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3/061/63/000/001/042/o6i Anhydrides of organophouphorus ... B144/Ble6 the courae of 15 min to 0.25 mole ground IV in 100 m,1 C6116 at 40-50.0c; after 30 min ~40-5000) 0.25 mole of RIOII in gradually. added to oool the mixture to 20 C, the mixture is stirred for 1 hr at 40-50C and coollod, th-en.0.25 mole ITaOH in 75 ml water is addqd dropwise ' and I is extra,ated with'benzehe 0, - R Yield -An %l' b.p. i A uC/mm and n20 are given) C2H 51C4119 (Ia), 57, 102-102-5/191 1.4163; C 2H5~ i .so-C3H7 t 31 ) 40-41 /1 1.4091; C2H59 C6H 5CIT 2, 51, 05-86/0-03, 1-49201 CO 51 C'[2-CHCH2, 49#: H (Ib), 55-56/1.5, 1.4279; C2H 50 C3H7P 51, 51-52/1, 1-4134C2H5! cyclo-C6 I 49s 52-53/0.05, 1.44721 C2 H51 tert-C411 91 42, 26-29/0-03 (unstable.even' at 200 C), 1-4149; iso-C 11 , 61, 35-35-5/0.021 Is4164; iso-C H 3 70 C4119 .3 7) CH2-CHCH2, 441 36-37/0-04, 1-4274; C4 IT91 cyclo-06111,) 53t 72-73/0-01y 1.45221 0 H t 461 48-49/0,021 1.4332; C If C 11c), 46-5t. 4 9~ C"2'CHCH2 3 7? 4 39-5-40/0-005, 1.4199. 0.05 mole of II (R - C21.15 )is mixed with 0.05 mole of C 4H 90H at 200 C and Ia is separated aEter I hr (20'OC), yield Card 2/3 S/08IJ6.3/000/001/042/061 Anhydridesof organophosphorun B140106 16-5~4, b-P- 36-37 C/0-005 mm- 0.075 0 H Oil and 0-075;mole;of 4 9 2,6-lutidine in 10 ml C6H, are added to 0.075 mole of~U (R.." C2H5 in 10 ml C6H6 in the course of 5 mini after 1 hr (5000) and 12 hre (2000) 10 ml water is added, which has been acidified with 2 dropa of concentrated 11CI; Ia is obtained from the benzene layer, yield 50-5~1# b..p. 63-64OC/1 mm- lb is obtained analogously with a yield of 52,j4 f rom 0-075 mole of Il (R - 02H 5) and 0-075 mole of CA1011 in the presence~of 0-075 mole of 2,6-lutidine in C6H6* For communication II too RZhKhim) 1962, 1BZh264- [Abstracter's note. Complete translation Card 3/3 411HU Ul;-Ik4l, 6144 tORIA R:k,t!V6-'A1 U WIMAK dimeMP.Amamide. k new route to 6alkyl hy'd.~ngeii phos- phatm,. Dul ChIm PAII 11 no,69333-335 t6-1. 1. D3,M MIN of Organic Chomle,tryp Teohnical UnIvorill.ty, Lodz,, Presented by J.111chalski. S/061/63/000/002/056/oee B171/B102 AUTHORS: Michalski, Jan, Z,!.ierz~LkAndrz,~_L TITLE: Preparation-of tetraalkyl pyrophosphates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Kbimiya, no.,~, 1963, 405, abatr'act 2N45 (Polish patent 45271, Oct- 16p,1961)~ TEXT: Tetraalkyl pyrophosphates represented by the formul a R P 0 4 2 7 where R= alkyl, are prepared by a reaction of dialkyl phosphites R 2qPO3 ~II) with NOC1 in the presence of HC1-fixing substances, such as pyridine (III) or without them. A solution of 1-1-5 mold of NOC1 in C6H6 is added drop by dr op at 20-350C to a solution.of 1 mole of II.and limole of III in ligroin or in C6 H61 vigorously stirred and periodically water-cooled. The hydrochloride of III is filtered"out and the solvent-is then eliminated by vacuum distillation. Very pure I is thus prepared with a yi'eld of 80-901~1 in respect to II. I may be produced by the action of NOC1 on II without the use of amine to fix HC1, but in that case the Card 1/2 3108116310001002105610.80 Preparation of tetraalkyl DIII/B102 yield and the quality of I deteriorate. A 0.275 mol .e solution of ITOCI .in 100 ml of C H at n ution of 6 6 25-300C is poured~ during 30 mi into, a sol 0.25 mole of II (R. C 2 H5) and of'O.25 Mole of III in 150.Ml of ligrain.. The hydrochloride of III iss,eparated, the solvents eliihinated by va Icuum distillation and 30 .2 g 83 0) of I (R. C H ) are obtained'.' This compound :2 5 25 has a boiling point at 88-890C/ 0.01 mm and n D= 1-4179.1 In another case, a solution of 0.1 mole of,NOCI in 50 ml of C6 H.6 at a t emp erature 4 250C is poured during 20 min into a'stirred molAion o f 0.1 mole of unrefined II (R. C 6H5CH 2) and of 0.1 mole of III in',100 ml of 06H6 The hydrochloride of III is;filtered.out, C H, in vacuo. The 6 6' is elimiri ated residue is washed with of.water and 50 ml of~d dilute solution of NH3 until pH=8. After several minuten thq oil cryst'allized. The product is filtered~out, recrystallized and I L (R- C H CH melting point 60-61-5001 is obtained with a yield of Orom bonzene-cyclohexan'e) [Abstraoter's note: Complete tranalation!3% Card 2/2 POLAND/OrGanie Chemistry - aeneral and Theoretical Topies of Organic Chemistry,. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Khimiyaj rio 14, 1958., 46603 Va is,an indistillrLble oil; M.,,yield~132%.,-melting point 11.4 to u6P, iva, if mixed with banzene4oluene and heated 1: hourp - produces - IV ~ (R - H.. X i,- COCII) i mel-' ting point Ill to 1130i (CH 3004 )20-CHOOM (V) Is for- med of I and IV at 50 to 6o`o~ yield 21%, melting point 89 to 910;, phenylhydra- zone., melting point 165 to.16r 0CH3"C04Cff-CIIC0CN is produced of I and a-mathoxystyrene,, yield 40%i.melting point 159 to 16191 pheny1hydrazone, melting point 174 to 1760;~ ( OC6ff4)xCHC0CN is produ. ced of I and 1,,l-di-n-mthoxypMhryl'ethyl(!.iia, yield 5R%, melting point 98 to 990; phenylhydrazone, melting point 159 to 1610, The authors assume that the reactico of I with II and III proceeds through a transitional complex q7tucoo-., which either JR0002CCH2*02 Card 2/3 MITFMCHOWSKA Annau Apropo a of t 0 4 Pol. tyg. lek 1. Z C 'zialu sza,die (Ordyn ZWIERZCHOWSKA, Anna; KRZYSKOW, Roman Acute fissural ulceration of the cardial part,of esophaVs and stomach (ML11ory%-Weiss syndrome) as a cause.of profuse bleeding. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.32:1208-1209 9 Ag 165. 1. Z Oddzialu Chlrurgicznego Sq1tala Wojewodzkiog6 v WarazavIb (Ordynator: prof. dr. mad. Witold Hudowski)..' BARTKOWUK, Edmind; ZWIERZCIIOWSKA, Dianuta Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head in the'Itreatmnt of congenital hip dislocations. Chir.narz.ruchu ortop. ptilaks. ~6 no.2:131-139 161. Ze Szpitala Ortopedycww-Urazowego im. dr,Z.Raalinskiego w~ Lodzi Dyrektor, dr B.Bartkowiak. (HIP fra~t & disloc) (FEMUR TEO ~pathol) BARTKOWIAKf Edmund; WERNHOWSKI, jjqztryk On the problem of ehrly surgi6al therapy ofknee tuberculosis, Chir.narz.ruchu ortop, polska 26 no-414-15-42 0 1614 1. Ze Szpitala Ortopedyczno-Urazovego im. Dr. Z. RAdlinskiego~w Lodzi Dyrektor: Dr. E. Bartkowiak. (TUBERCULOSIS OSTEOARTICULAR Burg) (tarEE surgi, Z'dil Hen Studies of development of the apparently nomLal hip in casea with unilateral congenital dislocation of tile hip. Chir. narzad. ruchu. ortop. Polo 28 no.7&925-930 063 1. Za Stpitala Ortopedyczno-Urazowego Jin. dr. Z. RadlInskiego w Lodzi (Dyrektort doc. dr. Re Bartkowlak). ZWERZCHOWSKI, Henryk late di'slocation. of the hip follawing untreated dysnlasia. Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop. Pol. 30 no.4081--383 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej AM w Lodzi i Szpitala Ortopedyczno- Urazowego im. dr. Z. Radlinoklego (Kierowni4 Kliniki I Dyrektor Szpitala: doc. dr. med, E, Bartkowl.ak). RA1413ZO A., and aIM=fflOI291A.J.%A. WoJetiodztwo Veterinary Hygiene freterynaryjnoj)O Yxakour. br. A* Ramisz., Head;, offico (w0j. z eny Departnment of Epizootiology, HJZher Miool of Agriculture (Katedra Epizootjo- logii MSR)., 1,1roclavre Profe Dre T. Sobiecho Head, "The Course and TreaUient of Toxocara eanis in Young Arctic Fo=s (Alopex lagopus) -under Fox-Farm Conditions" Lublin.. MeS~Lcyna WetermgUna Vol 22., No 4.,.1966.p pp 204-208. Abstract: The paper describes a stucly of Invasim of T. caniss Throe, stages hav~"been distinguished in the couras of the dis6asej and the oymptme. and duration of each are described, Early worming wa3 used thorapeutica13,v with- out adverse effects. The absence of eggs In the feces does not rule~out the presence of the disease* Contains a sw7nary in Biglish.. 3 Tables and 14 references (1 Polish., 7 Western, 4 Russian and 2 German-language)e POLAND Diseases of Farm Animals.. Toxicoffes, R. Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biols,.No 8,, 11358, 358831. Author Kaszubkiewicz- Czeslaw;,Wartenberg, Lech;, ZYlierszohowskii lanr ........ . . Inst o given. Title Poisoning~of;Silver Foxes with Rahaid~:God- Liver Oil~ Orig Pub: Med..Weteryn., 1957, 13j.No 4j Z28-233., Abstract: A case of mass poisoning of foxes. is described. For a month and a halt the foxes received ran- oid cod-liver oil (2 ml. eaoh). , DTIneteon of 272 foxes died and 12 recovered.'~Refusal of p food, discharge from the nose and'~eyes, diar- rhea, shedding of the fur, and lowering of body Card 1/2 ZWIEUGHOWSKI, J. (Wroclaw) ,N . I e, - IPOLAND O=WSKI, Witold J., ZWX'_g EPNI 4" _RZ9BOWSKI, Ryszard, and ST ____MdtxtWr--Ukulist ozny) Roman; Division of 06hthalmology- Y (Ordynator: Docent, Dr. mod, W, J. ORLOWSKI)i Division of Laryngology (Oddzial Laryngologiesny) (OrdynatorrDr. R. ZWIERZCHOWSKI), and Division of Dermatology (Oddzial Dorma- tologiczny) (Ordynatort Dr. M. ZLYIPEN) (Institution not given] in Warsaw "Asher Syndrome. Case Report." Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No,22, 27 May 63,~ pp 793-797 Abstracts [Authors' English'3ummary] Authors4esoribo a case (29th in world literature and 2nd in Poland) of Asher syndrome with blopharochalasis of the Fuchs type, double lip, and struma without any signs of Basedov's disease'. They are of the opinion that surgical treatment of the lip may be ef- fective if performed after puberty. but that~surgioai treat- ment of the eyelids may be only of transiont:oometic ef- fect because of the progressive atrophy of the skin, There are 23 referencest one Polish, 9 German# and 15 Western, ZWIEHZCHOWSKA., W. SCIENCE Periodical: GAZETA OBSERWATORA. P.I.H.M. Vol. U. no$ 8, Aug. 1958. ZWIEHZCHOYISKA., W. The range and structure of the tropopause in the light of new Soviet investigations. p, Monthly List of East European Acessions (EW), W, Vol. By No. 3, may i959 UNCLASS. POLAND / Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by R Bacteria and Fungi., Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 35844, Author : Zwierz, J.-Zwierzchowski, J. Inst :Not given. Title :Combatting Epizootic Leptospirosis in~Silver Foxes with the Use of Sera, Vaccines and Anti- biotics. Orig Pub: Med. weteryn,, 1957, 13, No 6, 321-325. Abstract: No abstract, PolaD/Diseaueo of Pa Abs icriar:. Ref Zhur-7Bi 50A 69515-. Author Lipanoviez, chowski, Jan. Inst ------ Title Manse f 0 ex lagopus L.). Treatment With ne., Orig Pub: Med. wete ,No 7),391-39pi 7 Abstract- The nange~o was. observecL on tvo:;fur farris. In k:als) tfie':'to'11041116 symptoms vere notice ng of the skin of: the back abdomen and ion of crusts on the paws and tail, on of the hair, and severe itching. t shed. Th4 exan-Imtion of scrappi e presence of Barooptes scabiei. z6 a f affected a'nimals by Card 1/2 hil Allsorp'llon of surface activr, nifhalarxen a-t ar. irmerpims-e~. 1^11erdil. J.. Depar-wvnt of Tech-nology, ot Fats of Uirskle... -~nlcal UnIversity. Sub-m-itted Nova-alber 136, 17163L ORLOWSKI, Ifitold J.; ZWI&RZCHOWSKI, Fqszard; STEPNIAK, Roman A case of-Ascher's symdrome. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.22119"7 27 YT 163- 1. VIOAdzialu Okulistyamegm,Iordynator: doc.:dr meld. M Orlowski, z Od4sialu Laryng(ologianego; ordymtoro. dr R. Zwlerzahowski I z Oddsialu Dermatologicznogo w Warazawie; ordynator: dr M. Zajfen. (EYEUMS) (GOITER) (LIPS) (DISEASBS) WIERWHOUSY1, S. A new way of fastening screw thread cutter J' P. 238. (MECIMIK. Poland. Vol. 29, no., 6, June 1956.) .90: Monthly List of East European Accession (EE AL) Ir, Vol. no. 7, JiAlj" 1957. Uncl. ZWIERZYIISKI,, Tadeusz; KURYLCIOO Lucjan A syndrome of abnormalities in a 7-month-old human,fetus. Folia morph. (Warez.) 24 no.3:311-316 165. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Prawidlowej Szl(rwieka AM w Lublinie (Kierownik: prof. dr. M. Stelmasiak). i ZWIERZCHOWSKI, Z. Chloraminometric determination of the sodi=)~ potexalum and dicalcium salts of p-apilmosalic7lic acid. Acta pol# pharm. 20 no.5:383-385 163. 1. Z ZeJdadu Chemii ?armaceutyemej Akademii Medyeznej w Lodzi; kierownikt prof.drA.Kalinowski. COUNTRY :POLAND H CATF,GOFY :Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their ADPlication. Pharmaceuticals. Vitamins. Antibio* ABS. JWR. RZhrbin.., No 17, 1959, No. 61850 AUTHOR Kalinowski, K.; Zwierzchowski, INSTITM TITM microaetermination of Novocaine and of n-Aminaben- zoic Acid by Coulobomotrical Met6od with the Pro-** ORIG. po. ActA polon.. nbarmac. , 1958 p 15 No 3,' 176-178 ABSTRACT :80-150 mg of a substance itie dissolved in 1000 ml water. 1.0 ml of solution are tested coulombo- metrically (electrolyte - 10% XBr solution in a mixture with 15% solution of H.204) - An average error in the determination of novocair (1) is � I%p of n-aminobenzoic acid (11) is - 1.2%. A method of separation of I and It by electro-pho- resis on paper at pR of 6.0-9.01is developea. An average error of a single determination: for *ties. **liminary Separation by Eleotrophoresis Card#. 1/2 c 0' ul M, H CAT13GORY ABS. JOUR. RZhKhim., No 17, 1959, No- 61850 AUTHOR INSTITUTE Ting ORIG. MB. ABSTRACT 0i for Il is 6%. Y&. Sbteynberg. Card: 2/2 11 73 KALINOIdSKI.9 Kazimierz; ZWIMCHOWSKI, ZbIgniew Chlorocculmuetric mierodetermization of the codi=* potassi= and dicalcim salts of p-exinosalicylic acid. Acts. pol. pharm. 20 no.49303-308 163. 1. Z Zakladu Chemii Farmaceutycznej Akademii I%dycznej v Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr K. Nalinowski. (AMINOSALICYLIC ACID) (CBMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) (SODIUM) (POTASSIUM) (CALCIUM) (MIGROCHEMTRY) it J u I I" A a r 4 -1 1, -1 o it P Q_ a I #x30, ft 0- ........ ..... lee x1recialwil dopoills III WISIfIft Pomono (polaid) Wrixtaw. IhilAiml). MONO 14. 00 CLI%Qil-&kt kill if( (11C.Itaick. 101,14 44 wu4till Pollworge jilve tile ('11111whill 11-Attkir %l$v thiffilill- tioll: 0,2r; .1 tile gmins (1.5-2.0 02 and 41.8% U.I",2 n1m. analysis bllo*~ that tilt fmction with Irmlits larpir than 0.2 Itun. coo- 00 1.1111#d tuallictill! 6.41 1111wilf(Ir 5.4. fulik ItIld Idgthir 0 tite Man 0.2 ItIlls.: Ilmallf .2. 111010 And 0 0 111SHIW2.73, Old sircon Art-viewidw,iihImmst., Opliply and wo Of tile varloul colulmmults uf black %and is 11101141-1. Frank Gourt e lee 1200 t% 0 10 a-% fttTAILLr(.K.t iIIIIIAl"t (141SIFOCAtIOM UOO We 0 It 5 41 00 Is 0 of cr r# it ME a Rit KC(tl K An 0 -4 0 4 - I Or til I) Aj Is' :T.4 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0_0 * 0 0 0 go** 00000000000000, -*::::::ioooo * 0 * 0 1-1 0000 0 1111 0000016 NIEWIADOMSKI$ Henryk; ZWIMYKOWSKI3, Wlodzimierz; PLIOSZYNSKIl Michal- A new conductometric method for titration of surfacd agents such as alkyl arylosulfonates, alkyl, sulfonates and alkyl sulfates with the p-toluidine hydrochloride. Chem anal 4 no.5/6:995-997 159., (EEAI 9:9) 1. Katedra Technologli Tluszazow Politechniki Odanaklej (Conductometric analysis) (Sulface-active substances) (Alkyl, groups) (Aryl groups) ~Toluldine) (Hydrochlorides). (Sulfonates) (Sulfates) O.;,.z~ NIGER, ~3.; ROGOZ, I* Restoration of opposition movement in the paialysed, thumb. Rawanian M. Rev. 3 no.l.-61-65 Jan-Mar 59. (THUMB,.Lparalynis ourg. restoration of opposition movement) GARBIVIXI, MAGMN, Zdislaw; ZWOLIMKX. Jormy Possibilities of treatment orotu0bereul"Osis 'Of the l'u,"m-gs with aerosols. Gruzlica 25 no.8:64~-654 Aug 57. 1. Z Xiiniki Gruzlicy A.M. we Wroolawin Xierownik: doe. T. Garbinski J z,Zakladu Technologii Srodkow Leczniczych4A. we Wroclawbi Kierownik: prof. % Khazynakie (TUBUGUIOSIS, PUIXON&RTI ther, isoniazidl, aerosol admin. (Pol)) (ISONUZI:D, tber. use tuberc.', pulm,,iaerosol admin. (POID -- -- - - ---- ~ - -.- ~ --- -- _. !. -~ ~ 1 - !:: ..." .-I , . .. . .1 ~ ~ . lt~ - I ZW1BRZYCK1,,.Zbiv4ow,.doc, dr Ins,; ZYZAK$ Adamy mgr bit. Studiea on increased reversibility of axial mine fame, Glow Inst gorn prace no.352/36Os237-23$ 164. 1. Central Mining Institute, Katowice* . KALINOWSKIp Kazimiers; ZWIEWCEMBKI, nigmiev Goulometric microdetterminstion of a mi-6;Ru"re 0i isoliazid and the isodium salt of p-emijkosaji4lic acid with~ the aid of 2 haloidea Acta pol. pharm. 20 no.4%309-313 163. L Z' Zakladu Chemli Parmaceutymej kkadmii Madych kaj w Lodsi~ Kierovaikt,prof. dr Ku Kalinovskic ANINOSALICYLIC ACID), (IBONIAZID)~ CHMMTRY$ ANAMICAL) (CHLORINE) (BRMM) INDICATORS AND,PYAGENTS) ~MICROCHEMISTRt) VIERZYCK1, Zbl-egntewl, don., dipl. Ing. (Poland) Energometric evaluation of mining machinery. IpArl energid 5 no.3:65 M 164. niTERZYCra, Z. CalculatinF the comrActneFs of tubes for compressel aAr. Piuletyn. (PRZECLAD WRNTC-'Y' Vol. 10, No. 6, June 1954, S'talimerod,. Polmmd) SO: Yo-nthlv Lisf of' Eqst European Accessions, (7;EAL) lo. 12, Dec. LC, Vol. 3, N 1954, L WIERZIDISKI J, "Problem of.St'andariization in Civil and Sport Aviation," P. 204. (WIMMOSCI, Vol. 22, No. 4, Apr. 1954. Warszatra, Poland) S0,- Monthly List of Fast European Accessims, (MAL>, W.. Vol. 4. No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl. WINGER, A.; VOJTA, M. Surface plastic surgery of the cervix uteri in the diagnosis and therapj of precancerous conditions. Ceik. gynek. 29 no. 5073-377 Je 164. 1. Ustav pro peci o ma0cm a dite v Pme; xeditel% doe. dr. M.Vojta. VWTAP M.p does; POSPISILp J.; ZWI#GER.p A. ZWINGER,A.; SVURC,J. Remarks on cytological specimatis in precancerous conditions of the cervix uteri. Cesk. gynek.,29 no.167-69,~, F164, 1. Ustav- pro peci o matIm a dite v Praw. (reditelt. -doc.dr. M,Vojta) a Gyn,-por. klih UDL -it Praze (prednosta: doe.dr, A. Cernoch). BRZEZINSKIg Mieczyslaw; UIROGRODUI, Jozef Statistical analysis of accidents accordingito material from the Orthopedic Clinic Of the AcadsvV of Medicine in Warsaw, Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop. pol. 28 no.33343-352 163. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej AM v Warazavie Kierownik: prof, dr A. Gruca. (ACCIDENTS) (STATISTICS) ZWINOGRODZKI.. Tozef Theoretical calculation of the force of springs used in a2lQplasty. Chii-. narzad. ruchu ortop, pol. 27 no-4:531~"535 162. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedyaznej Am w Warszavie Kierowniks yrof. dr A.Gruca Konsultacja mechanicznai pro:C. dr inz. T. Jakubowaki Z Katedry Analizy Czesoi Wymiennyah Politechniki Warazawaklej. (SCOLIOSIS) (ORTHOPEMC EQUIMIENT) 2NOTWER) W. Observation of forest pests and the stru~,Ae against In Bavaria, -In German. p. 326. (Sbornik Pada Iesnictvi, Vol. A no, kywil i~,57.1~ Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EFAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10.9 October 1057# Unclo VOLL'1043H, T. K-IOLLW-;ISKI, T. Reszmrch on dtter--viing the combust-Ality of lxmber by uiinC. cht-mical ~'Iennn. p. 31C3. Vol. 27, no. 10, Oct. 1955. F'RIZEUL-D BUSUILAMI. Unrequwaj Foltind. SOUHCE., ~~.A Diro-,-can Acca:isjorjl~ I,J;-A (Z'1-111L) ifl, 1401. '51 4,0~ IS fun c1956 PAI?AF7IC-,YA, Z. widnnLIM9K4-Z.+ The Depaulent eA-I %Ppliea wmlvacy, Ph.amweveical Liatitutew Wumaw (Wled raItLICJI 6f;01""ej IrBtytutul wd Hauteriocld&l Agents Uaed in Wntshw, Ffirmcil polf!!S~$ 1 Vol W;j No 24, 30 Dec 62f PP 9i Abatmct: The authors reviev tbi rAture end n*de of actian of bacterloatoLtic and bacterlocidal agento which are ui~ad a3l preseivativea in La,4ectable, ophthalmic, intex-snal end. exterhal dru1g A t&bl~.,'is 61-ven wft&~ lists twuty nine reageyits of this type. Their coLt.,i~itratiox,, toxicity, mode of sction, nuPlicat.,cil. 6nd suttai)le mtdie. s3ie AALitedl Sevienty -references sr6 ci ted.. Three. 6t thC- refeivneed are :f r= the Soviet block. i -v i - F Z*Prolinska, Z. "The garden of Tatra Mountain plants in Zakopane# p.3. (Ghroamy Przyroiq Ojczystaj Vol. lh, no. 3, May/June 1958, Krakow, PolRAd.) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EaI) LC, Val. 8, "No. 1, Jan-~ 59-~. It I ZWOL121SKA A-UMINSKI, Marian (deceased]; WASILEWHA, Iresa; ===9wMfdp Leazek Effect of the quality of the raw material aA.d of the method of preparation ox the stability of aqueous ablutions of thiamine 331 for isjectioner. Aota pol. pham, 20 so,,40)9-344 163. 1, Z Zakladu FarzaaJiStosaw"ej Imsty-tutu Fwmace:utyvzxe9o v Warszawie Kieromiks doe. dr L. Kvowazynakiv (TRIAMINS) (CHDMTRY, PHARMACEUTICAL) PARAFINSKA, Zofia;, WL-IIISII~, -,Of4i~,- stabilization of water solutions for Injecaons otsome phehothihzine derivatives. Fani~cja Pol 18 no.23:571-5?3,10 D,162,, 1. Zaklad Famacji Stosowanejx Instytut Fariiiaceutycznyp Warazawao, ZWOLINS"KA, Zofia,) PARAF19,'KA, Antioxidizer6 and Lhair uso in pharmacy. Fainruic,la pol 19 no. 13/14!271-274 25 JI 1630 1. Department of Applied Pharrwicy, Institute of Pharmacy, Warsaw. -------- -- ------- PLWINSKA, Zofia.. dr.; ZWOLINSKA, Zoflaj. iagr Bactorioldal and bactoriootatic agents applind in'pliarmacy. Famacja Pol 18 no.24s587-591 30 D 162,, 1. Z&Und Farmaoji Stofsovanej Instytut Far.-imoeutyczay, Warszawa. POLUND ZU'OLINSICA AAXi~ and FARAFINSKA, Zofia; Dopartment of App 1 i ed W'~a~`rrnacy ~tzalclaa FanTiacji,Stosowanaj), Phannacou tical Insti- tuto (Instybut Farmacoutyczny)[presumed in Warsaw] "Antioxidants and their Application in Pharmacy." L'arsaw, Far-,nacja Polska, Vol 19, Xo 13-14,- 2.5 Jul 63, pp 271-274 Abstract: Iho authors discuss the importance of,.pr Ieye -t' oxidation of phanndcou ti-cal preparations and the' t~eiains by wh.icIhIhis can b-eI a.c.c.ompIli~sh6d. They then Gi V'O a complete listins of antioxidants (stabilizers) and',their specific uses in three main groupinGs: A, Natural antioxidants, B. Synthetic antioxidants, and C. Synergetic. substances., Mare are no references, listed, with a note that, the list is available from the authors. 1/1 7. C. 1jr I t 7iF: 11r, Ic-nn i n11-c on' 1y List of -47ast Eurorean Accensioms, Vol. 2, 4`0, 1.1bi-sir-ir of Cnngrcss Ar~--,St, 1?1~1, Vncl. 11,1111 till Fil"Ill KMLEWSKIi Aleksand6r; 'ZWOLINS 2rww J "D ~(Fitt.;W Penn Ph*. fgh Now methods of calculation of somp.pbysicalproperties of-liquids based on~, the .. antoine equation I.' II. n-parhffinie' 'hydrocarbons and n-alcyl compounds. Rocz chiidi 35 no.4.1041-4074; :'61. 1. Carnegie Institute of Technology,,. Pittsburgh; PennayXvania (fccr Kreglewski) 2. Director., Manufacturing Chemlits Assiociation Research Project (for Zwolinski) WOLINSKII JM,-ZY. Wart6sc uzytkcws krajowyeb koni prymitywrych. Powan, Pontanskie Tow. Przyj'aciol Nauk: 1953. 57 p. (Poznanskie TowarAyatwo Przyj6oiol Nauko' . Prane Koiaisji Ifauk ', Rolniczych i Lesnych, t. 2, zesz. 1) ~The practical value ~f primitive Polish hor ses. English and Russian- sunuaries. illus., bibl., tabled ZWOLINSKI Jerzy; FRACKOWIAK, Janusz; SUMMETA, Bwa Length of life and causes of dying and calling farm horses in the Poznan Province. Roozniki -,rjz szkola.rol Poznan 17:271488 163. 1. Department of Speclfic Animal Breeding, College of Agricuiture, Poznan, ALEXANDROWICZ, S., prof. dr; BILSKI, E.; MARUNIEWICZ, W.; DIOLINSKI, J. Absolute weight as indicating the leanness of the bacon pig carcass. Rocz nauk roln zootechn 84 no.1:1-9 164. 1. Department of Specific Animal Breeding of,the School of Agriculture, Poznan. Head:prof. Alexandrowiez. POLAND -ZWQjA&Q,aVAy.and SIUDZINSKI, Stanislaw; Chair of Special Animal Dreeding (Katedra-Szczegolowej Hodowli Zwierzat,) Head (Kierownik) Prof Dr Stefan ALEXANDROWICZ; and Department of 11orsa Breeding,~(Zaklad Hodowli K,oni,) Head docent Dt Jerzy ZWOLINSK'I$ Agricultural University (WSR,) Poznan.' "Time of Day at Which Foaling Occurs." Lublin, bledycyna Waterynaryjna, Val 21, No 10, 0~t 65; pp 614-616, Abstract CEnglish sw-wnary modified]: Study to verify the truth of'thelold popular belief that mares always S'ive birth to their foals during',the most inconvenient time of the night - analysis of 1007 cases during a perbd of 9 months seems to confirm-it: over 75% were born at night. This is attributed to neuropsychological influences, ability of pregnant m*are to postpone onset of parturition until the stable'is relatively quiet. Four Polish 1 German ref. VOLINSKI, Jerzy "Horse bmading by Witold Pruski, Jan Grabowski, Stanislaw Schuch. qo-.. Reviewed by Jerzy Zwolinski. Postepy nauk, roln 11 no.W51-158 Jl-Ag 164. ,ungs diffusion capacl t~-/ o) and ca:rbm.dJ, P.-easure GIC'02) in ar'z blatri In chron'.c the Aung. Fol. Lyg. 10k. 19 no.-17u.UO.2-1.403 1. Z Kliniki GruzP-G-y Akaflemil Madye-a-ei We (pao. Yierownlka: dr. ined. K. 'Soanovski) Karol -, "'wol, YNSK 1,J Tubermlosis of -t;he mediastirtal lymph nedos In wfu'!U. -,c'-;. tyg. lek. 19 no.37:w7-1a9 13) 14 164 1. Z Kliniki Gruzli,.,y Akadaiii.1 V,,edycznsj vo 'Vro~-,lwdu (p.o. Kiero-,mikas, dr. med. Karol GARBINSKI, Tadousz; NOWALANY, Juliusx;.%WOLINSKIj4rrzy' Effect, of testicular hyaluronidase appliedjntrapleurally on development of antibodies in the treatment of chronic empyama. Gruzlica 24 no-9:933-938 Sept 56. 1. Z Kliniki Gruzlicy A.M. we Wroclawiu. Kierownik: doe* dr# mad. T. Clarbineki. Adres: Wroclaw~, ul. PastauralO. (TUBMCUWSIS,~ PULMOK&RY. compl. pleural empysms, chronic, off. of byaluroniaase In intrapleural admin. on develop. of,antibodies) (HTALURONIDASE, theri. use pleural sap~ema, chronic, intrapleural admines effe on develop. ofantibodies) TWOLINSKI, Jerzy; WYSZYNSKA, Halina; MISIAKIEVICZ, Zbigniew; Konrad Pollution of the air of the city of Warsaw with rksily sedimenting dust particles. Roczn panstv zakl hig 14 no.4:317-322 163. 1. Department of Public Hygiene, State Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw. ZWOLINSKI,..,jorzy; WYSZYNSKA, Halina; MISIAKIEWICZ, Zbigniew; KOSINSKI, Konrad Influence of settlement boilerhouses of-central heating systems on the degree of pollution in the vicinity. Roczn panstw zakl hig 15 no.1:85-90 164. 1. Department of Communal Hygiene, State Institute of H Hygiene, Warsaw. Head of,Department: prof. dr J. Just. ,Z,'YiOL.INSKI..-.-Jer,z7;,WYSZ121SKA, Halina; RISTAKITE!ffCZ, Zbipiew; KOSUI SKIj I Konrad,, Dust pollution of the atmospheric air along the main transpor~- tation highways in the city of Waraw, Roczn pahstw zakl hig 14 no.2tI79-184 163. GARBINSKI Tadeuez:- SOSNCWSKI, Karol; ZWOLIITSKI, Ter!T ORDIDWSKI,, Stanislav Chondro-osteoplantic tracheo-branchopathy. Grtizlica-32 no.2s 159-161 F164 1. Z Kliniki Gr=licy-AM we Wroclaw1u, (Kierownikt T.Garbinskl) I, z Sanatorium Mg'v Glucholazadh (Dyrektor: dr. med. S.Ornowski). SOSNOWbXl, Karol; ZVOLINSIII, Jerzy Go-existence of chronic spontaneous pneumothorax with Recklingbausen'.s disease (neuro'fibromatosts), Polski t3rgod.lak. 15 no.23:875-877 6 a 16o. 1. Z Kliniki Grutlicy A.X, we Wroclaw1u; kierowz1k; prQf, dr md Tadauss ftrbinski, UMMOTHCM-complY (NBMFMCKAOSIS Compl) GARBINSKI, Tadeuaz; GASIOR, StAnlolnw; PORIVIOWSKA, Ihilia; ZWOLINSKI. Jerz Wfect of hyaluronidaoe on physical properties of Aerosola. Gruslica 27 no.6:477-482 June 59. I* Z Kliniki Gruzlioy A. M. we Wroclaviu Illerown1k: prof. dr T. Garbinski i z Zakladu Fizyki A. H. we Wr6clawlu. (HYALUROIITDASN, pharMA001.) (ISORTAIMM, pharmacol.) (AVIOSOLS, pharmecol.) D=Wla, .Tozef I ZWOURSKI, lonstanty Expwimente in the determination of conditions for,repated Wfraation imaps of silty minerals by the electronic microscope. Rozpr hydroteohn. no,,12sl5l-154 162, "In the Caves of Joskinia Zlmna." P. 164, (WIERCHT, Vol. 22, 1963, Krakow, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East Axropean Accessions, (MMAL), M9 V04 3. No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. Pollan)/Chcnical Technology. Cherde-al P-X cts cuid Their cdu -13 'Application. CernmAds. Glas a. DirAihg Yat6rials. C6ncrete.~ Abs Joux; Ref Zhur-Kiin-, No 2, 1959P.54ogo Author Zwolinski. StmUslaw. Inat Title Concerning theIQues~ion of D'ilininatiOn of Import6d Raw Materials frOn-the tianufacturee of Homeh6ld Chihawdx~e- Orig Pub - Szklo i eeran., 1956, 9,' NO ~'5.0 137-140- Abstract: Several examples of gradual substitution of ir4'orted kaolins and clays in moses for household c2hinaware (C) at Polish factories with dom-stic clays ofithe~ Polish People's Republic are cited. The Copplote eli- mination of inported clays (with the excqption~of 1 - 20 Mnsov-Yar clav fron 'USSRI I fron C manen caused a decrease 3/061/63/000/001/042/o6i Anhydrides of organophouphorus ... B144/Ble6 the courae of 15 min to 0.25 mole ground IV in 100 m,1 C6116 at 40-50.0c; after 30 min ~40-5000) 0.25 mole of RIOII in gradually. added to oool the mixture to 20 C, the mixture is stirred for 1 hr at 40-50C and coollod, th-en.0.25 mole ITaOH in 75 ml water is addqd dropwise ' and I is extra,ated with'benzehe 0, - R Yield -An %l' b.p. i A uC/mm and n20 are given) C2H 51C4119 (Ia), 57, 102-102-5/191 1.4163; C 2H5~ i .so-C3H7 t 31 ) 40-41 /1 1.4091; C2H59 C6H 5CIT 2, 51, 05-86/0-03, 1-49201 CO 51 C'[2-CHCH2, 49#: H (Ib), 55-56/1.5, 1.4279; C2H 50 C3H7P 51, 51-52/1, 1-4134C2H5! cyclo-C6 I 49s 52-53/0.05, 1.44721 C2 H51 tert-C411 91 42, 26-29/0-03 (unstable.even' at 200 C), 1-4149; iso-C 11 , 61, 35-35-5/0.021 Is4164; iso-C H 3 70 C4119 .3 7) CH2-CHCH2, 441 36-37/0-04, 1-4274; C4 IT91 cyclo-06111,) 53t 72-73/0-01y 1.45221 0 H t 461 48-49/0,021 1.4332; C If C 11c), 46-5t. 4 9~ C"2'CHCH2 3 7? 4 39-5-40/0-005, 1.4199. 0.05 mole of II (R - C21.15 )is mixed with 0.05 mole of C 4H 90H at 200 C and Ia is separated aEter I hr (20'OC), yield Card 2/3 S/08IJ6.3/000/001/042/061 Anhydridesof organophosphorun B140106 16-5~4, b-P- 36-37 C/0-005 mm- 0.075 0 H Oil and 0-075;mole;of 4 9 2,6-lutidine in 10 ml C6H, are added to 0.075 mole of~U (R.." C2H5 in 10 ml C6H6 in the course of 5 mini after 1 hr (5000) and 12 hre (2000) 10 ml water is added, which has been acidified with 2 dropa of concentrated 11CI; Ia is obtained from the benzene layer, yield 50-5~1# b..p. 63-64OC/1 mm- lb is obtained analogously with a yield of 52,j4 f rom 0-075 mole of Il (R - 02H 5) and 0-075 mole of CA1011 in the presence~of 0-075 mole of 2,6-lutidine in C6H6* For communication II too RZhKhim) 1962, 1BZh264- [Abstracter's note. Complete translation Card 3/3 411HU Ul;-Ik4l, 6144 tORIA R:k,t!V6-'A1 U WIMAK dimeMP.Amamide. k new route to 6alkyl hy'd.~ngeii phos- phatm,. Dul ChIm PAII 11 no,69333-335 t6-1. 1. D3,M MIN of Organic Chomle,tryp Teohnical UnIvorill.ty, Lodz,, Presented by J.111chalski. S/061/63/000/002/056/oee B171/B102 AUTHORS: Michalski, Jan, Z,!.ierz~LkAndrz,~_L TITLE: Preparation-of tetraalkyl pyrophosphates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Kbimiya, no.,~, 1963, 405, abatr'act 2N45 (Polish patent 45271, Oct- 16p,1961)~ TEXT: Tetraalkyl pyrophosphates represented by the formul a R P 0 4 2 7 where R= alkyl, are prepared by a reaction of dialkyl phosphites R 2qPO3 ~II) with NOC1 in the presence of HC1-fixing substances, such as pyridine (III) or without them. A solution of 1-1-5 mold of NOC1 in C6H6 is added drop by dr op at 20-350C to a solution.of 1 mole of II.and limole of III in ligroin or in C6 H61 vigorously stirred and periodically water-cooled. The hydrochloride of III is filtered"out and the solvent-is then eliminated by vacuum distillation. Very pure I is thus prepared with a yi'eld of 80-901~1 in respect to II. I may be produced by the action of NOC1 on II without the use of amine to fix HC1, but in that case the Card 1/2 3108116310001002105610.80 Preparation of tetraalkyl DIII/B102 yield and the quality of I deteriorate. A 0.275 mol .e solution of ITOCI .in 100 ml of C H at n ution of 6 6 25-300C is poured~ during 30 mi into, a sol 0.25 mole of II (R. C 2 H5) and of'O.25 Mole of III in 150.Ml of ligrain.. The hydrochloride of III iss,eparated, the solvents eliihinated by va Icuum distillation and 30 .2 g 83 0) of I (R. C H ) are obtained'.' This compound :2 5 25 has a boiling point at 88-890C/ 0.01 mm and n D= 1-4179.1 In another case, a solution of 0.1 mole of,NOCI in 50 ml of C6 H.6 at a t emp erature 4 250C is poured during 20 min into a'stirred molAion o f 0.1 mole of unrefined II (R. C 6H5CH 2) and of 0.1 mole of III in',100 ml of 06H6 The hydrochloride of III is;filtered.out, C H, in vacuo. The 6 6' is elimiri ated residue is washed with of.water and 50 ml of~d dilute solution of NH3 until pH=8. After several minuten thq oil cryst'allized. The product is filtered~out, recrystallized and I L (R- C H CH melting point 60-61-5001 is obtained with a yield of Orom bonzene-cyclohexan'e) [Abstraoter's note: Complete tranalation!3% Card 2/2 POLAND/OrGanie Chemistry - aeneral and Theoretical Topies of Organic Chemistry,. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Khimiyaj rio 14, 1958., 46603 Va is,an indistillrLble oil; M.,,yield~132%.,-melting point 11.4 to u6P, iva, if mixed with banzene4oluene and heated 1: hourp - produces - IV ~ (R - H.. X i,- COCII) i mel-' ting point Ill to 1130i (CH 3004 )20-CHOOM (V) Is for- med of I and IV at 50 to 6o`o~ yield 21%, melting point 89 to 910;, phenylhydra- zone., melting point 165 to.16r 0CH3"C04Cff-CIIC0CN is produced of I and a-mathoxystyrene,, yield 40%i.melting point 159 to 16191 pheny1hydrazone, melting point 174 to 1760;~ ( OC6ff4)xCHC0CN is produ. ced of I and 1,,l-di-n-mthoxypMhryl'ethyl(!.iia, yield 5R%, melting point 98 to 990; phenylhydrazone, melting point 159 to 1610, The authors assume that the reactico of I with II and III proceeds through a transitional complex q7tucoo-., which either JR0002CCH2*02 Card 2/3 MITFMCHOWSKA Annau Apropo a of t 0 4 Pol. tyg. lek 1. Z C 'zialu sza,die (Ordyn ZWIERZCHOWSKA, Anna; KRZYSKOW, Roman Acute fissural ulceration of the cardial part,of esophaVs and stomach (ML11ory%-Weiss syndrome) as a cause.of profuse bleeding. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.32:1208-1209 9 Ag 165. 1. Z Oddzialu Chlrurgicznego Sq1tala Wojewodzkiog6 v WarazavIb (Ordynator: prof. dr. mad. Witold Hudowski)..' BARTKOWUK, Edmind; ZWIERZCIIOWSKA, Dianuta Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head in the'Itreatmnt of congenital hip dislocations. Chir.narz.ruchu ortop. ptilaks. ~6 no.2:131-139 161. Ze Szpitala Ortopedycww-Urazowego im. dr,Z.Raalinskiego w~ Lodzi Dyrektor, dr B.Bartkowiak. (HIP fra~t & disloc) (FEMUR TEO ~pathol) BARTKOWIAKf Edmund; WERNHOWSKI, jjqztryk On the problem of ehrly surgi6al therapy ofknee tuberculosis, Chir.narz.ruchu ortop, polska 26 no-414-15-42 0 1614 1. Ze Szpitala Ortopedyczno-Urazovego im. Dr. Z. RAdlinskiego~w Lodzi Dyrektor: Dr. E. Bartkowiak. (TUBERCULOSIS OSTEOARTICULAR Burg) (tarEE surgi, Z'dil Hen Studies of development of the apparently nomLal hip in casea with unilateral congenital dislocation of tile hip. Chir. narzad. ruchu. ortop. Polo 28 no.7&925-930 063 1. Za Stpitala Ortopedyczno-Urazowego Jin. dr. Z. RadlInskiego w Lodzi (Dyrektort doc. dr. Re Bartkowlak). ZWERZCHOWSKI, Henryk late di'slocation. of the hip follawing untreated dysnlasia. Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop. Pol. 30 no.4081--383 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej AM w Lodzi i Szpitala Ortopedyczno- Urazowego im. dr. Z. Radlinoklego (Kierowni4 Kliniki I Dyrektor Szpitala: doc. dr. med, E, Bartkowl.ak). RA1413ZO A., and aIM=fflOI291A.J.%A. WoJetiodztwo Veterinary Hygiene freterynaryjnoj)O Yxakour. br. A* Ramisz., Head;, offico (w0j. z eny Departnment of Epizootiology, HJZher Miool of Agriculture (Katedra Epizootjo- logii MSR)., 1,1roclavre Profe Dre T. Sobiecho Head, "The Course and TreaUient of Toxocara eanis in Young Arctic Fo=s (Alopex lagopus) -under Fox-Farm Conditions" Lublin.. MeS~Lcyna WetermgUna Vol 22., No 4.,.1966.p pp 204-208. Abstract: The paper describes a stucly of Invasim of T. caniss Throe, stages hav~"been distinguished in the couras of the dis6asej and the oymptme. and duration of each are described, Early worming wa3 used thorapeutica13,v with- out adverse effects. The absence of eggs In the feces does not rule~out the presence of the disease* Contains a sw7nary in Biglish.. 3 Tables and 14 references (1 Polish., 7 Western, 4 Russian and 2 German-language)e POLAND Diseases of Farm Animals.. Toxicoffes, R. Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biols,.No 8,, 11358, 358831. Author Kaszubkiewicz- Czeslaw;,Wartenberg, Lech;, ZYlierszohowskii lanr ........ . . Inst o given. Title Poisoning~of;Silver Foxes with Rahaid~:God- Liver Oil~ Orig Pub: Med..Weteryn., 1957, 13j.No 4j Z28-233., Abstract: A case of mass poisoning of foxes. is described. For a month and a halt the foxes received ran- oid cod-liver oil (2 ml. eaoh). , DTIneteon of 272 foxes died and 12 recovered.'~Refusal of p food, discharge from the nose and'~eyes, diar- rhea, shedding of the fur, and lowering of body Card 1/2 ZWIEUGHOWSKI, J. (Wroclaw) ,N . I e, - IPOLAND O=WSKI, Witold J., ZWX'_g EPNI 4" _RZ9BOWSKI, Ryszard, and ST ____MdtxtWr--Ukulist ozny) Roman; Division of 06hthalmology- Y (Ordynator: Docent, Dr. mod, W, J. ORLOWSKI)i Division of Laryngology (Oddzial Laryngologiesny) (OrdynatorrDr. R. ZWIERZCHOWSKI), and Division of Dermatology (Oddzial Dorma- tologiczny) (Ordynatort Dr. M. ZLYIPEN) (Institution not given] in Warsaw "Asher Syndrome. Case Report." Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No,22, 27 May 63,~ pp 793-797 Abstracts [Authors' English'3ummary] Authors4esoribo a case (29th in world literature and 2nd in Poland) of Asher syndrome with blopharochalasis of the Fuchs type, double lip, and struma without any signs of Basedov's disease'. They are of the opinion that surgical treatment of the lip may be ef- fective if performed after puberty. but that~surgioai treat- ment of the eyelids may be only of transiont:oometic ef- fect because of the progressive atrophy of the skin, There are 23 referencest one Polish, 9 German# and 15 Western, ZWIEHZCHOWSKA., W. SCIENCE Periodical: GAZETA OBSERWATORA. P.I.H.M. Vol. U. no$ 8, Aug. 1958. ZWIEHZCHOYISKA., W. The range and structure of the tropopause in the light of new Soviet investigations. p, Monthly List of East European Acessions (EW), W, Vol. By No. 3, may i959 UNCLASS. POLAND / Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by R Bacteria and Fungi., Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 35844, Author : Zwierz, J.-Zwierzchowski, J. Inst :Not given. Title :Combatting Epizootic Leptospirosis in~Silver Foxes with the Use of Sera, Vaccines and Anti- biotics. Orig Pub: Med. weteryn,, 1957, 13, No 6, 321-325. Abstract: No abstract, PolaD/Diseaueo of Pa Abs icriar:. Ref Zhur-7Bi 50A 69515-. Author Lipanoviez, chowski, Jan. Inst ------ Title Manse f 0 ex lagopus L.). Treatment With ne., Orig Pub: Med. wete ,No 7),391-39pi 7 Abstract- The nange~o was. observecL on tvo:;fur farris. In k:als) tfie':'to'11041116 symptoms vere notice ng of the skin of: the back abdomen and ion of crusts on the paws and tail, on of the hair, and severe itching. t shed. Th4 exan-Imtion of scrappi e presence of Barooptes scabiei. z6 a f affected a'nimals by Card 1/2 hil Allsorp'llon of surface activr, nifhalarxen a-t ar. irmerpims-e~. 1^11erdil. J.. Depar-wvnt of Tech-nology, ot Fats of Uirskle... -~nlcal UnIversity. Sub-m-itted Nova-alber 136, 17163L ORLOWSKI, Ifitold J.; ZWI&RZCHOWSKI, Fqszard; STEPNIAK, Roman A case of-Ascher's symdrome. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.22119"7 27 YT 163- 1. VIOAdzialu Okulistyamegm,Iordynator: doc.:dr meld. M Orlowski, z Od4sialu Laryng(ologianego; ordymtoro. dr R. Zwlerzahowski I z Oddsialu Dermatologicznogo w Warazawie; ordynator: dr M. Zajfen. (EYEUMS) (GOITER) (LIPS) (DISEASBS) WIERWHOUSY1, S. A new way of fastening screw thread cutter J' P. 238. (MECIMIK. Poland. Vol. 29, no., 6, June 1956.) .90: Monthly List of East European Accession (EE AL) Ir, Vol. no. 7, JiAlj" 1957. Uncl. ZWIERZYIISKI,, Tadeusz; KURYLCIOO Lucjan A syndrome of abnormalities in a 7-month-old human,fetus. Folia morph. (Warez.) 24 no.3:311-316 165. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Prawidlowej Szl(rwieka AM w Lublinie (Kierownik: prof. dr. M. Stelmasiak). i ZWIERZCHOWSKI, Z. Chloraminometric determination of the sodi=)~ potexalum and dicalcium salts of p-apilmosalic7lic acid. Acta pol# pharm. 20 no.5:383-385 163. 1. Z ZeJdadu Chemii ?armaceutyemej Akademii Medyeznej w Lodzi; kierownikt prof.drA.Kalinowski. COUNTRY :POLAND H CATF,GOFY :Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their ADPlication. Pharmaceuticals. Vitamins. Antibio* ABS. JWR. RZhrbin.., No 17, 1959, No. 61850 AUTHOR Kalinowski, K.; Zwierzchowski, INSTITM TITM microaetermination of Novocaine and of n-Aminaben- zoic Acid by Coulobomotrical Met6od with the Pro-** ORIG. po. ActA polon.. nbarmac. , 1958 p 15 No 3,' 176-178 ABSTRACT :80-150 mg of a substance itie dissolved in 1000 ml water. 1.0 ml of solution are tested coulombo- metrically (electrolyte - 10% XBr solution in a mixture with 15% solution of H.204) - An average error in the determination of novocair (1) is � I%p of n-aminobenzoic acid (11) is - 1.2%. A method of separation of I and It by electro-pho- resis on paper at pR of 6.0-9.01is developea. An average error of a single determination: for *ties. **liminary Separation by Eleotrophoresis Card#. 1/2 c 0' ul M, H CAT13GORY ABS. JOUR. RZhKhim., No 17, 1959, No- 61850 AUTHOR INSTITUTE Ting ORIG. MB. ABSTRACT 0i for Il is 6%. Y&. Sbteynberg. Card: 2/2 11 73 KALINOIdSKI.9 Kazimierz; ZWIMCHOWSKI, ZbIgniew Chlorocculmuetric mierodetermization of the codi=* potassi= and dicalcim salts of p-exinosalicylic acid. Acts. pol. pharm. 20 no.49303-308 163. 1. Z Zakladu Chemii Farmaceutycznej Akademii I%dycznej v Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr K. Nalinowski. (AMINOSALICYLIC ACID) (CBMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) (SODIUM) (POTASSIUM) (CALCIUM) (MIGROCHEMTRY) it J u I I" A a r 4 -1 1, -1 o it P Q_ a I #x30, ft 0- ........ ..... lee x1recialwil dopoills III WISIfIft Pomono (polaid) Wrixtaw. IhilAiml). MONO 14. 00 CLI%Qil-&kt kill if( (11C.Itaick. 101,14 44 wu4till Pollworge jilve tile ('11111whill 11-Attkir %l$v thiffilill- tioll: 0,2r; .1 tile gmins (1.5-2.0 02 and 41.8% U.I",2 n1m. analysis bllo*~ that tilt fmction with Irmlits larpir than 0.2 Itun. coo- 00 1.1111#d tuallictill! 6.41 1111wilf(Ir 5.4. fulik ItIld Idgthir 0 tite Man 0.2 ItIlls.: Ilmallf .2. 111010 And 0 0 111SHIW2.73, Old sircon Art-viewidw,iihImmst., Opliply and wo Of tile varloul colulmmults uf black %and is 11101141-1. Frank Gourt e lee 1200 t% 0 10 a-% fttTAILLr(.K.t iIIIIIAl"t (141SIFOCAtIOM UOO We 0 It 5 41 00 Is 0 of cr r# it ME a Rit KC(tl K An 0 -4 0 4 - I Or til I) Aj Is' :T.4 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0_0 * 0 0 0 go** 00000000000000, -*::::::ioooo * 0 * 0 1-1 0000 0 1111 0000016 NIEWIADOMSKI$ Henryk; ZWIMYKOWSKI3, Wlodzimierz; PLIOSZYNSKIl Michal- A new conductometric method for titration of surfacd agents such as alkyl arylosulfonates, alkyl, sulfonates and alkyl sulfates with the p-toluidine hydrochloride. Chem anal 4 no.5/6:995-997 159., (EEAI 9:9) 1. Katedra Technologli Tluszazow Politechniki Odanaklej (Conductometric analysis) (Sulface-active substances) (Alkyl, groups) (Aryl groups) ~Toluldine) (Hydrochlorides). (Sulfonates) (Sulfates) O.;,.z~ NIGER, ~3.; ROGOZ, I* Restoration of opposition movement in the paialysed, thumb. Rawanian M. Rev. 3 no.l.-61-65 Jan-Mar 59. (THUMB,.Lparalynis ourg. restoration of opposition movement) GARBIVIXI, MAGMN, Zdislaw; ZWOLIMKX. Jormy Possibilities of treatment orotu0bereul"Osis 'Of the l'u,"m-gs with aerosols. Gruzlica 25 no.8:64~-654 Aug 57. 1. Z Xiiniki Gruzlicy A.M. we Wroolawin Xierownik: doe. T. Garbinski J z,Zakladu Technologii Srodkow Leczniczych4A. we Wroclawbi Kierownik: prof. % Khazynakie (TUBUGUIOSIS, PUIXON&RTI ther, isoniazidl, aerosol admin. (Pol)) (ISONUZI:D, tber. use tuberc.', pulm,,iaerosol admin. (POID -- -- - - ---- ~ - -.- ~ --- -- _. !. -~ ~ 1 - !:: ..." .-I , . .. . .1 ~ ~ . lt~ - I ZW1BRZYCK1,,.Zbiv4ow,.doc, dr Ins,; ZYZAK$ Adamy mgr bit. Studiea on increased reversibility of axial mine fame, Glow Inst gorn prace no.352/36Os237-23$ 164. 1. Central Mining Institute, Katowice* . KALINOWSKIp Kazimiers; ZWIEWCEMBKI, nigmiev Goulometric microdetterminstion of a mi-6;Ru"re 0i isoliazid and the isodium salt of p-emijkosaji4lic acid with~ the aid of 2 haloidea Acta pol. pharm. 20 no.4%309-313 163. L Z' Zakladu Chemli Parmaceutymej kkadmii Madych kaj w Lodsi~ Kierovaikt,prof. dr Ku Kalinovskic ANINOSALICYLIC ACID), (IBONIAZID)~ CHMMTRY$ ANAMICAL) (CHLORINE) (BRMM) INDICATORS AND,PYAGENTS) ~MICROCHEMISTRt) VIERZYCK1, Zbl-egntewl, don., dipl. Ing. (Poland) Energometric evaluation of mining machinery. IpArl energid 5 no.3:65 M 164. niTERZYCra, Z. CalculatinF the comrActneFs of tubes for compressel aAr. Piuletyn. (PRZECLAD WRNTC-'Y' Vol. 10, No. 6, June 1954, S'talimerod,. Polmmd) SO: Yo-nthlv Lisf of' Eqst European Accessions, (7;EAL) lo. 12, Dec. LC, Vol. 3, N 1954, L WIERZIDISKI J, "Problem of.St'andariization in Civil and Sport Aviation," P. 204. (WIMMOSCI, Vol. 22, No. 4, Apr. 1954. Warszatra, Poland) S0,- Monthly List of Fast European Accessims, (MAL>, W.. Vol. 4. No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl. WINGER, A.; VOJTA, M. Surface plastic surgery of the cervix uteri in the diagnosis and therapj of precancerous conditions. Ceik. gynek. 29 no. 5073-377 Je 164. 1. Ustav pro peci o ma0cm a dite v Pme; xeditel% doe. dr. M.Vojta. VWTAP M.p does; POSPISILp J.; ZWI#GER.p A. ZWINGER,A.; SVURC,J. Remarks on cytological specimatis in precancerous conditions of the cervix uteri. Cesk. gynek.,29 no.167-69,~, F164, 1. Ustav- pro peci o matIm a dite v Praw. (reditelt. -doc.dr. M,Vojta) a Gyn,-por. klih UDL -it Praze (prednosta: doe.dr, A. Cernoch). BRZEZINSKIg Mieczyslaw; UIROGRODUI, Jozef Statistical analysis of accidents accordingito material from the Orthopedic Clinic Of the AcadsvV of Medicine in Warsaw, Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop. pol. 28 no.33343-352 163. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej AM v Warazavie Kierownik: prof, dr A. Gruca. (ACCIDENTS) (STATISTICS) ZWINOGRODZKI.. Tozef Theoretical calculation of the force of springs used in a2lQplasty. Chii-. narzad. ruchu ortop, pol. 27 no-4:531~"535 162. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedyaznej Am w Warszavie Kierowniks yrof. dr A.Gruca Konsultacja mechanicznai pro:C. dr inz. T. Jakubowaki Z Katedry Analizy Czesoi Wymiennyah Politechniki Warazawaklej. (SCOLIOSIS) (ORTHOPEMC EQUIMIENT) 2NOTWER) W. Observation of forest pests and the stru~,Ae against In Bavaria, -In German. p. 326. (Sbornik Pada Iesnictvi, Vol. A no, kywil i~,57.1~ Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EFAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10.9 October 1057# Unclo VOLL'1043H, T. K-IOLLW-;ISKI, T. Reszmrch on dtter--viing the combust-Ality of lxmber by uiinC. cht-mical ~'Iennn. p. 31C3. Vol. 27, no. 10, Oct. 1955. F'RIZEUL-D BUSUILAMI. Unrequwaj Foltind. SOUHCE., ~~.A Diro-,-can Acca:isjorjl~ I,J;-A (Z'1-111L) ifl, 1401. '51 4,0~ IS fun c1956 PAI?AF7IC-,YA, Z. widnnLIM9K4-Z.+ The Depaulent eA-I %Ppliea wmlvacy, Ph.amweveical Liatitutew Wumaw (Wled raItLICJI 6f;01""ej IrBtytutul wd Hauteriocld&l Agents Uaed in Wntshw, Ffirmcil polf!!S~$ 1 Vol W;j No 24, 30 Dec 62f PP 9i Abatmct: The authors reviev tbi rAture end n*de of actian of bacterloatoLtic and bacterlocidal agento which are ui~ad a3l preseivativea in La,4ectable, ophthalmic, intex-snal end. exterhal dru1g A t&bl~.,'is 61-ven wft&~ lists twuty nine reageyits of this type. Their coLt.,i~itratiox,, toxicity, mode of sction, nuPlicat.,cil. 6nd suttai)le mtdie. s3ie AALitedl Sevienty -references sr6 ci ted.. Three. 6t thC- refeivneed are :f r= the Soviet block. i -v i - F Z*Prolinska, Z. "The garden of Tatra Mountain plants in Zakopane# p.3. (Ghroamy Przyroiq Ojczystaj Vol. lh, no. 3, May/June 1958, Krakow, PolRAd.) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EaI) LC, Val. 8, "No. 1, Jan-~ 59-~. It I ZWOL121SKA A-UMINSKI, Marian (deceased]; WASILEWHA, Iresa; ===9wMfdp Leazek Effect of the quality of the raw material aA.d of the method of preparation ox the stability of aqueous ablutions of thiamine 331 for isjectioner. Aota pol. pham, 20 so,,40)9-344 163. 1, Z Zakladu FarzaaJiStosaw"ej Imsty-tutu Fwmace:utyvzxe9o v Warszawie Kieromiks doe. dr L. Kvowazynakiv (TRIAMINS) (CHDMTRY, PHARMACEUTICAL) PARAFINSKA, Zofia;, WL-IIISII~, -,Of4i~,- stabilization of water solutions for Injecaons otsome phehothihzine derivatives. Fani~cja Pol 18 no.23:571-5?3,10 D,162,, 1. Zaklad Famacji Stosowanejx Instytut Fariiiaceutycznyp Warazawao, ZWOLINS"KA, Zofia,) PARAF19,'KA, Antioxidizer6 and Lhair uso in pharmacy. Fainruic,la pol 19 no. 13/14!271-274 25 JI 1630 1. Department of Applied Pharrwicy, Institute of Pharmacy, Warsaw. -------- -- ------- PLWINSKA, Zofia.. dr.; ZWOLINSKA, Zoflaj. iagr Bactorioldal and bactoriootatic agents applind in'pliarmacy. Famacja Pol 18 no.24s587-591 30 D 162,, 1. Z&Und Farmaoji Stofsovanej Instytut Far.-imoeutyczay, Warszawa. POLUND ZU'OLINSICA AAXi~ and FARAFINSKA, Zofia; Dopartment of App 1 i ed W'~a~`rrnacy ~tzalclaa FanTiacji,Stosowanaj), Phannacou tical Insti- tuto (Instybut Farmacoutyczny)[presumed in Warsaw] "Antioxidants and their Application in Pharmacy." L'arsaw, Far-,nacja Polska, Vol 19, Xo 13-14,- 2.5 Jul 63, pp 271-274 Abstract: Iho authors discuss the importance of,.pr Ieye -t' oxidation of phanndcou ti-cal preparations and the' t~eiains by wh.icIhIhis can b-eI a.c.c.ompIli~sh6d. They then Gi V'O a complete listins of antioxidants (stabilizers) and',their specific uses in three main groupinGs: A, Natural antioxidants, B. Synthetic antioxidants, and C. Synergetic. substances., Mare are no references, listed, with a note that, the list is available from the authors. 1/1 7. C. 1jr I t 7iF: 11r, Ic-nn i n11-c on' 1y List of -47ast Eurorean Accensioms, Vol. 2, 4`0, 1.1bi-sir-ir of Cnngrcss Ar~--,St, 1?1~1, Vncl. 11,1111 till Fil"Ill KMLEWSKIi Aleksand6r; 'ZWOLINS 2rww J "D ~(Fitt.;W Penn Ph*. fgh Now methods of calculation of somp.pbysicalproperties of-liquids based on~, the .. antoine equation I.' II. n-parhffinie' 'hydrocarbons and n-alcyl compounds. Rocz chiidi 35 no.4.1041-4074; :'61. 1. Carnegie Institute of Technology,,. Pittsburgh; PennayXvania (fccr Kreglewski) 2. Director., Manufacturing Chemlits Assiociation Research Project (for Zwolinski) WOLINSKII JM,-ZY. Wart6sc uzytkcws krajowyeb koni prymitywrych. Powan, Pontanskie Tow. Przyj'aciol Nauk: 1953. 57 p. (Poznanskie TowarAyatwo Przyj6oiol Nauko' . Prane Koiaisji Ifauk ', Rolniczych i Lesnych, t. 2, zesz. 1) ~The practical value ~f primitive Polish hor ses. English and Russian- sunuaries. illus., bibl., tabled ZWOLINSKI Jerzy; FRACKOWIAK, Janusz; SUMMETA, Bwa Length of life and causes of dying and calling farm horses in the Poznan Province. Roozniki -,rjz szkola.rol Poznan 17:271488 163. 1. Department of Speclfic Animal Breeding, College of Agricuiture, Poznan, ALEXANDROWICZ, S., prof. dr; BILSKI, E.; MARUNIEWICZ, W.; DIOLINSKI, J. Absolute weight as indicating the leanness of the bacon pig carcass. Rocz nauk roln zootechn 84 no.1:1-9 164. 1. Department of Specific Animal Breeding of,the School of Agriculture, Poznan. Head:prof. Alexandrowiez. POLAND -ZWQjA&Q,aVAy.and SIUDZINSKI, Stanislaw; Chair of Special Animal Dreeding (Katedra-Szczegolowej Hodowli Zwierzat,) Head (Kierownik) Prof Dr Stefan ALEXANDROWICZ; and Department of 11orsa Breeding,~(Zaklad Hodowli K,oni,) Head docent Dt Jerzy ZWOLINSK'I$ Agricultural University (WSR,) Poznan.' "Time of Day at Which Foaling Occurs." Lublin, bledycyna Waterynaryjna, Val 21, No 10, 0~t 65; pp 614-616, Abstract CEnglish sw-wnary modified]: Study to verify the truth of'thelold popular belief that mares always S'ive birth to their foals during',the most inconvenient time of the night - analysis of 1007 cases during a perbd of 9 months seems to confirm-it: over 75% were born at night. This is attributed to neuropsychological influences, ability of pregnant m*are to postpone onset of parturition until the stable'is relatively quiet. Four Polish 1 German ref. VOLINSKI, Jerzy "Horse bmading by Witold Pruski, Jan Grabowski, Stanislaw Schuch. qo-.. Reviewed by Jerzy Zwolinski. Postepy nauk, roln 11 no.W51-158 Jl-Ag 164. ,ungs diffusion capacl t~-/ o) and ca:rbm.dJ, P.-easure GIC'02) in ar'z blatri In chron'.c the Aung. Fol. Lyg. 10k. 19 no.-17u.UO.2-1.403 1. Z Kliniki GruzP-G-y Akaflemil Madye-a-ei We (pao. Yierownlka: dr. ined. K. 'Soanovski) Karol -, "'wol, YNSK 1,J Tubermlosis of -t;he mediastirtal lymph nedos In wfu'!U. -,c'-;. tyg. lek. 19 no.37:w7-1a9 13) 14 164 1. Z Kliniki Gruzli,.,y Akadaiii.1 V,,edycznsj vo 'Vro~-,lwdu (p.o. Kiero-,mikas, dr. med. Karol GARBINSKI, Tadousz; NOWALANY, Juliusx;.%WOLINSKIj4rrzy' Effect, of testicular hyaluronidase appliedjntrapleurally on development of antibodies in the treatment of chronic empyama. Gruzlica 24 no-9:933-938 Sept 56. 1. Z Kliniki Gruzlicy A.M. we Wroclawiu. Kierownik: doe* dr# mad. T. Clarbineki. Adres: Wroclaw~, ul. PastauralO. (TUBMCUWSIS,~ PULMOK&RY. compl. pleural empysms, chronic, off. of byaluroniaase In intrapleural admin. on develop. of,antibodies) (HTALURONIDASE, theri. use pleural sap~ema, chronic, intrapleural admines effe on develop. ofantibodies) TWOLINSKI, Jerzy; WYSZYNSKA, Halina; MISIAKIEVICZ, Zbigniew; Konrad Pollution of the air of the city of Warsaw with rksily sedimenting dust particles. Roczn panstv zakl hig 14 no.4:317-322 163. 1. Department of Public Hygiene, State Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw. ZWOLINSKI,..,jorzy; WYSZYNSKA, Halina; MISIAKIEWICZ, Zbigniew; KOSINSKI, Konrad Influence of settlement boilerhouses of-central heating systems on the degree of pollution in the vicinity. Roczn panstw zakl hig 15 no.1:85-90 164. 1. Department of Communal Hygiene, State Institute of H Hygiene, Warsaw. Head of,Department: prof. dr J. Just. ,Z,'YiOL.INSKI..-.-Jer,z7;,WYSZ121SKA, Halina; RISTAKITE!ffCZ, Zbipiew; KOSUI SKIj I Konrad,, Dust pollution of the atmospheric air along the main transpor~- tation highways in the city of Waraw, Roczn pahstw zakl hig 14 no.2tI79-184 163. GARBINSKI Tadeuez:- SOSNCWSKI, Karol; ZWOLIITSKI, Ter!T ORDIDWSKI,, Stanislav Chondro-osteoplantic tracheo-branchopathy. Grtizlica-32 no.2s 159-161 F164 1. Z Kliniki Gr=licy-AM we Wroclaw1u, (Kierownikt T.Garbinskl) I, z Sanatorium Mg'v Glucholazadh (Dyrektor: dr. med. S.Ornowski). SOSNOWbXl, Karol; ZVOLINSIII, Jerzy Go-existence of chronic spontaneous pneumothorax with Recklingbausen'.s disease (neuro'fibromatosts), Polski t3rgod.lak. 15 no.23:875-877 6 a 16o. 1. Z Kliniki Grutlicy A.X, we Wroclaw1u; kierowz1k; prQf, dr md Tadauss ftrbinski, UMMOTHCM-complY (NBMFMCKAOSIS Compl) GARBINSKI, Tadeuaz; GASIOR, StAnlolnw; PORIVIOWSKA, Ihilia; ZWOLINSKI. Jerz Wfect of hyaluronidaoe on physical properties of Aerosola. Gruslica 27 no.6:477-482 June 59. I* Z Kliniki Gruzlioy A. M. we Wroclaviu Illerown1k: prof. dr T. Garbinski i z Zakladu Fizyki A. H. we Wr6clawlu. (HYALUROIITDASN, pharMA001.) (ISORTAIMM, pharmacol.) (AVIOSOLS, pharmecol.) D=Wla, .Tozef I ZWOURSKI, lonstanty Expwimente in the determination of conditions for,repated Wfraation imaps of silty minerals by the electronic microscope. Rozpr hydroteohn. no,,12sl5l-154 162, "In the Caves of Joskinia Zlmna." P. 164, (WIERCHT, Vol. 22, 1963, Krakow, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East Axropean Accessions, (MMAL), M9 V04 3. No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. Pollan)/Chcnical Technology. Cherde-al P-X cts cuid Their cdu -13 'Application. CernmAds. Glas a. DirAihg Yat6rials. C6ncrete.~ Abs Joux; Ref Zhur-Kiin-, No 2, 1959P.54ogo Author Zwolinski. StmUslaw. Inat Title Concerning theIQues~ion of D'ilininatiOn of Import6d Raw Materials frOn-the tianufacturee of Homeh6ld Chihawdx~e- Orig Pub - Szklo i eeran., 1956, 9,' NO ~'5.0 137-140- Abstract: Several examples of gradual substitution of ir4'orted kaolins and clays in moses for household c2hinaware (C) at Polish factories with dom-stic clays ofithe~ Polish People's Republic are cited. The Copplote eli- mination of inported clays (with the excqption~of 1 - 20 Mnsov-Yar clav fron 'USSRI I fron C manen caused a decrease