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USSR B , MUROCOV, V. M. , TOCHENYY, L. V. . and SMLEV, A. N. UDC 621.039 "High-Power Fast Reactor With a Stable Heat Release Field Throughout a Run" V sb. Fiz. yadern. reaktcrov (Physics of Nuclear Reactors -- Collection of Works) , No. 2, Moscow, Atomizdat, 14'70, pp 129-135 (froin R-Zh-Fizika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4V535) Translation: Computational studies of a fast power reactor with an electric Dower of 1000 Mw with Na coolant in which radial balancing of the heat release field is achieved by the use of different types of fuel in the core are presented: in the inner portion PU02-UO2 with an average density of 8 g/cm3 and in the outer ~or- tion the alloy Pu-U-Zr (12%) with a Pu-U density of 15.1 g/an3. The calculations were made with the 18-RZ.-4-B vrcg--,--n considering the change in the isctor~e com~o- slition with time. The results show that fuel product-17ity improves In this rea--tor as compared with a purely oxide version (the average conversion coeff-i- cient in the core Is -~I) and the change in reactivity over the run also decreases (by a factor of 4) and does not exceed 0.3%. The coefficient o~f nonuniformity and the heat release profile throughout the run are almost constant and less in 1/2 USSR BOBROV et al, Fiz. yadern. reaktorov, No. 2, Moscow, Atcm.4zdat, 1970, pp 129-135 absolute value than -for the purely oxide version. It is also shown that 'nlaximum burn-up achievable simultaneously for both forms of fuel (1-10% for ox-;de and 'L,5% for metallic fuel) corresponds to the permissible burning depths, so t"hat a simple method of simultaneous recharging of the entire core can be applied for this reactor. V. P. Demin. 2/2 -93 USSR UDC 621.039 BOBROV, S. B. MUROGOV, V. IN., TOCHENW, L. V., and SID[ELEV, A. N. "Possibility of the Stabilization of the Heat Release Field in Fast Power Reactors Operating in a Mixed Fuel Cycle" V sb. Fiz. yadern. reaktorov (Physics of Nuclear Reactors -- Collection of Works), No 2, Moscow, Atomizdat, 1970, pp 121-128 (from RZh-Fizika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4V536) Translation; The physical characterietics are calculated for a fast reactor that is optimal with respec to breeding, with a heat capacity of 2500 Mw on mixed fuel (U233, pu239, U258, Th) and profiling of the 'heat 'release field by developing zones of different enrichment with the preservation of a fixed amount of fuel by volume in the core. Calculations of the heat release field were made for reactors of the BN-1000 type in zones of different enrichment, taking into consideration changes in the isotope composition of the fuel and changes in the neutron spectrum and flux during the run (with the 18-RZ-4-B program). It was found that balancing of the heat release with a change in enrichment of the mixed fuel makes it possible to reduce the rad~-*al coef- ficient of nonuniformity (from 1.8 to 1.2), increase the breeding coefficient 1/2 USSR BOBROV, S. B., et al, Piz. yadern. reaktorov (Physics of INTuclear Reactors -- No 2, Moscow, Atomizdat, 100, PP 121-128 (from RZh- Fizika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4V536) (from 1.3 to 1.5), and also to reduce the doubling time (from 11-12 to "'7 years). The change in the heat release profile in the course of a run of a fast reactor on mixed fuel is determined by the relationship of the zone breeding coefficients and the difference in the fission cross sections of the burned and accumulated isotopes. V. P. Demin. 2/2 - 70 - USSR UDC: 622.24.051.553 Turov, L. N., Bobrov,_ S._N.,, Lyukshin, P. M., Smirnov, V. P. "Industrial Testing of Type V-97T Drill Bits with Noncas,~-hardened Steel Cutters" Moscow, Buroniye, No 6, 1972, pp 3-4. Abstract: 'rho Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry imeni I. M. Gubkin has developed drill bit cutters of noncase-hardenod steel, rel"Orred to as type MhEiSh. V-97T drill bits have been made using these cutters. Tfic cutters were hardened in oil (from 840-8600C) then low tempered (at 180-2000C) . The bits have been subjected to test stand and field tosting, and have showj) test results some 30-40'a higher then tlie series produced bits with cutters of type M3MASSh steel. rj - 1/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--ISSEP70 TITLE--SPECIFIC FEATURES OF THE MECHANICAL PROCESS OF CUTTING USING CUP TYPE CUTTERS WITH FORCED ROTATION -U- AUTHOR-(02)-BOBROV, V.F., IYERUSALIMS-UY, D.YE. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--MOSCOWt IZVESTIYA VYSSHIKH UCHEBNYKH ZAVEDENIYP MASHINOSTROYENTYE, NO. 1, 1970t PP. 130-134 DATE PUBLISHEO--------70 ~.SUBJECT AREAS--MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--METAL CUTTING, ALLOY DESIGNATION/(U)ZKH13 CHROMIUM STEEL CCNTReL MARK I NG-10 PESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1985/0521 STEP NO--UR/0145170/000/001/0130/0134 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0100980 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIN3 DATE--ISSEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0100980 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECTS OF THE FORCED DI-SPLACEMENT ALONG ITSELF OF THE CUTTING EDGE OF A CUP TYPE CUTTER ON THE AMOUNT OF CHIP DEFORMATION, ON THE FORCES ACTING ON THE FRONT SURFACES OF THE TOOLt AND ON THE CUTTING OPERATION AND ITS COMPONENTS ARE EXAMINED. EXPERIMENTS WERE UNDERTAKEN IN THE MACHINING OF ZKH13 STEEL? AND THE RESULTS INDICATE THAT THE PROCESS OF THE TRANSFORMATION OF 'THE MACHINED LAYER INTO A CHIPf WHEN CUTTING WITH A FORCED ROTATION CUP TYPE CUTTER WITH A CUTTING EDGE INCLINE ANGLE OF ODEGREES, IS A PROCESS OF ANGULAR CUTTING 141TH A CONSTANT CUTTING EDGE LENGTH. IN COMPARISON WITH ORDINARY ANGULAR CUTTING, THE SPECIFIC FEATURES OF THIS PROCESS ARE THAT THE INCLINE ANGLE OF THE CUTTING EDGE DEVELOPS KINEMATICALLY FOR A DEFINITE CUP ROTATION SPEED AND THAT NEW.PORTIONS OF THE CUTTING SURFACE COME INTO CONTACT WITH THE LAYER BEING CUT DURING EACH ROTATION OF THE CUTTER. ALMOST ALL THE ATTRIBUTES OF ANGULAR CUTTING ARE INHERENT IN THIS PROCESS, AND IT IS ACHIEVED 13Y GIVING rHE TOOL A STATIC ANGLE UNEQUAL TO ZERO. AN EXCEPTION 15 THE MORE NOTICABLE DFCPEASE IN FRICTION FORCES OVER NORMAL FORCES, 41TH AN INCREASE IN THE TOOL WORKING ANGLE. THIS LEADS TO A DECREASE IN THE MEAN FRICTION COEFFICIENT, AND NOT AN INCREASE AS IS THE CASE IN n-ROIN4RY ANGULAR CUTTING.- USSR UDC 6~2.954t543.544 BOBROVA, V. I., and BERHATSKAYA, L. S., All Union Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Toxicology of Festicides, Fblymers, and Plastic Masses "A Method for the Determination of Hexylur in Water, Soil and in Products Derived from Plants" Moscow, Khimiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve, Vol 10, No 9 (119), 1973, pp 58-59 Abstracti A thin layer chromatographic method has been developed for the analysis of hexylur -- an analogue of lenacyl -- contained in water soil and plant products. The analytical sample is subjected to photochemical decom- position, followed by chlorination and observation of chloroderivatives. formed with orthotolidine directly on the plates. In case of water the sensitivity of this method is 0.025 mg/1, for soil and plant products It is 0.050-0.1 ag/1- Average Rf value out of 12 determinations is 0-32 10-05- 63 - -Acc. N Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: P6049808' INTERNAT. AE OSPACE ABST~~76 elWOI~O A70-23870 Terripwature field in a polymer material d'uring its multiple heating (Temperaturnoo pole v polimernorn r materiale pri mnogiakratnorn ego naWeve). A, T. Nikili and%UOjW_- ---BQUgm,1nzhenerno-Fizicheskh Zhurml, vol. 18. Jan. 1970, p. 139-145. In Russian. Investigation of the repeated heating from within of a Two-layer cylinder consisting of a polymer material and an outer sheii rnade of a iteat conductina material. A heat conduction equation is derived for the polymer material which accounts for its decomposition and for the heat effects arising in this process, The problem is solved ior temperature -dependent thermophysical characteristics. Results obtained with a computer show that the polymer acts as a blockmg layer to temperatures higher than 673 deg K due to its ilecomposition. T.M. REELORME 19801730 USSR 40001--y-N- Institute of Terrestrial Yagnetism, the lonosophere and Radio Wave Propagatimp Academy of Sciences USSR OZ-Magnotometer" USSR Author's Certificate No 356613, Cl. G 01v 3100, filed 18 Jun 71, pub- lished 23 Oct 72 (from Ortkrytiya, Izobretenlya# Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Makip No 32f 19729 pp 135-136 Abstracts The Z-magnetometer, with a magnetosensing element whose braces have a permanent magnet and a mirror attached to them, is unique in that, in o-;,der to increaze accuracy and expand functional capabilities, an addi- tional element which is sensitive to temperature variations is introduced, con isting of a mirror and a small shaft made of quartz, which are attached to the twisted horizontal braces. 1/1 1/3 019 UNCLASS I FI ED TITLE--QUARTZ IMAGNETIC VARIOMETER -U- AUTHOR- JWAE2.Vj V.Ne_' -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--MOSCOW, GEOMA61-~~rIZM I AERONOMIYA, DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 VOL X, NO 3, 1970, PP 562-563 SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS--MAGNETIC FIELD? TILTMETERt MAGNETOMETERt QUARTZo GEOPHYSIC INSTRUMENT :CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1635 STEP NO--UR/0203/70/010/003/0562/0563 CIRC ACCFSSION Nt.1--AP0136903 2/3 019 UtICL ASS I F I ED PROCESSING DATE-27HOV70 CIRr- ACCESSION NO--AP0136903 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHOR DESCRIBES A NEW DESIGN OF A QUARTZ MA"]PNETIC VARIOMETER WHOSE SENSING SYSTEIM HAS BEEN SUPPLEME"'ITEO WITH A QUARTZ TILTMETER (SEE V. N. 80BROV, GEOMAGN. 1 AERONOMIYAt 91 1969p 582). IT CONSISTS OF AN ENCLOSED SEALED HOUSING? ATTACHED TO A SUPPORT BY ADJUSTING SCREWS* WITHIN fHE HOUSING THERE IS A QUARTZ SYSTEM CONTAINING A QUARTZ SENSING ELEMENT AND A SUSPENSION MAGNETICALLY SENSITIVE SYSTEM HAVING A PERMANENT MAGNET AND A QUARTZ MrRRORr DESIGNED FOR REGISTRY OF MAGNETIC VARIATIONS; THERE IS A QUARTZ SENSING ELEMENT WITH A SUSPENSION SYSTEM WHICH CONSISTS OF A QUARTZ MIRROR AND A QUARTZ SHAFT WHOSE CENTER OF GRAVITY IS DISPLACED RELATIVE TO THE AXIS OF ROTATION AND WHICH IS FOR MEASURING TILTS OF THE AXIS OF ROTATION IN THE DlrkECTION OF THE RFGISTERED MAGNETIC CO.MPONENT. THERE 15 A FIXED QUARTI MIRROR FOR CHECKING ON THE PROPER ORIENIAT[ON Ov rHE SUSPENDED MAG-4ETIC SYSTEM AND ITS AXIS OF ROTATION RELATIVE TO THE DIRECTION FO THE REGISTERED MAGNETIC COMPONENT AND ALSO FOR READING MAGNETIC FIELO CIIATIGES AND TILTS OF THE AXIS OF RATAIION DURING THE CO;NTINUOUS REGISTRY OF MAGNETIC VARIATIONS AMD TILTS. THE ADJUSTMENT OF BOTH SENSING ELEMENTS IS DONE IN SUCH A WAY THAT AT THE TIME OF THE PROPER ORIENTATION OF THE SUSPENDED MAGNETIC SYSTEM AND ITS AXIS OF ROTATIG.'4 k-PLATIVE TO THE REGISTERED COMPONENT THE IMAGES FROM THE THREE .OUARTZ MIRRORS ARE AT A VERY DEFINITE DISTANCE FROM ONE ANOTHER, THE FIRST EXPERIMENTAL MODELS WERE FABRICATED IN 1966 (SEE V. N. BOBROVt GEOMAGN. I AERONOMIYAt 8, 1968, 389). -A-S-S- 1-F t&a r-7 -3/3 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 C[R~C ACCESSION NO--AP0136903 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--QU4RTZ MAGNETIC VARIGMETERS WITH FILTliErERS CA14 3E [JSE0 EXTENSIVELY IN THE RFGI STRY OF MAGNETIC VARI ATION IN THE FI ELOr IN SEA VARIATIOIN STATIONS AND MIAGNETOMETERS. FACILITY: INSTITUTE OF TEqRESTRIAL MAGNETISMr IONOSPHERE AND RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION. U."ICLASSIFTED 112 014 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--INFLUENCE OF THE VARIATIGNS OF THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELDfS PERPENDICULAR COMPONENT ON READINGS OF A QUARTZ VARIUMETER -U-, AUTHOR-(02)-B08R0Vj V-N-r BURTSEVi YU.A. COUNTkY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-VEOMAGNETUM I AERONOMIIA, VOL4-10v NO. 2p 1970Y P. 377-379 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 'SUBJECT AREAS--EARTIH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS--GEOMAGNETIC FIELD, GEOPHYSIC INSTRUMENT CONTROL MARKING--NG RESTRICTIONS DOCUMFNT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,PROXY REEL 997/0 L64 STEP NO--URJ(,'203/ ?0/0' 1-0/tM2 /0)t I/(:-? V) CIRC ACCESSIGN Nf~--AP(11119160 U,N'L LS _1 i - 1 L j 212 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATr-_--lbOCT7'u CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119160 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- AtISTRACT. INVES11GATIJ 'NOF TH~.'-IAGNITWIE UF EkROkS riHICH CA'l Al-,ISF-- DUE TO FIELD VARIATICNIS ORlr,%ME~; PE~-,VPQICULAALY TO THE MEASURED FIELD COMPONENT AND TO THE SUSPENDEG MAGNET'S AXIS (IF ROTATION IN A HIGH SE,"ISITIVITY wUARTZ VARIOM.ETER.. A GRApf-i OF THE NECESSARY CORRECTIONS FOR THE EFFECTS OF THE VA'r'.L-,Tlcjii;S P: GIVE.,4 f:u.~ VARIOMETEkS WIrH SCALE DIVISIC-NS OF 0.51 1.0, AND 2.0 GAWiA-W"', M. FORMULAS Ai~E GIVEN FOk THE EXPECTED Ekikbt~ AS A FUNC110% OF rHElNSTRu:*--l.E-,qT PARMMETEKS ANOPIAGNITUDE OF DISTUKBING VAKIATIONS. FACILITY* AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR INST17ur ZEMNOGO MAGNETIZMAt 16NO-SFERY I RASPROSTRAiN't-NIIA RADIOVOLN, KRASNAYA PAKHRA, USSR. I I m !- ~A ~ r T -- IL) "j I I I L I i - -3 L I USSR uDC 621-35:166.094-173 BOBROVA,,.A. N. and POPOV, 0. S. "Using the Reactor Body Made of Stainless Steel ~1181,,71UT as Sensor of t-he Catalyst Potential During Electrocheirdcal Studies of Liquid-Phase Hyd, rof-e nat ion" Tr. Kalinin. -voliteklin. in-ta (Collection of Uorks of Kalinin Polytechnical Institute), Vvp 13, 1972, iv 3.117.-150 (fro", PCferativny,/ Murnal -- KIiiiniya,, No 21(11), 1,072, Abstract No 21 1275 by E. Z. Napukh) Translation: Tine obtained experimental results nade it possible to establish that the steel electrode is neutral and reversible vith res-oect to 11". Identity in the -potential changes of steel and Pt electrodes occurring with the use of powdered catalyst (skeletal Ili) makes it feasible to use steel M11811110T as a r potential sensor of a catalyst during the electrocheiinical studies of catalytic hydrogenation reactions in the liquid phase which is indifferent to th(! reactor material. 17 - UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATF--040EC70 1/2 008 TITLE--FRACTIONATION OF GLYCOGEN ON DEAE CELLULOSE COLUMNS -U-- AUTHOR-(02)-BOBRGVA, LaM.t STePANENKO, B.N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--DOKL. AKDA. NAUK fSRy PUBLISHED - ----- 70 19701 191(2)t 468-71 ''SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--GLYCOGEN, CELLULOSEt FRACTIONATION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605006/FOI STEP NO--UR/0020/70/191/002/0468/0471 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0139812 UNCLASSIFIED - ----------- 2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0139812 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ELUTION PROFILES WERE SHOWN FOR ,VARIOUSLY TREATED SPECIMENS OF GLYCOGEN- ACID AND BASIC TREATMENTS DESTROY GLYCOGEN TO SOME DEGREE. CHROMATOG. OF DEAE CELLULOSE IS AN EFFECTIVE METHOD OF FRACTIONATION OF SUCH GLYCOGEN SPECIMENS WHEN THE CL PRIME NEGATIVE FORM OF THE PACKING IS USED AND ELUTION WITH SALT SOLN. IS EMPLOYED IN THE FORM OF LICL OF INCREASING CONCN. FACILITY: INST. BIOKHIM. IM* BAKHAt MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED ,T-ITLE-STRLtTURE FORMATION IN GELATIN GELS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-IZMAYLOVA, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ISCURCE-OOKL. AKAD. NAUK DATE PUBL1SHED-----70 V.N., 608k0VAr L.YE., REBINDER, SSR 1970, L90(4)1 876-9 -SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLGGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 P.A. (PHUS CHEM) TOPIC TAGS-PROCESSED ANIMAL PRODUCT, GEL, MOLECULAR srRUCTURE, LIGHT SCATTERING ~CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAtME--1989/1574 STEP tID-UR/0020/70/190/004/0876/0879 CIRC ACCESSION NU-AT0107994 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 Oil LINCLA'SS,.IFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSION '12-AT0107994 -:ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE STRUCTURE FORMATION IN GELATIN (I.) GEL 15 REGULATED 6Y THE SAME BASIC PRINCIPLES AS STRUCTURE FORMATION IN SOLNS. OF A LOW MOL. WT. COMPO. THIS 1S RELATED TO THE BIPHYLICITY OF THE PRGTEIN AND WITH THE HIGH ORDER OF ITS MACROMOL. THE DEPENDENCE OF THELIGHT SCATTERING INTENSITY ON I CONCN, IN 0.15M NACL AND 8M UIREA SOLNS. 15 GIVEN GRAPHICALLY. THE RATE OF LIGHT SCATTERING INCREASE IN SATO. I SOLNS. IS HIGHER AT LOW TEMP. (AT INCREASING SUPERSTN. OF I SOLNS.). HEAT OF I GEL FORMATION IS 49-58 KCAL-MOLE. FACILITY: HOSK. GUS. UNIV. IM. LOMONUSOVA, MOSCOWv USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR Ah7SIFEROV, V. N., "Type V2Zh Metal Ceramic Alloy" UDC 669.018.95 Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 8, Aug, 1972, pp 21-24. Abstract: This work presents an attempt to produce a V2Zh-type alloy by powder metallurgy methods. The chemical composition of the alloy produced is 2.2% C, 0.7% Si, 18% Cr, 16% 114o, remainder Fe. The microstrLICture of the alloy is distinguished by the homogeneous fine-grained strLICtUrC,ard high hardness of structural components, greater than the microhardness of the phases of cast V2Zh alloy. Optimal modes for the manufacture and licit treatment of the alloy are suggested. 1/1 TnIr 17 S ve GALKE11 G. N. (Labodev PIr,_3j_cz; Ii-zit'itato of 14r-ht Feflection J_, -Uhe Infrared Re.gion frwi Silicon with a 'Tigh Co- ontration of Ncnec- Physuico; Anril, 1970; 1"1.) "1232-5 The va=4ation of tho coe_~'_'Icient of re_-~'lection TZ -~'rom unallo-ed sLlicon rom. terpora-uxe on a -,,-ave len,~;tb of 10.6 11 as a ZFinction of -bho level of excitation Ath a rugby Diser was studied. It i-.zs observed' 'th:-.'U ,~~th an increase in the level of excitation R decreased frcm 30 to 1,55. then in- creased to 5Tf. From data on the rLiniximLm on -".he reflection curve-it -ma-, ~nossi- ble to dra:7 a conclusion concerning 4--he pred*ominenco of olectron-hole ing. A relax"ation tinle or, the order of 10-'4seconds was obtaL,,ed for the mni- mim, value of F'. The corcentration of nonequilibrinq carriers An = Ap = 2-1019cni-J. corresponding to the rd =-mum on 'the reflection curve., wfu3 detex-riired. Th.e articip. includes 5 eaustions and 2 gures. There are 9 bibliog ;:~phic references. 1/1 1/2 056 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 TITLE-EFFICIENCY OF THE RECOMBINATION RAOIATION Of LASSER IRRAOIATEO GERMANIUM -U- ALTHGR7-(02)-aG6R0VAt YE-A.y GALKINY G.N. CGUNTRY CF INFO-LSSR SOURCE-FIZ . TEKH. POLOPROV. 1970, 4( 2) t36a-70 DATE PUBLISHEt)---70 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-REC01'16INATION RADIATION# LASER RADIATION, LASER PULSE, RUBY LASER, GERMANIUM, ETChED CRYSTAL, RADIATION INTENSITY, REC&MBINATION COEFFICIENT, CARRIER DENSITY CCNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS-U".'CLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0095 STEP NO--UR/0449/70/JO4/002/0368/0370 CIRC ACCESSICN Nij--AP0105181 UNCLASSIFIED 212 056 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30UCT70 CIRC ACCESSIGN N-r--AP0105161 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE RECOMBINATION RADIATION 'WAS STUDIED FROM PURE GE (N SU8U, P SOSO 10 PRIME13-CM PRIME3) IRRADIArED BY PULSES (40 NSEC) FROM A RUBY LASER (LAMBEA EQUALS 0.69 MU) WITH INTENSITY OF 5 TIMES 10 PRIME12-5 TIMES 10 PRIME14 KW-CM PRIMEZ-SEC. THE PGLISHED SAMPLES WERE ETCHED BEFORE THE MEASUREMENTS AND THE NONEQUIL. CARRIER COINICN. kE4CHED 4 TIMES 10 PRIME17-5 TIMES 10 PRIME18-CM PRIME3. THE EFFICIENCY OF THE RADIATION, BETA, UNDER SI-EADY STATE CONbITIONS IS (0.4-0.7) TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3 IN THE INTENSITY REGICN STUDIED. THE RECOM61NATION RADIATION IS DUE TO INDIRECT INTERBAND TRANSITIONS. FOR SUCH TRANSITIONSr THE COEFF. OF RADIATIVE RECCMBINATICN IS CALCO. AS 0.65 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE13 CM PRIME3-SEC. THIS VALUE AGREES WELL WITH THAT OBTAINED FROM EXPT. (0.7 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE13 CM PRIME3-SEC). UNDER NONSTEADY STATE CCJNDITIONSv THE CALCD. VALUE CF BETA IS 10 PRIME NEGATIVEZ.- THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE 2 BETA VALUES IS ASSUMED TO 3E A5SOCD. WITH SURFACE RECOMBINATIOINv WHICH 15 NOT TAKEN INTO ALC(jUNT IN THE EXPRESSION FOR BETA IN THE LATTER. CASE. THE INCREASE IN RADIATION INTENSITY AFTER ETCHING (70-80 TIMES) GIVES EVIDENCE FOR A GREAT EFFECT OF THE SURFACE ON BETA. FACILITY: FIZ. INST. IM. LEBEDVA, MOSCOW# USSR. UNCLASSIFIE0 USSR BOBROVNIK, I. I., GORBUN'OV, K. I., KLOCf1AN, V. I., MONASTYREV, V. K., POPL&V- SKIY, N. N. "Geoseismic Logging Procedure" USSR Author's Certificate No 370567 (from Otkrvtiya, Izohreteniva, Promyshlen- nyye obraztsv. Tovarnyve znaki (Discoveries, Inventions, Industrial 1',Iodels, Trademarks), No 11, 1973, page 144) Translation: The geoseismic logging procedure by reducing multichannel reflecte-d wave recordings to one generalized track with utilization of intitual correLation functions, track selection by the thrvshold values of the similarity coeffi- cients and summation with preliminary input of kinematic and static corrections is distinguished by the fact that in order to increase the reliability of vave correlation and determine the relations of the dynamic wave characteristics with physical-lithologic section parameters, two-halfperlod detection of the digital analog oil the surtimogrim, sliding integration with Lhe Line interval which is a multiple of the oscillation halfperiod and normalization of the recordings with respect to intensity of the excitation center and the amplifi- cation coEfficients of the. recording channel are used successively with sub- sequent conversion of the energograms by the law of fornation of a s(-cluence of partial sums of the theories. 1/1 112 0 L", UPIX. L A SS I F I FO P I ~QIDCE 5 S I !"G, OAT F-20N -OV 7 0 TIT LE-P AT t- dF SUCROSE C~-,Y~') lt~kLL 14 AT [CjN F~RIJM, G*~E S I Ru P AN 0 P!(u !)[J CS i 1 F -C 11, ITS Pl,.~ i! ICATIUN 3Y Ll.c iDIALYSIS -(J- ........... RY Ol --USSR CCUNTR SCURC Z"--- I /-'v V YSSFI. UC V ZVV E 0 P I j6HC H'. T E K HNOL 19 70%, 2) 17 1- 4 DATE PLI'-L 1.SHC S1,16JECT 1,11EDIC;AL TOPIC i-;I-;i TECHNl.A.J(,Y, '.-AJClWSE, PUP. ELLCrRCu'lAL'fSlS SCtl_ CRYS' rALLIZAT lGli, "HulICAL CLt4TRCL OCCUME.,,,r PPOXY PLEL/rkA,'.llL--3GJ4/'_;793 STEP Njt.-$--UR/0322/70/0~,C,/(':,-~2/nt7L/0174 212 0 1.4 UNUAS S I F I ED PRI .JCESS ING DATE--1)UN!!JV70 C I RC. A CCE ,-3S I LoN Ni~--.ATU B L 3c, I ABSTRA'1T/L-ATRA(-'T--(U) S f R. ACT THE EFi-t:,c:rs OF tjq(;. A,'-.iU IIPLiUTILS' CF Gk,-~N ;;t-A .3 ',,f-RC STUDIED IN LA6. EXPTS. SPECIIIIJ-i~:S OF GR F P4 L L A SS E 01' !-'L- S Lit) J I i'D rG E-. L f- L TROD I A t, Y S I S W I T-11 I CA'i I C A.- 4 jk T I &.t I C % D c A.NG ALL riii- SEP!a. F!,,%CTI(;1;5 USI- I-X,07S. T F4 E E GKOUPS~ OF t.,.PrL. -:,%CLNS. REPO. THE 1ST GAOUP W,~S PkEP0. FI~Lj,%j GREEN '-!ULASSES OF COtA.i4S. 62.0, 6~.7, 86-71 AND 92.0PEf~(-,L-,,Nr. T11 E2ND GROUP WAS PF'r-PL). Of "ILYZE0 MOLASSES FRACr[U"AS OF CO!iCiN. 85.o, 88.3, 4%N9. OL-:CjL;j.\!,'tD SGLN. OF CUINCN. 1)2.8p~:M"E~,T. THE 3RD WAS Pi:EPO. FRUN TFE SOUN. THE DIALYZER REPRESE..",lf-D "UASSES. r~,,&sE SCUINS. WEKE FURTIFIED 1;4M1 SUCKOSL -SIkUP TU 6'6TA1:.! Uf- t3t,.7,~ :38.1, AND E CRY S M . Lo' ALL TFE SCILF~!S. 'AS CUNDLJCT~DIAT 76O.'GRELS F(11;~ HF~. CRYSTAL'S F1010 flil*- o,,.0ThLP L101JUkS ~,~Y F I L T r ~ i R C U. C I--,' L f~ I.- L N, A' i I F U G I 'N G 11-fL "UN., A H(AC ,MSHEV, e,!'hi A SAfi;. f, ;,!E(,jH St, w I r H 6 C t. f:.011. fi-tikT fH;:: Ci'~YSIN. ~-,tkff: Of 1*111: OF THL; -Yr-tu Ff (IRYSH14. i~,Aft. T,i` A Hfl~h !)Efl- F CRYs ri~. OF T~-'L- 31-) L-~jl-)F-R I h- i%,'~; T r '-I- F F ~S E fh~ ~:FFLCT Cf- "A-". SUcSTA".;-'-t-S. FAC I L I f Y. ~,,';-V. % T P I S HC P - P~(C:-! 1 L V 7 r. . .1/2 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--DIURiNAL RHYTHM OF MOUSE RADWSENSITIVITY -U- AUTHOR-(02)-KUZ,NIETSOVA, S.S.v BOBROVNIKOV, I.D. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--RADIO610LOGIYA 1970, 10(l), 152 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--GAMMA RADIATIONP RADIATION BIOLOGIC EFFECTt MOUSE) RADIATION DOSAGE, RADIATION SENSITIVITY, COBALT ISOTOPE, DIURNAL VARIATION CONTROL MARKING--ND rRESTRICTIONS SSrF DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLA I LED PROXY REEL/FKAME--1998/0455 STEP NO--UR/0205/70/010/OC)1/0152/Oi52 CIRC ACCESS[U-N 1NJ--AP012L12-) J,'.- k' LS 11 F I E 0 212 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0121129 ABSTRACT!EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DESEXED MALE MICE OF 21-3 G WT., WERE KEPT UNDER ARTIFICIAL ILLUMNNATION DURING THE UAY? ANO IN ARTIFICIAL DUSK (1-3 LUX) DURING THE NIGHT. DIFF&-~ENT GROUPS OF ANIMALS wERE IRRADIATED DURING3 DAYS AT 3 HR INTERVALS IN A UNIFORM GAMMA FIELD (PRIME60 CO) WITH 580 R. THE AV. DAILY DEATH RATE WAS 47PERCENT. WITH IRRADN. TIMES AT NOON AND MIDNIGHT, THE UEAT8 aATE WAS HIGHER THAN dITH IRRADN. IN THE MORNINGi AND AFTERNOON. THIS PERIODIC VARIATION OF MOUSE RADIOSENSITIVITY WAS A SINUSOIDAL FUNCTION, WITH A PEkIOD OF 12 HR. THE DEATH AMPLITUDE VARIABILITY WAS 36PERCENT. MAX. MOUSE RADIOSENSITIVITY WAS AT It A.M. AND 11 P.M. FACILITY: INST. 3IOFIZ-r MOSCOWv USSR. ~p,,r L A S S f F I E 1) USSR uDc 669-71.022 BOBROVIIIKOV, A. "Simulation of the Ventilation and Dust Removal System of a Side Car Dumper" Tr. Vses. n.-i. i pro-iektn. in-ta alyumin., magn. i elektrodn. nrom-sti (Works of the All-Union Scientific Research and Planning and Design institute of the Aluminum, Magnesium and Electrode Induztry), 1970, No 73, pp 165-171 (from RZh-44etallurgiya, NO 7, Jul 71, Abstract No 7G192) Translation: The correctness of the selected design of an aspirated cover has been confirmed, and the most dangerous dust dislodging points have been discovered. The vidth of the intake slots in the exhaust collector for allow- able magnitudes of nonunifornity of air intake, the required air velocities in the leaks of the cover.and the total area of the leaks which must be maintained. in an actual device when unloading nephelines and bauxites were determined. The results of studying the model were considered when developing the working drawings ol' the dust removal unit for the side car dumper of the Achinsk Alumina Plant. The article contains 2 illustrations and I table. 1/1 USSR uDc 621-378.3 BOBROVNMOV, Yu. A. VEMIGOR., Ye. M., ZVEREV, G. M., LLWYANMETS, Ye. A., IUMIMOVI A.- D.,'-nd' MOLOVA., 0. P. "Effective Conversion of the Second Harmonic of a Ruby Laser into Iniuce,~ Radiation in the 400-470 Millimicron Range in Stilbenyloxazole Solutions" 1-1insk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spektroskopii, Vol 13, 'No 2, Au.-- 70, pp 216-219 Abstract: Results are presented flor an experiment conducted to study the laser- induced radiation in alcohol nolutionG of stilbenyloxazoles. In the experit~;erit a 2.5 14-w ruby-laser beam wau focused on the vessel containing the solution. The induced radiation was recorded by means of the ISP-51 spectrograph. '17le wave length of the induced radiation ranged from 400 to 470 millimicrons. 7he spectr,= width for alcohol is 2-5-3 times that produced in benzene. For all solutions studied the radiation conversion factor is about 2* '../ I USSR VASIL' M , I , ., BGBR Q V _N11 S KJ,-Y--M I M V GENKIN, M. D. UDC 534.2 "Propagaticia of Waves Be-l'ing Over a Plate With -- Fariodic,concent-rated Load" V sb. Dinamika i akustika mashin (Machine Dynamics and Acoustics -- Collection of Wor)-s), Moscow, "Naulca", 1971, pp 24-27 (from RZh-Fiz-ika, No 3, Mar 72, Abstract No 3Zh476) Translation: T-he dispersion equation is derived for fle-Xural normal waves propa- gating over an unbounded plate to which additional loads with dynamic PiCidity Z., are fastened at periodically placed points. A function which is represented by an infinite series and which could not be identified with any of the known Special f-UnCtiOnS ('11t(?M iftO the dispersion equation. Dinpersdon surfaces are constructed. The case of mass loads is analyzed. 10 ref. Authors abstract. 1/1 USSR UDC 534.322.3t534.83 2pB -K 'Lj..-TLJ1. , GENKIIN, 1-1. D. , MOROZOV, Y,. D. "A New 114ethod of Acoustical Diagnostics" V sb. Dinamika i akustiRa mashin (Machine Dynamics and Acoustics -- Collection of Works), Moscow, "I.1auka", 19711, pp 98-108 (from RZh-Fizika, No 3, Mar 721 Abstract No M504) Translation: A in-ethod, for acoustical diagnostics of muchines that uses a system of ortho,,onal functions to determine the diagnostics paran-,2turs is der, cribed. Tlie theoretical basis of the proposed nethod. iss i-,i-.,en and the basis for desir.11 of the dia~-,nostic separation filter is exulained. The case of the non- linear dependence of noice on the dial,,mostics pararreter is Tlie cal- culation of 'Whe par=,~!ters of the separation filter is generalized for siiiiil_ tancoas measurement o--" several dia.gnustic parameters. A rodel of tlie dia,-.-nof-,tic device is described and Ia,,,fuerre ortho,.-Tonal functions are used. a',I!:! results of I a dia-nostic exueriment are presented which show the poss sibil-i tic s of the effec- tive aTmlic~Tion of It"ne DroDozed method in the diagnostics of an-I machines, 36 ref, A-ithors abstract. 1/1 USSR uDc 624-07:534.1 BOBROVNITSKIY Yu. I., GETIKIN, bf. D., MASLOV, V. P. Noon "Oscillations of an Infinite Lattice of Strings" V sb. Vibroakust. aktivnost' mekhanizmov s zubchatymi Deredachami (Vibro- acoustic Activity of Mechanisms with "eared Transmissions), Moscow, "Nauka", 1971, PP 197-204 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No lovl74) Translation: A study is made of the propa6ation of normal vaves in an infinite string lattice, and its Green's function. Alternating bands of transmission and nontransmission take place when the lattice waves Propa- gate in different directions. It is shown that the boundaries between these bands are the natural frequencies of a single repeated cell. of 01C lattice. Forced oscillations of the lattice under 'the effect of an arbi- trary external load are computed by means of the Green's function. The Greens function is found in the form of a double integral which is no', exD.-essed in terms of the unknown functions. The asymptotic behavior Of this function is investigated. It is found in particular that the wave amplitude always falls off in inverse proportion to the square root of 1/2 USSR BOBROIINTITSK!"Y, Yu. I. et- al. , Vibroakus t. aktivnost' me-hanizmov s zub.- chatymi veredachani, Moscow, IINauka", 1971, PP 197-204 the distam-ce from the An equation is also found for the save front o--:' a poirt source. In addition, the input compliance of -the lattice is comnut-ed. This auantity is exnressed in terms of entirely elliptical integrals of the -first Authors' abstract. 2/2 - 80 - NCLASS.I-F I ED 008 Ui - PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 :ITLE--SODIUM NITRITE, SODIUM "j.ITRATE,.SO0lU,4.HYDROXID'c WATEk SYSTE14S -U- .T AUTHOR-(02)-PLEKHOTKINi V*F., BOBROVSKAYAt L.P. ,COUNTRY OF INF0--USSR SOURCE-Zli. NEORG. KHIM. 19701 15(6)v 1643-7 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--AQUEOUS SGLUTIONP SOLUBILITYr SGUIUM HYDROXIDE, '11TRITE, SOD[UM NITRATE, HEAT OF HYDRATION 'CONThOL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .,DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFItD PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/1388 STEP NO--UR/0078/70/015/005/1643/1647 CIRC ACCESSIO'N NG--AP0135062 2/2 0 08 JNCLASSI FIED PROCESSI~-!G DATE--13NOV70 .CIRC ACCESSION NJ--AP0135062 'RTIES F A,BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SOLY. ANO PHYS. PROPE 0 SOLNS-OF NAX-NACH-H SUB2 0 SYSTEMS 0bi-ERE X EQUALS NO SU62 OR NO SU33) ARE GIVEN. THE SYSTEMS ARE OF SIMPLE EUTONIC TYPE. DELTAG OF NAOH,H SUB2 0 FORMATION IS MINUS 0.923 KCAL-i-iOLE. 1/2 006 UNCLASSIFIED PRCC:S5[NG UATE-13NOV70 TI,TL.E--SLjL.V0LYSIS OF GE:~MANIUM TETi:,ACHLC!RIOE IN NGNA~.UEOUS MEDIA -u- AUTHOR-103)-BELOUSOVA, YE.M., SEYFULLINA, I.I., B06ROV,AKAYA' M.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOU.RCE--ZH. NEORG. KHIM. 1970, 15(4)9 996-9 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--GERMANIUM COMPOUNOP CHLORIDE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTfUNS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/1075 STEP %10--UR/0078/70/015/004/0996/0999 CIRC ACCESSION '1110--AP0123068 212- 006 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIPC ACCESSION NO--AP0123068 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECTS OF THE SOLVENT ON C044PLEX FORMATION OF GECL SUB4 WITH N CONTG. SUBSTANCES WERE STUOIED CONDUCTOMETRICALLY IN NONAQ. MEDIA TO CLARIFY THE SOLVOILYSIS OF GECL SU84 IN HE SUB2 CO OR ACGH. THE DEGREE OF SOLVOLYSIS IS GREATEP. fig ACOH THAN IN ME SU82 CO. SOLVOLYTIC, CONSTS. IN ACOH ARE 8.7 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE6 AND 2.74 TIMES 10 VRIME NEGATIVEll (K SUB1 AND K SU32, RESP.). FACILITY: ODESS. GOS. UNIV. IM. MECHNIKOVA, ODESS9 USSR. UNCLASSIFI-ED 9-4 WON,, -m I In m m 0 wislu", USSR BOBR0VBKIY, G.A., G-CRYUNOV, N.N., S.D!ELEV, S.K. UDC 621.;z52.5 It Invest ization Of Me Effec-. Of Gamma Irradiation Cn 7he Fararneters Of Transis- A. tors Used In Micromodule Magneto-Sem-iconductor Co=ponents" Dokl. nauchno-tekhn. konlerentsii Do isDol'z. ionizir. izluchenix a_nar. zh-ve (Reports Of The Scientific-Technical Conference On The Use lo --Zed diatio- Ra In The N'ational Econcn:y~, T'Cup 7 Tul- ';:rio;-sk-iy Pook Fross, 19-0, op 2t,-,4- ;70'- (from RZjh--Ele1r'-.trcni1,~a i veye pri--eneniy-, No 4, April 1971, Abstract No 4B228) Translation: Averaged quantitative indices are presented for t*-e de:-endences of the paraxeters of transistors on an integral dose of Ganma radiation, and a connection is also establiaaed between the efficiency of a micrcrnodule -..aF--neto- semicond-actor co-n-onent (1YE-C),after irradiation of its transistor n~;rt,3nd an integral dose of Ga--na radi-ation. It is noted that the current factor B and the back c-..:rren' of the e=itter junction I~:-G undergo the ;7rea-tect change. Forty T-ype Tf-5 alloy-type germanium tranuistorc w~Jch are u~;ec '.-r. micromodulco of were investiratod with respect to u co!-,plex of Under con*.rcl. correanondence of the ccm-piex Ge their paranetors. Lo tno norms of technical conditions was taken into account by the criterl"on 01' 1'111~' 20- liable functionirv-. of transistors which, are 84-asted in the structure of the The irradiation dose amounte6 te e~J5.0 10 R. G.V. ?9 NUCLEAR SCI. ABST. 1190 0000 3332 (MATT-Trans-92) NEW RESULTS IN THE STUDY OF ANOMALOUS PLASMA RESISTANCE IN THE TM-3 TOKAMAK. -,A -. Kiel cy A I - e fb van G.- " trov, hl. P.; Razumova. F 5 MLe z=, f tveanyiKomi tPol's lzo- vantyu Atomnoi Enerrtt S.' -R, Moscow, InStItUt At0Mn01,EnemLj. Translated for Princeton Llniv.. N. J.. from report =- 906. 16p. Dep. CFSTI. An investigation was made of discharge conditions in the TM-3 device with a relatively high temperature and low concentration. Under these conditions protons are detected the temperature of which cannot be explained by Coulomb transfers from electrons to ions in a number of cases.. The dependence of the anomalous re- sistance on certain parameters is studied. (auth) 19730501 USSR UDC 621.383.8:535.317.25 TSYGANENKO, V. V., LACHASHVILI, R. A., BOBROVSKIY, I. A. "Estimation of the Paraxial Resolving Capacity of Cathode Lenses" Optiko Mekhanicheskaya Promyshlennost', No 12, 1972, pp 12-16. Abstract: The paraxial resolving capacity of a cathode lens, consisting of a system of electrostatic and magnetic fields, is determined by the distri- bution of energy of electrons emitted from the cathode, their angular distri- bution, chromatic aberrations and spherical aberrations of the lens itself. Thils article presents a method for estimation of paraxial resolving capcities of cathode lenses by means of the freq*uency-contrast characteristic (FCC). Results are presented from calculation of the FCC by computer in various planes of an image as a function of the spherical aberration and the distri- bution of electrons by energies (angular distribution assumed to be Lambert)- Dependences of the maximum resolving capacity on position of the image plane and assigned distribution by initial energies are presented. The results produced are used to estimate the influence of fluctuations in the magnetic field on the resolving capacity of biplanar electronic-optical convertors. It is found that fluctuations of the magnetic field are among the main fac- tors reducing the resolving capacity of the convertors. 1/1 1/2 020 UNCLASS IF I ED PROCESSING7 DATE--23,!CT7,,) TITLE--ELECT9.rW90SITI0N OF TIN FROIM CHLORIDE FLUOVIDE AN[) SL)LFATE FLUORIDE ELECTROLYTES -U- AUTHOR-(02)-BGBROVSKIY, L.K., KISELEVA, V.L. COUNTRY OF' INFO--USSR b SOURrE--IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED., KHIkl. KHIM. TEKFi,')C)L- 1970, 13(l), 88-92 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--- EL FC TP 00F i)os I rI0Nf TIN CHLOR106p R.W)RIPF, SOLVArF, ELECTROLYrE, TIN PLAYING CONTROL MARK[,k.lG--NC RFsTRicrroNs OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY STEP CIPC -ATO] 212 020 UNCLASSIFIED PPOCESS PNG DATc----?3CjCT7O CIRC ACCESSION, NO-AT0120182 ABSTRACT/EXTRAICT-(U) (;P-0- ABSTRACT. CATHODIC POLARIZATI0.1i IS MARKEDLY INCREASED DUR *ING THE FLECTkOD~POSITION OF SN FR~ b A TS C bT G . E i T ~ i E R SNCL SU62.2H SUB2 0 50 AND NAF 60 G-L.y OR SNSO SUB4 AND NAF 50 Gy-L., BY THE PRESENCE OF 2 G-L. OF THE FOLLOWING ADDITIVES: 9S-2o (POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL ETHERS OF HIGHER FATTY ALCS.), OP-7 (POLYCTHYLENF GLYCOL ETHERS OF ALKYLPH~NOV-Slt OR OP-J() (POLYETHYLENE Gt-YCC)L ETHERS OF DIALKYLPHENIOLS), A~m LESS SO IN THE PqESENCE OF 2 G-L. of- STE-A!"luX-6 (POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL ESTERS OF STEARIC ACID). 'ti IT11 THE IST 3, OFNSE, Fl-NELY CRYST., SILVERY WHITE DEPOSITS ARE FORMFD, WHILE 11H THCLAST THE SURFACE IS CO-~MPACT, DARK9 AND NODULAR. AT LOW ADDITIVF CONICNS. (0.1 G-L.)i DENORITES ARE FORMIED. ADDN. OF SMALLER THAN 30 -S-L. HCL 04 H SU-32 SO SUB4 TO THE ELECTROLYTE PERMITS INCREASING THE C.D. To 2 A-GM PRIME2 AT 20DEGREES, AND TO 3 A-DM PRV4E2 AT 350EGREF-S. NACL (20-40 G-L.1 CAN RE Ai)DEO TO THE CHLORIDE ELECTROLYTE. CURRENT YIELD IS 90-1r30PC-kCCNT, AND DEPOSITS .30 ML) THICK CAN BE FACILITY: IVANOV. KH114. TEKHNOL. INST., IVANIOVO, USSR. USSR UDC 615-332 (Rifampicinum).015.44if576.851,252+576.851.42 BOBROVSKIY, h., DZERMANOVSKAYA, D., YAKUBICH, P., and BOROVSH1Y, YE., Chair 15f M1aVM--O1-O&, University fiedical Schoolg Bialystok# Poland "Rifampicin Activity Against Clinical Strains of Staphylococci and Gram- Negative Bacilli" Moscowl Antibiotiki, No 12, 1971, PP 1072-107? Abstracts Study of 282 bacterial strains isolated from pus, sputnn, urine, and feces showed that all 120 Staphylococcus aureus strains ware highly sensitive to rifaiapicin in concentrations rdnging from 0,005 to 0-05-W91ml- Among the gran!--negative bacteria, E. coli and Proteus were the most sensitive to the antibiotic. Salmonella and Shigella were somewhat less sensitive, while Klebsiella and Fs. aeru-inosa proved to be resistant. The zininun. inhibitory concentration of rifampicin varied with the amount of bacteria tested and the pH of the medium. Resistant variants growing in the presence of high concentrations of the antibiotic appeared at the rate of I per 1o7 cells. The sensitivity of many of the gram-negative strains was intensified by increasing the acidity olg' the medium. It is suggested that the therapy of urological infections can be made more affoctivo by acidifying the ,atlent'a Urine. p 1/1 Acc. 'Nr, M,34393 Pci. Codc: Ut 0297 141:W NUN.. PRINKNRY SOURICE: Antibio ' 1 1970, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp/,0:2-/07 .L tu 11C :2 PENICILLINASE-PRODUC GRAMNEGATIVE BACILLI AS ETIOLOGICAL FACTO.RS OF THE URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS *'49QW.v~-kiX., M.; Dzerzhanovskaya, D.; Filipchuk, Ya. Microbio!ogical _Chair of Medical Academy of Belostock, Poland Pen-cillinase activitv of -173) sirains of E. coli, Klebsiella and Proteus isolated from 'urine was determined. N7o correllatiun between the enzYmatic activity of a part'cular U strain and its ability to cause severe infections of the urinary tract Nvas found. It has be-en demonstra!ed that 0-'actamase formation is riot thc only m'f,,Iian;sjn of the insensiti- vity of gramnegative bacteria to perlicillins and the intrins`c resistance, as we!l as pena- midase producl ion 'should aiso be regarded. It has al5o been' observed tfhat some corLs-*de- rable differences occur in substrate specificity and affinitv of penicillinases from different bacterial species. REEL/FRAME 197:11052 00 0 (A x -4-11 t :;IAN 91 UDC: 614.23:616.211:658.36 OPTIMN SCHEDULING OF WCjR.K OF IN 711E OUTPATIliNT S~RVICE. OF OBLAST HOSPITAL tr Ot~~_ "'~"rtO tArticle by A.B. Morczov, candidate of aiedtcal sciences. Moscow Scientific R-ear-'% Nose and Throat (director: Prof.sitor N.A. RSYS'k llin~~5trv of Health; Xmcow, ~,ovLtsko7Z'~Tin~r!r*ir~inenive, .M 1971, stib.%~iLted 10 Decemt~er 1970, pp 39-441 :n "~w of the tact Vint arrinization of work and setting norims for wo rK 1. a q g ".urs of ENT rear, nose, thront] specitillmts In oblast consultation ii-lycl.17.lcf, in the. outpatient servlc~i, ~iava not been covered sufficiently in chi, dcnstic litor~turc, we iet the goal of deternining the actual time tv !.-:"r pbyai~.ian:i, of investivatin:z tht, quality of the chorapeetic and aid r.idered by vi,em to patients, and of d'!V't1oping --lk volw.." for ENT consultants its rolatce. to surviCe LO outpatienta in C polyclinic. The errnnumecry method det,,lopcd by the S'Acntific Reavalch of sorial livgli,ne and Public licalth Imeni N.A. Somanhl-, for a,t:,,ntienr work wa~ u~cd, after addirionn, rclar,~d to tLe spv-4:1fic activiry of J.';T consuitantq. tvnin~d hy ur. gath~ral thi The stmlv wur pur- -I In 7.mnthr. :,--, t%. III till r Itic, wl,irh wi~re the "f "I'lasts an-1 attin-i-lus rcpuhllc~, jn.i which werc '!ifferOnt cliM.11., ano zoiit~s of the nation. Ntirser , I.- to -p tilt- fi) ire. ,-it nircial rardn on In ad4l- i;-I~.ion -L., leri, th't t!'e spovir on 'Ielt patlent. al'. for,, -r .~.rivlLy ot IINT IeLialllt. doring th, dav. At the -.," v'" o-pini~rj was va,le ~.f the justificatImi for t~~is sp-la"ist ~nd of the thorauglinc~q and (piality ,,f tlit-rap,lLiC SeIVIC-S LJ Lild ',Mtieut , In n11, o%,er 1,()01) cards Per fillO,l ~_L, .1n,j 16C) ci-! c~,rdi~ for th~ KNT doctnr in Lh- oorse i -z~ oay. Yn~. J.ita gatl,~rL-d -ie ~,ded and prnm;sed by the rmthod of st_tl~tics . of tho re-_11-~ thar rhe !~%T t;p'clali~its 1'0' ily 111it aI!;,, tli,rnp-oltc and r:~C! ji"Imbitat.t., of a numbiar of rurai reijomi. In addition, USSR uDc: 621.386,623-51-001-5) BOBROVSUL, Yu., D. , OVCH-11,11,11KOV, K. D. M~ 11 Concerming Nonlinear Analysis of Reflex Klystrons I-7ith 11-;& Electronic Conductivity" Moscov, Radiotekhnika 1 Elektronika, Vol 17, No 4, Apr 72. pp 818-825 Abstract: The method of averaging is used for a se con d-approximat ion analysis of the reflex klystron. Expressions are derived for calculating the basic characteristics of reflex klystrons for working conditions and pare ters where hi~gJ,-er hazrmonics of current must be taker into account. F.Y.a=-les of calculation are i)resented and the results are discussed. It was found that nonlinear effects due to the presence Of hig]IE~r harmonics Mw y have an appreciable effect on the a=,litude slid freqiiency of osci-l- lations hysteresis phenc-ne-ria, change in the sign of the slo]:e of electron tuning). 'llie derree of this effect is a complex ftaiction of sovorol parom, eters. Puio=-allies are basicallv the results of the influence of odd har- Momics. Therefore even harmonics could be omitted to simplify a more re- ti-ple electron transits fined model of the reflex klystron with reGard to r,,-,1t and the influence of forces. of reDulsion. The aufthcrs thank 14. B. Gclant for interest and consti-tictive 1/i Ir USSR UDC 621.373.52L.1:62-1-.382,233 303ROVS-Kiy ~ YU. L. , BOL' SH~L:10V.11, N. POBCHIN1,IKOV, K. D. , Ts'UIKER, X. S ITSuperhigh Frequency Tunnel Diode Generator with a Vlida Mechanical l'u-n-ing Band" Materialy nau--hro-tek-an. konferentsii. in-t sv, n4 -:erence. Le ~ngrad Vy-p. 2 (Materials of the Scientific and Technical Go= 0 Electrotechnical Communications Institute. Vyp. 2), Leningrad, 19710, pp 204-207 (from RZh-Radiotek-hn-i-ka, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9D261) Translation: The results of an experimental investigation ot: a superl-,igil frequency tunnel diode generator with a wide rrtnOP Of Lunl-ng are presented. The applicability of the quasilinear approximaLion for calculating the OUtDUt power is demonstrated. There are two illustrations and a two-entry bibliography. i/1 USSR C, D C 6 2 11. 3 7 3. S 21. 1: 6 21, 38 2. 23 3 BOBROVSKJY, L. , G00010ER,'DZE, G. B., V~'17%111. D. "Synchronizin,-- a Superhi.c`,', Frecuuncy l'unnel, Diode Generator" Materialy nauchno-tek-hn. Lening-r. Vyp. 2 (II-faterials of the Scientific and Technical Con--`erC-.-.CC. T er.4.,,gra6 I I Electrotechnical Comj-,unications Institute. V,,Ip. 2), Lani-agrad, 1970, pp 204-207 (from RZii-R-adiate'll-h-nika-, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract ,;0 9D*262) Translat-'on: Two versions o~;: the circuit for synchronizing a Su Lri-i i 1 0 P ~ , j. 1 frequency Lunnel diode generator are investigated. ProCLical tions with respect to utilization of each of the schemes are confirmed by the results of an experimental study. 1/1 1/2 019 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 T[TLE--CORE MIXTURES 1,ASED ON PHENOL FORMALDEHYDE RESINS FOR PRODUCING 1. CORES IN HOT BOXES -.U- AUTHOR-(02)-BOBRYAKOV~ G.I., GRITSKEVICHv L.F. ovwom~_ -y~ COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 10011t, V ~ - t. I I V I Villi, I'll 0 1 ;~ vt 111. 1 1) 11.) 1; 1it DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATER[ALS .TOPIC TAGS--CLAYr SAND, PHENOL FORMALDEHYDE RESINt UREAr TENSILE STRENGTH CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO ---- F070/605012/BG8 STEP NO--UR/0128/70/000/-'305/0006/0008 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140249 UNCLASSIFIED Z/Z 019 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140249 ,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FOLLOWING CORE MIXTS. WERE DEVELOP'ED BY USING THE LUBERETSK SAND CONTG. 0.45 WT. PERCENT CLAY MATERIAL. IT IS RECOMMENDED TO USE SAND CONTG. LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 0.5PERCENT CLAY MATERIALt BECAUSE THE CLAY CONSIDERALBY DECRASED THE DRY STRENGTY OF THE CORE MIXTS. THE ADDN. OF UREA (5 AND 10PERCENT OF THE WT. OF PHENOL ALCS.) DELAYED CONSIDERABLY THE DECOMPN. OF PHENOL ALCS, WHEN 0.9PERCENT UREA WAS ADDED TO THE CORE MIXT. THE HARDENING RATE WAS INCREASEOP WHILE THE TENSILE STRENGTH IMPROVED. COMPNSo OF CORE MIXTS. ARE GIVEN. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 681.3.061.62 BgB444HEV_,a_N_, Candidate of Economic Sciences, RAYKOV, L. G., Candidate ot Technical Sciences, ZIJIDAKOV, V. P., Engineer "Experience in Development of a Computer Information System for a Scientific Institution" Moscow., Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Proizvodstva, No 3, 1972, pp 36-40 Abstract: The paper describes the technical basis of a com- puter information system; in particular,the devices for input and output of information, and also the software, which offers a set of all kinds of possible programs to facilitate communi- cations between users and the system. 63 USSR UDC 621-372-413 KRAMMKO, V. F., KARETNIKOV, S. N., and BOBRYSHEV, V. D. "Calculating Limit Resonators" Radiotekhnika..Res zhved. temat. nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Radio Engineering. Republic - p.~ me Interagency Thematic Scientific-Technical Collection of Articles), 1972, vyp.21, pp 1D7-113 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 729 Abstract No 11 B122) Translation: A relationship is obtained which is not only suitable for calculating regularly-nonregular limit resonators, but which also reflects some regularities associated with variation in the geometry of a resonator. It is shown that the Q- factor of an wave biconical resonator is more than two times greater than the Q-factor of Aligular cylindrical resonator. It is notpd that is is possible to achieve values of the loaded Q-f actor which exceed 5" 104 for a basic type of oscillation. Original article: four illustrations, two tables, and 13 biblio- graphic entries. 1/1 iz 008 UNC L A S S I F I E 0 PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--APPROXIMATION METHODS FOR CALCULATING INTEGRALS CONTAINING A TWO CENTER DISTRIBUTION SMALLGR THAN PHI SUBA PHI SUBB. fit USE OF THE AUTHOR-(03)-KLYAGINAt A.P.t DYATKINAP M.YE.t OOBRYSH,~.yAl N*P. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 'SOURCE-ZH. STRUKT. KHIM. 1970, 11(l), 95-6 IRUSSJ DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :SUBJECT ARE-AS--MATHEMATfCAL SCIENCES, PHYSICS JOPIC TAGS--APPROXIMATION METHOD# ATOMIC PROPERTY CGNT ROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/0103 STEP NO--UR/OL92/70/OIL/001/0095/0098 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0127729 (INCLASSIFIF0 2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0127729 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE 4 CENTER INTEGRALS IN CALCNS. FOR COMPDS* OF TRANSITION ELEMENTS WITH DISTANCES BETWEEN THE CENTERS OF LARGER THAN OR EQUAL TO 3 AT. UNITS CAN BE IGNORED. OF 2 CENTER INTEGRALS THOSE CONTG. 2 CENTER DISTRIBUTION WITH A DISTANCE BETWEEN THEM LARGER THAN 5 AT. UNITS CAN BE ALSO IGNORED. THE VALUE OF 3 CENTERED INTEGRALS INCREASES WITH THE DECREASE IN THE EXPONENT OF THE AT. FUNCTION. THE VALUES OF THREE CENTER INTEGRALS ARE LARGE ENOUGH 10.100-0.050 AT. UNITS) TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR IN CALCNS. BY THE RUTAN METHOD. FACILITY:- INST. OBSHCH. NEORG. KHIM. IM. KURNAKOVA, MOSCOW, USSR. UtICLASS IF IED 112 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--11SEf'70 r-ITLE--SUSCEPTIBILITY 0t~_MGO SOLID SOLUTIONS HARDENED AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES -U- AUTHOR--ARIYA, S.M., BORISOVA, NV., BOBRYSHEVA, N.P. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. FIZ. KHIM. 1970, 44(l), 266-7 DATE PLIBL. ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--MAGNESIUM OXIDE, NICKEL OXIDE, MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY, THERMAL EFFECT, X RAY DIFF~.Al~"ION ANALYSIS CONTPOL MARKfNlG--N0 PESTD..TCTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCL4SSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRA4F--I938/063_1 STEP rIpr ACCESSION Nlffl--AP0105~68 2/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED pROCFSSINr 0ATE--llSFP70 CIRC ACCFSSInN NO--AP0105658 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(,U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SOLID SOLNS. OF Nlfr-l-~4GOI WfTli 1-1c) MfIL. PERCENT N10 44ERF HARDENED AT 900, 1100, AND 13000EGIPFESC, ANALYZED CHEM. AND BY X RAY OIFFPACTION. THE SUSCEPTIBILITY WAS -'AFaSURP-13 9Y T*HE FARADAY METHOD AT 78-46OnEGREESK WITHIN 9100-13t5GO OE. THE SHAPES OF THE CHINI PRIMEPARA ISOTHERMS FOR ALL HARDENING TEMPS. ARE PRACTICALLY IDENTICAL. THE ISOTHFRMS DECREASe.SLOWLY AT 1-5 MOLE DERCENT NIO, AND RAPIDLY STARTING AT 5 MOLE P'ERCENT NIO. USSR UDC: None VOROB "YEV.. A. A. VOROB'YEV) S. A., and KAPLIN., V. V. "Scattering of Electrons by 1-Ionocrystals" I,eningmd, Fizil-ji Tverdof,,o Tela, vol 111, 110 7, 1972, PP 2157-2159 Abstract: This paper ic the consequence of an earlier one (H.C.11. flip et al, Phys. Lett., 28A, 1968, p 324) in which the possibility of the existence of stable trajectories for fast electrons scattered by a monocrystal ims discussed. Such an effect should result in the anomalous passage of electrons through the cx-ystal if the axis of the incident bear,,i coincides with one of the crystallo- g-raphic directions of the target. This PaDer describes measure~,ents made to detect such an anomalous electron flow. The electron beam -,.-as obtained from a radioactive source, (wl'_r+Y)90, i-.,i-th the angui-ar scattering of Lhe electron beam incident on the taarCet reduced. to J- 0.50 through suronG collimation. NaC1 monocryst--ls wero used as the target, and the recording device ,;as the 11 D-1 Scintillation -lie electron scatterine by a 190- counter. A curve is rilottud for 10 L. U U ji.-thick- ITa-Cl crystal as a I-N-Viction of tile rotational anGle of the crystal axis vith respect- to the direction of Ihe jil.cident beai~a. T'he authors, members of the S. M. I.-,irov Poi-ytech-mical In.,~titute at 1/2 USSR VOROB'YBAr, A. A., et al, Fisika tverdoro tela, vol 14, I'To 7, -"C,)72, pp 2157-2159 Tomsk, express their gratitude to I. A. Tselkhanovskiy -for his conn- meiit's. - on- the experimental results. 2 12 -~'-1/2 016 UNCLASSIFUD PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70i ----TiTLE--DECALCIFICATIQN OF POLYOLEFINS -U-- AUTHOR-105)-IVANYUKOVt D.V., KR"IMOVv P,V.t KUDRYAVTSEVt V.B.t LYAKU.,2VA?CX2 A.Gov BOBUKv N*So CCUNTRY i9"NFC--USSR SOURCE-USSR 263,141 REFERkNCE--OTKRYTIYA, IZUBRET.t PROM. OBRAZTSY, TOVARNYE ZNAKI 196-0, DATE PUbLISHED-04FEB70 SUaJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-DECALCIFICATION, ALKENE, CATALYTIC POLYMERIZATION, CHEMICAL PATENT, SURFACE ACTIVE AGENT CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRANE-3002IL474 STEP NG-UR/0482170/000/00010000/01-'ij---O CIRC ACCESSION NO-AA0128973 UNCLASSI'FIEO .. . 12/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 I;'CIRC ACCESSIGN NQ--AA0128873 I ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-C- ABSTRACTo POLYOLEFINS PREPD. ON' ZIEGLE.'% NATTA-CATALYSTS WERE DECALCIFIED BY BEING WASHED WITH HOT SOFT WATER CONTG. DISSOLVED SUAFACTANTS, SUCH AS K OR NA SALTS OF STIROMAL. A SOLN. OF THESE SALTS WAS PASSED THROUGH AN A. C. OR D. C. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD BEFORE IT WAS USED IN THE WASHING PROCESS. UNCLASSIVIED USSR UDC 629. BOBTSOV, V. A., BRAUDE, A. Z., KUZINUNK, G. Ye. "Approximate Synthesis of Optimal Control in Variational and Games Problems of Flight Mechanics with Free End of the Trajectory" Uch. zap. Tsentr. Aerogidrodinam. In-ta [Scientific Writings of Central institute of Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics], Vol 3, No 3, 1971, pp 61-71, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Raketostroyeniye, No 9, 1972, Abstract No 9.41.115, from the Resume). Translation: The task of synthesis of optimal control is studied in varia- tional and games problews for cases when there are no conditions at the end of the trajectory except For the conditions defining the end of the trajectory. An approximate method is suggested for solution of this probJem, representing a development of the method of local optimization, which is convenient for computer realization. Usin.- this method, it is often possi.- ble to find simple approximate analytic solutions of the synthesis problem. Three examples are studied as illustrations: the probiem of flight to -Ilaxi- mum range, the problem of climbing to an assigned ~ltitudc in the minimum time and the problem of the game of two persons controlling the planar motion 1/2 USSR BOBTSOV, V. A., BRAUDE, A. Z., KUZMAK, G. Ye., Uch. zap. Tsentr. Aerogidro- dinam, In-ta, Vol 3, No 3, 1971, pp 61-71 of two material points. Results are produced in the first two examples which have simple physical sense. 3 figures; 7 bibliographic references. 2/2 - 19 - USSR uDc 621.7,84.6 BASIN, L.A., HPAUIX-c"' PAXI , DAVYDOVSKIY, V.YA. , KEL'YAN, V.M. , Fl-.\CGENCV, P.A. , I "' (in YAKUSHEV, Y-E. M. -t yadern. fiz. AN KazSSR--Institute Cf Nuclear Physics, AS, Kazakh SSRJ "Magenetic Prism" USSR Author's Certificate No 255429, filed 2 Mar 68, p-ablished 11 M:jr 70 (from RZh_-ElektronikH i yeye primeneniye, No 11, November 1970, Abstr8Ct NO llA268PIN Tr8nalation: The magnetic prism which is patented, consisting of an electromagnetic with extended pole ehoes of parallelepiped form, differs in the fact that with the object of reducing the inhom;geneity of a two-dimensional mirnetic field and suppressing the dispersal of the fields, the prism contains another ouch electro- magnet locat.-;tl above the first, while the winding of both electromagnets is connect- ed in opposition, and a gasket [prokladka] is mounted between the polee of the magnet and the yoke. 7111. 0 USSIZZ 0 621.791-053-002.612:658-386 -0 3 TDOV, S. 11. , KAZEENNOV, YU. 1. , AGAPOVA, N. (Candidates o' Technical Sciences) PRO,(,iOiOV, V. I., REVIMIKOV, L. 1, ~.OBYLEV, A. P..A i2--,.SLw, T. A., Oly 'LOV, YE. A., BALAS40V, V. D. F, R. S. (Engineers) "Effect of irradiation on the Properties of Welds of High-Alloy Steels and Alloys" r,o5cow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 3, ~,ar 70, pp 4-6 Abstract: The effect of neutron irradiation on the short-term mecharical proper- 14oB tics of basic metals and welds from OOKhl6Nl5.I33, o4hi6N15`33, and O.Ki,20~ austenitic stools and IYhl32BFR forrito-martonsite steel was invostigated. li'he machanical proporties wore determined on samples cut in the longitudinal direction from argon-are welds using an infusible electrode. The satplos were irradiated in the active zone of a reactor at about 1000C. The theoretical neutron flux density was 1015 neutron/cm:2- see. Some sarples received a dose of 2.8 x 1OZ1 neutron/CM2, while others received a dose of 4.3 x 1021 noutron/cm~. The mechani- cal properties were dotormined, on U60-5 tensile testing machines at air tempera- tures of 20,)50, and 05500C. 1/2 U33R BKTINOV, S. N. at al. Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 3, Aar 70, pp 4-6 Masts conducted at ZOOC showed that strength properties of all samples i;icreased after irradiation; plasticity decreased. The tensile and yield stren-ths of weld metals with an austenitic structure increased to a lassor degree tha-11 those of the 'ease metals. The mechanical properties of all samples at 35~00 did nct differ from these of the base metals. A decrease in tensile and yield szron~th with a simultaneous decrease in plasticity was observed in sam- %, ples with an austanitic structure in tests conducted at 6500C. These decreases -wore especially noticeable in irradiated samples made from 4(Yp' Ni steel. The possible cause of the sharp decline in the intergrain strength and plasticity observed at 05500C in the irradiated metal with high nickel content is suggested. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 4 tables, and 5 references. Z/2 1/2 031 UNCL ASS I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 T.ITLE--ASSORPTION OF ULTRASOUND IN A PRIMEIII 8 PRIMEV SEMICONDUCTOR COMPOUNDS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-BOBYLEVi B.A., KRAVCHENKO, A,F. -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SQURCE--AKUST. SH. 19701 16(1)1 15-19 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--S[-.'4 [CONDUCTOR MATERIAL, ULTRASONIC ABSORPrION, GALLIUM ARSENIDE, GALLIUM ANTIMONIDE, INDIUM ARSENIDE, INDIUM ANTIMONIOE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/2256 STEP NO--UR/0046/7O/Ci6/001/0015/0019 CIRC ACCESSfOsl NO--AP0125834 (j,'l C LiA 11 1 F IF 0 2/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-271NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125834 ABSTIZACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ULTRASONIC ABSORPTION IN SEMICONDUCTORS (GAAS, IN4S, GASB, INSt!) IS CARRIED l)Ul' Ar DIFFFREill' TEMIPS. AND AT 90 MHZ BY AN PULSE METHOD WITH AN AC~-JRACY OF IPERCENT. AT 20-IOODEGREESK A RAPID INCREASE OF ABSORPTION WITH TE-MP. IS CHARACTERISTIC OF LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE 'WAVES PROPAGATED ALONG MEAN VALUE OF 110 WITH POLARIZATION MEAN VALUE OF I BAR 1 0. AT 20DEGREESK, THE INCREASE OF ABSORPTION IS SIMILAR To THAT OF SP. HEAT. WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF POLARIZED WAVES, THE DEPENDENCE OF ABSORPTION nF .TEMP. IS THE SAME FOR ALL THESE MATERIALS. AT LOW TEMP. THE ABSORPTION DECREASES WITH A DECRIEAS-E OF FREE CHARCE CAR'RIERS CIJNIC;'~. FOR PIEZOACI ' TVE WAVES. IN MANY CASES THEkE IS A SHARP MAX. I;%, rHF ABSORPTIO,'ll AT 600EGREESK. AT 11DEGREESK IN GAASt THERE IS A PEAK IN THE ABSORPTIO."] CURVE FOR FREQUENCIES OF 31-165 MHZ. rHEGENERAL CHARA. TERISTIC OF ABSORPTION VS. TEMP. SHU,,IS THAT THE PHONON ABSORPTION ~iECHANISM IS IMPROTANT. THE EXPTL.1RESULTS ARE COMPARED WITH THE PHO'NON ABSORPTION THEORY OF WOODRUFF AND ~EHRENRICH. ASSUMING A TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF THE GREENEISEN CONST., A CURVE FOR SUCH A VARIATION IS GIVEN. FACILITY: INST. FIZ. POLUPROV.t 140VOSIBIRSKY USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 112 008 UNCLASSIFIED TITLF--THE ROLE OF STREPTOCOL'CAL CARRIER STATE IN RHEUMATISM AND ITS RELAPSES AMONG THE INHABITANTS AUTHOR--30BYLEV, V.31 KURIMAYEVA, 'Ll.r YAKOVLEVy A. OUITRY OF INFO--USSR C N SOURCE--TERAPEVTICHESKIY ARKHIV, 1970, VOL 42, NR 11-CESSIN,' DATE_--ljS;:P70 PR n THE DEV~-Ll~PAFNT OF OF LURAL LOCALfT[VS' I--.) r5 2, PP 55-58 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLO-ICAL AMD MEOICAL SCIENCES u TOPIC TAGS--STREPTOCOCCUS, RHEUMATIC DISEASE, RESPIRATORY SYSTE4 DISEASE r.O'llTPnL 9FST'PjCTI()NS DOCUMENT CLAS~--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY PEEL/FRAME-1995/1781 STFP CIRC ACCFSSrm', N'q--AP0101.97-8 L A SS I FD 2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PR11CP-;- 1~4r, (IATC--l I SEP70 CIPC ACCESSION %,-l!--AP0lol!328 Ao"STR4CT/EXTR4CT--(UJ GD-O- ARSTP4CT~ THE RESULTS 4RE GIVEN Or- ALITIES FOR STL~~PTgCCCCAL ;:'XtVj%ATj')14 CIF 3R~ INHAPITANTS OF ~ZUczi&L LOC STAT~. r1f: THIS NJJ14P,;:!~ 121 HAj-) QHEU4ATIS--ij 37 CHR-NJIC TC14SILLITIS. 10 IlNF;--'Tj#jUS NL)~4SP;zCjFfC POLY4RTHRITIS ANO '114 PERIZ1\1-S WE-qE PRACTICtLLY HEALTHY. THE IDATA OBTAINED 5.40WS THAT THE STk=PTf7l-rX-C,AL C4RRIER SrATE IN THE PHARYNX OF PEALTHY INDIVIDUALS E -1 C HE 2 2 . Q P L I J S 0 R M I N U S~.ORPERCENT, IN PATIENTS WITH RHFUmArlsm 4o.5 PLUS OR -91'%US 14.11PERCE4T, WITH CHRONIC TJINSILLITIS 37.~ PLUS Ll~~ VINUS PLUS IJP YINjJS-ZS-.2I()ER~FplT-. HEMOLYTIC STREPTOCC-CCU-S C;!= GR,~UP A WAS DETECTED MOST C-3MMONLY ESPECI.b~LLY IN PATIENTS 'WITH RHECU~"ATISM. TH, E HE-413LYTIC STR:.:PT-nCr!CCUS WAS MORE FREQUENTLY DETFCT;-:r-' IN V.r-lllBEqS 0.= A RHEUMATIC FA41LY 153.5 PLUS OR MIl;LlS 1.3-75PERCENTI THAN IN' HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS f20.0 PLUS OR MINUS 5.97PERCENT). A HIGH PPOPAfATION OF F-C-UOLYTIC STRCDT9.C0CCUS IN P4TIENTS WITH RHEU44TISM ANO V,TE%SIVE STREPTOCCOCCAL SURROUNDING IN RHEUMATIC FAMILIES REQUIRE A MORE PROLONGCO AND PERSISTENT SICILLIN PROPHYLAXIS, EVEN TO BE rOVDUCTED ALL YE4R UNCLASSIFIED 112 008 UNCLAS-SIFIEU PRIXESSING 0ATE--ejutiiO TITLE--REGENERATION OF 3ENZENESULFUNIC ACID 4--, A CATALYST FOR THE ALKYLATIO-N OF PHENOL 8Y OLEFINS -U- AUTfi0R-(0Z)-a0BYLEV, V.V., KOSTYUC14ENKC), V.M. COWiTRY OF INFO--USSR _=--,i_=FT EP ER 46 9. NE FT I ki, (MOSCOxi ) 1 k;7 0, C 213- 1,-# DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--SENZENE, SULFONIC ACID, AMMONIUM SALT, SULFURIC ACID, ALKYLATION, PHENOL, ALKENE, CATALYST C0NTROIL 00CUMFNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 090-XY PEEL/F?A~4E-1997/0565) STEEP CIRC ACC~SSION -.':_'--A'il01194B3 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINIG DATE--2-30CT7C CIRC ACCIESSION N:--'--AP0119483 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT.-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. BENZE-NESULFONIC ACID (1) WAS Cr-,.',4VERTc.D INTO ITS NH SUB4 SALT AFTER ALKYLATION. THE AQ. SULN. OF THE LATTER WAS TREATED WITH A 40PERCENT H SU32 SO SU64 SOLN., THE I SEPD. WAS -EXTD. WITH CCL -SU$34, THE LATTER DISTD. OFF, GIVING I SUITABLE AS A CATALYST FOR ALKYLATION. I WAS ALSO REGENERATED BY PASSING ITS NH SUB4 SALT SCLA,. THROUGH A H CATION EXCHANGER, THE 8EST EXCHANGE DEGREE BEING 40PERCENT. U','( LA SS I F I ~ 0 1/2- ~00& UNCL4SSt F I ED" PROCESSING UATE-13NOV70 TITLE-CONTINUOUS ALKYLATION OF PHENOL IN.THE PkESENCE OF BENLENESULFONIC ACID f3'.,; INDUSTRIAL ADPARATUS -U- Min - -11 N' AUTPt3R-(05)-TE PG4,LIYEV, T.G., MITI-OFA., -_V, M.G., BOBYLEV, V.V., L)EMEKH, . P.A,l RUMYANTSEVv A,G. ftUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S0UkC_;:-,.,EFTEPEKER4i8. NEFTEXHIM. (MOSC04) 1970, (5) 20-1 (RUSS) DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--AKLYLPH-C'NOL, BENZENE, SULFUNIC ACIDv INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION CONTROL MARKING-ND RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLA5S--U-.-%,'_.L4SSLFIE0 PROXY RE[-.L/Fr'%AAC--30J6/.107c3 STEP ~10--Ull/C)318/70/k)00/005/OOZO/002L CIRC ACC~FSSION N.0--AP0134765 L A S S II LD . wu,wmpn~v%j,D 212 00.5 UNCLASSIFIED PRCCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIO-IN N:3--AP0134765 ABSTIRACT/EXTRACF--(U) G?-0- ABSTRACT. BY CONTINUOUS AS COMPAkED WITH PERIODIC ALKYLATIONt THE ?R~-D9UCTIIDN OF ALKYL PHENOLS WAS INCREASED FROM 50-60 Tb 90-180 KG-HR PER M PRIME13 REACTION VOL., PHOH CONVERSION TO S?4ALLE.q THANI Ok 9-;4'JAL TO 980EPCENT, THE COMRIN. AND COLOR OF 4LKYLAT10,11 PRUDUCTS.WAS C-2;iST., AND THE P&f;CESS COULD BE READILY Cf,%TROLLED. T4E CONTINUOUS PROCESS AND ELf,41t' "4 TIGNI OF 'viATER WASHING OF THE ALKYL PHENOLS PRODUCED F&~Z ?kEP-%-. %IF-ADDITIVES HAG HIGH-ECONtJ)'MIC EFFICIENCY. FACILITY: REFTEPERERAB. ZAVDD, VOLGfJGkADy USSR. UNCLASS I F IED USSR WC 669.14.018.29 GLADSHTEYN, L. I.,_BOBYLEVA, L. A., and LITVIWMO, D. A., Central Scientific Besearch and Planning Institute of-Zteel Construction and Central Scientific Desearch Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy Ineni 1. P, Bardin OIncrease of Cold Resistance of High-Strength Structural Steel" Moscow, Stal'# No 6, Jun 73, pp 541-5" Abstracts The effect of moderate additions (up to 1.6%) or nickel to high-strength 12G2MF steel (without boron) and to the C-Mn-V system with boron ma investigated with a view'to increase the cold resistance on experimiental nelt of i7-kg ingots from induction-are furnace rolled to 20-ram sheets. Small additions of Ni(O.5-J.D%) somewhat ralised the resis- Unce to brittle failure of C-Hn-Y-B system steel, but a further Increase d1d not give positive resultal at L^ 2.5% Ki content, the cold resistance of C-RrL-Y-B type steel lowered, and a rise of tempering temperature up to 6900C did not result in any Improvement. Effects^of the hardening tem- perature. the welding method, and of the grain size on mechanical properties and the sectional distribution of hardness were Investigated. Thirteen :fl ure*# two tables, eleven bibliogmphic references. M - 25 - I-2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROrESSING DATE-300CT70 TITLE-CHRUMATGGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF THE PRODUCTS OF THE CATALYTIC HYDROGENATION OF ADIPGNITRILE -U- AUTHOR-(03)-TROFILKINA, V.P.v BOBYLEYAt L*Ios SLAVNOVAv A.S. ,COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-ZH. ANAL. KHIM. 1970t 25(2), 388-9 DATE PUBLISHEE---70 SU6j=rT AREAS-CHEHISTRY TOPIC TAG5--CHk.0MATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS, CATALYTIC HYLIRUG~__ii."Tltlf,~, NITRILE COMPCUND, SILICONE, HEXAMETIiYLENEDIAP-114E/(L;)Pf-,-~~-',4 SIt.lCONE ~31L CGNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTPICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAI-IE--2000/2175 STEP CIRC ACCESSHN NO--AP0125755 UNCLAISS 4' F I E 0 212 01z UNCLASSIFIED PROCES~ I NG UAT E-- -3001C T70 GGIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125755 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE HYDROGENA-i-101k, PRODUCTS, jj!. ADIPC1411TRILE CCNTG. LARGER TAHN 15 WT. PERCENT H SUB2 0 C.4JQ BE RAFTOLY ANALYZED WHEh NCNPOROUS TEFLON AS A SOLID SUPPORT ANIO 51LICONE OIL t-1 1 - 'Aj T '~j U! tk PFt-'iS-A AS A SIATIUNARY LIQ. PHASE ARE USED. AH FLO,.-,, UF 78 - COLUNN, I N LCNG AND 6 MM DIAM.t AT 175DEGREES WERE USIED. HEXAMETHYLENIMINE, HEXAMETHYLENED I All INE, EPSILON A.M1.N0CAnpp'-(J'-41TRfLE Ipq D ACETYLPIPERIDINE WERE FOUND. FACILITY: STATE -SCI.-RES. DES. 114ST. NITKGGEN INO~ PROD. URG. SYN., MOSCOW, USSR. UNC, L A r S I F-I F- 0 USSR FADDEYEVA, M. I., BASKAKOV, YU. A., BOBYLEVA. S. S., ASTAF'YEVA, L. S., "Synthetic Method for Hydantoin Derivatives" USSR Author's Certificate 110 364611, filed 22 Jun 70, published 27 Feb 73 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 19, Oct 73, Abstract No 19N582P) Translationt Hydantoin derivatives (I) of the series RNCON(RI)COCXR" - acryl or alkyl; X - S or 67 are obtained by the reaction of respective 6-Cl-I with the R!'XH type compound in presence of HU (gas) acceptor. 2.59 g of 1'3'-ClC6Hjp73-Xe-5Cl-I dissolved in 50 ml alcohol i's refluxed for 7-8 hrs and evaporated yieldin 62 g LI (R - 3'ClC6 Hipp RI - map R" - Et, X - 0), m.p. 63-650 0 6941 (petr. ath Analogously 11 are obtained (Ho R" R"t Xp yield In %, m.p. in C being reported)i Ph, Ile, Me, Ot 97-8, 58-60 (petr, ether)l Ph, 14e, Et, 0, 96.80 98-100 (petr. ether); Ph, Me, m-CIC H41 Of 82.1, 120-2 (alc); Ph$ Me o-ClC6H#I OF 809 136 (benz. patr. ether"51 Ph, Me, 2,4#,6--Cl 3C6H2' Ot 75: 127-9; hp 14e, iso-Pro, S, 119-120, 1/1 USSR UDC 616.988.75-084.47 "1969" BOBYLEVA, T. K. SLEPUSHKIN, A. N., RUSSINA, A. Ye., VITKINA, B. S., GRINEBERG, I. R., TARASOV, A. A., LIVERGVID, M. I., and Z11DAINOV, V. M. , Institute If Virology imeni Ivanovskiy, Acadeimy of Sciences USSR, and Smolenskaya Oblast Sanitary Epidemiological Station "Evaluation of the Efficacy of Mass Vaccinations Against Influenza" Report III C, Mosn(x,7, Zhurnal Mik-robiologii, Epidemiologii i Ir-nmunobiologii No 9, 1971, pp 18-23 Abstract: Double vaccination of approximately 50% of the population of the city of Smolensk with live influenza vaccine in 1968 proved to be effective in controlling the disease even during the 1969 epidemic caused by a new antigenic variant of type A influenza virus. Almost half as many contracted the disease as in the nearby cities of Vitebsk and Kaluga, where the population was not vaccinated -- 28.8, 54.3 and 48.7%, respectively. The. difference bet7ween the adult sick rates was even greater -- 17.9, 38.1, and 41.2z, respectively. The side effects of the vaccine were minimal. The results of a similar mass vaccination program in Yartsevo were poor mainly because vaccine frora the same strain had been used for three successive years and most of the people had become irLmune to it. Hence' the vaccine strains should be changed periodically (once every 2 or 3 years). 1/1 bSSR VITKINA, B. S., RUSSB'A, A. Yo., BOBYLEVA,,,T. K., GRINEBERG, I. R., SOKOLOVA, N. N., DREYZL%T, R. S., and SLEMRI[I'll, -'A' ~. N., Smolerskaya. Oblast Sanitary Epidemiological Station, and Institute of Virology imeni D. I. Ivanovskiy, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences "Etiology and Epidemiology of the 1969 Influenza Outbreak in Smolensk" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii. No 4. Jul/Avg 71, p 494 Translation: The paper presents results of a stidy of the 1969 influenza out- break in Smolensk, where almost one-half of the inhabitants had received live influenza vaccines during the preceding five autumn and winter seasons. The disease developed more gradually than dur;Lng the two previous epidemics (19b5 and 1967). Influenza virus was isolated from 12'? out of )55 patients. A study of the antigenic structure of ZO strains revealed that all strains were neutral- ized by 1/68 Hong Kong sertLa either completely or to one-half of the homologous titer. No essential differences wore found between strains obtainud from vaccinated and nonvaccinated individuals. All strains were hiahly sensitive to the inhibitors Dresent Ln normal guinea pig or horse serum. Serological snifts in the patients'coincided with the epidemic influenza curve. The frequency of influenza diagnosed among 235 clinic patients was compared with that of 304 :L/2 USSR VITKINA, B. S., et al, Voprosy Virusol gii, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, p. 494 hospitalized patients. Serolo.-ical confirmation of the diagnosis was 8~ greater among the hospitalized group, However, at the end of the epidemde, when morbid- itty returned to almost normal level, influenza was twice as frequent in clinic than in hospitalized patients. Comparison of the frequency of influenza and of other acute respiratory diseases recorded during the interepidemic year of 1966 and during the epidemic in 1969 revealed that the frequency of parainfluenza and of adenoviral infections was approximately the same during both periods. 2/2 USSR uDc: 621.315.3 CHUNIN, D. A., BOBYLEVA, T. M. , S1BffREVA, M. F. , SIVAKOV, F. 1-1. "Investigation of the Stability and Heat Resistance of Microwires" Elektron. teldinika. Plauchno-tekhn. sb. Radiokormonentz CE'lectronic Tec"ology. Scientific and Technical Collection. Radio Cormonents), 1970, ryp. 1, pp 66-76 (from RM-Radiatekhnika, No 5, 11,1aY 71, Abstract No 5V417) Translation: The paper outlines the results of investigations of the sta- bility of electrical properties of microwires during aging under natural conditions and under high-te=erature conditions. Ermirical relationships are given for the change in parameters. A graphic-analytical method is pre- sented for predicting storage life. Resume'. 155 - USSR UDC 576.851.132.095;576.858.8 BOBYR A. D., and DYACHOK, V. V., Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Ica ciences Ukrainian SSR "Antiviral Properties of Some Bacteria of the Genus Pseudomonas" Kiev, i-fikrobiologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 33, No 5, Sep/Oct 71, pp 562-568 Abstract: The effect of culture liquids of 24 strains of Pseudomonas belonging to 15 species was determined in tests conducted in vitro with tobacco mosaic virus and In vivo with isolated leaves of Nicotiana glutinosa infected with the virus. The culture liquids of seven strains (Ps. acrugirosa 16 1. and 36 1., Ps. radiob-acter Samnosudov and 137/2, Ps. syringae 465, and Ps. fluo- rescens 1152 and 8326) inhibited the virus to the extent of 42.2-79.2 percent. In tests with infection of N. glutinosa leaves, the prophylactic effect of the culture liauids was i-iore pronounced than their therapeutic effect. The com- position oi the culture medium (Hottinger broth or a'potato decoction), the length of time of contact of the liquid with the virus in vitro, and the state of the viral infection, had a definite effect on the antivirus activity of the bacterial metabolic products. The culture liquids of Ps. r;idiobacter 137/2, Ps. aeruginosa 16 1., and Ps. aeruginosa 36 1., applleO to tobacco and potato plants under 11old conditions to detentiltie the prophylactic effect, reduced the accumulation of 5-6 phytopathogenic viruses (tobacco mosaic virLls, 1/2 USSR BOBYR, A. D., and DYACHOK, V. V., Mikrobiologicheskiv Zhurnal, Vol 33, No 5, Sep/Oct 71, pp 562-568 tomato bronzing virus, and viruses X, Y, S, and M of potato mosaic) by 35-30 percent. 14hen potato tubers had been soaked in the culture liquid of Ps. aeruginosa 16.1. before planting, the potato yield was increased. Five-fold spraying of plants in the field with the culture liquid of Ps. aeruginosa 16 1. or Ps. radiobacter 137/2 not only was ineffective in increasing the yield of tobacco of the Havana variety or of potatoes of the variety Priye- kul'skiy ranniy, but even reduced the yield in some cases, while spraving with the culture liquids that had been combined with the antibiotic imanin increased the yields by 13.8-16.7 percent. 2/2 - 23 - USSR UDC 663.13.5?6.856.8 HOSKOVE-TS', S. M., KOVAIENKO, 0. G., and. BOBYR, A. D.., Institute of Hicro- biology and Virology, Academy of Sciend-e-d-Mrairoan. SSR "Some Physical and Physico-Chemical Properties of Antiviral Products of Yeast Hetabolism" Kiev, Doklady Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoy SSRI No 2, Jan 71, pp 172-174 Abstracti Physical and physico-chemical -properties of antiviral substances in the yeast extract and culture fluid of Candida tropicalis 3B and Candida arborea KA.1-1-1 were studied by subjecting them to the action of various factors, followed by testing their inihibitoiy activity against potato X-V-Jrus and tobacco mosaic virus. Biological activity of the viruses was. determined by infecting indicator plants Datura stramonium L. and Gonphrena Globosa 1j. It was detornined that the substances stulied are thertally stable (they am not deactivated by beating to 10000 for 10-15 min), do not -penetrate through a cellopl-ane membrane in the process of dialysis, ary-1 a-re not 1)--e- cipitated during ult--acentrifugation in the ranGe 100,000 -- 200,00 for 204 hrs. In et~.-noi t-hese substances precipitate partially out of dilute solutions. AttenDts to isolete inhibitors from the biolop-cal nixture by means of paper chromatography in the system n-butarnoltacetoic acidiwater 112- USSR 110SKMM', S. M. , et al. j Dokaldy Akademil Nauk, Lfkx,-dnsl-.oy SSR, Eo 2, Jan 71, pp 172-174 (4z1,5) and in W3 aqueous ethanol showed that the most active antiviral f~cac-tion was found at the omilgir. of the chromatog-raphic strip or close to it. 2/2 - 41 - USSP LJDC 536.023 BOBYRI, A. N., VALPETEP, M. V., and TE!,IKIN, A. G, "Apparatus for Complex Studies on Thermophysical Characteristics of Materials Over a Wide Temperature Range" V sb. "Tec)loprovodnost' i diffusiya". -T.1, Vvo.1 (From the Collection of Works "Thermal Conductivity and Diffusion," Vol 1, No 1), Pica, 1969, pp 37-44 (from LZI-Te No 5, May 70, Abstract No 5G72, by L. K. Boronin) Translation: The described apparatus permits determination of KTPR (coefficient of thermal conductivity) thermal conductivity a, and thermal capacity cp of solid and formulated materials. The device can operate in stationary or non-stationary modes. A treated s 'pecimen consists of two identical cylinders betoeen which the main heater 15 placed. Automatic compensation for heat loss eliminates heat effusion from the specimen side surfaces; thus the temperature field is artificially maintainea along one axis. Specimen temperatures are sensed by three thermocouples, so teat the temperature field at any moment can be reconstructed by means --ot-a se-ries expansion. The parameter a can be approximated in this manner. 1/2 USSR BOBYRIY A. N., et al., V sb. "Teploprovodnost' i diffusiya". T. 1, Vyp 1 (from the collection of works "Thermal Conductivity and Diffusion," Vol 1, No 1), 1969, PP 37-44 (from RZh-T~eploenergetika., No 5, may 70, Abstract No 5G72) In the stationary mode, ;t is determined from heater power and temperaf ure differentials. From the relationship between at , X , Cp and density, the value of CP is found. A detailed description Is Included of the circuit for automatic heat loss compensation. Two figures, seven references. L. K. Boronin 2/2 USSR FIP-SOV, Ye. L. , MT.LI,'IV'IK, !.. 1. , UDC: 621-372.85-2. 1 "A Mleasurernent Cavity for an Electron Par=.-,gne'uic Mbscow, Qtkn,~-iya, Izobr~tcijiiya, PronTshlennyye Obrazt.,iy, No 7, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 329655, D-J-,-,sior H, filed, 30 111- 70, published 9 Feb 72, D 22-1 Translation: 9rids Author'.,; Certificate introdnicclj a, an clecl. ron re5onallcc sp,Ttrorreter. Ps ture of the patent, the space factor of the cavity -is cnI,Ard*i-.(,,d, and 'Lhe sensitivity of the sDectrImeter is accordingly maxindzed whcrj stu("--ing specMens v-i-th hig ji dielectric losses by partiadly shielding the from the electromarnetic field of the cLvity. Shielding is ;t~!ComrlisheE by two sections of current-conduct-inU, tube or a conductive hlelix i~ tLe cavity is rectar,.-v-1arI arld by the inner conductor of the cavity if it is coaxin-, USSR' UDC 539.1?3.3 KCMAR, A. ?-, Academician of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSE., KUTLOV, A. A., 3~,!-1,NCHUK, G. G., and SOLYAKINI, G. YE., Physicotechn-ical institute imeni A. F. loffe, Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad "Nucleonic Composition and Excitation Energies of Fissioning Nuclei in Irradiation of Bi-209, PD-208,,and Au-197 Targets With Photons With Energy E'Imax = 1 Gev" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 190, No 6, 1970, PP 1308-1311 Abstract: The authors determine the nucleonic composition A,Z and excitation energy E... of fissioning nuclei by using data on fission 0 product characLerlstics, particularly the effect of a decrease in the kinetic energy of fragiments with the escape of neutrons from 0 them and the calculation of the mass and energy distributions of frag- ments at a g-xven nucleus temperature. The article uses results relaL- ing only to liglht Bi-209 and Au-197 target nuclei, cited in an earlier 1/2 USSR KOMAR, A. P., et al., Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 190, No 6, 1970, PP 1308-1~)11 article by the authors, as ,-iell as new data for a Pb-208 target and refined data for an Au-197 target calibrated according to Cf-252 fragments. The initial formula for the authors' calculations was the Seaborg-Viola formula for the mean kinetic energy of fragments i Bk prior ro escape of neutrons from them. 2/2 Automatic Control: Systems USSR UDC: 621.317.799:621.318.1.042.13 BOOIAINOV Wle. Ye. , IKONNIKOV, S. N. "Pulse Method of Mea5ure-ient of Magnetos tri ction of Cylindrical Magnetic Films" Tr. Mosk, Aviats. In-Ta [Works of Moscow Aviation Institute], No 233, 1971, pp 207- 212 (translated from Referativriyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'- naya Tekhnika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 A345 by A. B.) Translation: A method is �tudied for testing cylindrical magnetic films with circular anisotropy, deposited on an elastic conducting substrate. In the device produced by this method, a wire rod with a film is fastened or the axis of a solenoid, creating a homogeneous magnetic field. The program of current pulses in the cixcuit with the film contains 2 synchronized sequences of different polarity and frequency, sufficient for saturation of the film. The signal from the film is displayed on an oscilloscope, synchronized with, high-f-reqiiency pulses. 2 figures; 4 references. 1/1 USSR UDC: 519.1 BOCHANOVA, 11. N. "On Analyzing the Dynamic State of a Finite Auzomaton" Kiev, Probl. nadezhaosti sistem upr.--sbarnik (Problems of Reliability of Control Systems--collec'Lion of works), "Nauk. dumka", 1973, pp 78-82 (from RZh-Matematika, No 9, Sep 73, abstract No 9V429) Translation. A model is proposed for random delays of &-I asynchronous finite automaton which accounts both for delays of logic elements and for delays of communications lines. A method is given for analyzing the behavior of automata in this model. 1/1 E 88780 S/01 60/000/024/014/123 Al 56YI027 AUTHOR: Bochkarev, B.A. TITLE; A Method for Manufacturing Thin-Layer Nonwire Electrical Resistances PERIODICALt Byulleten' izobreteniyj 1960, No. 24, pp. 22-23 TEXTz Class 21c, 54 . No. 134306 (658335/24 of March 14, 1960). 1. This method is used for M manufacture of electrical resistances from metal- silicon alloys. In order to increase the specific resistance of the conduct- ing layer, the above-mentioned alloys are supplemented with up to 20% of lanthanoides. 2. The conducting layer is obtained by means of sublimation of a mechanic mixture of metal-silicon powders and lanthanoide oxides in a vacuum. Card 1/1 1W, 8o994 S/019/60/000/04/103/315 /0 0 D038/DO06 AUTHOR: Pochkarev. B.A. TITLE; A Wireless Ron-Inductive Resistor PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1960, Nr 4, p 24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Class 21ey 54 Nr 126168 (625760/24 of 14 April 1959). 1) A resistor wiotn conductor consisting of spirals with opposite turn direction. The spirals are formed of a conductive mass filling the spiral grooves, which are placed on opposite planes of a flat insulating base. 2) Resistor as per para 1) with an insulating base in the shape of a parallelopiped and a partition set on one edge* The partition is designed for connecting spirals placed on two opposite sides on the base. Card 1/1 85835 0- S/019/60/000/0-'7/ 13/070 3 S", A11-2/02-9 AUTHOR- Bochkarev. B.A. TITLE: A Method for Producing Contact Units -for Elei~,,rl:! Re-51stanc,.~-: PERIODICAL:. Byulleteni j.zobreteniy, 1960, No, 17, P 27 TEXT- Clase 21c,5405. No. 131385 (64_1747/24 of November 12, 1959), Tb-:5 contact unit is int-ended for Improv=g the electric ~:ontact between IhjLL metal n-a,,. and current- conducting layer, berween which a curr,!~n- conducting metal Is ar~,Ol i - ad to the inner surface of the cap or to the end of the in,sulatl.on base wfUch )S covered with a current -condue tsing layer- it hass the follovi',.ng spel-.ial f*eal.%ire in order to achieve a stable electric contact for the atKve-men-~,Ioned Metal Cad- mium is used, which upon a subsequent heat.Ing of the assembled resistance iss T.rarl_z~- formed into a cadmium oxide in an oxidizing air medlim. Card 1/1 41 8(2) SOV/19-59-3-89/306 -AUTHOR: Bochkarev, B.A. TITLE: A Method of Making Current-Carrying Eleczrodes Contact Caps or a Head for Carbon Resistors. PERIODIC-kL: Byulleten' izobreteniY, 1959, Nr 3, p 26 ABSTRACT: Class 21c, 54 Nr 117932 (596345 of 5 z1j;ril 1958). 1) TRh new method is intended to ob-,a--"--i a reliable connection between the cap or the head and the wire electrode. The end of the electrode is flashed off by an electric are, and the resul- tant small metallic ball is used for making the cap or the head, which form an integral part of the electrode. 2) To make a cap or head of a material different from that of the wire electrode, the end of the latter is flashed off with a or tube (placed over the electrode) ina-de of a -s-hich nroduces the reQuired --P-,ision the metal of the electrode. Card 1/1 VUC 539.56:669.*,'L~/",".E-2l.-,L, INFLUENCE OF CHROMIUM, MANGANESE, AND CONDITIONS OF HEAT TRFA'ND-*T ON WE COLD-SHORTNESS OF TYPF 10kh2C.N2 STEEL [Articlv! by Yu.11. Hnnlova,'V_~~-v, T.t,. J,,--tovi Ho~osiblrsk. 0-1 Runsinn. signed to press 6 Aurust 1970. I'll The study of cold-shortness was done on rediur-alloy cast steel type 3OKh2G112 by the method of dc-er!nin-:ni thr ~nr- nitude of the impact strength on Benape-type tent bar5 19 X 10 X 55 rim In size at test temperatures of t2O$ -20, -40, And -600 C and energy of static bending on the santilves ID X 10 X 55 mm in size with an angular notch (angle of opon~nf'_ 601. depth of notch 2 mm, r - 0.2 mm) at tent temperatures of -20. -40. -60, and -DO- C. The steel was smelted in a '75-ton basic open-nearth furnace. The specific energy of deformation durinp, static bend- inp, was determined by the method of planimetry or -hu ,reat~ of the diagrams obtained by testing samples on n 12-ton -.ach- ine from the TsH11TMASh (Central Scientific Rebudrch Ins*citu, of Technology and Mechanical Engineering). By analyzing the test result* on ntatic 1'endine. tormined the magnitude of the specific anargy of t~;u ~ndi-zld- I sermentq of the bending diarram And the prgvrenca Or A CrY- off talline component in the fractures of the test bars. 1. Loading Velocity ard Impact Strenpth As we know, the reliability of a metal functionin;7. mt low temperatures or at high loading volocitic!i (under in,-act) Is characterized mainly by the tendency to brittle fracturv. cc ler- -3:7 CJ Q fV11 LAX