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PIORTNOY. N.D.; IWNMATOVICH. V.V.; RABXIN,,D. j.LO; BOVIN,'A'..I. I .; OLzSMVII'TU.T.; 1199" 0 ; GEMUMSDOU, 9,G 5 N. IMEGMAN P. L KWDZHATRY, A,X.; PISAWSKIT, H.S. Automatic welding of a3umiu= ailoy products lhsteak of manual are welding with a carbon electrode.'Suggestion b~r 11.D.Portnol and others. Prom.anarg.11 no.4:21-22 AP 156.. (H3RA 9--7) (Alumism alloys-Valding) ZV%KOV -N,A,., otarshly nauchnyy sotrudnik (GorIkiy 9'~ ul.: Krirova, d*18,,kvol) Morphological characteristics of the changes during hmoplast~ Vith refrigera-tion-preser7ed bone; experimental rese'archo Or~p, travm. i protez. 24 no.223-9 P163, (HW -1010) 1. Iz GorIkovskogo instituta travaitologii i o:rtopeaii (dir. dotsett M.G.Gri ortyev). SONE: GRAFTINGj ZVONKOV, N.A. Results of frozen bone homoplaBty In the treiltmentlor pseudarthroo Isp bone defects and ununited fractures, Khirurglia 40 -no.5t64-72 My 164. (MMA 18t2) 1. Gorlkovskiy nauchno-issledovatel 8k3 Institut tramtologii i ortopedii (dir.-dotsent M.G. Grigor:yev ZVONKO !rp", Side effects of penicillin. Voptnairokhir. 21 do-100-52 Ify-ITO 157. (KL.PA 10:13) 1. Gorlkovskiy, Institut vosetanovitellnoy khtiwgil, trairmatol W't i i- i ortopedii, (PIRICILLIN, inj. off. case reports) ZVONKOVp N.A.; ALMSEYEVA# Ad. Some commento on the therapy of obliteratingendartoritis. Vast. Khir. 84 no.6slOV-108 Je 160.i. (MIRA 13912) (ARTERIES--DISnSES) ZVONKOVp V4A., otarshiy naucbMy sotrudnik (Gortkiy,,,, 9. ulo Krinovap d.18) 'Clinical and experimental homptransplantation of b,mies preserved by means of refrigeratione Ortops,9travmoi pwoteze 22 nooji4au,22 A- 161" (HIRA 14t11) 1. 1z Gorskovskogo nauchno-isaledovatel2akogo inatituta travua- tologii i Oxtopedil. (diro - doteent M.G. QdCfortyeir). (BOVE GRAFTING) ANMIOTICS "On the Side-Effects of Penicillin," by N.A. Zvonkovp Gor'kiy Inatitute of Rehabili- tation burgery) Traumatology, and Orthbpe-&[-cs, 76pr6by NeZEokhIrLu'gii, No 3, 14ay-quae 1957, pp 50-52 The article concurs in the opinina of many scientists that,the in4scriminate use of antibiotics produces the fo" owing side-effects: Urticaria, dernatitis, serum diseases, hematuria, high fever, thrombophlebitie and may also affect the central and peripheral nervous system. The author himself observed complications in the central,nervous system, which apparently is often very sensitive to antibiotics,when introduced into the subarach- noid region. While using penicillin prophylactically after an operation (replacing cranial de- facts with tantalum plate), he twice observed epileptic fits;iu a patient, which were directly caused by ihe use of pencillin. In two other caeos.,which he de- scribes in detail, intralumbar administration of penicillin produced convulsions. And in yet another case) intracranial thrombosis was aloo,aftributed to penicillin by the author. -17- ZVOXKOV..,:HLA.j-starshiy nauchWy sotrudaik (Gorlkiy, 9, u1. Krinova. d.18, kv.1) Some results of an experimental study and clinical: observa tic as in homoplasty with frozen bone. Noy.khir.arkh. no,6:63-69 11-D, '58- (MIRA i2:3) 1. GorlkovBkiv nauchno-isaledovatellskiy insiltut oirtopedli i trav- matologii (nauchnyy rukoyoditell - prof. I.L. TSimkhes). (BONE CRAFTING) GRIGMOTSKIY, Taoilly Tefinovich; ZTOjMOT #-Tasi~iy Pedosovich; TASILIYET, A.Y., red.; TIKHOI(OVA, I.m., te re [Development of production rates on collective forms]. Razvitie proizvodetvannykh otnosbadi Y kolkhosakh. Leningrad, Lenizdato 1959. 89 P. (KIRA 1315) (Collective farms) SHIRNOT, VasilLy Filippeylch- ZVOHKOM Tao, nauchnyy red.:; AREHMVA. Y.G., red.; TjXMOTA7,T. ~., ta~ red. (Our vreat concern; krowth of the material "ll-beIng of the woriang clase.during the fifth five-year plaA; based on data froid Leningrad enterprises) Velikala zabota;~*rost materiellnoge blagosoatoianiia rabochago klasso v gody piii*i pistiletki (na mat6rialakh leningradskikh predprilati0o -.14nizdat. 1958. 129 P. (mutA 12:3) (fteste--Economic conditions) v o K.0 tq 4c; ed I Plil od -141 T, .5 go A a -d 6. ju ,3 VIA A.., tj ,4 lit - im" al - 42 A A I "' J:r .1 31 19 !h la;: SA jE 3a4 Is to 1A aid 4' A 41 25(l) SOV/125-60-2-13/21 AUTHOR:, Zvonkov, M.L. TITLE: A Welding Head for Welding Aluminum PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1960, Nrt2j p 88 (USSR)" ABSTRACT: At the Institut elektrosvarki im..Ye.O.'Patona AN USSR (Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye~.O. Paton,'AS~ UkrSSR) a special head has been developed, tile 1-.586, for ding aluminum, using a halT--open 'are on a-flux layer. The head is intended for the automatic welding of butt joints 6 to 20-mm thick with one*electrode of 1.2 to 4.0-mm diameter. With the aid of;shift gearsf. the wire feed speed can be varied'Prom 198 to 715 m/hour, and the welding speed from~!13-5,to 62 m/hour. The heads can be made with left or right attachments to the automatic welding machine, or they can be self- -propelled, in which case a carriage is-added to the, head, Card 1/1 ZVONKOV II.A. (Gor-ki7) D~namics of the clinical aspeotd of penetrating craniocerebral, wounds during late and remote periods of tramatic brain disease Vop. neirokhir. 27 no-4zl9-21 Tl-Ag-76.1 (KhU 1722) 1. Nauchno-issledavatellakiy in.9titut travmatologii J. artopedii (dir. dotsent M.G.Grlgorlyev), .ZVONKOV,,N,,A..,. starshil nauchW sotradnik (Gor'kiy:9;P ul.Krinava, d. 18, kv. 1) Treatment of compreaBion fmatures of the spine. ~,Ortop., travm. i protez. 24 no.8:64-67 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) 10 Iz Gortkovskogo inetitutatravmatologiir i orto pedii (dir. dotsent M.G. Grigorlyev). DEUSOV, Yakov Andreyevich.. kand. ekonam. nauk; ZVON nauchMy red.; UDALITSOV., O.A.p pOtTRWA M.P.' Aekhn. red. p red. (International socialist division of labor] Miohduna ,rodnoe flotsialiatichei3koe rasdelenie truda. Leningrad.. OL~-vo po rasprostraneniiu polit. i niiuchn?kh Znanii 1~62. 60 po (M 15:3) (Communist countries-Division of,labor.) 17 ~T Ili! Mijil"I'1~7 7 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV16261 an Kernenorgie und Flotte) Artikoleamm1ung (Nualoar.,ghorgy d the Me Collection or Articles) (Berlin] Doutschor Militarvhrlag (196rif. :!232 p. Errata slip inserted. 2000 copies printed., Translation: from the Russian oft Atozftaya energiya Iflot. Translator: Erika Steuk, Lieutenant Commander. Responsibility for Goman edition;: Claus Gruszka, Engineer, Ed.: Klaus Krumsieg. FVRFOSE: This colleotion.of articles Is intended for officers of the army, coast guard, and merchant marine. COVERAGE: The book, atranalation from the Russian, contains 25 ar- ticles dealing with the application of nuclear weapons to naval: combat oporations. Chapters 19 and 25'have boon supplemented'with additional data for this edition. The devast4tting features or nu- clear explosions are disoubsqd. Attontion is~also given to the protection of personnel, ships, and coastal 'facilities clear weapons, and to:t)io-:pretont . and f UtUM'-Zplioations of nuclear pcyor _planta,;to shipping. No p roonalition aro mentiepod. Th re i.aro 16 references: 10 Russian Mcluding 3 tr~nslations,from ..'EnClish-2anguage sources), 1 French, 1 German,j English, I Aiieri- can, and 2 either Rnglish.or American. Nuclear Energy and the Navy (Cont.) SOV16261 A. Uvarov, Engineer Lieutenant Commander, Docent Candidate~ of Te cal Sciences,. U,S. Huolcar;;Fowored Submarines 162 20. P. I'lilchailov, Engineer Lieutenant Colonel,# Candidate of U-11-31clencen. Depth Chargoo Wc5 ca 21*- M. RudnitakiX Engineer Rear Admiral. Nuoloar Power Plants in Warships' 192 Captain (Navy), Doe andidate 22. N. SolntBe , Engineer wit, C Cf ToohnicaliSciences. 'Utilization of Nuclear PowerPlants In Shipping 197. orresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR, ;23. V----Zv-OD&Qv, C Unored Scienti~t and Technologist RSFSR. Nuclear Power.' Plants in Transportation 2o4 24. N. Varvarqv, Guards Colonel. Nuclear-PowerodiFly1nolBoat 209 Card 5A F-v -1 Ri ~,,A r. lllt4 vcl 111,4z"41114spi I (I I 111FIN HHH11i I'd k~iiii! i~ P~ONLOI,,_ja I oppy b., kand.ekon. nauk, KUTS, M.K.v nauchn. ~~ _ftL ~.Jqj rp,d.,- UDALITSOV, O.A.) red. [Role of engineering personnel in the building of com- munism) Roll Inzhenernykh kadrov v stroitelf6tve kam- munizma. Leningrad; Ob-vo "Znanie" RSRSR, 19 65. 51 p. (MIRA 18:10) NOMKOVI VASILI VASIL~XVICH. Ikeploatataiia vodnykh puteli fliploitation of waters' 'C oskva. TranspeicbatD 1927. 180 P. Cst-H Kompleksnaia tipizataiia teknicheskikh aredstv vuutrannogo vodnogo transportao Ccomplex typification of -technical-means of.inland waterway transportation.~* Moskva, Rechizdat~ L 1948-1- Tekhnicheskaia ekoploatatelia Tidhnogo flota*" L Tedhnical explottstion oft Ihe river fleet:(. U4IWbnIk dlia vtuzov. Moskva$ Gosq transpe ind-TI10, 1937. 429 p. diagre. SO's- SWeT (Ira A martatign wA Emmigationg, AbliggruRh Libmry of o*res,bp Reference Departmento I(ashingtong 19520 Unclansifiedo.* ZIONKOV, VASILIt VASIL"(EVICH Desiatt let raboty rechnoko tran'sp6rta,sm. fTen years of rivers transportation:of the USSR _7. (Vodnyi transpory, 1927, v. 5, no. 11, P. 425-36). DLC: HE561.R8 SO: Soviet Transp::rtation and Communications, Bibiograph Congress, i Library of Fe-ference Department, Washington, 1952 Unclassified. ZVONKOV., Vasilii Vasil evich Kompleksnoe osvoenie malykh rek. Ccomplex reclamation of,small'river-s7e :(Vodnyl transport, 1940j no. 7p p. 26-26), DLCt HE561.R8 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications# A Bibliogra&, Librar7 of Congresso Reference Departments Wa-s-h1-ng-fo'-nj IY52i Unclassified4, 1111 Ir-IM12 v Ri If, :n' if y V1017KOV, VasillA Vasillevich Razvitie vognogo.transporta Rolotovskol oblanti. f5he de'velppment of, waterway transportation in the.Molotov province7. Doklad Ae. Konieren'tsiiIAk~demiin SSSR po lzuchenilu proizvoditel nykh sil Molotoyekol obl. 28/XI 1945 C. Molltov, Molotovskoe obl. izd-vo, i9lt6. 211 p. SO: SQvlet TransUrtrition and Cg leatiollo, ABjtjjQjg-_ap&X, Library of Goingrasia, Reference Department, legshington, 1952, Unclassified.: ZVORYKIN. V.P. (Moskvaj D-2840 Begovaya ulitsa., Ilo kvartira 188) Morphological bases of the ultrasonic and locating properties: of the dolphin. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 45 no.70-17 Je 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Laboratoriya taitoarkhiktoniki (zav. - zasluzhahnyy deyatell nauki doktor med. nauk, prof. Ye.P. Kononova) Instituta mozga PI-IN SSSR, Moskva. GIRAYEV, M.A.; KARPOVICH, I.A.; ZF,OINK.OV,_I'~p;q!- Frequency dependence of the field raffect in ph,otosanaLtIve US films. Fiz, tver, tela 6 no*7z2-'98-22200 JI 164. (MIRA 17s10) 1. Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. ZVONKOV N A Outcome of homoplastio operations by the use"~ of frozen bones in benign tumors and dysplacia of bones. Top.onk.: 11 no.llt 55-62 f65. (141RA l9el) 1. Is GorikovsRago nauchno-lasledovatallakcCo lnst,) Wta tranatologii i ortopedli (direktor dotsent M.G.Atigo~rlyav). V. V, PA 243T68 -7 'USSR/deophysics" anals! C "Nev Sap-Going WAIS or the UM, V. Zvo:h- kov, Corr-Mem of Adad Sci b3SR Priroda" No lt,pp 7-18 Description and photographs of the Whita:Sea Baltic Car-I imeni Stalin, Canal imeni~140scow'. Volga.-Don Canal imeni Lenin, etc.-%RisUrical account of early.canals.~ 24 M6-8 ZVONK07, V. 6421. Tikhonov, 1. 1 Zvonkov.--Y. Osnovnoy elconomich6skiy~zakon sotsializm-a". L., Lenizdat. 3.9k54. 112 a 20 am. 10,000 ekz. J1 R. zo K. -- (55-2356) P SO: Knizhnaya letopist No.*6, 1955. ZVONKOV, T. Speed and pulling characteristics of diesel freighters. Mor. i rech.flot 14 no.5-.17-21 My 154. (M& 1. Chlen--korrespondent Akademii nauk SM. 2. wirm. (Ships) (Diesel engines) ZVONKOV, V.V. Window to the future. Tokhomol*22 no.3:20-21 Mr '314-. (MLU 7:2) 1, GhIeA-korreBpondent Akademil nauk SSSR., (Technology) ZTONIOVA-- SHIMKO' K.H., redaktor; MAXRU$HM, A.N.. SAIAZKOV, N.P., tekhniaheokiV redaktor (Calculations in ship traction; theory, calculations and tests] Suclovye tiagovye raschaty; toorlia, raschety. iopytantia, Hoskvaq Izd-vo ORechnot transport,* 1956. 322 p. (MMA 10:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Zvonkov) (Ships) 7The Application of At .omic Transpbl~~tio6i it by V. Zvonkov, Corresponding Memb er,:Academy of StAences~USSR, Moscow, ProniZahleano-Rconomich kaya Gazeta 21 Nov 5 [Comment: In the following dlscusal~'on of cons,tructlon materials -for lie,)atwelght, mobile nuclear reactorn desIgned to supply power for transportation purposes, the author au&Sests that materials which are effective as moderators (i.e., beryllium) and exert a shielding effect (i.e., lead) be used as heat transfer agents, thus apparently imply-Ing that the use of materials which fulfill a double function will make it possil~le to reduce the weight of the reactor. However, tl~e'high melting point of beryllium (1, 3500) makes it rather unsuitable. foruse as a heat transfer agent in the elemental state unless alloying elements which lower the melting point are present.) Zvonkov discusses general engineering problem! connected with the usle of nuclear power engines in transportation. fie also subdects to conBideret- tion the economic aspects of the use of nuclear power in:lzuid, water: an~ air transportation. According to a statement made by the author, some of the information given in the article is apparently based4on results of studies made at the Institute of Complex Transportation Problems, Academy of Sciences USSR. The author discusses as follows the sub,'ect of coa- struction materials for reactors: "The selection of the cooling agent vlll-exeit~,~ a' co~,s Iderable in- fluence on the design of nuclear power installatidni for"In'dustrial and transportation purposes. The cooling agent may be a liquid (water or heavy water), a fused metal (sodium, lithium, berylliwr., lead, or bismuth), or a gas (helium or carbon dioxide). Certain difficulties will arise in connection with the creation of nuclear power installa- tions for transportation purposes. For instance, the creation of a reliable reactor cooled with gas or liquid metal and operating in the temperature ranr:,,e of 750-9000C will involve the use of hetit-resistant alloys, specifically titanium alloys, and also of cetamic,=terials- "The aystem of biological protection against radiation injuries~vill~, be of particular importance in connection with nuclear instALIlations used'~ in transportation. In stationary nuclear power installations this system is distinguished by its great woi~~t and large (Wncnpions.;~ la obvious that the veight and dimansions mut be. mquLll whion tIW InsWillation iFj used for tmnapoitation purWata. "Wherever radioactive decay and nl~elear fibslo~ take '14ce) carlgj must be Udken to provide protection from gamma-rays a~nd neiltron rayss which have a high activity. Gamma-radiation is most effectively ab- sorbed by substances with a bigh stomic weight, w1iile the 'best pro- tection from neutron rays is provided by moderators. It seems that the best method of providing protection in nuclear powerinstallations used for transportation purposes will be the application of complex materials containing hydrogen, for instance, of steel sheets interlined with plast1c: materials or of other materJp-ls with a high atomic veirht-7 As far as reactor fuels are concerned, Zvonkov nientions as examples of reactor construction types of heterogeneous reactor in ithich uranium blocks are arranged within the moderator, forming a regular lattice, and a homogeneous reactor in which the fuel consisting of,urardun oxide is.. mixed with heavy water functioning as.the moderator. Sum 1219 Card 1/1 Pub. 124 22/39 Authors I zVollicov, Acad of .5c J:iSR ritle Plariodical i Veq-. kl~ S3~':Z Feb 1956 Abstract I ~cq, ~,4 ; - - subndt~~ed ZTOMIrOT, vasili.V U8111YOvich; KOMMT'13VA, T-I-, ~ed. Izd-va; SOBOINO TuA, tekhn, r'06, [Integrated water resources development in the-river baoins a the'U.Se-S.R.1 Ebmplakenoe ispollzovanie vodh~lch r'esursov v rechnykh basaoinakh SSSR. Xoskva, Izd-vo Alcid, nmdc SS 570 100 P, 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for ZTonbw)'. (Water resources development) J ZVONKOV, T.T1. prof. star as o rins currents. Takh. mol. 25 no.9:25 S 157. (Km~ io::g) I*' Chlen-1corremPoudent Akademii nauk.SSSR. (Atbpde~ ships) (Naval arohitecture) AUTHOR ZVOUKOV, Va. . corresponding member of the Academy of jcioncft of the TITLE On the Problein of Utilizing the Water-Power 9-oservaq of the World (Problem; ispol!zovaniya mirovykh vodnyh,h resursov. Russian)' PERIODICAL Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 27p Nr 7, pp 8 - lit (UdS.S.R.) ABSTRACT The U*S.S.R. possesses enormous water-power reserves. in the European part of the Union rivers existj in the.A3jatic part more than The total length of rivers in the U.S.S.R. was determined to be 3 million km. Of the lo largest rivers of the earth with a water-drainage area of 2 million kma 4'are in the U.S.S.R., without counting the Volga, the largest river of~ the European part of~the Union. Until recently these enormous wat~ar-power reserves were not utilized. It was not before the realization of the first plan!of electrification (GOELRO) that the utiltz-ation of the water power of the rivers -was begun# In close connection with the sysbematic. establishment of the extensive channel system developed. The new in- dustrial plants (especially the heavy industry)~need veryjar ie amounts of water; the metallurgical works alone - 2 billion m; per year. The consumption of drinking water in th~ U.S.S.R. amounts to 8 million m.3in 24 hours. In the pro_% ction"of new large hydro-elec- tric power stations all interests of power engineering are taken into account. In a complex utilization of water-power reserves the Card 1/2 administrative, technical and economic aspects have to be taken 30-1-2 On the Problem of Utilizing the Water-Power Reserves of the orld into account, since the neighboring countries of the Union are also interested in its Experience showed that such problems arose in the water-power utilization of the Amu-Darj& (interested couintries: 3 republica)j of the Syr-Darja Q republics) or of tho Vifest-Duona (Dyfina) in which project are also interestedo3 countries'. Several member countries of the t= will soon express their opinions' on the problem of complex utilization of the:vtater-Power reserves of the earth. Quite a number of problems of topical. interest are to'be solved. ASSOCIATION Not given PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILt%BLE Library of Congress Card 212 T17 r1i 111 1, 12 ILI VON - Kov 14 gi[A. a 11M1.13 pis uns. 64 R S as I =119 IR I P a 9 W. aca f I IR I pRM I p40K EXPL401TATION SOV/5494 Vasil 'yev. Ktkhan Vasil Byeviabs and Sergey Z&kh=ovIch OuShchey Rap*rtazh Is XXX vakai'my zapisall r&33kazy dvadtsati davyatl sovetakikh u(:heaykh o nauke I taklinike badazhohago (Reports From the Twenty-First Century; Stories of Twanty-Nina Soviet Scientists an Science and Engineering of the Future) EROSCOW] Isd-va Sovetskaya Rossiya. 1958. 243 p. 50.000 copies printed. Zd.a V. A. Golubkova; Tech. Ed.s'G. 1. VaCYST&. PURPOSE i This book In Intended for the ge'naral reader. COVERAGEz The book contains 2T articles (told reporters by Soviet aclentista) dealing with probable future pra-~ .33 In physics, chc=istry, electricity, motallurgy OnZincering, aluins, medicine, biolom7. agriculture, zooic-wZ, tr=3portation. exploration or ap3ce.-and photography. AttantlOZ is given to automation, automatic andergro=d gasification of coal, use of now metals, Modernlzst~ioa of, oil fields, atomla electric stations, production of z:otal parts by the process of explosion, explosions Car&47ef Reports From the Twenty-FIr3t (Cont.) SOV/5494 In dam conatructicn cancer, Internal .1QMZ*vdty reserves. Machine diagnoses U illnesses, surgery vs. treatment by ultra_ manic vibrations, mechanical heart substitutes, b=an body bLn;4 '-dical OnSiDbOriM30carl'ohad foddar, arti_ flow snowfall*- AE:'IcultUre TN. "Mricalturd', r&di,,ha,4-,tx7. power bd= V% wire, maOUnba doing Intalleatuaa work, *.V su%o_ mob"eaw (wit 'rad-lo =otorzO), 'artificial- suN* (clactr, n9tl"T _.mZ- to '_ focused above A c1tJ which eazza heated =IaCUI*3 a future ocean &hips, rZIlWNY dr*adaOIZ~&W, Moncow or the rat-, =OVl-'XZ VMTV--Gnt$' W"11alle" and drlTerleN3 aut =bile3, electric *NmNres, the induatriaLL--atlos egl Siberia, Use Of underground beat, C11-Its control,lrInZ on the m*on. antimatter, and pb*ton jet. Names Of the Intarvla"ad sepatists are given. There &ra a* rsfergncaa TABU 09 CONTMITS: XV.12OVMTXCX KIx5ion Into the Put." R"rts Yr- the Twouty-7irst (Cont.) 3CV/5494 ZSarO 'to =VS- ta- Z' ra=Gyae*V~ PMMA-`=AL AIM XCST DWCMANT as Transformation or zlements - the Future of ?1*tailurgy. (I. P. Dardlu, Acz4amiclga, VIGO-Prealdent, ASLU=J 6 25 Mines Are Brea thing Their Last 11, S, C&rk=ha, Director Or 'Vsoscyu=yy DAUchnO-1632*40vatallaidy lustitut ?Odzt=gxw a9fios"?k Instituter of UNdor-.C-- -71 , -d e"ation Of 1* - -and X- A-3*dQr*V' DOPUty I;lr"t4)r th* Selentifle Seation)L 34 Autcesat"a "I JFI*24 IS, I- ?tLrcnov, Academician, end NJ Al J~VNiyON::Z3:lkOVi_ CC' i~o-ndJbj-;;3aZ4rj AS USSR] 45 ft- the Sources (A. V. Vinter, Acadadelan 51 Card 3A Reports From the Twenty-First (Cont,) SOV/5494 JAUNTS# EXCURSIONSO AND TRAVELS On lmd, at Sea and In. the Air [V. V. Zvonkovp Corresponding Memberp AS USSRJ 15T Through 21st-Century Moscow (N. F. Yevatratov, Director of Institut generallnogo plana,Mo5kvy -- Institute of'Nosoowls General City Planning] 165 Model of the Year 200T [Yu. A. Dolmatov*kiyp Engineer], ITI' A Picture of the (Future) School (G.,A. Gradovo Director of the Institut proyektirovanlya obehohestvennykh zdaniy I sooruzheniy I~etitute for DeqignIng Public Buil Idings and' Structures and A, Ye, Pozharskiy,, Assistant Director] 175 Magnetic Photographs and Films (Yes N.iOoldovsklyl: 183 Siberia Through a Stratoplane Window [L. V. Pustovialovi Corre- spondtng Member,, AS USSRp Vlee-Chairman,, Sovet po, Izucheniyu v ra 6/T ARTEKIYZVP S.P.; AFMASIYZV-1: L L.; 'BELDU=q'-I.l.',~':BEMSCNv I.M.; BRPNSHTEYN, L.A.,; BUYMOV-,'.V.A. ; GLZKAMW-F:'D.P.; VEMOYMY I.Ao; GORVIOVI A.V.; GOBERMS, IX..; DAVIDOVICH' L.N.; DEOMM, O.H.; ZVONZOV, V.Vtj KALABUKHOV F,V.; -KO14AROV* AS.; JWDraAVTSEV A Sf-~-'I~TqAVP-r- -Y-a.A.; PETROV9 A.P.; PETRON'v V.l.; TARANOV, A.T.; TIKEPM Mj: N.N.; FEDOROV# V.F.; CHUDINOV-i,A.A.; SHUPLYAKOVv SOA.; YANKINg Yii.S. Anatolii Favlovich Aleksandrov; obituary. Avt.transp. 38 no.907 s 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Aleksandrovp Anatolil, Favlovicho 1903-1960) .~~l T-7 f-i V-M, 1OHNI Hai HONITI I IWIM 1! 111 ZVONKOV, V.V., otv. . red. j KUZMSOVj I.A.; kand. tekhn. naukp red.;. TU4- CKNOVICH, V.T. . prof red.; FAVORIN, 11.11. ,. kand. iekbn. nauk, red, . POPOVAI K.L., kand, teklm. nauk, red.;KOASIMTA, I.G., red. izd-va;. GOLUBIP S.P., tekhn, red, (Control of aurface, ai4d'xiWergrbnd water resources and their utili-~ zation] Upravlenie-poviarkbnestrqni I podzemnynA vodr~nni'resursami i ikh ispollzovanie. Moskvaq 1961. 245 p. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Akademlya nauk SSSR. Sovet 6 problemam vo"ogo k1ozyaystva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSRUor Zvonkov)., (Hydrology) ZVOEKOV, V.V. (Noskva); OBERMSTER, A.M. (Mos),va); SHIRNOV, TSAIT# (1469kTa) Problems of overall mechanization and automatic control of freight handling operations in transportation. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.tekh,'uauk. Snerg. i avtom. no .4:86-92 Jl-Ag 159, (MM 12:11) (1preight and freightage) ... M., I-M ZTONKOV Y.T.0 All. X''. f tekhn.r (invest Moskva, 1. Akad 2. Chle AMX9V-#_.Yj!._p otvored*; XUZURTSOV, I.A., kond.iekl uk InPLa red.; TURCHINOVICH, Y.T., prof.. red.; POMIA, K&I'", kandotakha. nauk, red.; KUDASMA, I.G., red.isd-va; POLYAKOVAy T*T*q [Studies on maximum flow, wave action, and sodiment motion) Isaledovaniia makeimllnogo stoke, volnovogo vozde*istviin i dvizheniig nanosov, Moskvap 1960. 153 p. :(blIRA 13:11) 1. Akademiya nauk WISR. Sovet po problemam *odnogo kho- zyayatva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Zvonkov). (Hydrology) V.p prof.; FONKINSKIY. LmI.0 insh.. Prininali uchgatiye: .~Y STRUNNIKOVA, V.P.s inzh.; POXROVSKATI, I.K.0 lazh.; DZADZAMITA, L.A., takhnik; SE[APOSMIKOV, Te.K., inzh.. KHOBOTOV, Tu.A., red.; BOBROVA, V.A., (Ship tractive and propulsive speed calculations; a proposed guide] Sudovye tiagovye i skorostnye raschety; p roekt ruko- vodstva. Moskva, Izd-vo wRechnoi transport'** 1959. 213 p. i (MIRA 13:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Zvonkov). 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut ekonomikili skepluatataii vodnogo transporta (for Shapoohnikov). (Towing) (Ship propulsion) Ak A LA BDZHOLA, Dmitriy Kirillovich; YESIPENKO, Ivan Haksimovich; ZVONKOVA, Aleksandra Petrovna: PORTNTAGIN, Teniamin Pavlo-ric", SHIRROT N,, NAIZ~ifflNi, A., red.izd-va; TEUGINA, T., tek:hn.reL [Analysis of the administrative operations of industrial enter- priseal Analis khozialetvannol deiatellaosti promyshlennyYh predpriiatii. Moskva, Goofinizdat, 1960. j54 ,. (MIRA 13t4) (Machinery industry-Finance) (Banki; anti banking) KOKHTEVJI Aleksandr Andreyevich;_EONKOV V.V.,, zasl. dayatall nauki i tekhniki RSFSR, retsenzeR"I"MKIN, A.P.., prof., retsenzent; RAZUMOV, I.M..t pror.,, doktor ekon. nau.~, retsenzent; SAMSOKOVA, M.T., red. [Fundamontale of standardization and normalivitionI Ounovy standartizatsii i nomalizatsii. Mookvap Vysohaia nhkola, 1965. 195 P. 1815) .1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Zvonkov). 2. Pradseda-- tell Tekhniko-ekonomicheskogo soveta Moskovakogo sovmarkho- za (for Rybkin). 3. Rukovoditell kafedry orgaidzatsiij pla- nirovaniya i ekonomiki mashinostroitellnogo pi-oizvocletva 14oskovskogo vysshego tekhnicheakogo uchiliahcha imuni N.E. Baumana, (for Razumov). FAVORIN, N.N., kand. tek6.-nauk; POPOVA, K.L., 6nd.Aekhn6'nauk; GONCHAROVA, N.Ya.; SYSUYEV, GO~B.; ODAQV-Y-4~9 olty. red.; GORSHKOV, G.B., red. izd-va,- NOVICHKO#.A, N.D., tekhn. red.; MATYUKHINA, L.I.; tekhn. red. (Brief survey of the research:on the water resources of the U.S.S.R. performed in 1959 and 1960) Kratkii 1obzo~ nauchnykh issledovanii po, vodnomu khozialstvu SSSR,1959-1960 gg. Mb- skval 1963. 125 p. (MIRA,16:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po, problemam v6dnog6 khozyaystva. 2. Predsedatell Saveta po, problemam vodnogo,khozyayotva AN SSSR chlen-korrespondetn AN SSSR (for Zvonkov). 3. N,au6hnyye sotmA- niki Soveta PO probemam vodnogo khozyaystva.AN SSSR kfor Favo~rin, Popova, Goncharao,Sysuyev). :,(Water supply) POKROVSKIY, Georgiy Iosifovich; MOULEVICH, YurIy,Aleksa'nidr-oVIch; Z-V0.0 V,_Y. V zaal. dayatell naukl~l takhWkJj,n&tk-Jwyy L,V7 I red.; A., red.; SMMaKAYA, M.0 tekh~,' red. [To the forefront of a bold dream],Na perednii kral smeloi mechty. Moskva, Mblodaia gvardiia, 1962. 207 P. -(MIRA 16:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondetn Akademii nauk SSSR (fo'r Zvonb5v). (Science) (Technology) GHERASIAjV, I.P. (Gerasimov, I.F-Ij ZV-099.)-.V.V.j BURIANOVSKI~ M.S. (Buryanovskiyo M.S.], Problem of the Danube River, and main problems of.reclaiming its delta and bank on the territory of the M.S.9. Analele' geol geogir 16 no.W27-133 Ap-Je '62. ZVONKOVP V.V.; ASHIK, V.V.,-prof.; BAZLTEVSKIY, A.N.J kand.tekhn.nauk; ------- -PLUMt Yu.A., inah. Plan for making use of the wave energy for ship propulsion. Sudostroenie 28 no.6:25-26 Je 162. (MM 15t6) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for:Zv6nkov). 2. Chlen: redaktsionnoy kollegii zhurnals, "Sudostroyeni;r'e" (for Ashik). 3. Institut gidrologii i idrotekhniki AN US (for Bazilevskly). fShip propulsion) (Waves) ZVOFKOVp V.V.., otv. red.; TURCRINOVICH, V.T.p prof. otv. red.; I.G., red. izd-va,- GOLUBII, S.P.,,pt"eklin.,red.; RYLINA, Yu.V.,, tekhn. red. [Regime and development of water resources)Re'lzhim I osvoenie vodrwkh ob"ektov. Moskva; Izd-vo Akad. nauk:,SSSR 281 P. 11MM 15:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSP.. Sovet po problemam v6dnogo'khozyaystva. Chlen-korrespondent Akadeviii nauk WR (for Zvonkov). (Hydrology) ,.,,ZVONPV-,-VasJTIy Vasil-Lyevich;, TIKH%IIROV, V.N..9 red.;~~RAKIITIRI, I.T., tekhn. red. [Water resources are national prbperty]Vodrqe riesuray narodnoe dostoianie.. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie,"~19620 45.P. (Novoe v zhizni.. naukej, tekhnike. XII Seriia: Geologiia i geografiia., no.13) (MRA 15:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk,SSSR (for~,Zvonkcov). (Water resources development) ZVONKGVLru V Throttle brOdng of a hydmuUc Azial piston erj~jne. Stan. L instr, 34 no,10%38-40 0-163, (KMA 16 13-1) KREPINSKY, J.; MORAP V. [deceased); MOUTF V. On terpenes. Pt.172. Coll. Cz Chem 30 no.2;553-558 F 165. 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the ,Gzpchoslovak Aca6my of Sciences, Prague. Submit~ted December 29,1963. 2. Present address: Moskovskiy instittit tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii M.V.Lomonosova, Moscow (for Zvor-kova). Reduttion I IM a 'E"YHC lad -3~ file LUM, IT. KRONOV A. F.; FMUSp: M. Reduction of pyridine bases by means of formic acid. XI. Reduction of methylbetaine of 3-(2-pyridyl)acryUc- &hd 3-(4~-pyridyl)acrylic &aide. Coll Cz chem 25 no.lP:2668-2674 0 160. (EVJ 10:9) 1. Institut fur organische Chamle, Tacbnisch6 Hochschu1s fur Chemle, Prag. (Pyridinaaer7lic acid) (Betaine) (Formic acid) (14otbyl up) gro p ALBUL, S.F.; ZVMOVAI M.B.; USITANOVA, I.V.; SUDOV, BA. ZVONKOVA, T.V.; ZVCRYKIN, K.V.; KOROVALENNO, V.G. The November Plenum of tho Central Cmdttee o~ the OPSU aAd the. i=ediate tasks of Moscow Uldveksity geographera, Vest6 Moak. un. Sero 5: Geog, 18 no,113-A ld~-F 063. (K= 160) (, research) ' 0 BYKOV, V.D., red.; ZVOW red.; GIADKOV, N.A., red.1 KOVALEV, '~.7AA.."O' ~rredd-,'; KOSOVI B.F., red.; H44MV, KA red.; RYAWHIKOV, A.M., red.1 SAUSHKIN, Yllobo) re, dop SIMONOV, Yu.G., red.; HRUSHCHEV, A.T., red.; BOKOVETSKIY, O.D., red.; KONOVALYUK, I.K., ~aladshiy red.; GOLITSYNO A.V., red."; KOSHELEVA, S.M.' tekhn.' red. (Soviet geography during the period of the buildi Ing of communism] Sovetskaia geografiia v period Istroitellstva, kommunizma. Moskva., Geografgiz, 1963. 486:p, (MIRA 16:10) (Geography) in ~J jllfl 1RiUM!" IE, BASHENINA Wins, Viktorovna; LEONTIYEV, Oleg Konstantina7ich*- FIOTROVSKIY, Mikhail Vladimirovich; SIIQ-10V,,Turi)- Gavrilovich; VYSKMEZITSEVAt V.S.; WHIJTSKAYA~' I.P. Prinimali uchastiye ZORIN, L.V. ORLOV, LVO- ZVONKOVA TtV FIDOROVICHp B.A.; SHATALOV -Ye.T., re t6onzent; 6L-AZOVSKAYA,, H.A,., retsenzent; ARISTARKIIOVA)~L.B.j re- tsenzent; YERMAKOV, M.S., tekhn. red, [Methodological guide to geomorphological mapping and the carrying out of geomorphological surveys':at, scales of 1:50 000 - 1:25 000 (with legend)]Metodicheskoai~rukd- vodstvo po geomorfologicheskomu:kartirovaniiu~i:proizvod- stvu geomorfologicheakoi s"emkilv maeshtabe 1:50 000 1:25 000 (s logendoi). Pod red.N.V.Basheninoi.1'~,Moskv'i Izd-vo Mosk.univ.,, 1962. 202 p. (Legend supplements VIII-EXII)Legenda geomorfologichaskoi karty Sovietskogo Soiuza masshtaba 1:50 000 - 1:25 000; prilozheiiie VIII- [XII 1960. 25 P. (WA .157: 7) (Goomorphology-14aps) GVOZDEMKIY9 Hikolay Andreyevieby doktor geograf. mauk; ZVOKKOTA# Tatlyana _~kkq'ywma#...,daktor geogr SKIRWOVAj N.P.v ride- IAZA "mu '~&f . May tekbno red, (Physical geography-and ite'r6lation to the mtlonal econamyl~ Fizicheskaia geografffa i e4 eviazi s narodnA khozialetvom. Moskva, Izd-vo OUanief" 1960L. 31 V. (Vocoolumnoe obahcheatro po rasprostraneniiu politic'eakikh i taudhnykh =anlit. Ser. 12 Geologiia i geografiia, no.8) (MIRA V+t5i (Physical geography) ZVONKOVA T.V. Scientifio and applied principles of the phyvlcogepgraphical regionalization of 'southmstern and oouthem'Uzbek:Lstan for agricultural purpooen. Vest.lbak.un.Ser.5: -Geog. 1 17 no.3:3-9 Yq-je 162. (MRA 15: 8): 1. Kafedra fizicheakoy geografii SM Mookovskogo univerviteta. (Uzbekistan-Agricultural geography) ZVONKOVA.,,,T,._V., prof. Tireless explorer-geographer; r.S. 5hchukinic) 110th birtfidsy. Priroda 54 no.6:124 Ja 165. (atrtA 18:6) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet 1m. H.V..Lomonosova.: ZVONZOVA, T.T. Principles Of PhYsIcOgeogmphlcal research in the planning of: roads. Geog. i khom. no.1:18-21 158. (MIU 12:1), (Roads) ZVONKOVA, T.V. Applied problems of the geovorphology of tho U#S.SiRp Hauch.dokl. vVe9shkoly; geol,geogs nauki no*2:134-139 158* (MIRA,12:2) 1. Moskovskiy universitet's geog'raficheakiy falmliteto kafedra geomorfologii. (Geology, Structural) (Pbysical geol aphy) gr 14ITROFINOVAI T.K.; KRAYEVSXIY, A.A.; SER-EBRENIUKOVA, G.A.; KLYKOV, V,N.; - ZVONKOVA , Ye.N. ; 2 A PESC-CHNAYA G.G. ; SARYCHIEV, A P 1. Y,. ; Pr-,JM,5P-J,!FTN3X1YJf Complete synthesis of the glyceride base of vegetable oils and animal fats. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no.1:133-136 iin 165. (RIFLA 18:2) 1. Mloskovskiy institut tonkoy khimiches1roy telchnologii im. M.V. Lomonosova. Submitted July 4, 1964. tOESOCHIIATA, G. G.;-ZVONKOVA. Yo' Y~- KITROFANOVA T. K. SEMFMINIKOVA G. A.;7iar~~, I. K.;:~'WB&kMWM, N A. Lipides. Part 16: Syntheffiff of-triglyoerid~*s, c~mstitvmtevf cocoa butter. Zhur. ob. khim. 32 no.1221906-,3909 D 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimichesk4 tekhnologii imeni M, V. Lomonosova, (Glycerides) .(Cacao butter)! 1 SDMGVA, YU.I.; GUSfKOVA,L.I.; SAAYCHUA, ph-MMISKIYj N.A. 0 Lipids. Part 252 Synthesis of substituted allphatio,vinyl others. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.11:3659-366 K164 (MntA 18ti) ZVONKOVA, Y,,-.N.; SARYCIIEVAO I."#; ITEOMAMITSKIry" a A. Syntbesis of neutral plaamalogens. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.5s 1079-1082 D 164 (MIRA 18.-i) 1. Moskovskly institut -tonkoy khirnichaskory teMmoiogii. im. M.V*, Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Nep-Imilywicn-jM0 ZVONKOVAl Ye.N.- TSETLIN, V.I.; SARY-CHEVA, I.K.; PREOBRAZHENSKIY, N.A.. Lipids. Part 27t Synthesis of a, and fl-chivyldipalmitates. Zhur. org. khim. 1no.44630-634-Ap.165. (MIRA 18:11) 1- Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimioheskoy tekhnologii imeni Lomonosova. SARYCHEVA, I.K.; SFYMMONIKOVAp G,A,; ZV~~ODRCOVA Z41 MMOFAITOVAp TjK.; .V. I'MURIT, II.Ye.; UTMUk, 0 Synthesis of the main tri,,slycerides of linoloic acid, Dolcl. All S38R 135 no-3:617-619 N 160, (MI-RA 13:112) 1. 14ookovskiy inatitut tonkoy khimichookoy teldmo-lo lzm. M.7. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akad. A.N. Nesmeyanovvn (Linoleic acid) SEREBRENNIKOVA, G.A.)-ZVOffK(WA,-- - ;ZAPESOCHNAYA, G,,G.; SARYCHEVAt I.K.; MOBRA71WSKIY, N.A., Lipides. Part 18t Synthesio-of the glyceride constituents Of corn oil. Zhur.ob.khime 33 no,2s437-40 F V f I' (KMA 16s2) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimichealoy tokhnologii imeni M.V.Lomonosova. (Corn oil) (Glycerides) PIORTNOY. N.D.; IWNMATOVICH. V.V.; RABXIN,,D. j.LO; BOVIN,'A'..I. I .; OLzSMVII'TU.T.; 1199" 0 ; GEMUMSDOU, 9,G 5 N. IMEGMAN P. L KWDZHATRY, A,X.; PISAWSKIT, H.S. Automatic welding of a3umiu= ailoy products lhsteak of manual are welding with a carbon electrode.'Suggestion b~r 11.D.Portnol and others. Prom.anarg.11 no.4:21-22 AP 156.. (H3RA 9--7) (Alumism alloys-Valding) ZV%KOV -N,A,., otarshly nauchnyy sotrudnik (GorIkiy 9'~ ul.: Krirova, d*18,,kvol) Morphological characteristics of the changes during hmoplast~ Vith refrigera-tion-preser7ed bone; experimental rese'archo Or~p, travm. i protez. 24 no.223-9 P163, (HW -1010) 1. Iz GorIkovskogo instituta travaitologii i o:rtopeaii (dir. dotsett M.G.Gri ortyev). SONE: GRAFTINGj ZVONKOV, N.A. Results of frozen bone homoplaBty In the treiltmentlor pseudarthroo Isp bone defects and ununited fractures, Khirurglia 40 -no.5t64-72 My 164. (MMA 18t2) 1. Gorlkovskiy nauchno-issledovatel 8k3 Institut tramtologii i ortopedii (dir.-dotsent M.G. Grigor:yev ZVONKO !rp", Side effects of penicillin. Voptnairokhir. 21 do-100-52 Ify-ITO 157. (KL.PA 10:13) 1. Gorlkovskiy, Institut vosetanovitellnoy khtiwgil, trairmatol W't i i- i ortopedii, (PIRICILLIN, inj. off. case reports) ZVONKOVp N.A.; ALMSEYEVA# Ad. Some commento on the therapy of obliteratingendartoritis. Vast. Khir. 84 no.6slOV-108 Je 160.i. (MIRA 13912) (ARTERIES--DISnSES) ZVONKOVp V4A., otarshiy naucbMy sotrudnik (Gortkiy,,,, 9. ulo Krinovap d.18) 'Clinical and experimental homptransplantation of b,mies preserved by means of refrigeratione Ortops,9travmoi pwoteze 22 nooji4au,22 A- 161" (HIRA 14t11) 1. 1z Gorskovskogo nauchno-isaledovatel2akogo inatituta travua- tologii i Oxtopedil. (diro - doteent M.G. QdCfortyeir). (BOVE GRAFTING) ANMIOTICS "On the Side-Effects of Penicillin," by N.A. Zvonkovp Gor'kiy Inatitute of Rehabili- tation burgery) Traumatology, and Orthbpe-&[-cs, 76pr6by NeZEokhIrLu'gii, No 3, 14ay-quae 1957, pp 50-52 The article concurs in the opinina of many scientists that,the in4scriminate use of antibiotics produces the fo" owing side-effects: Urticaria, dernatitis, serum diseases, hematuria, high fever, thrombophlebitie and may also affect the central and peripheral nervous system. The author himself observed complications in the central,nervous system, which apparently is often very sensitive to antibiotics,when introduced into the subarach- noid region. While using penicillin prophylactically after an operation (replacing cranial de- facts with tantalum plate), he twice observed epileptic fits;iu a patient, which were directly caused by ihe use of pencillin. In two other caeos.,which he de- scribes in detail, intralumbar administration of penicillin produced convulsions. And in yet another case) intracranial thrombosis was aloo,aftributed to penicillin by the author. -17- ZVOXKOV..,:HLA.j-starshiy nauchWy sotrudaik (Gorlkiy, 9, u1. Krinova. d.18, kv.1) Some results of an experimental study and clinical: observa tic as in homoplasty with frozen bone. Noy.khir.arkh. no,6:63-69 11-D, '58- (MIRA i2:3) 1. GorlkovBkiv nauchno-isaledovatellskiy insiltut oirtopedli i trav- matologii (nauchnyy rukoyoditell - prof. I.L. TSimkhes). (BONE CRAFTING) GRIGMOTSKIY, Taoilly Tefinovich; ZTOjMOT #-Tasi~iy Pedosovich; TASILIYET, A.Y., red.; TIKHOI(OVA, I.m., te re [Development of production rates on collective forms]. Razvitie proizvodetvannykh otnosbadi Y kolkhosakh. Leningrad, Lenizdato 1959. 89 P. (KIRA 1315) (Collective farms) SHIRNOT, VasilLy Filippeylch- ZVOHKOM Tao, nauchnyy red.:; AREHMVA. Y.G., red.; TjXMOTA7,T. ~., ta~ red. (Our vreat concern; krowth of the material "ll-beIng of the woriang clase.during the fifth five-year plaA; based on data froid Leningrad enterprises) Velikala zabota;~*rost materiellnoge blagosoatoianiia rabochago klasso v gody piii*i pistiletki (na mat6rialakh leningradskikh predprilati0o -.14nizdat. 1958. 129 P. (mutA 12:3) (fteste--Economic conditions) v o K.0 tq 4c; ed I Plil od -141 T, .5 go A a -d 6. ju ,3 VIA A.., tj ,4 lit - im" al - 42 A A I "' J:r .1 31 19 !h la;: SA jE 3a4 Is to 1A aid 4' A 41 25(l) SOV/125-60-2-13/21 AUTHOR:, Zvonkov, M.L. TITLE: A Welding Head for Welding Aluminum PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1960, Nrt2j p 88 (USSR)" ABSTRACT: At the Institut elektrosvarki im..Ye.O.'Patona AN USSR (Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye~.O. Paton,'AS~ UkrSSR) a special head has been developed, tile 1-.586, for ding aluminum, using a halT--open 'are on a-flux layer. The head is intended for the automatic welding of butt joints 6 to 20-mm thick with one*electrode of 1.2 to 4.0-mm diameter. With the aid of;shift gearsf. the wire feed speed can be varied'Prom 198 to 715 m/hour, and the welding speed from~!13-5,to 62 m/hour. The heads can be made with left or right attachments to the automatic welding machine, or they can be self- -propelled, in which case a carriage is-added to the, head, Card 1/1 ZVONKOV II.A. (Gor-ki7) D~namics of the clinical aspeotd of penetrating craniocerebral, wounds during late and remote periods of tramatic brain disease Vop. neirokhir. 27 no-4zl9-21 Tl-Ag-76.1 (KhU 1722) 1. Nauchno-issledavatellakiy in.9titut travmatologii J. artopedii (dir. dotsent M.G.Grlgorlyev), .ZVONKOV,,N,,A..,. starshil nauchW sotradnik (Gor'kiy:9;P ul.Krinava, d. 18, kv. 1) Treatment of compreaBion fmatures of the spine. ~,Ortop., travm. i protez. 24 no.8:64-67 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) 10 Iz Gortkovskogo inetitutatravmatologiir i orto pedii (dir. dotsent M.G. Grigorlyev). DEUSOV, Yakov Andreyevich.. kand. ekonam. nauk; ZVON nauchMy red.; UDALITSOV., O.A.p pOtTRWA M.P.' Aekhn. red. p red. (International socialist division of labor] Miohduna ,rodnoe flotsialiatichei3koe rasdelenie truda. Leningrad.. OL~-vo po rasprostraneniiu polit. i niiuchn?kh Znanii 1~62. 60 po (M 15:3) (Communist countries-Division of,labor.) 17 ~T Ili! Mijil"I'1~7 7 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV16261 an Kernenorgie und Flotte) Artikoleamm1ung (Nualoar.,ghorgy d the Me Collection or Articles) (Berlin] Doutschor Militarvhrlag (196rif. :!232 p. Errata slip inserted. 2000 copies printed., Translation: from the Russian oft Atozftaya energiya Iflot. Translator: Erika Steuk, Lieutenant Commander. Responsibility for Goman edition;: Claus Gruszka, Engineer, Ed.: Klaus Krumsieg. FVRFOSE: This colleotion.of articles Is intended for officers of the army, coast guard, and merchant marine. COVERAGE: The book, atranalation from the Russian, contains 25 ar- ticles dealing with the application of nuclear weapons to naval: combat oporations. Chapters 19 and 25'have boon supplemented'with additional data for this edition. The devast4tting features or nu- clear explosions are disoubsqd. Attontion is~also given to the protection of personnel, ships, and coastal 'facilities clear weapons, and to:t)io-:pretont . and f UtUM'-Zplioations of nuclear pcyor _planta,;to shipping. No p roonalition aro mentiepod. Th re i.aro 16 references: 10 Russian Mcluding 3 tr~nslations,from ..'EnClish-2anguage sources), 1 French, 1 German,j English, I Aiieri- can, and 2 either Rnglish.or American. Nuclear Energy and the Navy (Cont.) SOV16261 A. Uvarov, Engineer Lieutenant Commander, Docent Candidate~ of Te cal Sciences,. U,S. Huolcar;;Fowored Submarines 162 20. P. I'lilchailov, Engineer Lieutenant Colonel,# Candidate of U-11-31clencen. Depth Chargoo Wc5 ca 21*- M. RudnitakiX Engineer Rear Admiral. Nuoloar Power Plants in Warships' 192 Captain (Navy), Doe andidate 22. N. SolntBe , Engineer wit, C Cf ToohnicaliSciences. 'Utilization of Nuclear PowerPlants In Shipping 197. orresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR, ;23. V----Zv-OD&Qv, C Unored Scienti~t and Technologist RSFSR. Nuclear Power.' Plants in Transportation 2o4 24. N. Varvarqv, Guards Colonel. Nuclear-PowerodiFly1nolBoat 209 Card 5A F-v -1 Ri ~,,A r. lllt4 vcl 111,4z"41114spi I (I I 111FIN HHH11i I'd k~iiii! i~ P~ONLOI,,_ja I oppy b., kand.ekon. nauk, KUTS, M.K.v nauchn. ~~ _ftL ~.Jqj rp,d.,- UDALITSOV, O.A.) red. [Role of engineering personnel in the building of com- munism) Roll Inzhenernykh kadrov v stroitelf6tve kam- munizma. Leningrad; Ob-vo "Znanie" RSRSR, 19 65. 51 p. (MIRA 18:10) NOMKOVI VASILI VASIL~XVICH. Ikeploatataiia vodnykh puteli fliploitation of waters' 'C oskva. TranspeicbatD 1927. 180 P. Cst-H Kompleksnaia tipizataiia teknicheskikh aredstv vuutrannogo vodnogo transportao Ccomplex typification of -technical-means of.inland waterway transportation.~* Moskva, Rechizdat~ L 1948-1- Tekhnicheskaia ekoploatatelia Tidhnogo flota*" L Tedhnical explottstion oft Ihe river fleet:(. U4IWbnIk dlia vtuzov. Moskva$ Gosq transpe ind-TI10, 1937. 429 p. diagre. SO's- SWeT (Ira A martatign wA Emmigationg, AbliggruRh Libmry of o*res,bp Reference Departmento I(ashingtong 19520 Unclansifiedo.* ZIONKOV, VASILIt VASIL"(EVICH Desiatt let raboty rechnoko tran'sp6rta,sm. fTen years of rivers transportation:of the USSR _7. (Vodnyi transpory, 1927, v. 5, no. 11, P. 425-36). DLC: HE561.R8 SO: Soviet Transp::rtation and Communications, Bibiograph Congress, i Library of Fe-ference Department, Washington, 1952 Unclassified. ZVONKOV., Vasilii Vasil evich Kompleksnoe osvoenie malykh rek. Ccomplex reclamation of,small'river-s7e :(Vodnyl transport, 1940j no. 7p p. 26-26), DLCt HE561.R8 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications# A Bibliogra&, Librar7 of Congresso Reference Departments Wa-s-h1-ng-fo'-nj IY52i Unclassified4, 1111 Ir-IM12 v Ri If, :n' if y V1017KOV, VasillA Vasillevich Razvitie vognogo.transporta Rolotovskol oblanti. f5he de'velppment of, waterway transportation in the.Molotov province7. Doklad Ae. Konieren'tsiiIAk~demiin SSSR po lzuchenilu proizvoditel nykh sil Molotoyekol obl. 28/XI 1945 C. Molltov, Molotovskoe obl. izd-vo, i9lt6. 211 p. SO: SQvlet TransUrtrition and Cg leatiollo, ABjtjjQjg-_ap&X, Library of Goingrasia, Reference Department, legshington, 1952, Unclassified.: ZVORYKIN. V.P. (Moskvaj D-2840 Begovaya ulitsa., Ilo kvartira 188) Morphological bases of the ultrasonic and locating properties: of the dolphin. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 45 no.70-17 Je 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Laboratoriya taitoarkhiktoniki (zav. - zasluzhahnyy deyatell nauki doktor med. nauk, prof. Ye.P. Kononova) Instituta mozga PI-IN SSSR, Moskva. GIRAYEV, M.A.; KARPOVICH, I.A.; ZF,OINK.OV,_I'~p;q!- Frequency dependence of the field raffect in ph,otosanaLtIve US films. Fiz, tver, tela 6 no*7z2-'98-22200 JI 164. (MIRA 17s10) 1. Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. ZVONKOV N A Outcome of homoplastio operations by the use"~ of frozen bones in benign tumors and dysplacia of bones. Top.onk.: 11 no.llt 55-62 f65. (141RA l9el) 1. Is GorikovsRago nauchno-lasledovatallakcCo lnst,) Wta tranatologii i ortopedli (direktor dotsent M.G.Atigo~rlyav). V. V, PA 243T68 -7 'USSR/deophysics" anals! C "Nev Sap-Going WAIS or the UM, V. Zvo:h- kov, Corr-Mem of Adad Sci b3SR Priroda" No lt,pp 7-18 Description and photographs of the Whita:Sea Baltic Car-I imeni Stalin, Canal imeni~140scow'. Volga.-Don Canal imeni Lenin, etc.-%RisUrical account of early.canals.~ 24 M6-8 ZVONK07, V. 6421. Tikhonov, 1. 1 Zvonkov.--Y. Osnovnoy elconomich6skiy~zakon sotsializm-a". L., Lenizdat. 3.9k54. 112 a 20 am. 10,000 ekz. J1 R. zo K. -- (55-2356) P SO: Knizhnaya letopist No.*6, 1955. ZVONKOV, T. Speed and pulling characteristics of diesel freighters. Mor. i rech.flot 14 no.5-.17-21 My 154. (M& 1. Chlen--korrespondent Akademii nauk SM. 2. wirm. (Ships) (Diesel engines) ZVONKOV, V.V. Window to the future. Tokhomol*22 no.3:20-21 Mr '314-. (MLU 7:2) 1, GhIeA-korreBpondent Akademil nauk SSSR., (Technology) ZTONIOVA-- SHIMKO' K.H., redaktor; MAXRU$HM, A.N.. SAIAZKOV, N.P., tekhniaheokiV redaktor (Calculations in ship traction; theory, calculations and tests] Suclovye tiagovye raschaty; toorlia, raschety. iopytantia, Hoskvaq Izd-vo ORechnot transport,* 1956. 322 p. (MMA 10:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Zvonkov) (Ships) 7The Application of At .omic Transpbl~~tio6i it by V. Zvonkov, Corresponding Memb er,:Academy of StAences~USSR, Moscow, ProniZahleano-Rconomich kaya Gazeta 21 Nov 5 [Comment: In the following dlscusal~'on of cons,tructlon materials -for lie,)atwelght, mobile nuclear reactorn desIgned to supply power for transportation purposes, the author au&Sests that materials which are effective as moderators (i.e., beryllium) and exert a shielding effect (i.e., lead) be used as heat transfer agents, thus apparently imply-Ing that the use of materials which fulfill a double function will make it possil~le to reduce the weight of the reactor. However, tl~e'high melting point of beryllium (1, 3500) makes it rather unsuitable. foruse as a heat transfer agent in the elemental state unless alloying elements which lower the melting point are present.) Zvonkov discusses general engineering problem! connected with the usle of nuclear power engines in transportation. fie also subdects to conBideret- tion the economic aspects of the use of nuclear power in:lzuid, water: an~ air transportation. According to a statement made by the author, some of the information given in the article is apparently based4on results of studies made at the Institute of Complex Transportation Problems, Academy of Sciences USSR. The author discusses as follows the sub,'ect of coa- struction materials for reactors: "The selection of the cooling agent vlll-exeit~,~ a' co~,s Iderable in- fluence on the design of nuclear power installatidni for"In'dustrial and transportation purposes. The cooling agent may be a liquid (water or heavy water), a fused metal (sodium, lithium, berylliwr., lead, or bismuth), or a gas (helium or carbon dioxide). Certain difficulties will arise in connection with the creation of nuclear power installa- tions for transportation purposes. For instance, the creation of a reliable reactor cooled with gas or liquid metal and operating in the temperature ranr:,,e of 750-9000C will involve the use of hetit-resistant alloys, specifically titanium alloys, and also of cetamic,=terials- "The aystem of biological protection against radiation injuries~vill~, be of particular importance in connection with nuclear instALIlations used'~ in transportation. In stationary nuclear power installations this system is distinguished by its great woi~~t and large (Wncnpions.;~ la obvious that the veight and dimansions mut be. mquLll whion tIW InsWillation iFj used for tmnapoitation purWata. "Wherever radioactive decay and nl~elear fibslo~ take '14ce) carlgj must be Udken to provide protection from gamma-rays a~nd neiltron rayss which have a high activity. Gamma-radiation is most effectively ab- sorbed by substances with a bigh stomic weight, w1iile the 'best pro- tection from neutron rays is provided by moderators. It seems that the best method of providing protection in nuclear powerinstallations used for transportation purposes will be the application of complex materials containing hydrogen, for instance, of steel sheets interlined with plast1c: materials or of other materJp-ls with a high atomic veirht-7 As far as reactor fuels are concerned, Zvonkov nientions as examples of reactor construction types of heterogeneous reactor in ithich uranium blocks are arranged within the moderator, forming a regular lattice, and a homogeneous reactor in which the fuel consisting of,urardun oxide is.. mixed with heavy water functioning as.the moderator. Sum 1219 Card 1/1 Pub. 124 22/39 Authors I zVollicov, Acad of .5c J:iSR ritle Plariodical i Veq-. kl~ S3~':Z Feb 1956 Abstract I ~cq, ~,4 ; - - subndt~~ed ZTOMIrOT, vasili.V U8111YOvich; KOMMT'13VA, T-I-, ~ed. Izd-va; SOBOINO TuA, tekhn, r'06, [Integrated water resources development in the-river baoins a the'U.Se-S.R.1 Ebmplakenoe ispollzovanie vodh~lch r'esursov v rechnykh basaoinakh SSSR. Xoskva, Izd-vo Alcid, nmdc SS 570 100 P, 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for ZTonbw)'. (Water resources development) J ZVONKOV, T.T1. prof. star as o rins currents. Takh. mol. 25 no.9:25 S 157. (Km~ io::g) I*' Chlen-1corremPoudent Akademii nauk.SSSR. (Atbpde~ ships) (Naval arohitecture) AUTHOR ZVOUKOV, Va. . corresponding member of the Academy of jcioncft of the TITLE On the Problein of Utilizing the Water-Power 9-oservaq of the World (Problem; ispol!zovaniya mirovykh vodnyh,h resursov. Russian)' PERIODICAL Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 27p Nr 7, pp 8 - lit (UdS.S.R.) ABSTRACT The U*S.S.R. possesses enormous water-power reserves. in the European part of the Union rivers existj in the.A3jatic part more than The total length of rivers in the U.S.S.R. was determined to be 3 million km. Of the lo largest rivers of the earth with a water-drainage area of 2 million kma 4'are in the U.S.S.R., without counting the Volga, the largest river of~ the European part of~the Union. Until recently these enormous wat~ar-power reserves were not utilized. It was not before the realization of the first plan!of electrification (GOELRO) that the utiltz-ation of the water power of the rivers -was begun# In close connection with the sysbematic. establishment of the extensive channel system developed. The new in- dustrial plants (especially the heavy industry)~need veryjar ie amounts of water; the metallurgical works alone - 2 billion m; per year. The consumption of drinking water in th~ U.S.S.R. amounts to 8 million m.3in 24 hours. In the pro_% ction"of new large hydro-elec- tric power stations all interests of power engineering are taken into account. In a complex utilization of water-power reserves the Card 1/2 administrative, technical and economic aspects have to be taken 30-1-2 On the Problem of Utilizing the Water-Power Reserves of the orld into account, since the neighboring countries of the Union are also interested in its Experience showed that such problems arose in the water-power utilization of the Amu-Darj& (interested couintries: 3 republica)j of the Syr-Darja Q republics) or of tho Vifest-Duona (Dyfina) in which project are also interestedo3 countries'. Several member countries of the t= will soon express their opinions' on the problem of complex utilization of the:vtater-Power reserves of the earth. Quite a number of problems of topical. interest are to'be solved. ASSOCIATION Not given PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILt%BLE Library of Congress Card 212 T17 r1i 111 1, 12 ILI VON - Kov 14 gi[A. a 11M1.13 pis uns. 64 R S as I =119 IR I P a 9 W. aca f I IR I pRM I p40K EXPL401TATION SOV/5494 Vasil 'yev. Ktkhan Vasil Byeviabs and Sergey Z&kh=ovIch OuShchey Rap*rtazh Is XXX vakai'my zapisall r&33kazy dvadtsati davyatl sovetakikh u(:heaykh o nauke I taklinike badazhohago (Reports From the Twenty-First Century; Stories of Twanty-Nina Soviet Scientists an Science and Engineering of the Future) EROSCOW] Isd-va Sovetskaya Rossiya. 1958. 243 p. 50.000 copies printed. Zd.a V. A. Golubkova; Tech. Ed.s'G. 1. VaCYST&. PURPOSE i This book In Intended for the ge'naral reader. COVERAGEz The book contains 2T articles (told reporters by Soviet aclentista) dealing with probable future pra-~ .33 In physics, chc=istry, electricity, motallurgy OnZincering, aluins, medicine, biolom7. agriculture, zooic-wZ, tr=3portation. exploration or ap3ce.-and photography. AttantlOZ is given to automation, automatic andergro=d gasification of coal, use of now metals, Modernlzst~ioa of, oil fields, atomla electric stations, production of z:otal parts by the process of explosion, explosions Car&47ef Reports From the Twenty-FIr3t (Cont.) SOV/5494 In dam conatructicn cancer, Internal .1QMZ*vdty reserves. Machine diagnoses U illnesses, surgery vs. treatment by ultra_ manic vibrations, mechanical heart substitutes, b=an body bLn;4 '-dical OnSiDbOriM30carl'ohad foddar, arti_ flow snowfall*- AE:'IcultUre TN. "Mricalturd', r&di,,ha,4-,tx7. power bd= V% wire, maOUnba doing Intalleatuaa work, *.V su%o_ mob"eaw (wit 'rad-lo =otorzO), 'artificial- suN* (clactr, n9tl"T _.mZ- to '_ focused above A c1tJ which eazza heated =IaCUI*3 a future ocean &hips, rZIlWNY dr*adaOIZ~&W, Moncow or the rat-, =OVl-'XZ VMTV--Gnt$' W"11alle" and drlTerleN3 aut =bile3, electric *NmNres, the induatriaLL--atlos egl Siberia, Use Of underground beat, C11-Its control,lrInZ on the m*on. antimatter, and pb*ton jet. Names Of the Intarvla"ad sepatists are given. There &ra a* rsfergncaa TABU 09 CONTMITS: XV.12OVMTXCX KIx5ion Into the Put." R"rts Yr- the Twouty-7irst (Cont.) 3CV/5494 ZSarO 'to =VS- ta- Z' ra=Gyae*V~ PMMA-`=AL AIM XCST DWCMANT as Transformation or zlements - the Future of ?1*tailurgy. (I. P. Dardlu, Acz4amiclga, VIGO-Prealdent, ASLU=J 6 25 Mines Are Brea thing Their Last 11, S, C&rk=ha, Director Or 'Vsoscyu=yy DAUchnO-1632*40vatallaidy lustitut ?Odzt=gxw a9fios"?k Instituter of UNdor-.C-- -71 , -d e"ation Of 1* - -and X- A-3*dQr*V' DOPUty I;lr"t4)r th* Selentifle Seation)L 34 Autcesat"a "I JFI*24 IS, I- ?tLrcnov, Academician, end NJ Al J~VNiyON::Z3:lkOVi_ CC' i~o-ndJbj-;;3aZ4rj AS USSR] 45 ft- the Sources (A. V. Vinter, Acadadelan 51 Card 3A Reports From the Twenty-First (Cont,) SOV/5494 JAUNTS# EXCURSIONSO AND TRAVELS On lmd, at Sea and In. the Air [V. V. Zvonkovp Corresponding Memberp AS USSRJ 15T Through 21st-Century Moscow (N. F. Yevatratov, Director of Institut generallnogo plana,Mo5kvy -- Institute of'Nosoowls General City Planning] 165 Model of the Year 200T [Yu. A. Dolmatov*kiyp Engineer], ITI' A Picture of the (Future) School (G.,A. Gradovo Director of the Institut proyektirovanlya obehohestvennykh zdaniy I sooruzheniy I~etitute for DeqignIng Public Buil Idings and' Structures and A, Ye, Pozharskiy,, Assistant Director] 175 Magnetic Photographs and Films (Yes N.iOoldovsklyl: 183 Siberia Through a Stratoplane Window [L. V. Pustovialovi Corre- spondtng Member,, AS USSRp Vlee-Chairman,, Sovet po, Izucheniyu v ra 6/T ARTEKIYZVP S.P.; AFMASIYZV-1: L L.; 'BELDU=q'-I.l.',~':BEMSCNv I.M.; BRPNSHTEYN, L.A.,; BUYMOV-,'.V.A. ; GLZKAMW-F:'D.P.; VEMOYMY I.Ao; GORVIOVI A.V.; GOBERMS, IX..; DAVIDOVICH' L.N.; DEOMM, O.H.; ZVONZOV, V.Vtj KALABUKHOV F,V.; -KO14AROV* AS.; JWDraAVTSEV A Sf-~-'I~TqAVP-r- -Y-a.A.; PETROV9 A.P.; PETRON'v V.l.; TARANOV, A.T.; TIKEPM Mj: N.N.; FEDOROV# V.F.; CHUDINOV-i,A.A.; SHUPLYAKOVv SOA.; YANKINg Yii.S. Anatolii Favlovich Aleksandrov; obituary. Avt.transp. 38 no.907 s 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Aleksandrovp Anatolil, Favlovicho 1903-1960) .~~l T-7 f-i V-M, 1OHNI Hai HONITI I IWIM 1! 111 ZVONKOV, V.V., otv. . red. j KUZMSOVj I.A.; kand. tekhn. naukp red.;. TU4- CKNOVICH, V.T. . prof red.; FAVORIN, 11.11. ,. kand. iekbn. nauk, red, . POPOVAI K.L., kand, teklm. nauk, red.;KOASIMTA, I.G., red. izd-va;. GOLUBIP S.P., tekhn, red, (Control of aurface, ai4d'xiWergrbnd water resources and their utili-~ zation] Upravlenie-poviarkbnestrqni I podzemnynA vodr~nni'resursami i ikh ispollzovanie. Moskvaq 1961. 245 p. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Akademlya nauk SSSR. Sovet 6 problemam vo"ogo k1ozyaystva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSRUor Zvonkov)., (Hydrology) ZVOEKOV, V.V. (Noskva); OBERMSTER, A.M. (Mos),va); SHIRNOV, TSAIT# (1469kTa) Problems of overall mechanization and automatic control of freight handling operations in transportation. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.tekh,'uauk. Snerg. i avtom. no .4:86-92 Jl-Ag 159, (MM 12:11) (1preight and freightage) ... M., I-M ZTONKOV Y.T.0 All. X''. f tekhn.r (invest Moskva, 1. Akad 2. Chle AMX9V-#_.Yj!._p otvored*; XUZURTSOV, I.A., kond.iekl uk InPLa red.; TURCHINOVICH, Y.T., prof.. red.; POMIA, K&I'", kandotakha. nauk, red.; KUDASMA, I.G., red.isd-va; POLYAKOVAy T*T*q [Studies on maximum flow, wave action, and sodiment motion) Isaledovaniia makeimllnogo stoke, volnovogo vozde*istviin i dvizheniig nanosov, Moskvap 1960. 153 p. :(blIRA 13:11) 1. Akademiya nauk WISR. Sovet po problemam *odnogo kho- zyayatva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Zvonkov). (Hydrology) V.p prof.; FONKINSKIY. LmI.0 insh.. Prininali uchgatiye: .~Y STRUNNIKOVA, V.P.s inzh.; POXROVSKATI, I.K.0 lazh.; DZADZAMITA, L.A., takhnik; SE[APOSMIKOV, Te.K., inzh.. KHOBOTOV, Tu.A., red.; BOBROVA, V.A., (Ship tractive and propulsive speed calculations; a proposed guide] Sudovye tiagovye i skorostnye raschety; p roekt ruko- vodstva. Moskva, Izd-vo wRechnoi transport'** 1959. 213 p. i (MIRA 13:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Zvonkov). 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut ekonomikili skepluatataii vodnogo transporta (for Shapoohnikov). (Towing) (Ship propulsion) Ak A LA BDZHOLA, Dmitriy Kirillovich; YESIPENKO, Ivan Haksimovich; ZVONKOVA, Aleksandra Petrovna: PORTNTAGIN, Teniamin Pavlo-ric", SHIRROT N,, NAIZ~ifflNi, A., red.izd-va; TEUGINA, T., tek:hn.reL [Analysis of the administrative operations of industrial enter- priseal Analis khozialetvannol deiatellaosti promyshlennyYh predpriiatii. Moskva, Goofinizdat, 1960. j54 ,. (MIRA 13t4) (Machinery industry-Finance) (Banki; anti banking) KOKHTEVJI Aleksandr Andreyevich;_EONKOV V.V.,, zasl. dayatall nauki i tekhniki RSFSR, retsenzeR"I"MKIN, A.P.., prof., retsenzent; RAZUMOV, I.M..t pror.,, doktor ekon. nau.~, retsenzent; SAMSOKOVA, M.T., red. [Fundamontale of standardization and normalivitionI Ounovy standartizatsii i nomalizatsii. Mookvap Vysohaia nhkola, 1965. 195 P. 1815) .1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Zvonkov). 2. Pradseda-- tell Tekhniko-ekonomicheskogo soveta Moskovakogo sovmarkho- za (for Rybkin). 3. Rukovoditell kafedry orgaidzatsiij pla- nirovaniya i ekonomiki mashinostroitellnogo pi-oizvocletva 14oskovskogo vysshego tekhnicheakogo uchiliahcha imuni N.E. Baumana, (for Razumov). FAVORIN, N.N., kand. tek6.-nauk; POPOVA, K.L., 6nd.Aekhn6'nauk; GONCHAROVA, N.Ya.; SYSUYEV, GO~B.; ODAQV-Y-4~9 olty. red.; GORSHKOV, G.B., red. izd-va,- NOVICHKO#.A, N.D., tekhn. red.; MATYUKHINA, L.I.; tekhn. red. (Brief survey of the research:on the water resources of the U.S.S.R. performed in 1959 and 1960) Kratkii 1obzo~ nauchnykh issledovanii po, vodnomu khozialstvu SSSR,1959-1960 gg. Mb- skval 1963. 125 p. (MIRA,16:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po, problemam v6dnog6 khozyaystva. 2. Predsedatell Saveta po, problemam vodnogo,khozyayotva AN SSSR chlen-korrespondetn AN SSSR (for Zvonkov). 3. N,au6hnyye sotmA- niki Soveta PO probemam vodnogo khozyaystva.AN SSSR kfor Favo~rin, Popova, Goncharao,Sysuyev). :,(Water supply) POKROVSKIY, Georgiy Iosifovich; MOULEVICH, YurIy,Aleksa'nidr-oVIch; Z-V0.0 V,_Y. V zaal. dayatell naukl~l takhWkJj,n&tk-Jwyy L,V7 I red.; A., red.; SMMaKAYA, M.0 tekh~,' red. [To the forefront of a bold dream],Na perednii kral smeloi mechty. Moskva, Mblodaia gvardiia, 1962. 207 P. -(MIRA 16:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondetn Akademii nauk SSSR (fo'r Zvonb5v). (Science) (Technology) GHERASIAjV, I.P. (Gerasimov, I.F-Ij ZV-099.)-.V.V.j BURIANOVSKI~ M.S. (Buryanovskiyo M.S.], Problem of the Danube River, and main problems of.reclaiming its delta and bank on the territory of the M.S.9. Analele' geol geogir 16 no.W27-133 Ap-Je '62. ZVONKOVP V.V.; ASHIK, V.V.,-prof.; BAZLTEVSKIY, A.N.J kand.tekhn.nauk; ------- -PLUMt Yu.A., inah. Plan for making use of the wave energy for ship propulsion. Sudostroenie 28 no.6:25-26 Je 162. (MM 15t6) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for:Zv6nkov). 2. Chlen: redaktsionnoy kollegii zhurnals, "Sudostroyeni;r'e" (for Ashik). 3. Institut gidrologii i idrotekhniki AN US (for Bazilevskly). fShip propulsion) (Waves) ZVOFKOVp V.V.., otv. red.; TURCRINOVICH, V.T.p prof. otv. red.; I.G., red. izd-va,- GOLUBII, S.P.,,pt"eklin.,red.; RYLINA, Yu.V.,, tekhn. red. [Regime and development of water resources)Re'lzhim I osvoenie vodrwkh ob"ektov. Moskva; Izd-vo Akad. nauk:,SSSR 281 P. 11MM 15:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSP.. Sovet po problemam v6dnogo'khozyaystva. Chlen-korrespondent Akadeviii nauk WR (for Zvonkov). (Hydrology) ,.,,ZVONPV-,-VasJTIy Vasil-Lyevich;, TIKH%IIROV, V.N..9 red.;~~RAKIITIRI, I.T., tekhn. red. [Water resources are national prbperty]Vodrqe riesuray narodnoe dostoianie.. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie,"~19620 45.P. (Novoe v zhizni.. naukej, tekhnike. XII Seriia: Geologiia i geografiia., no.13) (MRA 15:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk,SSSR (for~,Zvonkcov). (Water resources development) ZVONKGVLru V Throttle brOdng of a hydmuUc Azial piston erj~jne. Stan. L instr, 34 no,10%38-40 0-163, (KMA 16 13-1) KREPINSKY, J.; MORAP V. [deceased); MOUTF V. On terpenes. Pt.172. Coll. Cz Chem 30 no.2;553-558 F 165. 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the ,Gzpchoslovak Aca6my of Sciences, Prague. Submit~ted December 29,1963. 2. Present address: Moskovskiy instittit tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii M.V.Lomonosova, Moscow (for Zvor-kova). Reduttion I IM a 'E"YHC lad -3~ file LUM, IT. KRONOV A. F.; FMUSp: M. Reduction of pyridine bases by means of formic acid. XI. Reduction of methylbetaine of 3-(2-pyridyl)acryUc- &hd 3-(4~-pyridyl)acrylic &aide. Coll Cz chem 25 no.lP:2668-2674 0 160. (EVJ 10:9) 1. Institut fur organische Chamle, Tacbnisch6 Hochschu1s fur Chemle, Prag. (Pyridinaaer7lic acid) (Betaine) (Formic acid) (14otbyl up) gro p ALBUL, S.F.; ZVMOVAI M.B.; USITANOVA, I.V.; SUDOV, BA. ZVONKOVA, T.V.; ZVCRYKIN, K.V.; KOROVALENNO, V.G. The November Plenum of tho Central Cmdttee o~ the OPSU aAd the. i=ediate tasks of Moscow Uldveksity geographera, Vest6 Moak. un. Sero 5: Geog, 18 no,113-A ld~-F 063. (K= 160) (, research) ' 0 BYKOV, V.D., red.; ZVOW red.; GIADKOV, N.A., red.1 KOVALEV, '~.7AA.."O' ~rredd-,'; KOSOVI B.F., red.; H44MV, KA red.; RYAWHIKOV, A.M., red.1 SAUSHKIN, Yllobo) re, dop SIMONOV, Yu.G., red.; HRUSHCHEV, A.T., red.; BOKOVETSKIY, O.D., red.; KONOVALYUK, I.K., ~aladshiy red.; GOLITSYNO A.V., red."; KOSHELEVA, S.M.' tekhn.' red. (Soviet geography during the period of the buildi Ing of communism] Sovetskaia geografiia v period Istroitellstva, kommunizma. Moskva., Geografgiz, 1963. 486:p, (MIRA 16:10) (Geography) in ~J jllfl 1RiUM!" IE, BASHENINA Wins, Viktorovna; LEONTIYEV, Oleg Konstantina7ich*- FIOTROVSKIY, Mikhail Vladimirovich; SIIQ-10V,,Turi)- Gavrilovich; VYSKMEZITSEVAt V.S.; WHIJTSKAYA~' I.P. Prinimali uchastiye ZORIN, L.V. ORLOV, LVO- ZVONKOVA TtV FIDOROVICHp B.A.; SHATALOV -Ye.T., re t6onzent; 6L-AZOVSKAYA,, H.A,., retsenzent; ARISTARKIIOVA)~L.B.j re- tsenzent; YERMAKOV, M.S., tekhn. red, [Methodological guide to geomorphological mapping and the carrying out of geomorphological surveys':at, scales of 1:50 000 - 1:25 000 (with legend)]Metodicheskoai~rukd- vodstvo po geomorfologicheskomu:kartirovaniiu~i:proizvod- stvu geomorfologicheakoi s"emkilv maeshtabe 1:50 000 1:25 000 (s logendoi). Pod red.N.V.Basheninoi.1'~,Moskv'i Izd-vo Mosk.univ.,, 1962. 202 p. (Legend supplements VIII-EXII)Legenda geomorfologichaskoi karty Sovietskogo Soiuza masshtaba 1:50 000 - 1:25 000; prilozheiiie VIII- [XII 1960. 25 P. (WA .157: 7) (Goomorphology-14aps) GVOZDEMKIY9 Hikolay Andreyevieby doktor geograf. mauk; ZVOKKOTA# Tatlyana _~kkq'ywma#...,daktor geogr SKIRWOVAj N.P.v ride- IAZA "mu '~&f . May tekbno red, (Physical geography-and ite'r6lation to the mtlonal econamyl~ Fizicheskaia geografffa i e4 eviazi s narodnA khozialetvom. Moskva, Izd-vo OUanief" 1960L. 31 V. (Vocoolumnoe obahcheatro po rasprostraneniiu politic'eakikh i taudhnykh =anlit. Ser. 12 Geologiia i geografiia, no.8) (MIRA V+t5i (Physical geography) ZVONKOVA T.V. Scientifio and applied principles of the phyvlcogepgraphical regionalization of 'southmstern and oouthem'Uzbek:Lstan for agricultural purpooen. Vest.lbak.un.Ser.5: -Geog. 1 17 no.3:3-9 Yq-je 162. (MRA 15: 8): 1. Kafedra fizicheakoy geografii SM Mookovskogo univerviteta. (Uzbekistan-Agricultural geography) ZVONKOVA.,,,T,._V., prof. Tireless explorer-geographer; r.S. 5hchukinic) 110th birtfidsy. Priroda 54 no.6:124 Ja 165. (atrtA 18:6) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet 1m. H.V..Lomonosova.: ZVONZOVA, T.T. Principles Of PhYsIcOgeogmphlcal research in the planning of: roads. Geog. i khom. no.1:18-21 158. (MIU 12:1), (Roads) ZVONKOVA, T.V. Applied problems of the geovorphology of tho U#S.SiRp Hauch.dokl. vVe9shkoly; geol,geogs nauki no*2:134-139 158* (MIRA,12:2) 1. Moskovskiy universitet's geog'raficheakiy falmliteto kafedra geomorfologii. (Geology, Structural) (Pbysical geol aphy) gr 14ITROFINOVAI T.K.; KRAYEVSXIY, A.A.; SER-EBRENIUKOVA, G.A.; KLYKOV, V,N.; - ZVONKOVA , Ye.N. ; 2 A PESC-CHNAYA G.G. ; SARYCHIEV, A P 1. Y,. ; Pr-,JM,5P-J,!FTN3X1YJf Complete synthesis of the glyceride base of vegetable oils and animal fats. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no.1:133-136 iin 165. (RIFLA 18:2) 1. Mloskovskiy institut tonkoy khimiches1roy telchnologii im. M.V. Lomonosova. Submitted July 4, 1964. tOESOCHIIATA, G. G.;-ZVONKOVA. Yo' Y~- KITROFANOVA T. K. SEMFMINIKOVA G. A.;7iar~~, I. K.;:~'WB&kMWM, N A. Lipides. Part 16: Syntheffiff of-triglyoerid~*s, c~mstitvmtevf cocoa butter. Zhur. ob. khim. 32 no.1221906-,3909 D 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimichesk4 tekhnologii imeni M, V. Lomonosova, (Glycerides) .(Cacao butter)! 1 SDMGVA, YU.I.; GUSfKOVA,L.I.; SAAYCHUA, ph-MMISKIYj N.A. 0 Lipids. Part 252 Synthesis of substituted allphatio,vinyl others. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.11:3659-366 K164 (MntA 18ti) ZVONKOVA, Y,,-.N.; SARYCIIEVAO I."#; ITEOMAMITSKIry" a A. Syntbesis of neutral plaamalogens. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.5s 1079-1082 D 164 (MIRA 18.-i) 1. Moskovskly institut -tonkoy khirnichaskory teMmoiogii. im. M.V*, Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Nep-Imilywicn-jM0 ZVONKOVAl Ye.N.- TSETLIN, V.I.; SARY-CHEVA, I.K.; PREOBRAZHENSKIY, N.A.. Lipids. Part 27t Synthesis of a, and fl-chivyldipalmitates. Zhur. org. khim. 1no.44630-634-Ap.165. (MIRA 18:11) 1- Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimioheskoy tekhnologii imeni Lomonosova. SARYCHEVA, I.K.; SFYMMONIKOVAp G,A,; ZV~~ODRCOVA Z41 MMOFAITOVAp TjK.; .V. I'MURIT, II.Ye.; UTMUk, 0 Synthesis of the main tri,,slycerides of linoloic acid, Dolcl. All S38R 135 no-3:617-619 N 160, (MI-RA 13:112) 1. 14ookovskiy inatitut tonkoy khimichookoy teldmo-lo lzm. M.7. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akad. A.N. Nesmeyanovvn (Linoleic acid) SEREBRENNIKOVA, G.A.)-ZVOffK(WA,-- - ;ZAPESOCHNAYA, G,,G.; SARYCHEVAt I.K.; MOBRA71WSKIY, N.A., Lipides. Part 18t Synthesio-of the glyceride constituents Of corn oil. Zhur.ob.khime 33 no,2s437-40 F V f I' (KMA 16s2) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimichealoy tokhnologii imeni M.V.Lomonosova. (Corn oil) (Glycerides)