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USSR PC 576-858.5-097.2-077.3 OHUMaS,_G-,.K. S., ZHDANOV, V. N., NAS, I., CHERBA, I., and ROZHA, K., --W-t'it,u--te of Virology imeni D. I. Ivanovsklyt Academy of Medical Sciences USSRp Moscowt Institute of Microbiologyp Medical University, Hungarian People's Republic, Budapest, and Microbiological Scientific Reseaxch Group, Acadenq of Sciences HLmgarian People's Republic "Detection of Cellular Antigens in I~rxoviruses and Paramyxociruses by the lxmmodiffusion Method" moscowe Voprosy Virusologii, No 1, Jan/Feb 71, pp 62-70 Abstracts Several types of immunodiffusion. methods which so far had been used only in the study of adenoviruses, plant viruses, and a few other viruses itere used to study the antigenic composition of myxoviruses and parampoviruses. The methods used were double gel diffusion, Ininuno- electrophoresis, and immu-no-osmophoresis. The vixus-es included in the study were Group A Hong Kong influenza virus, fowl plague virus (strain Ideybridge), Group A influenza virus (strain WSN) and A virus (straln England.A4 and Hong Kong/68) and liewcastle disease virus ?strain Tomlinskiy and Hertford- shim) and Sendai virus (strain No 960). The vlLrusea were cultured on chick embryo cultures and primary cultures of chick fibroblasts. The viruses were 1/2 USSR CREPULIS, C. -K. , et al. , VoProsY ViruS0109J i, X0 1, Jan/Feb ?1 # pp 62-70 purified by column chromatography with a special cellulose fiber material, andooncentrated by dialysis of purified preparations against polyethylene glycol of molecular weight 6,000. S_ and V antigens Here obtained by washing the Virus Dreparations with ether. Virus antigens Here separated by adsorption and elution. Virus-specific antigens ifere detected and also several cellula antigens included in the composition of virus particles. Three of these cellular antigens were identified as grOUD A species- specificp and Forsm- n antigens. It was established that th! cellular antigens axe located not only at the surface of the virus particles, but also in the deeper structures of the virus particles. Also, experimental data indicate that cellular antigens axe not Simply mechaniaally ,Am:Lxed impurities; rather, they are essential components of the virus particles. 212- - 63 - USSR' 1. MOZOLYUK,.Yu.; 91JEPWIS, G,-S.; MALTS, 0. A. "Ifevice-for Photographing Precipitation Reactions in Agar" Moscow, Vo7oros7 1-ledilco-Biologicheskikh Issledov,:-~niy. Materia~Y Konferentsii Z-Tolodykh 11auc-rmykh Rabotni'zov i.*edi.;..--o.-Biolof---icnes~:o,7o Fakullteta (ASI)ects of Bioniedicai Research. 1-laterials of a Conference of Young Scientific Workers of the Biomedical Faculty), Ministerstvo Zdravooldiraneniya SSSR, 1970, Pp 1-5-17 Abstract: A device for photographing precipitation bands in agar iz:de ibed. The device is simple in design, easy to use, qnd produces.Dhotos clearer than the original object. Basically it is-- a- hollow cylinder made of tin plate two iiLillimeters thick. Sixspended within the cylinder is a movable holder with a lightL. g1obe, and a metal lamina which forms a dark background for the object-to be photographed. An upper cover made of glass serves az:a table for the object. It is covered by non'Gransparent- framework with a frame adjustable to the size of the object. The susT)ended holder within the cylinder can be moved with mspoct to the object. Best results are obtained with a 150 I:& USSR MOZOLYUY, Yu., et al, vo-Orosy Medilco-B-iologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Materia17 I.Fonferentsii Molodyidi ilauchnvl~h 2aboCnikov ".1edilco- ]BI-ologiches"Cogo Fakulfteta, 1970, -pp--1-5--1-7 watt-~ globe. Exposure tirae is 3-4 see. Photo camera 710-3 is us.ed-f-or:photographing the object. 212 15 - 1/2 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--THE IMPORTANCE OF THERMOMETRY IN STOMATOLOGY -U- AUTHOR-102)-CHEPULIS, S.P.t SIRVIDENE, YE.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOU,RCE--STOMATOLOGIYA, 1970, VOL 49, NR 2y PP 22-Z5 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOL061CAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-ORAL DISEASE, DENTAL CARIESs, BODY TEMPERATURE, TUMOR, X RAY RADIATION BIOLOGIC EFFECT C.0NT;k0L MAkKING--N'0 REST:;ICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAMF--1985/1846 STEP NO--UR/0511/70/049/002/0022/0025 CIPC ACCESSION NO--AP0101891 W]CLASS IFLILED 212 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0101891 ABSTRACT/P-XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SUMMARY* WITH THE AID OF THE PROPOSED MONITORS THE AUTHORS MEASURED THE TERPERATURE IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF THE MAXILLt)FACIAL REG71ON IN HEALTHY PEkSONS AND IN P4THOLOGY. IN NONCOMPLICATED AND COMPLICATED DENTAL CARIES THE TEMPERATURE IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF THE CARIOUS CAVITY AND ADJACENT HEALTHY TEETH WAS DIVERSE. THE TEMPER4TURE OF THE SKIN AND ORAL MUCOUS MEMBRANE IN THE CENTER OF MALIGNANT TUMOR WAS HIGHER THAN IN THE SYMMETRICAL AREA. FROM THE NEOPLASTIC CENTER TO THE PERIPHERAL REGION THE TEMPERATURE DECLINES. X RAY IRRADIATION OF MALIGNANT TUMORS CAUSES AN INCREASED TEMPERATURE OF THE SKIN AND ORAL MUCOUS MEMBRANE. WITHIN THE IRRADIATED FIELD, WHEREBY IN ACTINORMYCOSISt THE TEMPERATURE DROPS* UNCLASSIFIED USSR UPC 576.858.5.097.2-077.3 CIWULIS, G. -K. S. t ZHDANOV p V. N. p W p 1. CHEF ROZHA, K., Zustitute of Virology Imeni D. 1. Ivanovskiyt Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow, In.-titute of Utcrnbiologyo, Hedical University, llungaxian People's Republic, Budape3tj and Microbiological Scientific Research Group, AcadeMr of Sciences Hmgarian People's Republic ODetection of Cellular Antigens in ?~yxovlruses and ParauWxociruses by the Lumodiffusion Hethod!' Moscow# Yoprosy Virusologii, No 1# Jan/Feb 71, pp 62-70 Abstracti Several types of immunodiffusion methods which so far had been used only im the study of adenoviruses, plant viruzezj and a few other viruses were used to study the antigenic cotiposition of myxoviruses -and parawj2.,ov.4xuses. The methods used were double gel diffusion, immuno- electrophoresis, and i=,uno-osmophoresis. The viruses included in the stluiy were Group A Hong Xong influenza virtis, fowl plague vinis (strain Weybridge), Group A influenza virus (strain WSN) arA A virus (strain England/64 and Jing KongI68) and Newcastle disease virus ?sirain Tomlinskiy and Eertford- shire) and Sendai virus (strain No 960). The viruses were cultured on chick embryo cultures and primary culture3 of chick fibroblasts. The viruses were 1/2 USSR CHEPULIS, G. -K., et al., Voprosy Virusologii, No 11 Jan/Feb 71, pp 62-70 purified by column chromatography with a special cellulose fiber material,, andconcentrated by dialysis of purified preparations, against polyethylene glycol of molecular weight 6,000. S and V antigens were obtained by washing the virus preparationz with ether. Virus anlAgens, were seDara-t-ed by adsorption and elution. Vi-rus-specific antigens were detected and also several cellisla antigens included in the composition of virus particles. Three of these cellular antigens were identified as 4_7=up A s-0ecies- specifiep and Forsman antigens. It was established that Q C-ellular antigens ax-- located not only at the surf-ace of the Yirus particles, but also in the deeper structures of the virus particles. Also, experimental data indicate that cellular antigens are not simply mechaniaally admixed impurities; rather, they, are essential components of the virus paxticles. 2/2 - 63 - USSR PJIGULISKIS, K. X., NAVITSKAS, A. Y., VARANAUSKAS, P. A., CaFX-ULKAUSKAS, A. V. "Methods of Studying Tape Movement" Nauchn. Tr. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zavedeniy LitSSR. Vibrotekhnika [Scientific Works of Higher Educational institutions of LitSSR. Vibration Tec~miquesj, No. 1, 1969, pp 63-7z (translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Matrolcgiya I Izmoritel'- naya Tekhnika, No. 4, 1970, Abstract No. 4.32.432, unsigned) Translation: Methods are presented for measuring oscillations of a magnetic tape during operation of tape drive mechanisms. A circuit for measure.-nont of transverse oscillations.of a tape with uneven range of transverse displacement due to contact pressure on the head with simultaneous measurement of skew oscillations and oscillations perpendicular to the plane of the tape is described. An analysis is presented of the structure of the electric portion of the measur- ing apparatus. Six illustrations. nine biblio. refs. 1/1 USSR UDC546.86'22'1511541.67 FIRTISAX, YU. YU., DOVGOSHCHEY, N. I., GRYADIL', 1. A., and CHEPUR, D. V., Uzhgorod State University "Physical Properties of SbSi Seignette-Electric Films" Moscow, Izvestiya, Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 10, No 3, Hat 74, pp 402-404 Abstract3 Exuerimental results are presented from producing Seignette electric films of SbSi by the method of discrate vaporization and "two temperatilms." Films produced under optimum conditions have a resistivity of 108- 109 ohm-cm, The ratio of photoflux to obscure flux amounts to 102 (at a candle power of 40 w). SbSi films possessing excess Sb 2S3' iae., produced when sub3trate temperatures are above optimum, possess a low resistivity and very little photosensitivity. The activation energy for SbSi films is 0.84 ev as deter- mined from the relationship of photoflux: magnitude to temperature. The Seignette-electric phase transition temperature for these films is 25-270 C. Physical properties of SbSi films are given. Three figures, 11 bibliographic references. IA - 40 - USSR UDC 541.13-183 KOPINETS, 1. F., KOVACH, Ye. T., MIKULANINETS, S. V., RUBISH I. D. and CHEPUR, D. V., Uzhgorod University "Effect of Adsorption on Electrical and Photoelectric Properties of CdSxSei-.Ic Thin Films" Tomsk, Izvestiya VUZ, Fizika, No 4, 1970, pp 41-44 Abstract: The effect of adsorption (as one of the factors effecting the State of the surface of thin films) of oxygen, water vapors, benzene, ethyl alcohol, and acetone on the electrical and photoelectric properties of a solid solution of CdSx Sel-, thin films was investigated. Experiments showed that the effect of adsorption on conductivity is a function of the thickness of the film, incrcaa- ing as the thickness decreases. The adsorption kinetics also depends on the thickness of the layer: the thinner the layer, the more rapidly adsorption- desorption equilibrium occurs. Adsorption kinetics as a function of temperature was also noted: the rate of adsorption increases with temperature, probably indicating activated adsorption. The photocurrent and dark current increase under the absorption of oxygen and decrease under the absorption of benzene, acetone, ethyl alcohol, and water. The following explanation is given for these 1/2 USSR KOFINETS, 1. F., et al, Izvestiya VUZ, Fizika, No 4, 1970, pp 41-44 results: the increase in the thermoelectron work function under Chemisorption of oxygen indicates that the chemisorbed oxygen is bonded with a "strong" n-bond or acceptor bond with the surface of the samples. Adsorption of benzene, ace- tone, ethyl alcohol, and water leads to a decrease in the thermoelectron wor~c function, which fact is explained by their chemisorption of the "strong" p-bond A. type. This chemisorption leads to a charging on the surface for the positive charge and to a bending of the zones downward in the region near the surface, which condition leads to a decrease in the thermoelectron work function under chemisorption. These results are said to agree with the electron theory of catalysis of Vol'keashteyn and with experimental results previously obtained by the authors. 212 - 22 USSR UDC 1537-22(~,+537---')11-33'J:15'-~7+cl;351 BERCHA D. M.I ZP.YAC;!--L,-.1SK1Y M. P. SLIVKA, V. Wt LOVG- T. V. T--ui,,YA11IT-SA, 1. D. J, AITJ DI C 1 C F U R D V "Effect of Piezoresislu-sunce in BiSeI Crystals" V sb. PolA-crovadn. ele'r-ftra-ila (sericonductor Electronics Collection of Works)- Uz:i~-orod, - Eo 10, Oct 71 I r--. 19-01, PP 53-58 (from PZh Abstract No 101Z-651 by G. G. TFUDOWOLT) Translation: An inve-~-tication was made oil the effect of piezoresist~.nce and electrical conductivit., in acicular BiSeI sinrle crystals, as vell as their teirp~--raturc dap~-n--:ance In the 270-115 0 K tom-n---rature rarFa. It ,ms established that the pic-Loru2istance coafficient. is complexly (1%--akwisc) temperature- dependent. It in su,-,-ested that the semdcondLlCtor liar, severta donor levels, which are depleted in tmrn. This results in suveral peaks, depcnd,~:nt on t'.,ic nui:ftcr o'L immourity levels. 11mraverI the neak found in the 110-14,00 V, temT.~-2ra- ture region is due to -, Dhas"- transition of the se-cozid kini-1. In th:-- 2-100 K region the piezorcs-istance do-as not invollwe a phase transition but ic due to a chan--e in tlio activation erm, of' Lrpurity levels. Such an assum-ption is confirm,--d by the -fact that -in stud-ies n rz:~Aft in -the zirim"am; is observed frc)-.7. sp,~cir.2n to sp~,cirzn, while the constant at W-1330 F- USSR UDC [537.02C+537.311.331:[~17+5351 CE-L-PUR, D. V. 17 "Effect of Tempera-lu-n- on, Cer-,,--;-i Flect-rophysical and Optical ProLerties of AsSxSel-xI ~',sxSb-, Sa- V sb. fle'rl-oter. vcr., fiz. lems in the C -711SL.-V an(-. x "Ir.-si.c~s of Semi-conauc-!-ors of it i rns J Collection o-f WOvks), 1970, pp 228-233 (from No 12, Dee Abstract No 12VeI399) Transiat-ion: ol- S'el-xi were obta~~neO in 41,1~~ vitre,-;us sta- I),; a direct O~ LS ~T I-x gas phase. The characterist-ics. -,.;ei,e at ,.-~;r,.nus tures In !--:!~Te the phatocurrent was as a funct-ICT.1 of wavelenc~th, and terl-oe-rature,and the absorozI.on sDeczra of th,3 saniples were measurc~-,: at t'-LLF-ferent ticmperatures. Conclu~,-*-=s draim on thF- !~asis C-of defect leveIZ, t~r-.-cra-.:-,~--.- cc,,~fficiellt r;f tl-'i---. ,-I-I~---,-,:*I C-:~: t-11- f--(D 110, Zone. 112 049 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING-DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--ELECTROPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ALKALI METAL METASELENOARSENITES -U- 'AUTHOR-105)-DOVGOSHEY, N.I., NIKOLYUKv V.I.t IEMRADt YE.YE., CHEPURi D.V.y - GOLOVEY, M. 1. .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S..OURCE-IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED., FIS. 1970, 13(3), 138-.9 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .-SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--ACTIVATION ENERGY, IR RAOIATION, SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY PROPERTY, SODIUM COMPOUNO, POTASSIUM COMPOUND, ARSENIDE, SELENIDEP CESIUM COMPUUNUP LITHIUM COMPOUND, RUBIDIUM COMPOUND .CONTROL MARKING--ND RESTRICTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF160 ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1504 STEP NO--UR/0139/70/013/003/Ol:j8,,-.~,--- CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0136433 UNCLASSIF-I-ED- 212 049 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0130433 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE COND. SIGMA, OF MASSE SUB2, M EQUALS LI, NA, K, RB, AND CS, WAS DETD. FROM MINUS 50 TO 190DEGREES. THE ACTIVATION ENERGY OBTAINED FROM LOG SIGMA VS. 1-T CURVES INCREASED FROM 1.10 FOR LIASSE SUB2 TO 2.00 EV FOR CSASSE SUB2. ALL MASSE SUB2 EXHIBITED A SLIGHT PHOTOSENSITIVITY AT ROOM TEMP. LIASSE SU82 WAS SENSITIVE TO IR RADIATION. ALL OTHERS WERE SENSITIVE TO VISIBLE LIGHT. THE HIGHEST PHOTOSENSITIVITY WAS EXHIBITED BY NA AND K COMPDS. THAT OF NAASSE SUB2 INCREASED SHARPLY AS THE TEMP. DECREASED. ALL MASSE SUB2 COMPDS. ARE SEMICONDUCTORS. FACILITY: UZHGORQUo GOSUNIV.v UZHGOROD, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 535.215.1:621.315.61.416 KOVACH, Ye. T., DOVGOSREY, N. I., and-CH-UNRI. D. V. "Photoelectric and Optical Properties of Thin Films of the System CdSx1ej-x (0 4 x A-,- 1) 11 V sb. Poluprovodn- elektronika (Semiconductor Electronics -- Collection of Works), Uzhgorod, 1971, pp 97-120 (from 'RZh-Elektronika i yeye primenenive.L No 9, September 1971, Abstract No 9B413) Translation: The photoelectric and optical properties are studied of thin films of 11,, obtained on substrates of glass, -fazed quartz, and mica by the method of OdSXS e therma puttering in a vacuum and by the "silk screen" method with subsequent ther=- al processin74 Contacts of In, Al, and Cd were also applied by the method of therzal sputtering. The measuring device is described with which the voltampere, luxampare, spectral and frequency characteristics were studied, as well as the lifetime of carriers and the quan-,-m yield of the photocurrent. The measuraments were made in the temperature range of -1000 G i 500'5 0 with the use of the appropriate cryoutats. It is fou-A that the aDectral distriubtion of the photoconductivity and the lux- az,pere characteristicB deDend on the technological conditions for producing the film. The voltampere characteristics were linear and practically di not depend on the aro- duction =ethod. 0he long-time 1-90 min and the short-time 10-i - 10- sec componen'tt's of the photoconductivity relaxation. were found, the ratio between which depends on 1/2 USSR KOVACH, Ye. T., et al., Poluprovodn. elektronika (Semiconductor Electronics -- Collection of Works), Uzhgorod, 1971, pp 97-120 (from RZh-Elektronika i yeXe primeneniye, No 9, September 1971, Abstract No 9B413) the daek resistance of the specimen and the method of its production. A monotonic change was observed of the magnitude of the threshold energy which indicates that t3ze specimens in question are a continuous series of solid solutions of replacement. Studies of the reflection and adsorption spectra shown that in thin films of MS.Sel-, direct interzonal junctions are most probable. 16 ill. 50 ref. G.~h. 2/2 - 67 112 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--PREPN. OF BISMUTH TELLURDIE IODIDE, AND SOME OF ITS OPTICAL PRGPERTIES -U- AUTHOR-(05)-CHEPUR D V., GORAK, YA.A.v KOVACHv D.SHov TUaYANITSA, I.D., BORETSo COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, NEORGi MATER. 19701 6(2)t 385-6 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--BISMUTHI TELLURIDE, IODIDE, OPTIC PROPERTYt CHEMICAL PURITY, CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS1 SINGLE CRYSTAL Cr_NTROL MARKING--NO kESTRICTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/1345 STEP ND--UR/0363/70/006/k)02/0385/0386 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121838 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121838 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--iUl GP-0- ABSTRACT. BITE[ SINGLE CRYSTALS WERE PREPD. AND THE CHARACTERISTIC ABSORPTION IN THE EDGE REGION WAS STUDIE0. HIGH PURITY STARTING MATERIALS WERE USED FOR THE SYNTHESIS. 6ITel WAS SYNTHESIZED FROM THE ELEMENTS TAKEN IN THE STOICHIGRETRIC RATIO AT 480DEGREES. THE SYNTHESIS IN EVACUATED QUARTZ AMPULS TOOK SEVERAL DAYS. THE SINGLE CRYSTALS WERE IN THE FORM OF EASILY CLEAV[NG PLATELETS. X RAY ANAL. CONFIRMED THAT THEY BELONG TO HEXAGONAL SYSTEM WITH A EQUALS 4.29 ANGSTROM; C EQUAL~ 6.75 ANGSTROM. PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE ABSORPTION OF NONPOLARIZED IR SHOWED THAT CRYSTALS SIMILAR TO 10 MU THICK TRANSMIT SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO IOPERCENT. BECAUSE ABSORPTION INCREASES TOWARDS THE LONGER WAVELENGTHS, IT MAY BE CAUSED BY HIGH CONCN. OF FREE CARRIERS. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE ABSORPTION COEFF. ON THE SQUARE OF THE WAVELENGTH SEEMS TO CONFIRM THIS SUGGESTION. THE OBSD. ABSORPTION EDGE COULD BE CAUSED BY SIMPLE AL7LOWAaLE TRANSITIONS BETWEEN THE BANDS. FACILITY: UZHGOROD. GOS. UNIV., UZHGOROD, USSR. U14CLASSIFILD USSR UDC[537-226+537-311-331:(537+5351 TURYANITSA, I. D., KOPERLES, B. M., SLIVKA, V. YU., and qj;~PIJR.D. Y_. "Synthesis and Certain Electrophysical Properties of Indium Chalcoiodides" V sb. Poluprovodn. elektronilm (semiconductor Electronics -- Collection of Works)- Uzhgorod, 1971, pp 193-197 (from RZh..Fizika, 110 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 10YE628 by YE. A.) Translation: The compounds InSI, InSeI, and InTel were synthesized by di Pet interaction of the initial components according to the scheme: 2AIII ~ 2B ~T + CV'I - I' ICVII. The ethod of producing crystals is described and the p ~~ 2A BV parameters of their lattices are presented. The optical transmission and photocoaductivity spectra of the crystals obtained were investigated. All com, pounds have an energy gap of more than 2 ey and possess photosensitivity in the region of the long-wave fundemental absorption edge. At 200 C the specific electrical conductivity of the crystals is 101-0+10 11 ohir-en. The tenmerature dependence of electrical conductivity, permittivity and energy gap reveal no anomalies in the temperature range from -150 to +506C., which obviously indicates that there are no phase transitions in the given ter~merature region in the compounds obtained. 1/1 - 68 - 112 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLL-PeCULIARITIES OF VISUALIZATION OF SC14E PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS IN THE LUNG bURINtj P(jLYjIRtLTEV TOMOGRAPHY AND ZCNGGRAPHY -U- AUTHOR-(02)-POZMUGOV, A.I., CHEPURIN9 V.A. CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SCURCE-VRACHEBNOYE DELO, 1970v NR 5, PP 62-66 DATE PUdLISHrEC---70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--LUNGt RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISEASE, RADJULOGY, X RAY TECHNIQUEN DIAGNOSTIC METHOOS9 BLOOD VESSEL CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--30OZ/1741 STEP NCr--UR/0475/70/000/035/0062/0066 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0129109 UNG LASS IF 11E0 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSIGN NU--AP0129109 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--lUl GP-0- ABSTRACT. TOMOGRAPHIC ROENTGENOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION WAS CAKRIED OUT IN 75 PATIENTS WITH DIFFERENT PULMONARY DISEASES, THE TUBE BEING MOVED LINEARY, ELLIPTICALLY AND ---IRCULARY. IT AIAS FOUND THAT ELLIPTICAL AND CIRCULAR MGVEMENTS OF THE [UBE ARE A VALUABLE ADjUNCTION TO LINEAR ESPECIALLY DURING LOCATIGN OF THE LESIONS IN UPPER PARTS OF THE LUNGS. THE INTERPRETATION OF ROUND SHADOWS IS NOT ALWAYS SIMPLE WITH TOMOGRAPHY. HERE IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO TAKE MANY PICTURES. ZONOGRAPHY MAY BE OF CONSIDERABLE HLLP IN DETECTING SMALL FGCI AND DETERMINATION OF THE STATE OF THE BLOOD VESSELS. FACILITY: KIYEVSKIY NAUCHNO ISSLEOOVATEL*SKIY INSTITUT EKSPERLMENTALINOY I KLINICHESKOY ONKOLOGII. UNCLASSIFIED -/-:1 66 Katascv, L. A. and V~ F. Clippura. Iilv-kigatim' t'( tt"w"I'lont of artifi~iallv ionized clotids in tho- upper atmosphere. CIA, no, 3. 1472, 471-4-16. Results are pri,,t4ented of simultaneous ob!Perva:4L,-..s of the movement of artificil ionized and noctilucent clouds in the ionos~~Krr- Measurements were made of 1) the velocity of ionized clouds on the basi3 of the Doppler effect reflected signals and 2) wind-velocity v4l,,es, obtained In the sarne experiments using artifi.,ial noctilucen: clo.ds. The phase change t,f signals rerlccted from the clouda was studied by two later IME unlix operating at I a Z4 N04z, which o recorded the Doppler signal shifts on pholographle film. N-ttil=--ent clouda were photographcd at two points by two aerial cameras. :onize.-d and noctilucent clouds were simuttancously formed by ejecting at=rdc cesium and sodium from a single containt-r. Points for obsirrva:1cm of the ionized cloodit were shunted virtually along the line or prtvjtt~cin to the Earth tit the point of cloud formation so that the Dopplcr-fre~Tuiricy phase shift of signals reflected frorn the clouds determined prizrnarily by the movement of the claudit would differ tittle from one another at the observation points. A large difference of Doppler frequenctes at the observation points during the cxpertment and, consequently. of cloud velocities, would testify to An essential Influence of the space-tirntr instability of the cloud structure on the phase change of the sigra,ts reflected from the cloud. Two experiments were conducted over Volgograd i-- ISvS9. lonized and noctilucent clouds were created on October 14. at CSZ3 hours local time, at art altitude of 120 km, and on October ZZ, at 0533 h at an attitude of 116 km. In contrast to the results of Gattacher ant! Sa-rairs USSR UDC:666.1,036.23 KRASIKO, A. S., Engineer, KAKHANOVICH, V. S.,_TYUS1iKEV1G1,_N, I., Candi- dates of Technical Sciences, CREPURKIN, A. A. Engineer, Belorussian Affili- ate of Power Institute Imeni, ar ~f-ftM-MHAN6VSKIY "Frequency Sensor for Continuous Testing of Glass Fiber Thickness Durinig--' Production" Moscow, Steklo I Keramika, No 9, Sep 1970, Pages 16-18 Abstract: Methods currently used for testing the thidkness of glass fiber are "passive," that is, performed after production and have low reliability. This article presents certain results from the investigation of a frequency method of testing the thickness of glass fiber during production. The method is based on the relationship between natural oscillating frequencY of a drawn string and linear mass and tightness. An experimental model of a frequency sensor has been developed. Production tests of the sensor have confirmed its useability. The error does not exceed 4%, with 95% confidence. In the device, a vibrator forming one end support of the length of fiber drawn causes the fiber to oscillate, and the frequency of natural oscillations is measured by a photosensor. USSR UDC: 621.762:669.018.25(088.8) MLOMOV, 1. F., STRAKHOV, N. S., CHEPURKIN, Yu. N., KARINKIN, P. M., TUNEV, 1. G. "Method of Manufacture of Metal Ceramic Products" USSR Author's Certificate Number 360151, Filed 24/02/71, Published 15/01/73 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8G440P, by S. Krivonosova). Translation: In order to increase the wear resistance (by 1.5-6 times) of hard alloy products, they are annealed after sintering in a medium of quartz sand at 800-900% then normalized at 900-950*. The method has been tested under production conditions, provides for an increase in wear resistance of hard alloy tools working under conditions of vibration during cutting of channels and drilling of ZhSBK alloy. j,n USSR 1jDC 576.851.45.097.29 V~ Stavropol Scientific Research Antiplague Institute of the Caucasus an Transcaucasus "Pestic-in Pzo6uction CapabIlity of Pasteurella pestis Strains of the Vcl:e Variety. 1. SDontaneous and Induced Festicin Production by P. pestis Strains of the Vole Variety" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, Xo 4, 1970, Pp 33-36 Abstract: Twenty-nine of 30 vole. (Microtus) strains StUdLed wore ;il)l(! I.L) proiltice pesticin, which inhibited the growth of the vole vartety of pe-,tis on ituAtinger azar. -Indicator plague strains of the gerbil and squirrel ljari,-atics, vaccinal and atypical cultures of zhe plague z-Acrobe, and the causative agent of psoudottA)ercu- losis were indifferent to the vesticins of the vole strains. ElcvaLion 0i ~he a~-Ove 28*C addition of disubstituted potassium phc5phaze, agitacion of the strains, and exposure to ultraviolet light increased LhL~ Yi,ld of nesricin in the nedium, as manifested by enlarge-ent and in-creased s'harpness of the zones of inhibition, and absence of resistant colonries. Ho,,;zv,,r, vari4a- tion of the pH had no effect in this respect. Ultraviolet radiation widened 1/2 USSR CE-PUP-~.*,"YA, L. iZ'lur-,a' ',-Iiikrobiologli, Epide-miologi-i i No 4, . I I'L L 1970, pp 33-30' L the svectrum of activity oE pesticin, and increased the number of strains sens-4- tive ~o their own pesticin. Scrain 681, which does not regularly produce pesticin, began to do so after exposure to LAI light. 21~ 112 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 TITLE-PESTINOGENICITY OF PAST. PESTIS STRAINS OF MIVROTUS VARIETYt SPONTANEOUS AND INDUCED PRODUCTION OF PEsricINE WITH THE STRAINS OF AUTHO R-C49XAL&NAYAj L.Io CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR .~_SOURGE---ZHURNAL MIKROBIOLOGIlt EPIDEMIOLOGII I IMMUNOSIOLOGII, 1970, NR 4f .,PP 33-36 DATE PUBL ISHED---70 SUBJECTAREAS-SIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC.:TAGS-PASTEURELLA PESTIS, TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL MARK-ING-NO RESTRICTIONS "DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1990/1522 STEP NO--UR/0016/70/000/004/0033/0036 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0109582 UNCLASSIFIED__- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 01Z UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0109582 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CAPACITY OF PRODUCING PESTIC'INEt.INHIBITING THE GROWTH OF PAST PESTIS OF THIS VARIETY ALONEl AND INACTIVE IN RESPECT OF THE CAUSATIVE AGENT OF PSEUDOTUSERCULOSIS OF THE I SEROTYPE WAS ESTABLISHED IN MICROTUS STAINS OF PAST. PESTIS. THE SPECTRUM OF PESTICINE ACTIVITY OF THE MICROTUS STRAINS OF PAST. PESTIS PROVED TO DIFFER FROM THE SENSITIVITY SPECTRUM OF THESE STRAINS TO THE MENTIGNED PESTICINE. ON ADDITION TO HOTTINGER AGAR OF BISUBSTITUTED POTASSIUM PHOSPHATEv BY SHUTTLING AND THE ACTION OF ULTRA VIOLET RAYS IT WAS POSSIBLE TO INCREASE PtSTIN YEILD INTO THE MEDIUM. USSR UDC 539-142 NMROVSKIY, P. E. and V_ "On the Hermitian Character of a Spin-Orbital Operator" Moscow,, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR -- Seriya Fizicheskaya, Vol XXXV, No 8, 1971, pp 1758-1759 Abstract: Spin-orbital interaction plays an important role in the investiga- tion of single-particle nuclear states. In this very short article, the authors present three expressions for the spin-orbital operator -- a general expression, an expression for the case of a r. herical nucleus, and an expres- sion for the case of a deformed nucleus -- and proceed to demonstrate that the operator is Hermitian in all three cases. If it were not, this would lead to an incorrect solution of Schr8dinger's single-Imirticle equation because the vaye functions of the different states would not be mutually orthogonal. Vi - 90 - USSR LTDc: 621-335.5. LIKHTTSINDER, M. Ya., I-MYEAROV, V. P., CHERMiov- V. V. wMENNOW90 "A Device for Multiplying and Dividing Slowly Changing Signals" Nauch. tr. VVII kibernet. (Scientific Works of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Cybernetics), 1971, vyp. 4, pp 66-70 (from RZh- -Aytomatika, Telerekhanike i Vychislitellnaya Tekhnika, No 7, Jul 72, Abstract No 7B488) Lranslation: A device is described for analog multiplication and division of several variables represented by square bipolar voltage pulses. The de- vice incorporates a sawtooth voltage generator, a null indicator, a phase-sensitive rectifier, an AC amplifier, a comparison circuit, syn- chronous filters.and pulse dividers. The error of executing the oper- ations is one percent or less. Two illustrations, bibliography of four titles. V. R. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.l8i621,746 SOBIACIV, S. I., INCSOV, V. A., ISUPOV, V. F., EP-EUG, V. M., A. A., GROMV, G. P., ard !5~:ANOV.A., T. A. "Certain Factors Influencing the Increase in Dnesity and Purity of Boiler Steel Ingots" Proizvodstvo Chernykh INetlillov (Production of Ferrous 'Colloction of Works), no 75, N'etallurgiya Pres3, 1970, Pp 240-25t C_ - Translat-iont A study is mnade of four ingots melted by the scrap process, the scra-D ore process, and from a high-carbon saDd-l'iniZI-ed prodUct of lOQ-o cast iron with synthe-.ic slag treatment of -L-.he semi-fin'shed product and steel, cast under a layer of slag with heating of t-he riser of the ingo'L-. by lunlkcrite or ?-%, exotherzmic mixture and lupkerite in corb-ina-t-ion with haa-L, insulation of the mold with asvestas. The irflucnce of t-o-Se factors on the sa~z:-reza'~Ion of chemical ele- ments, gas content, content of non.7e-16-allic inclusions, _;,_-nZs_J'L'y ard derdri'lic structure of the inog-t is established. 8 figures; Z biblio. refs. I/I Thermodynamics USSR CHEPURNYKH, G. K. , Donets Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences "Effect of Temperature on the Region of Metastable States of an Antiferrom-agpetlic" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, No. 4, Apr 71, pp 1225-1226 Abstract: It is shown that the shape of the curves defining the region of meta- stable states of an antiferromagnetic. does not change with a change in temperature. It has been shown in studying the ground state of a uniaxial antiferromagnetic of the "easy axis" type in a magnetic field of arbitrary direction that the reglon of metastable states on the H , H diagram is determined by two asteroids close to 2 X point U = 0, H, = VI and that when the external. magn-t-tc [.ield 11 i.',3 direct(_-j X L, 'A along the easy axis,the field intevval AH = 112- f1l in which the existence of metastable states is possible decreases with an increase in temperature and at the N4'el temperature Tli-A , AH = 0. This study was conducted to determine %..rhat occurs with these asteroids with an increase in temperature and how the angle between the easy axis and -the line passing through the critical point c' the L _~ L.. asteroid changes. The problem was solved on the hasis of --he zhecry or pi-iase_ 1/2 USSR CHEPUPTYKH, G. K., Fizilka tverdogo tela, flo. 4, Apr 71, pp 1225-1226 transitions of the Landau second type close to the 116el temperature. T- is also - L shown that the curves defining the region of metasta-ble states of an antiferro- magnetic may be either extended or contracted by movIng along the H z axis. 2/2 - 104 - 112 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS ING DATE--18SE970 TITLE--THF [INFLUENCE Oe AOENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE AND A0e,10SINE 019HOSPHATE 0,'4 THE ZeTA POTENTIAL OF THROMBOCYT6S -U- AUTHOR-(02)-tHEPUROV, A.K.9 YELCHANIMOV, G.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--BYULLETEN' EKSPERIMENTALINOY BIOLOGII I MEDITSINY# 1970, VOL 69, NR 3p PP 14-17 PATE PUBLIS14ED - ----- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--AOENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE, THROMBOCYTE, RARBIT CONTROL M4RKING--N9 REsrplCTlf)tA DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAM;_---lq82/0862 STEP NO--UR/0219/70/069/003/0014/0017 CIRC ACCESSION 40--AP0052296 UNCLASSMED 212 016 UNCLASSIFIED PRCICESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0052296 .ftBSTcZACT/EXTRAC-r--(U) GP-0- ABsrRACT, 114 EXPERIMENTS 'WITH A THRO-MqOCYTIC SU-SPENSION PREPARED FROM CfTRATE RABBIT BLGOD THE- AUTHORS DE'~-JINST':IATE THAT ADEW)SINE TRIPHOSPHATE AND ADENOSINE DIP~iGSPHATJ-- CAUSE CHANGES IN T4E VALUE OF THE ZETA POTEN'TIAL OF INTACT AND WASHED THROMBOCYrES, W~ik-lfi DEPEND ON THE STRUCTURE OF NUCLEOTIDESt TIME OF INCUBATION AND CONCENTRATION, THE AUTHORS ARE OF THE OPINION THAT INCREASED BLOOD CONCENTRATION OF ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE AND ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHArE IS C-ONDVCIVE TO ADHESION AND AGGREGATION OF THROMBOCYTES AS THE RESULT OF REDUCTION OF THEIR ZETA POTENTIAL. UNCLASSIFIED 112 OZ5 UNCLASS I FIEO PROCESSING OATE--04DEC70 TITLE--DEPENDENCE GF THE ORIENTATIONAL MAGNETDOPTIC EFFECT ON THE MAGNETIIATION -U- AUTHOR-(02)-KRINCHIK, G.S., CHEPUROVAt E.E. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-JETP LETTERS (USA)v VOL. Ilt NO. 2, P. 105-10, JAN. 1970 DATE PUBL15HED ---- JAN70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--MAGNETOOPTIC. EFFECT, FERROMAGNETIC MATERIAL, ELECTRON STRUCTUREP PERMALLOY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1091 STEP NO--US/0000/70/011/002/0105/0110 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136511 UNCLASSIFIED--- 2/2 025 UNCtASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136511 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A MAGNETOOPTIC EFFECT OBSERVED IN FERROMAGNETIC METALS CONSISTS OF A CHANGE IN THE INTENSITY OF THE REFLECTED LIGHT, AND IS COMPARABLE IN MAGNITUDE WITH THE USUAL EQUATORIAL KERR EFFECT. UNLIKE THE LATTER, HOWEVERI IT IS EVEN IN THE MAGNETIZATION AND IS STRONGLY ANISOTROPIC. IT IS ASSUMED THAT THIS EFFECT IS DUE TO THE INFLUENCE OF THE ORIENTATION OF THE MAGNETIZATION VECTOR ON THE ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF THE FERROMAGNET, OWING TO THE PRESENCE OF SPIN ORBIT INTERACTION. IT IS SHOWN HERE rHAT THIS EFFECT DEPENDS ON THE MAGNETIZATION. THE MEASUREMENTS IWERE PERFORMED ON THIN PERMALLOY STRIP FILMS. FACILITY: MOSCOW STATE UNIV.t USSR. USSR 0.- R. . Khar'kov Aviation Institute* ZOZULYA, V. B. and "Control of Laminar Flow Around a Wing in Free Flight" Kiev, Gidromekhanika, No 20, 1972, pp 3-7 Abstract: Despite the marked advance which laminar flow-around control would bring to aviation technology, many underlying problems in this area rei-.1aill unsolved. No systematic research is being conducted on the effects of im- portant factors such as atmospheric turbulence, design vibrations, acoustic influences, and so on; while some accepted data are erroneous, such as L. F. Koz1ov's figure for initial I-iLmospheric turbulence (1.969) (tho crue. figurc~ i~t signif icantly s:naller). 'The authors obtained experimental verification Of E. B. Schubauer and H. K. Skramstad's thesis that with sufficiently lo,.,7 turbulence (about 0.081.) the so-called upper critical Reynolds number comei; into play for conditions of free atmosphere. Tests were run on the wing of a pilotless flying 111130r,'ItOry, ViUg, profile at the 5lotted portion befal- chosen in accordance v-ith ~,rcf4je models for slot b1c-wing. Flights were made during r--.or:-1_-_13 :hcurs, with almost no wind or updraft. 1/2 USSR ZOZLTLYA, V. B. and CHET~UIONIOVSKIY, 0. R., G idromekhan ill- a, No 20, 1972, pp 7-7 Vith sphere blowing in flight of the lahoratory, a Pa'-ynolds number of Red = 385,000-401,000 was obtained for the sphere, corresponding to flow- turbulence of about 0.03%. With enclosed suction system and assigned suction intensity, laminar-turbul.ent transition was 80'/,' of the chord, and profile drag dropped from 0.0070 to 0.0042. Some disparity was found between flight data and tunnel data, explained by the lower flow turbuloncc in the case of the fomer. 2/2 - 20 - USSR uDe 624.ig.ooi.57 MMN, V. YE., and CHERBOTAYEVt V. V. "An Analysis of the Conditions of Similitude in the Simulation of Under- ground Structures" Moscow, Osnovaniyas Fundarizenty i Rekhanika Gruntov, No 1, 1971, pp 25-27 Abstracti The article deals with determination of the similitude criteria necessary for the simulation for various undergound structures, and an analysis of the degree of influence of some par=eterz of the "jacketing -- rock!' oystex upon the stressed state of -that system. A nethod is proposed for correcting the results of simulation on the basis., of graphs of relation- ships of the value of the load to the value of.this or that parameter of the model, these graphs being constructed on the basis of an analytical solution, on an electronic co;iputerp of the problem of the distribution of on-tact pressures upon the excavation supports. Three figures, 3 biblio- graphic entries. 1/1 USSR uDc 616.981-452-022-39-036-23-078.7(479) CHERCBENKO, I. I., OGANYAN, Ye. F., IMIN, Ye. V., NAYDEN, P. Ye., YEI-ELIYANOV, P. F.Y GOLUEEV.V P. D.J, F111240NOVA, Yu. A., GONCHAROV, A. I., LABUI-MTS, N. F., BAFAYEV) M. R.J. AMMAN, Ye. L., and KHUV-JLYAN, E. K., Scientific Research Antiplague Institute of the Caucasus and Transcaucasus, and Antiplague Stations, Azerbaydzhan SSR and Armenian SSR "Experience in Serological Detection of Plague in Rodent Nest Substrate and in Predatory Bird Pellets Under Field Conditions in Natural Foci of the Caucasus" Moscov ., Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii, i Tnnunobiologii, PTO 3, 1973, pp 15 -2 0 Abstract: Use of the antibody neutralization reaction W~9) employing plague antigenic erythrocyte diagnosticum was studied as a scrolo(,ical alternative to detection of plague by bacteriological analysis, for vhich it is not always poBsiblc to gather test material in the field. The study was based on the experimental finding that plague F1 antiGen persists in the environment lonrr after an eDizootic has subsided. In the first phase, three areas in the Caucasus in which epizootics had been registered previously were studied in 1969-1971. Samples of rodent nest substrate were found to contain F1 ai,tiE..:en by the AIM, whereas bacteriological methods were generally unsuccessful, 1/2 USSR CIERCIM11KO) I. I.J, et al~, Zhurnal MUkrobiologii, Epidemiologgii, j IMM.Mobio- log", No 3, 1973, PP 15-20 Indicating the usefulness of this method for retrospective analysis. In the second phase an area in which epizootics had not been recorded previously was studied in 1970-1971- While the ANR revealed the presence of Fl antigen in rodent nest substrate, bacteriological analysis did not produce such evidence until 4 months later. This result indicated that the method is also preferen- tial for early detection of plague epizootics. In the final phase pellets regurgitated by predatory birds feeding on plague-carrying rodents were sub- jected to the AITR. Once again Fl antigen was detected. in areas without pre- vious epizootic history up to 2 months prior to detection by bacterial analysis. As a control pellets from an area ~mown to be free of pla[pie for 40 ycara was subjected to the MR, and the results were negative. 7n-us the AM is shown to be a suitable and preferential method for retrospective and early field detec-- tion of natural plague foci. 2/2 - 10 - Iz -) :3 USISR ujr, 616.IoOol-.ILI,2-Cr--12-3,0:595.775-11-078-7+576.,-5i-L-5-0~:"5-3""(6-,995- 775 PMRCHMMKO, I. T. .1 OGIALNYA-K, Ye. F., 17UND11,11, Ye. V., XiAI.'-f!7-,, '-,'e L . tojr P. D., amd GOIXIWNCW, A. I., Scientific institute of the Caucasus and Transcaucasus and Ai-menian Anti-plague Station, Ministv"r of I'lealth USSR "E).-Perience2 in Serological of Fleus of Ro~jent-,, for !II,-ir;ue" Exe-minations- m,osco,w, aurna-1 MiI-zrec)ioIoEii Epi~!,Zraiolo,-U i Iruru-nobiolo-ii, NO ly 1 q p 137 -373 3- Abf;t-ract: 'E-:e nu:17~,,Pr o-r infe-cted Pleas recvii--~!d ical result is not i-Kxr~, thazi 5 -L,-i -- mixture w-ith 25 " s oi' oerolo,,icall tests are wmilaI)l- lirs, a' re-su t t, -E, ttcx, in-~,--ct-iun the test L,,e,, are keot at 25oC ii-i a 2,1, -, , I-Cj 401-, 0 ,4-Li- 'nr, 0 J.V,. ~ _C)_ ~1, ox,rY2~6 violet antl .11,5 fo.-mlip. wi-dch cfft:ctivaly (-,)~tracjl's 1 gen PI from the tissue of the insects and -preservez it for at. -east 4~) days. rMe colution id-uh or withou-t the fleas can be for the test Which in-volves nettralization of Eintibodies with. st-2.11'krd T)LIr-XC- e:rythroc~te diacrnocticur,.. The laethod was VeT--Tfied -in fftitALd -,"o-3-h. III SIZZ'~e-- 01 --w:71-ules contaim~np, a totall of 2, j'197 IP-1cas frm- field 1,-..icr; and hcllur in 'L-r-pscaucasia wero araly-zed wit'.1 parcj.)-el. '11,C antip,,en PIL 121 34 USSR I. I., et al., Zhurnal Mik--obiologii Lpidemdolo~!ii i CHERMM"ITO) ITO 1, 197-3, P 137 bacteriological !i-.,ethod yielded cultures of plague patno.-ren in only 21 sa-1::-ples. In stu,-neer 15,71, positive rest-121;s were olb-Lained by the, serological mat"liod in 24%, of s&-.mies of fleas collected from gophers in Vie Caucasian i-IOU-nt-ains. Subsequently-, the bacteriological rethod used in 0--to'--)er IWI Yielded positive results for the fIrst tine in that :L--Gion. The 'LastL------ and nore oensitive serolo--ical method is recommended for territorial suiveys of plague pathor-.Cn. 2/2 Parasitology USSR UDC 576.61-,5.7-jilz T L. A. and C!FEF.,I'HE7!-r~0, 1. Scientific Research S P - J, - _;ue Institute of the Caucasus and Transcaucasus, Stavropol "The Feeding Activity or, Man of Fleas From the Con-..-on Vale Of th-e Transcauczasian Upland" Lenin~~rad, Parazitologlya, Vol 4, No 3, 1-:a-v/jun 2~1-27~ ~L '0 _ ( Abstrac-: Thousands of specil.-.ens of six Species of fleas t,!'.14C ~1-.C- k, - I- - -Darasites on voles in the Transcaucasian upI--nd Plac-,ue -fecus, ~:~Ire tez~te--' fol- iheir feedinZ habits on ran. Yost of the fleas, --:-.on~ them ~:in:, ones, were reluctant to food on P--ui, when placed on a hu;7nn hod-.r I'or 10 :!inutes to 24 hou--s. Crut of hundreds ol' fleas, one r;i:-),iit have fed a.-, ti-ree sDecies of -fleas: Ceratophyllus caspius, Cera-tophyllus cons iz---1.11 is, arv7. F-rontons-Illa elata caucasica, did feed an in a. 10 Anutc cxpos,,Lre in 1.4, 'T.'17 r,2d Qi- cases respectively. olat;.~, hlouever, harIbors plajie hlr~ct~.,--D,., Only a lij.-Ited tire. 'z'ne Ceratop:h'--lius species can be expected in the tran-.-dssion of plague from rodents to man, since the-, -feed readily on the vole., Ltnd oxe consid- ered of epiderdoloi.-IIcal importance. 1/1 112 021 UNCL AS S I FI ED PROCESSING DArE--090CT70 -TITLE--DIPi)LE GIANT RESONANCES OF NONMAGIC NUCLEI -0- AUTHGR-(Q3)-bAZHENUV, A.A., GAMALYAt I.A.t CHERDANTSEV, P.A. ~COUNTRY OF INFG--USSR 7SOURCE--ILV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED., FIZ. 1970, 13(L)r 7-13 DATE PUBLISHED--70 SUBJECT ARE:AS--PfiYSICS TOPIC TAGS-DIPGLE mrtRi,CTION, NUCLEAR RESONANCEr WAVE FUNCTION, PHUT&NUCLEAK REACTION, TITANIUM ISOTOPE, SCANDIUM ISOTOPE, CALCIUM ISOTOPE CONTROL MAkKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--1980/1433 STEP NO--Ul~/0131)/70/C)t3/001/0001/0013 CIRC ACCESSION NO--A[0049555 IJINC L A S S 11: 1 C 0 - ------------------ - 212 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIRC 14CCESSION NO-AT0049555 ' A3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A8STRACT. ThE MEYHOO OF CALU-N. OF DIPOLE GIANT KESONANCES OF NO;NMAGIC NUCLEI.s CONNECTED WITH THE UTILIZATIOIN 01- DEFORMED SINGLE PARTICLE ORBITALS I-OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NUCLEI WAVE FUNCTICNS, IS PRESENTED. THE KESIDUAL-INTERACTIGN POTENTIAL, CONSIDERED IN' THE CALCN. OF THE DIPOLE STATESt CREATED BY THE PHUTOAUSORPTION OF NUNMAGIC NUCLEI, PRIME4Z CAt PRIME42 SC, PRIME44 TI, PRItME46 fl, INCLUDED "THE DEPENDENCE OF THE QUANTUM NUS. K, THAT ARE THE INTEGRALS OF THE MOTION IN THE PRESENTED SCHEME. THE CALCNS. OF THE OSCILLATOR FORCES AND THEIR DEPENDENCE UPON THE GIANT RESONANCE ENERGY WERE MADE AND THEIR RESULTS ARE GIVEN. FACILiry: TOMSK. POLITEKH. INST. IM. KIROVA, TOMSKt USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 678.675%678.06-41q.6s6?7-,'?-i MWINAq L. Lo TOUNINAt P. H.v LITOVCr.-NKOO S. I.f_Sq1~R)qNSXAYA# M* A. 0 -,-VOROB'Y-RV, V. D., VIASOVAj K. U., KISMVs B. A.t V~nd- T MA 9 ~I. F~~ "Poly1mides and Polybenzimidazzols for Plexiglasses and Cements" Moscoup Plasticheskiye Massyl No 4, 1973, PP 15-17 Abstracts The physical and cherJcal properties were determined for a numbor of therytonlastics -- such as the polyimides (PI), polyaraidoirddes (PAI) , and polybonzyimidazols (PBI) - forning 15-68% solutions with diffey-'ent solvents. The PIJ and FBI plus three of the PI resins formed linear struc- tMes; two of the PI resins formed a three-dimensional structure. The linear resins have a gr-,ater strength than the crosslinked below tenperatures of about 3000C. The data are given in several tables and graphs-. 66 - USSR uDc: 621.317:621-391.822 KLYUYEV, L. L. , MESHKOV, 14. 111. , SOLIONEDIKO, V. G. , KHODP,9EVICH, R. G. "Comparative Aiiallysis of instruments for Measuring the Delay Time of Noise-Like Signals" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii ro rad4-o'uekhn. i=ereniyam. T. 2 (Re- ports of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on Radio Engineer- ing Measurements. Vol. 2), Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 147-148 (from F.Zh-Radiotekh- nika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1A316) [No abstract] 70 US S R UDC: 621-317-023.001 CHEPIIYSHEV, V. 0., CHERDYNTSEV, V. A. "On the Theory of Nonstationary Complex Systems of Radio Measurements" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-teklin. konferentsii pa radiotekhn. izmereniyam.. T. 2 (Re- ports of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conrerc!nce on Radio Engineer- ing Meanurements. Vol. 2), Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 179-181 (frota RZIi-Radiotekh- nika, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12A311) Traric;lation: It is noted that structural redundancy makes a complex system of radio measurements appreciably more accurate than any of the facilities which make up the system. Besides this, the combination of facilitieu increases the reliability of Information and improves.the resistance of the system to interference. In combining facilitier, for radio iw.,rinurcment systems, various criteria of optimality may be used, including mirdmi7-al,ion of variance in the resultant error. The principle of construction of a two-channel system of radio measurements is outlined and illustrated by a diagram. Equations are presented which can be used with predetermined correlation err-or fLqctions to synthesize an optimum filter for a complex system of radio measurements subjected to the effect of nonstationary inter- ference. It is shown that the variance of random errors in such a system approaches zero under steady-state conditions, which is the main advantage of such systems over stationary systems. E. L. USSR UDC 577.391:612.016.1 PETROV, R. V., KOVAL'CHUK, L. V., and C11_Z_UD7r_j7r_,V A. N., Institute of Biophysics, 'Ministry of Health USSR, Moscow "Quantitative Aspects of Present-Day Radiation Immunology and the Action of Radiation on Intercellular Cooperative Processes" Moscow, Radiobiologiya, Vol 11, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, pp 483-494 Abstract: During the past 15-20 yrs a considerable amount of research has been done on the effects of irradiation on immunity. This research was done principally on the level of changes in the immunity of the entire organism; relatively few studies have been concerned with quantitative aspects of the action of radiation on immuno competent cells. For a number of years, Sys- tematic research has been conducted at the authors' lab-oratory on tile effects of sublethal irradiation of mice with gamma-rays upon the dynamics of changes in cells of the lymph system. In this research quantitative estjMatcs vere made for 2 mos after irradiation of the number and functional activitv of lymphocytes, i-mr-unocampe tent precursors, stem hcmopoietic cells, and anti- body-forming cells. This work is reviewed. The results showed that changes in the immunological response of the irradiated organism were not due solely to a shortage of cells participating in this response (principally precursors 1/2 USSR PETROV, R. V., Radiobiologiya, Vol 11, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, pp 483-494 of antibody-forming cells and ir.-m-unocompetent cells exhibiting homotrans- plantation activity); there were also radiation-produced deficiencies in intracellular cooperative processes necessary for immunological effects. Specifically, disturbance in the cooperation between lymphoid cells cdid stem hemopoietic cells could be assumed. Stein hemopoietic cells, in Lhe absence of lymphocytic stimulation in the direction of immuno- and lympho- poiesis, dLfferentiated towards hemopoiesis. One of the ainis of the re- search being, coiidUCtCd JS d(Nelopment of methods for rosLorarion of LI)e immunological reactivity of the irradiated organism by transplantation of one or several types of cooperating cells. 2/2 L/2 038 ASSI FIED P.-W-C-SSUNG DATE--13-NOV70 UNCL L: TiTLEE-C-HANGES IN b4L;GTHL'LLU;4 OF POSTERIOR VENA CAVA ACUT& RAOIATION DISEASE -U- AUTH0-R-(02)-.N'lKlF0.0,0VAr Ye.N.p CHEREOEYEVA, YE.A. IL"GUN-tAy -3,7' INFG--USSR SOURCE-ARK14 ANpr rIST:~I_ EABRIOL 58(2): 59-64. ILLUS. 1970. ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT A-~~: ~--61CLOG ICAL AND MEOICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TA;"S--!-NA'~'lATIO,'4 SICK%ESSt X RAY RADIAT16N 2f,-,l.f:--'lC ',--::F-CT, tlAl,'f-ATIG'~' E N ER A T L ON DOSAGE, BLJOU VESSEL, RADIArION DAIMIAGE, IMITOS[St r1- SUE At :C014TROL MARKING-NO P.ESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UtliCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3002/108L STEP NO--Uk/9076/70/053/002/CjO59/0064 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0128508 212 038 UNCLASS I FIED P;WCESSHIG 3ATE-13NOV70 ,CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0128508 ABSTRACr/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MALE RATS WEIGHING 200-250 G --'qERE USED. FOUR HUNDREO ANO FURTY ANIMALS WERE EXPOSED TO 'WHOLE BODY X RAY IRRADIATION IN SINGLE UUSES FROM 550 OR 620-650 k (LD 50-70-30), ')50 R (LO 90-95-12), TO 1400 R (LD 100-3)t 80 UN[RRADIATED RATS 3&ING USED AS CONTROLS. ANIMALS WERE SACRIFICED AT THE SAME TIMIE GF DAY (10-1?- A.M.) 1t 3, 5, 7, 10p 15t 20, 25t 307 60, 90 AND 180 DAYS AFTER IRkADIATION. IN AOD[TION TO ROUTINE HISTOLOGIC TECHNIQUES, FLAT FILi'-l PREPARATIONS WITH SILVER NITRATE IMPREGNATION OF CELL BORDERS WERE ALSO USED. OBVIOUS CYTOLOGIC SIGNS OP RADIATION INJURY (ENLARGEMEN'T OF AVEI~AGE SIZE OF CELL NUCLE-It INCREASED AMOUNT OF BINUCLEAR CELLS ANO APPEARANCE OF POLY iNUCL EAR S) '!E,>,E Fr;U.-40 IN ENOoTflELIUM OF THE POSTE'-%IOR VENA CAVA. ALTHOUGH THE iflUlMitiER OF DEEGENERATING CELLS TENDED TO GROW, INTEGRITY OF THE ENOOTHELIAL COAT PERSISTED AT ALL STAGES OF ACUTE RAOIATION SICKi"CIESS. 4.T THE SAME TIME MITOTIC ACTIVITY UF ENIDUTHELIAL CELLS INCREASED (TO UP TG 7PERCENTt 8 DAYS AFTER PRRAD[ATION AT 950 R OUSE) 14 CES WERE CF PATHOLOGIC NATURE. THOUGH MA~Y OF THE MITOS IN SURVIVING ANIMALS THE ENDI"THELIAL COAT RECOVERED NORMAL srRucrii.RE 2-6 MO. AFTER IRRADIATIO'.i. THE RE-50LI'S OF THIS STUDY LEND tCONTRiBuruRy 'EVIOENCE TO THE tnr[ON OF r~ELATIVE -,;%i)IATliJ[,4 kESISTANCf OF EINOGTHEL[At. CL-LL5v 4[TH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THOSE OF MAJOR BLOOD VESSEL. FACILITY: .LAO. EXP- HISTOL.t INST. EXP- MEU.r ACAD. MEO. SCf. USSR, LENINGRAD# USSR. 1/2 033 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING 0ATE--27N0V7,G TITLE--DETERA [NAT inN OF THC- TUNGSTEN CONTENT liNt THE BIND[N(' p I I ~t Ci E 0if f~o F A SINTERED ALLOYS -U- AUTHOR-(05)-TUMANOV, V.I., SHCHETILINA, YE.A., CHE-,4EDUMOV, A.A., YELMAKOVA, S.M.p SEREBROVA, 0.1. CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 262f483 ~REFERENCE--OTKRYTfYA, IZOBRET., PROM. CBRALTSY, TOVARNYE ZNAKI 1970, 47(6) DATE PUBLISHED--26JAN70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATER[ALS, CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--METAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, HARD ALLOY, TUNGSTEN CONTAINING ALLOY, MAGNETIC PERMEABILITY, CURIE TEMPERATURE, METALLURGIC RECSEARC~i FACILITY, FERROMAGNETISM, PATENT ~,CONTRDL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFfED WOXY REEL/FRAiMF--30()L/L463 STEP NO--UR/0482/'10/000/1)00/0000/()O()O CIRC ACCESSION 140--AA012,15994 212 033 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS ING DArLc--27,'IOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0126994 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE W CONTEmr IS OETD. BY HEATING -THE SAMPLE, MEASURING WITH A MAGNETOMETRIC APP. THE CHANGE OF THE .14AGNETIC PERMEABILITY OF THE ALLOYt AND DETG. THE CURIE TE-AP. ACCORDING TO THE LOSS OF FERROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES. FACILITY: VSESOYUZNYY NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATELISK[Y INSTITUT TVERDYKH SPLAVOV. ill-c I AI i: f ~ml USSR CHFRFD1xOV,.~j..N. "The Use of Computers for Determination of the Staff of Teachers for a School" Primeneniye mat. Metodov i Vychisl. Tekhn. v upr. ITyssli. Uchebn. Zabedeniyami Vyp 2 [Application of Mathematical Methods and Computer Equipment to the Control of Universities, No 2], Moscow, 1971, pp 150-154, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2 V728 by V. Mikheyev) . Translation: An algorithm is studied for determination of the required staff of teachers and classrooms for the conduct of the teaching process in a University. It consists of. the following. Stud), groups are connected into flows based an the number of students in each and their stud), plans. Based on the total number of hours necessary for all types of lessons for all flows, all disciplines and workload norms, established for teachers, the required staff of teachers is calculated for reading of lectures in each dis- cipline, for conduct of seminars and practical sessions and laboratory work. Based on the flows forrulated, considering the number of study groups, the 0 number of hours and types of lessons, the number of lecture halls, special 112 -;-,~6SR- CHEREDINOV, M. N. , Primeneniye mat. Metodov i V)rchisl. Tekhn. v upr. Vvssh. Uchebn. Zabedeniyami Vyp 2, Moscow, 1971, pp 150-154. purpose classrooms, equipment required and halls for practical lessons and special rooms are calculated. It is noted that a Minsk-22 computer program has been written for this algorithm, 4,500 words long. Solution of this problem for a univerisity with 7 departments, 422 study groups and 40 spe- cialists requires 6 hours of machine time. The results of the solution are output on an ATSPU-128 in the form of tables showing the staff of teachers and classrooms, indicating their specialization a:nd the number of classrooms in each department and for the school as a whole. 2/2 - 60 - :c. Nr. Abstracting Service: f. Code PO 023231- CHEMICAL ABST. I ;'- )Z' U Wo ~Aw% CW r 3033x Change in electrical conductivity as a result of tbernio- chemical conversions of solid fuel in inert and oxidizing mtdia. Golovina, G. �.; Kantorovich, B, V.; Pitin R, N.; Ponnik, Y u. A.; I. 1. (USSR). Ahtm. Iverd.-I'OPI, 1969, (5), 126-7 (Russ). The process of thermal decompn. of powd. hard-coal (grade G, Kuzbass) was studied in Ar and Ar-O plasma streams. The elec. cond. of Ar plasma increased more rapidly than that of Ar-O plasma. During combustion of a natural solid fucl, the main source of charged particles was Ibex- mal decompn. of an org. component. Frantisek Smutny MK REEL/FPME q G #1 '17 077 100 M UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 '1/2 029 ~_TITLE-EJ-FECT OF VACUUM ULTRAVIJLET IRRADIATION ON THE SPECTRAL DISTRIBUTION OF ThE PHOTJCJINDUCTIVITY OF CAUMIUM SULFIDE SINGLE CRYSTALS ,:AUTHUR-(03)-GKIGOREVj V.Rvv NCVIKOV# E.V-t t~El~tl~~ENKOq A.YE. CGUNTRY OF INFO-USSR .~SOURCE-VESTIN. LENINGRAD. UNIV.t FIZ.v KHIM. 1970 (1), 75-9 FtjBLISJ-iE0----70 SUBJECT AR~~AS-PHYSICS JOPIC TAGS-VACUUM UV IRRADIATION, SPECTRAL DISTRIBUTIJN9 PHOTOCCNOUCTIVITY,-CADMIUM SULFIDE, SINGLE CRYSTAL Cr-NITRC-L RESTRICTIONS ~-DGCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/1836 STEP NO--UA/0054/70/OOQ/001/0075/0079 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0123625 L "t S I F I E 0" 2/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED 13ROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIqC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0123625 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF UY LIGHT AND ELECTRON BOMBARDMENT (3 KEV) ON THE FINE STRUCTURE OF SPECTRAL DISTRIBUTION OF COS SINGLE CRYSTAL PHOTOCOND. WAS INVESTIGATED AT SODEGREESK IN VACUUM (LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 10 NEGATIVE PRIME6 TORR). :ADSORBED G INFLUENCES THE SPECTRAL DISTRIBUTION OF PHOTOCURRENTo CHANGES IN TFE DARK COND. AND FINE STRUCTURE OF PHOTOCOND. OCCURRING AFTER 1RRAUN. ARE EXPLAINED BY THE DESPORTION OF 0 FROM THE SURFACE OF THE CRYSTAL. U-Ni C L AS S I f- IED Semiconductor Technology USSR UDC 548.526:548.4 DUDKO, G. V., and CHEREDNICHEN'KO. D. I., Taganrog UMMMMM~ "Raising the Diffusion Activity of Germanium Treated With An Electron Beam!' Kishinev, Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materialov, No 2, 1970, pp 29-31 Abstract: An anomalous increase of the diffusion activity of electrically active impurities in germanium, exposed to low- energy electrons (Ec::730 kev), is established. The germanium diffusion coefficients increase fourfold for the acceptors (In, Ga) and 1.5-2-fold for the donors(Sb, As). The coefficients of diffusion are determined experimentally by the method of p-n- transitions on the basis of available concepts concerning the diffusion along the boundaries. The increase of the diffusion activity is related to the formation of the developed network of dislocations along which the migration of impurities is considerably facilitated. 1/1 :'~~;112 038 UNCLASSIFI!Fb PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~TITLE-POSSIBLE MECHANISMS OF THE FORMATION AND DISTRIdUTION OF UEFECTS IN SILICON AND GERMANIUM DURING ELECTRON BEAM HEATING -U- AUTHOR-(03)-DUDKOP G-V.t KOLEGAYEVt MeA.9 CHEREDNICHENKOt D.I. .-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZ. KHIM. OBRAB. MATERs L970p (2)t 25-9 DATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICSt MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--ELECTROPi-BEAM, METAL HEATING, SINGLE CRYSTAL, SILICON, I GERMANIUM# METAL MELTING9 MICROSCOPY# CRYSTAL LATTICE DEFECT CCINTROL MARKI.%G--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0946 STEP NO--UR/0472/70/000/002/0025/0029 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121548 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 038 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121548 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STRUCTURAL DEFECTS P,~ODUCED IN GE AND Sl"SINGLE CRYSTALS (SECTIONED ALONG THE (111) PLANES) UURING LOW ENERGY ELECTRON BEAM BOMBARDMENVWAS STUDIED. THE SAMPLES MAINTAINED THEIR SINGLE CRYSTALLINITY IN'SPITE OF SOME SURFACE MELTINGe THE DISLOCATIONS WERE REVALED BY CHEM. ETCHING AND COU14TED UNDER A MICROSCOPE. THERE WAS A ZONE OF DISLOCATIONS9 EXTENDING INTO THE BODY OF THE CRYSTALt AT THE POINT WHERE THE BEAM STRIKES THE CRYSTAL. THE PRESSURE OF THE ELECTRON BEAM 15 TOO LOW TO CAUSE THE DISLOCATIONS; INSTEAD, THE DEFECTS ARE PROBABLY DUE TO THERMAL STRESSES AND POSSIBLY TO BENDING OF THE CRYSTALS DURING HEATING. UNCLASSIFIED 112 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--ZONOV70 -TITLE-0 IFFL,5 ION OF INDIUM AND ANTIMONY IN %GERMANIUM IRRADIATED BY LOW ENERGY ELEL-TRCNS -U- G.V., HARUNINA, N.I., SUKHCV, G.V.v CHEREDNICH OF ll%FC-USSR :SCUkCE--FIL. TVE&D* TELA 19709 LZ(41t 1292-4 ''DATE PUbLISHEG- -70 SL6JECT AREAS-MATERIALSi PHYSICS a -PIC TAGS--METAL DIFFUSION, ANTIMONY A-LLOY, GERMANIUM ALLOY, INDIUM lj T ALLOY9 CRYSTAL OLSLOCATILNt RADIOACTIVE ISOTUPEt ELECTRON, LOW ENERGY NEUTRON CUNTACL kAik7lAG--hfj RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RELL/FRAME-3001/0476 STEP NO-UR/0181/70/012/004/LZ92/1294 CIRC ACCESSICis NO--APClZb2Z6 1 j-~~ '_' I A S cr 1 F FE a 2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--2ONfJV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0126228 .~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DIFFUSION OF IN ANO SB IN GE GRIENTED IN ThE (111) PLANE AND TREATED OVER THE ENTIRE SURFACE WITH LOW ENERGY ELECTRCNS (SMALLER FHAN 30 KEV) WAS STUDIED AT 650-850t)EGREES USING kALI(jACTIVE ISOTUPES. THE OIFFUSION PARAMErERS ARE 0 SUBO EQUALS 5.8 TliiiES 10 PRIME3 CMA PkIME2-SEC, Q EQUALS 57 KCAL-MOLE FOR IN AND D SUbC EQUALS 21 CM PRIP-l-E2-SEC AND Q EQUALS 48 KCAL-MOLE FOR SB. ACCELEkATED DIFFUSION, IS RELATED APPARENTLY TO THE FORMATION OF A NEThORK (F OISLOCATICNS EiY IRRADN. FACILITY: TAGANROG. KADIOTEKH. INST., TAGANROG, USSR. USSR TJDC: 5'6.4:6a~l DLT,K G.V.) .7=111"..Y EV, and IC=-I;IKO,. D.N., "Possible Mechanisms in the Formation and Distribution of in -7-*---,-,*,c.D---, and Germanium, During Eiectron-Beam Floating" 'Moscow,- Fizilza i X-himiya Crbrabotka Materialov, No 2, .1,Lr-Apr 70, PP 25-29 Piostract: The effects of electron-beam processing on material structul-re a-re iza- portant in view of the intensive use of this technique at the preserit time. TLe authors studied the actual structure of Ge and Si single arystals treatued with an electron beam (4-8 kv, 2 ma, 0.5-2.0 sec, vacuum of 5-10-5 -= H6). Defects 5 x 5 x 0.5 mm were produced in the 11-1,3 plane. There was no disturbance of crystalline structure even upon surface fusion. The sharp increase in dislocation density at points of treatment is believed to be due primarily to thermal stresses. l/I 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--PHYSICOCHE.'-i[CAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF PRILUKI AND RYBALISKII PETROLEUMS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-CHEREONICHENKOt G-I.t ZHURBAo A.Sot USUPOVAt L.G. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .SOURCE--NEFTEPERERAB. NEFTE KHIM. (MOSCOW) 1970, (3)9 47 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAP4Y, MATERIALS, PROPULSION AND FUELS ,TOPIC TAGS--KEROSINEf GASOLINE9 JET FUELv PETROLEUM DEPOSIT, GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION, PETROLEUM REFINING, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY PROPERTY, CATALYTIC REFORMING CONTROL MARKING--iNO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/2081 STEP NO--UR/0318/70/DOO/003/0047/0047 CIRC ACCFSSION 'l0--APo1?74';4 I li If.- I- A(.! I- 11: 1 f: 1) 212 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0127454 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--IU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PRILUKI (15-27PERCENT NAPHTHENES AND 70P ERC ENT PARAF F IN'S ) AND RYBAL I SK I I LOW S P ETRO LEUMS FROM THE DNIEPER DONETS BASIN YIELDFO 55.7 AND 67,0PERCENT O~ LIGHT FRACTIONS? RESP., AND EQUIV. REFORMING CATALYZATES. IN THE RYBAL'SKII PETROLEUM, AROMATIC HYDROCARBON CONTENT IN THE 105-40DEGREES AND 140-240DEGREES FRACTIONS WAS 36.4 AND 28PERCENT, RESP., BUT PARAFFINIC HYDROCARBON CONTENT (26.8PERCENT IN THE 105-40DEGREES FRACTION) AND THE ISO -NORMAL PARAFFIN RATIO WERE SO LOW (0.3-0.4 FOR THE 60-105 AND 120-40DEGREES FRACTFONS) THAT THE OCTANE NO. WAS 13-16 POINTS LOWER THAN THAT OF THE PRILUKI GASOLINE. RYBAL'SKII CRUDES YIELDED KEROSINE JET FUELS HAVING POOR LOW TEMP..AND FLAME CHARACTERISTICS AND ONLY LOW GRADE MAZUT BOILER FUEL. THUS, SEP. REFINING OF THE 2 PETROLEUMS WAS NECESSARY. "'11C L A SS I F IE D ul - IA USSR UDC 541-123.2,546-824-311654.3-31+548.824-31'41- 1 KISELI, K. C., LII%N'T. F., MUDROLYUBOVA, L. F., and_Q1jE.RED,1a'CHENKO, I. F. "CaTi'3_La,T"5 System" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSRI NeorganicheskAye VaterialY, Vol 10, No 3, Mar 74, pp 465-468 Abstracti Samples for studying the CaTiO 3-L9L2TiO5system were produced by reacting an ammonia solution of ammonium carbonate with the chlorates of calcium, lanthanum, and titanium. After washing and drying, the rtsidues were analyzed after heating for 6-12 hours at different temperatures (100- 13000 W. Results of x-ray and chomical phase analysis showed that 6-8 hours is sufficient for establishing equilibrium. From the constructed phase diagram it was found that a region of CaTiO 3-base solid solutions with a perovskite structure is formed. A new phase appears above 1100 0 C which could not be separated for identification but it wan ascertained that this phase is a new co!3pound with a composition close to that of Ca.,LaT1 30111 One figure, one table, 13 bibliographic references. t/1 - 64 - USSR UDC 681-2.001-12:621-03-9-34'. EMMER) K. S. and C~--,tBEDDFICHEN&0,-L--I--I- "Optimal RelaA;ionships During Calculation of 'he Error of Rafflioisotope Instrwiients" Tfekh~~L-a, 110 5, 1973j- PP 71-73 Abstract-: In the o~' rndioisotore instl.-x.:ants.) in V- nirober of cm"in-al relationshi-is exis-, n:%on~; the p-ammeters of the uncct.-Lonal at which the neasurement error is 17-dilim-1. Duapendin~; 11pon the rat"? of cimn,-c Of the measured vallue x, cons i deration ;iay be given to t.1,0 cases: 1) tne given measurement error, divided by tile re.'e of camn-c of x, is imch snialler than the resDonse sDeed of tile in X~nt; 2) the Given error, divideri by t1le of chan:-,-e of "", ir, cWx--l to or I-renter th-an tliu res-rori-~-- speed of insti-wrwnt. in the first case the dynajuc of t."rie ob4ect of control do not bring about a supplementary error dij-rin:-, the mient of ;r; thi's I;o a qu,:.~zii-nteady r.-.easured vaLie. in SeCOTA case the total i~-,vasure::ium.' error is tiiu stm of t.,i(! stntdc el.-rw. and a rd,-~-=L~---,c In accorda-ree "',cre can 'L-e a Of e--.-Zjr ~-j-n t-ie; ranir: 5' t*%,-, f;,-naitiv~.t-:- of 1"ilo 1j,"t"dr) W thc~: tj,]I:Ll eom;t~wt 01, mr--asurin-r: of raTA(Ily values - 73 - USSR KIEI.T1-SRJ K. S. and CMEDNICMdMI) i. 11*11., Izmeritellnaia Tekhnike., No 5, May 1973, pp 71-73 An investigation is made oil conditions of 'the mini.~.,=;i of e=ar in -the measurement of values connected with a nuclear Tadiation flux, wilth account taken of all forms of error ori,-inating in a ftuictional system of measurem-ent. An analysis is marde of tae influence of individual error comTonents upon the conditions of existence of the mzinimum. It is shown that the _-anic relation- ships used in engineerinE methods of calculation are partial. in nature, andi are obtained as limit estirmates in the cited expressions. Calculation relationshlis are given, which link the optbml conditions of measurer-ient for cases encolm- tered in designing Practice- 3 figures- 7 references. 2/2 Oil UNCL ASS IF I 'ED PROCESSING DATE---27.NFjV70 TITLE--THE AUTHORITY OF KINOWLEDGE -U- AUTHOR-CQ~~~ENKO, L.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--PRAVDA UKRAINY, JULY 19, 1970, P 2, COLS 5-8 DATE PUBLISHED--19JUL70 SUBJECT AREAS--BEHAVIORAL ANO SOCIAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--STUDENT ENROLLMENT, ACADEMIC INSTITUTION SIZE, UNIVERSITY, TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, CHEMICAL INSTITUTE CWJTRO'L MARKING--.-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/0649 STEP NO--UR/9013/70/0001000/0002/oooz GIRC ACCESSION N'f)--,V10t161`22 L! 'IL LA ~, L f F If- E L) 2/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV7C CIRC ACCESSION NO--AN0116222 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN 1970, THE 138 INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING OF THE UKRAINIAN REPUBLIC ANTICIPATE THE ENROLLMENT OF MORE THAN 153,000. THE 757 MIDDLE SPECIALIZED SCHOOLS OF THE REPUBLIC WILL ACCEPT 2409000 NEW STUDENTS. THE K[YEV TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF LIGHT INDUSTRY WILL HAVE A NEW SCHOOL BUILDING WITH AN AREA OF ABOUT 10000 SQUARE FEET. THE DNEPROPETROVSK CHEt'-1ICAL TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE WILL OPEN A NEW DORMITORY FOR 770 STUDENTS. THE KIYEV STATE UNIVERSITY HAS COMPLETED THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DORMITORY FOR 500 STUDENTS. THE ODESSA TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE IMENI LOMONOSOV WILL HOUSE 630 STUDENTS IN ITS NEW DORMITORY. Ij u.:,) c 6a. YERSHOV, A. C., CHERED:lIQH-El,!;~ld- 0.--3-, SilluRlri, G. A. "An E.,TerimentEul Study of a Lasc-r Based on a Solution c-L' ul Orcanic Dvc With Transverse PuMninr~ ~nel a D'spersion Calriti," Zh. -Driki. spektroshopill (Journa-I of Applied Spectro:,,ccL:,,), 1971,-,-1!:', No 2, pp 216-221 (frcj-,., !lZh-Radiot(-2'xhnil-a2 1,11o 7. Jul '(1, Abstract ic) 7D187) Tran o 3. ~ L L j r; r i : 7h e ta L i t h o. -1, rh e Fj o 1 a i ~ j. z,, t - t 1 (:) rl of from a la.,,cr bac-d on a ol' mine 6G i-n cthvi alccliol with a cuiccrvtrati~m ol, C, 1.101 -I 1 11 - p, d Me use of a dif--ilcrsicr, cp~;ity w-it-I diffraction grati.n wid with tr,:-rsvr-,rse pixn'diiC mf the dye by the second l~%rm:'n-l-C of an 8 frilel neodyndwri lar-,(-r zvad~~, it possible to achic-m-, whicl-., car; be tuned over a rwnge of "'60-620 nin with an emis5ion btrid,-ri-Ouh of;- 1-6 -Tim and a factor of r, = 35i~:'. t 4 tf C- biblio'g-rar-hy of Ui,.'C LS S I F0 PROCLSSING TITL:--'--U-AP.%CTrI-~.ISTIC FEATJFES CF CC,%T44,CJ~. ELCING ;-7'Y PUSICN -,,Heal FxFcurf~i,-; T JLIN'rS -U- CCB~~UVCLSKIY, V.P., GOR SliK, V , A . P . C.;[-,LZF!ALCV, V.-A. CCUIIIT~-tY CF ItNFC----L-'qSR SCURC.E-KIEV, A'jT(--I-IAI ICHr-S',I,'AYA SVARKA, INC 1, 1'j7(;, PP 53-~b Cl-~T-E PI.&L ISFEC - - - - - - -7C SL,:j"--Cl Imi., CiVIL ANT ?v4kf,'%E P,GA .TCFI,', [tGS--v%ELC JCII\r, '.%ELO EVALUATION, r4CLOUX DCCUYENT CLA~~--LNCLASSf;:IEP PkCAY 7Lj/Oo5,9 S Th N C - - U F / C 121 't GC / 0 ~;O~ 5 15 0 C 5 6 ACC. Nr. APQQ46746 USSR Ref. Code: U9O/,)'S- UDC 621.791.053.96 CHEREDNICHOK, V. T., DOGROVOL'SKIY, V. P , GQRSHKOV. A. P., PRITUMALOV. V. A "Characteristic Features of Contact Welding by Fusion when Executing T- Joints" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Velding), No 1, 1970, pp 53-56 (from Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 1, 1970, p 80) Translation: The interrelation of the parameters characterizing upsetting when executing T-Joints and the quality of the welds obtained arestudied. There are 7 illustrations and a 5-entry bibliography. Reel/Frame IT Rechanical Properties USSR UDC 669.15-194:60'9.!Ar 1TIKITS1f__k'_,-A, V. A. , PY ATAKOVA, L. L. , POLT f VETS, A. S 3OVA L. 1!'. K 33 0 V 7 1 SHUB DIA 9 - *_%,_I~~ T". voll-Ov L. G.1 I V-pM--a- C;I':-! I.: '=7,7 T, 1~ntlanlluroical Pl?.nt i-m-Ciii 7 Dne, odzerzhirlsl-, Industrial Inrtitute imeni 11,111. 1. Lirseniciiev "Im-orovem-ont o-_P 1,'ech-mical Pronerties of Hot-Rolled 1011`~';_, :"eel,, T ~, -;i -) U U Moscovi, Metallurg, Nio 1, Jan 73, -pp 16-17 Abstract: E_xperimental data are precented on the effcc'u2- o-f chemical composition, mc-thod of fin-,.I dco-X-J-clotion, ~_,rid leV(., tem-nerature 2' thc end of rolling on JU-1 i c ~14 C__. I I-1,0 .1 perties onflt the amount of of 10"'h~'-jD oteel lia the hc)'-a:o].1ea state. The ef'fect~-, oi? C. ~_a, 3i, and Cr and the-J-1, !n=1T1r,,,.- offccll- th ) 0 -:' 1 on the in-.,)act stron ~-th ajid Vie ultimate ctren,-,, (yield, steel deo-~,i_Oized in t-h-c la~lo with (1000 rjton) r-,-0, titf-?~,iiuvq ( 500 .-./ton) :,~,ro UISCU-Ascd by re-Corence to, di- st- results in MCC1,-,_,n1ca1 7nro-nertics in (,_,.ICjoCj Jj C~4-- the ~?,-riounju- off' .vero obt-,ined b7!. (2000 ~,.-/ton) rend by the roilir,,- t o 0 U - I - -1 U the r,~-tmf, t-1-i-ic. The Use of in -Uhc fin-j of steel in the open-ho-arth ohop of the immi DI-1 Oecreanc(! the ~r_iount of vla--to by 5-5.5 Tv:o -fJ_,7.ure-, onc bable, Oscillators and liodula.t.ors USSR UDC: 621.373. AFANASOV, S. G., QHEREDNIK, V.-I. "On the Feasibility of Using Drift E~fects in the Grid-Anode Space of a Triode for Generating Microwave Electromagnetic Oscillations" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 17, No 1, Jan 72, pp 127-131 Abstract': The authors discuss the possibility of using a triode for generating microwaves in a mode analogous to the operating mode of an avalanche-drift diode oscillator. The impedance of the grid-anode space is calculated. The resis- tive and reactive components of the impedance are calculated as functions of the drift angle. The calculations are done for the low-amplitude region. The impedance is computed in the cathode-grid space as well with regard to drift effects. An arbitrary phase relation is assumed between the voltages across both spaces. Two figures, bibliography of eight titles. Nitrogen Compounds USSR UDC 541-15 "14F3and 112F4Radiolysis by Fa5t Electrons" Moscow, KhWya Vysokikh Energiy, Vol 6, No 6, Ifov-Dee 72, PP 525-528 Abstracti Radiolysis of h? 3 and N2F4 by fast electrons of about 30 Mev was studied. The rate of radiolysis of both 17 3 and NA increases linearly with increasing gas pressure and with the magnitude of the dose absorbed by th'a 0 gas, The breakdown of 14F3 produces nitrogen, fluorine and cis-difluorocliazine. Radiolysis of 112F4yields nitrogen trifluoride, nitrogen, trans-difluoro- diazine and cis-difluoroc[lazine. It was shown that under conditions of complete breakdown of tetrafluorohydrazine the cia-N 2F4 is r.-Aiationally more stable than tr,--ns-NF4- Also, it has been shoifn that teti-afluoro- hydrazine is less stable towaxd radiation than nitrogen trifluoride. 1/1 USSR UDC: 536.6.oi.8 CHEMIISIN, F. G., Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, -1ro S -cov "Solution of the Two-Dimensional Problem of Aerodynamics of a Ra~iefied Gas on the Basis of Boltzmann's Kinetic Equation" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 209, No 4, 1 Apr 73, pp 811-81); Abstract: Numerical solution of Boltzmann's kinetic eauation even in the case of the sim-Dlest one-dimensional motions of rarefied gas involves con- siderable clifficulties, and it is only comparatively recently that the first successes have been achieved along these lines. In this paper the author uses a numerical method to solve the plane problem of flow of a rarefied gas around a plate of finite length. The problem is solved in the Car- tesian coordinate system, and a 14onte Carlo method is used to compute the integrals of collisions. Errors are analyzed. 1/1 112 044 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF THE BOLTZMANN KINETIC EQUATION FOR ONE DIMENSIONAL STEADY GAS MOTIONS -U- AUTHOR--CHEREMISIN, F*G. COUNTRY OF INFO--U SR SOURCE-ZHURNAL *VYCHISLITELINO! MATEMATIKI. I MATEMATICHESKOf FIZIKE, VOL. - 10, MAY-JUNE k2.~D, P. 654-665 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--NUMERIC SOLUTION, BOLTZMANN TRANSPORT EQUATION# GAS MECHANICS, DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION, ALGORITHMP SHOCK WAVEP PLANE GEOMETRY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605007/DO4 STEP NO--UR/0208/70/010/000/0654/0665 CERC ACCESSION NO--AP0139878 UNCLASSIFIED-- 212 044 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139878 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DEVELOPMENT OF A STATISTICAL APPROACH TO THE SOLUTION OF THE BOLTZMANN KINETIC EQUATION. THE CALCULATION OF THE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION AT EACH PHASE IS PERFORMED WITH A SMALL ArCURACYw BUT ONE SUFFICIENT FOR CARRYING OUT THE SUBSEQUENT ITERATIONS. FOR THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF REMEMBERING A LARGE NUMBER OF VALUES OF THE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION A SPECIAL ALGORITHM FOR CONSTRUCTING AN ITERATION tTREE' IS USED? WHICH MAKES POSSIBLE TO OBTAIN A THIRD ITERATIVE APPROXIM ATION TO THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLE14S OF THE PSEUDOJUMP AND THE SHOCK WAVE STRUCTURE. EXAMPLES OF NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF THREE SIMPLE ONE DIMENSIOANL STEADY PROBLEMS INVOLVING PLACE GEOMETRY ARE PRESENTED. IRICLASS IF lEf% USSR CHEREIMIN. 0 P. am --- --- UDO 621.391.2 "Detection Of k Stochastic Signal, Overreflected By A Passive Element Against The Background Of The Signal Of A Radiation Source" Radiotekhnika i elektronika, Vol XVII, NO 5, MaY 72, pp 951-c,162 Abstract; The potentialities are ovaluated for detecting a signol overreflect- ad by a massive element against a background of tho radiation or an active element. Correlation =atricos are determined. The algorithm, of detection corresponding to the aegumed r-odel of the signal and its quality are considered. A block diagram is presented of the operations which are fulfilled by 5n opti=--, detector of the overreflected signal and its quality is considered. 1 fig. 9 ref. Received by editors, 5 'Lpril 1,071. 1/1 - 171 - USSR UDC:629.7.036.3:533.6 RONZIN, V. D. , CHEREMISIN, P. M. "Influence of Dependence of Heat Capacity on Gas Temperature oil the Charac- teristics of Aviation Turbine Engines" Sb. Nauch. Tr. Perm. Politeklin. In-t (Collected Scientific Wor~s of Perm' Polytechnical Institute], 1973, No 132, pp 125-136 (Translated from Refera- ti,.,ny,y Zhurnal Aviatsionnyye i Raketnyye Dvigateli, No 11, 1973, Abstract No 11.34.66, from the resume) Translation: The method of small deviations is used in a study of the in- fluencc of variability of heat capacity of a gas on turbine characteristics. The dependence of heat capacity on gas temperature is considered by selec- tion of heat capacity Cpicp=c onst on the basis of the mean temperature of the adiabatic process of expansion in each blade set T. Ti-1 + Tiag, 3. 2 av which provudes sufficient accuracy for the calculzi'tions where (T,_ 2G0'. 2 Figures; 3 BlIblio. Refs. USSR UDC 541.49:543.422.4 CHE MEIMISINA I. I-1. IL' INA L. A. and LARIONOV S. V. Institute of Inorganic J, .7 P Y CM-ni stry, Siberian Affiliate of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Dlavosibi--sk "Study by TIR Spectroscopy of Chelates Formed by Metals with 0,0'-Diphenvl- thioselenophosphate Ions" Moscomr, Zhurnal Tleorganicheskoy Khimii, Vol 18, NO 5, May 73, PP 1278-1284 Abstract: The synthesis and some proPerties of complexes fonmo-d by matels with oil 0 1 -dipherr (DIFTSP) were described y1thioselenophosphate ions (PhO)2P(S)Se earliur work. In the -present work the co mounds fon-ed by ?~- and Zn, Cd., Pb.1 Bi., Cr, Ni, Co, Pd, Rh, Pt, and Ir ions with DFTSP were r,-tudl.(--(! by III .C;:rjcctro- scopy at 125-3600 ciu-J-. Furthermore, the low-fre- quency (125-400 crri-l) spectra of some cor-glexes of metals with 010'-diethylthio- and 0., 01-diethylseleno- phosphate ions, the spectra of idlich had already been investir-ated in the 400- .1600 cm-1 range, were subjected to study. It was establishcd U, that for Com- r,-u--d,- of heavier metals with DPT-SP the j),,, band was displaced to lower fre- quencies fron, tlv-_t of 665 cm- for the DPTSP-e cormound. 'P M,-19 and -~~I-Se (M = retal) bands were identified in the spectra of the cormplexes. qlqe results indicated that the DF119.P complexes had a chelate structure and that metal-sulftu, in addition to metal-celenium bonds were prescifl; J.n them. 171 USSR LESHKOVTSEVA, 1. 1. and CHE1041SIND1, If. A., Forestry Iaboratory, Academy ol Sciences USSR "Effect of 1bist Fungi on Plant Physiology in Forest Biogeocenoses" Leningrad, Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya, No 6, 1972, p 2SP-1 Abstract: The effect of rust fungi on the structure and phY510lO,-'ical proper- ties of chlorophyllose tissue of leaves was studied in 9 tree, shrub, and grass species in Moscow Oblast. An average of 55% (maximum 64%) of the individual plant species was found to be infected with rust. Total chlorophyll a and b in the heavily ~nfectod leaven wan 35 to 59P~ Icon than in healthy oDco. The decrease in chlorophyll content imn associatarl with doutruction of the ehlof-o- plasts. Chloroplasts in the affected cells were sometimes half as lar.-e as in the healthy cells. Moreover, diseased tissues had fewer chloroplasts than healthy tissues. These changes undoubtedly affect the intensity of photosyn- thesis in a forest biogeocenosis. 1/1 USSR VOIZIOV) IT. I. J, ZAMICESCIUY) V. T."., Y17mul-m-H) Yu. 15. , J~-%;KS_T2-'3V, 11. 11EVERKOVICH, S. D., SAMANILAY S. N., and -1-141IRKMET.S. ,W - Ye. A., State Order of Lenin Central Institute of Physical Culture "Physiological Characteristics of Papeated Exercise Done at Different Heart Rates" Moscow, Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury, No 5, 1971, pp 23-28 Abstract- Lung ventilation, oxyfen consLan-ption, and release of "excess" C02 vere irp-asured in 3 skilled cyclists after repeated exertions on a bicycle ergorweter with different lengths of work and rest pc!riods. Each subject per- formed 5 variations of the experiment at 3 heart rates - 150, 165, and 18'0 beats/min. Yie Feriods of exertion were 1-5, 3, 7-5, 15, and '~O min. qhe nature of the phy5iological reactions to the repeated exercise varied consid- erably with the of the work and rest periods. Oxl-,,,,~!2n cnnsumption was highest -17-h-en tz:e rercated exerci-se vas aone at a heart ratc Of !~~!J teats/mIn with wor': vericis of -_-n to 3 mfn. -FU_nVt4on_ was ::,.ort ef-ficient when the ~z - - heart rate -6,-s over 150 ancl the exercise peri,:-,d less than 7-5 min. Reueated exercise at 165 beats/min for about 7.5 min hud the [,,raatest effect on tissue utilizati-on of oxygcn. l/]. .USSR UDO: 621.9.014:669.14.018.8 BELOV, B. KH., Candidate of Economic Sciences, RUDNEV, A. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences., and CHERa,11-IISIN, V. T. "Machinability of Precipitation Hardened Stainless Grades of Steel" Moscow, Masbinostroitell, No 5, I-lay 73, p 29 Abstract: Studies were conducted at the All-Union Scientific-Research Ins' -ru'm~ent Institute (VNII) on determining the optimal conditions for machining the most characteristic representatives of precipitation hardened, stainless grades of steel. These studies made it possible to determine the most rationnl tool material, geometric parameters for tool sharpening, cutting regimes, and other effective conditions involved in machining operations such as turning, milling, drilling, and cutting threads -,7i-uh taps. The cutters subjected to stability testing were made from the VF6 and T11tK8 hard alloys and the R10K5F5 high---,~eed cutting steel designated for turning Kh17N5M3 grade steel of' varioiis hardnotis and Khl5N9YU grade steel with an HB of 170 at various cutt-ing regimes. 'The ru~,;ults show that the stability of hard-faced cutters is reduced as cuLtirq', speed and hardner,n, of' U)o triachinn-d grades of steel arc iricrcnsed. Ati increarA in stability was obtained by machining with cu!,Lers made from Qie TMIq hard alloy, in comp2rison with cutters mnde from the VK6 hrird alloy for machl -nin;t steel with an 11B o~ 300. In machining tho n,1J.7N5?,J-iJ Fradr! of, sLeel (Jfii; 1111h)5 1/2 74 I USSR BELOV, B. M. , et al, 14ashinostroitell , No 5, May 73~ p 20, it was determined that cutters made from the VK6 grade hard alloy were most stable. Data on milling are also Edven. The results show that optimal results U are obtained at a cutting speed of 21-27m/minute, at a feed of,/tooth, and a cutting depth of up to 6wi. 2/2 USSR UDC 669*.18.046.554 SIDOROV, N. V.,, GERASIMIOV, Yu. V. , KHAYRUTDINOV, R. 'M. , 1MLA1Q_V_,__q__K_., KHASIN, G. A., BIVIN110TIN, 1. P., KAS'YANOV, A. G., CHERE-11LIMM, B. A., and M ISHMRZIN, M. G., Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant, 16tTATMITIM-afth- Metallurgical Institute, Chelyabinsk "Out-of-Furnace Mining of Low-Carbon Corrosion-Resistant Steels" Moscow, Metallurg, No 12, Dec 70, pp 22-23 Abstract: The smelting technology of low-carbon corrosion-resistant steels in electric arc furnaces with argon scavenging in the foundry ladle has been developed and introduced into production at the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant. The main principles of the out-of-furnace degassing effectiveness depends on the chemical composition of the steel, the alag, and the scavenging parx-naters were investigated. 1/1 0000o INUCLEAR SCI. ABST. (NP-tr-1856) BREAKUP OF MAGNETIC SURFACE IN THE S-1 STELLARATOR.. Karmanov. F. V.: Chexemnykb-- P. A. (Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po lopol'zovaniyU At6mnoi SST_ . 1) T 71PIWEA Institut Atomnoi Enerzil . rans- lated for CuLham, Lab., Abingdon. Eng.. r7m- report IAE-1260. 4p. (CTO-626). Dep. CFSTI (U. S. Sales Only). While Investigating the magnetic field in the. S-1 stellaTator, considerable deformations of the magnetic surfaces were ob- served. The deformations take the form of projections reaching out from the separatrix toward the chamber wall. They increase r with an increasing h3/Ho'ratio. Cauth) C/, 97 3 0 USSR UDC 8.74 CHEREMNYKH, S. V. "Adaptive Control Algorithm for Complex Dynamic Systems" Tr, In-t elektron. upravl. mashich (Works of the Institute of Electrunic Con- trol Machines), 1972, vyp. 9, pp 27-31 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V519) Translation: A study is made of an algorithm for solving the problem of con- trolling the stationary mode of a dynamic system. . The regulation system is described by a linear system of differential equations AR + Bi + Cx m Du + FM (1) k U v. Li (xi) (2) where x, D and F are vectors with the components {Di1, (Fi(t)), i = 1, 2, n, A, B, C are quadratic matrices; Li(xi) are certain operators characterizing the control system. The system (1) represents the object of control, and equa- tion (2) is the regulator. 1/2 USSR CREML\'YKH,S. V., Tr. In-t elektron. upravl. mashich, 1972, vyp. 9, pp 27-31 The set of variables Xi is divided into the variables accessible to measurement ( it slow") and "fast." For the formation of the control input.using the "slow" variable, a system is constructed which is a "model" of the control object a~ + b~ + cy du + f(t) (3) k 'N u (4) where y, d,and f are vectors, and a, b and c are matrices. It is assumed that the disturbances F i(t) are unknowns and, consequently, it is necessary to de- fine the elements of the vector f. The essence of the proposed algorithm con- forming the control input, and its adaptive nature follows from the directional description of the "slow" movement of the system under the conditions of variable disturbances Fi(t) and at rhe presence of noise in the form of part of the components of the solution x by rearranging the vector f. An example illustrating the practical execution of the given algorithm is presented. 2/2 USSR VD~7 531-36 CHERE,11,11-MIM S. V , and LWADYN, V. G., 143scov, 571~ &am, I'On Stability of Transverse Oscillations of the Body of Space Vehicle Carriers" Moscov, EnergetlYa i Transport, NO 5, SSP-Oct 71, PP 108-113 Abstract: Me disturbed notion of carriers of space vehicles in the ynvinr- plane is investigated with due i-egard for oscillations of Jfuel in tanks and the elastic deformation of the body. The case of close fraciiencies of ela~;tic body oscillations and fitel oscillations in tanks is analyzed. The cl,!--sLmic stability linits of the close(I s,,,stuni object-corrector in spnce are aliscassed by inference to aiagrams plotted in dimensionIcsz parameters on the basis of which a qualitative analysis of interfence on stability of the carrier body elasticity and the fuel nobility in tanks is presented. By 'LinfrlvorRble co-Ibina- tions of rocket psrameters in the closed system obj)ect-rtability control, a phase in3tability is ponoible. The effect of boiy elasticity on rocket stabil- ity in the frequency raiiffe of 'Diel oscillations in tanks has to be conside-red in the analysi; of ThaEe characteristic requirements for the stability control based on stability conditions of the closed system on there frequencies. Four illustr., 21 forrmlvs, two biblio. refs. USSR DADAYAN I V. S. I 2gZaJUA,~N (editors) UDC: 51:330-115 "Modeling of Economic Processes. Collection of Articles" Modelirovaniye ekonomicheskikh pr6tsessov.*Sb. statey. 14osk. un-t. Ekon.. fak. Otd. ekon. kibernet. i planir. (cf. English above. Moscow University. Economics Faculty. Division of Economic Cybernetics and Planning), 1971, 533 pp, iii. 60 k. (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract 110 liv657 K) Translation: The book will be abstracted by articles. U IS 3 R GEL'FER, E. S., ond CIE, "Intensity DiStribittion in the Focal -r.!,-,nc- o- Throligh a Layer Ov, C L r. L-,-0 S,. he re Gorlki3r, t i7 2"OfLi-I v01. 14, ?7o 1208-1211 Abstract: This 2: a pe 2:, -c the conti-nization of 0,,j e,- Gel'fer, jt a!, 17-1 TZ 11 which dlescribed a nE?t-*,,--C7 _-,~'Of Measu--ling, t;,](;; a-,,C-a Of -rite.. "j, ty C. "r t Shoots ill tLie foc-l ,,.-.ane of a convergent wave r,,: 1~ 11 layer Of' aL,,-osz.iiere. The v e r 1) Of' furt-lier study Of t',.le in-tonsi-bly -in the fucal The Liten--J.1'77 j an at-fiosph-G-ric lay- er c-Lose to the e,~rth'.- diatances of to /0 1,:C-ters -12 P-4-h sellectu,; j j..a C ~7 a unifr, steppes. f i c t, j, ,.s L,-.).,at uoud j.ri C-- 1/2