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ZVYAGINTSETA, Ye,,N. Methods of isotopic anal7sis of water@ Part 51 A float method with an accurack of -t- 0.2 LWith summaryin English]. Zhur.anal.khim. 12 no.4:516-522 Jl-Ag '57. (MIR& lotio) l.Fizike-'khimicheskiy instit-at im, L*Ya, Karpo~a, Moskva. (Water-Anal7sis) HT11YN, A. I. MAGINTSEVA, Ye.N. Influence of some featurns intramoleculnr iaterpation on the regularities observed In deuterium exchnnge. DOI& AN SSBR 117 no.,5:852-855 D 157. (MIRA 110) 1. Fisiko-khimicheakiy institut im, L.Ya. Knrpova. Predstsvleno skademikom A.K.Tereninym. (Deuterium) (Aromatic compounds) ZVWI!NTSUA, 'Yo.P.; 012BEMER, V.I., redaktor., AN=YEV, S.P,-,-tekb-hiCh#skWrdda1ctor- [Practice of multiple hammer baring In rising mine a.bafts of,the "Leninruda* trust in the Krivoi Rog Basin) Opyt mnogomolotkovogo bureniia v voestaiushchikh vyrabotkakh na ahakhtakh tresta Senin-~ ruda" v Krirorozhskom basseine. Kharikov, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo lit-ry po chernoi I tavetuoi metallurgii, 1954.V p. (MM 7:12) (Boring) (Krivoi Rog-Mines and mining) ZVYAMIM~)TEN, Ye. P. 20723. Zvyagintayev, Ye. P. i Napersi~2k, V.M. 0 sdellno progIret-,sivnykh sistemakh oplaty truda. Z Gornorudnaya prom-st.L/. Gomyy zhurnal, 10141),j flo, 7., s. 6-9 SO: IETOPIS ZEURUAL STATEY Vol. 28, Yoskva, 1949 -- -- ----------- ~- ......... S 16978-;66 ACC M ~AP6009020 mination was performed'!~ w6re,: extra`~Ved -At6- "d h' met a and were, determined by papoir:~chrom.ato&aphy ~drK sPq4-,~tr'op*Aiotb' metry. Chlorogenio Reid' in .itially found Ail an tissues, was ~both potato varieties, particularly in tho apidermla and I B 'subepidermal layer, y March the chlorogenio acid decreased ~in the resistant variety to practically zero ip the outer layers and to about 50'%a in the inner layers. !rhe ih7erise of this process was aeon in the sensitive variety~ In both 'varietiess, oaffele acid was detected 'only in the epidermis and the subopidermal layer' with iis.contents incro'gded fivei fold and~slightly more in the 44nsitivo variety. "Necrosed specimens showed no statidtically valid acid changes relating to storage, but an incroaAo of both nolds vas seen compared to healthy tissues, more so in the realstojit, varioty-,, It was concluded that,the ratio between the W6 Reid levels rather than their absolute values affect fungus roalstance. This ratio was about the same in the beginning of storago, but iincreased 40 fold in the resistant variety, Possibly other compounds such as meopolamine also act as fun~tstato, 'A 'I A deacian, 31, DecfWiber 1965. Thip paper was-presented by Oparinp ca 3 f ures and 2 tablos, t hr SU DATE: 29Dec64 PRIG MF: 006 01M REF; 003~' a~rd vmb ZYANIKO, lConstantin Torentlyevich; RIMIN. R., red.j,~ROLCWOVA, T., -tekhn. [School of production management- working akporience of permanent production conferencesl Shkols upravIinnia vvrob- nytetvom; x doeyidu roboty postiino-diuchykh vyrAnychvkh narod. Odess, Odealks knyzhkove vyd-vo, 1959. 29 P. (MIRA 1.3-1) (Industrial management) 1. ZVYEDRIS, A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Spruce 7. Influence of climatic factors on the growth, in the diameters of spruce trunks. Latv. PSR Zin. Akad. Veetis No. 9, 1950 9. MonthlZ Liets of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, tax ~ch 1953, Unclassified- OCOMS A.* 040*111111i '";W" F Ruuxowslu (J.L2WMUiA'UWW" (Mmi Z.), IL BLOMdWWA (36" Am dmwawdd roak on=34h w IWIM v off low ust! ID6e"es o( cultiv&W plants in Poland in i937.j"_jw4w. Wr.1 Roa, v, 4, 40L-14 IM. oed APut fmm the mgny-WOU-kwwn dkesam menflooM In thits repott, it is "0d that 4ndte t" MA.M., xviii, p. 301 and witchm'br: of PoUto oocuffed in the Womw dikukt. p too OW free 00 -E~i r too* . ... . . .... j;; ASO-SLO 09TAL&VOWAL LITCRAT%Ag CLA*WOCAT" -trio t i.0310 so 14iff) 41f Qjj '~SfL oil, 14110 it i# 00 -As-r- #---v _4v --w . I --F-F-W - -v_ _' W 9: A - Tr i 4W 11 f 'I- Jr- to a 0 00 4-5.0046 adren AIN ! iA 1TAT A(14 Not. EXPII. (Warsaw) 11 lS(IAr. -00 wal inmawd by intruperitimeal Is ki ti,- -( 10% KCJ inw cats. After rentaval of both adreado the oMfily di'llittate ncitlWye K from the b" arr"t is im. *0 11. C, P, A too too Coll 41 too so tA 6 St %L IA LUNWAL UtItIATLION CLASSIFICAUGM 14 At 9) it IN '449 it j$4- 0 1#11, Rodf an Otis Ruff 11 : "" 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0 a 0 a 0 I , it a #I #a , a d 0 l ?. EfFW cd cattla lnjeWMS 00 11100d MRS1119M. Truukoomil and R. L. Z IrM A Ktjw~ 11. 00 g aim mit rus hiWT" UN cWKS. 0t K in lAmd; aftill Itti)(Mi 0 A c4 both atirrimls the fall In bkx)d K it htr C%)rtin ~mjectkislq 'harac is tnuch nwe mmArd. the rmoirrr p"64 Im i o lcli" by on W(row, (if 111(axt K ovtt lhe poulpVtiolli- 00 1 kwl "I C- P, A. -00 09 too see J boo A 4 to 0 too 111,1104 wit d ....... 6i Irv Jbi u S 16 a it it It it I . Iill'i o 41 1 4 0 o o to 0 0 000 00 00 0 000 0 6 0.;* 0, 0 6 0 0 a 0 4.0-0 W v , v W.- wz, ~ ~W, W, T ~; ~ ), , -- - - ; . .-~,. -%:wl- - . v IT w - w - v -,w - IT I, Ij 1) It 1) 16 1; A -I" J44 )I vism lull v)) )Is is 3, 10 J, k. 1) #2 4) a to 9 A 11 TJ WOO of COM4 ld~~A oallood pognalum.. H. TruszkowsW sad IL L. Zweng.Ada BiW,,&)V1. (Warsaw) U - 10MOM1140- fim of co"in 1 htta 04 ikvhWcatila;; after rttuot-41 09 of bolh StUrnsIx the fall In b" K after cortin lnjiv~lttns -0 6 much numv marked, the r"vvery (wrilk] is Wri" by an inctram of "mAl K vvvt tht, ptrinjiviii," .90 k-vvJ. 11. C~ P. A, .00 of .00 n ag 0 =00 00 roe 00 00 glee 06 S*o 400 400 00 KAL k'"tw, 4 - t L A LI.4;*.: .... . ..... ts tv tv it 61 x a X 9 it tt It AftL S V Od 0 1401 W AD 43 1 U 0 0 0;0 0 41 4 00 0 0 0 0 0 At 40 C 0 0 0 0 41 0 4 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 TIO's ;6l, 00 0 0 41 i0 0* 41 * 00 a 0 0 000 0 We so 0. '04 00 O.G.*0 41,~ 0 041 1: A *~ oo see 00 0000046 *0 0*10600*0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 so 0 0~6 0 0 0 go ' ~ W i %1 0" N 11 m m Id v is Q At #4 tp r fAily o. At un c 0 o A , &0 90 o` c 0 p; et ow I -- SW - go flof ox 0:7 -tut 41 VA1341% POOR QqI t"WJ x 3A~"Ivj- 33TV1111111a "i All -M 1-41V -SWI "Itil Vq# ~Oqj strWipi 41041 J0 IVAMU e 0 Ini anxm r "'InIV-14til 1"600II&OVIltil Aq powtvill tug ' , Pql OFIF go'. put jraninal.l. 'If 1001"ClAf IMJPV o lpj 91 "0"m go r-M!i n 15 ~r if It it 71 11 w I. - - - - - - - ' 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - t7V ;- ~ ;' ;' ; -,i -A ~ - 0 11 A 1 4 # I " .' . is v 0 " 01 'a ILI a IF 1 1 it. r! L #A IN tt 1 1 1 X 1. Is 9 N ft- rk,tol 00,~, it! 0 1 fal allerafloas to 81 a blood powswul. ki and It. L. Awtsit" A(M 1104.1 h 11 00 '00 . r , it , *An. Wks 111jii-till ~ l M 0 00 a 11.11111k KI milt unuh-cwtitlarv.1 cals mild woN . 1111`141-~Wilkjg -00 00 Illelh(41 IC A. 31, the clitilittation A K frolls the a 111 )JAIM,11ILS pill. 400 0 is Insfetainrd for tually hrm. fly , V" I"O"Nitte of, - =00 o.% llr Whi0i ri-wifile tltov~ 44 4-91(fill. ' &- OdI l i f"- II1%i jVj1k V. IjjjjVIkjjM III MlIrrIlml 1,11fra risti. h1wrl this 111 w K I '.1 II ,,,I "livilah-i us, f 1111011411141111 411 III.M41 K IfIr jjm,IIpjII,,j IV 111411 kvd III I goo 00 00 o o too w --- - - lit - --- - LUNCICAL LITERATM CLASSIFKATICU A X~- *:."_.". : too A I a S L at T L 4:1 0 AT It- r T N It It V16 Ads L is tw a I u W 0 oo '0 Is , I A Is if in It 14 t% 0000 0 0 0 0 00 0000 4 00 00 0 00 0 * Co 0 o 0 016 0 01 o 0 414 0 000 6 0 # 0 111, 0.: . ~ - , us Y; ZW~IX, Hashmiya Effect of the rape seed quality on the quaUty of rape oil. Pm-. potravin 15 no.5s2l'7-219 My 164. 1. Chair of Food ChemIstry and Tenting, llig6r School of Cho-r-I ~!al Technology, Prague. CZECIIOSLOVAKTA POKORNY,, J.;_zk4kv4i_j+r--,Chair of Chemistry and ' Analysis of Foods, college of Teciinical Chemistry (Katedra Chomio a Zkouseni Potravin VSCHT), Prague. "Determination of Rancidity of Cod-Liver Oil.11 Prague, Ceskoslovenska Parmacie, Vol 15, No 51 Jim 66, pp 232-214 Abstract /-Authors' English summary modified 7: The first stage of ran7idlty of cod-liver oil caused by the~'firsb stage of,oxid- ation can best be determined using benzidine and thiobarbituric acid; at more advanced stages chromatographic determination,of the oxidized substances is best, The peroxide and acid n~;.i~er are only complementary indicators. Stability of the~oil is increased by storage in a cool place. Ox:~.gen should be prevented from cont- act with the oil, 2 -Pigures, 2 Tables, LI. Western, 7 Czech.#* 1 Russian, 1 Japanese., 1 Hungarian, 1 Polish reference. (Manuscript received 16 Jul 65). 1/1 CATEOMY ,BS. JOUR, INST. JORIG, PH. !ABSTRACT CrDR B i Physical Chemistry. Gryntals RZXhim,, No, 1 1960, No. 238 Brauer, K. H.; Zwanzig, W. Determination of Lattice Parameters by the Electronographic Method ET-ptl. Techn. PhYs., 1959, 7,~, ITo 2, 66-70 Fornulas were dorived for the separate evalua tion of the error in detennination of the para-1, neter of the cubic lattice a depending on tho magnitude of vibraLtion of the,acceloration voltago, of the radius ofthe diffraction ring on the electronogram, of the dintance fron the object to the photo-film, and of the' wavelength of electrons.- A. Babad-Zakhryapin SOCPAJ S. and ZvIMMING, L. EJUJID "Zinc Alloy Stripes Zn-A14-Cul Based On Rectified ?%'0 and Electrlytic E01 Zinc," Prace Instytuto-d Miniotprstwa Ifutnietwa, No. 5-6, 'Ministry of the 114,fUlllurzical Industri, 1955. ZMUNO Z? Let us speak about transportatiom P 4. (Rolink Spolodizidlca. Vol. 9, (i.e.10) No. 8, Feb. 1957, Warsmer, Poland) Monthl-)r Index of East European Accessions (EBAI) LC. Vol. 1, no, 2. February 1958 -16DO"-7teltiun _U11-1vul Af6 elle i -W-N. _zWellso c A elchl I rehirlliz S. 1, P.j ILand G. Al. All 77--041 1938.* In GO'Fillan.-If nn nnisoltopic flublitancii N vla ~cil in all' V 3 -) A~lniffldll is electric field of moderately high freque a produced in it which grows in intensity with. incre~ s nj~ fieW Rtmiigth, WI I hL This motion is characterlsod by thn, appea twe of;d; At tht~jldlj I C other.' These not extend from one electrode to the only in polarised but also in ordinar light. philnomtsun y is perhaps to be found In the ini ornoftnelty prodll~t' In thu II( uld by the current. The orientation of the Tnotecules in thii ectric fii!ld~ 1310113 Y' complete than in the magnetic field. The causu of the Plientatio" of tile r- axes parallel to the lines of force In fields of low int~nslty is~ prob. ably ~ Ito besought in the anisotropy of the vircosity and of ~the collritictivity. I [Se!! Abstract 3852 (1037),) By means of the capillit method, tx)tli in ry i~' z " * parallel and petirendicular magnetic fields. a great nniitotropV of thc ! :i viscosity of P-nroxyallisol was btnorved. Tile largcil coellicleat of viscosity corresponds with tile ditection of hold poirl~iidici;la'r to tile Imolecular axis, the smallest with that parl el to tile A field of definite tension directed crc6sways was able to~ e;r a m6avurable ' I 'locity ol! c4rrent, :action on the time of outflow only with small ranges of,vi, i.e.. if the action of the flow orientating the maleculen I~ not too titrong, The observed effect In the magnetic field depends on the temperitilre,: nWIRTOVA, RaLna; TOISTSCHU, Otakar; ZAIUIADKA, Lubor Attempted suicide with largactil and barbiturates.~ Us. lok. cesk. 95 no.49:1361-1364 7 Dec,56. 1. Interni Oddeleni OUNZ v Plzni (prim. MUDr,- Otaker Zwetacbko) a Mmrologicke Oddeleni OUNZ v Plzni (pre,dnosta, KUDr...Iaibor Za~radka,). (SUICIDS, attempted with chlorpromazine barbiturates (CO) (CHWURMAZIB, iAj. off. attempted suicide with chlorproMa Zi~o & barbiturates (GO) (BARBIVRATES, inj. off. same) MECL, Ant., Doc., MUDr.; MIETSCHKE Otakar, MUDr. Contribution to the therapy of aplastic anemia. Cas. lek. cesk. 91 no.2:37-40 11 Jan 52. 1. Z kliniky chorob vnitrnich v Plzni: z. prednosta: doc. MUDr. Karel Bobak. (ANWA, APLASTIC, etiology an& patbogenesin neoarsphenamine ther., eff. of blood transfusion) (ARSPHEMMINE, injurious effects neoarsphenamine ther. causirg aplastic anemia, effi of blood transfusion) (13WOD TRAiISFUSION, in various disease.o anemia, aplastic caused by neoaspefiamino ther.) SCHWARTZ, A.; ZWETSCHKI, 0. Deformations of coronary arteries. Gas. lek. cesk.,94 no.49: 1347-1350 2 Doe 55- 1. Z pathologickoanatomickeho ustavii lekarske fakulty v Fl2ni (prednosta doc. Dr. Josef Vanek) a 2 internibo,bddeleni OUNZ v Plzni (Prednosta prim. Dr. O.Iwetschke), (CARDIOVASCULAR DEMTS,.CONGENITAL, coronary) SPINKA, J'.; ZWETSCHUP 0. Tracheal Upoma simulatingithe picture of sovere.bionobial a~tbma. Cas. Lak..Cesk. 101 no.13:P5-398 30 Mr '61. L-Interni, oddeleni MM v Plani, prednonta';HUDr. 0. Zwetschke II chirurgicka klinika lekarsh fakulty KU v Plani, prednosta doc. dr. J. spinka, (TRACHEA neoplasms) (LIPOMA diagnosis) (ASTHMA diagnosis) C z 9 c ff lai,liji~w &~ri dart1w fu *t, & (1, at ,sw r=. mkw .hetif. Mile" 0 11 firdt. - ,CM1,,MNt= / did 4. 24 men dter work iLl 36- RE9, bmamidides 21 .16-769b. ao morphotallk-*1 nTTf #mIlld , in (k I 1:112t" thQ. k-,lit WILISt ill tile OttKKLA tdcolo 111LI a:,wmf!I mit " aft; cbj~ to ~Pjoitm."j t1v I'm J .-h4vidvs rbimwti L P. I ZWXTSCHKE, 0. Treatment of multiple plasmocytomas with chlorethylamine. Caa.lek.cesk. 90 no.19:585-588 11 Mw 51. (C-US W: 8) 1. Of the Clinic of Internal Diseases in Pilsen (Acting HW-Neent Karel Bobek, M.D.). sob so --- --- 0 1 so t so .00 0 A MIMI. Cam al d~* Amitdmpde LkWAi Ul dba ML*k '0 V rum. . r 00,c ambabc& UquU bqjm lm~qkcWc!d" is the 4*0 00 ibs, Ofigarat6m 0*0 *0 a ; I too ties S L a ffALL4P%"&L U1111ATWO CLASWICAVON '0 T WO 0 0 00 of 4 090 4 00 a 9 7-w 0 4:0 0 0 0 0 , so 0 0 0 eis 0 0 so so ii o 0 0 $eggs so's 0000 1 000 V Iwo 6 it tit 00 ;Alt S3 .4 Plysk"Nake. 0. 1. Pp. I 11-1 I'M), Ima -PAd I deds,with InvelitivAims Im tundmitteof light. it .4 "lam ts at !-so Go C tnuninktim have been cardod mt with p-j=xy&nW4e, in t, ."IC Ilems uptoU(Mgmuss. with opmW commidetration of tbh Infimmotl cd the surgce -00 Lay*r up*u the motalt. It wrA establimbed Ohm butA in the kmCituditaiti and -so also lot the imankens tmPetk fichim of about Ml puss Ibo tiananksion :*a attW#d sounitloti, and ttwrA~ rumahmi umaltwo its &W up to Mom asutio,- Tfw 41canv of dnxilarWtion which theAlght undewilties whm see 0 0 Udinalm tmnvm ~O wiftneik fickla cd dblemot stmaths hat illad btit a Lov"Upied. , It is -tablishw that w1wn the vll"k*j Volume IK-Astittaklan and thl, .deliallitia- 00 ing effect Of the Ouria" layer aft excludal. thim limi &1VAS1444 tdftt d cniafte both in tho Im(Otwilval awl intridittm aw petic dakht and see 90U t'=UY di&&FPM" at 4WUt 11000-3M P131111- Part If CMA04" tM do. poWittation of the scattered tight W Um emes of 4ooAmjbefjx4kAwq No coo asoxymtImak, A higher &V" of d tho Natru* pha". rMA0011kiww" founil The Natte"d light Is con"toty dept4adwQ to the 5a -7v aniscripipt1cphaw. Anuwwtknoliloptotoomstimexect~r,*IUAUIVOR the dqpw of polarisation. It In colticAuded that the anhompk- Sub- goo at"ce Is Mkiml-Vically bo-og-abous In m"Odflods ex~mllxg mm c Vm. The mcatteting of HIM Is opirtrit to be A ~mltecluktnjj of thtrma Ollie Use clKwatims of M04KUW gmaps wbow mmnitu(les, Am Comw" With If. 111% I L A itIVICLUIMICAL t111111411illt CLAIWICATMO Its 0 m1k410 601 d-0 ilk 1), U ft to to W of K If it FT ;ease 0 0 go 00000 * 0 0 ooooo.*oooooooe 00 00 f *on go a a I 5". lurwits Lkqiuqs, to wa and VZVUkQMj'by1, Z9*4, 44"4. 1234. in Gawew-The mftct*tn uVaaeft Ol pa.&ANZY&OW Itw pk&Mt tempamitum vwe mc&mivd by amm Od On Odwt4kka of Met SUIMUMO : jWM &M vbusvaLas ol Ow, limit* of t*44 wedm4ka. A . 0*4 Mt"j to W"ked QUt fat AXWC LM padtiM Of tbG MkCdRr WIL" Arl )AYUM 0 o 4 tif dideml; tkkktkw Nador 00 OMM 44 # MI"Ok 6" ftit k4m; 004 meat wi*. avaun"t. we&. kg", , It 4 OtAwww Wit butwock UN a MACMAk.deld it 0" aw jbkb" of a fam z" in Ok", Magnitude W the av4ftwkii; bave turtwd tbmgh 4 definite Angla 0. a fvktkm 4 111 0" KO.: 40 the r"YO 4wM of Ila WWAM wa .3 4aw a-the ump*&tw4 Umfidwi~rikwt W' tww 1 s6"04 040 ckv an 1) u a At 101 is at of a II I _T q IN 0 IN j a 4 3 4, 1 40 0 004 4 0 0000* 0 * a 0 0 0 6 is o 64 a 0 0000 1 ve 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *;o o ess 0 0 0 O's OJ o go 7 0 o 0 I o 0 0 Go 0 o 00 .09 800 nook 4410 age too, ago e00 ago too t PIWOMS A00, #1100602M WWI 00.4 SA- 7 .04 00" Askatro* Lku" Ub=M- i-V- Zwethd& '.Add .0 1 IL 465-SK 1831.. In GNAW-=Fwii;wC .00 by the at" PMVW"iy demribW two AbgUwt Ila (lUdyL it Z,! a !! (WAO that an 4MINHro* Hquid mixture od p~,avaxliaaiw* Itild ad afact, 46 C11%.W.C111-00011. as vrell mot wine other WmMiltic "Wilue, tiqla ~ mixtam, lit a this layer b"Aded by a glAft OU14KO, PWO A:gaki aarittal oriellitAw Wrr, altbough thq pun wtopititats: kitij kpm "1W Cu, 00't tbcgtm$,- HYS011"dw 04 it magnetic AdId to gee 06 a w".oWriv4 MU tbO 91"tW 9II&I"Wiltia of UO WOurt v*b Okl% tem erature W 4 " 6 zoo 0 MM,q y.t p a the mqW(a aawt4mlty 4 kbe, : sam. Mw owstant K wkkh dAvm tbs oksw Owiscommim 4A the 0 j mixt, Is datermladd not by the pomest" o"telit 6iseqonvotts . but by tW transforutabou, teiaparatwe of the mwum The rauft 0( tw t Cog elastic "Odants (in the thfft kinds At 4dormation of thd Au'60bV& ' - gee 00 WVft talculatoa. -T brougli, 44600 aU an 4ketric ' 6e6 6M ca the mixturv it was ottablAM that at A.i leAnite folptrMUM. It dqwvdaist.ock thaccamtratAM of tb~.cMqawOAz,! tlw dkAwArk anktoo- ~ ' 40* tropy od tho alx66 chang46 Its ajk~. t%oe W6wtnd A~*~ciij J, J. S. age A ILA 011140.1.0"WAL LfftNATI*g C"SWrATM" 0 0 $#sow.) it M, dot w G"v Os 40 , ~ ~ 4 U s - I t , l t Of a to 1 9 4 16 1soe 000*4 T 0 00000: 9 * : o 00 e e o 00 owe 40 40 0410 *so s 0 (& " ooooooio oooo~00000000000 4D*00000000060,0*000 0(0600 S/075:/6O/Oi5/004/OW/O3O/XX B020/3064 AUTHORS: Oncescu, Tatiana, and Zwiebel, Sanda TITLE: The Dependence of R Values on the Coii osition of the,Eluant F .Isopropyl Alcohol -,Hydrochloric Acid: PERIODICALt Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. '15, No. 4, Pp. 409 - 412 TEXTs The authors systematically investigated the Change: of R (retent ion F factor) as a function of the HCI concentration, tfiusi making possibl;~e to draw conclusions as to the tractical applicability of R P values in various separations. The results obtained are in good agree ment with those of Carvalho for the eluant butyl alcohol - HC1. The experim ents were made by 11ascending" chromatography on Whatman paper No. 1,~and for each experi- mental series 10 eluant mixtures were used; 250 ml of isopropyl alcohol and 250 ml of 1 N, 2 N, 4 N, 5-5 N, 6 N, 7 N, 8 N, 9 NP1,10 X, and 12 N:HC1. A drop of the solution approximately 0.6 cm. in diameter was applied with a Card 1/3 The Dependence of R F Values'onthe Composition S/075/60AJ1,5/004/007/d30/XX B020/BO64 of the Eluant Isopropyl Alcohol -:Hydrochloric Acid 0 capillary pipette to a point 1 cm below:the margin (sizes t24 A1-5 cm). In most cases, 0.1 N chloride solutions in;HCI.were used. After 0 minutesl~ 3 drying, the paper was dipped into the eluani,and left 'therefor 12 hours, until the front of the solvent had traveled 23 cm. Subsequefitly, the paper was dried again, and developed (Table 1). The tempera .ture~was constant in- each case, amounting to 22.5 t 0-5 00. Table 2 shows~ihat the maximum'R F values of most of the elements were found at n an HCl conce;tration of ~approximatelY 5-5 N. The solubility.of the ions Cu,.Pe, and Mo rose with' the HCl concentration. This was tested on an FeCl Bblution'(Table 3). The 3 same-holds for the elements Be, Ge, Se, and Te, for,4ihich~the curve flattens t a concentration of approximately 5-5 N.*Wlhen the cations form complexes with similar chemical properties, e.g.,, Ca., Sr,~~Bfl (Fig. 1)" Zn, Cd (Fig. 2), Se, Te (Fig- 3), and Pb Sn (Fig. 4):' virtually pa"lallel straight lines are obtained on the diagrams R - logic .'The solubility: M Cl of alkali-metal chlorides does1nnt correspond to the maximum RP value obtained at a concentration of 5-5 N since their solu~bility falls with an Card 2/ 3 The Dependence of RF Values on the Composition 6/075/60/015/004/007/030AX B020/tO64 of the Eluant Isopropyl Alcohol HydrochlovIc Acid (131) increase of acid concentration. Alkali metals are known in a hydrated state, and are incapable of forming soluble chloride complexes (Table:4).' The results of the present work ?Fig. 2) prove that the following elem*entB are separable: Na and K at 4 N ECI (M - 0.09) by "descending" chromto-, F graphy; Rb and Cs at 12 N HC1; Zn and Cd at 9 N HC1; Eg from Zn and Cd at: low acid concentrational TI from Al and In at 5.5 N H01 (50 cannot be separated from Y and La); Be and Al at 10 N HC1; Ca and Al',at 12 N HCi; Zn and Th at 6 N HCl (ARF-0.11); Ge and Sn at any HCl condentration; AS+3 and As+5 at 10 N.01; U from Th and Zr most easily at,5-5 R HCl; And:; Ni and Cc at 10 N HC1. Separation on the basis of complex formation reactions is especially successful in absoution chromal~Eraphy,jas shown, by papers of A. M-Gurvich and T. B. Gapon (Ref. 9), and P-M. Shemyakin and E. S. Mishchelovskiy (Ref. 10). There are 4 figures, 4:tables, and 10 references: 2 Soviet, 2 US, 3 Dutch, I Rumaniang I qzecji'?,and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Bukharestskiy universitet im. K. I. Parkhona (Rumyniya) (Bughareat C. I. Parhon University (Rumania)Y SUBMITTEDs May' Card 3/3 ZWETKOV, M. Clinical changes of pH and elentric conductivity in,puncture fluids of the joints. Nauch, tr. visshe mod. inst. SoMa 43 no.609-41 164 1. Chair of Orthopaedir:s and Traumatology (Directort Prof* B. Boicev). 7WTER7.Yr nThe idea of geosyncline in the light of recent studies in Indonesia." p. 49 (Kosmos. Serbia B: Przyroda flieozywiona) Vol. 3, no. 1, 1957 Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EUI)AUC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 1959. MCIM 40 ft. OIKC* -pa, Aawtmoe V. wroaderkipla am V. 2" gg"-Ads 3. 6, pp, gig; at Im. I to WOW " in- the Shel9k &M bi &d cond6ftd. ~ TW VanchWM In MiC660 d" t1w WMW 'A Ow INY4 142M adedtaw by 08*02WOI Oftly C"M"VAS 0 1% detfilko tanOilk -'at fUld wMch d"& cii-ft tltkknm of ON k)w. : It Is aNawl tb*t 004, to wb #4m AWAgWVaVOftO tbkknou" OiftVambwhM kcl")'b *off dmp baw4w~1'6440n'tk* wAP4?x9.pxtftS WW ttow at VM. TI 43 000 colts mAt *Mft::'~TM &Uoutim W 00 t1w 46*ie &M to Wn inVW*" bY, a* dffWUnWi4eSttUM'al OW I%Cft Md M4WUC AdIdL on a pvpaa*a wbm ftkawil &m: mt m0ca fiw 04 vittiao-Wor Thai " Iuft""tw ft'm'G#iCW'* MW HjW&'I#vfttJpW 00 a 4 k&.1 two atba an this 4~i~ a" , a=impw: 461 the - cam vr~ tit's X"Wwtgk mok*dm Wbe-mabaumi") 01*nt4te thaftumv,": I'A'SIK : *1 In) non-F"pwdkuhul ItistbowmtWilworimiatione 4'Wdbvtt to the agu4m A I a - I LA AITALLMCAL UJIRATWI CLAUVICAY" 130"m s3 A 00 -00 -00 Cleo *go* r** Soo age !200 NO* &All 90# all 4w 00V Ata Nase A% A S V'G~ 0 a 0 1 ~ff of lk a 4 .3 1 V. IA 9 AT la 121; 919 -0 9-0 0 a 0 lp,-* 0 0 0 0 0 0 ore 9 S, 0 0 0 0 9 0 4D 0 *0 Of Melt" , 00 - AntsmerEw (A Ilm liquid,: It Wexper(M4111ily p"w"I tQk tim wwin 41 00 tN MGPAOC W CM be Wanced by an eqv1vmlmtt:aiKtrk &W.'; The 00 00 use of hl. "0 (m 8 x 101) S&MI no di&rl"WO bluji l.f. Tho 00 00- 1rw(hW-PL*m'pMdr%WbY,'w* of fitId stroncOw'int JjWw tmqQtkKr- ' - dk "b"4f"~tb i 00 U t ~ ~ Ot depemkm of ti 0 n =MPMMM 0WA*%Wb2W*& ~ Tha rftu1W4gv0d1 with tW xMi. 0 00 M&W40-ft of Poex Old Pava. i fSee also Abstmct Wit: (Im.1, 00 *0 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 *0 *0 00 00 00 06 00 40 0 so 00 00 ~ Oi 0 0 0090 00 WO 0 0 0 * 4 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 0.0 Ce Will 0 0 OWWP~411:0 0 0 40 easelil 0 0 0:6.0 0 000 e ~Jjjvoqvigs Walt 1434. &M *jd& 4 W. pr6aud4kas W., co-W O*j ;! ("h* I III-Is Of A ; * Thm exist two clwvp~km r"wgjpC "W'Od"ItSUM 61 41jo *U)kcoks tho ac"'O' an elftirw salt. W4., (1) the otitilud o1wmatkm a ZocW and Ft"A. wh" i"(W-AN Wit tbo, kmg wA4mulAr axis is mnftmdku1ar W the Aoki dimtka jjKVby ju*p,4 to tho pwition (it the dipAm numb~mtof 11M W'A"alf twiq 4wilawicow to thin axis. %be Rootam 4&j^, 4A "t sit "-A*~ Amw dam S X 104-, whwh buticato, ibe molocow "k to be ponilkli to tm Ud. Zodwr eventwWr OwNtudod dat tbo dipcgo m9wAt ~v4,j poraim 0* a to the Im9th of Ow mc4ftula'Alid tMt the 1kid fictod upon 4 lwwcul&r Swann, UW no( ipo" 0 94 The AUUWw UM6's md" 44 14 mmiwk kuld" at low b"utucks wbkh nplot thek pmvious t", data 4y a t044 ivdmfloci mothod. aM indicatm MA On ehmW im IWWQOW ~ur~ goo In the UquW and that tha uWadmantAkft-6mot the cololacu'Ur am 1~ 074 moving p" 0 rt of tha bquM Is Pit" t6 IbA UVAS of tho field. Govewikl siid Kast's ON"Vatiom aft "Pwtwt if-ow lk'~Walkuc- 0 Qkv jW0j161kN Of the W430caks. H. H. Ito. goo age tot , Ll. %few I lVivi M Q*V All .10 Off t 1 w a 0 1 0,11 a 14 M, OT uis 111 a 4 04 a 1 0 a 00, 00 ~*40 *a too 1e0 0'0 04,60 0 0 0 0 -0 0 a .:Mk 114 11 kr to it it Id its 0j of 0 long 4 A L-t-4-A-A-L-L a I P 9 1 1 1. 111 [11 11 14 a 4 . V-1 .-L , - " 9 4, A AL.. t-r'20 6 4111 00 1 00 11140. Avillao (it Ailtdiatitk, VJ#44 M V144411444Y Of pu ty*M4044 W. N!~,Xv 90;4" U. M. Mildvalloiff. Allia I&A /f 77-41. IOU,' lit G~s-11 an sinisoit"* nbetaneg, lit qsvd: Wan .00 Ir Ae~ electric Wd tit ritittleyntely itto, (i#qjjj4*y (v . 100 *-0) a tnotimi, is produmi tit it Ahkh 1(rows lit Intensity with 141ql ittoloCit, -04 I'll(ii toolitto I-% t hotutt'rim.41 fly 010 antomstw4t, M dark Orril-ts ~Wlwk 11 -.040 .00 00 eXIM11 In"ll IWX Vlftrjh 10 tit 1110 0010f, 1114W 11WA416 WVI ViAlIgit bill Only in bUt also In ortlinary light. The .00 Is Ivithaps to be found In the Inhonute"Ity pr*l". I~ Itl the lklilM by so Z! I ~ 8*0 thio curmid, The orientation of tho molixules In file cloct1k. Wil it &M rOVIII'llfiv than in the ffiI4Wtk field. TI* 000W 04 the OHOPtAtion Of 4h0 0i N,4m 1wrallef I.) The lilt" 14 fortv I" 11"Id" of h1w Intolvdiv Is 1411IL41ay All 9 lit Im ik)tlgtlf iq the, It"IstArtliv of tlw VOKIWORY 01141 a t1w:444tiltit-tivity, 14to Atbittrut SASS (1937).) fly means of tho callliUry io~014)41, Will III 0011 parallel anti perrevIdlimlar inagne(ic Milo. a grept anisotropy of tile *0 TJ 9 I vi!Kvsity of p-axo"isol wu ob9mvd. The larpsit coeffick-rit 6f 00 X; vL%-*Wt3r corresponds witb the dinktion of Wit paperidinilar to the -at with that parallel fottboaxlq,~: A magook 00 511 molecubir axK the stnalk #0 fwkt of definito tenshm dinvivil crotoways via Milo it) Mort, 11 Ivit-ilsolilble 44 wtiort on the little of mitkw only with soul[ rang" of vel(Wily of current. I.r., It the at tkm tit tile now twit-Mativig the mrilecul" Is hill Irio titTling, Ilse 'nio(Asittivil offoct In tho iltagnotit, 00%ld"ridsciii the t ask 0. ti, 440* t LID I f 44 M 4 1 "4* it 14 M to, (I 1 444 0 0 li ill 0 0 0 00 0 of 0 0 0 00000 0 6 40 0 is 0. 9~ 0 0 q 0 it 4)0er 0 Ce Radana, WJDr; ZWNSCHU, Oto)mr. KUDr Riperienceff with the treatment of bronchial Asthma'.with conditioned reflex. Cas Ink on 93 no.18:485-487 Ap 154. ()MAT 3:7) 1. 2 interniho odd. Okreeni nemocnice v Plasni (primar XUDr OtokoLr zweteche) (R CONDITIOMWj (ASTRK4 therrapy, *ther.of asthma *reflex, conditioned) Hagyar Textiltechnika - No. 4. Apr. 1955. Develcrp~ent of the flax, hemp, and textile fiber industry, in the ten years since the liberation. p. 132. SO: Yonth3y list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol, 4, No. 9. Sept. 1955 Uncl. OF#;, Isymov. YU.I. II "U=Inous i utergalactic matter"Cin Znglishl.;.Abstraot by W.T. Efremov. Vop.kosm, 3:323-325 154, 1 (mu 813) (Stars) - 0 ZWIOKTO FO;, ITJMOV, YU.I. Dispersion in the large-scale distribution 6f galaxleKin Infliahl. Abstract by- IU.I.Efremovo Vop.kosm, 3:323-325 '54. OMBA 80) (Stars-Distribution) "New method" of studying natural phenomena or the helplesone Iso of F.Zwicky ("Morphological Aistronomy" (in Sngliehl (in Observa- tory v.68. no'.845. -p.121-143, 148). Reviewed by IU.Bf.remov). Vop.koem.1:263-266 152. (MLRA 7:2) (Astronomy) (Zwicky, Fritz, 1898- ZWIM, Czeslaw; DZBENSKI, Tadeusz; RZEFECKA, Halinal~ Trichuriasis on the basis of observations afthe District Outpatient Dispensary for Intestinal and Par*aitid Diseases in Gdynia. Bull. inst. mar. med. Gdansk 16 n6.1:43-47 1.65, 1. Z Instytutu Medycyny Morskiej w Gdansku, i z Wojewod,-kiej Przychodni Schorzen Jelitowych i Paooz7tniczych w Gdyni ZTK 1 GALIS-MALFJC ZWIERZ, 0. Treatmen f experimental animals with typho'k bacteriophage anti- Vi. med. 2 no.2:257.-259 1950. (OLML 20:6) 1. Summa of the report given at 10th Congr6ae of: the Polish MI- crobiolo and Epidemiological Society hold in Gdansk, Sept. 1949. (W u.) p "iIis~ MMMMM~ h!x- 4' iri.-I Fir I 'MAVAWMA V RAC1111,CKA-ROGUSKA, Barbara; ZWIERZ, Czeslav 1154emagglutinative re-z-'Ao%n in human individualli infeafed with Taenia s4gInata. Eull. lnst. Mar, Med. Minsk 15 no.3: 145-146 16-4 1, From the Department of Nrasitc2xg .y of the Pol- sh itcaJoaq of Sciences and from the ihstitute of Marine Medicine in Cdanak. AtteMV's ht flndipp Tijphcm4V jaginalls in freqj~-I, Of Women. I )ral -n IMInary ote). 3-ai, no-3:147- 48 t Cdanr-k 15 -~'rcm T"st-Itults of Marine M in G'6insl, and f rom, 11 Clinic of (joul;,3trics and Gynase cclogy~ Medli&ll -11 Nfi ZWIERZP Czeslaw Combini(F&'ili~j of Taenia. saginata, infection, Run, med, Gdansk 11, no.-3t289-293. 163 inst. mar. le Z InstYtutu Nedycyny Plorskiej v Gdanslm I VOJ6,wodskiej Przychodni Schorzen Jelitovvch i Paso Mytnic ",cll w.Gdyni. , 04-1 VON'! R-0 ZITIERZ, A modIfled treattpit of Taenla saglnpta Infoction wl-th yomesen. 'Uad. imrazyto 10 no.4* -454-455 1~4- 1. Tnstytut Medynyay Movskle", I VojewodZ4 Przychadn!a Schoi-zen Jelitowych 1 PasozyUlciych, WynJav ,-ZWIERZ) Czeslaw; WERYK-WOJCIECHOWICZ, Zofia Results, the treatment of Lamblia ihtestinalis~ invasion with flagyl (Specia), Bull. Inst. Mar. Med, Gdansk 16 no.3At243-245 165* 1. From the Institute of Marine Medicine- in Gdansk and them District Outpatient Dispensary of Intestinal and Parasitic~ Diseases in Gdynia). !-XIMIADOISKA, Z.; ZW13RZ, J. Rodents an carriers of Salmonella paratyphi In thei ,Wroclaw region. Med.doew.mikrob. 2 no.2;210-211 1950. i~ (CLUL 26:6) 1. Summary of the report given at 10th Conitren's of the Polish Hi- croblological and Npidemiological Society helain Gdansk, Septi 1949. (Wroclaw.) -j -.. __ t .; DURLAKOWA, I. .......... Differential investigations on Leptospirn Otrains cultured In Po- land, Hed.dosw.mtkrob, 2 no,2:220 1950, (GUS 20:6) L. Summary of the report given at lOtb Congress oUthe Polish Hi- crobiological and Npidemiological Society held in Oftnsk. Sept 1949. (Wroclaw.) R.;R&TM, L.;ZWMZ# J. Rodents as vectors of typhus in endanic focI4 Ned. doew. mikrA*9 Warss. 4 no. 3:387-388 1952. (GLKL 23:3) 1. Summary of work progress presentsd at 11th Congress of Pblish_ Microbiologists hold In Krakow May 1951. NIO B.; 0 , It lowz Woo SkAmination of domesticIanimals for Leptosplra. Hod* doew. zWob., Wares. 4 no. 31397-3," 1M. (VIAL 23:3) 1. Summary of work progress presented at llth CoAgress of Polish Xicrobiologists held 13% Krakow May 1951. 2, Wroclaw# ZWIERZ. J.; DURIAXOWA, I.; WBOIZINSU, K# Survey of edemio leptospirosis region in Lawlor 3ilesla and other regions of Poland. Pole!tl tygod. lek. 7 no, 35;1041-1045 1 Sept 19520 (CLKL 23:5) 1. Of the State Institute of Myglene in Wroclaw. WA, I.;WBOIZTVM, X,; SOBOIMFA, M C6mparat,lm- studies on serological methods used mos.tiftequent3q In diagnosis if leptospirools. Ked.'dosw. mikrob,~,5 no'. :231-236 1953.1 ICIML 25:1 10 Of.Wroclaw Branch of the Stat6:lnstitute.of, Wgtenet, Leptospiroi is center, OWSKlo B.;VJRTAKOWA, 1. Studies on carriage of swamp fever by rodsnts . Polskl tygod. lek. 8 no. 18: 655-659 4 My 1953. (CUM 25.01) 1. Of Wroclaw State Institute of Hygiene. ZWIERZ, Jozef; DURAKOWA, Irena; WBODZINSKA, Maria; ZWIIMZCHOWSKI, Jan Studies on leptospiral antibodies in animals., Arab. immun. ter. dnaw. 3:585-598 1955. 1. Folia Panstwowego Zakladu Higiany, Osrodek,.Leptop,pirowy we, Wroclaw1u. (Kie"rownik: Doc. dr. Jozef Zw1eii-Y-tibstwowy Instrtut Weterynaryjny, Pracownia do Badan nad Leptospiroza we Wroclawlu Werownik- Doc. dr. Jozef Zwierz). (LEPTOSPIROSIS, immunology antibodies In animals tpol)) 'dTSOCKA, FelicJ&; ZWIZBZ, Josef; JOZNOWICZ. Lachoslaw; MIMTA. LudwIk StuUes on swamp favor in the Lublin region. Przegl. opidem., Wares. 10 no-1:33-40 19560 T. Z Inst7tutu Mad. Pracyj Rig* Wet v Lublinia, z Pracowni LeptuioptrO2 P. i WOjeW. StaOji Un. -1pid. Wx w Lublinia. (LVMSPIRDSIS, apidemiology.. 7 (Pol)) in Poland, swamp fever. POLAND / Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by R Bacteria and Fungi. Abs Xour: Ref Zhur-Biol.0 No 8, 1958) 356441 Author Zwjerz, x. 2 -lerzchowski) X., -N,6" Inst Title Combatting Epizootic Leptospirosis in Silver Foxes with the Use of Sera~ Vaccines and Anti- biotics. Orig Pub: Med. weteryn., 1957, 13, No 6, 321-325. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 YEDICA See 4 Vol 13/6 Micro. June 6V fl It, :1-119 FAU E NA IN THE FOCI OF A U111-OSI-IIJUSIS LI)II)FAlIC IN TIf I'OMASZOW LUBELSKI REGION - Iladania fuuny~W ognialtach epideniii lepto- spiroz w powlecie Tomaszdw Lubelski - Z w i 0 r z J. , D,u r I a k o w a I. Karmadska K. , Zwierzchowskf 37uga K. and Kor. czydska A. Inst. Med.Pracy 1111g.Wsi, 1,ubl tit; Zakt. l'opto piroz P'l .W. Wroclaw - ANN. UNIV. IN1. CURIE-SKLODOWSKA, 0. 1959, 13/1050 Na. Sect. D (421-437) Tables 5 1034 tests were carried out in 4G8 persons and 60.11~'v pusitive rdKults were obt-.un- eii. Otit of 322 scrologicnily positive individuals, 220 roacted with 1- grippotyphatia, 55 with L. sejroe, 13 with L. aaxkoebing, 6 with L,austi,altti 11. anel 2 with L. Pomo- na. In the majority of patients antibodies appeared between the 4th end 10th day, Out of 243 bacteriological tests performed in 225 feveritih persons, 112 cultures, were obtained. from which 43 could be identified; 35 strains of L, grippotyphosa and 8 L. sejroe. During the expeditions. 011) rodents and other small animals were examined: 435 Micratus arvalis, 59 reacted serologically,~ 7 strains were cultured; 159 Mus musculus, 17 reacted positively, 6 strains, 2 L. uejroe; 15 Arvicola terrestris, 12 scrologically positive, 3 strains icus. 2 L. sorex; 61 Fiber zibeth' serologically positive 23. 1 strain L. sejroe. 44 Rattus norvegicuH, 2 serologically positive, I strain L. sejroe; 32 ApodemuH silvaticus, .2 serologicnlly lwsitive, 2 strains, L sejr8e and L. sorex; 27 Erinaccuti roumanicus, 5 scrological ly positive, 2 strains L. sorex and L. batavian, 25 Sorex arancua. I serologica y positive. 2 strains. L. sorex; 23 Neomys fodiens, 3 serologirally positive, no strain; 10 Apodemus agrarius. I reacted positively; 10 Cricutus cricetus, 2 scro- logically positive; 9 Mirromys minutus, all serologically negative, 1,strab Talpa curopaea serologically negative, 2 Sorex minutus, serologically negative, I strain, L. sorex, 2 Crocidura leucodon merologically negative: 2 Mustella 1kivalis seralogically negativie. The majority of the animals reacted serologically with L, grippotyphosa, and with L. sejroe 1,835 domesUc animalAt were exnmined with positive results in 30.3% The animals reacted with the following serotypes: L. grippotyphosa 38.776, L. icterohaemorrhagiae 21 %. L. sciroc 17,41,o, L. saxkoebing 13.3%. L. cafticola 3.1%. L. Pomona 2.6o,'*, L. autumnalls 1.1110, L. australLs A 1.6fts L. australls B 0.61Y., L. mitis 0.6%. POLA11M KAM-11INSKAJO 14, and KUN ARSKA, D Leptor-Arquis Research Office, Weterina.-,.r Institute (Zaklad Bad= nad Leptospiroza 1. 1 Vlot 1,1roc- law. Prof. Dr. J, ZvIerz I-lead, "LePtospirosis Antibodies in the Serm of. Animals and Hw=nn" Lublin, 1--le Yna Weterynaryjpl~j Vol 22, 110 3, 1966, PP 154-157- Abstract: 7he authors tested 2,791 hmans and 11,867 animals for leptospirv- sis. eositive agglutinat-Jon test results mra f0wid in 41.7j~- of horses, 15.16"0' of cattle, 62-54,". of does, 45.12% of foxos, 15 .16% of pigp 2.49% of sheep and 32-28% of hwaans. According to the literat'U"re, this is the, first stu(ly of its 1;infl. Contains a si=Aax-.r in Emglish., 2 Tables and 38 Polish referenccs,~ 240 ---------------- --- -,L-29756-66----T---J-K ACC NRt AP6020899 (A) SOURCE CODE: ~760~M6 5 7R*-76qq 7046 5/046' AUTHOR: of (Professor; Doctor; ma, 4? .Zmigrz. Joz Department head); Karmanska, !~Jst3 Konarska, Danuta ORG: Department of Leptospirosis Research/headed by Professor Dr. J-.Zwier2/P Institute of Veterinary Medicine (Zaklad Badan nad Leptospiroza, In~iytuiu Weterynarii TITLE: Serologic studies on horse sera for 1e ospirosis SOURCE: Medycyna weterynaryjna, no. 8, 19659 465-467 TOPIC TAGS: leptospirosis, experiment animalo immunology, blood serum ABSTRACT: Serologic studies in horses for leptospirosis were carried out on 10,976 serologic specimens from 6,445 horses during 1956,to 1961*, 13 serotypos of Leptospira were tested. The specific results,. including,tho presence and degree of immune reaotion in horses from three different groups and various sub-group~ are tabulated and discussed# Orig, arts has: 2 tables* CJPRS] SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DAM none ORIG REF1 008 MH RFFt 005 Card 1/1 ZWIFRZ, Jan Injury of the common bile duct during the excision of duodenal ulcer. Pol. przegl. chir. 36 noA1011-10'14 Ag 164. 1. Z Oddzialu chirurgicznego Szpitala Miej6kiego w Skierniewicach (Ordynator: J. Zwierz). ZWIERZ, Jan .Sanitary., epidemiological, and apizootiological studies on areas irrigated witb sewage.. Zesz probl post nauk,roln 47M-97 164 1. Veterinary Institute., Wroclaw. ZWIMM Tin A giant teratomaL of the teotis' and extraperitoneaj lymph nodes. Polski przegl. chir. 35 no.:L:61-63 163. 1. Z'Oddsialu Chirurgimnego Sspitala Hlejakiego iv.ldr St. Rybickiego v Skiernievicach Ordynator. dr J. Zwierz. TESTICULAR NEOPLASMS) LYKPHATIC WTASTASIS) TERATOID TUMOR) ~ ~~n=, aa; RADOMSKA, Barbamy ROKICKAp Ludvika B;vrign 13tphoma of the skin* Fol. przegl, abir, 35 a0*5001-507 163. 1. ~e Szpita2a Mielskiego w Skiemiewicach Dyraktor*; dr T. lankieviez Ordynatort dr T. Zviers z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM v lodzi Kierownik: f. dr A. Pruesezynski. (LYMPHOMA) (SKM NEOPLMMS (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) ZWIERZ, Jan; KACZWCM, marian Atypical localization Of the outlet of the 'C: mmon bile duct in the duodenal papWia. Pol. przegl. chir. 34 n'o.7:713-715 162. 1. Z Oddzial-a Chirurgiczne'j Upitalm Pow. im. Biernackiego w Oponnie Ordynator: dr J. Zwierz. (COMMON BILE DUCT) ZWIERZ, Jozef; KAIDIANSKA, KrystYma) KOIWOKA, Danut&; WASlIZISKA, Eloonora Area irrigated with sewage. Its hygienic and sanitary evaluation.~ VI. Fxnmination of the fauna from irradiated,fields for the carriage of Leptospira during 1957-1959. Acta microbiol. pol. 10 no-4:,447- 456 161. 1. Z Zakladu Badan nad Leptosp iroza Instytutu Weterynarii we-4roclawiu. (SEWAGE microbiol) (LEPTOSPIHIA)~ (RODENTS microbiol) ZWIERZ, Tozef; KARUNSKA, Kryigtyna; NEMI, Kazinierz A case of human leptonpirosis.caused by L. cynopteri. Przegl, epidem. 18 no.3t363-368 164 1. Z Zakladu Baden nad Leptospiroza Instytutu WeterynaUjnego we Wiroclawiu ( dr. J. Merz);i z Odclzialu Chorob Zakaznych Szpitala. Miejskiego im. J, Strusia v Poznaniu (ordynatort dr. K. Heyman). Observationo ou the appeamnoe of guidim in.Leptoop'im oultarso. Acta microb. polon 10 no.W17-11A ~610 Z Zakladu Badan nad TAptospiroza Instytutu'W9t9MarU ve Wro*Uwiu (LEPT03PIPA culture) ..I-~~SKA, K. (Wroclaw) Preliminary research on Q~-fovar in animals in Poland. Rocz nauk roln wet 70 no.V4:282 160. (EEAI 10%9) (Q favor) (Animals) ZWIMM, Josef; KONARSKA, Damuta; MEDRALA, Jose; WASILEWSKAr Elsomoral, A focus of swine leptospirosis as a source ot Immax Weil's dil"Ase" Polski tigod. lek. 16 to.39-1496-1499 25 3 "61. 1. Z Zakladu BlRdom mad Leptospiroza Ina tytutu~'! V*t*rym'mryjxeV: we Wroelaviu; kiorovaik: prof. dr Josef Zwi*r% i'~~z Odftialu UkRxiego Sspitala Poviatowego v Glogowis; ordy-nators dr mad.,.Tozef Madrala. (WEIL'S DISMS tranam) (SWINE dis) ArthlilrIdes of organophosphons Itr., 111 p 23 5-238 164. 12 no.41 Js r.~P3,1*t-QOIA of On, j, -,,I Fo,2hnjcjj Lini-veraity, Lodz4 Presented by j. JAI. MIOPAWKI, Jan; ZWIV=,, Andrwj Derivatives-of hypophosphoric,acid, Pt. 2,~'The synthesis of tatraalkyl dithiohypophosphatooo Rooz ohollaii 36 na.3%4803-495 162. 1. Department of.Organic Chemistry, Institute of Technologyp Lodz. I .. I I - I . .. f -14 , -1-1 1. % - I . :~ 2 1. .: - ~~!! ~T~ . I - Oki;a MCHAISIXIS Ani -ZWlUq-A-K-,-An!lrzej Anhydrides of organcphosphorus acids. Ft. 3. The re-actio,14 of~ 0-alkylphoophorus-OpO-diethylphosphoric anhydrides with alc~ohols. A now route to mixed dialkyl phosphites. Ilocz chemii 36 no.1;97-102 162. 1. Department of Organic Chemistry,, Institue of Teahnology,, Lodz. ZWIM, Jozef; DURAKOWA, Irena; LOBODZINSKA, Maria; MIEUCHOWSKI, T" Studies on leptospiral antibodies In animals, Axch, iftun. WIWI ter. doaw. 3:585-598 1955. 1. Filia Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny, Osrodek Lept,ospirowy we~i Wroclawtu (Kie'rownik: Doe. dr. Josef Ulert)'Panstwowy InstytUt Weterynaryjny. Pracownia do Badan nad Leptoopiroz& we Wroclaviu (Kierownik: Doc. dr. Josef Zwierz), (LIPTOSPIROSIS, immunology, antibodies in animals (Pol)) 3/06 1_/ 63/000/001/642/0611 B144/Bla6 AUTHORS: Michalski, Jan, Zwienak,-Andrze TITLE: Anhydrides of organophosphorus acids. Part III. Reaction of O-alkyl phosphorous and 0,0-diethyl phosphorio anhydrides with alcohols. A now way, of obtaining mixed dialkyl phosphites PERIODICAL: Referativayy zhurnal. Diodyal no# 1, 1963p 256, abBtTact 1Zh238 (Roczft* ohem.f v. 36, no. 1i 1962,~97-102 t_~ng. summaries in Pol. and Huse.13) TEXT: A met hod has been developed for syntheaizing~RO(R,.O)PHO (I) by alcoholysis of non-purified (C2H 50)2P(O)OP(O)(H)OR (II) obtained from (C H 0)2POC1 2 and ROF(O)(H)ONa (IV). PHO bY th' '(III) tlydrolysts of (RO)2 e 5 equimolar qu antity of NaOH in 5DA alcohol yields IV 0, yield in %'and b.p. in OC a re given): C211 5, 95P 182-183; C 3H,, t 96 1191-11939- iso-C?7' 97, 128-130; 0.25 mole of III is added dro wise in C 41191 93, 175-177- p Card 113, MENG ZVYAGINTSETA, Ye,,N. Methods of isotopic anal7sis of water@ Part 51 A float method with an accurack of -t- 0.2 LWith summaryin English]. Zhur.anal.khim. 12 no.4:516-522 Jl-Ag '57. (MIR& lotio) l.Fizike-'khimicheskiy instit-at im, L*Ya, Karpo~a, Moskva. (Water-Anal7sis) HT11YN, A. I. MAGINTSEVA, Ye.N. Influence of some featurns intramoleculnr iaterpation on the regularities observed In deuterium exchnnge. DOI& AN SSBR 117 no.,5:852-855 D 157. (MIRA 110) 1. Fisiko-khimicheakiy institut im, L.Ya. Knrpova. Predstsvleno skademikom A.K.Tereninym. (Deuterium) (Aromatic compounds) ZVWI!NTSUA, 'Yo.P.; 012BEMER, V.I., redaktor., AN=YEV, S.P,-,-tekb-hiCh#skWrdda1ctor- [Practice of multiple hammer baring In rising mine a.bafts of,the "Leninruda* trust in the Krivoi Rog Basin) Opyt mnogomolotkovogo bureniia v voestaiushchikh vyrabotkakh na ahakhtakh tresta Senin-~ ruda" v Krirorozhskom basseine. Kharikov, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo lit-ry po chernoi I tavetuoi metallurgii, 1954.V p. (MM 7:12) (Boring) (Krivoi Rog-Mines and mining) ZVYAMIM~)TEN, Ye. P. 20723. Zvyagintayev, Ye. P. i Napersi~2k, V.M. 0 sdellno progIret-,sivnykh sistemakh oplaty truda. Z Gornorudnaya prom-st.L/. Gomyy zhurnal, 10141),j flo, 7., s. 6-9 SO: IETOPIS ZEURUAL STATEY Vol. 28, Yoskva, 1949 -- -- ----------- ~- ......... S 16978-;66 ACC M ~AP6009020 mination was performed'!~ w6re,: extra`~Ved -At6- "d h' met a and were, determined by papoir:~chrom.ato&aphy ~drK sPq4-,~tr'op*Aiotb' metry. Chlorogenio Reid' in .itially found Ail an tissues, was ~both potato varieties, particularly in tho apidermla and I B 'subepidermal layer, y March the chlorogenio acid decreased ~in the resistant variety to practically zero ip the outer layers and to about 50'%a in the inner layers. !rhe ih7erise of this process was aeon in the sensitive variety~ In both 'varietiess, oaffele acid was detected 'only in the epidermis and the subopidermal layer' with iis.contents incro'gded fivei fold and~slightly more in the 44nsitivo variety. "Necrosed specimens showed no statidtically valid acid changes relating to storage, but an incroaAo of both nolds vas seen compared to healthy tissues, more so in the realstojit, varioty-,, It was concluded that,the ratio between the W6 Reid levels rather than their absolute values affect fungus roalstance. This ratio was about the same in the beginning of storago, but iincreased 40 fold in the resistant variety, Possibly other compounds such as meopolamine also act as fun~tstato, 'A 'I A deacian, 31, DecfWiber 1965. Thip paper was-presented by Oparinp ca 3 f ures and 2 tablos, t hr SU DATE: 29Dec64 PRIG MF: 006 01M REF; 003~' a~rd vmb ZYANIKO, lConstantin Torentlyevich; RIMIN. R., red.j,~ROLCWOVA, T., -tekhn. [School of production management- working akporience of permanent production conferencesl Shkols upravIinnia vvrob- nytetvom; x doeyidu roboty postiino-diuchykh vyrAnychvkh narod. Odess, Odealks knyzhkove vyd-vo, 1959. 29 P. (MIRA 1.3-1) (Industrial management) 1. ZVYEDRIS, A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Spruce 7. Influence of climatic factors on the growth, in the diameters of spruce trunks. Latv. PSR Zin. Akad. Veetis No. 9, 1950 9. MonthlZ Liets of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, tax ~ch 1953, Unclassified- OCOMS A.* 040*111111i '";W" F Ruuxowslu (J.L2WMUiA'UWW" (Mmi Z.), IL BLOMdWWA (36" Am dmwawdd roak on=34h w IWIM v off low ust! ID6e"es o( cultiv&W plants in Poland in i937.j"_jw4w. Wr.1 Roa, v, 4, 40L-14 IM. oed APut fmm the mgny-WOU-kwwn dkesam menflooM In thits repott, it is "0d that 4ndte t" MA.M., xviii, p. 301 and witchm'br: of PoUto oocuffed in the Womw dikukt. p too OW free 00 -E~i r too* . ... . . .... j;; ASO-SLO 09TAL&VOWAL LITCRAT%Ag CLA*WOCAT" -trio t i.0310 so 14iff) 41f Qjj '~SfL oil, 14110 it i# 00 -As-r- #---v _4v --w . I --F-F-W - -v_ _' W 9: A - Tr i 4W 11 f 'I- Jr- to a 0 00 4-5.0046 adren AIN ! iA 1TAT A(14 Not. EXPII. (Warsaw) 11 lS(IAr. -00 wal inmawd by intruperitimeal Is ki ti,- -( 10% KCJ inw cats. After rentaval of both adreado the oMfily di'llittate ncitlWye K from the b" arr"t is im. *0 11. C, P, A too too Coll 41 too so tA 6 St %L IA LUNWAL UtItIATLION CLASSIFICAUGM 14 At 9) it IN '449 it j$4- 0 1#11, Rodf an Otis Ruff 11 : "" 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0 a 0 a 0 I , it a #I #a , a d 0 l ?. EfFW cd cattla lnjeWMS 00 11100d MRS1119M. Truukoomil and R. L. Z IrM A Ktjw~ 11. 00 g aim mit rus hiWT" UN cWKS. 0t K in lAmd; aftill Itti)(Mi 0 A c4 both atirrimls the fall In bkx)d K it htr C%)rtin ~mjectkislq 'harac is tnuch nwe mmArd. the rmoirrr p"64 Im i o lcli" by on W(row, (if 111(axt K ovtt lhe poulpVtiolli- 00 1 kwl "I C- P, A. -00 09 too see J boo A 4 to 0 too 111,1104 wit d ....... 6i Irv Jbi u S 16 a it it It it I . Iill'i o 41 1 4 0 o o to 0 0 000 00 00 0 000 0 6 0.;* 0, 0 6 0 0 a 0 4.0-0 W v , v W.- wz, ~ ~W, W, T ~; ~ ), , -- - - ; . .-~,. -%:wl- - . v IT w - w - v -,w - IT I, Ij 1) It 1) 16 1; A -I" J44 )I vism lull v)) )Is is 3, 10 J, k. 1) #2 4) a to 9 A 11 TJ WOO of COM4 ld~~A oallood pognalum.. H. TruszkowsW sad IL L. Zweng.Ada BiW,,&)V1. (Warsaw) U - 10MOM1140- fim of co"in 1 htta 04 ikvhWcatila;; after rttuot-41 09 of bolh StUrnsIx the fall In b" K after cortin lnjiv~lttns -0 6 much numv marked, the r"vvery (wrilk] is Wri" by an inctram of "mAl K vvvt tht, ptrinjiviii," .90 k-vvJ. 11. C~ P. A, .00 of .00 n ag 0 =00 00 roe 00 00 glee 06 S*o 400 400 00 KAL k'"tw, 4 - t L A LI.4;*.: .... . ..... ts tv tv it 61 x a X 9 it tt It AftL S V Od 0 1401 W AD 43 1 U 0 0 0;0 0 41 4 00 0 0 0 0 0 At 40 C 0 0 0 0 41 0 4 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 TIO's ;6l, 00 0 0 41 i0 0* 41 * 00 a 0 0 000 0 We so 0. '04 00 O.G.*0 41,~ 0 041 1: A *~ oo see 00 0000046 *0 0*10600*0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 so 0 0~6 0 0 0 go ' ~ W i %1 0" N 11 m m Id v is Q At #4 tp r fAily o. At un c 0 o A , &0 90 o` c 0 p; et ow I -- SW - go flof ox 0:7 -tut 41 VA1341% POOR QqI t"WJ x 3A~"Ivj- 33TV1111111a "i All -M 1-41V -SWI "Itil Vq# ~Oqj strWipi 41041 J0 IVAMU e 0 Ini anxm r "'InIV-14til 1"600II&OVIltil Aq powtvill tug ' , Pql OFIF go'. put jraninal.l. 'If 1001"ClAf IMJPV o lpj 91 "0"m go r-M!i n 15 ~r if It it 71 11 w I. - - - - - - - ' 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - t7V ;- ~ ;' ;' ; -,i -A ~ - 0 11 A 1 4 # I " .' . is v 0 " 01 'a ILI a IF 1 1 it. r! L #A IN tt 1 1 1 X 1. Is 9 N ft- rk,tol 00,~, it! 0 1 fal allerafloas to 81 a blood powswul. ki and It. L. Awtsit" A(M 1104.1 h 11 00 '00 . r , it , *An. Wks 111jii-till ~ l M 0 00 a 11.11111k KI milt unuh-cwtitlarv.1 cals mild woN . 1111`141-~Wilkjg -00 00 Illelh(41 IC A. 31, the clitilittation A K frolls the a 111 )JAIM,11ILS pill. 400 0 is Insfetainrd for tually hrm. fly , V" I"O"Nitte of, - =00 o.% llr Whi0i ri-wifile tltov~ 44 4-91(fill. ' &- OdI l i f"- II1%i jVj1k V. IjjjjVIkjjM III MlIrrIlml 1,11fra risti. h1wrl this 111 w K I '.1 II ,,,I "livilah-i us, f 1111011411141111 411 III.M41 K IfIr jjm,IIpjII,,j IV 111411 kvd III I goo 00 00 o o too w --- - - lit - --- - LUNCICAL LITERATM CLASSIFKATICU A X~- *:."_.". : too A I a S L at T L 4:1 0 AT It- r T N It It V16 Ads L is tw a I u W 0 oo '0 Is , I A Is if in It 14 t% 0000 0 0 0 0 00 0000 4 00 00 0 00 0 * Co 0 o 0 016 0 01 o 0 414 0 000 6 0 # 0 111, 0.: . ~ - , us Y; ZW~IX, Hashmiya Effect of the rape seed quality on the quaUty of rape oil. Pm-. potravin 15 no.5s2l'7-219 My 164. 1. Chair of Food ChemIstry and Tenting, llig6r School of Cho-r-I ~!al Technology, Prague. CZECIIOSLOVAKTA POKORNY,, J.;_zk4kv4i_j+r--,Chair of Chemistry and ' Analysis of Foods, college of Teciinical Chemistry (Katedra Chomio a Zkouseni Potravin VSCHT), Prague. "Determination of Rancidity of Cod-Liver Oil.11 Prague, Ceskoslovenska Parmacie, Vol 15, No 51 Jim 66, pp 232-214 Abstract /-Authors' English summary modified 7: The first stage of ran7idlty of cod-liver oil caused by the~'firsb stage of,oxid- ation can best be determined using benzidine and thiobarbituric acid; at more advanced stages chromatographic determination,of the oxidized substances is best, The peroxide and acid n~;.i~er are only complementary indicators. Stability of the~oil is increased by storage in a cool place. Ox:~.gen should be prevented from cont- act with the oil, 2 -Pigures, 2 Tables, LI. Western, 7 Czech.#* 1 Russian, 1 Japanese., 1 Hungarian, 1 Polish reference. (Manuscript received 16 Jul 65). 1/1 CATEOMY ,BS. JOUR, INST. JORIG, PH. !ABSTRACT CrDR B i Physical Chemistry. Gryntals RZXhim,, No, 1 1960, No. 238 Brauer, K. H.; Zwanzig, W. Determination of Lattice Parameters by the Electronographic Method ET-ptl. Techn. PhYs., 1959, 7,~, ITo 2, 66-70 Fornulas were dorived for the separate evalua tion of the error in detennination of the para-1, neter of the cubic lattice a depending on tho magnitude of vibraLtion of the,acceloration voltago, of the radius ofthe diffraction ring on the electronogram, of the dintance fron the object to the photo-film, and of the' wavelength of electrons.- A. Babad-Zakhryapin SOCPAJ S. and ZvIMMING, L. EJUJID "Zinc Alloy Stripes Zn-A14-Cul Based On Rectified ?%'0 and Electrlytic E01 Zinc," Prace Instytuto-d Miniotprstwa Ifutnietwa, No. 5-6, 'Ministry of the 114,fUlllurzical Industri, 1955. ZMUNO Z? Let us speak about transportatiom P 4. (Rolink Spolodizidlca. Vol. 9, (i.e.10) No. 8, Feb. 1957, Warsmer, Poland) Monthl-)r Index of East European Accessions (EBAI) LC. Vol. 1, no, 2. February 1958 -16DO"-7teltiun _U11-1vul Af6 elle i -W-N. _zWellso c A elchl I rehirlliz S. 1, P.j ILand G. Al. All 77--041 1938.* In GO'Fillan.-If nn nnisoltopic flublitancii N vla ~cil in all' V 3 -) A~lniffldll is electric field of moderately high freque a produced in it which grows in intensity with. incre~ s nj~ fieW Rtmiigth, WI I hL This motion is characterlsod by thn, appea twe of;d; At tht~jldlj I C other.' These not extend from one electrode to the only in polarised but also in ordinar light. philnomtsun y is perhaps to be found In the ini ornoftnelty prodll~t' In thu II( uld by the current. The orientation of the Tnotecules in thii ectric fii!ld~ 1310113 Y' complete than in the magnetic field. The causu of the Plientatio" of tile r- axes parallel to the lines of force In fields of low int~nslty is~ prob. ably ~ Ito besought in the anisotropy of the vircosity and of ~the collritictivity. I [Se!! Abstract 3852 (1037),) By means of the capillit method, tx)tli in ry i~' z " * parallel and petirendicular magnetic fields. a great nniitotropV of thc ! :i viscosity of P-nroxyallisol was btnorved. Tile largcil coellicleat of viscosity corresponds with tile ditection of hold poirl~iidici;la'r to tile Imolecular axis, the smallest with that parl el to tile A field of definite tension directed crc6sways was able to~ e;r a m6avurable ' I 'locity ol! c4rrent, :action on the time of outflow only with small ranges of,vi, i.e.. if the action of the flow orientating the maleculen I~ not too titrong, The observed effect In the magnetic field depends on the temperitilre,: nWIRTOVA, RaLna; TOISTSCHU, Otakar; ZAIUIADKA, Lubor Attempted suicide with largactil and barbiturates.~ Us. lok. cesk. 95 no.49:1361-1364 7 Dec,56. 1. Interni Oddeleni OUNZ v Plzni (prim. MUDr,- Otaker Zwetacbko) a Mmrologicke Oddeleni OUNZ v Plzni (pre,dnosta, KUDr...Iaibor Za~radka,). (SUICIDS, attempted with chlorpromazine barbiturates (CO) (CHWURMAZIB, iAj. off. attempted suicide with chlorproMa Zi~o & barbiturates (GO) (BARBIVRATES, inj. off. same) MECL, Ant., Doc., MUDr.; MIETSCHKE Otakar, MUDr. Contribution to the therapy of aplastic anemia. Cas. lek. cesk. 91 no.2:37-40 11 Jan 52. 1. Z kliniky chorob vnitrnich v Plzni: z. prednosta: doc. MUDr. Karel Bobak. (ANWA, APLASTIC, etiology an& patbogenesin neoarsphenamine ther., eff. of blood transfusion) (ARSPHEMMINE, injurious effects neoarsphenamine ther. causirg aplastic anemia, effi of blood transfusion) (13WOD TRAiISFUSION, in various disease.o anemia, aplastic caused by neoaspefiamino ther.) SCHWARTZ, A.; ZWETSCHKI, 0. Deformations of coronary arteries. Gas. lek. cesk.,94 no.49: 1347-1350 2 Doe 55- 1. Z pathologickoanatomickeho ustavii lekarske fakulty v Fl2ni (prednosta doc. Dr. Josef Vanek) a 2 internibo,bddeleni OUNZ v Plzni (Prednosta prim. Dr. O.Iwetschke), (CARDIOVASCULAR DEMTS,.CONGENITAL, coronary) SPINKA, J'.; ZWETSCHUP 0. Tracheal Upoma simulatingithe picture of sovere.bionobial a~tbma. Cas. Lak..Cesk. 101 no.13:P5-398 30 Mr '61. L-Interni, oddeleni MM v Plani, prednonta';HUDr. 0. Zwetschke II chirurgicka klinika lekarsh fakulty KU v Plani, prednosta doc. dr. J. spinka, (TRACHEA neoplasms) (LIPOMA diagnosis) (ASTHMA diagnosis) C z 9 c ff lai,liji~w &~ri dart1w fu *t, & (1, at ,sw r=. mkw .hetif. Mile" 0 11 firdt. - ,CM1,,MNt= / did 4. 24 men dter work iLl 36- RE9, bmamidides 21 .16-769b. ao morphotallk-*1 nTTf #mIlld , in (k I 1:112t" thQ. k-,lit WILISt ill tile OttKKLA tdcolo 111LI a:,wmf!I mit " aft; cbj~ to ~Pjoitm."j t1v I'm J .-h4vidvs rbimwti L P. I ZWXTSCHKE, 0. Treatment of multiple plasmocytomas with chlorethylamine. Caa.lek.cesk. 90 no.19:585-588 11 Mw 51. (C-US W: 8) 1. Of the Clinic of Internal Diseases in Pilsen (Acting HW-Neent Karel Bobek, M.D.). sob so --- --- 0 1 so t so .00 0 A MIMI. Cam al d~* Amitdmpde LkWAi Ul dba ML*k '0 V rum. . r 00,c ambabc& UquU bqjm lm~qkcWc!d" is the 4*0 00 ibs, Ofigarat6m 0*0 *0 a ; I too ties S L a ffALL4P%"&L U1111ATWO CLASWICAVON '0 T WO 0 0 00 of 4 090 4 00 a 9 7-w 0 4:0 0 0 0 0 , so 0 0 0 eis 0 0 so so ii o 0 0 $eggs so's 0000 1 000 V Iwo 6 it tit 00 ;Alt S3 .4 Plysk"Nake. 0. 1. Pp. I 11-1 I'M), Ima -PAd I deds,with InvelitivAims Im tundmitteof light. it .4 "lam ts at !-so Go C tnuninktim have been cardod mt with p-j=xy&nW4e, in t, ."IC Ilems uptoU(Mgmuss. with opmW commidetration of tbh Infimmotl cd the surgce -00 Lay*r up*u the motalt. It wrA establimbed Ohm butA in the kmCituditaiti and -so also lot the imankens tmPetk fichim of about Ml puss Ibo tiananksion :*a attW#d sounitloti, and ttwrA~ rumahmi umaltwo its &W up to Mom asutio,- Tfw 41canv of dnxilarWtion which theAlght undewilties whm see 0 0 Udinalm tmnvm ~O wiftneik fickla cd dblemot stmaths hat illad btit a Lov"Upied. , It is -tablishw that w1wn the vll"k*j Volume IK-Astittaklan and thl, .deliallitia- 00 ing effect Of the Ouria" layer aft excludal. thim limi &1VAS1444 tdftt d cniafte both in tho Im(Otwilval awl intridittm aw petic dakht and see 90U t'=UY di&&FPM" at 4WUt 11000-3M P131111- Part If CMA04" tM do. poWittation of the scattered tight W Um emes of 4ooAmjbefjx4kAwq No coo asoxymtImak, A higher &V" of d tho Natru* pha". rMA0011kiww" founil The Natte"d light Is con"toty dept4adwQ to the 5a -7v aniscripipt1cphaw. Anuwwtknoliloptotoomstimexect~r,*IUAUIVOR the dqpw of polarisation. It In colticAuded that the anhompk- Sub- goo at"ce Is Mkiml-Vically bo-og-abous In m"Odflods ex~mllxg mm c Vm. The mcatteting of HIM Is opirtrit to be A ~mltecluktnjj of thtrma Ollie Use clKwatims of M04KUW gmaps wbow mmnitu(les, Am Comw" With If. 111% I L A itIVICLUIMICAL t111111411illt CLAIWICATMO Its 0 m1k410 601 d-0 ilk 1), U ft to to W of K If it FT ;ease 0 0 go 00000 * 0 0 ooooo.*oooooooe 00 00 f *on go a a I 5". lurwits Lkqiuqs, to wa and VZVUkQMj'by1, Z9*4, 44"4. 1234. in Gawew-The mftct*tn uVaaeft Ol pa.&ANZY&OW Itw pk&Mt tempamitum vwe mc&mivd by amm Od On Odwt4kka of Met SUIMUMO : jWM &M vbusvaLas ol Ow, limit* of t*44 wedm4ka. A . 0*4 Mt"j to W"ked QUt fat AXWC LM padtiM Of tbG MkCdRr WIL" Arl )AYUM 0 o 4 tif dideml; tkkktkw Nador 00 OMM 44 # MI"Ok 6" ftit k4m; 004 meat wi*. avaun"t. we&. kg", , It 4 OtAwww Wit butwock UN a MACMAk.deld it 0" aw jbkb" of a fam z" in Ok", Magnitude W the av4ftwkii; bave turtwd tbmgh 4 definite Angla 0. a fvktkm 4 111 0" KO.: 40 the r"YO 4wM of Ila WWAM wa .3 4aw a-the ump*&tw4 Umfidwi~rikwt W' tww 1 s6"04 040 ckv an 1) u a At 101 is at of a II I _T q IN 0 IN j a 4 3 4, 1 40 0 004 4 0 0000* 0 * a 0 0 0 6 is o 64 a 0 0000 1 ve 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *;o o ess 0 0 0 O's OJ o go 7 0 o 0 I o 0 0 Go 0 o 00 .09 800 nook 4410 age too, ago e00 ago too t PIWOMS A00, #1100602M WWI 00.4 SA- 7 .04 00" Askatro* Lku" Ub=M- i-V- Zwethd& '.Add .0 1 IL 465-SK 1831.. In GNAW-=Fwii;wC .00 by the at" PMVW"iy demribW two AbgUwt Ila (lUdyL it Z,! a !! (WAO that an 4MINHro* Hquid mixture od p~,avaxliaaiw* Itild ad afact, 46 C11%.W.C111-00011. as vrell mot wine other WmMiltic "Wilue, tiqla ~ mixtam, lit a this layer b"Aded by a glAft OU14KO, PWO A:gaki aarittal oriellitAw Wrr, altbough thq pun wtopititats: kitij kpm "1W Cu, 00't tbcgtm$,- HYS011"dw 04 it magnetic AdId to gee 06 a w".oWriv4 MU tbO 91"tW 9II&I"Wiltia of UO WOurt v*b Okl% tem erature W 4 " 6 zoo 0 MM,q y.t p a the mqW(a aawt4mlty 4 kbe, : sam. Mw owstant K wkkh dAvm tbs oksw Owiscommim 4A the 0 j mixt, Is datermladd not by the pomest" o"telit 6iseqonvotts . but by tW transforutabou, teiaparatwe of the mwum The rauft 0( tw t Cog elastic "Odants (in the thfft kinds At 4dormation of thd Au'60bV& ' - gee 00 WVft talculatoa. -T brougli, 44600 aU an 4ketric ' 6e6 6M ca the mixturv it was ottablAM that at A.i leAnite folptrMUM. It dqwvdaist.ock thaccamtratAM of tb~.cMqawOAz,! tlw dkAwArk anktoo- ~ ' 40* tropy od tho alx66 chang46 Its ajk~. t%oe W6wtnd A~*~ciij J, J. S. age A ILA 011140.1.0"WAL LfftNATI*g C"SWrATM" 0 0 $#sow.) it M, dot w G"v Os 40 , ~ ~ 4 U s - I t , l t Of a to 1 9 4 16 1soe 000*4 T 0 00000: 9 * : o 00 e e o 00 owe 40 40 0410 *so s 0 (& " ooooooio oooo~00000000000 4D*00000000060,0*000 0(0600 S/075:/6O/Oi5/004/OW/O3O/XX B020/3064 AUTHORS: Oncescu, Tatiana, and Zwiebel, Sanda TITLE: The Dependence of R Values on the Coii osition of the,Eluant F .Isopropyl Alcohol -,Hydrochloric Acid: PERIODICALt Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. '15, No. 4, Pp. 409 - 412 TEXTs The authors systematically investigated the Change: of R (retent ion F factor) as a function of the HCI concentration, tfiusi making possibl;~e to draw conclusions as to the tractical applicability of R P values in various separations. The results obtained are in good agree ment with those of Carvalho for the eluant butyl alcohol - HC1. The experim ents were made by 11ascending" chromatography on Whatman paper No. 1,~and for each experi- mental series 10 eluant mixtures were used; 250 ml of isopropyl alcohol and 250 ml of 1 N, 2 N, 4 N, 5-5 N, 6 N, 7 N, 8 N, 9 NP1,10 X, and 12 N:HC1. A drop of the solution approximately 0.6 cm. in diameter was applied with a Card 1/3 The Dependence of R F Values'onthe Composition S/075/60AJ1,5/004/007/d30/XX B020/BO64 of the Eluant Isopropyl Alcohol -:Hydrochloric Acid 0 capillary pipette to a point 1 cm below:the margin (sizes t24 A1-5 cm). In most cases, 0.1 N chloride solutions in;HCI.were used. After 0 minutesl~ 3 drying, the paper was dipped into the eluani,and left 'therefor 12 hours, until the front of the solvent had traveled 23 cm. Subsequefitly, the paper was dried again, and developed (Table 1). The tempera .ture~was constant in- each case, amounting to 22.5 t 0-5 00. Table 2 shows~ihat the maximum'R F values of most of the elements were found at n an HCl conce;tration of ~approximatelY 5-5 N. The solubility.of the ions Cu,.Pe, and Mo rose with' the HCl concentration. This was tested on an FeCl Bblution'(Table 3). The 3 same-holds for the elements Be, Ge, Se, and Te, for,4ihich~the curve flattens t a concentration of approximately 5-5 N.*Wlhen the cations form complexes with similar chemical properties, e.g.,, Ca., Sr,~~Bfl (Fig. 1)" Zn, Cd (Fig. 2), Se, Te (Fig- 3), and Pb Sn (Fig. 4):' virtually pa"lallel straight lines are obtained on the diagrams R - logic .'The solubility: M Cl of alkali-metal chlorides does1nnt correspond to the maximum RP value obtained at a concentration of 5-5 N since their solu~bility falls with an Card 2/ 3 The Dependence of RF Values on the Composition 6/075/60/015/004/007/030AX B020/tO64 of the Eluant Isopropyl Alcohol HydrochlovIc Acid (131) increase of acid concentration. Alkali metals are known in a hydrated state, and are incapable of forming soluble chloride complexes (Table:4).' The results of the present work ?Fig. 2) prove that the following elem*entB are separable: Na and K at 4 N ECI (M - 0.09) by "descending" chromto-, F graphy; Rb and Cs at 12 N HC1; Zn and Cd at 9 N HC1; Eg from Zn and Cd at: low acid concentrational TI from Al and In at 5.5 N H01 (50 cannot be separated from Y and La); Be and Al at 10 N HC1; Ca and Al',at 12 N HCi; Zn and Th at 6 N HCl (ARF-0.11); Ge and Sn at any HCl condentration; AS+3 and As+5 at 10 N.01; U from Th and Zr most easily at,5-5 R HCl; And:; Ni and Cc at 10 N HC1. Separation on the basis of complex formation reactions is especially successful in absoution chromal~Eraphy,jas shown, by papers of A. M-Gurvich and T. B. Gapon (Ref. 9), and P-M. Shemyakin and E. S. Mishchelovskiy (Ref. 10). There are 4 figures, 4:tables, and 10 references: 2 Soviet, 2 US, 3 Dutch, I Rumaniang I qzecji'?,and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Bukharestskiy universitet im. K. I. Parkhona (Rumyniya) (Bughareat C. I. Parhon University (Rumania)Y SUBMITTEDs May' Card 3/3 ZWETKOV, M. Clinical changes of pH and elentric conductivity in,puncture fluids of the joints. Nauch, tr. visshe mod. inst. SoMa 43 no.609-41 164 1. Chair of Orthopaedir:s and Traumatology (Directort Prof* B. Boicev). 7WTER7.Yr nThe idea of geosyncline in the light of recent studies in Indonesia." p. 49 (Kosmos. Serbia B: Przyroda flieozywiona) Vol. 3, no. 1, 1957 Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EUI)AUC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 1959. MCIM 40 ft. OIKC* -pa, Aawtmoe V. wroaderkipla am V. 2" gg"-Ads 3. 6, pp, gig; at Im. I to WOW " in- the Shel9k &M bi &d cond6ftd. ~ TW VanchWM In MiC660 d" t1w WMW 'A Ow INY4 142M adedtaw by 08*02WOI Oftly C"M"VAS 0 1% detfilko tanOilk -'at fUld wMch d"& cii-ft tltkknm of ON k)w. : It Is aNawl tb*t 004, to wb #4m AWAgWVaVOftO tbkknou" OiftVambwhM kcl")'b *off dmp baw4w~1'6440n'tk* wAP4?x9.pxtftS WW ttow at VM. TI 43 000 colts mAt *Mft::'~TM &Uoutim W 00 t1w 46*ie &M to Wn inVW*" bY, a* dffWUnWi4eSttUM'al OW I%Cft Md M4WUC AdIdL on a pvpaa*a wbm ftkawil &m: mt m0ca fiw 04 vittiao-Wor Thai " Iuft""tw ft'm'G#iCW'* MW HjW&'I#vfttJpW 00 a 4 k&.1 two atba an this 4~i~ a" , a=impw: 461 the - cam vr~ tit's X"Wwtgk mok*dm Wbe-mabaumi") 01*nt4te thaftumv,": I'A'SIK : *1 In) non-F"pwdkuhul ItistbowmtWilworimiatione 4'Wdbvtt to the agu4m A I a - I LA AITALLMCAL UJIRATWI CLAUVICAY" 130"m s3 A 00 -00 -00 Cleo *go* r** Soo age !200 NO* &All 90# all 4w 00V Ata Nase A% A S V'G~ 0 a 0 1 ~ff of lk a 4 .3 1 V. IA 9 AT la 121; 919 -0 9-0 0 a 0 lp,-* 0 0 0 0 0 0 ore 9 S, 0 0 0 0 9 0 4D 0 *0 Of Melt" , 00 - AntsmerEw (A Ilm liquid,: It Wexper(M4111ily p"w"I tQk tim wwin 41 00 tN MGPAOC W CM be Wanced by an eqv1vmlmtt:aiKtrk &W.'; The 00 00 use of hl. "0 (m 8 x 101) S&MI no di&rl"WO bluji l.f. Tho 00 00- 1rw(hW-PL*m'pMdr%WbY,'w* of fitId stroncOw'int JjWw tmqQtkKr- ' - dk "b"4f"~tb i 00 U t ~ ~ Ot depemkm of ti 0 n =MPMMM 0WA*%Wb2W*& ~ Tha rftu1W4gv0d1 with tW xMi. 0 00 M&W40-ft of Poex Old Pava. i fSee also Abstmct Wit: (Im.1, 00 *0 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 *0 *0 00 00 00 06 00 40 0 so 00 00 ~ Oi 0 0 0090 00 WO 0 0 0 * 4 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 0.0 Ce Will 0 0 OWWP~411:0 0 0 40 easelil 0 0 0:6.0 0 000 e ~Jjjvoqvigs Walt 1434. &M *jd& 4 W. pr6aud4kas W., co-W O*j ;! ("h* I III-Is Of A ; * Thm exist two clwvp~km r"wgjpC "W'Od"ItSUM 61 41jo *U)kcoks tho ac"'O' an elftirw salt. W4., (1) the otitilud o1wmatkm a ZocW and Ft"A. wh" i"(W-AN Wit tbo, kmg wA4mulAr axis is mnftmdku1ar W the Aoki dimtka jjKVby ju*p,4 to tho pwition (it the dipAm numb~mtof 11M W'A"alf twiq 4wilawicow to thin axis. %be Rootam 4&j^, 4A "t sit "-A*~ Amw dam S X 104-, whwh buticato, ibe molocow "k to be ponilkli to tm Ud. Zodwr eventwWr OwNtudod dat tbo dipcgo m9wAt ~v4,j poraim 0* a to the Im9th of Ow mc4ftula'Alid tMt the 1kid fictod upon 4 lwwcul&r Swann, UW no( ipo" 0 94 The AUUWw UM6's md" 44 14 mmiwk kuld" at low b"utucks wbkh nplot thek pmvious t", data 4y a t044 ivdmfloci mothod. aM indicatm MA On ehmW im IWWQOW ~ur~ goo In the UquW and that tha uWadmantAkft-6mot the cololacu'Ur am 1~ 074 moving p" 0 rt of tha bquM Is Pit" t6 IbA UVAS of tho field. Govewikl siid Kast's ON"Vatiom aft "Pwtwt if-ow lk'~Walkuc- 0 Qkv jW0j161kN Of the W430caks. H. H. Ito. goo age tot , Ll. %few I lVivi M Q*V All .10 Off t 1 w a 0 1 0,11 a 14 M, OT uis 111 a 4 04 a 1 0 a 00, 00 ~*40 *a too 1e0 0'0 04,60 0 0 0 0 -0 0 a .:Mk 114 11 kr to it it Id its 0j of 0 long 4 A L-t-4-A-A-L-L a I P 9 1 1 1. 111 [11 11 14 a 4 . V-1 .-L , - " 9 4, A AL.. t-r'20 6 4111 00 1 00 11140. Avillao (it Ailtdiatitk, VJ#44 M V144411444Y Of pu ty*M4044 W. N!~,Xv 90;4" U. M. Mildvalloiff. Allia I&A /f 77-41. IOU,' lit G~s-11 an sinisoit"* nbetaneg, lit qsvd: Wan .00 Ir Ae~ electric Wd tit ritittleyntely itto, (i#qjjj4*y (v . 100 *-0) a tnotimi, is produmi tit it Ahkh 1(rows lit Intensity with 141ql ittoloCit, -04 I'll(ii toolitto I-% t hotutt'rim.41 fly 010 antomstw4t, M dark Orril-ts ~Wlwk 11 -.040 .00 00 eXIM11 In"ll IWX Vlftrjh 10 tit 1110 0010f, 1114W 11WA416 WVI ViAlIgit bill Only in bUt also In ortlinary light. The .00 Is Ivithaps to be found In the Inhonute"Ity pr*l". I~ Itl the lklilM by so Z! I ~ 8*0 thio curmid, The orientation of tho molixules In file cloct1k. Wil it &M rOVIII'llfiv than in the ffiI4Wtk field. TI* 000W 04 the OHOPtAtion Of 4h0 0i N,4m 1wrallef I.) The lilt" 14 fortv I" 11"Id" of h1w Intolvdiv Is 1411IL41ay All 9 lit Im ik)tlgtlf iq the, It"IstArtliv of tlw VOKIWORY 01141 a t1w:444tiltit-tivity, 14to Atbittrut SASS (1937).) fly means of tho callliUry io~014)41, Will III 0011 parallel anti perrevIdlimlar inagne(ic Milo. a grept anisotropy of tile *0 TJ 9 I vi!Kvsity of p-axo"isol wu ob9mvd. The larpsit coeffick-rit 6f 00 X; vL%-*Wt3r corresponds witb the dinktion of Wit paperidinilar to the -at with that parallel fottboaxlq,~: A magook 00 511 molecubir axK the stnalk #0 fwkt of definito tenshm dinvivil crotoways via Milo it) Mort, 11 Ivit-ilsolilble 44 wtiort on the little of mitkw only with soul[ rang" of vel(Wily of current. I.r., It the at tkm tit tile now twit-Mativig the mrilecul" Is hill Irio titTling, Ilse 'nio(Asittivil offoct In tho iltagnotit, 00%ld"ridsciii the t ask 0. ti, 440* t LID I f 44 M 4 1 "4* it 14 M to, (I 1 444 0 0 li ill 0 0 0 00 0 of 0 0 0 00000 0 6 40 0 is 0. 9~ 0 0 q 0 it 4)0er 0 Ce Radana, WJDr; ZWNSCHU, Oto)mr. KUDr Riperienceff with the treatment of bronchial Asthma'.with conditioned reflex. Cas Ink on 93 no.18:485-487 Ap 154. ()MAT 3:7) 1. 2 interniho odd. Okreeni nemocnice v Plasni (primar XUDr OtokoLr zweteche) (R CONDITIOMWj (ASTRK4 therrapy, *ther.of asthma *reflex, conditioned) Hagyar Textiltechnika - No. 4. Apr. 1955. Develcrp~ent of the flax, hemp, and textile fiber industry, in the ten years since the liberation. p. 132. SO: Yonth3y list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol, 4, No. 9. Sept. 1955 Uncl. OF#;, Isymov. YU.I. II "U=Inous i utergalactic matter"Cin Znglishl.;.Abstraot by W.T. Efremov. Vop.kosm, 3:323-325 154, 1 (mu 813) (Stars) - 0 ZWIOKTO FO;, ITJMOV, YU.I. Dispersion in the large-scale distribution 6f galaxleKin Infliahl. Abstract by- IU.I.Efremovo Vop.kosm, 3:323-325 '54. OMBA 80) (Stars-Distribution) "New method" of studying natural phenomena or the helplesone Iso of F.Zwicky ("Morphological Aistronomy" (in Sngliehl (in Observa- tory v.68. no'.845. -p.121-143, 148). Reviewed by IU.Bf.remov). Vop.koem.1:263-266 152. (MLRA 7:2) (Astronomy) (Zwicky, Fritz, 1898- ZWIM, Czeslaw; DZBENSKI, Tadeusz; RZEFECKA, Halinal~ Trichuriasis on the basis of observations afthe District Outpatient Dispensary for Intestinal and Par*aitid Diseases in Gdynia. Bull. inst. mar. med. Gdansk 16 n6.1:43-47 1.65, 1. Z Instytutu Medycyny Morskiej w Gdansku, i z Wojewod,-kiej Przychodni Schorzen Jelitowych i Paooz7tniczych w Gdyni ZTK 1 GALIS-MALFJC ZWIERZ, 0. Treatmen f experimental animals with typho'k bacteriophage anti- Vi. med. 2 no.2:257.-259 1950. (OLML 20:6) 1. Summa of the report given at 10th Congr6ae of: the Polish MI- crobiolo and Epidemiological Society hold in Gdansk, Sept. 1949. (W u.) p "iIis~ MMMMM~ h!x- 4' iri.-I Fir I 'MAVAWMA V RAC1111,CKA-ROGUSKA, Barbara; ZWIERZ, Czeslav 1154emagglutinative re-z-'Ao%n in human individualli infeafed with Taenia s4gInata. Eull. lnst. Mar, Med. Minsk 15 no.3: 145-146 16-4 1, From the Department of Nrasitc2xg .y of the Pol- sh itcaJoaq of Sciences and from the ihstitute of Marine Medicine in Cdanak. AtteMV's ht flndipp Tijphcm4V jaginalls in freqj~-I, Of Women. I )ral -n IMInary ote). 3-ai, no-3:147- 48 t Cdanr-k 15 -~'rcm T"st-Itults of Marine M in G'6insl, and f rom, 11 Clinic of (joul;,3trics and Gynase cclogy~ Medli&ll -11 Nfi ZWIERZP Czeslaw Combini(F&'ili~j of Taenia. saginata, infection, Run, med, Gdansk 11, no.-3t289-293. 163 inst. mar. le Z InstYtutu Nedycyny Plorskiej v Gdanslm I VOJ6,wodskiej Przychodni Schorzen Jelitovvch i Paso Mytnic ",cll w.Gdyni. , 04-1 VON'! R-0 ZITIERZ, A modIfled treattpit of Taenla saglnpta Infoction wl-th yomesen. 'Uad. imrazyto 10 no.4* -454-455 1~4- 1. Tnstytut Medynyay Movskle", I VojewodZ4 Przychadn!a Schoi-zen Jelitowych 1 PasozyUlciych, WynJav ,-ZWIERZ) Czeslaw; WERYK-WOJCIECHOWICZ, Zofia Results, the treatment of Lamblia ihtestinalis~ invasion with flagyl (Specia), Bull. Inst. Mar. Med, Gdansk 16 no.3At243-245 165* 1. From the Institute of Marine Medicine- in Gdansk and them District Outpatient Dispensary of Intestinal and Parasitic~ Diseases in Gdynia). !-XIMIADOISKA, Z.; ZW13RZ, J. Rodents an carriers of Salmonella paratyphi In thei ,Wroclaw region. Med.doew.mikrob. 2 no.2;210-211 1950. i~ (CLUL 26:6) 1. Summary of the report given at 10th Conitren's of the Polish Hi- croblological and Npidemiological Society helain Gdansk, Septi 1949. (Wroclaw.) -j -.. __ t .; DURLAKOWA, I. .......... Differential investigations on Leptospirn Otrains cultured In Po- land, Hed.dosw.mtkrob, 2 no,2:220 1950, (GUS 20:6) L. Summary of the report given at lOtb Congress oUthe Polish Hi- crobiological and Npidemiological Society held in Oftnsk. Sept 1949. (Wroclaw.) R.;R&TM, L.;ZWMZ# J. Rodents as vectors of typhus in endanic focI4 Ned. doew. mikrA*9 Warss. 4 no. 3:387-388 1952. (GLKL 23:3) 1. Summary of work progress presentsd at 11th Congress of Pblish_ Microbiologists hold In Krakow May 1951. NIO B.; 0 , It lowz Woo SkAmination of domesticIanimals for Leptosplra. Hod* doew. zWob., Wares. 4 no. 31397-3," 1M. (VIAL 23:3) 1. Summary of work progress presented at llth CoAgress of Polish Xicrobiologists held 13% Krakow May 1951. 2, Wroclaw# ZWIERZ. J.; DURIAXOWA, I.; WBOIZINSU, K# Survey of edemio leptospirosis region in Lawlor 3ilesla and other regions of Poland. Pole!tl tygod. lek. 7 no, 35;1041-1045 1 Sept 19520 (CLKL 23:5) 1. Of the State Institute of Myglene in Wroclaw. WA, I.;WBOIZTVM, X,; SOBOIMFA, M C6mparat,lm- studies on serological methods used mos.tiftequent3q In diagnosis if leptospirools. Ked.'dosw. mikrob,~,5 no'. :231-236 1953.1 ICIML 25:1 10 Of.Wroclaw Branch of the Stat6:lnstitute.of, Wgtenet, Leptospiroi is center, OWSKlo B.;VJRTAKOWA, 1. Studies on carriage of swamp fever by rodsnts . Polskl tygod. lek. 8 no. 18: 655-659 4 My 1953. (CUM 25.01) 1. Of Wroclaw State Institute of Hygiene. ZWIERZ, Jozef; DURAKOWA, Irena; WBODZINSKA, Maria; ZWIIMZCHOWSKI, Jan Studies on leptospiral antibodies in animals., Arab. immun. ter. dnaw. 3:585-598 1955. 1. Folia Panstwowego Zakladu Higiany, Osrodek,.Leptop,pirowy we, Wroclaw1u. (Kie"rownik: Doc. dr. Jozef Zw1eii-Y-tibstwowy Instrtut Weterynaryjny, Pracownia do Badan nad Leptospiroza we Wroclawlu Werownik- Doc. dr. Jozef Zwierz). (LEPTOSPIROSIS, immunology antibodies In animals tpol)) 'dTSOCKA, FelicJ&; ZWIZBZ, Josef; JOZNOWICZ. Lachoslaw; MIMTA. LudwIk StuUes on swamp favor in the Lublin region. Przegl. opidem., Wares. 10 no-1:33-40 19560 T. Z Inst7tutu Mad. Pracyj Rig* Wet v Lublinia, z Pracowni LeptuioptrO2 P. i WOjeW. StaOji Un. -1pid. Wx w Lublinia. (LVMSPIRDSIS, apidemiology.. 7 (Pol)) in Poland, swamp fever. POLAND / Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by R Bacteria and Fungi. Abs Xour: Ref Zhur-Biol.0 No 8, 1958) 356441 Author Zwjerz, x. 2 -lerzchowski) X., -N,6" Inst Title Combatting Epizootic Leptospirosis in Silver Foxes with the Use of Sera~ Vaccines and Anti- biotics. Orig Pub: Med. weteryn., 1957, 13, No 6, 321-325. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 YEDICA See 4 Vol 13/6 Micro. June 6V fl It, :1-119 FAU E NA IN THE FOCI OF A U111-OSI-IIJUSIS LI)II)FAlIC IN TIf I'OMASZOW LUBELSKI REGION - Iladania fuuny~W ognialtach epideniii lepto- spiroz w powlecie Tomaszdw Lubelski - Z w i 0 r z J. , D,u r I a k o w a I. Karmadska K. , Zwierzchowskf 37uga K. and Kor. czydska A. Inst. Med.Pracy 1111g.Wsi, 1,ubl tit; Zakt. l'opto piroz P'l .W. Wroclaw - ANN. UNIV. IN1. CURIE-SKLODOWSKA, 0. 1959, 13/1050 Na. Sect. D (421-437) Tables 5 1034 tests were carried out in 4G8 persons and 60.11~'v pusitive rdKults were obt-.un- eii. Otit of 322 scrologicnily positive individuals, 220 roacted with 1- grippotyphatia, 55 with L. sejroe, 13 with L. aaxkoebing, 6 with L,austi,altti 11. anel 2 with L. Pomo- na. In the majority of patients antibodies appeared between the 4th end 10th day, Out of 243 bacteriological tests performed in 225 feveritih persons, 112 cultures, were obtained. from which 43 could be identified; 35 strains of L, grippotyphosa and 8 L. sejroe. During the expeditions. 011) rodents and other small animals were examined: 435 Micratus arvalis, 59 reacted serologically,~ 7 strains were cultured; 159 Mus musculus, 17 reacted positively, 6 strains, 2 L. uejroe; 15 Arvicola terrestris, 12 scrologically positive, 3 strains icus. 2 L. sorex; 61 Fiber zibeth' serologically positive 23. 1 strain L. sejroe. 44 Rattus norvegicuH, 2 serologically positive, I strain L. sejroe; 32 ApodemuH silvaticus, .2 serologicnlly lwsitive, 2 strains, L sejr8e and L. sorex; 27 Erinaccuti roumanicus, 5 scrological ly positive, 2 strains L. sorex and L. batavian, 25 Sorex arancua. I serologica y positive. 2 strains. L. sorex; 23 Neomys fodiens, 3 serologirally positive, no strain; 10 Apodemus agrarius. I reacted positively; 10 Cricutus cricetus, 2 scro- logically positive; 9 Mirromys minutus, all serologically negative, 1,strab Talpa curopaea serologically negative, 2 Sorex minutus, serologically negative, I strain, L. sorex, 2 Crocidura leucodon merologically negative: 2 Mustella 1kivalis seralogically negativie. The majority of the animals reacted serologically with L, grippotyphosa, and with L. sejroe 1,835 domesUc animalAt were exnmined with positive results in 30.3% The animals reacted with the following serotypes: L. grippotyphosa 38.776, L. icterohaemorrhagiae 21 %. L. sciroc 17,41,o, L. saxkoebing 13.3%. L. cafticola 3.1%. L. Pomona 2.6o,'*, L. autumnalls 1.1110, L. australLs A 1.6fts L. australls B 0.61Y., L. mitis 0.6%. POLA11M KAM-11INSKAJO 14, and KUN ARSKA, D Leptor-Arquis Research Office, Weterina.-,.r Institute (Zaklad Bad= nad Leptospiroza 1. 1 Vlot 1,1roc- law. Prof. Dr. J, ZvIerz I-lead, "LePtospirosis Antibodies in the Serm of. Animals and Hw=nn" Lublin, 1--le Yna Weterynaryjpl~j Vol 22, 110 3, 1966, PP 154-157- Abstract: 7he authors tested 2,791 hmans and 11,867 animals for leptospirv- sis. eositive agglutinat-Jon test results mra f0wid in 41.7j~- of horses, 15.16"0' of cattle, 62-54,". of does, 45.12% of foxos, 15 .16% of pigp 2.49% of sheep and 32-28% of hwaans. According to the literat'U"re, this is the, first stu(ly of its 1;infl. Contains a si=Aax-.r in Emglish., 2 Tables and 38 Polish referenccs,~ 240 ---------------- --- -,L-29756-66----T---J-K ACC NRt AP6020899 (A) SOURCE CODE: ~760~M6 5 7R*-76qq 7046 5/046' AUTHOR: of (Professor; Doctor; ma, 4? .Zmigrz. Joz Department head); Karmanska, !~Jst3 Konarska, Danuta ORG: Department of Leptospirosis Research/headed by Professor Dr. J-.Zwier2/P Institute of Veterinary Medicine (Zaklad Badan nad Leptospiroza, In~iytuiu Weterynarii TITLE: Serologic studies on horse sera for 1e ospirosis SOURCE: Medycyna weterynaryjna, no. 8, 19659 465-467 TOPIC TAGS: leptospirosis, experiment animalo immunology, blood serum ABSTRACT: Serologic studies in horses for leptospirosis were carried out on 10,976 serologic specimens from 6,445 horses during 1956,to 1961*, 13 serotypos of Leptospira were tested. The specific results,. including,tho presence and degree of immune reaotion in horses from three different groups and various sub-group~ are tabulated and discussed# Orig, arts has: 2 tables* CJPRS] SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DAM none ORIG REF1 008 MH RFFt 005 Card 1/1 ZWIFRZ, Jan Injury of the common bile duct during the excision of duodenal ulcer. Pol. przegl. chir. 36 noA1011-10'14 Ag 164. 1. Z Oddzialu chirurgicznego Szpitala Miej6kiego w Skierniewicach (Ordynator: J. Zwierz). ZWIERZ, Jan .Sanitary., epidemiological, and apizootiological studies on areas irrigated witb sewage.. Zesz probl post nauk,roln 47M-97 164 1. Veterinary Institute., Wroclaw. ZWIMM Tin A giant teratomaL of the teotis' and extraperitoneaj lymph nodes. Polski przegl. chir. 35 no.:L:61-63 163. 1. Z'Oddsialu Chirurgimnego Sspitala Hlejakiego iv.ldr St. Rybickiego v Skiernievicach Ordynator. dr J. Zwierz. TESTICULAR NEOPLASMS) LYKPHATIC WTASTASIS) TERATOID TUMOR) ~ ~~n=, aa; RADOMSKA, Barbamy ROKICKAp Ludvika B;vrign 13tphoma of the skin* Fol. przegl, abir, 35 a0*5001-507 163. 1. ~e Szpita2a Mielskiego w Skiemiewicach Dyraktor*; dr T. lankieviez Ordynatort dr T. Zviers z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM v lodzi Kierownik: f. dr A. Pruesezynski. (LYMPHOMA) (SKM NEOPLMMS (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) ZWIERZ, Jan; KACZWCM, marian Atypical localization Of the outlet of the 'C: mmon bile duct in the duodenal papWia. Pol. przegl. chir. 34 n'o.7:713-715 162. 1. Z Oddzial-a Chirurgiczne'j Upitalm Pow. im. Biernackiego w Oponnie Ordynator: dr J. Zwierz. (COMMON BILE DUCT) ZWIERZ, Jozef; KAIDIANSKA, KrystYma) KOIWOKA, Danut&; WASlIZISKA, Eloonora Area irrigated with sewage. Its hygienic and sanitary evaluation.~ VI. Fxnmination of the fauna from irradiated,fields for the carriage of Leptospira during 1957-1959. Acta microbiol. pol. 10 no-4:,447- 456 161. 1. Z Zakladu Badan nad Leptosp iroza Instytutu Weterynarii we-4roclawiu. (SEWAGE microbiol) (LEPTOSPIHIA)~ (RODENTS microbiol) ZWIERZ, Tozef; KARUNSKA, Kryigtyna; NEMI, Kazinierz A case of human leptonpirosis.caused by L. cynopteri. Przegl, epidem. 18 no.3t363-368 164 1. Z Zakladu Baden nad Leptospiroza Instytutu WeterynaUjnego we Wiroclawiu ( dr. J. Merz);i z Odclzialu Chorob Zakaznych Szpitala. Miejskiego im. J, Strusia v Poznaniu (ordynatort dr. K. Heyman). Observationo ou the appeamnoe of guidim in.Leptoop'im oultarso. Acta microb. polon 10 no.W17-11A ~610 Z Zakladu Badan nad TAptospiroza Instytutu'W9t9MarU ve Wro*Uwiu (LEPT03PIPA culture) ..I-~~SKA, K. (Wroclaw) Preliminary research on Q~-fovar in animals in Poland. Rocz nauk roln wet 70 no.V4:282 160. (EEAI 10%9) (Q favor) (Animals) ZWIMM, Josef; KONARSKA, Damuta; MEDRALA, Jose; WASILEWSKAr Elsomoral, A focus of swine leptospirosis as a source ot Immax Weil's dil"Ase" Polski tigod. lek. 16 to.39-1496-1499 25 3 "61. 1. Z Zakladu BlRdom mad Leptospiroza Ina tytutu~'! V*t*rym'mryjxeV: we Wroelaviu; kiorovaik: prof. dr Josef Zwi*r% i'~~z Odftialu UkRxiego Sspitala Poviatowego v Glogowis; ordy-nators dr mad.,.Tozef Madrala. (WEIL'S DISMS tranam) (SWINE dis) ArthlilrIdes of organophosphons Itr., 111 p 23 5-238 164. 12 no.41 Js r.~P3,1*t-QOIA of On, j, -,,I Fo,2hnjcjj Lini-veraity, Lodz4 Presented by j. JAI. MIOPAWKI, Jan; ZWIV=,, Andrwj Derivatives-of hypophosphoric,acid, Pt. 2,~'The synthesis of tatraalkyl dithiohypophosphatooo Rooz ohollaii 36 na.3%4803-495 162. 1. Department of.Organic Chemistry, Institute of Technologyp Lodz. I .. I I - I . .. f -14 , -1-1 1. % - I . :~ 2 1. .: - ~~!! ~T~ . I - Oki;a MCHAISIXIS Ani -ZWlUq-A-K-,-An!lrzej Anhydrides of organcphosphorus acids. Ft. 3. The re-actio,14 of~ 0-alkylphoophorus-OpO-diethylphosphoric anhydrides with alc~ohols. A now route to mixed dialkyl phosphites. Ilocz chemii 36 no.1;97-102 162. 1. Department of Organic Chemistry,, Institue of Teahnology,, Lodz. ZWIM, Jozef; DURAKOWA, Irena; LOBODZINSKA, Maria; MIEUCHOWSKI, T" Studies on leptospiral antibodies In animals, Axch, iftun. WIWI ter. doaw. 3:585-598 1955. 1. Filia Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny, Osrodek Lept,ospirowy we~i Wroclawtu (Kie'rownik: Doe. dr. Josef Ulert)'Panstwowy InstytUt Weterynaryjny. Pracownia do Badan nad Leptoopiroz& we Wroclaviu (Kierownik: Doc. dr. Josef Zwierz), (LIPTOSPIROSIS, immunology, antibodies in animals (Pol)) 3/06 1_/ 63/000/001/642/0611 B144/Bla6 AUTHORS: Michalski, Jan, Zwienak,-Andrze TITLE: Anhydrides of organophosphorus acids. Part III. Reaction of O-alkyl phosphorous and 0,0-diethyl phosphorio anhydrides with alcohols. A now way, of obtaining mixed dialkyl phosphites PERIODICAL: Referativayy zhurnal. Diodyal no# 1, 1963p 256, abBtTact 1Zh238 (Roczft* ohem.f v. 36, no. 1i 1962,~97-102 t_~ng. summaries in Pol. and Huse.13) TEXT: A met hod has been developed for syntheaizing~RO(R,.O)PHO (I) by alcoholysis of non-purified (C2H 50)2P(O)OP(O)(H)OR (II) obtained from (C H 0)2POC1 2 and ROF(O)(H)ONa (IV). PHO bY th' '(III) tlydrolysts of (RO)2 e 5 equimolar qu antity of NaOH in 5DA alcohol yields IV 0, yield in %'and b.p. in OC a re given): C211 5, 95P 182-183; C 3H,, t 96 1191-11939- iso-C?7' 97, 128-130; 0.25 mole of III is added dro wise in C 41191 93, 175-177- p Card 113, MENG