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ZVERIKO VA Role of B, In scue dermatoses In childrent, Test. dexm. i ven Agf63 WRA 17 94) 1. Naafe zhnykh bolezney C 2mv. - doktor med.,nauk L.A. Sht Uningradakogo pediatricheakogdmeditsinskogo institu MI. M., "o R RM J~.A- Vitamin B1. in the blood in desquamative erythrodermia in children. Vestedermoi venw ro*8t5l+-56 162o (MM 1510 1. Tz-kafedry detakikh kozhnfth bolezney (rukavoditell - prof*' S.Ya* Golosovker (deceased]) Leningradskogo pediatricheakogo meditsinsko o institutao THLOMIE) (SIKIN-DISFJSBS) USSIR / Human arxi Aninal P Yotabolism. Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No-~59996 Author Zvortkova F. A. Inat Title Vitamin A and Carotene in Sone Skin DiaeasoB of Infants in Their First Year of Lifo Orig Pub : Vopr. okhrany matorinstva I datetva, 1957, 2, No 2, 19-27 Abstract : Tho vitamin A and carotone contont (C) In tho blood of 72 normal children below one your of ago consisted in tho spring, respoativoly, of 12.0 and.12.9 mcg.% in the fall-winter period, 16.2 and 26.8 MagL 4,; and in 47 children of tho samo ago group with arythrodarma doequamatim (ED), tho A oontont r.+,, the samo periods waa only 4.8 and )-76 =0, and that of C, 3-5 and 4.8 Mcgs%* Card 1/3 Motaboliam. Abe Jour Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 59996 was norml. or slightly incroasod, and C was Incroased; in those childron, a much hIShor A level inithe blood ww notod aftor adiddatration of A (3,000 I-U- Por I k:g. of weight). Tho administration of A is roco=endod for Imognant vomon for the provontion of M):and other skin disordors in childron, and also au an adjunct to thorapy of childron aufforing fr= oazoma. A. 0. Natanzon Card 3/3 :~ZVMRIXOVA, P.A. Rrythroderma desquamtivam in nursing infants. Vop. okh. mt, I Astol 3 no.1:45-48 Ja-V 159. 1. Iz kafedry kozhno-venericheakikh bolezney Olav. p~of. S. lh,.~ Golosovker) Leningradskogo pediatricheskogo medits inskogo instWmt (dir. ~rof.' Y.Te Shutova). (INFANTS (NWBORN)) (SKIN--DISE&SM) 7 rill I T, ;4e 6 '1 -;-30ml IT lim ll fl, 10-id NI u Alm L', l! li ZVMIKOVA, P.A., Vitamin B, in sezem and neurodermatItis In childmo Fediatrila no.12:11-15 D 159. 7 (KIRA, 13 t 5) 3 1. Is Imfedry detokikh koshnykh bolesney (xav" prof., S.Ta. Golosovker) Loningradgkogo pediatrichookogo.seditsinskogo Instituta (dir, Prof. N,,Ts Shutova), (SKIN-DISFASES) (WROMMTITIS in inf. child.) (VITAMIN B, therapy) zq Vitamin A and carotene In the blood of healthy chIldren during, the first year of life [with summary in Znglishj. Pediatrila '3if~~ no,10:20-26 0 158 (MIRA 11:1 1, rz kefedry detakikh kozhrqkh bolesney(var. -,Prof. S.Ta. Golos'ovker) Leningradskogo pedLiatricheakogo meditainskogo instituta. (dir. prof. H.Te' Shutova)f (VITAKIM A, In blood In he Ithy child (Rua)) (DAROTM, in blood same (Rua)) I'll ~'"Ld It) i" A ZVM'KOVA, F.A. .ulfanilamide aastylation. an an ind-4---atIon.0r.pantothenic acid metabolism In children with eczema and neuradermatitis. Vest 0 derm. I ven. no.108-41 165. MA 18-10) 1. Kafedra kozhnykh bolezney (zav.- prof. L.h. Shtaynlukht) Leningradskogo pediatricheskogo meditsinskop inst Ituta, AUTHORS: TITLEt PERIODICALs ABSTRACT., Card 1/2 SOV-127.58-ID-12/29 ~v O,j Uining Engiii;ers' trIkov, S.M. and tomonosov, G Which Explosive Does the "Madvezh Ily Ru;:hey" Mine Ifeea ? (Kakiye vzryvahatyyo veshchestva~lnuzh-n~ rudnikul' 1 "Xedvezhiy Ruchey" 7) Gornyy zhurnal~ 1958P Nr 10,.pp 41-43 (USSR) The mine "Nedvezhiy Ruohey" of the Norillsk ketallurgical Mining Trust'is exploited by the open-pit method. Blasting works are hampered by: 1) a high fractu'ring of r6cks;i 2) waterlogged conditions in spring'end summer , and~.3) build- ings and living quarters. Thus the explosives shbuld;~pos- sess the following characteristics: high llbrisahoellf;water and frost resistancep maximal loading density and'minimal throwing capacity. Different make's of,ammonite and trotyl 4 with all are being used at present. The author experimente, available varieties of these explo'aives 'and found:!that now explosives of better quality muBt~be produced, since ihose available are unsatisfactory. UUMA4 Gomparative raiting of the results of observations of children attending municipal and rural schools during~the interparoxysma'l stage of rheumatic fever. Pediatriia 35 no.12:21-25 D 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1, Ir, kliniki detakikh bolesney (nauchVy rukovoditell de,yetvitelinyy chlen AMU SSSR prof. Yu.F.Dombrovekeya) I Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.K.Sechenovs. (RHWKATIC FEM) j 11 W 141"H-11,t TSMILE, K.O., kandidat sslOskokhozy&ystv.sWkh nauk; XUBOYSIM TO.T., rodaktar; SUCHINKO, 0,0306 or ekhaicheekly rodaktor [Pine rust fungus (Caeoma pinitorquum A.Br.) inoi its~controll Soonovyl vertun. ta, sakhody borotlby z vym. Ryiv, Vyd.-vo Akedenii nank Ukraiaslkol RSR, 19-0+. 19 p. (Hicrofilal I(MLRA 7:10) (Pine-Diseases and peat) Z tekbni(!h1j.,,1-1y rowl vi'llX0, D.L. redaktar-, UWASH11M, A,1 q [Mechanized method of cleaning cities) Makhanizirmansis ochtitkn goroda-. 12 cpyta organizatutt ochletki Loniwp-nds. Koskva, lid-vo H-va konmun.khn%. WhIg 1957. 63 Pe (MIRA 16:11) (Street-cleaning sachloorr) ZVERINA, V. "Reactivity of the methyl group on the heterocyclic nucleus. VI. Condensation of, chinaldine iodamethylate with benzaldebyde." Chemicke Zvesti', Exatialava, Vol, 7, Vo. 10, Dec. 1953, p. 645. SO: Easte n European Accessions List, Vol. 3, 14o. 11, Nov. 1954, L-70. STAHU, J.; H&BXY. J.; ZVARINA, Ve Reactivity of methyl groups on hoterloyalic nuclei. Pkrt 3. The.mAhiodlda of 2- ( 0 -phanyl- 0 -hydroVethyi) pyridine synthesis of dl-sedamine with an ry in linglighl. . Sbor'~';Gbekh.khim.rab, 18 no.3: 079-683 0 '53. (I~M 7:6) 1. DeWtment of Organic Chemistry, Charles Univlersity,'snd Pharmaceru~tical and Biochemical Research Institute, Prague. (Heterocyclic compounds) (Pyridi") (Piperidine) ZVERINA, VLADIMIR Czechotlovakia CA-..47:12375-79 with JAROSLAV STAJ~EK and JAMEIR HE,.WY- Charles Univ., Prague, Czech. "Reactivity of tbe methyl group on the heterocyclic nucleus. 111. Methiodide of ,a~phenyl-2-pyridineethanol and its reactions. Synthesi dl-Isedamine.11 Chem. Listy 46, 735-6 (1952); cf. C.A. 47, 9971h. Thriess-mal,01 mmum-mol-tollow valt for smin wars. D. 16. :1 -die KRI)rO"IV Ass) L) U410 j Ketto . 7 ('.1 11-13 - ' (19. W)) -The foom Ter is of uniolue design, It conskilk -if a himlie. ' %losw-4uped trough installed In mo, special b6A projecting sonor. see Iii ; what front thir working chiatintorr oil tho nortoil line, The Invit J11411* Sol) At " by4pravity into Our trough for likkup toy the W.Ank. now ol'tnelt In the tM h It M t d I M 1 1 a 9 IO 11RAC 104 11) A mrAter. g NY A 011 I'llilli 'll "11 111 1 11 It h I h t 1611 0 16 MI . t e lAn L alt CNN OrtMfatklll%. it "Impolin- 14 iromallell o1 the entrance, Ili the Irimilli. A otimbisr in Or lit"Ous jW111111% 11W OAIW (at Notelt fro l th I h D GeV ol e loug ur to -Iksvv limilAtion.,N, the tail ul title tioutigh, tortwore the litAtill, it 1111. see go 0 R bs always tormlewhat ebUkd.L The output Is I I tm)ttk,.i per frol". Eli (If 1.,0) oV, V.&Itarity and re6thing 130 took. The machim requires ime roloorrut(mr, Moto atirl sketch nee ties &.'I L'A 1.11101AILAN CLA1111'KATION t-rlollt.' !t 1111"W) "it ON# 4011 too, G U so &I Ill; W a Nor a W lorW No I I v im a a a I No of 5w q)* ZV-~'RT~! A, V. -STANF7 J. '!7-,L4hY, J. Roactivity of U10 UIQUIY1,,urj on tho holoroaycllo Motholodtidq of jihonyl- hydr oth,%,rl) jTyridino uO its d, p.735 (Chemicke Usty, Pnaha. Vol 4C-, No.'~ t2, nec. 1952) SO: Monthly Li~vl; of E:-nt, E~iramari Acoa;I;.-,Iorjsj (zlu), JG,~ U1. At lo, 6, Jwne Y)55, Uric!. "VER-114A. V.; IMM, J.; STLITEK,, J. "Reactivity of Mletl-rjl Groups on Hateror-7clic 1~anlei. 111. Vothicdide of 2-(,8-phenyl-,8hydro-vjethyl) 11~jridine ard Its Reactims, A Syntlriesis of Msedamire", F. 679, (COLLE(MC-11 (F (,ZEfB(F'LCVAK C7j!2f;1CAL'(X)1-MJY Te,~.TIQ" Vol. 18, No. 5, Cc-tober 1953, Praha, Czerli.) CC: Vonthly List c'L East European Accessions (EBAL), U, Vol. 4, No 3, Yarch 1955, Uncl. I A 11' 11 1 F 11 1 Ernllp an the hvtrtl)f*wfc Jil. l V ~pj,! - '. - 4 1 ... 47 MrAd'i'llp A.N. ;V U"jHY9 G.A. ; IMM"JI19 S.B. Formulation of tho initial problem for a differen-bial equation with a leading arrtiment. Usp. mat. nauk 15 ho. 6;.133-.136 VT-D 060. 01IFA 14:2) 1 (Differential cquationo-Graphic mathods) ZVEM If. A. M. General solution.of a linear differential equation witb a do- viating argument. Msuch.dokl.vye.sbkoly; M.-mat.naukl nollt 30-37 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Koskovskiy gonudarotvannyy universitat In. H.V.Lomanosori. (Difforential equations. Linear) 67502 46~li 0 0 SOV/155-59-1-5/30 AUTHOR: Zverkint A.M. TITLE: Fe'General'^MI~tion of the Linear Differential Equation With a Deviating Argument. PERIODICALt 1-fauchnyye doklady vyeshey~shkoly. Fizik .o.. me. t ~maIticheskiIye nauki 1959t * Nr I, pp 30 37 (USSR)' ABSTRACT: The author considers the equation n . m (n) M (x). y (3) Y (X) + T 7 a x (X)) f(x)p x >,A - ij i-0 J=1 ij with the initial conditions y i(x) x!~A i 091j: oaq n-1 (4) (n) (X) y (x) x, 0 Theorem I s If x V (x);~, 6>0 j 1,2, ..,m A_< x --eB ni Card 1/4 then 67502 The General Solution of tho Linear DJ,fferential Squfi,tion .147OV/1 55-50-1-5/-U) With a Deviating Argument sup y M M (:x) i-0.1~..~nq 1 (X) Y2 K max If A- 0, e(x) 0 ford v~b, while OW, ci(x) are arbitrary continuous functi,on6. Theorem 4 is devoted to a boundary value problem for (3) Theorem 5 considers the case of periodic a (x) and ',' (x). ij, ij The author mentions G.A. Kamenakiy. There are 7 references, 5 of which are 6oviet,t I English, and I American. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy.universitet imeni 14.V. Lomonosova (moscow state University imeni 1J.V. Lom'6hosov SUBTAI TIE D F 61"Fu'a fy'7-,-'T~ IA Card 4/4 S/114/60/060/001/005/OW EIWE455~ AUTHOR: Zverikov Engineer TITLE: Creep of Tubes Under Complex Loads PERIODICAL: Energomashinostroyeniye, 1960, No.l~, pp-33-35 TEXT., Few creep tests seem to have been made,on tubes subject to both bending and'internal pressure6 The author has accordingly undertaken work of this kind, using~the equipment described in his article in Teploenergetika, 1958, No.3- The teAt specimens were made of superheater tube of 32 X 5.5 rm~ diameter of steel 1X13H165 (lKhl3Nl6B) in the condition as delivered after heating to 11000C and cooling in water., For~ comparison, creep tests were also madb on tubular specimens of 27.5 x 2.5 mm diameter and on solid cylindricallspecimens 5 mm, diameter cut from the tube walls. The tests were all made at 7000C. The main test results are tabulated, Creep formulae are then derived and the experimental data are:comparied'with theoretical calculations of creep speed'from Eq~(8).,. There is fair agreement between the theoretical and experimental values; in general, the experimental values are lower. There tire 3 figures, I table and 7 references: 3 Soviet and'4 non-Sov'iet,, Card'l/l SOV/96-59-8-45/27 AUTHOR: Zver1kov, B.V., Engineer TITLE: Creep in Pipes Loaded by Internal,]~ressu~re and Twisting Moment PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika 1959, Nr 8, pp 53-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A brief review is given of reoently published work on creep under compound stress, with'the work of Bailey. The present authdr used.a special 6xperi- mental rig to study creep in pipes subjected to internal pressure and twisting moment; It,,was aescribed in an article published in Teploenergetika 1058, Nr 3,*~'. The method of measuring deformation is again~'briefly described~'and a sketch of the equipment is given'In Fig,l, Specime~s of super-heater tube of 32 mm diame,t6r and 5.5 mm,wall; made of steel grade lKhl3Nl6B,were tested after appropriate heat treatment. For purposes of comparison, tension~tests were made on solid cylindrical specimegs 5 ima diameter cut from the wall of the tubes. All the 'tests keTe made at a tem- perature of 7000C. The angular rate of creep was determined Card 1/3 from creep 4aurves shown in Fig 2.L The, results given in sov/96-59-8-15/27 Creep in Pipes Loaded by Internal:Pressure and Twisting Mom6nt Fig 3 show thatin-creasing the inte-nal pressure did not affect the curve of axial creep, which is abscissus; this confirmed that there is~ no axial, creep with the loadings used. Formulae are derived for 'the rate of creep in the pipes, making allowance for the non-uniform stress distribution within the wall thickness on the assump- tion that there is no axial creep. 'The atress distribution within the wall thickness of spealmon no.. 132 is graphically shown in Fig 5. The stress distributions resulting from the application of torque or lateraal pressute alone are ahown dotted. Expressions (13) are then deriv,.6d for the rates of creep under compound stress. When these.are COMDaredMith the corresponding rates of creep under tiie influen~-e Of pressure or torque alone, it is found that the torque'An- creases the circumferential rate of creep of the pipes uade~r pressure; also that the internal pressure increases the rate of creep in shear (see Fig 3) . Cur7es showing the influence of torque on the circumferential rate of,creep are given in Fig 6. The agreement betwean test results and Card 2/3 theory will be seen from Fig 7, in whioh~the experimen It a I Creep in Pipes Loaded by Internal Pressure and Wisting Moment points lie somewhat below the theoretical line. Similar differenoes between theory and experiment were observed;in creep measurements under torsion and tensioz. Fig 8~4s~a histogram of the distribution of deviatione from the.theo.- retical parameter for 194 tests made'in torsion and aom' bined torsion and tension, and also torsion with internal pressure. It will be seen that the deviations approximately follow the normal distribution. It is concluded that sta- tistical methods of working up the experimental data,shbuld be used in studies of creep. From this standpoint the accummulation of experimental data on creep under compound stress is more important that the introduction of further complications in the theory of creep. There are 8 figures, 1 table, and 11 references 5 of which are Soviet, an.U6 English. ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy Kotloturbinnyy Instit"4t (The Central Boiler Turbine Institute) Card 3/3 ZVERIKCV, B.V., kand, tekhn. nauk; DANYUSHEVSKIY, I#A,,) inzho Modeling of pipelines for the determination of the compensating capabi2ity in respect to the threshold state. Energomashinootroenie 10 no.8tl8-21 Ag 164. (MIRA 17M) ZVERIKOV, B,V., inzh. Breakdown of pipes subjected U internal pressure and continuous' bending. _Elek. eta. .32 no.2:12-15 F 161. (M~A~ 16:7) (Steampipes) ZVZRIZDV, B.V., inzh. 14mit load of tubes subjected to pressure and banding. Energommahinostroenie 4 no*3:28-29 Mr '58j, (Strains and stresses) (Tubes) GRINCHENKO, A.R.; ZVERKOVAI A.S. Hematological characteristics of strain OC-57 laboratory mice, Lab. dolo 10 no.4:24&250 164., (fff HA 1~ s 5) 1. Laboratoriya gematologli i leyko,zov (rukovoditall,- uk A.H.Grinchenko) K~yevskogo nauchno-isslodovitellskogo institri~ perelivaniya krovi i neotiozhnoy khirurgil (direktor dotsent S.S. Lavrik). ZWKOVA A.S. Rolo of autoantibodies In the pathogenesis of~ agrauloqtosili 'and other form of laucopenim. Trach,delo no.4i347-340 Ap 157. 10:7) 1. Gematologichookeya laboratoriya Kiyevskogo:nauehub-teeledoystall- Skogo-instituta pe*relivaniya krovi I neotlashmoy kururgii (mio- voditeli - prof. N.D.Tudinia I kand.mecl,nauk, dateent A.A.Vakar) (INUCOPANIA) GOWSOVM, S.Ta., professor,, ZMIZOTA, P.A. Pustuloals vacciniformis acuta. 19 no~5:43-46 my 055. LIs kliniki kozhrqkh I venerichookikh bolesneylLentugrad- skogo pediatrichookogo maditainskogo instituta. (NOZEKA, In infant and child pustulosis vaccirdformis acuts) ---zvzrrxovA, ~F-A- Vitamin A and caroteno in soma skin diseases In, infants duringAhsii first year. Vop. okh..mat. i dot. 2 no.2:19-27*r-Ap-157 (ULRA 10:4)- 1. Iz Laningradskogo pediatrichaskogo maditsinskogo instituta (dir.-Prof. N.T. Shutovs) i kliniki detskikh Icozhnykh boleznoy (zav. kafedroy-pro. S.Ya. Golosovker) (VITAMINS--A) (CAROTINS).(SKIN-DIS.WASES) DMITSKIY, A.; ZVERJWA H. w ;P w-P7 -wm'w--k AR t, Experience with repairing building fagades undfir winter conditions* Zhil.-kom.khoz. 6 no.1:15-19 156. (KEJU 9: 5) 1. Glavnyy inxhaner Leningradeko.go treats *Fasmiremstroy" (ford Dubitakiy); 2. Starshly nauchnyy eotrudnik Len'ingradekogo nauchno- -iosledovatel'skogo Inotituta Akademli ko==aI'nogo,khozyay8tv& (for Zverkova). (Buildin&--Repair and reconstruction) M&WELIp N.N.,- ZVERKOVAP M,K. Staple rayon fiber dyeing with,vat aeotrifugal apparatiks. Tekst.prom. 22 no.2.-53-51+ F. 1620 (NDA 1$:3) 1. Saveduyuhchiy kbimlobookoylaboratoriyay, krasillm-otdelocbnoy fabbriki Upravleniya tekstiltuoypromyshlennooti lbagorispolkoma, (for Harself). Nachallnik krasillnogo otdela ]a-asi3.fno-otde- . lochnoy fabrild Upravleniya tekstillnoy promamhlem)ati ~bagor- ispolkoma (for Zverkova)o (Dyes and d7eing-Myon) MARCELt N.N.; Wool dyeing under temperature6 .ranging frori 86'C qeC.. Tokst,prom 22 no.4:65 Ap 162- MM 1516) 1, Zaveduyuahchiy kbiralcho okay. 2ab.5ratoriy~3y,,lno-otdelachnoy fabriki Upravleniyu tekstillnoy promyshlennoOti Motikovakogo gorodskogo ispolnitellnop komitete (for Mardoll)ei 2& Nachallaik krasillnogo otdola Krasillno-otdoloalmoy fabriki Upravleniya tekatill- noy promyshlennosti Moskovskogo gorodakogo igiolnitellnogo komiteta (for Zverkova). (Dyes and dyeing-Wool) SMSTAKOVSKIY, M.N.; BOOANOVA, A.V.; ZVIFDT, M.M.; PWTKIXOVA, G.Im Research on low nolecular polymrization. Part I, InteractIon of certain vinyl others with carbon tetrachloride#~, lsv.AN SSOR& Otd.khtm.nauk no-10:1236-1242 0 156. (WU qt12) I* Institut organicbeekoy khimti iment, V.D,Zelinskoto Akedemii nauk SSSR. (fthere) (Carbon tetrachloride) t A 4mild! ng Ii. I: WIR ZVEROVA, la'.L',., Cand Led Sci-(dirm) On in certain Luamms~ of n.nd salt mmtabolirsm in 13otl:in's Dnerroratrov, I-c,i,9584- Z" 16 PP ,-,,i'h Cr, p1m; I -AIIWL of -CmIW4 (all 0,;i u 110.11th Lpts'sp. State Led In3t), 200 co-pieo 127) PERCRUK, L.L.; ZVEROVIGHLIOIS Deductlon,of formulas for the calculation oUm6novarliant reactions of xulticomponent systems by means of standard calculating machines [with summary in knglish). Geokhimiia no.102-89 ;62. (MIRA 15%2) 1. Institute of the Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy. and Geochemistry, Academy of Sciences U.S.S.Rv Moscow. (Calculating machines)(Chemical reactions)(14ineral-Analysis)' ZVERO,VI LITVI?-ICIIUK, G.S. Unilateral boundary value problems in the theary of anal7tic functions. Izv. AN SSSR. S;,r. Put. 28 no.5:1003-1036 S-0 164. (MIRA 17-~Il) -M-ROYACRIJ~1 Carleman type boundary value problem for a multiply connected region. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no.6-.1270-1272 Jo~ 164. (MIRA 1718) 1, Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitets Predstavlqno alcadernikom P. Ya. Koohinoy. --11.-i-H T-In' F~, Ii- Ralll nit IM- ZVEIROVICH, E.I. Reduo'.--'un of Hilber,"s problem for a mltljAy connected re.;. gion to Hilbert's i,-7-7blem with a rational 0oafficient. DokI.r AN SSSR 157 no*L,.'t,, J780 Lg! 164 (MIRA 17z8) 1. Rostovskiy-i-.-.-Donu gosudarstvmny-y Predatavl(no r.-kaderalk.wn T.7.:. Vekua. CHIRESHKINA, W.M.,; UWAYEV) A.P. Changes in the electrocardiogram associated with physical ezertion in children. Pediatriia no.6-.37-40 161. (MIRA 14t9) 1. Iz kafedry detskikh balezney (zave - &7stvitallnyy chlen MM SSSR prof. Yu.F. Dombrovskaya) I Moskovskommeditsinsk6go inatituta imeni I.M. Sechenova, (ELECTROCARDIOGRAM) (MSICAL EDUCATI011 FOR CHILDREN) Imam E ZVERYAYEV, NOF Mechanical properties of eteel fo2loving ratary swaging and drawing. Trudy LPI no.238s7O-?2 16," Stressed -tate and deformation forces during rotary forging. Ibid.:737 8) (PnRk 17s.U) i I,,. i,-i I mi I, i i~;: v Iamp I V-"R1 I 11'r-nit in m I fl I wafiq III 111m I I IM III fl, i 0 AID P 26 51 .0 -,.Cject USSR/Aeronautics Card 1/1 Pub. 135 6/17 .A-uthor Zveryev, B., Col. and GerasimovpV. '.M4jV Title Bombing in complicated weather conditidns Y,:,-riodical Vest.,vozd. flota, 9, 34-40, S1955: -,bstract A detailed description of how -e *d crews'of xperience modern aircraft prepare and exeout6 boibing training missions in complicated weather co,hditions.. Several examples are given, and some names. are.mentioned.. Diagrams. InAtitution None Submitted No date GILIDSHUIR, N.N.; ZVrRTUVOV, X.A. For a sharp Increase in &9 production and improVfivant of the oil-bearing quality of the southoastern area of the ReSeYoSeRe. Maele-zhir,prom, 25 no.12:1-3 '59, OMU 13:4) (sunflower) BAZEUTIN,, A.N.; GOLIKOV,S.I.; ZVERYUGA A.A.; LUCHIKH"IN, Yu.A.; VOIYGVI S.A., nauchn. ra. Nechanizationof lower, ing and hoisting exploratory core drill.ingf Mokhanizataiia sj)usko-4 pod'IerraWkh opera--Ai v rnzvedochnom kolonkovam Wrenii. Movkva, rvd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 110 p. (KTRA 17t 5) sot #Ad L 4~0 i .44 #J dkqovwm Is oil do of fA ths=tl~, 00 1904 Itm Thmuhadb"Wtv~;D-d aLe W" we ~Mdirl d(mc the Nmpdtu fidw*4 66A ths i :00 "sw Coma a" CrA or 02,0"i S) du%*atw IRM w(sh Illm =be am Ali Go at~% fiuxi a Yield 'of- the to! A4TALJL%*WA4 %Plr*AT6#9 OkAlWfCAlt6JO 7 AL a A* a o1; lot -941-6 4it it "IM17 I re 10 ~`*e a -A 0000004 0 .0 0:0 * 0-0 0 o a 0 a 4 0 0,0:, o 0 0,41 Oda .'a 0 Is o .10 4 I A I - - - - , - ~ - v - V. V, u v Is ~ v ~ w ~ w - - - - - - - A f 10 11 12tiUU16 IIM "Milvajda v a jw:x~fl di, ~ N'N - I I .. I.- v -V R-A.-j- L- cc MD CE jA "k. t- I. -1 8, 0 Abp J.6 1,1POSER, 00 is hicitcd to *6-14 1929 R S S S A a 40 . ~ . m U, . ; . ooo, a low utim. dw Ught-blue t4wchanati to given. 00 rmt awl colorkso, At imi-mW it becom" maky whita, a% hichor temps, 41A At 1500" the bkw clumses to Wkno-twowa. 0114 the I"Welal welt at 00 The change of colm can be tffect"I by heating tinly and tlw jwumm ' fifAl umw Mir Cle""m A. s. ham Ifw fall The ftUM for the chance iff I" ~to coo 00 coo 00 u 7 too 00 !VOW 00 O le Als-ILA AlIALLUIGICAL WINA71,01t CLASUMAtillm cz- ......... ... IS XIQk' IS 1111TR n04') fj 11 041 Of F I'l., 11- 1 IV " i 11 t woo u 11 AV so At 1 a is l I MW 4" 0.1 isk -1w lw S a it Cp It a a a a If 91 1 CA it AS 1, 1w AI in 160666040 0400 000 49104 0 le 00 0 00,C049400406000 0 0 *0001000060 0 O's O's, to 000 0,0 *1 0 09~4 0 0 0 0 9 0 A 060cls", ..0 P.Cpgalal --tro Tk* ChWCOGIC"OfAllstite0ohdatimit. A-.LZu&1lrAjW*.j U. R. S. S. Ser. A, 1929. VV-14, (Vow Zm1r. I OA 1. 111.1 almake IN heated to C40, a few adm. the fight-bble c0of rhmnM4 to jin", AfIrt I hr. at MW it 11 trans- at alld Co4wiral. At 1000 2111)[1" it lwcontri milky %hill-. 4t higher tem1m r4mque r a..aAt 1,100' the blue chanivi to yviltm Immi, and the- 111111"A1 melts at 114W. The imse Ot C&W Call tic cilrete-I hy heating inliv. and the 11tarvis W vot trytruible. 00 fill The reama for the change 6 Ivihaps the ra,114tion t4 --knue rumvirnitnts. A. D. ties 41: = 0* Cos 00,3 COO 00 j r!' coo COO COO 299 0 0 L A *11ALLOGICAL toTimaluRl CLASSIOKATION 4. A% -A A3. a 11 a MIX it 14 al PC is a it Of RLO M 4q4 0 so 0 0 060 0 0 06 0,0 00 0 0 00 sjo 0 T-.MITIRYMr, r,. YA,, ~--XVR -MIT.2'7 A.F G., PPIKO-T, D. 1.11 ~C,;Ru,s7SI.Ip,,v,m;Iv-, V. P. "Certain charactpristics of the plarue focuq :m 4m, Cer~,'tral Asian iiplm4d, m8 the progress mnde tovard itbalininition." p. 229 Dcuatoye SovcEI-immiliYO PO Ok-tyal)-7a 195" C (Tenth Confc.-cenuej ni Pin-tizIL"010.1--cal 22-2114 22-29 Octni-P I Pro 1-lcmE ane IdIc-ea:~c-s witi. " . a I ~, 1, ", A(,a c. 1' ) 5.. dcir.-.y of N,cdiral. Srir.-ic;::s UW! v, n dAra,lem, c IISEL 1 2 5b,)T) Central Asiatic antiplague Inst. and the Kirgizian Antiplague Station/ Al~a ata TRISTAN, D.G.; ZVESKIN, A.G. Biology of the mountain goose (Bulabsid. Indica L%th.) in them p Tien Shan. Zool.zhur. 39 no.ltl45-147 ia~~160.' (141RA 13:5) 1. Frunze Antiv3pidemialogical Station, (Ohatyr-Kull region--Goods) SVRACOV, D.; MISTGOVA, G. The glucccorticoid infl6ncs upon the conditt*n of thm perldental membran6. Naucb. tre vla3h. med. Jnnt. Sof J In ~ 43 no&2.*7-,l-!- 164 1. ChaJ.r of therapeutic otomatolor7 (Diractoro prof. D. Srra--ov). . BABUROV, A., student; GLADKOVA, N., studeatka; GUTITOV, A-i student; ,ZTZZDIU,A,student; LEZILkVA, I., student,, SADOVSKIT, S., student; SUKHAUOVA, Ye., studentka, EIMITONOVA, Z., stucleatka From the diploma project to the map of Siberia. Takh.mol. 28 no.7:6-11 160. .(MM 13:8) 16 Moskovskiy arkhitelcturnyy indvfl.,~_7 (Cities ancl towns--Planning) S/137/61/000/007/00/072 A060/,AlOl AUTHORS: Peohkovskiy, V. V., Zvezdln A 0 T; Study of sulfating cobalt concentrato ash:ln a rluidized bed PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurg-lya, lio. "j, 1961 19, abstract 70136 ClUch. zap. Permsk. un-t", 1959, V. 13, rio. 3, 119-123) TEXT: The rate and completeness of sulfating of~lan ash Co compound with S02 - air mixtures as a function of temperature, SOO ooncentration in the gas, granule size, Initial degree of sulf&tIon of the Co"aM 'sulfide S concentration in the ash, duration of roasting in the fluidized bed reactor, are studi6d. Factory ash, obtained by the roasting of Co concentrate fromi the Pyshminskoyo Mine Administration, was used for the investigation. The Initial degree of sulfation of Co in the ash constituted 64 and 9.0 perotmt. The mean total content of Co in the ash was 0.705 percent. The ash was granufated by means of 3ulf .Ide alkalies. As result of the investigation it is recomminded to nubmit the gr anu- lated ash to an additional sulfation by mixtures of S02 And 0 in a fluidized bed furnace 6 The additional suYation of Co In the ash procenis at a remarkable rate at 550 C and attains a maximum at 7000C after which it decreases. An Card 1/2 S/137/61/000/007/006/072 Study of sulfating cobalt concentrate ... AOOO/AIOI increase in S02 concentration in the gaseous phase ex6rits apositive effect on the sulfation. process. 'The sulfation of ash in the f).Midized bed proceeds ~t high intensity during the first 15 - 20 min, after whi~th the ~~~ rate of the~l process slows down. The optimal size of ash granules is 1.0 - '2.0 mM. As the sulfide content of the ash increases to S> 8 percent the rate of suLfate formation falls sharply and the m&ximum Co sulfation is displaced to tL lower~temperatur'e:zone. N. Pleteneva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 +j! (E L 2512-66 EVIT(l)/EPA(w) 0, -AC49WI09 --NEW --A P-5014W9 - - 81 %101 /18 AWMRI GuffisTalp Go If) ZvtmzdJLn# Ai K, ........ . .... . TITLE s: -an -transport p5notaena int:6.408blis them C'us: o r"Indliti)MO of electrons SOUROSt -Fisika tvardogo taletv. 71P no:., 60 196% 1879-1860 j TOPIC TAM electron scattering indittm: lloy,jnolestio sQMA6r transport,,.~; ' - - ;1 . , I Lit th ni ~of~.carrier: *jatter, ABSTRACT: :To determind the Acmina tin I so the authors used a variational method to cal ctil tos galvshiomagnbtic and theftem magnetic offects In n-InSb in the case of Inelastic ecatter1mg; of eleetrons by polarization bhonans and Intermediate dogenoracy at temperatures bolov the Debym temperature* The calculation in beaed on the Boltzimum equation exprossai In canonical form. The kinetic aceiTiciente were calculated by rtmans of an electronic. computer, with all effects calculated in the third mpproxistation in the energy# It is concluded that the publiffhad dsAn are in much better agreoment w1Ah results of calculations for scattering by optical phonons then for acoutUcal phonans. 'The authors are sincerely grateful to 1. R. Taidil lkovekiy and 0. 1. Klmrus for uaatul Card