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USSR UDG 621.,78;4.6 GRCSS , L.F. , IYANCV, I.M. , !~AXHENYC, L. A., SHAL'NCV, A. 7. "An Eyceri=ent Cn The Effect CT The Cirrent Loid Cf A SaveF--;!.,Ie Arceler-itini- Structure" V eb. Uskoriteli (Accelerators--Collection Cf Works), No 12, Voscow, i970, pp (from R-h--Elektrcnika i yeye prixene~n - Abstract No No 12, December 12A,`M) Transla+icn: The interaction of a succession of prouped clusters hit 'n ine -veFuide structure 'was exnerimental1v studied under conditions of ineauality of veloi;lties of the accelerating w8ve and particles. The fourth section of tae ~,6C 'Yev electron linear accelerator of the Physico-Technical Institute of the .5, 'jkr S-ER wUs -!Sea 813 a wavep,~jide struct-ire. DurinF the experiment a method was used "or eh'.ft of tne d.-e- tiersion curve or the wavepliide structure by j chunpe of its tomper-iture. The siEnul Induced by the boism in the wuveiruide atrijeture wan load to the o_;teide -rid Tv-,ioured with the jid of u linear detpator, calibrated by a thermocouple. Tho a-punderice obtained of the intensity of the induced field on the freq,-jency difforer`)Ge j7reeEf with the theoreticil curve within the limits of 5 percent. it direct ine:ection was corid-icted of a xodel representation of the pattern of the induced field transients at the beginninj- and at the end of a current pulse. An oecilloscopie urtjlyeie of the pulses confirmed the presence of umnlitude hnd phase mod-ilution of the r:1:4idtlon field in a transient rerime. S.F. 1/1 USSIR UDC: 535.'73.2 -Ye--Y--(-Deceased) , STAROOTIN, PT. V. , SH-`PILOV, Ni. P. , -and GROSS, SHEEIMARETIYEV, R. I. "Spectroscopic Investigation of Energy Levels of Bielectrons or Biholes in a Bismuth Iodide Crystal" MOSCOW, I--vestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR--Seriya Fizicheskaya, No 4, 1973, pp 885-890 Abstract: This article is the continuation of worr'_- begun in 1-n earlier paper (Gross, Ye. F, et al, Pis1ma Z1, TF, 1~, 1971, P 320) describing experimental research into exciton states in B'13 crys- talo in which a hydro(.-,,en-like series of resonance lines of r.--dia- tion and absorption originating in the short-wave rather than the longqiave spect-ral region i-,ras discovered. The results of further experimental work alon8 this iiiie are discussed in the pl-osont paper. The authors assert that the basic results of the ;-~Yperi- mentation can be interDreted if it is assumed tHat this series of li.nes is coni,ected with a special type of optical tr--iisition in seniconductors, a transition between two electron zones,or two hole zones; it. can be considered as a direct interzo-ne t1ransition 1/2 USSR UDC: 535.3/73.2 GROSS, Ye. F. , et al, Izvestiya Alkadlemi-i Thbuk- SSSR--Seriva Tizi- cheskaya, No 4, 1973, pp 885-890 accompanying the -formation oi" a bie-lectron or bilhole by analo;-Y with the formation of an exciton for the case of ordinary zone- zone transitions betv.,een an upper valent zone and the conduct ivit-y zone. Absorption and luminescence spectra of the inverse series in B'13 crystals are shown. It is noted that, with better crystals and the use of ~-; high-dispersion spectrometer, the terms o.' trie in- verse absorption series at temperatures of 1.6-4.20 -_''L have doublet structures and a prediction raade on the basis of the tlleor~y has been exper- imentall,y verified. 2/22 USSR GROSS, the late Ye. F., FEDOROV, D. L., and SHEKIMAM:TYEV, R. I., Leningrad University imeni A. A. Zhdanov, Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad "Effect of Uniaxial Deformation on Absorption Spectrum of Bismuth Iodide Crystals" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 14, No 11, Nov 72, pp 3252-3255 Abstract: In previous articles the authors reported observing a hydrogen-like series of 1-ines in the absorption spectrum of bismuth iodide crystals dt 4.2'K which converge towards the long-wave side instead of the short-wave side, as usually the case. The frequencies v of these lines obey the inverse serial relation of the hydrogen-like atom + R ,12 1/2 USSR GROSS, the late YE. F., et al., Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 14, No 11, Nov 72, pp 3252-3255 The present article describes results of the further experimental study of the inverse series viz.,the effect of directed,uniaxial elastic deformation of BiI3 single crystals at 4.20 K on the absorption spectrum. Deformation of the crystal along the optical axis C3 results in a shift of the absorption lines of the inverse series towards the long-wave side, together with a suc- cessive decrease in line intensity, beginning with the higher members of the series. At the same time,there is continuous deformation absorption moving from the short-wave side with a considerably higher (in absolute value) shift coofficient. The authors thank N. V. STAROSTIN for discussing the resultsQ, V. T". AGEKYAN for his assistance and advice in the creation of a special-design press, and A. N. PAVLOV for taking part in the experiments. 2/2 G'Oi S R 'UDC: 1,one G-1103 (deceased), SOICDIOV, N. S., and TITZGV, A. ..Q,~ "Phononless Annihilation Radiation of Indirect E.-.citons i- Gor- manium Crystals With Isoelectronic Impurities" Leningrad, Fini-L-a I'vea-do-o Tola-, Vol 14, No 7, 1972, pp 21-004-2007 Abstract: The results are given of exi-x-riments performed to stud,, the luminescence of indirect excitons in germanium crystals with isoelectronic adriixtures of Si and Sn at a tern~erature of 4.20 K. The DFS-12 spectrorrieter ~iith a PbS pho tore s istor v,as uSed L,.- a r,-,- ceiver for recording purposes. The luminescerice spectrwn of a germanitmi crystal containin,,- an isoelectranic Si im-,jurity of- 0.7 at. and a sim-11 amount (5-iol-4 per cc) of "ib donor' iz--terlal, in which the radi--tion bands typical o-f germaniu:~_ -.;_Jt-h no silicon are clearly indicated is shown. These bands am- the rusult of 'Ghe rmn~khilation of free as well as bonded excitons with phonon excitation. Tni_. effuct on the spectr= of increasin,!,, the sensitivity of the equip7ment and of addin,-, silicon to, the crystal specJmens is a-so noted. Investifations were na-de of the Lxunescence of free g=.~.-nium crystal excitons containing Sn, in which phononless anni- hilation of free excitons vith elastic dispersion of the Sn atoms vas obs-~~xved 1/2 USSR GROSS, Ye. F., et al., Fizika Tv-crdo,-,o Tela, vol 14, No -(, 1972, pp 2-004-20D7 The authors, associated with the A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Instit-ate of Leningrad, express their gratitude to V. I. Safarov for his conments, to 1. 1-1. Belokurova and V. S. Ze.-nskov for growinE,; the Ge-Si crystals used in the experirents, and to Dr. V. Airo of France for preparing the gemanitm, tin- alloyed specimens. 2/2 C)r S R UTD C : I 'on e (De:ce ass ed STARLOST I IT, 11. V. , S HEI I I I LOV , E; axid oat MWI 1 1411 4: 4. F ~mlv , R . I "Fine Structure of the BnerZy Levels of a Dielectron or Bihole in a Bi13 Crystal" Leningrad, Fizilzal~iverdo,,,o 7L-cla, voll 14, 11.1o 7, 1c)72, pl~ 1942-i(1147 Abstract: From the cx-,-~erimental discovery of an inverted series of hydrogen-! i'll-e lines in BiI3 crystals, it has been concluded til-at the phenomenon was cau-sed by the formation of ~. bielectron a sys- tem of t-win charged particles, electrons,or ho.les, with antlip-.I-al- lei spins. Atrther exlerimentation i-.ras conducted by the men rairled above, and the re~~ults of -.hat- ex.-oerinientation z~xe ~iLveln 1?i '6~'Is paper. 111cluded also are theoretical investiga-tions into the spectroscopic char.acteris -tics of the two types of Vwin 7,Irticle-5 in poorly.syrx~eti,ical Bi13 c-1-Ystals. it wz_-s -fou-nC, that in a DFS-13 spectroscove with a dispersion or ii'buat th'; BH-, the dictance I!Lt-~-ec-n had P, ftne strictlire and some of its )An~!.s were tile doLfblet CO:t;r,)n,_-1)tr; val-yin,., inversuly as the qmnt,,Lrrj VSSR GROSS Ye. F. (deceased), et- al., Fizika Tverdo~;o Tela, vol Ili, No 7, 1972, pp 19242-1947 of the present paper also used more perfect crystals. In the theoretical part of the paper, the authors obtain an expression for the enerl-,;ies of the d:)ublet components which indicates that the doublet splitting off the d-bielectron or , line nw-.Ibcr acco linu, to the re-Dation 1. bihole decreases with increasing n lr,2. This agrees with the experimentally observed variation. The authors, rl~:mbers of the A. A. Zhdanov State University of Leningrad and the A. F. Toffe Phyoico- Technical Inslit-ate of Leni-ngra-0, express their j~ratitud~! to N- Dru'.-,ov '. o %, _' wq participated in the experiments. 2 t2 USSR 'UDC: ]Tone ,QWJ,.Ye sed), PERMOGOROV, S. A., TEAVITIPMV, V. V., and ....P-, (Decea "Kinetics of the Formation of Bonded Excitons i-n CdS Crystals" Leningrad, Pizika Tverdogo TDela, vol 14, No 5, 1972, pp 1547-1548 Abstract: This brief communication is the sequel to an earlier article published by the. authors named above in the same journal (vol 14, 1972, P 1388), in which they showed that tile excitation of MIS crystals with a hir~h probability of nonradiation recomlbina- tion by monochromatic light creates mo-nokinetic exciton distri- bution in the exciton zone. In them present com-munication an ac- count is given of an investigation into the probability of forma- tion of excito." bonded with neutral donors in CdS crysLals as a function of the enerpy of the free excitons. The excitation -,,-)ec- tra were obtained at a temperature of 4.20 X i-,,ith equipment de- scribed in the earlier paper, and the results of their plot are shown. lio USSR 'W22L K EY1,"GOLID, 1. 1. , MAKAROV, V. T Leni-wra(~~ imeni A. A. Zfidanov "Resonance interaction Betweer, Crtho- and Paracxciton,--~, -n '- CI-12-~' Crystal Iiith the Pai,ticipation of Phonolls" Moscow, Pio'm-~ v Zhurnal Tcoretkli~.--Ik..Oy rlzilkl.i, Val. !-5, No. 7, 5 Apr 72, I)p 383-386 Abstract: The exciton luminescence s-L)ectra 0~: CU20 tc- freauencies o.-F all mptical phon;yis, includinr vjbratier!~3 of I"-, jj-tj-re sccitterin,- . it it; noted that in addition to the-, 1 of the "yeliew" series with symmetric Ni3 (orLIhoe:-:ci-'c,-.Q), thc!-c- L j. Iton). of 1:11(! in the qu;j(j-ur,o),(~ C;in ))~o 01)::L~,.vvedi !-I I u.;:: spectra, The tranif7,i-tion t:0 'll'o. I'll :tatp i~; forh.IJ:;(`j 'I "mm, Do!- :=1 the-- L thi- S'ate -,Ip- I-..C)t !"',(371 C*"'r:~-.T~'d uE untill t" rime. w taneous excitadon or (11.0,!Djlt-2ar~.Ince of, spectrm of- CuO alo,t--7 with ru.;ozmaicc radiation of- Tf., I r! 1/2 USSR . GROSS, YE. F. , et- a!, Pis'---- v Zhurnal Teor T Fiz--ki , Vol. 15, No. 7, 5 Apr 72, pp 383-366 to t'ie F; 5 level with the parti c-;Dat-, of r-,, , 1-9 , j-hCnCn permissible in the dipole appi-ox -1-mat ion. A table is givcii thc~ Frc- quency of optical phonons oc cuvrous oxide measured on th-2 has-is lumm:~,-:C~-nc-n spectra. In addition to phonan repetitions tlle table shcws ail tion band which is located at a distance of about- 180 c.,-.i-'l 'Ci-, tile lin- th,:m orthoexciton an,-! uhich has the charactleristIc sha"e o-' Ovmon free e-xciton. Tl~e depen,--",,7~7' tile ..Cf-- Cl- k~ lu-iinescericc, c1: .--.Is I)C-, temperat,twe is sharply different from the temperature oC tht-- phorions. Tt is _-I-C) T re- Of is never encountered in the radiation -.pect-rurn of bound oxide. It is suggested tj,L~t this band arises from -the .3 T + with another (not F exc:ton; slate. Al L thouall the aut~lc-r:-: paraoxciton level ,;hould he local.(~d, it could not- !)--i tioll or in ol)sorvQd only ill tion,and the neiv., 1-ine appeared In the luminescenc(--- C-):- C-llj) un, pressicn of the c-rYstal a1cnIg thu C', axis of: rise of -,-he paruc~zcizon li:-2 In the spcctrur, o-f i3 (ILL(I to rCSC)n1-MC'C of thr-- [ton wi !h ;,:-j, " t.11 ~()!l (A i~ phfq-11~ .!rld f- tf~ 912 6 vE'R"17.1"iC~07, S. A. e' aa (Jof'.c ?,h-%, USSR Acarl'arKi 7 Le.,i n~ ec, T~:,citon Lile4-Lrv", 1972; pn 13F,,6-et' C, 0~ tllie sl)cc 0 in Cdf-3 Crystal- C-,,citation F, of -th ~:-c'noc , I.u t u . --.u in sm,-, tile of 1-w-Linescence on t"IL- -.C. jmj tainss lines I- cjr:n",,; 1011r,-_~, - L- 11 u ull "ve s d, of th-~ 0'. tI.I.117 nrl ancaunt. equa' e en -!r! o 'I -an in'tc-Tal of nons. it im," eldstic 0,- the .1c" 11 a ellar"w"l- 'I's C3 ",)Y tll(~ of -Lhe. accOilaan!- to ca-u7e Of the I Ut i 0" -" It 11 e e0 o i ir) n e i I e S' i or z -I:;- r-C ,015 a remllt o.-!' u ni-lity Oi :":I- cq ~ i b r -a! mcf! re USSR GROSSS, Ye- T. `7 S. A. Fi~L-11:a T~-;If~, -,O,C-L of the cxcit--,tion s-rctctra of* excitorl lumincLsCenc,"'. 7-1 lifetinnes Of frQO excitor's tho lunint~scencc exc.i !,7ition a Serics of narraw thu distance betw,:!ell vilic"I 4.~~ to tile of a loncitudil"l-I Optical 1"110,10:1. TLC Position of t"It! of the excitation ST)acilr~_Iln is detcrmiri~~d. by the of' thc f;:.Ccitun the a=ihij,?.4-jon of jS ()bserved in tile s- I ru p,;cz nP GROSS Ye - F., PL~T!-DM-, A. G., SUSLINTA, L. G., SH-L-t~I)IIIIII, 1'- t Moscow, Zhitrzia-I ~ntLI Irjo-,- i I - . ~ ?: Abotract: Fe con --.nt c r3- i n 'tti on in Ject of a investi;,-ptions o v i a o f, the j - te nit -_E! I, L :Lj -j4- - continwu3 cImn!--:! iTI ",Larj:i--~ncy in the ruc, a f t;c)n ,v::~*-pI,:;rn. subject of the neon lasel- tit -Po a!-':I onc;!nt' jil th .-2 ~7 4 varIca, birlden nonc (:v at 4.,?') Y. -6.3 S R - SS- Vn P NOVIKOV, B. V., and SOKOLOV, LT. S. "Luminescence of Bonded Excitons in Germanium Crystals." Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, vol 14, No 2, 1972, pp 443-447 Abstract: Because little is Imown of the glow phenomena of ger- manium doped with elements of the III and V groups, this paper attempts to fill part of that gap by discussing the luminescence of exciton-doped complexes in germanium monocrystals alloyed with Sb, P, As donors and Ga, In accepto 16 experiments, dop- ing concentrations varied from 5-1019*to 5 10 /cm , and the de- vice used for recording the luminescence was the screen spectro- meter type DFS-12 with a photoresistive PbS as the sensor. Most of the measurements were made at a temperature of 4.20 X, attained by directly submerging the specimens in liquid helium, and an Jn- candescent lamD or helium-neon laser was used to excite the lumi- nescence. The authors, connected with the Semiconductor Institute 112 - IV3 - USSR GR633, Ye. F. et al, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 14, No 2, 1072, PP 443-447 of Leningrad and the A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University, ex- Press their gratitude to R. L. Korchazhkina for preparing the spe- cimens, to S. A. Permogorov for discussing the results, and to V. V. Kulakov for his assistance in running the experiments. 212 USSR ROSS, Ye. F., PEREL', V. I., and SHEMIAMEVYEV, R. I., Physicotechnical f t1tute-~imeni A. F. Ioffe, Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov "A Reverse Hydrogenlike Series in the Optical Excitation of Light Charged Particles in Bismuth Iodide (B113) Crystal" Moscow, Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 13, No 6, 20 Mar 71, pp 320-325 Abstract: While making an experimental study of exciton states in Bil crystal, the authors discovered a hydrogenlike spectrum -- a hydrogenlike series of resonance absorption and emission lines which converge in the long-wave region of the spectrum instead of the short-wave region, as usually happens. TIne article gives a brief description of the phenomenon and attempts to explain it by the light excitation of light cliarged parti- cles with negative effective masses. The authors thank undergraduate student Ye. I. BALASHOV and postgraduate student I. I. MEL'NICHENK0 for their assistance in the experiments. 1/1 USSR UDC; None .L V. I., TITKOV, A. If., and SHLIMAK, I. Q OSS Ye. F., SAFARUV, "Observation of Excited States and Experimental Determination of Energy Coupling in Indirect Excitons in Germanium" Moscow, Pis1ma v Zhurnal Birsnerimentallnoy i Teor-eticheshoy 2iziki, Vol. 13, No. 7, 5 April 1971, PP 332-336 Abstract: This letter describes experimental research in the method of long-wave spectrum differentiation for determining exciton struc- ture in the region of indirect absorption in germanium. This me- thod is highly sensitive and, in addition to permitting observa- tion of transitions of the excitons to the basic state with the participation of all four crysialline phonons (TA, LA, LO, and TO), will detect transitions from n = 2 to the excited state. As a re- sult of this method, the value of the Rydberg exciton has been experimentally obtained and the coupled energy of the least level Eex ` 0.0036 + 0.0003 ev of the indirect exciton in germanium found for the first t-ir,e. '.'-he differential sDectra were obtained with a special spectrometer in which a rotating mirror, placed in front of the output slot of a monochromator and set to rotatina at a rate Of 73 Hz, Droduces a light beam modulated at that same frequency which is i~ciderit on the crystal and then is fed to a liEht sensor. 1/1 - 73 O-r and -Poxicolq-Y USSR UDC 5'17. 1:,-3 .8 V... VOZI,,'A---'Al N. RARHINOV.1 M. 1M., and LT/,TKW, V. I J, I--'t;orr-.'Uor:..r of Bioor~:anic CLer-.-,fstrj, 1-.0scow State Un-.versit. imeni M. V. Lor.onosov, l..oscow "Msechan-i sr.,i of th-2 Inactivation of the Respiratox~,r Chain by Cob-"a Venom Phospholipase" Y.:)sco1.1r,, Biokhiriuya, Vol 37, !1o 6, iiov/Dec 72, pp .1204--1OC9 -Abstract: T~e elffects of -.1ioscholipase A isollated from the venom of the Central Asian cobra on the respiratory chain of the succinate den Jurof~*ena se s-.,rltem of submitochond-l'a-1 particies and the NADH oxidase comnlex (I + III + IV) reconstnicted the c-rto-chrome of c-oxidoreduc 'lase (I + -and "he c~-to- chrome of c-oxidase (IV) wuru studied. It Tms found th.,-Lt e-Lectron tr-anSfer wa.,; dis'.-.iebed ir-ainly at, IUc If-ricl ol, cytochrome c In a link (-W thu chain cou-non to the MU)JI and succinate oxidane systems. 1/l AA0040711- uR o482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemical, Derwent, 243217 INTENSIFICATION OF HEAT EXCHANGE where the heat caefter used is aii Prmlsion of non- conducting (dielectric) liquids with a conducting dispersed phase. The unequal conductivity increases the forces arising by pass~-ng a current, which in its turn leads to a greater heat exchange. 19.6.67 as 1169857/26-25. M. BOLOGA & OTHERS. APPLIED PHYSICS INST. ACA.D. SCIENCES MOLDAVIAN SSR. (18.9.69) Bul 16/5.5.69. Class 421. Int.Cl.G Olk. AUTHORS: Bologal m. Kozhukhar" T. A.; and IGr.os.u P. Institut Moldavs P 19750348 0 026674- UR9 oxf AUTHOR-- UL--YA. PRESIDENT MOLDAVIAN ACADEMY OF P_ II-M _0 I SCIENCES., C6RRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES,__~.S.S.R. TITL--'-- HORIZONS OF MOLDAVIAN SCIENCE NEWSPAPER-- SOVETSKAYA MOLDAVIYA FEBRUARY 270 1970, P 21 COLS 1-4 ABSTRACT--- THE ARTICLE SUMS UP THE ACTIVITIES AND PROGRESS OF THE MOLDAVIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. AS OF TODAY THE INSTITUTES OF THE ACADEMY EMPLOY MORE THAIN 290-V0 PEOPLE INCLUDING A STAFF OF 711 SCIENCE ASSorlIATES !5 OF WHOM ARE DOCTORS 360 ARE CANDIDATES OF SCIENCES1 17 ARE ACfI_'& MEMBERS OF THE ACALEMY AND 20 ARE CORRESPONDING MEM3ERS. THE NEWLY ELECTED ACADEMICIAN~ ARE-Ni. P. PROW t y11. . PETROVA AND t~~,YMkS_JLNKQ. H REVSKIY T. S. GEYDEi"IA I. TS, G V, V. ARAS 1.1011. C., Do D. V7RDE,,.-, ff. - LLf A -RE V. G, KL i -,N' T. 1, MA OW5r V A, MOSKALEM, 1. RADAUTSAN, AND f,~~D_RAVE BEC-N ELECTED CORRE-b-FGNDTING MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMY. ? 196c>1725 AN0026674 CONTRACTUAL RESEARCH DONE BY THE ACADEMY IN 1969 AMOUNTED TO 519 000 RUBLES. THIS REPRESENTS AN INCREASE OF 538,000 RUBLES LOVER THE PERIOD OF THELAST 5 YEARS. NEW AREAS OF APPLICATION OF ELECTRIC POWER IN NATIONAL ECONOMY, AND STRUCTURAL AND PHYSICAL STUDIES OF SEMICONDUCTORS WILL RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION IN RESEARCH PLANS FOR THE FORTHCOMIN~; YEARS. IgGG1726 T` M 0 3 1 A IS S V I --',NFi S9UOlOdV--ON NUISS303V Otil.3 L to b/~-icoi izofoco/ unoou/ e--ON d3lS ZSZI/9~61-3VObj/1~36 AX366 cj31~issviw,n--ssvi3 IN3i~11000 SN01131~:iS3b ON--ONINbOi, lUbINOO 33NVIV~3 b~IVM '33NVIVB JV3H 4AIIA113V bVIOS 'd3lVM ".~31OV19-SOVI OldOl AHdT80ONV300 ONV S3:)N31:)S H-LdV3--SV3bV n3rens OL ------- (GHSI l9f)d 31VO LT-i: dd '1Z UN 'OL61 'MO')SOW iN313iina AINS3H3171=1030-301MOS 'dSSn--DANI JO AblNno3 *W*A 6AONVAllU)( '*D*W 'OlVASOb9--NOHinv -n- .ssvw b13H.1 JO 139ong 3HI jo )Lonis 3HI ONV bssn -~Hl JO SE313VIS--allll OL(j3SII--iilVCl SNISS3DUbd 031:JISSV-I:)Nn SID E/1 2/3 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIN~ Dt;TP--It~r-070 CIRC ACCESSION N-0--AP0103165 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--01) GP-0- A-3STqACT. THERE APE 4 !44JOR GLA' I F-_~ I'q THE USSR: THE (ATLANTIC ARCTIC, ATLANTIC EURASI Ahl, EAST S IBFR IAN ANID T ~i F: PACIFIC ASIA"!, WHICH CAN 9:_~ DEVIDED INTO 19 SEPARATP (-,L, Q = . TOTAL AREA OF T,AE GLACIERS UNI THE rlOUNTRY 4-,'lUNTS T 01 8 1 9,13 1.) K.4 012 AND THE VOLUME OF WATER ST9RED IN THEM9 TO 13 750 KM PRIME3. THE MAIN CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF GLACIER RFGfi4E, SUCH AS THE ELEVATION r)F THE EOUILIBRIUM LTNE, THE VALUE'OF THE TOTAL ACCUMULATION AT THE EjUTLI9,RIU4 CJNE, THE VERTir.AL GRADIENTS.OF THE NET BALANCE, T14E "GLACIER RATIOS" ETC..,.-ARE ESTIMA-TED-FOR THE MAJORITY-OF.THE -GLACIEQ. AREAS. THE DATA ON MASS BALANCE OF THE'GL4CIERS IN THE POLAR URALS ANIO TIEN SHAN ARE TABULATED AND Ce4PARED, WHICH WERE OBTAINED THROUGH THE DIRECT MEASUREMENT OVER THE LAST DECADE. IT HAS BEEN FOUND THAT THE GLACIER BALANCE CHANGES IN BnTH AREAS ARE NONSYNCHRONOUS. A COMPARISON OF THE VARIATIONS TN MASS BALANCES OF THE IGAN GLACIER (THE POLAQ UqALS) AND THE GREAT ALETSCH GLETSCHER (THE SWISS ALPS), OVER THE PERII?O OF SEVERAL DECADES SUGGESTS THF CYCLIC TREND OF THE VAPIATIONS IN BnTH REGIONS (WITH A WAVE LENGTH OF ABOUT 22 YEARS) AND THE DIRECT OPPOSITION IN THEIR PHASE* 1r UNCLASSIFIED 3/3 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIN! DATE-11SEP70 rlRC ACCFSSION NO--AP0103165 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--THP ANALOGY OF 22 YEAR CYCLES OF THE BALANCF V4RIATIONS WITH THE CYCLIC FLUCTUATIONS OF THF SAME WAVE LENGTH IN SOLAR ACTIVITY SEEMS TO BE 01JITE EVIfIFNT, WHEREAS THE ATMOSPHERIC CfRcAATIO!~l APPEAR~ TO BE AMAIN fAITERmEDIATF VARIABLE IN THE CHAIN "SUN GLACIERS" RESPONSIBLE FOR THE "CONTRA PHASE" RELATIONSHIP IN GLACIER VARIATIO14S OF CERTAIN AREAS. IN CONCLUSION, SOME DATA ON THE PRESENT CHANGES IN GLACIER REGIME ARE GIVEN, AS WELL-AS A GENERAL INFOR4ATION ON * GLACIOLOGICAL ';TUDIES CARRIED ON IN THE USSR WITHIN THE FRAYEWORK OF THE_ IHD PROGRAMS. THE LATTER COVER THE COMPILING OF THE SOVIET UNION INVENTORY OF. PFREN-141AL SN.,)W AND ICE MASSES, THE CONTINUO-US MEASUkstlr~,.,T OF GLACIER VARrATI(?N'.;,- AN5 THE COMBINED RESFARCHIFS nN HEAT, MASS A%.f) WATEP 13ALANCES AT SELECTED MOUNT AIN GLACIER BASINS. USSR UDc 669.1:621.873 GnGENTFO, V. A., SI~UjRO~101~, G. YF., and GRCSyjkL'D V. G. "Devices for Vetal in Steel Pouring Ladles During Extraction oLIT a 'Melt 0 From an Open HcaTth. Furnace" PTO-4-2VOdStV0 ChCI-n:-'IA1 "'Ot,11113v TProduction of Ferrous Metals-Collection of -s], No 75, Nctallurgi%, Prc5s, 1970, pp 52-56 ork I W Translat ion: Th e -~` C- s in o felectrotensometric devices for ;eirhin,, of rotal in a st.-el Fourin,-? 1-, 2 j;-zring extraction or the melt from an clien hearth ' rnace is described. The scales ccn;S~sz Of --"CLIr water-cooled dosimeters inszalled on the st2nd carrying thle st-Qel -,-eurinb- ladle.. an electrical attachment ard a secondarv in- strument. The ran-,,~ (3--1' tho dovIcc is 0 to 320 T. The error of the scale did. nct exceed 1.?5' of ~'- - 1,11 600 T ~ydrau- 1 scalt, rcading in calibration on a lic press. The scales are installed on two standi. Comparison tlhe --csuits oE ,,,cighing by tonsometric scz,lcs the results Of Calculation. o` thcoretical rlass of the metal (1,.% w-as ver-oi-,ed. d-,! rut exceed erroz The avc r o USSR I= 669.1.-621.873 WGENKO, V. A., SHARONOV, G. YF., and GROSVAL'D, V. G. "Devices for Weighing Metal in Steel Pouring Ladles During Extraction of a Melt From an Open Hearth Furnace" Proizvodstvo Chernvkh Metallov [Production of Ferrous Metals--Collection of Works], No 75, Metallurgiya Press, 1970, pp 52-56 Translation: The design of electrotensometric devices for weigiling of metal in a steel pouring ladle during extraction of the melt from an open hearth furnace is described. The scales consist of four water-cooled dosimeters 'Installed oil the stand carrying the steel pouring ladle, an electrical attachi-,iont and a secondary in- strurnent. The Tange of" the device is 0 to 320 1'. The error of tile scalo did not exceed 1.25% of the maximum full scale reading in calibratac)n a 600 T hydr,,Iu- lic press. The tensometric scales are installed on two staras. Comparison of the results of weighing by terisometric scales with the results of calculation of the theoretical mass of the metal Ibv volume) was Derfomed. L The average deviation of mass from the theoretical value did nor ey-ceed the error of calibration. 2 figures; I table; I biblio. ref. USSR UDC 533.92:621.039.61 ALEKSIN, V. F., BIRYIETKOV, 0. V., VISM.-EVETSKIY, V. N.,-GEORGIYEVSIIY, A. V., GROT Yu I DIKIY, A. G., ZISER, V. Ye., KITAYEVSKIY, L. IKH., KONOTOP, T I., PoroZHEV, D. P., PELET~fINSKAYA, V. G., SERGEYEV, Yu. F., SMIRNIOV, V. G., SUPRMTEINIKO, V. A., TOLOK, V. T., and TARAN, V. M. "Development and Synthesis of the "Uragan" Stellarator and Investigation of Magnetic Surfaces of High Shear" Kiev, Fizika. Plasmy i Problemy UpravIyayemogo Termoyadernogo Sintoza (Plasma Physics and Problems in Controlled Thermonuclear Synthesis -- collection of works) "Naukova dwika," No 3, 1972, pp 73-112 Abstract: After in InItial section devoted to a review of the literature on the magnetic surfaces of toroidal stellaraLorz; and the principles of stellarators in general, r.-Ie authors analyze the "Uragan It specif-ical1y. In particular, this papcr is concerned with the problems 'nvolved in &~cos-in& tdie -para=eters of the magnetic system for the raLetraclr- stel.- larator to obtain magne-lic sur:aces -with hiah shear. This last ter-in is defined as the extent of crossing of the magnetic lines ofr force. T'6-e synthesis and adjustment of the magneCic system are also examined, and 1/2 USSR r Lj A. V. PIRO"-,' Yu 1.. )T!:!Y S~ 1?rmf v C S'~' - nro 7TSE1[-, 11. ETI'1.1*1i"~i 1'1~ S7 Ll~ YA ,V. C., SE0;',--".,., ........ Sysl:c:!~ of Li S te 111 al aor Tc With L- Piz. L r 1 1 1 7 3 , i.2 j: No 1 I lie, r t I!, iv (If w ro C, I c I-,") I,:: v [.I; c I:; rj Z., c it- L c t: IISSR ALEKSIN, V. F. , et al, Fiz. -,-fnv i probl. uprav]. . __ pI T:~czl-ved . sb. , 1.97T- 'No. 3, T) 73-112 Lidividually contrclle,l cylinAers there are closed mngnctic with high sheer values (-D.09) an--; annf_je of rotaft-for7al The experimontal kilita at:v with c:114-11lated V;!lue-.; obl;ti.,,~,: (,I li.c~ BESM-6 cu~,-,uter. USSR IjDc 6211 . 3S 2 .13 C-C Conductor Delpy I'Controllability Of TI ree ITI-rpes of Semi _0. .OluT)ro,,,-,odn~Lko Kiev, p va pp1 82 .-88 !ability Of Cermanilixr" delay ne- c S t i - Abstract: The contr(,I a -%!e esti,,,,ate of charl,'c i~ a cc..r~~rati - gated in this paper i s 0- delay -.i!lc co-1-truiction, bansic outrUt parc=eters o~ three type din- on the bias -volurie, surface, an,-~ diar,onal, denen V" ji s Y, C) 2 i L. IV e c c),, o 1 -,he f -ir,c;'U 6.1 Pe USUP, --y lied t-o the b s .3 . 0 -,-. I-. C, ` I ay in C.S dr-raticn ol l.nbili r ~J_L I U.- u- 1 ly S -~1,Tc)--I--;_j,.ed crensin- b a s e _Ji s illic -.~econ., .3 I - bi- s . e tI, 4-rd re `n- f-ao-c vF,.ry --ith Lncrer..~,sin_ wlic f -pi-c;t t.,0. rou~-_y CO. ~ - __-L ;S 3- ____ 1 -1 u -lay bias volta.~,-e or how 'lie dc " i -1 -,- -, i 0- 12,1 three 4-rpes. i;erlforinnd DI.-.. I I.- - 7,J Cc- ens 1--Vj s res _i;, ST)eciin 0 r e S S ca 1-1 C;--- C c! S1- :ee re ', rec e nt- perr!.ture stabili~Yf _e ~.uthor e pre.-C, u, at ;i~-; Vit oa I re", -i - '! OIL' 01ir cm u author is az~soci:~.t;'~; with th~-, ~A,_~V ?oIyt(,r;IITIj.(.:!ij ,L Vu r'. 1/1 !ITSSR - UDC 621.382.13 G A. M. ..Controllability of Three Designs of Semiconductor Delay Lines" Kiev, Polunrovadnikovaya tekhnika i mikr,oelel~tronika, No 5, 1971, pp F2-88 Abstract A study was made of the controllabilitv of the delay of the output signal relazive to tile sipnal at the input of a get-manium functional delay element as a function of the design. The advantages of thn. volunctric design of delay lines over surface ant] diagonal designs distinguished by tile direction of interaction of the primary and controlling fields are demonstrated. A large part of tile experiment was performed on models with. a "low-resistance" base (P = 3 ollms-cm) accordin6 to the basic schematic of [Elo'ktroniLa tverdoT~o tela, Edited by M. M. Nekra4;ov, Kiev, 1963). The experimenLal results confirm the proposed physical nodel of Lran-s- fer of the minority carriers in the -base of tilt, line With application of a controlling field. For all tile investigate([ structural types of delay lines the mm-:imnum values of the controlling field of the base and the duration of Lhe delay and, consequently, the range of controllability of gernanium lines with respect to Tdelay are limited by tile values of k I (the transfer coef;icient of rbe I.Ine with rospoct to voltage). The lower the permissible Nralues of k7lp 1/7 .USSR GROTTE, A. M., Poluprovo6nikovava tekhni'--a i mnikroelektronika, 'No 5, 1971, pp 82-88 the larger the values of U. which can be used, resulting in higher control- base lability of the line under the given conditions. 2/2 - 118 - _~Tl/Z 036 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 I TLE--FC,-JT E'FEL' h C TLE CTRUNS IN SEMI CCNDUC TOR S -U- L T, S S h - CCUNTRY OF INFC--U-;zs.R SOURCE--UK.,-". FIZ. Zh. (RLSS. EJ.) 1970, 15(2), 334-6 0 A T Cc P U E' L I S'.-.'E G- - - - 7 0 SU6JE-'-T AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS- S. Ell' ICCNQUC TGA MATFRIAL, ELECTRON GAS, HEATING, ELECTRIC FIELD, WEAK MAGN-ETIC FIELD, ELECfkOMAGNETIC WAVE FREQUENCY, ACOUSTIC SCATTEKING, PHON(:N SCATTERING CCi%TRCL ovAic'KING-NO ZESTRICTIGNS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1~;9810551 STEP NO--UR/0185/70/015/002/0334/0336 CLRC ACCESSICN ND--AP0121223 tiri-.LASSIFIED I z/?- 036 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 U-CIRC ACCESSICN ABSTRA-lT/EXTf-,,~CT--(U) "JP-C- AbSTRACT. THE INFLUENCE Ull~ THE ELC-CTRi,,N GAS HEATING IN A STATIC ELEC. FIELD X,41 THE FOGT EFFECT IS C61610ERED. THE ELEC. hAVE FIELD IS ASSUMED WEAK IN CCMPARISON WITH THE HLATING FIELD; THE MAGNETIC FIELD IS ALSU ASSUMED WEAK AND THE ELEC, MAGNE11C WAVE FREQUENCY LL!%. THE CASE OF THE NGINDEGENERATE SEMICUINIDUCTCR WITH A PARA60LIC CGNDUCTI0N BAND AND AAN ISOTROPIC EFFECTIVE MASS IS TREATED. 114 ThE CASE OF SCATTERING BY THE ACOUSTIC PHONUNS, THE PHASE DIFFERENCE OF THE FUGE EFFECT Phl-L SU60 SIMILAR TO I-T SUBE PkIME:2, (r SUBE IS THE ELECTRON TEMP.)t nHILE IN IHE CASE GF SCATTE'RING BY 7HE POLAR OPTICAL PHON-Cz%-S Phl-L SUBO SIMILAK TO T SUBE PRIME2. FACILITY: MOSK. INSI. STALI SPLAVOV, MOSCGW, USSR. U%'C LASS IFIED 1/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING ()ATE--.lUULl'lU TITLE--ELECTR(IN TEMPERATUKE ANO MOBILITY IN lid-VIA S1;141CONDUCTOR COMPOUNDS WITH A NONPARA30LIC MiDiCTION BAND -U- AUTtiOR--GROYSt A.SH. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--UK,~AINS'KII FIZICHNII ZHUi-.NALt VOL. 15, MAK. 1970, P. 421-424 JATE PUBLISHED ---- MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--ELECTRON TEMPERATURE, ELECTRON MOBILITY, SE:MICUADUCTOR MATERIAL, CONDUCTION BAND CONTROL t4ARKING--NO PESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ?ROXY kE_EL/Fk4ME--1998/0559 STEP CIRC ACCESSIUN N-J--AD0121231 2/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 rIRC ACCESSinN NC--AP0121231 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--tlJ) GP-0- A3STRACT. INVESTIGATION OF PILZOACOUSTIC SCATTERlNG OF ELECTRON 1,11 1 16-VIA SIMICONDUCTOR COMPOUNDS HAVING A KANE (1957) TYPE NONPARABOLIC OISPERSION L44i IN THE PRESENCE OF A STRGNG ELECTRIC FIELD. ELECTRON TEMPERATURE AND MOBILITY ARE CHARACTERIZEO AS FUNCTIONS OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD. THE HOT ELECTK(JN EXCAPE: EFFECT IS SHOWN TO DISAPPEAR 41TH THE CONSIDERED SCATTERING MECHANIS;i AT A ZERO VALUE OF THE NONPARABOLICITY PARAMETER. FACILITY: MOSKOVSKII INSTITUT STALI I SPLAVOVI MOSCOW, USSR. Wic!.Ass iFIED Acc. Nr: AP0044195" Ref. Code: UR 0239 1PRITMARY SOURCE: Fiziologicheskiy',Zhutiial, 1970, Vol 56, Nr 1, pp / 0.1 INVESTIGATION INTO SECONDARY PERISTALSIS IN VARIOUS PARTS OF ESOPHAGUS IN DOG Bogach, P. G. ; Krasil'shchik-ov, K.- B. . ('~roysman, S. D. From the InSti-tute fif Physiollogy, T. G. Shevchvnko Statt, K'ev I it spi t e of t fit- d if forun I charm-Aer (if the jilot or mic ti it vo rio u'~ pa rt 's of t he el~opll- igus to mechanical stiumlaLioll t1w, frviluency of the secon-hi-Y porktaki- ill all par"s of the do" esophagus Was shown to be the s~ wit-, viz. S-14 contrntions a ruintite. The frequency of [lie peristalsis inesophagus appears to be uuchatwyed with the in- crea.Q,! of the stimulating baloon volume by -4 times (10-10 ml.). OnlY the strong ine- chanical stimulati(m J v.,zopliagnis which ovoked pain df!proqse~l tho ~ocoiiilary e--:opha- geal peristalsis. Thi- excitability of esopliagus it) mecirmical Aimulmioit had a tini-lellcy to increwie ill distal direction. 11 '1'36F~, E USSR UDC 621.79t.92 ,GROZDANOV,_P. K., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and SAVOV, I. N., Engineer Ei~t ific-Research, Design-Construction, and Technological Institute of Welding and Foundry Engineering, Bulgaria); V"PABI11, V. F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, ZEIZ-h-IN, V. 1., Er-Ineer, DUDKO, D. A., Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, NAKSIMOVICH, B. I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and METESA, 1. V., Engineer (Institute of Electric Welding Imeni Ye. 0. Paton, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR) "Structure and Properties of a Composite Alloy for Surfacing!' Kiev, Avtonaticheskaya Svarka, No 2, Feb 74, pp 28-31 Abstracti The results of studying the structure and properties of a compositc surfacing alloy of poured tungsten carbides and manganese German Silver YHF,ts20-20, containing 2C% Ni, 20% Mn, balance -- coD-Der, are presented. Alloy samples were prepared by three methods of surfacingi impregLition with a liquid alloy-lubricant and furnace heating, argon-arc welding with a tung sten electrode, and gas-flame welding. The alloys propared by these mothods were characteristically dense without the Dresence of alag inclusion:s, cracks, and other defects with almost complete preservation of the shaDe and Drorertles of the tungsten carbide grains. Wear resistance of the conposite alloy under the simultaneous acti-don oil tiC-ht and loose abrasives and a load on the sample 1/2 USSR GROZDANOV, P. K., et al., Av-tomaticheskaya Svarka, No 2, Feb 74, pp 2e-31 of almost 60 -kG/CM2is 60 times higher th= for steel St, 3. In abrasion using sand, corundum, and boron carbide abrasives, the conposite alloy exhibited the least amount of wear in comparison with steels St. 3 and C13 hard alloys VK3 and T15K6. Four figures, one bibliographic reference. tests and 2/2 USSR UDC 577.391:547.476 y GP,OZDOV. S. P.. HZIN. G - I la -ID , S H , 1 . N .I R 'YANo VI.. Yu. , and VA~)iL'i-;-VS t-A, V. V., Institute of Bio~hysics, Ministri. Healtil Moscow "Mechanism of the Physiological Action and of Lhe RadiaLion-Protective a Effect of Dimethylsulfoxide" Moscow, Radiobiologiya, Vol 11, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, pp 522-5,27 Abstract: Dimetlivisu"o-idIL (D!-1.130), on being administercd intraperitoneally to rats in the form of a 50'% aqueous solution in a dose of 5.4 g/kg before irradiation of the animals with gamma-rays in a (.lose of 900 r, OxerLerl a pronounced radiation-prouecti-ve cffcct, which was cowi.iderably enhriinc~-d 10%, the administraLlon of AT11. I)PISO reduced Ow act.ion of on tissues, alLhough it iner(la:;ed Lheir secretion in t1w or~inlsm. Rudlic-Lioll of che utilization Of 02, inhibiLion of glycolysis, and obic-1- cff"L.(-L!~ indi- cated inhibition of i-,iet~~!)olic processes in lvmphoid tissue!; (the -ple-n z~-.ud thymu6 under the ICLiUn --l'--.".1, 2~-- fro-r. protector.s, DMS0 (lid not I)roduce hvpoxia, incroaz;e Lhe co-.,tt~!nt of ~~111- or la.4er the redo.-,- P0tU:Iti,--I in tissues. Differwces beLk,---;i2n the !~i,--!~:hanism or action o~F D'-L~;O and that- or aminothiols expla-li-n the cnhnnce.-nont- of L"I" 1/2 IJSSR GROZDOV, S. P. , et al., Radiobiologiya, Vol. 1.1, INo 4, JuI/Aug 71, J)p 522-527, radiation-protective effect upon their joint application. As indicated by the results of the experiments ,.,i-tlt ATP, this enhancenent presumably also be observed on joint administration of DMSO with other substances which, similarly to aminotMols, displacu the re(lox balance of tkli~~ oryani.,;m towards reduction. 2/2 Acc. Nr: dow's 00037243- (= Re f )de: UR 0301 SOURCE: Voprosy 1,1editsinskoy Khlmii, 1970, Vol 1u", Nr 1, pp 2-7 - 90 THE STUDY OF FATTY ACID OXIDATION IN HEART MUSCLE OF NORMAL ANf- MALS AND AT EXPEINMENTAL ,MYOCARDITIS L L. Boboshko, Al. D. Gro.7d2L,-a IT]Stitllfe of Pharruacy USSR Academy of Medical Sciences The oxidation of butyric and palrnitic acids by raboit heart mitochondrfa was stu- died. The oxidation (if butyric acid as distinct frorn palmitic acid doeS not depend on carnitin addition into the incubation mixture. The rate' of buryric acid oxidation is de- vended on the season of the year. At the experimental adrenaline invocarditis the inhi- bition of fatty acid oxidation by 2-3 times was noted. 4 Aj vidi" 16 1/2 026 UNCLASSIFIEU PRoCESSI-NG DATE-13NOV70 TITLE-SYiNTHESIS 4-NUG STIJ-,Y OF THE A,',IISOTRCPY OF POLAXHAMLITY ANO UIPOLE MOMENTS nS S11.1-11E CCNPOW'~;S ijF THt E1NDOX4JCYCLc1iEXAP'4E Si:e.IES -0- AUTHL')R-(04)-VER&SHCHg1GI.\Jt A.N.t GROZ - j--A--",~jKHA,'AATULLINA, I.M., MAA ARdUZOV, b.A. COUNTRY OF SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. ~JAUK SSSmt SER. KHIM. 1910t (4)t 792-7 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-ANISUTROPY, UIPOLE MOMENT, ORGANIC SYNTHESIS, CYCLOHEXA~4E, FW~ANII OX IDATIGIN't PHTHALIC ACID, EPOXY COMPOUND, OIELECT~~.IC PROPERTY, NITRILE CCiNTROL MAKKING--NJ PAESTRICTIONS DOGUNPHT CLAS'l-UNCLAV11F H-0 PROXY REEL/I RAHI"-100o/1003 STEP Cl,'-'(-- ACC,-SSf~J111 '40-APOL 34 /1 1) t-.-D 212 026 U-NCL ASS I F I ED PROCESS[-NG DATE-11INCV70 CIRC ACC'ESSION NO-AP0134715 A!3ST,'.'ACT/---.'4TP,ACT--(U) GP-0- ?-,6ST R -ACT CGNVENTIONALLY PREP0. DIELS "ILDER AOOUCT-S 13F FU.- %AN tiE~~E 0XI011-c-1; '.,,irH HCO SU62 14,H SUB? 0 r4J TRANS, 121-6DEG~zl---Esl AND THE CIS IS;--iMEkr M. I7-3-4DE(>K[:-f-Sv AHOSE DIPOLE MOMENTS, FRO'l, UIELEC. DATA, 1.4ER-Ey RESP., 2.92 AND 5.62 0. THE FOLLOWING DlPtILF ACMENIrS AND KEkk CUNSTS. (M P~,IMEKX1012) , KESP. , WERE REPORTED: 3,e) ENoCjX;l,L)ELTA PR IXElt, T E-TRANYbROPIN THAL IC -41-lHY0kIDEp 5.53, NFGATIVE 99.b; TRAf4SPL,Z,OICYANO,i,6,E;tOOX0949CYCLUtiEXENEt 3.1.8, 6~i-13; CIS IsomER, 5.55f 463.7; TRANS, 1,32, tjlCYAVt0, 4, 5, EPOXY f 31 6vENDOXCCYCL~31HEXANE, 2.929 NEGATIVE -31.8; CIS isexica, 5-b't 404.2; AND 4,5,EP,~;XY,3,6,L-,~4~,'L).(IjiiEX;N,,iyij!~optirHALIC ACIDv lt.()'3 '3XIDN. OF 01ELS ALDEA ADOUCTS OF V(Jkldli WITH 01(41TRILES YIELDS E.Xil EPJXY OERIVS. FACILITY: KAZAN. G-'IS. tillit'l. IM. WLIYANIDVA-LENINA, 9,AZAN, USSR. 'LP .) N(l -S"(FIf:0 U Afp* I Ace. Nr: Ref. Code: UP, 0016 PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii, i Immunobiologii, 1970, -Nr 1, pp-21p-3o CULTIVATION OF SALMONELLAE OF TYPHOID FEVER ON SYNTHETIC NUTRIENT MEDIUM 1. M. Gruber, V. V. Biryukov, K. D. Gnuni, F. I. Aptekareva The authors modified the full value amino acid medium by replacement of triptophane with its precursor - indol (0.1 g/1), and of asparagic acid - with urea (0.86 g/1). By the in- dices of reproduction the modified nutrient medium was not inferiour to the initial, but was even somewhat superior to it by growth indices. Replacement of the two deficient expensive amino acids offered a possibility of cutting in two the cost of tile nutrient medium. A method of orthogonal Latin rectangles was used in this work; it offered a possibility of t:,,tablishing the range of changes in the concentration of components, capable of providing the optimal rate of reproduction of typhoid bacilli, by a small number of experLments. Tinn" 1/2 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING )ATE--13-NOV70 TITLE--PJR IF [CAT lrjrl Ok -U- AUTH0R-(05)-KLEBANSKIY, A.L., GPU[3r-.R,, V.N., KRUGLOVA, G.A., K,%'rlLINr A.V., woo*-- L06KOVi V.D. COUNTRY Or- l7,JF_"'--USSR SOURCE-USSR 265,884 REFEmEliCE--f_TKAYTIYAj HGbis'ET.j PkGM. CIBRAZTSY, TOVARNYE ZNAr~l 1-170, DATE PU3LISHE:0-17MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEM IS TRY TOPIC TAGS-CIAEAICAL PATENT, ORGANIC SILANE, CHLOkINAr[GiNly DISTILLAMCJMJ CHEMICAL POkIFICATION CONTROL MAP,~11'14G-NU PESTRICTIONS DOrUMPNT CLASS-UNCLA-SiSIF!EO PROXY RE1_7L/FRAME--3002./lttd0 STEP NO--UR/0482/70/000/()OJ/(JO,-~i/O~)i)O I CIPIC AccEssiri'lli IN41.0-AA012.38179 IL' L ~j 2/ ?- 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-- 13NOW70 CIRC ACCESSION tlJ--AA0128379 ABSTkACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITILE COMPOS. ARE PU;,,IFIED BY CHLORIENATICIN nlTH THE AID OF UNSATD. flik-~A-",'LICtiLOR(,JSILA~1F.SI E. G. , f4ETHYLVI~,IYLE)[CtiLr-'R'JSILAI'..'E, FULLOWED i3Y FRACTIONAL DIST.N. OF THE FINAL PRODUCT. THE STILL RESIOUES FROM THE FRACTIOINAL OISTN. OF t4ET'riYLVI~IYLL)IC14LOR.-,)S[I-AtIE (CONTG. VINYL GROUPS) CAN aE (JSE,'-, AS THE CHLORINATING AGENT. ":*.L'-~ L ,', S -S I F 11 E 0 112 023 UNCL AS S I F I ED P R 0 C E 5 ')' 11N, ru .1i i~ *1 E- - 2 ON 0 V -7 0 TrYLE--LATLA AkTICLES -U- ALTHCR-(02)-MAYZEL!S, 6.A., GRU611ANt YU.V. CCUNTRY C~_ INFO--USSR SCUi~CE-USSR. 265v433 REFEREi',.CE--L,TNRYTIYA, IZ06RET., PRJM. CBRAZTSY, TUVARNYE ZNAKI 1970, DATE PUbLISHEJ--CSMAR70 SU8JECT AkEAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--LATEX, CHEMICAL PATENTv EPOXY RESINi ELECTRIC CURRENT, INSULATING MATERIAL CC;NTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/fRAML-3002/1.427 STEP NO--(JR/0482/70/000/000/0000/0000 CIRC Acci:ssir_,"j N0__AA0I268?6 L * ~~S I 212 OZ3 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICt-4 NO--AAOl26a26 AiiSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. LATEX ARTICLES ARE PREPD. BY PLUNGING THE MOLDS INTO A FIXATIVE AND THE LATEX AND IHEN TURNING ON A CONST. ELL-C. CURRENT. AN INSULATING LAYER, E.L. AN EPOXY RESINt IS APPLIED CN THE SURFACE OF THE CURRENT CLINDUCTING MOLD IN PLACES WHERE THE M6LD 15 NECESSARILY THIN. FACILITY: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF RUBBER AND LATEX ARTICLES. U.- Q, S R 'JDC: u21-317-335-3 C T-TC:;I-,SKT V A. MI. "Pri ncinle on o' ar, -rs ta` -- ation, for Ieasurin;-! t:d Resisr-an-i; -Insuliation in the ~00- 3, 00 Frequency Range at; 10 k7, ;~--d a 1-feasurement Procedure" Tir. "!oSk. elekt--otekhn. ln-ta sw.,azi (Works of the Moscow tI.-r-ic,-,I neerlin,: instiLure of Comunications" 19TO, Vyp-, pp 17~ i 1 ron inika, No 11, Nov 70, Mustract No 11A307) r,-~~si -~ne aut,-=s ncint cul -~he drawbacks of exi z: preclude reasurenient of the propert.ies of dielectrics -o l', a - (un to -1-0 kV) and high frequency (up to 3 k[z). ~s prr,pused which is based on using phasr! relationships ir. OX(I"IALLion from a currinit puivrat.or. The ![I I'lio (Ievicr, comidw..", Ulf. r)l* W11! nurcait-w, circuit widthow! o1' a h-IjI.rh-vrIAtaf,ri.~, gonerator c-ircuil, of the installation is given togethe-r with the -iiips `n the circuit. The resultj3 of the Btudies are exempli"icu by jraj,L-. .1 L - ; I of' tan6, as a function of voltage at various temperatures wid ffot, two dielectrics at a frequency of 1.2 kHz. Three illustrations. h A"i C4;0" A Prelintinary Appi-oach to Process Automation A 0 11-,,~d ~k,rnfit of the Ukrainian &M. P~r-rrfcr /er Scientific Work Eirt. UnitTrilly rA-. 1XVIn"' W4 LAA, V. F. TntimicalSvir.m. Dmi.,. Wkmi'V7 of Ch-icul n. SUVOULle Umvrr~ity Kience In the past wai, rarely known *Q don) with the -loi i,m of ipecific applied probleme. [lot. lire has made ttizmficeint nowndivient6 to the viewpoint or-groater and At F-~.nt. universities %nh ittivnit scientific potential. man); Academy and industry scientific m~raurh institutes. design bureaus, and higher educational un_stitutions am motmg their efforts fit sulve the rar-maching tasks set dcrwri by the Twcn1y Riurth Party Congie-9s. We shall illustrate the importancr or the%e rebtionships. ~iog Kiev State Univ-it)'s chemical c)bernetin rm-amh Ldoratury as an -nrople, Personnel there tire working on problems deA:ir.4 with the mmlo"ontival and e,,mumic analysis orclicinical technology pccx~_ ~ in vnriuu~~ In ant hoa .fmdttmm~ The uf~iirr.te goal athe mtrarch La, to detrmim, pr,-pect- od rnelhWt (or d1ovd-wing specific utitomatt,41 system, for controlling lechno 6jicril Having an;ilyrt4 the status ind prospects frlr the introduction of notw mated v)sterns for controlling technological prmenscs in the chemical, PC- troleum refining, fixA. pulp and paper Industries. as "It as in other indas- tri" or the Ukrainian &911, scientists flirmula-ed a number or technical. mathematical, tocio~econmnic, and organizational wskii %loch inust be solved In the very near future. Computer equipment now operaten; at friany e~terprisft. In the de~rlop- ment or notometed systems for contmIling U-chrwkvcal process", we -ill Tratuliakm ofettarpt. Foarn Uw srtk1v-E-,ak. Advitiav~ Clw-4wt flkt-ka-~m th. -Pp, Musir~?.t x-h 33.197M P 2. t-.I.W (- Ow Ra-t.. by I- Ag-. 9-4 (%6~w Are- Art IS73 112 607 Ut,C-L ASS IF I ED XESS ;)t-TER'-~INATIVE S;-::LF INSTRUCT'-:') -IL SY,T~'- I T A S STEP SFAPCH F.-)4 THL UPTI"it)", F!)R CWIPLEX CHFI~ IC4L 0-9CFS~ -U- AUTtj3'%-(,',,2 )-G!:Wb.UVt V. I . v '.!A0CHFNKi-1, I F. CGU,*%TkY 11-+ INFO-USSR SOU--r-' I i-, . PROA . UKR . 170 1 1 1 2-5 DAT E 110F L I S~,E D- - - - - - -70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHHAISTRY TOPIC TAGS-CALCINATION, COMPUTER APPLICATHN, SO.Dltj,'-A rHE~IICAL PROCESS CtINTRADL CC-ATR?L PESTRICTIC'IS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF IED PRi"XY P-~.FL/F,-AMt--l9-Q0/1306 SUP 'Ji'l-),--Ui-'/~)43,~/7.')/I.')"'/'-),'il/)")3,1/~"'I":; c I I 2/2 (107 UNCLASSIFIED Sllil- )j%TE_~7-'-T7C S ZIRC ACOE':-Sl(~N lNU--AP;L)lO-)390 ABSTt~,ACT/EXTRAL-T-W) GP-0- "J~ S T k A C T .C (PI 1) U T E i~ D P r I I I I ~' I I 'I '~- -] F Cl,i - -.4 . PR.-j C E S S E S I S D I S C u S S E D ; T ii E A i-l P P,;!.AC H T a K EN I N ) j> T 1:-l I ' I N G T -1 ~- -4 A S) J17 .-: "'~ S LJB 3 CA LC I N A T I ON P.ROC E 55) 15 n UT L I N E 0 . F-4cfLll)': %lyscill SL I TSENTR, KIEV. GJS. UNIV., KIEV, USSR. 1!14~-' t A ~-~ 11-' 1 f Li Acc. Nr - Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: AM48939- CHEMICAL ABST. 99850y Acid-base equilibrituns of tetrahydrcAmmohydroxy- furanones in water-alcohol solutions. Gruchenkov.... r . 16. .- Skorokhod, 0. R.: Tishcheanko, 1. G. (BekW=",, Qc~s. Liniv im. Lenina. Minsl'. USSR,,. ZA. Obs4ch. K~im. 1970, 40(l), 171-A! (Tru-ss). Acid-ha5a Lquil. was -studied of T (R --- piperidino, NMei, or NF-t,..). by following the changes in absorptioll !;pectra of r at pH 1.7,".74. All 6 possible struc-tural forms of 1 take part in the equil. involving III- transfers and labulati'm wa_~ made for I at va-rious p1l ir teri,.)s of distribution ~-J Ohe co- 0 off Me CR~()T present fornns under the acid-ha.~,e equil. conditions. The values of the estd. tiquil. consts. ft)r these forms increase in ordtr C311joIN, Mel"", Et,`; and were tabulated for pi[ 2 4 1. G. M. Kosol.avoff REEL/ FRAIME OL 19800711 USSR VORSHEVS,KIY, A. V., GRUDEN', 0. K. UDC: 62-55 "A Method of Obtaining Constant Lead Tire With Monitcring of Slip in amn Automatic Synchronizer" USSR Author's Certificate No 316153, filed 8 May 70, published 1 Nov -11 (from R?di-Avtomatika, Te-lernekhanikp- i Vychis lite! I nayn Tekhni`ka, 1,,o 9, Sep 72, I-,.bstract No oA-186 P) Translation: A method is known for obtaining a constant lead t1me with. monitoring of slip in an automatic synchronizer. The disadv~antages of this method are the relatively small maximum permissible angle of lead, low accuracy of mairtaining a constant lead time when there is a change in the magnitude and sign of slip, and the complexity of reali-_,irg mori- toring of slip. As a disting - guishing feature of the pro-~csed method, 'Ic improve accuracy and reduce complexity each of the variable voltaCes to be synchronized is algebraically added to P_ constant voitp-ge -zhose m_agni- tude and sign de-erd on the magnitude and sign of slip, pulseS are shaped (e. g., by means of a flip-flop with peak transformer at +_"ne output), ard the output element of the synchronizer is acted on if there is t-ime coin- cidence of the above-mentioned pulses. 1/1 USSR UDC 621.771.23 GRUDEV., A. ~._,._NL'BERG, Yu. V., and BOUDARERKO, V. A. , Dnepropetrovsk Mei~~~cal Institute "Effect of the Metal's Temperature on the Coefficient of Friction in Cold Rolling" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya 11-fetallurgiva, No 1, 1971, pp 80-81 Abstract: Earlier papers dealing with friction in cold rolling have failed to take into account the role of the temperature factor, although the temperature of the metal sometimes rises to 250-300" C, which drastically affects the properties of lubricants. This study discusses the effect of the metal's temperature on the friction factor in cold rolling within 20-250* C. The lubricants were castor and spindle oils. The experiment involved specimens of 08 kp work-hardened steel rolled on a duo mill on hardened Bteel rolls 191.1 mm in diameter at a reduction In area of 10%. The effectiveness of lubricants was found to be greatly affected by the temperature of the metal being rolled. The extent to which the friction factor was affected by temperature appears to depend on the viscosity of 1/2 USSR GRUDEV,_:&. f., et al, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya`a, No 1, 1971, pp 80-81 the lubricant. The increase in the friction factor with the temperature of the metal is due to the decrease in the layer of lubricant in the area of deformation. 2/2 atholoi~y USSR BUM-WiSHOV, V. S., and GRUDEV, 7. 1., Chair of Psychiatry, Sea-dValatinsk Medical Institute "Subpsychot-ic and Psychic Di5oa-ders in Brucellosis" Murn_-Ata, Zdravookhraneniye Kazakhstana, No 8, 1972, PP 35-36 Abstract: In brucellosis, :is in many other infectious diseases, psychic dis- orders often develop alonL; wlth somatic pathology. Arnong S71ch Rztnifestations as torpidity, apath.,,,, adynn_rda,, and indifference, the most prominent are melancholy and anxiety. Sub-psychoses and abortive psychoses are suddenly, spontaneously discontinued developments of 6x-and psychoses. T-he most cha-racter- istic syndromes are ansthenic (251~4, o~ 282 brucellosis patienl.-s (Yuserved), dysthy- mic (18%), hjq)ochodric and diencephalic (13,411). Grand psYchoses ri-.ay .1, subacutely, and i-radually and Tray be classitied as delirious develop acutel, and amential-delirious szndromez, unential siAite, hallucirlosis, as~uhenic- dysthy.T.ic state, and hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome. Thuy ~,ake a 1,erio(lic course and last for 3 to 8 and more months, and the various phai;ess are brief and blend into each other at a randozri sequence. 'Pie soon-e-r t'ne ps,,,c_~iosis develops after the onset of brucellosis, the greater are its severity and dura- tion. 1/1 Acc. Nr.: Ref. Code: UR 0246 AP0028455 PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii, 1970, Vol 70, Nr 1, pp q.0 _J1411. CONCERNING THE CLINICAL 'PICTURE OF CHANGES IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM IN TULAREMIA 1. Or-udeg. During the period of 1948- 1962 the authors studied 432 patients wLth tularemia who displayed diverse mental, neurological and somatic disorders. This Paper Pertains to some neurological changes of a tularemic etiology: affection of the vegetative nervous system, dl- sarders of the cranial nerves and the sensorial sphere, Meningitis, meningo-encephalitis and encephalitis seen in such cases, as a rule proceeds with Psychotic and diffuse neurological symptoms. Among the different neuropsychlatric complications seen in tularemia the main place is oaupied by diencephalo-vegetative changes with an expressed algetic syndrome. %. MX? REEL/FRAM V 2 rj 17 C C~ i ~j V C ca, c G: c -a z USSR UDC: 621.317-373.023 CRUDITIA, N. A. Measuring Phase Shifts in SIT Radio Pulses" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii po radiotekhl,. izmereniyam, T. 2 (Re- ports of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on Radio Engineer- ing Measurements. Vol. 2), Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 82-84 (,from RZII-Hadiotekhniks, No 12, Dee 70, Abstract No 12A339) Translation: In the technoloor of mea.-iurements on suprhig k ji frequency, the problem arises of measuring ,phase displacements within a pWse and from Tulse Lo pulse, where these displacements mrvj bi.- either repeating or nonrQpeating. Two methods of measuring iiuch displacemornits are u.,,r-~d in SHF 1) transfer of meaquremonts to a lower interm,~Idtat,f~ thr- in- Lcrf(!rence- malhod of mc;viur~-:raent dirf--cPly on the sup,:n-hipgh froqtv.-ncy. ThI,- authors point out the dilTiculties, involved in Carrying oil'. th(? firct' Lrif- thod. In certain instances it i3 preferable to raake rzL pflase whic-h directly on the superhigh frequency with the use of phase detection. requirements for such a phase meter and methods of realizaLion are indi- cated. Block diagrams are presented and a deecription ir. givett of t1he MIF part and the indicator of an instrument for studying the syrichronization modes and phase characteristics of oscillators based on semiconductor de- 1/2 87 USSR GRUDINA, 4. A., Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii ca radictekhri. iz- iy-,-. T. 2, Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 82-84 vices with synchronization by an external signal. Characteristics are given for an experimental model of an instrument which can be used to study and develop solid-state oscillators and to investigate their phase character- istics and the characteristics of other devices which operate in the pulse mode. Bibliography of three titles. E. L. 212 112 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-EFFECT OF TIVE PHASE DISCRIMINATOR ASYMMETRY ON THE ACCURACY OF PHASE DIFFERENCE MEASUREMENTS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-GRUDINAt N.A., ISHCHENKO, V.A. CGUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-Rm~CIOELEKTRC-I'~l'i.,;', VOL. St PAR. 1970, P. 389-393 0-AT-E P'J6LISHE:---.,',"'170 SUBjECT aND EEECTRICAL ENGR., PF'YSICS TOPIC 71'~A'Gs__ pli ME'S'"'E"' NTr ERR',10k At'o LY FIRE,'Ul Y S T S I -. - II , A CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICIIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PkOXY REELIFKAMF-2000/0538 STEP NU---UR/01,52/7f),,'C:-"J-:).-"~.')~:',,,,"',.,;)c;,/tli,~, CIRC ACCEISST.C.N N"C'4P012,~t-233 I: -_ . -'-r y S S 'N"' F 212 0 17 UNCLASSIFIED PRO C F 4, J CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP012fi233 ABSTRACT/EXTR.ACT--x'U) A B S T T ANALY:",*~IS C'F Tl-li~ il:-U- P, L- A S UE 1) H H 4A SlE W H E N' P HAS! ER ENIC Bkic(;C= C-F-~-Culy iS RESPLCT T!", EFFECTS. 1 T 1 ~Sil li*-; lv, N !'H;A f I H!. -~, Li., t.,! "JAR S ARE I T I 'it-F P HA S E I IN V Ek 1 S S F T I iN 5 U C H A~ -r:,R T HA T r 1-i ~- S T I A 7 TIH E P E! I ,NPUF "S CL!,.C-'-E TQ il:!'-~C-; Y 1, U t-f - . s 1-- 1 -- -; .- T C) D j z . c F F EP N CE I LO PRUC-t-DURPS FOR FKV.3K ,E L!, 1 ff DESCRIBED. U NC L A S S I F I E D USSR UDC 621.391.63 AVTONOMOV, V. A., BORISOV, B. S., rRIMINTN- A. S., VARLMIOV, I. V., KAMYBA, Pe, Ye., KOLYASNIKOV, V. A., KRASYUK, B. A., IMESKIN, S. S., FETRUSEVICH, V. A., POLTORATSKIY, E. A., RAVICII, V. N., and CHICHERIN, L. A. "High-Spped Optical-Electronic Switch" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. 14ikroelektroni-ka (Electronics Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. ~ticroelectronics), 1971, Issue 2(28), pp 3-8 (from RZli-Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 8, August 1971, Abstract No 8B321) Translation: An optical-electronic pair is developed, on the basis of which a hybrid microcircuit is produced which assures a high galvanic decoupling and is compatable with respect to the input and output parameters with inte- grated logic circuits manufactured by domestic industry. 4 ill. 4 ref. Summary. 1/1 USSR ux: 681. 3-055 -RIMTNT*l MITZEEMYLTIl-, A. T. , "Order of Lenin'! Institute of Cyber- -Mgklk~m f caderW of Sciences of the Ukrainiaz SSR F1 A Device for Scaling and Squaxing Pulse Signals" J.'oscow, Otk TzoLrc!',-,:ni:va, P~~TP~L~:j No 9, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 331385, Division G, filed 22' sel) 70, published 7 Feb 72, p 151 Translation: Thiz Auther's Certificate introduces a devIce for and squaring pulse siCnals. The device contains an n-place piilse courter one-output terrdnals axe connected to the first inputs of the corresponding coincidence circuits. Ac~ - distin[-.iii-shing feature of the patent, the de- vice is desif-,ned for improved acciii-acy in compuLations. H, coatt...ins tr, addition-P-1 2r.,-T;-!acc counter and a delay line with n + I elci~ients . The i npul, of the deln.%, line is connected to the input of thc, -additic,,rial pzlse 7-he out-Dut of the 'third delay line element is connected to the input 0, L~j,! main pulse cc,=~er, the outrut-s o-f all elements exeent the thi-I-d be-in7- cc,,- nected to the secrind inputs of the coincidence circuits. '---he ou-~T)ut Of- t`-e i-th coincidence ci-r,:!uj.t (i=0,...,n) is connected to the countin-- --riput of the (i + l)-th place of the auxiliary pulse counter. 1/1 USSR LT, C GR-'--J-"T*,TSHJ*.--A . G. P EOC-0l-'GL'IV'- VC V t~'[-'Sorrticr c' U-1 zr-.z-.!,crt V,,ves by i---- TT. Mcsk. eneru. -'r.-tu C-;" 1"Osccn.- Fc'.,e'~ vlyp. 1-1-9 , PP 167-170 ( from 1 "'C' DOC -) -1 by 12A"O.- S. absor-;til c-n o-f u-ltr;,,,--,hcrt v'an' e S ".-i th 1! 1. tic, idt -1"" ozi Th e rn ea sur en -i -L, -c~ v- ore Tu'-al e- IL) Y i-1 - '. I -. " - ) ,. ," . --- I I t1- ; :1 ' '*(: 'I ;~f' '- , -, 7 in a cpeci a! o t2 to :-- i n.1 z 11a t- !'c-,-ests o'" %ir.r'o--is ments ITI t1 is hl:Ehor -i'()r al.,A; W., "Fielld of Tr. Vosl- - enerf-- of Posro~.-, vyp. 11S), F:p No il-; s t 12A3'02* by N. S.) Translatior laut',-,crs tt,v, 1,icld of "Ic-' heig,ht above a lionalc The results an: used for ti(-)r, of ser)an-Ar! componell'.,; cj, "11c: ill Lhi, incidence oil th, ,,,urfLL(:f c."" vrl-tcr . '11c. for sea vm~cr fr,--h ""atc-r. i"Justra'.. On", ~ b-1P-1-" c titles. _112 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--.~UOCT70 TIT"--E--STRUCTURE OF PRODUCTS FROM PENTENE POLYMERIZATION ON A PHOSPHORUS CATALYST -U- AUTHOR-(05)-KOLESNIKOVAt T#Aop KOLBINP M.A., KAYUMOV, R.L., KRASNOVA, ,L~~RUDNIKOVAq AoF* COUNTRY-OF INFO--USSR*- SOURCE--NEFTEPERERAB. NEFTEKHIM, (MOSCOW) 1970t (1), 27-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYP MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--AMYLENE,- POLYMERIZATION, DIMERIZATION, SYNTHETIC RUBBER, CHEMICAL PRODUCT PRODUCTIONy HYDROGENATION, GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY, HEPTANE, OCTANEt HEXANE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1766 STEP NO--UR/0318/70/000/001/0027/0028 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120473 UNCLASSIFIED 212 020 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--3GOCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01204783 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PREPN,, OF ISOPIENTENES FOR TH-E PRODUCTION OF SYNTHETIC RUBBER INVOLVES 2 STEPS: DIMERIZAT.ION OF ISO AND N-C SU55 FRACTIONS AND DEPOLYMN. TO PURE ISOPENTENES (T. A. KOLESNIKOVA, 1965). THE COMPN. OF DIMER MIXT. 15 NOW DETD. THE DEHYDRATION OF ISOAMYL ALCS. OR AMUL ALCS. OVER AL SUB2 0 SU33 CATALYST AT 360DEGREES OR 365DEGREES GAVE 99-99*9PERCENT PURE 1~PENTENE, ZiPENTENE, ZtMETHYLiltBUTENE AND 2vMETHYLv2,8UTENE. THE PENTENES ~qERE DIMERIZED AT 185DEGREESP 50 ATMr AND 1 HR PRIME NEGATIVEI SPACE VOL. VELOSICY, VOER 14 SUB3 PO SU84 ON SILICA GEL. THE PRODUCTS WERE HYORGGENATED AND ANALYZED BY GAS CHROMATOGo THE HYDROGENATED DIMERSw REGARDLESS OF THE STARTING PENTENE, CONTAINED 30-40PC-RCENT TRIMETHYLHEPTANES9 SIMILAR TO 20PERCENT DIMETHYLOCTANES, SIMILAR TO 20PERCeNT TETRAMETHYLHEXANES, AND SIMILAk TO 20PERCENT C SUB8 C SU89v AND ISO-C SUSIO HYDROCARBONS* UNCLASS IF 1E0 USSR UDC: G-UI~ITTS,777, V. 7' V V. V. , REZUITICh-:,`N'!_O-, T.',' and YA31-1VICH, Z1. P. "Device for Determi-ning the Coordimates of an AeroCiyna~-cic _Ihadov.- Contour on 13-od-ics of Complex. V--'orm in Pree Eolecu-1ar Ku.Hll Moscoi.,,, Othrytiya, i:Lobreteniya ysh,",cn_nyye obrazts-, towir, 77-2 ,,.ro 2 n m znaki, 1.1o 27, 1971, p 141, ili'o (11)351113" Abstract: A parallel ligiit buam is used Lo riodel t.110 fl.Llf-: the model cz-.n be fixi,,(I iln any position. For clace of ,_,,dju:3tLIent, there is a mz~nual irwicator shovdnr~ a thread tied to --. m(AILL'Ic, carriaCe. The scale o:L' this indicator is uscd to micasure. tht., co- _m_ ol the device ordinates of joints difficult of access. A diagrL is sho,.T-r Ace. Hr. 1 4?0046762- USSR Ref. Code: UDC 621. 791. 75 NIKIiI:;S0Y, YU. SMATIS, V. I., GOLEIIBO, S. B 21_0311N~ B_ 2~., GRUIXI, VAYSBURD, I. SH. .... Velding; the Frame of the Self-Propelled Chassis T-16M" Kiev, Avtonaticheskaya Svarka (Autanatic Welding), No 1, 1970, pp 44-46 (from Avtomat-iciieskaya Svarka, No 1, 1970, p SO) Translation: The results of selectin3 the technological process for welding steel 45L with an increased carbon content are discussed. It is recommended that the wolding be performed in two layers without prelimiii- ary heating. There are 3 illustrations. Reel/Frame 19-7 5) UO -(;(; USSR LTD C: :5 17 - 92 51,3 GRUDO B. I.., Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences -of the ESSR Concerning Solutions Of en Autonomous System of Differential Equations With Zero Eoots of the Characteristic Equation" Minsk, Doklady Akademmii i;aul: rsn, Vol. 16, No 5, Mlay '[2, pp hOO-),03 Abstract. 7he author coi-siders the system dx dz = X (X, Y. 2), A,y - V (x, it. Z), A_- Z (X, 0 1 di dt where x and X, y exd Y, z nnd Z are ri-,m-,and k-dir-encionel. vector caltrLns respectively; X, Y, and Z being holrom-orphic irith respect to vari3bles x, y, and z and containing no terms of lower than second order in their oxp~n- sions. It is assumed that the constant in x m iratrix A, has eij,'E~Irvalues ).I '.. . , xr. irith negative real parts, whereas the real part.2 of the eigcr,- values of k x k ran-trix A2 a-re non-negative. Let the system J, 0, A,z (X, ii, 0 Y, 1", 112 USSR GRUDO, E. I., Doklady Ah-aden-ii Nauk B-SSR, Vol 16, No 5, May 72, p-P )-'00--IICJ3 have a solution y=u(x), z=v(x) which is holomorphic with resFect to x and equal to zero -when x = 0. In addition, let X(x, u(x), v(x)) -- 0. Then the substitution y - Y -: 11 (x), 2 - 2 Z' (X) transforms systen (1) to a forr. for vhich X (X, 0, 0) 0, 1' (.V, (1, (1, Z 0) 0. It is assumed that systeri (1) has property (2). Lyapilnov's first, nethod is used to construct an n+m-parametric family of solutions of. System (1) which is defined for all t>to in the neighborhood of x=O, y=O, ?.=O. USSR UDC 669.?21.1,r2(O,'3Qj.8Q) ZUYEW, E. M., !VANGV, A. 3., VU110LOV, it. V., SIHARUINOVA, G. 11-1., 1-VAL07, G. N., IRTEGOV, N. N. , SABUROV, V. F., SEC",_~nTwo".cc-077-A P. and KIS-EIZV, A. V., All-~'rdion Sclentific z1csearch a.,-,;:1 ijru:I*t,--!I 1 11 U Lo of Alumdnunp Magncsiw:t. and Electrode industry, Blercznikovs~:iy Combine "N'ethod of Cuttin~--O'f the Electrolyte Supply of a Producktion Line 1~'a-nesiun Electrolytic Reduction Cell" L-L ~ 0 i'- USSR Author's CeZtif-c---e 11o 2609105, filed 21 Oct '8, publiL;hcd 5 '---Y 70 raC-L (from Hlh-Metailu-- Io 11, Nov jO, Abst No 11 G135 P) Translationt A -e-thed is nro-vo-ed for switch1w-c-l-L' th- col,~-c-trolyte sup-ply to a Prix-' uct-41 cri re-ucl:o.,i ce. k, diffusion of scun by increasin- tr-.Ycerature of the el ~~rciy-'e z!nd the concentration of ck',0rj,-;e. To -.-vCrL di-.3ru'),j\rjrI LI 'Ic reducti-on c 11 at tl- i"IL0 tLe of t~e prcduc+ic!i line electrolyt- e arf, 'ice f the eler-~rol7t'c re"-uctiOrl cell, fhie" I , 1, ;.`hich cathode cell o L v~cpxm.te the wnrkin:f s-ooc(~ the eler-trolyt-ic rc-duction fron thc- elec- trolyte flow in the dit;tribution czuial. 1/1 USSR GRUDTSIrT A, A. I., MUhHAMETOVA, G. M. "On the Prophylaxis and Therapy of Gasoline Intoxication" Tr. Ufimsk. n.-i. i-n-ta gigiyerky i prof. zabolevaniy (Works of Ufa Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases), 1969, ~, pp 171-176 (from RZh-Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 20, 1970, Abstract No 20F1834 by N. I. MLAKHOVA) Translation: The feasibility of using hydroaeroionization and methyl uracil for this purpose is shown. Mechanical Properties USSR UDC 539.4.015 YUSjjCjj7,;! ,~O K. Ya., -Y LIVSHITS, L. A., KAPLAN, L. I., STEPANOV, G. A., and GRUD"..N-rd 2 13. V., Kiev, Institute of Electric 1.1'elding imeni Ye. 0. Paton, Acaelemy of Sciences, UkrSSR "Low-Temaperature Properties of Austenitic Steels" Kiev, Probleniy Prochnosti, No 10, Oct 70, pp 113-1.15 r Abstract: A c"'I'MIV W~IS III* 'Id(' Of the mechanical propertios of sLevis of indImLrial. dc-ntim, I " , d lor ust- at. te-,iporaturi:!.-; do;-n to 9 C.A carbon conter.L was charaCLerisLic for Lhe investigated and so:...e were also alloyed with nitrogen, The 21-16-8-N type stabl-austenitAc steel had the best st.rength properties and smallest reduction JTI Plas- ticity and touShness at reduced temperatures. 1/1 A USSR uLc 669-973:6069.i4.313.6 -ST-E-PAN'3111, G. A., GRUDZINSKIY, B. V., and SHLYAlrDEVA, I. A. "Properties of KaMOT~~ and Fh2lN5AG7 Steels under Load at -I,)6oC" Moscow 1',Ier"-allovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, NO `970, -JD !-4-16 ct: The results of an investi6ation of the pro-perties of an,,- -a IC-12IN5AC-7 steels urder prolonged (up to 2WO hours) load at -1560C are -presezat~-d. Test Drocedures are briefly described. '17he mechanical pro7erties are p-resen-,ed in a table. '-7'he effect of prolonged loadinG on the mechanical properties, plas-z;ic 0 =_1 7Z;n de' -- and stress relaxation of steels in service was deterrdned. it was esrabliched that plastic deformation of i&2lN5AG7 steel durinE prolcn,-,ed tc-Sts does no'L increase with tire. The relaxation of this stet2l. ii; substznLially hij"her timn that of IaL18N10T steel. IaL?lN5AG7 steel appears to be an effectivi2 sutboti- tute for Y-U8NlGT steel in structures subjected to -negative tem.,eratures, and also 4 has hi6her strenGth properties than the latter, Time va'~ations of the plastic defo,=--t-ion of iail8l,110T steel are shown in a graph. 2 figures, 2 re-ferences. 1/'L. USSR LTDC 547.341 ~U'M. P., and PETROV, A. A. , Leningrad Technological RAZLTMOVA, N. A. , C :LR K Institute imeni Lensovet "Phosphortis Containing IleterocyclLcs. Condensation of Qycol and Cacechol Esters of Arylphosphonous Acids With a,a-Unsaturated Ketones" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 7, Jul 73, pp 1475-1479 Abstract: Reactions of propyleneglvcol and catEchol esters of phenyl, p-tolyl, and p-chlorophenylphosplionous acids with methv'~ YJ 14Cetoll and I -Vin e mesitylene oxide leads to the formation of products whose structures may be represented by a resonating system of pentacovalent and ionic forms. The phosphorus compound in these condeasations acts as a- nucleophile. The reactivity of the glycol esters of arylpho6phonous aci& is 40-50 time-s as great as that of the caLechol esters. 1/1 USSR UDC 547-341 RAZUYOVA, 11. A., GRUK, 1-1- P., and PETROV, A. A., Leningrad Technological Institute Imeni I~e'n'sov'et It Reaction of Glycol and Pyrocatechol Esters of Plienylphosphonous Acid With Methyl Vinyl Ketone" Leningrad, Zhifrnal Obshchey Khirnii, Vol 42 (104), No 9, sep 72, p 2!14 Abstract: Ethylene-lycol ester of phenylphosphonous acid reacted with mothyl vinyl ketone yields 2-phen,,rl-(2,2-ethylenedioxy)-5-methyl-1,2-isoxaphospholene, m.p. 610. When the pyrocatechol ester was used in this reaction, the product was 2-plienyl-(2,2-pheiiyleneLLioxy)-5-methyl-1,2-isoxaptiospholone, b.p. 158- 1600/1 nun. The structures of these products were supported by DR411 and IR spectroscopic data. 1/1 USSR UDC 547.341 GRUK,....M....-.p...1 RAMMOVA, N. A., and PETROV, A. A., Leningrad Technological Institute Imeni Lensovet "Condensation of Glycol and Pyrocatechine Esters of Ethylphosphonous Acid With Methylvinyl Ketone" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 4, Apr 73, p 945 Abstract: Glycol and pyrocatechine esters of various arylphosphonous acids react with a,a-unsaturated ketones forming compounds with pentacovalent phosphorus atom. The reactions of ethylphosphonous acid esters are even faster, going to completion in seconds to minutes. Two compounds have been synthesized: 2-ethyl(2,2-ethylenedioxy)-5-methyl-1,2-isoxaphospholanes, b.p. 78-79*/1 mm, d20 1.1579, n20 1.4870 and 2-ethyl(2,2-plienylenedioxy)- 4 5-methyl-1,2-isoxaphospholene, Y.P. 98-99*/1 mm, d~O 1.2311, n20 1.5480'. D 1/1 USSR UDC: 51 VOROWYEV, It'. N. ,="Z24 "Model of Competing Prices on a Static Sin~gle-Productl V sb. Primeneniye mat. v ekon. (Use of Mathematics in Economics-collection of works), vrp - 7, Leningrad, Leningrad University, 1972, I)T-:) 18-35 (frcim RZh-Kibernetika, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6V383) Translation: The axiomatic method of analysis is used for is-tudying a static single-product market. '11e Sheply value vector is considered as a solution. The folloving cases are examined: 1) each seller has a unit of good,-, vhich has a utility c for hin, wand each bl)~rer is in a position to purchase a i2nit of goods which has utility d for him; the number of buyers is equ~d to the number of sellers; 2) as in the first case except that the number of b,,Wers and sellers is different; 3) there are n sellers end r biwers, each seller having a certain quantity of the same infinitely di,.risible good vith ine- quality of sup 1~f and deriand; 4) an unbalanced mar'hetl model vhere each seller satisfies the over,-I! demand of the buyers; 5) an unbalanced inarket model with a sincle seller vho satisfies the overall demand of the bl-Ucr-.; 6) an unbalv-nced market nodel with a single seller ,1-,o satisfiLz the demw:d of only one buyer. G. 'Brachenko. I A USSR GRUNDSPENIKIS, Ya. A. "Application of Certain Concepts of "Iepology to the of Ck):7-,pjCx System Models" Metody i Modeli Upr. [Methods wid Models of Control -- Cc-)IIection of 1"'orks], No 3, Riga, 1972, pp 65-70 (Translated from Referativny 2hurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V-130, by I. Siral) Translation: The ggrapli is studied as ) model of ; coTiiiplex systeril; the erty of functioning of the system is. looked upon is a set oil its point.") ill which the hinary relationshii) is defilled. Tho coIIC(q)t.,-. of 01c. jl,,~ i."! hf)() I'll ood of a poinL, closure of, the i;IICrIIA SJMC~! of' Lho graph --mil tho I iwit ing poiilt for a set of points are introduced, siviilar to the concQ,pt~; of ThC t 01)0 1 Of',)'. COTICCI)tS introduced aro 11sed in analysk of' rekllcd to the transition from a r0LIgh Model to a more dulai led mooel ;!nd vicc The problem of tij-.i~ nrazisj tion from a de;ailcd to a rout-!-, :r,-!ol is studied in greater det-ail. Ilie cssCIICC Of thO .11)[M).W11 IISCId i'; C0,-.1hill,"I ion of points relatc,! by, comnon Properties into si&~,Cts. 1/1 USSR GRUNDSPEN'KIS, Ya. A. "Decomposition and Analysis of the StFUCtAll-C Of the Topolo'cie:t]. Model of a Compley System" Metody i Modeli Upr. [Nl~thods and Vlodel~; of Control -- Collection of No 3, Ripa, 1972, p1) 71-78 (Trainslated from ReferatJvIlyy Zhurn...l Kiburnotil"l, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V431, by J. Sit,t~A). Trans I a t i oil: A ninge of prolilcm-, is srijklied, rolatod to analysi- of two lt),O,ica I modcl'~; of Coniplex l'Cpj'o.~(!rI'txd 11 L' Complex Structure Of these 5vST_('MS INIKCS their by Cw-~;~i-ltur difficult. It is sll.vgested thal a 1110del of a s)"A013 b(' (IC-cri"wd liv '~''vur~j hierarchical 11w poilit.-I cliaraci '~rj 1111c, jimill fillo~! System are Called the Inaill fillicLioni,np, cycle, after t-:Ihich constructed. provi-d1ing for the functioi)ijig off tli(--. ut,,ijo cych: (,.(-cond 1w,'(A (if- 11iierarchy) , etc. USS R GRUNDSPEN'KIS, Ya. A. "Algorithiji for Ranking of Cycles in a Topological Model of a Complex Systclii" Metody i Modoli Upr. [Methods and Models of Control _ _ Co ]I CC t jo 1, 0 f7 J,,' or k, S] , No 3, Riga, 1972, pp 79-84 (Translated from Referativny), Zhurnal Kibernotika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V427, by Ye. Dinits). Translation: Earlier works of the author (RZIuMat, 1973, IV886, Abs. 4V-1311) were dedicated to construction of graph models of complex sysrcm,, and problem.-Z of their decomposition and analysis of their hierarchical structure, %Aich was reduced to study of thc cyclical structure of the model. This %..,orL describes an algorithin allowing the hierarchical structure of a system Vo he detormined from its model. 1/1 USSR GRUNDSPEN'KIS, Ya. A. "Topological 'Model of Functionin.o of an Interna! Combustion Engine" K-ibernetika i Diagnostilla [Cybernetics and Diagnosis -- C'ollection of Works], No 5, Riga, Zinatne Pross, 1972, pp 47-53 (Translated from ReferatiVjlyy 71IUnial, Kibernetika, No 1, 1973, Abstracr Nlo 1 V886 by the author). Translation: A topological model is co-mposed of the functioning of' the internal cunibustion motor of a 71L-130 motor vehicle, which is presented as an oriented graph. The possibility i f pro- Y is provoll 0 ducing a detailed mathenatical description of the functioning of the complex systern considering all structural peculiarities of the actual motor, 1~ Biblio. Refs. 1/1 USSR ux -17 V, V' - A - S GRUIN N, L. P. J, and --Et'MX VSKlY, 7. Yechanical Pro-crtlies of Silicized Graphite" 7 1.~oocow, Tverdo,-o Topliva, "o 4- IWO, -1 11`7-3) Abstract: A stud.v was made ol!~' ce2tain :.-,echlanical propci-lules o- prepared I-rom dense Graphitle, as startin;., matcrial. This vat(!i*-i,,.-.1. -~-La-Ll S ".'-? cif c L--,ravitv of 1.819 g I ~/cm-,, true P,-) cific j,,ravity of 2.10 ~.ur~ Specir-,ens for silicizinp- were cut alo--i;, j _;raphite ailiclIzeci ;-raphitf, coaroe porer, with equivalent radii ;-catcr Lnall L if filled with sil"con and silicon carbide. Inq rel;ultini: silicize'l, followin; ci-,--ract-eristics: density 2.1.5 Porosit"! 101, C I -ci contcnt~ 1-5-2.-Il . 'The exper-l-mental otudy of mcchanicai on a unicLe stand developed b:.,, the stren-th of the Institute of Mechanics at "oscow State University at 20, 60), 11--, 0 0-1 'C", !.!~, 5 1950 under monoaxial extension conditions. Heatin,~, from 20 Lo at of atoo/min, exposure for 10 min, and coolin_ir at 11W'0 at the rate Of 2:j -,,,Z~z carried out with a p-,-o;-rzu-:rP-fl unilt. it was fmind that the to ,oll;n,-., 1)(,ciu-,c "embrittled." its u - i . -;, i!~%"u [ Oll and the i;j%terlul'F i;-,o,lujLutj of el:-~FA.Lcll I,..: rock-.. /L 112 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS 1,NC, DAT;_:--_')3QCT70 TITLE--PROPER CONTROL OF THE MELTING PERIOU WIEN MAKING STWILESS STEEL IN ELECTRIC FUR~NACES -U- AUTHOR-(03)-KOCHO-. V.S., YEREMIN, V.E., GkUNIN, V.S. COUNTRY OF IlNF0--USSR SOURCE--STALI 1970t 30(2), 133-4 OATE PUBLISkED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH., IND-, CIVIL AND MARI-NE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--STAINLESS STEELt ILFCTRIC FURNACE, CHROMIUM, SILICON, STECL .SCRAP CCNTROL 'I ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--U',CLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/ FRAA~--199 4/ 1947 SIFP N(J--Ul~/0133/70/03U/,)(il"/i)133/C)134 CIRC ACCESSInN N'.'j--AP()Ll5755 'J,%,,- I - A S ") I F' 1 F D IN M. PRINT'. M. 212 02 1 J`,C1 i-A S S I F I E D I S L~ A T E - - 2 C. I R C A C,' S S 1 -0 11 ') 75 ,%BST:;. -I C T/ T-- -0- A li S FimA C TC.", L !" S S E S ST T IT I P- T CF THE 10, USLD F ]l R 6 i I -- 1 15 1 ~ I A 5 0J ,C -,'-J N A it- F-- z 'I E L T IST :%[,'JL-SS STEEL SC-AP. Th-: SI 11, T6F- J THE C A T SO PPL C- T IFF) 41 1 H A 5- 10 S -i L D~j I S !LJ L~LOA'-'! ~4'14D BLC?,iI'.,3 STAP ..I) '#;?fE7,4 THF b,-kTH IS AT M 1 N. I T C. I&OO-1610DEru'~EW-S. !iEATS 4A:),-- IN THIS WAY SHLji~lr:O A Ct~ LU~~S CF: 6jC.--70,3 KG . AC I L 1 T YKIEV. POLI TE-KH. INST . t KNIEV, k)~.)Sq. USSR GRUNSMY 1. S. UDC 577.4 "Obtaining Special Diagnostic Properties on Introduction of Control Points in- to an Automaton" V sb. Tekhn. dia~-nostika (To-clinical Dia,gnos tics .-- collection of v!orks), '-,os- cow, Nauka Press, L97-9, T)p 206-211 (from RZIi-Kibernotika, ~u i', Jul 7-1, Abstract No 7V36-II-) No abstract 1/1 USSR GRUNSKIYL I.- S-. UDC 51:621.391 "Ori8ntational Experiment With Arbitrary Automaton" Kiev, Teor. kibernetika--Sbornik (Theoretical Cybernetics -- Collection of Works), No 4, 1970, pp 43-47 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Matematika, No 6, June 71, Abstract No 6V423) Translation: A criterion of existence for a simple,unconcii- tional orientational experiment is obtaine6 for an arbitrary (not necessarily minimum) automaton. The length of the minimum, simple,unconaitional orientational experiment, if it exists, iEi evaluated. 2 USSR GRUN'SKIY, UDC 51.621.391 "Introduction to the Automata of Test Points in the Recognition of Automata of a Known Class" Kibernetika fCybernetics -- Collection of Works], No 1, laev, 1970, pp 44-S0, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 10, 1971, Abstract No 10 V613 from the authors introduction). Translation: It is known that the problem of recognition of an arbitrary automaton from a given class does not always have a solution. Therefore ' there is interest in the problem of determination for each autonaton of a set of output test points such that any automaton can be recogilized in the class of automata with the test points. This work finds conditions under which this problem of finding test points is equivalent to the problem of finding an initial class of test points for the stim of automata, allowing the initial state to be, recognized with an accuracy to a coupliiig componclit. 14 - USSR BOGONIOLOV, A. IM. , BARASHKO, A. S. and GRUNSKIY, I. S_ "Experiments with Automata" Eksperimenty s Avtomatami [English version above], Kiev, Nauk. Dumka Press, 1973, 144 pp (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 9, 1973, Abstract No 9V437) Translation: This book presents results produced by the authors recentIN and related'only to certain sections of the theory of experiments with automata. Each of the chapters of the book can be read independently of the other chapters. The introduction presents the basic concepts from the theory of ex- periments with automata and reviews the basic results in this area, al- lowing a general idea to be gained of the contemporary status Of this theorv. ~he first chapter is dedicated to the study of control experiments performed in order to determine the correctness of functioning of an automaton. A class of procedures for construction of experiment-i with shorter estimares of length than the control experiments studied b,. Khenni, Kaym and Gonents B differentiated. I In the second chapter, the rules for drawing: of' ci)nchisjons bjsed on the results of tinconditJorial and conditional eXpC1'iM(!T1tS On the reco- fn 1_111a I i nition of automata of a 1,nown cias:; ai-e Xd arlo tht, stabilify of -rin, ietiuencc-. is :;tudied. USSR BOGOINIOLOV, A. M. , BARASHKO, A. S. and GRUNSKIY, f. S, , 'Eksperimenty s Avtomatami, Kiev, Nauk. Dumka press, 1973, 144 pp Chapter Three studies properties of partial tests used in the recog- nition of automata of a known class and suggests a method for directed search for partial tests. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the study of the possibility of the use of so-called probability expei-iments for the testing and diagnoses of ;in automaton, durfiig which the input se- quence is fixed not by the experimenter, but rather 1)), a random signal source with predetermined properties. Chapter Five studies problems of testing and diagnoses of networks of automata and solves the problem of the determination of the defective component of a network by measurements at the input and output of the network- Chapter Six is dedicated to the study of methods of conversion of arbitrary automata, which can be interpreted as differentiation of test points for provision of a fixed level of testing and diagnoses. From the forward 2/2 USSR UDC 519.1 BOGOMOLOV, A. M., BARASHKO, A. S., and GRUNSKIY, I. S. "Experiments with Automata" Kiev, Eksperimenty a avtomatami (cf. English above), "Nauk. dumka!', 1973, 144 pp, ill. 92 k. (from RZh-Hatematika, No 9, SeP 73, Abstract No 9V437 K from the foreword) Ytanslationt The book presents results recently obtained by the authors relating to only a few sections of the theory of experiments with automata. Every chapter In the book can be read Independently of the others. The introduction presents the fundamental concepts of the theory of experi- ments with automata and gives a survey of the principal results in this filed which imparts a general idea of the current state of this theory. The first chapter investigates control experiments done to determine whether an automaton is in working order. A class of procedures is distin- guished for construction of experiments with shorter estimates of length than the control exDeriments investigated by Hennie, Kein and Gonenz. The second chapter formalizes the rules for drawing conclusions based on the results of unconditional and conditional experiments on recognizing automata of a certain class, and it investigates the stability of adjustment sequences. 1/2 USSR BOGOMOLOV, A. M., et al., Elsperimenty s avtomatami, "Nauk. duaka", 1973 The third chapter investigates the properties of partial tEsts used in recognizing automata of a certain class and suggests a method of di- rected search for partial tests. The fourth chapter studies the possi- bility of using so-called probabilistic experiments for checking and diag- nosing automata where the input sequence is given by a source of reundom signals with assigned properties rather than by the experimenter. The fifth chapter examines questions of checking and diagnosing net- works of automata and presents a solution for the problem of determining which component of a network has malfunctioned by measurements at the input and output of the network. The sixth chapter studies methods of trarsformation of arbitrary automata, which can be interpreted as isolating control points to ensure a given level of control and diagnosis. 2/2 6 USSR GRUNSKIY, 1. S. UDC SI:621.391 "Setting Experiment i..--ith aii Arbitrary Automaton" Teor. Kibernetiki. vyp. "I [Theory of Cybernetics, No -1 -- Collectioi,, of u rks Kiev, 1970, pp 43-47, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 6, 1971, Abstract Nlo 6 V423). Translation: A criterion is produced for the existence of a simple, unconditional setting experiment for an arbitrary (riot necessarily i-iiinivial) ;Mtonaton, and the length of the minimum simple unconditional setting CXpe1-irIIC'TI-,, if such exists.. is estimated.