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Ire tlydo. The contimaloid ci.~(Nclg P'htis'e 6* Ron F]tO--
ducem Immearg da-Ir. on cornpomfo. ImalUng tetmVerlabots,
.md crl,swiltrallcra pr~,vsca of prndurts !n the amlvlc~
d,eruu I reodwtlan Id r~~, (R." J 1
BOCHVAR, A.A., akadamik, obahchiy red.; VINOGRAWV, A!*P., skademik,
obahchiy red.; YMLIYANOV, V.S., ZEFIROV, A.P., doL-tor takhn.
nauk, obshchiy red.; ZUBOV, A.I., red.- ZVHJW G L' red
[Proceedings of the Second International Confo,TOnO6 on the
Peaceful Uses of Atomic Rnergy, Geneva, 19581 Trudy Vtoroi
mezhdunarodnoy konferentaii po mirnomu ispollsovaniyu atomnoy
energii, Zheneva, 1958. (Doklady sovetakikh uchenykh) Moskva,
Izd-vo Glav.uprav.po Ispollsovaniiu atomnoi anerg. pri Sovete
Ministrov SSSR. Vol.). (Nuclear fuel and reactor wtals] IAder-
noe goriuchee i reaktornye metally. 1959. 670 P. (MIRA 12:11):
I.-International Conference on the Peabeful UBee,of:,Atomic Energy,
2d, Geneva, 1958. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SOX(tor TemellyanoT).
DOCRVAR0 A.A., akademikp red*; Y]MLIYANOV, VeSvp redal-MM.4. red.
toma; IVANOVj AoNa, red. toma; SOKMSK31, Yu.N., red, toma; STEB-
LIN, Ya.M., red. tomal PEREMMV, V.V., red.;:PCH&LINTSKVA, 06HOP
red.; MAZELI, Ye.I.y tekhn. redo
(Trawactions of.-the International Conference On The Feaceful~uoes
of Atomic Energy) Trudy Vtoroy mezhdunarodnq'konferentoii po.mir-
nomu. ispolizovaniyu atomnoy energii.y 2d# Geneyap 1958. Izbranbye
Doklady inos rannykh uchezqkh. Moskva,, lzd-,v* Glay. uprav. polspoll-
zovaniiu atomnoi energ. pri Sovete Ministrov SM.-Vol.6. [Nuclear
fuel and ractor materials) IAdernoo goriuchee i rea'ktornye matorialy.
Pod obshchei red. A.A.Bochvara i Emellianova V.S. 11959. 702 ~. ~
(MIRA 34:10)
1. International Conference on The Peaeefu.1 Uses of Atomic Energy.:
2d, Geneva, 1958. 2. Chlen-korreopandent AV SSM Uor Yemelly~nov).
(Nuclear fuels) (Nuclear react6rs--Materials)
ZTMEV, G. Y. Cnnd Fhys-?Lqth Sol "Study of the electzonic .)-arAma~,netln
3+ 2+)iqn$.~
resonance of v and Co In coriwdLmI,,, Mos, 1960. (AoSdAci WzR. physie's I-i's t
im P. N. Lebedev) (KL, 1-61, 179)
AIXI~HORS: Zvorev, G. U. Prokhorov, A.' M.
TITLE: The Ma and HyperftW StM,!1;,-11,.e Of tbp.
Spectrum of Parazzaj:;neuic Y..?sonance of,'Cr i r,CorundWj
(TonkayC I syerlkhtonkaya--_~truktura spektra puramai~nibv~;o
rezonansa Cr v korundy)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperinentallnoy i Tooraticheakoy, FiziU, 1958,:
Vol 34, 1Tr 2, 113 514 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: First three works dealing with the "o stibJect are mentioned.
The authors investigated in detail this spectrum at'a' fre-
,,acyclas. The-behaiior of'the ener,ty .
quency of 37060 r.,iep v levels
with an external magnetic field being present is des6ribred
by an Hamiltonian manUoned hero. The taicrostructure vas -in-
vestig-ated of a corundum monocrystal~vjhich cantained~ chrouti=
in 1000-fold dilution. The position of the lines was measured
for two orientations of the cryfital in tho external ma,"etic
fie I) The tri.oonal axis Z 111?1 2) the trigonal azda
Card 1/3 Z_L in the first mentioned case three absorption lines were
Fine and Hyperfine str=twe of the B3;ectr= Of Pa;1111.
magnetic Resonance of cr34 in Corundum'
noticed which correspond to the trannsitions.between. Lo levels
with the folloving values for M : 1)~~-3/2 *s-* -1/21 2) -1/2 *-~-
*-)-.+1/2; 3) +1/2 4 r +3[2. In theR second ca'se the enerdy .,states
F-1 t EV E I E f orrj I alirture of state a of various M -. Al-
toj~ether 6 &Qtion lines were obsOrved: of 'Ithich the irst
three have an intensity which i3 smaller by two orders of
magnitude than the last three. From.the position ofthese
lines the 'values of the constants in the spin Hamiltonian
viere determined. Proceeding from these values the position
of all lines was computed. The experimental values.coincide
well with those computed. The epin-lattice relaxation time
T obviously has the order of ma(,nitude 10-2 sec. The hyper-
-microstructure was investigated by,means of a sample contain-
ing chr6mium. in form of 95 14 Cr95; -the dilution wash 1 1 10000.
The hype r-micro a true tire is only weli dissolved in the case
of the line -1/2 o o + 112 with parallel, O.Tiont-Ation and in
that of the line &2 4--> E with vertical orientation, There
are 4 components which corrhPond to the. various PrOjeo'tion3
of 'the nuclear apin (I - 3/2). The comporients do not have
Card 2/3 the same distance: The distance betwoon the t-uo inna.r
Thc Fim and HyWrfine Strtwtwe of the Opectrm of Para- Para-
magnetic Resonance of Cr3+ in Corundum
lines is less than one third of that of the outer lines.
These irregular distances can be:explained by the'axiotence
of a vreak line in the center (which corresponds to the even
isotopes in thip sample). The following.values were found
f or the h.~,rper-qicroatructure conatants I and B4t 1A (16,8 +
+ 0 904) 610-4 cril-I and I B I - (16 1 ~) � 0 106). 10- cla-1 .: The
coincidence of these,values speaka in favor of the practi-
cally complate isotropy of the hyp'or-microstructure. There
are 1 figure, and 4 references, 3:of Tibich are Slavic.
Noskovskiy gosudarstvenhyy universitet)
SUB11ITTED: NoveLiber 13, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Parawgnetic resonance-Spectrum: analysis
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Zverev. G. M,,, Prckhorov. A, M.
TITLE: The Paramagnetic Electron Resonance of thejon V3+ n.,
Corundum (Elektronnyy paxamagnitnyy rezonans iona V + v korunde)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i taorstioheakoy'fiziki, 1958)
Vol. 34, Nr 4~ PP- 1o23 lo24 (USSR)''!
ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the spQ Iqtrum~of the paramagnetic
electron resonance of the ion V" in 4 monocrystal of the'
corundum Al 0 The spectroscopic basic.state of this ion
3 2 30 i
is F . The seven times degenerated 0 vital energetic level
is spKt up by the electrie field of.rthe cr,yatal into a
singlet and a tripletp the triplet being the lowest level.
This applies to crystal fields of cubic symmetry. A crystal
field of trigonal or tetragonal symmetry further splits up
this orbital triplet int Io a d3ublot,awl a singlat.., The low-
eat energylevel of the ion V + in a orystal field of tri-
gonal symmetry is a singlat (S - 1), degeaerated three times
with regard to.the spin. A line would have 'to be observei
Card 1/3 which corresponds to the transition from the level 5 z +;1
The Paramagnetiq Electron Resonance of the Ion V ir, Corundum
Card 2/3
to the level Sz I.,In order -to be able to investigate
this line its width must not be too great,:i.e. the 4me
of the spin-lattice relazatiGn must be more than I O-Ifsec.
In the lattice of corundum there exishs a strong eleo.tric
field of trigonal symmetry which drives the lower orbital
levels of the ion V5+ fax apart. Thezefore the time of spin
lattice relaxation is probably sufficiently long d low tem-
peratures. In such crystal lattices, in which the axial com-
ponent of the electric field is weaker,the lires of para-
magnetic electron relaxation are probabl not easily visible.
The authors observed a line of the ion V tin a corundum
0 1
monoorystal at T - 492 K at frequencies of from 14 200 to
38 000 megacycles. When the temperatuxe dropped to 2 K the
intensity of this line deoreased considerably. When the tem.-
peratuxe Toseq the line became wider iind then disappearede
At T - 77,K this lino was not obsevve&. Th6 line consisted
of 8 equidistant p9mponents, which corresponds to the:nuclear
Spin I = 7/2 of V-,". The line was visible at parallel orien-
tation. The half life component of a isinglq component was
2o Oersted at parallel orientation and the,distance between
the components amounted to llo8 Oersted. The spectrum can be
The.Paramagnetiz Electron Resonance of the Ion V ~In Corundum
interpreted by means of,a given.spinillamil*tonian.The authors
thanked S. Lt. Grum-Grzbimaylo and A. A. Popova for the
production.of the samples and PrO--3sor A. 1. Sbaltnikov
for his aid in carrying out experiments at low tem-
peraturcu,There are 4 referenoeso 0 of which are Soviet.
AgqnnTAMTnV- IfnalrevirelFi-r
AUTHORS: Zverev,--G, rniyenkof L. S.$ Alanenkov, A. A.
Prokhorov, A. M.
TITLE; A Faramagnetio Amplifier and Generator on:,the Basic of Chromio
Corundum (Paramagnitnyy usilitell i,genarator nn khromovom
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy iteoreticheskoy fiziki, 1956,
Vol- 34, Nr 6, pp. 166o-1661 (USSR).,*
The spectrum of Cr in~corungum was',investigated in.previous
papers (Refs 6-9). The ion, Cr + within the corundum is placed
in an axial electromagnetic field which splits up thp spin
quadruplet of the lower einglet orbital level into'2 dublets
with the distance 2D 0,3824 cm-':betw6e them. For the
construction of the paramagnetic amplifier the authors use.
the levels which (in the case that the crystal axis is orients,
ited parallelLy to the external constant paramsgnetid~field)
are characterized by the quantpm numbers K W 3/2, 4~1/2.* if
the crystal axis is turned the atates are intbrmixed,and the
Card 1/2 transitions between all 3 levels are allowed. The leAreld
A Paramagnetic Amplifier and Generatoron the Bodo of Chromic Corundum
M 1/2, 1/2 are used for the amplification and the.auxil-
iary radiations excitate the transitions b6tween the levels
It - 1/2, -3/2. The frequency at which the amplification
(or the. generation) is carried out is'equal to -3006mega-
cycles and the frequency of the Suxil
inry radiation,was equal
to - 15000 megacycles. At T - 2 X the system was excitated
by itself and changed over to the function;of a generator.
The exact data concerning this amplifier will be published
later. The authors thank A. I. Shallnikov for his help in
carrying out the experiments at low temperatures. There are.
1 figure and 10 references, 6 of which are,Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR
(Physics Institute imeni P.N. Lebedev AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: April 1, 1958
Card 2/2
240) S07/56_3 6 -2 -62/63
AUTHORS: Zverev, G. M., Prokhorov, A. M.
TITLE: The Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Cc in Corundum
(Elektronnyy parama&rnitnyy rezonans C12+ v
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teorobicheskoy,fiziki, 1959,
Vol 361, Nr 2, pp 647-648 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In a corundum single crystal which cohtoinu admixtures of
cobalt, the lines of the paramagnetic electron resonance~of
the cobalt ion were detected at T ~.2 Katthe frequencies
9800 and 37500 megacycles. All thenelines.have a hyperfine
structure of 8 components which corresponds to the spin.
I = 7/2 of the nucleus C0
. If the,magnetiq field is'pa;allel
to the trigonal axis of the crystal, an into'nse line is db-
served,the components of which (for 'tile frequency 9800 mega-
cycles), have very different distances. If,.%.he magnotic field
in perpondiculw to the trigonal axisv**the components of the
hyperfine structure of these lines are equidistant tor both
of the abovo-mentioned frequencies. Tile observed spec
trum call
be ascribed to Co;d+ of effective spirt S, 1/2. The hyperfine
Card 1/2 structure was not investigated in detail; the g-factors
The Electron 0+
Paramagnetic Resonance of Co' in Cor.vndum
(measured in the center of the line) have the values
.t = 4.95. Besides an intense line, sobie faint
g1l = 2.27 and Gr
lines are observed which have the hyperfine strVure ohar-
acteristic of cobalt. In contrast to the ions Cr , Fe3+ 1 V3+
in corundum, the ion Co2+ has a noticeably longer relaxation
time, since at T =
4.2 K the saturation effect
at powers of - 10- W. This is a translation!of this short
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fizikil Mookovokogo gosudarst%emogo universiteta.
(Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University),
SUBMITTED: December 16, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Zverev,-G.M.,-Kormiyenko, L.S., Prokhorov, A.M.
TITLE: Investigation of electron paramagnetic resonance of iron-group ions
In corundum
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhumal.-Fizika, no. 11, 1961, 130, abstract,llv267 (T
sb. "Paramagnitn. rezonans". Kazan', Kazansk. un-t, 1960, 7)
TEXT: The electron paramagnetic resonance of Fe,.Co;N, Cr- and Cu ions In,
the corundum lattice was experimentally investigated in a wide frequency (40,000-
10,000 M9ps)-and temperature (2900-1-70K) range. The observed spectra were glven
a pertinent theoretical interpretation,, and the-values of the spin Hamiltonian
constants were determined. Electron paramagnetic resonance of Cu ions in coi-andam
was not detected. The valence states of ions in corundum were determined, and
relaxation times at liquid He.temperature were evaluated. The feasibility of
using Cr and Fe ions in corundum to design paramagnetic amplifi4?.re was experimen-
tally demonstrated.
[Abstracter's note: complete translation]
Card 1_/1
B006/1301 i
all. D900
AUTHORS: Z~erevq G. Map Prokhorovp A. M.
TITLE: Investigation of the Spectrum,of Electron PaTamagnetio~
Resonance of V3+ in Corundum'~7
PERIODICALi Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tiaoraticheikoy Miki, 196o,
Vol. 38, No. 2, PP. 449-454
TEXT: A previous paper'(Ref. 1) had already reported on7the investigations
of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum in 4.corundum single orys-
tal containing 0.13% V+, The present 'paper offers Idetailed informatioll',
and first of allq an interpretation of experimental results by the aid of
the spin Hamiltonian, which describeo;the behavior of the three lovest~
energy levels in the magnetic field. The introduction offers several date
concerning the free V3+ ion and the vanadium ion Warted in the ar7stal
structure of Al2031 and a few general structural problems are discussed.
The.splitting of the lowe3t energy level of the V3+ ion In fields of dif-
ferent symmetry had already been investigated to explain the magnetic
behavior of vanadium alum. The level degeneration is schematically re-,
Card 1/1
2 20
Investigation of the Spectrum of Electron B10561601038 0212ilo6i
Paramagnetic Resonance of v3+ in Corundum B006/B0.11
presented in Fig. I and is discussed (level splittirg into a singlet and
two triplets). The spin-orbit interaction gives riseto a further split-
-ting of the lower spin triplet into a singlet and A'doublet (Refs- 4-6)~*
The degeneration of the spin triplet is, howeverg completely eliminated',
on the contamination of a crystal with rhombic symmetry - which in fact
occurs with corundum. Since already at room temperatureg and all the more
at lower temperatures, all of the energy levels except for the lowest are
not populated, only the lower three spin levels are:~of interest for,the
electron paramagnetic resonance. Transitions among these.three apin.levels
can be observed by the method of the electron paramagnetic resonance.
Fig. 3 shows the picture of such a resooance line oi the V3+ ion in
corundum at V = 379450 110/seog T . 4.2 Ko There veie also
3+ 3+
or and Fe ions in corundum, but their concentration did not exceed.
0.001%. Measurements had already been made in a wide frequency range
9,000 - 39,000 Mc/sec) at helium temperature. Such.a rozonano e line
Rig- 3) consisted of eight hyperfine structural components each9 which
is indicative of a nuclear spin of the V51 of I a 7/2. The Hamiltonian
Card 2
Invoutigation of the Spactr M 01 Electron 3/056/00/03~/02/21/06ii'
Paramagnetic Resonance of 0+ in. Corundum B006/BO11
by which tho experimental results wero'etudledt, roads
A12 At + g I A ;t I A 1A 12
JP(HX-t At) A 8;2),
+ H + F
DS + glPH S S 3 + As I + B(S I + I
z z z X y Y z z X X y
At At 'A f
where S , 3 , and 3 are the projectionsof the akfactive electron
X y z
spin, I Xt IY9and 1z the projections of the.nuolear':spin, I1xPHyP and
H the projections of the field strength vector, g,, and ~g.L the factors
of the spectroscopic splitting,~ P the Bohr magnetoni D the constant,
of primary splitting, E the constant of the rhombia fielA;.A and B'dre
constants of the hyperf ins. structure. The constante"of the Hamiltonian
were found by the authors to be
911 , 1.915.t 0.0021 D - (7-0 + 0-3) am- JAI - (0-959 + 0.065).16.20M.1;
1E1< 10-2 am -1 . The results are discussed. The author's finally thank,
A~L A. Popova. R. P. Bashuk~ and A. S. Bebehuk for their assistance*' +
There are 4 figures and 11 references: 5 Soviet,2 Dutchq 2 Britishqland.:
Card 34
C 1/00
AUTHORS: Zverev, G. M., Prokhorov, A. M.
TITLE: Electron-Paramagnetic ResonanLe and Spin Lattice Relaxation.
of the Cc 2+ Ion in Corundum)6
PERIODICALt Zhurnal okeporimentallnoy i teoretiche*~,oy fiziki, 1960p'
Vol. 39, No. 1 Ms PP. 57-63
TEXTt The purpose of the present work,was an investfgation of the
electron paramagnetic resonance of the cc 2+ ion in co runduIm, its
theoretical interpretation, and a determination of the spin lattice
relaxation time. The energy levels of the Cc 2+ ion which, as a free IIon
in tha ground state, has a 4F term corresponding to~the 3d7 oonfigura-
tion,are split in the corundum crystal by the Starkteffeot;of the
electric field of the neig oring ions. The electric field in the
crystal is formed by the O?_ octahedron, and has mainly cd bic symmetriy
: 2+
with slight trigonal impurities. The behavior of the Co Ion in the
Card 1A3
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Spin Lattice S/05~/60/039/01/08/029
Relaxation of the Co2+ Ion in Corundum Boo6/ n070;
crystal field, and the splitting of the line are inve,stiga'tod in the
introduction. The experimental results are then mentioned (Which havd
partly already been publishe ~+ in Ref. 8). The spectrum of the electron
paramagnetic resonance of Cc was investigated at 4AoY. It consists of,
two groups of strong lines which show eight hyperfino-struoture components
(1-7/2 for Co59), and some groups of weak lines characteristic of cobalt
hyperfine-structure. The intensities of all lines diminish with decreas-
Ing temperature; that means that the lines are due to transitions between
levels of the lower Kramers doublet. For the constants of the spin
Hamiltonian of the lines 9000 and 38000 Mclsec, the following values
were found:
Line I
g1l 2.292 + 0.001 gjL 4.947 0.003
A 3.24 B 9.72 0-05
Line II
9" 2.808 0-003 91- 4-855 ;t 0-005
A 2.08 + 0.09 B - 1'7.10 + 0.11 (A aH B In '10-3 cm-1)
Card 2/4.
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Spin Lattice 3/056/60/039/01/08/029
Relaxation of the Co2+ Ion in Corundum BOO~/BO70
Fig. I shows lines I and Il for parallel orientation, -the magnetic field.
increasing from left to right. The lines I and II belong to different'
non-equivalent ion systems. The existence of the two ion syntems of.Co I
in corundum is then discussed on the basis of the lattice system shown in
Fig. 2. At the same time, brief mention is made of the calculation of,the
hyperfine structure constants A and B. The spin lattice relaxation
time 'r, in corundum for iL cobalt concentration of 107% at~helium
temperature was determined by the method ofsaturation of the rosonan6e
lines. At 4.20K, V I was found to be I see which is abnormally high,
0 -8
while, at 22 X it was only 3.10 see. Fig. 3 shows the temperature
dependence of r . From 1 .8 to 4.2cK, V is inversely proportional to
temperature. Some details of the experimental method,~and the temperature
dependence of T I are discussed at length. The authore'thank P. N. Bashuk~
and A. S. SebcMik for preparation of the samples and L. S.~Kornivenko
for discussions. There are 3 figures an& 16 references, 4 Soviet,
9 American, 1 Dutch, and 2 British.
tc_ (LI e_ 0- r, 5 S 0I 6s 0 (U
Card 3/4-1
1K 0 0 B006/Bo63
AUTHORS: Zverev, G. M., Prokhorov, A* M.
TITLE: Electron Paramagnetic Res6nanceAfof Vanadium ~inIRutile
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i te Ioretiches,koy f:izikil 19601p
-Vol. 399 Noe Iffl, pp. 222-223
TEXT: In T102 containing a 0.01% vanadium impurity the authors
detected an electron paramagnetic resonance (e.p,r.) 'spectrum that
consisted of two lines showing a hyperfine structure (Bplit into eight
components) characteristic of v51 (nuclear 'Spin 7/2).'iFor 5 - 1/2 and
I = 7/2 the e.p.r. spectrum of represent.ed by the spin
3 A #% A ~ A &
Hamiltonian gxPHxSx, + gypH.VSY + gzp.HzSz + AxIxSx~ + Ayl ISy + AzIz,Sz,
where g - anisotropy factor of the spectroscopic splittingo, A - constant
of~hyperfine structure, and P - Bohr magneton; z is in the tetra onal
axis, and x and y run parallel with the directions [1,10] and [IT$ . The
following values were determined for the Hamiltonian constants at 770k
card 1
Electron Paramagmtic Resonance of S/056/60/039/001/029/029'
Vanadium in Rutile B006/BO631
and 9800 Me/sec: 9x = 1.955�0-001, gy =1-913�0-001,~gz =.1-912 t0.09'1;
AX = 14-15t0-07, A Y . 3.09�0.03, and A 74 - 4.41�0.0 3~-' 'Ax, Ayi and A. bare
given in 10-3cm-1. Other frequencies and temperatures yielded the same
results, i.e., the constants were practically independent~of temper6ture~
,and frequency. At room temperature vanadium showed no e.p.r. in rutile.
The lines became narrower with dropping temperaturel and at 900K their
width was 3.5 oe, after which it remained constant. This width is
supposed to be due to spin-spin interaction of paramagnetic vanadium
ions. The spin-lattice relaxation of vanadium ions in rutile was
measured by the method of continuous saturation. At 4.20K'it was
2.10-1-sect and at 90OK9 6.10-6see. In the case of saturation, a line
broadening was found at 900K, which confirmed the above-mentioned
assumption on the nature of the line width. All experiments indicate
that vanadium is incorporated in the rutilelattice in the form of V4+
ions. R. P, Bashuk and A. S. Bebchuk are thanked for having supplied:
the specimens used. There are 3 non-Soviet references.
Card 2A
Zverev, G. M., Prokhorov, A. M.
ur of'
TITLE: The Cross Spin Relaxation in the i~y Struot
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Co'-r in Corundum~ e,
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 196o,
Vol. 39, No. 3
(9), PP- 545 547
TEXT: The authors discuss the effect of cross relaxation (Refs.1-4)'
occurring in spin systems with little differing resonance frequencies,
They studied the cross-spin-relaxation of transitions corresponding to
different projections, of-the nuclear spin. The cor--ndum sample used
contained 10-2 r. of Cop-7the time T1.9f the epin-46ftice. relaxatiO wa's
1 2 see at 4.20K. The trig*onal axis of the arystil.,was."pArallel to!
(outer magnetic field), the width of,the-individual comiyonents of.the'
hyperfine structure was 7.5 oersteds, the distanco'between the
components was 30 oersteds. The sample van placed into a resonator which
was modulated to two close frequencies 01 and -~2 ^W92001140/seo. The
Card 1/3
The Cross Spin Relaxation in the Hyperfine S/056/60/039/003/003/045
Structure of the Electron Paramagnetic B004/bo6o
Resonance of C02+ in Corundum
lines of the electron paramagnetic resonance,were:,obaerved at the-
frequency -), by means of a superheterodyne radio6pectroocope. The
frequency 92 supplied the saturation:pulse. The restoration of the line
intensity after switching off the saturation pulse' was recorded by means
of a cinematographic camera.-A figure illustrates the relation
log(jo - J) = f(t). J is the absorption intensity, proportional to the
filling n of the spin levels, Jo is the absorption' intensity in thermal
equilibrium. The curves are given for two cases:,I) All of the eight
components of the hyperfine structure were saturat!ed td one level.: The
relaxation is then expressed by no - n - k exp(-t/Tl) (1). 2) Onl.,~ an
outer component was saturated by a short pulse. The relaxation is 'in this
case faster due to apin-upin interaction. The calculation was made hore
on the following a9flumption., a) tile aroon rolaxation b6twoon onaht
noighboring oomponont pair ean be oxprenned by th(i m4. parmtiotei!'112?
the cross relaxation time; b) only the spin-spin interact-ion of :-
neighboring components is taken into account. The authors obtained
Card 2/3
The Cross Spin Relaxation in the Hyperfine S/056/60/039/003/003/045
Structure of the Electron Paramagnetic B004/BO60
Resonance of C02+ in Corundum
equation n n Aji.exp(-A t); X 1/T rIj/Tl' 0 are
0 1 2 1
constants, the coefficients Aji are dependent on.the experimental
conditions. The experimental data corresponded to a T12'of 0.27 se 0
While Tj depends on temperature, T12 was constant betwee'n 1.8 and 04:2;K.
There are 1 figure and 4 references: 1 Soviet and us.;
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudaretvennogp
universiteta ~Institute of Nuclear Phaics of Moscow
t Zverev, G,, M~
TITLE: Nature of spin-lattice interaction in chromium corunclum., I
PERI IODICALs Zhurnal ekBperimentallnoy i teoretichesko~ Iiziki, v 407,
no. 6. 1961, 1667 - 1671
t in paramagn,e-
TEXT: The spin-lattice intoraction plays-an importint par
tic ampLifiers.. Various mochaniams have been offeri~d iwpTevious paper :s
to explain the interaction, but none has proved fully satisfaotory.~ Th ,e
author assumes, that several mechanisms participate',in spin-latticere-,-
laxation, All of his experiments have been conducted W111 9400 Mo/s'eo
by the method of continuous saturation. The spin-14ittico relaxation
time has been determined In corundi;m specimons of a unitorm concentration,
but with different contents of defects~ The latter were.~ roduced
fast neutrono or gamma irradiation in a reactor, t heir concentration was
19 1
of the order of 10 cm In irradiated specimeno'with:a Cr content of
Card 11A
Nature of spin-lattice interaction-, B i 11 /B-2011
2-10:'4, the spin-lattice relaxation time Tj for 112 -112 transitions
with parallel spin orientation was three times less than that of no,n-
irradiated specimens having the same ohromium concentration. At a con-
centration of 8-io-4, t of a test specimen was lose. T m 4~20K in both
experiments~ At a temperature of 770K the relaxation times were found;to
coincide,, The author states that phonon effects are of some importane.e
in case of small chromium content only, A special,apparatus was
determine the temperature dependence of the relaxation time (G. X~.Zve:kev'
PTE (in print)),. The attached fi6rare shows reaultp for:different Cr
contents. The curves hold for transitions 1/2 - -1/2 wd'Ji an angle Of
6 - 50. Curve I refers to a chromium-ion concentration of c - 2-10'4 j
curve 2 holds for 6 - 8.10-4, and curve 3 for c -:2.8-1,0-3, Curve I
corresponds to the Kroniger-Van Vleck mechanism; up to 500K absorption
processes and emission of individual phonons prevail, while the phono :Ila
show a Raman effect at higher temperatures. Curve 3 shots best how a new
mechanism plays a role tit higher concentrations o~ paramagnetic ions*4
Card 2/0-3
056 61/040/006/016/6~1' f
Nature of spin-lattioe interaction.. B1111B201
~~It corresponds to an exchange interaction between the~chromium ion pairs
To explain the plateau in curve 3 it is necessary to assume a heat ex-
change reservoir botweazi apin eyatem and lattice, ~.~~.A.
~,.mentione&. Professor A. X. Prokhorov in thanked for valuable
advioet, I
N. 1. Naumkin, 11. G. Petblina and V. P. Kiryukhin f their assistanpe
in the experiments. There are 1 figure and 16 references:, Soviet&-bloc
and 15 non-Soviet-bloas The two most important referenoes.tD English~-
language publications read as followas R. Kronig, Physica. 6, ~31 1939;
J. H. Van Vleck, Phys.,Rev., 51,.426, 1940; A. 1. Skwalow.dit~ al., Phys.
Rev. Lett.f 1, 271, 1959.
ASSOCIATION! Institut yadernoy-fiziki Moskovskog6 goaudarstvennogq~ uni.-:
versiteta (Institute of Nuclear Physioi of Moscow State
SUBMITTEDt JanubLry 30, 1961
Card 3
SHAVLOV A.[Schaw1ow,A.1; FOGEL', s.(Fogei,s.]; DALBERr)zMt,, L.
(Dulborger, L.],- KORNIYFI-IKO, L.S. [translator); VERN, Gd,11--i
- - -C.- i~a.;
(translator]; MXUOV, V.N. [translator]; SWAO16-yT. P
POPOV, R.Yu.., red.; IOVLEVAI N.A., tekhn. red.
(Optical masers (lasers)Gpticheskie kvantovye generatry
(lazery). Moskva, lzd--vo inostr. 3it-ry 1962. ~:114 p.
Translated fron, the English. (WRA 15:11)
AUTHORSt Zverev G orniyenko, L. S., Prokhorov, IL.M.~ and
4M-fr-nVo-vz-, ~A. I
TITLEs Electron paramagnetic resonance and spin-lattice relaxation
of the Er ion in- a CdF single crystal'
PERIODICAM Fizika tvf,rdogo tela, ve 4j no.,29 1962, 392-395
TEM Er was introduced as an isomorphio impurity into CdF2 in which
the fluor ions form a cubic lattice, the Cd ions being in the centers of
cubes formed by the anions. The Er 3+ ions replace Cd~ions. The e. p. r.
measurements were made at 4.2 K9 with several different frequencies and
for an Er3+ concentration of 0.1%. The following speotrum~parametersi
were determinedt
Electron paramagnetic resonance and ... D.02/BI38
V? Mo/sec 9 A; oe.
9500 6-758+0-010 73-0+1-0
25800 6.745+0.005
72000 6-735+0.005 73.9+1.0
The frequency dependence of the g-factor is due to the contributions of
the wave functions of the excited states. The field-induced change of
the g-factor can be determined by using perturbation theorys
2 2
9 - go 1 1 H 1 Jz 2)1 2]
90 is the g-factor at H-0,A- Land6 factor, is the mean distance toAhe
nearest upper level of the state group (2): 13, +5. 3., ; " I
t 2 -2' 2 2
Card 2/t
8/18 1162'1004
Electron paramagnetic resonance and B102/~`:1..;;.
01 and 12> denote t)je ground and excited states.
A - (2.31+0.03)-10 am Spin-lattice relaxation waj stUdied by 41he
continuous saturation method and by the pulse method with 3.2 cm waireo.
The temperature dependence of relaxation time wa$~ determined by sevpral
methods, e. g. between 16 and 180K from epr line broadening. Though
S. A. AlItshuler has developed a theory of spin-lattice relaxation of
rare-earth ions, (ZhETF, a, 691t 1953), the experimental results for Er3+.
ions in a cubic lattice can only be explained qualitatively. At