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SM=F, N.P.~ RTABOT, T.H., Inshoner, rotmommonti, I.T Inshoner, rodak-tor; OOTDSIN, S.Ya.,'inshoner, roAaktor; KATTIMA, Te.N., takhnichookly rodaktor [Resistance welding; a molder's mamall Untalmalfii swarka; pmlatka dlia, avarshchika. Hoskra, Gos.nauAm~-tek~xnolzd-yo mashinostrottellnol lit-ry, 195$. 91 p. Omu 8:10) (Electric welding) BRODSKIT,A.Ya.,o ZYNGINTSWA.r.Y., inshsoer, redaktor~, WUSIWfflUYA,G.X~# rodaktor*77=W,r.*.*#O",VWmicbAskiy ro"ktoi~`~ [Argon-arc welding using tungsten electrodes] 'Argono-dugovaift evarka vollframovyn alaktrodom. Moskva. Oos.nall'ahno4okhu. ltd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 395 p. (MIRA 9:3) (Ilectric welding) SEGIM, NikoUq Petrovich; qMINSON# X614ay Sagilavich; guma" A,F,~~ inzh,, retoonsent; ZIMM.4 . T I.So, red. Isd-va; IILIXI=g Y,D,,p tokbu. ro4 [Electric resistance weldiug]'Elokiricheskmii~ kontaktusia mv"km.'~ Izd. 209 parer. i dop. Mosking Goo. usuohno-t0ft.: Ids-vo mahino- stroit. Ut-ry, 1958, 286 p, O= nilo) r*tioiix eat$ lnth4,' red. *I i ILIKIN hfth. red [current sources for tbs' electric, welding; arc) litochniti pitanila evarochnol dugie Moskva,, Goso nau6hao-teitu~* isd-vo maobiaostroiio lit-r.r, 1958. 112 Ps (MIRA'11:10) (Blectric weldire) IAPID1M, Vladimir Arkadlyevich; IRYMOVSKIT, U.N., Inshener, retsenteat; zvxolu*q"A imam , inshenar, redbictor; ORUSINVOKATA, G.M.0 tellskiy redaktor: MOMLI, A.I., tekhatchaticiy :redaktor [Blectrodes for built-up welding] Ilektrodr dlis umplafti, Xoskyat Goss vouchno-takhao izd-vo wohinostiott lit-ry, 1957. 231 pe ?KLM 10:6) (Xisotrodes) Vb & I Al I ) i~ V/1 11 , V- YNLISTRATOV, Pstr Savellyevich; IVANOV. B.G., kand.tekhn.nauk, reteenzont; -4VZG1NTS3LU_X.V Inzhoner, red.; MMOVA. V.A., red,isdatellotva; L-~ TIKHANOV, A.Ya., (Metallurgical principles of Iran welding] Netallurgicheskie oanovy evarki chuguna. Moskva, Goemuchno-telchnJid--vo mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1957. 154 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Welding) L:Vfl) LYUBAVSKIY, X.Te, prof., doktor tekhu4nauk, otyetdty*nftyy insh*, red.; YEATLIR, S., kand.tekhavasi* red,; TTULIKOY.,X.Do. ~~na.tekhn.nauk, red.; MROV, A.V.$ kand.tekhnonsuk, red. [Gas-shielded aro welding; papers at the All-union Scientific Conference on Oaa-Bhielded Welding] Yoprosy d4moi'ayarki v xaohchitnykh gazakh; doklady k Yeesoluznomu nemahno.0takhnicheek6lau oveshchantiu po avarke v seshchitnykh gazukh. ~ Moskva. 1957. 250 P (Hru 1W) Hauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshcheotvQ mashinostrottellnoy prouTihlell- nostis Sektaiya evarki matalloy, (Alectric welding) (Protective atmospheres.) at; 004 0101 Misid-Are Wowing (it W* showl. -114141 PPORWO, V, m01, M110. 81-1 hill, TIMrAt"f will wva, Actogelumml thh) (Wrlill"s). July W), 11, Z"C" fmm 'a; Til CO.'s VUDIMIRSKIY# T.A.; ftLIXMYICHl A.S.;_Z~JIGIVSJTA Xlyi Inihoner# ret04mssit; BMRLING, S.Z., dotsent, redaktor; X(IbILl' taklmichaskis isdat- tot; BUTYLKIN, A.G., takhnichoskiy rodaktor 4uipment and experience in welding under gas ~rsesurml Oborudoianid' y% primenentia gazopresmovoi evarki. Kosk*&'O Oos., D'auabno-to'khav! N lad-volimashinostrolt, lit-rY, 1952- 114 p. (HiepoftUl (MMA 01112) (Gas welding and autting) DULIKIN, V.Ta.; UIMOV A.A.: ZV naucltW rodaktor; IRYUGIM, Tu.TO: reda~TMWVY'6; GUBWAOS.S., tekhnicheakly redaktor [Submerged-malt welding of concrete reinforcoMate)~Vannaia evarke armatur7 zhelesobetona. Moskva, Goo. Ltd-vo itt-ry,p7o stroit. L; arkhitakturs, 1956- 50 P. (HLRA 9:9) (Welding) (Reinforced concrete) O*A 41* log 00 g0'9 *MU41. (In Rm. ii set, U111-4 Miami TIL Otto so, -4. 041 W v P. I . 0 cwk~bm On one is *41 of I'0 am IMIRML mm itad utath ot h..t: no ra"mbly with 4i Um" Sur ob. .'wn r Othor MOY AAA Mrs- MR woo 111AURI CL OKC iL ISO* 11.1431T. woo "Lt O-V a IN soon 3 111 Is Ita 011 00 00 0 40 0 0 0'o 000.0 0 0 00 it 0 0 0 0 a 0 9A0 0 1-0-00 010 0-0-0-0 *-w e.s.-O 0.4 0io oiffi io. 0- 0 0 j*;;P' 0. 0io 4p, 0 0 : 1'~ 1'~ q 1~. r. r -j- ini j Card Me KILIMDVS A-apoi AMIMMA A* Effect of snLU quantities -of water on th* ItuanescOnce apectx* of 5.6-bensoquinollne'nlutlono, in p-dioxam:. Opt.1 opektr. no#W85-207 Ag 162., (kaRA !$:13.) (Benzoquinoline-Spectra) (Diomm 01,11,011-My r czechoBlovakia CA Ta-7,ORY t .1, jcm, t RzKhlzv., )Ioe5 19600 Noo AVITICR t Zvejska, M., Sykora, M., and Ryaka, A.~ 96 V givih, t Socialist Til jILF, i Study on the Treatment of Sewagar 'In a City IORIG. HMO I Vodni Haspod, No 7, 293-29? (19~51) 1ABSTRACIT S The authors have studied the opeTatio, of the - ( trL ir biochemical f5ewage treatment piait r1c,kI ng fil- ters, methane tank) in Ostrava-S,kalingrad which processes only minicipal sewage." Dato are glvon,~ on the fluctuation in the dischar'gel'ohertical r composition (dry residuo, BOD, 'tota-I oxygen demand, rJI, all~alinity, total N, CI-), a~jd bapterial polla. tion of the the coursa,,of a,typical. da The operation of the treatinont iiant is described. M. LapAbin 223 Z'IEJSYA, SYKORA, H., RSYKA, A. Investigation and treatment of sewa,,,.,e from sociallat areas,-' 2: ~9 3 VODNI HOSPOPWSTVI. Czechoslovakia) Uo. 7, july 1959 Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EMI), LC. V 8 o 9., 19 9 Uncl. MOCHAIJNj Mikhail Panteleymonovicb;. zv$Kq'j'-Yj44j Xml*!:i~kTAOU AGOS=Vp H.Lp nauchtW red.1 ASTAKHOV) A.V~'~ red.1 W-va; BOLMREVAI ZOA,,, tekbno red, (Self-propelled equipment in mines] SamokhodnOe oba'rudovanie va rudnikakh. Pod nauchn. red. 14.I.ARoahkova. N6skva.~ Gas.nauchno- BURTSEV, L.I., kand.tokhn.nauk; ZVEKOV, V.A*y gorny)4 Inzho; LINEV, 10 fN* gornyy inzh, Flow shoots for chamber and pillar systems wilng sell-propelled equipment. Gor.zhur, no,10:3-11 0 164, 1. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskogo' (for,Z7okov). 2. Kombinat "Achpolime tall" (for lainev). T i. t DELTAalN, N.N.; WIVALI# V.So; BRYUIWOT,T.I.;' BRYUXHAWV, V.A.1 1ELYAGTH, H.11.1 MHOLIKSKIT" B.Ounil"I'll V.S. Energy shift of gamma-ray transition obov~vod in ',.tlie resonance abdorbtion of T-quafita in Mst43a, eksp. i teor. fiz. 40 no.2t7l3-7310 P 161, (,Pl','rA 3.,,,) 1, Institut yaderacy Miki Moskovskago gosudara~rannogo universiteta. (Gamma rays) & ~/003/058/P:B/X~ 5/05 ~6/0~ B006YR,010 LUTHORS: Delyagin, N. N., Shpinsll,,V. Sol B2;Yukh&TtoT,) V~ A.'911~ Zvenglinskiys B. 119 TITLE: Nuclear Zeeman Effectiln Sn ~PERIODICLL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoratipheskoy fiziki, ~1960t Vol. 39) No. 3(9), pp. 894 - 895 TEXT: The present "Letter to the Editor" is thoJi,continuation or!a pro- ld.::on rio' su ements' of; the vious paper (Ref.4) in which the authors reporte, 1h r dependence of resonance absorption of 2308-kev 4amma quanta emitted:in 119m the On decay on the velocity of the souroo V!~Aatllsie to the Absoiber. The authors have again carried out analogous mo&'~aureti*nts) but Vniq time the absorber was placed in an exterinal eonstant:, :!magn4tic field.#' jn this case, a Zeeman splitting of the absorption linSqtooktpjaee, and:a hyper- fine splitting was observed in the spectrum, fr~~m which the magn'etia 119 r ~ moment of the exeited 23.6 kev level of On _6uld be determined.The Card 1/4 ---------- Vx Nuclear Zeeman Effect in Sn 119 S/056 60/035/003/0518/056/XX Boo6yBO,7Q, E) gamma source was a foil of white metallic tin (94%;~of SA expooe'd to thermal neutron irradiation in a reactor.,The absblrber iTan BnNb In 3 which no quadrupole splitting of the.2~.e kev level takiis plaoe acoord- ing to Ref- 4. Thus, the observed hyperfine s.plittlkng of:the absorption line is only a consequence of the Zeeman effect. F(,')r tho weasvremlePts2' the source and the absorber were cooled to n1troge h temoorature. T be 2 absorber (20 mg/cm SnNb ) was plao,94 between thq pole "Pieceil of la~ mag- 3 net producing a constant magnetic field of 12;150:ioe in the absoxberj~ and the measurements were made with &nd without aji~maffne,tic,field- The~' ground level is split in two azd them excited one (,3/2) An fcur sv~-- levels under the action of the fielded 6 91 tranoillonewre pLavible bm.- tween these. By changing the velocity of the sourae (P431tive a ~,~nega- tive velocity) 12 lines must be obserwable. The shape Otho abso'ripti,O~n speatrum is dependent on tho magnetic moments and!1ji,1 of the,ground and excited states of the Sa 119 nuclauss on the r 1iI)la'.Jye signs rk these, moments; and on the q~adrupola 6plitting tj of tbe!oxci~sd state. The*re- sults of the measurements axe represented In a di6jgram.' Card 2/4 497-e Nuclear Zeeman Effect in Sn S/C~6/60/~3VO03/056/056JXX~, 2006/B070 I (ordinate counting ratel abscis3a, I velocity of ~!the epurce: and ~the The dista erfine a ~uc+' co Irresp(nding energy shift)* nee betweenAhe h*~~ :iL ture components-was determined from the spectral measur4rent to b e~ (Iq+0.2).1O-7ev. This is in good agreement ~itb tho ~value obtain6ld in Ref. From the positions of the Wroe maxima w~o: found to! be 0 J -(1.1+043) muclear magnotons and the moment of the'~23-0'!kev, love to be 47(1.9-+0.4) nuclear magnetons. This consid0orably high4 r than *that given by the single-partiel's model. A.: I,,Ilikhinov ands V. At I~ubimov are mentioned There.are Ijigure alid 5 -T=9 man 5 Soviest and I French. yy universit4t (MDIOO~ow St ASSOCIATIO14 Moskovskiy gosudarstvenn aW University)- I SUMITTEDt July 49 1960 ~J Card 31,~ S/12o/62/660/001/003/06~ Z032/E51k 'B AUTHORSt Dryukhanov, V.A., Delyagin, N*N#q Sargeyev, S.A. and Shpinel,, V.S. TITLEt Measurement of the remohance absoertioiii; ipei:trar i gamma-rays in crystals PORIODICAL: Pribory i-t-ekhnika ekmperimenta, rla.11~19621 23*281: TEXT: In a previous paper (Ref.5t Zh.ekspnrim~. i teor4, 1960, 39, 220; Ibid 40, 713) the authors desci~ibedan apparatus which was used to investigate the MOssbauer affectA23-8 kY~ gamma-rays on Snll9 crystals). 112~this: apparatus the relative velocity of the sburce and the absokl~',er ils'varied I linearly with time with the aid of a machanicm:1 dP~vice an&thei' intensity of the gamma-rays corresponding to.differk~nt val0s Of this velocity is recorded with a multi-channel kil*sorter -niid an amplitude modulator working in synchronism wli:th the;~device producing the above volocity,variation. In the present note the authors give a more detailed description of thc apparatus, including both the mechanical and,'theeloctro6ic ~axts qf it,, !A typical absorption spectrum for a~SnO cryst~&I~O.IMKICM4 target; 2 Card 1/2 Measurement of the resonance ... S/12o/62/000/001/003/o6i E032/EJ14 2 and 6 mg/cm source, both at room temperature) in shown in Fig16 , ilg It is reported that tge width or the 23.8 keV excited state of gn is (2.6 1 0.25) x 10- eV. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Institut yadernoy fiziki MGU (Institute of Nuclear Physics NGU) SUBMITTED: June 15, 1961 Card 2/2 82612 S/05~/60/039/001/026/029 Boo6/BO63' 1/. a,5~2 0 AUTHORS: Delyagin N N Shpinell, V. S. , Bryukhanot V. A. Zvenglinek TITLE: The Hyperfine Structure of T-iayj.? P 0111i ed~by Quadrupole Interaction in the Crystal-Ma'TITce llkoy tiziki, 1960, PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekeperimentallnoyli teoretichea Vol. 39, No. 1(7), pp. 220-22k TEXT: In the introduction to this artible the auth re do"cribe several publications dealing with the above-meniioned subject., A.'14 Alikhanov and V. A. Lyubimov (Ref. 5) studied the resonance absorption of 23.8-kev gamma quanta of Sn119 nuclei. The authors t~emselvae studied the hyperfine structure of the 23.8-kov 1-vol of this nu'oleus.1 The hyperiine, structure is due to the interaction between the quadrupole moment of'ithe! nucleus in the excited state and the internal electric field of theft !in crystal. Metallic Sn119m served as source, which mov0d relative to the absorber. Contrary to similar experiments$ the source used here card 1/3 82612 The Hyp.erfine Structure of y-Rays, Produced 8/05V60/639/001/026/029; by quadrupole Interaction in the Crystal B006/'BO637 Lattice underwent linear acceleration within. cetWin limits, Usasuremonto were: carried out at the temperatures of liquid nitrogen.~Th.e X*!'radiation~ of tin (26 kev) was almost completely absorbed by a lialladium film 0.06 am thick. The y-quanta passing through this fitter were recorded by means of an NaI(Tl) crystal. The pulses comihg from the aingle- ! channel pulse-height analyzer were linearly,phase-modulated:in a radio device, viz. simultaneously with the changes in the source velocity The modulated pulses were fed into a iOO-channel pulse-hO.ight analyzer of the type A" -100 (AI-100). Each channel corresponded to i certain velocity of the source. The measurements were made with two a'~,sorbers containing SnI19, namely, metallic tin and SnNb3 alloy The dep6'ndence of resonance aboorption on the velocity of the source for a tin ap'ecimen 20 mg/CM2 thick is shown in the upper part of the'Fig. on p. 221. The curve had three peaks at 0 and V-46 mm/sec (velocity of thas ]ource). This corresponds to a hyperfine structure of the 23.8-kov levels, and is explained by the interaction between the quadrupole moment of the nucleus in the excited state (spin 3/2) and the electric fielA of the crystal,. Card 2/3 82612 The Hyperfine Structure of I-Raysp Produced S/O~'6/60/039/001/02'8/02J by quadrupole Interaction in the Crystal 13006~BO63~1 Lattice This interpretation is confirmed by measuremento With th*~SWM3 absorber (30 mg/CM2), which are illustratei in -the -111.)irer rt of the' Fig. The spacing A of the components of the hyperfino structure was'; (eQ/2)32V/,az2 . (1-1510,25)-10-7ov. There are I f igure: and 6 references: 2 Soviet, 2 German, and 2 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo g4audatstvennogo, universitete, (Institute of Nuclear PhyAcs of Moscow State Univerol-t-YT SUBMITTED: May 25, 1960 Card 3/3 Ar r 7 r F r r r r v w w w w w,r x x or jur w r,r ir- X v w'ivvir i- x IT ii i~ c X ;7 Z .7 ~I 0_A WIX MAC I.- h ;1a .4. -A. -00 004 '-'J 001 7w, F_ 0 1 At P, a-TOY'Ld" A3 Ul~t ......... 4 00 Ab Wdu fis dw N. M. Y4bhwg a" A. VO&SOM rAL Im rld~ amis., zh-. low No. 4 W.-Immakitimions thd -the bKttdikii"04 0t cucowli is No cdwjiw"~ In tin lot istop of UK Ike dad 11o it -purism j, an Im ab=Vdm, cof Cl ""au. Ila "17 ir am* an 40 a map i0 ch"Wit '-d tAT thm Mumm Of uktkm' T* 0 Icwm tbls,tha smst. of CI dmmw be hwmmd. in Im SMI *Is& tba Foo io"ON of Iduku to mitmes is KOMPMW by a dw* droso d the C3 obwMk* of wAtter. W. R, Iftah I 0 zoo too or* o X00 2 Zoo 1900 lye* tsee - ---------- g 2- rsoo S 5 L Slow WOO 14113,11 .&P 010 104 Io to An I a I 9 At 00 99 4r Kja I I,, VVIONK Ila Ire 1111 0 090 o o 0 0 o 0 000 000 0 is 0 0*1000 it I "A ML 01 IT, Z A (A' I I 0 I oft kou 4"mwi"Koo do tict b4glIerld mile in - to A. ~.I (-.. : 5" 4 i -00 60 down. I'vAomilliWor I A. . odl T"V 00 17. AM IW), --To dimircucce. chi., 9. 114v Of o 'I too, thb. i -00 411411 batt" prim lip the Amwal"I.. thi- 1'. 14. pt"Am 4: Tom% moo of s Atkin, wits fommuld "114.aruwy. Fighty4our rNitt .- wrrw - Th 1 W 0 0 a 90 a V 44 IlPlINIAlk 011111.4idil' &%I 144II&S 4im WA's detimitric, V1101414W. 11, Out-Iff . 00 j COO 00 w 0 00 400 go* SOO j 11004111 ;V too lute too " A 9 ;;-,is S felt Rells 11,4111 ! W 0401 '1 I'm An ic qil-i f A an p I I 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 111 to lNg 0 0 0 6 414 : 041 0 4*0 0 : 0' ..0 0 00 # Geography & Geology, Methods for detemination of cobalt and manganese; . Moskvas Goo. izd-vo geol. lit-ry, 1946. (Metody issledovanila poleznykh iskopaemykh., vyp. 12) q FROIDV, A.G.; KOZLOVSM , S.1.; MELAHED,ZXj 410wov'S.G.; ZVE-T,ORODSKAT YAN, A.Ya., -to U C Aj,qj.; KOSTANI Ya., r6~.izd %; -~-H-EVCHWXO G.11.0 teklii. red.j FRUUKOVA, T#Ao) tekhn# red, [Principle: for the improvoment of industrial comtIlexes on mine surfaces) Osnovy soverBhonstvovaniia teldmologicheskikh kompleksov poverkhnosti shakht. [By] A.G.Frolov i'dr. -Mo- skva, Izd-vo AN SSSR; 1963. 135 P. (MIRA 16t:L2) 1, Moscow. Institut gornogo dela. (Mine buildings) ii T, mi I pi Fil-iH~1 ZVENIGOR ODSKIY .Aj~qqqy~Sh; FROLOV,, Yurly Aleheandrovich; KAYETANOVICH, M.M., red. (Steel wires and busbara in electrical netV01'rks 4th ratings up to 1,000 volts] Stallrye provodal,l shbV. v elektricheskikh setiakh do 1 000 v. Moakva~ Izd-V'Q "Energlias" 1964. 55 P. (Biblioteka elektramontara, no.125) 17:6) jVjNIGM()DSQYAt NJ&; LIVIN, F.Do, redaktor; ULASMrIKOV,:V,6PA;,, tekhntcb*~kly [Where to study; a manual for atudents eateri4g higher and 000'0'n~darr schools for special studies (technical and #~i::atio4aj) in Nosom aod Moscow Province In 1956] Xuda poiti uchit'sli,; spr~vachntk dlIA postupaiuahohi~h v vysshie, trod-ais apetstall,~~a uAmbnya zavo!4enlia (takhaikumy, uchilishcha, shko~y) i tekhniehe~kie ~chilishcha Moskvar I, Moakovskoi ablasti v 1936 godue.God Ltd. 10-1. (Kokvaj lzd~-Vo OHookovskaia pravda." 1956. 214'P* (NLRA 91,10)' (Moscow Province--Technical education-~~--Dlrectories) ko lee lee oil a 040 Will," kA6d, i~; Ow Dowaks" d In , I iA vA i hi i s s how A rovik j;&W m 31 4 A 0 V Z 00 0 e . . . . - %,%n & pw of Float. : 1-h IN c.t,.:Wlutkm d M.d 0( lio an e-0- 4 90%00. WWI l l lot ww Up* 01 W for the wupw ddrwkmIm1 U 11310 "Wilpad Is p 00 0 we sw 00 At4.ILA gi?A#.LMJCAL MCNAT609 CLAJWKAr" led U 9 AV 00 01; 0 qb a At K 9 14 'A ; I's 1 411.111 as a" all 7 OF 1k I a , ~ 00 0 0 0 1 0 0 ee 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 04411 00, a 0 0 9 0 a 0I$0 too 110 0 0 44 : - 04604 0 00006000,000. 0 , 0000 0 0 0 0 . ,, ~ 066= i , A I L 2 L 1 0 4 ' 00 00 0 00 008 gm 04 (Asre me* and ve Irv LS cg Vnti = 00 4. A, . A, A, A, . .. ..... ^ 00 ' ' * so WO wak Who. S W Y N. SMIMW 4"kif MrAjui ft, snit I ] In the Wphrmtk)a ~of A] nfau R A go* . u a I itnuon with O-Ozychinplow IM1441" of 111,00, 1 *q X09 p x1pitatba of the Al (cf. Befl-Eilro C** vathIAM (ath ofition), HA (11). 1100), but h#4 no goo C*O LITIMATUNI C&ASSWKAI" ...... .... soloed .3. a.. as# oll &4l1 b U At m, I F 4 v -- Mv .41 pwr J "g a of a, T XA to 0 0 0 00,969 An 0 481190f o#,6046 0 0 0 0 0:41 000000, 0 so 0000 00 0060 64 000 0400 0000 1o! 0. :0 a W - . i - 1 9 9:0 or qp~ 0 a 9 - N b A J, ?I X,ilim u m is Is Ir is a 40 of fi~ #k Is a r0 A c L -4 -L L 0 F q 11 A - it 'I L. hA 04 w ~1-*p A fit A-U itm co"At Irolpleso 04 90 lij -.00 so .00 M. It. 1.416. 4. W .00 d., C."X.', .- Mill 0, redtxvtl with W6 I. Y,CW. U (d. C. .4. S. X-91) wilb9ot and voitb The gradual adda. of 0 mluci~g albsill 00 (hydrssine sultiatAr). Chas. Pulte 09 17 1011 00 0 00 0 ;100 :90 0 !40 lee it toot 4.1 IC AA L a Is It R x 1"I set" 00 0 3 :0 dw wn 004 SOW M40 A-An WNJ I& IV UL-A A "All IL Z G "I PM *00 ollb M WK4 tal,14 4 lu ik I" tile I U is 1 . ^ r vo 4V Old. 'goo awe tooo A I d - S L A IdIALLION"AL iffflAtNt CLAWFICAM cc-,: 11"m on-all WO 0 go&" lewd 491ASI no a, wr SA A 1 41 owi0 1 or a 0 a 4 a V 0 0000 0 0000 0 000 0 0 0 000 O~10 4110 06400 0 11 u TO a III IF Ill a A fif A.f. IM1,0411101 04 ir 00 j)#tqpAjktI*a of cMwW~ in sW"Ies by tho tlW"40 V. It. "00 0 .1 k. c.. 0--imWo. 0 4f. L .1. A. VON'. Lab. -90 O's 8 Cl - tiTrtcl. in rificates by fu.'mWx R %ampir whIs *s'*IC4)s ami deewnpg. the mtlt with ruru of dil. 110SCs'Amid -00 0 XXfnO,. The CI,i4 Almirfk4l In 2% KI and the tMill. is "j~ (itrated with XNAth. clus, Wisitt' 800 0 goo 00 goo 00 goo moo mo 0 c v!: single .0 041 444 u I AV PC is 0 M L 1 0 4 w a . of 0 if tr n it so 4 16 00000009000090000000 0 00 '16 I -00 SOO 100 .00 so &Wiiit~gfcm ~Oir eown (i 100 00 1*0 Oe a Z 10* to *04 004 *0 000 m Ow the Poo. of 00 & 00 4A to, 110.- v thit hd odmesd~cC of ft* in Mm addod. Mai"i 00 Mwiw- IN awww to 04* MR 9w wimilm 0(~Rw coo iksl4dww ompmd MM a" tim by slawalick. fto goo &T0 lee v0 0 boo v -ILA AltIALVOWWAL Uit*ATIM CtAIW.*Avm bog va 0 W-SPOR-A =if 111"N0 "it ION* as NOW N" if ; to 0 1 b U It AT IC or 1 Z 3 1 ~ ; il v AMR 'I 000 0 10, i 0 Q.* 40 0.0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to, IF 1" 0- A of ~ I N to R r J11 1w v F-A 4 0 p 0 4 -A 00 4 -f ;.r qa~##j $4, J.~' -V'.' 00 A 00 lee 00 or m Ortiz and Vol. A. Oltift'lifloy, AIM1166"I IAI& 0 JtM'LV(1"))--TJW 144"Init "Iffell"'fl )h milt, .0 off, .3 0 S"t;4 lo; deta. of At In tuavale UM: DiTmolve it III S. 0 momple in vice" at ca". NO.COO. AM umw "Voirmor- 0 *3 quinalkov. mid filter. Ifoullol the prit. flood (we *fill Itym. foultate and kWh with wultor. P111.1tort1firlmillilmisi-1411- ,so A#411 1-44- willb ruplosmil, Aloft aloof Low lJor 10114jr:110 pool, j Al with effiriolimmi 1)v aultJoly owisluor flip pit. ~ 141 101,1Z Ire 0 *so Ignite flift W. flood of"Ith or two affad del. with alumium M in INI-M.MuCh, It dol-I. it) list. 1411W Way ntqpq that be' uw%idvi we "I. floxil I'llt M.1 419 III to anoommitfral limm of on vda win. K. Ito 0 ILA 441ALLURGKALL It I 1 0 00 0 06 't 9 a It 17 a lines foroora 41 it to off I 1-000 too Ito0 00 0 0 1111 0 41111 Ms 0000 o411111111111' All 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 41111 41114 0 A IL -A V$ X-A.A 4. UA-k-"Jost. V ~'O.Ooih TIE& e9A *OR IP Colsidmettlic of tabidt too pyieim aducyst"If no# go. t. ' b 00A Itty, I ~nt W I A ;i -14- oilwd Is* il-+4 i1firl I%, lk 0. nf V., lilt I tw- 14,16 -1 fill Itiful Ili MeWO. 4pitskstlfk~ tO ("YS , semi WIA got sil"I.6tv lomillsvoid fit Of4sid The U~kll orto"lillplo A-1 It' livilmil to Ili joilk it ntiollitims, 4im , W 4 NI it I 10) 1 % 1 OT 1 111111110 . ,, 1111 , *11 , , , tV�l $ dfoitw4sl forli film trivisr." the -ivy rrhliw "Ith Ollut"ist 11tj (Ili I'll$). mkIL13-4 list, III WAtel.011vt-0 1 foostch $W". h"I Its .1"Oviv e 41W M411. rysip oil idnittow with olsomost. shookl itc mad A Priculls iml - ApiwArp, 411004" It willis I'l 1 l 'ItIllis 4 110 0 1 if all, ood OrIVS10 4 fillspnill. 03 0.) 1 SlI.C.SN 01W imili 1"111-1 10-0 N4,14,11s, 01.41A tb~ oils Ill, 004 rIk-V 411 NO f* CIO Ill 1110 p1d IM " " 7 W1110 WIA, I aft S I Coos IW q0tv., is yvilismish, vlvksrj~ i , 4stor volaim no Ifitork Isemmur ip*4. Ili 44.11 sll. Ill NIJANS like Wis. I"xiosse blik-A otil~ ' "' I 0 It 64.1ell IWT4i4 Im Ilisn Ill (it thor"rikutir Oil m fron4f -ir the PUN tit 0 C.)IIIIIII-V foir Ili IW pPC - . . . tfisri"I. will, Jbirtst, t1op bmiwt camtilly with ursolk if Or V4 ImIll" 11) Ill I 01111 1610,01, dillit low 111114 Its ZI lilL JZO It 1 11 W4611 llw N-446,1 viisillo It# 1110,001104f, "Ill Al 4 *111 4*1 sid k OW I . 4 1 . t 641111ti h l 1641 40 i i ] . , N. SMAIA 41 . 0 l ll l 1 T t # ituoi ow -Aww Awn rim v cA t got V iterib u1 11 A oi . l. O l Atati O i W~ R tit At 60 U Is .1., Oist : O to it it a 19 a a 100 4 0 W 0 T fill 00 0 0 0 4 .00 4111; 0 see 0 11 0 1 0 1. so 4, ist. olf. if tr i~ 04P HILI h it ts 0 I 1 Are* ll a s. 90* ll 0 6, i :; a o# If, 1W if. 1T I 4 47. V: .-j#v woo 1 Is M, 41i ~~ o6 0 l I t i 1 i ~ i I k 1 1 1 0 0 o* 4111 We 4 1of 6-0 1. 00 Fortalotla For.1116411 evil wavrSai ..46. wAida munsisaw of *jW4 is tit# rtsOliflit of $0 s z h~m 17411%01~ Lith" III&S, ti. lillo,11121; V. At. I*K itill, A IIIHIM41141to that ew. 4 o A 00 llw firr4omilivi ad m1i fly nanoths air 100411,N)e 'i-Oft 0111mosoft"llski (that Mn milliplitill flip 0411114 06.1 .1 n.-I Oiiiomii,l If) 00 . fly twooliltif lot 10 211 toll, 6.1 IICI (4144selty 1-1111, ittlil :1 * O f. kof IINJ I, (ilromly I 00 8 1-4). hoil In tvaidaw N okielema, eysiximte until a linitti p fabo ill formitioL minill oikmA%.o that jimiritatt, in waii with 4daiiinan air oti v, mi mi. to iiii. if so a Hal to Ili Imo .1eirrinlromi Ifiltrr that r4il4tatte inve,lulolim lit 110, V0.1a worprial r 00 # 1 thillooll Willi hill w& #-r. i1#4NwWrWv, in a I% eviscim, oar %not vi,ts im. for iti 1 .1 loll. -if 11,1441. (1 a 1). milli at,,, 11 ?44 1. V : "lilt* 4111s4ki a iml.1 I 0 anirvirs) HIL a,# ilimij 114 "malm 1'. tho trmm.ltsa, 11, ill, -rl N 1441, boo) to-sall-lim. 0 floe- imilsillo"s Akfall"I with tlw "n filtrate. Ci,iblait - fo f W f It t l r 1l I "J# dw filfritte, $.a 6 . t fl 00 o. a oo &a. VI. ir rti ier allaq vat mallsi .. evi rovilmo l . -vnml withii thin 130.4 XlQ'I. #*lot raillom- I.q, pa-Mind 00 X11,4114 Ill.). wie" with iomidC fill"ll Until 11-31111 1 1# 41141 mflill), toploomr. - - fi 1 1 Go 41411140:111 Ill ll), ni-. 111A $is laloll.448 1 00,111f 13611L.-F 4. C, 1: :: 00 6.41 Welter Ill 14k, I It) ti Sold Ohittly 6 4,11 g. tit S 1 1 lity fly litotillif Willi ' a an Awtoria, stiorrow. mn.1 thromir with 04161 434P U-IN-31[nU b l f 11 11 " it (do ' M f a voistivellmlitin of i aaa) until an a rupt Jump in lion - i i 4-204 0 l r 111 LOWMX loo, , . it Oftl l 140 l ttle M n ellua in via. ai ". 11 4 o * fit 0", me,billows nsillsining AN In that Atrits it( Malo f Otil I .* ali sm.1 $lot% talatil -fle-4vael. 'rot Aneelhoor 4111ML lw*kilr 14111ima lklmit 1441 JIM), "1l. all' , ' - h i h ol lonialwel P. Olim l ratis" Wit n (4911it ij *kill ."mat. l mifirring. &413 Ilm solif Aoi Ifirsted with SIM 1,~, Il 1 -i 111"A1 l f X11 011 1 11 ith fl h f 0 ieth th; leittliair friont . i1 1 vi I +A i 111110 i4lf at 114 411 W , O o 1 11 1001 11 fil f 1 4 4 l 11 1 th 16 d l ll b1 h 1 la 0 lf~ Il 1 llf o d i th 4 . at W" . om frolor moo ow t 0 wi bs tral r at sfv%v . " l .118 bvl~ joisi l I * F J 0 6 1 M to 0 416 with I%$ 4,61F `N '-wit 41141110 1 I 1. 0^100, ""Ill ., 411 ,,, ; 11116A, 6411ALLIONAMAL till 041 No 6w will" $0441111, " T U 0 At In 14 81 04 If 1 - ly j 41, I 1. 1 V. 1i 1. 4-,' a ': 1 _O_ "Ira, A I on I I I -a mo, i mr ad % a 01 0000 4, 700 -00 06 00 000 0 -00 000 :10 0 goo me 0 tot a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 N 0 '00 000000 0 0 00 0 0 0 04 4 0 0 0 *0 7 7 z 00 00 .00 .00 00 smato to - $11full" 11111 old" 10 so c Of" als". V. XL zart Ann tak. 0. tloto4 -00 Stiller. Id"41,11id 1*."-In the 06 a 011110 11cwNtn" of 0 fr. Mo cas INk titmttd with K-MaLk 4mn**+ MTV 73FI, WO given for surit" DiMmortat of cm Ovall. MON. of isiliestals."Acdotlelklm (or the WO.Pa.411 a suitallfril .00 00 it w4a. omfg, NO Me. To tht ***, 4,14 2-:1 o. -1 %'ilXl' 4mf ncutrallm mfib MORI. Add 1A slit. Id 4 X 00 mil to bApw 10". siM 4 X. NIV and Mrste the vuld miljo.~ i 900 -ally. CA aild 00 with 0. 1 S K Mo% while stirrims nm4 lunk Me. as WO as Wics. have an unfa"w4ble Ofect. which i% 09 a W. H, lienu goo 00 8 goo to 0 Soo 1100 .......... .x I CLASWKAVOR Doi -14" 14140 104f 04V an fog News 00 1 All u x 0 NO u It v It! IN 0 ds a . , . , I ',III 1*14117i 0 0 q 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 0 C 0 0 0 : 40 :; 00 0 60600000 0 00 0 0 *Is 0 0 * 0 0 0~ 0 00 0 O;v 0 0 0 0 1 1; ;1 . ... .... ... . 00 A Lit 4 L Lv- It Al. 11 f4 fit **JF 00 A d 9 r Z. V. 9 0-3 . - - Is M 40 -Mc m ~,t: m up. Uk wu~k 111111 jwvK, list $Vid t" obtalsed Awtitradwas 414scribcd la t 0, 1 41 -*o 0 strott. The Oak. *mM sat vcwtoln tagmelt w 0 NIM. %IWW tkfttkO .I* EVA It lip" for viu 410 a ctmts. an tMmM)%ofMit. The 1poll is t ky nm I th A o 00 dw c1tance la the onlat of the oAn- I om Pitt c vs to r i h bnyo -00 0 l t pink after t1w milds. of 1-2 eu-c" 4bv;m of Nfn(h-;~! Ifir I col" sboahl pg.Nqt sleet vhwuut &MItitte, M t"llit. 00 W. M, 110111 too 00 see 00 4 0 w 00 00 900 -00 77 m- . 11 a%* dad 6t$ Is U AV go- Ll It it to 0 19 04 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 00 i t, Is 0 0 0000' 0 0! 0 * 0l 00 0 w 0,0 ~o Osseo 0 IMF IA 0 a 0 0 it 1_1 A-1-k-L-k Ak. 1Z WA ~"1.1.114. ~611w-a lit Iteptil 1-t 0 0 #l.. 00 ;_Q4 ......... . so, of 04, Vblumetric visual D6terialcat3ion or Manganese by Pormant.16notta In -00 Solution in the Presenf.-a of fluoride* VA. zvdninoim~tja (tav 0 0 8,-! 1946, 12, 162-163;C, ADs., 1946 40, 6662; ara"t n~lish i , 1 3). --((n I sup Metall-urgis, 1947, 35, (206", 22 hussian Dec=ooso the 6 4 .00 and prepare the acid solution obtained for titratitIrs: *a described In tho 00 .3 preceding avstrsot. The solution should contain not. more thon 0*03go ~of Moo =00 00 01 Visual titration is not recommended for samples containing more tharI300 coo of Un . The and-point is determined by the change lp~ the coloar of tho' COO sol,.jtio-~ from pinkish- brmn to pink agtor tho additlon ctl-2 #Aces* drcps~ i coo ofUnO4-0 the oolour should persist after Vigi;rouo shaking,* The resultis :0 el are accurate. 2see coo We ;see 0, i .. AS - I, t 4N1IAklL%,PtKAt UIVII411,44! CILAWIFKAVION 00 r; 4' f, j a -0 Oj a 1, PC If If of OLO a 1 P4 0 1 Ill 41 0 0 0 to 0 41 41 Is 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 WO q 0 ::0 0! 00 0 00 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 we 0 0 0 0,10 0 W4,10 9 & Is, 00 0 NA -a- off 69 at T r4cclull Aw 00141111 14019 Is-". Vokmeirk 046'rol"Olles of a""w by lliftill" With &raw It, , p ii I see l ve n f"Mum of rivorklim v Ong U';'- ZvenigarodAsys and R ID O . o dl 34, M. is4l. p Diudvantqts of the varloum volu. gas matrile procOdures r dqlrl~p i " MR I rrom 2Ulvod M Vi r 1 - 10" I 42: 151) l 00# z 6 Oil 6 iS a. S L A AfTALLWGICAL LMRATtOd CL"SWOCAVOW V14 31YX Noll" Opleaff? are 010 1 3 : 31 *4 11, 0 1 a I., 'A a t a fu a U 0 AV 10 LS ; ' w UP D 0 89 K 41 i I O 0 10 000 * 0 0 000 0 6 0 *1* - s " n 0 S 00 0000 0 0 so 0 0 0 A 0. 0 "Al 0 IN PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITAT10,14. 846 U.S.S.R. Ministerstvo geologil I okhrany nedr Metody opredleniya radioaktivnykh elementov v m1nerallnom syr,',ve (Methods of Determining Radioactive Elements4n Mineral Raw; Materials) Moscow, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1958. '68 p- 3,000 copies printed. Compilers; Sochevanov, V.G. and Titov, V.I.; Eals.: Krasnova, N-Eo~ Tech. Ed.: Averkiyeva, T.A. PURPOSE: This book is for those engaged In geodhemical prospetti~ for radiQactive ores. COVERAGE: The chemical determination of radio$ldti4substances in min. erals and rock formations is described in this publication. Chemical treatment of materials in preparation for radiometric analysis is also included. The proposed methods are conmidered to be the inont Card 1A Methods of Determining Paaloactive Elements (Collt-): '8416 reliable for geochemical -:*,earch. Methods~are presentedmin the form of separate procedure instrUctions~with!1theilficlusionlof: principle of the method, elimination of inte.rferlng factors, application limits, necessary reagents, procedure of analysis. Specifications for high purity reagents are given whenever neaes- sary. There is a bibliography with 26 references, 17 of which are Soviet, 4 English, 3 German, 1 Czech, and I Swiss. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 URANIUM Titov, V.I., Volkov, I#I. Colorimetric Determination of Uranium by the Trilon-Phosphate Method 4 Zvenigorodskaya, V-M., Rudina, L.P. Colorimetko P~termination of the Fluoride Method 12 Card 2/ 4 Methods of Determining Radioactive Elements (Co'nt.) 846 'Zvenigorodskaya, V.M., Vasilevskaya, L.So, Deyldna,~T.V. Colori- ion of Uranium in Phosphorites 16 Brodskaya, V.M., Lanskoy, G.A., Sochevanov, V.G# Photocolorimetric Determination of Uranium in Rock (Indirect Metiod) 24 Vasillyev, P.I., Podvallnaya, R.L. Method of tuminescence for the Determination of Uranium With Preliminary Separation by Means of Titanium Phosphate 27 IONIUM Bocharova, A.P., Malyshev, V.I. Determination of the Ratio of Ionium Content to Uranium Content in Ores and minerals 35 RADIUM Sochevanov, V.G., Martynova, L.T. Method for Rapid.Dissolution of Card 3/4 Methods of Determining Radioactive Elements (Cont.)~ 846 Rock for the Determination of Radium and Tho'~rium 6Y the Emission Method 47 Chaykin, P.I., Gumbor,'K#K., Zarezkina, A.K. Simplifled Separation of Radium Isotopes from Samples up to 3 9 50 Chaykin, P.I., Gumbor, K.K., Zarezkina, A.K. Separation of Radium Isotopes from Samples From 3 to 20 g 51 THORIUM Ostroymov, E.A., Astanina, A.A. Determination Of Thorium by the Weightand Colorimetric methods 54 Bibliography 68 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Tl!,nah Card 4/4 12i 10-58 5(2) SOT/75-14-4-13/3o AUTHORSj Zvenioorodskaya, V. M.j:Ry&niohsv&,,;~i I. TITLE# Determination of Uranium by tho Pluotide Ilethod WitkTitri- metric Conclusion PERIODICA4t Zhurnal analiticheakoy,kbimiii 9510:~Vol 141 Wr 4, pp 457 - 462 (USSR) ABST2.tC-.s In the presence of hydrofluoria aci4 Ibitr*lent iro~,in sulfuric-acid solution,redLioes hex&*slen,6 iLrtnium t6 the quadrivalent state, This resotion piacesda quantitatively. The redox-potentials of the systems UVI/U'V and Fe"'IFell ohava 0 in dI" 4ndohas on the" p,ono'entra- tion of hydrofluorio acid# With x~llnorsising oonoentre'tion of hydrafluoria acid, the potential Of,~the oystom vI/Ulv increases strongly$ whileAhe potointial or1he:system FelIl/PeII deoreases.mith a *onoen~trztion of hydrdflubrio acid of 2-3 mole/10 the potential:of tho Oystem Fell,/Fell in more negative by 0. .1? to 0.20 v thmthe poten- Card 1/4 tial of the system VVI/VIV This differOnce permits th 9 follow- Determination of Uranium by the Fluoride Method With 507/75-t4j4-13/30 Titrimetrio Conclusion ing reactions 2+ 2+ + UO + 2Fe +4H +i 6F' -4 UP + 21~-IF6131; + MO (2) 2 4 2 This reaction proceeds in a very.wid beginninj with PH 4-5, Based on this regotiont; he adithore workod out two rapid determination methods for uranium. One of them 618 been already publiMed (Ref 6), the s6aond'As the subject of this paper. The UF which forme d~ringlths resoti6n (2)0 41 is readily soluble in hydrotluario a6id and can therefore'not be used for the quantitative determi i niumOek 6). n tion ~of ura The investigations of the authors showed t"t of the di- fluorides of quadrivalent uranium with thealkali mets~ls :Only the difluoride with sodium is difficultly soluble in a suffi- cient degree for a quantitative determlinati.ov of uranium.,This compound does not only precipitate almost quantitatively from the acetate-buffered solution, but alio froia the minetal-taid medium. Table 1 shows results of the p:reoipLitation of U(IV) as difluoride with ammonium and with sodium' in an acetate- Card 214 buffered and a mineral-adid solution in the,presenoso f hydro- Determination of Uranium by the Fluoride Method With SOV/75-14-4-13/30 Titrimetria Conclusion fluorio acid. For the determination~~f uranium in miilerai raw materials by the fluwrids mathoaj~,the ;authors use tht precipitation of uranium as- di-ftaoride NaUP from a: 5 sulfuric-acid solution.iThe precipitate is,washed after filtering up to the release of iron and subsequently, titrated with an Ammonium-vanadate solution. The authors alsollinve'sti- gated the influenca exerted by foreign ioni on this determine.- tion method, and estalclished that thd'dieWrbing influence of iron, vanadium$ molybdenum) and iti~ttnitaixk can be alimi4ated. The results of the deteimizatioA of:!ur!4niuM' in synthe`~tio~mix- tures which contained these for 01 gn'ions mie shown in tables 2 and 3. Table 4 shows a comparison of, the!results of, the determination of uranium by the fluoride mPthod and,the hydro- sulfite method (according to referenc6 5).;The course,of analysis for the determination a f 3. t 6 6CO: of uranium in the presence of iront vanadium, molybdonuAl sn4 titaniun: is As- scribed in the paper very accurately.~All ~eoults obtaino'd Card 3/4 by this method are too low by 0-3-0-35 ma; Of uranium.~This Determination of Uranium by the Fluoride Method W1 t h w SOV/T5 14-4 i13/30 Titrimetric Conclusion error explAined by the solubility ofAWF~ during tho pro- oipitation and washing.of ths preoipl,tate.', This oonsianV.srror can be eliminatsdl~by a ooriespanding~11,Ompirical the vanadats solution, The inyeetigstion~under~, review wii cairied. out between 1948 and 1952. There are!2 figures, 4 tableal' and 12 references, 6 of which are Sovist.~ SUBMITTEDs JuAe 9, 1958 Card 4/4 PETROSYAN, Ye.A.1 2VXNTq,(_~RLD~~TA Study of the VI-antigon of bacteria of the entarid~gTcrup. Apport No,3: Cl~mlcal structure of the Vi-antigen 6t bacteria of tho Onteric group obtained by mews of trich-lomcotic a6i~ mctiaction. 4"hur. mikrobiol. epid i immun. 31 nc.6:81-87 A 160. (MIRA 13i8) 1. Iz Moskovskogo institute, vaktsin i. vyvorctok im.~ Hechnikova' (ESCHFaICHIA) (SLAMONEL14 T--BIOSA) (ANTIGMS AJID ANTIBODIM;) USSR/MicrobioloEW Microbes PathqGenic for blan ark Animaleb P Bacteria. Bacteria of the IntestinqtGroup~v Abe Jour Ref Zhur Diol., No 22,~ 1958, 99390~ Author Petroeymi, Ye.A.; ZveniGaradtskaya, 4P. Inst Title Study of the AntiCen of Bacteria of the ratestinal Group. Report 1. Imunochemical St4dY of, Vi-Antir,,-ea of Typhoid Bacteria. Orig Pub Zh. mikrobiol., epidemiol. i irxauiobiolorIj, 1957) No 6) 95-98 Abstract The Vi-antiGen was obtained from the,straiii Vi-I Datna. Car (free frora o-antiCen?) either by ~~xtradtioll with tti- chloracetic acido or by splittina wlt~vpan#eatin foll6- wed by fractionation vith acetone und6r codlinC; (a cultu- re wns grown on a brotla meclium with acrutioa) - In both cases the antiC;cas were related by th~~Content of total nitroGwai and reducinC; substances; hatievero: in the first Card 1/2 69 at 0; Studies on antigen of bacteria of the eateriq group., R*port lamuniohemical study on ths Vi nt%gen of Ojtj,*oneLls typhossp %bur", mikrobiol.opid. i I=uno 28 mow8t95-98 Ag 157. (MIRA 11:2Y 11 Is Moskovskogo institute baktola i eyvorot'ak Wital Mechnikons i~ (8AIMOF"LIA TYPHOSA, immunnle" Vi antigen, immunochem. J FMOSYAN, Ye.A.; ZVESIGORODSKAYAO V.F, Study on'the Vi-entigen of Ontario bactariao jkeport H6.2i Immuno-, chemical study of the Vi-antigen of B. ooli'siid S.~bsllerup. Zhtxr~~ mikrobiol.spid. i immun. 28 no.lOtI14-119 0~157, (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz Mookovskogo Institute vaktain I oyvorotlok Iment Mecbnikov:ao (ESCHERICHIA COLI, i=unolo", Vi-antigen, immunochem, aspento (R~A)) (SAIXONELIA, immunology, Ballerupt Vi-antigen, immunochemo onpect~q (Rus)) AV ~i