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USSA/Xicrobiolory - MicroorEpnisns Pathoj;cnic to Humna au. Animls Abs Jour Hof Biol. No 12,' 1958, 508V Author 2;~Or`e"vi P. x:f vatenAgricultural Vicititutc, Inst Dar Title Erroct of Abbe'ato~~ J161-Activit, of Biopr-ap,arations Foltored Tli~o~di Thbid*6 I tIa1956, 8 144.14~.~ Orig Pub Tr. Dadestanski sa;-Idi. in- Abstract Typhoid and paratyphoid aCe6i:Utinatfing tbera wdre rilterel at! thdr til ~ through7 small, asbe os -,.ltct,* ;Or ws~.dotcrmi-~ nod bef6re'the, beginning of he.' expoiliment iand overy.,W minutes thereafter, L i' the first 'pbitiona of Uic ~ f iltra- to the titer-.fell 2 t6 3 tims.,4ndloitly on; the 3rd-5th 'tost 'was the. irdtial:titckf,o~i~in6d.:,i~tBactciiiaphaGe ofS., abortus equi. vas filtercd'throuGh a ;13imLlex filter anC its Card 1/2 P.H., insh.-polkovnik War years of *Artilleriiskii shurnal.0 Artill. zhur. no.5.*16-0 My 158, 1(migA llt6) (Artillery~-Periodica~v) AUTHOR: Zverev, S 4-5816 2~/37 TITLEi Underground Fertiliziation (Podzemno 6~:udobieniye) y PERIODICALt Znaniye - sila, 1956, Nr 6, p 44 (UsSO ABSTRACT% The co-workers of the Kishinevskiy ee11'skokhozyaystvennyy. in- stitut (Kishinev Agricultural Tnstitute) hnve been investigat ing for several years the possibilities of.underground irri- gation, heating and fertilization of sugar-beets, vineyards and gardens by means of underground pipes. 1. Irrigation systems--Applications 2. Agricul-ture--USSR Card 1/1 VARVs Sot inshener, Device for 'separating shelled grains In moving ear corn.~Kuk.vbelsv. prom 22 no,9:29-30 S '56. (MLRA'10:8) I.Krasnodarskeya. krayevays, kontore. Zagottierno.:. (Corn handling machinery)' S. I I z ut S.# inzhenaro Ifficiency,pronoters' sWoutione vhich have been pnt into ~effect at grain receiving points of Krasnodar Territory. Muk.-eleli. prom. 23 no.4:25-26 Ap 157- (MIRA 10:5) 10 Krasnodarakaya ~rayevaya kontora Rooglavzorno, (Grain-Drying) Suggqstioas of issevators put into effect Im.:thsj mechanization of- rtu*21 is.10.42&-27 loading sad unloading p 0 155. (KM 9;1) sks 1.1rasnedAr .7a kAyevaya kesters Zagstseres,6 (Loiding and unloading) (Grab-Irihnsport4tion) AUTHORt Zverev, S. $0V/4-59-1.18/42 TITLE: The Descendants of a Noted Barrel (rotomki znamenit~oy boohki) PERIODICALt Znaniye oil&, 1959,.Nr 1, p 30 (PSSR)~ ABSTRACT: Reinforced concrete has become today's principal bti.ilding material. To many specialists it w4o a surpri ej:when4t the Conference of Architects and Enginea .ra whi:h took Place in the Leningradskiy filial Akademii Stroi.tellstva,i Aikhi- tektury SSSR (Leningrad Branch of:the USSR Academy.of Build- ing and Architecture) it was stated that reinforced con- orete is hot the ideal combination~'of metal and cohorete. "Armocement" (armoteement) - a thick steeli netting;pouied over with concrete - was indicated~ae a far better .material. The Kolkhoz Market Hall 3n Leningrad was covered with an arched roof of armocement, the span being 15 m and:'the"thick- ness of the roof only;2 cm. Card 1/1 IVANOV-DYATLOV, Ivan Gavrilovicho doktor teklm. nauk) prof.; AGEYEV, Dmitriy Nikolayevich; ZVERE .L Sergey Aleksandrovieb; - ~LOW4*,k%~ g(WX;u4wff glT i.pior KONOVALOV, Stepan Vasillyevi in I P I Gi~keyrconovna; FOCHTOVIK, Gennadiy Yakovlevich; RADKEVICTI,'Boris Loonardovich; SHCHEKANENKO, Rostislav Arkadlyevich; GORLOVA, N.B., red.; BODANOVA, A.P., tekhn. red. [Using claydite concrete in road and bridge~construction] Pri- menenie keramzitobotona v dorozhno-mostovom:stroitelletve. (By] I.G.Ivanov-Diatlov i dr. Moslcva,, Avtotransizdat, 1963. 271 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Lightweight concrete) (Bridges, Concrete) (Favementsy Concrete) ZVEREV, Aleksandr Yevgenlyevicb; KIJRWIOV, Viktor Daitriyevich; red. 8.A., dots.. (Electron-tube and transistor pulse signal amplifiers; a textbook] Elektronnye i poluprovodnikovye usiliteli im- pullsr.qkh signalov; uchebme posoble. Moskyat Mosk. aviatsionrWi tekhnologicheakil in-ty 1965., 219 p. (WRA 18:11) Use of flasks In bottling standard sera. Fliabl. gamut. I perel. krovi 10 no.1:54-55 Ja 165. 19.1) 1. 3-ya Leningradskaya gorodskaya stantsiya perelivaniya krovi. 15-67-5 16815D.: Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geol'ogiy6, 19570 Nr 5, P 157 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zverev, S, Me TITLE: Improvement o "p aratus and Mothods;Usod in Wine Seismic Explorations (Usoversh6qstvovahiye app6ratury i metodiki morskoy seysmicheskoy~razvedkl) ABSTRACT: BiblJographic entry on the author's dissertation for L IV-he degree of Candidate,of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, presented to (no institution given), Moscow,, 1954. ASSOCIATION: (no institution given) Card 1/1 GALPERIN,YLP. 1.J, X GCPYACM, A. V. and ZVMMiV, S. M. /V1 "Crustal Structure Researches in the Transiti6n Region from the Asiatic Continent to tbePacific." (Sub-title- "Ibe Facific Geologo-Geophysical Expedition. UM Academy of Sciences, 1957; XII SaismologY, No. 1., 31 PP (RUB'sian) Special Committee for the International Geophysical Year, GALIPK~Rl, -To-I., ~GMYACJW, fiziko-mateuaiicheskikh neuic, otv. red.; ZIIJ1W,B.1., red., !z4-ya,; RY10A, Tu.T., takhn, red. [Studies on the structure of the Earth's ortint in the transition region from the Asiatic.continent to the Pacific; ifork of the', Pacific geological and geophysical expeditioa of the Academy,of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] Isisledevanie zemnoi.kory v oblasti j)erelrboda bt, Azia takogo kontinents Tik~om*u, okeam; rab o ty Tikhookeanskoi kempleisnei AspeditsiL4N SSSR v 1957 g. Moskva, Xzd-vo nauk.SSSR. NO i LTwelftb aection of the. International Geo-ohVilical Year prog;amzse1smo1OqV)1 XII raidel rogrammy- MGG (sei~mclogiia)'1958. 25 P. (MIRA 11--10): Unternational Geonlj.7siml Year, 195V-1958) (Seismology--Ob'servatlons) (,Soviet Far Eastm--P~ology) V z P_ E V 5, MI 14(5) MO I BOOK UPWITATTON SOV/2818 Vsesoy=W nauchho-issledovatelskiy institut geofizicheakikh metodov rezvedki Fazvedochnays i ptwWalovaya goofizika, vyp. 21. (Exploration and Industrial ''112 P. (Series: Geophysics,, No. 21) Moscow, Gostoptekbizdat, 195B.;. Obmen proizvodstvannym opytom) Irrats slip inserted. 4 500 copies printed. f Xd.t A. 1. Bogdanov; Exec. Ed.: ff. P. Dobrynins; Tach. Ed.., I. G. 1redotovs, PURPOW: ;This booklet is intended for geophysical engineering and technical personnel in tAw petroleum ind-astry. COVERAOt Individual articles of this collection dis6uss ImprovementsAn methods of luttaprating seismic and,gravimetric data, testing of seismic recei,mrs, and, the refimment of seismic station ='Plifiero. A nowavla is described for the rapid computation of magnetic properties of rock . sWlesp and a sum=7 is provided of experience in mrking oil contacts- Card 1/4 Exploration and Industrial (Cont.) SOV/26189' Maproved methodB and equipment of radioactive methods of surveying boreholes are also discussed. References accompany individual.articles. TABLE OF CONTIMi W*blinskiyo G. N. Study of Boundary Velocities In the Basement of tba' W#st Siberian Piain T&I'Virskiyj D. B. Peculiarities of Seismic Recording and.Tive- Distance Curves of Refracted Waves in Crose-Sections of them Downwarped Parts of tW Sibirskoys Priural lye [Siberian Urat Baft "int Zvare!,__A._& Selodc lxplomtion Surveys,on West Sibtrian Rivers 16 Andreyevj V. A. Approximative Methods of Iatarpratinl:g Tiow-Distanee Curves of Flefracted Waves 23 Voinoy, V. A. Houiogram for the Transformation From Isonozaas to Card 2/4 Exploration and Industrial (Cont SOV/2818 Urupov, A. X. Corrections for the Effect of rAy Fafraction in Determining Velocities by Time-Distance Curves of Plefracted Waive Shlykov.. M. 0., and V. V. Bogdanov. Tmproving the Characteristics of an Amplifier Of SAmmic-Station SS-26-51D 41 IvanovP M. P. Voing a Cathode Oscillograph to Check Seismic Station Baceivers .43 Yezho,r,, YU. Yo. Filling a Cistern With the Aid of &~Tractor 49 Khomenyuk, Yu. V. ProcessingAV. Osaillograms of VeAical Electrical Soundings by the Three lbadings YAthod t5l Nikoneakop L. M. Device for Standardizing ElectriCal Exploration Equipment 54 Kotlyarevskiy, V. Utilizing Vertical Gravity Gradients, for Geological Interpretations 56 Card 3/4 Exploration and Industrial (Cont.) sorv/2816 Avehyan., 0. K. Nomogram for Computing 9. and I r in ~&suring Kagaette Properties of lWak Somples Ath the X-2 *4detometer 68 Fiytel.'son,, A. Sh. Example of Comparing Pasults of Geophysical Investigations in the Nortbern Priurallye Blankov, To. B., A. H, Bly~mntsev,, and T. N. Rlankova. Co"rative Ifficleacy of Various FMioaative Metho,de of Determining ths Position of the Water-Oil Contact in C&aed Wells Man v, Ye. B. and T.;,N. Blank v&. Applying the Method of In- diced Oil Wells Gol'skiy, 'Ya. Y&. Iml seance Counters and SpeciAl h Stureb in "Mir Applie,ation to Butiometric Equipment 16). AVAIIABIX: Library of Congress card4/4 3.-T-59: _ZVERE-V, SA, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1031 Prikladnaya geofizika; sbornik statey, vyp. :19 (Applied Gpophysics; Collection of Articles, Nr. 19) Moscow, G,osto*ptekhizda't, 1958. 253 p. 3,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovaitel'skiy institut geofizicheakikh metodov razvedki Ed. Bogdanov, A.I.; Executive Ed.: Dobrynina, N.P.; Tech.'Edi: Polosina, A.S. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for professional geophysicists'engaged in scientific research or working inAndus- trial enterprises. COVERAGE: The articles are devoted to a discussion of methods of in- terpreting various types of electrical logs, methods of :determining the porosity, permeabilityand specific surface characteristics Card 1/4 Applied Geophysics (Cont.) 1031 of water bearing rocks, and methods of determining the physical properties of sediments and the characteristics of vari.ous,phy- sical parameters. A.description of piezoelectric pressure re- corders used in seismic exploration is also given. Th Ie articles are accompanied by graphs, tables, and bibliographic references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Rudakovskiy, G.I., Zverev, S.M. Piezo-crystalline Pressurd-Recorders in [Off-Shore) .9eismic Exploration 3 Al'pin, L.M. Transformation of Electro-logging Curves 23 Zavadskaya, T.N. Notes on the Tranaformatiomof Electro-logging' Curves 47 Berdichevskiy, M.N., Zagarmistr~~A.M. Problems in, Interpreting. Multi-Stage Electrical Logs with Dipole installations 57 Card 2/4 Applied Geophysics (Cont.) 1031 Faradzhev, A.S. Investigating the Effects of Non-borizontal;Plane Boundaries on Electro-logs 109 Shapiro, D.A. Discussion of Theoretical Problems on Diffusion- adsorption Potentials (Diaphragms) in Borehol6s~ 129 Morozov., G.S. Methods of Determining Porosity,":Permeability.and' Specific Resistivity per Unit Area of Water Conducting.Surfaces', from Electro-log Data 170 Keyvsar, Z.I. Relationship Between Relative Resistivity, Pordsiey, 186 Permeability-and Specific Surface Avchyan, G.M. Determining Magnetic Susceptibility wIith Dolginov's Astatic Magnetometer 195 Kalinina, R.V. The Correlation Between the Velocity of PropAga- tion of Elastic Waves and the Relative Elastic~ Constants of'Rocks' 216 Card 3/4 Applied Geophysics (Cont.) 1031 Filippov, Ye.M. Investigation of the Diffused Spectrm of Gama: Radiation in-Rocks of Different Mineralogical Composition and Densities 230 Veselov, K.Ye. Golomb, V.E., Kalisheva,L.V,, Kudymov, B.Ya.,; Lozinskaya, A.I. Review of P.I. Lukavchenko's* "GrAvimetric Ex-' 245 ploration for oil and Gas" AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 MM/sfm 1-22-59 -Lug", ",luawly P. S. GALPERIN, I., MY, 1, KOSMINSKAYA, 1. P..,YICffO`l`A,, G. 0. "Deep Seismic. Sounding' in. the Zone of Transition*~.etw'en the Asi~tic Continent and the Pacific Ocean.". Pp_per Presented at CSAGI Yeeting, 30 Jul lei Moscow q Aug Ivailable in Library SPY/49..59-4-7 20 AUTHOR: Zv~erev, S. M. TITLE; The kiglicati,9n of Bound Recordings for Determination or Distances in~7 4�smic Soundings in the ..8ea (Ispollzovaniye zapisey zvuka d1ya opredele'niya rasatoyaniy pri rabotakh po glubinnomu. seysmicheskomu zondirovaniyu na,more) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seri .7a goofiziche.skaya, 1959, Nr 4, pp 560-569 and 2 'plates (11SSR) ABSTRACT: Two methods of exact determination,of d;Lstance fvom the recordings of sound waves are describod. One of th6 methods is based on the first recording of the* sound wave axid 6a its velocity in water in relation to the,4epthand profile'of the sea-bed, The accuracy obtained in uoing this method was 0.4%. The second method is based on the recordingd of thelirst group of sound waves. The accuracy ia this case was 0.~7%, The results of experiments are illustrated i-a Figs I to 10 and in the table on P 568. Figs 1 and 2 show photographs of the seismograms. Fig la illustrate's 't-lie 6uocession,of entrance waves at different impulses of sound 'at various points (shown in 19) along a.profile. FiS.2 illustrates succe-ssive seismo- grams obtained when the distance from' the:points of ~ detonat- ion was gradually increased. The firat entering impulses are Card 1/3 framed. The datalobtained from the seismograms Figs 1 and 2 13O1r/49--59-4-?/20 The Application of Sound Recordings for Determination of Distances in Seismic Soundings in the Sea are tabulated in the table on p 568 where Colilmn,l gives :- ime of; first entrance the seismogram number, Column 2 6. 1 Column 3 - time of group entrance, Column 4 - approximate distance for V =-14?0 Column 5 - velocity of first entry as in Fig 6 Column 6 distance calculated from first entry, distance caculated from group recording. 'Fig 7 represents the sound velocity in relation to the,'idepth,of the Pac3':fic near the Kuril Islands. Fig 4 sh.ows'the &~4pft of sound velo- city V in relation to the various di8taA008 foUnd'froM tile impulse of entry (1 - layers-of mnif6rm i5radient 2 -, lowest layer); Fig 5 - trajectories of sound rays accoraiag to their entry; 1 - first arrived, 2 -:second.~~3 - :third 4 -, touching the sea-bed. Fig 6 represents the vLocities coIrresponding. -to the first entrance vf sound waves along, the profile,5.8 km d:eep. Fig 8 gives the time dif f erence of entry of the 8eparate impulses; Ag 9 amplitude of the first entries from the Card 2/3 SOV/49-59-4-7/20 The Application of Sound Recordings for Determinat.ion of Distances in Seismic Soundings in the Sea seismogram in Fig 2 and the projectories~of the corresponding rise. Fig 10 shows the relationship~'of the velocity :V and the distance from the source of the r'ays x to the' depth H. There are 10 figures, 1 table and 11 Soviet referehoes. 16SOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut fiziki:Zemli (Ac~ademy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Physics1of the Earth) SUBMITTED: August 18, 1958. Card 3/3 S/169/0/000/012/001 ..~I~~00010~12100~1~~ ~9/ D228/M5 AUTHOR: Veyteman, P. S., Gallpering,"Ye. ;1.# ~Zverev, S M. Kosminskaya, L P.,' and Krak;hina,_ft7M. TITLE: Some data on the structure7'6f the crust:in the ,transitional zone from the!:Asiatic Continent to the Pacific Ocean PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalq Geofizikaj no, 1.2i 1~61, 5, abstract 12A34 (V eb.,.teolo; resultaty prikl. geokhimii i geofiz. Razdel 2. M., Gbdgeol- tekhizdat, 1 960j 37-42)' TBXT.- Complex geophysical research was carried out,'on the structure of the crust in the transitional zone from the Asiatic Continent to the Pacific Ocean. The com Iplex,'of methold,s included seismic surveyingv aeromagnetic surveying, and gravimotry'. Geo- logic investigations were also made in~*coastal distri6tsa It was possible from the processing of preliminary data'.to expose Card 1/2 S/169/61/000/012/001/089:: Some data on... D228/D305 3 main types of crustal structure: continental, oceanic, and intermediate. A schematic toning of the study region was made from the crustal types, and transitional areas from,one type to another were distinguished. The transitional Iregion from a coutinental- to an oceanic-type of crust in the vi'cinity of.the KurileB Depression, where both the thinning-out of the supra- basaltic stratum and the rise of the surface of the basalt layer and,the Mohorovicic surface are observed, is~especially noted. ,CAbstracter's note: Complete tranalation,l Card 2/2 113/014/61,/000/061/001/toi 7 A054 /A133 AUTHORSt Veytsman, P.S.;-,Ga!'perin. Ye.I.; Zverev S.M I Kosminskay6 1. P.; Krakshina, R.M.,-. Mikhota, -Yu.V. TITLEt. Some results of atudying the Earth's cruist in Ule area of the Kuril Island are and the adjoinin~g areas of tho Pacific Ocean b6sed.on deep seismic sounding data PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, SSSR. Seriya geoldgichoskaya, no.1, 196.1, 81 - 86 TEM In 1957-58, Soviet geologists surveyed-by deep' seismic sounding the, ' ar'ba of geology of the region between the Asiatic continent and the Pacific, the the Kuril Island are and surrounding parts of the Pacific. These latter: regions are particularly interesting, becalase inIa rather nar.row (300 - 1~00 km) zone the Earth's crust here shows great variations which can be':olassified in three main groups: 1) continental type crust, cons I18tIng of an upper aedimentary and two lower: q granite and a basalt layer. This zone is 20-*30 km thick, the average ' velocity of longitudinal waves in this zone is not more than'6 k~/sec. 2) The .oceanic part of the crust consists of a thin sedimentary less than I km thick and Card 1/ 4 01 S101116110001001100110 Some results of studying.the Earth's crust A054/Ai" a 5 - 10 km thick basalt layer. The wave velocity in this zone (outside the sedimentary layer) is about 7 kin/sec. 3) The intermediate zone has an i'ntormediate character both as regards thickness and structure of its layers (in general the bedimentary-basalt structure prevails)., The classIficationinto these three groups was b4ffed on the time-d1stanoe curves of primary waves and the ratio of average speed v to depth h.. The geologicil map of the surveyed areat .shows that.the, intri~,ate alternation of these three types of crust-structure cannot be observed in th~ direction from the island to the ocean only but also,along the entire area, from the Hokkaido Island to the Peninsula of Kamchatka, The most in-tridate.crust- structure ~s-found in the area between the island ara iind tlje~Kurile_Ka~ehatka deep trench. According to the crust-struature this area can also be divided Into three partal a) its northern part shows a continental, b) its southern ipart part- ly a continental, partly an intermediate character, while c) the central part also consists of two structures.- one of an intermediate and one or an oceanic character and seems to be the continuation of the'deep-water area of the Okhot Best. In order to establish the changes in propagation velocity in the transition zone of one .,ypical,area of the crust into another, the average V-;yalues have been determined at a height of 7 km from the bottom. The comparison of the~.velocity curves',with the relief of the bottom revealed a strict regularity in the relations: the oceanic qa~rd 2/4 a 16 1/001/1001 '~00/t'o '~/A Some results of studying the Earth's crust AO 13 plateau corresponds to the highest aver .age values of V, which drop sharply-In the direction from the oceanic plateau to the tabular~~zone,,,in northern and southern direction as well, in the area of the eastern slope of the deep trench. The lower values of V in the tabular zone are connected with.thiok sedimentary layers, (near Kamchatka), The areas close to the oeniral and the southern part of the are display high V values and the high V-values for the oceanic plateau show a stable character (about 7 km1sec). Between t he islandarc and the deep trench however, there are also extensiv 'e low-water areas. tdhen comparling the bathymetric data referring to this area and the structure df the crustit can be established that the low-water areas of the Pacific at the northern and southern regions of the arc correspond to the continental type of the crust, whereas the deep-water areas of the central part of the island are correspond to the inter- mediate type of the Earth's crust. The same regularity is also observed for tfie western-coast of the island are. Gravimetric data show that in regions of the continental type crust structure the an 'omalies of the:gravity-force display low compared with those registered for the ocean, while in the zones.of intermediate crust structure the anomalies also have medium values between oceanic and continental anomalies. The boundaries between the zones of various A g values correspond roughly to the boundaries betwene the zones of various crust- Card 3/4 S/01 1/16 1 /000 /00 1~ /00.~ /00 1 Some results of studying the Earth's crust A054/AI33 structures, The.most-intense volcanic activity for -the past m0 years Was record_ ed for the central part-bf the arc, with an intermediate crust-structure, .while the higheat seismic' actIvity was observed in areas Willi a c6n-tinental type otruc- ture of the core. Ifi t4e Xuril arc remarkable and intensive recent movefffents have been observed, according to which the area can again be divided into thi~ee part: in the northdrn. and -sbuthdrn parts a remarkable up-lif ~ is established, whereas the central part - bordered by- the Bus-sol' and Kruztnishtem straitsf had subsided. There are 4 figures and 9 Soviet-bloo refar%ences.- AOSOCIATIONj Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR, Moskva.(Institute of Geoph~sics) AN USSR, Moscow) Card 4/4 -V& c FIT ul goo .Bit 1; Ir ? ?V-Na A 6 ZM. GIP , F I p Era K . .1 'o 0, . It Hr 1'. 0, ir RE:? S/011/61/000/002/001/001 A05J/A129 AUTHOR: Zverev, S. M. TITLE: On the structure of the sedimentary mass in certain sections of the Pacific Ocean according to seismic reflected wave data PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Izvestiya. Seriya Geologicheskaya, no. 2 1961, 8o - 86 TXKT: The Institut fiziki Zemli (Institute 6f the'Physics of the Earth) of the USSR AS conducted a study in 1957 - 1958 on deep seismic sounding in the earthts crust of the north-western section of the Pacific Ocean:and adjoining.wa, ter areas. The main method of investigation was primarily based on observing seismic waves from the deep-lying interfaces of the eart-h's crust to the s~urface. Data were obtained on the structure of the upper thickness of oceanic sediments. Investigations carried out simultaneously of the vertical reflections from were the ocean bed', surface and interfaces in the Wiments using,two majob methods: Reflections were registered by one channel in the exploding of. high charges mount- ed on a moving ship. The experiments showed that the reflections were registered favorably at frequencies of 50 - 70 cycles (Fig. 1). A multi-channel floating Card 1/ 11 s/011/61/000/002/061/001 On the structure of the sedimentary mass in certain ... A051/A!29 set-up was used during brief stops,of the:vessel, similar to that used in.marine seismic explorations of petroleum. It was found that the multi-channel set-up was more effective and sensitive than the single-channel~apparatus. The~multi- channel set-up was used to register the raflections from1the interfaces in sedi- ments both In the region of-the ooean floor as well as in the deep depressionand various parts of the shelf. It is pointed out that the yertical reflection cuts obtained by observations may be distorted by phenomena of Pul~i~le refledtion'of waves in layers by Interference of waves,the length of which'im.the same'as the layer thickness. The observations of the vertical refleotions were all depths of the deep seismic sounding carried out in 1958 and the obtained data for the Pacific Ocean near Kamchatka and Komandorakiy Islands are submitted. The present #I-ticle deals with the layers of sedimentation thickness expressed in time of the vertical reflection rather than layer strength. Recordings of multiple reflections of waves in the water depth obtained on the selsmQgrams weroused to evaluate the rate'values in the sedimentations as well as the reflection coeffi- cients of various multiplicity. Favorable~coincidence ot experimental data with the corresponding theoretical values (Fig. 6) lead to the conclusion that.the:rate value 1.89 - 1.91 km/sec was the rate of the transverse i~i4ves, and in deeper layezu of the sediments the rate value of the longitudinal waver, was about 3.2 - 3.5 km/ Card 2/11 S10111611000190210011001 On the structure of the sedimentary mass in certain ... A05,1/A129 /Sec. The following average values of the reflection coefficients were obtained from the ratio of the amplitudes of the lst and.2nd order vertical refl6ations: for the floor surface -0.17, for a sharper interface -0-58, for the deepest re- fleeting surface -0.34. Estimations of the vertical rerlection coefficient using Raleigh's formulae showed that the following rates V and.densities f in the sedi- mentation layers correspond favorably with the above-givoin datai a) ocean: bed sediments (not compressed)z V 1.65 km/see f - 1.35g/cm3; b) deeper,sediments (compressed): V = 3-5 km/sec, 2-5 9/clr~~, c) sole of thesediments (crystal- line ores): V = 6.4 km/sec, f 2.80 g/cm3. It is further seen that in all three profiles investigated the nature of the sediments change~labruptly when passing through the deep-lying depression. At the No. 9 profileo passing in the south- eastern section from the southern. edge of the Kamchatka Peninqula and on the western slope of the deep-water depression, there are three main reflecting~ horizons with intervalsof time At between the first and last* reflections - 0.2 0.4 see (Fig- 3). Tfie No. 7 profile layer is similar to thmt of 9 (Fis.~ 4). The author draws the following conclusions from the data obtained:. 1) the deep- water depression separates the horizontal-laminar, comparatively slow-changing sedimentation layer of the ocean bed from the complex layer of the shelf sediments. The thickness of the sedimentation ores of the ocean bed changes slowly with an Card 3/11 8/011/61/ooO/002/001/001 On the structure of the sedimentary mass in certain A05j/Al29 increase in its distance from the deep-water depression.- '2) the surface of the ores covering the sedimentation layer of the ocean within the borders of the ' regional embankment of the Kurilo-Kamehatka deep-water depression.has a complex surface. With an increase in the distance from the depreasion.the surface of the sole becomes more calm. At distinces of 150 - 250 km from the~axis of the de- pression, high fault throws are .noted,"cutting all the sedimeptation layers and are expressed in the floor contour. These faults are comIdered to be the results of-comparatively recent tectonic movements, oc *curing at the edge'of the Ocean bed in the Kurilo-Kamchatka deep-water depression. The thickness of the sedime~atations within the limits of the regional embankment of the Pacific Ocean at tire Aleutes deep-water depression is two to three times greater than the sedimentations of,the Ocean bed near the -Kurilo-Kamehatka depression. This indicates that the conditions are quite adverse for sediment accumulation in the outer sectio .ns of these two regions. There are 6 figures and 3 Soviet.references. ASSOCIATION: 'Institut fiziki Zemli AN S88R, Moskva (The~Institute of th61hysios of the Earth of,the USSR AS, Moscow) Card 4/11 .9/011/61/000/-302/001/001 On the structure of the sedimentary mass in certain ... A051/A129 Figure 1: Records of waves reflected from the surface of the floor (A)Iand the interfaces of the sediments (1,2,3) obtained on a movint; vessel, 3 and 4 u~p:er tracks signal recording at various'amplifications U 4 1~ t' R, L Card 5/11 s/oli/6i/000/002/001/001 On the structure of the sedimentary mass in certain A051/Al29 Pigure 1 continued: lit; Card 6/11 S10111611000100210011001 On the structure of the sedimentary mass in certain ... AD.5!/A129 Figure 2: Recording of the reflections from the floor aurf ace and the inter- faces in sediments (1,2,3) obtained with the aid of a~mlilti-aliannel set-lip" Route 1-5 above- recording of various hydrophones of,th6 Muiti-charinel se't-up;. At 8 routes-recording of the Ist, 3d~and 5th hydrophones with a lowered 6ensi- tivity. wi-EP-1 N1JJ Vt 17,01 - ~Ik U zlx_ --Z,4 Card 7/.11 S,/O I 1/61/000/002/COI/00 I On.the structure of the aedimentary mass in certain ~05.1/AI29 Figure 3: '-time of reflection, see. Times of vertical refl6ation at profile 9, transgressing the Kurilo-Kamehatka Deep-Water Depression from the southern end of the Kamchatka peninsula. 1 - times obtained in observing . the reflections on a moving ship, 2 by multi-channel set-up, 3 - places on the profile with sharp change of the time of beflection from the bottom and interfa~ces in the sediments fit 'VI (D; J-j __-_ ~_MTI Q Onr, Bptmexs OPUXOAA UPTRKSAMMI OTPAMONNA MA PP44HAS 9. * HePeCtMAjoLuem Kypwjw-Kswvacyi* my6oldlomyw us- AIIHY Or IOXHOM ONO"SAPIO nQfi)OC?PG$8 Kawtows, NPINIMI. MA"OXMI pVV g1 WACNM%X MgAMft WX An;~.rn."U -0.6.9. A- -~A-4 V414.~A. A-4 upwo M-4 A*- 0 M6-4 4 Card 8/ 11 -9/011/61/000/002/001/001 On them structure of the sedlmdntaz7 mass In certain A 05.1~ A129 Figure 4: 1 times of reflections, see, 2 - ocean de:pth,lm~ Times of the vertical reflection on profile 7' *transgressing the, Xurilo-yamchatka Depp-Water Depression from the region of Petropavlovsk on Kamchatka. Symbols of Figure 3 t.1yG"OGOAN$1C WANdY OT PliUl T. ntrINMIS- AOUX its KIM-tallm. Card 9/11 5/01 1/61/000/002/001/m, On the structure of the sedimentary mass in certain 4051 A129 Figure 5: 1 - oceaa depth, km' 2 - time of reflection, sec., Times of.the~ vertical reflections on profil; 8, transgressing the Aleutes-Deep-Water'Depressio from the Komandorskiy Islands. in 'ISO Its 7. J.4 Card 10/11 S10111611000100210011001 Onithe,structore of the sedimentary mass in certain A05j/Ai2g 1~kgure 6: Comparison of experimental and calculated~amplitude graphs' for three- fold reflected water waves in the" 'ocean for determining the rates in the sediments I-experimental data, 2 - calculated data for the firsit~.oritical angle,~ (sec6nd maximum of the graph corresponds to the'value of theirate in the floor layer of about 1.65 km/sec, the first maximum-to the value of ~ the rate of the longitudinal waves in a deeper layer of sediments of about 1.90 km/sec), 3 calculated data for the second critical angle (first maximum corresponds to the rate of the transverse waves in a deep layer of 20- sediments'of about 1.90 km/&ec). Val ~3 :47 3 59 75 189 Card 11/11 2242) ~vl /.goo S/049/61/000/002/001/012 D242/D361 erlyanov, eytsman, P~*l %, allperin,.Ye.' I., Zayozichkovskiy, b4~ A.', Kosminskaya, , I. P., Krakshina, R. M., Mighota,~ G.'G., And Tulina, Yu. V. TITLE t Deep seismic sounding in,the transitional zonetbeiween the,continent.of Asia.and.the Paoifit Ocean duping the International...Geophysical Year PERIODICAL: Akademiya*.nauk,SSSR.~ -Serlya Sepfizicheskaya.: Izvbstiya,,no_2,.19d1,.169-184 i TEXT: As part of.,the..IGY program;.scientiats...of.,'the.,Institut~ fiziki-zemli.-AN-SSSR- (Institute'.'of_PhysicB..;0f_ the- Zarth, AS, USSR), the Vaesoyiiznyy'rauchno-issledovateliskiy..inatitiit.geof iziki ~ Mini st eratva . ge ologii - i.. okhran~r_ziedr - SSS R _(All 4zii on Scientific- Research...of- the -.Mitiiiitry..6f,.'Geology.-atid.,Xiueral..Resources. of ~ the -USSR) an4.other.organizationd..investigated.~the-crustal,stmcture of--the-Okhotsk, Sea. by,means..of .-deep. seismic-sounding. The, area .Card I/11 2949X,. 49/61/000/002/001/012 42/D30 E Deep-seismic.soundingo*e was,chosen since, the...nature-of the,crust in such-transitional-zones.between.continents.ancl.oceans.~!Itlis separated from the Pacific.,by the,Kurile Island,Arc which is bordered-by.& deep ocean,zones with.deep foci-and-large-positive.-gx-avity.atiamalies. The main 0b servati an s..were.. undertaken. dla:.~g_ profile a.. with I lengths of -.about..8000-kmv orientated-tranaveteely-to.the,,supposed..structLires of-the-study area,.as-described,-by.Ye...I..Ga.11pering A. V.,Gorya- chev and S. M. Zverev (Ref."1: Issledovaniyq*..,zemnoy kory.v:oblasti perekhoda.ot-Aziatskogo-kont~nenta-k-Tikhomu,.okeany ~(Inveatigation of -the Crust, in -the.Area. of Transition, betwee'n.. the Continent of Asia and-the-Facifi~..Ocean) Sb..XII,razdel ~rogramy.MGG (seysmo- logiya), No. 1. Izid. AN.SSSR, 1958).and,.by . G. Vasillyev et al (Ref. 2: Issledovaniye.iemnoy kory v oblasti.perekhoda ot Aziats- kogo.kontinenta.k.Tikhoma okeany (Investigation of the Crust in the Area. of Transition between the Continenti.of Asia and the Pacific Ocean) Sb. "Seysmicheskiye..issledovaniya,v.period MGG1' Card 2Ai. 22413 S/0'49/6L/000/002/00,L/012 D242/D30i Deep.seismic..sounding... No. 4, Izd.,An.SSSRt:1960)._..The area,near-Iturup.teland wad also inv.estigated-.on.-a..-speciaL,grid. The data was.',coll6ated by the method of.movable.-explosion..points,with.-single!.?.point..recording at fixed stations;..the detaiLs.,are.given by.,Ye..I. GaLlperin and I..P. Kosminskaya-(Ref...3:..Osobennosti.,metodiki...gLubinnogo seysmicheskogo,.-zondirovaniya--na.-m6re - (Features .,of. 6e Xethod'of,AN,.SSSR,.Ser. geofiz.,.No. 7, .1958). _Use vas.. also - madd..of.. the,.results..of..e~.13eriments..condUcted,Gamburtsov'(Ref...64.-.O.glubinnom..seysnacheakom-zorLdirovanii iemn;y 'kory. i ' nekoto-tykh-.drugikh...priLcizheniyakh.-.met6dadL..vyaotca- ~' chuvatviteL!noy.zapi'si.,aeysmicheskikh..kolehaniy..~Tlie-Deep.Seismic Sounding., of_ the. Crust.. and.,some- other.Applications -Method ~ * of.HighLy.-$eusitive..Recording-of,.Seismic-OacilLations),.Izbr..tr4I Izd.-Akad..Nauk-SSSR L960 ) and.P. S.,Veyt9mmn,(Ref.;7: O,resull tatakh.rabot po glubinnomu,'.seysmicheekomu.zondirovaniyu zemnoy kory.v oduom.iz g6rnykh rayonov Sredney.,Azii.(Pesults.of..the~Do-ep Seismic-Sounding-.of-.the.Crust in..a.Mountainous District,of-Central C ard 3/i1 22423 S/0'4?/61/000/002/061/012 D242/D301 Deep seismic,soundinge&j, Asia), '.No -2,-1958),in.,continenta,l .areas-of..the-Soviet Union.-In-contr;st.-to forleigm-practice,, it recording.station~.-on.-the.:I:ine,of..time..?t'ra'vel.durves shown in Fig.. 2. during.. a- single -,boat Journey. _'Wave 'recoi:dings. were also,made.on-the..explosion..vessel,..-The..bottoni,.of..reflections .provided--A*.nfomation-on..the-depth.,of.,water-and-the:,str,ucture of bottom-se'd3"ments-in..accordance.with-the.-procedure.merLtioned by S. M..Zverev.(Ref,,,l0: O.stroyenii...osadochnoy..tolsbchi-nekotorykh uchastkov-Tikhogo..o!ceana.po.dannym seysmicheskilch ot-razhennyIch voln.,(Structure-of.the.Sediment..Layer..of Certain-Parts of the Pacific,.Ocean..from-the.Data of.RePlected Seismic.14aves) Izv.~ AN S.SSR, ser. geol., No. 2, 1960)..-The-exploslons-iof charges weighing,.about,loo-kg..were..recorded..ou..a.low-!.frequenoy.seismic device. with. a. f iltration.-range.-of..0.7.. .! distances of up to.200 .-. 250 -Ian, on, the. sea - and.-100.,-. 150 - kmL,on the.ocean. The receivers..consisted,.of,.hydrophones-with-caseade,.intensifi--ation* Card 4/11 3/040/61/000/002/001/012 Pr g* 14, Deep sciame -ft D242P301 sounding... A7 Fig. I, Examples of, /M w av hodograph .3 %"2 systems ob- tained*in the Olchotsk Sea (14-M, ~_11) 4 ~70 and Pacific- Av e ~'Po' P4 Ocean (6 0) rt. P P. '~j Card 5/'LL -ITP11110PU CIt"eit rOAOr aloft' Itaity,tetutwxa030TOICOM 110pe (14-.xi, L-.Nt) It TIIXO%t WHO 22103 S/049/61/600/002/091/012 D242/001 Deep seisraic:sounding.,. The w4ves were..separated,and-correlated byirecording.their.inten- sity simultaneously with-the.. construction.. of -thel.hodograp~hs- which were set out in such-a..way.that.the coordinate~origin.corresponded to the position,of..the,rdeording station,.the time-of-wave-arrival being plotted over the.,positibns-of the explosion. sites.,. Despite the complexity of the.. retordings,-'e specially in islarid. and -littoral areas, several types of,waves.related-to orustal, disconti-nuities, bottom sediments and the water. layer.were! distitiguished on the seismograms, including refracted longitudinal.waves.associated i-rith boundaries in the sediment layer. (Psed) and the actual trust .(PO and P*) and with'the.Mohorovicic discontinuity at.the.base of the crust. Waves of.the-first. type. have.. speeds I of..5. Ian/see and. were . obse*rved near. the Ktwiles and. on most i's'ea., profiles.: . The velocities. of -tho.1?0. and F* waves,mainly re*corded. in island areas and near Kamchati~W-a'r-e 6-and 6.5, - 7.1t-m/see-reopectively. The leading P waves refracied :Crom.the,llohorovi'cic.discontinuity Card 6/11 S/01,09/61/QOO/002/601/012 D242/b3O3_ Deep seismic sounding... tra,~el,'.at speeds of.about.8.5 km/sec.- Waves',: (PR)~ ref lecte& fr 6M the Mahorovicic-and other discontinuities were,also noted in : addition-to..the.refracted-.waves,;Ialthough it,'was only possible. to. distinguish them. iTith- any-.clarity- in certain regions . - 6ainly the northern of,--the Okhotsk,,Sea-Vwhere their amplitudeAs..greater-than that of.the other.;~oave-types. An alysis of the hodographs..diseloses-the.-existence.of,three main,wave-types the ariival',.and tr~nsit~;time of the ' waves, by the areas where they were rec6rdedand by.'the'pref3ence or absence of the PO and P* groups (Fig. 9)., By plotting the 2 values for.the relationship.of the mean..velocity v to the depth- h, three types of velocity cUrves. corresponding.. to.-Coatinental- intermediate.t....and-.oceanic~"type-.hodographs.were..also '-obtained. Continental.~type.-hadographs..are-.characteristi.c.. oflarge.areas in the .northern.Kuriles,...where-work-by-P..S*.,aI.(Pef. ll-.~ Nekotoryye.rezul!taty.izueheniya.stroyeniya.zemnoy kory..v oblasti Card 7/11 22423 S/049 /61/000/002/001/012 D242/D301 Deep.seismic sounding... Kuril1skoy,ostrovnoy.dugiA prilegayushchikh,~ uchastlcov Tikhogo okeana podannym glubinnogo-.seysmicheakogo,zo6dirovaniya (Some Results.of.the Study.-of,Crustal.Structure.iii.the Kurile Island, Arc and Adjoining.Parts-,of.the Pacific Ocean from'the Data~of Deep Seismic Sounding)..Izv..AN SSSR, ser..gedli.,.No. 1, 1961) has already indicated..that,.the.crust.-is.of.the..continental.,type,. In the..continental-!!type,.hadographs..the.arrival...times.:of.the PoVP* and,.P,-waves. are .. at - a maximum, the. transit. tite., of. ~1 the P waves I being,l8__-!.l9 sec. There are-two-forms-of..h.odograph; one repre- sents.. a - three, layer.. crust.