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flllll~i 19 ITT: 11111 Jill ii'll, 11.111till 1111,111,111111111if vii-a
zyi,.y.,,uyo'J T
u %
YERGALIMt Aodesh Yerg~liyevioh; YMIKOVI Viktor Nazarovich; OSIPOVp
Aleksandr Vasil yevich; ZYRYANOVt Timofey Paviovich; KUMSOVt
Yu.N.p red.; ROROKMA,q.-P.-g-t-ek-bn-.-r-ed-.~-'
[Systems of working ore deposits of minor and average tbicIM8001
Sisterq razrabotki rudrykh mestorozbdanii ma-loi i arednei =sbcbno-
.sti. A3ma-Atat Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhskoi SSRI 1961. 205 p.
(MIRA 14:7)
(Miting engineering)
Selecting the structure and par=cter3 of IvIting at the Masl~anskiy
Mine. Bezop.truda v prom. 5 no,1:12-13 Ja 161. OMA 1412)
(Altai Territory-Mine roof boltin.-)
VARAKSITI, Vadim Nikolayevich; SHILKIN, Petr Ivanovich; ZYRYANOV
=44~ :
Jimofey PaylovIchi KOROGODp Grigofty Aleksayevich;
MffL_ICHEffK__E-6;M~Ty Vladimirovichj FOLYANN V.A.p otv.
red.; VUROS, R.F.0 red.; UTEPOV, U.K., tekhno red.
[Rod bolting in the RudnyyIAltailShtangovaia krept na
Hudnom Altae. Alma-Ata, TSentr, in-t nauchn,-'tek"
informatsii, 1960. 19 p. (MIRA. 17:2)
ABAYEV, V., podpolkovnik;,~~=WdwLkf, Podpolkovnik ,11LIMMY, D., polkovnik;
SnSHW7, A., poriolkovulk
Solution of tactical problems,numbers 1-30;publimhed in number 3
of the periodical. Voen, vest, 38 no-7:22-24 J1 '158- (MIRA 11:6)
(Tactics) (Infantryldiill and tactics) (Tank *~rfare)
ZYRYANOV, V., starshiy inspektor spasatellnoy sluzhby-.(g.Khabarovsk)
~__-__'!Cn_o_nj_A_vers of the Soviet Far East. Voen. znan. 38 no.702
il 162, (MIRA 15:6)
(Amur River-Lifesaving) (Diving, Submarine)
ACCESsr6i M AP,1038770 S/004~/64/028/005/0823/0824
AUTHOR: Shuvayev, A.T,.; Zy*ryanov, V.G.; Gorskiy, V.V.
TITLE: Investigation.of the K fluorescence spectrum of calcium in several com-
pounds Za-eport, Seventh Conference on X-Ray Spectroscopy hold in'Yorevan 23 Sep to
1 Oct 19627
6OURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v.28, no*5# 1964, 823-824
TOPIC TAGS: x-ray spectrum, calcium compound, line shift, line shape
ABSTRACT; The calcium M1,2. 1011 and Ifl.5 lines in the spectra of CaC2, CaO and
,Cq2 were recorded in order to detect the influence of tho'calcium ion charge and
the surrounding atoms on the spectra. The spectra were excited by the radiation,from
a 30 W copper anode x-ray tube and were recorded photographically in the second or-
der using a best quartz crystal vacuum spectrometer with.a. resolution of 10 000.
Relative intensity measurements of the 101 and 105 lines were facilitated by employ-
,'ing two films, one behind the other; this resulted in a 101 image on the second film
comparable in density with the 105 image on the first. No difference in the =
.spectra of the three compounds could be discerned. This is in agreemenz with pro-
Card 2/2
ACCESS1014 XR: AP4038770
vious calculations (A.T.Shuvayev, Izv.Aff SSSR,Ser.fiz.25,98661961,,' M.A.BlokhIn and
A.T.Shuvayev, lbid.26,429,1962). according to which the s and p valance electrons
should not be able appreciably to affect the = lines. The 10, line in CaF2 was
shifted by 0.4 eV toward the shorter wavelengths compared with its Position in CAC2
and Cao. The presence of this shift is in accord with previouo conclusions (loo.cio
but the observed agreement between the positions of 101 in CaC2 and.CaO is not under-
stood. A large shift (2.5 eV) and gross changes in line shape were observed in 105,
indicating that the influence on this line of the valence electrons is considerable. 1 figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvenny*y universitet (Rostov-on-the-Don
State University)
SUBMITrM: 00 DATE AOQ- 12Jun64 ENCL-. 00
Metasomatic facies and accessory minerals of the At,saltui flaivilf.
Jzv. AN Kazakh. SSR Ser. geol. 22 no. 6326-14 ?;'-D 165
ig a)
1. Thstitut geologicheskikh nauk imeml K.I. Satpa7pva, Alma-Ata.
AUTHORS: Milovanov, A. F. and Zyryanov, i.--'S.
TITLE: Measurement of.Deformations in Structures at High
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya. laboratoriya,,1960, VoL; 26,~No.,10, P- 115 1
TEXT: The authors developed a method of meaouri4 radial and vertical
deformations of the hot interior of hollow cylinders..For this purpos:e,
they used rods (tyaga) of quartz glass with a lowitemperAture coefficient
of elongation (0-4-10-6) as compared with concrete and:steel. Rods, 15 mm
in diameter, were attached to the hot surface of ihe siructure to be test-
ed. The quartz glass used was tube- or rod-like, 1~-20 im in diameter,
and of different lengths depending on the size of~the structure.,The
radial deformations were measured with the aid of,~,four';rods which'lay,
in two diameters perpendicular to each other. Thelinnek ends-of the
quartz rods were curved like hooks. These hooks were attached to nichrome-
band anchors. Pairs of differently long quartz tubes were used to measure
Card 1/2
Measurement of Deformations in Structures 3/632/60/926/010/022/035
at High Temperatures B016 B054
longitudinal deformations. The difference in Len,gth of,quartz 'rods 'was
used as a basis for deformation measurements. D10formations at -temperatures
of up to 1200 C were measured in this way. The methoa 9'uggested~can be used
both in experiments and at the beginning of operatioii of heat generators
working at high temperatures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut betona i zhelezobetana.Akade,mii,stroit :ellstva
i arkhitektury SSSR . ;
(Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete of the
Academy of__Building and Architecture,l USSR)
Card 2/2
ZTRrANOV V.S. kand.tekbn.nauk
Computing the crack resistance of prestressed Poncreto
smokestack shafts. BetJ zhel-bet. 9 no.5322~-233 Ity,163.
~(MIRA l6sO
(Smokestacks) (Prestreased concrete)
q MR~% i1 1 111111111 111111 [111 IH Il 1111 1 all; 19" 1 A I III It 1:91111 1:111KII too 4 1 fjqu I it" va,
Him U
MI10VANOT, A.F. kand.tekhn.nauk~_=YAUOV, V.S., insh.
Tensile strength and compression of heat resistant raiuforced
concrete construction elements subjected to nonanifori heating,
BetA zhel.-beto no-7:310-316 JI 160* (KIRA 13:7)
(Girders--Testing) (XLectric heating)
AMEORS MilGvanov, A.F., Candidate T3-?1"-_:I Sclen,~.e-s, 7~, i~yajnov, V.3
TITLE- Effect of Compression and Tension on Heat-Dsist.ak ReInforned Con-
crete Elements Subject; toNcn-Uniform, Heating
PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelezo-Beton, 1960, Ncn. 7, pp. 310 ~16
TEXT: The laboratory of heat-resistant and chimi6ally btable construqt_;icns
of NIIZhB ASiA has conducted experimental i-nvestiga:tIons'iperta4
lnlng to compression
and tension of structural elemerts under non-uniform heating. ~The object of the
investigation was to test the method of calculation developed ):,y Professor
Murashev, to determine rigidity and strength of heat-reslatant ;reinforced, con-
crete elements, as well as width- of cracks, developIng 4r
- the elements subject
to simultaneous acticn. of load and temperatur-~. The artlt~le ~escrlbes test beams
and methods by. which the tests were performed at temperatti,-es,cr 150, 300P 500 and
7000C. Compr6sBion and tensile forces were raised up to 50% of breaking point.
The article explains the method of measuring defleationa and taking temperatvres,'
and gives a number of formulae for determining deflection, reLative height of. com-
pressed zone, coefficient of tensile force, coeffiolent of effect of tension on
Card 113
Effectof Compression and Tension on Heat-Resleetant Reltfa~roed~Conorete Elements
Subject to Non-Uniform Heating
extended concrete, and residual temperature tr-_-%:ment- the Itheoret.fe value of carr.;-
ing capacTEY-7-f-beams is determined by formula NM 123-55 for'central ten .sion.
The article mentions the names of V.M. Milonov and B.A. .Al't-shuler Cardidates of
Technical Sciences. The average theoretical doaflecitl-~.n Of the: rein f c-rc ement
corresponds to the experimental values at a."! ~stages ,^4' temperat-Lre and loads.
Experiments have established that the tensille f.--rce causo-'s a lowering of the
temperature moment brought about by non_unif.^~Tm heating. The carrying capacity
of the reinforced concrete elements was characterized by.4,he attainment of the,
yield point of the reinforcement, while the drop of temperature did nct !nterfer(:-;
with the tensile strength. Experimental values of carrying c6pac4ty were:determirv~d
by the extent of deflection corresponding to attaining the yi(Ild pcint of the r;~-
inforeement. The meen arithmetical value of deviation of experinental values fror'
theoretical ones was +5%, while maximum valuee were +25 .and From Graph,5
it can be seen that the theoretical width of orai~k_4 crrr9sgcnd!s t,~ experimental
values. Table 1 gives the carrying capacities of beam vnder tenslcn and Tablo 2
those of beams under compression. In calculating the -2arrying 1, is
Card 2/.3
Effect of Compression and Tension on Heat_Rend.:tart Reinforced (4--inrete Elemients
Subject to Non-Uniform Heatifig
necessary to make allowance for a decrease in strength*of conardte and reinforce-
ment at rising temperature. There are 1 diagram, 2 tables, 6:graphs, 1 So*viet
reference and 10 formulae.
Card 3/3
Abrasion-resistance of heat-resistant codcreflo ai%high temperaItures,
Ogneupory 25 no.5s234,-237 ,6o. (XM 1495)
1. Nauchno-isaledavatellskiy institut betona I zhelezobetoM
Akadeuii otroitallstva i arkhitektu:r7 SSSR.:
(concrete)- Nechanicell woo,
Industrial testing and introduction of dry ParmNIUI-4 dust
collectors at the Lenin Mine of the Kizolugoll Combine.
Nauch. trudy PermNIUI no.6:215-223 164.
L. V,
Preventing bumps in coal mines by pressing vat or Into the seam. MO.,
takh.--okon.infom.Gos,nauch,-IBol*InBt.nauchi tekhtinfon-l. 17 no.'.
22r13 31 164o (MIRA 17slO)
it lilt I [I lollI
Dust collecting equip;mnt for use in rock deilling in the
Kizel Basin. Nauch. trudy Perm NIUI no. 4il46-155 162.
(KRA 17t6)
Introduction of the FE,91011UI-/+ dust collector. Idul'. tekh.-ekon.
inform. Gos. nauch.-issl. irist. nauch. i tekh. inform. 17 no.6:
26-27 Je 164. Oa-u~ 17:11)
"Dynamics of the Acewm1ation of Copper and Cobalt in tho Fruit of Feed Melon
Plantings Under Conditions in the Gissar Valley,." Cand Agr Soi Innt of Animal: Husb.andz7,
Aced Sel Tadzhikistan SSR, Stalinabad, 1954. Mx No 5, Jan 55~
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at UOSR Higher Mucational
Institutions (13)
SO: Sum. No. 598) 29 Jul 55
~8 (6) GOV/91-59-11-2/27
AUTHOR: Melent'yev, V.A., and Zyryanov1.JL1Tp Engineers
TITLE: Operational Adjustments of MP-VT1 Wet Ash Traps
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 11, PP 3-6 (USSRY
ABSTRACT: The authors report on the operational adjustments~re-
quired for achieving a proper functioning of the ALP-
VTI scrubbers which replaced the'eyclones on a'TKP-3
boiler at the Chelyabinsk TETs. The boiler was fired
with pulverized,(R88 = 113 - 20%) hard coal from Eki-
bastuz. Its output was 160/200 tons/h. The ash con-
tent of the coal was 38-4245. Th6~wet:ash traps (scrub-
bers) MP-VTI have a number of advantages over other
systems, for example +,be TsS-VTII;centrifugal ash traps.
However, the MP-VTI scrubbers show a:number of defi-
ciencies which were eliminated partially at the Chel-
yabinsk TETs. A number of problems remained unsolved,
especially in selecting the proper material. For ex-
ample, the wooden lining used is not~suitable. Other
Card 1 2 materials are not corrosion resistant enough and are
---------- --
Operational Adjustments of MP-VTI Wet Ash Traps
corroded by the acid content-of ~he aejh aludge.,:The
spray nozzles of thecylindrical'part~of the bcrubber
are not efficiently designed. Problems of material
corrosion by the acid content of.the sludge must still
be solved. There are.4 diagrams and 1 table.
Card 2/2
oil jilt
ZTRYABOY, T.S., inxh.9,
Axperimental investigations of the performnee of beat-resiotant:
reinforced concrete chimney shafts. Prom.stroi 8 u6.7:
45-50 160. 1397)
1. Yauchno-iseledoyatellikiy Institut betons i shelex obetona
Akademii stroitelistva i arkhitaktmT SSSRs
MUSTAFAWJ, I.A.; GER-ISENO F.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZYKIYAWY, Ye.G.
Controlling dust during tho drilling of borcholes in thin stones..
~ liap , I
Bor'ba s oil. 5:129-131 162. 6:
1. Permiskiy nauchn(>-Isaledovatellakiy ugoj,'W imatitut.
(mine dusts-Prevention) (Boring machiner76.4,quipmeat and GUpPlie';)
USSR Cultivat----d Pl,,qntp4. Plants for Tool-mical Uso, 14
Oii Plantol- 8iigar:' plit-"~lts
Abs Jour t Rof zb-ur Biol. No B., 1958, Uo 34724
Author Zyryznova Ao 11,
Inst ~t
Titlo Contont of Boron in tho OrGclil~a of Soviot
Thin-Tibro'us'Cott6n Plants,
OrJG, Pub Izv, :Otd, icatostv., -'icuk AN TAdz53R,; 1957t
No 18p J63-167
Abatract Citud aro thc~ rcaults of tho ~llnalysis of varlous
organs of tho cotton plant v:arioti,:)i~ 50 4-V and
5904-1 for ascort-cinlinG thair: boroh contu~;nt
(gross comtont of air-dry i.,attor) : as dotor-minod
by tho Quializarin mothod. V-io cclittoa plant of
the varloty 504-VI with a cotton wo.611 yicld;' CIA
25 hwt/h, containod In its abovo doil n a s s
Total manganese content of theiprincipal ooila of southern
Tajilde tan. Dokl. AN Tadzh. SOR 3 no. 1127-30 160&, (HIRA 13:12)
la Institut pochvovedeniya AN TAdzhiksk:o7,S&L Pradstavieno
akademikom AN Tadshikskoy,SSR I#ff&Antipovvm-Xhratayevym.
(TaJikistan-Soile-IManganese contant)
Total and water-soluble boron in the proncipal~aoils of southern
TaJikistan. DokI.AY Tadzh.SSh 1 to.4-.33-36 158. (KRA 13:4)
I# Institut pochvovedeniya AN Tadzhikskoy SSR.~ Predstavleno
akademikom AN Tadzhikgkoy SSR IoN. Anti-povym=Xsratavevy-m.
(Tajikiatan:;Aneralo in soil)
boron content of ~Uintlparto of boviat fine-atapled cotton. IMOCOO
est. nauk AN Tadsh.SSR no. 18:163-166 157. (WILA 11:0
1, Institut pochvovedoaiya, meliorataii i irrigataii AN Tadshiliskoy
Role of' exercise therapy in a cumpowid treatment of t-raumatolagical
patients. Vol). travmo I Ortops nae.1.3995--~9 10.
T RA:~ 18 t 2)
1. Glavnyy vrach Sakhal.inskogo oblastnogo vrachebno--;fIzkuI'-
turnago dispansera.
USSR/KUc3,,e&r Physics B6U,~De~67
"Tensor Variant of Interaction in Desta-Decay Theory
and Spectra of Second-Order Prohibited Transk-
tions," L. N. Zyryanova, L. A. Sliv, L-_nin~rad
Phys-Tech Inst, Acad Sci USSR
'Tz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Piz" Vol 16, No 31 re-!310-M
Report heard 5 Feb 52 in Acad Sci USSR. Pr6sents
arguments for the tensor variant of interai.`tion tn.
the theory of beta-decay. In this connec4oa tbla,'
authors study the beta-speatru:m of w a~&'its iormi
V ti '111 nuclearl, masses, me computrd for 4 S 20.
- 1,
all the elpd. Alit avnilable before Mar.1.1 3962 are Zsl~
Intocoosid"ion. Tim relemtdata we! Hued.! and the-
method of loist squitims W used its erAmt6g them. pri-
margii ma4values obtained from nudftr r6actlofi en"es
and ow mons4pectirciveopic doublets sre'used. ! The re-
Chemical Abet. sults of mi"ve methods of dets. maysi dift"ne" an 1
Vol. 48 No. 6 taken into: cismsideration, but it is pointed: out that these
mWols ate cot rt ti reliable its othem ITht results for
Her. 25p 1954 mass defects 4nd at. mosta Rm tabulated (tic oil the knowni
iluolear Phenomena nuelldes UO ti~ Cam. liar the:more lmpor4nt nudWes the
mam valuqs 4c comotred with the tabulated vahles Of
Mattauch ittid JR14mmirsNId (C.A. 43. DZU. Ll, ej at.
(C.A. 45, 8006b). Bw4d. (C.A. 40, 29M, and! Collins
dl a,. (C.A i 40 2t0j) ~ Ott the av., them pivhabl~ error ~ - i
about vu, ()(W pmi'lud'error h, uw, v6ul tabuw
tiono. Thi!W'mim vithi-s txe:, to - 1 0.+ 0. 10"Id
Ht ~ffi 1.00814110 =b 0.0000013, 111 : I
- vJ147111 *aODOM
3.017008 * 0.0001)05. Jle4 % *11003971~ 0 WOO027,
TIT t i;. Now,
9.01r)013 :L ;.~~G. Igo 1400008
0-00(=.g~ 10
-OW-W 11-0127PO ;L- 0.00 2
cis . 13-007,1118 1 all I 01MM,
N111 -n I6AQ4V?7
+ KW7:
10499708 :h 0;000005.
19,00,14,34 + 0'W" I
22.107MI 0.66M.
TUM4. Al"Itst 20.040* -+ 0AWN Sig- Zr.GRM:L- 17
0-OD0O20::E!,,- 30-911-Wik O-OWXr,rW6 3LORM-1 :h
0 34.90102 O.OOWI. 36.0750
0 00004 AO -59-9760T3 0400= -K-" 33.97000
O:OM:~- 39.97MO :L O.M0. R.tGom-~
iv- v! H11111 IM-
7.. . ........
D213UPOV, B.S.; ZYRYAUOU, L.H.; 2MIDILIO X.Ye.0 tekhatcheskly redaktor
[Iufluenc'e of the electric fie]Aof the atom oubeta decay] VIiiante
elektricheakogo polia atoma na beta-reepad, Moskva, Ind-vo, Akademli
nauk SSSR, 1956. 312 p. WRA 91.10)
(Beta rays)
USSJR/ Physical Chemistry kto4c, Nucleus
Abs Jour Referat Zhu'r -Xhimiyaj :No 3P 1997jJli~
Author Zyryanova, L.N, and~Krutoy V,.A.
Inst _c
Title ~2e_Ftion of Prolx.ibility of Paii~-Cbnv~ris,ion
I g 0.0 ~ ': :
Orig Pub Azv. AN SSSR Physical Seriesp 1956.1:~Ydl 20~ 116 3'
Abstract The forri of.the positronic conversion;spectird produced.
by 0-0 transitions in ol6$ Ge72j, arid ~aCl nuclei has
been Investigated, and'a, formulA has ~eea derived for,
calculating the probability of the transitions. In th6
calculation it is assuvied that the potentitillor the 04
transition has spherical symetry, ;'The Potential Q isiaD-:
sumed to be non-,zero only within th Awvnd-&riei Ot them w-~
Cleus. The calculation is carried Q~ on -Lbo tasis ofithe
relativistic approxination. The j,-#4'un!cti6nI:Vor the
Card 1/2
"New Tables of the Fermi Function fo(Eoz).
report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectrascopyj Tbilisi, 14-221
Feb 64.
LGU (Leningrad State Univ)
"The Dependence of the Wave Function of the Beat-minus on the Value of the
Nuclear Radius in the Case of Forbidden Transitions."
"New Tables of the Function F(K,Z)."
reports submitted for All-Union Conf on'Nuclear Spectronopy) Thilisi) 14-22
Feb 64.
LGU (Leningrad State Univ)
s/c4s16 5/0,27/0W/O 21on
B I 04/B1 aO
AUTHORS Zyryanava, L. .11. , and Mikhgiy lov, V. M.
TITLEs An anal~rsis of tho P-lecay cf the nuclei BJ, 210 (HaE), ?b 21 q(RaD)j
ana Pb 209 and the wave fixnation of ME
PERIODICAL: Akademiya, nauk SSSH. Izvestlya. Seriya ftmicheskaya,~ v.~27,
n6. 2, 19631 235 245
TEXT: T~e first forbiliden 0--transi "ions near the double-,aagic sh--bli
1'o. have been studied to find the sT)er,11ra of the ciee-aying
, i . , ^ i, . ~,. ) , L. 01 ) is used,
7--.4- --ave fanct-.,on 'Rt3.F' a(b 9 ~ 2 2
a r e- -. ~:e am I -,.z ae s p -1 3 VT IV '- y ,~r. H, . I .
I ~, L ",. ?. Janer ee, Zeh, Z. Phys.
13. F1 r I,, A -2~ n on I I o 3 p ;,,_I M a -,- S a t orl , tho
c - e 1. and
1. T,A
is shown that ft ia nearly proporiiona.-L. to x; 7Tc 10 wnc-re
Card 1/5
Cv i
-- - = 17A
x and y values are given ia the table. Yf'i th these uarwetiin,s the wave
function of RaE is analyzei. Firnt ~he relation of and r with the waval
-.;nct~-or, is studied (Fig. 2). Th i! r. rhe r-adial inteeTrals
F Oh --- I
F 1)1 2
4 tl 31)"t. 2
6 1.2.
Card 2/5 p (0
III IIII, it I fill I I,
b/a ELs a funct4or, a, T-
Legend- -0.4; 2
Fig. 2
F11 MR. 1 191,11=11 P., 11=111 I R I I I i I
WK-1112HI 11111111111411111 it Tillie ......
I -/0' 21
kn analysis of the B- decay- 3. , o'! //;3 -10 --
Fig. 5. ft of Ra3 as a function of x.
Lej;endt -0. 4 ; (2) , IT, 55 j ( 5) N - -0. 7 1( 4:1 X0; 5'
Ta'~ 1 e . Results of an analysis of t1he spectrum of R all, ,
d ta-k i ng r To a c c c an o - t ~,A t.~ i rd I f o rb i,,4 d. -2 ri t r, a.- so ra
account of the third forbidden tr=sition.
.1 J '14
Card 4/5
5 AIX I!! t/6 I 1r0TI'-C)2
3 1. 19
An analysis of the --decay.
Fig .
Card 5/5
. Li-e
Ohielding ef,*'ect for forbirl-:en/1--opectra.
Ser. fiz. 26 no.l:]./+8-149 J& 262. (MIM i5.-2)
1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Im. A. A. Zhdanova.
(Nuclear models)
(Beta rays-Spectra)
Correction to the for of a-Uowed,6!'~-spectra,, which is
accounted for by matrix elements of the relativistic
Operatorsp(and r.5, Izv, AN SSS R Ser, fizo 2,6 nool:150-152
.Ta 162.- (MIPA 15-2)'
1. Wingradskiy gooudaritvennyy univerpitetim. A,A.Zhdanova.
Oetm fays-Spectra)
Nuclear reactions)
AUTHOR., Zyryanova, L, N4
TITLE: Screening effect for forbidden -speolra
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iiveotiya. Seri~ra fiziQheskaya, 26,
no. 1, 1962, 14B - 149
TEXT: The method of L~ A. Sliv (Zh. eksperim, i leor, fiza, Eq, 1049
(1947)) has been used to calculate the coefficients of the electrO:n wave
functions L, M, N, P, Q, and R, contained in the expressions for the
forbidden P-decay probability, allowing for the Coulomb field, the finite
herical nuc
de Broglie wavelength for a uniformly charged so leus of radius
R = 1.2 A1/3.10-13 cm. The calculation techrique. .has been descri-bed in
detail by L. N. Zyryanova and B. S. Dzhelepov (V1,iyaniya elektr-4cheskogo
polya atoma na beta-raspad - Effect of an electric field on the 0-decay
Izd. AN SSSR, M.-L., 1956).. The corrections for screening have beer..
determined using tables of I. M. Band, V. 1. Guman, and G. A,. Sogomonova
(Tablitsy radiallnykh funktsiy i faz elektronov ... Tablesi of radial functions
Card 1/1 -'s
Screening effect for forbidden... 13125/BI04
and electron phases Izd. AN SSSR, 11~-L,, 1959) and the statistical model
of Thomas-Fermi-Dirac, and allowing for, the~atcmir; ele-,tron and nu-~,'_-_ar
fields, The screening correction for It. for example, is. equal- -~o the
ratio of M 0 (with allowance for, the screening and the finite nucieur
dimensions) to M (with allowance for the finite nuai.par
If the screening effect for the allowed transitiono In thii furv~t-ior, F(EIZ)
is taken into account, the soreening correcilons for hi and 11 will
0 C"
remain below 0.5%. For the funotions P and R.~i, these acrrections.
amount to 616' at most. The"re are I table and 8 .5 Sovict; and
5 non-Soviet. The four references to English-lancpa8e pviblication-.4 read as
follows: Reitz J. R~) Phys. Rev,,,;, 77, 10 (1950); Goca R~ 11, Phys~ Rev.,
94, 931 (1954); Zweifel, P, F., Phys., Rev~, 26, '572 (195,); Korcppinski
& J., Uhlenbeck G,, Phys, Rev~, ~~, 308 (194T)
ASSOCIATION, Leningradskiy gos, universitet im,, A, A, Zbdanctra (Leningrad
State University imeni A. Zhdanov)
Card 2/42
------ - ----- --- -
AUTHORS: Zyryanova, L. N., and Pantyuehin, A. A.
TITLE: The correction to the shape of allowed P--spbetra, obtained
by allowing forthe. matrix elements of the'relativistic
tnd V
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iz.ventiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 26,
no. 1, 1962, 150 - 152
TEXT: 'In an approximate study of beta transitions~~it is P0883,ble to
represent the leptons either by plane waverj.~exp(-flk',k~).wlth k = -" +
and with the exponent unity, or by neglecting the matrix' elements
correspo nding to the operators a and y 5* VA inter action Is assumed for
the beta transition. The term
1 Gjp W Tj"r, P. (X)
Card 1/4
The correction to the shape of... B125/B104
which is due to a direct weak transition of the type + e- + is
to be ad(led to the Hamiltonian
jG (ir, (x) tp. (z)) A4 (x)G
(*+p (X) (z)) A. (x) + XG (*4'(X) 01P. (X')) 0 Y
x V/
of beta interaction with 61L(X) + y0tl (X)'
-49 2 4e =(O id.,
G (1.00 � 0.0l)-10 erg-cm when.using the representation Y ic 0'
(i 1,20), and alloii'h'g for the
4 = (10 -01)' Y5 ~(-01 101 :
renormalizability of the vector ial portion, in analogy to the el6ctro-
magnetic interaction. Here, V and V denote.-the,total.anomalous moments
p n
of.proton and nucleon magnetons (e/2M). The effec tive Hamiltonian'
H G(*' ,Vn) u. + TO u-1
to U. ro + 'ia (k~d) -2R] (I
Card 2/4
The correction to the shape of ... B125/B104
where -iV = k and a )/X is derived fro m the Hamiltonian
following from the equation of motion -Ly + Al (X) = 0 for the nucl'eons
if only the matrix elements are allowed, which obey the selection rules
for allowed transitions. Using the customary method, the correction factor
is obtained for the 0-->O- transit ion spectrum, and
S, [1 + W
14 W 0
S I a(W W (W (8) f or the'A i = 1 tran, sitions.
2 o 311 o Vj 2
Here, W is the total electron energy in terms of ific and W is it's
maximum energy. The upper sign denotes P--decays and the lower ni .gn
stands for P+ decays. The last expression is con-,~:Istent with M. Gell- V/
Mann's correction (Phys. Rev,, 111, 362 (1958)) if the constant, which
the latter did not determine exactly, amounts to -:11219,1 The correction
is of the order of 0.25- 10-2 (11MC2), and cannot elwlniri Lhe experimentally
32 22
observed deviations of the P and Na spectra. from the statistical form.
12 12 114
This correction has the same value for the B if and In spectra,
Card 3/4
.o4 'AF
S/04 62/026/001/017/018
The correction to the shape of... B125YI310.4
Using a Hamiltonian similar to the one presented he,re, J F, Dreitlein.
(Phys. Rev,, 116, 1604 (1959)) calculated the correction to the shape
of the beta spectra of unique transitions which are forbidden in firsts
order. For the transition Y90--~,Zr 90 (2--50"*), this1correction is of the
order of (0.2 - O.3)-1O-2(j/mc2), and cannot explain thelexperimentally
observed deviation either. Nor can they be explai.n(illd by.allowing for
both the correction discussed above and correction (8). There are~j
figure and 5 non-Soviet references, The faur most vecent rererencas
to English-language publications read as follows: G411-Mdnn Y-, Phys. Rev.,
111, 362 (1958); Daniel H,, Nucl. Phys., 8, 191 (195,B); Hamilton J,. .H.,
Lan~zr L. M., Smith W. G., Phys~ Rev~, 112, 2012 (1958); Johnson 0, E~,~
Johnson R. G,., Langer L. M., Phys. Rev., 116, 1604 (1959); Mlorita At.,
Nucl. Phys., 14, 106 (1959).
ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy gos. universitet im. A, A. Midanova (Leningrad
State University imeni A, A. Zhdancv)
Card 4/4
0 0
AUTILORS: Vindushka,. M. ,
r a.~L
TlTLE: Analysis of;`-s2ectra forbidden in aecqnd'order
PERIODICAL; Izvestiya. Akademi~ nauk 35$R. Seriya, ~Izichle;kayhj y.,:, 2 5
no. 1 1961, 51-55
HEXT The mosat important previous pap6ra on the an~lysia of the sh4pe of
,".-spectra forbidden in second order (Refs.1-6) are'tbasea on the ST variet
L' I.-heo
of the 4 j~y of -decay. In'the present
paper, t~e non-unique i" ;.spectra
forbidden in second order k\1 = 2, no) are investi ted,on. the ba sis 0" the
. Bra
A-7 interaction. The values of the nuclear paramet6rs found in thate c.alctll-
lations give a satisfactory e=-planation to the shap6of thel-spectra.,'Four
diagrams illustrate the experimental shapes of the form factors of C136
IF6597 Cs'35, and Csl37,p _spectra. The follorring relation holds for the
theoretical shape of 1~ -spectra forbidden in second ~lotder, if 1 2
ard 1/7.
7 1. L~
Analy6is of --ppeotra. B029/bO67
12 2
[55 J(4L. XONO +
C,=Igv 11RJ!, 1-5- y
-2KIV,,+ -Irt + WI] +I All 11[1'-,K2L,, + LI-
KL ~3.jv
K3LO - 1