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S/568 `6 1/000/004/009/011 D2347D3.03 AUTHOR: Zverevy A.Yea ~TITLE; A device transforming linear 4uantities into':the' "DP" digital code SOURCE; Avtomaticheskoye upravieniye i ~vychislitellziaiya tekhnika, no. 49 Moscow 1961,'324 338 TEXT: The author describes a: n6w tranomiti~r of'! small liriear dis- placements,with a high power ofTesolutIon:Oich'allows ihe:donver- q sion of analogue quantitie Iinto discrete ones within th f a (e range o displacements of the executive organ of a mAchine tool several me ters). It is stated that the transmitter was developed at'-che De- partment of Mathematical Machines of MVTU. The transmitter consists of two optical rulest a micro-objective sitxiated between these and a photomultiplier. The object rule is displaceable; the Second rule and the objective are fixed. Operation of the transmitter-is descri- bed and design formulas are given. Technology of.manufacture of the rules is also described. There is a dependence between the accuracy Card 1/2 S/588/61/00Q/004/00j/01 I A device transforming linear D234/D30~ of division of the rules and the accuracy of the transmitter., the author gives graphs of distribution of errors in d-Ivis-Ions forzse- veral rules manufactured at the Zavod koordin~atno-rastochnykh stan- kov (Factory of Coordinate Machining Tools) in Moscow. There are 9 figures and 16 references%, 9 Soviet-bloc and 7 no3i.-Soviet-bloe. The 4,most recent references to the English-language publit~.ations read as follows: P.I. Farmerp "Fairey-Ferranti"O Aircraft 'Produotilon? noo 5, V. 20.q 1958; G.G. Bower, Analog to Digital Comput6rsq Control Engineeringv noo 11, April 1957j H.B. Harrisong B.A. Horlock and F~ D. Hunt, The inductosyn and its application to a programmed coor- dinate table. Electronic Engng.9 June 1957; Hayes Diomaster Machine with Ferranti Electronic Positioning Systemg Machiner (L)~ v. 8% no. 2277p 1956o ACC NO# AP7002989 SOURCE COD31 URIOW/R/066702WO-08773088 INMTORS.- Zverevs A. Teq Hironankop A, V, ORG: none TITLE% Converter of angular displacements into digital codee, Clasi 42j, No* 189624 SOURCE: 'Izabroteniya, promyshleraWs obrastsy,, tovarnVe stmkij no- 24) 1966j17-88 TOPXC TAGS's analog digital onooderj, anglo okoasur"ent instrument ABSTRACTz This Author Certificate presents a converter of angular displacements into digital code. It contains a measuring and indicating screen or diffraction grating,, a photocallp wd an illuminator* To Inoroaca the converaian awurAj3V, to decroa3a periodic and cumulative errors in the spacing of the sequence,of lines on the , - neaaurizzig disk and in its unUormwa=p,, the converter contains one or several (eogep I.throe spaced at 1200) electromagnetic mechanism with tangential displacement and torsional oscillation windings connected respectively to do and aa sources (see Fig. 1). The armatures ot the electromagnetic mechanism are rigid.4 coupled to an :indicator plate or indicator disk with another lined tracko c rd a VDCz 681.142,07-.621, ACC MRs A?7002989 4 2 Fig. 1 1 - meaeuring grating; 2 - i;~icator grating; 3 - Photo- c 0111 4 - inuiiinatori 5 - eleotro- magnetic mechanism armature; windingj 7 - torsional oscillation 8 - shaper Winding; .Orig. art. hast I diagram. SUB CODE: 091 SUBM DATSo 05M&y6$' Cowd _Z12 ZVEREV, A.Ye. Analyzing the precision of the DP converter of minor l4near displacements of the numerical code. Izv.vyo*,ucheb.zav.,- prib. 4 no.5284F-93 2610 (AURA 14:10) 1. Mskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchiliahche imeni Baumana. Rekomendovana kafedroy matematicheskikh mashin. (Blectroate digital computera) A25 S/145, 1~ot 00/012/007/007 r)3 00 b221/1)309 AUTHOR: Zverev, Aspirant TITLE: Some design features of a converter,of linear die- placements into numerical code PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly. Mashinostroye- niye, no. 12, 1961, 162-168 TEXT: The anal ogue- to-digital comerter designed by the Department of Mathematical Machines at MVTU im. N. E. Bauman is described. The experimental device can be divided into theSollowing units: Measuring device (cQr.2Verter); pulse separator; reversible counter and decoder. Themeasuring devicet connected in,:-the general feed- back, is a photoelectric system in the form of two optical rules,: The encoder.Afl (DP) contains a light source, optical,system of the counting ray, projector with correcting elements, and the recorder. The displacement slide is actuated by a d.c. motor and reducer. Its reversal is ensured by contactors (W_4,~Cq (Sh-1564), FOCT (GOST) 3899-58). The.screen rules can be adjusted in three planes. Card 1/3 3255h 1 Y611000101 2/007/007 B/14 D Some design features ... D22 302 The two objectives of the prototype are replace d by a prism. The final variant of the converter has only one source of illumination,- usually a strobotron. The disadvantages consist of low power of illumination and short life, as well as high control voltage, A two-lens condenser is used in the illuminating system for an in- crease of the enveloping angle. The new variant has an improved ef- ficiency by forming a narrow ray of light approaching the width of rule marking. There are no cross distortions because only two rays are projected on the screen rule. The micro-objective and the~cor- rection lens provide the final formation of the light ray, The. width of the latter is the main limiting factor of the resolving capacity in the system. The additionally illuminated graduations of the object-rule do not affect the system as they are projected beyond the screen rule. The photomultiplier 0-91--~,34 (FEU-31 ) with, a high threshold sensitivity is employed-for recording. The in- formation pulses from the magnetic tape and the converter (feed- back) are random in time. A pulse distribution is provided forleli- minating errors in the reversible counter. The separation timeis so chosen as to ensure ncrmal operation. The curcuit of the rever- Card 2/3 32554 S/145 61/000/012/007/007- Some design features D221/D(3.02 sible counter includes four digital and one sign trigger, two~mul- ti-vibrators and one contro'i trigge'r. The state~of the'!* termines whether the operation is addition or subtraction.. Valves provide the additional control depending on the sign of the input signal. The required delay is secured with one monovibrator OID-4 (0D-1). The decoder consists of two.identical circuits working in succession, depending,on the state of the sign trigger in the:re- versible counter. Its operation is based on thelsummation of cur- rents, so that the output voltage of the amplifying valve is pro- portional to the input code. The voltage steps can have an ampli- tude of several vol-ts. The coils of'the electric machine amplifier form the load of the output stages. The negative feedback consist- ing of a tachogenerator, and a loop provides the stabilization of the system. There are 3 figures and.2 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: MVTU im. N. E. Baumana (MVTU im. 11. E. Bauman) Card 3/3 30482 S/146/6~/004/005/007/011 It r)30 D221/D305 AuTHoa: Zverev,,_~e. TITLZ: Analysis of accuracy'in the conve rsion of small linear displacement into a digital. code by the'(DP) converter PERIODIGAI,: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebitylth zavedeniy. Priboro- stroyeniye, v. 4. rto. 5, 1961, 84-93 TEXT: operation of The paper -to-di analo it conversion analyzing accuracy inithe where the error is due to . g g , deviations in the actual values of eleme nt parameters'from their calculated magnitudes. Only the errors caused by the'dynamic ac- tions within the element are being considered. The simplified diar gram of a DP converter is shown in Fig. 1. It c6mprises two scales, an illuminator and a correcting optical device, as well as an elec- tronic part. The motion of the object-scale produces'a displace- ment of the light over the screen scale, and modulates the photo- Card 1/5 30482 S/146/61/004/005/007/011" Analysis of accuracy... D221/0305 6e11 output. A plot is given of the' relationsh" between the~pro~ 3-P jection of the fascicle of light rays which passes through the';grad-' uation apertures of the object-scale ( V) and the thickness of the mArking ~, for different values of the coiLstant magnification co- e~f ficient j3 . The lower limit of ~ is controlled ~by the accur- ikey of reading required, and by the condition of reliability of con- version b - d > The difference in the intensity of lights ~houia be greater than the absolute value of the threshold signal., Two equations are quoted which determine the relationship betii6en I ' ~nd These equations take into account the distance between Ael image plane and the rear aperture diaphragm, the diameter :f 0 the output micro-objective, the length of the light wave, ard in omexpression also the coefficient of diffraction. The reduction of graduation width causes a widening of the null maximum over them screen rule, whereas its enlargement brings closer the minima to- wards the center of the screen apertvxe, and the null, maximum be-:., comes more sharp. The resolving capacity of optical~counting de_~~. pends on the lezz%th of thelight wave only, and the diffraction diffi- Card 2/5 /61/064/00.5/007/01L,~..' Si 146 Analysis of accuracy... D221/005 culties appear when the aperture is, below 4 Jb. Both rules are miAd- of glass with small linear expansion coefficient of .the types of u of glabs'; artz, 11ni4peke 11 (pireks), etc. Other optical,proporties q are not important. The rules were graduated at.the Leniugradskiy~ optiko-mekhanikches1dy zavod (Leningrad Optical and Mechanical Plant) and the distribution of pitch errors was investigated. 'Thei! description is given of plotting curves of errors which-are used to determine the permitted limits-in pitch errors.' A plot is also il- lustrated of the coefficient n b-d . determinediby the ratio- of t and T which are respectively the duration:of pulse and, hi.~~ t a P t period bet-men the pulses. The various machining and assemblyl:inaic- curacies result in changes of the magnitude in the light measured ,.at theoutput. In the ideal case the total amount of light beam i .given by d where F31 f3 ; F3 is the light be am Fb Fjh2 ~2 agi falling on the screen rule; a is the area of graduation on.ihe'.'. gi Card 3/5 482 S~104/6L/004/005/007/011 Analysis of accuracy... D221/ T,305 object-rule; sg2 Is the area of screen-rule graduation Abstrac-, ter's note: It appears that h? in the equation should read s.21.. 18 is the magnification coefficient. This is followed by a mathematical analysis of the increment of light bean dFb. Graphs are shown indicating thia relationship between the latter andthe size of individual errors. From above P the following conclusions are made. There are errors which affect little~the total light b'eam, such as deviations in the form of workpiece (,d x), temperatWv etc, or those which are important. The last category comprises errors in the pitch of the object-rule, misalignment,of graduations' etc. The distribution of pitch errors permits the selection o.f rule for a given conversion quantity, and thus determines the possi- ble read-out The over-all dimensions of the analog-to-digitill. converter provides the specification for These. two quantititi!s determine the pitch of the screen rule b. The pitch 'of object-rute a. is governed by the teclmologiccl considerations and the li~,ht sensitive area of the photo cell., The tridth of:Irad4ations is Card 4A J:, S/146jd/oo,4/m/ool', Analysis of accuracyo J;' whereas a table provides the Vaitueb'. OU'ta given by graphs, P :Kbfedr for a given . V This article was tecotamende~: ~y tl~a ematicheskilch mashin.(Department of Mathematical; Ma6hine' are 6figures, 2tabled and 8 Sovie't-bloc refereace6 ASSOOIW.VION.- Moakovskoye vyasheye telthnichealcoye iuchilieh66 Datimatia (Moscow Higher Technical Coll~geImo:18' SUBMITTED: Februzi~ 13, 1961: J, !IJ V A f.': .1;, Fig, 1. The basic diagram of the converter j:" -V'I 4~1 A Carcl 515 k a _and rLY h; KXRWIOV, Viktor DMIt-riyevirh; X~~ ~enl _pyie. ZVEREVI S.A I dote., Fea. (Electron-tube and transistor pulse signal amplifiers; a textbook) Elektronnye i poluprovodnikovye usiliteli im- pullsrjykh signalov; uchebme posobie. Moskva, Mosk. aviatsionnyi tekhnologicheskii in--t. 1965.,:219 P. (KIRA 18: U) TOLSTOV, A.: ZVZM, B. On the construction sites of the Krasnoyarsk Iconomic Region. Stroltell no.1:3 Mr 160. (KIPA 13:6) 1. Wachallnik upravlaniya eiroitelletva Krasnoyarskogo sovnarkhoza (for Zverev). 2. Spetaialln" korrespondent zhurnala "Stroitell (for Tolatov). (Krasnoyarsk Territory--Construction inftetry) ZHMKHOV, N., polkovnik; ZVERN, B., kand.istoricheskM nauk, kapitan. Imorial feat of Russian soldiers-, on the 100th anniversary of the defense of Sevastopol. Voen.vest. 34 no.10:11-25 0 154. WRA ioao) (Sevastopol--Siege, 1854-1855) KOLTUOT, L.G., Inzh.; ZYMAV, B.A. Boring of reactor tubes* Khlissmsh, nt-,L41-42 Ja 160. (Chemical engineerl -Xquipment and suppli6n) Cpolyethyle KOLOSOV,-M.j, k d te ruKk6V,STROGANQV A.I, kri~d.tekhn.iiauk; KEYS, N.V~., AM: B% '8N inzhe 's V.F., G~d.tekhn.nauk; VZOSHTE717, O.Ygj ,; DANILOV, A.M.,,.inzh.; ~VFM,, ~.Tp inzh.; AIMIOPOVA, F*G,x inzho; KHRYUKINA, V.A., inzh. Use of silicon-chromium in open-hearth smalti4g of steels Stall 20 63'. (MMA W 5) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellokiy inatitut metallurgii; Chelyabinskiy i Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheakiye zavody. (Steel-Metallurgy) (Silicon-abromium alloys) STROGUOVj Anatoliy illich; PETROVs A-leksey Konstantinovich; -Z_VEMj Boris Fedorovich; SM, YeoBap redoj P.221ET50VA, 0,Ya,, [EconouV of magnesite in steel smelting)MOn,:)ii,~~AwSwzita v staleplavillnom proizvodstve, Chellabinak., Oba3loMwilwe knizh- noe izd-vo, 1962. 1+1 p. : ~MnU 16:1) (Smelting ftmmes--Malutauawo and repair) (Refractory materials) 1 7 23U~& m ACC NRt AP6M3597 I-A SOURCE doDki IUR*191/65/060/W2' Oh'0634- AUTHOR: Afanastyev# A. M.; Paavi Karpov,'Ve E..1, Zi(iiev B I, . ~ov A none TITIE: 9e Roent nographic investigation of inodified pol;,!!~Li~d. SOURCE: Plasticheiskiye massy,.no* 2 :1965, ~~-!-34~ TOPIC: TAGS: polyami4e,'_polymer': irradiation resistance, r, phieldi,14 shielding, boron,, lead,,~pdlyurethane,,,~chromiuia com~6.'Und: ee j, The.addification o lymers with:min6rai substii# Is~!&Ga ...... ABSTRACT: t rad-ki itaportance toL cfterials.reni6tanVto nualew, tian.1 M OZA J: I the preparation off, Tdi-a~FJ ials are knowq~which are di persions of ompounds o1- ljoron and a n e xidep, polyuret erand siliconxonds which are not inferior to boron and load in ability to deflect slow neutrons and gamna rays. Coverings bamed on these di persions'are more effective than covering made from other matei0iols tor protect- k ion from nuclear radiation. Those materials can be wed for mmking dpocial tective clothing, for enclosing x-ray installation, etc. Upon,,considering the value of the effect caused in mixed polyamide compounds of trivalent tchromium, the authors studied the effect of various doses of ionizing rudiiatioft an the structure of polyamide AK 50/50,(obtained by the polydensation~of Arv~salt and E-caprolactum in a M rat-i-qJvTWified with chz~omiucs chloride'i Radiation was conducted at 200 C in the preseacd oV air on the "K-200000, an Anstallfi'tion for has a 6ource of gammaiillr'a;diaitl~n from 1 radiation-chamical'investigatii3na, Co-60 with an activity of 20000 graa-equivalents of Ra. Poiyafiiiae 3~6`obtained' -6-d 1/2, UDC: 678-615.01*43-422.8 MISM11F 7- V.I--- Candid.t. of T..hn1c.I . . a .. 0.1...... _VY" &~gk-rf t--k2l' T.F.. Candid... ........I_=~' ~;. ,.=*art A~Irv .'i thrrr, T1TTr# The Ux .'th 7.t- TUMBICLL. st.l., 1960, Iro FP. tic760e TEM In the Chlyabla.kty ..-ad (Ch,',y.blc.k V-ua- Iatcu:tf..kly cetal--gi.h..aly n") and im- Z: ".41 :ls'r "I P =r.- steel&, Z:E!rMk 7 Lh T - 1 1 . "(2 0 W), 12 _ ZTA4M(12-2M? !I). !2-2Cj2VAA 2 ZOM73 rb am l i~ )"d hq 33-3TXC03~-579hs), 50-3intA 'S&) flea 'f 40chr. . are applied hm,I.C the foll--l.4r Cr, 31 azid C a..I.ds (.1. 1~). 3111 O.:h"- 12 - 20 AO - 50 Card 1/3 Cr 49 51 29 39 1 15 19 40 5 3c 2.73 4.50 0.12 0 Then using 12 20 type Ilicochroz* 7 20 ke/i *are added, vhereas 40 - 50 tyV. al 1icachrome about 4.5 kg/t (in the Cb=) and about 2.5 (In the ZxZ) and for 30 - 35 XhGSA 6.5 kCj% v.r* added. Then orpl-Time &.II- he required Could be produced nithout difficulty mad the duration of the prellaimary d4taxA,lativn could be reduc;d by 5 - 9 min In both pl.sat.. (i.e.. by 0.3 - 1..f. of the melting 11mv). to ano%u%t of chrce., mug-... and sill". cal. it jr.ttleslly the - P for the =,.utl ... I ..!bad (lz ZI.t-zc-k, Cr 12~- X. 20%. St. 12%. '.. Cb*lyabljx.ks Cr 19%, X= 2,4%. 31 3e%). Th* 10... ~um' of ctr- Cal# in the Z39z a- a* explained by the higher residual chms. mutant of the matal Cbsto r: od,0,114.11on .'3,- 0.31% a- C.-Par.1 to the obtained in the .06 - ,3;. X. rd.r tq obtain sm, optlaum economical 0 hoft w:11ting m;di..-..rton hr.*. t,.I, the ~t of ;0 ty".11i c' -hr- h..Id b 11 - I kg/1 In the Ch= and 0.5 - 9.5 kg/t In the Z= and the silicon me.d in cociventionel .,I%lng bi replaced by bl..t.frus.. f.-cmIll*an, then t card '213 12 13 kg Alliaoctro-O per ton Should 'be U*11 vhm the ebroa* content of the at eel 1. bal.. 0-0 -4 17 kC of -ill- combrom# par tam -he- ltal:mabove 9%. The u'. of of -be AO and 50 typ..I. economic. lIr in the neitlog steel.. b-'_C t1:, :fo the bath It ft:r dditq; 20 type -It-n ..I !;. of hr a. ... b In. C.-J( IN only 15 - 20 ain and for at ith & ch,," content ab- 0.9% it to 20 - 30 min, an accou.nt of thedt -r* in eight of cold &dditi,.s 1. the far-.. (15 - 20 kdt) -d No .4r.'pad"almorption or :IIicoakLrQm# as coupaxwd to f.rrachro- Th. i.4ti.1 *at of @,gal Then u 1=g milleachroce In the m-Iti"g Pmc*%; a-; ... d 0 r.U 1. 1,atb pl-%s. by . total of 2 - 2.5 Jllio. rumble. par ---, fro. bl.8/ton for the 40Kh 'gyp- at.. Ilin 20.4 m%bloffi/tat for the 2OKh type Steel in Ch*lr&bLn-k and fro. t.1 roub /tort for th;b3OXhsA ty P t..1 up to 12.6 raubl.s/toa for 200 ---1 In zl.t*U#to'.k . are 1. 1 t:blt. 0:&o'ate2skly lustitut setallrgii M.Uchn*;I-;l (Chely.tin.le scia.tif earth ln.tlt-t- Cb_.I a,,,. sk and .1411111 ic.1 Z am,. Card N). AMAMMIN, I.A., kapitan 1 ranga; BARABOLTA, P.D.. pdlkoynik. yuridichaskoy aluzhby; VOLKOV, A.S., inzh.-kapitan 1 ranga-. VOROBITAT, A.P., : kapitan I range; VASILIYZV, I.V., kapitan I rangli sapasa; VITUNI190, N.P., kand.voyenno-morskikh nauk, kapitan I rnnga; GHMM , A.L.,: dotsent, kand,tekhn.naWt, inzhener-kontr-odmi-ral; YMUWNKO.'B.Ye., kapitan 1 ranga- 2VIMfV B I kana.istor.n"uk, mayor; KA7-MOVO': i I - rnn-'w';A~ :1 11. A.A., kap tan ;V-'i-'ga; iCTZI , K.K., kap tan I ranga za-pasa' KOLT,ADA, M.I., kapitan 1 ranga zapasa; KULINICH, D.D., inzh.-kapitan I ranga; LCRACH-ZHUCOMO, M.B., aotsent, inzhener-kppitan 2 ranga zapasa~; MASHAROV, I.I., polkovnik zapasa-, KTASISHCM, V L. inzhener kontr- admiral; PETROV, L.G., kapitan 1 ranga v otstsvl~; PROKOFIYEVo V.H., kapitan 1 ranga; POZNMIRKO, A.Sej kapitan 1 ranga sapasa; (Gontinued on next card) ANAMMIN, I.A.---(continued) Card 2. FYASKOVSKIY, G.R.. polkovnik; SINITSYN, U.I,.# polkovnlk. Prininali uchastiye: ANDRMV, V.V., kapitaiL.1 vinge; IVANOT, V.P., inzhener- kapitan 2 ranga; CHMNOUSIKO, L.D., 'I=hener-kapiten 1 ranga; SHIKANOVO Ye.p., inzhoner-kepitan 2 rang'a. VADEY-37, V.G.. vitae admiral zapasa, Plavnyv red.; GONGROSS, VJ4., kapitan 1 ranga ziipa- ea, red.; STAROV,.N.N., kapitan I rongn v otatovkO, red.-, SOXGLOA, G.F.,, -[Marine dictionary] Morskoi slovarl. Kosk-~~:j,, Voon.iza-vo H-va obor. SSMI. Vol. 2. 0 - IA. 1959. ~ IM p. (HIIU 12:12) (Naval art and science-DIctionaries) (Merchant marine-DictionariesY ul- proc4ralis ui cryntm;me patymers t-- Joss 01, SlUEMEYANTS, Georgiy, Mikhaylovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; AMELIN, S,V., prof.., retsenzent; KOINSTANTINOV, V.H.j dots.; retsenzent; SURNOV, M.P., retsenzent; TAKOVLEV, V.F.y reteenzent; BOCIIEIIY,.OV, K.S., kand.tekhil. nauk, retsenzent; BROMMG, Ye.M., retsenzent; YERSHKOV, O.P.,.re-I tsenzent; retsenzent; ZOLOTARSKrY, A.F.,, retsenzent; IVASHCHENKO. G.I., retsenzent-, UM, S.A., retsenzent; MARKMIYAN,M.A., retsenzent; POPOV,V.V.,retsPyqxnt,- POPOV, rat senzent; SERZ?.IIMIIjtIKOV2V.V. retsenzent; SIIAFRM~OVSKIY,A.K.,retsenzt,,iit.- ITUilTSKIY,G.I.,i.nzlimliretsen- zent; VIKTOROV, I.I., kand.teknn.muk, retsentent; 'VYSOTSKIY, A.F.0 kand.tekbn.nauk~ retsenzent; SAATCHYAN, G.G..,lkand.tekhn.nauk*~ .,,re- tsenzent; YAKOVIZVA, Ye.A.J. kand.tekhn.nauk, retsen.zent; TITOVI,' V.P.~ kandotekhnenauk~ retsenzentj GHUSIIEVOY, N.G., inzh.~j red.; BRCMBERG., Ye.M.# kand.tekhn.naukq red.; KRITROV, P.A., takhn. red. 6 [Railroad tracks] Zheleznodoroz~hWi put'. Moskva, V ses.izdateltako- poligr.oblledinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 615 P. 1. Kafedra "Zheleznodorozhnyy put'" Leningr~adtjkogo instituta in,zhene- rav zheleznodcrozhnogo transporta (for Amelin, Konstantinov , ~rno .vp Yakovlev). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy~i-nstitut zhlelezno- dorozhnogo transporta (for Bochonkov, Bromberg, Yerubkovs Zverev, Zo- lotarskiy, Ivashchenko., Unev, Markarlyan., Popov, V.V., Popovj~ Serebrennikov, Shafranovskiy, Novitskiy).3.Vseaoyu2aiyy nauchno-isslisdo- vatellskiy institut transportnogo stroitellstira(for VIktorovp Vysot skiy,, Saatchyan, Yakovleva, Titov) (Railroads-Track) (Railroad.engineoring) ZVEM B.H., kandidat takhniehaskikh nauk General premises for changing over to now type rail fastenings. Trudy TSVII KPS no.85;4-9 155. (KLU 81.11) ---------- ZVEREV, BjN.,L kand. tekhn. naukj PETROV, N.V., kand. t 'ekhn..naui; GAYDAMAKAI P.S., inzh.1 YAKHOV, M.S., kand. tekhn. nalik; PETROVA, V.L., red.; DROZDOVA, N.D., tekhn. red. (New design for rail fastenings] Novye konatruktsiil~rei~.~- Bovykh skreplenii. (By] B.N.Zverev i dr. Mb'akva,.TranA.he1- dorizdat, 1963. 62 p. (MIRA 16: (Railroads-Rails-Fastenings) C1141MIC4 redfume d dus. N. K. Mary, 0. 11. ~F Cie Zvmv, and It. Yo. Klivitilskil, 74ot. Prikhtsf. jKhjm. U.ItApp% 0'a 6 fits out.*povrdm and Platec AD ' c t'Y L-.Ch Whis powder*, the VM%d 9U%% W44 p(IffiCtl thromo lit%v* Cie. ho 14=nIaC& vs,,, sq. cm.. the Im rv- V go"' I'll -c'I 414 were washed freq (mm rux". and S 2 j. was treated for I hr. at the b.p. *jib 30 ml. of walet twev"Wr htatM it) Wilug. After itraime'lit, the w4n. was liffaled With 0.01 N Ile) In I he 1"VWn'tr 44 nwthyl nd. The surtsm chem. resistance wai detd, b tersibill 10 X 4 cm. IvUles in water At M' Iqv 3 bri. Ger". lc., if O'd tWARCT W214 f%N'feAmd SO 1119. %4O MMOVC41 11)[01111 A 9,41. Ift ftJ micioctacki us lite marface. meet in. "I surface; tn. was nwir by lite-411"s the MASS. wilts b a Cie "I"It WINN results In Ad-ptim of A1120100 0.01 N MI. In adda. the extent of annealing vras detd, on the 1uVf4CV 09 IKW n4l ctw:ki: thim lmvmqo t rt. 06, by Measuring the doolple re(nictlam in a pc44slmql r r ,t0knVC,dMI 1`91filCt.14"ImlItc (4111Mkin of Immamiquki, TIWtt Ortmed to Im no ltIAlkm%hlp between the chein: t"'4 4 alunitnum hilme to Incmo4 cbel". fvqtkmmv go c=M. and Chem. revivItAmmof the powder. The SUFfACE RIAM NIAVAnd 0011114101un In Itulatm a. z. 1K, too" realstancle A. can be expeessett by A. ~ A: API(d + P) 1. ShM JI"'lr L. IL M4?brtk'"- t Silly C'Mfl. which dtliendA on Otte i"t"Wition tie the gultatv, -1 6 a rosff. Ahkh hwholes other fA.-wca not taken Int., Account, and 11 14 the Mtem in lite glaso. Tivatme"t of. plAten lot N. Id. atui 24 Itts. In a abowef clurulmr with runniall water of pit - ".5 at 1014' rtduml the chem. r"Wartmi the reduction was It" I-m wit"nuenled Our. farv. Mica wttratiatrestral with Ar,';alutninum altratr "41%. Ott n-M IrM7 (-w 24 hm. Own woob"I wills .1% IICI. slut t*~4"1 & thfic "d-4alwo I-f4am 4f"i &life ttv*tlnmt III the simmer charolwy. In rach tow, the himlauln laittale Itler"twi the the"I. unimance. IN*Nir ....... a n"Alej 16-Lboo it law . p.of (hr 1"4 two III I. N w 0 Is It 0 Is 42 Is 19 of 0 31 tv Is4 0:0-6 0-0 41 a W 0A 0; Or 0- 0 A AGLM-AV, R. I.; BMATOT, P.S.;_jV WVI B.F.; IVA-NOV, I.A.; KMGLYr, 3,9.1 HIMY, I.M.; nNSWAR, V.(;*; VeL; SIM* V#A.g XLISXIT, Condensation of a solution in vacuum, evaporator installations# Promeenerg. 15 (no*4:15-16 Ap 160. (MIRL 13:6) Avaporating appliances) ACCESSION NR: -AT3007Z54.- S/Z9P5Z/63/000/000./0056/0067. AUTHORS-. Zvyagin, V. I.; Lobanov, Ye. M. tver6v,B. P.'; ~Lainchenko, V~ M.; r -super-10 (n, alphaY Li-~ aper-7 fo~ Thai i TITI~E: Employment of the. eaction B u e, determination of.boroxx and silicon 'ISOURCE,: "I . . I , - as-hkent, 1zd-vo AN UzbS$R, MidiatsIon. effekty* v tverd.: telakh. T 1963, 56-61 TOPIC Tj'.G~: erilicon,' Si, boron, B, impurit' adceptor elem,6nt, isotope, 1. -10 (n,alpha) Li-super-7 re itude, diode B super. adtfor.1, pu I S. epu Is earnpi ABSTRACT: - The paper describes an experimental investigation,and s~ti forth the o re tical'rel'ationsthips governing the presence of the.'extremely active acccptor element B in-Si.. The reaction B10(n, a,)L17 for neutrons with an energy~of 0.03 ev, .1has a large, cross section (4,000 barn)., This reaction yields Ian c; particle *with an a energy of 1.47 Mev, which has a short path in Si'(appx. 5. mic'ron) and a'L17 nucleus', :.with 0.88 Mev energy. This particle and this nu'cleus are distinguished by th~eir great (2.35 Mev) and their great ionization density which afford's P highly effective registration if the carrier medium'exhibits counting propertie si. In thi's respect Si is a very convenient material." The block ichem'e of the measur ng Card 1/Z_- 7'ACC_V 'ACCESSION NA: AT3007254- [ 1equiprnenit employed is described. It cpmpriaesia S1 diodi6, a. power- supply, battery, -~placed ii num sAield A load resistance, and a preamplifier, all o,f which.aie n an~alumi ;and are tl~el' placed at the output of the horizontal c ha of the. reactor. The pulse:0' A 4 , Arising in a Si n-p junction irradiated with reacto'r.neutroho are rendered v sible in lan oscillogram. It is shown that, the irradiatiowof Si jui%ciiqns Edith reactor neu~tr'ons-- ~provides a fundamentally sound mean's for the dqterminailon of some impurities In. 'the material' especially H and B. It i how aj~nciion can'be ery~ployed s also shown '11as a fast-netitron counter, 'even though oixly for assessiiae~~ pr` 6ses. The theory :of,the formation of'the pulses in the iurface-barrier n-p Junction Is txaced,:~ using -an equivalent circuit to represent the surface-hole and',~p jinction. Expres u sions are :developed f6r I(t) by the solution of the diffusion,equation f6r'variou.9 particular, cases, depending on whether the point source of the charge"lies within~the ~n r~&gion !or the region',of body charge, or whether'the trackof the partio'le lies entirely 4t] in Ithe n - region. The formulas obtained employed for ihe calculation of the -of the am litude effective volume for prescribed bounds.of the changes p o the 'pulses ~excited by the neutrons in a diode and also for the calculatlon of tile pulse -amplitude e6tra. Orig. a~t. has: 6 figures and 17 numbered.equaticins., .!ASSOCIATION: no ne SUBMITTED.: .00 -DATE ACQ: 140ct63', ENCL: '00 OTHER- SUB CODE:, PH, EL NQ REF SO.V:;.' 003 .004 Coid 2/2 LOBANOV, Ye.M,; ZVYAGIN~ V.I.; KIST, A.A.; ZVEREV. B.P.; SVIRIDOVA AJ.; MCSK0VTSEVAq- GOA* Determination of manganese in silicon by tho,radiodativation' method. Zhur, anal. khim. 18 no.11:1349-1355 14 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR, Tashkent, I I I .- ACCESSfou NR: AT4046914 RIZAYEV, U.M.; ZVEREV, B.P. Use ok collimated beam of nuclear radiation In the local Irradla- tion 4of experimental animals. Uzb. biol. 2hur. 9 no.2:17-20 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. TaBhkentskiy gosudarstvennyy meditainskiy Institut. 8/759/62/000/004/007/016' D 207/D306 AUTHORU: Zverev B V., Sobenin, No P. and Shchedrin, I. TITLE. Parametric representation of the dispersion curve of a~ circular diaphragm-type waveguide. I SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteli, no. 4, 1962p 52-69 -TEXT: It is difficult to calculate or measure the dispersion curL ve of a diaphragm-type waveguide, i.e. the dependence of the phase velocity in the.waveguide on the frequency of the power supply'. It is more convenient to use parametric curves for determination of the frequency of a particular wave mode in a wide range of waveguide dimensions, wavelengths and phase velocities. The authors' first:derived the dispersion equation in.a form convenient for parametric representation. Then they measured the resonance fre- quencies of the 0, 7r/4, -r13, r/2, 2/3*ro 3/4^1/*/, V modes: using an oscillator r(--.40 (GS-10) consisting of several rings and dia- phragme held in a press nP,4-S_(PGL-5) in order to~, avoid any change'. -6ard 1/2 S/75 62/OOP/004/00 016', D207 308 Parametric representation of Yz in dimensions. Parametric curves are given f6r th'e-ivave modes ~F/4t7i Z13, 2/37j-, 3/4-a, derived from these resonance frequencies.~ From these,curves one can plot parametric nomograms for calculations', of the group velocity, derivatives of the phase velocitly and of' the frequency with respect to the waveguide dimensions, derivatives of the phase velocity with respect to:the frequency, eto. The re- sults used to plot the parametric curves may also~be employed for, the determination of the coefficients occurring in the~series ek- 5 fi- pansion of the dispersion curve (see Part 11). There are gures and 8 tables. Card 2/2 ZVEREV B V I-SOEEKINp N,P& Use of the resonance method in tuning circular septate wave g uides of linear accelerators. Prib. i tekh,ekspl. 10 no.5s: 26-29 S4 165. (MM 1911) 4oo7g-66 NVA) 00/007/01 6/0183 ACC NRs AT6017517 C N.) SOURCE CODE: U.R/2759/65/000/007/01 ',AUTHOR: Zverev, B. V.; Sobenin X. P. _q _.ORG: none ..,TITLE: Graphical representation of the high;frequency characteristics of the hybrid modes. Ell and H11 in a ~Z~indrical ~wave ~uide~oaded with a~ diaphragm SOURCE-:*-Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteii, no,. 1965,':176-i83 TOPIC TAGS: particle accelerator component, relativistic particle, waveguide ABSTRACT: Experimental curves are given for designing a dWphragm waveguide' to'bo ur.- ed as a high frequency particle separator, The curves are based on resonant frequency measurements. The high frequency characteristics were determined as functions of alb where 2b is the inner diameter of the diaphragm waveguide and 2a is the diameter in th diaphragm opening. Figure I shows the group velocity curve as a function of a/~. The dispersion can be calculated, knowing the group velocity, and is graphed in figure 2. Since the partial derivatives of the frequency relative to the de:;ign parameters a-and D (where D is the period) are necessary for the final design of high freque!ICY parti- cle separators, the essential curves in figures 3 and 4 are the.esssentialfeatures of this paper. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 2 tables, 12 fomulas. Card 1/ 3 L 40079-66 ACC NRz AT6017517 IV -00 420 424 US .0.40 OA rig. 3. Graph of the derivative of the frequency of %/2-type oscillations with respect to the diameter of the diaphragm opening. SUR-CODE; 209091 SUBM DATE: none/ 3/3 44 424 4?8 V2 rig., 4. Graph of-the derivative of the frequency of w/2-type oscillations with respect to the period. ORIG REF: 005 SOBOINP N,P,; SHCHEDRIN, I.S.; GRYZLOV, A.Y.; ZVEMp B.V. Representation of the principal high-fJ~equancy charac- teristics of a round septate waveguide in graphical form. Radiotekh. i elektron. 8 no.11:1945-1949 11 163. (MIRA 17-.1) J gin J;Ii~i 11 iji B/759/62/000/004 906 P16 D207/D308 AUTHORS: Gryzlov, A. V., ~yerev, B. V. and Sobenin N.~ P. TITLE; Parametric curv es for determination o ffrequency shif ts on changing the dimensions of a circular diaphragm'type waveguide SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy institut. Uekoriteli~ not 49 1962, 40-51 In designing linear elect on accelerators it is often nee-, r essary to-know the variation of the frequency of, a particular, mode with-tbe dimensions of a waveguide. To ease the solution of this'. problem, formulas are derived for the calculation of the deriva- tives.of the frequency.with respect to waveguide dimensions, and ~'nomograms and tables are given for calculations.of these deriva- tives for Z12 modes for practically any waveguid6 dinieftsions, any'. frequency or phase velocity. A simple method is given for calcu- lating these derivatives for other oscillation modes., There are 4 figures and 6 tables. Card 1/1 F- Wel BYT (1)/EWT (m) IJP(c) ACC NRx APS027002 SOURCE CODE: VR/0120/65/000/005/002bf6O29 0e AUTHOIL- ZyeZer, B. V.; Subeida, W. P. ORG: Moscow Engneering-Physics institute (Moskovskly inzhenerno-fizicheskAy WSW) TffLE: Adjustment of circular Iris guides oflinear accelerators the resonance method SOURCEI Pribory I teldmika ek6perimenta' no. 50 19650 26-29 f~ r TOPIC TAGS:, wavegulde Iris, circular wavegulde, lbear ace elerator, ABSTRACT: The accuracy of measuring the frequency In o1roular Iriswavegulde, res~nntors to estimated In this article. A method Is deserlbed which permits adjukIng such waveguldes wlt~ smoothly changing dimensions even with toleranceig of +6014 - The bmndwldth characteristic oft t the waveguide after adjustment Is satisfactory. from the point of view of stable oporation of thf HF oscillator, and the law of change of the phase of velocity Is maintained with an error of- less than 1%. The examined method of adjusting the units of the Iris wa ivegWde has obvious advantages over other methods In that the components of the wavegulde are adJusted directly, which Precludes errors associated with tolerances for the size of the wavegWde. The effect of the holes In the rings to taken Into account and the errors associated idth the imperfection of the silencing devices and the effect of the coupling loops are eliminated. The possibilities of - Sard - 1/2 UDC: 621.372.8 L W3M6 w'T (1) ACC NR% AT6017508 SOURCE CODE: UR/2759/65/000/007/0054/0065 AUTHOR: Zverev, B. V.; Sobenin, N. P. ORG: none, TITLE: Graphical representation of basic high frequency characteristics of a cylin- drical waveguide with diaphragms and with 2u/3 type of oscillaticins I,> SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy institut. Uskoritell, no. 7, 1965,~54-65 40 electron accelerator, circular waveguide, particle accelerator component .~XC TAGS ABSTRACT: Ten families of curves and data are presented which were obtained, from re- sonance measurements on a cylindrical waveguide with diaphragms., All L'_rV08 and data are related to the basic high frequency oscillations of the 2w/3 type. The curves are sufficiently accurate over. a large interval of variation in -the waveguide design para- meters* Origs arts has: 2 tables, 7 formulas, 10 figuresi, SUB SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005/ OV REF: .004 CODE: I Card hs L 4oo8i-66 ENT(m) IjELc)~_ ACC NR. AT661~~i6--- AUMOR; Zverev, B. V.; Sobenin, H. P. ORG: none TITLE: Experimental investigation of the waveguide properties for a particle separator 1with a crossed field SOURCE 7MOSCOW. Inzhenermo-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteli, no. 7, 1955, 167-175 TOPIC TAGS: particle accelerator component, relativistic particle, waveguide ABSTRACT: The authors describe the experimental th d9 and results of a study of waveguides as high-frequency particle separators Pe Thoy. found that in the. high-pass band the mode Ell and H11 provides for a perpendicular ellectric field in a cylindrical waveguide with diaphragms. In this mode, with perpendicular electric field the dis- persion is negative. The errors of measurement are less than 1 14c (around f/,%). The usual method of resonance measurement with a perturbing probe was employed. A graph o the change in frequency along the waveguide axis shows that at 2818.5 Mc the it-type os-- cillations dominate whereas the 0-type dominate at 3048 Me. This proves the presence of negative dispersion. Resonant frequency variations as a function of thedisplace- ment of--the dielectric needle shaped probe along the z-axis, at r=15 mm are graphed. The authors conclude that the investigated wave is polarized and has a radial Campo- Card 1/2 L 4oo8l-66 ACC Mt. AT6017516 nent of the electric field; at ~--O and r-b (radius of the guide) % and R, vanish. E is maximum at r=O and H is maximum near the opening of the diaphragm and is perpen- r r dicular on the plane throu6h the a-axis and the coupling loop. Such a waveguide can then be used as an ultrahigh ftequency separator for relativistic particles. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 20,09/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REFA 003. Ca,.d 2/ 2Ilb GER SHGORNj M.A.; SVIRTDPIKOp F.F.; JOUPINOVSKlY, D.S.; Y!IAII'rl,'C;VA, I.P.; POPOVAJ* A.N.; FRADINA, M.G.; FrInimiali uchaqtdy---. 1 Z KA SHO V, GG. RUDOLISKIY, N.L.; SIFPK,'tlff',V, N.P.; PUSKANOVSKI't, SI.T.; Ya.S.; BULISHY, M.T. (deceased]; ARKIVUlGELISKlY, YU.N.; SuAlm, SAPO','11XOV, V.Ye B.A.; VISTOROVSKIY, N.T.; PA191ANSM, B.I.; S RY-kB-TNIN., N.G.; YJLRAKULINA, R.R.; FADE-YEVP, 71.rEr--vV D A improving the production of high-strongt,h rallg by tilloy-ing thein with granulated ferrochromlim. Iti Uto 80isll -"-'; no.5t408-411 My 165. 18-.6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallov i zav(,d "Azovstal ZVE-M-F-IL-MA. agronom. Yorage lupine. Nauka i pared.op.v sallkhoz,,? no.7:32-33 Jr'- '57, (NW 10:8) (Lupine) d. Jec 1;9 6886. THE DETECTION OF PERSISTENT FORMS OF DYSENTERY; INDICES OF RECOVERY (Russian text) - Z v e r e v E. 1. - SOV. MED. 1958, 22/12. -80) 86 ( Of the total of over 1,500 dysentery patients obaerved,. 319 had the chronic form. In addition 469 acute dysentery patients were observed. all of whom recovered after 2 to ; weeks, whereas chronic dysentery lasted from 6-12 weeks. Diarrhoea was present In 30-35% of chronic cases, but more chatacterLstic of these cases was constipation. particularly when alternating with disirrhoea, ard frequently as- sociated with pus. blood and mucus in the stoola. Subtabrile temperatures were recorded in about 50% of all chronic cases. Anigatein - Galveston, Tex. (L.6 SUPROU, L.F ZVEW F P.- Hmix,IA.P., Prof., red.; POLISKIT, S., red.; [ ofthe population subjeoted to;methoas of mass destruction] Heditsinakoe obespechenie naselenlia v usloviiakh primeneniia aredstv massovogo porasheniia. Pod red. A.P.MukhIna. Minsk. GoeAzd-vo BSSR. Red.nauchno-tekhn.lii-ry, 1959, 407 p, (KIRA 12:9) (ITOMIO KRDICINB) 14(5) SOV/93-58-12-io/16 AUTHOR: Amelin.I.D. and Zverev, F.P. TITLE: Hydrodynamic C~Zul~ations~n Analyses of Dev'-elopnent of Maykop Oil Deposits of the Xhadyzhen Group (K gidxqc1inamicheskim raschetam pri analyze razrabotki maykopskikh zalezhey nefti Khadyzhenskoy gruppy) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr 12, PP 46-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The K1,yuchevoy Oilfield was discovered in 1951 near the Goryachiy Klyuch Resort in the Krasnodar Kray. The X3,yuchevoy belongs to the group of oilfields, located in the western part of the southeni border of the Azov-Kuban' Depression, as well as to the Maykop Middle Section (horizo'no I and II). The outcrop lines of these horizons form the gulflike oil,d4posits which are ex- tended in the Ehadyzhen group of gulfs cropping out in the area of Neftegor8k. To the-north the oil deposits are in contact with a strip of water-saturated sand wh..Lch extends from Neftegorsk to Novo-Dimitriyevskaya, Station. This vater pressure system is., evidently fed by the Fshekha River Basin. In 1953 I.Dt Amelin [Ref 1) suggested a system of hydrodynamic calculations for the.determi- nation of the pressure change in the oil deposits at given rates of fluid re- covery from the formation. This method which has been successfully applied to the Klyuchevoy Oilfield and to analyses of the oilfield's development proved Card l/ 4 Hydrodynamic Calculations in Analyses (Cont.) SOV/93-58-12-10/16 to be sultable for all oilfields of the KlyuqheVoy type, talculatiou; by,this method made it possible to determine also the effect of nitural encroachment of edge water on the oilfield's development, the optimum petroleum recovery from the formationY and the relationship between the current recovery of petroleun and the water injection for pressure maintenance pruposes. The author pr esents a scheme of the water pressure' system of the gulflike. deposits of Kuban' (Fig'.l) and of individual deposits (Fig.2) similar to those~of the Klyuchevoy.011field. He also cites an example of how his method was applied to.the KLyuchevioy Pil- field. He also cites an example of how his method was applied to the Klyuchevoy Oilfield and presents the data obtained (Fig- 3 and Tables 1-2). The main formula employed in the calculations Is* rL Qzht X . Ft-ti), rQhn v 4- ~X V Pg(t) : Pkn -Pg (t) 71. Ka K TE Where Pka is the initial formation pressure, ~4 v the viscosity of the formAL tion's water, Jk - the width of the formation's water pressure system, k - the permeability of the formation, h - the effective capacity~of the fomation in the water presnure area, X - 'the piezo conductivity coefficient of the water Card 2/4 Hydrodynamic Calculations in Analyses (Cont.) SOV/93-58-1~_lo/16 n pressure system,- Qzh - the inttial, yield.of the formation, Qzh I the intermittert change in the yield of the formation since the time ti of the formation's develolment; in case the formation's yiold increases the QZh I has a a "plus" sign and in case it decreases the Qihi has a "minus'.' sign; t - is t~e time since the initial develolnent of the foxmat .ion -,,or wfiich the A F (t) is being determined; I = 1.2,~; n - is the nunb:er of -bime units (Ohin the ranges of t) characterizing the stable yield of the fomation, This following formuls, was employed in order to arrive at a more accurate prognosis of the pressure change in the formation at any given rates~of fluid withdrawn fraa the formation: Pzal (t) = P~n _zsr v n ~zh E; kb 777 x ('zh rt q-t-ti), where Pzal is the fox7aat Iion pressure and z' the mean a rrore Me sr authors conclude that this method of calculatioa made it possi61e with the aid of hydraulic fracturing to Increase the water injection into the wells and con- sequently increase the petroleum recovery from horizon I by 100 tons.per day Card 3/4 Hydrodynamic Calculations in Analyses, (cant.) sovl93-58-12.10116 from horizon II by 150 tons per day without imparing the formation0s efri- ciency. They also conclude that that this method of calculation makes it,pos- sible to determine the water loss of injection vells'and consequently elim- inate the causes responsible for the water loss. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 4 Soviet references. S/196/62/q'00/006/ol3/0 18 E194/8154,.' AUTHORS: Yurilkov, M.G onishchankol, GoBbs and. TITLE: Industrial studies of rectifier-invertor fed induction motor drive PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, 110.6, 196,,), 3-11, abstract 6 Kll. (Veptn. elektroprom-sti, no.10, 1961, 13-18). TEXT; Results are given of tests in service on an a.ct induction motor drive controlled by rectifier-invertor chain used to drive centrifugal compressors.of the gas pipeline between. Stavropol' and Moscow. In this system the speed of the,4500 kW wound-rotor induction motor with a rated spcedlof 1490 r.p.M. can be changed smoothly in the range 100-70% of rated speed, thus allowing the gas compre8sor rating to be variedbetween, .100% and 35~a. The rectifier-Invertor circuit usesl~a slip frequency, convertor with an explicit d.c. circuit. The uncontrolied: rectifier valves convert the rotor slip frequency current to d.c. and the invertor converts the d.c. into power-frequency (50 c/s) a.c. The inverter valves are grid controlled:so that the Card 1/ 3 s/i96/62/boo/o06/013/018 Industrial studios of rectifier-, invertor e.m.f. can be controlled from the~~ectified current side, thus the rotor current,'torque and motor speeds. The rotor and invertor valves are mercury-are rectifiers type -1000 x 6 (MOV-1000 x 6). With the rectifier-convertor circuit the utilization of the motor is not impaired so that'its rating can be chosen by the usual methods. ;The rectifier-convertor circuit has high efficiency, namely, o.92-0.88 within the given speed control range. A disadvantage of the rectiCier-C'onvertor circuit is the low power factor which is~0.67 at maximum speed and 0.10 at 701.10' rated speed. Experimental curves are given for power factor of the valves and the motor and also:curv6s of the changes in reactive power consumption of of the systbm as function of slip. Tests showed that the rectifier-invertor circuit operates well and has goo Id control characteristics, the motor and vpLlves operate reliably, current waveform distortion in the supply lines to the rectifier is slight9 no influence of higher harmonics on the operation of other e quipment was observed. Further improvement in the asynchronous rectifier-invertor:circuit presupposes the use of rotor valves controlled by slip frequency Card 2/3 Industrial studies of rectifier- s/196/62/600/006/013/018 E194/E154 invertor e.M.f. can be controlled from the rectified current side, thus the rotor current,'torque and motor speeds. The rotor and invertor valves are mercury-arc rectifiers type PM1iC- -1000 x (Ri-mv-looo x 6). Ifith the rectifier-convertor circuit the utilization of the motor is not impaired so thatlits rating can be chosen by the usual methods. The rectifier-convert3r circuit has high efficiency, namely, 0.92-0.88 within the SIven speed control range. A disadvantage of the rectifier-co,n,~ertor:circuit is the low power factor which is 0.67 at maximum speed and 0.43 at 700,o rated speed. Experimental curves are given for power factor of the valves and the motor and also curves of the changes in reactive power consumption of individual parts of the system as function of slip. Tests showed that the rectifier-invertor circuit operates well and has good control characteristics, the motor and valves operate reliably, current waveform distortion in the supply lines to the rectifier is slight, no influence of higher harmonics on the operation of other equipment was o.bse rved. Further improvement in the asynchronous rectifier-invertor circuit presupposes the use of rotor valves controllod by slip frequency Card 2/3 21(0) SOV/89-6-6-26/27 Zverev, G. AUTHORS: Koryakin, Yu., Isayev, B., Shamanov, M., .TITLE: Short Encyclopedia "Atomnaya energiyal" (Kratkaya entsiklopediya "Atomnaya energiya"). Review (retsenziya) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 6,,Nr 6, 693-695 (USSR) P-P ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the above mentioned book which was pub-, lished in 1959 in Moscow by the Gosudarntvennoye nauchnoye~ izdatel'Btvo "Bollshaya Sovetskaya Katsiklopediyall (Scientific State Publishing House "Great Soviet Encyclopedia"). Thbre is 1 Boviet,reference. Card 1/1 ZVEW, G. I. Postoperative mortality in stomach cancer. Vop.onk. 9 no.I: 102-105 163. (MMA 16:5)'. 1* Iz rologorodskogo oblastnogo onkodispansera (glavnyy vrach~ N.A.Mataruyev). (STCRACH-CANCER) (STCRAC"RGE2Y) (CARCER-44ORTALITY) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3694 Bogoyavlenekiyj Konstantin Nikol*vioh, and Grigorly Ivanovich Zverev me~haniaheskoye. oborudovanlyo d1ya obrabotki da~vlenIly*em tovetnykIh metal- lov I splavov (Mechanical Equipment for Piesswarking Noriferrous Metals and Alloys) Mosdow, -Meta llurgizdat,, 1959, 359 P. 1trita slip inserted. 4,200 copies printed. Ed.: G.A. Smo.1yanov; Ed. of Publishing Houae:~ M.R. Lanovskaya; Tech. Ed.,., V.V. Mikhaylova, PURPOSE: This book is intended as 6 textbook In tekhnikums'for~& course on "Mechanical Equipment in Metallurgical Plants". it ma4t also 'be of value to technical perionnel in metallurgical,establishmen"tii. COVERAGE: This book is a'c6fitinuation of the book.~ by V.V. Zhol0bov., K-N. Bogoyavlenakiy,'M..Ye-. ZubtsoV, A.D.'Lsindlkhov, E.M., Lekarenko., N:N. Postnikov': Obtab6tka tsvetnykh metallov I oplavovda.vlo'niyem (Pres'sworking of Nonferrous Metals and Alloys).! Metallurgizdat; 1955. The theoretical-assumptions of Pressworking and the fundamentals of rolling, drawing, pressing, and forging are diBcussed, Methods Card 1/8 Mechanical Equipment (Cont.) SOV/3694 of determining th6' pr6stUile of metal in pla6tic pressworking are . presented.-. Equipment for''pressworking of - nonferrous metais and alloys is-described And'ekathpled,of rolli;i&'Mills; die presses, and f4undrZ eqxUpmant ar6- given. , Cold rolling- methods for tubula'~r stock are described -in some detail.' -Information on aux.111ary q4uip)neni and off-line mechanisms is included# The teIxt oontains ii*erous drawings, ~hotographs,,and diagrams., Authors of books givanIn bibliography are menti6ned in the foreword, There are 47'reterences, ali Soviet. introduction 3 Ch. I. 'Gene;,,a 1Arrangeinent of Rolling Mille, 5 I. rolling mills, 2. Arrangement of rolls in thd housing 3. Layout of stands*'of various rolling mills .8 4. Diagram of the la'y6ut of mills for rolling copper and cop'per. alloy sheets Shops for rolling'aluminum and al~mlnum alio$ sheets 15 Shops for rolling wire and merchant bars 19 Card 2/ 8 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Zholobov, Viktor Vladimirovich..,and Grlgor~yjjanovich Zverev~ Pressovaniye me ,tallov (Extrusion' of.Ketals') M60ci'6Wj;; Meta llurgizd-%t,, 1959. 542 -, p 4 250 .,co ie printed _p Reviewers: S.I.-Gubkin, Member of the BSSR Aegdemydf SoUncess Doctor of Chem c a De 4ased'); L.V.,prozorov,0 i al S iences Doctor of Technical Scien M V Rozanov,, Bnglneer;'and ce"~Titie* I.L.:P*rlin,0 Prof4ssor,, Ye. B. - Zadov, Engineer; Ed, page I Doctor of'Technical Sciences; Ed, ( V,S, Rtheinikovi Ed.-of,'Publishing House: M.S. Arkhangellskaya;; Tech, Ed*;: Ye.B. Vaynshteyn. FURPOSEt This book is intended f6r-engir-.eere~,~te'e~61cianso. and .~:I..students working-or the manufacture of:tubas.., rods and shapes chiefly,.from,,nonferrous metala. COVERAGE:- This book contains mate*rial'oh the; theqry and pr*ctice of metal-extrusion including a descriptiori of extrusion processes for a variety of metals and alloys. The oonstruction,mounting Card 1A 9. ZHOLOBOV) V.V.; ZVERb-V, G.I.j YAM, V.11.1 -Inzh.j, retsqj~~,ont ............ [Dior for the hot pressure workJng of metalv] Inatru- ment, dlia gorlachego preaBovaidia motallov., Maohinoatroenie, 1965. 161 p. (HIM 18:2) ZHOLOBOVp V.V.; P~! - G.11.-;-YAM, V.M.., inzh.,, ret3onzent. [Dies for the hot pressure working of matalti] Instru- ment dlia goriachego pressovaniia metallov. Mosleva, Mashinostrooniep 1965. 161 P. (MIRA 18:2) 9 .3150,24.21120 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL- .ABSTRACT.: Card 1 /7 Demirichanov, R. A Gevovkov, A. 1C;,, Popov, A. Zverev, G. I High-Frequency Oocillatiorw In a Fir":utrIcted Plaoma Nork Completed In 1958) Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy f izikl, 1960, Vol ~0, Nr 3 J, pp 3o6-314 (USSR) Oscillations observed in dLschavj',-,&.,., i ir identifl.ed u3uall as plasma oseillation,,i. J[owcvt!~P, Loonell, and Brown ~sce reference) oboerved s6m~2 ozk:ill~'.Itlotl~l VII'lid-1 occur only in presence of double 1 aye r~:l on p) a omil boundaries. This is not; in arraei~.,ent with the theory of Dlasma The autiwr-.,1 heve tnvestlga6 the naturu and -2xcitation t,,ieehanl,~lm in plusilia bounded by double laye--!.; and show, that- one obLalns bl.,gh; Vre4uency oscillationo clue to oficillatory m(-.)t1on'of' ~3econdary' electpons In the potential well of t; ho: p 1 uo ma .They Lised an. apparatwi similar, to that :of Looney and Brown (see Fig. 1) Ifigh-Frequency Oscillations in a '('(842 Restricted Plasma SGV/57-~C)-';3-8/l5 Card 2/ 7 A f Fig. I Construction of r1lr;charge tube. Plasma was produced between the oxldc-~ioated cathod(-1s. 1-2ectron bc-,aml A and anodes E. tip to ~1 k" of en,(,-gy entered the region thvoulgh C, and c ros 3 1 ng, a(As- tance L through the plasma, It; woi(ld fall or) FI: -Ugh-Frequency Oscillations in 2 Restricted Plasma SOV/W-130-3-8/15 Card 3/7 connected electrically to C. The pot-ential well for electrons vais -caiused by lon l,-1 yers between annular,~; ase anode-3 E" and clee tpodeltl F 'Wid Va 1, la 1) v0 0-1100 v enabled larire vavlat;i=3 of 'Loo :Iayov thlcokneoo. Distance L between F and C could be:,chanited 1-0-30 mm. ~-2 Working pressure was 10 -10- mai HIT*, while the ga~ses~ Lind Worc Ar, H , and N . A movabl(,:~ cozbrLal probe, wap 2, ,e collecting plusina paramatevs and ozj,,,L1111LA.o(1 with the senz,itivity of the L,egisteving devive at; 10 v The authors, first derive, p'n expression for the frequency Inolde the potent-lal Well ~C 0.1. elootrono caused by secondary emission of clactrons by pvlm~ftry beam oil F: W 2 (L =Vd) 4 Ifigh-Frequency Oscillations in a 77842 -Icted Plasma 0 3 Restr BOV/57-3, -8/15 where d is thickneos of ionic 1 aye r; Is average velocity of electrons in layer; V1 ia potontial of plasma with respect to oouvce of electrons.. They found, that these secondary elect PotlR:~ oicil. Lating insidb tht-,, pot--ential well aro r-coponnible Vor thi, exc-.LtaL~ILon of oscillations meaSLIred by the probe and 11:3ted in. Table 1. Note that observed frequencies satisfy relation (n=I, 2, 3...). Similar results were obtaiIned for f-L,.-.ed p6tentials lan&, variable L. A continuous flow of eloctrons oscill6ting Inside the well Could tlOt produce ai ";LmPlIrication alternating fields unleuu a me elicit) exi". .its ensuoing an orderly motion and enabling particles to give their energy to the alternating fieled, The authors show that such a mechanism of amplitude selection can exist provided there is an alternating field oil the Card 4 /7 boundary of the plasma inaddition to the constant~field.. HiC21a-Frequency Oscillatiorw. in a 34 2 Restricted Plaoma. :BOV/57-30-3-8/15 Table 1. 500 V.; 11 7 107- inm Hgj L 20 trim; VI) P, alli 1 7: f is frequency compilted froln Wid potential distri- 0 bution; f. = nf (n ~ 1, 2, are experimentally,'. 0 observed frequency groups. U. V, uplas,11%, V d. aycle I C -1 c. le- S evelar. J A C, -Y 120 16 2.0 125 490 595-460 710-790 1110 1-1 2.2 135 510-560 630-720 760-660 160 12 2A 1.15 SJO-600 660~-705 W20- 900 IFO 11 2.8 152 ' 570-630 611-795 910-920 200 11 3A 158 UA-411S 580-660 71W-635 220 11 13.2 W 470-510 020-680 760~860 2,10 10 In' 1('9 310-11~ IMAJ-535 640-710 795-870 260 10, 3.7 173 330-360 03-540. 000-740 820-920 1-11,gh-Prequency Oscillations In 41 Re3tricted Plasma )OV/57-30-3-8/15 This mech-aninjil ii3 appliczable for I'vequencles lower than the plasma frequency sivice Vecause of fast damping of such alternating fleld Is inside the-plasma they remaitl concentrcite(I or, Lkle i~~Uvface of the plasma. The authors also, ahow, that, Llhe mean free p'aith .1 of the electrons i& of fundamental Importance and miist be at least equal to 2L. When 1 mas adju:~ted to approximately 6 cm, oscl.llatlon vanished at L = 3 cill. Also, the authors investigated Influences of plasnia densities and widths of the excited frequency groups. They found that phase focuslhg plays a substantial role at high amplitudes of o,oc illat ions. They obSOL`.~0111 somettmes in the plasma of thie prinLary discharge, osciLlat'ions CaU3ed by electron osc il lat ions in the potentlal w1ell of' the ~iathcd,e potential dr.opo, All oscillations were accornp~aniqd by electrwaognetic radiations discernible by aritenn,:LS plRced oiitside the dischcarge tube. 'Phe authors toolieve that'the oscillationo ob2erved J)i, r Loptley and Bro,.-Jln tand., most card 6/( probably, by other author"S 1171re connected to the Hign-Frequency Oscillationz5 in a f~estrlcted Plasma a,Q i mechanism olf amplit-1-1de selection- ~a.B Faynbelrg evaluated naro, result3 of the pre50nt paner. The're are 9 fisures; 2 tables; and 11 referenl~a~~, 1 I Dut(.1h, I irlah, I U,K,, 7 U.S, The 5 most reCent U.K. and U.S. re-f*urenceli arlu: 1). AP-4, Nr 3, 520' (1956); T. K. A11.6h, R. A. Bayley I i j K. G, Emeleus, Brit. J .. Appl. Phys;., 6j, 320 (1955); D. K. Looney, S. C. Bvown, Phys. Re v 9~,, 9b5 (1954 D. Bohm. E. P. Gross-FhYs. Rev., 75 1851, 1864 (1P9); 79, 992 (1950). SUBMITTED: November 2, 1959 ~.Card 7/7 11 Wit?, 13~ 113. CC 711 1- I 'I'll, In vt %111"0 1 to-11 Otwi I at. J1- k 11110 I,( flit. 'A'". " 414 - I'm kiol'it4l (4411,1A.14 ra t, #h, 1-1.1" ki-s' I's 'O"If 44 11(it"im" lofl,isli roittlim I. 1,twl. I,( I'd , all-I '%vltlllgl~ isith TIO, lilt Imill.- Ij it m ill I Ill, v rl,W if v . t I's m I v is I I N I 1w t It", it, - Iwo I o 1114'slis t of I I Ill$ 14,10 e ill I it'll I I it. I I.) .%fill Is-1-1 4.4,111t ski J-11-11k Pkillp'Ititki) mill vwififl~ 'if nmowwij grwl- of qtnitillill .'llo.killing ~.-k I I.)n n fill aw I f-i, I w, I q N . o-s'. it.. A I I' I Instill, 1--. 1, n, I w I. ~ on 1.14, 11 h 1. 1 v It I is I. -I.." 4.1vo "lilt, to &At im%wr- wt-k ,1-, -1 -topi"Is Is 111,1. nw-.01A. , V ; I, $A 0-1 "N'111 sit., A flo, - J.-Pul Ini'l llw s," I it". carton and residual oxygen content or tne titan:Lum carbido was confirmed by experiments in which tunj!sten carbide-titani= carbide-cobalt compacts Were sintered. The formation of this defect is ascribed to the ovolustion of carbon xionoxide an recr73tallization or "low-carton," "hilrh-oxarL-en" tiwiurr, carbidam at tho vinter1rr totterature when in contaot with the moiten bindar. -A. a. 12- 41 It off 11"(1 Of 00*11 99ftfilf 600 Of WSW= 444 00 ildmbloccm- ~ 0. A. .09 j aA Zubkcw. Tntftp MdW. I 0o8 so a Cb. Nd j wilpr6ollm thd Imchniow of W". of Ts k** It= jW ftull mjtt~ of T& ~11 ikh 08 FO&O-HF-:1ut trl ems &T*Fr"b~ sda. a( HP *u 000 0 :0 umd; this co-s- *Lmmd to prcvmt llydmtim "od f0 ti- Of folml, solts. Tbc, Ta nit uwd In elpts con OAW% f h i r". the .049 0 . o miev tks (Vt. IN, Z13' 11 AndUMCbmallaboutO 13% i0 : Goa 000 . . at 20 to 734~ In I HF~ut.) WV tack sg1j, T P 409 00's W MLd a t tq go loorago sm Out'd tottir 1:12at2O'and Wl at 76". Tkhmavft~wfth ,4 P-vkmd u ubOded l f goo 00, rwi y p is o Ituff a" &b (C. 4. 1 6- 8")- - It W" 4" f4clold that X TaF is l W i too 004 us # . r n p- of r4cbop,. Sdr- boxioum (4 tw t"my- NYK- WXlri If 9 Tap - rHF o 00 wm tW at 21 Zi 9 11;' = ire" ~ " g i adding tbc jak to oatd. **w of the a T "in 4 410 4 it wall sloc"m that Kital"t Is pqtd. im h The 061. COWA. of the Ta valt (qAs 1 8 to 1 7% aid 31 5 t 7 9 t C It I Cb sal dtdL : atts Lit lmd whell 10 . . . o . 00 *. resp. , The most ratk % a b xmj cm. added at 21 Of of mad TO 9 and Cb camGhts bi tnati ng mgm. and C ju HF, witio, KV or KCI-Iw.~ ne volp, Id Adjusted So t6t utko addn. of up sx. of K Cb tit O- t Fo.HvO to %=j ft ldtvl~ P91al. lift livalmml pWts. pno;- tk&UY Ad cd Ow To, if* V - I - to frinn r swl is tkil c td out b . y heaft. 3 mfe"W". w 0"v 044 (11111 4"W Lit . 0 0 u a A, u ; a ; A ; ii " ; 9 1 11 w a 0 .0 3 I ; & 0 0 0 0000000 l 0000 0 00 W H as s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6-0 0 0 a '0 '0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Ol 0 i0 I . I . 7 3 tit 440 jft~p "Q(fi I Bebtartor as atimisum cubidt, in bard Alloys, t;. A, .k4iya. J. Ap- I .pe r4iej (IOJW~Tl carbitle mnig. IPZ,*v C still a "1411 All't- )I 90 aI 1,.-VWIIAI 0 WM Obtallull tit I pv.-~illrr -00 If' Alm. Iof're grialt'll.11 th-l" ..('hw#rv N.Inmet, JAI pel-pilk -00 for l1w ill 'fittrfed 14 low 4t 9). I'lle IN-Iter th'. qUality d TiC, the higlalrr is the JeKrcc 4 firitvflafi~jh 14 A. flodpim NW4 Co. zoo coo 00 too 3S, too AV M3 vir wx. u 0. At 0 0 0", 140 -9 -0 0 0 0 0 OV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 090 00 0 0 0' 0 0 f.0 40 0 00 0 41 0 0 a t _57 _~V[97~llafaruaj!7 O-CcOrCmClt-Ca f1farriara wan toW 'timmd (tvin dat& 6-90 19'i. it v'Orlditiml 4 ~ tf;fway Attu (.,,, rhm, 6nittivaitt d*144tv-11ilvir 1TW1161 .em Imad, sind 2 teranry , The ".fT.1111 11111i .f -he biary C~-Ca atectic N bated below Um Iciumt.. tion regfou of 2 liquo phas", A pruvisimml ca-Ce-O ra.p. diagram ?ms amummited that. in rpire, d 113 ptavi. m-al uatuie. it eltliccud to girr raluabit luffirmiltial, (III !he oltllpf% . "I p , mid rv~l~ A cecl. -.duclusil. W V S/568 `6 1/000/004/009/011 D2347D3.03 AUTHOR: Zverevy A.Yea ~TITLE; A device transforming linear 4uantities into':the' "DP" digital code SOURCE; Avtomaticheskoye upravieniye i ~vychislitellziaiya tekhnika, no. 49 Moscow 1961,'324 338 TEXT: The author describes a: n6w tranomiti~r of'! small liriear dis- placements,with a high power ofTesolutIon:Oich'allows ihe:donver- q sion of analogue quantitie Iinto discrete ones within th f a (e range o displacements of the executive organ of a mAchine tool several me ters). It is stated that the transmitter was developed at'-che De- partment of Mathematical Machines of MVTU. The transmitter consists of two optical rulest a micro-objective sitxiated between these and a photomultiplier. The object rule is displaceable; the Second rule and the objective are fixed. Operation of the transmitter-is descri- bed and design formulas are given. Technology of.manufacture of the rules is also described. There is a dependence between the accuracy Card 1/2 S/588/61/00Q/004/00j/01 I A device transforming linear D234/D30~ of division of the rules and the accuracy of the transmitter., the author gives graphs of distribution of errors in d-Ivis-Ions forzse- veral rules manufactured at the Zavod koordin~atno-rastochnykh stan- kov (Factory of Coordinate Machining Tools) in Moscow. There are 9 figures and 16 references%, 9 Soviet-bloc and 7 no3i.-Soviet-bloe. The 4,most recent references to the English-language publit~.ations read as follows: P.I. Farmerp "Fairey-Ferranti"O Aircraft 'Produotilon? noo 5, V. 20.q 1958; G.G. Bower, Analog to Digital Comput6rsq Control Engineeringv noo 11, April 1957j H.B. Harrisong B.A. Horlock and F~ D. Hunt, The inductosyn and its application to a programmed coor- dinate table. Electronic Engng.9 June 1957; Hayes Diomaster Machine with Ferranti Electronic Positioning Systemg Machiner (L)~ v. 8% no. 2277p 1956o ACC NO# AP7002989 SOURCE COD31 URIOW/R/066702WO-08773088 INMTORS.- Zverevs A. Teq Hironankop A, V, ORG: none TITLE% Converter of angular displacements into digital codee, Clasi 42j, No* 189624 SOURCE: 'Izabroteniya, promyshleraWs obrastsy,, tovarnVe stmkij no- 24) 1966j17-88 TOPXC TAGS's analog digital onooderj, anglo okoasur"ent instrument ABSTRACTz This Author Certificate presents a converter of angular displacements into digital code. It contains a measuring and indicating screen or diffraction grating,, a photocallp wd an illuminator* To Inoroaca the converaian awurAj3V, to decroa3a periodic and cumulative errors in the spacing of the sequence,of lines on the , - neaaurizzig disk and in its unUormwa=p,, the converter contains one or several (eogep I.throe spaced at 1200) electromagnetic mechanism with tangential displacement and torsional oscillation windings connected respectively to do and aa sources (see Fig. 1). The armatures ot the electromagnetic mechanism are rigid.4 coupled to an :indicator plate or indicator disk with another lined tracko c rd a VDCz 681.142,07-.621, ACC MRs A?7002989 4 2 Fig. 1 1 - meaeuring grating; 2 - i;~icator grating; 3 - Photo- c 0111 4 - inuiiinatori 5 - eleotro- magnetic mechanism armature; windingj 7 - torsional oscillation 8 - shaper Winding; .Orig. art. hast I diagram. SUB CODE: 091 SUBM DATSo 05M&y6$' Cowd _Z12 ZVEREV, A.Ye. Analyzing the precision of the DP converter of minor l4near displacements of the numerical code. Izv.vyo*,ucheb.zav.,- prib. 4 no.5284F-93 2610 (AURA 14:10) 1. Mskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchiliahche imeni Baumana. Rekomendovana kafedroy matematicheskikh mashin. (Blectroate digital computera) A25 S/145, 1~ot 00/012/007/007 r)3 00 b221/1)309 AUTHOR: Zverev, Aspirant TITLE: Some design features of a converter,of linear die- placements into numerical code PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly. Mashinostroye- niye, no. 12, 1961, 162-168 TEXT: The anal ogue- to-digital comerter designed by the Department of Mathematical Machines at MVTU im. N. E. Bauman is described. The experimental device can be divided into theSollowing units: Measuring device (cQr.2Verter); pulse separator; reversible counter and decoder. Themeasuring devicet connected in,:-the general feed- back, is a photoelectric system in the form of two optical rules,: The encoder.Afl (DP) contains a light source, optical,system of the counting ray, projector with correcting elements, and the recorder. The displacement slide is actuated by a d.c. motor and reducer. Its reversal is ensured by contactors (W_4,~Cq (Sh-1564), FOCT (GOST) 3899-58). The.screen rules can be adjusted in three planes. Card 1/3 3255h 1 Y611000101 2/007/007 B/14 D Some design features ... D22 302 The two objectives of the prototype are replace d by a prism. The final variant of the converter has only one source of illumination,- usually a strobotron. The disadvantages consist of low power of illumination and short life, as well as high control voltage, A two-lens condenser is used in the illuminating system for an in- crease of the enveloping angle. The new variant has an improved ef- ficiency by forming a narrow ray of light approaching the width of rule marking. There are no cross distortions because only two rays are projected on the screen rule. The micro-objective and the~cor- rection lens provide the final formation of the light ray, The. width of the latter is the main limiting factor of the resolving capacity in the system. The additionally illuminated graduations of the object-rule do not affect the system as they are projected beyond the screen rule. The photomultiplier 0-91--~,34 (FEU-31 ) with, a high threshold sensitivity is employed-for recording. The in- formation pulses from the magnetic tape and the converter (feed- back) are random in time. A pulse distribution is provided forleli- minating errors in the reversible counter. The separation timeis so chosen as to ensure ncrmal operation. The curcuit of the rever- Card 2/3 32554 S/145 61/000/012/007/007- Some design features D221/D(3.02 sible counter includes four digital and one sign trigger, two~mul- ti-vibrators and one contro'i trigge'r. The state~of the'!* termines whether the operation is addition or subtraction.. Valves provide the additional control depending on the sign of the input signal. The required delay is secured with one monovibrator OID-4 (0D-1). The decoder consists of two.identical circuits working in succession, depending,on the state of the sign trigger in the:re- versible counter. Its operation is based on thelsummation of cur- rents, so that the output voltage of the amplifying valve is pro- portional to the input code. The voltage steps can have an ampli- tude of several vol-ts. The coils of'the electric machine amplifier form the load of the output stages. The negative feedback consist- ing of a tachogenerator, and a loop provides the stabilization of the system. There are 3 figures and.2 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: MVTU im. N. E. Baumana (MVTU im. 11. E. Bauman) Card 3/3 30482 S/146/6~/004/005/007/011 It r)30 D221/D305 AuTHoa: Zverev,,_~e. TITLZ: Analysis of accuracy'in the conve rsion of small linear displacement into a digital. code by the'(DP) converter PERIODIGAI,: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebitylth zavedeniy. Priboro- stroyeniye, v. 4. rto. 5, 1961, 84-93 TEXT: operation of The paper -to-di analo it conversion analyzing accuracy inithe where the error is due to . g g , deviations in the actual values of eleme nt parameters'from their calculated magnitudes. Only the errors caused by the'dynamic ac- tions within the element are being considered. The simplified diar gram of a DP converter is shown in Fig. 1. It c6mprises two scales, an illuminator and a correcting optical device, as well as an elec- tronic part. The motion of the object-scale produces'a displace- ment of the light over the screen scale, and modulates the photo- Card 1/5 30482 S/146/61/004/005/007/011" Analysis of accuracy... D221/0305 6e11 output. A plot is given of the' relationsh" between the~pro~ 3-P jection of the fascicle of light rays which passes through the';grad-' uation apertures of the object-scale ( V) and the thickness of the mArking ~, for different values of the coiLstant magnification co- e~f ficient j3 . The lower limit of ~ is controlled ~by the accur- ikey of reading required, and by the condition of reliability of con- version b - d > The difference in the intensity of lights ~houia be greater than the absolute value of the threshold signal., Two equations are quoted which determine the relationship betii6en I ' ~nd These equations take into account the distance between Ael image plane and the rear aperture diaphragm, the diameter :f 0 the output micro-objective, the length of the light wave, ard in omexpression also the coefficient of diffraction. The reduction of graduation width causes a widening of the null maximum over them screen rule, whereas its enlargement brings closer the minima to- wards the center of the screen apertvxe, and the null, maximum be-:., comes more sharp. The resolving capacity of optical~counting de_~~. pends on the lezz%th of thelight wave only, and the diffraction diffi- Card 2/5 /61/064/00.5/007/01L,~..' Si 146 Analysis of accuracy... D221/005 culties appear when the aperture is, below 4 Jb. Both rules are miAd- of glass with small linear expansion coefficient of .the types of u of glabs'; artz, 11ni4peke 11 (pireks), etc. Other optical,proporties q are not important. The rules were graduated at.the Leniugradskiy~ optiko-mekhanikches1dy zavod (Leningrad Optical and Mechanical Plant) and the distribution of pitch errors was investigated. 'Thei! description is given of plotting curves of errors which-are used to determine the permitted limits-in pitch errors.' A plot is also il- lustrated of the coefficient n b-d . determinediby the ratio- of t and T which are respectively the duration:of pulse and, hi.~~ t a P t period bet-men the pulses. The various machining and assemblyl:inaic- curacies result in changes of the magnitude in the light measured ,.at theoutput. In the ideal case the total amount of light beam i .given by d where F31 f3 ; F3 is the light be am Fb Fjh2 ~2 agi falling on the screen rule; a is the area of graduation on.ihe'.'. gi Card 3/5 482 S~104/6L/004/005/007/011 Analysis of accuracy... D221/ T,305 object-rule; sg2 Is the area of screen-rule graduation Abstrac-, ter's note: It appears that h? in the equation should read s.21.. 18 is the magnification coefficient. This is followed by a mathematical analysis of the increment of light bean dFb. Graphs are shown indicating thia relationship between the latter andthe size of individual errors. From above P the following conclusions are made. There are errors which affect little~the total light b'eam, such as deviations in the form of workpiece (,d x), temperatWv etc, or those which are important. The last category comprises errors in the pitch of the object-rule, misalignment,of graduations' etc. The distribution of pitch errors permits the selection o.f rule for a given conversion quantity, and thus determines the possi- ble read-out The over-all dimensions of the analog-to-digitill. converter provides the specification for These. two quantititi!s determine the pitch of the screen rule b. The pitch 'of object-rute a. is governed by the teclmologiccl considerations and the li~,ht sensitive area of the photo cell., The tridth of:Irad4ations is Card 4A J:, S/146jd/oo,4/m/ool', Analysis of accuracyo J;' whereas a table provides the Vaitueb'. OU'ta given by graphs, P :Kbfedr for a given . V This article was tecotamende~: ~y tl~a ematicheskilch mashin.(Department of Mathematical; Ma6hine' are 6figures, 2tabled and 8 Sovie't-bloc refereace6 ASSOOIW.VION.- Moakovskoye vyasheye telthnichealcoye iuchilieh66 Datimatia (Moscow Higher Technical Coll~geImo:18' SUBMITTED: Februzi~ 13, 1961: J, !IJ V A f.': .1;, Fig, 1. The basic diagram of the converter j:" -V'I 4~1 A Carcl 515 k a _and rLY h; KXRWIOV, Viktor DMIt-riyevirh; X~~ ~enl _pyie. ZVEREVI S.A I dote., Fea. (Electron-tube and transistor pulse signal amplifiers; a textbook) Elektronnye i poluprovodnikovye usiliteli im- pullsrjykh signalov; uchebme posobie. Moskva, Mosk. aviatsionnyi tekhnologicheskii in--t. 1965.,:219 P. (KIRA 18: U) TOLSTOV, A.: ZVZM, B. On the construction sites of the Krasnoyarsk Iconomic Region. Stroltell no.1:3 Mr 160. (KIPA 13:6) 1. Wachallnik upravlaniya eiroitelletva Krasnoyarskogo sovnarkhoza (for Zverev). 2. Spetaialln" korrespondent zhurnala "Stroitell (for Tolatov). (Krasnoyarsk Territory--Construction inftetry) ZHMKHOV, N., polkovnik; ZVERN, B., kand.istoricheskM nauk, kapitan. Imorial feat of Russian soldiers-, on the 100th anniversary of the defense of Sevastopol. Voen.vest. 34 no.10:11-25 0 154. WRA ioao) (Sevastopol--Siege, 1854-1855) KOLTUOT, L.G., Inzh.; ZYMAV, B.A. Boring of reactor tubes* Khlissmsh, nt-,L41-42 Ja 160. (Chemical engineerl -Xquipment and suppli6n) Cpolyethyle KOLOSOV,-M.j, k d te ruKk6V,STROGANQV A.I, kri~d.tekhn.iiauk; KEYS, N.V~., AM: B% '8N inzhe 's V.F., G~d.tekhn.nauk; VZOSHTE717, O.Ygj ,; DANILOV, A.M.,,.inzh.; ~VFM,, ~.Tp inzh.; AIMIOPOVA, F*G,x inzho; KHRYUKINA, V.A., inzh. Use of silicon-chromium in open-hearth smalti4g of steels Stall 20 63'. (MMA W 5) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellokiy inatitut metallurgii; Chelyabinskiy i Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheakiye zavody. (Steel-Metallurgy) (Silicon-abromium alloys) STROGUOVj Anatoliy illich; PETROVs A-leksey Konstantinovich; -Z_VEMj Boris Fedorovich; SM, YeoBap redoj P.221ET50VA, 0,Ya,, [EconouV of magnesite in steel smelting)MOn,:)ii,~~AwSwzita v staleplavillnom proizvodstve, Chellabinak., Oba3loMwilwe knizh- noe izd-vo, 1962. 1+1 p. : ~MnU 16:1) (Smelting ftmmes--Malutauawo and repair) (Refractory materials) 1 7 23U~& m ACC NRt AP6M3597 I-A SOURCE doDki IUR*191/65/060/W2' Oh'0634- AUTHOR: Afanastyev# A. M.; Paavi Karpov,'Ve E..1, Zi(iiev B I, . ~ov A none TITIE: 9e Roent nographic investigation of inodified pol;,!!~Li~d. SOURCE: Plasticheiskiye massy,.no* 2 :1965, ~~-!-34~ TOPIC: TAGS: polyami4e,'_polymer': irradiation resistance, r, phieldi,14 shielding, boron,, lead,,~pdlyurethane,,,~chromiuia com~6.'Und: ee j, The.addification o lymers with:min6rai substii# Is~!&Ga ...... ABSTRACT: t rad-ki itaportance toL cfterials.reni6tanVto nualew, tian.1 M OZA J: I the preparation off, Tdi-a~FJ ials are knowq~which are di persions of ompounds o1- ljoron and a n e xidep, polyuret erand siliconxonds which are not inferior to boron and load in ability to deflect slow neutrons and gamna rays. Coverings bamed on these di persions'are more effective than covering made from other matei0iols tor protect- k ion from nuclear radiation. Those materials can be wed for mmking dpocial tective clothing, for enclosing x-ray installation, etc. Upon,,considering the value of the effect caused in mixed polyamide compounds of trivalent tchromium, the authors studied the effect of various doses of ionizing rudiiatioft an the structure of polyamide AK 50/50,(obtained by the polydensation~of Arv~salt and E-caprolactum in a M rat-i-qJvTWified with chz~omiucs chloride'i Radiation was conducted at 200 C in the preseacd oV air on the "K-200000, an Anstallfi'tion for has a 6ource of gammaiillr'a;diaitl~n from 1 radiation-chamical'investigatii3na, Co-60 with an activity of 20000 graa-equivalents of Ra. Poiyafiiiae 3~6`obtained' -6-d 1/2, UDC: 678-615.01*43-422.8 MISM11F 7- V.I--- Candid.t. of T..hn1c.I . . a .. 0.1...... _VY" &~gk-rf t--k2l' T.F.. Candid... ........I_=~' ~;. ,.=*art A~Irv .'i thrrr, T1TTr# The Ux .'th 7.t- TUMBICLL. st.l., 1960, Iro FP. tic760e TEM In the Chlyabla.kty ..-ad (Ch,',y.blc.k V-ua- Iatcu:tf..kly cetal--gi.h..aly n") and im- Z: ".41 :ls'r "I P =r.- steel&, Z:E!rMk 7 Lh T - 1 1 . "(2 0 W), 12 _ ZTA4M(12-2M? !I). !2-2Cj2VAA 2 ZOM73 rb am l i~ )"d hq 33-3TXC03~-579hs), 50-3intA 'S&) flea 'f 40chr. . are applied hm,I.C the foll--l.4r Cr, 31 azid C a..I.ds (.1. 1~). 3111 O.:h"- 12 - 20 AO - 50 Card 1/3 Cr 49 51 29 39 1 15 19 40 5 3c 2.73 4.50 0.12 0 Then using 12 20 type Ilicochroz* 7 20 ke/i *are added, vhereas 40 - 50 tyV. al 1icachrome about 4.5 kg/t (in the Cb=) and about 2.5 (In the ZxZ) and for 30 - 35 XhGSA 6.5 kCj% v.r* added. Then orpl-Time &.II- he required Could be produced nithout difficulty mad the duration of the prellaimary d4taxA,lativn could be reduc;d by 5 - 9 min In both pl.sat.. (i.e.. by 0.3 - 1..f. of the melting 11mv). to ano%u%t of chrce., mug-... and sill". cal. it jr.ttleslly the - P for the =,.utl ... I ..!bad (lz ZI.t-zc-k, Cr 12~- X. 20%. St. 12%. '.. Cb*lyabljx.ks Cr 19%, X= 2,4%. 31 3e%). Th* 10... ~um' of ctr- Cal# in the Z39z a- a* explained by the higher residual chms. mutant of the matal Cbsto r: od,0,114.11on .'3,- 0.31% a- C.-Par.1 to the obtained in the .06 - ,3;. X. rd.r tq obtain sm, optlaum economical 0 hoft w:11ting m;di..-..rton hr.*. t,.I, the ~t of ;0 ty".11i c' -hr- h..Id b 11 - I kg/1 In the Ch= and 0.5 - 9.5 kg/t In the Z= and the silicon me.d in cociventionel .,I%lng bi replaced by bl..t.frus.. f.-cmIll*an, then t card '213 12 13 kg Alliaoctro-O per ton Should 'be U*11 vhm the ebroa* content of the at eel 1. bal.. 0-0 -4 17 kC of -ill- combrom# par tam -he- ltal:mabove 9%. The u'. of of -be AO and 50 typ..I. economic. lIr in the neitlog steel.. b-'_C t1:, :fo the bath It ft:r dditq; 20 type -It-n ..I !;. of hr a. ... b In. C.-J( IN only 15 - 20 ain and for at ith & ch,," content ab- 0.9% it to 20 - 30 min, an accou.nt of thedt -r* in eight of cold &dditi,.s 1. the far-.. (15 - 20 kdt) -d No .4r.'pad"almorption or :IIicoakLrQm# as coupaxwd to f.rrachro- Th. i.4ti.1 *at of @,gal Then u 1=g milleachroce In the m-Iti"g Pmc*%; a-; ... d 0 r.U 1. 1,atb pl-%s. by . total of 2 - 2.5 Jllio. rumble. par ---, fro. bl.8/ton for the 40Kh 'gyp- at.. Ilin 20.4 m%bloffi/tat for the 2OKh type Steel in Ch*lr&bLn-k and fro. t.1 roub /tort for th;b3OXhsA ty P t..1 up to 12.6 raubl.s/toa for 200 ---1 In zl.t*U#to'.k . are 1. 1 t:blt. 0:&o'ate2skly lustitut setallrgii M.Uchn*;I-;l (Chely.tin.le scia.tif earth ln.tlt-t- Cb_.I a,,,. sk and .1411111 ic.1 Z am,. Card N). AMAMMIN, I.A., kapitan 1 ranga; BARABOLTA, P.D.. pdlkoynik. yuridichaskoy aluzhby; VOLKOV, A.S., inzh.-kapitan 1 ranga-. VOROBITAT, A.P., : kapitan I range; VASILIYZV, I.V., kapitan I rangli sapasa; VITUNI190, N.P., kand.voyenno-morskikh nauk, kapitan I rnnga; GHMM , A.L.,: dotsent, kand,tekhn.naWt, inzhener-kontr-odmi-ral; YMUWNKO.'B.Ye., kapitan 1 ranga- 2VIMfV B I kana.istor.n"uk, mayor; KA7-MOVO': i I - rnn-'w';A~ :1 11. A.A., kap tan ;V-'i-'ga; iCTZI , K.K., kap tan I ranga za-pasa' KOLT,ADA, M.I., kapitan 1 ranga zapasa; KULINICH, D.D., inzh.-kapitan I ranga; LCRACH-ZHUCOMO, M.B., aotsent, inzhener-kppitan 2 ranga zapasa~; MASHAROV, I.I., polkovnik zapasa-, KTASISHCM, V L. inzhener kontr- admiral; PETROV, L.G., kapitan 1 ranga v otstsvl~; PROKOFIYEVo V.H., kapitan 1 ranga; POZNMIRKO, A.Sej kapitan 1 ranga sapasa; (Gontinued on next card) ANAMMIN, I.A.---(continued) Card 2. FYASKOVSKIY, G.R.. polkovnik; SINITSYN, U.I,.# polkovnlk. Prininali uchastiye: ANDRMV, V.V., kapitaiL.1 vinge; IVANOT, V.P., inzhener- kapitan 2 ranga; CHMNOUSIKO, L.D., 'I=hener-kapiten 1 ranga; SHIKANOVO Ye.p., inzhoner-kepitan 2 rang'a. VADEY-37, V.G.. vitae admiral zapasa, Plavnyv red.; GONGROSS, VJ4., kapitan 1 ranga ziipa- ea, red.; STAROV,.N.N., kapitan I rongn v otatovkO, red.-, SOXGLOA, G.F.,, -[Marine dictionary] Morskoi slovarl. Kosk-~~:j,, Voon.iza-vo H-va obor. SSMI. Vol. 2. 0 - IA. 1959. ~ IM p. (HIIU 12:12) (Naval art and science-DIctionaries) (Merchant marine-DictionariesY ul- proc4ralis ui cryntm;me patymers t-- Joss 01, SlUEMEYANTS, Georgiy, Mikhaylovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; AMELIN, S,V., prof.., retsenzent; KOINSTANTINOV, V.H.j dots.; retsenzent; SURNOV, M.P., retsenzent; TAKOVLEV, V.F.y reteenzent; BOCIIEIIY,.OV, K.S., kand.tekhil. nauk, retsenzent; BROMMG, Ye.M., retsenzent; YERSHKOV, O.P.,.re-I tsenzent; retsenzent; ZOLOTARSKrY, A.F.,, retsenzent; IVASHCHENKO. G.I., retsenzent-, UM, S.A., retsenzent; MARKMIYAN,M.A., retsenzent; POPOV,V.V.,retsPyqxnt,- POPOV, rat senzent; SERZ?.IIMIIjtIKOV2V.V. retsenzent; SIIAFRM~OVSKIY,A.K.,retsenzt,,iit.- ITUilTSKIY,G.I.,i.nzlimliretsen- zent; VIKTOROV, I.I., kand.teknn.muk, retsentent; 'VYSOTSKIY, A.F.0 kand.tekbn.nauk~ retsenzent; SAATCHYAN, G.G..,lkand.tekhn.nauk*~ .,,re- tsenzent; YAKOVIZVA, Ye.A.J. kand.tekhn.nauk, retsen.zent; TITOVI,' V.P.~ kandotekhnenauk~ retsenzentj GHUSIIEVOY, N.G., inzh.~j red.; BRCMBERG., Ye.M.# kand.tekhn.naukq red.; KRITROV, P.A., takhn. red. 6 [Railroad tracks] Zheleznodoroz~hWi put'. Moskva, V ses.izdateltako- poligr.oblledinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 615 P. 1. Kafedra "Zheleznodorozhnyy put'" Leningr~adtjkogo instituta in,zhene- rav zheleznodcrozhnogo transporta (for Amelin, Konstantinov , ~rno .vp Yakovlev). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy~i-nstitut zhlelezno- dorozhnogo transporta (for Bochonkov, Bromberg, Yerubkovs Zverev, Zo- lotarskiy, Ivashchenko., Unev, Markarlyan., Popov, V.V., Popovj~ Serebrennikov, Shafranovskiy, Novitskiy).3.Vseaoyu2aiyy nauchno-isslisdo- vatellskiy institut transportnogo stroitellstira(for VIktorovp Vysot skiy,, Saatchyan, Yakovleva, Titov) (Railroads-Track) (Railroad.engineoring) ZVEM B.H., kandidat takhniehaskikh nauk General premises for changing over to now type rail fastenings. Trudy TSVII KPS no.85;4-9 155. (KLU 81.11) ---------- ZVEREV, BjN.,L kand. tekhn. naukj PETROV, N.V., kand. t 'ekhn..naui; GAYDAMAKAI P.S., inzh.1 YAKHOV, M.S., kand. tekhn. nalik; PETROVA, V.L., red.; DROZDOVA, N.D., tekhn. red. (New design for rail fastenings] Novye konatruktsiil~rei~.~- Bovykh skreplenii. (By] B.N.Zverev i dr. Mb'akva,.TranA.he1- dorizdat, 1963. 62 p. (MIRA 16: (Railroads-Rails-Fastenings) C1141MIC4 redfume d dus. N. K. Mary, 0. 11. ~F Cie Zvmv, and It. Yo. Klivitilskil, 74ot. Prikhtsf. jKhjm. U.ItApp% 0'a 6 fits out.*povrdm and Platec AD ' c t'Y L-.Ch Whis powder*, the VM%d 9U%% W44 p(IffiCtl thromo lit%v* Cie. ho 14=nIaC& vs,,, sq. cm.. the Im rv- V go"' I'll -c'I 414 were washed freq (mm rux". and S 2 j. was treated for I hr. at the b.p. *jib 30 ml. of walet twev"Wr htatM it) Wilug. After itraime'lit, the w4n. was liffaled With 0.01 N Ile) In I he 1"VWn'tr 44 nwthyl nd. The surtsm chem. resistance wai detd, b tersibill 10 X 4 cm. IvUles in water At M' Iqv 3 bri. Ger". lc., if O'd tWARCT W214 f%N'feAmd SO 1119. %4O MMOVC41 11)[01111 A 9,41. Ift ftJ micioctacki us lite marface. meet in. "I surface; tn. was nwir by lite-411"s the MASS. wilts b a Cie "I"It WINN results In Ad-ptim of A1120100 0.01 N MI. In adda. the extent of annealing vras detd, on the 1uVf4CV 09 IKW n4l ctw:ki: thim lmvmqo t rt. 06, by Measuring the doolple re(nictlam in a pc44slmql r r ,t0knVC,dMI 1`91filCt.14"ImlItc (4111Mkin of Immamiquki, TIWtt Ortmed to Im no ltIAlkm%hlp between the chein: t"'4 4 alunitnum hilme to Incmo4 cbel". fvqtkmmv go c=M. and Chem. revivItAmmof the powder. The SUFfACE RIAM NIAVAnd 0011114101un In Itulatm a. z. 1K, too" realstancle A. can be expeessett by A. ~ A: API(d + P) 1. ShM JI"'lr L. IL M4?brtk'"- t Silly C'Mfl. which dtliendA on Otte i"t"Wition tie the gultatv, -1 6 a rosff. Ahkh hwholes other fA.-wca not taken Int., Account, and 11 14 the Mtem in lite glaso. Tivatme"t of. plAten lot N. Id. atui 24 Itts. In a abowef clurulmr with runniall water of pit - ".5 at 1014' rtduml the chem. r"Wartmi the reduction was It" I-m wit"nuenled Our. farv. Mica wttratiatrestral with Ar,';alutninum altratr "41%. Ott n-M IrM7 (-w 24 hm. Own woob"I wills .1% IICI. slut t*~4"1 & thfic "d-4alwo I-f4am 4f"i &life ttv*tlnmt III the simmer charolwy. In rach tow, the himlauln laittale Itler"twi the the"I. unimance. IN*Nir ....... a n"Alej 16-Lboo it law . p.of (hr 1"4 two III I. N w 0 Is It 0 Is 42 Is 19 of 0 31 tv Is4 0:0-6 0-0 41 a W 0A 0; Or 0- 0 A AGLM-AV, R. I.; BMATOT, P.S.;_jV WVI B.F.; IVA-NOV, I.A.; KMGLYr, 3,9.1 HIMY, I.M.; nNSWAR, V.(;*; VeL; SIM* V#A.g XLISXIT, Condensation of a solution in vacuum, evaporator installations# Promeenerg. 15 (no*4:15-16 Ap 160. (MIRL 13:6) Avaporating appliances) ACCESSION NR: -AT3007Z54.- S/Z9P5Z/63/000/000./0056/0067. AUTHORS-. Zvyagin, V. I.; Lobanov, Ye. M. tver6v,B. P.'; ~Lainchenko, V~ M.; r -super-10 (n, alphaY Li-~ aper-7 fo~ Thai i TITI~E: Employment of the. eaction B u e, determination of.boroxx and silicon 'ISOURCE,: "I . . I , - as-hkent, 1zd-vo AN UzbS$R, MidiatsIon. effekty* v tverd.: telakh. T 1963, 56-61 TOPIC Tj'.G~: erilicon,' Si, boron, B, impurit' adceptor elem,6nt, isotope, 1. -10 (n,alpha) Li-super-7 re itude, diode B super. adtfor.1, pu I S. epu Is earnpi ABSTRACT: - The paper describes an experimental investigation,and s~ti forth the o re tical'rel'ationsthips governing the presence of the.'extremely active acccptor element B in-Si.. The reaction B10(n, a,)L17 for neutrons with an energy~of 0.03 ev, .1has a large, cross section (4,000 barn)., This reaction yields Ian c; particle *with an a energy of 1.47 Mev, which has a short path in Si'(appx. 5. mic'ron) and a'L17 nucleus', :.with 0.88 Mev energy. This particle and this nu'cleus are distinguished by th~eir great (2.35 Mev) and their great ionization density which afford's P highly effective registration if the carrier medium'exhibits counting propertie si. In thi's respect Si is a very convenient material." The block ichem'e of the measur ng Card 1/Z_- 7'ACC_V 'ACCESSION NA: AT3007254- [ 1equiprnenit employed is described. It cpmpriaesia S1 diodi6, a. power- supply, battery, -~placed ii num sAield A load resistance, and a preamplifier, all o,f which.aie n an~alumi ;and are tl~el' placed at the output of the horizontal c ha of the. reactor. The pulse:0' A 4 , Arising in a Si n-p junction irradiated with reacto'r.neutroho are rendered v sible in lan oscillogram. It is shown that, the irradiatiowof Si jui%ciiqns Edith reactor neu~tr'ons-- ~provides a fundamentally sound mean's for the dqterminailon of some impurities In. 'the material' especially H and B. It i how aj~nciion can'be ery~ployed s also shown '11as a fast-netitron counter, 'even though oixly for assessiiae~~ pr` 6ses. The theory :of,the formation of'the pulses in the iurface-barrier n-p Junction Is txaced,:~ using -an equivalent circuit to represent the surface-hole and',~p jinction. Expres u sions are :developed f6r I(t) by the solution of the diffusion,equation f6r'variou.9 particular, cases, depending on whether the point source of the charge"lies within~the ~n r~&gion !or the region',of body charge, or whether'the trackof the partio'le lies entirely 4t] in Ithe n - region. The formulas obtained employed for ihe calculation of the -of the am litude effective volume for prescribed bounds.of the changes p o the 'pulses ~excited by the neutrons in a diode and also for the calculatlon of tile pulse -amplitude e6tra. Orig. a~t. has: 6 figures and 17 numbered.equaticins., .!ASSOCIATION: no ne SUBMITTED.: .00 -DATE ACQ: 140ct63', ENCL: '00 OTHER- SUB CODE:, PH, EL NQ REF SO.V:;.' 003 .004 Coid 2/2 LOBANOV, Ye.M,; ZVYAGIN~ V.I.; KIST, A.A.; ZVEREV. B.P.; SVIRIDOVA AJ.; MCSK0VTSEVAq- GOA* Determination of manganese in silicon by tho,radiodativation' method. Zhur, anal. khim. 18 no.11:1349-1355 14 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR, Tashkent, I I I .- ACCESSfou NR: AT4046914 RIZAYEV, U.M.; ZVEREV, B.P. Use ok collimated beam of nuclear radiation In the local Irradla- tion 4of experimental animals. Uzb. biol. 2hur. 9 no.2:17-20 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. TaBhkentskiy gosudarstvennyy meditainskiy Institut. 8/759/62/000/004/007/016' D 207/D306 AUTHORU: Zverev B V., Sobenin, No P. and Shchedrin, I. TITLE. Parametric representation of the dispersion curve of a~ circular diaphragm-type waveguide. I SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteli, no. 4, 1962p 52-69 -TEXT: It is difficult to calculate or measure the dispersion curL ve of a diaphragm-type waveguide, i.e. the dependence of the phase velocity in the.waveguide on the frequency of the power supply'. It is more convenient to use parametric curves for determination of the frequency of a particular wave mode in a wide range of waveguide dimensions, wavelengths and phase velocities. The authors' first:derived the dispersion equation in.a form convenient for parametric representation. Then they measured the resonance fre- quencies of the 0, 7r/4, -r13, r/2, 2/3*ro 3/4^1/*/, V modes: using an oscillator r(--.40 (GS-10) consisting of several rings and dia- phragme held in a press nP,4-S_(PGL-5) in order to~, avoid any change'. -6ard 1/2 S/75 62/OOP/004/00 016', D207 308 Parametric representation of Yz in dimensions. Parametric curves are given f6r th'e-ivave modes ~F/4t7i Z13, 2/37j-, 3/4-a, derived from these resonance frequencies.~ From these,curves one can plot parametric nomograms for calculations', of the group velocity, derivatives of the phase velocitly and of' the frequency with respect to the waveguide dimensions, derivatives of the phase velocity with respect to:the frequency, eto. The re- sults used to plot the parametric curves may also~be employed for, the determination of the coefficients occurring in the~series ek- 5 fi- pansion of the dispersion curve (see Part 11). There are gures and 8 tables. Card 2/2 ZVEREV B V I-SOEEKINp N,P& Use of the resonance method in tuning circular septate wave g uides of linear accelerators. Prib. i tekh,ekspl. 10 no.5s: 26-29 S4 165. (MM 1911) 4oo7g-66 NVA) 00/007/01 6/0183 ACC NRs AT6017517 C N.) SOURCE CODE: U.R/2759/65/000/007/01 ',AUTHOR: Zverev, B. V.; Sobenin X. P. _q _.ORG: none ..,TITLE: Graphical representation of the high;frequency characteristics of the hybrid modes. Ell and H11 in a ~Z~indrical ~wave ~uide~oaded with a~ diaphragm SOURCE-:*-Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteii, no,. 1965,':176-i83 TOPIC TAGS: particle accelerator component, relativistic particle, waveguide ABSTRACT: Experimental curves are given for designing a dWphragm waveguide' to'bo ur.- ed as a high frequency particle separator, The curves are based on resonant frequency measurements. The high frequency characteristics were determined as functions of alb where 2b is the inner diameter of the diaphragm waveguide and 2a is the diameter in th diaphragm opening. Figure I shows the group velocity curve as a function of a/~. The dispersion can be calculated, knowing the group velocity, and is graphed in figure 2. Since the partial derivatives of the frequency relative to the de:;ign parameters a-and D (where D is the period) are necessary for the final design of high freque!ICY parti- cle separators, the essential curves in figures 3 and 4 are the.esssentialfeatures of this paper. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 2 tables, 12 fomulas. Card 1/ 3 L 40079-66 ACC NRz AT6017517 IV -00 420 424 US .0.40 OA rig. 3. Graph of the derivative of the frequency of %/2-type oscillations with respect to the diameter of the diaphragm opening. SUR-CODE; 209091 SUBM DATE: none/ 3/3 44 424 4?8 V2 rig., 4. Graph of-the derivative of the frequency of w/2-type oscillations with respect to the period. ORIG REF: 005 SOBOINP N,P,; SHCHEDRIN, I.S.; GRYZLOV, A.Y.; ZVEMp B.V. Representation of the principal high-fJ~equancy charac- teristics of a round septate waveguide in graphical form. Radiotekh. i elektron. 8 no.11:1945-1949 11 163. (MIRA 17-.1) J gin J;Ii~i 11 iji B/759/62/000/004 906 P16 D207/D308 AUTHORS: Gryzlov, A. V., ~yerev, B. V. and Sobenin N.~ P. TITLE; Parametric curv es for determination o ffrequency shif ts on changing the dimensions of a circular diaphragm'type waveguide SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy institut. Uekoriteli~ not 49 1962, 40-51 In designing linear elect on accelerators it is often nee-, r essary to-know the variation of the frequency of, a particular, mode with-tbe dimensions of a waveguide. To ease the solution of this'. problem, formulas are derived for the calculation of the deriva- tives.of the frequency.with respect to waveguide dimensions, and ~'nomograms and tables are given for calculations.of these deriva- tives for Z12 modes for practically any waveguid6 dinieftsions, any'. frequency or phase velocity. A simple method is given for calcu- lating these derivatives for other oscillation modes., There are 4 figures and 6 tables. Card 1/1 F- Wel BYT (1)/EWT (m) IJP(c) ACC NRx APS027002 SOURCE CODE: VR/0120/65/000/005/002bf6O29 0e AUTHOIL- ZyeZer, B. V.; Subeida, W. P. ORG: Moscow Engneering-Physics institute (Moskovskly inzhenerno-fizicheskAy WSW) TffLE: Adjustment of circular Iris guides oflinear accelerators the resonance method SOURCEI Pribory I teldmika ek6perimenta' no. 50 19650 26-29 f~ r TOPIC TAGS:, wavegulde Iris, circular wavegulde, lbear ace elerator, ABSTRACT: The accuracy of measuring the frequency In o1roular Iriswavegulde, res~nntors to estimated In this article. A method Is deserlbed which permits adjukIng such waveguldes wlt~ smoothly changing dimensions even with toleranceig of +6014 - The bmndwldth characteristic oft t the waveguide after adjustment Is satisfactory. from the point of view of stable oporation of thf HF oscillator, and the law of change of the phase of velocity Is maintained with an error of- less than 1%. The examined method of adjusting the units of the Iris wa ivegWde has obvious advantages over other methods In that the components of the wavegulde are adJusted directly, which Precludes errors associated with tolerances for the size of the wavegWde. The effect of the holes In the rings to taken Into account and the errors associated idth the imperfection of the silencing devices and the effect of the coupling loops are eliminated. The possibilities of - Sard - 1/2 UDC: 621.372.8 L W3M6 w'T (1) ACC NR% AT6017508 SOURCE CODE: UR/2759/65/000/007/0054/0065 AUTHOR: Zverev, B. V.; Sobenin, N. P. ORG: none, TITLE: Graphical representation of basic high frequency characteristics of a cylin- drical waveguide with diaphragms and with 2u/3 type of oscillaticins I,> SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy institut. Uskoritell, no. 7, 1965,~54-65 40 electron accelerator, circular waveguide, particle accelerator component .~XC TAGS ABSTRACT: Ten families of curves and data are presented which were obtained, from re- sonance measurements on a cylindrical waveguide with diaphragms., All L'_rV08 and data are related to the basic high frequency oscillations of the 2w/3 type. The curves are sufficiently accurate over. a large interval of variation in -the waveguide design para- meters* Origs arts has: 2 tables, 7 formulas, 10 figuresi, SUB SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005/ OV REF: .004 CODE: I Card hs L 4oo8i-66 ENT(m) IjELc)~_ ACC NR. AT661~~i6--- AUMOR; Zverev, B. V.; Sobenin, H. P. ORG: none TITLE: Experimental investigation of the waveguide properties for a particle separator 1with a crossed field SOURCE 7MOSCOW. Inzhenermo-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteli, no. 7, 1955, 167-175 TOPIC TAGS: particle accelerator component, relativistic particle, waveguide ABSTRACT: The authors describe the experimental th d9 and results of a study of waveguides as high-frequency particle separators Pe Thoy. found that in the. high-pass band the mode Ell and H11 provides for a perpendicular ellectric field in a cylindrical waveguide with diaphragms. In this mode, with perpendicular electric field the dis- persion is negative. The errors of measurement are less than 1 14c (around f/,%). The usual method of resonance measurement with a perturbing probe was employed. A graph o the change in frequency along the waveguide axis shows that at 2818.5 Mc the it-type os-- cillations dominate whereas the 0-type dominate at 3048 Me. This proves the presence of negative dispersion. Resonant frequency variations as a function of thedisplace- ment of--the dielectric needle shaped probe along the z-axis, at r=15 mm are graphed. The authors conclude that the investigated wave is polarized and has a radial Campo- Card 1/2 L 4oo8l-66 ACC Mt. AT6017516 nent of the electric field; at ~--O and r-b (radius of the guide) % and R, vanish. E is maximum at r=O and H is maximum near the opening of the diaphragm and is perpen- r r dicular on the plane throu6h the a-axis and the coupling loop. Such a waveguide can then be used as an ultrahigh ftequency separator for relativistic particles. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 20,09/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REFA 003. Ca,.d 2/ 2Ilb GER SHGORNj M.A.; SVIRTDPIKOp F.F.; JOUPINOVSKlY, D.S.; Y!IAII'rl,'C;VA, I.P.; POPOVAJ* A.N.; FRADINA, M.G.; FrInimiali uchaqtdy---. 1 Z KA SHO V, GG. RUDOLISKIY, N.L.; SIFPK,'tlff',V, N.P.; PUSKANOVSKI't, SI.T.; Ya.S.; BULISHY, M.T. (deceased]; ARKIVUlGELISKlY, YU.N.; SuAlm, SAPO','11XOV, V.Ye B.A.; VISTOROVSKIY, N.T.; PA191ANSM, B.I.; S RY-kB-TNIN., N.G.; YJLRAKULINA, R.R.; FADE-YEVP, 71.rEr--vV D A improving the production of high-strongt,h rallg by tilloy-ing thein with granulated ferrochromlim. Iti Uto 80isll -"-'; no.5t408-411 My 165. 18-.6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallov i zav(,d "Azovstal ZVE-M-F-IL-MA. agronom. Yorage lupine. Nauka i pared.op.v sallkhoz,,? no.7:32-33 Jr'- '57, (NW 10:8) (Lupine) d. Jec 1;9 6886. THE DETECTION OF PERSISTENT FORMS OF DYSENTERY; INDICES OF RECOVERY (Russian text) - Z v e r e v E. 1. - SOV. MED. 1958, 22/12. -80) 86 ( Of the total of over 1,500 dysentery patients obaerved,. 319 had the chronic form. In addition 469 acute dysentery patients were observed. all of whom recovered after 2 to ; weeks, whereas chronic dysentery lasted from 6-12 weeks. Diarrhoea was present In 30-35% of chronic cases, but more chatacterLstic of these cases was constipation. particularly when alternating with disirrhoea, ard frequently as- sociated with pus. blood and mucus in the stoola. Subtabrile temperatures were recorded in about 50% of all chronic cases. Anigatein - Galveston, Tex. (L.6 SUPROU, L.F ZVEW F P.- Hmix,IA.P., Prof., red.; POLISKIT, S., red.; [ ofthe population subjeoted to;methoas of mass destruction] Heditsinakoe obespechenie naselenlia v usloviiakh primeneniia aredstv massovogo porasheniia. Pod red. A.P.MukhIna. Minsk. GoeAzd-vo BSSR. Red.nauchno-tekhn.lii-ry, 1959, 407 p, (KIRA 12:9) (ITOMIO KRDICINB) 14(5) SOV/93-58-12-io/16 AUTHOR: Amelin.I.D. and Zverev, F.P. TITLE: Hydrodynamic C~Zul~ations~n Analyses of Dev'-elopnent of Maykop Oil Deposits of the Xhadyzhen Group (K gidxqc1inamicheskim raschetam pri analyze razrabotki maykopskikh zalezhey nefti Khadyzhenskoy gruppy) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr 12, PP 46-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The K1,yuchevoy Oilfield was discovered in 1951 near the Goryachiy Klyuch Resort in the Krasnodar Kray. The X3,yuchevoy belongs to the group of oilfields, located in the western part of the southeni border of the Azov-Kuban' Depression, as well as to the Maykop Middle Section (horizo'no I and II). The outcrop lines of these horizons form the gulflike oil,d4posits which are ex- tended in the Ehadyzhen group of gulfs cropping out in the area of Neftegor8k. To the-north the oil deposits are in contact with a strip of water-saturated sand wh..Lch extends from Neftegorsk to Novo-Dimitriyevskaya, Station. This vater pressure system is., evidently fed by the Fshekha River Basin. In 1953 I.Dt Amelin [Ref 1) suggested a system of hydrodynamic calculations for the.determi- nation of the pressure change in the oil deposits at given rates of fluid re- covery from the formation. This method which has been successfully applied to the Klyuchevoy Oilfield and to analyses of the oilfield's development proved Card l/ 4 Hydrodynamic Calculations in Analyses (Cont.) SOV/93-58-12-10/16 to be sultable for all oilfields of the KlyuqheVoy type, talculatiou; by,this method made it possible to determine also the effect of nitural encroachment of edge water on the oilfield's development, the optimum petroleum recovery from the formationY and the relationship between the current recovery of petroleun and the water injection for pressure maintenance pruposes. The author pr esents a scheme of the water pressure' system of the gulflike. deposits of Kuban' (Fig'.l) and of individual deposits (Fig.2) similar to those~of the Klyuchevoy.011field. He also cites an example of how his method was applied to.the KLyuchevioy Pil- field. He also cites an example of how his method was applied to the Klyuchevoy Oilfield and presents the data obtained (Fig- 3 and Tables 1-2). The main formula employed in the calculations Is* rL Qzht X . Ft-ti), rQhn v 4- ~X V Pg(t) : Pkn -Pg (t) 71. Ka K TE Where Pka is the initial formation pressure, ~4 v the viscosity of the formAL tion's water, Jk - the width of the formation's water pressure system, k - the permeability of the formation, h - the effective capacity~of the fomation in the water presnure area, X - 'the piezo conductivity coefficient of the water Card 2/4 Hydrodynamic Calculations in Analyses (Cont.) SOV/93-58-1~_lo/16 n pressure system,- Qzh - the inttial, yield.of the formation, Qzh I the intermittert change in the yield of the formation since the time ti of the formation's develolment; in case the formation's yiold increases the QZh I has a a "plus" sign and in case it decreases the Qihi has a "minus'.' sign; t - is t~e time since the initial develolnent of the foxmat .ion -,,or wfiich the A F (t) is being determined; I = 1.2,~; n - is the nunb:er of -bime units (Ohin the ranges of t) characterizing the stable yield of the fomation, This following formuls, was employed in order to arrive at a more accurate prognosis of the pressure change in the formation at any given rates~of fluid withdrawn fraa the formation: Pzal (t) = P~n _zsr v n ~zh E; kb 777 x ('zh rt q-t-ti), where Pzal is the fox7aat Iion pressure and z' the mean a rrore Me sr authors conclude that this method of calculatioa made it possi61e with the aid of hydraulic fracturing to Increase the water injection into the wells and con- sequently increase the petroleum recovery from horizon I by 100 tons.per day Card 3/4 Hydrodynamic Calculations in Analyses, (cant.) sovl93-58-12.10116 from horizon II by 150 tons per day without imparing the formation0s efri- ciency. They also conclude that that this method of calculation makes it,pos- sible to determine the water loss of injection vells'and consequently elim- inate the causes responsible for the water loss. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 4 Soviet references. S/196/62/q'00/006/ol3/0 18 E194/8154,.' AUTHORS: Yurilkov, M.G onishchankol, GoBbs and. TITLE: Industrial studies of rectifier-invertor fed induction motor drive PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, 110.6, 196,,), 3-11, abstract 6 Kll. (Veptn. elektroprom-sti, no.10, 1961, 13-18). TEXT; Results are given of tests in service on an a.ct induction motor drive controlled by rectifier-invertor chain used to drive centrifugal compressors.of the gas pipeline between. Stavropol' and Moscow. In this system the speed of the,4500 kW wound-rotor induction motor with a rated spcedlof 1490 r.p.M. can be changed smoothly in the range 100-70% of rated speed, thus allowing the gas compre8sor rating to be variedbetween, .100% and 35~a. The rectifier-Invertor circuit usesl~a slip frequency, convertor with an explicit d.c. circuit. The uncontrolied: rectifier valves convert the rotor slip frequency current to d.c. and the invertor converts the d.c. into power-frequency (50 c/s) a.c. The inverter valves are grid controlled:so that the Card 1/ 3 s/i96/62/boo/o06/013/018 Industrial studios of rectifier-, invertor e.m.f. can be controlled from the~~ectified current side, thus the rotor current,'torque and motor speeds. The rotor and invertor valves are mercury-are rectifiers type -1000 x 6 (MOV-1000 x 6). With the rectifier-convertor circuit the utilization of the motor is not impaired so that'its rating can be chosen by the usual methods. ;The rectifier-convertor circuit has high efficiency, namely, o.92-0.88 within the given speed control range. A disadvantage of the rectiCier-C'onvertor circuit is the low power factor which is~0.67 at maximum speed and 0.10 at 701.10' rated speed. Experimental curves are given for power factor of the valves and the motor and also:curv6s of the changes in reactive power consumption of of the systbm as function of slip. Tests showed that the rectifier-invertor circuit operates well and has goo Id control characteristics, the motor and vpLlves operate reliably, current waveform distortion in the supply lines to the rectifier is slight9 no influence of higher harmonics on the operation of other e quipment was observed. Further improvement in the asynchronous rectifier-invertor:circuit presupposes the use of rotor valves controlled by slip frequency Card 2/3 Industrial studies of rectifier- s/196/62/600/006/013/018 E194/E154 invertor e.M.f. can be controlled from the rectified current side, thus the rotor current,'torque and motor speeds. The rotor and invertor valves are mercury-arc rectifiers type PM1iC- -1000 x (Ri-mv-looo x 6). Ifith the rectifier-convertor circuit the utilization of the motor is not impaired so thatlits rating can be chosen by the usual methods. The rectifier-convert3r circuit has high efficiency, namely, 0.92-0.88 within the SIven speed control range. A disadvantage of the rectifier-co,n,~ertor:circuit is the low power factor which is 0.67 at maximum speed and 0.43 at 700,o rated speed. Experimental curves are given for power factor of the valves and the motor and also curves of the changes in reactive power consumption of individual parts of the system as function of slip. Tests showed that the rectifier-invertor circuit operates well and has good control characteristics, the motor and valves operate reliably, current waveform distortion in the supply lines to the rectifier is slight, no influence of higher harmonics on the operation of other equipment was o.bse rved. Further improvement in the asynchronous rectifier-invertor circuit presupposes the use of rotor valves controllod by slip frequency Card 2/3 21(0) SOV/89-6-6-26/27 Zverev, G. AUTHORS: Koryakin, Yu., Isayev, B., Shamanov, M., .TITLE: Short Encyclopedia "Atomnaya energiyal" (Kratkaya entsiklopediya "Atomnaya energiya"). Review (retsenziya) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 6,,Nr 6, 693-695 (USSR) P-P ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the above mentioned book which was pub-, lished in 1959 in Moscow by the Gosudarntvennoye nauchnoye~ izdatel'Btvo "Bollshaya Sovetskaya Katsiklopediyall (Scientific State Publishing House "Great Soviet Encyclopedia"). Thbre is 1 Boviet,reference. Card 1/1 ZVEW, G. I. Postoperative mortality in stomach cancer. Vop.onk. 9 no.I: 102-105 163. (MMA 16:5)'. 1* Iz rologorodskogo oblastnogo onkodispansera (glavnyy vrach~ N.A.Mataruyev). (STCRACH-CANCER) (STCRAC"RGE2Y) (CARCER-44ORTALITY) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3694 Bogoyavlenekiyj Konstantin Nikol*vioh, and Grigorly Ivanovich Zverev me~haniaheskoye. oborudovanlyo d1ya obrabotki da~vlenIly*em tovetnykIh metal- lov I splavov (Mechanical Equipment for Piesswarking Noriferrous Metals and Alloys) Mosdow, -Meta llurgizdat,, 1959, 359 P. 1trita slip inserted. 4,200 copies printed. Ed.: G.A. Smo.1yanov; Ed. of Publishing Houae:~ M.R. Lanovskaya; Tech. Ed.,., V.V. Mikhaylova, PURPOSE: This book is intended as 6 textbook In tekhnikums'for~& course on "Mechanical Equipment in Metallurgical Plants". it ma4t also 'be of value to technical perionnel in metallurgical,establishmen"tii. COVERAGE: This book is a'c6fitinuation of the book.~ by V.V. Zhol0bov., K-N. Bogoyavlenakiy,'M..Ye-. ZubtsoV, A.D.'Lsindlkhov, E.M., Lekarenko., N:N. Postnikov': Obtab6tka tsvetnykh metallov I oplavovda.vlo'niyem (Pres'sworking of Nonferrous Metals and Alloys).! Metallurgizdat; 1955. The theoretical-assumptions of Pressworking and the fundamentals of rolling, drawing, pressing, and forging are diBcussed, Methods Card 1/8 Mechanical Equipment (Cont.) SOV/3694 of determining th6' pr6stUile of metal in pla6tic pressworking are . presented.-. Equipment for''pressworking of - nonferrous metais and alloys is-described And'ekathpled,of rolli;i&'Mills; die presses, and f4undrZ eqxUpmant ar6- given. , Cold rolling- methods for tubula'~r stock are described -in some detail.' -Information on aux.111ary q4uip)neni and off-line mechanisms is included# The teIxt oontains ii*erous drawings, ~hotographs,,and diagrams., Authors of books givanIn bibliography are menti6ned in the foreword, There are 47'reterences, ali Soviet. introduction 3 Ch. I. 'Gene;,,a 1Arrangeinent of Rolling Mille, 5 I. rolling mills, 2. Arrangement of rolls in thd housing 3. Layout of stands*'of various rolling mills .8 4. Diagram of the la'y6ut of mills for rolling copper and cop'per. alloy sheets Shops for rolling'aluminum and al~mlnum alio$ sheets 15 Shops for rolling wire and merchant bars 19 Card 2/ 8 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Zholobov, Viktor Vladimirovich..,and Grlgor~yjjanovich Zverev~ Pressovaniye me ,tallov (Extrusion' of.Ketals') M60ci'6Wj;; Meta llurgizd-%t,, 1959. 542 -, p 4 250 .,co ie printed _p Reviewers: S.I.-Gubkin, Member of the BSSR Aegdemydf SoUncess Doctor of Chem c a De 4ased'); L.V.,prozorov,0 i al S iences Doctor of Technical Scien M V Rozanov,, Bnglneer;'and ce"~Titie* I.L.:P*rlin,0 Prof4ssor,, Ye. B. - Zadov, Engineer; Ed, page I Doctor of'Technical Sciences; Ed, ( V,S, Rtheinikovi Ed.-of,'Publishing House: M.S. Arkhangellskaya;; Tech, Ed*;: Ye.B. Vaynshteyn. FURPOSEt This book is intended f6r-engir-.eere~,~te'e~61cianso. and .~:I..students working-or the manufacture of:tubas.., rods and shapes chiefly,.from,,nonferrous metala. COVERAGE:- This book contains mate*rial'oh the; theqry and pr*ctice of metal-extrusion including a descriptiori of extrusion processes for a variety of metals and alloys. The oonstruction,mounting Card 1A 9. ZHOLOBOV) V.V.; ZVERb-V, G.I.j YAM, V.11.1 -Inzh.j, retsqj~~,ont ............ [Dior for the hot pressure workJng of metalv] Inatru- ment, dlia gorlachego preaBovaidia motallov., Maohinoatroenie, 1965. 161 p. (HIM 18:2) ZHOLOBOVp V.V.; P~! - G.11.-;-YAM, V.M.., inzh.,, ret3onzent. [Dies for the hot pressure working of matalti] Instru- ment dlia goriachego pressovaniia metallov. Mosleva, Mashinostrooniep 1965. 161 P. (MIRA 18:2) 9 .3150,24.21120 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL- .ABSTRACT.: Card 1 /7 Demirichanov, R. A Gevovkov, A. 1C;,, Popov, A. Zverev, G. I High-Frequency Oocillatiorw In a Fir":utrIcted Plaoma Nork Completed In 1958) Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy f izikl, 1960, Vol ~0, Nr 3 J, pp 3o6-314 (USSR) Oscillations observed in dLschavj',-,&.,., i ir identifl.ed u3uall as plasma oseillation,,i. J[owcvt!~P, Loonell, and Brown ~sce reference) oboerved s6m~2 ozk:ill~'.Itlotl~l VII'lid-1 occur only in presence of double 1 aye r~:l on p) a omil boundaries. This is not; in arraei~.,ent with the theory of Dlasma The autiwr-.,1 heve tnvestlga6 the naturu and -2xcitation t,,ieehanl,~lm in plusilia bounded by double laye--!.; and show, that- one obLalns bl.,gh; Vre4uency oscillationo clue to oficillatory m(-.)t1on'of' ~3econdary' electpons In the potential well of t; ho: p 1 uo ma .They Lised an. apparatwi similar, to that :of Looney and Brown (see Fig. 1) Ifigh-Frequency Oscillations in a '('(842 Restricted Plasma SGV/57-~C)-';3-8/l5 Card 2/ 7 A f Fig. I Construction of r1lr;charge tube. Plasma was produced between the oxldc-~ioated cathod(-1s. 1-2ectron bc-,aml A and anodes E. tip to ~1 k" of en,(,-gy entered the region thvoulgh C, and c ros 3 1 ng, a(As- tance L through the plasma, It; woi(ld fall or) FI: -Ugh-Frequency Oscillations in 2 Restricted Plasma SOV/W-130-3-8/15 Card 3/7 connected electrically to C. The pot-ential well for electrons vais -caiused by lon l,-1 yers between annular,~; ase anode-3 E" and clee tpodeltl F 'Wid Va 1, la 1) v0 0-1100 v enabled larire vavlat;i=3 of 'Loo :Iayov thlcokneoo. Distance L between F and C could be:,chanited 1-0-30 mm. ~-2 Working pressure was 10 -10- mai HIT*, while the ga~ses~ Lind Worc Ar, H , and N . A movabl(,:~ cozbrLal probe, wap 2, ,e collecting plusina paramatevs and ozj,,,L1111LA.o(1 with the senz,itivity of the L,egisteving devive at; 10 v The authors, first derive, p'n expression for the frequency Inolde the potent-lal Well ~C 0.1. elootrono caused by secondary emission of clactrons by pvlm~ftry beam oil F: W 2 (L =Vd) 4 Ifigh-Frequency Oscillations in a 77842 -Icted Plasma 0 3 Restr BOV/57-3, -8/15 where d is thickneos of ionic 1 aye r; Is average velocity of electrons in layer; V1 ia potontial of plasma with respect to oouvce of electrons.. They found, that these secondary elect PotlR:~ oicil. Lating insidb tht-,, pot--ential well aro r-coponnible Vor thi, exc-.LtaL~ILon of oscillations meaSLIred by the probe and 11:3ted in. Table 1. Note that observed frequencies satisfy relation (n=I, 2, 3...). Similar results were obtaiIned for f-L,.-.ed p6tentials lan&, variable L. A continuous flow of eloctrons oscill6ting Inside the well Could tlOt produce ai ";LmPlIrication alternating fields unleuu a me elicit) exi". .its ensuoing an orderly motion and enabling particles to give their energy to the alternating fieled, The authors show that such a mechanism of amplitude selection can exist provided there is an alternating field oil the Card 4 /7 boundary of the plasma inaddition to the constant~field.. HiC21a-Frequency Oscillatiorw. in a 34 2 Restricted Plaoma. :BOV/57-30-3-8/15 Table 1. 500 V.; 11 7 107- inm Hgj L 20 trim; VI) P, alli 1 7: f is frequency compilted froln Wid potential distri- 0 bution; f. = nf (n ~ 1, 2, are experimentally,'. 0 observed frequency groups. U. V, uplas,11%, V d. aycle I C -1 c. le- S evelar. J A C, -Y 120 16 2.0 125 490 595-460 710-790 1110 1-1 2.2 135 510-560 630-720 760-660 160 12 2A 1.15 SJO-600 660~-705 W20- 900 IFO 11 2.8 152 ' 570-630 611-795 910-920 200 11 3A 158 UA-411S 580-660 71W-635 220 11 13.2 W 470-510 020-680 760~860 2,10 10 In' 1('9 310-11~ IMAJ-535 640-710 795-870 260 10, 3.7 173 330-360 03-540. 000-740 820-920 1-11,gh-Prequency Oscillations In 41 Re3tricted Plasma )OV/57-30-3-8/15 This mech-aninjil ii3 appliczable for I'vequencles lower than the plasma frequency sivice Vecause of fast damping of such alternating fleld Is inside the-plasma they remaitl concentrcite(I or, Lkle i~~Uvface of the plasma. The authors also, ahow, that, Llhe mean free p'aith .1 of the electrons i& of fundamental Importance and miist be at least equal to 2L. When 1 mas adju:~ted to approximately 6 cm, oscl.llatlon vanished at L = 3 cill. Also, the authors investigated Influences of plasnia densities and widths of the excited frequency groups. They found that phase focuslhg plays a substantial role at high amplitudes of o,oc illat ions. They obSOL`.~0111 somettmes in the plasma of thie prinLary discharge, osciLlat'ions CaU3ed by electron osc il lat ions in the potentlal w1ell of' the ~iathcd,e potential dr.opo, All oscillations were accornp~aniqd by electrwaognetic radiations discernible by aritenn,:LS plRced oiitside the dischcarge tube. 'Phe authors toolieve that'the oscillationo ob2erved J)i, r Loptley and Bro,.-Jln tand., most card 6/( probably, by other author"S 1171re connected to the Hign-Frequency Oscillationz5 in a f~estrlcted Plasma a,Q i mechanism olf amplit-1-1de selection- ~a.B Faynbelrg evaluated naro, result3 of the pre50nt paner. The're are 9 fisures; 2 tables; and 11 referenl~a~~, 1 I Dut(.1h, I irlah, I U,K,, 7 U.S, The 5 most reCent U.K. and U.S. re-f*urenceli arlu: 1). AP-4, Nr 3, 520' (1956); T. K. A11.6h, R. A. Bayley I i j K. G, Emeleus, Brit. J .. Appl. Phys;., 6j, 320 (1955); D. K. Looney, S. C. Bvown, Phys. Re v 9~,, 9b5 (1954 D. Bohm. E. P. Gross-FhYs. Rev., 75 1851, 1864 (1P9); 79, 992 (1950). SUBMITTED: November 2, 1959 ~.Card 7/7 11 Wit?, 13~ 113. CC 711 1- I 'I'll, In vt %111"0 1 to-11 Otwi I at. J1- k 11110 I,( flit. 'A'". " 414 - I'm kiol'it4l (4411,1A.14 ra t, #h, 1-1.1" ki-s' I's 'O"If 44 11(it"im" lofl,isli roittlim I. 1,twl. I,( I'd , all-I '%vltlllgl~ isith TIO, lilt Imill.- Ij it m ill I Ill, v rl,W if v . t I's m I v is I I N I 1w t It", it, - Iwo I o 1114'slis t of I I Ill$ 14,10 e ill I it'll I I it. I I.) .%fill Is-1-1 4.4,111t ski J-11-11k Pkillp'Ititki) mill vwififl~ 'if nmowwij grwl- of qtnitillill .'llo.killing ~.-k I I.)n n fill aw I f-i, I w, I q N . o-s'. it.. A I I' I Instill, 1--. 1, n, I w I. ~ on 1.14, 11 h 1. 1 v It I is I. -I.." 4.1vo "lilt, to &At im%wr- wt-k ,1-, -1 -topi"Is Is 111,1. nw-.01A. , V ; I, $A 0-1 "N'111 sit., A flo, - J.-Pul Ini'l llw s," I it". carton and residual oxygen content or tne titan:Lum carbido was confirmed by experiments in which tunj!sten carbide-titani= carbide-cobalt compacts Were sintered. The formation of this defect is ascribed to the ovolustion of carbon xionoxide an recr73tallization or "low-carton," "hilrh-oxarL-en" tiwiurr, carbidam at tho vinter1rr totterature when in contaot with the moiten bindar. -A. a. 12- 41 It off 11"(1 Of 00*11 99ftfilf 600 Of WSW= 444 00 ildmbloccm- ~ 0. A. .09 j aA Zubkcw. Tntftp MdW. I 0o8 so a Cb. Nd j wilpr6ollm thd Imchniow of W". of Ts k** It= jW ftull mjtt~ of T& ~11 ikh 08 FO&O-HF-:1ut trl ems &T*Fr"b~ sda. a( HP *u 000 0 :0 umd; this co-s- *Lmmd to prcvmt llydmtim "od f0 ti- Of folml, solts. Tbc, Ta nit uwd In elpts con OAW% f h i r". the .049 0 . o miev tks (Vt. IN, Z13' 11 AndUMCbmallaboutO 13% i0 : Goa 000 . . at 20 to 734~ In I HF~ut.) WV tack sg1j, T P 409 00's W MLd a t tq go loorago sm Out'd tottir 1:12at2O'and Wl at 76". Tkhmavft~wfth ,4 P-vkmd u ubOded l f goo 00, rwi y p is o Ituff a" &b (C. 4. 1 6- 8")- - It W" 4" f4clold that X TaF is l W i too 004 us # . r n p- of r4cbop,. Sdr- boxioum (4 tw t"my- NYK- WXlri If 9 Tap - rHF o 00 wm tW at 21 Zi 9 11;' = ire" ~ " g i adding tbc jak to oatd. **w of the a T "in 4 410 4 it wall sloc"m that Kital"t Is pqtd. im h The 061. COWA. of the Ta valt (qAs 1 8 to 1 7% aid 31 5 t 7 9 t C It I Cb sal dtdL : atts Lit lmd whell 10 . . . o . 00 *. resp. , The most ratk % a b xmj cm. added at 21 Of of mad TO 9 and Cb camGhts bi tnati ng mgm. and C ju HF, witio, KV or KCI-Iw.~ ne volp, Id Adjusted So t6t utko addn. of up sx. of K Cb tit O- t Fo.HvO to %=j ft ldtvl~ P91al. lift livalmml pWts. pno;- tk&UY Ad cd Ow To, if* V - I - to frinn r swl is tkil c td out b . y heaft. 3 mfe"W". w 0"v 044 (11111 4"W Lit . 0 0 u a A, u ; a ; A ; ii " ; 9 1 11 w a 0 .0 3 I ; & 0 0 0 0000000 l 0000 0 00 W H as s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6-0 0 0 a '0 '0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Ol 0 i0 I . I . 7 3 tit 440 jft~p "Q(fi I Bebtartor as atimisum cubidt, in bard Alloys, t;. A, .k4iya. J. Ap- I .pe r4iej (IOJW~Tl carbitle mnig. IPZ,*v C still a "1411 All't- )I 90 aI 1,.-VWIIAI 0 WM Obtallull tit I pv.-~illrr -00 If' Alm. Iof're grialt'll.11 th-l" ..('hw#rv N.Inmet, JAI pel-pilk -00 for l1w ill 'fittrfed 14 low 4t 9). I'lle IN-Iter th'. qUality d TiC, the higlalrr is the JeKrcc 4 firitvflafi~jh 14 A. flodpim NW4 Co. zoo coo 00 too 3S, too AV M3 vir wx. u 0. At 0 0 0", 140 -9 -0 0 0 0 0 OV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 090 00 0 0 0' 0 0 f.0 40 0 00 0 41 0 0 a t _57 _~V[97~llafaruaj!7 O-CcOrCmClt-Ca f1farriara wan toW 'timmd (tvin dat& 6-90 19'i. it v'Orlditiml 4 ~ tf;fway Attu (.,,, rhm, 6nittivaitt d*144tv-11ilvir 1TW1161 .em Imad, sind 2 teranry , The ".fT.1111 11111i .f -he biary C~-Ca atectic N bated below Um Iciumt.. tion regfou of 2 liquo phas", A pruvisimml ca-Ce-O ra.p. diagram ?ms amummited that. in rpire, d 113 ptavi. m-al uatuie. it eltliccud to girr raluabit luffirmiltial, (III !he oltllpf% . "I p , mid rv~l~ A cecl. -.duclusil. W V