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USSR UDC 547-759-3-07043-422.4.25 SFEVEDOV, V. I. , RCURYLO, G. N. , and GRINEV j, A. N. , All Union S cientific Chemical-Pharmaceul4ical Research Inst7fVuT9''ff6fff~*S`. Ordzhonikidze, Moscow "Methyl Ester of ~-Phenylacetoacetic Acid in Fisher Indole Synthesis" Ri,a,a, Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soyedineniy, No 8, Aug 72, pp 1079-1032 Abstracti Yethyl esters of /-phenyl- 0-hydrazinocrotonic acids substituted at the nitroGen atom form methyl esters of 3-phenylindolyl-2-ace'llic acids in presence of sulfuric acid, the reaction being carried out at room temperature. 2-benzylindole-3-carboxylic acid esters form only in very small amounts under these conditions. When the indolization Is a carried out at 190-2000, without catalyst, the direction Is reversed, benzylindole- -3-carboxylic acid esters forming predominantly. When reacted with poly- phosphoric acid, these compounds yield derivatives of benzo,,Cb7carbazole, which upon oxidation produce 6,11-dioxobenzo/-b 7 carba4oles. USSR UDC 615.214:547.759 I MASHKOVSKIY, 11-1. 0., GRINTEV) A. N AINDREYEVA, N. I., S11VEDOV, V. I., and ALTUKHOVA, L. B., LAt-orritory of Pharmacology and Laboratory of Synthesis, All-Union Scientific Chemical-Pharmaceutical Research Institute imeni S. Okdzhonikidze, Moscow "Investigation of the Psychotropic Activity of 1,10-Trimethyle-riepyrazino [11-2-a]indole" Moscou, Farmakologiva i Toksikologiva, Vol 34, No 4, Jul-Aug 71, -OD 387-391 Abstract: Five novel derivatives of I.,10-trimctlivlenc-piperazino[]-,2-alindolc- (I) and wo derived from 1,10-trimetliyleneT)vrazino[1,2-zilindoJ-c (11) were studied in respect to their psvchotrODic activity (reaction to the effect of'phenamine and reserpine. on mice and rats, cataleptir- activity of Lhese materials on rats, their effect on body temperature and overall state of mice). The derivatives of (I) were found to be more active, esoecially those without anv substituents in the ring, those with -a methoxy group in position 8 and methyl group in _0 and 8 position of the heterocycle. By their activity these subntances resemble the anti depre::;sants of the tri- cyclic structural type such as imizines. Derivatives of (11') exhibited a 1/2_ USSR- MASIIKOVSKIY, M. 0., et al., FarmakologivIa i Toksikologiva, Vol 34, No 4, Jdl-~Aug 71, pp 387-391 definitely lo-wer activity. Transition from a tertiary amine derivative of (1) to a quaternary amine lowered its activity. 2/2 - r 57 - USSR INC ul5.22'5.2:,547.5b-/ - SIi VI;ILI'3'IV, V. I . LD, G. and enti.f-ic Researc.,n Insti-ute, of Ph--".1n.aceuticnI ci,c:T-istry i!'io? i S. Ordzhonikidze, !'oscow "Resea-rch in tne Field of uir-lon s XT VTTJ Sy, ne cf Do- e rivatlives or 2-_'P',eqz%,1-5-ox-indole and Moscow, Khi-..ii-"Ko-FEirmE.:ts~-,vrichcski~, Zhurna.11, Vol 4, N"o Sep 70, PP 7-112 Abstract: T~-,c lsr*"iclie a method for tihn L! 01. derivatives of 2-*-,~~--~:,~yl--'~-c,.rD,,!,E,,,~llcx-~-5-(-,x"ii,,IcI IM 3 -car bc),,,~thoxv- vbc-lizill t0ie i . I C Iare -Ln zlri._ syntnesis c).j ' Gtructqral o V, C'!' are obtaillec; Z)y of cr quinone witi, 1,ji,2 m.eLhyl e5ter of ~'I'-*ubstitute-cl c;r w i th d f3l,! i --. ~e _n a r. L. I K&_; OIL u t c deriv--tive-s of ben zyl- 'l-carb-c~!;etnu--, y-5-.,.-F!thoxybe,1zinduj.e. 1/2 USSR v - pp it anJ Ole S - Znc-," T UD-I 547.861.31752 V. I., and GRIN17,',,,.A,. X.,, J-- S cn t itic Resparch Chorkvico Phamiaceuti al Ins-2-tute 3.mon'4 Scr,,O Ordzhonikidze, Moscow, 'Ministry of Health USSR, IINI-."Acyl anew, N-Alkyl Derivatives of I,2-a)indole" J- Moscr)u,, l~'~iiaiiko-,--annatsevtichesk-ly :~hurnaL, Vol 7, 11-1) 710 pp 5-7 A.bstract: Mottiods wore d4-veloped for syntiiesizin,--- and N-acy! derivatives --)E piprazino91,2-a)i.ndoLe, oxii-libits -( r imai: ives antihistam-'nic and hypotensive action. The N-act". (!-IV) wen, obtained by acylat:-J-on of pipr!ra7inr)(1,2-a)incIr)D-- with acotic anhydrido or acir'. AlkylaHon oC derivntives nf by Y alk.71-Cin"f CA,,'vnts occurs with ccniipLications and D"ads to "o1-0-.- , i o n 1"eq i productt3. N-alkyj. derivatives can b(! L I t101-1111 by :;_nr-..rQct mothods. Hydragenatioi, of iodomethylates (Vii au,t VIII) OVC1. -,,-'-..`Pletal catalyst leark; to the derivatives Ox -nd X), while reduction of N-acetyl-b-methyl-J., 10-tri-nethylenepiperazino (1,2-0indole(l) with lil-iiium tilliminkim hydride yields the N-ethyl derivates (XI). - I? I USSR SHVEDOV, V. I., et al., Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 4, No 7, 1970, pp 5-7 2/2 USSR olil U-L)C: 547. 75 SHVEDOV, V. 1. . KU_'~P.;L0, IG- N, Chemico Phar-macou--ical institute -Lmeni Sergo try of Health USSR "A Nilethon 0~1 ProCiucing indole Ot_--r%IZ4va, Izobretcniya, ?romyshlenn~!yo No 7, 4 Feb 70, p 29, patent No 2c52906, 12 i.,eb oe, Trans la-c icim, -. 71--'s %uthorls C,~:rzificate inzrc,~',Uce~- a Indole derTLva-cives of the formula A R' H; R" H, A~A 4S --n z a z a cc c ivvitll -phenyl- -amiriocrotonic acid estc---r or iLs VZ, S-uc~_ as d-chloro,3'lhane. and rhc cr USSR Research Cher UDC 6!5-31:51~7-759-32/- 5L 9 'Pic ;c! 0, All-Union E I nti ii.- dze "A,___ Sergo Ordzhon _LTm1L0 9GN' *ltiit6 ona. "T,alth UsSR vo;n~~hcsls 0" ar, No 3, 70, Vol IV, IM o S C 0 04~ 2 - ar 1Y u Ir cycli-l"ion jntramOlecul~ e dorivatiN'res. e of the 'l-ben,larba-ZO! 4. U, e1.7~ s hetoroc-717,10 Abstrac- ~0 OnthesIzO into the iy'd0 0 b and s tic -~c~ids u ),lophore 01.1 dolyi-3-8-cc Ynoves th lbsorl-31'" of cnrC 0 1- v ,t.'oductiorl ity and sab~tjtutC111- 7 r ion intOr's The tT_Pe 0:~ bsorPtiOn increases the _ibsorp",;- , n of tile 1 region. 0- 0 lon~;_,Javo 31)ectra 4-ho T)Osit' - i%drl ibitad ~.Oward no effect on CS exh, Tomorhore has ;F' m derivativ aV71 cl~ e e I-Itee ll-7 tmo 01 C FR-8 S ~ra- p , ns'- y,ima. Or M activity in vj_tro 1/1 1/2 012 U.%!-- L AS S I F I ED PkM:SS li%ii-, DArE--I3NL)V70 T I TLE-SYNTH E S I S OF P YiN Ru L,'-. I , 2, A LiliA , PYR 1 MI 0 1 NF DE,~ I VAT f Vz-_S -U- 'A F AUTH0r-',-(01*"t)-SHVEL)DVt V.I., KHARM. -Nf-'VA, I.A., ALTU,-,IIGVA, L.B., GANN'EV, A.N. CC -ITRY OF ['&C-USSR 5QURCE--KHIM. GETEROTSIKL. SOEDIN. 1970, (3)t 428 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS---CHEMlISTRY, BIGLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-PYRROLES, UR6ANIG NITRJGEN COMPfl-UND, PYRIMIBINE, AjMINE DERIVArIVE, MOLFCULAR STIWCTUkEp CtILMICAL SYNTHESIS CCNFROL '-lARKlNG--N9 RE-ST,~ICTIONS DOCUMENT CL~'SS-UNCLASSIFIED PkOXY !~EEL/F-"AAL-3002/0479 -STEP NIJ--UR/04t')9/70/00t)/003/(;-t2d/()428 CIRC ACUSSIUN 1,40--AP012'3043 ii" "', L A10 212 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCIESSING DATE--13t!0V70 C I R CACCESSION NO-AP0126048 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTkACT. DFRIVS. OF 2 M11NOPYRRbLE (1) 'WERE C0i,vu-.--NS;:J i[F-i 1,3,DIC,'APi30NYL,(:-1~IVS. IN REFLUXING C S(J,35 H Sui35 'N OR ACOH Gr-( HEATEO wITrijUT SULVENT AT 150-60DEGRE'ES TO YIELD T"t F0LL-.-j*A1!1jG 11 (R, R PRIME1, K PRIMIE2, R PRIME3, M.P., AND PERCE114F YIELL) GIVEN): SHOdN ON -MICROFICHE. FACILITY: VES. INAUCH.-ISSLE-0. KHIM.-FAR,14. INST. [M. ORDZH0NLlKjbZE, MOSC61,4, USSR. Ut-iCLASSIFIED Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING UATE--13NOV(v i2 E OLE Ok TETmAHYD,,J~,A60AZOLE -U- I-T,,TL --0IALKYLA14IN0ALeYL U NIVAT[VES OF INW AUTHOR-(03)-SHVEDOV, V.I., GRINEVY A.i"!., ALTUKHOVA, L.B. moo. CGUNTkY OF INFG---IJSSK- SOU.4CE--USSP 265,835 REFERENC-~:-0TKRYTIYA, IZ06RET., PROM. 084ALTSY, TGVARNYE ZNAKI 1970, OATE PUBLISHED--17MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-4MINE DERIVATIVE, INDOLE, ORGANIC AZOLI CCMROUNID, HYDROXYL RADICAL, CHEMICAL PATENT CONTROL '4AR.KItNG--N0 RESTRICTIL)INS STEP 2/2 oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSI-NG DATE-13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION 1N0--AA9-12,S8a0 AiSTRACT/EATRACT-W) GP-0- Au-STRACT. TITLE COMPOS. ARE PREPD, BY TREAM41; ") METAL OtAIVS. CF 5,HYDROXYINUOLES OR Nt t-iETAL JeRIVS. OF SUdSTITUTED INDOLES CR TETKAHY;Jf).()CAR3A10LES WITH A HALu'ALKYLDIAL,"~YL AMNE AT 120-50DEGf~EES. FACILITY: GRDZH0NfKI0Z~:t S.v ALL UNION SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CHEMICAL PHARMACEUTICAL INSTITUTE. ijiif'. LA S T) - F I ~ 1) 1/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NQV70 TITLE--[,"40OLE DE.'-NIVATIVES -U- AUTHOR-(03)-SHVEGOVi V.I., KURILO, G.N., GRINEV, A.N. COUNTRY GF INFO--USSR SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 2629906 REFEKENCE--OTK.~YrIYA, OZOERET.t Pl-'-O,'I. OBRAZTSYi TOVARNYE INAKI 1'37C, 47(7) DATE PUBLISHE-0--04FE370 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--CHEMI CAL.., PATENT, CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS, MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, INDOLE CONTROL MA.~KING-NO RESTRICTIONS 0OCU,*iE,'iT CLASS--OliCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FR4M'r_'--3004/IY77 STEP Nt)--Ui~/04,j2/7-0/,300/();~l)/000k)/,')000 CIRC ACCESSION NLj--AA0132043 UNC L AS S I F I F 0 2/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13'-lJ'V70 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AA0132043 ABSTKACT/c'XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABST"ACT INDOLE DERIVS. (1, R r--'-jUALS H, ALKYL, ARYL; R PR1.4tl EOUALS ALKYL, H; F, PRP4E2 E-JUALS H, ALKYL) vlERE m3rAlllifEl) BY TREATING P 13ENZOQUINONE WITH GAKMA PHENYL 6ETA AMINO CROTONIC ACID ESTER OR A DERIV. IN AN INERT SOLVENT, SUCH AS DICHLOROETHANE. THE RESULTING PROMICT WAS SEPO. Ok METHYLATED BY 14E SUB2 SO SU34. FACILITY: ORDZHONIKIDZE, S., ALL UNIGN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CHEMICAL PHAAMACEUTICAL INSTITUTE. UNCLASSIFIED 112 022 UNCL, Ass I F I ED ~ I R% E S S I i~4(; W" T L- --w~;, (, C r I I ITLE-INEIN THOL) F-O'A SYNI I 11IFS 1Z INU Ili 1ENO( 3,2, 0 ) PYiMiLL LbLR (VA [f k/it- S AUTHUR-(03)-SHVEDjV, V.I. , GRINEV, A.N., VASILYIEVA, V~K., COUNTRY 1JF IINIFO-USSR SUUkCE--KH1M. GETEPUTSIKL. SULD11N. 1970t (2), 216-7 DATE PUBL 1SHL0------70 SJOJECT AKEAS--C.HE,',',1SfRY, bl:LjLCI(jf("AL AND '1HJ1CAL SCIENCES TfjP1C TAGS-CH~MICAL SYt,.rHt:S1S, 81,11-11-01CAL R AND U, PYAki-ji-f-Sy MULLCULAK SittUCTURE, UV -'PI-CTRUM, IR SPECTRUlAit f-PR CG,%Tkrjl, 14ESIRICT1 S 0GCUMENf CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PRuXY E p .1-J: 1 - - 'Ut 11*1 i, J 7 i F S 212 i t L A S I F I y PAJ:_ E Sl i C I R C A C L S S 1 IN A'." 0 3 d 'i T A C T X T R A ~_ T - - i P C T 1 N A S EA C i F s T i~i,c c s , r 1 T L G i`.' I b S b Y I it. A I I 'vI -i ~FPL). Rp~ 10 S f 1J+ FH I F, 3 t , P J i- L ACID f 1) Af~f_ 1-L'JiRMt-J IN Y I LH)S I i-I P. I f 1j; SUB S TANC. S "1* '-V_S CHECK LD b Y YN . i I ANO EP:'~ .'-) P E C I J Y A k P."IAE2, A:10 P. I d 11-2 G- EGRI L: E S H, PH , ME r 2 5~) -8 0": GK E E S ; Hill PH v H , 2 t -0 - 3 ;.A E S UB 6 H SUB 4 ki , 2 50- 2 DEGRI 11 S 11 P Ff U , C. Lt-, SU36 H S j 0 c. ~S USSR uDc: 621.,,96.6717.L9 RTN RV---d-- -Yu. J "Cross-Polarization Emission of Convex Spherical Antennas W-th Field Distribution" Kiev, IVUZ: Eadioelektronika, Vol 15, I'To 3, Mar 72, pp 30,0-331~ Abstract: The author considers a sharply directional sphcri-cu-I diffracticil antenna with continuous distribution of sources (iaagnetic currc-ntn) on a conducting surface. The antenna forris a difference polar diagram in plane 0=-ff/2 with zero in the direction 0=01 (see figure) vith max-imum r-.!O-pe p in the equilsignal direction. Slope ii is given by the formula F11 .1 JIG6 C 2 where is the normalized vector differerce of the polar diagrar~; GA Ho is the dire&kive gain of the antcnna -vith polar diagr~-,,- in tf-,c USSR GRIUEV, A. Yu, IVUZ: Radioelektronika, VI 15, 1972, YP 308-31~' plane Tr/2 in the direction of the -Drincipal maxima; ~~ I/ ~r~- - is a scalar product. Expressi ons are derived which show that the radiation field of' the spherical antenna is C-11-iTtically polarized (linearly polarized only in the two principal planes) and Ooes not vanish in the plane perpendimilar to the antenn-, bearing plane. it is- shown that the presence of an orthogonal commonent in the field of a spherical antenna leadL; to wandering of the zero of thc poltir diarrayr, in the case of aoyirmietyj~ of the aziplitude excitation when there is a chark7e in the polarization properties of the sivnal received by the- antenna. 6i7, F "N Y 2/2 16 USSR UDC 621.396.677.833.2.061.1 VOSKRESEI,,.'SKTY, D. I. and I! "Synthesis of Spherical Antenna Difference Patterns" Mosca,o,, Antenny, No 13, 1971, pp 28-42 Abstract: The problem of minimizing the sidelobes with the spherical antenna difference patterns is investigated. The spherical antenna is assuined to have a perfectly conductive surface and is provided with closely spaced diffraction- type emitters. The graphs obtained by the subject method show several sidelobes of decreasing magnitude. Graphs of the current amplitude and phase distribution --long- the equator are also given. Relations between the magnitude of sidelobes, the slope of the iilaln lobe-,,; and their width are derived. 13 - USSR UDC 621.396.677.833.2 VOSKRESENSKIY, D. I., PONOMAREV, L. I., V A. Yu. "Optimum Sum-Difference Characteristics of Spherical Convex Antennas" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronik-a, Vol 16, No 7, Jul 71, pp 1170-1180 Abstract: The problem of optimizing the sum-difference characteristics of spherical nonsuperdirectional antennas which are a system of slot radiators arranged on a conductive spherical surface is solved by the method of vector eigenfunctions, utilizing the theory of quadratic forms. The maximum direc- tive gain of the effective radiation pattern is found with regard to dif- fraction phenomena on the surface of the antennas, as well as the maximum directive gain of the difference characteristic in the two principal direc- tions deviating symmetrically from the equal-signal direction, and the slore of the difference radiation pattern in the equal-signal direction. 1hese maxima are compared with the corresponding maximum values for an equivalent flat aperture. It is shown that when the electrical radius is short, a spherical antenna may give somewhat of a gain in the three maxima; when the electrical radius is much greater than ka = 10, the maximum directive gains of sum and difference radiation patterns and the slope of the difference 1/2 USSR VOSKRESENSKIY, D. I., et al., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 16, No 7, Jul 71, pp 1170-1180 characteristic in the equal-signal direction for the optimum spherical antenna are practically equal to the corresponding values for an equivalent flat aperture. Spherical nonsuperdirectional antennas are synthesized with space- amplitude sum-difference radiation patterns having minimum side emission. It is shown that the sum (difference) radiation pattern may be represented by a Chebyshev polynomial multiplied by some weakly directlonal factor. 2/2 6 USSR UDC: 621.3964677 GRINEV, A. Yu., FILIPPOV, V. S. Investig;-,.tion of the Characteristics of Convex Tr. Mosk. aviats. in-ta (Works of the Moscow Aviation 'Tristitute), 29701 vyp. 203, pp b-22 (fron RZh- Radio teKhni k a, No 2, Feb '(0, Abstraact Tfo Translation: Problems of ontimum excitation of convex i-,onopulse antennzas are considered in the optical physics approximation. t-.n investigation is made of the possibility of aprroximating the radiaticn pattern of a convex antenna by using the radiation Pattern of a cophased flat apertiire; tne approximation error is determned. EyDressions are derived for the slore of the difference radiation pattern in the direction of the antcnna berarin,,7, and for the ontimuri amnlitude-rhase distribution of mnagrletic currents oil an ideally conductin,- sDherical antenna surface. Two illustrations, bibliography of seven titles. N. S. 1/1 UDC: 621-396.677~833.2 P01101,aREV, L. I. "Optimization of Spherical Moropulse Antennas With Recr-ect to the Siorc ~~-nd Directive Gain of the Difference Characteristic" Tr. Mosk. aviats. iz~-ta (Works r,-f the i,'oscow "Vi,-Itioll Tnstizut-', I~iW. vyp. 203, pp 23-47 (from R',h-Radiotekhnika, No 2, Feb 71, Abstract 1-10 2-3,~,7) Trarslation: The formulated Problem, is solved by th-e -retlacd -)f vector eigenfunctions for a spherical vmtenna which is en idealized system of Slot radiators located on an ideally conducting surface. A rigorous soluticil is found for the probler, of n-aximun directive Fain for cu-lculatink, patterns and amplitude-phase distribution; a --olution is gi,(,-:~n for the problem of maximv-m slope of the difference radiation pattern in the dir---c- tion of the antenna bearing; the characteristics of opt-17-Ii-an srLerical antennas are comPared with the corresponding characterif-Aics of ~Ln lent flat aL-erture. Twelve illustrations, bibliography of seven titles. N. S. I /I USSR UDC 547,261118 CMRVE-HYUK, G. I., and GRIVEV, G. V., Chernovitsy State University "The Effect of Bromine on Diethyl Phosphonates" Leningradi Zhurnal Obshchey Rhifaii, vol 42(io4), VYO 10, 1972, pp, 2183-21e-6 Abstracti Diethyl phosphonates in dioxane react actively with Br in the pre- sence of light and sa small aiaounts of waterl forming benzylphosphonic acids and ethyl bromide. The reaction proceeds very slowly in the dark and not al JgLer all in anhydrous dioxane. The yield of phosphonic acids was h 41 when the aqueouB solution of Mir was us._-d. Therm acids were formed according to H = 11, W; X r It, Dr. Five acids were synthesized of a general fornula RP (0)(OH)2 where R=C 61F5CH2 (1), P-BrC F4CH (II), C H CH(Br) (III), F-Cic H COOCH2 (IV), CH OOCCH, (V). 6 2 6 5 6 4 3 2 The melting points of acids I-III wereI 171-1g2', 186-188',.139-142 , when Br was used; and 170-171', 186-189o, 164-167 , and 14Z-144 C for acids I, II, 22 - USSR CHERVEHM, G. I., aPA GRINEV, C. V., Zhuxnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 42(104), Vyp 10, 1972, pp 2183-2186 IV9 and V, respectively, when HBr was used. All acids were crystalline, soluble in dioxane, ethanol, ethyl acetate, water, benzene, toluenel acetic acid, dichloroethane, and petroleum ether. The structure of the acids was verified by the number of hydroxyl groups, and IR spectra, and by preparing their Fb salts. Characteristics spectral bands for each acid are given. 2/2 USSR UDC: 539.1.074 GRMHATIKATI, V. S., GRINEV, M. P. , YERSHOVA, Z. F. , KOZLOV, L. L. , LITVINOVA, T. G. , MIKHAYLOV, L. M., MOLIN, A. A. , PXNCHENKOV, G. Ml. "Color Indicators for Visual Evaluation of Dose I)Llrinp RldiltiOll Sterilization" Dozimetriya i Radiats. Protsessy v Do, -Imetr. Sistemakil [Do-simetry and Radiation Processes in Dosimetric Systems -- Collection of Works], Ta-Millelit, Fan Press, 1972, pp 113-118 (Translated from Referativii)-y ZhUrn"ll Nictrologiva i lzmeritall-naya Teklinika, No 3, 1973, Abstract No 3.31-').1,103), from the resumc. Trans I at ion: It i.5 suggested that a plasticized PVC film cofitainiii~,, in ;icid- sensitive dye bu used as a color close indicator for tile 0.1-5.0 Mrad rnlipc. The sensitivity of indic;itors to radiation as a function of film composit)(Al and dye used is studicd. Color dose indicator:, arc, calibr,'ited the ferrosulfate merhod and calorimetry. A method iS 'Alg~,CFAI~d for instrunment:il testing of changes in tile color of indicators using spectrophorol-iletry of irradiated specimens, PlIowing (loses to be measured with error.- of -10-121. Practical recommendat i ons are presented for the use of color dose indjcz-lors to clieck radiation sterilization. 2 figt.IMS, I bjbliO. F('I-. IN) - 113 - 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 TITLE-PHOTOINDUCED TRIPLET SINGLET TRANSFER OF ELECTRONIC EXCITATION ENERGY IN TI-E LIQUID PHASE -U- AOTHOR-105)-BERENFELU# V-M.v CHUMAEVSKIYv YE.V.9 GRINEVP M.P., KURYATNIKOV, YU.I., ARTEMYEV, E.T. CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRt SER- FIZ- 1970, 3413)1 678-82 DATE PUBLISHED---70 SUBJEECT AREAS--CH-EMISTRY, PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--El"CITATION LNEr~~;Yj FLUORENSCENCE SlJ' GTkljMv COMPOUND, ANTHkACENE, LIGHT EXC!rATION, AROMATIC HYDRUCA-RBUN, ELIECi-RON SPIN CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/1895 STEP CLRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123682 U iti, L_ LA 5 S I ~: I E 1) 2/3 ' 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0123682 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN THE LIQ. PHASE TR-PL':TiSi',:-~- ENERGY TRANSFER IS AN lNTERMOL. RADIATIONLESS TRANSFER Of: FIECTRO"le EXCITATION ENERGY FRCM THE TRIPLET LEVEL OF THE UONCIP MkIL. TO THE SINGLET EXCITATION LEVEL OF THE ACCEPTOR MOL. THIS WAS STJIDIED 1~1 T'HE FLUOREESCENCE SPECTRUM OF 9,10,DIBROMOANTHRACENE IN bENllENt-:, sE~isir,'ZED WITH ACPH, EXCITED WITH LIGHT OF 313 NM AT 200EGREE~. THE CONCN. AANGES OF THE ACCEPTOR AND DONOR WERE 2 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE5 MJNUS5 11MES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3, AND 0.40.5 MCLE-1. RESP. THE CONC-14. 0-1-ECT ON THE QUANTUM YIELD AND ON THE DECAY TIME OF THE FLUORESCENCE WITH PULSED PHOTOEXCITATIONS WERE STUDIED UNDER STEADY STATE AND NGN STEADY STATE CONDITIONS, RESP. WITH INCREASED CONCN. OF THE ACCEPTOR, THE QUENCHING RATE OF THE AFTERGLOW BECOMES HIGHER. THE QUANTUM YIELD RATIO INCREASES WITH THE ACCEPTOR CONCN. APPROACHING A LIMITING VALUQUIVALENT; SIMILAR 0.3 FOR C IS GREATER THAN 3 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3 MOLE-1. BELOW THAT CONCN. THE ENERGY TRANSFER IS COMPETITIVE WITH THE SPONTANEOUS DEACTIVATION PROCESS OF THE TRIPLET ACPH MOLS. THE PAECESSES OCCURRING IN THE SOLN. UNDER THE ACTION OF LIGHT ARE D15CUSSED. THE RELATIONS FOR THE INTENSITY OF THE FLUORESCENCE VS. TIME ARE DERIVED IN TERMS OF THE LIFETIME OF THE DONOR TRIPLET MOLS., TAUDs VETO. AS (3 PLUS OR AINUIS 10PERCENT) TIMES 10 NEGATIVE PRIME7 SEC. THE VALUE OF THE ENERGY TRANSFER CONST., KAPPA SUBOA EQUALS 15 PLUS OR HINUS 0.5) TIMES 10 PRIME10 L.-MOLE SEC IS CLOSE TO THAT OF THE DIFFUSICN CONST. INDICATI'lliG THAT THE P90CESS IS A DIFFUSION CONTROLLED ONIE. THE STUDY OF THE CONCN. Ulk!CLAISSAIFIED .1 3/3 020 UN(~LASS I FIED P, G- S I IN t.-) J A T E'3''J J C T -1 C CIRC A-CCESSIG,,l N,3--Ai-10l2366-' ABS-iRACT/EXTRACT-L)EPEt4g,-ti'~iCE OF THE QUANTUM YIELD FGR Vill' SFItiSITIZEC: FLUORESCENCE UNDER STEADY STATE ILLUMINATION GAVE THE IkAl'E GUNS% FJ.;! THE TRIPLET SINGLET ENERGY TRANSFER, K PRIMETS SUBDi, EQUALS 1.5 TIME~ 10 PRIME9 I.- MOLE SEC. THE RATIO KPRIMETS SUBDA--K PRIMET T SUBDA IS APPROXIMATELY EQUAL 70 0.5 INDICATES A HIGH DEGREE OF SPIN ORBITAL INTERACTION CUE TO li~-.c HALOGEN ATOMS PRESENT IN THE AROMArIC HY`0RL,,'-'i%p,8cjN MOL. Surgen, USSR UDC (616-C69-5:623.8-07 LUSHCHITSIK-Fl, M. A., NhJ Gen 1.'i_,d Serv, Doctor of Medical Sciences, PQRET-_-3!rTY 0. B., Col Mad _Serv, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and GRITEV iat Col .-ed Serv, Doctor of f4edical Sciences *_1 "Methods of Anesthesis Suitable for Sur-ery on Subiuirines" 65 MOSCOW, Voyenno-r4editsinskiy '71hurnal, No 6, 1972, TPP " -71 Abstract: Trhe limited medical personnel, equip,,,.ept, and sj,,ace availoble on sub- marines make inhala'lion anesthesia infeasible and lirai-u the choice to the fol- 1_~ -hcds. in cpses of acute uncrmrlicated appendicitis -- p_rer-,,edication lovinrr :net ne,;`h~!sia vith 1,ovocain or with loni-,-action or dinedrol, local a 6 1 trinecaine, tu,.d rii-lit paranephral block. In cuses of n:ppendicitiZ wit."i T)eritonitis -- -oreZ.-Cdicr-,.tion end local anesthesia co.,t,bin,_~d wit'li iW1ramqsC:,,1_1,ur rporphine-scopola-Y.-Line or with in-travenous drip-infusiol of sodi-iun t'hiopental dissolved in alcohol arc recommended. In cases of pefforatcd ulocr -- ca tion, I ntra-..-e n ma s t- --. ooe_-tal , I ocal ane s the sia, a nd lacal i nfi It, L on, anesthQsin. In caces off woutics in extrt-.uties -- an-e s i a wi 7:'% ;vu i lf,-- L ro rphi lie -.;c Opolamine. fnd ,paggested. In cases of albdlo~--inal wo-irds reau-4,1JIn. la-pa?,otary prci;~Cdicatlion, le eyac-~ -1'1~ int-mvenous thiouen-tal, and loc,,~l nesthesia. rll.- '2 vz, ~j USSR 1) LUSHCHITSKIY, M. A., et al., Voyernrio-Meditsins-kiy Zhurnal, No 6, 1'972, T)" 69- 71 mode of administration are sDecified, and snggestions concernin';- advance pre-pa- ration of solutions and trainin.- of Dersonnel are made. - 1'12 c: 112 005 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--REACTION OF THALLIUM (111) CHLORIDE WITH SODIUM PYROPHOSPHATE -U- AUTHOR- (03) -g!.LbLkyA,. A.V.t ZHUKOVAv G.T.v PRESNYAK, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-ZH. NEORG. KHIM* 19709 15(2)t 584B5 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--CHLORIOE, SODIUM PYROPHOSPHATE CONTROL MARKING-NO kESTRICTIONS N.T. DOCU4ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRA14E--1987/0790 STEP NO--UR/0078/70/015/002/0534/0584 CIRC 4CCESSION NO--AP0104236 UNCLASSIFIED 212 005 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-18SE070 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104236 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. TL SIJB4(P SUB2 0 SUBT) SU63? NATLP SUB2 0 SUB7. 4H SU32 0 (1), AND NA SUB5 TL(P SU82 0 SUM SUB2. SH SUB2 0 (11) FORM IN THE TLC SUB3-NA SUB4 P SU82 0 SlJt37-H SUB2 0 SYSTEM AT DIFFERENT CGNCN. OF COMPONENTS. THESE COMPNDS. ARE SOL. IN DIL. HCL9 H SUB2 SO SUB4, AND HNO SUB3, SLIGHTLY SOL. IN H SUB2 Or A14D INSOL. IN ORG. SOLVENT. THERMOGRAPHS OF I AND 11 SH4W LOSS OF fi SUB2 0 OF CRYSTN* AT 180 AND 2200EGREES, RESP*v AND P4LYMORPHOUS TRANSITION AT 470 AND 450DEGREESt RESP. NATLP SU82 0 SUB7 MELTS AT 580 AND NA SUB5 TL(P SUB2 0 SUB7) SUB2 AT 650DEGREES. AT GREATER THAN 770DEGREES THE COMPDS. DECOMP. WITH REDN. OF TL(III) TO tL(I). 1 ' q- - - -1~ r- I ASS IT F I ED USSR UDC 581(17/12) I GRINEVA- Institute ,UNDREYEVA, I. N., and of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazev, Academy of Sciences USSR "Ultrastructure of the Endoplasmic Reticulum in Corn Root Cells Under Anaerobic Conditions" Moscow, Fiziologiya Rasteniy, Vol 17, No 5, Sep/Oct 70, pp 956-961 Abstract: Two-week-old corn plants were exposed to hypoxia by periodically passing pure gaseous nitrogen through the nutrient medium containing the plants for 24 to 36 hours. The anaerobic conditions caused an increase in the number of membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in the apical zone of the root cells. The membrane profiles were not scattered in disorderly fashion in the cells but were rather arranged in bundles containing 5 to 12 profiles parallel to one another. There were also concentric, multilayered, membrane- like bodies of rough reticulum containing mitochondria, Golgi bodies, and dense granulated cytoplasm matrices. Exposure to hypoxia for 48 to 72 hours produced more pronounced changes, including swelling of the cisterns of the reticulum, formation of numerous vacuoles in the cytoplasm, and appearance of large drops. The mitochondria were very close to the smooth reticulum 1/2 USSR ANDREYEVA, I. N., and GRINEVA, G, M,, Fiziologiya Rasteniy, Vol 17, No 5, Sep/Oct 70, pp 956-961 membranes. These changes in the membrane structure of the endoplasmic reticu- lum are regarded as a nonspecific response of the cells to an oxygen insuf- ficiency, comparable to that occurring in plant and animal cells following exposure to other pathological factors. 2/2 - 26 - USSR UDC 621.396.677(021) ARDAB'YEVSKIY, A. I., VOLKOV, 0. A., VOSLTZESENSKIY, D. I., COSTYUKHIN, V. L., GRANOVSIUYA, R. A., GRI-NEVA,- K., I., KRITSYNI, V. A., NHY,'XIISIu:V B. -- YA.', j~ILIPPOV, V. S., CHEBYSREV, V. V. "Microwave Antennas and Devices. Calculation and Design of Antenna Arrays and their Radiating Elements. Textbook for Students at the Radiotechnical Specialized Institions of Higher Learning" Antentiv i ustrovstva SVCh. Raschet i proycktirovaniye antennykh reshetok i ikh izIuchayushchikh clementov. Uchebn. posobiye dlya stud. radlotCl-hn. spetS. vyzo,.' tcf. English above), Iloscow, Soviet Radio, 1972, 3110 pp, ill., 75 k. UTOI-d RZh- Radioteklinika, Nlo 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 5B32K) Translation: 11-lethods of calculating the basic paramoters of antenlin arrays with electric rocking of the radiation pattern and . frequency and co:,%mutacion methods of controlling the radiation pattern are discussed. A study is made of the structure of the opt-'-mal arrays with Dolf-Chebysliev distribution, the design of irised-wave plide and horn arrays and also methods of calculating, the array eleiiients: dielectric, rod, spiral, horn and director anLcnnns. USSR UDC 541.15:547.455 KOCHETKOV, N. K., KUDRYASHOV, L. I. , CHLEM, M. A. , and GRINIM L. r. , TM'd Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR imen4?0"-' Zelinskiy "Radiolysis of Aqueous Solutions of Some Organic Monophosphates" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Sep 71, Vol 41, No 9, pp 2071-2076 Abstract: A study was conducted on the radiation-induced chemical conversion of a number of organic monophosphates. Cyclohexyl monaphosphate and glucose monophosphate containing the phosphate group in I and 6 positions were selected for the study. Determinations were made of the decomposition yields of the dipotassium salt of a-D-glucose-1 phosphate (G-l-P) and disodium salt of D-glucose-6 phosphate (G-6-P) as well as of the yields of inorganic phosphate on radiolysis of these salts and cyclohexvl phosphate disodium salt. The OR radical ar)Dears to play the dominant role in the process of radiation dephosphorylation. The formation of inorganic phosphorus is not followed by the formation of glucose. The evaluation of the total amount of neutral sugars in the case of both sugar phosphates has shown that the yields cor- relate well with those of inorganic phosphate. The yield of reducing-type C, 0 . sugars was reduced to one half and equaled 1.0 and 0.5 for dipotassium salt 1/2 A USSR KOCHETKOV, N. K., et al., Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Sep 71, Vol 41, No 9, pp 2071-2076 of a-glucose-I phosphate and disodium salt of D-glucose-6 phosphate, respec- tively. The neutral salts included desoxy- and desox-yketo compounds. Further studies of radiolysis products and related regularities will provide a clearer pattern of radiative dephosphorylation in terms of biological activity. 2/2 64 - USSR UDC 547-854:547.963-3 GjjMQEAL. N. I., and LOMAKINA, T. S. , Novosibirsk Tnstitute of Or gn-nic Chemistry Novosibirsk, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR "Alkylating Derivatives of Co=onents of Nucleic Icids. XVI- 51-1'3-(N-2- Chloroethyl-N-P.othylamino)propyl/phosphamides of Nucleosides and Oligonucleo- tides" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43, Ho 11, Nov 73, pp 2551-2555/ Abstract: The 51-/3-(11-2-chloroethyl-11-methylamino)r~ropyl/LDhosph--rides of uridine, adenosine, trideoxythyrddylate, and trideoxyadenylate were prepared by reacting 3-(N-chloroethyl-N-methylamino)propylamine with the mixed anhydride formed by the 51-phospliorylnuclectide or oligonucleotide nM diplicnylphosphor.-C acid. The pho'sphamide derived from uridi-ne alkylated guan~)sine with the form- tion of 7 -beta- (N -uridylyl -51 - ( P11) -aminopropyl -M-me thylami no) -e tl-#yi gu anoc J n e. 31 - USSIR UDC LCM-1,MNA. T. S, r Novori.1bir-A, irct'U'utf) (".1, GRI of ScJcnce.-, of thc U:: _:i "All,w1ating Derivatives of Nucleic Acid COMPOI10il-11-2. Mr. Of 5'-Phospharuide~; of 011gonucleotidea, Dcrivl,_tlm~; of Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Wmii, Vol 42(104), 110 7, Jv! Abstracti Tho F;.-ky-,r describes th-~ cylithed_(; Of' Lily- idqa, dor.1vativ- of t; -,,;idIw_- adanine oli,rc- nucleotidos in which the oligonucleotido yna-t of tho Lolccula jl,~?y dott r;.Jnf~ the specificity of rodification of nucloic acids Ly such was fowid that activation of the internuclootidc phoophoryl grolp with f(I,-,~,r,Z-,,- tion of active diphenyl pyrophosphate of the oligonuelcolLide token, 8-10 times more slovily th~.ji uctivatiort of the 51-pIhoFphGz-,-I (p..Cup. 1/1 USSR UDC: 547.963-3:547-854:547.22Z GRIN,E ZARYTOVA, V. F., and KINORRE, D. G., Novosibirsk Institute of ---MrMa _c Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR, Siberian Department "Alkylating Derivatives of Nucleic Acid Components 7. "Itathyl 29,31-0- -[ 4-(N -2-Chloroethyl-IN -me thylamino) benzyl-idene] -uridi-ne-5 I -F ho sp~ ate" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 40, No 1, Jan 70, pp 215-222 Abstract: Premration was studied of the title compourd (I) to be used as alkylating agent of nucleic acids in aqueous solution. "lixing Methyl uridine- -51- phosphate (I!) and 4-(,i-2-chloroethyl-N-Vethylamizo)benzaldehyde (1-11) in dimethylformamide(DHTF) at 700 with Z,2-dimethQ~~-propane(ik.?) and triflucro- acetic acid, after one day at room temperature vielded imethyl 21,31-0-(iso- propylidene) uridine-5' -vho sp~ ate (IV), along with I and IT in various propor- tions. The yields of the three Droducts varied, dependir- on concentration of III and the ITI/D'111 ratio. Study of the react-ion k~,_neTAOZ establi5hed that two side reactions - hydrolysis of I formed in the main renctian and alcoholysis of D~,.P by !!-occur concurrently with formation of 1. The study revealed that a shorter reaction time promotes a significant decrease in the content of IV. Kinetic curves of accumulation of various reaction products are shown. Optimum conditions (11 0.115 M, 111 0.575 M, Del' 0.4-6 M1, 1/2 USSR GRINEVA, N. I., Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 40, Nlo 1, Jan 70, r'-3 215-222 trifluoroacetic acid 1.85 M, 45 min) were found for the preparation of I in 80 yield, of the product containing 88,-U" 1 and a ma.,-LmtLri of 510 I-T. Furifica- tion by paper chromatography with subsequent elution with ethanol Eave of the chromatographically homcgeneous substance contair-ing 700 T. i etiCS of I hydrolysis was studied in aqueous solution at 230 and at different p,'i- values to evaluate the stability of the benzylidene bond in 1; tnis is an important characteristic of an aiiqylaLing agent. ~ineLic curves of -" nydroiy- sis and the plot of the apparent rate constant of the renzylidene bond nydro- lysis versus p.H show thaT. tne pi of alkylation should noL be below- si-x. 11he pi( value of the ~i-2-enloroethyl-i~-met,,iylamino group proLonation was calculated to be 3. 1. 2/2 .Acc.. Nr: ~`6ode: UR 046~ AP0044690- Ref PRIMARY SO URCE: 'Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 1970, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 36-36 THE INTERACTION OF TRANSFER RNA WIJH ACETALS OF 4-(N--O-CIILOI?OETHYL-N-METHYLANIINO)-BENZALDEHYDES- DERIVATIVES OF URIDINE AN'D URIDINr-.-.i'-NIETUIYE.PIIOSP[iATE Belikova, A. M.; Vakhrusheva, T. Ye.; Vlasov, V. V,; Grinevq,,-,-N, 1.;'Zarvt0va V. F.; K~orre, b.. G., n5linav (ji Organic Chemistry. Siberian Brunch of the ol Sciences, USSR, .il ovostoirsR 1', ~tas bven shown that tht! acetals of (RCI) - derivalliv(s of uridine, (URCI) and illiviate tRNA. The efficiencies of the reaL7ents are defermined as a ratic, of th,,, velocitv of iRNA modification to the velocitv W ail bY-processcs. The eff;ciencics of L R(-'! and REEL/FRAME 44, 19771423 AP0044690 as C071- RCI are of the same order of magnitude and two orders greater, respectively, pared with that of mepURCI. In the presence of tris the efficiency of URCI decreases Sig- nificantly and that of mepURCl is altered only slightly. Tite elficiency of URCI decreases in the presence of rnep(J due to the interaction of an intermediate cation with primary phosphates of mepU. It surygests that the efficeincy of mepURCl is low due to thV pre- sence of primary phosphAe in its molecule. The quantitative analysis of the data obtamed makes it possible tO COUCILIde that the iliteraction of niepUR-:- with phosphate is an itura- molecular prucess. IL9771424 USSR GRIINQ[A N. I K-NOVE, D. G., SENZHENKO, L. F., and T~2:BVA, N. 14., institute of 76r-g-ari~c Che;M_Vr~y', Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR "Modification of Transfer RNA by 2t,)'-0[4-(N-Z-,~liloroathyl-N-4':ethylaTino" i3enzylidene]-Uridine-5'-L,.IethylphosphatelI Moscow, Zlllolekulyarnaya Biologiya, No ), 1970, PP `07-312 Abstract: The effect of temperature, tRNA concentraLion and pH oil the kinetiC3 of the re;~ction of tRNA with -,epURG1 in an aqueous solution was studied. The efficiency of alkylation (ratio of the rate of alkylation of tHNA to the total rates of all the secondary conversions of the reagent) was virWally independent of temperatures ranging from 20 to 500C and proportional to the initialL tRNA con- centration. Alkylation efficiency decreased sharply in the presence of magnesium zalt5. The rate and efficiency of alkylation was also independont of pii in the 6.0 to 7.5 range. Judging by the data of chromatography modified by 10,'1b' MNIA (Tomlinson-Tenor system), alkylation did not rupture the polynticlootide chain. 1/1 1/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OAT;----30OCT70 TITLE--ALKYLATING DERIVATIVES ON NUCLEIC ACID COMPONENTS. Vil. METHYL 2 PRIMEr 3 PRIME*Ot4tN,2r CHLOROETHYL,N,METIIYLAMIND,BENLYLiJENE,URlDlj,4ES 5 AUTHOR-(03)-GRINEVA, N.E., IARYTOVA, V.F.9 KNORREv DoG, lllplvp~_- _leo 4~ CGUNTRY JF INFO--USSR SOURCE-ZH. OBSHCH. KHIM. 19701 40(l), 215-22 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ALKYLATION, NUCLEIC ACID, PHOSPHATE ESTERP AMI:.E DERIVATIVE# CHLORINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND, HYDROLYSISt PAPER CffR0MATG,_AAPHY, ACETAL, CHEMICAL REACTION KINETICSt BENZENE DERIVATIVE CO.NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/1751 STEP NO--UR/0079/70/040/."-01/0215/0222 CIRC ACCESSION NJ--AP0112737 UNCLASS I F IED 212- 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112737 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. KEEPING NH SUB4 UR!OINE 5 PRIMEPPHOSPHATE ME ESTER IN ME SUB2 CO WITH ME SUBZ C-NmE) SUB2 AND CF SUB3 CO SUB2 H 3 HR GAVE AFTER TREATMENT WITH ET SUB3 N AND REPPTN. OF THE PRODUCT FROM MEOH WITH ET SUB2 0 THE ME ESTER OF 2 ?'-,.IME9 3 PRIME,O,ISOPROPYLIDENEURIDINE 5 PRIME, PHOSPHATE (1) WHICH IN 2.5 HR AT 70DEGREES IN 50PERCENT AQ. ACOH GAVE URIOINE 5 PRIMEtPHO.SPHATE ME ESTER. THE KINETIC DATA FOR THE REACTION OF THE LATTER WITH ME SUB2 C(OME) SUB2 WERE PRESENTED. THE REACTION OF THIS ESTER WITH 4C'-.CH SU82 CH SUB2-NMEC SUB6 H SUB4 CHO (11) IN ME SUB2 NCHO AT MINUS 70DEGREES IN THE PRESENCE OF ME SUB2 C(OME) SUB2 AND CF SUB3 CO SUB2 H AT MINUS 70DEGREESv THEN I DAY AT ROOM TEMPor GAVE SOME UNIDENTWED MATERIAL, HE ESTER OF 2 PRIMEi 3 PRIME,O,(4,(Nr2t CHLOROETHYLIN,METHYLAMINO)BENZYLIDENE)URLOINE 5 PRIMEIPHUSPHATE AND 1, WHICH WERE SPED* BY PAPER CHROMATOG, HYDROLYSIS OF THE PRODUCT IN 0.01 N HCL 0.5 HR GAVE URIDINE 5 PRIME,PHOSPHATE ME ESTER AND THE KINETIC DATA WERE SHOWN. REACTION OF URIDINE 5 PRIMEtPHOSPHATE NE F-STER WITH 11 LEADS TO 3 TYPES OF PRODUCTS: AN ACETALv PRODUCTS OF HYOROLYSIS AND PRODUCTS OF ALCOhOLYSIS. FACILITY: NOVOSIBIRSK. INST. ORG. KHIM., NOVOSIBIRSK, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 112 Oil 'UNCLASSI FIEG PROCESSINIG L)ATE--23OCT70 I T L E - - M 6;) 1 F 1 C A T 1 C' t.' t) F T R A %,'S F E: i~ t" Ni A 6 Y 2 , PR I M E , i PR IME,0, (4, 0N, 2, CHLCRCETHYL N,XETHYLAMfN0) BENZ ILI DEPI.-E) URI 01-NE , 5 AUTHOR-(04)-GRINEVA, N.I., K.',.,Gkl RE , D. G. , S E tit HEINK0 r L - P - f F E P L OVA , N. M. COUNTRY OF NNJFG--USSR SOURCE-A3LEKULYAR.NAYA- BIOLGGIYA, 1970, VOL 4v Ni~ 3, PP 307-312 DATE PtJiLISHED - - - - - - -70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--R-NIA, ALKYLATION, CHEMICAL KINETICS, CivWMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS CONTROL !'1AQKINu'--N0 RESTRICTIONS' OOCUMENT CLASS--Ut.'CLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0155 STEP UR /046 3/ 10 /004 /003 /030 1/0 3 12 r.fRC A(-,rF';'.;I()N Ni)--AP0120855 UNCLASSIFIC-0 212 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSMG DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120855 ARST~-%ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECTS OF SOME1 r-ACTORS HAVE BEEN STUDIED UPON ALKYLATON KINETICS OF TRNA WITH 2 PRIME,3 PR I ME_tO (4, IN, 2,CHLOPETHYL, NINIETHYLAM I NO) 9 BENZ I L I OEINE If WZIDINE, 5 PRIME,METHYLPHOSPH21TE IN WATER SOLUTIWi. I T HAS t3f EN S~i0*6o,,.1 THAT THE EFFICIENCY GF ALKYLATION (THE RATIO OF THE TRNA ALKYL;'J1r'N RATE To THAT OF ALL 3Y PROCESSES I WES Nu-T DEPEND SIGNIFIC41NTLY -Ili IHE [EMPFRATURE IN THE RANGE 20-500PG-%'P_:S AND IS PROPCORTIONAL TO MITIAL TRNA CONCENTRAT ION. THE EFFICIENCY OF ALKYLATION MAkDEOLY DECREASES P" THE PRESENCE CF MAGNES[UM SALTS. THE RATE ANU THE EFFIC-1EINCY OF ALKYLArtniN OGES s'140T 0ERE'jJ ON PH 141THIN THE ~,ANGE 6,0-7,5. AS PEVEALED BY CHROMATUGRAPHY AfiCR TOMLINSON AND TENER THE P]LYN1JCLL,'_1TI9E CHAIN OF TRN4 ALKYLATED FOR 10PERCENT OjES REMAIN INTACT. FACILITY: INSTITUTE (IF nRGANIC CHEMISTRY, SIRCRIAN BRANCH OF THE ACAOEMY OF SCIENCES, USSR, NOVOSIBIRSK. la-Irt 112 A06 (JNCL ASS[ F16 PROCESSING DATE--77,119mr7o PRINCIPLES OF T14E AJHER.FN;Clc t.)F TITLE--POSSIBLE USE OF VARIOUS P.1114TfNG INKS FOR METALS AiND GLASS -U- AUTHOR-(04)-GUREVICH, YE.I., KAPPILOVSK(Y, P., POLYAKOVi V., GRINEVA, CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-P0-L(C,RAlFIYA- 1970, (2)1 33-5 DATE PUSL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT A.REAS--METHODS AND EQUIPMENT TOPIC TAGS--PRIKING 1,,;K, ALUMINIOSILI CATE GLASSY ADHESION CONTROL -4ARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRA4F--3006/0725 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0134460 uiN!__ L A ') S Lt F I L_ 0 2/2 006 CIRC 4CCESSION NO-AP0134460 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- POLY(ALUMINOPHENYLSILOXAME) PRINTING INKS FOR wimpnkotjs UNCLASSIFIED PROC-ESSING DATE-27NOV70 ABSTRACT. THE USE OF AS THE HARDENER FOR EPOXY RESINS USED IN SURFACES IS DESCRIBEO. UNCLASSIFIED USSS S R UDC: 621. 317.702) KAMIDE-YEV, K. B. , GRINEVICII, F. B. , GROKHOL'SKIY, A. L. C-t a!. "Electroni.c High-Sceed Balanced-BridEe instruments" ;~Ys trcdeys trtK.-1.x_qh chi ye elektronn~~e vll,,e priborv komensatsionno-mcst,c ... I I (cf. English abo-7e), Moscow, "_Energiya", 1970, 1-35 pp, Ul. 35 k. (I'rom tekhnika, No 1-9, Dec 70, Abstract No 12A.)94 i,) The bc_,~~k dea-Is with torij,.g -rn,,; Measur"ni-, r measuri-~- 0 the commonents of impedance Under fL variet;y of t,xi,erijrv.ntal -ind i_e -for a slnFie m-:!asurement of iir:-,edance e--e=- =EW ~e reduzed to htuidredrhs of a millisecond, and :_-asurement error may be held down to tenths of' Ek uercent. The principles of' Coni'truction 0.1, i ;zh - Ee e d e 1 e c t z-- n i c b al --- i c e d- b r idge I r; s t r um n t s are s e t -1 ot 11 er Iat a d a- mental properties are outlined and their specific elenn:ents are gsLven, and schematics am~ analyzed together with the characteristic:3 of ti. number or specilffic de-irices. Annotation. USSR UDC: 621. 37h - 32 0--P F - BE CHIE !~'_)TARF-,* V I A. 'i . "A Reversible Binary-Digitnl Cownter" USSR Author's Certificate No 249103, Mcd !4 J."ay 62, 2-1 jan (from Nov 70, Albstract A~o 11,`~43 P) Tra.rislation: T'nis Author's Certificate introduces a reversib"c- bi,-,a.-;-- -digital c--i-nter which containc IIlir)-flops and AND and 011, circuits. To simplify the circuit while realizing 1-2-4-'C' code, cre of thc a-f the first M_T)-flop, fcr the tetrad is connected to one of t,ae innuts of the fourth outi~uts with z,~,ro and are 1:0tential in the initiall sta+e are connected respectively to one of t'n;--f -_`I-ruts (,.-f the sec~,)id and third flip-flops, and to the interlock 'Key for the input of the seconu flip-flop. One illustration. V. M. 26 - AA9027594 UR 0 482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section II Electrical, Derwent, J 1216122 DOUBLE BRIDGE WITH RIGHT INDUCTIVE COUPLOG, in which amplifier (8) output,transformer (15) secondaey winding is inserted bat'tween'the supply voltage transformer (11) secondary winding and the measured impedance. The amplifier (8) input is connected to the measured inpedance (3) and to the noneartbed end of supply voltage transformer secondary winding (10). and the second amplifier (9) ~output tra"former (16) secondary winding is inserted between the measured irapedance and the current comparator (12) winding. The second amplifier (9) input is connected tothe measured impedance and to the junction betvaen the above windings. In addition the amptifter output transformers carry three windings, with theLr third I windings connected to two balancing resistors connected in series with the current comparator windings and the,supply voltage transformer respectively. This widens the measuped quantities range, reduces the measurement error and improve& the accurancy of Peasurement of small,and very small complex impedances. e; -4- , i To D *ID*3ul lz 11D 1991t,11/17T Ing (991VS) *3S a0 '0V NVIHIY)rAn 3111 SO 5:)IKVNXGVJ=Z JO 311UTISKI 015ml -00j.~ - 1/2 026 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSING OATE--27NOV70 r1rLE-DIFFUSION AiND ELECTRICAL rou%,,4sP0RT W- S'LVF:~. IN LE"D -U- -JT4 f3R-(-33)-KlJZMENK0, P.P.t GRINEVICH, G.P., DANILCHE,-W., 3.A. vo-om COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR. SOURCE--FIZIKA METALLOV I METALLOVEDENIE,