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USSR PIRUZYAH, L. A., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Hauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No 1, 1972, pp 142-145 field shows that they are of a monotypic nature. 2/2 - 39 - - - -- - - - - - - - - -__ I m I I I t II a t .- I Iw 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 .TITLE-MICROCALORII-iETRIC !NVESTIGArioNs OF THE Pfli'OCESS OF BLOOD CUAGULATION -U- AUTHOR-(03)-PLRUZYAN, L.A., COUNrRY OF INFO--USSR SUURCE- IZVESTIYA AKADEMII PP 299-302 .DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ROZENFELD, M.A., GLEZER, V.M. NAUK SS!!~~RIYA BIOLOGICHE5KAYAs 1970, NR 2, SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--BLOOU COAGULATION, CALORIMETRY, THMIAL EFFECT CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS UOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/fi(AML--1990/0950 STE-11 Ni)--UR/0216/10/000/001-1/02c;9/0302 CIRC ACCESSION' NO--AP0109107 U .1-11 C L A S_ s I f I L' D 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0109107 ,AbS'okACT/EXTRACT--(LJ) GP-0- AdSTRACT. THE CALURIMETRIC METHOD WAS USED FOR THE STUDY OF THERMAL EFFECTS CONNECTED WITH BLOOD COAGULATION. THERML;GRAMS WERE OBTAINED FUR THE FIRST TIME AND THE TOTAL QUANTITY OF HEAT FREED OWING TO THE PROCESS OF BLOOD COAGULATION WAS DETERMINED. CALGRImETRIC DATA COAKELATED WELL WITH TROMBOELASTOGRAPHIC VALUES. THE HIGHLY SENSITIVE CALORIMETRIC METHOD MAY BE USEO AS A NEW TEST FOR THE :INVESTIGATION OF THE COMPLICATED PROCESS OF BLOOD COAGULATION. FACILITY: INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, USSR. USSR um 621.317.77 GORSHKOV, A. 1., VOYNO, L. V.,,9~~Zg,,,:-Ya. V., MARLATOV, V. D. "A Controllable Phase Shifter" Moscow, Otkr-ytiya, izobreteniya, pron7shlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znal,..i, No 12, Apr 71, Author's Certificate No 299947, Division H, filed 12 jun 69, published 26 Mar 71, -P 207 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a controllable Dhase shifter with integrating link. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the phase shift is made independent of the change in frequency of the signal being regulated by connecting a phase switch at the output of the phase shifter, and connecting two limiters to the output of the integrating link through an amplifier with automatic gaSn control. These limiters are also connected to voltage sources of equal value and opposite sign. Connected to the outputs of the limiters through differentiating circuits and diodes are the opening and closing in-puts of a flip-flop and an integrating link and limiter connected in series with the flip-flop. 1/1 USSR UDC 612.388-064:576.8.097.29 GLEZEROV V. Z , Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute and Institute of E~~~~dicine, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "Effect of Microbial Toxins on the Permeability of the Blood-Cell Barrier. II. Formation of Nonimmunologic Tolerance for the Effect of Toxins on the Permeability of the Blood-Cell Barrier in Mouse Kidney" Moscow, Zhurnal M-ikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 10, 1971, pp 121-124 Abstract: One-day-old mice received an injection of E. coli endotoxin and a similar injection 30 days later. Twenty-four hours after the second in- jection, the animals received an intravenous injection of horse serum globulin. The animals were sacrificed 30 minutes later to study changes in permeability of the blood-cell barrier of the kidney to horse globulin. The permeability of the barrier did not increase, an indication of the creation of tolerance for the endotoxin. However, this phenomenon occurred only when the endotoxin was administered on the first da,, of life. The tolerance for E. coli endotoxin was not caused by the presence of circulating specific antibudies to the endotoxin, as shown by the negative results of the complement-fixation reaction in over 75 pqrcent of the mice. Anotiier 1/2 USSR GLEZEROV, V. Z., Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologgii i Immunobiologii, No 10, 1971, pp 121-124 series of experiments showed that in mice tolerant of the effect of E. coli endotoxin on permeability of the kidney blood-cell barrier to horse globulin, antibody formation in response to repeated antigenic stimulation with the same toxin was virtually the same as that in intact animals. In other words, tolerance for E. coli endotoxin according to the permeability test is unre- lated to the state of immunologic tolerance. 2/2 013 UNCLAS SIFIED PROCESSING-OATE-27NOV70 rt-ITLE-SYNTHESIS OF ANALOGS OF ACTINOMYCINS. V. THE SIMPLEST CHLORO ANALOGS CONTAINING GLYCINE GPOUPS.-U- l.A0THOR-(O3)-GLI8INt YE.N.r SINITSYNY V.G.v GINZBURGo O%F# COUNTRY OF INFG--US R S OURCE--ZH. GRG. KHIM, 1970, 6(5), 1020-2 .DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND 4EDICAL SCIENCES, CHE141STRY TOPIC TAGS--ANTIB[OTIC, CHLORINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND, GLYCINE, CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS, CATALYTIC HYDROGENATION, MIETAL CATALYST/ (U)-,'CT114JMYCIN AINITIMOTIC ..COINTROL 4A?.KlhG--NQ RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1101 STEP NO--UR/0366/70/006/()05/1020/1022 CIRC ACCESSION r4n--Apol30l34 t,'NIC LASS IF r2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-271NOV70 ~CIRC ACCESSInN NO--AP0130134 .ABSTRACT/.EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TREATMENT OF Nt(3rBENZYLOXYt4,CHLORO,2,NITROBENZOYL)GLYCINE ii) wirH F SUB3 CCO SUB2 .14 GAVE THE 31HYDROXY ANALOG (11) WHICH WAS ESTERIFIED TO THE ET ESTER (III). ESTERIFICATION OF I WITH ABS. ETOH SATO. WITH DRY FICL GAVE I ET ESTER AND SOtHE 111. HYDROGENATION OF 11 OR fit OVER RANEY NI GAVE THEIR 2 AIMING ANALOGS, WHICH VERE CONVERTED INTO 1,8,B[S(RCOCH SUB2 I'IHCO),k2lAMINO,4,5,DICHLORO,3~1,PHS,'40XAZtNr3I ONE (k IS OH OR OET) 13Y TREATMENT WITH BUFFERED AQ. SOLMS. OF K SUB3 FE(CN) SUB6. -FACILITY: LENINGRAD. TEKHNOL. INST. IN. LENSOVETA, LENINGRAOr USSR. _-UNCLA-S-SIFIED S .)ATE-V T 70 UNCL. A3S I F I ED P!- L C T I I L~ I L'AT I il% A*11 ,,f PHE'MLS -U- A 07~ `-U'-t iS'V: V 1, Z. I G'L I 1~ 1.~, Yr-.%. Z A K I iS F r~. .-,I 'IZ3114G, S.ju.,,i- E-Z it. ilkG. I,, ~l I ~,l . 1 4 70 3 ) 5 10- 17- ,D4TF PUI-LISHED ------- 70 SU9JECT AREAS-CHE'AISTRY Ta'-' I r TAC, a--CY I DA T I IL"4 # A!-I I %C PHEW! L I f3 FNZ 0 1 C AC P) CAR BOX Y L I C AC T 0 E T E THIN LAYf~, CHRLi;".ATnGRAPJIY Cr%r-,JL riAkK14G-~4,"t f,FSTI)i(TIONS CIASS--UNCLASSIFI~--') PR-'XY ~.Et I STFP 212 0 1 UNCLASSIFIED t)ATE--02LICT70 ACCLSSli," NU-AP01112415 -T -.4ACIPEXT,~ACT-W) GP-;~- --STRACIT TLC- c)(IL),,4. 11F A P-IIXT. OF FT "3,HYDR~XYt4pME-TriYLiAENZC,ATE AND LT i Zllk~.~l~~.i"-"-iYOK-jxyl,4vCHLGRt"lEiNZOATE WITH K SUB3 FE(CH) SUE46 IN A BUFFERED 7.2 s A? PH 'CAVE A %41XT. OF 01 ET 4,Y, 6#X,'~,ISU')-STITUTEDt2tA,4ll'4~";,3 rPHENOXA, ZONE 1,9,UlCARB(-lXYLlC ACIO FSTEAS I ;~)UALS Y EOUALS rL), I (X EQUALS Y EQUALS ME), AND I '-!E, Y "JALS CL) qF-PE ALSO u3TAINED A*lr' IS;-"L-'ITLD ~3Y THIN LAYE--~ -Crik04ATJ(;. UNELASSIFIED --- PROCESSING )ATE--lbOCT7.3 1/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE--SYNTHESIS OF ANALOGS OF ACTLNOMYCINS- 111. THE SIMr-'_`-:S- CHLO ANALOGS CONIAINING OMEGA ANJINO ACIDS -U- AIUTHUR"(03)-Sjl,,,'lTSYNf V.G.t GLIBIN, YE.N., GINZ13URG, O.F. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR %bURCE--ZH. ORG. KHIMI. 1970, 6(3)p 500-4 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 'SUBJECT AREAS--610LOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -TOPIC TAGS--ACTINOMYCESp AMINO ACID, CONDENSATION REACTION't ESTERIFICATION, ALIPHATIC ESTER CCNTROL M4RKI*iu---N0 RESTkICTIWiS ,DOCURENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FR4ME_--1993/0373 STEP NO--URiO366/70/006/OL'f3/0500105L)4 CIRC ACCESSIC-N !",'J--4P0l!.3291 UNCLASSIFIE0 212 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT7C CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0113291 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CONDENSATION OF H SUB2 H(CH SUBZ) SUbN CO SUB2 H W(TH Zit~ITRGi37GENZOYLOXYi4tC~iLOROCiENZOYL CHLORIDE IN PHME SOLN. "-ONTG. NADH GAVE I (k IS NH(CH SUB2) SU82 CO SUB2 Ht NH(CH SUB21 SUR3 CO SUbZ Hi OR NH(CH SUB2) SU85 CO SU82 H). THE ESTERTFICATION OF I GAVE THE CORRESPONDING ET ESTERS. THE CATALYTIC HYDROGENATION OF I ACIDS OF I (k EQUALS NH-(CH SU62) S063 CO SUS2 ET) GAVE 11. THE 0XIDN. OF 11 1,41TH K SUB3 FE(CN) SUL16 liN A PHJSPHATE BUFFER GAVE THE FOLLOWING ACTINOMYCIN ANALOGS: 2,AMINO,4,6f DICHLORG, 3H, PH;---',IOXAZ I tit 3, ONE It 9 v 61 SC GAMMA9 CARBO'NY LiU4 I N'0~3LJTYR IC ACID) (111), 2,Ak',INO,4,6tDlCHLORO,3H,PH-~f,;DXAZIN,3, ONE, 1,9,BIS(GAi*4i~1A,CA~,60tiYL.4LAt,'INE)i 2,AMINO,4,6,017 CHLORO, 3H PHEiqt]XAZ [Nt 3,DNE,1,9,BIS(EPSILON,CARBliNYLAMIt-40CAPROIC ACID)p AND THE C19ET ESIEP OF Ill. THE CATALYTIC HYORUGEINATIUN OF I (R EQUALS NH(LH SUB2) SU132-Cd SUB2 ET) CAUSED THE REMOVAL OF CL AND GAVE THE DECHLORMTED 11 WHICH VIAS OXIDIZED TO 2tA~IINCjt3H7P!iEt,,'CXAI't',i,37 .ONEPI,9,BIS(BETA,CARBDNYLALA~4INE) DIjET ESTER. FACILIFY: LENINGRAD. TEKHNOL. INST. IM. LENSOVETAi LENINGRAO, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED-- M111,111 --18SEP70 1'/ 2 011 UNCi_ASSIFIEb PROCESSING DATE TITLE--ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF QUALiTY'CONTROL -U- ,:AUTHOR-(02)-KOTLIKOVi YA.SH.t GLICHEVt A.V.* ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-STANDARTY I KACHESTVO, 1970, NR 2, PP 12-14 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ,SUBJECT AREAS--BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--QUALITY CONTROLt INDUSTRIAL R AND D, INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION CCNTROL -MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RElcL/FRAME--198,'t/2031 STEP NO--UR/0422/70/000/002/0012/01)11+ CIRC ACCESSION ND---AP0100596 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 Oil UNICL CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100596 ASSIFIED PROCESSING' DATE--IBSEP70 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PROBLEMS CONSIDERED ARE BASIC IN THE ECONOMIC ASPECT OF PRODUCT QUALITY CONTROLLED AT ALL STAGES OF THE CREATION AND USE OF PROOUCTS. UNCLkSr"AFIED 89 1/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-ANCMALY OF ThE VISCOSITY OF VISCOSE IN A STUDY OF ITS FILTRATION _U_ AUTHOR-(02)-SF'ANKIN, P.A., GLICHEV, G.T. ................ .. ........ . ... COUNTRY OF INFO---USSR SOURCE-KHIM. VOLCKNA 1970t (2)s 40-2 DATE PUBLISHEC 70 ~_SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-FILTRATION, NONNEWTONIAN FLOW# CELLULOSE RESIN* RAYON CGNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED :,PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/0822 STEP NO--UR/0183/70/000/002/00'tO/0042 CIRC ACCESS~ICN ND--AP0124489 UNCLASSIFIED- 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124489 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FILTRATION OF A NON NEWTONIAN FLUID,-IN WHICH A SMALL AMT. OF SOLID IS SUSPENDED, rHROUGH A POROUS BARRIER 15 CISCUSSED MATH. THE RESULTS ARE APPLICABLE TO THE FILTRATION OF VISCOSE CONTG. SUSPENDED IMPURITIES WHEN THERE IS PARYIAL CLOGGING OF THE FILTER AND THE FORMATION OF A FILTER CAKE, FACILITY: MTI, MOSCOWI USSR. UNCLASSIFIED MR, uDc 616.341,6i6.423)-092.9:6i2.ol4.477-o63+)6ii.14ii6ii.423)-019 9-IJMD.k L. M., Chair of Normal Anatomy, First Leningrad Medical Institute ian I, P. Pavlov "Lymphatics Within the Small Bovel Wall in the Rabbit Under Normal Conditions and After Exposure to Ventro-Dorsal Accelerations" Leningrad, Arkh1v Anatomii. Gistologii i Embriologii, Vol 60, No 4, Apr 71, pp U-69 Abstracti To study the effects of the ventro-dorsal gravitational pull on the lymph system in the small bowel wall, rabbits were centrifuged for various periods and at various speeds. Anatomical and histological investigations of tissue slices yielded the following findingst a) a prolonaed single exposure to intolerable acc-~Ieration (10 Gs) caused a nonuniform, moderate enlargement throughout the lymph system in the small bowel wall (all animals died within 20-25 minutes of centrifugation); b) after special training during which the rabbits were centrifuged for gradually increased periods and at gradually increased speeds, exposure to 10 Gs was no longer lethal (all anirals survived) ,=ges developing in the lymph system were considerably smallerl c) and ci regular expsoure to prolongedo functionally tolerable accelerations (5.5 GS) caused the greatest enlargement of the lymph system. Tho result-s indicate that 1/2 55 ~.USSR- GLIKINA, L. M. , AeAhiv Anatomii Gistologii i Embriologii, Vol 60 # No 4, Apr 71 # PP 81-89 accelerations can induce ch-anges not only in lymph vessrls located outside of internal organs but also in those located witbin the organs. 2/2 USSR UDC 681.332.65 KOKURIXL, V. A., GLIKLIKH, B. P., IL'INA, G. F.. and SHMMI, F. N. "'cynchronizer for Multicycle and Ferri te-Trans is tor Systems with Nonsimul- taneous Inhibition" USSR Author's Certificate No 273517, filed 14 Apr 69, published 18 Sep 70 (from RZh-Avcomatika Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 9B220P) Translation: Synchronizers made of ferrotransistor elements are known in which the operating principle based on the write level's exceeding the read level is used. These synchronizers are built from special cells with augmented loop data which impose rigid requirements on the parameters of the magnetizing pulses. This complicates the master clocks significantly. Such circuits are necessary for systems with simultaneous inhibition, but their application in systems with nonsimultancous inhibition is unjusti- fiable. The purpose of the proposal is to simplify the synchronizer cir- cuit, executing it as a system based on a standard ferrotransistor with nonsimultaneous inhibition and at the same time improving the reliability of the overall device as a whole. The proposed synchronizer has been constructed, just as the known ones, from three standard memory cells with 1/2 USSR KOKURIN, V. A., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 273517, filed 14 Apr 69, published 18 Sep 70 (from RZh-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6B220P) positive feedback and an AND-NOT circuit. In contrast to the known devices, the inputs of the AND-NOT circuit, the first and third memory cells, and the write input of the second memory cell are connected to sources of synchronizing cycle pulses, and the AND output of the AND-NOT circuit is connected to the write input of the third memory cell. The output of the first cell is connected to the read input of the second cell, the output of the second cell is connected to the second write input of the third cell, and the output of the third cell is connected to the NOT input of the AND- NOT circuit and the input of the multicycle system. The distinguishing feature of the proposed synchronizer is the principle of construction of the circuit using a read response threshold of the ferrotransistor cells with positive feedback and resistance in the emitter circuit, in which a pulse will occur at the cell output only if the read pulse energy is sufficient to overcome the response threshold and the pulse parameters at the cell output do not depend on the read pulse parameters. 2/2 - 83 - 112 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--EFFECT OF ZINC CONTENT ON THE TENDENCY OF BRASS TOWARDS CORROSION CRACKING -U- AUTHOR-(03)-GLIKMANt L.A.s LOBOVv A.F.i-RUDINi L-YE, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ;~SOURCE-FIZ. KHIM. MEKHAN. MAT., 1970, 6, 11), 109-110 DATE PUBLIS14ED ------- 70 -..SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--BRASSv SOLID SOLUTION, CORROSION CRACKING, ZINC _'CONTROL MARJKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -.-.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIGO _PROXY REEL/FRAME--300310222 STEP NO--UR/0369/70/006/C)01/0'&0910110 ACCESSION ND--AP0129478 UNCLASSIFIFO --04OeC70 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129478 OF ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TENDENCY OF VARIOUS TYPES BRASS TOWARDS CORROSION CRACKING WAS STUDIE0 AS A FUNCTION OF ZN CONTENT. SOME REFINEMENTS WERE ACCORDINGLY INTRODUCED INTO THE EXISTfNG VIEWS, I.E. THAT INCREASING ZN CONTENT LEADS TO INCREASED CORROSION CRACKING. THIS IS IN FACT ONLY VALID FOR ALPHA AND BETA BRASSES. [N BRASSES RICHER IN ZN, PARTICULARLY THOSE WITH THE STRUCTURE OF r1ll-7 GAA'-lA SOLID SOLUTION, THE TENDENCY TOWARDS CORROSION CRACKING IS GREATL~ REDUCED, IN PURE AN THE TNEDNENCY VANISHES ENTIRELY. UNCLASSIFIED UNC*LASSF'FIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 '.~,TITLE-LDW CYCLE FATIGUE OF TITANIUM ALLOYS INA CURaOSIVE MEDIUM -U- ..-AtITHOR-(02)-GLIKMAN, L.A., SHEKHOVTSEV, YE.D. CCUNTP%Y OF INFC-USSR MEKH. MATER. 1970, 5(6), 744-6 ~-_DATE PUBLISHED--70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, MECH., IND.v CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TAGS-TITANIUM ALLOY.s METAL.CORROSIONI CYCLE FATIGUE LIFEr SODIUM CHLORIDEt DISTILLED" WATER WiTRDL.MARXING-NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1988/0635 STEP NO--UR/0369/70/0051006/0744/0746 CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0105614 UNCLASSIFIED --------- - ------ - ------- 212 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105614 ~ABSTRACVEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TWO TI ALLOYS, ONE CONTG. AL 4PERCENT AND.TI THE REST, AND THE OTHER AL 6.5, SN 3.8, V 2.5, ZR 2.6PERCENT AND TI THE REST, WERE TESTED IN DISTD. WATER AND IN A 3PERCENT NACL SOLN. TWO KINDS OF SPECIMENS WERE TESTED; SMOOTH WITH A CUTOUT OF 30MM RADIUS IN THE CENTER, AND THE OTHER WITH A SH4RP CIRCULAR NOTCH IN THE CENTER. THE SPECIMENS.WERE ROTATED AT A RATE OF 1.6 CYCLES-JMIN. THE SMOOTH SAMPLES REMAINED PRACTICALLY UNAFFECTED WHEREAS THE NOTCHED SPECIMENS SHOWED DEFINITE SIGNS OF CORROSION. INCLASST AFIED 112 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23ocr7O TITLE--CVALUATION OF THE SUSCEPT161LITY OF STEEL TO REVERSIBLE TEMPER BRITTLENESS -U- AUTHOR-(03) -GLIKMAN, YE.E.w GROINA, YU.V.v KOTYSHEVt V.F. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV. VYSSH. UCHEb. ZAVED., CHERN. MET. 1970, 13(2)r 113-17 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AqEAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--METAL BRITTLENESS, STEEL HEAT TREATMENT, MANGANESE STEEL CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF160 PROXY REEL/FRAME--1994/1789 STEP NO--UR/0148/70/013/002/0113/0117 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0115618 H%CLASSIFIFO 2/2 016 'UNCL ASS I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0115618 ABSTRACT/EXT;~ACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTk4CT. FIVE STEELS WEkE REFINED BY ANNEALING IN H, OUENCHING IN WATER FROM, 1000-1150 AND 92-0-50DEGREES, AND SUBJECTED TO "DOUBLE TEMPERING" (E. E. GLIKIIAN, ET AL., 1967). A TOUGH STATE WAS PROCUCED BY COOLING IN WATER FROM- 650DEGREES, WHILE THE BRITTLE STATE WAS PRODUCED BY HOLDING AN ADDNL. 24 HR AT 530DEGREES. WITH STEELS CONTG. 1.50-1.85PERCENT MN, 2 TEMP. REGIONS CF BRITTLENESS DEVELOPMENT WERE DETD. (500-50 AND 600-50DEGREES). ADDNL. STUDIES ARE NECESSARY TO EXPLAIN THE NATURE UF HIGH TEMP* BRITTLENESS& FACILITY: SIB. MET. INST.t NOVOKUZNETSK, USSR. USSR UDC: 62]..-_,15.592 ZU'f-,-V, V. G. , GLINCHILIK K. D. 1-1. , SUKII-C.-H, G. A. , and "Current Carrier Recombination Processes on Ge vnd Si Swcfaces Up-der Laser E--citation" Leningrad, _'Fizika i tekhnik.-I polupro-to-odnikov., N-o 10- 1972, -Oo Lq36- 1944 Aba,tract: I.Iijle of volujl-.o re comil.) Ln.--1.11- ion. of current- la;jer emit'ation 11"."vo v of Ilocal ocn- on ters and iiew reco-r-ibina-u-ion mechf_",,Ini~5_rq3, of -ve b_ee"- ILniited to low c--,-,,c lcvc-ls. The exl)",ri- arocesses h- ji L ment's dese-ribed in 1,his T)P.--,)cr 7;ere desli~-ned to ~;'oui- e- fects: pho t- C. C 0 "Id" Uc -'11-1 ivi t.y amplitude and rei,-,.-~.mtior. 1--ime; ah~~;clrpti_or of infl-are--d, xn'bal, aneed curront carricj-o; bination r,~dintion IiInt-e!"s-lity and relax-ait-ion: A block dj.a,-r.= of the experimental equip;iicmt i . .... .ven and, c::c ".7 a a w um laSer avelength of 1.06 i~,iJ-c-rc, cub,l wi`h maX_iL,_.w-.--i inten-ily 0:", 10 at 0.6943 m'cro~ used to the un'balalic.~?d cui,rent. f. of 1/2 Ul)C: ZUTET. V. A. et al, Fizika i tc-L-1m]""M Yo 10, 1972, Dp 10':6-1944 infrared radiat-io2i wcas supplied b~l -1. 300 v.-t"t-, inc-nde.-ceut- la,i-p 1 11 v (A rad~z-;-- with a eerman4 Im the receiver of in-;' .. I tion was a low-inertia Dhot,oiesistamce usi-n- I;-*,-!'-., I- t, 11 C". C-0-C, finpul-ilk-T. Tiie authors ther0r. 0. V. Snitko, D. PL,.t-Lvk--L. rar"d !- V. Sachenko for -L-Iheir useful caimento on a number clT problc:~i.~3 encalin- tered in the courEe of this work. 2/2 USSR UDC: 539.2103.5 GLINCHUK, K. D., Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences of the Uk_rSSR "Impurities in Germanium, Silicon and Gallium Arsenide (Recombination Characteristics )11 Kiev, Poluprovodnikovaya Tekhnika i 14ikroelektronika. Resp. Mezhved. Sb., 110 7, 11,172, pp 51-60 Abstract: Tbe author examines the recombination characteristics of iinDurity centers in germanium, silicon and galliAim arsenide. The paper continueS previous surveys on the properties of impurity centers in these semiicon- ductors and on the influence which impurities have on their recombination properties. An appendix characterizes the nature of levels in the for- bidden band in these three semiconductors. The bibliography licts 1-32 titles. 1/1 - 69 - USSR UDC: 539.293:535.215.12 GLINCHUK, K. D., RODIONOV, V. Ye., Institute of Semi-conductors, Academy of ,-Sciencc-8--df the UkrSSR "Time Constant of Si(Zn) Photoresistors" Kiev, Poluprovodn-4kovaya Tekhnika i Mikroelektronika, Rc5p. Mezhved. Sb., No 7, 1972, pp 27-31 Abstract: The authors study the kinetic characteristics of Si(Zn) photo- resistors made by high-temperature diffusion of zinc atcms into low- resistance N-type silicon. An investigation was made of the kinetics of the intrinsic photoconductivity of Si(Zn) with partially compensated levels of zinc c,= 0.31 eV and E2= 0.55 eV. Alloyed ohmic contacts were used. In Si(Zn) with a weakly compensated 0.31 eV level, the relaxation constant for intrinEic photoconductivity was less than 0.1 Vs. In the case of in- vestigation of the photoconductivity kinetics for Si(Zn) with strongly com- pensated 0.31 eV levels or with a partially compensated 0.55 eV level, a much more comDl-icated picture was observed. Relaxation of photoconductivity in these cases was characterized by several time constants depending on the concentration of surplus electrons, with values ranging from. 0.01 ps "a 112 USSR GLINCHUK, K. D., RODIONOV, V. Ye., Poluprovodn. Tekh. i Mikroelektron. Resp. Mezhved. Sb., No 7, 1972, pp 27-31 10 ms. The observed differences in relaxation behavior are attributed to nonhomogeneity. Direct measurements show that the recombination properties in different regions of nonhomogeneous Si(Zn) -ohotoconductors differ sharp- ly. In the high-resistance region vith partially compensated 0.31 eV level the neutral atoms of zinc play a predominant role in recombination, whereas the centers created in high-temperature heating of the silicon are decisive in the low-resilstance region with completely filled 0.31 and 0.55 eV levels. 2/2 75 UDC 621.332.1 VOROBKALO, F. M., GL i,. D. , PROMIOROVICH, A. V. UNIHINU.". "Electroluminescence of GaAs-Alloy Diodes" Kiev, PoluDrovodnikovaya tekhnika i mikroelektronilca, No 5, 1971, pp 7-11 Abstract: The study of the electroluminescent properties of GaAs-alloy diodes is continued [F. III. Vorobkalo, et al., POlUDrovodni'n-.ov tekhnika i mikroelektro- nika, No 4, Nauk-ova dumka Press, Kiev, 19701. The processes of photoltmainescence and electroluminescence of GaAs are studied, and the radiation of the homogene- ous: (initial GaAs) and inhomogeneous (p-n-junction) systems is compared. Both the n and p-regions and tile space charge layer make a defined contribution to the recombination radiation of the GaAs-alloy diodes. During the process of creation of the p-n-junction the initial properties of the GaAs do not change. The dependence of the intensity of the electioluminescence on the temperature and injection current is determined both by the initial properties of tile GaAs and the properties of the p-n junction. The intensity of electroluminescence of diodes made of the same sample of GaAs can differ by tens and even hundreds of times. At the same time, the intensity of the photoluminescence in these samples differs by appreciably less - approximately 2-3 times. This indicates thit significant scattering of the 1/2 VOROBILALO, F. 1971, pp 7-11 Poluprovodnikovava tekhnika i mikroelektronika, magnitudes of the quantum yield of the electroluminescence of GaAs alloy diodes is connected with insufficient reproducibility of construction of the diodes (the p-n junctions) and not the Droperties of the initial material (with re- spect to photoluminescence prcpe~ties it is more homogeneous). The fact that in the majority of diodes made of n-GaAs, the variation in intensity of tile elec- troluminescence with temDerature was appreciably weaker than the intensity of photoluminescence indicates that with a drop in temperature the proportion of the injection electron-hole current decreases, just as discovered previously [F. M. Vorobkalo, et al., UFZhI No 13, 1610, 1968; FTP, No 3, 150, 196911. 1/2 024' U-NCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 T-ITLE--RECGI,ABINATICN OF HCT ELECTRONS AT NICKEL AND GERMANIUM ATOMS -U- Al.TH(JK-(02)-KLlFKAt L.A.t GLINCHUKI K.D. .p.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--FIZIKA I TEKHNIKA POLUPROVOONIKOV, VOL. 4, APR. 1970, P. 673-678 -DATE PUBLISHED----70 a,SU8JECT AREAS--PHYSICS, MATERIALS .TOPIC TAGS--NICKEL, GEEPMANIUM PN JUNCTIONs BIBLIOGRAPHY, DOPED ALL13Y, RECOMBINATICN, ELECTRON CAPTURE, ELECTRIF FIELD CCNTRCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--3001/0379 STEP NO--UR/0449/70/004fOOD/O673/0678 CIRC ACCESSiCN NO--AP0126134 Z/Z 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP012bl34 ..ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPERIMENTAL INVEST 1132ATION OF THE :.RECUM8Ii4ATICN CHARACTERISTICS OF NICKEL DOPED AND P AND N TYPE GERMANIUM INSTRUNG ELECTRIC FIELDS. PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO THE INFLUENCE OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD STRENGTH ON THE ELECTRON CAPTURE CROSS SECTION AT NEUTRAL AND REPULSING CENTERS OF NICKEL IN GERMANIUM. IT IS FOUND THAT ThE COEFFICIENT GF ELECTRON CAPTURE AT REPULSING NICKEL IONS INCREASES APPRECIABLY WITH THE FIELDi WHILE THE COEFFICIENT OF ELECTRON ,CAPTURE AT NEUTRAL NICKEL ATOMS IS INDEPENDENT OF THE FIELD. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK L[TOVSKOI SSR, INSTITUT FILIKI POLUPROVGDNIKOV, VILNYUS, LITHUANIAN SSR. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA '.NAUK UKRAINSKOf SSR, INSTITur POLUPOROVOiNIKOV, KIEV, UKRAINIAN SSR. UNC L A----,- F tfw n 112 033 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--ZINOV70 --TITLE--KINETICS OF THE PHOTOCONDUCTIVITY OF GALLIUM A."'SENIDE -U- AUTHOR-(03)-VOROBKALOt F.M., GLINCHUKv K.D#t LITOVCHENKOY N.M. z.tOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .SOURCE-FIZ. TEKH. POLUPROV. 19701 4(5)t 487-52 DATE PUBLISHED--------70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--PHOTOCONDUCTIVITY, GALLIUM ARSENIDE, HEAT RESISTANCE, PHOTON EMISSION -CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/0893 STEP NO--UR/0449/70/004/005/0847/0852 CfRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136327 L AS 1; 1 F I E 0 212 033 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV7C CIqC ACCESSION NO--AP0136327 ABSTfRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RELAXATION KINETICS OF THE PHOTOCOND. OF N AND P-GAAS, AT A PULSE DURATION OF 10 PRIME MCGATIVE6 SEC, WERE INVESTIGATED TO DET. PARAMETERS OF THE CENTERS CONTROLLING THE RECOMBINATION PROCESSES; STEADY PHOTOCOND. WAS STUDIED BY THE PHOTOCOND. MODULATION METHOD AND THE RESULTS WERE COMPAPED WITH THE KINETIC DATA. THE REGULARITIES OBSD. WERE CONNECTED WTIH THE PROCESSES TAKING PLACE WITHIN THE CRYSTAL AND NOT ON ITS SURFACE# SHARPLY MONOPOLAR PHOFOCOND. OBSD. IS CONTROLLED BY A SYSTEM OF RAPID AND-SLOW LEVELS- FOR 2 OF THEM (SLOW)t THE CAPTURE CROSS SECTIONS FOR THE MAIN CHARGE CARRIERS (ELECTRONS IN N-GAAS AND VACANCIES IN P-GAAS)v THE FRACTION OF CARRIERS RECOMBINING THROUGH EACH CENTER, IONIZATION ENERGIES OF THE CENTERS, AND CONCN. OF THE RECOMBINATION. CANALS DETG. THE PHOTOCONO. WERE DETO. THE MECHANISM OF ENERGY EMISSION DURING THE RECOMBINATION OF THE CARRIERS ON THE CENTERS IS NONRADIATIVE (SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO 0.01PERCENT CARRIERS RECOMBINE WITH A PHOTON EMISSION)6 THE RECOMBINATION CENTERS ARE VERY HEAT RESISTANT. FACILITvl: INST. POLUPROV., KIEV, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 1/? 021 UNCLASSIFIFD PROC~:SSIN3 DATf_--ll'--P70 TITLE--71WIDTH OF (GO SUR2 0 SU33) SUM (GD CR3 SUB3) SUC11 X _U_ iUT40R--G6UL KA~Z~'.AZIN, A.A., KOSTYRYA, SHEVCHF'IK3, A.V. COUNTPY OF: INFO--USSR. SOURC-c--UKR. FIZ. ZH. (RUSS. ED.) 1970, 1511) 59-62 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSTCS TOPIC TAGS--EPR SPFCTRUM, LINE WIDTH, LINE BROAD~NING, CHR~--'IJY qXl--j GAOnLINIUM CO'lPOUNt.), "ETAL CMDE, CHEMICAL C0'-'0'_lSITF3'%l, TP-lcl-~_~ATII'~:_: DEPENDENCE C1-4TROL "A:~KIF.4r 0c:ST7?ICTICINS 0OClY4r:',l PROXY P;:EL/FPA~lE--1080/1345 7 7' ;' 71 2/2 2 1 11,NCLASSI PlIED S- I '-.,S A I ACT- (j]) f--,P-C.- A:RSTPA~T. 1,14 TH.7 cYSTck-' t-,') BS F.R ACT IX TR STJR2 3 SUR3 THE G~D SUB? 9 SUB3 CONTIENT ~-! 'kS VAO I ~.~:T ',4'~ i 0 100PERCENT. THE Ollso. I%lc:~FAS,- IN Tiqf- WIDTH OF THE FRR L1%--'- 41 rii P-1cpPASING CID Sj?l? 0 SUB3 C-)NTENT AROSr-- FROM 01 P')LF-- INTPRACTION. R Tf: THE INTENSITY QF- THE ;--~)R Sl(-,~'%L AT LOWE' I 14P . SU33 OErRFASED; THE DISAPPEARANU 3F THF LINE AT 170n.~:.';'~FESK AA ASSIGNED TO A M.,A~~NETIC ORDERING OF THE CR ION SUBLATTICE. 1/2 027 UNCLASS'IFIED PROCESSING DAYE-3UU(,r7O TITLE-ANGULAR ANO TEMPERATURE DEPENUENCES OF IHE WIDTHS OF EPR LINES -U- ALTHGR-t03)-0EYGEN# M.F.t Gj-.IKHPK, M.D.v KOROBKOi G.V. CCUNTRY OF INFU-USSR SOURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 1970, 1212), 507-15 DATE PUBLISHED--- SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-LINE wlbTFI, EPR SPECTRUM, ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION, TEMPERATURE OEPENDENCE, SPIN LATTICE RELAXATION, CRYSTAL DEFECT, CRYSTAL LATTICE VIBRATION, ZINC COMPOUND, fUNGSTATEr CHROMIU14 CCUTRUL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY qEELIFRA.ME--1983/1612 STEP NO--UR/0181/70/OL2/002/050710515 CIRC ACCLSSIGN NO--AP0054462 U N r- L A ol: 5 11 F .1 E 1) 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--300CT7G CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0054462 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ANGULAR AND TEMP. DEPENDENCES OF THE WIDTH OF EPR LINES WERE INVESTIGATED. IT IS ASSUMED THAT THE MAIN CONTRIBUTICNS TO THE WIDTH OF TI-E EPR LINE ARE MADE BY THE ELEC. FIELDS OF OEFECTSr DIPOLE DIPOLE INTERACTIONS, AND SPIN LATTICE RELAXATICN. TEMP. VARIATION OF THE WIDTH OF THE LINE IS RELATED MAINLY TO MOCULATICN OF THE CRYSTAL FIELD CONSTS. BY LATTICE VIBRATIONS. ANGULAR DEPENDENCE OF THE WIDTH OF THE LINE IS DETD. BY ALL 3 EFFECTS. EVALUATION WAS MADE OF THE CONTRIBUTION TO TEMP. VARIATION OF THE LINEWIDTH OF THE DEFECT MECHANISM, WHICH IS RELATED TO MODULATION BY LATTICE VIBRATICNS OF ELEC. FIELD OF THE DEFECT AS WELL AS TO THE THERMAL EXPANSIGN OF THE CRYSTAL. THEORY WAS COMPARED WITH EXPT. DATA FOR THESE ANGULAR AND TEMP. DEPENDENCES OF THE WIDTH WERE DETD. FOR GR PRIME3 POSITIVE IN ZNWO SUB4. FACILITY: INST. POLUPROV., KIEV, USSR. UNC LASS IF IED 2/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129426 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, EXPTL. AND THEORETICAL INVESTIGATIONS WERE CARRIED OUT OF THE TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF THE WIDTH OF 'CPR LINES Of- FE PRIME3 POSITIVE IN AL SUB2 0 SV53P MEA5UREMENT5 WERE MADE AT 3 CM BETWEEN 4.2 AND 1100OGGREESK. AT HIGH TEMPS., CONSIDERABLE CONTRIBUTION TO THE EPR LINEWIDTH IS MADE BY 4 PHONON PROCESSES WITH -PARTICIPATION OF OPTICAL PHONONS. FACILITY: AINST. POLYPROV., KIEV, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--SHAPES OF EPR LINES IN THE PRESENCE OF SOME BROADENING MECHANISMS _U_ .:AUTHOR-(03)-DEYGEN, M*F*, GLINCHUKr M.D.t KOROBKOv GeV. .~.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,SOURCE--UKR. FIZ. ZH. (RUSS. ED.) 1970, 15(2), 290-6 .DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRYp PHYSICS --TOPIC TAGS--EPR SPECTRUMp GAUSSIAN DISTRIBUTION CONTROL- MARK ING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RE6L/FRAME--1996/1942 STEP NO--UR/0185/70/Oir~/002/0290/0296 CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0118904 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118904 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SHAPE AND WIDTH OF ESR LINES WERE CALCD. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION SEVERAL STATISTICALLY INDEPENDENT BROADENING MECHANISMS GIVING LORENZLAN OR GAUSSIAN SHAPES OR MIXT. OF LORENZIAN AND GAUSSIAN SHAPES OF CURVES. CALCO. PARAMETERS ENABLED ONE TO,DET. CONTRIaUTIONS OF EACH MECHANISM TO AN EXPTL. LINE. THE METHOD WAS APPLIED FOR ANAL. OF THE SHAPE OF THE ESR SPECTRUM OF CR PRIME3 POSITIVE IN ZNWO SUB4. FACILITY: INST. POLUPROV.r KIEVt USSR# UINCL ASS IF I ED USSR UDC 621.385.832.,62:621.397.132 ALEKSEYEV, I. A., ZHUKOVSKAYA, E. I., GLINKA, A. P., MOROZOVA, A. V., and RUMYANTSEVA, T. Ya. "Luminous Coating for Screens of Cathode-Ray Tubes" USSR Author's Certificate No 275240, filed 7 Mar 69, pubLished 18 Nov 70 (from RZh-Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 7, July 1971, Abstract No 7A284P) Translation; The proposed luminophcrcovering consists of 2-component (V3Al8Ol2Ge-- 60--70 percent, Sr (P04)2 0 Eu--~G-40 percent) or 3-component (V -1 012 - 0--) 60 to 70 percent, 9r (F04) Eu--20 to 15 percent, V25iO5Oe--20 ro T; percan mixture of lumlno.Dho~s. ~?eohigh efficiency and short time of afterglow,amoun'ting to 0.15--0.20 microsecond at a level of five percent from the brightness at the moment of cessation of excitation, makes it possible to increase the signal-to-noise ratio in all the color channels of a television picture tube and to improve the quality of the image.The method cfprecipitation in water of a solution of a silicate of K and Sr NO is used for deposition of the luminophor covering. 3) 2 USSR uDc: 621.385.832.032.36 ALEKSEYEV, I. A., ZHUKOVSrAYA, E. I., aLINI A. P. , MOROZOVA, A. V. , RUMYANTSEVA, T. Ya. V "A Luminescent Coating for the Screens of Cathode Ray Tubes" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 22, 1970, Soviet Patent No 275240, Class 21, filed T Mar 69, P 58 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A luminescent coating for the screens of cathode ray tubes based on cerium-activated yttrium aluminate Y3A]-5012'Ce- As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the effectiveness of screen emission in the ,, region of the spectrum is improved and the time of afterglow is reduced by in- troducing the phosphor Sr3(PO',)2'EU into the composition of the coating. 2. A modi- fication of this coating distinguished by the fact that color saturation is increased by- additional introduction of the phosphor Y2SiO5-Ce. 3. A modification of coating No 1 distinguished by the fact that its ingredients are taken in the following pro- portions (in percent by weight): Y3A15012-Ce-60-70; Sr3(P04)2-Eu--3o-4o. 4. A rdodification of coating No 2 distinguished by the fact that the ingredients are taken in the following proportions (in percent by weight): Y3AIS012-Ce--60-70; Sr3(PO4)2-Eu -20-15; Y2SiO5-Ce--20-15- 1/1 Oteelp USSR UT)C 669,15,018,44;620.186 5pt'sSivalf, V. V., POPOvf V. 1.9 GLINKIN, A, L MUT. .,,,k 50VA, T, 130BYLEV, F. K., X-r6JIGHERYAKOV, A. S., "Effect Pf Phase Composition oil the Properties of Austenitic Chromium-Illickel Otgels in Castings and 1-lelded Parts" Uteyn, proiz-vo (Cnsting Production), 1970, Nlo ll, pp 29-30 ff ram Uh-Metal- -Xio 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 41649) Translation: A study is made of E1572 heat~resistant steel containing (in C 0.2a-0,33, 'fn 1,03-1.27, Si 0,60-0.80, Cr 18,20-20, N'i 8.1-9.7t IV 1.48~1.150, No 1,20-1,35, Ti 0.22-0.78, 11b 0.26-0,50. The castings were austenitized at and they were cooled in water before aging at 650-820' for 15 hours, 711c 4-ferrite content in the samples was determined after austenitization and aging, Increasing tile Cr, Ni.and Ti content increases the 6-farrite content. With an increase in the content of C ;> 0,30Z, the amount of f23C6 carbides increased alon. the rain boundaries, -17he cooling rate of the casting has a noticeable cffect oil the amount nf 6-ferrite in the steel; in the case of accelerated cooling of the casting in water (4*/second) the amount of 6- fearrite was about t-..-ice that obtained with ordinary cooling in tile air 0 Castings made of E1572 steel for welding must contain 3-5% . 15'/second) , - 1 .112 �FASSKIY, V. V., et 41,, Liteyn, proiz-vo, 1970, Ila 11, pp 29-30 ~=fgrrite, This is somewhat higher than for the same steel during hot workin.". Thg reqgired amount of 6-ferrite is insured by 4 0,3~0,457. Ti content in OWL UDC:629.78.OIS:53--,..697:621.4 DAVIDSON, V. Ye. , NESHCHERET, 11. A. , GLINKIN, B. A. "Exhaust of an Underexpanded Supersonic Jet into a- Cylindrical Pipe with a Step" Gidroacromekh. i Tuoriva Upruposti . t4ozlivuz. N.,tuch. SI). [Hydi,o:wi-omechan- ics and the Theory of I-Aasticity. Inter-Ujulversity SCiUlltifk C0110Ction], 1973, No 16, pp 38-41 (Translated from Refcrativnyy 7hurnal RaketostroyeDiye, No 9, 1973, Abstract No 9.41.92) Translation: ReSL1ltS are presented from experimental studies of tile flow of an unUcrexpanded stream from a conical nozzle at numbers M 11 =1.6-3.0 With half-aperture angle u=15'. The flow occurs into a cylilldrical pipe tip to 10 calibers in length alonp its axis. 'llic geometric structure of tile wave picture Is studied and curve.-, of tile distribution of' prcsstwe along thu peneratrix of the pipe are presented in the self-siulihir fjow mode for ratios of diameters of nozzle and pipe (1-0.1-1.0. Approximating dependences are produced for the pressure curves. S Figures; I Riblio Pk~f. Resume 016 UNCLASSfFIE0 PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 .TITLE--CHARACTERISTICS OF CONTINUOUS STEELMAKING PROCESS -U- ~~AU THOR-(02)-KHRISTOV, V.N., I~LjlMSLV~ G.Mo C' OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-IZV. VYSSH. UCH:_:3. ZAVED.t CHERN. MET. 19701 13(3), 159-62 OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH.t IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS --METALLURGIC PROCESS CONTROLt STEEL PRODUCTION, ;NDU'TR[AL AUTOMATIC CONTROLt TIME CONSTANTy GAS ABSORPTION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS wDOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,.PROXY REEL/FRAME--3005/0835 GTEP NO--k)R/Olit8/70/013/003/0159/0152 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0132925 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESStNG DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0132925 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE STATIC AND DYMANIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A CONTINUOUS STEELMAKING PROCESS WERE STUDIED. WITH RESPECT TO AUTOMATIC CONTROLt THE FLOW PROCESS IS NONLINEAR IN RELATION -TD THE FLOW OF THE TREATED STREAM AND THE AMT. OF ASSIMILArED GAS AND LINEAR IN RELATION TO THE CONCNS, IN THE TREATED*STREAM, THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROCESS WERE STUDIED FOR STEPWISE CHANGES IN THE PARAMETERS. THE SYSTEM HAS BOTH TRANSPORT AND SIZE LAGS. HTE SIZE LAG IS ATTRIBUTED TO THE PRESENCE OF NONIDEAL FLOW UISPLACEMENT. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE TIME CONSTS, AND THE PARAMETERS OF THE PROCESS z -WERE ESTABLISHED. FACILITY: ZHDANOV. MET. !NST., ZHDANOV, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--SELECTION OF THE DESIGN AND OPERATING PRACTICE FOR OAYGEN LANCES _U_ AUTHOR-(05)-GLINKOV, M.A.v DEMIN? G.l.v PERMINOVY E.M.p CHUKHANOVv Z.F., KHMELEVSKAVr-,TT.D-.--- COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--STAL' 1970, 30-(2), 119-23 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MAR114E ENGR TOPIC TAGS--OXYGEN, OPEN HEARTH FURNACE, NOZZLE, ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT CONTROL i4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/0214 STEP NO--UR/0133/70/030/002/0119/0123 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115918 UNCLASSIFIED - -- ----------------- 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE----160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115918 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE RATE OF CHEM. AND HEAT ABSORPTION AS A FUNCTION OF THE DEGREE OF LANCE INCLINATION TO OPEN HEARTH BATH ;4AS DETD. ON MODELS, IN WHICH ABSORPTION OF NH SUB3 FN WATER FROM ITS MIXT. WITH AIR WAS MEASURED AND THAT OF HEAT SUPPLIED BY HOT AIR TO AN GIL BATH WAS EVALUATED. THE ABSORPTION GOEFF. FOR A SPECIFIC RANGE OF OPTIMUM GAS CONSUMPTIONt WHICH INCREASES WITH A LARGE NOZZLE DIAM.s REACHES ITS MAX. VALUE WITH VERTICAL NOZZLE-S. NO LOWERING OF THE ABSORPTION COEFF. AFTER REACHING ITS OPTIMUM VALUE WAS NOTED FOR NOZZLES INCLINED 30-75DEGREES TO THE VERTICAL. GAS CONSUMPTION AND NOZZLE DIAM. ARE ASSOCD. BY THE ARCHIMEDES CRITERION AR (AR EQUALS W PRIME2 GAMMA G-GD GAMMA L). THE MAX. ABSORPTION IS OBTAINEO WITH AR 100, AND ABSORPTION COEFF. N CAN BE GIVEN WITHIN 5PERCENT AS N EQUALS 0*96-(AR PLUS 4.55). FOR A GROUP OF NOZZLES SUFFICIENTLY DISTANT (SIMILAR TO 10 VIAM. MIN.) IT IS ABOUT THE SAME FOR A GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL NOZZ.E THE ANGLE OF NOZZLE INCLINATION TO THE VERTICAL AFFECTS BOTH THE RATE OF ABSORPTION AND THE DEGREE OF STIRRING, THE OPTIMUM FOR THE PURPOSE BEING 55DEGREES FOR CLOSELY PLACED NOZZLES AND 45DEGREES FOR MORE DISTANT ONES. FACILITY: MOSK. INST. STALI SPLAVOVt MOSCOWv USSR. UNCLASSIFIEO USSR UBC: 669-783 GLIffGV, S. V. and NASHELISKIY, A. Ya. "Coefficients of Admixture Distribution in Germanium Crystals" Macov, Tsvetnyye Retally, No 9, Sep 73, PP 34-35 Abstract: The authors make the equilibrium factors more precise for In, Cu, Al, and As admixtures in germanium. Rate dependences were established for the coefficients of the admixture distributions for indium, copper, aluminum, and arsenic in germanium. The values for the equilibrium coefficients of the admixture distributions for indium ~nd copper are 9.5,10- and 1*1o-5 respec- tively. This dependence is also sh(rtrn for gallium. 1/1 ~L L) SC% !~LCTIIJN IV A~ PCs- ia~earch 111stiLute, Pusbehino in-111-le _j `%)e a crip t ion: (U) During this quarterly reporting period, two new articleti wort, ,40co tud from the Protein Research Institute at Pushchino. On the basis of tine of the artLcleg, which dealt with escherichia coli ribosomes, it war, possible to associate one Dow "rgon, N. 1. Smirnov, WJUI the institute (32). The other article, also on eschorichia coli, was issued jointly fron the TnAtitute of Genetics and Sulection of Microorganisun, Moscow, and the Protein Renearch (33) lnstitute at Punhchino Previous articles by V. 1. FemoGorov have been issued from the former institute. No previoun facili;y association could be located for V. D. VaSil'yeVq but it Is likuly that he repreSentm the latter institute. ~niis article probably representd soma joint work beLWeun the institutes. (U) As a ready source of reference, given beltr~ is a complete 1"IsLing of personalities Identified with the Protein Research institute to the present time: Beletsina, V, Bershteyn, T. M. P~its Chirgidze, Yu,_M Rauhavskaya, Yo. P. Fedorov. B. A. Serdyuk. 1. N. Finkel'rhtcyn! A- V. Smirnov, N. 1. Glinrkaya, 0. V. Spirin, A. S. Lavrilova, L. P. Tiktopulo, Ye. 1. -44"t Kitin, Yu. V. 10 1/2 032 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 T,ITLE--KINETICS OF INTERIMPURITY RADIATIVE RECOMBINATION IN GALLIUM PHOSPHIDE -U- AUTHOR-(03)-PIKHTIN, A.N.v YASKOVr D.A., GLINSKIYt G*F. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 19709 12(2)1 386-93 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, TOPIC TAGS--RADIATIVE RECOMBINATIONi PHOSPHIDE, GALLIUM COMPOUND9 ELECTROLUMINESCENCE, LUMlNECENCE SPECTRUM, IMPURITY CENTER, ZINC, TELLURIUMt PN JUNCTION, REACTION KINETICS, LUMINESCENCE QUENCHING CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIFD PROXY R6EL/FRAME--1983/1095 STEP.NO--UR/0181/70/012/002/0386/0393 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054698 UNCLASSIFIED ------------ -2/2 032 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054698 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INSIDE THE SPECTRAL-BAND QETD. BY RADIATIVE RECOMBINATION OF AN ELECTRON, CAPTURED BY A DONORt WITH A HOLE, CAPTURED BY A SPARTIALLY CAPTURED ACCEPTOR, DEPENDENCE SHOUDS BE OBSD. OF THE RELAXATION TIME Tt TAU, ON THE ENERGY OF PHOTONS, H OMEGA. THE THEORETICAL DEPENDENCE TAU (H OMEGA) IS EXPTL. CONFIRMED FOR INTERIMPURITY (ZN AND TE) RADIATIVE RECOMBINATION IN GAP (GREEN BAND AT aODEGREESK EXPTL. DATA WERE OBTAINED IN THE INVESTIGATION OF THE KINETICS OF ELECTROLUMINESCENCE OF GAP DIODES IN THE PULSE INJECTION OF CHARGE CARRIERS ACROSS THE P-N JUNCTIONo IN THE RED BAND OF ELECTROLUMINESCENCEv THE MAGNITUDE OF TAU WAS INDEPENDENT OF H OMEGA. Jtj~--SPECTRAL COMPN. OF THE RADIATION WAS INVESTIGATED IN THE PROcESS OF QU~NCHING OF LUMINESCENCE ANU THE EFFECT OF TEMP. ON THE KINETICS OF RAD`iAfIVE RECOMBINATION IN GAP. FACILITY: LENINGRADp ELEKTROTEKH. INTS. IM ULIVANOVA, LENINGRADo USSR. UNCL ASS IF I I: D USSR uDc: [621.3-051-024:537-312.62*1:621.3.ol6.34:681.3 BOGAMOV, M. L- , Qjh-P NTV- S-IL- Leningrad -MMIMEMENNOW "Relation Between Transient Processes and Control Conditions on the One Hand and the Parameters of a Superconducting Cable in a DC Transmission Line on the Crther" Moscow, Izv. 91 SSSR: Diergeti-ka i Transport, No 4, JU.I/Aug 'T"?, pp 111-'20 Abstract: The paper deals with the relation between the parameters of a superconducting cable, transient processes in a DC line, and control con- ditions to limit the maximur, emergency currents in the case of inter- terminal short circuits. An estimate is made of the effect of individual parameters on the static stability of a controllable superconducting DC electric power transmission line. The analysis shows that vith the existing cost of cryogenic materials and equipment, a nominal working voltage of the order of 100 k."I shculd be used in such F- line. A reduc- tion in voltage would make the cable more expensive, while an increase vould ralse -the cost of transfor-ming equipment as -vell as increasing overloads. in. order to limit overloads during F-ergencies in the trans- m.ission of direct current, a current regulator should be used which is 1/2 USSR BOGACMCOV, 14. L., GLINTERNIK, S. R., Izv. AN SSSR: Energetika i Transport, No 4, 19T2, pp 14-20 based on a rectifier with channels for deviation and for the integral of the current. In the case of disruDtions in the operation of the channel for the integral of the current when there is a short circuit in the DC line, the rectified current attains a new value determined by the coef- ficient of amplification with respect to deviation. Mien there is a failure in the channel for deviation, the rectified current returns to the initial value; this process takes place slowly since attenuation is sharply reduced. In the case of disruptions in the operation of the channels for deviation and for the integral of the current, the-recti- fied current gradually goe3 to the new steady-state .ralue, which is quitle high since it is determined only by the resistance of the rectifier com- mutation circuit. In designing a cryogenic cable for a DC transmission line, the wave impedance of the cable must be maximized since this has a favorable effect on transmission operating stability. 2/2 USSR ux: 621-374-33088-8) LAZZER, 1. 14. G-1,111TEERNIK. "A Pulse Signal Decoder" USSR Author's Certificate No 259958, filed 12 Dec 68, publislied 4 Mwj. 70 (from RZli-Raaioteklinika, No 12, Dec '10, Abstract No 12"(266 P) Translation: 17his: Author's Certificate introduces a pulse sil.Tal decoder uhich contains a time selection circuit mid a shift rej.-,ister. Phis shift register in turn contains main and auxiliary flip-flops and "zero" and ?Tone" diodes. To improve accuracy in time selection of pulses and to increase the speed of the device, the shift register contadns an additional diode with one input connected to the information input of the &-coder, the second input connected to the inverse cadence pulse line, and the output connected to the set termiwas of the main and auxiliary flip-rlops of' the first digital place of the shift register, and also to the input of the Itzero" diode of the auxiliary flip-flop for the first digital place. The output of the "one" diode for the main flip-flop of the first (Ligital place is connected in addition to the set terminal of the auxiliary flip-flop of the first digital place in the register. ~'112 031 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--13NOV70 TITLE-ELECT-1,3MAGNETIC PROCESSES AND BEHAVIURS OF POxEkFUL STATIC TRANSFORMERS -U- AUTHOR-GLINTENNIKI S.R. 1NFO--USSR COUNTRY- OF SMiCE-ELECTROMAGiNET IC PROCESSES AND BEHAVIORS OF PowERFUL STATIC ~]_.::,.TRANSFORMERS, (ELEKTRGMAGNlTNYYE PROTSESSY;l REZHIMY ",GSHCHNYKH DATE :PUBLISHED ------- 70 ::SUBJECT ARICAS-ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGk. -,--TOPIC TAGS-ELECTRIC-TRANSFORMER, ELECTROMAGNETIC EFFECT, ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD, NONROTARY ELECTRIC POWER CONVEkTER, HARMONIC ANALYSIS, HANDBOOK C_V~TRCL M.-ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLA.SS--U' 'L'CI,ASSIFIFO .PRIJXY RE6L/;:?,A;4r--3003/I2ta5 StEp rqo--Uk/0000/lfi/000/ooi)/Oool/i)JO't CIRC ACCESSION NO--A'10130256 J"t;l'- LSS 1 _i- I -r-_ 0 2/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 :.CIRC ACCESSION NG--AM0130256 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AtISTRACT. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PREFACE 3. INTRODUCTION 6. CHAPTER I GENERAL EQUATIONS OF ELECTR0,*4Af.;NETIC PROCESSES IN CONVERTERS 12. It ELECTROMAGNETIC PROCESSES IN CONVERTERS WITH PARALLELY CONNECTED CONDENSERS 38. 111 ELECTROMAGNETIC PROCESSES T N L CONVERTERS WITH CONDENSERS CONNECTED IN SERIES 123. IV ELECTRa4AGNETIC PROCESSES IN N--"JNCfJhPENSATED CONVERTERS AS A PARTICULAR AND EXT-%Ei4E CASE OF PROCESSES IN COMPENSATED CONVERTERS 158. V GENERALIZATION OF THE RESULTS 3F ANALYSIS OF ESTABLISHED ELECTR'O~MAGNETIC PROCESSES IN COMPENSATED AND ~,,or COMPENSATED CONVERTEPS INTO AN APPk0XIMATE GENEr~AL METHOD OF CALCULATING NORMAL BEHAVIORS OF CUNVERTERS 175. IV[ EXTERNAL CHARACTERISTICS.AND HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF CURRENTS AND VOLTAGY OF CONVERTERS 195. VII POWER CHARACTERISTICS OF CONVERTERS AND WAYS TO [MPRU~E THEM 243. VIII STATIC AND DYNAMIC CHARACTEkISTICS OF CONVERTERS 266. LITERATUkE 297. It., THE MONOGRAPH IS DESCRIBED THE THEORY OF ESTABLISHED ELECTROMAGNETIC PROCESSES IN POWERFUL THREE PHASE, ONE BRfDG-- AND Tt~O 6;~10k-JE CON4VEkTEkS WHICH KECTIFY THE ALTERNATING CURRENT TC A DIRECT AND INVERT THE DIRECT TO ALTERNATING CL-'~REINT. FOR CONVIENIENT PRACTICAL USE OF T9E RESULTS OF THE THEORY THE e)0K HAS SETS OF CALCULATION CliAmACTERISTICS OF COMPENSATED AND UNCOMPENS kTEU CONVERTERS. 112 ooq UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--16OCT70 TITLE--DEPENDENCE OF THE CAST IRON FLOW FACTOR ON THE GEOMETRY OF CASTING CHANNELS OF A MOLD -U- .AUTHOR-(04)-PETRICHENKO, A.M., ~~._Z.KH., GOLDMAKHER, P.E., LUKASHCHUKI T.I. ook COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--LITEINOE PROIZVOD. 19701 2, 30-1 ,~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS9 MECH.o IND., CIVIL AND MARINE E14GR TOPIC TAGS--CAST IRON, FOUNDRY TECHNOLOGY, FERROUS LIQUID METAL CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMF14T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1376 STEP NO--UR/0128/70/002/000/0()30/0031 CIRC ACCESSION 1"40--AP0116625 !INICI 2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--16OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116825 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN EXPTL. '40LD ALLOwING A SliMULTANEOUS OUTFLOW OF MOLTEN IRON THROUGH 4 CHANNELS HAS BEEN USEED TO DET. THE INFLUENCE OF THE SHAPE OF THE CHANNEL CROSS SECT16N ON THE FLO4 .FACTOR. A FLAT CHANNEL WITH A PLANE UPPER SURFACE AND A CYLINDRICAL BOTTOM ONE, POkMED WITH A LARGE RADIUS, SHOWS THE HIGHEST FLOW FACTOR (0.61-0.68), LEAST AFFECTED BY VARIATIONS OF THE METAL TEMP. EXPTS. WITH RECTANGULAR SECTIONS SHOW THAT MAX. FLOW IS OBTAINED WHEN THE WIDTH TO HEIGHT RATIO IS 3:1. APPROACHING A SQUARE CROSS SECTION CAUSES THE FLOW FACTOR TO FALL. USSR uDc: 62-,-.39t).6:621.-,-15.61(o88.8) PROKOPOVA, T. V., ZOLOTPI=tV, L. L., ZAVARZINA, Z. Ya., GLOBA, G. G., PEY- KAROVA, A. A., SOWYA, G. A. "A Photosensitive Electrical Insulating Lacquer" USSR Author's Certificate No 270940, filed 15 Dee 67, published 18 Aug 70 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 2. Feb Tl, Abszract No 2V506) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces nn electrical insulating photosensitive lacquer based on epoxidized rubber stock with the addition of thermo- and nhoto-polymerization initiators, a plasticizer and a modifier. USSR UDC 628.16.08+628-322+682.162.8 I&# LASTOVETS, L. M., ROTHISTROV, 14. M., GOLUB, M. F., and RJ4DOLITS- giwA_ L.. vKA, L. S., Institute of Colloid Cherdstry and Chemistry of Water, Academy of Sciences UkSSR, and Institute of Infectious Diseases, Ministry of Healthj UkSSR "Removing Water from Viruses with Some Materials With Adsorption and Adhesive Properties" Kiev, Doklady Akademii Nauk Ukrains1koy SSR, Seriya B. Geologiya, Geofizika, Xhimiya i Biologiya, Vol 33, No lit 19?1, PP 1036-1038 Abstracti The problem of water decontamination to a degree adequate for completo prevention of spread of contagious diseases haz not yet been fully resolved. This is particularly true with respect to contamination with pathogenic microorganisms, which are present in water in the form of zuspensions or colloids (usually as a mixture of both), An attempt was made to convert finely dispersed mixtures into coarse ones, to facilitate removal from the medium. Various clay-like materials were studied as catalysts of the process. First, virus cultures were introduced into tap water. Then samples of infected water were treated with 800 mg/1 of each of the mate-rials tested, with the addition of 50 mg/1 of aluminum sulfate, Samples were left to stand 1/2 USSIP, GLOBA, L. I., at al., Doklady Akademii Ifauk Ukrains'koy SSRI Seriya B. Geologiya, Geofizika, Xhiaiya i Biologiyap Vol 33# No 11, Nov 71, pp 1036-1038 for 2 hours. During that time, the adsorbants; precipitated. The liquid left above the precipitate ims then filtered and tested for virus content. Tests indicated that viruses were removed to the extent of 90.0 to 99.9%. This was taken as a positive proof of the effectiveness of tha mothodi the use of highly dispersed materials for water purification. 2/2 - 13 - 1/2 025 ly4r_LASSI FlEn PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 TITLE--THEORY AND TECHNOLOGY OF PRODUCING THE MATERIALS OF ELFCTR00z: r~"_ILS F3R ELECTROEROSION MACHINING. 4. STRUCTURAL AND PHASE COMPONENTS OF AUTH)R--SAMS0NOV, G.V., MUKHAt I.M.t GLOBA, L.V. C'OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--POROSH. MET. 1970, 1011), 71-5 DATE PUBL [SHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--.MATERIALS, MECH., 114D., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC T4GS--ELECTRON MIMSCOPY, ELECTROEROSION MACHINE Tf)nL, Tr~_YL STEEL, CRYSTAL STRUCrUPE, TUNGSTEN, CA;~BIDE, COBALT, COPR,_:R/(UlVK tLLDY CONTPOL MARK ING--NO PFSTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIFD PROXY REEL/F0A4F--1999/0588 STEP ND--UR/0226/70/010/101/0171/)07'; CIRC ACCESSTON NO--AP0107195 Y'lC LA S S I F I F D 2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED p~.'irpSSINS DATn--11SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOIL07185 ABST--~4CT/EXTRACT--(.U) GP-0- ARSTRACT. THE STRUCTURES OF THP CYVIIS. WF-E STUDIED, FOP THEBASES OF WHICH SERVED THE WASTES OF THE VK 17YPE SOLID ALLOYS CONTG. CU, NI, AND BN ADDNS. AN ELECTRON MICPOSCOPP AT MAGNIFICATIPNS OF 100-1150X WAS USED FOR THIS STUDY. MIC-,nSECT19NS WFOE EXAMD. BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER ETCHING. THE NO. OF CU INCLUSIONS IN WC,CD?CU CCMPNS. AND THEIR SIZES INCREASE WITH THEIR INCREASINr' CONTENT .3 11 IN THE ALLOYS. THE HIGH EROSION STA'BILITY OF WC,C0,CU,B-N COMPNS. CAN BE EXPLAINED BY THE FORMATION OF A PECULIAR HONEYCOMBED STRUCTURE, IN WHICH THE tOW MELTING- lCU--AlJQ -CO.AR.'E ENCLOS'Er) -IN THE REFR.ACTL'Rv _5N CELLS. THE HrGH EROSION STABILITY OF THE MATERIAL MADE OF CU WITH AODN. 09 2-3 WT. PERCENT BN IS GENERALLY ASSOCD. ALSO WITH THE EXTINGUISHING OF THP_ APC BY THE VAPOPS OF THE EASILY DISSOC1. BN. IT IS OBVIGUS THAT THIS TAKES PLACE ALSO WHEN SUCH MATERIAL 15 EMPLOYED FOR ELECTRODE TOOLS. UNICLASSIFIED Ad /IfT0046400 UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrate off 11 Electrical, Derwent d' SeCL 242986 SC"NING SYSTEM FOR CIRCUIAR SURVEY Synchronizing Pulses are applied to two multivibrators (1) and (2). multivibrator (1) controls sawtooth generator (3) and multivibrator (2) is controlling electronic commutator (4). The saw-tooth voltage through the cathode follower is applied to the stator winding (6) of the sin-cos. transformer (7)_ Initially valve (5) is shut through-the switch (8). Pulses from the commutator (4) are applied to the phase inverter (9). its positive output is controLledby switch (8), while negative pulses are controlled opening switch (10) to the rotary winding of the transformer (7). Sin-Cos output voltages through the cathode folloucra (12) M13) are applied to the output system of the SCAnniniz. 15.6.64 as 906093/26-9.W.M.G1,013IN 6 A.G.11INCH11K. 4 (25.9-69.) Bul 16/5.5.69. Class 21a . lnt,Gl.G 015. AUTHORS; -;-M. Pine ?.ik, A. G. h QIEW PLAMV M -I-, .11, AA0046400 RIM M., 9 rr- '8 19, 19781593 N mil 1. W, M, go I %Iu m 9 i w 0 w 11% m I I 19 . 11Am m -M m F, a MUIR USSR "Binary Coding in Asynchronous Systems" 0 UDC 577.4 iye v asinkh .7 Coding in Asynchron- Dvoichnoye kodirovan ronnykh sistemakh (Binar, ous Systems), Moscow, Svypz' Press, 1972, 108 pp, ill., 52 IC. (f rora RZh- Kibernctika, Nlo 7, Jul 72', Abstract No 7V445) Translation: A study was nade of the basic problems of binary encoding of digital signals for asynchronous transmission systerms. The concept of a single- f requency (unipolar) composite signal with passive spacing is intro- duced; the set of signals used in the transmission syrtem is represented in the form of a special block. binarj code. Primary attention is givell Lo Lhe analysis and syntiiesis of sucii codes. A regular method of synthesizing com., pact signals (codes) with given correlation properties was developed. Various synthesis procc6ures are illustrated by examples and tables. The bassic argu- vients with respect to constructing the coding and decoding circuits, Cetermi- nation of the error probabilities and calculating, the efficient signal parame- ters as applied to forelga and intrasystem, noise are discussed. USSR UDC 577.4 "Binary Coding in Asynchronous Systems" Moscow, "SvYaz"' 1972P 108 pp illustrated (from M-1,11atematika, No 7, 1972, Abstract No 7V445) Translations An examination is made of the basic problems In binary coding of discrete signals for asynchronous transnission systems. The author Intro- duces the concept of a single-frequency (single-polar), composite signal with passive pausesl an ensemble (set) of signals used In the transmission system is put in the form of block binary code. A good deal of attention is given to the analysis and synthesis of such codes, A regular method is deve.Loped for synthesizing compact signals (codes) with specified correlation character- istics. Various methods of synthesis are illustrated by examples and tables. An explanation is given of the basic concepts in constructing coding and decoding devices, determining the probability of error, and computing the rational parameters of the signal in connection with outside and intrasystem noise. From the annotation. 43 - 1/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE-EFFECT OF THE DIRECTIONAL DIAGRAM OF LIGHT ON THE OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A SCINTILLATOR -U- AUTHOR-- GjqqjV.5.L M.YE. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--UKRAINS'KIl FIZICHNII ZHURNALP VOL. 151 FEB. 1970v P, 201-208 DATE PUBLISHED----FEB70 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--SCfNTILLATORf PLASTICt LUMINESCENCE, LIGHT SCATTERING, SODIUM :COMPOUND, THALLIUM, IODIE CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/1477 STEP NO--UR/Olli5/701015/'JOO/0201/0208 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112471 UNC L AS.Sl F IF D 2/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112471 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF THE DIRECTIONAL DIAGRAM OF LIGHT MULTIPLY REFLECTED FROM A SCINTILLATING SURFACE ON THE LUMINESCENCE YIELD AS A FUNCTION OF THE COORDINATES OF THE FLASH POINT. CONDITIONS FOR OBTAINING AN OPTIMAL LIGHT SCATTERING INDICATRIX ARE DETERMINED TO OBTAIN A LUMINESCENT YIELD OF MASIMUM HOMOGENEITY WITH AN ADEQUATE MEAN LEVEL FROM A SCINTILLATING SURFACE, A RELATION IS ESTABLISHED BETWEEN THE FORM OF THE DIRECTIONAL DIAGRAM OF LIGHT AND THE GRADIENT OFJHE LIGHT SCATTERING FUNCTION. .SODIUM IODIDE (THALLIUM) SCINTILLATORS AND PLASTIC SCINTILLATORS ARE USED IN THE STUDY. FACILITY: VESEOIUZNII NAUKOVO-DOSLIDNII INSTITUT MONOKRISTALIV, KHARKOVI UKRAINIAN SSR. UN C L A S S I F I E D G --~ i :j i s s v i --,,t.,n SILeOlUdV-CiN NOISS303V 3bID L WO i ico oi- E s tio dn--C, N d 3 IS EGLO/9b6T--3iV-.,VZ~j/13~d AXCI80 on-do iq,-,-,isks snOAb9t.4 '~NIOIUN 3DVdS '1~~igVqVHO 90flill.-IV 'SS3'd-LS NOIIV'd3l-30:)V "VlXOdkH--SOVl :)IdO-t S30NAIOS lV310:3W ONV lVDJ9J1019--SV3~fV J.:)3f'~nS oL ------- c3Hsi-ignd 31VO 6L-LL dd 'ULbl A~8VP18U:-IJ AdVflNVr 'I ON 'I; -iu-A 'NVISSnb "VNIS1103W I VA190-1010 7,W)IS~HDIKS(i)i MODS(,'W--33df)Os dssn--ojr,,i =io Au.LNno3-.,, *0*!9 400-19 "A*d 'AgkIISVA 1*31,*A '),V-129--~JUHJ-nlv -n- SS36I.S Z-W3blX9 01 BONVb3101 IVWINV NG sonba -3Nos JO 133AA3--3111.i OLdJSll--3iVO SNISS33OLd o3i:iissv-iot\,n 6zo Z/1 J. a J 13 1 s 11 v Al"j'i:)llSllVlS 3b3M VIVU 3S~Hl *W-VMS SlVlqlt.'V 3HI H:)IHm 31411 :30 HION~l :-:.H-L ONt, ,I:~Llvu 3,~iiiijii sgktii sncibVA T411SVI 9 Z'~ -AC SNLliVb3l-~:I:3V JlVc. HIV--jO ~Hl 63NI~4 'e9150 3M A9Hl 11IN11 (IHO,13M, AGOU 3HI G-1) J-HO13M IVN0111GOV NV'Hill~ Au 0301b:)S~C) S~) ST7V4lN',# :110 DINIKWIMS CJ3:)bC:l :fO QOHI:~v, DHI (13S(', 3M CIVOI 'lV:)IS),Hd :Jc' 1-3c'Gri =-Hi SV 'WN 11-9*(Jl j0 INV 0-i 11,43MV Hily, .,;-~%VIID 9cflSS-:~,~d IV NI aD~)nGO'dd SVM, VIX(JdAH Ot,-V ri '~JZ*7 :j0 Snlf]V6 NOLLVIO'd :1- 7-' 7 NO ~~i-~M 3NOllV',t3l3ODV DHI 'SiVa 311HM 911 ONV ~31W IV I 14,-t jGV4 --1113M SiNgWle3dXJ 3F1 *Sclv~,l lv"ISAI-id 0:33~;N-U-lbldd 'V-IXC-dAP, ~)IXJ(IAH 3-Ln:)v O-L 3:)NVbij-IC.L N-' 3AVH HDIHIM S!)(1'6(1 DlHdUb!069-~N ~i-,JS AU 133=133 ~I-il -4(-' k(jf'iiS V 3UVW 3M liovblsuv -0-d) (ff)--i'-)Vb.LX3/.i3Vk;iS9V 9TLZOlO(3V--G.N NCASS303V Dbl-- StjiSS33Cjbd CJ31-1 ISSV IDNO 6zo Z/Z 7* 12 024 UNCLASSIFIED.' PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 .,-TITLE--EFFECT OF SOME PHARMACOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES ON THE STABILITY OF -A41MALS UNDER CERTAIN EXTREMAL LOADS -U- THOR-(-03):a62gj.,,,~ BELAY,..V.YE.t VASILYEVt P.V. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~-SOURCE-KOSIMICHESKAIA BIOLOGIIA I MEDITSINA, VOL. 4, JAN.-FEB. 1970, P. 77-79 DATE PU3LISHEO ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--BIOLOGIC ACCELERATION EFFECT, DRUG TREATMENT, HYPOXIA, SPACE MEDI~INE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTION5 DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAMC'--1997/1973 STEP NO--UR/0453/70/004/003/0077/0079 C!RC ACCESS!ON NO--AP0120/516 . UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--239CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120616 ABST:k4CT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF PHENAMINE, SIDNOCARS. STkYCHNINE, SECURININEv ARALESIDEt TRIOXAZINE, BANACTISINE AND CHLORDIAZEPOXIOE INJECTIONS ON THE RESISTANCE OF 1634 WHITE MICE AND 116 WHITE RATS TO G ACCELERATIONS AND TO ACUTE HYPOXIA AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURES CORRESPONDING TO ALTITUDES OF 10.5-11 KM. THE FLOATING CAPABILITY OF EXPER14ENTAL ANIMALS WITH ATTACHED WEIGHTS WAS USED AS A CRITE-RibN OF THEIR PHYSICAL CONDITION IN SOME OF THE EXPERIMENTS. THE DIVERSE EFFECTS OF THESE INJECTIONS ON THE RESISTANCE OF MICE AND RATS T9 OFFFERENT STRESSES ARE INDICATED. THUSt THE ACCELERATION AND HYPOXIA RESISTANCE',OF,EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS WERE INCREASED SUBSTANTIALLY BUT THEIR PHYSICAL CONOITION'WAS WEAKENED AFTER CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE INJECTIONS. UNCLASSIFIED USSR GLOGOVSKlY V. M. ..h.. "The Solution of Linear Equations with Random Coefficients" Neft' i Gaz i Ikh Produkty [Oil and Gas and Their Products -- Collection of Works], Moscow, 1971, 258 pages (Translated from Referativnyy 7hurnal, Kibernetika, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2 V92). NO ABSTRACT. ill - 4 - . ..... TITLE-AUTULYSIS OF YEASTS, :AUTHOR- (03)-DRBIUGLAV v YE.S.t :.CCUNTRY OF INFG-USSR ,~',SOURCE-VINGDEL. VINOGRAD. DATE PUBLISHED- 70 UNC A PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 L S~IFIE6 STUDIED WITH RADIOISOTOPES -U- aGLjllLNAr N.N.r DUBINCHUKi L.V. SSSR 1970t 30(2)t 22-5 .SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-YEAST, CULTURE MEDIUM, ALANINE, RADIOACTIVITY MEASUREMENT# RADIOISOTOPE CONTROL-MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/0372 STEP NO--UR/0505/TO/030/GOZ/0022/0025 CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0127953 -UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 :CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0127953 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. YEASTS WERE CULTIVATED IN MEDIUM CONTG.-ALANINE,29 PRIME14 C, THEN ADDED TO WINE (10.8PERCENT ALC., PH 3.0, SO SUB2.120 PPM). RADIOACTIVITY OF THE WINEv WHICH WAS KEPT AT MINUS5, 5, 18, AND 40DEGREES,.WAS MEASURED FOR 6 SUBSEQUENT DAYS. NO RADIOACTIVITY WAS OBSD. IN WINE KEPT AT MINUS5DEGREES AND 5DEGREES. YEASTS CELLS WERE PHYSICL NORMAL. A SLIGHT INCREASE IN RADIOACTIVITY WAS OBSD. IN THE WIND KEPT AT 18DEGREES. AT 40DEGREES 30PERCENT OF THE TOTAL RADIGISOTOPE WAS FOUND IN THE WINE AFTER 24 HR AND 90-5PERCENT OF YEASTS CELLS WERE DEAD. THE PRESENCE OF SUGAR IN WINE DECREASED AUTCLYSIS OF ThE YEAST. FACILITY: VSES* ZAUCH. INST. PISHCH. PROM.s MOSCOW, USSR. (ANICLASSIFIED JQ 009 UNCLASS I FI ED PROCESSING DATE--09 TITLE-MASS SPECTRA OF PHENYLPYRIDINES -U- AUTHUR-(05)-TERENTYLVI P.B., KHMELNITSKIYI R.A., XHROMJV, I.S., KOST, A.N., GLO~~r-4.P- COUNTRY ar-[NFO--USSR SOURCE-LIi. ORG. KH[M. 1970, 6(3) 606-10 DATE PUBLISHED----70 SUBjECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--MASS SPECTRUM, 8ENZENE DkRIVATIVE, PYRIDI,%":, AZO CiMPOUND CCINTROL 11ARKING-NO RLSTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFrED IL PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/1583 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112577 UNCLASSIFIED --090C I'/ 2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE CIRC ACCESSIO' % NO-AP011-2577 A5STRACT/EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE MASS SP2%-,-4aA ',~---RE 03TIAIN~0 OF 2,. 3, OR 49PHENYLPYRIDINES, 2,,'lETHYLi5,PH-=NYLPYPIDjNEt AND 2,6tDIPHENYLPYRIDINE. THE POSSIBLE IONIC STRUCTURES OF LARGE 1ONIC FRAGMENTS WERE DEDUCED BY AN LCAD CALCN. METHOD. THE PYARIDINIE RIN~ ISUIMERIZESt DURING MASS SPECTROSCOPY TO AZO PRISMANE OR 'ZOBENZOVALENE TRICYCLIC STRUGTURES. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 621-315-592 -GLORIOZOVk, R. I., GR_kCHEV, V. M., and KOJESNIK, L. I., State ;~ci- erJLf17ffc_':~'.qb search and Design Institute for Rare Eletal Industries, Moscow "Electrical Characteristics of n-Type GaP Grown from Melts Con- taining Oxygen" Leningrad, Fizika i tekhnika looluprovndni-kov, No 8, 1972, pp 1623- 1625 Abstract: Results are given of experiments performed on n-type GaP grovn from melts of nonstoichiometric alloys containing oxygen. A number of phenomena accompanying the alloying of GaP by oxygen that are no-%; directly connected with oxygen donor action were detected duri-n- the experimer-11-at ion. The specimens were GaP crystale doped .6. with Uellurium, or oxygen, or both combined. The oxygen doping C; was done by adding Ga203 in quantities of 0 to 2.5.10-1 molecular % to the melt. A table is given of the electrical parameters of the i_qvestigated crystals. It was found that in the specimens grown from melts conI;aining both tellurium cand oxy&_~n' Ehere was a substantial increvae in Te ionization cnerj..-.y i..rhich i.-, probably 1/2 USSR GLORIOZOVA, R. I., et al, Fizika i tek-hnika w1uproyodnikov, No 8, 1972, pp 1623-11625 connected with a reduction in the degree of compensation of the crystals. Curves are plotted for Te ionization energy as a func- tion of donor concentration, and for the degree of compensation in n-type GaP crystals, the low end of the band spectral radiation from n-D junctions, and the photoluminescence intensity as func- tions o! the Ga203 content in the melts. The authors express their gratitude to 1-1. G. Millvidskiy for his comments. 2/2 16 UDC 546-6811i8l-1:541-67 GTLQRjQ~QYa,_.aL..;-, IGNM111,11, A. D., MARINA, L. I., and NA: S h L~' Y, YA., Giredmet, k State Scientific Research and Planning Institute of Rare imetals I' ?properties of GaP Single Crystals" Moscow, izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR -- Neorgan-Lcheskiye 1.1aterialy, Vol 6, No 10, Oct 70, pp 1768-1771 Abstract: The article describes results of a study of tne elecLrical properties of Ga? single crystals obtained by the 'Lloatirru, zone nrlathod. were Undoped, as well as tellurium- and zinc-doped 3in,~le crysLals used. Tae 'ialll effect and conductance were measured at 77-440011 r-".. Undoped crystals have n-type conductivity and a carrier coricentrat;ion f 1015-1()7 cm-3. The activation energy of tne re- at room temperature o , U-7 ev. The carrier idual uncontrolled centers for them is 0.24 and s concentration of the doped crystals is "1017-1018 cm-3. Tne ionization I -energy of tellurium, varies according to the Te concentration. The 1/2 ---- - - ----- U S SR GLORIOZOW, R. I. , et a!., Izvestiya Akademi.L Nauk S35a Neargani- cheskiye IMaterialy, Vol 6, No 10, Oct 70' pp 1768-1771 ionization energy of zinc is - 0.05 ev. The electron and hole mobil- ity is -80-150 sq cm/volt sec at room temperature, 250-550 sq cm/volt sec at 100 K, and varies as T-1*5 i 0 n the high temperature region. 2/2 USSR UDC 599-323.4 YERDAKOV, L. N., GLOTOV I. N., and NIKOLAYEV, A. S., Institute of Biology, Siberian De, a4n"t,1L11%r~demy of Sciences USSR, Novosibirsk "Dynamics of the Mobility of Murine Rodents and the Effect on Mobility of Some Abiotic Factors" Novosibirsk, Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk, No 10 (190), 1971, pp 161-168 Abstract: Field study of 12 species of vales mice, and other rodents (Sicista betulina, Apodemus agrarius, Micromys minutus, Phodopus sungorus, Cricetus cricetus, Clethrionomys glareolus, Clethrionomys rutilus, Clethrionomys rufo- canus, Arvicola terrestris, Microtus gregalis, Microtus agrestis, 1414-crotus oeconamus) in forest biocenoses in the northern part of the Baraba Lowland (Western Siberia). Each species develops a delinite seasonal rhythm in its movements about its range, the determining factors being the local climate and ecology of the species. Species periodicity is fairly conservative and it is little affected by slight fluctuations in temperature and moisture, although it can shift in time as a result of abrupt climatic changes. Sig- nificant changes in the rhythm of rodent mobility take place only when clintatic factors coincide or nearly coincide with peak activity. 7/1, USSR UDC 616-008.922.1.04-085-272.6:547.466.64]-o7: 616-oa3.931:577.158.429-o74 GLOTOV~ N. ., verd-lovsk Medical Institute M 2+ "Effect of Glutamic Acid on the Activity of Glutamate Dehydrogenase, Z and Dinitrophenol-Stimulated Adenosinetriphosphatases in Rat Kidney, Heart, and Liver 14itochondria During Acute and Chronic Hypoxia" Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i Meditsiny, 110 5, 1971, pp 61-64 Abstract; In pressure-chamber e ,,7eriments with white rats, acute hypoxia inhibited the activity of both +_ and dinitrophenol-stimilated A'1?ase in kidney, heart, and liver mitochondria and that of liver and kidney glutamate dehydrogenase. After the animals adapted to hypoxia, the activity of both ATPases of heart mitochondria and DNP-stlimlated ATPase of liver mitochor-dria decreased while liver mitachondria glutamate dehydrogenase activity increased. Glutamic acid in the experiments with acute hypoxia stimulated the activity of glutamate, dehydrogenase and that of both ATFases In kidney, heart, and liver mitochondria. After the aninals that received glutamic acid adapted to 1/2 USSR- GLOTOV, N. A., Byu2.leten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i Meditsiny, 110 5, 1971, pp 61-61; hypoxia, there was increased activity of both ATPases and glutamate dehydro- genase in heart mitochondria, of glutamate dehydrogenase and DITP-stimulated ATPase of liver mitochondria, and of fe+-stimulated ATPase of kidney mito- chondria. Glutamic acid is transported across the mitochondrial menforanes with a loss of energy and participation of ATPase. Therefore, the introduc- tion of exogenous glutamic acid and its subsequent incorporation into the mitochondria results in intensified ATPase activity. 2/2 Physiology USSR UDC 577.15:547.965:612.014.1 GLOTOV, N. A., Sverdlovsk Medical Institute "The Effect of Glutamic Acid on the Activity of Oxidative Enzymes in Cardiac Mitochondria During Hypoxia" Kiev, Ukrayins'kyy Biokhimichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 43, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, pp 540-543 Abstract: Acute hypoxia was induced in white male rats by exposing the animals for one hour to hypoxia conditions in a pressure chamber (simulated altitude of 8,000 m). Chronic hypoxia was developed in rats by placing them daily for six hours in a pressure chamber with simulated altitude of 6,000 for a period of 14 days. Sodium glutamate was administered sub- cutaneously in the case of acute hypoxia, and in the case of daily adap- tation to hypoxia, directly into the stomach in a dose of 1 mg/g, before animals were placed in the chamber. Cardiac mitochondria were isolated by the method of differential centrifugation in suerase. Enzymatic activity was deternined during the first minute after the begInning of the reaction. Adaptation to hypoxia increased the activity only of malate dehydrogenase. Data obtained established that as a result of the daily administration of glutamate in the course of adaptation to hypoxia, the 1/2 USSR GLOTOV, N. A., Ukrayins'kyy Biokhimichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 43, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, pp 540-543 activity of succinate dehydrogenase increased by 40% NAD activity by 48%. and cytochrome oxidase activity by 48%. The activity of other enzymes was not affected. The administration of glutamic acid increased glutamate dehydrogenase activity by 32% and succinate dehydrogenase activity by 23X in the case of acute hypoxia, and increased glutamate dehydrogenas activity by 100% and malate dehydrogenas activity by 24% in the case of chronic hypoxia. 2/2 - 52 us S .7, UDC 624.13a..43:539.2l.C)Sli-,',09-.3 "LOTOV N. It. nyzix!~!'O, A. 1'. 3 "Study of the Supporting Capacity of Gravel Lases for Deep Foundations" Tr. VNII transp. str-vi Works of the All-Union Scientific Pesearch Institute. of Transport Col.istruction), 1971, vyp. 7t.,, pp 3-13 (fram Ub-Mekhanflu-1, 1.'o 11, Nov 71, AI)stract `o 11V62-1.) Translation: The restilts of stuclying the strength of anive.1 bases for shell founclations '11-0. tlisclissetl. The Stullic-5; .~exe nflrfornet~ trou~~I~s' n tcst unit, a larse hytlraulir (Icparture meter and un(ler natural con(litions. (41 the basis of these exper-bnents it was confirried that coarsely pround gravel and conglor.,~erate Leha-ves analogously to cand under load; therefore, it is possible to stiidy these two materials by the nainu- procedure. Proj),)sals vare develo~,-),-,d vith resp~~ctk to caiculatin~: the supportin'g, capacity of gravel considerin:1, their stressed state use of ,.Yhich offers the possibilitj of n--)--e precise deter- mination and increasing the calculat/ed resistances of tb~-, coarsely --round material up to 2 tines by cor-;parison with the existing 1/1 USSR UTDC 575-23 TD',OFEYEV-P.ESOVSK1Y, N. V., GINTER, Ye. K., GLOTOV, N. V., and IVAIZOV. V. I., Institute of Yjedico -Biological Problems, iii:LrMs't-r'*y"'o-'i"'if&alth USSR, Institute of Medical Radiology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. Obninsk, and Chair of 0 Genetics and Selection, Hoscow State University "Genetic and Somatic Effects of X-rays arxi Fast Neutrons (Experiments on Arabidopsis and Drosophila" Moscow, Genetika, No 4, 1971, pp 42-52 Abstract: Fast neutrons (average energy,- 5.6 Mev, average LET - 30 to 35 kev/mcm, dose rate r,-, 6 krad/hour) were more effective than ),--rays (average energy - 0.1 11ev, average 1.6 kov/mcm, dose rate - 0' ?xadihour) in inducing visible sex-linked mutations and recessive sex-linked lethals, loss and nondisjunction of X chromosomes in Drosop!iila melanogastuer and recessive embryonal and chlorophyll mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana- seeds at high spontaneous levels, i .e., the radiation-enctic reactions caused by gene and chromosome mutations. At low sDontancous levels of nondisjiLnetion of X chromo- somes in Drosophila, the rate of nondisjunction tended to increasG with the dose of both x-ray and neutron irradiation, but there were no significant 1/2 USSR TE-DIMEV-RESOVSKILY, N. V., et al, Genetika, No 4, 1971, -Op 42-52 differences in the effectiveness of the two forms of irradiation. The values of the RBE of fast neutrons in their lethal effect on Arabidapsis ard in in- hibiting plant growth and development, in decreasing fertility, and in in- 0 ducing embryonic and chlorophyll mutations were very similar. 2/2 - 25 Controls USSR UW 621.~~14-67,2 GL--07, "Methcd Cf Sinale-Channel CDtical Control Of Hioh-VoltL-e Th-ristorized Converter" Tr. Moak. in-ta i-nzh. F-eod. serofotosff -1 yemki i kartot!: ('.-Iorks Of The Moneow institute Of Enc-ineers Of L-2odetic Aerial Photop-raphy An~ CartoF- hy), 1971, rap issue "8, up 162-169 (from RZh:Elektronikaj_ygye_-) im,-~neniye, No 5, IMay 1972, Abstract No 5B540) Translution: An optical nyatem is considered which (wilwo it potisible to accomolis?i transmi3zion of control pulnea at hi.7-h pcjtent.-L~11 with one channel. The flux f rom the gource is -,,:3t*, U parall,31 bearia by an optical syslerl illr) !I which, traversing the in-'arforanco fil-ter, fallu on a pol-Ari-,,.ar and all alectro- optical modulator. Lfter the modulator the flux falls on a Fresn-31 prism which passes the flux in only one direction. With the aid of a lens the fluxes are za-.hered at the c-P photoelectric receivers which pass the electrical sig- nal 'Lrc-- an amplifier to a former. 'Th-- miktr.-Icez a.-,' funct-ion-al elemcnta are de- termined which exert ar effect on the polarized state of the flux. The depend- ence is constructed of the intensity of thae 'Llux at the input of tlia plioto- electric receivers on the voltaae at th-- modulator. 2 i'Ll. I ref. it.-,. 1/1 USSR uDc: 621.396.666(o88.8) GLOTOV, V. i. "A Device for Automatic Gain Control" USSR Author's Certificate No 263688, filed 27 Jul 67, published 4 Jun 70 (from FiZh-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dee -10, Abstract No 12D81 P) Translation: An AGC device is proposed which contains series connected amplitude detector, low-frequency filter and DC amplifier in the feedback circuit, and also a clamping circuit. To reduce the time for recovery of normal operability after a long signal absence, the clamping circuit is made in the form of a semiconductor diode biased in the reverse direction and connected to the output of the low-frequency filter. The bias voltage, vhich is equal to or less than the delay voltage, is provided by a resistor divider. 1/1 USSR UDC 621.791.72 BASHKATOV, A. V., RYZHKOV, F. N., CLOTOV, V. S., GOL'TSOVA, V. P. "Features of Welding of OT4 Titanium Alloy by an Oscillating Electron Beam" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 11, Nov 72, pp 68-69 Abstract: The Voronezh Polytechnic .Institute has studied the possibility 4 of improving seam characteristics in OT4 alloy by the use of an c6cillating electron beam. Studies were performed using specimens 2, 4 and 6 mm thick. Beam oscillation was varied between 5 and 2,000 Hz, both along and across the seam. Beam oscillation amplitudes reached 7.5 mm for longitudinal oscil- lation, 2.0 mm for transverse oscillation. Transverse oscillation causes grain size to equalize over the cross section of the seam, while longitudinal oscillation also reduces grain size. Longitudinal saw tooth oscillations are most effective in reducing grain size. Different welding speeds correspond to different optimal oscillation frequencies. Increased oscillating ampli- tude results in finer grain size, but the oscillating amplitude must be limited to a value dependent on welding rate: welding -rates of 1S, 25 and 35 m/hr correspond to optimal longitudinal saw tooth oscillation amplitudes of 4, 3 and 2 mm. 59 - 1/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70-4 TITLE-ON THE 1NITIAL FORMS OF CHRONIC CARBON'DISULFIUE POISONING -U- AUTHOR-(05)-MILKOV, L.YE., MONAYENKOVA, A.Msr BYALKOi N.Ktr GLOTOVAr K*Vot VERETINSKAYAv A.G. p ....... . COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-GIGIVENA TRUDA 1 PROFESSIONALINYYE ZA80LEVANIYA, 1970, NR 5, PP 28-32 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--POISON, CARBON DISULFIUEj INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .'-DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/0450 STEP NO--UR/0391/70/000/005/0028/0032 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116116 UNC L-A S-S IF I E D_