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212 019' UNCLASSIFIED' ;~PROCESSING.DATE-11SEP70 ',CJRC A-rcEssION NO--AP0102890 :-. ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MORSHIN MINERAL WATER COMPLEXLY nT4ER HEALTH RES3RT FACTnRS HAD A FAVOURABLE EFFECT ON THE .-:~.COURSE OF GASTRIC AND DUODENAL ULCER.IN THE MAJORITY OF PATIFNTS. 'HYPOTONIC SOLUTIONS OF THIS MINERAL WATER EXERT, AN INPIBITOPY EFFECT ON GASTRIC SECRETION. MORSHIN MINERAL WATER IS CONTRAINDICTED DURING j-.::E-XACER8ATIONS OF ULCER OISEASE9:,SHARP~STIMULATIONS OF GASTRIC SECRETORY ACTIVITY AND_DISORDERS OF THE MOTOR EMPTYING ACTIVITY (PYLOROSPAStil `~-`:'PYLOROSTENOSIS. UNCLASSIFIED - - ---------- . ...... Ace. Nr VM.4 4145 Ref .,.Code; UR 0244 FRU,~TSOURCE: Voproby Pita- 70;~ Vol 29, Nr 1, PP ABSORPTION OF THE NIORSHIN HEALTH-RESORT AIINERAL WATER FROM THE SMALL INTESTINE BEFORE AND AFTERATS INTAKE IN PATIENTS WITH GASTRITIS 40 V. G. Den R. A _211akos Ovario-Frankovsk and health resort Morshin) Summary Absorption of sodium chloride, glucose, potassium iodide, ether and blood plasma from the jejunum wai investigated in gastritic patient's wi,th the aid of a special tube. In patients suffering from anacid gastritis:the absorption was found to be deferr,~d. in those with hyperacid gastritis -intensified, whereas in normacid cases no material chan- ges in absorption were on record, 011 introduction into the stomacli of the chlorosulfate- sodium-magnesiurn mineral water of the health :resori Morshin with total mineralization amounting to 380-390 g/i its abosption in the first 15-mintues gained in strength, being then depressed for a short while and revived afresh thereafter. Following intro- duction of 1he mineral water (especially, of i~ts 1.4% hypertonic solutions) into the duodenum and also jejunum its -absorption was inhibited. After a course of treatment at the health resort Morshin the absorption was noted lo become nDrmal -mostly in patients with anacid gastritis who bad taken hypertonic solutions of the mineral ,x,-ater. REEL/FRAME 1977062G NNW uDc 535-317.1 Py Q1 ~SYU:,,~~_r~J. 1,T. SOS7TN, S. I. 'ion .1"Holographic Correction of Deforriau Aberrations of the Tain Hirror of a Telescope'.' U 'Leningrad, OD'ika i Snelftrosz-oz)iya, No 6, Dec 71, PP 992-990/ Abstract: A method is proposed for correcting by holographic methods aberrations caused b es in fabrication or by an arbitrary del the pro- y inaccuraci =varion in cess of using the main mirror of a mirror-lehs telescope. The method involves a correcting source placed close to the optical system, making it possible to apply the method for any objects, including those intended for recording distant and almost inaccessible objects such as the, objectives,of telescopes and photo- graphic equipment. The method was developed for application to mirror-lens telescope objectives with a large main mirror. It is noted that such objectives are very widely used7since large mirrors,are easier to fabricate than lenses, but that -these objectives have a serious shortcoming in that they are very sensitive to deformations of the main mirror. The purpose of this method is the continuous control and correction of distortions caused by these deformations. 112 - 127 USSR - DEJ-JJSYUT,, YU. N. et al, Ntika i Spe-k-Uroskouillan, No 6, Dee 71, pp 992-999 The telescope is equipped with a special interferometer attachment for record- fng the hologram of the main mirror. This hologram is then put into the op- t1cal system of the telescope. It is shown theoretically and'experimentally -that an image of the object with a quality,higher, than in a telescope without ion is then obtained. Photographs are included showing the image in L-t-- original form and then as produced by the telescope with the interferometer Ennta I I ed. USSR DT~YUII~--44-f SOSYJN31 S. 1. ItScanning of a Wave Field by an Optical System of Arbitrary Aperture" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya;July., 1971; PP 121-7 ABSTRACT: The authors present a ineans of recording holograms by a method of scannina a wave field of an object by an optical systen of arbitrary aperture in the center of the input pupil of uffiich is located a reference point source and in the plane of the image, a photoreceiver i-Fhose einensions nre circiul- scribed by a field diaPhran. It is shown that a hologrm produced by such a methoCIA can generate the inages of objects located in a given field- of -Ac-vr the dimensions of vInich are determined by an e:-pression which is a function off the dimensicns of the averture and field diaphragms. The Fourier transforn of this function defines the detail of recording the irave field. The power 3-n- volved in the recording systera is considered. A lindnous point observed in a given field of vimr is given as an example of the siniplest type of object, anti a connection is established between the~dimensiorz of the inlout pu,-)JZl and the sir,,Pal-tc-noise ratio. it is shmm that increasinr the woerture is advanta- geous only up to that point at which the angle of e-iffraction of the optical syraten becomes equal to the -mg1c of the field of viml. There are 30 equations involved in the calculations. The article inelkides three figures. There are 5 bibliographic rcf:erences. USSR G. V.; SAVOSTIYOU.-KO 1.1. A. ULMYUK. Yu. N. SEM101IX jr ??Effect of Nonlineari-ty of Photomaterial on the Characteristics of Armilitude Holograms" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya; Noverfoer., 1970; pp 994-1001 IMRACTI: E.-pre5sions are derived for determining the Magnitudes of th,-- radla- tion. in the first and second orders of the snectrutm of amplai-tude holor. -*n taking into account the nonlinear character of recordip~ on i)hobomaterial. It is sh(rurn that the effect of nonlinearity on the distribution of lif;ht betUeen -different orders of the spectrum can be date-,mined more prccisel~r by meanz -~f 'Liz n on. nnarity factors depending on the (,,nntri-.;t p of the intorforence pattr-rn registered on the hologrwa., as well as on the contrast factor Y of the photo- material. Analytic =rossions are obtained by- means of 'va-Lich it is possibl-3 to dotormine the nonlinonrlty f actorm for thet. first and zel"oril ordor3 of t,'-I(, Specti-cuil. and curves are drum for their clopendence on p for several v-1lues Of Rosulto of an experimental check of the theory are given. USSR -ISYU E1,j Yu. N ;*ALITEE-RN, A. D. D "The Possibility of Improving the Quality of an Imacre b a Method of Storing C3 ~y Holograms" Leningrad, Optika i Spelcturoskopiya; February, 1971; pp~340-4 PS' IRACT: The authors investigate the possibility of improving the quality of an 1-mage durir4g. observaUon through a medium -Ath random phase inhomogene- ities. With the assiLmDtion of the homogeneity and isotropy of the funatlons characterizing the medium it is sha= that the.sequential storage and averaging of.-n -holograms result-in an n-fold decrease in the average square of the fluctuations of the field in the image, The article includes 25 equations. There are tw6bibliographic references. UNCL'ASSIFIE, 0.~bus'SING DATE -18SEP70 TITLE--THE RELATION BETWEEN THE SPATJAL~FREQUENCY SPECTRA OF A THREE :DIMENSIONAL PHASE U _lBJECT AND ITS:THREE DIMENSibNSAL HOLOGRAM -U- :.,.,,AUTHOR-(02)-SUKHANOV, V.I.# UENISUKI YU-N, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SPEKTROSKf VOL. --_~SOURCE--~-OPTIKA I !Pl IAP 28t JAN. 1970, P 12t)-13i ,,:;DATE PUBL IS HEO-~ ------ 70 ~iSUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TA,5S--H0L,)GPA:,~, HOL03RAPHY CCNT!;PL 114 K I NG - RESTP. ICT IONS DOCUMENT Cl-.ASS--UNCLA SSIFIED --IW9/I675 STEP NO 'PKOXY,RFEL/FK4!,lE --UR/0051/70/02.q/O()O/,J!26/0131 .,.-C I RC ACCESSION NEI--AP0047993 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 014 UNCLASsrFlE0 P~ROCE�S'ING OATE--18SEP70 --IRC ACCESSION' N3--AP0047993 :-,`ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DEMONSTRATION THAT THE SPATIAL o FREQUENCY -SPECTRUM OF A THREE DIMENSIONAL HOLOGRAM OF~A PHASE BJr_ IS THE-PRODU,CT OF THE THREE DIMENSIONAL SPATIAL FREQUENCY SPECTRUM OF THIS -DEPENDS THE OBJECT.TIMES.A TRANSFER FUNCTION WHICH ON THE PARAMETERS OF THIS FUNCTION,-CALLED THE SPATIAL FREQUENCY -..INTERACTION CHARACTERISTIC, IN THE CASE WHERE THE,OBJECT IS ILLUMINATED BY--A PLANE MONOCHROMATIC WAVE, IS REPRESENTED IN THE FREQUENCY SPACE BY -TWO OSCULATING SPHERLES THE RAOll'OF WHICH~ARE EQUbL TO THE VALUE OF THE .~.WAVE VECTOR OF THE INCIDENT WAVE. IT:IS NOTED THAT WITH A BROADENING OF E' THE M-CIDENT RADIATION' SPECTRUM THE SPATIAL FREOUINCY SPECTizJrA OF T-HE 'Dl,-4.=_.NSlCNAL ~40LGGRAM TENDS TO THE-.SPATIAL F-REOUENCY SPECTqt)A OF .~THE, CsfiJECT.v ANDTHUS IN THE LIMITING CASETHE THREE DI'4ENSIINIAL HOLOGRAM BECOMES. A C.OPY OF THE OBJECT. USSR D Yu. N.; SUKHANCV, V. 1. "Relation between Space-Frequency Spectra of Three-Dixeinsional Phase Object a and Its Three-Dimensional Hologram".. Leningrad., Optik-a i Spektroskopiya; January, 1970; PP 126-31 ABSTRACT: It is shown that the space-frequency spectrum.of a three-dimensional hologram of a phase object is the product.tof the three-dimensional space- frequency spectrum of the object and the transfer funotion vmying with the parameters of the incident radiation. This function., called the space-frequency interaction characteristic for the case in mhich the object is illuminated by a -flat monochromatic wave. is depicted in the.:space of.frequencies of two spheres tangent to each other., whose radii are equal to the value of the wave vector of the-incident wave. It is noted that with a-broadening of the.spectrun of the incident radiation the space-frequency spectrum of a three-dimensional hologram tends: toward the sT)ace-frequency spectrum - of the object arid., thus., in the limit- ing case the three-dimensional hologram becomes a copy of the object. -----The- --Lnaludes_--31v _equat�ons____Tber_Q__4r~_ thre-0 -references. .............. cytology USSR UDC 546.~~.a2 and 576-30 DENIKO Ye. I., Institute of Cytology and Botanical Institute imeni V. L. Komarov, '12 AL1'aaXewi;;V4Y ff3c7letaces USSR "The Effect of Heavy Water (I~O) on Anijral and Plant Cells and Microorganisms" Mosco'v~, Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii, Vol 70, No IN, Jul/Aug 70, pp 41-64 Abstract! Work on heavy water effects is reviewed (138 references) under the sub- ect headings of inhibition of cell division an , d;growth by D20,.inhibition of J other vital functions of cells by D-0i the stabilizing effect of D 0 on cells and -protoplasm proteins, and the molecui;r mechanisms.of adaptation o?cells to deuter- ization. _7he mechanism of adaptation D20 is described on the basis of results obtained by Den1ko and V. Ya. Aleksandrov in regard to interrelationships -.:.between adaptation to.D20 and thermal stability. During adaptation of cells to D20., the thex-mal stability of protein molecules in.1the cells is Increased because of an Increase in the conformational flexibility:'of these molecules. According to Aleksandrov's hypothesis, vital functions of cells in the absence of adaptation to .-D 0 are1nhibited by D20, because the-conformational flexibility of protein molecules 2 -,is lowered. In a process presumably involving substitution of D for H In protein inolecules,, both the stability at elevated temperatures and,the conformational flex- ibility are increased in comparison with these properties in ordinary water before a4aptation to %0. UNC 'ASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-*-04DEC70 IAC-ACCESSION NO--AP0129425 GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE KINETICS WAS: INVESTIGATED OF ~'.'-f~_EUECTRO14 HOLE PROCESSES IN THE CRYSTALS KCL-IN, AG AND KBR-IN IN WITHJHE RADIATION IN THE REGION OF THE C BAND OF ABSORPTION OF, IN PRIME POSITIVE CENTERS. IN WEAK EXCITATION, THE KINETICS OF EXCITA'TION IS UNIMIOL.; U' Eo~*:: ELECTORNS RECOMB INE W I TH THE tAME'lMPRIME2 POSITIVE CENTERS F ROM WHI-C,H-THEY WERE REMOVED IN ---_~AONIZATION OF IN PRIME POSITIVE CENTER.S*-~IN THIS UNIMOL. MECHANISMt --,UGH-T.--STORE.D..BY- THE PHOSPHOR IS-,.PkOP.OR:T,IONAL TO,THE INTENSITY OF ~:,EXCJTATION, Ei. THE RATIO OF THE.PEAKS OF THERMOLOMINESCENCE is rINDEPENDENT OF Ev.AND THE-APPLICATION OF N! ELEC. A, FIELD LEADS TO AN IkROSE IN THEMAT. OF STORED LIGHT. FACILITYt ~INST. FIZ. ~---~'-ASTRM.: -TARTUP USSR.~ UNCLASSIFIED. USSR UDC ~621-791.89s620-193.41 JQQJUNKO, -0.--A.. North Donets Cheaical Combine, and RUZYUKOV, A. N., Earth Donets bxan7y of the Scientific Research Institute of Chemical hachine Building "Nitric Acid Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum Joints Formed by Explosive WeLling" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 4, Apr 71, pp 26-29 Abstracti Nitric acid corrosion resistance of aluminum lap joints made by explosive welding was investigated. The purpose of the study was to determine the.basic principles governing corrosion behavior of joints produced by explosive welding. Aluminum grade AT was used. The necessary condition for high corrosion resistance in explosive welding of aluminum is selection of jwdes which provide joints with a rectangular interface. Joints with a rectangular interface are close to.those of the "rase metal with reference to corrosion resistance and significantly surpass joints which have a wavy interface. Heat treatment does not, substantially affect the corrosion resistance of joints pro~duced by explosive welding. Five figures, one table, 7 bibliographic references. IA 82 Forming USSR UDC 621. DEORDIYEV H. T., Candidate of Tehnical Sciences (Editor) Progressivnyve tekhnologicheskiye protsessy obrabotki metallov davleniyem JAdvanced Technological Processes of Iletalworking by Pressure), I'loscow, Mashinostroyeniye Press, No 24, 144 pages Translation of Annotation# Data are presented from theoretical and experimental studies nf the technological processes of metalworking by pressure perfor-med at the [Experimental Scientific Research Institute of Forging and Pressing Machincry]. A study was made of the problem of constructing Irinewatic designs and tile problems of plastic flow of inotropically hardening materials'.. The force of inverse axisymmiel-ric extrusion of the.harderting in. --rial in defined. The basic au relations required to obtai-ii two-way estimates in the presence of plane strain are presented. The force parameters are calculated, and the opt.imal thermonechanical conditions of high speed drop forging of mIlling cutters frorn high speed steel are defined. An analysis of the effect of the rigidity of the shears on the cutting accuracy is presented. Results are given from an experimental study of the process of flashless die forging of disc milling cutters from high speed steel, low-flash (lie forging, of double-ended wrenches, the technological possi- bility of pressin- high speed steel through a roll die without butts. Forinulas USSR DEORDIYEV, N. T., Progressivnyvc. tekhnoloEicheskiVe protsess,,r_obrabotki metal- ~lov davlenivem, Moscow, Mashinostroyeniye Press, No 24, 144 p~.-ges Are derived for determining the projections of the contact area of the metal with the tool for transverse wedge roll forming. Results arepresented fron experimental studies to determine the force of deformation during cold rotational reduction. The collection is designed for technologists, designers and scientific workers dealing with the problems of metalworking by pressure. Translation of Table of Contentst 1. Chudakov, P. D., Analysis of Plastic Flow of Isotropically Harden- ing Ma t eri a I. . . . . . 4 0 0 64 . 4. . . . .. . . . . . . 2. Chudakov, P. D., Korobkin, V. D., Inverse Axisyr.%netric Extrusion of Hardening Material ............................................ 8 3. Chudakov, P. D., Method of Two-Way Es,Umates for Plane Strain .... 16 4. Sogrishin, Yu. P., 14eshchanchuk, P. A., Rogalev, A., bf,, Operating Conditions and -Strength of Dies Durin.& High Speed Drop Forging ... 26 5. Deordiyev, N. T. Radyuchanko, Yu. S., Study of the Force Parameters of the Process of Cold Rotational Reduction ...................... 36 2/3 USSR DEORDIYEV, N. T., Propressivnvve tel-linologicheskive protsessy obraboLki metal- lov davlenivem, Moscow, Ilashinostroyeniye Press, flo 243 144 pages 6. Protopopov, 0. V. Biryukov, V. I., Lyashenko, P. It., Study and M:7stery of the Process of Flashless Die Forging of Disc Two-Way Nillin~ Cutters .......................................... I .. . ..~ .......... 46 7. Protopopov, 0. V. , Neshcheryalk-ov, P. V. ~ Low-FlEmh Div- Forging of Double Ended I...'renches ............................ o ............... 54 8. Bol'shakov, G. P., Korobkin, V. D., Calculating the Strength of Integral Dies for Direct Extrusion ................................ 60 9. Chudakov, P. D., Gusinskiy, V. I., Plastic Flow of h1onhardening Material During Extrusion of Tapered Bosses ...................... 69 10, Malinkin, V. S.41 Nikallskiy, L. N., Extrusion Through a Roll Die without Butts ...... * ............................................. 77 11. Udovin, N. T., flikol'skiy, L. 11., Analysis of the Projections of the Contact Area of the Metal with the Tool during Transverse Vedge Rolling ............ I ................. 88 12. Perevozchikov, B. S., Meshchancliuko P. A. , 11rivikov, V. M., Loguilov, V. G. , High Speed brop Forging of Bille ts f rom hilth Speed S teu 1 100 13. Vyatkin, V. P., Shipanov, L. P., Basis for the Rigidity, Noriv, of Crank- Squaring Shears .,,I th an Inclined Blade (Guillatine Type) 119 313 USSR UDC 511 ..&h.YA IlBertrand's PoStillate" gos. red. ip-t 4m. A. I. Gertsona (Scientific Notes of Uch. zaD. Lenin=- A. 1. Gertsen), 1971, 334. Leningrad State Pedagogical InsU -ate imeni pp 218-2~8 (frora 10h-Mateiratika, No 2, Feb .72, Abstract No 2A156) Translation: An elementary proof of Bertrand's postulate is Fiven. - ----- - -------------- --------- ----------- USSR EERAZHDSKAYA, 11. A.,Alma-Ata- School of Higher Sport Proficiency "The Relative Significance of Various Factors of Psychological Preparedness in Sport Training" Moscoir. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kulltury, NO 3, Mar 73, pp 29-31 Abstract: Psychological preparedness is of cardinal importance for athletic performance, although insufficient attention is being paid to this aspect in the training of athletes. Trainers in 16 branches of athletics., competitive sports, and games (131 persons) at Alma-Ata schools of higher sport proficiency were asked to fill out a questionnaire indicating the relative importance for performance in their parl;icular field of seven elements of psychological prep aredness., to wit, training in will power'functioning of the higher nervous sys- tem, functioning of analysors, intellectual development, moral training, emotional education, and esthetic appreciation. Chess and artistic gymnastics were among the 16 fields in question. In the great Mjority of fields (11 out of 16) the trainers attached the greatest importance~to training in will power. This is not surDrising. Tile importance of will power in athletics can be by the folloi-ring two examples. In 1956 at MeDbourne, Tishchenko in the final football game (that between the USSR and Bulgaria) of tile Olympic 1/2 USSR ERRAZT-TINSKAYAl 111. A., Teoriya i Pmkti:Ka Fizicheskoy Kulltury, 110 3, Mar 71 DIP 29-31 meet continued to play for 30 min with a fractured clavicle and was instru- mental in -winning the ramne. In the 1971 competition for the world chtcnpionship in speel sk-ating at Helsinki, N. Stan-kevich of LeningraLi- had a fever on the seco---i day. of the rreet. Ve%-ertheless, she -*mn the race over the distance of POO m and became vorld chara-p-ion. Among the elements of training in will ~er, reliance in one's strength, persistence) self-control, co e, decis- urag ~iveness., activ--ty, initiative, and independence were judged to be of primqxy importance in the questionnaires, in that order. L 12 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-300CT70 I7.TITLE-REACTION OF SURFACE ACTIVE,AGENTS WITH COLLAGEN. 2. EFFECT OF TREATMENT WITH SOLUTIONS OF SURFACEiACTIVE AGENTS ON THE PROPERTIES OF AUTHUIR-(02)-DERBAREMDIKERY P.Lov LIOKUMOVICHt. R.00 C CUNT RY OF INFO-USSR i- -".:SOURCE-IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. 7-AVED., PEKH"NOL. LEGK..'PROM. 19709 (1)t 78-82 DATE~PUBLISHED-70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-SURFACE ACTIVE AGENT# PROTEINt LEATHERv SULFONE ~CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/0949 STEP NO-UR/0323/70/000/001/0078/0082 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0124609 VZ 1~ T T7 T 7 2/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP012-4609 ~,--ABSTRACT-iEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECTS OF TREATING SAMPLES OF ACETC-N-EDRIED RAW HIDES AND SOFTENED HIDES WITH,SOLNS. OF ALKYL, AND ALKYLARENESULFONATES WERESTUDIED.~BY,DETN. OF THE FUSION TEMP. AND AMT. OF:PROTELN EXTI). AT LOW CONCNS. QF~'SURFACTANT'-::THE FUSION TEMP. EMAINED.UNCHANGED, ALTHOUGH THE AMT.; OF:,-IEXTD,. PROTEIN INCREASED. THE R -REDN. OF FUSION TEMP BEGAN~AT A CERTAIN CRIT. SURFACTANT CONCN., AND -:XHE-~REDN. INCREASED ;ITH INCREASE..IN..THE-SURFACTANT CONCN. IT IS THAT THE CRIT. CONCN.~ OFISURFA .CTANT AND THE RATE OF REDN. OF FUSIGN TEMP. WITH INCREASE IN CONCN.~OF-SURFACTANT COULD SERVE AS 'DEXES FOR WORK IN THE LEATHER INDUSTRY CONNECTED WITH THE USE OF SURFACTANTS. FACILITY: UKR.INAUCH.-ISSLE,D-,INST. KOZH.-OSUV. PROMS# USSR* --- ---------- 1/2 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE,--160CT70 ~~T:ITLE-PROTONS POLARIZATION ARISING DURING THE INTERACTION OF 650-840 MEV PHOTONS WITH LITHIUM-7 ANU CARBON-12 -u- :~AUTHOR-(05)-TONAPETYAN, S.G., KONOVALOV, O.G., DEREBCHINSKIY, A.I., BALOVI-A.A., KHVOROSTYANt V.M* _.COUNTRY.OF INFO--USSR -.5101URCE-PISIMA ZH. EKSP* TEOR. FIZ, 1970r IL(3)s 165-8 A)ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICSP NUCLEAR SCIENCE. AND TECHNOLOGY 0_:TOPIC' TAGS--PROTON POLARIZATIONt PHOTONUCLEAR REACTIONi SCATTERING, GRAPHITE, LITHIUM ISOTOPE?. ARBON ISOTOPE, 'PHOTO EMF :'-. C0111TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .:~O,OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ELASTIC GAMMA SPECTRUM, :TROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0242 STEP NO--UR/0386/70/011/003/0165/0168 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105318 UNCLASSIFIED --160CT70 212 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105318 ...ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE POLARIZATION, P, OF P WHICH ~:,-.~ARE ELASTICALLY SCATTERED ON NUCLEI OF GRAPHITE ELECTRODES IWAS CALCD. AT ENERGIES OF PHOTOCURRENTS OF 700-900 MEVt P POL RIZATION FUR NUCLEI OF PRIME7 LI AND PRIME12 C IS CLOSE TO ZERO. IN THE MESON 11 KINEMArIC REG I ON P CHANGES SHARPLY FROM MINUS 0.76tTO 0.48 'AS THE PHOTON ENERGY :..-INCREASED. FOR PHOTONS WITH ENERGIES.650t 715t AND 8qO MEVi IN THE GAMMA PLUS N YIELDS N PRIME NEGATIVE PLUS Pv~P EQUALS MINUS -0 74 MINUS 0.16, AND 1.661 RESP.,*. FACILITY: FIZ.-TEKH. INST., KHARKOVI USSR. M USSR Author's Certificate No 333711, filed 3 Aug 70, published 21 A-Dr 72 (from RM-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Ilychislitel'nava Tekhnika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9A40 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introducesa magnetic pullse counter which contains a storage transformer with recording, readout, feedback,and output windings on a core with rectangular hysteresis loop, a slave squegging oscillator, and a transistorized recording circuit. To improve reliability and ensure stable operation of the counter over a wide range of temperatures, a resistor is connected in the emitter circuit of the transistor in the recording circuit, and an auxiliary stage is added which is based on a transistor in a common emitter circuit whose base is connected through a resistor and capacitor to the emitter of the recording transistor, and the collector of the additional tran- sistor is connected through a commutating capacitor to the base of the transistor in the squegging oscillator. . One of the ends of the record- 1/2 USSR MASHCHIKHIN, G. V. et al., USSR Authorts Certificate No 333711 ing winding is connected to the slide wire on a variable resistor con- nected in parallel with the power supply. A capacitor is connected be- tween the slide wire of the variable resistor and the common line. 2/2 _USSR UDC: 538.4 R -HE SHBz W, S. A. D "GrouD Characterist-ica of Limited Layer 7--liquations in a Magnetic Field and Chemical Reactions" Tr. Kazan. aviats. in-ta (Transactions of the E-azan Aviation In- stitute) 13.70,1 (from RZh-~~_.ekhanika, 1~-'o. 2, 119, pp 100-105 Feb 71, Abstract N'o. 2B14) Translation: On the basis of known methods (see Cvsyannihov, T.. V. O'L u _L u" Grupnovyye svoystva differentsiallnykh uravnoeniy -- Group Charac- L -Pferen-ial ',:ouations -- l'ovosibirsk, Sib. otd. All' teristics o~' Dil U _11 SSSR, 1962) an investi"gation is made of the group characteristics ':' U of a system of equations S of the larainar lim�tin,,! layer ol- an incompressible fluid in a maf,,,netic field -perpendicular to the wall, and in % chemical reaction -Uetwe~m the component3 of a binary Mix- ture. The mass forr!iation speed of the components of the mixture m, as well a.- the magnetic induction B id,,md knoim functions area cons of coordinatus 1-. and y. The expressions obta,inedfor the coordi- nates o--*' the infinites-imal operator determining !he the basic group of trans :torma, tions G of the system S~ are given. These coordina.-tw-es contain five constants and one function, ~ = Three of the constants 9(x) should be chosen such that two equations involving C~ VP '-7-77- USSR DERMEV, S.A., Tr. Kazan. aviats. in-ta, 1970, No 11-9, PP 100-105 (from M-Mek-hanika, No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 2B14) partial derivatives o- B and m with resDect to x and y are otLPin- C.-; ed as concrete E.-xa-rrtpl~-S: 1) ed. The followi.n:,, cases are us cons t, m = const; 2) B = a0+... +an xn I m const, where the a are constants satlsfyin;g, the relationship a In nna0n-lan = 0; B - C/y, m = const; 4) B = Cym, m = const; 5) B = cxn, m const; 6) B and m are arbitrary functions of x; 7) B and m are arbitrary functions of y. In each of.th6se cases, ti-iere arc- in- dependent operators producing Lie algebras of base grr-,,- G. In the second case, for n = 1,,there is a ful 1 set o4j-* indej)endent in- variants through which an invariant-group solution of tile system 8 is constructed. The construction of this solution demands the integration of a system of ordinary different-Jal equations of an indeDendent variable, y(x + a-/a,). A. N. Krayko 0 2/2 25 USSR LJ- A.-S ;,-r0'- DRATENKO, A. M. , SKRBISKIY, A. Institute of Nuclear DERJBENV~ X -'?Eysics, Siberian Depart-ment, Academy of Sciences, USSR "The Dynamics of Particle Polarization Near Spin Resonances" Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, No 4, 1971, pp 1216-1226 Abstract: The motion of particle spin in storage rings (accelerators) is in- vestigated. The methods and results of specified works on the study of spin resonances are generalized for the case of an arbitrary closed orbit. In addi- tion to fir-st-approximation resonances, resonances of higher orders are con- sidered, for which rules for the selection.of.resonating harmonics are obtained. The major part of the work is the.passage of resonances. The con- cept.of-an effective zone and an adiabatic zone is introduccd. A complete solu- tion of the single-passage problem, which consolidates the particular solutions of cited works is presented. On this basis,the problem of the periodic passage of resonance is solved with use of the general nature of spin motion in a periodic field. 1 figure. 17 bibliographic entries, 87 USSR DERBENEV, Ya,,_-, KONDRATENKO, A. M., and SKRINSKIY, A. N., Corresponding 7ca %demy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Me~mber M~t e Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Novosibirsk "On the Motion of the Spin of Particles in an Accumulator With an Arbitrary Field" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 192, No 6, 21 Jun 70, pp 1255-1258 Abstract: Certain general results of practical interest are presented concern- ing a study of the motion of spin in accumulators (or a6.celerators) with an arbitrary electromagnetic field, since studies of the behavior of the polariza- tion of particles in accelerators are ordinarily limited to the case of a mag- netic field that is almost constant in direction. It is shown that there is a periodic orbit n(O), having the sense of direction of polarization of the periodic solution, around which the spin rotates, maintaining the projection in this direction. The spin turns around n through the same angle 21N in a period uf motion in orbit, independent of the place of observation and initial conditions. Of practical importance is the fact that the angular velocity makes it possible to produce the necessary orientation of n relative 1/2 7 65 USSR DERBENEV, Ya. S., et al, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 192, No 6, 21 Jun 70, pp 1255-1258 to the velocity and field at a given point in the orbit. It is pointed out, in conclusion, that the existence of a stable periodic motion of the spin indicates that the beam polarization of an accumulator with an arbitrary electromagnetic field under a closed orbit is stable in the same degree as in an accelerator with a magnetic field that is almost constant in direction, thus opening up broad possibilities for the control of polarization in ac6umulators. 2/2 Ullic. q 11. 3. 6 Id. 1). 5 7~. $9 T. "Me E--alo&icall G-r-entation in the Vork oil V. N. Beklerdshev in the StudV Of wctors of, Tmfecri,=- an-d Freventire ~L-asures Agai=~st Such, Vectors" V. sb. Katerial-ir Nauchn. kcaferentsii, posvyashch.. 50-letivu In-ta Med. paraziteL. I trODich. zed., 19-10 (Proceediuggs of Scientific Conference Ca ~-ratinc- the 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Medical Parasitology and lrcmical M-ecUcine 1970 - collection of works),' Fosccyw, 1970, pp 9-10 (from R2h:-36. Nfedits-inakay Geografiya, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1.36.5) [NO abstract] 1/1 USSR LTDC 615.322 Ye. L. =Q: GARAC-17-1-1 n st i t u,: a of N -0. ian SSR ~cada=y of Sciences 17-krain the YA-nizs oc "Ca7---r.J'z-= iof z;~e and Antivirus Of Ir --~ ~-z lluex-, R2,zz-, niy Vol 35, 'No 4, Jul!Aui; 485-46S vmzn- 25.extracted fro-i Rypericum, per- foram-m L., e:~di-ibirs activity against both viruses and Gram-positive b ic C eria i w, n ta-m-f- vere separated by a --ethood described in earlier work b~ S -k- 6;: 33 1971). It leas shmn that the actiN-It-; of the zut!-.or-s (.0; !r- 7:h., 6, k - isalazf--d fraztiens agaill-st staph. auroa--' 209 dt'd not: oorr,~;,,potid to thil r Leth tis 611d -=,a= =csa- 7--reseiice vl;~ Ca -.rlth: vinas acm-ir-ifty '.Tag -112 DC9 UNCLASSIFIED OROCESSING DATE-30OCT-70 --TITLE--ROLE OF CYCLOhEXANE IN THE DEHYDROCYCLIZATION OF N-HEXANE ON A CHR-CRIUM CATALYST -U- G.V., ROZENGART,~M.I., DERBEN YU.G., KAZANSKIY, B.A. OUNTRY OF INFO-USSR '-.SGURCE-DO, Oy 191(3)r 600-2 KL. AKAD. SSSR 197 DATE PUBLISH-EL--70 AREAS-CHEMISTRY .-TOPIC TAGS-CYCLOHEXANE, HEXANE, CARBOWISOTOPEt CATALYST, BENZENE, ~:CATALYTIC CRAC.KING,.HEXENE .4AFKING----~t%0 RESTRICTIONS STE-.-" CIRC -tu--C-ClSSIC~" NC--~~T-012473---:- "k ` I "I i . ...... --------- 212 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS ING DATE--- TO ~'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0124736 _ABSTRACT/EXTRACT A %_ -(Uj GP-0- ABSTRACT. AFLOW 14ETHOD ~-IAS USED TO - NA' Yz;l THE%REACTIGN PRODUCTS OF HEXANE CYCLOHEXANE ITAGGED W 1 11- L-1 PR I' E 1C 3 AT A 530CEGREES CNAN ALUMINOSILICATE CATALYST. THEICRArKlNiG Pr-ODuCTS WERE -ISGHCXANES, HEXANE, HEXENES, CYCLOHEXANE, AND C SUB6 H SUB"; IT WAS S~ij'i THAT CYCLOI-EXANE IS INOT. FORMED IN THE OVERA' L PROCESS '~ND CAN.NO' _DfATE IN DEHYDROCYCLIZ BE AN INTERMr ATION OF HEXANE TO C SUB6 11 SU56. C SUB6 H SUB6 IS FORMED FRO,"l CYCLOHEXANE SOMEWHATA40RE RAPIDLY THAN IT is FROM HEXANE. THE ADSORPTION COEFFS. OF CYCLOHEXANE,AND HEXANE ON THE -.'CATALYST APPEAR TO BE VERY SIMILAR. FACILITY: INST. ORG. KHIM. 1M. ZELINSKOGO, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 112 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CTTO TITLE--i-I.ETHODS DF INTRODUCING GOST 1-68 AND THEIR PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATIO~ _U_ AUTHOR--OERBISHERP A.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--STANOAROY I KACHESTVO, 1970, NR 51 PP 10-12 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MECH., IND., C_l.VIL AND MARINE ENGR, BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--TECHNICAL STANDARDt RESEARCH FACILITY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAIME--1997/1571 STEP NO--UR/0422/70/000/005/0010/0012 ClkC ACCESSION NO--AP0120350 LF-D - 212 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120350 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ARTICLE EXPLAINS THE ESSENCE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTION MU 1-69 FOR INTkOOUCTION OF GOST 1-68; IT DESCRIBES THE ARRANGEMENTS NECESSARY FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF THE STANDARD. FACILITY: VNIIS. UINIC LASS IF I EO USSR UDC 669.296;5:621.039.5 ANDREYEVA, A. B., BELOKOPYTOV, V. S., VOTINOV, S. N., DEPEBIZOV, M. D., PETIN, B. P., PAKCIMOV, Z. 1. "Study of Fuel Assemblies of the VK-50 Bolling Reactor" Radiatsion. fiz. tverd. tela i reaktornoye_material6ved. V sb. (Radiation Solid.State Physics and Reactor 'Material Science - 'collection of works), Moscow, Atomizdat Press, 1970, Do 20&-212 (from R17h Metallurfiya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 41842) Translation: The results of studying the fuel assemblies of a boiling re- actor after operation in the reactor core.for 5,000 hours are described. The fuel element cores are briquettes of- sintered UO with 27. enrichment. 2 The can material was Zr + 11 Mb alloy, and the jacket material was zr + 2.5% Nb alloy. A significant amOUnt of the hydride phase:was detected in the cans of ruptured fuel elements in defective places. Me article contains 1 illus- and a 4-entry bibliography. UNCLASSIFIED PROCE E--II'SEP7' SSING DAT _....T-tTL.E-.-INDUSTPIAL 'EXPERIENcE F O_R~: 05TA I N ING ELECTRODE COKE FROM VACUUM MANGYSHLAK PETROLEUM"-U- -.-,AUT~OR-7--ZMIY'EVSKIYI-..P.K.v TIMOFEYEVV~~ A.A. 9 MITROFANOV9 M*G-9,' DEREKH, P.A., 'z'--.-.-MART-IROSOVv VaG. -':,COUN_TRY-.-OF~ I.NFO--USSR ~SOURCE_-NEFTEPERERAB. NEFTEKHIM. (MOSCOW) 19701 (1) 5-8 ,:~-QATE. PUBLISHED ------- 70 .,SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY, PROPULSION AND :FUELS .j0lPIC,:-TAGS--PETROLEUM PRODUCT, CRUDE OIL, ELECTRODE, COKE, PETROLEUM ::DIST:ILLATIONq.VACUUM DISTILLATIONt KEROSINEV PETROLEUM DESALTING, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, SULFUR, VANADIUM,: GASOLINE ,:.CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ..,..DOCUMENT CLASS---;UNCLASSIFIED :.:REEL/FRAtAE--1989/1140 STEP '40--UR/0318/70/000/001/0-)35/0009 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107629 UNC.LASSIFIED 2 UNCL AS SI F I ED PROC ESSING DATE --I I SEP70 Cl R CACCESSION N-3--AP0107629 -'A BSTR ACT/ EXTRAC~,,T.-- (,U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RESIDUE, DISTG.'IOPFRCEt4T S-MALLER _THAN OR EQUAL, TO SOO DEGREES, D PRTME20 0.926, ASH 0.06, S 0.26, V :~O.00.1, NI 0.0-02, COKE 8.0, TAR 28, ASPHALTENES 1'.75, OIL 70, HARD TARAFF INS 17: WT. PERCENT, YIELDED# BY-DELAYED COKINGt ELECTRODE COKE ~CONTG_. 7PERCENT VOLATILE MATTER. GOOD RESULTS WERE OBTAINED WHEN THE CRUDE PE -TROLEUM WAS DESALTED TO. 10-15 MG AND THE:RESIDUE CONTAINCD MAX. :':~..-~30-45 MG NACL-,-Lat YIELDING GAS 9PE:kCENTv GASOLINE B. SMALLER THAN OR EOUAL--TO ~OODEGREES 10, KERO51NE, GAS OIL. AND FUEL 62, COKE 16, ~JUCLUDING~EUFCTRODE CO.KE-6.i5-WT. PERCENT* THE.-LATTER,CbNTA'INED S 0.6 ~ANOV 0.0014--~O.0022PERCENT. UN LAMMED USSR UDc: 620.193.19;0'21-723 DERWOVSKIY,_ A. F~., KUKONESIKU, V. F., BOLOGA, M. K., Kishinev "Cavitation and Corrosion Resistance of Metals Protected by Metallized Coatings" Kishinev, Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materialov, No 2(44), 1972, pp 67-70 Abstract: The paper presents the results of studies of the cavitation and corrosion resistance of cast iron.and steel with various thermodif- fusion and electrospark. coatings under conditions of ultrasonic cavi- tation and in noneavitation flows. The standards were specimens of SCh 18-36 cast iron and St.3 steel to which zinc, cbromium.and T15K6 alioy were applied, Plating conditions are given. Steel vit'h electrospark T15K6 alloy coating shows the best resistance to cavitation erosion. 1/1 USSR UDC 621.385.6 KHOTYAINTSEV, S. N.. DERENOVSKIY. It. V. "Study of the Structure of an Electron Beam Shaped by a Ifigh-Perveance Triode Gun in the Current Regulation 'Mode" Kiev, Izvestiya vir-ov SSSR, Radioelektronika, Vol XV, No 8, 1972, pp 1047-1050 Abstract: An experimental study was made of the structure of a beam shaped by a high-perveance triode gun in the currerLt regulation ~ m ode. The schematic of the electron gun is also given. In this node, along with variation of the perveance of the beam, the shape of the beam cross section, the current density distribution and the angle of emergence.from the anode opening vary significantl"'. The results obtained provide a basis for the requirements on the focusing sys- tem and stability of the modulating voltage. In view of significant asymmetry of the beam in the current regulation mode when calculating a real EMS, analysis of a three-dimensional model is required.' Vi 103 YElcuum USSR UDC 621.385.6 KHOTYAINTSEV, S. N., DEREENOVSKIY, M. V., WYACIIENKO, S. M., TAPViENKO, V. P. tiPowerful Electron Guns with Control Electrodes" Kiev, Izvestiya yysshik-h uchebnykh zavedeniy--Radioelektronika, Vol XIV, No 9, 1971, pp 997-1008 Abstract: A survey of foreign and Soviet papers on high-perveance electron guns with low voltage modulation is presented. The characteristic features of the structural elements, calculation techniques, control.characteristics and operating characteristics of electron guns with grid control are investigated. The most prospective guns are guns with control grids located in front of the cathode. Guns with control posts appear effective for devices with high aver- age power operating with a solenoid. The study includes the characteristics of development of controlled guns, guns with control electrodes, a triode gun with th.e."natural" grid potential, the static amplification factor of the triode gun,,operation of guns with grid potentials other than "naturali" the lens effect of -the grid, heating of the grid, grid emission, and designs of-guns with control electrodes. 1/2 USSR KHOTLYAINTSEV, S. N., et al., Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh savedeniy--Radioclek- tronika, Vol XIV, No 9, 1971, pp 9107-1008 The transverse components of the electron velocities in guns with con- trol electrodes in front of the cathode and low voltage modulation are larger than in the analogous diode guns as a result of the lens effect of the grid cells. The ma-nitude of the transverse velocities is minimal for the "natural" grid potential. The average power of the gun is limited to the magnitude at which extraordinary grid heating takes place. Further improvements of the gun characteristics can be expected in guns with low temperature cathodes and in multiple beam systems. Application of a remote focusing electrode for modu- lation. of the electron flux has low efficiency. Electron guns with control posts introduce significant distortions in the beam.structure. Mey are most prospective for powerful devices in which focusing by a constant magnetic field is used. 2/2 167 USSR UDC: 533-9-OT BELIKOV, A. G., GONCHAMIKO, V. P., GONCHARENKO, D. K., DEREPOVSKIY 11 T. B. G., KHIZHNYAK, N. A. "Energy Characteristics of a Coaxial Plasma Source" Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol 41, No 9, Sep 71, PP 1881-1886 Abstract: Some considerations are presented on selecting the parameters of a coaxial plasma source. On the basis of this preliminary theoretical study, a plasma source is determined and its energy characteristics are experimentally investigated. It is shovn that plasmoid energy increases in proportion to the energy, stored in the battery of the plasma source. The total plasmoid energy is greater than 1 M. It is shown that pure hydrogen plasmoids can be produced. Eight figures, bibliography of five titles. 1/1 USSR UDC 621.11/.6:533.6 DEREEVENKO. V. A., MITYUSHKIII, Yu. I. "Study of Gas Flow in Turbine Stages With a Twist of the Blades From the Condition 61 const" Tr. Leningr. koorablestroit. in-ta (Works of Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute), 1971, No. 73, pp 55-59 (from RM-Flekhanika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No BB534) Translation: The effect of a radial gradient Bal/3rl of the exit angle of flow frG.-n a nozzle determining the intensity of reverse twist on the change in the basic Darameters of the stage along the blade is investigated theoretically: the exit angle of flow to the blade in.~relative motion, the exit angle from the working wheel, the degree of reactivity and the work of the gas. The study was made considering the curvatures of the meridional lines of flow caused by the reverse t-wist of the nozzle blades fox, three types of active stages with different reverse twist, and one ai- ent less" reactive stage with working blades--of constant cross section (6a2 ~21) - ~2v = 3G 40') and a twist of thenozzle blades given by rl/sine(Ol - al) = cwst. Formulas for Dtan ajl~rj arc- given for all these 1/2 USSR DEREVENKO, V. A., MITYUSHKIII, Yu, I.. Tr_,....L,en._ingr. koorablestroit. in-ta, 1971, No. 73, pp 55-59 cases. The nozzles for all these stages have the sane degrees of expansion for the same angle of exit from the nozzles at an average rad-Jus ctiav = 160. The calculations were made on the 114insk-111 computer by the Runge-Kutta consecutive approyimation method. The basic results were: (1) it is necessary to take into account the curvature of meridional lines of flow in calculating the stages viith a twist obtained from the condition const; (2) in the event of overlap at the top of the working blade, the calculation should be carried out considering -the different deflection of the lines of flow in the nozzle and working collars for cylindrical bounded surfaces of the circulating section; (3) in active stages with ades the intensity of the reverse curvature of the .untwisted working bla nozzle in the range of difference in angles studied 6a1 = 6aj-0 - CtIv = 70, 181 - 11c' 561 has practically no effect on the distribution of flow para- meters and the characteristics of the stage along the radius: (4) in reactive stages wil-h a twist of the blades determined frai the condition const there occurs a considerably greater dro-o in the reactivity gradient then in active stages. 9 ref. A. G. Plotkina. 2/2 _LASSIFitd-:~ ~PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 019 UK TITLE-STRUCTURE OF THE CARBOHYDRATE CHAINS OF THE BLOOD GROUP SUBSTANCE _~(A PLUS H) -U- LEKHOSHERSTOV, L.M., AUTHOR-05)-KOCHETKOV, N.K., D .,MARTYNQVA, M.D., SENCHENKOVA,. S.N. ..,_COUNTRY W INFO-m-USSR ~.'.SOURCE-CARBOHYD. RES. 1970, 12(3), ~-37-47 ,~DATE.PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES :"TOPIC TAGS--CARBOtlYDRATEY BLOOD TYPEt PEPTIDEw ENZYME, CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRINGENS MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS _~POCUMENT CLA*SS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY~REEUFRAME-1996/0428 STEP NO--t4E/0000/70/OL2!003/0437/0447 _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117664 UNCLASSIFIED '212 019 UNCLASSIFIED.,: PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117664 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE STRUCTURE OF THE CARBOHYDRATE CHAINS.OF BLOOD GROUP SUBSTANCE (A PLUS H) (BGS) lil THE REGION ADJACENT TO THE PEPTIDE BACKBONE WAS INVESTIGATED. TWO APPROACHES ?IERE USED: (I) A STUDY OF THE DEGRADATfON OF 6GS BY A COMB[NATION OF CHEM. AND ENZYMIC (PREPN. FROM CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRINGENS) METHODS, AND (2) A STUDY PF~ THE ALK. DEGRADATION OF BGS BY MEASUREME14T OF THE ACCUMULATED PRODUCTS CF DEGRADATION OF N.ACETYLHEXOSAMINES (3,ACETAMIDOt5tDIHYDROXYET HYLFURAN) AND,D GALACTOSE WETASACCHARINIC ACID AND 5,HYDROXYMETHYL,2,FURAL OEHYDE). THE CARBOHYDRATE PEPTWE LINKAGE UNIT CONTAINS 2,ACETAMIDO,2,DEOXY,O,GALACTC)SE RESIDUES. DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO THIS REGION IS A CHAIN OF SEVERAL N ACETYLHEXOSAMINE RESIDUES BOUND BY (1 YIELDS 3) LINKAGES AND PARTIALLY BRANCHED AT C 6. FACILITY: INST..OkG. CHEM., Moscowl USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 539.1.074.3 BORISOV, A. A., BUGORSKIY, A. P., BUSHNIN, Yu..A., DEREVSHCHIKOV A. A DUNAYTSEV, A. F., ZHIL'CHEN V. D., MATULENIKO, Yu. A., MESHCHANIN, A. P., MIKHAYLOV, Yu. V., NURUSHEV, S. B., SEN'KO, V. A., SL~IIRNOV, V. V., SHIWNW, Ye. V., SISKIN, V. V., SOLOV'YEV,-L. F., and SOLOVYANOV, V. L., Institute of High-Energy Physics, Serpukhov "A Hodoscopic Installation for Investigation of the Elastic Scattering of High-Energy Particles" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 3, May/Jun 73, pp 49-53 Abstract: A description is given of a hodoscopic installation, developed at the Institute of High-Energy Physics, for investigation of the elastic scat- tering of high-energy particles within the pulse range of 30-60 gigaelectron volts/sec. The range of dispersion angles covered by the installation is 0-29 millirads with an angular resolution of + 0.17 millirad. The total solid angle is 39 microsteres. The pulse is iletermined to within + 0.22%. The resolving time is 35 nanosec. The dead time is 50 microsec. The pulse pags band of the spectrometer is 8%. The statistics-setup is up to 106 per hour. The installation is electrically coupled to a "Minsk-22" computer, which stores and processes the information during the experiment, The 1/2 USSR BORISOV, A. A., et al., Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 3, May/Jun 73, pp. 49-53 obtained results are immediately printed out in the form of tables and graphs, and also appear on the oscillograph screen. Monitoring equipment has been developed, which keeps track of proper operation of the hodoscopes. The first results have been obtained on thescattering of 7--mesons on nuclei at a pulse of 50 gigaelectron volts/sec and of protons within the initial-pulse range of 30-60 gigaelectron volts/sec. 3 figures. .2 tables. 3 references. 2/2 153 r -1/2 ._'025 U'NCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 :;T-IT`LE_-USE OF~ A BOLOIMETRIC METHOD TO MEASURE RADIANT LOSSES IN Ali IMPLUSE PLASMA,'ACCELERATOR -U- :,AUTHOF-f02)-DEREVSHCHIKOVv V.A., RUSAKOVT Nov.. CUN T R Y,1 OF INFO--USSR :,S OURC E-40 SCOW, TEPLOFILIKA VYSOKIKH TEMPERATUR, VOL 8, 1,10 1, JAti-FEa 70, PP 17~_21 ."j)ATE PU3LtSHED------70 w-, SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS JOPIC TAGS--PLASMA ACCELERATORt BOLOMETGR, RADIATION RECEIVER :.i.CONTRoL MARKING--NO RESTkICTIONS ~..DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 1"PROXY REEL/FRAt4E--1997/1803 STEP tNO--UR/0294/70/008/001/0017/0021 ~,-CJRCACCESSION NO--AP0120494 UNCLASSIFIED :2/2 025 UNCLASSIF~IGD 'PROCESSING DATE--230CT7C -C IRC 4CCESSION NO--AP0120494: .-,ABSTR.ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MICROFICHE OF ABSTRACT CONTAINS GRAPHIC INFORMATION. A PROCEDURE 15 PROPOSED FOR MEASURING RAOIANT LOSSES IN AN EROSION IMPLUSE PUASMA-ACCELERATOR BY USING R.APID RESPONSE RADIATION RECEIVERS PLACED A CONSIDERABLE DISTANCE FROM THE RADIATING ~_.'.,VOLUME OF THE PLASMA TO ISOLATE.THE EFFECT OF BOMBARDMENT BY PLASMA PARTICLES FROM THE EFFECT OF RADIATION'. LOSSES OF E%.ERGY To RADIATION ARE MEASURED IN END TYPE Ai~[) COAXIAL A-CCELERATOR,MOriELS. 01AGRAMS OF THE ACCELERATOR MODELS ARE-SHOWN IN THE FIGURE. IN THE END TYPE MODELi LOSSES ARE 16-24PERcENT FOR AN ALUMINUM CENTRAL ELECTRODE AND ~,,_7-10PERCENT FOR A LITHIUM ELECTRODE. LOSSES COME TO 3-5PERCENT FOR THE COAXIAL MODEL. MOST OF THE RADIANT LOSSES FALL.I.NTO THE VACUUM ULTRAVIOLET SPECTRAL REGION, WHICH POINTS URTHE UNDESIRABILITY OF USING QPTICAL.~FILTEPS IN SUCH MEASUREMENTS.~~THE AUTHORS THANK YU. P. RYLOV .-FOR INTEREST IN THE WORK AND DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS, AND 1. N. POPOV FOR ASSISTANCE IN MAKING THE BOLOMETER. .. 1 INITIATING ELECTRODE; 2 EXTERNAL.ELECTRODE; 3 INSULATOR;~4.CEINTRAL ELECTRODE. FACILITY: ALL-UNION SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INST1,16TE OF ELECTROMECHANICS. UNCLASSIFIED ract ng ~-?i Ref. Code: ACC. N Ab~~ i service. > ~WS4926 '/ - INTERNAT. AEROSPACE ABST. a/y 4 /QF \M- N C' DS , films in thin t f r irstion s o" A70-25,Ul Inarmiaery rao , 9f a con&njed ewbon jPmm*ztwtadny9 stadi-s-grafitizatsii V 1kh plenka" kwxIw"WwWKwW'4*rQda) B T Boiko- L.,~ ak w and, . ~A. Ne~ctfttdil (?~har'kov*4 Palatnik. A. S. DeraialiWjr-k-o Politekhnicheskii Institut, Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR). Fizika TVVrd090 , Tela. VO I - 12, Feb. T370, p~, 492-498. 24 rets. I n H ussi an. Electron diffraction study of carbon films obtained by using an electron beam techni u involving' ensation in q e cond vacuum on an unheated substrate. It -is found that the film consists of. aggregates of, oriented and nonoriented coherent scatteriM region's banded by disoriented carbon aggregates. Both'.oriented and nonoriented coherent scattering regions are formed by parallel packed graphite latticm Large interlattice distances in these blocks, indicate on characteristic to graphite impairments In the mutual orilentations of the parallel lattices. This, impairment. is due to theinsertionof carbon 9-torns between the lattices and formation of,disordered, strongly supersaturated solid solutions.. Z.W 4h/ C REEL/FRME 1984013~O USSR UDC 911.3.616.981.452(574) LAVROITSKIY, A. A. , KVCHEROV, P. I M. , OPTYMOVA, A. F. , ROZHK OV,, A, , A. E EVVY' '-CHEM_KO, K. 1. , ITATSUCA, - V. G., BAKHTIGOZIN, 1. A., RONKOV, A., 11 ZOV, F_ D., UNRUS1111M, P. A., and DUBYAGIN, P. S. "Survival of Plague Bacteria During Interepizootic Years in the Sands Focus Area Between the Volga and Ural River"' V sb. Probl. osobo opasn. infektsiv (Problems of Especially Dangerous In- fections -- collection of urorks) Vyp. 4 (14). Saratov, 1970, pp 94-104 (from Geograftya, Separate Issue, No 4, Abstract I-To 4.36.93) Transla-tion: A list is presented of reasons for the abrupt decrease in epizootic activity in the sands plague focus between the Volga and Ural Ri-vers. Plazue bacteria, however, did not disappear frorm the biocenotic focus syste-in, as cvideicad by the epi_zootics of 1962-1963 and 1966 and the isolated cases of isolation of bactcrial cultures from gerbils during de- pressed phasezs of 11rocuS lilfe. it beco=es more and more evident that the phenome.non of microfocal_iV; is an indispensible attribute of existence of plaGue bacteria in tha biocellosis. Materials oil landscape adjustment of partictil.arly stable plague epizoaLics facilitate tile definition, in tile 112 4 SSR LAVROVSKIY, A. A., et al., Probl. osobo opash. infektsiy (Problems of Especially Dangerous inIfTections -- collection of Works) Vyp. 4 (14). Saratov, 1970, pp 94-104 (from 10h -Me di ts ins kaya -Geo gra fiy a, Separate, Issue, No 4, Abstract No 4.36.93) Volga-Ural sands area, of, several riore significant regions where the plague pathogen apparently survives even during depressed phases of focus activity. 2/2 46- USSR UDC 1537-226+53'T-311-331:1537+5351 A. I and K _IgREVYUK 'URILENICO 0. D. "Analysis of Dielectric Relaxation in Plane of Complex Permittivity" V sb. Fiz,khim. mekh. i 1-'Lofillnost' dispersn. sistem (Physicochemical mechanics and Lyophilic Nature of Disperse Systems Collection of Works), Vyp- 2, Kiev "Hauk Danika," 1971, pp 141-147 (from RZh-Fizika No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 10YE593 from summary) Translation: On the basis of the symbolic method a forml analysis is made of frequency dep2ndences of the dielectric parameters of a substance, and the properties of equivalent eircuits.are discussed in term3 of complex pe=.iittivity and complex specific electrical conductivity. Certai.-6 new properties of dia- grams in the complex plane are . established, and on this basis simple correla- tions for finding dispersion parameters are suggested.; 0 END CSO: l8r)p-w 71 kdc;. Nr. - - Abstricting Se'rvice., Ref. C6de 00055216 CHDIICAL ABST.~ 061 a Effect of the Impurity t an r 113 content of hy4agenated fa its 19tration rate. Kamyshan, M. A.; Dere*Vankol E. A. (Krasnodar. Politekfi. inst., Krasnodar, UMM 4'j-Msvi~&Z*sr. erom. 191u, 40M, 11712S kKUSS rate of filtration. of hydrogenated fat is substantially influenced by inbstames con- tained in raw fat and byprod-~i.. formed durfi~g refining and hydrogenation. Therefore, the complete'removal of phnspho- lipids, waxes, soaps, and other rongtituents is'.necessary. The presence of 0.5-1.0% phospholipids. decreases rate of filtration 70-80%, 0.025% xanthophyll decreases the rate 80-71/'c.; 0.5% cholesterol -50%, 0.1% waxes 5070, and 0.31% waxes 80%. The presence of soaps decreases tht filtration rate as follows 0.003570,.N:a soap -23%, 0.004% Mg soap -40% 0.004% Fe soap -55%; and 0.01% Ni soap -70%. Because the main part of impurities is collected on the catalyst (by reuse many times) it may be the main reason for difficulties in filtration of hydrogenated fats. Therefore, the reuse of the catalyst should be stopped before difficulties occur. M. Zajcew r REEL/FROM 1:9840432 UR 0482 A 00434W A Soviet7lhventidns-Illustrated,.S,ection_,,It lectrical, Derweht, 26 OSCIME ~CIRCUIT consksta of a variable capacitor, desipeo, in such a way that. the fixed plates (2) 413.0 pairf6in as, inductive coils and .,the moving plates UY bavat"An additionalfunctiont of being magnetic cores of the inductors.: Both types of plates have been shAped as,-Archiawdean spirals. The ascillations*are'gonerated by~producing~one potential on leads (5 & 10) and a different one on the lead (6). Bellows (9) &to used for vary#& th Ie relative inductance and capacitance. The coiaponent is encased in a Slassherm aticallyLsealed.eni,relope (11). 3.7.67 As 1171030126-9~1. S.~FOPOV. I~"z Wymm (9.10.69) Bul 18128.5.6i. -class 21&4. Int-CkI. H 03h. 19761802 19761803 USSR UDC 541.135.2 + 621.359-? DIELESHKO, V. P., ISAYEV, N. I., PESTUSHKO, N. P., DBREUAKK-Q~,~L A TSYGUROVA,. L. I. , and BORISOVSKIY, 1. V.. , Voronezh Technologicbl'--l Institute "Electrochemical Regeneration of the Mixed Salt Forms of Anion Ex- changer AV-17" Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, Vol 45, No 2, Feb 71, p 482 Abstracti COMDleteness of regeneration of mixed chloride and su-1fate forms of the anion exchanger AV-17 was studied;as a function of current density, time and the ratio of above ionic, forms ~ T-' was shown that the chloride-form regenerates better than the sulfate form* When the current density applied was 15 ma/cm2p after 5 hrs of regeneration and ClIS04 ratio 111, 3205% of the 01-form regenerated, and 30% of the S04-fOrm; with a 31l ratio Of Cl:S04 the values'were .34% and:31% respectively. 17 Public Heali~:,`Hyg i a~A Sinitation USSR UDC 613.632:6)2.qYf]:(63l-37:6Z9.l3 and KLrSN,;(O, A. A.,~All Union Scie'ntific. Research institute for the Agricultural and Special Use of Civil Aviation. Krasnodar ygienic Evaluation of Working Conditions During Aerial Spraying of Met rcap- hylme tophos",, Moscow, Gi- -Vona i Sanitariya, No 7, Jul 70. PP 101-1U G-, Translation: The extensive use of aviation to control crop alid forest posts and diseases, uridesirable vegetation, and vectors of infectious diseases makes it nocoazary to take steps to protect the health of those engaged in this work. The working conditions of those handling mothylmorcaptophos on An-Z planes were stuaied in June and July 1967 in Tashkentskaya Oblast. Uzbek SSR, The tanks were jnvariably filled with the chemical manually. Air was sampled for its methyl- tophos content in the cockpit while the pilot was,ongaged in various opera- during flight to the designated plot, at the.time of spraying, and while filling the tank (with ventilation on The average coAcentration of the coxpound under these conditions ranged from 0.137 to 0-8?1 mg/m-~. The air tem- perature in the cockpit ranged from 17 to:40.49C and tho relative humidity from 19 to 81% at atmospheric air temperatures of 14.4 to 350,C and relative humidities 1/3 -------------7777 ---- ~7 USSR DEREIIYANKO, L. et a!, Gi-liyena iSanitariya, No 7, Jul 70, pp 101-102 of 37 to 90- The highest temperature inside the cockpit was 350C at an atmos- pheric air temperature of 310C. Thus, the uncomfortable microclimatic conditions together with the high methylzmercaptophos content are unfavorable for the crew. in addition, the plane is quite noisy.and,creates vibrations. Cardiovascular re- actions and heat regulation were studied in pilots during exposure to the above unfavorable factors. Aviation technicians and mechanics, who are exposed to the che.~;cals to a lesser degree, served as a control group. The temperature and humidity at which they work match the climate of the surrounding locality and they are exposed to vibration and noise only briefly. The investigation showed that the temDerature on various parts of the skin in both pilots and mechanics at the end of the flights significantly increased in direct proportion to the rise in air temperature around the work places- The skin temperature was somewhat higher in pilots than in mechanics. A comparison of ,:t)ie results of our studies with literature data (G. Kh. Shakhba-zyan, 1947; D-A. Biryukov, 1959) showed that pilots and mochani4cs are uncomfortably:warm by.the end of the flight. The elevated uez?erature of the skin of the extremities, which under,fa,vorable conditions is the main source of heat emission is particularly unfavor * ble. Arterial pressure a and pulse rate wore also investigated in the same workers. By the end of the USSIR DEREVYANKO, L. D., et al, Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 7, Jul 70, pp 101-102 %;orkday, both syst lic and diastolic pressures were high, and the increase in v0 diastolie pressure was statistically significant. Also statistically significant was the drop in pulse pressure at the end of the day against the background of a rapid pulse. it was more pronounced in,the pilots. All these findings indicate cardiovascular strain associated with aerialspraying,in Uzbekistan. The absence of a hypotensive affect, as noted in.the literature, despite the high temperatures ard exposure to organophosphorus compounds (Yu. S. Kagan, 1963; Kh. Z. Lyubetskiy at al., 1961; and others), seems to haveobeeh due to the predominance of the ner- vous-emotional factor, whdch resulted. from -the nu-Porous, take-offs and landings (30 to 40) and speed Of flight (150 to 160 :on/hour) at low heights (about 5 m abovethe ground). Noise also helps to,raiso::arterial pressure (V. S. Volkov, 19606). Hypotension in fliers and mechanics engaged in Aerial spraying in Uzbeki- stanwas observed during quartorly,medical-check-ups (L. D. Dererfanko, 1967). This is not inconsistent with the above Iftyr1ings, because during the examination the.individuals are in a situation froe from. nervous and emotional stress, noise, arid vibration. The working conditions of tho aerial spraying can so engaged in ~be improved by preventing the che=cals from entering the cockpit (through in- e air pressure in the cockpit stallation of a ventilation system that guarant as of 15 to 20 HZO) and by creating a comfortable microclimate there. 3/3 USSR UDC 539/077, DEREVYANKO, N. I. and KOMrICF., A. M., Kharkov Structural Engineering Insti- ~* Fute and )T-MM State University "Mechanics of an Elastic Body With Internal Rotations" Kiev,, Prikladnaya Mekhanika, Vol 8, No 12, D c 72, pp'93-99 e Abstract: The deformed state of a medium is described with the aid of the strain tensor, curvature tensor and vector of local slew and its derivatives. The stress state of a medium is characterized by.the tensor force stresses, the two tensors of moment stresses and the vector of volume moments. The work of internal forces and moments, elastic energy, physical relationships and equations of motion were recorded. :The resolving equations of plane strain with the addition of three functions of stresses were compiled. The problem of deformation of an unbounded plate with a circular opening was reduced to a system of two integral equations of the Volterra type. The plane problem- contains tvo characteristic parameters with the dimension of length. 4 bibliographic references. 1/1 PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 UNCLASSIFIED 6 IN TREATMETN OF GONORRHEA IN MEN EFFICACY OF BICILLIN AUTHOR-104)-KOZIN, S,L,r l(RAVCHENKO, V.G., DEREVYANKO, R.V.t SEDASHt V.Ao --USSR COUNTRY OF. INFO ~SOURCE-VESTNIK DERMATOLOGII I VENEROLOGIll 1970, NR 5, PP 75-78 ~DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MED[CAL SCIENCES ...TOPIC TAGS--VENEREAL DISEASEt ANTIBIOTIC, DRUG DOSAGE RESPONSE/(U)BICILLIN 6:ANTIBIOTIC ,-_CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/2046 STEP NO--UR/0206/70/000/005/0075/0079 :,rIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0122275 UNr LA S S I F 10 ........ ....... 2 3)CT7 0 2/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED KOCESSING DATE CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0122275 GP-0- ABSTRACT. DICILLIN 6 IN OOSES OF lr200,000 'ITS WAS USED FOR 'TREAT' ENT OF 120 PIEN WITH FRESH TO 21400,000 UN A GONORRHEA. FAILURE OF TREATMETN WAS OBSERVED 114 10PERCENT OF THE PATIENITS DURING THElk STAY IN THE HOSPITAL. POSTGONNORRHEAL URErHRITES WERE OBSERVED IN 21.7PERCENT OF THE PATIENTS.. IN;SOME PATIENTS WITH GONORRHEA FAILURE OF TREATMENT WAS OBSERVED AFTER.A SERIES OF -SUCCESSIVELY,USED ANTIB19TICS. TREATMETN~WITH BICILLIN 6 WAS FOUND TO BE MORE EF,FECTIVE THAN THAT WITH WATER SOLUKE PE141CILLIN IN THE SIMILAR DOSES. FACILITY: KHARIKOVSKIY N-I~INSTITUT DERMATOLOGII VENEROLOGIlt AND KHAR'KOVSKIY OBL-ASTNOY KOZHNO-VENEROLOGICHESKIY DISPANSER. UNICLASSIFIE0 7L UIX 612-BPI-8:52-9:629.7 I'MMIARITMS IV T'DT PMCFT1rION 114 SIW'ATI'D AND MAL FLIGICr [Article by e S., All-=Zhev ---A-11 nk I Y -.4, ,c Mosccrw, 6,3' -7 on 14- 2, M.,ch-April 19-(2, Kosmiches pp ZU-1-9. cublaitted for publication 15 lomrch'1971] Abstract- This paper prevents e*mrimental data accumulated concerning the! peculiaxitlen of time perception during real and simulated flights.. The levt!l of dictortion itnd the accuracy in reproducing ztipulated time pvriods can be attributed to tht difrLrent, dv9rce of nul-wrous and emotion- ca stress of,the pilot (apace pilot). Thin in turn dc- pends.on the comploxity and the hazard of the task to be performed, that Is, on flIght.conditiona. During a real flight ujndei norm -al mcteorolvgical conditions, as well as during a slmilLUO flight,, the ut1pulatei time interials are reproduced In an extcndi~d form. Ihis in due to the presence of working dominant foci in the cortex of the large MmInphares. During flights In a cozplicnted Lnvir- onment and at extremely low altituden in a turbulent at- mosphere the proconzes in the britin cortex are depre"ed b,,, a generalizmd oxcitation Induccil by ematiolvAl ut-reus. This results in shortening of the reproduced time inter- YMIr . One of the! important conditions rnr'aring cffccLlve per!'amr-ance of a flight mission In the capacity or the flier or caos-monaut for correctly orient. Ing himnelf in time. During training the flier vr cosmonaut iv~qrover thi., capacity, enabling him to mr-Itch his attention correctly to thoile objects vhich are most importe-nt at the particular momLnt. It Is well known that emotional excitation exertu a conviderable in- rluence on the time perception process (H. V. Ponomarcv; D. 0. E.Ilkin; A. A. Z leonov iLnd,V. .1. Labedev; D. D. Sherman, and others). Accordingly, research- oro in the field of aerospace medicine were faced with the problem or the 136 DSSR UDC -21-396.677-833 DERYUGIN, L. N., ZERE~~, S. S., and CBDMT, A. V. "Some Problems of Construction and Design of Mirror Antenna Systems for Investigating the Propagation of Submillimeter Uaves" Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. po rasprostr.,radiovoln.. Tezisy d9kl, (Tenth All-Union Conference on the Propagation of Radio blaves; Report Theses--collection of i.,orks). "NI'auka 1972, pp 117-121 (from RZh--11adiotekhnika, Yo 10, 1972, Abstract No 10B48) Translation: Results are given of an investigation into mirror an- tennas of large electrical dimensions used for researching the propagation of submillimeter waves over short rar-ges.. The trans- fer factor of an experimental. communications line is computed; the effect on it of various phase errors is considered. Results are given of measuring the characteristics,of the antenna systems. A method of tuning, and adjusti-xig antennas in the Fresnel zone is described. Four illustrations, bibliography of,one. 1-1. S. 1/1 USSR UDC 621-396.677-833 DERYUGIN, L. IT., DEREZA, S. S., and CHEKAIT, A. V. "Some Problems of Construction and Design of Mirror Antenna Systems for Investigating the Propagation of Submillimeter Waves" Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. pq rasprostr. radiovoln. Tezisy dolcl. (Tenth All-Union Conference on the Propagat'lon of R'adio L'aves; Report Theses--collection of works) 1111auka," 1972, pp 117-121 (from RM--Radioteldmika, No 10, 1972, Abstract No 10D~B) Translation: Results are Ziven of aninvestigation into mirror an- tennas of large electrical dimensions used for researching the , propagation of submilli-meter i.,aves. over short ranges. The trans- fer factor of L-m experimental communications line is computed; the effectIon it of various phase errors is considered. Results ,;re given of measu:ring the characteristics of the antenna systems. A method of tuning and adjusting antennas in the Fresnel zone is described. Four illustrations, bibliography of one. III. S. 1/1 Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr. (Works of Leningrad Institute of A:Lrcraft Instrument Manufacture), 1970, vyp. 66, pp 174-179 (from RZh- Mekhanika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1B392 by G. V. Vronskiy) Translation: The article considers equations of motion of aircraft equipped with an automatic pilot which maintains horizontal flight at a constant speed despite expogure to random vertical and ~transverse uncorrelated gusts of wind possessing the same spectral density. The solution was accomplit3hed wi th the help of analog computers; at the same time the generation of random gusts with prescribed spectral density was effected by means of a shaping filter o" the "white" noise produced by a random signal generator. During simulation, pitch-, bank- and yaw-angle,sigrials, as well as their angular velocities and accelerations were simultaneously tape-recorded on a multi- channel ascillograph. After processing on the correlator, autocorrelation 1/2 USSR DERGACHEV, P. B., et al., Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr. (Works of Leningrad Institute of Aircraft Instrument Manufacture), 1970, vyp. 66, pp,174-179 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 1, Jan,71, Abstract No IB392 by G. V. Vronskiy) functions of these signals were obtained, which arerepresented in the form R (r) D je-u~111 cos P,,c + ILC~1`1 sin 152,01 The authors present a table of coefficients a., a2' 2 P. corresponding to the above-indicated signals. 2/2 ....... ........ .... .. ........ .................. ... USSR uDc.612.821-2.o17.4 ~PCEF V. V. and DOLGOV, 0. N., Biomedical Faculty, Second Moscov Medical nstitute I. Pirogov "Suppression of Memory in Rats With Antibodies to the Brain of Trained Rats" Moscow, ByuUeten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i Meditsiny, No 4, 1971, pp 12-15 Abstract: Rats were conditioned to escape from and avoid an electric current. Gama globulin obtained from the serum of rabbits immunized with brain homo- genates from the trained rats was injected into a group of untrained rats. The experimental animals proved to be much worse than the controls in acquiring and retaining the motor-defense skill of escaping from and avoiding the elect- ~ric current. The authors conclude,that training alters the brain antigens as vpU,as the spectrum of proteins synthesized in the brain or of related sub- stances that are specific to the skill studied. USSR uDc 616.89-ooB.46-053.2-085-350:577.164.1 gU*AGNA-Z,_ZX,,,PIVO',1AROVA, G. N., KWAGANOVA T. G.$ SHAGINYAN, Ye. V., KRASNUSHKINA, N. A., KULIKOVA, N. V., and YOKRMKIY, V. B.J Me-dico-Biological Second. Moscow Medical Institute imeni.M~I. Pirogov and;Department of Higher Nervous Activity Institute of-Hygiene.of.Children and Adolescents, _'.Ministry of Health USSR "Orotic and Folic Acids and Vitamin E~2 in the Treatment ofiChildren with Memory Disorders" -82 Sovetskaya Meditsina, Vol 33, No 7, Jul 70, PP 78 Abstract: Since the genetic apparatus contained in all cells preserves not only phyl,ogenetic but also ontogenetic information., and. since nucleoproteins and nucleic acids are essential constituents of the memory.mechanism, a'study-was undertaken in which the cofactors and precursors of proteine.:and nucleic acids -- orotic acid, folic.acid,.and vitamin Bio -- were administered to a group~of children with disturbed memor-11 The results indi6htedthat even though short-term memory, attention, and certain other mental functions were not affected, long-ter-4vmemory improved signif- Positive results can be obtained only-if,treatment is begun early,, before marked organic changes develop in the,central nervous system. END - 5915 USSR UDc: 621-317-729:621-373-023 LEVIN, M. M., DERGACHEVA2 L. F. it An Installation for Measuring the Phase Structure of an SHF Field" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii po radiotekhn. izmereniyam. T. 2 (Re- ports of the.All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on Radio Engineer- :ing.Measurements. Vol. 2), Novosibirsk, 1970, pip 97-98 (rrom RZh-Radioteklinika, No 12A318) 'No 12,:Dec 70,.Abstract Translation: A distinguishing feature of the proposed installation is the absence of movable SHF channels.. The master phase shifter is a system (quadripole) of two antennas, the phase rotation introduced by this system dil ed Froome in- being proportional to the spacing between antennas. A mo Li 'terferometer is used to determine the phase shift introduced by the master -ohase shifter. Procedural and instrument errors are analyzed. The total on (at a frequen GHz) is~ e~ -error of the installati cy of 10 stimated at ~,The estimate is confirmed by measurements of the:field structure of a point source. Bibliography of one title. E.~ L. 0 1 CESSING OATE--o2nCT70 P R 0 I. f-TL E-'- L E CT R DC HE M I C 4 LSEPARATION OF INDIUM,CONTAINING PULYMETALLIC 'AALC -AMS IN A C HL O%~ I LIE TARTRATE ELECTROLYTE -U- A LlThOk- (0 3.) -KU Z LN, L.F . DERGACHEVA B CHERNIY, G.M. :CCjU,'JT[,Y- OF INF0--USSP. SCURC E-- Z H. VRML. Kill."- (LENINGRAD) 1970, 43(3), 560-7 RATE.,.PUBL. ISHED ----- -70 -SUBJECT-AREAS-MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY j'.OPIC TAGS-AIMALGAM, ELECTROCHE?-IISTRY, INDIUM CONTAINING ALLOY, ,:ELECTROLYSIS, CHLORIDE, ELECTROLYTE c bN T P CL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS TIOCUMFIVT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RFLL/FFAP1E--19qZ/0741 STEP Nf)--UR/0080/70/Oit3-/OO3/05'50/0567 .CI RC AACCESSION NO-AP0111934 UPIC, L IiS S I F I r 1) 212 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--02JCT70 IC-IRC. ACCESSIVIN NO--AP0111934 -..A.t3STRACT/EX,TRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ELECTROCHEM. BEHAVIOR OF 4ETALLIC -AD-4 I XTS.~. IS-,STUDIED FROM POLAkIZATION CURVE.S. AS AN33E Alli) CATHODE, '10PEKCENT: IN AMALGAM IS.USED. SIMULTANEOUS- DISCHARGE OF IN WITH I,;.-)PE ELECTRONEG.IMETAL ADMIXTS. (C), GAt ZN)lIS STUDIED 3Y INTR9DUCTION OF METAL CHLORIDES INTO THE ELECfROLYTE AND DETG. THE: Of STRIBLIT IJN )F THE -AD,'-11XTS. -IN THE SYSTEM ELECTROLYTE IN AMALGAM (CATHQDE). AFTER EACH EXPT., THE CATHODE AMALGAM IS DECOMP0. ELECTROLYTICALLY UP TO THE :.POTENTIAL QF PURE HG. THE IMETAL ADMIXTS., ARE DETD.: COLOIR IAETRI CALL Y. IaTHE POLARUZATION CURVES SHOW THAT SIMULTANEOUS ANODIC REACTIONS OF IN ...-AND ACCOMPANYING ELEMENTS (CU, BI, PB, AND SNI AS WELL AS THE CATH3DIC .-REACTIONS OF~THE DISCHARGE OF TLv-GAj CDt AND ZN IONS 00 NOT TAKE PLACE. WITH~._USE OF A CALCN. ANAL. METHOD, PARTUTION COEFF,S. F33 PB IN, CD IN, AND -1N -IN ~WERE 10 PRIME4, .1.9 TIMES 10 AND 1.8 TIMES 10 PRIME3, MAY D[-c'o'FAsE oUF ~RFSP. THE AMT, OF THE: MORE ELECTRONEG.: METAL ADMf XTS. _T0 A SECONDARY REACTION BETWEEN THE IN IONS OCCURRIN' IN THE LAYER NEAR ELECTPODE, AND THE DISCHARGE METAL.- THE UPICL ASS IFIED USSR UDC 624.131.113+539.21.084-492.3 nrPr-'TT rif M- A-, SOKOLOV, YU. A. "Evaluating the Consolidation of Clay R6ck Under Hydraulic Dump Formation" V sb. Vopr. marksheyder. dela na o LI-xytykh razrab. Ch. 1 (Problems of Surveying in Open Workings. Part 1 -- Collection of Works), Belgorod, 1971, pp 93-97 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar.72, Abstract No 3V856) Translation: The authors use a finite difference method to solve the one-dimen- sional problein of filtration consolidation of layers of clay soil under hydraulic dump formation. An analytical calculation of the pore pressure is made by the V. A. Florin method. The distribution of pore pressure in the clay layer is determined by dividing the calculated thickness of the layer I into n equal seg- ments- for equal time intervals At. The use of a series of dimensionless quantities makes it possible to reduce the number of independent. variables and obtain a general solution for a limited number of particular solutions. A program was developed for the calculation on the "Mir" computer for the values of the coe"fi- cients of the poT-- pressure w for different time inter~ials At. Knowipg the the coefficient of pore pressure W, one can construct a diagram o' the values of 1/2 own USSR DERGILEV, M. A. , SOKOLOV, YU. A. Vopr. marksheyder. dela na otI, -ytykh razrab. a -Ch-. -1, Belgorod, 1971, pp 93-97 distribution of pore pressure at a given time from any load that changes linearly with time. A program of calculations was developed on the "Mir" computer for the case of a change in conditions of hydraulic dump formation and nomograms of the pore pressure were constructed for a large series of values of At. The value of At is determined on the basis of given values of I and the coefficient of consolidation C and the necessary nomogram is selected for this value, where the annual distribution of pore pressure under the application of a single normal load is represented. The programs compiled are recommended for use in designing hydraulic dumps of various stripping soils for purposes of predicting the nature of the distribution of porepressure with time. Yu. P. Lyapichev. 112 bSSR UDC: 51:621-391 DERGIIEV, V. V. k"Selection of Code in e- System of Residual Classes When Constructing Teleinformation Systems" V sb. Teoriya i praktika istolIz. sredstv tekhn. kibernetiki. Kn. 1 (Theory and Practice in Using Facilities of Technical C~rbernetics--col- lection of works, Book 1), Novosibirsk, 1970,(1~71), P*P 17-20 (from RZh- -Kibernetika, No 7, Jul 71, -Abstract No 7V573) Translation: Estimates are presented for rates of transmission of mes- sages for various equivalent a system of residual classes. It is shown that for a noiseless channel, the redundancy of the codine decreases with an increase in the values of the selected bases and a reduction in code length. In the case of additive interference and uniform distribution of signal level with respect to;the figures of the bases, codes with a small value of therfirst base of.the set,of mutually simple code ba3es ba-r-- the greater resistance to interference. V. Dyn'- kin. 1/1 USSR tw 62o. 1-79-15 KOVONOV, B A.J. DERGOBUZOV., K. A., Yh-ISTIGNEYEV, V. V., ZYKOV;.V..M.3 XJDENKO, V: N. "127d- M., Scientific Research Institute of -Electron Introscopy, Tomsk Polytechnic Institute imeni S. M. Kirov- "Experimental Dialuation of the Possibilities of Electron Defectoscopy" .(Paper presented at the Sixth International,Conference an Nondestructive Control Methods, June 1-5 1970, Hannover, GFR) Sverdlovsk, Defektoskopiya, No 2, 1971, pp 94-98 Abstract: The status and prospects for fast electron defectoscopy are discussed. An account is given of investigation results of the use of betatron electron beams for defectoscopy of layer materials., It is demonstrated that radio- graphic and ractiometric (including spectrometric) methods of electron defecto- scopy can be applied successfully for solutions of many,tasks with a.sensitivity of 0.5%. The experimentally derived dependence of the intensity of a reflected electron flux on the thickness of the aluminum coating on the backing of differ- ent-materials shows that -w-kth increasing thickness of the coatin;- the intensity of the flux decreases or increases,.depending.on whether.the.atomic'number of the coating is smaller or greater than that of the backing. Three figures, l1 bibliographic references. USSR uDc: 661.66+677 DERGUNOY, FROLOV, V. I., RIPP, N. Ye., SOSEDOV, V. P.,BARABANOV, V. if. "Toughening of Carbon Fiber Under Cyclic Loading" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 210, No 1, 1 May 73, PP 70-71 Abstract: It was found that carbon fibers obtained by heat 'Ureating poly- acrylonitrile filaments are toughened by cyclic stressing, The maximum toughening effect is observed when the maximum stress in a cycle is 60% of the ultimate strength of the fiber and 1000 cycles are used. The results are attributed to localized plastic deformation with resultant stress relaxation, as well as the crushing of fibrils. Increasing the number of stress cycles to 10,000 and the maximum stress in a cycle to 80% of the ultimate strength of a, fiber brings the toughness of carbon filaments back to the original level. This is explained by an increase in cracks and pares. 1/1 USSR UDC 53�.61:620.17:546.26 VOLKOV, G. M., BARABANOV, V. N., ZAKHAROVA, Ye. N., and KALUGIN, V. I., Moscow. "The Effect of the Structure of Graphite on Its Strength" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 12, Dec 72, pp 65-67 Abstract: The mechanical strength of artificial graphites depends not only on the dispersed structure of the material, but also on its crystalline and supermolecular structure, which is the secondary structure developed as a result of different arrangement of crystallites. The effect.of artificial defects of supermolecular structure on mechanical strength of pyrographite and its bonding strength is discussed by reference to diagrams and photo- micrographs of its polished surface. The effect of precipitation strength- ening of carbonic material as a result of decreased concentration effect of supermolecular structural defects was used for the developirfent of a new class of carbon materials, the carbonic Pyroceram.. The characteristics of the USB-15 Pyroceram are presented. Five illustrations, eight bibliographic references. USSR UDC 539.3 DERGLWOV V. P KOLTUNOV, M. A., Moscow Institute of Electronic Machine Building "Dynamics of the Snap-Buckling of a Cylindrical Panel" Kiev, Pr~ ikladnaya mekhanika, No. 11, Nov 71t pp 3-7. Abstract: The dynamics of the snap-buckling of a fiat elastic cylindrical panel that is rectangular in design andhinge-supported on all sides and has a sag equal to the value of the.upper critical sag is considered as a function of the physical nature of the loading medium (gas, liquid or solid). An algebraic L equation relating the load and the deflection parameter is obtained by applying the Bubnov-Galerl-in method to a system of nonlinear equations from the theory of flexible shells. It is shoem that the initial deflection of the panel- is ~elqual to the upper- critical deflection~and,that the nature of the loading medium Qas$ liquid or-solid) has a considerable effect on the time of snap-buckling of tile shell. Two cases of loading are discussed: (1)'the load q acting on the panel during the snap-buckling process remains constant; this type of load occurs in the loading of the panel by a compressed gas contained in a low-voiume 1/2 75 .A 213 ~030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 C_JRC ACCESSION NO--APOIJ37487 -ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. WITH RESPECT TO kAOIO . ..... ABSTR ~~,,_-COMMUNICATION THROUGH THE E LAYER IT IS IMPORTANT.;TO STUDY THE .,REFLECTION COEFFICIENT P E SUBS FOR. OIFFERENT RATIOS OF THE WORKING FREQUENCY OF SOUNDING F SUBWORK AND THE~FREQUE~)CY~~CHARACTEPISTI(;S OF THESLAYER-F SUBO E-(CRITICAL REFLECTION FREOUENCY1 AND SUBB E SUBS 1SCREENING FREQUENCY). FOR.THIS-PURPOSE DURING THE SUMMER OF 1968 SYNCHRONOUS OBSEPVATIONS WERE MADE. AT USING AN IONOSPHERIC -STATION AND AN 14 APPARATUS DESIGNED FOR MEASURING THE ABSORPTIO, OF RADIO 'WAVES IN THE IONOSPHERE-BY-THE A SUBI~METHOD., T iiE OBSERVATIONS WERE STATION o RATED IN A .-~:,~HADE& USING THE. FOLLOWING PROGRAM:, THEJONOSPHERIC PE :FIVE MINUTE REGIME AND GAVE THE TIME VARIATION OF-F SUBO E SUBS AND F :SUBB AND E SUBS. THE APPARATUS FOR; MEASUKING ABSORPT ION OPERATED AT A ._,_~'_:FIXED FREQUENCY-OF 3.0 MC-SEC. 10-#MINUTE~:MEASUREMENTS ALTERNATED WITH 5 THE'TEMPORAL VARIATIONS P :MINUTE BREAKS1 MAKING If POSSIBLE TO.OETERMINE E THE. INITIAL EXPERIMENTAL DATA~WERE -PROCESSED BY STANDARD :METHOOS.: SEVEN SERIES OF SIMULTANEOUS~MEASUREMENTS WERE MADE WITH A -.TOTAL DURATION OF MORE THAN 25 HOURS* COMPARISON OF THE TEMPORAL VARIATIONS OF THE FREQUENCY PARAMETERS F SUBO,E SUBSt F SUBB E SUBS AND -b THE~ REFLECTION COEFFICIENT P F SUBS~ REVEALS THAT FOR THE P40ST PART THE .._:.~,-,FOLLOWING TENDENCY IS OBSERVED: WHEN F~:SUSWORK IS.LESS THAN OR CLOSE TO :.-F.~SUBB E SUBS, P E SUBS N 1. IN THESE~CASES THE E.SUBS LAYER IS'A -E SUBSIALUE DECREASES WHEN F SUBWORK IS REFLECTING LAYER. THE P J., 'GREATER. THAN F-SUBB E SUBS, WHICH IS DETERMINED FOR THE MOST PART BY THE F:~SUBWORK-F SUBB E SUBS RATIOi~ UNCLASSIFIEO -.3/3 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV10 I RIC ACCESSION.NO--AP0137487 ---ABSTRACTfEXTRACT--AS AN EXAMPLEt THE ARTICLE GIVESI.THE RESULTS OF MULTANEOUS C ONTINUOUS MEASUREMENTS MADE ON 29 JUNE.1968. THE DATA IN -~~:)~,THE- ARTICLE ARE OF A PRELLMINAMNATURE .BUT THEY ~-SHOW: THAT IN CONTRAST -...,T0 THE REGULAR LAYERS OF THE IONOSPHE?,Ei,l TH& VALUES OF THE COEFFIC-IENT .'FREQUENCIES GREATER:THAN F SUBB E SUBS ~OF REFLECTION FROM TH~ E LAYER AT ---,ARE:0ETER-4INE0 13Y THE RATIO-F SUBWORK:-F SUBB~l E~ SUBS. CASES OF REGISTRY P-E SUBS GREATER THAN 1 WERE NOTIED;.:THESE- OCCURRED IN' EVERY SERIES, -~114ESE:-C4SES ARE.OBSERVED MOST. FREQUENTLY.. WHEN, F ;SUBB E SUBS IS CLOSE TO OR ~GREATER THAN F SUBWORK, THAT lS,:THE CONOITIONS ARE CLOSE TO MIRROR kEFLECTION. THESE VALUES OF THE REFLECTION .. COEFF. ICIENT ARE ANOMALOUS ~A ANALYSIS. FAClLITY: INST[rUTE OF PHYSICS OF ND:REQUIRE SPECIAL -THE EARTH AND ATMOSPHERE, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES TURKMEN SSR; ASHKHABAD. UNCLASSIFIED -Graphite USSR UDC 539.216.2 V KONOKOTINt V.,V.t KRAVETSKIY GALKIN, YU. A., GUSEVA, H. P., G. KIMINOV, V. V. , AIM SHO 0011044.1".C.U.1110 6 cow, "Interaction of Refractory Oxides with Graphite In Spraying!' Moscow, Fizika i Kh1miya Obrabotki Materialov, No 3;, 114Y-Jua 72, PP 94-99 Abstracti The interaction of refractory oxides with graphite in flame spray- Ing was investigated in order to develop protective~.means against oxidation of cexbographitic materials. The investigated dependences included the effect Pf base preheating on the bonding strength with the.protective coatings and its density, effects of silicate and borosiUcate sublayers on the bonding strength and the activation energy of:the hemical interaction of sublayers c with oxide coatingst the effect of graphite porosity on the bonding strength, and the effect of addition of molybdefiumi silicon, and alminum intothe sprayed oxide on the gas density and the-oxidative resistance of coatings. Thekinetics of the increasing bond strength of Al 20, and.ZiO. coatings sprayed on preheated graphite are analyzed.' The required activation energy of the graphite surface and itsitrong bond-with the sprayed Al 0 was found to 2 3 be close to the half of the energy of the, atomic bona in the graphite lattice, - 20 - Com'posxte aterials USSR UDC 661.666.2.661:665: DERGUNOKA.~_Y.._~_, SHURSHAKOV, A. N., POSOSIYEVA, G. D.., LUTSENKO, L. N. 'Tertain Strength Properties of Composite Graphite-Zi�conium Carbide 'Materials" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 8, Aug, ~1972, pp 51-58. Abstract: Results are presented from a study of the physical and mechanical properties of graphite-zirconium carbide and graphite,-zirconiuni carbide- zirconium materials of various chemical compositions and structures. Strength properties were determined in the 20-2,5000C temperature interval using tensile-test specimens. Several factors influencing,the strength of compo- site materials are studied. It is shown that.the material with 75% graphite and 25% zirconium carbide has 30% higher tensile strength at 2,SOOOC than structural.graphite type VPP. It is established that:, by changing the degree of saturation of the zi rconium phase of carbon., the physical and mechanical properties of the composition can be changed significantly. V,hen there is residual zirconium present, in the 20-2,OOOOC temperature interval, the tensile and bending strengths are 1.S-3 times higher than when the car- bide phase alone is present in the structure. 1/1 USSR UDC: 621-791.0,z2:669.0);6.lqq,8.22:620.17 VET-SI:TY, G A.N- It;, L. T. (Candid`&--e cf e ch c -0 Sciences), A., FRrU%!nVA_ V.-S. (Candidate of Technical: Sciences) "High-Temperature Strength of Joints of Graphite Materials" Moscow, Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, No 1, Jan 72, pp,18-19 Abstract: Discussed is a method of joining graphite materials by the use of an intermediate carbide-forming interlayer. It is shown that the high- temperature strength of the brazed joint is a function of the interaction of.the molten solder with the graphite, the denth of its penetration in the pores of the materia-1, the newly formed phase composition,and the strength of the graphite. Comparison tests on graphite specimens bonded by a zirconium interlayer indicate that the strength of the brazed specimens heated a1bove the melting temperature of zirconium Jis 30 to 35;% higher than that of sT)ecimens heated below this temperature. Tche tensile strergth of the brazed joints increases with the penetration denth of the solder up to a sDecific value (2-2.5 =2) and then remains constant. The failure which had.occurred in the snecimens in tensile tests at 20CO'C was found to be 1/2 7-Aft USSR ANIKIN, L. T. (Candidate of Technical Sciences), et al, Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, No 1, Jan 72, pp 18-i9 along the graphite outside the brazing zone. It is suggested that brazing of large-Dore graphite be done with solders capable of forming (on contact) carbon saturated fusions under compression to afford maximum solder penetra- tion and complete carburization to a composition close to stoichiometric. The study includes test data on solders from hafnium, molybdenum.,and tungsten. (5 illustrations, 9 bibliographic references). 2/2 USSR BOBKOLSKIY, V. N., rMOVA V IVANOVA, T. N., KOSTIKOV, V. I., IEVIN, V. Ya., TARABANOV, A. S. "Contact Interaction of Melts in the System Silicon-Niobium with Carbon Materials" Konstrukts. Materialy na Osnove Grafita [Graphite-Based Structural Materials Collection of Works) , No 6, Moscow, Metallurgiya Press, 1971, pp 109-115 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Khimiya~., No 2, 1972, Abstract No B1358 from the Resume). Translation: The wetting of pyrographite (1), vitreous carbon (11) and graphite (III) by melts in the silicon-niobium system, produced by double arc remelting in purified argon is studied. The final contact wetting angle .,..On porous (III) is equal to zero, on pore-free (1) and'(II) it is greater than zero. ..It is established that the chemical activity of these materials in re- lationship to melts in the system Si-Nb increases in the sequence: 1, 11, LIDC 621.3.035.2 USSR ERGUNOVA V S. YELYUTIN, V. P., KOSTIKOV, If. I., D SHURSIIAKUV, A. N., POSOSIYEVA, G. D., LUTSENKO, L. N. Melted Zirconium of Saturation of Porous Graphite~Bases with Tsvetnye Metally, No 1, 1971, pp 46-S0. Abstract: Certain regularities involved in.the process of capillary satura- materials with liquid zirconium are studied. tion of various porous graphite An attempt-is made to determine experimentally the apparent activation energy of the process and to determine the influence of individual factors on various stages of.the process. The experiments were a specially designed mm hg. The experiments high-temperature installation under a vacuum of 2-W, showed that the melt flows energetically.over the outer surface of specimens, thus producing elevated capillary rise values on specimens less than 60 irun diameter due to additional penetration of the melt~through side surface pores. Penetration of porous:g-raphite materials with liquid.zirconium occurs by flow of the zirconium along poor walls.. The time dependence of movement of the saturation front under isotherma1conditions forms a quadrativ parabola. The apparent activation of the.process of saturation was calculated for type PROG-2400 and PG-50 graphites.