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I . Oll 11, TI 11,1 1 ' I ' It I 0 " 1 4 1 14 of At 1 J4 0 is a 0 0 41 it #1 a Oxf ITITTY A_.k- &-. d..j, - L. 4. 11 AAAM. t-l-A-M-Ak- I, 00 A 0 4 4 *of go q 00 and N. Laign. Nowili TiAl. 1930. No. 20-1.36: 04m. see Z IM, No. 12, M-A mitibud for icul, i COO 00 n3% 0-1='brilatims an their turfam a Was of ZVI c pdo is iltseribed. Vittkout so 0 a 14MIrortIc tho lol't to Pl... : : I el an the thicknen of the film). lhe cc 0 Mg!0.1 =--Ih% CuSO; Wg.11., refined sugar ODO.A. zndN&Olt45x-A.*Isl.10.tllttililP- Kee of the ctftoolyltv 254)* &Ad the smodes are of pdrd Oc The txpts. were twifurined with a c. d. of 0.01 aniti.'Iml. A 104 0 9 Ifni. W, R. 1111in see J! as WIZ A I L. a l9TALLiiItCKAL UTINATLAt CLASUPICATIOll tz to so it U 14 AV AR A I a ff It to 00 Oc Is a 9 19 K Of it it x IFI W IN I a ~l I 0 0 41 0 a 0 to 0 0 0 4111000 40 0 Is 0 49 0 0 0 0 410 0 0 Go 000 0 0 a 41 41 0 a 46 0 a 4111 00 0 dell. 1101111111110 1 ' I 111 -- IN 11 1 a. 11 1 0 s OA1 0 0 0 0 01W On 48 (A . 0 I - 71' r. A a A-U.4-111-1--A-L A -0 lo, a A-tl. IM 00 Fit J-~Pjjk__ - 00, cocol"rixg 01F Koo' 0101"441 A. -~'t,; 10faN.. its 30; Xlfj 00 9 JN,mitli TA". (Twh. Scarol. 1939. (20 M.). 0* (Igll. 7'1 1'. lot I, W 2irO).-I In Iltswitan.1 A mirtluot lilt rialouriliv .411106 00 mulal Ajv4-tA It)- ptrailiog on thrit durfit-ro a film ofrupmul I)IIIIV 01-111 lilloakh1u. si~allllwlt* ti( orgainic t,opper mittiptimula, is ilm-tribroil. Various coloirto nut fm, 100 al, atiarm 14) t1w objecto. frunn, violet to yrilow, dvlxvxling tit& the thli klk-06 0( OR! .00 A :: film. 11w t-omptooltimi ol' Ilw bath is copper oulphatir 1%). rviiiis-ft suglar W, -00 -jointir wulst 46 ltirm, UIrr. UP op. Irr. at 10' C. 1* 1-10). Ow tompt-noton. onal t .00 of the chvIlmliato M'AWC.. mail thelawd" arr (if loon, coplu-r.:'. The expoTis 400 0 0 lilt-1110 'At.n. pt,-Irordlvil will K ell, lif 1.11 1 allill"AIIII. ato :0 ji coo 00% 600 so .Oog 400 00' 600 "00 WOO -00 boo 00 oi~ tjo* J1$*.ILA ORTALLUNGKAL LIMAIM CLAMORKAtION 14 too tit 1810.J -it a-, aft A 0 AM A ta a U a a I W b JIM u is sir .0 As! If it If a of tv 09 IF PI It x KM 1 14 It, 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 :a 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 do 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01000000006 0000004 0 4 41 0 4 4 40 0 .040 A. Va.,and It. P. Lapin. 'Arldiroll (Ad"Neili'l, [In I,-,K4jW Atri LtuingrA I Jilahglz~ (34f) MI.) .1111 1-:: I --45 P'" WORN ZY"MOWSM, Bogdan, mgr Inz. Combusti3n of heavy oils In ship angines. Diu! tachn Cogielski 539~,102 Special isixie 161. ;00 0 We 9 0 0 9 910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o$ 0 #~m 0 so o 0 o o o ~1 0 0 * to 6 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~0 0 0 0 0 of, 010~ 61 1 a U U IS it v IS 4~ 41 &j &A a 41 - 94 --h -A - It $I IVA- #I or J 0 lie ow! 0 go-- go 04P 0= *0 0b go 00.1 is 00 ,u 'au '.ml 'U '&u *01 ')P ) U) AIjq2 111.1- 111 're - Vill III s Aw iiso SAM# .1 tl~ ' A s 3 t I , 1 I 1 PPV Nis Titu lau IOs4jj 'Iota Q,() jo a3aamd ul 'aiv Iijowt; - ' ' ' o =91 Po (i T" IP p JO '1144thl 'Wil III 'ItI411111 ps;py"rd pa)dtua~) Mau "OPPRI %-)Sa 100 -vil 1 4JV jIP WAWd RU U = aA 00 9 0YIV30II-q in siallm I J v4 11 09-~ P04-11 6111 (J11NIJ 'JIL-1 'INJI 1 ' s a" ul sulk-O I ii '7 00 t n "a pm )l 0xv VvIcall 11 mV bit 00, A sun - 00 001 l - I 1, f zr t I It I N II # A it st Sr a N I I, It ff it Jim k It u 00 9 00 to 7 ti : It 01 0 1 11 t r (I 4r it I w *10 o 0 a 0 # 0 0 9 0 909 1 1 1 000 0 go i i Jaz' i 1 0 is Ob a 8 11 a a 0 0 0 in a db a w l a if fft I * 0 0 0 200 db 0 0 %NJ, IfoultRI ..........- W-W M ww W-W w a ----- ----- *O-A ISO Joe too 00 00 09 floso "it CRT dall IT i V 0 IN I A 0 3 U 0 11 10. 4 1 1 "A 0 ome 06 0 a * 09 6 Joe 6 0 00.00: .00.0 000'We CFO 0 040 00 0 jo 46 1,012 ALMKSANDROV, D.M., nauchny7 sotrudAik; ALHKSANMVA, T.N., nauchw sotradnik; SELYAMA, X.I., nauchnyy sotrudnik; GOOMOVA, Z.A., naucWy Potrudnik; QO=TffA-iPWS3YA, L.L. naua'htiyy motrudidk;, GORMYRYAl L.N,, nouchnyy sotruddki MAY14, A.H., nauchnyj sotrudnik; PKITRKSKO, Ta.S., na,4chuyy sotrudnik; ZABOLOTSKIT, A.A., nauchnyy aotrudnik; MWAROVAO TaJ,w .nauchn" sotm6ik-, NOVIKOV, P.I., nanohnyy ootrudniki POMVSKIT, V.V., tauchW sotrudnik; SKIRNOV, A.F., nauch"y sotrudnik; STIWAIIOVSIEAYA,,A.I., nsucbxlv sotrudnik; UIRBAN, Y.V., nauchAy7 notriadnik. Prini mali uchasti7e: BALAGOOVA, M.V., nauchW7 motrudnik; VXBIR, rianchuyy sotradnik; PCTAPOVA, 0.1., nauchnyy sotruAnik; -SOKOLOVA, V.A.', nauchnyy 6.otrudnik; FILIMOHOVA, Z.I., nauchnyy cotrudnik; POPMO, L.K., naucbnyy,sotrixdnik; red.; PRAVDIX, I.Y., red.; PAIDMSMV, A.F., red.; W3VCEMKO, L.V., [Lakes of Karelia; natural features, fishes.,and fisheries] Osera Karelii; priroda, ryby i rybnoe khoziai4stvo;.spravochnik. Petroza- vodsk, Goo.izd-vo larellskol ASSR, 1959. 618 p. (KIRA 13:8) Oontiimed on next card) AT-W-'qANMOV, B.H. --- (continued) Card 2. 1. Russia (1917- larel'skly ekonomichaskiy admi..! nistrativnyy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozyayqtva,-.;2. Karel'skoys otdeleniye Vaesoyuznogo nauchn6-iouledovatellskogo instituta ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo'khozyaystva (for Aleksi3ndrovi Ileksandrova, Be-~' lyayeva, Gorbunova, Gordeyeva-Pertseva. Gordeyeva.~Gulyayevav Dmitrenkot Zabolotskiy, Makarova, Novikov, Pokrovskly, Smirnov, Stefanovskaya, Urban). 3. Kerellskly filial Aff SSSR (for Balagurova, Veber, Potapova, Sokolovap Fllimonova, Popenko). (Karelia-Laims) ZYUZAN, V.I., mladshiy nauchny7 sotrudnik Using antibiotics in the prophylaxis and, thorapy of typhoid fever in pcmltry. Ptitsevodstvo 9 UO-8:39-41 Ag, 159. :(KMA 12:12) 1. Stavro~ollokeya naucbno-i9eledovatellsksys. vaterina-ruaya stantsiya. (Poultry-Diseases and petite) (Typhoid fover) (Antibiotics) I . I . . . . .!Hf~., . ;1:.t v - ~ . ~ llllvht~, -1. -,t"F ! ;I. I '. I I ILI 7: -L76396-66 ACC UK: AP5020927 SOURCE: COMt UR/01412/65/008/003/039VO357 AUTHOR: Zyubenko, V. D.; 1patov, V. 1. ORG: none TITLE: A shock excitation oscillator circuit SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 8, no. 3, 1965, 355-357 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor diode, periodic pulse, shock wave, (31ectrcm tube ABSTRACT: Two alternative semiconductor diode circuits are pi., that form pulses of a sinusoidal wave by shock excitation. one has a pas-dtivi~, the othar a negative initial half period. The diode generator L-s more advantageous at higher frequencies than the transistor and electron tube Dulse foira1mg cijN':ULts in that it has a much higher back breakdown voltage than tho fomer anti A,,)ioer imijuRdance than the latter. An experimental n,ilrf- Of -3 Sil-111- 'h IC:h4imal:l- :iagrams of an(! Oc,w- -~.e "~T~~Z, af-~ Nis 2 f iu r cms, -6396-66 ACC UR: APS020927 L f C.- R, out 2 RI Ou -CZ 4b I)ut U 12 Pu put U 4ut j C Ci R C, A a a b 5, ------- 'rig. 1. circuit:of shock Riga Oscillo&,Mm at Oontrol -~excitation oscillator; a d 'out- s Fi put~vplt for! -.F agq~ -jdrquit -~-or generation of--Voltdge- shostn' twrfg 4nd b,. with negative first half period; b - for generation- -of 'voltage with positive, iirst half period. A Bk ~'mi EB --til -81U DAZI mu'.i6k Pv 37 V Card ..... 111"1 11 "1111111 It 11r. . it 11"" :1 fill 11111 If I ZTUBIN, L.M. T97we"Mi'on between the pupil's Intellectual activity and conscious attitude to studies..Uchozap*Ientuneno*214t89-103 '56, (M1RA 102-3) (Learning, Psychology of) T -X i ter"Chirig" Ll- of t:l(" fif+-- lo !,~-min6r%d, 19.:55- LenirZrarl Order CC L)rd-n "tate Faculty. (Diss,3ri-ations for d:,i;r,- a of ~'an--Iidate of PedaLcc-iJul Sc-l ncoq.) SO- Knizhmiya lptop.-U31, No 26 ZTUBIN M. f -.v , mayor Side wind. Av. i koem, 47 no,2:9-12 F 165. OHIRA 18-4) ZYUBIN, m dooling the electrIc motore of the VM-200 and 4N-5 ventIlatorij.. Muke-elev, prom. 29 no*6:25-26 Je 163. (KIRA 1~:t 1. Glavnyy inzh. Rossoshanskogo khlebopAyeanog'o punitta. (Corn (Maize)--Drying) (Blectric motoro-Cooling) ZT(JBIN, N. ~With the aCtiTe members' help. Pr*f.-tekh.obr.lj no.61..23 je 156. : (ULU 9:9) 1.Zaveduyushchiy metedicheakim kabinatsm pri Stalingradekom oblastno* upravlaiii trudovykh resernyo (Stalingrad Province-Scho*1 discipline) BABIY, Yee; YMMIN,-Z.; ANTYUKHOV, A.; KAMCHATOV, K.; DOMOVA, L.;KASTOR---- NOVP M.p makhanik; GOLITSEV, M.; KUZff-iIN,, FAVLOV: Nop p mashinist kombayna; SMETANKIN,, P.p mashinist kombaym; SAFONOvp M.9 mashinist kombayna-, KOZLOV, N., brigadir gornoraboallikh; BUYAK, I., brigadir gernorabochikh; SOLDATOV, U.9 brigadir gornorabochikli.: Not into the records but into praatice. Soveshakht. 12 no.12tll- 18 D 163, (MIRA 17:3) 1. Shakhtouprav2snile No.3-25 tresta Donskoyugoll kombinata Tula- ugoll. 2. Nachallnik shakhtoupravleniya No.345 tresta DonskoMoll kombinata Tulaugoll (for BabiY). 3. Sekretarl'partorgwazatsii shakh- toupravleniya No.3-25 tresta Donskoyugoll kouibinata Tulaugoll (for Zyubin). 4. GlavW inzh. shakhtoupravleniya No.3-25 tresta Donskay- ugoll kombinata Tulaugoll (for Kamchatov), 5e Sekratarl komBomoll- skoy organizatsii shakhtoupravleniya No*3-25'tresta Donskoyug"ll kombinata Tulaugoll (for Dolgova). NOVIKOVY veter. vrach- KOMAR, A G.$ Vetere vrac (z lotomsn's.--ly zayonj CherkavSkoy oblant) From work rractices in the prophylaxis of sterility In c0r;4, Veterinariia 42 no.ll.*72-77 N 165, (14I.V" 1911) 1, Direktor Rovenskoy oblastnoy veterinurnoy pollkl,Lniki (for Novikov). 2. Kalacheyevokaya stantsiya po borlbe v bolezzkyami: zhivotny,kh, 'Voronezhskoy obl,--;-:t (for Zyubin). L 29777-66 DIT(m)/VDIPWATT-, --- W(c), JD. ACC NR: AP6015071 (A) SOURCE CODEt UR/036a/66/0021005/0876/0880 :AUTHOR: Ugay, Ya. A.; Z4!~ina,,.jgjL 'ORG: Voronezh State University (VoronezhaRiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) r0 p pertie !TITLE: Continuous solid solution$ in the ZnAsz-LdAs2 system and electric ;of ZnxCdl-xAs2 single crystals f~ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 5, 1966, 876-800 .TOPIC TAGS; zinc compound, cadmium compound, arsen~de., solid solution, Hall con-.: - :stant, thermal emf, semiconductor single crystal of 'k AB r -' ;;=ha -tdAS2 system was.constructed on the basis STFACT.- te p ase dihram of the ZnAS2 .of thermographic and x-ray analyses of samples which had undergone zone leveling. Continuous substitutional solid solutions were found to be formed in this Syr, tL em.L ,X-ray diffraction analyses showed that the change In interplanar Aistances with the composition in ZnxCdi-xAS2 solid solutions obeyed Vegard's law. The ZnAs2 structure,' Js retained from 0 to 25% CdAs2; solid solutions based on a:tetragonal lattice withl. parameter ratio a/c 0.57 are formed in the range of 40 to 100% WAS21 and def"t I---- 'Card 1/2 UDC: _.548.55--_____ L 29777-46 ~ACC NR: AP6015071 S2 and.CdA ;bare formed between ~4 structures based on lattices of the compounds ZnA s2 electri- xand 40% CdAS2- ZnxCdl-xAsz single crystals homogeneous in composition and :ca.L resistivity were prepared and their electrophysical properties' were studied. Mose which had a p-type conductivity showed an inversion of the Kall constant and ;differential thermal emf when the range of intrinsic conductivity was reached; n- itype single crystals retained the charge carrier sign over the entire interval of: measurements (from -10 to t5500C). The results obtained in the study confirm an earlier hypothesis that substances similar in crystallogrephic properties and bond type form continuous substitutional solid solutions even when their structures are different. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. ~SUB CODE- 20,07/ SUBM DATE: 13Jun65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REr: .006 Card 2/2 S/02'901641 /138/004/015/023: B103/B203 Dolgovar yu..Ya., and Zyubina, t.~A- AUTHORS: Ugay, Ya. A., TITLE: The intermetallio compound Cd Sb 4 3 PERIODICAL: Akademiya. nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 138,1n0- 4,11961, 856-858 TEXT: Within the systematic study,of semiconductor compounds, the authors studied the system Cd- Sb. In addition to the known compounds CdSb (stable) and Cd 3Sb2 (metastable), they detected Cd 4Sb31 (simil &r to Zn4 Sb 3) in the system Cd-Sb. They studied this system thermographically and by X-rays, and examined its miorostructure and microhardneas. ;They studied the electrical conductivity and the thermo-emf on cadmium all Ioys with a maximum of 5-10-3% impurities, and antimony of the type Cy 000 (SuOOO). KAO (KdO cadmium and '_-j00(Su00) antimony were used foi other determinations. Three series of alloys were heated to 6500C in evacuated (to 7-10-3 mm Hg) Pyrex ampuls, and shaken at 500-5500C for 5 hro Series 1 was cooled in the air, series 2 together with the furnace, series 3 was annealed between 250 and 4200C for one week. Kurnakov's pyrometer of the type PK-55 Card 1/4 274 S/02 0 6111 381100410151023 The intermetallio compound B103 B203 (FPK-55) with an evacuated Ste panov vessel [Abstraoter~s note: Stepanov vessel not stated I was used -for taking thermograms, , ~Debyo: patterns were recorded with a standard camera. Fig. I shows thephai3e dingram of the system Cd- Sb on the basis of all results. The now compound Cd Sb 4 3 (44-9yo by weight of Sb) i:Opointed out. It melts congruently at 46ooce Both the miorohardness 0 kg/mm2) and the miorostructure 'of Cd Sb 4 3 deviate from the values of known compounds. The micto'Structure indicates perfect homogeneity. In contrast to other compounds of the:bystem Cd- Sb~ Cd48b3 is formed under quick cooling. Its existence Is confirmed by X-ray examination. Cd Sb has a tetragonal lattice, probably of the 4 3 rutile type, namely: a - 80, a a 13.0 a, o/a - 1o6j who,_-eah Cd8b crystallizes in the rhombic, and Cd Sb in the monoollnio system. Cd Sb 3 2 4 3 formal in a pure state, silver-grayp brilliant, very-brittle crystals.~ with a fracture reminding of germanium. When heated in the nirp they oxidize much lose than other phases of the system Cd- Sb, and they have a specific conductivity of 20 ohm-l-Owl at room temperAture. Their highest Card 2/4 .24,054 s/o2o/61/138/604/015/023. The intermetallic compound B103/B203 thermo-emf observed wad 420 liv/degree, which decreased~stro~gl'y,'at high J' Cd Sb shows temperature. The temperature.dependence o- topical semi_~ .11 4 3 conductor features. Dislocations of the 8-jiral type re visible on.,the surface of Cd Sb3 single crystals produced by Bridgman's method (V. D- ?,'uznetsov, Rel-4: Kristally i kristallizati3iya (Crystal.B and arystalliza- tion),1953,P.338). Cd4Sb3 crystals will become much larger when coolina Is accelerated Cd b 4S 3 can dissolve exces3ive Sb ar4ounts (~p to 2~12 at, room temperature). On,a decrease in tempe'rature,-the excess is separated out again. Excess cadmium is practically not dissolved in C,d,tSb 3. Both pure Cd Sb and solid splutions of Sb in it are hole conductors. On the 4 3 other hand, CdSb with excess Sb shows electron conductivity. There are 4 .figures and 5 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskiy eosudaratvennyy universiteb..: (Vorono2:h State University) PRESENTED: January 20, 1961, by 1. 1. Chernyayev, Academician SUB"MITTED: January 15, 1961 Card, ..... . ...... ................. .... . .... us" .1.911"'W10411 "*qp a W-W-0 0-1 16, 6 4) * * * 0 a 0 0 a to a m It v A ij is x j r0 4 so ._0G 00 *0 M, 1.ym..M I . 11 (66W 1947, .00 as Os zoo 00 0 to 00 so 00 00 .3i 41111 .11,A so Igo 0 ii,., 0 1-v If, 74 I 0, go* 0 o o o 0 0 a *1* 0:0 0 CIS a 0 0 0 0 ii0o 1*$ 0 0 00-00 0 0 too 4 ~66" * f'0 0 0~0 0 goo 0 o a -6-6- j~g~h 1 (1) -L 17596 MIM 'TC-C -NR, AP6000570 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/lf,~/010/012/226,t/z?-66 AUTHOR: 4yuganov, A. N.. Sve chnikov, S. Y. 4- OXG:,none TITLE:, Photocapacir-or b"ed on'.cad au ide mium SOURCE: Radiotokhnika i elektronika,',v. 10' noi~. I Z,:~ 196~~ 226- ~-2266 i TOPIC TAGS: photocapacitor, CodS ph6tocapaleLitor if ABSTRACT: Experi mental characteristics o(the- dislpho*apa itor, which-`4ras 1 initially developed by F. Gordon -et al... (IRE Convent. Req.:, 195 1 5, 3, 40 ar~ ed and discussed. that thin cap, atuince f thin present The. characteristics, show a' device varies by 1150--3001'o wh IedIthe lurni n*ou6 1ntonsity N4rl.d a b~ ~ orders'o~ ~- 1 magnitude. The properties of the photocapacitior are cha~ai~-,iertitled by its ~'i-ed~ced transconductance" whose curve has a pronounced maximunti. The maximum trans- conductance point of the photocapacitor should be used only in m0dium-freqoencir RC- circuits. At high frequencies, the trans conductance is very low4 A considerable inertia (0. 1 sec) is held as a serious disadvantage of the CilS photocapacitot. drig. art. has: 4 figures and 9 formulas.. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 240ct64 ORM REF: 0.0 1 Ot 11 REF: 00 1 III nst C: 621 3. Card UD "~L~Z 1. 3 8 2. W. L i~m - - - - . I ~- al F" 11 1 .1 1111111,111,1MOMMIMMMM AUTHORS: Baj/F) 3fJ 00~3/002,101 1 /ri 12 7,yuganov, AJL, Molodkin, V. 13. A,1m:Lrnc.)N,t A, AP j=4I 7,17lb-HoVit ~,le. r I! ~i I L4 t, o r t i L) n aon 13C B t t er i n go felow neutronts in alloye flaychnyy 7hLarnal, v. 6, no. 2. 1963, 256-263 _,CT A theoretical inveatigation of' the intenul.ty of neutrou Scat- ~~rin,, ).n alioys with body -cen, t e red c-ubic of B-brass, type witr. f ac~3 -cent,,! red cubic cff AuCu and. AuOu type. The Rmplitude beirg negative is dii3c-usue(i In !te- 2 _Z71 i an'. :~~)ndi-.ions are establi-ahed f-)r whl,:~h, F-4-AL is P081- 13 t r 0 ':;ict t~,aT, 'Jalortionm decrease the _ieil 9,: Tiie i A r: C I 5/00,, 32 '()1 1/0 12 "ec L Of I a L Lice L,,_ 54 D 5 06 ible ~aon6dn4, ationd, lim: an of th'P .5 POSS iri:some iniervala.edf e Al ref lea- i t u d e s i ariegative. The intenwity of supers tructar - ~ncreas,~ ~.ri bo*1h ;~_qes. FtDrmi.4L~ s I'or tl-i,~ Df con- There dire L~' f 1 s N m.?-,allofizi.ici kN USSR lnjtl~ ~-tc, of Metal -(;ard 212 an V: uiam AMC. lost A io , utGO"W"S 1 dUS&I'Of 61 " I Is Moto! li~ Wcb k t"W". ,0,,j dw b4i4b, MRS. the way" CBMAN. ...... ...... ............ .. . .... ...... E JIM ACC NRi AT6034349 SOURO CODE t UR/0000/66/000/000#~~4~~59 AUTHOR: Zyugunov, A. X. IORG: Institute for Semiconductors, AN UkrSSR (Institut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR) MT12: Photopotentiometer in the regime of a functional tranaformer SOURM: 0 UkrSSIZ. Poluprovodnikovaya tekhnika i mikroelektronika (Semiconductor engineering and microelectronics). Kiev, Naukova dumkat'1966,'53-59 TOPIC TAGS: potentiometer, photoresistance, photoconductorl,,semi.conducting film i ABSTTUCT; The possibility of using a transverse conductivity- phot opotentiometer as a functional transformer is analyzed. The photopotentiometer consists of a resistive layer 4T on which an external current source generates a potential U, . Contact with resistive layer is accomplished by a photoconductor trVOO output potential U 2 is a function of the light probe coordinate X. Kirchoffla:law for the phoEopot4nti eter.- can be expressed by the equation dly dw (X) dy a& (x) i + dxs 117, W V 'dx ab W#F~ 00 where b is the photolayer thickness. For the case where 6". 0 and the beam 0 Card 1/2 -i-ACC lis narrow, the oolution of the above equation can be given by W 2 M" (LR) F(LO J+4x.l+ jm~-2q?(%)F(LRjj 4 "P(L) 4V(x) In the laboratory the resistive layer for such aain-con-phototrannformer consists of Sno2, and the conversion error does not exceed 5%- Orig. art* Mat i9 formulas and 2 figures. SUB CODE. 09, SUBM DAM --MV65/ ORIG REFt 001/ OW W.1 o0i Card 2/2_ -Tu6390=67 t,)/ET-1 f - ACC NRo AP6010209 -0-U R -C'-O-D'-E'-:-U R'-/ 0-10 3 / 6 6 / 0 0 0 / 0 0 30 1 ' 12 / 0 14 7 i I UTHOR: Zyuganov, A. N. (Kiev); 01eksenko, P. F. (Kiev); Svmchnika-r, S. V. Mew) RG - none 3 ITLE: The effect of load resistance upon the transient characteristics of pbotoVe- istances Avtomatika I telemekhanika, no. 3, 1966, 142-147 TOPIC TAGS: photoresistance, photoconductive cell, electrpnie feedback, cadmium nele- nide, cadmium sulfide V, 'Y1 'I'l ABSTRACT: The photocurren't of US and CdSe single-crystal photoconductive cells -with linear In-Ga contacts is analyiQ-. The Cj-S cells were tested with de and with ac.(f 100 kc) on a simulated circuit model under transient conditions. The space charge plays an important role in the nonlinear behavior of the photocurrent., The-Agad, of photoresistance may distort considerably its transient characteristics, partially on account of the feedback. This is an important consideration In the design and calcula-I.;Ot'i tion of hardware used in correction circuits and compensation networks. rormulas , that are adequate for the computation of the transient characteristics of photaresistances..,", are developed. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 22 formulas. SUB CODE-. 09/ SUBM DATE: 10Apr64/ ORIG RM 002/ OTH REF3- 001 Card UDC.- 621.383.42~.i AT4oI272I 0/002/6111/0118 1 ACCESSION NR S/2981/63/00 AUTHOR: Mellnikov, Yu. V.; Zyukin, V. V.; Oboturov, V. I. TITLE., Welding of SAP-] SOURCE: Alyuminlyevy*ye splav)d(, Sbornik statey, no. 2., Spechenny*ye s lavy*. P. Moscow, 1963, 111-118 TOPIC TAGS: powder metallurgyft aluminum,~sintered powder, aluminum. powder, sintered aluminum powder, welding, resistance welding, flash weldlng,~ spot welding, roller welding ABSTRACT: Welding of SAP-1 by the flash and resistance methods was performed,with' 1-5 mm sheets made of preliminarily treated brickets. Comparison of the strength i and structure of the weld joints showed that manual argon arc welding of SAP-] i using AF-4A flux is possible with high'temperature annealing of the brickks.~ The strength of the weld joints equals 95% of the strength ofthe base material at room temperature and 709/. at'a temperature of 500C. Both roller and spot welding of SAP-1 nay also be used. The strength of the weld joints Is tho sam~e as of high-strength aluminum alloys of the type D19A-T, D20A-T and D16A-Tt "The work was carried out under the guidance of K. P. Koryagin; 0. 0. Martishin, M~ V. K2rot~%a and F. T. Leonov also took part In the work." Orig. art. has; 19 Car tables and 10 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 .;DATE ACQ: 13Feb(>4 ENCL., 00 SUB CODE; MM NO REF SOV., 000.1 OTHER: 000 7-YU'~i~, A~ C-. ZYU',zC,, A. G. -- "T:-,A~J-7141551nli CAPACITY 1W IIAI~I,~, ANO ':'X' A .R-rcEivER in A LAacr AREA ~'F FLUCTUATIOll 31JO V~z D,::C 112, [LECTItrAL INST OF CW-'MUflICATlafj:-,i (Dinsvi7ATiopi rcR Tim Dromcr cF' ChriotrhTc Itl Teci4tmICAL SCIENCES) ,10: VECHERHAYA t!O3ICVA, JANUARY-UECE.1-WER 1~-52 Card 1/1 Pub. 90-7/9 Author : Zyuko, A. G., Active Member, VWORiB Title : Comparative evaluation of communication chani 'iols for different systems modulation by their transmission capacity Periodical : Radiotechnika, 10, 58-66, Jun.55 Abstract The article discusses the fundamental relations of the statistical theory of communication. On the basis of this theory formulas are derived for calculation of the transmission c~apacity of two follow- ing cases: when the signal is limited in its amplitude and when the signal is limited in its mean power. A comparison with respect to their relative transmission efficiencies Is made of the follow-: Ing systems of signal modulation: single-sidebanil, azuplitude)~ fre- quency, pulse time, pulse width and pulsecode. Tramission capacity of a channel depends on the statistical wave spectrum of the signal and the intensity of noise. For certain conditions, frequency modu- lation and code modulation have greater trammission capacity than the other modulation systems investigated. The author thanks I. Ye. Goron for the advice given on this work. Graphs- Eight refer- ences; 6 USSR Institution : All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electric Conmiunications imeni A. Popov (VNORiE)- Submitted : June 20, 1953 7 Ko p' Category U /Radid;~isics Application o:r Rmuophysical methods 1-12 Abe Jour Ref Zhw Mika, No 2;, la.57,, No 4695 Author 7, yuko,, A-G- Title nd Effektiveae'as of Fa&o Facsimile Communication Noise Rejection a Under Fluctuating Noises, Orig Pub Radiotekhnika, 1956, U, No 8,14-~4 Abstract The author deterndnes the rna~dmnn possible noise r,ejection and the com- munication effectiveness of the modulation systeas~used'for the trej~s- mission of facsimile signals b~ vir6less. A com]*rative estimate is inade of these system their noise rejection' and effectiveness un. dir fluctuating noise. SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD I PA 1598 AUTHOR ZJVKOIA.G. TITLE On the Computation of the Noise Immunity ~f a Radio Reoei*ler'it a High Level of Fluctuation Disturbances,' PERIODICAL Radiotechnika, 11 faso.10, 77-713 (1956)1 Issued: 11 / 1956 The real capacity of the channel 0 and the quantity'of the information H. :that can be reproduced at the output ofpthe receiver are determined by the . following equations: C9 so TF lg6 (d + 1), 0) Hp- TF MlgbM(S + 1) (2) where T denotes the length of the signal, F - the transmission zone of:the';channel which is equal to that of the.receiver, F,,,- the transmissiQn,zone of,the receiver at low frequency, 5 and 6 - the ratio between:1the.average signal performance and the average noise at the out- and input of the receiver, 6 and 6 - coefficients m which depend on the statistic'properties 'f the signal~and 'of the disturbance. 0 The analysis of the relations of (1) and (2) for diffallent modulationloyst6ms shows that with a reduction of the ratio between signal and',disturb=04 at~the receiver output the channel capacity is reduced more rapidly than the-quantity of information reproduced at the output of the receiver. At:a certain'value of or it is true that H-C~ As, however, H cannot become greater than C, this;'equation Is a limiting equation, the so-called threshold relation between the signal and the disturbance a A further reduction of 6 leads to a considerable decrease n 8(Ar/l 42 58 4 -23/30 AtItHOR,0i ZYuko I A.G. Docent TITLE: Novosibirsk Blectro-'Ehgirleering Institute~far Commufti- cations (Novosibirskiy elektr6tekhnicheskiy:institut svyazi) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vy-sshikh tichebnykh~zavedehly- Ridiotekhnilca, Nr 4, p' 513 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the last twoyears'5 research' laboratoriis-WIVV~been opened In the Department for Radio Coumunic4tions dnd Broadcasting of the Department for:Radio Broadcasting and Acoustics - under the direction'of J)oc'ent B.A.; Shwarts - the method and;apparatus-wielire worked out for automatic control of the qualitative,indides in radio broadcast,;-channels. In laboratory fir 2 under the direction of--Candida'tes of~Technical'Sciences E.A.1 Demin and L.A.Chinenkov research wasi'done:on the applications of semi-conductor equipment and ferritps in communication apparatus. The same laboratory 'Card 1/2 is developing an electronic telegraph apparatus. The er, KM40N~Zyu~ko, A. ~G. SOV/1J-0&-58-5--4/l3 TITIE: noise Stability and Effectiveness of Radio!telegraphir. Communication with Automatic Correct-ion-of;Errors (Pomiekh- ojet-oychivostl i effektivaost' radiotelegrafnay svyazi s a-Z tomatic'Ifteskoy korrektsiyev oshibolk) PERIODICAL: Elektros-,ryazl,, 1958, hr 54 pp 23 2 r7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The correction system is one inwhich compa-rison is made with control signals. A signal of either sign is:reakoned to be undi5torted if its envelope over a certain inter!'-,ral.of time is entirely contained within the control pulse of. that si.g--. Signals which do not fulfil -this cond`tion are :rejected and an "enqljiryo signal made to the point of, Cirigin, whereupon the doubtful portion of the message izirppeated,. The, 1,,)raqent- a_nalysis examines the effect of f lu a It3 ai.-ion noise up~~i such a system used in frequency-shift telegrapiq. Di is supposed tbat one !channel of the system contains signal axid noise and the cthe' - noise only. The probability of,erroneous reception of .re:~epticn a aignal is gi-ven bl- (1). The probability of erronecus of a .,oded uombination is gi-ren by (2) and t-he e-han,,,e tbat such an errcr will be detected is given by (3). The i~-al-ulation cf -the--e probabilitles depends* on the -,.,harqa 'that the il,~ -,isy Cardl/3 SOV/106-58-- -4/13 floise, Stability and Effeativeness of Radic-telegraphic Col~rmurdcaticn with Automatic Ccrre--tion of Errors signal is less in amplitude than the -Lont rol and on the chance that the noise amplitude is &vealtev th&n that of "'Le cc,.qtrc,1 ,iigral, The firs'; is e',q)-ressed In term:3 of a difled Be~~sel fun.~tion of thefirtib kind and zero o.-AeT and title se ,or-,d is aneqpvnential fi.Lnction. Figure 2 showo --i'arvwj of the p.coba- bill-itu of nlm-reve h-1 t Ion of an errc,.- ror,a syst.-ml ill vl,.Iit~h: the s i gra.Vrc J. s e r a t i o J_ s 2 ( i n &yrp'-!. _1 t ud eL i e, 6 a sband is such that- third-order side-bands are admitted arid the 7;_flhpariscn time-interval. is either 1/2 c,,x 113 of t1le berfl-c Pulse tm;er,,ral. The ocde is,_it. Curves are also -p%,tt~!d for compariscn. of an ordinarY 5-11-r-it and a 9-anit ;r,,de with axtc;matJ,_,-- * cr=ention. The effertiveness of -,s defj.ned~ as 1 -, R where R is the -otal probabilitj of repeti-I.-ion cf message:,~. Figure 3 f~ompaares the effectiveness cf 1-amit and 7--umit systems, assuming that 3 coded combinal;_Jons a.,,e in7olved in each rep~L-ti-:,-ion. It is conziuderl that- 1) at lov., _aoiee !eve' 's (signal/noise amplitude -ratic, > ?) the _Ti;:-';_se sta:1,111J,ty cf a 5-a:~j_t ccde with datlectioa b-7 the for,,-, of +,;he sio-nal and of a 7--unit !,cdi~ automatic rypi.cally, C3rd 2/3 -ability and Effectiveness of Radio-telegrapkii:~_ Comnunicati-n Noise S ,,,;ith Automatic Correction of Errors similar. At high noise levels, the ?-unit code is pref6reble; 2) For the two systems oompEred in (1)'abovel. the c-unit code has the higher effectiveness. There acre 3 figures and G references, 5 of which are Soviet and I Bnglish~ SUBMITTED: December 01 195r/ Card 3/3 ov/lo6-59-5-7/13 AUTHORt Zyuka, AG. TITLE a Interferenc*-Stabilit-~ of Plultl-Chanytel Radio-Teleg.raph Communication Syti-timns in the Presence of Fka--.tuation Intarferen~:e (Potentsial!'noya pomekhous-.',,jy~~Jxivcstl mnogokanallnylkh radiotelagrafnykh z_istem svvaz--' pri fluktuatolonnykh pomelchakh) PEIIIODICALg ElrktrowirvaZI, .1959, Nr 5, pp 54-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The artin-le. analyaos tho putential inteirf erence- stability against fluctuation interferenc e of two types of radio- telegr&phy systewe; 1. An ultra-shor .-wave, frequency-!Lelegraphy, two.. channel system witl-i time-shar'ing, e.g. a 300 BaUd system, transm'itting 30 Baud signals, giving effectively 10 channe.1B. 2o A U,a,i#,, frequency-telegraphy# myst-eitt tviiniz sub-carriers. The interfarence-stabilities of aurib ayistems are analysed, using the basie.- the-_-'ry of V.A.Kot,u11niki:;-;( (Ref 1) and comparison is made between the mo;SYST0,313. It is Card 1/2 concluded that the two-channel systuin ham greater HUI .1 111111131 Ii it Ilain 11till; I I I J77777 soN,Ao6--59-5!-7/13 The Potential Interference-Stability of Multi-Channel Telegraph Communication Systems in the Presence of~Fluctuation Interference potential interference-stability than the system with sub-carriers and also has the adv aittave of more. efficient use of the transmitter liower, ~ The ft,equelicy bands occupied by the signal in the two-channel system and in the sub-carrier system (for 10 effective channels) are approximately the same and the efficiency of the system, defined as the'degree of ut.ilisation of the capacity of the communication cha .nuel (Ref 2), is not worse in the two-channel system th.!tn in the sub-carrier system. There is I figure, 1 table and 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTEDS 12th December 1958 Card 2/2 '~- 9 0 9z 91 3~0 3 (/0 //S_~ AUTHOR: J&yuko, A.G. TITLE.a Noise immunity 314268 S/142/61/004/005/014/014 E.192/E382, of the frequency radiptelegraphy during random changes of the signal frequency PERIODICAL. . Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, v.4, no. 5, 1961, 623 - 626 TEXT-, The frequency of the signal at the input to the receiver is often subject to random fluctuations which are caused, for example, by the Dopplerieffect during long-distance tropospheric and Ionospheric propagation of radio waves. These fluctuations invariably lead to reduction in the noise- immunity of a radio-communibations system employing frequency~, modulation. The quantitative evaluation of the noise-IMMUMIty under these conditions is based on the statistical parameters of the frequency fluctuation and it can be assumed approximately that these fluctuations C = W 0 - W can be described by the normal probability density distribution-, 34268 S/142/61/004/005/ol4/m4 Noise immunity of .... E192/E382 (c-b)2 2 1 2c P(E) - e 0 C0 TiF where e0 is the mean square signal-frequency deviationg and. b is the mean frequency deviation. The noise also leads to changes in the signal frequency and these frequency changes are determined by the time derivative and the phase angle of the signal and noise waveform~ if it is assumed that the noise level is comparatively low, the distribution of the phase derivative can be described by, Card 2/7 Noise immunity of .... a2 6 2 a P 00) ~42 e 34203 S/142/6i/oo4/oo5/oi4/0l4 E192/Z382 (3) where a = u hy, 0 n U is the amplitude of the signal, 0 cr is the mean square value of the noise, and -RIFIC3 , where F, is the passband ~of the receiver. The instantaneous frequency o2f the received signal ;is thus equal to w = w + V = w +.G + c The probability of 0 0 i incorrect reception of the frequency-modulated signal in a radiotelegraphy signal in the presence of noise and random frequency fluctuations is expressed byz Card 3/7 A268 S/l42/6i/oo4/005/oi4/oi4 Noise immunity of .... E192/B382 P0 p (-)) d (4) where p(-4) is the probability density distribution of the random quantities z and Q) . For small values of this probability density can be expressed by3 W-b) 2 24 2 PN) e 0 (5) 40 V21r where. Card 4/7 34268 s/142/61/0011/005/w.4/oi4 Noise immunity of E192/E382 -\fo 2 + -1) 0 'V a By integrating Eq. (4), the followiug.expression is~obtained-.. 1 r b AW V = - i (6) 0 2 -1~ I 0+ o M+-a Under actual operating conditions the amplitude of the signal also undergoes random fluctuations and these can be described by the Rayleigh distribution: Card 5/7 34 268 S/142/61/004/005/o.i.4/oi4 Noise immunity of ... E192/E382 a 2a a2 P(a) e (7) a It is therefore necessary to average Eq. (6) over all the possible values of 'a , in accordance with the distribution given by Eq. (7). The probability of error is therefore expressed by- 2 2 a a 0 2 a a a p0 e (k(z) dz (9) a 0 Card 6/7 Noise immunity of .... 34208. 5/142/61/004/005/014/0_14 E192/F.382 where Aw b z 2 0 a The integral in Eq~ (9) cannot easily be evaluated analytically. Consequently, two special cases are considered :'in particular, the case of e = 0 and the case when the noise is small in comparison witfl the Doppler effect (SIlla