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USSR UDC 547.963,3 W"E, 19 A and ZAMCHUK, L. A., Institute of General Genetics, Academy of Soience-d--U=, Moscow "Immunological Specificity of DNA of the Phage SF01 of Bac. subtilis" Moscow# Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol 5, No 6, Nov/Dee 71, pp 892-897 Abstracti The immunological properties of DNA from the phage SPOI of Bac. subtilis were studied in order to evaluate the role of 5-hydroxymethyluracil as a specific antigenic deterainant. Rabbits wen immunized with a combination of denatured DNA from the phage SP01 plus methylated bovina serum albumin, and this resulted in the appearance of antibodies capable of' reacting with the DNA of the SPOI phage, particularly with denatured DNA. The antibody titler, Increased during the course of the immunization cycle and continued to rise even a ter the completion of Immunization. achieving a maxiinum on the thirteenth day. The number of antibodies docroased noticeably within 1 to Z months; within 3 months, no antibodies at all were observed. It was also established experimentally that the ability of the antibodies to react only with DNA that contains 5- hydroxymethylu.racil does not depend on tho presence of glucose in the DUA. Thus, 5-hydroxyzethyluracil acts as a specific antigenic determinant in DRA from the 3P01 phage. The results obtained are compared with results cited in the litera- ture, and an attempt is made to explain discrepancies. I/Ii LL< USSR UDC 523.164.42 3 BEAUDE, S. YA., ZHUK, I. N., LEBEDEVA, 0. M., MENI, A. V. and RYABOV, 3, P., ins"ETITU"t~ZMR&diophysics and Electronics, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR, Khar'kov "Time Changes in the Flux Densities of Discrete Sources in -,he Decameter Range" Kiev, UkraInskiyPizicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol. 15, No. 2, Feb 70, :),D 177-190 Abstract: Two series of experiments were conducted to clarify the problem OEL the flux variabilitv of sources in the decameter range. The purpose of the first series of experiments was to determine the type of fluctuations in signals oc- curring in 5-10 consecutive measurements of sources with. first and third types of sDectra. The second group of experiments was to deternine the change in the average flux density with time for 30 sources, each of which was meas-Lu,ed tFor several months. The first group of experiments indicated that fluctuations in signals received from the sources are associated wizh the ionosphere and nor sources w,-!r,e se-lecte-d with Drocesses occurring in the sources. The following for -.he second series of experiments to determine whether the average fiux den- sitles of dIt"ferent sources vary over time: SC10, 3CIll, X196, 3C218, 3C274, 3C353, X123, 3C405, 3C461, 3C81~, 3C98, 3C11111, and X346 in Cassiopeta-A. - Experi- ments show that spectra of the majority of these sources were stable and iride- pendent of time. Son~e typical results of measuren,_-nts rrzde during 1966-1968) 1/2 USSR aR.AU__ZI; S. YA., et al., LTi-x",4 ns?1Y z izic-leskiy Zhurn_nl , Vol 15, No 2, IFe") PP 177-190 are 'gIven for several of these sources. The data showed, however, tha-~as distInct from rhe majority of discrete sources where the avQra&~_- ~;pectrci remalined t ichan--ed over a considerable time period within the accuracy o-1- me-asurement,_ L t, zime changes -in intensity exceeding the natural spread of data and error of measurement were observed in the spectra of three discr~!-tu sources: 3C84, 3C14L, and 3C461. I'he daza were insuffic;ent to establio-h -he Per.`Lod of variabli- sources. A discussion o--;' L irulicazez, that this ty of these the cuestion variability cannot be explained within the I&mework of existing models,and 'he physical processes responsible for this flux variability at low freliuencies reT.ain an open question. It was concluded that since a systematic increase in the flux of Cass-=eia-A ~-L _10if frequencies -gas no-, observed, ore would expect -7. a7A injec-.ion o-- uarzicles with a total energy of W = 1047 ergs, Which is about 10% of the relativistic particles of the entire Cassiopeia-A, the - at~.! - ; -- Va_r.i. :~_.y cabserved during 1-966-1967 must be a relatively rare phezomencn- Axzher systematic studies of these and other sources in the decameter range are recommended. 2/2 Acc. N-r- Abstracting Sfrvice: 61,7o Ret. Code: P004G564 - INTERNAT. A ACE ABST. -q R 0 1 rA70-23189 Spectra ofifft6rete radio sources in decametric wavelength range fSpektry diskretnikh &herel v dekarrietrovornu diapazoni dovzhin khvil'I . !, M. zlvj~. 0 A. V- Nli~ ', and =.v (Aka(4emiij 'J'a i~, Ukr3:15"koi Irsaet,ot Padiof zol,-j i Clektranif-j Kharkp,,,, UKrainian SSR). Ukrains'k,mi Fizichnii Zhurnal, vol. 15, Jan. 1970, p, 1.-32. 113 refs. In Uk rainian. The analysis was carried out of the soectra measurements of disc-eie sourcris of c:)sm.'-, radio -,,;ajes in a decam-ttric range The indices are pesenteo of 1 13 d,~-,rete sources measured at the Radio Observatory of the Institule a! R,~dophysics and E;z~-c-ranics of jf-~e Ac9demy of Sciencin o,:' ti~!E SSR 'n .- new classi!~Cation 0; deC-VT1ez,-;r- 04 "Iscrete sources vvas introdured. According to this clissiflirljtion 59 :;owrcos ~vefe tt-, typ,~ I (Imeat spectral. 3--to i-ypf! 11 hnomtfve curvat.;-cl. 129-c tyDe lif ! post-,sve and 3 sou~ce~s-he type IV ovariable CuiVatUrej. Difireient p~roblrj-ns connected with generation Prid absorotion of radio vvaves in the di!irele sourcei were discussed and used to inter 'pretation of various types of spects a. The analysis of preliminary data on the radio ~,;ave absorpvon of turnote metagalaczic hydrogen was discussed together with the question on ,x)ssible valued of temoeratute and- density :)I the iatter. (Author) REEL/FRAME 1578,1828 1/2 Q 16 UNCLAS S I F I LD P!*l"';'_EssP~u_ TITLE-Tl!.:t P-i THE DENSITITES OF FLUXES F~,klll DlSuRclt: S01-li~(Cf-S PI THE uECA;'-'lETZ:"-. RANGE -U- AUTHOR- 105) - BRAUDE, S.YA., ZriUKp I.M., LtBE'DEVA, 0 .,4. , ~A, E f~. I A'R 0 V a . p CGUNTRY ILIF li%FO--'_'SSR SOURCE--U;~kAINSIKII FILICHN11 11HURNALs VOL-. 15t i-Eti. 1910, DArE PUBLISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-AST!3~UNL)MY,ASTROPIiYSICS TOPIC TAGS--- E L EC FLUX, kADIO EMISSION, CRITICAL ~~AVELENGTH, SI'U'tyj'kL ANALYSIS COWIROL MARKING--Nu RESTRICTIONS DUCU14ENT C_IASS-U'~CLASSIFIED Pk'LjXY SHP CIPC ACCESSICU-N Niu-44P0110211 112 El 'i '~ C L A S S 1 F- I E G P S S E - --- 0 10 C 1.( C A C C E, S S 1 IJ 2 11 A ~,S T&AL'-- Tl Ex ~L' T- - i UGP-J- AB S TkAu- T THEOk ET iC A L ANO E SfUDY OF THE T 1 IME VA--,. I A 6LE INTE a"'S I T LES OF RAD I AT ION F Lu",1E S 9 E SS I GN SCURCES IN THE DECA.METER WAVELENGTH RAN(~E THE SIUDY IS 11ASED ON Z~651,z-j"%V;~TIUNS THE FLULIU~'tTlUt*,iS INI RADIO SIG,-',JAL SE.JENCES ANLU 01N~ 1-JNG PERIOL) (,~;SERVATIb%S OF THE MEA- VALUES OF THE DE-Sl'I~S OF RADIO f 44 11 1 L Er-, I SSI~jit F LUXE S F A L-,~!~'GE GROUP OF D I SCRE r E RAL) 10 SOW~CES THE 'ZAOI"j lj'F :,,IJST u-IF TL;:S~: SJURC-:S SHO~AED UNLY SLI~-HT VA k I %S H- - k- kvl~jij ilTmi T.-iz':- EXCEPTIG,%' OF 12C84, 3CI44 AND 3C461. THE FIME VAqIABLE FLUCTUATIONS IN THE RADIO EMISSION SPECITRA OF THESE SOURCES ARE FOUND TU BE GREATER AT L`WER FREQUENCIES. PUSS16LE PHYSICAL CAUSES L;F THESE TIME DEPENDENT FLU-TUATIUNS ARE DISCUSSED. FACILITY: AKADEM11A NIAUK Ui",PAINSKDI RSR, !NSTITUT RADIOFIL!Kl I ELEKTRONIKI, KHARKOVi UVRAJNIAN SSR. L J, 112 01~7 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--I6QCT70 TITLE--FLUX DEINSITIES OF SOME RADIO SOURCES IN THE FREQUENCY RANGE 12-25 MHZ -U- AUTHUNR-105)-BRAUDE, S-YA., LEBEDEVA, O.M., MEGNt A#Voy RYABCNit B.P., Z H 0 U C K , I COUNTRY OF lNFG--USSR SOURCEI-ASTROPHYS. LETTERS (GB), VOL. 5, NO. 3, P. 129-32 (MARCH 1970) DATE PUBLISHED ---- MAR70 -SUBJ!-::CT ARcl.AS--ASTRONOMY,ASTROPHYSICS, NAVIGATION TOPIC TAGS--ELECTRON FLUX, RADIO TELESCOPE, COSMIC qADI0 S'OURCE/tOWIRI RADIO TELESCOPE CriaNTRCL MARK DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASS[FIED PROXY kEEL/FRAME--i99Z/0J3'3 STEP 140--UK/0000/10/L,1)5/0u-j/(jLZ9/bi-)? CIRC ACCESSIUN NO--AP0111732 UP, C LS -3 1 ;: I E 212 019 UNCLASSIFIED .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0111732 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THIS t OF THE FLUX DENSITIES OF 33 DISCRETE RADIO TELESCOPE UTR-1 IN GRAKOVO, AT FREQUENCIES I FACILITY: ACAD. SCI. UKRAINIAN SSR, PROCESSIN(-, DATE-16OCT70 PAPER PRESENTS MEASUREMENTS SOURCES, 'AADE 'KITH THE RADIO RANGING FkDA 12.6 TO 25 lliHz' KHARKOV, USSR. WNCt.ASSIFIF0 212 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--023CT70 CIRC ACLESSION NO--AM0110369 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PREFACE 3. CHAPTER I THE COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF A COMPLEX OF FREQUENCY FERRODYNA41C EQUIPMENT 4. 11 UNIFIED NODES, UNITS AND ELEMENTS 14. 111 PRIMARY MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND CnMPLEXES 100. IV SFC~ONDARY INSTRUMENTS AND MECHANISMS 169. V REGULATORS AND AUXILIARY MECHANISMS Z07. LITERATURE 221. EXAMINED ARE COMPOSITION, STRUCTURF, PR!NCIPLES OF DESIGN AND BASIC TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A COMPLEX OF EQUIPMENT DESIGNED AT THE SPECIAL CONSTRU:TIOV BUREAU OF SYSTEMS OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL IN KHARIKOV FOR THE CONSTRUCTIO N OF VARIOUS AUTOMIZED SYSTEMS OF CONTRJL AND REGULATION IN VARIOUS BRANCHES OF INDUSTRY. THE BOOK IS FOR SPECIALISTS IN THE FIELD OF AUTOMATION OF PRODUClION DESIGNING SYSTEMS OF AUTOMATION IN THEIR INDUSTRIAL OPERATION. li-k:rl ASS IFIED USSR UDC 621.376:530.1-5.6 'BRAUDE, V. B. "Separation of the '~'Ianiipulat ion Frequency oLf an Optical Signal usi.n~ a Q-Factor Resonance Circuit" Materialy naucl-mo--e', ' ' ' rz:s-;i. Leningr. elektrotckim- ~.,,ni kontere (Irlaterials of the Scientific and Technical Conference. Leningrad Hectroz,~!cimlical Gormiunicar-ions Institute, Vyp. 2), Leningrad, 1970, pp 107-113- (from RZh-i',adia- tekhnika, 'No 3, Aug 70, Abstract No 8 D274) Translaticn: This reDort contains an investioazion of the probloms o,-~ the manipuiation freque-ncy of an optical signal using a resonance circuit wit .:i high Q-factur Dinen an idoal photoconverter is used as the receiver. An expressLon is obtained -for the signal/noise ratio at the circuit output, and Lhe Coli~IiLiui',:~ for maximizing ir are defined. 1/1 USSR UDC: (2-1-3-76-55 IRRATMR-7=PLART~V- Yii AIT TSIRLIN, V. M. "A Positional Code Modulated Signal Decoder" U braztsy, Tovarny-e Znal~i, Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izcbreteniya, Prom, 0 I yshle, 110 32, liov 71, Author's Certificate No 319064, Division H, filed 19 Feb 70, published 28 Oct 71, P 174 Mranslation: This Author's Certificate introduces a codc-norition irodu- lated signz-~l demodulaLor whIch conUairis a pulse-pooition modtilaviori d','Codt-v at the output. At a distinguiuhing feature of the put,~nt, "he demodlulator is designed for ir.Troved interference suppression and belLter uLilizat'.cli of the traffic-hand-ling capacity of the communications channel. Connected to the inDut of the jecoding r-atri--x of the i)ullse-rosition madullaticn de- coder is the output of the signal source, and connected to each of the n outDuts of the decoding matrix are the controllinE, input's of 11 selector sv tches, ana t'he n Inputs o-f an OR gate. The output of the OR rate is connected to the input of a sectioralized delay 1-4ne vhose out-puts are connected to the second signall inputs of selector switches connected at the output of the module for shaping and decodinC the pulSe-pos-it-lion moau- lated pullses. 1/1 corrmunications USSR uDc: 621.3%.55 BRAUDE-17OLTOTA-I:C-V Yu. I-I., TSIRLIII, N. M. - ii~ -- - I- -- Mmomr "A Positional Code Modulated Transmitter" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Prorvshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Zn~d:i, No 32, Nov 71, Author's Certificate No 319063, Division H, filed 19 Feb 70, published 28 Oct 71, --o 174 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a positional code innodia- lated transmitter which contains a pulse-position -modulator and a coding module. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, t1he desi[-,,l provides for more efficient utilization of the traffic-handling ca-pacity of the communications channel and improves interference suppre-22ion. Connected to the input of the derice is a series circuit comiprif~ed of a pul-c dura- tion modulator, a sectionalized delay line, a phase pullse shaper, and the coding module. in addition, n outputs of the delay line are connected to n contro'L inputs of the phase shaper and n inputs of the coding module. The coding module output serves as the output for the devlice. 1/1 USSR UDC 621.372.543.2088.8) BRAUDE-ZOLOTAREV, YU. M., ORLOV, V. V. "Band Filter" USSR -Author's Certificate No 248858, Filed 3 *May 67, Published 15 iwn 70 (from FZh-Radiotekhnika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9D41P) Translation: This author's certificate introduces a band filter (for example, for intermediate frequency amplifiers of TV-receivers) containing rejector circuits (rejectors), coupling circuits, resistive capacitors and resonance matching circuits at the input and output. In order to improve the selec- ti'vity when decreasing the number of regulated elements, the filter (~ ) is executed in the form of two rejectors included in parallel in the middle of the filter and connected via a nonregulatable coupling capacitance with a low-frequency rejector at the filter input and via an unregtilated COLIplin?, inductance with a high frequency rejector at the filter output. Resistors are included between the matching circiaits at the input and out-lut of the filter and the parallel rejectors. 1/1 Food Technology USSR UDC 612.392.9:612.398.3-083 SLaNIMSKIY, G. L., BRAUDO Ye. e YERTANOV, I. D., TOLSTOGUZOV, V. B., BONDAREVA, E. S., an HCHINA, 1. G., Laboratory of Physics of Polymers, Institute of Elementoorganic Compounds, Academy of Sciences USSR "Susceptibility of Proteins in New Food Products to Attack by Proteolytic Enzymes to Moscow, Voprosy Pitaniya, No 6, 1970, pp 25-31 Abstract: The susceptibility of proteins in different kinds of synthetic caviar (based on casein, evaporated milk, etc.) and synthetic groats to attack by proteolytic enzymes of thegastrointestinal tract in vitro was compared with the susceptibility of the original protein mixtures used to make the caviar and groats. The susceptibility of proteins to attack by pepsin in all the kinds of caviar studied was higher than that of the proteins in the original mixture. The degree of tr,jpsin and chymotrypsin proteolysis of the pepsin-digested proteins in the caviar was equal to or higher than the degree of proteolysis of the pepsin-digested original protein mixtures. The degree of pepsin proteolysis of proteins in the synthetic groats was equal to or lower than the degree of proLeolysis of 1/2 USSR SLONIMSKIY, G. L., et al, Voprosy Pitaniya, No 6, 1970, pp 25-31 the original protein mixtures. The degree of trypsin proteolysis of the pepsin-digested proteins in the groats was equal to the degree of pro- tjeolysis of the pepsin-digested original protein mixtures. 2/2 1/1 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--30OCTIO TITLE--VOLUMETRIC TECHNIQUE FOR STUDYING SWELLING AND SYNERESIS AND ITS APPLICATIUN TO PROTEIN GELS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-BRAU00, YE.YE.f TOLSTOGUZOVY V680 CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-VYSOKOMOL. SOEDIN., SER. A 19701 12(Zlv 474--6 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-o[OLUGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-Pi~CTEIN, GEL, FLUORINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND, CHLORO-FLUCROCARBON COMPOUND, VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RECL/FRAME--1995/1222 STEP NO--UR/0459/70/012/002/Ozt7,4/0476 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116684 UNCLASSIFIED USSR um 612-46-014.3-612.6-06.612.275.1 BRAUTI, A. A., and EILARIPOV, F. Kh., Chair of Histology, Tadzhik, 1-ledicall lhst-itute I'Mitosis in a Kidney Undergoing Compensatory Hypertrophy in a High -14ountain. Region" Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol 70, No 12, IDec 70, Pp 76-79 Abstract: A left rephrecton-T vas performed on rats 2 and 31 days after they were taken to a m oiuitain. area (3379 m above sea level) and on other rats in- a v~_J ley (820 m above sea level) in order to study taLtotic activity in the --LLrviv-irlg hypertrophic kidney. In the kidney of the nonadapted rats, mitotic activity be- gan to increase on 'the 2nd day following the operation, reaching a peak on the 5th day and remaining high for 2 months thereafter. The maxiriiLm increase was by a factor of 2.5 less than that in 'die kidney of the valley ratus. Thirty days' adaptation to high-altitude conditions markedly affected mitosis in the surrivLrig kidney. The mitotic index on -the 5th day following the operation was close to that, in the valley. Faviever, the rtaximum increase wa3 also ob:3prved on -Uhi"- day, as in the nonadapted animzdz. 1/1 VISSR uDc 622.fuh+62_~~.n TADZU11I)EV, K. BRAUN A. A. and SEARIP011 F. 1,21. Tadzi,iik S'11-ate I-eddcal Institute jlr.~!,J* "Efifect of Utitudc on Anir-11 Reactivit'v" Dashambe izvest_iya Ak-ademii Nawlr Tacdzhij:SICO,~,r ISR, ]-1,, 11-, 10-2 P. Koctra-c-t: Mle S117ifai tined Weicht, rmla per-*Q~11(:..ral lhlo~):! ir `-0 1:1 cho-ve level, "ZIC cor, in thc- (,-'Lty c):~, 6','0 r! a"have luvel. ~icr iri th.,_~ r;o Y., I u;'-l was hi[ untin" than in , 0 buli, tlv~, L;I(_~ maincn,i in mouiitnirit: prior to irradiation t,if-- tl!,~ ward. lacz afti~r irrad-Lation was rl,clre ix) the tlmm ir, the the ammurt, liciziL; inverscly relatec", t0 the ].,_-n~t-h of tile ada-ptetion p,_,riod. Chan -.ess irl the, compositioLl Of pcrilp,,-L~.,ml 1_1~ood u,"ter X- irralliation o.-L, not Z?.:,~.a-r),Ued to the rdtitidc factor 7-1-C-,-r-~- )f the nat-(u,e -w-it'll -che se.,rocl dosc in t',c -t,.ut so-maw"at --o-rc A c.,Dnith altc-r iri-a! 'u., ~hc C', L thrix.-bocytes, anu ,i,;c ~.%uch in t-he adzarjt,~.,J, rat2 th&.-I ir. -LmadaT)ted 1/1 - 57 - 1/3 . 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--IRON ORE BASE OF FERROUS METALLURGY IN THE USSR. SEC. 6D. REV.. AND 'EXP -U- AUTHOR--BRAUN G A* 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-IRON ORE BASE OF FERROUS METALLURGY IN THE USSR. SEC. ED. REV. AND EXP. (LHELEZNORUONAYA BAZA METALLURGII SSSR. IZD. VTOROYE, PERER. I DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS--ECONOMICS, IRON ORE, MINERAL DEPOSITt GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1231 STEP NO--UR/0000/70/000/000/0001/0310 CIRC ACCESSfON NO--AM0130241 UNCLASSIFIED Z/3 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AM0130241 ABSTRAcr/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION 3. PART Iv SECTION 1. CHAPTER I THE PREDOMINATING ROLE OF [RON 7. It THE ECONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE OF IRON ORE BEDS 13. 111 CLASSIFICATION INDICATIONS OF IRON ORE RESOURCES 19. SECTION 11. CHAPTER I IRON ORE RESERVES IN THE USSR BY 1967 29o It GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND INDUSTRIAL UTILIZATION OF IRON ORE RESOURCES 50. III THE QUALITY OF BALANCE RESERVES OF IRON ORE 59. IV THE GE14ETIC CLASSIFICATION OF IRON ORE-DEPOSITS IN THE USSR. 64. V THE QUANTITY, QUALITY AND ADOPTION OF INDUSTRIAL MINERALOGICAL TYPES OF IRON ORE 72. VI TECHNOLOGICAL (ENRICR4ENT INDICATION) TYPES OF IRON ORE AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION IN BALANCE RESERVES 80. SECTION 111. CHAPTER I CRITERIA OF EVALUATION 87. 11 IRON ORE RESOURCES fN THE RE61ONS OF THE SOUTH 92. 111 [RON ORE RESOURCES OF THE NORTHERN CAUCASUS AND TRANSCAUCASUS 132. IV IRON ORE RESOURCES OF THE REGIONS OF THE CENTER 134. V IRON ORE RESOURCES OF THE VOLGA REGION 151. vi IRON ORE RESOURCES OF THE NORTH WESTERN REGION 152. VII IRON ORE RESOURCES OF THE URAL 159. VIII IRON ORE RESOURCES OF SIBERIA AND FAR EAST 183. IX IRON ORE RESOURCES OF THE KAZAKH 5SR 206. PART It. CHAPTER I THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE IRON ORE INDUSTRY IN THE USSR BY 1968 AND IN PROSPECT 220. 11 THE DYNAMICS OF EXTRACTION OF RAW IRON ORE AND THE GROWTH OF OPEN PIT MINING 231. If[ CONCENTRATION OF PRODUCTION IN THE IRON ORE INDUSTRY 234. IV THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENRICHMENT OF IRON ORES 235. V THE QUALITY OF COMMERCIAL IRON ORE 243. VI ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF THE MAIN ORE BASES OF FERROUS METALLURGY 245. UNCLASSIFIED 3/3 oto UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--OftDEC70 GIRC ACCESSION NO-AM0130241 A-BSTRACT/EXTRACT--A.PPENDICES 249. LITERATUkP- 306. GIVEN IS A COMPLEX MINING GEOLOGICAL AND INDUSTRIAL EVALUATION -IF IRON ORE DEPOSITS. CITED ARE THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ORES, INDIXES OF THEIR ENRICHMENT AND THE QUANTITY OF MINES (COMMERCIAL) IRON BY L~EPOSITY, REGIONS AND THE USSR AS A WHOLE* THE BOOK 15 FOR A WIDE RANGE OF SPECIALISTS IN MININ-k'~ AND METALLURGY INDUSTRY AND ALSO FOR SPECIALISTS WORKING IN THE FIELD OF GEOLOGY, PROSPECTING AND ECONOMIC EVALUATIG,~4: OF USEFUL MINERALS. Ui',t'%'. LAS G L'F I ED USSR UDC: 621-438:669.5:546.821 KOSTYRKO, 0. S.. BRAUN, M. P., MARTYNDIKO, A. P., ZELENAYA, L. A., and GRIGORIYEV' V. "Particularities Associated With Using Some Grades of Steol and Alloys at Low Temperatures" V ab. 'Lityye_iznosostoyk. materialy (Cast Wear-Resistant Materials - col- lection of works), Kiev, 1972., PP 156-164 (from RM-Turbostroyeniye, 110 5, 1973., Abstract No 5.49.152) Translation: The authors study changes in the casting expansion factor and the characteristics of strength, glasticity, and ductiliky within a broad temperature interval of up to -70 C for the 12 Kh 2NChA, 1MIXA., 30 Kh Kh- GSA, 38 KhMA, 40 Kh MA., 2 Khl3., Kh.17 112, B1698-M grades of steel and for the VTZ-1 alloy. Fatigue strength using smooth and cut specipaens was also studied in the case of the Khl7N2 and B1961 grades of steel and the VTZ-1 alloy. Original article: 5 tables, 3 bibl. entries. 1/1 USSR uDc 669.15'26-io14:546.261 BRAUN., M. P., GAYIMICHEMKO, G. K.,. end VINOKUR, B. B.) Institute of Castin~ of Sciences Ukr SSR "Formation of Carbides in a 3~v Chromi-an Steel With Additional AlloyinE" Kiev, Yetallofizika, No 4o, 1972, PF 85-90 Abstract: 7ne comnosition of the carbide phase in a 3% chrolTdum steel cont~-Iin- inG 0.3-1, carbon was studied by x-ray diffraction and chemical methods. It -was established that chromitin and manganese, enterinfr into the cementite composi- tionJ destabilize it and lead to the fo--mation of chromiun, carbide by the aging mechanism. In the Cr-Ni steel the chromi~im cp_2~~bidc forms at a low~.r tempering ternpcrature by an "at point" rechanir-m. Additional alloying with molybdenum increases the ter-.Terature of 1.'.e7Cr, for..-.-atior. Here, for both steels, the carbide is- p-recipitated by the agifi;r, mechanim. 1 f 3 tahle, 11 bibliographic references. USSR UDC 669.245'26'293'27'28:620.18:620.17 BELINSK_&YA, L. A., IONKINA, Ye. M., LEBEDEV, K. P., and KHIL'CIIEVSKAYA, T. "Structure, Phase Composition, and C.7rtain Properties of Cast Complex Nickel- Base Alloys With NiobiuuC Metallofizika. Resp. mezlived. sb. (The Physics of Metals. Republic Inter- departmental Collection of Work~_), 1971, vvp. 33, pp 102-107 (from RZh- 1-fetallurgiya, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No 11791 by authors) Translation of Abstract: A study was made of structural changes and cerLain propercies of NU-Cr-base alloys with a large 14b content (7.5-8%) when alloyed with tungsten (3%) 3nd molybdenum (5.10%). The alloys were smelt:ed in open induction furnaces, and specimens were made according to smelted models. Phase composition was studied after isolation of precipitates in specially selected electrolytes. The investigation of microstructure was made on as-cast specimens after heat treatment consisting in hardening from 1200' with subsequent tempering at 900' for 16 hours, Your illustrations. Three tables. Bibliography With -;even titles. USSR YLZZAI;ENKOY I. P.J. BRAUNY M. P. uDc 66q.245.ol8.28:66q.oi8.L4 "Factors of Thermal Fatigue of EP375 Alloy" Liteyn. Droiz.-vo (Casting Production), 1970, No 10, pp 24-25 (from RZh-Metal- lurgiya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4M3) Translation: Alth-ouEh the cast heat-resistant nickel-ba.-e alloy EP375 is superior to deformable alloys with respect to stress-rupture strength, it is inferior to them with respect to resistance to thermal fatigue a~, a result of large grain, microscopic chemical inhomogeneity, and interdendritic and intra- dendritic porosity. The resistance to thermal fatigue is increased by refin- ing the dendritic cells by ultrasound and also by heating to 1,2000 and hold- ing for 4 hours before cooling in the air to remove supersatuxation by the intermetallic phaseB. There are 3 Mustrations. USSR UDC 620.17-172 BRAML Tj VLITIOIKUH 9 B. B., EHAUSTOVA, L. V., and GELLER, A. L.7 iyev, Instit-ute of" the Problems of Cas-11-ing of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Re-public 110n the Tendency to Britt-le Failure of Compositely Alloyed Steels" Kiyev, Problemy Prochnosti, No. 9, Sep 71, pp 79 -83 Abstract : The tendency to brittle failure vias experimentally investigated On a great number of compositely all _L - oyed steels which contained Cr, Cr and Lin, Cr and Un and additional alloy- ing vrith Ni or Si, and on standard industrial steels 40K~J 9 30KhGSA I 351Q-11411 , and 341CWi3y . A reduced softness coefficient in testing notched specimens is considered a brittleness crite- rion and -the tendency of steel to brittle In- ilure is rated by a coefficient ~7 characterizing the notch effect and determined by a method of Davyden~-ov-Belyayev. The investi~-:'C_'tuio-n results are discu.ssed by re-L"erence to tabulated data and diagrams sho%~.ring the character o-P testea snecimens aria effects of the notch fo~_.M and depth on. the brittleness of steel. Five illustr., three ta- bles, ton biblio. refs. 1/1 USSIR UDC 621.791.011:669.15-1~4- ,R-~-Qj ~M. P. V1NOKUR, B. B., BON CAR', V. T., Institure of ing Problems, Academy of Sciences b1trainian SSIR, GELLER, Ag Lot Donets Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, KONDRASHEV, A. I., PILYUSHENKO, V. L., TKACHEV, V. V., New Xrama- torsk Machinery Plant imeni V. 1. Lenin "Strength and Dnbrittlement of Welded 25Kh2GNT Steel in La.-ge Cross Sections" Kiev, Avtomat-ichesik-aya 9varka, No 3, Mar 71, pp 18-22 Abstract: A study was made of the tendency of 25Kh2C-:i' steel L toward temper brittleness, cold brittleness, and notch sensitivity in various parts of the cross section of a large sample 1,000 mm in diameter. The relation of these characteristics to the metallurgical nature and stiuctural conversions in the steel during heat treatment of large products was established. The tests showed the possibility of safe utilization of 2SKh2alT steel in large cross sections. 1/1 of -vr D os - m.--, n -c o c c -L-,~, n C~ i~ Ol LL 1/2 027 UNCLASSIF!ED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 fITLE--DUCTILITY OF HIGH STRENGTH CONSTRUCTIONAL ALLOY STEELS -U- AUTHOR-(05)-BRAUNs. M.P., BORISOV, G.P., KRUKOVSKAYA, G.N., MORIHARETTO, A.A., SERGnt:V, I.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV. VYSSH. 0CHE8. IAVED.9 CHERN. IMET. 1970, 13(2), 123-5 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--t-IATERIALS, MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--STRUCTURAL STEEL, IMPACT STRENGTH, STEEL HEAT TREATMENT, STEEL HARDENING, METAL CASTING, ALLOY STEEL, CHROMIUM STEEL, MANGANESE STEEL CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY r'lEEL/FkA!4E--1994/I787 STEP t4O--UR/0148/70/013/002/0123/0125 CIRC ACCESSION i"10--AT0115616 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0115616 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE IPPACT SfKi-N,,-)Tll OF THE CAST CONSTRUCTION STEEL WAS INCREASED BY APPLYING CIPTfl-tAL ALLOYING AIND HEAT TREATMENT WHILF 'A'AINTAfNING 36-37 HRC HAPONESS. EIGHT GRADES OF STEEL (CR I.OP-1.66, SI 0.40-2.79, MN 1.58-2.29PERCENT) WE-liE m-ELTED I-N, A BASIC INDUCTION FURN'AINCE DEOXIDIZED WITH 0.1PEkCEINT AL, Atio CAST. THE CASTINGS WERE ANNEALED 6 HR AT 950DEGREES AND CUT INTO BARS WtHICH WERE NORMALIZED 4T 950DEGREES. BILLETS WERE (1) QUENCHED FRUM 930-40DEGREESt (2) NORMALIZED AT 930-40DEGREES kITH SUBSEQUENT TEMPERING AT 200DEGREES, OR (3) HEATED I HR AT 300-3200FGREES ;IND 4UENCHED IN MOLTEN SALTPETER. THE IMPACT STRENGTH AND HARDNESS DETD. AFTER EACH OF THE 3 HEAT TREATMENT CONDITIONS: A STEEL AT 1.~IVEN COrqDITIONS AFTER LOW TEMP. TEMPERING MAY HAVE A LARGER OPTIMUM CONCN. OF CR, MN AND SOME OTHER ALLOYING ELEMENTS THAN AFTER MEDIUM OR HIGH TEMP. TEMPERING* THE OPTIMUM Cr)NC14S. OF THE ALLOYING INGREDIENTS ARE INTERRELATED. FACILITY: INST. PROBL. LITIVA9 KIEVt USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--lbOCT70 ITLE--MICAGALLOYING OF STEEL 25KH2GML -U- AUTHC)R-(03)-,3R M.P.v DENISEVICH, YE.A.. ViN_'OKUR, B.B. COUNTRY OF INFG_-USSR SOURCE--LITEIN0E PRGIZVOD. 1970, (1), 15-17- DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT APEAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--ALLOY DESIGNATION, MICRGALLOYINGr IMPACT STRENGTH, LOW ALLOY ST,EE'L, CHROMIUM STEFL, MANGANESE STEELt MOLYBDENUM STEEL, lIrANIUM LONTAINING STEEL, ZIRCONIUM CONTAINING STEEL, VANAOIUM CLJNi'AlNiN~; ')TEEL, NIOBIUM CO)VAINING ST EEL/( U) 25KIJ2(;ML LOW ALLOY STEEL 04NTP~GL M4P4I".'G--?-!C" RESTPIrTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY )