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pHs I n~Immilm~4i~ USSR UDC 612.825.261 KOROLIOVA, A._Ye., and_EQX4,_N,_A., Division of the Pathology of Higher Nervous Activity and Laboratory of the Pathology of the Nervous System, Institute of Physiology imeni A, A. Bogomoletsj Academy of- Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Kiev "Disorders of Short-Term Memory in Dogs With Injured Frontal Lobes of the Brain" Kiev, Fiziologichniy Zhurnal, Vol 19, No 3, May/Jun ~73, pp 303-309 Abstract: The short-term memory of dogs with various degrees of injury to the frontal lobes was studied on the basis of visual~perception of food location. It was established that the field F2 according to the classifi- cation of Adrianov and Mering was mainly responsible.for the disturbance of delayed responses. This disturbance increased with an increasing extent of the site of the injury. The disturbance could not be ascribed solely to a deterioration of the kinesthetic gnosis; it was baoed on a low level of trace excitement and of the perservation phenomenon and also, at a si6ul- taneous injury to the proreal and anterior sygmoid gyrus,~to a far-reaching destruction of the collation apparatus. In connection with this, the ability to consider the results of a complet'ed acticnIi wasIost. 1/1 USSR UIDC 61268M612-178 5 MIS, E. D., DLTMIH, E. 0.1 FQXA, and SHAPOVAL, L. It., Institute of Physiology imeni 0. 0. Bog0ii-O-letso Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR "Histochemical Changes in Neurons of the Bulbar Cardiovascular Center After Exclusion of the Baroreceptors of the Sino-Aortic Reflexogenic Zone" Kiev, Fiziologichniy Zhurnal, no 6, 1970, PP 784--~788 Abstracta Denervation of the sinocarotid and aortic reflexogenic zones in rabbits resulted in the development of stable hypertension. Histochemical study of the RNA content and succinic, dehyd-rogenase activity in neurons of the medu.1la oblongata cardiovascular cen'ter revealed areas.with significant changes in the above indices. The medial, lateral, and giant-cell nuclei of the reticular formation showed some increase in.the nuinber of activated neurons, which produce and utilize RNA, intensification of satellitosis, and large number of structures with high succinate dehydrogenase~activity. No such changes were detected in other nuclei investigated (doesal hucleus of the vagus, region of the tractus solitarius, and nucleus 4-biguus). 022 UNCL ASSI Ff k) PROCEiSSING DATE--tlSEPT07 T.TTLE--EFFECT OF NEOCOPTEX ABLATION OfqfT.HELSTATE OF HYPOTHAL4.4US NEUROSECRETORY ELEMENTS -U- :'-AUTHDR-GENIS, YE.D., FOYA# N.M. .COUNTRY-OF INFO--USSR ',SOURCE--FIZIOLOGICHNIY ZHURNAL# 1970, VOL 16, NR if PP 55-60 PATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 7SUBJECT,AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND Mk)ICAL SCIENCES ~-OPIC-TAGS--CEREBRAL CnRTEX,*RABBITY NERVEP SECRETI ON, $RAIN ~CONTRtll. -MARKING--NO RFSTQICTtONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :,PROXY R.FEL/FRAME--I9R2/0887 STEP NO--UR/0238t7OtOl6/()91/0055/0060 CIRC ACCESSION 40--AP0052311 A UN~: L 14 :022 RROCESSIN! DATE--115EP70 212 , UNCL ASS I F1 ED CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0052311 ~.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A BILATFRAL ABLATION 13F NE)CID-tTEX IN RABBITS RESULTS IN THE OISTURBANCE OF EVACUATION OF NEUROSECRETION .3THALA,4- HYPIOIP~AYSEAL AND ITS DFPr)SITInN IN ALL THE DIVISIONS OF THE tjY01 ~j NSUR05FCRETORY SYSTFM. AT THE SAME TIME,SECAETOAY Acriviry op tt-49 CPLLS OF SUPRAOPTICAL AND PARAVENTRICULAR NUCLEI DECREASES, CYCLIC PFCU4pENCE ~."-OF THE NEUROSECRETORY PROCESS IS DISTUPBED AND THE QUANTITY Or- DARK PYCNOTIC FORMS OF CELLS INCREASES. BESIDES INTENSIFTCATION OF NEUROSECRETION ENTRANCE IS ALSO OBSERVED ALONG Ex,rRAHYPCPHYSEAL -~.PATHWAYS,-INTO.THE VESSFLS.OF THE BRA .IN TISSUE ANI) BRAIN TISSUE SURROUNDING THEM, INTn LiobfiR 9Y ACTIVATING GLIA CELLS. THE MENTIONED :CHANGES,INTENSIFIEO IN TIME AND WERE n8SFRVED 1-2-~~MONT4S AFTEP THE BILATERAL'ABLATION OF NEDCORTEX.t UNDER UNILATEqAL DECORTICATION SUCH 'CHANGES WERE OBSERVED 5-10 MONTHS AFTER OPERATION;o THE INVESTIGATIONS -'CONDUCTED SHOWN THE PRESENCE OF A NERVOUS CONTROt;iOlF THF NEURO SECRET9RY ~FUNCTION AND.PERMIT ONE TO CONCLUDE THAT.THE:NEOCORTEX AFRATIO4 RESULTS A STEADY DECREASE OF FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY IN, THE HYPOI`HALA4US~ ELEMENTS. USSR LTDc: 621.374.32 FOYDA, A. N. "A Shift Register" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, ProiVshiennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Ualki, No 20, Jul 72, Author's Certificate No 343307, Division G, filed 4 Jan 70, published 22 Jun 72, p 176 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces':a shift register based on potential logic elements. The register contains tx7c controlling ele- ments in each digital place, an output flip-flop, tend a data reception element.. The controlling elements are connected to a cadence pulse line, Euid the data reception element is connected to the first controlling ele- ment. The output of this controlling element is connected to the, input of one of the elemeiito of the outp it flip-f lop. A.-I. a 0 titinguishi nj f ca- ture,of the patent, the register is simplified by. clorinecLing, the input of the second controlling element to an additional cadence pulse line with pulse displacement relative to the main cadence pulpes by a time which exceeds the operating time of the first controlling elemi!nt, and, the out- put element of the output flip-flop iti connected t6 the inpid, of th(-,! next digital place. 15 1, M I I w 11, 1, _11, II 1111 F111 '111. '1, 1., 1.911 91 - - -- ------- USSR UIXII 6211.3844634 I Y _rInI ALEKSANDRnVI I. A., CO, F4 W, -7 U11 YE. V., KOTOV, V. I.$ NFK SOV,A. N., P I L I N I A. A., P IMITIGIN, V. A., RSAYEV, R. A., SAMOYLOV, A. V., S EL F-tNEV I V. S., SMEBRS&KOV, B. A., KRANAMIRYAN, A. YE., an4 KHODY'REV, YU. S~ 'i(raelectron "Negative Particle Channel ~With Mornrntira uvto 60 G Volts/Second" rmergiyq, Vol 29, No 1, Jul 70,pp 29-34 Moscow, Atomnaya 'Abstract: This article contains a description of' a channel for ~transporting negative particles generated in an internal dccele- ratoIr target with momentum up to 60~ f if aelec~tron volts/second rrigal~,c ho 70 band an accelerated proton energ -,.ctron volts. T ,y of -d so thkat fnr an acee channel is designe L-nra~od proton encrigy of 70 gigaelectron volts it can be adjusted :~to momentim in the rahgo of 40-60 gigaelectron volts/second. 'On reducing the cnprgry nf the accelerated protons,~ the channel can be adjusted to lower momentum, The lower limit corresponds to art, acc,~Ierated proton -of 20 gigaelectron volts equat to 11-A 11-11 ipe Lee tron energy volts/second. The optical systern of tho channPI and ~L' ts, characterLstics J MUM %Oftm~~ USSR ALEMANDROV, 1. A., et al. Atomnaya Energo:'a, Vo 1 29, No 1, -Jul 70, pp 29-34 are presented. The limiting solid capture angle. of the secondary :7 particles by the channel:is 32 microsteradirins. : The best re- solution with. respect-to momentum is-0.3 pei-cr-nt without dia- creasing the pacture angle, The channel wgu~, inv0stigated pri marily using a secondary beam with a moment~fti of 50 jon- electron volts/second. The procedure! for adjusting the channel and the calculated data are described. The,Aifftrenccs between the calculated operating conditionsloE the ~Iemeiits and tke conditions after adjustment together do not~~:exceed the errors .,of the fringing field of the accelerator, the magnetization. curve, and the curve for calibrating the.bypAssea of the ma.~~n,,t. On the whole, the beam parmeters agree we L L' wi 0 the calculated data. A detailed diagram of the chnnnel layo!at ts Presen ted, and graphs arr prefiented for, the rarlial.position! he t:nr;,c tr, 41titi the proditetion atilyIn at, fauctions Of 010~ Irloiw-' n tt III) siecondary pcirticIrs, the optical s'stem.of 01- p;i1:11 y r)f Lhe bnnms iti tho horizontal and vertical, planrl,G, Hio USSR ALWSAND'IOV, 1. A., et al., Atomnaya Energf a , 1 29, 1, y Jul 70, pp 29-34 -esolution of the channel, the beam profilc 'with; momentum of .50 gigaelectron volts/second intthe parallol, section and slit width of the aperture collimators of +20 mm~~and the pulse collimator +6mm, the beam, profile witTi :momentum of 50 -ri,ta- electron voTts/second in the final representation on including the lens doublet, and the beam profile with:!momelitum of 50 -igaelectron volts/second in the:final representation on including a lens triplet., 3 /"j TECHNICAL TRANSLATION' 340-T2 ENGLISH TITLZt Operationsl, Characterl9ticj. of Ty" Bets-I and Ents-2 Inatopic,Thermaelectric: Generators wnnyye, Termoelmktrithaskilth Generatorov Tlia- "Uta-,V G. N. Fradkin V. M ltodyukov, Te. A. Kazakov SOURC91 RadLatdictussays Tackbuilts. Tfudy',, Issue 4, All-Un%on Scientific Resuarth Institute for Radiation Technology# Atcaizd&t, Moscow. 1970. Translated for FSTC by Eric Peabody, Leo Kanner NOTICE K-T The contents of this publication have been translated as presented in the original test. No attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of any statement contained herein. This translation is published with a minimum of copy editing and graphics preparation in order to expedite the dissemination of information. Requests for additional copies of this document should be addressed to Department A. National Technical Information Service, Sp ringfieldo Virginia .22 151. Approved for pub lic release. dis tribud on unlimited. Nuclear Science land Technology. USSR FRADM, G. M.P BREMIEVA., N. YE., YERSHOVA., Z. V.) DOGDA1,10VP7 1. (Dec=az~:), KODYUKOV V. M., VOROTTIN, A. IT., KOZLOV, A. G. , MALYK-,J, YU., A., B., V. RAGOZINSKIY,. A. I., FEDOROV, V. V. and CHUS5-,W, YU. V., St~-:_te Cz:-- mittee on the Use of Atomic Energy USSR, Fourth International Confer_=nce the United Nations on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 6-16 sen -ti "Development of IsotoDic Power Technology in,the USSV~ Moscow, Ato,mnaya Energiya, Vol 31, No 4, Oct 71, PP 358-365 Abstract: The construction in the USSR of isotopic. -Wherzzroelectric cell-? rs-:Or for powering oceanographic and navigation dovices, hydrorm;.phic, radiometeorological, magnetic variation stations, high'-eleve-tion co:7-_-_ -ay stations and other scientific research stations,and groun:1 installat_,_~-_= i-= reported on. The most suitable for fuel applications:are iaotopes -~:izt a half-life period within the limits 100 days to 160 years (~_~,proximately :70 toDes), of which 12-15 can be obtained in large amounts. Most quantities of fission radicac+i - isozoroes and also the most in"deelly used radioac-~~v= Sr9O are obtained by processing radioacti've waste solutions. To isolation of radiochemically pure elements, including Sr90, the k;r01110 cCnz2n_ tra-bion metlaod is used, based on calcium oxalate preciipi-~ation. '41ne =0a__ promising technique is extraction separatioa of alkaline_-ear-__i- elemennz isolation of mi-le strentilll-n. Hiere the folloinrng extrac-,ant', lai-_ u.-ed; F 7 U9SR FRADKM, G.M., et al, Moscow, Atomnaya'Energiya, V61:31, [To 4, Oct 71, PP 358-365 solution of di-2-ethylhexylorthophosphoric acid in kerosene from a nitric acid medium, and a solution of salicylaldoxime in tributyl~ phosphate from an alkaline (sodium hydroxide or ammonia) solution. Currently WnStr=tion has been co=- pleted for blocks with activities in the tens and hundredz,of kilocuries based on Ce144 (20,000 curies), Sr90 (9000-100,000 curies),~and Csl37 (50,000-150x `00~0 curies)j ana- also blocks based on Pu238, p0210, CM2420 and.co6o. The therm-1 capacity of these blocks lies within the range 1-1006vastz~. An empirical fc=-ula was derived and tested for the power yield in an isotopic (thermal) block. Also discussed is biological protection during development~and construction of iso- tope power sources containing kilocurie amounts of radioactive heat. in der-II-Ir with the conversion of radioactive decay energy, the rhermnelectric metl,,od W~ 3 found to be most fully mastered at present; low-temper~aturas se.-iiconductor J materials (up to 30000 have been obtained with,quite-high effic-lencies as well as medium-temDerature (300-700c)C) and high-terImpera, ture (hi&er th,-;~_ 7000C) semiconductor materials Combining different - niaterialo in -Lh(, form ~ o attainment efliciency -n cascade elements alaready per-rA of 12-15% prototypes. Demands, of minirmim weight and size and also lovlenckgraunE of attendant neutron and gamma-radiation led to construction of -portable Sz!nerato-rS of the MIG-67 type based on pU23 . The unique prop 2;, 8 ertits of Cm 42 Fnd p0213 (high, specific power yield and fairly low-gamma-radiation intensity) zma-,~e feasible construction of isotqpic thermoelectric generators using caocaded connt~rters -,iti, efficiencies of 8-10-,Yj in the 300-85001" runge. 211) USSR FRAM&N. G. M MEMEVA, N. YE., YERSHOVA, Z. V.,~BOGDANOV, N. 1. (Deceased), KUDYUK 'OV, V. M., VORONIN A. N., K0ZLOVj A. G., MILMI, YU. A., NIKIPELOV, B. V., RAGOZINSKIY ' A. I., FEDGROV,,V. V,' and CFUSHKIN, YU. V.1 State Committee for the Use of Atomic Energy USSR "Advancement of Research in the.Field of Nuclear Power Engineering in the USSR (Report Presented at the Fourth United z4ations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy held 6 to 16 September 1971 In Geneva)" Moscow, Atomnaya energaiya, Vol 31, no.4, Oct 71, pp 158-365 Abstract: This report cites data on the Soviet. devellopmen't of the thermo- electric generators designed for feeding oceanographic and navigation devices, hydrographic, automatic, radiometeorologicaL, magnetic variation stations, high-mountain cosmic ray stations.and other scientific research land stations. The report covers the scientific and technical fundamentals of such energy sources and cites the cliaracteristics.of some generators, Discussed in some detail are various aspects of radio~Isotopic fuels, selection, properties, distinctive charActeristics,, eValuation, requirements, cost factors, availability, handling safety factors, and forms of applica- 1/2 T! USSR FRADKIN, G. M., et al, Atomnaya Fnergiya, Vol 31, no,4, OCL 71, pp 358-365 tion. The potential use of extraction separation of'alkali-earth elements for obtaining pure strontiun is noted. A table lists the comparative characteristics of various isotopes having'potential 'use in thermoelectric generators. Much consideration is given to topics dealing~with energy release in an isotopic unit, biological protection, radioactive decay energy conver- sion, thermal flow chart selection,and gene rator des'igns. Described and illustrated are some thermoelectric generators of various designations (using Ce144. C,137, SOO, pu238, CM242(pO210)) including Beta-1, Beta-2, Beta-C, Efir, Penguin, MIG-67 (portable-type),and generators Oith cascade converters. (8 illustrations). 2/2 53 i7 USSR UDO 621-039-574.5 TERENTIYEV, V. P., ZHARKOV, V. A., WDIIINk.,Q P1. and CHAVY- I ~.CHALOVA, T. P, "Optimal Irradiation Modes in Isotope Production" 9 C' t' 70, p 260-264 Moscow, Atomnaya enerpiya, Vol 2 No 4, 0 P Abstract: In response to the need for developing economically favorable modes for obtaining radioisotope e,a6rgy through irradi- ation, the authors use as the criterion for 5~xch modes minimum expense for obtaining the required isotope and the maximum value of energy output. In this process, a fairly kable initial iso- tope is bombarded by neutrons to form an inte:~medi 'ate isotope, which quickly decays to form the onergy-producing.result. The authors write an equation for the.expense inciirred in obtaining one gram-atom of the fuel isotope, and three equations for the irradiation expense which apply in most practically important cases. Thuy also find an equation for determining the required irradiation duration. Curves are:plotted for'the optimal output of the original and fuel isotopes under neutrbn irradiation, and a table of various isotopes and corresponding parameters for op- timal irradiation modes is reproduced. IUSSR u L, c621, -;1,6~~. 2 FRADKIN, G. V. 1M. ,RAGOZ'1_NSK1Y, A. 1. ,KOPUT.K011, 1-1. P., F1 . ........ "Operational Characteristics of Type 'Beta-111 and (Beta-2' Isotopic lhvrmor,.octrie Generators Tr, Vses. n.-i. in-ta radiats. tekhn. (Works of the All-union O'cientifir Research Institute of Radiation Technoloa,), 1970,~vjp, 4, pp 35i-359 (from RZh-Elextrotekhnika i energetika, 11o 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9A150) Translation: The "Beta-I" and "Beta-2" e~q)erlrzental lsci~tovilz thermoclectr1c gene- rators arc: designed for supplying electric power to AFM$-,N automatic radionacteoro- logical stations. The basic parameters of -the! "Beta-211 are given in the accompanying 'The se'rvice life is set at five table. The generator is operationallv reliable. years or more. Eient illustrations, bibliography of two' t1t1r-s. Abstract includes table on p A-20: Hano)1HV1TQnb = filler'; AprOH :t argon; T ambient temperature; b volts; am watts; Z ( )M internal impedance, OH OKP ohms R oM load resistance, ohms. I~A,&HOH vq,-n C) K USSR ux 6.L6.983.i3+C)i6.933-253-6~Op~-9-G'e'6'-L6-155-34-~)-r6.,-) VASIMYEVA, 0. A.~ MUNKIIIII V. A., and SHMJLBV~., I., T')"Inh Instit"'It'C; 3f, Vaccines and Sera a7nd tutf~ Con ro i instittrte of Ilionoztucl-IL prt~.para-`! o:,.s imeui L. A. Tarasevich, Ybscow "Taidex of Neutrophil Injury as a Te s t of S2nsitivity to Sma. po_ znd Tich- x borne Encephalitis Vaccine Moscow', Laboratornoye Balo, NO 1972~ PP 730-73? Abstract: Tae inkiex c-f Jnjury (1111) Nw -~j'V I.,; the aa.,ebo-Ld ac"l-ivity cf the culls) is a of sensItivity to si;-;.al I pox aid tickbume encepfmlit~r, detaripdned fro!,., the Pori-rula 11-11 where 100 is tt.~k_' wmibcr Ori liCuti'aOlUIS coimted in each smear, "I is the number of injured racmt~~-ophils 'a and H, is the -;are mu!iber in the control. qIe 1NI ram-ed f:com 0.07 to 0.--.-) and fron 0.02 to 0.09 in ralbbit-s inoculated with :~xd t1-clborne encei)halitis vaccines, respectively, cu."pared to 0.0~ tO 0-30 al:d .o ox'4' in tha control. in dhii,).ren yaccirati:!d with at 1-2 revaccinated at or 1c) the a%,erage INI was In 'U'om, vaccinated for the first timc) 0.16 0.;a,-,.,uum 0.22) and~0.25 0._i) 27 41 IMR1, -vi, I ~. ......... CNARACTERISUCS OF OCUPATIOSAL DISABILITY AMOW: 1ANINGRAD INOUSTRIAL WOPXzR;:- jArtlCla hv A,Y.4. V-)rkevich, can4144te of Medical Leningrad In~tfE`-uM-u-T-T4,tu%trIAt iiyrienct and cccuV~tl~-41 pathninsv, Lenin;mT VtTrlfor dcropatio"Al p4th.lon7; -Moscow, gt-t%koye 44r4yaokhraotmLyt-~ RumstAn. No 3, 1913, subitted 5 September 1977. pp 21_21.1 I-Atiketi= of the distinct[.,,, and dylUffldc-s of---occupational dif- ability plays, A certain part of prevention ot such disability. The data on disability reflect to ffi~-e extent working conditions and effectiveness of hoalth-knproving neatutes. There are, unjustifiably fe%# votka dpAtinz with this afthiect. and the g4te publications deAl ~nl.y with a n4tro~ ciTcle of Probteem. For two years we followed up the ~Itcu-r of occupational pathology in all 1"tle"ts ptcle4 op. in UnLngra,l In 1".8 and 1969. All 'of the patients -tnd "~go -0-or at the 1wrilngra.1 I"ntitute of Industrial Ity1tten* and (Wtupationst Pathology or, the occupational disrane clinic of 9.~nlnaratl Unitary and 1"Jen1c Mcd(cal- institute. to some cmace repeatedt", 0"'I there the dfAgn04iX is mdej the rt-irstion of nuce4olty of transfer to disability status is settled sleftnitiucly to a special VTF.K'(~odtcs1 coro~io- elon for expert evaluation of disability) for occupational disease (organised 4 Alt this pro,/Ided for proper 4taxnexis. substantiated therapeutic l dl l f d h etencss o n work reco~m ondstions. and accor y cce~p sat eted stn, ng~ For each pattvnt registered by the ftuntctp4t samittry And epidento logical -tAtton in 11601 And 1961 a statistical card was made up which was ouppl~mted by infurmatfoin from his cdoe history (with respect to need of X tv"purary.or permanent job plAce"nt, severity of illness, etc.) and VTEX docL~entm rer.4r,ling transfer to disability status of these patients In 1968- 1969 and 1969-1970 respectively. In order to dotermine the level. structure. and othev distinctions c-. occupational -rbidity referable to specific branches of industry and Smns -01kors in dtfferant otcupettana. or different son, and age, cards were wotked out for a 11 patients ragistored tit the two years. This approach 16 guaranteod gre%ter accuracy And com-switability of date Char, obtaining ready in(" .6'-~t -O.Wity. It was SoArnr-i that there was prevalence of pathal"Ry Joe to phymic4l ex rtion fprimarilv referable to Owe hands), na-ly: pathziogy or t1j, sk~l.t- muscular system (tendomycaltis, opicondylitis, IIR-a-~ntltil) ~1 1-ripher0l "rioue 4yqtem fprLs,-4-r;ty ~,sctactve pulyncuritim. It-o cf-en,tw~rWe and pltxltlo); then follow vibration atckopm*. dcr-tv%le. chronic into%IcAtion, pne=ocontosiv. neuritis of the sudLtory nerve. The. -etil working Induatry which employs the largest nuober of workers "4cliver"" at'vot 40 rercent of the patients (the oth-r ti branches of i"j414t-r V-Ch de;i~rTCA 3-5 P~r- cent)..and the intensity or morbidity was not hiFh. M,,st of the patl.ot4 we re referable. to a limited met (abottt ZO) of occupation&. In nu%t sutlects Illness was detected at 4!6rly staqts and was usuAlly rili. -#*r%vrr r4king the ftoAl drtista" to to possibility of continoinx his aper-Wit), or net-4 for por~nrnt:-ratlo"l Job Piatement, Ott patient v-,qercnr the nott%warl traat~nt. trmpor3ty transfer to A job Viat wovj.- not involve ex- posure to the factor that cati4ed Illness to widrly practiced. Almost all Individuals suffering pAtholugy related to physical cverexarrLvii received .~h t-ifers: mort than a0 vicA ~13-ratlan sickness, 'r lor-dtrmtzj-3nJ chronic tntoxicationw, the m-man.can.tituti-Ix 62 pe!rcent of the patients (in the came of pneumoconfosis and neuritis of the auditory mezve an fectipatlonal medical certificnte in not issued). As u:'know the Io"I of primary d1sabiltty.ospeciAlly related to occu- Ptional di .*e. to deterained cormiderably by the prmstbtlitten with tegqcd to "ploy%ent of the sick. Precisely these data reflect &wt accurately and fully the Coffee-plences of QccupatEa"t di*rA.Q. Analysts c.v.aled that a 'eaV, 0f 39 percent of the i-tients require rational Job iOin the (test I yrurs aft" ektabltshlng -the exist- race, of an orc-spati-41 di"amr. Ap;unre"tly upon furth" ohnervation there will be aere such patients. 7he highest percentage ft14) of ttWividuale re- quiring 4 change of occupation were those sufferiv; fr~ dr-natosip and pneumo- conlosts. Vith such pathology a need for much * transfer becomes obvious q'Ifte soon. In the cast of vihration sickness and occui,ational hand patbol ory due to strain 23-25 percent of thw patients required rational job place eent within the [at few years. The nature of iltnest and trAtIaLed there- pe-,stic and preventivo ~a~ureR itll~ ~soy of tbro to rrnitn on their Job for a longer time. A change of occupation was required for about :0 percent of the sick battery aasemblopre and inaulAtton, tnztaltere~ 25 percent of the casting and spinners. one-third of the foundry clea"to. cuttaro. machInt operators. fittors. electric arc welders, and sseat handlers, alinost 50 percent of the concrete workers, presser** painters " PI&Ntattfs. and most sAnd Masters and net&i shot blastors. Most of the patients belong to 17 occupatiO"t grOuPs- There wale relatively yAny (23.5%) patients (*and and metal shot blastars, canting cleaners, Cuttsts. fittexxv concrete workers, polishers. and electric are . 17 - 1'2 030 UtJC L AS S I F fiD 'POOCESSTNG DATE-00CIlU TITLE--MEASUREMENT OF THE BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Of:~THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHEKIC. EMISSLOINL IN THE SUGMILLIMETER SAND FROM A HEIGHT )F 35 K%~ AUrHOR-(05)-LAPSllIN, V.1.,.SALOMONJVICHt AoE., SOLOf;IfJN,)V,l S.V., TRDITSKIY, Vof.9 Ff'lA0KJVj_A.6. C(JUNTRY M7.),f_o_-_USSR SUURCE--IZVYUZt RADlorIZIKA, VOL. 13# NO. 3v 1970, P 358-39/t DATE PUBLISHED -- ---- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--NAVIGATtONt PHYSICS9 ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES. TOPIC TAGS--RADIOMETERs, RADIO BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURt. SUBIMILLIMETER WAVE, RADIO EMISSION, ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION CONTPCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REWFRAME-1991/0846 STEP NO--UR/0141/~O/C)13/L)03/03138/03r,~ CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110567 UNCLASSIFIED Zi2 030 UNCLASSIFIED 01iOCESSlIN`G DATE-;-020CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110567 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O-' ABSTRACT. DESCRIPTION;DF A RADIOMETER AND THE RESULTS OF PRCLIMINARY MEASUREMENTS OF TKE BRIGHTNESS TEMPEAATURE OF THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHERIC EMISSIONP TAKEN AT A HEIG14T OF 35 0 where Gj(.r):>O. OM (X);j, 0. xcx,- to indicate that there exists. non-negative Tj, j-],. for which M F (x) - iGj (V) 0. XICX. (2) 1/3 USSR FRADKOV, A. L., Sib. mat. zh., 1973, 14, No 2, pp 30-383 Obviously , (2) leads to (1). The problem consists irb explaining when (1) and (2) are equivalent. The correctness of the statement1that (1) indicate--, (2) is related to the correctness of the theorem of duality in a certain problem of mathematical programming; the non-convex case is nost interesting for practical application. A number of necessary and sufficient conditions for equivalents of (1) and (2) are established (in different terms). , The case of strict inequality F(x*J>O in (1) is studied, as well as the case of limitations in the form of equations. Using the criteria produced, a now proofis presented forthe known results that where m=l, (1) always leads to (2), if F(x) and G(x) are sign-changing quadratici(lierinitian) forms in real (complex) linear space X, as well as a new proof of the recently pro- duced result that with certain natural limitations, 6) leads to (2) in the case when m-2 and F(x), Gl(x), G2(x) are Hermitian forms in'a complex linear space. We note that if m=2 and F(x) G (x) G 2(x) are real quadratic forms in a real linear space, then (1) generally Les not lead to (2). It is 2/3 U~MFMTTV~F USSR FRADKOV, A. L., Sib. mat. zh., 1973, 14, No 2. pp 357-383 shown that these results are simple results from the Euclidean geometry of the space.of quadratic forms with the convex cone of non-negative forms lying within it. Furthermore, a number of results are produced concerning cases whenji) does indicate (2). They are used as~a basis for full'solti- tion of the problem for the case when,F(x), Gl(x),..'.,Gn(X) are quadratic or Hermitian forms of two variables, and the case is also studied when m=1 and F(x), G(x) are fourth-power forms of two real variables. 3/3 F!T USSR FRADKOV, A. L., YAKUBOVICH, V. A. ---------- IIS-Procedure Relationship of Duality in Nonconvex Problems of Quadratic Programming" Vestn. Leningr. Un-ta jLeningrad University Herald],., 1973, No 1, pp 81-87 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V520, by the authors). Translation: The following problem is studied. In set X, the real functi.ons F(x), GI(x),--., Gm(x) are fixed. The problem is toActermine which of conditions F(x) > 0 with GIW GM(x) > 0, X0, indicates that there exist T L 0, j = 1,. m for which F(x) -riGI (r) 0, x('.X. If this is J-1 it indicates that for inequality F(x) > 0 with limitations G (x) I G (x) 10, the S procedure is harmless if III = 2,~ X is. a complex I incar space, while F(x), G (X), G W are quadratic functiohals in X, where 2 G (x > 0, G7(X > 0 for a certain x 'E X. It is de!'Vinstrated that the 1 0 0 1/2 Tiff. USSR U,:C: RUZILAIISKIY, V. I., MIU-CY A. L. "On an Algorithm for Self-Instruction of Recognition Systems" V sb. Vvchisl. teklin. i vo-Dr. kibernet. (Computer Tec~hnolagy ard Problens of Cybernetics-collecticn of vrorkc), V-P~ 6, Lenirgrad, Leningrad Un-i- versity, 1971, PD 88-98 kli'rom RZh-Kibernetika, NO 1 jan 1-2, Abstract No IV1075) Translation: The naDer nresents the results of expe.-Jr-entii on, distinguish- ing different kinds of ground fleas conducted vith an algor-i'lin of self- -instruction without revard. A suvDlement to the algcrit'nll is nrovo$ea which enables extension cf its field of amplication.- It. is noted that in many instances it is advisable to index part of the training.sequence with the exception of points which do not belorg to even orie of,the given classes (interference points). A. Doroshenko. I rum I r! r,1 USSR UDG 609.046.53:5312 h CUREVICH, Yu. C. TOMLOV, V. I.,, FIL-WE INT. R. , and 'KIM,, V. V. , Z Iatousc Bra.ncilh of Chelyabinsk Polytechnical Institute "Kinetics of Interaction of Titanium and Aluminum Z1.1itrides Uith Slag :~Ieltsv' Novokuznetsk, Izv. VUZ, Chern. Metallurgiya, N'o 10, 1970, pp 15-17 Abstract: It is demonstrated experimentally that TiN illteracLs With the axidles of iron and manganese from slag, while AlN reacts twith: iilica as well. The aCLi'VdtiOt1 QndrgICH Of the procasa Of solution of TZ alid AIN 4.11 qlag 'moll.,i are found. When metals are reduced from theoe oxides b~ nicil("cz;, gaseot~~; nitrogen. is released, which may be di-~.Tsolvad in the 1-iqtl,. ~1. Thu r-Ae the process of interaction of nitrides with ulags contal~ ning px.-'des of iron, manganese, and silicon is rather Idgh. USSR uDa 669.1512-95-194 CUREVICIlip YU. G., and FRAGE, N. R., Orenburg, Zlatom st, "On the Interaction of Titanium-Containing Steolswlth Atnospheric Air" Moscowl Izvestiya. Ak-ademi:L Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 2y:, 1-!az-,LPr 73, pp 105-108 Abstractt A thernzal analysis was conducted of thelformation reactions of titaniim nitrides in liquid stainless steel as a resitlt ot interaction of dissolved titanium with nitrogen of the gaseous phase and irith nitrogen dissolved in steel. On the basis of previously deriyed experimental data and usin-- equations characterizing tho cause of reaotionst the isotherims of quasi-eguilibriwa of Ti with N and 0 dissolved in RhJ811110 ~-,tainlcszs riteel at 1600 C ware plottedl w Vras tho dopendence betweeli Ti &'nd 11 concontration in this steel deoxidized w1th Al up to 0.0014-0,0016% of 0 conton't at 16000C. With the Infox-action of liquid steel with airy titan-lum 1;3 oxidizod ky oxyGen; therefore its interaction with 11 iz not very Titmium nitrides, which are stable up to 0.03-0.04% titanium concOntration, Mui separate from demidized liquid stainless steel at 160000 and below at certai4 Ti azid I? concentrations. Tva figures, three tables, ten formulas, seven bibllor~~,raphic n-ferences. 1/1 -71 0041159 ~31' Acq. r.: - 'Ref Code: Uk) (3 USSR, UDC 621.923.5:621.922.023 tj&TVEV FRAG1N__.j4wj&r-, FGHIN A. A.,:~ -A XEI of Hardened Cylinder'Sleeves by Large-Grained Abrasive The J16,nin 6 -,'BlockW* C tanki iInstrument, No 1 1970, pp.21-24 os Ow S M tract: The article deals with a study of the honing of hardened sleeves with large-graiqed abrasive blo~ka in order to P'.."determine, the influence of the honing condition I s,;and:the structure of -the-..blacks upon their wear and specific consumption, the pro- ductivity of -the honing process and the erroirs in thet.shape of the.opening. The purpose- of the study was to determine the optimum and,-hardness for the abrasive~blocks_;The ~research Fain ~ size -1-ncluded investigation of the influente, of specif ic pressure upon jittaL emoval and block wear, the influence of the speed of the ricipr9cal motion upon metal removal and block weox, investigation the influence of the peripheral velocity upon-metal removal- and Reel/frame ""I .. . ....... EISSR UDC 620,178.15 'qN IISELEV, YU. A., FRAKLKENZO and nRENICHKKOV9 YU. Y.t ,_ _j Novosibirsk Avia-ffon -Plani Imeni Chkaloy, Siberian Sclentific Research. Inatitute of Metrology "Weet of Surface Cleanliness and Forn of Products on:.Results of Hardness measurement" Mosco;V, Zavodskay~a Laboratoriya, No 4, 1973,1 p-p 459-461 Abstract: A study was made- of the aepezndlence~ o --:' 3rinell, 73,oc':t- well, and Vic-',-crs hardness numbers of 301~_GSA, OXIGSITA, IMS-5, and 45 brand oteels and'of V95 and AK4-1 alWainixii alloys on the -par.allelisr- of t'hc supporting nid the i-ivesti-7,ated su-_,f"-'ccs, on 1 4 _LC_ n the processing cleanliness, and thc~radius of cuivature oil fi- nished Droducts. The results are discusned b*y reference to dia- grams and tabulated data ohowing the hr,.rdnesb by 1M, HRCI H-133, HRA, and IN scales determined as an arithmetic mean ~from five im,- pressions. The results indicate the exiotencD. of ~allowablel angles of non-parallelism of surfaces and of their 61arvature by measu- ring the _Roc!:~,iell hardness; they also reflect the influence of 63 - . ............... ........ . ...... ............ .... . ..... r777777777- FRO' k5t- I A"):.. Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: 49748 CHEMICAL ABSTZ/ f-100421t Benzoindoles. 1. Synthesisorl-be zyl-49~ OX0 fflindole. v P"rotikova. V.A.. 4,9-dihydrobenzo Fmksina. NZ Inst. irn,' Mendeleeva 19Tty. (1h X-1-01 USSR). X-ow. Uelerorsiki. 3aam.- I g Mg turnings in 70 tnl dry anis6le was added dropnise during 45 min 45 g Ed, the'mixt. heatt& 45-60 Win at 60-70' cooled, 19.6 g pyrrole in 770 ml anisole adited duting 30 min, stirred 15 min it room tempi, then at 50-60*11till bubbles of inlO ml anisole CiHo ceased to evolve 43.4 g plithalic anhydride added in 2-3 min at r$oom temp. said the mixt. heated 1-1,5 hr on.a boiling water-bath to give 183 g o-(2-pyrrql~~arbon~l)ben- zoic acid (1), m, 184-5*, and 3 g 4, b~ 2140*, m. 246-1 a welco). Attempts at reducing the keto-group,in I to CH3~group kave a product which produced a characteristic bluish-vi6let color vdtb Ehrlich reagent, but the free reduced acid or its salt was not iso,- REEL/FRAIME 77 AP0049748 .0 HO~C MR-H) %IN-'-f 1W) (IV) PhHAC lated. A mixt. oU2.15 g 1, 40 ml 35% KOH, and 6.5 g PhCHtCl wa3 boiled 6 hr to yield 2A5 g IU,; rn. 13940* (Csffl)., To L.6 g M in 200 ml warm a-xylene was added in small =,3ns during 30 min 10 g PO, and the mixt. boiled 1.5 hr, to 0.3 K~ title compd. (IV), m. 178-9' 19801662 USSR UDC: 632-951 PMP14ONTA ii, ock ComparW of the _FRANCO and M&CCONE, SERGIO, Montecatini, jo. t St' Mineral ~rd Chem=c Industry (Italy) "A Method for Preparing Liquid Insecticides" USSR Author's Certificate No 248575, filed 23 jul 62, published 8 Jan 70 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 22, 25 Nov 70, Abstract No 22 N659 P by,:P. V. Popov) Translation: To prepare liquid concentrated preparations containing as an ac- tive insecticidal substance 0,0-dimethyldithio~hosphotylacatic acid monomethy- lamide and a surfactant, phenol, CelloBolve acetate, Cnibitol acetate, and o- -cresol are added to stabilize the aetive~subatance. 192 U, MA-MANOVt A. If., P TONALOVA, E. G., XPaVYlar, V. V.,.!K -IT P, v. , xa"11- "TrIph*nyIp!s--~svIAii-a Co;:~,plewes of Bllarz.-yl- on-I VinylGOI(~" Roscowe Inve-t-tiya 11---~aemaii 1'=% S~SSRI Sarlya NO 1972, pp 653-654 role.; only -"n- t!"') no co'I. J- *11 Loj. a of tzl")! 'PIC, C'E's The bI.IzyI ccr!pov. L;YntIr";zA--Ca according, to th~) rcaction C61-1 .0'111,Au - P (C,k C6H5c"2*"-cl C' t'U F (C6115 5 3 TIa yield icn CZ 1; lolm-na ajid 40;j" 'M trtri.hydrofuz'I'n, T ha n:.Lr Grf"Ctmura of the Product ZL pl'oton Ur;'[j'U ill U'D phenyl rxrjup (in the of i I 6.9-7.3 1:-E1, - cril fron, thn 1? (in th,,i of 2-.Y~ to 2.70, %.a. By w"Ill". the doublo Imetcar 1"In' CI'LIC r~nn!~.nce 01* FI-t,31 it v-r-s shovrn that V-1 intc*-,-ctj.on of t1lo protonn fron t.110 r~vavp uith r-lics-pho-= mv-aed vat-k splitting. 'Cho vir~yl conpund Ob;I:::!md iro:-- the reaciion TJHF C112 CHE4--~Br + CI AU , 11 (C 111)3 :::-0 C"t " C" P C6115)3 6 :) 0 2 50 The yield miz I/i - 23 - USSR~ UDCi None YBROZOLD'.31PUY, D. 0. , BONDAREITKO L. K,j J~JOSTOVOY, Yu. A., 0 B I NYA KO V B. A., FEDT~TIII, V. P. and PWIFK, W. I. I'Keasurement of ITeutron Spin-Electron Impulse AnEular Correlation in the Decay of Polarized Neutrons" Moscow,,Pis'm-~ v Zliv-Irrial H-ksDerimentallnov i TI.eareticheskoy Fiziki, vol. 13, ~-.To. 7, 5 j*-p-,,zLi i'971j pp j50-359 Abst-_-_nct: "Ilh-is iett-2r offeis an method for precise ol~' t'ne an.71alar correlation coeffi6i=nt in the beta 4~ C- C:ly 0 r, -.!,14* a,,ro i d errors due -4-o -n 4- on recoil and o4-her Z;* the neutron fa s t c --- z t c ~e,:, 1-YI the axneri- phra - mental apparazaq iz separattad out by a dia- - gm from the elec- tron duti.-_,tor, ~%Md thc rocordin~; of all decay:lpvotows c oi,rr;,,,,, pond- ing to the r(2co-rded eluctrons iz thus guarant6ed. it cl%oss- sectio-n-al sekeLc!'i of -L".e apmoratuz is Lr,-ivcn. 'The polarization co- -c enlll- of easured by thg; Stern-Gerlach me- --G.-I e a P M 7 C1. P, --I -,, 4. ~'hE I _t n ty of 3 lot 11cutrons/sec, I /z ..... ....... -------- ----------- L -.Y,EROZOLII,!SrL IY, B. G. , et al, Pis Ima v Zhurnal Lksperimentallnoy i Teoriticheskoy Fiziki, vol. 13, NO. 7, 5 Aprill!971, pp 356-~50.1 experimental work was done in the M-1-1 reactor O-P the Institute of Atomic Energy irieni I. V, Kurchatov. The a,iithors express their gratitixde to P. Ye. Spiva-k ffor his interest; t 'o A.,I. Afonin, A..G. Roshchin, A. Yu. Kulikov, and S. I. Kuzn'=-tsov for setting up the equipment and making measurements; andLto the personnel under the direction of V. P. Chernyshevich, ih charge of the IRT-M reactor. 2/2 USSR UDC 621, FMN,K G. A., and CHISTAKOV, Yu. D. "On the Possibility of Making Precision Thin-Film Voltage Dividers for Digital Measuring Instruments" Sb. nauch.__tr._po probl. m1kroelektron. Mosk. in-t'elektron. tekhn. (Collected Scientific Works on Problems of Microelectronics. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology), 1972, vyp.~ 8, pp~ 165473 (from RZh-Avtomtika, Telemekhanika i YXch1slitel1naya Tekhnikap: No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9A112) Translation: The authors consider requirements for ~the most typical re- sistor ratio circuits used in digital nieasuring instruments and investigate the.possibility of making voltage dividers by thin-film techniques. Technological particulars which improve the elvctrQp~ysicalproperties of voltage dividers are presented. Two illustrations, bibliography of one title. Resum6. Acc. Nr: AIJI-10034718- R ek. Co8a: UR 0241 PRIMARY SOURCE: Meditsinskaya Rfd:,~01_ogiya, 1970, Vol 15, Nr 2, LHE RESULTS OF CHEMORADIATION TREADIENT OF STEOGENI 0 SARCOMAS OF BONES OF THE EXTREAUTIES. Volkova, M. A, Kuznetsova, I. P.; Kolyadyuk, ty 11, Pel'man, S-. G.; Frank, G. A. The paper carries the results of treating 28 patients who were subjected to, telegammatherapy and then chemotherapy by the m thod of regional . perfusion. After e 1b the end of treaUlent tile follow-up period comprised 2-3 ye4rs. In one lialf of the patients during the first year after treatment there was noted a recurrvnce of the neoplastic growth, in 4 of them with te simultaneous appearaiwe of inelastases in the lungs. Five patients are ailve without signs of the disease. two of them with a preserved extremity. The above-mentioned technique,. may be recommended as palliative if the patient refuses an amputation of as the first stage of combined, treatment. REEL FRMIE 19711424 k: ~11'4;.. Biophysics USSR BERESTOVSKIY, G. N., LIBMAN, Ye. A., LUNEVSKIY, V. Z., and'FRANK, G. Institute of Biological Physics, Academylof Sciences USSR "Optical Studies on Changes in the Structure of the Nerve Metabrane During the Conduction of Nerve Impulses" Moscow, Biofizika, No 1, 1970, pp 62-68 Abstract: During action potential there is a change in the birefringence of the nerve fiber membrane due to change in the electric field in the membrane. At the peak of action potential, the birefringence of the membrane increases by 1.5-10-4 and the value of the optical effect record(id is Inversely propor- tional to the diameter of the axon. Changes in bireftingence of phospholipl-d membranes are due to changes in their structure follawing displacement of the fat-soluble ions by the electric field and not to the direct action of the field'on the lipid or protein part of the membrane. The mechanism of change in permeability of a nerve membrane may be similar to.~he mechanism of *on migration across these phospholipid membranes. USSR "Tasks of Contemporary Biqpnyoics" Moscow, Biofizika, Vol 15, No 2, 1970, PP 195-197 Abstract: Z'Aodern bio-physics includes molecular blo--ohysies, bio- physics, and the biophysics of conAtrol. systems. Its task is -~d Z~-7,111-lyze phenomen-, occurring in even the most complex biological :.,ysLems on *,h-e r.-,ole- cular,level. Therefore, physical and physicochemical re-aarcElis invaluable as a-giant steD toward decoding the molecular basis of cc,'--Plex proces-zes. Progress in instrument technologry and in mat*hematic~il mo(,eling eeneratea progreoo in biophysics. Now, biop~iycics formulates and 4- --ore - approachen, and experlmenl;U, M(--Aliadz, Lo Wher Chemical asPects Wit- Aical biological sciences, vild 3iiaultaneouoly fiuicti= (to it O(WiLont"I'1111 fttct-or. its leading role will continue to grow. 1,16 may. mention two biolrjj,,~,Ical areas -.tere biophysics is particularly important. Orb-- D; the *,tudy homeorfta2is ana C=Mr-0-1.7 =t :-.n2.y on the neural and enzymatic lovel, but liI~jo on thc basis of cell me-Obranes ard -.',,1e recently diScovered. submicro3cor-ic -;nzra- cellular membranes, The zecond area is ine-vitro renroduq-tion of certain cellular processes, especially synthesis; progress in thi's lIE-Search will be of great economic significance for the chemical induszry. As 11,cre infoi-,aatir-n 1,/,-D Tj8SR FRANK, G.M.1, Biofizika, Vol 15, No 2, 1970, PP 195-197 and analyc;La I t.-coiar, iivJ E spen.;;a)Ie. is gathered, cumpUters for data proceoping Less research should be done on dead fragments and more On intw::t urgenioms. Biophysics should supply not only new research inst=ments, b"At also ne',r theoretical approaches, research programing, and statistical evaluations of results' Lenin's concepts of transformations and trends:iu scienceL enable us to outline prospects for biophysics'and evaluate I~ignificance for other biological disciplines. 2/2 :;,31/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING OATE--160CT70 TlTLE--OPTICAL STUDIES OF THE CHANGE IN THE STRUCTURt OF~NERVE mEMBpANE .'DURING NERVE IMPULSE TRANSMISSION -V- 4UTHOR-(04)-BERESTOVSKIYy G,N.f LIBERMANI YE.A., LUNEVSKIYt V.Z.t FRANKv ;COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~'SPURCE--BIGFIZIKA 1970, 15(l), 62-8 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 iSUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND ME-DICAL-SCIENCES Topic TAGS--CRAYFISH, NEURON, CELL MEMBRANE,. PHOSPHOLIPID', LIGHT REF RAC T I ON 'CONTROL MARKING--ND RESTRICTIONS :DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED `,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/0625 STEP NO--UR/0217/70/015PI001~10062/0063 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117851 WJC LA SS I F 1 E D ~12 02i UNCL AS S I F I ED PkkESSING DATE--16orT70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117851 i'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN ISOLATED ABDOMINAL AND FOOT NERVE FIBERS AND GIANT AXONS OF ASTACUS ASTACUS (CitAYFfStl), THE AC T 11 ON E POTENTIAL PEAK INCREASED BIREFRINGENCE OF THE NERVE FIBER 0EMBRA.-N IN 'EXPTS. IN WHICH A BOVINE BRAIN BIMOL. PHOSPHOLIPID~-,'IEM&RANE 4A5 USED ALONEV THE BIREFRINGENCE CHANGES CAN BE.EXPLAINED AS THE ACTION OF AN ELEC. FIELD ON IONS DISSOLVED IN MEMBRANE.11PI .DS.BOT N6t AS THE ACTION N THE LIP11) OR PROTEIN PAkT OF THE ME14 R NE. IT IS 'OF~ELEC. CURRENT 01 a A SUPPOSED THAT THE MECHANISM OF BIREFRLNGENCE CHANGES IS SIMILAR TO THE MECHANISM.OF ION TRANSPORT ACROSS THESE MEMBRANES.! FACILITY: :.:~~:,ANST. BIOL. PHYS.p PUSCHINO, USSR' UNCLASSIFIED USSR BENETSKIY, B. A., NEFEDOV, V. V., FRANK, I.:,M., and SItTRANIM, I. V., Institute of Nuclear Research, Aca216W'-6f'S-diencds USSR I'Interaction of 13-17-Mev Neutrons With Lead, Isotopes" Moscow, Yadernaya Fizika, Vol 17, No 1, 1973, pp 21-23 Abstract: For purposes of studying the interaction of neutrons with heavy nuclei in the vicinity of filled shells, the authors investigated the total neutron cross-sections aT for Pb206.207,208. The results of these exDer4- ments were reported at the Twenty-Second All-Union Con1erence on Nuclear Spectrometry. A resonance peculiarity is observed in the behavior Of OT for Pb207 at a neutron energy of 16.8 Mev (16.7 Hev c.'m.s.)j which corre- sponds to excitation of the compound nucleus Pb208 eqqal tO.E = 24.1 Mev. The position of the resonance, the order of its width;and the-character of the peculiarity in the variation of the elastic scattering cross-section with energy suggest the excitation of analog'fast-neutron capture resonance. The authors thank V. A. ROZOVSKIY and V. P. MALIKOV, who took part in the work, and F. L. SHAPIRO, G. Ye. BELOVITSKIYj I. Ya. MRIT, V. I. POPOV, and V. A. SERGEYEV for discussing the work and for their interest in it. DSSR' and FRAM, Ii 14. Institute o BELOVITSKIY, G. Ye., KOLESNIKOVA, L. N., f Nuclear Research of the Academy of Sciences USSR Vb206, 207, 208 "Angular Distribution of 13.7-Mev Neutrons in Elastic Scattering by isotopes" Moscow, Yadernaya Fizika, No 4, Apr 72, pp 662-665 Abstract: The differential cross sections for elastic scattering of 13. 7-Mev neutrons by Pb206, 207, 208 isotopes were measured and 'compared.. All measure- ments were conducted under identical conditions. The angular distributions for the three isotopes were the same within the Hmitsliof thc! rinasurement accuracy (n,20%). This is explained by the fact that nq-titron scattering by heavy nuclei is basically potential scattering. A comparison of the experi- mental data with calculations based on the optical Liodiil vielded satisfactory agreement. The agreement was best for scattering angl6s less than 110'. but the experimental cross sections were higher than the theoretical. cross nec- tions for larger angles. This is attributed to the fact that a correction for multiple scattering was not introduced into the e ~)erimantal data. Since the lead isotopes behave identically within the limits, of the experimental accuracy, it is concluded that the good approximation of the e-perimental data 1/2 USSR BELOVITSKIY,. G. Ye. et al., Yadernaya Fizika, No 4, Apr 72, pp 662-665 to the theoretical curve supports the validity of the ti~y-periineatal de-termina- tion not only of the relative but also of the absolute values of the differen- tial cross sections of the elastic scattering that wer6 obtained. The sinti- larity of the angular distributions for the three isotopes is said to be caused by the fact that elastic scattering by heavy nurlei for neutrons, with energies of about 14 Mev is basically potential a~d is ~ theref ore rot n greatly different when the number of~.nucleons. changes 1~y 1-2 units. 212 - 47 .......... ........ USSR BELOVITSK.TY, G. Ye.; KOLESNIKOVA, L. N.,- NUTS 40 flrztitute of I'luclear Research es) USSR Academy of Scienc "Inelastic Scatterirt, of Neutrons with an S n e rg yof 33 J Mov by Isotopej of Lead" MOSCOW,, YaderiWa Fizika; April, 1972; p,,) 666-9 AB.STRACT: The aut-hors measured the cncr"~ spectra for he -!J,(-.0,--st-;c sc-il-teInliq t U N6907'208 Of 11. 7 1~ev by Fb P - -' isotopos. A well-definnd group corre.13p.-aiding to axclta-lent was obsrrved in all tile qinerr. _X apar-tra. The angular distr-ibutioiti of the neutrowe for tho inelaitiq scatterinp, vith P-xci- 2061207,203 tation of the (3-Wevel in Fb idthin the Umitz; of accuracy of the nensuremento. The angidar distributions ware c=nxed vith ones calculated for the optical nodel in a distorbed ir~ve appro:dmabion. The Value Of the octupole defonaation aranater 0.16 0.02) was obtained for P 208 Fb USSR UDC: Elon KOBZBV A. F. MIKIIALYAK, 3.j RUTIKOVSKI, Ye., and Charg articles "Optical Radiation Excited by lionrelativistic,, -ed 11 on I-Iletal Surfaces" Moscow, Yadernaya Fizika, vol 15, No 2, 1972, ;pp 3~6-333 Abstract: The phenomenon of radiation im the visAle and ultra- violet razages of the spectrum from metal surfeces excited b,y charged particles has been observed in experiments in which sil- ver, gold, and aluminum targets were bombarded, by protons with energies of up to 4.5 Miev, vith the radiation 'observed at an angle of 860 with the normal to the target surface,,- Those re- sults i-,,ere found to be in agreement with the 11-,~heory of transi- tional radiation. The purpose of the present al,ticle is to ob- tain additional arguments for the detection ofi transitional radiation by comparing measurements made in boinbarding the same targets with Protons and electrons. The measurements were made using protons at an energy level of 1.5-4.5 I-ley, ajad ' electrons with levels of 0.5-15 kev. A description-of the equipment is 1/2 USSR KOBZE;V, A. P., et al., Yaderna~M Fizika, vol 15, No 2.. 1972, Pi) 3~-16-333 given together with an explanrator~,, dia-gran, and the me 'thod of measuremant is explained. 'The authors conclude that their experimentS, provide additional proof of the usefulness of the trannitional mdiatioz) ~Iheor3r. ... rim- li-3.14 Eli t4-. t~ E~'; -jML 111931WI If l-I-E III -;I -II A I nill ;I A LiIAMi USSR UDC 6jz.oi5,61%?391577,158 VITOLIKI, S. P., STEPCHKOV, X. A., F]WIX, YD. L.l and KM,1ER,,YU. 11., Riga Medical Institute and All-Union 9fffflftTML"?emsxch lnstitute~for the Bio- synthesis of Proteins "Utilization of Honnutritive Proteins in Human and Anival Nutrition. II. Yeast Proteins as a Source of Nutritive Nitrogen!' Riga, Izvestlya Akademil Nauk Latv1yskoy.5SRp No 2S 1971t pp ~1-77 Abstracts The nutritive value of yeast preparatioas obtained by enzyme hydro- lysis from Torula, utilis In combination with nxiouG bread grains was studied In weanling rats, The growth of rats fed yeast, whoat flonert and fibrIn (4t5#1 or 5t4sl) enriched with nethioatne waa:virbuallkindisitinguichable from the control which received casein* A combination of yeast and barley groats or rice (6s4) manifested a much higher a=bolie '6Tficiency t1-on did case" The animals gained 48 and 38 g# respectively, in, 10 days compared with 31 g in the control kept on the casein diet, A combination of itholo blood pro- teinst yeast# ani casein (3s413) or 5s411) resulted in.:trpIghVgaiw equal to those produced by c=oin alone. It would appear, therofores that nonnutritive proteins can be converted into nutritive Xor:w and that the biological officloncy of plant proteins c.,-m ba enhanced kr combining them with a nonnutritive substance 11.11ce yeast. 1/1 112 021 UNCLASSIFIED PRbCESSING OATE~- 160CT70 -U- ,TITLE--DlOLI AS A SOURCE OF ENERGY IN ORAL AND PARENTERAL ALIMENTAtION AUTHOR-(03)-KREMER, YU.N., VITOLINYA* S.P., FKANKt YE.L. 'iCOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :-SOURCE--VOPROSY PITAINIYAr 19701 NR 3v PP 62-67 ------ 70 .DATE PUBLISHED- ECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCLENCE.S SUBJ JOPIC TAGS--POLYHYDR(JXY ALIPHATIC ALCOHQLv DIET, ANIMAL P11'(SIOLOGY1, RAT, DOG ARKING--ND RESTRICTION CCNTROL M 15 CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAIME--1998/0003 STEP NO--UR/02441'i'()IGOD/003/OO62/OGtj7 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120703 I . L A, S F I U H. R, 7111 ~I~ i i It P~ -',I I to L'il-IIII, I I $I 'i n lip: I I lqIv I i~ I It, 11111111:111 1 L I I !I, H N? E1 I M [I [I I] [.III I III mall I I 11111111!111 MEM LIAM a I C 1.4159ML I 2/2 021 UNICL ASSI F I ED PROCESSII~G DATE-1613CY70 20703 ACCESSION NO-AP012 _S5 UP USING -,,.ABSTPACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- AbSTAACT. THE.EFFECTIVENL .1,3 BUTAN9.101- (BO) 4ND 1,2,PROPANDIOL IPD) AS A SOUPCE 'OF ENEk3Y IN ORAL .-FEEDING WAS STUDIED ON WEXNED kATTLINGS. BOTH DIOLS, L t K t_- SI T E (SORBITOL)t REPLACEO (IN TERI-IS OF ISOCALORIES) 10 LIR 20PE ENT Or- SACCHAROSE lN,SEMISYNTHETIC. ANIMAL RATIONS. THE L,~rmt WL:i E GIV N F R -1.0 DAYS. THE WEIGHT GAIN OF THE ANIMALS KEPT ON A I UIET C011TAINING BUTANDIOL (10 OR 20PERCENTI VIAS NOT INFERIOR TO THAr IN ANIMALS OF CORRESPONUING CONTROL GROUPS. THE GROWTH RATE OF HATTLINGS 1,14 qHOSF ..RATION IOPERCETN OF SACCHAR05E WAS REPLACED BY PO '.IAS HIGHER AND OF WITH 20PERCENT REPLACEMENT LOWER THAN IN THE CASE OF CONTROL _DIET. T14E TEN PERCENT OF SORBITE WHICH SUbSTITUTEO CO~tRESPONUINGY ODUCED A MARKED INHIBITION UF VITH 4 ILE A AMOUNTS OF SACCHAKOSE PRL GRO H --.2,OPERCENT REPLACEMENT RUSULTED IN DEATH OF THE ANI'MALS. INTRAVENOUS LUCOSE (IN A INJECTION TO DOGS OF A 80 OR PO MIXTURE WITH G RATIO OF 1:1 IN TERMS OF CALORIES) AT THE RATE,OF 50 GREAT CALUMIES PIFR I KG OF BODY WEIGHT SHOWED THE NITROGEN BALANCE FIGURES TO BE, NOT ANY. LOWER THAN AFTER INTRODUCTION OF CALORIES EQUIVALENT Amoutirs,,DF GLUCOSE, THIS PROVING THAT BOTH DIOLS ADMINISTERED PARENTERALL Y LARE VIELL ASSIMILATED BY THE CANINE ORGANIZM AS A SOURCE OF ENERGY. FACILITYz KAFEDI~A ~BICKHIMII-I.TSENTRAL'NAYA N-I LABORATORIYA RIZHSKOGO MEDITSINSKOGO INSTITUTA. 1. A1~ I F I L L; USSR UI)Ct~621.317.421 GORSKAYA, E. M., SKRYNNIKOV, R. G.. and FRANK-KAMENETSKIY, A. V "Measurement of Magnetic Inductioa During Pendulum Oscillations of Magnetometer Measurement Trans f ormer" Moscow, Metrologiya, 1973, No 4, pp 73-79 Abstract: The subject magnetometer consists essentiaLl.y of,a pendulull-I oscillating in the magnetic field to be measured. The voltage grencrated in a coil mounted on t)i(-- pendulum is proportional to the magnetic field. Tl)j-c(! problerns related to this magnetometer are solved: 1. With ffic- pendulum oscillating in the plane of the magnetic meredian, the rnean voltage for one period of oscillation is derived, the expression of erro,rs comi-nAted by averaging the voltage for a fraction of a period is giv~,In. 2. The effect of the magnetic moment of the magnetometer base is analysed.. 3. The effect of oscillations of the magnetometer base is investigated. UNCLASSIFIED 112 023 PWCESSING DATE--23OCT70 ..'.TITLE--THE SCIENCE OF TINE -U- -AUTH0R--FRANKKA.4ENETSKlYt 04A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--PRIRODAP NO. 3, 1970, P. 11-19 'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--TIME, QUANTU!i THEORY, PROBABILITY, ATWC.CLOCK, SPKIAL ~RELATIVITY THEORY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UlNCLASSIFIFO PROXY REEL/FKAME--1988/1464 STEP t-40--tJR/G02f)/'rO/0001003/OOIL/~)-,JI9 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106220 -2/2 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OAT9--23OCT70 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106220 ::-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CONSIDERATION OF THE FUNOAMENTALS PT FO TIME IN QUANTUM ~OF THE MODERN SCIENCE OF TIME, COVERING THE CW4CE 'FTIV AO PHYSICS 4N0 IN TliE SPECIAL TtlE(JRY OF RELATIVITY, TIIE 01.4 try N SYMMETRY OF TIME, AND TIPIE VS CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY. ALSO UISCUSSED ARE, CLOCKS (IF VARIOUS DESINGS, SUCH AS A MOLECULAP, CLOCK DEVELOPED BY BASOV AND PROKHOROV, INDICATING THE CLOSE RELATION BENEEN TIME: THEORY OF OSCILLATIONS. MEASUREMENTS IN CLASSICAL PHYSICS AND THE 2 f 2 024 UNCLASSIFIE01 PROCESSING 0ATE-27NOV70 tRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136504 '.~:,A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A NUMBER OF INVES11GATIONS OF ,,'IELECTRON CYCLOTRON PLASMA HEATING HAVE REVEALED THE;~~PRE8ENCE OF A GROUP ::'_'"OF'-HIGH ENERGY ELECTRONS (SEVERAL TIMES,10~KEV)t EXCEEDING a N, Y MA Y -,ORDERS OF:MAGNITUDE THE AVERAGE ENERGY OF THE PLASMA ELECTRONS. THE l:._AUTHbRS_BELIEVE THE ORIGIN OF THE HOT ELECTRONS TO BE RESONANT PAP MCLES, WHOSE DOPPLER SHIFTED FREQUENCY~COINCID,E,5 WITH THE CYCLOTPON OMEGA OMEGA SUBC EQUALS K SUBU V iSUBI. TflEY SHOWt USING THE -EQUATION FOR THE ELECTRON CYCLOTRON WAVES THAT THIS 0 LSP ER S ION; EON, LEADS DIRECTLY t0 A CORRECT ESTIMATE OF! THE ENERGY OF THE HOT ELECTRONS Ace. Nr., , 4~0045589-' Ref. Code: UR 0463 PRIMRY SOURM 'Molekulyarnaya Biologiya,ilM, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp tj?-/,Vj MELTING Or IMA WITH DFPECTS IN ITS SECONDARY STRUCTURE Berestetakayn, 1. Koso~ganqv - Yu.- U., - La zurkin, Yu. S.; Trifonov, E. N.; Frank-Kamenetskix, Mi'v. r-- Inytit"I"M ="Mc T710, 11 Is shown Ilint lite Incirmse In width of'llw melting ratiLre )I DNA dije it) shear dev'rAdMinn'Is In wor(lance willi. Wt rccently developed, limmy (51. Shice this increase is dite to lite disruption of Ilic hase Making Inlevidlon 'al lite ouls of helical regions, (lit measurcuicni. of lite WmAse of lite melihigr width cati be ustd as a inethod (or dt- terminnilon of comerilrallcin of dcfccl3 (Ioca)ly dcrialursleld Mies) In DNA of bigli mo)c- ailar weight. Potentialities of (lie proposed flicrioDdynAmic methad are Musirated 6y lite experlinents willi DNA sampIcA conlaliving deitcls IndiscWhy UV-irrzd1&1Ior;. The REEL/FWIE iS7805IG4 AP0045589 Collecillralloa of defects It) Ilicse DNA samples was estimaltd slso by,nican3 o4 recently proposed kinetic method ill. Analysis of the citic.4flon concerning the ilitsitivily of bol-'I methods lit repril to Ilic deltda of diffettrit origin showed that as jt-ha~ beta expedtil ti-tse mieffiods did not 411SU119111131) I)OWM lim ends of sheared molecults and (he ends of klical feglons nelghbouring the locally denaluraled slits. This rejult wrillrox the wall- 411ty of Abe use ol shear dtgraded DNA for calibration ot.Wh 4MIW&~, 197801565 1 2,:.' 027 PROCESS[Nr,, 0ATE--18SEP70 UNCLASSIFIED~" 1T.ITLE-, NATURE OF THE DESTABILIZATION OF ZR SUBI MINUS~~ X CA SUt3X 0 SU82 ~'.'M I NU S, -X ~SOLID SOLUTIONS DURING REACTION:WITH BORON OXIDE -U- AUTHOR-(04)-FILATOVv S.K., FRANKKAMENETSKIY, ~V,A., ZHURAVINA, T,A., COUNTRY OF INFO-, USSR ,.SOURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRT NEORG. MATER, 1970, 611)v 146-7 ------- 70 iSUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, PHYSICS ~~TQPIC TAGS--SOLID SOLUTIONt CRYSTAL LATTICE STRUCTUREI ZIRCONIUMt CALCIUM _~.:_OXIDE, CHEMICAL REDUCTION, BORON CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 00CU4ENT CL4SS--UNCLASSIF[ED ,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1964/0082 STEP NO--UR/0363/70/()06/001/0166/0167 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054879 U~,x AS S I F 1 r- 0 2/2 027 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--.18SE070 -C,IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054879 "-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE UNIT CELL PARAMETERS OF THE ~STABfLIZEO CUBIC LATTICE OF ZR SU131 MINUS X-CA '- U f3 X. 0 S-062 MINUS X SULto -SOLNS. IN THE PRESENCE OF 8 SUB2 0 S1133 AND OF THE MONOCLINIC P"ASE FORMING DURING DESTABILIZATION WERE MEASURED. SAMPLES 141 TmOUT ANY 3 PRESENT ARE REPRESENTED ONLY AS THE CUBIC PHASE WITH T14E P4RAMEIEP A BEING CONST. FOR ALL FIRING TEMPS, IN SAMPLES CONTG- 0.3 MOLE PERCENT CAG AND IN SAMPLES CONTG. 8 AND ANNEALED AT bOO AND 800DEGREES? THE PARAMETER OF THE CUBIC PHASE IS CONST. WITHIN THE SAME LIMITS. AFTER -FIRING AT 1000~AND 1200DEGREES, THE SAMPLES ARE A MIXT. OF THE CUBIC AND MONOCLINIC.PHASES, WHICH PREVENTSAN ACCURATE DETNsr OF LATTICE ~.~~.PARAMETERS.~.THE A PARAMETER OF THE'CUBIC PHASE REMAINS CONST. WITHIN THE :EXPTL.. ERROR OF PLUS. OR MINUS 0.00Z.'ANGSTROMq..WHlCH. CORRESPONDS. TO CONST.,CHEM. COMPN. OF PLUS OR MINUS 2 MOLE PERCENT CAO. THE LATTICE PARAMETERS OF THE MONOCLINIC PHASE ARE.CONST. IN A~'L CASES WITH[ri EXPTL. ERROR.:AND ARE CLOSE TO THE PARAMETERS OF PURE ZRO SUB2; THE CA CONTENT IStINSIGNIF.ICANT. DESTABILIZATION OF~CUBIC ZR SUBI!MINUSX CA SUBX 0 SUB2 ~.MINUS.X SOLID-SOLNS. IS ASSOCO. WITH A LOSS OF CA# THE. MONOCLINIC PHASE FORMING.-DURING.THE DESTABILIZATION IS MACTICALLY:PURE ZRO SUB2 ANDTHE CA CONTENT IN THE REMAINING CUBIC-PHASE REMAINS, CONST. WfTHIN THE LIMITS JZPLUS OR MINUS 2 MOLE PERCENT CAO.: . ......... . .......... ............ ... . ...... Wifid: Acc. Nn Abstracting,Service: Ref. Code #0048483 15J 001?'0 CHEMICAL ABST. 70 Fon~luln 104896z Crystal-chemical limit of zir onium;-ralciura sw~- stitution in zimoniurn, dioxide ba d on them Iluorite, motif. ]Eilatov. Frank-Kamenctsk-Y, r~- . N."tngriid. Gos. U1 I9Tqj lamp 176- AN ristall-Ograp, rii-vLeni md 7 limiting structure of the Zri*_',Ca.02L;, sYsttni (1), satd. by Mold coordination polyhedra, x ~= 0.125, is dWcussed. The equal staiistical distribution oi vacancies in Jbc voli Of the solid soln. leads to t46r localIzatio;i in detd, lp~sitions~ in the fluorite structure and.ait the spint time tx) a (lotease (4,1beir symnietry. Crystals of ~cotnpn. I camiot have 016 uoritt typt! of structure. The distribution of ciltlOss ill I ifi or localized. Deviations from' the: starting fluorite motif are brought about not only by ordering in the anionic orkationk part of the structure, but also by slight shifts of atxims,. K. Volka 1A A960, . .................. .. Ref Code: Ace. Nr: Abstracting Service'. ,/ - z0 us 006.8 CHEmICAL ABST. APP44397 84013d Mechanis tic field eff e'ct on Andimcene M of the magne Sokolik 'I, Photoconductivity. r2nkpvifh hem. ghXs.. Mo MWe Cowwan. 1970, -4,14). 2,OI-,J,kbng). of I ''magnetic field on ~ the photo- anthracene crystals excited* in thi cond. of C Mnglet-tri~let absbrp- t tion band under hole injiction, vias iiVestigated.: ;This effect -may be explained in-terms of triplet exiiton..trapp~d !hole inter- action. Such a model Miay be applIed lo the' earlier'. results on magnetic held effect on uv-excitid photocond. U'sia' neutral 9 contacts. RCYZ, E6 PRIOCESS4NG DATE--- 20NOV70 -028 UNCLASSIF1 _.TJ.TLE--Ph0TUGENERATIGN OF CURRENT CARRIERS IN CRYS M~L I NE~ TEMACENE IN A _'_M,3GNET IL Ftf=LC -U- L.S.9 NGVIKOVA# L.l..v FRANKEVIC.Hi YE.L. ;-."CEUNTPY LF INFO--USSR Ca:-ZHW,%AL EKSPEkimENrALINOY I -TEGRETICHESKOY~FtZlKV, lg*to. VOL 58, 0 U r R 5,, PP 1574-1579 _'ZATE... PUBL ISHEU ----- -70 -,SU6JECT ARC-;~S-PHYSICS ~.'TCPIC TAGS -_,MAGNIE TIC. FIELD, PHOTOCONDUCTIVITY, FLUOR E~SC EPIC[, BENZENE !"~';-_DERIVATI'ilt SURFACE FILMY ORGANIC CRYSTAL '._rCCUTRCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .-PROXY AELL/FRAME-3002/0024 STEP NO-UR/005~>170~/05a/005/1574/1579 t: IRC AICCESSSICN N!G--AP0l27674 ':'~~'.2/2 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-20NO1170 ACCESSICN NO--AP0127674 ~,ABSTRACT/EXTRAC7-1U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE. EFFECT G f-AIfiAGNE T IC F I EL 0 ON 'PFCTCLGNGU(;TIVITY OF A TETRACENE IS INVES~rIGAIED. BY r-GMPARItiG 'JhE - F.1 LIM THE RESULTS WITH CATA FROM, THE LirERATURE.-ON 1-1-ilE ~Eff-ECI DF A MAGNETIC ON TETRACENE FLUORESCENCE, IT IS DEMONSTRATED TH.,ir THE EFFECT OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD ON' PHOTJCURRC',%T IS DUEJO AT LEAST 11WO DIFFERENT "IN I EL PROCESSES. CNE PROCESS IS DUE TO THE FACT WA. R; TYP~ EXCITONS REASE (IF IN GENERATION OF CURRENT CARRIERS. yi,p-i DEC. PARTICIPATE THE CCNTR I BUT ICN' OF THE, F IRST . PROCEiS !Oi~ VAR [AT ION OF PHOTOCURk-ENT IN THE MAGNETIC FIELD DECREASES WHEREAS TIfE CONTRIBUTION OF lhE..SECCND PROCESS INCREASES. FACILITY: 1~JSTII.UT KlilMICHESKOY ;~FIZIKI, AKADEMII NAUK SSSR. Acc. Nr: AF00446.07 Ref. Code: ti 0 q -kay FMIeditsina, 1970, ~Vol 48, PRULARY SOURCE: Kliniches Nr pp. 64-7,d THE IMPORTANCE ALATHEMATICAL ASSESSMENT OF OF SYMPTOMS IN THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS AND PERFORATING GASTRIC, ULCER K. 1. Myshkin, L. A. Franklart, Al. V, Kdfisdva 'y By mean-, of mathematical treatment on tUrals-2* electron computer of 320 case histories of patients suffering from -acute pancreatifis and -perforating Vastric ulcer. the authors have elaborated an original t4ble of weight values. of symptoms which enables to carry out the differential diagnosis between these twGdNcases. Verification of the diagnostic value of the table on another 330 case histories his demonstrated that the error comprised only 4 per cent arid thus is not inferior to rots'ti ne di fferizatial diagnosis. The.aulhor$ are ot the 9pi nion tha t the proposed table as an accumulator of extensive clinical experience inay,in tk- first place be ot essential aid to the inexperienced physician and Jn the second place' be. an itnport~;srtt clernent in the programmatic teaching of clinical- surgery. REELMNXE 19771284 USSR uw (eq.7.036.3.-533-07-2 M. 0. "Loss Detenrination in a Diffuser During Thinning of the,,Boundntry Layer by Means of Slit Suction!' MOSCOW,, Promyshlennan)m Aerodinamika-SboraLk (Industrial ~Aerodynamics-- Collection of Works), Mashinostroyeniye, 110 3 , 1973, PP'34-40 (fro;Ii Referativnyy Zhurnal--Av-iatsionnyye i Raketnyye Dvigatell, No 10, 1973, Abstract No 10-34-54. Resumn.) Translation: A for=la is obtained for calculation of tho hydraulic resifftame a" a hydraulic diffuser with slit suction, account beiiV!, tq-l:eri of energ e e A. ,y xp ad itures for accorq)]-i slim, ent of the nuction. There is, condmeted an experimental investigation of the slit suction of a turbulent bmin&-try layer in a two-dirz;en- sional and axisirm-neturical stream, by means of which it betcomes possible to estimate the relationship of tdie boundary-layer pamnsters during pasf3ag,3 throti.- -1-e o-O the sucked-off fluid. h, f r,;ures. 11 references. the slit to the flow ra. --30OCT70 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE _2/2 021 ~-C, IRC ACCESSION 140-AP0117695 ~,_ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SIX MONTH OLD MICE WERE SUBJECTED TO X IRRADN. AT 600 OR 2000 R, I AND 12 HR AFTER 1.~P- INJECTION OF THYMIDINE PRIME3ETA. THE STOMACHS WERE AUt.ORADlOGkrAPHED 24-60 HR AFTER -INJECTION. IRRADN. WITH 600 R, PERFORMED AT THE BEGIN-4ING OF CELL HE T DIVISION, INHIBITED CELL DIFFERENTIATIONt WHILE IRRADN. WITH 2000 R AT ~"._',.THE SAME PERIOD 010 NOT INFLUENCE CELL DIFFERENTIATIQN-~ CELLS 2000 R DURING THE S'PHASE FAILED TO DIVIDE WITHIN 49 fiR. 'PART OF THESE CELLS DIFFERENTIATED MORE~RAPIDLY. OF THE CELLS !,.40ST. ~_IRRADINTEU DURING TTHE S AND G PHASES FAILED TO DIFFERENTIATE DURING 60 :~HR- AFTER - IRRADN.' THE ROLE OF CELL DIFFERENTIATION IN THE "-.-~RADIOSENSITIVITY OF RENEWING:POPULATIONS-IS DISCUS$ED. FACILITY: LAB. EXP. ONCOL.9 INST. CHEM9 PHYS., MOSCOW, USSR41 UNC LASS IF lE_0_ 112 -024 UNCLASSI FIEO'~ PKQCESS:ING DATE 230CT70 OF DNA SYNTHESIZING CELLS IN HYPERPL4STIC EPIDERMIS AND PAPILLOIMAS OF THE MOUSE SKIN -U- --FRANKFURT9 D.S. AUTHOR -INFO--USSR COMTRY OF. SOURCE--TSITOLOGIYA; 12: 25-7 FEB 1970 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL ANDMEDICAL SCIENCES TAGS_-SKIN' PHYSIOLOGYt DNAt RIOSYNTHESIS9 CELL,PHYSIOLOGY, NUC-LEOSIDE, TRITIU14t CHEMICAL LABELLINCY ~tGNTRCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS, DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME-1997/1986 STEP NO--UR/9053/70/012/00,')/0025/0027 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120629 LIN t- L AS.S i F i E 0 ................. . ........ Mimi"- -------- ~; 212 024 UNCLASSIFIED. PkOCE55'fNG DATE--230CT70 CIRC 4CCESSION NO--AP0120629 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN THE HYPERPLASTIC EPIDERMIS, WHEREAS PINOUS -~~ONLY.BASAL CELLS SYNTHESIZED DNA AND GRANULAR.CELLS RE14AINED UNLABELLED ONE HR AFTER PRIME3 H :rHymotME INJECTION. IN PAPILLOMAS, 10PERCENT OF SPINOUS CELL& SYNTHES I M) DIN A THUS PAPILLOMAS OF THE MOUSE*SKIN WERE CHARACTERILED BY, A DISTURRANCE IN THE ~:AELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SYNTHESIS OF DNA ANU,DIFFERENTIATION, FACILITY: INST. OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS1 ~MOSCOW& (JIN C L A S S I F I E 0 1/2 024 UNCLASSMEO~. PROCESSING DATE--230CT7 -DISTRIBUTION oF DNA SYNTHE TITLE ESIZING CELLS IN HYPERPLhSTIC EPIDER41S -AND PAPILLOMAS OF MOUSE SKIN -U- 'AUTliOR-FRANKFURT? Ots. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SCUOf%.E--TSITOLOGIYA 19701 12(2)t 245-7 'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND-MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--DNA, HIOSYNTHESIS, ONCOLOGYt SKIN PHYSIOLOGYp TRITIUM, CHEMICAL LABELLING CRNTROL MAR.KFNG--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUME NT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --1997/2034 NO--UR/905'-3170/012/002/0245/0247 PROXY REEL/FRAME STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120677 UNCLASSIFIED W-alff FER TERM 11fam allwillm..'Um ifiWAINNit'd UNCLIASSI F IED' ~PROCESSING DATE--230CT7 -2/2 024 CIRC:ACCESSION NO--AP0120677 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DNA SYNTHESIS WAS EXAMD. WITH THYMIDINE PRIME3 H 114 RAT SKIN PAPILLOMAS INDUCED WITH 3r4sBEVOPYREME, IN THE HYPERPLASTIC EPIDERMISP ONA SYNTHESIS WAS 080. ONLY IN THE BASA CELL:ALYER. IN THE PAPILLOMAS, DNA!SYNTHESIS WAS OBSD. IN THE BASAL CELLS~ANO IN SOME CELLS OF THE SPINOUS L:AYER. THIS DISTURBANCE OF DNA SYNTHESIS IS CHARACTERISTIC.FOR MOUSE SKIN PAPICLOMAS. FACILITY LAB. EXP. ONCOL., INST. CHEM. PHYS., MOSCOW, USSR. UNC L A S S I F I E D 34' 014 UNCLASS] FIED PROI,"SSING DATE-13NOV70 :~GIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0134954 GP-0- ABSTRAc'r. uv SPGCTPA WER.E REPORTED OR 2v4tRR -C SUB6-H SU63 N: NC SUB6 fi SUB4 R PR IME2 -4 1 1 UR A. PR I ME I , AND R.~PRIME2 GIVE-N):.H, H, OH; H, NO SU82t OH Hp CLt O~~i; H v CO SUBZ ETI OH; Ht OH,' CL, NO USF-12, OH; CL, CO SUB2 LET,: GFI; CL:p!:CNj 'OH; CL, SCN" OH; qLH, Hr'. NO SU62; Ht H, CN; H, Hp AC; H, -H, 114 , - H 1 11; H , Nil SUB2' H, NME 'UB2; -H, 14ft SUB2, NO SUB2; H, OHr NO SUBZ;; Hp NME SYB2,M SU62; CLI 0,'4i-:'t OH: CLt MEt OH; CL, CLI Ort; CLt BRs OR; CL, NHAC, OH; CL, It'OH't NO CL, ,CO SUBZ Hy GH. . THE TRANSFER OF~ELECTRONIC~ CHARGE TH;k(JUGH. I ~CHROMOPHORE- IS 3-5 TIMES WEAKER THAN THROUGH THE CORP ESPOPID ING PHENOL --:'.-~SYSTE?4*-.'-THL- WAVE NOS. OF THE UV MAX*~ rl E ~0 WITH rJAMMET, SIGMA RE,CORRELA r T U N C L A S S 19 1 E 0 -Id Acc. N ef 6de 0101317_ Abstracting 70 ce *. - S e rVi U'R 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Secfion III Mecha~nical.and General, Derwent, F236913 POWD!~, LUBRIC4TED BLAIING consists oft'& bearii~g I witlE shaft-2' in ribbed csi;g 3. the lubricating power is distributed by mean: a centrifugal impeller 4 with diffuser 5 owone stde of, the bearing, connected by,means oU& pipe to a ribbed swirl chamber 7 with quick-releave cover.& on t4e~ other side. A small amount of lubricating'powder is.pl4ced- -in'the swirl chamber, and Phen ah&ft~2 Ls~rotatid the powder is sucked throughthe bearing,throtigh three throttling holes 10 by the impeller and returned by the connecting pipe to the swirl chamber. The waction of the powder through the bearing together with!air at high speed provides constait lubrication of beaiing surfaces, equal temps. and efficLent.]heat dispersal. 3.11.67. as 1194535/25-2711.Z54~,NW~K$HTN~ L.T. a &a (11.6.69) Bul. 7/3-2.69. c nt. F 06C. as r1t. REEL/FW1r, 19851090 USSR f ssor, Head of the Iaboratory of Ex rimantal Fatholo&r, 9RA"'964. Pro e 'PIZ Institute of Nor=! and Pathological Physiologyp Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "Central Mechanisms of Dyspnea" Moscow, Nauka i Zhizn, No W, 197if pp 71-73 Abstracti According to the theory of Soviet pbyslologist-s V. A. Orbeli and F. I. Kunstraz, dyspaea is of central origin., They believe that~in addition to thirst, hunger, emotional, and other centems, the b=in -,Um has an air hunger fear and anxiety center located in the vicinity of the respiratory centers. Each time the inspiratory center discharges impulsea to the inspixatory mut;cles, it also sendz impulses to the air hunger fear and anaiety+ center. In health, this center has a high threshold, However, under pathological conditions (cerebral anemia, sclerosis, or tumor) this center bocop6s hyporsensitive, so that it is stimulated even when the concentration ofjoxygen and carbon dioxide in blood is no=al and creates the sensation of~: hbnFer accompanied Irf fear and anxiety. 1A 112 020 UNCLASSIFIED ROCESSING I)Af(---30OCT70 _~_-TJTLE- ON THE MECHANISM.UF THE DEPRESSION OF THE 13HIB11ORY IiEgmr, BREUER REFLEX _U_ :AUTH,OR-(02)-FRANKSHTEYNt S.I.,-SERGEYEV9' L.N. .~,CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SUURCE-FIZIOLOGICfl.ESKIY ZHURNAL SSSR IEMNI, A."':SECHENCIVAs 1970.VOL 56v ::--"NR 5, P P. 764-766 _'-'.'~DATE PLIBLLSHED--70 ..__SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND IMEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--SLEEP, CRANIAL NIERVE, BREATH,INGf' RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGYt REFLEX C.LNTR.GL PARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS r DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/1604 STEP NO--UR/0239/'VO/050/005/0'164/O-t66 CIRC MACCESSICN 11.10-AP0127095 --30OCT70 UNCLASSIFIED Pl~OCESSING DATE CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0127095 ..-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. REFLEX APNOE EVOKED BY STIMULATION OF THE VAGU5 WAS INVESTIGATED lN UNRESTRAINED CAT$ WITH~CHRONICALLY IMPLANTED ELECTRODES. THE APNOE WAS CONTINUAL DU~ING,rliE SLEEPt AND MORE DISTINCT DURING THE SYNCHRONIZED:SLEEP THA.N.bURINGJHE .0ESYNCHRONIZED ONE. DURING WAKEFULLNES#'PARTICULARLY, IN THE ALERTED -STIMULATION OF THE VAGUS'DID NOT PRODUCE ANY APNOE. -,:,..CATSt SIGNIFICANCE ~OF,THE PRESENTED DATA FOR ANALYSIS OF THE DEPRESSION OF THE HERING FACILITY: BREUER l.NHIBfTORY REFLEX IN MAN, IS DISCUSSED. INSTITUTE OF NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY ACAD. MED. SCI. USSR* -mosccw. 112 018 UNCLASSIFIEb PROCESSING DArE--o2ocr7o ~TIT.LE-SEGMENTARY AND SUPRASEGMENTARY MECHANISM PROTECTIVE REFLEX -U ...,-PHENOMENON AT THE THORACIC LEVEL OF THE SPINAL CORD AUTHOR-(02)-SERGEYEVAt L.N., FRANKSHTEYN, Sol. .,,:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--BYULLETENI.EKSPERIMENTALINOY 31OLOGII 1:1MEDITSINY9 1970r VOL 69, ~.~F~NR 4, PP 44 47 ~DATE PUBL IStfED------70 -SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--SPINAL CORD, REFLEX, NEURON D ON'. WO E NT CLAS S--Ui!C LAS S I F I ED ,_'.PAUXY (RfU/FKAM('--j1)Ad/159j S IT PN 0-A 0 2 11) 11 0 5 9W) 4014 ri!)I CIRC AC(ESSION Nfj--AP0106'137 018 UNCLASSIFIED PkbcEssiN-i DATF--02nCT70 CIRC ACCESSJON NO-AP010tj337 --(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PLEURAL A A3STRACT/EXTRACT FHCT[ON PR)DJCES INHIBITION OF INITEPCOS'fAL REFLEXES 0 N' THE SIDE OF-I tHE ciiEsr LESION. INH1131TIC-N OF MOTOR NEURONS AT THE THORACIC LEVEL OF ThE SPINAL CORD IS c --.-:IMPLEMENTED BY POSTSYNAPTIC MECHANISMS. SEVERENCE~~OF THE SPINAL C3RO AT THE.LEVEL C SUB7 MINUS TH SUBI INTENSIFIESiINTERCUSTAL REFLEXES ON THE j SIDE OF THE LESION TO A GREATER EXTENT,THAN IT.DOES ON TTHE INPACT SIDE. ::.,HENCrz,, IN THE REALIZATION OF THE PROTECTIVE REFLEXJAT THE TtIJRACIC .,.LEVEL# APART FROM SEGMENTARY MECHANIS.MS,.PARTAKES ALSO DESrENOING Magnesium USISR UDCC '669-721-372 and MUSHSHAVEEV) K. D.~!,All-Union Institute of Aluminum and Magneoium 'ICathod? Process on Magnesimm Chloride Eleat,rolysis in Melts Containing ImDurities" Ordzhonikidzel Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebay1ch Za-vedeniy, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 6, 1973, pp 56-62,~ Abstract., The summary cathodic Volarization in the electrolyte of the composition (in wt%) 10 f,15-0 91 50 NO!, and 110 KC1 investigated at 7000C and 0.5 A/cm -cathodic~ourrent density; t'he results of-measuring the stationary potentialn of Ni, Fe, Cr, Al, Un, Ti, and Mg, as compared to the 01 electrode, are preaent.ed. Equal weight Fe and D'In potential S,,. rel-ative to t1ja comparable C1 electrode, wqre determined for alloy:.-j containing, (in ion :- t* ) and 2.06-10-2,Fe wid 5.87-10-3 Irvid grt-to ion.9 2-13-10" Mrn, respectively, and the respective empirical equa-- USSR FRiWAS'YEVs H. A., and MIUSHSHAVLEV, K. D., Izvestiya Vy~sshLkb Uchebnylkh Zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 6, 1973t,pp 56-62 tions are formulated. Pe polarized on the cathode at potentials close to equilibrium. The joint'Pe and Mg discharr-e in melts 3 to 9.16-l"-3 Fe (7000) containing (in ion fractions) 1207-10- 0 takes place at 0.06 to 0.4 A/cm current densities. The limiting discharge current of Fe ions was not attained at 31,73-10 2 pe concentration. At 0.006 A'/cm2 current density,~.the ,:b cathode potential becomes ecual to the Fe stationary potential at appro- priate Fe concentrations in the electrolyte and appropriate ten- perature of the electrolyte. Pive figures, one'~table, eight for- mulast six bibliographic references* 2/2 27 - Refrac o USSR UDC 6660764.:~~21.928-37 t MkRANTS, A. Get G U 11-1-ANT V. I* All-Unioq 12-18, iti.1te of Refra-c- tories; HGE-R, I. Ye., VASTLIVITS~KIIYV A. V.1 KREYDLL-T,* ic Resoar, P-n (I Scientif Design Institute of lf-e t _-I1urr:-i c all~la chin e ry; HO,~'!- IOV KO-RIgil L. Fie, wnd KOSTYRYA, Yu. F., Dnepropc~xovsk Me"allurgical Institute "Prosnects of 'he Ai)nlica'ion of the laelting Cyclone for tho U Production of helted Re'~ractories" Moscow, Ogneupory, No 5, 1-0073, PP 50-54 Abstract: The process of cvclone melting was invertip.1tted viill a vj.o_,w to produce Y:~ 1ted re" ctories of tho im-PiLwinn-spinu). mli,1 bm:iWtv-cwrw.Aw:, I ra 1 7 types. Eyperiments vere carried out at the Institute ol" thQ ilroblcTi;r, of Material Science of the. Acadei-,iy of Sciences Uki-MR. M-io experimexiL.,; indicate,,! the possibiliI7,, of applyinf;, melting cyclones with the of' a blast enricl_,ed with ovygen for the production of cast fused refractories witl,,l a fusi-on te-mi-,arature in which the malt aggregates in the warmin,:; foreht2a_rtli ror aftereast in's into molds. The dust remwal in cyclone wei-,Ani: does not excecO 5%, thus ensuring tile production of a melt which is close to tile initial charge in che.,deal composition. line optimm content 01" c::yc~,en in th,2 bla-st at an approxirate natural gas consim?tion of 1-5 110/kr- chari:c! wass deterUne-1. 1/12 Magnesium USSR UPC 661.311.12.3:66-093.6 FRANTASIYEVI N A., SHCHEGOLEV, V. I., and MUZHZHAVLEV, K. D.t All-Union -Aluminum-Yagnesium Institute "Dehydration of Yagnesium Chloride Crystallohydrates" Ordzhonikidze, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy--Chernaya-~'etallurgiya, No 4, 1973, pp 47-50 Abstract:. This work was devoted to an investigation of a number of questions concerning the final dehydration of the low hydrates of magnesiitm. chloride and the production of a raw material, suitable for eleotroly#n. The investigations showed that during remelting of the crystallohydrates, close in compocition to dihydrate magnesium chloride, in a treated electrolyte the 10-9ses of "'r"C12 'n producing a melt containing 40% 09C12 amounted to 33-72%, being increa-sed with t7l the:rlsa of temperature. The degree of MgC12 hydrolysis during romelting amounted to 14.5-Z7.5%, which exceeds tbe ~mngriitude of Yydrolys-is during, the dehydration of artificial and synthetic carnallite. 1~ydrolysis in the case of -ture of magresium c melting a mix hloride crystallohydx-.t6.s and'the electrolyte is increased by 2-5% in comparison with the variant of emo_lting crystalle- hydrates in the treated electrolyte. From the viewpoint of raw raterial sav- was more profitable to produce an anhydrous product with a lower 1/2 -2/2 f- - u - , PIMPY-TUFFFTITM art-M IIIIIHIMI -1114 MEDI CIN& Aerospace Medicine USSR- UDC 613.693 FRAMEN,_B. S. Speed and Precision of Movement in Flight Personnel" Moscow, Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No 8, Aug-70,-pp 68-70 Abstract: The speed and precision of motor reactions of 'fighter pilots (flying .time, 500-1,500 hrs) and ground personnel were-studied by measuring the time of a simple motor reaction and reactionsinvolving two or four components selections. The device used was a model of a steering stick (control column). No significant difference was noted between pilots and ground personnel in time required for a simple motor reaction., Total reacticia tima was less for pilots when a selection of two alternatives was involvedJand greater when a selection among four alternatives was required. Total time was greater with four alternatives than with two lots but remained the same for ground personnel. The mean latent period under conditions in,which a selection had to be,ma4e was shorter for pilots (387 and 426 msec for 21and 4 selections, respectively) than for ground personnel (429 and 459 msec for 2 and 4 select ions,.respectively), while the mean duration of the motor component.of the reaction was longer 112 USSR FMITSEN, B. S., Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No S. Au&~70, pp, 68-70 (331 vs. 307 and 368 vs. 300 msec for 2 and 4 selections', respectively). Pilots -made approximately one-half as many:errors-as ground personnel. The lower reaction speed among pilots was accompanied by a conside.rably:greater precision in carrying out the required motions. The indexes of sp~6ed or- conversion of information were higher for pilots than for ground personnel (5.93 vs. 3.93 and 12.4 vs. 9.57 bit/see for reactions involving 2 and,4 choices, respective- ly). The results showed that in a situation resembling~4ctuaj flight, the experienced pilots acted more deliberately but also morasmoothly and pre- cleely. than inexperienced ground peramnel, making, Lwer mistakes than the latter. 2/2 Thor=od3ma=jo~ USSR M.,71' DZH L. B. MOLOTILOV, B. V. , SUKHANOV, L F 1 and I S, Lbntra.L 1~11 `4C Research SC, K SiLAPOVALOV, A. P., Institute of Precision Alloy Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy ineni T. P. Bardin No o-'Lipets;kiy Me v zallurgicai Plant "Effect o-c A High-TemDeraTure Heat Treatment Medium on the Structure and Mag- netic Properties of Transformer, Steel" Mos cow, izvestiva Akademi, Naudk SSSR, Seriya -_,zicheskaya~, Vol, 3 4, No. 2, 'Feb 70, pp 262-266 Astract*.- The rei'_,ning ahil;ty ol: varous 'a.- media In h.:,&'n-. -;pc!ravure anneialing 'in industrial dc-me furnaces was studled by optical microscopy i:mthods, by mea- suring magnetic properties and by deternining the chemical cGmp-osition of trans- former steel. Four different steel compositions were zested he experimenz. and their concenzrations of Si, C, S, N, 0, Al, Mn,and F 1-jefore ane af-cer an- nealing in a vacuum or. in a hydrogen or nitrogen mediun ar.e given in ta:bular form. it was found that hIgh-temparature annealing _,n donie vacuum and gas rur- naces did not ensure the required degree of reflnement of,the r;~J:etll frf,);Ti C, N, and S impurities, Raising the degree of evacuation under hIgh-temperatur-2 heat treatment of the --ten! in the most improved indusTrial f-urnacei; also had li-ttlo affect In improving the refinelgent, It was conclu&d Oli~t in -L:Q Card 1-12 023 UNCLASSUFIED PROCESSING I)ATE--090CT70 TITLE--EFFECT OF HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMAL TREATMENT MEDIUM ON THE STRUCTURE AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OFTRANSFORIOR STL`EL -U- AUTH0R-105)-KALADlHAN# L.B.9 MOLUTILOVt 8-V.# SUKHANOVs L-F.9 FRANTSENYUKI l.v. SHAPOVALOV, A.P. CUMMY UF INFC--USSR SL)UkCE-IZV. AKAU. NAUK SSSRs SER. FIL. 1970o 34(Z)t 262-6 DATE, PUBL ISHE:D--70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TAGS-TRANSFORMER STEELt MAGNETIC PROPERTY#' METAL HEAT TKEATMENT, NITROGENt HYDROGEN CGWTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAML--1995/G18q STEP (iO--UR/00411170/031,/CO2102GZIOZOG CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0115893 UNCLASSIFIED 7_7 212 023 UNCL ASS IF I ED. PROCESSING DATE-09OCY70 CIRC ACCESSION Ni.~--AP0115893 A 63TRAC T/EXTRA6 T--(U) GP-U- AWRACT, THE REFINI.NG A111LITY OF THE PROTECTIVE MEDIA USEL) IN HIGH TEMP. THEkMAL. TREATMEW WAS STUDIED AND 'ALSO'THEIR EFFECT ON THE STRUCTURE AND MAGNETIC,IPROPERTIES OF TRANSFORMER STEEL. THE INVESTIGATED MEDIA WEkEIVACUUM IN THE RANGE 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3 MINUS 30 TURR, H, li AFTER PURGli%i,(; WIIH N 95PERCENT-H AND N! 95PERCENT-H 5PERCENT.~ -FOR THFACHIEVEMENT OF.GOOD MAGNETIC-PROPE RTIES THE THERMALTREATMENT SHOULj t3E CARRIED OUT AT A ,:~~-PRESSURE_SNALLER THA14 10 PRIME NEGATIVE~3 TQRR. FACILITY: TSNLILHM IM. BARDINAt fiOSCOWv USSR. USSR my of Ukrainian SSH~ Academician of the Acade KALYNOVYCH, D. F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, KOVY315-KyY, 1. 1., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and SMOLIN, M. D., Candidate of Technical Sciences IlDevelopment and Use of the Electrotransport Method to Determine the Principal Parameters of a Metallic Bond" Kiev. Visnik Akademiyi Nauk Ukrayins'koyi RSR, Val 34~:I%o 3, star 70, pp 24-33 Abstract: The article describes results of a study Df.,the development and use of the electrotransport method to determine the principal characteristic para- meters of the metallic bond of a substance; viz., the actuaLion charges of alloy metals and components z, electron and.hole concentrations n- and a+, the cross-sections of current-carrier scattering by diffusing ions Cy- and Crl+, and the temperature parameters respectively of electron and hole con- ductivity Po- and CL-, Po+ and CL+. The -study includLu~s the solution to the following theoretical, methodological, and experimental-problems: 1. Developing a theory on the connection betweenl~the values of the effective charges of ions which migrate during electransport, z*, temperature 1/2 2-1210. 1 ~111 ~fffffflr PRO' USSR FRMN'TSEVYCH, 1. M. et al. Vi sniX Pkademiyi Nauk Ukra~ins'Xoyi RSR, Vol 34, No 3,-Mar 70, pp 24-33 and composition, and the derivation of new relations which connect the values of the charac teris tics z, n-I n+, (Y-, 0'+1 Po-' CL-,j ?00+, and CL+ with experimentally established values. 2. Development of theoretical and experimental tests for the applicability of the electrotransport method. 3. Development of experimental procedures for determining effective charge values and a system for checking on experimental result's. 4. Using the electrotransport method to determina- the principal charac- teristic parameters of a number of specific alloys. 2/2 1412 019 UNCLASSIFIED~ ..ROCESSING OATE--30OCT70 .-zTITLE--DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF AN ELECTRONITRANSFER TECHNIQUE FOR OETF:RI41NING:THE BASIC PARAMETERS OF A,METALLIC STATE -U- -.''AUTHOR-104)-FRANTSEVICHt J.H.t KALINOVICHN~D.F'j ~KbVENSKIYr 1.1,#-SMULINt m 0 l,...COUNTRf OF INFO--USSR ~.--.SOURCE--~AKAOEM11A NAUK UKRAINSIKOI RSRv VISNIKpV0Lo 34#,'MAR* 19770, P. 24"331 PUBLISHED ------- 70 `-SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS .:ITOP.[C.TAGS--METAL CONDUCTIVITY, CARRIER-DENSITY, ELECTRON MOBILITYf BINARY '-~ALLOY* ELECTRON INTERACTION -CONTROL .4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/0932 STEP NO--UR/0655 /10/034/000/0024/0033 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118098 UNCLASSIFIED