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018 2 UNCLASIVFIED;~! PplotESSING DATE--020CT70 -._C"IRC ACCE~SSIQN NO-AP0107290 GP-0- ABSTRACT. A TEEMING COMPLEX HAS BEEN Af).3PTED ~FOR PRODUCTION OF PIG MG, INCLUDING A CONTINUOUSLY OPERATING FURNACE 1SALT HEATINGi ELECTROMAGNETIC CONDUCTION PUMPr AND A TEEAING CONVE-,"Y~ER CP DOMESTIC CONSTRUCT ION. THESE PARTS ARE ~DESCR FBED. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACE PRECLUDES MG FROM BEING IN CONTACT WITH THE LININ~ AND.THE ATM., PROVIDES FOR FAST AND UNIFORM HEATING OF MG TO THE ::KEQUIRED. T~~-MP.. AND MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO~MAINTAIN THAT TEMP. WITH A MIN. OF-ENEERGY.LOSSES. AS COMPARED TO THE LAR. FURNACE,JHE C04. 'PROTOTYPE -COULD-TAKE 1.5 TIMES AS MUCH MG. THE OPERATING TEMP. OF THE ELECTROLYTE AND MG IS TOO-IODEGREES; THE CURRENT IS 5:KA, AND THE VOLTAGE IS 30-40 V*,,THE CAPACITY FO THE HOPPER IS 6 TONSv:AND THE Ot. OF THE ELECTROLYTE (MGCL US82 10i KCL 60-70v NACL 10"151 AND GA CL SUB2,5-10PERCENT) IN THE FURNACE' IS 11-TONS. -THE- TEEMING OF; THC- REFINED;MG CAN BE- CARRIED OUT DURIN6 THE PURING IN OF THE MG RAW MATERIAL* THE'EtSENCE OF THE -~:~-REFINMG OP~ERATION CONSISTS IN SETTLING DOWN OF THE r-RFE, OR COMBINED _WITH HGOll CHLORIDE PARTICLES. IN:THE REFINED MG THERE IS LESS THAN 0.003PERCEIlT CL PRIME NEGATIVE. DURING THE SETTLINGIDOWNt THE EXCESS MAT. (IF I PEr- RELATIVE TO THE EQUIL. AMT,,:ALSO SCTTLE~$ DOWN. THE ADOPTJ.ON OP THE TEEMING COMPLEX MADE' IT OOSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE SP. 0.14SUMPT1.011- OF. ELEC* ENERGY BY 2.5 T IMES; 17 ALSO MADE IT POSSIBLE TO .~R EDUCE THE WASTE OF THE METAL AS WELL AS: OF LABOR. UNCLASSIFIED :Ylii,ta6l=~~~41,~r-i~.-I~3i~*-",-IK-~,~;f~I L USSR UDC 615-361.419-#03-.6i7-001.28-092.9 MMOVICH, G. A.,, SHOS-TICA, G. D., and CHAPLWXMk, Z. A., Leningrad 'Institute of Hematology and Blooi-4TWAPGron" " and Clinic of Internal Medicine First Ieningrad Yedlcal Institute imeni 1. P. Parlor arrow Hydrolysate on the Survival of Lethally Irradiated The Effec:t of Bone M abbits and on Some Hemopoietic Ind4-ceB Yx)sccv, Problemy Gematologii i Perelivaniya Krovi, Vol 15, No 6, Jun 70, PP 36-39 Abstinct: Four groups of rabbits were irradiated with 1,000 r. Me first gmip was Abe control; the second group was given bone marrow hydroljsate; the third group was given hydrolysate and neocompensan (polyvinylpyrrolidone); and the fourth groul) - neocompensan alone - Death rate Aas as follows: group. one-570; group two- 481%; group three-20,14; isroup four - the rvuw. an gmup one. Tx all anirrals reduction of lovels of blood elements and depression of hempoieuis wore- obilitrred. Chanies were.most pronounced in group one and lea-at in group two. Ingroup four leukopenis vas Oven Mre Mrked than in group one; nemompennan appamntlir amliorates the a, =a but does not prevent the development of jrrtuWution-tjnducord anerda. j M-P I Restoration of reticulocytes, in all aninals, began on the 1kth day after irradla- tioni,..It continued regularly In groups tvo andtthree; in group ono tbarestoration dropxd on the 21st day and in g2=p fmW it was de3ayed. In aU experiments with. 1/2 C/ C- USSR UDC 622.011.43 KAYDAROV, K. K., K K., KAYDAROV, K. K. On the Action of a Stratified Force on the Boundary of an Irclined Strat-ified, Massif Aliaa-wAta, 1--vestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Seriya No. 5, Sep/Oct 71, pp 50-53 Abstract: The effect of a concentrated force applied at the bo~kindanry of a space.on the stress state of too models of an elastic nassif is investigated and a solution to the problem is given. The two models of a finely strat--- --~d massif us;ed to study the effect of the magnitude of the angle of incid-~Incc alf roc. or, tructures are: (1) the massif is con- the stress and deformation state of s S~Ldered as a continuous homogeneous transversally isotropic body with an ill- Clined platie of isotropy and (2) the other model represents it as an isatropic _ed by noncontinuity of layer afflicson, The elasticity ErLratified body charact(~,ri.,, theory of an anisotropi.c body proposed by S. G. Lekhnifakiy is U~secl as the ha:;Is of the solution. isocurves of the stressed are givori a furict5cl) oF the angl.(- of the inclined plane of isotropy cf the cQntinuous ly i!,-otropic massif and of a massif with a discontinuous layer al--thp:3-on. i sjj th distances between gaps in the stress isolines tend toward Baos~,,Ihio:7q UNtL'ASSTF1 ED PROCE:~ING DATE--160CT70 l-_.rtnE--TWQ PRONG PI POSITIVE P INTERACTIONS AT 2,34 GEVpjC -Ll- .`,-A4THOR-f05)-ANGEL0V# N-S.t GRAMENITSKlYt I.M., KANALIKSX.LYe KH.M., ~e-:~,_'-~MOISEYEV, A.Mbo PROKES9 A. -' ~C OUNT RY 13 FINFO--USSR YAD. FIL. 1970, 11(3) 61-3-28 _40URCE E*.PUBLISHED------70 :--w P 'T SUBJ ECT -AREA S- P HY-S-1 C S -4ESON INTERACTION, HYDROGEN BUBBLE CHAMBERP PION. PROTON OPIC TJ-kGS PION PION INTEIIACTION,IEXCITATIUN CROS& SEC110N, QW I N 7 E R A C T I ON, NTUM RESONANC E PHENOMENON ~:CONTROLMAIRKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~~J)OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF(ED _--L-PROXY REEL/FRA44E--1991/1062 STEP NU--UR/0367170YO11/01'3/0613/0628 IS.C.faC ACCESSION N0-00110752 UNCLASSIFIED ......... 022 UNCLASSIFIED PRUCr-SSINI. DATE-16OCT70 ~"'CIP,C ACCESSION NO--AP0110752 JABSTRACI/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RESULTS ARE PRESENIVI) OBTAINED IN ~-,JHE AKAL. OF 17,000 2-PRONG P1 POSITIVE P INTERACTION EVEI-J'S SELECTED ~'FROM 1.501000,STEREOPHOTeGRAPHS TAKEN IN A. 40~-GM LIQ. H CHI-MBER --I!IRADI'ATED BY A SEPD. BEAM OF 2.34-GEV-C PI POSJTlVE~MESo,','S. THE ~PRQDUCTION GROSS SECTIONS AND PARAKETERS~ ARE fjETD. FOR THE P POSITIVE, N ~'_.POSITIVE.POSITIVE SUB1238, AND N PUSITIVE:1688 RESONANCES THE MECHA14ISM OF THE PRODUCT-LON OF THESE. AESONANCES IS STUDIEl' IN DETAIL* CjlOSS SECTION OF THE P1 PUSITIVE PI POSITIVETINTEkAr-TION IS INFERkEu ROM-JHE.: PI POSITIVE P YIELDS PI POSITIVE PI POSITIVE N ll*:.A(;Tl0N BY THE r DW)NA, ETHOD. FACILITY. NST. Yhf). IS~LED.r UNCLASSIFIEU~ PROCESS --30OCT70 -026 ING DATE -2 UNCLAS tFIED '~_-_i.:ItLE-_HISTULOGICAL PICTURE IN RAjUlAt-ION INDUCED REUNITES -U- GoGe. CCUNTRY OVINFG-USSR 1._~~.,SGURCE VESTNIK OFTALlMOLOGIlt 1970* NR 3w PP 63-66, DATE Ft8LZSHED--70 -SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TUPIC;TAGS-HLST0LOG.Y, RETINAt X RAY RADIATION BIOLOGIC LFFECTv RABHTv ~ZANGLION. CON TR OL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS- DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED i-~.,-PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/OLL7 STEP NO-UR/0357/7D/000/003/0063/0066 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0129373 UNCLAS&IF-IED 026 UNCLASS'IF E0. PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOLZ9373 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF PENETRATING RADLNTION ON THE EYE RETINA AT VARIOUS PERIODS OF RALILArIGN SICKNESS STUDIED. ADULT RABBITS WERE SUBJECTED TO A WHOLE BODY X RAY IRRADIATION (800 R). THE RESULTING MOOELS~-OF RADIATION INDUCED RETINITES BROUGHT EVIDENCE THAT BY VIRTUE OF THIER,ONTO AND HISTOGENETIC DEVELCIPMENT THERE WAS A LATENT PERIOD OF THE LESIOIJ IN EACH ONE OF THE RETINAL LAYERS. INTERSTITIAL SUBSTANCE Of THE RETINA KAS THE FIRST TO SUFfER. FURThER INVOLVEMENT OF.INDIVIOUAL RETINAL LAYERS BORE A RETROGRADE NATURE. RETINAL LAYERS WHICH AS A RESULT OF THEIR HISTOGENESIS DEVELOPED AT A LAT~-R OATE:AND WERE, MORE# OVER YOUNG, SUFFERED EARLIER. THE OLDEST AND FORMELY,MATURATFD STUCTURES OFFERED MORE RESISTANCE. IN THE GAGLIONIC RETINAL LAYERFIRST TO SUFFER WERE VLNE MEDIUM SIZED NUCLEI, W14EREAS THE BIG ONES OFFERFO'GREATER IT COULD BE DEMONSTRATED THAT THE I RESISTANCE. NVOLVEPIENT OF THE RETLNAL LAYERS PROCEEDED IN AN ORDER wHICH WAS INVERSE,OF THEIR DEVELOPMENT* WHILE RESTORATION REPEATEDiTHE PROCESS OF THEIR DEVELOPMENT DURM ONTOGENESIS.- IN THE TREATMENT ATTEMPTS WERE MADE TO 13 FACILITY: "USE- DITHICLE CONTAINING A SULFOGROUP iSO 'SU 31. , AZERSAYDZHANSKIY NAUCHNU-LSSLED. INSTITUT OFTALfMOLOGIL, BAKU. UNCLASSIFIED ITSSR LTDC 581.132 KANCHAVELI, L. A., Academician of the Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, and -1UM=rX, G. -T.-, Ceorgian Institute of Plant Protectiort "Interrelationship Between Photosynthetic Activity and Incidence of Disease in Plants" 'Tbilisi, Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk Gruzifiskoy SSR, Vol 64, No 2, 1971, pp 469-472 Abstract: Electronic paramagnetic resonance (EFR) determinations were per- formed in tobacco leaves, healthy and with mosaic virus, and.on lemon leaves, healthy and with malsecco fungus wilt. In:heal.thy leaves, the intensity of the EPR signals in red light was higher by a factor of 3-4 than in darkness. In diseased leaves, that increment.amounted to only 1.5.' The difference is due to a disturbance in photosynthetic processes in some portions of the leaves. After appropriate chemotherapy with drugs containing Fe and Mg, the rise in EPR signal intensity in red light became almout normal. Evidently, these compounds restore the Tzetabolism of mitoc-hondria, chloroplasts, and microsomes. With additional illumination, the-EPR signals in healthy plants th de were.35% less intense than in red light al.6ne (Ervirson affect., whic pends an the proper functioning of two photo systeiits), while in diseased leaves 1/2 2/2 - - ---- - - 0-14 Ll' si I R ddts s I NG DATE-- p -3PECTROPHOTOMETRIC STUDY OF; THE. REACTLON OF aiSMUTH:WITH -BLUE -U- YL-THYMOL AilTti()R- 03 -K ARADAK OV 9 B.9 NENOVA# Pet ""LA t Do tWITRY OF 114FO--USSR ~~.:.SOURCE-"ZH. NEORG.,KHIM. 19709 15(2) 417-23 PUBLISHED -- - --- TO '5UBJECT AREAS--CHE141STRY TOPIC TAGS--SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYS[St BISMUTH9 _~___14ETAL COMPL.E)( COMPOUND, CHEMICAL STABILITY '~:CGNTROL MARKING--NIO RESTRICTIONS :'~_DDCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .~,-PIZQXY REEL/FRAMF--1987/0777 8SEP70' CHEMICAL INUICATOR, STEP NO--UR/0076/70/015/002/0417/0423 CIRC A-CCFSSION NO--AP0104223 2/2 014 UNCLASSIff ED' PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104223 :.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE STUDY CONFIRMED THAT BI (111) FORMS WITH METHYLTHYMOL BLUE (H SUB6 R)~Z COMPLEXES, (BI(H SUB3 R)l 1,11 AiW - I B I (H SUB4 R) SUB2) PRIME NEGATIVE 1111). STAULITY CONSTS. (BETA) VARE: LOG BETA SU1311 EQUALS 12.49 AND LOG BETAiSUB131 EQUALS 44*65 FOR 11 LOB BETA SUB12 EQUALS 5.60. 89 --UN C-LAS S-1-Fl E 0- USSR UDC 537-551 UNUCHEV, N.M., KANCHEVA, IsR., EIRSANCII-A, T.S* 'Effect Of Ion Bombardment On Th2rmmoemission Properties Of An Alloy Of ',Iith Barium" Palladium Elektron. telchnil7la. Elehtron SVCh (Electronic Technology. Scientific-Technical Coll-action. ',~-.crowave Electronics), 1970, loeue 12, _nP -131-133.(from RZh--E1s1.Ltronika _i yeye prineneqiye, No 4, April 1971, Abstract No 4A7) Translation: The effect of bombardment by argon icna on the emission proper- ties of an alloy of Pd plus 1.5-percent 19a~vias investigatad In the teraverature intervsl 900--12001 K With densities of ion curront of 10-7--io-5, zi/ciJ' and enargy of. the ions of 2 kev. Ion bomarInvnt leads to a id6crease of t'he work A function. On discontirriation of the bombard nt the ar'ginal. emission proper- 4hor's Obstruct. 'ties of the alloy are restored. Aul. -USSR KANCHURIN, A. Kh., Moscow "Immunology of Postvaccinal (Rabies Vaccination) Encephalomyelitis" Moscow, Problemy Immunologicheskoy Reaktivnosti 1. Allergii (Problems of Immunological Reactivity and Allergy), Moscow, "Meditsina," 1971, pp 245-252 tbstract: Development of clinical manifestations of disease during development of sensitization to intermediate antigens contained in the Fermi rabies vaccire uras studied. Seven cases of nerve complications in children after rabies vac- cination were considered. The complement-fixing antibodies for different anti- gens were investigated in the serum of the patients, The basic antigen was a saline-aqueous extract of Fermi rabies vaccine (from the brain of a rabbit infected with fixed rabies virus). The drop in activity of the complement is presented as a function of days from the study of the serum camplement-fixing antibodies in a patient with rabies- Induced . encephalomyelA tis. and in another patient during the course of rabies vaccination. Comparison of data obtained with results of studying the pathogenesis of experimental. rabies encephalomye- :Litis indicates the generality of the immunologic processes of development of pathologic processes. In both cases afterinjection of the. rabies vaccine sensitization to the intermediate antigens contained in the inoculated compound .1/2 US SR KANCHURIN, A. Kh., Problemy Immunologiches.koy Reaktivnosti i Allergii, "Meditsina," 1971, pp 245-252 is pronounced. As a result, a toxic complex of the intermediate antigen and the.corresponding antibody is formed. With increased pemeability of the blood-brain barrier, this complex can be sorbed on the nerve tissue. Thus, damage to normal nerve tissue takes place and,chain auto-allergic processes develop in the nerve tissue, manifested clinically in the form of disseminated encephalomyelitis. 2/2 IJ USSR UDC 616X32-002-022-7 (B. pertussis)- ON.'9-052:616-15-M -5 ICUCHURO. A. 191-., and ZOTINA, M. M., Allergy Laboratory,T rnstitute of Vaccines i m-d S-er=M-ai-T. I. Ylechnikow, Moscow "The,Role of Serum Antibodies in the Pathogenesis of Expq-,ftental Pertussis Encephalomye-litis" Moscow, Patolo.-icheskaya Fiziolagiya i EksperimentallneLya T~-rapiya, Vol 14, zio 4 Jul/Aug 70, pp l2-16 Abstract: Experimental allergic encephalorVelitia, a good model for demyeliniz- Jmg diseases of the hurran nervous systeir(including postvaccinal. encephalornyeli- tis), was induced in guinea pies by injecting them with homoloj~,ous nerve tissue containing whooping cough bacteria. Two types of antibodies were found in the vera of sensitized anirrals: cy-totoxic and complement-fiAing. Mhe dynamics of the two differed during the development of the disease, Cytotoxic, complement- dlzpeendent antibodies appear,!d with clinical symptoms of the disease and dis- appeared wiien the animls recovered. Camplement-fixing antibo(iles were found -w-hen the clinical symptoms were pronounced, but did not disappear when the animals recovered. A cytotoxic factor detected in anina1sera during the :Lncu- tation period disappeared with the appearance of clinical symptoms. It is 2/2 019, UNCLASSI F IED pRoitiESSI~NG ATE--l60dT70 .1 CROB ES ATLE"A STUDY. OF ENCEPHALOGENIC ACTIVITY,.O PERTUSSIS m A FF E RENT ANIMALS -U- 1, H -(02)-KANCHURIN, A.KH.f POLKGVNIKOVA# T-F- ~4w OR, 'FO- USSR ...dOUNTRN* OF I k 1970, VOL 69t ,SOURCE--6YULL_E-TENf EKSPERIMENTALINOY SIOLOGII I MEDITSINY,l PP 4d-50 ,11ATt PU13L f.SHeo ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS-BLOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -AGS-WHOOPING COUGH, WHITE MOUSEt ANTIGENi ENCEPHALOMYELITIS _XaNTROL MARK I NG--jNO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UINCLASSIFIED ~._OROXY REEL/FRAlIE-1999/0292 STEP NU--UR/02,19/70/0691005/0048/JO50 CIRC ACCESSION NU-AP012249"t WN 'I LASS I F I ED- USSR UDC: 681.3.o6:51 GANEYEEV, D. G., GIGLAVYY, A. V. S M(MTAZI, R. F., MIJUIINA, V. N., NEPOCHATYKE, D. P., SURIiou, R. V. "An Operational System Oriented for Use in the ASUP Management Systems for ASVT Computer Systems Models" Tr. N.-i. i proyelitn. in-ta Do vnedreniyu vychisl. tekh-n. v nar. kh-vo (Works of the Scientific Research and Design Institute on Introducing Com- puter Technology Into the Nationaltconom'y), 1970, vyp. 5, PP 36-44 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract'No 11V837) Translation: The paper describes the fundamental principles which lie at the base of development of a small operational system designed for use in the development and operation of ASUP automated systems for management of enter- prises with production of discrete type based on an aggregatized system of computer facilities (ASVT). An ASVT mnemocode witb a set of macro- commands is used as the programming language in the proposed operational system. The principal functions, make-up and working:singularities of the operational system are presented. V. Mikheyev. ,-.212 019 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--16OCT70 :CIRC ACCESSION ',40--AP0122494 ::A6STRA6'T/EXTRACT--(U1 GP-0- ABSTRACT. A(INGREL GUINEA PIGS, kAP81[TS, 10 RATS AND ALBINO MICE WERE SENSITIZED N11H PE-`11TUS'NIS -',1IC--1C3E:S IN ALB IN EXPLI A IN OIL MIXTURE iflTti GEKtrif'AL ANTIGEN. A TYPICAL E mIMENTAL ALLIEKGiC IN U P 0 N ENCEPHAL".1YELITIS DEVELGRED IN GUINEA PIGSt RA3611'S 4;,JD RATS. CONFkONTATIO.% OF FHE ENCr-PHALITIC ACTIVITY OF PERTUSSIS MICROBES IT WAS - THAT jJUINEA PIGS PR#JVFD TO BE THE IMOST SENSITIVE. RABBITS Ar4D FOUNIG .;.,.CARATS WERE LESS SENSITIVE. ALBINO MICE 4EPE RESISTA.NT TO EXPERIMENTAL 1AYLLI TI S. FACILITY: 1. M. MIECHNIKOV VISTITUTE ALLERGIC ENCEPHALL OF VACCINES AND SERA, MOSCOW. USSR UDC 616.831-006-085.832.9 KANDEL,f E. I. and BIYEZINI, 0. A.i, Institute 'of Neurology, fo'tc=em74ti~Medical Sciences USSR 'ICTyosurgery of Brain Tumors in Man" Moscow, Voprosy Neyrokhirurgii, Vol 1, Jan/Feb 71, pp 3-9 Abstract: Cryosurgery is gaining acceptance as a preferred method for the treatment of brain tumors, because it is simpler, faster, and yields equal or better results than conventional surgery. The authors used an inproved stereotaxic instrument for cryosurgery of gliomas and neningiopas on SO atients. p Cryoextirpation was performed on superficial tunors, cryodestruc- tion- on deep tumors, and a combination of both pracedures was used on diffuse nodular tumors. A Ion'-tern followur, of the. 9 patients revealed good results. Experimental studies were.done on laboratory animals to investigate.postoperitive histology. It was found that cryodestruction is succeede4 by dissolution and resorption of the necrotized tumor, With subsoquent formation of a harmless cyst. Deep-freezing destroys capillaries, however, without causing hemorrhages- Larger blood vessels itith well 112 USSR KANDELIP E. I. and BIYEZIINI, 0. A-, Voprosy Neyrokhirurgii, Vol 1, Jan/Feb 71, pp 3-9 developed connective tissue in their walls are temporarily blocked by ice thrombi; upon thawing, normal blood circulation resumes. The.method -is promising; and worthy :of further investi- gation and expansion. 2/2 Ile Ref. Code:* UR 0246' Ace. 11r: AP0047163 1970# PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Pelikhiatriip Vol 70, Nr 2 pp M-/I/ MATH EINIAT ICAL PROGNOSIS 0FiQQTgQMLjN_ftE&QRR.F~AGlC 52&QKL5-WlTH TIRE PURP6-SC OF 5ETERMINING INDICATIONS TO SUR.GICAL, TREATMENT Gelfand, I. M., Guberman* S. A.;~ Lpvekova M. L.; N ev, D. K. V I.; Lebedeva, V.: Lun ra I. F.; Chebotareva, N. R, Nikolayeva, F. The purpose of the convened study Nvas to elaborate methods of mathematical pro-anasis in hemorrhagic strokes to define the indications to surgical treatment. The authors an;~Iyzed 124 case histories (52 case histories of livin.4 patients and 72 "se histories of deceaiq'd) with hemorrhages into the brain heinisphere, following hypertensive, diseate and atljemscleroiis. In Such cases 56 i(crI15 were cooii(lered which were [lie most sigilificat lor pro 4nosi ng, hcnior- rhagic stroke,,. Among thuni were different clinical qmptow5 i)nd their dc~vloprnent (1mring 12 hours after adfnizizJon to hospitaIG. An analysis of dwse items permitted to establisb a cpr- recl, prognosis in relation Io survival during the first 5 days with exactneis to 95%. The next stagre, of tbe study presurnes an elaboration of metho& for progiiasi 5 of hemorrhagic!, strokes in surgical treatm ent. This may be of aid in deciding the expaOieicy of operations In e.-:-,h separate case. -2 REELIFRAME 19790657 USSR UDC 550.8-1 I., KAYWZ, L. K., YUTM'-L', YA. M. and ETFR!, -DV, YU. P. TOROpEr S. 1. ~'A Penduluma for Gravimetric Measurements" "6443, Filed 26 J~il TI, hiblivI).Q11 16) Jun 73' USSR Author's Certificate 36 (froin 0-11',hn-rtiya, Izbbreteniya, Pron,-,~shlennrje (Tbraztsy,. Tovarxnyye Zim-1-:1, ITO 7, Mar (a) 73, Claim Nb 1686077/26-25) Translation: A nendulux.-i for gravimetric i-,.~easurer,.-tents, containLmr a shaft -v.JLIUIL supporting and movinG r.-~aszive carriers, di'stinguished Ijy the, fact that, in order to increase tile aw~.iracy cir' measure, ft is made in t! e c-f wlrltj the sha a sleeve vith a catch also se~ on one of the carriers USSR UDC: 519.2 "Concerning Some Inequalities for Distribution in Hilbert Space" 'Tri XTychisl. tsentra. AN GruzSSR (Works of the Computing Center. Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR) 972 11, No 1, pp .58-61 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No M, Oct 72, abstF-act No 1OV-0 by V. Sazonov) Translation: Let r be a normal random quantity with values in the separable Hilbert space H with zero mean, and covariational operator s. Let us use the notation-Xi, X2,-.- to designate the eigenvalues of operator s arranged in decreasing order, and each counted as many times as its multiplicity, and let el, e2, ... be the corresponding eigenvectors. It is shown that if lir is the operator of projection onto the space tranveTsed by vec- tors el,..~.Pery then 1/2 , . 1 .1 I . 1, 1 V.V, ~ MW J*Tmu NO 5 P]MVINT M "I' , 4 ''-r 0 141_1-111ZTII,~ 1 M W-111H.Hoo 11,41-mll-OHR, i -.1 Q 'it UDC 577.4 USSR KANDELAKI. 11. P. TSEVTSVADZE, G. N. tic it onvergence Rate of Asymptotically Optimal Series of Automata V sb. Avtomaty, gibridn. i unravlyayushch.. mashiny (Automata, Hybrid and Con- trol Machines -- collections of works) , floscmi, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 46-50 .(from RZ11-Ribernetika, No 7, Jul 72, Abstract No 7V365) Translation: The results are presented which are connucted deterr.Anation of the rate of convergence of the states of asymptotically opUt-,al aut(ymaLa to ftlia ra, gned by final probabilities: L designed by 11.# L. Tse nd 1) dcs~ 2n,2 2a~2 V. I. Krinskiy. 17 USSR UDC 519-21 and. CMNTLADOE, T. L. -949LEW14 t-N. P. "Stochastic Solution of Differential Equations in Hiltert State" Tr. Vychisl. tsentra. AN GruzSSR (Transactions of the Computer Center Qf the Georgian SSR Academy of Sciences)i Vol -10s 1970,,Iio 21 pp 25-34 (from Refera- tivnyy Zhurnal Matematika,,Xo 8, Aug 71, Abstract No BV127 by M. Nevellson) Iranslationt Theorems are derived for the existencep uniquvness, and 'differentiability relative to initial S;ix conditions of the solution (t) of a stochastic integral equation in HilbertZpace. Further, as usualla certain functional dependent on is"iconstz-1ated, and it is Proven that it is a solution of the corresponding partial di:rferential equation, USSR UDC: 519.2 CHANTLADZE, T. L. "Concerning the Langevin Equation in an Infinite Space" Ty. Vychisl. tsentra AN GruzSSR (Works of the Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR), 1972, 11, No J, pp 62-64 (from RZh-Kibernetika,.No:l0, Oct 72, abstr'g-ct No by V. Sazonov) Translation: Let H be a separable Hilbert space, 8 a bounded Ainear operator in H, and Ws -- a Wiener process with values in H with correlation operator s. It is shown that if the oper- T ators s and B are interchangeable, and the operator 0 +~ (T is the transposition sign) is positive'definite and has an inverse, then the covariation operator st of the solution of the gener alized,Langevin equation d~, C0, 1/2 Fl-rl~ I ~7 I MEN USSR uDc-. 629.1-032 LMVMY, A. A., KANDELYA. M. V., Main Specialized Design Office on Ma- chines for the Far Baster==ne "A Caterpillar Track" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tov-a~e Znaki, 'No 10, Apr 72, Author's Certificate No 331959, Division B, filed 9 Jan 70, published 14 Mar 72, P 58 ~Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a caterpillar track designed chiefly for self-propelled harvesters operatinr,, in rice fields. The track contains a frame, an endless caterpillar tread, a drive wheel, guide vheels, support rollers and balance& support carriages fastened to the frame by rotating levers. As a distinguishing featvre of the patent, in order to improve tracking on very rough, terrain and to reduce impact loads, the rotating levers for the-lbalanced carriages are interconnected throu4gh a hinge-and-lever system with,an elastic element, 183 USSR UDC: 534.11:533.6.013.42 Ka d kNOV_,&r, Kuhiris ocYtevskiy, S. A. "Use of Method of Finite Elements for Investigation of Rending and Twisting Flutter'on an Analog Computer" Kazan', Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebynkh Zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika, No 1, 1972, pp 43-50. Abstract: The method of finite elements is used to study, the dymanics of a straight, long-span wing in a subsonic flow of air using an analog computer. The use of a simple model of finite elements allows the' number of operational elements of the analog computer to be reduced by a factor of 1.5 in comparison with a finite difference model with the same accuracy of frequency determination. A system of equations is developed which describes the oscillations of the wing. A method of solving these equations b%r the analog computer is also developed. As an exwnple, the oscillations of a homogeneous wing are studied, the wing represented by a model of four finite el6fflents. The analog computer produces the frequencies and forms of natural oscillatilons of thJs wing in a vactrim and in a flow, and the trajectory of natural valuIas ag tj)(,~ flow yelocits, is changed. 1/1 -777- 77, Ar, *0044744 UR- 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, section II Electrical, Der-went, Y70 241734 LIQUID RECQRDER is mounted In,a feeder tank which is by a partitlon iwtwoz parts. The upper part contains a chart fe*dmechanism and the lower part is filled with water and carries a float with an arm,and pen.. An airtube Oamunic- ate$ from above the water .. Ievel; Qf the 101wer -Pao to the water level of t .he main tank and wate'r'from the feed tank vill be stoppsd from:14oving thie4atter as soon as the main rAnklevel has covered the lower opening of the Air tube. 29.1.68 as 1213868/18-10. N.V. ~ANILCHENW et slia4: LAZAKH-WATER SUPPLY RES.INST.: (2.9.69) Bul 14/ 18.4.69. class 42e. Int.Cl.r. Ol: f. 19771501 t-- Irl r Kazakhskiy.Na no.- lssledovatel'sk~j Institut Vodnogo Khozyaystva 1977,1502 0 12 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE-300CT70 CARBONYLS AS INHIBITORS OF RADICAL CHALN.REACTIONS OF ORGANOSULFUR COMPOUNDS -U-- PETROVAr. R.G.w PETROVSK[Y., P.V., TERENTYEV, FREMIN A . 8 R.KH. ~'-,~_COUNTRY OFANFO~USSR SOURCE-OOKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970t l9lii~Ut (CHEM) ATE IIUBLISHED-70 S B`J E C.T AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-IRON COMPOUND, CARBONYL COMPOUNOt ORGAN14; SULFUR COMPOUNDt ALKENE9 CHAIN REACTION `:tCNTRCL PARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -DUCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME-200010698 STEP NO--UR/0020/7L)/191/i)04/0835/0838 ACCESSIGN NO-AT01243TO .'2/Z 0 12 UNCLASSIFIED PR'DCEScl.NG DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AT0124370 'ABSTRACT/EXTRAcT-tu) Gp-o- ABSTRACT. HEATING MIXTS. OF UNSATO. SULFIDES .AND PHSH WITH FECCO SUB5 (1) (0.5 MOLE~PERCENT) IN SEALED AMPULS AT SODEGREES OR 150DEGREES 10 HR WAS USED AS THE TECHNIQUE FOR STUDYING THE EFFECT OF THE CARBONYL ADDITIVE ON THE REACTION. I INI-1181TED THE RADICAL ADDN. OF PHSH TO THE OLEFINS. :THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE INDICATED OLEFINS IN:THE PRESENCE (ABSENCE) OF 1; PHSCH:CH SUB2 10OPERCENT MECH (SPH) SUB2 (10OPERCENT (PHSCH SUB2) SUB2): PHSCPH;CH SUBZ 1000PERCENT-MEC(SPH) SUB2 PH (56PERCENT PHSCHPHCH SUS2 SPH~A ND 27PERCENT MECISPHI SU02 PH); AND MEC(SPH) SU82 PH 100PERCENT NEI REACTION TOOK PLACE WITH OR WITHOUT FEIC13) SU85 141TH PHSF AND MECH(SPH) SUB2. FORMATION OF:PHSCHPHME ABOVE.R.ESULTED FROM ADDN. OF PHSH IN ACCORD WITH THE MARKOVNIKOV RULE,~AND CONVERSION OF THE -.-,MERCAPTAL INTO THE FINAL PRODUCT OCCURRED BY LOSS OF PHS RADICAL, WITH AFEECOI-SUB5 INHIBITING THE RADICAL ADDN. OF-PHSH OT THE ORIGINAL OLEFINIC SULFIDE* FACILITY: XNST.~ELEMENTODRG. SUEDINs M05COW, -.US,SR* 1/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED P )CESSING DATE--20'kliOV70 RL -A COPIbliNATIUN ii[TH HEAT T I*TLE STLMY OF THE MFL' J,-,'qCE OF V18RATIGN AND t'r LUL -U- T hE PLRIPHERAL ClkL jiTIGN (02) 1 S TAL I VAINOVA 19T. CU N, T R YGF INFC--USSR SCmU.rACE--bY(;LLLTEtj' EKSPERI,"~ENTALINOY 8 ICLGG I II MEDtf-SIN.Y., 1970, VOL- 49, -29 PP Zb DA TE PLBLISHEG ~:,SUB9JECT AkEAS-"b10LGGICAL AiND MEDICAL SCIEPI'CES 0 P I CTAGS--b(GLOGIC VU)RATION EFFEcr, PHETHYSMOGRAPHY1 BLOOD CIRCULATION AAR&ING-N-9 kESTRICTIGNS OCCUMEM CLAS'7--UiNCLASSltAf--D Pg(',XY 51'EP NO--k)R/0219/'tf)/Ott9/006/0026/()02') N0--APrl3l2-l-m -l t, Ej UNCLASSIFIE6 Pi4C)CE-"[~'(; DATE-20NOV70 I-XTiZACT-N) Gi'-C,- An 5 T-\ C tJ i"! D I T I (),") S u 'ACT. I N ki,\ P E R I H EN T A L '4 HEZALrHY jp~f~Sr,,~,S IHE A'jTliLlRS:"T:-,!)IED TH~- EFFECT (F LUCAL v I J R A f I C (f i~E~~UENCY , 5 ~--- C Y C L E S P L S f-z(; UND v AM P L ITO D E r IJ . 7 W I I TH THE AID Gr' UCCLUSIGiN P;t:ltiYS~l0Gi'APHY IN OURCHIS M0,011-LCATION ANO t-SCOPY IT ,:AS fHAT V16RATICN CECREASES THE VULUME AND a CAP[LLA4'- ATE INCE0 QUANTITY OF Fu~icrtom-'\iG OF BLL~;L; liNFLO'N At\o ouri'LOA, CAUSES A:PE -PILLA' ILS ANJ OPACIfjc.:~rIGN OF Till- CAPILLAROSCOPIC BACKGRUUND. HEAT USEG. GUR*I*j6 V16,RATION (i-L'i,, GF fHCCbl,0*;lCT SUR14'A"E UP TO T ING 40~-.43DEGI~EESC) ELIMIN;vrLi OR REDIJCES TFE VASOCONSTRICTOR EFFECT OF THE V16RATICN. FAL I L I TY: I NSTI YL T~. OF RAI LRO-AD HYGI ENE - IMIOS COW . 1 1, T1-1 j U Q U. 3 SKR 13-C L d V., All Union Scier~ if" c He-carc;-. Znstitute 'a an ;(-U,. iOR Chief' '.e-4-- al and Sanita'ry,,, --C 11' he Ef I ct Of VJ ration and Vibration Combired With Hoat On the Perip-Jeral Cir- aulatio-11, -Oscow, Byulletent 'z-sper-;meritallno Biologii i 11-le d it s iny,o 19,70, pc 26-29 A y Absitract: Vibration applied to the hand5 (frec.uency .10 I:iz, of 11' hl;xan sub-ec~s chzrges in t4-.v blood su-mly, a.-~, -:uded by t., pi~lsrJ Wclve, Of :'Unc~~ionin, capillaries, VOLL-72 an,' raLa Qf, ':7~! Of ducreaseq, bolmg oritirial .1,vo-, CH7;411t~-naou 1~7f, Of '-aat zx-face .~o 4 0 Z lished the Ivasoconstri---or affect Of vibration. T'.:.4 sJf fect of vi bra Cr. or, Mne tOqO Of I tle perliuharal ves,sels --%s purely local and woxili no,~- ro,-u-.L~~ from vibza--iom 6=-. lrYed- a-, 0zher Poin-, z;s of apulica-tjon. UDC 331,02.001-33 YARM,-EM, YE. U.. and ROZANOV, L. S.,Jnstitute of Labor Hygiene ani Cccupational Diseases, Acade.,my of P-edical. Sciencus USSR, amd Institute of the Hyg~ene of Railroad T=sportation "Principles of Classlf3lmg Work 'by Strenuousness, Hamftulresn, and Dang--ir" H'wcowr Gigiyena Truda I Prof essiorAl' nyys Zabolevardya, No 3, 1972, pp 4-12 Abstractt Modern irdustrial. jobs are classified into four categories -- licht, nedium, heavy, and very heavy -- on the basis of the folh)wing criteriss physical power (expressed in watts and exerted by each part of the body as well as the minum weigh-1 of objacts lifted)l 8"TLUO I (J.n kg/2ec, exortod on each part of "the lxxly as vell m work postum and fmodoa Cl' Vov(.MC1it); and Izychic tersion vith nuch r-mbeatogorim an attent'sAin 11'numter of iml:ortant objects olx~arved slaultaneously, ;, duration of concentrid,cd a1tention, duration of active o1ra-rationp avorage number of informfAon aif-pialn observed por hr, wxl emotional tonuion), number of tho shlftt anIL1,Y-Sift Of Vi'M1,11 and aiAitary food"cackt vol=e of operative memorit lutelloobual difficulty, and nonctony. The irAustrial enrizora-ent. is claositied. int-tu eielt cla-stss (from opluimun to dange-rout.) according to tiIio following criterlas tenparatum and hur-kidity (cooling and heating the body); concentration *;f toxic s-ubstamcasl concentration of Industrial dustl.intensity of electxic ind mq1netic fte*lds, and industrial noise and vibration. F 112 .029 ULNCL AS ST F I E~D PROCESSING DATE-02OCT70 T. ITLE---T H ECONTRACTILE FUNCTION OF THE HEART IN EXPERIMENTAL _U IN RABBITS ~~,AUTHOR-(02)-XANDRORI V.I., SALAKHOVA, N.,S. i:~L_C(JUNTO OF tNFO-USSR ;7..;SDURCE--BYULLETEN' EKSPERIMENTALINOY BIOLOGII I MEDITSINY, t970, VOL 69f -47- NR 4 PP PUBL ISHEU-----70 ~"'.SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~-__TCPIC TAGS--HEART, RABBIT, THYROID GLANDIV ENDOCRINE SYSIE.11 DISEASE? MY9CARDIUM, BODY FATIGUE ~[STpjf_fj~~ S L L~CLIFRAME-19s8/1510 STEP NO--LIR/02li?/70/Obg/004/OJ47/0k)!iI CIRC ACLLSS10% Nful--AP010o33~41 1_1 SS-1 WNW i a T 2Z 029 UNCL ASS I F I ED' PaOCESSING OATE--020CT70 'CIRC ACCESSION NG-AP0106336 :-ABSTRACTlEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A PROLONGEO THYqC'(DIN ADMINISTRATION TO RABbITS LEADS TO A SHARP INCREASE JF INDICES OF THF CARDIAC CONTRACTILE FU14CTION 04AXIMAL PRESSURE AND M~XIIAIAL I~ATE OF ITS INTI:-NSIFICATION IN THE LEFT VENTRICLEt OPIE'S TENSIOA T I M cINDEX). THE NUMBER OF FUNCTIONS PERFORMED BY EACH MASS OF THE MY(ICARD[UM ALSO RISES. THE FUNCTIONAL RESERVE OF THE HEART, CALCULATED AS A RAT13 BETWEEN THE MAXIMALLY ATTAINABLE FUNCTION IN CONDITILONS OF ISOVOLUMETRIC C:3,s4TRr%CTI0N AND THE REAL FUNCTiON DECREASESp T14E CURVES OF FATIGUE OF THE CARDIAC mUSCLE TESTIFY TO THIS EFFECT. 114TENSIFICATION OF THE SEVERITY OF THE PATHOLOGY IS NOT ATTENDED BY FURTHER INCREASE OF THE CARDIAC CONTRACTILE ~~FUNCTION. THE CONTRACTIBILITY OF THE MYOCARDIUM,;WHICH INCREASES AT -'.-EARLY:STAGES OF THYROTOXICOSISs WITH PROGRESS OF THE LATTER DECLINES TO CONTROL LEVEL. I I Tj I a KT r- F -ri _U2 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING OATE--160CT70 .-TITLE--ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE. STATE OF VEGETATIVE NERVES IN EXPERIMENTAL THYROTOXICOSIS _U_:. r~AUTHOR-(03)--GOLBERt L.M.i KANDRORv,:v4l*t SHAKHNAROVICH, V.M. %now-'7" 7, :COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :,._S0URCE--BYULLETE,N EKSPERIMENTALINOY BIOLOGIL I MEDITSINYr 19707 VOL 69, NR 5': PP- 35-Sa 0 AT EPUBLISHED------70 .:_~~S,UBJECT -ARE-AS--BIOLOGIC-AL AND-14EDI-CAL SCTENCES PIC.TAGS--TfiYROID GLANOv ENDOCRINE SYSTEM DISEASEi~ GANGLION# -BIOPOTENTIALt NERVOUS SYSTEMP:ELECTROP.AYSIOLOGY t-.lC0NTRl)L MARKING--NO R~STRICTWNS I.--00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ROXY.REEL/FRAME-1998/0065 STEP NO--UR/0219/70/069/005/0035/0038 ."CIRC ACCESSION P40--AP0120765 E! L) T T 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--16OCT70 CIRC*ACCESSION NO--AP0120765 ;-.-ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AgSTRACT. PROLONGED ADMINISTRATIOiN OF THYRODINE TO RABBITS IS ATTENDED BY INTENSIFIED EXCITATION OF MEGETATIVE NERVES AND SUPERIOR CERVICAL SYMPATHETIC GAN~LION. THE ....AMPLITUDE OF ACTION POTEiNTIALSo AS WELL AS THE L[Aa[LITY AND FUNCTIONAL RESISTANCE OF THE GANGLION DECREASE. ~WITH THE PROGRESS OF THE SEVERITY ..OF THYROTOXICOSIS IN ANIMALS ONE COULD -14ORE FREOUENTLY INDUCE THE PHENOMENON OF POST TETANIC POTENTIATION OF THE SYMPATHETIC GANGLIONJ HOWEVER THE DEGREE OF THIS POTENTIATION IS LESSER rHAN IN CONTROL ANIMALS. THE AUTHORS PUSTULATE-THE DEPENDENCE OF THE REFERRED TO CHA14GES UPON SHIFT OF THE MEMBRANE POTENTIAL OF EXCITATION FORMATIONS AT THE BASIS OF WHICH LIE INADEQUATE ENERGY SUPPLY OF PROCESSES OF CkEATION OF TRANSMEMBRANOUS CATION GRADIENTS, FACILITY:' INSTITUTE OF ~i,,,-,.EXPERIMENTAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AWHORMONAL CHEMISTRY THE ACADEMY OF OF ~MEDJCAL SCIENCES OF THE USSRt MOSCOW* --Uf,,Ir -A-C-C L11,25 1 r -1--D L 2'. 6 2-t2 U,%C L AS S IF P: 0 PRUCkS S 1"l.; G DAl'E--20--'lC!V70 T ;-_;F 5011F. ".'ETAbGLlTLS I-N T li :ENE NGY SUPPLY OF IH& TliYi%OTL-!XfC ri E ilk k T-U- L., KANURCIRo V I t'SKURA TUVSKAYA L. N. ._:,:,c cLN'; r RY, --U- 1 N F C-- U S SK 5 %('. EhCe ENOOKK INUL 16(31 77 80 1970, -GATE; PUIL ISHED--70 .'SUE5-JECT Ae.E/,S--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES --ENDOCRINE SYSTEM UISEASE, TF.YROID GLANDt 6LOOD CHEMfSl*RYv TCPIC TAGS ot FATTY ACID, KETONEt MYOCAROJUM, LIB 11) 10,ETIAB 0 L I S NAMING ACID ;'iETA6cjLIsM 'I RICL RESTRICTIONS DOOMI-NI CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEU p f~XY REEL/Fj-lAHE--3C(3b/C.278 STEP ~4U~-UR/05t)2/70/016/OG3/0077/0080 PCCESSIU, Nu--APOI 34083 + -77 PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 212 c z UINC LA5 S I F I ED C I RC. AiccLss Ic"'. ANG-Apo I J14,083 A 3 S TR kC E X f il-, A %C T- - I U) 6 11 - C -AaSTRACT. THYRoLum rGXICOSIS IN CATS INCRt-ASEC Tf-F CONTENT UF NONIESTERIFIED FArTY -ACIDS4 KElt~NE BODIES, AND A M 111, 0N IN THE ARTERIAL 131-6-00p INCREASEG CONSUMPTION C~O NO.NCSTEluFIED FATTY ACIDS, (JXloi%4# (,,f-- KEFUNE 60WES, AhD LIPLILYTI-C ACTIVITY IN THE AF~ -V, AND METAfAiLISM OF NUNE-STERIFIED FATTY ACIDS IN 0 MYOC CGNSUNPTION BY THL HEART. AMINO ACIOS~WERF INOT OXILDIZED IN THE MYOC,AP"DIUM TO ANY SIGNIFICANT EXTENT. FACILITY: : LA6. PATOL. FUN., INST. EKSP. ENDO&UNOL. KHIA, GORMONOV, Moscowr: USSR. I-L-1 "S I v I 1/2 013 UNC L PROCESSING OAT: ASSIFIED --160CT*70 PARAMETERS AND ELECTRICAL! PROPERTIES :OF GALLIU.". ARSENIDE BEFORE AND AFTER HEAT TREATMENT --!U- G.H., 8ARSUKUVt A.D., KANOYBAr G.X.v VGRt3iNK0VA, BULATOVA, O.S. COUNTRY OF INFO_-USSR ~,SOURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRI NEORG. MATERS; 1970, 713), '52-6 __DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .~~-_SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TAGS--ELECTRIC PROPERTY, GALLIUM ARSENIDE, LA"rricEPARAMETER .-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1996/0843 STEP N()--UR/0363/70/,'t56 C.IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118019 212 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING L)ATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0118019 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DGPENDE14CE OP THE LATTICE PARAMIETER OF UNDOPED GAAS ON CURRENT CARRIER ICONCNa WAS INVESTIGATED. A SHARP DECREASE IN THE LATTICE PARAMETER IN THE CONCN. REGION OF (0,7-3) TIMES 10 PRI,14EI5 WITH AN -CM, PRIME3 WAS O3SO.v WHICH IS ASSOCt . I N Ck EA S IN THE.VACANCY CONCN. BY 1.44 TIMES 10 PRIME19-CM 'PRIME3. BY MAKING USE OF THE PREVIOUSLY REPORTEO DATAs THE AT. VOL. OF THE VACANCIES IN GAAS tWAS DETO. IT IS 0.767 RELATIVE TO THE AV. VOL, OF THE ATUMt WHICH IS 11% GOOD AGREEMENT WITH THE RESULTS OF THE D. MEASURF-MENTS, THE DEPENDENCE OF THE LATTICE PARA.%,IETEP AND THE.FLEC~ PROPERTIES OF GAAS ON AS VAPOR PRESSURE, P SUBIAS, DURliNG THE ANNEALING PKOCESS WAS INVESTIGATED. AT p SUBAS GREATER THAN 2 ATil-I THERE IS 0i3SD. AN INCREASE IN THE LATTICE PARAMETER BY 1 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE4 ANGSTROPIl CORRESPOiNDI-NIG TO THE DEC:REASE IN THE VACANCY CONCN. BY I TIMES 10 PRIME19-Cl-" Pkl.-,4E3. TliE CARRIER CONCN. IN SAMPLES SU6JECTED TOANNEALING AT 700DEGREES FOR 7 HR DEPENDS ON THE P SUBAS AN IT IN 10 'CREASES! WITH INCREASING P SUBAS. ANNEALING AT P SUBAS GREATER THAN 2 ATM LEADS ALSO TO A SYSTEMATIC INCREASE IN THE CARRIER MOBILITY (TO 25PERCENT). FACILITY: 14OSK, INST. STALI SPLAVOV, MOSCOW# USSR. USSR UDC 537.312.62 ARSHINOV, V. I., DKMIYEVA, S. K. , K014AROVSKIKH, N. I. , LAVRISHCHEV, V. P. , LAPIR, G. M. , 14AZITOV,. R. K. "Film Cryotrons Based on Au-Pb Intermetallic Compounds" ELAtron. tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. Mikroelektronika (Electronic Tech- noLogy. Scientific and Technical Collection. Microelectronics), 1971, vr.).~ 3(29), PP 92-97 (from RZh-Eadiotekhnika, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12D691) Translation: The paper describes the manufacturing technique and results of an experimental study of a new type of film cryotron having a diode of intermeta,11-1a compounds of gold with lead, and a gate.a-ad passive lines of lead. Basic electrophysical indices fortheproposed type of cryotron are higher and less sensitive to deviations from given technological con- ditions than for conventional tin-lead.cryQtrons. Resume. APIEW-W-BawM : W; 7T- 1! ... . ... man" USSR uDc 6a-396.6-181.48(08.8) ARSHINOV, V. I., DMITRIYEVA, S. K. jKA&U&ftZA", KOI-TAROVSKIYH, N. I., LAVRISHCHEV, V. P., LAPIR, G. M., MAZITOV,-R. K., OLEYNIKOVA, V. A. "A Method of Making Diodes for Thin-Film Cryotrons" USSR Author's Certificate No 297129, filed 16 Oct 69, published 6 Apr 71 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 11 Nov 71, Abstract Ito 11V368 P) Translation: The proposed method for making diodes for thin-film cryo- trons is based on sequential application.of films of gold and a super- conducting metal. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, a lead film with subsequent annealing at a temperature of 100-1206C is used as the superconducting metal to improve the teclinique of making the cryotronic Integrated microcircuits, to increase speed, and to make the output signal more reliable. Resume. USSR UDC: 621.396.6-181.5 YEGOROVA, N. 14. ,KANDYBA, P. Ye. "On the Problem of Selecting Conditions for Depositing Stable Low-Resistance Nichrome Films" Blektron. tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. Priyenno-usilit. lamgy (Electronic Technology. Scientific and Technical Collection. Receiving mid Amplifying Tubes), 1970, vyp. 2(17), pp 23-28 (from kh-Radiotekhnika, Vo 5, May 71, Abstract No 5V215) Translation: A basis is given for selection of substrate temperature for vapor deposition of low-resistance nichroxne films. It is found that for low value resistors, the temperature coefficient of resistance is a nonlineax function of resistance. The highest stability is observe-d wiLli deposition on substrates heated to temucratureS above 3000C. It is shown how the films can be chemically adjusted to increase resistor ratings and ingrove stability. Resumg. 1/1 USSR UDC: 62-1.3-18.5t PM]IINOV, V. I., DNITRIYEVA, S. K., KANDYRA,* P. Ye., KO"J"AROVSKIKH, N. 1. , -NIKOVA, V. A. LAVRISHCHEV, V. P., LAPIR, G. M. , -r. K. ,OLEI nA Method of Making Diodes for Thin-Film Cryotrons" 'Moscow, Gtkrv-tiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, ~No 9, Mar 71, Author's Certificate No 29TI29, Division E, filed 16 oct 69, published 2 Mar 71, P 176 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a method of making diodes 'for thin-film cryotrons. The procedure is based on sequentia.1 application Of gold and superconducting metal films. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the technology of making cryotron integrated circuits is improved and the speed and output signal voltage of the cryotrons, are increased by using a lead film as the above-mentioned metal with subsequent annealing at 100-1200C. '2', 3. 049. 75:7?1, USSR UDC.- 0' UVRALS"HCHEV V. '10ZHEND, I. N., K'LNOYBAI F- Ye-, ;L)i P. A. "A Miethod. of &aking Alcrocircuits" ~e Obraztsy, Tovarnirve ~nazd, o i6, Mosc(rw, Citkrytiva, lzoba~eteniya, Pro.-,fshlonn 1970, Author's CerLificate No 271598, filed 6 r1ay 68, p ~a a nethod of raking Abstract: This author's certificate introduces bazed on repeated selecLive chemical etching. ~ As a distinguishi-rig .-Cc-ature of the pa".,.ent, the procedure is designed to provide a broad range of re5istor va-,Ues in a single microcircuit and to simplify mawifacturing teciinology. Resis7.ive applied in sequence to tne si~bst rate in layers with varLous resistivi4ties are order of decroas:Ln- resistivity, and the technological laye-.- is "sod for making low-value resisters. USSR UDC: ;536.1521:533.9.07 Kandyba, V. Pushkarev, G. P. "Standard High-Temperature Monochromatic Planck Radiator for Optical Pyrometry of a Plasma!' Moscow, Metrologiya, No. 9, 1972, pp. 32-39. Abstract: An optimal design is developed for a channel plasmatron, allowing the nop- !;elfreversed spectral lines of a dense argon plasma to be studied without using a protective media. Reabsorption (saturated) spectral lines are produced in the spectr-i- of argon. It is experimentally shown that the spectral density of radiation in the center of the saturated aTgon line at 763.5.M'p4s described by Planck's equation with a temperature corresponding to the true temperature of' the plasma. The stability and reproducibility of the intensity of the saturated radiation of this line allow this plasmatron to be suggested as a standard monacl=matic black radiator for optical plasma pyrometry. USSR UDC: 536.5(088.76):533.9.07 Kandyba, V. V., losellson, G. L. and Lander, V. A. "The Problem of Creating an SHF Standard for High Plasma Temperatures" Moscow, Metrologiya, No. 8, 1972, pp. 3-15, fibstract: The metrological problems of reproduction of the international practical ~tempera tuye scale in the superhigh frequency band for theaTea of high and super high temperatures are steady. A test system is discussed, designed for calibration and adjustment of radio pyrometers together with their antenna systems. A high temperature SHF radiator with a broad aperture is described and investigated. This device can be used as a basis for the creation of a high Tempe-rature OF -noise temperature standard. The error in calibration is 6-10%, depending on the method selected. The results of testing showed that theprimary source of error in repro- duction of the temperature scale in this frequency range is the error in the elemen- tary, uoise generator--a gas-discharge. tube. :The method suggested allows operating to be calibrated together with their antenna systems for the first time. USSR LPX, 549- 517-1:536.,,2L, .1: 5,5. 5. o3! MUM- V.1 Ye. u.) laYROR) P. B., 'New Research on the V-;*ltinL, Point of Coruniium as a Eecorle"mry Feference Point on the Term peratum- Scale ~Ir- Metrol. In-tov SS,9r. 07 rks, of Matrological Institvtee. of -L-he USSR), No 110 (170), 71, PP 135-14.1 (1 meferativnyzr viurnal, Rbtrolq-iya i TP-khnikam, No 12, Doc 71, Abstract NO 12.32.10 3, 7ranslation: In the articla are precented r.esultB of recenrelij conducted. in the. LISSR and abroad, on d~!v2minnt Lori Of th-- MIVV~T, POiflt of cor~uidm:, as a n,_w zecondarIv reference ~,oint of the rTS. On the basis of the rzanducted msearch and critical ftnalysis of the rusults af the praj;~,,cts, the melra,~-,e vix.Lue of the m1ting point of corundmvi war, corjiLited at 204i"(t. Ziis it; the value. of the r.--ltinj - .3 IeCo~ da , j point of conm("Lm the.. is racontmen& P- V. n J- ef m-ference point of tho PTO- tables. 12 refeminces. USSR UDC 536.521.082.52 FINDELISHTEYN, V. Ye. 'A!TYBA V. V "Investigation of the Blackness of Sodium Spectral "nes in a Flame', Tr. Metrol. In-tov SSSR (Works of Metrological Institutes of the USSR), No 110 (170), 1971. pp 14Z-151 (from Referativnyy 4humal, Hetrologiya i lzmritelsnaya Tekhnika,, No 12, Dee ',72,, Abstract No 12.32.1129) Translation: A description is given of an installation which serves for measurement of the relationship of the blackness coefficient to the concentra- tion of sodium chloride vapor in a flame, arA the results of blackness measure- ments of the center of the sodium spectral line, conducted on the installa- tion. are described. It is shoun that blackness is tttained at vapor con- centrations on the order of 1015 atoms per.oubic centimeter; this permits the method of the saturated center of a spectral line used for temperature measurement. 3 figures. I table. 4 references. USSR UDC 336.722:536.621.082 10HICHEV, Ye. N., LOTOR, P. B., OProcedure and Equipment for the Measurement of Substances in a Condensed Phase at High Ter43eraturestl. Tr. Mtrol. In-tov-SSSR (Works of Xetrological Institutes of the USSR), No 110 (170). 71. pp 108-124) (from Referativnyy,Zhurnal, Retrologiya i Izmeritellnaya Tekhnika. No 12, Doe 71, Abstract No 12 .3g. 1191+) TransLation: The measurement equipment of a high-temperature calorimetric installation for measuring the enthalpy of,substances in a condensed phase in the temperature range of 500 - 3000"):K is described. Consideration is given to measurement of the temperature of the sample i;-i a high-temperature vacuum furnace, measurement of the temperature rise of the calorimeter, and ca-Iculation of the t%mperature correction for heat exe. hange, as well as the procedure for calibration of the calorimeter, by the absolute method by means of' a current. An evaluation was made of t,he basic procedural ard instrumental errors of measurement of the sample temperature, the aalorimeter temperature, ani the calorimeter calibration. 3 figures, I table. 12 references. _8A_ V.-V-, Doctor of Technical Sciences 11some Principles of Desian For the New Temperature Sensors" Priboryi Sistemy Upravleniya, No 10, 1971, pp 20-23. Abi;tract: New physical principles are being used in -the desiLrn of tempera- ture sensors- This article presents a brief description of three such tem- perature sensors, recently developed at the KharIkov State Scientific Research Institute for Metrology. They include radiation temperature sensors such as tho VRP-40, capable of measuring temperatures between 1,300 and 4,00OCC with C, an accuracy of �20-35% at a range of SOO-2,000 mm from the object whose tem- perature is being measure.d; microwave temperature sensors operating in the millimeter and centimeter radiowave ranges, utilizing thermal radiation from the! object whose temperature is to be measured in a wavelength which is prac- tically not adsorbed by dust, smoke or steam or optically opaque barriers. This type of sensor can therefore measure Pdoepll temperatures from the centers of heated bodies. SHF pyrometry is particularly promising for plasma diagnosis, esreciall)r for measurement of the electron temperature of a plasma on the basis of:i-ts noise radiation; thermo frequency temperature sensors, based on 2 princi- ples: either the utilization of the thermo frequency effects themselves, or the use of thermo frequency convertors. The authors consider piezoelectric quartz convertors most promising. The authors note that these 3 physical PrIn- ciples do not exhaust the trends in development of modern thermometry and pyro- metrY. i I i USSR UDC 536-5:536.421.1 FONICf", Ye. N.. KANMR, P. B., KAINDYBA Vl-V-.. "A HUh-Temperature Installation for Re~roducing the Reference Point of Corundum" Tr. Metrol. in-tov SSSR (Works oil Metrological Institutes of the USSR), No 1.10 (170). 1971, pp 1Z5-134 (from Reforativnyy, Zhurnal, Ketrologiya i. lzmeritellnaya Tekhnika, No 12, Dee 71, Abstract No 12,32-1034) Translation: In the article is describedan installation for measuring and reproducing the melting point of corundum (20490 C), as a now sacondary re- ference point of the IPTS. The designs of the reference furnace and the measurement equipment for determining tho,melting point of oorundum are described, as well as equipment for. automatic recording of the temperature ,areas on the heating and cooling curves. :Consideration is given to errors ,in measurement of the.melting point of corundum by methods otoptical pyro- meta7. 3 figures. 10 references# USSR UDC 536.52 BA? V..V1, Dr Technical Sciences Itseveral. Principles of Designing New Temperature Gauges" Moscow, Pribory i Sistemy Upravleniya,,No 10, 1971, pp 20-23 Abstract: This article gives a brief description of three temperature gauges developed recently at the Kharkov State.Scientific Research Institute of Metrology. The author first describes.radiation temperature gauges. He men- tions the disadvantages of existing instruments and gives the technical char- acteristics of the new ones. While they are inferior in some respects to the available gauges, they possess other characteristics that make their use feasible. For those instances where it is.desirable to make use of millimeter and centimeter radiowaves, the author describes,micrawave temperature gauges that are especially useful in measuring,the electron tempeTature of plasma. The third type of instrument described~by the author are the thermofrequency temperature gauges which take advantage of.the latest developments in thermo- frequency measurements. The article contains 41llu-strattions and 17 bibli- ographic entries. 131 USSR UDC 621.391.63 AVTONOMOV, V. A., BORISOV, B. S., GRUDININ, A. S., VARLAMOY. 1. V.3 ZQ44" YP-_ KOLYASNIKOV, V. A., KRASYUK, B.~ A., MESKIN" S., PETRUSEVICH, V. A., ITLT'ORATSKIY, E. A., RAVICH, V. N.., and CHICHERIN, L. A. "Righ-Spped Optical-Electronic Switch" E]Lektron. tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. Mikroelektronika (Electronics Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Microelectronics), 1971, Issue 2(28), pp 3-8 (from RZh-Elektronika i veye primeneniye, No 8, August 1971, Abstract No 8B321) Translation: An optical-electronic pair is developed, on the basis of which a hybrid microcircuit is produced which assures a high galvanic decoupling and is compatable with respect to the input and output parameters with inte- grated logic circuits manufactured by domestic industry. 4 ill. 4 ref. S,nMM;1ry. USSR UX 576-858-75 M L, 11MULETI, M. K., IrLAMV ITSEVA, G. M., DZEGU7.1, D. R., and TOLISI, YA.. Yu., Institute of Microbiology ~irr4ni A. lUrIthenshte,=,Academy of Sciences, Latvian SSR Riga "Antiviral Activity of 2-Aminoadamantare". Riga, Izvestiya Akademii Hatik Latviyskoy SSR, No 11, 1972, pp 42-4'( Abstract: Studies were undertaken on the antiviral effectiveness of 2-amirio- adamantane (2-AA) on the following viruses. influenza types AO, Al, A2, and B, Sindbis virus, and smallpox virus. Comparison with 1-tva~.oadamantane (I-AA) showed that 2-AA wao leas toxic for KhAO tissue cultare --Lrd cultures of chick embrjo fibroblasts, equally toxic for the.chick embryo, and evidenced greater toxicity than 1-AA for white mice. The TD - of 2-AA for a monolayer of chick fibroblasts was 2501W drLl, and 100-15014 9"'~ml for a suspa-nsion of these cells. Evaluation of 2-AA in terms of inhibition~of multi-olication of the different viruses in EhAO tissue culture showed that the greatest decrease in the lg ID 5o was obtained with influenza types A2/Frunze and A2/Ht)ng Kong; 2-AA was 1~!ss effective against AO11,Y`SN and Al/Pan, and showed no significant inhibition of B/A.,Pakuza and B/Sofia viruses. A2 hezrzgglutinin titers vere also depressed, and the effects were dependent on 2-AA conctu~mtration and the dose 1/2 L(Y USSR 'KAJE-L', 1. A. et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latyiyskqy SSR, No 11, 1972, pp 142 -47 of the infecting virus. For chick embryo studies the e&;s were injected vith 500 #9 of 2-AA and the results evaluated in terms of the fall of 1-- EID 50- The most pronounced effects were obtained with A2/1,'runze and Q'lHong Kong' but ;antiviral activity against AO/WSN, Al/Pan, B/Tokyq, and B/Arn't-alza ,as also 'significant. Again, the virul herragglutinating, activity was found to be dec:reased and the effects of 2-AA were deiradent on the size of the viral ina- -Ler in vivo studies showed that 2-AA protected white mice against culum. Furti dew,,-h as a result of infection with A2/Frunze or B/Tokyo: thes ir-)rtality rate among the untreated controls was about 50% greater, Furthentorv, 2-AA decreased the:1ung titers of mice infected with AP-/Ifong Kong and B/Amakuza by about 1-5 ig ID in both instances. Thus, 2-AA was shown to be an effective 04,,ent 50 against influenza viruses and its tberapeutic index in w~hite mice was 21. 2-AA also inhibited influenza B virus. 2-AA was.ineffective 'vith respect to Sindbis and smallpox viruses. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.701.14-:51.001-57 VOMOVI V.-P.j KOEL I'$- -L-l-, S. .BERE"DIFTA, Ye. N. , and GORDIYEI.TKOY Se-ii-e-Intif ic Research Insti *tute of Aul;omobile TransDortlation "Use of the Mat-hematical Progranaming IMIlethod foi7 'Ehe Evaluation of the Result's of Friction Welding" Kiev, 11vto-matiches'l--aya No 4 (241), A-pr 73, pp 19-21 'n- ti Abstract: The mothod of ratheriatia~l uronn-an-m-1 ), Ip, 1 1 21, matrix represents a total fnetorial experiment of 2 -typo, ,,..-as -P friction -11olding, F:coa sug-csted used to evaluate results o- re,,ression fwictions, the joint infliien-ce ot" pri*nci-)al of the process can be evaluated in a wide rangre, of their variation in 'lie fric- tion veldirk3 of specimens (16 nim in diam-) from Joined steels 20 and 40 Fh and from steel 20; also, optimum p~-.ranetclirs rif t~ie we,1r*.',Iin,- anul nlayiTlav;. values of the i=act dhictility can be dateiirdned for workir-,,! at nori,,_ul and lo-, ai temperatures. r2o increase the resistivity to brittle f a stcpj:,-~:d cycle of pressure (heating pre s sure/-,qcer�nI pressure=5/10) -~t Ont"'aun heatin- tine (t--~ see) aad rotation velocit.3, (n=1200 xpr-!) must be Me i!:7"net strength of welded speci,ieyis of ste~cl 'CIO showed satisfac::01-! irith calculations from rcgresBion functiona. Shree fiLpares, fivc! A.,rm-lac, bibliograplLic references. UDC: 614.201 INTEGINTED IOVERALLI EVALUAT104 OF INDIUS PUBLIC IMALTU :iY3111M jArticle by Prafervor Y,V. Ran~%A G.S. ?opuy. B.Tv, 01'Ahangkiy, Candidate of Medic:1 sciencea, Zdra .... I, A Russian, Na 9, 1972, a~t.:Ltte-d 14 4bruary 1972. pi) 26-241 In the Public health oystem it is of ten necessary to compare the nfficiency of lnrtitu-~ions or ng"ties theteof to drmouttrate thog-e :hot are ahea4 c- lariLing for the purpose of stimulating advancerent a( the entire syr-ten. An analogous need Alia; artses when aseetisiog the dynamics of dvvqIop=Lnt of specific inatitutionq. when date pertaining to operation of one of them over a period of several years 1-s used as tomparad objects, The use of concrete indices is.inerfacrtuc for such DUKV011tril. an 10SUILution "y be ahead with respect to some Indices sod behind with roapect to others. furthermore, a pe is not sbla~to empe- with, concurrent. comparison of raon 'Manv hundredr of parareters.- Yet a introduce convid-r4ble subjectivity and would not reflect t" overall activity. It to therefore logical to use the set of all existing iadi,:cs to make an overall evaluation. Ve u~t tfw term overall evuluation, from the standpoint of logic, an a single fig6re obtained on the basis of many para~tero'of cninrate *Igns which coullt~ tlt*-vk t~o vvaluatrd by, mtaiiv of a scale of qualirati-?o tharatteriatics. OverkIl t-.,aluatior, involves sol%,Jn& two probleus. lo the initial inrormctioa ;wceaacry and aufflCient to characterize the overall criterionT Is the shift from initial information to overall evaluation adequate? Yrofe2vor L-Ye. F-yaiov and D.M. Malimsklys candidate of medical sciences, tried to find such tin overall criterion as national health status. The auchors used the method of overall probability evaluation (OH). *This '-s a resporme to the article by Prof"sor L.Te. Folyakov and D.M. Maliniltly entitled "A Method of Overall Probability Evaluation of Nacional licalth Status," Sovetskoye Ydravoo~.hrAuenlya. So 3. 1971. The editorial board is aware of the debatable nature of evaluating some indices shown in Table 1. mer 67-:Rr/ 24 - A 01r~ R XV, UDC. 61.002.6 FMIMMIM DEALING 1-I -M LIM= OF XF-MICAL ArxWMI, IN ACrOn.A M- VITTi DATA 11; THE TOREIC;N PR,-.SS [Article by N.A. Andra7av x.A. rcavkc W Z4v:is;to'.T-. I ~niyt. Wusvian- Fia 11. 1972- submitted 6 May, 197 VP 65-671 One of the r&fjt i=partant aap&ct3 of optimt:ing zzadical, Uforzation la to solve the prollem (with automated processing) of picking up data on hand or ctrrelutir,,a data. The term correloktian of medical data (madica.1 retard lln~sxe. according to foreign authors) refers to Integration separstaly.rc corded (in differant sources and &t:4lflaLent.t1-&) Information concerning the physical condition of an Individual (or family). The actual concept of taadlealre~ard linkage. has been known since Uie last-cohtury. Selection of- *ovii4bli fact* -was done- man"I li to solve varioun rublic health and medical problems. bowever6 in* Of manual dita,proczesLag, linkage at data which rsquiree quit I botinus work to alphalatirc large block of cecovAja was 1101toi: to "Inultallmous. e ovqcially organized works. Eff:.tive adoption in public health and, Madiclut Of r-odirn co=pvjtcr tvchecl,087 011,4JUM up baBivally new opportunities and raises the matter of treating a system of medical record linkage (Dunn. Achavou). One of ti;Ar (Irmt and fore,-iant toakri in computer procvasing and linkagu of medical data io to work out a raliable-and affective nothod of identification'. In other words, each part of the Information gathered should Include An element Lhat would permit referring It to a specific Individual. Three a rt the requirements of Identification mothodat uniqueness, that is 100 perctnt a-ilectivity; univatoolity, i.e. the possibility of application to all MyNtemd using demographic data; conni"twncy. i.e. no variability for the lifetime of in individual; accessibility; atithoety (Acheson, 1968; ThUrbachi Auger). In the casv of munum.1 promising, Complete surnames, names. date :nd place of birth, and x4evaral other tags at* co;aparad, and on their basis conclurion is Tonchad as to whether the corries refer to the record of a mlngle Individual. Title means of identification to not applicable to 71 ;z Z2,7' 5 A fie P, Acc. Nr: AP00437937d Ref. Code; UR 0056 PRIMRY SOURCE: Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fi~ikij, 19701, Vol 58, Nr 2, p p S g,7 - --f ',f4 WEAK TURBULENCE SPECTRUM AlYD SECOND SOUND IN A PLASMA E. A. Kang!-. K.,M- Yakovenho Larigmuir turbulence spectra and the posm lity of propL~gatiun