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212 023 Ui,.!CL ASS I F I ED PROC'ESS 1.-\'G DATE--13-NOV70 C I RIC ACU"ESSIGN 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- A3STRACT. THE .1ROTATION SrRFN(-)T.-1 (RI), THE TRAMS.IFIf:-,-), Tlitz DICHMSm (b), A!,4L) THE DEGREE OF ClkCULAP. PULARIZATIOiN WLRc STUDJ~-:O 1% THE SERIES MEU0 SUb2, (C SU32 H 50,35 Cl) S06, SUB3 (MF ErJUALS K t FiH SU't14, Kii , CS , Ai"10 NA ) -LINEAR RELATIONS 4ERE FOUND BET4EEN RI 4ND THE CAT[UN DItMENSIGIN AND i3c-r',q,cE,q Rl AP,10 C Aik,.lD D. THE DEPOSITION OF ENERGY LEVELS IN U!) SUBZ IS DISCUSSED. FACILITY: MUSK. FiZ. TEKH. INST., NOSCOW, USSR. U~ C L.' SI F f F 1) 1 0- 1 f USSR �UUQV. V. N., KARTASHOVA, 0. Ye., KATSINEWSON, M. G., NURKIFLNYDAROV, B. Kh. "Problem of Control of Consumption of Finished Products and Algorithm for its Solution" Izv. AN KazSSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. [News of Academy of Sciences, KazSSR, Physics-Mathematics Series], 1973, No 1, pp 7-13 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal - Kibernetika, No 8 V568 by the authors) Translation: The problem is studied of operative planning of consumption of finished products at enterprises with limited intermediate capacities. The problem is reduced to the transport problem with limitations on through- put capacity of communications lines. An algorithm is suggested for its solution, considering the greatly extended nature of the matrix of expendi- tures. 1/1 LISSR BURKOV, V. N., IVANOVSKIY, A. G., GORGIDZE, I. A. "Some Problems of Control of Active Systems" Ak-tualln. Vopr. Tekhn. Kibernetiki [Pressing Problems of Engineering Cybernetics -- Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp173-175 (Translated from Reforativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V592, by t]1(! Mlthors). Trans N-it i on: 'Ibe application of the principle,; oF "oj)~!n control" to t1w solti- tionofproblems ill COI)LI-01 Of active SlISI.CHIS iS StudiVd. 1) actiVc eICIIINIIS are given, the capabilities of which are defined by plans with j)ri0rjLiCS Si! (i = 1, 2,..., n, j = 1, 2,..., m). Conditions of full agreeraent of, the ac. ive system (agreement factor equal to unit),) are defined. For the case Cij = Cj, the po-ssibility j.,; proven of full arrcement, and an alvorithn for solution of the problem is presented. V USSR UDC 65.012.1z519.2 and OPOYTSEV, V. I., Moscow "A Netagame Approach to the Control of Hierarchical Systems" Moscow, Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, No 1, Jan 74, pp 103 - 114 Abstracts The real economic situation of a central administration and a number of subunits can be considered a game in which one player sets the rules. To the extent that economic subunits have their own goals, they cannot be relied upon to conform completely to the purposes of the central administration or to supply completely accurate inforration. Although the classical games theory does not enable us to select the type of solution in this type of situation which Is most satisfactory from the viewpoint of the controlling player, various external considerations indicate that the Nash point equilibrium is an appropriate goal. The Controlling player thus attempts to set the rules such that his payoff at the Mash point will be maximized, with the provision that the equilibrium at that point should be globally stable. This is illustrated using a fairly simple model of the distribution of a one-dimensional resourcel in the general case the problem Is extremely complex. Under stable or relatively stable conditions in which the central administra- tion Invests its resource where the best return can be obtained, it can be shown that Competition will lead the subordinate units to provide increasingly accurate 1/2 I '4V J. J,. V k j, A, I1\1 Ail 'O'ca ~-Ij V-, oll t rol Of NOOCOF'r, -Ope-la tj on Dr~Rob Tr - 4 On -.Vch, *1 00-mbi -V so th o 297l On's Jvo 3) z 42a t', ca VYD. 640, 972 b0 P ~O 3 (.V -P, - 134-g-ra'2101 'ra'ns clot-1022&9 5 * P-0 e-,7 - 245 Re OX 0 G atlon rom l Account" CJ2 e p, 0 G(V. A C. Rzh a ted l sm Pe,ra t "rOble Ozz,-th the t -10ns ~`hep Wple, 'Zis, 'POX. echnl,,,f e v 2 a,- of OPej,, ~10 b.-Lo 0 th JI.., the e . aeet .1012a 00 byCh Ool a (, Perro -Zjt - 0OP-Z 2974, 3 9 7-z .Z ta tl eir Of -rza,7 "d r, ~e.- a &Pee Over paze 0228 t. i b,,3 tz. v C ft c e on th Z.S a cop -led b 4d a41,-, 0 t PQ,-te Of 'go e the begi, aqd Me e 8et r -ro-r th e I Of 0,-d Of S.Po"2d ~' the time ?'zt to 'Of -reso M t the the .127 -n e t J"o like) I., OPe-,-,,t . e to it ror Pezt,, 4-rcee ll th 0" th a"Ca coz~r to the' .27k e term -Pe,,,.fo ox~zanc by dell,, 22ece, zop2o ope-rpt - ~polidin 2/12 ~4e, p - Z O'n , Ine -'~WaI2 e e 0 e,-.i, S&.P the 9 to th C e , OZ th perat, a ~y - pep 'V01 0! th 0 04's ape vO?JC-2, -fol~~ U,we e opep WIde - atlo 01. ed. Com atlo Qt ma t Of the p-Z ejr 4.9 eaCh In te Ual 00.1'e- e- Oper. th el 'MO.Oe n-91 t~, 112 tp d4i-a ri t 112 t - 0-f Cie ;Q tlo." and ocit'Ced tl on - .1me, 0 - It ? 12cl Cale a,-ed USSR ux: 62-5o6 IRITRYnV__JL_ R_ and GORGIDZE, I. A. "The Adaptive Planning Principle in Active Systems" Tbil.isi, Soobshcheniva Akademii .N--uk Gruzinskoy SSR, vol 64, No 3, December 1971, PP 553-556 Abstract: A formal description of the active element as a model of L the man-machine system is considered in which the state x of the active element is a scalar random quantity, and the limiting pos- sibi-lities of the element are described by the limiting distribu- tion P(x). A characteristic of the man-machine system is the capability of operating below the limiting possibilities in the absence of interestedness. This characteristic can then be taken into account by determining the distribution function F(w,x); where to is a parameter of the selected active element-, and F(tJ,x) has the value of F(x) if xW. The active element may be a business enterprise or a sovkhoz, while x corresoonds to the production output or the quantity of the harvest. The formal description thus developed serves as the starting point for ana- lyzing the system in the adaptive planning mode. The authors ex- press their Uratitude to S. ~. Yemellyanov, Corresponding Nember of the U62R Academy of Sciences, for his advice. They are 1/2 USSR UDC: 62-506 BURKOV, V. VIT., et al, Soobshcheviiya Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SS vol 64, No 3, Dec 71, pp 553-556 affiliated with the Institute of Control Problems (Automation and Telemechanics),USSR Academy of Sciences, and the Computer Center, --.--------Georgian SSR Academy of Sciences. END cso: i863-W 2/2 uel.~N C01MWI. I"WIMPI., mIjI.-,lmVI~ D71 4-7; ThL W-L. pre, p. rt y ,.v Y It, d~flwzd i",111 b) Tho c) t'rhe It. ny'l uwI of t e u; r c v th~. 1q, 0 11 t,,, ath,r d,,t,, "t thI. ICY r, r I I ~,~ ordl I I. r!.I t I I The ~Y,, I,!, I In I r, I t-! I" r 1- 1 , , I,:. t :. (..! tlll?,I~lltla, Lhrv.~ IILI';~!, Ll th'! t pi- !"-p iA`. 12-1 pri "1, 1, -tv 1-! 0". l.-, ic .Ovid-~j f- rl,., ."'1l CO-,Lr.1 JIrlI--r- I,-, 1/2 923 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING 9ATE-11"JOV70 OF THE LUMINEScE,%r At4j) ii cuo~,!Cr N'WPE-TIEC ~-!F- U~