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39461 S/109/62/007/003/003/029 D234/DjO2 AUTHOR: Zyuzer, N.F. TITLE: Detection of periodical pulse signals in ihe-predence of Pulse disturbances and PERIODICAL: Hadioteknnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 3, 1962, 387 - 390 T1;`T; The allLhor considers the reception of signals by a receiver, whose detector and storaGe unit have linear characteristics'. It is supposed that the effective voltage of interndl noises of the 're- ceiver is much smaller than the voltage amplitude of the dioturb- ing pulses. Formulas are obtained,which allow determination.of'the probability of false alarm and that of correct detection U~e.'the probability'that the signal with the disturbance will exceed the threshold value at the output of the storage %,ait)~# in terms of the signal/disturbance ratio at the input and thejaagnitude of the' threshold. If the probability for at least one disturbing pulse to occur in a certain time interval and the probability of superposi- Card 0/2 1 1,1111 1 It 11 6 S/10,9/62/007/003/603/029 Detection of periodical pulse D234/D302 tion of a disturbance pulse with a signal are both larger~tharn 0.1 0 . end the number of stored pulses n is largerthan 10, the formulas for normal distribution can be used with somd error. If thd,above probabilities are both smaller than 0.1t the~distribution of ran- dom quantities behind the storage unit approaches the normal d:*Ls- tribution only when n :;;~_100. There are 2 figures and l.Soviet-bloc reference. SUBMITTED: July 10, 1961 Card 2/2 tint ZYUZIN A F ILIN, Ye.V.; LAWWO N.I.; SOKOU)Vj D.V., lnzb nauchnyy red.j SHIROKOVA, OX,, red. izd--va; BOROM, N.K,., tekhn. red. (Installing electrical equipment inindus~rial enterprises and installations] Vontazh elektrooborudovanlia promVshlennykh~ predpriiatii i ustanovok. Moskvaj Goa. iOd-vo lit-ry PO Stroit., arkhit. I stroit. materialam, 1961. 283 P'* . (MIRA 15:2) (Electric power distribution-Equipmont and,supplies) ZYUZ.Rl, Alekat~ndr; FATRIOVS)KAYA, M. I. p-rod. (Safety manual for electricians engaged in'the Instal- lation of electrical equipment In industrial-ente'rprises] Pamiatka po tekWke bezopumoati, d2la elektromantbra po montazhu elektroobovudovaniia promyshlonnykh pred1wilatii. Moskvap Stroiizdat, 2965. 35 p. (1111ZA 18:4) flukmall" ~11 IYUTYUNNIKOV, Anatoliy Ivanovich;_ZYIJZIN, Arkadly Ivanov-1f.,b; LEONOV~ S.p red. [Feeds is the rain thing) Korma glavnoe. Mozk7a, Mlo- akovskii rabachii, 1961,. 79 p. (1,11111LA 17:8) .,_!~4;,:TROKIIDfCJVSKIY, Gay Vladlzairovich; DATSANOV, A.S.) kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red LE0190VA, T.S., red.; RAKITTT, I.T., tekhn. red. (Second breid) Vtoroi khleb. Moskva, Izd-46 "Znanie," 1963. 31 p,. (Novoe vzhizni, nauke,, tokhnike. V Seriia: Sellskoe khoziaistvo, no.21) (MIRA 17:1) (Potatoes) WAKAROVI N.I.; SKLYAROV, V.Ya.; ALIKPIMOVA, Sh.M.; NADZHAROV, A.F.; DZEBISASHVILI, Yu.I.; MRATSAKANYAN, A.G.; ODISOCHBUKO, O.N.- AZUGAROVAJ M.Kh*;-.Z.YUzRLJJL-iwk1* Morbidity from anthrax In animals and humanslin Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasis in 1960-1961t authors' abstract. Zhur. mikrobiol, epid. I. immin. 40 no.5-.112-113 My 163. (KMA l7z6) 1. Iz Nauchno-isaledovatellskogo protivochumnogo instituta Kavkaza i Zakavkazyat Aserbaydzhanskoy, Arny&hskoy, Gruzinskoy, Severo-Osetinskoy, Checheno-Ingushakoy reepublikanskikh sanitarno- epidemiologi--heakikh stantsiy i Azerbaydzhanskoy protivochumnoy stantsii. ZTUZIN, A.S. Nature of temperature fields in cities andthe phisnomenon of anomalous lateral refraction. iev. AN SSSR. Ser.goofiz. n0.2.1 326-329F '59- (KIRA 12:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy institut inzhenerov zhelie2no-dorozhnogo transporta. (Atmospheric temperature) (Refraction, Terrestrial) 77- ~(2)0(4) AUTHOR: _~yuzin, A. S. -candidate of BOV/6-58-12-4/14 - T h i = ec n ences ca Sc TITLE: Peculiarities of Angle Measurements, in Mountains (Osobennosti uglovykh~izmereniy v gorakh) PERIODICALs Geodeziya i kartolgrafiya, 1958, Nr 122PP:14-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For a more accurate study of the con~ditions under which',local fields of refraction occur in various' physical-geographical areas, and for a more accurate dotorminat ion.of the,.quantitative and qualitative distortion of horizontal angles broughVabout by these fields, experiments wore carried out in a~gorge in the high mountains in summer 19571 independently of the ToNlIGAIK, The gorge is extending from south-a'adt to~.north-west. In the I south, it is closed by,the main ridgo and~i ts branches over 4000 meters high6 A torrtRnt,fed by the glaciers flows through the valley. Glaciers reach down into the vall to A height of 2250 meters,, and have a total surfac of 30 The northern, and partially the southern slopes with a gradient of 300 and over, are covered with wood and grass up to a height of Card 1/2 3000-3300 moters6 On account of the investigation, the following Peculiarities of Angle Measurements in Mountains' BOY/6-58-12-4/14 was founds 1) On quiet sunny days in the mountains, great local refraction fields are formed due to high insulation and the difference in heat-technical properties'of the subsoil. The stability of these fields is favor$'d by the orograp'hy of mountain regions. The gorges shut off by' mountains weaken the mixing of air layers. For this reaepong angle measurements in mountain regions may contain big errors*,due to lateral refractiong which excoed by far tho normal error of measurement. 2) In mountain regionag horizontal~tamperature gradients with a zero value may be observed not only before sunsout, but sometimes also later. Therefore, the instructions for the most favorable time of angle measurement (after 16 hours) should be supplemented by a clause for observationz in the mountains as in these regions observations may be gre aily influenced by lateral refraction in the evening, The problem is to be solved separately for each occasion, considering the orography, the character of the subsoil in individual directions, and illumination of slopes. There are-Yfigurost 4 tables, and 3 Soviet references. Card 2/2 SOV/49-59-2-22/25 AUTHOR: Zyuzin, A. S. TITLE: The Nature of a Temperature-Field inia Town and the PhenomeLon of Anomalous Lateral Refraction (Kharakter temperaturn Iogo polya v gorode.i yavleniye anomallhoy bok6voy refrak-tsii) FE,RIODICAL:Izvestiya Lkademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 19599 Nr 29 PP 326-329 (USSR). ABSTRACT: When considerable horizontal gradients exist in th,e~atmos- phere, lateral refraction of light rays mayoccur. 'Surch temperature gradients may be foLmd in towns where durin g the day strong heating of.walls of buildingrs may occur.. Such heating will depend on the intensity and the anglelof incidence of solar radiation.. Lateral reflectio.n distorts the results of measurements of angles in p?ecise geodesical work~in,towns. This phenomenon was studied by the author:aad his rbsults are reported in the present-paper. It is assumed (FigA) that an object B is observed at a point, A the y-axis and that a horizontal gradient,of the refractive index exists between A and B The gradient a is to bend the light ray downwards (along the X'"axis) and it'is given Card 1/6 SOV/49-59-2-22/25 . The Nature of a Temperature Field in a Tovm and the Phenomenon of Anomalous Lateral Refraction by n = no . where no is thex,afraetive index, at a point where the ray is parallel to AB ~Assuming that the angle of lateral refraction y is small, the author'~found:, Sa Y Yn-- . (1) 1 1 0 where S is the ray path AOB The value of n :,isa function of pressure and temperature,of the atmosphepic~air, It is usually assumed that~ (n - 1.) where i a 0 the density of air and po~ is the normal,pr6ssure PO and normal temperature To The'value of c is 2.925 x 10-4 at 5980 2. The effect of the horizontal pressure gradient on lateral refraction can be neglected compared with the term (p/T) (dT/dx) . Then the0angle of lateral refraction y is given (in seconds) by: 1011 r dT Y Card 2/6 I A. I I ih~ IN H 11 31111M 4. 1 MI.M; i I I ll!.q III III I [HII I I I [Ilia 111MAIIIIIIIIIII SOVIL~9-59-2-22125 The Nature of a Temperature Field in a Town and the Phenomenon of Anomalous Lateral Refraction where p is in mm Hg. Eq (2) shows that for a const t value of S and small changes in the coefficient p/T9 the value of lateral refraction angle y depends primarily on the horizontal temperature gradient dT/dx . To in- vestimate the effect of a temperature field in a street of a town (Dnepropetrovsk) very close to walls oflarge,':build- ings, the author measured horizontal angles near such walls. These an-les were measured with a mean error of +1",5. The air temperatia-e acruss a street was measuredby Heans of an aspiration thermometer and thermoeleotric couples. At the moment of measurement of an angle the author,also noted the wind velocity, -the amount of cloud and,the visibility. It was found that measurement of horizontal angles can be con- siderably distorted by the horizontal temperature gradients existing in toym streets at a height of about 1.5 m above the ground level. On clear, sunny days the observed value of the horizontal angle whose sides were at' a distance of 0.?5 m from "he nearest wall exposed to the sun, was found Card 3/6 SOY/49-59-2-22/25 The Nature of a Temperature Field in a Town aiid the Phenomenon of Anomalous Iateral Refraction to vary systematically during the day:because of lateral refraction. Such variations reached ul) to~201' (see:table on P 327) in the middle of the day, falling back to 0" in the mornin- and in the evening CO. _,. Variations of the measured horizontal angles were much smaller on cloudy days or on those sides of the streets which were in rfliadow. Winds:of velocities higher -than 3-4 m/sec destroyed:the temperat ure fields and consequently lateral refrae'tion:became negligible., Lateral refraction could also be decreased by movingothe theodolite and the associated equipment used for measurement of horizontal an-les, away'from walls'exposed to them sun. Under the worst conditions lateral refraction may be~ob- served at distances up to 2-3 m. from. Walls. Fig 2 shows three curves which represent the distortiorn of the observed horizontal angle at distanGes,of 0-5,~ '1.25~and 1.75 M from ~ wall. These distortions are given in seconds of angle as ~ function of the time of day. Fig 5 shows the temperature field across a street at midday on April 30 on a-calm, sunny day* The street ran in a North-easterly direction. ' This figure shows that the temperature gradients at distances up to 5 m from the walls were 0.10 per metre and more, increasing Card 4/6 SOV/49-39-2-22/25 The Nature of a Temperature Field laa a Town and the Phenome non of Anomalous Late--al Refraction considerably near the walls. To fiiid the relation'ship~ between lateral refraction and its alfect on measurement of horizontal angles with the intensity of solar ra,-"iation, the author calculated the latter lor two cases, with tha same meteorological conditions.(calm, sunny days) with the streets oriented in different ways. In t.he theodolite and the staff were placed at a distance of 0.70"0.75 lm from a wall. In the first case the etreet r;-mi in a North-easterly direction , and in the second oase in a South-easterly direc- tion. Fig 4 compares VIM expF,~]~lmental values of distortion of the measured ho-rizontal angle with calculated intensities Card 5/6 I I I I [VIII Hill I ill] SOV/419-59-2-22/25, The Nature of a Temperature Field in a Town and the,Phenomenon of Anomalous Lateral Refraction of direct solar radiation falling on a vertical surface. The curves show 'that variations,in the horizontal angle during a day follow fairly well the curves of intensity of solixr radiation received at a vertical wall. There are 4 figures, I table and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy institut inzhenerov zh.-d.transporta (Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers) SUBMITTED: January 28, 1958. Card 6/6 MR. NP-000 MI '11-11.-,~tz-jll-t-t -111P.0-w-Upw ZYUZIN A Zyuzin, A. S. "The Effect of Lateral Refraction on the Presicion of M'nlasurblteht of HOAZOntal Angles under the Conditions of Bui~ding Sites." Min Hi&er Uucation MR. ~ Belorussian Polytechnic Inst imeni I. V. Stalin. Chaix-of Ge6desy, Minsk, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Saiances.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 27, 2'July 1955 -ZYUZIN.-A*S.-,-kandidat-tokhaicheakikh-nauk~---- Lateral refraction in connection with angle measurements at trav- ersing stations in cities. GsodA lart. no.6tl8-26 Ag '56. (HLPA 91n) (Refraction, 2wreattial) (Traverses (Surveying)) -,,ZMjjI,,A.V-.,-podpolkovnik, voyennyy letchik pervogo klassa At the head of the flight even in combat. Vest.Tozd.Fl. n0.8:29- 32 Ag 160. (MUA 13:9) (Air warfare) Ig- AUTHOR: Mai ginov., N. TIM: Valuable Handbook (Tsennoye posobiye) PERIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1958, Nr 6. p 5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reviews three new books. Me 1irst, by X. K. Pyneyev entitled "Action of a Plane's Crew" When Cam]pe.Ued to Lend in an Uninhabited Area" (Deystviya eki;azba sa~leta, vy=zhdenno. popavshego v bezlyudmiya mestnosts), is. ~ubllshed by Voyenizdat, 195T. The second, a pamphlet by 2. ZjWjA and A. Markusbay em-- titled 'Ini-104 in the Air" (V nebe Ta-104)., published by Nolodaya GvardiYa (Young Guard) Moscow) 19570 reviews briefly the dmireicp- ment of Soviet aviation; the third nev book ~'. by M. V. Vodopf~~unov, well known polar pilot is entitled "In the Air and on the Ground" (V vozdukhe i na zemle~s Khabarovsk., 1957. 1. Civil aviatiou-LISSIt 2. looks-Review Card 1/1 Call Nr: Not given AUTHOR- Zyuzin, Dmitriy Vasilyqvich;, .and MarkusluL, Anatoliy Markovich', TITLE, The TU-104 in the Sky (V nebe TU-104) PUB. DATA: Izdatellstvo Tsentrallnogo komiteta Vsesoyuznogo IAninskogo kommunisticheskogo soyuAa inolodezhi "Molodaya gvardiya, 'Moscow, 1957, 62 pp.) 100,000 copies ORIG. AGENCY: None given EDITOR: Fedchenko, V.; Tech..Ed.: Shuvalov. I. PURPOSE: Publicity. COVERAGE: The author states that the.TU-104 is thelfirst multi-paeseDger =h on. high-speed airplane to have opened a new era in air trans; the era of jet aviation. This booklet describes how this air- plane was designed, built and tested and how a Soviet design grcup works in creating new aircraft prototypes. Card 1/2 Call fir. Not given The TU-104 in the Sky- (cont.) TABLE OF CONTENTS A tittle History The Heart of an Airplane Realization of a Project The TU-104 Passes an Examination Let's Get Acquainted! How Was This Possible? The TU-10/+--an Airplane for Everyone Speed Knows No Limits AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 page YEVO 14,~ ZYUZIII, F. Metal for our homeland. Sov,profsoiuzy 6 no.18:20-22 D #381. (KM 12:2) is Direktor GorIkovskogo metallurgicheeko& zavoaa (for Yurlyev)' 2o Predsedatell savkoma Gorlkovskogo metallurgicheskogo savoda (for Zyuzin). (Gorki~--Hetalworkers) __7 Elio bl oc,-,urc clescr-Lbcs -1-ork e-pe L..=3 ar, -'a7~.1.11 amd. do-,.Icac ou'."'f-~r.11 ontenorl'!7cS. A descripMon of tho rac", o' "I-czo at- ontol-,rilres is included. The brocl-urn- 4-r, intended --"'0-" mrkern of, tbc r)c---,. _4l,.dunt*_'7,". SO: Sovetcl.-I-e IzaLp7i (Soviot ~Dcokv), No. 183, 1953, I~oscow, (U_64'~2) Xjj~7,-,,POT,llrAR OV--A- VARMSOT-VOS., redaktor;-8KVORTSOVi--I-K- ZYUZ ffj- . , AF. ----Ve7clffi-rcheskiy reciaktor [Innovators in peat interpriess of the Orakhowo-Zu3mvo peat trust]! Novatory torfopredprilatil Orekhovo,-2mevskogo torfotresta. Kookwao, Goa. energ. izd-yo. 1956. 31 P- (MLRA 10:2) (Orakhovo-2uyevo-Peat industry) YU z 4 N F r 6 Qxdch.; YARTSEV, Alekoandr Konstantinovich; YARNNTSOI, *1.44 ~,,,0V. IDYEJAV, L.Ys., takhnicbeskiv, rodAktor [Repair of-pest cutting machines) Remont malihin frozernogo sposobe dobychi torfe. Moskva, Gos.enorg.lzd-vo, 1957. 239 p. (HLRA, 10;10) (Past machinery-Maintenance and repair) mm ....... IN ZYUZIN, F.S. A inzh. Manufacture of peat-mineral--ammonia fertilizers. Vorf. prom., 1+0 no.4:16-20 163. (MMA. 1640) 1. Orekhovo4uy-evskiy torfokombinat Moskovskbgo soveta narodoo o .9 khozyaystva. (Peat) (Fertilizers and manur6s) IZTUZIN, F.S. lnzh. - SAVE14KO, I.V., inzh. Industrial production of peat fertilizers and mnAtres at the peat works of the Moscow Province Hcoi inmic Council. Torf. prom. 36 no.6:4-8 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Orekhovakiy torfotreat (for Z"in). 2. Mosobluovmrkhoa (for Savenko; iM"cow Province--Peat) (Moscow Province-Fertilizers and manures) -A. A.-, in%" ZYUZ IN.-Ya, S, inzh-. Operation of UMPY-4 peat-winning mschines fitted with milling druns. Torf.prome 35 no*2:16-17 158s (MIRA 11:5) 1. Orekhovo-Zuyevskiy torfotrest. (Peat machinery) NESTEROVICH, V.P.; NOSENKO, Yu.I.; ZYUZIN, inzh,p retsarizent; ARSHINOV) I.M., inzh., red$-,-`V6 IYEVA, L.V.) [Repair of six-axle gondola 6ars] Remont shestiomwkh po- luvagonovi opyt vagonnogo depo ot, VolnovaRba DQnotaXol dorogi, Moskva) Transzheldorizdatj 1963. 82 P. (NIRA i7-2) -.4UZIN,--IVau-IvanQy,ip4;, VAKULEVO, Sergey Mikhaylovich; SxUjFj'S'-T' Yu. S. , red. [Organization and technology of the repair oi freight cars; work practices of the Taiga Station depot of:the Western Siberia Railroad] Organizatsiia i tokhnologlia rem'nta gru- zovykh vagonov; opyt raboty vagonnogo depo st. Taiga Zapadno- Sibirskoi dorogi. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 74 p. (MIRA 17:9) & A 8: 'L in lbolLilillilliA.Itt--lifEarigilinitHpiI 01 0, a (Is 9 at 9 a Is 111 11, a V V 4" V is M If a 1, &-A I A ~A A 4 A-A'-A-A 'it; -A 00 A .. V- - Its@ o1 000 -00 -00 00 le Effect of 1di;6iAli'*-'-P'Ilo"r&* and insulin 01% tfiti' I of sk sickness. 1. R. P,,..jreh. -00 oo 2 TMo 7"afe I fal S. R.) 40 No. 1, 37-qnTi ~-()Jj in- 0 A jection of I Mg. of adretiallne the symptoms ate iftlayed "00 0 and may recur an swinging on a 4-rod owing, orAo not OCCur at. all. Ulen Injortell with 0.01 g '00 ni pilWarpine. 00 9 of prtnont pwcYiowJP able to withhund s"loillug '00 lwame sick In 10-15 min, of 011109i" Twcnty Wis of #0 0 0 5! insulin had the samc effect in 3 out agi; cAsti tesuni. An 0 increased tonu% of the splauchrde nerve predispoicts to air 000 sickness and a bypertocus of the sytirm-hetic otivous 400 'Ystem Inhilits the syridrome. Airsickness and 14odon's 004 insulin toot. Ibid. 41-5.~London'% test 6 Uttit on coo qttant. detn. of insulin excreted by the pancreas after in- OOW g(.5tion of a standardized blood-iugar stimulant i(C. A. 002 i i 3Z, 411361). The blood of the person, when injected into C900 lasied mice, will decrease the mouse hltxxt supar. Five 'r ', ago persons were tested before and after swinging. rimblood 6%.inging (it .1 Perunis inJected Into mict after h iouse blood-sugar level obtulned txffjfe! surlocins an!I In one case Increased It. This one case witlIjttXA X00 swinging without symptoms of air sickness. The. others e W rfmPtorm in 3-14 min. of swinging. The test de. moo l serves further study with retard to iLs application in the selection of flyinr cadets. T. Lmones tt 00 1$40 ........... --------- AtA-.ILA. TALLIJR~$C~A ATt!..CLASLOICATCM moo $4104~ I. 0I.V 4-C 411111041 Ot q-- ATI 0 g - 0 1 t I --- IT "r I (1 2 1 1, ' I I.' It I!, at An L I I IV 0 1 IT *1 0 do U it ,, '0 LI" ' to V to K a " a K' 00 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 so 0 0 0 000 00 0 09 0 0 0 0 0 *.;* 0 010 4 0 41 -6: oio 0 .8 0 14,00 0000000 00 00 00 0 * 0 ~! 2~ S 0 L S a O~jo 0 0 IS a 0 4, 00 4111,10.0 Sol ...... . ...... ZYUZIN, I.K., professor. doktor meditsinskikh nauk., Restoration of visual illusory perception in,craniocorsbral trauma under th'0 affect of certain drugs. *-~dy GOS.Inst.po isuch.mosga 15:158-162 147. (HLRL 712) 1. Is Gos.Instituta Kong& im. Bekhterevs, (Ait;ektor.dsystvitsl.'Vy chlen Akademil meditsinakikh nauk, saslushennyy de~atell nauki professor V.P.Ooipoy) I Falkhonevrologicheskogo Inotituts, Im, Bekhtereva (direktor professor V.M.9yasishch6T). (Drugs) (Brain--Wounds and injuriss) :(Ss'nsee and sensation) .,F1W 1111 1 ~ 11 ILI] I i1 All i 11M I'd IMP I I PlIff I I HIM. . ...... zyuznll I. K. Zyuzin., 1. RV. M. Dolditerov and n. odorn t1moof 11 Vriwhob., delo) 19491 Nos 2: colw= 169-74., with portrait SO: U-3566., 15 March 53, (letopis 1zhum zolch Statey, No. 14P 1949). n Fw 1; 1 Ii I I IIII 'I' N F I I I I II 1 1111111111 11 a I [1 1111 1 1 NOUN lZevropatoic-i-ya i csE-I-Iatriya, No. c. Z,-L1 SO: Letooisl "Zinirnalli-CIrIch Statey, Vol. 50, I:Oskva, 1~"49 Va Ho Bekhterev as a pimeer of contempomry teaddag cm the relation of the cerebral eortax and internal orpne. NOW04NA9 pedJadatop Xoakva 19:3s IkW-June 90a po 3-8 CLAU. 190 50 ROV'O 1950 11 1 . I ! 11 IF I PIP 11MINt im ! i ii V i M IMIMI, RIM 01mill mmmmmm -mm ---H s, ~A ~,A 1. HIM ZYUEIN, I.K. Effect of constant denceeling current on blood pressure in hypertension. Nevropat. poikMat., Moskva 20 no.6354-66 Nov4so 51d (one ~ 214) 1. Professor. 2. Of the Academy of Redical.Scienoas USSR an& of the Clinic for Nervous Diseases (Director-Prof, .16yaoRandollskiyo. Comes- ponding Member of the Ac#Aemy of Rtaical Sciateas USU), leniNMM Sanitary-Hygienic Radical Institute. T. X, (Mor) Nervous System - Wounds and Injuries Restoration of dis*bed motor functions in organic Injuries of,~the centra.l.:nervous system in the light of Pavlov's theory of the higher nervous activity. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 52 No. 8, 1952. Monthl List of Russian Accesaiong, Libraz7 of Congress. November 1252 Unal ZYUZIN' I.K. Antitoxic function of the liver in hypertension. Klin. med., Moskva 31 no, 1:89 Jan-1953. (OUG 24:1) 1. Professor. 2. Of the Clinic for Nervous Diseases (Director - Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences Prof. 1. Ta. Razdollskiy). LeningradL Sanitary Hygienic Medical Institute. (14ookya) ZTUZIN, I.K., professor Using radioactive isotopes in neuropsycbtatric practice. Klibe mqd. 33 no.6:44-48 Je '55- 1. Is Instituta psithiatril Hinisterstya sdra; YookhramouLya. SSSR. (ISOTOPES, ther. use neuropsychiatric dis.) (GMMAL MY U SrSTIM, die. ther. Isotopes) (KEIM DISOIRDM. ther. isotopes) Iffect of radioactive isotopes on electrical a'ativity- of thn bmin in epilepsy. Zhur.nevr.i paikh. 55 no.3.205-269,155i (KWA 8--7) 1. Havrologicheakoye otdaleniye (zav. prof,. I.X.Zyxmim) Inetlt~uta paikhiatrii Kiniateretva zdravookhraneniya SUR (dir. dotsent DO'D. Fedotov). (ISOTOPES, effects, on M in epilepsy) (,or aff. of radioactive isotopes in epileper) (EPILIPSY, pb;ysiology. eff. of radioactive isotapes on ]MG) ZYU IU, I.K.; ZAICHKINA, T.S. ( loskya Effect of radioactive isotopes on artificially induced convulsin 'na in animals. Zhur.nevr.i Psikh- 55 no.5:343-3441'55- (KLRA 817) 1. Institut paikhiAtrii (dir. -dotsent D.D.Fedotov) Ifintstarstva zdravook-hranoni;ra SSSR. (CONVULSIONS, experimental, eff. of radioisotopes) (ISOTOPES, effects, on exper. convulsions) US,,3R/Hu= and PaUmal Ehysiology - Nervou-s-Sy6tam.- Cor-tex of Cerebral Hemispheres. Abs 3bur Ref 2hur - Biol., 110 7, 1958, 32171 Author Inst Title On the Lability of the Peripheral End ofthe Motor Analysor as an Indicator of the FunctionaL Changes of Brain Hemispheres. Orig Pub V sb.: Ucheniye N.Yee Vvedenskogo v klinich. proklike. Odessa., 1957, 31-34. Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 Abs Jour : Rof Mur - Biol., No 14, 1958, No 65713 Author : Zyuzin I.K., Drasno-va 1"'.1. Inst Title Cli,,%n,,,Cs in Metabolic-Enzymtic Processes .~in the Blood of Patients with Epilepsy wider the Moct of Siiiall Doses of Radioactive Phosphorus. Orig Pub : B. sb.L Vopr. psikhiatriij Vyp. 21 Moscow, 1957, 146-148 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 - - --------- ----- -- ZYUZIN, I.K. Use-of radioactive Isotopes in the diagnosis of organic affections of theIbrain [with su=ary In french]* Zhur.nev'ro I ps Iikh# 57 noo2: 241-245 157-- (KL&A 10:6) lavrologichaskoys otdoleniye (zav. - prof. I.K.Zy~uzin) Instituta ppikh-latrU.Ministeretva zdravookhrohomira' SSSRO ftskys. (BRAIN, wounds sad inj. localization of obscure lesions by isotopes) (ISOmm use in localization of obscure lesions of brain) NIMIN, I.g!_c prof., MUSBOVA. 4.J.# m1ndahiy nitucnW sotrudnik Effect'-,of small doses of rAdionctive phosphorus on nitrogen metabolism. hemopolents. and the function of the rardlovnijaular mystem. Vost.rente i red. 33 no-3:75-76 My-Je '56 (MIRA 11t8) (PHOSPHMUS, radioactive off, on nitrogen matab., hatopoietic system., & cardiovAsc. funct. (Rua)) (NITROGEN. uetabo off* of radiophosphorus (Rua)) (HEMOPOIETIC SYSTEM, off. of radintions on radiophosphorus (Rua)) I; (CARDICV.ASbULA SYSTEM., off. of radiations on rndiaphosphorus, on funct. (Rua)) ZYUZIN#-I.K. -- -- - - ---- - - -- -_- - - - - y - .1 j: I II ill d if If 1:1111111 Ila IVIIIII; I I I it IIII I If I Iviffe I IF L 11239-63 EUT (1) /E74T (111) /P 03- ACCEW10H RRt AP3001061 AVMM8 Zywin" I. Kt 5q Tr=z The significance of certain microdlements in Un dwrbUpwnt oV-tadZOA*L---- pathologT SOMMS Radiobiologiyax vo 39 no* 3P, 1906P: 364-3,68 Tree:` ages s, rikdUtlon TOPM TAGS t microelements.1-odbaltp v ABSTROT's The artiole discuses tM vaia a-f mictueleinhfita linphplolo~$paijand pathological procesalas of an organism Wised on t7mrity-mim different bodiRm, 4M articles listed in the bibliography. The amthor shavis thq tmportance of mUroele- mente and then ra-tses the question of what hapirpens to Wrian, particularly wbalt and copper, when an orgwLtam is Lrradlatad. The liver is t-he mfilit tissue in Uie organ- isia for storing cobtlt ind copj)er, and thaix cantent dflivremeti With radiation damage. Cotalt and *opper einter the bload ntreami mi are Wlxsor~md by the other tissues. lecording to so-Tw7al sources iti.tedif the natvral fmitioxidizing agents &re inactimted during irradiation and this leads to accelarption of axidlzizug processe,~ and accumuirs-tio., of rree raxllaal-q and peromides. -he auth(m, (:ioncillide's timt thc- in- creezed content of cobELIt &nd aof.~ier in the blood and tiEslans (e=ept the Uvex) of Card 1/2 ii~ HiMillf! 1F3 11114 'W1 IM Vt2lul It -11stil IIIIIH1111411 111-111 fill, r.W., l - I , L 11239-63 Acassiou Nav o3om6i irradiated animals,, vh1ch indmaea develatimerit; cf bnoidi'm rmd.- la"rz activity* of the ti-a-sues, may be considered. aT a piroUr-tAve reaction inil"zzilig: the radJom.,Ujitance "tratieIrim: a," the arip-m-sm-, On the athat han4 e-we - - - oC -a I t,, =d cepp= !.P- X-he blaad and tiasues a-an also have a negatilre effect agjVufttdmjT the deirelqmeNt and course of radiation patholoEgo Ou-lgv art. hass 3 ftgue%s. ZYUZRI I.M.; KOMAROVI P. S. rmportaht rebources~for increasing crop yields. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.10:&9 0 161. (MIRA 1636) I Per7jk 6ekretarl Kalacheyevskogo'rayonno~ o Komiteta i;m;~;isticheskoy par'tii Sovetskogo Soy=a kfor Zyuzin). 2. 4rofiomi p6 zashbhite rasteniy sellskogo Iffiozyayetva Kalachdyevskoko rayona; Voronezhsk.oy,oblasti (for Komarov). (Kalach District(vo.-onezh Frovince)-~-PiaTltS, Protection of) PUKHANUVA, Ye.A.; GGLUIY"VAy G.A.- ZVJIZIN~ N-.I. mallite - iron ox-lde nalld solutlon. fz,~. SO Ali JS-'lFt "03$er.. khim. nauk no.D48-54. 165. (MmA l818) 1. Inatitut Miko-khimichpskikh oanov pq re i,a botk-' ru ne ral nogo syrlya Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novoolbtrqk. ZOWTTJKHII.I.- V.V.; VASILIYEV, Yu,R.; RUZIN, N.!,. High-ferrLfarous tarlaty -f pro~x,.Ite and a. now dfagrfpum for C', lt: r, prehnitas. Dokl.. ANT SSLF 1641 nc.61139%C-13931 .'s (KRA 18810) 1. TnstituL geolog'.1 i gooflzlki. Stbirakup ()4ldnIonlya AN SS~R* Submitted May 25v 5965, ZOLOTUJOIN, V.vo; VASILIYEV, Yu.R.;,~Yluzilly J11.1. High-ferruginous pumpellyite (lotrite) frcn the llorillpk region and a new diagram for pumpollyites, I)okl..ADI SSI';R 165 no.5tll56-1159 D 165. Ora 19a) 1. Institut geologii. i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. Submitted March 6, 1965. 24 (8) AUTHORS:. TITLE: ..Zhuravlevl,.N* N.j Stepanoval A* Aep S07/56-0-3-5.5/62 Zyuzinj N# I* On the Problem of the Superconductiv -ity of~~the Compoand~BiPt PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreti6eskoy;fiziki,J9591: Vol 37, Nr 30), PP 860,- 861 (USSR) The critical temperatuies.for BiPt~~ound:~by various;authors partly differ considerably. Whereasi! e.g.f.'accordin' to: 0 Matthias, To = 1.21, K0 N. Ye. Alekseyevd,kiy et al,;found 2.4 OK, but he also showed that in,some Apt-alloys:suppreon- ductivity does no~ occur down to 1.3 0K (Refs 2,3)~~As shown by reference 49 BiPt crystallizes only in one form iz.-hexa- gonally with the parameters a - 4-20 and 'o~,- 5-55 ~!(Niks-struo- ture). Radiographical investigatione carVied outby'ithe~authors of,this "Letter to the'Editor" gave'the sane result*' Teinpera- ture investigations also showed that, it c~rystallizei in NiAs- structure, and the thermal expansibii coefficients (parallel and perpendicular to the hexagonal axis) wera (lotermine& aa.amount- ing to (4-0 + 1-0),10-6 degree-1 and (19,660 + 2.0).10:-6 degree7 1. -37-3-~55/62 On the Problem of the Superconductivity of the OV/56 Compound BiPt The authors investigated several B~Pt-ailoys of dirferent com- position also stoichiometrical ones, ancl-~Nubjectea:then' to different types of thermal treatment, It. wasp howeverl'rfound again that in all cases the BiPt-phsso in~an AsNi-itru6tuxe crystallizes, and the~lattice parameters itere deter'min6d as amounting to a = 4-315 and c - 5-490 4 0-005 R. The alloys were investigated radiographiaally~11:~_Me ans of the.powder meth- od, and the maximum change of the Volume' of an elementary cell was found to amount to- 0.8% as a8dinatithe stoichiometric com- position (46-3% by weight Pt). Thlo reduction of the elementary cell was found at 45~6~by weight Pt, Thelchange of the size of the elementary cell and the herewibh connected variation of the distance between two Bi-atoms might u.., tesponsiblejorithe va- ;it bras shown riation of T~; already in a previous pa'ei (Ref 7Y p c that a decrease of the minimum int6rat*c Bi-Bi distances leads to an increase of T . The authors' thank Professor c G. S. Zhdanov and N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy tor discussions. There are 7 references, 5 of which are Sb.v4-etq Card 2/3 fun I No% C=TrAildil __T IL hLrA4tr,3It*I'rAr pro"llatnIvAti* store Otoblult" " I wriormlostau IW%%dtyG fWWA3W OW I IM ant iwpmr of vwbiao-ftllurd Plant wpoot) wooov, KwUll I Triatal. p boert*4. 6j100 0914 96% V. Iffsts, OU (usids lack) I LIRA Of T*tMIdd OC'Mot"I 14 )I $.A. lookin, CM0 III. (Title r4, tkttdl WWII Pf far U'tr*" an AA. ftWl, 2MIm*vI TO-11- U-' "0' I'm (Valb4isli %.t*jvOrkIr4 wA VACILLOI-ILOOl CO"t"Oet'n' thl ScLazetal ultorill loaril II.A' lookin (cwr"n)# C.Mdltw Of Itclardl r, J T.P. oolov, RmLlwor- mung rud t"r Tug eoulotion of ott,9141 lip lots f 610P-at- ith gnUmixWon &M -Thud 0 it& uw basis. ttlo" "A a tw"r COVIPJ", TP, sa-tiolts In this touo4ttw 0, IsftItT7- V44*rt4%&-A** Of ""tri. I~blllls In the mmmIll"m mW4,40m of i M..Wp, w-A crons eqvll-n'L I Of fourAry, forcir, dLo~sqa. Infor"tLOO 11 it' Of vaitit*4 *VaVwnt repair $" Ito (Xrgir-terl, ftwtic a ct Nwhir'N-1~4 OW"'stL IF 1"ims r1. kttschwfktd for WrUntrsl 5-txv TWO Is 01. r VT. Itrwifterp mokovskly tormLwl %ant (Worow train [CmadAte at Techouffil 8311MV4, MM IWOL at Ilotmal-astUng M-MM.0".essurownt at the eqnstimetlebol v'hLgg IM14 Dulft Repar &A "Mustilm Sku-myr 24,t4 (DAIght"k met, Mottrollstbotly tr~ 4A EWA folIP4 toith lent at labomitie VlbrOw Irtbrattrat 11164trOUll Clusla, W.K. W41004th 9AW"it"' at puts cr maimne-looi arstpeont 936 INGIVAGIUMIS Of INVOIT VOtl ond tbo Coo Of lCoAldate of TedbAl f rwhutt'Aw of ATAUA=s UbTw7 Of Ccbgmf~ C&A 4A as ----AIERONIKOVI---Nikolay-Grigorlyev Loh -,~-kaindevoyona7kh-nauk,,--dotu.P---polkov-ni-k;--- BMISHEV, Aleksancir Semenovich, kandevoyennykh nauk, doto,, polkovnik; XAIACHRV, Ivan Georgiyevich. kand.voyannykh nauk, dots., polkovulk-, MUMIOT, Uraill Isayevich, kand,voyennyleh nauk, dots., polkovaik; TXRMMGV, Petr Vaoillyevich, kand-svoyennylth nauk, dots., polkovaik; ZYUZrU red. plkornik, red..; SCROUN, V.V., takhns [Armored and mechanized forces of the Soviet Army; a brief account of their development and battle experiences] BronstankovVe i makhanisti- rovannye voisks Sovetskol Armitt kratkit ochork razvLtita i boevogo puti. Moskva, Voen. Izd-vo H-va obor. BOR, 1958. 263 p. (HIRA llt5) (Russia-Army) ZYUZN-,Yq-T-*tK0LYOUVp N.11" SOLUMA 0 A K-o- E.B. Rabkin's Pigment tables for invest ign ting ncqmired disorders in color senantion. Probl.fiziol.opt. 12:4-q7_499 1,58 (min lls6), 1. Knfedrn oftalmologii Voyanno-maditainokoy:Andm1i ordena, Lonina im. S.M. Kirova. (COLOR BLMMSS) (CPT ICS-TABLES, MTO. ZYUZIN, P.I,, Inshener, Vertical hodograph for a two-layer medium. Trudy Aka4.neft.prom. no.1:152-165 '54. .(MIRA 8:2) (Hodograph)(Prospecting-Geophysical methoda) him I Nall - --LOV, I., direktor; STEPAROV, -1 # Sat BAKHVA J., zave4uyujhchiV__ par t -.&b Ina tom; fro xerovshchik-ras t ochn ik;- KSjMbXWOV# V6, inzhenar;- komairon,71C., nachallnik tokarno-otdelochnogo otdoloniya. laureat Stalinskoy Oemii; ULIYANOV, M., prodsedatell tsekhkoma aborochnogo taekha; VAUMOV, A.. brigadir komsomol'sko-molodezhnoy brigady; DUDKIIT, L, doteent,,direktor; ZHUKOV, P., tokar'. [In a progressive plant; accounts of workers and technical engine'ering workers of the Moscow Order of the Red Banner ot labor Second 3tate Bearing Plant] Ha peredovom zavode; rasokazy rabochikh'i inshonerno-tekhnic~heskikh rabotnikov Moskovalrogo ordens. Trudovogo Mrasnoglo Zaameni 2-go k6udarstvan- nogo podsh1pnikovogo savoda. [Moekvkl Profisda .t, 1952. 94 p. (MLR& 6:5) j 1. Moskovskiy ordena. Trudovogo Vasnogo Znameni vtoroy Gosudaretvenn~y pod- shipnikovyy zavod. 2. Vacherniy zaahinostroitelInyyAnstitut (for Dudkin). (Efficiency$ Industrial) V I AVTONOV, V.Ta., dotsent, bind.tekhn.nauk; BELOYIDOT, I.D., doteent, kand.: tekhn.nauk; BELOKOPTTOY, I.Te., doteent, kand.1a9l'okokhoz.naliki GORTACHKIN, V.G., prof.i,doktor.tekhn.nauk; ZYUZIN, V.A., starshiy: prepodavatell; SHMENSKIT, Te.P., dotsent, ka~a.'teldih.'ria~uk; CMMTU- KOV, M.A.. doteent, kand.tekhn.nauk; VARRINTSOT, V.S,, dotsent,,kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; BORUNOV, N.I., (General course in the technology of post win~lngj Obahchii kars tokhnologii torfodobyvaniia. Moskva, Gos,energ.izd~-vo, 1959. 339 P. (MI-RA 13:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN BSSR (for Goryachkin). (Peat industry) ABKRAZIp V.I.; ANTONOVp VAA.; BELOKOPYTOV-0 ~ I YAMTSOV,- V S ~GORYACHKINq-[----- V.G.; MZIN V A.; MYUKOVP M.N.; KUDD4941 G.I.; OZEROVP B.H.; RIVKINEVT~M-~`S"SKIYq Yb.P.; SOKOLOV, A&A.; SOLbPOV, S.G.; STRELKOV~ S.S.; TYURE14NOV9 SA; CHULYUKOV9, M.A. Sergei Akqkseevich Sidiakin. Torf,prom. 38 n9" 2:46 16.1. (MIRA 140) (Sidiakin, gergei Alekseevich; 1897-1�60) --ABKHAZI)--V.Ii; -AflTONOV,-- V,Ya~; -BLYIDEIIBEIIG,- V.Ve-,-- VIMENTSOV, V.-Ole; VELLER, M.A.; ZYUZIII IT,A - NANO) V.11.)- KUZ19,10"I G.I.; LUKIN, A.Ve; MATVI&YEV, A.M.; CZEROV, B.I.; PALITSLI'V, A.G.; FEROV) N.P.; PROKIIOROV, N.I.; PdiKOVSKIY, V6Ye.; 3BIESKIYj Te.P.; SOLOPOV, S.G.; TMWIUlCjV, S.11.; TSUPROV, S.A.; GIIULYUKOV, 14.A. Viktor Georgievich Coriachkin; obituary. Torf.prom- 39 n0-4:40 162. (Goriachkin, Viktor Georgievichs 1893-1962) I V, it At It DON, The working of peat deposits for fuel; texttook. Moskva Gos. onerg., izd-vo, 1947. 343 P. (4&26894) TN$37.Z58 1947 MZ-Rrj,_V._ T. Transformation of Austenite, in High-Speed Steel; Ural Metallurgy,M). 1, 32, 1934- Arch. f. d. Eisenhuttemmes. 9, 537Y 1934 I law 1:1 Iv J1 1111, 91 It till] I it r tt Study of the Transformation of Austenite in Carboa and Certain other Special Steels at Low Temperatures metallurgist 8j 3., 1936 NIPPON P11 'MMlii-..1.11..Illli.wllllil.ii...,.Iillnpllplm "NOW-1 MIMW ~ - - 7.,7 7 -0"DIN, - - -1,11-k-I 0.- Lluz~, V. G ~ --.. ; - - - - - 1_-~ Research on the Tranoformation of Austenite in Chrcrno-Silicon Steel Rev. de Metallurgie No.2,, 190,, 1937 q . 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I TV Jut i; a al 0 14 m k' p u 104 1, 04 is a 41 4i At w a ro 0o -00 go 00 Apparatux lot 111mi d Illation of C in FS-C alloys, A-00 ~0' Uloy4ol, Rum 55.47-5. Aug, (Waili t4 nil Lpp. %Wwjg tj w C r4milvilt by Jilt chmalst. ttl lion 11., prowl Ill, vvith ICITIM 00 Elk+ .4t*hlwvrkt 90 81 OJO-30), Cr 10.40-25,R). N1 M-W. i j:, LRI-701. At 0.50-8.(K). Cu o,txt-5jin% slid the rou, C-0 0 oo at Ile pill% 1ho UQJAI IntpuTilk-4+4 114hi ttv cming ittliturt% ago the r1aitic hardne" of whk-h It mititined hy ppin, harden. go Ills. so go - fro 0 Ew- Itloo t:oo beg iLA atTALLUrf At L -.1 WOO Swall.- t4l &11 P t 12.j it 4 4 3 t 1.43.1 -A nd 0 ,7 AV W3 Ill,, fj#( 9 At isn it so 0 0 0 41 0040 ism : : 00 0 0 0 e 0 0 00 0 so 0 0 0 *lot NOLM91 AND P000-0411116 1WdVV is As is U a THE INnUENCE -OF ALLOTING ELEMENTS 00 Till, "MITION: OF Tlf~' MARTF11- SITE POINT, THE AMOUNT OF REWYED AUSTENITE AND ITS $TABILITY ON TEMPERING. V. I. Zyusin, Ve D: ~;adovskly and S 01 1. flsranahuk. (Metalurg. 24".- pp 76-00). (In Ruisslsm)i The auutoro atudied tho totroat ot additions of #1110m, mangnintese, n1okollp *01L;41t' alumintum, copper, ohromlina, tunrston. v*mdIum,tind molybdomm, in mounts varying in s=4 instance" up to 0%. on the martansite point, an the mount of retained austenite and on Its stability in:0.9-1% carbon at"I Manganese. chromium, molybdenum, nickel, cogper, tungsten and vanadium lowered the martensite point by 55 , 150 , 30% 170, 10" 12' and W C. respoo- tivel)r, for an addition or ll,%s Cobalt and a umi' lum added to a i 0.76% carbon steel raised the Imsrtansite point by 126 jjn~ 30' C. respectively, whilst silicon hadqno effect. All the elements except cobalt and alusinium raised the amount of retalniid austenite in the quenched steel, whilst cobalt and aluminium lowerod It. Van- ganese, chromium and silicon marked stabilisinreffact on the retained austenits, but the other elements studied (Wamaktnts up 611ALLUNGICAL LIVIRATUIRE CLAWPICA110" b U U &V 00 ilk ON on Ito "ttft 11"I MW IYA e so *so 0 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 41 0 0 00000.4 0-0 4110 4*0 104 .00 Coo 0#4 1300 goo !wes "so 00 to 3%) had only a. slight stabillsing,offoot. Tho *srbAda-formine 00 elements (chromium, molybdanuas twigstan anJ v*naaium), which 00 00 produai an Interesdisto stnbility &one at 400-600* C. -in the iso- of so thermal tronsformAtioa of-prMAry austanita, &I" in a similar 040 00 IMITIOr th" 4000 3tAbility'lOnO in ths transtormstion or rat,ained 00 00 0 00 0 0 0.0 00 09 04 00 00, 00 00 00 L 0 0 0 a 01* 0,0 9 0 0 0 0 ol'o 0 0.410000040 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 Is00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 00 :=-27fMIT~-W -I.-T MWIMMI, -V. Dv,- -PARPMUIWC~ ~q The Effect of Alloying Elements on the Position of the Marbehaitic Point, the Quantity of Residual Austenite and its Stability durin,"I Tempering. Trudy UFAH 10, 3-19, 1941 The Effect of the Ccmbination of Moying Elements on the Kinetics of Isothermic Transfoxution of Sustenite and the Critical Point of flaa-dening TrudY n4M UFAN 5, 32,, 1945- ladimir Vladimix6vich -[de,:easedl; ZYUZIII, VlaAimir Ivanovich: GOLYATYMA, A.G.,. red. izd-va; ISIZIITIXE- (Design and operation of rolling' mills] Ustroistvo i eksp2uat4tsiia proka+,nykh stanov. Pod obahchei red. V.I.ZiuzAna. ;qMoskva., Goa, naucbno-tekbn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgil, 1061. 267 p. (MIM 1012) (Rolling mills) ~HME I BOOK MLOITATION sov/49To Zyttzin, Vladimir Ivanovich tiekhanicheskoye -oborudovaniye metallurgichesUkh tsekhov; posoblye dlya konstruktorov i makhanikov (Mechanical EqUpneqt of Metallurgical Shops; Manual for Designers and Machinists) Moscov, Hetallurgizdat, 1960. 334 p. Errata slip inserted. 7,000 copies printed* Eds.: A.I, Gurvits, and N.A, Valov;.Ed. of publishing Souse: A.A. Vagin; Techo. Eds.,'M.K. Attopovich, and V.Vt Mikhaylova. PURNSE: This book is intended for designers of metallurgical equipment'and:, for the machinists who operatp-such eqi4pment. The book may also be useful to students in schools of higher education and tekhaikums who are taking the eiourse "Meclianical Equi]pment of Metallurgidal Shops". COVERAGE: The book contains basic information on procearses involved in the jprodwtta of pigiron, and steel,, and in rolling., and pipe manufacturee ~Kodern mechanical eqmilment used in met&Uurgical shops is describeda Also discussed axe prin- cipal trends in the introduction of modern technology'In metallurgy and the Mechanical Equipment (Cont.) SOV/4,970 anticipated development of the industry. The prosent otate and characteristic features of the metallurgical industry and the me'chwacal equi]pment used in most of the developed countries are reviewed. No peraonalities am mentioned. There are 14 references,, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword SECTION'. 1. GERMAL INFOHOMON Off TO META11MICAL INDUSTRY Introduction to ftrToous Metallurgy 1. Significance of the metallur1r1cal, industry for the develorrment of the national economy of the USSR 7 2. General characteristics of the metallurgical plant 7 3- General characteristics of the mechanical equipment or metallurgical shops 4. Dovelopment of ferrous metallurgy in the USSR 12 SECTION II. WMANICAL EQUIR4ENT OF BLASI~FURNACR PLANTS Cho It Equipment for the Preparation of Raw Materials for Blast-Furnace Smelting 12 Cw;d-2/13 r vsinmAt-h- GURVISS, A.I., red.; VALOV, K.A., red.; TAGIN, A.A., red.izd-va; ATTOPOVICII, H.K..,,.- MIKELAY10VA, V.V., (Mechanical equipment of metallurgical plantn; mAnual for construction engineers and mech~nicsl Makhnnichdakoe oborudo- vanie metallurgicheakikh tookhov; posobie dlia konstruktorov~. i makhanikov. Koskys, Goe.nauchno-te_khn.Izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgil. 1960. 334 p. WRA l4a) (Metallurgical plants--Equipment and ffaplieq) (Rolling mills) Zyuzin, V.I. "The Fifth All-Union Congress of Phthisiologists",, (Moscowi 5epte mber 1948)., ,Zdravookhraneniye Kazakhstana, 1948, No- 8, P. 41-43. SO, U-3042) 11 March 53, (Leto-pis Inykh Statey, No. 911949) I - - . 1 1- 1 UMMEMMMMMO I -- -~ - ~ -- -IN .