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212 014 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0106926 A6STkACT1EXTRACT--11J) GP-0- WATER SPRAYED ON APPLE TRtES IN THE LEAVES AND LESSENLD LEAVES APPEARED allRNED. UNCLASSIFIED A i3 S Ta,,% C T .A SOLN. OF AT 500 I-HA REDUCED THEIR TRANSPIRATION. PROCESSING DATE--U9,,.1CT70 0,6PLRCENT RDGO.R 1,1,1 'THE t-l"bILITY OF WATER 0 AFrEft SPKAYING, THE ~ Ili .- - A C 1. 1 f: I V L) U; -1-11 L- Acc. Xr: APOO,17191 Ref . Code: J)X PRDiARY SOURCE: Stomatologiya, 1970, Vol 49, Nr pp 'Ile 'Yl--*. S. Ahtlec, ich lalevi~lr. I'l If, F.MPI-0 YME NT G10, Ni- TME METI Of PI %L ?T. IME 101) N A -i~ I A), A NT INFOPLA ST IC CHEA10THERAPY IN SFOMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY S L, in 1.1 1 r N'. Th(_. wle'hod tif i~:,rioml %l.;i~ u-od in 43 P3170ni, 'A'itil ill- n!L)rS U1 OW lo-JULL FW' tilt' treakut.-tit of inopuviblo, Itumors of (lie five and j,tws in a stage, tur oors iciraclory it) radium llwt.IA'!~cs arld lul;:P-~Os Afer ur Fadiam tre.1tilluilt tile u,ed Thiol'I_P. c;io)x~;n and cyclophf;~[O-iino. The- c~ill;czil (.N".vt W_'.' 4L'btail:'Af lit PAWiit, mito iicewd ~~itl i ThioTEP and ill fliv Ir".!1mvnt of 11111'01~ l0V;lIi.:I'd Oil flk' flUOT 01 tll(- P1411111 Md ill:mllj. J9 REE E L 19790690 USSR UDC: 536-45:66.096.5 BORODULYA, V. A., Institute of Heat and Mass Exchange, Academy of Sciences Byelorussian SSR Vysokotemperaturnyye Proitzessy v Elektrotermicheskom Kipyashchem Sloye (High- Temperature Processes in an Electrothermal Fluidized Bed) , Minsk, "Nauka i Te!"finika,l' 1973, 176 pp Trwislat on: Study results are presented on the high-temperature endothermal processes in -- electrothermal fluidized layer. The schematics and constructf-0,11 particulars of the utilized units are described. Data are given on the study of the electrical -Dron-erties of fluidized beds with:L-i a broad rarge of temper-ntures. These data are necessary for the calculation and design of units. Heating and diffusion particulars are studied under conditions of the contact of bodies with an electrothenna-1 fluidized bed. The number of scientific and enrinecring-tech- nical workers in the chemical, metallurgical and other branches of industry is calculated who are working, on problems associated with the practical apl)licaLion of the fluidized bed. The monograph contains: 30 tables, 48 illustrations, and 379 bibliographic entries. Preface Table of Contents 3 1/4 UGSR BORODMA, V. A., High-Temperature Processes in an Electrotherinal Fluidized Bed, Minsk, 1973 Introduction 5 Chapter 1 The Electric Properties of Electrothernal Fluidized Beds 9 1. Detemination and Methods for Measuring Electrical Conductivity 9 2. The Effect of Filtration Rate, Particle Diameter, and flei&t of a stationary layer 11 3. The Effect of Temperature and Current Density in a Layer 15 4. Binary Particle Mixtures of Various Conductivity 21 5- Some Evidence of Arc Discharge in a Layer 2L, 6. Electric Resistance Pulsation of Fluidized Beds 28 Chapter 2 Heat-Exchange in an Electrothermal Fluidized Bed 34 I* Heat-Exchange 's-ifith a Surface 5 2-. The Radiant Cormponent of Heat-Exchange 40 3o High-Speed Heating in an Electrothermal Fluidized Bed 47 Chapter 3 Thermal and the Chemico-Thernial Treatment of Metals in a Fluidized Bed 51 - 81 - -USSR DDRODULYA, V. A. I High-Temperature Processes in an Electrotheiinal Fluidized Bed, Minsk, 1973 1. Generall Evidence on the Use of Fluidized (NonelecLro-Oonducting) Beds 51 2. Heating and Diffusion Saturation in an Electrothernal Fluidized Bed 62) 3- Physical Reasons for Accelerating Diffusion During-Treatment in an Electrotheranal Fluidized Bed 77 4. Design Particulars of Furnaces With an Electrothermal Fluidized Bed 82 Chapter 4 The Cheimico-qechnological Use of a fligh-Temperature Electrothermal Fluidized Bed 86 1. The Production of Hydrocyanic Acid 86 2. The Synthesis of Carbon Bisulfide 90 3. The Chemical Reprocessing of Fuels 113 4. The Roasting of Petroleum Coke 130 5. Ore and Concentrate Reduction 133 6. Chlorination of Zirconium Oxide and the Production of Elementary Phosphorus 138 Chapter 5 Pulverization and Elimination of Miaterial in an Electrothermal Fluidized Bed 140 1. Graphite Pulverization 3.42 3/4 'USSR BDRODTJLYA, V. A., High-Temperature Processes in an Electrothermal Fluidized Bed, Minsk, 1973 2. Elimination of Graphite Chapter 6 The Fluidized Bed and Electrochemistry 149 I* The Fluidized Bed in Electra-4-letallu-i-gy and Galvano-Technology 150 2. Electrolysis in the Fluidized Bed 152 3. The Fluidized Bed-Electrode 153 Literature 155 4/4 - 82 - 112 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING D,~TE--16CCT70 TITLE--EL_ECTRIC CURRENT THROUGH A FLUIDIZED BED OF CONDUCTING PARTICLES _u_ AUTHOR-(03)-ZHE_LTOVr A.[., ZABROUSKIY, S.S.v BORL)DJLYAt V.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SO(!RCE--INZHENEkNJ FIZIC HESKIY Z'HURNAL, 1970, VOL 18, Nk 11 PP 64-67 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--ELECTRIC RESISTANCE, ELECTRIC CURRENT, FLUIDIZED SED, GRAPHITEt.PARTICLE PHYSICS CONTROL MAPKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLAScl--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1722 STEP NO--UR/0170/70/t)L.9/001/0064/0067 CIPC 212 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATIE-16OCT70 CLRC ACCESSIUN NO--AP011,3700 ABSTRACT/EXTkACT--IU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. FIG. I. SPECIFIC rl-LECTaIC RESIST.A.-NCE C-M) OF FLUIDIZED BED OF GRAPHITE PA-~TICLES 0. 1-0. lb "'Im VERSUS DE.NISITY OF CURREtJ (A-CM PRIME2) vvITH EXPANSION OF L.Z-. It ARGO.Nr 20DEGREESC; 2, HELIUM, 20000EGREESC; 3, ARGON, 2000OEGRE-ESC. FIG. 2. SCHEME OF EXPE;~I-4--NTAL INSTALLATION: 1, Ci-AMOTTt; 2, ELECTROOES; 3, ALUMINUM OXIDE PILLING; 4, GAS DISTRIE30O."; 51 FLUIL)IIED BED. FIG. 3. COMPARISON OF RELATIONSHIPS P EQUALS F(I) FOR GRAPHITE PARTICLES 0.1.6-0.2 MM IN DIA WITH EXPANSION 1.1 F3R (Ll~>H-T) AND CYLINDRICAL (04RK POINTS) INSTALLATIONS, RESPECTIVELY (9, (-;Hm. CM; 1, A-CM Pl"%Im;-:2): 11, TE,"PERATUkE 20 DEGREESC; 2, TEMPERATU.'-lE 1000 DEGREESC. FIG. 4. TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF ~MPLITUJE C(jRRblqT t-LoCTUATION.S FOK PARTICLES 0.16-0.2 MM 1,14 DIA HITH FXPA:~-1110,N 1.1: 1, ,~ECTANGLJLAA liNiSIALLATION; 2, CYLINDRICAL DEPENDENCE OF SPECIFIC ELECr-~!C RESIST-ANCE' OF A OED JF CUNDUCTIN6 P4r\TICLES ON CURRENT DENSITY IS STUCIED. r-L-'ICT 'N 0 J YN A M I C MECHA;N IS- OF THE l~ELATIliNSHI P S EQUALS F ( I ) I S DES,'~ IL;EU AND IT IS SHOi4N TH4T v,:LT,-i TE4P;-:RATUiiE THE AIMPLITU'JE AIND J;F ELECTRIC CIJ ~z ~'ZENT FLUCTUiJIGINS DECREASE WHICH DEP-'.31NSlfk.A.TiES LL-wL.,-, ~D'-- '-'-'S 0-IJ86LE ACTION". USSR _BORODYANSKI A. M. UDC 621.357.035(088.8) "Stand for Non-bath Galvanic Treatment of Apertures in Parts" USSR Author's Certificate No 2'9956S, Filed 31/011/69, Published .28/04/71, CTranslated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Khimiya, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2 L302 P from the Resume). Translation: A stand for non-bath galvanic treatment of apertures in parts, containing a primary tank with electrolyte, the upper portion of which in- cludes a panel with clamps for installation of parts, differing in that in order to increase the accuracy of change of the level of the electrolyte in the apertures being worked, the stand is equipped with a moving, self-braking additional tank connected by a hose with the main tank. 1/1 .V