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USSIR MC K42.61t661-73 IASKORIN, B. X., BU=XIN. rE.-P., SHATAWV, V. V.j and PONOMAREVA, S. I. "Effect of the Structures of Aromatic Organophosphorus Acids on Their Extrac- tion Properties" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 13, No 6, 1971, PP 809-815 Abstracte Ebrtraction constants of U(Vi) were determined for a serie's of aromatic Orpno phospborus acids (POA) and it has been established that theii~ extrac- tion properties can be described by the equation lg%02+ = 3.4-0 - 2.06r-6- In contrast to aliphatic substituents, whose effect on he acid and extraction properties of POA is determined principally by their inductive effect, the aromatic radicals are capable of a direct conjugation with the phosphorus atoml i.e.# the final effect is determined by inductive and mesomeric effects. The substituents may be divided into two groupsi 1) C6H5U-, p-CH3C6H40-' o-CH,C6H4O-, C6H5CtC- -- strongly resembling alkoxy radicals in which a strong negative inductive effect is almost completely compensated by a counteracting mesomeric effect; and 2) C6H 5- 0 C6H5 CHsCH-# C05CH2- group$ in which the meoneric effect is dominant. All acids which have an unsaturated -7r'-elec- 1/2 . WSIR. WKOHINj B. N., et al., Radiokhimiya, Vol 13o No 6, 1971# pp 809-815 tranic systes In their structure - C6H5- j C6H50-C- 9 C6H50- -- have a higher oxtractive capability toward U(Vl) than corresponding dialkylphosphoric- pbosphinic acids. 2/2 - 73 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA uDc 615.334(PEIIICILL114UM).012.'0.002.62 FUSKA, YA., YAKIBOVA, A., GALYAYA, D. V., and ~UCLLQ*,,A., Chair of Technical Xteroblology and Biochemistryp Chemico-Technological Faculty, Slovak Technological Institute, Bratislavag and'Biotika, Slovenska Lyupcha "Production of 6-Aminopenicillanic Acid" Moscow, Antiblotiki, Vol 17, No 9, Sep 72, PP 775-778 Abstracti The possibility of producing 6-aainopenicillanic acid (I) directly in connection with the production of penicillin was studied. A filtrate of a production culture synthesizing benzylpeniclUin was extracted with butyl acetate. The butyl acetate extract was stirred with ali aqueous sus- pension of cells of E. coli, strain ATCC 9637, at pH 7.2-7.4. As a result of enzymatic hydrolysis of benzy1penicillin, I formed. On separation of the E. coli cells by centrifuging and changing the pH to 2.0-2.2, unconverted penicillin (benzylpenicillin) and the phenylacetic acid that formed were transferred from the aqueous into the butyl acetate phase, while I remained in the aqueous phase. I crystallized from the aqueous solution after (NH 4)2 S04 had been added to it, the pH brought to 4.2-4.3, an& the solution kept 1/2 - 14 USSR FUM, YA. 0 et al. I Antibiotiki, Vol 17s No 9, Sep 72, pp, '775-778 at 0-50. The yield of I in the two solvents system depended on the volume ratio of the solvents. A yield of 85% was reached at the optAmum ratio after 6 hrs of conversion. I with a purity of 92-95%, was obtained. The advantage of the method described is that I, which is used in the synthesis of new penicillins, is obtained directly from the production culture without isolating penicillin. 2/2 vi I i 4;; ITA -41VUr-al tr~u Pharmacology and Toxicology USSR UDC 615.285.7.099 BUCHKO V RABUKHINA, V. A., and CHISTYAKOVA, I. V,, Chair of Internal ;Metlaer,~iirst Leningrad Medical Institute imeni 1. P. Pavlov, Hospital Number Two, Zhdanovskiy Rayon "Clinical Manifestations of Occupational Intoxications With Some Organophos- phorus Compounds" Moscow, Sovetskaya Meditsina, No 10, Oct 70, pp 143-145 Abstract: Clinical manifestations and methods of treatment are described for 106 cases of intoxication with chlorophos (Dipterex) or thiophos, organo- phosphorus compounds widely used in agriculture for the control of insects and rodents. The patients arrived at the hospital within I to 15 hours after intake of 30 to 500 g of the poisons. On the basis of clinical symptoms, intoxications with these compounds are divided into mild, moderately severe, and severe categories. Severity of intoxication varies according to the time lag between intake of the poison and medical treatment. No definite relation- ship between dose and severity was established. Symptoms of moderate intoxi- cation include bradycardia, moisis, muscular fibrillation, and, in some cases, asthma induced by.bronchospasms. In mild cases, these symptoms are less 1/2 USSR BUCHKO, V. M., et al, Sovetskaya Meditsina, No 10, Oct 70, pp 143-145 strongly expressed. Severe cases are usually accompanied by disturbances of the central nervous system, coma, disturbed respiration, low arterial pres- sure, and pulmonary edema, in addition to the above symptoms. Treatment usually consists of administration of atropine, ephedrine, cardiac prepara- tions, glucose with vitamins, artificial respiration, and camphor and oxygen when necessary. Prompt gastric lavage i9 au important factor in prevention of the development of severe forms of this intoxication. 2/2 65 USSR UDC: 621.375.826-621.03-0.64 SIGEL, R. , WITKOWSKI , S. , BAUM11ACKER, 11. , BUCHL, K. , ELD" IANN, HORA, H. , MENNICKE, 11. , MULSER, P. , H. "Survey oil Studies of Lziscr-PTOeMCC-d at the ~Iax- Plancl, Institute of Plasma Physics iii G.-ii,chirig, West Gei-maiiy" Moscoi,.,-, Fvan+nvaya Elcktroniha, Sboriiih Statcy, No 2(ull), 1.972) pp 37-44 Abstract: The paper is a stirvoy of O-xperimiolizaj amd theore-,ticaj research on laser-produced, phisfilas done at th',~ Ila)-, Plzlllcl~. Nsti-- tute of Plasma Physics .4p Garchin Experiiileiits are on heatiplc 01 1 PI.-simn 'hy emisslopc:', from 0 Ile odyj-", i till) encr-y of 50 J ~Illd PUISC (11-1ratiOll Of 1pprOXjPl.-[tC1y ~O 1:', p] asma temperatljro i.1,as measured by a f j iter motho(l ; thr, t i-1:!C of flipht and avcragc, 1,ijictic enerpy of the ions; i:orc rc-.~ strj~-cd probes. A. laser i..T-1 th a s j j),g] 0 1-tij se I a"; it. ill,-, ;,. 11cw pJ is describcd. Thf,, of 011, I-Q1:1- [111,c artic1c, is L, brief VC11,S]ON 01 puters are 1-o'escritcd. pres er, 1-1 ed tt 1, C ed -~', to r St he (" rg 1-111 ionl I C C..!:Im C, 1/2 USSR SIGEL, R. et al. , Kvantovaya Elektro! J Sho -n; 1, -'tey, S t: NO 2 ( 3) , 19 7 -2 3 7, - Internatiopal Conference o-.-. Liser-Produced Plasmas, 'loscoi-Ir , I P "17 0 . Translation bv A. S. Shikanov.) Nine illustritiejis, of seven titles. 2/2 1/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--IODINATED PERFLUOROCARBONS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-ZIM[Nt A.V.p VAYNSHTEYNv V.I.t BUCHNEVAt A.Pa COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 173,213 REFERENCE--OTKRYTIYAt IZJBRET., PROM* OBRAZTSY, rOVARNYE ZNAKIL970, 47(9)1 ~DATE PUBLISHED--03MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYi NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC TAGS--IOUINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND, IONIZING RADIATION, GAMMA RADIATION, X RAY, FLUORINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND, CHEMICAL PATENT, ORGANIC SYNTHESIS CONTROI. MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED /000/0000/(L)OOO PROXY REEL/FRAMF--3007/0838 STEP NO--UR/0482/70/000 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0136272 2/2 03L UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0136272 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACTo IGOINATED PERFLUOROCARBONS ARE PREPD. FROM CRYST. I AND LIQ. UNSATD. PERFLUOROCARBONS, IN A PSEUDOBOILING CONDITION OR DURING INTENSIVE MIXINGt WITH IONIZING IRRADN.p E.G. GAMMA NEGATIVE OR X RAYS. UINCLASSIFIE0 USSR Ov. VINOCRADOV, V. B., VOLOD'KO, A. G., DZHELEPOV, V. P., X1ADNMKIY, V. S., KUTSIDI, N. K., Tbilisi State University, LOMUM, YU. F., MAKSIMMO, V. A., MARTINSICA, G., PLYAGIN, V. B., XHARZHEYEV, YU. N., and SHAMOR. L. "Possible Existence of dl-Resonance With a Mass of 270 MeV" Moscow, Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fizikil, Vol 0, No 12, 20 Jun 71, pp 665-668 Abstracts The preliminary results of this experiment were presented in 1970 at the Fifteenth International Conference on High-Energy Physics in Kiev, The authors find expprimental signs of the possible existence of a new meson resonance. They observe a narrow peak when M - 270 EeV In the spectrum of effective masses of the system )q- which forms in the reaction -p p + (2-3), at 5 GeV/c. The authors study events of the type -)I P IF P + (2-3),Yt which satisfy the following conditionst (1) the protons are.identified by ionization and stopping in the camera, and the J~iDulses of the protons do not exceed 900 1,.'eV/c; (2) the length of the tracis of secondary charged particles from the star is no less then 2 cm, and the impulses of these particles are measured with an 1/2 USSR BUDAGOV, YU. A., et al., PisIma v Zhurral Eksperimenta-l'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fisiki, Vol 13, No 12, 20 Jun 71, pp 665-668 accuracy no worse than 30%; (3) the 2ft-quanta have impulses greater than 30 MeV/c, measured with an accuracy no worse than025%; (4) the scattering I t of the angles between the two J' -quanta do not exceed 2 As a resul experiment, the authors find that the effect which they observed is caused by the existence of a new meson resonance. The figures depict the distri- bution by effective mass of quanta. The article contains i figures and a bibliography of 7 entries. 2/2 1/2 014 UINCLASSI Fl ED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 OF THE MASS SPECTRU3 OF THE; LAMBDA K SYSTEM IN PI PRIME NEGATIVE P INTERACTIONS AT 4 AND 5.1 GEV-C -U- -..AUTHOR-(05l-BUDAG0Vt YU.A., VINOGRA0V, V.6., VOLOOKO, A.G., OLHELEPOV, V.P., K[RIEt ITYUMOV, V.G. C OUNT R YOF INFO--USSR SOURCE--J61-P LErTERS (USA), VUL. IL, NO. L, P.3L-5 (JAN. 1970) DATE PUBLISHED ---- JAN'10 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS ~TOPIC TAGS--PR0PANi7 bLj3BLE CHAMBER, SYPjCHROTRON, PkrJT0N, MASS SPECTRUM, PION PlJN f.NTEIRACTION CONTaGL ;AFZKING_-N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PAOXY RELL/FRAME--3005/177d STEP NO--US/0000/70/011/001/0i)31/0035 CIRC ACCESSION N0--AP01336-,3 C LA F I` --69 Z- 1111111Nzapifflool-flumfilm Ram 212 014 UNC LASS I F I ED PROCESS11NIG DATE--13NOV70 C I PC ACCESSION NO-AP 0 133 o(33 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. K E P 0 A-'T STHE RESULTS JF THE STUDY OF THE. EFFECTIVE MASS SPECTRUM OF THE L AM 6 D AK SYSTEM, 06TAINEU IN AN IINVESTIG4TION OF PI PRIME NEGATIVE PI INTERAcrioNs IN THF- 24 LtrER AND .,.-THE- METER PROPANE BUBBLE C14AMBERS IRRADIATED BY 4 AND 5.1 GEV-C PION 'O.EA;45t RESPECTIVELY, FROM THE JlN'R PROTON SYNCHROTROiNi. (10 REFS.). UNCLAS-3-1-FIED- ~~t/Z 013 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING JATE--13NOV70 ,t,TjTLE--PllQU-UCTlON OF Xt HYPERSONS IN TAU P INTERACTIONS AT 5.1 GEV-C -U- --..-AUlTH0R-(05)-3rUDAG0vt YU.Aev VINGG;'~ADOVv V,Bst VCLODKO, A.G.9 UZHELEPOV# V.P. I oustitTM, v.r . CCU3 T RY jF 11FO-USSR ,SGURCL---JFTP LE-rTERS (,,)SA), VOL. 11, P. 26-31 (JAN. 1970) DATE PUBLISHED ---- JMJ70 SUBJECT AKLAS-PHYSIC.") TOPIC P8,6PANE BUBBLE CHAMB'-zkr PA,~HCLE PRobucrioti '4A4KfMG--M0 :"ESTRICTIUNS -"C0NTkrjL .00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RFtl./l--RA'4E--30Cl5/1795 s,rEP NO--US/0000/70/Cjll/001/0028/0031 CIRC ACC-I'S'i (ON N'~j--APOI 13 100 :1-- 1 1 ~, I I ". L " -I 2/2 013 UNCLASSI FIED PkIlCESSING UATE-1.314OV70 ~C IRC ACCESSION N(1--APOL33700 ABSTPACT/EXTRACT-M) GP-0- ABSTRACT. REPGRTS THE OBSERVATION OF THE DECAYSAF THE CASCACE ilYPERIJIN XI YIELDS ALPHA PLUS PI PR[i-iE 4F-(;ATIVL AND A DETERMINATION OF ITS PRODUCTION CkJSS SECTION IN Pi P INTERACTIONS AT 5.1 GEV-C IN A METER PROPANE BUBLE CHAMBER* UNLI L A 1/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--PRODUCTION OF XT PRIME NEGATIVE HYPERONS IN PI PRIME NEGATIVE P INTERACTIONS AT 5.1 GEV-C -U- AUTHOR-(05)-jjUaAj0Vg,.YU.A., VINOGRADOVt V.3.9 VOLOOKOP A.G.9 DZHELEPOV, V_.P.v DUSHENKO.7. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE~--PISIHA ZH. EKSP. TEOR. FIZ. 1970t ll(I)t 28-31 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC TAGS--HYPERON, PION PROTON INTERACTION, RADIOACTIVE DECAY, PARTICLE PRODUCTION, PARTICLE CROSS SECTIONt BUBBLE CHAMBER CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0678 STEP NO--UR/0386/70/011/001/002310031 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105654 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE- I - I6OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0105654 ABSTRACT/EXTqACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ANAL. OF 230000 PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN IN A C SUB3 H SUR8 BUBBLE CHAMdER OF PI PAIME NEGATIVE P INTERACTIONS AT 5.1 GEV-C SHOWED 28 NUCLEAR EVENTS "HOSE SECONDARY NEG. TRACKS COMING OUT THE INTERACTION STARS HAD THE CHARACTER OF THE XI PRIME NEGATIVE YIELDS 0 PLUS PI PRIME NEGATIVE DECAY. ONLY 6 OF THEM SATISFIED THE CRITERION FOR A XI HYPERON DECAYi 1. E.1 IONIAT13N OF EAc,4 TRACK NOT CONTRADICTING THE XI DECAY HYPOTHESIS AND EFFECTIVE MASS (0 PLUS PI PRIME NEGATIVE) NOT DIFFERING FRUM M EQUALS 1321 MEV-C PRIME2 MORE THAN 50 MEV-C PRIME2. ALL 6 EVENTS IN THE NUCLEAR STAR WERE UNEQUIVOCALLY IDENTIFIED AS THE FOLLOWING: (SHOWN ON MICROFICHE). THE TOTAL CROSS SECTION FOR XI PRIME NEGATIVE HYPERON PRODUCTION IN THE PI PRIME NEGATIVE-P INTERACTION WAS (2.9 NEGATIVE SUBI.0 POSITIVE PRIME1.8)MU B. THE CROSS SECTION INCREASED ON INCREASING THE INTERACTION ENERGY. FACILITY: OSIEDINt INST. YAD. ISSLED.v DUBNA9 USSR. UNCL A 5;-& IF I ED 1/2 015' UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE- MEASUREMENT OF TOTAL AND PARTIAL CROSS SECTIONS OF THE 5.1 GEV-C PI PRIME NEGATIVE MESON INTERACTION IN A PROPANE BUBBLE CHAMBER -U- AUTHOR-105)- -i VINOGRADGVr V.Bor VOLODKOP A.G.t DZHELEPOV, B.P. , MART COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 6z SOURCE--YAD. FIZ. 1970, 11(2), 395-8 DATE PUBLISHED------70 :.SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS YOPIC TAGS--MESON INTERACTIONv PIONY PROTONi NEUTROIN41, CARBON, BIJB6LE CHAMBER, PROPANE, INTEGRAL CROSS SECTION 'CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS iDOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :PROXY REEL/FRAML--1991/1033 STEP NO--UR/036'7/70/011/002/03')5/031)13 s_-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110723 UNCLASS IFIED 212 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING UATE--160CT70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110723 -ACTIEXTkACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRArT. THE TOTAL CROSS SECTION OF THE 5.1 -~ABSTR GEV-C PI PRIME NEGATIVE MESON INTERACTION WAS 14EASURLD IN A C SUB3 H SUB8 BUBBLE CHAMBER. YIELDS OF REACTIONS WITH DIFFERENT MULTIPLICITIES OF CHARGEO PARTICLES WERE DETD. FOR THE INTERACTION OF PI PRIME NEGATIVE -NESONS WITH Ps N, AND C ATOMSt AND THE CROSS SECTIONS FOR GENERATIONS (IF 0-10:PRONG EVENTS IN COLLISIONS WITH P WERE OBTAINED. FACILITY: OB'EDIN, INST. YAD. ISSLED., DUBNA, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 112 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--MASS SPECTRUM OF A LAMBDA K SYSTEM IN PL PRIME NEGATIVE P INTERACTIONS AND 4 AND 5.1 GEV-SEC -U- AUTHOR- BUDA GOV, YU.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--PISIMA ZH. EKSP. TEOR. FIZ. 1970, 11(l), 31-5 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT APLEAS-PHYSICS, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC TAGS--HYPEq0Nv K MES014, MASS SPECTRUMv PION, MESON BOMBARDiAlENT, BUBBLE CH4MBER, RADIOACTIVE DECAY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAPIE--1983/1700 STEP NO--UR/0386/~0/011/001/003140035 CIRC AMSSION N()--AP005454? UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160'T70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054542 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EFFECTIVE MASS, SPECTRA WE;ZE OETD. BY MEANS OF A PROPANE BUBBLE CHAMBEk OF LAMBDA KDEGREES SYSTEMS. SIMULTANEOUS LA14BUA HYPERON AND KDEGREES MESON DECAY WAS RECORDEJ UPON IRRADN. 'WITH PI MESON BEAMS WITH IMPULSES OF 4 AND 5.1 GEV-SEC. CONSIDE,;iABLE EXCESS OF NUCLEAR CVENTS ABOVE THE BACKGROUND WAS POUND IN THE PASS RANGE 1.61-1.96 SEV-C PRIPie2- SUCH AN ANOMALY COULD BE EXPLAINED EITHER ON THE BASIS OF ISOBARIC DECAY S SUB11 (1710)t P SUB11 (1750) (AND WITH LESSPROBABILITY 0 SUB13 (1730)) IN THE CHANNEL NDEGREES YIELDS SAMBDA PLUS K OR ON THE EXISTENCE OF A NEW RESONANCE CORRESPONDING TO 1685 MEV-C PRIME2 UNITS OF MASS. THE TOTAL EFFECTIVE MASS SPECTRUM OF LAMBDA K PRIME POSITIVE AND LAMBOA KDEGREES WAS ALSO DETD.; THE EXCESS OF EVENTS ABOVE THE BACKGROUND WITHIN 1.61-1.96 GEV-C PRIME-2 WAS 114 PLUS OR MINUS 13. FACILITY: OBIEDIN. INST. YAD. ISSLED.i USSR. LJ'k.CLjt'.-'IrIL1) USSR' BUDAGOV, Yu;~ V. B., V0LGD'KO, A. G., DZHELEPOV, V. P., KIRILLOV- -UGWfUMOV, V. G. , KLADNI'l SKIY, V. S. , KUZNETSOV, A. A. , LOMAKIN, YU. F. , MEL, NIKOVA, N., PONOSOV, A. K., FLYAGII A S YP I N, V. B., SHLYAPNIKOV, P. V., M RTIN , G. ( ), BOLDEA, V. (2), NIi'jiUL, A. (2), MUMUYANU, D. (2), PONTA, T. (2), FELEA, S. (2), and CHADRAA, B. (3), Joint Institute of Nuclear Research; (1) University Imeni P. I. Shafarik, Koshitse, Czechoslovak SSR; (2) Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest, Romania; (3) Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences Mongolian People's Repub- lic, Ulan-Bator "Study of the Mass Spectrum, ol" a iWf-System in 7T P-Interactions at 4 and 5.1. Gev/c" Moscow, Pis1ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fizik'L, Vol. 11, No. 1, 5 Jan 70, pp 31-35 Abstract: The results of a study of the spectrum of the effective masses of a 1-W-sys-Lem are reported. The SDectrum was obtained in investigating -,, D-Interactions In a 24--liter and a 1-meter propane bubble chamber irradiated in TT-meson beams or the Drozon syncnrozron of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research with pulses of 4 and 5.1 Gev/c, respectively. An investigation of the structure of the effective mass spectrum of a AK-system was of interest from the viewpoInt of observing new _112 1 USSR BUDAGOV, YU. .11., ez a!, Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teorezicheskoy Fiziki, Vol. 11, No. 1, 5 jan 70, pp 31-35 resonances with --ero strangeness and the decays of different isobars via the chan- nel N* -~-A + K, to determine the relative probabilities of these decays. Approxi- mately 230,000 photographs were analyzed for each bubble chamber. The effective mass sp6ctra of iVO combinations for events in which the decays of a ,%-hyperon and a KO-meson were simultaneous1v recorded in the chamber are graphed. The graphs snow a considerable excess -in the number of events above the back-round in t1he mass region 1.61-1.96 Gev/c2. It is shown that this anomaly is not associated with the reflection of known resonances Y4 (1385) and K* (990) in the AKO-spectrum. The total excess in the number of events over the background in the mass interval 1.61- -1.96 Gev/c2 was 114 t 13. The experimental data verify the existence of two reso- nances with masses about 1685 and 1935 Mev/c2 and widths of the order of 150 Mev/c2. It is concluded that the anomaly observed in the effective mass Spectrum of AK can be explained only by the decay of the isobar S1, (1710), P11 (1750) via the channel 2Y* - A + K or, by the existence of a new resonance with mass about 1685 1,',ev/c2, as the data of R. Erbe et al indicate. 2/2 c VOY-NNO-II'Virirs,iNrY lij,:HN ,t- 11)7,l, pp. 4~--7 I)Tnz~vr mxoo 7; T11- COMPLM OF ULCF0 VISKASF OF rm7 ~-,,*!ACM ',NU THP D110DENNUM CJ vt- ~ i or ti,,, 11 t-~ k .4 r __EiAj of" `4-1. V-Hvh~~rivf,, ~otw-j r 11-t.n,-r,. of M-1 - ~ - 11. ... -., ". -,, w- n,In i V1 4 1 11 t, io r j - ~ ! , i i Tv, Wy-. ITV,', 11', r. rv,, -m d M. b I lu It 4 t it 110.,11 e- . .....I C I lie Mill Ill? 1- 1 t. i ILsig rf'-- : L-11' t' and or Lli~ rpf,,,jIa-.a-j ri .:~- incr-tan- (A.A. Horumoiet-, 1 T A.A. D-Wtsin. and oth,-t-). bloo4l ti-n-,"unt,r li,,, on" ,r ti,,, mo.,t. t-ttAnovi cif rrt-t- m-It "r -riv atl-ntl of lnt-n~.I '~Iirlicml b-vvntA-- vo--.-h .1' Years ilvitcacr tl,-It tho Tift,-c if b1-0. t,---(u--s t :1 y t ho d I re"t t rnn ~ fit ~ i on -- . "d - m,,r~ ~rr,-cti- tl-n tor-1- ru11.norprq~er-J blood (A.! . , ll ... ut') ot I I. . I " 1,";1i. ,. . Vc, - J-77 `trc-hty, PH1,7; Yv- v. Xfor, 196--, V- -'f. N o~ I k-. I ~-d In t !- 1`1 -t r-- it r--rv- it , I pi-i-rz i- t u the K I viit.rj i. ISpa olwk-,t ~ ki t'?7- ) , ImU L %; It. v, :i- rk, j I*. lr;vt~ ... )",?w.", ill F. t I 1~ ff .... . Yu .Ii I ,I- , I ~V;b ) . 1:.'up I " . 11 ?tl Ir p y . it it or % k --~ t , in rw, I,,,, -, a t t- -- t r- -,. t i v-ut L .. t I k , k,~ (A S .I I-' I ilt, L 11 t 11 1, A I oit, r p-iti-it'l ith rt-vt lit-timL and P.O. vy'.zit-kt) . (;.I . AS--t--.- --1 '-1 V) 1- 1- ,I 1~ 4. , - . 1~ . Ya. Khol-Inyy, 19 6#j ) .In fl- i%;%; ; -bb I v I lt--atuv~- - t1t,j tior t'~- indi-til"11 r,tr -k,ir. dir-t t,k-i in it,. t , pa t f u I r ~ r d I ~i -!r, S in c,! 1961, )in ~ e I-: n 1:-g t ,, t 1, 1 -d t v-, , C. 11 th,: -ieplex th-rany .r rDt;l,. r1" , ti- r',-1" tr~..titie::t of' 106 -,-L,~Tttn (10' -1 Au-nr 0., 7 p-4. 4 Pre hxmj- ,n -tr 67 :-,o ;.nil -j. i , b,ttweori 26 mild 3,1. ') 1-tio-ii 1 1 -to 40. 7 ovc!r ?to. I it t),1- t 1 -7 " r i1- rhi., '12 ;7-- ri ~ c.nIt I,- -,it-k r11r ot, aY.,tw, 311 "'it, -d tl.r~.r 13 v tit r ... ir 1't- y-,-, 1:" t,in ynr., 1"j 1.) o-- ten .1th 1-0 Lhe nihe -mpr- -t-i In r*tl'- th p,-riduod,-T%iti,4, 11cl.),,r-- .-irn,, Ihit '-pt dij dIni "rit in 74, th lie py I' ~ .. or "r th" t--h ~.mhim-d ,ltli ulcor ,f dtuod...,"l bi. ,, . , t All patients oh- -d b~. I jr$ tjjj? CII-At trn ki.jyj a,.- lre,tmen, , nnd ra .ri,,wl Di.,it So. -vi,i ~&-rtor Irnr Lh~ 10 dmym, Milt No. 11, wid m-i-k-d rvgi m., wid thilli Ihot N.. I jtfforol roglllio, 311"11 IUMODUA 0' I'll 1110 Ii,' " 1 111-15 dtiv. .,,.pin, J. P 44 H 112 d rP, I 'i I I'a u4 o., 1 d"4,14 ( 35 peri on s ) or v 10% It n ( ',I) we re JWP IS - , rI,-l.I I it., f. I is it t i r,y c I, I ved it I k it I I r i nr, :11: ~ It t s and Ili lyn I a t lie r a potitit, proicildere%. N tlitm p,-riod, arter evLry 6.7 dn)s, direct 1) 1 1, (Wt8-114 r-i-i w1jS (J-11 to 39 rnt I -- twi eff , to 41 t liree L I 1--- "0 1 a241..... I. t I ttle A I. (m~ i n t i k,- t u ~tln I I y 150 t o Z 50 m I id"'.t. I I: ;I I g, .... p .;- 1, 1 41.1 , 1'. -0 . Ili, I ~I,- I- p.- I, I .. it t 1 1, - r-- Ign 1, It I -.t (ft r % I ,r ou I) , A L - ", I Ii..t II'll 'If t h- I' I"? I~ tII-S of fill- 1.'~r I'ortn-l thl-r., pv .1 t! e it t Ioit w-4 tt,l id t o I, tic W. I--- I ~.II I. iI., tL IW p.. t I 1~ 0 1 " .ti.-- h10-11, VI I--- I,.. t I I., LF I CO 1 _ndroi- t It,, in t -its Ity Ili' ilympl-pt t.: Oi Itile ovidut tort t, f 1- ~f, I IM j 111- .11 d . t, I. he 1). t I !n 1, 4. irh. L It,- a.-tit of" L.I.1 I I Le i it ind of protetil fr*;-Liun% tit t1- blood, and to till- indiCO5 t y o r pa t i -i t i I it r-d) .1 rt I- r t he f'i ri t t I- If*- I irir impruv- r 7nnit!l-rah ly . t III! at tic , an'! 111 ItIll r-n--d .~ntor. Iv - t!iey diintlill-I . Till. . , b~ L h,i 101 1- 1 ')tit Oily of trti -I tmi,tit , after 2-1 di rlect bI ouIJ trni- rti I i no 4,Iri li,t r I e~ri t -4 1. ho pn I ni -W Oy %po pt Ii, d 14 turb"ilce .4 were ~t.pp-M.,nd by the :.")III (In% in ciS pait, ionts ru I I mubjective comfort -1 ~ 11 ... ... I .On I VIli 4Oil, 1-0 ;--Ivi--rIti- ,till patho- II : 4 1 1 1hanges in tilt- liver 4ind hiltary pathways did tile dyi. p-~ ;I L I coin% r-nsi I n fl.jr iIongor time. /.A. Dondarl and co- ntir.h,it~ A.f. Gjjr-Iljjy:, ittid otl-rn jt tjt-~ All-Union Gtostroentero- (M II' % k , I ') 66 ) ro - r U -1 t ha t 0 pprox I ma t, e I y L n t IW I'll t 1 4-11 1 " W I t 11 v It r-i I r It It n r If i i -% e I I hn I I ve r ""I i.thr-r org:tri,~ :trn involvoid Ili tho procelsat on account t. t Ill. -1. 1 ".. t I -, , r t till I, r r. (. t I vi, in a of 4.1.11 till1r; I. t Itof di-4-e me or th. b- .11- 1 1 -! -rit,trlit in tho tilt%,. or tilcer hnalliig. Arl,.rdinn to the fl li"p, If :,.M. rty" in I-If of thn cAni chronic ulcers it,.. . .. ...I nre tiilitied to h".1 in ~!R-42 d.vs. I'Porl,lil-kly ( 196'3) thjiiit~ thot r~pnrntiniw or at, itcutt! ulcer latit,I froin a fi-w w,)tpk" to it r- rionthn. N.S. Smirnov (19114 estab- lished with it jtnitro4cilpe tlint initial nirn., or ulcor ht-aling are nlr-.dy f.,,n,l nrtnr in day. r troot"enl, and nypruxtmi&,tl,;Jy,,arter '31) days It 1, rully 1, 1, t,, 11) 4art y " t " v (6 rimling-I or rep-'t-I ,f- th,, (-.I trirt of' )qtjni; mervice- "W", !I(, tiad tilt, g4-ni-rally iippro-el -!t1-1% of trentilli.-lit tind lie f........ i tt-t .r Ll,,, III---- It,Irt, q, ti- 211th to 25th &,v trl~i lo-t, untiL the 140th to ~.Ith d.). F-- #!v3ill-t1.t4 r tl_ tt_ or rtf-i-lotion. - c..- I Ih,- fimlk,.g, of' r,?I-;.t-I vo-tr.-n~loricnt --t,tati.til or 11-11_ 'IV pz.t.if-k~. fit ..It t-tl--r,- tit,- )-pt.ti, -a, dl ot thl, VIr4t or tile, first proup (91 d1r-:t. 1,1-0 Li-nn,t)- k,-. ti-- or tit,, -,ond (-.2 ltl,l ti,t 1-f- Th.,-nt,- tit- rlinic.1 "V 11, " III", :nl.~ "'id alja tt%(~ pt,-rrorm,!d otlifir tre:itment was .'.ntItit _0i gro,,p.. rtii, sr,,.lf rf-ntI-noIortc:nI examinittiont, IM I. till 2 1., t. - 2 , t h 'J., y u t ~n t . Thop olitninod re5ult, are Tnt, I e 14-ult~ of till, %-bond roentgonolor ,jenj I;rotsp III' Number of' exAminlitkon t I I, t. ,J- t J."lltait. ovid"n, t niche cr ni .~110 x r i I, , I r,, pe I r -Iller fit dlmen%ion .,I Ftr,t 91 7 C, 2 .1oc unit 72 .1 f; 1 n 26 USSR BUDAGYANI F Professor "Differential Diagnosis of Botulism" Moscow, Vleditsinskaya Gazeta, 28 May 71, P 3 Abstracti It will soom. be summer. The first vegetables, berries, fruits, and fresh fish will appear in the shops and markets. People will be-in canning produce. This is precisely the tine when botulisia should 'Do paxticularly kept in mind. The occurrence of this 5iclaiess, as a rule, is associated irith the use of home-canned food products which were not subjected to the proper heat pro- cesBing, such ast pickled, dried and smoked fish; fresh smoked hams; home- made sausages; canned mushrooms and vegetables. The same products commeri- ca.Uy processed have ceased to be the cause of the fatally dangerous sickness. This is expl;-Lined by the vast difference in the sanitary and technical capabilities of the domestic and commercial situations. The mortality rate fron botulism in our country has been cut in half in comparison with what it was ten years agog but it still remains high (20 to 2%). The constant perfecting of the forms and methods of the medical disease-prevention service is very significant in the fight against this disease. Lowering the mortality rate is connected with the production and 115 USSR" BUDAGYAN, F., Yeditsinskaya Gazetat 28 May 71, p 3 application of four types of medical antitoxic sera (A. B. E. and C). At the same time, practice shows that many dontors are poorly acqu- ainted with the syndrome characteristic of botulism amd often mh-e diagno-stic nistakes. The sickness begins with indispositiont general let--=gy, muscular weaknessq loss of appetite and sleep, and headache. In botulism, bulbar palsy is observed with gradual --worsening of symp- toms over a period of 3 to 5 days, or the symptoms =Veven b-s--come intenre during the first day or tuo. An affliction of the motor nerves of the eye produces diminished 4. vision. Patients complain of double vision, of a fog and a screen in fron, of their eyes. They show a dilation of the pupils of the eye, disturbed visual accomodation, disturbed convergence of the eyes are sometimes cross- eyed, or have blepharoptosist more often on one side of the face. The patient finds it dl.;--flcult to speak (parezis of the ton&ue muscles), his voice growns weaker, he speaks through the nose, arA his swallowing is impeded. Dryness of the oral cavity induces thir-st (raxely an increase in salivation), and often water and vomited zatter are discharged through the nose 2/ 5 54 LSSR MAGM, F., Meditsinskaya Gazeta, 28 1%Y 71, P 3 Body temperature is usually normal or low, but the pulse is fast. Very rarely axe bradyeardia and subnormal fever observed. Yowlting occurs in the early hours of sickness and sometimes covt inues repeatedly for one to two days. Constipation is observed, sometimes accom- panied by flatulence and severe pain in the stomach region. It is rare for the disease to subside during the first or second day. The liver and spleen are norml.. Difficulty in urination and overflowing of the bladder axe obaracteristic, Paresis of the intercostal muscles and disphragm makes breathing difficult, which, with weakened heart action, not infrequently bringgs, on cyanosis. Usually death occurs from respiratory arrest All such symptoms in these or various combinations can be encountered in a number of other ailments, and ignorance on the put of the doctors about the botulism syndorme can lead to severe complications for the patient. Botulism is mistakenly diagnosed as bulbar poliomyelitis, diptheric polyneuritist and even a heart attack. To save the patient's life, it is recowended that polyvalent anti- toxin serva be administered as soon as possible, instead of waiting for 3/5 USSR BUDAGYAN, F. , Meditsinskaya Gazeta, 28 MAY 71, P 3 comprehensive rtanifestation of symptoms. In the early phase of the sickzess, If botulism is suspected, it must be ascertained whether the patient in the last few bours or days had eaten canned goods which imre not heated, I-ILI J5 extremely important to establish whether the zyzptom of the sickness appeazed in other persons who had eaten the same products. In the Incipient stage, a decisive factor in formulating the diagnosis is provided by a blood analysis to detect the toxin and its type with the aid of a biological test on nice. Blood must be taken from the patient before administering antitoxic serum. It is advisable to conduct a thorough test of the product and of the vomited matter of the patient. Their extracts are injected into mice ard confirmation is obtained in one or two days. Botulism should be differentiated from infectious diseases in which bulbar disorders and certain toxic effects are manifested. Intoxication with wild plants containing atropine (henbane, stramonium, belladonna) is usually manifested at first by severe- agitation, someti-mes with loss of a consciousness, and by an elevated temperature, Luichazacteristic of botulism. Visual disorders are not found with blemhaxoptosis. In poisoning from a type of colorless toadstool, exhausting gastroenteritis appears suddenly, and often toxic hepatitis, which axe not characteristic of botulism. Methyl alchol causes a disease of the optic nerve which is 4/5 55 USSR BWAGYANO F.# Meditsinskaya Gazetaq 28 May 71, P 3 also not observed in botulism. It must be noted that muscular spasms, profuse salivation, and hydrophobia are usually observed in the bulbar form of rabies. This is why, it is Im ortant to establish whether the patient came into con- tact with an animal fbite, saliva), in order to rule out the suspicion of rabies. In the bulbar form of poliomyelitis, symptoms also appear whicil are not characteristic of botulism such asi elevated temperature for four to five days in repeated waves, pains in the nerve trunks and spine, and a. combina- tion of lymphocyte neutrophil pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid. 315 USSR BUDAGYANL,_ F. Ye., Professor "Botulism" Moscow, Sovetskiy Krasnyy Krest, No 6, Jun 71, p 28 Abstract: Botulism is the most dangerous type of food poisoning. Its cause, Cl. botulinum, is often found in the soil, contaminated bodies of water, and manure. Mixed in with fodder, Cl. botulinum get into the in- testines of fish, animals, and birds. Dust containing this microorganism is deposited an vegetables and fruit. However, Cl. botulinum bacteria do not propagate in living tissues with the formation of toxin; they are capable of propagating only in dead plant or animal tissue in the absence of air. Under conditions unfavorable for propagation, the bacteria are transformed into very resistant spores. Among foodstuffs preserved at home, mushrooms are the most dangerous source of botulism, because they are dif- ficult to wash by reason of their spongy structure. It is best to store mushroom preserves in open containers rather than hermetically sealed glass jars, in which Cl. botulinum bacteria propagate readily. Vegetables and fruit that have been preserved are less dangerous, because they are easy to clean. Conned preserves are safer than those made at home, because thev 1/3 ff USSR BUDAGYAN, F. Ye., Sovetskiy Krasnyy Krest, No 6, Jun 71, p 28 are properly sterilized. At plants manufacturing canned preserves, sterili- zation of cans containing food products is carried out in autoclaves at 112-120% rather than in boiling water at 100*C. Swelling of cans is a sign of infection of the contents with Cl. botulinum, but cans that are not swollen frequently contain the botulinus toxin. Preserves that have been prepared at home should be fried or boiled before consumption, this kills Cl. botulinum bacteria (but not the spores of Cl. botulinum) and- inactivates the toxin. To prevent botulism, fish products that are not heated before eating (salted, dried, or smoked fish) should be prepared properly. Fish caught during the warm season should be immediately cooled by icing and only then salted. Upon addition of salt, fish should be kept at a low temperature until salting is completed. Under these conditions spores that may be present in the fish cannot develop into Cl. botulinum bacteria. Once the fish has been salted, Cl. botulinum bacteria cannot propagate in it even during storage without refrigeration. Home-made raw smoked ham is a possible source of botulism; it should be boiled or baked unless it is consumed on the day of preparation. Botulism is a very dangerous condition. TWhen its symptoms appear, medical treatment should be applied 213 USSR BUDAGYAN, F. Ye., Sovetskiy Krasnyy Krest, No 6, Jun 71, p 28 promptly. If this treatment is applied in due time and a special antitoxic serum administered, the patient will recover. 3/3 USSR BUDAK, B. M. and MARKOV, YU. B. "Some Problems of Optimal Control for Differential Equations with Random Parameters" Prikl. Mat. i Programmir. [Applied Mathematics and Programming -- Collection of Works], No 9, Kishinev, Shtiintsa Press, 1973, pp 3-20 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 9, 1973, Ab- stract No 9V32) Translation: Certain classes of optimal control problems are svidicd when there are random perturbations for linear systems of ordinary differential equations. nie criterion of replacement of these prob- lems with deterministic problems and sufficient conditions for exist- ence of an optimal control for stochastic problems are found. 1/1 USSR UDC: 519.2 BERKOVICH, Ye. M., BUDAK. B_ M. "Concerning a Class of Stochastic Extremum Problems" Moscowl Priblizh. metody re5heniya zadach optimalln. u*or. i nekotor. nekorrekt. obratn. zadach--sbornik (Approximate Methods of Solving Op- timum Control Problems and Certain Incorrect Inverse Froblems--collection of works), Moscow University, 1972, pp 3-16 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 7, Jul 73, abstract No 7V87 by B. Rozovskiy) Translation: The paper deals with the problem of minimizing the f`unlic- tional f(u)= !,a(u) (M is the symbol for mathematical expectation), where K(u) E K(u,w) is a -functional on the direct product of spaces E x Q. With broad assumDtions relative to the structure of space F and the functional K(u,w) the authors Drove the existence of an element u*E E on vrhich "he minimum of f(u) is reached. This general result is then used to prove the existence of an optimum control of solution of the equation --! (-( 6)], 11 (1), /.,u (0", 61) (o)), I C. IT., T, I, 1/2 USSR BERKOVICH, Ye. M., BUDAK, B. M., Priblizh. metody resheniya zadach opti- mal'n. upr. i mekotor. nekorrekt. obratn. zadach, Moscow University, 1972, pp 3-16 PW is a random vector. In the given instance, the functional to be minimized has the fol- lowing form: (U) i (x j": [1; (.1), r, (o. 1, IL 1,6)): x (TI: it: o))dt - 212 USSR UDC 513:519.3:62-50 BUDAK, B. M., BERKOVICH, Ye. M., Moscow "On the Approximation of Extremal Problems. I" Moscow, Zhurnal Vychislitel'noy Matematiki i Matematicheskoy Fiziki, tic. 3, May/Jun 71, pp 580-596 Abstract: Problems of constructing a sequence of extremal problems that approxi.- mate the initial extremal problem, both in the sense of optimal values of the functional and in the sense of a set of elements producing this value,are dis- cussed, and associated problems of the stability of ex-.Verrial Problems are con- sidered in addition. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for approxi- mating the initial problem in terms of the functional, and then these results are applied to a study of the conversions of certain methods of solution of the extremal problems in the presence of constraints. The Ritz method and di-I"ference approximations for optimal control problems are discussed. The construction of elements close to a set on which the optimal value of the functional in the ini- tial problem is achieved is discussed on the basis of the regularization notion of A. N. Tikhonov. 1/1 USSR UDC 539.3.01 TUL'CHIY, V. I., UDAE~__VD., GRIBICH, N. G., SYPKO, V. P. "On Determining the Stress Concentration at Danger Points of Plate-Bands With Rounding Off" V sb. Kratk. tezisy dokl. k Konf..po_Eovrezhdeniyam i ekspluat. nadzilnosti sudovykh konstruktsiy, 1972 (Brief Summaries of Papers at the Conference on Damages and the Operational Reliability of Ship Designs, 1972 -- Collection of Works), Vladivostok, 1972, pp 93-97 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3V55) Translation; Experimental graphs showing the relationship between the stress concentration coefficient and the geometric parameters of the weakening ele- ments are shown for three elongated bands weakened by an opening and various types of punchings. The photoelasticity method was used to conduct the studv on the coordinate-synchronous polarimeter KSP-7. The models were made of epoxy resin ED-5 and were subjected to uniaxial uniformly distributed stress. N. T. Glazunova. 1/1 USSR UDC 539.319:539.219.2 TUL'CHIY, V. I., KICHIGINN, V. G., and BUDAIK, V. D., Nikolayev Shipbuilding Institute "A Plate With Periodically Situated Groups of Arbitrary Reinforced Openings" Kiev, Prikladnaya Mekhanika, No 6, Jun 72, pp 122-127 Abstract: There is presented the solution of a ttio-dimensional problem for plates with periodically situated groups of arbitrary openings without angular points, the edges of which are reinforced by complex elastic elerrents. The problem is solved by a combination of the method of a small parameter and the method of series, and is reduced to the solution of problems similar to Lhose of a problem for a plate with circular openings. For a specific case, it is proved that the obtained system of equations is quasi-regular. Numerical examples are presented. 4 figures. 6 references. 1/1. Acc. Nr.: 00031632 MMARY SOURCE: Byulletea' Meditainy, Ref. Code: UR 0219 Eksperimental'noy Biologii i 1970, Vol 69, Nr 1, PP7-// EFFECT PRODUCED BY STEMULATION OF THE BRAIN STEINI REGION EVOKING LOCOMOTION ON THE ASCENDING REFLEXES IN LNIESENCEPHALIC CATS At. N..Ag4a"aa, M. L. Shik Lnterfaculty Laboratory qf_Alat-hematical Methods in Biology of the iMoscow Universit.v and tnsfituke-of Informatij9Lijr~qsmission Problems of the Academy of Sciences of;, -- the-. USSR-, * -A-1-o-sco-w- Responses of the deep radial nerve to the stimulation of afferent fibers in th- hind extremity were registered in curarized tumncephilic cits. The -,vzcending reflexes (AR) had habitually a laterit Period of 10-17 nisec. Stimulation of the brain steill region, which prior to curarization evoked forth stepping Movements, led to intentiffi- cation of the AR and shortening of its latency. Intensification oi th~- AR might not be accompanied by the segmental reflex. Consequently, stimulation of the _JoCo motor" region of the brain stem produced a coordinated change in the state of interneuron systems and not just simple facilitation of motor neurons. friten5ification of the AR and shortening of its latency was also observed when changing over from the frequency of the afferent stimulation of once in 2 sec to twice in it sec. REEL/FRAME 19G91759 USSR UDC 681.2.087.92+62-83 BUDANOV A. S., GRIGORYAN, V. G., NAYMARK, A. M. - kbfiwiiim~ "Elements of a System for Regulation of the Instantaneous Speed of a Synchronous Micromotor" Elementy Tsifr. Sistem upr. [Elements of Digital Control Systems], Leningrad, Nauka Press, 1971, ))p 104-108, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal..AArtoma- tika, Telemekhanika i VychislitelInaya Tekhnika, No 11, 1971, Abstract No 11 A137 from the Resume). Translation: The operation of a phase detector and Kipp oscillators with adjustable delay is studied. These elements are used in a system for sta- bilization of the instantaneous velocity of a synchronous micromotor. 3 Figures; 1 Biblio. Ref. VI USSR UDC 621.357.1:66/.847(088.8) B _V._Vj V., KIBE-NKO, V. D., BUKIN, S. M., Ptomv, V. P. "Electrochemical Procedure for Obtainina Rongalite" a USSR Author's Certificate No 303317, filed 11 Oct 69, published 14 Jul 71 (from RZh-Khiniya, No 12, Jun 72, Abstract No 121,286P) Translation: An electrochemical method of obtaining rongalite using cathode reduction has been patented. It is distinguished by the fact that in order to improve the process, increase the yield and improve the quility of the product, zinc fornaldehydebisulfite is reduced at a p1l of the electrolyte of 5-6, Dc 5-10 a/djn2, a raw materials concentration 2 g-mole/liter in SC~ at a temperature of 85-1000, and the zinc foi7mldehydesulfoxylate formed is con- verted to the product by known procedures. 12 L/Z 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 T,ITLE--RHEOLCGICAL FROPERTIES OF A RONGALITE MELT -U- 'AUTHOR-(04)-8UDAN0Vj V.V.t LYUSKIN, V.K., MAYOROVA, S.A., BOLESLAVSKAYA, N.F. -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ''SOURCE--IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED., KHIM. KHIM. TEKHNOL. 1970, 13(2), 233-6 DATE PUBL'LSHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--FORMALDEHYDEp SODIUM COMPOUND9 THIXOTROPE, VISCOMETER1 FLUID VISCOSITY CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY Rlr-EL/FRAME---3005/0175 STEP NO--UR/0153/70/013/002/0233/0236 C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AT0132452 1-1 N 1; tU F f E 0-- 2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--ATO132452 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RHEOLOGICAL DATA AT 70-90DEGREES ARE GIVEN FOR RONGALITE MELTS CONTG* VARYING RATIOS OF NAHSO SUB2 CH SUB2 0 TO NAHSO SUBZ CH SUB2 0.2H SUB2 0 AS DETO. IN A ROTATING CYLINDER VISCOMETER. HYSTERESIS LOOPS ARE OBSO. IN LOAD RMP PLOTS AND ARE INTERPRETED AS INDICATING A THIXOTROPIC CHARACTER. THE LOG OF THE BINGHAM VISCOSITY AND THE YIELD VALUE OF THE MOLTEN PRODUCTS ARE LINEARLY DEPENDENT ON THE CONCN. OF NAHSO SUB2 CH SUB2 0 IN THE MELT. EMPIRICAL EQUATIONS ARE DEVELOPED FOR THIS RELATIONt WHICH MAY BE USED IN A VISCOMETRIC METHOD FOR DETGo THE H SU82 9 CONTENT OF A MELT, FACILITY: IVANOV. KHIM.-TEKHNOL. INST.t IVANOVOs USSR* LVIC LSS 11: 1 E TJ Plant Pathology USSR UDC 632.938 DUNIN, M. S., GRIGOR'YEV, M. F., and PURAND-XY---Ye. , Moscow Branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Plant Growing Mikhnevo Moscow Region "Change in the Immunological Characteristics of Plants Under the Influence of a Multiple Infection" Moscow, Sel'skokhozyaystvennaya Biologiya, No 3, May/Jun 73, pp 425-430 Abstract: A study was made of the effect of the simultaneous infection of two strains of wheat by the root rot Fusarium culmorum and the brown rust Puccinia recondita. Five groups were studied: a) control, b) one exposed to the rust, c) one exposed to the rot, d) one having the rot exposed to the rust, and e) one having the rust exposed to the rot. Group d) had a significantly lower resistant to rust than group b). Group e) showed a slightly greater susceptibility to rot than group c). 1/1 USSR UDC 633-11+582,285.2 .0 DUNIN; 1-1. S., academician I,' scow Order of Lenin Agricultural Academy imeni K. A. Tirdr:razev and Moscow Department of VIR All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Plant Growing "Comparative Investigation of Antigenically Active Substances In all Kinds of T-Theat and Races of Brown Rust" Mloscow, Vestnik Sellskokhozyaystvennoy Nauki, No 10, 1972, pp 9-18 Abstract: With increasing number of chromosomes from diploid to hexa7[)loid, the resistance of all tnes of wheat to brown intst pathogen decreases. One notable exception is th,-, T. tlmoph-eevi Zhuk wheat strain, Which is tetraploid and yet displays a high i-mmunity to that pathogen. The serological and immunoelectrophoretic properties of experimentally inoculeted ,ThQet are the s,lT,, na those of ,wtturally infected wheat. The simAlarity of these properties displayed by globulins GbtLined from P. recondita Rob. ex Desm. urerl.osporea and by r;lobuli-.qs obtained from leaves of wheat susceptible to this pathol-'en makes it possible to utilize cerodiagnosis, electrophoresis, and irrnrunoelectro- phoresis for a quick evaluation of the resistance of ar 'y wheat strain to brown rust. T. timopheevi Zhuk is most resistant and T. vavillovi Jalizu"Oz (2r-=42) most susceptible to broim rust fungus races 20, 52, and 143- 1/1 1/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING BATE--27NOV70 TITLE--EFFECT OF ETHYL ACETATE ON THE POLYMERIZATION OF VINYL CHLORIDE 'WITH THE Tr:TRABUTOXYTITANIUM,DIISOBUTYLALUMINUM CHLORIDE CATALYST SYSTEM -AUTHOR-(02)-BUDANOVA, G.P., MAZUKEK* V.Ve ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--VYSOKOMOL. SOEDIN., SER. A 1970, 12(5), 1062-77 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ACETATE, POLYMERIZATION KINETICS, VINYL CHLOIIDE, CHEMICAL REACTION MECHANISM, ORGANOTITANIUM COMPOUND, ORGANOALUMINUM COMPOUND CONTROL !4ARKING--NO RESTPICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1015 STEP NO--UR/0459/70/012100':)1106211077 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136442 9 4 C I- A S~ S- FE -9 im 212 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--2714OV70 ACCESSION NO--AP0136442 ABSTRACT/EXTPACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE POLYMN. KINETICS OF CH SUBZ:CHCL IN C SUB7 H SU316r INITIATED BY THE TITLE CATALYfIC SYST~M (1)t WAS STUDIED IN THE PRESENCE OF ETOAC, WHICH MARKEDLY INCREASED THE EFFECTIVENESS OF 1. A REACTION MECHANISM THAT ACCOUNTED FOR THE INCREASED EFFECTIVENESS WAS PROPOSED. THE KINETICS OF THE TI(OBU) SU34 REACTION WITH ISO-BU SUB2 ALCL WITH OR WITHOUT ETOAC IS DISCUSSED AND A FREE RADICAL PDLYMN. MECHANISM IS SUGGESTED. FACILITY: INST. VYSOKOMOL. SOEDIN., LENINGRAOr USSR. 5- [r D USSR UDC 578-088.6 TSADRINA, YE. G. , BLM-AETSEW,. A. YU., and VASILOY, YU, V., Institute of Bio- logical Physics, Adaaer'dy of Sciences USSR, Pushchino "Lyophilization of Histological Eaterial. I. Investigation of the Length of TUe of Drying" Leningrad, Tsitolo-ziya, Vol 13, NO 3, Mar 71, PP 398-401 Abstxacti Lyophilization was studied on an apparatus designed and constructed at the Laboratory of Pkvsiological and Physicochemical Bases of Memory, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences USSE. Drying by 1yophilization of samples of porolon-vater (water content 83.145), porolon- gelatin-water (porolon treated with a 14-IV,* solution of gelatin; water con- terit 76.7%1), and of various rabbit tissues (hippocampus, lungs, intestine- liver, adrenals, heart) was carried out. The time that was necessary for drylzg was dotornined from tempe-rature-time curves. The quantitative rela- tions pertaining to drying by lyophiMation could bo exprcsi3ed by the Knudseen-Langmuir equation in the form m - Stkp,('* ~INZ Iff, where m is the amourit of water vaporized during time t from the surface S, rf, the coefficient of vaporization (the ratio of observed vaporization In vacuo to the maximum 112 - 22 - USSR TSADKIVAI YE. G., et al., Tsitologiya, Vol 13, No 3, MaX 71, PP 398-1401 value of vaporization), p the vapor pressure, and k - 1 - a, where a is the coefficient of resistance to vaporization produced by the oxied layer at the su5ace. The value of k was in the range of 0-14 - 0.9, 3.9 x 10--) - 8.4 x .10- , and 1.8 x 10-3 - 1.2 x 10-2 for porolon-water, porolon-Gelatin-water, and hippocampus tissue, respectively - i.e., the resistance of the dried layer increased In the order proolon water, porolon-golatin-water, biological tissue. 2/2 cytology USSR UDC 578.63 BIJDAI;TSEV, A. YU., TSADKINA, YE. G., and VASILOY, YU. V., Department of 1,*enory '--~"M titute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences USSR, Fushcbinona-0ke "Lyophilization of His+ological Material. II. A Vacuum Lyo-Ohilizer of Histological Specimens" Leningrad, Tsitologiya, Ito 4, 19719 PP 532-535 Abstract: The aDDaratus designed by the authors consists of a preliminary vacuum pump with a vacuum rubber hose and 3-way vacuum valve connected to a diffusion pump. The valve is used to inject air into the preliminary vaculLm pump. The diffusion pump is connected to a drying chamber through a nitroger entrairument, separatort which serves to prevent oil from the Wffusion pu4mp from entering the drying chanber. A vacuum valve between the drying ch--mber and the entrainment seDarator disconnects the drying chamber from the punps. A feature of the device is the use of thermocouples to measure the tempera- E.Ure of a specimen at any time, thereby permitting objective determination 0 J of the end of lyophilization. The final vacuum in the drying chamber0is 10-5 mm. 7h-e temperature of the 1yophilized specimens averages -40 to -50 C. Some 10 to 15 specimens can be dried simuitaneously. Lyophilization of 10 specimens of brain tissue weighing as much as 1 g takes 12 to 14 hours. 1/1 t4 owl R;"~MILIP PIMUCZ; WOW TMIOUn A:o "Z-.-Z CINZMZ~.Z- /A-rticlo ~7~ tho OCCzzz;- V~ N~ -Co. 7I.Cab N-ft=b~5 4P RuzaiaL, No U. 1971, Pp 37-467 7hu !)Lz ~cLivuo of tjw alith c! ~:v con,;-.j., the dev---op-m= cj: tho U~~I.' zmtioaal ccvzg=y pa"; -ac*,~z_ty :~r I~u-thcr Waproriu,~ tL7 itato-wido rystom of And whoic:,rao -wicea an indam;rlal ,o~od,3. I'aw tazk in thin ri~jd on tljo in ~U'l ~".' 1, or -. v. ic~~a :~., =: tbc othor in c;74rt=oly nall"ni; Exvdn at '-LIACS.41 7.%,,,tion of mitornl-t~lmlc.Z ~ILI of pricon ~v ff:oc zbls, int.rcoxa,cLad olo;~-s eco~-'=t fez-_ which in a coxplox azd dZnamic proco-va. In cc==~,z-=~ t-"- olomanta, wo aay tUvIdo ~ho~ irto four Ynctcro- a, mmtcrial-tochz-4cal Lvj~iply Anil itavffoct en -,=-co ti's rolo of uboloc.0-4. I~riajs in '.!:a j,-o,2zctiom and taim.-vzz C) tio u~,d of pr-'i'Lability Im r. ~z=- itr t. mant of ~luu for xa~ &-nd trio baance of pa*ohct~iaz tal d) th, c: :'C:' *.'-,, -01-riCC4 '-aaa p:llitical ocomuy tze f---t tt~t Ma,',%,rcn Ou dlnyon.~-,,~~nt of nmducticm -4- tz 3t, Za .10 aad "a -.0 it" C-:4-1 so=. other i~uo~u of roj,-*o~=4-o3. afroctd jirom4at.'cz tz,~ 4oton --*-&a I-'t. e 3VJIQ~,31t . X. K~~. "..Otu, -.:~z 1.4., tho ophcri c: r~ro"Ztic'n uad itj 4 the latW. tL of aoctaction nad z~~ cf tar bocomou unar Lrwo.,Lfic hiatorical ccw"---~zs a cc--'.4- IL, procelm Of aUaAaalty airvulatiou tl~t its ofr*ctod with U16 U00 of wnuej sa tho =iv*r"41 (lqAiv.,1oht. Tina cotwiadity form of acottooic tioo w alao rotain~d, ~ %~v ta-q all awtwel und6r aoclalimm, wharo It funct4ona in accordAnc.) with tbA epoon~a or Ito probiction rolationo, b"ad w& t1tr rQb14C cumord:34p of th* cwtuta and remata Of pradUCtia*a. Tho roci4lint; :=oducor rt,>o4.j mnrkot iD the n7lmz~ of operAtiona for uyato"*.Ja ~,ccm=ia ti~a betwe.a ywodi;oaro -z-1 caii=4rz, whero acOzozzic roaatioa& zara diract capply and dociind ralationohij~ a;-id Arc roulizod im, tha "ta a.- p-ArCh"inj and aolzing proa:,)r Eclod. at planned pricea. W~4 may thA cc.Njo of tho ju~ducsr goo~-j mrkut by the f4tzt tLat in 1969 tl,:~ vlu* of protacv.- 1.~ds L~-clcr w.~n Z~7-5.9 ti:A.-ica ri.bloa, ":a b:~~ian r..:`~1,lo in tLe ljyllzom Of th~~ 66.1 1,Mivn rubt(,n in mioll-v.ptblic =~,.~ntr~ea 4nd C.61,71C~zo 417.A '~.5 b~-3-Zjrn rublao in the EITAP- :~o,lw markat fov t" of th~ aaa tAro, ka wn Are tal anxe, the bmii~ coa.-ouuto of u-4ry Txablcm Lien in ,zalrin3 tho hArt=y Cf =,-x30-UtF ,mpnly w, th A ~c,,~-,rot. f,"1 of tl~,, --.ri f-at .,.11 f oil t~w ~~,,ply rm,; ca-,,-A A '11, int. il Cf th. a, Ltd hm~-rit: ti~,, raqid,,ito -~itorial a!"! fizuno~al ql:pnz~ic re~.,:,vca. Vie of ~cloetu. for prl~%.T~r C~,da cn tha butila of t1w wio,j9;;lrjh4 incrod",:tio= of ol*ctrtnic ccLr~~arv in of evc~inrop-~Ille ei?,mific"cc, A V-'ecicl racho a!N1 bt,10,;z to tho~ ctudy of Wrkt "t1l a ~;43!: 4.,~-na or I'locialir"Ition &.ad tile of airect b,"'.," cold ca;xx:~.lti~n (w~~,A wo iz rU."! ir t~"a -,! ,! ~rc;. cc-o. .nl oo for-ft.) raid CQ~P--'tka to Eccenics"L jroa~N~, tto direct role of L%, zw;~---,y az-l d.z4w! in plnnncd iria-v fc.-~.ticz ia aim irql. rlr.-~:vcr, rx~c;an*r ujud Ly a 1&rgo w;~!'vr of cuotculor6 ~dd zold t:~ vl;tlc~zla trada u~twori.. tho con-~-d-,raziol Of flup;ily Mi,-lifiC~-J L~J t'-0 Zr-rl.,lt ill MtlarAtdd V,,Cir lm~,uzco~ ri.OaL-id.4~ 71la a! tho ol-ei~iTy of ccn~,,tion U~~=,!) ia ~,Ct fLZ:3:, jZ r- VIC.. t iv of cz--r- L,z-~;7 to tz~- ir ~ra c!"t j7z~q,,"zzly x4a4 ID ~'Ci- or, of imil o-6, az4 ro b:r -.Lo of MA .1t.ct--:c -~z~j~r Ly Iaz:,b Jj imo'-4otio. A USSR UDC 619:616.981.551-084.47:638.17 KIVALKINA, V. P., Professor, and BUDARKOVA, E. L., Aspirant, Kazan Veterinary Institute "The Adjuvant Effect of Propolis in Immunization With Tetanus Toxoid" Moscow, Veterinariya, No 11, 1971, pp 45-46 Abstract: The effect of propolis on the formation of antitoxin and complement activity was studied in rabbits hyperimmunized with sorbed and refined tetanus toxoid. The appearance of antitoxin was noted 2 weeks after the first admin- istration of toxoid, its level increasing thereafter and reaching a maximum on the 42nd day. The antitoxin content was higher in rabbits immunized with a smaller total dose of toxoid than in those injected with the same dose of antigen without propolis. The effect of propolis on the production of anti- bodies is more pronounced only in combination with a smaller total dose of toxoid. This is explained by the increased reaction of the body to an in- creased total dose of toxoid without propolis, as compared to a smaller dose. The preventive properties of rabbit sera (tested on mice) increased with accumulation of antibodies in the blood and did not decrease after the level of antibodies had attained Its maximum, The sera of animals immunized with toxoid plus propolis proved more protective than the sera of those i1nnitinf.Zed without propolis. Thus, propolis stimulates the nonspecific factors of immunitv in vacc-ination with tetanus toxoid. US9tR UDC: 621.373+621-397-331.222+621-386.2/7 BkYKOV, A. P., BELAGO, V. A., &MARMY-M- V_ T., DOTSENTKO, V. I., XUr-RASHOV, E. M., LYUBIN, V. M., NALIVJ1Y-,,-(Y, _V. I., FE-DOPOVA, Ye. I., TSUITORDIAN, V. G., and SIESTAK, A. F. "Methods of Recording X-Ray Images in a Science Research Autornation System!' Novosibirsk, Avtometriva, No 6, 1971, pp 67-80 Abstract: A description is given of a complex of pulsed x-ray sources with memory elements for recording fast processes, along with highly sensitive systems for visualizing two-dimensional x-ray images of threshold intensity. The radiation required has a duration of 10-6 to 10-7 sec with a hardness of several hundred kev. For the recording equipment, photographic film and tele- vision systems were used, in which the memory cells were the semi- conducting tarGets of sensor tubes. in such a system, the image is impressed directly on the target of the x-ray vidicon with a controllable memory, or is fixed by re-recording the video signal on a vidicon with optical memory, thus allowing connection of the recording equipment to the input of an electronic computer. The purpose of a complex of this type is to rather scientific data as part of a sy8tem for automation of the research procedure. Dc- scriptiona of the equipment are given, together i.,rith pholog-raPhs 1/2 USSR TJDC: 621.373+621-397-331.2221621-366.2/7 BAYKOV, A, P., et al, Avtometriya, No 61 1971, pp 67-80 of the x-ray and recording equipment as well as sample oscillo- grams of various equipment items. The authors express their gratitude to Yu. Ye. Nesterikhin and A. M. Iskolldski-y for their delineation of the problem and thej-r supervision of the work. For his assistance with the experiments made using this equipment, the authors thank E. V. Yanshin. 2/2 USSR UDC: 537.533.3 BORDAIRERKO, Yu. V., ~Qn"j I V_ I., ILtIN, V. P., !SXOLIDSKIY, A. M., ITESTERIKIIIN, Yu. Ye., POPOYA, G. S., and SHESTAK, A. F. "Electronic-Optical Converters iii Forced Light load Operation" Novosibirsk, Aytometriya, No 6, 1971, pp 7-14 Abstract: Forced light load operation is defined as that mode of operation of the photocathode of an electronic-optical converter in which a ph~tocHjent of high density is picked up in recording processes 10- -10 s in duration. In this kind of ol-A,.ration the obtained images are markedly distorted. The fiviction of this paper is to take a closer look the basic effects tending to deteriorate the image quality through experiments, 'the purpose of which is to investigate the effect of -the electric field near the photocathode and the space charge in causing this distortion. A diagram of the experimental equipment is given and the exper-i- mentl*al Drocedure explained. Photographic samples of the image dis- tortion are sho-rin and the reasons for the defects clarified. The authors express their gratitude to B. A. Baryahev for his assist- ance in preparing the equipment, and to L. M. Diamant and I. E. Zaydell for their comments. 7CI - S/019,/6:2/000/014/052/054 1007/1207 Ul"Ho- 3,udn-ov 1.F T IL T Me'ET-i-od., 'I3r --do-E-ai6ing special, winter and high-frost-- resistant (arctic) aircraft lube-oils -,721, L: ~'rillotonl izobreteniy, no.14, 1,962, 66 (Soviot pntent, cl-,ss 23c, 1, no,73763, 38Z102, August 16, 1948, published now for, th4 first time) T-I-i %ccordl-,~-'tok,this method Nvinter nnd high-L';rost resistant .1 --o obtained on the brusis of low~viscos-ltv d's- :,dreraft bibe-bilis a~ 6 tlllatns of wipter oil blandod with 2-5% oppanol. iAb-vt,racterls note:Complete translation.] ,ard 1/1- C- SOV/lcli-59-1-187/291 AUTHOR: Budarov T,X. TITLE: An Instrument for DeterminJng Resins in Fuel PPERIODICAL: Byulleten' -Lzobreteniy, "959, Nr 1, p 46 (U'33R) ABSTRACT: Class 421, 3q . Nr 117058 (601993 of 16 june 1958). An instrument5for speeded up determinIng of resins content in fuels, provided with a heater with blind pockets for holding the fuel under investigation, and water. Card 1/1 3-- USSR H~P I C, 12 2 Af TV, 13. G. , Neurc-cybernetics L.31)oratory, Institute of of the Academy of 1-*-edical S--,iences USSR, Leningrad "The Manifestation of th2 '.ejer-7-2chner Law in Decision Makln~ and Probab7itty Learning" Moscow. Voprosy Psikhologii, Vol 6, llov-Dac 70, pp 128-133 Abstract: The experin,.ents involved presented the subjects with a scries of s t I i in a binary pattern, i a. , at two seconi intervals one of t-.lo siFnal ~~ would oe In some cases the sequences of signals followed patterns of varying in other cases the sequences .are randon. The subjects %:ere re,-,rckid for correctly pre- dieting the signal. After each sequence of 100 signals the subjects ,.,ere evaluate the distribution of eventS betw,:en the two zignils. From theno four quantities were derived: 1) 'Ihe frequency with which the nu',,"-~Ct nelec~el the more likely signai; 2) The -subject's estirmte of t1he frequency wit'n .,*hich ht, select,!d this signal; 3) The !:ubject's estiznate of the relati,.,e probabilities of sucv,~,Zs wi-th each of his two choices; 4) The discrimination by th2 subjects as to which appeared most frequently in the p:,og--am.. The last quzntity rep--:!:3rnts the between the two probabilities, as evalvated by the subjects. Three p*C---1b1e fo:-~nllas were then applied to relate the fourth quantity to the actual frequenzy of the z-ik-nals 1/3 112 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--IBSEP70 TITLE--'YIELDING OF STEEL OKH23S2YU -U- AUTHOR-(O3)-LZUBCHENKOp A.S., TIMOFEYEV9 M.M., BUDAYEV, G.P. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KHIM. NEFT. MASHINOSTR. 1970# (1) 23-4 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt MECH., IND.r CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--CORROSION RESISTANT ALLOYt ALLOY DESIGNATION, SLAGI MECHANICAL PP.OPERTY/(U)OKH23SZYU CHROMIUM STEEL CCNTROL MARK I.',JlG--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUME,NT CL4SS--UNCLASSIFTED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1986/0005 STEP NO--UR/0314/70/000/001/0023/0024 CIRC ACC.FSSIO',j %')--AP0I02105 U'11L L A-` _~' Il I L L Hydraulic and Pneumatic USSR BAZARON, U. B., DERYAGIN, B. V., BUDAYEV, 0. R. "Mechanical Properties of Liquids" UDC: 532+533/533.6 Poverkhnost. Sily v Tonkikh Plepkakh i Dispers. Sistemakh [Surface Forces -Ln Thin Films and Dispersed Systems], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 279-301 (Translated: from Referativnyy Zhurnal Mekhanika, No 12, 1972, Abstract No 12B1029, by 0. K. Rozanov) Translation: Results are presented from an experimental study of the mechanical properties of liquids, including determination of the angle of mechanical losses. The dynamic measurement method was used, in which the liquid being studied is applied onto piezoquartz and covered with another quartz plate, thus forming a thin film. in contrast to earlier works, the authors determined the complex shear modulus by additional determination of the imaginary portion of the com- 212 015 UNCLASSIFIED PRi-KESSING DAT~:--IBSEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102105 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. OKH23S2YU, A FERRITIC, OXIDN. RESISTANT STEEL OF T14E FE-ScI-CR-AL TYPE (CR 23, SI 1.8, AL 1.3PERCENT) CAN BE ARC WELDED, 4FTER HEATING Tn 200 TO 250DEGREES, WIT14 COATED ELECTRODES OF OKH27YU5A ALLOY, USUALLY USED FOR RESISTANCE HEATING ELEMENTS. THE ELECTRODE COATING C13NTAINS AN INCREASED AMT. OF MARBLE (70PEPCENT) AND A LOWER CONTENT OF FLUORSPAR, THUS DECREASING THE FLUIDITY OF THE SLAG. TI POWDER 2PERCENT IS ADDED TO REFINE THE WELD GRAIN AND 2PERCENT FERROSILICON S14S TO FACILITATE THE SLAG REMOVAL. MECH. PROPERTIES OF THE WELD ARE EQUAL TO THOSE OF THE WELDED ALLOY; THE CORROSION RESISTANCE 15 HIGHER DUE TO-AN INCREASED CR CONTENT. it ri 4CCIFIC J-)L LLD USSR Bazaron, U. B., Deryagin. B. V., Budayev, 0. R., Poverkh-nost. Sil% v Tonkikh Plenkakh i Dispers. Sistemakh, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 279-301. - It is determined that in the case of triethylene glycol, polymethyl siloxane and vaseline and caster oils, the mechanical loss angle tangent is not dependent on film thickness within the limits of measurements error. This is explained by the absence of a boundary film with singular properties in these liquids, or the low thickness of this film if it is present. In the case of water and hexyl alcohol, it was found that there is a dependence of mechanical loss angle tangent on film thickness: as the thickness decreases, the tangent decreases. The results of measurements of mechanical parameters are presented in a table. An estimate is given of the effective viscosity manifested in oscillations of the piezoquartz for five liquids (all except water and hexyl alcohol), under the assumption of addition of clastic and ViSCOU5 stresses (Kelvin body) or when elastic and viscous deformations are added (?,faxvell body). The viscosity for the Maxwell body is about 15% higher than VaILICS for the Kelvin body. one exception is polymethyl siloxane, where significant divergences are explained by low values of mechanical loss angle tangent. 2/2 USSR uDc 620.193.013:669.295 TOMASHOV, N. D., CHUKALOVSKAYA, T. V., CHEINOVA, G. P., BUDBERG-, P. B., and GAVZE, A. L., Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy 0 rclTiences uffffk4 "Study of the Corrosion Resistance of Alloys of the Titanium-Tantalum-- Niobium System" Moscow, Zashchita metallov, Vol 8, No 1, Jan-Feb 72, pp 3-7 Abstract: Tantalum effectively raises the corrosion resistance of titanium- base alloys; its use, however, is limited due to cost factors and scarcity. The study of the ternary Ti-Ta-Nb system is essential for determining the feasibility of partial replacement of tantalum with the more readily avail- able niobium. The corrosion and electrochemical behavior of the alloys was studied as annealed and quenched in a 5% HC1 solution at 100'C. Analysis of the phase transformation and microstructure of the alloy indicates an isothermal section at 600*C w1hich is characterized by a narrow region of a-solid solution, a wide two-phase (cL+O) region, and a wide region of a-solid solution. At about the same average compositions, Ti-Ta-N-b alloys with single-phase structures exhibit corrosion resistance values which are one or two orders of magnitude higher than those shown by two-phase alloys. The higher resistance is characteristic of annealed Ti-Ta-Nb alloys with 1/2 USSR TOMASHOV, N. D., et al., Zashchita metallov, Vol 8, No 1, Jan-Feb 72, pp 3-7 a more stable ~-phase. Alloying of Ti with Nib and, specifically, with Ta results in a considerable increase in corrosion resistance, the total con- tent of alloying elements, ranging from 20-40% for annealed and 10% for quenched alloys. The study demonstrates the feasibility of replacing tantalum with niobium without reducing markedly the corrosion resistance of the above alloys. (3 illustrations, 1 table, 9 bibliographic references). 2/2 Corrosion USSR UDC 669.14-018.8 TOMASHOV, PT. D.P CHERNOVAP G. P., KILNIINA, G. S., BUDBERR, P 3 --7Rcadezy and GAVZ-'r'T A. L. 9 Instuit-ute of Physical Chemistry,- Sciences USSR "Investigation of the Structure and Corrosion Behavior of Alloys of the System Ti - Ta - Or 11 Moscow, Zashchita Mletallov, Vol 7, No. 4, Jul-Aug 719 PP 387 -391 Abstract : The structure and corrosion behavior of alloys of th e system Ti - Ta - Cr , containing Or from 2.5 -20 ~/") and Ta up to 30 ~6, viere investi-ated, using for the analysis of the nhase eaui-- librium the microstructure, roentgenophase, differential-thernzal, and dilatuometry methods and characteristic dia,73rams of the alloys subjected to hot plastic deformations in the temperature interval of 1,000 -600 dep,. and subsequent hardening ( lt-200 -600 deg. Depending on the tuemperature-of heat treatzient, these alloys c= 1/2 USSR TOMASHOV, N. D.) et al., Zashchita Metallov, Vol 7, No 4, Jul-Aug 71, PP 387-391 have a homogeneous Structure of a !':7-solid solution or a hetero- geneous structure cz + 5 + S,-. 'The investil-atio.-a results are discus- sed by reference to the shovrn microstructure and dia-ra--s of Do- lyther-aal cuts of tile alloys by different correlation of t-heir, components and effects of the aalloyIng components on the corrosi- on rate. It was found that the stability recr,ion of the 1~ --ph'ase U on the state diagram increases and the beginning eutectoia Ifirans- formation shifts into the region of hi~n7her contents of alloying elements and lower temperatures by incrcaasin_-~- the rela- tive content of Ta to Cr relations of 1:3 , 1:1 , and 3;1 . The corrosion rate of alloys with homoagencous structure is lower than that of alloys with heterogeneous structure by 2 -10 tines and more. The Ti - Ta - Cr alloys with T-,-t:Cr=3:1 --)-nd the Ti - Ta alloys with a Ta-content of 20 ~~ and higher are corrosion-resis- tant in 5 %G ITC1 at 100 deg. The Or-alloying of Ti decreases its corrosion properties in the 01-solution and t-he corrosion rate increases with increasing Cr-content, particularly for alloys vrith hete-"o,-,eneous structure. Four illustr., ei,-ht biblio. refs. 2/2 Acc. Nr-:-04373 Abstracting Service: 51-7o Ref. Code: 0 INTERNAT. AERO PACE ABST. U19 OS70 ,~4R rA70-23787 Study a -phase equilibria in the Ti-Ta~Cr a,e system (Issledovanie fazowykh ravnovesii v sisterne Ti-Ta-Cr). 6_L_ Gavze and ~ B. ~610be . Akadernha Nauk SSSR, lzvestiia, Afe(jily, Jan.-Feb- 1970. p. 184-188. In Russian. Study of the phase diagram of the Ti-Ta-Cr systern in the region bot;nded by the Ti-Ta side and the section passing through the compounds TiCr2-TaCr2. Isothermal sections. of the Ti-Ta-Cr system at 700 and 600 C are constructed by the methods of microstructural and X-ray phase analysis- From the results of a study of the phase structure of alloys of the system, frorn the findings of differential thermal and local X-ray spectral analyses. and from a determination of the melting point ot the alloys by means of optical pyrometty, including cLrtain general premises of physicochemical analysis, four polythermal sections are plotted which contain titanium and tantalum in the ratios 4:1, 12, 2:3, and I.A. A S.K. REEL/FUME 19770145 ":nve 5--~EaLion of ~.ZlTeSL~~a A Abstrac,~: and x-ray ,L*-,asa was ,~sE~d soctfuns of t-?-"3 sys,!~az-, ,;C~ and --,OiD C. -;.'GUZ Sect-ions raL--;O:; Of 4:1, ~:Il 2:', am-. 1:4) wore cor.3rructQ-d on the --asij of ai,, invest.-JOation of t'rc phase st-ruct-,Lro of allOYS Of zne ZYSLOVI, d--ta from Unemal local -c-ray sFectral analyses, and doLermdnaLions of temperat-~;re at the beginning of alioy mcez~ing. USSR uDc 621.315-592-3:669-782 LOZOVSKIY, V. N.1, KALINYUK, A. I.., and-BUDDO,--, V. I. "Zone Melting With a Temperature Gradient in the System Silicon-Tin" Tr. Novocherk. politekhn. in-ta Norks of the Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute), 1970, 206, PID.50-54 (from RZH-Metallurgiya, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11G387 Translation: Results are presented of an experimental investigation of the patterns of motion of Sn-Si melted zone in Si single crystals. Sn with 99.999% purity and Si KEF with a resistivity 20-30 ohm,cm were used. The specimens had the shape of rectangular parallelepideds 0-5-1 mm thick with a 4 x 8 mm area, and were cut out along the facet (111). The tin zones., in the form of foill vere placed between two specimens, one of which in the process of zone melting with temperature gradient was melted, while the second served an a seed charger. The obtained composition was first placed into a vacuum furnace for doping. The zone melting was conducted in a special vacuum gradi- ent furnace under conditions when convection in the liqaid phase could not be developed. The results coincided with the Tiller theory. 2 ill., 9 bibl, entries. 0. 14yakisheva 1/1 USSR UDC 621.9.658.5 BUDENKOV, B. A., POLUKRIN, V. P., and AVERBUKH, I. I. "Using Ultrasound to Automatically Control Strip Thickness" Plasticheskaya Deformatsiya Metallov i Splavov, Moscow, No 64, "Metallurgiya," 1970, pp 271-274 Translation: A description is given of the diagrams and operating principle of an electromagnetic acoustic transformer and contactless resonance thickness measurer which makes it possible to control the thickness of strip with a precision up to 1.5 percent at a rolling speed of 20 meters per second and ensures locality of measurement within several centimeters. Four figures. 1/1 Jj 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV7C ITLE -SEPAi~,ATE COMBINE& hEAD FUR ULTRASONIC UEFErrOSCOPES -U- AUTHOh-(03)-dUDENKOVw B.A.* KOPANSKIY, A.G., SAZHINI V.V. 'i.CCUNTRY OF INFC--USSR SOURCE-U.S.S.R. 2454ZS ::REFERENCE--CTKRYTIYA, IZUBRET.v PROM. CBRAZTSYs TOVARNYE ZNAKI NR 19 A)ATE PUfJLISE,ED-23OCT70 :SUBJECT AREAS-METHCUS AND EQUIPMENT TOPIC TAGS--I"JEFECTOSCOPE, ULTRASONIC EMITTER, SIGNAL INTERFERENCE, ERROR ~MINIMILATIGNP PATENT CCNTRGL MAkKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCVMENt CLASS--UNCLASSIFII;D PROXY KEEL/fkAME--L994/W34 STEP NO--UR/C482169/0001000/0000/0000 CIRC ALCESSICN NO-AA0114H86 2/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AA0114886 ABSTRACT/EXIRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SEPARATE COMBINED HEAO FOR ULTRASGNIL DEFECTCSCCPES UVERCCMES THE DISADVANTAGE OF CONVENTIONAL HEADS, hhlCH HAVE A DEAD ZONE NEAR THE INSPECTED SURFACE CAUSED BY ECHCES DUE TO IMPERFECTICNS OF THE SCREENING BETWEEN HEADS AND ECHOES IN NEARBY DEFECTS IN A ZONE CF LOW SENSITIVITY. IN THE PRUPOSALv UNE PRISM IS MADE SHOkTER THAN THE OTHER BY A LENGTH EQUAL TO THE PRODUCT OF THE PICK UP PULSE ANC ThE VELOCITY OF PROPAGATION OF THE WAVE IN THE PRISM MATERIAL. THIS CUTS DCj'^N THE DEAD ZCNEt SINCE THE ECHO SIGNAL OF THE SHORTER PFISM"IS CLEAP OF THE INSPECTED ZONE# AND THAT FROM THE LONGER ONE IS CISPLACED INTO A ZONE OF HIGH SENSITIVITYt THUS AVOIDING HINDERING TFE RECEPTION OF THE DEFECT SIGNAL. FACILITY: VSESOYUZNYY NAUCHNO~-ISSLEDUVATELISKIY INSTITUT PO RAZRABOTKE NERAZRUSHAYUSF.CHIKH hETGUOV I SKEDSTV KCNTRC)LYA KACHESTVA MATERIALOV. USSR UDG: 620.179.16 BUDENKOVI G. A.,and IMSKAYEW, A. F., Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institu-~,e jrjeni 16iahsiki~ 'X6-ra-somol. 'Wechanisra of Excitation and Registration of Ultrasonic Waves in Iron and in an Iron-Nickel Alloy in the Curie Temperature Rangpl' Sverdlovsk, Defektoskopiya, 1~0 1, 1973, PP 109-115 Abstract: The authors study the effect of t--r-"Perature an the excitation anti registration of ultrasonic waves in an invar iron-niekel alloy (36 percent NIJ) and in iron (0.025 percent C) in order to investigate the possibilities of rea-liz.- ing ultrasonic control. The results show that excitation and regiz3tration cf longitudinal ultrasonic uaves are possible bj the e-ectromagne-to-accus tic rietIhod in materials with large volume ma-Snctostriction and magnetoclasLic effect by mca-ris of the para-procesu at temperature falling within the Curie rarqgge. Both in and in iron, excitation and registration of ultrasound is accomplished duo to the volmac magnotoatriction and 'Ghe magnetoolastic effect in the, para-procoss zone. The described effects can also be used for the ultrasonic, bigh temperature, con- tactless ma-thod of controlling materials with larl.,,e volunio magrietostriction. Original article hasi six figureo and eiEht blblio~-raphic entries. USSR uDc: 621.373:029-52 BUDEM "A Null 'De vice __ --of the Self-Excited Oscillator Type With High Input I=edance and With a Parallel Resonant Tank in the Base Circuit" V sb. Poluprovodn. pribory v tekhn. elektrosyvazi (Semiconauctor Devices in Electrical Communications Technology--collection of works), vyp. 7, Moscow, "Svyazl", 1971, PP 71-79 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6D362) Translation: A null device circuit is analyzed by the matrix method, and computational- formulas are derived for determining the operating threshold and the-emission frequency. An investigation is made of the effect which a change in the parameters of the transistor and the tank has on threshold drift. A null device of this type can be used in automation, in analog-to-code converters, in time relays with long delays, and in low-frequency and very low-frequency oscillators. Two illustrations, bibliography of three titles. Resume. 78 USSR uDc: 681-327.12:371.69 "A Neuristor" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarny .ye znaki, 1970, No 33, Soviet Patent No 285114, class 21, filed 29 Jun 67, published 29 Oct 70, P 58 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a neuristor which uses a semiconductor structure with S-shaped voltage-current curve with positive feedback between adjacent elements, e. g. by diffusion of cur)~ert carriers. The proposed neuristor is a solid-state device.. As a distinguishing fea- ture of the patent, the device is designed for improved reliability, re- duced overall dimensions, and simplified manufacturing technology. Each element of the neuristor is an active semiconductor structure with a series-connected capacitor, each such element being connected to a source of variable voltage. 1/1 UR 0482 AA005-1861- Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Sectioa/~H`Electrical, Derwent, 242497 BIMJLY SUMPATOR suitable for a digital computer has been designed and contains two resistors 1 and 2, the emitters of which are connect- ed through a common resistor 3 to the displacement source - E2. The transistor base 2 is earthed and base of transistor I through resist-or 4 is connected to the displacement source and through diode 5 to the entry of circuit 6 (through resistor 7). 21.12.67 as 1205608/18-24.A.P.BUDENNYI et al. (5.9.59) Bul 15/25.4.69. Class 42m3. Int.Cl.G 06f. AUTHORS: Bu-dennvy, -A-.- P. ; LutskiVI? V. A. ; KontarM V. Ya.; Nazarov, S.- I - ; Kramarenko, 0. L; Sbir~,hkevich, A. A.- 19820296 A-AO051861 Apr,wr /p- - &CY4eev RO-Tolw4b Aepgoe cloeaeAv& 8~,Poe C-Weat--Oe 0 Y- 4t 19820297 USSR BUDESHTESKIY, R. 1. '--MMMMM~ UDC 691-32 "Elements of theory of the Strength of Granular Composite Materials" Tbilisi, Elementy Teorii Prochnosti Zernistykh Kompositsionnykh 1-Taterialov, IrA-vo 1-jetanierebal 19721 81 pp Translation of Introductiont Questions of the mechanics of composite matezials in recent years have been developed at an accelerated rate basically for filamentary structures. Substantial interest Is being given to composite materials of granular structure since if the extermal forces are random func- tions of the coordinates these composites may possess to some degree an optimal structura. Concretes are characteristic examples of granular composite materials. In the mechanics of granular composites it is feasible to operate with the statistical characteristics of their structural elements -- grains, matrices, and their adhesion. With such an approach it is possible to advance from unified positions to all basic types of concrete. 1/9 19 - USSR BLIDESHTSXIY, R. I., Elementy Teorli Prochnosti Zernistykh Kompositsionnykh Materialov, Izd-yo lietsniereba, 1972, 81 pp In the statistical theories of the strength of brittle bo- dies we usually proceed from the hypothesis of the weakest unit, that is, the factually successive joining of structural elements. In the theory of the strength of granular composites based on their real features, it follows to take into account both the sequential and the parallel joining of structural elements. The latter gives the possibility theoretically of taking into ac- count also the redistribution of stresses, and consequently de- scribing the Diast;c properties of the material. All this per- mits naturally describing the scale effects of strength as a function of the grain dimensions, uniformity of the character- istics of the structural elements, etcetera. This effect is be- ing investigated for cubic and prismatic samples; the question 2/9 USSR BUDESHTSKIY, R. I., Elementy Teorii Prochnosti Zernistykh Kompo- sitsionnykh Materialov, Izd-vo Metsniereba, 1972, 81 Pp is also being investigated of the relationship of the strengths of prismatic and cubic samples which is also treated as the scale effect. In all these investigations the concept of "structural di- agram" is being used. This latter as a working apparatus is finding broad usage in the theory of coupling, in the theory of automatic control, etcetera. By the term "structural diagram" we mean the conventional graphic representation of elements of the system and the rela- tionships among them. Construction of a structural diagram in the form of a graph and investigation of it by the methods of the theory of reliability permits giving a mathematical model of the COMDO- site material of a granular structure. Solutions to the s~ruc- tural formulas of strength are found on computers. If for regular structures, but by allowinE for the statis- tical character of the properties of the structural elements, 3/9 - 20 - USSR BUDESHTSKIY, R. I., Elementy Teorii Prochnosti Zernistykh Kompo- sitsionnykh Materialov, Izd-vo Metsniereba, 1972, 81 PP the solution is reduced to a system of parallel-sequential ele- ments, then for structures of stochastic types several artificial means are effective that are based on representing the geometry of the regular structures as limiting cases for stochastic struc- tures. Their formation can be described also by the flonte-Carlo method, by graphs of stochastic configuration, etcetera, From these positions we also examine the fracture of the Icomposites by describing the growth in the main cracks as a random stationary process. it bezomes possible to evaluate its parameters as a function, particulai~ly, of the degree of unifor- mity of the structural elements and the degree of irregularity of the structure. The question of the relationship of tensile strength to compressive strength is investigated in the statis- tical aspect. 4/19 USSR BUDESHTSKIY, R. I., Elementy Teorii Prochnosti Zernistykh Kompo- sitsionnykh Materialov, Izd-vo Metsniereba, 1972, 81 pp Structural analysis of the composite materials permits solving the question of predicting the uniformity of the com- posite from the statistical characteristics of the structural elements as well, and to investigate the question of the scale effect of the indicators oP uniformity and also to construct a mathematical theory of the structural effect of exceeding the scatter in the test results for tension over the scatter during compression. In solutions to the technological problems based on the formula of strength of concrete we find the formula for the un- iformity in the strength of concrete. The question of predict- ing uniformity of concrete is solved also by the method of sta- tistical tests. Since oftentimes the requirements for a material have a contradictory character, the solutions to the optimal composi- tions are formulated in terms of the theory of games. 5/9 21 - USSR BUDESHTSKIY, R. I., Elementy Teorii Prochnosti Zernistykh Kompo- sitsionnykh Haterialov, Izd-vo Metsniereba, 1972, 81 pp In conclusion, let us mention that the construction of mathematical models of I composites , just as always in such instances, leads to a certain simplification and schematization of the physical essence of the phenomenon. Nevertheless such a model makes it possible to approach from a quantitative theoret- ical evaluation such questions which usually are solved empiri- cally. Further complication and refinement of the mathematical models will permit developing the quantitative side of the prob- lem of producing granular composite materials with a priori given properties. CONTENTS Page Introduction ............................................... 5 Chapter One. Concrete as a Composite Material of Granu- lar Structure., ......................................... 7 6/9 USSR BUDESHTSKIY, R. I., Elementy Teorii Prochnosti Zernistykh Kompo-t- sitsionnykh Materialov, Izd-vo Metsniereba, 1972, 81 pp- Page Chapter Two. Structural Analysis of the Statistical Ten- sile Strength of Granular Composite Materials ......... 10 1, Simplest Nodel of a Granular Composite., .......... 10 2. Theory of Scale Effects of the Strength of Granu- lar Composites .. ...% ........ ..... 1 15 3. Theory of the "Wall Effect ......................... 20 4. Several Complications of the Simplest Model... .... 22 Chapter Three. Generalization of the Mathematical Hodel of a Composite Material of Granular Structure (Tension).. 24 1. Predicting the Strengtb of a Composite from the Statistical Characteristics of its Structural Ele- ments -- Grain, Matrix, and Adhesion .............. 24 2. Partial Cases of'the Structural rormula of Strength and Its Solution on a Computer ..... 60 .... 26 3. Optimal Set of Structural Elements of a Compo- site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 7/9 - 22 USSR BUDESHTSKIY, R. I., Elementy Teorii Prochnosti Zernistykh Kompo- sitsionnykh Haterialov, Izd-vo Metsniereba, 1972, 81 pp Page 4. Several Approximating Expressions ................. 31 5. Deformation of Granular Composites ................ 33 6. Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Nonuniform- ity of the Field of Inte-rnal Stresses ............. 36 7. The Question of Computing the Component Field of a Solid Prcfile. 41 ~ran- Chapter Four. Statist;ca!*~;~;c -;:o o ular Composites -Under Compression .......6 ............. 45 1. Relationship of Tensile Strength to Compressive Strength........ ..... 0.00 ......................... 45 2. Stochastic Geometry of the Growth of a Main Crack. 50 Chapter Five. Uniformity of Granular Composite Materials 53 1. Prediction of Composite -Uniformity Base-d on the Statistical Characteristics of Structural Elements 53 8/9 USSR BUDESHTSKIY, R. I., Elementy Teorii Prochnosti Zernistvkh Kompo- sitsionnykh Materialov, Izd-vo Metsniereba, 1972, 817P Page 2. Scale Effect of Uniformity Indicators ............. 58 3. Theory of the Structural Effect of Exceeding the Scattering of Test Results Under Tension to the Scattering Under.Compression..,,.O,,,.,,,.,....... 59 Chapter Six. Predicting the Coefficient of Variation of Concrete Strength in Technology ..........0 .............. 61 1. Deriving a Formula for the Uniformity of Concrete. 61 2. Predicting Uniformity by the Method of Statisti- cal Tests and Game Situations ............... 69 Bibliography ..................... ......... 73 9/9 23 1/2 017 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 ,TITLE--POLYADDUCTS OF DIFUIkAN COMPOUNDS -U- AUTHOR-041-BERLINw A.A., GUOEVSKA, KH.t MtKHAYLOV, M., LABUN9VAt 0. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOLiqCE--VYSOKO.VOL. SOEOIN., SER.B 1970t 12(41, 277-80 --9ATE PU13L ISHED - ----- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--HEAT RESISTANT Pl.A5TlCj FURANt PHTHALATE, AZINE CONTkOL .1WING--til) R.EsrgicTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRA14E--3006/1245 STEP NO--UR/0460/70/012/004/0277/0280 CIRC ACCESSION NU-AP013491.9 U-.NC LASS I F- I E D 212 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-131NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0134919 ,.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. REACTIVE POLYADDUCTS 'WERE PREP0. FROM DIFURFURYL TEREPHTHALATE OR FURFURAL AZINE AND BISDIENOPHILES, SUCH AS NorIPRI~IE,HEXAMETIiYLENEDIMALEIMIDE ODIELS-ALDER kEACTION). THE POLYADDUCTS WERE HEATED IN VACUO (10 fRIIIENEGATIVE3 -10 PRIMENEGATIVE4 MM) WITH OR WITHOUT HYDROQUINONE AT LPODEGREES TO GIVE CROSSLINKED, HEAT RESISTANT POLYMERS. FACILETY:,i INST. KHIM. FIZ., MOSCO'ii, USSR. UNCL USSR UDC 621.385.6-2 Bri-VEY. A.G., L:,tV?J?,OVI-,H, V.I., PD-ZLIK, V.G., SHAS', A.V. nExperimental Study Of Some Mlethode Of 1-fodul~tiQn Of T-,"'T" Vestn. Belorus. un-ta (Bulletin Of Bellorussian Univercity), 1971, Ser.1, No pp 61-66 (from RM; Elektroniks _Ly.~ye m nile~, No 2, Feb 72, Abstract lio 2AI,-4) Translation: Problems are considered of AM and FM low-noise traveling-wave tubes. The bloc'k diagru.-;i is presented of a unit for determination of the amDli- tudea, phufie charucteriatics, and the characterictics of frequency conver~-;ion. The circuit is deacribed of a cawtooth voltage generator bused on drift transis- tors operating in un avalaricne regime. Experimental and calculated dutu are compared. 8 ref. Su:_"wry. 1/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE--PLASTICIZATION OF POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) ETHERS -U- AUTtiOR-(05)-MOSHCHINSKAYA, N.K., BQDINSK YA, BEZMENOVA, T.E., DUROFEYEVA, R .A. PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 BY SULFOLA,14E ESrER:; AND N.N.r BURYAK, I.P., COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S-OURCE--PLAST. MASSY 1970t (2)1 43-4 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ,TOPIC TAGS--PLASTICfZERt POLYVINYL CHLORIDE, ETHERt HETEROCYCLIC SULFUR COMPOUND, ACETATE, OPTIC PROPERTY, FROST RESISTANCE, EsrER/(U)S2 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RESIN CONTROL flARKING--NO RESTRiCTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/1703 STEP NO--UR/0191/70/000/002/0043/0044 CIRC ACCESSION Nf)--AP0112697 UNCLASSIFIED 212 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0112697 ABSTRACT/EXTRACvo--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) RESIN S-2 (1) WAS PLASTICIZED WITH A NO. OF SULFOLANE ETHERS, E.G., 3,(NONYLOXY)SULFOLANE (11)v 3t(DECYLOXY)SULFOLAPIE 111f)p SOLFOLANE ETHERS PREPD. FROM A MIXT, OF C SU89-18 ALCS.p AND AN ESTER, OCTYL SULFOLANYLACETATE (TV)t AT 80-90DEGREES AND AT 130-5DEGREES. I WAS BEST PLASTICIZED WITH 50 PARTS It OR lilt WHEREAS OTHER SULFOLANE ETHERS AND IV WERE ONLY SLIGHTLY COMPATIBLE WITH 1. THE PLASTICIZED I EXHIBITED SUPERIOR LIGHT AGING RESISTANCE, WEATHERABILITY, AND FREEZE RESISTANCE. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING.DATE--27NOVTO TITLE--MECHANISM OF PRIMARY PROCESSES DURING THE PHOTOLYSIS OF TRIS,ETHYLENEDIAMINE,COBALT #111, CHLORIDE -U- AUTHOR-(03)-POZNYAKp A.L.t BUDKEVICHo B.A.9 SHAGISULTANOVA, G.A. COUNTRY OF !NFO--USSR SOURCE--KHIM. VYS. ENERG. 19709 4(31# 286-7 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYP NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC TAGS--COBALT COMPLEXi ETHYLENEDIAMINE, PHOTOLYSIS, DEUTERIUM COMPOUND CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0864 STEP NO--UR/0456170/004/003/0286/0287 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137892 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137892 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PHOTOLYSIS OF (COEN SUB3)CL SUB3 AND ITS DEUTERATED ANALOGS AT 77DEGREESK IN A H SUB2 SO SUB4, H SUB3 PO SUB4, OR D SUB3 PO SUB4 MATRIX LEADS TO THE FORMATION OF CH SUB2 NH SUB3 PRIME POSITIVE BIRADICAL IONSY H OR 0 ATOMS9 HYDRATED CO PRIME2 POSITIVE, AND HYDRATED ELECTRONS. ABS. CONGNS. OF PRODUCTS ARE GIVEN AS A FUNCTION OF IRRADN. TIME* FACILITY: BELORUSS. GOS. UNIV. IM. LENINA, MINSK, USSR. UNICLASSIrIEO USSR uDc 628.543:663.631.8 BUDKEVICH, G. B.1 MOMOT.1 V. YA.J, SIFENTKO, I. I.., TARASEM, YU. A., and MM.0- I. A. "Removal of Mercury From Polluted Water by Silicon Oxyhydride" Kiev, Khimiches1mya Tekhnolo.-iya, No 6, Nov/Dec 73, PP 50-52 Abstract: The conm_ound (H2Si203)11 is proposed as an absorbent. The H9 ion in solution is reduced to the metal on the surface of the (HSi,03)N where it is fixed. A table gives the amount of H9 removed under various, conditions. The amount of H removed is 994 for every case except the high Hg concenti-ation 9 6 (4000 mg). In another set of experiments the concentration o~~ Hg was reduced 40 to 85 tti=es at a pumping rate of 4 to 6 1/hr over 1 kg of absorbent. 1/1 Acc. Nr: AP0036523 Ref. Code: UR 0069 PRI=Y SOURCE: Kolloidnyy Zhurnal, 1970, Vol 32, Nr 1, PP 17-9~3 ADS 'ORPTION OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES FROM THEIR SOLUTIONS IN HEXANF AND CARBON TETRACHWRIDE ON HYDRIDI~-POLYSiLOXANF. XEPorEL AND SILICA. GEL Budkevich,--,~--- Slinyakova, I. B,; N!~~~I. ~Ye. Su m m a r y The adsorption on silica gel and hydride-.pGlysiloxane xeroryel fias been Studied in the following two-cornponent liquid systems: benzene-hexan-, acetone-hexane, dioxanc- -Cl -04, P"C711al-C 14 hexane, benzene-CC14 d:oxane-(- .4, nitr-ozenzen-CC14, chlorobenzene-(- C ' and benzaidehyde-CC14 as well as in the system benzene-CCI., on partially livdraed hyd- ride-~polysiloxane xerogel. The excessive adsorption maximum of all the SHIJStarCel, sttl- died on xeragel is almos+ bv an ordeT oi Iess 'han on silica gel. The adsorption extent of various subsiances or. solutions in CC14 and bexane is determined bv the donor-acceptor properties of xerogel surface and of the molecules be-Ing adsorbed. E E L F PLV-1 E ~7 C:!.q .!".3 :663 F'3 1, 6 iiY V. 7-1. s to qr-r 13 in Pr~.u~lnp chl,:rIns and allralis by th#- mercurv th', A~~te water atnoun!' of ln~rcurv in neritli- f~.rm. thi, f-,=. or anl 'in -, ~,m. Me nf rqmov1tq-, nercur-.- fmm w,ver thtit Ir. pri~!.otltLj; uzed in ti;e of prcelucinr, cm,~rlnc an~ alkalin I- sulfld~ trt'nt~nt, bile' on the 7ntiraction of Liva-ent met-7 "t--,, and the ifi-Ie ton [I]. m,- Cf the sulfi,le or .-Ircury irl mficult to re=i*te by filtri~fnn or clarification. rn -illition, where. th-i- Iz, in- suff!cl-rlt sulfl,.Iq, there is inc~~pleto. bcndinr ~f the ion merrtiry: Vert th,r" Ir to. mi~h, -in ins~lublii HE.5, f~ruod. Tb. ,,*,! .f 71 ,~thtr f cl"ar.3Il,g -jist~ ater 12 -- is I,y the tapa- bllit7 'If ixtra-;tIng only the. ion "~m f -.emury. 1*m- bhl~ r~asnn, som.,h- for nev n-A rare effltlont rt-th,-)-3s ef ex-rictinj, norcury ~Tm wante vater re;rq,,~nt an Ilmpe,rtant ar.1 urgent "IqmntifIc-t,~chnicnl probimn. rm~ prt~.isino, r~.thod fe)r clm---jn~inp. wirto waler of ~t-rcury appoarn -o be -r.e -,,~ ,r i w.-jt,--cont;Awng jdfcrL..-nt (8j. a -.*Iif:(in ~Wtydrid,! 11) )p W~j-- tho sili-in owyhylri,le ~mr- in cvnt.wt will; "ilt r-r',:,j,r7, thosm- occur- n :1.5 sur4ace a redU':till" ,I th. ion, t~' th~ mttall;r The r~ducol ri~otallic mercury nottllv-5 oil th'. rurrac" tne 1~rbtnt a.%A nzicln tt,l It-, pare,; of int-cei. 7`h" st'idy rivf~-. expvri;i-t.,w*. data ccncernin;,, the rrn,~vejj of mercurv fr,m wi%5te wa4:er ttiat cores from ~he pMdU--tiOn Of 30ni= hyllrate. Uring th~ iercuz-/ meth=d; the experiments urilizu rhe adsorpt ion-rci!-;ct I oil rmthod by rwans of silicon oxyhylrlde. for the invest igation , tho C%,%ctinii 34.5 ~n si'icon owyhydrl~e wAs used, obtained by ;-ccedur(,.i do,.cri~-ed in (9]. Th , total volume content of the pares Of the silicon oqhydrid:~ th,it wai ol,wim,t, - 17 '__112 019- UNCLASSIFIED- PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 -TITLE--THE USE OF TC PA[ME99M PERTECHNETATE FOR THE STUDY OF CHANGES OF THE IRON CAPTURING FU'NCTION GF THE THYROID GLAND UINDER THE INFLUENCE OF AU THOR-(02)-,KOTLYAROVp.E.V.t BUDKEVICHt YU.B.. OF INFO--USSR ,SOURCE--MEDITSINSKAYA RADIOLOGIYA, 1970,, VOL 15P NR 6, PP 55-58 ~-DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~_,:SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--TECHNETIUM ISOTOPE, IRON, THYROID GLAND, GOITER, PERCHLORATE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTkICrIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED AMMONIUM PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/1385 STEP NO--UK/0241/70/015/005/0055/0058 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0128785 I " 1 i ~_ I ;"- I f- :,212 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--13NOV70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOIZ8785 ~ABSTRACWEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHORS COMI&II I- To PAPER THE RESULTS OF UYNAMIC OBSERVATIONS OVER THE ACCUMULATION OF TC PRIME99.M PEPTECHNETArE IN THE THYROID GLAND IN 41 PArIENTS i-IfTH TOXIC GOITER UiNOER THE EFFECT OF INTAKE OF, A SINGLE COSE OF AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE AND MERCAZOLYL THEr"APY. IN 15-20 MINUTES AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE CASES A DECREASED ACCUMULATION GF PERTECHNE TATE. 6LOCK REMAINS FOR 1-3 9AYS DEPENDING ON THE SEVERITY OF TOXIC GOITER. UNDER THE EFFECT OF MERCAZOLYL TliEkE IS SEEN A SIGNIFICANT RISE OF THE ACCUNiULATION IN THE THYROID GLAND. A TENDENCY- TO A REoucrION OF rHE ACCUMULATION IS NOTED 1AN 25 DAYS. FACILITY: KAFEDRA RENTGE14OLOGIL I RADIOLGGII I MOSKOVSKOGO MEDITSINSKOGO INSTITUTA IM. 1. 14. SECHENOVA.