SSIFIED ,tITLE-SYNTHESIS OF LACTONES. VIII. REACT11ONS OF ~::,ALPHA,SUBSTITUTEDeDELTA#HYDROXY,GAF,P,AtCAPROLACTONES -U- 4UTHOR-(05)-ZALLNYAN, M.G.# ARUTYUNYAN9. V-~S.v SARKISYAN, O.A.V KALARYAND OANGYAN, M.T. ~GbNTRX OF INFO-USSR 3,OURCE--ZH. ORG. KHIfJ,,. 19701 6 (4), 860-2 )ATE PUBLISHED-----70 iUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY rGPIC TAGS--,0Rf,,ANJC 5YNTHESA'Si LACTONEr DEHYDRATiON, COMPOUND XNTRICL KARKINC-NO RESTRICTIONS 1DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,-P,ROXY RCEL/FKAME--2000/2084 STEP NU--Ult/036e)/*tQtf)O,'),11".104/()86r)/C).q62 CIRC ACUSSICN NG--AP0111-5671 S-I-FA 2/2 008 UNC, L AS S I F I E 0 PROCCSSIN13 DATE-30OCT70 CARC ACLESSIEN NO-AP0125671 A6STRAG_T/EXTRAr_~'_'J_(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DEHYDRATlij'N OF .ALPHA,(R,SU6STITUTf:D)#DELTA, HYDROXY GAMMAt(;APROLACTOl,,,ES (1) R EQUALi PR, BU, ISO-BU,, ISO-AMYL) WITH HPO SUB2 GAVE - L EM EN 1 Cji- I P., SUBSTI TUTI:D) tGAMMA r VI NYLbUTYROLACT ONES. DIE Ri~f' --:---THE OH GROUP OF I BY CL GAVE DELTA,CHLOR0 ANALOGS 01: 1 WH[Cii kEACTED ETGNA TG.GIVE DELTA,ETHOXY ANALOGS: OF 1. FACILITY: EP EVAN. UjNIV.r EREVAN,i USSR. :'112 014 UNCLASS~1'07*t D* PRO.CESSING DATE--30OCT70 .--VIlLE-7SYNTHESIS OF LACTONES. VII. SELECTIVE REDUCTION OF BY ALUMINUM ISOPROPYLATE -U- ~AUTHOR-(05)-ARUTYUNYANP V.S.r SARKISYANj. 0.A., KAZARYAN, SH.A.j. ZALINYANr G v DANGYANt M.T. ,C-6-UNTRY :OF: INFO--USSR ~SOURCE-ZH. ORG. KH1.4. 1970, 614)t 856-60 -DATE PUBLISHED-.7--70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMESTRY 0,. r ANUAL"MI NUM TOP I C~ IC SY14THES 15, LACTON E CHEM I CAL REDUC T I ON, RG CUNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFLED PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/2083 STEP NU--UR/0366/70/UOb/004/085t~/086t) GIRC-ACCESSICN NU---AP0125670 ~~.~212 014 UNCLASSIFIE0 PPOCESSING ;)ATE--300CT70 CIRC ACCE5SICN NO--AP0125670 ARSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SELFCTIVE REON. 0i: ALPHA, (:K ,.'.~:SUBSTITUTED),GAM.14A,ACETYLbijTY.qOLACTONES (R EQUALS ET, PR4 ISO-pRr Bui .1.50-BUf U-SCAPYL) WITH (ISO-PRO) SU83 AL (1) GAVE M.PHAIIR :SUBSTITUTED)tGAMMAY (ALPHAPHYDROXYETHYLJBUI'YROLACTIJ~NC-S. T H C' RE 0,,'q . 0 F 8,ETAiAGETYL,BETA,CA.RBETHOXYBURYROLACTOt4E ~WETH I GAVF BETA, (ALPHA, PROPOXYE THYL) BETA, CARBETHOXYBUTYROLAM'NE WHICH 'WAS ~,~.DECARBOXYLATEO TO E;ETA,(ALPH-A,.ORGPCJXYETHYLI-BUTYROLA%*~TONE (11). r HE _~REDN. OF Br-TA,ACET)'LBUTYROLACTONE WITH [.ALSO GAVE 11. THE REON. OF ',,,~~':A,LPHA#13,GXOBUTYL)EiURYROLACTONE GAVE ALPHA,ACETYLiiuTYR0,LACT(JNES COULD "~,NOT BE REDUCED 1,14 THIS WAY. FACILITY:. EREVAN. GbS. UNIV., --..'EREVAN USSR. UNCLA-SS lFtED USSR um 681-325.65 ARUSTP1,1YAN, V. YS. GRIGORYANI L. A. MOMMEYAJIT, I. A.) band SAMSYM, it. YE. '71ransistor-Transistor Logic Circuit" USSR Authors' Certificate 110 31h.30rr* Cl- 11 03 k 19/03, filed 26 Feb 70, -Dub- lished 26 Get T. (from K~-h-Avtor";atiI.-za, Telenekhanika i IlychislitelInaN-s. Tekhnika, No 5, May 72, Mostract No 5D137P) Translation: There are well-known devices which contain an innut multienitter transistor (T) connected by the collector to the base of an lntennadiate T, vhose collector and emitter are connected to the two output series- connected To. The logic circitit described differs f rom I there in that it con- tains a complementary T connected by its collector to thc emitter of the intermediate T. by its ei,,iitter to the collector of the 'input T, and by its base through the resistor to the base of the input T. This makes it possible to increase the operating speed of the device. y USSR um 612.766.2 KOVALEMKO, Ye. A., POP-MV, V. L., Guuslun, Yu. S., PROKHONCHUZOV, A. MOROZOVA.3 R. S., SMOITA, L. V., FOTAFOV, A. N., M1.1001.1, V. S., and PISHMUK, V. B. I'Shifts :ki 4-he Pmetions of Uic Organimp During Prolonged Hypoiin6siall Mosco,,,, P.-tologicheskaya Fiziologiya i EkbperimentLIIx1a-,j*a Terapiya, Vol V~:. tTo 6, llov/Dec 70, PP 3-9 Abstract: Rats kept immobilized for up to 170 days in 4,,recial cages sho-Jed an -increase in general gas exhange and rat-e of oxygen utilizat-ion in the rrascie3, 'issue Pietabolism in th~! liver ~n* rqyocardiari. The and a slowing of the raLe oj. L. L d -level of phosphotylation in the mVocardiwm and, -to sonle Ecten-13 in the E~heletal imseles md li,,or ch~rT;7cs-d. Pnolcnged hypokinesia also i5l, _,Ct the minnis' Umrth., penrented them f-r-IM galll:Mg Teight, and i-?,i sorne cases caused the_i to lose ueight. Besides distm-bLig riineral and protein netaboli!im, U-=obilization ressult- ed in c_-ahaustion of the pituitai7 amlretial COI~tcx systrm. dz-IS ZIZO/6Vb'1--aWV'd:l/'133d Axudcl U-=]:IISSVI')Nn--SSV-):) -tN3Wf-):)fj-(j.. 13-JA:13 3brllVb3dW3l P-01 '3bDSS-7-bd IVD]lj'd3 '3N3lAdOVd 'AlIA11MON03 1VW1131-11--SDVI 3101.-''. AdlslV,=IH3--Sv9bV 133fM)S::. oL ------- wHsiiund Div C-., St (I )SI OL61 *WO'dd *ADZ V es:sfi--D:INI :lc *I'N 'A9Sl'dV),H '*V*A 'NVAdV7VN--bCHlnr-,- -n- (:-!N31Ad0)Jd)SNOfJbV 30bCAP. IH911 -30 jklIAHO(ION03 OLd3S11--~UVO UNISS -33Udd LIO --l 1,S=P70 PROCESSINS DATF 212 017 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSION No-AP01068613 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE THER14AL COND. '?,F LIQ. -NNID GASEOUS PRnPYLEN1JWAS DETD, WITH AN ACCURACY OF 2PERCENT AT 182'.5 TO 425.10EGREESK AND 0.1-50.6 '414-ti PRIME2, AT 359.7i 378.8, AND 399.20EGREESKt THE 1HERMAL COND. INCREASES SHARPLY AT P;~ESSURES CLOSE TO THE,CRIT. PRESSURE. AT ALL TEMPS, AND PRESSURES tNVESTIGATED, EXCEPT THOSE NEAR-THE CRIT. REGION, THE.EXCESS THERMAL CbND..(LAPH3nA SUr3P,T -MINUS LAMBDAT) 1:3-A MONOTONIC F.UNCTION OF-THE D. L7 USSR ur. 621.~,ri6.6--iol.5 (C '3. _T A.I., S'TzJ,'I'URI, V.D., VOSECEO-D-OV, i LL~~L' ~rll CTALYAil', 1,11, V B LLIPOIlly, .I., ~Jllln" V. LC-J1El.IN, G.V., IwIltIMOV, w. S., S.F., lyp I.V.l SE-l"Ec"I'Ar. I a -2 l-' IIROVp B.G., FISHI-Ll, I-SIT., SHU Li"ll T, IK .cl 'Dnvicc For D--pcsiticn Cf '-',ultilayer Covorii-Ags III A VELCLIMI, ,0 1-Ov 70 (from T5?-~Qj, filed 16 Jurc 68, publivhDd USM fiarthorl-- Cortificato ~.o tol "0 9, ~;Olj 1971, Abstract No 9V2 T.-z]- -Kadio` --hni'-I, 72P) Translation: dwrice propoDed for depoeitJon of miltil-yer cvorinr,a in a vacuum Js fNalfillad il nthe form o-~ a iw:cber of maccec-sively mounted indloncn~crt opc:rat4nc- chambers eupplied vith cvoporatom, boatars, and vn a2tauet cystora. Th5 device con- tains a mcchrnir--~ for Eu*Q.--%-'uy-u-Lcs, a mechani.s.-ri for lacdirrr cind imloa-d- Ina, am~ a devica and L.,:d o.' covori.n.,.-o a O-Jtri4c of tl'--' Of omu*-*atir-i"7 Cr'! it 5~1 init-!1l,ed, -urhiu-Ii c-.r-,rt,c tl-~: the 0;' ILI': oil wi'll. ro (a~ 1"acul" USSR BARANOV, A. I., et al., USSR -Author's Certi'-; cate No 2 79291, filed 16 June So 68, published 3) Nov 70 (from RZh--J,'adiotekhni'I-a, 2~.o 9, p 1971, Abstract No 9V272P) of the eupple=entary chamber at places for connnetion to it Of the OL)CrEiting chambers. Each of iha oprating chamburs or a gromp of th-cTa le provided with an in- dividual sys-tem of high-vacuun p=ping. USSR UDC 621.791.753.9:661.97:629.12 A. I., Engineer IfUse of Automatic Vertical Welding in C02 With Forced Seam Formation in the Construction of Ship Hulls" MnRrnw- Svaroahnove Proizvodstvo. No 10. Oct 70. Do 48-49 Abstract! Many 131ants use automatic vertical welding in C02 with forced seam formatiort to weld the vertical joints of the external sheathing and bulkheads of Fhips made of carbon and low-allay steel plates 8-20 mm thick. The use of relatively inexpensive welding materials, titandaTd electrode wire, and carbon dioxide makes this method cheaper than other methods of automatic vertical welding. The technology and equipment developed for this method axe briefly described. Welding is performed uwing Sv-OBG2$ welding wire 1.6 mm in diameter and compressed C02- WeldiNl is performed by the "Ingul" automatic welding machine,which moves:,along the welded seam. The pouer supply used is a type PSG-500 converter. The system increases welding productivity by 3.5-4'times in comparison,with manual welding. 1/1 -78 kL Cc IV ~a S IS a s -J~ts,2 0: 1 CU-,:n= a T" C, LL I C- ana ture r"I6 I:c-~ L L' a a a prinna..*ey zn*~~, a,,J~"dc. min ~&fm T~ec,hnolo& Nuclear cie ce an USSR UDC 541.15+621.039.05 MANTIYEV, B. G., KRASIN, A. X., NICHIPOR, G. V., KAZAZYAN, V. T., and SAVUSHKIN, I. A. "Calculation of Efficiency and the Optimization of Parameters of Cheno- nuclear Plants" Moscow, Atomna.ya Energiya, Vol 33, No 4, Oct 72, pp B03-808 Abstract: The calculation of the efficiency and the optimization of channel parameters on a loop-like chemonuclear plant are carried out on the basis of a generalized model. The approximate solution of the function characterizing in general the efficiency of any chemoradiative apparatus is reduced to a nwnerical summatiou of the efficiencies of individual. chemo-ftuclear channels. This method, in combination with physico-neutron calculations makes possible the efficiency determination of various~ types of cheinonuclear plants taking into account the dosage rate, temperature, reagent depsity, and other factors characterizing; the actual conditions of experimental and industrial chemo- nuclear plants. The use of this methcd for the indicated calculations of the KhYaU-5 chemonuclear plant resulted in optimization of Lts parameters. The possibility of the organization of an industrial ,iynthesis of hydrazine on the basis of a chemonuclear reactor is analyzed on the exaMplQ. of a 1/2 DZANTIYEV, B. G., et al., Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 33, No 4, Oct 72, pp 803-808 reactor using chemonuclear fuel in the form of a 4V thick U02 layer built up on an aluminum base. The platted caloric power dependence of tile channel efficiency shows a linear character. The efficiency of other active zones -of chemonuclear reactors can be calcu.14ted mi the basis of t1his dependence. Your figures, two tables, nine formulas, mtelve bibliographic references. fl H M, "N"."i . ................... .......... UDC 621.039-524-034.3 -JSSR KAZAZYPN, V. T., FOGIJETS, L. P. "Heat Transfer Coefficient for a Gas Flow in a Slot Chemonuclear Channel" Dissotsiiruvushch. Fazy kak toulonositeiii rob. tela energ. ustanovok -- V sb. ~Dissociating Gases as Heat Transfer Agents and L, e Working Medium of Flower of I rks), 1-Unsk, 11~auka i tekhn. Press, 1970, pp 220-228 Plants -- Collection 170 (from RZh-Ele'ftrotekhni?a i En etika, 1,10 5, May 1971, Abstract jio 5u194) Translation: A study wras nade of the problem of the effect of physical-che--ni- cal processes occurring in a gas during irradiation of it by fission fragments on heat exchange. It is demonstrated that the primary factor affectInG the variation of the heat transfer coefficient is the presence of a defined enerGy profile of the fission fragments in the width of a channel. This variation has a maximiLm value for small channel dimensions ancl for thinner uranium containing layers on its wall. The solution of the problem is presented for Uie case of lazinar flow of gaseous a=onia in a flat slot channel. In this case, even with a relatively thick uranium containip47, layer (23 microns) and great thickness of the ch-nel (4 mm), the heat exchinge coefficient is approximately cut in half. There is 1 illustration, 1 table and a 4-entry bibliography. -Pharmaco 0 aftVT .1 gy o4cology. USSR RODIONOVA, R. P., rVANOV, N. G., KAZBEKOV,, I. M. "Toxicity of beta-Ethoxypropionitrile" Sb. "Toksikol. novykh prom. khim, veshchestv" (Toxicology of New Industrial Chemicals-Col-lection of Works), 1973, vyp. 13, Moscow, Neditsina," pp To 18, 131-138 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, 30F, Biologicbeskaya. Khimiya, N 25,September 1973, Abstract No 18F1734) Translation: The maximum permissible concentration (HPC) of beta-ethox-y- propionitrile In the air of a working area was confirmed to be 0.05 mg/liter, which agrees with values calculated from physical-chemical (molecular weight, boiling point, volatility) and biological constants. It is noted that, for other nitriles that release a CN group, the MPC is mucb lower (0.0005 mg/ liter for acrylonitrile). Sb. "Toksikol. novykh prom. khim. veshchestv" (Toxicology of New Industrial Chemicals-Collection of Works), 1973, vyp. 13, Moscow, "Meditsina," pp:124-131 (from ReferativayyZhumal, 30F, Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 18, 25 September 1973, Abstract go ISF1757) Translation: The proposed maximum permissible concentration of acetylpropyl alcohol in air of a work area is 10 mg/liter. The LD-50 is 6400 mg/kg and the-cumulative capacity is insignificanto USSR 62o.i93.46 VISHKAREV, 0. M., and KWONIN A. P,, Central Scientific Research Tnstitute of Technology w2d I4ac~_!_ZeZiG_13A_!nS "Stability of MaNg Stainless Steel in Sodium Flow" Moscow, Zashchita Metallov., vol, 6, xo 1, Tan-Feb 70,, pp 27-26 Abstract: The effect of the flow rate of sodium coolant in pmrer energy equipment on the corrosion-erosion resistance of steels at relatively 1w temperatures was studied. The tests involved washers of NhIBN9 austenitic steel. Sodium coolant was passed throu,7,h washer holes at flow rates of 25, 12-5, and 6-3 m/see for 1000 hrs. at 450':)C. The test data failed to show erosion on the specimens, -Ath the exception of one of the specimens involved. There vus neitber pitting nor local surface danage. Metallography revealed no damage itt the grain bmmdaries- Specimens with diffusion chromium plating or nitrided specimens showed no appre- ciable wear. It is concluded that the erosion effect of sodivam at temperatures up to 4500C and flow rates UP to 25 2/see on Kh18Nq staittless steels may be ignored in engineering calculations. USSR LJDC 539.4 LEVEI, YE.YE., I-CA=14131A A.D. KWATOV, P.S., GUREVICH, G.I., GMEERSOI4, I.G., IDBMAN, P.M., Hen i Research, Plarming, and Design Boiler and Turbine Institute imeni I.I. Polzunov "Some Results ol' Acceleration Tests of Disk Models Made of Steel EF 6311" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 2) 1972~ PP 113 -116 Abstract: The experinece of preparing and. testing disks with a diameter of 355 x 46 mm., made of ingots i-teighing 0.8 t~ is set forth for the first time. Steel-EPO'31 Twas melted in a 5-tIon electric.arc furnace li-ith Subsequent vacuum-arc remelting. The heat-treatment regime of the (lisks is presented, as weLl as their mechnicall pronerties in various directions, The resu.1ts of acceleration tests of two models of the disks of one of ttie t-arbo Machines are presented. "ests were carried out on disks without incisions., as well as on disks with "effective" incisions on the interm-1 dia=:!ter, 10 rma deep and with a curvature radius of 0.16' mm. The obtained resulta :;eztified 41-o the actual possibilities oIC preparing and using disks of the indicated size from steel I La-0 EP63' - 3 figur--5) 3 1 les, 9 'bibliographic entries.