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USSR UDC 624.07:534.1 BEL174SKIY, B. P., KOU, -ZOV, D. P., and ChELITj3OVA, V. D. Leningrad "On the Diffraction of Acoustic Waves on Plater. Joined at a Right Angle" Moscow, Prikladnaya. Matematika i liekhanikas Vol 37, No 2t Mar - Aprt 73, pp 291-299 Abstract: This article examines 2-dimensional stable acoustical processes within an infinite space filled with fluid and bounded by sides at a right angle. The desired solution is.the pressure at which the Helmholtz equation trill hold within the area while some conditions with high-order derivatives will hold at the boundaries. -The expressions for the boundary operators are not made specific. Anexact representation is found for the pressure in the case in which the sound field is stimulated by a point source located irithin thelluid. A number of specific problems in the diffraction of hydroacoustic waves by two mutually perpendicular sheets are examined. X/I USSR UDC: 517-53:517-9L7.42 BELINSKIY, P. P. "On the Order of Closeness of Spatiall Quasiconformal Ma-npinfr to Conformal Mapping" Moscow, Sib-irskiy Meternaticheskiy Zhurnall Vol 14, No 3, M-V/Jun 73, pp 475-483 Abstract: The following theorem is proved: For sufficiently small values q- 1< q0- 1 there exists a constant K such that for any q-quasiconfror-al mapping y= f(x) of the sphere jxj< 1 there exists a Moebius mapping L such that Lf (x) - x< K(q - 1). The quantities co and K derend cnly on the dimensicnicality of the space. In the proof,the author introduces the quantities of deviation of qui,..9i- confo-. mal ::.-on conformal which varte invariant relative to atixfliary Mloebius trans -formations and uses iterations ol, qulas2 cot- forriEl -=.~ppings with a small characteristic. WY-kPtlit~- 9: :11-11 1 .1 Al 11 11 ~ I I F I I ~ , 11111? -------- ------- ..... .. ... ...... /Z UNCLASSI P,, OCESSlNG: DATE--27NOV70 -U- INCREASING'THE EFFICIENCY 00:MAINS WATER HEATINGISYSTEMS ,:.,AUTHOR-(04)-BELINSKIY, S.YA.9 GIRSHFELDY,.V*YA.t KNYAZEV* A.M., LYUBINv -:Y E.'S . "COUNTRY OF, INFO--USSR U 5 si;~6 'SOURCE--ELEKT. STANTS11 VOL. 41j:NO. 3v P. 18-21 (1970) .,:DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .'SUBJECT AREAS--ENERGY CONVERSION (NON-PROPULSIVE),: MECH.p IND.9 CIVIL AND I NE ENGR TOPIC.TAGS--THERMOELECTRIC POWER PLANT, TURBINE HEAT EXCHANGER, HEATING ENGINEERING. :CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~.~DOCUXEKT CLASS--UNCL-ASSIFIED STE P NO--UR/0104 _~f'0/041/0.J3/0018/0021 :':PROXY REEL/FRAkIE--3007/0501 _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0135964. UNCLASSIFIED ~~412 029 UNCLASSIFIED krjc~ssr,4G DArc---02t)CT70 TtTLE--STUDY OF SOME PROPERTIES OF.HIGH MOLECULAR Fli3'tzlWGEN TRYPTIC HYDROLYSIS -PRODUCTS --U- AUTHQP-(05)-3ELITSERj V.0., VARETSKAt T.V., TSINKALCIVSKA, S.M., POZ ONYAKOVA , 7 ORLOVS KA, N. M. ~'COUINTRY OF INFO_-USSR 'SOURCE _UKRAYNS'KIY i3IOKHIMICHNIY lHURNALt 1970, VOL, 42, NR 2, PP 165-174 'DATE PUBLISHED --- - -- 70 ':SUBJ.C-CT:AREAS--bIOL0GICAL AND MED.~CAL SCIENCES TAGS--FIBRINOGEN, HYDROLYSIS, POLYMERIZ.4TION, TRYPSIN, AMINO ACID, _ELECTROPHORESIS CaNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUNENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~,'PROXYPEEUFRAME-1988/1677 STEP NO--UR/0300/701042/002/0165/0174 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106423 UNC L A S S I F I ED 212 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 ~_CIRC ACCES-SION NO-AP0106423 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AdSTRACT. IT IS KNOWN THAT HISI MJLECUt.AR WEIGHT PRODUCTS FORMED DURING3 PROTEOLYTIC DEGRADA~rto%-OF FIBRINOGEN11 .INHIBIT THE FABRIN MONOMER POLYMERILATION. THE EXISTENCE OF COMPLEMENTARY STRUCTURES CHARACTERISTIC FOR THE SPECIFIC PJLY'lERIZATI..)'4 i:'CE%TERS IN THESE FRAGMENTS MAY BE POSTULATED. HIGH 1OLECULAR VEIGHT .PRODUCTS9,APPEARING DURING DEGqADATION OF FIBRINOGEN OLE JLE '.Y LOW CONCENTRATIONS OF TRYPSIN (ENZYME SUBSTRArE RATIO 1:2500 BY 'AEIGHTl riEr?.c STUDIED. -THEY WERE SEPARATED FROM TRYPTIC HYDROLYZATE OF FIBRINOGEN BY GEL FILTRATION ON SEPHADEX G 150. IT.WAS SHOWN THAT DURING HYDROLYSIS LASTING FOR,120 HOURS AND MORE THESE PRODUCTS WERE G,~~EATLY r'HANGED IN THEIR~ANTIPOLYMERIZING ACTIVITY, BEHAVIOUR IN GEL~FILTRATI N AND 0 N GEL ELECTROPHORESIS AND N TERMINACAMINO ACIDS AS WELL. ~~THE MOST ACTIVE AND AT THE SAME TIME THE LEAST HETEROGENEOUS PRODUCTS ,.WERE PRODUCED DURING THE PROLONG HYDROLYSIS OF FIBRINOGEN BY TRYPSIN. UNCLASSIFIED ....... . . .... 0 1 -j I s s v I 'D.N' (I C8COOI0cjV--0N NUISS3)DV DdIO ,7-iGo/e,~oo/i U-('j/cjoo/oj./Euio/'m--oN d3IS 608T'/l7R6l--3viVdzi/133d AX011-d. 031-JISSVIDN(I--SSVID IN3vinoool SNOIIDI'dIS3b ON--DNIN*dVW loblNIO 0. Z1301-J 0113HINAS NVSAVi(n) U 13 31 1-::iHINAS citivin) iL42UIJ 3119HINAS NObdVN(n)/NIS3b ~131S3AIU s:-'fN0bdV:l )LISVId '33NVISIST8 IJV3M "d39l:J 311314INAS-SUVI :)IdO-t S-IVI'd3lVW--SV3bV -L:)3ren s, OL ------- 03HSIiend EUVW 47-z-~ 11 'OL61 'VN'YO-IOA *WIHN--33tn0S~. ussn--O:INI -J. 0 A-diNnool. 'N'W 'NISII-ln--nHinv. INAV4111i DIIAHINAS =10 S3]1'd3dO'dd IVOINVHOaW 3HI 30 N0lIV71WIId0--3-11F.11 OL-JAS11-31VU !MISMUd: ..031:JISSV--I)Nn EEO, 2/2 03 3 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DJATE-IISE;N~ CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100383 ::Al3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE MECH. P R 0 P ER T I E SA110 WFAR ,--RESISTANCE OF KAPRON (1), ANID (fl), ANO LAVSAN (111) MULTIFI AE T YARN 1. %1 "4 WERE A FUNCTION OF THE THfCKNESS OF THE ELEMENTARY FIRERS. THE MOST COMBINATION OF MECH. PROPERTIE S AND WEAR,RFS[STANCE WAS OFFF;~ED 6Y,19 If# AND '111 YARN FROM FIBERS OF 0.588-0.769 TEX(NO. 1300-1700). 'CLASSIr-I III-12b THE POSSIBILITY OF OBTAININC CRYSTALS FROM SOLUTIONS WICH ARE UNIFORM RE;PLCT WITH TO COnPOSITIeN [Article by N. 0. Ur"Yjyak. A. V. belitskiv, Shc)..Ika.o; N-lbirsk, III t ~1 I To ~U Krlstall.v 17 Plerok, NumoLan, 12-17 June. 1972. p 371 katudy was Made or the possibility of proivtnA~vuh.tttuted are unifors: witit rasj~49t toc-position trom solid olutf.nd of the tv P. of (Had Hb-x Max) toy "lectirm the coolinIt rate of the Aolutiva. For the case where the diffunion coefficients of the sub.tituting cc-pponents At* approctobly larger than the diffuel" coefficient of the unaubstituted c"pkn-nt fres.,the motcrIal boldnca squAtlad, in th* solid and liquid phases, considering tho temperature and concentration dependence of the distribution coefficients. conditions were obtained the satisfaction of which jaMUrq~ prouth of uniform crystals. from the solution of the diffusion equ ation, an expression was obtained for the coolIng rate of 0-6 solution which depends an the nature, of the volubutry curve, the distribution coefficients of the substituted component*.- the diffusion coefficient and the volume of the solution. The conditions Of Welacting the tompecaturs rongs of crystealtsatIon were defined in which gr*wth of czvotalo which see u~.Lform with tospect. to composition to possible. ps 5'/0 0 111-12. SELECTION OF THE GROWN CONDITIONS OF CRyf,'TALS FROM SOLUTIO119 (ArtLcio by &_y. H. 0. Uroulyak, Shchalkavo; Novosibirsk. III Simpaziu,a po Protests" Rasta JL.91!n lu rovodnikovykh KrIst.Ilav i Pl~ok, Russian, 12-17 June, L972, p 3b) ~rare sesiconductor materiala are grown Iran aolut tons. In this case the process rate usually to detatmin*d by the diffusion of the crystal frains ccasponants to the crystallization front end is regulated by mixing. Fran the joint solution it the diffusion equation and the "t.rt:! balance _z-qqa-_Ian_1_n the -11-d~ at-i-d I'L-1-uld phases, t-h-e cooling r-4-te was- obtai-n"d function at the nature of the solubility curve. the magnitude of the introduced ad crystals. the volume of the solution and the mixing con.11,tions. The 6*01ins rate Lner"oex with an increase in the superoaturation of the aaluti~. a the diffusion coefficients and with a decrease in the solution. volume. on Ing the solution by reverse rotation of the crystallizer, the angular velocity of the rotation Increases with.-an increeng in viscosity and volujaq~qf the solution'. An, odUmsto was'ande -of the thicitness of the diffusion layer., The aptiaal oolinx conditions and reckoitlag tonditiono of the solution can insure am Locre"m tin the crystal growth rat* bl:ou er4*r by comparison with the static crystal- lIzation cooditiones. _N1 33 F I' ED 112 '020- PROCES.$ING OATE--20NOV70 UNCLASSI JIT LE-MECH4N ISM UF THL SIMULTANEOUS R EACT WN UF BUTYL ISUCY-NATE AND I TF AERCSIL -U- AETHANOL N.V.t NEGIYEVICHt L.A.#' KURGANs N.P., BELITSKAYA, G.F., KAChAN, A.A. -EF l.4FG--USSR ,_..~SCUr_NCE--TELP. EKSP. KHIM. 197Ct 6(l), 55-60 :_~'DATE'. FUEL lShEc___--70. :SU8JECT*AREAS-CfiEMl5TRY ,-TGPIC TAGS-CiRGANIC ISCCYANATE, MErHANOL, CHEMICAL~REACTION RATE, ADSORPTIGNt SILICA ,,;CCNTRCL PARKING-NO RESTRICFIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFla-D 'TROIXY REEL/1-kARE-300211171 STEP *40--UR/C379/70/006/001/0055/0060 C I FIX ACCESSICINI NIG-AP0125593 S: IFF:D .212 020 UNC-L ASS I FIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIC,\ k'%:G-APOlZb593 AdSTRACT/EXTkAcr--(u) GP-0- AdSTRACT. REACTICN 9AFES WERE MEASURED OF URETHANE (1) FORMATION FROM BUNCO (It) ANIO MEOH LN THE GAS PHASE ON AERCSIL. Ti-.E HIGHEST RATE INAS ~ACHIEVED~BY INTROUUCING A MIXT. OF fAEGH [I CNTU, THE CATALYST* DUE TO COMPLEX FORMAT-fO.N. - A LGWER R4TE WAS 08TAINED 'CIN lNTRL"ACUCI.",il2' ll:.F[kST. : INTRODUCTION OF MjEOJ4 FIRST LED TO THE L'u-'YfES-1 .-RATE LlUE TO BLUCKING OF S I LANCL - GROU P S OF''i THE :CATALYST BY MEOH ~ADSCRPT 104. FACILITY: INST..KHIM, VYSOKOMOL. SOEDIN., KIEV, LSSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc 612-.123_o6:61L2.0l3-o64 GAYEVSKAYA, M. S. and J Tnstitute of Biomedical Problems, Moscow ."Content of Nonesterified Fatty Acids in Blood Plasma During Hypobiosis" Moscow, Voprosy Meditsinskoy KbLimii, No 3, 1971~ pp 263-266 Abstract: Hypobiosis was induced in rats by combining artificial hibernation (administration of,a-lytic cocktail consisting of chlorpromazine, pipolphen, promedol, and d-tubocurarine) with external chilling Hypabiosis was prolonged by transferring the animals to a chamber at''160C where they remained for 24 to 29 hours. The level of nonesterified fatty acids rose the first day but steadily declined thereafter due to their gradual utilization for energy needs. Twenty-four hours after the artificial hibernation was termi- nated by warming the animals to P80C, the content of nonesterified fatty acids returned to normal. Thus, nonesterified fatty acids seem to be a souxce of energy for nonhibernating animals like rats'during hypobiosis and for some time thereafter. F-W-.Rw~ urowia USSR me 612.ol3-069.015.3 GAYEVSKAYA, X. S., NOSOVA, YE. A., BELIWKAYA, R. A..: and KUMITA, L. M., .."Ketabolisa in Rat Tissues Dtrdng Prolonged Artificial Forpobiosis" Moscow, Byulleten' Elksperizental'noy Biologii I Mleditsiny, No 4, 1971, pp 53-55 Translationt Prolongation of artificial hyFobiosis in rats from 24 to,29 hours by combining premedication with external chillimg d-id not result In significant shifts in caxbohydrate-phosphorus netabolisra in the brain, but intensified confor-mational changes in brain proteins. ; The glycogen content of -the liver and muscles during 24 to 29 hours of hypobiosis was very low, but hyperglyceraia persisted. After 29 hours, of hypoldosis, some of the animp-1 exhibited a sharp decrease in the content of n6nesterified fatty acids in the blood. Mortality among nonhibernating homoiothendc aninals in a state of artificial hypobiosis (maintenance of lowered vital azLivity against a back- ground of bypothermia) is known to increase when this state is sustained for more than one day. There are indications that deatth of animals is re- lated to the develovnent of noncoordination of the met4bolic p-rocesses in the tissues (14, 22)0 ?8 - -alltoy Biologii I Meditsiny GAYMKAYA.0 M. S., at al., Byulleten' Eksperimerr. No 4,, 1971, Pp 53-55 Mte-bolic cbanges in the tissues of rats kept in a state of hypobiosis for up to one day were investigated by us in earlier studies (39 5P 9# 10- The purpose of this work was to study metabolic shifts in the braii n, liver, mmales, and-blood of rats when th& state of hypobiosis is lengthened from 24 to 29 hours. Procedure Experiments were performed on nale,rats weighing 150 to 250 g. Arti- ficial hypobiosis was induced by T:Lmofeyev's nethod (8, 12). After Injec- tion of a lytic mixture and tubocuraxine, the rats were placed in a ventilated chambe-r at -100C where their body.temmerature dropped~~to 18 to 20 0C. The a were then transferred to where the-tompeiature was 16 to 18 C and their body temperature was maintained at 16 to 22 C for 24 to 29 hours. After the animals were decapitated, the electrophoretic motility of soluble proteins (7) in brain tissues and their ultraviolet absorption spectra (13) were detex-mined. Blood su&ar iw determined 'by.t he HWdorn Jenzen method; ketone bodies (2) and nonesterffied fatty acids (19) were also deter- mined. Other stixUes were conducted in tissues after they vere frozen in situ In liquid nit=qgen. Total amide groups of proteins (6)v total content of ATF and ADF (from readily hydrolyzable phospho-rUS)gicontent of creatine 2/4 USSR G&YEVSKAYA H. S.t et al.9 Byulleten' Ekspeximental noy Biologii i Ifeditsiny No 49 1971# pp 53-55 phosphate (I)q inorganic phosphorus (21), glucose (10), glycogen (18), and lactic acid (15) were determined in brain tissue Glycogen,was determined in the liver and nuscles (4),arA the content of ~iucose (10) and of lipids (16).was determined in the liver. Results Prolongation of the period of hypobiosis from 24 to 29 hours did not produce any significant shifts in carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism in the brain. Such shifts as occur-red indicated that conform4tioral changes in brain proteins intensified as hypobiosis continued. Houeverp the insignifi- cance of the shifts noted both in carbohydrate-phos-oliorus metabolism and in that they could hardly have been~a major factor in brain proteins suggast the death of animals with the given duration of hypoblosis. Extension of hypobiosis from 24 to 29 hours did pot produce signift- cant shifts, in the amount of glucose or glycogen in th~. liver. There was a slight but significant decrease in the amount of lipids. The glycogen con- tent of the mmelles after 29 hours of hypobiosis as low as after 24 hours. 3/4 79 C-MYEVSKAYA M S. et al. Byulleten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i Meditsiny 11"o 4, 197.1, PP 53-35 Hyperglycemia persisted after the period of hypoblosis was lengthened. It could have been caused either by glyconeogenesis or by,the very low UtMzation of glucose by the tissues$ which changed after chilling to the preferential utilization of fat, as is theicase in supercooling and hiberna- tion (17, 20). Other investigators'(22) detected hypoglycemia, when they tried to prolong hypobiosis in rats, but we did not. ~ After 2-9 hours of hypo- biosis, the blood content of ketone bodies remained high, a'phenomenon con- sistent with the idea of preferential utilization of fat during hypothermia. The content of nonesterified fatty acids in blood plasma after 29 hours was little different from that found at the, end of 24 hours of hypobiosis in rats but was sharply lower in 3. These particular ~.rats were in the most serious conditiont resp ration was infrequent, barely perceptible, and muscle i tone was very weak. Thus, of the indices of metabolism studied, only the insufficiency of nonesterifled fatty acids in the blood could be directly related to the death of the rats following the, prolongation of hypobiosis for more than one dAv. zLWL 112 020 UNCLASSIFIEO,~ -PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--EFFECT OF THE RATE OF ANTIMONY AND INDIUM IONS OISCHARGE ON THE ,,,-PHASE COMPOSITION OF THE ALLOY -U- .AUTHOR-,(03)-BELITSKAYA, T.9.1 KOCHEGAROV, VaM., CHERNOV, YU.I. --USSR COUNTRY OF INFO .:rS OLURC E-- EL E KTROKH I M I Y A19701 6(2)t 215-17 :,.aATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--ANTIMONY ALLOY, INDIUM ALLOYi IONt INTERLMETALLIC COMPOUND, CLT COVA LENT BONDING, ELE RODEPOSITION tONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS POCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0691 STEP NO--UR/0364/70/0061002/02L5/0217 .CIRC 4CCESSION NO--AP0105667 UNCLASSIFIED 2i~ 020 UNCLASSIFIED P'ROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 ZIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0105667 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CODEPOSITION OF S8 AND IN WAS STUDIED FROM 4 GLYCEROL SGLNS. CONTG* A TOTAL METAL fON CONCN. OF 0.4 M .'-,~.:WITH INAAS INCL SU63) EQUAL~ 0.35, 0.310.2, AN60.1-.M AND SB AS .-.K(.SBO)C SUB4 H SUB4 0 SUB6.0.5,MINUS H SUB2 0 AS THE RENA!NDER AND KOH '-":,:EQUALS 70 G-1., SOLNS. CONTG. HIGH CONCNS.:OF SB, GAVE DEPOSITS OF "ESSENTIALLY PURE SB. BY LOWERING THE~.SB ION CONCN. AND INCREASING THE CATHODIC POTENTIAL, THE INDIVIDUAL;DISCHARGE CURRENTS WERE APPROX. EQUAL;,THUS,,.THE DEPOSITS CANBE MADE * Tb:coNtAlN SB-IN ALLOYS. HOWEVERt ClIANGING'THE-DEPOSITION RATE DID NOT PLAY.AN IMPO~TANT ROLE'TOWARD THE FORMATION-OF,THE INTERMETALLIC. INS6 COMPD. WITH COVALENT BONDS. 2/2 027 UNCL ASS IF I FO_'~' iPROCESSfNG DATE--27NOV70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139012 A BSTRAC T/EX TRACT-- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INTENS~JTY OF METABOLISM OF POL.YCYCL[C HYDROCARBONS BY NORMALMOUSE:EMBRYONAL FIBROBLASTS IN VITRO .DECREA~SED IN THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE:, ~BENZiCALPH.,A)PYRENE AND ~.~.'~~,.;,~BENZ(ALP~iA)ANTHRACENE FOLLOWED BY,DIBENZ(AH)ANTHRACENE AND BENZO(GHL)PERYLENEr AND LESS SIGNIFICANTLY BY 771112 1 Of MET HYL BENI( ALPHA) ANTHRAC ENE, , PYRENEs AIND, PERYLENE. THIS `.SEQUENCE~:DID NOT CORRELATE WITH.THEIR- SOLY. IN CELLULAR LIPIDS, THEIR CYTOTOXICITY, OR THEIR CARCINOGENIC'ACTIVITY, BUT SEEMED TO DEPEND UPON THEIR ABILITY TO INDUCEMULTIFUNCTIONAL OXfOASES IN THE CELLS. FACILITY: INST. EXPTL.~ CLIN. ONCOL.r MOSCOWf USSR. UNCLASS IFIED .1'12-' 029 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE--METABOLIC BREAKDOWN OF BENZO(A)PYRENE BY CELLS OF DIFFERENr MAM114ALS -,.IN..VIIRO AND THE TOXIC EFFECT OF POLYCYCLIC HYDROCARBUNS ON THESE CELLS UTHOR-(05)-BEljLj6j.Yp G.A., VASILYEV, YU.M.9 IVANOVA U-~YU., LAVROVAF N. A PR I 02M1 A. YE.L. :tOUNTRY OF INFG-USSR .,.SGU,RCE-VOP. ONKOL. L970* 1612)t 53-6 .~bATEI PUBL ISHED----70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIULOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIL TAGS-HYDROCARBONt METABOLISM, TOXICOLOGYr CAT~ CELL PHYSIOLOGYr EMBRYOLOGY, LEUKUCYTE --CONTROL MARKING-140 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -,,PROXY REEL/FikAME--1986/1689 STEP NU--Ul~/0506/70/016/002/0053/0058 CIRC ACCE,SSION NO--AP0103455 UNC LA SS I F1 E D It In J II! Ell, ;i 111:11 i:~ Pil I I,0! I 1, 1; Itrill;jIN: IT :212 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAI E--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0103455 ABSTkACT/.EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RAT CELLS SENSITIVE TO THE TOXIC ACTIO N OF HYDRUCARBONS ACTIVELY!MEJABOLIZED BENZO(A)PYRENE (1). MErABOLI-SlOt.WAS SLOWER IN PIG AND CAT.CELLS WHICH'WERE MORE RESISTANT TO rHE,TOXIC ACTION OF I AND 1,12,L)IMETHYLi3EN7-(A)ANTH.PACENE. NORMAL EMBRYONIC FIBROBLASTS CELLS IN VITRU~ANU~LEUKOCYTES FROM THE PERIPHERAL BLOOD O,F,HE,ALrHY,HUMANS WERE-ALMOST INSENSITIVE TO THE TOXIC ACTION OF -THESE:HYDROCARBONS-AND METABOLISM OFI DEVELOPED,MORE SLOWLY. THE t OF CELLS TO THE TOXIC ACTION OF THE HYUROCARBONS SEEMS TO DEFINITELY CORRELATE WITH THEIR ABILITY:TO METABOLIZE THESE COMPOS. FACILITY: INST. EXP. CLIN. ONCOL*~v MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: None BELITSKIY, G. 14. "Piezooptical Accelerometer" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniva, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 27, 1971, p 151, 11 o (11),35, 1160 Abstract: The equipment consists of a liEht source, a sensing ele- ment connected with an inertial mass, a phaselplate, an analyzer, and a light sensor. To.improve the sensitivity, the sensing ele- ment is a disc with a hole in the,center. The light source, sur- 0 -this hole. A profile and r unded by.a polarizer, is placed in plan cross section view of the device is reproduced. USSR Adsorption USSR EELITSM I. A. SFICIERBATMUK, N. YE.' KRASNOVA L. v. FILIZOVA, L. D., -TYLIRLIU, YE . F. sorption Properties of Cation-Substituted Forms of Clinoptiln-lite" Novosibirsk, Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akaderdi Hauk, ELM Seriya lhimicheskik-h Ilauk, hTo 1, 1973, pp 84-87 Abstract: This paper is a continuation of the study of the sorption and nolec- ular-screen properties of high-silicon heulandite-clinoptilolite, the natural forms of which were investigated previously C 1. A. helltskiy et al., Izv. Sib-t Otd. All GSSR, ger. khim. nauk, i,o :L4, v-yp. 6, l~7ij- Junt ar, before, monomineral (t-,,991%) clinoptilolite from Bulgaria was used in the study: (Ca 1.26"'ZO.29K,. c J.16-59 Lf,,O- 58"'al.34HAl6-05S'30-03 72 The study was made of the sorption properties of the clino-ptilolite wit-11 respect to water vapor and methanol and six samples of cation-sensitf'ove forrs obtained by ion exchange based on clinoptilolite with lithium, sodi=,, potassium, ri;Cbidiuir,, cesium and thallium ions as the "consolicIated" cations. 1/2 USSR IELIT-SKIY, I. A., ET AL., izvestiya Sib:Lrskogo Otdeleniya A-kademii Na,,A- SSR -- Beriya Khimicheshikh Nauk, No 10 )973o pp 84-A-7 A reduction in the sorptive power was discove3v-d Coing f rom the lithium cation fain to the cesium cation form. This is connected irith the reduction and depree of hydration of the cations increasing in size and also with a decr-ease in the free volume of the cavities. The parameters of the microporous structure of the indicated sorhents U vere calculated on the basis of the Dubinin-RaduslLkevich theory of volurxtric fUline of the micropores. The lithium, sodium and pot-assium forj~,m of t1lolite are characterized by the greatest sorption volume equal to 0-22- 0.110. 2/2 USSR UDC 539-171-017 ABDULLAYSV, A. M., AMOV, S. A., BEYSEMBAYEV, R. U., ZL.M~ MULLIZHANOV, E. ZH., MYALKOVSKIY, V. M., TALIPOV, T.A., TILLAYEV, T., MROV, R., KEEN, E., and YULDASEBAYEV, T. S. I'Study of Characteristics of Inel&stic Interactions of Cosmic-Ray Particles in the 10 1-1 to 1012-ev Energy Range" moscov, izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, V01 35, No 10, Oct 71, pp 2o65-2o68 Abstract: Experiments that were performed at the hiGh-altitude test station (31200 m.) at Kum-Bel' in Uzbekistan are described, The purpose of the exper- Iments was to investigate the angle of arrival and the energy characteristi 0 of interactions of pions and nucleons with light and heavy nuclei at 2 x lOff to 2 x 1012 ey and the mechanism of generating muons at energies above 2 x 1012 ev.- Equipment consisted of spark chqmbers, located above and below the target (paraffin wax, carbon, and iron), a 6erenkov spectroWter of full absorption, and an ionization calorimeter. This complex method of measurements was fo~.Ind convenient for use in various modes of operation. A detailed description of various parts of the installation and their disposition is given in the paper. 1/3 USSR ABULLATEVY A. M., et al., Izvesti-ya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, Vol 35., No 10, Oct 71, pp, 2065-2068 Joint operation of ionizing calorimeters and spark chambers is normally dif:Cicult because of the need for high voltage on the calorimeter electrodes, combined with the time lag of the input pulse from the spark chambers, amount- ing to over 20 microseconds. This difficulty Vas avoided in the present experiments by storing pulses in memory cells, with the subsequent input of a high-voltage pulse of about 120 kv. Operation vas controlled by a master- pulse, prior to which all parts of the equipment were kept inoperative. Results of 200 hours of the joint operation of aLterenkov spectrometer and ionizing calorimeter, vith graphite used as the target, have been prro7 cessed so far. For analysis, showers with energy above 1-5 x 1011 e7 were selected, 130 of them havingbeen observed. The ratio of charged to neutral nucleons were determined and, from it, the fraction of charged pions of the total nucleus-active stream of particles. 'The inelastic toefficieat for the formation ofST 0-cesons was computed from the experiments related to the interaction of neutral particles-vith nuclei of graphite. V It is concluded that the combination of ionizing:calorimter with Cerenkov spectrometer of fuU absorption for the sinataneous deatermination of energy of primary particles made It possible to determine the fraction of 2/3 USSR ABULIAYEV A. M.) et al. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, V01 35, No 10, Oct 71, PP 2065-2068 energy supplied by the ionizing particles.,Z? since a Cerenkov spectroveter measures only the energy emitted by relativistic particles. It vas found that for the mean energy of primary -particles of 350 Gev the energy part lost on nuclear fissions in the spectrometer, vith CC14 as the light emitter, is 0.25, cso: l862 -w END - 3/3 324 USSR. UDC 629.78.002.3 BELITSKIY M. Ye.. BATURIN, G. T., GAYDARENKO, A. L., GERMANCRUK, F. K., -4-- - -1 -1 -R-R-iffi, V. F. "Study of the Chemical Stability of Certain Nonmetallic Components of Fric- tion Materials at High Temperatures" Sb. nauch. tr. Kiyev. in-t inzh. grazhd. aviatsii (Collection of Scientific Works of the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers), 1971, No. 2, pp 64-67 (from RZh-41. Raketostroyeniye,.No 11, Nov 72~ Abstract No 11.41.189) Translation: Studies of the chemical stability of wid6ly used, P170MiSing nonmeLallic. components and solid lubricants of friction metalloceramic materials are described. Recommendations are made as to their application as higb-temperature solid lubricants for friction materials of heavy-load braking devices: boron nitride, 2-calclum fluoride and synthetic mica. ill., 1 table, 7 ref . Resume. 111 USSR UDC: 621.438 BELITSKIY,F,.Ye., and KUZNETSOV, Ye.I.. "Method and Some Results of the Investigation of UMB-4c Packing Material in the Products of Combustion of Aviation Fuel" Kiev, Fiziko-Khirnicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol 7, No 5, pp 68-71 Abstract: It was observed that the heat resistance of the UMB-4c packing material operating in gas turbines is higher than under laboratory conditions in air. This is believed to be due to the more corrosive action of air which contains more oxygen than the products of combustion of aviation fuel. In order to simulate the actual conditions in the gas turbine an apparatus was used where the material was tested in the atmosphere of gas having essentially the same chOmical composi- tion as the products of combustion of aviation fuel. 1/2 USSR BELITSKIY, M. Ye., et al, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Kekhanika Materialov, Vol 7, No 5, 1971, pp 68-71 The tests showed that the increase in weight due to corrosion was higher, Brinell hardness and bending strength lower in air than in the gas simulating the products of combustion. 2/2 75 USSR UDC 615-33MI5~*-`4215~6.851-31 BEUZHEMO I-IINA YE. A. YERNOW YEVA, Z. V and YEFINTSEYA V. D. ,VED YE. F., Chair of Biochemistry, Vitebsk Medical Institute and.Chair of Yicrobiology, Central Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians, 1,'oscow "Effect of Antibiotics (Neomycin, 14onomycin, and Karianycin) on the Synthesis of Protein and Nucleic Acid in Intact NAG Vibrio Cells", Moscow, Antibiotiki, No 12, 1971, PP 1085-1088 Abstracti Study of the effect of antibiotics on protein synthesis in Intact HAG vibrio (strain 1115) cells shoued that neomycin, mopomycin, and kanamycin at concentrations of 10, 50, and 500 la g/ml inhibit the incorporation of 14 1-C -glycine into the protein fraction soluble In phenol, but stimulate its incorporation into the fractions of R11A, DHA,~and proteins insoluble in phenol. The degree of inhibition and stimulation varied directly with the dose of antibiotic. The stimulating effect of the antibioties on the in- corporation of labeled glycine into nuoleic acids and phenol-insoluble pro- tein fraction is attributed to the competitive relationshipa resultir4g, from the utilization by the bacterial cells of amino acids to synthesize proteins and nucleic acids. When protein synthesis in inhibited, the free amino acids can be more fully utilized for nucleic acid synthesis, The stimu- lation of incorporation of I-C14-glycino intotbe phenol-insoluble proteins suggest that the synthesis of this protein fraction is not sensitive to neomycin, mono-mycin, or kuvwmycin. 1/1 . .. ... 41-014 47:531.5 INFORTANCE OF TRE WTOF. AND MTTILUR A.VLYZZRS AND FRONTAL HYP0rWAmn IN COMPENSATING A GRAVIWIONAL LOAD DU2UNG ORTHOSTASIS jAr tic" by Mo.-' rosmi -he kaya Biologi Meditates. Russian, Vol pp 3l-3b.'sUb=I Me, j969yaj Abstracts In experiments on Intact cats,sad alno.againat a background of curarizarAva. bilateral vestibular deal- ferentation and elect rcc~latioo_ a I* the frontal hype- thalamus, it was possible to determine the phase nature of changes in:respiratica. arterial pressure. and ~ cerebral. bioalactric activity durial orthostasis~ 'There is a discinct dependence. between, the rate QCdevalopmant of, orthostacic collapse n4 the nature of the.primary vascu- lar reaction,'this deterzinti Its prognostic importance. v4 f_j~' I L Elimination of chi .ka &~ motor tnalyzer and electric coagulation of the fro=al hypothalamus sh3rply reduce the gravitational functiozz during orthostasis. Ortho- 8tatic tolerance Is regarded as a special manifestation a the gonoral mechanism, zf body spatial orientation. ~:hangcs in body positioa In tlta vertical piano being the mosc ,ravitational stresses to which mania exposed are used in model- cowwa r ing a gravitational+ loAd when the body is in a vertical position vith the hand up (Yu. Ya. 4oskalanko, at ai~; Yu. Ye. Moskalenko , and others). An orch6static position is regarded &K the affect of a,positiva gravitational load in a "head-ioas" diroccioa~ '7he collapse observed at this time do- valops duo to a decrease inothe ca-,~-zy of the card 'Iovascular system to maintain an adaquatalcarebt Vtix=aatjoU. ratory and tireUls~tor disorders Many auth ra have otud ad ratyi arising in an orthostatIc positi= vith' the head up (M. A. Z"harlyevokoya Yd. 1. L~ublina; L. R~ Pokk; S. S. Vayll; V. C. Lychko,. Nylin and L*vander Diettrin, et al.). Recently intaxast In, this problem has increased still further, Thts Is attributable t* the devolopment,of space medicine, one. of whose primary misslona~is 'i~st~dV~of the.compan ato :capabilities of 7 2 Cf 15 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--160CT70 LE--DETERMINATION OF BETA SITOSTERGL IN VEGETABLE. RAW MATERIAL -U- HO R-(oi)-KSE%'OFCNTOVA# YE.V.t IMUKHINAt M.V., KHALET$KlY, A.M., AGATICAViCti. -.F..L., BELKEVICH, P.I. NTRY OF INFO--USSR--' RCE7-VES TSI AKAD. NAVUK BELARUS. SSR IF~_a?KHIM. NAVUK 1970v (1) 0 5 E PUBLISHED ------- 70 BJECT'AP,EAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL-SCLENCES PIC TAGS--STEROL, PROCESSED PLANT PRODUCT, SOLIVENT EXTRACTIONr CHEMICAL PURIFICATION, SPECTROPHOTOMETRY NTROL MIARK I ING--- 1 140 RESTRICTIONS CUKEN-T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED oxy kEEL/FRAME .-1997/0190 STEP NO--UR/0419/70/000/001/010:',1/0105 RC ACCESSION "'110--AP01119166 12, 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 R,C ACCESSION NO-AP0119186 STkACT/--XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DISSOLVE PHYTOSTEROL (0.03 G) IN C.H::SUB2 CL SUB2 AND APPLY ON THE STARTING LINE OF A 'LAYE-A OF UINBOUNo AL ~SU B2 0 SUB3. DEVELOP WITH ETO SUB2 AND LOCATE THE: BETA SITOSTEROL IN' (JV LIGHT. ELUTE IT FROM THE POWDER WITH HOT INE SUB2 CO. EVAPORATE ME SUL12 CO:AND DISSOLVE KESIJUE IN 25 ML ACOH. TO 5 ML ADD 2 ML 0.5PERCENT ~BENZOYL PEROXIDE AND BOIL 3-5 MIN'. AFTER COOLING, CAREFULLY ADD -0.5 ML -,Cokr-D. H SUB2 SO SUf34 AND DIL. TO 25 ML WITH ACOH. MEASURE ABSORBANCE ..'AT *1690 AtMU Ok HITH A RED FILTER. THE LINEAq RANGE IS 0-280 NUG PER ML- THE '-',ETHOD IS USED TO ANALYZE UNSAPOINIFItiBLE ROSINS FROM~PEAT WAXES. FACILITY: LENINGRAD. KHIM.-FARNI. INST., LENINGRAD, USSR. USSR UDC: 681.332-65 ASOYAN, L. GRIGORYAN, R. Kh., KARANYAN, K. Kh ABADZHYAN, S. S., GEVORKYAN, S. G. "Parallel Barker Code to Parallel Binary Code Converter" USSR Authors' Certificate No 249762, Filed 2 April 1968, ~Published 15 January 1970 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avt omatika, Telemekhanika i Vychis litellnaya.Tekhnika, No 10, 1970, Abstract No 123P, by L., Sh.)! Translation: The converter suggested contains a register, each digit of which withithe exception of the low-order digit,.is made of two flip-flops connected with buses corresponding to the subdigits of Barker.code~and logic circuits. The ones and zeros outputs of the flip-flops of each digit are connected to two pairs of AND circuits respecitvely. The outputs of the AND circuits of each pair are connected through an OR circuit and delay line to the inputs of the second flip-flop of the same digit. The output of the OR circuit connected to the ones output of the triggers of.the digit in question is connected also to the AND circuits connected to the outputs of the second flip-flop of the next digit. The output of the OR circuit connected to the zero outputs of the flip-flops is connected to the AND circuit which is connected to the outputs 1/2 USSR ASOYAN, L. It., USSR Authors' Certificate No 249762, Filed 2 April 1968, Pub- lished 15 January 1970 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika,.No,10, 1970, Abstract No 123P, by L. Sh.) of the first flip-flop of the next digit. The ones outputs of the low-order digit flip-flop and the second flip-flops of the next digits are used as out- puts corresponding to binary code. The circuit suggested combines the func- tions of a Barker code to parallel binary code,converter~with.the functions of memorization of the binary code.. One illustration. 2/2 USSR SOLYAKOV, S. P., Bum--G--L., TATAKIN', A. N, ,NACHAYEV, V. M., ZOBNIN, S, I., _Nf- ZYEV, N. M., IVARO "X. B., VUKOLOV, V. V., SVALOV, G. N., DEVYATKIN, N., ALEKS.ANDROV, V. A., GRIBOVj V. I. "Method of Processing'Srimes from Electrolytic Production of Magnesium" Author's Certificate No 278126, filed 11/02/69, published 18/11/70. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal. Metallurgiya, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2G185). Translation: In order to use the slime for production of Nigs it is fed from the electTolyzers to chlorinators together with the' depleted mgm electrolyte 2 in~the form of a pulp containing 1-10% MgO and 5-25~, h19Cl2. The chlorinators also receive the Cl.-Mg raw material and C12, after which the electrolyte, enriched with N19CI2, is fed to the electrolyters. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.721.042.6(088.8) '0V, TAGAKIN, A. N., KORZNIKOV, V. M.,-BELKIN.,.G. L,,, ALONTSEV, V. S., PROVODNIK A. A., MAZUROV, G. A., TITAYEV, 1. A., PUFINA, 0. A.., NIATSUY, N. V., BOCHKAREV, G. V., NAGIBIN,-V. M. "Method of Processing of Magnesium Ingots" USSR Author's Certificate No 313908, filed 16/03/70, Imblished 10/11/71, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Metallurgiya, No 5, 1972, Abstract No 5 G248 P by G. S-jodtseva). Translation: A method of processing of Mg ingots including transportation, cooling, mechanical working, washing, etching, drying'and covering with a pro- tective layer Is proposed. -In order to reduce the labor expenditures for the process and process time, the ingots are subjecte&to forced cooling to 450-1000, mechanically worked during transportation and washed at 350-1000. This reduces labor consumption, decreases the,time of the process,and increases the productivity of labor by 40-80%. al i:T-1411-Itu it. li-axtua--ilrimmal niml In 1,m umll I imil-ni hitirullp"d aliin ?I LI: 1AJIM R HIT HiM I it-Q06H 1/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED- PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 :..:TJ-TLE--L EUCU 1,4,5,8 TET-tiifYJfiOXYA[iTtiRAQUit'iONE ij -7~~ALTHOR-(05)-bELKIIN, I.D., BRIGIGER YU.Z.,t -MA SLOSH i :V.L. SANKI), L G. P 0 T I R A Y'r _L..~CUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SGURCE----~U.S S R - 26-6 777 ..AEFERbNLt-.UTKRYTlYAj It"JoRET., PkOM. LBRAZrSY, T0VAANYE:z;'lAI\'l 1970, ~PUdL ISI'EL-----70 P I C ToIGS-f, -EMICAL PA I T-:i~f CHEMICAL S Ywr~i r: s i s A".1711RAQUItIONE, ~4i'Tiunwi, ~HYGRGXYL A I C A L ---CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS :DOCUMENT UAS S--U.NCLAS S I F I EG Pik OXY. REL- L/~"'AME-30014/1 3 10 STEP CIRC AC(~ESSH_11,4 N'l)--jN;l0l_i2076 T V I r 1 11-::. 1, 4' ii, I 1 11 ji - -1 1:.I1 . I USSR UDC 621.372.061 BELKIN, M. K. "Signal/Noise Ratio at the Output of a Superregenerative Receiver" Vesti. Kievsk. politeklin. in-ta Ser. radiotekhn. i elektroakust (Kiev Poly- technical Institute Vestnik. Radiotechnical and Electroacoustic Series), 1969, No 6, pp 72-75 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8A129) Translation: This article contains an analysis of worsening of the noise characteristics of a superregenerator by comparison withan ordinary receiver when.using pulse signals with length exceeding the superization period. It is demonstrated that the degree of worsening increases with the depth of super- ization. Under other equal conditions, the linear detector at the superregener- ator output gives a better signal/noise ratio than quadratic detectors. There are three illustrations and a seven-entry bibliography. 1/1 --L60CT70 2 ~' :6 13 UNtLAssIFIED P'iqGCESSING DATE 'JITLE--DIFFERENTIAL CROSS SECTIONS:FDR QUADRANGULW!GRAPHS IN SOME DIRECT -NUCLEAR REACTIONS -U- ~_AUTHOR-(03)-MAGZUlMOVv E*ZH.9 NEUIDACHINt V.Got BELKINLA.-�- ..COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--Y AD. FIZ. 1970, 11(3), 589-97 !,:DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 UBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TAGS--DIFFERENTIAL CROSS SECTION, PROTON BAMBARDMEN'Tt TRITON BOMBARDIMENT, GRAPHIC TECHNIQUE, NUCLEAR REACTION .~:CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ..:,PROXY.REEL/FRAME--1991/1041 STEP NO--UR70367/70/OIL/003/0589/0597 lCIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0110731 UNC LASS I F I E D ,f(lu8rut;Ljm ~613 UNCLASSIFIED PAOCESSING DATE--160CT70 -'.C.IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110731 -~-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRAC-T. RESULTS OFYHE CALCN. OF THE DIFFERENTIAL CROSS SECTIONS OF (To. P) AND (Pi P PRI-ME) REACTIONS, -~~.:DESCRIBEO BY:QUADRANGULAR GRAPHS, USING OISTORTEO:WAVES, ARE GIVEN. THE ~PROBLEM-OF THE DEPENDENCE OF THE CROSS SECTION UPON THE ENERGY OF J~.-.INCIDENT-PARTICLES WAS STUDIEDi: THE ABS*zVALUES'DF GROSS SECTIONS WERE ,'~',ESTO. ON THE BASIS OF A SIMPLE "OSCILLATOR" APPROXN* BY RENORMALIZATIONS 4OF -ONE'PARTICLE.REDUCEU WIDTHS CALCD*:FROM THE E PTL. DATA ON (0, P) AND ..(To DYREACTIONS. FACIL ITY:-, INST. YAD. FIZ., :MOSK. GOS. UN --MOSCOWv USSR. UNCLASSIFIED UVC 612,233-06:612.273.1 EFFECT OF THIRTY-PAT COliFINFMENT OF P.ATS IN AN ATHOIMILAE 141111 AN INCREASUI; OXYGEN CONTENT ON THE ELIMINATION OF SQUE. G.P_';EOU% PRODUCTS OF YETAL lArticla bv V. V. Ftv2tov, ks. 1. At~!dln. V. 1. Belkin, L. 1'. Poddubnayn, atid MU-scow, Kowa cheskava 1'. A. Lel,are- - t7tsina, Rtmolan. Vol t,.' N,~_S, September-OcLobtr 197.. subzitted for publication 6 November 1970, pp &bstract; Lxperimvnts cr; white male cats have iihown that 30-day exposure of the animals in a hyperoxic atmosphere (320-340 = 11g) produces an Insignificant effect on the in- tensity of carbon monoxide elimination, increases a=onia alizinatLon and decreases elimination of ketones and aide- hydes. The possibility of conta=inatica of the artificial atmouphere in tightly sealed* s=11-volume tha=1jers by the Sastous products of man a vital functions has led to a-scriest of Investigations devoted to a 6 tudy 01 the influence of physical, chemical and other environmental factors . t", Intensity of their formation and elizinatlun from the body Into the our- rounding medium N. V. Kustov, L. A. -Tiuriav; T. S. Kalosavet, et al.j. Thle communication presents data on the influence ext.-irted on these processes by the prolonged continuous presence of animals tit an artificial atmosphere with an increased oxygen content. The experiments were perfo=ed on hire male rate wighing 280-300 g. The experimental animals were kept for 30 days in a pressurlr.Qd chamber witli a volume of 0.184 m3, The oxygen concentraCion U the chamber air was main- tained automatically at the level ~ 45Z (320-340 mm 11S). Carbon dioxide lit the atmosphere was maintained at the level 0.3-0.5% by meann of continuoua pumping of chamber air. through & chemical absorbent with Ira subsequent rett;rn to the chamber. After the anLmals had b4an confined in this chambct: for 24 hours. 15 and 30 days they were transferred to a chamber with leastir volume (0.093 0) outfitted with a heat-regulating system, The oxygen and carbon dioxide concentro,ioris in the atmosphere of this chamber were main- tained by the umthad described above at the same level no in the chamber JNS .57S7 7 IS-Ae-r UDC 612.2-06:612-766.2 EFFECT OF RF-901CM MOBILITY OF ANIMLS ON THE WTENSM AND M1=OH OF WME GASEOUS PRODUCIZ OP VITAL FUVCTIONS 611D'go" I . 1/1" (3 (Article y . . KuDtOVI r. in Paddubnoya ;nd 0. F. Osta=xu; Macau,, arm 6 Blol RUUEinn Vol 5, 7172'11~071, pp 14-lTj Osa It s, Abstract% It was demonstrated that 15-4ay reduced activity or mule white rst4 has an insignificant effect an the elimi- nation or ketones and aldebygea,and accelerates the elimina- tion of carbon monoxide and ammonia. Gatteoua metabolic products eliminated from the body play on important role in forming the.atmosphere of small, hermeticallv sealed spaces. The in- tensity of formation and elimination of these products. are. subject to consi- derable variations in dependence on the effect alerted on the body by a by- aical land, ambient temperature ionizing radiationj hypoxia and other factors (S. M. Gorodinskiy, et al., iq~h, 1970; V. V. K..tov and L. A. Tiunov; T. S. Kolosuva, et al.). This paper given the results of a study of the errect of,relative hype- 5 ' kinesla, one of the'environmental factors in small hermetically sealed pacen, on the intensity or formation and body elimtnaticn or aome*eadprodutts of its Ital rutictLoning. The experiments were made ca inale white rate weighing 200 g, Tlypokinetic cages, specially constructed for-thin purponep were used for restricting their mobility, there held the. 4nimals for 24 hours, three slid fifteen days. Upon expiration of thin period the group of "hypokinetic" cuSes with the experimental rato were placed in a pressurized chamber with a.volume of 93 liters, equipped with an air conditioning system; thJ3 Made it possible to create a conatant. temperature, (18-200) :and relative humidity (not gr ater .#Z than 60 percent) . in.the chamber and to collect tbe~ rondenonte for succe: sive determination of the water-coluble substances in iir.,The..chambei oxygen Icon. tent.wan'maintained it the 20-21 percent lave The'-carbon dioxide concentra- tion'did not exceed.1 percent; lh USSR uDc: 611 .1~3:61 11 o67-019:612.014-45 RIKMEW, Y-a. A., Pnd E Chair of Normal. Anatomyj I'ledical Faculty, Tadzh.:ik State Medical Institute imeni Abu Ali Ib-n-Siny, 'ftrpholo&y of Vessels of Some Elidocrine Glalids in Dogs E' xposed to 1-fliole-Body Vertical Vibra.~ -rill Lo Leningrad, Arkhiv Anatordi, Gistologi:L i Bibriologii, Vol 593 No 11, Nov 70, PP 43-49 Abstract: The intraorgan vascular bed aC the t1iyroid, ~,Orew-J.S, ovariec, and testes was stalit-Led in dogs ihich had been exposed to whole-body verticall vibrz~,tion (h.6 Hz, amplitude 2.2 mm) for a per-iod of 3 minutes to 10 days. The endocrine glands were studied 1, 3, 7, 15, 3b, and 6o days after Texposure. A high funct- ional- activity of t1he thyroid Sland ~zs found in dogs t!Eq,=Di to vi 'braticn, Th= adrenal glands showed a drop m lirjid content in cortic U- lwf(,rs. Dyst-ropM-ic changes in iliee glomerul--- zDne and enlargement of the sinusoids in Vie r-et.1cular zone and medullax7 layer of the organ viere also obsez-,red. circullatorj, C-1 3 C, --. a e 1, C- such as congestion and hemorrhages ill the reticulra, zone3 Tnre noted. The lymp - hatic bed volume ww, enl,:Lrgcd, ;aid t1lore viciv siome indication-t- of defoi-mat.lon ill 1/2 USSR RAKIM-'OV, Ya. A., and MMIN, V. Sh., Arkhiv Anatomii:, Gistologii i voi 59, No 11, Plov 70, pp 43-49 in the lymphatic vascular mt its capillaries. aliese changes graduaJ-1y dis- kopeared 30-60 &,ys after exposwre to vi?bration. In the testes, distinct hemody- namic disturbances -z;ere ncted within the first 3 days; spermatogenesis. Twms de- pressed, and there were dystrophic, changes in the se.-mi-niifercus tubules, the 1-i-Did ccntent in the spermatogenic epithelium ims reduced. Intraoi,gan circulation was generally affected, -,eLth enlarged blood vessels aid capillaries. The structure of blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries was impaired th-'roughout, with deformed loops and ect, ravasat'l-on. Me ovaries appeared to be. relatively resistant. Th-- changes in intraorgan blood and lyrph circulation are ~believed to be of Dri-nor- tance in the general response of the endocrine glands to the efffects of vibration. 2/2 USSR um 611. j2:611 61-2. 014.45+612-~ -275-3. ETUGEN, L. )E., and.E-~ .a natoirmr., Uierapeutic _Y.,.,.c34., Chair of Tioxin 1 A Faculty, Tad2hih State 1--ledicall institute imeni Abu Ali.fbri-Sina "MorpboloL7y o--f' 1~ie Intra:q%,ral Vascular Bed of the IbL-r, Heart After TOtE1-E5.o---)- Vertical Vibration at Hit:-,h Altitude". Lenin.-rad,, Arldii%.- Anatordi Gistologii i Embryologii, Vol 63., No 9, pp 27-33 Abutrac'11-: Fifteen do:-s were subjected to daill in lonj7 vi-bi-trr?~-ions (46.6 Y 3')-;:-,- c/sec, 0-45 rdr,) for 10 clays, beninnin- wit-h t1the first day afttn, el-j to Ansob Pass (3:3T:7 M a:b0%rc.% sea level). A socon(l ~,-roup of 15 ilojr, was subjected to tu'lic sane vibr-ations after an 2-week lorv? pea-iod of to hi[~-i altitude. iihile another 20 do3s serverl. as c-ntrols. Aftc!-- the were sacrif-iced., dyee solutilons were injected intm coroni,'~i~:; Ic-lood and 1- -1 y:-)h vessels, and 'Uissue slices were emmined. In Urie firsts enaocardial., nWocardia-1, and epicardiul ly,,q)h capillaries were emlarl-,I-ed uP to a diaT..etcr of 110 jiieronr; and contorted into loops, and 1-ia(l vi"Ibl."~ Ecr1r-. lynTh veins also had f;erg,~,:mtal ~,rdlargements. v"--c'nelo "'u'-e also enlarGed, numerous blond. capillaries to X) ruptared and surrotuided by ext-ravasated -blood anO- dye. 1j, areas, 1/2 56--- USSR ETUDEN, L. and M=1, V. SR., Arkhiv Anatomii -GistoloE;1i i Embi-yolo-ii, Vol 63, NO 9, 1972, PP 27-33 rVocarditzi was dystrop.."Ac. In the second group, the rorpholojical changer. were si-ralar but more -nronounced and further cozq)ounded by large lacunae in lymph vessels and interstitial edena. In the control animals. the patholo,--;, was less pronounced yet clearly visible. It is concluAled that acclimatization is not accormlished in 2 weeks, and that the effects of hypoxia caused by vibrationare augmented by the effects of hypoxia caused by high. altitude. WfUrl MOP USSR UDC 54,,)-9l:547-l'l18 ARa=lljl B. A.Y EE=IA -YU.- V., and POLEZHAYEVA, If. A., Chemical Institute Imeni A. M. Butfie-r&~, "Rizan '--.State University Imeni V. I. Ullyanov-1-enin "Reaction of Benzylidenephenylsulfonylacetophenone With Trimethyl Phosphite and tris(Dimettlylamino)phosphine" Moscow,, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya 1(himicheskaya, No 5, YhY 73, -1107 12 p -1L P Abstract: Benzylidenephenylsulfonylacatophenone (I) reacts vith trimethyl phosphite (800, C6H6) yielding 2,2,2-trimethOxY-3,5-diphenyl-4-phenylsulfonyl- 1,2-oxaphospholene-k ~H). At high temperatures (1600) two processes take place concurrently: isomerization of the phosphorane (II) with formation of the dimethyl ester of 1,3-diphenyl-2-phenyl-sulfonyl-3-trethoxyl)ropene-2-phospho- nic. acid, and decomposition of the phosphorane (H) to yield the starting materials, accompanied by breaking of the P-C bond. Reaction of the phospho- rane (II) with proton donor reagents leads to an opening of the phosphorane ring at the P-0 bond, yielding the dimethyl enter of 1-phenyl-2-benzoyl-2-phenyl- sulfonylethanephosphonic acid. (1) reancto with tris(dirhethylamino)-phosphine yielding a 1:1 addition product with a P-C bond and a bipolar structure. USSR BELKfNA, L. M. IlAnalysis of Errors in Arithmetic Operations Using Variable Word Length" Kibernet. i Vychisl. Tekhn. Resp. Mezhved. Sb. [Cybernetics and Computer Technology. Republic Interdepartmental Collection],1972, No 18, pp 14-49 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No by the author). Translation: The rounding error with variable.word length is calculated for the basic arithmetic operation- in thcIfixed and floating point modes. Hardware rounding is proven to be necessary to decrecase the mean statistical error of calculations. SR VArNSHMT1, L. A., Corresponding M;ember of the Academv of Sciences a:d BELK-TI-Md- M -Ir-S-zitu'e of Physical Problems imeni S. I. 'Vav-i]cv of Academy f Sciem- S M o. ces USSR, Moscow "The Double Reduction 'Method an", Infinite Systems of Linear he %loefficients of an Expansion of a Required Function with Yoscow,, Doklady Akadem lanulk SSSP, Vol. 194, No 4, 1 Oc 70, 79~-7;)-i U -~czcription -s given of a double reduction mathod 'or 0,)',zA:zorj o-- Absract: A L rally. value probleras in mathematical physics, in which can be reduced to tlac solution of an infinite system of linear equaticins r 0, -1, 2, whera are the cceff X 'icients of the expansion of the unIsiown fuwtioa VA'PITS111MYN, L. A. --Zlid 1-1. B., Dok-lady SSSR' 11o'L 1911, :10 .1 Oct 70, PD- 794-797 terms o,2 the to-cal system of -Functions Te unknaw-,: 'i(4 ca-a in be, for e7ample, the current denslt-j on an iideall-t, conducti.nJ tirie field components on a certain au.-.:il-;aay surface which divides i-,;o rel:71*= of forn, etc. In the double reduction method the fir3t S eoef.f.iciezits X, of t1he ~series (2) lor r. = 0, 1, ...' S-1 are calculated exactly as ' in the orainary reduc- tion method, but the remaining coefficients are not put eq~~al to zero but are asymptotic ex-pressrion ..replaced by the i.e. the f irst J terms (AF where the c a-ffic-Tents PD, .... are unkno,.;r, and the ~nd C s a priori. Jin-_ thuis takes .,Ln,,:o acccunt cxact~ly S of sellies USSR VAI-A-23HIMN L. A. and BELKINA M. G., Doklady Akademdi ;.auk SSSR, Vol. NO 4 1 Oc' 70, pp 794-797 ~2) an' J Coe- d -H ic' ants pi of the series to carry our a douzl~- -tion, as were. The s y s t em 1(1) then takes tIne for-m J-1 r 3 ly B where the eleri.,ents of the additional m a7L ri x r-, 0, j 1, 0, nsist off: slow]. C o y nonverging series; fiincp- all timms, of the~~O, 0 4-* t'rje ar,,).jjCjtjOjj o-7 tjj~. t~,! -.1 thr--y can he callcuiated. An !!e e -4-s c-' e n Ur,?-2 c, puzer -E, - 0,3e developed i-, an 1r; and til the attu,.: of I 1he authors toward:3 tht.! (!nd ol- Wonh un this pcper SC Vo,I.. 3, 3.2, p 11515). MOW- Ot,5 -UNCLASSIF'TED::~ ~PROCFSSING DATE---jlSEP70 -~TTTLE--CHANGE IN THE THERMAL STABILITY OF S.ILVER OXALATE BY ORGANIC OYe ADDITIVES -U- V.V.t BELKINA, R.M. f~COUNTRY 'OF-INFO--USSR .--SOURCE--KINET.-KATAL. 1970, 11(l), 75-85 ------- 70 ~'.DATE PUBLISHED -!--~SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY .::TOPIC -TAGS--THERMAL STABILITYt OYEt THERMAL DECOMPOSITION, SIL'VER COMPOUND, OXALATE ADSORPTION ~C G~ITRCL 14APKING-,-NO RESTRICTIONS .,nncumENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~'PROXY REEL/FRA4F--19Fi9/0199 STEP NO--UR/0195170/011/0()1/0075/0095 CIRC-ACCESSION NO--AP0106855 UNCLASSIFIED -2/2 015 UNCLAss I FIED 11 PROCESSIN~ DATE-11SEP70 dIRC ACCESSION-NO-AP0106855 ..'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP_0- ABSTRACT., THE STUDY WAS MADT USING 4 XANTHENE DY-E.Siv'l~ AZO DYES, AND ALIZARIN RED S. ABSORPTI01'q OF THESE .,DYES FROM ALC. OR 40. SOLNS. DECREASED THE THERMAL 0EC0?'lPN, OF AG 'OXALATE ([it WHILE MECH. I,DYE.MIXTS. DID NOT AFFECTJHE DECO-APN. ON -ADSORPTIONi THE.9YES FORM SURFACE COMPDS. WITH AG. THESE CC-,.MPDS. SHOWED THE RESULTS SHOW THE LOWER THE SOLY. OF A AG DYE COMPDi THE. GREATER THE EFFECT OF 34 IS DYE ON STABILIZATION or- I. Photoelectric Effect USSR_ UDC 53-5, - _21. 5. 1 ~'-T Tr KS 2' ROV, V. V., GRE'Zi-IT-Giv, ALE, ND V. V., 117ZSHLOS, Y'k. "Photoelectric :-Iqission rrom 'T"etrzacene. Effect of the Condition of the Surface and of Brightening" Y sb. Polu-.rovoc-lni'~i i i1th -or--mernenive v (se-mi oncuc- "01.1oc"ion tors and '.2heir ar, ion to Electrica.1 X11 of "'orks) ,'To 5, Rie-,n, "Zinatno, " 1971, wo 231 _211~711 Uro Elektronik:i 3'. yey cnrimenemye, ",To 2., Feb 72, Abstract I'To Translation: Vlnriou,3 nechanions are conside.-ed:cf ;Dhotocloctr-ic M* -ron 'e 's of trapped e ission I n -U -Uracene: photooionization of defect U electrons, ionization of such defects by excitons ,nd photuoioni.-.T~- tion of nolecuie3 ol' t1he basic substance. An analysis is conducted of. the offect of a bond / zagib 7 of the cncrgy~ bands (DEB) on Photoelectric wiission: -on t1he-srectral de-oondence of thc qu.-_nt,,-m-, yie-ld, t-h-te. dist-Z,ibut- ion of the elcc"~,rcns witfi rosocc". ~. to e_rIoPC,Jp the -ohotoelectric, wor-1: function, and others. The parmnotc-rs of the BIEB al,e obtained. T-He nhotoolectric fcm_ction of th"O 1/2 USSR S. B. e all, V sb PoIu-,)rovodi-.JI,.-i illd,- -r-Lmeneniye v. elektrotehlan, 1 0 5, Riga, "Zinatne," 1971, rI) L--`-;--~4-9 4. tetracene (aliouinr~ for BDEB) ecuals .5.kO -,Ius or -,-nus 0.05 ev. The effect is investigated of the brightening in a~singlcu nbsorp- tion. band on nhotoelectric eraission from tetradone 11 ill. 43 212 I 1[:. 1 . 111 i IiI IHiI 1/2 039 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--SURFACE STATE INFLUENCE ON PHOTOELECTRON E~)ISSION FROM TETRATHIOTETRACENE FILMS -U- AUTHOR-.(02)-ALEKSANDROV, S.B., BELKINO, A.[. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~_,SOURCE-LATV. PSR ZINAT. AKAD. VESTIS, FIZ. TEH. ZINAT. SER. 1970, (I)p ..DATE-PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSP CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS .- TOPIC TAGS--SPECTRUM9 ELECTRON EMISSIO.Nj ORGANIC SULFUR COMPOUND, STEF.-L, ELECTIt-ON REAM, IRRAUIATION EFFECT? PHOTOELECTRON CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIPRAME--199710669 STEP NO--UR/0371/70/000/001/0059/0066 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119577 --- --- I INC I Ph, 1.1 till .1 11.11. I ti I 'I; &A Alifi...'11 A Ili All fir, ITEM 'T 2/2 039 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119577 :ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SPECTRAL DEPENDENCES OF THE .,QUANTUM YIELD AND THE ENERGY DISTRIBUTION OF THE ELECTRONS EMITTED FROM TETRATHIOTETRACENE (1) FILMS SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO I THICK DEPOSITED ON STEEL PLATES WERE MEASURED PRIOR TO AND AFTER IRRADIATING THE FILMS WITH AN ELECTkON BEAM (OPERATING AT AN INTENSITY OF LO PRIME NEGATIVE12 A AND AN ACCELERATING VOLTAGE OF 70 V FOR 1 HR)LAT 80DEGREESK,ANO 5 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE6 TORR. ON "FRESH" I SURFACESP A DOWNWARD BENDING OF ENERGY BANOS OF SIMILAR TO 0.3 EV TAKES PLACEP AND ELECTRON IRRADN, OF-THE SURFACES LOWERS THE VALUE A.LITTLE. THE PHOTOELEC, WORK FUNCTION FOR I UNDER THE GIVEN CONDITIONS WAS CALCD. AS 4.75 PLUS OR MINUS 0.10 EV. FACILITY: FIX.-ENERG. INST*, RIGA, USSR. Tull 1-1 A iu USSR UDC 539-67 POSTNIKOV., V. S.J1 X. and SHARSHMOV,, I. M.. "Magnetomechanical Damping in Cobalt-Nickel Alloys" Sb. "Vnutrenneye treniye v metallicheskikh materialakh" (Internal Friction in Metallic Materials), Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1970, PP 191-198 Abstract: A study is rade of the amplitude-dependent internal friction of nickel, cobalt, and cobalt-nickel alloysin a wide range of temperatures and deformation amplitudes. It is,shown that the irreversible dis-Olacement of domain boundaries contributes mainly to damping. However, the contribution magnitude depends substantially on alloy chrystalline structures, although alloys with FCC structure have a substantially larger damping value than alloys with a hexagonal close-packed structure. Phase hardening has a strong influence on damping. Prolonged annealing at a temperature close to phase transformation improves damping in alloys with a hexagonal close-packed struc- ture. A peak appearing on internal friction characteristics of alloys with a RX structure is explained by two simultaneous processos, i.e., magneto- mechanical hysteresis and micro-plastic deformation. 8 figures, 9 references. 42 1,12 UNCLASSIFIED P,R'GCESSIIG 3ATE-02OCT70 TITLE-TECTONICS ANO METAM(jKPHISM -U- AUTH(JR-(0-7)-BELKOVA, L.N., OGNEV, V..*qo C CiUN TRY C: F INFO--US S11 ~SUURCE-VESTNIK LENINGRADSKOGG UNIVERSITETA, '40 6, 6FOLOGI.YAv GEIGIAFTYA, 1970, NP 11 PP 56-63 .-,DIATE PULL ISHED ------- 70 :~SUBJECT AREAS-EARTH SCIENCES ANb OCEANOGRAPHY JOPIC TAGS--TECTONICSt METAMORPHIC KOCKt EARTH CRUST, PREGAMIRIANJIME ~-CONTRUL MAkKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~~DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ::PRt1XY RI-FL/FRAME--1991/0,967 STEP NO--UR/0307/70/000/COI/0056/0063 ACUSSION NO--AP0110588 UNCLASST FIED 21/2 009 UNCLASSIFI EID OROCESSINU DATE--020CT70 CIRC ACCESSION.,.NO--AP0110588 A6STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STRUCTURAL FORMATIONAL ANALYSIS OF CENTRAL ASIA.,,PRE CAMBRIANS CONFIRMS THE FOLLOWING IDEAS: 1) TECT041C !--'.PROCESS CANNbT BE CONSIDERED AS THE CAUSE OF REGIONAL METAMORPHISM; 2) THE OF HEAT REGIME IN THE EARTAIS CRUST DURING THE PRJCESS 3F GENERAL.UECREASE OF HEAT IN TIME GAVE RISE TO THREE EPOCHS OF REGIONAL ..4ETAMORPHISM~,AND THREE EPOCHS OF FOLDING ASSOCIATED WITH THEM9 AR'_44EANv EARLY PROTEROZOIC AND RIFEAN. HENCE EACH OF THE PRECAMBRIAN COMPLEXES IS CHARACTER.ISED BY THE GRADE OF GERIONAL METAMORPHISM AND TECTONIC FEATUR'ES,.WHICH ARE SPECIFIC ONLY FOR THAT PARTICULAR COMPLES; 31 THE FORMATION OF"GNEISSIC DOMES IN CONFINED:1`0 THE ARCHAEN EPOCH OF DIASTROPHISM~,AND THEY NEVER AGAIN APPEARED IN THE EARTHIS GEOLOGICAL HISTORY* UINC L A S S I r- E D Hydrdbiology USSR UDC 612:599-53'T:591.185.21 KOLCHIN., S. P. and BELIKOVICH V. M., Institute of DevelopTental Biology, Academy of Sciences U 61~ 7 "Tactile Sensitivity in the Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis)" Moscow, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, No 4, 1973, pp -620-622 Abstract: Study of 3 aault dolphins (2 rale and 1 female) showed the radius of about 5 cm around tile blowhole and radius of 3 to 5 cm around the palpebral fissure to be most sensitive to tactile stimulation of the skin; the threshold of sensation in these regions is less than 10 m.,jmm2. The threshold of sensa- tion around the frontal protuberance is somewhat higher, 10 to 20 rZ/mLP. On the dorsal surface of the body caudal to the blowholej the threshold ranges from 30 to 40 mg/rw?. These values are similar to those found in the most sensitive regions of human skin (fingler tips, eyelids lips). They suggest that the dolphin cutaneous ana sor is capable of ceiving and discriminating per hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure changes of 10 to 40 mm. P Hydrobiblogy: USSR LIDC 534.7 _BEL'XOVIQh&,Md and REMIKOV, A. YE. "New Findings on Echolocation in Dolphins," Moscow, Priroda, No it, 1971, pp 84-90 Abstmett After briefly describJiig the structura and functioning of the acholocation, apparatus of dolphins, the,authors discuas recent tWA experi- ments in which the aninals were filmed ithile their soumds were recorded on tape. The experiments were designed to,study the interrolation of probir= signals with location situations and the dynamics of change in signals in space and time. The typest duration, and frequency of the various signals were determined. Attempts were made to discover whether the variety of situations encountered by dolphins affects the operation of:their location apparatuso Several theories are sAvanced to explain hp)r the animals recognize Ob'Jectso USSR UDC 534.7 Candidate of Biological Sciences and NIESTERUNKO, YU. I., Moscow "How a Dolphin's Locator Functions" Moscow, Prirodal No 7, 1971, PP 71-75 Abstracti Available data concerning the mechanisms of reception and emission of acoustic signals by -t-he dolphin for the purposes of orientation, communi- cation, and discovery of -targets and obstacles are summaxized. All of these functions are accomplished by means of a location apparatus, or locator. The locator is characterized by its ability to differentiate objectives, a high rate of receiving and processing of informationj long ard short. distance resolving ability based on the acuity and field of vision, the ability to receive information from a broad space spectrum, and ability to isolate its own and external pertinent sounds from the vast nw-iber of noises in the water. Its receiving apparatus is located mainly in -the highly elinnervated Bldn which serves as an antenna, and a, very well developed acoustic apparatus. The method of generating and emitting 3ound signals by the~dolphin has not been fully clarified. It is curivntly assumed, however, that sound genelation is functionally linked with the outer nasal passage, a diagonal membrane, 1/2 mom- USSR BELIKOVICH, V. M., Priroda, No 7, 1971, PP 71-75 two inner valvesl three pairs of air sacs, and the 1~z7nx. The sound waves are emitted by the frontal protuberance which morpholgically consists of a central section of fatty cells supported by a small number of connective tissue elements, mainly in the form of~fine collagenifibers. On the 'oasis of its structure and location it may be regarded as a focusing acoustic lens readily adaptable to changing conditions. The ability of a dolphin to differentiate objectives and obstacles*is based on the fact that dolphin sounds are distributed over a broad spectrum of frequencies of up to 256 kilocycles, with a 20-60 kilocycle intensity range of the sound, This broad frequency range and the well developed acoustic appamtus permit the classification of targets on the basis*of theirfrequency and amplitude- phase characteristics. Further study of the problems connected with the reception and emission of sounds by.the dolphin is urged. 2/2 USSR UDC 591-112;591-524.i4:599-537+612-172.oi4.423-019 HIN, S F. -''.KQ Institute of DeVelopmental Biology. Academy KOLCI BE" - V"CH -V. M. of Sciences US~,'.Moscow "Some Features of Cardiac rFunction in Dolphins" Leningrad, Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoy Biokhimii i Fiziologii, Vol 6, No 4, Jul/Aug 70, pp 411-417 Abstract: A study was made of the EKG's of five dolphins (four Delphinus delphis and one Tursiops truncatus). The results showed that the configuration of the curve is similar to that in carniovorous animals and man. During diving, the dolphin cardiac rate slowed markedly as compared with that when tho animals were on the surface or out of the water. Bradyeardia durlng~diving results from the incroazed "affinity" of the choline receptor for acetylcholine and from Increasod vigal tone. This mechanism enables the heart to adapt to overloads and function more officiently under conditions of oxygen insufficiency. Activation of tAe C.1.:).:_=e -aceptors during diving is regarded as a nonspecific, reaction (character- -_J_--,ic of many organisms) to asphyxia, apnea, changes in external hydrostatic pres- sure, and other factors. A peculiarity noted in all of:tbe dolphins is the higher LU Ivi 0 nctiOnal Acti ty of the right heart as compared with 'that of terrestrial mam- mals. USSR UDC 599-537 XOLCHIN, S. P., and B-%-LIKOVICH,:V. M., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Institute of De--16paan 1"Bioluwy-kc-aAemy of Sciences USSR Roscow "The Functioning of the Dolphdn's Heart" Moscow, Priroda, No 11, 1970, pp 73-74 Translationi One hundred years agog Paul Bert descrited the state of Ureduced frequency of heart contractions" that arises in ducks while diving. This phenomenon, which has been given the naries of diving bradycardia in the scientific literature, did not arise only in cases when, before diving, the ducks had been atropine, or when their'vagus nerve hid been severed. The conclusion was, therefore drawn that braAycardia in ducks is due to the increased tonus of the vagus nez-ves. By now, the phenomenon of diving braddy- cardia has been established in almost all vertabratesp; both terrestrial and aquatic. However, the which bardycardia arises and its role in the system of the organism's' adaptation -to diving have not as yet been clarified. In this respect, aquatic muuals -- seals and cetaceans -- the great divers, are of special interest, We investigated cen~ain mechanisms of 115 H N Ii, h USSR KOLCHIN, S. P. and BEL'KOVICH, V. M.# Priroda, No lit 1970, PP 73-74 bradycardia In four adult dolphins -- three common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and one bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus-). The experiments were performed in a tank with dimensions of 4 x It 5 x I meterg, filled with artificially aerated sea0water; water temperature vras +22, +23 C, and air temperature was +25, +27 C. With the use of slings, the dolphins were kept on the surface of the water or immersed to a depth of 30-40 cm. Shifts in the frequency of heart contractions were registered by an electrocardiograph. The heart contraction rate.of dolphins varies in the following manneri during immersion in water, a marked reduction in the~rate of heart contrac- tions takes place, amounting to 50-60,',* of the initial rate. Immediately upon surfacing, therate Increases, sometimes exceeding the level that was observed before immersion. According to present notions, the nervous umpulses do not affect the heat directly but rather by means of the secretion of special substances -- transmitters (or mediators) of the nervous impulses -- norepinephrine and acetylcholine, from the nerve endings. The mediators interact with the formations located on the surface of the heart muscle'cells, the receptorsl which are probably protein molecules. As a result of.this interaction, cer- tain properties of protein molecules (their spatial orientationt etc.) 2/5 'Vit a, 'USSR XOLCHINO S. P., and BEL'KOVICH, V. M., Pr1roda, 1110 1~1' 1970, pp 73-74 change and, correspondingly, the state of the cells also changes. Norepine- phrine intensifies the work activity of the cardiac nuscle cells; acetyl- choline, on the contrary, slows it doom by reducing-the rate of heart con- tractions. Consequently, if we introduce norepinephrine or acetycholine into the blood, we c= a-ter the rate of heart conti-actions in a dei'ir-ite direction. By changing the amount of the mediator that is administered, ire can control the qualitative and quantitative shifts in the state of cardiac muscle cells which occur when the dolphins are diving or surfacing. Experiments have shown thatt under waterl thoso receptors that react Rith acetylcholine aro more active. Converuelyt tho~.activlty of receptors intoracting with norepinephrina is reduced. At the time of surfacing, the dolphin's heart becomes more sensitive to norepinephrine and less sensitive to acetylcholine. In this manner, during diving and surfacing, coordinated shifts occur in the activity of the adrenoreceptor and cholinoreceptor regulatory systems of dolp'nLas; these shifts are the cause of the shifts in the rate of the heart contractions. What is the significance of these facts? It is~known that acetylcholine 315 94 USSR KOICMg S. P., and BEL'KOVICHi V. M., Friroda, No Ili 1970, pp ?3-74 intensifies assimilation processes, while epinephrine and norepinaphrine intensify dissimilation processes. Acetylcholine ensures a more economical functioning of the heart together with a high efficiency of oxygen utiliza- tion. Norepinephrine, although it lowers the efficiency of oxygen utiliza- tion, increases oxygen consumption by the heart by 200-30QrS. In addition, acetylcholine causes.the heart to be filled more completely with blood by prolonging the period of.diastole, Norepinephrine, by increas- ing the force and speed of cardiac contraction (the systole) also speeds up blood circulation. Therefore, we can picture the functioning of the dolphin's heart as follows. At the time of diving, when the dolphin does not breathe, the heart functions at a slow rate and theratd of blood circulation is slower; as a consequence, the cells of the organs and tissues.extract a larGer amount of oxygen from the blood, and the heart itself functions more economically, with high efficiency, These phenomena are due to the.increased activity of those receptors that interact with acetylcholine. At the time of surfacing, the heart begins to contract at a more rapid rate ands with increased force. Blood circulation is accelerated, and this nalkes it possible to quickly Wwash out" of the cells the waste accumulated during diving; the heart absorbs 4/5 'IT] M I NUMMIP74 I MAI USSR KOLCHINg S. P. land Bel"KOVICHl V. M.lTriroda, No 11, 1970, PP 73-74 oxygen at a great rate, replenishing the expended stores of energy. it is much more comi)licated to exDlzLin the mechanism of the shift in the activity of the -eceTitors which react to acetylcholine azd norepinephrIne. Forthe time being, it is only possible to make up more or less probable hypotheses. Thus, on basis ol" our irvestiggations, it can- bee state that the adaptive, reactions of the dolphin's heart to divinjS -- bradycardial the ta -e 011- of shifts shift in =jgen consumotion, and others alk place'as a resL L. in,the sensitivity of the cardiovascular systen to the mediator-. of nervous Impulsest acetylcholine and norepineDhrine. The significance of brady- carclia is that the functioning of the heart becomes zare economical. 515 95 VZ '!PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 -1/2. 028 UNCLASSIFIED. ~-,-TUT 'SPECIFIC MCRPriQLO(,- I CAL AND FUNCTJONAL FEATURES OF THE ACOUSTIC I'l 2 023 UNCLASSIFIED 'WOCESSING OATE--160CT70 TITLE-,-STEADY POTENTIALS AND THE REST CURRENT OF A SKELETAL MUSCLE -U- AUTHOR-- BELKOVSK lY, E.E. ..~.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZIOLOGICHESKlY ZHURNAL SSSR IMENI 1. M. SECHENOVA, 1970, VOL 56, NR 3 PP 354-358 ;,~,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 _SUBJELT..AREA.S--BIOLOGICAL AND MED.ICAL, SCLENCES TOPIC TAGS--FROGf MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY,.POTASSIUM CHLOR.IDE, ELECTRODE .:CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,,-.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :--PROXY REEL/FRAME--1'982/1603 STEP NO--UR/02391'70/0~6/00.'/0354/'0353 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0052798 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0052798 :.-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. POTENTIALS OF THE FROG'S M. GASTROCNEMIUS WERE LEAD V41TH THREE NON POLARIZING ELECTRODES FPIGM: A) INTACT MUSCLE SURFACE, B) PHALANX BONE JF THE OPPOSITE LEG AND C) COAGULATED MUSCLE AREA. THE U SUBAB'STEADY POTENTIAL DID NOT CHANGE AT ..REST1,WHILE THE U SUBC8 AND U SUBAC THESE DECREASED. INJECTION OF THE POTASSIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION DEPOLARIZED THE MUSCLE, WHILE DENERvArlm OR ~ATPH ADMINISTRATION HYPEROLARIZED IT. DURING DEVELOPING DEPOLARIZATION AND HYPERPOLARIZATION THE U SUBAB ELECTRO POSIT1VITY AND THE U SUBCB ELECTRO NEGATIVITY CHANGED CORRESPONDINGLY. THE.REST POTENTIAL ADEMARKATION POTENTIAL! U SUBAC EQUALS U SUBAB PLUS U SUBC6. THE U SUBAB STEADY POTENTIAL DURING DEPOLARIZATION ANO~HY?ERPOLARIZATIOX WAS JWICE AS SMALL AS THE OSCILLATION AMPLITUDE OF.THE U SUBAC REST POTENTIAL. 09 Ve KUUSINENIS UNIVERSITY, PETROZAVODSK. FACILITY: UNCLASSIFIF0 USSR LJDC 581-132-08 ~BELL, L. 11. Application of Photocalorimetry for Investigating the Energy Matabollsm of 'Photosynthesis" Hoscow, Biofizicheskiye Metody V Fiziologii Rasteniy, Nauka, 1971, pp 106-129 Translations The article reviews the applica tion of photocalorimetry- for investigating the energy metabolism of photosynthesis, It is pointed out that the shortcoming of the indirect method of determining.the energy meta-bolism of photosynthesis (according to gas exchange) is the necessity of knowing -the chemistry of the process. The direct method of burning the dry mass of the plants is unsuitable in most physiological Investigations, because its sensitivity is small and therefore the results are not'quite accurate. The photocalorlmotrio mothod, In whiah the amount of light Onar8y convarted into beat is measured, 16 convenient in cases srhen the enera balance of the plant3 Is not affected by transpiration. Photocalorimeters used by various investigators am analyzed, and their shortcomings and advantages are pointed out. The "temperature curve nethod" proposed by the author is thorouzhly analyzed. This method is based on the correlation existing between the plant's temperature and the Intensity of light falling~on Itt and on deter- 1/2 9111 ~'W USSR BELL, L. H., Biofizichoskiye Retody v Fiziologil Rast eniy, Raukaj 19?1, pp 106- 129 mining the energy output according to the slopes of the temperature curve at low and optimum light Intensity for photosynthesis. The photocalorinetric setup operating on the temperature curve method is de scribed, the basic parameters of the equipment are specified, and some'results obtained with that equipment are giNren. 2/2 USSR UDC 581-13Z SHUVALOVA, N. P., and BELL, N Institute of Plant Physiology imoni K. A. Moscow Timiryazev, Academy of c enaes "The Effect of Blue Light on the Energy Yield of Chlorella Photosynthesis, as Measured in the Red Region of,the Spectrum" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 194, No 5. 1970, pp 1,223-1.225 Abstract: An attempt was made to determine whether blue light, which changes the structure of chloroplasts, can increase the energyIyield of photosynthesis as easured in red light. A Chlorella pyrenoidosa suspension maintained at a m temperature of 34-38'C and subjected to controlled light irradiation served as the test object. Energy yield was measured with a photocalorimeter in monochro- matic red light and in rod light against~a blue background. :The results obtained indicate that blue light has a rogdlating affect on the photoenergy of Chlorella. In experiments carried out during the su=er, it was found that the energy yeild in red light increased under the influence of a relatively strong background of blue light. In experiments during the fall And winter,!blue:light reduced the energy yield in red light. The.observed effect of blue,light may be responsible for the abnormallv high energy yield previously observea in the blue-green region of the spectrum. USSR uDc: 62-501.7 BELIAN. Yu. M. "Mathod of Composing Minimal Test and Diagnostic Sequences for Discrete systems" Mekhaniz. i Avtomatiz. Upr. Nauch-Proizv. Bb. (Mechanization and Automation of Control; Scientific and Production Collection), 1971,110 5, pp 41-45 (translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telerqekhanika i Vychiqlitellnaya Tekhnika., 110 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 A336 by A. B.) Translation: The use of xrotheiratical methods for synthesis of logic. devices allovs minimum checking and diagnostic tests to be composed for the detection of defective logic units (LU). For single-cycle LU, the checking tests a-re made up from the table of states usiwr a graph of transitions. For vulti- cycle LU, the most convenient method of representation of IniLial inforruation is a compressed table of conversions, based on compact recording of the func- tioning algoritlun. A method of composing checking tests is descril)cd- 3 figures; 6 tables. 56 USSR uDc: 621-382.333-33-001-15 BELLEVIN-V.- K. URITSKIY, V. Ya. "On the Density of Surface States at the Si-SiO2 Interface in HDS-Structures" Moscow, Radiotckhnika i Elektronika, Vol 17, No 4, Apr 72, pp 889-890 Abstract: The paoer presents the results of a study of the effect which heating M)S-structures has on the density of states localized at the ~c t, Si-Si02 interface. The potential difference between 'the n-,'al electrode the silicon body is held constant. Pho sphorus-doped n-silicon and boron-doped p-silicon specimens were studied. It was found that the dersity of states is not altered by heatting without biasing oi- with positive biasing. The density of states close to the middle of the forbidden 1),Uid is increased by heating with negative biasing. However, it was also found that cooling MDS-structures to MY, brings about a reduction in the density of stat-es close to the corresponding edge of the forbidden band.' 207 USSR UDC 539.1-074.3 BELLE,-,.M- S. LEBEDEVP Of V*j 3PIRIN, V. D. "The Background of Scintillation Detectors and Ways of Decreasing It Kharlkov, Monokri stally, Stsintillyatory i OrganicheskiZe Lypmino, fory -- Sbornik (Monocrystals, Scintillators, and Organic Lumino- phores Collection of Works), No 1970, pp" 148'155 (from 5, Ref erativn7y Zhurnal, Metrolodza i Izmeritellnala Tekhnika, No Tf,'7176, Abstract No 12-32.1534) Translation: Research has been conducted on the nature and con- tribution of various background sources for a detector with an NaI (T1) crystal with dimensions of 150xlOO mm; On the basis of measurements of.the contents of potassium and.radium in the glass of photoelectric multiplier.IB, photoelectric multiplier 2B,-photoelectric Multiplier 49, photoelectric*u1tiplier .52# and photoelectric multipliers.56 of various years' models, it was established that the admixture of radium in sodium glass is responsible for 70-80% of the background from these,photoelectria 112 USSR BELLE, YU. S., et al, Monokristally, Staintilllatorv i Organi- chaskiye LTuminofory -- Sbornik, No .5, 19'10,~pp 140-15.5 multipliers. Ways for the penetration of radium into the glass of photoelectric multipliers:and other materials are shown. An estimate is made-of the contributionof the Y,-radiation of radioactive admixtures contained in the material of the crystal, the container, the body of the.detector and its shielding, into the detector background. It,is shown.that the most favorable material for making low-background shielding of large volume is cast-iron shielding .15-20 cm thick, Vaysare.;Proposed for further reduction of. detector background, 1 Agurei 3 tables, 2 bibliographic entries. 2/2 1/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 iTLE--REAGENT ANTIFAW~G At"2ENT UNSULFONATED COMPOUNDS -U- UTHOR--BELLER, N-N., KURSHANOVA, Z.I.t SAMUSEVA, L.P., CHERNY-iffEVA, ~'~V91NOV-1-r797-- GUNTRY OF INFO--USSR OURCE--TR., KUIBYSHEV. NAUCH. ISSLED. I NST. NEFT. PROM.,1969, NO. 41, TW-62 ATE PUBLISHED ------- 69 UBJECT AREAS--,4ATERIALS, EARTH SCIENCGS AND OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS--ANTIFIIAM ADDITTVF, SURFACE ACTIVE AGENT,,, CH._cMICtL ',-IASTE :_~CONVERSION, WELL DRILLI%G MACHINERY CONTROL MARKING--NO RcISTRICTIONS 00CU14E14T CLASS--IJNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME_--lq99/1542 STFP CIRC ACCESSTON N~J__iAT0107962 2 2 :7 2 1 7 7 -7 V~ Ac c 1-h I-L BMP~d iq I.N3AICS ANV inOH11M 03Sn 313 NVO UNV ZE 01 SG*0 WOVA *NIOS 3HI ':10 -89 *dS 3HI -3b01S3d ONV 1.N3783dZ-1 oi kimi 3HI NI d1V 3HI 'c!3MG1 A3H! -&'S:)IV A11VA b3H91H 'dO '3.MJV3.iS IV 'S-110 NISOd..~ UO 'bUISVO 'I~iSnJ NVHI. SIN39v ON1100:11INV IdI1139 '*SldX3 3-IV:)S 39'dV_1 "ViVI NI '3'd3M .,(S,cjini=i 9NI111W JO '10A '3H1'.01 -031V13b) ~,IN3??j3dE.'o-11'o IV 0-:;Clov IV, *It433'd3dL-EZ SN091jV30bGAH *UIVS-ONV '1N33H3d8-LZ_ SNIA910 'IN93b3dL-S SS31S3 'IN33idgdZI-01 S3N013N '1N33b9dZ-S'1. S010V 'IN33bBd0C-LZ IN31NOD *31V *AV 'OC-OZ 'ON 31VNCJUHVO 'ON 010V '08-09 *ON HO HIM 'S33~103(1047Z *dWO:)30 44;8*0- *b9 *ds I'S01-1 M-TVU )I'dvL) 3t~V V *C391'd3S30:S1 11"J13 s'10Nv=j-jns 1=1SN) S1NV_13v=fbns SIMI-OVA PUIM AISfIUIA3~d (131V3b.L I s (in w '9NITUdG Nil S3A1I1(J(JV 9NlWVL):1lih1v.. Sv *=1nNV1v NOLIJ) svonciii 3ism, N1 03NIVING0 M C13.Lv-Nc):onSNf) :jo 3sn 9HI 10V81SMV -0-di 1r()--I3VziIX~i1I3v~_1Is~v: Z96L0101V--0N NOISS333V 3blJ u~iiAissvioNn Sig ziz ic.Tii~ -i". 'PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 1/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED: TITLE--EFFECT OF AMINO ALCOHOLS AND AMINES ON THE KINETICS OF VINYL NFLUENCE OF DlErHY-AMIN'ETHANOL IN THE ACETATE PHOTOPOLYMERIZATION. lie It j ~.:AUTHOR-OM-CHALTYKYANs D.A.v MELKONYANt R.G.P.BELLERYANI N 11. :COUNTRY OF INFO"USSR (..,, 2 '-SOURCE--ARM. KHIM. ZH. 1970, 23(2), 119-23 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY 'S--A-4[NO ALCOHOLj AMINE, PHOTOPOLYNERIZATION, PULYVINY A -A TOPIC TAG 1. CEI rE, ETHANOL, METHANOL CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1999/1772 STEP ND--UR/0426/70/023/()J2/0119/0123 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123569 ON C L A S S I F I F' 0 PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 212 016 -UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123569 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE PHOTOPOLYMN. RA7;E (W) OF H SUBZ'C;CHOAC (J) INCREASES WITH THE CONCN. OF THE ADDEO Ef SU32 NCH SUB2 CH SUB2 OH (:If) IN A NON LINEAR FASHION.. WHENIM-OH IS ALSO ADDED TO 11 CHANGES LINEARLY WITH 11 CONCN. Ili 8ESIDES [N~REASING Wv ACTS AS THE CHAIN TRANSFER AGENT. THE CHAIN TRANSFER CONST. (KAPPA) L)EPENDENCE ON THE, TEMP. IS EXPRESSED BY KAPPA EQUALS AFXP(MINUS 15200-RT)t WHERE A IS TIMES 10 PRIME11 WHEN BOTH If AND MEOH ARE PRESENT; A IS 5.3 10 PRIME NEGATIVE11 WHEN ONLY 11 IS PRESENT6 FACILITY: EREVAN. GOS.:UNIV., EREVAN, USSR. !99 USSR uDc: 621-396.69:621-372.54(o88.8) BEL ',MAN,_L4tj~., BLINOV, B. V., KUKHAR', V. V., GOLOVIVIIIIA, N. V., MUMOVA, T. A "An Electromechanical Filter" 'USSR Author's Certificate No 270125, filed 10 Dec 68 published 30 Jul 70 (from RZh-Hadiotekhnike, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1V345 P) Translation: An electromechanical filter is proposed with a T-shaped resonance element whose ends fit into gaps in magnetic systems of input and output converters interconnected by two permanent iragnets. To improve the thermal stability of the filter, shunts of thermomagnetic alloy are connected in parallel with the permanent magnets, V1. USSR uDc 678.,T46 -45-01: 537.226 TROSTYANSKAYA., YE. B., BEL'NIK, A. R., CBERNIKOVA, 0. D., and POY14ANOV,A. M., Moscow Aviation Techno ogy ns-bi u "Causes of Resite Property Changes in Aqueous and Alkaline Media" Kiev, Piziko-Khimicheskayaa Mekhanika Materialov, Vol 9, No 2, 1973, PP 37-110 Abstract: The degree of effect of low-molecular polar impurities on- the properties of resite was investigated by comparing the,characteristics of the initial material with its characteristics after extended aqueous extraction at room temperature. Equilibrium sorption, coefficient of diffusion, dielectric loss, and modulus of elasticity of the rezite were measured for different degrees of relative humidity. With increased relative huitiidity and in -vater the effect of resite plaotification by the absorbed watar in spanned by swelling stresses. The presence of low-molecular polar impurities in the resite leads to a sharp groi-rth of swelling stresses and dielectric losses while the !.strain on the polymeric lattice and volume of absorbed water vanpor are lowered. Resite breakdown in aqueous solutions of an alkali occurs under the action of swelling stresses which grow sharply as a result of increased hydrafilicity frorn replacement of hydrogen in the phenol chains by metal iolls. 3 figurer., I tabley 11 bibliographic references. NUB 11~ ~'j 1.2 0 3 1 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--0?rlCT70 TITLE--CHANGE IN THE STROCTURE AND PROPEkTIES 3-F.HAqDE!qFD RESINS WkmEk THF 7s:INFLUINCL OF A FILLER. 2. INFLUENCE OF~A F I L LCR 3N THE INITER4CTION AUTHGR-(04)-PFjI,l4A.'.l0V, A.I., TRCSTYANSKAYAt- YE.R-.t NO 5 OV YE.r., ;~FLNIK, CCUNTRY UF INFO--USSR :SG-URCE-!lEKH. POLIMI. 1970, 6(llv 54-8 DATE PUijLlStlED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TOPIC .TAG.S--FILLER, EPOXY RESINt MECHANICAL STRENGTH, PRESSURE EFFECT, _ENTRUPY, T14ERMAL EXPANSION, ELASTIC MODULUSs COMPkESSIVE: STRENGTH ,C QIN T k nL "ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS :POCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/1899 STEP N(]--IJR/0374/70/",O()/IDI/Q,154/0053 CIRC ACCESSION NC%--AP0ll2_d79 ON C L A S S I F I F 0 212' 03.1 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSI%G DATE-020CT70 -C-*IRC ACCESSION, NO-AP0112879 ".A-lSTR.ACT/.EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INCREASF 1,14 THE %iECH. ST2,ENGTH ~UF~ EPOXY PE'SINS (1) CAUSED BY THE A D DN .OF FILLERS (~UARTz I GL SS POWDERS) WA-S CORRELATED WITH THE INCREASEOF THE INTERNAL PRESSURE (P 7,~,-SUBIN'T) OF THE SYSTEM. P SUBINT EQUAL ADELTA U-DELTA V) SU9T -~ND TO~THE THERMODYNAMIC RELATION.* P EQUALS T (3ELTA S-DELTA V) SUBT-P SUBINT (WHERE P9 Tv Vt S, AND UmAREY RESP.,~EXTFRNAL PRESSURE, T OL. ENTROPY, A'D INTERNAL ENERGYJ-. ALSO P, suBrm'r EQUALS T ALPAA EMP.9 V .4 K-P (ALPHA IS THE THERMAL EXPANSION COEFF. AND K IS THE VDL. ELASTICITY MODULUSt BOTH BEING DETERMINABLE EXPTL.) AND THUS JT CAN BE'DETD. BY EXPT., JT WAS SHOWN THAT THE COMPRESSION STRENGTH OF FILLED I INCREASES -L' IN E ARL YWITH THE INCREASE IN P S.UBINT-AND THE AMTO' OFJHE FILLER. UNCLASSIFIED ta iil 111i.. I. I. IA USSR UDC 513.831 BEL'NOV, V. K. Metric Ex-pansions. I" Moscow, vestnilk Maskovskogo Universiteta, Matematika, Mekhanika; No 4, 1970, pp 60-65 Abstract: The structure of a partially ordered set M of all complete metric expansions of some fixed, noncompact metric space X is studied. Necessary and sufficient conditions are found under which space X has,~complete metric ex- pansions; with zero-dimensional growth. Acc. N A b s t r a e- rMY'V -r"v*3-4r e CHEMICAL ABST. 7 r97582p Enzymic formation of hydrogen sulfide in Brucella. Belobab. tsov, K. P-; Krasovi X!, mi. (U.SSF,). C~s O~h %uden Vesin. oz. Aauk& (Altna-Ata) 1909, 47-52 (Russ). Strains of Brucella abortus, B. nzelitensij, and ~B. suis formed H.-S from L-cysteine enzymically. H-Siformation in Brucella is of an inductive nature and the syntliesis inechanism is affected according to the organizer hypoithesis of Monos and Emerson. Tbe enzyme cysteine desulfhydrase was' obsd. in several standard allepgens. Rebecca Lyon J REEL" FRAIME USSR UDO 531.44t669-35 BELOBORCOOV, I. I., KOLESIUCHENKO, L. F.1 HENAKHOV, A. V.j and YUGA, A. I. Institute of Problems of the Hateri&1 Science.of the Academy of Sciences UkXSSR "Investigation of Antifriction Properties of Bronze-Base Materials" Xiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurglya, No W131), Nov 73, Pp 01-93 Abstracti The technology of the production of bronze-base metalloplastic antifriction materials with a high content of solid lubricant is described. The antifriction properties were studied on specimens with a hiehly porous (50%) bronze shell, produced from Cu (90%) and Sn(10%) powders and impregnated with a mix of fluoroplast-4 with 30% graphite. The results of investigations carried out In air at a sliding rate of 6 m/--eo and loads of 60 kg/cM2_ show that materials with 50% porosity based on non-sphorical potiders possess a high fatigue life independent of the presence of a solid lubriamt surface layer. The antifriction properties of materials with 30 porosity 'eased on spherical Dowders do not deteriorate when the surface layer is eliminated. Metalloplastic -materials based on non-spherical powders %rith a higher content of solid lubricant are recommended for working under conditions of friction without lubrication. Four figures, one tablep five bibliographic references. 'A -------- -- 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DArE--04DEC70 4-1: ClRC, ACCESSION NO--AP0137471 TRACT/EXTRACT--(U).GP-0- ABST RACT. TABLES OF SP COIND. AND OF THE NA AU82 S MIXTS. AT .TEMP.-COEFF. OF COND. ARE GIVEN FOR VARIOUS SNS- COND. ;,WAS AT A COMPN. CLOSE TO -1050DEGREES. AT ALL TEMPS.',, THE~! MIN. 47.81 MOLE PERCENT NA SUB2 S. AT 680DEGREES, THE MAX. CURRENT-YIELD OF OF 1.5 4~CM. ~ NO SIGNS OF ~SN WAS 32.3PERCENT OBTAINED WITH A C.D., LIBERATION OF NA WERE OBSD- THE ADDN.~ OF- NA Su'B2 SUP TO A LIMIT DECREASES THE NONIONIC COND. OF;THE:,SE MICONDUCTOR WITH INCREASE OF THE ..COND.-OWING TO IONS AND INCREASE IN SN DEPOSITION& FACILITY: 'KIEV:. EGOS. UNIV. IM. SHEVCHENKOP XIEVP USSR.