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ZVORYKIM, .mining Engineering Outline of the history of Soviet mining engineerIng. Reviewed ~y S. Ya. Rzi ckov skly, S3. M. Yasiukevich, G.N. Popov. Gor. zhur, No. 2, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Llbrary~ of Congress, A-prill,: 1952 Unclassifled ZVORYKIN, A* A. Reconstruction of the coal mining industr7. Yoskva, Goo. nauch,,-tekhn, gorno-geoloro-neftianoe Izd-vo, 1934. 236 P. (50-45462) TN80S.R9Z9 M Ing _79ft i 8l U04q!~_ Cal R6,94dipping,-Of the um ThIrty Years-* Prof-A. A ZTcryk-inj- I, V.:Iub---_: I)p huka"'. iZhi= No 10. _Jq #W: Aftlrlri ve-~Tiar -Tim SOTi4t:, influstriss..mAttai Mii-Oight times (US in t" iiaa- periodLerpsn"a- *;~5~)-'-General-account of the rapid strliii~- Win Soviet~-Iiduatx7-. proftcti=.fIg- *a~'_but Igives comparisons ii~ ~ of photographs shov InLatriai Lot- cel" mm show Volkhovsk Wdroolectrio Plant Imeni _V.~'X.:: ZJVURYKIIII) A. A. ZvoUk-in, A. . and Kirzhner, D. M. "The develornitnt of the m1ninc, in~-Ustry or,the U35p, and the productivity of A3 labor", in the colloction entitlod: Voprwsy Eornap de5la, Moscow, i9l,8, p. 3469-'65- SO: U-2888, 12 Feb. 53, (Letopis' Zhurnal Iny'kh StaLey, Ila. 1!, 1949 ZVORYKIN, A. A., PROF ZVORYKn'o A. A. Soviet superiority In the rost important technical discoveries and in-rentlons. Moskva. Pravda. 1949. 31 P. ZVORYKDiy A. 20732. Zvorykin, A. K istorii kizelovskogo kaniennougoltnogeci bauneyna. Voprosy ekonorniki,, 1949, No. 5, s. 36-47 SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949 *1161d"Im ft'', WI-I mi.1i i~ A ZVORYKIN', A Pervootkryvateli KamennougrolOnyl-ch Passeynov SSSR. (FirBt DisCOVSTers of LISSR's Coal Fields) ... Moskva (10-YP "Pravda") 1950, 31 P- At head of title: Vsescyumoye Obshchpstvo PO Rasprostrateniyu Politicheskikh, I Hauchnykh Znanly. Bibliographical footnotes. A lecture on discoveries of coal deposits In Russia-, listing dates and loc,a,tio no, as well as nemes of discoverers. Mlentioned Is oleo the beginr-ing of a broad development of underground coal gaslficatl'on In the Sovl~t UnJon. T! I'll 0 VORTKIN, A.A.; KLRZEDM, D*x"; XMINO X.B. [Economics'. organization and planning In the UoS.S.R. coal industr7j Zkonomiks, organizatelia. I. planorovanie ugollnoi proinyahlennosti WSR. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1951. 687 P. (MM 6:8) (Mining industry and finance) (Coal mines and mining) ZVORYKINY A. A. The discovery of coal deposits iL Russia; the beginning of their developwent. Research and documents. Foskva, Ugletekbizdat, 1952. 355 PI'maps. (54-22422) TN808.R9S80, IN, A.A*: KIRZMR, D.M.; KUNDIN, M.B.; DOROKHTNo N.G. otvetetvenM7 F317 LIMM, N.G.. redaktor; CEWMNKOTj ff. re or; T. redak-tor; ANUMM, G.G., takhnichaskiy redaktor (1conomics of the coal industryIof the U.S.S.R.] likon6mika ugollnoi promyshlennosti SSSR. Izd. 2-e, parer. i dop*.~ Mosk-7a, Ugletekhizdat, 1954. 427 p. (Hicrofilm3 B:2) (Coal mines and mining) ZTCRYKIN, AnstolLy Alskseyevicb; 91RUM, David Mironovich;)LMMIN, Mikhail otratetvanny7 redaktor; YHY"LORAN, H~'G.,: radaktor izdatel'stya; KOROVINNOYA, Z.A., tekhnicbeekly radaktor; AIADOVA, 113.1., takhnicheekly redaktor [Production organization and planning In the Soviet coal industr7l Organisetaita I plantrovaute proisvodstva v ugolinoi promyshlennopti 6SSR# We 2-oe, perer, I dop, Moskva, Ugletekhilidat,.1956. 483 P'O (Coal mines and mining) (KM 9 12) ! NM RR M BMKOVICH, D.M.; ZVORYKIN, A.A. Some tandencias in the development of the technolo& of modern machine construction. i, 168-178 '56. (MLRA 9$10): (Machinery ln&ustry) Trends in the teafth6logical develolmont of the'oonteuporary aRchinel construction InAAstoo-Vapaistoests i tekh, nooWo7-216 156. (MIRA I tl) 0 AUTHORS Zvor7kinj A.A9, and K1r*ihner,-D,M. l19-11-4/7 TITLE "Now to Determine the Soonomio Effootiveness of Automation". (kak opred94*t' *konomioh9sku_#u effektivaos eytolatiftWO PERIODICAL Priborostroron" 195T' fir 11, pp. 13-17 (088j) ABSTRACT The most important.indem of the e0onoxio etfeoti,'veness of automation is the degree of 'the inoroaso of Work' produotivity. This effeotiven*86 in thi fie14 of, woik produotiyity depends on the degree of,wage-intenfilty in an enterprise being automizsd. For the determination of the aa6aomio, effeatly*noss, in the index of work produotivity wo.oan.oarry but the following simple oaloulationo: We oail the numbir of workers in the enterprise a) before the introduotion of automation in the enter- prig* h b) aftel the introduotion of automation h 2 and we obtain in this oae*-with:'all other oonditions remaining the samo-the inorease:~of w6rk produotivity to CARD 1/4 hI - h2 100 x h2 "Now to Determine the Economic Effectiveness oflutomation". CARD 2/4 and a decrease of wage intensity to hl h2 x 100 As second index for the determination' of the effectiveness of automation serves the specific use'of capital pot production unit6 When analysin*~;tbe amount of this oiz- penditure a oertain regularity can bei obsorvedt.4a a rule the capital use per production unit decreases there where it is relatively low, oro whorej in'oon-' sequence of automation the soooo'.of production increases essentially. The more complioato4 the ontoIrprtso ia~ln toohnioal,rosp*ot ana the highok,th*14vol of automation and the smaller the increase of;;produotion is#~tho more the capital use per production unit of the annual production will drop. With the level of capital use also the 800alled offloioncy-agent of automation*to connected, which, shows us how much 'smaller the capital use is for the automation to secure an inorsas~ of the OaP&OIty of an aggregate or of machine$ than the expon3ituroo which 119-11-4/7 "Now to Determine the Economia Effectiveness of.kutomation". are necessary in order to reaoh,suoh an Increase of~ the capacity of an aggregate or's machine without using automatic devices. There is no reason to regard the coefficient of the, efficiency of automation of universal Im ,portanae. The most important index of the economioleffioisnoy:of automation in the USSR is the reduction of-the production costo.Usually this Offeoiiyenoss is- characterized by a comparison ok the peroentage.oV the reduction of production costs in:& non-automized enterprise. This is rightj if:the economic effectiveness of the same kind of'prooesses e6d aAt*rprises,':L,9 con- sidered. The pero*ntage of the 'reduction of-pr6duotion costs with automation is different if.the production costs are calculated with or without the ooots'of-tho raw-material. The distribution,,,~of tfie expenditures,of the individual departments to the individual products is usually carried out proportio'nallyto the wage Pf the basic productive Workers.: In oases of th*'auto *nati- on of single processes or departn*nlts with a number CARD 3/4 of industrial branches the same principle Iwas Maintained 119-11-4/7 "Now to Determine the Zoonomio EffootiYeneas of Automation". whioh is used when oomparing an~automivsd with a non- autonized produotion. Thisp howeyeri,is obviously uIa- oorroot as the real expenditures of'department6 do not ohange aooording to the same relation with automation &a do the wages. When determining the share of the general oosts'of produotion per produotion unit in a non-automizod or automixed enterprise it is important~to regard the demands for the equalivation ofithe quantity of;produotion. Without this the offootiveness of an~automiv*d enter- prise is artifioially inoreaseCas in muoh a oaie the general co to of produotion (ofithe non-automized a enterprise) refer to a smaller quantity of produotion than in an automized enterprise., ZVORTKIN, A.I., proi.; KIRZMM, D.M.. Progressive engineers and technicians of the U.S.SX coal Industr7 Ugol' 32 no.11:48-53 1 157. (Hpu 10: 12) (Goal miners) (Coal ~eeearch) 28(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIOV SOV/173 Zvo kin Anatoliy-Alekseyevich,, Doctor of Economic Sciences, o f e ~ss o T Avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva i yeye ekonomioheskaya effektivnost' (AutbmtJmtJonof Production and Its Economic Efficiency) m6scow, Izd-vo "Znaniye,," 1958. 62 p# (Series:, Vsesoyuznoye obahchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i naudhnykh znaniy. Seriya 3, 1958, nos. 9/1o) 66,oooloopies print4d. Scientific Ed,: B.S. Sotskov, Doctor of Technical Sciences;, Ed.: T#F. Falaleyevaj Tech Ed*: A*Volrofii~ov, PURPOSE: This pamphlet was prebared by the All-Union Society for,the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Information and is intended for the general reader,interested in auto- mation. Card 1/3 Automatization of Production (Cont.) SOV/1737 COVERAGE: The author of this pamphlet briefly.describes: the various points of view of foreign speciiLlists on automation. He presents his own views and conaeptsand xieviews the . automatization of production processes In the USSR and abroad. Emphasis is placed on the economic aspects of the auto ~ - matization of production processes. No personalities are mentioned. There are no referencess TABLE OF CONTENTS: Reason for Automatizing Production 6 Development of Automatization of Production Pro- .14 ceases in the USSR and Capitalist Countries Economiq Efficiency of Automatization of:Pro- duotion Processes :30 Equalization of production volume wheni.comparing automatized and nonautomatized production 34 Change in the productivity of labor under Con- ' ditions of automatized production 40 Card 2/3 Automatization Of Pr6duction~(Go'nt.) SOV/1757 Change in the extent of capital expenditures under Conditions of automatized production Change in the cost of product under c6riditions of automatized production Comparison of automatized and nonautomatized pro- duotion based on the length of time nooessary for the recovery of capital outlays 51 Economic efficiency of automatizatjon~in relation to its level and applicability to individual branches of Production 56 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 7 9 59 Card 3/3 I HIMCHICHKO, V.S.; BOCHAROY, M.D.; KRISTOSMITAN, N.Gi;~ CIMMAwv, V.I.; ANMYANOV, Y.Y.; KAUFM, V.M.; PAKHMANOV. V.I%; ZTCRYUN* I.A011; ANICHKOV, U.N.p red.; BARDIN, IsPol i red, 'Aidd&Avoln A.A., red.; VV3IIENSKIY, B.A., red.; GRIGORI M, A.A;, red.; KAFUSTINSKIT, A.F., red.; KOLMOGOROT, A.N., red.; 111UATLOT, A.A,.t' red.; OFARIN, A. I. , rod*; IPBMT9 Fogs ; red,; sToLnov-9. VON. , red,;: STFLAKHOV, N.M., red.; FIGUROVS91T, N.A., rsd.:~ KOSTI, S.D.,, Diographical dictionary of leaders in the na ural sciences and, technology] Biografichookii alovarl deiatelei:estestvozndniia i tekhniki. Vol.l.' A - L. Otvatstvennyl red. A.A0Zvorykin;' R~d.~ kollegiih! ff;X.Anichkov i.dr..Koskva..Goa.nauahn.ird-vo "Bollshala~ Sovetakaia Zateiklopediia.0 1958. 546 p. (MIRA 12:4)' p I.-Rodaktsiya istorii eateRtvoznaniya I tekhnikl Bol'ohoy sevetskoy Rntaiklopedii (forNemehankoi Bocharov,, Kristosturlyan, Cherka.sovi~ Andreyanov, Kaufman, Pakhmanov)*' Y 0 /2- A A 25-2-1/43: AUTHORt Zvorykin, AeA., Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor, ands Shukharding S.V.9 Candidate of Technical,Sciences TITLE: Force-of Scientific Forbisight, (Sila'nauchnogo~predvideniya). Karl Marx in Technial Progress (YArl Marks 0 progresse tekhniki) PERIODICALs Hauka. i Zhizn', 1958, 2t p 1-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A brief review of advances made in the scientific and'tech- nical fields during the last few decades. There is one sketch and one diagram. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ZVORYKIN, A.A.. prof.: KIRZHIIER, D.M.;.prof. Methods of determining the economic efficiencV of automatization in the coal industr7. Nanch.aokl.vys.uhIroly; gor.dolo. no.4t. 259-266 ' 58- CRIM 12:1) 1. PrFidetavleno kafedroy ekonomiki, organiHatsit, iplanirovanj~a gorv~rkh predpriyatly llbakovokogo gornogo instituta,imeni Stalina. (Coal minds and mininq--Costs) (Autotatic control) ZVORYKIM, Anatoliy Alekseyevicti; ZM, L, red,; ULAWOVA, Lot teldmred4l, [Creating material and technological basis of, communism in the U.S.S.R.] ~ozdanie ~ateriallno-tekhnie'heskoi tasy kommunizma v SSSR. Koskya, Izd-vo sots.-ekon.llt-171 1959. 102 P. (KIRA 12-.8) (Technology) ZVORTKIN. A.A.. UNCHMO, Y.S,, zaveduyushchiy red.; _-DWIMMY, K.Dep starshiy nauchnyy red.; KRIST OSMITAH, N.G., starohiy nauohnyv red.; CUMBOT, T.I.i starshly na-dohnyy red.; ANDRITAVOY, T.Y., red.: GARKOYMO, R.Y.. nanchnyy red.; KAUFW, Y.M. , uladshly red,-,. PAKWUNOT, V.IP.# sladshly r1d.1 XOSTI, S.D., [Biograpbloal d1ationarylof the natural ocienceo and technology] 0iografichaskWulovarl deiatolml 00tootTo- zaaniia i tekhniki, . 0tvatstyennyi red. A.A.Z~,orykln. Red. kollegiia: R.N.Aniohkoy ildr. Xoekra, Goe.niuchn.Isd-va qql'shaia sovetskais, entsiklopodiia.0 Tol.Z. K -:IA., 1959. 467 p0 (MIRA 12:7) 1* Redaktaiya istorii eoteatvoznaniya i takhniki Bol'shoy Sovetakoy Intaiklopedii (for all except Zvorykin, Kbeti). (Scientists) (Technology--Biagraphy) ZVORYKINm-AMi!Qliy-Al%kAinv-i-c-h,L doktor ekonom.rwuk: DTJBROVMIY, Tu.R., red.; ATROSHOMKO, L,Ys., [11con6mic efficiency of production automation] Hkonomicheeksia effektivnost' avtomatizateli prolavodetva, HOBkva, Izd-vo *Znanie,* 1960. 45 p. (Veasoiuznoo obahchostvo po resprostrgneniiu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser.3, Bkonomika, no.34). (MIRA 13:12) (Automation) (Labor productivity) (Costs, Industrial) ZVOIUKIN XIRZMIEII, Dilyid Wironovich; L Anatoliy Alekseyevich 9 prof., iU-N-D-hr,--ffjkbdI-ftri:aov 14,p inzh.b RACHXOVSKITI SaTa4l prof.$ 6ty. red.; ASTAKHOV9 A.S,,,, kand,.-fekonom. nauk, otv* red.'; GOLUBYABIOVAg G.S., red. !zd-va; FROZOROVSKATAp V.L.v tekhn1w red., (Economics of the mining industry] nonmika g'ornoi provVshlennbs+,i. Izd*3.9 pe~rerap dop. Moskva, Gas. naucbno-teltlm. I!zd-vo lit-ry gornomu delu, 1961. 439 PO OIIU lJogr (Mineral industries) I I 7 , i I ZVORYKINq A. A* - II I I ; . . ZVORTKIN, A.A.; MILONOV, Tu.K., otv. red. (History of technology] Istorlia tekhniki. Ploskvap Izd-vo sots.-ekon.lit-ry, 1962. 772 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Technology) CBMIYSHEV, Vladimir Ivanavich; ZVORYM A.A--+~~Gd-; KIESHCIMOV,. M.A.) red. izd-va)- POLTAUTA., T.V. tekhn. red.; GOLUB', S.F., tekhn. red. (From the history of technical development inAhe firnt yearv of the Soviet regime, 1917-1927) Iz istorii rizvitiia tekhniki v pervye gody sovetskoi vlasti) 1917-1927. Moskva,,Izd-vo, Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 316 p. WIRA 15:7) (Industrialization) (Economic development) ZVORYKIN A.A doktor ekon.naukpprof.; OSIMOVA) N.1 nauchrWy p 4~ ~11 a sotr.; C12WIYSHEV.. V.I., kand*tekhn.nauk; SHU kand.tekhn.nauk; MILONOV,, Yu.K., kand.ekon.ncu',- BAKOVETSM 0.., red.; STREFETOVA, M., mladshiy red.; MOSKVINAp R., tekhn. red, (History of technology]Iotoriia tokhniki. (By] A.A.:Zvorykin i dr. Moskva., Sotsekgiz., 1962# 772 p. (MIRA 15.8) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut istorii yestentvoznaniya i tekhniki. (Technology) sHUMMIN. S.Y.; ZVORYKIN A.A. redakt#r; MCKERM, B.C., rodaktor; redaktor. (Georg Agricola) Georgit Agrikolm. Nsskya, Izd-ve Akadesti nauk SSSR, 1955. 205 p. (KLBA 9:5) (Agricola. Georg, 1494-1555) BR%IBERG, Viktor A2eksandrovicb; GP14MTAIOVI Nikolay lv~anovich; ZVORY.KBI A ch NORYAVTSEV, Yitali:r,~ _E2TjIIT,_lekseZ Dmitrjyoyi ;~- Vasil'yovich; TEMOVSKIYp Yevgeniy IvanovieN EPSHTM, Lev Abramovich; SHIROKOVA, M.M.,, tekbn. red, [Mechanization of the manufacture of electrica insulating materials of winding inmilation,, and drying as well as saturating operations] liekhanizatsiia proizvodstva 6.1ektro- izoliatsionnyll-ch materialov., izoliatsionno-ottaotochiVkh i sushillno-propitochnykh rabot. By V.A.Bromberg i dr. - Moskva.. Gos. energAzd-vo, 1961. 99 p. (MIM 25:2) (Electric insulators and insulation) A k F- a-L.-I i. y U4 -A - 1.1"A& 'c W, III A~V .u $40 kIiatc,cliall migmeala buttildity, A. I PAIR. A fes tA,jZvomtvj i 15, 201-41(in Gennail Iiekrit" 10o tests on diffefIrnt pktcs whkh wTft me& from asactiesia ctmtnt irtated with vafw%lgl- .0) 06 a (buil-d finwrd (41) to asmuln the pecietrallon at hundility Itilo llif-ir ob~10~ The tests mv tatmiated and sbow that p1mifts utd. with vartilib are fairly well lwotectedI 0 8 splint humidiur. K-1-momy 041 81- -41411 -00 06 ago =00 do j 00 "so 410 c0 0 40 so zoo 0.0 a AS&-SLA WALtURCICAL LITfRATW1 CLASUPKATION 40 too", lam it ;w N it tv it 30 of slit mis wart 1 94 AIN 00 a 00 go 0 0 0 0 0 9 110 mill, 0 4 0*0col"s AND 00cwt 'OF 40 13 4 o 00 A~f Z, Ap IM"I'm 1--A Illitfurs 1;( off V thwu not Is Poo: .4k 4h lutlwild~ millure of i powd" iWph4dite i" O:at, W-10006 + [nil im figwiie4 of diywtk,of i& auWf%*m, It,; T. see too tie fo lk is ljfj ~i# 10 al 1 0 to It It x a x a 19t 4 1~1116 91 41 0 0 o0 0 004 0 0 0.0 0 0 0: 0 000 a 0 000 0 0 0 u Vp o 'D 's I 7lip lea 06 0 0:0, 0 0 is a-- .0 Appoistus for fb* coovermlan of ysu ow into M4 phoo. 4fi,imil. %III). :jj, A~-~ZyAo. Y. y w P il rairlud fill bYan invit *:is and P.;.Wd throu's"h malte", high-Indting 5116412ums" Con. ;-00 sertwtion detaits are Oven. 00 a .00 0 0 .00 00 9 800 zoo 1,16 0 ,it .3 0 0 A 14 . S L AMITALLOOKAL LjTjl&Tk*t CLOSIttCAT10% too Sid. 11-10ji At 0 -)#.1 ~77 tL 11 i-T-q --l- 1, K u 0" on O's w v0,9 110is is 0 0 a -so** 's a0 0 0 000 of 0 0 0060 0 C* a :04 OT 00000040*4000000000 i0*0 0 o00 00 0 000 0 O;lO 94 0~ 4 r v -4 -A 00 A 1* 0rA~4t 0: AO G A ;.so Mcomposition of sulfates with ckWda*. A. Va. 4. So Ik 1,---Fiucly potuid Ca, 114. St and Nx 817 ~Ulfutcs W;; IWt.I at KVI- IWAV ilt all Ott, muffle. .00 himace In a strtunt %4 Cl. Under i-funlical clefiditi,all at -so ItW140, 1110 viall. or COO.. 11810, Simi N4ct W"r OtA*j 41141 "a III1 111N.Orthol, I 111101g1link Ow fiffir Mehl 1#1 118.11mv 64 Cl S.'sol be- cid, Ad4ti. III NgCI mWill A' i) 111,101411.. 1. )lot "Ath IMP all unt-mulde Olive. C is aNk r"trit%4, -90 ? but imetfrres with purificakion of tereediacts. V: A. K: 000 00 It;6 0 Is I b I. L UPOK AL I, IT# 0 A JLJI E Ct ASUP, KA Tick Is~ t, it -1, (P IV IP jr of K a or K it IT it it it4 V, m I, f0000209 000 00 000 0 0 * * 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 see *Goes Is a 0, C, 0 6 0 %00 111 0 004 4 0 0 6 0 00 a 0 00 0 0 000 ...... FPEPW re A . . I rd Ms aws :000vtollis wt#A 00 -00 'Aj*i VROwIbOW. 0., Cho M, sea,, of Wfifte kto w p Rod p'; so W* without ~ftw lo as 13 too 0 w as woo 'ro a Gas mof 400 0 0 00 ids AS*-SLA 04TALLWMAL-LITIRATOW CLAWICATNO CONNO air am Off I --,A -0 Ids AV so Lill, a0 1, Ir a a 0 a a to a * a a a a. rx U all a I 9 0 00 0 000 a 0 0 0 Wo 0 014 a 00 0 0 000 00 0 0 coo 0 0 0" 0 0 0 0 0'0 00 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 000' oljro 00.0 0 a OL* * *.-a 0 Elain I r"oe 0 w1u.; WS-1 I soft to 9113111 is 00 A a L' A-M"Plllk"V.11-1-1.0-11 111--A J4 ~ a. P; tv $r4 A ilt PRO141 I 041Kt Ito 0 hp 'Noplooqj 0 1.46 A -Go offal"Its of Ilo'd i4wo".. 1. A. N'4'. .00 00 11 . ! ' 8,14 a I all- ill !h~ 101*1twiWil ill r 111111111 frit It mo, twWWWA. vvjlk~w 11, with AM miltins, rill cal4l)-sts. WAS Cbmst-41 18141 16 t6woviliflifi-IM junipwIt and the *10MV iNAS IiShtly wakd Oith A 01-0- of N4,48il); and CO. The ampotile. hwilrd Into a WWW 00 glam tube, Wei subuirried, 11110 itand &ad btaved be an ficc. funim At ZO-111W 6w virl'"ll Iterwi tif tlw.~ TI) 00 00 43 tio. l1w dtvv# 14 affolrujill: Cifflu"11141, the lescillm am- 00 )KA11t WIP MWIVII, Ifif 0010114 Witte tirAtell wilh,044. thewlPiwailfilwidtill by "'ttlim thr-sittih o'k-b.41 juwmi. 04 Ott SIN) the Oct. allf, dyin# In 0w air &tilt at psi" Ilk ot 'JiyIng uvittil; *As wtilbri), , The pair W the mu.1it"pir 00 elm Vitt 4km Is a fultel Wa vt time dad Irlill). Ifralinoyi-Ibm 11 at 14), for 3 -47 bro. le"JIM Ill it p(liduct ciltill. 4 I(I.%4.Kl% Fild P. IftfiliftS %[ 320-541' 1pr IS;2f$' fill. to Ixt with 710-6 1fr red P mr,"Ovitive'MI'm Vt,1sdWTtmd ai 4(W)' ~~i X04 I hr: '.' 1, hr. mild W. rain. The Millis, 04 "A P, sitica pi, pg. Fool CV, VA tm COO fAlkil ill vulalyfir Shr.1portim! Inctragilislitl4sud fruill. 111CIVOWA 1111P bAldiWOR iA Ifif 1.1 It Aild file ilt- easily 44 Its e'llibralkm 114all d 11111ill trol Ilia it" ilhArt tsloaaliAll cAa%livicallam like -w'#jjv. We it 1'j all. at of 41 49 Am An a 1 11 1- 3 4'-'v 'S 0 8 +-00 .48 1 --we's 0 0 0 0 G!0 0 0~01 to . . . . . . . I -a AM 1u [AI do, K10- Od o - d p 0 OOU 4~ 1., $4-261,,- anti i . 1937, _Piel ' 9 d i V 4ft W se dwi. ; w mol u of " beendoWr . e 004 Askenazy and.Newder (A.,,IM, 872) Ind"04 the exwmm of s,: continuous 041" of satki molidloom too h4" Wen confirmagi. 0. Ot too boo it COOO 00 OJ093 Olp (My Got L11 . 1 1 4 1 jV.p b [Inn or so o,ad - 0, to go 44 a. a~xaita 7U 0 00 0 0 000 0 000 00. 4 00 4. 1 #-0000000000#1 0 . 0 to #0 rommmot 4.0 0 an aids "ON 00 alu 00 ~00 00 4w.wmlq vd. Twx w"IM4. -90 0 =Olf $did OtAmimabumvi aWcoa. -00 00A finmd by x-al jinKiptWd of, ft vaW MRIVROC4 I A d N O -60 Campo, 5 "I , " AP , P *00 004 1 it. A. . 00 1 xes 00 see so 004 4*0 not too bee 09TALLUMMICAL WIRATURt CLAMOPKAM "so 142444 Ott GNI 444 Iff 11-V &I I am it, u a A a 0 4d~* a a 4 3 0 1 40*00000000000000:0100000*0 d ~ TI : t 0 so@* 04 0 Ole-# 0 94 0 0 e 0 ' io 0-0-0-SA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q. 0: ov o 0 ej 0 ove 0 0!0..G.e 0 0 0 ML I I I j I A a -4 $i if oil a A I C..A-A- 21 lr-11-41. LIJIUAX-A-A. --!" -V42- Oypmm romom Ii tho Hatift Ualoo. and Aj )' 'Attie. u4iftim, avid ~A~ 7viwYkiti. jA',-jtf: R. $. N.f 11. L27. ;I#I,.I1I3Xi,!'iA It- .00 vkW C4 The re-Alho, 4j a phl. Wittvry In ttw W"t-Ii Ki". 1*0 ! ~ A ak~omn with a diernmy of".mXXI irmpiviWi dom" f:i 00 of gvpmni and anhydrite with rmumuten. truel: in,~imfxatiiml nt the 1"4VIsent. and Iwiru. motic PlIM40ties and ft"I. uploilation 14 the dvowil X In the light at Ansterk-an praitiev with itfinflar dilmi941% in Chief. Bum- 00 z else so CIO 0 00 X to* so so x ave use 41 00 7 Alm-SLA OCTALLLiRrKAL Lilg*AVLIOV CLA511IRKATICII nee #a,, #.~-tnv ties ..... ------ Pera I r I v IF F IF Ir v 11 AR it 1 0 CIA :0 u Itlir Poll!" i~'v n It Or III It 111 Icon It Raw" 1 11111 a 0 . %r a T., 0 o00 0 st 0 : 0 : 0 00 0 * 0 0 0 Oi 0 * 0 * 0 *is v 0 1a 0 0 00 01 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 a so 0 0 0 0'* 010 0 4p a 0 o!o 0 G.:q o S, 0 * 0 * 0, 111111 11 no m 0 Wit 1 0 m 116 it 33 Ill 34 a x9 A x a 41 0 a m a A 0 x 0 a TO I I I UW 041 Out- i t s "04 son n Alt- ees z go I Oc! r 00 Soo A go 00, 06 jo vicii; palmul Go- IT 00 liv 00.t 4 f I p v; q W-00 rf if d a 0 ig fl Vila 0411441 fill 11114"fittli 4 1 1 f I I I VA -' *. 6WL-'.'LMi 1; - v ?I n it W it to it it to L A-"-a A -kir Copts's f#.fx.tim, A!! 0!-CF! a ...... 04! 00 Feltlizer. A. YAA, ZvOrYkill- HuM, 046 treatrd with dil. 11.14%. ~Ald. Willa Nil, 3why. freed I'f KVI'mull 111111 rVIIIIJI, 00 a CAP Igvttvm- zoo A, see OWA! fe 00 Cie A to -$ IIIIIALLIAPrKAL LITIOLIUAK C%ASSIFK&li()M we 0 14 is a to to 0 a It 14 5 9 ct ti It 0( '1 14 0 0 0 0 0 eze 46 0 0 0 a 6 Oe * a 0 0 it 40 41 is'# 0 0 4 0 4 0 460 0 0 0 0 ce ql~ 0-0-0 0 0 614 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 * 40 0 0 0 4 e0 4 0 0 0 9 11 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0,41 0 0* 0 0; 11 is 13 w 16 1JP Is to a is I. IA vill.1A L-M .11111 9c MAX 1. 4 Is Aj, L, I i Is Ile S411 alt.04,111, -00 .00 0 The beatiug curvits of rbehydrateIa. ZN.e ykltl cd and A. J. .100" Ck it. it% s., "C' tc 171 12, 1431) 2M9191-A peviiihidWy stp-wi %%givvinuig ille .00 aud midillf-111111~1 's, 1000 Vdi'll t-lit%t had 00 11tv 0,111114 .11 .11"Wil I j Ilse johillk." will lK. l1w iscAl 00 00 A. A. I'llslictst Ity too 0 : V7 0 Fit I. 4*0:1 41* ti A BITALLIJOGICAt 4,111114,11M CLAWIPICAMIS b L "a" 41'a" ice 0 61-44, 1*1400 .&P clool, oft 00 u 011 -111:11-101 0 Its, 00 it 0 0 0 0 411; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0.0 IF 1 4 5 1 1 1 A- 411141 A 0 : C..ttad fWW.." W.I.8 phvit.. dam UUM 1 d d f t 0 4 ami 0 mune um , rom PdYba ft. A. va, ZAwykin an ld V. Va. Kriltrivich. ComM. rtxd. ". s~i, 37 464 N(f i E li h M 00 - s I n ).- tit ili" (19n o( ng t )( h lif hf 8O SO 2C SO 2I1 O (K I dt C 1 4 a f R '. 1' .. t a njost urgrlit P S j ) " - l h l raw em, w ese arge deposits act bulk At441 in wvt-jal di*tfkts of %Vtztcrn Kasaklistan and the Middle Volita. K. and Z. &title that the Indtatrial torivitplon of the ti an o1 halit I IAni t K SO I d I h i I-so 00 r c c n o ters. . , to wel" e n t e l p y turr. and In patentii is extrititirly vompikalrd Alsil dots not 19 0 apiwar remunerative Inammuch as Its ultinuile pirviLitict Is a 0 Yrry weak K. SO. mills. wbone evalin. Is luirdly isrotitable. In Viva, (If the JaCt that njany cr" cultivated in their 100 J ountry, as tobacco. citrus plants or flax we In need of Cl- rt FA'111. ALI . to )ICI 11.140; l"ll zed l i l 00 free ("Olizers contg. K, NU#, M1 and phosphate. the . w lw 0,71. -i' KO 4,09. suit 7p 00 sudwvt treated polvitalite with vorn. IfjI'04 find autd. the li , C0111I)II. . , in IICI Wilp. Thil al-V4 131 01111 1001" IA) Nl .3 quid maja with Nil$; liniducts Chr the billowiall percent ; , it NV411 Oli. IVIRIM.A 1%,lyWhi~ . I-Of 1 agr cortilin. wrir Witaiturd: Water-ail. frarshvi Nil 2i1 17 211 90 O l) 0 4 P C JA O 0 37 ) &1 41A 1 it, 'tit 014.111'.1 P~Wjjlrij Isy /' (Hill*. 1-11i 0 0 . . a .4. . . , O . XVI- 4. , sulfate . . C 1 t5 W l NII lIPO ) j'jljljl# , "iNj UJI the t'ljY*. L&"'I 00 , ; voi t compri. ( A 43-68. K,111 . , 0, CC, C&.Wj 1.17 fit ".. 1.13 (NII,),FA). 19 56 acid witter- lut-t with trirtirtwe 11) Usuill. 1 J00 In %W A irt of the PI'M i t . , , inm)l. residue 34.97. After aolv~ Ili 200% JICI. Nil, I&PS, 739 27 C&O 11 PA 35 01 Af O 1 K 15 lf O S t 19 94 s , Altuft atul to J14 eqUil. 'lladlAi Wlion tit "glik IV. A, C -)k 1900"u- . , - e , , I ' ' su a , g , . r"Idtle Insol. In IICI 0.50; Bait Motto. (NIIJOM10, 1 30,37. KolfPO# 9.53. CaW4 104. (SIIJ'W4 WAS. Its.W. 3.79 residue Insol. In JICI O.M. Ili order to lawr ' COO the coatent of witter-iniol. Imetiun, the polyluilitt was A mbied with dild. cont. II&POs and the liquid fraction sepd. front I he fool fraction by filtration, The filtrate was then astd. with Nill atid both liquid and Insoll all fraction4 Weft analyu4j, . Water.". fraction Ptnvalasir tv"Ifill. was: H, 13-82. PsO.49.801. K40 3.10, *Wale 0.48, water. Infol. residue 9 .22; salt coolpa., KH%M 8,96, N1141111 IN .0:7" .011 4.1 11,11 IT U 'It No is n It% pngelu 11111111 o v I At t$ a 41 WT 4 0 tit 1 0 Ad 0 0 i W " "'Clif (W o 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,411V 0 0 --- ---ha ii . a 0 0 0 0 0 0 fim ~A a -A -1--L-J Ii- F ll! K- -3 I-St Z M ft it 10 01. L A A A J_ 00 c 4 Th* hittiletj 40'" 44 couvereldta ad 1jifficir 00 tko Wdatka of *mM" aid the disiniso to the OaM sad do cuoilia 00 S.S.S.R.. 1KNOY, 00d.- Kkint. Xtall 1945, U-11111W detme of owmAm Z (%) of S into S(h Oq irmsOndiun go it 111~ dctd. indirfdly froal the linit. b of S(h 61.) in lbii gun .00 alut the jactraw of wt. d cl ibe uvitllle, by - 137!111 d + ""'"a lilt 0 INt. Cog SAD 411 sit if AA.! 1300 409 Jf. j 1 woo too *.ILA A!?!L%XQGKAL Ult"AtkOf C%4jMf jAk~~!f: 1 too A 11 ...... . r- 'I0- NJ-ill, to 0 ;~Ri~4 ri i;,P` 1-1 -1,1-1 - ~,. ; --;~ 181,1W, -.A, all. T-1q, u a AV K) 1149 It A OiA 0 19 0 lK r4 K 6,111 It Ill 43 A 1, 14 00 0 00 00 00 0 00,06 0 - -------------------- - a" i - . a of A Aniticriallowl Of physitothemical Arialvick to thit'gludy oil (it The Wivity of the 011dris q1 Cubolt. !,0o ' 0 n- akkel And cafiva In the dK m I W bp roe , ~ Cloddit. Av'y A ki ., till (1ofill I I i l l A ll- i - n II -tit tit- firri,- ic f ICO t a li i d nd irnili te t. fi " f c ( (vtMil Re , ritive tit Irijolitsill. atma. tif Clio. a Coolido'61141 , I in the imilo, 0.143: 1.241:11.112u. Ani-init the inail lt 14114fy t i andletnit milts. C4 tfw~.- "itid" flilly th.).'r ron , ' t mil'; tw ti ) N1 1 V i W" iolut, f-A 15,; c #1 1. rw a lmi #c ant ' . M at. , * .4 M. tit 5". 44 Of wrtr rgm%illrrably Im-tr Ist-thr IIIAW Oil .. . - ' - 1 . Ii i ti" l Iwd Il c i th i l so 0 .loct ' .4, 1e r 4 It 1 l l 1l l pf" 10 . . 111 it( Illicit . a goo god ALALK Goo :goo j ING, 0 %s0 00 IF It* "t .1 VAUVOGIC&IL uleffaltlif CLAWFICAYMN I1~60 N As : q~ I its 4 3 d' T It Of n 0 0 00 o'! 0 o 0 0 411111 00 4111 0 o 00 0000 6 6: a 0 0 w4 see 0 0 0:4 e w o o 0 0 9 *10 -will - im 111,w11 0 0 00 fitselt 4 All 4 0 0 0 o of 0 :. -. . 19jmmmmm~ , 0 0 4!4 4 . . . . - ZVORTKIITI A* TAO "Concerning the Reactions of Oxides and Salts in Solid State.11 Sub.29 Sep 47, Hoscow Inst of Fine Chemical Technology imeni H. V. Lomonoaov~ Dissertations presented for degrees in science and ongin6oring in 1947 SO: Sum No. 457, 18 Apr 55 Now the vu m9" Tka u pawl a c*MCIKW 0 was flow 0 Mitt. all tl 00 4 d u l 00 13- , al o Val, to got. 00 Vemi Am (at 00W a mvA ibe a Val 9 PAN" q Tbd Cmdrd cbwtCE4 lasmal slow I"tv 04 - Loll, ta *d wtm~ . ks am d, kg 011, AA 10A WtjSttWtj off.. M41 'Air '411 t It m-44 atim owt Oil two a "it im gas' Oka$ ,k" Ike i to LM ko Vill Idwd be !Wkstrit *w" int 114io is lll~p v" 111:12- vd ago ky oft a# ibe bidt" 10K Go fie 0 pwaa log ked wt LOOK 'Kits 6. boo itw Est mod 00 CA WT FCN I+' cl h ww. ol ?ok. !ud. IW T ZVOR'CLIP, A. I-a. '12537. Z11CRYKA;', A. Ya 1. 'rB-' ./- T ,joley I 0,1dulov. zhurrml 1OV,), 11o 10, s. R-63-67 SO: Letopist ZIiurnnl'r~;-,',:h Statey, Vol. 44P Moskva, lg/,g CA Wait hot, r"" SAW 19 Jkdd. lot ,,d PCOPtrties twindry U, such is jul- tot t I 14 1 1 1 4 1 a 'P LA A M Its! It it III 4- f AW 0 0.61, -11 .14, Is A. Vii )iNtj Tish)KIIIINA. Appijrd Chatm. 11MU #17 (1049).-Powderts of Call, were fimi its A Isipm-lain tirtunlile 4t rUM)", unit M)"c-i while lw)Wtlfr% of tw*. C'sco.. 00 o0 anat Poo were fit"i tit (fm" al.vot WO! to I list, The compirmiya: strength of the sinjerralshal". Wabilet"Init"'I -00 00 mister a constantly filacmilng laxist. Ctttv%-% tit mleoxili -00 le"Alacraturv indic-Ate that strength fit %intrititall n A clur.%victi,ttv 00 r 14 Olve solm Iltal"lal anti FtISM-116 jtW v1sulig" fiavultioll Ilivilic th" V': varia"I's Irtollacrututv 1111rivals, p1lorthursilal Ir-olis vil'I"'It 400 001 the following nurchanklarts of sintering: Sintrrint is alwvv all a zoo 00 03 diffusion of parileles tit the sallixt material; the inobilar tit juir 400 tictes unit difff increatte. with tislull Irmlia-piture,', The iii, divitluAl laurtklatts. nialle contart in boost' III.WVS Ollly,~l 1111.11 U j~ fint diffinlifist takes plave stradually at thr,t- Iii-luji. 41-If tit i1tterininhic tlW M"ralth off taki-v plairt, coo chicity tit them liolov.4 of diffustort Imeatsw herv list!' pitrlkle~ 00 goo are bound to one another less attrongly than in the orilljlml cry- oo r talline material. As a result of the mailing i4 tik- -.4hape. Ov qoo 00 9 Krubliliff of the Material chancelt and. ill adifilk"I tit lite awiscilid No 0 Vroin% larger unit iinialler strains are tilfn ishwitutil 100 too !100 Taaj~LQI~11 LIT 14"It 9 CLA"KAT" too Ivor 11 4110 a tnicol IV COT *#a -J!I-* i- -'V- . a 'M - , -5 NA MI :1 Pr 14 0 U a it M3 Is I )111, 0 4 0 a It 6 it Of ~A 'F 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0.0 0 0 n 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 ot 0 O'o 0 i 0 0 0 go 0:0 o o 0 o, o oio-* 0 0 0 0-00 0 00 0,0~ 0, 0 a :o 0 0 00,0 0 0,,o Miss--- Ok Vc Zvorykiv lk, Me Ctjir,,Cd H abneg to tmalts, kst- UDj a d Ba wt" tut twem lho As was pmtd for c1duddom (0,A. dke dwove vA immch. stmgth on u1norbig dapdids on the wife; of Crystal taltirro. FIwvIjwINymmutuIh4I% Immula bi Olk)"alooky was, ISMI. . V247., (tow,04" Lrh +,I~L. 10-34-5/ft, + h)j wItt" + r, . gum f$0. 01 bum, aill Aml vattorkh of ... .......... zvoRyKim, A.Ta., kandidat khimichaskikh nauk. New concentrated non-chlorinatedlertUizer, Vost.AN.,SSSR 24 no.3:64-66 14r 154. (MLRA 7:3) Ofertlllxero~aud maimrse) Z V OR YlUIX ULI". A.H.; SAMSONOT, G.T.; USYN, O.Ya.-, SUPAJIOid~~.X.S.' Inthaner, reteenzent; TANARAYBY, I.T., retsensent; POGOVIS, S.L. professoro stsetizentt 400'~ &oktor, xaslushonVy dayatell nau)d i tekhnIki,':,r, professor, doktor, retmenseat; ABRIKOSOT, Ltiij~-doktor khimichookikh nauk, retsensenti SHAMRAYi ?.I. Aoktor khinicheskikb nauk, retsenzent; XOROZOV, I.S., iranAdat ichl~heskikh nauk, reteensent; BOOK, Te.A., kandIdat khimicheskikh us:uk,:retsbnx9at; HIKOLAYNT, N.S., kandidat khimicheakikh nauk, rsteensent; STORYM A.Ta- kandidat khisichaskikh nuk, retsentent; MASHILOTA, IT M, W;'LlI 'V101dat khWehookikh nauk, retseaxent; VYSOTSXAYA, red&ktor; XAKAMA, O.M., re(laktor; ATTOPOVICH, K.K., takhnichaskly redaktor [Metallurgy of rare metals) Het&Uurgiia rodkikh metallov. Moskva* Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po'chernoi i tevetniol metallurgii 1954. 414 p. (MLU 7:9)' I* Chlen-korrespondent AkademiI tauk SSSR (for lwmr~qvy). Rare-Ketallurgy) ,-'ThA Sol 23 M tile rE mr1h :tm- ~11~,vjvj 4-1 PMLIKAN, laina Hoiseveyna; MAITIN NIXOIAYMY, H.S., doktor Welchaskikh na n" redektor; OOLUBKOVA, T.A.0 redaktor; YUSPINA, N.L.. takhnichookiy redaktor [How chemintz7 originated and with what it in concerned] Kak vosalkla khimiia t chem ona, sanimsetsia. Hoskva,, Gookulltpro- svetizdat, 1956. 14 p. and 5 1- (MLRA 10:2) (Chemistry--History) Al owl JAI 4 xa . ........... 78-3-6-100 AUTHORS: Perellman, F. M. .Zvorykin, A. Ya.-~-.Yakubovskaya, T. N. TITLE: Some Difficully Soluble Salts of the.'Heteropol acid of y Germanium and Silicon (liekotoryye malorastirprinne soll geteropolikislot germaniya i kremniya), PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii,1958, V61. ~,Nr.6, PP. 1374 - 1380.(USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the dif f icultlT soluble. ammonia, rubidium and cesium salts of'the germanium-and~,,on-molybdenum-' heteropolyacid were investigated. The~,Isyntheuis of germanium- , molybdenum and silicon-mol.Tbdenum-heteroliolyacid as ammonia, rubidium, and cesium salts was described. The following compounds were produced: . 1t75(NH Sio 12MoO .5H 0 lt7Rb 6.SI.O~.12jMO "811M0 4)20' 2'. 3 , 2 2: 2 3; 2 lt85(Nff )20.Ge 12MoO -4 65H 0 2Rb Oi~'000 0121AOO 9H 0 4 02' 3 0 2 2 2., 3' 2 1v 54Cs20.Si02'11,5MoO3 .6 t 6E120 Card 1/4 1982Cs O.GeO 11 '5MOO 6H 2 2' 30 2 78-3-6-14/30 Some Difficultly Soluble Salts of the Heteropolyaoid:of'Geirmartium and diliaon The x-ray analyses show that all these salts are isomorphous. The solubility of the ammonia,rubidiuia and'oesium sal,ts of the silicon-molybdenum, and.germanium,-molybdenum-hetelropolyacids at 2500 is investigated. The solubility of.ammonia salt of Si-Mo-heteropolyacid is,7P55c/4 of rubidium Galt of Si-Mo-fietero- polyacid is ot475%p of cesium salt oftSi-Ilo-heteropol .yacid 0,123%,O--f ammo-nia-Ge-Mo-acid 7,78%, of Rb-Ge-Mo-acid 0,90% and Co-Ge-Mo-acid 0,075%. The solubility o:f all six salts was also determined in.aqueous sulfuric acid solutions of amm onia and rubidium salts 'at a concentration of 195 -~,40% sulfuric acid and of cesium salt at a concentration of 1,5-250146 sulfuric~acid. Also the solubility of cesium salts of the above mentioned .heteropolyacids in nitric,solutions at concentrations of 2% and 5,3% MTO as well as the solubility of oxalic acid at con- 3 centrations of 2-9% EM was determinedo Sulfuric acid consi derably reduces the solability of the ammonia, rubidium and Card 2/4 cesium salts of the silicon-molybdenum-, and germanium-molybdenum- .18-3-6-14/30 Some Difficultl~rSoluble Salta of the Reteropolyacid.of Germanium and Silicon -heteropblyacids. On this occasion the solubility of the! ammonia saltsof the above mentionedleter *opolyacids Is ien times greater than the solubility of1he correspondiri Ig ribidium, salts. The cesium salt of the'Ge-Mo-hateropolyac id ha's a! solubility ten times smaller than that of the corresponding Rb-Ge-Mo-acid. Cesium salt of the Si-Mo-acid has a solubility hundred times smaller than the corresponding Rb-Mo-acid.~It was found that the salts of the Gr-Ma-heteropolyacida are more easely soluble than the'elorrespondine salt's of the Si-Mo-acids almost in all cases especiallT in concen-bra,ted acids. Cesium salt of the Si-Mo-acid shows the smallest solubility.. Its .The solubility in aqueous sulfuric solution is 0,004-0,005%-' solubility of cesium salt of the'Ge-Ito-acid in the same sulfuric solution is 0,04%. There are 5 figures, 8 tables, and 19 refer- Card 3/4 encest 8 of which are Soviet. 76-32-3-24/~3 'AUTHORS: Zvorykin, A. Ya.p Perell~man, F. M. ,zhakhova, S.. K. TITLE: On the Catalytic Activity of.Rare Eleaents.'in the Reaction of the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxidel(O Izataliti6heskoy aktivnosti redkikh.elementov v reaktsii razlozheniya ~erokisi vodoroda. I.) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol 32,:Ifr 3, pp 654 - 658 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Mixed catalysts of salts of rareelenents are investiL-ated in the present paperl the attention being Vocused on tho:in- fluence of the ratio of catalyst components', ba van us, that of -the temperature 4nithe plI,,upon the cataly~iLic activity. I )i! orcl or to bring about a simultaneous mixture,of bQth cataly.,;L Co..-. ponents with the hydrol;en peroxide solution, a glass container wab constructed in which two little dishes:vrith the catalysts on a glass holder are located,from whore fall into the liquid up~,:r. me:~.,haai(4a aetst.10n of the eyotem, Ttiefvel**ocity of decomposition of hydroLen peroxide';waa measured at 25 C Card 1/3 dnd a pH of B.O. The experiments performedwith niobium oxalate 76-32-3:~-24/43 On the Catalytic Activity of Rare Elements in the Reaction of the,Decoh- position of Hydrogen Peroxide showed a negative catalytic action ot niobiurq upon other catalysts, especially cobalt chloridq~'. Sodium molybddte in combination with copper,chloride(Ha lioO -CuGl ) show6d an 2 4 2 increase of the catalytic actionowh.ich exceeded that~,of the individual components s.everal times.Investigations vtith.zir- conium sulfate showed that in ftsystem zir 'conium-sulfate/manf;a- nese-dioxide,the curve of the catalyt 1ic aqtivity coni.ains a y ac- maximum from which a complicated chaziffe of the catalytic tivity may be d8e:Z,::&!. A table of ~ t,he chaneos of velocity and of the values of the reaotior constantof the last.-men.- tioned system is gi-en frem which ft ma?- ba s!itan that the activity.of zirconium sulfate at the beginning of the examination is hiuerhorpthat it,thein, a lower value and remains constant. There are 4 figures,~itable, and 9 Card 213 referencest 6 of which are Soviet. 76-32-3~1-,24/43 On the Catalytic Activity of Rare Elements in the Reaction of the, DecomPo- sition of Hydrogen Peroxide ASSOCIATION; Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut obehohey i noorganichealcoy. khimii'im., N. S. Kurnakova (AS USSRiTnatitute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni ff. S. Kurnakov) SUBMITTED: November 30~ 1956 Card 3/3 SOV/76-33-2-.14/45 AUTHORS: Perellm-an, F. L.., Zvorly%in, Ta, Shalchava, S. K. TITLE: The Citalytic Activity of the Rare M:emonta in the Decompooi- tion of HydroCen Peroxide 11 (0 1-ntaliticheskoy aktivnostri redkikh ele-.entov v reaktsii razlozheniya perekisi vo dorada PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 11059, Vol~33, Nr 2, PP 452 456 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method of the work reported here -nas the same as was used in the previous paner, i.e., a simultaneous addition ,inning of~the reaction. Inves~ti- of both catalysts at the beg Eated were sodium gallate (I), nitrate (Ii),, titanium sulfate (III), and germanium chloride.! IV)p- alone and~toaether , with the chlorides of cobalt, copper,',and iron also of M110 at 250C and pH = B.C. It was observedi"'O-hat'a combination oi (I) with CuCl 2 increased the catalytia activity and,ihat this was greater than the additive valties ofthe single.cbm- ponents. All the catalysts of this system Are unstable and Card 1/3 lose their activity quickly (Pig 1). The sllstem Cucl 2 The Catalytic Activity of the Rare Elements in the SOV/76-33:2-3;4/45 Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide 11 q and (II) - MnO (Figs 2,3) show also' in increased catalytic 2 effect upon the decomposition of H 0 With the first;:sysjtem 2 2~ the activity is doubled and with the 4~econd system the activity is 4.6 times the additive value of the components using a content of 30dP (TI). The system (II) - MnO 2 is more stable in its catalytic activity than the ab9ve mentioned combina- tions of (I). An increase of 5 to 2-5 'times in activity above the additive values of the components was observed, for the (III)-cuci 2 and (III) - Con 2.systO!--is, and the maximum activity was found to occur with a c 'ontent of 5Cr;o' (II 1) (FiQ-13 4,5). The (III)-Col"l2 systems are hirlh in activitY but very unstable, while (Iii)-CuCl 2 are atabler comb ina ti ons. In the (IV)-CUC12 system a OrMaller increase in activity . was observed (Fie 6). The experimental reaults show that-the maximum activity occurs with the comp6sitiolne of a 1:1 molar ratio, of the cozponents.~ Therc are 6 figures and 3 refer- Card 2/3 ences, 2 of which are Soviet. The Catalytic Activity of the Rare Ele, SOV176~ -2i ,ients in the -33 -34/45 Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide 11 ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSRInstitut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. If. S. Kurnakova (Academy of Sciences, USSR, Institute for General and Inoreanic Chemi"Itry imeni It. S. Kurnakov) SUBMITTED: July 30, 1957 Card 3/3 .9-10 0 LUTHORS: TITLE- PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 69030; Perellman, F. -M. , Zvo Ya* S/078/60/005/04/034/040 1 06 Demina, G. B 4./B 0 1. 6 Investigation of the Solubility in the System Y(NO - 0 11 0 at 25 and 500 3 3 HNN 3 2 Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiip'1960, Vol:,5, Ni 4o pp 960 963 (USSR) The author's refer to the method of the fractional separation of lanthanides used in practice and,,quote a paper by G. G. Uiazov and Z. N. Shevtoova. (Ref 4),:The purpose 0,f thd present p4per~ is to clarify the conditions~for the occurrence of'the yttrium- ammonium-nitrate double oalt6 The resulta'obtained according to the solubility method are presented in tabl 08 1.9 2 and in~ Schreinemakers' diagrams in figures 1,2.:Lt 500~the solubility curve shows three branches corresponding:t~o the',orystallization of the three salts Y(NO -4H 01 Y(NO 42NN NO p: and NK N03.: 3)3 2 3)3-1 4 3 4 The double salt crystallizes at this temperihture in the an- hydrous state in the range of the coneentr~Ltions of HE NO; from 4 3 18 to 40,.and.of Y(NO ) from 66 - 48%- Ito solubility in water 3 3 0 i amounts to 88% at 500. At 25 the double salt could not be 6~03M Investigation of the Solubility in the System S107SV60100510410341040 Y(NO NH No - H 0 at 25 and 500 BO041~016 3 3 4 3 2 obtainedg.although the diagram shows the';6orresponding branch. The authors assume that the crystallization of'~the doublio'salt at this temperature is rendered difficult,,oving to the high viscosity of the solution. Y(NO 3),3 crystalilizes ipnthe precsenoe of NH NO both at 250 and at'500 with four, molecules of crystal 4 3 water. There are 2 figureep 2 tables, and 6 refdrencosg, 2,of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOX: Institut obahchey i neorganioheakoy khimii~im. 1T*:S. Kurnakove Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute' of General,anld Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. So Kurnakov of s loaaepy or 8-0Tff-ffM;-1MS1t) SUBMITTED: January 239 1959 Card 2/2 86489 1136, 1275 S/078/60,/005/008/0.22/031/xx S_.2,610 B023,/k66 AUTHORS: Perellman, F. M. Dabiy6vBkaya, I.. Z. Pedotova, T. N. TITLE: Calcium and Iron Germaaat6s, PERIODICAM Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 196oi vol,;, Noq~ef' pp. 1717-1724 TEXTt The authorstinvestigated systems of'sodi~m:~erman'ate and calcid;m nitrate or iron nitrate in aqueous solutions with diffe:~ent ratios.of the components. The formation of calcium metagermanat ,e.. UaO~:GeOVnH20, and' three iron germanates, Fe 20 3- GeO 2' nH 0, Fe 0 2GeO~.nH 0, and 21 .2 3' 2 2. Fe203' 3GeO2 nH20, was detected by Sch reinemakerul method. Thermograms and X-ray diffraction patterns of the compounds mentioned above disclosed characteristic peculiarities and confirmed the chemical5homogeneity of:the resulting compounds. It was further found that the Tgerm6nate Fe 0 XL4 hH 0 2 3 2 2 may be obtained with 15 and 2.5 molecules of hydration water, and that:the Card 1/3 rmanates 60/065/008/022/031/XX Calcium and Iron Ge o66 S/07 B023~B germanate Fe O,#2GeO nH 0 still contains two H 0 molecules after drying 2 2 d 2 2 at 120 OC. All iron germanates were subjected to X-iay phase analynis at the laboratory of Vi. G. Kuznetsov. Table I shows tile compoeition of the liquid phases and of the "residues" in the systemll. a2Ged3 -Ca(ITO 3)21 H2 01 and Table 2 dto. in the,system Na2GeO 3- Fe(NO 3YH20.~ Fi,g.,l illustrates the composition of the solid phases in the-system No. Geo - -H 0', 2 :3. Ca("03)2 2 and Fig. 2 dto. in the system Na GeO - Fe(NO -H 0. V. Zhuravlev is 2 31 3 3 2 mentioned. There are 7 figures, 2 tables, and 10 references: 4 Soviet,~4 German, and 2 US. ASSOCIATION: -Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy'k-himiV: im., N.S. Xurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Gene'ral and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov of the~Acad~,emy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: March 109 1959 Card 2/3 t Ai866;: S/076j62/OOT/003/0112/019' B110./B138 L? AUTHORS: Perellman, F. M.,, D6inina,' G. A. Z TITLEs The solubility isotherm (250C) of the system. Pr(NO RbNO HNO H 0 3 3 3- 3- 2 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii,.v- 71 ~no. 39 19621 641 644 TEXT: The formation of double nitrates of praseodymium 'and~rubidium in the presence. of HNO was examined in a thermostat (25 -t ~0.10C). Liquid phase samples iLnd riesidues were taken'after the establishment of equi-I librium (after 2 3 days). Chemically pure Pr 601i, and Rb 2C0 3 were con- verted 1 0 0 riibidium nitrate nto Pr(ITO 3)3' 6u 20 (Pr6 lip 40 96%) 1and int (Rb 0, 62.66~) by means of HNO Pr was means of,NH OR 2 Y ~'4 annealed, and weighed as Pr Rb was weighed an, perchlorate. Fivel 6011' solid phases were formeds (1) Pr(NO 4 Pr (3): (2) 5RbNO N03) 3)3. 31 3F 7RbNO ' 5Pr(NO (4) 5RbNO -2Pr(NO )~; (5):'RbNO30 The compositions next 3 3)3 3 3 3 Card .1/j- S/078/62/007/003/0 21019 The solubility isotherm... B I 1,0/B 13.8 to RbNO were examined at 30 36~y and those adjdining Pr(110 at 3 3)3 26 NO of HNO The incongruent double salt 2 Pr(110) 3' 3 3'5RbNO 3only exists with Pr(NO concentration less than,10.09%. If the Pr(NO ~con- 3)3 3 3 -7RbNO orystallizes. Anhydrous centration is increased, 5 Pr(NO 3 3 3 Pr(110 crystallizes first and next, in the presence of not more than. 3)3 3 - 4~- of RbNO the double salt 5RbNO -4 y'three ~Pr(No However, onl 39 3 3 salts could be synthesizedi (1) anhydrous Pr(NO under the conditions 3 3 of point 2 (Fig. 1); (2) the anhydrous, bright green, coarse-crysialline double salt 4Pr(NO ) '5Rb(NO under the conditions of point 6; (3) the 3 3 3 anhydrous, light green, fine crystalline double salt 2Pr(NO ) -5RbNO 3 3 3 under the conditions of point 18. All three saltrj:decompose at 85 - 900C with the liberation of dark-brown vapors of oxides' of nitrogen. D. I. Mendeleyev and N. S. Kurnakov are mentioned.' There are 2 figure5l 1 table, and 4 referenoess 3 Soviet.~and 1 non-Soviet. 'The reference:to the English-language publication reads as followas R.~C. Vickery, ard 2 3 .,.-.Ya.; GAWA, L.B. FERELIMAN, F.M.; ZVORYKIN,j. Degree of polymerization of sodium metaphosphate at various Itempera- turee. Izv. AN.SSSR. Neorg.,mat. 1 no.53725-729 MY 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1, Institut ob-.hchey i neorgoAcheskoy khimil Imeni. lurnakova. AN SSSR. ZVORYKIN, A.Ya. Some inorganic polymers based on rubidium phosphates. Zhur.heorg,'- khim. 8 no.21Z?4~277 F 163. (MIRA 16: 5) 1, Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii imeni N.S.Kurnakovs. AN SSSR. (Rubidium phosphates) (Polymerization) ACCESISION NIR: AP3003485 8/007Ti/6 3/OVV007/17S7 A. Y L. Deraijul., it. Ery-j"em VITC ,~-Lb j' st,~- RbNC nub SCU?f7 ZhIl-ma-', neorg-mrOlcheska), 7 5q; 7 3, no. ty, '-sothert, mlb 1, rubidim nitwlk'-4, rierv:!~,mf,:r rjlt~~ I.-el 27 qvatea-ar( sys+,em jM(jj( b ail le s-p., -"q f, f Card ZVORYKIM, .mining Engineering Outline of the history of Soviet mining engineerIng. Reviewed ~y S. Ya. Rzi ckov skly, S3. M. Yasiukevich, G.N. Popov. Gor. zhur, No. 2, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Llbrary~ of Congress, A-prill,: 1952 Unclassifled ZVORYKIN, A* A. Reconstruction of the coal mining industr7. Yoskva, Goo. nauch,,-tekhn, gorno-geoloro-neftianoe Izd-vo, 1934. 236 P. (50-45462) TN80S.R9Z9 M Ing _79ft i 8l U04q!~_ Cal R6,94dipping,-Of the um ThIrty Years-* Prof-A. A ZTcryk-inj- I, V.:Iub---_: I)p huka"'. iZhi= No 10. _Jq #W: Aftlrlri ve-~Tiar -Tim SOTi4t:, influstriss..mAttai Mii-Oight times (US in t" iiaa- periodLerpsn"a- *;~5~)-'-General-account of the rapid strliii~- Win Soviet~-Iiduatx7-. proftcti=.fIg- *a~'_but Igives comparisons ii~ ~ of photographs shov InLatriai Lot- cel" mm show Volkhovsk Wdroolectrio Plant Imeni _V.~'X.:: ZJVURYKIIII) A. A. ZvoUk-in, A. . and Kirzhner, D. M. "The develornitnt of the m1ninc, in~-Ustry or,the U35p, and the productivity of A3 labor", in the colloction entitlod: Voprwsy Eornap de5la, Moscow, i9l,8, p. 3469-'65- SO: U-2888, 12 Feb. 53, (Letopis' Zhurnal Iny'kh StaLey, Ila. 1!, 1949 ZVORYKIN, A. A., PROF ZVORYKn'o A. A. Soviet superiority In the rost important technical discoveries and in-rentlons. Moskva. Pravda. 1949. 31 P. ZVORYKDiy A. 20732. Zvorykin, A. K istorii kizelovskogo kaniennougoltnogeci bauneyna. Voprosy ekonorniki,, 1949, No. 5, s. 36-47 SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949 *1161d"Im ft'', WI-I mi.1i i~ A ZVORYKIN', A Pervootkryvateli KamennougrolOnyl-ch Passeynov SSSR. (FirBt DisCOVSTers of LISSR's Coal Fields) ... Moskva (10-YP "Pravda") 1950, 31 P- At head of title: Vsescyumoye Obshchpstvo PO Rasprostrateniyu Politicheskikh, I Hauchnykh Znanly. Bibliographical footnotes. A lecture on discoveries of coal deposits In Russia-, listing dates and loc,a,tio no, as well as nemes of discoverers. Mlentioned Is oleo the beginr-ing of a broad development of underground coal gaslficatl'on In the Sovl~t UnJon. T! I'll 0 VORTKIN, A.A.; KLRZEDM, D*x"; XMINO X.B. [Economics'. organization and planning In the UoS.S.R. coal industr7j Zkonomiks, organizatelia. I. planorovanie ugollnoi proinyahlennosti WSR. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1951. 687 P. (MM 6:8) (Mining industry and finance) (Coal mines and mining) ZVORYKINY A. A. The discovery of coal deposits iL Russia; the beginning of their developwent. Research and documents. Foskva, Ugletekbizdat, 1952. 355 PI'maps. (54-22422) TN808.R9S80, IN, A.A*: KIRZMR, D.M.; KUNDIN, M.B.; DOROKHTNo N.G. otvetetvenM7 F317 LIMM, N.G.. redaktor; CEWMNKOTj ff. re or; T. redak-tor; ANUMM, G.G., takhnichaskiy redaktor (1conomics of the coal industryIof the U.S.S.R.] likon6mika ugollnoi promyshlennosti SSSR. Izd. 2-e, parer. i dop*.~ Mosk-7a, Ugletekhizdat, 1954. 427 p. (Hicrofilm3 B:2) (Coal mines and mining) ZTCRYKIN, AnstolLy Alskseyevicb; 91RUM, David Mironovich;)LMMIN, Mikhail otratetvanny7 redaktor; YHY"LORAN, H~'G.,: radaktor izdatel'stya; KOROVINNOYA, Z.A., tekhnicbeekly radaktor; AIADOVA, 113.1., takhnicheekly redaktor [Production organization and planning In the Soviet coal industr7l Organisetaita I plantrovaute proisvodstva v ugolinoi promyshlennopti 6SSR# We 2-oe, perer, I dop, Moskva, Ugletekhilidat,.1956. 483 P'O (Coal mines and mining) (KM 9 12) ! NM RR M BMKOVICH, D.M.; ZVORYKIN, A.A. Some tandencias in the development of the technolo& of modern machine construction. i, 168-178 '56. (MLRA 9$10): (Machinery ln&ustry) Trends in the teafth6logical develolmont of the'oonteuporary aRchinel construction InAAstoo-Vapaistoests i tekh, nooWo7-216 156. (MIRA I tl) 0 AUTHORS Zvor7kinj A.A9, and K1r*ihner,-D,M. l19-11-4/7 TITLE "Now to Determine the Soonomio Effootiveness of Automation". (kak opred94*t' *konomioh9sku_#u effektivaos eytolatiftWO PERIODICAL Priborostroron" 195T' fir 11, pp. 13-17 (088j) ABSTRACT The most important.indem of the e0onoxio etfeoti,'veness of automation is the degree of 'the inoroaso of Work' produotivity. This effeotiven*86 in thi fie14 of, woik produotiyity depends on the degree of,wage-intenfilty in an enterprise being automizsd. For the determination of the aa6aomio, effeatly*noss, in the index of work produotivity wo.oan.oarry but the following simple oaloulationo: We oail the numbir of workers in the enterprise a) before the introduotion of automation in the enter- prig* h b) aftel the introduotion of automation h 2 and we obtain in this oae*-with:'all other oonditions remaining the samo-the inorease:~of w6rk produotivity to CARD 1/4 hI - h2 100 x h2 "Now to Determine the Economic Effectiveness oflutomation". CARD 2/4 and a decrease of wage intensity to hl h2 x 100 As second index for the determination' of the effectiveness of automation serves the specific use'of capital pot production unit6 When analysin*~;tbe amount of this oiz- penditure a oertain regularity can bei obsorvedt.4a a rule the capital use per production unit decreases there where it is relatively low, oro whorej in'oon-' sequence of automation the soooo'.of production increases essentially. The more complioato4 the ontoIrprtso ia~ln toohnioal,rosp*ot ana the highok,th*14vol of automation and the smaller the increase of;;produotion is#~tho more the capital use per production unit of the annual production will drop. With the level of capital use also the 800alled offloioncy-agent of automation*to connected, which, shows us how much 'smaller the capital use is for the automation to secure an inorsas~ of the OaP&OIty of an aggregate or of machine$ than the expon3ituroo which 119-11-4/7 "Now to Determine the Economia Effectiveness of.kutomation". are necessary in order to reaoh,suoh an Increase of~ the capacity of an aggregate or's machine without using automatic devices. There is no reason to regard the coefficient of the, efficiency of automation of universal Im ,portanae. The most important index of the economioleffioisnoy:of automation in the USSR is the reduction of-the production costo.Usually this Offeoiiyenoss is- characterized by a comparison ok the peroentage.oV the reduction of production costs in:& non-automized enterprise. This is rightj if:the economic effectiveness of the same kind of'prooesses e6d aAt*rprises,':L,9 con- sidered. The pero*ntage of the 'reduction of-pr6duotion costs with automation is different if.the production costs are calculated with or without the ooots'of-tho raw-material. The distribution,,,~of tfie expenditures,of the individual departments to the individual products is usually carried out proportio'nallyto the wage Pf the basic productive Workers.: In oases of th*'auto *nati- on of single processes or departn*nlts with a number CARD 3/4 of industrial branches the same principle Iwas Maintained 119-11-4/7 "Now to Determine the Zoonomio EffootiYeneas of Automation". whioh is used when oomparing an~automivsd with a non- autonized produotion. Thisp howeyeri,is obviously uIa- oorroot as the real expenditures of'department6 do not ohange aooording to the same relation with automation &a do the wages. When determining the share of the general oosts'of produotion per produotion unit in a non-automizod or automixed enterprise it is important~to regard the demands for the equalivation ofithe quantity of;produotion. Without this the offootiveness of an~automiv*d enter- prise is artifioially inoreaseCas in muoh a oaie the general co to of produotion (ofithe non-automized a enterprise) refer to a smaller quantity of produotion than in an automized enterprise., ZVORTKIN, A.I., proi.; KIRZMM, D.M.. Progressive engineers and technicians of the U.S.SX coal Industr7 Ugol' 32 no.11:48-53 1 157. (Hpu 10: 12) (Goal miners) (Coal ~eeearch) 28(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIOV SOV/173 Zvo kin Anatoliy-Alekseyevich,, Doctor of Economic Sciences, o f e ~ss o T Avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva i yeye ekonomioheskaya effektivnost' (AutbmtJmtJonof Production and Its Economic Efficiency) m6scow, Izd-vo "Znaniye,," 1958. 62 p# (Series:, Vsesoyuznoye obahchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i naudhnykh znaniy. Seriya 3, 1958, nos. 9/1o) 66,oooloopies print4d. Scientific Ed,: B.S. Sotskov, Doctor of Technical Sciences;, Ed.: T#F. Falaleyevaj Tech Ed*: A*Volrofii~ov, PURPOSE: This pamphlet was prebared by the All-Union Society for,the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Information and is intended for the general reader,interested in auto- mation. Card 1/3 Automatization of Production (Cont.) SOV/1737 COVERAGE: The author of this pamphlet briefly.describes: the various points of view of foreign speciiLlists on automation. He presents his own views and conaeptsand xieviews the . automatization of production processes In the USSR and abroad. Emphasis is placed on the economic aspects of the auto ~ - matization of production processes. No personalities are mentioned. There are no referencess TABLE OF CONTENTS: Reason for Automatizing Production 6 Development of Automatization of Production Pro- .14 ceases in the USSR and Capitalist Countries Economiq Efficiency of Automatization of:Pro- duotion Processes :30 Equalization of production volume wheni.comparing automatized and nonautomatized production 34 Change in the productivity of labor under Con- ' ditions of automatized production 40 Card 2/3 Automatization Of Pr6duction~(Go'nt.) SOV/1757 Change in the extent of capital expenditures under Conditions of automatized production Change in the cost of product under c6riditions of automatized production Comparison of automatized and nonautomatized pro- duotion based on the length of time nooessary for the recovery of capital outlays 51 Economic efficiency of automatizatjon~in relation to its level and applicability to individual branches of Production 56 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 7 9 59 Card 3/3 I HIMCHICHKO, V.S.; BOCHAROY, M.D.; KRISTOSMITAN, N.Gi;~ CIMMAwv, V.I.; ANMYANOV, Y.Y.; KAUFM, V.M.; PAKHMANOV. V.I%; ZTCRYUN* I.A011; ANICHKOV, U.N.p red.; BARDIN, IsPol i red, 'Aidd&Avoln A.A., red.; VV3IIENSKIY, B.A., red.; GRIGORI M, A.A;, red.; KAFUSTINSKIT, A.F., red.; KOLMOGOROT, A.N., red.; 111UATLOT, A.A,.t' red.; OFARIN, A. I. , rod*; IPBMT9 Fogs ; red,; sToLnov-9. VON. , red,;: STFLAKHOV, N.M., red.; FIGUROVS91T, N.A., rsd.:~ KOSTI, S.D.,, Diographical dictionary of leaders in the na ural sciences and, technology] Biografichookii alovarl deiatelei:estestvozndniia i tekhniki. Vol.l.' A - L. Otvatstvennyl red. A.A0Zvorykin;' R~d.~ kollegiih! ff;X.Anichkov i.dr..Koskva..Goa.nauahn.ird-vo "Bollshala~ Sovetakaia Zateiklopediia.0 1958. 546 p. (MIRA 12:4)' p I.-Rodaktsiya istorii eateRtvoznaniya I tekhnikl Bol'ohoy sevetskoy Rntaiklopedii (forNemehankoi Bocharov,, Kristosturlyan, Cherka.sovi~ Andreyanov, Kaufman, Pakhmanov)*' Y 0 /2- A A 25-2-1/43: AUTHORt Zvorykin, AeA., Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor, ands Shukharding S.V.9 Candidate of Technical,Sciences TITLE: Force-of Scientific Forbisight, (Sila'nauchnogo~predvideniya). Karl Marx in Technial Progress (YArl Marks 0 progresse tekhniki) PERIODICALs Hauka. i Zhizn', 1958, 2t p 1-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A brief review of advances made in the scientific and'tech- nical fields during the last few decades. There is one sketch and one diagram. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ZVORYKIN, A.A.. prof.: KIRZHIIER, D.M.;.prof. Methods of determining the economic efficiencV of automatization in the coal industr7. Nanch.aokl.vys.uhIroly; gor.dolo. no.4t. 259-266 ' 58- CRIM 12:1) 1. PrFidetavleno kafedroy ekonomiki, organiHatsit, iplanirovanj~a gorv~rkh predpriyatly llbakovokogo gornogo instituta,imeni Stalina. (Coal minds and mininq--Costs) (Autotatic control) ZVORYKIM, Anatoliy Alekseyevicti; ZM, L, red,; ULAWOVA, Lot teldmred4l, [Creating material and technological basis of, communism in the U.S.S.R.] ~ozdanie ~ateriallno-tekhnie'heskoi tasy kommunizma v SSSR. Koskya, Izd-vo sots.-ekon.llt-171 1959. 102 P. (KIRA 12-.8) (Technology) ZVORTKIN. A.A.. UNCHMO, Y.S,, zaveduyushchiy red.; _-DWIMMY, K.Dep starshiy nauchnyy red.; KRIST OSMITAH, N.G., starohiy nauohnyv red.; CUMBOT, T.I.i starshly na-dohnyy red.; ANDRITAVOY, T.Y., red.: GARKOYMO, R.Y.. nanchnyy red.; KAUFW, Y.M. , uladshly red,-,. PAKWUNOT, V.IP.# sladshly r1d.1 XOSTI, S.D., [Biograpbloal d1ationarylof the natural ocienceo and technology] 0iografichaskWulovarl deiatolml 00tootTo- zaaniia i tekhniki, . 0tvatstyennyi red. A.A.Z~,orykln. Red. kollegiia: R.N.Aniohkoy ildr. Xoekra, Goe.niuchn.Isd-va qql'shaia sovetskais, entsiklopodiia.0 Tol.Z. K -:IA., 1959. 467 p0 (MIRA 12:7) 1* Redaktaiya istorii eoteatvoznaniya i takhniki Bol'shoy Sovetakoy Intaiklopedii (for all except Zvorykin, Kbeti). (Scientists) (Technology--Biagraphy) ZVORYKINm-AMi!Qliy-Al%kAinv-i-c-h,L doktor ekonom.rwuk: DTJBROVMIY, Tu.R., red.; ATROSHOMKO, L,Ys., [11con6mic efficiency of production automation] Hkonomicheeksia effektivnost' avtomatizateli prolavodetva, HOBkva, Izd-vo *Znanie,* 1960. 45 p. (Veasoiuznoo obahchostvo po resprostrgneniiu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser.3, Bkonomika, no.34). (MIRA 13:12) (Automation) (Labor productivity) (Costs, Industrial) ZVOIUKIN XIRZMIEII, Dilyid Wironovich; L Anatoliy Alekseyevich 9 prof., iU-N-D-hr,--ffjkbdI-ftri:aov 14,p inzh.b RACHXOVSKITI SaTa4l prof.$ 6ty. red.; ASTAKHOV9 A.S,,,, kand,.-fekonom. nauk, otv* red.'; GOLUBYABIOVAg G.S., red. !zd-va; FROZOROVSKATAp V.L.v tekhn1w red., (Economics of the mining industry] nonmika g'ornoi provVshlennbs+,i. Izd*3.9 pe~rerap dop. Moskva, Gas. naucbno-teltlm. I!zd-vo lit-ry gornomu delu, 1961. 439 PO OIIU lJogr (Mineral industries) I I 7 , i I ZVORYKINq A. A* - II I I ; . . ZVORTKIN, A.A.; MILONOV, Tu.K., otv. red. (History of technology] Istorlia tekhniki. Ploskvap Izd-vo sots.-ekon.lit-ry, 1962. 772 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Technology) CBMIYSHEV, Vladimir Ivanavich; ZVORYM A.A--+~~Gd-; KIESHCIMOV,. M.A.) red. izd-va)- POLTAUTA., T.V. tekhn. red.; GOLUB', S.F., tekhn. red. (From the history of technical development inAhe firnt yearv of the Soviet regime, 1917-1927) Iz istorii rizvitiia tekhniki v pervye gody sovetskoi vlasti) 1917-1927. Moskva,,Izd-vo, Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 316 p. WIRA 15:7) (Industrialization) (Economic development) ZVORYKIN A.A doktor ekon.naukpprof.; OSIMOVA) N.1 nauchrWy p 4~ ~11 a sotr.; C12WIYSHEV.. V.I., kand*tekhn.nauk; SHU kand.tekhn.nauk; MILONOV,, Yu.K., kand.ekon.ncu',- BAKOVETSM 0.., red.; STREFETOVA, M., mladshiy red.; MOSKVINAp R., tekhn. red, (History of technology]Iotoriia tokhniki. (By] A.A.:Zvorykin i dr. Moskva., Sotsekgiz., 1962# 772 p. (MIRA 15.8) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut istorii yestentvoznaniya i tekhniki. (Technology) sHUMMIN. S.Y.; ZVORYKIN A.A. redakt#r; MCKERM, B.C., rodaktor; redaktor. (Georg Agricola) Georgit Agrikolm. Nsskya, Izd-ve Akadesti nauk SSSR, 1955. 205 p. (KLBA 9:5) (Agricola. Georg, 1494-1555) BR%IBERG, Viktor A2eksandrovicb; GP14MTAIOVI Nikolay lv~anovich; ZVORY.KBI A ch NORYAVTSEV, Yitali:r,~ _E2TjIIT,_lekseZ Dmitrjyoyi ;~- Vasil'yovich; TEMOVSKIYp Yevgeniy IvanovieN EPSHTM, Lev Abramovich; SHIROKOVA, M.M.,, tekbn. red, [Mechanization of the manufacture of electrica insulating materials of winding inmilation,, and drying as well as saturating operations] liekhanizatsiia proizvodstva 6.1ektro- izoliatsionnyll-ch materialov., izoliatsionno-ottaotochiVkh i sushillno-propitochnykh rabot. By V.A.Bromberg i dr. - Moskva.. Gos. energAzd-vo, 1961. 99 p. (MIM 25:2) (Electric insulators and insulation) A k F- a-L.-I i. y U4 -A - 1.1"A& 'c W, III A~V .u $40 kIiatc,cliall migmeala buttildity, A. I PAIR. A fes tA,jZvomtvj i 15, 201-41(in Gennail Iiekrit" 10o tests on diffefIrnt pktcs whkh wTft me& from asactiesia ctmtnt irtated with vafw%lgl- .0) 06 a (buil-d finwrd (41) to asmuln the pecietrallon at hundility Itilo llif-ir ob~10~ The tests mv tatmiated and sbow that p1mifts utd. with vartilib are fairly well lwotectedI 0 8 splint humidiur. K-1-momy 041 81- -41411 -00 06 ago =00 do j 00 "so 410 c0 0 40 so zoo 0.0 a AS&-SLA WALtURCICAL LITfRATW1 CLASUPKATION 40 too", lam it ;w N it tv it 30 of slit mis wart 1 94 AIN 00 a 00 go 0 0 0 0 0 9 110 mill, 0 4 0*0col"s AND 00cwt 'OF 40 13 4 o 00 A~f Z, Ap IM"I'm 1--A Illitfurs 1;( off V thwu not Is Poo: .4k 4h lutlwild~ millure of i powd" iWph4dite i" O:at, W-10006 + [nil im figwiie4 of diywtk,of i& auWf%*m, It,; T. see too tie fo lk is ljfj ~i# 10 al 1 0 to It It x a x a 19t 4 1~1116 91 41 0 0 o0 0 004 0 0 0.0 0 0 0: 0 000 a 0 000 0 0 0 u Vp o 'D 's I 7lip lea 06 0 0:0, 0 0 is a-- .0 Appoistus for fb* coovermlan of ysu ow into M4 phoo. 4fi,imil. %III). :jj, A~-~ZyAo. Y. y w P il rairlud fill bYan invit *:is and P.;.Wd throu's"h malte", high-Indting 5116412ums" Con. ;-00 sertwtion detaits are Oven. 00 a .00 0 0 .00 00 9 800 zoo 1,16 0 ,it .3 0 0 A 14 . S L AMITALLOOKAL LjTjl&Tk*t CLOSIttCAT10% too Sid. 11-10ji At 0 -)#.1 ~77 tL 11 i-T-q --l- 1, K u 0" on O's w v0,9 110is is 0 0 a -so** 's a0 0 0 000 of 0 0 0060 0 C* a :04 OT 00000040*4000000000 i0*0 0 o00 00 0 000 0 O;lO 94 0~ 4 r v -4 -A 00 A 1* 0rA~4t 0: AO G A ;.so Mcomposition of sulfates with ckWda*. A. Va. 4. So Ik 1,---Fiucly potuid Ca, 114. St and Nx 817 ~Ulfutcs W;; IWt.I at KVI- IWAV ilt all Ott, muffle. .00 himace In a strtunt %4 Cl. Under i-funlical clefiditi,all at -so ItW140, 1110 viall. or COO.. 11810, Simi N4ct W"r OtA*j 41141 "a III1 111N.Orthol, I 111101g1link Ow fiffir Mehl 1#1 118.11mv 64 Cl S.'sol be- cid, Ad4ti. III NgCI mWill A' i) 111,101411.. 1. )lot "Ath IMP all unt-mulde Olive. C is aNk r"trit%4, -90 ? but imetfrres with purificakion of tereediacts. V: A. K: 000 00 It;6 0 Is I b I. L UPOK AL I, IT# 0 A JLJI E Ct ASUP, KA Tick Is~ t, it -1, (P IV IP jr of K a or K it IT it it it4 V, m I, f0000209 000 00 000 0 0 * * 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 see *Goes Is a 0, C, 0 6 0 %00 111 0 004 4 0 0 6 0 00 a 0 00 0 0 000 ...... FPEPW re A . . I rd Ms aws :000vtollis wt#A 00 -00 'Aj*i VROwIbOW. 0., Cho M, sea,, of Wfifte kto w p Rod p'; so W* without ~ftw lo as 13 too 0 w as woo 'ro a Gas mof 400 0 0 00 ids AS*-SLA 04TALLWMAL-LITIRATOW CLAWICATNO CONNO air am Off I --,A -0 Ids AV so Lill, a0 1, Ir a a 0 a a to a * a a a a. rx U all a I 9 0 00 0 000 a 0 0 0 Wo 0 014 a 00 0 0 000 00 0 0 coo 0 0 0" 0 0 0 0 0'0 00 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 000' oljro 00.0 0 a OL* * *.-a 0 Elain I r"oe 0 w1u.; WS-1 I soft to 9113111 is 00 A a L' A-M"Plllk"V.11-1-1.0-11 111--A J4 ~ a. P; tv $r4 A ilt PRO141 I 041Kt Ito 0 hp 'Noplooqj 0 1.46 A -Go offal"Its of Ilo'd i4wo".. 1. A. N'4'. .00 00 11 . ! ' 8,14 a I all- ill !h~ 101*1twiWil ill r 111111111 frit It mo, twWWWA. vvjlk~w 11, with AM miltins, rill cal4l)-sts. WAS Cbmst-41 18141 16 t6woviliflifi-IM junipwIt and the *10MV iNAS IiShtly wakd Oith A 01-0- of N4,48il); and CO. The ampotile. hwilrd Into a WWW 00 glam tube, Wei subuirried, 11110 itand &ad btaved be an ficc. funim At ZO-111W 6w virl'"ll Iterwi tif tlw.~ TI) 00 00 43 tio. l1w dtvv# 14 affolrujill: Cifflu"11141, the lescillm am- 00 )KA11t WIP MWIVII, Ifif 0010114 Witte tirAtell wilh,044. thewlPiwailfilwidtill by "'ttlim thr-sittih o'k-b.41 juwmi. 04 Ott SIN) the Oct. allf, dyin# In 0w air &tilt at psi" Ilk ot 'JiyIng uvittil; *As wtilbri), , The pair W the mu.1it"pir 00 elm Vitt 4km Is a fultel Wa vt time dad Irlill). Ifralinoyi-Ibm 11 at 14), for 3 -47 bro. le"JIM Ill it p(liduct ciltill. 4 I(I.%4.Kl% Fild P. IftfiliftS %[ 320-541' 1pr IS;2f$' fill. to Ixt with 710-6 1fr red P mr,"Ovitive'MI'm Vt,1sdWTtmd ai 4(W)' ~~i X04 I hr: '.' 1, hr. mild W. rain. The Millis, 04 "A P, sitica pi, pg. Fool CV, VA tm COO fAlkil ill vulalyfir Shr.1portim! Inctragilislitl4sud fruill. 111CIVOWA 1111P bAldiWOR iA Ifif 1.1 It Aild file ilt- easily 44 Its e'llibralkm 114all d 11111ill trol Ilia it" ilhArt tsloaaliAll cAa%livicallam like -w'#jjv. We it 1'j all. at of 41 49 Am An a 1 11 1- 3 4'-'v 'S 0 8 +-00 .48 1 --we's 0 0 0 0 G!0 0 0~01 to . . . . . . . I -a AM 1u [AI do, K10- Od o - d p 0 OOU 4~ 1., $4-261,,- anti i . 1937, _Piel ' 9 d i V 4ft W se dwi. ; w mol u of " beendoWr . e 004 Askenazy and.Newder (A.,,IM, 872) Ind"04 the exwmm of s,: continuous 041" of satki molidloom too h4" Wen confirmagi. 0. Ot too boo it COOO 00 OJ093 Olp (My Got L11 . 1 1 4 1 jV.p b [Inn or so o,ad - 0, to go 44 a. a~xaita 7U 0 00 0 0 000 0 000 00. 4 00 4. 1 #-0000000000#1 0 . 0 to #0 rommmot 4.0 0 an aids "ON 00 alu 00 ~00 00 4w.wmlq vd. Twx w"IM4. -90 0 =Olf $did OtAmimabumvi aWcoa. -00 00A finmd by x-al jinKiptWd of, ft vaW MRIVROC4 I A d N O -60 Campo, 5 "I , " AP , P *00 004 1 it. A. . 00 1 xes 00 see so 004 4*0 not too bee 09TALLUMMICAL WIRATURt CLAMOPKAM "so 142444 Ott GNI 444 Iff 11-V &I I am it, u a A a 0 4d~* a a 4 3 0 1 40*00000000000000:0100000*0 d ~ TI : t 0 so@* 04 0 Ole-# 0 94 0 0 e 0 ' io 0-0-0-SA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q. 0: ov o 0 ej 0 ove 0 0!0..G.e 0 0 0 ML I I I j I A a -4 $i if oil a A I C..A-A- 21 lr-11-41. LIJIUAX-A-A. --!" -V42- Oypmm romom Ii tho Hatift Ualoo. and Aj )' 'Attie. u4iftim, avid ~A~ 7viwYkiti. jA',-jtf: R. $. N.f 11. L27. ;I#I,.I1I3Xi,!'iA It- .00 vkW C4 The re-Alho, 4j a phl. Wittvry In ttw W"t-Ii Ki". 1*0 ! ~ A ak~omn with a diernmy of".mXXI irmpiviWi dom" f:i 00 of gvpmni and anhydrite with rmumuten. truel: in,~imfxatiiml nt the 1"4VIsent. and Iwiru. motic PlIM40ties and ft"I. uploilation 14 the dvowil X In the light at Ansterk-an praitiev with itfinflar dilmi941% in Chief. Bum- 00 z else so CIO 0 00 X to* so so x ave use 41 00 7 Alm-SLA OCTALLLiRrKAL Lilg*AVLIOV CLA511IRKATICII nee #a,, #.~-tnv ties ..... ------ Pera I r I v IF F IF Ir v 11 AR it 1 0 CIA :0 u Itlir Poll!" i~'v n It Or III It 111 Icon It Raw" 1 11111 a 0 . %r a T., 0 o00 0 st 0 : 0 : 0 00 0 * 0 0 0 Oi 0 * 0 * 0 *is v 0 1a 0 0 00 01 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 a so 0 0 0 0'* 010 0 4p a 0 o!o 0 G.:q o S, 0 * 0 * 0, 111111 11 no m 0 Wit 1 0 m 116 it 33 Ill 34 a x9 A x a 41 0 a m a A 0 x 0 a TO I I I UW 041 Out- i t s "04 son n Alt- ees z go I Oc! r 00 Soo A go 00, 06 jo vicii; palmul Go- IT 00 liv 00.t 4 f I p v; q W-00 rf if d a 0 ig fl Vila 0411441 fill 11114"fittli 4 1 1 f I I I VA -' *. 6WL-'.'LMi 1; - v ?I n it W it to it it to L A-"-a A -kir Copts's f#.fx.tim, A!! 0!-CF! a ...... 04! 00 Feltlizer. A. YAA, ZvOrYkill- HuM, 046 treatrd with dil. 11.14%. ~Ald. Willa Nil, 3why. freed I'f KVI'mull 111111 rVIIIIJI, 00 a CAP Igvttvm- zoo A, see OWA! fe 00 Cie A to -$ IIIIIALLIAPrKAL LITIOLIUAK C%ASSIFK&li()M we 0 14 is a to to 0 a It 14 5 9 ct ti It 0( '1 14 0 0 0 0 0 eze 46 0 0 0 a 6 Oe * a 0 0 it 40 41 is'# 0 0 4 0 4 0 460 0 0 0 0 ce ql~ 0-0-0 0 0 614 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 * 40 0 0 0 4 e0 4 0 0 0 9 11 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0,41 0 0* 0 0; 11 is 13 w 16 1JP Is to a is I. IA vill.1A L-M .11111 9c MAX 1. 4 Is Aj, L, I i Is Ile S411 alt.04,111, -00 .00 0 The beatiug curvits of rbehydrateIa. ZN.e ykltl cd and A. J. .100" Ck it. it% s., "C' tc 171 12, 1431) 2M9191-A peviiihidWy stp-wi %%givvinuig ille .00 aud midillf-111111~1 's, 1000 Vdi'll t-lit%t had 00 11tv 0,111114 .11 .11"Wil I j Ilse johillk." will lK. l1w iscAl 00 00 A. A. I'llslictst Ity too 0 : V7 0 Fit I. 4*0:1 41* ti A BITALLIJOGICAt 4,111114,11M CLAWIPICAMIS b L "a" 41'a" ice 0 61-44, 1*1400 .&P clool, oft 00 u 011 -111:11-101 0 Its, 00 it 0 0 0 0 411; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0.0 IF 1 4 5 1 1 1 A- 411141 A 0 : C..ttad fWW.." W.I.8 phvit.. dam UUM 1 d d f t 0 4 ami 0 mune um , rom PdYba ft. A. va, ZAwykin an ld V. Va. Kriltrivich. ComM. rtxd. ". s~i, 37 464 N(f i E li h M 00 - s I n ).- tit ili" (19n o( ng t )( h lif hf 8O SO 2C SO 2I1 O (K I dt C 1 4 a f R '. 1' .. t a njost urgrlit P S j ) " - l h l raw em, w ese arge deposits act bulk At441 in wvt-jal di*tfkts of %Vtztcrn Kasaklistan and the Middle Volita. K. and Z. &title that the Indtatrial torivitplon of the ti an o1 halit I IAni t K SO I d I h i I-so 00 r c c n o ters. . , to wel" e n t e l p y turr. and In patentii is extrititirly vompikalrd Alsil dots not 19 0 apiwar remunerative Inammuch as Its ultinuile pirviLitict Is a 0 Yrry weak K. SO. mills. wbone evalin. Is luirdly isrotitable. In Viva, (If the JaCt that njany cr" cultivated in their 100 J ountry, as tobacco. citrus plants or flax we In need of Cl- rt FA'111. ALI . to )ICI 11.140; l"ll zed l i l 00 free ("Olizers contg. K, NU#, M1 and phosphate. the . w lw 0,71. -i' KO 4,09. suit 7p 00 sudwvt treated polvitalite with vorn. IfjI'04 find autd. the li , C0111I)II. . , in IICI Wilp. Thil al-V4 131 01111 1001" IA) Nl .3 quid maja with Nil$; liniducts Chr the billowiall percent ; , it NV411 Oli. IVIRIM.A 1%,lyWhi~ . I-Of 1 agr cortilin. wrir Witaiturd: Water-ail. frarshvi Nil 2i1 17 211 90 O l) 0 4 P C JA O 0 37 ) &1 41A 1 it, 'tit 014.111'.1 P~Wjjlrij Isy /' (Hill*. 1-11i 0 0 . . a .4. . . , O . XVI- 4. , sulfate . . C 1 t5 W l NII lIPO ) j'jljljl# , "iNj UJI the t'ljY*. L&"'I 00 , ; voi t compri. ( A 43-68. K,111 . , 0, CC, C&.Wj 1.17 fit ".. 1.13 (NII,),FA). 19 56 acid witter- lut-t with trirtirtwe 11) Usuill. 1 J00 In %W A irt of the PI'M i t . , , inm)l. residue 34.97. After aolv~ Ili 200% JICI. Nil, I&PS, 739 27 C&O 11 PA 35 01 Af O 1 K 15 lf O S t 19 94 s , Altuft atul to J14 eqUil. 'lladlAi Wlion tit "glik IV. A, C -)k 1900"u- . , - e , , I ' ' su a , g , . r"Idtle Insol. In IICI 0.50; Bait Motto. (NIIJOM10, 1 30,37. KolfPO# 9.53. CaW4 104. (SIIJ'W4 WAS. Its.W. 3.79 residue Insol. In JICI O.M. Ili order to lawr ' COO the coatent of witter-iniol. Imetiun, the polyluilitt was A mbied with dild. cont. II&POs and the liquid fraction sepd. front I he fool fraction by filtration, The filtrate was then astd. with Nill atid both liquid and Insoll all fraction4 Weft analyu4j, . Water.". fraction Ptnvalasir tv"Ifill. was: H, 13-82. PsO.49.801. K40 3.10, *Wale 0.48, water. Infol. residue 9 .22; salt coolpa., KH%M 8,96, N1141111 IN .0:7" .011 4.1 11,11 IT U 'It No is n It% pngelu 11111111 o v I At t$ a 41 WT 4 0 tit 1 0 Ad 0 0 i W " "'Clif (W o 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,411V 0 0 --- ---ha ii . a 0 0 0 0 0 0 fim ~A a -A -1--L-J Ii- F ll! K- -3 I-St Z M ft it 10 01. L A A A J_ 00 c 4 Th* hittiletj 40'" 44 couvereldta ad 1jifficir 00 tko Wdatka of *mM" aid the disiniso to the OaM sad do cuoilia 00 S.S.S.R.. 1KNOY, 00d.- Kkint. Xtall 1945, U-11111W detme of owmAm Z (%) of S into S(h Oq irmsOndiun go it 111~ dctd. indirfdly froal the linit. b of S(h 61.) in lbii gun .00 alut the jactraw of wt. d cl ibe uvitllle, by - 137!111 d + ""'"a lilt 0 INt. Cog SAD 411 sit if AA.! 1300 409 Jf. j 1 woo too *.ILA A!?!L%XQGKAL Ult"AtkOf C%4jMf jAk~~!f: 1 too A 11 ...... . r- 'I0- NJ-ill, to 0 ;~Ri~4 ri i;,P` 1-1 -1,1-1 - ~,. ; --;~ 181,1W, -.A, all. T-1q, u a AV K) 1149 It A OiA 0 19 0 lK r4 K 6,111 It Ill 43 A 1, 14 00 0 00 00 00 0 00,06 0 - -------------------- - a" i - . a of A Aniticriallowl Of physitothemical Arialvick to thit'gludy oil (it The Wivity of the 011dris q1 Cubolt. !,0o ' 0 n- akkel And cafiva In the dK m I W bp roe , ~ Cloddit. Av'y A ki ., till (1ofill I I i l l A ll- i - n II -tit tit- firri,- ic f ICO t a li i d nd irnili te t. fi " f c ( (vtMil Re , ritive tit Irijolitsill. atma. tif Clio. a Coolido'61141 , I in the imilo, 0.143: 1.241:11.112u. Ani-init the inail lt 14114fy t i andletnit milts. C4 tfw~.- "itid" flilly th.).'r ron , ' t mil'; tw ti ) N1 1 V i W" iolut, f-A 15,; c #1 1. rw a lmi #c ant ' . M at. , * .4 M. tit 5". 44 Of wrtr rgm%illrrably Im-tr Ist-thr IIIAW Oil .. . - ' - 1 . Ii i ti" l Iwd Il c i th i l so 0 .loct ' .4, 1e r 4 It 1 l l 1l l pf" 10 . . 111 it( Illicit . a goo god ALALK Goo :goo j ING, 0 %s0 00 IF It* "t .1 VAUVOGIC&IL uleffaltlif CLAWFICAYMN I1~60 N As : q~ I its 4 3 d' T It Of n 0 0 00 o'! 0 o 0 0 411111 00 4111 0 o 00 0000 6 6: a 0 0 w4 see 0 0 0:4 e w o o 0 0 9 *10 -will - im 111,w11 0 0 00 fitselt 4 All 4 0 0 0 o of 0 :. -. . 19jmmmmm~ , 0 0 4!4 4 . . . . - ZVORTKIITI A* TAO "Concerning the Reactions of Oxides and Salts in Solid State.11 Sub.29 Sep 47, Hoscow Inst of Fine Chemical Technology imeni H. V. Lomonoaov~ Dissertations presented for degrees in science and ongin6oring in 1947 SO: Sum No. 457, 18 Apr 55 Now the vu m9" Tka u pawl a c*MCIKW 0 was flow 0 Mitt. all tl 00 4 d u l 00 13- , al o Val, to got. 00 Vemi Am (at 00W a mvA ibe a Val 9 PAN" q Tbd Cmdrd cbwtCE4 lasmal slow I"tv 04 - Loll, ta *d wtm~ . ks am d, kg 011, AA 10A WtjSttWtj off.. M41 'Air '411 t It m-44 atim owt Oil two a "it im gas' Oka$ ,k" Ike i to LM ko Vill Idwd be !Wkstrit *w" int 114io is lll~p v" 111:12- vd ago ky oft a# ibe bidt" 10K Go fie 0 pwaa log ked wt LOOK 'Kits 6. boo itw Est mod 00 CA WT FCN I+' cl h ww. ol ?ok. !ud. IW T ZVOR'CLIP, A. I-a. '12537. Z11CRYKA;', A. Ya 1. 'rB-' ./- T ,joley I 0,1dulov. zhurrml 1OV,), 11o 10, s. R-63-67 SO: Letopist ZIiurnnl'r~;-,',:h Statey, Vol. 44P Moskva, lg/,g CA Wait hot, r"" SAW 19 Jkdd. lot ,,d PCOPtrties twindry U, such is jul- tot t I 14 1 1 1 4 1 a 'P LA A M Its! It it III 4- f AW 0 0.61, -11 .14, Is A. Vii )iNtj Tish)KIIIINA. Appijrd Chatm. 11MU #17 (1049).-Powderts of Call, were fimi its A Isipm-lain tirtunlile 4t rUM)", unit M)"c-i while lw)Wtlfr% of tw*. C'sco.. 00 o0 anat Poo were fit"i tit (fm" al.vot WO! to I list, The compirmiya: strength of the sinjerralshal". Wabilet"Init"'I -00 00 mister a constantly filacmilng laxist. Ctttv%-% tit mleoxili -00 le"Alacraturv indic-Ate that strength fit %intrititall n A clur.%victi,ttv 00 r 14 Olve solm Iltal"lal anti FtISM-116 jtW v1sulig" fiavultioll Ilivilic th" V': varia"I's Irtollacrututv 1111rivals, p1lorthursilal Ir-olis vil'I"'It 400 001 the following nurchanklarts of sintering: Sintrrint is alwvv all a zoo 00 03 diffusion of parileles tit the sallixt material; the inobilar tit juir 400 tictes unit difff increatte. with tislull Irmlia-piture,', The iii, divitluAl laurtklatts. nialle contart in boost' III.WVS Ollly,~l 1111.11 U j~ fint diffinlifist takes plave stradually at thr,t- Iii-luji. 41-If tit i1tterininhic tlW M"ralth off taki-v plairt, coo chicity tit them liolov.4 of diffustort Imeatsw herv list!' pitrlkle~ 00 goo are bound to one another less attrongly than in the orilljlml cry- oo r talline material. As a result of the mailing i4 tik- -.4hape. Ov qoo 00 9 Krubliliff of the Material chancelt and. ill adifilk"I tit lite awiscilid No 0 Vroin% larger unit iinialler strains are tilfn ishwitutil 100 too !100 Taaj~LQI~11 LIT 14"It 9 CLA"KAT" too Ivor 11 4110 a tnicol IV COT *#a -J!I-* i- -'V- . a 'M - , -5 NA MI :1 Pr 14 0 U a it M3 Is I )111, 0 4 0 a It 6 it Of ~A 'F 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0.0 0 0 n 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 ot 0 O'o 0 i 0 0 0 go 0:0 o o 0 o, o oio-* 0 0 0 0-00 0 00 0,0~ 0, 0 a :o 0 0 00,0 0 0,,o Miss--- Ok Vc Zvorykiv lk, Me Ctjir,,Cd H abneg to tmalts, kst- UDj a d Ba wt" tut twem lho As was pmtd for c1duddom (0,A. dke dwove vA immch. stmgth on u1norbig dapdids on the wife; of Crystal taltirro. FIwvIjwINymmutuIh4I% Immula bi Olk)"alooky was, ISMI. . V247., (tow,04" Lrh +,I~L. 10-34-5/ft, + h)j wItt" + r, . gum f$0. 01 bum, aill Aml vattorkh of ... .......... zvoRyKim, A.Ta., kandidat khimichaskikh nauk. New concentrated non-chlorinatedlertUizer, Vost.AN.,SSSR 24 no.3:64-66 14r 154. (MLRA 7:3) Ofertlllxero~aud maimrse) Z V OR YlUIX ULI". A.H.; SAMSONOT, G.T.; USYN, O.Ya.-, SUPAJIOid~~.X.S.' Inthaner, reteenzent; TANARAYBY, I.T., retsensent; POGOVIS, S.L. professoro stsetizentt 400'~ &oktor, xaslushonVy dayatell nau)d i tekhnIki,':,r, professor, doktor, retmenseat; ABRIKOSOT, Ltiij~-doktor khimichookikh nauk, retsensenti SHAMRAYi ?.I. Aoktor khinicheskikb nauk, retsenzent; XOROZOV, I.S., iranAdat ichl~heskikh nauk, reteensent; BOOK, Te.A., kandIdat khimicheskikh us:uk,:retsbnx9at; HIKOLAYNT, N.S., kandidat khimicheakikh nauk, rsteensent; STORYM A.Ta- kandidat khisichaskikh nuk, retsentent; MASHILOTA, IT M, W;'LlI 'V101dat khWehookikh nauk, retseaxent; VYSOTSXAYA, red&ktor; XAKAMA, O.M., re(laktor; ATTOPOVICH, K.K., takhnichaskly redaktor [Metallurgy of rare metals) Het&Uurgiia rodkikh metallov. Moskva* Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po'chernoi i tevetniol metallurgii 1954. 414 p. (MLU 7:9)' I* Chlen-korrespondent AkademiI tauk SSSR (for lwmr~qvy). Rare-Ketallurgy) ,-'ThA Sol 23 M tile rE mr1h :tm- ~11~,vjvj 4-1 PMLIKAN, laina Hoiseveyna; MAITIN NIXOIAYMY, H.S., doktor Welchaskikh na n" redektor; OOLUBKOVA, T.A.0 redaktor; YUSPINA, N.L.. takhnichookiy redaktor [How chemintz7 originated and with what it in concerned] Kak vosalkla khimiia t chem ona, sanimsetsia. Hoskva,, Gookulltpro- svetizdat, 1956. 14 p. and 5 1- (MLRA 10:2) (Chemistry--History) Al owl JAI 4 xa . ........... 78-3-6-100 AUTHORS: Perellman, F. M. .Zvorykin, A. Ya.-~-.Yakubovskaya, T. N. TITLE: Some Difficully Soluble Salts of the.'Heteropol acid of y Germanium and Silicon (liekotoryye malorastirprinne soll geteropolikislot germaniya i kremniya), PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii,1958, V61. ~,Nr.6, PP. 1374 - 1380.(USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the dif f icultlT soluble. ammonia, rubidium and cesium salts of'the germanium-and~,,on-molybdenum-' heteropolyacid were investigated. The~,Isyntheuis of germanium- , molybdenum and silicon-mol.Tbdenum-heteroliolyacid as ammonia, rubidium, and cesium salts was described. The following compounds were produced: . 1t75(NH Sio 12MoO .5H 0 lt7Rb 6.SI.O~.12jMO "811M0 4)20' 2'. 3 , 2 2: 2 3; 2 lt85(Nff )20.Ge 12MoO -4 65H 0 2Rb Oi~'000 0121AOO 9H 0 4 02' 3 0 2 2 2., 3' 2 1v 54Cs20.Si02'11,5MoO3 .6 t 6E120 Card 1/4 1982Cs O.GeO 11 '5MOO 6H 2 2' 30 2 78-3-6-14/30 Some Difficultly Soluble Salts of the Heteropolyaoid:of'Geirmartium and diliaon The x-ray analyses show that all these salts are isomorphous. The solubility of the ammonia,rubidiuia and'oesium sal,ts of the silicon-molybdenum, and.germanium,-molybdenum-hetelropolyacids at 2500 is investigated. The solubility of.ammonia salt of Si-Mo-heteropolyacid is,7P55c/4 of rubidium Galt of Si-Mo-fietero- polyacid is ot475%p of cesium salt oftSi-Ilo-heteropol .yacid 0,123%,O--f ammo-nia-Ge-Mo-acid 7,78%, of Rb-Ge-Mo-acid 0,90% and Co-Ge-Mo-acid 0,075%. The solubility o:f all six salts was also determined in.aqueous sulfuric acid solutions of amm onia and rubidium salts 'at a concentration of 195 -~,40% sulfuric acid and of cesium salt at a concentration of 1,5-250146 sulfuric~acid. Also the solubility of cesium salts of the above mentioned .heteropolyacids in nitric,solutions at concentrations of 2% and 5,3% MTO as well as the solubility of oxalic acid at con- 3 centrations of 2-9% EM was determinedo Sulfuric acid consi derably reduces the solability of the ammonia, rubidium and Card 2/4 cesium salts of the silicon-molybdenum-, and germanium-molybdenum- .18-3-6-14/30 Some Difficultl~rSoluble Salta of the Reteropolyacid.of Germanium and Silicon -heteropblyacids. On this occasion the solubility of the! ammonia saltsof the above mentionedleter *opolyacids Is ien times greater than the solubility of1he correspondiri Ig ribidium, salts. The cesium salt of the'Ge-Mo-hateropolyac id ha's a! solubility ten times smaller than that of the corresponding Rb-Ge-Mo-acid. Cesium salt of the Si-Mo-acid has a solubility hundred times smaller than the corresponding Rb-Mo-acid.~It was found that the salts of the Gr-Ma-heteropolyacida are more easely soluble than the'elorrespondine salt's of the Si-Mo-acids almost in all cases especiallT in concen-bra,ted acids. Cesium salt of the Si-Mo-acid shows the smallest solubility.. Its .The solubility in aqueous sulfuric solution is 0,004-0,005%-' solubility of cesium salt of the'Ge-Ito-acid in the same sulfuric solution is 0,04%. There are 5 figures, 8 tables, and 19 refer- Card 3/4 encest 8 of which are Soviet. 76-32-3-24/~3 'AUTHORS: Zvorykin, A. Ya.p Perell~man, F. M. ,zhakhova, S.. K. TITLE: On the Catalytic Activity of.Rare Eleaents.'in the Reaction of the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxidel(O Izataliti6heskoy aktivnosti redkikh.elementov v reaktsii razlozheniya ~erokisi vodoroda. I.) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol 32,:Ifr 3, pp 654 - 658 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Mixed catalysts of salts of rareelenents are investiL-ated in the present paperl the attention being Vocused on tho:in- fluence of the ratio of catalyst components', ba van us, that of -the temperature 4nithe plI,,upon the cataly~iLic activity. I )i! orcl or to bring about a simultaneous mixture,of bQth cataly.,;L Co..-. ponents with the hydrol;en peroxide solution, a glass container wab constructed in which two little dishes:vrith the catalysts on a glass holder are located,from whore fall into the liquid up~,:r. me:~.,haai(4a aetst.10n of the eyotem, Ttiefvel**ocity of decomposition of hydroLen peroxide';waa measured at 25 C Card 1/3 dnd a pH of B.O. The experiments performedwith niobium oxalate 76-32-3:~-24/43 On the Catalytic Activity of Rare Elements in the Reaction of the,Decoh- position of Hydrogen Peroxide showed a negative catalytic action ot niobiurq upon other catalysts, especially cobalt chloridq~'. Sodium molybddte in combination with copper,chloride(Ha lioO -CuGl ) show6d an 2 4 2 increase of the catalytic actionowh.ich exceeded that~,of the individual components s.everal times.Investigations vtith.zir- conium sulfate showed that in ftsystem zir 'conium-sulfate/manf;a- nese-dioxide,the curve of the catalyt 1ic aqtivity coni.ains a y ac- maximum from which a complicated chaziffe of the catalytic tivity may be d8e:Z,::&!. A table of ~ t,he chaneos of velocity and of the values of the reaotior constantof the last.-men.- tioned system is gi-en frem which ft ma?- ba s!itan that the activity.of zirconium sulfate at the beginning of the examination is hiuerhorpthat it,thein, a lower value and remains constant. There are 4 figures,~itable, and 9 Card 213 referencest 6 of which are Soviet. 76-32-3~1-,24/43 On the Catalytic Activity of Rare Elements in the Reaction of the, DecomPo- sition of Hydrogen Peroxide ASSOCIATION; Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut obehohey i noorganichealcoy. khimii'im., N. S. Kurnakova (AS USSRiTnatitute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni ff. S. Kurnakov) SUBMITTED: November 30~ 1956 Card 3/3 SOV/76-33-2-.14/45 AUTHORS: Perellm-an, F. L.., Zvorly%in, Ta, Shalchava, S. K. TITLE: The Citalytic Activity of the Rare M:emonta in the Decompooi- tion of HydroCen Peroxide 11 (0 1-ntaliticheskoy aktivnostri redkikh ele-.entov v reaktsii razlozheniya perekisi vo dorada PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 11059, Vol~33, Nr 2, PP 452 456 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method of the work reported here -nas the same as was used in the previous paner, i.e., a simultaneous addition ,inning of~the reaction. Inves~ti- of both catalysts at the beg Eated were sodium gallate (I), nitrate (Ii),, titanium sulfate (III), and germanium chloride.! IV)p- alone and~toaether , with the chlorides of cobalt, copper,',and iron also of M110 at 250C and pH = B.C. It was observedi"'O-hat'a combination oi (I) with CuCl 2 increased the catalytia activity and,ihat this was greater than the additive valties ofthe single.cbm- ponents. All the catalysts of this system Are unstable and Card 1/3 lose their activity quickly (Pig 1). The sllstem Cucl 2 The Catalytic Activity of the Rare Elements in the SOV/76-33:2-3;4/45 Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide 11 q and (II) - MnO (Figs 2,3) show also' in increased catalytic 2 effect upon the decomposition of H 0 With the first;:sysjtem 2 2~ the activity is doubled and with the 4~econd system the activity is 4.6 times the additive value of the components using a content of 30dP (TI). The system (II) - MnO 2 is more stable in its catalytic activity than the ab9ve mentioned combina- tions of (I). An increase of 5 to 2-5 'times in activity above the additive values of the components was observed, for the (III)-cuci 2 and (III) - Con 2.systO!--is, and the maximum activity was found to occur with a c 'ontent of 5Cr;o' (II 1) (FiQ-13 4,5). The (III)-Col"l2 systems are hirlh in activitY but very unstable, while (Iii)-CuCl 2 are atabler comb ina ti ons. In the (IV)-CUC12 system a OrMaller increase in activity . was observed (Fie 6). The experimental reaults show that-the maximum activity occurs with the comp6sitiolne of a 1:1 molar ratio, of the cozponents.~ Therc are 6 figures and 3 refer- Card 2/3 ences, 2 of which are Soviet. The Catalytic Activity of the Rare Ele, SOV176~ -2i ,ients in the -33 -34/45 Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide 11 ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSRInstitut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. If. S. Kurnakova (Academy of Sciences, USSR, Institute for General and Inoreanic Chemi"Itry imeni It. S. Kurnakov) SUBMITTED: July 30, 1957 Card 3/3 .9-10 0 LUTHORS: TITLE- PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 69030; Perellman, F. -M. , Zvo Ya* S/078/60/005/04/034/040 1 06 Demina, G. B 4./B 0 1. 6 Investigation of the Solubility in the System Y(NO - 0 11 0 at 25 and 500 3 3 HNN 3 2 Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiip'1960, Vol:,5, Ni 4o pp 960 963 (USSR) The author's refer to the method of the fractional separation of lanthanides used in practice and,,quote a paper by G. G. Uiazov and Z. N. Shevtoova. (Ref 4),:The purpose 0,f thd present p4per~ is to clarify the conditions~for the occurrence of'the yttrium- ammonium-nitrate double oalt6 The resulta'obtained according to the solubility method are presented in tabl 08 1.9 2 and in~ Schreinemakers' diagrams in figures 1,2.:Lt 500~the solubility curve shows three branches corresponding:t~o the',orystallization of the three salts Y(NO -4H 01 Y(NO 42NN NO p: and NK N03.: 3)3 2 3)3-1 4 3 4 The double salt crystallizes at this temperihture in the an- hydrous state in the range of the coneentr~Ltions of HE NO; from 4 3 18 to 40,.and.of Y(NO ) from 66 - 48%- Ito solubility in water 3 3 0 i amounts to 88% at 500. At 25 the double salt could not be 6~03M Investigation of the Solubility in the System S107SV60100510410341040 Y(NO NH No - H 0 at 25 and 500 BO041~016 3 3 4 3 2 obtainedg.although the diagram shows the';6orresponding branch. The authors assume that the crystallization of'~the doublio'salt at this temperature is rendered difficult,,oving to the high viscosity of the solution. Y(NO 3),3 crystalilizes ipnthe precsenoe of NH NO both at 250 and at'500 with four, molecules of crystal 4 3 water. There are 2 figureep 2 tables, and 6 refdrencosg, 2,of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOX: Institut obahchey i neorganioheakoy khimii~im. 1T*:S. Kurnakove Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute' of General,anld Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. So Kurnakov of s loaaepy or 8-0Tff-ffM;-1MS1t) SUBMITTED: January 239 1959 Card 2/2 86489 1136, 1275 S/078/60,/005/008/0.22/031/xx S_.2,610 B023,/k66 AUTHORS: Perellman, F. M. Dabiy6vBkaya, I.. Z. Pedotova, T. N. TITLE: Calcium and Iron Germaaat6s, PERIODICAM Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 196oi vol,;, Noq~ef' pp. 1717-1724 TEXTt The authorstinvestigated systems of'sodi~m:~erman'ate and calcid;m nitrate or iron nitrate in aqueous solutions with diffe:~ent ratios.of the components. The formation of calcium metagermanat ,e.. UaO~:GeOVnH20, and' three iron germanates, Fe 20 3- GeO 2' nH 0, Fe 0 2GeO~.nH 0, and 21 .2 3' 2 2. Fe203' 3GeO2 nH20, was detected by Sch reinemakerul method. Thermograms and X-ray diffraction patterns of the compounds mentioned above disclosed characteristic peculiarities and confirmed the chemical5homogeneity of:the resulting compounds. It was further found that the Tgerm6nate Fe 0 XL4 hH 0 2 3 2 2 may be obtained with 15 and 2.5 molecules of hydration water, and that:the Card 1/3 rmanates 60/065/008/022/031/XX Calcium and Iron Ge o66 S/07 B023~B germanate Fe O,#2GeO nH 0 still contains two H 0 molecules after drying 2 2 d 2 2 at 120 OC. All iron germanates were subjected to X-iay phase analynis at the laboratory of Vi. G. Kuznetsov. Table I shows tile compoeition of the liquid phases and of the "residues" in the systemll. a2Ged3 -Ca(ITO 3)21 H2 01 and Table 2 dto. in the,system Na2GeO 3- Fe(NO 3YH20.~ Fi,g.,l illustrates the composition of the solid phases in the-system No. Geo - -H 0', 2 :3. Ca("03)2 2 and Fig. 2 dto. in the system Na GeO - Fe(NO -H 0. V. Zhuravlev is 2 31 3 3 2 mentioned. There are 7 figures, 2 tables, and 10 references: 4 Soviet,~4 German, and 2 US. ASSOCIATION: -Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy'k-himiV: im., N.S. Xurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Gene'ral and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov of the~Acad~,emy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: March 109 1959 Card 2/3 t Ai866;: S/076j62/OOT/003/0112/019' B110./B138 L? AUTHORS: Perellman, F. M.,, D6inina,' G. A. Z TITLEs The solubility isotherm (250C) of the system. Pr(NO RbNO HNO H 0 3 3 3- 3- 2 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii,.v- 71 ~no. 39 19621 641 644 TEXT: The formation of double nitrates of praseodymium 'and~rubidium in the presence. of HNO was examined in a thermostat (25 -t ~0.10C). Liquid phase samples iLnd riesidues were taken'after the establishment of equi-I librium (after 2 3 days). Chemically pure Pr 601i, and Rb 2C0 3 were con- verted 1 0 0 riibidium nitrate nto Pr(ITO 3)3' 6u 20 (Pr6 lip 40 96%) 1and int (Rb 0, 62.66~) by means of HNO Pr was means of,NH OR 2 Y ~'4 annealed, and weighed as Pr Rb was weighed an, perchlorate. Fivel 6011' solid phases were formeds (1) Pr(NO 4 Pr (3): (2) 5RbNO N03) 3)3. 31 3F 7RbNO ' 5Pr(NO (4) 5RbNO -2Pr(NO )~; (5):'RbNO30 The compositions next 3 3)3 3 3 3 Card .1/j- S/078/62/007/003/0 21019 The solubility isotherm... B I 1,0/B 13.8 to RbNO were examined at 30 36~y and those adjdining Pr(110 at 3 3)3 26 NO of HNO The incongruent double salt 2 Pr(110) 3' 3 3'5RbNO 3only exists with Pr(NO concentration less than,10.09%. If the Pr(NO ~con- 3)3 3 3 -7RbNO orystallizes. Anhydrous centration is increased, 5 Pr(NO 3 3 3 Pr(110 crystallizes first and next, in the presence of not more than. 3)3 3 - 4~- of RbNO the double salt 5RbNO -4 y'three ~Pr(No However, onl 39 3 3 salts could be synthesizedi (1) anhydrous Pr(NO under the conditions 3 3 of point 2 (Fig. 1); (2) the anhydrous, bright green, coarse-crysialline double salt 4Pr(NO ) '5Rb(NO under the conditions of point 6; (3) the 3 3 3 anhydrous, light green, fine crystalline double salt 2Pr(NO ) -5RbNO 3 3 3 under the conditions of point 18. All three saltrj:decompose at 85 - 900C with the liberation of dark-brown vapors of oxides' of nitrogen. D. I. Mendeleyev and N. S. Kurnakov are mentioned.' There are 2 figure5l 1 table, and 4 referenoess 3 Soviet.~and 1 non-Soviet. 'The reference:to the English-language publication reads as followas R.~C. Vickery, ard 2 3 .,.-.Ya.; GAWA, L.B. FERELIMAN, F.M.; ZVORYKIN,j. Degree of polymerization of sodium metaphosphate at various Itempera- turee. Izv. AN.SSSR. Neorg.,mat. 1 no.53725-729 MY 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1, Institut ob-.hchey i neorgoAcheskoy khimil Imeni. lurnakova. AN SSSR. ZVORYKIN, A.Ya. Some inorganic polymers based on rubidium phosphates. Zhur.heorg,'- khim. 8 no.21Z?4~277 F 163. (MIRA 16: 5) 1, Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii imeni N.S.Kurnakovs. AN SSSR. (Rubidium phosphates) (Polymerization) ACCESISION NIR: AP3003485 8/007Ti/6 3/OVV007/17S7 A. Y L. Deraijul., it. Ery-j"em VITC ,~-Lb j' st,~- RbNC nub SCU?f7 ZhIl-ma-', neorg-mrOlcheska), 7 5q; 7 3, no. ty, '-sothert, mlb 1, rubidim nitwlk'-4, rierv:!~,mf,:r rjlt~~ I.-el 27 qvatea-ar( sys+,em jM(jj( b ail le s-p., -"q f, f Card