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USSR DRITS, M. YE. et al, Razrusheniye Alyuminiyevykh Splavov Pri Rastyagivayushchikh 1,.'aDrvazheniyaYh, Izd-vo Nauka, 1973, 215 pp P ag. e Chapter Five. Binary Alloys of Aluminum With Elements of the Transition Groups .............. 4 .................... 52 Chapter Six. Complexly Alloyed Aluminum Alloys, ......... so Chapter Seven. influence of Deformation Rate on the Char- acter of Fracture of Aluminum Alloys .................... 97 Chapter Eight. Technological Factors Influencing the Char- acter of Fracture of Aluminum Alloys .................... 103 Factors Associated With Metallurgical Production ...... 103 Factors Associated With Ifeat Treatment ................ 1.07 Bibliography ........ ........................ 121 7/7 USSR UDC 669.715:541.412:539.42 DRITS, If. YE., KOROL1KOV, A. 1-I., P. GERAS1110VA, L. P. "Effect of Intermetallic Phases on the Generation of Ilicrocracks in Binary Aluminum Alloys" V sb. Struktura i svoystva leSk.-splavov (Structure and Pronerties of Light Allovs -- collection of works) , Moscow, 14auk-a Press, 1971, pp 91-95 (f rom RZh-iletallur- giya, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 41628) Translation: A study was made of the effect of intermLtallic phises fonKed in alloying aluminum with ele",. nts of the transition groups on the generaLion and, development of microcracks at 300' under the conditions of utijaxial extension. Mien estimating the effect of the excess intermetallic phase formad in th,~! alloy ,iitudc and nature of the interr.-etallic on the alloy properties, not only the marn particles but also the type of diagrain of state by whic,r) they are c,~Ysta]-Jizec has great significance. Ibe particles of the primary inLcrmetallic phases in systems crystallizing with respect to the peritectic type frICLUrC! LrjLLl-; under very low stresses md serve as a source of incipi-enL cracks. In systc-T---, crystallized IDy the eutectic type, the particle--. of the eutccLic se -repat ions are not d--stroyed during deformation, and the particIcti, of the priiiinr., irp-tallic Phases in the transcutectic alloys are less inclined m-.'ard i)rittlc. fracture than the primary intermetallic phases in che pericutectic systero. It 1/2 USSR DRITS, M. YE. , et al. , Struktura i svovstva sp 'L,'osccy.;, Nauka Press , 1971, pp 91-95 is proposed that the formation of surface defects in particles during peritec- tic reaction promotes brittle fracture of the primary interrr-Lallic pii--s(--, in system crystallized by the peritectic type. Three illustrations) 1 table,and an 3-entry bibliography. 2/2 - 8 - USS9 UDC 669.715'3'721:539.43:5,11.412 DRITS, M. YE., GUK, YU. P., GERASIMOVA, L. P. "Role of Iron and Nickel in AK4-1 Aluminum Alloy" V sb. Struktura i svoystva lepk. splavov (Structure and Properties of Light Al- loys -- collectioa of vorks) , Moscov, 11auka Press, 1971, pp 78-81 (from RZII-Mfet- allurgiya, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 41637) Translation: A study was made of the effect of the num1her and shape of the particles of the Al, FeNi intermetallide compounds on the medianical properties at room temperature and the stress-rupture strength at 300* of the primary allay Al-2.2".' Cu-1.6' N'g. The disperse particles of the Al Felli phase do not in nractice lower the stress-runture strength of the alloy and' essential]v have no effect on its mechanical properties. 17he m..Lhod of high temperature metal- lography at 300' under the conditions of uniaxial. extension was used to estab- lish. that the particles of the Al 9Fe'li phase block the spread of the rough slip bands in the crystal, they cupj)licate merging of the incipient cracIcs into tuain cracks,and, at the sarx_~ time, increase the time from the occurrence of OIL, in- cipient cracks to total destruction of the alloy containing particles of the Al9Felli phase by comparlson with the alloy not containing the indicated phase. 7he Fe ind 111 forving Lhe disperse particlea of the Al 1/2 9Fel'i p"itase in dic! 1.."4-1 USSR DRITS, 11. YE. , et al., Struktura, i svoystva legk-. splavov, 1--'oscoi-.7, Nauka Press, 1971, pp 718-81 alloy do not reduce the strength characteristics of the alloy, but increase its resistance to the process of development and spread of the cracks. 3 illustrations and a 4-entry bibliography. 2/2 USSR IZ 1 . 3 t", 2 L G, KASOV. V. G. "Device for Au-to-matic Tunili-ig of Standardized 'Xfodules of Rac~ioce6,,nical Devices witiri Respect to Frequency Characteris tic" Metodv razrab. radicelektron. apparatulv. M'atcrialv bb. 2 (Xetiiods of Development of Radio Electronic Fcjuipment. MaLerkials of t-,,e S e-, i Lin Li r . Collection 2), Moscow, 1970, pp 43-51 (from RZIi-RadioLuldinika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9D28) Translation: 1L is noL,!d thaL the accuracy of, nutomatic C.111 i)(. il~- creased by usin.- the iiinimum nean suuarL error of the L'ZerIUejIC- CID;2racLeris.- tic throughout the entire continuous channel range as the Luning criterion. A schematic which realizes this principle is presented. This Schematic belongs to the class of extreinal automatic control systerms. The bibliog- raphy has five entries. 1/1 USSR ' UDC: 535.651 GUKASOV,,_~I- R., KARABEGOV, M. A., MAILOV, Yu. G.,MILYUKOV, L. Ya.,PASHKINA. M. N. "Some Analytic Capabilities of the SFK-601 Spectrophotometer" Optich. i Titrometrich. Analizatory Zhidk. Sred [Optical zantl Titro-nietric Anal%~zer-s for Liquid Media), Rerorts of All Union Conference, 1971, [)art 1, TbiliSi, 19''71 pp 20-24 (translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metrologiya i. Izucritel'naya Tekhnika, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2.32.1090 by V. S. Krasnova) Translation: A functional diagram. and results of experimental determinations of characteristics, (if the SIT-60) spectrophotoincter developed by the Special I)csjyn Bureau AI) lExpansion unknown - tr] .1re presoiilod. The SiT-001 is. produced in a modular version using a basic monochromator unit ., a riodulator. 11he interchangeable light sources are attached to one side of the base unit, the attach- ments for performance of various measurements to the other si(Ic-: absorptiometry, turbidimetry, nepliclometry with a goniometric device and fluorciiic~try. The opcratin~; principle of the device is based on measurement of the difference bett.. -een 2 modu- lated light bean% p-~sS:n~,, through cuvettes with thie tested and COIIIPZITiSOI fluids, ,,4~t -15 then going on to I light receiver. The energy of the converted ro electrical signals, the difference of which after amplification is record--d by 1/2 MMMMflI"7'M*I.IM diAIM 311:zi USSR UOC: 535.651 GUKASOV, V. R. , KARABEGOV, M. A., KAILOV, Yu. G. , MILYUKOV, L. Ya. , PASHKINA, M. N. Optich. i Titrometrich. Analizatory Zhidk. Sred [Ortical and Titrometric Analyzers for Liquid Media], Reports of All Union Conference, 1971, Part 1, Tbilisis, 19-11, pp 20-24 (translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metrologiya i rzmeritallnaya Tekhnika, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2.32.1090 by 1'. S. Krasnova) a microameter. The results of investigation of the operating characteristics of theSKF-601 in various operating modes has shown that the error is not over I .1 nonlinearity of calibrated graphs 1-2'. The reproducibility of indications is I'D of the scale length of the device. 1 figure 2/2 USSR UDC 577-3 GUKASM, A. B., RAIMIKOVA, N. V., and IVANCII, V. V.; Forest and Wood Pulp S~_tit J. Siberian Depart=ent, ~%cademy of Sciences USSR, Krasnoyarsk "Nuclear SDin Relaxation Studies of the Molecular Interactions Between the Organic Lattice and Adsorbed Water in Bacillus thuriri~;iensis Stores" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologichesk-a-ya, No 4, 1-973, PP 599-602 Abstract: Studies were conducted on the effects of termerature on the state of water adsorbed to the or,-,-`c .1--ktice in the s~Dores of Bacillus thirin:-ier- sis., throu.,di the detex-mination of the rotational and -U.-anslational -Qroton rellax- ation times. The results revealed both weakly and stron::ly bound water mole- culesl and that there is exchan'se between the two phases. Tne fozrer nole- cules diffuse throu:,,h the 'Lattice with an energy of acti%ration of 2 kcal/role, indicatiagg virtuanlIly no interaction with the orGanic lattice. Bound water exists in a state different from that of ice stz-ucture; its structure is distorted and a number of the bonds are broken. '11he latter fact apparent, onsible for the exchan;-e of the water rrolec,,C_-es letwer~!n tile two phasea. Since the proton -to -proton distances in ti~ie cwrities -,,tzre ieter- mined to be 7 the adsorption sites consisted of' carbonyl ;,,roupn ;-".!irI 7 A may be re6arded as the r_tnI=x,- dimension of the lattice cavities. 1/1 Acc. Nr: 4P0043922"0* /I Ref. Code; UR 0016 PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Nikrabiologii, Epidemiologii, i Immunobiologii, 1970, Nr 2, pp /,00-/,014 EPIDEMIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS OVER REINFECT ION OF DIPHTHERIA CARRIERS. REPORT IX V. 1. Trijonov. L.A. Favorova. L.A. Gukasvar It was demonstrated in this work that, along with undoubtful cases of reinfection (w:,.- dipht 'heria bacilli of other types) there may occur a repeated infection with tile causjhveaqent~ 'in 6.1116 o i 0 of the same tv tile cases). The possibility of r, eazed infection primari~v d~.,pvv- pe ded on tile i)resence in the collective bodv of cariiers of corresponding types of dtphlh~ri, bacilIi. Czn(litions for reinfection Li;~ed to differ from coridiiio.-is ol, infection, and ill,"col-Ir- 5eof reinfection - from thecours-cof nrevious carrier state. The durationof reinfection course directiv depended on the number of diptheria bacilli in the ria~,:)pharynx and on the extent, of its affection. REEL/FWE 19770348 Y" I T 7, r, I T I T ionIC L c 2 i il ir n- d' I G', S e I- c r'.r! i: Tl mej'ho-I -A o C: C; f U- C ".2.0 -V 6 nt Ul L J. i O-f a j CI J: U IT r T I -,?UT T Ql C, T I L v I U33R UDC 537.31-1.37) jT! -77 ~7 and "Blectron-Hole Jliznc-~Eicn in a Diamond Obtained TInrow-h the Inf il- tration. ot' -Boron and I:hosrhorus ions" Moscow, Dolklady A:,:ademJ_i nauk 2SSR, !To. 4, vol . 200, !S,'Il, -.p 821-824 Abstract: '-7"he resu_`s are civen of e-r-'eriMent-s nerl~ol,:Lec, to est,7,b- lish p-n jii-nction in. diamionds by Tne ion 1,-_purity ::,etlhod. I "I' oo; was used as the acce,:~-Uor imnurit- and -0110SC)llorus as ~Y.e donot% _U reasons for this choice ;,ere as one oi thie group in the llende eyev t-bl c of elements and conse- itent e. natural '-a,- --he c-r~-est it of L S4S and that on the ba o J' -Ll-..e cranh c--' ~he of ir-_ -ed bv rho~-hcr7-s. it c-n be assured that L r-r--.Jater 0 -.2f a C tc7 CIr -, e Za, e o t, a in e d w i 0 S C - phosiphorus do-~j__r~ c-r:-!-- lbe atoris as l_,,_hiu:,, and cLa-rbc.-n. r' re nlot-,ed for vc-, tam_~-ere J- h, e4 1, rt C t i characterisiic c--:' on and for the photovclt!_,,~~e of tnc jizznc- tion. -is ~ fl_u-ic-Li,-;n o-- tR(? el-:citation ii7,',It lln~ aut- -I-, c r a concludo, -"-',,a'u tl-c.v ',.ave -drover. the. i I I li, T-n 11 n.4 u s S III VII-V I -_l.Ov I V . Set- F-1 , D~,!:!,ad,,, ad e-,n-i;i nauh S~'..~SR 4, vol. 200, 1971, !-Yta- 82-1-824 Corresponding :ember of the US'*--:? Acade-L-y of Science-s, for l'is sur- port of the wor'~-, to V. 1-11. Gusev for his assis-,ance -aith +",--e 2- tration experiments, and to Yu. A. -',.-uznetsov anid 'iu. "-. SL.Iil~-CV -"" or their help with meas-a-rements. Tch-e authors are as-socialted witii the Lobedev Fhysici In'stitute, US--'~!R Academj o1. . "',clences, 2/2 112 ocb UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSE""G 0A":--20'%5V7o TITLE--OATA CN ANALYSES OF STAN 0 ARU GEGChl%`Ci%GLl-GI CAL AUTl-l*GA-(05)-AiA%ASYEV, G.O., 6RANDY, S.B., 6AGOASARYAN, G.P., 3&l.~L;;'~";'-"' I. I'll. I GuAiS.Li)4Nj,-,R. KH. r, '' ploo U,,~Tky -or cc Sl'jUkCE--lZ'V. AKAJ. NAUK SSSk, SEA* G60L. 1970t (4), 104-11 L;A TE PURL 10 SUz)JL-CT ARE;,S--EARrf- SClL'-;,'CES AND OCEM-40GRAPHY T`GPIC PUTASSIUM ArGji%, UATING, LEAU IsorcipE, AGt:, EA.~I'~i ousr AGE C&4TRCL MA--tNING-NO RESTRICTIONS 'CLASSIFI'-:0 P iuXY At i~ i SITEP CIRC 4LCESSIL-h I 2.12- ell 1, 6 UNCLASSIFIED P R 01 G c S c I N 6 0 A T E - - 2'Cl V 7 1,-~C ACCESS %,j--AP0 13 75-J2 AbSrRA,_-T/CXi;oACT--(UJ GP-0- 1-416STkALT. bATA ARF GIVEN GN STOS. OF THE SuIVELT U;~41C~: FGk K-,VN' A,.', 0 S i;' E_ ~EVEK4L PiMt;~ALS LF USES AS ST:l 1: [SOT,--PLC .1,1-fliCj Gf~ AtS. A(,E LDL-Tti. THEY A GG,~J Al;j';r~,i-_~:,~lcl,,_4' 7. CfJNfkLL i,N;.L. MADE It, Vlllt~IGUS LAOS. OF T`F*E U.S.S.k. AN3 j%, Tci~"_ bEkNf Sv.ITZLKLANO. THL XESULTS OF SfUuy GF STC. ' .1 1 1 ETHGOS INjiCAr[ Tiii,.I- THE V41LUE-S OF CCiNSTS. GF Pkf,~~140 X ;~%llj UECAY AlJkJi,(,,VLLl BY 13 SCSSIGNS UF THE 01% AJIS. AGE K: LiWdLAK EOUALS 0.0557 T I ~l E S10 PRIM.E ,iEG~tTlIVE9 PER Ai%~; LAMbjAbETA EQUALS 0.472 10 PRIME aNCGATl?V'll) PE:-,, YR; Foi% 0for a.11 Uv1;xr=11) and the space is formed which consistc of tr-lemer.-,s 9, v, 1/2 USSR GULIN, A. V. , S,1.,%1AFSKTV, A. A., Doklady A-liademii Nauk SSSRE, Vol 2"-)6, Fio 6, 21 Oct 72, DD 1280-1283 vith scalar product (y, v) (Dy, v) and norri IIYJ),, -)'(Dy, y) Scheme (1) is called stable in space 11D if the inequality 11Y.~1111) < 11YJID, n -01 1, (2) is satisfied at any y. E=- H for solution Y-+i of probic-T-, (1). Previous papers by the authors (DAN v. 181 No 4 -p Bo8, v. 1-qi No 5 p 1042, 1968) gave necessary and sufficient conditions 4or st-ability of scheme (1) in spaces M.& and 11, if at least one of tla~, operators (A or B) is self-adjoint and positive. The stability conditJons were for,-` u- lated as nn inequality tetween it and B. For instanec, if A' .--- A.> 0, tLen nece-,ziary and conditiOll f'C,;r "I'labiJillY ill 11A 11. -~, 0,5) TA, 11. - 0,5 (B + B *). In this PLper the authors conoider difference f~chein~-s in 16'h operators (A and B) are non-sel-f-adic-Int. 2/2 FE,