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USSR ASKAROV, M. A., skogo Etlektrote Tbilisskogo Ilauchno-Issledovetelt- nstituta, No 5, 1970t p- 81-85 p TmpritAitnRva Tekhni ka, No 7,- 1970, Abstract No 7-32.972) cylindrical lenses, the focal lines of which are mutually per- andicular. The permissible monitoring speed is up to 26 =/min. figures. 212 95 USSR ULO 6_21.'-32:5'8.6~2 .ALZ-,SID_ZE,. M.A., BE""HANOV, V,G., VINNIKOV, I.L. , SVAF.__IDZwE, L.V. "Solution Of Same Bound-3ry Problems DurinE Calculstion U Resistance Of Hjil Element" Tr. In-t sintem uor. -24 GruzSSR (lilorke Of The Institute Cf Control Systemn. Academy Of Sciences, Geor,7i!in SSR), 1971, 10, No 2, pp 47-57 (from RZ.Elektranika i -Le~~e primen~_rp~e, No 7, Lluly 1972, Abstr.~;tut NO Translation: A calcu12.tion is r,-qde of the input and cutput resistance of a H--~Il element of rlght-anrled form, the metal current electro-Jes of which nave an onmlc j non-inj!.,ctin)7 contbct wealt Li w.,micondl-ictor wafor [p)3-jtJnjj o-j,-r rill of it~: length, and mel,,I Hp,!! eleci-roJeS -- the same context -w-Ith the in-, idl 4 lateral faces of thitl wii'or. boti~ pairfl of contacts are rt.;ulizcd over the total thickness of the seadcanductor %-,afer. The resulto are preBenLcd in tho rorf,,. of r3p e which malkes it Does4ble to select (from the point of viel. of' the rr~Y.J,!:_Im h L- - I "I - - g energy inaox of the n"all eleraent) the optirn= ratio for t1nc- sided: of' the serL11- Gonductor wafer and the dizenBions of the Hall electrodes. Yu.F. ~-L/i USSR BEZHAINOVA, NI- ki. "Certain Aspects of the Performance of Analytic Trcmsforms" Vychisl. Mat. i Vychisl. Teklin. [COMPLIter Mathematics and Computer Technol- ogy -- Collection of Works], No 3, Khar'kov, 1972, I)p 60-61 (Translated froi-ii Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V652, by tile author). Translation: The author's point of view on the purpose of systems for machine analytic transforms is presented, and one promising method of reali- zation of such transforms is studied. USSR BEZHAINOVA, NI. M., KATKOV, V. L., POTTOSIN, 1. V. "Worl-I's on Analytic Transforms at the Computer Center, Siberian Affiliate, Academy of Sciences USSR" Vychisl. Mat- i Vychisl. Tekhn. [Computer Mathematics and Computer Tech- nology -- Collection of Worksi, No 3. KharIkov, 1972, pp 18-20 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernatika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V646, by the authors). Translation: niis work is a review of systems for digital Computer analytic transforms studied at the Computer Center, Siberian Affiliate, Academy of Sciences, USSR. The programming systems studied include DEHIROTSESSOR, ANALFFIK, KINO and PASSIV. 1/1 1/3 020 UNCLASSIFIED Pi:,'O--ESSING DATE--30OU70 T LrLI-SYMAPTIC I !, THOHACIC ALPHA MOTCiqEURON'S LVOKEO BY SEG;I:ENI-AL ',L A] ION -U- AUTfllik- I (';, 3) 1 y I N . IN G ---l K I IN P 6 E Z H EIN A R U I S CCUNTRY CF INFE-USS-K SQ-'UKCE--NEYRGFIZIOLJ6IYAr 1970, VOL 21 NR 3p PP 279-268 DATE PUSLISHEf,-------70 SU3JECT ARE-AS--!)I!-jLGGI CAL AINU i'llEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC SYSIL."It NLUKONt BlOPINENTIAL OCCL;~.ENT C.L..,,'3S--'-?-*"CL.,,SSIf:-I'c-:D PR"XY STEP :40--Uk/LlbbO/70/JC)2/093/02-19/0286 CPU 1!-[ -10 2/3 oi k; U% C L A 5 5 1 F I E D P.-(O C ES S IN G D '~ T E - - 3C, i C F 7 0 C i'~C ACCESS I L -i A B-i fRAG'T/t:X fki%t, f--( 0) GP-0- Ai3--,rKACT. IN ANAESThETlZ*-:D ANI) L)ECt-PEE)RATED CATS SYNAPTIC Pm)CESStS l,"i TH~ VARIOUS FUNCTIOVAL GROUPS OF THORACIC -oT C i%EUAC.',;5 Ff-i SW~ I X , T h 506X I EVOK EC 6Y ST I MULAT ION OF I N TER-,CJ S ri.L ~uEKV,1:5 WEi,E STU!;IED. IN THE tioro;qL-URL;NS CiF THE MAIN itq-rLkccsrAL NERVE 0,NLY L-XCITArORY (MONO, ANU PCJLYSYNAPT[C) SYNAPTIC POTENTIALS WERE RLC4~:.~CED IN ~.ESPCNSE TJ ~,TIMULATION OF riiF. ticytirm-10us SfI;,*ULATIL'N' OF THE 'qEKVL TU rlit EXTERNAL L,'-4TERCLISTAL -olUSCLE: ANO OF THE VGkSAL 6-~A."J'CF.ES '-.iAS Nu-'T ACCOM.PANIED B'e VISIBLE SYNAPTIC PROCESSES IN THESE tAUTO C~EURG .NS THRGU~;H SMALL POLYSYIN'APTIC EPSPS WERE SOMETIMES i(ECOADED. IN THE ;-lOT'JAEURJNS OR DORSAL ',-',US(:LE-S THE HUMONYMOUS NERVE STIPULATICN LED Tu-~ APPEAi~ENCE OF SIML~LE SHORTLATENCY r 111-SPS . LONG LATENCY IPSPS (OR EPSPS Ml'\~US IPSPSJ WERE FCtJiqD IN MOST MOTONEURLNES OF THIS GROUP BY 5TIi"LJLATICiN OF THE MAIN INTERCOSTAL NERVE. IN OTHER MUTCNEL)RONS OF THIS UROUP ST1,1ULATION OF THE MAIN INTEkCOSTAL NERVE (AND THE NERVE TO THE 0(rER'j' 14L Iti'TEKCGSTAL MUSCLE) WAS NGT LFFECTIVE* IN THE MuTLNEUkCt~S 1:~F THE NLRVI: TO THr- EXTERNAL ji%,ri:KCOSTAL MUSCLE EXCITATORY PSPS AND PULYSYNAPTIC) EV;)KL-,:, "Y STIAULATI'ON OF THE HG'-~tL.NY?-lfjU5 NLRVE AS ',.LLl- A'-l Ot~ I~iF MAI 'i 'C C S L % E R V E S F I 14ULAT I GN OF u-"j-'.SAL OtAINCHES Dlu `~ijl Pjkl~u'-'UL~t- A:"JY f:f::i-[("T 1!4 THE: LAST GA(,UP 13F -JTI-'il Uli,-;~*S. REC I P(~'U~, 'kL r,LLml I 3i.Dl bL (Ai-t % I HE SL'- '-lJTi'J,ElJl U" L K S 'i - 1 -1 A C G(j p -f i L I - Ttil -.LSPlkATl-,~,,Y ~.tkE P,i it - I OUIL;~LURONS TO Skb.'-lL'14TAl 1;i SP!,;~lAf,EOUSLY bREATING CATS WERE F 3/3 020 Ui-jCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 -CIRC A(;r~S~SIC,j 1%L;--Ai30leJ409 UF THE PSPS IN THE RESPIkArGRY 'Wrofi~ -0 R Ci N, s EV i, K E L UY s t- j r,,~L At- 1-- L K E. i I S T L,,!UL A T W N I f. S PONTA 'N E OUS LY fji'% I- A T H I,%'G A No Aki'll-ICIALLY VE:~TILATL-) LATS ,'E DISCUSSED. FACILITY: THE A. A . t, CC,LLTZ li~.,SrIJUTL UF I)HYSIOLOGY, ACAbc*MY OF SCIENCES, UKkAINIAN S~)kt KIEV. Wl(l-LA`)S IF ILI) 1/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING-DATE--04DEC70 T:ITLE--CANCEROUS DEGENERATION OF FISTULAS IN CHRONIC OSTEOMYEIATIS -U- AUTHOR-BEZHeNUTS, V.I. CGIUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-KHIRURGIYA, 1970, NR 5, PP 82-84 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--CANCER, OSSEUS DEFECT# NEOPLASM CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO ---- F070/605005/DO9 STEP NO--UR/0531/70/000/005/0082/0084 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139718 ,JlCil I'L A C 5 IF I ' ~% 12 A _I_E_D ___ __ ___ 212 008 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE-040ECTO CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139718 A-BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CANCEROUS TRANSFORMATiON OF FISTULAS IN CHRONIC OSTEOMYELITIS IS RARELY ENCOUNTERED. DURING THE LAST YEARS FOUR CASES OF CARCINOMATOSIS OF FISTULAS WERE OBSERVED IN CHRONIC HEMATOGENOUS OSTEOMYELITIS. IN ALL THE CASES THE NPOPLASTIC PROCESS FROM THE SOFT TISSUES SPREAD TO THE BONE TISSUE AND METASTASIZED INTO REGIONAL LYMPH NODES. IN THE CLINICAL PICTURE OF FFIIS DISEASE SEVEN PRINCIPAL SIGNS OF NEOPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION WERE NOTED: 1) CONSTANT PAIN IN THE REGION OF THE FISTULAR CANAL, 2) D[SCHARGE FROM THE FISTUALS OF PUS 141TH A FETID SMELL, 3) DISCHARGE OF CASEOUS MASSES FROM THE FISTULAS, 4) GROWTH OF DENSE GRANULATIONS AROUND THE FISTULAR CANALS COVERED WITH A DIRTY COATINGo 5) THE FLOOR OF THE WOU140 AROUND FISTULAR CANALS HAS A SEBACEOUS LOOK, 6) ENLARGEMENT OF THE REGIONAL LYMPH NODES, 7) IN THE INITIAL PERIOD OF NEOPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION THE OSTEOMYELITIC FISTULA ON ROENTGENOGRAMS ARE CHANGES CHARACTERISTIC FOR THE OSTEOMYELITIC PROCESS; AT LATER STAGES THE ROENTGENOGRAMS S~;OW MARKED FOCI OF BONE DESTRUCTION, EVEN ITS FOCAL FUSION. HISTOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS YIELDED A PICTURE OF PLANOCELLULAR CORNIFYING CANCER, WHEREAS IN THE LYMPH NODES METASTASES OF CANCEROUS CELLS, THE TREATMENT OF THESE PATIENTS WAS COMPLEX, SURGICALP X RAY AND CHEMOTHERAPY. REMOTE FOLLOW UP FOR 1-3 YEARS REVEALED NO RELAPSES. FACILITY: ORTOPEDD-TRAVMATOLOGICHESKOYE OTDELENIYE IVANO-FRANKOVSKOY GOROSKOY KLINICHESKOY BOLINITSY NO. 1, TSENTRAL#NYY INSTITUTA TRAVMATOLOGII I ORTOPEDII. UNCLASSIFIED-- USSR BEZUKO, A. P., BRANETS, V. N., ZAKHAROV, YU. ~1., SHffGLEVSK1Y, I. P., Moscow Application of Quaternions in the Theory of Finite Rotation of a Solid State" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1-fekhanika Tverdogo Tela, No 1, January- February 1971, pp 123-134 Abstract: In this article the basic results of the theory of finite rotation of a solid state obtained in the form of formal operations on hypercomplex numbers (quaternions) are presented. New results are obLained for the additior formulas of finite rotations defined by the Rodrig-liamilton parameters. A generalization of tile known theorems of finite rotation theory is presented, and the correctness of the form of addition of rotations when summing relative motions is demonstrated. The application of quaternions makes it possible easily to obtain all the basic results of the theory of finite rotations and, in addition, to describe the position of the solid state in terms of nonde- generate kinematic parameters;. In a number of problems the angular position of the solid state is defined by solving the kinematic equations on a digital computer. The selec- tiou of the kinematic parameters affects the calculations significantly in 1/2 - 48 - USSR BEZHKO, A. P., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Mckhanika Tverdogo Tela, No 1, January-February 1971, pp 123-134 this case, and for this reason the Rodrig-Ilamilton parameters are advantageous. These parameters do not degenerate for any position of the solid state and they are convenient for use in a control system; there is only one couplinc, equation when these parameters are used, which simplifies the numerical solu- tion of. the kinematic equations. Use of the quaternions follows from use of the Rodrig-Hamilton parameters. 2/2 USSR' UDC 577.391:547.476 CROZDOV, S. P., KENDYS11, I. N. , KIP"YA1W, !. Yu. , and VASIL'YEVSY_h!7.., V. V., Institute of Biophysics, Ministry of Health USSR, Mos cow "Mechanism of the Physiological Action and of the Radiation-Protective Effect of Dimethylsulfoxide" Moscow, Radiobiologiva, Vol 11, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, pp 522-527 Abstract: Dimethylsufoxide (DrISO), on being administered intraveritoneally to rats in the form of a 50% aqueous solution in a dose of 5.4 g/kg before irradiation of the animals with ganmia-rays in a dose of 900 r, exerLed a pronounced radiation-protective effect, which was considerably enilianced by the administration of ATP. DMS0 reduced the action of corticosteroids an tissues, although it increased their secretion in the organism. Reduction of the utilization Of 02, inhibition of glycolysis, and other effeas indi- cated inhibition of metabolic processes in lymphoid tissues (the spluen ancl thymus) under the action of D:.EO. iks distinguished from ot.-Ler radiation. protectors, DMSO did not produce hypoxia, increase the content of Sif groups, or IcArer the redo% potential in tissues. Differences betvreen the nlcchanisl!~ of action of MISO and that of aminothiols explain the enhancerient of Hic- 1/2 USSR GROZDOV, S. P. , et al., Radiobiologi, a, Vol 11, No 4, jul/Aug 71, pp 522-527 radiation-protective effect upon their joint application. As indicated by the results of the experiments with &TP, this enhancement -will presumably also be observed on joint administration of DMSO with other substances which, similarly to aminothiols, displace the redox balance of the organism towards reduction. 2 /2 1/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 TfTLE--EFFECT OF THE TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS ON THE INTENSITY OF X PAY REFLECTIONS -U- AUTHOR-103)-NAVASARDYAN, M.A., KARAKHANYAN, R.K., BEZIRGANYAN, P.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KRISTALLOGRAFLYA, 1970, 15(2), 235-9 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--X RAY DIFFRACTION, TEMPERATURE GkAOIENT, QUARTZ CRYSTAL, SILICON SINGLE CRYSTAL, POTASSIUM COMPOUND, HYDROGEN COMPOUND, KiOSPH;uE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1751 STEP NO--UR./0070/70/015/002/()235/0239 CIRC ACCESSION Nf)--APOI?~11369 2/2 026 UNCLASS1FIED PROCESSING DATE-- 27,,10117 0 -.IRC ACCESSION .',,'O--AP0125369 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INFLUENCE OF THE TEMP. GRADIENT OF THE INTENSITY OF X RAY DIFFRACTION iMAX. WAS INVFST[GATE0 TO STUDY HOW THEY DEPEND ON THE THICKNESS AND ABSORPrIrN OF THE REFLECTING CRYSTAL (MU T), ON THE MAGNITUDE AND DIRECTInN OF THE TEMP. U',RA[)IFNT, AND ON THE INTERPLANAR DISTANCES OF THE REFLECTING PLANES OF CRYSTALS OF QUARTZ, SI, KH SUB2 PO SUB4, AND NH SUB4 H SUB2 PO SUB4 IN THE FOR-M OF THE PLANE PARALLEL THIN D15K5 OR PLATES. THE WERF CARRIE0 OUT UNDER CONDITIONS OF AiNOMALOUS OR ORDINIARY TRANSMISSION OF X RAYS FOR WHICH THE VALUE OF I'll) T 14AS VARIED BY CHANGLiNG THE CRYSTAL FHICK11"ESS OR THE WAVELENGTH. IN GENERAL, THE INTENSITY OF THE REc:-LECTIONS DEPENDS ON THE MAGNITUDE AIND DIRECTION OF THE TEMP, GRADIENT. AT SMALL VALUES OF MU T (ANOMALOUS DISPERSION BEING ABSENT), THE REFLECTION INTE,-~ISITY DUE TO THE GRADIENT INCREASES. Al MEDIUM MU T (0.5 SMALLER [HAN illiU T SMALLER THAN 15) THE REFLECTION INTENSITY CA,',J EITIAE;~ INCREASE AND DECREASE DEPENDING ON THE POSITION OF THE DIFFIRACTION VE(,TOR (B) ANO GRADIENT VECTOR (S). A GREAT MU T THE REFLECTION INTENSITY DECREASES DUE TO THE GRADIENT. t,HE INFLUENCE UF THE TEMP. GRAD(ENT INCRE~ASFS AS THE INTERPLANAR DISTANCE OF THE REFLECTION PLANES DECREASES. FROM THE POINT OF INFLUFNCING TOE REFLECTION INTENSITY, THE LINE DISLOCATIL-liN IS EQUIV. TO 2 TEMP. GR.ADI.E,,irs DIRECTED AGAINST EACH OTHER. FACILITY: EREVAN. GOS.:UNIV., EREVANy USSR. UNGLASSIF[ED 1/2 032 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--COMPARATIVE "TUDY OF THE SUPRA.11OLECULAR TRANSITIONS OF POLYETHYLENE AND POLYCHLOROPRENE FILMS DURING UNIAXIAL STRAIN -U- -AUTHOR-(04)-BARANOV,. V.G.y BEZIRGANYANr P.A.9 GASPARYAN, K.A., RAPYANP I I YU.A. ~.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK ARM. SSR9 FIZ. 19709 5(119 47-59 ,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--POLYETHYLENE, POLYCHLOROPRENE, PLASTIC FILM, ELONGATION, BREAKING STRENGTHv X RAY DIFFRACTION, MATERIAL DEFORMATION .CCNT;tOL MARKING--NO IESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/0968 STEP NO--IJR/0431/70/005/OOL/0047/0059 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136398 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 032 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 ,-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136398 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. HIGH PRESSURE POLYETHYLENE (1) AND POLYCHLOkOPRENE (11) FILMS WERE ELONGATED UP TO THE BREAKING POINT AND THEIR STRUCTURAL CHANGES WERE STUDIED BY OPTICAL AND X RAY DIFFRACTION, IN 1, REGIONS OF THE REVERSIBLE DEFORMATION (40-50PERCENT ELONGATION), IRREVERSIBLE RECRYSTN. (SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO 1ttOPERCENT DEFORMATION), AND THE TRANSITION OF THE SPHERULITES TO FIBnlILS (SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO 50OPERCENT DEFORMATION) WERE OBSD. IN 11, THERE ARE 2 TYPES OF DIFFRACTION PATTERNS: I CORRESPONDfNG TO DEFORMATION SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO 30OPERCENT AND THE OTHER TO 350-80OPERCENT DEFORMATION. FACILITY: EREVAN. GOS. UNIV., EREVANY USSR, UNCLASSIFIED-- USSR uDc: 621.396.6711.1-011.2 J~EZT "Tnput Conductance a 'TaJn Circular Loa-p i~'Intc-nnalt Mos cow, Ra-dictehhn ika i Flektran ika 5 Vol 26 , T 10 9 , -1712---'. Abstract: General formulas are derivcd for thc- nar=eter-'. c. f I Oo r antennas with re-ard to the actuall distributim .:)f currtrt o v c r L, antenria. 7DIe formulas are applica~ble in the UHT rz~.ngc- for w i ri C -b Z),n d operation whrrr~. the dllmerlsi.nn~' of' the loor; m:g the wav(!jcnjrf.h ov,,:r T~,,.rf, c,' thc- In such bution C-~tnrlot I)(,. to be uniform. data are cu"31ur~-d by 11m: input ..,ri upf--r, ]or;' witenna in t(~rm--; of the corm-sprinding quant-i ty for a In conclu.,-,iou, tl.,f-- md-11mr.,; Lhwil~ Z. Frudin Por cc.-f):-A.ruclAv~, cis-m during of this owrk. ,/I 112 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--161CT70 TITLE--THE EFFECT OF XYLITE ON THE INTENSITY OF BILE SECRETION AND SYNTHESIS OF 61LIC ACID -U- AUTHOR-BEZKOROVAYNAYA, N.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--BYULLETEN' 'EKSPERIMENTALINOY BIOLOGII I MEDITSINY, 1970, VOL 69, NR 5, PP 69-71 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--BILE, MACE RAT, DUG, SECRETIONi BILIRUB[N? CHOLESTEROLt WHITE I RAT, DRUG EFFECT CONTPOL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/0217 STEP NO--UR/0219/70/069/00:')/006910071 CIRC ACCESSION NU--4POI20915 I UNCLASSIFIED 212 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0120915 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN EXPERIMENTS ON 30 MALE RATS AND 3 DOGS WITH SCHWANN DASTR FISTULA IT WAS ESTABLISHED BY XYLITE EXERTS AN EFFECT ON THE INTENSITY OF BILE SECRETIONt CHOLATOGENESIS, BILIRU61N AND CHOLESTEROL EXCRETION. CHULERETIC REACTION IN DOGS CONTINUES FOR 2-3 HOURS AND IN INCREASE OF THE XYLIT~ DOSE FROM 200-400 t4G-KG IT AUGEMENTS. THE SYNTHESIS OF CHOLATES RISES MAINLY AT THE EXPENSE OF TAUROCHOLIC AND DESOXYCHULIC ACIDS. THE CONTENT OF BILIRUbIN AND CHOLESTEROL IN THE BILE RISES. ALBINO RATS ARE LESS SENSITIVE TO XYLITE. WHEN THE PkEPAKATION IS INT~.ODUCED IN A DOSE OF 200 MG-KG THP CHOLERETIC KEACTION DOES NOT USUALLY 0CCURq 14HILE THE RATE OF SECRETION EVEN DECREASES SOMEWHAT IN A DOSE OF 400 MG-KG. NONETHELESS, THE SYNTHESIS OF CHOLATES IN RATS XYLITE INTENSIFIES MAINLY AT THE EXPtNSE OF TAUROCHOLIC, GLYCOCHOLIC AND DESOXYCHOLIC ACIDS. XYLITE JOES NOT EXERT ANY NEGATIVE INFLUENCE ON BILIRUBIN AND CHOLESTEROL SECRETION. FACILITY- TEKNOPOL MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Acc. Re C '* A00037016- J"") PRIMAT%Y SOURCE: Fiz-.*o1o,-icheskiy Zhurnal SSSR, 1970, Vol 56, Nr 2, pP-473-~279 EFFECT OF BILE ACIDS ON BILIATION INTENSITY AND CHOLATE FORMATION Skakun,'N. P. -'~rogovoz, S. M.; Bezkorovaynay~, N. M. From thp. Department of Pharmacology, Medical Institute, Ternopol' Comparativo studies of bile acid preparatiop effect (debydrocholic, cholic and gly- c,,olic) on the biliation inlensitv and cholate formation have bei,n carried ont in 66 male -white rats. Dehydrocholie acid has 11w moyt, warked choleretic f.,ffect, natural bile acids being considerably less actiVe it) this respect. The acLivity of cholic and glycholic acids in equimoleciflir doses is nearly similar. ;\,atnral bile acids an, inon- active in (heir cholate, formation effect. Evon in ,;mail do, they favoora sharp rise in Ute concentration and quantity of cholates. This is inainly due tn the effect of the tauriG cholic acid and in a le-sser degree to the glycholic and dezo- xycholic acids. In contrast to natural bile acids the debN-drocholic. one causes a slight decrease in cholite conc(mtration in the bile. howev er-Aue to the hikyh level of the cli6leretic react,ion there is a genc-ral increase in thp ( uantity-of cholates. Dehydrocholic acid stimu- lates the cholate formation on account of L~ie synthesis and excretion of tauric cholic acid and to a le-sser degree of thp dezoxy- and glycholic acids. ET/-RAME USSR UDC 533.601.16:533.9 SERGEYEV, V. L., BEZLAD.NOV, G. M., LYASHKEVICH, V. D. "Experimental Study of Heating of Blunt Body by a Plasma Stream" Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fiziclieskiy Zhurnal, Vol. 20, No. 4, Apr. 71, p. 622-627. Abstract: This paper presents the results of measurement of the heat flux fro-..[I a high temperature gas jet to a blunt body in the area of the stagnation point as a function of blunt radius, top angle of cone body, pressure and stagnation enthalpy. A generalized formula is produced, relating the heat flux to the para- meters mentioned. The results of measurements i)erfoTmed with an electric arc heater agree well with measurenents made in shock tubes. 511 USSR uDc: 621.373.351.1(o88.8) ROMMOV, A. A. "A Slave Yfultivibrator" USSR Author's Certificate No 261454, filed 22 Aug 68, published 22 May 70 (from RZh-Radiotelhnika, 110 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11GII03 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a slave multivibrator based on two tran3istors with a common resistor in the emitter circuit. To increase the power of the output pulse, a circuit which consists of a storage capacitor and a resistor shunted by a semiconductor diode is con- nected between the normally open transistor and the power supply. 1/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--ISOTOPIC ANALY31S OF NITROGEM -U- ..AUT14OR-(02)-SNOPOV9 N.G., 8EZLYUDNYY, N.No rCOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. PRIKL. SPEKTROSK. 1970v 12(2), 259-63 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY -TOPIC TAGS--NITROGEN ISOTOPE, METAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Co;%TROL MARKI.NG--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/1203 STEP NO--UR/0368/70/012/002/0259/0263 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP013q2lg 2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0138218 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT---lU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ISOTOPE CONTENT OF N WAS DETD. ON THE EQU-IPMENT DESCRIBED EARLIER tN. G. SNOPOV AND N. N. BEZLYUUMYI, 1969). ZERO METHOD OF SIGNAL MEASUREMENT WAS SUGGESTED INSTEAD OF SCANNING SPECTRA TO IMPROVE THE ACCURACY. THE SIGNAL WAS MEASURED AT 297.9 NM. THE METHOD COULD BE USED AT GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 2PERCENT PRIME15 N CONTENT. AT LOWER CONCNS. THE ERROR BECOMES HIGH AND AT 0.4PERCENT PRIME15 N THE SIGNAL IS EQUAL TO NOISE. ROUTINE ANAL. TAKES 2-3 MIN. THE PRINCIPAL ADVANTAGE OF ZERO METHOD IS THE USE OF PHOTOMETRIC WEDGE WHOSE PROPERTIES ARE NOT TIME DEPENDENT. WITH THE DESCRIBED VACUUM SYSTEM AT 10 PRIME NEGATIVE 4 MM HG THE SAMPLE SIZE COULD BE REDUCED TO 0.02 MG N WITH NO LOSS OF ACCURACY. UNCLASSIFIE:D USSR uDc 621-318-13:621-372.85 BEMMAT T N , SHVARTSr~Wi, G. I., MASIICHWKO, V. G., AF-ANAS1YEV, A. P. , W L. A., PROMOPOV, A. R. , ZA-Y-ISEY, I, . A, , k7j7h-ELEV, S. M. "Controllable Delay Lines Based on Yttrium-Garnet Ferrite Rods" V sb. Tonkiye magnitn. plenki, vychisl. tekhn. i radiotekhn. T. 2 (Thin Magnetic Films, Computer Technology end Radio Engineering--collection of works. Vol 2), Krasnoyarsk, 1971, pp 142-146 (from RZh-RadioteRhnika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No 11B190) Translation: The paper presents the results of an experimental study on excitation and propagation of magnetoelastic and magnetostatic waves in yttrium-garnet ferrite rods as applied to their use in controllable aelay lines. An analysis is made of relationships for delay time as a function of the external magnetic field when frequency is held constant, delay tire as a function of frequency when the magnetic field is held constant, and total insertion losses as a function of delay time. The measurements were made in the frequency range of 560-3 800 M11-1z - Two illustrat:: ons , bibliog- raphy of eight titles. A. K. 1/1 1/3 .030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--BEA'4 INSTABILITY OF A CURRENT, AND PLASMA HEATING BY AN ELE.CTROIN BEAM Pi-,ODUCED lN A LINEAc~ DISCHARGE -U- AUTHOR-(03)-KARCHEVSKIY, A.I.9 AVERlNvX BEZMELNITSYN, VoNs COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZHURNAL EKSPERIMENTAL'NOY I TEORETICHESKOY FIlIKIl t970p Vr]L 58P NR 4, PP 1131-1145 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--ELECTRIC FIELD, PLASMA INSTABILITY, CURRENT DENSITY, ELECTRON BEAM, PLASMA HEATING, HIGH FREQUENCY DISCHARGE CC-14TP-OL RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--ONCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1988/1714 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOID6250 jl~:L_ L A S S 1 F I E 0 2/3 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7C CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106250 ABSTRArT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IT IS OEMONSTi-IATED EXPER(MENIALLY THAT IN A LINEAR STRONG CURRENT DISCHARGE (CURRENT I APPROXIiNATELY EQUAL TO 15 KAt FREQUENCY 640 KHZ) WITH A PLAS14A DENSITY BET'dEE-N I TIMES 10 PRItAF13 AND 7 TIMES 10 PRIME13 CM PRIME NEGATIVE3 IN SFRONG3 ELECTRIC FIELDS E SMALLER THAN DR SIMILAR TO 500 V-CM A BE A, M CURRENT INST43IL11Y DEVELOPS, THE CURRENT IS CARRIED BY A SMALL FRACTIO~4 (SUMILAR TO 10 PRIME NEGATIVE-3) OF THE PLASMA ELECTRONS AND THE MAIN PART OF THE DISCHARGE CURRENT 1S CARKIEO RY THE BEAM OF ACCELERATED ELECTRONS. THE ELECTRON BEAM MAY BE PASSED THROUGH T4E ANODE OF THE SYSTEM AND 15 OF INTEREST FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF CARRYING OUT, FOR EXAMPLE, PHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF PLASMA HEATING IN THF PLASM4 REAM SYSTEM. THE PAPAMETERS OF Tf*' ELECTRON BEAM PASSING THKOUGH THF ANODE ARF THE FOL L 04 1 NG : TOTAL BEAM CURRLNr 10-15 KAv HLAM Elf-"CT1,10J 1KNSITY N PIZIME APPRCIXI~MATELY EOUAL TO 10 PRIME11 CM PRIME NEGATIVE3, ENERGY OF ELECTRONS IN THE BEAM E PRIMF VARIES BETWEEN 3 AND 20 KEV, DUkATION OF BEAM SIMILAk TO 0.6 MU SECi ELECTRON BEAM POWER SIMILAR TO 100 MW, BEAM ELECTR13N CURRENT DENSITY SIMILAR TO 70 A-C,'A PRIME2. INTERACTION BETWEEN THE ELECTRON BEAM AND A COLD PLASMA WITH A DENSITY RETWEEN A TIMES 10 PRP-41E13 AND 7 TIMES 10 PRIME13 CM PRIME NEGATIVE3 LEADS TO STRONG BEAM HEATING OF THE PLASMA TO A PRESSURE NT APPRIXIMATELY EQUAL TO 10 PRIME16 EV-CM PRIME3 AND A HOT PLASMA CONFINUNG TIME IN A MIRROR TRAP DEVICE OF THE ORDER OF 20 MU SEC. UNCLASSIFIED 3/3 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106250 '14BS TR A Cl-/EXT:-ACT-- IT IS SHOWN TH AT T*,-IF A NOMA L OUS OHM I C k F S I ST A NICE OF T~jc LINEAR DISCHARGE (WHICH P'll THESE EXPERIMENTS IS THE ELECTP.01`4 GUN) CAN BE OBSEPVED DURING THE- FIRST HALF PERIOD OF THE CURRENT AND IS DUE TO RESTRICTION OF THE NUMBER OF CAdRIEKS IN THE TU~MJLENT ZONE_ OF THE DISCHARGEt ELECTROM ACCELERATION AND TRANSFER OF ENERGY By ACCELERATED ELECTRONS TO THE SYSTEM ANODE. L I '- Di 112 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--LSOCT70 !ITLE--DETECTION GF ELECTR ON BY SURFACE BAK RIER SILICON DETECTORS AGAINST BACKGROUND OF GAMMA RAYS OF COMPARABLE ENERGY -U- AUTHOR-(03)-MAKSIMENKOv B.P., BEZMELNITSYN V.N., MITIN, A.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--AT. ENEkG. (USSR): 28: 71-3 (JAN 1970) DATE PUBLISHED ---- JAN70 .SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--SEEMICONDUCTOR DETECTOR, CONVERSION ELECTRON SPECTRUM, GAMMA BACKGROUND, SILICON SEMICONDUCTOR, CUBALT ISOTOPE CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1968/0225 STEP NO--UR/0089/70/028/000/0071/0073 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105301 UNIC. L A 5 cl 11- 1 E 1) 2/? 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT7C CIRC ACCESSION NLI--AP0105301 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A SURFACE BARRIER SILICON COUNTER WITH A 40 TIMES 40 MM NAI(TL) CRYSTAL WAS USED FOP, SPECTROMETRIC STUDIES OF ELECTRJNS USING A PkIME57 CO SOURCE EMITTING 14, 122, AND '136 KEV GAMMA JUANIA AND ELCCTRCNS OF INTERNAL CONVERSION WITH L15 AND 129 KEV ENERGIES. THE RESULTS SHOWED THE COUNTER WAS EFFECTIVE; IN RECORDING THE ELECTRONS UNOER CONDITIG NS F A STRONG BACKGROUNO FIELD OF GAMMA RADIATION. USSR UDC 621.385.6 MASHNIKOV, V. V., BEMENOV, D.. A. , ZHELEZOVSKIY, B. YE-. "Analysis of a Two-Signal Balanced Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifier" Kiev, Izvestiva vuzov SSSR, Radioelektronika, V61 XV, No 8, 1972, p1) 1042-1046 Abstract: A theoretical and experimental study vas made of the conditions of si,multaneous amplification of two signals of equal input amplitudes and differ- ent frequencies in an 0-type traveling wave tube, The predominant anplificzrt- tion of one of the signals is determined by its frequency, amplification co- efficeint and the steepness of the amplitude characteristic in the signal of single-frequency mode. Depending on the operating conditions of the tube, each of the trentioned parameters can be defined. With equal. steeprier's of the amplitude characteristic and the amplification coefficient, the higher fre- quency signals will receive predominant amplification. For equal amplifica- tion coefficients and snall detuning, the signal with greater steepness of L:he amplitude characteristic will receive predordnant amplification. The Signal with a high amplification coefficient will receive predominant aly.,plification for equal rteepness of Lhu amplitude characteristic and small de"Unilig. 99 - / R - 1/(' f" / /V1. I C / /~~ V- I'LOW PA T BODIES Betmr~ov' V. Yi%' , a~d 11. 1. G.renbukh. APPTI~atln-h. ..t r..-I.ti.nary -.1ogX t an inve0laalion of (!xplovivP wave cffects on an obMacle in a hypermonic tunnet, Uchtnyye zapiski Tnentral'nogo acro- dinarnicheskopo instituta, v. 2, no. 6, 1971. 48-54. (RZh?,Arkh, 5172, ". SV?82) The results are presented of an experimental investigation of shock wave interAction frorn a blunt body (a plate with a biunt leadinS ,edge). with a solid boundary (a plate with a sharp 1cading edge), in a helium stream at M = 23 to V. The pressure distribution around the 4 plate with the sharp leading edge behind the incident shock -ave fit given. 13]r means of a detonation analogy, the results obtained are used to analyze the effect of a plane shock wave on a two-dimensional barrier. It Is shoen that in this case the experimental results agreed with the calculated data. Counterpressure was not taken into account during the tests. Tsvefl,ava, M. V. ChAracterlatica of aupersonic fi'- arouwl blunt bridit!a under conditions of intrnsive. injection. IN: Trudy 11 ReApublikartskoy konferentsli po sterogidromekhanike. teplocbmenu I mawooobmanu. Sektalya "Acrodinamika bollshikh alkorostey". Kiyov. Kiyevskiy univtrsitet~ 1971, 11Z-115. (AZhMekh. 5/72, no. 513415) Results are presented of experimental research on the sUect of air injection through a permeable body surface an the position and > CQ USSR UDC: 8.74 DZHUGAN, F. K., KMETIK, N. Ye., BEZMOLITVENNYY, 0. V. "A Combined 1/0 Device" Tr. NII upravl. vychisl. mashin (Works of the Scientific Re- search Institute ot Control Computers), 1971, -tryp. 4, pp 46-59 (from.RZh-Kibernetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 811603) Translation: The article gives the particulars of an algorithm and th&--principle of the circuitry of a combined 1/0 device for punched tapes which is based on discrete elements. Authors' Resum6. - 54 USSR UDC: 539.128.2 BALDIN, A. IMI. , a-P-7IINXIIQ V'YE-V, L. F., ISSITI'SKIY, ZIITO 1. B. , KAZANSIKEL .V, A. I., IMOROZ, V. I., PAVLOV, N. I., and PUCHKOV, G. P. "Acceleration and Removal of Deuton Beams from the OIYal Synchro- phasotron" Moscow, Pribory i T-ekhnika Eksperimnenta, No. 3, 1971, pp 29-31 Abstract: This article describes the realization of a DroDosal I for accelerating and extracting deutons with existing syncliro- phasotron systems made in an earlier article (Beznogikh, Yu. D., et al, Reprint GlYaI, 1968, -No. R9-4214, Dubna). The basic idea of the proposal was to multiply the linear acceleration by two through halving the velocity of the deutons going into and coming out of the linear accelerator compared to the velocity of the Pro- tons. The acceleration in the synchrotron is done in two steps: first, doublin4~ the acceleration; second, reaching Ithe limiting frequency of t~e accelerating system and 'then making the transi- 1/2 130 - . USSR BALDIN, A. M., et al., Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimental 11c) 3, 1974 PP 29-31 tion to the plateau in the first multiple of the acceleration. By using a debuncher at the accelerator output, the caDture of the deutons in first the quasi-betatron and then the synchro- tron modes was increased. The authors are associated with the OIYaI ('Joint -Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna). 2/2 USSR UDC 632.95 BEZOBRAZOV, Yu. N., BRYSOVA, V. P., and GUKOVA, R. A. W WIMOMMUNOW "New Fungicides -- Derivatives of Dithiocarbamic Acid" "Zh. Organ. Khimii" (Hournal of Organic Chemistry, Vol 7, No 11, 1971; pp 2282-2285) (Tran5lation from Referat-4vnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 8, Moscow, 1972, No 8 N607) Translation: Active fungicides of the general formula R0C(0)-SC(S)NRIR" (1) (R = alkyl, naphthyl, aryl, aralkyl; R'=alkyl, CH 2CH2CN; R"=H, or alkyl are produced by reaction of the sodium salts of derivatives of dithiocarbamic acid with chlorocarbonates. To 122.5 gm iso-PrOCOCL in 80 gm acetone is added a 40% aqueous solution of 143 gm of NaSC(S)N(Me')2 at 10-150. At the same temperature, the mixture is stirred for 40 minutes, filtered, the resj- due washed with water until it given a negative reaction to Cl-, and (tried at 30*. The yield was 1-92 gm of (1) (R w- iso-Pr, R' - R" = I'le) , mp 61-2' (ether). Also produced were I (shown are R, R', R", yield in %, mp in *C): I-C-JOH7, Me, H, 74, 93-4; 1-ClOH7, -Me, Me, 98.5, 63-4; 1-ClOH7, Et, Et, C-N, CHq,CHgCN, 77.2, 121-2; 2-ClOP17, Me, ~Ie, 94.5, 95-6; 1-ClOH71 CH2CH2 97.2, 105-6; rr-C611 Me, Me, F, 58.5, 36-7; T:t'-C6H4Me, Me, Me, 85.3, 71-2; ra--C6H4Me, Et,Et, K6, 36-7; P-COele, Me, H, 78, 84-5; P-C6H4Me, Me, 'Me, 1/2 USSR BEZOBRAZOV, Yu. N. , et al., "Zh. Organ. Khimii" (journal of Organic Chemistry, Vol 7, No 11, 1971; pp 2282-2285) (Translation from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 8, Moscow, 1972, No 8 N607) 86.1, 104-5; P-C6H4Me, Et, Et, 84.5, 46-7; a-C6114 Me, Me, H, 58.6, 68-9; O-C04Me, Me, Me, 90, 62-3; O-C041'e, Et, Et, 92.2, 56-7; P-ClC6114 CH2, Me. Me, 78.6, 52-52.5; Me, Me, H, 73, 30-1; Me, Me, Me, 83.3, 7-8.5; Me, Et, Et, 85.3, 18-9; 23415-Cl-C6H , Me, Me, 76.2, 10-3; 2,4,6-Cl3C6 H21 Me, Me, 75.3, 94-5; 3,4-Cl2C6H CH2, 4e, Me, 92.5, 84-5; Me, CH2C",)CN, H, 67.7, 67-8; CH2C1 C112CH2CN, H, 32, 87.5-88.5; iso-Pr, Et, Et, 46.7-, 90-1; Bu, Me, Me, 95.i,, 25-7; sec-Bu, Me, Me, 95.8, 13.5-14.5; Ph, Me, Me, 92, 99- 100; C6C15, He, Me, 43.6, 120 (variable); G-C04NO2, Me, Me, 93.6, 79-80; PhCH 2' Me, Me, 53.4, 65-6. 2/2 - 73 - USSR EDC 547.496.2 . YU. N. BRYSOVA, V. P. , and GUKOVA, R. A. "Novel Fungicides Derivatives of Dithiocarbamic Acid" LeningraLl, Zhurnal Organicheskoy Xhimil, Vol 7t No 11, Nov 71, pp 2282-2285 Abstmett Derivatives of dialkyldithiocarbamic acid -- alkyl(aryl)-hydro- xycarbonyldithiocarbamates were synthesized. These products exhibit fungicidal activity. To 122-5 g isopropylchlorocarbonate in 80 g acetone, 143 g of a 40% aqueous suspension of sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate is added gradually with vigorous stirring at 10-150. Then the reaction mass is stirred for 40 min at the same temperature. The yellow solid which precipitates is washed with water0until a negative reaction for chloride ions is obtained, and then dried at 30 . The yield of isopropoxycarbonyl-K.11-cU=ethyldithiocarbamate, m.p. 61-~20 is 92%. Other derivatives were synthesized In an analogous manner. The fungicidal and bactericidal activity exaftibited by these compounds is accompanied by low toxicity towards warm-blooded animals. IA USSR RM-10r-TTIT -M-D.1 L. P.J KADYROV.? R. Bl-,, Kffflyflf7,1711) )7U. K., j _~TjrU,' TLYASIEKEVICH, N. N., POPC!-!, 11. A.) SEME111YUSITIKIN, 1. '14. al-nd ,,, Vr, L, "Injector aebuncher of the O!YAI Synchrophanotron With Enerry Modulation of the Accelerated E'oscow, Pribor7,r 'L Tek-h-riika Eksperizn2nta. Zhurnal Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1") 1, Jan/Feb 72, PP -37-38 Abst2~-act: The narticle intensity in the OIYAI synchroph&,sotron can be increased bY 751iL by reducin.- the enerGy scatterinF, in the o~itict beair:i and by modulantin,, the enerf- y of the injected beam- B:)th, funclions can bc pcrCor~.".1-d' by a single hi-h-freqaency dcbuncher resonator located at a certair, di.,A~ance from the linear acceleraLor. Tlie de-mincher resona-tor is 1/4 of the wave length of the round coaxial line. The tialin- io achieved by deflecting the end' w~11,; -.n,,l by a t--o--rundary power in-put. The dia-ran and the description of this device are precerted. So:::-- experimenta-1 resiLlts cilbrained with and without the debuncher are also. given. 1/1 'V' Atc. Nr: #M043591- Co UR' 0056 de PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1970, Vol 58, Nr 3, pp ?d,6 A(0 FINE STRUCTURE OF EXCITON-KAGNON ABSORPTION OF LIGHT IN K.;1nF3 Belyayeva, A.'I.; Yeremenko, V. V.; Beznosikov, B." V. Some peculiarities of the structure of pure exciton and exciton-magnon ligh absorp- tion bands in the region of the 1.4,g (1,5) -i~- 'Ajj1Eg ('G) transition in Weakly ferromag- netic KMnF3 are observed and analyzed. it is shown that splitting of pure exciton lines and variation of the magnon frequencies at points W and U in the Brillouin zone ruake an additive contribution to the change of the exciton-magnon absorption band in a mag- netic field. This may be regarded as a proof of weakness of exciton-magnon interaction for the sAig(OS) 4Ajg'Eg('G) transition in KMnF3. The conclusions are valid for a si- milar transition in RbMuFs. - REEL/FRAME 1976200 112 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATF-020CIT70 TITLE--IN-FRARED SPECTROSC' )PIC STUDY rlF DEHYDRJCHLORINATED POLYIVINYL CHLCRIDE) FIBERS AND FILMS ANO THEIR MODIFICATIONS -U- AUTH9R-(05)-GKACHEV, V.I., 3C-ZPR0ZYANNYKH, A.V., SHFLKUNCV, N.-Pt KIL-,lFNKO, I.B., KI,-'ILt:NKd" " -7 -:0--USSIR COUNTRY OF [Ni SOURCF--ZH. PKIKL. Krll!-~. (LE~41NGRAD) lc;70, 43(3) 633-8 DATE PUeLISHED ------- 70 SUbJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY TOPIC T4GS-It~ SPECTRUPI, POLYVINYL CHLORIOE F[BER, TEMPERATURE DEPENDE\4CE, CATALYST ACTIVITY# CHL3KINATIONs DEHYDRUGENATION, BROMINATIoN, THIOUREA, POLYMER FILM CONTROL P.ARKING--NO REST41CTIONS DOCUMIENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1992/0305 STEP '40--I)R/0080/70/043/003/ob33/0638 CIRC ACCEssintq 14L)--AP0111499 UNCLASSIFIED 212 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-020CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0.111499 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECTS OF MFUIUM, CATALYST, AND TEMP. OF DEHYDROCHLORINATION OF POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) FIBERS AND FILMS ON, THEIR IR SPECTRA WAS STUDIED. DEHYDROCHLORINATION INCREASES WITH TEMP* -(110-150DEGRRES) AND TIMF.AS SHOWN BY INCREASED INTENSITY r1F THE BANDS AT 1680-1720 AND 1605 CM PRIME NEGATIVEI (U14SATD. C-3 AND C-L' BONDS). TEH BAND INTENSITY AT 3028 CM PRIME NEGATIVEI (END VINYL GROUPS) ALSO INCREASES WITH TEMP. THF PRESENCE OF A CATALYST INrREASES THE RATE, DIAZOAMINOBENZENE 114CREASING THE RATE MORE THAN ALPHAti%'APHTHYLAMINE. USING DIAZOAMINOBENZENE, ALPHA AND BETA UNSUBSTITUTED ALDEHYDE GROUPS ARE FORMED (ABSORPTION AT 1690 CM PAIME NEGATIVEI.). DEHYDROCHLORINATION PROCEEDS MORE RAPIDLY IN All THAN IN VACUUM. ALS09 THE TREATED PRODUCT WAS BROMINATED WITH 3PERGENT AQ. OR AT 9OUEGREES FOR Z HR TO GI'VE*BKC:HCH':CHCHB*R G'ROUPS. SUBSEQUENT TREATMENT W'ITH THIOUPEA AT 100-2DEGREES SHOWS THE PRESENCE aF THIOAMIDE AND THIOURONIUM GROUPS, WHICH ARE REMOVED BY TREATMENT WITH 2N NAOH, IN THE SPECTR.UM. UNCLASSIFIED 'USSR UDc 615.616-24-003.656.6 BrMOD"YKII :I IIIAZUROV, V. I., IOCHETKOVA. ~.-KASPAROV, A. A., K T . A . , PkZDVADOVSIKIY , YE . F . I. SIDOROVA V. , XT LI.KOVA , T . P GALITSINN, I. Z. . ZANIARAYI-I'VA, T. V. !fAntif�brosis Effect of Polyvinylpyridine-N-Oxide as a Compound to Prevent the Development of Silicosis" Nauch. tr. Irkutsk. Pied. in-t (Scientific 'Yorks of' the Trktitsk Medical Institute), 1972, vyp 110, PP 52-53 (from RZIi-Farnialco- logiya. Khiiuioterapevticheskiye Sredstva. Toksikolo~giya., NTO 3, Mar 713, Abstract NO 3.54-874) Translation: The polymers polyvinyl-pyridine-2- and 'j-NE-oxides had an effect on the deg-ree of expression of histolofic altcrations in tile early stages of the development of experimental silicosis (10 days) i-Aien adminIstered inLratracheally and, especially, hypodern, ically. These polymers normalized the indexes of the oxidation processes in the lung tissite and the myrocardium. Af ter one, three and six months of the experi;-nent, the polymers ivrith a molec- ular weight of 40)000 to 80,000 retarded the development of fibro- sis, reduced the amou.-it of neutrally soluble colla,ren and 1/2 USSR BEZRODNYKH., A. A. I et al. , Nauch. tr. Irkutsk. med. in-t, 1972, vyp 110, PP 52-53 normalized tlie amino acid composition of the lung tissue, the indexes of the oxidation phosphorylation and the activity of the intracellular enzymes. On intratracheal administration of poly- mers with a molecular weirdit of SO,000 to 1,5001000, the develop- inent of catarrhal bronchitis and bronchiolitis was noted. 72 I- USSR UDC 632.93:631.53.01 IFZRO-DW,Y Head of the Volgograd Plant Protection Station, and �A--FT-Y-ANOV, S. P., Senior Scientific Co-worker of the Volzhsk Scientific Research Institute of Irrigated Land "Preparation No 868 to Control Loose Smut" Moscow, Zashchita Rasteniy, No 12, 1971, pp 27-28 Abstract: Test results are presented of preparation No 868 (an organic crystalline substance which dissolves well iin water) obtained from the All- Union Institute for the Protection of Plants for production checking. It is used to control loose smut in spring wheat. Preparation No 868 resembles vitavax in its effect. The spread of the disease was limited by applying preparation No 868 to the seed before planting, but the net profit was in- creased insignificantly after subtracting the cost of the treatment for the irrigated and dryland test plots investigated. 1/1 - 58 - USSR UDC; 536.24:536.42 BUTUZOV, A. I., FAYNZIL'BERG, S. N., 4 USETIKO, V. I. ,F UDELYA, P. P. "On the Problem of Studying Heat Exchange During Boiling of Liquids Under Inertial Loading Conditions" Teplofiz. i teplotekhnika. Resp. mezh-,red. sb. (Thermal Physics and Heat Engineering. Republic Interdepartmenta!;Collection), 197o, Vol 16, PP 137-140 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9B869) Translation: Ex-oeriments are conducted on determining the laws of heat exchange which accompany boiling of freon-12 and water on heating surfaces with thermal loads q= (6.6-200) kW/M2, and with inertial overloads alg= 1-5250. Three typical heat exchange regions are distinguished: well developed boiling when a>qf,+qub, undeveloped boiling -- qfc> 1, 1 y> / xn (IX and Iy are the correlation radii of the unevennesscs along and transverse to the propagation path, res- pectively, D is the path length, x n is the longitudinal wave number of the n- th normal wave, AX - Ix n - Xn-l J)f and variation in the shape of the boundary with time takes place appreciably more slowly than the period of the electro- magnetic oscillations. The space-time correlation coefficient has identical form for the field amplituJe and phase. It does not depend on the specific 112 ~.5 USSR BEZRODNTYY, V. G., et al., Izvestiya vysshikh uchevnvkh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, Vol XV, No 1, 1972, pp 73-82 model of the wave guide and it is determined only by the statistical character- istics of the boundary unevennesses, The expressions for the dispersions of the amplitude and phase fluctuations, their spatial correlation functions and tir~e spectra are analvzed in a number of limiting cases. 212 112 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING JATE--230CT70 TITLE--10'i EXCHANGE SEPARATION OF SMALL AMOUNTS OF SILICIC ACID FROM OTHER I ELEMENTS FOR ITS PHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION -U- AUTHOR-(03)-NEMODRUKP A.A.v PALEY, P.N., BEIROGOVA, YE.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-ZH. ANAL. KHIM. 1970# 15(2)9 319-23 OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SU9JECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ION EXCHANGE RESIN, PHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS, SILICON COMPOUND, INORGANIC ACID, CHEMICAL SEPERATION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CL4SS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1993/0677 STEP ND--UR/0075/70/025/002/031')/0323 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0113548 UNCLASS I F IED 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0113548 ABSTRAGT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ALPHA SILICIC ACID PASSES COMPLETELY THROUGH COLUMNS PACKED ;41TH.. CATION EXCHANGERS OR WITH WEAK BASE ANTON EXCHANGERS DURING ITS SEPN. FROM OTHER ELEMENTS IN THE ABSENCE OF THE POLYMERIC FORMS OF SILICIC ACID AND CAN BE DETD. QUANT. IN THE FILTRATE. IN THE PRESENCE OF POLYMERIC FORMS (8ETA AND GAMMA) THE ALPHA FORM CONCN. IN THE FILTRATE 15 CONSIDERABLY OVERESTD., PARTIALLY DUE TO CONVERSION OF THE POLYMERIC FiRMS TO THE ALPHA FORM DURING THE ION EXCHANGE PRUCESS. ION EXCHANGE CANNOT BE USED FOR THE SE-PN, OF SILICIC ACID FROM OTHER ELEMENTS DURING THE DETN. OF ITS TOTAL CONTENT BECAUSE THE POLYMERIC FORMS ARE MOSTLY DETAINED BY THE ION EXCHANGERS. THUS IT 15 NECESSARY TO CONVERT Al-L FORMS TO THE ALPHA FORM PRIOR TO PASSAGE THROUGH THE ION EXCHANGE COLUMN BY HEATING THE SOLN. WITH AN E-XCESS OF NAOH. DIL. AN ALIQUOT CONTG. 1OP500 UG SI IN A TEFLON FLASK TO IOML WITH H SUB2 0, 14EUTRALIZE WITH A 20PERCNET NAOH TO PH 2, 3, AND THEN ADD ANOTHER 3 ML 20PERCENT NAOH AND BOIL FOR 30 MIN. COOL POUR DROPWISE INTO 2 ML HNO SUB3 WHILE MIXING, NEUTRALIZE WITH 2N NAOli TO PH 1, DIL. WITH H SUB2 0 TO 20 ML AND PASS AT A RATE OF 0.25 ML-MIN THROUGH A COLUMN FILLED WITH KU-2 OR DUWEX 50X8 (H POSITIVE FORM). WASH THE COLUMN WITH 20 ML H SUB2 0 INTO THE FILTRATE. DIS. THE FILTRATE TO 50 ML WITH H SUB2 () ANO DET. 51 IN AN ALIQUOT CONTG. 41 50MUG SI. UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27;',JOV70 112 049 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE--ANISOTROPY OF COLLOIDS AND THE WEIGERT EFFECT f,,' SODIUM CgLDklf)E CRYSTALS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-BEZRUCllr,0, V.M., BODRYAGIN, V-1.y SHATALOVj A.A. COUNTRY OF INF9--USSR SOURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 1970, 12(4), 1091-4 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY7 PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--SODIl).M CHLORIDE, ANISOTROPY, PADIATION EFFFCT, POLARIZED LUMINESCEMCF, COLLOID CONTROL 4ARKING--NO REsrRICTIONS DOCUME-NIT CLASS-UNCLASSIFf"D PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/1370 STEP NO--UR/0131/70/OL2/004/1091/1094 CIRC ACCESSION N01--AP012~770 mono 2./Z 049 UNCLASSfFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--27NUV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APO128770 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TEMP. DEPENO-ENC.E 'WAS 1,NVESTIGATED OF THE HERSHEL EFFECT ON NIA COLLOIDS IN NACL CRYST"'LS. 3Y IRRADN. WITH PGLA-RIZED LIGHT, A DIRECTED DECUMPN. OF THE COLLCIIDS WAS 03SO. ~0i[CH T007ETHER WITH THERMAL G1~4'OWTH OF THESE COLLOIDS LEADS TO A TRANSFORMATION FROM SPHERICAL TO ELLIPSOIDAL PARTICLES. GOOD AGREEMENT WAS OBTAINED BETWEEN THE EXPTL. AND CALCO. DICHROrS?M OF THE COLL010S. FACILITY: KIEV. GOS. WNIV. IM. SHEVCHENKL-lf KIEV, USSR. WiCLASSIFIFD Acc. Nr: Abstradting Service: Ref. Code: 4POO-52507- -CHEMICAL ABST.-:~_-,;1-o o yt. /Z_ r t01605t Electron-microscopic and optical study of the sur- faces of amorphous polymer chips. BezrjA,64; Lipatov, Yu. S.:.lvashchenko. V. K.: Unatova. T. Mr-Pasechnik. Yu. V. (Inst. ,!ier. 71 1970, 1-2(l), 35- (11uss)*Polyurethane rubber (1) samples were exposed w silent elec. discharge in 0 and obsd. by electron microscopy. Spherulite-like structures (if *3 types appeared: hy- perbolic, polygonal. and ellipsoidal. Other methods of sample prepn, for electron microscopy. x-ray diffraction, and birefrin- gence failed to reveal any si is of spherulite-like structures. Anal. of the results showed t9at the spherulite-like structures are due to inhomogenities on the I surface and not to the existence of spherulites.,j have a globular amorphous- structure. CPJR J . . -.k REEL/FRAME 191321JL48 1/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 TITLE--RESULTS OF w-!EASlJRel-,~fNTS Of: CHARGED PAkTICLE: C6NLENTRATIUN liN THE EAPTH'S PLASMA SHELL, CONDUCTED ON BOARD ELEKTRON 2 '~ND ELEKTRON 4 AUTH0R--BEZRUKIKH, V.V. jNFO--0SSR , UN I TED COUNTRY OF STATES SOURCE--KOSMICHESKIE ISSLEDQVANIIA, VOL. 8, MAR.-APR. 1970, P. 273-277 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANUGRAPHY, SPACE rECHNI-3LOGY TOPIC TAGS--CHARGED PARTICLE, GEOMAGNETIC LATITUDE, IrjN CONCENITI"ATION, GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY/( U )ELECTRON 2 SATELLITE, (WELECTRON q SATELLITE CONTROL ?4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1990/0201. STEP NO--UlZI029-~'17010,)FjIOCJC)10273161)17 CIRC ACCESSION r,40--AT0108525 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED DArE-23OCTIO CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0108525 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RESULTS OF SATELLITE ',!EASURF;-'4ENr~ OF ION CONCENTRAT IONS IN THE E,"ARTHIS PLAS'41A SHELL DURING MIDRNING A~iD EVENING HOURS LOCAL TIME, AT GEOMAGNETIC LATITUD3S --5ELOW 56 QEGj. IT is SHM4N THAT THF LARGEST PART OF THE t--iEASUM'-';-:D ION C[;NCE7lTR)~Tl'jJq niSTRIBUTIONS HAS A SHARP CHANGE AT HEIGHTS DEPENDENT ON THE G11-:0MAGNETIC ACTIVITY. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621-'Al-7.-(99~621.=:82.2 YEFREVCTI, I.S., ZAr-A.-II-iCV, N.A., NIKOVSKIY, 1.K., -R-RUi~OV, G.I., 5LE7T5GV,.'-I.A,, CHIRVI-NS1~1'Y", [Yosk. one r1g. -in-t-111-o Ecow --ower IhIt-titijteI)--o-- "Method Of Contiruous 1-.essurement Of The Tenpersture Cf A P-IN Junction Of A Rectifier(I USSR Author's Certipicate No 27r-^--7~6 filed 26 July 67, jublisned 22 Oct 70 (from RZh-E-11ektronik~- i veye primeneniZe, No 4, Anril 19-1, Abstract T~o 435~8P) - - - - - - I Translation; A method is DrODMA for contiryaous r-eaEurement of' "he temperature of the D-n junction of a rectifier, mainly unier oper34 fonal com',-tions. ith the obj;ct of increasinF thQ utilization factor of t'-e rect.-iffier power, ti-.e tle=perature of the rectifier cace and the current of the loaded rectifier are =eaeured s proportional conversic= of the para,.:~eters mevsured` into unifor= signals are -performed, these sli,7,nals are and by the NIa(-n-JI- tude of these s=-s the temperature of the rectifierlu -~n junction is judred. 36 USSR UDC 546.26-126+54o/.07+51,19.211 �R7R11KQ_Y__G. N.. BUTUZOV, V. P., LAPTEV, V. A., All-Union Scientific Researcn Institute for the Synthesis of Nineral Ravi Materials, Aleksandrov, Vladimir- skaya Oblast "The Growth Kinetics of Artificial Diamond Crystals of Different Habitus Typesif Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 200, No 5, 11 Oct 71, PP 1088-1091 Abstract: In research on the grouth kinetics of artificial diamond crystals of different habitus types, the following conclusions were obtained. The thermodynamic conditions of crystallization, and particularly the temperature regimes, determine the predominant development of diaviond crystals of a strictly defined habitus. The number of crystallization centers is also a function of the thermodynamic conditions, the determining parameter being pressure. The duration of crystallization substantially affects the rate of origination of diamond crystallization centers, which then form various habitus types, only during the first 12-0 seconds. Subsequently, during the investigated time interval, the rate of origination of the centers is prac- tically constant. The rate of crystal growth of all the habitus types de- l/? USSR BEZRU,KOV, G. N. et al, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 'Vol 200, No 5, 11 Oct 71, pp 1088-1091 pends essentially ~-lpon duration of the synthesis also only in the first stage a (up to 30 seconds). in the course of time this relationship is relaxed, expressing a very smooth decrease of the growth rates. 4 figures, 1 refer- ence. 2/2 - 78 - USSR UDC 546.26-126+549.07,549.211 BEZRUKOV G N BUTUZOV, V. P., and LAPTEV, V. A., All-Union Scientific Irese i~ A!nsitute of Mineral Raw Haterial Synthesis, Aleksandrov Vladindrskoy Oblast "Growth Kinetics of Synthetic Dia=rd Crystals of Differing Habit Types" Hoscow, Dol-clady Mmderaii Nauk SSSR, Vol 200, 140 5, 1971, Dp 1088-1091 Abstracti A study was made of the pressure and temperature relationships in the growing of diamond crystals from which five morphological habit types were distinguisheds I -- cubes, II -- cubes with truncated faces of an octahedron, III -- an intermediate form betwean a cube and octahedron a cubic octahedron, IV -- an octahedron with truncated cube faces and V octahedron. By experimentation it was establiched that nucleation of crystals occurs for the entire crystallization time interval, and that high tompor- atures and pressures facilitate the formation of twins and concretions the formation of which occurred at increased groirth rates. 1/ 3 103 - USSR BEZRUTKOV, G. N., et al., Doklady Akademid Nauk SSSR, Vol 200, No 5, 1971, Pp 1088-1091 At the minimum possible temperature for a given pressure type II crystals are formed in most cases with some formation of type I habits. A prevalent formation of type III crystals occurs at comparatively high pa--a- neters. Habit types IV and V form at even higher temperatures. B~ plotting the number of crystallization centers against temperature m, mi-110 , rri-2200 and n+3100 0 and ntunaber of centers against pressures n, n+3, and n+6 kb-nrs the authors were able to determine the naxinitm number of crystallization centers formed for each crystal habit type before a smooth dro-D starts For habit types 111, two centers of crystallization form four at rr+110 one crystallization center for habit t-YDe IV forms a maximum of two centers at M-22'00; and for one crystallization center for type V there are about four centers forned. On the other hand if a multitude of crystallization centers Initially form then the rmaximun number of centers resulting increases quite :rapidly. For example, 28 cSystallization centers of type V f ormed approxi- matel,y 266 centers at n. +220 . The data mentioned here for the high number of Crystallization centers formed was for a pressure of n~6 k1bars, The same evidence was observed for increasin-- Dressure while holding temperature constant, with extrerie being notee for high temperatures and high pressures. 2/3 USSR BEZRUKOV, G. N. , et al. , Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 200, NO 5, 11971, pp 1088-1091 In plotting growth rate against time It was noted that maximum growth rate occurs at the 15 second mark for a -oressure of n+3 kbars and temperature of n+110 C (excluding type 1). 'the max1mum growth ratt-s were (in mm/sec)i 0.06 for type 111, 0.052 for IV, 0.042 for type V and 0.03 for type II. From this exDeriment the authors made the following conclusionst 1) therraodynaaic conditions of crystallization and especially temperature modes determine the prevalent development of diamond crystals of a strictly specified habit; 2) the number of crystallization centers is a function of the thermo- dynamic conditions whereupon the determining factor is pressure; 3) duration of crystallization time renders a substantial effect on the rate of crystal- lization center forp.-ation which then forms different habit typesonly in the course of the first 120 seconds. Furthermore, in the course of the Investi- gated tire interval the rate of center formation is practically unchanged; 4) growth rate of crystals of all the habit types also depends essentially on the synthesis time only in the first stage (UP to 30 seconds). With the passage of time this relationship deteriorates, reflecting a very smooth decrease in growth rates. Four figures, 1 bibliographical reference. 3/3 - io4 - USSR LTD C 62 1 . 3 15.592 1TVIN, Yu.A. , A,E.Z4W~&V,,,G . N. ,BU-IGZOV, V.P., GEPLASMENK0, N.N., LHZITIEYK0, 1,.V. T~ and SHIRNOV, L.S. "Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Artificial Semiconductor Boron-Dopcd Diamonds" Lenin,rad, FiziIza i Telkhnilka Poluprovodnikov, Vol 4, No 4, 1970, pp 693-696 0 Abstract: The artificial diamond specimens were dioped by. boron in t'leir gro-,.-th process, and had a carrier concentration, deLer-.iii-.ed_bY Cie -all elFfect at: room temperature, witthin the liwiits of 5.1016 to 1016 cza_-~, correspjondin.,- to a boron content of 0.25 to 0.25Z by weight. With the variation in concentration of the boron the color of the crystals changed from blue to black. T!-ie crystalr, ujcd in the raeasure-ments were cubic, with an edge of 0.5 to 1.5 mir., or in octahedral The foliowinu characteristics were investigated: type of conductivity, om thermoeleccrical measurements; the resistance as a function of the tem- r peracure in the interval of 300-800* K, in which the two-concact ziethod of 1/2 I USSR BEZRLIKOV, G.N., e: al., Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovo,-ni'-.)v, Vol 4, No 4, 1970, pp 693-696 electrical mcasurement was usad, with the o_4 silver, or ,,raphite; radiacion recombination spectrum at temperaLures of 3010 an_` 9-3' with electron pulse excitation, and its dependence on t1-le exciz:ation density. In this latter, the electron energy was 200 kev with a pulse duration of 0.3-10 6 seconds. Also investigated was the duration of the afterglow after the excita- tion pulse stopped, and its dependence on the wavelength. The authors found these diamond semiconductors to be of the p type. 2/2 '112 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--IISEP70 TITLE-MMEPA~ FORMATION IN KIMBERLITES AT THE EXPERIMENTAL CONOITIONS OF HIGH PRESSURES AND TEMPERATU!~-ES -U- AUTHOR--DAVYDCHENKO, A.G., LISITSYNA, E.YE., BEZRUKOVP G.N., GOPOK-41OV, E S.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--GECLOGTYA I GEOFILIKA, 1q7 NR 1 (1211, PP 129-135 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--EAQTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS--MINERAL FORMATION ANALYSIS, HIGH TEMPERATURE, HIGH PRESSURE 'ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMeNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIFD PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0880 STFP N9--UIZ/0210/70/000/001/012~)/DI'5 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104316 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 019 - UNCLASSTFIED PROCFSSING DATE--11SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0104316 ABSTPACT/EXTRACT--~U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. KIMBERLITE FROM THE MIR PIPF WAS UNDERGONE BY THE 'EFFECT OF HISH TEMPERATURES (UP 'TO 1400-1500r)EGREESC) AT THE PRESSURE 10 AND 25 KBAR IN THE WATER PRESENCE. THE FgkSTEPITE, DInPSIDEt CALCITEi TITANOMAGNETITE ARE ESTA3LISHED TO BE FOR.'~Eo 4T THE TEMPERATURES BELOW THE MELTING TEMPERATUREt AT 25 KBAR PRESSUPE PYPOPF RECRYSTALLIZATION IS POSSIBLE. THE COOLING OF KIMBFRLITE MELT LEAD To FORSTERITE AND GLASS FORMATION. BY THE LOCATION OF PYROFILLITE INTO REACTIONAL CAMERA AT THE PRESSURE OF 25 KBAR AND TE4PERATURE ABOVE -800~900DEGREESC.ALMOST FULL RECRY STALLIZA'TION OF SOURCE MAT.ERIAL INTO GARNET TAKES PLACE; THE GARNET IS CLOSE TO PYROPE IN COMPOSITION. UNCLA-S-SlFIf- D 112 039 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--18SEP70 TITLE-PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF NITROGEN CONTAINING SYNTHETIC DIAMONDS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-NIKITIN, A.Vo, KLIYENTOVAP G~Pst BEIAUKOVP G.N. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRv NEORG. MATER. 1970t 6(2) 379-1 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICSt EARTH SCIENCES Al-40 OCEANOGRAPHY, CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY PROPERTYt NITROGEN, DIAMOND, CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS, X RAY DIFFRACTION ANALYSISv CRYSTAL LATTICE STRUCTUREt ~CRYSTAL IMPURITY, ALUMINUMt BORON, LUMINESCENCE, THERMO EFFECT CONTRCL MARKING--Nn RESTRICTIOINS 00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1938/0547 STEP NO--UR/0363/70/006/002/0370/0371 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0105532 UNCLASSIFIED 212 039 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE-16SEP70 CIRC ACCESSinN NO--AP0105532 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DATA ARE PkESENTEO CONCERNING CERTAIN PHYS. PROPERTIES OF SYNTHETIC DIAMONDS SYNTHESIZED IN A MEDIUM OF EXCESS N -SUB2. LAUE AND POWDER X RAY DIFFRACTION METHUDS WERE USED TO STUDY THE CRYSTALS PREPD. THE LATTICE PARAMETEK OF THE DOPED CRYSTALS WAS ALPHA EQUAL 3.5680 ANGSTROM, WHICH DIFFERS SOMEWHAT FROM THAT FOUND BY OTHER INVESTIGATORS AND FOR OTHER SYNTHETIC DIAMOND CRYSTALS. THERMOSCINTILLATION CURVES WERE ALSO TAKEN FOR THESE SAMPLESt AT 20-400DEGREES, THE HEATING RATE BEING IDEGREE-SEC. THE PREVIOUS ASSUMPTION THAT N TAKES PART IN THE FORMATION OF DEFECTS RE$PONSIBLE FOR THERMOSCINTILLATION HAS BEEN CONFIRMED. THREE VERY*IN,'TENSE AND HIGHLY DISCERNIBLE PEAKS WERE OBSD., AT 100-115t 150t AND 260DEGREES, WITH A 4TH MAX. AT 215DEGREES. THE CALCO. ACTIVATION ENERGIES FOR THESE WERE 0.37t 0.53, 0.61, AND 0.84 EVv RESP. fNTRODUCTING B AND AL IMPURITIES INTO TKE DIAMOND LATTICE UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS ALSO INCREASES THE INTENSITY OF THE CORRESPONDING THERMOLUMINESCENCE PEAKS. UNkCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 546.26--162 NIKITIN, A. V., KLIYENTOVA, G. P., and BEZEU, N., All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Synthesis ofIffln"'e'r,a'l Ore "Certain Physical Properties of Nitrogen-Doped Artificial Diru-nonds" Moscow, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 6, No 2, Feb 70, pp 370-371 jVbstract: Despite its scientific and practical importance, there is relatively little information on the effect of nitrogen on the properties of artificial diamonds. This paper presents preliminary data on some of the properties of man-made diamonds synthesized in a nitrogen-ricb meditmi, The specimens were synthesized by the widely employed method of high teMDeratures and Dressures. Nitrogen was added to carbon dissolving metals in amounts of 5 to 20% in the form of Mn4N synthesized for this purpose by a conventional method. The diemond crystals obtained in this manner actually contained higher concentrations of the nitrogen impurity (by two or three orders of magnitudc). 7.1heir color wa5 densely- green (transparent crystals) and black (non-transparent crysta1s). About 20%. of the crystals with the added nitrogen impurity were twins. Use was made of Laue diffraction patterns and the powder method to analyze the crystals. Extrareflec- tions were observed in the green crystals, an anomaly related to crystal lattice defects caused by foreign atoms, particularly nitrogen and metal carbides. A 1/2 USSR =TIN, A. V., et al., Neorganicheskiye I~hterialy, Vol 6, No 3 I , Feb 70, pp 370-371 thermoluminescence curve shown in the original article indicates new peaks. Earlier research indicates an increased luminescence in artificial diamonds with addition of baron and aluminum. The physical and morpholo ic characteristics F_. al of diamonds grown in a nitrogen medium are readily explained if the assumption is made of the formation of carbon compounds vith MmCnNp-type metals. The forma- tion and decomDosition of such intermediate compounds c6nsiderably affect the kinetics of crystallization and properties of obtained crystals. 2/2 1/2 038 UNCLASSIFtED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 r[TLF--CERTAIN ELFCTRICAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF ARTIFICIAL 60RON,00PED SEMICONOUCTOR UIAMONOS -L)- AUTHOR- (05 J -8 EZRUKOV p G.N.t Buruzov, V.P., GERAS(MLNKflt i%I*N,, L.Fol LfT'7'1'R, -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--FIIIKA I TEKHi'A,~A POLUPROVODNMOV, VOL. 4, APR. 19T0, P 693-696. DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT A'REAS--PvlYSICS TOPIC TAGS--ELECTRIC PROPERTY, OPTIC PROPEqTY, R ANO L)i DIAIOND, BQRG~`li LUMINESCENCE SPECTRUMi NITROGEN CONTROL *MqKI;4G--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--U.NCLASS[FIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/0003 SUP CIRc ACCFISC"ift'N ~10_v)0125903 L A I F 0 212 038 UINICLASSI FIED PROICESSliNG DATE--27%OV70 CIRC ACCESSION N-2-AP0125903 ABSTRACT/EXTR~Ii-T-(1j) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPERIHENTAL IN.VESTIGATION 'DF THE TE4PERATURE DEPENDE,,qrc CF THE RESisrANCE OF ARTIFICIAL 301RU"I'l 0011r:0 01 AMOND CRYSTALS OF VAR IOUS CM-ICE,"ITRAT IONt DURING THE GRO~ITH ?Rl)[,FSS ~ AT TEMPERATURES RANGING FROM 300 TO 800 DEG K. THE ';YPF OF CUMOUCT[VITY OF T14E CRYSTALSv AND THE LUMINESCENCE SPECTRA FOR FAST f-Ll-CTRJN 'EXCITArlt-lN AT TE,"'iPERATURES BET',-IFEM 00 AND 300 DEG K ARE STUD[E;) I-N THE RAINGE FROM 3000 TO 10,000 A. IT IS FOUND THAT SUCH CRYSTALS VI.AVF- A P TYPE cw4ouc-rIVITY ~41TH A BORO~4 ACCEPTOR LEVEL OF 0.35 EV, AW) THAT THE CRYSTALS ARE COMPENSATED BY A DEEP SEATED NITROGEN LEVEL (3.6 EV) DETERMINED FROM THE LUMI-,Nf~SCENCE SPECTRUM OF THE CRYSIALS. FACILITY: AKA0r-MIIA NAUK SSSR, INSTITUT FIZIKI POLUPROVOCINIMOV, NOVOSIBIRST, USSR. U"."CLASSIF[ED PROCESSING DATE--ISSEP70 1/2 016 UNCLASS IF I ED ~TITLE-INTERACTION OF MANGANESE (11) WITH DECAVANADATE IONS IN THE PRESENCE OF LITHIUM, SODIUM, AND POTASSIUM CATIONS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-BULYGINA, V.N.p BEZRUKOV, I.YA.-P'ZOLOTAVIN, V.Lo CCtP'ITRY OF INFO--USSR ,SOURCE-ZH. NEORG. KHIM. 1970t 15(2)t 435-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--AQUEOUS SOLUTION, TERNARY FLUID SYSTEM, CHLOkATE, VANADATE, LITHIUM COMPOUND, SODIUM CO"POUND, POTASSIUM COMPOUNDt CRYSTALLIZATION, SOLUTION CONCENTRATIONt SOLUTION ACIDITY CO.NTROL RESTRICTIONS 00CU4ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFI;-':O PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/0773 STEP NO--UR/0078/7O/Oi5/002/0435/0438 CIRC ACCESSION~ 40--AP0104219 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--l8SEP70 CIRC ACCESSIO,'4 NG--AP0104219 ABSTRACT/EXTIZACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE NA SUB6 V SUB10 0 SUB28, MNICLO SUB4) SUB2 H SUB2 3 SYSTEM WAS STUDIED BY THE METHOD OF CONTINUOUS CHANGE OF CONCNS. WHEN IONIC STRENGTH OF THE SYSTEM WAS ADJUSTED WITH NACLO SU34 TO i.0 AND THE 14 POSITIVE-V CnNCN. RATIO WAS SIMILAR TO 0.41 LARGE SHINY ORANGE CRYSTALS OF NA SUB4 MNIV SUB10 0 SUB28 .NH SUB2 0 (1) SEPD. THE SYSTEM I-H SUB2 0 IS VERY UNSTABLE AND WHEN KEPT FOR 2-3 DAYS AT PH 3.5-5.5 1 DISPROPORTIONATED. BOTH K SUB4 MNV SUB10 0 SUB28 NH SUBZ 0 AND K SUB2 MN SUB2 V SUBIO 0 SUB28 NH SUB2 0 WHEN THE ANALOGOUS SYSTEM OF K SUB6 V SUB10 0 SUB28 WAS KEPT AT A K-MN CONCNe RATIO OF 10-19 AND AT PH 3; AT PH 5.5 AND A-HPOSITIVE-V CONCN. RATIO IS GREATER THAN 0.49 THE ANALOGOUS Ll SU86 V SUB10 0 SUB28 SYSTEM FORMED ONLY I COMPD. HAVING A V-MN CONCN. RATIO OF 3.33. UNC LAss! F I ED 112 014 UNCLASSIfIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 'TITLE--PREPARATION OF SLIGHTLY SOLUBLE BINARY DEGAVANAUATES OF NICKEL AND - ALKALI METALS CESIUM, R.Ut3lDIUMv ANU POTASSIUM _U_ .AUTHOR-(03J-ELFIMOVv V.1.4 BEZRUKOV A-, ZOLOTAVIN, V.L. tOUNTRY OF INFG--USSR iSOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR-9 illEORG. MATER. 1970, 613), 607-8 DATE PUBLfSHED--70 UBJECT AREAS--CHEP.ISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ALKALI METAL-9 NICKEL COMPOUND, VANADATE, CESIUM COMPOUND, RUBIDIUM COMPOUND, POTASSIUM COMPOUND, NITRATE CONTROL MARKINCr--NCi RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/fRAME--1996/0904 STEP NO--UR/0363/70/006/003/0607/0608 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118073 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 !CIRC ACCESSION-NO-AP0118073 "ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE REACTION OF DECAVANADATE AND IN111H SUB20)SUB61PRIMEZ POSITIVE IN THE PRESENCE OF K PRIME POSITIVE, RB PRIME POSITIVE. AND CS PRIME POSITIVE IN SLIGHTLY ACIDIC SOLNS. WAS STUDIED. FOR H PRIME POSITIVE-VO SUB3 PRIME NEGATIVE RATIOS OF 0.07-0.6 (PH 6.3-2.6), A COMPD- OF CONST. COMPN. FORMS WITH FHE FORMULA K SUB2 NI SUB2 V SUB10 0 SUBZ8.15H SUB2 0. ITS COMPN. DOES NOT DEPEND ON THE RATIO OF Vy NI-p AND K IN THE 'STARTING SOLNS. FROM LI CONTG. AQ. SOLNS. IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO OBTAIN THE DECAVANADATES EVEN AT C SUBLIV03 EQUALS 0-6 M AND THE STARTING RATIOS OF V-NI EQUALS 0.5-35v LI-V EQUALS AND H PRIME POSITIVE VQ SU83 PRIME NEGATIVE EQUALS 0-0.6. HOWEVER, ADDING ETOH PPTO. N1 SU83 V SUB100 SU32B. 22H SUB2 0, THE COMPN. OF WHICH DOES NOT DEPEND ON THE STARTING V-NI AND LI-NI RATIOS OR ETOH CONCN. DURING THE TITRN. OF A SOLN. OF NORMAL 1`41 DECAV4NADATE BY A SOLN. OF CSNO SUR3 SLIGHTLY SOL- COMPD., CS SBU2 NI SUB2 V SUB10 0 SUB28.151-1 SUB2 0, FORMS, WHICH DOES NOT DEPtND ON rHE STARTING V-NI AND CS-NI RATIOS. SIMILAR COMPUS, FORM IN CASE OF R8 ANIO K, NITRATE SALTS, BUT WITH SLIGHTLY HIGHER SOLY. FACILITY: URAL. POLITEKH. INST. IM. KIROVAq SVERDLOVSK, USSR. 11INCLAS-SIFIED 1/2 OOT UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--INTERACTION OF MANGANESE(If) IONS WITH VANADIUMM IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS IN THE PR!:-SENCE OF VARYING CONCENTRATIONS OF H PRIME POSITIVE AUTHOR-(03)-ZOLOTAVINt V.L., HULYGINAt V.N.9 BEIRUKOV# I.YA. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,SOURCE--ZH. NEORG. KHIM. 1970, 15(2) 429-34 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--SOLUTION CONCENTRATION, HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION, AwUEOUS SOLUTION, MANGANESE COMPOUNDt HYDROXIDE, VANADATE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRANE-1983/0908 STEP NO--UP./0078/70/015/002/0429/0434 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0053832 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0053832' ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. REACTION OF MN(II) WITH V(V) IN AQ. SOLN. WAS STUDIED AT PH 2-12 AT VARIOUS INITIAL CONCNS. OF THE IONS, MN(VO SU83) SUB2.4H SU62 0 Mp MN(OHJVO SUB3. 2H SUG2 0, (MNUH) SUB4 V SU62 0 SUB7.4H SUB2 0, AND (MNOH) SUB3 VO SUB4.3VJ SUB2 0 SEP. AT WEAKLY ACIDIC AND BASIC PH. EFFECT OF IONIC STRENGTH ON THE SOLY. OF I IS TABULATED, UNE LIASS IF I ED 112 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING GATE-30OCT70 TlTLE--LALCULATlr4ij' PHASE AND TIML LHAIACTLk[STICS oF Mlj'l.'IAAL PHASE Llt4r"%m_ TELEVISION SYSTEMS -U- AUTH,_4.-W3)-KhRGivCY, ii.P., t3EZkL)KCJV, V.,N., BALODANOV, V.G. CCU;%Tf-~Y U--F INFO--LSSR SOUALL--:,'tLSLCA, mAGIGTEKHNIKA, NO 2, 1970, PP II-L7 GATt PUtL IShE0-----70 SUBJECT AREAS-NAVIGATICN TOPIC TAGS-TV SYSTEM, PHASE MEASUREMENT, LINEAR SYSTEM, FkEQUENCY CHARACTER15TIC C0,4TROL s-lAFK1NG--NL; RESTRILTIUNS 00CUMENY CLASIC-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY kEEUFRAVE-I~F9911286 STEP CIRL ACCESSICiN Nb--AP0123245 U i'~ C L A S S 1 F I E t) 212 025 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSI'4G CIRC ACCESSIuN NU-AP0123245 At3STf.ACT./EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A GENERAL APPROACH IS PROPL-SED FOR CALCULATING THE PH4SE AND TIME CHAkACTEkISTICS IN MINII'l-Al- PHASE TYPE, LINEAR TELEVISIU-N SYSTEMS ACCORDING TO FREQUENCY CHARACTEIRISTIC SHAPE. RELATIONSHIPS ARE OBTAINED WHICH MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO CALCULATE THE FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS iiITH SUFFICIENT ACCURACY FOR PkACTICAL APPLICATICN. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DATA ARE COMPARED. UNCLASSIFIED UDC: 621.372.061 D P . , 3 Z- z E T- V, fIT" dependence of :-eference Level on -SiE--,nal/':oise Rat-10" Tr. Vosk. 4in-ta sv-.,az" (Wor"Ks of tne 'Voscow 711S--*t-~;~e 01 'C~7.Mjjn~ea~- ons~, 19ilk-j, V:~-:.). (-'rum Lekhni'ka, ~'.-o 11, Nov 710, z*ibstraot -.;L, ran s ,3 -.Druced-a-re -'s known no, the cf de-.e=dni system L, e resu Itwit apert;uno I o is- I t7..'t, the aid of the rel-12ronce level. it is shown that the reference level for small details den~--nds on the form, of the frequency chara czo---r ~* S tic c-11 -,;he kinescooe. in~.roducing aperture caaracteristics has no effect on -11'-,e- re~'- erence only when kinescopes are used which introduce in,sI,r.-,,,.: Iricunt -Ireaue~cli dicz;or-.--'ons. Curves are given which can be used to ca--c,-,-6Lre t-Int L visual resolution. 'I'Wo iilustraLions, bibliography of throe tiLl,~2. L. S. Television USSR UDC: 621-397-001 BALOBANOV , V. G. , KHROMY, B. P. , BEZRUKOV..,Lj1, "Determining the Limiting Resolution of a Television System from the resul- tant Aperture Characteristic 'From Light to Light"' Tr. Mask. elektrotekhn. in-ta svyazi (Works of the Moscov Electrical Engi- neering Institute of Communications), 1970, vyp. , pp 116-123) (from Rzh- Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11G81) Translation: It is shown that the threshold reference level from which resolution is read out is not constant, but rather depend.,*, on the angular dimensions of the details under examination and the conditions of observa- tion. Graphs are plotted for the reference level as a function of the angular dimensions and the brightness of the background assuming that the signal-to-noise ratio is equal to infinity, and the relative viewing dis- tance is equal to four screen heights. L. M. 1/1 USSR uDc: 621.397.2 BEZRUK0 J. N. , BALOBANOV, V, G. "On Tire Methods of Transmitting Two Television Programs in a Standard Television Channel" Tr. Mosk. clektrotekhn. in-ta svyazi Works of the Moscow Electrical Engi- neering Institute of Communications) , 1970, -,r,,p. , PP 113-117 (from Ellh- -Ractiotel-dinika, No 12, Dee 70, Abstract No 12G125) Translation: Among known methods of transmitting two TV prcFna7z in a standard TV channel, "hose of greatest interest are tine metl~ods wh4 cn d3 not af fect existing scanning standards, do not require extensive rx)di fi- cation of the transmitting equipment, and art! desipped Cot, tuie wlt,h 'Allrj- dard TV recelvers. Among the time methods based on ELIternation of' two transmitting signals, those in which the signal-- of the two TV progra-mo change at the frequency of the fields or frames have advanta e-.- 17, . in f~ach of these methods, the effect of flickering can be suppressed by ur;inj. -- de- vices which store the duration of the field or frame. The required delay of video signals can be achieved in devices of this type: ny cascao ._i n 17, ultrasonic delay lines which delay the video signals by a time equal to th'. duration of a scanning line; by means of magnetic information mcedia; by 112 USSR BEHLEOV BALOBANOV, V. G. , Te. Mosk. elektrotekhn. in-ta saazi, 1~ , Vyp-, pp 113-117 recording the video signals on the semiconductor target of a -.1dicon With subsequent readout of the potentiW. relief. It is ncited Hiat Qw pr-:~-rft level of technology in television Is sufflaivill, to acinure trjw)stllif!n~ oil of two TV progrms in a single struidard TV chwinel In the near fuLtire. M. T. 212 USSR UDC 669.295:620.176.251.1:620.186.1 D'YAKOVA, M. A,, BOGACHEV, I. N., BEZRUKOVA, A. K. and SELITSKAYA, S. I., Ural Polytechnical Institute "Phase Conversions of Titanium Alloys at Low Temperatures" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No 10, 1970, pp 36-38 Abstract: A study was made of the decomposition of the unstable B-solid solution of titanium alloys during cooling and plastic deformation at low temperatures. Two alloys were studied: one with 3.7% iu, 7.5% Mo (allay A) with a temperature of beginning of martensite conversion of +50'C, and the other with a high content of the transitional elements (alloy B) with a temperature of beginning of martensite conversion of below -196*C. Exposure to cold increases the strength properties of both types of alloys. Plastic deformation at law temperatures results in the formation of deformation martensite and increases the yield point and ultimate strength. 1/1 63 Acc. Nr:- Abstracting Service: Ref.-Cade: AMMG634 CHMICAL ABST. - Y-7 &0 el'3 7o1 r82444w - Large-sWe magnesite chromium magnesite rdract0dQ6 for OPfm-hftrth furnace@. Cherepov, p. v monov. K. V.; A. U" Koren'kov, V, ', JSSR). UPMPWY 1970. 35(l), 14-15 (Rtm). The attempt was made to substitute hithirto used refractory, bricks 230 X 115 X 65 mm for bricks of size 300 X 150 X 65 mm. The Performance of the priess is increased by 4-5 tod/dAy. Also, the efficiency of bricklayers building blast furnaces with larger bricks rises 10-15%. In addn., with larger bricks the no. of crannies in brick-work is diminished in the horizontal direction which im- jWoves the servicability of the brick-work. J. jindra REEL/FRAME USbR UDC; 621,396.677 BEZUGLYY, A. V. Diffraction of an Z.-Polarized _17-ectroragnetic W`ave by a GratlnE, of Annular Cylinders" Radiotek,hnika. ResD. rezhved. nauchn.-tekbn. sb. (Radic EEngineer-inc.. Rep-dolic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), 1970, vyp. 13, pp ' 7 80-90 (from RM-Radictek-h-nika, ~o 5, May- 71, Abstract 1,10 5M) Translation ': The author solves the problem of diffraction of a plaxle E- -polarized wave by a grating of annular cylinders. A method is uc-ed which permits solving the problem for diffraction of a plane electroLae-3-letic wave by an infinite grating of nonabsorbent cylinders if a solution is known for the problem of scattering of a Plane wave by a single cylin(Jer. AnalyticOl expressions are found in the long-wave approximation foi- the coc-fficient of reflection and orie-in. Two illustrations, bibliography of six titles. Resume'. 1/1 USSR BEZUGLYY, A. V. 11-Mapeawsp ~___ - uDc: 621-396.677 "Diffraction of an H-Polarized Electromagnetic Wave by a Grating of Annular Cylinders" Radiotelcdhnika. Resp. mez-hved. nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Radio Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), 1970, v,YP. 13, pp 91-96 (from RZh-Radi-otekhnika, No 5, May TI, Abstract Nio 5B7) Translation: 7he author solves the problem of scattering-of a planne elec- tromagnetic wave by a grating made up of an infinite periodic sequence annular cylinders, The solution is found in the form of a functional equation for the coefficient of the scattering amplitude of an annular cylinder in the grating in term,- of the coefficient of the scattering amplitude of a single cylinder. The equation can be used to find the scattering arolitude of an annular Cylinder in the grating kand thus to + 'ne ' U erm the scattered field in the long-range zone) if the Fourier coef- ficients of the scatten"ME =P-2-Itude of a single annnullar cylinder are One illustration, bibliography of six titles. 1/1 of de- known. USSR UDC 632.954j631.461 BEZUGLILOV. V G., hIXENK09 A. K-o and SHELESTOV, YE. P., Scientific Research .x_ Institute of the Agriculture of Central Regions of Non-Chl=ozem Zone "The Effect of Dicamba, Tordon 22K, and Lumetone on the Weeds and Soil Micro- flore Moscow# Xhimiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve, Vol It, No It (121), 1973, PP 54-56 Abstracts The effect of herbicides on the soil microflora depends to a large extent on the quantity of rainfall prior to the introduction of the agents. Vith excessive rainfall (150/"o of the normal fallout) the herbicides stimulated development of microorganisms, while with rain defficiency -- 60% of the normal level -- they depressed them somewhat as shown by a decreased number of micro- organisms requiring mineral nitrogen, nitrificators and denitrificators, In a very dry year (1971) tordon 22K (0-07 kg per hectaxe) was the most active agent against most of thephysiological microorganisms; It weakened the nitri- fication activity of the soil and development of bacteria participating in phosphorus zineralization. Dicamba (0.12 kg per hectare) appeared to be non- toxic to most of soil microorganisms, but regardless of climatic conditions inhibited somewhat the nitrification process. In the lumetone treated soil (4.0 kg per hectare) after theharvest of barley# the number of fungi was 17, ered slightly. - 26 - USSR uDc 632.95 011SISHCHER1 M. R. Y BEZUGLYY. and "IHESTKOVA, T. Ya. "Themomechanical Studies on Pesticides and Wettable Powders Based on Them" V sb. Khim. sredstva zashchity rast. (Chemical Frotection of Plants -- collection of works), No, 2, 1,bscow, 1972, PP. 151-158 (froin Mh-Khimiya, No 22, 25 Nov 73, Abstract No 22115166 by I. Pillmenshteyn) Translation: Studies on the thermomechanical -properties of pesticides (P) and mixtures thereof with fillers. Introduction of fillers into P elevates the pour point: the higher the absorptivity, the greater the percentage of the filler in a mixture with P. The P are provisionally broken down into 3 groups according to the position of the pour point interral. Each group requires specific fillers and special methods of treatment. 1/1 - 52 USSR UDC 632-95 GAR, K. A., UMERBERGER, V. K., R71MUry. S. F., LUKAHIMA, V. S., AND VOLKOV, V. H., All-Union Scientific Studies Institute of Chemical Compounds for the Protection of Plants "insecticide Formula" Author;s Certificate No 213452, filed 4 Apr 66, published 2 Jun 72 (frox Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Khimiya, No 8(11), 1973, Abstract No 611480P by T. A. Belyayeva) Translationt The Insecticide trichloforl-5 contains from 4-15% trichlorometa- phos-3 (1), 85-96% high purity unfiltered mineral oil, and 0-6% of the emulsifier OP-4. For example, 92215 of the light unfiltered oil having an unsulfornated residue of 9~%, 5% of (I)o and 3% OP-4. The order of the relative effectiveness of the oleophoses Is as follows -- olemetaphos, trichlorol-5, and preparation Na 30 - relative to the wintering phase of the California scale insect. Trichlorol -5 in a 2% concentration showed a mortality of .02.4% of the pests. 49 - USSR UDC 632.95 TROPIN) B. P., BOROVIKOV.A., L. N., GOLYSHIN, N. M., ZIUKIN, B, A., KRASNOVA, M. V., and I=LrLYA, S. A. "Method to Decrease Evaporation of Pesticide Droplets" USSR Author's Certificate No 33913, filed 13 Oct 69, published 6 May 72 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Khimiya, Svodnyy Tom (I, L-S), No l(II), 1973, Abstract No IN467P by T. A. Belyayeva) Translation: In order to decrease evaporation of pesticide droplets during aerial application (from airplane), 0.1-5% of antievaporating agent is added to pesticide. A mixture consisting of high-molecular weight synthetic ali- phatic alcohol fractions CIO - C16, CLO - Cl~, Clo - C20, nonionogenic surface-active substancen (011-4, OP-7'j OP-10 and calcium dodecylbenzene- sulfonate can be used as antievaporating agent. Example. 85-93% primary aliphatic alcohols C10 - C16 or CIO - C18, 7-15% OP-7 or OP-10 are mixed to prepare the antievaporating agent (AE). One part of antievaporating agent is emulsified with 2-3 parts of water, the obtained emulssion is mixed with a suspensoid containing 8 parts of finely-dispersed wetting agent of copper oxychloride (90% strength), and water is added to make 100 parts. The emulsion-suspensoid prepared in this manner is used for aerial spraying of 1/2 LISSR mc- 632-95 AIZDP,P,YF.vA, YE. I., j-% R., PRONCITEMKO, T. S., A V W.- - 1. 1 lllhm-~~-;-". YATIVEYEVA, C. 11. , MISHCI-ER, H. R. , BENGM S F and-UJi T. "Phenothimm Seed DisinfectanV' V sb. Rhim. Sradntva zashcbit~,r rast. (Chcraical Agents for Plam-LI, Protection -- collection cf %Tp 1, Loscow, 19?0, PP 135 145 (Fah-10li-,lya, ",'a 11, Jun 72, Abstract Ilo 11-11'4'29) Translationt The cc:ibination disin-fectant phenothivzmn (40;-; totoramet,hyl- Ile, co-.p?r trichlororheroxidc, aid 20~1-5' -~'-hexachloroc""c-'ra- thlu-nam d"-t,jf4A hexan!~-; hcpizchlor ot;1~3z m:t7nachlor-ino im;ccticlde be E:ubstituted 't iG rCcOT--::.u-';ud for treating, for V12 lasj- -Doncnt) has 1L."!ell to-eek val, cotton zcedL (10-1-2 1,77, 'L-on) zrzd the E~,,cflo of lCm-l:--;3 ksr~~ill cro~~; (3-4 !,Orl/tan) Pheno'LlAuz-o.n. ;~-~y also luo us:!-d to ticat -,er:;d corn, troc crop and thc plmn".i:-..- for flm*er.-.--, nhz-aW nnl tx--es, Phmot-hi=.rj is nolar-attlely toxic r-ni in aa a for orcanoti,Irma-Y d4z;lPffectants. 1/1 USSR UDC 632.95 KALkSHIIIYOVA, V. N, , and IIIII Y-D,A, S. -YA, "Emulsion Concentrates of Phosphamide and Their Chertical Stability" V sb. Khim. sr,-,.1stva. zashchity -.-aat. (Chemical Plc-.rit Protectants --- collectJoi of woeks), vyp 1, 1,70scow, 19?0, pp 2?6-2180 (from Mh-Khimiya, No 13, 10 Jul 72, Abstract No 1314472 by 1. 11illmanshteyn) Translation; A study was juade of the che,,rical stability of 140;~ er.-i-i-O.rifiable concentrates (EC) of phosphamide based on various solvont,3 during. at 1-5, 20-25 and 350. Tiie- nost stable is an EC containing cyclohexanone and OP-7. In 15 months the decomposition of the phor~phaxnldo .101 such an EC was 1-87% at 1-50, 3.6-ff. at 350, and 2,63% at 20-250 in 25 months and 20 days. 69 - USSR MC 632,95 amlli-, G. S Tl:-~ZU!7 S. V. , OUSYSHCHER, M. R. , KAU,31,1ET- S. Y~.. , and ZIOCS I F. G. KOVIi, V. IT. I "Flercuromel-."~c Volumetric Eethod of DetermlniV Pbth-::JLophos Olith visval ~-Yld Amperometri-c Fidpoint)" V ab. KhLn, sredstva s&shchlty mst. (Chenical Agonts 'for Prot,.?Ction -- collection of works), N-yP 1, 1,110scolff 19'~O, pp 81-8) (fro;-,I 11, Jun 72, Alt--tract, No IIN409) Tran,slationt A Sp2ci= containJji- phth--Iophos (1) is hyclroly-,-;(~d in 111 alkaline medium, the resultant dimethyl dithlopho5pha-te Is voliwetrically analyzed with 0.01 N Hg(11'03)2 in tbo pre5enco of a 1% alcohol noiution of diphenylearl-me;one until the pink color becorkes lilac blue. Amperonetric titrat-Lon is dcine witb a vibrating platinum electrode or a dxoppLng i.~,evcury electrode relative to a saturated H&,C1, electrode. The sensitivity of amEerometel.c, titration is 0.06 ng of-I,~and that of the YisiL-A math)3d is 0. Mg of I. USSR UDC 632.95 B--,ZUGLI-Y,.-S. F., G-I'SISFORER, H. R., alid ZFESTKOVA, T. YA. "A Combination Method of Preparing Wettable Pesticide Poirders" V abo Dim, sredstva zashchity rast. (Chemical Agents for Plant Frotec-tion -- collection of works), vYP 1, Moscow, 1970, PP Z97-301 (from, RZ1-.--Khij.Aya, No 11, Jun 72, AbLstract No liN4i5) Translationt On the basit. of analysis of techniqusa for pa-%iducina pe6ticldez and wettable powdera based on them, it I,-, concluded that it uould be fcasibir, to combine a nunb-)r of ataf7,es typical of synthesis of vusticides produced in the form of finely dispersed aqueous tuspensions with st,1E;es of praparation of the wettable powders based on them. In this connection, the -aqueour, suspension of the pesticide is cleaned of Impurities on filtor-, or cent-rifuEes, put into suspension once rore, a surface active agent is added togathsr ITith auxiliary substances, ard also fillers where necessary, and the reSUltarft suspension Is then dried in spray driers or in fluidized *acd driers. ThIs results in more uniforia distribution of the components aiid in a :Cinely 6--'s- persed product uhich can be piaverized if necessary. Exanplea axe pre;.',,,r1tcd of preparation of wettable ziran powder, 75;.2' vett'able zineb powder an(I 80v% wettable sinazine powder, 52 - USSR uDc 632.95 'BRMLIM~.-B,-F. . and TROPIN, V. P. "Wettability of Pestlcldc Powder3t and a Method of Studyins IV' V sb. nim. sredstva zashchity rast. (Clismical Agents for Plant Protec-ition collection of works), vyp 1, Moscow, 1970, PP 270-276 (fro-a R71i-Khiniya, No 11, Jun 72, Absttact Eo 111414) Translationt A nethod hau bnen developed for deterzLininE, the tettabllity Of wett~able powders. In order to determine nettability, a 2g powdier C-:-Lmple, presifted through a screen with 250)A mesh, is placed on a heiAspinerical cup with countcrizeight, iflilch is mountpd on a 500 ril. Czraduat-3. Tbe tizze r-,.quj.vf--! for complete vetting after tipping the cup is dete=mined. Determin-a-ki-lions aru done in distilled water at 200C. Experimental data Pro pregeritcd on the wettability of a numLor of wattable poudors WE Soviot and forolign pe,-Iti.cldcq. It is shonn by the exa:iple of' 50%, wettable sir.,,azine powder that wettability depends on the compos-ition of the insecticide and it3 p.,z,,.in size. i/I USSR UDO 632-05 PIVISINSHTEYN, I. D., NESTINOVS, L. A'., YAIIOVIZVA,'L. I., and STONOV, L. D. "Idhesion of Emulsions to Treated Surface" V ab. Dim. sredstva tashchity rast. (Chemical Plant Protect,-,rfta -- collection of Yorks), vyp 1, E scow, 1970, pp 291-297 (from hZh-IIbiBftya., NO 13, 10 Jul 72, '0 Abstract 11o 13111,534 by 1. P-Il"r,.en;hteyn) Translation! Factors affecting the adherelice of cmulvion drops of 214-D buty." ester to various subzitrates (Paraffinized onrface of a polishad st~~el p).ate and the surface of a 'b3an leaf) were estinatod according to the flou-off ans~io -- the anGle of inclination of the ourfaco to tho horl~,on t which cL fl (b.-op applied to that suirface began to flow off). The mathod of corroliticri analynin 6hotln that (~ fl in detormined by I.atting conditionn for tha drops of the treated aurface. 1/1