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USSR BLAWAS, A. S., Piziolo,,icheskiy zhurnal SSSR imeiii I. M. Sechenova; 1~0 10, Vol 58, 1972, PP 1633-1636 The problem in the present methodological investigation was comparing the two types of SE: with a small (0.6 mm) interelectrode distance (electrode 131:14 of the "Diz" firm, Fig. 1 A) and the so- called "two-trunk" electrode (TE), whose broad stimulating surface3 are set up on both sides of the conducting path. The comparison is done primarily in physiological experiments inyolving stimulation of the optic tract (OT) in a cat by recording the responses of neu- rons in the external geniculate body (EGB). The 13X14 electrode iias introduced at the -point with the coordinates x = 4, Y = 13, z = +4, while the TE was oriented such that its trunks were on either side of the OT and passed throu'--h. the line y = 13. The accuracy of the stereotaxic contact con- trolled by electrophyoiological methods. The OT was stimulat(.~d by electrical pulses 50 jAs in duration,-applied througb an insulating attachment with an output resistance of 4.3 kohm (voltage stimula- tion). 3/14 USSR BLAYVAS, A. S., Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR ir4ni I. fl. Sechenoval, NO io.) yol 58, !Sr[2, pp 1633 )-1636 In stimulation of the OT by the 131:14 electrode, the thre-sh- old of the EP response had an average value of 5.1 volts; with os- cillations of 3.6 to 0.9 volts, the number of neurons in tile BCD responding to the current was small (less than the neuron threshold being very high. In stimulation of the OT by the two- trunk electrode, on the other hand, the BP threshold in the vi--i.z- al cortex tux~n~_d out to be lo-,~-er: 1.7 volts, o-scillaLions of 0.6 to 4.8 volts. The number of neurons responding in the E~G_-.-~ jL-,o current stimulation of the OT increased sl)arply (more than 80;c"). In view of the fact that in modern literatiire devQt,_A to the physiolo 1cal a2pects and technical realization of electric.,.3_1. stimulation and others) very little light is ched on the effect of the spatial rarameters of the 2SE on the condition of the responoc of the ii)dividual nervous ~;ya-Uem elemento, we con- aider it imj;ortant enour ~h to be investigated in detlail. 4/14 - 71 - USSR BLAYVAS, A. S., Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova, No 10, vol 58, 1972, pp 1633-1636 We naturally assume that the stimulation action on the membranes of the OT fibers is directly proportional to the po- tential gradient (Vq ) (the intensity of the flipld (E)); i.e., it is directly proportional to the specific density of the elec- tric field lines of force in the conducting medium surrounding the axon. It is kno-an that in a conducting medium the trajectories of the charge carriers (the lines of the current) coincide with the electric field (EF) lines of force. Hence, the distribution of the current lines (their specific density in space) may be de- scribed by using the stationary EF as a model. Let us consider the spatial distribution of the EF lines of force for = electrode of the 131X14 type. Bearing in mind that the dimensions of the OT are at least 3-7 times the distance between the centers of the stimulated surfaces, we can consider the source of the emf to be a dipole in thic case. As vie know /5/ the in- tensity of a dipole source varies (falls off with the di-stance from the dipole) with the Cube of the distance. In the case of the TB-, however, the intensity distribution bet-wieen the priles is 5/14 USSR BLAYVAS, A. S.,I Fiziolc6icheskiy zhurnal SSSR irneni I. M. Sechenoval No 10;P vol 58~ 1972, pp 1633-1636 similar to the distribution between the plates of a plane capaci- tor and is approximately uniform. I-,'c con'sidex, 'sil'-.11 -I olrl- lytic I)iC.1,111%, 01, tho B'y to N? 11m)OLL III llot;h I)III, zt~.; '~t approxi-irvit ion. Tlzu TL~ may oii3y Colloki t;:I. Oil n"Lly bt-'- ("On.- sidered ~~ dipole, and the same is true oT -Llho replaeoii,.ent Of the TE by an ideal plane capacitor with infinite PlatCS. The PiCtUre of the BF is also distorted by dielectric parts (,insulating sur- faces) and metals ('the body of the electrode) vihich introduce end effects complicating the analytic computations. A more accurate distribution of the current lines is pro- vided by modeling the BF of both electrodes with ele c-15ric ally con- ducting paper. S-ach a method is widely used in -the solution of many types of problems in physics and hydrod3l,nt-_wiics /4/ as, i,,ell as in electrophysiolo,-y 121. lioles were cut from a sheet of the conducting paper measuring 32X45 cm, with a resis-tivity of 24 ohms-cm at a point sufficiently distant from the ends, and metal- surface contacts were att&ched for the purpose of creating a more 6/14 - 72 - USSR BIAYVAS, A. S., Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sachenova No 10 vol 58, 1972, PP 1633-1636 exact replica of the SE (on the scale of 40:1) since they would ap ear to the observer as iT sectioned by the planes shown in Fig. 1 Manes a and b). A voltage of 5 V is applied to the contacts of the SE from a source with a low output resistance; the polarity is sho,,.n in the drawing. The negative electrode is grounded, i.e., it is in common with the measuring instrument, the VK7-9 voltmeter. The equipoten- tial lines are drawn in ste-"s of 0.5 V. I Pigure 2 A shows the equipatential lines Tor the 131:14 elec- trode and the lines of force drawn at right angles to them. The transverse cross section of the OT is shown in the same scale. It can be seen that the EF of electrode 13-K-14 is radically nonu-ni- form, with the greatest bunching of the force and equipotential lines at the contact surfaces and the least bunching at the peri- phery. The nonuniformity of the field is well illustrated by the potential gradient curve (Pig. 2 B) plotted alr,.nj-- the, force line USSR BLAYVAS, A. S., FiziOlOL,~-Iicheskily zhurnal SSSR im ni I. Sechenova, No 10, vol 58) 1972, pp 1633-1636 dra,.,.,n in the sketch as the dashed line with crosses. ~y the po- tential gradient, in this case, is meant the ratlio PVJ/41~( rather than the theoretical gradient, where 4U is the voltaSe drop at the ends of a sufficiently small Segment A! oriented along the EP lines of force. Here, 43. 1-1; 3 mm. OTitside the area of the model, bounded by t-he outer da:c:hed line, the potential gra- dient and conseauentlY the EP (with an accuracy up to our v-n-it, of measurement) vanish. Figure 2 B shows the distribution of force and equipotential lines for the two-trunk electrode. Since the EP Is symmetrical relative to the equipotential line of 2.5 V, only half the OT is shown with one side electrode. The curve for the potential gradi- ent measured along the force line (dashes and crosses) (the second axis of symmetry of the EF) is shown in Fig. 2 D. For the characteristic of EF heterogeneity in both cases, it is convenient to use th-e relat-ionship 8/14 - 73 - USSR BLAYVASY A. S., Fiziolooicheskiy zhurnal SSSR imeni 1. 1,11. Sechenova) 140 10, vol 58, 1972, PP 1633-1636 max av 0 and Eaax/Emin- The integration and computation. made from the curves CFig 2 B and D) gave the results: 1) for the TE: D, av ~: 0.026 V/mm; Emax/Lav = 5; EMax/E man 11; 2) f or the SE 131a4: EeLv = 0 - 0113 V/Mm; Bmax /i; av = 20-4. The value Of Emax/Emin. could not be measured becau2e of the vanishingly small magnitude of Emin at the end of the interval 1, (16 cm in the model, corresPonding to 4 mm in the brain). 9/14 USSR BLAYVAS., A. S., Fiziologicheskdy zhurnal SSSR iiiieni 1. 1-1. Sechenova, No 10, Vol 58, 1972, PP 1633-1636 To solve the problem of whether the possibility of atir-ulat- ing structures far from the TE is real, we measured the potential gradient on the equipotential line for 2.5 V at a sufficient dis- tance from the central line of force (!6 cm). It turned out to be less than 0.001 V/rwa. Taking the resistivity of thle v.,hite material of the brain tissue to be 800 ohm-cm /9/, it is easy to calculate, from the differential form of ~)hmls Law, that the current Oensit-y at this oint i,%. 125-10-7 A/Cm f irhieh p prave-s that at th,-.1t point flows a current of less than- 1 ,25-10-11 A through an eleEont of area of 100 square microns, a value comparabie -,,,_Jth them iriput Cur- rent of a good cathode follower used for recording ,~ the pulse ac- tivity of neurons. This measurement shows that, at a distraice 1~t which one might expect arl artifacturA. atimulation of nearby struc- tures (for example, BGB or the retina) the intensity of the field is negligibly small. it should be noCed that -ith such modelinE, only quali-'G',~,tive results can be obtained. Eence, the anisotropy oil the electrically 10/14 - 74 USSR BIAMS, A. S., Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR imeni 1. 11. Sechenova, No 10, vol 58, 1972, pp 1633-1636 conducting paper, the end effects arising due to the limito of the area of the paper itself, and other factors leading particul,-Irly to some deformation of the field in the model of the 13Y,14 elec- trode, were not taken into account although simple physical con- siderations dictated that the field should be symmetrical. A \Y, -A\ B 11/14 USSR BLAWAS., A. S.., Fiziolo61cheskdy zhurnal SSSR imani I. I.I. Sechonova, ;i0 10 vOl 58, 1972, PIP 1633-1636 c -12/14 D 75 USSR BLAYVPS, A. S. , Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova, No 10, vol 58, 1972, pp 1633-1636 2. Picture of the Force (Dashed -Lines2 and Eguipotential Lines (Solid I,inejs7 Obtained bT 1-10deling z1he Electric Field of the The figures in the breaks In the solid lines are the potentials of that line in volts; K are the contact metal surfaces modelin '(, the edge effects created by the casings and con- tacts of the electrodes. A calibration of 1 cm sets the scale to be introduced by the photograph of the model. B and D are c,)rves of the potential gradient plotted from the lines of force pictured in A and C by the dashed and crossed lines. Other explanations are given in the text. 13/14 USSR BLAYVA.03, A. S., Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal LIOSR imeni I. M. Seclienava 1-10 10, vol 58, 1972, PP 1633-1636 Thus, an electrode of the dipole type (13K14) sets up a radically heterogeneous field, and the intensity arou-nd the elec- trode is one hundred times the field intensity a distance from it, but within the limits of the structure to be stimulated, that mn'-._'~t be excited. Hence, the fibeis far from the SE can be excited only by a voltaC~e that may prove to be too strong for fibers close to the SE. Our experizients showed that the greater part of the catt"Is OT fibers cannot in general be excited by the 13,-,,-'i4 electrode. The TE sets up a more uniform electric field i-;ith an approximat,,~ly uniform distribution of the intensity across the stimulated path. W'ith correct placement of the TE, apparently, practically all thie OT axons can be excited. The TIE creates no real danger of stirriula- tion to structures near the OT nor to structures around OT at a sufficient distance from the TE. 76 - USSR =7m~kAjV_NIhIO A. S. (Lebedev Physics institute, USSR Academy of Sciences. ei3scw) .9 "Swerconductivity of Seniconductor Crystals Placed in the Bearti of a Laser" Leningrad, Solid State Physics; November., 1970; pp 3229-33 ABSTRACT: The model of a highly alloyed semiconductor with a com-olex conduction band is studied theoretically. Electron scattering in the conduction band as a consequence of Coulomb interaction with elktrons of the valence band, at the save time tak-4rZ into account the effect of a light beam, is calculated. It is shmm that under given conditions such scattering can lead to the occur- rence of superconductivity at temperatures T - 100'K. 135 - UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 1/2 043 TITLE--EFFECT OF HIGH POWER LASER LIGHT ON ELECTRON PHONON AMO ELECTRON IMPURITY INTERACTIONS IN SEMICONDUCTORS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-BLAZHIN# V*0.r SELJVANENKO, A.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZ. TEKH. POLUPROV. 1970, 4(2), 233-6 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--LASER BEAMP ELECTRON PHONON INTERACTION, SEMICONDUCTOR IMPURITY, SEMICONDUCTOR CONDUCTIVITY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/1987 STEP 'qD--UR/0449/70/004/002/0233/C-236 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105061 UNCLASSIFIED 212 04-3 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESS ION NO--AP0105061 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF A STRONG LIGFT F EL ON THE INTERACTION OF FLECTRONS WITH OPTICAL PHONONS AND WITH IONIIED IMPURITIES IS CONSIOEReDo EXPRESSIONS ARE OBTAINED FOR THE PROBABILITIES OF TH2 RESP. PROCESSES, AND THE RESISTANCE OF SEMICONDUCTORS AS DETO. BY SUCH MECHANISMS IS C4LCQ. ONLY THE CONDUCTION BANO IS TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT IN THE CALCNS. FACILITY: FIZ, INST. IM. LEBEDEVA, MOSCOWt USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR BIAZHKEVICH, B. I., MIKHAYLOVA, Ye. D., LIvov "The ISvitanok' Specialized Mathematical Machine" Kiev, Otbor iFeredacha Informatsii, No 31, 1972, pp 108-115- Abstract: A description is presented of the Svitanok mathematical machine, designed to solve systems of linear equations up to tenth order by analyzing the determinants of the matrix and searching for great trees in the graph, the values of elements and arcs of which are written in the form of literal symbols. A block diagram and the method of programming problems to be solved on the machine are presented. A number of combinatnrial problems which can be solved on the machine are indicated. Technical data on the machine are pre- sented. The machine is built on the modular principle. The maximum number of points on the first graph of a great tree is ten. The speed of the machine is 10,000 operations per second. 1/1 USSR UDC 681.325.65 ~LAZHKMCH, B. I., VOROBKEVICH, V. Yu., MASLOV, V. S., SOLOMCHAK, V. P., and YATSUN, "An Analog-Digital Measurement Converter" Novosibirsk, Konf. pc avtomatiz. nauch. issled. na osnova primeneniya EVM, 1972--sbornik (Conference on Automating Computer-Based Scientific Research, 1972--collection of works), 1972, pp 84-90 (from RZh-Avtomatika, Teleme- khanika i Vychislitel'naya. Tekhnika, No 11, Nov 72, abstract No 11B307) Translation: The authors consider a servo-type analog-digital converter designed for remote measurement of a slowly varying component of the output voltage of a static electric field strength pickup within limits of +640 mkl with an error no greater than 0.025% for a transmission channel error of up to 1%. The converter consists of a measurement amplifier, a device for automatic selection of subranges, a control unit, and a power suppiy. The given measurement range is broken down into 128 partially overlapping sub- ranges; selection of subranges is accomplished by automatic comparison of the Input quantity with a discretely variable voltage formed by a code-analog converter from a reference voltage source. One illustration, bibliography of nine titles. L. 1). 1/1 - 47 - USSR UDC 681.335 BLAZHKEVICH,...B..._I., VOROBKEVICH, V. Yu., MASLOV, V. S., SOLOMCHAK, V. P., and rAA,T__S_U_-N`-,_, I----A.' "Analogous-Code Measuring Transformer" V Sb. "Konf. po Avtomatiz. Nauch. Issled. na Osnove Primeneniya ElFel, 1972" [In the Collection "Conference on Automation of Scientific Investigations on the Basis of the Application of Electronic Computers, 1972"], Novosi- birks, 1972, pp 84-90 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, No 10, Oct 72. 32. Metrologiya i lzmeritel'naya Tekhnika. Single Issue. Abstract No 10.32.119) k Translation: An analogous-code measuring transformer of tracking action with an input impedance _:~ 109 ohm is discussed. The transformer is designated for remote measuring the slowly changing component of the output voltage of the statical transducer of the electric field intensity in the +640 mv range with an error not exceeding 0.025%, at an transmission channel error up to 1%. One illustration, nine bibliographical references. 171. USSR UDC 621.376.33 BLAZHKEVICH, B. I., KOREPANOV, V. Ye., LIvov "Frequency Detectors With Monotonic Voltage-Frequency Charac- teristic" Kiev, Otbor i PeTedacha InfoTmatsii Resp. Mezhved. Sb., No 28, 1971, pp 69-73 Abstract: Two new frequency detector circuits are considert-d which are fairly simple and have a monotonic transfer charac- teristic. ExFerimental studies of these circuits show that the characteristics of the detectors are monotonic over a wide frequency range. Four illustrations, bibliography of three titles. USSR UDC 51:621.391 BLAWKEVICH, B. I. , VOROBKEVICH, A. Yu. , MIKILAYLOVA, Ye. D. /"Use of Logical Algebra To-ether with the Method of Directed Graphs for Synthesis of Tripolay Subcircuitstt Teor. Elektrotekhnika. Resp. Mezhved. Nauchno-tekhn. Sb. [Theorv of Electronics, Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection], No 10, 1970, pp 56-68, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V437). NO ABSTRACT. I/1, __ Computers: Equipment USSR UDC 681-32.31 BLAZIIKEV_T.GHv-B-.-I--., MIKIIAYLOVA. Ye.D. "Device for Finding Elementary Paths in a Directed Groph" USSR Author's Certificate No. 250547, Filed 12/07/67, Published 4/06/70 (Trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No. 4, 1971, Abstract No. 4B 599P). Translation: The device suggested is designed for automatic solution of one of the primary topological problems -- the search for elementary paths in a directed graph with fixed beginning and end of paths. A number of practically important problems in the area of network planning, transport, queueing, etc. can he re- duced to this topological problem. The problem is encountered in analysis of linear electric circuits by topological methods as well. A well-known device which searches for elementary paths in directed graphs contains conunutation switches; ballast resistors; ANI) and NOT logic circuits; a power supply; a CounL- ing pulse generator; a ones pulse generator; a stepping svitch; controlled switches corresponding to arcs of the graphs not ending at the origin and not starting from, the beginning of the paths, with "on" indicators and flip-flops 1/4 USSR UDC 681.32.31 BLAZHKEVICH. B.I.. MIKHAYLOVA. Ye.D., USSR Author's Certificate No. 250547, Filed 12/07/67, Published 4/06/70. controlling those switches corresponding neither the beginning nor the end of a path; flip-flops corresponding to the lines of buffer flip-flop corresponding to this same commutators, the first of which is connected AND circuit, while the last is connected the preceding commutator. The device also to the points of the graphs which are and buffer flip-flops. The control the graph entering one point and the point are connected to circular to the output of the first logic to the output of the last flip-flop of contains a search and flip-flop, the input of which is connected to the output of the last flip-flop in the last cir- cular commutator, while the output is connected to an individual input of the first logic AND circuit; a distributor, consisting of vertical busses corresponding to the individual points of the graph, with each bus connected through a ballast re- sistor to the ungrounded terminal of the power supply, and through a commutation switch with normally open contacts to the grounded terminals of the power supply; pairs of horizontal busses, the working vertical and horizontal busses correspond- ing to the same point on the graph being connected together. The device suggested differs from the known device as follows: It also contains exclusive NOR logic 2/4 - 12 I JSSR UDC 681-32.31 BLAUKEVIM B.I... MIYJIAYLOVA. Ye.D., USSR Author's Certificate No. 250547, Filed 12/07/67, Published 4/06/70. circuits corresponding to the individual points of the graph, the inputs of which are connected to the vertical busses of the distributor corresponding to these sam points, While the outputs are connected to the individual inputs of a second logic AND circuit, the output of this circuit being connected through a logic NOT circuit to one input of a third logic AND circuit, the second input of which is connected to the output of the counting pulse generator, while the output is connected to a nonmoving contact of tile stepping switch; a second nonmoving con- tact of this switch is connected to the output of the ones pulse generator, while moving contact is connected to the second Input of tile first logic AND cir- cuit. The working vertical bus corresponding to the beginning of the paths and supplementary vertical bus corresponding to the end of the paths are connected through the corresponding commutatiOll VWjtCh0fJ WIL11 CIOSCCI C0ntZ4CtG to tile ~MUIIIJIC'I terminal of the power supply. Tile control switches correspo-ading to the iTidividual lines of the graph contain two pairs of contacts connecting the pair of vertical busses corresponding to the point of the graph from which the line begins, with the 3/4 USSR UDC 681 32.31 BLAZHKEVICH. B.I., MIKHAYLOVA. Ye.D., USSR Author's Certificate No. 250547, Filed 12/07/67, Published 4/06/70. pair of horizontal busses corresponding to the point of the graph at which the line ends; the second pair of horizontal busses of the distributor is connected to the grounded terminal of the power supply. 9 figs. 4/4 - 13 - USSR UDC: 68i.32T S RT.A7.WQ J._g. ZASLAITSKIY, R. I., KALAYDA, Ye. I., MAMITS, R. Ya., KUKHARCh-UK-, A. G., TTIKITIN, A. I., Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR, and Electronic Computer crtr_.d Control Computer Plant "A Device for Data Trans-_`ssion From the input Unit to the Memory in a Digital Computer" Moscov, Otk--ytiya, izobreteniya, Prorrnyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye ZnLki, No 30, Oct 71, Author's Certificate No 317056, Division G, filed 27 JILT! 69, published 7 Oct 71, P 172 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for data transmission from. the ini)ut unit to the memory ir a digital computer. Me device contains a data address counter and a symbol register. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, program processing of words is simplified by including, a balance circuit, a word symbol counter, a .~-ktc:r, pattern address countQr, an initial pattern ad(tro,,;~; rej . symbol decoder, wand a zero decoder for the word symbol counter. T~ie first output of the balance circuit is connected to the input of the data address coimter, the second output is connected to the input of 112 USSR BLA'171111:,'~O, IS. S. e,-"* al, ot1krvt 1:~obreteni-Ta, V~ Obraztsy, Tqv-'-:'.rm,--~-c -jo 30, Oct 71 the word symbol counter, and the third output is connected to one innixt, of the pattern address counter. Connected to the other input of the pattern address counter is the output of the initial pattern address register. The first input of the balance circuit is connected to the output of the space symbol decoder, whose input is connected to the output of the symbol register. The second input of the balance circuit is connected to the output of the word symbol counter, and the third input of the balance circuit is connected to the output of the zero decoder for the word symbol counter. The zero decoder input is connected to the outDut of the word symbol counter. P USSIR J-, USSR Aut, Ir; r' o C.--rt] '-i cat. i.70 "'1" 383 F -1 !~-d 768 Put,] i s';,e RZh----Pad-.*otekhni.'.a, It'a, 10, Oct 70, Abstract NG 10-13-L"ll ~1, Tr an s i at i on :'I'he oror-osed ferrite recti'.-'er, based on a nt! a central conductor in the forn of a. rectangular helix, a ferri-le. ,-,,-.d system. The working frequency band is extended and the overall d imen's i or's arf~ re- duced by making the ferrite element in the form of a ring, in which a pe=;I-rien; magnet is placed. The operating principle of the rectifier is bas-ed = the phenomerzon of ferromagretic resonance. One illustration. 1/1 LuO-v, A. 1. B. K. Zymov, and V. 1. Volga. The relation5h p between therIT1,11 and electrical conductivities of graphite. I-rZh. V. ZZ, nu. 5. 1972, 932. (Annotation). An attempt to correlate thermal conductivity X with electric resistivity I of graphite at high temperatures is described. Many researchers previously noted that the X x 6 product in constant to a certain degree, but only a. room tutnp~rature. Experimental \ and A data In the range 80 - 2, 500"K range are given and the (A x 6) values are calculatrd for artificial graphl-es with 1. 0 - Z. Z6 g/cm 3 specific weights. At a law tempera- ture, the (X x 6) of Individual graphites varied significantly, At room tornparature, (A x 8) was nearly the same for the graphitan studied. At T > 1, 500oll, (X . S)= 0. 34 - 0. 38 V Z/degree and in independent of temperature for all graphites, studied with Lila exception of those with to-c st (1. 0 g/crn3) and highest (Z. 26 g/cm,3op-cific weights. V.2~ronln, V. 1. , and A. Ye. I)jazhkov. Thermal boundary lays r an a nonIso 1he IVUZ Aviatalonnaya tumiLniiis~ tekhnika, no, 1, 1972. 119-123. The equation of energy of a compressible laminar boundAry layer on a lemi-finite plate with different local LiGundary conditions is analyzed. It is assumed that the 0 < j < I area of the leading edge. where /I and t is the longitudinal CDOrdinate IN cooled to a constant temperature Two, and Its equation of anerg'y is solved by the known Crocco integral. Using this integral and A. . ......... USSR BLAZIIKOV, A. Ye. UDC 629.78.018.1 "Experinental Study of Thermal Protection of a Surface by Sectors with Ifeat Exchange in Laninar Bowndary Layer" Stroit. Mekh. , Gazo-aerodinamika i Proiz-vo Letatel In. Apparatov. Vyp. 1 [Structural Ilechanics, Gas-Ae-rodynamics and Production ot' Flight Vehicles, No I -- Collection of Works], VoTone-zh, 1970, pp 131-1-;4, (Trans-tated from ReferatiVilyy 7JIUl-11,11, lZaketostroyeniye, No 4, 1972, Abstract No 4.41.163 from the Resume) . Translation: IZesults are presented from experiments on deterninaLion of the effectiveness olf thermiLl protection of sectors %,.,ith heat, exchange, on the surface of which the heat flux is maintained proportional to the t;ingential friction stress. I Figure; 7 Biblio. Refs. !A Acc. Nr! Abstracting Service; Ref. Code: 4#60050457- INTERNAT. AEROSPACE ABST.-1_-Yj Za o- for A70-23867 d The question regarding the boundary layer at a heat-insulated plate (K voprosu o pogranichnorn sloe na teploizoliro- vannoi plastine). V. 1. Voronin and A. E. Blaz_hhgv (Voronezhskii Politekhnicheskii Institut. Voronezh. MTRMzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurn3l, vol- 18, Jan.-.1970, p. 39-44. In Russian. A general solution tc~ energy equations of a compressible boundary layer on a plate without heat transfer is presented. New approximate solutions expressed in terms of hypergeometric func- tions are obtained for energy equations. (Author) Z"!l REEL/FRAME 2 1981043G i USSR UDC 621.317.255 BLAZOVESHCHENSKIY,A. S., BORISOVP V. V., Leningrad State University "Incidence of a Plane Electromagnetic Wave on a Moving Density Jump of an Ionized Gas" Gor'kiy, Izvestiya %-Isshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, Val XV, No 9, 1972, pp 1314-1319 Abstract: A study was made of problems connected with the movement of an ioni- zation front - a pulse of ionizing radiation then an absorbing medium -- using simplIffied models leading to the study of electromagnetic oscillations behind the front of the variation of the parameters of the medium (the density jump of the charged parcicles), the speed of which v as a function of the con- ditions of the absorption of the ionizing radiation and braking of the "fast" electrons formed is greater than the speed of light c. The problems of inci- dence of a plane electromagnetic vrave on the electron density jump moving with a velocity v < c and v = c were investigated previously [V. 1. Serenova, 1Zv. _yyash. uch. zav. Radiofizika, Vol 10, No 8, 1077, 1.967; V. V. Borisov, Izv. vIssh. tich. zav. 101dio1i7il.-.10 Vol 14$ No 1, 54, 1971). The "uations representing the problem are reduced to thL Cauchy problem, The cases are considered where the incident electromak-netic r,~~ave has a tine function in the form of the inclusion function, thaL is, I(E)u (~, /w ) = i" 1/2 2 0 0 USSR BLAZOVESIMIENSKIY,A. S., et al., Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radio- fizika, Vol XV, No 9,1972, pp 1314-1319 where the plane wave incident on the moving boundary has the time function Ey = EOI(E20 cos (W/wO)l ~2 are the cosine oscillations with frequency (o and phase equal to zero at the front. The results coiacide-with those obtained previously (V. V. Borisov, Izv. vyssh. uch. zav., Radiofizika, Vol 14, No 1, 540 19711. 2/2 00c) UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 "'rrTLE--MECH4NlS.A UNDERLYINC; THE EXTRACTION OF PALLADIUm wim TRI,N',,-',CTYLjPH!)SPHINE SULPHIOE -U- AUTH3.--(04)-B.LEDN0 B.P., PAVLENKOI A.F.1 KONOVALOVA, L.A., DUL-Nj:-VA' VoYE. COUNTRY OF [NFO--USSR ~~'SGURCE--IZVEST. V.U.Z.t TSVETNAY MET., 1970, (1), 60-64 4~4 E DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEAfSTRY, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-PALLADIUM, CHLORIDE, EXTPACTIVE 14ErALLU;ZGY CONTROL MA:~K lNG-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY i~ECEL/FkAME--2000/0552 STEP -,NO--UR/0149/70/0')0/001~/00~)0/,JO64 CIRC 4CCESSION ',jJ--AP012lf247 212 ri 0 9 UNCL A S S I F I ED PROKESSIN', 0AfE--13,\l0VT0 CIRC ACCESSION IND-AP0124247 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) CP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EXTRACTitj,,q OF PD CHLOP.PiE SOLUTIONS BY MEANS OF *fRI,N,0CTYL PHOSPHINE SULPHUDE, (C S066 H SUB17) SUB3 OS, WAS STUOIED, USING A Gi-lAPHICAL METHOD. THE SOLVATION COEFF, THUS DETERMINED EQUALLED UNITY. WITH INCREASING CONCENTRATION OF CL PRIME NEGATIVE IONS IN THE ORIGINAL A-:~UEQUS SOLUTION THE EXTRACTIUN OF P0 BY THE REAGENT DIMINISHED. ANALYSIS OF THESE RESULTS SUGGEsrEO THAT THE EXTRACTION OF PD BY TRI,N,OCTYL PHOSPHIINE SULPHIDE TOOK PLACE BY WAY OF AN INTERNAL SUBSTITUTION MECHANISM WITH THE FOR-MATION OF THE MONLISULVATE 'N THE OkGANIC PHASE. u C L A 5 S.IFIED---- Mechanical Properties USSR UDC: 621.771.0 ZAYWV, M. A., and BLEDNOVA Krasnodar Polytechnical Institute "Coefficient of Lateral Strain in Elastic-Plastic Forming" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniyj Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 1, 1971, pp 75-79 Abstract: Most practical problems in the theory of plasticity are solved under the assumption of the incompressibility of the material, basically due to the lack of knowledge of the nature of changes in the lateral deformation factor in the elastic-plastic region as a function of strain and stress. This study describes an attempt to determine the lateral deformation factor in the elastic-plastic region for a group of carbon steels and Ml copper as a function of lateral deformation and the dimensionless parameter a/aa (apparent stress to shear strength) in cases of ordinary 1/2 USSR ZAYKOV, M. A., and BLEDNOV& M., Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya Metallurgi-y~-,-d~'71',' 19' ":-pp 75-79 stretching tests. Use was made of a TsDM mu3ti-purpose tensile testing machine and resistance sensors. The experimental data derived in terms of a suggested equatioa show a slight discrepancy. A significant change in the lateral deformation factor was found to occur in deformations to stresses a W2. 7 2/2 - 14 - 1/2 00c) UNCLASSIFIED PRCCESS.rriG OATE--13P)OV70 T I TL E--S E L EC T I V CE ':. S OUC T 10N U":'- ORG ANOL li L -jk 0 S I L AN E SU - AUTHOR"-(06) -ANT I P IN, L M. t BLEKHr L-1-1. i M IRONGV, V F- COUNTRY 9F INFO--USSk SOURCE--ZP. ,jBSHCii. i(,70, 401(40 812-14 OATE ?WL"lliED ------- 7-", SU3JECT AR_-A5--r_H'-_-MfSiRY TOPIC TA,,-jS--,*)'i~G5~41-ISIL[k',,~~-'fq "__'~J""-lPljUNDf WK-SAN11C SILA,'-.jE, CHLI~"R.Ii4ATED J.RG;'J4fC COMPOUNIO, CHE.?-l"ILCJlL i;.j_:L)JCTIJN CU4TROL !JAiKlNG--M'0 RESTPICTIONS 00CU,'4ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .PROXY RE-EL/FRAMF--3002/lL0l STEP !4U--UR/0079/7(~'/040/004/0812/0-314 CIRC ACCESSIGN Wj--AP01235,_)'8 .; 1~_: 'I' ~ , -j .1 - ~' "; t.- ft~_ * __ __ 2/2 009 UNCLASSI F LED PROCESSING DATE-L3NOVY0 CIRC A-CCESSIAN NO-A1101235213 ABSTRACT/ciXTRACT-M) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THROUGHGUT REACTIGNS WERE RUN IN DRY Al,'-GJN ATM. ;4IX[l'-iG 0.2-7 MOLE ET SU112 SICL SUB2 li-VITH 0.068 *Iif)LE ALCL SUB3 A4'iO 0.075 MIOLE NAH Gki!DUALLY AT R-EFLUX GAVE 69.3PERCEiNT ET SUB2 SIHCL; WITH 0.067, 0.067 AND 0.085 MULE OF REACTA.'-.'TS, ric- YIELD ',,,AS 32.3PERCEW. SIMILARLY WE,~E PREPD. 31.9PEkCENf JEPRSIHCL, I1-17P;_:kCEtlT ME SUB2 Sf!HCL, AND 1.5PERCENT ETSIHCL SUB2. SINCE THE REACTION IS VIGOROUS, IT klUST BE: CUNrl_%*f3LLED BY USING EXCESS 1%'EAG-rj*4f SILANE OR A DILUENT SUCH AS VASELINE OIL. NO 1~ SU62 SIH SU62 riEt,E FOUNO. MEeHSICL SUB2 liNi THIS REACTION UNDE-k-41ENT RAPID DISPRUPORT[~.:,.%ATION AND GAVE IME SU32 SICL SU321 AND PH SU-U-2 SICL SU;.12, WHICH THE,'~4 UNUER'IE-W PARTIAL REDN. -IF Nl~'H IS NEPLACE-0 BY NACL THE 0 ISr,[--K r"URTI GNAT ION IS i-'l"HIBITEo* BUT EVEf'l THI S CASE PIASICL SUB3 GAVE 4-7PERCENT PH SU82 SICL SUB2 AND O.SPERCENT PH SU83 SICL. ATTEMPTED REDN. OF P SU63 SICL GAVE R SU62 SIH SJ52, K SU32 SIliCLy k SU~33 SIH, AND " SU83 SICL kESIDUE. USSR UDC 576-895-421576-852-2.1 BLAGODARN-YY, YA. A., Professor, ITAKAREVICH, N. M., Candidate of Eledical Sciences$ and BLEMUN - 14., Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Tuberculosis,"M 4-Ankr+Institute of Tuberculosis, 14inistry of Health USSR "Isolation of Atypical Mycobacteria From Spontaneously Infected Argas persicus Mites" Hoscow, Problemy Tuberkuleza, No 6, 1971, PP 74-75 Abstracti Twenty-four Mqcobacterium strains were isolated from argasid mit-es taken from chickens on Southern Kazakhstan poultry farms infected with tuber- culosis. Sixteen of the strains wero identified as typical Mycobacterium wvium, while the other eight were regarded as atypical. The morphology of the cultures was variable, the microorganisms ranged from short acid- resistant coccoid forms to granular mycobacteria. All the cultures were resistant to streptomycin, isoniazid, and tibon. Only one of the atypical strains was pathogenic for guinea pigs. None of the eight strains produced any s)mptoms of the disease in rabbits or mice. Intratesticular inoculation of guinea pigs previously sensitized with horse serum resulted in infection. 55 Wood ChCmistry USSR UDC 547.548.81+66.00/3.8 ITC "-jy - -S - V. $Vj~~TOGiL4DOV, V. P., Institute of Inorganic and physical Chemlstry, Academy of Sciences of the Kirgiz SSR "SuDerheated TJ ter as an Active T~Ydrolyzing Agent" a U Frunze, IA'.'--.- Kircrizzs_!~oy SSi, 11o 3, May/Jun 71, pp 47-51 Abstract: The authors e.-mmined the action of suDerheated i-.,ater Un -cellu-iose, a comnonent of the tissues of plants, Deat, and pertly converted coal deuositus which are extensively processed to obtain orrranic rraterials and to extract-, valuable inorrzanie com-jonents (rare elements). it is shovro. that thermal destruction in t-he -presence of -,,atu-er may lead to intensive hydrolysis of cellulose to r--luco3e. It is calculated that the process of con- version of cellulose to ~zlucose anhydride is accormanied by absor-tion of' 5670 calories per mole of levoplucos-an formed. It is found that 'the m_-::imum yield of allucose and formation of levop-lucosan take Diace at the crit- ical temerature of water (3740C). -This indicates t1nat- the Procezs of high-temnerati:ire acid-free hydrolysis of cellulose goes through a stage of radical 112 USSR BLESHENSKI-Y., S. V., et al, IAN Kirp,,izsl,.o7 SSR, 110 3, May/Jun 71, pp 47--51 formation. Recombination of radicals in a liouid solution ;s limited by the diffusion -orocess. Three Dossible mechanisms of radical recombination are considered: interaction of free radicals, rea'I%ranaenent of hydrogen atoms, and recombination of two biradicals. CSO: 1841-W END - 2/2 85- VIlt-12. INTIAM'.LATION RETWUN 'nil: CP.OWTII MNNTIONS, ',IIE MORM1,11AIVY A.N'l CERTAIN , .11-faly CRYSTALS FI-F:rTR0NIYStC.AT. PROPFATIES OF Hit I (Article 1,,y 1. A._CryMllkh'~ I.. F...&Q:intt9, Vtt%KMO-l; ?(0- 11 -tltA Fvitirrv-~ntkn~llh aibirmk. P. ,. P. Prot- 91 1 5inter,t 7 KristnlloN- k 111trick, Ituanian, 12-1) Julle 147Z, r 1141 Single Ulf cryntAlm were obtntred fr~- the Sit Shane sinzier various temperature coodillong', tk-ptoding on the ca-zfacturtnE con,jitittwj. differ- vit cue In th~lt ~rphology and alectrophyntcal ptoportt- are cleoriv Obser-d in the Investigated cryetaln. A itudv was also mide of the affect of various lopuritles (111, 1, 7r) on tile Sr~th conditions of tile CrYPEA1. aft'i -- Of Orl.r virctroOllvolcal parameter". The morphology of the crystals was inl,eatlS&tad %itiog r~.tallogr,lphjc and electron microscope%. A~,njg tile electrephysical prOperttrft of Bil 3 crystals studied were tile conductivitlo the themally stimulated canductivitv, photo conductivity and phatolurdnacence. A dati v core latlio~yws talothed between th:cgrowth conditions of the real atrunt4ura TO. c a t:,:ond a ale of their *1 trophys Ical. properties which offers the ponalbiLlity, of Sewing crystal& with propectt*s given in ad- vines. V. 111-6. rVOWTH OF DISWCATIONLISS SINGLE CRYSTALS OF SILICON tArrielf by tf, 1. Alat.~&o~ L. Yr. ?~Aroxanko, Yu. V. Ddnkovoktv. Zaporosh'ye; "ostbtrok. III 51!mpottimm pa Pratsa*s4v Rpvto I ~~Ititi 11,-, n Tho conditions of obtaining 41.lotatiottleas mingle crystals ottituttd in the JIL11, J1101. [10111, 11121 and 11231 And crystato of (..r- eactor structure arm c1ts~-,qserf. Tt,& m4?,t%ttud* of the groloth *"I* and the dravinst, rate of otnglq crystals wLth~jt dlolocxtlnnn are found,,d ~reriment.tlly. The description of the forms of the crystaLlization front &ad the, extortL41 *ttritiuten of the dLaIncatloolts. mingle crystals in proeented. It to darson- str4ted that the 41810cationlelf mingle crystala alwey. grow with satit of the WO faes to tit* interfeCo. This I"d. to t1,& coapl.x forts of interface. Tit* growth conditions of dialocationlean single crystals at UlKh rates isouTInsl dispersion of On op*cific resistance with rompect to the volume, of the bar 1*44 than 1 10 percent are 416CUSSed. The wfffrt of the %%it of the (M) face an the scattering of thim specific resistance with respect to the tratteverse cross section aut with campoct to the volume of the bar to dantonstrated. A study to "do of the conditions insurtriR pr~vntlon of the dislocation- less olnltl* cryetal from dmoo4a by dislocation slip Itrise, an moparsticto of it from the welt And also loadtog to the foriestion of tascropileuve of the dialo- cottons on transition frvo the d1flaeationlead section to the section with dislocations. Date Are presented on the effect Of the orientation of the 8inolo crystal me the capture of oxygoo fromi, the &41t and the magnitude of the litativa, of ""arity charge call togs. N;k 29 112 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--CHEMISTRY OF ENYNE ETHERS. 11- SYNTHESIS OF PYRAZOLES -U- AUTHOR-(03)-LISITSYN, YE.A., COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-ZH. ORG. KHIM. 1970t DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~~Y tEVA, A.N., MALEYEVAI A.K, 6(3), 439-42 TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS, CHEMICAL REACTION MECHANISM, SULFONATE, AMINE DERIVATIVE, ACETYLENE, PYRAZOLE CONTROL t4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/1683 STEP NO--UR/0366/7oiOO6/003/0439/0442 CIRC ACCESSIeN NO--AP0112677 UNCL ASS IF,l ED 212 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACC'ESSION NO--AP0112677 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE REACTION OF ROCH:CHC TRIPLE BOND CH (R EQUALS ME OR ET) WITH MENHNH SUB2 H SUB2 SO SUB4 GAVE A 2.5:2 MIXT. OF l13tDIMETHYL PYRAZOLE WITH 1,5tDIMETHYLPYRAZOLE OR A 2:3 MIXT. OF THE CORRESPONDING DIETHYLPYRAZOLES, THE MECHANISM OF THIS REACTION IS DISCUSSED* FACILITY: LENINGRAD* TEKHNOL. INST. IM. LENSOVETA, LENINGRAD, USSR. t IN c I A 5 1~ I p 11 [L I I 1/2 015 UNICLASSI FIED PROCPSSI:I:G GA11-13'.40V70 TITLC--C,-kYSTAALL 'GRAPHIC PJAKAMEHERS JF~ AUTHLq_R-(02)-iLE DELIS, J., KEMME2 A. JL~ DEL IS,. J GOUNT3Y OF llN;FG--USSR SOURCE-KH[I'li. GETEROTSIKL. SOEOlt-4. 19701 (31r 332-4 DATE FUBLISHEO ------- 70 SU8JECT Ar~EAS_-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--X PAY DIFFRACFIGN STUDY, PARAMETER, CRYSTAL, aR(;AiV;-7c_RMAtljIUM COMPOUND CONTROL MARK RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REc_L/PRA!A:_:--2030/1681 STEP CIRC A(_'CESST0% .'llC--AP0I25302 212 015 UNCLPISS IF I ED I-" k 10, C. E S F) I Ni'y D A FL 3NOV7 0 CIRC ACCESSIOIN' -NO-AP0125302 ABSTRACT/:-::XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. I N'IrH R EQUALS ME, ET, PH, Alit) ALPHA-C SUB10 H SUB7 AKE C~,YSTALLUGJRAPHICALLY DESCRIBEO 'w[TH THE Alo OF X PAY DIFFRACTION. THE ;-l-[JJN-)CL I i'll C ANGLE IS BETA EQUALS 122DErIkLES FOR I IR EQUALS NE); DTHER I ARE ORTHORHOMBIC. OTHER CHARACTERISTIC PARAMETERS ARE ALSO GIVEN. FACILITY: INST. CIRG. SIN., RIGA, USSR. L 11 L I- I li USSR BLEYKHER, V. M. Eksperimental'no-Psikhologicheskoye Issledovaniye Psikhicheski Bol'nykh (Experimental Psychological Research on the Psychologically Ill), Tashkent, '~Meditsina," 1971, 176 pp Translation: Annotation: This book presents the basic principles of experi- mental psychological investigation of the psychologically ill, describes the experimental psychological methods movt frequently used for this purpose, and generalizes information on the special features discovered in investigating persons ill with schizophrenia, oligophrenia, epilepsy, cerebral arterios- clerosis, and senile psychoses. The significance of research results for solving questions of differential diagnosis and in psychiatric consultation is pointed out. Models of the tables and blanks needed for the investigation are given in the appendix. The book is intended for practicing psychiatrists, neuropathologists, neuro- surgeons, psychologists working in pathological psychology laboratories at psychiatric hospitals, and may also serve as a study aid for sLudents studying psychiatry and medical psychology. 1/4 USSR BLEYKWR, V. M., Eksperimental'no-Psikhologicheskoye Issledovaniye Psikh4- cheski Bol'nvkh, Tashkent, "Meditsina," 1971, 176 pp Table of Contents: Page Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Methods of Experimental Psychological Investigation 16 Correction Test 16 Krepelin Counting 17 Counting Backwards 17 Searching Out Numbers on Shul'te Tables 18 Tests for Switching 19 Tests for Memorization 22 Putting Pictures Together from Segments 25 Letter Experiments 25 Understanding Stories 26 Understanding Topical Pictures 27 Establishing the Order of Events 28 Classification 30 Exception ~ifnglfng Otir Mindamental Traftn 33 - 87 - USSR BLEYKHER, V. If., Eksperimental'no-Psikhologicheskoye Issledovaniye ~sikhi- cheski Bol'nykh, Tashkent, "Meditsina, " 1971, 176 pp Page Forming Analogies 34 Isolating Rules 36 Defining and Comparing Concepts 37 Forming Artificial Concepts 39 Understanding the Figurative Meaning of Sayings and Metaphors 41 Naming 50 Words 43 Pictograms 44 Word Experiments 45 Selecting Word Antonyms 47 Investigating the Level of Pretensions 48 Investigating Speech 50 Investigating Optical Recognition 56 Investigating Practice 57 Chapter 2. Experimental Psychological Research With Certain Psychic Illnesses 59 Schizophrenia 59 Oligophrenia 71 3114 t;NCL ASS I F I ED PROCESSING DATF--02rCT70 TITLE-Cu",14PLEXING IN it TITANIU"I (IV) 92 t4v0lHYDR0XYi3ENZHIf- ACID SYSTEM -[J- ALT--;-'--(04)-ASTAKH3Vj A.I..v Kt%YAZEVA, 'CC!:',T,'y (IF INFO-USSR SC'J'-~-E-ZH. G3SHCH. KPI.I. 1970, 40(2), YE.N., SLEYKHER, Y4.1., S-i~AYDEVAA',;, zil 347-52 04TE PUFLlSPE0------70 SU~:'-JECT AREt~S--CHEMISTRY T03PIC TAGS--SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS, HYDROXIDFl BENZENE DE~