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USSR UDc 669.715.620.1 PARKRUTIK, P. A., SELEZNEV, L. P., LUBENSKIY, M. Z., and DUDETSKAYA. L. "Effect of Zinc and Magnesium on the Mechanical Properties of AllOV Alloy" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Mptally, No 12, Dec 70, pp 52-55 Abstract: Impurities in the A110V include zinc, with a maximum GOST-Dermissible content of 0.6%. Such a rigid limitation re- duces the potential use of waste and scrap in producing second- ary aluminum alloys, thus requiring an additional expenditure of primary aluminum or very costly vacuum equipment for dezinci- fication, involving high power consumption. A basic component in the A110V alloy is magnesium which, when combined with zinc, forms a number of chemical compounds. A magnesium con- tent within 0.2-0.5% is readily controllable under production conditions. Earlier studies have shown that 0.15-0.35% mg additions to A110V alloy increase its strength and hardness and decrease plasticity. This study attempts to determine the combined effect of both zinc (0.0-3.0%) and magnesium (0.0-0.5%) 1/2 USSR PARKHUTIK, P. A.$ et al., Tsvetnyye Metally, No 12, Dec~D, pp 52-55 on the mechanical properties and plasticity of AIIOV alloy, The material was melted under flux consisting of equal amounts of NaCl and KCI. Zinc metal was introduced after melting at 730-7400 0. The alloy was refined with MnC12 at 0.1% and was poured at 720-7300 C. The experimental data show that extend- ing the limit for zinc in AllOV alloy to 1.4% is fully per- missible and that such additions have no adverse effects on the hardness, strength, and plasticity of the alloy. 2/2 - 33 - 1/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE-REACTIGN OF FLUORINE WITH NITROGEN _u_ PROCESSING DATE-30OCT?Q IN A BARRIER, SILEVTt DISCHARGE AUTHOR-(03)-DUDIN, A.V.v NIKITINv I.V., ROSOLOVSKIY, V.YA. .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. KHIM. 11~10t (31p 710-11 DATE PUBLISHED--70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS TC-PIC TAGS--FLUORINE, BGROSILICATE GLASS, NITROGEN, CL~': L REACTOR, GAS DISCHARGE, CHEMICAL DECOMPOSITION. CCNTROL IIARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1545 STEP NG--UR/0062/701000/003/0710/071,1 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125171 UNC LASSIFIED 2/2 cis UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATI`30OCT70 CIRC -ACCESSIC#'%' NC--AP0125171 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-1U) GP-O-- ABSTRACT. IN A COAXIAL BORGSILICAYE GLASS REACTOk ()ZONiZER THERMOSTSATED AT 20DEGREES AND OPERAT-ED AT 15,000 V, PASSAGE OF 3:1 MIXT. Cc F SU82:N SU82 IRESULTED It',l FORmATION OF NF SU53 AS CONFIRMED BY IP ANA~. OF THE EFFLUENT. THE COONVERSIOIN 'W'As 1.5-2PERCENITS IN 1-6 HR RUNS. DECOMPN. OF NF SUB3 IN T~JE BAARIER DISCHARGE WAS EXAMD. f)l!;SOCN. OF THE SUBSTANCE INCREASED WITH INCREASED DURATION OF EXPTS. AND WAS G5-SPERCENT IN CIRCULATION EXPTS. 11-4 5-6 HRd THUSf ThE EASILY PROCEEDING REVERSE REACTION PREVENTS THE PREPN. OF NF SUB3 IN GOOD YIELD UNDER THESE CONDITIONS. THE CONVERSION WAS INCREASED BY PASSINU T~-E GASES FROM THE OZONIZER INTO A TRAP CHILLED n'ITH LIQ. N AND THE COINCN. OF NF SUB3 IN SUCH A TRAP LOCATED ABOUT 30 CM FROM THE OZONIZER RESULTED IN ABOUT 10PERCENT CONVERSION DURING 4 HR RUNS. FACILITY: INST. NOVYKH KHIM. PROBL., MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 1.12 031 UNCL 4SS', IE C_H-Ai~ACTERISTICS OF CRACK PRORAG"'TiON STEELS 011RIN'G DELAYED FAILURE -U- PRGCESS!NG 0AT---27NlXf70 IN QUENC4ED jr~WOIM[W-lj AUT40R-(03)-Q.t-3?4ANIVv G."l,v DUIDIN, V.A.y ZIMAI YU.Vo COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SGURCE--FIZ. KHIM. MEKHAN. MAT., 1970, 6, (1), 25-30 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-- ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, CHROMIUM STEELt CRACK PROPAGArION, STEEL QUENCHING CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUME14T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0158 STEP NO--UR/0361)/70/00tj/OOL/0025/0030 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129414 I - N C t-A I a, I E 0 u 212 031 UNCLASSI FIEO PROCESSING OATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIOM NO--AP0129414 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. T14E PROPAGATION OF DELAYED FAILURE CRACKS IN QUENCHEO CR STEELS WITH A RELATIVELY HIGH C CONTENT WAS STUDIED. THE GROWTH OF THE DELAYED FAILURE CRACKS WAS SENSITIVE TO THE FORM AND NATURE OF THE HEAT TREATMENT APPLIED TO THESE MATERIALS, REACTING IN DIFFERENT WAYS, FOR EXAMPLE, TO HIGH TEMP. THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT AND THE PRESENCE OF AN ACTIVE MEDIUM. THE MECHANISMS ACTING AT TWO KEY STAGES OF THE PROCESS (INITIAL CRACK GROWTH AND ULTIMATE FAILURE OR COLLAPSE) ARE DISCUSSES ON THE BASIS OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPE EXAMINATION. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 53 2 . 57 + '5 42 . !~'3 7 1 5,C ? KEFA L TD7, C., -7 F. 4.6016" "On ViLration for. n, szos L T:ensl 4-.-: al-d t--e Weight Conistant of 111"qui(Is on the Basis of Vibration Damol-,~" Tr. Grcznen. ne.--Ft. In- (Wor~,-.s of Gro-menskiv Pt~tro!~ui-;; 1971~ Collection 33, l-,p 22-6-2311 RZh-Miekha-dk,, No .12, D-c 71, AI)r,-L,,-:ic-U ',-C 12B1631) ~,h.:10-et-,czd analysis pi-selltod oil 0, of number. diffe--a-eni 1-1 eci-ua-L5.rjn 'Ls- obtz~ined for the case of a vilwational system, ,-jith lumped o b t; I li n E, -f - -j.,7~ t 11: f:a1' -~ n fc, r c a 1 cu 1, a t t 11 viscos ity -we i ~gn t C-)"-. Can-, ( ~l 0 ) T-n The cas 0- of numbers. I. C. buliri~i. Of the 1;letl-ul or r tjjC,~ I I'T0 la t D a --:,, Pm co! ormulas ciriD e 1 u d c i -a Yl e -,ma If iind 1/1 USSR PISKUNOV, YU. A., NEVSKIY, V. A., I~LPIN, V. F. UDC 539.3/.5 "On the Question of the Breakdown of Concrete Under Cyclic Shock Loads" Tr. Groznen. neft. in-t (Works of Groznenskiy Petroleum Institute), 1971, Collection 33, pp ~-16-217 (from RZh-Mekbaniki, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12V1615) Translation: The authors emphasize that analysis of rheologicfl models of concrete and their equations describing cases of shock effects leads cne to conclude that the inelastic proper-ties of concrete have a considerahle effect on the behavior of concrete under shock in addition to the elastic properties ordinarily taken into account. Experimental data are presented and disciissed concerning a study of the effect of inelastic propertief~ characterlzf~d by the coefficient of- internal friction on the strength proper-cle5 arid the -proc~-Ss of breakdo-,,,n of con--retes under shock loads. Samples of concrete with dimen- sions 7 x 7 x 7 cm haviing the same static strength but differing, in the type and strength (600 and 1200 kg/cm2) of the coarse filler were Investiga-r-ec'. The samples were made with two flows of cement. The coefficient o--" inte-~nal 1/2 USSR PISKUNOV, YU. A., et al, Tr. Groz-nen. neft. in-t, 1971, Collection 33, pp 216-217 friction was determined with the IKVT-2 device by transmitting longitudinal oscillations to the sample. The pulsed loads were supplied on a standard pile driver by applying a series of shocks up to breakdown. The experiments showed that the work necessary for breakdown of the samples rises with an increase ~n the coefficient of internal friction. The work of hreakdown also rises with an increase in the expenditure of cement per m3 of concrete with a fixed coeffi- cient of internal friction. The authors indicate that for the breakdown of concrete with a stronger coarse filler under shock ef-fects but with a lower coefficient of internal friction, less work is expended than in the case of concrete with a less strong filler (crushed stone or gravel) but with a greater coefficient of internal friction. It is thus more favorable with the same static strength of the concrete for structures subject to the action of shock loads to use concrete with a higher coefficient of internal friction, since greater work is required for the breakdown of this concrete. It is noted that one can increase the inelasticity of the concrete through selection of the components and net by using a higher mark of cement. A. 1. Platov. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.762:669,018.44(088.8) DMARSKIY, S. M'.)RODCHENKO, M. I., TARABANOV, A. S., Lbk_K~ALM,~, P. N., and. DUDIN, V V "Press Powder for Manufacture of Heat Resistant Products" USSR Author's Certificate No. 252165, Filed 14/06/67, Published 24/07/70 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No. 2, 1971, Abstract No. 2 G457 P) Translation: The press powder includes a carbon-cont;'iining filler, organic binder, metal oxide easily reduced by carbon, such as Tio 2A and impurities. In order to increase the strength of products upon silicizing, the powder contains a phenol formaldehyde resin as a binder, graphite as the carbon- containing filler, with the components of the press powder in the following weight parts: graphite 65-85, TiO2 8-15 per 100 weight parts of the mixtuie, phenol formaldehyde resin 5-20, impurity 0.5-5. 37 112 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--IISEP70 --ELECTROCAPILLAR 'OfJENOMENA IN INDIUM BISMUTH ALLOYS -U- TITLE Y -1, AUTHOR--KUZNETSOV, V.A.9 KGNYUKHOVAr N.P., OUDINAt N.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ELEKTROKHIMIYA 1970, 6tl)i 108-10 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--SURFACE ACTIVE AGENT, TiNDIUM ALM, BIS'4UTH ALLCY* ELECT!~ODE PnTENTfALt POTASSIUV CHLORIDE, LITHIUM CHLORIDE, ELECTRr~DE POTENTIAL r-ONTROL MARKING--110 PESTRICTI(~NS oncumENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REFLIFRAME-1998/0681 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105657 t UNCLASSIFIED 212 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCICSSIN~ DATc--jj,SFP70 CIRC ACCESSION .40--AP0105657 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(.U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ELECTROCAPILLAqY PHENCY-ENA WERE STUDIED AT 4150DEGREES BY USING AS ELECTROLYTE A EUTECTIC MIXT. OF LICL AND KCL. ADD.N. OF 81 TC IN LOWERED THE INTERFACIAL T-cNSION 4N0 SHIFTED THE ZERO CHARGED POTENTIAL OF THE ALLOYS TOWARD THE POS. SIDE. AT POTENTIALS MORE NEG. THAN POSITIVE 0*2 V 61 BEHAVED AS A SURFACE ACTIVE COMPONENT IN RELATION TO IN AND 14AS ADSORBED ON THE SURFACES OF THE ALLOYS. AT POSITIVE 0.2-V THE INTERFACIAL TENSION IS INDEPENOENT OF THE ALLOY COMPN. AND THE ADSORPTION OF BI IS'NIL. AT POTENTIALS MORE POS. THAN 'POSITIVE 0.2 V, IN-BECOMES-A S.URFACE ACTIVE COMPONENT. THUS, THE CONCN. OF C9MPONENTS IN THE SURFACE LAYER-DEPENDS ON 90TH THE C94PN. OF THE ALLOY AND ON THE POTENTIAL, AND THEREFORE A CHANGE IN THE LATTER WILL CAUSE ACHANGE IN THE SIGN OF ADSORPTION. THE ZERO CHARGE POTENTIAL OF IN WAS NEGATIVE 0.52 V AND THAT OF BI NEGATIVE 0.18 V. THE RANGE nF QOMPINS. WHERE A CHANGE IN COMPN. CAUSES A SHARP CHANGE IN INTERFACIAL TENSION IS CHARACTERIZED BY SHARP CHANGES OF THE ZERO CHARGE POTENTIALS. THIS INUICATES THAT THE ZERO CHARGE POTENTIALS ESSENTIALLY DEPEND ON THE COMPN. OF THE SURFACE LAYERS. IJNCLASSIFIED ID u 1) 7: AIS Q ~r if r zz I c 4 :1 L li USSR UDC 536.423.1 GRIGOR'YEV, V. A.,-D 6-, Candidates of Technical Sciences, Moscow Pm-rer Eng' eering; Institute "The.Bolling of Cryogenic Liquids in a Thin.Film" 0 Moscow,.Teploenergetika, No 12, 1970, pp 54-57 Abstract:. The results of experimental research on the boiling of nitrogen, oxygen,,and hydrogen in a thin film are presented, and an approximate analysis of the heat-exchange mechanism is made for the case of developed nucleate boiling. 4 figures, 1 table. 2 bLibliographic entries. ? UR 0482 AA0044793" D Soviet Inventions Illustrated. Section II Electrical, Derwent, 243713 qUASI-BALAFPED BRIDGE CIRCUIT [PR MEASURING EA,R~YMERVOF IMPED&NCE. In ijuasi-balanced 4 70 circuit (1),"in the arm of"uninown impedance (2) of which only resistance (or only reactance) is to be measured, the auxiliary reactance (or resistance) (3) is modulated with a modulator (4) e.g. in the form of polarized relay. The potentials to be compared are fed to selective amplifiers (5) and (6) tuned to the frequency of-power feed. Amplified potentials are compared in phase or amplitude in comparator (7) whose signal is amplified on frequency modulation by amplifier (8) received by detector (9) and fed to indicator (10). The standard parameter is adjusted until the output signal with frequency modu!stion vanishes- and the direction of deviation from quasi-balarice is determined by the phase sign of the vanishing -4-1 29.9.67 as ll8625l/l8-1O.EL_U_QgQKFX4~1J. NOVOSIBIRSK ELECTROTECHNICAL INST. Class 21e. Int.Cl. G Olr. AA0044793. ID. I I i I 1 1 7 - qllz -~~El-oe 1 2 6 --,W ~H~j -~~ Novosibirskiy Elektrotekhnicheskiy Institut ~ ,L Ir 19771618 USSR MG 546.824-31'42'1539.23,537-226 BULGAKOV, 11. A.9 I~UDKEVICHj Vj-Pj_.)~OJWDAREXKO, V. S., MHARCHENKO, 1. N., and FESEKKO, YE. G., Rostov State University "Structure and Certain Dielectric Properties of Strontium Titanate Thin Filas Produced by Cathode Sputtering" Kwcow, Heorganicheskiye haterialy, Vol 9, Wo 10# Oct 73, pp 1833-1834 Abstracti Strontium titanate (ST) film, 1-12 microns thick, were produced an titanium substrates by cathode sputtering. From this experimental work the optimum mode of ST film formation was aelectedi 900 Y, 80 ma, residual alr pressure of 0.6 mm Hg, distance between anode and cathode -- 12 c, distance between cathode and substrate -- 6 am, and coating rate -- 0.2 micron/bour. It was determined that the dielectric strength of ST films In a constant filed aaounts to about 500 kv/cm which is higher than for volume ceramic samples for which this value doesnot exceed 100 ky/cm. One figuret three bibliographic references. 44 - USSR onc: 612.822.3. DUDfall, K.., N. , - GAUZEL'14LN, V. Ye. , Laboratory of VJ s i on Phys i oloE.~~ hiitiitii~e of Fhysiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Acader.%y of sciences USSR, Leningrad "Registration and Discrimination of Responses to Initiation and Terrr:,i- nation of a Stimulus in theFuleed Activity of Neurons" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR, Vol. 58, ITO 8, AuC, '72, pp 1312- -1317 Abstract: The paper describes electronic instruments designed for re- cording and distinguishfng on- and off-responses. Schematic diaerams are given for two devices. ITe first is a unit for rnixinc the investi- .-ated pulse flow (information carrier) with markers for the beginning and end of the stimulus. The resultant mixture can be recorded on a single-ch-innel tape recorder. The other device is a unit for selectinf: signals in pulse processes. This instrument discri-mlinates si,r;nals for stimulus actuation in the studied pulse stream. The proposscd equi-iment can be used Jin conjunction with digital coraputers. 1/1 USSR DUDKIN. K. N. UDC 621.374.32 IlDevice for Counting Nwnber of Pulses in a Series" USSR Author's Certificate No 280749, Filed 6/06/69, Published 25/01/71, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Ifychis- litelInaya Tekhnika, No 11, 1971, Abstract No 11 A53 P). Translation: This device for counting the number of pulses in a series differs in that in order to separate series of pulses, the length of which is deter- mined by the duty factor of the pulse sequence being analyzed, and to count the rumber of pulses in the sequence, the device contains an exponentially rising sawtooth voltage generator operating in the*s1wTe mode, a sixtooth voltage generator with an output voltage amplitude pr6portional to the duty factor of the pulse sequence analyzed, a threshold device which operates when the duty factor of the pulse sequence exceeds a fixed length,and a device forming an electrical signal, the amplitude of which is proportional to the number of pulses in the series. 1 Figure. 1J1 1/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--- 13-NOV70 TITLE--TFCHNIQIJ': OF OBTAINING HISTUGRAMS OF IMPULSE NUMBFR GROUPSI builsTst DURING NEURONAL ACTIVITY ANALY51S -U- AUTHOR--DUDKIN, K.N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZIOL ZH SSSR IM I Mi SECHENOVA 56(l): 126-129. ILLUS. 1970 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJEC'T AREAS--BIOLOGICAL ANU MEUICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--NERV0US--SYSTEMi NEURCJN# ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY -CCNTtlr)L IMARKLNG--t-40 kESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFfE0 PROXY RE._'._L/FRA,'-lE--3005/1337 STEP NO--UR/0239/70/056/001/01'-16/0129 CIRC ACCrS'Sl(YJ NG--AlPnll3,?Q3 H_ u 2/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0133293 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A6STRACT. A METHOD FOR OBTAINING HIsr0GRAl'-lS OF IkP-JLSE NU~WER IN GP.CJPS 'WAS DEVELOPED FOR A STUDY OF 1'4PULSc- ACTIVYT OF NEURONS. A DETAILED UESCRIPTION IS GIVEN FOR A THEO~,Y AND A SCHEMA IS PRESENTED OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF MORE CCMPLICATED ELECTRONIC EQU[P,'4F.-',JT. THF SUGGESTED PIETHOO MAY BE APPLIED IN THE ANALYSIS OF BOTH ARTIFICIALLY EVCKED OR UiNEVCKED IMPULSE ACTIVITY. FACILITY: 1. P. PAVLOV INST. PHYSIOL., ACAO. SCI. USSR, LENINGRAD, USSR. L A-S S-I F I-E ID, USSR -0 UDC: 612.8220 .Od DUDKIN,]~. N. and SIIPERL, L. V., Physiology of Vision Laboratory J-Head6d b~ V. D. Glezer) and the Scientific-Technical Division (Headed by N, S. Slepchuk) of the I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physi- ology, USSR Academy of Sciences, leningrad "Construction of Poststimulus Histograms on the 'Neuron-11 Analyzer" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR im..I. M. Sechenova, Ito 10, vol 58, 1972, Pp 1636-1638 Abstract: Histograms of the poststimulus time (PST) are used in many neurophysiological investigations in the analysis of neuron responses to stimuli, these histograms being obtained through mea- surement of the time of the pulses in response to the stimulus, and the accumulation of the measured time intervals repetition of the same stimulus. The purpose of this article is to show how such histograms can be constructed with the "Neuron-l" analyzer. A block diagram of this instrument in the mode of time interval sy-n- chronous summation, the mode in which poststimulus histof..,r, are constructed, is given together with a description of Lhe equip- ment's operation. A sample of the poststintulus histogram of a :L/P USSR UDC: 612.822-3.08 DUDKIN, K. N., et al, Fiziologicheskiv zhurnal SSSR i.M. I. M. Se- chenova, No 10, vol 58', 19,2,c~pp 1636--163, light-stimulated neuron is shown.. -1.2/2 ----------- USSR uDc: 621.362.2(,,8.,) KHANIN, M. A., DIDORENKO, N. S. _-1)Q MAZUR, V. A. , KOLOMOYERS, N. V., ZYKOVA, N. P. "A Commutation Line" USSR Author's Certificate No 256002, filed 2 Jan 68, published 19 Mar 70 (from RZh-Elektrotekhnika i Energetika, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract No IOA163 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a commutation line for a 'thermocouple produced by combined hot powder pressing. As a distinguish- ing feature of the patent, the line is made from aluminum powder which is partially oxidized (by 5-20 percent). This makes it possible to increase the working temperature to 6oo0c. 1/1 112 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--16SEP70 TITLE~-EFFECT OF A BISMUTH TL-LLURIUE IMPURITY ON THE BANO STRUCTURE OF TIN TELLURIDE -U- AUTHOR-(05)-BOROVIKOVA, R.P., DUOKIN, L.O., YERASOVA, N.A., KAZANSKAYA, O.A.9 KAYDANOV# V.I. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZ. TEKH. POLUPROVo 1970t p(l) 231 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS TOPIC TA6S--BISMUTHj ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY, TIN' COMPOUND, TELLURIUM COMPOUND, ACTIVATION ENERGY, ENEiZGY BAND ST9UCTUQEr HALL CONSTANT C.CNTROL MARKIING-NO RESTRICTIC"'IS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY PEEL/FRAME--19R8/0578 STEP NO--UR/0449/70/004/001/0231/0231 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105561 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP7C CIRC ACCESS[ON NO--APO105561 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF ELEC. COND.; THERMAL E14F., THE HALL CONST., AND THE TRANSERSE NERNST ETTINGSHAUSEN EFFECT WAS STUDIED EXPTL. IN SN SUBI NEGATIVEX Of SU3X TE (0 SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO TIMES SMALLER THAN OR EiDUAL TO 0.1) SOLID SOLNS. AT 80-500DEGREES K. IN COMPARISON TO PURE SNTEP A DECREASE IN HALL 14081LITY IS NfITICED AND 4 MAX, APPEARS ON THE TEMP. 'DEPENDENCE CURVE OF THE HALL CONST. THERE ARt 2 POSSIBLE EXPLANATIONS FOR THESE AND OTHER OBSO. CHANGES: fl) THE ADON. OF BITE LOWERS THE ENERGY GAP ..,BETWEEN REGIONS OF LIGHT AND HEAVY HOLES;~ (2) IMPURITY (DONOR) LEVELS OF 81 SPLIT INTO AN IMPURITY BA14D LOCATED BELOW THE VALENCE BAND. IN BOTH CASES, THE ADDN. OF BI HAS LITTLE INFLUENCE ON THE CONCN. OF HOLES. UNCLASSIFIED 212 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054943 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. LOW TEMP. THERMO ELEC. MATEREALS, N TYPE Bf SU;12 (TE, SE) SUB3 ANO P TYPE (61,S9) SUBZ TE SU63, WERE STUDIED. THE CHANGE IN THE TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF THESE MdTERIALS TO THF TEMPS. AT WHICH THEY ARE USED IN PRACTICE (300DEGREES) WAS EXAMD. FOR THIS PURPOSE, PRESSED N AND P TYPE SAMPLES, 10 TIMES 10 TIMES 10 -MM, WERE PREPD., AND THE THERMAL EXPANSION COEFF. (ALPHA), THERMAL COND. (KAPPA), AND ELEC. RESISTIVITY PARALLEL AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE PRESSING DIRECTION WERE MEASURED AT ROOM TEMP. TO 350DEGREES USING AN APP. ANALOGOUS TO THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED ONE. FOR BOTH TYPES OF MATERIALS, ALPHA AND KAPPA REMAIN THE SAME OVER THE ENTIRE TEMP. RANGE EXAMD. A SIGNIFICANT RESULT OF THE PRESENT INVESTIGATION IS THE FINDING OF ANISOTROPY IN P TYPE MATERIAL WITHIN THE INTRINSIC REGION. AT THE SAME TIMEt THE THERMAL EMF. OF THE N TYPE MATERIAL IS PRACTICALLY ISOTROPIC OVER THE ENTIRE TEMP. RANGE INVESTIGATED. SOME EXPLAINATION IS OFFERED FOR THE PHENOMENA OBSD. ROOM TEMP. DATA ARE NOT SUFFICIENT TO CHARACTERIZE THERMDELEC. MATERIALS RELATIVE TO THEIR THERMAL A14D ELEC. PROPERTIES, BUT SUCH PROPERTIES SHOULD BE MEASURED ALSO AT ELEVATED TEMPS9 UNCLASSIFIED Mechanical Properties USSR UDC ZYKOVA, N. P., and' LY'U'SKLN, S. N. "Anisotropy of the Electrical Properties of Low-Temperature Thermoeiectric Materials" Moscow, Neorganicneskiye Mla-terialy, Vol 6, No 1, jan 70, Pp Abstract: In connection with the fact that powder iretal-lurgy meLiio!-; il-e C_isic procedures in nanufacturing thermocouples, the authors have LIV(15~igaLed Lile anisotropy of the electrical characteristics in pressed samples, the croation 01, whose texture is determined lz~y the anisotropy of the mechanical propertie:;. it is known that iow-temperature thermoelectric materials Bi2(Te, Se)) -- n-type -- and (Bi, Sb)2Te3 -- p-type -- on the basis of the peculiarities Of LILeir crystal chemical structure, have an anisotropy of electrical and thermal conductivity at room ternperaLure both in monocrystalline and polycrystalline pressed :,ample5. Tile thermoelectric efficiency z in the direction of the layers (the direction per- pan-dicular to pressing) is higher than in the direction perpendicular to it. This also deturmines the directionalness of operations connected with optimizing the thermoelectric effectiveness of these materials and converters. The variation in temperature dependence of the anisotropy of the thermoelectric characteristics of the indicated materials to the temperature of their practical utilization 1/2 USSR DUDKIN, L. D., et al, Neorganiches !dye Materialy, Vol 6, No 1, Jul 70, PP IZ-7-128 (3300C) was investigated. The results of this study are presented in graphical form. Both for electron and hole materials the anisotropy is retained throughout the entire investigated tepq)erature range. The essential result of the sLudy was confirmation of the anisotropy of the thermal eaf in p-type materiais in the natural conductivity range (increase in thermal conductivity as a result of bi- polar diffusion indi-cates the occurrence of natural conductivity above 1000C). At the same time, the thermal emf of the electron material is, in practice, iso- tropic in the entire investigated temperature range. A figure is also prosonted showing the tomporaturo dopondonce of anisotropy of the thermoelectric properties of low-temperature materials calculatod on the basis of the results of the in- vestigation. The essential changes in anisotropy of the thermoelectric proper- ties of the low-temporature materials indicAte that the optimal crystallographic direction of utilization of aninotropio thermoelectric materials cannot be adequately judged from the data. for one temperature. 2/2 .... . ..... - ------ - ------ USSR UDC 621.362.2(088.8) BEYLIN, A. Yu., DUDKIN_.L._ D., ZYKOVA, N. P., KOLOMEYETS, N. V. MAZUR, V. A., TARTAKOVSKIY, D. MVIIN, M. A. "A Thermocouple" USSR Author's Certificate No 227428, Filed 6 Jul 67, Published 20 Jan 70 (from RZh-Electrotekhnika i energetika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8A127 P) Translation: The proposed thermocouple contains a P-branch of germanium tellu- ride, a commutation bus of iron, and a commutation substrate. A mechanical mixture of tungsten and tin telluride, or tungsten and lead telluride is used as the commutation substrate. This is to improve mechanical strength and reduce power lost in commutation. 1/1 USSH UDC 51 BMMEr-YEV, M. M.. BAKHLITINSKIY, I. YA., DIYDKIN, L. M., LIVSUTS, V. H., and POZAKWIR, E. 1. "A Block'Method of Calculating the Optimal National Economic Plan" Tr. 4-y Zinn. shkoly po pat. Programmir, i smpvhn. voDr.. Drogobych. 1971 tPrWeedings of the Fourth Winter School of Mathematical Programming and Related Questions, Drogobych, 19711 No 3, Moscow. 1972, pp 74 - 98 (from RZh Mate-tika. No 12, 1973, item No 12 V 576) Translationo The problem of optimally planning the national economy, represented ~m the form of a model of' nonlinear programming, is broken down into individual subproblems, related by global boundaries. An iterative process for its solution is described, based on the solution of subproblems and the adjustments of resource evaluations proportional to discrepancies in the global boundaries without a solution at the center of some optimization problem, The plan of solution is close to the method of B. T. Polyak and N. V. Tretlyakov (First Conference on Optimal Planning and Management of the National Economy, Thesis Reports, Section 4, TsEMI [Central institute of Mathematical Economics] USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1971) and differs from the latter in the fact that the goal functions of the subproblems are designed without the use of "global" information about expenditures of common resources throughout the system, but with information about the state of individual subsystems. The 1/2 USSR BAKHMErIYEV, M. M. et all Tr. 4-y Zimn. shkoly po mat. programmir. i amezhn. Yopr.o Drogobych, 1971, No 3, Moscow-V 1972, PP 74 - 98 convergence of the method and the local optimality of the solution are demonstrated, The model considers material balances of labor resources at each point and in the nation as a whole--by trade-wage groups, balances of capital investment,land natural rezources. Simplifying assumptions with respect to the transport network are mades for example, the uniqueness of the transport imethod in each direction. Expenditures for nonproductive purposes are considered in functions of production expenditures. Prices are assumed fixed. The criterion of optimality for the national economic plan is taken to be the maximum level of income for workers in the base group. Abstract by S. Lebedey 2/2 - 45 - LISSR UDC: 51 VAKSMAN, T. F. "Mathematical Economics Problems With Explicit and Implicit Eeak." Tr. 4-v Zimn. shkoly Do mat, progreirsdr. i sm-ezh. voprosam, 1971, V3,p. 1 (Works of the Four-th Winter School on Mathematical Programning and Related Problems, 1971, No 1), Moscow, 1971, pp 166-17), (from PZh-Kibernetika, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6Vh45) Translation': A beak is defined as the solution of a system of linear inn- qualities of intersectoral 'balance which is smaller with respect to all components than the other solutions of this system. 1/1 USSR UDO 621.387.322 DMITREZffM, L.P., DUDKIN, R.I. RMethod For Control Of Thyratron" USSR Author's Certificate No 261553, filed 30 Mar 66, published 14 May 70 (from RZh--Elektronike i yeye primeneniye, No 11 January 1971, Abstract No IA119P) Translation: An imDrovemont of the method of control is proposed for a thyratron which is fired by a current pulse of arbitrary form and duration, during which arcing of the thyratron iv maintained as a consequence of feeding the anode cir- cuit from two sources, one being a source of &-c and the other of d-c. By hypoth- seis the source of d-c is quantized with respect to time and the power supply of ___the anode circuit is accomplished from the two sources eiwltaneously. Such a circuit assures simpl:Lfication and expaxwion of the 31mits of control of the thyratron. V. M. USSR UDC 62-533.65 DUDKIN,, DHITRENIKO, L. P "Two-Position Temperature Regulator" USSR Author's Certificate No 257171, Filed 10/07/68, Publishcd 2/04/70 (Translated from Referativnvy Zhurnal Avtomiatika, Talenteklianika i Vychis- litel'naya Tekhni-ka, No 12, 1970, Abstract No 12 A289P by Translation: The two-position temperature regulator sug-estcd contains a ther- mal resistor which controls, connects and disconnects thyratrons (T) connected to the coil of the actuating electromagnet In a resonant circuit. The grid of the connecting T is connected to the plate circuit of the control T through a divider capacitor. while the grid of the disconnecting T is connected to a phatorealator, optically coupled to the controlling T. The presence of the div- Ider capacitor eliminates repeated switching of the connecting T. One figure. 1/1 - 22 - USSR UDC 621.317.78.023 KOTOSOIIOV, N. V., DUMi_-,L-~ PETNOV, Yu. 1-.1. *w___-M "Some I-leans of Improvin? the Sensitivity of a Superhigh Frequency Power Indi- cator by U,- J ng t' e Tr. Voronezh. un-ti ('w'orks of Voronezh University), 1971, No 77, pp 44-49 (fror- RZh-hadioteki-mil,a, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 1OA179) Translation: A study was made of the basic charactvrisLics of a superhigh frequency poLer indica:or in the Hall effect and certain mm:ans of ili,.proving its sensitivity. The t1ic�oretical possibility of improving Ghe sensitivity of the wattmeter in the Hall sen.,;or usint', a ring resonator Ls dt-moustraccd. kc~,;ult.,3 are preEented from an e.-perimental study of the sensiLivity of the cooled 11-111 sensor in the superhi,,h frequency range. There are 3 illustraLions and a 5- entry bibliography. ENGINEERING- Aeronai i t- i r a 1 USSR UDC 533.6:621.4 KosTE.RI.N., V.. A.,, DUDI=, V. T.,. and FAD-V:fEV, L. V. "Kffect of Air Bypass Aft.of the Compressor Into the Jet Nozzle on Indicators of Gas Turbine Jet Engines" Tr. Kazan. aviats. in-ta (Transactions of the Kazan' Aviation Institute), V~vpusk (Issue) 114, 1970, pp 58-76 (from-RZh-?Mekhanika, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12B482, by M. A. Peshkin) Translation:~ The least-squares method, given several simplifying assunip- tions and hypotheses, was used to evaluate the effect that air bypass aft of the compressor into the afterburner chamber has on the performance indicators of turbojet engines,. allowing for the work in the expansion of air and changes in gas enthalpy aft of the turbine. Calculation results are given as Mlach number functions of the relative specific fuel consumption and thrust, for a 1% change in the heat-release factor and a 1% change in the afterburner chamber pressure due to change in air bypass, Taking the energy of the bypassed ai::- into account markedly improves engine indicators compared with the case when this energy is neglected. 1/1 1/2 OZ6 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DArE--090CT70 TITLE--INTERACTION OF HIGH ENERGY ALPHA PARTICLES WITH NUCLEI -U- AUTHOR-104)-DUDKIN, V.E.t PVANOV, I.I., SYSOYEVA, O.V.r VIKHROVI A.!. COUNTRY CF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--YAD. FIZ. 1970s 11(1)t DATE PUBLISHED-----70 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS 36-42 TOPIC TAGS--ALPHA INTERACTION, HIGH ENERGY PARTICLE, MONTE CARLD METHOD, ALPHA BOMBARDMENT, ALUMNUM, SILVER, NITROGEN, NIOBIUM CONTRGL M=KING--UG RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEU PkOXY REEL/FRAME-1960/0172 STEP NO--Uti/0367/70/011/001100.-16/0k')lt2 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0048464 UNCLASSIFIED Z/Z 026 UNCLA.SSIFIED PRGCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0044464 A6STRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INTERACTION OF 105-MEV ALPHA PARTICLES WITH PRIME17 AL AN'D PRIM~.108 AG, AND 380-MEV ALPHA PARTICLES WITH PRIME14 Np PRIME27 AL, AND PRIME93 M8 WAS CALCD.t BY USING THE MONTE CARLO METHOD ON THE BASIS OF CASCADE EVAPN- MODEL. CoMPAR150,14 OF THE CALCUo RESULTS WITH THE EXPTL. DATA SHOWS THAT THE MODEL USED PERMITS A REASONABLE DESCRIPTfON OF THE GENERAL Cl14RACTERLSTIC5 OF THE INTERACTION. FACILITY: INST. MED.-BIOL. PkO3.t MUSCOll, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc 615-371:576-851-49).o-)6.8.o,14:5)~1-21~ YOSKVICHEVAJ I. V. , DLJDKIDT,., 14. 1., ZUYEV, A. S., CHERY,4-SOV, A. N., and SHAPIRO., N. I., LeaT-:TiMT~E-UlMe of Vaccines and Sera "Relationship Between the Iramological Properties of S. typhi AntiCen Frac- tions and Their Molecular-Weig-ht Paraneters Moscowl, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 10, 1972, pp 82-86 Abstract: AntiCens isolated from S. typhi cultures by trr.Dtic proteolysis or by treatment with hydrogen peroxide were characterized by cc-risiderable pol~..- dispersity. They contained components with diffusion coefficients ran,7i-n. fro:7 -3 t, 1) o.45 - o.6 X lo-7 to io - ii x -10-7 crr?/sec with nean square radii I (VI/, from 560 - 590 to 30 - 40 R. The high-molecular-weilr-'11t fractions Of V f~-. 7D _ . repa- rations induced th,e fo-.7cation of 0 and Vi antibodies in- high titers; the antigen activity of the lov-molecular-weiCht fractions -was 2 to 3 orders lower. The MiZh-nolecular-weight fraction of the peroxide- preparation also induced the Vormation of Y1 antibodies. A relationship was o -bserved between the rolec-:lar- weight parameters of the anti6en preparations and the level of their biolo,~Jcal activity (protective pror~eerties, toxicity, and antiGenic speci-ficity). 7-:~ high-molecular-weight collrpozents -xhibi'ed the greatest biolo:-ical activi-.y in bbit serum. 1 V USSR UDC 615.372:576.851.49].07 SHAPIRO, N. I., VASIL'YEVA, T. G., MOSKVICHEVA, 1. V., 1),U -T KRUGLIKHINA, Z. M., SAZONETS, G. I., OZERETSKOVSKIY, N, A., BALAYANI, V. D., and KOVAL'SKAYA, S. Ya., Leningrad Institute of Vaccines and Sera and State Control Institute of Medical Biological Preparations imeni Tarasevich, Moscow "Molecular Heterogeneity of Endotoxins Extracted From the Typhoid-Paratyphoid Group of Bacilli. Report II. Antigenic Structure and Biological Activity of High and Loti-Molecular-Weight Fractions" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 11, 1971, pp 35-39 Abstract: By means of sepharose 2B columns, endotoxin extracts from typhoid (4446) and paratyphoid B (50602) bacilli can be separated into a high-molecular- weight and a low-molecular-weight fraction. Components of the latter fraction retain some serological specificity but are nontoxicexert a low protective activity, and display no stressor activity. On the other hand, components of the high-molecular-weight fraction have a full antigenic structure, are highly immunogenic and toxic, and display pronounced stressor activity. The high- molecular-weight fraction is the carrier of the biological properties of typhoid and paratyphoid endotovins. 1/1 USSR UDC 541.163:661.163.9 DUDKINA, V. G., and BOYCHINOVA, Ye. S. "The Sorption of TransLtion Metal Ions on Zirconium 'Pyrophosphate"' Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 45, Vyp 9, 1972, pp 1992-1985 Abstract: For the desorption of Cu(II), Ni(II), and Co(II) from zirconium pyrophosphate (ZP), the curing time of the initial gel is related to the coefficient of diffusion. The volume of ZP increases about 15% to an equilibrium value in 30 minutes, The coefficient of diffusion of water was determined from expansion data and it was shown that the mobility of water in ZP was less than in organic sulfonate-cation exchange resins. Equilibrium of ZP and solution with respect to the distribution of ions takes longer, on the order of a day. Temperature, pH, anions, and the number of adsorption- desorption cycles influence the cation exchange capacity of the ZP. The shape, as well as the magnitude of the sorption isotherm is different for the three ions, Cu(II), Ni(II), and Co(II) in the order of decreasing con- centrations of the metals on the ZP at equilibrium. This is related to the energies of activation: 2.38, 0.46, and 0.16 Kcal/mol respectively. 1/1 AA0040SIC LAA 6f f-,01 4 uR o482 .Soviet Inventions Illu.,itrated, Section I Chemical, Dexwent, 239780 ARCLISMARGE ZXCITER-has a switchinZ control =-mcrense'rhe cathode area simultaneously with disconnect,*on of the heating source. Ptior to ignition a plania forming gas (2) is passed through the burner (1), contactor (3) is closed, connecting branches (A,B) cf the cathode in series. Cathode jkej~~ipg S!~_q~_one section of the power sc!~rj_~e, anode voltage being taken from -section -CD-). When the are discharge (7) develops current relay (8) opens contacts (9) and closes contacts (10), connecting the cathode branches in parallel, and both sections of the power source in series to give the required anode voltage. Vaxiable resistance (11) controls the heating currem: and the current/voltage charact- eristics of the are power source. This system can be used in arc welding under vacuum or in an inert atmosphere. 1.4.68 as 1229230/25-27. D.A.DUDKD et alia-E.A. PATON ELECTRIC WELDING INST. (24.7.69) Bul 11/18.3.69 Class 49h. Int.Cl.B 23k. _191,7150018 AA0040514 AL-LBORS: -Drudko2 D. A.; Lakiza, S. P-; Lapchinskiy, V- F. and Masalov, Yu. A. Institut Elektrosvarki imeni Ye. 0. Patona 6 r 19750019 AA0040651- ~1 Z)fAecD J~), R ~ UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Sectioh I Chemical, Derwent'. 240726 ELEMOSIAG tRMT syphon bottom ,,M i n a pot!ring-operationi the consumable electrode Is inserted so that'its bass is clear of the bottom by one third of the slag bath depth. Voltage is applied and the molten slag syphoned into the mould, or else imported via a tundish and orifice in the bottom of the mould. The slag rises and makes the circuit4 The Idea is to raise the slag sharply and thus avoi.d any skull or crusting on the mould bottom or walls.' Once the slag reaches project height, syphoning stops and remelting proceeds normally. 5.3.66 as 1060334/22-2. al.E.O.PATON ELECTROWELDING INST. (26.8.69) Bul 13/1.4.69. Class l8b. Int.Cl.C 21 c. 197-50234 AA0040651 Dud A., AUTHORS: Paton, B. Ye.; Medovar, B. I.; Latash, Yu. V.; Yemel yanenk-o, Yu. G.; Kfy-u-yev, M. M.-Perygnishnikov, I". S.-'- Laktionov, V. S.; Butski-y-,--V. N.; and Kasy-rev, L. K. CYrdena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut Elektrosvarki imeni E. 0. Fatona 19750235 Semiconductor Technology USSR UDC 548.526:548.4 KO- Q. It., and CHEREDNICHENKO, D. I., Taganrog "Raising the Diffusion Activity of Germanium Treated With An Electron Beam" Kishinev, Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materialov, No 2, 1970, pp 29-31 Abstract: An anomalous increase of the diffusion activity of electrically active impurities in germanium, exposed to low- energy electrons (E-z:::730 kev), is established. The germanium diffusion coefficients increase fourfold for the acceptors (In, Ga) and 1.5-2-fold for the donors(Sb, As). The coefficients of diffusion are determined experimentally by the method of p-n- transitions on the basis of available concepts concerning the diffusion along the boundaries. The increase of the diffusion activity is related to the formation of the developed network of dislocations along which the migration of impurities is considerably facilitated. 1/1 USSR DUDDKO, G.V., K012GAYEV, '4.A., and -2o~,sible a:.A "'oun ,~d Germani= Durin,-, -Eiec~.ror,31,2am Eeating" t e 27 al 0,; 0 2, p- -C.". --~e -~Z- of ei-, ectron-bewa proccos-Ing on u,.a-,;ov!-aL Dortant ill V.Le-,,r c-L' the in-lensi've use o--,' L.-I-J's techniqu,~ at the pn,senz- LO authors wl-udied the actual stnicture of Ge and Si single an (1, CZ , electron beum 0-0 xv, 2 0.5-2.0 Isee, vacuum of 5-1.0" 5 x 5 x 0-5 mm D oduced in the 1, 3 p lane. T~;ere no di,*,.;-tw~lv--un~-:~2 ,j]' cry:3h,]-Une 'usion. TI-ie shaip increase in disloca-icn 3t-,-uctima even upon surface -'L ta ol' rrca-ttaf-V, T~-i Lo I),-) due priRgArily to thelmal 1;tre ;.;es. poir 112 025 TITLE--CIFFLSIJ~114 OF INOlUpi '% -TRCNS -U- ENERGY ELEl- AUTHQR-104)-0U0KOq G.V., .- D.1 . .1 CCiJ,%T,RY LLF ls'%FC--USSR SCURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA :DATE PUbLISHEG----7C UNCLASSIFIEU PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 AND ANTIK)NY 114 GfiRMANIUM IRkADIATED BY LOW jNlARUf%[NAv N.I., SUKHCV, G,V., ChEREDNICHENKO, 19,70, P214), 1292-4 SU6JECT AKEAS--kiATERIALS, PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--iMETAL DIFFUSIGNI ANTIMONY ALLOY, GERMANIUM ALLOYs INDIUM ALLOY, CRYSTAL DISLOCATICN, RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE, ELECTRONt LOW ENERGY NEUTRON MiTkIL PA~',KING--NO AESTRICFIGNS DGCUMENT CLA5J--bNCLASSfFfE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME-303110476 STEP NO--UR/0181/70/012/004/1292/1294 CIRC ACCESSIGN Nb--APCl2b22d 2/2 325 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV7C CIRC ACCESSICN N0-4POI.26228 Az3STRACT/ExTKACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DIFFUSICN OF IN ANt; S6 IN GE .~MLNTED IN ThE (111) PLANE AND TREATED OVER THE ENTIRE SURFACE wirli LOW E?xEkGY ELECTR%-NS (SMALLER THAN 30 KEV) WAS STUDIED AT 650-8500EGREES USING KA61UACTIVE ISbTjPES. THE DIFFUSION PARANIIETtRS ARE 0 SUB0 EQUALS 5.8 Tli,"i-::S ILI: PRIME3 C,-' Pr~IME2-SEC# Q EQUALS 57 KCAL-MULE FUR IN AND 0 SU6C ECQUALS 21 CM AND Q EQUALS 48 KCAL-MOLE FOR 513, ACCEI-EkATEL; DIFFUSION IS RELATED APPARENTLY TO THE VURNATIUN OF A tIETWORK CF OISLOCATIC.NS 3Y IRRAON. FACILITY: TAGANROG* KADIOTEKH. INST.t TAGANROG* USSR. S S 1 - t 1/2 : 038 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30DCT?0 TLTLE--POSSIBLE MECHANISMS OF THE FORMATION AND DISTRIdUTION OF DEFECTS IN SILICON AND GERMANIUM DURING ELECTRON BEAM HEATING -U- AUTHOR-(03)-DUDKOw- V.1 KOLEGAYEVt M*A.9 CHEREDNICHENKO, 0.1. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZ. KHIM. 08RAB. MATER. 1970, (2), 25-9 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, IMATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--ELECTROti--BEAM, METAL HEATING, SINGLE CRYSTALt SILICONP GERMANIUM, WETAL MELTINGt MICROSCOPYt CRYSTAL LATTICE DEFECT CC,%JTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0946 STEP NO--UR/0472/70/000/002/0025/0029 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01215413 UNCLASSIFIED 212 038 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION MD--AP0121548 ~ABSTkACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-G,- ABSTRACT. STRUCTURAL DEFECTS PkaDUCED IN GE AND SI SINGLE CRYSTALS (SECTIONED ALONG THE (111) PLANES) DURING LOW ENERGY ELECTRON BEAM BQM3ARDMENT WAS STUDIED. THE SAMPLES MAINTAINED THEIR SINGLE CRYSTALLINITY IN'SPITE OF SOME SURFACE MELTING. THE DISLOCATIONS sERE REVALED BY CHEM. ETCHING AND COUNTED UNDER A MICROSCOPE. THERE WAS A ZONE OF DISLOCATIONSt EXTENDING INTO THE BODY OF THE CRYSTALP AT THE POINT WHERE THE BEAM STRIKES THE CRYSTAL. THE PRESSURE OF THE ELECTRON BEAM IS TOO LOW TO CAUSE THE DISLOCATIONS; INSTEADr THE DEFECTS ARE PROBABLY DUE TO THERMAL STRESSES AND POSSIBLY TO BENDING OF THE CRYSTALS DURING HEATING* UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 121, .019 TITLE--FLOPPING OF MAGNETIC SUBLATTICES OF UNIAXIALLY COMPRESSED MANGANESE FLUOR I DE -U- AUTHOR- (03) YEREMENK09 V.V.9 FRIDMANt V.M. OF INFO--USSR CCUNTRY SOU'ZCF-FIZ. TVERD. TFLA 19-70t 12(l), 83-6 .DATE PU9LISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AN'EAS-114TE~14t_St PHYSICS TOPIC TA,;S--A:ITIFP-r,;;!',~AG,sF-TIC MATEZ-1AL, FLL[r,.)RIO--- , M4,%G3 A N!~:C Cr:.YlST,'--L LATTICE STmUCTil;~_~:-, MAGNET2ST"NICTION CONT!;OL i~LCSTRIC,rjoNS 00C! '4t--l.T PROXY STFP CI&C, 1)%C L A S S f F I Fr) 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING r-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0048511 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT WAS STUDIED OF UNIAXIAL COMPFr"ESSION UN THE CRIT. FIELD OF FLOPPING OF MAGNETIC SUBLATTICES OF ANTIFERROMAGNETIC MNF SUB2 AT 4.2DEGREESK. THE METH13D USEO MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO ESTABLISH AN EXTERNAL PULSED MAGNETIC FIELD ALONG THE AXIS OF SYMIETRY OF THE*CRYSTAL WITH AN ACCURACY OF ANGLE LESS THAN OR EOUAL TO 5 PRIME OF ARC AND TO CARRY OUT A COMPARATIVE INVESTIGATION OF H SUBC ON-COMPKESSED AND FREE SPECIMENS. THE MIN. WIDTH OF THE REGION OF TRANSITION CLOSE TO H SUBC EOUALS 91.7 KOE I.S SIMIL4R TO 300 OE AND IS DOUBLED AT ANGLE IS CONGRUENT TO 20 PRIME. IN UNIAXIAL COMPRESSION ALONG THE 4 FO'LD AXIS, THE REGION OF THE TRANSMONIS P-ROADENED AND H StJ:iC INCREASES ALMOST LINEARLY WITH PRESSURE. THE MAGNITO'De OF T14E EFFECT AGREES WITH THE Pr,EVIOUSLY "EASUPEi) JUMP OF '~AGNETJSTKICTILDN IN THE CqIT. FIELD. EVALUATintis OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF NIAGNETODIPOLF INTERACTION AND CLASSICAL 'AAGNETOSTRICTION SHOw THAT THE EFFECT IS PARTIALLY DUE Tr! THE DEPENDENCE OF THE EXCHANGE INTEGkALS AFTAEEN IONS OF OPPQSITE SUBLATrICES ON INTE*RAT. UISTANCES. USSR UDC 681 KbMAYEV, I. P., DUD7 U, L. D., 11-foscow Higher Technical. School imicni 11. E. Bauman jL __ "Procedure for Studying the Dynamics of Clockworks for Random External Effects', Leningrad, Priborostroyeniye, No 10, 10/73, pp 74-77 Abstract: A procedure is presented for studying the noiseproofness of clocks.. A system of statistical equations of clocks is found -And investigated to deter- mine the parr-L-aeters of the regime of autooscillatiops of amplitude and fre- quency under the effect of high-frequency interference of different intenzity. In analyzing the noi-suproofness of the-clock mechartism, the otructural schenatic known from starting regu~'-atcr theory ZV. A. Shpolyf,nfikiy, et al. , Cnuskovy.-fre regtilyatory priborov vreovni, Moscow, M--shf-iz, ]~-16V v"1'; 11-~(Id which is vaiid for the invcstigated mechan-ism of any type and the differenti,,l equation des--ribing the dynamics cf -its autooscillations in general form, The system of transcendental equations obtained periAts invest-igantion of the noiseproofness of the starting reg-alator, determinat-ion cf the vanlue-.7. oil t-2~e- P .1it-ade and frequency of the autooscillat-ions for different vlalues Of the interference and also discovery of the effects of tine vedues of i.ndivic"ucal parameters of the starting regulator and its autooSC41' atory nnode on the investigated noiseproofneiss. The most effective method of solvinv. the d(,,r,1J-od 1/2 USSR KUNAY01, I. P., et al., Priborostroyeniye, No 10, 1973, pp 74-77 system of equations is the method of successive approximations; however, in view of the complex nature of the equations, the desired parnmeter3 of the autooscillatory reginne can be found in practice only on a computer. 2/2 - C-., 1/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATC--040EC70 TITLE--ACTIVITY OF MITOCHONDRIAL MONOAMINE OXIDASE AND CATECHOL AMINE LEVEL IN THE PLACENTA OF WOMEN IN NORMAL LABOR AND IN PRIMARY UTERING "'UTHOR-(02)-GRISHCHENKOP V.I., DUDKOt L.Y. ..,:OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-AKUSH. GINEKOL. (MOSCOW) 1970, 46(4), 65-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ,TOPIC TAGS--t4lTOCHONDRION, OXIDASE, CATECHOLAMINE, PLACENrA, OBSFETR[CS ~CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605003/FO2 STEP NO--UR/0580/70/041.)/Ot),t/OOfj5/,~)068 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139574 212 010 UNCLASSIFIED 1.116 Olif ~_IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0139574 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--lU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PLACENTAS FROIM f-dil IN NORMAL LABOR (32) AND IN PRIMARY UTERINE INERTIA ll~;) d'E';kE ANi'd-fZED FOR MONOAMINEOXIDASE (MAO) ACTIVITY AND CONTENT OF C.~IHCCH-CL AMIl"ES, THERE WAS A POS. INTERRELATION BETWEEN MAO ACTIVITY AND THE G LABOR. IN PRIMARY UTER;!NE INERTIA THERE WAS A STATIST[CALLY SIGNIFICANT RISE IN THE MAO ACTIVITY IN THE PLACFNTA IN CCNPARIS~"N !4l f H PHYSIOL..LABOR. THE CATF-CHOL AMINE CONTENT WAS LOW IN THE PLACENTAS IN BOTH-NORMAL LABOR AND IN UTERINE INERTIA, THE LEVELS WERE NOT OfFFEREskif IN THE TWO CLIN, GROUPS. FACILITY: PEDIAT. FAK., KFfARKCl"1- INST., KHARKOV, USSR. UNICLASSIFTED ,). 3~3.ol 4.4 USSR UI_-C 6ir 'j L IJJD.KO. N'. Ye.. -Professor, DtS12,01ICH, V. P., ZVEFCKLVA., A. S., u-.,(! PYi-LTA, A. I.'., Kiev instltu~e of Hlematolozy and Blood Transfusion "Some Data from Stu,(Iies of Blood Preserved with TsOLLFK-1*1, Soluti-on ~'or Different C!~ orra~;e" Periods of St Voscov, Problem-y Gemtolo~!ii i Perelivaniya Y-rovi, IN0 -), Y"i"10, :V) 1.8-2c) Abstrac': A study wns made of mo- holo6ical and c1h.--ni- u -1 ges, se,oolo,-Ical properties and therape-etic effectiveness of blooi prescinre~',. at hija dilution (1:111 1rith TsOLEIK-13 solut-Jon. indices measured _Incluiaed t:,.c vz:-ount of and leukocytes, latcrt hemol'ysis, blood p,'r resist.-ance c..' e_-3~t71_-ccy',cr, and their norphological cham-es, and blood inorL;anic phosphorus aml su'-ar Content. Tests were conducted on the draj the blood was taken, -and t~-en. c'.1 eve.-Ir sixth until the "20th day of presei-.rati.on. T~mnty series of expe-L-,crts -uere con,"Cte' and in all series the m3u_IL'5s were sindiar. scrolo"'Ical C'.-'a-'-rLCtC--!;stj.Cs of I'lood storel at 4-60C vere inves"Ji--a-ted ever., fift'a day. Study ol, morpholo:-- ical. chan;7es showed -Chat er-.~throc- J. ytes .0--ost coi-iip'letely lose thc ability to form rouleaux on the ri7th storaL;e daty. However, t .~~e first opherocy-ues apj~ear only on the 18th day of ctora,-;e, an~, on the 30th (lay courprine Shif. in the ormotic ..~ I resistance of erythrocytes in blood preserved -with citric ;.~tcid occurred, minly, 1/2 DUDKO I!. Ye., et al., Problem-y GciratoloGii Perelivemiya Krovi, "'o 3, !1-- 0, Y 57 pp 18-2o because of minima-l resistance. In all seriez of e--mmerir-2-n-6s, t,io -resistance 0-7 on the dal the blood, was t~'.' 'D '5 on the 30th decreased on an avera~,-c from day of stora-e. Traces of lettent hemolysis ~,,ere detected on U-.-2 of storacre and bY the 30th day hemolysis did not exceed 0.65-0-715',~. 'I'lere ',-'Cre two exceptions where herolysis on the 30th dany was hi,,~her than 11"I.cad ni:--,ar content gradually decreased dttrinF, the 30 days of storaCe. DLirin'- the firo-%; 1-5 !'layo, this decrease was more intensive than in tne latter Elays. F~nalysis of inor:lanic -Pllios- phorus content in the blood revealed a gradual 3-5-fold increase with- t1le p-issa-e of storase tir!e. This was analoi,-ous to blood stored with ot'ner prusei-.ratives. Results of Se_-oloGical investiZations showed tLat erythrocy_Les conzai-in,_-, antiiren ;,-,1u'1r1abi1_it,r o' A lowered their aGglutination activity by the 30th da~.~. -Clie a: er,-tthrrocytes conta-ininry agjlutinogron R dropped irruch more sha-ply. A Giiiaificamt decrease in a- lutination activity was al-so noted in eryth-rocytes co-tainim-T antiGens M and N. Patients of dif Cerent Fq~es and different -medical pro'ble'-.,.s' received blood transfusions of this preserved blood at var,,,In,,r inteInfals, and ill various amunts. The blood stora~;e tim varied from 8 to 35 days. A Uhcra-,,,_,utic effect was observed in all patients. There was an improvement in the general con- dition, Increase in Immoglobin content and nuinber of arythrocy-t;es, atA cer'satI.On of hemorrha-e. !L was especially effective in cases of third txnd fourt1h tej, 1, Z' ;'Iatic C110CA. .12 USSR UDC 669. AKSEL'RUD, G. A. V. YA., E. D. SEMENISHIN, YF. DUDKO, A. "Mathematical Model of the Diffusion Counter Flow Process of Leaching Alumina- Containing Cakes" Tr. Vses. n.-i. i in-ta -al-umin., :7-,,2n. i 0.1orks vf the .11-Un.i-)-.i scientific llesearch and Planniti,,. and Design im-titute of Aluminu:--i, Nagnesiu-i and Electrade, industry), 1970, .c) 70, -pp 96-102 (frr,:-, No 4, apr 71, Abstract No 4G137) RZh-Xetalj=r- Trans la ti on. A nathenatical r.,.odel of the diffusion cmunt-r-r-flow proccss nf leaching large-fraction is pronosed. A method avid nn c%zimplcx Of C.LI- culating the diffusioa counter-flow praccss of leachin;~ b;~u~xize in a percolation unit are presented. -Dierc are 3 Illustration:-, and I vablr~l 1/1 USSR UDC 669. AKSEL'RUD, G. A., ABRMOV, V. YA., DUDKO, T. A., REYFMAN, E. D., SF71,1ENISHIII., YE. If. "Kinetics of Leachina Bauxite Cakes" 0 Tr. Vses. n.-i. i nroyektn. in-ta alvumin., magn. i elektrodn. prom-sti (Works of the All-Union Scientific Research and Planning and Design Institute of Aluminum, Magnesium and Electrode Industry), 1970, No 70, pp 91-95 (from Mh-Metallurgiya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G140) Translation: The kinetics of extracting sodium aluminate from various frac- tions of bauxite cakes in the 45-95' temperature range are investigated. The diffusion coefficients of sodium aluminate are determined, and their dependence on the temperature variation is found. The characteristics of the nechanism of leaching of the cakes are established. The values of the diffusion co- efficient found in this study can be used when calculating counterflow processes and equipment. There are 3 illustrations and 1 table. 1/1 USSR uDc: 621.372.86(088.8) DUDKOVTKIY, E. A., BARXIOVSKIY, Ye. I. "A Coaxial Measure=ent Line" USSR Author's Certificate No 263698, filed 25 Apr 68, published 4 jun 70 (from RZh-Radiote-khnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6A305 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a coaxial measurement line which contains a coax section to which t*ae inner cavity of a movable probe is coupled. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, measurement accuracy is improved by using a tube as the central conductor of the coax and making the probe in the form of several radially converging pins located in the same transverse plane, passing through longitudinal slots in the walls of the tube. AA0043376- UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Sectioii-fi Electrical, Det7went, 242252 WIDEBAND_ Hrp~g SY9EM used in aer ia 1 feed ing makes usi of t,,io geAerators. Two quarter wa%lel- length cylinders (9) and (10) contain spilral coaxial cables. Such construction improve$ bandwidth of the bridge. rhe terminals (1,2,3,4) are interconnected by quarter wavelength coaxial lines (5,6,7,8). V ;7 6 .9 7 9.12.67 as 1201986/26-9.E,A.DUDKOV.SKI.(23.9.69) Bul 15/ 25.4.69. Claso 21a4 p. 1:97G!(;43 USSR tmc: 621.316-174:625.21- BESSONIOV, K. S., DIUICMMQQ,.AT . GAbMURG, B. M., KITUSHIN, V. G., INS- LDT, D. A. , Sil-leria"_ i)eVF7m_anto-, the A-11-Unior. State Design and Kanning and Scientific Resew-ch Institute "Energosetlproyekt" "A Portable Substation" Moscow, Otkryt y~j, -zqjjre -n a, -..jjpyy a .3,, Tov..Ll,n)r e Znn'~j No 9, Mar 72, Autho-r's Certificate No 331464, Division H, filed 19 jan 058, published 7 Feb 72, P 174' Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A 220/110/6 kV porta- ble substation containing an open 220 kV distribution device, an autotrars- former connected by the 220 kV line to the supply network trnaisfoimler, an oDen 110 U diistribution device and a self-contained 6 kV distribution de- VIce. Az a di stingui shin S feature of the patent, the device is made more compact and portable by m?.king the autotransforner of the incom-plete-phase type and con-nect-ing it to the supply network by two rhase cor:ductc-rs Of t-;C 220 kV line and connectinis the neutral of the supply networl-I transfor=cr to the ungrounded neutral of. the autotransformer, the neutrals being connected by an izngrounded c_~~,_,Ie of the 200 kV line. 2. A mod-Ification of this cub- station in Which voltaEe wq~wuctry at consumer points is clininnted by con- necting a booster transforrier in the circuit break. 1/1 004355376 bU I k A 05 UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section 11 Electricall Derwent, F242425 INSTRUMENT,FOR HIASURINV,THE PITCH OF 4 SCREW 0-/ 7c, has a pointir contacting"the threads. "The pointer is mounted on a micrometric screw coupled with an indicating hand providing a direct reading after the contacting pointer has moved from one thread recorded as a zero to the next one. 8.12.67 as 1202182/25-28-G.KH.CHER,140BAY & A.S.DUD- NIK MI0.69.) Bul 15/25..4.69. Class 42b.Int.Cl. G Olb. 1976JL999 A-A,0043553 ,~k 197G2000 9 a d 7 112 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--30OCT70 TITLE-PREPARATION AND STUDY OF BARIUM STRGNTIUM NtOBATE SINGLE CRYSTALS _U_ AUTHOR-(05)-02R~~O.F.s GROMOV, A.K., KRAVCHENKO, V.B., KUPYLOV, YU.L., .1 KUZNETSOV, G.F. CCUNTRY OF INFG--USSR .SCURCE--KRISTALLOGRAFIYA 1970, 15(2)v 386-8 DATE PU8LISHED----70 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-RIBIUM COMPOUNDI BARIUM COMPOUND, STRONTIUM COMPOUND9 CURIE POINT# SINGLE CRYSTAL GROWTH, DIELECTRIC CONSTANT CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTkICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RkELIFRAME-2000/1566 STEP NO--Ull/0070/70/015/002/0386/0388 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125192 UNC LASS I FIEO 21Z 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION' NO-AP0125192 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SINGLE CRYSTALS OF BA SUSX SR SUBI-X NB SUB2 0 SUB6 WERE GRGWN BY THE CZOCHRALSKI METHOD IN AN INDUCTION FURNACE FRCM POWD. MIXTS. OF N8 SUB2 0 SUB5, SRCO SUB3, AND BACO SU83. WHEN USING PT CRUCIBLES, COLORLESS CRYSTALS WERE OBTAINED, AND IN IR CURCIBLES, DARK AMBER ONES. THE HABIT OF THE CRYSTALS IvAS DETD. BY 24 FACES OF 4 PRISMS: 1110), (120), (100), AND (130), THESE FACES BEING CIFFERENTLY DEVELOPED FOR CRYSTALS OF DIFFERENT COMPN. TEMP. DEPENDENCES OF DIELEC. CONSTS. ALONG THE C AXIS (EPSILON SUBC) AND ALONG TF.E ALPHA AXIS (EPSILON SUBALPHA) WERE DETD., AS WELL AS CURIE TEMPS.: FOR BA SUBO.25 SR SU30.75 NO SU82 0 SU66, 56 PLUS OR MINUS 30EGREES; FOR BA SUBO.5 SR SU80.5 Nd SUB2 0 SUB6, 119 PLUS OR MINUS 3UEGREES; FOR BA SUBO.75 SR SUBO.25 NB SUB2 0 SUB6, 205 PLUS OR MINUS 30EGREES. aITH INCREASING CURIE TEMP., AN INCREASE IN PEAK EPSILON SUBC VALUES WAS OBSD., AND DECREASE IN EPSILON SUBC VALUES AT ROOM TEMP. THE EPSILON VALUE ALONG THE ALPHA AXIS IS MUCH LESS THAN ALONG THE C AXIS, ANC T~E DIELEC. ANOMALY ALONG THE ALPHA AXIS IS VERY SLIGHTv FACILITY: INST. RADIOTE-KH. ELECTRON., MOSCOW, USSR. -lm UNCLASSIFjFD Radar USSR VASIN, VLADIMIR VASIL'YEVICH, VLASOV, OLEG VALERIANOVICH, GRIGORIN-RYABOV, VIKTOR VALERIANOVICH, D i KW.6~ PAM- QVTcH nLmmW, and STEPANOV, BORIS MIKHAYLOVICH "Radar Equipment (Theory and Principles of Construction)" (Radiolokatsi-onnyye Ustroystva (Teoriya i Printsipy Postroyeniya)), Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskoye Radio," 1970, 18,500 copies, 680 pages Abstract: The book presents radar principles, co-ordinate measurement methods, and scanning. Problems of radar signal detection, the accuracy in measuring their parameters, and solutions are examined. The principles for constructing radar equipment of different types are given, as well as their main charac- teristics are analyzed. In conclusion, considerations for construction of radar systems, which are intended for solving concrete problems (aerial and marine target detection, radar observation of ground objects, etc.) are presented. The book is intended for students of higher institutes of learning and may serve as a manual for specialists working in the field of radar. 1he book has two tables, 343 figures, and 69 citations. 1/4 USSR VASIN, VLADIMIR VASIL'YEVICH, et al., "Radar Equipment (Theory and Principles of Construction)" (Radiolokatsionnyye Ustroys"va (Teoriya i Printsipy Pos- troyeniya)], Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskoye Radio," 1970, 18,500 copies, 680 pages The chapter headings are as follows: Page Chapter 1. General Information on Radar 5 Chapter 2. Methods of Measuring the Co-ordinates and Speed of Moving Targets 14 Chapter 3. Characteristics of Radar Targets 40 Chapter 4. Radar Scanning 81 Chapter 5. Radar Signal Detection 96 Chapter 6. Effective 'Range of Radar Stations 146 Chapter 7. Resolution of Radar Signals 167 Chapter 8. Accuracy in Measuring Co-ordinates and Radial Velocities of Targets 216 Chapter 9. Accuracy and Resolution Capabilities for Determned Angular Target Co-ordinates 240 Chapter 10. Indicating Output Equipment 264 2/4 USSR VASIN, VLADIMIR VASILYEVICH, et al., "Radar Equipment (Theory and Principles of Construction)" [Radiolokatsionnyye Ustroystva (Teoriya i Printsipy Pos- troyeniya)], Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskoye Radio," 1970, 18,500 copies, 680 pages Chapter 11. Radar Output Equipment Coupled With Electron Digital Computing Machines 295 Chapter 12. Radar Output Equipment for Continuous Target Tracking 307 Radar Equipment Chapter 13. Single-Channel Pulsed Radar Stations 329 Chapter 14. Single-Channel Pulsed Radar Stations With Special Types of Signal Modulation 377 Chapter 15. Radar Stations With Continuous Emission 392 Chapter 16. Multichannel Radar Stations 426 Chapter 17. Passive Radar 471 Chapter 18. interference Immunity of Radar Stations 485 Peculiarities of Radar Equipment for Different Purposes Chnpter 19. Primary Types of Ground Radar Stations 522 3/4 USSR VASIN, VLADIMIR VASIL'YEVICH, et al., "Radar Equipment (Theory and Principles of Construction)" (Radiolokatsionnyye Ustroystva (Teoriya i Printsipy Pos- troyeniya)], Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskoye Radio," 1970, 18,500 copies, 680 pages Chapter 20. Primary Types of Ship Radar Stations 542 Chapter 21. Aircraft and Rocket Radar Equipment Used for Aerial Encounter 555 Chapter 22. Aircraft Panoramic Radar 591 Chapter 23. Radar Systems With Active Response 654 4/4 - 71 - USSR UDO 555.776 ZHOLKEVICH, G.A., WDN11j, V.P. lone"Mma _. 'Thermolumi.nescont Analysis Of Infrared-Slectroluminesconce Of Sublimated Films Of Zinc Sulphide" V eb. Elaktrolyuminastsentsiya tvord. tal. (El5ectrolumineseence Of Solid Bodies-- Collection Of 'A'orks), Kiev, ".1"auk.dunika, " 1971, PP 190-193. Discussion: p 193 (from Kh--Elektronika i YeXe 2rimeneniye, No 11, Noy 1971, .1batract No 11B386) Translation: An attempt is made to clarify, with the aid of thermally stimulated luminescanco (TSL) and current (TSC), the sign of the carriers which provide emissive junctions in the infrared region of the spectrum. I racord was aimul- tansoualy made of the TSL curves in the infrared and visibli regions of the spectrum. It is shown Lhat the infrared TSL, repeating the form of the visible TSL, is highly smoothed and Btructurlaeo. Togother with thio individual pa:)ks are observed, charactarintic either of infrared radiation only or visible emission [svechaniye] only. The conclusion is made that the divergence of the curves of infrared and viaibl-_ T3L, and also the spread of the curves of the infrared TSL, points to a p-type nature of the radiativa recombinations in the infrared region of the spectrum. 3 ill. 5 ref. Summary. 54 - PHYSICS Crystals and SCI.-deonductors USSR I=t537-226~-537-33.1-331:1537+53'jI SINryAj11Ov* YE. V. UMIT-~4~~ and FLEMOM, S. A. "Effect of External For-ces on Polarization Reveroal Processes o Sirl;~le Crystals of Barium Titartate" V sb. Se.7netoalektriki j okisn,-rie -Dolu-Drovodnik~ (Ferroelectrics and Oxide Semico~~-dnctors Collection of le.Toi~ks), Dnepropetrovsk, pp 4-1, ('roir J jarl 7~` I. Abstract No M12-136 I)y Yzi. Duimall) Tx-anslation: 2e authors studied the polzarization reversa-1, i,,,aramt-~tevs of single crysta-1-f-, of' BaTiG, acted upon 1), a trannverse elec~tric ftcld imr] untaxial T, ') mchanical proc-sure. micthod of rakbig 'tlie o.Ld constr-ictin.-~ the holde.-s is It fowid that a wea-k biased (trv-nSVe!-SL!) field under 170 V/cm and transverse contraction up to Ica-Is of* 4,0-50 C,1 result in an increase ir. maxiv"w,,i curri.-nt and -ii'l-wil L:! stud"r of domain ztr-oct,~vc, act-ion of a wer--1, tranwernt! fiel(! to c-domainization of P. c~-,-f:t-al in the (",I) plare, and t;-e-re~")-?e eve-11 stron".-I,-, fixed doma-ins tLr- rwitci-,(id in the direction of t';e causin an increase in t- ar,61 Kauximm- cu~,rent Su-i, clinc with further increa--e of trwansverse contraction Ofteld). it ir, t-Hat tLds variation in raral.TatC-rS iS CrUVea' b "IAMILill,"" o~ part of ti c, domain;J' P-rom the process of poTail 1 1 111-5. EFFECT OF SUPERCOOLING OF A MELT ON THE STRUCTURE OF SINCLE GERMANIUM CRYST'kLS (Article by Et $_Fal'kev1ch. Yu. M. Smirnov, N. v. Yc. 1'. Dudr.LLk, Zaporozh'ye-. novosibir.k, III Simpoliu. pa rrothessam '~'5tx I laf~. 1-17 Jun.. 1972. p 291 The morphology of the phase interface wi --n gTowing; single gr~sniux crystals from a malt characterizes the mechanism of the c"st.Ilizatiou process Ill. The degree of supercooling of the melt has an affect on the formation of the crystal and Its property. Data have been obtained which indicate the presence of the interaction of supercooling and the crystal lattice during growth from & molten layer. During Czachralski drawing, the dialocatLonleso structure as a rut* to formed with a r4diol gradient close to zero in the melt st the crystallization front 12). By varying the degree of supercooling It its possible to achi"* the formation of a dialocationless structure with a radial gr&diant differing significantly from core. 0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 1. V. Salli, E. S. F:I'kevir-b, rrolavadetva polu'T Ik go kramnl7s (Production of Sonic nductina S`1-11--c`on7 Motalluro;!M11al"o 2. Yu. H. Wroov, Irv. haskava Mass of the USSR AcadoW R-Ailc, 1., 3001. 1969. of Sciomces. P~y ~gem .....T 01 USSR UDO 621.382.2 DUg" a", YEFERIN, V.K., LEVINTZ011, D.I., RYVKIN, S.11., STROKA111, N.B. ___I W BUBASHIYEVA, V.P., TISNOZ, N.I. LPhysico-Technical Institute imeni A.F. Ioffe, Academy Of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad] "High-Resolution Counters Of Germanium With Radiation-Induced Defects" Fizilra i tokhnik-a poLun(j~c~dq~kqv, Vol 6, No 4p Apr 1972, PP 779-781 Abstract: The characteristics are prepented of counters obtained as usual on the basis of germanium with ND - NA ^--f 1012 ca-~ but with a decrease of more than one order of magnitude of the bT5~ground of impurities and defecto 11f. The ampli- tude spectrum of a specimen of Go is shown. The resolution of the countors at this line io leas than R = 1.2 percent. The dependence is nhown of the conctunt capture time on the electrical field intannity. 2 fig. 1~ rof. Roceived by editors, 5 Nov 1971. USSR UDC 619.611.0~-022.6+ 636.1+ 636.21-636.4+ 636.52/.58 ONUFRIIYEV, V. P.; ~UQI40V. : MURAVYEV, V. K.; SHVIETSOV, Yii~.F_; CHILPITAYEV, Yu. V., K+rlk~(_O, V. M.; ZAKHAROV, V. M.-; PRONI;T, I. A.; NIKITILN, L Y. I'Matelic Immunization of Cows with Poot-and-T-Iouth Disease and Pj~Dspects for Obtaining Immune Milk" Vlhdimir, V sb. Yashchur. T. 1 (Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Vol 1 -- F (from RZh '7hivotno- Gollection of Works , 1970, pp 160-172 -58. - vodstvo i VeterinariZfa, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4.56~ ~73) Translation: Diatelic immunization of cows with foot-and-noubh disease antibodies Drovides lactoseriLm and im-munolactone with a high concentration of foot-and-mouth disease antibodies. The fbot-and-mouth disease immunolactone has pronounced preventive prDperties in research with baby mice, guinea pigs, bull calves, and~suckling pigs. Polyvalent foot-and-mouth aizease immuno- lactone has a more pronounced virus-neutralizing activity with respect to heterologous strains of foot-and-mouth dioeaze virus 112 9~ .USSR ONUFR=EV,.V. P., et al, V sb. Yashchur. T. 1, 1970, pp 160-172 than the monovalent one. The high specific activity of the :rbot-and-mouth disease lactone, obtained under biological -pro- d--Uction conditions by imunization. of cows with inactivatea f.Dot-and-mouth disease virus, indicates a promising use of the diAtelic immunization method under industrial conditions. .X /2.- I Q. LA-M-73-1 Inatitut ladernol Flzikl AkAztzlla 1;4uk SSSR. Sibirskoe Otdalaala 1972 '~q 6zlp /7 17-11~- 7 J Translated from the llussiaa Pr-print 11Y 66-72 13 - Al~ PRODUCTION OF AN INTENSE H ION BEAM FROM A DISCHARGE ru'f IN CROSSED FIELDS by 14".1. 0011cheako. G.1. DInov. W.G. Dudalkov Original Title: POLUCHENZZ' 1NTZt4SjVN0rO PUCIINA IGNOV K- IZ RAZRIADA V SKRES11C11- ENNYKIA PjL1A9;i Tvaosl*ted fromi lastit"v4aderuoi Fizik's. AN $SSH. S1 birskoe~'Otde Lents. Preprint IIF 66-72' Novosibirsk, 1972 Translated by Anne Vakar Loo-Alamos Scientific Laboratory December 1972 USSR UDC; 681.325.5 DUDNILCLV_._.V. I. "Device for Addition of Numbers" USSR Authors' Certificate No 251252, Filed'29 March 1968, Published 4 February 1970 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemeklianika i Vychis- litel'naya Tekhnika, No 10, 1970, Abstract No 1OB218P, by N. V.) Translation: The device suggested, containing two half adders and a logic circuit for development of carry signals, contains an additional half adder in each bit position in order to allow storage of the result of the operation directly in the adding device so as to combine the time of addition with the time of recording of the result of the operation. The first outputs of the AND circuit of the additional half adder are connected to the forward and in- verse outputs of the half adder of the partial sum, while the second inputs of the AND circuit are connected to the forward and inverse carry code buses of the preceding digit, and the third inputs of the AND circuit are connected to the control bus. The output of the additional half adder is connected to the input of an OR circuit in the half adder of the result, the output of which is connected to the input of the OR circuit in the additional half adder. One illustration. 1/1 USSR uDc-. 621.382.3 -4UD;MWV-,--V--P-Y ZAYTSEV., B. D.J, PEMLIMAN, A. A., and SHVEDOV, Ye. Yt. "Drift Tire of MOS Transistors" Kiev, Izvestiya VUZ--Radioelektronika, Vol 13, Ho 11, 1970Y PP 1358-1361 Abstract: it is asserted that data regarding the dxift time of MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) transistors is rather exiguous although such data is import- ant since the stability requirements of linear circuits involving such com-pon- ents are much stricter than present-day integrated digital circuits. This paper gives the results of measurements made of 40 MOS transistors, with induced p-cbanngl, of either SiO or Si L74 films. Both these films were 0.17 ,u thick. The parameter chosen ~or the3d3~ift time criterion was the increase in voltage applied to the gate corresponding to the nitio of the measured incre- ment in the drain current to the transconductance of the transistor under r&asurement for a given drain current. A block diagram of the measuring equip- ment is shown. It was found, in the course of the measurements, that the dxift time of the MS vith SiG2 is fully reproduced even after the gate is deprived of its voltage. The results of an experiment performed on the basis of that fact indicated that the drift of the YX transistor is basically caused by the migration of ions and the charge of the surface states. 1/1 USSR DUDNI Ye-.-, RYBASHOV, M. V. UDC: 51 "Analog Computer Solution of Operational Production Control Problems" V sb. Avtomaty, gibridn. i upravlyayushch. mashiny (Automata, Hybridan-&--Contro- omputers--co ection o ~or-s oscow, "Nauka", 1972, pp 211-222 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V587) Translation: Vario-us problems of using analog computers for solviHg -operational control problems are considered. Impor- tant in this regard aye the accuracy of the solution, the maximum dimension of the problems solvable on standard analog computers, and the speed of obtaining the solution. Economic schemes are proposed for analog computer solution of certain problems. These schemes are based on the use of both general purpose and specialiZed analog computers, The papey gives the anaolg computer solution for two practical problems in oper- ational control -- optimum compounding of liquid fuels, and optimum constitution of the raw material in a cement plant. Authors' abstract 1/1 USSR _TITMIITYQV YP - YP - and RYBASHOV, M. V. UDC: 51 "Solving Operative Production Control Problems on an Automatic Computer" Moscow, V sb. Avtomaty,_gibridn. i uT)ravlyayushch. Mashiny (Automatons, hybrid and Control 1liachines--collect ion of worxks) 1972, pp 2111-222 (from ?,Zh--IMatematika, No 8, 1972, Abstreact LN"o 8V587)- Translation: Various problems in the use of automat-ic computers for solving operative control problems are considered. The im- portant ones are the accuracy of the solution, t-he maximum di::ien- sions o-~ the D--oblems solvable on standard automatic co--puters, and the rapidity uith which the solution is obtained. ~;conomic systems are proposed for solving vector problems on the computer, based on the use of general-purpose machlillies as i..,ell as speciai analog equipment. '.-.'-ith the aid of the automatic computer a solu- tion is given for two practical problems in orerative control: the optimal compounding o--,' liquid fuels, and the optimal makreup of raw-materiai mixtures for the refining section of a cemcnt plant. Authors' abstract 1/1 USSR 11DC 533.95 BEREZIN, Yu. A. "The Influence of Thermal Conductivity Upon the Structure and Critical Parameters of Shock-waves in Plasma's Novosibirsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Mekhaniki i Tekhnichesicov Fiziki, No 2, March-April 1972, pp B-14 Abstract: The results are presented of a numerical solution of the problem of the propagation of stationary and unsteady shock waves in cold rarefied plasma acro9v a magnetic field in the presence of fin-Itc! conducLIv.lLy and electronic thermal conductivity, tind a comparison is conducted WWI Ole re- sults of a solutioa with thermal conductivity not taken into account. It is shown that at small Mach numbers (IM -c 2.5), the influence of therm~il conducti- vity mav be disregarded. For Mach numbers 2.8 1-,- 1.11, ~;, 3.3, in isomagllcLic density jL-ap is obtained. Increasing the amplitude of t;-e V_agnetic Shield at the plasma boundary brings about destruction of the iso-magnetic jump. The critical Mach n=bers characterizing the shock wavc are M. > -14 . 5 figures. 6 references. =R uDc 632,954-2:628,35 DUDYrOVA,, R. V., IOLKINIS, E. C., KOV.Al-CHUK, A. N. "Biochemical Purification of the Waste Water from Pesticide Production" Moscov, Nhimicheskaya Proqv-shlennost', No 5, 1911, PP 34-0-3" -Abs-ftract: An industrially feasible system for effectively purifying the vaste water from the production of some pesticides is outlined. it utilizes areation and biochemical action to lower the biological consumption of oxygen rating from about 600 to about 20 pg of oxygen per liter. The process is currently in operation in a plant which produces 2,1~,-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, its esters and amine salts, copper trichlorophenoxide, heyachlorobutadiene, 2,4,5-trichloroT)heno;vjacetic acid, 2-mthyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, and others. 1/1 112 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--02(!CT70 .TITLE--PURIFICATION OF WASTE IN 810FILTERS -U- AUTHOP-103)-SAYFUTDINOV, K.Z.v IOAKIMIS, E.G.9, DUONIKOVA, K.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOUPCE--KHIV.. PROM. (ML'SCCW) 1970, 46(l) 14-16 DATE PULLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--WASTE WATER CONVERSION, WATER PURIFICATION, FILTRAT13N C04TPbL IA.ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RECL/FRAME--1990/1753 STEP NO--UR/0064/70/(J4!,/001/0014/001t) CIRC ACCESSION N-U--AP0109714 UNrLASSIFIED 2/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--Q29CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109714 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE NEUTRALIZED AND FILTERED WASTE WA TERS FRGA VARIOUS PETROCHEM. PROCESSES (wITH A TOTAL BJD OF UP TO 500 MG-L.) WERE PURIFIED BY PASSING THROUGH A BIOCHE4. FILTER 2 M HIGH IN WHICH THE TOTAL BOD WAS REDUCED TO 16-80 MG 0-L, AFTER 5 DAYS. THE 810FILM IN THE UPPER LAYER OF THE FILTER CONSISTED OF ZO9GLOEA AND A DENSE NETWORK OF FUNGI-N UYPHA; THE UPPER FILM CONTAINED DIFFUGIA AND CALLIDINE, WHILE FLAKES OF DOZE AS WELL AS NEMATODES AND PINNULARIA WERE FOUND-AT A DEPTH OF 0,75 M AND EUGLYPHA WERE FOUND AT A DEPTH OF 1.45 4. THE MAX. OXIDN. CAPACITY OF A FILTER WITH A CROSS SECTION OF 25 TIMES 25 CM WAS 1,56 G O-(M PRIME3 DAY).- UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 539.4:621.81 GULIDOV, A. I., DUDOLALOV, A. S., NIKIFOFOVSKIY, V. S., SERYMMV, V. 14. "Effect of a One-Dilmensional Slit in the Walls of IMultilayered Cylindr-ical Structures on the Thermnl State and on the Stressed End Deformed State" V sb. Chisl. metody mekh. splosh. sredy. T. 2. 'No 5 (1,1umerical 1Methods of the Mechanics of a Continuous Med-Jum--collection Tf works, Vol 2, No 5), Novosibirsk, 1-171, pp 78-84 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 7, Jul 72, Abstract 9 No 7V871) Translation: The paper discusses possibilities of a slit develcping in an Lnfinite two-la-yer tube, and the influence of the slit on the thermal and stressed state. The materials of the layers are isotropic, homo- geneous and elastic. At time zero the tube has a giver. temperature an(i is free from stresses. Then the temperature of the medium iw~idc the tube rises abruptly while the outside temperature remains at the initi_,%1 value, and convective exchange tal--es place with constant hea,;L-turansfer coefficients. If the temperature expansion of the outside 1,,yer is greater thar that of the inner layer, then radial tiersile stresses arise and -,ha layers may separate in the area of the Joining. In the reverse 112 USSR ITT"r -:)V. -4. T. et L1. , C mekh. splosh. sredy. T. 2. No hisl. metody Na---asibirsk, 1,99711, Z---- 71~-841 situation a slit develops due to loss of stability of the inner shell from co=ressive stresses. The problem is Purnerically --olved in the ao- proxi-mation of unconnected auasistatic thermoelasticiti- Ideal tner-ial and tight, mechanical contact is assumed on the boundary of the layers without a crack. The thermal resistance of the air ~-ar is i-ti-cduced a" the crack, and its borders are freed from stresses. Examples of three pwirs are cons--:dered: 1) W-steel, 2) W-copper, 3) W-Eraphite, wliere W is the inner layer. in examples 1 and 2 the cc--pressive st--rcsses aDL - sses and a slit (0.01-0.1rm) appears due idly change to tensile stre r to se-oaraticn of layers in the sixth second (-in example 1). In example 3 5 a slit (up to 2 mm) is formed by the abrupt change fror- loss of b-11-:1tv -in the fifth second, and the inner layer qui-cJ0,Y bents up. in of '00, 1-03 and 110C = -are exami3le 1, irs-de, midd2e and outside rad-L-- assumed 'with the terrerature inside the tube 10' 1C, and the ciert of heat ta-arsfer I-Prcm. the tube 103 kcal-m-2-hr-1-deg-1 (!.!6-103 M. S. Povarnitsyn. 2/2 - q6 - USSR UDC 612.82/.83-053.6.796 TSONEVA, T. M., AL'OKIIINA, G. F., DANYLYUK, V. P., and DUDNYK, A. I., Laboratory of Age Physiology of Sports, and xVffffTf`GT'11`Mmd-ii Anatomy and Physiology, Odessa Pedagogical Institute "Shifts in the Functional Activity of the Central Nervous System in Young Sportsmen" Kiev, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 17, No 1, Jan/Feb 71, pp 33- 37 Abstract: The youths -- 11-12 years of age -- participatingo in the investigation!; were divided into two groups, with group 0110, the experimental group, consisting of young people engaged in training for light athletics, and a control group consisting of youths not engaged in sports except for exercises prescribed in the school program. The reactivity of the central nervous system in group one was determined by shifts in the bioelectric activity of the cerebral cortex as recorded by the electroencephalograph in the Ist, 5th, 10th, and 15th minute after a ten-second run 1/2 USSR TSONEVA, T. M., et al., Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 17, No 1, Jan/Feb 71, pp 33-37 at maximum tempo or exercises on a bicycle stand. The condition of the neurodynanics tinder conditions of muscular activity was assessed by shifts in the rapidity of development of sensori- motor reactions. The investigations established that the young athletes are able to endure physical loads greater than those endured by the young people not participating in light athletics, mainly due to activation of cortical structures and improved basic nourodynamic indexes. There is an imp-rovei-iient in the reactivity of the ccntral nervous systeiii permitting the perform- ance of a maximum volume of physical activity at a moderate tempo, which also indicates the greater endurance of young sportsmon as compared with that of the control group. 2/2 1/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--300t-IT70 TITLE--ADSORPTICN OF ARSINE AND PHOSPHINE ON SILICA GEL -U- A.D.t DUDOROV, V.YA.t ROG02HNIKOVA, T.S., RYAOENKO, YE. A. .COUNTRY OF INFG-USSR S0fjkCr'_--LH. FIZ. KHIM. 1970t 44(3)9 717 P19' .DATE PU6LISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--AGSURPTIUN, ARSINE, SILICA GEL, PHOSPHINIC ACID, VAN OER WAALS FORCE CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNGLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/fRAME-1999/1228 STEP NO--UR/OCi76/'70/0,lt-4/C,03/0717/0719 CIRC Ail-CESSICK NG--AP0123192 UNCLA~>SIFIED 2/2 015 U,%.C L AS S I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--300CT70 CIkC ACCESSILN Nu-'-AP0123192 AaSTRACT/EXTRACT-tU) GP-0- A3STRACT. ADSORPTION OF PH SUB3 ANJ ASH SUB3 ON 3 SILICA GEL SAMPLES (PORE DIAM. 8 AND 16 ANGSTRUM) WAS STUDIED IN THE TEhP. RANICE 20 TO MINUS 80DEGREES, USING CHROMATJG. TECHNIQUES. THE EXPTL. RESULTS COULD BE DESCRIBED BY USING THE LANGNUIR AUSORPTION ISOTHERM EQUATION. A CbMPARISON OF THE HEATS OF ADSORPTION WITH THE HEATS OF CONDENSATIJN REVEALEU THAT ASH SUB3 AND PH SUB3 INTERACT WITH THE SURFACE OF THE ADSORBENT AS A RESULT OF VAN DER WAALS FORCES. FACILITY: NAUCH.-ISSLED.- lNST. KHIM., GORKI, USSR. (,UNCLASSIFIED Acc. Nr. - Abstracting Service: Ref. Code AFG049830-. CHEMICAL ABST. T") 106748b Gas-chromatographic analysis of hydrogen chloride r f.r trace impurities of organic substances. r~udoruy. V. Ya.; N_~I. (Si. Res. Inst. Ch!mi,, G011=25iff l*S,-,Iz,1. -zh. Anal. Kh If,' (Rt ss~' iin. 1970, 25(T~ , Tile Sensitivity of the detti. of tract, org. impurities in gaseous JICI is 11-71 X 10` Vol. A column, 4 ni long and 4.5 inni in diam., packed with 201'r dinoull phtlialate on INZ-600 brick was used with N carrier gas at 2.7 I./hr. Gas(!ous HCI obtained by the reaction Of 14-S04 and IM (soln.) contains (1-2) X 10--3 Vol. of CH., C:1-4, C-11-17, isobutatie, and cificl. Chaim 'Weiner REEL/FRAME Aj 19801755 USSR UDC: 5',"91.4 DUDUYALEM.-D, V. V. , IVANISEMPINA, 0. 1. , and 1EGEMM, 13. 1 "Effect of the St-i-act-ure of Comnosition Tl~ateri,__', on its Ellastic Characteristics" Moscow, Zhu-rn--!- n~rilzladnoy mekhaniki i tchhnicheskoy fizilk-i., 11"o 2, 1973, pp 153-159 Abstract: The conuos-ition material considered in this T)aT)er -i:- a microscopically heterogeneous elastic body with 0. Civen elast.ic modulus 1-ensor. The bu-1hr and shear moduli ill thi,,~ -6011sol- C, -1 )ic ort "ic pression are _-o(' of ex -amed uniform ind ic~otroi the ui:ace coo-ruinaten, and the stres,6-deformo-tion state oi* t,',~e ma- terial is dc~.,I-cribed by 1looke's law, Jiich conn(,Ct-, 16-1:e 11.1n(I deformation frxtors through the equatiori,,j of Lii1ilbrimm ,'Ild Cauchy re-lation-ships. 'I'he problem of this thecretica,-L papQr to det-ermine the limits of the clastic macroscopic of 4 the material. To deteri.,iine the limits of the maoduILI,", t-;,A-, authors conside--y- the uniform s'---te of -;Dure she,~r of the in i~hich the rhase rcEicns are richt circuia-,r cc-ui-ntlous~ cylinders with parallel Ceneratrices and vrbitrary tran3ver-e cro.,j.,. s,-,ction-s. liere, it is- a.-~surhed that the materipl is 1/2 USSR Ti-D C5 -~`, 91 - 4 DbTDUDi,_1J.-,-~IvE_"O, V. V. clil- al, Zhurnal prihI.,--drwr i j. tel:hni- It K pheskoy fizik,i., Ilo 2, 1973, pp 153-159 and transversally iSot:,.,o-oic. The authoi-s conclude thail- the ai, tion. that not- only tLc concentration andr-ioduli c-,.' tl-.,Q- componc,,nts of the mat,3rial but its inte-rn.11 geomeil,ry as iell nrc valwtble in determinin,g its s1ae-n-I'modulus, is confiri-nied. 2/2 - USSR , DJQW, A L E a'&, ~ L. , CHAN LAP UDC 519.2 "Two Procedures for Solving the Problems of Ocillations with R&ndom Parameters" Tr. NII mat. Voronezh. un-ta (Works of the Scientific Research Institute of Mathematics of Voronezh University), 1972, vyp. 6, pp 14-16 (from RZh-Kiber- netika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V78) No abstract 1/1 USSR UDC: 539-376+532.135 ALEng,_L V. , CHERNYSHEV, V. I. "On the Theory of Unsteady Creep" Tr. NII mat. Voronezh. un-ta Works of the Scientific 1~esearch Institute of Mathematics, Voronezh University), 1970, vyp. 2, pp 100-108 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No TV452) Translation: In constructing a model of a body which has creep properti-es, it is assumed that totpi deformations eij consist of elastic c. e and momentary plastic cid-P deformations, and creep deforriattions Eijv: + 911P + EIP uhile the tensor of stresses aij, which satisfies the equilibrium equations, is made up of two tensors: 011=Tji+Si1 It is assumed that S11= ;ii10=XjT7; EiIle 1/2