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2/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINS- DATE--11SEP70 CtRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105624 :~:'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-t 'U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT WAS.DETO. OF c)LASTIC OF 4USTENITE AT VARIOUS TEMPS. AND A T CONST. C")OLING ON ITS STABILITY IN BAINITIC AND MARTENSITIC TRANSFORMATION REGIONS. AT THE SAME TIME, THE EFFECT OF COOLING RATE, AND DEGRE E AND TEIMP. OF :'~OEFORMATION ON TRANSFORMATION KINETICS WAS ALSOiSTUDIED. STEEL 40KHT 25KH2evSNVM, AND 28KH3GSNV.4FA WERE STUDIEDt BY UTILIZING 11 -41GH TEMP.t VACUUM t10 PRTMF NEGATIVE3 TORR) MICROSCOPE IMET-VMD'PiROVIDED WITH DEFORMATION ARRANGEMENT AND A OILATOMIETER. POLLSHED.SPECIMENS (100 TIME& 20 TIMES 3. MM) -WERE- HEATED ELEC.' TO 1200DE-G-REESY 14HEREBY THE HEATING RATE WITHIN THE INTERVAL 700-900DEGRE-r-S VARIED FROM .25-125DEGREES. VARIED FROM -SEC. TFt~ COOLING RATE (IN VACUUM) 2-50DEGREES7-SEC WITHIN 1,14TEqVAL 600~-500DEGREES. ~ SPECIMENS wERE DEFORMED DURING conLING AT 400t 6001 AND 750DEV GREES UP TO:THE PELATIVE ELONGATIONS 3, 9, 15t AND 30PERCENT, UNDER TEMPORARY:LOAD OF 5, 15, 25, AND 50 KG-MM PRIME2, RESP. A SMALL PLASTIC DEPORMAT!ON (3-9PERCENT) WIDENED THE INTERVAL OF !A4RTENSITE TP.ANSFOPRATION BY 45-50D~G"'Ction). It war, found that Na, Cs, Ca Sr, the lanthavAdes, lip, Pu, Ru, Rh and IN oxe- adsorb~!A- only at significantly higher temparaturas unaL ne (ztIA al-zo the xu) whereas the chlorides of 1n, Sn, Nb, Hop, and Tc axe adtorbed ortly at lower tempe-z-all-=v3. Photographs of the expected are,&, of Ku ad-sorption show tracks of fission ptoduct. K iiitlh a ti- 4-5 which must be those of the u sec. 2/2 HIP h W U USSR UDC 546.799.94 ZVARA, I., BELOV.-N. Z.. DOMANOV, V. P., KOROTKIN, Yu. S., CHEUNGKOV, L. P., SHALAYEVSKIY, M. R., SHCHEGOLEV, V. A., and YUSSONTNUA, M. "Chemical Isolation of Kurchatovium" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 14, Vyp 1, 1972, pp 119-122 Abstract: Earlier it was shown that during the irradiation of 242pu with 22Ne ions with energies of 113-119 nev (for z = 104), a short-lived, spontaniously fissionable nuclide was detected whose chemical characteris tics corresponded to the characteris tics of ekahafnium (Ku). The half lives of 259Ku and 260Ku are about 4.5 and 0.1 sec respectively. For these experiments the target film of plutonium oxide (95% 242pu) with a density of 0.8 mg/cm2 yjas irradiated with 22Ne ions with an energy of 119 mev. This produced a maximum yield for the reaction 242pu (22Ne, 5n) 259Ku. Gaseous nitrogen was passed over the surface of the target then mixed with small amounts Of TiC12 and SOC17. The slightly volatile tetrachlorides of the radioactive products formed were separated on a chromatograph. A Ge-Li a-radiatiGn detector was used to ana ze the gas at different points along the column. The isotopes 170jLf, l7jfjf'lMSe (the latter the product of 22Ne reaction with the Al of the target base.), 242Cn and 246Cf (the latter two being products of a transfer reaction) . It was 1/2 USSR ZBARA, I., et al., Radiokhimiya, Vol 14, Vyp 1, 1972~ pp 119-122 found that Na, Cs, Ca, Sr, the lanthanides, Np, Pu, Ru, Rh, and Pd are adsorbed only at significantly higher temperatures than Uf (and also the ekahafnium Ku) whereas the chlorides of In, Sn, Nb, Mo, and Tc are adsorbed only at lower temperatures. Photographs of the expected area of Ku adsorption show tracks of fission products which must be those of ~the 259Ku*iwith a t-1/2 = 4.5 sec. 2/2 j USSR UW 532.5 ARM-NUT) A 11, and ME LOV, YU . A . "An Approximat-e I.Iethod for Solving. One Boun(bary-lralue Problem) D~scribit-.- the Flow of a Gas In the Case of Strong Blowing" laev, Krayev, zadanchi mat. fiziki (Boundary-Value Problei;_,s in I-hthmi-latical Physics, Collection of Works), 1971, PP 183-~197 (from Pxeferativn,~y Zhurnal --- lIe-Idianika, No 4, 1973, Abstract !,.o 4B4152 by C. 1. May'ka-par) Translation: Tj'ie flow in the fiIii of a gas sheet blown throujZh a porous wall is considered for the case ihen the gas can be considered incoL.,;pressille and nonviscous. Me blown gas is separated from, the basics flow by a contact siir- face., on which the pressure has no discontin ui'Y. Tae.-ploblem leads 'a, tile solution of the Poisson equation for the floir funct,ion V~,, 6 (x,,,,)=-F(vv -vi boundary condi tions ~,' (x, 0) = t (X), qj Y(XO) 2 + x JPY2 = 2p C=C on the surface of the sepa.ration. Tbe ri6ht side of the Poisson is in the form of a power series of the soluu alco in the fori. -ion i- o f a series. (hnalish restu.,,c) V I H USSR UIDC: 669.71.472(088.8) BEIDV, Yu. I., SOBOLI, I. I., BAKHTIN, A. A. "Method of Removal of the Lining of an Aluminum Electro'lyzer" USSR Author's Certificate Number 351926, Filed 27/07/70, Published 11/12/72 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Nietallurgiya, No.8, 1973, Abstract No 8G176P, by G. Svodtseva). Translation: A method of removal of the lining of an aluminum electrolyzer including breakup of the lining, differing in that in order to reduce the time required for overhaul of the electrolyzer and increase the productivity of the labor, the lining is broken up by lifting it upward in the loops of lines which are preliminarily placed on the layer of refractory filler between the cathode shell and the lining as it is installed. The ends of the lines are placed between the side plate and shell ofthe bath in~the filler 1/4-1/3 of the way down from the top of the cathode shell. A cross-sectional drawing of an electrolyzer is presented. USSR UDC 669.7l.47-2(O,:8.S) BELOV. I'Method for Transferring Heat Away From, a Self-Firing Anode of an I Alumi. n Electrolyzer" USSR Author's Certificate No. 268664, Filed 8/12/68, Published 9/07/70, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No. 1, 1971, Abstract No.. 1 ~ZI3-f: -P) Translation: The heat transfer elements used to carry heat away from the anode in an aluminum electrolyzer are placed with their lower ends in the iass to Maximum depth at th c nter of the anode, with liquid anode r e e gradually reducing depth toward the sides and ends of the anode, while the upper ends rise above the level of the liquid anode mass to the maximum height in the center of the anode, with gradual reduction toward the sides and ends, in order to providedifferential heat transfer from, the anode. USSR UDC 669.71-.,472(088.8) BELOV- Yu. 1. "Device for Transfer of Heat Away From.the Self-Fir-ing 'node of an 4~ Aluminwn Electrolyzer" USSR Author's certificate No, 268663, Filcd 8/12/68, lublished 5/08/70, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiva, No. 1, 197t, Abstract No. I G134 P) Translation: A device is suggested to transfer the heat away froi-11 a -firing anode in an aluminum electrolyzer using heat-transfering self elements, the lower ends of which are submerged in the liquid anode mass. The device is made of a set of heat-conducting plates of various lengths with apertures in the centers and supporting rods passing thtough the apertures in the plates, in order to provide differentiated heat transfer without requiring manual labor for adjustment of the devices. The lower ends of the heat-conducting plates in the central portion of t4c anode are submerged in the I'Lquid anode mass to maximum depth, With grLdLI;Il reduction of the depth of submergence toward the sides and ends of the anode,,while the upper ends of the plates are located above the level of the liquid anode mass, with the maximum height in the. central portion of the anode and gradual reduction of the height above the bath level toward the sides and ends of the anode. USSR UDC 669.71.472(088.8) BELOVII Yu. I., VOROB'YEV, D. N., SOBOL', I. I., AYUSRIN, B. I., and ZYRYANOV, L. P. Method of Utilizing the Spent Carbon-Materi I Lining of Aluminum Electro- a lyzers" USSR Author's Certificate No 261701,,Filed 30/10/68,~Published 28/08/70 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No 2, 1971, Abstract No 2 G158 P) Translation: To reduce the cost of production of Al, the used lining made of carbon materials is ground to a grain size of 0.2:mm, then used to make up 2-5.% of the dry charge used to make the anode mass. 4 I H I USSR UDC 669.71.472(088.8) ALESHINTSEV, V. I., BELPY,, Yu._ and SOBLI, 1. 1. "Electralyzer for the Production of-Aluminum" USSR Author's Certificate No 271026, Filed 27/02167,.Published 27/08/70 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-~-Metallurgiya, No 2, 1971, Abstract No 2 G147 P) Translation: In order to increase the:service life of the electrolyzer and increase the yield of Al per current, carbon-graphite blocks are steps, electricallyiinsulated from each other, from the side lining and bottom blocks. 1/1 8 USSR UDC 539 434:621-45-5~'4:~669.15-194-2 YRISI-ITAL, 141. A.A PONTOMAREMITKOYYE. P., BELWp,4_V,, K. and AMA RKOV, A. P. (Tula Poly- technic Institute Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Special Steels, Alloys and Ferroalloys) "Heat Resistance and Strength of Chromium-Plated Carbon Steels" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metaLlov, Ito 6, 1970, pp 050-61 M Abstract: A study made of the possibility of using carbon sheet steel (obtained by contactless vacuum diffusion) under high-temperature, (up to 12000C) conditions. The steel (St 3) has a surface-allo-yed chromium (40-60%) layer 1.5- trial equipment oper- 2.2 mm thick. The tests were conducted on samples and indus . ating under variable thermal cycle.conditions. St 3 and KhlBlaOT steel were com- pared. The strength properties of St 3 containers at temperatures up to 12000C were found to be 2-4 times higher than those of Xhl8N1OT steel. St 3 stt~el is recowiended for use in equipment operating under load at high temperatures. 2 figures, 5 references. USSR UDC 621-791-052i620.192.46t669,14 FEDOROV, V. G.0 Candidate of Technical Sciences, MAKAROV, B. L., Candidate of Technical Sciences, BELOV. XU. H., Candidate of Technical Sciences, METSKIY, YU. A., Engineer, and SHUBIN, V. 1. Engineer "Conditions for Crack Development in Welding EP56 Steellf Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvop No 1(471). Jan 74, pp 31-32 Abstracti The development of cold cracks was investigated in joints of EP56 steel welded with EP56 electrodes after 1-14 hr of holding under different pressures. A definite relation was found between the H-content in the metal of the joint and the resistance of welded joints to the dovelopment of cracks; an index war. determined which characterizes.the disposition of welded EP56 steel joints to crack development at manual electric are weldinj~. Thle critical H- -content in the metal of the welded joint (loss than I.Ocm.)/100g) was established which excludes the development of cold cracks in welded EP56 steel joints, according to tests by the LTP-2 method. Joint hardness was RV 441 when welded with steam electrodes, and HV 430 when welded with electrodes annealed at maximum temperature, whereby the hardness of the base-metal was HY 316. Five figures. three bibliographic references, L USSR UDC 54l.65:51rI.l,n8 ROGOZHEI, S. V., DAVADIKOV, V. A.1 and BELOV Y(J. P., Institute of Metal Organic Compounds., Acad. Sc. USSR "Optically Active Diethyl Ester of a -Aminobenzylphosplionic Acid" Moscow, Izvestiya Ak-ademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya KhimichesIvaya, I-To 4, Apr 73, PP 955-956 Abstract: Separation of the racemic mixture of the diethyl ester of.,,V -ar-nlno- benzylphosphonic acid has been achieved by repeated crystallization withdebenzoyl- ~d-tartaric acid taken in a 2:1.25 ratio. Vi A40 40G48 uR o482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemical, Dervent, 242857 IMPMVED.SEAL for the door of achamb4t, er.g7 for dravlaig of semiconductor single crystals from a melt. The door,-free to move' in the direction perpendicular to its ~ surface controlled and aligne&by pins;passing throujh the door; the clamping screws.,are.located in thri,aded holes in the hinge clamps securing1the door perimeter, and the door is sealed,by turning a handle held by,these screvs. 10.2.68 as 1221430/22-1. V.YU.Z"iRBLY&-qSK11I;et al. STATE SCI.RES. 6- DES. INST. OF,,THE RAItE-METAL I N-D. (25.9.69) Bul 16/5.5.69. Class 12g.'Int.Cl.B'Olj. 19750228 USSR UDC 541.670417-341 ZAKHAROV, V. I., 1j]PjLOYj_,Lq. I., IMN, B. I., and PETROV, A. A-t Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lonsovet "Study of the SDin-Apin Coupling in Fluoroanhydrides of Phosphoric Acids by --thod of Double and Triple Ruclear flagnetic Resonance" the K Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 209, No 69 APr 73P PP 1343-1-146 Abstracti Analysis of double and triple resonance spectra was carried out by the method of subspectras selective exposure to a high frequency field H2 of one of the subspectra In the resonance of the nucleus X leads to the merging of resonance lines of other nuclei in the same subspectrum. For example, in the spectrua of the difluoroanhydride of methanephosphonic acid, when the low frequency subspectrun P31 is exposed to high frequency field, the high frequency lines of the ~fiplets H1 merge, and converselyr when the high frequency subspectrum F is exposed, the low frequencor iI triplet lines become merged. It follows from this that the constants H-F and F-P have the opposite signs# the constant 3. boing positiveIo To perform similar HF analysis in case of the 2-chloro-X-propene-l-phosphonic acid difluoride, it is necessary *.to solve the spin-5pin coupling of the ethylene proton with the protons of the methyl group, that is under conditions of triple resonance. I/, USSR UDC: 53,0.lh2-3 B=V Yu. L., MORKOW11, N. V., PAVLENKO, V. A., Special KLEYMAN -1~s-ign Ofri&e of Analytical Instrument Making, Academy of Sciences of the USSR "A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znakd, No 9, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 331302, Division, G, filed 11 Jan 71, 'blished 7 Mar 72, p 129 u p Translation: This Author's Certificate introducea a nuclear magnetic reso- nance spectrometer which contains an electromegr-et, a system of external proton stabilization and a system of internalstabilization of resonance conditions, a transceiver with phase detector, a nuclear magnetic resonance signal indicator, a registration device, a volt age-t o- frequency converter, alield modulator, a double resonance device and a nuclear magnetic reso- nance signal phase regulator. - As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the universality of the instrument is extended and productivi is increased by adding a sum--ing applifter for controlling the volt age-to- frequency con- verter from the registration device and the nuclear magnetic resonance signal 1/2 USSR BEWV, Yu. V., USSR Author's Certificate No 331302 indicator, and by melcing the III/R signal phase regulator in the form of "Iwo mutually synchronized flip-flops vith shaping devices., These flip-flops -are connected to an inductive phase shifter and a compensation amplifier. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.373.431(088.8) GRYZLOV, A. I., SOLOV'YEV, YU. V., RAYEVSKIY, A. YE. BELOV, YU. V. "High-Power Oscillator" USSR Author s Certificate No 275114, Filed .6 Sep 68,.Published 15 Oct 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G207P) Translation: A high-power oscillator is proposed. It contains a power supply, a resonance charge choke, a sh, ing line, a synchronizer, a delay line, a ap commuting thyratron and a pulse transformer. In order~to reduce the cutoff duration and improve the delonization conditions, a shunting thyratron is included in parallel to the primary coil of the transf ormer4 The control electrode of the thyratron is connected to the output of the delay line. Pulse Technique USSR UDC 621.376.53(088.8) ZLOV, A. I.i BELOV, YU. V., SOLOVI'mv YU, Ir. ZVOINTISOV, A. G., GRY "Pulse 11.1odulator" USSR Author's Certificate No 252394, Filed 27 Sep 67, Published 12 Feb 70 (from M-Radiotelt"hnika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9D246,P) Translation: This author's certificate introduces a pulse modulator con- taining a high-voltage direct-current source with a ch-r,-e choke and a separating diode, a hollow commutator i-iiade of two thyratrons with auto- nomous ignition generators, a storage element in the form o-f an artificial line and a load. In order to accelerate deionization,of the thyratron and, repeated breakdown by the return voltage, it:is equipped with an ell ate auxxary diode which is connected to the discharge circuit of the tilyratron between its anode and a common terminal for connecting, the separating diode with the artificial line. USSR UDC: 621. 382' 333 oo,4 i) BELOVA G. F. PA-R% NOV, Yu. A. "Investigation of Coup,ing Betveen Elements of a Nieur-lstor Mn~-- On L P-n-p-a Structures" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 17, No 11, Nov 72, np 1'309--!;, Abstract: A relation is found for the mta-_~-.imizi distance betIveen clem-ents -ion of the line is st-11 possible ns a of a neuristor line at vhich opera'. function of the current flowing through the triggerin~7, 1)-n-,,~-n structivv~l. Lions for cixrente; trrc-t_:,,-i tLe ItAs found that theoretical calculaL. clevient gr(~att~r tht-ai 0.3 ivA give irviiximini adng.,~ wbi .Ch vxe. o,, -- c, r'A~an th- obverved _0; which lin(,, e)porfiijon ji; n LJ I I Phis is attributed to 4 'he two-dimenn.ionA. Inatw-P Of Cltrr~,-Tlt. flow -1 actual line. M-Len desi.UminG rie-azistor lines, the spacingr L~,_,twecn should be taken as 25-50i~- of the maximuri to prevent sibmiad in caL;e of failiz-e of one of the Ene elements. 1/1 USSR uDc 621-396.6-181.5 FTnVA-.--G.-Y--. GOROKHOV, V. N., KUZ'MIN, V. A.3, MOCHALKINA, 0. R. "Hybrid Neuristor Lines Based on PNPN Structures" Kiev, IVUZ Radioelektronika, Vol 14, No 11, Nov 71, PP 1312-1318 Abstract: The paper presents the results of development and investigation of two kinds of neuristor lines based on planary PNPN structures: with coupling between elements over two common base regions, and over a single base. The principal electrical characteristics are measured as a functicn of the structure, the values of the passive elementsland the mode of operation of the neuristors. It is found that the rate oi' propagation of a pulse in the neuristor line depends on the amplitude of the pulse and the external capacitance, and is independent of the load impedance. Pulse velocity in lines with two common bases is 2-5-104 M/S, while the corresponding speeds for lines with a single base are 800-1200 M/s. The -D opagation in lines with a single common base is practically rate of -r independent of the spacing between elements. Vrhen the diameter of the emitter in the N+ region is doubled, the pulse velocity increases by a 1/2 USSR BELOVA, G. F. et al., IVUZ Radioelektronika, Vol 14, No 11, Nov 71, pp 1312-1318 factor of 1.4 in lines of both types. The refractor period for lines of both types is the same -- 3 us for a load impedance of 10 kQ and zero ca- pacitance. The refractor length is equal to 6 cm for a line with two common bases, and 0.2 cm. for a line with a single common base. Pulse amplitude is determined by supply voltage and load impedance. The maximum possible pulse amplitude ',Or elements separated by 110 v is 3 V. The proposed neuriators can be comparatively easily made in integrated form as they can operate without external-capacitanct~s at load impedance,.; of 10-20 k9. Six figures, bibliography of four titles. 2/2 72 1/2 "052 IED~ PROCESSING DATE---30OCT70 UNCLASSIF TITLE-SYNCHRONIZATION OF LASER RADIATION BY ULTRASOUND -U- AUTHOR-BELUVAv G-N. T_.C,CUNTRY OF, INFO-USSR ZSOURCE-AKUSTICFESKII ZHURNAL# VOL. 16, JAN.-MAR. i970, P. 138-140 ',_'DATE PUBLISHED--70 ....SUBJECT AREA3-PHYSICS 1.-..,TOPIC TAGS-RUBY LASER, LASER RADIATIONt LASER PULSE# ULTRASUNIC EFFECTo ULTRASONIC FREQUENCY, LASER SYNCHRONIZATION .~'COWRCL hARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRA,4E--1988/1562 STEP NO--UR/0046/70/0161000/0138/0140 CIRC ALCESSION NU--AP0106308 Z/2 05Z UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0106308 GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF THE EF FECT OF ULTRASONIC 'XCITATION OF RUBY LASER RADIATION. 1T IS FOUNDiTHATE 'INS IN THE kU6Y CRYSTAL CAUSES A CHANGE IN THE LONGITUDINAL VIBRATIL TEMPGRAL STRUCTURE OF THE LASER EMISSION:PUL-SE. THE RADIATION ASSUMES THE CHARACTER OF A FAIRLY REGULAR SEQUENCE CF GRUUPS CONSISTING OF A NUMBER OF PEAKS. THESE GROUPS APPEAR ONCE PER PERIOD,OF THE ULTkASONIC VIBRATIONS DURING THE EXTENSION PHASE OF THE.RUBY ROD. THE LENGTH OF -THESE.GROUPS VARIES SOMEWHAT, BUT LIES WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE HALF PERIOD~CJF THE ULTRASCNIC VIBRATIONS; THE MOST CHARACTERISTIC EPET I N a IT a 'FREQUENCY OFTHE PEAKS IN THE GROUPS I.S ABOUT 300 TO 408 KHZ. IT IS CONCLUDED THAT A SYNCHRONIZED EMISSION PULS&CONSITS OF PEAKS WITH HIGHER ENERGY VALUES THAN IN THE CASE OF RADIATION IN THE FREE LASING -REGIME. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR,.AKUSTICHESKII INSTITUT, MOSCOWt USSR. LINE L51 F 1 vl,,Sjlf IEva ilv uDc: 615-361,014-413:581.3 USSR 0 IT MWOV, B. A., GORBOVITSKILY, Ye. V., BE_10VA I. A-3 and Z,0T11TIKOV1 V. P., Ali- 75 Union Scientific Research Institute of urgical Apparatus and Instrizients "An, Apparatus for Deep Cooling of Biological Objects With Programmed Control" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Tekhnika, No 1, 1971,, pp 51-53 Abstract: A description (with photograph, line diagram, arid specif ications) of the KZ-8 apparatus desiggied by the All-Union Scientific Reqe,3xch Institute of Surgical Apparatus and Instruments for programed cooling of bone marrow, blood, and other tissues, is given. When the actual temperature is dif f erent from that called for at a particular moment by the program -,m,ious mechan-isns (PUPT, heaters) are activated at a signal from a 3-Position regulator. VFhen the actual temperature of the object is higher than 'that prescribed, the piLvnp is cuitched ar tem and on. A vacuum is created in a pipeline heat exchanger - Dew flask sysu Jiquid nitrogen enters the heat exchanger which it cools upon evaporating, if the actual te=erature is below that prescribed, the heaters are turned on. I:i-- heat a