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KIJEWSKI,-Wiial-aw,-Irg3~-i-ni.-;-NACZYNSKr,-j6-r-z3~;-i-n-z.,--~YL-K-0 mgr. Problems and state of gas engineering In the German Democratic Republic as seen from certain centers. Gaz woda tachn sanit 37 no.4/5sl33-136 Ap-My 163. 1. Central Gas Engineering Laboratory, Warsaw. -- Tadeixsz-= - -- -- URBANSKI, Tadeusz; SKOWRONSKA SERAFINCWA, Barbara; ZIYLOWSK 1, Jerzy Reactions of aromatic amines with syanoguanidine, IX. Naphthalamidine- urea and its reactions with amines. Rocz chemii 33 no.6:1377,-;1382 159. (EUI 9:9) 1. Katedra Tecnologii Organicznej II Politechnikip Warszawa i Zaklad Syntezy Lekow Insty-tutu Gruzlicy, Warszawa. (Cyanoguanidins) (AmInes) (Naphthylamidinourea) (Aromatic compoundis) AUTHOR: Zym'a'k, V" Engineer TITLE.- Volumetric Efficiency PERIODICAL: Stroji ~renstvi, 196o, Z/032/60/010/08/006/033 EWVE5~5 of Radial Piston Pumpsl V61 10, No 8, pp 577-583 ABSTRACT: A new method is proposed for calculating the volumetric efficiency of radial piston pumps which,takes into consideration the eccentricity of the pistons in their cylinders as well as the eccentricity of the rotor on its spindle. The volumetric efficiency is expressed by an equation which contains terms for taking into consideration leakage and suction losses. The influence of the pressure and temperature on the deformation of the individual parts of the pump are also taken into consideration. The author derives formulae for determining the optimum pressure gradient, the one for which the temperature rise will be lowest. The use of the derived relations is illustrated~on a practical example of calculating the volumetric losses in a radial pump with five 18 min dia. pistons, 1500 r.p.m. with a throughput of 14.5 litres/min at~a pressure of Card 1/3 250 atm., the peak pressure being up to~350 atm., thia Z/032/6o/olo/o8/oo6/033 E073/E535 Volumetric Efficiency of Radial Piston Pumps high pressure rotary pump has been deisigned and is being manufactured by the Lenin (9koda) Works, Pi,Lsen, III tile conclusions it is stated that the suctionAosses cannot be expressed for the time being by a satisfactory mathematical formula and their magnitude can only be determined by practical tests. Reduction of these losses can be obtained by a suitable choice of the running:speed, increase of the size of the suction'caftals' and mainly by filling the spaces of the piston pump with the liquid to be transported by means of a low pressure auxiliary pump. The leakage losses can be reduced by reducing the tolerancesto the minimum possible; in calculating these losses it is essential to.take into consideration the eccentricity of the sealing components, the changes in. the viscosity of the liquid nnd the changes in the play as a functio the pressure and temperature. In medium pre ss Iroland particularly in high pressure, pumps the increase in the sealing gaps as a result of the high Card 2/3 pressure of the liquid has the greatest influence on the Z/032/6o/oio/o8/oo6/033 E073/E535 Volumetric Efficiency of Radial Piston Pumps leakage losses and, therefore, the respective components of the pump and also of the motor should have a high rigidity. Calculation of volumetric losses of pumps and hydraulic motors carried out on the assumption of a' constant -viscosity of the fluid and of zero eccentricity is incorrect even for lowoperating pressures and does, not even provide an approximately accurate picture on the conditions pertaining in reality. There are 8 figures and 6 references, 5 of which are Czech and 1 Soviet. Lenin Works, ASSOCIATION3 Z~vodv V. 1. Lenina, Plzen" (Y,~.j Pilsen) Card 3/3 .. . ........ Z'YL YEV , L. 14..j DARDINY I. P. p OSTROUKHOV) M. Y. and KHODAK, L. S. "Neue Auffassungen uber den'Verbrennungsprozess (lea Kokes an den Windform'en des Hochofens Neue Hntte No-4, 1956 J, Metallurgical Inst., AS USSR U1191 Ifill, Plirilizill I WHI licit Ifillf I "I'll MI, M, M MI, i lip, 19111U111111311 ul j ZfMA, Besim, doe. dr. The hazau~d 6f t,6xic,'Wbcta of straptomycinIon the'iuditory system. Shendet.pop.&i 162.1;. - ' "*: (ST-IWTOMYCIN TOXIGOLOGY) (VESTIBULAR APPARATVS) 11., inz. Dinamic.3 (,," n berivy hydrimlic imit vlth prossixt) drive. 1. M.Lenina National Enterpri-jo, IlIzon. taxtORM w1glituall) -- --- ------ -- TARAN, P., kand.tekhn.nauk; PRISTAVU, A.; ZYYALV, G.; SRALIWTt A.;, SWASTIYANOT, V. S'Peeding-up the rate of iner6ase of laborlproductivity in'the Dnepropetrovsk 3conomic region* Sots. trud 5 no.9,98-108 S 160. wu utlo) 1. Olaynyr inish. treat* *14ninruAa" (for Tar~n). 2. Zam.nachallnika tekhticheskogo otdola tresta "Leninruda" (for Pris:tavka). 3. ~Jpravl- yayushchiy trestom ODzerzhinakruda" (for Zywlev), 4. Hachallnik otdela organixatsii truda trest,a gDzerzhinakrudal (for Shalimov). 5. Zam. direktora po trudu i kadram zavoda Im. Dzerzhiuskogo (g.Denprodzerzhinek) (for Sevast'janov). (Krivoy Rog Basin-Iron mines and mining-Labor productivit7) (Dneprodzerzhinsk--Steel industry) (Socialist competition) MIALEV G.S.; IOFFE, Z.M.- FODKPIVIITIU, G#F4 Economical operatioa at Norzhinskrud Trt-st~.,dneu. Gor.zhur no.1:15-17 Ja 165. (WAA 18'.'3) 1. Trost Dzerzhinskruda, Yxivoy Rog. ,A W-AY4 G a.; TDCHEN40, O.G. Improving the boring of deep holes in Krivoy Rag Basin mines. Gor. zhur. no.209-42 F 165. (MIRA 1614) 1, Upravlyavushchiy trestom Dzerzhinskruda (far Zymalev). 2. Nachallnik nauchno-issledovateliskoy laboratorii tresta Dzerzhinskruda (for Timchdi*o). --- I , - V -Z-V - -MIKU - r. T ~- -1- - I- -I':._ Improving systems of working at Ingulets Mining Administration mines. Viet. i gornonid. prom. no.6:72-74 N-D 1-64. . (HIRA 18:3) LAKHOV, G.-M.,-doktor-tekhn.-nauk,-GiiIRKOVY Yti-.I-., kand-#tekhn-.nauk; KUCHERYAVEN,KO# I.A., kand. tekhn. nauk;.,.ZN KHIVRENKO, A.F.; NESTERENNO, V.V. Introduction of new variants of the system of sublevel caving: at "Dzerzhinskrud" Trust mines. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.2: 50-54 Mr-Ap 165- (MIRA 18:5) -ZI NOV' YEV ZYKILEV - --V---- -- ---- -~ - -- -- ---= -- 9 . ~,~wm -, ItSfGTf,-K0,--l. . Working thin deposits at the Illich mine. Gor. zhur. no.4:23-26 Ap 165. (MIRA 1815) 1. Trest Dzerzhinskruda, Krivoy Rog. TITOV, V.D., gornyy inzhoner; TARAN, F.H., gornyy Inzhener;-ZYMALEV, G.S., gorny7 inzhener; OSTROUKHOV, A.I., gornyy Inzhaner; Mnmimv- M.A., gorny7 it4hener; BORZEMO. P.T.. goru37 inshener, 'Underground mining of ore and placer deposits" bF.R.P. 4plunoy and other. Reviewed by V*D* Titov and otherio Gor.zhur no.11:63- 64 N 156. iMLRA 10:1) (Mining engineering-Study and teaching) I-InIULFIT 1, G~~ Jqla Mconomic-advaptagea of doorleas cars. Gor. 2hur. no.602-33 is 163. (MRA 18:7) 1. Upravlyny-ushchiy trestom DZer2himakruda. ZYMALEV _G.S. _gurnyy inzh.; IOFFE, Z.M.,, lnzh.-ekonovist Capital Investments and capital yield In the,~ore dressing plants of the "Dzerzhiriskrudall Trust. Gor. zhur. na,10:30-33 0 161 , (MIRA 18S L-L) 1. Trest Dzerzhinakruda, Krivoy Rog. ZVALEV, 04.; MAYDAN, D.S. Possibilities of reducing losses and depletion of ores in the Krl-7oy Rog Basin. Met. I gornomd. p.rom. no./+-.54-.56 aAg 165. (min .1.8tio) 0 10 0 a 0 0 0 a 00 0 4 N! Il tj it 14 1I4 Ills loll it 11 to, b if v N w 01 v Is As Ox A IF 9 4 111, Q IV All 4 oo ' 0 00 A 00 1-00 00 The sultur watteit d Notts coal@. .4 N apa_ ' :N 41 w 1 I T 9 0 if . ; t . S. 4. R.) COki, doli Chem. ( , " ' h o k :0 0 - itird thri Ws. -The i i% iliw1 u4 Ckiwil;,& i4darsirie4 2. 0 a out %* diffeirent ovains of the deposit in zA"w%-. within twh I If t contirnt are tirlsiiTely ficyk the ViLriaLlOnS its the total I i l f 00 66 C s S timmit alif ir conit Atall. In tnost cams the org. /rwhile the p)ritic 5 throughout the depcmit vaties front .00 10 6.48%. The sulfate Spirwrally durs not L'xcirrdl~.14%. 00 I caled, Ifor" tolill S by Illvaill III qhmi 14W. Ivrille 1; call be . 00 3! tv;ula: S., O.M 4, 0 K~. A. 1'. C. 00 00 r0 0 .41.6~1 ** ASO:SLA CLAWICA1110% its 1 " woo i ;~v 00 t I " 0 '00 o hilis Oka wit 4qu ittlit Itm YA I ~ Is A I Hio It 0:0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41, 0 * 0 0,0 0 .9 0 0 0 00101 0 ot* 0 0 00 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WO 00 6 0 *i*,o 4 0 0 0 0 0 0' -'IF' Sal it it It I I t if a SO x Al J4 n it j 00 VI MWALum, at mcwi m4ma AI=Lu WUMe tw PWMi' K.jr. it 31anilov and F. 1. Z muball (Legkit Jittally (MqJU MrtaM), 1937, 64 (10). C Ac 0 S, me" km. Z-X&.. 1 1). 4706).-([n Rumian.1 A labomtory method is so it dmeribed for the proparation of cumndum fmm an alumimte wAtificin. ~ 3 R. S. 00 1 00 SO, so so 00 41 -0: Vo -00 two coo 11100, "ITALLURGICAL UTENAT09 CLAISAFKATION IM.9 glow SIVIOSIV; 170.1 "NAny 0144114"d -is -kL-ft lic's-v 411 c"v Wit A S a rv;Q a IFA Ir of a a 4, 10 It ED IV a a R 14 90rW in2h.; IMIVRENKop A.F., gornrY Inz)2uj MMIK0,1J.'"y gc)rnyy inzji.; DYWHUK) G.K. I g=yy inah. Ways of reducing expenditures for mine ventilation. Gor. $hVT', i no, 12slo-13 D 165, (MIRA 18112)- ZIMAN, S.M. jZyman, S.M.) Some Interesting and rare plants from the vicinity'of the village of Yasinya'in Transcarpathian Province. Ux. bot. zhur. 21 no.4: 102-104 164. (RIRA 17t11) 1. Srednyaya shkola, Yasinyaj Zakarpatskoy oblasti. Teresa Notes on controlling prolonged uterine hemorr-hagea irith the aid of Primosiston. Ginok. pol. no.l*:565-568 162. 1. Z II Nliniki Polomintwa I Chorob KobiacyOi jV,1 we Wroclawiti Kierownik: prof. dr K. Jablonski. (UTERINE 1010R!-,J1AGE) (HYDROXYPROGESTERONE) (ESTRADIOL) ZYM&GIMANSKA Teresa Vaginal foreign bodies in yc nmg girls. Fol. tyg. lek. 17 n6.31:21222- 1225 30 J1 162, 1. Z II Kliniki Poloanictwa i Ghorob, Kobiecych A14 we Wroclawiu,- kierowftik: prof. dr med. Kazimierz Jablonski. (VAGINA) mt "WKINNNIMMEMEM Z)C4EK-GIEFM-PA, Teusa Unusual topography of fallopian tubes in the ro-entgenographic picture. Ginek. pol. 33 no.6:851-860 162. 1. Z II Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych MI w Wroclawiu. Kierownik: prof. dr K. Jablonski. (FALLOPIMI TUBES) (STERILITY FEMALE) -----Dz 0 Andrzaj; ZTMMC-GIERMANSXA Teresa Estimation of the value of bistopatbological examination of scrapings from the sulltace of erosion of the vaginal part of the uterus for an early diagnosis of cancer#' Gins. polska 28 no.1:39-45 Jan-Yeb 57. 1. Z II Kliniki Polosuictwa i,Cborob Kobiecybb A.14. we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof, dr,~ K. Jablonskt.~:Doc. Dr, Andrs e Dzioba, Wroclaw, Al. KollataJa 32 m.'~6. IUTIRUS NEOPLASMS, diag. bletopatbol. exam. of scrapingB from surface of erosion from portio vaginalls, value in early diag. MID ERVIX, UTERINE, dim. (C erosion of portio vaginalis, value of histopathol. exam. of scrapings from surface In early ding. of uterine cancer (Pol)) ZYIEK-GIEW4ANSKA, Teresa; SWARD, Jozef Attempted gestanone therapy of imminent and habitaal abortions. Wiad, lek, 18 noal8tl"7-1450 15 3 165, I@ Z II Kliniki Poloznictwa 1 Chorob Nobiecych AM we Wroclawlu (Kierownik: Prof. dro mod, K; Jablonski). So= remarks. on difficulties in the trafflc of Varsav. Motor U no.30.-3 29 n 162. "Our impressions from the Six-Day Race." P- 788 SVET TWORU. (Svaz pro spolupraci s armadou) Frahaj Czechoslovakia, Vol. 91 no. 25/26, Dec., 1955- Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LCj Vol. 8i Uo.;9) Sept- 1959 Uncle Poland/Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances, G-2 Abst Journal: Referat, Zhur - Milmiya, No 1, 1957, 1246 Author: Zymny, E. Institution; None Title: Titrimetric Determination of Silicon Dioxlde'iin Cement Original Periodical: Cement. Wapno. Gips, 1956, Vol 12, No 6, 152-153 (Published in Polish) Abstract: See Referat Zhur - Kbimlya, 1956, 1154 D-) 'I ,,,I it I t (I Atel bmiji w, liffillilwe I ne 1), -tfirnmawd .,,,r *I- -,ifh d,-,I,, -,u- Wa .'wrmx t,~ Lalt, ligwl frjj~j,, 't"_ v,,jlmv- I)rqtw-.,,t "C 10 mg -ttj."J, .1 J,(, 1,5 4,-" Doum(nauan om poftit%acm in tm,4r sod efflaws #4 wasisom jl"Jajr4jr, (PmAl. Ctem, 1933. 0. ;PJ7 Thi, nample is caiumt-Rt. M av,01liki by outic ;wul. -iruf K It -44ing ul NaUtc,"O. C' witut-t "I rhe, j-ptil i1i ii !eterru~nixl eq.7im Ono irnr-lri,-rII%- aftet itming on tit, b)- Li. Na. Ca. Ma. amr"- (tit n, f but Ab. 0. and Sit, are ppW It K aa6 N'fq, xii, 'rite T!'4 rpt is awl. .1fleT Avmvi~ off Itil. 11: ,, Nal 1H, lhe rt,,W~jl I a oigbin 1,-i and , -r4li,-.' i-It A"Al 'a. 1953, 137 It 1'rA 11 Wj~, VCberVk4L-vIA=mAcaqticaJ 9=1T-8 'vitb A Atu, t -A j 't ~-lk- I I M!'PUT 'j_'. CCESSION NR: AP4040935. /0663 A .9 UTHORC-Alflorov, Zh,~ 1. (Alferov, Zh'. zyomogorovat, N#, 6, (Zimogorova, A N. S.)j*Samo11yanov# O..H. (Samollyanov, A. TITLE: Photoelectric propertied of. heterojunctions in some semi- Conductors SOURCE., Ukrayinsiky4ty fizy*chny*y zhurnalo v. 9, no. 6,- 1964~9 659-663 TOPIC TAGSs epitax ial film ep,itaxidl layar, haterojunctioni non- rectifyiikg current contact AbSTRACT: Appiying the gzks-transport method and'' u'sing iodine as a transport agent, films of-GaAs on GaP, GaPt and 'Go on GaAs were pare- I pared to obtain p -n heterojunctioni. The transpor,ting material' was: doped to produce-a'conductivity of a type opposite to that of~the. Ij base. Furthermore, a method-for obtaining nonroctifying conta.cts~: carrying current to the epitaxial layers of .Go :~GaAs and GaP .was developed. The currant-voltage characteris,tics of the heterojunc- r tions and their, depend ence on'temperatures Vera, measured. :It 'was C L43 r3d 1/ 2 r :~ ACCESSION NR: AP4040935 A, O!f .1found that there are twq exponenti~l~pa'rts in.the forwa'rd branch the characteristics. T~e dependence'..of ~the voltage on:the tempeka.- ture in the forward direction is' linear. The spectral distril;ution d jof photosensitivity has, a characteristic. shape with two maximums an is determined by both s,ubstances of * the pair. The, forbidden gap of the substance with a larger width of the band cart* be determined' by. the maximuti in-the shortwave region of the spectrum.,~The red limit of photosensitivity can be determined by the width of'the foy4i-dden I gap of the substahce with a smaller width of, the band, Orie, art.~. has: 6 figures and 4 formulas. ASSOCVATION.- Fizy*ko-tekhnichnyli~ 'insty*iut im. "A. - F., f f e~.AN' S RS R Leningrad,'*(~hysicotachnieal'. Inst'itu6e-, AN SSSRY J~ J SUBMITTED: 2OJan64 3056 CL .00 ATD P RE'S S E I SUB CODE:, EC EM, '~NO. RE FS 0 V: 0 0 9 OTHER: 001~~ Cqrd- -2 2 7 ZYMOVETS, Viktor Naumovich; STOROZHUK, 0.0.; LUPKO, A.Ya., red.; tekhn. red. [Production concentration on collective farms and its economic efficiency] Kontsentratsiia vyrobnytstva v kol- hispakh i ii ekonorichna efektyvnist'. Kyiv, Derzhsill- .ho--pvydav URSR, 196~2. 82 p. (141IRA 16:12) (Ukraine-Collective fanis--Management) R-M I'N"..- "FRI. R MM ACC-Mi ---AP70-04974 SOURCE- CODE *---UR/004 8/66/030/009/1463/1466 AUTHOR: Vlasonko, N.A.; Zynlo,S.A, ORO: none TITLE: Polarization effects in electroluminescent ZnS:Mn tilms /Report, Fourteenth All-Union Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) hold at Riga, 16-23 Sept. 19657 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvostiya. Scriya fizichookaya, v.30, no.9, 1066, 1403-1466 TOPIC TAGS: elect roluminescence, zinc sulfide, manganese, electric polarization ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated polarization effects in 0.25 micron thick films of a ZnS:Mn alactroluminophor between Sn02 and Al oloctrodon. The metallic electrode was separated from the luminophor by a 100-150 A thick layer of SiO. It was found that when a steady voltage is applied to such~ a cell it becomes polarized and the luminescence intensity rapidly drops by a factor of about 100. The polarized condition persisted for several hours when the cell was short circuited, but the cell could be restored to the unpolarized condition by irradiation with photons having energies between 1.6 and 3 eV. When to a polarized cell ibere was applied a voltage of the same sign as the polarizing voltage there resulted only weak luminescence, but when a voltage of the opposite sign was applied, the initial luminescence flash was brighter than that from an unpolarized cell. The luminescence intensity (both of the initial flash the steady state) was higher when the aluminum electrode was the ACC NRi AP7004974 -- ---------- anode when it was the cathode, and the duration of the polarizing and depolarizitg processes also depended somewhat on the polarity# The presence of moisture reduced the. polarization and accelerated the depolarizing process, It is hypothesized. that the polarization is due to accumulation of free carriers ~t the luminophor-olect rode boundary as a result of entrapment of electrons in deep traps. The ratio of the polarization field to the polarizing field was evaluated an the ratio (Vj - Vl)/V2t where Vl is the initial polarizing voltage and V2 is the Voltage of the same sign that, must be applied to the polarized cell to produce an initial flash of the same intensity as the flash produced by application of V, to the unpolarized-coll. Thisratio was found to boi about 0.35 and to vary little with the magnitude and sign of the polar- izing voltage. The polarization effects provide a simple explanation fora nuaber ot experimental factog.includiug: 1) the low brightness achieved by application of successive pulses of the same sign; 2) the strong influence of a test pulse of oppo- site sign on the brightness produced by the following ten to twenty exciting pulses; 3) the.differences in the slopes of the voltage-brightuess characteristics for different types of excitation; and 4) the transition phenomena that occurwhen suc- cessive pulses of alternating sign are applied to the unexcited phosphors Orig* art. has: 1 formula, 2 figures and I table, SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: none ORIG* REFS 002 on REPI 001 ACC 114R1 AP70G4975 130/009/1467/1-1-69- -SOMR09 -CODE., LIR/00118/66/L AbTHOR: Vlasenko,N.A. ",ynto,S.A. ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of the characteristics of low-voltage olectroluminescent ZnS:Ma films under pulse excitation raepor't# Fourteenth All-Union Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) held at Riga, 16-23 Sept. 19657 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Scriyu fizicheskaya, v. 30, no.9, 1966, 1467-1469 TOPJC T~GS: clectroluminescence, zinc sulfida, manganese, ~time constant, pulse rate, 0 lc right G A9TRACT; 9-9 authors have investigated the pulsed characteristics of thin electro- luminescent ZnS:Mn films produced by the two-stage technique of N.A.Vlasenko and Yu.A.Popkov (Optika i spektroskopiya, 8, 81 (1960)) in order to assess the technical possibilities of those low-voltage electroluminophors# It,Wns found that on appli- cation of a 0.1 to 1.0 milliBee square pulse the brightne4would rise exponentially with a time constant of about 0.3 millisec for the duration of the pulse and would then decay exponentially with a time constant of 1.2 millisec. Experiments with an equivalent circuit showed that these time constants arc much longer than the RC con- stants of the cell. It is hypothesized that the long tlme~constaats are associated with the long lifetime of the excited state of the Ma2+ ion,79, with carrier entrapment processes, and with polarization effects. It was not possible to achieve a brightness exceeding 5 to 10 nit with excitation by pulses of the same sign, but brightnesses several orders of magnitude higher could be obtained by excitation with pulses of Card 1/2 ACC NRt AP7004975 alternating sign. The brightness increased linearly iith the pulse repetition rate for rates between 20 and 1000 Hz and was proportional to the 8-th to 10-th p9wer of the pulse height for brightnesses below 20 nit. The dependence of the brightness on ihe pulse duration 96r fixed height and repetition rate was~more.complex. it was found that brightnesses of 10 to 20 nit could be achieved with 10 to 50 microsee pulses of heights below 30 V and repetition rates from;100 to 300 lize It is concluded that the investigated electroluminophors are suitable for ume In sign indicatoraj matrix indicator soroens, and other devices that do not require a duty factor higher thaa 0.001. Otig. art. has: 3 figures, SUB COM 20 SUBM DATHt. none ORIG, REP: 002 OTH REFt ~001 Card 2/2 --- I- I 6.6i , Op'"t-'e's III ~411 0 000090*01440000 0896ft 7lboo ~* ~0~ 0 0. " 0 0 1111~ *.*;a im 0 low 0 0314 1111 0 43 43 4 As is III A 8 C 0 IF 0 Of A L it 0 0 Pi A I T W V fit *.a pm Cliffif A.0 it, eAD401 lrmv~Qll 4k Part &A *mot T-I :1t"4 401 j vtmpt CA, 18' Maill. Nallirk 1411f, Ot i 7TAZ;::rIX*. 44, 79 (IM),- 10 - ........ .. ~ChMirlkl C0111POSIGM of the MW litattit I is a& talloWn: 0 oft 00 Sibs :18.30, AIA O.M, FeA 7M, FeO 1.07, b140 1111611, HO 12,74. To obtain forstfivitt (olittlilt) refractaillis 00 (tam this material sufficient misquinite must be addeti to 'Oft. (am forsterite with the sillm a( the Tock and splittl ofil&S, 4 It 00 set By calculation this atuatuited to 17 to 18% rmiptliesitt, 00 Experinflents wm carded out with rjrylng additions a( niagnesite. The se, ntine material wait preclakined! at 00 130U* to 14W. and the nazuesite was added partly an :4b 00 00= nd sintlered munesilip- The bodics; i .were made uP with st ZS% solution of mallutsism chlotidt' 40 St' e ;;Oh and to amitifate forittritie forinatkg cater act." %tr . Results am given rot additim of 25%, 20%, a 00 and 1.5% a( mavmite. With increasing rmagneike, can. p 046 r *0 tent the rtfractorinclia under load Increased while the coI4 ittrnob diminished. Rdractorinns (IM") was tht' IV 0 mme in all cows, 0 0. 5 00 'T.00 e0o 40 a., oft 00 T T T W or q 21 in W I a a 0 p 9p D 0 a a or a x It Is a it Is .19 lit N 41 %1 a a it 4 a 4 1 8, W. 100 0000000.000 0 0 4111 40 11 . 000 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0A 0 a 010 Joe 0e00000,000 0 00 G 0* Go* * 0 414 0 41: 01 0 0 0 0 0-6-4111 0-0-0- 9 0~41111 0 0-4- * W 0 : !"A f l P 1. 1 -0-6-0-0-0 00 r 1. 111 0 Ps jut 4p-2 r~o it & a A-A I - a d . 00 .*0 COMIPOUNWHO AN 11 ItRIKPARATION Ov "collis, P. T I 0 0 "LIVIxt, 111(tclis vilom Moall CA110SIAN hifhtmlt~ NN 44, 711, 1143$1 I)( the r4w IIIA'ttvi)d i% WritIlowl. 'a A[,(:), 0-118, 71A, Fc4) 1-07. IRSO 38 0111AIII flimtetito (oliviviii) rvInwWrims tn)tn thI4 ausien4 . 44;., )1,0 0-74 To l ;ljdil,~Ient 8 111111it tie 461401 if) (WO (OrldellitV "Ili tht Kibell, 411 the ri k'Wilbil t)-11141 tlllijd-~ lly this linimnilml lit 11-1811,, injillainile, 4 'A ir li,ilivrinivitt e1 vartird out "ith varVing PAIdilkinq of nultnemitit. Ill" t 'A raltined at 1 3(tIV-1 4410% and the in stirpenlitle mis "led ilk trinal as 00 , , l ('44%X olaPriin and Oll fi rml In4 1l 1 li l l !iTh .3 1m i r e III I pri m ps u0 Imil " p " l a lose S "?Iutmjn of magnmiurn chkirkie to give pirmItt K(rqjl h1rimst and to It -o l ( ee 00 acce ei r orliteille formation, ittiodti, are Nivell Im Olitions it pin"'. and 14% vf mosite ' '* With InvivAll" i as I sito ront - l t th w oo , 04 , , A e N n fr(ravtorl"ema under ; . I Increit" "hile tlw v44d l svilwth ill I ntheoll. llrfnictttrinr.*m (IjIZV) wakil the salne in all CA~m. t . 4100 '00 0 if A DIFTALLO"ICAL L"1114109 CliblilFWAVON $ah:- "I dal allow WHAIIII *kv it, - - - ' 0 0 1* 0 U N 4v ' " ' T 11 A ~ Fi I , 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 i4 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 41) a 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G" 0 0 0 0 0 4 ql 0 4D 41 00 0 a 0 - - I I I . ........ ...... ........ .... .... ...... .... 111 0 0;0 0 ...... ........ .4L M. !4- (AMNII ORKV llii4W WOU.j it CA V- +J~ 7A r~~; - is isli 04 1 VA". ITI W 7,1),;. Vv Li 14 W,74.. To ul)wla -1 from 1111:1 maUrhi Iiffiwknt Iti farm N'tisteritu with 01C 1111c.,; J, ific r(j, pill(.1 BY vAcul-atiall 11111 cilitfulati, (o 17 Lu wtgrWhkL:. A Qjtrr4,rj tvtt wit!j of Tht, -..(rjwiifljw to 1,100', wl(t tho IP~,,VIIVJW W4,4:1~ 01,1419 nlitallvbk ~Iqtf domd IImx0k,I,Im. 11114 W~Tlli trLrs.' 1114de up chiori"Ic-l Lorm-stioll, 'tent Lill: ima.1 filmd incri w1iii-d whil, jhtjc,',~ ilLrdilirth dinihiNIlvd. RdI:w1wim!h:i. (H2;, Rmiric ill all jii Ouvi-.- fmvn4 ii;(w.- I'lux t is C,t,4 -=I an -P, mm,- -M 44 711 (ITA~.-Thc! :fq,ak~ ,AIA O.M. .25 Isp.,01 7, 1~0 U1, mgd Aix, 1110, 12,74. To obtain [16wrilt: wlivlne) r4rutbrics Ifulit th.". lllilt~ritd '.11114d'A !twgw'A(t,4 1111M M uddild tu forin forutcri(c with the Aicit of the mck and Npillej uliks. By C-Alculittioll IMS aul0liAtLA Ili 17 (Ij PAX11 TRILgImsilf" itiall"t at maglwAte. Thu m-1p.21101W !tt%trj;1I tv~ji pm,-alcim-11 at WOO' to 14LK)'. wid Lit-` magneAtt; N%$5 ;1,U:fl p4rtly a5 ml wapiwhim, Yhc bcd:vA aradc up t1ith i 21~1111 -whttwil Ill m.~,;Iloilltll chlorld': ;-D kivi., gfV;L(~'r !UL-11 I-r vj,~Ijj, ol ill 2.',c'-' and 16% (J la;i!pw CO: 'Ient tilt: rdfam'dail"z wlij;q !u-ill tv,kj I w ~ m tw. ;vne n all J~ 'k;6 C)0-1 057/0072 -6/Oo5/C)0.1/6 U A~;'.170t: Vlazenko, N. A. Zyn'o, S. A. 7) GaG: none 11111 17 7investiration of characteristics of low-voltage clectro-luminescent ZiS-,*/n X puload excitation SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 5, no6 1, 1966i.67-72 I PIC TAGS: zinc sulfide optic material, electroluminaGeence, 1i t excitation, qpti 10 gh o-luninescen' films are ci ABST111,CT: inaz,-,-,ucl*, as in most practical applications clectr uGed under pulsed excitation conditions , t1le authors dcterminc tiie_ -b- r-_i_g_htn_c~s-r,-w'aves the time constant of lwainescence buildup and attenuation, and the dependence of the averaGe brichtneGG of low-voltage ZnS-Iln. films, or, the &uration of the voltage pulse, the frequency, amplitude, and polarity in the case of rectanitular pulses. Thdr Znc,'.I,'n im was produced by a method described earlier -(Opt. i spektr. v. 8, 81, 1960) and placed between a transparent electrode (Sn02 or In2O3) and an aluminum electrode, the latter .beinm separated from the ZnS.Mn by an insulating SiO layer. 7he tests were made 0 10-3 c,2 on unit cells ranging in area from 0.5 t A Iflash of brightness was ob- served when a unipolar pulse was first applied to the sample, or when the polarity of Card 1/2 UDC: 535-376 ACC NR: AP6027901 :the pulses was reversed. The average brightness of the electrolurainescence was found increase apprecidbly on going from unipolar exciting pulses to:alternatting pulses. il.'-e use of alternating pulses made it possible to obtain an average brightness not lower than 15 -- 20 nit at a pulse amplitude a 30 V, pulse duration 2: 20 psec', and a irepetition frequency > 200 cps. An equivalent circuit of the electro-luminescent cell is used to explain 'Ube kinetics of the electro-luminescence and the values of the equivalent-circuit parameters are evaluated. The ele~tro-lilminescence buildu t-me ,p ~ !was approximately 4 X 10-4 see, and the decay time was 1.2 x 10-3 sec. The values verq much larger than the time constant of the equivalent circuit, from which it is deducedl ,hat the groi4h time of the elect ro-luminescence in the films is connected with the il LI i dura' tion of -.,he excited state of the YIn2+ ion, and not with: the capture of tPhe carriers. it is concluded that the phosphor ZnS.hfn can be successfully used in many electro- il=inesccnt, devices which do not require very large off-duty cycles (in different ,character-display matrix screena etc.). The authors thank V. 1. Xiglyuk and I. Yu. Shabliy for help with 'he experiment and Doc' or of Physica.IZYIFUh_wna~i~~ Sciences M. ';P. Lisitsa for interest in the work and a discussion of the results. Orig. art., has: 74__fii~~c-s__and 4 formulas :SUB CODE; 20/ SUBM DATE: 18rebo'5/ ORIG 002/ OTII:REF.- 001 Ccrd 2/2 RATYNSK19 Ws; TURKIWICZ9 Jo; ZYPRkNSKI# P, Potential scattering of neutrons for Fe, Cop Hip Cup Zn, Be. Bul Ac Pol mat 8 no.2:117-118 160. (EEAI 9:12) 1. Institute of Experimental Physics, WarsawDniversity and Institute for Nuclear Research, Polish AcadeMy of Sciences. Presented by A.Soltan. (Neutrons) (iron) (cobalt) (Selenium) (Nickel) (Copper) (Zinc) A A &.-A -1 L- L, os's Jl~D_L~qj!qf0k -06 0e 'lot 00 so .00 zoo The Altmeahl%4 ot owwomis Win. zvl~llnlvll"A JAN4114.0 j1A, Ito -jrlI1 161-1411. 1The 1-t iri~tsjto mn. obtaitw4l by hrating to 370'- 4 a lim. 4iii-lovit; hi I h,, 0 00 u -sip- Conol thoise-mling Thl. givt-t, a too Alld 4-figathl" IT- 114"". - M. fl, are 0 J; T w0 0 tie 0 A S 0 S A, A WAttlixtK41. tifiltalkill CLA1111VICATKill Z- - - ------- bi~lll Woo V. 117171--l.. ..... .. , - -,;~l 40 -41 u 13 40 -0 It "pit fird'stol Ka Sit 4 1 11A L I I N 0 .1 If 64 1 a a I 1 .4 Oie, 0 0 0 te 00 'L At Atila'.A6111.1thAR&AM JIVIMIJW (1) 1b 9 41 Ulf wM-17. " 1. - - . p 1 11 ? 10 10 9 9 IP qF Nil 14 41 4.1 #03 fill A v A_jA_ 00 A ...... -00 00 *00 oo 9 00994r 'salts. go* W sj~nith as tm all to), ('Art". =00 Ta awe "gamy 00 0 1111 to - I jiffilluerv Mf j Wien. I Lbp r c thn -kO'I I VM3 -d to 7 1111t with -QA e--11 -2344).-Illt III C coo "i `;V,1r-. ID .1G& n4 O.OlUol., hismull, c&n 1, Volk . For W-Wiling 1" '13 nlm' 0 .3 jItimony tals fractu- owull, (with Jw th4n 1101`5"11 'legrholltbown"' .,i.,,o.24oo&nLlmAMY. ro o "limit* of thew I n antirm"10- uFpcr Ih 4;jth k-- thm 0-01 --1 ~m- o1jWt-I moo t M. 0-01% X~Vmsf Mp,,rtjel, of 2 m iniv o-- limits hold for thou 0.0051, A. only a hen both ll?pritks goo gee woo NO 0 tio 0 boo woo ~!LAI*..$L A. _01TALLU"KALL t.171RAIUME CLASUPICA1100 112. ;:4.0t, WaIj -it ~pw _r__ V_T I Aft I 1 0 r1i 0 14 v 71 Is U AV 00 Lt. 0 It (RK wd gin Kum it It no a 1 14 ~ Iv ,I 0 0 10 0 ooioeoooooooooooooooo00,000*00*44joeose~O 0 0 * 0 0 1 0 000000000*AOOOOOOOOOO*004~o*Oeo*oeo*~o 049 00000 Nil III MMMIM loll .000 ........... .... ZYRIANOVAs T. I. "Benzantronyl-sulphamic acid." Ioffe, I. S.., Zyrianova, T. 14 and Seslavin,, V. R. (p. 965) SO: Journal of General Chemistr7 (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 19h11, Folume 14p no. 9-10s ------~~BVLIYAP Chelob:i:--[Evliyii,-Efeiidil,;----ZHELTYAXOVO jk.D*:;~-TM.T!HOVA:,: A.S (translator]; VEKILOV, A.P. (translator]; GARMZOVA, V.S. [translator]; GRIGORtIEV, A.P. (translator].; (translator]; IVA14GVA, R-.D. [translator]; I1006V I S.11.(trans- lator] Prinimali uehastiye- U91ILEV, Kh. [trenslator); MASHTAKOVAp Ye.I. [translator); GUNIVA, E.A,,, rei, izd-va; KUZIMIN, I.F., tekbn. red, [A travel book (excerpts from the work of a !7tb cq~ntury Turkidb traveler); translation and comnentaryl Knign..putesbeetviia (izvle-: cheniia, iz sochineniia turetskogo puteshestvennika XVII veka);: pe-:: revod i komentpxii. Moskva, lzd-vo, voutochnoi lit,-ry. (Pamiat- niki literatury narodov Vostoka: Perevody, no.6) N9.1. [14oldavia and the Ukraine] Zemli Moldavil i Ukrainy. 1961. .337 P# (MIRA 14:12) 1. Vostochmyy fakulttet Leningradskogo Gosudarstvannogo univer- siteta, (for all except Kyamilev, Mashtalcovap Gruninat Ku:zlmin). 2. Institut narodov Azii AN SSSR (for Kyamilev'j Hishtakova).' (Elviya., Efendi,, ca. 1611- ca.,1W) (Moldavia-Description and travel) (Ukraine-Description and travel) L i8o55-66 ENT (1)/Wr WMW VFA WIT11 M11KOMIA(h) D'I'(0, ACC MR: AT60061.76 JD/JG/C-S/AT 'SOURCE CODE: M10000/65/000/000/0205/0300- AUTHOR: Tresvyatskiy, S. G.; Zyrin, A. V. I Maksimenko~,.S. A. ORG: none TITLE: Certain,electrophysical propertiOs oo, semicondii-vtorni.brised on- gWded of metals with changeable valence ~.SOURCE- KhimicheskayA svyaz.. v. polupr(~Vqdnlkakh L tohj,4ykWj,,AAh (Che'a,xicaXl bond in' :semiconductors and solids). Minsk, NaukaJ te khnika, 14165, 205-360 'TOPIC MS., -semiconductor, rare earth ej i0, ctric; property,~ lanthanum ament, tberm~ he compound, neodymim ccmpoundt chr