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USSR/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2
Abs Jour Ref Zhur -Khimiya, No. 89 19579~26691..
I were added to a solution of 135 9 of Il
and 600 mlit of CH30H in'3 to )+ hours~(at 0
to 50). After the complete disappearance of
active chlorine, Na2S03 is added,~all 18
distilled the oil Is separated and fraction-
ated, apdxture of Ma and Ma is iedeived.
A mixture of IIIV and IVb forming~at the
action of othylhypochlorite on Il,:Nras ob-
tained under the same conditions, and the
structure of Mb and.IVb was proved analo-
gously with corresponding C2H analog ups
of V to X (10to N6 The' sugsotfulces)~ boilin
points/mm, i~ D) d)+ are enumerated:. Va 89
to 88.5; 1.38W, o.7~46; Vb - 105 to 106
1.3880, 0.7536; Ma - 48 to 48,5/~20,.0.3639;
VID - 6o to 60.5/2o,,1.4230, O.M59; VIM
Card 516
USSR/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2
.Abs Jour Ref Zhur Khimiya, NO, 89 19579~26691.
89 to 90 1,4062, 0.7888; IKa - 105,to-1079
1-45315t 6.8350 M - 124 to 126, 1-45oo,
0.8294 ,Xa--'z;; ~2.5 to 3.5/20,1-44226 0 682;
Xb - A-5 to 77/20 li~2359 O.W4. Ae6*report
LXII I H7,hKhJm, 1357 22847.
Card 6/6
USSR/Organic Chemistty, Synt-hatic Organic Chemistry, E-2
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Khimiya, No. 8,, 1957, 26692.
Author Zyryanova T.A'--' Petrovt A.A.
Title Research in Region of Conjugate Systems.
LXIV. Action of Bens~nesulfodibio)~oamidis.
on Piparylene Solutions in Methyl'and Rthyl
Orig Pub Zh. obahch, khIimiiq 1956, 26,,No. 7~ 1918
Abstract At the action of benzenesulfadibromoamide M
on piperylene,(II) sollitions in methanol and
ethanol, the addition of methylhypobro
or correspondingly, of ethy1hypobromite to 11
in the positions takes place; the
~ 3 If and 1,4 adducted matters
molar r
is 2.5 1 to 3 11 produces considerably
Card 1/6
USSR/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2
Abs Jour Ref Z.hur - Kh1miya, No. 81 19577~26692*
more 1,1+ adducted matter-than the, earlier
investigated divinyl. On the other-hand~
alky1hypob"romites adjoin II in the 3;4 Posi-
tion to a greater degree than the earlier in~
vestigated alky1hypochlorites. 40 g of-a
mixt-mr,e (A) with the boiling point at~65 to
710/20 mmil'of .~-bromo-3-metoxypentenol-;-2 (III)
and 1"bromo-4-matoxypentenol-2 (IV) was~re-
ceived from 68 g of 11 (70 to 75% of the trans-
form). and 94*5 g of I in 250 mlit'of' CH'OH
under conditions described earlier; beiides
methylpropenylketone forming obviously: from III
was separated. CH COOH and BrCH2COOH vsre ob-
tained by the.oz6n~zation of A. 56 g of A
with 28 g of KOH in 180 mlit of C~30H ~rtts
.heated 9 hours-.,. 7.5 9 of 2-metox-~pentadiene-
193 M.) (m*ixture of cis-trans form) (boiling
Card 2/6
USSR/Organic Chemistry. 'Synthetic Organic Chemlstry. E-2
Abs Jour i Ref Zhur --Xhimiyal No. 81 1957, 26692a
point 1o6.5 to 107-50,1n2OD 1.1+555, d1+ 20
0.8350) and 105 g of dimethyl ester of pentenie-
2-diol-lt~ (VII) boiling point 531to 560/20 mmj~
n20D = 1.4250t- dj+20N 0.9058 were s6parated. The
molar ratio of VI (forming from III) and VII
(forming from IV) is about 2.5 toll.' 2811 g of
V, boiling point 120 to 1210, n20D01-1f355, cj~200
0.8654 was obtained by shaking 5,g of'VI with
50 Kit of 5%~H2SQ~; 2,1+-dinitrophenylhy4ra-
zone, boiling point 157 to 1580 (from alcohol).
- 58 g of A in 200 mlit of CH OH .~as hydrogenated
on 20 g 0*f powdered Ni and ~5 g of CaGO3 (150,
Card -3/6
USSR/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No. 8, 1957, 26692.
6 hours, initial pressure 70 at), the floac-
tions (a) at. 87 to 900 at normal, pie'ss'Ur'e, ~ * ,
(5 g) and (b) 'at 63 to 660/ao mm (28 Ovare
,,Se,~~ated. At the h~arog4-natibn or,(a)'on
colloid Pt C 1j_CH(OCH )CH " Ingoint
88 to 88,56, n'D 101+851 00-7 8 was
formedl (b) was hydrogenated ropeatedlyland
after lie following brominationg 1-bromo.-2,-
metgxypentane, boiling point 6".5 to 640/20 =1
1.4509, d 1. 21+10 7 was obt a7ined;
under the action of KOH In alcoholj~l-bromo-
2--metoxlypen.tane produced C3ff-iC(OCH3)zCHjq
b6iling point 89 to 900$ nvD= 1.4662,
Card 4/6
------------------ --------------------- ------- ------------- -------------- ----------------
USSR/Organio.Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2
Abs Jour.~': Ref Zhur - Rhimiya, Noo 81 19571,26692.1
'd~ = 0.7917. By a reaction between 136 g
of 11 (70 to 75% of the trans form) and 190 g
of I in 600 mlit of C,2H50Hg 98 0-7 g",of a,crude
mixture of bromoesters (B) was produced, the
major part of which was distilled at 64 to
720/10 mmo The composition of B was investi-
gated in the same manner as A. At the inter-
action of B with KOH in alcohol, 2-othoxy-
pentadiene-1 3 (VIII) Onixture of cis and trans
forms), boillng point 124.5 to .25.50, n" D
1.44907 d+ o.8244, ana VII were received.
The hydrogenation of B resulted in0C3H7CH(=2.Rs-)_
CH3, boiling point !o5 to 1060,, n_~ D -1.38807
Card 5/6
USSR/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No. 8. 1957, 26692.1
dt 0.7565, and 1-bromo-2-metoxypentane,,
boiling point 58 to 590110 mm, whidh produced
pentene-1 after treatment with Zn dust. - e
cis forms of VI, boiling point 105 to 105.5
nao D 1.457o d 20 = 0.8403, and of VIII'j boiling
point 121+ to 124.50, n.20 D - 1 - 1+530, d~ .~ 0o*8oq'+q
were received by the introduction of pure cis-
II into the reaction with I in CH304 and CjHT0H.
Card 6/6
----------------------------------------------------I------------------ ......
il~d 4V L I I U I NIVII&I I I
i4yqp~~gations 'in the field.of conjugi~ted oystemo, Part 66t The
action of benzosulfodichloro- and benzosulfoalbro~mo'amlae on alco,h:ol
uolutions of isopreus.,Ehur. ob. khim. 26 no.8:2189-2195 Ag 156'
1. Ieningradskly Tbkhnologicheskiy institut imeni Ionsoveta.
(Amsides) (Isoprene)
Research In the field.of conjugate systemso P~ *rt 64 Wf w t of
bencosulfobromamide on piperVlene solutions in tasthrl and ethyl
alcohols* Zhursobekh1m, 26 no,7:1918-1926 Jl 156,
(min 9:r0)
I.-Leningradekly tekhonologichaskiy Institut imeni lensoreta.
CAmIdes) (Piverylene)
M-15--66 EWPO
(M)/r -
C) - RMAil/bD
ACC NRs AF6=964 Pr) SOURCE CODHj MV6191/66/OW/003/0011/0019
AUTHOR: Nikolayevp As Fq y4n Er-Ten G., A.); leb4deva,
E#V.j qanast va--K--g-
ORGs none AT
TITLE: EpoM resins fron derivatives of triphosphooltrIle'; chloride.
SMURCE: Flasticheakiye masay# not 3t 19661,17-19
TOPIC TAGSt epoxy plastic, organic synthetic process) heat resi6tance, therm~opl~stlc
ABSTRACT; The authors studied the preparation of thermoplastias;which could be made
from low-molecular-weight compounds during the final elwation of an srti~le*5 Hexa.!-
glycidyl hm-m-oxyphenylenstriphosphonitrile (K-7)
ES _fw pweparei by the reaction of
triphosphonitrile chloride with m-dAhydroxy~eaane In a basic m~diuzas,
'CI C1
C1 ~