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UDC; 611. nE EFFECT OF CESERALLUD UYPODYNAKIA AND RYPOKINESIA ON TILE POWXAL Syli'Mh OF THE LIVER [Article by_ A.V. Drotdova, Chair of Normal Anatomy (headed by Pro(easor N.C., Privea, Hon-MTTT!~, First Leningrad nadical 1ni;tItuta imont. xzadec.1- cian L.P. Pavlov; Leningrad, Arkhiv Anatomii, Gist3logii I E=brlologil, Ruti6l.aa, No 11, 1971, submitted 24 December 1970. pp 100-1U41 At the present tire rLsearchers are becoming more and more concerned with the hypodynanta and hypokinesia factor. On the one harA, it is a ccc,ponant of the set of stress factors involved in bpaceflight1l. AO that it is f Interest to space biology and medicine. On the other hand, In vie. at technological progress, man's limited motor activity on earth iti having an Oincreasingly deleterious effect on his health. Hypokinesia and hypodynazia induce considerable changert in the cardic- VLucular sys". While there are ciany physiological Investigations. there are hardly any performed using morphological methods. Onu. of the first anatomical works were the invautIgationa lweg~i air tire 4d- cha4r of n~ rzd anatot%y of the First Leningrad !`Ledical Institutm it4zi M.G. "rlvza W.;! hi; Ue,~siia. 1968); and the-;, are presently being continued. In addition, V.V. Portugalov, Yo.l. ll'ina-Kakuyeva, and V.L. Staroatin U970) cytochemlcal changes In red and white muscle fibers under the loflu=ca of hypodynitz-4a arid hypokinesia. The livur, which is a large organ and playa an important part In venoug cli,oldti.n, pools much blood, and plays a part In Cw-tAII-011C funCLIMS of the organItim, is of great interest from the standpoint of duumit9tration of changes occurring in it under the Influence of gLnuralized itypodynzukta 40 ar, d hypokinosia. Ve did not encounter works on this oubject; I" the liturAture. The experimental invegtigatiun was eonducLed ott 60 alblm rats and ai aht rabbits, The animals were put into outall cagom In which they could not change body position. Observations wait pursued for 122 0 1/2 028 UNCLASSIFIED P CES S I1 .5 U) A T E -L7 0 I ': I f -L U E NIC F S T - ) T I T T. TL TH !~F PYROGENAL 0-'- THE LIVER GF RATS 'U C EFFECT OF CCL SU84 -U- AUT4.OR-(0lt)-AV,RA.4E,'qKU, M,t-l., ODINOIKOVA, V.A., oguzo')YAT G.-i., C, I- Y '; I i L- v , B.N. COUNTRY OF INFID-USSR SOURCE--BYULLETINI EKSPERIMENTAL1,N1 Pill OLOG I II 11FOIFSINY7 1~)10, VGjL 69, NR 3t PP 43-46 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-310LOGICAL AND MEOICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-ORGAN LIVER, RAT, T0Xj(',(21.(')G'Y, CARtikON TETRACHI-f-JR10E, CYTOPLASM,, GLYCOGEfl, ALBOMIN, C;f;-JLlNF-)iTFktSf-, ACTIVITY, i3E-TA G1.0RULINt PYROGEN CONTPOL REST~~ICTIIINS DOCUMENT CLA~S--U'l(:CLASSlf~-IE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME-1962/0851 S T E P N UP' 029 7 0 /06 3 0, 3 C I PC A FC F SS ( lr"q A .t-") 05? -1~85 212 028 U" ~L ASS IF I ED CC Ess I N".) --A P Clo~-, 1 ;3 GP-0- ARSTRACr. '__,~~%TPDN IN THE LIVP:k IN r I- PRJCESSIES QF S~!94 H~E-P_4 T:IS I S S 1 A S T E: R, E: S U L T 0 1: P Y;:' , I ','iF L r N' I i F LIVER TISSUE OF Aail MALS THCEFF, APPEARED SIGNS -T d C' t,;j OF DIVIDPI"~, CELLS llvCRF;'4SE:)* THERE APPEARED VlF'PA',rP(-,YlftS W I T H A SIGNIFICANT OF ~_;LYCOGEPl 1"4 THLE E E L 20 y N T 0 F PYROGEWL P?A'S CONDUCTIVE TO NORMALILEATION OF THE PICT~.,-_~ '-'F BLD-~!) PRrNEIN'Si AIN INrEASE0 CiCINTENT OF ALBUMINS --*INFJ A Pl'~t,~UCED CONTENT i-1EIA GLOBULINS DOW" TO No;~4- vto u-S. THE-~E WAS F&UN-D N~ STAI'l STIC ALLY SIGNIFICANT CIHAN,'GES IN TH~_ AC~l VITY OF CHOLIN-ISTEI~A'S^~, I STI ()A_~E 1 ~4 N ti k7 THE-BLOOD SERUM AND 11 Ez HOMOGENATE OF HEPATIC Tll-;S[-,,E OF RATS PECEEIVING '3YRC-GENALt IN Cg~'~PARISON WITH ANIMALS NOT C-IVEN THE LATr(:R. I L . ~ ". :, c OURING PYROGENAL TREATMENT IN THE PRMESS OF CCL SU:,4 INTOXICATIO.-V T kAS NOTED A !-40RI-i RAPI0 -%6Ri4ALIZ4TIMN 11% THE CONTENT OF A%'_ 3;_- TA GLORULINS OF THE BLOOD SERUM DURING RECOVERY. UNICLASS IF I ED -7~7- Acc. Nr:. Abstracting S'e'rvice: Ref. Code: APO 05.5981__ CHMICAL ABST. (P 70 117189v7 hydrogen catalytic wave in the presence of copper- (11) diethy1dithiocarbamate. Vinogradova, E. N Drozdova. I.; f~rokhorova. Q. V_- Severova 1'.' A- -Stdti- niv. AWSC03K,~L~SSR)_ Zk_ Amal. kRm- 1970, 215(l),_183-5 (Russ). -The' complex compd. Cu(ll) diethyidithiocarbamate U) catalyzes the liberation of H on a dropping Hg electrode- The wave observed has,a humplike shape, its height does not de- pend on -the.square. 1-oof of. the Hg.,column height.' ' The wave height depends on the concn. of Cfi(11), 1, pH, and on the conen. of the supporting electrolyte. These relations are characteristic of the 11 catalytic waves. Chaim Weiner REEL/FRME .19841310 USSR uDc: 621.372.o6i ALIKIN, K. 0. , DROZDT)VA, L. A. "ReceDtion of Weak Signp's in a 'No-Channel Asynchronous Storage C4rcijit With inertial Detection" Otbor i reredacI-ia inform. ResD. rnezhved. sb. (*Selecti4on and of Information. Re-clabl~c --n-,erde-oartmental Collection), vyy. 2'5, up ?r U 47-51 (from No 2., Feb 71, Abstract io 2. 12) Translation: 'The authors a~nalyze the operation of an asinchronous storap-1 circuit in the case o--.' receDtion of a weak I(s/n)in < correlated con- tinuous signal against a background of inderendent or weakly de~~erdent interferences. Pn exrression is found for the ratio (z/n),,Ut in the case of signal reception against a background of independent; or wen_kly d,:-pendert interferences. The results of calculation of (s/n)out 'by the -0 . A diagr=, azid eymeri;_ formulas are given f r severall values of (s/n)in mental results are given. Res Lur.41 Bibliography of 10 titles. 1/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--REACTION OF RARE EARTH OXIDES 41TH WATER -U- AUTHOR-(03)-TIMOPEYEVA, N.I., DROZOOVA, L.N., TIMOFEYEV, V.A. ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRt NEORG. MATER. 19701 6(3), 505 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ,TOPIC TAGS--RARE EARTH COMPOUNDi METAL OXIDEt CHEMICAL REACTION, WATER, X RAY TECHNIQUE, THERMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/0906 STEP NO--UR/0363/70/006/003/0605/0605 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118075 UINCt A'S IF I ED 2/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118075 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE REACTION OF RARE EARTH OXIDES (FROM LA TO LUv WITH THE EXCEPTION OF PMt AND Y) WITH BOILING H SUB2 0 FOR 10-100 HR AND WITH H SUBZ 0 AT 350DEGREES FOR 24 Hk WAS STUDIED BY X RAY STRUCTURAL, THERMOGRAPHIC, AND GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSES. LA SUB2 0 SUB3, NO SUBZ 0 SU63, SM 5-U82 0 SU63, AND GO SU6Z 0 SUB31 WHEN IN CONTACT WITH BOILING H SUB2 0 AND WITH H SU82 0 AT 350DEGREES ARE CONVERTED TO HYDROXIDES Of THE LN(OH)SU53 TYPE* 5E5QUIOXIUES OF RARE EARTHS RANGING FROM HO TO LU AND Y FOR ALL PRACTICAL PURPOSES 00 NOT REACT WITH BOILING H SUBZ 0. IN H SUB2 0 AT 350DEGREES THE RARE EARTH OXIDES FRUM HO TO LU FORM MONOHYDRATES; CEO SUB2 ODES NFir INTERACT WITH H SUR2 0 AT 100 AND 350DEGREES, PR SUB6 0 SUB11 ANO TB SUB4 0 SUB7 REACT WITH SMALLEk THAN 2 MOLS- OF H SUB2 0- LA(OH) SUB3, !qDlOH)SuB3, SM(OH)SUB3, EUlOH)SUtl3, AND GD(011)SUB3 HAVE A HEXAGONAL UCL SUL33 TYPE STRUCTURE. ALL THE RARE EARTH OXIDES ARE ONLY SLIGHTLY SOL. IN H SUB2 0' ~1/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATP--IISEP70 -T.ITLE--MULTISTEP PHOTDOXIDATION OF SACTERICCHLOROPHYLL. FLUORESCENCE ANO ~~---.ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF INTERMEDIATE FORMS -U- AU.THOR-KRASNOVSKIY, A., DROZDOVA N BOKUCHAVA, E. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~_SOURCE-DOKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970, 190(2) 464-7 :ZATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOL0GtCAL AND MFOICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--FLUORESCENCEi ABSORPTION SPECTRUM, CHLOROPHYLL, P(GMENT, ASCORBIC ACIDt BACTERIA, PYRIDINE, PHOTOOXIDATION CONTROL 9~'RKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAMLE-198511798 STEP ND--UR/0020/70/19,-1/002/04-,S4/()"*67 CIRC ACCFSSFON NO-AT0101845 I UNIC L AS S I F I E D 212 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAT;-:--11~EP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0101841) ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U] GP-0- ABSTRACT. ABSORBANCE SPECTRA WERE REPORTEO FOR PHOTOOXiDiN. bF BACTE'RIOCHLOROPHYLL BY 0 BENZOOUINONF-- IN M~Pli. THF RESULTS SUGGEST THAT THE REACTION CONSISTS OF A 2 STEP 2 ELECTROIN -OXtDN. TO CHLOq[lDHYLL AND PROTOCHLOROPHYLL LIKE SUBSTANCES WHEN THE REACTION EMPLOYS 0 BFNZOOUINONE. ADDN. OF PHNHNH SU~k2 TO THE OXIDIZED MATERIAL DI-F) NOT REGENERATE THE PIGMENT IN THE DAJRK BUT ILLUMIN4TION DID LEAD TO THE REVERSE REACTON. ASCORBIC ACID IN PYRIDINE LED TO MINOR REVERSION IN THE.DARK AND UP TO JOPERCENT REVERSION IN LIGHT. ADDN. OF 0 -BENZ*OQUf NONE- AND 4SCORBIC ACI D AND - SUB-SEQUENT ILLUMI NA TI (IN OF BACTERIOCHLOROPHYLL RESULTED ONLY IN THE USUAL- PHOTOREON. TO FORM THE RED PIGMENT. USSR DROZDOVA, 11. T. UDC 617.75,593.6-013.8 "State of the Visual Analysor After liegative Overloads" Moscow, Voyenno-Meditsimskiy Zhurnalp No 29 1971t pp 6_5-67 Abstraett The effects on the eyes of "pelvis-hea&' acceleration in a centri- fuge were studied in 14 human subjects rotated once (at intensities of 1 to 3 g) and in 12 subjects rotated more than 10 times a day (I to 2 g). In the first series of experiments, all the subjects fblt a imsh of blood to the head and eyeballs, starting with acceleration of g. Increased acceleration caused pulsating pain over the superciliary arches and teaxing, Leanwhile the threshold of contrast sensitivity of the eye3 rose with increasing accelera- tion. After exposure to 3 g it was almost 17' times hieher than before the start of rotation (20%). Ophthalnoscopy revealed hyperemia of the mucosa of the eyelids and eyeballs aftor exposure to I G and phase chajWes in the diameter of the retinal vessels and petechial hemorrhages into the conjuctive after acceleration Of 2 5 or more. 77 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING UATE--30OCTTO ,TITLE--USE OF THE EDMONDS BIRNBAUM METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE composiTION OF COMPLEXES -U- AUTHOR-(02)-DROZDOVA, S.N., YAMPOLSKIY, M.1. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-ZH. NEORG. KH7t,'-,. 1970, 15(3), 595-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, METHODS AND EQUIPMENT TOPIC TAGS--TEST IMETHOD, COMIPLEX COMPOUND, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, GALLIUM .COMPOUND CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRic',rIONS DOCU14ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEI) .PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/1609 STEP NO--UR/0078/70/015/003/0595/0598 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AR011260'1 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112603 ABSTRACTIEXTKACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EDMONDS BIRNBAUM METHOD (19415 WAS USED TO STUDY COMPLEX FORMATION IN SYSTEMS CONTG. EQUIL. CONCNS. OF COLORED COMPONENTS. COMPLEXING OF GA WITH ALIZAaIN S(1) WAS CHOSEN AS AN EXAMPLE. GA FORMS 1:1 AND 1:2 COMPLEXES WITH I AT PH 2.8 AND 7.08, RESP. FACILITY: KURSKt GOS. PEDAGOGo INST-r KURSK, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 021 UNCLASSMED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--EFFECT OF BORON OXIDE ON THE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF POLYCRYSTALLINE MAGNESIUM OXIDE -U- AUTHOR-(OZ)-MAMYKIN, P.S., DROZDOVAr T.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--OGNEUPORY 1970, 3512), 44-6 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--MAGNESIUM OXIDE, ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY, THERMAL BORON OXIDE, ENDOTHERMIC EFFECT, PULYCRYSTAL CCUTROL fAAkKIN%G--NO kESTAICTIGNS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FPAt-lE_--1996/0892 STEP NO--UR/0131~/70/035/002/0044/004,6 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOII,9061 UNC L A S 3 1 F I E D 2/2 02i UNCLASSIFIED PROCESST":"i DATE-logrT7C CIRC ACCESSIG-N NO-AP011806.1 ABSTRACT/c'-XTR4CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ELEC. CGIND. AT 109-1600DECTREES OF A MIXT, OF MGO (PREHEATED AT 14000EGREES) AND 0.5-5 WT. PtER'CENT b SUB2 0 SUB3 WAS DET9. AND CCMPARED WITH THE ELEC. COND, OF POLYCRYST. MGO AND CF MG0 CRYSTALS, TAKEN FROM A BLOCK OF ELEC. `~ELrEl-- ~GO. T H E ELEC. COND. OF SINGLE CkYSTAL AND POLYCRYST. MG0 INCREASES wITti ICNREASING TEMP. BY ADON.. OF B SUB2 0 SU83t THE ELEC. CONO. OF MC-0 INCFEASES 5Y NEARLY A FACTOR OF 2 AS .4 CONSeQUENCE or- riiE V.ELTING -Cr- 3MGO.R SUB2 0 SU93 WHICH IS FORMED DURING Sl-%Ti~RING -4T 1366DEGREES. THE PRESENCE OF 3.M.G0.8 SUB2 0 SUB3 AFTER FIRING WAS DETJ. THE FORMATION OF A FLUID PHASE WAS ASCERTAIN BY OTA. AN ENDOTHERMIC EFFECT WAS OBSERVED AT 13700EGREES WHICH CORRESPONDS TO THE MELTING OF MG ORTH060RATE. FACILITY: URAL. POLITEKH. INST. IM. KIROVA, SVEROLUVSKi USSR. UNCLASSIFIED t57 %" lci 6 Pov 111 EJOC L16.315~6-008.97:612.766.2 STUDY OF STREPTOCOCCAL OF THE MUMV4 PILARY= IN TSQLATED HLMAW SUBJECTS FLO~PA-d kAd. (Articla by Petrov and V- 11~ Shtlovt Moscow. Kor..Lch.s- cig yo +61j"O~WRuavLan val ;c, I., lip 26-29, 1971, a-u'5'm-itt*d kaya Bi.1 ifft lot pubLitAtion 7.5 Oct0b.r t-366) S&I'O'l?~ Abstractt This paper Sivea the results of 0 study of pharyngeal streptococcal flora of hunt-tet subjects llurLna 15-day isolation. Confinement lit a small enclosed vo- U=e W49 characterized by microbial transfer from one Man to Another. The test subject" exhibited no signifi. cant changes in antibyalurnolduto And au%ta-u-straptoly- state titers during the VKPISVIZACIA. The itzpIewantation of prolonged flights by man in spAce Involves his presence in a tiFlitLy scalad cabir, with a madiflad Atmosphere And exposure to a numbur Of 0111411orable spaceflLghv factors. It must be amphastseed that mary rol-roventativoo of normal body mlcr,wflora prctiont In the inteatioe, res. piratory PASSAgis, mucous mcnibroner, And on the hurian skLn arc pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic and under sume cmWItt.". cm~-re di. Accordingly, It is of the greatest lmportmt~ca to study the Intorritla. tionnhipr. between the human orliarilum And auttifloral. microbes, which inctuds streptococci. In this cotitiection it to partIcularly tirtaly to study the in~ terexchanse of microben among individunloi kLnc& vhen they aso cottfitiod in an enclosed cabin of rentricted volona a higit degree Pt contact to created w1hl(:1h Increases the possibility of infoution, It-over. the Literature or% this prob- Lem contains only Individual, cantradicLuty comminitations (it% this subject 4*~ (Moyer, at &I.). The objective of this study was 4 PoroloSical investigation of Lbe to streptococcal IAIIJACApe in the human pharynx And the detection of a possible id Interoxchange of microbes aruting them undor conditions of a o1r.,sed enviroiwent, N Hicrobto Log Leal investigations woro %:nrri*,d attc in the Laboratory in two experiments each lasting 15 days wLth parctclpntfon of fly* healthy malos in the age group from 25 to 32 years. lit the first experiment the tteiparature J5 1/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--Z3OCT70 TITLE--EFFECT OF THE PROPERTIES OF CARCASS CORD ON THE CROSS SECTION CONFIGURATION OF R TIRES -U- AUTHOR-(02)-OROZOOVA, V.V.p BUKHIN, B.L. .0% COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR I-) SOURCE--KAUCH. REZINA 1970, 29(2)v 39-4L DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH.p IND., CIVIL AND MARrNE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--CORDAGE, MOTOR VEHICLE TIREr META.Li RAYONv WEAR. RESESTANCE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--tRICLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEUCRAMC-1111-1110532 STEV NU--UR/O[iB/70/029/0t)21003")tUU4L CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119451 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 024 . UNCLASSLFIED PROCESSENG DATE-23OCT-11CL CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0119451 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. T14E EFFCCT WAS STUoIED OF THC CORE TYPE ON THE PERVANFNT DEFORMATION OF "Pll fRADIAL) TIAES AFTER 1000 KM RUN IN PERIOD. RUNNING IN TIRES WITH METAL OR RAYON (1) CORDS INCREASH THE MAX. TIRE 'dIDTH BY 3.5PERCENT. IN THE CASE OF TIRES WITH NYLON (IT) CORDS THE MAX. WIDTH INCREASE WITH 6.1-7.5PERCENT. THE TIRE OLAM. MEASUED AT THE TREAD CENTER INCREASED BY SIMILAR TO 2PERCENT INDEPENDENTLY OF THE CORD MATEKIAL. THE TIRE DIAM, MEASUED AT THE TREAr EDGE fNICREASED DURING THE RUN IN PROPORTLONATELY WITH THE TENSILE CO.IMPLIANCE OF THE SIDE CARCASS WALLS. THrS CAUSED DIFFERENCES IN THE SHAPE OF THE CONTA:T AREA BETWEEN THE TIRE AND THE ROA0 SURFACE. THE CONTACT AREA OF TIRES WITH 11 CORDS WAS NEARLY RECT&t~,.GULAR. THE CONTACI AREA OF TIRES WITH I OR METAL CORDS WERL ELLIPSOID. THE CONTACT PRESSURE WAS MORE EVENLY DISTRIBUTED AND 9-17PERCENT LOWER FOR TIRES WITH 11 CORDS THAN FOR TIRES WITH I CJRDSv RESULTING IN A SLOWER WF-Aft OF T14G It TIRES. FACILITY: NAUCH.-Isst.ED. rNST. SHrNNOI PROM., MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFfED -1/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--ZONOV70 TITLE--FfiRYLILATING DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS FOR MANOMETERS LONTAINING FLUID _u_ ~A UTH0R-(C3)-Q,~ZD.0VICH, V.N., KUZNETSOV, A.D., YUShCHENKO, V.I. -CCUNTRY OF INFG--USSR ~SCURCF_--LENIKGRAD, IZVESTIYA VYSSHIKH UChEBNYKH ZAVEDENlY. ~ PRIBOtIOSTPOYENIYE, N(_- 2, 1970v PP 97-101 DATE PUELISFEC-70 SuEJECT A;E_~S-MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, PhYSICS TGPlIC EQUATIONi L,",GRANGE EQUATION CC.VTkCL MAkKlhG-NG RESTRICTIONS DGCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RcEL/FRAME--1999/1680 STEP NO--UR/0146/7f,)/OPjOl,""02/0097/0101 CIRC 4CCESSILN NO--AT01235-10 C F, 1 F T f: 2/2 0 ii- UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-- 201NIOV7 0 CIRC, ACCESSICN NO-AT0123510 A8STRACT/EXlK-ACT--(U; UP-0- ABSTRACT. A METHOD IS PRUPOSED FOR .- FORYULATING DIFFERENTIAL 'EQUATIONS FOR MANOMETERS OF LOG SYSTEMS. THE PRESENCE OF FLUID IN THEIR. SENSING ELEMENTS AND IN THE PULSE LINES IS ". CONSIDERED. THE M-EThODOLOGY IS BASED ON THE USE OF LAGRANGE EQUATIONS WHICH HAVE FOUND WIDE APPLICATION IN THE THEORY OF SOLID 6ODY VIBRATLON. FACILITY: LEININGPAD IP45TITUTE OF PRECISE MECHANICS AND OPTICS. Uta"'LASS-IFIED -- Acc. Nr..: 41'0046708-- Ref. Code: USSR uDc 62-251 IVANOVA, V.V., DRC2R2URR6V.N. "Stabilization of Rotors on Gas Lubricated Bearings for Small Radial Loads" 0 stabilizatsil rotorov na podshlpnikakh s gazovoy smazkoy pri malykh radlalfnykh nagruzkakh (of. English above), Len- Ingrad, lzvestlya Y nykh Zavedenly, Pribor2stro- ,Zsshikh UchetL yenlye, 1970."No 1,' PP 103-107 jr - Translation: A technique Is presented for the approximate analysis of the stability of a lightly loaded balanced rotor with elastic restraint of the bushings of the radial sliding bearings. Reel/Frame Y~ J9790011- 112 022 T 1 TLE--sy% rii =-s I s CF SGXE A U THG- R -ci 3) - WD GAT S K I Y c U^u,,i,r Ry up t~v:c--ussi~ SOURCE--ZH. VSE-5- KH11:4. UNCL AS Sl F I E0 AL~~Y LAM 1:.J SU&S T 1 T'j" ED AVORO Z UfJV S:~A Y A, A. 1. Jf$ I 0!3SHCHEST. 1970, 45 2), 0 DATE PU-iLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT Ai-E:A~--CIEMISTRY PiWC 5 S IG DATE-131NOV70 3 1 D 15XViE S -u- REMILK, S.A. 233-4 TOPIC Sy;qmESIS, AMINE, DICXANEr ip. spEcrr~:J,, CGNT,mt,OL DOCUME14T CLASS-UNCLASSIF[ED PRJXY ;;EEL/FkAMr---3002/1002 srEP NU--tJR/0063/70/(jL5/i)02/023"'fJ(-~J4 CIRC ACCESSION Nui--AP0128489 212 022 UNC LA S S I F I E 0 PROCES S 1,NIG DATE--- 1_3."40V70 ClkC AACCESSILIN N9--AP012843 1 mm). As the distance increases to 10 mm, a break is observed in the l.umi7nosity of ions CVI and CV from the target. The regions occupied by ions of different charges partially intersect, although there aro no discontinuities in the density of material in the plasma. The following model of the gas-dynamic motion of the heated matter is constructed from an analysis of the experimental. data: The plasma moves from the region of heating (r < d), where the electron temperature TeLrl2O ev an the basis of measurements of the recombination x-radiation, into the vacuum perpendicular to the surface with a velocity u 1v 6-106 cm/sec. In this region the velocity of the plasma is close to the speed of sound and the ion temperature corresponding to this 2/4 USSR BASOV, N. G., et al, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 192, No 6, 21 Jun 70, pp 1248-1250 velocity is njl25 ev. A considerable acceleration of the plasma is observed at distances r 5 1 mm. Tile velocity here is several times greater than tile initial. The effect of "freezing" is obtained, since the density drops as u-ir-2 along the trajectory of the ion and the recombination time becomes much greater than the characteristic dispersion time. In one process the freezing of the maximum degree of ionization occurs several nanoseconds after the beginning of the motion of the "elementary volume" of the plasma. This freezing process also occurs for the remaining ions, The laminar structure of the jet which is ob- served in photographs is exi')lained on this basis. The energy lost by the plasma contained in the region r 4 d to radiation in the range 20-100 X over a time of 40 nsec is estimated to be about 0.5 joule. 3/4 - 45 - USSR BASOV, N. G., et al, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 192, No 6, 21 Jun 70, pp 1248-1250 017 laser radiation/0 n-sec radiation of continuum for r intens1tv of car!)(-)ri ions a, diff-r~!nl: t;~m-o's-. r~,-,Cilicgrams T, d d on ar the i-i-5taiwc. r mm -!'v~;~ sh~--. 'e USSR BASOV, N. G. , et al, Doklzidy Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 192, No 6, 21 Jun 70, pp 12 48-1250 laser radiationtV nsec z~~--Padiation of continuum for r intens-,tv r-t ~jlagra- of- carl"on ions USSR UDC 577-15-016 '1"`1'IXOV11,V- A., GL0,01IYEV, M. A., RYBAK91, N. I., RYZ11OV, 11. 1., and M~=XQMIAp T. 713o p Sciontific Research laboratory of Experimental Inmuno- biologyq Academy of Mediiml Sciences USSR, Moscow "Investigation of Nuclew;e Activity of E. Coli After Exposure to Ultraviolet Light and Ioziizing Radiation!' Moscow, Biokhimiya, Vol 36, No 5, 1971, pp 883-888 Abstracti The activities of endonuclease 1, exonliclease 1110 and the phage- specific exonuclease of the lysogenic E. Coll. Y,12 (gamma) strain were studied. After exposure to variotu; doses of ultraviolet light 6.46 erg/=2/sec) and 645 MeV protons 60 rad/sec), induction of bacteriophages under these condi- tions was also investigated. Doses which evoke maximum induction of bacterio- phages do not change the activity of either endonuclease I or endonuclease III. On the other hand, the activity of the phage-specific exonuclease Is proportional to the induction of bacteriophages, reaching its maximum just prior to lysis of the in-adiated cells. As a re3ulto curves representing, the lethal effects and bacteiloDhage induction caused by irradiation with ultra- violet light and with hie~h energy protons have different shapes. After exposure to ult-raviolet light, a spike-shaped mqximum induction occurs at a dose of 250 erg/=2. After exposure to high energy protons, the induction 1/2 USSR DROMEIMIKOV, V. A., et al., Biokhimiya, Vol 36t No 5, 1971, pp 883-888 :urve has a plateau extending from 50 to 100 Xrad. 2/2 - -40 - USSR UDC 576.8 RYBAKOV, N. I., GUBERNIYEV, M. A. CHIMIROV, 0. B. , KOLOBOV, A. V., ANISKIN, Ye, D., and KOZLOV, V. A., Institute of Experimental Biology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "The Effect of Some Radioprotectors on Processes Associated With Lysogeniza- tion of Bacteria and Induction of Intracellular A -Ex-onuclease" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No 1, 1970, pp 38-42 Abstract: The radioprotector finam (an aminothiol inhibited the frequency of lysogenization of E. coli SF-14 (7~-try-Sr) by ;k-phage and inhibited the synthesis of induced A -exonuclease at different times after infection. The effect was most pronounced in early stages of infection. After thirty minutes the inhibiting effect of the radioprotector on A -exonuclease activity de- creased sharply. Results of determination of the activir-y of A -exonuclease are consistent with data on the effect of finam on lysogenization of the same bacterial strain. This suggests that enzyme systems play a part in the de- velopment of lysogenicity in bacterial cells. These enzymes may be DNAses of the endonuclease type. 52 Ace. Nr: Ref. Code: UR 0216 90046553~ PRIMARY SOURCE; lzvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Diologicheskayas 1970p Hr 1, ppg~-V~2- Rybakov, N. I.; Pubernivev. M. A.; Chimi.roy -- --- _: 0. B.; Dr 4niLskin, Ye. D.; Kolobov, A V.; lfo-zlov, INFLUENCE OF,SOME RADIOPROTECTORS ON THE PROCESSES CONNECTED WITH LYSOGENIZATION OF THE BACTERIA AND INDUCTION OF INTERCELLULARV-EXONUCLEASE Tile iniluence ol the radioprotector finarn on the- processes of lysogenization of the bacteria with the k phage and induction of 2.-exonuclease was studzied in the course of experiments with E. coli SF-14 (~.- try-Sr). suppresses t It was shown that !his preparation tangible he frequencN of E. coli lysog2nization and oppre!,sesses synihesis ol the induced k-exonuclease. The results coricernir.~z activity of this enzyme deflifflely correlate %v;th the data related to tile :influence ol finam on the lysogenization process of the same bacterial Mrain- REEL/FRAME 4"- USSR uDc 669.295-o~6-43 GALITSM, 11. V.$ ~ ~Z"V ~V- and ZAVADOVSKAYA, V. N. 7Interaction of Metallic Titanium With Chlorine in a Medium of Molten Chlorides" Sb. tr. Vses- n-i. i. -orcvektn. in-t titans. (Collection of Works of the All- Union Scientific Research and Design Institute of Titanium), 1970, 5-, PP 33-36 (from RZH-Metallurgi , 1i;'0 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11G150) Translation: A study is rpade of the interaci'l-lon of Cl with metallic Ti sponge and Ti shavings in nolten Na, K, 1,% chlorides and their mixtures et temperatures of 650-9000 and %11 consurTption of 0.96-3 l/min. The interaction occurs in two stages. The composition of the inet has the following, effect on the process: in the presence of MgC32 the reaction rate is Flower than in pure K and Na chlorides and the start of the interaction is retarded oiring to Ti passivation. The chlorination rate is independent of the grain size of the material and the temperature under the conditions outlined. Dilution of Cl mith air chang2s the nature of interaction; Ti oxides appear in the mielt, while free Cl appears in the flue gases, 3 ill- Authors I abstract 1/1 USSR UDC 669.295.046.43 ILITCHEV, V. A., ZOTIKOVA, A. N., DROZHZHEV V "Specifics of Behavior of Petroleum Coke in Chlorination of Titanium-Containinc Material in a Fluidized Red" Tr. Vses. N-i. i Proyektn. In-ta. Alyumin., Magn. i Elektrodn. Prom-sti [V"orks of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Aluminum, Magne- siumi and Electrode Industry], 1970, No. 72, pp 190-195. (Translated from Refer- ativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 G21l by the authors). Translation: In order to determine the influence of the reducer grain size on the technological indicators of the process of chlorination in a fluidized bed, laboratory and pilot plant tests were performed with various grain sizes. Tile tests were performed for two Ti-containing materials: Ti slag and Ti02-SiO? concentrate. The studies made it possible to determine the grain size of petroleum coke necessary to provide a high degree of extraction of Ti from the Ti-containing material with slight coke loss. 1 fig; 4 tables. 42 - USSR UDC 669.295.054.79 GALITSKIY, N. V., BAYBEKOV, M. K., DROZHZHEV, V, J... CNEPRASOV, I. M., NEDVEDCHIKOV, E. P., BAn.OVA, N. P-,-Z-A-VA66vsKAYA, V. N., SELEDTSOV, D. K. , and KORENDYASEV, M. I. "Reprocessing Waste Titanium and Its Alloys in a Chloride Melt" Moscow, Metallurgiya i Khimiya Titana (Institut Titana) , Metallurgiya Publishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 135-140 Translation: Results are! given of experimental-industrial research on the reprocessing of ungraded waste mixtures of chips from. different titanium alloys by chlorinating in a chloride melt. An experimental batch of market- able titanium sponge was obtained. The characteristics of the raw material used, the chlorine gas, Oie coke, and the working fusion are given, along with a descr-i-ption of the! technological conditions, the chart for preparing chips for chlorination, and the technological equipment charts f or the chlorination and cleaning conversions. An analysis is made of the distri- bution of alloying elements in the products of clilorination. Basic ey- penditure coefficients, calculated per ton of industrial titanium tetra- chloride, are deduced, arid data are given on the quality of the TiC14 and the sponge titanium obtained. Three illustrations and one table. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.295.05.054 GALITSKIY, N. V., SAVADOVSKAYA, V. N., and DR0ZHZHEV, V. I. "Ga the Solubility of Pentachloride of Molybdenum in Titanium Tetrachloride" Moscow, Metallurgiya i Kl.imiya Titana (Institut Titana), 11-letallurgiya Publishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 34-36 Translation: The solubility Of MOC15 in TiC14 at temperatures of 4, 25, 65 and 100*C is determined ly the saturation method. In this temperature in- terval, it changes from (1.002 to 0.034 of a molecular particle. The heat of solution of HoC15 in 1"C14 is AH'solu - 6.82 = 0.2 gigacalories per mole. Four illustrations, one table, and six bibliographic entries. USSR UDC 669.295.48 GALITSKIY, N. V. , BAYBEKOV, M. K. DROZIMIEV 1. , CHEPRASOV, 1. M. ZAVADOVSKAYA, V. N. , SELED'I'SOV, 1). K. , and MEDVEDCHIKOV, E. P., DARKOVA, N. N KORENDYASEV, M. I. "Processing of Wastes of Titanium and ItsAlloys in Chloride Salt Melt" Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. i proyektn. in-t titana fCollected works of All-Union Scientific-Research and Planning Institute for Titanium), 6, 1970, l')5-140, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No. 1, 1971, Abstract No.1 IG199 by the Authors). Translation: Results are presented from pilot-scale studies of tho pro- cessing of unconditioned wastes with a mixture of chips of various Ti alloys by chlorination in a chloride salt melt. An experimental batch of commercial Ti sponge is produced. Characteristics are presented for the raw material, chlorine gas, cokr,,and Working Melt used; the technological modes and plans of preparation of the chips and chlorination are presented, along with a technological diagram illustrating the limits of chlorination 4 and purification. D-5tribution of alloying metals in the chlorination of products is analyZed, the basix consumption factors per ton of technical TiCl4 are presented arid data are presented on the (JUality of the TiCI and sponge Ti produced. 3 figures; I table. 1/1 - 82 - USSR UDC 669.295.046.,13 GALITSKIY, N. V., ZAVADOVSKAYA, V. N.,, and DROZHZHEV, V. L. "The Solubility of Molybdenum Pentachloride in Titanium Tetrachloride" Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. i -proyektn. in-t titana, [Collected Works of All-Union Scientific-Research and Planning Institute for Titanium], 6, 1970, 34-36, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No. 1, 1971, Abstract Nol G177 by the authors). Translation: The satu:ration method is used to determine the solubility of MOO in TiCl at temperatures of 4, 25, 65,and 100*. In this tempera- 5 4 ture interval, the solubility varies from 0.002 to 0.034 mol portions. The heat of dissolution of MoCl5 in TiCl4 AH solo ~6.82 � 0.2 kcal/mol. 4 figures; 1 table; 6 biblio. refs. 74 - USSR UDC 548.5:539.4 POSTNIKOV, V. S., AMER, S. A., DROZHZHIN, A. I., Voronezh Polytechnical Institute "Internal Friction and Strength of Germanium Whiskers" Moscow, Kris tallograf i-ya, Vol 18, No 3, May/Jun 73, pp 658-659 Abstract: An investigation was made of the influence which the transverse dimensions of germanium whiskers have on their strength and internal friction Q-1. The crystals were grown by the method of chemical transport reactions. Crystals of p-conductkvity with orientation of the growth axis in direction were investigated with a diameter of 2-50 jim and a working length of about 1.5 mm. Specimens with both smooth and defective surfaces were studied. The measurements were inade at room temperature and at approximately 760'C in a vacuum of about 5-10-5 mm 11g. Strength decreased with increasing thickness. Specimens with surface defects had low strength. Q-1 was minimum at room temperature and independent of thickness. At 760*C, Q-1 increased with decreasing thickness. Internal friction was considerably reduced by ad- ditional annealing at 850% for one hour. 4 USSR uDc: 615-45:615-783-1 CHICHIRO., V. Ye.., SUP,00VA) A. V., BRUTKO, L. I., DROZITZHINA, V. V., Central Phannaceutical Scientific Research Institute "A Method of Synthesizing the Morphine Base" Moscowi, Otki-rtiya, izabreteniya, promyc-hlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 15, RLY 71, Author's Certificate NO 302342, Division C, filed 27 1-hr 70, published 28 Apr 71, P 80 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a method of synthesizing the morphine base from morphine hydrochloride by portion bF.-tween a phosphate buffer solution and chloroform. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the quality of the produce is improved by using a pbosphate buffer solution with pH of 6-5-7.0 87 1 - Pouder Mletallurgy USSR UDC 621.762.2.0011669-3 DROZOD11, I. A. "Investigation of Variation in the Dispersity of Copper Powder During Reduction of Scale" T--. Kur.Tshev. aviats. J.n-t (Works of Kuy'cyshev Aviation Institute), 1970, vyp. 42, pp 705-81 (from 140 3, Rar 71, Abstract 11o 3G334 by I. Brokbin) Translationt Depending on reduction temperature regines, copper powders of varying grain size can 1e obtained from the same initial powders- of copper scale. Varying fractions of ground scale were reduced at 2- temperature of #A--'3000 in a dissociated'-7-511 environment for 4 hr. How-tem-perature reduction of even coarse initial po,.Qrs malkes it possible to obtain copper powders irith a high content of fine fractions (size of the buU: of grain 1-20 nic22ons). The production of nore dispersed poirder is due to splitting of scale particles along Cu2O grain boundaxies. In view of this, the cooper-sca-le grinding time in nany cases can Ice significantly shortened. One illustration. Two tables. 1/1 DRUEN, M. V. Investigation of Thermal Pressure of Moscow, MAGI Simpoz. Led i ego Vozdeystviye na Cidroteklin. Sooruzh, 1972 (MAGI Symposium. Ice and its Effects on Hudraulic Structures, 1972), 1972, pp 80-91 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Mekhanika, 1973, Abstract No 2V645) Translation: With the usual method, used to determine the thermal pressure of ice, the edges of the rpecimen are held fixed while, the temperature is increasing. Another inethod is based on conducting Lents vith consUlut speed of deformation and var~Lous temperatures. The second method's advantage over the first is that the test is conducted at constant temperature and this makes it possible to establiah the relation betwacn Lhermal prent;ure.,; and ba,~Jc characteristics of ice creep. The paper presents the test results of Hirer! types of ice, with constant speed of deformation of 10-8 sec-l , a rheology model is presented, corresponding to stress-strain curves, it is used to calculate thermal presbures of thick ice bed rigidly restricted in one direction. 4 referen-es. Author's resume. 1/1 1/2 017 UNCL Ass IF I ED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 TITLE-PROPERTIES OF AQU1-:,rjJS SHLITIONS OF LITHIUM Am) SGUIUM ki[T41TES AT 151 251 AND 350'--GREES -U- --(n2)-4N0:iEYEVA, T.A., DRUC HI NA I . 0. AUTHOR COUNTRY OF 1,'qFCj--USSR S OU RC E-- Z H . IN EOR G. KH I ML 9 70 1541080-3 DATE PUBLISHED -------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-"CHE::,M 15 TRY TOPIC TAGS-LITHIUM-COMPOUND, SODIUM COMPOUND, NITRITE, AQUEOUS SOLUTION, ACTIVAl ION [NEkGY CONTROL -MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UINCLASS IF 11E0 PROXY REEL/FRA'AE--1999/1115 STEP NO--UR/0078/70/015/004/1-330/1083 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123107 Us' 1 C L A S S f F I E D 2j2 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13MOV70 CIRC ACCESSION ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. VISCOSITY, D., ELEC. COND., Ny AND PH OF AQ. SOLNS. OF LI ikND NA P41TRITES ,-.,ERE DETD. AT 15, 25, AND 35-DEGREES. THE ENERGIES OF ACTIVATION GF VISCOSITY AND OF ELEC. COND. ARE PLOTTED VS. CONCN. ASSGCfqS. OF THE IONS IN SOLNS. INVOLVING ALSO H SUB2 0 MOLS. ARE INDICATE-0. DEC!%EASE OF THE PH OF LINP, SU32 SOL-NS. loilTH INCREASING CONCN. OF LINJ SU&2 SUPPORTS THE SUPPOSITION OF THE FORMATIUN OF SUCH ASSOCIArEs. UNCLASS I F IED '/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--C a TITLE--OIL ADDITIVES -U-- AUTHOR-(05)-KUL[YEV, A.M., ZEYNALOVAr K, A* I SADYKHOV, K. I SU' El't,`-~i-VA'~ _HE~VAI I.M. F * G GAYQ.1, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--8AKINSKIY RABCCHIY, SEPTEMBE 18# 1970, P 3, COL 3 DATE PUBLISHED-18SEP70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-LUBRICATING OIL, LUBRICANT ADDITIVE, CHEMICAL SYNI_HESi~,v PETROLEUM REFINING, HONORARY TITLE AWARD, CHEMICAL PERSONNEL/0,1)"J.-:"." LUBRICATING OIL ADDITIVE, (U)SB3 LUBRICATING OIL ADDITIVEy (Ulcx_~' LUBRICATING OIL ADDITIVE, (U)AZNILBU LUBRICATING OIL ADDITIVE7 (U)INKHP21 LUBRICATING OIL ADDITIVE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE tiO ---- FD70/6050II/BG9 STEP NG--UR/9000/70/GOO/000/000-~l/CG433 CIRC ACCESSION NO--ANQL40I80 UNICLASSIrIED ?/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--O4O--C70 CIRC ACCESSION NC--AN0140180 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) C-P-0- ABSTRACT. "THE DEVELOPMEiNT OF TECHNOLOGY FOR THE EFFICIENT ADDITIVES TO MOTOR OILS REFELNED FRil'-, T; - BAKU PETROLEUMS, BFK, SB 3o SK 3, AZNII 8Ut AND lj%KfiP Zly AN-L) RED;C 3 IT TO INDUSTRLAL APPLICATIONS", THE WORK DONE BY A. M. KULl"'Elig ZEYNALOVA7 K, I* SADYKHOV, F, G. SULEYMANOVA, I. M, DRUDZHEVA2 NAMAZOV, AND V. YE. BASHAYEV HAS BEEN NOMINATED BY THE INSTITUTE CF Li 4i CHEMISTRY OF ADDITIVES OF THE AZERBAYOZHAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Fl-lj~ ~IL:p STATE PRIZE OF THE AZERBAYDZHAN S.S.R. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 51:330-115 WaQ'E'VA Z. GLEZER, N. V., TULUPOVA, S. S. W.7 _S_~~ "Use of Mathematical !.Iodels in the Development and Allocation of Complex Production of a Territory" V sb. Sotsial'no-ekon. Drobl. razvitive Ur-al-a i leninsk. me-todol. ekon. issled. (Socioeconomic Problems in Ural Development and Leninist Metho- dology of Economic Research--collection of works), -Sverdlovsk, 1971, pp 2T8-282 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12V872) Translation: Two linear programming models are writter out. 46 - USSR UDO 621.':;73-.02P-7-00l-5 LOBOV, G.D., SHIMOV, V.V., BOGETKIN, V.I., -DRUGQVj___L, I nPossible Nechanism Of DischarEe Current Change In C02 Affected By Laser Radiationli Radiotekhnika i elektronilca, Vol XVII, No 6, June 1972, pp 1246-1251 Abstract: One of the poosible mechanisms is considercd for change of the dis- luver. charae current in carbon dioxide gas affected by the radiation of a C02- The theoretical reaulte are found in antisfactory agreement with experimental data. In the experiments particular attention was poild to the effect of radi- ation on the discharge current in 00, during irradiati.Gn of ito cathcde region by a fine laser boom. A theoretical and experimental estimotion YiLo alao 1:~'ado of the efficiency of converoion of a detoctur of infrarod rF~djvtiun, UL'ing, a change of discharge current. It is pousible. that the reouito obtainod ir, t hip work can be uneful during study of the procoorieB in the gaaeoua medium or 002 amplifiers and renerbtora, and oleo during uEjo of tho chan~-e CT t~,e diach,-!rFP. current for regintorin,~ the rodiation of a CO laser. The outhurn t)i,-;Inp E.' Shitamon for participat on in the conduct of ?he evperimenta. fig. 9 refL" Received by editors, 12 April 1971. 0. 1 M W raw FM ff I a ku USSR UDC 546.45:545.27:543.544.25 _UqGgj.,,j MURAVIYEVA, G. V., GRINBERG, K. M., NESTERENKO, G. N., SOKOLOV, D. N. "Gas Chromatographic Method of Determination of Beryllium in Air" Moscow, Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, No 11, 1972, pp 1305-1306. Abstract: The authors have developed a gas chromatographic method for determin- ation of microquantities of beryllium in the air at industrial enterprises, based on the formation of a volatile beryllium chelate with trifluoroacetyl acetone. A linear dependence of the signal of the detector on beryllium content is observed in the range of concentrations of 0.4 to 2-10-5 mg/ml Be. The sensitivity of the determination is 1-10-5 mg/ml Be. 77 - vacuum USSR UDC: 533-599. BRONFIN, M. B., DRUGOVA. I. "Introducing a Cooled Inductor Into a High-Vacuum Chamber" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 3, May/Jun 72, p 161 Abstract: The paper describes a lead-in designed for introducing a high frequency inductor into the working chamber of a vacuum installation for studying sublimation of metals. The lead-in is diagrammed in the figure. Silver-soldered to each end 1 of the tubular copper inductor mounted in the vacuum chamber is a lKhl8N9T stainless steel feed-through insulator 2. The tapered outer surfaces of these end-pieces are coupled through aluminum or copper sealing gaskets 4 to the corresponding reception sockets in water cooling fittings 5 as the inductor is seated in the bottom of the chamber 3. One of these fittings is argon-arc welded to the chamber floor, which is made of M18N9T, and the other is connected through combination insulator 6. A metal jacket 7 protects the ceramic surface of the insulator from the vaporized metal. The inductor is made vacuum tight at disconnect points by screw-ing bolts 8 into nuts 9 whose position can be changed on the threaded part of the fittings. The proposed device has been in use for two years, USSR BRONFIN, M. B., DRUGOVA, I- A., Pribory i Tekhn-ika Eks-perimenta, No 3, May/Jun 72, p 161 and allows evacuation to 10-8 mm Hg in the process of heating specimens with a mass of about 2 g in a volume of 30 liters. In this time period, the device was used in heating more than 200 specimens to temperatures aff the order of 1300'C. Any coolant can be used, including liquid nitrogen. 2/2 ~Wp - 79 - 61 1.14 THE COMMIT'rEE FOR INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERIES UNDER THE COUN, CIL OF MINISTERS USSR V' (Announcement, Moscow, -~ii Nauk SSSR, llu4sian. Val 197 h2, No 11, November 2, pp 1)1 331 The Committee has redistered the followi-ng scientific dil.;- coverie3i G. K- f~TAPV' TU. TS. _RG '~ESYAN, Xt;~ _V] YU. A. UA.ZAREV. _AAYOV - Czechoslovak citizen J. ZVARA, V. Z. -VY' V. DEMIN, AND YU. P. KHARITONOV. "ELEMENT NO. 105 OF MENDELEYEV'S PERIODIC SYSTEM" Formulation of the discoverys Experimentally estabLishe was the previously unknown phenomenon or formation of a cherr ic-l elem 'n t with the ordinal number 105. An isotope nf that element 2 econds was obtained durin& the i with half-tife T 1~2 radiation of americ Lim with neon clei. Priority or discovery -- 18 February 1970. Certificate No. 114. Application No. OT-7896. The data obtained by the authors of the discovery are of great scientific importance, as they show a divergence of the experimentally determined radioactive properties of aletsent No. 103 from the previously predicted theoretically on the bn3i3 of known 3emi-empirical laws and require revision of the latt0r. The new experimental data relating to the synthesis of eLem.nt No. 103 indicate a real possibility of the detection , heavier chemical elements in nuclear reactiona, for example. : r- No. 106, and permit much more confidently predicting the prc,p ties ~r those elements. 179' USSR DRUIN I V. A., Join t 7-,15t~- ute of I'luclear Research "Concerning the Fadioactive Properties of Isotopes of the Element 10311 Moscow, Yadernaya Fizika, Vol. 12, No. 2, Aug 70, pp 268-271 A2~stract: Experimental datta on the a-decay of isotopes of element 103 are analyzed. A table is given of the isotopic composition of the Californium target used at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in 1961 and the isotopes of ele- ment 103 which can be synthesized by irradiation of this element with B11 and BIO ions in different nuclear reactions accompanied by evaporation of x neu- trons, where x = 1-B.- It is concluded that the origin of the a-emitter with EU= 8.6 Mev and T~ = 8 � 2 sec observed at Berkeley in 1961 remains unclear. Manv exDeriments conducted at Dubna to find an isotope of element 103 with these characteristics of the a-decay gave a negative result. isotopes which should arise in the irradiation of Californium by DIO, Bl' ions were found at Dubna but for some unknown reason they were not recorded in the experiments of 112 USSR DRUIN, V. A., Yadernava fizika, Vol. 12, No. 2, Aug 70, pp 268-271 Ghiorso, et al. The authors of the mer in which the new a-emitter was iden- tified and interpreted as isotope 1032 7 retreated from this initial identifi- cation. At the present -time these radioactive properties (T,6 = 8 � 2 sec and Ea = 8.6 Mev) are ascribed to one of the heavier isotopes 103258 and 103 219 which contradicts experimental data published in the 1961 article. If one still starts from the extremely unlikely hypothesis that the yields of products of reactions of the type (B10,11, x,,) for x have different relationships in a Californium target than in other targets i.e., that the laws for the formation of an isotope of element 103 with E = 8.6 Mev and Ti, = 8 � 2 sec are specific a 2 for the Californium target used at Berkeley, the authors must carry out addi- tional experiments on separated isotopes of Californium to prove the fact of synthesis of an isotope of element 103. 2/2 UNCLASSIFIEE PRCCESSING DATE--L7JUL70 TITLE--STABILITY CF HEAVY NUCLEI AND TFE LIMIT CF THE PERICOIC SYSTEM -U- .ALTHOR-FLERCV, G.N., LRUIN, V.A.1 FLEVE, A.A. CF INFC--USSR SOURCE--USP. FIZ. NALK IS70 ICCII)i 45-S2 OATE PLELISHEC ------- 7C -SLBJECT AREAS--PhYSICS, CFEVISTAY TOPIC TAG S-HEAVY NLCLLIJS, PERIOGIC SYSTEM CCi%TRCL PAFKIbG-hC RESTRICTICNIS CCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEC PRCXY REEL/FRARE--lS761ClS9 STEP NC--UP/0053/7C/IOOICOI/~~045/CO92 CIRC ACCESSICIN t%C--tPCC422t5 Am. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref Code: AP004Z2657'4 CHEMICAL ABST. 14 P 0 40 6~~ 84949p Stability of heavy nuclei and the"limit of the periodic system. Flerov G. N.- Druin %I A - Pleve A A. (Wedin. Inst. Yad. Isslej.. Du n'.:t3tV~~j Trz"Titft 1970, ICK) (1). 45-AP2 (Russ). A comprehensive review is given of methods for the synthesis, sepn., and identificatiofi of the transfermium elements. The theoretical possibility for synthesizing superheavy nuclei is discussed in terms of evidcnce for a 2nd region of stability and the properties of nuclei near "inagic" no. nuclei. 148refs. SRTTJ REEL/FW-lE 19760199 USSR DRUIN, V. A., SKOBELEV, N. K., RUD', V. I., Joint Institute for Nuclear Research OlThe Spontaneous Fission of Some Fm Isotopes" I Moscow, Yadernaya Fizika, Vol 12, No 1, 1970, pp 44-49 Abstract: The project was undertaken in order to check the influence oil sub- shell N-152 on the spontaneous fission of Fm isotopes with the number of neu- trons N < 152. The spontaneous fission half-lives of isoto es Fm246 Fm248 and F250 produced in the reactions U233 (018, 5n)-FM246, U239(016, 6n; F,248' and U238 (018, 6n) Fm250 arc! determined. The measured value of the spontancous fission halflife for Fm246" T -4 20 sec, is in agreement with a value ob tained earlier, and the value for IM58 T,f IJ60 hours, is greater than that of data published earlier. For FM250 a ~sf value of about 10 years Was obtained. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.18.046-516t621-746-32 KAZACHKOV, 1. P., ISLIKAYEV, 14. P., DR UIISKIY. X. I., PARIMONCHIK, I. B., and OFENGEIMEN, Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute, Yermakov Ferroalloys Plant, and Donets Metallurgical Plant "Melting Complex Alloys FKh1W500 From Lean Iron-lianganese Ores and Their Use" Mascow, Stall, No 9, Sep 73, pp 800-801 Abstracti The possibility has been indicated at the Yermakov Ferroalloys Plant for the industrial use of unconditioned Fe-bln ores with a low phosphorus content. (0-03-0-Mlo) for melting alloys of the ferrochromium-manganese- -silicon type (JIO-4(Y,;.' Cr, 17-35% Rn, 10-13% Si, and 0.06-5.5% C). Tests were conducted in an arc furnace with a power rating of 1.2 mva. At the Donets Mietallurgical Plant Economic effect of 1.0-1.15 rubles/ton was achieved by using alloy FKbra-IF-500 (38% Cr, 17-1% 14n, 12566 Si, 5.2% C, o.6% All o.6% Ca + lig, 0.02V~-. S, amd 0,04(rb P) for deoxidation and alloys steel 40k.1 in the ladle. Distribution of elements in the rolled metal was uniform, mechanical properties were somewhat improved, general consumption of ferro- alloys during meltin.- was diminished, loss of Cr, Eh, and Si was reduced oy 2.6, 2.0, and 1.1 times, respectively, and the P and W content in the steel was lowered. Four bibliographic references. 1/1 T/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 'TITLE--ON THE THEORY OF FORMATION OF EXCITED HYDROGEN ATOMIS IN COLLISIONS BETWEEN NEGATIVE HYDROGEN EONS AND NEUTRAL ATOMS -U- AUTHOR--DRUKAREV, G.F. ~.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR EKSPERTMENTAL'NOY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZIKI, 1970, VOL 56, NR 6, PP 2210-2212 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--HYDROGEN, IONIZATION, PARTICLE COLLISION COjN'TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--U-NCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRA14E--2000/2248 STEP NO--IJR/0056/70/053/006/2210/2212 CIRC ACCESSION 1,10--AP0125826 UNCLASSIFIED zlz 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125826 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(IJ) GP-0- ABSTRACT. COLLISIONS BETWEEN A NEUTRAL HYDROGEM ATOM AND NEGATIVE HYDROGEN ION LEADIING Tol REMOVAL OF AN ELECTRO?,l FROM THE NEGATIVE 10ill AND TO THE FOR..MATION OF Aill EXCITED HYDROGEN ATOM IS CONSIDERED. IT IS SHOWN THAT IN A CERTAIN APPROXIMATION THE PROCESS MAY BE CONSIDERED AS INVOLVING THE EJE-CTION OF A STRONGLY 13OUND ELECTRON FROM THE NEGATIVE ION AND SUBSEQUENT ADAPTATION OF THE REMAINING ELECTRON TO THE MODIFIEL) FIELD. THIS CONCEPT IMPLIES THAT THE ENERGY DEPENDENCE OF THE YIELD OF HYDROGEN ATOMS EXICTED IN THE S, STATE SHOULD BE THE SAME AS FOR IONIIATION OF niE HYDROGEN ATOM. FACILITY: LENINGRAD. GOS. UNIV. 1i'1. A. A. ZHDANOVA. ~:VNCLASSIFIED PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhiirnal Eknarle~n>tal'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fizikij 1970, Vol 58, Nr 3, ppqh NEGATIVE JON DECOMPOSITION IN THE SHoin,,T IuNGE POTENTIAL APPRO.X1-hUTION Demkoy, Yu. N.; Djukarey,C .,.,F ; !~-uchlaq~iY-i-1--Y- The cross section for electron detachment in collisions between negative ions A- and atoms-A are considered by the short range potential method (Firsov, Smirnov [9). The adiabatic approximation is employed for quasi-stationary states; nonzero probabi- lity for survival of the A2- systems is taken into account and correspondingly allowan- cc is made for the energy dependence of the cross section. The energy distribution of the emitted electrons is calculated in the same approximation. The case of different atoms and ions (A- + B) can be reduced to the case (A- + A) by renormalizing tho parameters of the problem. The results are illustrated by the process If- + If --)- It + + Ji + e and are compared with the experiments and with other calculations. Acc a Nr: Ref. Code: UR 0056 REEL/FRAME 19770101 USSR UDC 669.71.472 DRUKAREV, V. A. ,,method of Determining Quantity and Composition of Gaseous, ResinOLIS,and Solid Materials Separated in Gas Phase of Aluminum Electrolyzers [Discussion]" Tr. Vses. V-i. Proyektn. In-ta. Alyumin., Magn. i Elektrodn. prom-sti [1-11orks of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Ipstitute of the Aluminum, Magne- C, sium and Electrode Industry], 1970, No. 71, pp. 149-156. (Translated from Refera- tivnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 G158 by the author). Translation: A method is developed for determination of the quantity of material separating from the surface of a Soderberg electrode and from beneath the crust on electrolyzers with Soderberg and roasted anodes. 'fetal gas collectors con- nected to polyethylene film gas holders were used. Considering the time of sample collection, the quantity of solid and resinous products is determined from their weight, the quantity of gas -- from the volume of the gas holder. Comparison of results produced by this method with results produced by other convenient methods produced a divergence of up to S%. S figs. 1/1 USSR UDC 629.78.015:532.526 -D and TREYEE, L. Ya. "Calculation of a Hypersonic Boundary Layer With Injection of Liquid Coolant" Minsk, Teplo- i Massoperenos (Heat and Mass Transfer), Vol 1, 1972, pp 167- 170; (Referativnyy Zhurnal, Series 41, No 6, 1972, Abstract No 6.41.170) Abstract: This paper is a study of the effect exerted on flow at the critical point by a distributed supply of a liquid coolant. Determined were 1) thickness of the liquid film as it depends on coolant discharge, 2) proportion of evapo- rated material, and 3) optimal (or extreme) discharges of coolant for which 100 percent of cooling liquid is evaporated, so that maximal utilization of latent beat of evaporation is achieved. Specific calculations are made for the vicinity of the critical point of a sphere around which partially dis- sociated oxygen is flowing. Water is taken as the coolant. Biblio. 4, illus. 2. T. A. Ye. lif U S 5 ilk 621. 373. 421. L), JI.L GRUZ 1 0 5 _S: t r icQ. c, USSR Author's Ccrti_'_J:_,ot:,_~ :,'o 254573, 1,'ilel 3 Jul 68, 0 -1- (from :~Zli-RarliGzakhni:-;.a, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract ";o Traansla~ion: This auLhor's cartifiCato i-Lro(IUCES e%ecuted 1-4 -~Ihp_ forn of' ~.n L.T or Fr-cut quartz elemellt: of electrodes coqnecze(I to wire leads. in order to improvc~ dhe suppres:iicr' of firsz-harmanic OSCil1Z',t4_OnG When SCDaraz-ing oscillaftoa-. al: 'chc 'second harm.onic freauency, the sv6LQ.-m of electrodes is fori-icu, by e'lec- trodus arranged syrimLtrically on two sides of the quartv cll..,iz~i~mc, aud ti%e w1re leads of all the electiodes are located, on rlae dia-cmals ()-;: th~-se trodes at a distance ol 0.33-0.34 of the length of the 6iagorials i7rom verre-xes of the central angles, and they are conneczed to the sr-azionary base, There are four illustrations. 1/1 1/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED P kU C E S S 1 ~'A'G CA T3_2 0 0 ',- r 7 TITLE-LDLTu'NATICI~ FAILUer-S, L)Jt4l.4k; 3LASTING AUTHOR-(04)-0RUK0VANYYt M.F., KOMIR, V.M., 1.11TVIN, L.,N,, 5BEREMOK, D.N~ COUNTRY UF INFO--USSR SOURCE-GURN. Zh. 1970, 145(2), 56-9 DATE PUBL ISHEC-----70 SUBJECT AREAS-ORDNANCE TOPIC TAGS-EXPLOSIVE, DETGNATION, TRINITROTOLUENE, wATER,,. 14EXOGEN, 117HUT 6LASTING CCl%TRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEUFRAHE-3003/0~,3~- STEP NO-UR/OIZ7/70/145/002/0056/0059 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0129659 Z/Z OZ9 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129659 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SYSTEMATIC EXPTL. STUOICS WERE 0014E To CLARIFY CAUSES (IF DETONATION FAILURES DURING BLASTING. TNT AND GRANULIT AS WERE USED AS EXPLOSIVES. ExPLOSIVE CHARGES WERE PLACED IN, GLASS TUBES 3.5-4 M LONG AND 'OF 100-140 MM IN DIAIM- FACTORS CJNSIDERED INCLUDED: STICKING OF ThE CHARGE; FORMATION OF VOIDS; cO;,.,rAl'1I\JATION OF THE CHARGE WITH WATEk, EILSr, GRANULES, AND PIECES OF Uim~6; PkL:SENCE OF WATER IN THE 6LASTING fiCILE; ETC. DETONATION FAILURES A-RE NOT LIKELY TO 6E CAUSED BY VOIDS AND IHE PRESENCE OF INERT CONTAMINANTS. THE PRESENCE OF H SUB2 0 CAN CAUSE FAILURES !N THE CASE OF SUL. OR H SUB2 0 REACTIVE EXPLOSIVES. UNSTABLE EXPLOSIVES CAN THEN FORM A KIND OF INEAr BARRIER. TROTYL AND TROTYL HEXOGEN DETONATORS ARE EFFECTIVE ANID RELIABLE EVEN IN LOW WTS. (13-200 G); THEY MUST BE USED IN SCMEWHAT LARGER AMTS. FOR INITIATION OF DETCNATION OF H SUB2 0 CONTAMINATED EXPLOSIVES. THE MOST FRECUENT FAILURES ARE DOE TO QUENCHING OF BURNING OF THE DETONATION CORD* WHICH HAPPENS 6HEN THE CORE OF THE COAD IS MOIST. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE MOISTURE INSULATION OF DETONATION CARDS BE INCREASED BY APPLYING AN EXTRA BITUMINOUS LAYER. FACILITY: INST. GEOTEKH. MEKH., KIEV, USSR. USSR uDc 621-762.002.5(088.8) DRUSHINDI L K LIEP-1.1%'A, YE. D., XUVSHINOV, P. S., SINONOV, L. P., SAFRG,'OV, ~EffftbVj L. S.:j and TOKAREVAO L. I. "Apparatus for Making Powders and Granules by Centrifugal Pulverization of Melt" Ussr Authors' Certificate No 272501, Cl. 31 0 , 9/00; 49 1, 3, Z-B 22 f 9/00, B 05 b 311f, filed 12 Sep 68, published 2 Sep 70 (from Wh-111eta.Uurglya, No 3, Mar ?1, Abstract No 3G470F by Gx, Derkacheva) Translationt An apparatus is suggested for making powders and granules by centrifugal pulverizatlon of a melt, The apparatus consists of a rotating ring with a hole in the bottom for delivery of the material to be pulverized, a local heat source situated above this material, and a cooler which is unique in that, In order to Increase powder and granule quality, it is rigidly fastened to the outside of the ring. 1/1 USSR UDC 54-3.544 BARKETOV, E. S., KOPYLOVA, V. D., KARGn%N, V. B_, P7 _~~U and SALDADZE, K. M., Scientific-Research Institute of Plastics, Moscow, State Committee "A Study of Anion-Exchange Resins with Complexing Properties" Moscow, Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimii, Vol ;aV, No 3, Mar 70, pp 440-444 Abstract: In connection with obtaining new ion-exchange materials, researchers have devoted much attention to the synthesis of selec- tive ionites which will absorb ions of one or several elements on a selective basis. Tiiese efforts have usually been complicated with various difficulties, including the necessity for multistage synthesis. To overcome these diffiMlltiCS, the auti'iors studied the complexing properties of new anion-ex-change re6ins based on co- polymers of N-( P -(5-vinylpyr-*Ldyl-2)ethyl)amines and N, NI-di -(5-vinylpyridyl-2)-ethyl-substittited diamines, in connection with bivalent copper, cobalt and nickel cations. I I- itz USSR BARKETOV, E. S., et al., Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimii, Vol YOXV, No 3, Mar 70, pp 440_L~44 It was found that the anion-exchange resins which con- tained ethylene-diamirte groups had the strongest comple-Aing . capability. These have a comparatively high capacity for qations, which they sorb from very dilute solutions (less than 10---N). In addition, macroporous resins of this type showed more intense sorption kinetics than those of gel structure. USSR DMUINA, L. S., and SHAVER, I. KH. LIDO 661.1431546.34-161(088.8) "Luminophore for Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Based on Lithium Fluoride" USSR Author;s certificate No 361189, filed 8 Dee 70, published 15 Feb 73 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 19, Oct 73, Abstract No 19LI46 P) Translationt Manganese is added to the luminescent composition based on LIF with addition of calcium, resulting in an increased sensitivity of the composition towards ionizing radiation which gives a thermoluminescence curve with 1-2 maxima and increases the stability of the dosimetric informa- tion. Calcium and manganese are added as fluorides in quantities of 0-5-3 and 0.015-0.3 weight-% respectively. USSR uDc 632-95.o24.1 DRTY- E. KHOYMYAKOVA,, V. S. SHUSTOVA 1 .1 ; V. P., and AMSHIM, L. F., All- Union Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Means for Plant Protection "Effect of Organochlorine Insecticides on Azotobacter" Moscow, Khimiya v Sellskon Khozyaystve, Vol 9, No 7, 1971, pp 42-44 Abstract: DDT or hexachlorane applied for the treatment of the soil of wheat and cotton fields had no effect on the azotobacter in the soil. Application of hexachlorobutadiene M in amounts of 75-700 9/ir? to the loamy chernozem soil of vineyards in Moldavia for the control of phylloxera inhibited the development of azotobacter in the soil, as shown by tests carried out 18 mos. after the spraying of I. laboratory experiments with soil that had been inoculated with a culture of Azotob- ter chroococcum showed that I applied to the soil in amounts of 15-6o g/Y did not have a harmful effect on the development of the microorganism. Soil of the chernozem and sad-pGdzol types treated with I in amounts of 5-500 Mcdkg was not toxic to azotobacter (the amount of I present in the soil under practival cond-itions does not exceed 150-500 Mc-14-0. It had been established by Khokhryakova et al (Khimiya v Bel I skoyn Mlozyaystve, No 5, 1966) that I in amounts>50 9~rrA has a toxic effect on 6rapevines. One 1/2 USSR DRUY, E. G., et al., Khirriya v Sellskom Khozyaystve, Vol 9, No 7, 1971, pp 42- 44 must assume that substances evolved by the roots of grapevines subjected to the action of I had an inhibiting effect on the azotobacter, because I acting on azotobacter directly or on the soil in the concentrations that were present could have had no effect on the microorganism, on the basis of the results obtained in the study. G. N. Deniskina participated in the work reported. 2/2 USSR UDC: 53. 08 + 389.1: 613 TRESKUNOV, A.A. POZHAROV, A.V., DRUYA-N, V.I. and PROSKURNLNLA, N. N. "Problems of Metrological Provision of Instruments for Biological Aerosol Analysis" Sb. Fiz. metody i vopr. metrol. biomed. izn-iereniy (Symposium on Physics Methods and Biomedical Metrology Problems) Moscow, 1()72, pp 275-7-76 (from Referativnyy Zh~,rnal-Metrologiya i lzmeritel'naya Tekbnika, No 8, 1972, Abstract No 8. 32. 1010 by V. S. K. ) Translation: Problems are considered of inetrological provision of a class of analytical instruments for detection and concentration measure- ment of biological matters in air. Possibility of creating it dusti-rieter for estimating the protein concentration in air is analysed. The study of these problems showed the absence of methods and means for calibration, inspection and certification of this class dustmeter, In order to graduate 112 USSR TRESKUNOV, A. A.1 et al., Sb- Fiz. Imtody i vopr. metrol. biomed. izmereniy, 1972, pp 275-276 the dustmeter dial it is necessary to develop methods of concentration measurement for pure protein aerosol mixtures and also of obtaining certification mixtures. At LF VNIIIAIP an aersol biological indicator has been developed, whose operation is based on photomete ring speci- mens with precipitated solid phase of aerosol in two adjoining intervals of IK-spectrum. region, one of which is selected by the wave length common to most proteins. The investigations having been conducted showed that to facilitate solution of metrological problems it is expendient to con- duct itemized error estimation of IK-spectropliotometer (air sampler, optical and electronic systems). 2/2 22, 1?72 A fundamentally tier., plasslot"orl, e plasin'l at lVhJch call general. distance has been designpu by 5cviet sc-ienticts LIGHT GIVF3 HIC111 I'D PLA5i*,j! R,Grigor--ev, Eligincers Three typ-:!s of pl-Asma generators fir,, Rlio- today . Ea Ch of 'hem has its merits and demerits. ,:,r exnnPIC, an electric are produces 96 plazina vontamInnted Vi3*1" ---lvctrede disintegration products. other types a placmot.1011~; aXC ,frL c from this rhortcominC but they call for eqklipue!~t for energy supply, Noreover, plasma can be engendered only inside such apparatus. A fundamentally new installation irhich can generate plnsmi at a distance has beell d-~oigned by Mosoort relentl~:tv-st"Iff members of the -Froblema of Mechanics Institute of thie US.0, Academy of So ienc et-Yu . P. Raiser I Lenin prize winner, experimental physicists G.I.Xozlsv, II.A.~~eneraloy, V.P.zirrmkcv, . V-A-Masukov, A.E,Abaliev. The new optical device uses for the continuous su:pplY Of energy to placma a lastcr beam so that no conductorc, tire ntlcovsary- In principle, it i,, poticible to light u-, a-nd sup".0;'T rush an "Optical" discharge in any pl:ace, say? in tlic rnlddl-, 37 m "acill,5 a room or in the street . Placmi an be oved bY (I-Inl %th i. the ray, of light, llornorRnto can be dcocribcd w I . It cail even be made to run alore the be-am to mcct a light %Vavr.,. At first, a continuously LurninC optical dJscharrc! WIS r 1 2 F- obtained with the aid of a small 1%- .att lasci Thc 1. burned in a xonor.-filleA vessel ut pj-ezzjjrej:. of a a t ot spivres. Plasma ras kindlod by another laver --rhloh Y-*0(!llL7v,I sbart -powerful pulsen that created Enonrks in cao. -,br gparks served an a kind of mat-.hes, ac. it At the moment, In the laborato--'Y of the 1n-t1ttltL, a continuous optical discharCe is bu-niar it, anY ~;;the air. And in many ganes, evoll at an- atmos'pherlo rroosiLre An optical gla=otron can operutri without intermil'o'.011 for hours, Th c temperalure reaches 20,000 dcgreez.- Tlac-Ma 6i%'Or cff R dazzling white light. It was recently kindled in a plain gla~z flask throuC.11 which >Pargon was allowed to flow slowly. When a worker broke off a piece of glass from the glasapsphere by accident,,,,the hole war uovered up with a sheet of pa er, but the diDcha o ctatinued its steady burninC. This optical laomotron will find dire--eft nPrIii'AtiOnD in science and teC4,DlO9Y. Already, It c.A4 to IjFod siket a continuoun light souroo of exceptional brightnees march 9 . Ahridged.) (vochornynya ~jo ICLa Radiobiology USSR UDC 577.15.016 1 7TIE IKDV--A'-. A.. GUBER141YEV, M. A., RYBAKOV, N. I., RYZHOV, N. I., and HASHTNSKAYA, T. Ye., Scientific Research Laboratory of Experimental Immuno- biology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "Effect of Ultraviolet and Ionizing Radiation on E. coli K12 0.) Nuclease Activity" Moscow, Biokhimiya, No 5, 1971, pp 383-888 Abstract: The intensity of activity of endonuclease I, exanuclease III, and phage-specific exonuclease of E. coli K12 (X) was studied after exposure to different doses of ultraviolet radiation and-high-energy protons. The. ne- tivity of the first two enzym"- was not affected by ultraviolet radiation or high-energy protons at doses causing maximum induction of vegetative phage. The ab5ence of an effect i-q attributed to the fact that those agents, unlike a &,ennical muta.gen, such as mitomycin C, do not result in degradaLlon of Hit! ribosomes of Hie bacterial cell. The activity cif exan-1cl&Wirt specific for phage A ur~LL-; related to Lite degree of induction (if' vegetaLivu plia~,e, reaclllw~,, a peak at the time of lysis of irradiated cells. Examiclease activity aL tills time was much lower after the use of high-i:lnergy protons than afte-f UlLravioloL radllLion. Analynlr; of Gie ol' Jimract-11u]:ir DNA 1/2 USSR DROZHENTIKOV, V. A., et al. , Biokhimiya, No 5, 1971, pp 883-888 and total protein in material not incubated after exposure to the inducing agents showed no change in these indexes. 2/2 - 27 - USSR z I, A. UDC 591.1-15 "Oxygen Consumption by Animals in the Dynamics of Fast-Neutron-Induced Radiation Sickness" V sb."Biofizika Lradiobiol- (Biophysics and Radiobiology -- Collection of Works), %Fyp. 3, Kiev, "Nauk. dumka," 1972, pp 67-73 (from RZh-biologicheskava Khimiya, No 10, 25 May 1972, Abstract No 1OF1408 from summary) Translation: A study was made of oxygen consumption by rats and oxygen pres- sure (P02) in brain tissues during early periods of radiation sickness induced by fast neutrons (100, 215 and 300 rads). These indicators declined notably before the animals' death. 1/2 050 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--EMISSION PROPERTIES OF DISTRIBUTING THERMIONIC CATHODES WITH SPUTTERED METAL FILMS -U- AUTHOR-102)-NEKRASOV, V.I., DRUZHININ, A.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--RADIOTEKH. ELEKTRON. 1970, 15(2), 411-13 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS roPIC TA(;S--RFFRACTORY METAL9 METAL COATING, CATHODE sf)urTERING, OSMIUM, fRIDIUM, PLAIINUM, rANTALUM, RUTHENIVMY RHENIUMt T11FRM110NIC EMISSION1 WORK FUNCTION, TUNGSTEN, ALUMINUM OXIDE co%,rp'IL MARKINIG-NO K-ESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASS[FFED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1984/1283 STEP NO--UP/0109/70/015/032/04IL/0413 CIRC. ACCESSION NO--Af)0055954 .11CLAS IF11-0 Jt' SI I ~ 2/2 050 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--16SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0055954 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT WAS DETO. OF COATINGS [IF REFRACTORY METALS (05, IRt PT, TAt RUs AND RE) 0.3-1 MU THICK ON THE EMISSION FROM CATHODES PREP0. BY THE STANDARD TECHNOLOGY FROM 3BAO.O.5CAO.-AL SUB2 0 SUB3 AND W. THE CATHODES WITH THE OS COATING HAVE THE LOWEST WORK FUNCTION. OF THE REMAINING METALS ONLY IR DECREASES THE WORK FUNCTION. T14E REMAINING METALS INCREASE THE WORK FUNCTION OF THE CATHODE AND IMPAIR THE EMISSION PROPERTIES. THE TEMP. DEPENDENCE WAS OETD. FOR. THE WORK FUNCTION AND THE EMISSION CURRENT FOR CATHODES WITH AN OS COATING AND WITHOUT ANY COATING. THE COATED CATHODES AT 1000-1400DEGREES HAVE A WORK FUNCTION 0.15-0.2 EV LESS THAN THE UNCOATED CATHODE AND 6-8 FOLD INCREASE IN THE EMISSION C.D. THE EMISSION PROPERTLES. [IF THE COATED CATHODES ARE RETAINED FOR AT LEAST 3000 HR AT 1420-50DEGREESK. UN'CL ASS IFIED P,j L- USSR uDc: 621-373.431.1 DRUZMIN, A. Ya. "Semiconductor Thermomultivibrators" V sb. DoluDrovodn. Dribc.-- u 0 Devices y v tekhn. elektrosvyazi (Semicondict r In Technical Electrical Communications--collection of work-s), Yoscow, "Svyazl", 1970, pp 171-182 (f"rom RZh-Radiotekbnika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract Ito 1G224) Translation: The author considers the general principle of design of se:ri- conductor multivibrators with temDerature- dependent time-mar-k. elements (thermamultivibrators). EyDressions are derived which relate the durations of the sha-Ded -Dulses to the temperature of the heat-deTendent ele.711ents and to the ambient temperature, and also for the conditions of existence of oscillations. Methods are considered for improving the temperature sta- bility of the period of the oscillations. Thermomulti-yribrators are classi- fied according to basic characteris tics, and modifications ure given on the design of simple and bridge thermomultivibrators based on indirectly heated temperature- depen ient elements. Bibliography of 11 tit-1--s. ReZurne~~. 1/1 e- Itcc. Nr. Abstracting Servic AP,0055929_ CHDITCAL ABST. Ref. Code r-115285a C'o(NOz)rCH3CONHj-H,O and Ni(NO3)z-CH3CO- ! NHrH2() systems. Dzhunusov, -A.D.; Imanakuncy, B. I.; Kyd M. K.; Karriaukhov. A. S. . x2ov, Druz in, . G.; (USSR). Zh.Nevr9.j'.P1I"-'I~, 5727)''NU-8 (RUSS). fletero geneous equil. were studied in the title systems nt 250 and soly. diagrams of the systems are constructed. Fournewcompds.sep. in the systems: Co(N'0j)t.4AcNNH2.2H,O, Co(NO3)2.'6AcNH2.2- H20 and analogous Ni compds. Thermographs, x-ray powder diffraction patterns, and ir absorption frequeacits of these compds. are given. HAIJR REEL/FMME 19841258 1/2 Oil rT:ITLE--NEW ISOMORPHIC PHASES PRIMEII.SO SUB4 NA SUE12 AUTHOR-W)-DRUZHININt I.Gov COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 FROM MAGNESIUM, NICKEL, AND ZINC ASTRAKANITES SO SUB4 AND 4H SUB2 0) -U- TEMBOTOVv 69K6 SOURCE--ZH. NEORG. KHIM. 19709 15(2) 525-7 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS-AQUEOUS SOLUTION, SOLID SOLUTIONt DISTRIBUTION COEFFICIENT, NICKEL COMPOUND, SODIUM COMPOUND, CRYSTAL HYDRATE, SOLUBILITY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE:D .PROXY REEL/FRAME--L983/0936 STEP NO--UR/0078/70/015/002/0525/0527 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0053860 UINCA.AssfFIED 2/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0053860 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE REACTION OF MG ASTRAKANfTE, MG~SO SUB4.14A SUBZ SO SUB4 AND 4H SUB2 0 (1) , WITH ITS tit AND ZN ANALOGS WAS STUDIED IN AQ. SOLNS. AT 30DEGREES. CONTINUOUS S11LID SOLNS. FORM IN THE SYSTEMS MSO SU84.NA SUB2 SO SU84-1-H SUB2 0 (M EQUALS NI, ZNJ; SCLY. DIAGRAMS OF THESE SYSTEMS ARE CONSTRUCTED (30DEGREES). DISTRIBUTION COEFFS. OF THE COMPONENTS BETWEEN THE SOLID AND LIQ. PHASES ARE GIVEN. 89 UNCLASS IFIE0 __112 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--QUATERNARY SYSTEM OF COBALTt AMMONIUMt AND POTASSIUM SULFATES AND WATER AT 25, 50, AND 75DEGREES -U- AUTHOR-(031-BORBIYEVA, D., fmANAKUNOV# B.v DRUZHININ9 I.G. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE-IAV. AKAD. NAUK KLRG. SSSR 19691 (3), 64-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--AQUEOUS SOLUTIONt MULTICOMPONENT SYSTEM, PHASE DIAGRAM, SOLUBILITY, SOLID SOLUTION, CRYSTALLIZATION, AMMONIUM SULFATE, SULFATE, POTASSIUM COMPOUND, COBALT COMPOUND Cr`_'I'IT~ZOL RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCL4SSIFIl_zD PROXY REEL/FRAME--1937/076'T STEP NO--UR/0560/b9/000/003/0064/0068 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01042'[3 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFfED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION N0--AP0104213 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE QUATERNARY SYSTEM COSO SUB4 MINUS (NH SUB4) SUB2 SO SUB4 MINUS K SUB2 SO SUB4 MINUS fi SUB2 0 WAS STUDIED BY THE ISOTHERMAL SOLY. METHOD. SEVEN CRYSTN. FIELDS OF THE SALTS WERE DETD.: THOSE: OF THE INITIAL COMPONENTSt COSO SUB4 .7il SU52 0 f25DEGREES), COSO SUB4 .6H SUB2 0 (50DEGREES), COSO SUB4 H SU62 0 (75DEGREES)i K SUB2 SO SU84, AND (NH SUB4) SUB2 SO SU64; THOSE OF BINARY COMPDS., COSO SUB4 K SUB2 SO SUB4 .6H SUB2 0 AND COSO SUB4 .(NH SUB4) SUB2 SO SUB4 .6H SUB2 0; THAT OF THE BINARY SOLID SOLN. BETWEEN K SU62 SO-SU84 AND (NH SU84) SU82 So SU84; AND THAT OF THE COMPD. KCOSO SUB4 .L(NH SUB4) SUB2 SO SUB4- MK SUB2'SO SUB4 NH SUB2 0. THE EFFECT OF TEMP. ON THE SOLY. OF THE SALTS, BINARY COMPDS., AND SOLID SOLNS. WAS DETD.f AND THE DEPENDENCE OF THE AREA OF THE CRYSTN. FIELDS ON THE SOLYS'. ARE PRESENTED. THE SOLYS. OF T-HE lNIT-IAt COM'PDS. AND- OF THE BINARY.SOLID SOLN. DECREASE WITH INCREASING TEMP. WHILE THAT OF THE BINARY COMPDS. INCREASES. THE SYNTHESIS OF COMPLEX SOLID SOLNS. OF CG, K, AND AMMONIUM SULFATES IN BEST AT LOW TEMPS. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 008 UNCLASSI FIED TITLE--EQUILIBR[UM ZINC Ni[TRATE ANO UREA 25DEGREPES -u- AUTli0R-(02)-YERF,',leYEVA, t~.Ye. ,DPUZHlt-,lIN,,_ I.G. COUNTRY OF lN'r0--USSR SOURCE--ZH. NEOkS. KMIM. DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJ,,-:-CT AREA S--'C)iE,'4 IS TRY 1970, 15(4), 1094-6 PkOCESSING DATE-13NOV70 KIN AN A,jUEfj!js ME~)[U;-l AT TOPIC TAGS--ZINC COMPOUND, NITRATE, UREA, CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM CONTROL RESTRICTIONS DOCUME."IT CLASS--UNICLASSITFIED ...PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/1113 STEP N'j--UR/007i3/70/,~-jl5/00-'t/1094/1091.) CIRC ACCESSIJN N0--APoL23105 212 008 UNCLASSIFIED PRCCESSING DATE-13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIOIN NO-AP0123105 ABSTRACT/F--XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SOLY. ISOTHERM (250EGREPS) OF ZN(NO.SUB-3) SUB2 UREA H SU32 0 SYSTEM IS PRESENTED. THE SYSTEA FOWIS A NEW 131NARY COMPD. LNIANO SU63) SUb2.4 UREA HAVI..,.)G D. 1.7833 G-CM PAIME31 MOL. VOL. 241.27 CM PRI.-v;E3-,-l0LE, AND SP. VOL. 0.56159 CM PRIME3-G. FACILITY: MOSK. GBL. PEDAGOG. INST. IM. KRUPSK01, MOSCO',-J, USSR. UNC 1. AS I F I E 1/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--AQUEOUS SYSTEMS OF SODIUM L GLUTAMATE, IRON 11 CHLORIDE, AND MANGANESE CHLORIDE -U- AUTHOR-104)-UMETALIYEVA, S..K., BAKASOVA, Z.B., POTEMKO, L.I.t DRUZHININI COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -s 15(3), 801-5 OURCE--ZH. NEORG. KHUM. L970, DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--REFRACTIVE INDEX, ORGANOSODIUM COMPOUN0, 114(lill t-10,11130GIND, MANGANESE COMPOUND, CHLOk.10E# SOLUBILITY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE*D ?ROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1141' STEP NO--IJR/0078/701/015/003/0801/0805 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136567 LANCLASS IF 10D 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136567 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. REACTION OF NA L GLUrAMATE (1) WITH F.ECL SUBZ AND MINCL SUBZ GIVES FE AND MN L GLUTAMATES (11 AND [[I, RESP.). II AND III ARE INCONGRUENTLY SOL. IN WATER, THEIR SOLY. 15 HIGHER THAN THAT OF THE PARENT ACID. REFRACTIVE INDEXESt N SUBALPHA AND N SUBALPHAP OF 11 ARE 1.99 AND 1.960 AND OF III ARE 1.980 AND 1.953, RESP. SOLY. ISOTHERMS OF I-FECL SUB2-H SUB2 0 AND 1-MNCL SU32-H SU32 0 AT 25DEGREES ARE CONSTRUCTED. COMPNS, OF EQUIL. SOLNS. OF THE SYSTEMS ARE TABULATED. U?4CLA-S&-LF-LED UDC 669.293 '296' 784.017.13+"9.293 '295' 764.017 . 13 PHASE EQUILIBRIA IN THE NIOBlVM CORNER OF THE NB-ZR-C AND NB-TI-C SYSTEMS (Article by 1 1. Druzhinin Aji. Zakharov, i-71- Alloy" Instr47 t t~- re. t N;j)jjk=Y, Moscow Steel and a fPhysical Metallurgy of Nonferrous. Rare and Radioactive Netals; Moscow, Izveqtiyn Vysshlkh ~Iehebnykh Zavedenty. Tsvetn3ys HetaLlurgiya, Russian, No 1, 1972, submitted 2 April 1971. pp 118-1201 The ternary systems, Nb-Zr-C and Nlb-Ti-C, were investigated in refer- ences [1-51. The methods of microstructural analysis and x-ray micrography of annealed alloys were used to construct the isothermal sections of the %*b- Zr-C system at 1.700' and the Nb-Ti-C system at 1,500' 111 and 1.600' (2]. In reference 131 using the same methods an sintered alloys, as a r".ult of constructInK the iaothertual section at 2.000o and till! VolYL11cmal section, the authors confirmed the existence of the previously establiahod phase domains anti demmistraLed that the polythermal section of Ilb-Zr-C is not qu.asibinary. In reference [41 a study was made of tit,- isothermal sections at 2,500 and 1.500 degr#?eu, and the schematic of a three-dimensional diagram of state of ,A'b-:r-C wag constructed. In reforencet; t1-4), a study was made of allay. with a hir; carbon And zirconium (or titanium) content. The position of the phase bour.- darieii,tin thecnioblum corner was determined by extrapolation frcm the dn~ins with gh con entration of the alloy elenents. In reference [5) a study ~a~ made or E.Ii~~ 1gothermal ~uctlun of Ll;e n1obium e-ner of tli~t ).'b-Zx--C iystt,tt - 1,300'. The alloys for the investigation were annealed In advance ind cooee slowly. Tlien ed they were again heated at 1,300* for three hours and quench ',v blowhig with argon. According to the results of reference (5]. it =ust be ~~- cluded thnL hLating at 1.200-1,300' for three hourat an our paper has shc~- duen not permit conversion of the excess phases precipitated out of solutt,~n durl ng oLuw cooling Into a solution and that the alloys investigated for t'%-- convLruction of, the isothermal section at 1.300* had WidmUnstatten struct,-~ (Figure 4b-d in reference [51) which is formed an a result of Insufficiently rapid COUling during quenching. Theje alloys must be considerud single-phase at the homogeniration temperature. In this paper, a study was made of the ternary system of Nb-Zr-C within the limit: uf,0,028-1.97% C anti 0.56-18.5% Zr. Th al eye were prepared in an electric arc furnace with a tungsten elentrode on a copper water-cooled troy in an atmosphere of purified helium. tA The burden materinle were nioblum, of a cathode-ray malt (0.01% C, 0.007% N. YIPW5 - 9 MC t,69.293-541.6:669.7~4 SOLUBILITY OF CARBON 1N NIOBIL" (Article by 1. 1. Druzhinin A. H~ alzhzkr~o 1. Novi"v, Moscow Steel and ~% ~! _. _ -;- _j~ 1. Alloy" lnutii~ ~,~ of Physical Metai_l-ur~y_,;CTZ~iferroun. Rare and Radioactive Metals; Ordzhoni-kidze, lzvestiva Vyssh-1kh Uclxh~ny~.h Z.v,!,tSLiX' Tavetar,~ XoLallurgiva, Russian. So 5, 1971, a-1-1tta4 ;!~' ?;,,v=Ucr I*J,'O, op Tht dia;;r= of state of Nb-14bC was first constructed in rcfereace [1]. 1: was later investigated And ciare precisely defined in references [2-71. A ~utuctic is ~ormod beLvLea niobi= and carbide Nb.,Ct t'w aelting point of which Aind the position of the line of limited solubility of carbon in niobium diffur according to the data of different authors (act --he table). In this paper, alloys containing up to 1.84 percent by weight C were prepared in an arc furnace with a tungsten electrode so a copper water-cooled sole In an atmosphere of purified helium. The burden materialu were niobitmi from cathode-ray melting (0.01 percent C, 0.007 percent N, < 0.01 percent 0, 0.001 percent 11) and carbide NbC. The cast &Iloya (specimens 4 k 4 x 7 mm) were 4D-73 percent upset in a vacuum device 181 at 1 600 degrees. The deformed -cjG wora annealed in a TVV-2A furnace rest pie S.10 Ams jig) In a ni- ohiua basket In stages. 2,100 degrees for 27 hours. 2,000 degrees for 10 bour.i. 1,600 doi;reeg for 40 hours, 1,600 degrees for 25 hours, 1,200 degrees f ,,,r 150 iwuru. The temperature of the test pieces was crntrolled lay the VILS/W.20 thermocouple. For quenching, the test pieces 2 x 3 x 6 mim were placed between two tungstwi electrodes, heated in a vacuLz (1.10-4 ~Aa HS) by direct pa~Rage of current to temperatures of 2,100, Z,CGO. 1,600 and 1,600 for I hour and quenched. shutting off th- ctrrtt=t. Thc '. hour hol,l- was sufficient for conversion of the excess phases to the tiolid solution IfIrl" vhith they were separated with slow coolint of tht test pieces in the T%'1-2A furnace. The individual tWU-PhU_'Q test V11COS UtrC h6lo At the quetchin,,~ tezparature for two and four hours, but their =icrof;Lructure did nit ch"Fe on increasing &he holding time. The heating cemperature of the test pieces for quenching was controlled by an optical pyrometor which was graduated with reap,~ct to brightness of the niobium surfaca heated to the corresponding te=perAture. The mean cooling 29