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Abstracting ServLce:,5/7o Ref. Code: INTERNAT-AEROSPACE ABST-, -U)?400'7fl rA70-23173 4-1 Use of a monopulse laser for photographin6_ models in ballistic studies (Ispol'zovanie monoirripul'snogo opticheskogo kvantoviogo generatora dlia fotografirovaniia modelei pri ball isticheskikh issiedovaniiakh). A. N, 1.3erezkin 1u. A. Dungv lu. E. Karnach, E', and V. M. Ovch inn jl;~_(A,k.~cern qa__ Nauk SSSR, Fiz;ko-Tekhnicheskii. Institut, n ad,~LJS~9)._ . __~e~jjr _ _N_L'71;WN'au_"ch"r_io_i i Prikl3dnoi Fotografii i Kinemarografli, vrl. 15, Jan.-Feb. 1970, p. ?1-25. In Russian.. Study of the possibilities of employing lasers to iliuminate moving obiecti during shadowt ohotogr2phy. D,agrams of ttl_~e experimental arrzii;i~izment are presented. anc a description ;5 given 0t the laser erntoloy,41 in the experiment, the telescopic system used to shape the be~~m il!Ljmfr,~ung the moving body, and the syizern for synchronizing tll~ illumination pulse with trie mornp-r-t of arrival Gi the object und.?r, investigatlon at a given, point in the photogi-321hy 5eld. Photographs are presented in whilch the boundaries of if-P. flying, bodies, the. shockwaves. 3nd inhomoc.eneities in ther.~'-ke o' a body can be clearly see,4. The possibility of using a rrionopulse ruby laser as an illumination sourcewhen photographingniowing modals ill aeroballisti-,stL;--'ie~isde,n~-nstrated. A. B. K. 1~ REEL/FRAME 19781341 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-CEPOSITIGN OF ZINC FROM ACID SULFATE SOLUTIONS ON TITANIUM CATHODES _Ul_ -AUTHOR-(033-BUNDZHE, V.G., DUNAYEV, YU.D., KIRYAKOV, G.Z. CCUNTRY CF INFO-USSR D SOURCE- IZV. AKAD. NAUK KAZ. SSR. DATE PUBLISHED----70 SER. KH(M. 1970, 20(2), 73-5 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPLC TAGS-TITANIUM, METAL ELECTRODE, TITANIUM HYDRIDE, ZINC PLATING, I 14ETAL DEPOSITION CCNTROL MARKING-NO RE5TRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1495 STEP NG--LJR/0360/70/020/001/0073/0075 CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0125123 UNC LAS S I F I E 0 212- 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0125123 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. 2N WAS DePOSITED ON TI ELECTRODES FROM SOLN5. CONTG. ZN 60 AND H SUB2 SO SUB4 100 G-L. AT 25t 40, AND 60DEGREES AND C.DS. OF 40-4000 A-M PRIME2. FCX COMPARISON, ZN WAS ALSO DEPGSITED ON AL CATHODES. THE CURRENT EFFICIENCY ON THE AL CATHODE WAS HIGH UNDER ALL TESTED CONOITIONSt WHEREAS ON TI CATHOCES A GOOD EFFICIENCY 14AS OBTAINED ONLY AT SIMILAR TO 2000 A-M PRIME. ZN PPT. WAS DEPOSITED ON TI ONLY AT LOW TEMPS.v BUT EVEN AT 25DEGREES, THE DEPCSITION, OF ZN COULD STOP AND THE ALREADY DEPOSITED ZN BEGIN TO DISSOLVE. THIS WAS ATTRIBUTED TO THE FORMATION OF TI HYDRIDE, THE FORMATIGN OF WHICH IS FAVORED BY INCREASING TEMP. FACILITY: INST. KHIM. NAUK* ALMA-ATAf USSR* UNCLASSIFIE0 1/2 ols UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--STABILITY OF -EAD BASED BINARY ALLOYS IN SULFATE SOLUTION -U- AUTHOR-(04)-DUNAYEV, YU.D.-t TSKHEI L.A., BUNDZHE, V.G., KIRYAKOV, G.Z. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 9f SOURCE--ZASHCH. METAL. 1970t 6(2)v 237- DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH.v IND.f CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--LEAD ALLOY, TIN ALLOY# BISMUTH ALLOYv SOLID SOLUTIONt CORROSION RATE, ANTIMONY ALLOYt SULFATEv AQUEOUS SOLUTION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRfcrIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/1045 STEP NO--UR/0365/70/006/002/0237/0239 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP013806'1 UN C L AS S__I F FE 0 7777~ 2/2 018 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0138067 -SBY PB-SN, AND ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CORROSION OF PB PB-BI ALLOYS IN 2N H SUB2 SO SUB4 AT ROOM TEMP. WAS 1,NVESTIGATED. TEH PHASE DIAGRAMS AND DEPENDENCES OF THE INITIAL AND STArIONARY POTENTIAL OF THE ALLOYS ON THEIR CCi',IPN. ARE GIVEN IN FORM OF 01AGRAMS. THE CORROSION PROPERTIES OF M4,TERIALS DEPEND, TO A GREAT DEGREE, ON THEIR STRUCTURE; THE CORROSIOIN RATE OF HYPEREUTECTIC ALLOYS RAPTDLY INCREASES WITH THE CONCN..OF A 2ND (.014PONENTr WHERAS THE HYPDEUTECTIV ONES SHOW LITTLE CORROSION SLIGHTLY DEPENDING ON THE AMT. OF THE 2ND COMPONENT. THE CORROSION RESISTANCE [IF THE PB BASED SOLID SOLNS. FOLLOWS THE TAMMANN LAW. FACILITY: INST. KH114. NAUK*j ALMA-ATAI USSR. U14CLASSIFIED USSR UDC 632.95 STFPANOV, 11. K. , CISTTL~~.r,.-,T, V. T. , K-AMDAN, V. F.. , r-fA.SLIY, L. K. , CR-UOVSKIY, B. S., and PTNAYE%~,~, I. D. ROMOLUMM "A Methad of Controllin1c, Flons" USSP Author's Certificate No 26332S, filed 16 Mar 62, published 26 May 70 (from Mi-KIhiniva, Nio 3, 10 Feb 71, Abstract No 3NT569) Translztion: (I) is p-roposed for u3e as a flea re- cdorloss GU.4d %,it' a boiling pellan-. Tli--- subsuc.nce 1--~ ~,n o2'-11%, colorl-gs, poinL of 15- n""D 1. 5161. Comrourd i is synthesized by bubblinz; COC-1.) zi-L 5-,"j"C a solutioll (if cliamine in an -ic -ib I e, in 3n, davs of sLarave undur n ic st, 0 W- hito-x:i! 2n-25 percent of co-n.-,:cund I or less vas la t 11: 4- 1111 USSR UDC 546.791.4.221 DUNZAYEVA, K. M., DUBROVIN, A. V., KOVAL'CHUK, V. Yu., and IPPOLITOVA, Ye. A. "Study of the Oxidation Kinetics of Uranium Oxysulfide" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 15, No 6, 1973, pp 869-870 Abstract: The area of the specific surface of starting uranium oxysulfide sample has a definite effect on the oxidation rate constant indicating that the oxidation process takes place on active centers, the number of which increases with increasing specific surface. The apparent activation energy is almost independent of the specific surface. In respect to the oxygen pressure, It was found that above 0.206 atm the reactiou is independent of the pressure. The oxidation process may be viewed as one being limited by the diffusion of oxygen through the laye:.- of the reaction product. 1/1 - 65 - USSR uDc 546.791.6-536.66 SAWALOVA, N. A., VIDAVSKIY, L. M., and IPPOLITOVA, YE. A. "Enthalpy of Formation of Uranium Trioxide Semihydrate" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol XIV, No 5, 1972, pp 721-726 Abstractt The calorimetric method was used to measure the enthalpy of the reaction of two specimens of uranium trioxide semibydrate with the composi- tion UO 3.0-393H20 and UO 3' o.648H20 with a solution of hydrofluoric acid. At 298.150K this entbalpy was -21.7~t 0.08 and -20.832+.110 kcal/g-atom of U respectively. The entbalpy of the formation of compounds belonging to the uranium trioxide semihydr-ate phase from uranium trioxide and water as a function of the composition is represented by a linear equation. For a stoichiometric compound this value is -3-19-+0-10 kcal/g-atom of U. The Dublished data were used to calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of uranium trioxide semihydrate from the elements. This enthalpy at 298.15 OK was -333.15�0.46 kcal/g-atom of U. The method used to synthesize the ura-nium trioxide semihydrate and the chemical and x-ray phase analysis data we presented in connection with the existence of several versions of the semihydrate. 1/1 USSR UDC 546-791.6-546.66 SANTALOVAJ, N. A., VIW-.VSKIY., L. M., and IFFOLITOVA., fie. A. "Heat of Formation of Uranium Trioxide Dihydrate" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 13, No 4, 1971, PP 592-597 Abstract: An independent determination of the heat of formation of UO 3*2H2O was carried out on the basis of the heat of formation of uranium hexafluoride in order to be able to compare the value obtairied with that determined from the heat of the formation of a mixed uranium oxide. Ta the paper the experimental conditions are described in detail, followed; by data of X-ray analysis and for=las used in calculation of the enthalpy. The value obtained differed from that baEad on mixed oxides. No systematic errors could be found, and the authors conclude that the discrepancy is due! to the disagreement among the fluorine and oxygen calorimetry data. USSR UDC 546.791-4-:547-29 LOMIOVA., T. S.P DUNA)ZVA,,.K.. 1A.., and IPPOLrTCVA, )M. A., Chair of Inorganic Chemistry "Study of the Complex Forruttion of Uranium (IV) with Acetate and Formate Ions" Moscow, Vestnik Mloskovskogo Unkrersiteta, Vol 12, I-To 2, Mar_-AP3~ 71, Pp 229-231 Abstract: Uranium (IV) complexes with acetate ana formate ions were studied. Tenoyltrifluoroacetone and tenoylacetonate were placed in contact idth uranium (IV), in the presence of benzene., water and nionocarbqxylic acid. Stability constants for the ions (U(Co-,ml)31 3+ and IU(Cor"P')2 12+'-vere deterrdned by thne distribution rrethod at 200C and the ionic strangth maintained by rodiiim perchlorate addition Bo as -to decrease the possibility of -the complexes being oxidized by atmospheric oxyE:en. The concentr,~Ltion of acetic and fo-_wdc aciris was varied in the range 0.032-2 and 0.1-2 V respectively. it -vras shown that no complex forration occurs in the aqueoua phace. Stability constants for the complexes were determined from the graphs of Fl plotted against the concentra- tion of acetate and forn-ate ions. 1/1 34 USSR UDC: 5 5 0. 63'4 ILD!, I. S GTRODZ_v--I_-SKIv_ , V. A. , VIM= AKOV, Ye. F. , 'al-71LIP1,71.7 n . A. , Ali Un-'cn Scienti, fic ',-sc-arch Tnst`tu~ of _icE .Ve-~Iods of Prospecting "A _Stat~istical C---l" f:r:_Jc- Sir:na-I Analyzer" Moscow, 011-1::-Yt~kya, T-cL,,_yshlc!nr.,~,-e O'Orazt7y, Tcva-,~Ye Znn~,i, 110 11 72, Certificate Eo 33-_509, Divilsiop G, filed 2CAurr'?G, I - . 'I 2 I-r 7 2 ,-163 Published T, ~ Tra,--nlation: Tn. i s Au L',i(-,r ' s Cert il'i cat e irtrcduccs a s t, at- Is L ilcr, I F ei cm, i C sic"ral mc.Fnetic dirum, pl-ayl:,3cl. hC-,.cI-,s,, a mod,ulc:, a fc-atuv,~, of the rat-_;n-('-., th~~- u _ffect ivc ne.--, f, cf m1CC(.c_,jj2,(r -,Cismic &A- is by addin,,,r a control unit, ccrnected -Lo a trip nvnti~-- criurtf~r a chrm,cl CC::-It-,,-,~3r. The MMII.-Itt, -is to which i.,i in tu,"11 IL-10 (~. V-,(;,MCI'y A ocdi.- 112 S et a:L. USSR Author s CertJ f i No 333509 Etl LI Li 1.23 USSq UDC 591-147.6 SHREYBERZ, G. L., ar#_DU~_Ap laboratory for the Study of Nervous and Humoral Regulation, erw dcliwt,es USSR, Moscow "Effect of Serotonin on 'the Function of the Hypothalamus-Hypophysis Adrenal Cortex System" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol. 194, No 5. 1970, up 1237-1240 Abstract: Serotonin (2.5-10.0 micrograms) was introduced into various nuclear formations of the hypothalamus and brain vantricle of Wistar rats through a microcannula (external diameter, 0.05-0.5 mm). In other oxperiments, serotonin was introduced intra-abdominally in doses of 100-200 micrograms per 100 g body weight, together with its precursor 5-hydroNrtryptophan (15-20 mg/100 g), which passes through the blood-lxrain barrier. Fivo-hydroVtryptophan was also given 5 days after administration of aminazine (1-2 mg/kg). Agar-agar capsules with- out serotonin were implanted in the brains of control animals, or 0.02 ml physiological solution (pH, 7.3-7.4) was introduced through the cannulas or intra-abdowinally. The functioning of the glandular system under study was monitored by corticosterone secretion in the blood. It was found that serotonin- sensitive structures in the central hypothalmitus participate in the activation 1/2 USSR SHREMM, G. L. ot,~~ Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol. 194, No 5, 1970, pp 1237-1240 of the hypothalamus hypophysis adrenal cortex system. Implantation of serotonin in other regions of the hypothalamus produded a reduction in the activity of this system. The results of implantation of serotonin capsules in different regions of the hypothalamus and of injection of serotonin into different parts of the brain are discussed in detail. It is concluded that serotonin is endo- genically synthesized in 'the brain from its precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan. Serotonin-sensitive neurons are assumed to edst at the primary capillaries of the portal region of the hypophysi3. When they are excited, the oorticotropin- promoting factor is formedl mid soparatos out. 2/Z 614 - - -------- 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE--REDISTRIBUTION OF SILICON AND ALUMINUM DURING THE AUSTENITIZING OF NODULAR CAST IRON -U- AUTHOR-(02)-DUNAYEVA, S.A., PERMYAKOVj V..G. ..-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ':SOURCE--LITEINOE PROILVD0. 1970, (1), 29-30 DATE PUBLISHED-----70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--NODULAR IRON, SILICON CONTAINING ALLOY, ALUMINUM CONTAI;41NG ALLOY, IMPACT STRENGTH, GRAPHITIZATION CGI*d'TkOL fJAPXING--f4U RESIkICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PAUXY RELL/FRAME--1995/1386 SIEP NO--UR/OIZ6/IJ/Ot)(jiU%jl/Co?-'J/003U CIRL ACCESSION NJ--AP0116835 UNLLASSIFIED map 212 022 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCLSSING OATE--09JCT7C CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0116835 AB-STRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0-- A3STkACT. T.4E STUDY wAS :,lAuE- TJ ELIt-11PIATE THE CHEM. NUNUNIFOkMITY IN THE TITLE CAST IRON BY CONICu. S1 AgD AL IN ISOLATED MICROVOLS. OF THE SO CALLED RELIEF FERRITE. CYLINDRICAL SPtCIN!ENS tDIAM. t) M11-1) Fl*"-,-):.l CAST IRON (C 2.7, SI 1.6, AL 2.21 .4N 0.6' P 0.04, S 0.01, MG 0.06 ST,.PERCENT) AFTER GRAPHfj[LATliJN FOR FERRITE GRAPHITIC STRULTUi~E 6ERE AUSTENITILED 10-60 MIN AT 830-40DEGREESt CODLED IN AIR TO 06TAIN A FERRII'E PEAKLITE BASE, THtN) HELL) IN ' 4 Fj"ZNA-!-E AT 740DEGREES FUR 3 HR TO OBTAIN A FERRITE BASE. THE AUSTENIrIZATION WAS STARTED AT GRAIN BOUNDARIES THEN PROCEEDED TOWARD THE INSIDE OF GRAINSt AND 51 AL DIFFUSED IN THE SAME DIRECTION. THIS RESULTED IN LOWERED HARDNESS, AND INCREASED PLASTICITY AND IMPACT STRENGTH OF THE CAST IRON, AND 15 RECOMMENDED FOR THIS PURPOSE. U-NIC LA S S-1 F 1 E 0 USSR UDC 621.355.8+621.762 YEREYSKAYA, G. P., I., and SKALOZUBOV, M. F., Novocherkassl, Polytechnic Institute "Preparation and Study of Silver Powder with a Zirconium Additive, for Use as--Material for the positive Electrode of a Chemical Source of Electricity" Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol XLIV, No 6, Jun 1971, pp 1272-1276 Abstract: The electrochemical properties and the utilization factor Ku, of the.positive electrode of: a primary chemical current source, depend not so much upon the choice of material (silver oxide, silver chloride, powdered silver) as upon structural features of the initial active mass, such as porosity, particle size, specific surface, and the like. The effect of various amounts of zirconium oxide additive on performance (Ku), discharge deasity, and other factors, was studied. It was concluded that 0.6% zir- conium additive in silver powder alters the properties of the latter, in- creasing the actual surface of the electrode, as well as its capacity when primary devices. It also tends to stabilize the structure of the electrode during cycling. us SR B pide:,Liologry TIDC 59.6-16.9~~1.4'55(470-311) OISUPYEVI N. G..I D-OBIROTMOT01) B. P., LU9A=ZA,._T -1 KOVAIEVSYrf, YTJ. V., and 1"T"SHCHOMIKOVAJ, I. S.., Tularemia Laboratoi-y and Laboratory of Modical Zoolo6r, Division of Natural Focus Infections, ILstitute of Epidcnlolog,'~ and Yderobiology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Experience of Long-Term "Itudy of a Natural Meadow-Field Focus in Southern lebscov Oblast" Monow, Zoolo.giclinkiy Zhurnal, Vol 51, ITO 9, 1972, PP 1425-11129 Abstract: Records were kept of roftnt, and tick densities, h;-'Mari tularenia o-tt- breaks, anJ cpizootics in Stixpinskiy and p~Lrt CC Padollnkiy Pnyon ;Ince V)-18 (when the Ist h1va,.n tij.1arcmLa outbreak wao recorde(l) unt-il Ifixa-zi outbr"~,Ik3 followed periodic rodent density increases until 195P, after tehlch time no cases were reported due to n- vaccination progrwn. Me princL-ral roJent (Microtus arvalis, Microz,ky3 minutus, Apoderaus agrarius. Arricala terrestri~: an d tick (Dem-icentfor )ictus, L-odes ricinus, rarei3r I. triangr-uli.ccps) densities fluctuated r..-.oru or less Fy-, c o -3 u -Y , -chronoiisly over about b -year 1. - ri J_ , b, t rr.1 i densities decreased with tivic, particularly af -ter prr)bably due to immrova- ments in agricultural procedures and conseTuent reduction of rodent and tick 1/2 USSR ODSUIPI)EV N. G. et al. Zoolo-icheskiy Zhurr-al, .2 Vol 51, No 9, 1972, '-Or lit 5- 1429 habitat. Epizootics continued to be detected however during roderate rodent density increases after 1967. Thus the tularemia foci-is continued to iraintain itself despite agricultural innovations, though outbrea14~s vere hij, ly lac--~.Iized. It is sug6ested that tularemia a-Lent can survive lonf--, pertods not only in I.-ick-S but also by means of direct transfer from diseased to health,,- radent6. Strav stacks left in fields durinit .rinter provide concentration -ar2a-s for roclonts and thus help to maintain 1-1he focus. 2/2 USSR UDC 594(28): 616.981.455 DUNAYEVA, T. N., Laboratory of Tularemia, Department of Natural Focus In- re-ct-T-on-s-l'ustitute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "The Role of Freshwater Yolluscs in the Circulation of Tularemia Pathogens in Natural Foci" Moscow, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 51, No 3, 1972, pp 445-449 Abstract: The molluscs L:Lmnaea stagnalis and Planorbis corneus placed in the water with concentrations of 10, 100, and 1,000 microbes/cc were not infected with tularemia. The molluscs were frequently infected at concentrations of 10,000/cc and up. When the molluscs consumed the tissue of animals which had died of tularemia, the number of bacteria per living specimen ranged from 100,000 to I million cells. Molluscs grown in water containing animals dying of tularemia but not ingesting the corpses had an infection of 1,000 to 10,000 cells each. The effects of temperature on infection were examined and in gen- eral the infection increased with increasing temperature. TularemLa bacteria fail to reproduce in molluscs and their number in a specimen declines rapidly. It appears that molluscs do not act as a host for tularemia reproduction and therefore do not sustain infections in natural bodies of water. 46 - USSR UDC 911.3.616.981.455(571.12) DUN&Y-EVA., T. ., DOBROKHOTOV, B. P., VORONTSOVA, T. A., BRIKMAN, D. I., and KOVALEVSKIY, Yu. V. "An ALLempt to Define the Distribution of Tularemia in Northern Rayons of Tyumenskaya Oblast" V sb. Probl. osobo opasn. infektsiy (Problems of Especially Dangerous In- fections -- collection of works) Xryp. 5(15). Saratov, 1970, pp 173-181 (from M-Meditsinskaya Geograftya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4.36.97) Translation: Zoological,parasitological, bacteriological, and epidemiological research conducted during 1967 field trips provide evidence about the wide distribution of tularemia in the northern rayons of Tyumenskava Oblast, all the way to shore areas of the mouth of the Ob River, the foothills of the polar Urals, and the Pur River basin. According to the high percentagc- of natural immunity among the local population, one can judge the significant level of epidemiological activity of the foci.. A discussion is presented of the reasons for the non-correlation of skin allergy test results with tularemia incidence, and the reaction of agglutination with blood scrun in the population of the North. Tularemia was first established among reindeer. 39 -- USSR UDC 616-981-455-092-9-022-14 ~0' . T. I- Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni Gamaleyap cadermny of tie cal Sciences USSR "Mixed Lifection During Experimental Tularemia in Rabbits" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii,, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 8, 1971, pp 125-130 Abstract: in rabbits inoculated with tularemia bacteria combined with the pathogens of listeriosis or pseudotuberculosis, the disease all followed their characteristic courses except in a few cases where the infection process was aggravated, as manifested by a loss of weight, prolongation of the tularemia carrier state;, and death. Experiments in vhich the animals were inoculated with the pathogens of tularemia and pseudatuberculosis simaltane- ously or at different intervals showed thar. the cause of death was pseudo- tuberculosis. Yarked pathological changes - hepatization and numerous necrotic nodules - were found in the lungs of all dead rabbits. The lungs of two dead nnimqls contained both pathogens, while tularemia bacteria alone were found in one animnl and the pseudotuberculosir. bacillus alone in two. 1/1 USSR uDc 616.981.455-078-73 VqKAY -fSOVAs T. A., and YMHCHERYAKOVA, I. S., Institute of U&.J. N. I YOR01. 'Ep-Wenkiology and Microbiology imeni Gamaleyaq Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "Some Features of the Seroallergic Examination of Persons for Tularemia~' Moscowq Zhurnal Mikrobiologli, Epidemiclogil i Immunoblologii, No 4, Apr 71, pp 12-16 Abstracti A skin allergy test with tulariat, an agglutination test, and the passive hemagglutination test with 264 inhabitants (natives and arrivals from elsewhere) or Nadymskiy Bayon, Yamalo-Nentsk National District, who had not been immunized against tuLi=mia# yielded positive results in 24.2, 34.9, and 4?_.EV5 of cases, respectively. Coinciding positive results In all three tests were obtained for 54 persons. All positive results in the allergy test mere regarded as diagnostically valid. Coinciding positive results In the two sero- logical reactions (the allergy test may be negative in persons with tuberculosis despite a Past infection with tularemia)p or positive results in either sero- logical reaction at titers IM resulted in a retrosr-ective diagnosis of tularemia for 99 persons (37.4% of cases) excluding in the agglutination test cross-reactions due to brucellosis (two such cross-reactions were observed). 1/2 - 37 - M USSR DUNAYEVA, T. N., et al., Zhurnal Mikrohiologii, Epideaiologii i Immunobiologii, Vol 48, No 4, APr 71P pp IZ-16 Use'of all three reactions made it possible to establish more precisely the ratio of persons with immunity to tularemia in the population and to eliminate nonvalid positive results obtained at low serum dilutions. A predominance of positive results in serological reactions over those in the allergy test is typical for inhabitants of northern regions. It is due to a lowered allergic sensitivity of the skin caused by vitamin C deficiency 2/2 USSR UDC 599-325-1:616.981.455 DUNA Tularemia Laboratory of the Department of Infections with ~Uyral 'Foc. - I Foci, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Academy of Medical Sciences USSR *Characteristics of the Course of Tularemia in Blue Hares in Mixed Infections" Moscow, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 49, No 12, Dec 70, pp 1864-1863 Abstract: Lepus timidus rabbits were used in experiments to determine the effect of mixed infections on the course and lethality of tularemia. For this purpose the anirils were first subcutaneously infected with cultures at" Listeria and erysipelas bacteria in doses of 100 million cells. Within four, nine, and 50 days the ardmaels were subcutaneously infected with minimum lethal doses of tularenia bacteria. All of the rabbits died. It was noted, however, that the death of the animals occured at a time considerably later than that normally caused by tularemia. A sharp change in the course of the infection was also noted and the intensity of septicemia and bacteremia were consider- ably decreased. Tularemia antibodies were found in the animals. Experimental data tend to confirm the premise that the prolonged course of tularemia in rabbits under natural coruiitions may be the result of development of the 1/2 USSR DUNAYEVA, T. N., et al, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 49, No 12, Dec 70, pp 1864-1868 disease on a background of some mixed infections such as pasteurellosis, psoudotuberculosis, brucellosis, listeriosis, and others, none of them in- dividually as acute as tularemia, amd which are usually accompan-Jai by the formation of protective immunological reactions in the organism. 2/2 USSR UDG. 616-31-455-036.21 OLSUF'YEV, N. G., and DUNIAYEVA, T. N. Prirodnaya Ochagovost', Epidemiologiya, i ProftlaktikaTulyaremii (Natural Foci, Epidemiology, and Prophylaxis of TularerLia), Moscow,. "Meditsina," 1970, 272 pp Translation: Table of Contents Page Foreword 3 Chapter I. OLSUF'YEV, N. G., "Distribution of Tularemia" 7 Chapter II. OLSUF'YEV, iq~ G., "Characteristics af' the Ageut of Tularemia In Natural Foci of Infection" 17 Chapter III. DUNIAYEVA, T. N., "Vertebrates - VeCLors and Reservoirs of Tularemia!' 22 Chapter IV. OLSUF'YEV, N. G., "Invertebrates - Vectors and Reservoirs of Tularemia" 38 Chapter V. OLSUF'YEV, N. G-, "Typology, and Topology (Spatial Structure) of Natural Tularemia Faci2' 60 1/2 USSR OLSUF'YEV, N. G., and DUNAYEVA, T. N., Prirodnaya Ochagovost', Epidemiologiva, I Profilaktika Tulyarenii (Natural Foci, Epidemiology, and Prophylaxis of Tularemia), Moscow, "Meditsina," 1970, 272 pp Chapter VI. DUNAYEVA, T. ff., "Characteristics of the Epizoo- tiology of Tularemia in Various Vertebrate Species and General Principles of the Epizootic Process" 110 Chapter VII. DUNAYEVA, T. N., "Investigative Methods of Natural Foci, and Laboratory Diagnosis of Tularemia" 171 Chapter VIII. OLUF'YEV, N. G., "Epidemic Tularemia" 185 Chapter IX. OLSUVYEV, N. G., "Prophylaxis of Tularemia" 233 Conclusion 259 Bibliography 262 2/2 - 95 - USSR UDC: 591.615+616./0-036.21 OLSUF'YE-71, N. G., DOBRObITOTOV, B. P. DUNOEVA JL., PCHELKINA, k. A., 1EIDIO- " F, M~~- - NOVA, I. V., ARSEWYEV, V. P., M'd ETROV, V. G., Tularemia Laboratory and V-ec- tors Laboratory, Division off Infections with Natural-Foci, Institute of Drpidermio- logy and Microbiology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, 1lbscow "The Effect of SpAictuaries on Natural Foci of Infections" Moscow, Zoologicheskiy 2hurnal, Vol 49, No 11, Nov 70, PP 10597-1704 Abstract: The Priokako-Terrasnyy Game Preserve in the southern Dart of I-Toskcv- . i skaya oblast has a varied fauna whose species composition and numbers are sum -1 to those in natural forest biocenoses of the past. Wild ur,,frulates --Id --.?Tiall mammals, particularly rodents, are very abundant. Studies conducted in 1914.8 an. ,a 1969 disclosed the presence of a great number of adult Dermacentor pictus ;~~-nd Ixodes ricinus ticks feeding, on the ungrulates. I. trianpjd-icep2 -Tid 1. mnrono- phorus irnre less numeroui;. Itdcro-scopic examination revealed' a ntunber of' -a(., ro - arganisms in tho tick,,: bilarlensis in D, pictu3, tickborne t-:mccphalitis -Arus in 1. ricinua and D. pictus, and Er-jsipel:)thrix rhusiopatbiae, Listeria cy-togenes, aid PasteurcllE~. poeudotuberculosio, in the rodents. Sanc-tuaries ouch as game preserves tend to maintain natural foci of infections because, of the 112 - h6 - USSR OLSUF I YFI, 11. G., et all, 7bologicheski- Thurnal, Vol L9, No 11, Nov 70, pp 1697- 0 1 1704 relative constancy of the many populations of iedld ma-rials wid the large numbers of Ixodes ticks. 2/2 UNCL AS I F ID PROCESSING DATE--IIOEC?O TITLr--CCNT)-.i~LLfU ELECTkCLUAINESCENT I&DICATGkS ON A SEIGNETTE CERAMIC ~~ASE -u- ALTr.C-R-(-0j)-Ai'%TIP'W-Vj L.L.t UUNAYEVA, V.A., SAVELYEVo G.A. --CCUNTRY CF INFC--USSR -S3U--.CE--lZV- LE-N-INGf> 1y depth of occurence < I micrometer is investigated, as well as junctions obtained by the method of ion im-plentation which are characterized by better reproducibility 112 USSR SOLTAIMTOV, U. B., q.'_jXj, Elektron. telchnika. Nauchno-tekhm. sb. Elaktronnoluch. i fo-t-.001ektr. priborZ, 1970, Issue 1(15), pp 5d-61 oP results. 7qa denandancas obtained for a(U.) are pre5onted. At a number of dif- fusion ;unctions the anomalous effect is detocted of cathode amplification with the 'It ;I coefficient a considerably exceeding the limit which is determined by the theory of impact ionization. Using aa an example models of a photomultiplier with silicon Photomultiplier elementatthe use of this phenomenom in photoelectron devices is shown, 6 ill. 6 ref. N.S. 2/2 - 54 - Masers USSR UDG 621.7587.2r-2 VILIDG.I:PjBE, G.S., rkJNAY_EI15!,.AYA, N.V., PODUSINA, 14I.D., ROm"iII~, 2'H.%".' DALINCEMPO, N.K. "Photocultiplier For Observation Of" GoInerent Radiation" Elektron. tekhnilka. .117auchno-t-elf.'an. sb. Elektro-nol-ach. i fatocICIAr. Or .1 -2r (Electronic TechnoloEy. 5ciientific-Tecnnical Collection. Elocturon _;'eam -.nd Photoelectric Devices), 1970, IssuG 2(16), pp 71-5 (from R__"h--E_1ektrc1ni,a_ i -veye IN primenen;, No 4, Anril 1971, Abstract ilzo 4A255) .7.- - Trans 13 tion : Rie construction is described and the Princinal Oaramaters are presented of the FL,.T rphotomultip-l-Jer]--34 with multialkali photocathcaes, in- tended for observation of the coherent radiation sivnals of a lasar; the FEEU-64 has the dimensions and biasinf- of the FEU-15 and The s-actral res---onse of the photocathode a', a wavelength of 700 nm B=ounts to 80 270 microamr)ere/ lm. The multiplier aystem containo 12 louvered dynodes of alloy. ""he limitiniz oull-out current is 5 ma in a atatic, ref-Jime and 0.8 a in a pulced. The anode censitivitly is 100 a/1,-- at a voltaZe of 12'0-1600 v. 71he mxaber of noise vulsor at a :)lutr-au of the coanter characteri6tic curve does not e ceed a 7 - 10' sec--- 7h~_- son.-itivity throahold i5 1-8 . 10 lz1/.-Iz-V2. 2 m. 2 ;of. N.S. 1/1 USSR UDC 621.z83.29e_I AYMIED, Y.R., VIL'D9RUDS, G.S., DUITAY-EIISKAY'A, IN.V., S.__-_ rcvA, V.S. ftl'.111niature Channel Photomultipliers" Elektron. tekhnika. '_NaLichno-tokhn. ob. Elektrorinoluch. i Po'Lcelo~tr. oriborv ,(fl-eetronic Technology. 3 c i-. nt'i.'fT-._-,T_e -chn i-ca -1do-1-1--c-at' ion. S'lecluron 3cpam Arid Photoelectric Devices), 1970, Tsoue 307), pp 2-5 (from RZh--ElektronJLIa i :;eye, primeneniye, 'No 4, April 1971, Abstract No 4A251) Translation: The constriction is described and 'the :)rincipai parameters are presented of miniature ciiannal photor3ultipliers with head-on and lateral --hoto- cathodes. The length of 'he devices is 40 mm with diameterB of 1'~ and 10 reepectively. The anode sensitivity of the specimens amount's to ICGO a/im. Summary. USSR UDC 53.07/.08+53.001.5 SOLTAIMIOV, U. B., ALEKSAINDROV, I. R., DUNAYEVSKAYA, N. V., KLIMIN, A. I., LEPILIN, V. A., SMIRNOV, V. I. "The Use of Silicon Multiplying Elements in Photoelectron Devices. (Brief Note)" Elektron. tekbnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Elektronnoluch. i fotoelektr. pribory (Electronic Engineering. Scientific-Technical Collection. Electroa Ray and Photoelectric Devices), 1970, No 1(15), pp 38-61 (front RZh-Fizika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1A260) Translation: The phenomenon of cathode amplification in silicon pn-structures is investigated. The use of this'phenomenon in photoelectron devices was shown in mockups of photomultipliers with silicon multiplying elements. Authors abstract. 1/1 USSR uDG 539.1-075:621-383 VILIDGRUBE, G. S., DUNAYE Sam "New Louver-Type Photomultipliers for Spectrometric Scintillator Equipment" Kharikov, Monokristally. Stsintillyatory i Organicheskiye I!Z4ino- fory -- Sbornik Monacrystals, Scintillators, and Organic Lumino- phores -- Collection of Works), No 5,, 1970, PP 319-327 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Metroloaiya I lzmeritellnaya Tekhnika, No 1970, Abstract 12'.32.1560) Translation: The results of research on the natural amplitude resolut of louver-type photomultipliers are presented. These results show that this parameter is practically the same for any system, and for the beat specimens comprises 5% (standardized with respect to the brightness of a Nal (T1) crystal). A report is given on the parameters of new louver-type photomultipliers being produced in experimental or series lots (FEU-70, FEU-81, FEU-81a, PHU-82, PHU-49b, FRU-1a), intended for operation In spectrometric scintillation equipment. 6 figures, 10 bibliographic entries. 113 - USSR D UDC 535.?-15.12:621.372:41 VOROBEYCHIKOV, E. S DUMAYEVSKIY G. Kh Siberian Physicotechnical T-,LStitute imeni V. D. Kuznecsv, Tcw~%_V,011~~'ersitv "Illuminated S ermi conduct or in Open Resonator" Tomsk, Izvestiya VYsshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy -- Fizika, No 2, 1970, :)p 135-136 Abstract: One of the most acceptable optical and IR receiver circuits in terms of inertia and sensitivity is a circuit using a photoresistor with superhigh- frequency bias. The article suggests that an open-type resonator be used for the creation of such a receiver in the millimeter pumping range. The most. Coll- venient resonators are those containing concave mirrors. A description is given of changes observed experimentally in the power reflected from a resonator formed by - concave and a plane mirror in which an illuminated semiconductor sample has been placed. am 33 - USSR uw, 621.771 POLIXMI1 V. P.. Yn:'D"_~NIKO S. P.) 1MVITI-4101 V. A.; PONJITall', P. I., SOLOMD, V. L., and EUM7'IYM_=' V. i. "on the (Zaestion. of Optimal Conditions for Operating the Rolls' of Cold Rolling Mills 11 lbse(w, Plasticheskaya Deform- tsiya Ib. allov i Splayov, "IL-tallurgiya" Publishing House, No 64, 1970, 'PP 53-63 1 Translation: The article gives reco=:endations for s~tuatinc~ the rolls on the ntandr., evaluates the derrec of built-up metal danlrer, and offers steps to rentore working rolls damagad during the operating process. A ncw Cencralized criterion of hardness is proposed which mikes it possible to evaluate condi- tions of roll m-nufacture and causes cf service failures in them. Four illustrations and two tables. 1/1 1/2 045 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--ILLUMINATED SEMICONDUCTOR IN OPEN RESONATOR -U- AUTHOR-(0Z)-VOROBEYCHIK0Vlo E.S., OUNAYEVSKIY, G.KH. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--TOMSK, IZVESTIYA VYSSHIKH UCHEBNYI(H ZAVEDENIY, FIZIKA, NO 2, 1970, I PP 135-136 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, GLECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGR. TOPIC TAGS--OPEN RESONATOR, OPTIC MIRROR, IR RECEIVER, PHOTO RESISTOR, OPTIC PUMPING CONTROL !qARKING--NO RESTRI,~.'TIONS DGCIJME14T CLASS--U,"ICLASSIFII:-D PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1446 STEP NO--UR/0139/70/OOJ/002/0135/0136 CIRC ACCEMON blO--AP01250130 UNCLASSIFIED 21Z 045 UNCLASSIFIEED PROCESSING DATE--27MOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125080 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ONE OF THE MOST ACCEPTABLE OPTICAL AND IR RECEIVER CIRCUITS IN TERMS OF INERTIA AND SENSITIVITY IS A CIRCUIT USING A PHOTORESISTOR WITH SUPERHIGH FREQUEE-ricy BIAS. T~iE ARTICLF SUGGESTS THAT AN OPEN TYPE RESONATOR BE USED FOR THE CREirION 01:.- SUCH A RECEIVER IN THE MILLIMETER PUMPING RANGE. THE MOST CONVENIENT RESONATORS ARE THOSE CONTAINING CONCAVE MIRRORS. A DESCRIPTION IS GIVEN OF CHANGES OBSERVED EXPERIMENTALLY IN THE POWER REFLECTED FROM A RESONATOR FORMED BY A CONCAVE AND A PLA14E MIRROR IN !WHICH AN ILLUMINATED SEMICONDUCTOR SAMPLE HAS BEEN PLACED. FACILITY: SIBERIAN PHYSICOTECHNICAL INSTITUTE IMENI V. D. KUZNETSOVp TOMSK UNIVERSITY. UNCL ASS IF I ED USSR UDC 539.1.074.3 BORISOV, A. A., BUGORSKI-C, A. P., BUSHNIN, Yu..A., DEREVSHCHIKOV, A. A , ,DUNAYTSEY,A,_F., ZHIL'CIIENKOV, V. D., MATULENKO, Yu. A., MESHCHk-IIN, A. P., MIKRAI%OV, Yu. V., NURUSIIEV, S. B., SEN'KO, V. A., SMIRNOV, V. V., SRIPNIOV, Ye. V., SISKIN, V. V., SOLOV'YEV, L. F., and SOLOWYANOV, V. L., Institute of High-Energy Physics, Serpukhov "A Hodoscopic Installation for Investigation of the Elastic Scattering of High-Energy Particles" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 3, Nay/Jun 73, pp 49-53 Abstract: A description is given of a hodoscopic installation, developed at the Institute of High-Lnergy Physics, for investigation of the elastic scat- tering of high-energy particles within the pulse range of 30-60 gigaelectron volts/sec. The range of dispersion angles covered by the installation is 0-29 millirads with an angular resolution of + 0.17 millirad. The total solid angle is 39 microsteres. The pulse is Tetermined to within + 0.22%. The resolving time is 35 nanosec. The dead time is 50 microsec. The pulse pass band of the spectrometer is 8%. The statistics-setup is Up to 106 per hour. The installation is electrically coupled to a ",%Iinsk-22" computer, which stores and processes the information during the experiment. The 1/2 bssR BORISOV, A. A. , et al., Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 3, Uay/Jun 73, pp 49-53 .obtained results are immediately printed out in the form '~f tables and graphs, and also appear on the oscillograph screen. Monitoring equipment has been develoDed, which keeps track of proper operation of the hodoscopes. The first results have been obtained on the scattering of Tr--mesons on nuclei at a pulse of 50 gigaelectron volts/sec and of protons within the initial-pulse range of 30-60 gigaelectron volts/sec. 3 figures. 2 tables. 3 references. 2/2 153 - USSR IJDC: 51:621--591 GADALOV, V-., V.,, KOSTIN, V. B. , DUNAYTSEVA, G. V. "Concernin- the ProbleM Of O-Oti the Radio Electronic Systerls h'ith Coordination of Cost, Tim~e and Engineering Parareters" Probl. sisteniotelliiiil,-i--sLoi-iiik (Problems of Systems Analy-sis- 1. 1 -p collection of works) ; vyp. I , n.p. , "Sudost, o-, enive", 197 2 , 65-76 (from RZh-Kibernciika, No 10, Oct 72, a~str'act No 10V60-7) Translation: The problem, is reduced to a problem in 1ji,,c%z-.r pro- gramming with bilateral rc-strictions on the vari-ables. USSR UDC 51 GADAZOV, V. V. , KOSTIN, V. B. , and DUNAYTSE-VA, G. V. "Optimizing the Process of Developing Electronic Circuits -;iith Tie-Ins to Cost, Time, and Technical 11arameters" V sb. Frobl. sistemotakhniki (Problems in System Engineering--- collection of works) "Sudostroyeniyet" 1972, Z-o 65-76 (from RZh--Matematika, No 1.0, 1972, Abstract 11o 10V~63) Translation: The Droblem redu~ces to a. linear -Programming prob"Lem with two-sided limits on the variables. 80 - 1/2 045 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--HEA'f TRANSFER 8Y 4N INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOtef IN A THE;~MALLY INSULATED CHANNEL FOR NONSTATIONARY CONDITIONS AT THE INLET -U- AUTHOR-(02)-DUlNDUCHENK0t V.O.t NAZARCHUK, M.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--AKADEMlIA NAUK UKRAINS'KOf RSR, DOPOVIDI, SERIIA A FIZ IKO-TEKHNICHNII I MATEMAT ICHNI NAUKI 9 VOL 32 1 APR. 1970, P. 373-376 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--HEAT TRANSFER, INCOMPRESSIBLE: FLUID, FLUIO FLOW, LAPLACE TRANSFORM CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1808 STEP NO--UR/0441/70/032/t)00/0373/0376 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT01254,20 UNCLASSIFIED wmat .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. ..... . ... .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 212 045 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0125420 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. APP41CATION OF ALPLACE TR~jNSFORMS TO THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF HEAT TRANSFER BETWEEN AN INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW AND INSULATED CHANNEL WALLS, IN THE CASE ".11HERE THE TEMPERATURE AT THE CHANNEL INLET VARIES WITii riplE, THE P14YSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE MEDIUM ARE ASSUMED TO BE INDEPENDENT OF FEMPERATURIE. THE ANALYSIS IS PERFORMED FOR THE ONE DIMENSIONAL CASE. FACILITY" AKADEM[lA NAUK UKRAINS'KOI RSR1, INSTITUT TEKHNICHNOI TEPLOFIZIKI, KIEV, UKRAINIAN SSR. UNCLASSIFIEG USSR UDC 669.183-218.5 POICINFIYEV, V. I., atid PANTELEYEVA, R. I. "Sulfur ExchnT - io ;n the Batn-Gas Phase System in an Open-11carth Furnace 1*.'ith Rlowinv of Prowdc--~ed '!aterials in a Stre,.m o.-E7 Oxygen Through the Metal and Without Blowin-," Proizvodstvo, Cho-rn,.-,'-h %!ctallov [Production of Ferrous 1.!etals-Collection of Works], No 75, ~'--taiilurgiva Press, 1970, pp 48-52 Translation: 'File exchang-~ of sulfur between bath and in a 10 T open- hearth -FUrnace is stuc:ic~l c:,Irim- t?,,t- pciziod of mcltin-7 and 1'inl-shin; in melts with C"C' i--r-m o-.%~ and OXN,-C'-' Lhe ~atfl and withor-~ blowing. (.,I- p:11-ticipation of tile of -the 1!l ~,Iio !%,01-: "."Ore nat tile of sullfur in Lhe com- blistifill It!. (in to the mass of 1.lotal) Col.-Amstietl Croill ~11~- wor-!:Arg space per unit for c.;- criod in Its The C om-b u s tC-a v r,3C I for usim, for rh,-- p:_ L-- It 1?~- i~ 1 `,1 r,~ 1-zl cf the gas phase d U i, j nz tho period 1/2 YJ S ~V" AKINFIYEV, V. 1. , et al., Proizvodstvo Chernykh Metallov, No 75, i"Ietal lurgiya Press, 1970' r"j) 48-S-1 of melting in most cases occurred more intensively than during the period of finishing. 1-.-orscning of dosulfuration of the batil by the furri--cc atmosrhere during the fir,~s-i-,-.: period explainod not only by the decrease in activity of sulfur during thiS period, but also bv the increase in basicity of the slal-. The rate of desulfuration of the bath by the gaas phase curlng blown melts C, differs slightly from its values during staiidlard mclts. 3 fi.-ures; 8 biblio. 6 refs. 2/2 24 - USSR uDc 66Q.o46.5 MAKSIMOV, Yu. M., AKIE]PIYEV, V. I., iA=L.A*1AW and PR030NOV, V. V. "Intensification Of Metal Desulfuration by Blowing With Dust-Like Lime in an Oxygen Stream" Moscow' V sb. "Sovremennyye problemy kach(.,stva stali" 0-11ISiS) (Collection of Works. Modern Problems of Steel Quality) (Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys) Izd-vo "Metallurgiya," No 61, 1970, PP 130-132 Translation of Abstract: Data on test heats with sei)aration of limestone from the charge are given, during which the metal desulfuration process ran successfully in the case of a high rate of lime feedin" into the bath. Data are presented on determining the relation between the rates of W-tal desul- furation and CaO feeding by the method of correlation analysis. Test results on the possibility of controlling the correlation of desulfuration and decar- burization rates by varying the CaO concentration in the oxygen stream are presented. 1 figure, 2 references. USSR UDC 669.183.218.5 AKINFIYEV, V. I., an(I PANTELEYEVA, R. I. "Sulfur Exchange in the Bath-Gas Phase System in an Open4learth Furnace 'I'T'ith Blowing of Powdered Materials in a Stream of Oxygen Through the Metal and Without Blowing" Proizvodstvo Chernykh Metallov [Production of Ferrous Metals--Collection of Works], No 75, Met~llurgiya Press, 1970, pp, 48-52 Translation: Tile exchange of sulfur between bath and gas phase in a 10 T open- hearth furnace is studied during the period of melting and finishing in melts with blowing of iron ore concentrate and oxygen through the bath and without blowing. The characteristics of participation of the gas phase in the desulfuration of the metal used in the work were not the concentration of sulfur in tile com- bustion products, but rather its relative quantity (in relationship to the mass of metal), carried away by the combustion products from the working space per unit time. This quantity was determined for the period of melting and finishing of melts and for the blowing period in experimental melts. The combustion products were taken for analysis using a special device developed for the purpose. It was established that dcsulfuration of the gas phase during the period 1/2 USSR AKfN-r-IYEV-,- -V. I-', et--a-'I'-.-, -Proizvodstvo--C-hernykh Metallov, No 75, Metallurgiya Press, 1970, pp 48-52 of melting in most cases occurred more intensively than during the period of finishing. Worsening of desulfuration of the bath by the furnace atmosphere during the finishing period is explained not only by the decrease in activity of sulfur during this period, but also by the increase in basicity of the slag. 7be rate of desulfuration of the bath by the gas phase during blown melts differs slightly from its values during standard melts. 3 figures; 8 biblio. refs. 2/2 USSR 1jDC 533.6.on.6 IVANOVt V. V., DUNIN. I. L.; and MEDMEV, C. G., (Novosibirsk) "Bounda-cy Layer of a Transparent Gas on a Radiating Surface" 0 Moscow, Izvestiya Akademil Nauk SSSR, Nekhanika Zhidkosti i Gazaq Fo 1, Jan- Feb 72, pp 107-110 Abstracti The process of heat transfer in a laminar, boundary layer of a trans- parent gas flow over a flat plate with a given heat flux on its surface is investigated. In this case the effect of rad-iation on convection appears only through boundary conditions. A system of differential equations of motion for a boundary layer is written and solved by an analytical mothod of solution for transfer problems developed by one of the authors and generalized for determining heat transfer in bounda--r layer. A comparison of the results obtained with available data, shows a good agreement. It is stated in the conclusion that the method presented here can be used for the solution of the nonlinear problea of heat transfer, when the energy equz-,.tion of a system of boundary layer equations contains dissipative terms. 2--2 USSR IVANOV, V. V. and "JNIN 1. L. t ii~~ UDC 533.6 "Investigation of Heat Transfer in the Boundary Layer 17ith Account Tak-c-11 of Radiation of the Surface" Mosco-,,?, Energetilka i Transport, No 2, 1972, pp 167-172 Abstract; The nonlinear problem of heat transfer in 612 boundnry layer of a transparent compressible gas, when theheat of friction is Lransferred ~,,, con- vection to the surface of a solid situated in a strearmlined flow, and iL; then removed by radiation to the surrounding me-dium, is solved by a new iricthod, the method of linearizing functions, which permits effccrive utilization of standard solutions of linear problems with high exactnes's of the final ;--C:3uj-t!3. A bilateral evaluation of the calculation error is made. A specific nureric2l example is presented, and a comparison is made With the results of other authors. 3 figures. 1 table. 10 references. 12 - Plant Pathology USSR UDC 632.938 DUNIN, M~ S., GRIGOR'YEV, M. F., and BUDAIOV, V. Ye., Moscow Branch of the AR-Union Scientific Research Institute of Plant Growing Mikhnevo Moscow Region "Change in the Immunological Characteristics of Plants Under the Influence of a Multiple Infection" Moscow, Sel'skokhozyaystvennaya Biologiya, No 3, May/Jun 73, pp 425-430 Abstract: A study was made of the effect of the simultaneous infection of two strains of wheat by the root rat Fusarium culmorum. and the brown rust Puccinia recondita. Five groups were studied: a) control, b) one exposed to the rust, c) one exposed to the rot, d) one having the rot exposed to the rust, and e) one having the rust exposed to the rot. Group d) bad a significantly lower resistant to rust than group b). Group e) showed a slightly greater susceptibility to rot than group c). 1/1 USSR ii-Dc 633-11-1-582,285.2 DUNIN; M. S., academician Moscow Order of '.Lenin Arricultural Academy Imeni, and BUDATIOV., V. YE.,1 Moscow Depaitnient, of VIR All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Plant Growing "Comparative Tnvestigation of Antigenically Active Substances in all Kinds of Wheat and Paces of Brown Blast" Moscow,, Vestnik Sell skokhozyaystvennoy Nauki, No 10, 1972, pp 9-18 Abstract: With increasing niurber of chroracsoines from diploid to hexaplaid, the resistance of all types of wheat to brown inast pathogen decreases. One notable exception is the T. timopheevi Zhule wheat strain,, which is tetraploM and yet displays an high irxilanity to that pathogen. The 5erological and irn-unoelectrophoretic properties of experi'mantally inoculatea wheat are the same as those of naturally infected wheat. The stmilarity of these properties displayed by globulins obtained from P. recondita Rob. ex Desm. uredospores -and by globulins obtained from leaves of wheat susceptible to this patho.-len makes it possible to utilize eerodiagnosis, electrophoresis, and imm.'anoelectro- phoresis for a quick evaluation of the resistance of tuiy wheat strain to brown runt. T. timpheevi Zhuk is most resintant and T. vavilovi Ja'-,17__z (2n=42) most susceptible to brown r-jat fungus races 20, 52, and 143. 1/1 112 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--OSCILLATIONS OF ACTIVITY LEVEL IN SIMPLE CLOSED NEURON CHAINS -U- AUTHOR--DUNINBARKOVSKlYt COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--BIOFIZIKA 15(2): DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 VA. 1174-378, ILLUS* 1970 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--NEURONP OSCILLATIONt MODEL CONTROL -4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO----FD70/605()07/FOS STEP NO--UR/0217/70/015/002/0374/0378 C[RC ACCESSION NO--AP01399:11 LINCLASSIFIE0 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139931 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. OSCILLATORY ACTIVITY IN CHAINS CONSISTING OF 2 AND 3 NEURONS ARE CONSIDEREDo THE PERIODS OF THESE OSCILLATIONS EXCEED SEVERAL FOLD THE TIME CONSTANT OF THE NEURONS. THIS PROPERTY MAKES THE MODEL DIFFERENT FROM OTHER KNOWN MODELS OF PERIODIC ACTIVITY, IN WHICH THE OSCILLATION PERIOD IS MAINLY DETERMINED BY THE TIME PARAMETERS OF NEURONS (THE DELAY VALUEP TIME CONSTANT OF FATIGUE, ETC*)* THE CASE IS ALSO CONSIDERED WHEN NSURON POOLS RATHER THAN SINGLE NEURONSt ARE THE ELEMENTS.OF THE CHAIN* THE-POSSIBLE NERVOUS SYSTEM MECHANISM WAS DISCUSSED. FACILITY: INST. PROBL, INFORM. TRANSM., ACAD. SCI. USSR, MOSCOWs USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621-357.7-035.4s669.128(088.8) BABEMKO, B. A., PUNISIUMP, P. A., 11ITRYAKOVA, A. V., CMCHETKINA, V. A., and SHILOVSKIYA, V. P., Saratov Polytechnical Institute "A Process for the Reduction of Oxidized Chloride Electrolyte for Iron Platine, Author's Certificate No 3463891 filed 25 Ne 70, published 2-2 Aug 72 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Khimlya, No S(II), 19?3, Abstract No 8L316P) Translationi The process is patented for the reduction of oxidized chloride electrolyte of iron plating during Its parification. by electrolysis. It is improved in that in order to increase the speed of the reduction, the process Is carried out with the application of ultraBonic vibrations having fre- quencies of 18-22 kHz Lind an intensity of 0-8-1-5 watts enz for a ratio of the anode to cathode surface of 3ti and 1)atO-30 amps decizeter2. The application of the ultrasonic vibrations speeds up the process of the reduction of the oxidized chloride electrolyte dur1jig the iron plating 7 to 10 fold. 1/1 - 14 USSR DUNSY'Ll- Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences IfA Symposium on Aerosols" Moscow, Zashchita Rasteni-y, No 3, 1971, p 57 Abstract: A symposium on the application of aerosols in agricul- ture was held on 3-4 Nov 70 in Moscow. It was organized by the Scientific Council of the State Committee on Science and Tech- nology, Council of Ministers USSR and by the Department of Plant Protection of the All Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V. I. Lenin. More than 100 ODecialists from 35 agencies participated in tho symposium. Frog. A. G. Amolin, Chairman of the 3ciontific Council on Aerosols, pointed out the importance of eliminating crop losses caused by pests, plant diseases, and weeds, and for developing and diversifying methods for the appli- cation of pesticides. Because of the imperfection of the methods used, large anounts of chemicals in short suuply are lost, or when carried away by the wind, they often cause damage to neighboring fields. Prof. N. A. Puks outlined the present state of development of the science of aerosols. He pointed out 1/k USSR'. DUNSKIY,.V..F.,.Zashchits Rasteni , No 3, 1971, P 57 the-advantages-oD using seLf-propelled sprayers that move on an a3-4- cushion. Prof. S. I. Eydellshteyn, A. A. Zakomyrdin, and V-..M..Tsetlin reviewed applications of aerosols in medicine, veterinary science, and sanitation. They pointed out the neces- si-ty of-exmanding the production of manual aerosol cylinders, bec:ause cylinders of this type can also be used in plant growing when,hot-houses, barns, storage buildings, and small sections sprayed for insects. Prof. V. F. Dunskiy reported on mathematical methods that have been develo-oed for calculatina the-.amount of pesticide or herbicide carried by the wind into neighboring fields after surface dispersion or disper-sion from aircraft. Problem3 related to the automation of spraying were discussed in a number of reports. Although work in this field fa just.beginning, tests with equipment that has been developed showed that considerable amo unts of pesticides can be saved. K..A..Kr-i.-htof renorted progress in the development of an elec- trostatic-sprayer, by means of which uniform spraying of both 2/k 3 U'SSR_ D.-UNSKIY, V. F., Zashchita Rosteni , No 3, 1971, p 57 the-upper and lower surfaces of leaves is obtained with a small amount of liquid, while no, liquid is carried by the wind onto neighboring fields or deposited on the ground under the plants. Arx-experimental model of a sprayer of this type has already been ciDnstructed and is undergoing tests. In reports by A. 1. Sidorov and--others, information was given about new "gemna" pesticide cartridges for the extermination of insects in barns and about thickened emulsions to reduce wind dispersion of pesticides. N..V.-Nikitin and V. A. Sanin told about the design, construction, and experimental application of microvolume sprayers which pro- duce drops of a uniform, controlled size. Production models of this equipment are already being tested. Yu. G. Logachev et al r,evorted results of tests of aircraft equipment for dustin;7 wiih-granulated chemicals. For humidifying the air or che--nical tr.eatment in enclosed rooms, the conventional process of dis- persion by high-diSDersity sprayers has been replaced by a Dro- cedure~producing only very small droplets. K. P. Kutsenskiy t-old'.about a study of the mechanism of toxic action of a highly 3Yk- USSR- DUNSKrf, V. F., Za'shchita Rasteniy, No 3, 1971, P 57 dibDerse condensed aerosol on insects. This study has been con- t-inued for a number of years at the Institute of Kinetics and Cbmbustion, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, Novo- sibirsk. 4/4 Inventions & Discoveries USSR uDc 63:576.8:578.o38 DFJIZYay;. V. V., MI11AYEVA, L. A.) FILIPPOV) A. V., and SMULOV, V. A., Ail- '6nMenlHititute of Plant Pathology, B. VyazeuV, Moscow Oblast "A Highly Sensitive Trap for Microbiological Studies of the Atnosphere" Moscow, Bell skokhozyaystvennaya Biologiya, No 2, 1973, pp 290-291 Translation: The concentration of spores of phytopathogenic fungi at the onset of a disease is usually calculated in units per tens of cubic meters of air. It is necessary to be able to detect spores promptly among other particles suspended in the air. Various types of gravity traps are now used for this puxTose. Daspite their extreme simplicity, they have a common cUsadvantange - low sensitivity (1). There are also the inertial types of traps (2). One of them,, the L-1, is intended to trap spores (or other particles 5 P m in diameter) and measure the concentration of the particles. Another trap, the L-2) iiiakes it -Qossible 4,-.o determine 'the diurnal ch~-n-e in concentration of these particles in the air. However, it is sometimes necessary (e.g., when forecasting plvnt dis- eases) not only to trap spores but to determine their viability. Yne gravity and inertial traps show only the t'otal concentration of particles of a cortrxin type. This draVback can be overcome by using a previously describe-]- i~ethod (3) 1/4 USSR DMISKIY, V. V., et al., Sell skokhozyaystVennaya Biologiya, No 2, 1973, pp 290- 291 whereby air is punyped directly through the fascicles of live plants. 'The spores present in the air are "filtered" by the plants and settle on them. After a brief exposure the plants are placed in a mediwn conducive to the growth of phytopathogenic organisms. The presence of infectious spores is detennined from the symptoms of disease (spot-Is., pustules, etc.) visible to the naked eye. However., this niethod' like the others, is not very sensitive because o-C the brevity of exposure caused, first, by the rapid drying of tile leaves by the air passing througli thein and, second, by the fact that the flow :f-ate of the air through the plants is iiirdted by their mechanical strength. We devised a method whereby the spores in the air can be concentrated and then allowed to settle in a special chadber on moist plpant leaves, i.e., under conditions favorable for the growth of phytopath%enlc organisi,,s. Tne spores are concentrated in a cyclone dust separator. Mhen using the cyclone, the volLune of air from wHich lChe spores are removed c,-n be increased hu-nd-reds and thousands of ti-es wi-,.hout running the risk of -Che plants dryinr,- or suff-Per- ing injury, and tile plants in the chaffbar can be noistened fro-m time to tine. Based on the su 'f,,eoted method, we datsi(-;iled and built a hij,,hl,~, :Qnt;1tj.vC tranp consisting of a CYCIOTIQ f;(!T)1ar,_1tC)r capablu or or more iii ddwatter From tl`ic air. Tiie- -e-narator i.; connQct~~,u USSR DUMMY V. V., et all., Sel'sko_khozyaystvenrftya Diologiya, Ib 2, 1973, pp 290-291 centrifugal fan (capacity 360 m3/hour) powered by an electric notor (0.4 I-T). Air enters through an inlet tube at about 20 M/sec. T-he suspended particles settle in a chamber under the out-let tube. Air free from spores is expelled through a ventilator. In a hermetically sealed metal chamber connected to the separator is a screen on which whole plants or leaves resting on water are set. Distilled water is pouxed into the space between the bottoi.'l of the charfi:)er and the screen to help maintain high humidity in the chamber and supply a drLL?rj sprayer. The latter, driven by an electric motor (50 v., 30010 rpm), producer and maintains drops of moisture on the leaves in the charSber. Water is fed. the d-rum sprayer by a centrifugal pump (capacity 200 ml/min)through a jet nozzle via a pipe line with a filter. The drum sprayer and pump operate intermittently with a timer Lri order to prevent the spores from being washed frorm the leaves in the presence of too much moisture. A readily removable, transparent, hermetically sealing hatch in the front of the chamber raermits the plants to be changed. Live spores settling downward from. the outlet pipe of the separator strike the wet leaves where theY germinate and form spots. Trials of the new device along with the L-I and L-P traps to find spores of the causative afent of laLc bli(;ht of potato showed that thu ncw (Ionricc, 374 USSE DLUISnY, V. V., et al., Sel'skokdlozyaystvennaya Biologiya, No 2, 1973, pp 290-291 detected the presence of spores in the air in 15 of 18 cases. Durin.- the sane period of time the L-1 and L-2 tra-os detected th.-- presence of couidia in Onl.-V 3 cases and it was impossible to tell whether the spores were live or dead. The results of tile trials justify our reco=ennding the new device as a means of detecting promptly and judging the viability of phytopathogenic organisms in the air. 4/4 USSR uDc 621.396.677.7 DUPLENKOV,, D. A. and LISITSIN, V. P. "Emission From the Open End of a Rectangular Wavegulde Into a Uniform, Plasma Half-space" Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta (Works of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute), 1972, vyp. 119, pp 16-24 (from RZh-Radlotekhnika, No 21,, Nov 72, Abstract No 11 B44) Translation: A f ormula is obtained for the nozmalized conductivity of a radiating aperture in single-mode approximation. Ihis foxmula is used for calculating the parameters of a waveguide unit where the unit is designed to be used in the diag- nosis of plasma. Original article: five illustrations and five bibliographic entries. N.S. 145 - USSR UDC: 8.74 BELONOZHKO, P. A., BOYKO, Ye. I., DUTLISFCHEV, A. M , SERYY, Ye. A., edi- torial staff of "Avtomat-L~a -' Vychisl. Tekhnnika" AN LatvSSF. "A Device for Solving Difference Equations" Riga, Ustroystvo dlya resheniya raznostnykh uravneniy (cf. English above), 1972, 13 PP, ill.'bibl. of 2 titles (manuscript deposited in VINITI, No 5197-72 Dep. from 8 Dee 72) (from RM-Kibernetiika, Rlo 7, Jul 73, abstract No 7V586 Dep. by the authors) T Lranslation: An analog-digital complex can be used to stildy digital auto- matic control systems most completely. However, such a system is an extremely complicated technical device which is not always accessible to the researcher. The paper describes a device Vnich has been developed and technically realized to be used jointly with an analog computer to simu- late the operation of a digital filter described by a linear difference equation. rile device incorporates step switches and can lie used jointly with the analog computer to solve linear difference equations. At- tachment to the g-ven t- j7pe of model and the order of the equations to be solved are not unique. 1/1 - 45 - USSR UDC 615.371:576.851.49].074 SIN,ILOITA, N. G., PERSHINA, Z. G., DUPL1SUf=4,_A,_e., and IVANOV, K. K., institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni Gamaleva, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "Biochemical Composition of Preparations From Original Sh. flexneri 550 Cultures and Mutants With Increased Radioresistance" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i I=unobiologii, No 8, 1971, pp 102-107 Abstract: Analysis of the basic chemical composition of Preparations from Sh. flexneri 550 cultures and mutants obtained by repeated gamma irradiation failed to disclose any differences between them with respect to nitrogen, phosphorus, and nucleic acids. Hwever, cells of the mutants contained smaller amounts of proteins and carbohydrates but more lipids than did cells of the original culture. The biochemical composition (according to the abcr,re indices) of the antigens isolated from the original cultures a:.,.d -,u- tants was very similar. All the preparations from the mutants differed markedly from the original cultures in qualitative and quantitative compo- sition of carbohydrates. 1/1 USSR UDC 681.326.77:681.327.66 D"DIN,,1L_P., and YEFREMOV, V. D., Leningrad Polytechnical Institute imeni M. 1. Kalinin "A Device Which Makes Choices According to Priorities" USSR Author's Certificate, No 279171, Filed 18 Jun 69, Published 11 Nov 70 (from ReferativrkN-y Zhurnal -- Avtomatika, Telemekhanika, i Vvchislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 8, 1971, Abstract No 8B305 P) Translation: A device which makes choices according to priorities is suggested. It contains a unit which selects the channel with the highest priority and a unit for sequential (cyclic) choice of a channel. In order to simplify the device and to increase its pseed of operation, the outputs of the unit which selects the high-priority channel are connected to the corresponding number of the channel and to the inputs of the binary magnetic keys of the unit for cyclic choice of a channel. One of the outputs of the latter is connected with the input of the following key on the ring. ill USSR UDC 547-26'3.18 YAKOVA., Ye. G., DURA KMTOVA, A. A., and FUDO11TY,, A.,N., Kazan State Uni-ve-r-s"ity inleni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin "Infrared Spectral Study of the Reaction of Dialkylphossphoric~ficids-vith Tin Tetrahalides" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshcbe.v Khimii, Vol 41, NO 5, May 1971, pp 1003-10C8 Abstract: In examining th,a IR ripectra of dimethyl- and diethylphosphonate complexes as fo=ed vith 6alorinated vnrl brominated tin, It U-as establiched that the reaction occurs at, the position of the oxygen in the phosphoryl group. The structures were confirried by spectmq mnalysin. It was also rhown, that in this reaction chelated conTounds are fo=ed with the liberation of hydro- chloric acid. 1/1 1/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 T.ITLE--KI-NETICS OF ELECTRODE PROCESSES IN ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS OF VARIABLE COMPOSITION -U- AUTHOR-(03)-DURDIN, YA.V., KRAVTSOVt V.I.v MALEVP VoV. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--VSTN. LENINGRAD. UNIV., FIZ., KHIM- 1970, Wt 60-99 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ELECTRODE REACTION, ELECTROLYTE, MASS TRANSFER CONTROL HARKING--.%lU RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO REE:L/FRAME--11)95/1313 STEP NO--UR/0054170/0001004/0080/0099 ACCESSION NO--AP0116773 UNCLASSIFIED 212 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING UATE--160GT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0116773 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THIS EXTENSIVE REVIEW CONCS. ON EFFECTS OF SUPPORTING ELECTROLYTE ON THE RATE OF ELECTRODE REACTION THROUGH AFFECTING PASS TRANSFER IN THE DIFFUSION AND DIFFUSE LAYERS UNDER THE CONDITIONS WHEN A SIMULTANEOUS CHEM. REACTION IN THE FLUID VOL* CAN BE NEGLECTEDe IT ALSO DEALS WITH MUTUAL EFFECTS OF THE STATE OF METAL IONS IN THE SOLN. AND THE RATE OF ELECTRODE PROCESS, BY NEGLECTING MIGRATIGN OF IONS IN THE SOLN.t CHANGES IN COMPN. OF THE DOUBLE LAYER, AND CHANGES OF THE ACTIVITY COEFFS. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAIE-30OCT170 TITLE-LIMITING CURRENTS ON A ROTATING DISK ELECTRODE IN TRICHLDRDACETIC ACID SOLUTIONS. 11. SOLUTIONS WITH VARYING SUPPORTING ELECTROLYtE AUTHOR-(02)-SVETASHOVA, YE.S., DUROLN# N'A.V. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-ELEKTROKHIMIYA 19709 6(4), 480-3 DATE PUBLISHED- -70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-ELECTROCYfE, PLATINUM ELECTRODE, CHLORINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND, POTASSIUM CHLORIDE CC-NTRUL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-200010659 STEP NO---UR/0364/70/006/004/0480/0483 C,IRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0124331 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT71 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124331 ml AaSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GR-O- ABSTRACT. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE LI, TING CURRENT AND THE SUPPORTING ELECTROLYTE CONCN. WAS STUDILD ON A ROTATING PT DISK ELECTRODE IN SOLNS. OF KCL CONTG. HCLv CCL SUB3 CO SU82 Hy AND ALLYL ALC. AT HIGH CONCNS. OF THE SUPPORTING ELECTROLYTE, THE LIMITING CURRENT IS DUE TO THE DISCHARGE OF H SUB3 0 PRIME POSITIVE ONLYP THE RELATIVE CONCN. OF CCL SUB3 CO SUB2 PRIME NEGATIVE BEING LOW. BY DECREASING THE SUPPORTING ELECTROLYTE CONCN., AN ELEC. FIELD IS FORMED IN THE DIFFUSION LAYERv INHIBITING ACCESS OF THE ANION TO THE ELECTRODE SURFACE. IN THE BINARY SOLN. CONCN. RANGE OF THE ACIDSi THE LIMITING CURRENTS IN SYSTEMS IWTH AND WITHOUT ALLYL ALC. ARE PRACTICALLY EQUAL; THE EXTRAPOLATED VALUE OF THE LIMITING CURRRENT IS IN AGGREEMENT WITH THE,VALUE CALCD. FROM THE EQUATION OF LEVICH. AT EXCESS CONCNS. OF THE SUPPORTING ELECTROLYTEl THE RATIO OF THE LIMITING CURRENT DUE TO THE REDNs OF CCL SUB3 CO SUB2 PRIME NEGATIVE AMTS. TO 20PERCENTo AND IN CONCN. REGIONS APPROACHING BINARY SOLNS. IT FALLS TO SIMILAR TO 3PERCENT9 IN AGREEMENT WITH THE VALUE CALCD. FROM THE THEORY OF CONVECTIVE DIFFUSION. FACILITY.,, LENINGRAD. GOS. UNIV. IM. ZHOANCVAY LENINGRADe USSR* UNCLASSIFIED US S R ARMANYM, I. S. , and DUFDYYEV. KF. Pbysicotechnical of Academv of Sciences Tur'rMen SSRI "On Certain Genera! Izati cn5 of a Complex Variable" Ashkhabad, izvestiya Akaderdil Haiik T~Urkmenskov SSR, Seriyt-a 17-*~~~~'r:"-)-,Iel,"In-,,:'-c-~~,-,~i'i~'l", I - 7 K h-micheskikh i GeoIoEiches---*Rh Nauk, No. 3, 19701 pp 2~-25 Abstract: The laws of co=osition for rings in t1he thecr-v ofl- by 1. S. Arzhanykh ai-- formulated. The structure of thlt~ :!%ecry of ccmpleves S formulated in the follai4ing manner: let x0, x, xa be real varfables a-nd cl, r??---7CS be certain elements ;5-atisfying the coninuzative an(i associaLive of cftposition Where 7Z, (11 --- 0. 1. ..., s; 2, s) 1/2 USSR ARMAIPL-Kri I. S. and DURDYTV, M., Izvestiya Akademii NRuk. SSi Ser-'~-,. Fiziko-Tek"micheskikh, Khirid.cheskikh i Geologicheskikh Nauk, N-0. -33), 1970, pp 21-25 are real ntLnbers. Distributiveness is assumed to be satisf"ied. 'Fae con-u.-rate complex t and the characteristic x[xl = x-t are introduced to carry out Zile d1vi- sion operation. Division in a ring of complexes is possible onl.y on thosc: comm- plexes where the characteristic is different from zero. The canjugate complexes and characteristics are calculated for the rings K_1 t K-12 K_i + K+11 K_1 X E-11 K-l + Ko, K-1 x K+ ,and K_l x KO. USSR um 621-317-7,57 I- GUREVICII, V. B. , AGAPOV, G. V. , BORUKHOVICH, A. P., WB NOVICII, G. V., Leningrad Electrical Engineering Insti use ol -o=unications imeni Pro.-Lessor M. A. Bonch-Bri_K~revich "An Analyzer of the Correlation Characteristics of a Puls,:-Code Signpi" 2t k -a 1-.ojLrc,_-tcni shlenn e Obrazts '~ov,~,,Lnrre Znaki, Moscow, a, Promy No 9, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 331322, Division G, filed 6 Nov 69, published 7 Mar 72, p 13h Translation: This Authox's Certificete introduces- 1. antLlyzer of the correletion characLerin ties of a pulse-code signal in sysst~-Tu; for data trano- mission by uniform codes. The analyzer contains a contro- '; -*able delay unit, a coincidence circuit, -- source o:r synchronizing pulses P-11 EL plllf~C counter. As a distinjuishing feature of the patent, the device is dt--sitmed for sepa- rate measurement of the correlation factor of two signal trains spaced by the spnp time interval but located in different Places of t-Ile code groups. Connected between the output of the coincidence circuit and the in-out o-r the pulse mun-Ger IS tm additionall coincidence ci"cuit whcse ccrv~rolllr_g input in connected throuFji an additional controllable delay unit to the 112 USSR GUREVICH, V. E. et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 331322 output of the source of synchronizing pulses. 2. A modification of this analyzer diztinguished by the fact that the effect which the degree of channel loading has on tile result is eliminated by connecting a silent sJg- nal code group recognition unit to the input of the device. ~LTe output of the recognition device is connected through a channel time separation device to the inT)uts of threshold channel accumulators of a Dredeternined number of pulses and to the inputs of channel coincidence circuits. 'IT-e channel time separation device is controlled from the source of synchro- nizing pulses. The controlling inputs of the channel coincidence circuit-- are connected to the potential outputs of the correspondinE channel acevriu- lators, and the output signals froll the coincidence circuits Pro fed to the input of the silert signal control. group counter, the input of' each channel accimulator being collnected through an inverter to the reset cir- cuit of this accumulator. The pulse outputs of the cha-rinel. -accumulators are connected to the input of the counter for the tota-I nu.Tiber of silcnce intervals. 2/2 - 50 - USSR UDC 519.281 RAYBIIAN N. S. SHPUTNT, M. 1. , OVSEPYAN, F. A., DURGARYPJI I. S. "Information Measure of Determinacy and Its Use in Identification of Objects of Control" %Tr. I Vses. simDoziuma Do statist. Drobl. v tekhn. kibernet. Identifik i apparatura dlya statist. issled. (Works of the First All-Union Symposium on Statistical Problems in Technical Cybernetics. Identification and Equipment for Statistical Investigation), Moscow, "Nauka", 1970, pp 126-136 (from RZh- Matematika, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract No 1OV109) Translation: The problem of quantitatively eyaluating the degree of .1somorphism of the mathematical model of an object-original is discussed. The quantitative estimate of the degree of isomorphism proposed, .the information measure of determinacy, is bai3ed on the fundamental notions of information theory. Let a random quantity X "act" an the input of a one- dimensional inertialess object and the random quantity Y "act" an the output. :A certain distribution of the values of Y corresponds to each fixed X. ,in this it is proposed that the following quantity be used as a relative informa- -tion measure of determinacy: 1/2 USSR RAYBMAN, N. S., et al, Tr. 1 Vses. simpoziuma__po statist. probl. v tekhn. kilber,- .net. Identifik i apparatura dlya statist. issled., Moscow, "Nauka", 1970, pp 126-136 qX(Y} = IX[Y}lHfY}, (1) where IX[.Y} is the quantity of information on Y contained in the input quantity X and HfY1 is the unconditional entropy of the quantity Y. Calculation of the information measure of determinacy by formula (1) involves a large number of calculations in practice. It is shown in the work that under certain con- straints on the unconditional and conditional probability density of the quan- tity Y it is possible to express the information measure of determinacy in terms of more simple characteristics of the object; in particularin terms of -the measure of determinacy based on dispersion methods for random quantities. Such a measure of determinacy was introduced by N. S. Raybman (AVtomatika i Telemekhanika, 1963, 24~ No 9). One can similarly introduce an information .measure of determinacy for static multidimensional and dynamic objects. Examples of calculating the measure are given. Yu. Shinakov. 2/2 37 - Ace. Nr. 00 45 3 2,;-. Abstracting Service: Ref. Code - CHEMICAL ABST. _U ly 40 a;% 0 90910k lsomerization of active centers in the anionic poly. merization of vinyltrimethylgermgine. Nametkin, N, I Ippov ;- ar v n- Tikhonova. 1,. L; H a V G. OnsE. Xe=- il,115=5, -an. To-pchieva. Moscow fjob. r17Gad-_Ara_u1_ ---TM 1'31U= 1. 114-17 [Cherj~(Russ Me:,GeCH:CH2 (1) polvmd. slowly in fieptane in the presence of BuLi at 35-45*. Thus, after 11-50 hr at 3.41-mole~l. I conen. and 0.01 mole / 1. BuLi coner... oniv 57% conversion was obsd. After an initial in- duction period, the polymn. rate wm proportional to I concri. and the square root of the initiator concn. Addn. of butadiene to the reaFtion sv.,,tem after 30LI hr did WE cause it to polvirterize, indi- cating the Low activity of the I carbanions. The polymer chain gro%lh is apparently complicated by deactivation of the active centers bv a hvdride trawfer from the end of the growing chain to L ive UH Thi was confirmed by observation of C:C absorptions in the ir spectra of the polymer *and by Br uptake corresponding to 2.2% double bonds. DBJR REEL/FRAME 197800156150 ;7 UNCLASSI Fi~ PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 -:TlTL=_--PRESPNCE OF CRITICAL MIXING.TEMPERATURES DETERNINE0 FROM UATA ON :ThE TEMPERATURE DEPENUNCE OF TflE INTRINSIC VISCOSITY OF AUTHOR-(04)-KH00ZliE'_VAN0Vj F.F.j NAMETKINt N.S. vDURGARYAN, S.G., SEMENOV, 0. 3. CCU.-NTRY OF INFO--USSR -SGUAC;:--I7_V. AKAO. NAUK SSSR, SER. KHP4. 1970t (2), 283-9 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT ARE-AS--CHEMis,rRy, alOLOGICAL AND MEUICAL SCIENCES ,TOPIC TAGS--THERMAL EFFECT, MATERIAL MIXING, CYCLOHEXANK-o SILANE, CHLORINATEU OkGANIC COMPOUND, DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID, PHOSPHATE ESTLA, MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, FLUID VISCOSITY CONTROL MARKING--140 RESTkICTIONS .00CU"'.ENT CLASS-UNCLAS511-160 PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/1356 STEP NO--(JR/00611/70/000/002/0283/0289 CIr_"lC A~;CESSION NO--AP0135030 F~l -7. A S "SSING DATE--13NOV7O 212 023 UNCL S IFIED PROCE C I R CACCESSION NO-AP0135030 ,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INTRINSIC VISCOSITIES AND THEIR TE-AP. CGEFFS. WERE OETU. FOR POLY (V INYL IRIMETHYLSI LANE I IN DECAHYDRONAPHTHALIENE, CYCLUHEXANE, liZt4pME SUB3 C SU06 H SUB3, CHCL SUB3, C SUB6 14 SUB6, AND ME SUB3 SICH:CH SUB2. VISCGSITY VA-AIATIONS OF THE POLYMER (PREPD. WITH EFLI CATALYST) WERE INTERPRETABLE BY THE PATTERSON-TAGER THPOkY ON THE BASIS OF EXISTENCE OF UPPER ANO LOWER CRITICAL TEMPS. OF IMIXING FOk THE POLYMER SOLVE,*,.,T COMPO-NIENTS. A SIMILAR ANAL. nF VISCOSITY IN SOLPIS. OF DNA AND DEOXYR[BONUCLEOPROTEIN 1014P) WAS MADE, DNP SOLN, SHU?,ED AN'ANOMALOUS 3 FOLD RISE IN VISCOSITY PRIOR TO CHANGE OF THE SPIRAL FORM TO THE SPH--i-,ICAL ONE, EITHEk CAUSED BY DISSOCIATION OF TPE PRUTLIN FROM THE7DNA AND INCREASED ASYMMETRY REFLECTING THE CONFOR~MATION CHANGE-j Ok PERHAPS AS A RESULT OF CHANGE IN THESUPRAMOLECULAR STkOCTUkE OF ONP. FACILITY: [NST. NEFTEKHIM. S IN .IM. TOPCHIEVA, MO')'C0d, USSR. U11C LA S11 E D 1/2 019. UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAk'fE-30OCT7( TITLE-COPOLYMERIZAT ION OF ALLYTRIMETHYL OR ALLYLD IMETHYL PHENYLS11 LANES WITH ACRYLGNITRILES -U- AUTHOR-104)-NAMETKINo N.S.t KOZHUKHOVAt I.N.v FILIPPOVA, V.G., DURGARYAN, s COUMY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-VYSOKOMCL. SOEDIN.r SER. B 1970, 1213), 180-2 DATE PUBL ISHED-70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-COPOLYMERIZATION, ORGANIC SILANE* ACRYLONITRILE, CHEMICAL KINETICS, BENZENE DERIVATIVE CONTROL MARKING-NO XESTkILTIUNS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PkGXY REEL/FRAM&--2000/0671 STEP CIRC ACCESSIGN NG--AP0124343 UNCLASSIFIED 212 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSbiu- DATE--.30OCT71 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP012-4343 ABSIRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP--O- ABSTRACT. YHE COPOLYMN. KINEfICS 0i. H SUB2 C;CHCH (1) WITH ME Sub.3 SICH SUB2 CH: CH SUBZ (11) OR ME SU6Z PH SICH SUBZ CH:Ch SUB2 (111) 14AS STUDIED IN BULK OR KCDNME SUBZ SOLN. IN THE PRESENCE OF 8Z SUBZ 0 SUB2. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE COPOLYMER CUMPN. ON THE COMPN~ OF THE STARTING MONOMER MIXTS. WAS ESTABLISHED. THE REACTIVITY RATIOS (R) IN THE THE 1-11 COPOLYMN, WERE 3.98 FOR I AND 0.11 FOR 11 AND IN THE 1-111 COPOLYMN. 2.24 FOR I ANG 0.20 FOR 111. THE REACTIVITY FACTORS (Q) AND' POLARITY FACTORS (E) WERE 0.036 AND OZ.7 FOR 11, AND 0.070 AND 0.30 FOR lilt RESP. FACILITY: INST. NEFTEKhIM. SIN. IM. TOPCHIEVA, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USR uDc 547.833.6.9 GYUL-BUDAGYAN, L. V., MARGAMA110 H. A. j and. Yerevan State University "New Derivatives of 4--Quinaldinol. XVII. 2-MethYl-3-(3-chlorobuten-2-yl-l)- -4-hydrox.,Nuinoline-6-carbDxylic acid and Some of Its Reactions" Riga$ KhImiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soyedinenly, No 12, Dec 71p pp 1681-1682 Abstracti Following reactions are reported. Cyclization of ethyl ether of 2-(3-chlorobuten-2-;1-1)-3-(p~-carbethoxyanilino)-crotonic acid by heating it in vaseline oil to 245 yields 2-methgl-(3-chlorobuten-2-yl-l)-4-hydroxy-6- -carbotboxyquinoline (1), m.p. 270 . A solution of 3,2 g (I) in IGO ml alcohol containing 2 g NaOH is heated for 30 min, the alcohol is removed, 10 ml.of water Is added to the residue, filteredp the pH is brought to 6-6.5, yielding crysta.1line 2-methyl-3,~3-chlorobuten-2-yl-l)-4-hydroxyquinoline-6-carboxylic acid (11), 2-P. 314-316 . To 3.2 g of (1) lo al of phosphorus oxychloride is added, the mixture is heated for 3 hrs. excess phosphorus oxychloride is resoved, ice water is added and the mixture neutralized to yield 2-methyl;3- (3-chlorobuten-2-yl-l)-.4-chloro-6-carbethoxyquinoline (111), M.P. 102-103 - To a heated eolution, of (III) in alcohol, alcoholic NaCH is added, refluxed for 2 hrs, the alcohol is evaporated, water Is added, and neutralized to yield 1/2 USSR GYUL-BUDAGYAN, L. V., et al.. Rhimiya Geterotsiklichesldkh Soyedineniy, No 12, Dec 71, pp 1681-1682 2-aethyl-3-(3-chlorobuten-2-yl-l)-4-cjlorwui_noline-6-carboxy-lic acid (IV), x,p, 162. To 0obtain 1-(2-itiethyl-4-hydro3q~~6-caxboxyqu;LnQlinyl-3)butanone-3, x.p., 272-2?3 , (.11) waa dissolved In sulfuric acid and heated to 500 until all HCI formed has been removed. The mixture was then diluted with waterp neUtrRl12ed, and the rodu t precipitated. Analogously 1-(2-methyl-4-chloro- 6-carboxyquiao1irW1-3=tzone-3 was obtained from (IV). 2/2 - 62 USSR UDC 615-371:576.851,451.036.8;0'12.LlZ.9 DURIMIN,K. X. and ZAPLATLN.A., S. I., Rostov-Na-Donu Antiplague Institute "Some Characteristics of the Plasmacyte Reaction in 111acaca Phesus Xonkeys Vaccinated With Live PA'.ague Vaccine (Strain EV)11 Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii. Epidemiologii. i V01 1~3- "10 6, Jun 71. pp 135-140 Abstract: Racaca rhesus monkeys vaccinated enterally with live plague vaccine stain EV were used to determine the feasibility of using the pliasmac~rte reac- tion as one of the criteria of immunological rearrangement. The aniicals were immunized with a bacterial suspension prepared from lyophilized EV vaccine, or the same strain washed from an agar culture in physiolo-ical solution. The immunizing dose of the preparation was 100 billion calls. I.Ormph smears obtained from mesenteric and inguinal. lymph nodes and the nuZoer of young and differentiated cells of the plasmacyte series were counted. At the same tine the antibody level was determined in the passive hemagglutination reaction. Studies showed that cne of the characteristics of the plasmacyte reaction to immunization with plague vaccine is the predominance of small differentiated forms of cells of the plasmacyte series. There is no relationship between the USSR DUfLIKHIN, K. Y., et al, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii, i Immunobiologij, Vol 48, No O's Jun 71, PP 135-140 number of plasma cells in the lymph nodes of vaccinated animals and the level of serum antibodies indicating the nonspecific character of the cytological criterion. The newly proposed method or evaluating the extent of prolifera- tion of cellular elements of the plasmacyte series maybe used 1.0 assess the dynamics of serum antibody production. The currently used method of assessL-I.- the results of a plasmacyte reaction on the basis of the number of plasma cells is questioned. 2/2 USSR um 65.371-015.13 IEVI, M. I., a--sow., H. NT. and DURMIN, K. V.~ Voscow El.Micipal Disinfection Station and Central Institute 'Reletionshiz Eetween the Dose of Soluble Antigen and Z;,. Pla, -- C 11 n Sna e R~nc~ 0 u in a Regional 1~-mph Node After Primary -1mmunization (A %hthe,,:,atical Mascow, Z11---nal Epiderdologii i Lrm-11no1-,io1o7.,ii, :7D 101 i9,7121 pp 19-25 Abst-met: ':,~e dose of soluble antigen injected in-to t1w or.-7?.n1_s-m uletermj,ne.- the plasra cell reaction in a re:-ional 1_wmh node. The oP cc-)J.- of the -,!as;-e_c:.rLe series is di_~ectl-Y -proj;ortional to th_-2 sq,,ra:i-e of t*,-,'e of' the dose of anti,tren injected. Tne rmin elements of the response of animals to the irjection of soluble antigen (lorarithm, of' the arlti!ren dose, duration ol' stay at the injection site, acc,,Lm_1ition of cells, specific rate of removal of anti-en from the injection site, r-,od--ul-_,s of' trans-ition fi~on anti.-en, to Plasm- cells) can be re-lated tions, -.h-i-ch r-ake un the su.~.,ested r2thematical model. Tne differenceo betw,~en the orZ;anism's resDonse to injection of the sare soil-ble art`--,en in one ,-.'tnce and in dffferem-_ -,~_Iaces camn ::C- _ei-piaimzl :)y thze plasm cell. reaction. In an ey-mrinent with whit,~ mt-:-o, in,*,c_ctiorl 01, Pz~st- 1/2 16 USSR LEVI, M. I., et al., Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiolo~lii i limil.mobioloCiij No 10, 1972, pp 19-25 pestis capsular antiF3en in sorbed 'Lorin or mixed with incon-,plete Fre-and's adjuvant mailkedly decreased the specific rate of absor7ition of- the antigen -from the injection site and increased proportionately the ni=ber of plasma cells in the regional 1,yinph nodes. 2/2 USSR UDC 615-372:576-851.45].o36.8 and SUCHKOV, Yu. G., Rostov-on-Don Antiplague Institute "The Effect of the Injection Site of Adsorbed '"ter-Soluble Antigen (Fraction I of Pasteurella, pestis) on the Antibody Level in the Blood Serum of White Ratsh Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 8. Aug 70, pp 49-52 Abstract: Rats were injected in an extremity with P. pestis antigen. The in- jected leg was amputated one or 17 days later. Investigation of the antibody level up to 2-1/2 months later showed that it was substantially higher in ex- perimental animals than in controls (intact rats). Local antibody formation thus appears to play an important role in maintaining the titer at a relatively constant level for some time after a single inoculation. Another series of ex- periments showed that significant immunological rearrangement requires the re- tention of antigen at the injection site for more than 24 hours. Revaccination resulted in appreciable antibody formation in animals in which the injection site was excised 17 days later but had no statistically significant effect when the amputation was perforzod 24 hours later. 1/1 /2 %~u La% Ss lyl t'r-, PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 T irLE--STRUC iul-_'L r tj .~' L UI Sf INCT lUiS iHC SM) ijIF SELECT Pli: Lv ME -U- AUTHOR---!; U, I ~, Y.JIN , R.A. CCL,,N'TRY GF P.Hu--US'SR 5CU~(CE--VAG,1_,.j 41l-46 VEST.,NIK AKADEMII IMEUITSINKiKH NAUK SSSR, VUL 25, 'N L) 3 , 1970 DATE PLtLjSHL6----7C SU6JECT A,~U.S-BIOLCGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TCPIC TAGS-6NAIN, PHYSIULOGY, GYbFkN4ITICS CC,%'TRLL MAR~.A&G-NC KESV'Z(CTIONS 0C UM E ~`% T C L ;- S- S -- Wi ~_' L 4 S 51 PRGAY S rE P NC--UP /ri".4,i I Zo /Or' WO61/00140/ 0 o 1# 6 CIRC ACCESSICN NC--APGiJC-0.`3 I I` i:- 1~ JL ,- _LA~`~IFIED 212 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NGV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0130033 ASS FRACT/EXTRACT-M) ABSTRACT. AT PRESENT WE HAVE SFVFRAL APPRUAGFES TO INVESTI(jAfE THE BRAIN, AMO~,,G 'AH.ICH WE CAN MEMWN THE F 0 L L CV;'l t, GTHE URAIN AS THE URGAN OF THINKIING JJR MFNTAl- FUNGT[UNS (PSYCHULG61CAL ASPECIS); THE BRAIN AS A "COMIPUTER" ((-Y6EP.NFFIC ASPE-CTS); THE BRAIN AS AN ANALYZER OF INFORMATION AND REGULATOR UF FuNcrIONS OF THE OkG;%jNISl! (PHYSI(-,,LC(J'ICAL ASPECTS). THERE ARE NO SUBSTANTIAL OIFFERENCES BETWEEN THESE: APPROACHES; TFFIY MERELY INDICATED THE PRI'MARY DIRECTICIN CF [INVESHUAT16N. OBVIOUSLYt MENTAL ANJ REGULAT0.0,Y PROCESSES iiGULD BE IlMiPOSSEBLE V~ITHOUT ANALYTICO SY&THETIC AND SO CALLEO COMPUTER FUxi-TICNS Ci- THE 8P '~ I iN .ON THE JTHER NA140i THE BAANNI DOES iNOT RE;WIRE COMPUTEk Fuf,;(;TICNS PE~ SE, MERELY AS A MEANS OF OBTAINING THE FUNCTION CF OPTIMUM ACAPTIVE E4ECT TO ENVIRGNMENTAL CGiNDITIONS. f u-'Ll J-) 112 020 UNCL A S S I F 111) P-J,CICE SS I NJ'-' -)AT E-0? -I C T70 TITLE--CATALYTIC DECOMPL31TILIN 3F HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN THE P~ESENCE DF COPPEF WNS -U- 4UTHOR-(03)-VOROBYEVA, T.P., BERDIVIK-LIV, V.,ll., DURMALIS, A. rGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SPURCE--KINET. KATAL. 1970, 11(l)p 100-6 DATE PUbLISHED - ----- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PROPULSION AND FUELS TOPIC TAGS--TETRANITROMETHANEt HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, CHEMICAL DIECOMPOSITIDN, COPPER, IRON, METAL CATALYST CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1989/0758 STEP NO--UR/0195/70/011/001/0100/0105 ,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01073CO UNCLASSIFIED 212 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107300 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CATALYTIC DECOMPN. OF H SU82 0 SUB2 BY CU ION IS INITIATEE BY FE (-Ifl) IMPURITIES; CU IONS (ESP. CU PRIMF3 PUSITIVE) PARTICIPATE IN CHAIN PROPAGATION 4,".10 CHAIN TERMINATION STEPS OF THIS DECOMPN. C (NO SUB2) SUB4 INHIBITS H SUB2 0 SU92 DEC9MPN. IN THE PRESENCE OF CU. UNCLASS IF I ED 89 ~6 May 71 1'~ !17- SM "M -Cjrh~r J.A 71. p 3 ra,,, ...... ..... .. t- ~ru 1 "rv.t,a r- i Ins Lne a t r no,- *11 If "I .:fl~ A. ~~Iivativ:v rr- t,~* air r,r a, ... ........ in,, 9 14 1 Ith.r., and ..-..atSc tc-InIntu r 1*4 1111. 1 pl:,,, d%,.,- tn. necea,ary rt-enta-.1~n sys-'m , tc rc W, A~. ;-.ins f,rwzra to r1rm if plaists can r-vi -1, ;t- h-pyr- fr- tn. air d-g,ap~y F_.-? t-A that 1AXIA.- AA P;-I~~Jr, f- tv CUt ~J_ :,till h... a 4.t; , CA _Jaml - r.. -triad ~Ai. . tj,- G-rtLaM Inotituto cc phs"4401097 and h. it,l third h, va- 70* Mp F-d a, 31 Jw 71, p li::':' -ithi-- w-r~. a- of pr aA ch :,,,I'r r U.""y M - N LL P,, d t that, 4..Pit. --,. cl-r Clwlm4, ~f 1-1~h4 - h :.'I r Tbttt:l, 1. . X.,4 4-1 vZ P~,ItWj. r T:AI:., or. 93-ti., tn. Qg I f tr 11, tn examqpl~cf tn the u - .1st.- and c 2-~ 1,, n" rJuIr trca ~Joh I)l 6. , cA~ .. .1 .. th.t tn. "P]6. with its rang xlr-,I.minA f-tares, sh,ald b~ h ..I. 2/2