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'USSR UDC: 538-323:621-378 ARUTYUbTYAN, V. M. and AVPT Charged Particlesiby a Plane Electro- "Reflection and Capture of magnetic 1,,Iave in a Medium" 1.10 To 7, 1972, pp 54-56 scow, Xvantovaya elektronika, h Abstract: The interaction of charged.particles with a plane elec- -tromagnetic a medium with an index of refraction greater than unity is examined. If the wave field exceeds s -ome critical value, the external particle cannot.penetrat6 the wave nor can a 'particle within the wave break out of it. The cause of this -,he- n is that in a medi of this type, the velocity of the par- nomeno um ticle may be equal to the phase velocity of the wave, and the par- ticle may absorb or eject ~erenkov photons. Also considered in* this brief communication is the motion of the -article in the field, U of the wave, the analysis for which begrins with the classical equa- tions of motion of a relativistic particle, and is lLnited to the the index of refract-lion of the:wave exceeds un4ty. case in which The case in which the particle is initially inside the wave is ex- amined, and some possible applications of the effect are briefly explored. USSR 621.z82.2 zur_.~Ov, A.m., mADO'CA"', S G. Investigation Of n Gal -x.L x As-p+GaAs~Tunnel Heterojunctiono V Be. Areenid galliya (Gallium, Arsenide--Collection Of Works), Issue 5, Tomsk, Tomsk Univ-rsity, 1970, pp 145-1r-1 (from Kh -Elektronika i V GY 2 2rimeneniye, No 3, 311'arch 1971, Abstract No 3B;'i99) Mranslation: -1he voltamnere characteri5t'cs are investigated of tunnel diodes made with type n+'GaInn --p+ GaAs heterojunctions. The dependence is studied of the properties of heterojunctions on the composition of the electrode mater- ial, on the polarity 01' the surface (111), and on the ambient temperature. A comparison 41 is made of 'he voltampere characteristics with homogeneous and heterogeneous p-n Junctions. A tunnel dioder with a hetor junc" pganeoua p-n %Oion is Anferior in its characteristice to a tunnel-diode with a conventional p-n Junction. 4 ref. Summary. Uir, 621.582.002 USSR FEDCTOV YA.A., MADUIAN, S.G., 4~CETISYAN, G.M., MANAGAROV, V.D., REPAIKOV,G.I. "Properties Of Ge-nGaAs Structure Prepared By The Liquid Epitax-j Method" Elektron.tehhnika. Nauch.-tekhn.ob. Poluprovod%evRribory (Electronic Technics, Scientific-Technical Collection.,Semiconcluctor 1971, Issue 4(61),pp 51--a (from RZh:Elektronika i_y No R.'ay 1972, Abstrect No ~3,e Dr1Ten2R:1Y-e 5B379) Translation: The oaim-am conditions were determined Tor the growth of high- '.quality loyaro of Go on GoAa by~ the l1quid epitaV method (from a solution in Ge). The optimum supercooling of' the solution for pro narinZ ideal layers was calculated. (It was found to be,,..jl5l C.) The calculation eas confirm::~d by ex- periment. With cupercoolings above 500 0 the perfection of:tho layers ah-arply deteriorated. list ero junctions of p+Go--nGaAs were prepare,! without intermediate layers :of the solid solution Ge + GaAs and without a "falso" junction at the interface resulting from dif-fusion of arBenic in the Ga. 9 ref. Ye.G. OSSR UDC 532.529 . "IL. L,, ZAVAJRZINA, N. A. , LIST-NOV, A. T. 11invariant-Group Properties of the Equations of Motion of a Liquid With Bubbles" Sb. nauch. tr. fak. prikl. mat. i nekh. Voronezh. un-ta (Collection of Scien- ic Works of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of Voronezh University), 1971, No. 1, pp 109-117 (from RZh-Mekhanlka, No 3, Mar 72, Abstract No 3B953) Translation- The flow of a mixture of liquid and gas.bubbles is discussed. Al- though the initial equations are written in the ap roximation of a two-velocity continuous inedlwii, subsequently the rates of both phases are considered ao coin- ciding. The equations finally obtained take into account in particular the reiaxa- tion effects associated with oscillations in the volume of the bubbles, where pulsa7cions -in the bubbles are considered isothermal. rurther considered are Jinearized equations of the quasi-one-dinien.,:;ional nonstationary flow of the mix- ture in a tube of variable cross section F = F(x) and,the invariant-group pro- verties of -the correspond-ing differential equations are investigated. H-In- variant solutions are -then obtained and optimal systems of operators are described tbat are pormitted by the initial Bystem of equations 'in three cases, when the 1/2 USSR AIIETISYAN, I. A., et al, Sb. nauch. tr. fak. prikl. mat. i mekh. Voronezh. un-ta, 1971, No. 1, pp, 109-117 following condition is fulfilled: =0 + and when this condition is not fulfilled. The solutions obtained describe in a one-dimensional approximation the flow of the mixture of liquid and bubbles in tubes of varying cross section. The second part of the article discusses under the same assumptions b-io-dinensional (plane) nonstationary flow. A Laplace transformation with respect to time is applied to the initial equations and then the equation for the representation of pressure is, investigated and solved by invariant-group metbods. 6 ref. A. N. Krayko. 2/2 la t er Tieatmelnt US3R UDC 532-61 TRAPEZNIKOV, A. A., and A.VET13YAN, R. A., Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sd4 -it ami "Effect of a Ifiave on the 1%bility of Monolayers of Getyl and Oc- tadecyl Alcohol to Reduce 'Water Vaporization" Moscow,, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, ~Vol 44, No 11, Nov 70, I)P 2873-2878 Abstract: In previous articles by the authors studying proper- ties of monolayers of different substances in connection aith ia r ...their ability to reduce water vaporizatici he case of a qiier, surface and under the action of a: wave-, it ivas shown that the wave has a direct effect on.the vaporization resiszance r of a cetyl alcohol monolayer. Th--e present particle studies tj~e effect of a wave on the vaporization resistance r of: monolayrers O.L cetyl and octadecyl alcohol., comipr'essed in various ways ("gradu-, all' and l1rapid" :menhods), at various two-dimensiunal pressures F. It; is.~shown rhat there is very little: ~ increase in the area of rhe wavy. surface over that of the flat surface for the wavelength and USSR TRAPEZNIKOV, A. A., and AVEETISYA1.1 urnal Fizicheskoy Nlo I C V pp -2878 Khimii, Vol 44, 1, -'40 dyries/cm re- amplitude being used. ave action at all F,11 t" 'This iay De d -su-lrs in reduced vaoorizal ue '10 -ion resistane reduced interaction o'L the alcohol molecule:5 In tile Monolayer, increased mobility of the-molecules in the monolayer and the ap- ce in the onolayer of additional fl t;uat i on ntervals pearan up 3. 'which facilitate penetration of.:tbe water molecuIes. r h e; ,.I Z! V 0 does not reduce vaporizaLion resistance at iiij~h 40 dyne:s/ cm). The results thus confirr.1 tne.authors' previous conclilsions rizaLion resis'ance. regarding the direct effect of a wave on vapo 5915 END cso: 1841-,it, 2/2 2 016 UNCLASSIFIED WCESSING'DATE--23OCT70 T-ITLE--EFFECT OF THE AGING OF MONOLAYERS OF NtOCTADECANOL AND OCTADECANOLS ON SURFACE TENSION AND THE MONOLAYER AUTHOR-(02)-TRAPEZNIKOVi AoA,t AV�_.TI~.YAN, R.A. COUNTRY OFINFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. FIZ. KHIM. 1970t 44(l), 140-4 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ALCOHOL, SURFACE TENSION# CHEMICAL PURITY, EVAPORATIONt WATER, ._~.AOLECULAR INTERACTION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1402 STEP NO--UR/0076/70/044/001/OL40/OL44 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116849 UNCLASSIFIED ~Ztz 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116849 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CHANGES OF TWO 01MENSIONAL ~..PRESSURE (F) AND RESISTANCE OF WATER EVAPNI. (R) DURING AGING OF ~HONOLAYER OF NPOCTADECANOL AND HYDROXYETHYLATED OCTADECANOLS WERE MEASURED. MEASUREMENTS WERE DONE ON QUIET AND VIBRATIVE SURFACES. THE VIBRAT-ION CAUSED A DECREASE OF F AND ACCELERATED THE PROCESS OF AGING. DIFFERENT REGROUPING AND CHANGES OF INTERACTION AMONG MOLS. OF THE .140NOLAYER WERE SUGGESTED FOR EXPLANATION OF THE EXPTL. DATA. THEY ~-ANCLUDED PARTIAL DEHYDRATION AND CHANGES OF A CHAIN CONFORMATION. THE FACILITY: EFFECT OF IMPURITY WAS ALSO TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION. "INST. FIZ. KHIM.v MOSCOWY USSR. 112 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIN^ DATE-11SEP70 '~TJTLE--ISOMERIZATION OF NvBIJTENES ON NICKEL ZEOLITE CATALYSTS -U- AUTHOR-;-ISAKOV, YA.I., LAPIDUS, A.L., AVETISYAN, RiV.t SF-NDELP A.K.,. MINACHFVt.KH.M. ~COUNTRY OF [NFO--USSR .~~.SOURCE--'IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. KHTM. 1970, Illy 57-63 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ~.::SIJBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY p TOPIC TAGS-ISOMERHATION, BUTENE9 NICKEL, ZEOLITE, CHEMICAL KIN14MCS, CALTALYST ACTtVtTY, I)IMERIZATIONi ETHYLENEi 10,'] EXCHANGE cnNT1z-9L' MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-7UNCLASSIFIEO 'E - - 19 14 / 16 7 4 PROXY PEEL/FRAI, S.T 1: P NO CIRC ACCFSSinN NO--Af'0200279 ZZLZZZLZZLZZ UNCLASSIF-IED Z12 024 UNCLASSf FLED PROCE G C A T 1: :CIRC ACCESSION NID--AD0200278 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. KINETIC DATA WERE REPORTED 1114' GRAPHIC AND TABULAR FORM FOR THE TITLE REACTIONS OF A MIXT. OF 1 AND 2 _BUTENFS OVER SYNTHETIC ZECLITES WITH VARYING A&ITS. PIT p CA A -N D DY :PREPD. BY PREVIOUSLY REPORTED M-ETHOO.S. :THE ZIEOLITES OF TYPES CAA, CAX9 CAY, DY AND HM AS WELL AS NI,CONTG. DERIVS. WERE VEQY ACTIVE IN TRANSPOSITION OF DOUBLE BOND IN THE BUTENES AND THE MOST ACTIVE WERE _NI.--;-NAY, CjX, 5PFRCENT NI-DY AND 5PERCENT NI-HM CONTACTS. THE ZEOLINES OF-THE Y TYPE-SHOWED INCREASING ACTIVITY WITH INCREASING DEGREE OF -EXCHfiN6E oF *NA 6Y N'l TONS.; ' BESIDES ONNSPOtING THE DOUBLE BONDt THE CATALYSTS ALSO BROUGHT ABOUT FORMATION OF MECH: CH SUR2 AND HIGHER .14YD,,QOCARBONS, MAINLY AMYLENES, AS WELL AS INTERCONVERSFON OF CIS AND _'~--TRANS FORMS OF BUTENES. THE SUGGESTION OF PRIMARY FORMATICIN OF 2 BUTENE _:'ON.JON EXCHANGING NI, ZEOLITE CATALYST lN DIMERICATION OF C'SUB2 H SUB4 -WAS CONFIRMED.- USSR UDC 631.847.2 NALB&NDYAN, A. D., ACTISY N V. and MELIKSETYA11, ~R. G., Institute of MicroMol menian SSR L ogy, Academy o S ences "Lyophilization of Pea Nodule Bacteria" Yerevan, Biologicbeskiy Zhurnal Armenii, Vol 24, No 3, Mar 71, pp 24-29 -Abstract: Study of the 1yophilization of nodule bacteria for the purpose of preparing dry nitrargin was initiated at the Moscow Department of the All- Union Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology. Recently work on the subject was also conducted at the Laboratory of Biological Fix- ation of Atmospheric Nitrogen, lnstitute~of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR. In the work carried out there, nodule bacteria of pea plants (strain 144) were cultivated in a medium containing (in %) molasses I .(sucrose content :? 45%), corn evtract 0.3, (N[14)2S04'0.05'K211PO4 0.05, NaCl 0. 02, ' rr L~fgS04 0.02 (pli 7-7.2). Shake culturing was ca ied out for 48 hrs. After 24 hrs of culturing, molasses 1, corn extract 0.3, (L\TR4)-'>SO4 0.05, MPO4 0.05% were added to the.medium.. Biomass in theamount of 15-18 g 1. accumulated, which was separated by centrifuging. To reduce the drop in the bacterial titer during lyophilization, in the course of zhich the temperature increased from minus 20 to + 8-16'C, protective agents 1/2 USSR NALBANDYAN, A. D., et al., Biologichesk' Zhurnal Armenii, Vol 24, No 3, ly Mar 71, pp 24-29 were added before freezing to the paste obtained on centrifuging. The most effective combination of protective agents was molasses 20%, bentonite 30%, upon the addition of which the drop in bacterial titer'at 1-3'C during 1yophilization decreased significantly. Freezing of the paste consisting of bacteria and protective agents was carried out with-solid-C02 + isopropyl alcohol at minus 75 - minus 80*C for 1 hr. The frozen.mixture was stored at minus 40 - minus 50'C for a period 5 24 hrs and then subjected to lyo- philization in vacuo. A bacterial preFaration with a residual water con- tent of 2.03% waj obtained on drying. This preparation could be stored al 4-5*C for 6-7 mos in vacuo and 4-5 mos at atmospheric pressure without a significant decrease of the bacterial titer, 2/2 USSR UDC 548-736.6 V VETISI Y CHIGHAGOV, A and BELOV,N V., Moscow &AETVI v T Ttate univers imeni' M. V* Lomonosoy J Crystal. Structure of NaGd Orthosilicate" 'Moscow, Kristallografiya, Vol 15, No 5, Sep,Oct 70, pp 1066- 1067 Abstract: NaGd orthosilicate is obtained from the Na O-Gd 2 203- 302-H20 system by the method of, hydrothermal crystallization 0 at a 40 percent concentration of,NaOH, T 4.50 C, P 1000 atm. Tetragonal body-centered cell parameters: CL =11.63, c = 5.41 0 A. Corresponding to the diffraction symbol 4 / mI are three Fedorov groups: viz..,I4 / m, 14,and.I; (no,piezo effect). The cell dimensions, type,and-symmetry confirmithe authors' previous 'conclusion that NaGd silicate:is'.isostructural with NaSmSiO 4 The purpose of the present study~was to.refin;e the coordinates of the atoms and to elucidate the position of H20 moleculea in 1/2 -S USSR AVETISYAN, YE. I., et al-t Kristallografiya, Vol 15, No 5, Sep- Oct 70, pp 1066-1067 the structures of synthetic sodium-rare earth silicates of the El type. The article lists the coordinates of the basis atoms and atomic spacings in the~structure of NaGd3310 The formula for tetragonal B-type silicates should include ohe-fourth of an H 0 2 molecule; viz. NaTRS '04*0-25H Oo: The article cites a special 2 analysis by M. A. SHISHKOVSKAYA (Moscow State; University) on the H 0 content of NaGd silicate.,. 2 2/2 USSR UDC: 621-372.81.011.2 MOVSISYAN, A. M. and AVETISY.41-T, Yu. 0., Yerevan- State Universit.:- "Investigating the Conductivity of a Waveguide 14-lith Dynamic Slippage Between Particle Bunches.and Wave -Yerevan, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Armyanskoy SSR Fizika, Vol 7, No 4, 1972t pp 283-287 Abstract: This paper is based in part on an earlier article in the same.journal noted above (Zhileyko, G. I., et al, 5, 205, 1970) which investigated the longitudinal dynamics of charged particles -in the field oll~ a traveling electromagnetic wave with independent variable-equilibrium energy. The purpose of the Present paper is to determine how the field and the equilibrium phase depend on the waveguide conductivity, whose magnitude is a function oi the wave- guide geometry and the velocity of the electroma-g-netic urave propa- gated through it. To determine the waveguide.conductivity, the authors use the generally accepted equation of~the power of the side field 1- 4-he oscillator field) as the sum of,the.grouped part' cle.beam, Dower and the waveguide field. -cower. An expression is obtained for the dynamic slippage phase.includin8 the waveCuide USSR UDC: 621-372.81.011.2 PIOVSISYAN, A. 111. ,et al, Izvestiya Akademii nauk arriyanskoy SS Fizika, vol 7, No 4, 1972, pp 283-287 conductivity. It is found that for a given beam current, oscilla- tor-power, equilibrium phase, and-waveguide conductivity, the amplitude and phase of the radiation-field iniany section of the 'waveguide can be determined. 37 USSR mc 6:L2.84 DAIIIWV, V. I., DEaRCHOGIIXkN, G'. G., r.IT&YIN_ Z_. AMAiWERDYAN, X. A., GRIGORYAN, Sh. V., and SAVERIGYAN, G. Kh., Laboratory of .0 tical Reception, p i~q Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR "Possible Xechanisms of the Magnetic Sensitivity of Birds" 'Yerevan, Biologicheskiy Zhurnal Armenii, Vol 23, No 8. Aug 70, pp 26-34 Abstract: The possfule role of the pecten in the eyes of birds as a photoreceptor and orientation 'factor which responds to Earthts magnetic fields during flight is discussed. The structure of the organ is described. and the results of in- vestigations of its role and functions are reported. The processes which take the pocten of birds undor.tho influence ofan alternwting magnetic field are as follows. As a result of irregularities in flightpaths (e.g., changes in J, speed and altitude, head movements, etc.) the magnetic field stimulates hoparin secretion and causes its concentration in the vascular network of the pecten. As a result of its negative electric charge and chemical properties, the heparin pro- duces the excitation of the central nervous system. Tar6ugh electromagnetic in- duction the altornating magnetic field causes tho appearance of electromagnetic forces in the blood vessels of the pecten, which tend to irritate the vascular receptors of the pocten and the optical nerve fibers (with which the pecton is in contact). The combined action of the magnetic field and light on the pecten 112 TP Z: Sq: ~1~01 P, AAr. 9N UDC 613.693:629.7.048.4,.612.223.111.661.183.124 AMNOSTUC&CMS% RECENZRABLZ SORBENTS FOR ABSOMIM CARBON 5 I W. i~ HYDROGE)t SULFIDE AND WATER VAPOR (Article by 1. A. Danilychav. V. V. St lk T N B V. K. M~av -1 11-1 E.Oi W Cherk"ov. -v a =,ra rana:3T i h Vol 51 go 34,.14il, pp 77-79. suFmittad 24 17abruary-L9694 One of* tbk principal requirements imposed on atmospheric purifi- cation syste=& in spaceships to the capacity. for affactively &b&orb1uj R carIa rb6n:dioxide adsorbents used are an dioxid,& ezihalad by The cz unrogencrable, chemical adsorbents of che type of different paroxida c*Vk- pounds of.alkall zac&la and raganerable sorbants: synthetic teolites M-S. Torc-ChashuLkov, et.jkl.; swylie4nd Uumont)., A Although A system fo r air purification based on synthatic Izaolltes i has bden wall dtveloped, it has a number of serious inadequacies. in particular, the use of stolicas necessary to use preliminary air drying to the e~u Point-. 60-704; Considerable energy expenditure& are required for the thermovacuu% rostanazation of synthetic zaolit6s, Pig, 1. Isotherms of CO, and H,S dsorption and desorp io; on &m1no- a t 1-7 si"caga" 1) isotherm of C02 admorp-, tion; 2~ isotharm Cf.CQ2 daeorpcion. .3) isotherm of C02 adsorption in presence of water vapor; 4) isotherm of CO, adsorption ,Ir. ccatrol. sample; 5) is;tharm of H4 in a! a water vapor; 6) isotherm of H2S d sorption. a) 2 by weight; b) P ma HS. b) r j 7 S . . ....... LA -r 119 'USSR UDC: 512.25/.26+519-3:330-115 AVETISIM, Dzh. A., BERTINOV, A. I., GOLUBKOV, Yu. A. "Application of the Principle of D~qlamic the Problem of Optimizing a Function of Many Variablesil V sb. Avtomatizir. elektroDrivod v nar. kh-ve (Automation of Electric Drive in the ffational Econony--collection. of orks), T. 1, Moscow, "Ener- giya!', 19T1, pp 19-21 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 7, J~l 71, Abstract No TV627) Translation: The paper deals with the possibilities of constructing algorithms for direct search of the optimum b*ased on R. Bellman's recur- rent formulas. The set of resultant equations, in a number equal to the number of variables in tile function to be optinized,,provides the possi- 'thms of direct search for .bility of constructing computational algor.L the maximum which are readily computerizable. Comparative estimates show the preferability for use of these algorithms to find a localized optimum. libeir basic advantages are 3implicity and identical search process both inside and outside tile search region. Bibliography of six titles. Authors' abstract. USSR UDC: 632.95 AVETYAN, M. G., NIKOGOSYAN, L. L., MATSOYAN, S. G., Institute ~-Gi-argaiL~ "istry, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR !'A Method of Making 2-Chloroethyl-2-tliiocyanoethylamine" USSR Author's Certificate No 345142, filed 27'May~70, published N 1.5 Aug 72 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 10, May 73, abstract No 103560P by T. Ya. Ogibina) Translations A method is proposed for synthesizing 2-chloroathyl-2-thio- cyanoethylamine (I). The compound is used as a biologically active material in agriculture because of the -presence of the 113 -chloroethyl and A ' -thio- cyanoethyl groups in the molecule. Examples. 0.1 mole of 11-(2-chloroethyl)- -ethylenimine In 100 ml of C6H6 is added over a 30 iainute period to 20 ml of dry ethyl solution containing 0.3 mole of JISCIT with cooling by ice water, the mixture is agitated for one hour at about 200C,c and the product is Isolated from the organic solution and washed in absolute ether yielding g of thiocyardide of compound 1, C6HIOC111 52v melting point 78-9'C (Acetone). 38 USSR UDC 617-001.28-092~19-085.272.6i576.963-32 AYRAPMAYs F. 0. #1 and ALAVERDYAN, M. I., Radiobiology Sector$ Mnistry of Healti",.'A~=en&n' SSR "Chemical Protection and Comprehensive Treatment of Acute Radiation Sickness in Hice Irradiated With Sublethal Doses": Yerevan,.Biologicheskiye Zhurnal Armenii, No 7, 1971, pp 75-80 Abstracti White nice received L-eysteine prior to irxadiation (500 r) and immediately afterward chondroitinsulfuric acidp sigmamycinp colimycinp and vitamin B6 dialy for 20 days. All the anJjaals developed typical radiation aicknosal but the sympto= ware much recovery set in sooner in the treated animals than in the irradiated but untreated control. For example, restoration of the VBC set in after 7 to 10 days, whereas leukocytopenia persisted and increased in the controls* The survival rate. of the experimental animals was 80 to 82% compaxed ifith 22% in the controls. The viscera of the treated anlyzals contained far fewer hemorrhages than the controls. The com- bination of eysteine, antibiotics, and vitamin B6 was:effective in restoring tissue permeability, thus inhibiting the,development of postradiation hemorr- hages and blocking autoinfectious processes, In view of the complexity of the pathogenesis of acute radiation sickness and the variety of pathological changesp USSR UDC 542091+542-742+547-834-2 SBIBOYAJI, F. TOUMAN, A. G., Institute of Fine Organic Chemistry imeni A. L. 14ndzhoyan$ Academy of Sciences of the AxaSSR, Yerevan "Indole Derivatives. XLII. 3-AIIW1-9-Yetho2c~-12b-l,.ethyl-1,2,3,4,6,7,12,12b- -Octahydroindolo(2t3-a)quino:L:Lzineis" Yerevan, Armyanskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 26, No 20 1973, PP 147-152 Abstracti The paper describes synthesis of 3-alkyl-g-niethoxy-12b-mothyl- 192,3o4,697,12012b-octahydroindolo(2t3-a)quinolizines.~ It was found by- thin-layer chromatography that these bases form two diastereomers, The IR spectra show the- trans configuration of the quinolizidine fragment In one o,r both diaztereomers. The hydrochlorides of these bases were pbaxmacolo- gically tested, and tho results will be given in a futim paper. Nitrogen Compounds USSR -'UDC 5k7-7152+547-834-2 SUROYAN., F. R., and AVZTYAhL-11V[-. ' Institute of Fine i Organic Chemistry imeni A. L. Mnd%hoyana, Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR (Yerevan) "Derivatives of Indol. XXXV. 1-Alk-,rl-12b-methyl-1,2,3,4,6,7,12,a2b- octahydroindole (2,3-a)quinolizines" YerevanX Armyanskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 25, No 1, 1972, pp 61-65 Abstract: The title compounds were synthesized in conjunction with a study of their pharmaceutical properties. Both stereoisomert; were obtained. Examination of the IR spectra indicated that the predominate form was the trans conformation. Intermediate derivatives are given togfether with their percent yield, melting point, molecular formula, theoretical and e.,merimental percent composition, and important peaks in the IR spectra. 1/1 USSR UDC 577. 1: 615. 7/9 AVEZBAKIYEV, I., and DANILOVA, T. G. ies of 2,5- "Primary Toxicological Characteristics and Cumulative Propert and 3,4-dichloronitrobenzenes" V sb. Gigiyena v usloviyakh sharkogo klimata (Hygiene in a Hot Climate collection of works), Tashkent, "Meditsina,".1970, pp.136-143 (from Rzh- Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 9, May 71, Abstract No 9 F1866 by M. Sh.) Translation: Data on the structural changes in tissues of the myocardium, brain, liver, and kidneys and on.changes in the,concentration of RNA, DNA, and glycogen are presented. USSR UDC 662.9974662.9 ZAKdIDOV, R. A., UMAROV, G. YA.~, MINCHUK, V. I. , Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Uzibek SSR imeni S. V. Starodubtsev "Results of Experimental Research on the Combined Operation of a- Heat-Punp Solar, Tower Installation With a System.of Radiation Heating and Cooling of a Building" Tashkent, Goliotekhnika, No 5, 1970, P'p 56-59, Abstract: The combination of solar water heaters with a heat pump.and a radiation system of.heating and cooling permits the development of an efficient system for the use of solar energy for heating. In summer, the hot water produced by the solar water heater may be used for household needs, and the glassed surface.of the solar installation'can be usediat night for re- a 2noval of the heat of condens tioni Thus.. thei~same equipment can serve for cooling as well as,for heating. In',1968-1970 the Physicotechnical Institute,bf theAcademy of~Sciences, Uzbek SSR jointly with the Tashkent Zonal Scientific Re6earoh,Institute 1/2 USSR UDC 541-544.6 SEMIOVSKAYA., T. D*1F 4' V. T., and C51UTOV, K. U.1 Institute of Physical 'Chemistry, Acad. Sc "The Rate of Diffusion of Ions in the Anion Exchange Resin,VP-IA in the 20- 2300C Intervaill Moscow., Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, vol 46, No 5, YhY 72, PP 1191-1195 Abstract: To determine the dependence of the ionic diffusion coefficients in an ion exchanGe resin on temperature, the study was carried out of the form of stationary front of the C104 ions and complex zinc:~chloride and cad:uum chloride anions on the union exchange resin VP-1A. It has been found that increasing the temperature from 20 to AOor- increases 40 fold the rate of diffusion in the resin. The anomalous,eharacter of the diffusion rate was analyzed as a function of temperature on the bar~is ofdiffusion laws for ionic crystals. It has been shown that the VP-lA anion exchange.resin could be utilized in acid medium at high temeratures. 28 'USSR UDG 681-325.025 AVGUST, V,_I., Khar1kov Polytechnical Institute. "A Device for Measuring the Characteristics of Fine Magnetic Films" USSR Author's Certificate, Class G 01 r 33/02, No 33740, filed 26 May 69, published 21 June 72 (from RZh-Avtomatika Telemechanika i Vychislitellnaya Tekhnika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3 A3911 P) Translation: A device is proposed for measuring the characteristics of thin magnetic films. The device contains a pulse field source and a variable low- frequency field source, connected to the counting and recording windings respectively, and a counting amplifier, connected to the recording winding. To improve the accuracy of measurement, there is a circuit for recording the maxi- jTam pulse anplitude, voltage dividers, discrininators, a converter, flij)-flops, diodes, inverters, and an indicator. The output of the amplifier is connected through a diode to the input of the voltage divider and to the input of the maximum pulse amplitude recording circuit, the output of which is connected through the appropriate voltage dividers and discriminators to the input of the first and second flip-flops; the other inputs of the latter are connected through the inverter and the diode to the output of the amplifier, while the outputo of the flip-flops are connected to the inputs of a third flip-flop, whose output is connected to the indicator through the converter. Two illustrations. USSR UDC 6811.327.66-416 AVGUS-T.,, OINISHCHENKO, A. P., and PATNIKOV, S. I.I Khar'kov Poly- -technical fnqtituLe "A Device for 'Measuring the Coercive Force of Thin Magnetic Films" USSR Author's Certificate, No 280668, Filed 3 Apr 69,'Published 4 Dec 70 (from Referativny-y Zhurnal -- Avtomatika, Telemekhanika, i klychislitel'nava Tekhnika, No 8, 1971, Abstract No 8B238 P) Translation: A device for measuring the coercive force of thin magnetic films is proposed. It contains a source of a sinusoidal magnetic field which, reverses the magnetization of a film, an amplifier for the voltage induced by the current which remagnetizes a film' null-balance devices, a flip-flop, and a measuring instrument. The device is distinguished by the fact that a differentiating circuit is connected in front of the voltage amplifier, while the output of the amplifier and the output of the power source are connected to the null-balance devices. The~purpose of this is to increase the precisio~i of the device's measurements. In order to automate the measurements, cne outputs of the null-balance devices are connected to a circuit which forms a time interval between the output pulse of the null- balance devices in direct-current voltage. 2 illustrations. 1/1 USSR uDc:. 621-317.4 AVGUST V. I. Fhar1kov Polytechnical Institute imeni V. I. Lenin "A Method of Determining Deviation of the Axis of Anisotropy of Cylindrical Thin Magnetic Films from the Direction of a Magnetic Field Circulating About the Periphery of the Cylinder" Moscow, Ortk~ytiya, Izobreteniya., Promyshlennyye Gbraztsyi: Tovaxnyye Znaki, No 5, patent No 261564, filed 23 jul 68 ig7o, p 65,, Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a method of determining deviation of,the axis of anisotropy of cylIndricall.thin gnetic films from the direction of:a magnetic field circulating about the periphery of the cylinder by passing an alternating current through the specimen to be tested and applying a pulued mag- netic field directed along the axis of the specimen. As~~a distinguishing feature of the patent,.the measurement process is automated by converting the quantity which characterizes the angle of deviationl:to a constant,alternating voltage ~hoae polarity changes with the polarity of the voltage pulses induced in the specimen, and,measuxilng its,average value, which is proportional.tO the quantity being determined. 1/1 USSR uDc 546.81261 KLIFMHMI G. M. 0 and BERNOV, G.'V. "The Csxbonitride and Oxycarbide Figmes of Titeaium and Wxconltm" Moscout Izvestiya Akadenli Nauk SSSR, Heorg'anicheskiye Hatorialy, Vol 8, No 5, 1972# pp 843-845 Abstract: Titanium and zirconium oxycarbides'and carbonitrides are synthesized in a vaccum, of 10 - 10-5 mm 11g'at 2020-2300' K over a broad conc' -3 entration interval. The preparates synthesized are studiedmetaUvgraphically, chemically,and by x-ray methods. The areas of existence of single-phase solid solutions are es- tablished. It is concluded that the areas of existence of the ox)-carbide and carbo- nitride phases decrease in the sequence from titanium to hafnium. ,A USSR UDC 54 .123+546.831'261:541.12.03 A. I., UUWHIN, G. M., GOLIKOVA, 0. A. and 21CEMOV, G. V,, X L Lening;aT~ij ogical institute imeni Lensovet, Department of the Chemistry and Technology of High-Grade Ceramics "The Effect of Nitrogen on Certain Properties of Zirconium Carbide in the Ho-,.ogenelty Region" Ivanovo,.Izvestiya. Vysshikh Uchebnyk.h Zavedeniy, Khimiya iKhimicheskaya k -Lehnologiya, Vol XIII, No 10, 1970, pp 1,389-1,j92 Abstract: It is known that existing methods of preparing zirconium carbide (and also the monocarbides of the transition.metals of,groups IV-VI) do not yield products of desired purity, owing to the presence of unbound carbon (up to 1.5-2.0%), nitrogen and o gen; but the effects;of these impurities XY been well stu4ied. have not The authors made a roentgenographic and metallographic study of the specific effect of the presence of nitrogen in zirconium carbide. Data were obtained on the relationship between nitrogen content and Lite 1/2 USSR MUST;N=e.~- et al, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Khimiy i Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya, Vol XIII, No 10, 1970, pp 1,389-1,392 following aspects of zirconium carbonitrides: (1) crystal lattice parameter; (2) crystal lattice parameter, with constant.carbon.content; (3) electrical conductivity; (4) thermal emf; (5) melting temperatur e; (6) microhardness; and (7) thermal conductivity. All data'-are illustrated graphically. 2/2 - 14 - USISR UDC 621-79l.052.oo4:i_o.669-295 AVIEWA, T. P.J. Engineer, and ISHTYKOV.1 YU. V., Engineer "Weld Joint Properties of Titanium Alloy VT20" Moscov, 8varoalmoye Proizvodstvo, No 11, 1973, pp 24-25 Abstract: The ductility, static strength and fatigue.strength of weld joints produced from titanium alloy VT20 with a thickness of;3mm were investigated. The samples for testing were produced by argon-are welding with a tungsten elec- trode in the bottom and overhead positions as well as in the bottom position for gas-shield, pulse-are welding. Seams produced by continuous are welding in the bottom and overhead positions had defects. It was found that the static strength of the weld joints was almost the same for all the investigated modes of welding with the static strength of the aeam being equal to 90-94% of the base-metal strength. Fatigue tests are more characteristic of weld Joint properties than static tests forlargon-are welded samples and it was found that the fatigue strength of joints made by a continuous are was:33 kgf/mn?- and by pulse--arc--20 kgf/=P. 4 figures, 1 table, 5 bibliographic references. 112 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 -,-,TI.TLE--EVALUATING THE RESISTANCE OF TRANSPARENT P41NT AND VAkNISH COATING :TO COHESION AND ADHESION DEGRATION _U_ A.UTHOR-(04)-AVILOV, G.V., LAVRENTYEV, V.V.t SEREBREINNIKOV, A.1.1 UPENSKIY, vo I. .:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ii~SOURCE-LAKOKRASOCH. MATER. I H PRIMEN., 1970t Mt 5Z-4 tH PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS '-TOPIC TAGS--PAINT, VARNISH, COHESION STRENGTH, PLASTIC FILM, METAL TO BONDING, POLYSTYRENE RESIN, POLYSILOXANE, SILICONE COATING, tMATERIAL DEGRADATION, MECHANICAL, FAILURE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0426 STEP NO--UR/0303/70/000/001/0052/0054 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119362 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSI61G DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119362 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TRANSPARENT COATINGS WERE APPLIED T.11 A. STRO14G TRANSPARENT FILM. T.HE COATED FILM WAS DRAWN BACK AND FORTH UNDER TENSION OVER THE EDGE OF A STEEL BLOCK. THE APPEARANCE (JF CRACKS ~JN THE~COATTNG WAS RECORDED AUTOMATICALLY BY MEASURING THE RATIO OF OF *q S THE JRANSMITTED TO REFLECTED LIGHT. THE NO. IN) PASSES WAS TAKE, A FLEX DURABILITY. THE ADHESION DURABILITY WAS DETD. BY APPLYING PRESSURE ON THE FILM AT THE.STEEL BLOCK EDGE WITH 'A DIAGONALLY PLACED RUBBER ROLLER. THIS REDUCED ,THE NO. OF PASSES*TO N SUBI. THE (N MINUS N SUBI) WAS TAKEN AS THE COHESION STRENGTH OF THE ~:_...COATING. -THE FOLLOWING RESULTS ARE REPORTED (COOJING N, N SUSI GIVEN)-. POLYIDIPHENYLSIOLANE)r 44, 13; 'POLYSTYRENE COTG. OR ANDSILICONE LAC UER (1) tUNPLASTICIZED), 9,4; PLASTICIZED 1, 575, 1251 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--02r)CT70 ,j`,ITLE--STlJbIES LIF BOTTOM REFLIEF X'41) SEDIMENTS OF THE s3urHWF5TEl.N AFRICAL --SHELF u- ~AUTHQK-(02)-AVIL0Vt I.K., GERSHANOVICH, D.E. COUNIRY OF INFO--USSR .~SOURCE--OKEANOLOGIYAP 19701 VOL 10, NR 2v PP 301-306 DATE PUBLISHED --- ---- 70 Ut AND MAR 114E 3JECT AVEAS~-MECH., [NO., CIVIL ENGR, EAPTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHYt UICLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES :',TOPIC TAGS--MARINE GEOLOGY, PHYTOPLANKTON, OCEAN BOTTOM TOPOGRAPHY, BOTTOM -_-.~SE0l,4FNT, CONTINENTAL SHELF/(U)KNIPOVICH OCEANOGRAPHING SHIP MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REFL/FRAME--1990/1380 STEP NO--UR/0213/:70/010/002/0301/0306 CIRC ACCLSSION NO--AP0109452 UNCLASSIFIED 212 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--02OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109452 .-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE RESULTS OF rHE MARINE GEOLOGir-AL STUDIES ON A VNIRO CRUISE OF THE R, V AKADEMIK KNIPOVI::H AkE ~BEING CONSIDERED. A NARRO4 SHELF SOUTH OF THE CONGO RIVER MOUTH IS 'CHARACTERIZED BY DIFFERENT SEDIMENT COMPOSITION IN ITS DIFFERENT PARTS. 71 TERRIGENOUS.SEDIMENTS WERE FOUND TO BE REPLACED BY CARBON4TE SEDIME14TS THE VICINITY OF THE CUNENE.RIVER MOUTH. HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF SOME MOST IMPORTANT SEDIMENT COMPONENTS ARE CAUSED BY PECULIAR SEDIMENT FORMING FACTORS. SAMPLINGS IN THE ZONES OF THE INTENSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF DIATOM-PHYTOPLANKTON AND ITS MASS DEATH WITH[N'THE SHELF AREA NEAl- THE WALFISH.BAY REVEALED SED.IMENTS WITH ABNORMALLY HIGH CONITEW OF ORGANIC MATTER (FROM 15 TO 23PERCENT) PREVIOUSLY NOT FOUND ANYWHERE IN THE OPEN SHELF AREAS. IN THE LUDERITZ AREA, TERRIGENOUS 4UDOY SAND BEYOND THE SHELF ZONE CONTAINS TO 8.4PERCENT ELEMENTARY PHOSPHORUS, THI S,VALUE BEING MUCH IN EXCESS OF TJJE BtiOSPHORUS CONTENT OF THE KNOWN CARBONATE.PHOSPHORITE PLATFORMS OF THEAQULHAS BANK AND FORMING -APPROXIMATELY TWO-THIRDS'OF THE AMQA'T:!0kP 'HOSPHORUS BOUND INTO --PHOSPHGPITE NODULES. AT THE OUTER EDGI?,101F~THE SHELF NORTH OF THE LCONJG3 RIVER -MUUTH AND I~EAR LUDERITZ, SEDIMENTS CONTAIN AN UNUSUALLY HIGH AMOUNTOF.JRON (16.5 AND 9.9PERCENT RESPECTIVELY) AT A RELATIVELY SMALL CONCENTRAT-ION OF PELITE PARTICLES 123 AND 6.5PERCENT). THE HIGH IRON ~CONCENT R AT APPARENTLY-BE RELATED TO GLAUCONITE (MJRE THAN JONS CAN APPROXIMATELY 40PERCENT). FACILITY: VSESOYUZNYY N-1 INSTITUT MORSKOGO RYDNOGO' KHOZYAYSTVA I OKEANOGRAFII. IFIED lritii"a'ry, 01ne USSR UDC 636.2:616.988.4 LEBEDEV A.. I., KOVALEV L. V.,:and~REVENKOV, A. G., Candidates f rinary S-cTe"n-ce All Union.~ Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine !ete o *Virus-Neutralizing Activity of Extracts,of Tongue Epithelial Tissue and Serum From Animals Recovered From Foot-and-l-fouth Disease$$ lbscow, Doklady Vsesoyuznoy Ordena Lenina,~Akademii Sel'skokhozyayst'vannykh Alauk imeni V. I. Lenin, No 1. 1971 pp 39-40 Abstract: A definite relationshiD was observed between the results of the virus-neutralization reaction with tongue epithelial tissue extracts and serum obtained -1"rom animals 4 months after recovering frou foot-and-mouth disease caused by the type A22 strain 20/432 virus~ The index of noutraliza- tion was comparatively high in both cases - 2.5 to 4.5 Ig LD50, On the other h-nd no such relationsh-ip was found 9 to 12 months after t;he animals re- covered. A high level of virus-neutralizing antibodies was found In the serum at this time, but the tissue extracts had virtually no virus-neutralizing capacity. Titration of the type A22 virus grown in a culture of cattle tongue spithelitum revealed that the accumulation of virus,in, apithelium obtained 9 to 12 months after the disease was on the average Z logarithmic units higher than in epithelium obtained after 4 months, 1/2 USSR LEBEDEV, A. I., et al, Doklady Vsesoyu'znoy Ordena Lenina Akcademii Sel'skokhozyay- stvennykh Nauk imeni V. 1. Lenin, No 1. 1971, pp 39-4 Based on the results of their experiments and on the.~literature data, the authors concluded that the type-specif ic. immunity of ~ epithel-ial tissue f rom nnimals recoveriz-g from foot-and-mouth disease is .largely attributable to 3pecific cellular (tissue) factors. 2/2 63 USSR UDC 535.33 AVILOVA I. V.1 BIBERMAN, L. M., VOROB'YE;V, V. S. ZAMALIN,:V; M.- KOBZEV, (T_ A. ,WMANYAN, A. KH., and NORMANIG. E., 14stitute Of High'Temperatures of. the Academy of Sciences USSR "Optical Properties of Hot Gases. C02 + 112 Mixture" ~'Moscow, Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan/Feb 70, pp 1-11 Abstract: Elementary radiation processes associated with'the presence of car- bon atoms, either free or in molecules, in planetary atmospheres are studied. 'Certain.spectral and integral characteristics Of C02 and N2 mixtures are calcu- lated. and compared. Particular attention is given to the composition 90% C02+ + 10% N2, which approximately corresponds to the atmosphere of Venus according from "Venera-411 and "Mariner-511. Computer programs and a computational ~tedbnique Jeveloped earlier by the authors were used to obtain absorption cross sections for processes associated with atomic hydrogen in C02 + N2 mixtures. The absorption cross sections of CH CO, CO, and C2 are given Ifor the temperatures 8000, and 12,OOOOK. The Lgree of blackness c, the Rasseland averag'e A, p.:.and the Planck average B were calculated for T,= (6-10)-1030K and P = 0.1-10 at. 1/2 USSR I. V., et al, Teplofizika, vysokikh temperatur, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan/ Feb 70, D 1-11 -P A comparison with experimental data showed that the authors' method of tabu- lating optical properties of hot gases is applicable to COZ + N2 mixtures and 'produces satisfactory accuracy. From the gas dynamics aspect, the calculations ..shov that radiation transfer plays a considerable,role inientry into planetary atmospheres. It is pointed out that~the degree'of blackness of the mixture studied her* is considerably greater-than that of air dnd,that,the difference is especially great in relatively low temperatures.. 2/2 149 oi 2 040 UNC L A S S I F I E 0: PR'OCESSING DATE--230CT70 -T'ITLE--OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF HOT GASES. CARBON DIOXIDE NITROGEN MIXTURES 1j_ AIUTHOR-(04) -AZI.60-YAs I V. i B I BERMAN,. L.M., ZAMALIN, V.M. fKOHIZEVI.G.A. ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE--TEPLOVIZ. VYS. TEMP. 1970, 8(l), 1-11 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70, ,SUBJECT. AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--CARBON DIOXIDE, NITROGEN, ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT, ABSOI~P[TON _~SPECTRUMq LIGHT ABSORPTION, TEMPERATURE.DEPENDENCE~ PRESSURE EFFECT, VENUS PLANET, ATMOSPHERIC OPT.IC PHENOMENON f:CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~'DOC UMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/0139 STEP NO--Uk/0294/70/'008/001/0001/0011 .CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0103818 I UNCLASSIFIED ~.2/2 040 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 -,~CIPC ACCESSION NO--AP0103818 ,-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED CALCG. AND -,",COMPUTER -PROGRAI.MMING PROCEDURE (B.T.ET~AL.v 1964; A., ET AL., 1969) WAS .:,APPLIED TO THE DETN. OF THE.ABSORPTION CROSS SECTrONS RELATED TO C ATOMS ~I_N:CO SUB2 PLUS N MIXTS. AND:OF THE SPECTRAL AND INTEGRAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CO SUB2 90 PLUS N SU32 10PERCENT MIXT. ICORRESPONDING TO THE VENUS ATM.). THE:RESULTS ARE PRESENTED OF THE CALCN. OF SOME PARAMETERS, FOR A TEMP. OF (6-10) U-MES 10 PRIME3 z_ 'REESK AND A PRESSURE OF 0.1-10 ATM. JOEG THE DATA AGREE SATISFAcroRILY. 'WITH MEASUREMENTS. -FACILITY: INST. VYS. TEMP., MOSCOWr USSR. _UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621-428-001.5 X1OP=f_V1 S. Z., Engineer, GUROV, 5. V., Engineer, and AVILOVA-SHULIGLIk IT V En-Incer "Increasing the Cooling Effectiveness of the Inlet Edge of Turbine Blades" Moscow, Teploenergetika, "To 12, 1971, PP 38 -41 Abstract : The coolin,-, effectiveness of turbine blaaes vrith air -passages in the inlet edge was exn eriment ally ~invcisti~~-_tcd on blades of two uy--Des: thin--:.,alled blades vith inserted deflector and transversely ar-rarn-ed cooling air.pass.-.- C, `_.~ ges :-:-,id blades v!it-11-1 a ca-st loo-o-lil"-e deflector in the hollovi. Tho,:investi~-,tion re- sulAs a-re discussed by reference to diai-mms shovrinq the input -t-ics o' the in- -outT)ut ch--acuer-istics and the cooling in-'ensit- let edge and of~ -all blade Darts ( inlet-, outlet-, amd back od- ges ) of both blade t.-Des. Possibilities to incrcaoc the coolim7 ~He im-let, ed4c:e of blades by air by-pass from the intensity o~, edge inner hollow into the flow part of the turbine -are arnaly- zed. It is dom-onstrated that in cases -where the available i)res- ij 1/2 N! ii USSR KOPELEV, S. Z., et al, Tevloenergetika, No 12, 1971, pp )8-41 sure differential in the cooling system permits a reliable air flow from the inlet edge hollow into the flow part of the turbine, the by-pass of air rep- resents an effective means of ilicreasing.the.cooling intensity. Four illustr., three biblio. refs. 2/2 USSR UDC: 536.244 KOPELEV, 3- Z_, GUROV, S. V., _-SHUGINA, M. V. "Heat Exchange in the Cooled Flow'Part~of the'lurbine" -1ka i Transport, Moscoir; Izv~estiya kkademii Naulk SSSR-_E-nerget~ No. - 41 1971-, pp 105-111 Abstract: The heat exchange at the outer and inner surfaces of the vanes of a turbine takes place in a field.of centrifugal forces. The purpose of this article is to settle the question of-the competence of extending the data acquired under static conditions to the conditions of vane operation-in turbines, as -e effect well as the.question of the criteria characterizing.ti of the,field of centrifugal forces on.thle heat exchange. Results of -theoretical and experimental work relating to th se questions e are given in this article. The theoretical part of the work be- gins with the equation of. motion, taken'from the system of equa- tions descm-i-bing the heat exchange process. in a,continuous, non- 149 USSR XOPELEV, S. Z. , et al. I zvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Energetika i Transport No-4, 1971, PP 105-M isothermic flow of an incompressible gas around the vane profile, in terms of the centrifugal forces. The assumption is made that the radial cooling channel in the, vane is a, tube of constant cross section. The experimental work- involved research into vanes with transverse cooling channels; a table of the basic geometrical for the vane lattice is given. 2/2 'USSR uDc: 62a.438-253-5-71 KOPELEV, S. Z., GUROV, S. V., AVILOVA-ZHUL-GINA, M. V. "Investigation of Heat-Exchan ge Processes in Cooled Gas Turbine Blades" Teplofiz. i.te2lotekhnika. Resp. mezhved. sb. (Thermal Physics and Heat Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental Collection) , 1970, v3-p. 17, pp 97-104 (from RZh-TuAostroyeniye, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8.49.106) Translation: Data are given from an investigation of processes of heat exchange at the output edges of air-cooled gas turbine blades over a broad range of variations in Reynolds numbers on the air and gas side, and also in.the temperatures of gas, air and tuinine walls. It is shown that with a reduction in the Reynolds number calculated from the parameters of the- gas in a narrow cross section of interblade channels (taking, the chord of the blade as the characteristic linear dimension):of lees tfian 0.5-106, the extent of the region of the laminar boundary layer on the Pr-ai'lle oC the cooled blade inereasou appreciably both on the convex Luid concave aidr!13, and,in the case of nondetached flowmay extend right up~to the outlet edge. Dimnsionless heat 'ion -exchange relat ships are:given for-1he air and gas which can be used to determine the temperature of the ou tlet edge with precision satisfactory for practical.purposes. Bibliography of nine titles. Instruments and Equipment,' USSR uDc 612.oi4.45+612,8 ATIJ0111 -Zs- ADRIAVOV, 0. S., VYhTODTSEVA, N. I., (;AVFJLOV, L. R., MERING, -51HQTYUKj M. G.1 Institute of Acousticsg Academy of Sciences USSR, T. A. ahd and, LWin, institute, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "Destruction of Dedp-Lying Brain Structures With Focused Ultrasound!' Moscow, Zhurnal Vysshey Nervnoy Deyatel'nosti, No 51 1971, PI) 1,110-1Y113 Abstracti An apparatus designed to minimize the loss of ultrasonic energy at high frequencies and intensities of ultrasound is described, It consists of an oscillator, ultrasound emitter, universal standard stl9meotaytic device to hold the animal, and a device to permit ultrasound to be transnitted to the animal's brain. The focusing emitter rests on a concave resonant plate of piezoelectric ceraraic 85 mm in diameter with.a focal length of 70 mm. Acottatic energy is transmitted from the emitter to the brain through. degassed water (or physiological saline). Degassed water is poured into a rubber bottle connected to the frame of the emitter and inot a snall, funnel attached to the aninal's head. The article concludes.idth a doscription of the surgical technique reconmended for preparing the bxains of rabbi-L5 and rats prior to ultrasonication. USSR AVIULLIN, E. N. "Method of Calculation of Unstable Aerodynamic Loads oil Thin Wing of Finite Span Performing Elastic Harmonic Oscillations in a SLAISOlliC Stream" Uch. Zap. Tsentr. Aerogidrodinain. In-ta [Scientific Writings of Central Institute of Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics], 1972, Vol 3, No 6, pp 94-100 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Mekhanika, No 5, 1973, Abstract No 5B261, by V. 1. Putyata). Translation: A mctliod is suggested for.approximate solution of in integrll equation from the linear theory of an Oscillating lol-ld-bearing surface with arbitrary values of Stroulial number and arbitrary subcritical values of M number. The solution is based on replacement of the load-bearing surface by a system of discrete horseshoe-shaped vortices and corresponding replace- ment of the integral equation with a system of algebra4- equations. The double integrals included in the coefficients of the equation are calculated approximately by expansion of the integrands into Taylor series (with into,- gration along the chord) and repJaceirent with interpolatioll polyl)olllials (with integration along the span). It is considered that the aerodYT1,11nic 1/2 USSR AVIULLY21, E. N. , Uch. Zap. Tsentr. Acrogidrodinam. In-ta-, 1972, Vol 3, No 6, pp 94-100. characteristics produced by this method agree satisfactorily with those produced by other methods. Expressions are produced for the matrices of the generalized forces, and the aerodynamic rigidity and acrody'namic dampinr factors. 7 biblio. refs. 2/2 Fu,iC*tL*Onal ~Analysis USSR UDC 517. 54 NIKHADIYEV, F. G., AKSEN-T'YEV, L-A. Sufficient Conditions for Univalence of Analytical Functions" Ma scow ,Doldadv Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 198, No 4, 1971, pp 743-746 Abstract: Let p(t) be a function wbich i meromorphic in the dowain D, and s let i-, t) (g"(t)/g'(t))2/2 be a Schwartzian. liebari [Bul- letin. . of American 17-~Iithematical_Societv, Vol 55, No 6, 1949,, page 5451 proved the following: If the function g(t) is multivalent that is, g(t 0 0 , , 1) = g(t2) for certain t1 and t2 CM D, tj t2 then the nontrivial solution u0 (t) is found for the equation ull(t) + 1/2{[,,,t}ll(t) 0, (N) which vanishes at the same points t 1and t2* Let p(t) be regular in D. Set- ting w(t) = u(t) e.Xp f fp(t)/2]dti w"(t) + p(t)w'(t) + q(t)w(t) with the coefficients p(t) and q(t) which are regular in 1) and satisfy the 1/2 AVIUVADIYEV, F. G. et al., Doklady. Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 198, No 4, 1971, pp 743-746 condition 2 -P (t) P (t)/2 + 2q(t) fg, 0. (2) Considering w0 W = U0(t) eXD f (p(t)/2]dt, we find that w 0 M 0 and w0(t 1) W 0(t2 0. Therefore, investigation of the univalence ofthe function g(t) reduces to investigation of the nonvariability of the,solution of equation (1) with condition (2). Using equation (N), Nehari obtained the sufficient condi- tions: of univalence expressed in terms of the Schwartzian. In this article simpler conditions are found which turn out to be convenient in applications. Mien investigating the nolvability of the.basic~ inveri;c! boundary value pro .ci - lems, univalence conditions expressed in ter, 9 of the ro-it, -m ion of variation of the-derivative of the map in" function are needed. In particular, the followiti,, problem arises. Letm- f,(Z)l T/2 not investigated earlTLer are indicated in the theorems proved., 2/2 L C, 1 D Nlu- I S SD i V U, r-GO/ OL; /0000/ S I I --ON dIS AXOhd Ml IWUVD 'CNh0dviO') AM~)~.- 'WfN133dS 'hoN-SOVI 310.1 OL - - - - - - -03HSI '1~lfld -1 v G 9-U "ML 'OL61 *113-1 *S0d.133dS--z-i:),~nGS bssn--oJNI AO A'diNiIL):) MAV [I 'VAV'6A-5lAS-ObVA 'V's "mFi:)lASll0d "A,nk Aivsubv,9V9--bOHif-)V -n- ot4v SnCt'clGkWlV A'~f',Td9wl rjNv NI bWN 61 G L I - -1 V ~l N I S S 3,--~ ~D Irl 0 3 1 :11 S S V -1:) N A L 10 t~-i I 2iLZ A. !J.! a;-, -trc -'!r F. I,- 017 CLASS1 F!E'l' JR 07804 C ACCESSION C ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-QU) -JP-0- 4i'STRAY-T. TIic- PR!Mizlri F 'W~ cP~:!' F SUR 2 AND HGF S U -12. 2H S U R 0 F R F :? RSO.. A T 15 OD G R X 4 -1 C T!: T!WS E 0 F~ S D . BY A . , E T ~ L . 1,69) FOR COF SUB2 A N ri CDF SU~,7.2~j Sj~n THE CHE'-' . 5514 1 FTS F:IIR HGF SU~_: 2 A ND HGF- SU:n.*;' - 2H S U ri E: P MINUS 8 AND 538 c'LOS MINUS 8 PWAs ~FSP., THE PLUS OR MINUS 0.3 AND 17.1 PLUS OR ?`IlNUS 0.2 OE PqIM~2, P9SITIVE 2NO MO"e,,NT- F.9R iiSF -SVB2*2H SUB2 W',S 9.~ Pr I 2 -IS Cli!~ PRI MF2 , OFMONSTRAT ING THE EX IS TIENCE OF H 4.,-lp,iR-,,rLy (ji: T4~-,F- TYPE, IN THE-CRYSFAL HYORAfE'S.. USSR UDC 621.387.233 AVLAKRORA R. G., LARSHINA, S. I., POLYAKOVA, A. A., ROGOVA, G. N. I'Study of Oxide Cathode Sputtering in Hydrogen Thyraton With Current Cou-mu- tation of Short Duration" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Gazorazryadn. pribory (Electronic Tectmology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Gas-Discharge Devices), 1970, Issue 4(20), pp 49-53 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primenenlye, No 5, M-ty 1971, Abstract No 5A165) Translation: It is demonstrated by the method of radioisotopes that in hydrogen thyratrons with commutation of pulses of 100 nsec duration, in- tense ion bombardment of the cathode takes place. Summary. DATE--13NOV70 PLATE IN A GAZA, FLOWt kAREFiED PROXY STEP Nt)--UR/0421/70/000/000/0191/019b REEL/FRAME-2000/1202 *1 'SS 10, .CI, ACC 1-: N IN 0 - - A v 0 1 vt u~ 5 f j: ; _ z ~ , !~ i i 11 11 1 11 B I : USSR uDc 669.o46-5 RkSHLIY, F. I., K01PANOV, G. S., FGZDT, G. N., and "Quality of 14etal Produced With Bath Oyygen Blowing" Moscow, V sb. "Sovremennyye problemy kachestva stali" (MISiS) (Collection of Works Modern Problems of Steel Quality) (14oscow Institute of Steel and Alloys), Izd-vo "14etallurgiya, " No 61, 1970, Pp 107-110 Translation of Abstract: Results are presented of an investigation of the effect of oxygen blowing on netalacidity. Attention is given to the method of subdeoxidation of low-carbon steels by silicon with the purpose of lowering the metal acidity and reducing the development:of gas bubbles. 2 figures, 3 tables, 6 references. 1/1 USSR UDC 632-95 LGALVE, A. A. , GILLER, S. A., EGERT, V. E., LIYE IV and SEMPji SKAYA H. V. "Methods of Deterb-dning Residual Quantities of Phenazone in Foodstuffs, Soil, Water and Air" Tr. 2-go Vses, soveshch. po issled o5tat'l-lov pestitsidov i prcfil--,kt. zagryazneniya iml produktov pitaniya,.kormov i vnesh. aredy (Iforks of the Second All-Union Conference on Investigation of Residues of Pesticides, and Prevention of Pesticide Contamination of Foodstuffs, Fodder and the Extenial Environment), Tallinn, 1971, pp 271-272 WON Mh-Khiml~yap No 11, Jim 72, Abstract Ho 111454) Translationt In order to determine residual amotunts of phemizone, (the specimen in) hyd-rolyzed with a 40'% sodium hydroxido aolution Ln tho presence of zinc dust, the resultant aniline is distilled (without water vapor) and diazotized, and coupled with 0~ -naphthyl=inej arid the* optical dens'ty is - ). The censitivity of the nethod is I n:gljcg. determined (on 537 nm Beryllium USSR UDC 535.211:539-37 PAPIRCIV, I. I., AVOTET, S. S.,, YJUCHIKOVA, E. P., and KORNIYENK0 L. A. "Deformation of Single Beryllium Crystals Subjected to~Laser Radiation" EbscowY Fizika i Ehimiya Obrabotki 1-91aterialov, No 2, Mar/Apr 73, pp 147-148 Abstract: Samples were produced by zone melting, and after grinding and electropolishing were subjected to laser pulses of/%J 1o-3 see. duration at 0.6940,Zlwavelength. The irradiation surface had orientation (0.001) and (IliTO). Optical and electron microscope analysis showed extensive plastic deformation around the crater produced by a focused laser beam. The plastic deformation 0 was characterized mainly by presence of twin crystals oriented at 60 and 120 with respect to the circular zone (0-5-1 mm wide) formed around the crater. The presence of tetrahedral twin crystals indicates the complex nature of the plastic deformation. Dendrite structure was also observed around the crater, and it was formed mainly by twin crystals of,various sizes. A transverse glide of dislocations from the basal plane (0001) to the prismatic (1010) was also observed. There were many small craters around the large crater, the nature of which remains unexplained. The w)~ole picture of deformation differed markedly from that observed during a static defonnation. 1/l Beryllium VSSR UDC 669-725:621-785.78 --IN,,_aI_-S. and PAPIROV, I. I., Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of S iencei Ukrainian SSR "Aging of Beryllium Single Crystals" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka. metallov, No 2, 1972, PP 77-78 Abstract: The microhardness of hardened and aged beryllium of various degrees of purity has been studied. The measurements. were made at room (about 99.80 pure) temperatures on single crystals grown by zone melting IV I and slow cooling of the melt in a BeO crucible (about 99.7% pure). The heating for hardening at IOOOOC for 1 hr and the aging at 570-7500C for 0.5-50 hrs were done in vacuum at about 1.10-6 --im HE;., The results of the study indicate that the microhardness anisotropy increases with the purity of beryllium. A similar dependence of hardnesR anisotropy,was also observed with an increase in teat temperatures., Thus, thachange in the ratio of IISO.L/1150 as a result of increasing the purity of monocrystals will be equal to that produced by increasing the aping 200-3000C. (1 illustration, 1 table, 3 bibliographic references). 1/1 USSR UDC 669-7251539-377 AV PAPIROVt I. I.s T11GUNSKIY, G. F. XORNMENKO # L. A., and KIKOLAYEENKO, A. A., Pbysicotechnical Institute, LadeRy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR "Bend Tests on High-Purity Beryllium!, Fizika Metallov i lietallovedeniye, Vol 32,'No 1, Jul 711 PP 123-130 'Abstracts An investigation of beryllium single crystal plastic deformation was carried out by bending in the temperature region of 77-3000K. The nature of the stressed state in bond depends essentially on the ratio of sample width to thickness NO and on the geometrical conditions of testing. Single crystals of beryllium with b/h -.2-with threeorientations (force parallel to a-axis, force parallel to b-axis, and force paralleLto c-axis for hexa- gonal beryllium) were subjected to a force with a load rate of 0.2 mn,/min; the distance between supports was 10 mm. The crystals were produced by zone melting and cut by a electric are. Relative residual electrical resistance of a single crystal was p /P - 0.005-00006 and for polycrystalline 4 J613 ?00k beryllium--0.004. The samb ler mechanically polished, and annealed in a vacuum of 10-6torr at 700oC (polyerystals) and at 12000C (single crystals) for 20 minutes. This study permitted explanation of the slip of screw dislocations with a Burgers vector c and dislocation type (eva). For 1/2 USSR AVMIN, S. S., et al., Sverilovks, Fizika Hetallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 32, No 1, Jul 71# pp 123-00 ordinary forms of strain (tension and compression) and low temperatures the indicated forms of strain were not previously observed.~ A study of the temperature relationship of bending ductility showed that single crystals with a b-axis orientation. of force (force' b-axis) have a bend 0 0 angle greater than 90 down to 77 K while the most ductile single crystals were those with the force applied along the &-axis. An~'anomaly was observed in the temperature relationship of yield strength in single crystals with the force applied along the c-axis. On the basis-of the change in strain with temperature, the conclusion was made that.there is a change In tiansverse glip with temperature. Six fig=G, 94'blbliographia references. 2/2 I, t'd C? -!At:IA !:.I a at ':uc;car phyil~" L'~ntnzrad. 071. 150 120 rc-,;es. I r Y, of ProcuK~,.l of and Pn~u=---tlZ :~LVJCvs), 'j44 MiLitute Of Science, Xoscrri. L971, pages, ill,,strited. 2500 copiem. ~~ k. rita 0 Gabasov, R,, and i'.irilllvva~ F.: prott,essov; osn,~vv 0, up- timal Prcceiv~v: ThoorerCal Principles of CyDer. tics), x0twow, 1911, 506 parcs, h090 coplL,,;, V r. Gallfand. 1. GlaSoLeva, Yu. C.; Shnal', E. C., Fonkt~lj I f:rzfixi: osnovnvve (Funct1m; and Grtphs; Basle 1:08cow, 1971, 96 -100,00 copica, 13 k. C,elen,,av, Ye, 1_ and kyalov, Yu. 1,-. N~,!a -red I nebennav V.,ew Qualitative Xc'hcdS In Celestial Morbarics), Mosco.'~ 1971, 442 2700 captes. 2 r 02 k. CO ;rigaryan, A. T.: Xekhanlka at antichnosti do nas!t-kh dnev Olefllanic.' frain Anci at. T!mcn to tj,k~ Present Day), Ilascow. 1971, 312 p.14es. illuatra- tion4, l5e000 t.pies. I r 34 k. Zakharin, A. G.I. Br.llov, V. P.; Danisov. V. I.: MLtadv ekonomidie5k, F-11 srzv.,cn.,,a vartwitoy v energetike po -riln-sipu minicumA ,rivedennvirh iatr.. of -- mic Co';arison of Va-iants in Power Engineering on tile o"'41-d=um outlays), T'c,.tr Engizeerinr, Institute I=ni C. 1.. Krzh~ 1500 capics. rh4n.wokly, Moscow, 1971, 174 pages, I n'w; Z.~ ja~ ? 1: if "le 5~ 111.14 '*z' M. %t' I lit Act 1/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED'' PROCESSING DATE -16OCT70 TITi-E--SEPARATION OF MONORIBONUCLEOTIDES, ON THE ANION EXCHANGER AV-17 -U- AUTFIOR-(05)-ULASTE, V., LAZOINS, I,, BANDEREt Rov SMORODINA, lov., AVOTS, A.- COUNTRY OF 1,NFO--USSR SOURCE-PRIKL. BIOKHI9. M11KROBIOU. 1970t*~) 1 90-4 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGI-CAL-AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--YEAST, NUCLEOTIDE, RNA, ION EXCHANGE CH~OMATOGRAPHMUIAV17 ANION EXCHANGER CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED _PR9XY REEL/FRA14E--1996/0611 STEP NO--UR/0411/70/006/001/009010094 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117839 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160~--T70 i,C I RC ACCESSION NO-AP0117839 :1-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ALK. HYDRDLYZATES OF~YEAJST RNA WERE SEPD. WITH A HCL GRADIENT ON THE ANION EXCHANGER AV-17 IN THE CL .-PRIME NEGATIVE FORM (CROSS SECTIONAL AREA OF.THE COLUMN 0.07 CM PRIME21 HEIGHT 4-6 CMI AMT, OF RNA HYOROLYZATE SEPD. 10-20PERCEINT OF THE EXCHANGER CAPACITY, ELUTION VELOCITY IS SfMILIAR TO 3 ML-MIN-CM PRImE21. TO IMPROVE THE SEPN. PROCESS EQUATIONS WERE DERIVED WHICH RELATE THE SEPN. CAPACITY AND QUALITY TO THE ELUTION RATEv GRADIENT CHAPACTEIRISrIC, AND AMT. OF HYDROLYZATE INTRODUCED. FACILITY: INST. ORG. SYN.? RIGA# USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 539.26 + 547.466 AVOYAN, R. L_.. ARAKELOVA, E. R., and ARUTYUlffMT, E. G., Institute of Fine Organic Chemistry Imeni A. L. Hifthoyan, Acadenrj of Sciences Armenian SSR, (Yerevan) "Conformation and Physiological Activity of Molecules. VI X-ray Structural Analysis of the ~ -Diethylaminopropyl OC -Diphenylacetate Hydrobromide" Yerevan, Armyanskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal., Vol 26, No 91 1973, PP 713-719 Abstract: A complete x-ray structural analysis of the title compound hass been carried out. Its crystals are monoclinic. The parameters of the unit cell.are fauna to be: a = 17.261 b = 7.43, c =. 17.45 110-50, N space grouP P21/c. 'The structure has been determined by the heavy.atom method using the least square calculations up to R = 0.197. The nitrogen atom is attached to bromine through a 3.38 R hydrogen bonding. The physiological activity charac- teristic of the title compound is discussed by comparing its,structural relcation- ship with those of acetylcholine and LWmuscarine. END - CSO: 1841-W USSR UDC 541*.169+543.422.8 MNDM. OYPJT, A. L. (Deceased), AVOYAN R.~L., AVETISYAN, A. A., and ARUTYUN-Val, ic .. I Imeni A. L, 1,1ndzhoyan, Acad. Sc. G., Institute of Fine Organ.12 e s ry Armenian SSR (Yerevan) "Conformation and Physiological Activity of 1,blecules. II. X-ray Structural Analysis of Diteline" Yerevan Armyanskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 25, No 8, 1972, PP 710-717 Abstract: Final results of the,.x-ray structural analysis of diteline are reported. Me compound -- the dimethiodide of dinethylaaminoethyl ester of succinic acid -- is used in medicine as a muscle rellixant. Three dimensional x-ray diffraction analysis showed.the parameters of thb elementary cell to be: a = 12-79; b = 8.29; c = 9.73 X; 96.80; F1 = 2; and.the coordination number The number of inde-nendent ction s The structure was deter- Rfle was 630-, mined by the heavy atom method and correlated by Fourier analysis and by the method of least squares up to R = 0-135. The molecule~has -the shape of a horse- shoe. The N+CCO fragments re gauche. The interatamic distance has been determined to be 7-75 1/1 USSR UDC 541.69+543-422.8 AVOYAN R. L., AIMELOVA., E. R., AVETISYAN, A. A., and ARUTYUNTYAK, E. G., Fine Organic Chemistr-j Imeni A,. L. 1,5~idzhoyan, Acad. Sc. Armenian SSR (Yerevan) "Conformation and Physiological Activity of ~blecules. I. Roentgenographic Study of the Y-Diethylaininopropyl Ester Hydrobromide of CK -Ethoxydiphenyl- acetic Acid" Yerevan, Armyanskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol. 25, No 8, 1972, PP 702-709 Abstract: A total X-ray structural analysis has been carried out on the hydro- f Y -diethylaminopropy ester of 0