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ACC NRI AP .7001402 SOURC ILICODE-:- -Ult-/0413'1'6'6/'00'0'/0-21/.00'7'9/0079 ,INVENTOR: Kaplan, S. Z.; Yefimova, L. F.; Zvontsova, A. S.; Zakharova, H. At. tKhromov-Borisov, N. V. IORG: nonp TITLE: A method for increasing the antioxidative stability.of Industrial 12 trole* ipe um Itfuricating oil. Class 23 ., No. 18.7914 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 21, 1966, 79 TOPIC TAGS; lubricant, lubricating oil, petroleum hydrocarbon- lubricant, lubricant additive, antioxidant additivJ, oxidation inhibition, inorpholine, morpholine derivative, methy1morpholine derivative, propandiol derivative,, Imorpholinomethyl propandiol derivative 1ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of increasingithe~ I iantioxidative stability of Industrial-12 petroleum lubricatIng oil by introducing a methylmorpholine derivative as an antioxidant~additive, 2,2-Bis(morpholinomethyl)-l, 2-propandiol was used to widen the selection of additives. [BN] SUB CODE: 07, 21/ SUBM DATE: 30jun65/ ATD PRESS: 5109 UDC: 665.5:621.892.86 BWK, N.I.; GLAZOVA, A.I.; LASHKO, N.F.; KURAMA, V.P.; MOLCHMI#A,~ Ye.K.; Prini U uchasti3re: VINOGRADOVA, Ye.A.; ZVONTSOVA, Ye.V.; POLYAKOVA, L. V. Phase analysis of alloys on the titanium basis. Zav. lab. 27 no, 12:1470-1472 161, (MIRA 15:1): (Titanium alloyst) (Phase rulo_and equilibrium) TEODOROVICU, Gv., conf.; IVAN, A., dr.; OAIA, G. V. . I ,Ira* n F HANDRACHE,, Mdmila, ch,.; 4i""'-alforg 'Tr-,'..i d r C AMN BM, M. d r UMIA, Mirbille'. &r~ t BG,-,;.Tlll Marle-leanneg dr. Evolutinn of Anflumat &vang n group uf !Jub(Ilol-aga in th.5 year 196-'l-l-)63. Nicrobiologla (bacur) 4~ no.6,.,'lZJ1-5;:'9 N-D '(4 A. lu,,.rara tta~,ii,uaia ]La Inatitiltu'l, laoid Z 1i.' RcJionov and 11. K. Zvoriykina, SynthosJ3 In thos 11yrimid1we -,w, SOS Bulletin of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Science* (Chemistry -Seriet) Izvestia Akad. Nauk, S.S.S.R., No. 3, 1948. ~ P~ A I X4_ 44f "Off olois "I!$#$ Qtt 400 A ------ MiTAL PRODIXTIS oo t =ROCIOB01146 By AlmOSPIURIC wasil, S be lfcc~*tkln and I (J.'Oeno ;hamq Itusa 0 .Ar= ~~ d Id h hi ~I l h . -a a e t ao o 1934s 40 of. y 00 r c3adatim a ts a I r parafrWby rrsation of,the produa Wee l Atm- 02 conaists of Aldehydes 'of - ~op. >10OW" ~ adollf"at - 0*4 wh1oh n-C 14, -- Cll iv Idahtifisdo The al6alwls 10 Wa 5 9_11 41*4 . n-cr, - B _. OlXere,Ad9lltifW'in the re*idus,! art6r 264, i 0 0 9 3 sepa;allon of aldehydWse: Re To too goo Fee xe 0 goo AS*-ILA "TALLMCA& LIUMAIVIG WOPCOM no 10 we* 1, ;, T Mesa wit amv 44T U-S AV M3 J fl; 3 9 V : 0 0 0 4110 0 0 0 W 0-01 0 6 0 0 0 0 411 1 0 L fie'. t : WOO-A 0 0 0 0 a 0 9~0_0-0,0.o a o;* 6.1e. *_Q 0 wo 0.0 is 0 Gie's 0 0 0 s.6 .0 137-58-4-17.149 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p. 120 (USSR) AUTHORS: Zvorono, B. P. , Petrova, Ye. N., Polilov. N.A., Vayner, Ye. L7 t. , --3-a-rnsmmnko, G. T. TITLE: Designs of Medical Instruments Suitable for Productiop by', Cold Extrusion (Konstruirovaniye meditsi6skikh instrumentoy, dopus- kayushchikh kholodnoye pressovaniye) PERIODICAL: Materialy po obmenu opytom i nauchn. dostizh. v med. ~prom- sti, 1957, Nr 4 (23), pp 90-106 ABSTRACT: The manufacture of medical instruments from blanks in the form of bodies of revolution produced by cold reducing, cross- rolling, or machined by template on a lath(! is performed on or- dinary presses using open plates, with reduction by 50'-60 percent. in a sin Ile operation in the cold condition under unit pressures of 12-15 t7cmz '1vant' , offering the following -a( ages: repla~em6nt of the laborious operations of ' hand roughing and filing b~.machine . operation, production of a high degret of surface finish without burrs or having no more than a thin flash, saving of metal, em- ployment of universal equipment, use of simple and cheap:dies, Card 1/2 repair of which maybe done on a flat grinder. When high degrees 137-58-4-7149 De&igns'.of Medical Instruments Suitable for Production ~by Cold Extrusion of reduction are required, the pressing is done, in 4 number of pas'ses, with high- temperature annealing performed between passes. Methods of calculat- ing the initial blank and of designing.the non-operating elements of the inistru- ment, also examples of typical products manufactured in this manner, are pre- sented. Ye.L. 1. Medical instruments--Production 2. Metals--Extrusiori--Applications Card Z/z Ll ~.Dmi! ri 'f ergeye' - t V vich; ROZ03STMMay, ~ Turly: LIvovich: ABRLK,*, Aleksandr T"illyivlch; ;ITTAX Uv KbsilevL6 kand. takhn. nauk, rat senzent; KIZHOVAp V9A 0, 4, GXWIHOVA, Ye. S., tekhn. red. [Stamping, out ring-shaped p'artel Shtawpovk4 kolltsevykh zagotovok. I Moskva, Gas. nauchno-tekhn. iod-vo mehino6troit. lit-ry, 19-58.' 182 p, (mm 11f8) (Sheet-metal~work) ZVORONO, B.P. "Handbook on die stamping* by V.P. R*vanovskti. Revieved by B.P..Zvorono. lus.-ahtam. proizv. 2 nom70647 J1060a (Sheet7wtal work) (Romanovskii. V.P.-) ZVOR(NO, B.P.1 kudidat takhnichemklkh nauk, dotseate NOW method of manufacturing cold pressed steel-nedical instruments, (Izd.I.LONITCMEH vol-40:114-127 '56. ~ ' (Km :1o-.4) (SHM XML WOM) (MIOAL INM?MM AND APPAUTM) ZVORONOI B. P. Raschet i konstruirovLnie shtarpov dlia kholodnoi 6htampolrki. Fos!-va, Diashgiz., 1949. i-Ilus. Bibliography: V. 1, P. 19h-(195). Contents. ch. 1. Vyreznye i probivwe shtampy,~ (Calculations and designing of dies for cold stairoing. 1. Dinkin.- and punching dies.) DLC: TS253-Z9 SO: Viarmfacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Z)6,viet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. YBDURKIN, V.V.; MASTUMO..A.T.; KOVSHAROVA. L.Ao; HAZUMOVSKAYA, Ye.I.; OSIPOVA, Y8*V*; VASILIIEVA, G.S,,;:PEKAI=IY,, H.D,,,;. ZVCRCNO 3 P., zamestitell; DOLDYM, B.V., red.; VOLODIN. DANILICUNK6. Ye.P., red*; OMIY,J.N..,red.;,HISHIN, L.N., red,; MYDIN,,G.S., red.; TSUBLEV, Yujoi red, [Technological instruction material; alwaiwam and aluminum alloyo for medical articles] Rukovodiashchis tekhnicheskie materisly; aliuminii i aliuminievyo splavy'dlia meditainakilch izdelii.IKoaltva, M-vo sdravookhraneniia, 1959s 70 p. (KIRA 13:8) KUKHTAROV, Vladimir Ivanovich; KU AROT, Oleg Vladimirovich; TOMMOT, A.D., doktor tokhn.nauk, rsts9nzent.;---ZTQB I takhn. ...0 nauk, redo; OSIPOVAg L*A.e re'd.izd-va; HOMI, B.T., takhn.rea. [Dies for cold sheet stamping] Shtampy dlia kholoanoi listovol shtampovkA. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tskhn.iud-4o mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1960, 320 p. (HIRA 1315) (Dias (metalworking)) Mest-matal work) Of J: 1.1 -Nic id w: Tho pousibility of t~,a.,-Amc U4.11 z ri ij. Z. 1I.L'I J~-an enirgy for num"11--m. 110'Aml ttwlIV.'~,.; E, 07,,) v(t ta,-r6. NO imatruarji--its dontp,Od to at a. hatry sori~,,,.O:. or E~-, tj3& or tha dicjr-01~ura of thp 'Llrapi-c-usi mmu nalk.0 tho dini5l.; tostoa a4z o1i a claildard spocl!aouo Al" rc~ 'I ImmodifliLutl Ocurco clippitz USSR/ Ylscel~aneouff --no( -Pvlel;t r_A rd i b 3 Au th Ora !Aft I- hl, I'l t t KF Periodical I 'lest. mash. 35,6, 66 90, Jun 1955 jLbsixact i An exten,'Iv- -P-virv is given of Im. '11, Pqvlo-rl-i 'Va,.-_ iz' Submitt6,~ I. ..... Agricultural Machinery - Trade and Manufacture Use of rolled iron from Bessemer steel in the w.-j-wracture of farm machinery. Sellkh6zmashinap No. 7, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of 0M.4gress, October 1952. Unclassi.fied. 40. PHASE I B004 EXILOITATION Gubkin...Ser,gey Ivanovich (Deceased),, Mikhail VdxUlIy6vIidh Storozhev., Boris Faflovioh,ZvoronoA IVasIliy Fedorovich.KatkoVj, Ilariy Anatollye i h N rltlynp Yevgeniy'Ale_ksandrovibh tbpovs deor~iy~ Aleksandrovioh kirnov-Alyayev, Alekiandr Ndtri~eivich Tomlenov,, Yevgeniy Pavlov oh Unksov, and Leop6lId Adollfovich Shofman. Osnovy teorii obrabotki metallov davleniyem Nndaym6ntals of the Theory of Metal Forming) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. ~538 P. Errata slip inserted, 7,500 copies printed, j Ed.: M. V. Storozhev; Ed.,of Publishing-House:~ A. 1, SirotinL$ Engineer; Tech. Ed.:'. 'Bo~ I.', Model IMandging!ld. tor Literatur6 ashgiz S. Ya. 41olovib. Engineer, on Heavy Ma6hine Building.(M PURPOSE: This book is intended for~engineers and scientific workers studying the theoretical problemst'of metal forming, COVERAGEi This collective W'6rlc purj~o'r~edly reriects',the contemporary -trends in the development of the,metal-forming theory. Emphasis is given to methods of calaii1ating forces and deformations, Card 1/11 SOROFIN, B.T., laureat Stalinakoy premli; kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, retsenzent; TOKMANOT, A.D.,' kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk. redak-tor; KLTVNMA, YeX., tekhnicheekly redaktor; TDMOHOV, A.Ya., tokhatcheskiy redaktor. (Idea for automobile body parts] Shtamyy dlIa,'oblitSovochrWW detalei avtomobilei. Mosk7a, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. lzd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-z7, 1951. 217 p. (Automobiles--Design an& constractionY (Dies (Hotal-working)) Agwicultural Vachinery - Trade and Vanufacture Use cf rolled iron frcr, Bessemer steel in the rtanufacture of farm m6chinery. Sellkhozrmshina No. 7, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, nrtnho-r 195j; Uncl. 21 GUBKIN, Sergey Ivanovich [deceasedj-'ZVORONO, Boris~Pavlovlch; KATKOT, Vasilly Yedorovich; NO1UTGYN,-=ArAOv`t'6T* *idh'jJ1"kPOT, Yevgeniy Alsksandrovich; SHMOV-ALYA11OT, aeorgiy Aleksandrovich; TOKUNOV, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich; UNXSOV' Yi)vgenly Psiviovichi SHOWAN, Leopoltd Adollfovich; STOROZHEV, Mikhail Vasillyevich, red.; MOMMI, B.I., tekhn.ked. (Basic theories in the pressworking of metals] Osnovy teoril obrabotki metallov davleniam. Pod red. K~V,Siorozhev&4 Koskvat~ Gos.n&uchno--tekhn.izd-vo mashinoetroit.lit-ry, 1959. 528 po (KIRA 12:~) (Sheet-metal work) (Deep drawing (Metalwork)) r go . Al 00 .00 00 1., got 'M UlMnatim of Stitinsvitte D*Ivkts W Zxp~,~ts "h 0 1 1 l Z P I 00 00 n Rujis oe Xh"t 19stsil. ( an.) B. P,- vosvno 1 1AWO(OrV V~ 13, July 1047. ~, GIU I .0411411 f Discusses the possibility of testing thin *)Kvt go I metal by measurement of the energy "Irtil for puntbing holes, etc. In the sheet. Doscrib" hnd 00 a; dfagrams two instruments designed. to nifavare 00 , N this energy.-the flrst, by deformation of a Navy ' spring or rubber; the second by comparison of the a bill on f th Im re ns made b d t i v ers o e iame ss o p y the shect tented and an a standard specimen. 11 f re . sto ZTErt too Woo R_~" ILA ASTALLORGICAL 1.119116TIAK CLAWMAT400i slog tl U11 AV 11 1 Aft A 5 0 W a 6 .1 CO 41 41 4 0 0, soo 0 0 0 4n0 0 0 A o a o Go 41411 000-0:0000 Go* 00 0 0.00 so 40604POO69 0 4 or. ... . .. : Z ;* o BOU)JIM, Ye6ka, inzli. ; lnzh.;y FZSMSXIY9 A4Adj inzh.; SI1409 I.Nl, inzh.3 BORONIVA, A#P. Inzh,, Electromagnetio miring sy-stem in au 80-tou electric.-&rc fumaoo. Vest.elektrop.rom* 33 no-4s4.1-49 AT) lU 1584) GRISHINP VJR.; ZVORONO, Ya.P.; KAFLANq M.Ys. Electrical equipunt for an electromagneticistlrri~g of molten steel. Elektr.osila no.22sl8.22 163. (MIRA 17il) ZVORONO, Ta.P~ Blectr6magnetic mixers of liquid steel used in electric'are furnaces. Biul.tekb.-ekon.inform. no.10:12-14 58. (MIRA 11:12) (Blectric furnaces) (Steel-Aetallurgy') RO 1111111D, L., prof! h. ; CNOSD VSKrT..V.. insh.,XISS, T. Test of a beat pump air conditioning unit In a4ovle thsfit~r, Khol, tokh, 37 noo5tie-22 s-o l6o. 13M) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheakiy Inatitat kholodilluoy proWsh- lennosti. (Theaters-Air conditioning) ~Fliwo- I-.- I . .-" I I Q A A v Ip for p a r 0,0 A 13 July 1017, A 1179482. of tr thin lh MAAI y mftsUr "qUfrt!d for pun,Cn.*,nV, tho inergy. e' all Olne, an th' MCML T do~*aW to uwv,, *0 Instru. -00 firg b fornlaze thla frorgy M"ne or n of a ruvy Me parlooft Of ""I IM Pr-Ntmd Made by & ball Cal th "d On A standard x a R IW1.1,1wn L coo, age@ goo A ..... ...... WALOVOCAL L"Itarwo CWWW t o0 too oto t 161490 "it am* 94M I U 9 All 10 0 a 49 0 a o 0o0 a . 1, In KIA 0 0i0 OV w0 0-- 01 4 o1 '$141JIS PLC;. e A SC I ONCE PRINDICALSt WPM FIZIKAL FOLYOITILM Vol. 3, no. ho~ 1955.. Zvorov) I. Elastic scattering of protons on 6604lev, o'nergy, protons. Tr. Pr om the Itussian. h23- Monthly list of East European Accessions (EI-AI) LC) Vol.. 82~ flo. 2j Februdry 19 9, Unclass. ZVO=IY, V. (Rostov-na.-ionu) In defeDee of cameras with wide film, Sov.foto I? no.6:21 Jo '57. (14LRA 10:8) (cameras) 0 to 1) 1) It 4 lit 1) W n f )I a 1W A Ai 0 a of t- 4 L-I 4- 111 W~ W, 4r , -:-'. ~ - . . - i 0 Unit .,*a wade" of istwat" of PMOIGUM k1drIl-, TU residue 0 NaI4400 Mit. was bww 6 lam With cuttattl by ata"Vback *I=: I S. S. Nalwetkin 6"t ~ 'froin ih Of 4U230. J. GeV. U. S. S. X.) 4,906-14 NZ0111an. Y. X. am- - I . of pwallin tam petroltim by 04 alcm. bwwA on 1. A pctmiatunt IractJun oavv Cmily sAw. 01 cives, in adda. to momilmWe ackh and hydroxy "'VI)Y&O suit )%'(A Tht ciude Ocs. witit .016 :0 ri scids, awe Volatile p"iducts Which Campo with the = aby emitrIfiration wilh HALN and I CA ~with Caset &M consist of unchisaged hydtowbow, krwer- subicquent hydrtAyMv of the Imentes. Djmtn~ j*V, We. bollive fatty acids and neutral stibstancet. Candenintlan tions whow coans. c4xreiliontird rov hily to ed~ch (A the AID :0 of this mist. Wowed by ttaitoval of the acide with N&IM namal Sks. frori C414411 to CiJIM3H. The Ws~ wit =00 00 a neutral or wtitkl;r acid oil, the elilthyde-ak, futrUter tbatractedrAd by okkUtion to the awtVndItig C= (1). 1, Iuhied th N.,C(J* .0 dil. N&OH wid, wids and pmpn. ffm them of 1he Ag salts acid Me &=Jam. 40 0 treated with cumd. NIIJISQ~, c&vr a eryst. mau whkh Aldehydes and Wei. may 'have bem f9med froat said. *0 was and. frma unchanged ud and dioialvvd In watirr. The aq. sda. wto exid. with F.W. decutupd. with Nalm bIx-t- by 4 prMess of oxid&Uvn era-Ai 1;* 0 A the atilthyde lAycr distil. in sicum, colltvtetf, dtied at;i I T,=Uk ti- ;-4 0 (nK-jouted, 7 7el of Inked sklehydesi (1v Ig. z i't 1 40 0 1 1000 g. f)ITCU i;Aa-g fange ind"ted (hat Cjl,,~ i: 2 CHO to CollisCHO woe preamt. Individual sildithyd" -00 0 wele wit holahal, but an a-4ftykinamsWchyde was prq)d. firurn am ftuctim, by condensation with 1UH wWcb doady trwrabled that tanned ftlain eviswAsSilchyda. woo i=OO INALA AITALWGICAt LIUNAIL41 CLAWFKA14h It' 741-iOW' U It &1 00 It 1 0 . 1 il . ., Pt It V 11 K It R It It U It it IT KL* A 1 14 It 9 a 4 3 - - 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 * $ 6 60 .0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 ZVORYGIN, F.V.; IDMASHOV, V.M.; KHOKE-LI, O.A. Generator of random voltages of subsonic frequencies with i any distribution law and a controUed opectrilm, Aviom. prib. no-4:74-78 O-D 163. (MIRA 1642) 1. Institut kibernetiki AN UkrSSR. DZMENKOt V.T., kand. takhn. nauk; MIORYOM, G.I.,,kand.. tekhr, nauk Further improvemen-t.of nhield support for minIng thIck steep seams. Ugcll 40 no.6:22-24 i'a 165. (MIRA'18:7) 1. Inatitut gornogo deli Sibirsk'10go otclelenlya!AN SSS)R, (for Dzvuberiko, Zvorygin). 2. Novosiblirskly institut zhel! pznodorozhnago trans- porta (for Pirozkikovl TF,RFIITIYEV,, A.P.; VOZZITENTIIKOV,, V.14.; KOIMNOV, C.V.;,ZVQA;~q~A, PJAHADZE, Ye.G.; GLJJSIIKOVAY V.P.; BERUKRI)yOv. Semiconducting and optical propertiep of the dithlearbaLates of copper, nickel, zinc, and cadmium. Dokl. AN,SSSR 160 no.2z4O5- 408 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Fiziko-khimiclieskiy institut im. L,Ya. Karpova i Moskovskiy gostidarstvannyy universitet. 2. Chlen-korreapondent AN SSSR (for Terentlyev). 4FA )imf W, ZVOOKM Z MTROV, V. Ya.; UVATKIINA, A. INO -,nl(- stiucture of New determination of tba atomlc and e, dicyandiamide. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 2:.99-,401 Mr 164. (MTRA 17 -5) 1. Fiziko-khimichaskiy inotitut im. L. Ya. Kai-pl:fvn. ProdsLavlotia akaeleirdko S. S. Vocivcdavyui. VORONTSOVA, L.G.; ZVOIIKGVA, Z.V. ZIWANUV) G.S. Model of the atructurs of .3. 3-dinthyl thioc 40,00yani no cILloride sto detembied by the:vLatiatical rhuthodo Irig- tallograffia 8 no.3.374-377 1,~,-Je 163. (Milu 16:11 16; Fizike-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya. Kar vao PO DOROSINSKIY, A.L.; KOLKNOV, O.Y.; ZVONXQVA ,.,Z.V.; MIJANOVj, G.S. X-ray and spectral studies of the complex compounds of cuprous~ thiocyanate with thiourea and pyridine. DAL tuli SSSR 150 no.6:lZ78-1279 Je '63. OURA 16:8) 1. Fiziko-khimichaskiy institut ita. L.Ya. Karpova., Predstavleno akademikom S.S.M.3dvedevym. (Copper compounds--Spectra) (Thiacyanailes) (Urea) ii- _H~? M44", in i I jil lil'i ! tq w" ,',1 7 if H, 'i 1"17yl, ARRvul ;Tf BiOI/B186 AUTHORS: Kolninov, 0. V. , and._Zyjmko-va',- 2. V. TITLE: Study of the dependence of the electron absorption spectra; of phenyl derivatives of elements,of gFoups'IV and V on the nuclear potentials of the elements PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v- 36, no.2~ 10, 1962, 2228-2230 TEXT: The effects of the nuclear potential Zlt/r and difference LT.,in electronegativity of atoms in the ele'ment -, of isomor'phic tetraphenyl compounds of C, Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb were studi.ed. The electron absorption spectra in the region 225 -320 mg'were determined in. H crystalline lamellas 51, thick. Except for (C Pb , &I l spectra,were ) l 6 4 5 .of the same type and showed two absorption bands* the first of which occured at 250 - 260 mg owing to electron transition in'the phenyl this band shows radicals from the ground state Into the excited 'st;ate. , fine structure bands which, compared to the benzene speotrump artAhlfted some mg. A-noticeable shift of bands depending on the1ype of the Card 113 ------------ 3/076/62/036/010/001/005 BIOI/BW Study.of the depandence.of the electron central atom, however, does not occur. Concluaion":~ In tetraphenyl compounds of C, Si, Gel Snp~and Pbs x-electron conjugation of the phanyl radicals with the central atom is almost completely.abeeiitiand the n-electron syntem of the benzene rings remains almost unchanged. In the. second band ('1)r\ 250 MA) of (0 H ) Gel the absorption edgeg as compared. 6 5 4 to that of (C H ) Si and (C H ) Sn# shows a shift of.somo mp towards the 6 5 4 6 5 4 short wave region.. In accordance with *H. H. Jaffe (J. Chem. Phys., 22, -1430, 1954), this effect is assumed to be aaused by the central atom. The origin of the second bandt however#. has not been investigated sufficiently. On the basis of data obtained by Jaffe fq~r the electron. spectra of triphenyl compounds of P, As, and Sb, the phenyl radicals are assumed to conjugate owing to the free electron pairs of:the cenir~l .atom. Thus the shift of the-first band probably depende on the type of central atoml from this shift, the change in excitation energy of pn-eleotrona is estimated to be of the order of 0.1 ev depending on Z-VT of Pt As, and Sb. Further studies are required to,'explain the relation between the mobility of holes in InPo InAs, and InSb (650l ZOO* and 700 2 CmY;-aec, respectively) and the,ligand. There are* 6 figures. Card 2 - --- - ---- - --------- U .8/02~6047/005/019/032 B106 186 AUTHORSs Terentlyev, A. P., Corresponding Member AS USSR9 Rukhadzeq Ye. G., Vozzhennikov, V, It., Zvonkovap,Z. V.,j Oboladzet N.*S6p Mochalinal I. G. 'Electrical conductivity and activdtion;energy of chelate TITLEI compounds of the dithiocarbamates and thioamides of pyridine derivatives .1962, 1094-1097, ;no, 5 PERIODICALt Akidemiya nauk SSSR. Doklady-9 V. 1479~ TEXTg The temperature dependence.of the electXical'.Toonductivity q,of chelate polymers of the following structures Aj 6, and 8,'htts been deter- mined.t Card 1/6 6/02 /~2/147/005/019/039 Electriaml conductivity and... BIOUB186 .-,M -,Cu, Co, Zn;R H CH, CH 3 3 3 3 For 'comparison*$ the compounds r, Ag and' the polymer ~E (initial produicte:in the-synthesio of the above chelate polymers)# dnd the coti ounde )Kand p -(M - Cu, Co,,Zn) (monomers of polych6lates investig Ia.ted e'arlier *(Ref. 2i M. Vozzhennikov et alt DAN,-143i 5 (1962)) hive been etudied'analogouslyg ~N S Card 3/6 PI 3 S/020A2/147/005/019/032i Electrical conductivity and... BIOG/B(166~ CA g-C )L1, C %e SP Co's S a C-t/ Since the compounds investigated are.insulatora'at room -temperatu'rep:the. values of the electrical conductivity have'been.~etermined between 330 and 6oooK.- The,values of the activation energy E have been --alculated from' the temperature dependence ofra (ascent of the straight line in diagrams (log 6, 1/T)). Table I showelthe, results. In d8reeinent with the deta of Ref. 2, the electrical conductivity depends consideralbly 6n'the nature of the metal (ZnNi>Co). The stability,of the c0'M;Plex!-c'0mpounds and:'the electx~~afftntty-01-tftn Metals . CniMEUT 1T-VM'aa&e- -fadt Wit- order. TH& the nature o,f the radicals botknd to nitrogen,atoms,~in the.compounds x a~d has practically no effeat,bn the values of cr and.E shows that these two quantities.are mainly determin'ed by thd nature Of the cliemical bonds and Card 4/6 q VOZZHENNIKOVP V.M.; ZVOKKOVA, Z.V.j KKIIADZE, Ye.G.; VIDANOV, G.S.; GLUSHKOVA, Electric conductivityand activation energy of some dithiooxamide, N-substituted dithiocarbamate, and thiocyanat6 (Cu,' Co, Ni) polywis. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.5sll3l-1134 Ap 162. .(MIRA 15'.4)', 1. Fizilo-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova. Predstavlen6 akademikom V.A.Karginym. (Polymers-Electric properties) (ThiocyanAes) (Organometallic compounds) SMII TSZIM-GHZHI IS4n Ching-chih]; ZVONOVt A.Ar (tronalatorl; ZaIROV. B.Sh., red.; KOSHIMA, (Economic geography as a science]. Zkonomic6sksia geografiia kok nauka. Moskva, Gos.12d-vo geogr.lit-ryt 1959. 92 p. Translated from the Chinese. (MIRA 13;1) (Geography. Economic) UTOV, A.G. [translator); GINGOI,111, L.S. [translator] ; GRAIDINNIKOVA, Te.R., [translator]; UNIGIN. V.N. Etranolhtorl; ROWL-At4translatorl; translato ; MAY23ROV, S.M. ISAYXNKO, B.S. [translator]; KCTOV, AOV. r [translator] SAFONOYA, Z.M. (translator); SOUTOV, I.I. [translator]; SCROKIN, V.3f. [trauslator3; TSVZTKOVA, T.Ta* [trans*lator]; CHMOU, Sun-yuan' [translator]; SOGOMONYAN, G.S. [tranelatorle redaktoi; SHAPOVALOV, V.I., tekbnicheakiy redaktor [Socialist developmen t in the Chinese village; a collection of articles prepared b7 the office of the Central Co=Ittee of the Chinese Com=nist Party] Sotsialistichoskii poalem v kitalskoi dereven; abornik 12brarLnykh statel podgotovlen kantseliariei Tel KPK. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1956. 502 p. (HLTtA 9:10) (China--Agriculture) AKAYEV, I.A.; ZVONOVS A.A.; POLYAKOV, M.P. Using blanthole charges vith air gaps at tho Angren open-pit coal mine. U9011 40 no.12-:34-38 D t65, (MMA 18:12) 1. Angrenskiy ugolInyy karlyer (for Akayev)~ 2.,Nauchno- isaledovateltakiy i proyektno-konstruktorskty Inititut po dobyche polezn3rkh iskopayezykh otkrytym sposobom (for Zvonov, Polyakov). ZVONOVY A.A.-, inzh.; KWM07, IjM,, inzh.; POLTAKOVO M.P., inzh. Pftotice of using. nW Ubhnoldgy in boring and. blastigg, ops-rations -in- pitar-of the %gnezit" Plant. Var yv. delo no.51/8'.256-264 '63. 1, Cbelyabinskiy nauchno-issledolvatAllskil Inn'titut;gornogo dela. (Boring machim ry) (Blasting) BRODSKIYv A.M.;,IVONO LAVROVSXIY, K.P.; TITOV) VAP Radiation thermal conversions of petrole=,;fracilons, Neftekhimia 1 no.3t370-381 Mq-Je 161. (WRA 16: 11) SOURCE CODE; IM/0 5/000/000/000W0010 ACC M AT6013432. AUTHORt Zvonov, V. A. ORG: Kharkov Aviation Institute (.Kharlkovskiy aviatoionnyy Jilatit.10 TITLE: More accurate calculation of gas exchanA in four- cle engines SOURCE: Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya (internal combustion en.4,pinea)p no, 1. Kharkov Izd-vo Khar1k. univ., 1965P,3-10 TOPIC TAGS: engine performance characteristief internal combustion enginey engine adjustment ChN24Z2 internal combustion en'llLne \0 ABSTRACT: Some simplified methods for calculating the accurate equations of,gas' exchange proposed by Professor N. M. Glagolev (Raschet rabacheGo proteeasa dviga~teley vnutrennego sgoraniya. Uchebnoye posobiye, KhPI imen. Lanina, 1958) are discussed. These do not reduce the accuracy of the eqwitionu but facilitate, the actual 'calcula- tions. -Two major processes are discussed: gas exchange dtuing volve overlapping~ and filling process. After restating the general equations of 'volumetric balance derived by Glagolov (see reference above), that the proonure equation 6P IZ12s- lap yrzb-XP I d4., be numerically integrated using'tuierv*a first me*~hod. The use of other appropriate parameters in the equation is discussed, and the procedureJs deiaonstrated by sample curves.for engine ChN24/27- A simplified method for calculating.the fresh'aharge is Card 1/2 ACC NRz AT6013432 introduced and it is shown that this method decreases the accuraoy by only.% 1% for normal engine parameters. Orig. art. has: 22 formulas and 5 figures,, SUB COIDEt 21/ *SUM DATE: 20Apr65/ ORIG FEF: 004 KRUSHOOLISKIY, G.I#) kand.tekhn.naukLZRHff, inzhd Bffect of the blowout of a combustion cha,tibar on the temperature of the components of the D70 engine, 'Izv. vys, vchebe zava; energ* 5 no.10:60-S3 OA62, (MIRA 15:11): 1. Kharikovskiy politekhnicheakiy instit-at imeni V.I. Lenina. Predstavlena kafedroy dvigateley vmtrenrago sgoraniya, (Diesel engines) ZVONOVI Va I# Tables, formulas, and instructions for'computing the Gauss-*uger coordinates for latitudes Prom 35 degrees ?0 degrees. Yoskva, 1930. ?9 P, (50-415301) QB321.Z8 ZVONKOV. otv. red.; ZUjSZrIYAKOV, G.V., dok tor tekha.. nauk, red.; YUFR4, A.P.) doktor Ukhn. nauk,, red.; CHERVOSKUTOV, K.A., red.; DOBYSHRV, Yu.G., red. lzd-va; DOROKHRIA, telchn. red. [Now methods for measurements, and inatruments for bydraulic s4rveysj Novye metody izmerenii i pribory dlia gidravlicheskikh issledovanii, Moskva, 1961. 2V p. (MIRA 14:3-1) 10 Akadeiniya nauk SSSR. Sovet po problemam,vodnop khozyaystva. 2, Moskovskly institut inzhnerov vodnogo khozyaystva im V.R.Villyansa (fof %helezmyakov). (Hydrodynamics) Neasur:Lng instruments) 2YONMOV, A.A., inshener. The wear of auction dredges during 'the fillingiof the Hinge chaur dam. Gidr.stroi 23 no.8:9-11 154. (HIM 8:1) (Mingechaur HYdroolectric )Pbwer Statlon)~(Vred~lng machinery) ZVOV2S(V,A.A., inshener Using hydraulic equipment for the recovery of~inert materials in the area of tho'Kingechaur Hydroelectric Power Station, Gidr, stroi.24 no.6:6-9 155. (HIM 8:12) (Mingechaur Hydroelectric Power Station) (Dredging) ~-qSOVA A.S. KAPIANY S.Z.1 ULASHINA, A.P.;_.~YQ Effect of the naphthenes of metals on the heat-oxidizing stability of thickened lubricants. 11im. i tokh. topl. i mauel 9 no.7;54-59 Ji 164. (14IRA 17 t 12) ZVOKITSKIY, Aleksandr Tulianovich, inzh.; VBRMINWATA, I.I., Insh., red.; (Multiple machining of parts on turret lathes] Opyt grappovoi, obrabotki detalei na revollvernykh otankakh Leningrad. lq~~. 23 P. (Leningradakii dom nnuchno-tekhnicheekoi propagandy, Ubmen peredovym opytom. Sariia: Kekhanioheakaia obrabotka metallov, v7p.10). (MIRA 13:3) (Turning) NOW,, A. A. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOMMOU Akademiya, nauk SSSR. Institut tochnoy mekhanlid i tekhniki. Trudy (Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Precision Mechanics and Ccmputer Technology. Transactiors) :no.,:2. sov/&oo Moscow, 1961. 447 p. 1000 copies priated. Coutribirtors not mentioned. PWFWE: This collection cf articles is inteuded.for scientific and, technical personnel acnaerned with machine translation and computer technology. COVERAGE: 7~-As collection of sr~icles of the Inatilixte of Precisim Medhaaics and Computer Tecbnology, Acadmy of Scienco USSR, is the second in a seeles concerned with machine 'translation and mathematical linguistics. The colleetica conta,kas r!iports vritten 'by members of the KeL-,;-,.ixr-i-Tr&mslEAAM Group of the Institute as vell as reports by rvaetg-ehers from other orgzijal7atimn. The Articles,deal with.various prcblems in machine translatim, such, ggs the possibility of an interme&iete language, relationships +-veen various li-MwuageB. systems of recordJng, structure of card 116 Academy of Sciences (Ccrat.) Zovlkoo algoritbms, methodz -,xf irdependent analysis of 9, punber of (Chinese, Germazt, FIngliah, Russl,,~a, R=aniaa, Swdishp, Tartar, etco.),,; independent synthesis of tha Russian language, acme prcblems of binary Japanese-Russiaa sad Chinese-Rwalan translation:., theoretical trvis- lation problems, and prcblew assoaiated vith automatic recognition of speech elementa eni the introdut-tion of written textso No perOm-, alities am menticned. There axe 11 references: 2 Soviet and 9 English. TABIE OF CWTEVS: 1. Pref age 2. Belokrinitskaya,, S# S., 0. A. Volchekil m* B. YorimOT', A. 'ZvCnw~,.)T-. M. Nikolayeva, v*4 G. A.~ T(LMBWIUO: Ont Of to the Building-6p or a vo,-ayu~Y fcr an Tate=eUste Langwga 3. Zholkovskiy, A. K. , N. K. Iowa L I yeva, and Yu. S. Mart~m- yanov. On the F=Asziental Uae of Meaning in Machine TranaUtion- cara 2/6 17 AceAemy of Sciences (Cont.) s ov/6u)o 18. Dreyzin, F. Table of Tartaric-Russien Equivalents [19o Missing) 20* Hikolayeva, T. M. Construction of a Sentence for Indepen- dent Synthesis of a Russian Text 04 , K. I. Alge)ritbm of the Arrangement of Words in a 21. Babitskiy . Phrase for Independent Russian Synthesis 323 22. Yefimov., M. B. Basic Characteristics of a Japenese-Russian Dictionary for Machine 'Translation 338 ,, A A 'AnalPis of "Frame Conatructions" in Binary 23-(:Z~vmov, A. ~~ -Riaatner latioa'From Chinese into Russian 349 - /~ ; ~ Zv e e 24. or, As A..) Analysis of Amdliary Words in binary MrJdne i~~W'from ChInese into Russian :358 Ve Ve Linguistic Probimms of Poetic: Ttrowlstion Ivaaov .371 Card 5/6 Academy of Sciences (Ccut.) 8OV16W 26. Ivanov, V. V. Ca the Acceptability of Fhmologlcal rattexIns 398 27. Yefimov, M. B. an A* zvMC-/Y,-JMtqMPt 0 coo4tructing a Systemof Graphic a Hierogiyrhi~ ;Iiitiu 28. Kmandrovskiy,, V. 0. Problems Of C Cnstruating R0511ing DOvice 425 References 44 AVAXIMIZ: Library of Ungress SUBJECT: Automatiou and Cctapuber Engineering IS b card 616 ZLO1M,...11,,Y-U1,ALBKSM,1KC, Yu.H.; 3rROGONOV, V.A,; BTS11CHEvYAKOV., M.N.; BUYUITSKAYAj V.I.; YAROSLAVTSEV, D.Te. [Critical tests of an organic moderator - monoizo- propylbiphewjl] Kriticheakie opyty a orgallicheskit za- medlitelem-monoizapi-opildifenilom. Vloskv6p In-t otorr- noi etergii AN SSSR~ 1960. /#2 p. I (KIRA 16:12) Miclear reactors--Materials) (Bi ~exWl)~ P )9631, s/195/62/003/oo4/ool/002 E075/,E436 AUTHORS: Zhabrova, G.M., Kddenatsi B.M., Zvonov, N.V. Yegorov, Ye.V., *Azizov', T.S., Bat&- Tov, ~~.A.~, Gordeyeva, V.A., Glazunov, P.Ya. TITLE: Preparation of finely divided metals, and oxides by radiation PERIODICAL: Kinetika 1 kataliz, v-3, r1o.4, 1962, 61o-613 TEXT; A possibility was investigated of preparing metals and oxides in a finely divided form by irradiation of Zr(OH)4,.. AI(OH)3,,Fe(OH)3, N! and Cu oxalates and basic'eapper carbonate with accelerated electrons having the energy -ot 0.81,14ev.. The temperature of-the samples during irradiation (1 to 2S ) did'n6t exceed 40 to 500C. Thermal decomposition at 400 to 500% wash.. also carried out for comparison with the irradiated materials. The decompositionogf all the compounds commence.d at radiatlon doses exceeding 1 rads and was intense at 10,9 to 1010 rads. At the latter doses the-compounds were almost completely Card 1/3 s/195/62/003/004/001/00.2 Preparation of finely E075/E436 decomposed. it was shown that the specific Surface of the metals and oxides prepared by the irradiation method ejxceeds in most cases that of the samples prepared by the usual high-temperature pyrolysis. An especially marked advantage was noticed for the radiolysis of Cu and Ni oxalates. The surface area of the oxalate decomposition products consisting predominantly of metals was sometimes 10 or more times that of the decomposition products obtained by vacuum pyrolysis. Radiolysis of Zr(OH)4 and Fe(011) 3 gives dispersed oxides having considerable surface areas. Al(OH) is an exception, A1203 produced by the radiolysis having a similar surface area,to that of A1203 obtained by pyrolysis. The metals and oxides prepared by radiolysis may find application as low temperature catalysts and adsorbents. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONS: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN,SSSR' (Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR) Institut atomnoy energil im. I.V.Xurchatova.AX SSSR (Institute of Atomic Energy imeni I.V. Xurchatov Card 2/3 AS USSR) ly, voll-lo '. III, l.ot'ac ,, ve d .~hjej(j w1th El P gor .,ibled, $01-' ' sti-Og of . vlinin6 cor'ditions. Industrial hydraulic 1 4. (~Jjy~'k 17 fore, Oupport SSSR no.5:3-r16 dela Ota MONICH, V.K.; ZVORYGD1, ye.r. Pe'trogrnnby of middle Hercynten intrusions In the Kounrpd region. izv. Ali Kazakh. M. Bar. geol. n*0.4:3o-48 157. (Ulu 11.11) (Tokrau Valley--Rocks, Igneous) ACC NRi AP6029845 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR-:.-Zvorygin, F. V. ORG: none TITLE: Telegraph brokon signal regenerator designed with pulse elaments SOURCE: Elektrosvyazi, no. 8, 1966, 55-58 TOPIC TAGS: telegraph signal, telegraph equipment, signal noise separation ABSTRACT: Known methods of pre- and post detector filtering of 'a telegraph signal have secured . regeneration of signals distorted . up. .to 4CV. and broken up to one-half the duration of the elementary train. These methods require complicated and expensive equipment. A new signal regenerator is~proposed in which the signal is evaluated on the basis of its mean value during the elementary train and which uses standard pulse devices. The regenerator can handle the breaks in~ radiotelegraph signal trains that lie within certain ratio of the total duration of distortions to the total duration of the elementary train.,Ragenerable trains are selected by means of measuring the duration of intact sections of the signals. The nal method was experimentally verified with 16-element code combinations artificially distorted by statistically (near-Poisson) distributed 10-Msec impulses; 10000 transmission-receptions were performed for each value of the mean,no4-se frequency. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 5 formulas, and 1 table. SUB COM 17, 09/ SUBM DATE: OlApr651 ORIG REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: '5081 101.1 blg .~_UDC:621-324-147-181 -7,yp~TqINA, Ye,X, New geological and petrographic data on the Kdkdomb&L-*kiy Massif. Trudy Inst. geol. nauk AN Kazakh. SSR 12.,142-347 111P 14IRA IS t9) A Ocherki Po Istorli Sovetskoy Gornoy Tekliniki. (Outline of History of Sovi .et Mining Technology) Moskva, 1ZD-VO Almdemli Nauk SSSR0 (1950) 539 P- Illuo., diagm, ports., tables. OlSpollzovamiaya Literaturall: P. 470-533- At'head of title: Akadel~iya IT&uk SSSH. Koniesiya Po IStorii Ukhniki. Author discusses the post-revolutionary Perlod.1s importEmce In IthIe develoTr!en,t 'of the Bolshevik Partyla and Soviet Government's orgenizatlon~rll efforts to develoP this Industry in to a poweful branch of the Socialist industry. ~009- :7- -T~ -- IVII 1 -111 ;1_1~i4k i ~[!,-- OR Aiid ACC NRI AP .7001402 SOURC ILICODE-:- -Ult-/0413'1'6'6/'00'0'/0-21/.00'7'9/0079 ,INVENTOR: Kaplan, S. Z.; Yefimova, L. F.; Zvontsova, A. S.; Zakharova, H. At. tKhromov-Borisov, N. V. IORG: nonp TITLE: A method for increasing the antioxidative stability.of Industrial 12 trole* ipe um Itfuricating oil. Class 23 ., No. 18.7914 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 21, 1966, 79 TOPIC TAGS; lubricant, lubricating oil, petroleum hydrocarbon- lubricant, lubricant additive, antioxidant additivJ, oxidation inhibition, inorpholine, morpholine derivative, methy1morpholine derivative, propandiol derivative,, Imorpholinomethyl propandiol derivative 1ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of increasingithe~ I iantioxidative stability of Industrial-12 petroleum lubricatIng oil by introducing a methylmorpholine derivative as an antioxidant~additive, 2,2-Bis(morpholinomethyl)-l, 2-propandiol was used to widen the selection of additives. [BN] SUB CODE: 07, 21/ SUBM DATE: 30jun65/ ATD PRESS: 5109 UDC: 665.5:621.892.86 BWK, N.I.; GLAZOVA, A.I.; LASHKO, N.F.; KURAMA, V.P.; MOLCHMI#A,~ Ye.K.; Prini U uchasti3re: VINOGRADOVA, Ye.A.; ZVONTSOVA, Ye.V.; POLYAKOVA, L. V. Phase analysis of alloys on the titanium basis. Zav. lab. 27 no, 12:1470-1472 161, (MIRA 15:1): (Titanium alloyst) (Phase rulo_and equilibrium) TEODOROVICU, Gv., conf.; IVAN, A., dr.; OAIA, G. V. . I ,Ira* n F HANDRACHE,, Mdmila, ch,.; 4i""'-alforg 'Tr-,'..i d r C AMN BM, M. d r UMIA, Mirbille'. &r~ t BG,-,;.Tlll Marle-leanneg dr. Evolutinn of Anflumat &vang n group uf !Jub(Ilol-aga in th.5 year 196-'l-l-)63. Nicrobiologla (bacur) 4~ no.6,.,'lZJ1-5;:'9 N-D '(4 A. lu,,.rara tta~,ii,uaia ]La Inatitiltu'l, laoid Z 1i.' RcJionov and 11. K. Zvoriykina, SynthosJ3 In thos 11yrimid1we -,w, SOS Bulletin of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Science* (Chemistry -Seriet) Izvestia Akad. Nauk, S.S.S.R., No. 3, 1948. ~ P~ A I X4_ 44f "Off olois "I!$#$ Qtt 400 A ------ MiTAL PRODIXTIS oo t =ROCIOB01146 By AlmOSPIURIC wasil, S be lfcc~*tkln and I (J.'Oeno ;hamq Itusa 0 .Ar= ~~ d Id h hi ~I l h . -a a e t ao o 1934s 40 of. y 00 r c3adatim a ts a I r parafrWby rrsation of,the produa Wee l Atm- 02 conaists of Aldehydes 'of - ~op. >10OW" ~ adollf"at - 0*4 wh1oh n-C 14, -- Cll iv Idahtifisdo The al6alwls 10 Wa 5 9_11 41*4 . n-cr, - B _. OlXere,Ad9lltifW'in the re*idus,! art6r 264, i 0 0 9 3 sepa;allon of aldehydWse: Re To too goo Fee xe 0 goo AS*-ILA "TALLMCA& LIUMAIVIG WOPCOM no 10 we* 1, ;, T Mesa wit amv 44T U-S AV M3 J fl; 3 9 V : 0 0 0 4110 0 0 0 W 0-01 0 6 0 0 0 0 411 1 0 L fie'. t : WOO-A 0 0 0 0 a 0 9~0_0-0,0.o a o;* 6.1e. *_Q 0 wo 0.0 is 0 Gie's 0 0 0 s.6 .0 137-58-4-17.149 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p. 120 (USSR) AUTHORS: Zvorono, B. P. , Petrova, Ye. N., Polilov. N.A., Vayner, Ye. L7 t. , --3-a-rnsmmnko, G. T. TITLE: Designs of Medical Instruments Suitable for Productiop by', Cold Extrusion (Konstruirovaniye meditsi6skikh instrumentoy, dopus- kayushchikh kholodnoye pressovaniye) PERIODICAL: Materialy po obmenu opytom i nauchn. dostizh. v med. ~prom- sti, 1957, Nr 4 (23), pp 90-106 ABSTRACT: The manufacture of medical instruments from blanks in the form of bodies of revolution produced by cold reducing, cross- rolling, or machined by template on a lath(! is performed on or- dinary presses using open plates, with reduction by 50'-60 percent. in a sin Ile operation in the cold condition under unit pressures of 12-15 t7cmz '1vant' , offering the following -a( ages: repla~em6nt of the laborious operations of ' hand roughing and filing b~.machine . operation, production of a high degret of surface finish without burrs or having no more than a thin flash, saving of metal, em- ployment of universal equipment, use of simple and cheap:dies, Card 1/2 repair of which maybe done on a flat grinder. When high degrees 137-58-4-7149 De&igns'.of Medical Instruments Suitable for Production ~by Cold Extrusion of reduction are required, the pressing is done, in 4 number of pas'ses, with high- temperature annealing performed between passes. Methods of calculat- ing the initial blank and of designing.the non-operating elements of the inistru- ment, also examples of typical products manufactured in this manner, are pre- sented. Ye.L. 1. Medical instruments--Production 2. Metals--Extrusiori--Applications Card Z/z Ll ~.Dmi! ri 'f ergeye' - t V vich; ROZ03STMMay, ~ Turly: LIvovich: ABRLK,*, Aleksandr T"illyivlch; ;ITTAX Uv KbsilevL6 kand. takhn. nauk, rat senzent; KIZHOVAp V9A 0, 4, GXWIHOVA, Ye. S., tekhn. red. [Stamping, out ring-shaped p'artel Shtawpovk4 kolltsevykh zagotovok. I Moskva, Gas. nauchno-tekhn. iod-vo mehino6troit. lit-ry, 19-58.' 182 p, (mm 11f8) (Sheet-metal~work) ZVORONO, B.P. "Handbook on die stamping* by V.P. R*vanovskti. Revieved by B.P..Zvorono. lus.-ahtam. proizv. 2 nom70647 J1060a (Sheet7wtal work) (Romanovskii. V.P.-) ZVOR(NO, B.P.1 kudidat takhnichemklkh nauk, dotseate NOW method of manufacturing cold pressed steel-nedical instruments, (Izd.I.LONITCMEH vol-40:114-127 '56. ~ ' (Km :1o-.4) (SHM XML WOM) (MIOAL INM?MM AND APPAUTM) ZVORONOI B. P. Raschet i konstruirovLnie shtarpov dlia kholodnoi 6htampolrki. Fos!-va, Diashgiz., 1949. i-Ilus. Bibliography: V. 1, P. 19h-(195). Contents. ch. 1. Vyreznye i probivwe shtampy,~ (Calculations and designing of dies for cold stairoing. 1. Dinkin.- and punching dies.) DLC: TS253-Z9 SO: Viarmfacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Z)6,viet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. YBDURKIN, V.V.; MASTUMO..A.T.; KOVSHAROVA. L.Ao; HAZUMOVSKAYA, Ye.I.; OSIPOVA, Y8*V*; VASILIIEVA, G.S,,;:PEKAI=IY,, H.D,,,;. ZVCRCNO 3 P., zamestitell; DOLDYM, B.V., red.; VOLODIN. DANILICUNK6. Ye.P., red*; OMIY,J.N..,red.;,HISHIN, L.N., red,; MYDIN,,G.S., red.; TSUBLEV, Yujoi red, [Technological instruction material; alwaiwam and aluminum alloyo for medical articles] Rukovodiashchis tekhnicheskie materisly; aliuminii i aliuminievyo splavy'dlia meditainakilch izdelii.IKoaltva, M-vo sdravookhraneniia, 1959s 70 p. (KIRA 13:8) KUKHTAROV, Vladimir Ivanovich; KU AROT, Oleg Vladimirovich; TOMMOT, A.D., doktor tokhn.nauk, rsts9nzent.;---ZTQB I takhn. ...0 nauk, redo; OSIPOVAg L*A.e re'd.izd-va; HOMI, B.T., takhn.rea. [Dies for cold sheet stamping] Shtampy dlia kholoanoi listovol shtampovkA. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tskhn.iud-4o mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1960, 320 p. (HIRA 1315) (Dias (metalworking)) Mest-matal work) Of J: 1.1 -Nic id w: Tho pousibility of t~,a.,-Amc U4.11 z ri ij. Z. 1I.L'I J~-an enirgy for num"11--m. 110'Aml ttwlIV.'~,.; E, 07,,) v(t ta,-r6. NO imatruarji--its dontp,Od to at a. hatry sori~,,,.O:. or E~-, tj3& or tha dicjr-01~ura of thp 'Llrapi-c-usi mmu nalk.0 tho dini5l.; tostoa a4z o1i a claildard spocl!aouo Al" rc~ 'I ImmodifliLutl Ocurco clippitz USSR/ Ylscel~aneouff --no( -Pvlel;t r_A rd i b 3 Au th Ora !Aft I- hl, I'l t t KF Periodical I 'lest. mash. 35,6, 66 90, Jun 1955 jLbsixact i An exten,'Iv- -P-virv is given of Im. '11, Pqvlo-rl-i 'Va,.-_ iz' Submitt6,~ I. ..... Agricultural Machinery - Trade and Manufacture Use of rolled iron from Bessemer steel in the w.-j-wracture of farm machinery. Sellkh6zmashinap No. 7, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of 0M.4gress, October 1952. Unclassi.fied. 40. PHASE I B004 EXILOITATION Gubkin...Ser,gey Ivanovich (Deceased),, Mikhail VdxUlIy6vIidh Storozhev., Boris Faflovioh,ZvoronoA IVasIliy Fedorovich.KatkoVj, Ilariy Anatollye i h N rltlynp Yevgeniy'Ale_ksandrovibh tbpovs deor~iy~ Aleksandrovioh kirnov-Alyayev, Alekiandr Ndtri~eivich Tomlenov,, Yevgeniy Pavlov oh Unksov, and Leop6lId Adollfovich Shofman. Osnovy teorii obrabotki metallov davleniyem Nndaym6ntals of the Theory of Metal Forming) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. ~538 P. Errata slip inserted, 7,500 copies printed, j Ed.: M. V. Storozhev; Ed.,of Publishing-House:~ A. 1, SirotinL$ Engineer; Tech. Ed.:'. 'Bo~ I.', Model IMandging!ld. tor Literatur6 ashgiz S. Ya. 41olovib. Engineer, on Heavy Ma6hine Building.(M PURPOSE: This book is intended for~engineers and scientific workers studying the theoretical problemst'of metal forming, COVERAGEi This collective W'6rlc purj~o'r~edly reriects',the contemporary -trends in the development of the,metal-forming theory. Emphasis is given to methods of calaii1ating forces and deformations, Card 1/11 SOROFIN, B.T., laureat Stalinakoy premli; kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, retsenzent; TOKMANOT, A.D.,' kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk. redak-tor; KLTVNMA, YeX., tekhnicheekly redaktor; TDMOHOV, A.Ya., tokhatcheskiy redaktor. (Idea for automobile body parts] Shtamyy dlIa,'oblitSovochrWW detalei avtomobilei. Mosk7a, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. lzd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-z7, 1951. 217 p. (Automobiles--Design an& constractionY (Dies (Hotal-working)) Agwicultural Vachinery - Trade and Vanufacture Use cf rolled iron frcr, Bessemer steel in the rtanufacture of farm m6chinery. Sellkhozrmshina No. 7, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, nrtnho-r 195j; Uncl. 21 GUBKIN, Sergey Ivanovich [deceasedj-'ZVORONO, Boris~Pavlovlch; KATKOT, Vasilly Yedorovich; NO1UTGYN,-=ArAOv`t'6T* *idh'jJ1"kPOT, Yevgeniy Alsksandrovich; SHMOV-ALYA11OT, aeorgiy Aleksandrovich; TOKUNOV, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich; UNXSOV' Yi)vgenly Psiviovichi SHOWAN, Leopoltd Adollfovich; STOROZHEV, Mikhail Vasillyevich, red.; MOMMI, B.I., tekhn.ked. (Basic theories in the pressworking of metals] Osnovy teoril obrabotki metallov davleniam. Pod red. K~V,Siorozhev&4 Koskvat~ Gos.n&uchno--tekhn.izd-vo mashinoetroit.lit-ry, 1959. 528 po (KIRA 12:~) (Sheet-metal work) (Deep drawing (Metalwork)) r go . Al 00 .00 00 1., got 'M UlMnatim of Stitinsvitte D*Ivkts W Zxp~,~ts "h 0 1 1 l Z P I 00 00 n Rujis oe Xh"t 19stsil. ( an.) B. P,- vosvno 1 1AWO(OrV V~ 13, July 1047. ~, GIU I .0411411 f Discusses the possibility of testing thin *)Kvt go I metal by measurement of the energy "Irtil for puntbing holes, etc. In the sheet. Doscrib" hnd 00 a; dfagrams two instruments designed. to nifavare 00 , N this energy.-the flrst, by deformation of a Navy ' spring or rubber; the second by comparison of the a bill on f th Im re ns made b d t i v ers o e iame ss o p y the shect tented and an a standard specimen. 11 f re . sto ZTErt too Woo R_~" ILA ASTALLORGICAL 1.119116TIAK CLAWMAT400i slog tl U11 AV 11 1 Aft A 5 0 W a 6 .1 CO 41 41 4 0 0, soo 0 0 0 4n0 0 0 A o a o Go 41411 000-0:0000 Go* 00 0 0.00 so 40604POO69 0 4 or. ... . .. : Z ;* o BOU)JIM, Ye6ka, inzli. ; lnzh.;y FZSMSXIY9 A4Adj inzh.; SI1409 I.Nl, inzh.3 BORONIVA, A#P. Inzh,, Electromagnetio miring sy-stem in au 80-tou electric.-&rc fumaoo. Vest.elektrop.rom* 33 no-4s4.1-49 AT) lU 1584) GRISHINP VJR.; ZVORONO, Ya.P.; KAFLANq M.Ys. Electrical equipunt for an electromagneticistlrri~g of molten steel. Elektr.osila no.22sl8.22 163. (MIRA 17il) ZVORONO, Ta.P~ Blectr6magnetic mixers of liquid steel used in electric'are furnaces. Biul.tekb.-ekon.inform. no.10:12-14 58. (MIRA 11:12) (Blectric furnaces) (Steel-Aetallurgy') RO 1111111D, L., prof! h. ; CNOSD VSKrT..V.. insh.,XISS, T. Test of a beat pump air conditioning unit In a4ovle thsfit~r, Khol, tokh, 37 noo5tie-22 s-o l6o. 13M) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheakiy Inatitat kholodilluoy proWsh- lennosti. (Theaters-Air conditioning) ~Fliwo- I-.- I . .-" I I Q A A v Ip for p a r 0,0 A 13 July 1017, A 1179482. of tr thin lh MAAI y mftsUr "qUfrt!d for pun,Cn.*,nV, tho inergy. e' all Olne, an th' MCML T do~*aW to uwv,, *0 Instru. -00 firg b fornlaze thla frorgy M"ne or n of a ruvy Me parlooft Of ""I IM Pr-Ntmd Made by & ball Cal th "d On A standard x a R IW1.1,1wn L coo, age@ goo A ..... ...... WALOVOCAL L"Itarwo CWWW t o0 too oto t 161490 "it am* 94M I U 9 All 10 0 a 49 0 a o 0o0 a . 1, In KIA 0 0i0 OV w0 0-- 01 4 o1 '$141JIS PLC;. e A SC I ONCE PRINDICALSt WPM FIZIKAL FOLYOITILM Vol. 3, no. ho~ 1955.. Zvorov) I. Elastic scattering of protons on 6604lev, o'nergy, protons. Tr. Pr om the Itussian. h23- Monthly list of East European Accessions (EI-AI) LC) Vol.. 82~ flo. 2j Februdry 19 9, Unclass. ZVO=IY, V. (Rostov-na.-ionu) In defeDee of cameras with wide film, Sov.foto I? no.6:21 Jo '57. (14LRA 10:8) (cameras) 0 to 1) 1) It 4 lit 1) W n f )I a 1W A Ai 0 a of t- 4 L-I 4- 111 W~ W, 4r , -:-'. ~ - . . - i 0 Unit .,*a wade" of istwat" of PMOIGUM k1drIl-, TU residue 0 NaI4400 Mit. was bww 6 lam With cuttattl by ata"Vback *I=: I S. S. Nalwetkin 6"t ~ 'froin ih Of 4U230. J. GeV. U. S. S. X.) 4,906-14 NZ0111an. Y. X. am- - I . of pwallin tam petroltim by 04 alcm. bwwA on 1. A pctmiatunt IractJun oavv Cmily sAw. 01 cives, in adda. to momilmWe ackh and hydroxy "'VI)Y&O suit )%'(A Tht ciude Ocs. witit .016 :0 ri scids, awe Volatile p"iducts Which Campo with the = aby emitrIfiration wilh HALN and I CA ~with Caset &M consist of unchisaged hydtowbow, krwer- subicquent hydrtAyMv of the Imentes. Djmtn~ j*V, We. bollive fatty acids and neutral stibstancet. Candenintlan tions whow coans. c4xreiliontird rov hily to ed~ch (A the AID :0 of this mist. Wowed by ttaitoval of the acide with N&IM namal Sks. frori C414411 to CiJIM3H. The Ws~ wit =00 00 a neutral or wtitkl;r acid oil, the elilthyde-ak, futrUter tbatractedrAd by okkUtion to the awtVndItig C= (1). 1, Iuhied th N.,C(J* .0 dil. N&OH wid, wids and pmpn. ffm them of 1he Ag salts acid Me &=Jam. 40 0 treated with cumd. NIIJISQ~, c&vr a eryst. mau whkh Aldehydes and Wei. may 'have bem f9med froat said. *0 was and. frma unchanged ud and dioialvvd In watirr. The aq. sda. wto exid. with F.W. decutupd. with Nalm bIx-t- by 4 prMess of oxid&Uvn era-Ai 1;* 0 A the atilthyde lAycr distil. in sicum, colltvtetf, dtied at;i I T,=Uk ti- ;-4 0 (nK-jouted, 7 7el of Inked sklehydesi (1v Ig. z i't 1 40 0 1 1000 g. f)ITCU i;Aa-g fange ind"ted (hat Cjl,,~ i: 2 CHO to CollisCHO woe preamt. Individual sildithyd" -00 0 wele wit holahal, but an a-4ftykinamsWchyde was prq)d. firurn am ftuctim, by condensation with 1UH wWcb doady trwrabled that tanned ftlain eviswAsSilchyda. woo i=OO INALA AITALWGICAt LIUNAIL41 CLAWFKA14h It' 741-iOW' U It &1 00 It 1 0 . 1 il . ., Pt It V 11 K It R It It U It it IT KL* A 1 14 It 9 a 4 3 - - 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 * $ 6 60 .0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 ZVORYGIN, F.V.; IDMASHOV, V.M.; KHOKE-LI, O.A. Generator of random voltages of subsonic frequencies with i any distribution law and a controUed opectrilm, Aviom. prib. no-4:74-78 O-D 163. (MIRA 1642) 1. Institut kibernetiki AN UkrSSR. DZMENKOt V.T., kand. takhn. nauk; MIORYOM, G.I.,,kand.. tekhr, nauk Further improvemen-t.of nhield support for minIng thIck steep seams. Ugcll 40 no.6:22-24 i'a 165. (MIRA'18:7) 1. Inatitut gornogo deli Sibirsk'10go otclelenlya!AN SSS)R, (for Dzvuberiko, Zvorygin). 2. Novosiblirskly institut zhel! pznodorozhnago trans- porta (for Pirozkikovl TF,RFIITIYEV,, A.P.; VOZZITENTIIKOV,, V.14.; KOIMNOV, C.V.;,ZVQA;~q~A, PJAHADZE, Ye.G.; GLJJSIIKOVAY V.P.; BERUKRI)yOv. Semiconducting and optical propertiep of the dithlearbaLates of copper, nickel, zinc, and cadmium. Dokl. AN,SSSR 160 no.2z4O5- 408 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Fiziko-khimiclieskiy institut im. L,Ya. Karpova i Moskovskiy gostidarstvannyy universitet. 2. Chlen-korreapondent AN SSSR (for Terentlyev). 4FA )imf W, ZVOOKM Z MTROV, V. Ya.; UVATKIINA, A. INO -,nl(- stiucture of New determination of tba atomlc and e, dicyandiamide. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 2:.99-,401 Mr 164. (MTRA 17 -5) 1. Fiziko-khimichaskiy inotitut im. L. Ya. Kai-pl:fvn. ProdsLavlotia akaeleirdko S. S. Vocivcdavyui. VORONTSOVA, L.G.; ZVOIIKGVA, Z.V. ZIWANUV) G.S. Model of the atructurs of .3. 3-dinthyl thioc 40,00yani no cILloride sto detembied by the:vLatiatical rhuthodo Irig- tallograffia 8 no.3.374-377 1,~,-Je 163. (Milu 16:11 16; Fizike-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya. Kar vao PO DOROSINSKIY, A.L.; KOLKNOV, O.Y.; ZVONXQVA ,.,Z.V.; MIJANOVj, G.S. X-ray and spectral studies of the complex compounds of cuprous~ thiocyanate with thiourea and pyridine. DAL tuli SSSR 150 no.6:lZ78-1279 Je '63. OURA 16:8) 1. Fiziko-khimichaskiy institut ita. L.Ya. Karpova., Predstavleno akademikom S.S.M.3dvedevym. (Copper compounds--Spectra) (Thiacyanailes) (Urea) ii- _H~? M44", in i I jil lil'i ! tq w" ,',1 7 if H, 'i 1"17yl, ARRvul ;Tf BiOI/B186 AUTHORS: Kolninov, 0. V. , and._Zyjmko-va',- 2. V. TITLE: Study of the dependence of the electron absorption spectra; of phenyl derivatives of elements,of gFoups'IV and V on the nuclear potentials of the elements PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v- 36, no.2~ 10, 1962, 2228-2230 TEXT: The effects of the nuclear potential Zlt/r and difference LT.,in electronegativity of atoms in the ele'ment -, of isomor'phic tetraphenyl compounds of C, Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb were studi.ed. The electron absorption spectra in the region 225 -320 mg'were determined in. H crystalline lamellas 51, thick. Except for (C Pb , &I l spectra,were ) l 6 4 5 .of the same type and showed two absorption bands* the first of which occured at 250 - 260 mg owing to electron transition in'the phenyl this band shows radicals from the ground state Into the excited 'st;ate. , fine structure bands which, compared to the benzene speotrump artAhlfted some mg. A-noticeable shift of bands depending on the1ype of the Card 113 ------------ 3/076/62/036/010/001/005 BIOI/BW Study.of the depandence.of the electron central atom, however, does not occur. Concluaion":~ In tetraphenyl compounds of C, Si, Gel Snp~and Pbs x-electron conjugation of the phanyl radicals with the central atom is almost completely.abeeiitiand the n-electron syntem of the benzene rings remains almost unchanged. In the. second band ('1)r\ 250 MA) of (0 H ) Gel the absorption edgeg as compared. 6 5 4 to that of (C H ) Si and (C H ) Sn# shows a shift of.somo mp towards the 6 5 4 6 5 4 short wave region.. In accordance with *H. H. Jaffe (J. Chem. Phys., 22, -1430, 1954), this effect is assumed to be aaused by the central atom. The origin of the second bandt however#. has not been investigated sufficiently. On the basis of data obtained by Jaffe fq~r the electron. spectra of triphenyl compounds of P, As, and Sb, the phenyl radicals are assumed to conjugate owing to the free electron pairs of:the cenir~l .atom. Thus the shift of the-first band probably depende on the type of central atoml from this shift, the change in excitation energy of pn-eleotrona is estimated to be of the order of 0.1 ev depending on Z-VT of Pt As, and Sb. Further studies are required to,'explain the relation between the mobility of holes in InPo InAs, and InSb (650l ZOO* and 700 2 CmY;-aec, respectively) and the,ligand. There are* 6 figures. Card 2 - --- - ---- - --------- U .8/02~6047/005/019/032 B106 186 AUTHORSs Terentlyev, A. P., Corresponding Member AS USSR9 Rukhadzeq Ye. G., Vozzhennikov, V, It., Zvonkovap,Z. V.,j Oboladzet N.*S6p Mochalinal I. G. 'Electrical conductivity and activdtion;energy of chelate TITLEI compounds of the dithiocarbamates and thioamides of pyridine derivatives .1962, 1094-1097, ;no, 5 PERIODICALt Akidemiya nauk SSSR. Doklady-9 V. 1479~ TEXTg The temperature dependence.of the electXical'.Toonductivity q,of chelate polymers of the following structures Aj 6, and 8,'htts been deter- mined.t Card 1/6 6/02 /~2/147/005/019/039 Electriaml conductivity and... BIOUB186 .-,M -,Cu, Co, Zn;R H CH, CH 3 3 3 3 For 'comparison*$ the compounds r, Ag and' the polymer ~E (initial produicte:in the-synthesio of the above chelate polymers)# dnd the coti ounde )Kand p -(M - Cu, Co,,Zn) (monomers of polych6lates investig Ia.ted e'arlier *(Ref. 2i M. Vozzhennikov et alt DAN,-143i 5 (1962)) hive been etudied'analogouslyg ~N S Card 3/6 PI 3 S/020A2/147/005/019/032i Electrical conductivity and... BIOG/B(166~ CA g-C )L1, C %e SP Co's S a C-t/ Since the compounds investigated are.insulatora'at room -temperatu'rep:the. values of the electrical conductivity have'been.~etermined between 330 and 6oooK.- The,values of the activation energy E have been --alculated from' the temperature dependence ofra (ascent of the straight line in diagrams (log 6, 1/T)). Table I showelthe, results. In d8reeinent with the deta of Ref. 2, the electrical conductivity depends consideralbly 6n'the nature of the metal (ZnNi>Co). The stability,of the c0'M;Plex!-c'0mpounds and:'the electx~~afftntty-01-tftn Metals . CniMEUT 1T-VM'aa&e- -fadt Wit- order. TH& the nature o,f the radicals botknd to nitrogen,atoms,~in the.compounds x a~d has practically no effeat,bn the values of cr and.E shows that these two quantities.are mainly determin'ed by thd nature Of the cliemical bonds and Card 4/6 q VOZZHENNIKOVP V.M.; ZVOKKOVA, Z.V.j KKIIADZE, Ye.G.; VIDANOV, G.S.; GLUSHKOVA, Electric conductivityand activation energy of some dithiooxamide, N-substituted dithiocarbamate, and thiocyanat6 (Cu,' Co, Ni) polywis. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.5sll3l-1134 Ap 162. .(MIRA 15'.4)', 1. Fizilo-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova. Predstavlen6 akademikom V.A.Karginym. (Polymers-Electric properties) (ThiocyanAes) (Organometallic compounds) SMII TSZIM-GHZHI IS4n Ching-chih]; ZVONOVt A.Ar (tronalatorl; ZaIROV. B.Sh., red.; KOSHIMA, (Economic geography as a science]. Zkonomic6sksia geografiia kok nauka. Moskva, Gos.12d-vo geogr.lit-ryt 1959. 92 p. Translated from the Chinese. (MIRA 13;1) (Geography. Economic) UTOV, A.G. [translator); GINGOI,111, L.S. [translator] ; GRAIDINNIKOVA, Te.R., [translator]; UNIGIN. V.N. Etranolhtorl; ROWL-At4translatorl; translato ; MAY23ROV, S.M. ISAYXNKO, B.S. [translator]; KCTOV, AOV. r [translator] SAFONOYA, Z.M. (translator); SOUTOV, I.I. [translator]; SCROKIN, V.3f. [trauslator3; TSVZTKOVA, T.Ta* [trans*lator]; CHMOU, Sun-yuan' [translator]; SOGOMONYAN, G.S. [tranelatorle redaktoi; SHAPOVALOV, V.I., tekbnicheakiy redaktor [Socialist developmen t in the Chinese village; a collection of articles prepared b7 the office of the Central Co=Ittee of the Chinese Com=nist Party] Sotsialistichoskii poalem v kitalskoi dereven; abornik 12brarLnykh statel podgotovlen kantseliariei Tel KPK. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1956. 502 p. (HLTtA 9:10) (China--Agriculture) AKAYEV, I.A.; ZVONOVS A.A.; POLYAKOV, M.P. Using blanthole charges vith air gaps at tho Angren open-pit coal mine. U9011 40 no.12-:34-38 D t65, (MMA 18:12) 1. Angrenskiy ugolInyy karlyer (for Akayev)~ 2.,Nauchno- isaledovateltakiy i proyektno-konstruktorskty Inititut po dobyche polezn3rkh iskopayezykh otkrytym sposobom (for Zvonov, Polyakov). ZVONOVY A.A.-, inzh.; KWM07, IjM,, inzh.; POLTAKOVO M.P., inzh. Pftotice of using. nW Ubhnoldgy in boring and. blastigg, ops-rations -in- pitar-of the %gnezit" Plant. Var yv. delo no.51/8'.256-264 '63. 1, Cbelyabinskiy nauchno-issledolvatAllskil Inn'titut;gornogo dela. (Boring machim ry) (Blasting) BRODSKIYv A.M.;,IVONO LAVROVSXIY, K.P.; TITOV) VAP Radiation thermal conversions of petrole=,;fracilons, Neftekhimia 1 no.3t370-381 Mq-Je 161. (WRA 16: 11) SOURCE CODE; IM/0 5/000/000/000W0010 ACC M AT6013432. AUTHORt Zvonov, V. A. ORG: Kharkov Aviation Institute (.Kharlkovskiy aviatoionnyy Jilatit.10 TITLE: More accurate calculation of gas exchanA in four- cle engines SOURCE: Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya (internal combustion en.4,pinea)p no, 1. Kharkov Izd-vo Khar1k. univ., 1965P,3-10 TOPIC TAGS: engine performance characteristief internal combustion enginey engine adjustment ChN24Z2 internal combustion en'llLne \0 ABSTRACT: Some simplified methods for calculating the accurate equations of,gas' exchange proposed by Professor N. M. Glagolev (Raschet rabacheGo proteeasa dviga~teley vnutrennego sgoraniya. Uchebnoye posobiye, KhPI imen. Lanina, 1958) are discussed. These do not reduce the accuracy of the eqwitionu but facilitate, the actual 'calcula- tions. -Two major processes are discussed: gas exchange dtuing volve overlapping~ and filling process. After restating the general equations of 'volumetric balance derived by Glagolov (see reference above), that the proonure equation 6P IZ12s- lap yrzb-XP I d4., be numerically integrated using'tuierv*a first me*~hod. The use of other appropriate parameters in the equation is discussed, and the procedureJs deiaonstrated by sample curves.for engine ChN24/27- A simplified method for calculating.the fresh'aharge is Card 1/2 ACC NRz AT6013432 introduced and it is shown that this method decreases the accuraoy by only.% 1% for normal engine parameters. Orig. art. has: 22 formulas and 5 figures,, SUB COIDEt 21/ *SUM DATE: 20Apr65/ ORIG FEF: 004 KRUSHOOLISKIY, G.I#) kand.tekhn.naukLZRHff, inzhd Bffect of the blowout of a combustion cha,tibar on the temperature of the components of the D70 engine, 'Izv. vys, vchebe zava; energ* 5 no.10:60-S3 OA62, (MIRA 15:11): 1. Kharikovskiy politekhnicheakiy instit-at imeni V.I. Lenina. Predstavlena kafedroy dvigateley vmtrenrago sgoraniya, (Diesel engines) ZVONOVI Va I# Tables, formulas, and instructions for'computing the Gauss-*uger coordinates for latitudes Prom 35 degrees ?0 degrees. Yoskva, 1930. ?9 P, (50-415301) QB321.Z8 ZVONKOV. otv. red.; ZUjSZrIYAKOV, G.V., dok tor tekha.. nauk, red.; YUFR4, A.P.) doktor Ukhn. nauk,, red.; CHERVOSKUTOV, K.A., red.; DOBYSHRV, Yu.G., red. lzd-va; DOROKHRIA, telchn. red. [Now methods for measurements, and inatruments for bydraulic s4rveysj Novye metody izmerenii i pribory dlia gidravlicheskikh issledovanii, Moskva, 1961. 2V p. (MIRA 14:3-1) 10 Akadeiniya nauk SSSR. Sovet po problemam,vodnop khozyaystva. 2, Moskovskly institut inzhnerov vodnogo khozyaystva im V.R.Villyansa (fof %helezmyakov). (Hydrodynamics) Neasur:Lng instruments) 2YONMOV, A.A., inshener. The wear of auction dredges during 'the fillingiof the Hinge chaur dam. Gidr.stroi 23 no.8:9-11 154. (HIM 8:1) (Mingechaur HYdroolectric )Pbwer Statlon)~(Vred~lng machinery) ZVOV2S(V,A.A., inshener Using hydraulic equipment for the recovery of~inert materials in the area of tho'Kingechaur Hydroelectric Power Station, Gidr, stroi.24 no.6:6-9 155. (HIM 8:12) (Mingechaur Hydroelectric Power Station) (Dredging) ~-qSOVA A.S. KAPIANY S.Z.1 ULASHINA, A.P.;_.~YQ Effect of the naphthenes of metals on the heat-oxidizing stability of thickened lubricants. 11im. i tokh. topl. i mauel 9 no.7;54-59 Ji 164. (14IRA 17 t 12) ZVOKITSKIY, Aleksandr Tulianovich, inzh.; VBRMINWATA, I.I., Insh., red.; (Multiple machining of parts on turret lathes] Opyt grappovoi, obrabotki detalei na revollvernykh otankakh Leningrad. lq~~. 23 P. (Leningradakii dom nnuchno-tekhnicheekoi propagandy, Ubmen peredovym opytom. Sariia: Kekhanioheakaia obrabotka metallov, v7p.10). (MIRA 13:3) (Turning) NOW,, A. A. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOMMOU Akademiya, nauk SSSR. Institut tochnoy mekhanlid i tekhniki. Trudy (Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Precision Mechanics and Ccmputer Technology. Transactiors) :no.,:2. sov/&oo Moscow, 1961. 447 p. 1000 copies priated. Coutribirtors not mentioned. PWFWE: This collection cf articles is inteuded.for scientific and, technical personnel acnaerned with machine translation and computer technology. COVERAGE: 7~-As collection of sr~icles of the Inatilixte of Precisim Medhaaics and Computer Tecbnology, Acadmy of Scienco USSR, is the second in a seeles concerned with machine 'translation and mathematical linguistics. The colleetica conta,kas r!iports vritten 'by members of the KeL-,;-,.ixr-i-Tr&mslEAAM Group of the Institute as vell as reports by rvaetg-ehers from other orgzijal7atimn. The Articles,deal with.various prcblems in machine translatim, such, ggs the possibility of an interme&iete language, relationships +-veen various li-MwuageB. systems of recordJng, structure of card 116 Academy of Sciences (Ccrat.) Zovlkoo algoritbms, methodz -,xf irdependent analysis of 9, punber of (Chinese, Germazt, FIngliah, Russl,,~a, R=aniaa, Swdishp, Tartar, etco.),,; independent synthesis of tha Russian language, acme prcblems of binary Japanese-Russiaa sad Chinese-Rwalan translation:., theoretical trvis- lation problems, and prcblew assoaiated vith automatic recognition of speech elementa eni the introdut-tion of written textso No perOm-, alities am menticned. There axe 11 references: 2 Soviet and 9 English. TABIE OF CWTEVS: 1. Pref age 2. Belokrinitskaya,, S# S., 0. A. Volchekil m* B. YorimOT', A. 'ZvCnw~,.)T-. M. Nikolayeva, v*4 G. A.~ T(LMBWIUO: Ont Of to the Building-6p or a vo,-ayu~Y fcr an Tate=eUste Langwga 3. Zholkovskiy, A. K. , N. K. Iowa L I yeva, and Yu. S. Mart~m- yanov. On the F=Asziental Uae of Meaning in Machine TranaUtion- cara 2/6 17 AceAemy of Sciences (Cont.) s ov/6u)o 18. Dreyzin, F. Table of Tartaric-Russien Equivalents [19o Missing) 20* Hikolayeva, T. M. Construction of a Sentence for Indepen- dent Synthesis of a Russian Text 04 , K. I. Alge)ritbm of the Arrangement of Words in a 21. Babitskiy . Phrase for Independent Russian Synthesis 323 22. Yefimov., M. B. Basic Characteristics of a Japenese-Russian Dictionary for Machine 'Translation 338 ,, A A 'AnalPis of "Frame Conatructions" in Binary 23-(:Z~vmov, A. ~~ -Riaatner latioa'From Chinese into Russian 349 - /~ ; ~ Zv e e 24. or, As A..) Analysis of Amdliary Words in binary MrJdne i~~W'from ChInese into Russian :358 Ve Ve Linguistic Probimms of Poetic: Ttrowlstion Ivaaov .371 Card 5/6 Academy of Sciences (Ccut.) 8OV16W 26. Ivanov, V. V. Ca the Acceptability of Fhmologlcal rattexIns 398 27. Yefimov, M. B. an A* zvMC-/Y,-JMtqMPt 0 coo4tructing a Systemof Graphic a Hierogiyrhi~ ;Iiitiu 28. Kmandrovskiy,, V. 0. Problems Of C Cnstruating R0511ing DOvice 425 References 44 AVAXIMIZ: Library of Ungress SUBJECT: Automatiou and Cctapuber Engineering IS b card 616 ZLO1M,...11,,Y-U1,ALBKSM,1KC, Yu.H.; 3rROGONOV, V.A,; BTS11CHEvYAKOV., M.N.; BUYUITSKAYAj V.I.; YAROSLAVTSEV, D.Te. [Critical tests of an organic moderator - monoizo- propylbiphewjl] Kriticheakie opyty a orgallicheskit za- medlitelem-monoizapi-opildifenilom. Vloskv6p In-t otorr- noi etergii AN SSSR~ 1960. /#2 p. I (KIRA 16:12) Miclear reactors--Materials) (Bi ~exWl)~ P )9631, s/195/62/003/oo4/ool/002 E075/,E436 AUTHORS: Zhabrova, G.M., Kddenatsi B.M., Zvonov, N.V. Yegorov, Ye.V., *Azizov', T.S., Bat&- Tov, ~~.A.~, Gordeyeva, V.A., Glazunov, P.Ya. TITLE: Preparation of finely divided metals, and oxides by radiation PERIODICAL: Kinetika 1 kataliz, v-3, r1o.4, 1962, 61o-613 TEXT; A possibility was investigated of preparing metals and oxides in a finely divided form by irradiation of Zr(OH)4,.. AI(OH)3,,Fe(OH)3, N! and Cu oxalates and basic'eapper carbonate with accelerated electrons having the energy -ot 0.81,14ev.. The temperature of-the samples during irradiation (1 to 2S ) did'n6t exceed 40 to 500C. Thermal decomposition at 400 to 500% wash.. also carried out for comparison with the irradiated materials. The decompositionogf all the compounds commence.d at radiatlon doses exceeding 1 rads and was intense at 10,9 to 1010 rads. At the latter doses the-compounds were almost completely Card 1/3 s/195/62/003/004/001/00.2 Preparation of finely E075/E436 decomposed. it was shown that the specific Surface of the metals and oxides prepared by the irradiation method ejxceeds in most cases that of the samples prepared by the usual high-temperature pyrolysis. An especially marked advantage was noticed for the radiolysis of Cu and Ni oxalates. The surface area of the oxalate decomposition products consisting predominantly of metals was sometimes 10 or more times that of the decomposition products obtained by vacuum pyrolysis. Radiolysis of Zr(OH)4 and Fe(011) 3 gives dispersed oxides having considerable surface areas. Al(OH) is an exception, A1203 produced by the radiolysis having a similar surface area,to that of A1203 obtained by pyrolysis. The metals and oxides prepared by radiolysis may find application as low temperature catalysts and adsorbents. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONS: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN,SSSR' (Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR) Institut atomnoy energil im. I.V.Xurchatova.AX SSSR (Institute of Atomic Energy imeni I.V. Xurchatov Card 2/3 AS USSR) ly, voll-lo '. III, l.ot'ac ,, ve d .~hjej(j w1th El P gor .,ibled, $01-' ' sti-Og of . vlinin6 cor'ditions. Industrial hydraulic 1 4. (~Jjy~'k 17 fore, Oupport SSSR no.5:3-r16 dela Ota MONICH, V.K.; ZVORYGD1, ye.r. Pe'trogrnnby of middle Hercynten intrusions In the Kounrpd region. izv. Ali Kazakh. M. Bar. geol. n*0.4:3o-48 157. (Ulu 11.11) (Tokrau Valley--Rocks, Igneous) ACC NRi AP6029845 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR-:.-Zvorygin, F. V. ORG: none TITLE: Telegraph brokon signal regenerator designed with pulse elaments SOURCE: Elektrosvyazi, no. 8, 1966, 55-58 TOPIC TAGS: telegraph signal, telegraph equipment, signal noise separation ABSTRACT: Known methods of pre- and post detector filtering of 'a telegraph signal have secured . regeneration of signals distorted . up. .to 4CV. and broken up to one-half the duration of the elementary train. These methods require complicated and expensive equipment. A new signal regenerator is~proposed in which the signal is evaluated on the basis of its mean value during the elementary train and which uses standard pulse devices. The regenerator can handle the breaks in~ radiotelegraph signal trains that lie within certain ratio of the total duration of distortions to the total duration of the elementary train.,Ragenerable trains are selected by means of measuring the duration of intact sections of the signals. The nal method was experimentally verified with 16-element code combinations artificially distorted by statistically (near-Poisson) distributed 10-Msec impulses; 10000 transmission-receptions were performed for each value of the mean,no4-se frequency. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 5 formulas, and 1 table. SUB COM 17, 09/ SUBM DATE: OlApr651 ORIG REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: '5081 101.1 blg .~_UDC:621-324-147-181 -7,yp~TqINA, Ye,X, New geological and petrographic data on the Kdkdomb&L-*kiy Massif. Trudy Inst. geol. nauk AN Kazakh. SSR 12.,142-347 111P 14IRA IS t9) A Ocherki Po Istorli Sovetskoy Gornoy Tekliniki. (Outline of History of Sovi .et Mining Technology) Moskva, 1ZD-VO Almdemli Nauk SSSR0 (1950) 539 P- Illuo., diagm, ports., tables. OlSpollzovamiaya Literaturall: P. 470-533- At'head of title: Akadel~iya IT&uk SSSH. Koniesiya Po IStorii Ukhniki. Author discusses the post-revolutionary Perlod.1s importEmce In IthIe develoTr!en,t 'of the Bolshevik Partyla and Soviet Government's orgenizatlon~rll efforts to develoP this Industry in to a poweful branch of the Socialist industry. ~009- :7- -T~ -- IVII 1 -111 ;1_1~i4k i ~[!,-- OR Aiid