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GONOBOLIN, Y.N.; _~YXOV~!.V-I- Scientific session of the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the R.S.Y.S.R, Vop.pnikhol.~Z no.2:118-120 Xr-Ap 156. (KLM 9: 8) (PGYchOl097) ZYKOVA, Vera Invanovna - POITOIAR'97, S.A., redaktor; DZILkUTBT, tokbai- chd sklk`tedaktoA~. [Outline of the psycholo&Y of mastering elementary geometrical knowledge; textbook for teachers] Ocherki psikhologil'usvoenita nacbal'rqkh geometricheakikh znanii; pocobie dlis ucbitelel. Moskva, Goa. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo Hinisterstva prosveshchenita RSFSR, 1955. 163 P. (~MRA B-8)) (Geometry--Study and teaching) USPENSKAYAJ VOD.;--TRAPEZNlTOVA, S.S*-; ISAULOVA,-M.V.; ZYKOVAP---VOP.---- Identification Of 0(3-protein in dogs with a haptoglabin. N- and C-Iterm- inal groups of 0(3-protein. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.3s754-757 3 163. (MIRA 16tl2) 1. Institut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khiraii AWbSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Engellgardtom. BOGDANOV, N.H.$ kand.teklin,nauk; YOROUA, D.A., inth.; GAT#YIIKFM, I.S., doktor tekhn.nauk; GAMBURG, Dju., kand.khim.. nauk; anomlYSTA, Te.A., inzh.; ZTKOVA. V.-P. inzh.; RTABTS", I.I., kand.takhn. nauk; SZRGEYLI, luey kand.tokhn.nauk-, STANOVICH. P.I., kand. tekhn.nauk; LARICHOT. Me.. (Gasification of milled pent] Gazifikataiia frezernogo torfa. Moskva, Gos.energ.12d-vol 1939 119 P., (KMA 13:3) (Peat gaaifica;ion) ,,;,,VITTIKH, M.V.; MARE-YEVA, L. D. Synthesis of anionic exchange resins based on polyallylamine and polyepoxide compounds. Report N6.2: Fffect of the separate factors of anionite synthesis on thermal stability in aqueous media. Trudy Inst. khim. nauk AN Kazakh. qSR 11;89-94 161" (MIRA. 17:11) 36-58-11/12 AMOR: Zykova, V. V. TTNZ: Gradient of the Atmosphere's Electric Potential~at~Yu2hno-Sakha3.insk~ from 1933-1946 (Gradiyent elektricheskogo poteitsiala atmoafery v g. Yuzhno-Sakhalinske za 1933-1946 gg,,) PERIODICAL: Trudy Glevnoy geofizicheskay observatorii, 1956, Nr 58, PP 75-8o (USSR) ABSTRACT: The annual rate and. mean yearly values of the potential gradient at the Yuzbno-Sakh&Unsk Magnetic Observatory differ somewhat from thcae obtained at continental stations. Winter months are charracteri%ed by.s. twin maximum and minimum wave; in simder a single wave prevails.. where" at continental stations the conditions are reversed. The magnetic mmd- 7man falls during the morning hours but does not coimide with sunrime. There are 6 figures and 4 tables, There are no references. AVAILABIB: Library of Congress Card 1/1 CHERNOBROV, S.M... otv. red.; LASKORIN Y sp ..I Y red.; MATEROVA, Ye.A., red.; LARE, A.Z., red.; VITTIKH, M.V., red.; SHOSTAK, F.T., red.; SAV121KO, O.D., red.; Zy~KOVA VV,-, red.; GIAZYRINA, D.M... red.; ALFEROVA, P.F., ekhn. red. (Theory and practice of ion exchange] Teorii'a,i praktika ion- nogo obmena; trudy. Alma-Ataj,.Izd-vo AN Haz.SSR 1963. 186 p.. ~MIRA 17:3) 1. Kazakhstanskoye respublikanskoye nauchno-t6khnicbeskoye so- veshchaniye po ionnomu obmenu. 1962. , (MIRA 17:3) ZTKOVA, V.V. e potential gradient In the atmosph or a In smithern Sakhalin during 1933-1946. Trudy GGO no-58.0~5-80 156. KRA 10:1) (Sakhalin-Atmospheric electri6,ity) DY14SHITS,, S.A.; ~]~?YA,_Ye&,,,;.TALAYA, Z.1. Adapting present types of burners In gas kitchen raftgaa for the operation on-natural and mixed gases of variable parameters. Trudy VNIIT ro.10%128-135 161. (MA 15:3) (Gas burners)(Gas,,Natwal)l -ZYKOTA_,_Ye_._G~. _;TUMMI~-R.S. Luminescent analysis of bituminous materials& Gas. prom. 4 no.12:40"41 D 159. WIRA 130) (Bituminous materials--Analysis) (Umineseence) ~ 8/844/0/000/000/067/129 D204/D307 AUTHORU: Dzhagaz'spanyan, It. V. . Zetkin, V. I. and Zykova, Ye., N. TITLE: Radiational sulfo-oxidation of certain paraffins Trudy Il-,Vsesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po, racliatcionnoy khi- mii, Ed-iby L. 6. Polak. Moscow, Izd-vo AN153,51t, 1962, 390-393 TEXT: The present work was carried out in view1of the difficulties in the continUOUS photochemical sulfo-oxidatiori of higher paraffins, which is important in the production of detergents. Aroinaticu-~ and olefin-free normal octane, nonane and und.ecane W'ere irradiated with ,T,rays (110 r/sec, over 2 hours), at 2,500, with SO :0 ratios (n), 2 2 ranging.from 1:1 to 3:1. For n-C the yield ~of stilfonic acid rose with increasing n, to a maximum of -174P' at n eqUal to 2:1- For n-C H and n-C H with n equal to 2:1 Z-Abstracter'S note: n- 9 20 11 241 C9H20 is described as n-octane in the text-7, the Yields assessed Card 1/2 3/844/62,100 0/'01,)0/'067/ 1; 1 ?9 Radiational sulfo-oxidation ... J)204/D'.t)07 by total. sulfuric and sulfonic acidu~(H2 so4formi as a by-product) increased linearly with the dose of irradiation, the latter varyin.~-, from 1 to 4 hours at 110 r/sec. The yields were higher I-or ne (8.7 mg - eqts after 4 hours) than for the undecane (7.04 ing eqts after 4 hours). Therd are 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: NII Goskomiteta, Soveta Ministrov po khiMii (111i for Chemistry of the State Commit-toe, CmAncil oC M J. nisters Of the uSSR) Card 212 PME I BOOK EXPWITATIOR SoV15W6 Vsesoyaznoye soyeshchaniye po vnedreviyu radloaktivnykh lz*toycrr I ya&mykh IzIucheniy v narodnoye khozyayatyo SM. Big&, 1960. Fadioaktivnyye i%otopy I ya&myya izlucbeniya v narodnom kho2yayatye SSSR; trudy soveshchaniya v 4 tomakh. t. 1: ~ Obahchiye voyrotsy primenaniya. izotopov, pribory a IstochniiXaml radloaktiMkh ftlucheoly, radiatclonwgs khWya,kh1ydcbecka7a i neftepereribatyraluabehaya pivMsb3onnost, (Radio- active laotopes and Nuclear Radiationit in the NationaL tc*vm of the twa; Tranaactions of the Symposi= in 4 Yolu=s. Y. 1: Gener*1 Froblann, In the Utilization of Inotopcsj Instruments With Sources of Radiowtive Radiation; Radiation Chamistryl the Chemical and Petroleum-flefinirs TndustZ7) 1400cou, 4,1~O copies printed. Gostoptekhizdat, 1961- 340 p. Sponooring Agencyt Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekbnicheekly kadtet Soveta Hinistray: SSSR, and Gosudarstvetnyy k=itet Sovets, Ministrow GSSR po ispolISOMW atomnoy enerXLi. Ed. (Title pap)t N.A. Petrov, L.I. Petranko and P.O. Savitokly; Eas.; of this yol~l L.I. Petrenk*, P.O. Sailtakly" V.I. Sinitsin, Ya. M. Kolobyrkin,.N.P. Syrims and R.F. Romm; Executive Zda.: To. S. Levins and B. F. Titaltayaj Tech. 9.1.t E,A. MWdiins. carLIA2. 17 j. Radioactive raotopes (Cant.) B07/54B6 PURPOSE- The book Is intended for technical perootnel cancernedvith problem of application of rtuUoactive isotopes an4 nuclear rmUeLtion in &U branches of the Soviet economy. COMAGEs An All-Union Conference on problems in the fttrolactl6n of radioactive isotopea and nuclear radiation into the national economy of tte Soviet Union took place in Riga on 3.2-16 April 1963. The Conference.was sponsored by- the Goaudarstvennyy nauchno-takhnicheekly kamitat Soveta Hinistroy SSM ist-to Scientific and Technical Co=dttee of the Council of HUdaters, USSR); Gla-Moye upravleniye Do ispolizovaniyu atomnay enavgii pri Sovef:e 111ditrov SM (1b" Administration for the Utilization of Atomic Energy of the Cmnall of Ministers, USSR)i Academy of Sciences, USSR; Gosplan USSR; Gosudarstvennly komitat Sarete Kinistror SSSR po avtontatizataii I mauhinostroyaniyu (State Comdttee of the Council of.Kinistern, USSR, 'for Automation and 14achire Buildirg) And the Council of Ministers of the TAtvian SM. The traneactions of this Conference are publiahad in four volumen. Vol=, I coiltaina articl4c on tho folloving subjectat the general problema of the Conference topics; the state and Vroopecta of develolmmnt of radiation chemdatr7; and results and. pr*epects of appl7ing radio- active Isotopes and nuclear radiation In the pstrolevwrefinitg and chemical Indnotricn. rroblemn of doelping and wxuracturing lmotnwata wb1ch contaln aources of raUoactive radiation an& am used for cMc'YJ4 ul automation of: technological processes are examined, along vith probLms of sculdent prevention In their uae. No personalltlea an mentioned. Referunces woupay some ot the articles. Card-wiii7 Radioactive Isotopes SOV/5486 Dzhagatspanyan.. R*V.j, V.I, Zetkin., Ye, N, Zykova., and K.T. Filippov. Sulfochlorination and Sulfooxidation of FoTy-et-fiylenep Polypropylene., Polyisobutylene., and Paraffin Hydrocarbons by Radiation 201 Topchiyev, A.V.,, L.S. Polak, 3. Ya. Chernyakj, V. Ye, Glushnev, P. Ya. Glazunar., IS. Vereshchinski3F,, N.P. Syrlwsp A. Kh. Breger., an& B.I. Vaynahteyn. Radiation-Thermal Hydrocarbon Cracking 206 Beer,, A,A... M.A. Besprozvannyy,, T,I, Limanova., and M.T. Filip1pov. Radiation-Chemical Telomerization 23.1 Zimakov, P.V., Ye. V. Volkowa, A.V. Fokin,, A,D. Sorokin, and V.M. Belikov. Utilization of Nuclear Radiation Energy in Fluorinated Olefin Polywerization Processes 219 Breger., A. KA.., V.B. Osipov,, and V.A, Golldin, Universal Installation (K-6oooo) with co6o T-RadiatiOn Source of 60,,000 Gran-Equivalent Radium Activity.. for Simlating Radiation-Cbemical Apl)amtus and Carfying Out Investigations 2ZT carr-q-12 I il - M4 .-J-l "Clinical Ireatnent of Amesia Laused L;y Aectrosnuck r,-;' PaLients Presenile Psychosis," Nevropatol. i Psikidat., 17, Wo. 4, 19480 Mur., clinic ixpl. Therapy Psycnosis, Central Inst. Psychiatry, 11in. Fuu. ifealth I'LFSR, -c 1914 8 -zT Med. Sci. Dissertation: "Involutional Melancholia (Clinical Treatment and Blectroshock Therapy)." 29/9/50 Central Inst. for Advancement of Physicians 80 Vecheryaya Moskva SUM 71 5, -0~ '110 il HIM of M1111. IRM 141 L;RAJII . 1- willwaffivam M ~ir'W ~W ZYKOTA Z7.-- 1. Electrashock theraTV of imoWlaml pWcW*o*,, Zho myro t psikhiat., Mookya.52% wjc60-67 gar 1952, (CUM 22:2r 1. Of the Central Institute of Paychiatry. Ministry of Public Health RS1?SR (Docent D. To. Melekhov) ZM01VA Z. I W.. 'Mro IVOIT-W-W Variations of delirlun in preoenile poychoses.-Zhur.nevr. i polkh. 55 no.3:187-191855. (WRA SIM 1. Kafedra paikhiatrii (sav. prof. A.Y.Sneshnavekly) Teentralln090 instituta asoverehanstvovaniya vracbey Hinisterstva.z&-avookhrans- n1ya SSSR (dir. V.P.Lebedeva). (PSYCHOSISO NILIC, manifestations, delirium) ZYKOVA, Z. I. Tate sohitophrenia. Zhur..nevr.i psikh. 59 nool'll:130?-1319 159# ~MIRL 130) 1. Xafodra paikhiatrii (saw. - prof. A.Vo SneAnevoldy) TSentraill- nogo inatituts, usovershenstvovaniya, vrachey,~ Moskva. (ScmZOPHI=A) ACCESSION NR: AR015663 S/0081/631000/011/033,5/19336 SOURCE: RZh. KhImlya, Abs. 21M36 Bluvshteyn, M. N.;.TsIkolln, G. I.; Zykkovai Z. it. .......... TITLE: Development and adaptation of an automatic d~vlceli'for measuring th! tem- perature dependence of the elastic properties of refractory materials by mAynimic 1 method CITED SOURCE: Tr. Vses. gos In-ta nauchno-issled.11 proktn. rabot orneuporno prom-sti, vy*p. 34. 1963, 81-100 TOPIC TAGS: refractory material, refractory maferiii elbslt,ic property, refractory !i material test equipment, elastic property temperature dependence ABSTRACT: Laboratory eqdIpment was developed for determining thelelastlc~pro- perties of refractory materials at high temperatures. Wiatlonis'ln the frequency of flexing osci)IAtIons and oven temperatures ate controlled automatically. The device was used to determine the temperature depenki-ce of the flexing oselliat.lon frequency and eladticity modulua for various refractory. ouiterials:, I.e. fireclay, Dinas brick, magnesite, non-fired refractories and periclize-spinnelide, It Is Card, 1 /2 ACCESSION NR: AR401063 maintained that.,tha equipment wtil.find uso In evaluating1he affects -of freezing. atmospheric pressure and other factors on the resonance iiiaract**rlstics oUsIll- cates. Bibl. with 13 references. Authors' summary. ~DATE ACQ: 09Dec63 tUll CODE: MA. $0 ENCL: 00 .Card 2/2 S11311631000100110041004~ B 117 101 /B AUTHORSt Bluvshteyn, M., N. Toikolin, G. TITLEs Dynamic method for determining the modulus of elasticity of' refractory materials at high temperawres. automatically PERIODICALs Ogneuppryt no. 1, 190, 13 17 TEXTt To determine the modulus of elastici-ty of solids by theAynamia (sounO method (E. K. Keler and Z. I. Veselova, Ogneupory, 1956, no. 1) a laboratory device with automatic temperature control and recording of,the bending vibrations was developed. Thereby the elalaticity of refradtory materials at high temperatures (up to 140000 can be determined with high accuracy and without subjective errors. The iest specimen, in the form of a prism, is first weighed, then placed on*high-alumina supports at the bottom of an electric furnace. The furnace is heated to 14000C by carborundum heaters at a rate of 300 degree/hr. The temperature Is measured by two thermocouples in the furnace lid.. A 1t5vviaound generator an.d!a pickup of the same construction are placed *under"the furnace. Their prin- cipal element is a magnetic,system of the type 1t*A-I'(IGD-i) and-each has,a high-alumina needl- making contact with the specimen. The vibrations' Card-1/3 S/131/63/000/001/001/004~ Dynamic method for determining... WYB101: detected by the pickup needle are transforated into electric oscillations and passed on to the measuring device, which is of -the type AR4-2 (AICh-2) and covers a ranpe of 1600 -,8550 cps- Frequency errors of the sound generator reach a maximum of 4o. The resonance frequency is autom4tically recorded by an instrument of the type R-og (EPP-oq). Diai errors of the EPP-09 reach a maximum of 3A. The device, fed from the &.c. supply' con_ sumes about 200 w. The' automAic rise in temperature is secured by pr 0- gramming. The modulus of elasticity is determined (maximum error,5 by recordinK oscillationa fo- 30 min at 200C. Up to 1500C the temperatureia ]Panually~controlled I Ahen the automatic programming dqvie-e is switched on. This operates more stea'dily and reliably if the furnace has been preheated. Throughout the test the temperature and the oncilla 1tion frequency are automatically recorded by the BPP-09 every 30 see. Moduli of elasticity of various refractory materials were so determined. Specimens of chamottei. magnesite and Dinao showed the same chungon in modulua of elasticity a determined by other methods accordingto published data. In unburnt peri-T clase-apinellide specimens heated from 20 to 80000 it notable reduction of the modulus of elasticity was observed. which -remained almost constant when the temperature was further increased. Light chamotte specimens showed an insignificant change of the modulus. Thera are 5 figures. Card 2/3 . ., z I .~ ~ .- 11-4 Luminescence method of analyzing bituminous materials. Biul. takh. Inform* 5 no.3.,27 Hr 159 1 (MIRA 12:7) (Bituminous materials) 4umineseence) T'-T-, i IFTr11 -11 mum i'li~aspects of the catatonic form of schloarphrenia in the aged@ a [with Rummary in Prench). Zhuranevr. i Paikh. 58 no.6:713-721 *58 (MIRA 11-17) I.- Kdedra paikhtntrit (zave - prof # A*V* Snozhne'vokiy) Menirall.nogo instituta unoverejenstvovanlyd vracheyo Hook-in, SCHIZOPMMITA, in aged, catatonic (RUB)) B LUVSHTMT IT.M. an . elchn. -nwXrz; TSIMUN., G.I., inzh.; ZYKOVA, Z.K., inzh. Developing and adopting autcmatic equirrient ror the detArmination by dynamic methods, of the temperature dependence of the elastic 6 properties of retYaPtories. Tnidy Inst. ogneup. no-34:81-100 163, (MIRA 17:10) Z=OV, G..K., inzh.; SKMITOV, A.U., inzh. Indirect method for checking the installations of high-voltage doc, cutouts* Prom.energ. 13 no,6:19-20 Jo 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. ]Dnergosbyt Chelyabenrgo (for Zykunov)~ 2. Chelyabinskugoll (for Skudnov). (Electric circuit breakers) BORKOVSKAYA, L.V.; GULYA11SKAYA, YO.A.- ZY IXOVA X.I.- LITOVCHENKO, Ye.P.; PE kand. tekhn. nauk; TKACHEPIKO, A.I.,- STANKavo 11.V.., inzh., retsenzent; ALEKSEYEVSKIY, G.V.j inzki., retsenzent; PIONTEK, Ye.Lp inzh.9 red. [Album of assignments .'or executing assembly d=ngsl All- bom zadanii dlia vypolneniia sborochnykh chortezh i. (By] L.V.Borkovskaia i dr. Moskva, Vashinostroeriie) 196.4. 72 p., ,(MIRA 17: 9~ i'ZAYTSVA, 11-ira Yakovlevna; U=�, AlekvAndra Ivanovna; IRVSTOTA, Ann%' Hikolayevne.; RTBIN, I.T., 0 takhnicheskiy redaktor. [Arithmetic lesson plans foiclass 5] Plany urokov po arif- asilke v 5.klaose. Moskva, Goo. uchebno-podagq, iza-vo. Ministeretva. proeveehchenli& RSISR, 1934, 147 P. (MM 8: a) (Arithmetic--Study wAteaching) About a manual of poor quality (%thodologioal instructions for teaching arithmetic in the 5th grads.9 N.I& MLitseva, A.I.Zykus, A.N-*Zrastova. Reviewed by F.T.Dziuba). Kat. v'shkole no.6:69-74 N-D '54. 7:11) (Arithmetic--Study and teaching) (laitneva, N.U) (Aykus,A.I.) (Itrastova, A.N.) UYUS ~ A. Puti povvsheniia uspevaemosti po matematike v V-VII klas- akh fffethods o increasing progress in mathematics in the 5th-7th grade Moskvap Uch M. 1952. 1+0 p. (Opyt peredovogo uchitalia) SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7s No. 3v june 1954. KUNCEVIC) D.;, ZYKUS, I.; SlICO, A. Diagnostic role of various modifications of tomograpbic studies. Sveik, apaaug. 8 no.n:53 163. 1. Pbsp. Vilniaus ligonine. Vyr. gyd Kun; - V. Cepaitis. Rentgeno 9~yrius. Vedeja med. m dr. D. evic, jTOMOGRAPBY) 11H1==1 U? I pill, ACC NRs AP6034969 SOURCE CODE: PO/0034/66/000/08-/G)~CO/C,4Cl 4aa ('Master engineer) AUTHOR: Warsza, Zygmunt L. (Haster Qngineer); _~yla AR4 ORG: Department of Electrical Metrology, Warsaw Polytechn~ic Institute (Katedra Miernictwa Elektricznego Politechniki Warszawszkiej) TITLE: Compensation differential type gaussmeter based on the Hall effect SOURCE: Pomiary, automatyka, kontrola, no. 8-9, 1966, 406-401 TOPIC,TAG4: Hall effect )gaussmeteT, test--inatz~umentcF-tes~~equipmeat ABSTRACT: The authors discuss some of the problems encountered~at the Department of Electrical'I'letrology, Warsaw Polytechnical Institute (Katedra Miernictwa Elektricznego Politechniki Warszawszkiej) in the course of a program improving the sensitivity and accuracy of test equipment based upon, or utilizing, the Hall effect. Such problems as temperature compensation, nonlinearity in the relation of output voltage to inductance, nonuniformity of wafer materiial, and others are briefly 4is- cussed. With particular attention to metrology problems involving the detection of narrow-band field changes (for example in ferrite resonance testing), the shortcomings of conventional multirange gaussmeters of the compensation of helipot potentiometer type are -noted. Many of these difficulties can be successfully avoided in a gauss- I meter employing a Hall effect meter based on a differential system. One such device, designed by the authors (Warsza. Z. L., Zyla B. Zgloszenie patentowe) and using a Zenerl 1/2 UDC: 621.317.44 ACC NRs AP6034969 diode,, is described in this article. The instrument has differential testranges of 0-20 kGs, 0-10 kGs, or 20 switchable differential ranges'Vf 500 Gs each. Maximum sensitivity is 7 Gsfiam, and the inherent error'is in the order of 1%. A CH 4 ger- manium, Hall effect device, measuring 7 x 3.5 mm, is used, and the entire unit'is powered from the 220-V 50-Hz industrial a-a net. Orig. art. has: 1 figure,~ SUB CODE: 09, 14/ SUBM DATE: none/ REF: 003 Card -2/2 CZUCHAJOWSKIl Ioeszek; LASON# Mieczyalawp ZYLA, Mioczyslsw Active oxygen groups of hard coal in the light of researches on porption of polar vapors. Chemia stosow 4 no-10"13 160. 1 (Ew 9;10) 1. Katdera Chemii Gorniczej Aka6mii Gorni6zo-Hutniczej w Krakowie. Zaklad Hechaniki Gorotworu Polskiej AkademA Nauk W Krakovie (Oxygen) (Anthracite coil) (Vitrain) (Methanol) (Sorptionil (Water) L,V-)hCFJSIa, Tadcu:=, - ZYIAI, Mioczyalav; WON, Mleczyvlaw; KOFM, Ajdrzcj Sorption of methanol and water on patrographic "rieties of bituminous coal. Koks 7 no.1:1-6 Ja-r, t626 1. Akad:!mia Gorniozo-ilutnicza w Krakowle, Glowny Inotytut Gornic'uwa w Katowicach Polska Akadenia NaiA., Zaklad 11,lecigmiki Gorotworu. LASON, Hiecsyslawl ZYLA, Mleazyslaw Apparatus for determining vapor sorption and desorption isotherm$ by microbureta. -Chem anal 8 nb.2t279-287 1636~ 1. Department of General and Goal Chemistry, Acadeaq, of Wni~ng and Metallurgy, Krakow. CZUCHAJOWSKI, Leszek; LASON, Hieczyslaw; ZYLAp_MieSVsltv Awit;i~IMMA~r'-aia -water vapors. on 66al treated with alcoholic KOH soluti6nso-"Chomia stoscw,4`nbAtl5-2). O~60. (EEAI 9;10) 1. Katedra Chemil, Gorniczej Akademli Gorniozo-Hutniczej w Krakowie. Zaklad Mechaniki Gorotwom Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakovie., (Methanol) (Coal) (Water) (Potassium hydroxide) KORTA Andrzej; IASKOWSKI, Tadeusz; IASON, Sorption of methanol and water vapors oh hard coals of various graininess. Archiw gorn 6 no. 1:79-91 163. LASON, Mieezyslawl MArMiaosyslaw Low temperature sorption of argon on bituminous coals treated with alcohol solution of KOH. Chemia stosow 6 no.2021-325 162, 1. K~tedra Chemil, Gorniczej, Akademia Gorniezo-Butnicas i Zaklad Mechdniki, G6rotworu, Polska Akademia Nauk, Krakot. ZYIA Otton The Hanks. Sawicka Wool Works in Bielsko-Bitaa. Przegl wlokien.16 no.10:549-550 0 162* ]fill 111 If WA11151 W11" V~'M" Pftblem s4 CoWenser Tarbluen I" tlwust4 ,,Zagadniente turbin a katidenst4iij sr pmattila". Pnetio Sk- ktrotechnictity, No. t-2-41, 1050, lip. U-40, S figs. The selection of a back,ptessurs turbinfe dr of a ocorlderiftr turbine In Industelal steam elerWe planta Mould be gover"d rA by considerations of pmr indeperidance which.: in the cato of the industrial plan being properly linked will% We 117stem.; bacmes superfluous, but, by econornic consIdtinitions, proMW thist during peak loa4s, an adequate quantity of stem can Witbout my WlUo- nal lpestments on bolter plant be ensured to the plant when wor- king with condensation. The. Incresso In power; In IrIduatM - Wad on the surplus of steam from working and stafnd-by ballets, w0 considerably relieve prolessiortal electric power plants, A* well u the boiler and auxiliary industries. at the same time considerably reducing the expenditure an power plant trivestments. The txpW- lotion of boiler rmrvto of Industrial planu In Oro" to Incirrium ca- pacity. mwit ORO, make. VvisvhUm fm Lh+ reliability of service In POL-.~.JD / Goneral Problems of Pathology. Immunity. U Abs Jour ; Ref. Zh-ar - Biologlya, No- 3, 1959, 13425 Author : Manskl, W.; VoGel, M. ; ZY A. Inst : Polish Academy of Sciances Title : Complement Inactivation In vivo and in vitro. OriG Pub : Bull. Acad. polon. sci., 19-557, 01.2, 5, No. 9, 287-293, XXXVIII Abstract : Some polysaccharides and their sulfonated deri- vations were Investigated 71th the purpose:of finding the substances with the greatest anti- complementarity and leazt toxicity for its:' possible use in inhibition of immune hemolysis in hemolytic diseases. In vitro the complement (C) of rabbit, Guinca pig and 7an was lnactlv,~ted: soluble (depolymerized) Inulin (1), heparin (11), Card 1/3 POLAND / General Probleme of Pathology. Immunity. U Jour Ref. Zhur Bloloolya, l'o. 3) 1959, 13425 Congo red, aqUd blue in 6. concentration of 4.5-5 mg/ml,' rermanin (III), II, a4ar -3 mg/ml; zymotane (IV)- 0.6 mg/ml; 1-0.5 miz/ml; sulfona- ted dextran (V)-.O-.075 - 0-1~MjVrAi. They in- activated C13. In exporimento onlrabbits -md guinea pigs, 0 was inactivated by V (8mg/ml), 111 (310 ffig/ml), I and IV (100 mglml). The duration of complete inaotivmtion~of 0 Is I.argar in guinea pigs (for 111 40 min., for V 70 ,min.), than in rabbits (15 min.); restoration of the initial titer of 0 Is faster in guinea pigs (after 70-125 min.) than In rabbltfl (after 220 min.). The least toxic in vivo are V and III even with frequent multiple Introduction. The most toxic is I. Since the B03H group enters Card 2/3 PC1_,*%_-,T1D / General Problems of Pathology. ImmunIty. U kbs jour Ref. Zhur - 31ologiya, No. 3,,1959, 13525 into the comDosItIon of II, V; III, Congo red and aqua blue, which Inactivate C, it Is a6sumed that it determines the anticoiaplementary and anticoagulative propertios ofAhe given compounds. Therefore it follbi,,Ys that 013, similar to pro- thrombin, is a protein which has In all probabil- ity many alkaline reae-tive groups. F. L. Buch 4539. COMPLEMENT AND HAEMOLYTIC PROCESSES IN VIVO - 14 a 6 a k I W. and Zylberberg A, -BULI..ACAD.POLON.SCI. 1951, 519(295-300) Grap!Fs ~4a e~s~ Experiments were carried out 'which made it possible to study the course of haemo- lytic anaemia. and haemolytic shock In consequence of in-vivo complement inactiv- ation. For inactivating the complement suramin and sulphodextran, were utied, both compounds of slight toxicity. The experiments were made on guinea-pigs. They showed that the course of reactions in vivo is not similar to standard reactions in vitro, as sensitization of red blood cells is less strong than In test-tube reactions and fixatiofis of C11, C12, and C14 by sensitized red blood celld in vitro is liable' to produce a false impression. Therefore survival time of animals Is longer than could be expected after re-increase of complement titre after Iraclivation In vivo. Suramin and sulphodextran inactivate C13, so that these compounds are useful in therapeutics in cases of Immune haemolysis. Kleine - Freiburg (IV, 6) -~-Mariaii,~-ZTLB3RMMG-Aur6llA-- MANSKI, Wladyslaw; VOG3L, .Effect of various polvenc6hirides, sulfonic:derivatives of polysaccharides & aromatic salts of sulfa-acids on the complement. Med. doGur. mi~rob. 10 no.1:53-60 1958. L Z Instytutu Immunologii i Terapii Doswia(ilazaln ej im. Ludwilca i0irssfelda 0. A. ff. we Wroclawiu Dzial Biochomii Kierownik: doe. dr W. Manski. (PO,LISAGGHO.I=, eff. on complementIpol)) (GOMPLVOT, eff. of.drms on Polyeaccharides. sulfur-coTitaining polysacchariesA aromatic salts of sulfa-acich (Poi), ZYLBERBLA.T, Leon, Dr mad Treatment of primary chronic rheumatism with salvi opyrine. Po railm-t. no.1:172-179 1954. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wawnetranych Akad. Mad.. w Ladzi Klerow prof. dr mad. J.Jalmbowski I z Centralnej Poradni Pruactwre= ty-cznej w Lodzi Kiarlovnik: dr mad. L.Szykiero. (SWONA11IMS, therapeutic use, salicylazosulfapyrine In rheum. arthritis) (ARTHRITIS, RMMIATOID, therapy, nalicylazoaulfapyrina) N" I T TIT 7~~ Allini;I4 IiU IIIII Ili =1 iL4,1 dil 111191:1, 11 [fill] 113111 flill I I I I;1 ZYLBERG,--.j, Improving bearings coated with aluminum bronze. p.18. (TECMUKA DIOTCRYZACUNIA., Warszawa, Vol. 5, No. 1, Jain,', 1955) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessiorpq (SUL)v LC) %1, 4j No. 61 Juno.;1955, Uncl. FF if 11,11411411 f I Pit I I I I III alp 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 G'0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 01.0*11 0 10,411 0 *0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 )SO 03 1 1 1 It 1 6 f I f w if U to " is is it to of a a a of a n x jo in it U v m a is U a it a? ot 41 v a A A-Z It- P- 0 N 1.- 1-11. ~ I LIV-&- 1-1 Ill 94 CL M M -#,.,A 1. 0o 4 t4vqv~ 0 l..00 66 so roe 8 and P- Z. rtLpotjtvALj Med. P01*44CAIIIIiii sjoal= rtSM8'(w3vqd1ftC'1PW21Cb 1944-TWR at o:ultum. af -40 fy7i, bacilli of Scintri; Schottm..YUCK " Rug, F$17hilri(Ak coli *13d Sd"Wk I I -of CA oinvoism showed an add ionfutinAtiork at hi 2.5-3-0. Smic cultures agglatfolooted I 00 iii still at pit 4.4 and Deng's bacillus R a high as f. .166. The $form o(tte iame wries -00 too anhotirmthin witbin Or ra eJ Ji'm U. .6.6. Ahwirlition vilth CarW towed. are So 46 rf*1'.tk removtd the acid stglutituot.11 try of ;i1ang's bacillus R md F. IOU It. but 41d not so a affect E-lypki R andS, MterinotWationaoitirthL-rctiltirsm)n the ~trp.lnvmnsounttld A zoo thet"cid eaglutinability, S. L.%vionot 00 do 0 00 0 0 ve 0 00 are 0 00 f e7i t:60 V. I,, till- t w"'; ii:' ill'til aot j:;;'~ '_ *.-- '-' --'m tU A I 1 0 Tw a 4 It 3: 9 , 0 to ty of of it IN Ita to It on 114 4,14 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 9 0 0 L0 0 0 : 0 0 0 00 0 0!0 0 0 111 9 00 000 0 0 4 0 0 111 0 0 0 4 0 Oi - ---- - -- --- - -- - -- - --- - - -- - ------- - -- -- - - -- -- - - ZMTO B., kand. takhn. nauk Th6 first icabreakera Nor, flot. 24 no,&34-35 Ag 164. (min 1839) -ZYaV-. B.V id ka-mclidat-t-ekli-ni-a-he-4 k-Mnmu Movement of a deforming gyroscope In R particular ca3e. Trudy PUT no.92/11-.191-200 157. (MIRA 10:7) (Gyroscope) ACCESSION NR: ARIW15120 S/oj24163/000/012/AO13/AO13 SOURCE: RZh. 14okhanika, Abs. 12A72 J AUTHOR., Zy*lQV6 TITLE: Motion of a heavy variable gyroscope in one special case of rapid rotation CITED SOURCE: Tr.~Xoskq in-ta inzh. zh,,~da transp,# vy,1p. l0v 19631 92:96~; TOPIC TAGS: variable gyroscope,, gyroscop Ia rotation, rotational mechanics TRANSIATION: The author examines the motion of a symmetrical. heavy gyroscope with a stationary pointe The distance from the fulcrum to the center of mass'is con- stant. The moments of inertia of the gyroscope-with re Oct to the fulcrium are equal- to each other and depend linear3,y on time. Euler equations ware constructed for the gyroscope foi these conditions; these were then solved simultaneously with the wpll-knoim kinematic expressions between the piojectlons of the angular vGloclty of the gyroscope on the coordinate, axes rigidly connected with it and the Buler angles 0# moreover the .Card 1/2,. -ZYLBV-j-B#Vvj-kandj--tekhn* nauk-i--dotisen Motion of a heavy variable gyroacope in a partial came of high-speed natural rotation. Trudy MIIT no,164:92..96 16), Effect of the deforiation on the angular volootty of a rotating disks lbidot97-99 (Rm ZYLEV, B.V., Imnd.teklin.nauk, dots. Movement of balanced gyroscopes witb linearly varlable moments of inertia and prue bending of a thin three-dimensional variable- section rod. Trudy MJIT no.102:97-109 159. (HIRA 12:10) (Gyroscopes) (Elastic rods and wires) I Z4-1957-1 0-1.1220 Translation from.- Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhalniko, 1957, Nr 10, p 7 (USSR) AUTHOR: TITLE: Motion of a Deformable:!Gyroscope in i Special Case (Dvizhen*Lye deformiruyemog'o giroskopa v odnom chastnom sluchay~) PJLNr 92/11, PERIODICAL; Tr. Moisk. in-4a inzh. zh.-d. transp., 1957, -200 pp 191 ABSTRACT- The article, covers an investigatiozi-of the motion of 'a ho'mo- geneous thin disc with a fixed point in'the center of its mas 9, the radius of which is a linear function of!'tbe temperatures The dif- ferential equations of the deformabW~yro4cope are as follows: (14-LrQ6x + 2,rW . + (14-~t)tdy(A)Z., 0 (1+ p4y + q Lo y (1+ X0WX(jZ1 0 (1-~-Xtpz qWz 0 car Card 1/2 BURGHAK, G.P.$ dots.1 DULANOVA, II.F,p aaaistent;jg B.V,..P JtR dota.; PRAVDIN, Zh.L., dots.; KUROVA, A.V.) rea (Methods manual o- the solution of problems In theo- retical mechanicsi dynamics) Metodicheakoe posobie'po resheniiu zadach tooreticheakoi makhaniki; dintimika, Moskva~ Mosk. in-t inzhenerov zhel-dor. transp... 15,62. 163 p. (111RA 18:8) 'o 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to to o",0 0 0 0:0 0000 0 10 It 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 is 1711 1,118om bbla AltAlVall it " Ufa upi vism; at U 41 64 03 --A IL JL-k, x 0, F. 4- 1. 1. Aj-"-J-.L..A4.m CE 0 t14,1 ... j1. A-f ,,t , ; * ivi~,.x I ! - I " ''S. 'A - -TS! 00 I'vocitsel ..G '"CO1,4111t .Cf. 0* om Tula sad LApau tHun uxi. 00 The rltduit66 of otts fr 00 Met. 7, N.t. 11, is LSj M1.1"; ('ko-. 7fik"141". -EXP14. Am j%pWitif oil thr tolni.liln of Iliew Fe im" at 44.0 A Or 1,v smstmi% itshts. of CO ond in V*!14 P1DFk*1k104. W13 Sit' 911101 141 thi V%, 040 oil trill .4 trViactm Wulvd kis thly.t'llt no 0 roe 0. Jr 0 0 9 coo 10 Oil u** INS 49 its* Noe %*-ILA BITALLUICKAL 1,11111 6; I-, tto* Iola" -1 w,* 41LAvic"r, IAmos* -4 is I IF 14 11 d] d3 ;u, At R 1 14 0 a : a it U.6 0 :"10 *0 Is 0 404 400 0 00 0 4 4 a 0 0 to 0 6 O~6 6 4., #:o0 0 0 0 o: 1100900000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0:W19 * Ike 0 9 : : o 'I IV 0 0 0 11 Ai Mill Moll" Homogeneity of tuo complementar7 polyhedra. Dokl. Of SSSR 161.- no.3t515-516 Mr 165* (MIRA 18:4) 1, Submitted Januaz7 13, 1964. ZYLICZ, A. Economic value of technical speed in inland navigation. P.255. (GOSPODARKN li~.`CDIIA. Vol. 17, No. 5, Ya~~ 1957. ~-Iar*zw,.-a, Polatd) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (~!!A-L) LC. Vol. 6., No.' 10, Gctobek,1957- Uncl. z Y LIGI 1.1, A conference on nuclear spectroscopy and on nuclear reactiols, IhIbri a-., FebrLukry 11 - 15, 1958. p-34'j. POSTEPY FIZYYJ. Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 9. no. 3, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EFAI LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 19-59 Uncl. P/01,6 60/005/011/014,/OlB D249%03 AUTHORS t Cho'.~,Tlacki, So, Kopyotyhokl. Jot Proibinz Ip Z.. Sonamakiv Roo Yutlandov. 1. OhOna USBIO, =d Z' J. + 140 TITLE: radiatlon or Pr PERIODICALt Nukleonika, Y. 5o no. 11p 1960, 780 TEXT: (Abstract - Report No. 143/1 A (IBJ - Inatituts of lluolcar Research, PAS))t The spectrua of pooitrons emittad by van investigated using a long lens maGnetic P-ray opoctromoter. Eeli- cal baffles were used to separate ponitrona and eleotrona.' Zia ma-4irum energies of the three P+ componeuts are 23G6 t 12;'kt)V s 770 � 12 keV 485 15 kpVj Their relative intonaitiou m-~o: 1 s< L.~ X 10-2 z 7.2 x lv-Q. (Abstractor's notet Completa tTanala- 'tion]. Card 1/1 ZYLICZ GEOGRAPHY & GEOLOGY Periodical: RUCH TURYSTYC7.SY. No. 1, Jan./Yar. 1958 ZYLICZ! M. Facilitation of the tourist movement in th6light of international air navigation regulations. P. 74. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 5p May 1959, Unclass. Pe 275 IMotoryzacja) Vol. 12, No. 10, Oct. 1957, 'Warszawa, Poland 80: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EMOPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC) VOL. IL, 110. It JA.N,. 1958 4L-t . ......... -M-ffr" Catesory Abs. Jour Author Institute Title Ori Nb, Abstract Cnrd: 9 'POLAND Chemical Technaloey. Chemical Procl~dsinp,, -of possill Ref Zhur-KhimiyaNo 14, 19590110 SiPii 4ylko : : r7aff ftrification b RemovaY or,8; ardgen SuM44 with Ammonia Water I Ohs woda t4cbn. 6anit-,) 10561:! 301~ No 8p,291-' -205 Condileted'in a ReMj Described are experiments -commercial plant on the absorj~Aiori- of HL>S vitb ammonia water emplbying a po.ck6o c0lumti. Rosul,- ts of 1,118 iuvestigatiowconfirat that the con- sidered method doe s not removOA12~8 ~o a. degree required; tbereforet it csnnot,~be utilized in: the gas plan't as the only metbod for the gas Durification. from H23. It is i-adicated +,hn,+, the investigated method may be'used as 'the IfV I a. Abs Jour r Ref Zhur Fizika, No 5, 1957, He 124ZO Author z Zy~o, A.G. Inst 2Not given Title C alo ulati on of,, the Inter fe re nee, Innuni ty of a ~Wio 141- ceiver at a High Level of Fluetuation Noise (ki-Lhorlq, Abstract) Orig Pub t Radlotekhnika, 1956,.11,0 No 10, 77-78 Abstract i Using,the co no ept, ofareal ~oapaoity of a ohamb~l ana; the; amount of infomation pmduoad at', thai output of r-Hoel- ver, the author shows teat if the, ratio of tho: siga I' to noise power 13 reduced, the oapaolty of tho* ohluinAl dml- nidies more rapidly than the amount of information at.the LIE f A --MANSKI#-WlnCvslaw; ZTIBMXRG, Aurelia W Importance of the spleen for the complement complement components* Med. doew. mikrob, 10 no.lt47-52 1958. 1. Z Instytutu Immunologii i Terapii DoRwiadazalnej im. ludwika Hirszfelda P. A. N. we Wroclawiu DzIal Bloahoulii. Xlerovnik: doo. dr W. Vanaki. (SPLM, physiol, relation to complement titer & complement comppneuts~(Pol)) relation of spleen to complement titer & complement components (Pol)) -$a s aw;- ZYLBM3MG.- 'Aurelia------- Inactivation of the 3d component of complement & the hemolytic processes in vivo. Med. doew. m1krob. 10 no.1:61-69 1958, 1. Z Inst7tntu Immunologii i Tetapii Doswiadc'saluej im. Ludwika Hir szfelda P. A. N. we WroclAwin D2ial Biochemii Kierownilc: doe. dr W. ganak4 (COMPLVCM, eff. of drugs on surazin & sn1fodextran on 311 Obiisplamt COMPOnentl(P01)) (SUIMIN, eff. inactivation of 3d comnlement component & hemolysis (P01)) (DUTRAN, eff. sulfodextran in activation of 34 complement component & hemolysis (Pol)) (HEMOLYSIS anti-hemolytic eff. of suramin & oulfodextran (?o1)) i ostenki pocrr-eshnostey resheniy sisler- linej-m;(kh alie*u~'aicheskikh uraAniy sposob~m interatsiy (v matrieff6m Wozitenil). P -L. Sb. trudov inzli. stroit. in-ta im. kuybysheva, 2(1939), 232-245. SO: Mathematics, in the USSA~ 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A. G.' Parkushavich, A. L. -Radhevskiy, P. K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 ----DAW.MOWICZ~-A3.e"am1e-r-g ZW Arms a t - ZTLO'-zanuijd Two cases of primax7 cancer of the liver, Polski tygod, lek. 9. no.43:1389-1395 23 Oct 54, 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob'Wawnetrsnych Akademil Hadymaj w Warsswisi kisrownik.- prof. d~ ;oRaisgleiko I i~ZakWu'Ajjatoxj.1 Patologi6suej, AlrademU'Redyezuej ki6row'ulk prof. (1r L.4askiowics. (I;IVZR. neoplasms, case re]~orts) T it VrU .1 E-11 I; BWL .11W 1 Hill III Ill IEffIMF%!;PI-l 9 M -, 7-- Local cortisone therapy of parenchymtous keratitio.oKlin. oczaa 24 no.2:133-137 1954. 1. Z Panstwowego Instytutu, Dermatologil i Wqnsrplogli.11~rektorI dr mod. J.Suchanek. 2, Z KlinW Chorob Ocru.Akademii MeAycznej* v Warssawie. Kier6wniks prof. dr WI.H.Nelanowmki. (CORTISONE,,therapeutic use, 'Okeratitis, local'admino) (MA ITIS, therapy, *cortisone, loca1admin.) -MaIRBIAT-i-Leo Prolonged administration of cortisone & ACTH. Pbatepy reumat. no.): 67-71 1957. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych A. M. w lodzi. Kier: proff. drop J. Jakmbowski. (RHEM%TISM, ther. ACTR & cortisone, prolonged admin. (Pol)) (AcTH, ther. use rheum. die., prolonged admin. (Poi)) (CORTISM, ther. use same) RUDAKOW., Georgij (Rudakov, Georgiy) (Ufa, BaszkirB]m A.S.S.R.); ZYM, R. [translator]. The theory of deep origin of petrolemi, Kwartalnik geol 7 no~.2: 367-373 163. ZYLKO, W. Purification of gas from the hydrogensulfide by means of ammonia water. 1.291 (CAZ, WODA I T-C MiKA SANITARNA Vol. 30, No. 8, Aug. 1956 Warsaw, Foland5o . I -DOEEK,-Stanislaw,*-HXTRAL,-K.--,.,-, Rr WI.; KADW, J.; KARMT&KI, K. PISARCZYK, A.; ZYUWSKI, J. Iclampsim at the Xrakow Clinic for the last 50 years. Rn. Polska 28 nqo2:171-175 Mak-Apr 1956. 1. 1 1. Kliniki Palosuictwa r ChoA Kobisoych AA. w Krakovie. Kieratmiki prof. dr.*St. Schwarz, Stanislaw Dcbek-irrikow, u1. ropernika 23. (Nalampfila, statistics clin. statist., in Poland (Pol)) URBANSKj-'radeusz;--MLZ=Kj, -Oze5ltLw;-CHMM918KA-j --Bozena;:-Ch'YLBISKA-41---Barbara; IABROWSIA, Halina; IPALMOKI, J'erzv;- GMUM, lkiniela~ HATIMI, lenzek-, MALINOWSKI, Stanislaw; SEWINOWA, Barbara; ZYM(SICI J S Lorim. Stefan; XAMIMISKA. Irem., VMIVIZT. Jan; JANOVtW,"'XaR&; JAKIMOWSKA, Krystym; URUNSKA, Alicja; kTZIIINWICOW, Anatol Searching for new anti-tuberculosis drugs. aimzliaa 26 no.112889-917 Nov 58. 1. Z Zaklada Syntezy Lekow Instytutu Gru2licy Kieromik rakladu: prof. dr T. Urbanski Dyrektor Inetytutu: prof. dr J. Misiewicz Fracownia Syat. Lekow Przeciwgruzlicych, Warszawa, U1. KOBZY]cowa 75. (TMXRCUIM 25, therapy, investigation of 300 cPds. for anti-tnberc. eff. (]Pol)) DOBROMI RSK I - Wal orian - mgr-- in zZYLICZP-- -Andmej ihgr ifim.-- D:velopmenttof inland navigation craft. Bud okretowe Warszawa 9 no.41129-134 164. 1. Office for Design and Studies of River Craft, Wroclaw.: MINNAunly S.; J"Lj6.1r'W-L(;Zp i.; PREIBIS;,Za; ZYLIGZr J. The mean number of conversion electrons per one decay of Tm p Acta physica Pol 25 no-3:4.1'1-425 14r 164., 1. Institute 'for Nucieax Research, Departaient of Physics, Swierk. near Warsaw. ZILICZS J. Research on internal conversion electrons. p- 425. .POSTEPT FIZYKI. (Polskie Towarzyntwo F~zycsne) Warez;mua,, Poland Vol@ i0j, no* 4s.1959 Xonthly List of East European Accessiona (EM) LCO161. 9,; no. 2, Febe 1960, 4nol --GIMMACKI S KOPYSTYUkI :-J.;:TRL?IBISZ--z -:SOSNKOWSKI R rUTLANDOV, I. Note on positron radiation from pr14O . Acts physics. Pol. 20 no.12: 1021-1023 161. 1. Institute for Xxperimental. Physics, Polish A~ademv of Sciencosy Warsaw, (for Chojnacki and Kopystynski). 2. Institute for Nuclear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, (tar Preibissp Soonkovski and Zylicz). 3. Joint Institute for Nucleir Resoarch, DubrA, U.SPRI (for Yutlandov). (Isotopes) 4 P/045/61/ 020/012/004/004 B13T/~104 AUTHORSt Chojnacki, S., Kopystyfiski, J., Preibisz, Z., Soanowski, R., Zylicz, J., and Yutlandoi, I. TITLEs Note on positron radiation from PrIW~ PERIODICALs Acts, Physics Polonica, v4 20, no. 120,1961,1 1021 1023 TEXT: In their letter to the editor the authors report on an investiga- tion of the positron spectrum of Pr140. Measurementia were made with a ~ long-lens spectrometer in which helical baffles were~ applied to separate positron and electron radiations. The Pr140 isotopo was obtained f3~om a neodymium fraction separated from a tantalum target by the chromatographic method. The target was irradiated with 660-Mev protons (synchrocyclotron of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research at Dubna). Nd140 contained in the Nd fraction decays into Pr140 by electron capture. The Kurie pl .ot is a straight line from 350 kev up to the maximum energj of 2366 t 241kev B. S. Dzhelepov (Zh. eksper. teor. fiz., 31, 857 (1959); !zv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. fiz., L2, 153 (1958); Papers presented at the SecondConference on Neutron Deficient Isotopes of the Rare Earth Elements, Joint Inst. of Card 1/2 P/045/61/020/012/004/004 Note on positron radiation from Pr140 B137/B104 Nuclear Research, Dubna (1959)) is mentioned. There aml,figure, .1 table, and 10 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The three references to English-language publications read as~followaj Brow no, 0. J., Rasmussent J. 0., Sarls, J. P., and Martin, D. F.j llhys.'Rev., ~J, 146 (1952); Cameron, A. G. W., Canad. J. Phys., 3j, 1021 (1937); Levy. H_ B,-, Phys. Rev., 106, 1265 (1957)- ASSOCIATIONs Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University,:Waraaw clear Research,, (Chojnacki, Kopyatyfiski). Institute'of Nu Rolish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Preibisz, Sosnowski, Zylicz). Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna,,USSR (Yutlandov) SUBMITTED: June 1, 1961 67357 AUTHORS: Soonowski R. 4 g POL/45-18-6-3/5 KljZiIQL ~ opa, J. TITLE: 199 Isomeric Transition in Eg PERIODICAL: Acts, Physics, Polonioa, 1959, Vol 18, Nr 6, PP 573-580~(Poland) ABSTRACT: It was the aim of the present paper to inve stigate the spectrum of internal conversion electrons for the isomeric transition 199 in Hg - from the 1 1312 to the f5/2- levee. iThis 370-1kev, transition was investigated under conditions, which pernitted bu- measurement-of the ratio K/L and to estimate the E5 cohtri ' tion. L.A~Sliv and A,,11.Band had estimated the E5 admixture to 90~. Preparation of.the Hg199 source is~briefly de .scribed and shown in figure 1. For measurement of the internal oon- version electron spectra,, a magnetic -iPeotrometer with~ a thick lens was used. A G-M counter of the BAT-10 type with a mica 2 window (1-3 mc;/cm served as detoctor4 The speotrometerhad a resolution of 3-3',"j, the counting baoitgrouad did not oxceed 3 counts/mini the electron absorption in the window was Card 1/2 negligibly small. Measuring results are shown in several diagrams. They show good agreement with those calculated theoretically for,M4 transition in consideration of the finite nuclear dimensions and nuclear field shielding by the electron shell. The authors obtained: K:01+11) - 1:(0-5710,09)': 1 :(0.1210.07). The mixture ratio of L14 to E5 is sho-an in figure 7. The maximum E5 admixture is,found not to exceed 11%, which is in agreement with what was found by Pound and 111ertheim. The authors finally thank Professor 4._�oltQW for his advice during construction of the spectrometer and for his keen, interest. There are 7 figures and 13 references, 4 of4hich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Nuclear Research). Polish AcademX of Science,, Warsaw SUBMITTED: April 25, 1959 Card 2/2 SIMONI, Janusz, inz.; ZYLINSKI, Stanialaw, mgr Haw- criteria for selection of devices for water supply in villages. Gosp wodna 24 no-11:439-440 N 164, 1. Laboratory of Water Supply for Agrictiltural Centers, Institute of Soil Improvement and Grasslands, Warsaw. 11kroav, Prieglad Fobs-,C&-rr 1962. 1 1. *ft" of Geological Works for 1962.- Xwe tlrnr!,T?.A- - 3w~-A-LXV~tJKA of the t7awr We" 63-47. 2. "0"194!041 XXVIOrstion of DO202its for J 2=rzaa ofI Coast-ructlon Coramles.* ftm"rd Wk r the Q& -~r:. GA-1*4L.L Warsaa-ski)t (2nalsh .m..ry t ml.....t. of XacUm Z~curronsa, In the Str&42L-w r~*- air amgl:n," LAth PJXMCELA of th. t73 1-.T.~Vtl 1"t* (Mn tytut vp 72 6. "Doposit. Of Clar for CAnstmotIon cor-tes In eso Vo3#"dsM,* or lmb2is.' Zbtg"lo- KQMRL. Zhital- -K=AN. AM War&- KADQ, vp ?3-75-.--T1Fcltsh waryl. ftospocts for the xxploltation or Cmaxtalt. 1A Lho DoZealawifo Region.- jorgy cz-vr ths G-26clual. pp 79- a_, 1~6 *JLZth Congress or tMA. sad Z72-tx f the Goa- 7. 'International 2-%tbttton of * a and Xaps (=WiJ.. o n X. X&CIA ln~~j pp a?-ag. 8, 4some, Problems or X1.0tralogleal Ph~sa Analysis of Ores*6 tMtold TA~Xwftt"T of tho Ac4dw;y-24 sin a xot�61lu ( Vp u 45mismic Tolooltivo In the Lads-Sczaacin SysolinerIUMI in the Light of the, Tortical =As Analy--ws of Deep tI_Y aers-Roies.1 zrg~nt S:,jZk7j= or the office or o;,1 RZP1Gr*tI*6* (POMXUhT;,-t~iA :NftWo*)j pp--_UZ-76.~ U. 'us. or Pattems be 7*IIL..Infg Pr**OxM*4.' AntOni K2!ydtN X, Of the KaIn lastltt- of Kivt:c (Glouny wytytut 1/2 ;L .m --R ------ --- --. I - =1 "I --