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USSR -GORBUNOV, A. V., Tr. In-ta elektron. upravl. mashin, 1971, vyp. 18, pp 26-29 nonhomogeneous fragments of logic expressions, whose values are logic data blocks (a vector function) . Nonhom-ogeneity here is understood to mean that different elements of the data block are computed by different logic formulas. The tabular specification of nonhomogeneous fragments of logic expressions is effected by reference to tables included in the logic expressions at the end of the formula where reference to such tables occurs. In addition to the apparatus for description of logic circuits, the language incorporates means which enable its use as a programming language. 2/2 36 USSR GORBUNONT, A. V. "A Programming Systci-,i Based on a Language for Desci'ipl-luli Of Logic Systems" Tr. In-ta Elektron. UpravI. Mashin. [horks of the Jnstitutc of Electronic Control Machines], 1971, No 18, pp 26-29 (Translated 1.1o fern ti vnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 1, 1973, Abstract No 1 V802 bY V. Mikheyexr) . Translation: It is suggested that a language for the description of the logic systems of di-ital device., called "Skhemokod" be used as an analy- tic tool for circuit prorranju-ing. On the basis of the descriptive propcr- ties of Skhemokod consists of lopic formulzis in scal-ar and dimensional form. It is noted that the calculation of a set of values (status of a register, group of flip-flops, etc.) is described by one lo-ic fo1-;:iu!.q in dimensional foini. Th e ru I e s f o r ma tch ing o f d iln~il!i i Olin I I t i es o f f~ i I variable in the ri)~ht and left ponions of the logic -1-on-mila fol lox; fl,OM the principles of construction of digital Circuits. 11110), allow one di- mensional logic expression to describe homogeneous branchin.-, of chains of infomation. transli'lission. Skhemokod allows represu-itation of the tahu- lar value of heterogeneous frag7munts of logic cxprc--.q:3 j 1h(' Vz;111'--; of which are files of logic values (vector fulletioll'). llo~--rogcn~:jq ill tfli:~ 1/2 Ta ;APT GORBUNTOV, A. V., Tr. In-ta Elcktron. Upravl. Mashin., 1971, No 18, pp 26-29. case refers to the fact that various eJements of the file of valuos 1-0 calculated accordinF to various logical formulas. Tzibi;1ar assignmem of heterogeneous fragments of logic expressions is perfjorii;ed usin() reftrunces to tables in logic expressions, placed at the end of Clie formula in %.:hich the), are referenced. In addition to the means for description of logic circuits, the language includes means allOW411g it to be used as a pro- C, gramming language. 2 / 12 v 112 026 UNCLASSIFIED OROCIESSING DATE-13NO TITLE-WETTA31LITY AND MGP-cf-l TIES U"IF M F214 04 N J D 13 0,R. 10 E S 0 F GU-1 U P I V A;, i) T I-Tl METALS -U- M AUTHOA - ( 0 3TWAA740 V t VI A.YE. K0111DRATEP-103, T.M. AUTI IF tGUNTPY OF [.'JFO--USSR .~.SOURCE--ZH. FIZ. KHVA. 1.9709 4412) t 540 DATE PU;3LISH"c:L'-------70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, IMATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-BORIDE,.-TITANIUM CCj'4POUNDY CHROMIUM COMPGUND, TU'IIGSTE.~l COMPOUND, ZIRCONIUM BORIDE, COPPER ALLOYj NICKEL ALLOY, CH.*~G,MIU,".! ALLOY, IiJLYBDEt4U.'l ALLOY, MICAGHARDNESSt WETTING CONTROL MARKING-PiC RESTRICTIONS UOCUMF,%lr CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEI./FRAMF--1999/1104 STEP NO--IJR/0076/ 101/0-rt4/002/0540/0540 CIRC ACCFSSl1Ji,.! Nki-AP0123o,36 2/2 026 U;4CLASSIFIED P-RCCESSING 0ATE-13MOV70 CIRC ACCESSIJIN NC!--AP0123096 ABSTRACT/EXTr~ACT--(U) GP-0- AI35TRACT. THE WETfABILITY OF T16, CRI3, ',M, ZRF3 SUB2, ANJ C8B SUDR BY CUt AND ALLOYS 01: NI-CR, HtvF-- BEE.M STUDIED. THE SP. ELEC. CUNJ. AND MCRO HAPOHESS Akc' GIVEN. 'mE CGNTACT 'WETTItNIG ANGLE WAS DETO. AT 10 PRIME NEGAI'IVE-4-LO P;~IME 1,4EGATIVE5 TORR BY T14E DROP METH0.) AT THE ;' OF THE WETTING SP. ELEC. COND. 4AS '4-EASURED BY USING THE EDDY CURRENT METHGO AND MICRQHA-~DMESS WAS MEASUREO 111' KG-11M PkIME2 AT A LOAD OF 40 G. THE hc-:TTA31LITY OF ZRB SUBZ BY MANY COMPONENT rqf 3ASED ALLOYS WAS LESS TH4,1,. THAT JN PUKE NI. THE COITACT IkETTIN6 Al,);~L' VARI -0 FRGM 75-80DEGREES. IN THL CASE OF CR6r c L THE 'WETTIING ANGLE f;AS ZERO. ~iETTA31LITY UF ;,10NJ ANO DIPORIDLS BY Pil AND CU IMPROVED I~ITH RISING AT. iNO. OF THE METAL OF fiG,10E. DECREASE OF B C0,1TENT li"i tVG40f)(jPI0~::S AS COVARE-0 TO DIBORIDES RESULTED IN THE DECREASE OF CONTACT i4ciTTING ANIGLE BY NI 4ND CU. U'i'C' L A S'sj f F 11 1~ D 11/2 032 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--ENERGY CONPINEMENT TIME OF A PLASMA AS A FUNCTION OF THE DISCHARGE PAkAMETERS IN THE TOKAMAK-3 -U- AUTHOR-(03)-GORBUNC!Vt E.P~i MI.RNOV, S.V., STRELKOVt V-S- ............... ....... .I- C-OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--NUCLEAR FUSION VOL. 10, MAR 1970, P. 43-51 DATE PUBLISHED ---- PIAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHY!)'ICS TOPIC TAGS--THERMAL INSULATIONy PLASMA CONFINEMENT, ION OENSlry, CURRENT DENSITY/(U)TOKAMAK 3 THERMONUCLEAR DEVICE CONTPJL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASS[FIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1985/1836 STEP NJ--AU/0000/70/010/000/0043/0051 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0101883 UNCLASS f F (ED 2/2 . 0132 UNCLASSIFIED PRUCESSING OATE--23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0101883 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHORS INVESTIGATE THE THERMAL INSULATION OF PLASMAS IN TOKAMAK-31 TAKING AS THERMAL INSULATION PARAMETER THE ENERGY CONFINEMENT TIME OF THE PLASMA AND RELATING I r TO THE DISCHARGE PARAMETERS: THE StABILIZING MAGNETIC FIELD, THE CHARGED PARTICLE DENSITY, AND THE DISCHARGE CURRENT. IT IS FOUND THAT FOR CHARGED PARTICLE DENSITIES GREATER THAN 2 TIMES 10 TO THE 13TH POWER PER CU CMt THE ENERGY CONF114EMENT TIME IS VIRTUALLY INDEPENUENT OF THE STABILIZING FIELD AND INCREASES SOMEWHAT WITH CHARGEO PARTICLE DENSITY AND IN PROPORTION TO THE DISCHARGE CURRENT. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR, INSTITUT ATOMNOI ENERGIly MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 536.46.621.454 CORBUNOV, G. , PESUKOV, A. V. , Kill' I STOFOROV, I. L. , r."12"IL' , M. V. HAir Flow Behind tile Vane Si-.,irler in the Fire Tuhe of the Combustion Chamber of a Gas Turbine Engine" Kazan' , Izvestilya Vysshikh UchebnylJl Zqvedeniy -- AviatsionnaNa Teklinika, No 1, 1971, pp 63-68 Abstract: A study is rade of some of the characteristic fcatures of the u,hirling flow in the for~mrd section of the combustion cham,'oer ncrtaininf~, to tile shape of the jet leaving the swirler, the static Twes'sure distribution and the turbulence intensity. Comparison of the calculated ind the experimiental data shows that in the presence of proper wreement of the parameters of the vane swirler and tile transition cone, a smooth contintious whi.rlin,- Nov is ob- served alon,,-I, tile generatrix of the transition cone. The profile of the distri- bution of the turbulence intensity in tile forward section of the chanber essen- tially depends on the aerodynamier, of the flov, which are dc.-t